The Best Online Doctorate in Public Policy Programs

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Online Ph.D. Public Policy

Students with strong analytical skills and the drive to create positive change through political action may benefit from an online doctorate in public policy. Public policy has a significant impact on people’s lives. With an online Ph.D. in public policy, professionals can shape regulatory policy, research public policy impact, and train the next generation of policy advocates.

An online format makes a doctorate more accessible for working professionals and busy students. During an online public policy doctoral program, graduate students complete coursework requirements using a virtual learning platform. Enrollees must also meet practicum requirements and conduct research in their local areas.

Our list ranks the best doctoral programs in public policy that offer online enrollment options. By reviewing the rankings, prospective doctoral students can identify the programs that best fit their unique needs. This article also introduces common courses and focus areas for Ph.D. students in public policy, along with career paths and tips for choosing the right program.

Liberty University

  • Campus + Online
  • In-State $15,417
  • Out-of-state $15,417
  • Retention Rate 81%
  • Acceptance Rate 51%
  • Students Enrolled 85,586
  • Institution Type Private
  • Percent Online Enrollment 92%
  • Accreditation Yes

Old Dominion University

  • In-State $7,029
  • Out-of-state $26,664
  • Retention Rate 80%
  • Acceptance Rate 89%
  • Students Enrolled 23,675
  • Institution Type Public
  • Percent Online Enrollment 54%

Best Online Doctorate

Public policy, online doctorate in public policy programs ranking guidelines.

We ranked these degree programs based on quality, curricula, school awards, rankings, and reputation.

Featured Online Doctorate in Public Policy Programs

What is an online ph.d. in public policy.

A Ph.D. program in public policy trains graduates to analyze proposed policies and assess the impact of existing policies. This research-based degree prepares graduates for academic, governmental, or nonprofit roles that require analytical and research skills.

During an online Ph.D. in public policy, doctoral students build strong research skills. Programs incorporate courses on both quantitative and qualitative research methods to help students become versatile researchers. Students also gain a theoretical and practical perspective on public policy . Coursework emphasizes analytical and methodological skills.

Each doctoral student chooses a research area to focus their studies. Doctoral students may focus on regulatory policy, international economic policy, social policy, or environmental policy. Depending on the program, they may also choose secondary focus areas. Candidates also conduct original research and write dissertations.

Earning a doctorate in public policy typically takes several years. Before applying to doctoral programs, applicants should ensure that they meet admission requirements. For example, a candidate may need a master’s degree . Many programs also require GRE scores, course prerequisites, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose.

Choosing an Online Doctoral Public Policy Program

An online Ph.D. in public policy is a major commitment of time, effort, and money. As a result, prospective applicants should carefully research programs before submitting their applications.

Several factors can help applicants find the best fit to reach their goals. For example, many applicants begin by looking at the total cost of a degree, the program length, and specialization options. At the doctoral level, graduate students should also research faculty mentors to find a good fit.

Some public policy doctoral programs emphasize research, while others focus on practice. Candidates should consider which of these best suits their professional goals when applying to programs.

Accreditation for Online Public Policy Degree Programs

A prospective doctoral student should always choose an accredited university for their online Ph.D. in public policy. Regionally accredited schools meet the highest standards for academic excellence. An accredited degree also fulfills the requirements for licenses and professional certifications.

In addition to choosing an accredited university, applicants should also research accreditation for public policy programs . The Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration grants accreditation to public policy programs.

What Else Can I Expect From a Ph.D. in Public Policy Program?

A doctorate in public policy builds strong research and analytical skills. During a Ph.D. in public policy, doctoral students focus their training by choosing concentrations or specific research areas. Doctoral candidates can focus on the financial side of public policy by taking courses in budgeting, economic regulations, and public administration.

In addition to coursework, doctoral students must pass comprehensive examinations and write dissertations to earn their degrees. The training prepares graduates to work in policy-making, research, or academia.

Common Courses for an Online Doctorate in Public Policy

  • Strategic Management and Planning: Coursework explores the processes and best practices involved in strategic planning, including collaboration, resource allocation, and coordination. Using real-life case studies, candidates develop strategic plans for nonprofit and public groups that align with their respective organizational missions. Lectures emphasize the importance of strong leadership skills in creating effective organizational change.
  • Public Sector Budgeting: This course addresses the unique economic challenges faced by public and nonprofit organizations and presents crucial financial concepts and skills, such as budgeting and tax auditing. Enrollees use specialized technologies and software to analyze financial documents, formulate reports, and develop budgets within an organization’s financial constraints.
  • Ethics and Social Justice: In this course, candidates examine the relationships between leadership, power, and privilege, along with how these factors inform ethical decision-making and policy development. By examining social, economic, and demographic trends, students learn to create effective policies that meet the needs and enhance the lives of individuals in underserved communities.
  • Quantitative Methods: Lectures cultivate the integral skills needed to perform doctoral-level research. Topics include statistical testing and its accompanying ethical issues, data collection methods, and the logic of inference. Learners create their own model research studies to analyze data and present the results.
  • Qualitative Methods: This course introduces the qualitative research and analytical methods used in both the public sector and academic research. Exploring the theoretical and conceptual frameworks behind qualitative methodologies, each candidate creates research questions, designs and implements studies, and analyzes collected data to create a detailed analysis.

