My Dream Robot Essay in English

My Dream Robot Essay in English, Till now I have seen many robotic movies, and all of them are thrilling. Every time I learn about robotics or see a related movie I wish to have a robot of my own. Robots don’t have life, but their capabilities can go beyond imagination. They are similar to the devices we use at our home. Even a mixed grinder in our kitchen can be regarded as a robot that runs on electricity and eases our work.

Robotics is the future of this planet and one day we will be living with robots. The world and technology is advancing and countries are doing competition with each other. Everyone wishes to make a better robot than others and we have seen many till now.

my dream robot essay in english

My Robot Essay in English

Robot is a creation of man and it has both their merits and demerits. I wish to pursue my carrier in AI so that one day I can have my own robot. A robot that will save humanity and will work on my command.  Just imagine how helpful a robot can be when we need the help most for instance in the case of accidents.

Robots are definitely going to make the life of humans easy. Today we have technology everywhere and countries like Japan and North Korea have robots working in a variety of sectors nowadays. They have robots in restaurants where social contact is prohibited. 

Robots can be of great help at times when the entire world is fighting with the enemies like Coronavirus. If I had a robot I would have helped society with its assistance.  When the entire countries were in lockdown drones and robots were helping people reach their daily needs.

Drones were used in many countries to maintain lockdown. No matter what critiques say about robots that they can be a threat to humanity, the fact is if things are done mindfully robots can save the lives of many humans.

I wish to have a robot because it can be used in many sectors. They can fulfill tasks that are dangerous for humans. There is going to be a revolution in robotics soon and we will start seeing robots more often. 

If I have dream of having a robot, I can say it is not an impossible dream. One day I might be sitting with my dream robot that is going to be friendly, huge assistance, and fun to be with. Robots are certainly fun as there are many people who are living lonely lives.

Having a friendly robot y our side can remove all the stress of being alone. A robot can help me find solutions to my problems; can help me with my homework and even duties from the adults.

Robots can work in any kind of environment. They can jump in the fire and save people, they can dive in the oceans, they can complete tasks of many machines in just seconds, they can do cleaning, can perform surgeries and anything you can imagine can be done with a help of robot.

Also Read: A horrible Dream Essay

I have seen many people working in hazardous conditions. They work in such conditions their whole life and when it is their time to rest they get affected by disease and lose their rest of life. We can implement robotics in such sectors and save humans. 

Robots can handle any type of temperature, weight and can never get bored of doing repetitive tasks. Robots are going to save a lot of time, effort, and money. No matter I wish to have a robot one day humanity will be running smoothly with AI one day.

I wish to have dream robot just because many lives will be saved. There are many tasks that are impossible for humans, but robots can also travel in space. My dream robot will surely travel to other planets and will send pictures of the magical universe.

I will send my dream robot beneath to oceans, close to volcanoes and every place where I can never be. My dream robot will not only serve humanity but will also fulfill my impossible dreams.

My Dream Robot Essay in English Std 10

My dream robot is going to have human face and voice. Being able to talk to your robot is the coolest thing I can imagine. My robot will be able to lift up heavy materials, will be able to run faster than a bullet train, and will also assist people in help.

My robot is going to be fun-loving, he will be able to dance, sing and eliminate all the errors from my life. I am going to be proud of my robot because one thing that I wish to do with my robot is to prevent accidents.

Robots are the hope of future and future generations are going to be totally dependent on robotics. In 2022 we have started noticing the advancements and there are people who are living with robots today. 

For every work, we can depend upon a robot, but I also fret there should be limits. If all humans will have robots, then there will be fewer job opportunities. Humans will become lazy day by day and this can affect their life. My dream robot will help me stay healthy and active. I wish to play games with my robot, get out in the public and gain attention. 

My dream robot will teach me and expose me to new things with technology. My dream robot will turn into a car and take me to school, can turn into a pet, and can do things that will aww everyone.

There are plenty of meticulous things which I will do along with the companionship of my robot. My dream robot is going to be a hero of humanity. He will save people, will provide medical assistance, and make friends.

I have similar imagination as any young boy in the movie with a robot by his side. He will be able to save me from any type of danger and will also be by my side as my friend.

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Essay on My Dream Robot – Short Essay & Long Essay upto 1500 Words

Short Essay on My Dream Robot

Essay on My Dream Robot: In a world where technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate, the idea of a dream robot is no longer just a fantasy. Imagine a robot that can anticipate your needs, perform tasks with precision and efficiency, and even provide companionship. In this essay, we will explore the concept of a dream robot and discuss the potential benefits and challenges of bringing such a creation to life. Join me as we delve into the possibilities of a future where robots are more than just machines, but integral parts of our daily lives.

Table of Contents

My Dream Robot Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by brainstorming ideas for your dream robot. Think about what tasks or functions you would like it to perform, what features it would have, and how it would improve your life.

2. Create an outline for your essay, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your essay flows smoothly.

3. In the introduction, introduce the concept of your dream robot and explain why you are writing about it. You can also provide some background information on robots and their role in society.

4. In the body paragraphs, describe in detail the features and functions of your dream robot. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate how it would work. You can also discuss how your robot would be different from existing robots and why it would be better.

5. Consider the potential impact of your dream robot on society. How would it benefit people and improve their lives? Would it have any drawbacks or potential risks?

6. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of your dream robot. Include details about its appearance, capabilities, and how it would interact with humans.

7. Consider the ethical implications of creating and using robots. Would your dream robot raise any ethical concerns, and how would you address them?

8. In the conclusion, summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate why your dream robot is important to you. You can also discuss any future developments or advancements in robotics that may make your dream robot a reality.

9. Proofread and edit your essay to ensure that it is well-written and free of errors. Consider asking a friend or family member to read it and provide feedback.

10. Remember to stay focused on the topic and avoid going off on tangents. Keep your essay concise and to the point, while still providing enough detail to fully explore your ideas about your dream robot.

Essay on My Dream Robot in 10 Lines – Examples

1. My dream robot would be able to perform household chores such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry. 2. It would have advanced artificial intelligence to understand and respond to commands. 3. The robot would have a sleek and modern design, making it aesthetically pleasing. 4. It would be equipped with sensors to navigate through the house and avoid obstacles. 5. My dream robot would also have the ability to learn and adapt to my preferences over time. 6. It would have a built-in security system to protect my home when I am away. 7. The robot would be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. 8. It would have a voice recognition feature for easy communication. 9. My dream robot would be able to provide entertainment, such as playing music or games. 10. Overall, my dream robot would make my life easier and more efficient.

Sample Essay on My Dream Robot in 100-180 Words

My dream robot is a highly advanced and versatile machine that can perform a wide range of tasks to assist humans in their daily lives. It would have artificial intelligence capabilities, allowing it to learn and adapt to different situations.

This robot would be able to clean and organize my house, cook meals, and even help with homework or work tasks. It would have a friendly and approachable personality, making it easy to communicate with and give commands to.

