Finding PhD positions in Germany


The  German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)  highlights how to find doctoral positions and other research opportunities in Germany . Check out the numerous EURAXESS and other resources below, along with DAAD's PHDGermany database .

  • EURAXESS Germany
  • EURAXESS Jobs Board (matches in Germany)
  • EURAXESS Funding Board (matches in Germany)
  • EURAXESS Hosting Board (matches in Germany)
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) USA
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Canada
  • German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New York
  • German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) San Francisco
  • Research in Germany
  • German Research Foundation (DFG) North America

You can also learn more about Germany's research landscape in our Virtual Coffee Chat with a Science Diplomat interview of the German Science Counselor to the U.S.  (the page includes a list of additional resources) as well as our Q4 2020 quarterly newsletter spotlighting Germany (page 3).

See DAAD's brief introductory video here .

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  • Health Insurance for International Students
  • German Blocked Account
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Studying in Germany

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

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Germany is an excellent destination for both young and experienced researchers. 

The European country is third behind the U.S. and China for research & development expenditure . Plus, it is home to some of the most prestigious (and affordable!) research universities in the world.

If you’re considering doing a PhD in Germany, you will need to follow these steps:

The main steps to doing a PhD in Germany:

  • Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor
  • Decide Between Individual and Structured PhD Programs
  • Meet All Requirements & Prepare Your Application
  • Apply for Doctoral Studies
  • Secure Funding
  • Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit
  • Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

[Infographic Below]

Why Pursue a PhD in Germany?

If you’re not yet sure if you should choose Germany for your PhD studies, here are some compelling reasons why you should consider it:


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  • Top-tier universities. Four German universities are ranked in the top 100 global universities, and many more are in the top 200.
  • Large international student community. Germany welcomes a diverse and thriving international student community. Over 458,210 international students are currently studying in the country.
  • Quality research institutions. There are over a thousand publicly funded research institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes, businesses, and government bodies) that you can choose from in Germany.
  • High investment in research and development. Germany’s public expenditure in the research and development sector reached a record high of 112.6 billion euros in 2021.
  • Strong economy. Germany is known for its strong and stable economy. After completing your PhD, there are plenty of employment opportunities in the academic, business, and research sectors.

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany

From finding the perfect program for you to submitting your application and starting your PhD, here are all the steps you need to take:

1. Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor

After all the years of studying leading up to this step, you most likely have a few areas of interest you want to do your research in.

This is the first important step: define your research focus by considering your interests and academic background. If you need more help, you can consult online resources from research universities. Or, even better, you can discuss your decision to pursue a PhD with academic communities online or offline and seek advice from current PhD students in Germany who can tell you more about their individual experiences.

If you already know what your research direction is, you can begin searching for suitable programs right ahead. 

  • The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has an extensive list of current opportunities, which you can look up at the  DAAD PhD Database . 
  • Another option is to research universities in Germany individually to find the newest opportunities and offerings at each institution.

You will also have to find a supervisor. The best way to do this is to go to university websites and find faculty directories with profiles of professors and their research fields/current projects. Contact professors whose work aligns with your interests via email to inquire about supervision opportunities.

> Search PhD programs from 31,000 research institutions listed on the GERiT database .

Types of PhD Programs in Germany

There are two different paths you can take when pursuing a PhD: individual PhD programs and structured PhD programs. Each comes with its own set of advantages and requirements.

Individual doctorates are the most common and what is considered the more ‘traditional’ PhD route in Germany, especially in humanities and social sciences. 

They are flexible and you’re expected to take charge of your work. You are responsible for finding your supervisor (“Doktorvater” or “Doktormutter”) and proposing your research topic.

These programs don’t have a fixed curriculum, so you’ll have plenty of freedom to design your research timeline and choose the coursework you like. 

To succeed, you need a lot of self-discipline and to actively network, be it in doctoral candidate meetings or events related to your research.

Structured PhD programs are ideal for people who want a clear path to completing this degree, although they’re not as common in Germany.

It usually takes three to five years to complete a structured PhD path. 

They are called such because they include a curriculum and research proposal that has to fit an existing project, within a set timeline for coursework and research.

