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Educational Psychology - Second Edition

(18 reviews)

educational psychology book for b.ed pdf in english

Kelvin Seifert, University of Manitoba

Rosemary Sutton, Cleveland State University

Copyright Year: 2009

Publisher: University of Manitoba

Language: English

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Reviewed by Seokmin Kang, Assistant Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley on 12/11/22

There is a lack of neuroscience and cognitive aspects such as information process and knowledge representation. Also, it touches a little bit of everything but is shallow in its depth. read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

There is a lack of neuroscience and cognitive aspects such as information process and knowledge representation. Also, it touches a little bit of everything but is shallow in its depth.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The content is accurate overall.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

More adding needs in neuroscience, cognitive perspective in learning, and technology use in teaching and learning.

Clarity rating: 4

It is clear overall.

Consistency rating: 4

There is no framework, but a description or summary of the theories.

Modularity rating: 5

It is readily divisible into smaller reading sections.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

One topic is described or explained throughout the chapters. This is a double-edged sword. While readers can connect one concept with various different concepts, novice readers, before fully understanding the topic's core idea, can be easily off track, thinking of how a certain topic is related to different topics.

Interface rating: 3

The text covers mainly its content. There are few images or diagrams to better support student learning. Learning objectives or key terms should be introduced at the beginning of each chapter.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

The book's grammar is fine.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

It leans much on education and application rather than foundational theories.

educational psychology book for b.ed pdf in english

Reviewed by Melanie Park, Assistant Professor of Education, Huntington University on 6/21/22

Major educational psychology theories are covered, but instructors using this text may want to supplement the material with current neuroscience findings to ensure teacher candidates are prepared to implement brain based instructional strategies.... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

Major educational psychology theories are covered, but instructors using this text may want to supplement the material with current neuroscience findings to ensure teacher candidates are prepared to implement brain based instructional strategies. The impact of trauma on learning, the implications of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory in the classroom, and Dweck’s Growth Mindset Theory are additional concepts not covered in the text.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

Overall, the content is accurate for the publication date, but instructors will need to point out that Bloom’s Taxonomy has been updated. References to Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) should also be included in a discussion of special education.

The text provides relevant classroom examples of educational theories. Commentary on technology and diversity have become outdated due to the rapidly changing nature of these areas in education.

Clarity rating: 5

The concepts are clearly communicated, and the classroom examples show students how educational theory is applied in the real world of teaching. The writing is easy to understand, and university students will easily comprehend the text.

Consistency rating: 5

The text consistently addresses educational theories.

The text is designed for ease of division during an educational psychology course. The chapters on classroom management, planning instruction, and assessment could easily be revisited in upper level education courses to reinforce the concepts learned during the introductory educational psychology course.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The organization is logical and will allow instructors to easily design their course in a clear fashion.

Interface rating: 4

Many of the supplemental links need to be updated or replaced. The links to the text in the Table of Contents are very helpful.

The text was free of grammatical errors.

The text did not address the needs of students in the LGBTQIA+ community. References to gender roles and assumptions regarding cultural stereotypes need to better reflect the current social climate.

The text provides a starting point for presenting educational theories. Instructors will need to supplement the text to ensure teacher candidates are exposed to current educational research. New theories and instructional approaches have emerged since the text was published, but overall, the text is easy to understand and certainly helps teacher candidates understand how educational theory can be applied to classroom situations.

Reviewed by Jodie Riek, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, University of Wisconsin - Superior on 9/20/21

This text comprehensively covered most key traditional aspects of educational psychology such as human development theories; learning theories; and diversity. However as an introduction to education text, it was distinctly lacking content... read more

This text comprehensively covered most key traditional aspects of educational psychology such as human development theories; learning theories; and diversity. However as an introduction to education text, it was distinctly lacking content discussing political and social issues which impact education systems, the work of teachers, student learning and curriculum.

What is covered is accurate and is unbiased.

The content that is covered in this text is relevant and up to date. Any updates that will be needed in the future (for example hyperlinks which are dispersed throughout the text, may need updating in the future); will be relatively easy to update.

This text is very straight forward using every day language with limited jargon and technical terminology. When there is jargon or technical terminology there is a thoughtful easy to read explanation/definition for the reader to be able to understand in context.

Terms are used consistently throughout the text.

Chapters are just the right size, with key topic headings and sub-headings within to help the reader consume the content. It was dispersed with images and hyperlinks which breaks up the reading work. This approach makes it very consumable for the reader.

The topics are somewhat in a logical and clear sequence, although as mentioned earlier as an introduction to education text, it was distinctly lacking content discussing political and social issues which impact education systems, the work of teachers, student learning and curriculum.

Interface rating: 5

Easy to navigate. Presents as a pdf file so it can be read online and offline. It can also be printed for those readers that prefer a hard copy.

The text contains no grammatical errors that I saw.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

Very EDI aware text.

Reviewed by Eliza Bobek, Associate Clinical Professor, Massachusetts Department of Higher Education on 6/29/21

Addresses the main topics covered in a typical Educational Psychology course. Does not include information processing, memory, cognitive load. Could include more on the science of learning, LGBTQIA, trauma informed pedagogy. Some chapters more... read more

Addresses the main topics covered in a typical Educational Psychology course. Does not include information processing, memory, cognitive load. Could include more on the science of learning, LGBTQIA, trauma informed pedagogy. Some chapters more appropriate for students enrolled in teacher preparation e.g. "Planning Instruction" compared to students taking this course as an elective.

High accuracy- no errors noted.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

Some outdated terminology e.g. students with "special educational needs." Could be more inclusive in this chapter by addressing "students with disabilities" and avoiding a deficit perspective. Very little discussion of anti-racist and anti-bias pedagogy, stereotype threat etc.

Clear and well-organized. Text is written in the familiar-tone and terminology is clearly explained. Text is divided into manageable sections.

Appears to be consistent throughout, in terms of structure and flow.

This is very well done, sections are accessible, reducing cognitive load for the reader.

Flow is clear, but perhaps consideration to the audience- teacher preparation course for pedagogy, or psychology students as an elective?

Navigation is clear; additional images and visuals would make it stronger.

Accurate grammar.

No mention of culturally responsive teaching. Predominantly white western view. "Student diversity" is presented separately as "other." Section on "student diversity" could be re-titled to be more inclusive.

Reviewed by Audrey Roberts, Assistant Professor, Bowling Green State University on 1/28/21

This text provides a relatively comprehensive overview of most foundational educational psychology theories. However, there are some important elements missing, as well as an over-emphasis on classroom management and assessment that veer away from... read more

This text provides a relatively comprehensive overview of most foundational educational psychology theories. However, there are some important elements missing, as well as an over-emphasis on classroom management and assessment that veer away from the curriculum normally taught in an introductory educational psychology class for undergraduate students. I would argue that Chapters 1-6 and Chapter 9 would be the selections covered in an ed. psych class, with Chapters 7, 8, and 10-12 better suited for a more pedagogically focused or more assessment focused course. The two biggest concepts not covered in the text are information processing theory and memory, and any sort of mention of the LGBTQ+ community in regard to addressing diversity. I would've liked to see more attention paid to socioemotional learning theories as well.

Content is accurate, error-free, and not significantly biased in any one section or area overall. Where appropriate, the foundational researchers are given credit, so that someone with knowledge in the field would concur.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 2

Content for many of the foundational educational psychology theories has not changed since the bulk of this material was released in 2009. So, in this way, the first 6 or so chapters could continue to be used, with some more recent articles to support it. However, almost all of the citations are now, in 2021, 15+ years old. This presents problems with some of the education policies they mention, and it also neglects the impact that technology has in the day to day classroom. Tech is mentioned, but almost 20 years have passed, so things are rightfully different, and classroom management is a bit different too. Many of the hyperlinks to appropriate websites do not work or lead you to a now incorrect page.

I do appreciate the writing style of these two authors. It is conversational, yet appropriate for an academic audience of young adult students. I appreciate the real-life classroom examples, and think a real effort has been made to make connections and the material more engaging for the reader. It's not bogged down with over-difficult vocabulary, but not too simple either.

The text is generally consistent in the way that material is presented. One issue I had was that there were often concepts brought up in the middle of one chapter that weren't really explained well until later chapters. For instance, discussing motivation at the same time operant conditioning is mentioned is confusing and motivation isn't broken down until chapter 6.

I think this text would be very easy to pull out certain sections, i.e., divisible. The glossary links in the PDF are useful as well.

Overall, the organization isn't bad, however the text has a tendency to jump a bit over the place. Bold text is somewhat liberally used, which could be distracting for readers. I thought Chapter 9: Complex thinking should've been placed before it was in the text-it would've been a natural section after information processing theory/memory (which was not addressed).

Easy enough to navigate. Most of the hyperlinks do not work at the chapters' end. Very few images, but many tables, and they have all formatted well

There are no glaring grammatical errors.

The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive, but it does not address any information on the LGBTQ+ community, which is mentioned earlier.

This text has many strengths. It is free to use under a Creative Commons License, which is incredible for students who struggle with text costs. It is well laid out and would be easy to navigate. It covers most foundation educational psychology theories/material well. Last, it is an engaging read, and not filled with dry or overly academic language.

This text also has weaknesses. Nearly all citations are 15+ years old. It does not properly address current technology use in the classroom, social development in adolescence and the importance of friends, information processing theory, memory, or the LGBTQ+ community. There is an overemphasis on classroom management, assessment, and even some research methodology that seems unnecessary. There is no test bank (understandable) or self-review questions to help students. Last, most of the hyperlinks in the pdf no longer work or go to the appropriate place described.

Overall, as an instructor of an educational psychology course that has taught for years, I would feel comfortable using the first half of this text, supplemented with other articles. I think the fact that this textbook is free outweighs most of the negatives.

Reviewed by D F, Professor, Worcester State University on 6/30/20

Surface treatment of some topics. Out dated Bloom Model & references to learning styles; missing discussion of memory; passing reference to race (as part of culture), nothing about poverty, etc. Missing Social Cognitivism. Really missing links... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 2 see less

Surface treatment of some topics. Out dated Bloom Model & references to learning styles; missing discussion of memory; passing reference to race (as part of culture), nothing about poverty, etc. Missing Social Cognitivism. Really missing links to effective teaching

Content Accuracy rating: 2

Inaccuracies due to out of date information/theories Bias in the sense that White, western is normal diversity is other Right at beginning does not use person first language, instead referring to "disabled children"

Book needs major updating in terms of student diversity & students with disabilities. Needs to include the nature of memory, learning theories and give direct links to effective teaching

Clarity rating: 3

Tends to pack a great deal into brief sections. More examples and photos would certainly help.

seems to be

Modularity rating: 4

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

I prefer Ormrod's approach to Educational Psychology starting with research basics and looking at learning theories in depth and then diversity

Not seem to be an iussue

None that I found

Cultural Relevance rating: 2

Narrow, white, western treatment--not reflect US adult and student diversitIES

Good start. Needs updating

Reviewed by Elbert Davis, Assistant Professor, Marshall University on 2/5/20

This textbook aligns with another for-profit textbook that cost $220. The major concepts of educational psychology are present, including the major theories and theorists of education, along with assessments, student diversity, learners with... read more

This textbook aligns with another for-profit textbook that cost $220. The major concepts of educational psychology are present, including the major theories and theorists of education, along with assessments, student diversity, learners with special needs, and motivation. I was pleasantly surprised to see appendices concerning action research, licensure preparation, and critical evaluation of research articles. References were provided at the end of each chapter, as well as websites for additional information. At the end of each chapter are key terms, but no index or glossary was found.