How Long Does It Take to Complete an Online Doctorate in Public Policy Program?

While a full-time student can typically complete their online Ph.D. in public policy in 2-4 years, the length of an online degree depends on several factors. Residency requirements, dissertation procedures, and transfer credits all affect degree length, but program structure and format play the most significant role.

To provide maximum flexibility, many schools offer their online degrees in an asynchronous format. Featuring more relaxed deadlines and flexible coursework, asynchronous programs allow working professionals to review lectures and complete assignments at their convenience. While this format allows candidates to complete their studies quickly, it also requires strong organizational skills and personal dedication.

By comparison, cohort-based programs are highly structured, with stricter deadlines and scheduling requirements. Courses may require students to be online at specified times to complete group discussions and collaborate with cohort members and faculty. While cohort learning can be more time-consuming, it also provides more academic support and accountability.

Public Policy Jobs

In addition to strengthening a range of broadly applicable skills, an online Ph.D. in public policy allows enrollees to specialize in particular areas of interest. Individuals with strong analytical skills and the drive to create positive changes through political action can pursue diverse roles in the field. Below are a few such roles.

Political Scientist Median Salary $125,620

Median BLS Salary
Projected Job Outlook (2022-2032)

Political scientists study the origins and development of political systems and policies. Most specialize in a particular area, such as geopolitics, political theory, or public policy. Using qualitative research methods, they collect and analyze data to develop theories and predictions for political trends, new policies, and election outcomes.

Public Relations and Fundraising Manager Median Salary $80,840

Charged with positively enhancing their client’s image, public relations managers develop effective media strategies by examining social and political trends, target demographics, and public opinion. While some work for private corporations, many find employment in government, nonprofit groups, or political organizations. They need excellent communication and analytical skills.

Postsecondary Teacher Median Salary $79,540

Some public policy doctoral students go on to pursue careers in postsecondary teaching at colleges and universities. Aside from planning lessons, grading papers, and staying informed about their field, these teachers may advise students about how to achieve their goals in public policy.

Urban and Regional Planner Median Salary $74,240

Urban and regional planners design communities and create land-use plans. They help revitalize cities and implement community development plans. Urban and regional planners typically work for local governments, where they play a role in setting public policy agendas and making sure public works align with public policy.

Social and Community Service Manager

These managers coordinate social service programs for government, private, and nonprofit agencies. They assess challenges and issues faced by particular communities or demographics to develop outreach programs, policies, and initiatives as needed. They commonly must prove the efficacy of their work by collecting statistical data from the surrounding community and presenting their findings.

Popular Questions About Public Policy Degrees

What can you do with a public policy ph.d..

Doctoral degrees in public policy prepare graduates for academic roles as professors and researchers. Professionals with doctorates in public policy may also work for nonprofit think tanks, government agencies, or other non-academic research institutions.

How Much Does a Ph.D. in Public Policy Make?

According to PayScale , professionals with a doctorate in public policy analysis earn an average salary of over $106,000 per year.

Is Public Policy a Good Career?

Public policy specialists work for legislative bodies, governmental agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Public policy professionals with doctorates can also pursue academic careers. These careers tend to be prestigious, though actual experience varies by professional.

Why Should Someone Study Public Policy?

Public policy has a significant impact on the way people live. The study of public policy trains thinkers to identify successful public policies and develop strategies for improving public life.

Header Image Credit: mavo | Shutterstock

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Ph.D. in Policy Analysis

Welcome to the Doctor of Philosophy in Policy Analysis program at Pardee RAND Graduate School. Our program prepares students to tackle complex policy challenges through rigorous coursework and hands-on research experience.

Why Choose Pardee RAND?

Pardee RAND students meet in the RAND Courtyard, photo by Diane Baldwin

In today's rapidly changing world, the ability to interpret data and analyze policies is more important than ever before. At Pardee RAND Graduate School, we recognize the need for advanced education and training in policy analysis to address complex global challenges. Students in our Ph.D. program develop a deep understanding of policy analysis and its role in shaping policy decisions. Our program is designed to challenge students to think critically and creatively about complex policy issues, while also providing them with the tools and resources needed to conduct cutting-edge research.

By pursuing the Pardee RAND Ph.D. in Policy Analysis, you will

  • Engage in a rigorous curriculum taught by RAND experts in areas ranging from economics, technology, and science policy to quantitative and qualitative methods.
  • Work alongside experienced professionals and policy experts, gaining valuable real-world experience and exposure to the latest research in the field.
  • Graduate with a valuable set of skills, connections, and experience that prepares you for a successful career in policy analysis and related fields.
  • Make a meaningful impact in the world, shaping policy decisions that affect us all.

