
Ultimate Application Letter for School Admission for Child

In this guide, I’ll walk you through a step-by-step process, share  customizable templates , and offer personal tips from my experience to help you create an effective application letter.

Key Takeaways Understanding the Purpose : Grasp the significance of the application letter in the school admission process. Personalizing the Content : Learn how to tailor the letter to highlight your child’s unique attributes and potential contributions to the school. Structuring the Letter : A step-by-step guide on the components of the letter. Template Usage : Access to proven templates to simplify your writing process. Expert Tips : Benefit from insights and tips based on real-life experiences in writing successful application letters.

Understanding the Purpose of the Application Letter

The application letter is your opportunity to present your child in a way that goes beyond grades and certificates. It’s about telling a story, your child’s story, and how it aligns with the values and ethos of the prospective school.

Personal Insights

In my experience, schools are looking for students who will not only benefit from but also contribute to the school’s environment. Hence, understanding the school’s values and ethos is crucial before you start writing.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing the Letter

Step 1: research the school.

Before you start writing, research the school. Understand its values, what it stands for, and what it seeks in its students. This information will be the foundation of your letter.

Step 2: Start with a Strong Opening

Begin with a compelling introduction that captures the essence of your child’s personality or a significant achievement that aligns with the school’s values.

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Example : “When Jane solved her first complex math puzzle, it wasn’t just about numbers; it was about problem-solving, perseverance, and the joy of learning – qualities that resonate with [School’s Name] ethos.”

Step 3: Highlight Key Attributes and Achievements

Discuss your child’s attributes, interests, and accomplishments. Connect these with how they can contribute to and benefit from the school.

Tip : Use specific examples to illustrate your points. Real-life instances make your letter more personal and impactful.

Step 4: Discuss the Alignment with the School’s Values

Explain why the school’s environment is the ideal setting for your child’s growth and how their presence can enhance the school community.

Step 5: Conclude Positively

End with a positive note, expressing enthusiasm about the possibility of your child joining the school community.

Template for Application Letter for School Admission

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [School’s Name] [School’s Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my child, [Child’s Name]’s, interest in joining [School’s Name] for [Grade/Year]. [Introduction – Briefly introduce your child and mention a standout quality or achievement relevant to the school’s ethos].

[Body Paragraph 1 – Discuss your child’s key attributes, interests, and how they align with the school’s values and offerings].

[Body Paragraph 2 – Highlight your child’s achievements and how they can contribute to and benefit from the school environment].

In conclusion, [Child’s Name]’s passion for [Key Interest] and their [Key Attribute] make them a fitting candidate for [School’s Name]. We are enthusiastic about the prospect of [Child’s Name] becoming part of your school community and contributing to its vibrant atmosphere.

Thank you for considering our application. We look forward to the possibility of [Child’s Name] joining [School’s Name] and contributing to its esteemed legacy.

[Your Name]

Personal Tips from Experience

  • Authenticity Matters : Schools can tell when a letter is genuine. Let your child’s personality shine through.
  • Be Concise : While it’s important to be thorough, keep your letter concise and to the point.
  • Proofread : Typos or grammatical errors can detract from your letter’s impact. Always proofread before sending.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: how do i showcase my child’s unique talents in an application letter for school admission.

Answer : In my application letter, I highlighted my child’s unique talents by giving specific examples of their achievements and creativity, like the time they won a local art competition, which showed their exceptional skills and passion for the arts.

Q: What should I include in the application letter to express my child’s enthusiasm for learning?

Answer : I made sure to include anecdotes of my child’s natural curiosity and eagerness to learn, such as their endless questions about space, which demonstrate their genuine interest in acquiring knowledge.

Q: How can I address my child’s special needs in the application letter?

Answer : In the letter, I openly discussed my child’s special needs, emphasizing how they’ve overcome challenges with resilience and determination, which I believe showcases their strength and character.

Q: Is it important to mention my child’s extracurricular activities in the school admissions application letter?

Answer : Absolutely, I included details about my child’s involvement in sports and music, illustrating their well-rounded character and teamwork skills, which are crucial for their overall development.

Q: How can I make my child’s application letter stand out to the admissions committee?

Answer : I added a personal touch by sharing a heartfelt story about my child’s kindness and empathy during a community service event, which not only reflects their character but also their potential as a valuable community member at the school.

Q: Can I discuss my child’s academic achievements in the application letter for school admission?

Answer : Yes, I showcased my child’s academic prowess by mentioning their consistent honor roll status and their inquisitive nature in class discussions, which highlights their intellectual capabilities and engagement in learning.

Q: How do I explain the reason for choosing a particular school in the application letter?

Answer : I articulated our family’s decision by explaining how the school’s unique approach to education aligns with my child’s learning style and interests, like their emphasis on experiential learning that suits my child’s hands-on learning preference.

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Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter for High School with Sample

How to write a motivation letter for a high school application.

There is no doubt of the importance of a good education. In fact, the importance of a good education is so indisputable that the ability to get into a good school is not only becoming more and more competitive, but that competition is starting at a younger and younger age. Today, even preschools have waiting lists so long that many parents will put their children on a number of different waiting lists before they are even born. Although it is still questioned just how much a good preschool or elementary education impacts collegiate opportunities, no question that attending a premiere high school will significantly impact those opportunities.  These applications can be very competitive. Use a motivation letter for high school applications to help show the admissions committee your passion for and interest in their school.

In today’s competitive educational marketplace, however, simply having the means or resources to attend a prestigious school does not automatically guarantee admittance. Even having a prestigious name or friends in high places will not always secure a position in some of the most elite schools. Similarly, many schools are far more egalitarian these days, which means a lack of prestigious contacts may not bar you from admittance.

