Ellin Lolis Consulting

The Yale SOM Video Essay Questions – And How to Successfully Answer Them

Sep 18, 2023

yale som video essay

Why does Yale require a video essay?

How does the yale video essay work, technical requirements, which types of questions are asked.

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UPDATE : This article was originally posted on September 18, 2019. It has been updated with new information and tips below. 

With curricular flexibility that allows students to take classes across Yale’s many faculties (not just the business school!), Yale SOM is a top choice for engaged, globally-minded leaders who seek to make a meaningful difference in the world, all while benefiting from an Ivy League education. 

Despite this fact, many applicants dedicate countless hours to writing Yale’s admissions essays and then rush through the video essay component. 

This is a huge mistake. 

In addition to giving the admissions committee the chance to “put a face with a name,” the Yale SOM video essay is an essential part of the Yale application, as it allows committee members to determine if your communication style and values are a good fit with the Yale community. 

In fact, in our experience helping our Yale applicants secure a place at the school, we have noticed that the video essay can be as influential in an applicant’s admissions decision as the admissions interview . 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you understand how the Yale video essay works and have shared a list of Yale video essay questions to ensure you put your best foot forward! 

When we first started working with Yale applicants many years ago, the video essay component had not yet been introduced. However, after being one of the first business schools to incorporate the video essay into their admissions process, this component has quickly become a critical part of the application. 

That’s because it gives the admissions committee the chance to truly “meet” candidates — as well as identify red flags in potential members of the Yale community. 

Here is what they say about it: 

Yale SOSM Video Essay Requirements

The way the video essay works is very simple. 

After submitting your application, you will receive an email from a company called Kira Talent. This email will contain a link that allows you to access the video essay platform. 

After signing in and starting the session, you will get three Yale video essay questions in total, one at a time. All will be random, but each question falls into a certain category (more on that below!). 

  • For questions 1 and 3 , you will have 20 seconds to think and 60 seconds to answer. 
  • For question 2 , you will have 30 seconds to think and up to 90 seconds to answer. 
  • You will be able to stop the question and move on if you finish before the time runs out.

If you’ve taken the TOEFL exam , you’ve already practiced for the type of format you can expect in the Yale video essay! 

After signing in and “starting” the session, a video will appear on the screen. This video will show a member of the Yale community, who will read the question you are tasked with answering. The question will also appear in written form under the video. 

After the time runs out, the screen video will disappear, and your image will be visible on the screen. At this point, your 20 or 30 seconds to think will automatically appear. 

After the preparation time runs out, the clock to answer (60 or 90 seconds!) will start, and you will need to give your answer during this period of time. Remember: you cannot redo any of the Yale video essay questions . 

After you answer the question, the system will upload your answer to the server (depending on your connection this can take a while) and will present you with the next question. 

DO NOT leave your computer during the upload time, even if it’s taking a while. You cannot pause the process, and you may end up missing questions!

The Behavioral Assessment

Yale also has a unique separate video essay requirement: the behavioral assessment . 

Unlike the video essay, the behavioral assessment is a fixed-choice assessment conducted by ETS that does not require any previous preparation. It is designed to measure a set of “interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies associated with business school success,” according to the Yale SOM site. 

The behavioral assessment should be completed in a single sitting and should take you about 20 minutes to complete. 

Given past applicants’ issues with iPad and mobile versions of the application, we strongly suggest you record your answer on a computer . 

If you do end up experiencing technical issues, access the support page here . 

yale som video essay

Regardless of when you submit your application, you need to submit your responses to the Yale video essay questions no more than 48 hours after the round’s deadline . Find Yale’s most current application deadlines here. 

If you submit your application early, you can submit the Yale video essay questions at any time, as long as you make the final deadline.  

The Yale video essay questions are grouped into three different categories, each with a different focus. 

Group 1: MBA Motivations

The first question in the Yale SOM video essay will focus on your interest in Yale or the reason you are pursuing an MBA.

Yale SOM Video Essay Applicants

(Photo courtesy of @yalesom on Instagram)

This might take the form of “Why Yale?”, or “What are you expecting to learn at Yale?”. Conversely, they may also ask why you think now is a good moment in your career to stop and go to business school. They obviously want to be sure that you have researched Yale and have good reasons for applying for an MBA.

For this section, refer back to your goals essay , reflect, and be honest with yourself about why you’re applying to Yale. Maybe you like the program’s focus on diversity, maybe the raw case method, or perhaps you have colleagues who attended and spoke highly of Yale. 

The curriculum should also be a selling point for you, as well as the clubs and campus life, the diversity of the students, the experience of the teachers, and the internships and alumni network.

Now, please don’t reel off that list! It won’t be personal enough to you. 

Instead, clearly articulate your top three or four reasons for applying to Yale , and speak about them.

You don’t need to spend much time introducing this topic, saying “There are three main reasons why I want to attend Yale” and then giving us the reasons is more than enough.

It’s always good to include something that shows you’ve researched the program, so mentioning something specific, be it the academic modules or a specific club you want to join is a must for a winning video essay. 

Group 2: Behavioral questions

Yale is a community that values purpose-driven, adaptable people who work well in teams and are strong communicators. 

For that reason, Yale often asks questions aimed at determining if you work well with others and will be a positive addition to the Yale community. 

These questions won’t specifically ask, “Do you like working in a team,” but if you can keep in mind that this is a chance to show how you interact with others, you’ll have a good starting point for this question.

Typically questions range from how you help someone who needs advice, to your management style to how you handle conflict.

To do well in this question, it’s great to draw on examples , and to be clear and to the point.  Furthermore, make sure to show your human side and demonstrate that you genuinely care for others and want the teams you join to succeed. It can be easy to answer in a very conversational way, but doing so can often lead to an answer without a point, so make sure you use your planning time to structure the key elements of your answer. 

For this question, you want to make sure you’re showing what you do and use active language.

Your answer will want to show that you’re mature, that you’re emotionally intelligent, that you can see the bigger picture, that you’re empathetic, and that you make a positive contribution to those around you.

If the question is about helping someone with a problem, tell us what you do. Perhaps you first like to listen, then help them get clear on what they really want, and then decide together on some next steps.

If the question is about your management style, be precise. Tell them how you manage people and why. Maybe you’re very hands-off, and like to give everyone the opportunity to take responsibility within their role, as you think this empowers them the most to learn and develop. Maybe you’re more hands-on and like to make sure your team knows they can come to you with problems, as giving people too much freedom too soon can actually be overwhelming to them.

Regardless, make sure to show your reasons for your actions and demonstrate that you’re a person who embraces collaboration and who sees setbacks as opportunities for learning.

Group 3: The thinking question

In addition to the traditional interview questions, you will also be required to answer a thinking question (similar to a case study) during the Yale video essay. 

The key to the thinking question is to see how you think on your feet (and, as a result, test how well you’ll do with Yale’s raw case method ). 

The point of this task is to see if you can present a clear idea and demonstrate good critical thinking abilities, not to get the “right” answer. As such, focus on using your answer to walk through a clear, well-reasoned answer to the prompt. 

Sample Questions

To help your preparation, here are a few sample Yale video essay questions that our clients received when completing their own Yale video essays. 

Group 1 Questions

  • Why are you pursuing an MBA at this point in your life?
  • Why are you doing an MBA now?

Group 2 Questions

  • You are starting a new project with team members coming from different cultures and educational backgrounds. How would you help them get to know each other?
  • What do you do when someone comes to you with a problem?
  • A colleague is asking you to help them assess their future career options. How do you help them grow?

