
Paragraph on Dowry System in 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 Words for Students

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In a world where fairness and equality should prevail, the dowry system emerges as an antiquated practice that disrupts lives and perpetuates gender inequality. This system, deeply rooted in several cultures, demands that a bride’s family provide substantial gifts to the groom’s family, placing undue stress and financial burden on the bride’s relatives. The problem is not just about money; it’s about how such traditions devalue individuals and hinder social progress.

The emotional and societal toll it takes on families, especially on women who are seen more as a commodity rather than equal partners, is alarming. As we explore this outdated practice, we’ll understand its implications and highlight the urgent need for change, paving the way for a society that values respect and equality over material transactions.

Paragraph on Dowry System

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Dowry System [100 words]

The dowry system is a social evil present in Indian society for many years. It involves the bride’s family giving gifts, money, or property to the groom’s family as part of the marriage agreement. This practice puts immense pressure on the bride’s family, often leading to financial difficulties and emotional stress. Despite being illegal under Indian law, the dowry system still exists due to societal norms and expectations. It is important for education and awareness to combat this issue, encouraging equality and respect in marriages. By standing against the dowry system, we can help create a fairer society where relationships are based on mutual respect and love, not financial transactions.

Paragraph On Dowry System [150 words]

The dowry system in India is a harmful practice that demands the bride’s family provide gifts, cash, or property to the groom’s family as a condition of marriage. This tradition not only puts undue pressure on the bride’s family, leading to financial strain, but also devalues the essence of marriage, turning it into a transaction. The dowry system has contributed to various social issues, including domestic violence, emotional abuse, and even suicides among women who are burdened with unreasonable demands.

Despite legal measures like the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, the practice persists, deeply rooted in cultural norms. Education and awareness campaigns are crucial to eradicating this practice. Schools and community groups play a key role in changing attitudes, promoting gender equality, and highlighting the importance of consent and respect in marriages. By challenging traditional norms, we can pave the way for a society that honors and respects women equally.

Paragraph On Dowry System [200 words]

The dowry system in India is an age-old practice where the bride’s family is expected to give money, goods, or estate to the groom’s family as part of the marriage arrangement. This practice, deeply ingrained in Indian culture, perpetuates gender inequality and puts undue pressure on the bride and her family, often leading to severe financial strain and emotional distress.

Despite being outlawed by the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, the dowry system continues to flourish under the guise of tradition and social obligation, contributing to a cycle of economic exploitation and discrimination against women. The implications of this system are far-reaching, including domestic violence, mental and physical abuse, and in extreme cases, dowry deaths where brides are killed or driven to suicide over disputes related to dowry payments. Combatting this social evil requires concerted efforts from the government, civil society, and individuals.

Education plays a pivotal role in this battle, empowering young minds with the values of equality and respect. Awareness programs and community initiatives are essential to challenge and change the entrenched attitudes that perpetuate the dowry system. By fostering a culture of respect and equality, we can move towards eradicating this detrimental practice, ensuring that marriages are celebrated as joyful unions rather than financial transactions.

Paragraph On Dowry System [250 words]

The dowry system is a deeply entrenched social evil in Indian society, rooted in the age-old patriarchal setup that views women as burdens rather than equal members. This system involves the bride’s family giving money, goods, or estate to the groom’s family as part of the marriage arrangement. It puts immense pressure on the bride’s family, often leading to financial strain, and in extreme cases, it has led to dowry deaths where brides are harassed, or even killed, for not meeting dowry demands.

The practice perpetuates gender inequality, promoting the idea that women are inferior and their worth can be measured in monetary terms. Despite legal efforts, including the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, to curb this menace, it persists, often cloaked in the guise of gifts and voluntary offerings. Education plays a pivotal role in eradicating the dowry system.

Schools should incorporate lessons that emphasize gender equality, the importance of viewing marriage as a partnership of equals, and the legal repercussions of demanding dowry. Such educational initiatives can empower the next generation to challenge and dismantle this archaic practice. Eradicating the dowry system requires a collective effort from individuals, communities, and the government to foster a society that values women for their individuality and capabilities, not for the dowry they bring.

Paragraph On Dowry System [300 words]

The dowry system in India is an age-old practice that reflects the patriarchal nature of Indian society, where the bride’s family is compelled to give money, property, or valuable gifts to the groom’s family at the time of marriage. This system, deeply embedded in social customs and traditions, not only undermines the dignity of women but also perpetuates gender discrimination and inequalities. It subjects women to financial and emotional stress and in severe cases, leads to dowry-related violence, including harassment, abuse, and even deaths. The practice of dowry contradicts the principles of equality and respect that form the basis of any civilized society.

Legally, the Dowry Prohibition Act, enacted in 1961, makes the giving and receiving of dowry a punishable offense. However, enforcement remains lax, and the practice continues under the guise of gift exchanges. The root cause of the dowry system lies in the perceived inferiority of women and the societal expectation that a woman’s family must compensate the groom’s family for taking her into their home.

Efforts to eradicate the dowry system must start with education. Schools and educational institutions should play a critical role in shaping young minds to value equality and respect for all genders. Curriculum reforms are needed to include discussions on gender stereotypes, the legal aspects of dowry, and the importance of mutual respect in marriages. Furthermore, awareness campaigns and community engagement programs can help change societal attitudes towards dowry and encourage more equitable marriage practices.

Eliminating the dowry system requires a concerted effort from all sectors of society, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, community leaders, and individuals. By promoting gender equality, strengthening legal frameworks, and fostering a cultural shift towards non-dowry marriages, we can pave the way for a more equitable and just society where marriages are based on respect, love, and mutual understanding, rather than financial transactions.

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Paragraph on Dowry System in English (100, 150, 200, 250 Words)


The dowry system, a cultural practice in many societies, involves the transfer of money or goods from the bride’s family to the groom’s during marriage. Despite its illegality in some countries, it persists, perpetuating gender inequality and economic disparity.

(Here, we’ve presented paragraphs in 100, 150, 200 & 250 word samples. All the paragraphs will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. Nursery, LKG, UKG & class 1 to class 12).

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Dowry System in 100 Words

The dowry system is a harmful practice where the bride’s family gives money or gifts to the groom’s family during marriage. It puts financial pressure on the bride’s family and often leads to exploitation and abuse. This tradition perpetuates gender inequality and devalues women, treating them as commodities to be bought and sold.

It’s prevalent in many cultures despite being illegal in numerous countries. Dowry demands can escalate, causing severe financial strain and even driving families to debt or poverty. Eradicating this practice requires changing societal attitudes and enforcing laws to protect women’s rights and dignity.

Paragraph on Dowry System

The dowry system, an age-old tradition, burdens families with financial demands during marriages. It places undue pressure on brides’ families, often leading to financial strain and debt. In this system, the worth of a bride is measured by the material possessions she brings, undermining her value as an individual.

It perpetuates gender inequality, reinforcing the notion that women are commodities to be exchanged. Additionally, it fosters corruption and greed within society, as families compete to fulfill increasingly extravagant dowry demands. Ultimately, the dowry system perpetuates societal injustices, hindering progress towards gender equality and economic stability.

The dowry system is when the bride’s family has to give a lot of money or gifts to the groom’s family during a wedding. This tradition puts a big financial burden on the bride’s family and can cause them a lot of stress. It’s not fair because it makes it seem like the bride is only valuable because of what she can give, not because of who she is.

Also, it keeps the idea that men are more important than women. Sometimes, people even get greedy and ask for more and more, which is not good for anyone. Overall, the dowry system is unfair and causes a lot of problems.

Dowry System Paragraph

Dowry System Paragraph in 150 Words

The dowry system is a deeply entrenched social practice where the family of the bride offers money, goods, or property to the family of the groom as part of marriage arrangements. Despite being outlawed in many countries, it remains prevalent in various cultures, perpetuating gender inequality and placing undue financial burden on the bride’s family.

This system often leads to exploitation and abuse of women, as families feel pressured to fulfill exorbitant dowry demands. In some cases, failure to meet these demands can result in harassment, violence, or even death of the bride. Moreover, the practice reinforces the notion of women as commodities to be bought and sold, undermining their autonomy and dignity.

Efforts to eradicate the dowry system require not only legal measures but also a shift in societal attitudes towards gender equality. Education and awareness campaigns are crucial in challenging the deeply ingrained beliefs that sustain this harmful tradition. Additionally, enforcing strict penalties for dowry-related offenses can serve as a deterrent and provide recourse for victims. Ultimately, eradicating the dowry system is essential for promoting women’s rights and ensuring their safety and well-being in society.

Paragraph Writing on Dowry System in 200 Words

The dowry system, a deeply rooted social custom, exerts detrimental effects on both the social fabric and individual families. This practice perpetuates gender inequality and devalues women, undermining the principles of fairness and respect within society. Furthermore, the financial strain imposed by dowry demands often leads families into debt or poverty, exacerbating socioeconomic disparities and weakening the overall social structure.

On a familial level, the pressure to provide dowry can strain relationships and create tension between the bride’s and groom’s families. In extreme cases, disputes over dowry payments can escalate into violence or even lead to the breakdown of marriages. The emotional and psychological toll on individuals, particularly brides, is profound, as they may face harassment, abuse, or ostracization if dowry expectations are not met.

Preventing the perpetuation of the dowry system requires a multifaceted approach. Legal measures must be strengthened and enforced to deter dowry-related offenses and provide justice for victims. Educational initiatives aimed at challenging traditional gender roles and promoting gender equality are also essential.

Additionally, economic empowerment programs for women can help mitigate the financial dependency that often drives the demand for dowry. By addressing the root causes of the dowry system and fostering a culture of respect and equality, societies can work towards eradicating this harmful practice and building more inclusive and equitable communities.

Writing Paragraph on Dowry System in 250 Words

The dowry system, particularly prevalent in countries like India, remains a significant societal challenge despite legislative efforts to curb it. In India, where the dowry system is deeply ingrained in cultural norms, the practice persists across various socioeconomic strata. According to data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), dowry-related deaths continue to occur at an alarming rate, with thousands of women falling victim to dowry-related violence each year.

