2023 NECO Animal Husbandry Essay and Objective Questions and Answers

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The National Examination Council (NECO) Has Scheduled The 2023 Neco Animal Husbandry Essay and Objective Questions and Answers Paper To Kick of on Friday 4th August 2023.

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2023 NECO Animal Husbandry Essay and Objective Questions and Answers

2023 NECO Animal Husbandry Essay and Objective Questions and Answers
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2023 NECO Animal Husbandry Obj & Essays Answers

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INSTRUCTIONS: Answer four (4) questions


(1a) The oestrus cycle refers to the reproductive cycle in female mammals, including humans, in which the body goes through various hormonal and physiological changes to prepare for potential pregnancy. It is also commonly referred to as the menstrual cycle in humans.

(1b) (i) Immunoglobulins: Colostrum contains high levels of immunoglobulins, specifically IgG. These antibodies help provide passive immunity to the newborn animals. (ii) Growth Factors: Colostrum also contains various growth factors, such as insulin-like growth factor 1, to help in the growth and development of the newborn animal.

(1c) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Regulates the uterine contractions during labor. (ii) Stimulates production of milk. (iii) Regulates reproductive hormone function. (iv) Promotes the growth and development of the fetus. (v) Helps regulate estrous cycles in animals.

(1e) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Abdominal contractions (ii) Restlessness (iii) Behavioral changes (iv) Dilated vulva (v) Rupture of amniotic sac (vi) Firm enlargement of the udder.


(2a) Livestock management refers to the practice of controlling and caring for domesticated animals, specifically those raised for agricultural purposes. It involves various techniques and strategies to ensure the health, welfare, and productivity of the animals.

(2bi) Ear notching: Ear notching is a permanent method of identification used for livestock. Notches are cut into the farm animal’s ear using a sharp blade or special tool, with each notch indicating a specific ID number.

(2bii) Branding: Branding is a permanent method of identification used for livestock. A hot branding iron is used to burn a mark or symbol onto the skin of the farm animal’s hide. This method of identification helps to distinguish animals on a cattle ranch or farm.

(2c) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) To prevent the cow from thrashing around or moving too much. (ii) To minimize the risk of injury to both the cow and the human handling it. (iii) To reduce the amount of stress the cow experiences during the process. (iv) To ensure that the notches are made in the correct place. (v) To make sure that the notching procedure is quick and efficient.

(2d) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Less painful and traumatic for animals. (ii) Quicker healing and recovery times. (iii) Reduced risk of infection and disease. (iv) Minimal bleeding and lower risk of blood loss. (v) More effective with less effort needed from handlers.


(3a) Soilage refers to the act of feeding livestock with freshly harvested green forage crops, such as grasses or legumes, without drying or fermenting them.

(3b) In Tabular Form

-Concentrates- (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Concentrates are nutrient dense. (ii) Concentrates are usually energy sources. (iii) Concentrates are usually more expensive than roughages. (iv) Concentrates are high in starch and simple sugars. (v) Concentrates are generally low in fiber content.

-Roughages- (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Roughages are less nutrient dense. (ii) Roughages are usually sources of fiber. (iii) Roughages are usually less expensive than concentrates. (iv) Roughages are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. (v) Roughages are generally low in starches and simple sugars.

(3c) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Decreased appetite and feed intake. (ii) Increased fractures/injuries. (iii) Poor reproductive performance. (iv) Impaired growth rate. (v) Skeletal deformations.

(3d) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Soybean meal (ii) Meat and bone meal (iii) Fish meal (iv) Monocalcium phosphate (v) Defluorinated rock phosphate

(4a) Animal improvement refers to the process of selectively breeding animals with desirable traits in order to enhance their overall productivity, performance, or genetic makeup. This can involve traits such as increased fertility, growth rate, milk production, meat quality, disease resistance, or any other trait that is considered beneficial to the breed.

(4b) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Increased productivity: Enhancing traits like growth rate, milk production, and egg-laying capacity. (ii) Improved disease resistance: Breeding animals with improved resistance to common diseases and parasites. (iii) Optimal nutritional requirements: Selecting animals with ideal metabolic requirements for efficient processing of feed. (iv) Increased fertility: Enhancing the ability of animals to reproduce more efficiently. (v) Improved behaviour: Selecting animals which display desirable social behaviour or temperament.