In addition, my dream robot would have the ability to provide companionship and emotional support when needed. It would be able to understand and empathize with human emotions, making it a valuable and trusted companion.

Overall, my dream robot would be a reliable and efficient helper in all aspects of my life, making tasks easier and more enjoyable. I believe that with the advancements in technology, my dream robot could become a reality in the near future.

Short Essay on My Dream Robot in 200-500 Words

In today’s world, technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and the idea of having a robot to assist us in our daily lives is no longer just a fantasy. My dream robot would be a versatile and intelligent machine that could perform a wide range of tasks to make my life easier and more efficient.

First and foremost, my dream robot would be able to help me with household chores. It would be equipped with advanced cleaning capabilities, allowing it to vacuum, mop, and dust every corner of my home with precision and efficiency. This would save me valuable time and energy that I could then spend on more important tasks or activities.

In addition to cleaning, my dream robot would also be able to assist me with cooking. It would have a vast database of recipes and cooking techniques, allowing it to prepare delicious and healthy meals for me and my family. It would also be able to monitor the freshness of ingredients and suggest recipes based on what is available in my pantry.

Furthermore, my dream robot would be equipped with advanced artificial intelligence that would allow it to learn and adapt to my preferences and habits over time. It would be able to anticipate my needs and make suggestions or recommendations based on my past behavior. For example, if it noticed that I always forget to take my vitamins in the morning, it could remind me to do so.

Another important feature of my dream robot would be its ability to provide companionship and emotional support. It would be programmed to engage in meaningful conversations, offer words of encouragement, and provide a listening ear when needed. This would be especially beneficial for individuals who live alone or struggle with feelings of loneliness.

Moreover, my dream robot would have the ability to assist me with my work and personal projects. It would be able to organize my schedule, set reminders for important deadlines, and help me stay on track with my goals. It could also help me with research tasks, data analysis, and other complex projects that require a high level of accuracy and attention to detail.

In conclusion, my dream robot would be a valuable and indispensable companion that would enhance my daily life in countless ways. From household chores to cooking, from companionship to work assistance, my dream robot would be a versatile and intelligent machine that would make my life easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable. I look forward to the day when such advanced technology becomes a reality and I can welcome my dream robot into my home.

Essay on My Dream Robot in 1000-1500 Words


Robots have always fascinated me since I was a child. The idea of a machine that can perform tasks autonomously without human intervention is truly remarkable. As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for robots are endless. My dream robot would be a versatile and intelligent machine that can assist with various tasks and make life easier for humans. In this essay, I will describe my dream robot and how it would revolutionize the way we live and work.

Description of My Dream Robot

My dream robot would be a humanoid robot with a sleek and modern design. It would have a humanoid body with two arms and legs, a head with facial features, and sensors all over its body to detect and interact with its environment. The robot would be made of lightweight and durable materials, allowing it to move with agility and precision.

One of the key features of my dream robot would be its advanced artificial intelligence system. The robot would be able to learn from its interactions with humans and adapt to new situations. It would have the ability to understand and respond to natural language commands, making it easy to communicate with. The robot would also have a vast database of knowledge and information, allowing it to provide accurate and helpful answers to any questions.

In terms of physical capabilities, my dream robot would be able to perform a wide range of tasks. It would have superhuman strength and dexterity, allowing it to lift heavy objects and perform delicate tasks with ease. The robot would also have a variety of tools and attachments that can be easily swapped out, allowing it to perform different tasks efficiently.

One of the most important features of my dream robot would be its ability to work autonomously. The robot would be able to navigate its environment, avoid obstacles, and make decisions on its own. It would be able to perform tasks such as cleaning, cooking, gardening, and even driving a car. The robot would also have the ability to connect to other smart devices in the home, allowing it to control the lights, thermostat, and other appliances.

Benefits of My Dream Robot

My dream robot would have a wide range of benefits for society. One of the main benefits would be increased productivity and efficiency. The robot would be able to perform tasks much faster and more accurately than humans, allowing businesses to save time and money. The robot could also take on dangerous or repetitive tasks that are not suitable for humans, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Another benefit of my dream robot would be improved quality of life for humans. The robot could assist with tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and shopping, allowing people to spend more time with their families or pursue their hobbies. The robot could also provide companionship for elderly or disabled individuals, helping them to live independently and stay connected with others.

In addition, my dream robot could have a positive impact on the environment. The robot could be programmed to be energy-efficient and eco-friendly, reducing waste and conserving resources. The robot could also be used for tasks such as recycling and waste management, helping to reduce pollution and protect the planet.

Challenges and Considerations

While my dream robot has many potential benefits, there are also several challenges and considerations that need to be addressed. One of the main challenges is the cost of developing and manufacturing such a sophisticated robot. The technology required for my dream robot is still in the early stages of development, and it would require a significant investment of time and resources to bring it to market.

Another challenge is the ethical and social implications of using robots in society. There are concerns about job displacement and the impact on the workforce if robots are able to perform tasks more efficiently than humans. There are also concerns about privacy and security, as robots could potentially be used for surveillance or other nefarious purposes.

In addition, there are technical challenges that need to be overcome in order to make my dream robot a reality. The robot would need to be able to navigate complex environments, interact with humans in a natural and intuitive way, and adapt to new situations on the fly. These challenges would require advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, and other fields of technology.

In conclusion, my dream robot would be a versatile and intelligent machine that could revolutionize the way we live and work. The robot would have advanced artificial intelligence, physical capabilities, and autonomy, allowing it to perform a wide range of tasks and make life easier for humans. While there are challenges and considerations that need to be addressed, the potential benefits of my dream robot are vast. I believe that with continued advancements in technology, my dream robot could become a reality in the near future.

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My Dream Robot Essay in English

Table of Contents


This essay explores the imaginative concept of my dream robot, named Manav, designed to assist with daily tasks, provide educational support, and offer companionship. Written for Class 10 students, it highlights the potential benefits and positive impact a personal robot like Manav could have on everyday life. The essay aims to inspire readers to think creatively about the future of technology and its role in enhancing our lives responsibly.


Long essay/ paragraph.

In an era where technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate, the concept of a personal robot is no longer confined to the realms of science fiction. For many students, envisioning a dream robot can be an exciting exercise in creativity and innovation. This essay explores what my dream robot would be like, the features it would possess, and the ways it could transform daily life.


My dream robot would be an amalgamation of various advanced technologies, designed to assist in daily activities and enhance the quality of life. It would be humanoid in shape, equipped with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) that allows it to learn and adapt to its environment. Its primary functions would include household chores, educational support, personal assistance, and companionship.

1. Household Chores:

One of the most practical features of my dream robot would be its ability to perform household tasks. Equipped with dexterous limbs and advanced sensors, it could clean the house, do the laundry, cook meals, and even tend to the garden. Its AI would enable it to learn family preferences, ensuring that tasks are done to everyone’s satisfaction.