The impact of the dowry system extends beyond individual families, affecting the broader social fabric. It perpetuates gender inequality by treating women as commodities to be exchanged in marriage, reinforcing patriarchal norms, and limiting women’s autonomy. Additionally, the financial burden of dowry demands often leads to economic hardship for the bride’s family, exacerbating poverty and inequality within communities.

In response to the pervasive nature of the dowry system, both governmental and non-governmental organizations in India have implemented various initiatives to combat this harmful practice. Legal measures such as the Dowry Prohibition Act aim to deter dowry-related offenses and provide legal recourse for victims. Furthermore, awareness campaigns and educational programs seek to challenge traditional gender roles and promote gender equality from a young age.

Despite these efforts, eradicating the dowry system remains a complex and ongoing challenge. Addressing the root causes of dowry-related violence requires a comprehensive approach that involves not only legal reforms but also societal shifts in attitudes towards gender and marriage. By fostering a culture of respect, equality, and empowerment, societies can work towards eliminating the dowry system and creating safer and more equitable environments for all individuals, regardless of gender.

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  • Essay On Dowry System

Dowry System Essay

500+ words essay on dowry system.

Marriage is a beautiful relationship between two people where they are bonded by love and begin their new life together. In India, there is a custom of giving some gifts either in cash or gold or both before and after the wedding to the bride and the groom out of affection. It is considered as love and blessings for the newly wedded couple that help them in starting their new life. However, during the last three or four decades the Dowry System has become associated with the status of a family. Now, it has become compulsory to give money and gold to the groom’s family. This has given birth to the dowry system. In this essay on the Dowry System, we will highlight the points related to dowry in marriage and how it has affected our society. Moreover, at the end, we have discussed some steps to be taken to stop the dowry system.

Dowry System

Dowry has been conveniently defined as money, goods or estates, which a woman brings to her husband’s home after marriage. The system of dowry in marriages has been haunting our society for a long time. This is a social curse, which has gone unchecked, though time and again it has tormented people in general. Lust for money and acquiring high social status for one’s family has given birth to the social evil called Dowry. It has become the root cause of suicides and murders of brides. Bride burning for want of dowry has become a way of life. Different communities have different marriage customs, but the custom of giving dowry is shared by all the communities.

The dowry system is a great evil that still exists in society. It is an act of discrimination against unmarried girls, whose values are defined based on the prices of their respective dowries. It is an example of greed and selfishness and is a great curse, especially for the parents who belong to the lower middle class. This is the reason why people get depressed and feel cursed at the birth of a daughter. Moreover, the dowry system paves the way for other crimes against women like female foeticide, female infanticides, dowry death, cruelty by husband and his relatives.

How Can the Dowry System be Stopped?

A dowry system is a social stigma that needs to end. Every girl should go to her in-law’s house with pride. In India, every 5 out of 10 families face the dowry system. There are many laws made by the government but the custom of dowry persists in our society. So, there is an urgent need that we all start taking action against it. The first step is to start from our homes. At home, we should treat both boys and girls equally by providing them equal opportunities. We should educate both of them and give them freedom to be fully independent. The upbringing of the girls should not be limited to household work and marriage. In fact, they should be nourished in such a way that they feel free to make their choice, put their demands, ask questions, think openly and have the guts to fulfil their dreams.

There is a need to create awareness campaigns in different sections of society to make people aware of it. The campaign includes voluntary organization, civil marriage, launching of the youth movements etc. Eradicating the dowry practice will give equal rights to women and boost their confidence level. It will help in the growth of the family, society and nation. The sooner the dowry becomes a thing of the past, the better for our society.

Frequently asked Questions on Dowry System Essay

How can we write an effective essay on the dowry-system.

Students need to first understand what and how the Dowry system functions. This will automatically help students to write a descriptive essay.

Why is the Dowry-system an important topic for essay writing?

Students must be informed about such illegal practises happening around them. This will help them become responsible citizens of India.

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Essay on Dowry System for Students and Children

500+ words essay on dowry system.

Dowry system is followed in India since a very long time. Our ancestors started this system for valid reasons but now it is leading to issues and problems in society. In this essay on dowry, we will see what dowry exactly is, how it started, and why it should be stopped now.

essay on dowry system

History Of Dowry

Dowry system started even before the British period. In those days, society does not use to consider dowry as a “Money” or “Fee” you have to pay to be brides parents.

The idea behind the dowry system was, to make sure the bride will be financially stable after getting married. The intentions were very clear. Brides parents used to give money, land, assets to the bride as a “Gift” to make sure their daughter will be happy and independent after marriage.

But when British rule came into the picture, they restricted women to own any property. Women were not allowed to buy any property, land or assets. Hence, men started owning all the “Gifts” given to the bride by her parents.

This rule changed pure dowry system into a mess! Now parents of the bride were looking at their bride as a source of income. Parents started hating their daughters and wanted only sons. They started demanding money as a dowry. Women were suppressed since they did not have equal rights as men. And since then, grooms parents follow this rule to their advantage.

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Why the Dowry System Should be Stopped?

The new dowry system is creating problems in society. Poor parents do not get any groom who will marry their daughter without taking dowry. They have to take “Marriage Loans” to get their daughter married.

Dowry is becoming a nightmare for Women. The cases of infanticide are increasing. Poor parents do not have any other option. They cannot afford to have a girl child, and hence they are intentionally killing infant girl. More than 8000 women are killed because of Dowry!

It is very clear that Dowry is creating violence. Groom’s parents are misusing this pure tradition. And they are not aware that they are misusing it, because they are not educated about the traditional dowry system. Everyone is just following the new dowry system blindly.

Dowry is complete injustice with women and does not give women equal status in society. Because of dowry men will always be superior to women. This is creating a mess and negative environment in society.

Under the Dowry Prohibition Act, taking or giving dowry is a crime and illegal . If you see someone taking or giving dowry then you can lodge a complaint against them.

Dowry system is good unless and until it is considered as a gift given to the bride by her parents. If the groom’s parents are demanding money to get married as a “ Dowry ” then that is completely wrong and illegal.

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  • Dowry System Essay for Students in English


Download Important Essay on Dowry System for Students in English Free PDF from Vedantu

The Dowry system in India has been running for a long time. It is the money that is given during marriage to the boy or their family, even property can also be included in dowry. The system of dowry started in ancient times during marriage the money will be given to the groom so that he can take proper care of his bride, it was used to honor both sides of the family. As time changes dowry still remains in society but its significance keeps changing with time. 

Nowadays, the dowry system is becoming like a business for some castes. The Dowry system is becoming a burden for the bride’s family. Many times if demand is not fulfilled for the boy's side then the marriage is abruptly canceled as a result of this failure.  If we see it in our Asian country, then dowry is becoming more important for the groom's side, mainly in countries like India.  To end this heinous social practice, the government has made a law to refrain people from taking dowry under the Act of 1961. 

Whatever money or property given by the bride side they should accept but it never followed. In many places, we come to know that because of not doing so on the groom's side the girls are harmed in such a way that sometimes even it leads to death. Some people even think dowry is like crime, it's illegal and they never ask anything from the bride's family. 

In India, everyone speaks and progresses for women's rights and says ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ but a girl even after achieving everything in her life; where starts taking care of her family but even then she can't escape the shackles of dowry. Sometimes because of dowry which is mostly prevalent among the below poverty line people, they kill their daughters after they are born or before their birth in the mother’s womb itself so that they can escape dowry. Since they know after growing up and educating her, they still need to give dowry in order to get her married. However, one fails to understand that it is not a daughter’s fault for which she is being wrongfully punished but the fault of the society that allows such practices even after so many years of independence. 

The History of Dowry 

The dowry system predates the British period and colonization in India. In those days, dowry was not considered "money" or a "fee" that the Bride's parents had to pay.  One of the fundamental purposes of dowry was it acted as a form of protection for the wife against the ill-treatment by her husband and his family. Dowry also served as a helping hand for the bride and the groom to build a life together after marriage. 

When British authority came into effect, however, women were barred from owning any property. Women were not permitted to purchase any real estate, land, or assets. As a result, males began to possess all of the "Gifts" provided to the Bride by her parents. 

During the British Raj, the dowry system was made mandatory leading to immense pressure on the bride’s family financially. Dowry violence has become a prominent aspect that can be observed till date. The husband or his family use violence as a method to extract money from the bride’s family as a “gift.” This system leads to women being dependent on their husbands or in-laws after their marriage.

What are the Effects of the Dowry System?

Gender Stereotyping: Women are frequently viewed as liabilities due to the dowry system. They are frequently subjected to subordination and second-class treatment in terms of education and other amenities. 

Affecting a Women's Career: The lack of women in labour, and thus their lack of financial independence, is the greater context for the practice of dowry. The poorer sectors of society send their daughters out to work to help them save money for their dowry.  While most middle and upper-class families send their girls to school, they do not prioritize job opportunities. 

Objectifying Women: Today's dowry is more equivalent to a financial investment by the Bride's family to get access to powerful connections and lucrative business possibilities. As a result, women are reduced to commodities. 

Crime Against Women: Domestic violence includes the violence and murders related to dowry demands. Physical, mental, economic violence, and harassment as a way of enforcing compliance or punishing the victim are all utilized in dowry-related offenses, similar to domestic violence.

How to tackle the Social Evil of Dowry?

The dowry system is a social taboo that must be abolished. Every girl should be proud to visit her in-laws. In India, the dowry system affects 5 out of 10 families. Although the government has enacted numerous regulations, the practice of dowry continues to exist in our society. As a result, we all must begin taking action to combat it. Starting from our own homes is the first step. At home, both boys and girls should be treated similarly and given equal opportunity. Both of them should be educated and given the freedom to be completely self-sufficient. Education and freedom are the two most powerful and valuable gifts that parents can give to their daughters. Only education will allow her to be financially secure and a valuable family member, earning her respect and suitable family standing. As a result, the best dowry a father can bestow on his daughter is an excellent education, guidance, and motivation to pursue her aspirations. 

Another thing that needs to be done is make suitable legal amends.  No one can implement a law without the people's full cooperation. Enacting a law, without a doubt, establishes a pattern of behavior, engages social conscience, and aids social reformers in their efforts to repeal it. The system must give more moral value-based education to the common people to extend their brains and perspectives. 