I saw nothing that was inaccurate or biased. Errors were not evident.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The major theories and theorists are covered. As most of these people have passed on, it is unlikely major changes will need to be made. It would be easy to add new theories or theorists if the issue arose. The only section that will need updating or overhauling would be the chapter on standardized testing. This seems to change every so often due to national, state, and local politics. It is possible that major overhauls may be needed when laws change, as with any textbook that discusses these laws. I do think these updates would be straightforward to implement.

The textbook is as accessible as similar books on educational psychology. Jargon is typically defined for the student in-text, along with examples where needed.

The framework is very consistent. Once a student reads the first chapter, he/she should be able to know what to expect in future chapters. In each chapter, headings are broken into subheadings, followed by a chapter summary, key terms, online resources, and references. Terminology is consistent throughout the textbook, and is on the level of college students in the education field should comprehend.

The textbook is organized into chapters with the major concepts. The chapters are organized into headings and subheadings. Each page is numbered. It should be easy to assign different chapters or even sections of a chapter, if necessary. Long blocks of text are interrupted by images, charts, and tables, along with subheadings. There are very few self-referential moments in the text, other than providing an example at the beginning of each chapter.

The organization of the textbook mirrors that of costly for-profit textbooks on the same subject. Major areas are divided into 12 chapters with relevant headings and subheadings in each chapter.

The textbook is free of navigational issues. Headings and subheadings are used throughout the book. In the table of contents, the headings and subheadings are clickable and linked to the appropriate section or subsection of the book, eliminating the need to endlessly scroll to find a certain page. The images and charts used are not distorted. If I had a minor complaint, it would have been to use page breaks to ensure tables were on the same page, rather than be split across two pages. Again, this is a very minor issue.

No grammatical errors were found.

There is a section of the textbook that discusses cultural diversity and provides classroom examples based on different customs. Most of the examples outside of this section relate to the authors' personal experiences. The textbook is not insensitive or offensive in any way.

It is obvious that a love for educational psychology is the major motivation of authors Kelvin Seifert and Rosemary Sutton, as well as reviewer Sandra Deemer, and the editorial team (Marisa Drexel, Jackie Sharman, and Rachel Pugliese). Professor Seifert, in the preface, also explains his other motives for co-authoring the textbook (individualization of the content, the expense of the textbook, and eliminating the added features commercial textbook publishers use to increase the price).

Reviewed by Amanda Bozack, Associate Professor, Radford University on 1/6/20

This book covers the general areas explored in an introductory educational psychology course. The chapters are short but address the main concepts widely taught in this course and the reference list at the end of each chapter is comprehensive. read more

This book covers the general areas explored in an introductory educational psychology course. The chapters are short but address the main concepts widely taught in this course and the reference list at the end of each chapter is comprehensive.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

On many main points, the text is accurate. However, the student diversity chapter plays into outdated thinking about learning styles and multiple intelligences. Because the chapters are short, the complexity of this discussion and the importance of combatting misconceptions are missed. Instructors who use this textbook should consider supplementing this section or omitting it. Additionally, the chapter on students with disabilities does not use the language of or discuss tiered levels of support--the basic building blocks for preservice teachers--and the chapter on classroom management is very traditional without any information about trauma-informed practices or restorative practices. The chapters on motivation, communication, and complex thinking are strong.

Updates to the sections on learning styles and multiple intelligences, and the addition of tiered levels of support, trauma informed practices and restorative practices would increase the relevance of this textbook. Additionally, a section devoted to learning science and neuroscience would be useful given the many advances in recent years that help us understand learning from a neurological perspective.

This book is clearly and succinctly written. Terminology is bolded when appropriate and a list of key terms is provided after the chapter summary.

This book is consistent in format, terminology, and framework from one chapter to the next.

This text can easily be assigned in its entirety or for only specific chapters or topics. The information in one chapter is not dependent on information in another chapter. As such, instructors who use the whole text may find it useful to note where information from one chapter is aligned to information in another chapter.

The book and the chapters are organized logically, clearly, and follow the general arc of many educational psychology textbooks.

The interface for this text was appropriate. It is "low tech" and has a clickable table of contents.

There were no grammatical errors evident in my review.

This book did not address culture, race, or ethnicity specifically as part of the content. Educators looking to use a culturally responsive lens to teach educational psychology would probably want to supplement this text or use another text.

Reviewed by Adam Moore, Assistant Professor , Roger Williams University on 12/20/19

The text covers an overview of educational psychology. I wonder about some other areas within educational psychology that are not addressed such as universal design for learning (UDL) (Rose & Meyer), multiple intelligences (Gardner), backward... read more

The text covers an overview of educational psychology. I wonder about some other areas within educational psychology that are not addressed such as universal design for learning (UDL) (Rose & Meyer), multiple intelligences (Gardner), backward design (Wiggins & McTighe) and growth mindset (Dweck). While some of these theories are not without controversy, it might provide future educators and education professionals a more complete understanding of how one learns by including these topics. Even a critical analysis of these commonly known contemporary theories could help provide necessary background for future professionals.

Some of the terminology used to discuss people with disabilities in the text are not in line with people first language and are not 100% accurate (i.e. use of term IEP ("P" means program, not plan). Additionally, authors might consider mentioning the movement to "end the r word" instead of using the term "retarded". It is also important that professionals are explicitly told the problem with calling students "slow learners" (from p. 96). These ideas tend to support ableist language and ideologies that are too often present in educational settings.

This text will support the many education psychology courses offered at most institutions. The topics presented are almost universally taught in educational psychology courses.

The writing is clear and coherent.

The text is consistent in presentation, how terminology is presented, and how information is conveyed.

Many subheadings and bold-face print allow the reader to find information in manageable chunks.

The organization of the text is similar to other educational psychology texts. Clear and logical presentation of information.

The text is easy to read, provides some charts and photos, and is clear in presentation.

No grammatical errors that I found in my reading of this text.

There is not a substantial focus on historically minoritized people in this text. While some of the chapters mention race/ethnicity, there is not a consistent focus on people who have minoritized in educational settings (LGBTQ community, racially minoritized people, gender, people from the disability community, etc) nor is there a focus on equity.

Reviewed by Cassie Bergstrom, Assistant Professor, University of Northern Colorado on 12/14/19

The text covers a wide variety of topics typical to intro to educational psychology texts. The main topics of development, learning, student differences, motivation, classroom environment, and assessment are all covered in what I thought was... read more

The text covers a wide variety of topics typical to intro to educational psychology texts. The main topics of development, learning, student differences, motivation, classroom environment, and assessment are all covered in what I thought was appropriate depth. There were a few topics that I think could be more strongly emphasized, particularly related to how the brain works in the context of learning, information processing theory, and some additional cognitive topics. But I could also see these as topics that teachers could supplement. I did not see an index, but the table of contents is detailed and linked to the subtopics in the chapters. Each chapter has a list of “key terms” at the end (although they are not linked back to the area in the chapter). No overall index or glossary is present.

I did not find any content that was inaccurate. There are many citations throughout the text that I was familiar with in the context of the topics being discussed. References are listed by chapter, so the content is supported by outside sources that students can access. I didn’t detect any biased coverage, most of the commentary speaks to how the topics are currently seen in the field of educational psychology.

Overall, I do think the text is written broadly enough to be relevant for a number of years. Content in a few areas could be updated, as it is now at least 10 years old. There could definitely be more information on a few topics, for example the role of the brain in learning and memory, growth mindset, grit, autism spectrum, self-regulated learning, etc. These are topics that the field of ed psych has expanded on within the last decade. Other topics could be better positioned to reflect the general thinking in the field (ex. the content on Gardner's multiple intelligences could include more than one sentence of criticism…). I do think the text could be updated fairly easily, and would recommend the authors consider doing so within the next few years.

I really enjoyed the writing style of this text. The authors wrote in a clear, but concise manner. They did a nice job blending their writing styles (as opposed to some texts that feel distinctly written by more than one person). Additionally, the terminology and topics are explained at a level that someone without a background in psychology could understand. There is lots of context for the new ideas and terminology.

The internal consistency of this text is strong. Each chapter has the same organization, beginning with a vignette/story and followed with a number of subsections on different topics. The terminology and framework seem to be consistent across all chapters. Additionally, the headings provided follow the same pattern in chapters, also aiding consistency.

There are many headings and subheadings in this text, dividing main ideas into smaller chunks that could be assigned. The text is not overly self-referential—but honestly I think a bit more reference would be helpful at some points (for example connecting the info on gifted learners with special needs, mentioning the focus on multicultural and anti-bias education within the chapter on diversity). I do think the chapters could be assigned in a variety of orders, and the many headings improve the modularity of this text.

Yes, I think the topics presented in the chapters of the text flow logically, both across and within chapters. Providing the basis for learning up front (in Chapter 2) is a strength, as is following it with the information on development. Within each chapter, the topics logically follow one another, but not to the extent that assigning one chunk would disrupt the flow.

Overall, I think the PDF of this text looks really good. The interface feels more streamlined than many published texts, as there are no boxes, unnecessary graphics, or other distractions. The addition of a few more hyperlinks within the text (to help navigate) would be beneficial. Since the text is a bit dated, there were a few links at the end of chapters that didn’t work for me—which might confuse readers. I do wish the text was available in a format other than just a PDF. I have found it beneficial to provide the OER texts directly within the LMS, as opposed to linking out to another source. With the interface of a PDF, I believe this would be more difficult (I’m less likely to cut and paste PDF content, because of the formatting issues and needing to clean up the copy).

I found no grammatical errors in my reading of this text.

I didn’t detect any insensitivity or offensive handling of cultural issues within this text. The focus was often not on cultural diversity, and I think this could be improved. There is a full chapter on student diversity, but the section on culture is almost entirely devoted to language (while important, doesn’t encompass everything about culture). I did enjoy that the vignettes at the beginning of the chapters were authentic to the authors, but I think this could be an area that would benefit from including more diversity of representation (particularly the vignette at the beginning of Chapter 4…I’m not sure it’s the best way to speak to diversity).