Our Ph.D. program provides students with a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience and develop expertise in policy analysis. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our program and the opportunities it offers.

Program Basics

Ph.d. curriculum.

Pardee RAND requires students to take a total of 18 units of core and elective courses and encourages students to follow an interdisciplinary path.

Core Coursework

A total of 8 units

  • Designing Empirical Research
  • Ethics in Policy and Practice
  • Perspectives on Public Policy Analysis
  • Policy Making in Complex Environments
  • Statistics for Policy Analysis I*
  • Statistics for Policy Analysis II
  • Technology and Society
  • Understanding Economic Systems I*
  • Understanding Economic Systems II

*Students may waive out of Statistics for Policy Analysis I and/or Understanding Economic Systems I if they pass an exam at the start of the program. They will need to take another course (or courses) to fulfill the total unit requirements.

Electives, Distribution Requirements, and Analytic Concentrations

Students also have two distribution requirements, which they fulfill through their ten units of elective courses .

Students develop competencies in modeling human systems by completing at least two full units in conceptual modeling electives courses that explore

  • computational modeling
  • economic modeling
  • operations research
  • qualitative modeling

Students also develop empirical analysis competencies though at least two units of data collection or analysis electives courses, such as

  • comparative historical analysis
  • econometrics
  • machine learning
  • social network analysis
  • survey analysis
  • text analysis

Students may also focus their remaining electives and pursue one or more analytic concentrations .

On-the-Job Training

Pardee RAND Graduate School stands out from other programs by requiring Ph.D. students to complete 300 days of on-the-job training (OJT) as part of their doctoral degree. This experiential learning opportunity allows students to work on real-world research projects, both at RAND and with external partners.

As active members of multidisciplinary RAND project teams, students engage in research and data analysis while gaining a deep understanding of the role analysis plays in solving complex policy problems. This "learning by doing" approach provides students with hands-on experience and prepares them to make meaningful contributions to the field of policy analysis.

Policy-Relevant Dissertation

Admission requirements.

  • Be available to participate in our full-time research-and-study program at RAND's headquarters in Santa Monica, California
  • Have completed a bachelor's degree by the program start date; a master's degree or prior research or work experience is desired
  • Demonstrate strong quantitative skills; all majors and disciplines are welcome

Generous Funding and Support

Pardee RAND's generously funded Ph.D. program is designed to enable students to cover their tuition while receiving a regular stipend for living expenses each year, potentially graduating debt-free.

Ph.D. Graduates and Career Paths

Pardee RAND graduates are sought after by employers that value their intellectual agility, project experience, and unique ability to apply analytic tools and methodologies across a wide range of policy problems.

Our graduates secure competitive positions in a range of roles, including:

  • Policy Analyst
  • Data Scientist
  • Research Associate
  • Program Evaluator
  • Program Officer
  • Policy Researcher
  • Executive Director
  • Methodologist
  • Policy Advisor

How to Apply

To learn more about our admission requirements, please visit our Ph.D. application page .

Visit our Admissions FAQs page.

Compare our M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs to see which is better for you.

Complete a pre-application for feedback before applying, and to join our email list.

Watch recorded admissions webinars to learn more about Pardee RAND, the application process, and more.

PhD in Public Policy Online Research in the Field of Public Policy

phd policy analysis online

Degree Options

View Degree Options

100% online, 8-week courses

Transfer in up to 50% of the degree total

Shape Policy and Change Lives with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Policy

Imagine making a real and lasting difference in our nation and in the lives of our citizens. You know that Christ cares about the needs of all people, and you recognize the role public policy can play in meeting those needs. With Liberty University’s Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Policy, you can gain the skills and knowledge you need to research and transform the world of public policy.

Public policy dictates every area of our lives — the economic climate of our nation, the education of children from all walks of life, the relationship between different countries, and even our national security. Changes in public policy have profound and far-reaching effects on people across the globe.

Military Friendly School

What Will You Study in Our PhD in Public Policy Online?

Combine your passion for policy with Liberty’s standard of academic excellence. Our professors look forward to sharing what they’ve learned from their wealth of experience while mentoring you throughout the dissertation process.

In the PhD in Public Policy, you can gain a biblical understanding of statesmanship that will form the foundation not only for your coursework but also for the way you engage with issues of public policy. From there, you will dive head-first into the institutions and issues shaping public policy today.

In our online PhD in public policy, you will:

  • Compare the impact of nation-states in various historical eras to today’s era of globalization.
  • Consider probability theory and hypothesis testing within the context of public policy decision-making.
  • Consider the role of leaders tasked with protecting nations.
  • Evaluate various models of policy analysis and implementation in relation to effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, constitutional principles, and statecraft.
  • Examine how contemporary challenges such as modern reinterpretations of American constitutionalism have influenced policy formation.
  • Explore the interplay between American state governments and the federal government at macro and micro levels.
  • Practice discussing issues in a fluid fashion approximating a “think-tank” environment.