(4c) (i) Linebreeding (ii) Outbreeding (iii) Inbreeding (iv) Crossbreeding

(4d) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Artificial insemination allows a wider range of genetic material to be used, reducing the risk of inbreeding depression. (ii) Artificial insemination is cost-effective as it eliminates the need to purchase and transport breeding stock, and reduces operational costs. (iii) Artificial insemination eliminates any potential transmission of disease between individuals, reducing the spread of disease from male to female breeding stock. (iv) Artificial insemination enables more efficient reproduction, allowing farmers to produce more stock at a faster rate. (v) Artificial insemination allows farmers to select superior genetic material for breeding, increasing quality and productivity.

(5a) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Pasture management: Regularly moving livestock to different pastures can limit their exposure to liver fluke-infested areas. (ii) Strategic Deworming: Follow a strategic deworming program, as advised by a veterinarian, and include an effective dewormer against fluke in the program. (iii) Crop rotation: Incorporating crop rotation into the farming system can help reduce the multiplication of liver fluke. (iv) Fertilizer Management: Properly manage manure and fertilizers to keep them from running off into water sources. (v) Drainage: Use effective drainage systems to keep the soil dry and discourage the presence of snails, which are intermediate hosts for liver fluke.

(5b) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Ticks can improve pasture quality by grazing on weeds, reducing the need for chemical controls. (ii) The tick’s saliva can reduce inflammation and itching caused by other insects, helping animals heal faster. (iii) Ticks can act as a natural parasite control, reducing the need for other chemical treatments. (iv) Ticks can act as a source of income for farmers due to their medicinal properties. (v) Ticks can be used as a form of biocontrol, preying on other pests such as grasshoppers, mites, and flies.

(5ci) Causal Organism: The bacterium Bacillus anthracis is the causative organism of anthrax.

(5cii) Symptoms: Symptoms of anthrax in cattle may include sudden death, fever, rapid respiration and pulse, loss of appetite, weakness, tremors, bloating, constipation, and edema of the neck and underbelly.

(5ciii) Methods of Transmission: Anthrax can be transmitted through contact with the infected tissue or body fluids of an animal or contact with infected soil.

(5civ) Control Measure: Vaccination of livestock is the most effective preventive measure against anthrax in cattle. Other preventive measures include proper disposal of carcasses, control of vectors, and quarantine of affected areas.

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neco animal husbandry obj and essay 2023


neco animal husbandry obj and essay 2023




(1a) Oestrus cycle is a reproductive cycle that occurs in most female mammals including humans. It refers to the regular pattern of hormonal changes and physiological events that prepare the female for reproduction.

(1b) (i) Antibodies: Colostrum is rich in antibodies also known as immunoglobulins which help provide passive immunity to newborns. These antibodies are transferred from the mother to the baby and help protect against various infectious diseases by enhancing the baby’s immune system.

(ii) Growth factors: Colostrum contains essential growth factors that aid in the growth and development of the newborn. These growth factors stimulate the production of new cells enhance tissue repair and regeneration and promote overall growth and development in the early stages of life.

(1c) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Progesterone maintains pregnancy in mammals. (ii) Progesterone is essential for the development and maintenance of the uterine lining. (iii) Progesterone helps prevent uterine contractions ensuring the stability of the pregnancy. (iv) Progesterone stimulates mammary gland development. (v) Progesterone suppresses the immune response. (vi) Progesterone affects metabolism in farm animals by promoting the utilization of fat as an energy source. (vii) Progesterone helps regulate blood glucose levels and maintain overall metabolic balance.

(1d) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Nesting behavior (ii) Restlessness (iii) Swollen udder (iv) Vulvar swelling (v) Milk production (vi) Behavior changes ===========================

(2a) Livestock management refers to the practice of raising breeding and caring for animals that are raised for agricultural purposes such as food production fiber production or labor.

(2b) (i) Ear notching: Ear notching is a management practice commonly used in livestock farming, especially in pigs. It involves making unique and permanent cuts or notches on a pig’s ear using special notching pliers. This practice allows farmers to keep track of various aspects such as breeding history health records and ownership making it easier to manage and organize the herd.

(ii) Branding: Branding is a traditional method of marking animals by burning a specific pattern or code onto their skin using a hot branding iron. It is commonly used in livestock farming for cattle and horses. The branding iron is heated in a fire and then pressed onto the animal’s skin leaving a permanent mark.