I think this is a strong basic educational psychology text. The writing is clear and easy to read. If I was using this text, I would supplement it with a few topics that are either a bit dated or not covered in the text. But overall, I think it is a strong option for an intro to ed psych OER.

Reviewed by Jose Martinez Molinero, Assistant Professor of Secondary Education, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 11/11/19

In terms of covering all areas, this text provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of teaching. It is organized effectively—it takes the readers through a journey of the joys, challenges, nuances, and realities associated with the... read more

In terms of covering all areas, this text provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of teaching. It is organized effectively—it takes the readers through a journey of the joys, challenges, nuances, and realities associated with the teaching profession. The additional materials at the end of the text (Preparing for licensure, Deciding for your self about the research, and Reflective practitioner) provide resources that students in education preparation programs can refer back to as they progress in their respective programs. Although, the text could benefit from presenting other major licensure exam bodies other than Praxis. The text does not include an index or glossary in the traditional sense, however, at the end of each chapter key terms and a works cited is provided.3

From my perspective, the content of this text is accurate, error-free, and is unbiased. Furthermore, the authors invite readers to apply a critical lens on the content and research by providing open-ended questions regarding each chapter in the ‘Deciding for Yourself About the Research’ section in the additional materials section in the end.

The text is written in broad terms that allow longevity in its relevance. This is mostly achieved by presenting various/multiple theories and approaches when explaining how concepts may be applied in the classroom. Also, the authors recognize and address the differences in the classroom diversity and demographics within the text—although some of the content may not apply to one’s specific situation, other areas of the text will apply.

The text is accessible to students entering a teacher education program. As I reflect on the students I have had, I can envision my students reading this book and having ‘something to say’ about the content based on their own experiences as students and in their field experiences. What I appreciate the most is the teacher ‘scenarios’ that are presented in the beginning of each chapter and how authentic/realistic they are—this sets the tone for the chapter and captures the reader’s attention—answers the ‘why’ the chapter is important.

The text is consistent in its terminology and framework. One example of this, is once a concept(s) presented within the text, a visual chart or graph of the same information is provided for additional clarity. Moreover, I can expect a list of key terms and works cited at the end of every chapter.

The modularity of the text makes chapters easy to read and therefore makes the content accessible. Although there are some key terms I would like to see bolded versus italicized, the bullet points and section headers will make it easy for me to section off, focus on, or assign certain elements of the chapter to my students.

The topics are presented in a logical, clear fashion. Although, I would say this is true for teacher educators—some of the students in our programs may be completing their field experiences or student teaching in school districts that emphasize (or even romanticize) standardized testing—and this dominates their concerns and questions. Therefore, I would ask those considering the text to reflect on to what extent or where in the curriculum an honest discussion about the value that is (mis)placed on standardized testing should take place.

The navigation is appropriate and accessible from the Table of Contents. It would be helpful to include a navigation link at the end of chapter that takes the reader back to the Table of Contents instead of having to manually scroll back up. The use of pictures and charts are appropriate and helpful for the readers; however, they appear as simple or basic—not as vivid as in a traditional textbook. Typically, this is not an issue—however, the current generation of students’ focus is on ‘clout’ and aesthetics in determining the value of something.

From my reading of various chapters, I did not find any evident grammatical errors.

I appreciate how inclusive and authentic this text was in discussing the different types of learners. For example, I have use multiple multi-cultural education textbooks in the past, and not one has mentioned the phenomenon of ‘language loss’ that ELLs experience and its implications in the classroom.

Reviewed by Mistie Potts, Assistant Professor, Manchester University on 10/28/19

While the text offers a clear table of contents, no evidence of an index was observed. The reader can clearly locate topics that are relevant to teaching by using the table of contents, however finding specific theorists may be more challenging... read more

While the text offers a clear table of contents, no evidence of an index was observed. The reader can clearly locate topics that are relevant to teaching by using the table of contents, however finding specific theorists may be more challenging without an index of terms/names. The text appears to cover all relevant topics necessary to preservice or in-service teachers.

The content covered in this text appears to be accurate and aligns with recent peer-reviewed research in the field of educational psychology. The text clearly cites relevant research to support concepts covered. Each section concludes with references that direct the reader to recent research in the field. This research-based approach appears to be unbiased and consistent with commonly accepted views in the field of educational psychology.

The content of this textbook compliments the needs of today’s teachers. In this context, the content is relevant and applicable in a way that will allow it to remain relevant for years to come while providing a realistic way for teachers to utilize the theories and research findings. As research continues to unfold in the field of educational psychology, necessary updates may include small adjustments and manageable changes.

Written with a focus on practitioners, the text is clear and understandable. In this way, the text allows access to important topics in the field of educational psychology without bogging down the reader with complicated prose/jargon. The text calls upon a mild level of background knowledge (e.g., Pavlov and classical conditioning) yet provides contextual clues to include readers lacking this background. In my experiences, most undergraduate teacher preparation students come to the classroom with basic understandings of these topics. The clarity of the text is sufficient for this level of learners.

Terms and conceptual frameworks appear consistent throughout the breadth of the text. Tables with terms common to specific theories/concepts are provided to add clarity throughout the text. The terminology is highlighted with bold print making them easy to identify for the reader. No conflicting terminology or definitions were found during this review of the text.

The layout of the text provides clear sections identified with headers and subheadings. These make the text easy to divide and study in specific sections/topics. It could easily be read in chunks rather than front-to-back without disrupting comprehension of the text.

Similar to other textbooks I have explored in the field of educational psychology, the topics in the text are presented in a logical fashion that lays the groundwork for how individuals learn, educational diversity, development, and commences with topics surrounding the assessment of learning. The flow of text and tables is consistent and clear throughout the text. Distracting content is minimized by excluding sidebars and unnecessary graphics. The organization of the text fosters cognitive processing of the information with little distraction from supplemental information. A clear format for the licensure preparation section allows readers to access important test preparation information as needed. These take the form of sample questions from Praxis II exams, which will assist the reader in practice testing to prepare for the licensure exams.

The text is free from distracting content such as sidebars, photographs, or text boxes that may detract from comprehension of the material. Links from the table of contents direct the reader to specific sections in the text. The tables provide clear explanations of terms and theories. No displays or distortions of the images/charts/text were noticed in review of this text.

In review of this text, no grammatical errors were observed.

This text embraces multicultural education and is free from offensive or insensitive material. The omission of photographs alleviates the need to include a diverse array of examples to represent all cultures. The text discusses research relevant to diverse groups of learners and provides culturally relevant concepts to support multicultural education in schools. The examples provided throughout the text are inclusive of race, ethnicities and students from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. Specifically, this text focuses on subject matter that will support educators as they provide educational experiences for all types of learners.

Reviewed by Nautu Leilani, Asst. Prof. of Education/Exec. Dir. of K12 Programs, Southern Utah University on 6/19/18

This resource is very comprehensive. It actually covers the content for several of our courses at our institution (introduction to teaching, principles of learning and teaching, educational psychology, classroom management, and instructional... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

This resource is very comprehensive. It actually covers the content for several of our courses at our institution (introduction to teaching, principles of learning and teaching, educational psychology, classroom management, and instructional planning/assessment). With a resource like this and being so comprehensive we could definitely remove the barrier of cost for our students.

The content in this resource is accurate. I was not able to find any errors and did not find biases. We already have professors in our department using this resource and I have not heard from them that there has been any issues in these areas either.

The content is up to date and will not become obsolete. Since the book is so comprehensive I don't believe the authors could go in depth on many of the topics. They discuss the topics very well. The only suggestion I would have is that they add to each section actual strategies to help teachers with applicability.

The text is written so that a student new to the field could understand it - the authors take time to explain terminology that is specific to the field.

I did not find any inconsistencies in terminology or the framework provided. I believe that in using this text in our classes, we will be more equipped to add further comment on this section.

One of the biggest concerns we have now in our College is overwhelming our students with too much reading. The problem when we do this is that the students choose to do none of it. The smaller chunks that the author provided makes this a resource that helps us address this concern. We could definitely use this resource as an introduction to all these topics and then jump off from there. Since the chunks of reading are small the students will likely read it and get the foundation we need them to have to go deeper.

We just did a scope and sequence of our courses in Teacher Education and when I compare the flow of this resource to our outcomes from our scope and sequence, I found that the flow matched what we thought should be the flow of our courses in general.

I would have liked to see more graphics and visuals and flowcharts to attract the attention of the reader. I think also the very narrow margins makes it feel like there is too much to read on a page. At the expense of having more pages to read for each chunk I would probably make the margins at least a little bigger.

I didn't necessarily read for grammatical errors - because that would be a read of it just for that - but as I read each part I didn't find any grammar errors that would prevent comprehension.

I would say that the cultural relevance/sensitivity of this book is a good surface attempt. I would have liked the authors to go deeper in other areas of culturally responsive teaching like they did with the english language learner sections.

Thank you to the authors for helping us compile such a wonderful resource, and for being willing to share it with us inexpensively. They should be commended. This was a lot of work on their part - and then to be willing to share it liberally is noteworthy. My suggestions were meant to only add to the wonderful work they have done. Thank you again.

Reviewed by Stephen Vassallo, Associate Professor, American University on 2/1/18

The book covers most of what one might expect in an conventional educational psychology text for teacher education. However, I am surprised that self-regulated learning is not included in the book. This notion has been an important area of study... read more

The book covers most of what one might expect in an conventional educational psychology text for teacher education. However, I am surprised that self-regulated learning is not included in the book. This notion has been an important area of study for educational psychologists for about 4 decades now. Self-regulated learning is often discussed in the section on "higher order thinking." There are also other ideas such as growth mindset and grit that are more contemporary than self-regulated learning. I would like to see these concepts discussed in an educational psychology text. I would also like to see some text on embodied cognition, which is a perspective of memory that is contrasted with the information processing perspective, which also happens to not be discussed. Although the information processing theory is philosophically and conceptually limited, it can be helpful for thinking about teaching. There are also sociocultural theories, beyond Vygotsky, that can be helpful for getting a broad and diverse representation of the field.

Educational psychology is never unbiased. The one major error in this book is that this bias is not acknowledged. However, I am hesitant to call that an error of the authors and the text an error of the field. I did not find any errors in representing the elements of the field that are typically taught to teachers. However, what is typically taught to teachers relating to educational psychology misses a great deal of complexities--including those biases that underpin theories, perspectives, methods, ways of reasoning, and models. The authors are accurate in explaining the theories and concepts that are taught in an educational psychology text.