Featured Courses

  • PLCY 700 – Foundations of Public Policy
  • PLCY 701 – Natural Law, the State, and the Gospel
  • PLCY 702 – Founding Era and the Constitution
  • PLCY 802 – Competing Visions of Statesmanship

Degree Information

  • This program falls under the  Helms School of Government .
  • View the  Graduate Government Course Guides   (login required).

Why Choose Liberty’s Online Degree?

Some of the benefits you can look forward to as a Liberty online PhD in Public Policy student include:

  • Choose a specialization that focuses on the topic that interests you most.
  • Learn from seasoned professors who are committed to seeing you succeed in your public policy research and dissertation.
  • Study 100% online so you can remain active in your job, with your family, and in your community without having to travel to take courses on campus. 

At Liberty University, we want to equip students to be the hands and feet of Christ, which is why our PhD in Public Policy online combines a focus on biblical principles of government and policy with a practical understanding of today’s political atmosphere.

Niche Best Colleges

Ranked in the Top 10% of’s Best Online Schools in America

  • What Sets Us Apart?
  • Private Nonprofit University
  • 600+ Online Degrees
  • No Standardized Testing for Admission
  • Transfer in up to 75% of an Undergrad Degree
  • Transfer in up to 50% of a Grad/Doctoral Degree

Potential Careers for PhD in Public Policy Graduates

  • Academic specialist
  • Counterterrorism analyst
  • Director of education policy
  • Federal agent
  • Government leader
  • Intelligence analyst
  • Policy researcher
  • Professor (higher education)
  • Public interest/advocacy group leader
  • Senior public policy analyst
  • Social scientist

Degree Options f or the Public Policy PhD Program

As a student in Liberty’s PhD in Public Policy degree, you can choose either the general track or one of our specialized areas of study. Get more information about each option below! 

Generalized Track (No Specialization)

Liberty University’s  PhD in Public Policy – general track*  provides a broad study of public policy that can help you address some of the most important issues facing our nation today. Whether you are looking to enhance your credentials, teach public policy at the university level, or conduct research, this program may suit your needs.

View the  Degree Completion Plan .

*Please note that this is not a specialization. Any reference using the term “General” is the main degree and is only used to differentiate from other specializations.

Chinese Affairs

Liberty’s online  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Policy – Chinese Affairs  is designed to prepare you to address growing rifts in international affairs. With a PhD in Public Policy – Chinese Affairs from Liberty, you can take the next step as a policy leader domestically or abroad.

Economic Policy

Liberty’s online  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Policy – Economic Policy  can build upon your existing expertise in economic and finance politics and hone your policymaking craft to help create a better, more prosperous future for our country.

Education Policy

With Liberty’s 100% online  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Policy – Education Policy , you can gain the advanced expertise you need to make a positive impact on local, state, and national education policy. You can use this degree to help you further education policy research or train the next generation of educators to revitalize school systems across the country.

Foreign Policy

Liberty’s 100% online  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Policy – Foreign Policy  degree provides advanced studies of policy assessment and decision-making to help you navigate the complex relationship between foreign and domestic organizations. With the explosion of globalization, effective foreign policy is more important than ever.

National Security Policy

Liberty’s 100% online  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Policy – National Security Policy  degree provides an in-depth study of national security issues, including operational strategy, lawmaking, policy implementation, and law enforcement. This degree can help equip you to combat foreign and domestic threats to our life and liberty.

Social Policy

With Liberty’s 100% online  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Policy – Social Policy  degree, you can become equipped to engage with the most challenging cultural issues of our time. Gain the tools you need to help guide policymakers in bettering our communities with a PhD in social policy.

Top 1% For Online Programs

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Tuition & Aid

Your success is our success, which is why we are committed to providing quality academics at an affordable tuition rate. While other colleges are increasing their tuition, we have frozen tuition rates for the majority of our undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs for the past 9 years – and counting.

Doctoral Full Time
Doctoral Part Time

Eligible current and former military service members and their spouses may qualify for a special rate of $300/credit hour ( learn more ) .

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Financial Aid & Scholarships

Financial Aid Forms & Eligibility

Scholarship Opportunities

Admission Information for the Online PhD Program in Public Policy

Admission requirements.

  • A non-refundable, non-transferable $50 application fee will be posted on the current application upon enrollment (waived for qualifying service members, veterans, and military spouses – documentation verifying military status is required) .
  • Send official college transcripts (mailed as sealed, unopened copies or sent via a direct electronic transcript system). A regionally or nationally accredited master’s degree with at least a 3.0 GPA is required for admission in good standing.
  • Applicants whose native language is other than English must submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an approved alternative assessment. For information on alternative assessments or TOEFL waivers, please call Admissions or view the official International Admissions policy .

Please note: The Office of Graduate Admissions may request additional documentation when conducting admission reviews to evaluate a candidate’s record before a final admission decision can be made.