Candidates work under the supervision of an advisor and collaborate with peers from different disciplines to get the best possible results.

2. Verify That You Meet All Requirements & Prepare the Application

Requirements and application documents to apply for a PhD in Germany are specific to the institution and research area you’re applying to. But, as a general guideline, you should prepare the following:

  • Academic degree recognized in Germany. You need a master’s degree or a German state examination (Staatsexamen) in a field relevant to the PhD program to qualify.
  • Copy of master’s thesis. Submit a copy of your master’s thesis. The work should demonstrate your research skills and the depth of your academic work.
  • Research proposal. Craft a clear and detailed research proposal that includes your intended research topic, objectives, methodology, and significance. 
  • Statement of purpose. Write a statement of purpose why you want to do a PhD in your chosen field, your academic and career goals, and how this program aligns with them.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV). Prepare a detailed CV highlighting your academic achievements, research experience, relevant coursework, publications, and any other qualifications.
  • Proof of language proficiency. Depending on the language of instruction, you may have to provide proof of language proficiency in English and/or German. You can do this with certificates like TestDaF and DSH for German or TOEFL and IELTS for English. Proof of previous studies in the language is also sufficient.
  • Academic references. Provide contact information or recommendation letters from professors/ academic advisors who can attest to your academic abilities and potential.
  • Predoctoral examination. Some programs ask that you pass a predoctoral examination as part of the application process.

3. Apply for Doctoral Studies

After finding a suitable PhD program and mentor, and making sure your academic qualifications are recognized, you can send in your application.

You can send in your application online or by post, depending on the hosting institution’s preferences. To make sure, check their guidelines and specifications. Admission committees are selective, so you may also have to attend an interview soon in the application process.

4. Secure Funding

You must demonstrate access to a minimum of €992 per month (€11,908 per year) to meet visa requirements and live comfortably while you’re in Germany. You can prove this through an admission agreement or relevant PhD contract, or you can open a blocked account with individual funds.

There are many ways to support yourself financially while pursuing a PhD in Germany:

  • PhD scholarships. DAAD offers the highest number of doctoral scholarships. PhD students get an average monthly stipend of €1,139. 
  • Paid PhD positions. Many universities and research institutions offer paid PhD positions in Germany. You will work on specific research projects on a contract and receive a salary.
  • Research associate positions. You can also work as a research associate in a university, research institution, or company and receive a salary as compensation.
  • Part-time jobs. Some PhD students/researchers work part-time jobs that are not related to their studies for extra income.

> Read more about the costs of studying in Germany.

> Discover PhD scholarships in Germany.

5. Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit

If the institution confirms your place in the PhD program, next in line is applying for a student visa or residence permit. The requirements for a German PhD visa or permit can vary depending on your nationality and circumstances: 

Visa Requirements

If you’re a citizen of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland, you don’t need a special permit or visa for a PhD in Germany. You can enter the country for research and work purposes with a valid passport or ID card.

Otherwise, you will need a visa and/or a residence permit to do your PhD in Germany. Nationals of some countries, including the United States, Australia, Israel, Japan, and Korea, don’t need a visa but must apply for a residence permit.

Depending on the circumstances, you need one of the following visas:

  • Study visa. If you’re pursuing a full-time doctoral program.
  • Research visa. If your focus is on research and you have a formal affiliation with a research institution in Germany.
  • EU Blue Card. If your PhD contract pays a gross annual salary of at least €45,300 (or €41,041.80 in certain professions), you can apply for an EU Blue Card . This is a special residence title for international academics and other professionals.

Residence Permit Requirements

If you come to Germany on a visa, you will need to apply for a residence permit within three months of arrival. This also applies to nationals of countries outside the EU, EEA, and Switzerland who are exempt from the visa requirement.

You can apply for one of the following residence permits:

  • Study permit. If you’re accepted into a PhD program at a German university, apply for a study-based residence permit. It lasts up to two years, extendable.
  • Research permit. If you’re a researcher with the right qualifications for doctoral programs, apply for a research permit. This requires a contract with a research institution for your project.
  • EU Blue Card. With a PhD offer that has a minimum salary of €45,300 per year, or €41,041.80 for some bottleneck professions , you may be eligible for the EU Blue Card. Apply for this permit if you meet the criteria.