The text is written in a way that can support adding contemporary ideas. For example, grit and growth mindset are getting a good deal of attention among educational psychologists, psychologists, administrators, and policy makers. These notions can easily be integrated in the chapter on motivation. These notions are also problematic. I would suggest integrating not just explanations of these ideas but their philosophical and ideological complexities. As another example, researchers have recently debunked the learning styles framework. I think it is worth talking about "learning styles" but offer different perspectives related to this way of reading and naming students. I am not suggesting that authors shape their texts in response to every educational fad that emerges, but I think authors should try to capture as best they could the critical nuances with the ideas they present to teachers. One of the major shortcomings of this book is the contemporary relevance but I rated this high because the structure of the book lends itself well to integrating new content.

The text is clear and lucid. All terminology is explained well.

The book is consistent. And although consistency is generally a positive quality of a book, I would like to see competing and contradictory text. For example, developmental frameworks can be useful for teaching but they can also be implicated in a number of problematic student evaluations and educational interventions. It is useful and valuable to capture the inconsistencies with thinking about learning, development, and teaching. With that said, the authors are consistent within their frame of reference. They present educational psychology ideas that are intended to improve teaching and learning.

The authors do a fine job at partitioning the text and labeling sections with appropriate headings. Although topics and concepts across chapters are related, each chapter can stand on its own and does not have to be assigned in chronological order. The text is not overly self-referential. In fact, I argue that it lacks self-reference. There are many ideas that need to be considered together and hyperlinks can help students make those connections. For example, the chapter on complex thinking should be considered in the context of development. I would like to see links between chapters.

This book conforms to the general organization of educational psychology texts. Early in the book the authors introduce readers to theories of learning and then move into development. Following are two chapters on learner differences. One is related to cognitive differences such as learning styles and intelligence. The other is related to special learning needs. The middle chapters center on big topic, including classroom management, motivation, and complex thinking. Like many other books, the last chapters are dedicated to application by focusing explicitly on pedagogy and assessment. Although chapters are dedicated to pedagogy toward the end of the book, the authors integrate suggestions throughout for applying ideas to the classroom. The organization and flow makes sense. I might consider, however, having the "complex thinking" chapter follow learning and development. The book is organized and written in such a way to support assignment chapters out of the listed order. I think that is more important than having the book chapters conform to how I might organize topic. Instructors will likely have different ideas about topic organization and this book allows for that possibility.

The images, charts, and tables are clear. There was nothing that distracted me as a reader. I did experience any problems with navigation. One very minor interface issue was that the tables were a little drab. Reviewing the tables felt like I was reviewing a quickly constructed table on a Word file. Perhaps shading title boxes or different rows or columns, for example, might make for targeted attention and aesthetic pleasure.

I did not find any grammatical errors in this book.

I do not believe the authors say anything explicitly offensive or insensitive. There are some examples and discussion of cultural groups and variation. Some educational psychology textbooks have a chapter dedicated to cultural differences in learning and development. This book does not have such a chapter, but rather has evidence of cultural relevance sprinkled modestly throughout. The issue of culture has not quite been handled well in general within educational psychology texts. This limitation is characteristic of the field in general and not specific to the text.

I would like to see some hyperlinks in the text. There are many ideas that are related to each other but are in different chapters. If hyperlinks are not possible to refer students to other chapters, perhaps not just refer students to outside sources at the end of the chapter, but also point them to different chapters within the book.

This textbook is a solid educational psychology book. Aside from missing discussion of some contemporary ideas, concepts, and critical perspectives, the authors provide a good overview of the field. I recommend using this book for a course but supplementing some of the material. I suggest certainly bringing in readings on grit, growth mindset, self-regulated learning, and embodied cognition. I also suggest bringing in text about critical educational psychology, which can support the reflections on the ways ideology, history, culture, and politics operate in and through educational psychology.

Reviewed by Cecelia Monto, Dean, Education and Humanities, and Adjunct Instructor in Education, Chemeketa Community College on 4/11/17

This book provides an overall comprehensive look at educational psychology, but I think it could be updated. If I use this text, I would supplement this text with current sources on: • Educational neuroscience • Poverty and the brain (use Eric... read more

This book provides an overall comprehensive look at educational psychology, but I think it could be updated. If I use this text, I would supplement this text with current sources on: • Educational neuroscience • Poverty and the brain (use Eric Jensen and other sources) • The need for greater diversity in the teaching force (use Linda Darling-Hammond and others) • Bilingualism in the U.S. • The concept of grit (use Duckworth), and for U.S. use I would fold in current legislation and historical pieces. • Communication during conflict Each chapter begins with an inviting story on the opening pages, and then moves on to the core topic. The stories seem a little simplistic, but they do provide a welcoming beginning to each chapter. Some of the openers (such as journals kept by author Kelvin Seifert) would not relate well to U.S. students. I would have liked a “social justice perspective” woven into the book. This could be related to students as they imagine their future teaching role, and the contribution they will make to kids, and to greater society. In the U.S., education has a solid link to democracy, and the historical foundation is powerful to students. Arne Duncans’ quote could be used to lead this idea. ““I believe that education is the civil rights issue of our generation. And if you care about promoting opportunity and reducing inequality, the classroom is the place to start. Great teaching is about so much more than education; it is a daily fight for social justice.” There are no photos or eye-catching items in the text. The authors comment that this is for cost reduction purposes, however, since the text is offered digitally it could add a needed dimension to the text.

Chapters 1, 2 and 3 The first chapter would be a good place to lay the ground work for education as a vehicle for social justice. The “trends in teaching” paragraphs should be updated. I actually thought the first chapter was a little short. There was good coverage of the learning process, although I would add information about learning and the brain. and the major learning theories (behaviorism, Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner), as related to educational psychology and the implications to teaching. The Student development chapter was appropriate for a course on educational psychology, but may present too much information for more introductory courses. I would have liked a more straight forward piece written about stages of development, with a clear outline of physical, cognitive, social and character development, and I would have included a clear graph of Piaget’s model for cognitive development with this section. They do cover this, but the writing is less clear for me in this section. Same on Maslow- I would have liked a simpler hierarchy of needs chart. Erik Erkison’s psychosocial development section is good. The outline for Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning, and linkage to ethical thinking and justice was good, with Gilligan’s framework included. For US use, I would add in examples from US schools and even court cases to exemplify points.

Chapters 4, 5 and 6 The student diversity section was not comprehensive. The content on learning styles, and multiple intelligences was fine. There was some information on Talented and Gifted, but it was not linked to learning disabilities. I would have folded in Chapter 5 into Chapter 4, instead of making it a separate chapter on Students with Special Educational Needs. The separate chapter on Students with Special Educational Needs offered pretty good detail for an overview class. The ADHD section was good. I would recommend more content on dyslexia. The segment addressing behavioral issues could be linked to societal and SES issues. I appreciated the inclusion of hearing loss and vision impairment, because I have not seen that in many texts. I would have introduced the concept of differentiated learning in this section, and then revisited it in the later section. The Gender roles section of chapter 4 is incomplete and dated, more information is needed on different sexual orientations. I would have liked to see deeper content related to the bilingual and second language learners. The initial chapter mentions language diversity, but too briefly. There is no mention of the need of greater diversity in the teaching force itself. Authors could use research from Linda Darling-Hammond to write about this topic. In Chapter 4, the Student Diversity section., there is discussion of bilingualism, but seemed too clinical. I would have liked discussion of why language learners need models ….. and more coverage of English language learners in relation to motivation would have been helpful. The part on cultural identity development was good. This could be addressed by adding journal articles on this topic into supplementary coursework. Content related to low SES and the role poverty plays in the psychological profile of students is missing. The Student Motivation chapter would be appealing to students. I think this could be inserted into any time frame of the class. Perhaps this information would have been better if directly linked to the learning theory section, ie Skinner’s behaviorism, or to the Student Motivation Chapter. I would have liked to see more about making learning relevant and placed in the real world context in this chapter. Motivation linked to self-efficacy was good, but the self-determination section seemed a little esoteric and I don’t think would resonate with U.S. students. This might be a good chapter to include a piece about “grit” (by Duckworth) and learning.

Chapter 7 and 8 I would re-title this section, to use words such a Creating a Positive and Productive Learning Environment, and fold in the student motivation section and the classroom communication section. This chapter could be shorter, and written in a way that made inquiry with the reader to make it more relevant. That would leave more room to fold in the other chapters. The segment on focusing on future solutions rather than past mistakes is excellent. I would have liked to see the use of the word pedagogy in this section. I would remove the section on “functions of talk”, and reduce down the section on nonverbal communication. That would leave more room for additional information about communication and conflict and also cross cultural communication, which are areas where students need help. I would also shorten the section on classroom communication, and build in more inquiry for student readers in this section. Chapter 9, 10, 11 and 12 Facilitation Complex Thinking and Planning instruction and Assessment could be combined. I would like to see the concepts of diagnostic, formative and summative assessment included, and then linked to current examples. This would align with the concepts of student-centered and teacher-centered learning, with discussion on the methodology such as inquiry based learning, cooperative/collaborative learning. Setting learning goals and “backward design” could be added to the curriculum section. The section outlining Bloom’s Taxonomy with examples and revisions is excellent. I am glad you included Marzano. I would revisit the concept of differentiated instruction with the information presented on response to intervention. I would move the multicultural education and anti-bias education section out of this chapter, and in to the earlier section on student diversity. Information on alternative approaches to learning, like online learning and service learning is good. The assessment section was thoughtfully written, and would challenge students to consider how they are making assessment decisions. Getting students to consider the validity and reliability of assessment is critical, and revisiting the concept of bias as related to assessment is important. I would reduce the content related to teacher made assessments, and perhaps have the students evaluate existing assessments

Overall, information was accurate. Some sections that are dated presented slightly inaccurate information. For example, the authors give data about the Hispanic population in the U.S. from 2005, which was 14%. This should be adjusted to 18%, and notice of the growth of this segment should be noted to represent the true picture. The U.S. National Center for Educational Statistics notes about 25% of students in public school are Hispanic (and even that information is 3 years old). The licensing chapter is also dated and therefore inaccurate. The sections on “deciding for yourself”, which explained the research procedures used and gave more content information, were a great vehicle to encourage students to consider the complexities of research, and demonstrate their ability to evaluate and critically consider complicated topics, thus improving the accuracy of their own thinking.