Preliminary Acceptance

If you are sending in a preliminary transcript for acceptance, you must:

  • Be in your final term and planning to start your doctoral degree after the last day of class for your master’s degree.
  • Complete a Master’s Self-Certification Form confirming your completion date. You may download the form from the Forms and Downloads page or contact an admissions counselor to submit the form on your behalf.
  • Submit an official transcript to confirm that you are in your final term. The preliminary transcript must show that you are within 6 credit hours of completion for a 30-48 credit hour master’s degree or within 9 credit hours of completion for a 49+ credit hour master’s degree.
  • Send in an additional, final official transcript with a conferral date on it by the end of your first semester of enrollment in the new doctoral degree.

Transcript Policies

Official college transcript policy.

An acceptable official college transcript is one that has been issued directly from the institution and is in a sealed envelope. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. If your previous institution offers electronic official transcript processing, they can send the document directly to [email protected] .

Admissions Office Contact Information

(800) 424-9596

(888) 301-3577

Email for Questions

[email protected]

Email for Documents

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Liberty University Online Admissions Verification

1971 University Blvd.

Lynchburg, VA 24515

Liberty University is dedicated to providing world-class educational experiences to military students across the globe.

Who May Qualify?

  • Active Duty
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/Retirees
  • Spouses of Service Members and Veterans/Retirees

Military Tuition Discount

We want to help you find the doctoral degree you want – at a price you’ve earned. As a thank-you for your military service, Liberty University offers eligible current and former service members like you or your spouse multiple pathways to earn a doctoral degree for only $300/credit hour . Find out how you can take advantage of this unique opportunity as you work toward your goal of reaching the pinnacle of your profession – for less.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can i do with a phd in public policy.

A PhD in government and public policy can help equip you for a variety of fulfilling careers. By earning your doctorate in public policy, you could:

  • Conduct critical policy research  for a nonprofit or government organization.
  • Pass down your knowledge  to the next generation of policymakers as a professor.
  • Work for government officials and organizations  to analyze, strategize, and implement public policy changes.
  • Work in public relations and communications  using vital strategy, writing, and relational skills.

With so many avenues to take, our various areas of specialization in the online PhD in Public Policy can help prepare you for the specific focus of public policy that you feel called to.

Or, if you know you want to better understand public policy but do not have a clear area of interest yet, our doctor of public policy general track can give you the foundation and flexibility you need for a variety of directions.

How can a PhD in Public Policy benefit me?

Our specializations within the online PhD in Public Policy can help equip you for your desired path in public policy. 

Inner Navigation

  • What Will You Study?
  • Potential Careers
  • Specializations
  • Tuition & Aid
  • Admission Information

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2024 Best Online PhD in Public Policy Programs

If you’re interested in high-level policy work, you may consider earning a PhD in Public Policy online.

PhD in Public Policy

A public policy doctoral program may not only teach you the necessary skills for the field but also qualify you for employment within universities, government agencies, and research organizations.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

You may even earn your online public policy degree with self-paced or part-time courses that fit within your busy schedule.

Universities Offering Online PhD in Public Policy Degree Programs

Methodology: The following school list is in alphabetical order. To be included, a college or university must be regionally accredited and offer degree programs online or in a hybrid format.

Liberty University

The public policy doctorate program at Liberty University consists of 60 credits. It offers specialties in social policy, education policy, economic policy, foreign policy, and more. The program usually takes 3 years to complete, and classes are available 100% online.

Liberty University  is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Old Dominion University

Old Dominion University offers a PhD in Public Administration and Policy. Students can learn how to design research studies, conduct policy evaluations, build multi-sector programs, and even teach postsecondary classes in policy.

The program requires 49 credits to graduate, with 37 credits being coursework and 12 credits being dissertation related.

Old Dominion University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Saybrook University

Rather than offering a public policy degree, Saybrook University has a transformative social change degree. It covers many of the same topics, including advocacy, public relations, and social program development, but it has a stronger emphasis on reform and research.

Classes are available online with a 5 day, in-person conference at the beginning of the semester.

Saybrook University is accredited by the Senior Commission of Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Union Institute and University

The public policy program at Union Institute and University is divided into two 6 month terms, and classes are a hybrid blend of online and in-person.

There are two residency periods in winter and summer to get hands-on experience with policy, reform, leadership, and administration. The program requires 66 credits and can be completed in as little as 3 years.

Union Institute and University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Walden University

Walden University offers a PhD in Public Policy and Administration. The school operates on a quarter credit system, and there are several tracks that you can choose from, depending on whether you’re more interested in coursework, projects, or residencies. Some elements of the program are online while others are in person.

Walden is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission.

Online Ph.D. in Public Policy Programs

PR Managers working

An online doctorate in public policy is the highest qualification that you can obtain in the field. As such, you may encounter rigorous coursework in subjects like business, economics, civics, ethics, and public administration.

A lot of your curriculum will typically depend on your specialization. If you’re focusing on welfare reform, for example, your schedule might look very different from someone who is studying education or international politics.

