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population ecology research papers

Wolbachia -induced cytoplasmic incompatibility: Puzzle more than buzz in Drosophila suzukii ">Insect population dynamics under Wolbachia -induced cytoplasmic incompatibility: Puzzle more than buzz in Drosophila suzukii

Alexandra Auguste, Nicolas Ris,  [ ... ], Xavier Fauvergue

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An improved approach for ecological modeling of social phenomena in Blau space

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Difficulties in summing log-normal distributions for abundance and potential solutions

Emma J. Talis, Christian Che-Castaldo, Heather J. Lynch

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Spurious early ecological association suggesting BCG vaccination effectiveness for COVID-19

Jorge R. Ledesma, Peter Lurie,  [ ... ], Mark N. Lurie

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Taxonomic and geographic bias in 50 years of research on the behaviour and ecology of galagids

Grace Ellison, Martin Jones, Bradley Cain, Caroline M. Bettridge

population ecology research papers

easyFulcrum: An R package to process and analyze ecological sampling data generated using the Fulcrum mobile application

Matteo Di Bernardo, Timothy A. Crombie, Daniel E. Cook, Erik C. Andersen

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A mathematical modelling framework for the regulation of intra-cellular OCT4 in human pluripotent stem cells

L. E. Wadkin, S. Orozco-Fuentes,  [ ... ], A. Shukurov

population ecology research papers

Inbreeding, Allee effects and stochasticity might be sufficient to account for Neanderthal extinction

Krist Vaesen, Fulco Scherjon, Lia Hemerik, Alexander Verpoorte

population ecology research papers

Optimal dispersal in ecological dynamics with Allee effect in metapopulations

Marcelo A. Pires, Sílvio M. Duarte Queirós

population ecology research papers

Using an individual-based model to assess common biases in lek-based count data to estimate population trajectories of lesser prairie-chickens

Beth E. Ross, Daniel S. Sullins, David A. Haukos

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Simplified procedure for efficient and unbiased population size estimation

Marcos Cruz, Javier González-Villa

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A multi-level model of emerging technology: An empirical study of the evolution of biotechnology from 1976 to 2003

Ad van den Oord, Arjen van Witteloostuijn

population ecology research papers

Seasonal reproduction leads to population collapse and an Allee effect in a stage-structured consumer-resource biomass model when mortality rate increases

Zepeng Sun, André M. de Roos

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, population ecology theory: implications for sustainability.

Management Decision

ISSN : 0025-1747

Article publication date: 28 June 2011

The paper has dual objectives. First, the paper aims to consolidate prior research in the area of population ecology theory and provide a review and critique of this influential organizational theory. The review is both broad and extensive, covering all major theoretical streams in population ecology. Second, the paper aims to highlight a new and hitherto unexplored area for future research, which lies at the intersection of population ecology and sustainability.


The extensive and broad review included all salient published scholarly work on the topic of population ecology from 1996‐2010. Findings are reported in nine separate tables, classified by primary research focus, chronology, author, etc. Additionally, a brief summary of prior research on sustainability is provided.

Population ecology continues as a valuable and influential perspective for organizational scholars. In comparison, sustainability is a relatively new entrant in the organizational literature, since 2008. Several areas of convergence between population ecology and sustainability exist (construct dimensions, levels of analysis and outcomes). An important gap in the literature allows future research agendas to be pursued.

Practical implications

The major, and most widespread, global implication is that unsustainable organizational practices and strategies may be selected by ecological pressures, and that such organizations may face a decline in population density, or mortality. Sustainable practices may allow for greater firm density and a rise in survival rates for organizational populations. Future research directions investigating population ecology links to sustainability are provided.


This is the first instance where the potential contribution of population ecology to sustainability in organizations is provided.

  • Sustainable development

Salimath, M.S. and Jones, R. (2011), "Population ecology theory: implications for sustainability", Management Decision , Vol. 49 No. 6, pp. 874-910.

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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population ecology research papers


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    Population Ecology, formerly known as Researches on Population Ecology launched in Dec 1952, is the official journal of the Society of Population Ecology. Population Ecology publishes original research articles and reviews (including invited reviews) on various aspects of population ecology, from the individual to the community level.

  5. Population ecology

    Taxonomic and geographic bias in 50 years of research on the behaviour and ecology of galagids. Grace Ellison, Martin Jones, Bradley Cain, Caroline M. Bettridge. Publications. PLOS Biology. PLOS Climate. PLOS Complex Systems. PLOS Computational Biology. PLOS Digital Health. PLOS Genetics.

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  13. PDF Population Ecology in Practice

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  14. 100 articles every ecologist should read

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  15. Population ecology theory: Implications for sustainability

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  19. Population Ecology

    Population Ecology, formerly known as Researches on Population Ecology launched in Dec 1952, is the official journal of the Society of Population Ecology. Population Ecology publishes original research articles and reviews (including invited reviews) on various aspects of population ecology, from the individual to the community level.

  20. Identification of 100 fundamental ecological questions

    Summary Fundamental ecological research is both intrinsically interesting and provides the basic knowledge required to answer applied questions of importance to the management of the natural world. The 100th anniversary of the British Ecological Society in 2013 is an opportune moment to reflect on the current status of ecology as a science and look forward to high-light priorities for future ...

  21. Ecology

    Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment. It considers processes that occur at the population, community and ecosystem levels and has a particular focus ...

  22. Researches on Population Ecology

    Researches on Population Ecology. The theories of the stochastic processes are applied to construct mathematical models for describing the processes of population change as an ever changing the ...

  23. Top 100 in Ecology

    Top 100 in Ecology Explore our most highly accessed* ecology articles in 2018. Featuring authors from around the World, these papers highlight valuable research within ecology from an ...