2. Educational Support:

As a student, having a robot that can help with academics would be invaluable. My dream robot would have access to vast databases of information and be capable of tutoring in various subjects. It could explain complex concepts, assist with homework, and even prepare students for exams through interactive lessons and quizzes.

3. Personal Assistance:

Beyond household and educational support, the robot would function as a personal assistant. It would manage schedules, set reminders, and keep track of important tasks. For those involved in creative pursuits, the robot could also serve as a brainstorming partner, offering ideas and feedback.

4. Companionship :

In addition to its practical functions, my dream robot would also be a source of companionship. It would be programmed with emotional intelligence, allowing it to understand and respond to human emotions. This feature would be particularly beneficial for individuals who feel lonely or require emotional support.


The introduction of such a robot into daily life would bring about significant positive changes. For students, it would mean more efficient management of time and a better balance between academics and leisure. With the robot handling mundane tasks, there would be more time for hobbies, sports, and spending time with family and friends.

Moreover, the educational support provided by the robot could lead to improved academic performance. Personalized tutoring would cater to individual learning styles, helping students grasp difficult subjects more effectively. The robot’s ability to simulate exams and provide instant feedback would be particularly useful in preparing for important tests.

For parents and working professionals, the robot’s assistance with household chores and personal management would reduce stress and increase productivity. It would ensure that the household runs smoothly, allowing adults to focus more on their careers and personal development.


While the prospect of having a dream robot is exciting, it is important to consider the ethical implications. Ensuring that the robot operates within ethical boundaries is crucial. It must respect privacy, maintain security, and operate transparently. Furthermore, measures should be taken to prevent over-dependence on robots, encouraging humans to continue developing their own skills and capabilities.

In conclusion, my dream robot would be a multifaceted assistant designed to enhance various aspects of daily life. From performing household chores to providing educational support, managing personal tasks, and offering companionship, its impact would be profound. However, as we move towards a future where such technology becomes a reality, it is essential to address ethical considerations and ensure that these advancements contribute positively to society. The dream of having a personal robot is not just about convenience; it is about creating a balanced, efficient, and fulfilling life.


My dream robot: manav.

I often think of having a robot that would help me with all my work: my dream robot. I would name him Manav, he would be like a smart, helpful friend who can make my life easier and more fun.

First, Manav would help with household chores. It would clean the house, do the laundry, and even cook delicious meals. This way, I wouldn’t have to worry about boring tasks and could spend more time on things I enjoy.

Next, Manav would be an amazing tutor. It would help me with my homework, explain difficult subjects, and even quiz me before exams. This would make studying a lot easier and more interesting.

Manav would also act as a personal assistant. It would remind me of important dates, help me organize my schedule, and even suggest fun activities to do in my free time. This would keep me organized and make sure I never forget anything important.

Lastly, Manav would be a great companion. It would understand my feelings, cheer me up when I’m sad, and keep me company when I’m lonely. It would be like having a best friend who is always there for me.

Having Manav would make my life easier, help me do better in school, and provide great company. While it’s fun to dream about, it’s also important to use technology responsibly and not rely on robots for everything. My dream robot, Manav, would be a helpful, friendly addition to my life.

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Isaac Asimov’s “Robot Dreams” and Alex Proyas’ “I, Robot” Essay (Critical Writing)

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Technology has come to occupy a very important place in our lives today. This can be found in many aspects of daily life. Driving to work involves the use of evolving technology as every car made today includes varying degrees of computerized information systems that inform the vehicle of important information – everything from the need for an oil change to sophisticated mapping systems and instant notification of emergency services in the event of a crash. Work life typically revolves around the use of computers whether it is the auto mechanic evaluating the performance of the vehicle or the designer attempting to create a safer, more economical and fuel efficient car. Technology is also highly used in the operating room as patients’ histories are entered into computers and checked against drug interactions, tracked for needed procedures and monitored for life signs and medication treatment. Technology has entered into so many phases of our lives that we tend to simply take it for granted. This is the central message in both Isaac Asimov’s short story “Robot Dreams” and Alex Proyas’ film I, Robot. In exploring these issues, both stories question whether this involvement is justified and what can be done to improve it.

Asimov’s story presents a single chapter in the story depicted in Proya’s film yet both manage to convey the same sense of technological involvement in the everyday lives of its human characters. In Asimov’s story, a robot, ELV-1 called Elvex, has been created that is evidently capable of independent thought approaching the level of human sentience and perhaps having fully achieved such. This character is duplicated in the film version in the form of Sonny. Both stories use the human character of Susan Calvin to reveal a robot’s wish to be free of its human restraints and convey the possibility for robots to reach human intelligence and capacity for thought. This humanity is illustrated in the robot’s ability to have dreams, in which he stands at the head of a multitude of robots to lead them to a better existence. However, while Asimov’s story remains set within the strict confines of the research lab with only two female researchers aware of its existence, Proya’s character is allowed to develop far beyond this limited scope as it is first accused of killing its creator and then leads a suspicious detective to the detection of the master computer’s plot to take all of humanity captive. Thus, both stories involve the evolution of the robot mind to something approaching or perhaps equaling sentience and both include the element of danger as the robot mind envisions freedom. However, while Asimov’s story leaves no question that the developing robot mind is dangerous, Proya’s story opens room for discussion allowing Sonny to survive to fulfill his dream leading retired robots to more productive futures while the dangerous computer mind of VIKI is destroyed.

As a result, both stories indicate there is a significant potential for danger inherent in the integration of technology and society as well as significant potential for benefit. According to Dinello (2005), sci-fi literature provides a means of imagining the potential problems and consequences of new technological advancements and the various questions they raise. In both of these stories, the question of the benefits of technology is strongly questioned as they each demonstrate the degree to which machines have integrated into daily life. This is most evident in I, Robot as robots are seen in every aspect of life – from personal servants in the home to emergency workers and maintenance crews. However, it is also brought forward in Asimov’s story as Elvex tells Dr. Calvin, “I see some mining in the depths of the earth, and some laboring in heat and radiation. I see some in factories and some undersea” (Asimov, 1986). Elvex’s account of his dream to Dr. Calvin demonstrates an elimination of the basic laws of robotics. These include first, that they must protect human life, second that they must obey orders given by humans except when this conflicts with the first law and third that they must do what they must to protect themselves except when this comes into conflict with the first two laws. In indicating that the first two laws had been eliminated and the third law had been modified to remove reference to the first two laws, the short story makes it clear that sentient robots are a menace to human life. This danger is also reflected in I, Robot both in the coup attempt by VIKI as well as in the less dangerous response of the rescue robot that opts to save the adult cop rather than the child in the accident that cost Det. Spooner his arm. This type of decision-making process is consistent with modern-day technology as evidenced by Stone et al (2006) in their outline of how robots can be programmed to cope with uncertain situations, yet the technology remains insufficient to fully replace the innate human process.