Most schools require the completion of a dissertation in order to graduate with a PhD. Some might let you complete a capstone project or a certain number of fieldwork hours instead. Additionally, schools might have opportunities for internships and fellowships within public policy agencies and other relevant organizations.

After you graduate, you may pursue many different career paths, including legislator, policy analyst, political scientist, university professor, and health services manager. The direction of your career will often depend on what you studied in school and what you’re qualified to do.

The good news is that public policy is a growing field. More and more people are being hired to work in nonprofits, social service agencies, government offices, and international think tanks, among others.

While a public policy PhD isn’t a guarantee of a good job, it may help you stand out from other applicants in competitive fields. It may also provide you with the educational foundation that can help you thrive in a high-level position.

Public Policy Careers

Public Policy Careers

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the average salary for management positions is $109,760 per year. They don’t track public policy jobs specifically, but a PhD will often qualify you for managerial positions.

The following are a few careers in this field that you might consider:

Political Scientists $125,350
Human Resources Managers $121,220
Public Relations and Fundraising Managers $118,430
Administrative Services Managers $98,890
Postsecondary Education Administrators $97,500
Sociologists $86,110
Postsecondary Political Science Teachers $85,760
Urban and Regional Planners $75,950
Social and Community Service Managers $69,600
Market Research Analysts $65,810

These jobs range from university positions to ones within government agencies, private businesses, and even community service groups. A public policy degree can be very versatile.

Public Policy Doctoral Curriculum

Political Scientists in conference

Most public policy degree programs are divided into core classes and electives. The core classes will likely cover things like quantitative research methods. The electives are broader and more wide-ranging to account for different specializations, such as finance, economics, health policy, environmental policy, or international business.

You might find the following courses in a public policy doctoral program.

  • Evaluating Public Policies and Programs : This is a basic, introductory-level course that will teach you how to perform evaluations and apply standard research methods to tasks and studies.
  • Finance : Even if you aren’t specializing in it, it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with budgeting, accounting, and fundraising for public policy work.
  • Ethics in Public Policy : Usually required as a core class, this is an ethics course with an emphasis on the challenges and moral debates surrounding both classic and contemporary issues in public policy.
  • Leadership : Though they’re not exclusive to public policy programs, leadership courses can be useful for future managers and supervisors of all types. They’ll cover things like communication, delegation, organizational behavior, and strategic decision making.
  • Policy Analysis : An analysis course will teach you how to approach and understand policy research and development through readings, data collections, discussion boards, collaborative projects, and more.
  • Global Affairs : These classes can cover everything from foreign policy study to diversity and sensitivity training for future overseas workers.
  • Economics : Economics is another subject that’s frequently considered essential for public policy students. You might be required to take microeconomics, macroeconomics, or statistical methods in economics.
  • Public or Business Administration : These classes will cover the administrative side of things, like policy development and research.
  • Special Topics in Public Policy : Since the field of public policy is ever-changing, it’s common to find “special topics” courses that cover current, real-world issues in the field.
  • Dissertation : Your dissertation will often be the culmination of your degree, and it usually requires several semesters’ worth of drafting, writing, editing, and researching. Some schools will even have a mandatory credit requirement for dissertation preparation.

If you’re going for a PhD in Public Policy online, you may want to speak with an advisor about the face-to-face requirements of your degree. Even an online program might require in-person fieldwork with a nonprofit, government office, or social service agency.

PhD in Public Policy students

There can be various admission requirements for a public policy PhD program, so it’s often worth looking into the specifics of your chosen school to make sure that you meet their criteria. Generally speaking, the requirements will look a little something like this:

  • Test scores . While a growing number of schools are experimenting with “test optional” admission models, PhD programs may still request GMAT or GRE scores.
  • Transcripts . Some grad schools will require both a bachelor’s and master’s degree for admission. Others will only require a bachelor’s degree.
  • Application . In addition to personal and financial data, a typical PhD application involves a resume or CV, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose or intent.

Sometimes it can take weeks or even months to gather all of the necessary documents, submit an application, arrange for financial aid, and work out the minutiae of your schedule. Instead of waiting until the last minute to apply, you might want to give yourself plenty of time to figure things out.


PhD in Public Policy Accreditation

As a prospective PhD student, you may already be familiar with accreditation and why it’s important, but it bears repeating. It’s beneficial to check the website of the U.S. Department of Education for accredited schools when looking at public policy doctoral programs.

High-level universities and government agencies are generally only going to recognize a PhD from an accredited school. Additionally, many loan and scholarship organizations require you to attend an accredited school to qualify for financial aid.

Financial Aid

PhD in Public Policy Financial Aid

Financial aid for PhD students is a little different than financial aid for undergrads. While you’ll still qualify for certain parts of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) , including the Direct PLUS Loan for Graduate and Professional Studies, aid like the Pell Grant will no longer apply.