Group 3 Questions

  • Please respond to the following statement: “It is better for a leader to have a superficial knowledge of many topics than to be an expert in one topic.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Providing health insurance for employees is the most pressing issue for business leaders at the moment. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 
  • Please respond to the following statement: “It is more important to judge people by their actions than by their intentions.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The difference between a good and great Yale SOM video essay

Given the importance of the video essay in your Yale SOM application, it’s crucial to make sure you don’t just have a good video essay but that you have a great video essay. 

Now that you’ve learned how the video essay will work, we’ve gathered our top 5 tips here to ensure your video essay performance brings you one step closer to reaching your goal of attending Yale. 

Make sure you get into Yale SOM

You have stressed about every aspect of your Yale application, and now you are ready to record your video essay! With the right preparation, this can be your chance to shine and get a highly-coveted spot at Yale. 

However, maybe you don’t know where to start in preparing, or maybe you ramble on and lose your focus while answering. Maybe you’ve even downloaded the sample questions and written out your answers. The problem is, when you try to apply these templates to your own story, it doesn’t quite work.

Our video essay prep focuses on helping you determine how to present yourself to Yale while using appropriate, impact-driven language without being artificial, or worse, robotic.

Regardless of where you’re from or what type of experience you have, we are focused on helping you do your best. 

yale som video essay

Want to put the Ellin Lolis advantage to work for you? Schedule your preparation session with our team of video essay experts today!

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  • By Melissa Jones

yale som video essay

As Senior Expert Coach at Fortuna Admissions , working with countless Yale SOM applicants over the past 12 years, I see the videos as an excellent opportunity to bring your application to life and convey another dimension of your candidacy. 

The goal of Yale SOM’s video questions is to enable admissions staff to observe candidates more directly. The school initially introduced the videos as a replacement for an English language proficiency test (which is why they no longer require applicants to take the TOEFL, IELTS, or similar test). They now use the videos so that candidates have another mechanism to communicate their candidacy to the school. This is a really positive evolution in terms of giving candidates more scope to express themselves in the application process. Yale states that the questions you will be asked are not brainteasers or riddles; rather, they represent another medium to get to know you better. 

Once you have submitted your online application and paid the application fee, you will receive a link to answer three live questions to be submitted within five days of the application deadline. 

What are the Yale SOM Video Essay Questions?

The questions asked are similar to typical MBA or job interview questions and Yale suggests that you practice answering basic behavioral questions. In your answers, they are looking to assess your potential for leadership and your communication skills.

The first question is generally open-ended and is an introductory question about you. Often this question is related to why you want to get an MBA, why now, and/or why you are interested in the School of Management.  You will have 20 seconds to prepare your answer and 60 seconds to respond. 

Sample #1 Questions:

  • Why is this the right time for you to do an MBA? 
  • Why an MBA? 
  • What has motivated your decision to pursue an MBA at this time?

The second question is a behavioral question, similar to what you would be asked in a business school or job interview, which asks you to talk about a professional experience. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your answer and 90 seconds to respond.

Sample #2 Questions (behavioral questions):

  • How did you and your team overcome a big obstacle? How did you do it and what was the cause?
  • Tell us about a time when you had to maintain your calm. Describe the situation and how you handled it.
  • Describe a time when someone on your team was not doing their fair share of work. How did you handle it?

The third is typically a “thought” question. However, for the 2023-2024 cycle, it seems the themes were commonly related to the arts. Whereas in previous years the questions offered a statement followed by asking whether you agree or disagree with something, and why. You will have 20 seconds to prepare your answer and 60 seconds to respond.

Sample #3 Questions (thought questions):

Candidate Questions from 2023-2024

  • New Haven is the first planned town. What architectural designs or planning do you like about your hometown or region?
  • The New Haven Theater is one of the oldest theaters in the United States. Please name a piece of entertainment – theatre, film, or music – which has had the most significant impact on you and why.
  • Yale School of Drama has produced many world-renowned artists (e.g. Meryl Streep). Which artist do you admire most and why?

Candidate Questions from previous years:

  • Spread of public misinformation in healthcare can be detrimental to public policies being implemented. Agree/disagree? Why?
  • Do you think the private sector is more important in making global changes than the government and non-profits?
  • Some people say that technology has made it more critical for organizations to think about the point of view of their competitors. Do you agree?

The questions will not be the same for all applicants. The school has a data bank with hundreds of questions that are randomly assigned to applicants. Please also be aware that a new ‘theme’ may pop up for the 2024-2025 cycle questions that we aren’t aware of just yet!  

Additional Yale SOM Video Interview Tips

In addition, the general “rules” of video presentation apply – make sure you have good lighting, excellent sound quality, and a background free of clutter or distractions.  Focus on the camera and include interesting visuals if appropriate.  Fortuna’s Caroline Diarte Edwards, the former Director of Admissions at INSEAD, offers great advice on how to ace the MBA video essay , including tips on setup and presentation.

There are no right or wrong answers to the Yale video questions. Yale’s intention is simply to offer applicants a different medium to interact with the school and offer an interactive way to bring your candidacy to life.

Keep in mind that Yale will be evaluating your presence (oral communication skills + non-verbal cues), confidence and English language fluency. They may also pick up clues to your personality, values, background, motivations, intelligence, and if you have a solid grasp of SOM’s culture, values, and programs. 

Practice, practice, practice – timed and out loud! The more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel doing the video and the more you will be able to present your answers in the 60-90 seconds they provide. You are given an unlimited number of practice sessions through the Kira Talent platform so use it to get comfortable with the video interview format. And finally, be yourself, smile and have some fun with it!

Get Feedback from Admissions Insiders

Make the most of your MBA video interview practice with advice from Fortuna experts. You can book prep sessions with us for MBA video interviews or for in person interviews and we’ll walk you through the process and help you prepare for this high stake’s element of the application process. Or book a broader package and we’ll help you make sure your video or interview aligns with every element of your application. Book a free 30-minute consultation to learn more about how we can tailor services to your needs!

Melissa Jones  is an expert coach at Fortuna Admissions  and former assistant director of the INSEAD MBA program. For a candid assessment of your chances of admission success at a top MBA program, sign up for  a free consultation .

  • Posted on September 6, 2024

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The Ultimate Guide to Answering the Yale SOM Video Questions

The Ultimate Guide to Answering the Yale SOM Video Questions

Note: The Yale SOM video questions are subject to change. This article is for 2024 -25 admissions cycle.  

The Yale School of Management (SOM) video questions are one of the best ways to let admissions officers know you for “you.” Yale receives plenty of applications every year. So, standing out with proper communication skills, presentation, and “vibe” is crucial. This is your one chance to leave a lasting impression beyond transcript numbers.

Also keep in mind that the Yale SOM video questions are a reflection of your character. And, admissions officers pick up on more details than you think.

So, don’t skimp out on it!

This guide will cover everything you need to prepare solid responses to the Yale video essay prompts.

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Table of Contents

What is Yale’s SOM Video Essay?

How important is the yale video essay for mba admissions, some important details regarding rules, about yale’s som behavioral assessment, question 1 category: why yale/mba, question 2 category: management, team building, and behavior “stuff.”, question 3 category: critical thinking/philosophy question, the importance of a sophisticated philosophy., the underrated value of one-on-one practice sessions..

yale som video essay

It’s a vibe check!

Yale’s SOM video essay questions (and really all MBA video essays for that matter) are holistic methods of assessment.

Think of it like an interview. When you enter an interview, what factors are assessed? There’s your resume, sure. But, there’s also your posture, manner of dress, personality, speech and tone, creativity in responses, and more!

The video essay lets your admissions officers check for red flags in your character. This lets them screen you for “icks” before letting you join the Yale community.

yale som video essay

Answer: It’s pretty darn important.

Again, MBA video questions are vibe checks. They don’t just assess the answers you give, but other factors as well. Sometimes, small details and externalities paint a vivid picture of your character, determining what sort of candidate you’ll be.