This is why writing a motivation letter for a high school application is perhaps more important than ever. In today’s academia, having the right parents doesn’t carry as much sway as having the right motivations. Many of the top high schools are perhaps more committed than ever to building a diverse student body. In many cases, they care more about the student’s potential than the parents’ wealth or status. In fact, parents often want a child admitted into a certain school far more than the student themselves, which is why a motivation letter can be so valuable. A good motivation letter for high school can communicate a student’s passion for attending, which will often carry far more weight than a parent’s desire. Here are some tips for writing a great motivation letter for a high school application that will help you stand out.

1. Let them know what you feel you can gain from education from their institution

Applying to a good high school is similar to applying for a good job at a prestigious company. Just like good companies, good schools know what they have to offer and they want to make sure that the applicants they choose genuinely want to be there. The difference between a good school and a good company, however, is that most applicants that apply for a job at a good company do so because they genuinely want to work there, not because their parents want them to work there. To that end, it is important for the student to communicate in their motivation letter what their personal motivations are for wanting to attend the school.

While the most obvious answer might be to pave the way to getting into a good college, that doesn’t really communicate a strong desire to attend that specific school. Prestigious high schools are well aware of the power their name carries. They are generally looking for students who are interested in more than just being able to drop the name of their school on a college application. They are looking for students who genuinely desire what that school specifically has to offer, similar to the way in which companies are not looking for employees that simply want a job anywhere, they are looking for employees who genuinely desire to work for their company specifically.

To that end, the more you can show that you know what that school has to offer, the better your chances are of getting accepted. For instance, if you are a chess enthusiast and the school has an excellent competitive chess team, that is a good thing to mention in your letter. If you are avidly interested in science and the school employs a prestigious science teacher, that is also a good thing to mention in your letter. There is also nothing wrong with mentioning how excited you might be to attend the same school as your father, mother, grandfather, grandmother or any other relatives or close family acquaintances. Having relatives or family friends who attended the school is not a bad thing and when mentioned in the right context can be a plus, but it is unwise to name drop in a way that suggests it a student should be entitled to attend the school simply because their relatives or acquaintances did.

2. Share some of your accomplishments but be careful not to brag

Like most relationships, the relationship between a student and the school they attend should be a give-and-take. Elite schools obviously have a superior education to offer, which they also know they can only offer to a relatively small number of students. This means they are generally looking for the students they feel can best benefit from the specific educational opportunities they offer. It is both perfectly acceptable and important to share what you feel you bring to the table but it is also important to do so in such a way as to not imply that any school should be honored to have you attend.

It is important to share any special skills, accomplishments or achievements in such a way as to communicate that you hope the school can help you capitalize on those achievements and further develop those skills rather than presenting them in such a way as to imply that you are highly accomplished as you are and need no further growth. That would, in essence, completely defeat the purpose of attending an elite school in the first place. While is it important not to humblebrag, there is also great value in learning how to communicate your accomplishments or achievements very humbly.

3. Factually share any challenges you have faced

It is patently untrue that wealth, position or status are infallible barriers to struggle or hardship. Even the wealthiest and most privileged children face hardships such as medical issues or the death of a loved one and for children who are not wealthy or privileged, the list of hardships they have endured or overcome can be even longer. Many schools are looking for more than simply academic excellence or achievement. Slots in many elite schools are highly coveted, which means the competition is fierce and it doesn’t end once a child is admitted. This means that many elite schools are looking for more than academic excellence or a good pedigree, they are looking for signs of inner fortitude or that a young person has what it takes to undergo the rigors of education at their school.

The administration of most elite schools knows full well the challenges inherent in simply attending an elite school. Showing a level of perseverance can also demonstrate an ability to stick it out through the hard times, which will inevitably come at some point in time during a student’s tenure at almost any school. That being said, it is also important to shy away from over-dramatizing any struggles or challenges. Doing so is a form of manipulation and administrators who read dozens, if not hundreds of such letters every year are unlikely to be moved by a blatant attempt to gain a sympathy vote.

4. Write about what you are passionate about

There is probably nothing that educators love more than passionate and eager students. While passions may change over the years, almost all children develop a strong passion for something at an early age. In many cases, that passion actually leads to what they eventually do as a career. Whether you love dinosaurs, dragons, dance or drama; music, magic, mathematics or making mosaics, your passions will almost certainly guide your eventual career goals in some way. Even if you aren’t sure what you want to do for a career yet, looking at what you are passionate about is a good place to start looking for that path.

Some students may already know exactly the career path they want to follow, which can also be good information to communicate. For others that aren’t as certain, simply letting schools know what you are passionate about can actually get them excited about helping you find that path. When writing a motivation letter for a high school application, one of the very best things you can do is get people excited about wanting to help you. Giving them some idea of what you are trying to achieve or accomplish may be the best way to do just that. But first, you must know what you hope to achieve or accomplish.

Strike A Balance

When it comes to writing a motivation letter for a high school application, it is important to strike a careful balance. Of course, you want to be motivating but you also want to be careful to not go so far as to use manipulative or emotional strong-arm tactics. While you want to be persuasive, there is a fine line between persuasion and manipulation. It is far better to simply stick to the facts than also to try and communicate how you want readers to interpret those facts. Here are some examples of what to do and not do to strike that perfect balance.