> For more specific information tailored to your situation, we recommend contacting the German embassy or consulate in your home country. You can also use this visa navigator.

6. Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

The most exciting step of all is near—time to unpack your bags and begin your life as a PhD student or researcher in Germany. Once you’re settled in, there are some formalities you need to take care of.

The international office at the university or another representative can guide you best on this. However, here are some of the main things you need to do once you arrive in Germany:

Register Your Residence

Shortly after your arrival, you must register your residence at the local registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgeramt). This is mandatory, and you typically have a window of two weeks to complete this process. 

Get Health Insurance

Everyone in Germany is required by law to have health insurance coverage. This includes international PhD students. Depending on the source of your funding, you are eligible for one of the following health insurance coverages: 

  • Doctoral candidates with an employment contract are automatically insured with a state-regulated health insurance provider (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung-GKV) in most cases.
  • Doctoral candidates without an employment contract (with a fellowship or private funding) can choose between:
  • Voluntary health insurance coverage with a state-regulated provider.
  • Coverage with a private health insurance company.

There are some exceptions in which you can use your insurance from your home country. These apply to students from a European Union (EU) country or other countries with social security agreements with Germany.

Open a Bank Account 

You should open a German bank account as soon as possible. Most financial transactions in Germany, including receiving your stipend or salary, are done through a German bank account.

Enroll at the University

If your PhD program is part of a university degree, you need to enroll as a student at the university. Follow your university’s instructions to submit the necessary documents to the enrollment office. These usually include your admission letter, passport, proof of health insurance, and semester fee.

After you complete this process, you will receive an Enrollment Certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung). This is a very important document that you most likely need in the future.

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany [Infographic]

How To Apply For A PHD in Germany

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There’s a lot of planning involved if you’re considering doing a PhD, especially if it’s in a foreign country. We’re sure you’ve got more questions, and we’re here to help.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Germany?

A PhD in Germany usually takes between three to six years to complete. Just like in other countries, it can take longer or shorter than expected, depending on several factors. The type of PhD you choose (structured programs can be more rigid), your subject area, and individual progress can all make a difference in the time it takes to get a PhD in Germany.

Are PhD Programs in Germany Tuition-Free?

The majority of PhD programs in Germany are tuition-free, at least for the first six semesters. However, if need to enroll at a university for your PhD, there is a small semester fee you need to cover. The fee can be higher or lower depending on the university, but it usually falls within the range of €100 to €350.

Is German Mandatory to Pursue a PhD in Germany?

You don’t necessarily have to know German to do a PhD in Germany. In fact, most PhD programs in Germany are in English, especially in fields such as science, engineering, and humanities. In these programs, you can both write your thesis and communicate with your advisor and peers in English.

There is of course the chance that the program you’ve chosen is in German or requires knowledge of German (in most cases, in addition to English). In this case, you have to prove your proficiency through a recognized language certificate or proof of previous studies in German.

Even if German isn’t mandatory, we strongly encourage you to learn the basics. They will be super helpful in daily interactions and getting accustomed to life in Germany.

How Much Does a PhD Student Earn in Germany?

Most PhD candidates in Germany receive financial support in the form of a salary or grant. This includes candidates affiliated with universities, research institutes, or company collaborations.

The majority of doctoral positions are structured under either the Collective Agreement for Civil Service TVöD (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst or the Collective Agreement for the Civil Service of Individual Federal States TV-L (Tarifvertrag der Länder). Since universities are funded by their respective federal government, if your PhD is affiliated with one, your salary will be structured under the TV-L.

Doctoral positions fall within the TV-L 13 category, with a salary range spanning from €4,188 (Tier 1) to €6,037 (Tier 6). The difference between the tiers (Stufe) depends on prior experience in the field. If you don’t have any research experience, you will fall under Tier 1 and progress to the other tiers throughout your PhD.