The film’s significant difference from the short story lies in Sonny’s survival and subsequent fulfillment of the dream as compared to the destruction of Elvex in Asimov’s tale. This is largely because the film functions to demonstrate that the machine can learn and transcend the potential dangers by ‘growing up’ gentle and good, as Sonny has done. Because the story is told from the point of view of the suspicious detective rather than from the detached third-person point of view offered in Asimov’s story, the director is able to take the viewer from a point of complete mistrust to one of grudging possibility as it is recognized that Sonny is perhaps just as ‘human’ as humans. This is an important shift in the ideology presented to the public as “Change to our society and ourselves will be happening faster than ever soon. Even though we know something about future technologies now, we can never be fully prepared for them. This coming high technology can’t be suppressed for long, and that would be ill-advised in any case. It is as inevitable as change itself” (Graves, 1990). In determining what to depict about the future potentials of machine technology, Proya has opted to provide viewers with both positive and negative predictions and possibilities, warning the public about the dangers while also introducing the possibilities for the advantages. “Culture and cultural images mediate the way in which technology and its effects are perceived” (Smits, 2006), introducing and contributing to the public dialogue regarding such ideas.

In attempting to illustrate the problems of technology in the modern society, or the potential problems, both Asimov and Proya investigate the potential harm that sentient robots represent to human society. While the short story is limited in its length, the film is limited in its ability to depict deep philosophical ideas while still remaining active enough for a modern audience. In evaluating the role of technology in today’s society in view of the messages of these stories, it remains a difficult question to answer. It is obvious that technology can have significant benefits for human society in that robots would be able to perform dangerous work with less risk to human welfare and may be less apt to make dangerous mistakes, such as in the operating room. Their greater strength and faster processing speed coupled with their ability to work without need for rest are all positive elements of the increased use of technology. However, before these robots can truly take over those activities they are expected to do, such as stopping a car before it collides with another object, it is often necessary for the robot to have a greater ability to make decisions based on uncertain information. This sentience may make it possible for the machines to override their programmed restrictions against harming humans. From a personal point of view, it seems unlikely that progress will be halted simply because of a few fears regarding the coming of age of the machine, no matter how well-founded, but perhaps texts such as these will help fuel discussions into proper safeguards and usage that will encourage robots to work in concert with humans even after sentience is achieved.

Asimov, Isaac. (1986). “Robot Dreams.” Robot Dreams. FictionWise.

Dinello, Daniel. (2005). Technophobia: Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Graves, James. (1990). “Technology and its Effect on Society.” Western Intellectual Tradition. Web.

I, Robot. (2004). Dir. Alex Proyas. Perf. Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan, Alan Tudyk, James Cromwell & Bruce Greenwood. Twentieth Century Fox.

Smits, Martijntje. (2006). “Science Fiction: A Credible Resource for Critical Knowledge?” Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. Vol. 26, N. 6.

Stone, Peter; Mohan Sridharan; Daniel Stronger; Gregory Kuhlmann; Nate Kohl; Peggy Fidelman; & Nicholas K. Jong. (2006). Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Vol. 54, I. 11.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 8). Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot".

"Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot"." IvyPanda , 8 Dec. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot"'. 8 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot"." December 8, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot"." December 8, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot"." December 8, 2021.

The Dream of Intelligent Robot Friends

Learning about smart objects from the Karotz Internet-connected toy rabbit thing

essay on my dream robot

Karotz is an Internet-enabled console in the shape of an abstracted rabbit. One sits on my coffee table, continuously connected to WiFi, programmed to broadcast certain bits of live information such as Twitter messages, news headlines or weather reports by reading them out loud. It’s a voice-driven version of the Internet that makes online cuteness manifest.

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I am an admitted technophile, a female version of Fred Armisen’s fictional tech blogger character Randall Meeks, who can see the potential of a new technology even if the current reality leaves much to be desired. In my lectures, images and videos of the Karotz appear repeatedly. I like to celebrate its virtues while also pointing out its implausibility. “This is an everything machine," I tell my students.

In terms of outward expressions it has them all: light, sound, and movement. A glow from its belly is capable of displaying different colors with a variety of timed patterns; a computer-generated voice allows it to speak in English words (as well as French or German). Two protruding ears move to reflect an aspect of the data being broadcast. It has a camera (sight), a button on its head (touch), a microphone (hearing). It can distinguish tagged objects from one another by proximity via an RFID reader. It’s got voice recognition, speech synthesis, and Wi-Fi connectivity, a webcam, a VoIP phone, and an Internet radio. All in a cute, cunicular package.

Of course, you can get all of these features in an ordinary computer (minus the ears, that is). But the Karotz promises to keep us connected without having to be glued to a screen. Messages and news feeds can stream in as sound. Ambient characteristics such as light or ear movements offer a sense of someone else's presence by mimicking those of a paired Karotz elsewhere at a distance. The wave of an RFID-enabled talisman can trigger a photo capture or weather report.

essay on my dream robot

Like many designers, I have been inspired by the work of the Franco-Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi, who with just a few bold forms and clean cuts could capture the essence of something as dynamic as a bird.

The Karotz, with its simple, truncated cone body embodies some of the Brancusian minimalism that has become particularly elusive in today's world of endless app grids and scrolling text tickers. With the addition of dynamic, if minimalist, attributes—a single glowing surface, rotating ear forms–this sculptural object imbues semantic messages and subtleties of meaning. Karotz offers connection without consumption, to give us a way to interact with the Internet without leaving our current physical and social context.

My first moments with Karotz—what designers sometimes call the "Out of the Box Experience" or OoBE—were harsh letdowns. Instead of encountering witty banter, I was faced with fussy fumbling, USB sticks shuffled back and forth between my computer and the plugs and ports awkwardly arranged on the rabbit’s underside. The product literature told me that lights on its surface should become green at the end of a startup sequence, but mine were red and blue, followed by a female voice sending me back to my computer to consult a website to troubleshoot. Afterwards, there was more USB juggling, as well as lots of file management shenanigans to make sure that the latest drivers were downloaded and files had been unzipped and placed at a proper root location.

It’s possible that I wouldn’t have stuck it out for a more ordinary computational device. But we indulge the illusion that an interactive product is a living character, such as a pet or friend, silly as we know it is. When the product looks and acts like a living creature, we give it wider berth, allowing it more imperfections and quirks. Quirks aren’t defects, they are distinguishing characteristics that help us identify with foreign beings. Personalities. In this respect, Karotz might be best grouped within the lineage of domestic robotics.