  • Do let them know what you appreciate about their institution in a way that lets them know you have done your homework and know what that institution specifically has to offer
  • Don’t be so overly effusive that you come across as a suck-up. People appreciate being appreciated but no one likes a sycophant.
  • Do let them know about any relatives or acquaintances you may have that have attended school there and what types of things they have said about the school or the experiences they had there that make you want to attend as well.
  • Don’t simply bring up important people’s names or their relationship to you to make yourself seem very important and, therefore a valuable asset to the school.
  • Do be honest about a few traits, skills or qualities you feel you have to offer to their scholastic community.
  • Don’t go on and on about how great you are, creating the impression they are lucky to have you.
  • Do share some of your challenges and how you overcame them. Be honest and real about them. Some struggles may not seem as great as others but just be honest and real and let the reader be the judge.
  • Don’t communicate your experiences as if they were some kind of Greek tragedy. Some young people have, in fact, already experienced tremendous hardship in their young lives. If that is you, be honest and let the facts speak for themselves. Remember, the goal is to simply communicate the reality of your life, not emotionally manipulate the reader.
  • Do write about what you are passionate about, regardless of what that may be. Human beings are known to get excited about helping people who are excited to accomplish their goals and achieve their dreams. There may be no greater way to motivate people than to share with them where you want to go or what you want to do and ask for their help in getting there.
  • Do not ever simply make something up because you either don’t know what you want to do or don’t think that what you want to do is very impressive. Whatever your goals, dreams or passions are, simply be honest about them. People might surprise you.

When you write a motivation letter for high school, you want to show why they should just be you instead of another candidate.  There are often more applicants than positions and the student needs to stand out.  While the parent can help the student, a student-written letter is often more powerful and more passionate.  A good motivation letter for high school can set a great student up for an amazing education and more opportunities down the road.  This all starts with a great motivation letter as part of their application.

Other Resources to Help With Your Motivation Letter for a High School Application

We have written this guide to help you write your own letter or your child’s letter.  Sometimes, we get asked for more help from our readers.   Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources for that, but we want to give you any help we can.

The best resource we have found for such help is looking on  Fiverr to hire a freelancer to help you.  Fiverr is a marketplace where you can hire someone for a specific project.  They offer different projects at set prices that you can hire them for.  This link will take you to a search for freelancers that do motivation letters specifically.  We can’t offer any specific names on there because the freelancers change.  We do have a guide that gives you some help finding the right person for you, though.

We also offer a downloadable version of our sample motivation letter for high school that can help you get started. It’s affordable and easy to use. You can find that here .

We have also found that Grammarly is a great resource to help with the quality of your writing and phrasing. Grammarly has a terrific free spell checker that also gives you recommendations on phrasing. The true power of Grammarly, though, is in its recommendations for the tone and wording of your writing. It’s a truly incredible resource that can make your writing better immediately.

A Sample Letter Motivation Letter for High School Application

Below is a sample motivation letter for a high school application.  The goal is to get you started.  You don’t want to use this letter. You want to use the guidance above to write your letter.  We also offer an Editable Motivation Letter Template for High School that you can download and use to get started.  That is a Microsoft Word version of this letter that can help you get started on your letter.

Motivation Letter for High School Application

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How to Write a Letter for Applying to High Schools

Lane cummings, 27 jun 2018.

How to Write a Letter for Applying to High Schools

When it comes to public high schools, enrollment is often just a matter of having an address within a designated school zone. However, for private or prep schools, applying for enrollment is an entirely different matter. Enrollment depends upon test scores, letters of recommendation, application essays and a glowing letter to the admissions officials. The letter to the schools' boards or admissions departments generally requires that you explain why you wish to attend a particular school. Writing a good letter is crucial for a winning application.

Create the standard business letter format. Type your address in three or four lines at the top left corner of the page. Skip a line and type the date. Skip another line and type the full name of the board and the address of its headquarters in three or four lines.

Skip a line and write "Dear" plus the name of the chairman or director of the board. Skip another line and begin your first paragraph without indenting.

Identify yourself with your full name, explain that you are an applicant to a specific school or schools within the board's responsibility.

State your strongest reason for wanting to attend these particular schools. Be specific, stating programs, classes or activities that these schools offer that directly connect to talents or hobbies that you have or things you're interested in. For example, if a particular school has a strong classics department and you're interested in learning ancient Greek, mention that. Go through all these reasons in two to three paragraphs.

State what you will bring to the school. You want to avoid cliches like saying you're hardworking or highly motivated. Rather, you need to find new ways to express the positive aspects of your character without sounding like every other applicant. For example, if you are in fact hardworking, say something to the effect of, "I believe in conducting a thorough study, often completing more work or reading assignments than what the teacher assigns."

Close your essay with a quote from a famous leader, author or historian that addresses education. For example, Nelson Mandela's quote that "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" is suitable or something comparable.

Explore this article

Before you send your letter, make sure and proofread it carefully. Go over it a few times, paying special attention to grammar, tone and the general flow. You want to make sure the letter reads well and gives a glimpse into who you are. Once you're done proofing and editing it yourself, choose a teacher or other school staff member that knows you well, and ask them to look it over. If possible, avoid asking a parent or friend to read it. They may be reluctant to give you honest feedback or try to convince you to add things that don't need to be in the letter.

When the letter is ready to send, make sure you have the correct name and address of who to send it to. More than likely, you will be sending it to the Dean of Students, school counselor or main office. It's also a good idea to find out if the school prefers you to email or postal mail the letter.

  • 1 Think Exist: Education quotes

About the Author

Lane Cummings is originally from New York City. She attended the High School of Performing Arts in dance before receiving her Bachelor of Arts in literature and her Master of Arts in Russian literature at the University of Chicago. She has lived in St. Petersburg, Russia, where she lectured and studied Russian. She began writing professionally in 2004 for the "St. Petersburg Times."

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Letter Templates

application letter sample for senior high school student

application letter sample for senior high school student 1

Are you a senior high school student who needs to write an application letter? Look no further! In this article, we provide seven examples of application letters that you can use as a guide. Don’t worry if you’re not sure where to start or what to say – we’ve got you covered.