(2c) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Restraint ensures the safety of both the cow and the person performing the ear notching. (ii) Restraint allows for greater precision and accuracy during the ear-notching process. (iii) Restraining the cow can help minimize its stress and anxiety during the procedure. (iv) Proper restraint can significantly improve the efficiency of the ear-notching process. (v) Restraint helps prevent complications associated with the cow’s movement during ear notching.

(2d) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) The burdizzo crushes and closes off blood vessels simultaneously during castration leading to reduced bleeding compared to using a scalpel. (ii) The use of a burdizzo eliminates the need for an incision or an open wound reducing the risk of infection compared to using a scalpel. (iii) The burdizzo is a one-time purchase while using a scalpel requires regular blade replacements and sterilization. (iv) The burdizzo causes less pain and stress to the animal compared to using a scalpel. (v) The use of a burdizzo is a quicker and simpler technique compared to using a scalpel. ===========================

(3a) Soilage refers to the practice of feeding farm animals with fresh-cut green forage, such as grass, legumes, or other plants.


=CONCENTRATES= (i) High in energy (ii) Low in fiber

=ROUGHAGES= (i) Low in energy (ii) High in fiber

(3c) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Reduced bone strength (ii) Poor growth (iii) Muscle tremors (iv) Reduced milk production (v) Reproductive disorders

(3d) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Bone meal (ii) Fish meal (iii) Soybean meal (iv) Corn Gluten meal ===========================

(4a) Animal improvement refers to the process of selectively breeding animals to enhance desirable traits such as productivity health temperament and appearance.

(4b) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Animal improvement aims to increase the productivity of animals by improving their genetic potential for traits. (ii) Animal improvement focuses on developing animals that have greater resistance to diseases and parasites. (iii) Animal improvement aims to develop animals with improved fertility rates and reproductive efficiency. (iv) Animal improvement programs strive to produce animals with desirable quality traits. (v) Animal improvement aims to develop animals that perform well in different climates and resist extreme temperatures.

(4c) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Selective breeding (ii) Hybridization (iii) Genetic modification (iv) Clonal propagation (v) Crossbreeding (vi) Mutant selection

(4d) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Artificial insemination allows for the rapid dissemination of superior genetics enabling breeders to effectively produce offspring with highly desirable traits. (ii) Artificial insemination allows for the use of semen from superior males that might otherwise be geographically limited or unavailable due to various constraints. (iii) Artificial insemination reduces the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases and other infections between animals during breeding. (iv) Artificial insemination is more cost-effective compared to natural mating in terms of transportation housing and management of breeding animals. (v) Artificial insemination allows for the simultaneous use of semen from a single male on multiple females. ===========================

(5a) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) By implementing strategic grazing practices such as rotational grazing that limit the exposure of livestock to infected areas. (ii) By regularly monitoring and treating infected animals to minimize the number of viable liver fluke eggs shed into the environment. (iii) By maintaining proper drainage and avoiding the creation of wet and muddy areas where liver fluke larvae thrive. (iv) By managing vegetation and water sources to prevent the buildup of snail populations which serve as intermediate hosts for liver fluke. (v) By implementing strategic deworming programs that target liver fluke during periods of high risk based on local climatic conditions and the presence of snails.

(5b) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Ticks feed on the blood of animals which can lead to decreased weight gain and reduced milk production. (ii) Ticks transmit diseases to livestock which can cause further economic losses through decreased productivity and increased medical expenses. (iii) Tick infestations in livestock result in secondary infections which require veterinary treatment and can lead to additional expenses for the farmer. (iv) Tick control measures including the use of acaricides and other treatments can be costly for farmers. (v) Ticks affect the quality of livestock products such as meat and milk by transmitting pathogens and causing skin damage.

(5ci) Causal organism: Anthrax disease in cattle is caused by a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. It is a gram-positive spore-forming rod-shaped bacterium.

(5cii) Symptoms: (i) Sudden death: Cattle infected with anthrax can die suddenly without showing any previous signs of illness. (ii) Hemorrhagic fever: Infected cattle often develop hemorrhagic fever characterized by fever weakness loss of appetite and a rapid heartbeat.