Society should strive for gender equality. States should evaluate gender-disaggregated data across the life cycle — birth, early childhood, primary education, nutrition, livelihood, access to healthcare, and so on — to counteract gender disparities. Widening childcare and ensuring safe public transit is vital in decreasing workplace bias and establishing supportive work cultures. Men and women should have equal domestic chores and responsibilities. 

What do People think of the Dowry System?

Dowry is like a suicidal bag for many people who are not very strong financially. It should be completely stopped from all the country wherever it is followed. The government needs to take action in this so that no more crime takes place. In the modern era of India where people are reaching everywhere and achieving many things but still in many populations our thinking against dowry is the same. 

The Dowry system varies from state to state and also on the job profile of the groom. If we see in the north part of the country the groom having a government job, doctor or engineer then dowry is huge in terms of money, and whereas in the south part of the country, the bride is forced to give dowry in terms of land, jewellery, and money. It can be simply stated that if you can arrange a huge dowry you can get any groom for your daughter which is ethically and morally wrong. In ancient times. dowry was taken only from upper-caste families but now it is becoming a universal practice where everyone is forced to give dowry. In India, marriage is a big affair where both sides of the family call all the relatives and have to arrange everything from the beginning till the end of the marriage ceremony. It doesn't matter whether the bride is educated or not, they are still expected and forced in a way to give dowry for marriage. Though some may say that dowry is an involuntary act, in reality, it is voluntarily forced upon the bride’s family by the groom’s parents.

Dowry is giving rise to a lot of crimes in India. In some families, dowry is used as a threat or as a means to extract money from the bride's family irrespective of their financial condition. The north and east part of India show a high rate of dowry-related cases, many families subject the bride to domestic violence if their demands are not fulfilled. They will continue to abuse or threaten the bride at the hands of the husband or his family which unfortunately results in suicide. Nowadays, one can say that the groom's parents take dowry as a means of business from the bride's family. The dowry system is a problem for all families irrespective of their financial condition. Families might get any suitable groom to marry their daughter without giving dowry, it clearly shows that the dowry system is prevalent in the society and people are taking undue advantage of it under the garb of traditions.

The dowry that is taken by the groom’s side should be stopped everywhere, then only the country will be developed and the daughters can be independent. Dowry is also called ‘Dahej’ in Arabic, if it is given by the bride's side without any enforcement then only it is called a gift, else it becomes a crime. If the dowry system is completely wiped out then any bride's father will not have any burden and there will be no killing of girls after or before birth.

Dowry should be in the interest of the bride's family, not on demand by the groom's family. Dowry was made for the security of the bride to their new family where she marries and goes but over time people have changed its meaning to meet their needs. Let us all make endeavors to end this heinous social practice and safeguard our daughters and their bright futures. The important takeaway here is that parents should have the choice to happily give whatever they may desire to their daughters and nothing should be forced upon them in the name of traditions. 


FAQs on Dowry System Essay for Students in English

1. What are the different ways one can control and put an end to the dowry system in India?  

To control and eventually put an end to the dowry system here are a few steps: 

Educate your daughters. 

Motivate your daughter to be independent and responsible enough to carry out her own work. 

Encourage gender equality. 

Do not encourage either taking or giving of dowry 

2. What led to the dowry system in India?

During British time the practice of the dowry system was introduced and eventually it was made mandatory. In India, the dowry system means giving of cash, precious jewellery, and fulfilling other demands made by the party. Over the years, even after so many years of Independence in India, people changed the meaning of dowry to fit their agenda and to meet their needs under the garb of social traditions.

3. Why should one refer to Vedantu?

All the reading materials at Vedantu are curated by subject-matter experts who have years of experience in the respective field. The content is well-researched and compiled into an easily readable format for the benefit of students. Students can refer to these resources with ease and learn things at their own pace. Most importantly all the content on Vedantu is provided for free and it can be easily downloaded into PDF from both the website and mobile application of Vedantu.

4. How can I download reading material from Vedantu?

Accessing material from Vedantu is extremely easy and student-friendly. Students have to simply visit the website of  Vedantu and create an account. Once you have created the account you can simply explore the subjects and chapters that you are looking for. Click on the download button available on the website on Vedantu to download the reading material in PDF format. You can also access all the resources by downloading the Vedantu app from the play store.

5. What are the Ways of Controlling the Dowry System?

To control the dowry system here are various steps:

Educate your daughters.

Motivate your daughter to be independent and responsible enough to carry out their own work .

Encourage gender equality.

Do not encourage of taking or giving of dowry

6. When the Dowry System Started?

During British time the practice of the dowry system has become mandatory, in India dowry system represents as to inform of giving cash like lots of jewellery and other demands offered by the party.

7. What are the Elements of Dowry Deaths?

Here are a few elements mentioned below:

Acid Attack.

Domestic violence.

Women humiliation.


Dowry System Essay

Dowry System Essay | Essay on Dowry System for Students and Children in English

Dowry System Essay: In a patriarchal society such as ours that accords sub-ordinate status to women, the position of a girl child is indeed vulnerable. In case of financial difficulties, it is the girl child whose education is sacrificed in order to manage the household and take care of the other younger children at home. The dowry system, deeply rooted in the culture and customs of most communities in India, is a cause of harassment for most women. This has led to a situation where the girl child is treated as a guest in her own home.

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Long and Short Essays on Dowry System for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Dowry System’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Dowry System of 400-500 words. This long essay about Dowry System is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Dowry System of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Dowry System 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Dowry System of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Dowry means the demand made by the bridegroom’s family from the bride’s parents for the payment of money as well as other costly gifts like land, house, clothes and jewels, a condition precedent to the alliance. Dowry, in fact, is not a recent development. History is full of examples where daughters have been married off with immense wealth given to them at the time of wedding.

Gifts, presents and things given to the daughter in marriage are nothing bad in itself. It is a token of her parent’s love and happiness. Even the Bible preaches. Ask me never so much dowry and gifts, and I will give according as ye shall say unto me: but give me the damsel to wife.”

When the groom’s family tries to extract the expenses made by them on their son’s upbringing and education from the bride’s family, it takes the shape of dowry. Dowry thus smears the sacred relationship of marriage and converts it into a base, mean and cheap financial deal.

There are several reasons for the occurrence of the dowry system, but the core reason is that it is considered a necessary pre-condition for marriage. Other being that, female based inheritance was not legal in India until law reforms in the 1950’s, so dowry may have begun as a form of legal inheritance for daughters. However, as the system evolved, dowry has become a greater financial burden on bride’s family. The price tag for the groom is now bigger and bolder. ‘No dowry, no marriage’ is a widespread fear. Dowry as a phenomenon has gone beyond the ritual of marriage. Pregnancy, childbirth and all kinds of religious and family functions are occasions when such demands are made. A more sophisticated public image of an extended gifting session has replaced the old system. Now there is demand for exclusive reception or destination wedding. The trousseau includes designer wear for the bride and groom’s family. Chefs are flown in for multi cuisine wedding dinners. The bride’s family usually pays for all this.

Another major reason for the existence of dowry system and its atrocities is the lack of women’s education. They remain unaware of their rights. The lack of education also lead%to their lack of empowerment. They remain economically dependent on others and fail to be the masters of their own life. Another cause of dowry is the rigid caste system prevalent in our society. Parents are determined to marry their daughters to a boy of their own caste, they are left with restricted choice of suitable boys and thus parents are compelled to subdue to the demands of the groom’s family.

This ends up like choosing between many evils. Moreover, the tendency of marrying daughters at an early age without paying attention to their education and career, pushes them to a bleak future without any self-confidence and education. The tendency of parents to get a rich boy to marry their daughter off further increases the pressure of dowry on them.

Shockingly, even after so much gifting and exchanges, one woman dies every hour due to dowry related reason on an average in the country, which has seen a steady rise between 2007 to 2011, according to official data. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) statistics show that 91,202 dowry deaths were reported in the country from 1 st January, 2001 to 31 st December, 2012. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh record the maximum number of dowry crimes, but Bengaluru, India’s fastest growing city also shows an alarming rise where four women reportedly die every day because of dowry harassment and domestic violence. The cases of dowry torture are the highest accounting for 32.4% of crimes against women in the country.

Even the social reformers like Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Dayanand tried their best to create a social consciousness against this practice. Dowry became prohibited by law under the 1961 Dowry Prohibition Act in Indian, Civil Law and subsequently by Section 304B of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) with the purpose of prohibiting the demanding, giving and taking of dowry. To stop offences of cruelty by the husband or his relatives against the wife, Section 498A was added to the IPC and Section 198A to the Criminal Procedure Code in 1983. Although providing dowry is illegal, it is still common in many parts and sections of India in lieu of government regulated equal rights for girls in parental property.

Time and again, women groups have protested against many cases of dowry deaths. A national campaign focussed on humiliating and socially boycotting the families in these cases was held. The campaign also demanded that mysterious deaths be presumed to be murders until investigated and proved otherwise by the police. To counter this social menace, group compromising 15 to 16 NGOs have been created. Independent social workers working in localities have also been roped in for the project. Volunteers, hailing from the Mahila Panchayats and other such committees have also been incorporated in the project. Serious activism, special police cells for women, media support, heightened awareness of dowry being a crime, has been done.

Short Essay on Dowry System 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Dowry System is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Other life-saving mechanism includes Womens Action Research and Legal Action for Women (WARLAW): led by Attorney Rani Jethmalani of New Delhi, this is a group of dedicated attorneys, who provide free legal protection and assistance to the dowry victims in India. There are many specialised centres which help women to be self-supporting by training them in crafts, like knitting, sewing etc. Other groups run small shelter homes for helpless women.

Despite the amendments made to the Dowry Act in 1983, there are certain loopholes that need to be checked. There is an urgent need to promote mass communication and education programmes to publicise anti-dowry ideology through drama, street plays, music, movies, radio and television programmes, books, periodicals, journals, handbills and other audio-visual media. Methods like interviews, group/panel discussions, meetings, seminars, conferences, internet discussions, legal, psychological, spiritual and social remedies should be adopted to wipe out the evil of dowry and bride burning.