As a senior high school student, you may be required to write an application letter for various reasons. This letter is a formal way of expressing your interest in something or requesting something. It could be for a scholarship, admission into a university, or even a job. Whatever the reason, it’s important to write a letter that is clear, concise, and professional.

You may be wondering how to go about writing an application letter that meets these criteria. Luckily, there are plenty of resources available to help you. In this article, we provide seven examples of application letters that you can use as a starting point. These letters are written in different styles and for different purposes, so you can find one that best fits your needs. You can even edit them as needed to tailor them to your specific situation.

To make it easy for you to find what you’re looking for, we’ve organized the examples by reason. Simply choose the one that best fits your situation and use it as a guide for writing your own letter.

Application Letter Samples

Letter of application for scholarship.

Greeting: Dear Scholarship Committee,

Letter Body:

I am writing to apply for the scholarship offered by ABC Organization. As a senior high school student with a passion for science, I am excited about the opportunity to continue my education at the college level. Unfortunately, my family is unable to afford the cost of tuition, which is why I am applying for this scholarship.

The scholarship would enable me to pursue my dream of becoming a scientist, and I am confident that I would be an asset to your program. I have maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout my high school career and have participated in several science fairs and research projects. I am dedicated, hardworking, and eager to learn.

Complimentary Close: Sincerely,

Letter of Application for Admission to University

Greeting: Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to express my interest in attending XYZ University. As a senior high school student with a passion for literature, I am excited about the opportunity to continue my education at your esteemed institution. I have researched your university extensively and am impressed by your commitment to academic excellence and diversity.

I believe that XYZ University would provide me with the resources and support I need to achieve my academic and personal goals. I am a hardworking and dedicated student with a 3.8 GPA and a love for learning. I have participated in several extracurricular activities, including the school newspaper and debate team, which have helped me develop my writing and critical thinking skills.

Complimentary Close: Thank you for considering my application.

Letter of Application for Part-Time Job

Greeting: Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the part-time job opening at ABC Company. As a senior high school student with a strong work ethic and excellent communication skills, I believe that I would be an asset to your team. I am excited about the opportunity to gain experience in the workforce while also earning a paycheck.

I have experience working in customer service and am comfortable interacting with people from all walks of life. I am reliable, responsible, and able to work flexible hours. I am confident that I would be able to learn quickly and contribute to the success of your company.

Complimentary Close: Best regards,

Letter of Application for Internship

I am writing to apply for the internship position at XYZ Company. As a senior high school student with a passion for marketing, I am excited about the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the field. I am impressed by your company’s innovative approach and commitment to social responsibility.

I am a hardworking and dedicated student with a 3.9 GPA and a love for learning. I have taken several marketing and business courses and have also participated in a marketing competition, where my team won first place. I am eager to apply the skills and knowledge I have gained to a real-world setting and contribute to the success of your company.

Letter of Application for Recommendation

Greeting: Dear Professor Smith,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a letter of recommendation for my college applications. As a senior high school student with a passion for English literature, I am applying to several highly competitive schools and believe that your endorsement would greatly enhance my chances of admission.

I have greatly enjoyed your classes and appreciate your dedication to your students. Your insights and guidance have inspired me to pursue a career in academia, and I hope to one day make the same impact on my own students. I am confident that your letter will showcase my strengths and potential as a student and scholar.

Complimentary Close: Respectfully,

Letter of Application for College Readmission

I am writing to request readmission to XYZ University for the upcoming semester. As a senior high school student, I struggled to balance my academic and personal responsibilities and ultimately fell behind in my coursework. However, I have taken steps to address these issues and am eager to return to college and continue my education.

I have enrolled in several online courses and have also been working with a tutor to improve my study habits and time management skills. I am confident that I am now better equipped to succeed in college and am committed to making the most of this opportunity.

Complimentary Close: Thank you for your consideration.

Letter of Application for Volunteer Position

Greeting: Dear Volunteer Coordinator,

I am writing to apply for the volunteer position at ABC Organization. As a senior high school student with a passion for social justice, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your mission and make a positive impact on the community.

I have volunteered at several local organizations and am comfortable working with people of all ages and backgrounds. I am reliable, responsible, and have excellent communication skills. I am committed to making a difference and am eager to learn from the experienced professionals at your organization.

Tips for Writing an Application Letter

When writing an application letter, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Start with a clear and concise introduction that explains the purpose of the letter.
  • Use a professional tone and language. Avoid slang and abbreviations.
  • Be specific about your accomplishments and qualifications. Provide examples and evidence to support your claims.
  • Address the letter to the appropriate person or organization.
  • Proofread the letter carefully for grammar and spelling errors.
  • End with a polite and gracious complimentary close.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: what should i include in my application letter.

Your application letter should include a clear introduction that explains the purpose of the letter, a brief explanation of your qualifications and accomplishments, and a polite and gracious closing.

Q: How long should my application letter be?

Your application letter should be no more than one page long, single-spaced.

Q: How do I address the letter?

Make sure to address the letter to the appropriate person or organization. If you’re not sure who to address it to, do some research to find out.

Q: Should I include my GPA and test scores in my application letter?

If they are relevant to the purpose of the letter, then yes. For example, if you’re applying for a scholarship, you may want to include your GPA and test scores to showcase your academic achievements.

Q: Should I mention any weaknesses or challenges in my application letter?

No. Your application letter should focus on your strengths and accomplishments, not your weaknesses. If you do need to address a weakness or challenge, do so in a positive and proactive way.

Q: Can I use a template for my application letter?

Yes, you can use a template as a starting point. However, make sure to tailor the letter to your specific situation and needs.

Q: How should I follow up on my application letter?