Here’s an example.

Let’s say you answer a question very hurriedly to meet the time limit; but, you end up contradicting one of your statements in the Statement of Purpose. This can mean a whole host of things. Perhaps you were just tired and anxious. Or, maybe you don’t truly believe what you said in your Statement of Purpose since you contradicted yourself. It could imply a lack of care.

Or, maybe it was just a brain fart!

The point stands. The Yale video questions are windows into your character. They make a massive difference in determining your chances of acceptance.

Oh, and don’t forget. Their “vibe check” doesn’t just scan for red flags but green ones too. It’s typical for admissions officers to see more green flags in students than they themselves know of! For instance, answering a prompt creatively can imply you’re on top of things, you came prepared with contingency answers, or even that you’re mature in your world view!

So, the Yale video essay is very, very, important. We’re aiming for green flags here, not red ones.

How Does the Yale Video Essay Work?

yale som video essay

Where to find it:

After submitting your application, you should receive an email from Kira Talent. It contains a link where the video essay takes place.

Click on the link, sign in, then start the session.

There will be 3 Yale video essay questions in total. You must answer them one at a time. Each one is random, and covers specific category.  

Below are the time limit rules for each question.

  • Question 1 provides 20 second to think of a response, then 60 seconds to answer. 
  • Question 2 provides 30 seconds to think, then 90 seconds to answer. 
  • Question 3 provides 20 second to think of a response, then 60 seconds to answer. 

Notice how they don’t give you much space to think before providing a response? You’re really going to be on your toes here. So, it’s crucial that you practice with example questions and formulate creative answers for each one.

One of the easiest things you can do to have bulletproof answers is to write out your responses to example questions in a draft. Then, have a professional interviewer of college admissions consultant read through your responses. Here at PenningPapers, we often advise students on creative ways they can look at questions from different angles, which has helped countless students get accepted into some of the best MBA programs in the nation.

You can’t pause the video questions process.

Let’s say it louder for those in the back.

You can’t pause it!

When you start the process, you’ll be greeted by a Yale member or alumni reading the questions you must answer to you. You can also read the question below the video. The screen then disappears, and the video will show your face on the screen. (totally not scary…)

You’ll be given time to think and brainstorm an answer (20 seconds for prompts 1 and 3; 30 seconds for prompt 2). Then, you’ll answer the question (60 seconds for prompts 1 and 3; 90 seconds for prompt 2.) 

You can’t redo any of the Yale video essay questions. Once you’ve provided your answer and the timer runs out, it’s done. That’s why preparing for the prompts by practicing and drafting example answers is so, so crucial!

According to Yale’s SOM site, the behavioral assessment measures “interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies associated with business school success…”

This is a short fixed-choice assessment and does not require previous preparation like the video essay does.

Nonetheless, it’s still an important aspect of the application. After all, why would they include it if it weren’t important?

yale som video essay

The Yale SOM video essay questions must be submitted  no later than 48 hours after the round’s deadline .

What Kinds of Questions Will Yale Ask in the Video Essay?

yale som video essay

As mentioned previously, Yale has 3 questions for their video essay section. They all fall under their own category.

The first question will ask a question in the form of why you want to attend Yale, why you want to pursue an MBA, or both.

The second question asks some form of management, team building, or team behavior question.

The third question asks a critical thinking question.

We’ve deconstructed each category below for you to view.

The first Yale SOM video question covers why you want to pursue Yale or an MBA at Yale. It’s usually something along the lines of “Why Yale” or “What do you hope to achieve with an MBA at Yale?”

This category is important because it tells Yale admissions officers whether you’ve actually got a plan prepared. Some students just want to attend Yale for the prestige. Others want an MBA because they don’t really know what they want to do after earning their bachelor’s degree.

This is no basis for a solid answer.

The goal is to prove you’re someone who knows why earning an MBA at Yale would help them in their goals for the future.

Some things you should consider include but are not limited to the following…

  • School curriculum and class content.
  • Professors you would love to learn under and the research they do.
  • Interesting clubs
  • Campus environment
  • Internship opportunities
  • Networking opportunities

Also, here are some example questions for you to practice on.

  • Why Yale SOM?
  • What is the purpose of pursuing an MBA right now in your academic/work career?
  • How would an MBA from Yale SOM benefit you in your career? What will you use your education for?

Note that these elements need to be personal to what you need. While one person may prefer one element of Yale, you may prefer others.

Additionally, some small factors may seem initially small to others; but, they can be especially important to you. For instance, some people require the fast-paced environment of an East Coast school to have a proper learning ecosystem; and, learning in a rural area could be soul-crushing –which inexorably interferes with the learning quality.

Oh yeah, and don’t forget to be hyper-specific about the resources Yale’s SOM has to offer! It helps to show that you did your research.

Hint: it helps to work think about this question backwards. Instead of thinking about how a Yale education or MBA program can help YOU, think about how it can make you someone capable of helping OTHERS. Business is intrinsically empathetic. It prioritizes other people. Whether it’s your client’s portfolio, a business looking to merge, or even online fans of your YouTube channel, your business prioritizes others. This is a crucial element that most students forget. Showing admissions officers that you’re capable of thinking about how to help others with your education will ground your answer in real world applications. And hey: you get a few extra brownie points for being empathic!

An MBA environment demands good “people” skills. That means good management, adaptation, team building, communication, and all manner of behavior “stuff.” In other words, can you cohabitate in a business setting?

Now, some of these questions may come in the form of, “what do you do when there’s a major disagreement in a conference?” or “what was one instance you helped someone who was in need?”

More specifically, here are some sample questions for your reference.

  • Yale is committed to supporting an environment of diversity, equity, and inclusion. How would you address a lack of inclusion in the workplace?
  • How do you help motivate a team that is not cooperating with one another as a team?
  • What is your go-to strategy for when new colleagues, classmates, or peers are visibly struggling or confused?

If you have a real-world example to draw from, great! You’re practically set. For instance, you might respond to a question about major disagreements with “I utilized my active listening skills I learned during my business consulting internship to understand the client’s needs, despite them being very disagreeable behind a language barrier.”

Now, this is where the hard part begins. Sometimes, you can’t answer the Yale SOM video prompt 2 because you don’t have any real world experiences to draw from. Or, you may not have any recent experiences to draw from. That’s okay! It’s not going to be easy, but you can still answer it.

In the offchance you don’t have an example answer, you can answer by explaining what you “ought to do.” That is, “If I were in this situation, I would do ‘x’.”

Now, this doesn’t sound as good as having a solid real world example to back up your claims. But, it’s much better to just be honest, forthright, and confident about your answer than to weasel through with some lackluster example. Remember: you only have a 30 seconds to brainstorm. So, trying to shoehorn some example from an experience you vaguely remember is just going to sound forced, awkward, and strange. You want to prioritize being organic and transparent with the admissions office, even if you feel your answer is subpar.

Additionally, if you don’t have a real-world answer to base your claims on, explain your personal philosophy surrounding the question. Use your ideology as a basis of what you ought to do. This grounds your answer in validity and ensures you’ve at least thought through your answer in a sophisticated manner.

Let’s say you’re asked how you manage other people. You may say something along the lines of…

“I’ve leadership and management roles throughout my life. Some were more important than others. I’ve cabinet positions in my school clubs such as Speech and Debate as well as Journalism. And, I’ve worked with peers in my classes as the de facto leader during class presentations.