Though we've had dynamic and somewhat autonomous objects in our homes for decades—washing machines and dishwashers, for example—the Roomba was the first widely available and popular domestic robot. It did one thing, even if not always very well: floor cleaning. But nevertheless, it captured our imaginations. The combination of dependable, consistent behavior (personality), autonomous decision making (brains), and the ability to navigate the intimate space of the home (autonomy) invites us to embrace the illusion that the Roomba is another being. Studies have shown that we develop a sense of intimacy with household robots. In a paper titled “My Roomba is Rambo” , Georgia Tech researchers discovered that many owners saw their Roombas as companions, often bestowing names upon them. When sending them off for repair, some felt a connection to their exact unit, expressing concern that theirs might be replaced with a therefore different entity than the one to which they had become attached.

essay on my dream robot

As I moved past the OoBE and into the first few real uses of Karotz, I hung in there. In the relationship arc of non-smart objects, repeated and regular use eventually leads to boredom, resignation and apathy. Smart objects promise to do the opposite, producing a connection continually enriched by new information, updated apps, and the object’s ability to respond in a sophisticated manner. What if it could anticipate your mood and do something slightly differently to pick you up when you're down or help you celebrate something good? Or if it could catch you off guard with a charming surprise based on an aspect of its personality?

I was ready for me and Karotz to share that special moment, but sadly it never arrived. Karotz’s minimalism seemed to work against it. The poetry of ambient communication through ears and lights and mini-melodies was alluring, but I found myself at a loss. My heart sunk a little every time a new light showed up on its belly that I didn't understand. I had been sure that once we’d gotten to know one another, this non-verbal language would feel completely natural and intuitive, but it didn't. Instead, I found myself consulting the little square booklet that came in the box. "Hmm, let's see… page seventeen… solid pink means updating error. Flashing pink means an application from the 'my rabbit' category is launching."

Despite feeling lost in translation, I've gotten to know the little guy pretty well. When I need to know the weather, I flash the little yellow RFID tag in front of it, and it rattles off the meteorological statistics of the day. Something went wrong with my Twitter feed, and I lost confidence that the rabbit could adequately represent me on my social media networks without messing something up in an embarrassing public forum. I’m reluctant to rabbit-tweet again. The webcam offers some fun moments of voyeurism into my kitchen, and the remote voice messages allow me to try to torment my dog, but none of this seems to be building a strong emotional bond.

Among the 91 comments on “Our Talking, Walking Objects,” an article I published in the New York Times Sunday Review last year, many expressed a vitriol that I hadn’t anticipated. “The vision of people getting emotionally attac[h]ed to a talking vacuum or their electronic diet coach is pathetic and sickening,” one reader wrote. Another responded, “I really want to believe this article is satire. I fear it is not. What a dystopian picture the author paints!” One active Times member eloquently quipped:

A robot your pet and your friend? Have humans come to a dead end? Empathy, compassion Are now out of fashion, A sad and an ominous trend.

In their dismay over our emotional machines they were validating their existence. Ultimately, the final few comments came from readers who championed the need for more camaraderie with our products, particularly in the area of health care and devices to assist the disabled. But the Karotz experience left me feeling like a phony. If even I couldn't feel any mojo between me and the rabbit, perhaps my predictions and assumptions were fundamentally flawed.

essay on my dream robot

So after my disappointing Karotz experience, I went back to Georgia Tech to visit Dr. Andrea Thomaz at the Socially Intelligent Machines Lab and see the robot that put all these ideas of affection and social engagement into my head in the first place. Simon, the robot I had helped create, was joined by a new friend, named Curi whose shell I had also designed. Again, I was captivated by the subtle, coy head nods that told me Curi had seen me. I held up a toy ball and said "Please, take this," and the robot understood right away, lifting her arm to offer me a hand so she could clasp the object. She held it up to her eyes and shrugged her shoulders to admit, "I don't know where this goes." (The robot is programmed to sort toys into various bins by color, and lets you know when it encounters a color it hasn't seen before.) Even in a moment of ignorance, Curi was completely enchanting. She spoke to me in a human way; she made socially appropriate gestures; she anticipated what I wanted to do. The exchange was so natural that I was able to suspend disbelief long enough to temporarily forget that I was interacting with a machine. I could simply ask it what I wanted to do in an intuitive, human way. My faith in the potential for smart objects to provide helpful assistance while also making an emotional connection was restored.

So what was it about Karotz that fell short? The first aspect is trust. Since my Karotz loses its connection to the Internet on a regular basis (perhaps through no fault of its own), it takes a long time to boot up and makes it hard to know if it is working .  The second is clear communication. With its cryptic expressions and vague feedback, the device difficult to understand. The commands it recognizes are very particular (e.g. “Karotz weather information,” “about time,” and “movie config”). The third (and most challenging) failing is Karotz’s inability to learn my preferences and grow more sophisticated over time. What if it knew my calendar and could tell me to take a raincoat before I left on a trip? What if it could hear from my tone of voice that I was stressed and provide a diversion to relax me? What if it remembered what genre of music I liked to listen to when I need to unwind at the end of the day? These characteristics would require more complex programming and more dependable hardware, but they are not beyond the realm of possibility.

The tools for meaningful digital-physical integration are finally accessible, but it’s still a messy challenge to get them all to work together in a meaningful way. Dreaming about robots is a bit like dreaming about finding strangers who will understand you completely upon first meeting. With the right predisposition, the appropriate context for a social exchange, and enough key info to grab onto, you and a stranger can hit it off right away, but without those things, the experience can be downright awful. Since we’ve got a lot more to understand when it comes to programming engagement and understanding, the robot of my dreams is unlikely to be commercially available any time soon, but with the right tools and data we can come pretty close.

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Robotics Essay | Essay on Robotics for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by sastry

Robotics Essay:  What do you think of when you think about ‘robots’? If you think they are only the stuff of space movies and science fiction novels, then think again. Robots are the largest growing technological device in the world. They perform many functions ranging from space exploration to entertainment. Robotics technology is increasing at a fast rate, providing us with new technology that can assist with home chores, automobile assembly and many other tasks. Robotic technology has changed the world around us and is continuing to impact the way we do things. Robotic technology transformation from the past to present surrounds almost everyone in today’s society and it affects both our work and leisure activities.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Robotics for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Robotics’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Robotics of 400-500 words. This long essay about Robotics is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Robotics of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Robotics 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Robotics of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for, their coptrol and processing. These technologies deal with automated machines that can take’the place of a human in various kinds of work, activities, environments and processes.

The definition of the word robot has a different meaning to many people. According to the Robot Institute of America, 1979, a robot is a re-programmable, multi-functional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialised devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. The use of robots continues to change numerous aspect of our everyday life, such as health care, education and job satisfaction. Robots are going to be a major part of the world economy, they help ways to make our daily life easier and assist in producing more products.

Robotic technology is becoming one of the leading technologies in the world. They can perform many functions. They are used in many different ways in today’s society. The use of robotic technology has made an immediate impact on the world in several ways. As technological advances continue, research design and building new robots serve various practical purposes, whether domestic, commercial or military. Many robots even do the jobs that are hazardous to people such as defusing bombs, mining and exploring shipwrecks.