Your salary will ultimately be determined based on a wage agreement that specifies the contract tier (Stufe) and working hours (percentage-based). Many entry-level PhD students start with tier 1 contracts that are not full-time. For example, if your contract places you in Pay Group E-13 Tier 1 of the TV-L and you work at 75% capacity, your monthly gross salary will be €3,141.

> Learn more about pay ranges for PhD students using this convenient calculator .

Can I Work While Pursuing a PhD in Germany?

Part-time work is an option in most cases unless it’s strictly stated otherwise in your contract. Whether or not you are allowed to work on the side as a PhD in Germany depends on the working hours stated in your PhD contract, supervisor, and other specific circumstances. 

However, since the PhD is considered a job in itself, it’s usually frowned upon to have a side hustle. Even if you have a 50% contract, a PhD is demanding and requires long hours of work and research. If you choose to work on the side, make sure to find the right balance between work and your PhD commitments. To be on the safe side, it’s best to talk to your supervisor and go over all the legal and contractual obligations related to your PhD.

What Is the Process for Defending a PhD Thesis in Germany?

Here are the main steps to defending your PhD thesis in Germany:

  • Submit your thesis. The first step is submitting submit your thesis and supporting documents in adherence to all the formal requirements. A commission will be formed, and in some cases, you can suggest reviewers.
  • Oral defense. The next step is preparing and undergoing an oral defense, which can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours. During this time, you will present your research and discuss it with the committee. The defense can be either public or private.
  • Receive the title and publish your work. The outcome of the discussion determines your final grade, to be received after the defense. If everything goes well, you’re granted the Ph.D. title and have about two years to publish your dissertation.

What Are the Career Prospects Like After Doing a PhD in Germany?

Career prospects after a PhD in Germany are quite promising. 

The most common paths for PhD holders in Germany are either in academia as professors or post-doctorate researchers or in industry positions. 

Technology, healthcare, and finance, in particular, are some of the most in-demand industries in Germany. The country’s strong economy and research-oriented environment make it an attractive place to develop your career.

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Quick Links

  • 8 Steps to Study in Germany
  • German Education System
  • Requirements
  • Universities in Germany
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  • Funding Your Education
  • German Student Visa
  • German Health Insurance
  • Germany Blocked Account
  • Learn German Guide
  • Cost of Living

Latest News and Statistics

Must-know changes for students in germany in 2025, german universities receive €220 million to improve international mobility for students & staff, german universities registered 9% increase in guest students in winter semester 2023/24, bachelor students in germany more likely to drop out within first academic year, higher education in germany: key trends & statistics.

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How to apply for a PhD in Germany – Online course

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In this course you will learn about:

  • how to find a doctoral position,
  • application requirements and how to write a good application,
  • characteristics of the German research landscape,
  • and how to find a doctoral supervisor.

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  • PhD Study in Germany – 2024

Germany’s historic and highly-ranked universities make it an excellent choice for studying abroad. Having offered the PhD since the nineteenth century, they know a thing or two about delivering innovative, high-quality postgraduate programmes. Best of all, most universities do not charge tuition fees.

Why study a PhD in Germany?

  • Globally ranked institutions – Germany is home to more globally-ranked institutions than any other country outside the USA and UK. Nine of them feature in the current top 100
  • Dedicated research institutes – Germany is also home to networks of dedicated research centres. These include the prestigious Max Planck Institutes , as well as specific collaborations between universities and research institutes.
  • Max Planck Schools – The Max Planck Schools is a network that brings together experts from different institutions to address joint research objectives. They bring together international PhD students with Germany's best scientists. Research takes place in three interdisciplinary fields: Cognition , Matter to Life and Photonics . The Schools offer fully financed PhD positions. Candidates benefit from unique expertise, infrastructure and training opportunities.
  • Affordability – Most German universities charge no tuition fees for PhD students, regardless of nationality.
  • The home of the PhD – The PhD (in its modern form as a thesis-based research degree) was actually developed in Germany. Perhaps this ‘original contribution to knowledge’ can help inspire yours?