(5ciii) Methods of transmission: (i) Ingestion of spores: Cattle can become infected by consuming pasture or feed contaminated with the spores of Bacillus anthracis. (ii) Contact with contaminated materials: Direct contact with contaminated materials such as soil water or carcasses of infected animals can also transmit anthrax to cattle.

(5civ) Control measure: One control measure for anthrax disease in cattle is vaccination. Vaccines against anthrax are available for cattle and can effectively prevent the disease. Vaccinating cattle in areas where anthrax is endemic or has recently been reported can help reduce the risk of infection. ===========================

neco animal husbandry obj and essay 2023

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neco animal husbandry obj and essay 2023

June/July NECO Animal Husbandry Questions 2024 Free Answers (Essay & Obj) 100% Verified Solution

NECO 2024 Animal Husbandry essay and OBJ answers is now uploaded on bingmat. The solution is free, see 2024 NECO Economics Questions June/July that will guarantee you success. The SSCE exam is fixed for 19th July, 2024. The National Examinations Council (NECO) is a Nigerian examination body responsible for conducting and administering national examinations at the secondary school level. NECO plays a crucial role in assessing and certifying students’ academic achievements across various subjects.

The NECO Animal Husbandry exam assesses students’ understanding of livestock management, breeding, and health care practices. It requires both theoretical knowledge and practical skills to excel.

If you are here for for the question papers and answers, then you have come to the right place. All the solutions are ready and verified by our team.

Animal Husbandry expo answers is now being uploaded by us. Keep on reading this article and refresh it at interval to see the solution.

Please note that our Animal Husbandry is not free. Do not expect the questions and answers posted here. To get the solution, Join us on WhatsApp and pay #700.

In this post, we are going to show you the NECO Animal Husbandry June/July expo questions and answers, and every other detail you need concerning it.

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Also Read: NECO Timetable

Is NECO Animal Husbandry Questions 2024 Answers Out?

Yes, this post is to inform all student that National examination board Animal Husbandry theory and Obj is officially out. The materials and solutions are legit and verified to match the marking scheme..

NECO has scheduled the Animal Husbandry exam for Friday, 19th July, 2024, with Papers III & II: Objective & Essay from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.

Students should ensure they review all key concepts and practice past questions to prepare effectively for both the objective and essay sections of the exam.

NECO Animal Husbandry Essay Answers

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We are preparing to upload the 2024 exam theory (essay) answers soon. If you can’t wait and need the answers more quickly, be sure to join our WhatsApp group now for immediate updates and access.



(1a) Fertilization in farm animals refers to the process by which sperm fertilizes an egg, resulting in the conception of a new individual.

(1b) (i) Prolactin: Stimulates milk production in lactating animals.

(ii) Oxytocin: Stimulates uterine contractions during parturition (birth) and milk letdown during lactation.

(iii) Relaxin: Relaxes the pelvic muscles and widens the pelvis to facilitate parturition.

(iv) Testosterone: Regulates male reproductive traits and secondary sex characteristics.

(1c) (i) Food source: Snails are a protein-rich food source, consumed in many parts of the world. (ii) Medicinal value: Snail slime has medicinal properties, used in skincare and wound healing. (iii) Economic benefits: Snail farming can provide income and employment opportunities. (iv) Environmental benefits: Snails help control pest populations and maintain ecosystem balance. ===================================

(2ai) Piglet at birth: -Colostrum management -Farrowing management

(2aii) Kitten after weaning: -Vaccination and health management -Nutrition and feeding management

(2b) (i) Improved nutrition and feeding practices. (ii) Enhanced cow comfort and welfare. (iii) Regular health monitoring and disease prevention.

(2c) (i) Traditional markets: Local markets where hides and skin are sold to traders and artisans. (ii) Auctions: Organized sales where hides and skin are sold to the highest bidder. (iii) Direct sales: Farmers selling hides and skin directly to tanneries or export companies. ===================================

(3a) Diet in animal nutrition refers to the combination of foods and nutrients that an animal consumes to meet its nutritional needs for maintenance, growth, and production.

(3b) (i) Energy source: Molasses provides a readily available energy source for microorganisms during fermentation, promoting a desirable acidic environment. (ii) Palatability: Molasses adds sweetness, making the silage more appealing to animals, which can improve feed intake and digestion.

(3c) (i) High yield: Produces a large quantity of forage to support animal production. (ii) Nutritional quality: Provides a balanced mix of nutrients, including protein, energy, and minerals. (iii) Persistence: Remains productive and healthy over time, withstanding grazing and environmental stresses.