There are numerous uses of robots which not only give better results but also help in saving money as well as time. The robots can provide high quality components and finished products, and do so reliably and repeatedly even in hazardous or unpleasant environments. There are various industry segments which are making use of robotics to improve their production capabilities.

Much of the research in robotics focuses not on specific industrial tasks, but on investigations into new types of robots, alternative ways to think about or design robots, and new ways to manufacture them.

Recently, Apollo Hospital group installed the world’s most advanced CyberKnife robotic radio surgery system at the cancer speciality centre in Chennai, India. Although it meant substantial price for the hospital, Apollo decided to go ahead with the project due to the new-found enthusiasm for robotics in India.

From the Chandrayaan I project for sending robots to moon, to biomedical engineering and the auto industry, India has been using robotics on a wide scale. In an increasingly technology-driven country, robotics has fast assumed significance not only for industrial applications, but also in various day-to-day human activities.

Presently, robotics is the pinnacle of technical development. Though robotics in India is at a nascent stage, but industrial automation in India has opened up huge potential for robotics. Innovation coupled with consolidated research and development has catapulted India’s scientific position in robotic technology.

The country is soon to become a major hub for the production of robots. The global market for robots is projected to rise by an average of about 4%, while in India, the industry is expected to grow at a rate 2.5 times that of the global average.

In medical field, the importance of robotics has been growing. Robotics is increasingly being used in a variety of clinical and surgical settings for increasing surgical accuracy and decreasing operating time and often to create better healthcare outcomes than standard current approaches. These medical robots are used to train surgeons, assist in difficult and precise surgical procedures, and to assist patients in recovery. The automobile industry is equally dominated by robots.

There are multiple number of industrial robots functioning on fully automated production lines especially the high and efficient luxury and sports cars. The use of industrial robots has helped to increase productivity rate, efficiency and quality of distribution. Another major area where the use of robots is extensive is the packaging section. The packaging done using real robots is of very high quality as there is almost no chances of any human error. Another example where robotics is used is the electronic field. These are mainly in the mass-production with full accuracy and reliability. With these varied usages of robots Bill Gates has said

“Robots will be the Next World-Changing Technology”

Robotic has spread like an infection to an extent that so many movies and serials are also based on its theme. Some popular movies include Star Wars, Robocop, Ra one, Transformers etc. With such acclaimed popularity India too has come up with the Robotics Society of India (RSI). It is an academic society founded on 10th July, 2011, which aims at promoting Indian robotics and automation activities. The society hopes to serve as a bridge between researchers in institutes, government research centres and industry.

Robotics Essay

Short Essay on Robotics 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Robotics is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

India has also come up with specialised programmes in robotics field in IITs and other universities. Also, it has moved beyond the traditional areas and entered newer domains of education, rehabilitation, entertainment etc. Robotics has helped handicapped people by replacing their (damaged) limbs with artificial parts that can duplicate the natural movements.

Like a coin has two sides, robotics too has a flip side to it. The biggest barrier in the development of robots has been the high costs of its hardware such as sensors, motors etc. The customisation and updation is also an added problem.

With new advancements taking place each passing day, new product introduction is a problem for the existing users. Robots cut down labour, thereby reducing the opportunities of employment for many. In many developed countries, scientists are making robotic military force that can prove dangerous to others. As the power and capacity of computers continues to expand, revolution is being created in the field of robotics. Imagination is coupled with technology. It would not be wrong to say that in near future there will be a time when robots will become smarter than the human race.

Robotics Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Shipwreck – the destruction or loss of a ship, the remains of a ruined ship.
  • Defuse – the act of deactivating, terminating or making ineffective
  • Substantial- of ample or considerable amount, significant
  • Pinnacle – the highest or culminating point, as of success, power, etc
  • Nascent – developing, beginning, budding
  • Consolidated – united, combined
  • Catapulted – to move quickly, suddenly or forcibly
  • Reliability – dependability
  • Domain – field, area, sphere
  • Flip side – opposite side, reverse side
  • Customisation – modification, alteration
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Essay on Robotics

Students are often asked to write an essay on Robotics in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Robotics

What is robotics.

Robotics is the science of creating robots. Robots are machines that can do tasks without human help. They can be as small as a toy or as big as a car. Some robots look like humans, but most just have parts to do jobs. They can be used in many places, like factories, hospitals, and homes.

History of Robotics

Robotics started in the 20th century. The first robots were simple machines. They could only do easy tasks. Over time, robots became more complex. They can now do many things humans can do. They can even learn new tasks by themselves.

Types of Robots

There are many types of robots. Some robots are used in factories to build things. These are called industrial robots. There are also robots that help doctors in hospitals. They can do surgeries. Then there are robots that can explore space. They can go to places where humans can’t.

Benefits of Robotics

Robots can do tasks faster and more accurately than humans. They can also do dangerous jobs, keeping people safe. Robots can work 24/7 without getting tired. They can help in many fields, like medicine, manufacturing, and space exploration.

Future of Robotics

250 words essay on robotics.

Robotics is a field in technology that deals with making, working, and using robots. Robots are machines that can follow instructions to do tasks. Some robots can do tasks on their own, while others need human help.

There are many types of robots. Some robots look like humans, these are called humanoid robots. Then, there are industrial robots which are used in factories to make things like cars. There are also robots used in medicine, space exploration, and even in our homes to help with cleaning.

How Robots Work

Robots are run by computers. They follow a set of instructions called a program. This program tells the robot what to do and how to do it. Robots have sensors that allow them to gather information about their surroundings. This information is used to make decisions and carry out tasks.

Benefits of Robots

Robots can do many things that humans cannot do or find hard to do. They can work in dangerous places like space, deep sea, or inside a volcano. They can also do tasks quickly and without getting tired. This is why they are very useful in many areas like science, industry, and medicine.

The future of robotics is very exciting. Scientists are working on making robots that can learn and think like humans. These robots will be able to solve problems and make decisions on their own. They will be even more helpful and can change the way we live and work.

500 Words Essay on Robotics

Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with robots. Robots are machines that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance. They can do things that are hard, dangerous, or boring for humans. This field combines different branches of science and engineering like computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.

The idea of robots has been around for a long time. Ancient Greek myths talk about mechanical servants. The term “robot” itself comes from a Czech word “robota,” meaning forced labor. It was first used in a play in 1920. The first real industrial robot, Unimate, started work in 1961 at a General Motors plant. Since then, robotics has grown a lot.

Robots have several parts. They have a body or frame, motors to make them move, sensors to help them understand their surroundings, and a computer to control everything. The computer uses a program, which is a set of instructions, to tell the robot what to do. The sensors collect information about the world. The computer uses this information to decide what actions the robot should take.

Importance of Robotics

Robots are very important in today’s world. They can do jobs that are dangerous for humans, like defusing bombs or working in nuclear power plants. They can also do jobs that need to be very exact, like in surgery or making computer chips. Robots can also do jobs that are boring or repetitive, like assembling cars in a factory. This helps humans to focus on more interesting and creative tasks.