Instead, you may want to look at fellowships, scholarships, and assistantships that are meant specifically for PhD students. You can also see if you qualify for fully-funded or partially-funded PhD programs that may pay you a stipend in addition to covering costs of tuition and textbooks.

In addition to seeing what’s available to you as a public policy student, you can also check out financial aid for business administration and political science students. There’s often a lot of overlap in these fields, so you might find scholarships that are open to anyone within politics, economics, policy, and law (PEPL).

What Can You Do with a Ph.D. in Public Policy?

A public policy degree can help prepare you for a number of different careers. If you’re interested in politics, for example, you might pursue a career as a legislator, political scientist, policy analyst, or government program director.

If you want to make the world a better place, you might focus on education, public health, or social services work as an administrative manager. You might study or teach at universities as a researcher or professor. You may even become a fundraiser for your favorite charitable cause.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Public Policy?

PhD in Public Policy students in university

It may take anywhere from 3 years to 5 years to earn a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Public Policy. It depends, though, on the required number of credits from your degree program and whether you’re studying full-time or part-time.

If you’re enrolled in a hybrid or online program that allows for extra flexibility with your classes, the trade-off might be a longer graduation time than if you’d studied on a more traditional schedule.

What Is the Difference Between Public Policy vs. Political Science?

As a subject, political science is closely related to public policy, but it’s not quite the same. Political science takes a broad, sweeping look at politics as a whole. On the other hand, public policy has a narrower, more specialized focus on public organizations and their policies and procedures.

This isn’t to say that public policy is a small field. On the contrary, it may lead to many different jobs in schools, charities, courtrooms, law firms, government agencies, and social service offices. It’s just focused exclusively on the policy work of such institutions.

What’s the Difference Between a PhD in Public Policy vs. Public Administration?

Urban Planners working

Public administration is another field with a lot of crossover into public policy. Again, the difference lies in the focus areas of the two disciplines.

Public policy is dedicated to policy: researching it, analyzing it, creating it, and reviewing it. Public administration, on the other hand, can involve policy work in addition to many other skills and subjects.

Is a Ph.D. in Public Policy Worth It?

Policy Analyst working

Yes, a public policy PhD is worth it for many students. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is projecting 5% job growth in management-level positions over the next 10 years. Common public policy careers include policy analyst, political scientist, administration manager, nonprofit director, and public relations specialist.

Maybe you’re a long-time student of public policy. Maybe you already have a background in political science or business administration, but you’re looking to specialize your focus area or qualify for higher-paying jobs within your industry.

Either way, a PhD in Public Policy may be a strategic investment for the future, and the existence of accredited online degree programs may make it more convenient for you to earn this terminal degree.

phd policy analysis online

Science, Technology and Policy Studies Track

In this section.

  • Degree Requirements
  • What We Look For

The Science, Technology and Policy Studies track provides rigorous interdisciplinary training, drawing on methodological tools from science and technology policy, science and technology studies, policy analysis, political theory, law, and economics.

At HKS, students have access to leading scholars from across Harvard in the social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering, with specialties in areas such as security studies, energy policy, innovation and development, environment and climate, biotechnology, data science, and information. The HKS faculty includes practitioners with wide experience at the highest levels of government and industry in science and technology policy.

Graduates are qualified for academic teaching and research in public policy schools, interdisciplinary programs, and traditional social science departments, as well as for leadership positions in national and international science and technology policy in both the public and private sectors.

Doctorate in Public Policy Online

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Degree Options & Potential Careers

As municipalities and governments grow larger and more complex, they need more experienced public policy experts. With an online public policy doctorate, current public policy professionals can enter positions with higher rates of pay and more responsibilities.

When evaluating whether to pursue a Ph.D. in public policy or a doctorate of public policy (DPP), individuals should pick the degree that leads toward their desired career. While some career outcomes for these two doctoral programs are similar, other careers — such as a college professor or public researcher — may require a Ph.D. This page outlines online public policy doctoral degrees, potential outcomes, and what these programs might look like.

Should I Earn an Online Doctorate in Public Policy?

The reasons individuals may pursue a doctorate in public policy vary. However, prospective students should begin an advanced degree with the right reasons in mind. For example, some careers either require or expect applicants to hold a Ph.D. in public policy, and a Ph.D. serves as an important prerequisite. Moreover, a Ph.D. can set holders apart in a competitive job market, even if they only need a master’s degree for job entry.

Making a career change serves as another reason to earn a Ph.D. For example, those working for a city hoping to work in academia typically need a Ph.D., as it serves as the terminal degree need to research and teach. Others without a strong background in public policy may want to pursue a Ph.D. as a means of developing a better understanding of the field.

Ph.D. graduates also receive larger salaries than master’s and bachelor’s graduates. Those with a higher education typically receive an increase in salary. While a Ph.D. is a significant investment, the extra income generated may prove worth the tuition costs.

Lastly, some people earn a Ph.D. for personal satisfaction. If your dream is to earn a Ph.D., that serves as a good reason to earn one.

What Can I Do With an Online Doctorate in Public Policy?