If you haven’t heard back after a week or two, it’s appropriate to follow up with a polite email or phone call. Thank the person for their time and consideration and ask if there’s any additional information you can provide.

As a senior high school student, writing an application letter may seem daunting. But with the help of these examples and tips, you can write a letter that showcases your strengths and potential. Remember to be clear, concise, and professional, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Good luck!

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High School Student Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Julia Belak — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

For high school students who are striving to earn a part-time position, an internship, or any other type of extracurricular work, writing a great cover letter is the first key step to take.

Since many high school students do not have a long work history yet, this can require some extra time and cleverness to frame high-school-level experiences compellingly.

No Work Experience Cover Letter Template

But fret not, in this guide, we teach you exactly how to write an effective cover letter as a high school student. Continue reading to learn all about:

  • Crafting a memorable cover letter header as a high school student
  • Tailoring your high school student cover letter to be specific to the reader
  • Writing an eye-catching introduction for your high school cover letter
  • Highlighting your skills and academic experiences as a high school student
  • Persuasively concluding your high school student cover letter
  • Finding useful resources for job-seeking high school students

Let’s jump into the first step and begin crafting the ideal high school student cover letter!

1. How to craft a memorable cover letter header as a high school student

As a high school student, your top priority when writing a cover letter is to make it look professional.

High school students can often overlook the importance of visual design when writing cover letters, as they are more focused on making the letter’s content sound good.

Yet, a great-looking and professional cover letter format can go a long way in impressing employers.

In your cover letter header, you should include:

  • Your name and academic position
  • Your contact information
  • The name of the company you are applying to
  • The address of the company you are applying to

Here is an example of a well-formatted high school student cover letter header

Molly Madison , High School Class President (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] |

To: Jackson’s Downtown Boutique & Shoppe Gallery 1234 Street Address Phoenix, AZ

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2. how to properly tailor your high school student cover letter.

After giving your cover letter an excellent visual structure and flow, your next step is to tailor the greeting and content of your high school student cover letter .

Tailoring a cover letter means making the information as relevant to the reader as possible. For instance, if you are applying to work in an ice cream shop, describing how your skills can be applied to customer service and food safety are good ways to make your letter relevant to the job.

Additionally, you should address your cover letter to the person who is most likely to read and review it, such as a company’s owner or a head manager.

Here are 3 examples of personalized cover letter greetings

Dear Mr. John Doe,

  • Dear Hiring Manager John Doe,
  • Dear Mr. John Doe & the Hiring Department,

3. How to write an eye-catching introduction for your high school student cover letter

When applying for jobs as a high school student, you are likely not going to have an extensive work history to showcase in your cover letter.

To make up for this, you need to ensure each detail you write is as eye-catching and compelling as possible. It is especially important to pay extra attention to your introduction , as an introductory paragraph can often be the thing that either impresses employers or makes them lose interest.

The best high school cover letter introductions should include:

  • A brief overview of your academic history (academic performance, extracurriculars, etc.)
  • Any key roles you have held in your academic history (leadership roles, athletics, etc.)
  • A brief statement on what you are passionate about (this should be relevant to the role, position, or opportunity you are applying for)

Here is an example of a great introduction from a high school student cover letter

I am a junior at Rowe County High School seeking my first job in the outdoor recreation industry. As a student, I helped to start an Outdoor Program club that now has 30+ members and takes students on chaperoned adventures, such as hiking and camping. Your company is a staple in the local outdoor community and gaining this job would provide me with the opportunity to both practice my passion and learn more about the industry. 

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4. How to highlight your skills and academic experiences as a high school student

With your introduction out of the way, you can now begin writing your cover letter’s body paragraphs.

Many people choose to break up their body paragraphs into smaller, simple sentences. Additionally, bullet points can be used to keep your body paragraphs more organized and easy to skim over.

When writing these body paragraphs, your main goal is to describe your best skills and accomplishments as a high school student. You should select skills and accomplishments that are highly relevant to the position you are applying for.

Here are 6 examples of skills to include in a high school student cover letter

  • Communication skills (describe your exact style of communication)
  • Leadership and teamwork
  • Time management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a high school student cover letter

As a student at Monroe High School, I won the election for Class President two years in a row during my sophomore and junior years. This year, I am serving as the Senior Class President, which comes with greater responsibilities, including management of the school spirit budget.

5. How to persuasively conclude your high school student cover letter

To conclude your high school student cover letter, you must write a persuasive closing statement that encourages the reader to get in touch with you promptly.

Remember to maintain your professionalism in your conclusion as well by including a formal sign-off.

Here is an example of a persuasive closing statement from a high school student's cover letter

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read my letter and look forward to hearing from you in the near future. As I am still in school, the best hours to reach me are in the early morning between 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. or in the late afternoon from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. It would be my honor to work at your company and I hope to hear from you within the next week about my application.

Many Thanks,

[Applicant Name]

6. Key resources for job-seeking high school students

Before we wrap things up, let's not forget one last crucial element — resources for your job hunt. As a high school student, there's a wealth of tools out there to assist you in navigating this exciting path. Here are some you should definitely bookmark:

  • Career counseling: Many high schools provide career counseling services to students. They offer guidance in identifying potential career paths, preparing for interviews, and even finding job opportunities.
  • Online job boards:  Websites like Indeed , Monster , or LinkedIn offer a range of part-time, intern, and entry-level positions perfect for high school students. You can filter by your area of interest, location, and other parameters.
  • Local resources:  Don't overlook local resources like community job boards, local newspapers, and libraries. They often list part-time jobs in your immediate area, ideal for high school students.
  • Networking:  This can be beneficial, even for high school students. Connect with teachers, family friends, and alumni in your desired field for potential job leads and advice.
  • Job readiness workshops:  Some communities offer workshops to help high school students prepare for the job market, providing tips on resume writing, interviewing, and soft skills development.
  • Volunteer work:  Volunteering can provide valuable experience and skills that employers look for. Websites like VolunteerMatch  or local community centers can point you towards opportunities.