Women should be encouraged and educated, so that they become self-reliant. Time is now changing. Educated girls have now taken upon themselves to combat this evil in our society. Girls like Nisha Sharma, Farzana and Vidya Balasubramanian have been courageous enough to call off their weddings at the last moment because of the dowry demands, yet a lot needs to be done. It is high time that the society should realise the dignity of a woman, the sacredness and sanctity of marriage and unite to fight against the evil custom of dowry.

Dowry System Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Vulnerable – exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally
  • Smear – to spread a substance across a surface by rubbing
  • Inheritance – property passing at the owner’s death to the heir or those entitled to succeed
  • Trousseau – the clothes, linen, and other belongings collected for marriage
  • Atrocities – an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one Involving physical violence or injury
  • Bleak – not hopeful or encouraging, unlikely to have a favourable outcome, miserable
  • Prohibited – banned, prevent, hinder
  • Boycott – shun, reject, withdraw from commercial or social as a punishment or protest
  • Menace – a threatening quality, dangerous
  • Amendment – a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc, an alteration of or addition to a motion, bill, constitution, etc
  • Combat – to fight, oppose
  • Sanctity – quality of being holy, sacred, ultimate importance, purity

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Dowry System Essay

Dowry is basically the cash, jewellery, furniture, property and other tangible items given by the bride’s family to the bridegroom and his parents during the event of marriage and this system is called Dowry System. It has been prevalent in India since centuries. Dowry system is one of the evil systems prevalent in the society. It is said to be as old as the human civilization and is rampant in many societies across the globe.

Long and Short Essay on Dowry System in English

We have provided below essay on dowry System in English for your information and knowledge. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English language for you so that they can be easily remembered and presented when needed.

After going through these dowry System essay you will know what is dowry system; what are its impact on the society and the victims; why dowry system is a crime and should be banned; what laws are implemented by the government to eliminate dowry system etc.

These Dowry system essays can be helpful in school or college essay writing, speech giving or debate competitions.

Dowry System Essay – 1 (200 words)

Dowry system entails giving huge amount of cash, jewellery and other gifts to the groom’s family by the bride’s parents as a condition at the time of marriage. The system was put in place due to a reason in India and that was that until a few decades back the girl child did not have any right over the parental property and other fixed assets and was given liquid assets such as cash, jewellery and other goods to give her a fair share. However, it has turned into an evil social system over the years.

The wealth and property that parents intend to give her daughter as a part of the dowry so that she can be self sufficient at the new place is unfortunately, in most cases, all taken by the groom’s family. Besides, while earlier this was a voluntary decision of the bride’s parents it has become more of an obligation for them these days.

Many cases of brides being tortured physically and emotionally for not bringing enough dowry have come up. In many cases, the bride turns to her family to meet the demands of her in-laws while others end up giving their lives to end the torture. It is time the government of India should take strict action to stop this evil practice.

Dowry System Essay – 2 (300 words)


The dowry system, that includes the bride’s family offering gifts in the form of cash and kind to the groom’s family, is largely condemned by the society however some people argue that it has its own advantages and that people are still following it only because it does hold importance for the brides and benefits them in certain ways.

Are There Any Advantages of the Dowry System?

Many couples these days choose to live independently and it is said that dowry that mostly includes gifting cash, furniture, car and other such assets acts as a financial support for them and helps them to begin their new life on a good note. As both the bride and groom have just begun their career and are not that sound financially they cannot afford such huge expenses all at once. But is it a valid reason? If this is the case then both the families should invest in getting them settled rather than putting the entire burden on the bride’s family. Moreover, this should hold good if the families can afford to offer financial help to the newly wed without coming under debt or lowering their own standard of living.

Many also argue that those girls who are not good looking can find grooms by meeting the latter’s financial demands. It is unfortunate that girls are seen as a burden and marrying them off as they enter their twenties is the priority of their parents who are willing to do anything for the same. Providing huge dowry in such cases works and this evil practice seems as a boon for those who are able to find (buy) groom for their daughters. However, it is time such mind set should be changed.

The supporters of dowry system also state that providing huge amount of gifts to the groom and his family raises the status of the bride in the family. However, statistics reveal that in most cases it has worked against the girls.

The advocators of dowry system may come up with various unreasonable reasons to support the system but the fact remains that it does more harm than good to the society as a whole.

Dowry System Essay – 3 (400 words)

Dowry System that initiated as a decent practice to help the girls financially as they took on the new phase of their life has gradually turned evil. Just as child marriage, child labour, caste system and gender inequality, dowry system is also one of the evil social systems that needs to be eradicated for the society to prosper. However, unfortunately despite the efforts made by the government as well as various social groups, this heinous system is still very much a part of the society.

Why is Dowry System Still Intact?

The question remains that even after making dowry a punishable offense and spreading awareness about the ill-effects of this system through several campaigns why do people still practice it? Here are some of the main reasons why the dowry system remains intact despite being condemned by the masses:

  • In the Name of Tradition

The system of the bride’s family giving gifts to the groom and his family in the form of jewellery, cash, clothes, property, furniture and other assets is being practiced since decades. It has been given the name of tradition in various parts of the country and when the occasion is as pious as wedding, people cannot dare to neglect any tradition. People are following it blindly even though it is a burden for the bride’s family in majority of the cases.

  • Status Symbol

For some, the dowry system is more of a status symbol. The bigger car they give and the greater amount of cash they give to the groom’s family the more it boosts the status of both the families. Hence, even though they cannot afford many families end up throwing lavish wedding functions and giving numerous gifts to the groom and his relatives. It has become more of a competition these days. Everyone wants to beat the other.

  • Lack of Strict Laws

While the government has made dowry a punishable offence, the law has not been implemented strictly. There is no check on the exchange of gifts and dowry given during marriages. These loopholes are one of the main reasons why this evil practice still exists.

Apart from these, gender inequality and illiteracy are also major contributors to this heinous social system.

It is sad how even after completely understanding the ill effects of the dowry system people in India still continue to practice it. It is time people in the country should join hands to eradicate this problem.

Dowry System Essay – 4 (500 words)

Dowry system has been prevalent in our society as well as many other societies across the globe since times immemorial. While it started as helping the daughters to be self sufficient and financially independent as they moved to the new place over the period of time it has turned into a heinous practice that rather than empowering the women has turned against them.

Dowry is a Curse to the Society

Dowry, the practice of giving gifts in the form of cash, property and other assets by the bride’s family to the groom and groom’s family, can actually be termed as a curse to the society especially to the women. It has given rise to several crimes against women. Here is a look at the various troubles this system creates for the brides and their family members:

  • Financial Burden on the Family

The parents of a girl child begin saving for her ever since she is born. They keep saving for the wedding for years as they are responsible for conducting the entire affair right from decoration to catering to renting the banquet. And as if this wasn’t enough, they also require giving huge amount of gifts to the groom, his family as well as his relatives. Some people end up borrowing money from their relatives and friends while others take loans from bank to meet the demands.

  • Lowers Standard of Living

The bride’s parents end up spending so much on their daughter’s marriage that they often end up lowering their standard of living. Many end up in debt and spend the rest of their lives repaying it.

  • Gives Rise to Corruption

Giving dowry and organizing a decent enough wedding function is something that cannot be escaped for those who have a girl child. They need to accumulate money for the same no matter what and in the event many give in to corrupt means such as taking bribes, forging tax or conducting certain business activities using unfair means.

  • Emotional Stress for the Girl

The in-laws often compare the gifts brought by their daughter-in-law by those brought by other girls in their vicinity and pass sarcastic remarks making her feel tormented. Girls often feel emotionally stress due to this and some even undergo depression.

  • Physical Abuse

While some in-laws make it a habit to be sarcastic with their daughter-in law and leave no occasion to humiliate and bad mouth her others take to physical abuse. Several cases of women being hit and burned because of their inability of fulfilling the huge dowry demands keep surfacing every now and then.

  • Female Foeticide

A girl child is seen as a burden for the family. It is the dowry system that has given rise to female foeticides. Female foetus is aborted by several couples. The cases of girl child being abandoned are also common in India.

The practice of dowry is strongly condemned. The government has also passed law making dowry a punishable offence however it is still being practiced in most parts of the country causing agony for the girls and their families.

Dowry System Essay – 5 (600 words)

Dowry System has been a dominant part of the Indian society. In many parts it is known to be embedded in the culture and has become more of a ritual. This undue custom of the bride’s parents giving away expensive gifts in the form of cash and kind during her wedding started as a way of empowering the women as they began their new life at a completely new place.

Initially, cash, jewellery and other such gifts were given to the bride however the sole purpose of the system has deviated over the period of time and the gifts are now given to groom, his parents and relatives. The jewellery, cash and other stuff given to the bride are also kept in safe by her in-laws. A number of factors such as illiteracy, gender inequality and lack of strict laws against this system have given rise to this evil practice.

Laws against Dowry System

Dowry system is one of the most heinous social systems in the Indian society. It has also given rise to several issues such as female foeticide, abandoning of girl child, financial problems in the girl’s family, unfair means to earn money, emotional and physical abuse of the daughter-in-law. In order to curb this problem, the government has come up with laws making dowry a punishable act. Here is a detailed look at these laws:

The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961

By way of this act a legal system to monitor the give and take of dowry was put in place. As per this act, a penalty is imposed in the event of dowry exchange. The punishment involves a minimum of 5 years of imprisonment and a minimum fine of INR 15,000 or the dowry amount based on whichever is greater. A demand for dowry is equally punishable. Any direct or indirect demand for dowry could lead to 6 months of imprisonment and a fine of INR 10,000.

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005

Many women are abused emotionally and physically for not meeting the dowry demands of their in laws. This law has been put in place in order to empower women against such abuse. It protects women from domestic violence. All forms of abuse including physical, emotional, verbal, economic and sexual are punishable under this law. The punishment for different types and severity of abuse vary.

Possible Ways to Eradicate Dowry System

Despite the laws inflicted by the government, the dowry system still has a strong hold in the society. Here are a few solutions for eradicating this problem:

Lack of education is one of the main contributors to social practices such as dowry system, caste system and child labour. People must be educated to promote logical and reasonable thinking to get rid of belief systems that give rise to such evil practices.