Once you earn a doctorate in public policy online, you establish yourself as an expert in your field. Fortunately, many companies, colleges, non-profits, and government organizations pay experts good salaires. You could find work in nearly any field and work in almost any environment.

Because Ph.D.s are largely research-based degrees, many graduates find positions in academia — they may teach courses, conduct research, or both. The government also employs many individuals with a background in public policy, and you may find a variety of opportunities within government agencies or departments. The opportunities available to you could also depend on a specialty and your background, too.

Private organizations and corporations each benefit from research. Some third parties hire public policy experts to conduct research to help inform the public. Others may want more information from an expert before they make a business decision. Public policy doctorates may find employment at a private corporation, or they may serve as a consultant hired by an independent firm. Still other public policy consultants work for themselves or own their own firms.

Nonprofits are also a common landing spot for public policy doctorates. Because a doctoral degree implies that you can lead, nonprofits may hire you to run their entire organization. Alternatively, you could conduct relevant research for a nonprofit.

One’s career also depends on their area of specialization. For example, those who focus on public economics might work for the government to create new tax laws. Those who focus on international policy, however, often find work in foreign relations.

College Professor

Policy analyst, non-profit director, research director, public policy consultant, public policy ph.d. program overview.

As a terminal degree in the field, a Ph.D. is tougher to get into than a bachelor’s or master’s program. Along with stricter academic requirements, schools also require test scores, work experience, and letters of recommendation.

Most Ph.D. programs require students to complete coursework full time. Even if you choose to study online, plan to spend most of your time working on school projects and coursework. While these programs prove challenging, the potential outcomes are well worth the work.

Application Requirements and Admission Criteria

Most doctoral programs require a minimum of a master’s degree with a GPA of 3.25 or higher. You also must submit GRE or GMAT test scores, and if English is not your native language, you may need to submit TOEFL scores. Prospective students also need to submit multiple letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation usually come from academic sources, such as past professors or mentors.

A common requirement for doctoral school is a personal essay. This essay explains your academic, professional, and personal goals; why your goals align with the institution you are applying to; and why your goals align with a Ph.D. in public policy. Some online schools accept applications year-round, but others have strict deadlines you must meet.

A Ph.D. in public policy takes at least three years to complete, though some programs may take longer. Students must complete 16-30 courses, which total between 48-90 credits. Online schools often allow Ph.D. students to complete some or all of their coursework online, though some in-person seminars may be required.

Students complete the bulk of coursework in core topics. The subject matter of these classes are determined by schools, though most focus on advanced public policy topics. Those in a specialization can expect about 33% of their required courses to occur in that specialization. Those without a specialization can take elective courses that constitute the majority of their education. Some schools allow students to take elective courses on top of their specialization courses.

Nearly all Ph.D. programs require a dissertation. The dissertation is usually worth 12 credits, less than 25% of a total degree. Schools typically give students about a year to write their dissertation. Some schools also require a passing score on a comprehensive exam prior to graduation. Comprehensive exams are worth anywhere from 0-3 credits at most universities.

Program Outcomes

Aside from learning about advanced public policy theories and practices, one of the best skills students learn is advanced research. Research is a critical part of many careers Ph.D.s pursue, and a doctoral program introduces students to some of the best ways to conduct public policy research.

Leadership serves as another area of emphasis for many public policy doctoral degrees. Common career outcomes for the degree require leadership, and employers often look to Ph.D. graduates for guidance and expertise. For similar reasons, project management and critical thinking are other skills developed while earning the degree.

Lastly, the written skills you earn from a Ph.D. help with anything from drafting new laws to writing emails to coworkers. Communication proves key for leadership positions, and writing is an important and commonly used form of communication.

Accreditation for Online Public Policy Doctorate Programs

When reviewing potential schools, ensure that they hold accreditation status. Colleges and universities receive two main forms of accreditation: national and regional. Students should note that some employers prefer candidates with degrees from schools accredited by regional accrediting bodies, such as the  Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools  or the  Higher Learning Commission .

Some programs or schools within a college can also receive accreditation . However, there is no standard accrediting body for public policy degrees available. Instead, prospective students should privilege schools with regional accreditation.

Public Policy Professional Organizations

Professional organizations are excellent ways to kickstart or advance your career. These organizations cater to current college students, current public policy workers, and retired public policy workers. Most organizations provide advocacy for members and represent them on a state and national level. Other organizations emphasize member development by offering online courses or conferences.

Perhaps the best reason to join a professional organization is to find a new job. Organizations sometimes have their own job boards and only post relevant positions. Also, professional organizations are made up of public policy experts, and they could be a great way to network.

Professional organizations exist for almost every niche, so find the one that suits you best. When you do choose a professional organization, consider serving on a committee, volunteering, or becoming a board member. Not only do these look great on resumes, but you could increase your public policy clout.

American Public Works Association

American society for public administration, the association for public policy analysis & management, american evaluation association, young nonprofit professional network.

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