(3d) (i) Rotational grazing: Managing grazing periods and rest periods to prevent overgrazing and allow vegetation recovery. (ii) Re-seeding and re-vegetation: Introducing new grass species and re-vegetating degraded areas to enhance pasture quality and productivity. (iii) Brush control: Managing woody plants and brush to reduce competition and promote grass growth. ===================================

(4a) In animal improvement, a gene is a fundamental unit of heredity located on chromosomes that contains the DNA sequence which encodes the information necessary for the synthesis of proteins and ultimately determines specific traits in an animal.

(4b) Diagram

(4c) (i) Low conception rate: Failure to achieve pregnancy despite successful insemination. (ii) Semen quality issues: Poor semen quality or quantity can reduce fertility. (iii) Inaccurate heat detection: Failure to detect the optimal breeding time, reducing conception chances. (iv) Insemination technique errors: Improper insemination technique can lead to reduced fertility. (v) Disease transmission: Risk of transmitting diseases or infections through semen or insemination equipment. ===================================

(5a) (i) Vaccination: Administering vaccines to protect against specific diseases. (ii) Biosecurity: Implementing measures to prevent disease introduction and spread, such as sanitation, disinfection, and isolation. (iii) Nutrition and management: Providing a balanced diet, clean water, and proper housing to boost animal immunity and overall health. (5b) (i) Disease control: Isolating animals to prevent the spread of diseases to healthy animals. (ii) Health status determination: Observing animals for signs of disease or infection before introducing them to a new herd or flock.

(5c) (i) Anemia: Mite feeding can lead to blood loss and anemia. (ii) Weight loss: Infested animals may lose weight due to discomfort and reduced feed intake. (iii) Skin irritation: Mite bites can cause skin irritation, inflammation, and lesions. (iv) Reduced productivity: Infested animals may experience reduced milk production, egg laying, or growth rates. (v) Stress and discomfort: Mite infestation can cause significant stress and discomfort for the animals. ===================================



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Tips For passing NECO Animal Husbandry exam

To pass the NECO Animal Husbandry exam, students should focus on understanding livestock management practices, breeding techniques, and common diseases affecting farm animals. Expect questions on animal nutrition, housing, and the economic importance of animal husbandry.

Getting NECO Animal Husbandry June/July questions And Answers 2024

To get the Animal Husbandry answers, make sure you join bingmat WhatsApp group for detailed instructions on making a payment. Please note that the answers are not available for free. Stay informed and ensure you follow all steps to secure your access.

If you have any queries or require further assistance on WAEC Animal Husbandry Questions 2024 Answers, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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NECO Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)

NECO Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers 2023.   I will be showing you NECO Animal Husbandry objective and theory questions for free. You will also understand how NECO Animal Husbandry questions are set and many more examination details.

The National Examination Council is an examination body that set questions annually from areas students should, after their studies in senior secondary school, be able to write and pass without stress.

NECO Animal Husbandry answers and questions Objectives and Essay will be provided here in detail and the authenticity of this NECO 2023 Animal Husbandry solutions to questions have been tested and confirmed to be sure.

Table of Contents

NECO Animal Husbandry Essay And Objective Questions and Answers 2023 (EXPO)

The 2023 NECO Animal Husbandry expo will be posted here today 4th August during the NECO Animal Husbandry examination. Keep checking and reloading this page for the answers.

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NECO Animal Husbandry OBJ Answers:





NECo Animal Husbandry Essay Answers:

The oestrus cycle refers to the reproductive cycle in female mammals, including humans, in which the body goes through various hormonal and physiological changes to prepare for potential pregnancy. It is also commonly referred to as the menstrual cycle in humans.

(i) Immunoglobulins: Colostrum contains high levels of immunoglobulins, specifically IgG. These antibodies help provide passive immunity to the newborn animals.

(ii) Growth Factors: Colostrum also contains various growth factors, such as insulin-like growth factor 1, to help in the growth and development of the newborn animal.


(i) Regulates the uterine contractions during labor.

(ii) Stimulates production of milk.

(iii) Regulates reproductive hormone function.

(iv) Promotes the growth and development of the fetus.

(v) Helps regulate estrous cycles in animals.