Kickstart your job search by leveraging these resources and step into the professional world with confidence. Good luck!

High School Student Cover Letter FAQ

How long should my high school student cover letter be.

Your cover letter should not exceed one page — it should be concise and to the point. Around 3-4 short paragraphs are generally sufficient. 

Should I follow up after sending my cover letter and resume?

Yes, it's a good idea to follow up if you haven’t heard back after a week or two. You can send a polite email asking about the status of your application. This shows you're genuinely interested in the role. 

What if I don’t have any work experience?

That's okay! You can highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or any skills that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Remember, everyone has to start somewhere! 

Do I need a tailored cover letter for each application?

Yes, you should tailor your cover letter for each job application. It demonstrates that you've done your research on the company and the specific role, which will impress employers. 

How should I address my cover letter if I don't know who the hiring manager is?

If the job posting doesn't provide a name and your research doesn't reveal who the hiring manager is, it's acceptable to use a general salutation like, "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear [Company Name] Team."

Julia Belak — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Julia Belak

Julia is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) and an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC™). She is also a passionate translator and graphic designer. Julia holds degrees in translation and interpretation and has international work experience in various countries across Europe, as well as in China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and contributed as a graphic designer to outlets such as The Business of Business. You'll often find her with a book in one hand and a specialty coffee in the other, always on the lookout for new insights.

All student cover letter examples

  • Formal Sciences Student
  • Humanities Student
  • Student Internship
  • Natural Sciences Student
  • Professions And Applied Sciences Student
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All high school student cover letter examples

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High School Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

High School Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Jacob Meade

  • Cover Letter Examples
  • Cover Letter Text Examples

How To Write a High School Cover Letter

When writing your cover letter for high school jobs, focus on how you can apply your secondary education in your target role. Express your interest in the employer, and cite the relevant skills you’ve gained through your work, school, extracurricular, or other life experiences so far.

This guide will help you write a cover letter that gets you interviews for a job during or right after high school.

High School Cover Letter Templates and Examples

High School Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

High School Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

John Jones High School Student | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | 111 Address St. Miami, Florida 55555

April 1, 2024

Jane Smith Head Chef Jane’s Cuban Restaurant (123) 456-7890 [email protected]

Dear Chef Smith,

Two of my personally developed recipes were put on the permanent menu at Jack’s Bistro, the restaurant I interned at as a line cook during my two-year Introduction to Culinary Arts Careers half-day program partnership with Miami High School. I believe that my innate ability to use locally sourced ingredients to create new, innovative dishes with Cuban flair helped me earn this recognition as a student kitchen worker. I hope to bring this passionate originality to Jane’s Cuban Restaurant as a line cook.

Your establishment’s inclusion in Miami’s Top Ten Cuban Restaurants list for the last five years running makes it my top choice to begin my post-high school culinary career. Armed with my associate degree in culinary science, I can now:

  • Maintain exceptional quality standards in food storage, preparation, and presentation
  • Prepare your existing dishes to perfection using precision in recipe duplication
  • Create new, exciting Cuban-inspired menu items and specials

I look forward to speaking with you in person about your full-time line cook position. Please contact me with your preferred meeting time.

Astrid Bower High School Graduate | [email protected] | (876) 543-2109 | 420 Second Street, Wilmington, DE 53197

April 23, 2024

Barney Chang Senior Hiring Manager Sullivan’s Steakhouse (998) 877-6655 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Chang,

Last year, I achieved 99.8% positive feedback in my part-time server role. Reviews mentioned my outstanding menu knowledge, friendly attitude, and willingness to go above and beyond to ensure perfect service. I hope to create incredible diner experiences as a server at Sullivan’s Steakhouse.

Your company’s reputation for warm and attentive service is the perfect match for my customer-centered ethos. As a recent high school graduate with a committed work ethic, I can become an asset to your service team.

My recent accomplishments include:

  • Achieving a score of 85% for my hospitality and tourism elective course, placing me in the top 5% of my class
  • Leading a team of five classmates to organize a charity soccer match to raise money for cancer research charities
  • Being voted “Server of the Month” in December 2020 for my efficiency and attention to detail

I would love to meet to discuss how I can help Sullivan’s Steakhouse achieve its goals. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact to schedule a convenient interview.

Astrid Bower

Ammarah Grimes High School Graduate | [email protected] | (654) 321-0987 | 531 First Street, Dover, DE 98765

Macy Padilla Senior Hiring Manager Gamestop (432) 109-8765 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Padilla,

In my final year at Dover High School, I received the highest mark in my cohort for my marketing elective coursework. My teachers praised my detailed understanding of consumer behavior and strong insights into effective sales techniques. I am excited to apply this knowledge as a retail associate at GameStop.

As an energetic and enthusiastic recent high school graduate with a year of part-time experience in a busy retail outlet, the opportunity to contribute to Gamestop’s incredible reputation for customer service appeals to me. My professionalism and customer-focused attitude make me the ideal fit for your organization.

My recent achievements include:

  • Ranking in the top 10% for upselling in my store during the Christmas period in 2023
  • Being selected to coach three new hires to use the point-of-sale system
  • Receiving an email of thanks from a customer for my outstanding service after helping her find the ideal gift for her son’s 18th birthday

I would like to arrange an interview to explore how my gaming knowledge and strong work ethic can yield strong sales for Gamestop in 2021. Please get in touch to book a suitable appointment.