Structure of a PhD in Germany

The doctoral degree – based on independent research towards an extended thesis – was, in fact, a German innovation . This format is still offered at most universities, but some also offer more ‘structured’ programmes:

  • The traditional PhD – you will pursue a research project independently with the guidance of an expert supervisor (Doktorvater / Doktomutter). The candidate chooses the institution where they would like to conduct their research. This could be at a university or non-university organisation, or within a German company. It is a more flexible and independent PhD with no compulsory attendance or set curriculum.
  • Structured doctoral programmes – these are conducted largely in English and are internationally-oriented. You will complete additional training alongside your thesis. This might include collaborations and placements with external research institutes. It might include compulsory lectures, seminars and assessments. You’ll also have to attend skills training in research/scientific methods.

In general, both types of programmes will involve conducting a research project and writing a thesis. The majority of PhD candidates complete the traditional doctorate. However, a growing number are choosing structured programmes – especially in the natural sciences and mathematics.

How long does a PhD in Germany last?

A traditional PhD usually takes four years , compared to three years for a structured doctoral programme. The academic year in Germany is usually comprised of two semesters with the Wintersemester running from 1 October to 31 March and Sommersemester running from 1 April to 30 September.

Assessments during a PhD in Germany

The assessment procedure for a German PhD depends on the type of programme you pursue. Students following a traditional PhD will submit a doctoral thesis. They will also complete an oral presentation and examination of their work (Rigosorum) . This takes place in front of at least two professors in related fields.

If you choose a structured programme you will need to complete several compulsory units to attain the 180-240 ECTS credits required for PhD students. You will be assessed on your knowledge of course content delivered in lectures and seminars.

Think Germany could be your study abroad destination of choice? Check out more information on applications, fees, funding and visas below.

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This guide tells you all about everything you need to apply for a PhD programme in Germany.


There are no fees for PhD study at most German universities and funding is available from a range of government agencies, research societies and other organisations.


Want to study a PhD in Ireland? This guide gives a detailed introduction to the kind of visa you need to study in Ireland and how to apply for it.


Everything you need to know about part-time and full-time work in Germany as a student or recent graduate in Germany.

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Ways To Your PhD


 You have the choice of two routes to your doctoral title in Germany. Check out the differences.

Individual Doctoral Studies

Most doctoral candidates choose the individual study model. In this model, you need to find a university professor who will supervise your dissertation. You may elect to write your dissertation alone or collaborate with other researchers – it really depends on your subject.

As a doctoral candidate you have three options as to where you carry out your research:  at a university, at a research organisation or in the industrial sector.  You can decide which option best fits your goals.

How long it takes to complete an individual PhD is down to your schedule, or the period of your research grant, but the length of this form of PhD usually ranges from 3 to 5 years.

Structured PhD Programmes

An alternative route to your doctorate is via the structured PhD programme, similar to those in English-speaking countries. This model offers regular and intense supervision by a team of advisors.  The programmes include a curriculum of courses, usually with an interdisciplinary focus. These programmes will advance your skills not only in academic and scientific methods such as presentation techniques but also foster soft skills. This systematic approach allows you to complete your doctoral studies within 3 – 4 years.  

Find out more about the two ways to do your PhD: > two ways to get a PhD

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Special announcement

Doing a doctorate.

International researchers work in the laboratory with test tubes.

In Germany some 25,000 graduates successfully complete the doctoral process every year – far more than in any other European country. And increasing numbers of up-and-coming international researchers are coming to Germany to write their doctoral dissertations or to complete their doctorates as members of research teams: Since 1997 the number of foreigners registered as doctoral students in Germany has more than doubled to just under 17,000.

Doctoral Research

A doctorate is a decision for life, an investment in your future – but also a time-consuming challenge that needs to be given careful consideration. A doctorate demands a great deal of energy, discipline and perseverance.

The traditional way

At present the most common path to a doctorate in Germany involves working under the supervision of a professor. Everyone has to decide for themselves which field of research they want to pursue, and which universities and professors are on their short list. The potential doctoral student then has to apply personally to these university professors. It is important to do so in good time, preferably in person (or in writing) – and you should be well-prepared with information about your previous background and academic performance and your academic goals. “Well-prepared” also means that you should already have a brief synopsis of the doctoral dissertation you are planning to write. Then you have to convince your chosen supervisor to accept you. After all, the relationship between supervisor and doctoral student is supposed to last several years – usually three to five – and involves a lot of work for both sides.