(i) Abdominal contractions

(ii) Restlessness

(iii) Behavioral changes

(iv) Dilated vulva

(v) Rupture of amniotic sac

(vi) Firm enlargement of the udder.

Livestock management refers to the practice of controlling and caring for domesticated animals, specifically those raised for agricultural purposes. It involves various techniques and strategies to ensure the health, welfare, and productivity of the animals.

Ear notching: Ear notching is a permanent method of identification used for livestock. Notches are cut into the farm animal’s ear using a sharp blade or special tool, with each notch indicating a specific ID number.

Branding: Branding is a permanent method of identification used for livestock. A hot branding iron is used to burn a mark or symbol onto the skin of the farm animal’s hide. This method of identification helps to distinguish animals on a cattle ranch or farm.


(i) To prevent the cow from thrashing around or moving too much.

(ii) To minimize the risk of injury to both the cow and the human handling it.

(iii) To reduce the amount of stress the cow experiences during the process.

(iv) To ensure that the notches are made in the correct place.

(v) To make sure that the notching procedure is quick and efficient.

(i) Less painful and traumatic for animals.

(ii) Quicker healing and recovery times.

(iii) Reduced risk of infection and disease.

(iv) Minimal bleeding and lower risk of blood loss.

(v) More effective with less effort needed from handlers.

Soilage refers to the act of feeding livestock with freshly harvested green forage crops, such as grasses or legumes, without drying or fermenting them.


(i) High in energy

(ii) Low in fiber


(i) Low in energy

(ii) High in fiber


(i) Concentrates are nutrient dense.

(ii) Concentrates are usually energy sources.

(iii) Concentrates are usually more expensive than roughages.

(iv) Concentrates are high in starch and simple sugars.

(v) Concentrates are generally low in fiber content.


(i) Roughages are less nutrient dense.

(ii) Roughages are usually sources of fiber.

(iii) Roughages are usually less expensive than concentrates.

(iv) Roughages are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates.

(v) Roughages are generally low in starches and simple sugars.

(i) Decreased appetite and feed intake.

(ii) Increased fractures/injuries.

(iii) Poor reproductive performance.

(iv) Impaired growth rate.

(v) Skeletal deformations.

(i) Soybean meal

(ii) Meat and bone meal

(iii) Fish meal

(iv) Monocalcium phosphate

(v) Defluorinated rock phosphate.

Animal improvement refers to the process of selectively breeding animals with desirable traits in order to enhance their overall productivity, performance, or genetic makeup. This can involve traits such as increased fertility, growth rate, milk production, meat quality, disease resistance, or any other trait that is considered beneficial to the breed.

(i) Increased productivity: Enhancing traits like growth rate, milk production, and egg-laying capacity.

(ii) Improved disease resistance: Breeding animals with improved resistance to common diseases and parasites.

(iii) Optimal nutritional requirements: Selecting animals with ideal metabolic requirements for efficient processing of feed.

(iv) Increased fertility: Enhancing the ability of animals to reproduce more efficiently.

(v) Improved behaviour: Selecting animals which display desirable social behaviour or temperament.

(i) Linebreeding

(ii) Outbreeding

(iii) Inbreeding

(iv) Crossbreeding

(i) Artificial insemination allows a wider range of genetic material to be used, reducing the risk of inbreeding depression.

(ii) Artificial insemination is cost-effective as it eliminates the need to purchase and transport breeding stock, and reduces operational costs.

(iii) Artificial insemination eliminates any potential transmission of disease between individuals, reducing the spread of disease from male to female breeding stock.

(iv) Artificial insemination enables more efficient reproduction, allowing farmers to produce more stock at a faster rate.

(v) Artificial insemination allows farmers to select superior genetic material for breeding, increasing quality and productivity.

(i) Pasture management: Regularly moving livestock to different pastures can limit their exposure to liver fluke-infested areas.

(ii) Strategic Deworming: Follow a strategic deworming program, as advised by a veterinarian, and include an effective dewormer against fluke in the program.

(iii) Crop rotation: Incorporating crop rotation into the farming system can help reduce the multiplication of liver fluke.

(iv) Fertilizer Management: Properly manage manure and fertilizers to keep them from running off into water sources.

(v) Drainage: Use effective drainage systems to keep the soil dry and discourage the presence of snails, which are intermediate hosts for liver fluke.

(i) Ticks can improve pasture quality by grazing on weeds, reducing the need for chemical controls.