Ammarah Grimes

Even if you’ve never had a job, you’ve probably gained useful skills through your education or other experiences. An effective high school cover letter focuses on those capabilities so hiring managers see you’re ready to excel in a work environment. Below, we outline what to include in a cover letter and explain how you can properly focus each section.

At the top of the page, include:

  • Your resume contact header, which should give your full name, address , email, phone number, and LinkedIn or other social accounts if applicable
  • The recipient’s name, title, organization, and contact information (when available)

Note: Feel free to omit this section when sending your cover letter as an email message as long as your contact details are part of your email signature. Look for instructions in the job posting on whether to send by email message or attachment. When the posting doesn’t specify, it’s your choice – just bear in mind email messages are increasingly common, but an attachment is often still better for more formal applications to large employers.

2. Salutation

Address your recipient by name as in the first example below – this is the quickest way to show you’re sending a job-specific letter and not a boilerplate. If you can’t find the person’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager” so your greeting is still tailored somewhat to each job opening.

Dear Sullivan’s Steakhouse Hiring Manager:

3. “Hook” or introduction

Catch the reader’s attention by citing an achievement from your high school or other experiences so far. Feel free to adapt a bullet highlight from your resume, as some repetition across documents is fine and can make your job application more cohesive. But choose carefully. The highlight that opens your letter is often your first impression on employers. Pick one that’s compelling and relevant to the job so managers can quickly envision you adding value to their team.

Alternatively, you can set yourself apart by networking. This approach is especially useful if you’re applying to your first job and/or have trouble choosing an experience highlight. Begin your letter by citing any personal or professional connections you have with the hiring manager. If someone at the organization alerted you to the job, use a line like “I was excited to hear from your colleague [Name] about [Company]’s new [title] position.” Or, if you’ve already met your recipient, mention that with a line like “It was great speaking with you at the job fair last week.”

4. Job- or employer-specific paragraph(s)

Here’s where you can tell the employer directly why you want the job, bringing your candidacy into sharp focus. Read the posting again closely, then write two or three sentences responding to it. What interests you about the job’s main role or duties? And what appeals to you about the organization’s industry, size, or work culture? (It often helps to brainstorm your answers on a separate document or piece of paper first.) Consider quoting any text from the job posting that resonates with you. With this targeted approach, you can show the hiring manager you’re interested in their specific job opportunity.

Following this explanation, cite a few more of your skills or achievements , possibly as bullet points.

5. Call to action

Finally, request an interview for the position. Consider briefly restating your skills to maintain the letter’s focus through the last paragraph. If the job posting names a certain time commitment, you can also use this section to clarify how your school schedule would pose no conflict. To end your cover letter, use a simple closing like “Sincerely” or “Best regards” and then your name.

High School Cover Letter Tips

1. show you’re ready to apply your secondary education.

Unless you already have work experience, start your letter with a detailed example of your success in high school to date. Have you studied subjects or completed school projects that relate to the job opening at hand? Or have you done extracurricular activities that gave you useful soft skills or technical skills ?

2. Tell why you're a good fit

In two or three brief sentences, describe what you have in common with the position or employer. For instance, maybe you share the company’s focus on excellent service, as reflected by your “Employee of the Month” awards at your last retail job. Or maybe the role interacts with many Spanish-speaking customers, a language you’ve earned honors in at the AP level.

3. Highlight your relevant strengths

Add a short list of bullet points to show your skill in key work areas for your target job, such as group leadership or customer service. In addition to your high school experiences, feel free to cite highlights from any past jobs, internships, volunteer positions, or even personal milestones like running a marathon. Just make sure they all speak to the role you’re now pursuing.

High School Cover Letter Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the most important part of a cover letter -.

Any explanation you give for why the specific job opening or employer interests you. These details distinguish the cover letter from your resume and other application materials and can help you get past applicant tracking systems (ATS) . They also set up a good interview discussion about how you fit the role and the organization’s work culture.

Should I include a cover letter when the job posting says it’s optional? -

Yes. Actually, this is the best scenario for a cover letter. By sending yours, you can instantly stand out from the many applicants who send just their resume.

What should my cover letter’s design look like? -

Your resume’s. Carry over all of that document’s basic format settings , like font style, line spacing, and page margins.

Craft a new cover letter in minutes

Get the attention of hiring managers with a cover letter tailored to every job application.

Jacob Meade

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

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How to Write an Application Letter to a School as a Student

Victory Ihejieto

  • June 24, 2024
  • Freelancing Tips

Table of Contents Hide

What is a school application letter, types of application letters, 1. address your letter, 2. state your purpose clearly, 3. highlight your academic achievements:, 4. why this school show your passion, 5. confidence and courtesy, 6. list the enclosures, 7. proofread and save, sample 1: high school application, college school application letter example, we also recommend.

Now that you’ve made up your mind on the school to attend, it is time to write your application letter as a student.

A well-written application letter can be your key to unlocking the classroom door.

Here’s a guide for Nigerian students to help them write a letter that grabs the attention of admissions officers.

You’ll love this guide.

A school application letter is a letter written by a potential student or their guardian to a school administrator for them to be considered for admission into a school.

The application letter is a form of introduction of the student to the institution’s admission committee. This letter is written in the form of a business format that is highly polite since it is the initial contact with the reviewer.

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There are different types of application letters depending on the school the student is applying to.

These are the main types of school application letters for students:

Junior school application letter : This application letter is written mostly by the parent or guardian seeking admission to an elementary school for young learners.

High school application letter : This is drafted by high school students applying for admission to a high school.

College application letter : This application letter is written by a student seeking admission to study a course in a college institution.

Graduate school application letter : This is written by a person who is seeking admission into a higher institution for master’s or doctorate degree programs. Schools require application letter when the applicant will send his application package via email.