  • Empowering Women

Instead of looking for a well-settled groom for their daughters and investing all their savings in the wedding, people must spend on the latter’s education and make her self-dependent. Women must continue to work even after their marriage and focus their energy on productive things rather than succumbing to the sarcastic remarks of in-laws. Women must also be made aware of their rights and how they can use them to guard themselves from any kind of abuse.

  • Gender Equality

Gender inequality that exists at the core of our society is one of the main reasons for dowry system. From a very early age, children must be taught how both males and females have equal rights and are not superior/ inferior to each other.

Apart from this campaigns should be held to sensitize the issue and the laws set by the government must be made more stringent.

Dowry system is the cause of agony for the girl and her family. The solutions mentioned here must be taken seriously and incorporated in the system to get rid of this problem. The government and general public must join hands to eradicate this system.

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Essay on Dowry System for Students and Children in 1000+ Words

Essay on Dowry System for Students and Children in 1000+ Words

In this article, read an essay on dowry system for students and children in 1000+ words. It includes history, causes, effects, and solution to stop this social evil.

Table of Contents

Essay on Dowry System for Students and Children (1000+ Words)

If you want to know about the dowry system, then let’s start with our country, India , where it has been followed for a long time. Our ancestors started the dowry system for valid reasons; however, these days, this is leading to issues in the social environment.

History of Dowry System in India

The concept behind this was to ensure that the bride will financially be stable after getting married. The intentions then were made clear, and so the bride’s parents used to provide assets, land, or money to the bride as a “Gift” to ensure that their daughter will be independent and happy after marriage. 

This rule changed the pure dowry system into a mess. These days bride’s parents are seeking their bride as a source of income. Parents hated their daughters and want only sons, and they demanded money as a dowry.

Causes of Dowry System in India

1. greed factor .

Dowry demanding often is exemplary of the collective greed of the society. Extortion in the name of compensation, social standing for the cost of groom’s education, his financial stability is the major factor of Indian marriages.

2. Society Structure 

This perception associates them being treated as a burden in economic terms, first by the father and then by the husband. This feeling compounded by the dowry system energizes the belief that a girl child is a cause of draining the family’s finances. 

3. Religious Dictates 

4. social constraints .

Preferred matches must belong to the same or higher social standing, different clan, or same caste. These limitations will deplete the pool of marriageable men leading to consequences, demanding dowry. 

5. Social Status of Women

Effects of dowry system, 1. injustice towards girls.

This view develops into a gigantic proportion, taking the feticides of girl child and shape of infanticides. Girls are often marginalized in the regions of education, where boys are given more preference. 

3. Violence Against Women

4. economic burden.

Getting a girl married is related to a hefty amount of money by Indian parents because of subtle or direct demand for dowry by the groom’s family. Families often borrow heavily, mortgages leading to a major decline in economic health. 

5. Gender Inequality

Why should the dowry system be stopped.

Further, dowry is getting a nightmare for women. The cases of infanticide are increasing as parents don’t have any other option. They can’t afford to have a girl child, and so they intentionally kill their infant girl child. 

Solutions to Stop Dowry System

1. strict law.

Different laws are enacted to prohibit dowry and the injustice against girls stemming. The Dowry Prohibition Act was pressed on 20 th May 1961, to eradicate this evil practice from a social environment.

2. Enforcement

3. social awareness, 4. overhaul of mindsets.

India, as a country, needs a significant overhaul of its existing mindsets to push back against the evil custom of dowry system. They must realize the fact that in today’s social environment , women can do anything that men can.

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Paragraph on Dowry System

Dowry System is the dark reality of Indian marriages. The traditional Indian Marriages are no more than a monetary deal for some people. Asking a heavy amount of dowry for fixing marriages is a crime but still, this system exists in our society. We have covered all important facts and shocking data reflecting this never-ending greed of the dowry and dowry system. Kindly read the paragraphs mentioned below:

Short and Long Paragraphs on Dowry System

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

Dowry System is an ancient Indian custom that is now turned into a social evil for our society. Dowry is the heavy amount of money that is paid by the bride’s family to the groom’s family at the time of their marriage.

In ancient times the custom of dowry was only for the future security of the bride, as her parents want her to be financially independent that is why they gifted her money and property. But, now this system is used by the groom or his family to fulfilling their greed. Bride’s parents are forced to pay the heavy amount in lieu of their daughter’s marriage. Even some marriages are break due to this incessant deal of money.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

Dowry System is a sad reality of our Indian society. Paying money for marriage is injustice. Poor parents if not managed to pay a heavy amount; they even forced to take marriage loans. Why such a system is part of our society? It is not important that a bride is ready to spend her whole life with the groom and his family, then why she is bound to pay money on the day of her marriage?

Such questions are re-thinkable. The Prohibition of Dowry Act states that taking or giving dowry is a crime. But still, an unethical dowry system still exists. Sadly, the dowry killings are also one of the big issues for rural India. The killing of brides in the name of dowry is sometimes also occurred in urban areas.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

Dowry is the money paid by the bride or her family to the groom or his family. This amount of money is asked by the groom’s family before the marriage. This money is sometimes is not objectionable by the bride’s family as they find it as a part of their daughter’s marriage. The situation is worse for the poor family when they are unable to arrange money for their daughter’s marriage.

Dowry is demanded in monetary form, as vehicles or as property. The irony is that in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, dowry is seen as a status symbol for various families. Aristocratic families give and take a high amount of dowries on their son or daughter’s marriage. Even this trend has even decided the rate of dowries like if a doctor, bureaucrat or any well off established boy is marrying a normal non-working girl, He can even demand higher of dowry from her family.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

Dowry System is the hidden truth of Indian marriages. Daughter’s parents are forced to pay a heavy amount to the groom’s family. Dowry deaths are a harsh scenario that originated from this monetary dealing on marriages. In a survey, it has been found that 21 people die every day in India due to dowry.

As per the records of the National Crime Records Bureau, in the year 2015, 7,634 women died in India only due to dowry. Even women are burnt or brutally killed for the never-ending demand of dowry. Some cases are said that brides commit suicide due to dowry demands and domestic violence.

Most of the dowry deaths are still unregistered and even registered cases remain unjustified due to the flexibility of the police team. Even after several amendments to the current Dowry Prohibition law, the mishappenings occurred. The demanding dowry for marrying a girl is completely unethical and illegal. It is a criminal offense.

Even after certain laws, why dowry deaths occurred? Why brides are mentally tortured for dowry? The Dowry system is representing a negative image of our society. Marrying in exchange for money is not a symbol of an ideal society. The Dowry system is one of the reasons behind girl child feticide.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

The Dowry system is part of Indian society. The old system of India is now slowly spoiling the marriages. Dowry is setting a terrifying image in women. Even wives are kicked out of their houses and they are forced to break their marriages if the demand for dowry is not fulfilled by her parents. Many of the marriages are break due to this system. Women fill suppressed and depressed due to non-stop the demand for dowry. They feel traumatic and forced to take wrong decisions in their life.

Many NGOs and Women Welfare societies are working for the abolishment of the dowry system. They raise their voice against the dowry system and appeal people to stop this. Awareness generation camps are organized in rural and urban both areas for stopping the dowry system. Various television channels specially organize chat shows with the dowry victim.

The Government should telecast awareness advertisements against the dowry system. Every year many marriages are fixed only with a deal of good amount of money. In rural India, the situation is worse than one could ever think. Due to poverty and illiteracy, people fear to lodge their complaint about their daughter’s death. The greed for the dowry is much than one could think, even people ask for the flats and their possessions as the dowry.

Why such a system is still part of modern India? This marriage deals should be completely prohibited by the government. It’s the dark reality of Patriarchy society. Women are treated as a means to earn money. It is total satire for the society that a country where women are worshipped as a goddess, here money is asked for their marriages.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. Dowry is an amount given by bride’s family to groom while marrying.

Ans. Dowry is a malpractice as it is considered wrong to take money from bride’s side.

Ans. When dowry is not given from bride’s side, people threaten the daughter-in-law.

Ans. Raja Ram Mohan Roy ended dowry system in India.

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Paragraph on Dowry System

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Dowry System in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Dowry System in 100 Words

The dowry system is like a bad habit where the bride’s family gives gifts and money to the groom’s family during a wedding. It’s not fair because it’s like buying happiness which is wrong. It can make the bride’s family sad as they have to give away things they may need. It’s important to remember that love and kindness are more valuable than things and money. We should love and respect each other in a marriage, not ask for gifts. So, children, let’s promise to say no to dowry when we grow up because love can’t be bought.

Paragraph on Dowry System in 200 Words

The dowry system is an old tradition where the bride’s family gives gifts, money, or other valuable things to the groom’s family during marriage. This practice started long ago in India and other countries to help the newly married couple start their life. At first, it was just a kind gesture. But over time, some people began demanding more and more dowry, making it a big problem. This system can put huge pressure on the bride’s family, as they have to give so much. Sometimes, if they can’t meet the demands, it leads to fights or even harm to the bride. This is why it’s not fair and not right. Everybody should be treated equally, and no one should ask for or give dowry. Love, respect, and understanding are the real gifts that matter in a marriage, not money or things. So, we should all try to stop this dowry system and make our society a better place to live for everyone.

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Paragraph on Dowry System in 250 Words

The dowry system is an old tradition where the family of the bride gives money, property, or gifts to the groom’s family at the time of marriage. This system is mostly practiced in South Asian countries, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The dowry system was originally designed to help the bride in case of emergencies, but it has turned into a social evil over time. Many families demand a huge amount of dowry, causing financial stress for the bride’s family. Sometimes, if the dowry is not enough, the bride can face physical and mental abuse which is extremely wrong. Also, it often leads to discrimination against girls, as they are seen as a financial burden. People start to prefer boys over girls because they don’t want to bear the cost of dowry. This system is illegal in many countries, but it is still practiced secretly. Everyone should fight against this system and treat boys and girls equally. Education is key in this battle; when everyone is educated, they will understand the harmful effects of the dowry system. Laws should be enforced strictly and those who demand dowry should be punished. Girls should be given equal rights and opportunities; they are not a burden, but a blessing. Let’s promise to end the dowry system and create a better world for everyone.