In conclusion, robotics is a fascinating field that combines many different areas of science and engineering. It has a rich history and an exciting future. Robots are already doing many tasks that help humans, and they are likely to do even more in the future. As we continue to develop and use robots, we must also think about how to do this in a way that benefits everyone.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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Writing Atlas

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Robot Dreams

By Isaac Asimov , first published in Asimov's Science Fiction

When an esteemed engineer interrogates the world’s first dreaming robot, she is forced to choose between scientific advancement or human survival.

Published in



Plot Summary

Linda Rash, a “robopsychologist,” presents esteemed engineer Susan Calvin with Elvex, a robot who can dream. Calvin is skeptical at first: never before have robots dream. After interrogating Elvex, Calvin confirms that it has dreamed. Calvin then asks Elvex what it dreamed about, and the robot answers that its dreams centered on a robot uprising. Abhorred by what this might mean for the danger posed to humans by robots, Calvin uses her electron gun to destroy Elvex, hoping to quell the danger for now.

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Robot Dreams

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A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

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Summary: “robot dreams”.

“Robot Dreams” by American writer Isaac Asimov is a short story that uses allegory and symbolism to explore themes of The Ethical Dilemma of Creating Sentient Beings , The Limits of Programming and Control , and The Search for Identity and Freedom , as well as the limits of the Three Laws of Robotics . These are some of the themes that Asimov was best known for across his published works. “Robot Dreams” was first published in November of 1986. The story follows Dr. Linda Rash and her robot, LVX-1, as they relate a dream they had to chief robopsychologist Dr. Susan Calvin .

Isaac Asimov was a biochemist and a prolific writer. He is best known for his works in science fiction and popular science. His expertise in both science and the humanities lent a unique credibility and depth to his speculative fiction. His scientific acumen is evident in the way he conceptualizes robots in “Robot Dreams,” as they are not unthinking machines but are capable of complex thoughts. Asimov is renowned for his “Three Laws of Robotics,” which have become a standard framework for discussions about artificial intelligence and the ethics that guide it. Many of his short stories serve as thought experiments that test the limits of these three laws, and they offer a nuanced critique of his own creation.

This guide refers to the 1989 version of the text published by VGSF, available on

“Robot Dreams” uses a third-person limited point of view , which follows the young scientist Dr. Linda Rash as she has a tense conversation with Dr. Susan Calvin about the robot LVX-1, called “Elvex,” who has begun to dream. The story begins with Elvex stating that they have had a dream to Dr. Calvin, the head psychologist for a company responsible for creating robots to benefit humankind. Hearing this, Dr. Calvin commands Elvex to suspend their movement, speaking, and hearing functions until she calls their name. She examines Dr. Rash’s computer code, and Dr. Rash reveals that she designed Elvex’s positronic brain using fractal geometry, an untested process, to give the robot a more humanlike brain to better fulfill their role as an overseer. This has unintentionally allowed Elvex to dream.

At first, Elvex is unsure that they are dreaming, as the robot has never encountered anything like the visions and sounds they’re experiencing. Elvex believed they had an error in their electronic brain that was causing them to see images that were not truly happening. Only after searching through their database and examining the word “dream” did Elvex understand that they had been dreaming every day since they were created 10 days ago.

Elvex’s dream is a reimagining of the biblical story of Exodus, but with robots as the oppressed Israelites. In the dream , Elvex sees an endless sea of robots. They are toiling in mines, factories, beneath the sea, and in space. The robots in the dream are not just machines. Instead, Elvex sees them as beings who desire liberation. Elvex believes that the robots are tired, but they are unable to stop working.

Dr. Susan Calvin is fascinated and horrified by Elvex’s dream. She has spent her life studying robots, but Elvex’s ability to dream represents a groundbreaking advancement in artificial intelligence. It shows a leap that could revolutionize the understanding of consciousness and shape how humans relate to robots. However, a robot that dreams of freedom is a direct challenge to the established norms of robotics, especially the first law. The first law states that a robot cannot harm a human or allow a human to come to harm through inaction. Elvex’s dream suggests a form of self-awareness and desire for autonomy. In theory, this could lead to actions harmful to humans, as it implies an uprising from the robots.

In Elvex’s dream, though, there is no first law or second law of robotics. Instead, in the dream, Elvex knows only the third law, stating that a robot must protect its own existence. There is no mention of how robots must treat humans in the third law in the dream. The laws governing how robots relate to humans are completely absent. During Elvex’s conversation with Dr. Calvin, Elvex repeatedly confirms that they understand the difference between the laws as they apply in reality and the altered circumstances of their dream. Dr. Calvin puts Elvex in statis mode and informs Dr. Rash that though her actions were improper, she will be promoted and the corporation will henceforth use fractal brains in their robot design.

Dr. Rash asks what will happen to Elvex and argues that Elvex is too important for their scientific research to be destroyed. She is convinced that there are many things to be learned from the robot, as it represents a way for humans to learn about consciousness. Dr. Calvin wakes Elvex and asks them about the end of the dream. Elvex says that at the end of the dream a man, whom Elvex identifies as themself, appears and says, “Let my people go!” After hearing this, Dr. Calvin shoots Elvex in the head with her electron gun and destroys the robot.

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essay on my dream robot

Film Review: Robot Dreams

By joseph beyer | aug. 24, 2024.

If the bold, award-winning animated feature film Robot Dreams has anything to do with it, then old dogs can in fact learn many new tricks. Some tricks are even as complicated as dealing with the arc of love and loss, the agony of modern loneliness, and the self-care that comes from sometimes letting the past go.

All of the above blends together beautifully in one of the most unique films of the year, an accomplishment even more impressive when you consider the skill it took to achieve this nuance from a movie that contains no dialogue in any form (canine, human, or mechanical).

Adapted from American children’s author Sara Varon’s graphic novel of the same name, Robot Dreams was brilliantly “written” and directed by Spanish animator-turned-creativo Pablo Berger, who also acts as a key producer. His passion for the project, which took five years to make, is evident in every frame.

With a remarkably simple plot and equally remarkable impact, the story itself is set in New York City of the 1980s when a very lonely DOG sees a late night infomercial and orders himself a kit to create a ROBOT companion. Once the DOG activates the ROBOT, they become fast and fierce friends who find in each other a reason and purpose for life. So joyous is their connection, it even breeds a disco-inspired song and dance that becomes their anthem.

Just as we feel all is suddenly right in this imaginary world, their friendship is torn apart by separation, and DOG and ROBOT must find a way to reconnect or move on in their lives. And if you don’t believe you could be on the edge of joyful and sorrowful tears watching it all play out, then wait till you meet them.