Extrapolating from my experiences across the board, I’ve come to realize I manage people much like a Psychologist does. That is, I pay attention to the kinds of strengths and weaknesses my peers have –judgement free, of course– such that I can create ‘mental web’ of everyone’s personality dimensions. Then, I assign roles based on such roles to maximize output and minimize risk. In some ways, this is a very consultant-like approach to projects since I implement principles of psychology to execute principles of risk-management. And, while I’ve come across my fair share of disagreements during Speech and Debate –pun unintended– and uncomplimentary personality pairings during school projects, I’ve noticed that this compartmentalized approach has streamlined processes all across the board.

And, as a personal philosophy, I always let others have a say in how they would like to be assigned tasks. After all, it’s not a monarchy; for, few group settings succeed through autocratic leadership.”

This doesn’t use real world examples and admits that there are no recent examples such as fancy internships at Goldman Sachs. But, it’s honest, transparent, and still addresses the question based on personal philosophy. Don’t be afraid to give solid yet honest answers that require you to admit a lack of experience. Jim Donovan covers this concept of honest and transparent responses despite lacking experience in his video here .

Hint: Sometimes, Yale’s SOM video question 2 provides a great opportunity to give very creative answers. You can use this opportunity to show that you’re someone who doesn’t just have generic answers to problems. For instance, let’s say you’re a big Math nerd. You may have heard war plane armor problem. In World War 2, United States fighter jets returned from battle after fighting Japanese Zero planes. They had multiple holes across the body; and, generals logically responded by reinforcing the spots most peppered in bullet holes. A famous Mathematician proposed they reinforce the spots untouched by bullets –as that would reinforce spots shot in planes that did not return from battle. In the same vein, you may have a way of looking at problems in an unconventional way that flips a seemingly obvious answer over its head.

Yale also asks students a business and management-related critical thinking question. This typically comes in the form of an abstract question that requires you to swiftly conjure a smart or clever answer.

Additionally, these questions require you to have a solid basis of moral, intellectual, and work philosophy.

Here are some example questions you may be asked.

  • Please provide your opinion on the following statement: in leadership, the most important quality is empathy. For, without it, team coordination cannot exist.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “It can often be valuable for those speaking with clients to provide insight that goes against their best interest; for, doing so can establish trust in the long run with the client.”
  • Please provide a response to the following statement, and explain your reasons why. “Plans are often worthless, but planning is priceless.”

These questions are not meant to trick you.

Also, you’re not required to find a “right or wrong” answer. In fact, the Yale SOM video question 3 prompt is meant to measure your ability to abstract and wrestle with sophisticated ideas.

Instead of fishing for an answer that will impress admissions officers, try to wrestle with the question in the same way a philosopher does. This is why we also call prompt 3 a “philosophy question.” It often can’t have a solid answer without a well-fleshed-out moral compass or intellectual set of heuristics.

Can you work around an abstract question with no clear answer? Can you extrapolate from your own knowledge and draw from it? And, can you use critical thinking to articulate a sophisticated answer that demonstrates complexity and intellectual fortitude?

These are all important questions to ask yourself while preparing for prompt 3.

Hint: we recommend preparing for this question by spending some time thinking about business dichotomies. Often, the Yale SOM video question prompt 3 will NOT ask easy and straightforward yes or no questions. You won’t get a simple question. These are critical thinking ones where morality, personal philosophy, and sometimes even political ideology may interrupt you from having a clear answer. So, business dichotomies where 2 sides are often equally valid are great places to start. Think about real-world industry dichotomies and practice forging your own ideology to answer these questions.

This prompt is actually very similar in style to the SAT essay prompts that were used in the 2400 scale. (minus the business and management topics.) They typically asked students a moral or philosophical question, then gave them 30 minutes to write a short essay proving their open-ended opinion on it. So, you can use that to practice as well!

yale som video essay

This seriously can’t be stated enough.

Yale’s SOM video questions have MANY different interpretations and possible answers. Having a sophisticated philosophy and ideology makes answering these questions very, very easy.

And no. You don’t need to read Socrates or anything. But, you should have more sophisticated opinions predicated on carefully thought out theories and perspectives.

If you just answer the prompts with “easy” or obvious conclusions, admissions officers won’t be convinced you have what it takes to look at the prompts from multiple angles. Having an in-depth philosophy makes creating great sophisticated answers much easier.

But, if you’re a procrastinator (like most of us, hehe…) you won’t have enough time to actualize a well-articulated moral and personal philosophy. So, you won’t have the foundational heuristics that others have to answer these prompts smoothy.

That’s why we recommend reading up on opinion articles from the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Read a few publications from the Op Ed per day, and paraphrase the writers’ opinions in your own words. This is one of the fastest ways to develop a decently sophisticated philosophy that guides your answers throughout the Yale SOM video questions. (And, any of the MBA interview processes for that matter.)

Note: this doesn’t mean you have to have perfect answers to every Yale SOM video question. The goal of applying for an MBA is to learn. You’re going to be imperfect. And, likely, you’ll meet people at the same age as you who’ve made mistakes as well. Don’t let perfectionism and the fear of providing “cringey answers” get in the way of creating interesting or compelling answers.

yale som video essay

For some reason, most students prepare for the Yale SOM video questions alone.

And hey: we relate! After all, we don’t want to bother people with our stuff. And, sometimes scheduling a time with other people who have their own work can be too much trouble.

Besides, it can be embarrassing! Give a dumb answer? Boom! The person you’re practicing with thinks you’re unprepared and unworthy you are for an MBA! Well, that isn’t likely to happen, especially with friends. But, it’s the anxiety that makes it unbearable! Better to just practice alone in our room then, right?

Nonetheless, we found that one-on-one practice makes a MASSIVE difference.

That’s why we recommend practicing for at least one hour with a professional whose job is solely to work with anxious students! We typically find that practicing answers with an advisor for even 1-5 hours can make a massive difference.

Working with a professional MBA admissions advisor will prepare you better than the majority of applicants. They can coach you on how to create impressive answers regardless of the many possible questions Yale asks. In other words, an MBA advisor worth their salt teaches you how to think, not what to think.

Even practicing with a professor, friend, or family member can help tremendously. For, they can see mistakes and blind spots in your answers that you may not have originally considered!

However, if you’re looking to seal the deal with Yale and make their School of Management your home, consider practicing with us! We’ve helped countless students get accepted into some of the best grad and MBA programs in the nation and beyond!

Oh, and don’t worry. We don’t do the “we only work with you if you’re already super smart” sort of thing that most consulting firms do. That’s an icky practice that preys on student anxieties. We’re here for you no matter what GPA, work experience, or background you have.

Interested in working with a professional MBA admissions expert? Consider scheduling a free consultation with us here, and we’ll make a custom interview prep plan that fits your needs!

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Essay • Video Interview • Yale SOM

Yale School of Management MBA 2022-2023 Essay and Video Question Tips

June 29, 2022

yale som video essay

For this admissions season, Yale SOM has chosen to keep its MBA essay topic, video questions and Behavioral Assessment , which is a 30-minute exam integrated into its online application.

Also, be sure to keep an eye on Yale SOM’s MBA deadlines if you’re planning to submit an app.

Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words)

While only having to answer one essay question for an application can feel like a relief, it also means you only have 500 words in which to make the largest part of your pitch to SOM.

It’s best to start by evaluating what Yale is really asking for in this question. The topic came from a discussion with Yale’s Professor of Organizational Behavior Amy Wrzesniewski. Amy rationalized the question in the following manner: “Reading about future plans is helpful, but actions speak louder than words. What big commitments have applicants already made in their lives to date, how did they follow through on them, and what does this tell us about who they are? That is what is at the heart of this question.” Now, in terms of commitments, it doesn’t matter whether you choose one from your personal or professional life, as long as what you’ve chosen has had an impact on you and/or on others.