(ii) The tick’s saliva can reduce inflammation and itching caused by other insects, helping animals heal faster.

(iii) Ticks can act as a natural parasite control, reducing the need for other chemical treatments.

(iv) Ticks can act as a source of income for farmers due to their medicinal properties.

(v) Ticks can be used as a form of biocontrol, preying on other pests such as grasshoppers, mites, and flies.

Causal Organism: The bacterium Bacillus anthracis is the causative organism of anthrax.

Symptoms: Symptoms of anthrax in cattle may include sudden death, fever, rapid respiration and pulse, loss of appetite, weakness, tremors, bloating, constipation, and edema of the neck and underbelly.

Methods of Transmission: Anthrax can be transmitted through contact with the infected tissue or body fluids of an animal or contact with infected soil.

Control Measure: Vaccination of livestock is the most effective preventive measure against anthrax in cattle. Other preventive measures include proper disposal of carcasses, control of vectors, and quarantine of affected areas.



NECO Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers For Practice

The questions below are not exactly 2023 NECO Animal Husbandry questions and answers but likely NECO Animal Husbandry repeated questions and answers.

These questions are strictly for practice. The 2023 NECO Animal Husbandry expo will be posted on this page on the day of the NECO Animal Husbandry examination. Keep checking and reloading this page for the answers.

1. Which of the following products could be obtained from pigs? I. Bacon II. Chevon III. Ham A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III

2. Which the following farm animal is not a ruminant? A. Cattle B. Sheep C. Goat D. Rabbit

3. Male reproductive hormones include A. oxytocin. B. oestrogen. C. relaxin. D.testosterone.

4. Which of the following organs is associated with excretion in farm animals? A. Pancreas B. Small intestine C. Kidney D. Oesophagus

5. The period from conception to parturition in livestock is known as A. lactation. B. fertilization. C. ovulation. D. gestation.

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How To Pass NECO Animal Husbandry Examination

The National Examination Council (NECO) is a body in charge of the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination.

The Certificate offered here is a very important credential that awards or certifies the completion of your Secondary School Education.

It is a major document that qualifies you into any tertiary institution and is equally a major factor affecting admission today.

For this reason, every Student preparing for this examination NECO 2023 is preparing for something great.

Care should be taken when participating in this examination in other not to come out with bad grades. The following are the key answers to  NECO Animal Husbandry 2023.

1. Be Determined to Pass

The NECO 2023 Animal Husbandry is mainly for those who have made up their mind to pass it with a good grade.

Any candidate who, at this point in time, has not made up his or her mind to make the excellent grade in the forthcoming NECO 2023 Animal Husbandry is actually not ready to pass.

Your mind should be ready for the task ahead, do not follow lazy friends who believe in a miracle on the day of the exams, stay positive and study your books.

2. Have self-confidence

Self-confidence is another factor that affects a candidate’s performance. Promise to do it all by yourself and everything will come out very simple for you.

It is a well-known fact that many students cancel the right answers just to copy the wrong ones because of a lack of self-confidence. Study and pray hard and you are the miracle for the day.

3. Start Studying Early

Studying is very important in your life as a student. NECO is a very simple Exam to deal with as long as studies are involved. Studying is one thing and studying on time is another thing entirely.

Do not wait for the NECO 2023 Animal Husbandry exams to be so close before you start studying for them.

Late preparation will not really help you. When you start studying early there will be time for you to revise before the exams.

2. Make Use the NECO 2023 Syllabus

Using the NECO 2023 syllabus is very essential as it will guide you on major topics to cover. Studying without the Syllabus will make you focus on unnecessary topics that will not appear in the exams.

Also, most of the Animal Husbandry topics you have not done in class are there in the NECO syllabus.

3. Pray to God Your creator

Many think that they can do it all alone without God. The Almighty God is your creator, seek His assistance and He will never fail to help you. Your faith in God determines your success. God is there for you, call upon Him.

4. Adhere to exams instructions.

Any student who is not ready to adhere to the examination conducts is planning to fail. The majority of NECO Candidates that have their results held are from those that were not ready to follow the Exam instructions.

5. Use Your Time Wisely.

It is a well-known fact that NECO Animal Husbandry demands a lot of time, manage the little time given to you wisely. Consider the number of questions you are to answer and the time given so that you can time wisely.