The authors bring a unique perspective to educational psychology because they are from outside the U.S. I appreciate their candor in acknowledging that most major textbooks in this area cover similar content, but are quite expensive when printed and published via conventional manner. However, there are some content issues that jeopardize the relevance and longevity of the book. I would like to see the concept of educational neuroscience addressed in the early sections on cognitive development. The Student Development Chapter 3 would need to be re-worked for greater relevance for U.S. use. I would have liked to see development issues tied to social factors. The authors did some of this when they discussed health issues, but for the most part social links are missing. To improve relevance, I would like to see information on how poverty affects the brain and learning. I would also like to see a section devoted to the importance of having a diverse teaching workforce. The section on technology use in schools is quite dated and unrealistic. Discussion of single-computer classrooms is outdated. Although they must exist, I have never observed such a classroom in at least 10 years. There needs to be more emphasis on using technology in a myriad of ways, from harnessing the power of smart phones, tablets, and internet resource gathering was not fully covered. Chapter 10 references online learning, but it could have been made more relevant by explaining this book as an example. The final section on licensing requirements was outdated. Our state no longer uses PRAXIS. Perhaps because licensing is done on a state-by-state basis, this section should encourage instructors to use their own state resources in this area. Other topics that would improve relevance would be the topic “grit”, and the development of communication skills that address conflict. The citations seem dated, not much past 2006. The publication date is 2011. Relevant current publications and issues should be brought in.

Due to the consistent writing style and predictable format, the book was clear and easy to follow. Additional charts or graphs could reinforce points made in the book, and thus might improve clarity for visual learners. Chapter summaries clearly reinforce main points for students to grasp. Lists of key points and terminology also added clarity, such as the listing at the end of Chapter 3.

Overall consistency was good. Writing style was straightforward and standardized throughout the text, which made reading easier. The links to additional articles were consistently presented, and therefore would be easy to reference.

The text is designed in a modular framework, and authors note that chapters can be taught in any order. Some of the repetition crosses over modules, which helps with clarity.

The text flowed in a logical manner, and as a reader I would recommend teaching from it from the structure already presented. In terms of organization, I would move the Action Research table to a different section, not right up front. The first three chapters fit together nicely as a unit. In this early section, I would also like to see more on changes in the brain that occur from learning new information. Chapters 4 and 5 meshed well. As I already noted, I suggest linking the learning section with the motivation section .I would organize the material in Chapter 6 to fold into the later Chapters 7 or 8. The final chapters regarding instructional planning, assessment and facilitation of complex thinking could be reorganized. Each chapter finished with a summary, which could help students organize their thinking. I would change the layout of the summary into bullet points, to make it more readable. Key vocabulary was also highlighted, so that students could focus on the language specifics of the education field.

The online resources, with examples of assignments, are beneficial. Simple assignments, such as creating a chart summarizing human development, would be easy for students to follow and reinforce their reading. There was a large array of resources and articles, which would allow instructors to supplement and make the chapters more relevant. I would like to see more reflection pieces, like journals on certain topics. The autobiography assignments were too vague. The assignment on “true confessions” from students regarding moral development would be too risky in a community college setting. I would also like to see some video pieces attached as additional resources. In the communication section towards the end of the book, it would have been great to observe examples of communication styles in the classroom, or include interviews with teachers. Video clips demonstrating children in varying stages of development would also be useful. I know it’s always easier to ask for more resources than to provide them. But these additional elements would provide variety to the course.

The grammar was correct and accurate.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

Greater relevance could be achieved by updating resources used and broadening topics to include current issues in the United States. Some opening stories did not mesh well with current student experience. For example, the Chapter 4 opening story would not be relate-able to the students in my class. As noted earlier, more emphasis on the importance of a bicultural and bilingual teaching workforce was not mentioned, and this perspective is critical. Lead in stories could provide a venue for greater cultural perspectives on teaching and student experience, and is needed. The text also lacks mention of social justice issues as they relate to teaching, which is an important point in proving cultural relevancy. Reflective assignments and inquiry based writing could be added to challenge students to broaden their thinking and relate content to their own circumstances.

Many sections of the text are solid, and I would like to use content for an online book that I will create for our Foundations of Education course. I read this text through the lens of that course need, and I was looking for some elements that are understandably not covered in this text. The current text I am using incorporates a lot of student reflection, and I think including that aspect into this text would make it more engaging. I also noted that the lack of content related to social justice and the teaching field is a concern.

Reviewed by Maite Correa, Associate Professor, Colorado State University on 12/5/16

This textbook is very comprehensive. Any prospective or current teacher could use it as an introduction or a refresher (respectively). The topics covered are ample and the references and additional readings provided at the end of each chapter help... read more

This textbook is very comprehensive. Any prospective or current teacher could use it as an introduction or a refresher (respectively). The topics covered are ample and the references and additional readings provided at the end of each chapter help the reader expand on the topic if needed. The text provides an effective index at the beginning and a glossary for each unit.

Content is accurate. Drawing from different pedagogical approaches, the authors manage to create a balance that helps the reader make their own choices.

Content is relatively up-to-date. Although chapter 12 might become obsolete depending on state requirements for standardized tests, overall, the text can stand the test of time (taking into account that pedagogy is an area that changes rapidly).

The text is accessible for any reader. All jargon or terminology is explained. It is suitable for teacher candidates, for teachers who want a refresher and for anyone interested in pedagogy.

The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. Chapters flow into each other very well, although they could be used separately (see modularity below).

The text could be used as a whole textbook divided by units (the order seems appropriate for an "Intro to Pedagogy" course), but it could also be divided into smaller reading sections that can be assigned at different points within the course. It could also be used as a companion to any other handbook that is discipline-specific (Math, Language Arts, World Languages, etc.). Case studies at the end make it very easy to assign them at any point.

The topics in the text follow a logical fashion. From the introduction (learning process and student development) until the end (assessment and standardized tests), the text increases in specificity/complexity. The case studies in the appendices are very conveniently located at the end for easy access in case the chapters are assigned in isolation.

Although the indentation in the tables could be improved and some images could be formatted to be more visually appealing, the interface in general is appropriate.

The text contains no grammatical errors.

The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. On the contrary, it follows pedagogies that are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

This is a great textbook that can be used in any education course at both undergraduate and graduate levels. It can be complemented with research articles in each discipline if needed, but it can be perfectly used on its own.

Reviewed by Kelly Lynch, Teacher - Elementary Education, University of Oklahoma on 1/12/15

Text covers all aspects of what a teacher would encounter throughout the year in a classroom. Very comprehensive. read more

Text covers all aspects of what a teacher would encounter throughout the year in a classroom. Very comprehensive.

To my knowledge and experience, this text is very accurate on all fronts. It is up-to-date when it addresses standardized testing, management challenges, and student diversity.

The content in this text will need to be updated at times to keep in step with changes in standardized testing. Other than that particular section, I don't believe there will be signifigant updating needed regularly.

Text is easy to read, comprehend, and offers varied examples to address multiple ages of children and adults.

Consistency is not an issue. Text is in step with current terminology.

Text is clearly divided into smaller sections. Very easy to assign.

Text is well organized and easy to follow. Topics are clear and easily defined.

Text is very clear and easy to read. Information is easy to interpret.

No signifigant grammatical errors.

Text is culturally diverse.

Reviewed by Selma Koç, Associate Professor, Cleveland State University on 1/12/15

"Educational Psychology” by Seifert and Sutton covers a wide variety of topics providing examples from everyday classroom situations. The authors need to be commended for a book that can lay a strong foundation in the area for prospective... read more

"Educational Psychology” by Seifert and Sutton covers a wide variety of topics providing examples from everyday classroom situations. The authors need to be commended for a book that can lay a strong foundation in the area for prospective teachers. The structure of the book, the contents, the easy-to-read approach, how the authors make connections relevant to theory and practice and among the topics will be of value to the educational psychology courses. The language of the book makes it clear for the prospective teachers develop an understanding of how major theories of learning and models can be relevant and useful in teaching and learning. The inclusion of the chapters on the nature of classroom communication, facilitating complex thinking, teacher-made assessment strategies and examples provided as well as the appendices with respect to preparing students for licensure, research and the reflective practitioner complement the book compared to the other outlets in the area. For example, in the appendix titled "deciding for yourself about the research," the readers are provided with examples of several research problems, how they were conducted and their implications that reflect many of the themes of the book chapters.

The content seems to be accurate, error-free and unbiased.

The book starts with a chapter about the changing teaching profession: new trends in education such as diversity in students, use of technology to support learning, accountability in education, increased professionalism of teachers. Updates can easily be made if necessary if new trends or influences in education were to occur.

The book is written in a clear and easy-to-understand style that is adequate for those who are novice to educational psychology. The language of the text makes it appealing for exploring the book content further. Although the book is written by two authors, it's hard to detect the difference between the authors' writing.

The book is consistent in terms of terminology and framework.

The table of contents is well organized and easily divisible into reading sections that can be assigned at different points within the course. The authors do a great job providing headings and subheadings to avoid reader fatigue or overload that contibute to the the reading of the content more appealing.

The topics are presented in a manner that is suitable for an educational psychology course that flows with the course content and activities.

The text does not have any interface or navigation issues when read on-screen or in print.

I have not noticed any grammar mistakes or issues with the writing mechanics that will disrupt the meaning of the text.

The book makes use of diversity and cultural relevance as it provides numerous examples from everyday classroom situations as well as the research it discusses.

This is a book that can rivet the attention of teacher candidates because of its easy-to-understand style. I commend the authors for a book that clearly communicates the purpose of studying educational psychology and how it relates to teaching and learning.

Table of Contents

  • 1. The changing teaching profession and you
  • 2. The learning process
  • 3. Student development
  • 4. Student diversity
  • 5. Students with special educational needs
  • 6. Student motivation
  • 7. Classroom management and the learning environment
  • 8. The nature of classroom communication
  • 9. Facilitating complex thinking
  • 10. Planning instruction
  • 11. Teacher-made assessment strategies
  • 12. Standardized and other formal assessments

Ancillary Material

  • University of Manitoba

About the Book

Chapters in the text can be assigned either from beginning to end, as with a conventional printed book, or they can be selected in some other sequence to meet the needs of particular students or classes. In general the first half of the book focuses on broader questions and principles taken from psychology per se, and the second half focuses on somewhat more practical issues of teaching. But the division between “theory” and “practice” is only approximate; all parts of the book draw on research, theory, and practical wisdom wherever appropriate. Chapter 2 is about learning theory, and Chapter 3 is about development; but as we point out, these topics overlap with each other as well as with the concerns of daily teaching. Chapter 4 is about several forms of student diversity (what might be called individual differences in another context), and Chapter 5 is about one form of diversity that has become prominent in schools recently—students with disabilities. Chapter 6 is about motivation, a topic that is heavily studied by psychological researchers, but that also poses perennial challenges to classroom teachers.