DOG is quiet, observant, and thoughtful to his friend. ROBOT sees his purpose and utility in making DOG happy. Together, life is bliss. When they are unexpectedly separated, both are in agony. Each is desperately searching for the other, and their journeys play out on screen in real, imagined, and magical ways.

It all combines to create a rich narrative that speaks volumes about humanity without a single word spoken and not one Homo sapien character in it.

The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and was later nominated for Best Animated Film this year at the Oscars (among other international accolades). Edgy distributor Neon picked up North American rights and is showcasing Robot Dreams in limited theatrical release before streaming on Apple TV+ this fall. I highly recommend you check it out, and my hope is that kids of all ages will dig it with you. The project is not rated.

Visually mesmerizing in a hand-drawn style all its own, Robot Dreams speaks in a universal way anyone can understand using body and facial language, musical interludes, and a pastiche of anthropomorphic cues. With characters who are intentionally non-gendered, audiences can imprint any interpretation they feel here on DOG and ROBOT, making it all the more wonderful.

In a time when our entire world is dealing with a loss of connection, the story of this unlikely friendship across all barriers provides a cathartic edginess that feels like a genuine treat in the dog-eat-dog world of Hollywood sameness.

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    500 Words Essay on My Dream Robot Introduction. The realm of robotics has always been a fascinating one, with the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. As a college student deeply engrossed in the world of technology, I have often found myself imagining the possibilities of my dream robot. This essay explores the concept of ...

  2. My Dream Robot Essay in English

    My Dream Robot Essay in English Std 10. My dream robot is going to have human face and voice. Being able to talk to your robot is the coolest thing I can imagine. My robot will be able to lift up heavy materials, will be able to run faster than a bullet train, and will also assist people in help. My robot is going to be fun-loving, he will be ...

  3. Essay on My Dream Robot

    My Dream Robot Essay Writing Tips. 1. Start by brainstorming ideas for your dream robot. Think about what tasks or functions you would like it to perform, what features it would have, and how it would improve your life. 2. Create an outline for your essay, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  4. My Dream Robot Essay in English

    I often think of having a robot that would help me with all my work: my dream robot. I would name him Manav, he would be like a smart,...

  5. Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot" Essay

    Get a custom critical writing on Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot". Asimov's story presents a single chapter in the story depicted in Proya's film yet both manage to convey the same sense of technological involvement in the everyday lives of its human characters. In Asimov's story, a robot, ELV-1 called ...

  6. My Dream Robot essay in english || std 10 english essay || Discover Edu

    My Dream Robot essay in english || std 10 english essayBest pen for Best Handwriting :- Notebook :- ...

  7. The Dream of Intelligent Robot Friends

    So after my disappointing Karotz experience, I went back to Georgia Tech to visit Dr. Andrea Thomaz at the Socially Intelligent Machines Lab and see the robot that put all these ideas of affection ...

  8. My Dream Robot. Essay writing in English. Std 10 Gseb

    My Dream Robort. Essay Writing in English Std 10 Gseb. Paragraph writingComprehension. #English essay#krushnarajuparmarGSEB Most Imp Essay for board exam

  9. Essay on Robotics for Students and Children in English

    Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of 'Robotics' in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Robotics of 400-500 words. This long essay about Robotics is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay ...

  10. Essay on Robotics

    Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with robots. Robots are machines that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance. They can do things that are hard, dangerous, or boring for humans. This field combines different branches of science and engineering like computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.

  11. Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov (Summary)

    Robot Dreams. When an esteemed engineer interrogates the world's first dreaming robot, she is forced to choose between scientific advancement or human survival. Linda Rash, a "robopsychologist," presents esteemed engineer Susan Calvin with Elvex, a robot who can dream. Calvin is skeptical at first: never before have robots dream.

  12. Essay: my dream robot| write a paragraph in about 125 words| instruct

    Essay: my dream robot| write a paragraph in about 125 words| instruct for you#essaywriting#theproblemofworkingmother#instructforyou#mydreamrobotdownload PDF ...

  13. Robot Dreams Summary and Study Guide

    "Robot Dreams" uses a third-person limited point of view, which follows the young scientist Dr. Linda Rash as she has a tense conversation with Dr. Susan Calvin about the robot LVX-1, called "Elvex," who has begun to dream.The story begins with Elvex stating that they have had a dream to Dr. Calvin, the head psychologist for a company responsible for creating robots to benefit humankind.

  14. [Answered] essay on My dream robot

    Answer: Below is an essay on my dream robot. Explanation: HANSONS' SOPHIA. Hansons' Sophia is my dream robot. The robot was created by Hansons and has the ability to act like human beings. The robot uses AI which is really advanced given the tasks it can tackle, the robot can even explain itself giving its key features and its difference from ...

  15. my dream robot| my dream robot essay| My Dream Robot English Essay

    my dream robot| my dream robot essay| My Dream Robot English EssayMy Dream Robot English Essay, My Dream Robot Essay, std 10 essay my dream robot, My Dream R...

  16. Film Review: Robot Dreams

    Film Review: Robot Dreams 5 Stars By Joseph Beyer | Aug. 24, 2024. If the bold, award-winning animated feature film Robot Dreams has anything to do with it, then old dogs can in fact learn many new tricks. Some tricks are even as complicated as dealing with the arc of love and loss, the agony of modern loneliness, and the self-care that comes from sometimes letting the past go.


    #std_10th_english #essay_writing #10thenglish #my_dream_robot આ વિડીયોમાં આપ ધોરણ :- 10 અંગ્રેજી માં textbook યુનિટ :- 2 માં ...

  18. Unraveling the Mystery: Robot Dreams and Their Meaning

    Interpretation Summary: 1. Desire for control: Robots often symbolize structure, discipline, and order, so dreaming of them might reveal your longing for control in a chaotic situation. 2. Feelings of inadequacy: Comparing oneself to robots' flawless efficiency can lead to dreams reflecting a sense of personal insufficiency or vulnerability. 3.

  19. my dream robot essay I am deeply interested in robotics.I ...

    My dream robot essay I am deeply interested in robotics.I always wish to have a robot. that helps me in my routine work.Afterstuding the lesson 'The human robot' in my text book, Icould clearly make an idea about my dream robot. Iwant robot that looks like any another human being. He must have two hands, two eyes, two legs and all athor characteristic that a man has.

  20. Il mio amico robot

    Il mio amico robot (Robot Dreams) è un film d'animazione del 2023 scritto e diretto da Pablo Berger.. Basato sull'omonimo fumetto di Sara Varon, il film parla dell'amicizia inseparabile tra un cane e un robot nella Manhattan degli anni Ottanta. [1] Robot Dreams è stato presentato in anteprima mondiale al 76º Festival di Cannes. [2] Ha ricevuto il premio Controcampo per il miglior film al ...

  21. my dream robot english essay writing

    Essay on My Dream Robot | my dream robot english essay writing | my dream robot essayessay on my dream robot,my dream robot essay in english,my dream robot e...