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Essay on Dowry System | Dowry System Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Dowry System: Dowry is the gift that is given voluntarily by the bride’s father. This is a very old system and it is a custom that was made to help the newlyweds establish their new homes. The system is looked down upon in society now and so many lives have been lost because of this system. Even many educated parents look forward to their daughters-in-law bringing in dowry and a lot of gifts from their family. This is a way for them to increase their wealth. There is legislation that has been imposed to stop accepting dowry but even then dowry still prevails in our country.

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Long and Short Essays on Dowry System for Students and Kids in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Right To Privacy” for reference.

Short Essay on Dowry System 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Dowry System is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Dowry is a horrible system that was set up which just hurts the girl in the relationship more and she continuously gets to hurt. The system itself is so backward in the sense that it reduces the value of the woman to the dowry she can bring to the family.

A lot of the time we read about the mortality rate of newly wedded girls and this is mostly because of the dowry system wherein they are constantly insulted and hurt. The girls are constantly expected to bring in more and more from their parents and this results in the killing or suicide. The dowry system is criticized by all and up till date, we haven’t seen any major changes in the system. Anti-dowry bills have been passed but nothing fruitful has been done so far. The people should understand that the law alone cannot do much but the people must get involved and society should be brought together to abolish this.

Long Essay on Dowry System 800 Words in English

Long Essay on Dowry System is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The dowry system has put the bride in a very sensitive situation because she is viewed as an asset that will help the groom’s family amass more wealth and also this means she is a liability for her own family. The whole system of dowry basically is suppressing women and reducing them to nothing.

This system then allows for a lot of domestic violence and this goes unreported throughout the nation. Dowry basically now means transferring wealth in a form of gifts and jewellery from one family to another. The system was set to allow for the newlyweds to face no issues when starting their lives and also showcases love and care from the bride’s side of the family. The system has been interpreted in various forms and this results in young girls and women suffering domestic violence and also crimes.

The Dowry system has been in our country for the longest time and even after so much legal intervention, it has been quite difficult to erase it completely. We assume that dowry takes place only in rural areas but the truth is it takes place in cities and urban areas. It is mostly the well-educated families who expect dowries to expand their wealth. This means that the problem lies in informing people of the dowry system and how harmful it can be to women around the country. This deep-rooted problem has been in place for the longest period and it is just a simple process of transfer of wealth but now we know it is much more than that.

Many girls and families have to go through this process when dealing with this system is a very old system and it is a custom that was made to help the newlyweds establish their new homes. The system is looked down upon in society now and so many lives have been lost because of this system. Even many educated parents look forward to their daughters-in-law bringing in dowry and a lot of gifts from their family. This is a way for them to increase their wealth. There is legislation that has been imposed to stop accepting dowry but even then dowry still prevails in our country.

In India dowry is a punishable crime. Priority is usually given to reports against dowry and this to protect young girls from this injustice. Dowry crimes are never reported and thus domestic violence is constantly increasing at a high rate. The major reason for the increasing number of crimes is the lack of awareness and education. Many young girls are constantly punished because of this system that leads to them facing death in one way or another.

How the existence of the dowry system came to be is hard to trace but it has existed in India for the longest period. A lot of the time families look at having a girl child as a liability because of all the wealth they will have to give away as they consider this as a loss. They don’t value their value in an unconditionally loving way but they look at it as a dark cloud over their heads. This whole phase is the worst in a woman’s life if they have to go through it as it is a disgusting process where it makes them feel inferior as they are constantly referred to as misfortune to the family. This system then allows for a lot of domestic violence and this goes unreported throughout the nation.

Dowry basically now means transferring wealth in a form of gifts and jewellery from one family to another. The system was set to allow for the newlyweds to face no issues when starting their lives and also showcases love and care from the bride’s side of the family. The system has been interpreted in various forms and this results in young girls and women suffering domestic violence and also crimes.

There have been several amendments made to the Dowry Act in 1983 and this act has quite a few loopholes. It is of grave importance that we make people aware of dowry and how harmful it is by using mass communication and different education programs to showcase the anti-dowry ideology through music, movies, radio, and different television programs. Visual media in our country has a strong power to influence the masses and this is one of the few ways we can communicate with the people of the country. We can teach students in schools and colleges across the country using seminars, webinars, and conferences so that we can have a stronger outreach within the educated class of people which in turn hopefully will help reach everyone else.

Women should be taught to be self-independent and this can start by encouraging them to go to school so that they become self-reliant and learn more about the world. School is one way of reaching out to the girls and making them understand how our society works and all norms that they can break free from. Education is a tool that will help free children from their state and help them evolve into something bigger than themselves. They will be able to grow and have a greater purpose in their life.

It is important to give more attention to this and we should help make people more aware of the situation. Only by informing people and educating them on the same will help us move forward and try to avoid dowry as much as possible. Strict laws and their implementation will further make it difficult for this tradition to go on and women can be safer.

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dowry essay in 250 words

Essay on Dowry System In 250 Words For Students In Easy Words – Read Here


The Dowry System, also known as Bride Price, is a traditional practice mainly found in India and other South Asian countries. It is a system in which the amount of money that the groom’s family pays to the bride’s family is fixed and it is used to purchase the bride. The dowry is the price paid for bride by the groom or his family. This practice is based on the belief that the groom can give the bride a better life.

Dowry system is the practice of a girl’s family giving a sum of money from the marriage to the bride’s family that is equivalent to the dowry of the girl. In some countries and cultures, the dowry is intended to be a gift from the bride’s father, while in others, this is the hope of the groom. Origination of dowry system comes from the tradition of the bride price or bride-wealth.

Dowry System has been the main issue of discussion in the Indian society. Dowry System is system of bride price that is paid by the groom’s family to the bride’s family by which bride is considered to be property of groom and price of bride is known as dowry.  Dowry is a financial value which a person gives to the bride’s family on the occasion of marriage. In India It is practiced on a large scale.


The dowry system is a widespread practice in which many women are burned on a daily basis, and many lives have been lost as a result of it. The dowry sting has grabbed society in such a manner that it is collapsing its human values.

Some see it as a tradition, while others believe it is their reputation, and yet others are forced to participate in this heinous activity by taking out debts.

The Dowry System’s Issues


Women’s Physical Abuse


Fetalicide among women is on the rise.


Female feticide is on the rise in our Indian culture today as a result of the dowry system, and the number of daughters is diminishing.

Women are being subjected to more atrocities.

The dowry system has also resulted in an upsurge in violence against women. Many dowry grabbers are tormenting their daughters-in-law for not receiving their intended dowry, mistreating or attacking them as a result of dowry people’s greed.

Women have a higher level of mental stress than males.


As a result, many daughters experience emotional stress after marriage, and some even experience depression.

Parents are in debt because of their daughter.

Dowry is India’s most heinous crime, with many families drowning in debt as a result. In reality, many parents get in debt as a result of dowry in their daughter’s marriage, so that their daughter is not tormented by her in-laws and can maintain her mental health.

Daughters’ Families’ Financial Burden


So that they may please their daughters-in-law by providing dowry, and their daughter does not have to deal with dowry issues.

Daughters seem to be burdened only because of the dowry system.

As soon as a girl is born, her parents begin to worry about providing a dowry for her marriage. Many individuals, on the other hand, do not desire daughters for this reason.

Daughters’ Unusual Behaviour



The dowry system exists in all social classes, from the higher to the lowest. Despite the fact that India has established numerous laws to combat dowry greed, some traditional and narrow-minded people see it as a source of pride and status.

Dowry system is an exclusive Indian culture which is still thriving in all parts of the country. It is considered to be a social institution that ensures the protection of family women and children. It is also considered to be the sole medium of distribution of property in a family.. Read more about dowry system topic speech and let us know what you think.

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Essay on Dowry System for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Dowry is basically the cash, jewellery, furniture, property and other tangible items given by the bride’s family to the bridegroom and his parents during the event of marriage and this system is called Dowry System. It has been prevalent in India since centuries. Dowry system is one of the evil systems prevalent in the society. It is said to be as old as the human civilization and is rampant in many societies across the globe.

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Long and Short Essay on Dowry System in English

We have provided below essay on dowry System in English for your information and knowledge. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English language for you so that they can be easily remembered and presented when needed.

After going through these dowry System essay you will know what is dowry system; what are its impact on the society and the victims; why dowry system is a crime and should be banned; what laws are implemented by the government to eliminate dowry system etc.

These Dowry system essays can be helpful in school or college essay writing, speech giving or debate competitions.

Dowry System Essay – 1 (200 words)

Dowry system entails giving huge amount of cash, jewellery and other gifts to the groom’s family by the bride’s parents as a condition at the time of marriage. The system was put in place due to a reason in India and that was that until a few decades back the girl child did not have any right over the parental property and other fixed assets and was given liquid assets such as cash, jewellery and other goods to give her a fair share. However, it has turned into an evil social system over the years.

The wealth and property that parents intend to give her daughter as a part of the dowry so that she can be self sufficient at the new place is unfortunately, in most cases, all taken by the groom’s family. Besides, while earlier this was a voluntary decision of the bride’s parents it has become more of an obligation for them these days.

Many cases of brides being tortured physically and emotionally for not bringing enough dowry have come up. In many cases, the bride turns to her family to meet the demands of her in-laws while others end up giving their lives to end the torture. It is time the government of India should take strict action to stop this evil practice.

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Dowry System Essay – 2 (300 words)


The dowry system, that includes the bride’s family offering gifts in the form of cash and kind to the groom’s family, is largely condemned by the society however some people argue that it has its own advantages and that people are still following it only because it does hold importance for the brides and benefits them in certain ways.

Are There Any Advantages of the Dowry System?

Many couples these days choose to live independently and it is said that dowry that mostly includes gifting cash, furniture, car and other such assets acts as a financial support for them and helps them to begin their new life on a good note. As both the bride and groom have just begun their career and are not that sound financially they cannot afford such huge expenses all at once. But is it a valid reason? If this is the case then both the families should invest in getting them settled rather than putting the entire burden on the bride’s family. Moreover, this should hold good if the families can afford to offer financial help to the newly wed without coming under debt or lowering their own standard of living.