Following these somewhat more basic psychological chapters, we turn to several lasting challenges of classroom life—challenges that seem to be an intrinsic part of the job. Chapter 7 offers ideas about classroom management; Chapter 8, ideas about communicating with students; Chapter 9, about ways to assist students' complex forms of thinking; and Chapter 10, about planning instruction systematically. The book closes with two chapters about assessment of learning: Chapter 11 focuses on teachers' own efforts to assess students, and Chapter 12 focuses on standardized measures of assessment.

We have organized material and features in ways that we hope will allow for a variety of students, instructors, and institutions to use the book. For instructors and courses that seek a strong focus on research and the research process, for example, we have included an extra “chapter” on research methods—Appendix C, “The Reflective Practitioner”—that discusses the nature of research and the research process. We have also included a set of research-related case studies in Appendix B, “Deciding for yourself about the research”, that describe a number of particular educational research programs or topics in detail and that invite students to reflect on the quality and implications of the research.

Whether or not a strong focus on research is a priority in your particular course, there are additional features of the book that are intended to help students in learning about educational psychology. In particular, each chapter ends with a “Chapter summary”, a list of “Key terms”, and links to Internet sites (called “Further resources”) relevant to the themes of the chapter. One of the sites that is cited frequently and that may be particularly helpful to instructors is the teachingedpsych wiki (, an archive of hundreds of teaching and learning materials that supports the teaching of introductory educational psychology. Teachingedpsych is a project of the Special Interest Group on the Teaching of Educational Psychology (TEP SIG), affiliated with the American Educational Research Association.

All in all, we hope that you find Educational Psychology a useful and accessible part of your education. If you are preparing to be a teacher, good luck with your studies and your future! If you are an instructor, good luck with helping your students learn about this subject!

About the Contributors

Kelvin Seifert is professor of educational psychology at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. He earned a BA from Swarthmore College in 1967 and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1973, in a combined program from the School of Education and the Department of Psychology. His research interests include the personal identity development of teachers, the impact of peers in 0pre-service teacher education, and the development of effective strategies of blended learning. He is the author of four university textbooks (with Houghton Mifflin, in traditional print format) about educational psychology, child and adolescent development, and lifespan human development. He is also the editor of the online Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. Recent publications include “Student cohorts: Support groups or intellectual communities?” (Teachers College Record) and “Learning about peers: A missed opportunity for educational psychology” (The Clearinghouse). His professional service includes serving as chair of the Department of Educational Administration, Foundations, and Psychology at the University of Manitoba, and serving as president of the American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group on Teaching Educational Psychology. During his career of 35 years, he has taught introductory educational psychology over 75 times.

Rosemary Sutton attended graduate school and earned her MS in Educational Psychology from the University of Illinois and her Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University in Human Development. She joined the Cleveland State University faculty in Cleveland, Ohio in 1983 and since that time has taught pre-service and in service undergraduates and graduate students educational psychology and educational technology. She has received several University awards for her teaching and has conducted numerous workshops for teachers in North East Ohio.

Dr Sutton has published a variety research articles on teacher development as well as equity issues in mathematics, technology, and assessment. Her recent research interests have focused in two areas: teaching educational psychology and teachers' emotions. Recent publications can be found in Social Psychology of Education, Educational Psychology Review, Journal of Teacher Education, and an edited volume, Emotions and Education.

Since 2004, Dr Sutton has been working as an Administrator, first as the Director of Assessment for the University. This position involved coordinating the student learning assessment for all graduate, undergraduate, and student support programs. In August 2007, Dr Sutton was appointed Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies and is now responsible for overseeing offices and functions from academic and student service areas in order to create a campus culture that coordinates student services with the academic mission of the University.

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American Psychological Association Logo

APA Educational Psychology Handbook

Editors-in-Chief: Karen R. Harris, EdD ; Steve Graham, EdD ; Tim Urdan, PhD

Available formats

  • Table of contents
  • Contributor bios
  • Book details
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The APA Educational Psychology Handbook reflects the broad nature of the field today, with state-of-the-science reviews of the diverse critical theories driving research and practice; in-depth investigation of the range of individual differences and cultural/contextual factors that affect student achievement, motivation, and beliefs; and close examination of the research driving current assessment, decision making, teaching skills and content, teacher preparation, and the promotion of learning across the life span and with special populations.

  • Volume 1 addresses the definition of educational psychology, some of the most critical theories driving research and practice today, broad areas of research that educational psychology has addressed based on multiple theories and that make an important contribution to the field, and emerging and cutting-edge issues.
  • Volume 2 includes 21 chapters that examine a range of individual differences, cultural factors, and contextual factors affecting student achievement, motivation, and beliefs.
  • Volume 3 focuses on specific applications of research in educational psychology for assessment and decision making, teaching skills and content, promoting learning, and teacher preparation as well as across the life span and with special populations.

Volume 1: Theories, Constructs, and Critical Issues

Editorial Board

About the Editors-in-Chief


Series Preface


I. Conceptualization, Research Design, and Foundational Theories

  • Projecting Educational Psychology's Future From Its Past and Present: A Trend Analysis Patricia A. Alexander, P. Karen Murphy, and Jeffrey A. Greene
  • Current and Emerging Design and Data Analysis Approaches Jonna M. Kulikowich and Nell Sedransk
  • Constructivism Angela M. O'Donnell
  • Information Processing Richard E. Mayer
  • Social Cognitive Theory Dale H. Schunk
  • Sociocultural Approaches to Educational Psychology: Theory, Research, and Application Artin Göncü and Mary Gauvain

II. Theory and Research on Critical Topics: What We Know and Why It Matters

  • Metacognition in Education Carey Dimmitt and Christine B. McCormick
  • Knowledge and Knowing: The Journey From Philosophy and Psychology to Human Learning P. Karen Murphy, Patricia A. Alexander, and Krista R. Muis
  • Personal Epistemology: Theory, Research, and Future Directions Barbara K. Hofer and Lisa D. Bendixen
  • Enhancing Students' Performance in Traditional Education: Implications From the Expert Performance Approach and Deliberate Practice Kiruthiga Nandagopal and K. Anders Ericsson
  • Human Cognitive Architecture: Why Some Instructional Procedures Work and Others Do Not John Sweller
  • Working Memory, Learning, and Academic Achievement H. Lee Swanson and Tracy Packiam Alloway
  • Motivation: Past, Present, and Future Sandra Graham and Bernard Weiner
  • Self-Regulation of Learning: Process Approaches to Personal Development Barry J. Zimmerman and Andju Sara Labuhn
  • Self-Concept: A Synergy of Theory, Method, and Application Herbert W. Marsh, Man Xu, and Andrew J. Martin

III. Emerging Issues and Cutting-Edge Topics

  • Resistance and Resiliency in a Color-Conscious Society: Implications for Learning and Teaching Margaret Beale Spencer, Davido Dupree, Brian Tinsley, Ebony O. McGee, Jennifer Hall, Suzanne G. Fegley, and Tyhesha Goss Elmore
  • Evidence-Based Practices in Education Bryan G. Cook, Garnett J. Smith, and Melody Tankersley
  • Genetics and Education: Toward a Genetically Sensitive Classroom Claire M. A. Haworth and Robert Plomin
  • How Neuroscience Contributes to Our Understanding of Learning and Development in Typically Developing and Special-Needs Students James P. Byrnes
  • Evolutionary Educational Psychology David C. Geary

Volume 2: Individual Differences and Cultural and Contextual Factors

I. individual differences.

  • Academic Emotions Reinhard Pekrun and Elizabeth J. Stephens
  • From General Intelligence to Multiple Intelligences: Meanings, Models, and Measures Richard D. Roberts and Anastasiya A. Lipnevich
  • Learning Styles and Approaches to Learning Adrian Furnham
  • Gifted and Talented Education: History, Issues, and Recommendations Donna Y. Ford
  • Personality Moshe Zeidner and Gerald Matthews
  • Gender, Motivation, and Educational Attainment Judith L. Meece and Karyl J. S. Askew

II. Instructional Influences on Motivation, Engagement, Conceptual Change, and Moral Development

  • Motivation Theory in Educational Practice: Knowledge Claims, Challenges, and Future Directions Avi Kaplan, Idit Katz, and Hanoch Flum
  • Engagement and Positive Youth Development: Creating Optimal Learning Environments David J. Shernoff
  • Conceptual Change Induced by Instruction: A Complex Interplay of Multiple Factors Stella Vosniadou and Lucia Mason
  • Moral and Character Education Marvin W. Berkowitz

III. Cultural and Neighborhood Effects

  • Ethnic and Racial Identity in Childhood and Adolescence Cynthia Hudley and Miles Irving
  • Factors Affecting the Motivation and Achievement of Immigrant Students Tim Urdan
  • Explaining the Black–White Achievement Gap: An Intergenerational Stratification and Developmental Perspective W. Jean Yeung
  • Neighborhoods, Schools, and Achievement Jondou J. Chen and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

IV. Relationships

  • Child and Adolescent Peer Relations in Educational Context Philip C. Rodkin and Allison M. Ryan
  • Understanding and Preventing Bullying and Sexual Harassment in School Dorothy L. Espelage and Melissa K. Holt
  • Parents' Involvement in Children's Learning Eva M. Pomerantz, Elizabeth Moorman Kim, and Cecilia Sin-Sze Cheung

V. Teachers and Classroom Contexts

  • Effective Classrooms Helen Patrick, Panayota Mantzicopoulos, and David Sears
  • Spring Cleaning for the "Messy" Construct of Teachers' Beliefs: What Are They? Which Have Been Examined? What Can They Tell Us? Helenrose Fives and Michelle M. Buehl
  • Effective Teachers and Teaching: Characteristics and Practices Related to Positive Student Outcomes Alysia D. Roehrig, Jeannine E. Turner, Meagan C. Arrastia, Eric Christesen, Sarah McElhaney, and Laura M. Jakiel
  • Three Generations of Research on Class-Size Effects Peter Blatchford

Volume 3: Application to Learning and Teaching

I. application across the life span.

  • Early Childhood Education Penny Hauser-Cram and Darcy B. Mitchell
  • Global Perspectives on Education During Middle Childhood Scott G. Paris, Alexander Seeshing Yeung, Hwei Ming Wong, and Serena Wenshu Luo
  • Adolescence Eric M. Anderman
  • Learning and Assessment of Adult Reading Literacy John P. Sabatini

II. Assessment and Decision Making in Education

  • Using Assessment Data to Make Decisions About Teaching and Learning John L. Hosp
  • Large-Scale Assessment for Educational Accountability Stephen N. Elliott, Alexander Kurz, and Laura Neergaard
  • Testing Accommodations for Students With Disabilities James M. Royer and Jennifer Randall