Given the wide spectrum of examples that can fit this criteria, it may be helpful to narrow down your topic choice based on what aspects are otherwise missing from your application. Is there an important part of your personality, values or history that is not present in, say, your resume or recommendation letters? If you’re unsure what might be missing, take some time to learn more about what makes Yale SOM a unique program. Highlighting a commitment that mirrors Yale SOM’s values would help lift the quality of your essay, notably if you mention your capacity for leadership, teamwork or, if it happens to be the case, your ability to handle a global commitment.

Video Questions

After submitting your written application, you’ll be asked to answer a series of video questions that will require 60 to 90 second responses. Moreover, before you start, you’ll have the option to complete one practice question, so you’ll have the chance to familiarize yourself with the platform.

Initially conceived as an English language proficiency replacement test, SOM’s video questions have grown to serve as basic behavioral interview questions to help the admissions team better assess your potential for leadership and your communication skills. So, they’re not expecting the same highly-polished, thoughtful answers someone would present in a written format. Rather, they want to gauge how well you can express yourself and your ideas in a natural, ‘face-to-face’ fashion. The best way to prepare is to practice, practice, practice. Get comfortable speaking out loud and delivering 60 to 90-second responses, while remaining careful not to seem scripted; though not as damaging as during an in-person interview, robotic responses are still strongly frowned upon to the video questions.

To develop a truly stellar application, reach out to our Yale SOM Experts today. Otherwise, for technical points, you can visit Yale’s official site .

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Yale SOM Essay Tips and Application Deadlines: 2024-2025

Yale SOM Essay

Yale School of Management  has released deadlines and essays for the 2024-2025 application year, maintaining the same essay questions after making a significant change last year.

Want to learn more about applying to Yale SOM? Take a look at Personal MBA Coach’s interview with Laurel Grodman, Assistant Dean for Admissions at Yale School of Management, to get insider advice on the Yale SOM experience and application process.

Watch below to learn how to position yourself for success!

The Upcoming Yale SOM Application Deadlines Are as Follows:

Round 1:  September 10, 2024

Round 2:  January 7, 2025

Round 3:  April 8, 2025

Again, Yale SOM allows applicants to choose the essay question they would like to answer, leavings its longstanding essay regarding commitment as one of the options.

Yale SOM Full-Time MBA Application Essay Prompts 2024-2025:

1) Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. Why is this commitment meaningful to you and what actions have you taken to support it?

2) Describe the community that has been most meaningful to you. What is the most valuable thing you have gained from being a part of this community and what is the most important thing you have contributed to this community?

3) Describe the most significant challenge you have faced. How have you confronted this challenge and how has it shaped you as a person?

Choose the prompt that speaks most strongly to you and about which you have the most enthusiasm.

Student Looking at Financial Times MBA Rankings on a iPad

Personal MBA Coach’s Yale SOM Essay Tips:

It can always be a bit of a challenge when a program offers you an essay choice. However, Yale has stated that you should truly pick the essay question you best relate to and there is no “wrong choice.”

Regardless of which option you choose, as you craft your Yale SOM essay, keep in mind that Yale strives to “educate leaders for business and society.” With a passionate and committed student body, Yale takes pride in the small group learning teams and close-knit community.

Below, we have shared our tips for approaching each of the three options:

Yale MBA Essay Option 1: 

Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words).

This question gives candidates a chance to provide admissions committee members with a glimpse of who they are and what matters to them, confirming they can and will live up to the school’s lofty mission.

The commitment can be personal or professional, though Personal MBA Coach prefers to see candidates share personal experiences in their Yale SOM essays. Whatever you choose, be sure that you focus on ONE thing; do not include multiple commitments here. Past MBA essay examples have included causes, personal development areas, athletic achievements and professional pursuits. The commitment can be something completed in the past or ongoing. However, if you select something that is ongoing, be sure that you have already made significant steps to deliver against your commitment. A commitment you just recently made and your forward-looking plans will not cut it here.

Yale SOM wants to see passion, dedication and follow-through. They want to assess how you think and how you plan effectively. Your commitment should be something that genuinely matters to you. Remember, think leader for business AND society here.

The most successful answers will show how you have delivered against this mission in the past. However, the commitment does not have to be focused on volunteer work. There are countless ways to make an impact on society.

Five hundred words is fairly short, and this is your main shot to show who you are and why you will fit in on campus. Be focused and be genuine!


Yale MBA Essay Option 2:

Describe the community that has been most meaningful to you. what is the most valuable thing you have gained from being a part of this community and what is the most important thing you have contributed to this community (500 words).

This essay is a great opportunity for candidates who have a close relationship with a particular community. You can think of your physical community or think of community more broadly.

To craft a strong answer here, be sure that you can identify a community from which you have learned and to which you have contributed. Remember, this is your main opportunity to tell Yale SOM what you uniquely bring to the table, so be sure that the community is significant to you.

Once you have defined this community for the reader, tell them how this community shaped who you are today.

Equally as important, you want to share what you have done to add value to this community. As you do this, be specific! Keep in mind that Yale admissions directors are looking to glean information on how you will add value on campus. While you do not need to discuss Yale here, past actions are the best predictors of future behavior so let Yale SEE the leader you will be on campus.

Yale MBA Essay Option 3:

Describe the most signific ant challenge you have faced. how have you confronted this challenge and how has it shaped you as a person (500 words).

For those applicants considering this option, keep in mind that  Admissions Directors  shared before how the “trauma” essay, particularly if unrelated to an applicant’s reason for applying to business school, is often overused.

This means that the challenge selected here does not need to be a major tragedy that you faced or challenge you have overcome. You can select either a personal or professional challenge here. However, this challenge should have shaped you in some way.

A strong essay not only will show the skills you developed and utilized in overcoming this challenge but also help the reader to understand how this experience has prepared you to succeed at Yale and beyond.

Woman On Laptop and Phone for London Business School

While the Yale SOM application is not yet open, last year’s Yale application included a short-answer question on career goals, a reapplicant essay and a required video. See details below and be sure to check back for any updates!

Yale MBA Short Answer Essay: Post-MBA Interests: Briefly describe your career interests and how you arrived at them. What have you already done to pursue these interests? What do you need to do going forward? (200 words)

Finally, Yale has a short career goals essay. There is a lot to cover in just 200 words so you want to be very direct. In addition to briefly sharing your goals with Yale (need help developing a compelling goal statement – check out   this blog ), tell the reader what drove these goals and how you have already prepared for them. Finally, think about where Yale fits into the picture. While there won’t be a lot of space to deep dive into Yale’s offerings in this essay, you should make it clear that you have thought about why you need a Yale MBA to be successful in achieving your goals.

Yale MBA Reapplicant Essay Topic:

Since your last application, please discuss any significant updates to your candidacy, including changes in your personal or professional life, additional coursework, or extracurricular/volunteer activities. (200 words maximum; required for all reapplicants).

Reapplicants should use the required additional essay to demonstrate growth. We advise candidates to review  our tips for reapplicants  before tackling this essay.

Finally, Yale has retained its video essay

Candidates will receive the video questions after submitting their applications. Learn more to get started with Personal MBA Coach’s video essay guidance and tips .

Ready to apply to Yale SOM? Contact Personal MBA Coach today  to learn how we can help with your Yale SOM application!

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From the moment I set foot on campus, I was struck by the strong sense of community and the diverse and talented group of students and faculty. As someone who is passionate about making a positive impact on society, I was drawn to Yale SOM's mission of training leaders who not only excel in business but who also prioritize ethical and social responsibility. What has truly stood out to me during my time here is the unparalleled level of support and mentorship that is available to students. The faculty and second years are incredibly invested in our success and go above and beyond to provide us with the resources and opportunities we need to achieve our goals.  Pooja Rai ’24 


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Lights, Camera, Acceptance: Crafting Compelling Video/Kira Essays for MBA Admissions

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By Arvind Kumar

23 September 2023

In recent years, the MBA admissions process has evolved to incorporate various innovative elements, and one such element gaining prominence is the video essay.