Many also argue that those girls who are not good looking can find grooms by meeting the latter’s financial demands. It is unfortunate that girls are seen as a burden and marrying them off as they enter their twenties is the priority of their parents who are willing to do anything for the same. Providing huge dowry in such cases works and this evil practice seems as a boon for those who are able to find (buy) groom for their daughters. However, it is time such mind set should be changed.

The supporters of dowry system also state that providing huge amount of gifts to the groom and his family raises the status of the bride in the family. However, statistics reveal that in most cases it has worked against the girls.

The advocators of dowry system may come up with various unreasonable reasons to support the system but the fact remains that it does more harm than good to the society as a whole.

Dowry System Essay – 3 (400 words)

Dowry System that initiated as a decent practice to help the girls financially as they took on the new phase of their life has gradually turned evil. Just as child marriage, child labour, caste system and gender inequality, dowry system is also one of the evil social systems that needs to be eradicated for the society to prosper. However, unfortunately despite the efforts made by the government as well as various social groups, this heinous system is still very much a part of the society.

Why is Dowry System Still Intact?

The question remains that even after making dowry a punishable offense and spreading awareness about the ill-effects of this system through several campaigns why do people still practice it? Here are some of the main reasons why the dowry system remains intact despite being condemned by the masses:

  • In the Name of Tradition

The system of the bride’s family giving gifts to the groom and his family in the form of jewellery, cash, clothes, property, furniture and other assets is being practiced since decades. It has been given the name of tradition in various parts of the country and when the occasion is as pious as wedding, people cannot dare to neglect any tradition. People are following it blindly even though it is a burden for the bride’s family in majority of the cases.

  • Status Symbol

For some, the dowry system is more of a status symbol. The bigger car they give and the greater amount of cash they give to the groom’s family the more it boosts the status of both the families. Hence, even though they cannot afford many families end up throwing lavish wedding functions and giving numerous gifts to the groom and his relatives. It has become more of a competition these days. Everyone wants to beat the other.

  • Lack of Strict Laws

While the government has made dowry a punishable offence, the law has not been implemented strictly. There is no check on the exchange of gifts and dowry given during marriages. These loopholes are one of the main reasons why this evil practice still exists.

Apart from these, gender inequality and illiteracy are also major contributors to this heinous social system.

It is sad how even after completely understanding the ill effects of the dowry system people in India still continue to practice it. It is time people in the country should join hands to eradicate this problem.

Dowry System Essay – 4 (500 words)

Dowry system has been prevalent in our society as well as many other societies across the globe since times immemorial. While it started as helping the daughters to be self sufficient and financially independent as they moved to the new place over the period of time it has turned into a heinous practice that rather than empowering the women has turned against them.

Dowry is a Curse to the Society

Dowry, the practice of giving gifts in the form of cash, property and other assets by the bride’s family to the groom and groom’s family, can actually be termed as a curse to the society especially to the women. It has given rise to several crimes against women. Here is a look at the various troubles this system creates for the brides and their family members:

  • Financial Burden on the Family

The parents of a girl child begin saving for her ever since she is born. They keep saving for the wedding for years as they are responsible for conducting the entire affair right from decoration to catering to renting the banquet. And as if this wasn’t enough, they also require giving huge amount of gifts to the groom, his family as well as his relatives. Some people end up borrowing money from their relatives and friends while others take loans from bank to meet the demands.

  • Lowers Standard of Living

The bride’s parents end up spending so much on their daughter’s marriage that they often end up lowering their standard of living. Many end up in debt and spend the rest of their lives repaying it.

  • Gives Rise to Corruption

Giving dowry and organizing a decent enough wedding function is something that cannot be escaped for those who have a girl child. They need to accumulate money for the same no matter what and in the event many give in to corrupt means such as taking bribes, forging tax or conducting certain business activities using unfair means.

  • Emotional Stress for the Girl

The in-laws often compare the gifts brought by their daughter-in-law by those brought by other girls in their vicinity and pass sarcastic remarks making her feel tormented. Girls often feel emotionally stress due to this and some even undergo depression.

  • Physical Abuse

While some in-laws make it a habit to be sarcastic with their daughter-in law and leave no occasion to humiliate and bad mouth her others take to physical abuse. Several cases of women being hit and burned because of their inability of fulfilling the huge dowry demands keep surfacing every now and then.

  • Female Foeticide

A girl child is seen as a burden for the family. It is the dowry system that has given rise to female foeticides. Female foetus is aborted by several couples. The cases of girl child being abandoned are also common in India.

The practice of dowry is strongly condemned. The government has also passed law making dowry a punishable offence however it is still being practiced in most parts of the country causing agony for the girls and their families.

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Dowry System Essay – 5 (600 words)

Dowry System has been a dominant part of the Indian society. In many parts it is known to be embedded in the culture and has become more of a ritual. This undue custom of the bride’s parents giving away expensive gifts in the form of cash and kind during her wedding started as a way of empowering the women as they began their new life at a completely new place.

Initially, cash, jewellery and other such gifts were given to the bride however the sole purpose of the system has deviated over the period of time and the gifts are now given to groom, his parents and relatives. The jewellery, cash and other stuff given to the bride are also kept in safe by her in-laws. A number of factors such as illiteracy, gender inequality and lack of strict laws against this system have given rise to this evil practice.

Laws against Dowry System

Dowry system is one of the most heinous social systems in the Indian society. It has also given rise to several issues such as female foeticide, abandoning of girl child, financial problems in the girl’s family, unfair means to earn money, emotional and physical abuse of the daughter-in-law. In order to curb this problem, the government has come up with laws making dowry a punishable act. Here is a detailed look at these laws:

The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961

By way of this act a legal system to monitor the give and take of dowry was put in place. As per this act, a penalty is imposed in the event of dowry exchange. The punishment involves a minimum of 5 years of imprisonment and a minimum fine of INR 15,000 or the dowry amount based on whichever is greater. A demand for dowry is equally punishable. Any direct or indirect demand for dowry could lead to 6 months of imprisonment and a fine of INR 10,000.

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005

Many women are abused emotionally and physically for not meeting the dowry demands of their in laws. This law has been put in place in order to empower women against such abuse. It protects women from domestic violence. All forms of abuse including physical, emotional, verbal, economic and sexual are punishable under this law. The punishment for different types and severity of abuse vary.

Possible Ways to Eradicate Dowry System

Despite the laws inflicted by the government, the dowry system still has a strong hold in the society. Here are a few solutions for eradicating this problem:

Lack of education is one of the main contributors to social practices such as dowry system, caste system and child labour. People must be educated to promote logical and reasonable thinking to get rid of belief systems that give rise to such evil practices.

  • Empowering Women

Instead of looking for a well-settled groom for their daughters and investing all their savings in the wedding, people must spend on the latter’s education and make her self-dependent. Women must continue to work even after their marriage and focus their energy on productive things rather than succumbing to the sarcastic remarks of in-laws. Women must also be made aware of their rights and how they can use them to guard themselves from any kind of abuse.

  • Gender Equality

Gender inequality that exists at the core of our society is one of the main reasons for dowry system. From a very early age, children must be taught how both males and females have equal rights and are not superior/ inferior to each other.

Apart from this campaigns should be held to sensitize the issue and the laws set by the government must be made more stringent.

Dowry system is the cause of agony for the girl and her family. The solutions mentioned here must be taken seriously and incorporated in the system to get rid of this problem. The government and general public must join hands to eradicate this system.

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dowry essay in 250 words

Dowry System : Dowry system has existed in India since the olden days. 

The Dowry System can be considered as one of the many blights that plague the Indian Society. The system of dowry refers to the practice of giving gifts or other valuables by the bride to the bridegroom. This practice can be traced back to Ancient India when a gift in cash or kind was given to a bride to ensure her independence after marriage.

During the Colonial period, the practice of dowry was made mandatory by the British. Ever since them, the trend stuck on and into modern times. India’s booming economy has also encouraged even higher bride prices across all social strata. However, with the higher bride prices came increased violence against women. The act of violence is usually perpetrated by the groom and his in-laws. It can range from emotional blackmail and mental torture to physical violence and coercion.

Other types of dowry crime include fraud – where non-resident Indian men would fraudulently return to India seeking a bride. However, these bridegrooms would then abandon the woman and abscond abroad after gaining possession of the dowry. Other crimes include abetment to suicide, where the husband and his family would threaten the wife, cause emotional trauma, induce depression which can end up with the wife committing suicide. Even more horrifying are dowry murders, where the bride is killed soon after marriage because of the groom and his family’s dissatisfaction with the dowry.

Though the Indian Government has outlawed the practice of dowry, it still persists in society like a plague. Even today, reports of violence and even suicides emerge due to dowry. We must prevent such practices by educating future generations about such barbaric traditions.

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Essay on Dowry System in 250 Words

Essay on Dowry System in 250 Words

The dowry system: a social menace.

The dowry system is a deep-rooted social issue that has plagued our society for centuries. It refers to the practice of the bride’s family giving gifts, often in the form of money or valuables, to the groom and his family during the wedding. This age-old tradition has evolved into a social menace, causing immense suffering to countless families.

Dowry System

One of the primary reasons behind the dowry system is the deeply ingrained patriarchal mindset. In a society where male dominance prevails, the burden of providing a hefty dowry falls on the shoulders of the bride’s family. This unjust practice often leads to financial strain, pushing families into debt and impoverishment.

Moreover, the dowry system perpetuates gender inequality. It sends the message that a woman’s worth is measured by the material possessions she brings into her marital home. This degrading notion undermines the principles of equality and mutual respect in a marital relationship.

The consequences of the dowry system are far-reaching. Families face emotional trauma, and in extreme cases, it can lead to violence and even dowry-related deaths. Women, who should be celebrating the start of a new chapter in their lives, find themselves trapped in a cycle of abuse and discrimination.

To eradicate this social evil, concerted efforts are required. Awareness campaigns, legal reforms, and educational programs can play a pivotal role in challenging the dowry system. It is imperative that society collectively works towards fostering an environment where marriages are based on love, respect, and equality, rather than material transactions.

In conclusion, the dowry system is a blight on our society that requires urgent attention. By addressing the root causes and challenging traditional mindsets, we can pave the way for a more just and equitable society where marriages are built on the foundation of love and mutual respect.