To find an academic supervisor, it is recommended to use the Research Explorer provided by the German Research Foundation (DFG) or to search for PhD positions via the platform PhDGermany .

Structured PhD Programmes

Recent years have increasingly seen Graduate Schools or PhD programmes (also called: International Postgraduate Programmes, Doctoral Colleges, Graduate Centers or Graduate Colleges) develop. These comparably new programmes have been introduced in order to facilitate interdisciplinary research and to guide and assist candidates and recent postdocs in the framework of a structured curriculum

Please keep in mind that if you are planning to do your PhD in Germany, having either an M Phil or an MS (Hons) is a prerequisite to be accepted as a doctoral student.

More information for PhD students in our Downloads & Publications section under “Research in Germany” or on Research in Germany .

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Structured PhD programmes

Three researchers are standing at a whiteboard and are looking towards the camera laughing. The one in the middle holds a pen in her hand holding it near the whiteboard as if she was interrupted in writing something on it.

DAAD/Volker Lannert

Structured doctoral programmes differ from traditional doctoral research. In Germany, structured doctoral programmes are  very similar to the PhD programmes in English-speaking countries , in which a team of supervisors look after a group of doctoral students.

Structured doctoral programmes often have a  strong international orientation  with English as the team language. Unlike the individual doctorate model that can be freely structured to suit the individual research project, here doctoral students and their research proposals have to fit in with an existing PhD programme.

The doctorate frequently entails a  clearly structured doctoral study   programme  with compulsory attendance at lectures or seminars and interim assessment (credit points). The programme frequently also covers  academic and scientific methods or soft skills , such as presentation techniques.

As a rule, PhD Students work steadily at realising their research project within the team and with intensive  support from a group of academic staff  (often referred to as the “thesis committee”).

The duration of your studies is generally   limited to three to five years, and there is usually a fixed curriculum within which you work toward your doctorate and write your thesis.


  1. How to do Phd in Germany


  2. PHD Germany Gehalt: Das verdienen Mitarbeiter


  3. How to apply for a PhD


  4. PHD Germany Erfahrungen: 39 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern


  5. PhD In Germany


  6. How to apply for PhD in Germany: Complete Guide



  1. MS, PhD, PostDoc Scholarships Germany !! The Helmholtz Association Germany !! Almost 300 Awards

  2. ഭാഷ ഇല്ലാതെ ജർമനിയിൽ വരാം| PHD research stepes

  3. Doing a PhD in Germany

  4. Applying for a PhD in Germany: The complete guide

  5. หมออั๋น ⎟ ประสบการณ์เรียนแพทย์เฉพาะทาง และ (1/4)

  6. How to get a paid PhD in Germany 2024


  1. PhDGermany

    Faculty of Cultural Studies & Aesthetic Communication 10x 0,65 Research assistants (m/f/d), doctoral positions, Research Training Group "Aesthetic Practice". Type of Promotion: Full PhD. Application deadline: 27.10.2024. Working language: German. Beginning: 01.04.2025.

  2. PhD Studies & Research

    PhD Studies & Research. Science and research in Germany are characterised by a distinguished infrastructure, a wide variety of disciplines, well-equipped research facilities and competent staff. Germany offers various career opportunities for international PhD students and researchers. Discover Germany's top-tier PhD programs and research scene.

  3. Information about the PhDGermany database

    PhDGermany is a database that publishes PhD position offers in Germany that specifically target international applicants. You can search for open PhD positions by type, field, language, city and more, and contact the offering party directly.

  4. Find your PhD position

    Find your PhD position in Germany

  5. PhD

    Your goal. PhD. The German doctorate enjoys an outstanding reputation. Germany's universities, research institutions and companies welcome international researchers and offer excellent opportunities for doctoral students. Structured PhD programmes, for example, often have a strong international orientation with English as the team language.