While traditional written essays and standardized test scores remain significant factors in the application, many top-tier business schools have started asking applicants to submit video essays.

Video essays allow candidates to showcase their personality, communication skills, and suitability for the MBA program. 

In this article, we will delve into the why and how of video essays for MBA admissions, examining their significance, the qualities admissions committees seek, and tips for acing video essays at some of the top business schools.

We’ve also compiled the list of video essay questions for B-schools that include this component in their application process: Northwestern Kellogg, INSEAD, Rotman, Yale SOM, MIT Sloan, Oxford SaĂŻd, IESE and IE.

Why Business Schools Ask for a Video Essay

What do mba video essays entail, types of video essays, northwestern kellogg, rotman school of management, oxford saĂŻd, iese business school, ie business school, creating video/ kira essays for mba admissions: tips for pre-recorded and impromptu versions, final thoughts.

Business schools request video essays as part of the MBA admissions process for various reasons. These video essays offer a unique opportunity to assess applicants beyond traditional written materials. 

Here’s a list of 10 key qualities that business schools are looking for in applicants and how different aspects of the video essay can help assess these qualities:

Communication Skills

  • Quality Demonstrated: Clarity of Expression
  • Video Essay Component: The ability to articulate thoughts coherently and persuasively in the video.


  • Quality Demonstrated: Genuine Self-Presentation
  • Video Essay Component: Authenticity is revealed through unscripted, spontaneous responses that show the real personality of the applicant.

Confidence and Poise

  • Quality Demonstrated: Ability to Handle Pressure
  • Video Essay Component: Maintaining confidence and composure while responding to unexpected questions or prompts.
  • Quality Demonstrated: Ability to Capture Attention
  • Video Essay Component: Keeping the viewer engaged by using storytelling techniques and compelling anecdotes.

Cultural Fit

  • Quality Demonstrated: Alignment with School Values
  • Video Essay Component: Demonstrating enthusiasm for the school and its culture through genuine expressions of interest.

Problem-Solving Skills

  • Quality Demonstrated: Analytical Thinking
  • Video Essay Component: Responding effectively to complex or challenging questions, showcasing problem-solving abilities.

Leadership Potential

  • Quality Demonstrated: Presence and Influence
  • Video Essay Component: Portraying oneself as a confident and impactful leader who inspires and motivates others.

Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Quality Demonstrated: Ability to Work Well with Others
  • Video Essay Component: Sharing experiences highlighting teamwork, cooperation, and the ability to collaborate effectively.


  • Quality Demonstrated: Flexibility and Resilience
  • Video Essay Component: Adapting to unexpected prompts and situations, demonstrating the ability to think on one’s feet.

Passion and Drive

  • Quality Demonstrated: Enthusiasm and Commitment
  • Video Essay Component: Conveying genuine passion for one’s goals and showcasing the drive to make a meaningful impact.

These qualities are essential for success in an MBA program and in the business world. The video essay serves as a valuable tool for admissions committees to assess these qualities in applicants, allowing them to make more informed decisions about who would thrive in their academic environment and contribute positively to their MBA community. 

As an applicant, you should use the video essay as an opportunity to showcase your unique strengths and qualities that set you apart from the competition.

MBA video essays involve candidates responding to prompts from the admissions committee through self-recorded videos instead of relying on written responses.

This component has been introduced as an additional element in the application process for select business schools, without replacing traditional written MBA admission essays or the final admission interview.

It’s worth highlighting that due to the relatively recent incorporation of this concept into the MBA application process, different business schools may use varying terminology.

For instance, Kellogg Business School may label it as a video essay, while INSEAD may term it a Video Interview, and MIT may refer to it as a Video Statement. Despite the nomenclature differences, they all essentially entail the same process, with the only potential variation being the video essay’s format.

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There are generally two types of video essays asked in MBA admissions: Live/Impromptu and Pre-recorded. Each type serves a unique purpose and presents its own set of challenges and advantages.

Live/Impromptu Video Essays

Live or impromptu video essays require MBA applicants to respond to questions or prompts in real time.

Candidates are typically given a limited amount of time to prepare their thoughts, often ranging from 30 seconds to a few minutes. Once the preparation time is up, they must begin recording their response immediately. 

This format aims to assess an applicant’s ability to think on their feet, communicate clearly, and maintain composure under pressure. Admissions committees use live video essays to gauge an individual’s spontaneity, poise, and how effectively they can address unexpected topics or situations.

Pre-recorded Video Essays

Pre-recorded video essays, on the other hand, allow MBA applicants more control over the timing of their responses.

In this format, candidates receive a set of questions or prompts in advance and are allotted a specific amount of time to record their answers. This time frame typically ranges from a few hours to several days, depending on the business school’s requirements. 

Pre-recorded video essays allow applicants to carefully craft and rehearse their responses, emphasizing their communication skills, creativity, and thoughtfulness in addressing the given prompts. This format allows for a more polished presentation but still evaluates an applicant’s ability to convey their ideas effectively through video.

Which business schools ask to submit a video essay?

Applicants are required to complete three video essay questions as part of their application.

These questions provide a valuable opportunity for candidates to showcase their personality, communication skills, and alignment with Kellogg’s values. The video essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline, so plan your application timeline accordingly. 

Remember that you have a 20-second preparation period and up to one minute to respond. Use the prep time wisely to outline your answer mentally, and then deliver a clear and concise response within the allotted minute.

Let’s delve into each of the three video essay questions:

Question 1: Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee.

The introduction sets the tone for your application.

Be concise, authentic, and memorable. Start with a brief overview of your background, highlighting key experiences that have shaped your journey.

Mention your name, current profession, and what drives your passion for pursuing an MBA at Kellogg. Use this opportunity to provide a glimpse of your unique personality and values.

Question 2: What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you?

Tip: This question demands a strategic approach.

Clearly articulate your career goals, emphasizing both short-term and long-term objectives.

Explain why Kellogg is your ideal platform for achieving these goals. Mention specific resources, courses, or aspects of the Kellogg program that align with your aspirations.

Your response should reflect a deep understanding of Kellogg’s offerings and a strong connection between your goals and the school’s unique advantages.

Question 3: This question will be based on a challenge you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from it.

Tip: Use this question to highlight your resilience and growth. Choose a challenge, either personal or professional, that showcases your ability to overcome adversity and learn from the experience.

Describe the challenge briefly, focusing more on the lessons learned and how it has influenced your character and decision-making.

Conclude by explaining how these lessons will contribute to your success as an MBA candidate at Kellogg.

Compilation of Kellogg Video Essay questions (2023) 

  • Introduce yourself outside of your CV.
  • Tell us something about yourself that we won’t know from your resume
  • There are many MBA schools. What’s so unique about Kellogg?
  • How long have you been considering an MBA and what have you learned about your goals in this time?
  • Whose leadership style do you admire the most and you wish to adopt?
  • Tell us about a time you were uncomfortable. How did you feel?
  • What is one misconception coworkers have about you and how do you plan to change that?
  • Tell us about the best piece of advice you have received, how you utilized it and how it impacted you?
  • Tell us about a time you received harsh feedback. What was your reaction and how did you proceed to act on it?
  • Tell us about one time when you received feedback that changed your perspective about something
  • Tell us about  time you received feedback that you didn’t agree with
  • Tell us about a time when you helped improved a process in your company, organization or community
  • When and how did you resolve a conflict?
  • Tell us about a time when you faced unforeseen or unexpected challenges
  • Tell us about a time you failed and used an unconventional approach the next time. What happened?
  • Tell us about a time when a conflict affected the productivity of the team? How did you handle it? What did you learn from it?
  • Tell us about a time where an unexpected situation arose? Why did it arise? What did you do to pivot and why?
  • Tell us about a time where you used a unique or creative way to solve a problem. What did you do and what was the outcome?
  • What is one value or quality that you bring to the Kellogg community and how will it help others?
  • Tell us about an experience outside school and outside office that motivated you to pursue a postgraduate education?
  • Tell us about a time you leveraged a professional relationship to achieve your goals
  • Tell us how you created an environment where differences and diverse ideas are respected. What was the outcome?
  • Tell us about a time you added value in a professional capacity 
  • Tell us about a time when you had to ask for help. What did you learn?