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हमारे जीवन में क्या होता है शिक्षकों का महत्व

हमारे जीवन में क्या होता है शिक्षकों का महत्व

गुरु गोविंद दोऊ खड़े, काके लागू पाय। बलिहारी गुरु आपने, गोविंद दियो बताय।

शिक्षकों का महत्व हमारे जीवन में बहुत अधिक है। वे हमारे जीवन को सुधारने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। शिक्षक हमें सही और गलत के बीच का अंतर सिखाते हैं, जो हमें जीवन में सही रास्ते पर चलने में मदद करता है। वे हमें भविष्य के लिए तैयार करते हैं, जिससे हम अपने लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। वे हमें अपने जीवन को सुधारने में मदद करते हैं, और हमें एक अच्छा इंसान बनाते हैं।

शिक्षक देते हैं हमारे जीवन को आधार

शिक्षक देते हैं हमारे जीवन को आधार

शिक्षक हमारे मार्गदर्शक हैं, जो हमें सही रास्ते पर चलने में मदद करते हैं। वे हमें शिक्षा देते हैं, जो हमारे जीवन का आधार है। इसके साथ ही हमें सही दिशा में आगे बढ़ने में मदद करते हैं। वे हमें जीवन के हर पहलू में सहायता करते हैं, जैसे कि कैसे अच्छे इंसान बनना है, कैसे समाज में योगदान करना है, और कैसे अपने लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करना है।

आओ मिलकर करें शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद

आओ मिलकर करें शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद

हमें अपने शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद देना चाहिए, जिन्होंने हमें पढ़ाया और हमारे जीवन को सुधारा। वे हमारे रोल मॉडल हैं, जिन्होंने हमें सही रास्ते पर चलने में मदद की है। यह दिन हमें मौका देता है उनके प्रति सम्मान और आभार व्यक्त करने का। वे हमारे जीवन को सुधारने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं, इसलिए उनको जितना भी धन्यवाद दो कम ही है। आओ मिलकर शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद दें, जिन्होंने हमें पढ़ाया और हमारे जीवन को सुधारा।

शिक्षकों को समर्पित एक दिन

शिक्षकों को समर्पित एक दिन

वैसे तो शिक्षक दिवस का महत्व केवल एक दिन के समारोह तक सीमित नहीं होना चाहिए। लेकिन तब भी, शिक्षक दिवस हमें अपने शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद देने और उनके योगदान को स्वीकार करने का अवसर प्रदान करता है। हमें अपने शिक्षकों द्वारा दिए गए ज्ञान को अपने जीवन में उतारना चाहिए। इस दिन हमें उनके योगदान की सराहना करते हुए, उन्हें धन्यवाद कहना चाहिए, क्योंकि उनके बिना हमारा जीवन अधूरा है।

रेकमेंडेड खबरें

Breaking News: 6 घंटे रेड के बाद ईडी ने आप विधायक अमानतुल्लाह खान को किया अरेस्ट


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  4. Paragraph On Dowry System 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids

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  6. Dowry System Essay in English


  1. Paragraph on Dowry System in 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 Words for Students

    Paragraph On Dowry System [250 words] The dowry system is a deeply entrenched social evil in Indian society, rooted in the age-old patriarchal setup that views women as burdens rather than equal members. This system involves the bride's family giving money, goods, or estate to the groom's family as part of the marriage arrangement.

  2. Essay on Dowry System in English (150, 200, 250, 500 Words)

    Essay Writing on Dowry System in 250 Words Introduction. Originating centuries ago, the dowry system remains prevalent across various cultures, notably in South Asia, including India. According to a UNICEF report, 40% of the world's child brides reside in India, often linked to dowry practices.

  3. Paragraph On Dowry System 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids

    Paragraph on Dowry System - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, and 3. Dowry is the process of transferring the father's property to the daughter at the time of her marriage. The dowry system has been for a long time in India. Since ancient times the transfer of belongings has been taking place. The purpose of dowry is to help settle the newly wedded.

  4. Dowry System Essay for Students in English

    100 Words Essay On Dowry System. The dowry system in India is a long-standing practice and is deeply rooted in Indian culture. It is a pre-arranged agreement between two families and is usually decided at the time of marriage. The bride's family provides the groom's family with various gifts and money. These gifts usually include jewellery ...

  5. Paragraph on Dowry System in English (100, 150, 200, 250 Words)

    The dowry system, a cultural practice in many societies, involves the transfer of money or goods from the bride's family to the groom's during marriage. Despite its illegality in some countries, it persists, perpetuating gender inequality and economic disparity. (Here, we've presented paragraphs in 100, 150, 200 & 250 word samples.

  6. Dowry System Essay For Students In English

    Dowry System Essay: 500+ Words Essay on Dowry System is provided here to help students write an effective essay on this topic. Usually, essays on topics related to social evil practices are asked in the exam. So, prepare them well to score high marks in the English exam.

  7. Essay on Dowry for Students

    250 Words Essay on Dowry Introduction. Dowry, a societal tradition deeply ingrained in numerous cultures, is the transfer of parental property, gifts, or money at the marriage of a daughter. While dowry may originate from benign intentions, it has evolved into a social evil, fostering gender inequality and violence. ...

  8. Essay on Dowry System for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Dowry System. Dowry system is followed in India since a very long time. Our ancestors started this system for valid reasons but now it is leading to issues and problems in society. In this essay on dowry, we will see what dowry exactly is, how it started, and why it should be stopped now.

  9. Essay on Dowry System in India

    250 Words Essay on Dowry System in India Introduction. The dowry system, a deep-rooted social evil in Indian society, is the practice of giving gifts, money, or property by the bride's family to the groom's family at the time of marriage. This tradition, originally intended as a form of financial security for the bride, has evolved into a ...

  10. 100 Words Essay on Dowry System

    250 Words Essay on Dowry System Introduction. The dowry system, a social evil prevalent across many cultures, is the practice where the bride's family gives goods, money, or property to the groom's family as part of the marriage arrangement. It is deeply entrenched in the social fabric, perpetuating gender inequality and leading to various ...

  11. Dowry System Essay for Students in English

    It is the money that is given during marriage to the boy or their family, even property can also be included in dowry. The system of dowry started in ancient times during marriage the money will be given to the groom so that he can take proper care of his bride, it was used to honor both sides of the family. As time changes dowry still remains ...

  12. Dowry System (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

    Dowry system refers to the system or custom in some societies in which a wife or her family must pay money or property or the both to her husband when they get married. The money or the property given is known as dowry. This abominable system is very disgraceful for any woman of self-respect.

  13. Essay on Dowry System in English: Essay For Students 500+ Words

    Essay on Dowry System in 500+ Words. Dowry is a practice of demanding wealth in the form of money and gold to the bride's family by the groom's. It is an age-old practice followed in India by our ancestors. The origin of dowry might be a reason to consider it as valid. However, this practice has taken a demonic phase from the last few centuries.

  14. Dowry System Essay

    The first essay is a long essay on Dowry System of 400-500 words. This long essay about Dowry System is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Dowry System of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

  15. Essay on Dowry System for Children and Students

    Dowry System Essay - 2 (300 words) Introduction. The dowry system, that includes the bride's family offering gifts in the form of cash and kind to the groom's family, is largely condemned by the society however some people argue that it has its own advantages and that people are still following it only because it does hold importance for the brides and benefits them in certain ways.

  16. Essay on Dowry System for Students & Children 1000+ Words

    1. Greed Factor. Dowry demanding often is exemplary of the collective greed of the society. Extortion in the name of compensation, social standing for the cost of groom's education, his financial stability is the major factor of Indian marriages. Demands are placed shamelessly and are expected to be met with silence.

  17. Paragraph on Dowry System

    Paragraph 4 - 200 Words. Dowry System is the hidden truth of Indian marriages. Daughter's parents are forced to pay a heavy amount to the groom's family. Dowry deaths are a harsh scenario that originated from this monetary dealing on marriages. In a survey, it has been found that 21 people die every day in India due to dowry.

  18. Paragraph on Dowry System

    Essay on Dowry System; Paragraph on Dowry System in 250 Words. The dowry system is an old tradition where the family of the bride gives money, property, or gifts to the groom's family at the time of marriage. This system is mostly practiced in South Asian countries, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. ...

  19. Essay on Dowry System

    Long Essay on Dowry System 800 Words in English. Long Essay on Dowry System is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. The dowry system has put the bride in a very sensitive situation because she is viewed as an asset that will help the groom's family amass more wealth and also this means she is a liability for her own family. The whole ...

  20. Essay on Dowry System In 250 Words For Students In Easy Words

    Dowry system is the practice of a girl's family giving a sum of money from the marriage to the bride's family that is equivalent to the dowry of the girl. In some countries and cultures, the dowry is intended to be a gift from the bride's father, while in others, this is the hope of the groom. Origination of dowry system comes from the ...

  21. Essay on Dowry System for Children and Students in English

    Dowry System Essay - 2 (300 words) Introduction. The dowry system, that includes the bride's family offering gifts in the form of cash and kind to the groom's family, is largely condemned by the society however some people argue that it has its own advantages and that people are still following it only because it does hold importance for the brides and benefits them in certain ways.

  22. Essay on Dowry System in 250 Words.

    Even more horrifying are dowry murders, where the bride is killed soon after marriage because of the groom and his family's dissatisfaction with the dowry. Though the Indian Government has outlawed the practice of dowry, it still persists in society like a plague. Even today, reports of violence and even suicides emerge due to dowry.

  23. Essay on Dowry System in 250 Words

    Essay on Dowry System in 250 Words - TALK WITH SHIVI The dowry system is a deep-rooted social issue that has plagued our society for centuries. It refers to the practice of the bride's family giving gifts. Essay on Dowry System in 250 Words - TALK WITH SHIVI The dowry system is a deep-rooted social issue that has plagued our society for ...

  24. Teachers Day Essay: शिक्षक दिवस पर 10 लाइन का हिंदी निबंध, 250 शब्द

    Teachers Day Essay in Hindi: शिक्षक दिवस भारत में 5 सितंबर को बड़े जोश के साथ मनाया जाता है। यह दिन न केवल हमारे शिक्षकों के योगदान को मान्यता देने के लिए होता है, बल्कि यह ...