6. Be punctual to the examination venue

Punctuality matters during the exams. Go to the exam venue early so that your brain can settle for the task. Rushing to the exam hall will make you unstable for the exam and can prone you to so many mistakes.

Take time to go through the exam question paper before you start answering. NECO Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers

If you have any questions about the 2023 NECO Animal Husbandry questions and answers, do well to let us know in the comment box.

Last Updated on August 4, 2023 by Admin

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57 thoughts on “NECO Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)”

I need animal husbandry neco questions and answers please

Please send animal husbandry practicals questions quickly

Pls i need animal husbandry neco objective &essay question and answer

Please I need neco animal husbandry questions and answers (objectives and essay 2023

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Home » NECO » NECO Animal Husbandry Answers 2023 [Essay-Obj-Practical] is Out

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Neco animal husbandry answers 2023 [essay-obj-practical] is out.


NECO Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers 2023 SSCE Released.

The Neco animal husbandry answers 2023 practical, essay objective questions are now available. The National Examination Council (NECO) Animal Husbandry paper for Practical will be written on Thursday 3rd August 2023.

Also, the NECO animal husbandry Essay and Obj paper will start at 10:00 am. In this post, we will be giving out the Animal Husbandry questions for candidates that will participate in the examination from past questions.

NECO Animal Husbandry Answers 2023.

PAPER 2 [Essay] Answer any FOUR questions. Write your answers on the answer booklet provided.

1. (a) Give seven reasons for keeping farm animals. (b) Classify cattle, goat, rabbit, horse, donkey, pig, snail, and honeybee into: (i) Ruminants; (ii) Non-ruminants. (c) (i) State four advantages of artificial insemination. (ii) State five functions of the rumen.

2. (a) Explain the term malnutrition in farm animals. (b) Distinguish between maintenance ration and production ration. (c) State four factors to be considered when formulating a diet for farm animals. (d) (i) State four disadvantages of an extensive system of keeping poultry. (ii) Mention six advantages of the battery cage system for keeping layers.

3. (a) Define the following terms: (i) hay  (ii) silage. (b) (i) Name two types of pasture. (ii) State four advantages of establishing a grass-legume pasture. (iii) State three advantages of rotational grazing. (c) Draw and label the digestive tract of a hen.

NECO Animal Husbandry Objective 2022.

NECO Animal Husbandry Practical 2023 Specimens.

A: Udder of a goat. B: Liver of a Cattle. C: Testes of a Goat. D: Groundnut Seeds. E: Animal Bone. F: Elephant Grass. G: Domestic Fowl. H: Live Rabbit.

Question 1: (a)  Identify specimens A, B, and C. (b)  Name two farm animals that specimen A could be used on. (c)  State three uses of specimen B. (d) (i)  Describe how specimen C is used. (ii) State two maintenance practices for specimen C.

Question 2: (a) Identify specimens H, I, J, and K. (b) State five advantages of having specimens H and I in a pasture. (c) Mention one monogastric and one polygastric animal that could feed on specimen  I. (d) Describe the process of making specimen K .

Question 3:

NOTE: That there is nothing like Neco animal husbandry expo 2020 online. The questions here are from NECO Animal Husbandry past question papers and for revision purposes only. Do not be deceived by fraudsters posing fake Neco answers on the internet.

Keep following, more questions and answers will be added soon.

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NECO Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers 2023 (100% Sure) Theory & Obj Solution

Get free Verified NECO Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers 2023.  NECO June/July Free Animal Husbandry EXPO answers.  National Examination Council Animal Husbandry Theory and Objective Answers for you to have good NECO result. You will also understand how NECO Animal Husbandry questions are set and how to answer them. The National Examination Council is an examination body in Nigeria that conducts the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination and the General Certificate in Education in June/July and November/December respectively.

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Please Note that the NECO 2023 Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers  and any other NECO expo is provided by us for free. We understand that a lot of website charge of collect money from student to provide NECO expo Animal Husbandry Answers to them. NECO questions and answers are provided for free. We will do same during Other Exam like  NECO GCE.

NECO 2023 Animal Husbandry Questions  will be  posted in this page. Our Team are right now with the question paper. It is under verification and once the verification process complete, we will go ahead to upload it here.

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We are happy you are here for  the 2023 Animal Husbandry answers. The complete solution will be made free in some minutes before  the Animal Husbandry examination.

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