Note: Please consider this list indicative and not exhaustive

After you’ve successfully submitted your INSEAD MBA online application, an email notification from Kira Talent will swiftly arrive in your inbox, containing a unique link for you to embark on four video interviews. 

These interviews entail answering four distinct questions, and it’s essential to note that the questions presented to you may differ from those posed to other applicants. You’ll have a brief 45 seconds to prepare for each question and a minute to articulate your response.

These video interviews present a distinct opportunity for you to unveil your passions, motivations, and your true essence. The MBA Admissions Committee seeks an authentic portrayal of you as an individual, eager to witness your ability to think on your feet and effectively communicate your thoughts.

It’s important to emphasize that these video interviews do not replace face-to-face/online interviews with Alumni, which will still be a part of the assessment process. The video essay has to be submitted within 48 hours after the deadline of the Round in which you apply to INSEAD.

Tips for INSEAD Video Essay

  • To ensure a seamless experience, INSEAD recommends using either Microsoft Edge or Chrome for recording your Kira videos. Preparing extensively by practicing is encouraged, as it allows you to convey authentic and genuine responses, even though the practice questions and your responses won’t be disclosed to the Admissions Committee.
  • Before you begin recording, conduct a brief technology check by testing your camera and microphone. Once satisfied with the technical aspects, shift your focus to the camera, envisioning that you are addressing the Admissions Committee directly.
  • Wear Business or Business Casual Attire.
  • Lastly, consider keeping a notebook handy during the interviews to jot down key ideas. Remember, you’ll have just 45 seconds to prepare for each answer, followed by 60 seconds to deliver your response to the Admissions Committee.

Compilation of INSEAD MBA Video Essay questions (2023) 

  • What keeps you engaged and motivated at work?
  • How will INSEAD help you achieve your professional objectives?
  • Describe a time when you saw someone else doing something differently. How did you react?
  • Describe a time when you received negative feedback. How did you feel?
  • Do you consider yourself to be creative?
  • What do you think is the biggest challenge in leading a global team?
  • If you look back 10 years into your life, what would success mean to you?
  • Who or what inspires you the most?
  • What is the leadership quality you admire? Why?
  • How do you handle frustration at work and give constructive criticism?
  • How can INSEAD help you to contribute to the community?
  • What skills do you think you are missing that you want to work on while at INSEAD?
  • Tell us about something that your family or company borrowed from someone else, its advantages and its disadvantages
  • Why should we select you?
  • Tell us about the most pressing climate concern today and how you will tackle it?
  • How do you handle frustration at work? How do you openly communicate to resolve the frustration?
  • Are you aware of your biases? How does that affect your thoughts?
  • If you were given unlimited resources, which product or services would you offer to community and why?
  • What are your guiding principles or involvement in Coporate and Social Responsibility
  • How is diversity handled at your organization?
  • Tell us about a new app that was released in the past 3 and has resonated with you.
  • What do you think are the qualities of a good friend.
  • How do you generate ideas
  • What would you do if a new boss was acting in a surprising or offensive way to the local culture
  • A teammate of yours is shy of speaking out. How would you help them?
  • Most challenging decision you have taken?
  • Has your family or company adopted anything from other culture? What impact (positive or negative) it has had on you?
  • If you won 10 billion dollars, what would you do?
  • What is the most difficult aspect of working with you?
  • What do you think people often misunderstand about you?
Applying to INSEAD? Learn from Adhiraj’s successful journey to the INSEAD MBA with scholarships

Once you’ve submitted your application, expect an email from Kira Talent, a designated service provider. Within this email, you will discover a link granting access to the video essay platform, a crucial component of Rotman’s application process, which comprises two video questions.

Upon accessing the platform and initiating the session, you will be presented with a total of two spoken questions, delivered sequentially, one after the other.

Once you receive the question, you will be granted a 30-second window for contemplation, followed by a 90-second timeframe for your response. It’s essential to note that there are no opportunities for revisiting or reattempting the question; you have just one opportunity to express your thoughts and provide your answer.

Regardless of when you initially submit your application, remember that the clock starts ticking once you access the video essay platform. You must submit your video essay response within two weeks of submitting your application to complete this vital step in the Rotman admissions process.

Once you’ve successfully submitted your application, expect an email notification from Kira Talent, the designated company for Yale’s video essay component. Inside this email, you’ll find a link that grants access to the video essay platform.

Upon logging in and commencing the session, you’ll encounter a total of three Yale video essay questions, presented one at a time. These questions are randomly generated but fall into distinct categories, each with its own focus.

The Yale video essay questions are thoughtfully categorized into three groups:

  • MBA Motivations (Group 1) : The initial question in the Yale SOM video essay will center on your motivations, specifically regarding your interest in Yale or the rationale behind pursuing an MBA.
  • Behavioral Questions (Group 2) : Yale values individuals who embody purpose-driven adaptability, teamwork, and strong communication skills. Therefore, they often pose questions aimed at assessing your ability to collaborate effectively and your potential to contribute positively to the Yale community.
  • The Thinking Question (Group 3) : In addition to traditional interview queries, you will be tasked with responding to a “thinking question,” akin to a case study, during the Yale video essay. This question serves to evaluate your ability to think on your feet, a crucial aspect tested in Yale’s raw case method.

As you approach these questions, keep in mind that for the first and third, you’ll have 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to provide your response. However, for the second question, you’ll be granted 30 seconds of preparation time and 90 seconds to articulate your answer.

Regardless of when you submit your initial application, remember that it’s imperative to complete and submit your responses to the Yale video essay questions within a maximum of 48 hours following the round’s application deadline. This ensures your application remains complete and on schedule.

Compilation of Yale SOM Video Essay questions (2023) 

  • Why are you doing an MBA now?
  • What motivates you to get an MBA at this point?
  • Tell us about a time when a team member was not doing his share of work and how you handled it
  • Tell us about a time you or your team fixed a critical problem at work
  • Tell us about a problem that you solved by breaking down into its pieces
  • Tell us about a time when there was a potential problem at work and how did you prevent it?
  •  Mention a vague problem that was given to you and how did you solve it?
  • Tell us about a teacher who has impacted you in life?
  •  Yale School of Drama has produced many world renowned artists (e.g. Meryl Streep). Which artist do you admire most and why?
  • Which type of art holds significance to you among the various arts across Yale Center for European arts, Yale Center for Natural arts and Yale Center for British arts?
  • New Haven has great architectural significance ( something along these lines ). What piece of architecture has the greatest significance to you in your hometown or region? Why? 
  • What is a tradition you hold dear to yourself?

Question: “Please take a minute to introduce yourself to your future classmates.”

This is your opportunity to introduce yourself and make a personal connection. Unveil your true self, let your personality sparkle, and have a genuine conversation – this is your moment to shine.

Keep the following criteria in mind when creating your videos for MIT:

  • Keep it under 60 seconds, no more!
  • Record it all in a single take, no editing allowed.
  • Speak directly into the camera.
  • Avoid adding background music or subtitles to your video.