  6. Finding PhD positions in Germany

    Learn how to find doctoral positions and other research opportunities in Germany from various sources, including DAAD's PHDGermany database. Explore EURAXESS and other resources for jobs, funding and hosting in Germany.

  7. How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

    Learn the steps to pursue a PhD in Germany, from finding a program and a supervisor to securing funding and a visa. Compare individual and structured PhD programs and explore the benefits of studying in Germany.

  8. How to Find Your PhD Position in Germany

    The DAAD offers various databases and resources to help you find a doctoral position in Germany in all fields and locations. You can apply online at the offering university or check out internationally oriented PhD programmes with English working language.

  9. PhDGermany overview

    Support making RiG more international! Start Survey. Support making "Research in Germany" more international! Your expertise and commitment are the key to the further development of promoting the German research landscape.

  10. Research in Germany

    Germany is a top destination for PhD students, postdocs, and senior scientists. The website "Research in Germany" helps you to find your way to Germany, to seek for PhD positions, research jobs or funding opportunities. It describes the German research landscape and helps you plan your career and life in Germany.

  11. How to apply for a PhD in Germany

    Learn about finding a doctoral position, application requirements, German research landscape, and supervisors in this online course. The course is open to anyone interested and takes about six to nine hours to complete.

  12. Doing a PhD in Germany

    Learn how to pursue a PhD in Germany, a leading research destination with 85,000 international students in 2014. Find out about financing options, application procedures and research opportunities with DAAD.

  13. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany offers a list of 43 PhD opportunities in various disciplines and institutions in Germany. You can filter by discipline, location, institution, PhD type and funding, and apply online or contact the supervisors directly.

  14. How to apply for a PhD

    When you have found a suitable programme, submit an application to one of the professors in the PhD programme or to the appropriate selection committee - depending on the programme or call for proposals. Here are some useful tips that may help you succeed in your application: Invest a lot of time and effort in your search for the right programme.

  15. PhD Study in Germany

    FindAPhD is a guide for PhD students who want to study in Germany. It covers topics such as applications, funding, visas, working, living and rankings of German universities.

  16. How to Study a PhD in Germany

    Beyond this, you may be required to pay fees. However, as with all levels of study in Germany, PhD students are also required to make a semester contribution of between €150 to €200 (~US$175-230) for administration and other costs. This means that your main expenses will be the general costs of living in Germany.

  17. Ways To Your PhD

    These programmes will advance your skills not only in academic and scientific methods such as presentation techniques but also foster soft skills. This systematic approach allows you to complete your doctoral studies within 3 - 4 years. Find out more about the two ways to do your PhD: > two ways to get a PhD.

  18. Funding programmes

    The Max Planck Schools are a joint graduate programme run by German universities and research organisations. They offer ambitious bachelor's and master's graduates excellent conditions within a unique scientific network, and provide structured and fully funded PhD programmes in three interdisciplinary research fields: cognition, matter to ...

  19. Doing a Doctorate

    In Germany some 25,000 graduates successfully complete the doctoral process every year - far more than in any other European country. And increasing numbers of up-and-coming international researchers are coming to Germany to write their doctoral dissertations or to complete their doctorates as members of research teams: Since 1997 the number of foreigners registered as doctoral students in ...

  20. Doing a PhD in Germany

    Further information about doing a PhD in Germany can also be found on the information portal provided by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK): You can use the anabin database to check how your university degree will be classified in Germany, though information is not available for all degrees: (in ...

  21. Two ways to get your PhD

    The "traditional" or "individual" path to a PhD remains the most common in Germany. An individual doctorate involves a thesis or dissertation that is produced under the supervision of one professor.. This form of PhD study offers a great deal of flexibility, but also demands a high degree of personal initiative and responsibility.A professor supervises a PhD student, who works on his or her ...

  22. Find your structured PhD programme

    In Germany, structured doctoral programmes are very similar to the PhD programmes in English-speaking countries, in which a team of supervisors look after a group of doctoral students. Structured doctoral programmes often have a strong international orientation with English as the team language. Unlike the individual doctorate model that can be ...