III. Teaching Core Skills and Content

  • Current and Historical Perspectives on Reading Research and Instruction Michael L. Kamil
  • Writing Gert Rijlaarsdam, Huub Van den Bergh, Michel Couzijn, Tanja Janssen, Martine Braaksma, Marion Tillema, Elke Van Steendam, and Mariet Raedts
  • Critical Transitions: Arithmetic to Algebra Martha Carr
  • Thinking and Reasoning in Science: Promoting Epistemic Conceptual Change Gale M. Sinatra and Clark A. Chinn
  • Learning Social Studies: An Evidence-Based Approach David Hicks, Stephanie van Hover, Peter E. Doolittle, and Phillip VanFossen

IV. Instructional Methods

  • The Power of Setting: The Role of Field Experience in Learning to Teach Pam Grossman, Matthew Ronfeldt, and Julia J. Cohen
  • Designing Instruction for the Contemporary Learning Landscape Fred Paas, Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer, and Tamara A. J. M. van Gog
  • Classroom Applications of Cooperative Learning Robert E. Slavin
  • Strategies Instruction Charles A. MacArthur
  • Problem-Based Learning Sofie M. M. Loyens, Paul A. Kirschner, and Fred Paas
  • Application of Technology to Learning Roxanna Moreno
  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems Arthur C. Graesser, Mark W. Conley, and Andrew Olney
  • Homework Harris Cooper, Saiying Steenbergen-Hu, and Amy L. Dent

V. Teaching Special Populations

  • The Education of English Language Learners Fred Genesee and Kathryn Lindholm-Leary
  • Methods for Preventing Early Academic Difficulties Adriana G. Bus, Paul P. M. Leseman, and Susan B. Neuman
  • A Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tier Model to Meet Students' Academic, Behavioral, and Social Needs Kathleen Lynne Lane, Holly Mariah Menzies, Jemma Robertson Kalberg, and Wendy P. Oakes

Karen R. Harris, EdD, is Currey Ingram Professor of Special Education and Literacy at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Her research focuses on theoretical and intervention issues in the development of academic and self-regulation strategies among students who are normally achieving; who are at risk; and who face severe learning challenges, especially in the area of writing. She is a Fellow of APA and the former editor of the Journal of Educational Psychology (2003–2008).

She was coeditor of the Handbook of Learning Disabilities (2003, with H. Lee Swanson and Steve Graham) and coauthor of several books, including Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students (2008, with Steve Graham, Linda H. Mason, and Barbara Friedlander) and Writing Better: Effective Strategies for Teaching Students With Learning Difficulties (2005, with Steve Graham).

Dr. Harris, with Steve Graham, was the 2005 recipient of the Council for Exceptional Children's Career Research Award, the 2003 recipient of the Samuel A. Kirk Award from the Division of Learning Disabilities, and the 2001 recipient of the Distinguished Research Award from the Special Education Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association.

Steve Graham, EdD, is Currey Ingram Professor of Special Education and Literacy in the Department of Special Education at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. His research focuses on identifying the factors involved in writing difficulties and disabilities and on examining the effectiveness of specific prevention and intervention procedures for enhancing writing development.

He is the former editor of both Exceptional Children (2003–2010) and Contemporary Educational Psychology (2001–2003). He was coeditor of the Handbook of Writing Research (2005, with Charles A. MacArthur and Jill Fitzgerald) and the Handbook of Learning Disabilities (2003, with H. Lee Swanson and Karen R. Harris) and coauthor of Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students (2008, with Karen R. Harris, Linda H. Mason, and Barbara Friedlander) and Writing Better: Effective Strategies for Teaching Students With Learning Difficulties (2005, with Karen R. Harris).

Dr. Graham, with Karen R. Harris, was the 2005 recipient of the Council for Exceptional Children's Career Research Award, the 2003 recipient of the Samuel A. Kirk Award from the Division of Learning Disabilities, and the 2001 recipient of the Distinguished Research Award from the Special Education Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association.

Tim Urdan, PhD, is professor of psychology and liberal studies at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California. He received his doctorate in psychology and education from the University of Michigan and taught at Emory University before moving to Santa Clara in 1996. His research focuses primarily on student motivation and how it is influenced by cultural and classroom factors.

Dr. Urdan is the coeditor of two book series, Adolescence and Education (with Frank Pajares) and Advances in Motivation and Achievement (with Stuart Karabenick).

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Handbook of Educational Psychology

Handbook of Educational Psychology

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The fourth edition of the Handbook of Educational Psychology , sponsored by Division 15 of the American Psychological Association, addresses new developments in educational psychology theory and research methods while honoring the legacy of the field’s past. Comprising 31 chapters written by a diverse group of recognized Educational Psychologist and/or Learning and Motivational Scientist (EDP/LMS) scholars, this volume provides integrative reviews and critical syntheses of inquiry across a variety of foundational and new areas. Key constructs like motivation, development, beliefs, literacy, and emotions are given substantive updates, while entire new chapters touch on trends that have materialized since the publication of the third edition, such as inquiry world views, Critical Race Theory, cognitive neuroscience, and emerging technologies in education. Throughout this new edition, chapter authors coalesce on issues of social justice, situated approaches to inquiry, and progressive inquiry methods. The Handbook of Educational Psychology , Fourth Edition , will be an important reference volume for current and future EDP/LMS scholars, broadly conceived, as well as for teacher educators, practicing teachers, policy makers, and the academic libraries serving these audiences. It is also appropriate for graduate-level courses in educational psychology, learning and motivational sciences, and research methods in education and psychology.


Part section i | 12  pages, the handbook of educational psychology, fourth edition, chapter 21 | 10  pages, an introduction to the handbook of educational psychology, fourth edition, part section ii | 176  pages, philosophical, theoretical, and methodological approaches to inquiry, chapter 142 | 33  pages, hast thee any philosophy, chapter 3 | 23  pages, inquiry worldviews, approaches to research, and mixed methods in educational psychology, chapter 4 | 21  pages, examining race in educational psychology, chapter 5 | 27  pages, cross-cultural research on learning and teaching, chapter 6 | 20  pages, taking a situative approach to research in educational psychology, chapter 7 | 23  pages, contributions of complex systems approaches, perspectives, models, and methods in educational psychology, chapter 8 | 27  pages, educational psychology and educational policy, part section iii | 216  pages, inquires in foundational areas, chapter 1909 | 28  pages, chapter 10 | 26  pages, emotions and emotion regulation, chapter 11 | 24  pages, the role of passion in education, chapter 12 | 22  pages, identity and learning, chapter 13 | 23  pages, belief change, chapter 14 | 21  pages, self-regulation, chapter 15 | 24  pages, exceptionalities, chapter 16 | 24  pages, the roles of peers in students' cognitive and academic development, chapter 17 | 22  pages, cognitive neuroscience and education, part section iv | 172  pages, inquiries in teaching and learning, chapter 40618 | 26  pages, the relevance of educational psychology research in teacher education, chapter 19 | 25  pages, asset-based pedagogy, chapter 20 | 22  pages, educating with collective intersectional care, chapter 21 | 29  pages, mathematics teaching and learning, chapter 22 | 22  pages, social studies education, chapter 23 | 22  pages, science learning and teaching, chapter 24 | 24  pages, part section v | 142  pages, inquiries in emerging technologies, chapter 57825 | 24  pages, new literacies, chapter 26 | 27  pages, intelligent tutoring systems, chapter 27 | 24  pages, technology-rich learning environments, chapter 28 | 20  pages, cyberbullying, chapter 29 | 22  pages, gaming in educational contexts, chapter 30 | 23  pages, virtual reality and educational psychology, part section vi | 11  pages, conclusions, chapter 72031 | 9  pages, the prejudiced past and progressive future of educational psychology.

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B.Ed Books & Notes PDF Download for All Semesters

B.Ed Books & Notes PDF Download for All 2 Years – Bachelor of Education Reference Books for All 4 Sems

B.Ed Books & Study Materials in PDF for All Semesters: B.Ed Full form is Bachelor of Education, which is an undergraduate academic course. This type of teaching course was controlled by the legislative body i.e., National Council for Teacher Education. The B.Ed course is the UG degree necessary for teaching in higher primary schools and high schools. So, Download B.Ed 1st, 2nd year Books & Notes PDF for free from the provided links below.

Also Refer: B.Sc Books

B.Ed Books PDF – B.Ed Course Structure and Syllabus for All Years

Bachelor of Education Course (B.Ed) can also be studied via Correspondence or Distance Learning which is usually of 2 Years duration. Here, you can find all years B.Ed Course Syllabus and Structure for kick off your exam preparation and score highest marks in the exams.

Subjects or Topics Studied in B.Ed. 

  • Education, Culture, and Human Values
  • Philosophy of Education
  • Educational Evaluation and Assessment
  • Holistic Education
  • Educational Psychology
  • Guidance and Counselling

List of B.Ed Courses

  • B.Ed. (Maths)
  • B.Ed. (Natural Science)
  • B.Ed. (Home Science)
  • B.Ed. (Physical Science)
  • B.Ed. (Social Science)
  • B.Ed. (Biological Sciences)
  • B.Ed. (Computer Science)
  • B.Ed. (Business Studies)
  • B.Ed. (Information Technology)
  • B.Ed. (Accounts)
  • B.Ed. (Commerce)
  • B.Ed. (Economics)
  • B.Ed. (Geography)
  • B.Ed. (English)
  • B.Ed. (Sanskrit)
  • B.Ed. (Arabic)
  • B.Ed. (Malayalam)
  • B.Ed. (Tamil)
  • B.Ed. (Vocational)
  • B.Ed. (Special Education)
  • B.Ed. (Special Education – Locomotor and Neurological Disorder)
  • B.Ed. (Special Education) (Learning Disability)
  • B.Ed. (Special Education) (Mental Retardation)
  • B.Ed. (Education of Handicapped)
  • B.Ed. (Special Education) (Visually Impaired)
  • B.Ed. (Child Development)

Download B.Ed Books & Notes in PDF for All Semesters – 1st Year & 2nd Year

Students can Download Books, Notes & Study Materials of B.Ed Course in PDF formats from the following download links attached here in this below table.

Teaching of Commerce
Childhood and Growing Up
Health and Physical Education
Guidance and Counselling
Environmental Education
Peace Education
Critical Understanding of ICT
Teaching of Social Science
Gender, School, Society, and Inclusive School
Contemporary Inia and Education
Knowledge and Curriculum
Assessment for Learning

B.ed Textbooks

  • Basics in Education
  • Pedagogy of Science: Physical Science Part I
  • Pedagogy of Science: Physical Science Part II
  • Pedagogy of Mathematics
  • Class VI Science Teacher’s Handbook
  • Additional content in Chemistry based on Revised syllabus
  • Additional content in Mahts based on Revised syllabus
  • Additional content in Bio based on Revised syllabus
  • Online Chemistry book part 1
  • Project books on Environmental Education
  • Four Decades of National Science Exhibition for children
  • Vigyan Shikshakshastra Bhautik Vigyan Part 1
  • Vigyan Shikshakshastra Bhautik Vigyan Part 2

B.Ed Reference Books & Authors for 1st & 2nd Year

Below is the list of some Reference Books for the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) course for the students who are pursuing B.Ed 1st year and 2nd year UG degree to start their preparation. Also, we have given its author details along with B.Ed Reference Books for all course subjects here. So, refer to them and read all B.Ed Syllabus before exams.