In order to learn more about applicants and assess their ability to think quickly, Oxford SaĂŻd’s MBA application process includes an online assessment.

Once the MBA application is submitted, you will find a link in the application status portal. This link allows you to register with Kira Talent, the online assessment platform, and complete the assessment. The assessment can be done anytime before the application deadline for the desired stage, for instance, Round 1 applicants must complete the assessment by the Round 1 deadline.

The online assessment consists of three parts:

  • Two motivation-based questions that all candidates must answer. These questions aim to let you explain your reasons for pursuing an MBA and why you believe the Oxford MBA is the best fit for you. Each applicant receives the same two questions.

Example: “Why do you think pursuing an MBA is the next step in your career?”

  • One competency-based question chosen randomly from a pool of available questions. This question allows you to demonstrate skills and qualities such as decision-making, problem-solving, leadership, teamwork, influencing, change management, and communication.

Example: “Could you share an experience where you successfully handled a challenging situation, either in your professional or personal life? How did you approach resolving it?”

  • A written response (essay), which will be randomized and light-hearted to display how you can think on your feet and write.

Example: “What was your favorite book as a child and why?”

For each motivation-based question, you have 60 seconds to prepare and 90 seconds to respond. For each competency-based question, there is 45 seconds of preparation time followed by 60 seconds to provide an answer.

It’s important to note that there are no opportunities to redo the questions, and you have only one chance to respond and share your answers during the assessment. The entire online assessment should take about 30 minutes to complete, so plan accordingly.

Compilation of Oxford SaĂŻd MBA Video Essay questions (2023) 

  • Since how long have you wanted to do your MBA? Why now is the right time and what skills do you hope to gain?
  • Students apply to many programmes and B schools. According to you, what makes Oxford unique?
  • Tell us about a time you were overloaded with work, how did you handle it?
  • Tell us about a time you asked for help and how did it go?
  • Tell us about a time you led a diverse team, what specific skill did you use and why?
  • Tell us a time when you had an idea and had to convince your project team.
  • What is the most significant personal weakness that you have identified, what did you do about it and what was the result?
  • Imagine you are proposing a business innovation idea for a class project and the audience is not interested. What would you do?
  • How would you convince a team about your idea if you were sure of its positive outcome?
  • How do you describe the color red to someone who can only see in black and white? 
  • Do you prefer cats or dogs? Explain why.

IESE Business School has introduced Video Essays as part of the application process this year, replacing the previous personal essay requirement.

The purpose of this change is to gain a deeper and more authentic understanding of applicants. It allows the Admissions Committee to get insights into the thought process and communication style of each candidate.

After submitting the written application and paying the required fees, you will receive a Kira Video Essay link within 24 hours, to be completed by the Application Round Deadline. This link will expire 48 hours after receipt. You will receive detailed instructions along with the link. Upon clicking the link, you can create a Kira account and practice before recording your video essay.

Each applicant will need to respond to two video essay questions. For each question, there will be a preparation time before recording the response.

Applicants are encouraged to be concise, as they have a limited time of 1.5 minutes to provide each answer. The Admissions Committee values authenticity and is interested in getting to know the real applicant, rather than hearing what they think the committee wants to hear.

It’s important to note that the application will be considered complete and ready for review only after all components, including the video essays, have been submitted.

Compilation of IESE MBA Video Essay questions (2023) 

  • How do we pronounce your name?
  • Tell us something about you not in your resume.
  • Tell us something that’s unique about you – traits and attributes uniquely you.
  • What is the one feedback you received that you didn’t agree with? How did you react and what was the outcome?
  • Every team has a certain archetype: architect, analyst etc. Which archetype are you when you play in a team? And why?
  •  Tell us one thing you like and one thing you don’t like about your current job.
  • Give a background of yourself and what abilities you can bring to the IESE MBA.
  • When was the last time you were creative.
Check out our interview with IESE MBA Adcom including insights on the application process, interviews, careers and more here

This year, IE Business School has introduced a video essay to get to know you better. The online assessment is quick and won’t take more than 30 minutes.

IE Business School has added this to its admissions process because they believe in innovation. This part of the process helps them understand your personality and how you respond in real time. 

You’ll need a computer with an internet connection, a microphone, and a webcam. You’ll answer three live questions – two in video format and one in writing. You can practice several times, but remember, once you officially start the assessment, you only have one chance to respond. You have one week from when you submitted your online admissions application to complete this online assessment.

Video essays have become a vital component of the MBA admissions process, offering applicants a unique platform to showcase their personality and communication skills. Whether it’s a pre-recorded or impromptu video essay, here are ten tips to help you excel in this aspect of your application:

Understand the Purpose

  • Pre-Recorded: Pre-recorded video essays often have prompts that allow for structured responses. Understand the specific question and ensure your video essay directly addresses it.
  • Impromptu: In impromptu video essays, you may not know the questions in advance. Focus on providing insightful, concise answers to the given prompts.
  • Pre-Recorded: Use your allotted time efficiently. Be concise in your response while ensuring you provide a complete and well-structured answer.
  • Impromptu: Stay on point and avoid rambling. Use the given preparation time to outline your response and make your points concisely during the recording.

Prepare Thoroughly

  • Pre-Recorded: Take time to brainstorm ideas, outline your response, and rehearse multiple times. Ensure your message is clear and compelling.
  • Impromptu: Since you may have limited time to prepare, practice answering diverse types of questions to build your ability to think on your feet. Doing Mock Interviews can particularly help.

Showcase Your Personality

  • Pre-Recorded: Your video should provide a glimpse of your character and values. Let your authenticity shine through by being yourself.
  • Impromptu: Be genuine in your responses. Authenticity is highly valued in impromptu video essays.

Maintain Eye Contact

  • Pre-Recorded: Look directly into the camera to establish a connection with the viewer. This creates a sense of engagement and sincerity.
  • Impromptu: Even when you don’t know the questions in advance, maintain eye contact with the camera during your responses to appear confident and composed.

Have a Strong Opening and Closing

  • Pre-Recorded: Begin with a compelling introduction and end with a memorable conclusion that reinforces your main points.
  • Impromptu: Use the initial seconds to frame your response and conclude succinctly by summarizing your key message.

Eliminate Distractions

  • Pre-Recorded: Choose a quiet, well-lit location with minimal distractions for your recording. Ensure your background is professional.
  • Impromptu: Find a quiet spot where you can focus solely on your response without interruptions.

Manage your Time Well

  • Pre-Recorded: Allocate sufficient time for recording, reviewing, and editing if necessary. Avoid rushing the process.
  • Impromptu: Manage your time wisely during preparation and response. Stick to the given time limits.

Rehearse Video Recording Technology

  • Pre-Recorded: Familiarize yourself with the recording equipment and software. Ensure your audio and video quality are top-notch.
  • Impromptu: Check your internet connection, camera, and microphone in advance to avoid technical glitches.

Seek Feedback

  • Pre-Recorded: Share your video with mentors, advisors or trusted friends to gather constructive feedback and make improvements.
  • Impromptu: After practicing impromptu responses, seek feedback on your communication skills and clarity.

In both pre-recorded and impromptu video essays, the key is effectively communicating your message while showcasing your suitability for the MBA program. With preparation, practice, and attention to these tips, you can create impressive video essays that enhance your MBA application.

In an increasingly competitive MBA admissions landscape, video essays offer you a chance to stand out and convey your unique value to the business school of your choice.

Use this opportunity to not only address the questions asked but also to paint a vivid picture of your aspirations, experiences, and character. It’s a tool that, when used effectively, can elevate your application and set you on the path to success in your MBA journey. So, embrace the challenge, be yourself, and make your video essay a compelling testament to your candidacy.

If you would like our support on your B-school applications, feel free to reach out!

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