  • Russel, J., (2004), Teaching of Mathematics, Campus Book International, New Delhi.
  • Rusk: The Philosophical Bases of education.
  • Agarwal, J.C.: Essentials of Educational Technology.
  • Oad.L.K.: Shiksha K; Darshanik Evam Samaj Shastriya Pristhabhoomi.
  • Misra, K.S.: Shiksha Manovigyan Ke Naye Kshitij
  • Pandey R.S.: Shiksha Darshan.
  • Hurlock E.P.: Child Development.
  • Ruhela S.P.: Shikhsa ka Samajshastra.
  • Singh. A.K.: Shiksha Manovigyan.
  • Psychology: Anmol Publishers.
  • Pandey R.S. Shiksha Manovigyan.
  • Dandapani S.: A Textbook of Advanced Educational
  • Gary, K. & Kingsley, H. L.: Nature & Conditions of Learning
  • Agarniai, J.C.: Principles & Methods of Teaching.
  • Kochhar, S.K.: Methods & Techniques of teaching.
  • Sidhu, K.S. (1982), Teaching of Mathematics, Sterling Publisher Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

Top Colleges List offering Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)

  • Bangalore University, Bangalore
  • Annamalai University, Cuddalore
  • Panjab University – PU, Chandigarh
  • Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi
  • Indira Gandhi National Open University – IGNOU, Delhi

Check the Following Links for more information,

  • B.Tech Books

We’ve shared B.Ed books and notes pdf download links for all semesters above along with Bachelor of Education Reference Books for core subjects. Hoping that these B.Ed Notes & Reference Books will helpful for you at the time of your exam preparation.

Any university and affiliated college students can download provided Notes and study materials for the B.Ed course from here for free of cost. Also, share this article with other B.Ed candidates who are looking for Bachelor of Education Books in PDF for all semesters and assist them to prepare for the examinations.

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B.Ed Books & Notes 2024 – All Semesters in PDF – 1st, 2nd Year

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Download  B.Ed Books & Notes 2024 For All Semesters in PDF – 1st, 2nd Year .  B.Ed.  the full form is Bachelor of Education stands for an undergraduate academic course. National Council for Teacher Education is a statutory body that regulates courses in teaching in India. Download B.Ed 1st year, 2nd-year Final year notes from below provided links. In this article, we will discuss some important B.Ed books and notes that are available in PDF format, in English and Hindi languages, and for 1st and 2nd-year students.

B.Ed Books & Notes 2024 in PDF Format

B.Ed PDF format books are convenient for students as they can easily access them on their devices and study them anywhere, anytime. Some popular B.Ed books that are available in PDF format include:

  • Perspectives in Education by Aggarwal J.C.
  • Educational Psychology by Mangal S.K.
  • Teaching of Social Studies by Aggarwal J.C.
  • Essentials of Educational Technology by Sharma R.C.
  • Principles and Techniques of Guidance by Singh Y.K.

Also, Check the following Links:

  • B.Ed. Course Details
  • B.Des Course Details
  • B.Sc Course Details
B.Ed.  Full Form is Bachelor of Education

B.Ed Books & Notes in PDF Download

Candidate can Download Books and Notes of B.Ed Course through the Individual Program by the links Download in Pdf Format

Assessment for Learning
Childhood and Growing Up
Contemporary India and Education
Guidance and counseling
Teaching of Social Science
Teaching of Commerce
Critical Understanding of ICT
Environmental Education
Gender, School, Society, and Inclusive School
Health and Physical Education
Knowledge and Curriculum
Peace Education

B.Ed Course Structure and Syllabus for 2-Years

B.Ed or Bachelor of Education is a 2-year undergraduate program that prepares students to become teachers. The program focuses on developing the skills and knowledge required to excel in teaching and education-related fields. B.Ed students are required to study various subjects and topics, and they need to refer to a wide range of books and notes to learn and prepare for exams.

Subjects or Topics studied in B.Ed.

  • Education, Culture, and Human Values
  • Educational Evaluation and Assessment
  • Educational Psychology
  • Guidance and Counselling
  • Holistic Education
  • Philosophy of Education

List of B.Ed  Courses

B.Ed. (Accounts) B.Ed. (Arabic) B.Ed. (Biological Sciences) B.Ed. (Business Studies) B.Ed. (Child Development) B.Ed. (Commerce) B.Ed. (Computer Science) B.Ed. (Economics) B.Ed. (Education of Handicapped) B.Ed. (English) B.Ed. (Geography) B.Ed. (Home Science) B.Ed. (Information Technology) B.Ed. (Malayalam) B.Ed. (Maths) B.Ed. (Natural Science) B.Ed. (Physical Science) B.Ed. (Sanskrit) B.Ed. (Social Science) B.Ed. (Special Education – Locomotor and Neurological Disorder) B.Ed. (Special Education) B.Ed. (Special Education) (Learning Disability) B.Ed. (Special Education) (Mental Retardation) B.Ed. (Special Education) (Visually Impaired) B.Ed. (Tamil) B.Ed. (Vocational)

B.Ed Reference Books & Authors for All Semesters

We have Provide some Reference Books of the B.ED Course for candidates Preparation.

  • Rusk: The Philosophical Bases of education.
  • Oad.L.K.: Shiksha K; Darshanik Evam Samaj Shastriya Pristhabhoomi.
  •  Pandey R.S.: Shiksha Darshan.
  • Ruhela S.P.: Shikhsa ka Samajshastra.
  • Singh. A.K.: Shiksha Manovigyan.
  • Dandapani S.: A Textbook of Advanced Educational
  • Psychology: Anmol Publishers.
  • Mishra K.S.: Shiksha Manovigyan ke Naye Kshitig.
  • Pandey R.S. Shiksha Manovigyan.
  • Hurlock E.P.: Child Development.
  • Gary, K. & Kingsley, H. L.: Nature & Conditions of Learning
  • Misra, K.S.: Shiksha Manovigyan Ke Naye Kshitij
  • Agarniai, J.C.: Principles & Methods of Teaching.
  • Agarwal, J.C.: Essentials of Educational Technology.
  •  Kochhar, S.K.: Methods & Techniques of teaching.
  • Russel, J., (2004), Teaching of Mathematics, Campus Book International, New Delhi.
  • Sidhu, K.S. (1982), Teaching of Mathematics, Sterling Publisher Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

B.Ed Notes in English

English is a common language used in teaching and learning in many parts of the world. There are several B.Ed notes available in English that students can refer to. Some important B.Ed notes in English include:

  • Educational Psychology Notes
  • Child Development and Pedagogy Notes
  • Teaching of Social Science Notes
  • Teaching of Science Notes
  • Teaching of Mathematics Notes

B.Ed Notes in Hindi

Hindi is an official language of India and is widely spoken and understood by many people. For students who prefer to study in Hindi, there are several B.Ed notes available in this language. Some popular B.Ed notes in Hindi include:

  • Bal Vikas aur Shiksha Shastra Notes
  • Samajik Vigyan Shikshan Notes
  • Hindi Sikshan Notes
  • Ganit Sikshan Notes
  • Vigyan Sikshan Notes

B.Ed 1st-Year Books

In the first year of B.Ed, students are introduced to various teaching-related topics and concepts. Some important B.Ed 1st-year books that students should refer to include:

  • Education and Society by Sharma R.N.
  • Curriculum and Instruction by Mangal S.K.
  • Teacher and School by Sharma S.R.
  • Educational Evaluation and Measurement by Sharma A.K.

B.Ed 2nd-Year Books

In the second year of B.Ed, students focus on practical aspects of teaching and education. Some important B.Ed 2nd-year books that students should refer to include:

  • Educational Management by Mangal S.K.
  • Computer Education by Rana R.C.
  • Guidance and Counselling by Chauhan S.S.
  • Distance Education by Singh P.S.

B.Ed Exam Preparation Books

To prepare for exams, students need to refer to exam preparation books that provide practice questions and test papers. Some important B.Ed exam preparation books that students can refer to include:

  • B.Ed Entrance Exam Guide by RPH Editorial Board
  • B.Ed Entrance Exam Guide by Arihant Experts
  • B.Ed Entrance Exam Guide by Upkar Prakashan

B.Ed Teaching Notes

Teaching notes are important for students who want to pursue a career in teaching. Some important B.Ed teaching notes that students can refer to include:

  • Teaching of Environmental Studies Notes
  • Teaching of Hindi Language Notes
  • Teaching of English Language Notes

B.Ed. Top Colleges List

  • Annamalai University, Cuddalore
  • Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi
  • Bangalore University, Bangalore
  • Indira Gandhi National Open University – IGNOU, Delhi
  • Panjab University – PU, Chandigarh

B.Ed Books Buy Online at Amazon

Here you can get the Books of B.Ed Course for References. There are Plenty Books for the B.Ed Programs according to their Specialization Courses. So We Provide Some Books of B.Ed program for Candidate Reference. Students can Get the Preparation Books on Sites like Amazon. Candidates can Refer the Amazon and buy through Online.

Check the Following Links for more information,

  • B.Arch Books & Notes For All Semesters in PDF – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Year
  • BA Books & Notes For All Semesters in PDF – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year

We’ve provided B.Ed Books & Notes in PDF for all Semesters. Any University student can download given B.Ed   Notes and Study material or you can buy B.Ed   Books at Amazon also. Share this article with to other B.Ed students who are searching for B.Ed Books for all years and help them to download B.Ed Notes in PDF Format.

What is B.Ed?

B.Ed stands for Bachelor of Education, which is an undergraduate professional degree program that trains students to become teachers.

What are B.Ed books?

B.Ed books are textbooks or reference books that are used by B.Ed students to learn about different aspects of education, teaching methods, and other related topics.

Are B.Ed books available in PDF format?

Yes, many B.Ed books are available in PDF format, which can be downloaded and accessed easily.

Are B.Ed notes available in English and Hindi?

Yes, B.Ed notes are available in both English and Hindi, depending on the medium of instruction in the college or university.

What are B.Ed reference books?

B.Ed reference books are books that provide additional information or alternative perspectives on the topics covered in B.Ed textbooks. These books are useful for students who want to gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

What are B.Ed teaching notes?

B.Ed teaching notes are notes that are designed for future teachers, and cover topics such as classroom management, lesson planning, and teaching strategies.

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