Most of the time, a school application package requires the following documents;

  • Personal statement
  • Transcripts
  • Certificates

Application form

  • Recommendation letters

Begin a school application letter by starting your letter with an address, email, and phone number.

After your contact information, write the date of writing the letter which can be in any form.

Give some space beneath the date and write the recipients address. You can write the recipient’s name or you can use their official title. You can contact the front desk if unsure of the title to use. Keep in mind that writing the wrong recipient may create a false perception regarding your attention to for detail, so get it right.

Address the letter to the admission officer or principal.

The school application letter is a formal document so use proper salutation. If you used a name in the address, use the same name in the salutation. If you used job title, remember to use same in the salutation.

The most common salutations are:

Dear Ms./Mr./Mrs. (recipient’s surname)

Dear (Admissions Coordinator, or the appropriate title)

To Whom It May Concern

Dear Sir/Madam

Using the recipients’ names builds rapport with the reviewer.

If this is an email, write the subject line that will make the reviewer know what the letter is about at a glance. A handwritten letter also contains a subject line. The subject line should be brief.

Example: Application for Admission to Marketing Major.

After the subject line, the first paragraph should also iterate the specific program or grade level. Also, give an overview of yourself. Keep this paragraph concise but rich in relevant content that will attract the reader’s attention.

Some of the things you can mention in your introduction include:

The program you are applying for

  • Why you are interested in the program
  • Your background and why you stand out
  • Why you are choosing that institution

This entire introduction should not be more than one paragraph in length. You can write these in five lines if you are mindful.

Dear Admissions Officer,

I am writing to express my keen interest in applying for admission to the Marketing major program at Landmark Community College for the 2024 academic session.

Briefly mention your most relevant academic achievements. This could include exceptional grades in core subjects, awards you’ve received, or any academic competitions you’ve participated in.

Have you excelled in sports, debate, or community service? Mention these achievements to showcase your well-roundedness.

It is important to go over your best achievements so you can stand out amongst other program applicants. Also, be sure to link your achievements with the program. Mention your qualifications and skills to convince the reviewer that they should consider you for admission.

You can include these:

  • Test scores you scored highly
  • Your hobbies and interests
  • Interpersonal skills and leadership abilities
  • Related work experience
  • Recognition and awards

Remember to tailor your application letter to fit the level of education you’re applying for and their requirements. If you are applying for a graduate school program, mention your research interests.

As a top student at Chivalry College, I consistently achieved excellent grades, particularly in Marketing and Music. I was also awarded the Hours Grace Mathematician Award for being the best in Math in recognition of my academic performance. Additionally, I actively participated in the school’s Political club, demonstrating my leadership skills and commitment to giving back to the community.

Research about the school’s unique offerings, programs, or achievements.

In your application letter as a student, you will explain what specifically attracts you to the school. Does it have a strong science program? Renowned faculty? Mention these details and explain how they align with your academic goals.

I am particularly drawn to Chivalry College because of its renowned STEM program. The opportunity to learn from experienced faculty like Professor Charles Numba in Psychology is incredibly exciting. Furthermore, your school’s emphasis on Charity aligns perfectly with my strong desire to use my education as a tool to reach third world countries.

In this section, reiterate your interest in joining the program. Be hopeful that you’d be granted an opportunity to join the school. Also, mention what value you would add to the school upon admission.

Express your gratitude to the admissions team for considering your application. Then, do the closing formalities with your name and email.

I am confident that my academic achievements, combined with my passion for learning and dedication to excellence, make me a strong candidate for your esteemed program. Thank you for considering my application. I eagerly await your response.

Phone Number

Email Address

After the closing salutation, list the documents enclosed with the application letter. We advise that you list them in the order of their attachment. Crosscheck with the school requirements to ensure that you have enclosed all the documents the school needs.

Read your application letter to a school as a student to identify any grammatical errors or poor formatting. Consider using the formatting tips:

  • Use single-spaced text and block paragraphs
  • Leave transitional black spaces between sections
  • Align your letter to the left
  • Use basic fonts like Times New Roman or Arial, size 10-12

Save and send the letter along with the supporting documents through the school’s recommended medium.

See also: How To Write An Application Letter For a Teaching Job in Nigeria?

School Application Letter Template

Here is a school application letter template that you can utilize to create your own letter.

First and last name

phone number

email address

physical address

Recipient’s name

Name of the school

School mailing address

Opening salutation

Subject line

Introduce yourself in the first sentence and inform the reader what program you are applying to. Mention why you chose that particular school including why you believe it is the right fit for you. Give a brief overview of your background and what your current engagements are.

In the second paragraph, highlight your skills, qualifications and achievements, and then link them to the program you are applying to. If you have received any awards or relevant recognitions, dedicate a few words to going over them.

In the third paragraph, reiterate your interest in the program and the institution. Mention the value you would bring to the school, and promise to do your best if considered.

In the fourth paragraph, express gratitude to the reader and politely ask them to review the rest of the supporting documents.

Closing salutation

Annu Victor

54 Real Estate Orlando

[email protected]

25th April, 2026.

Admissions Committee

Charity Homecoming College

54 Chrissent New Jersey

Dear Admissions Committee,

Application for admission into Charis Homecoming High School

I am writing to express my keen interest in applying for admission to the ninth grade at Charity Homecoming High School for the upcoming academic year.

Throughout my middle school years at Charis Homecoming High School, I’ve consistently maintained a high GPA of 4.6 while actively participating in extracurricular activities. I’m particularly passionate about Physical Education and have excelled in Sporting activities. My strong work ethic and dedication are also evident in my participation in cheerleading, where I developed valuable skills in Leadership.

Charity Homecoming High School’s strong academic reputation, particularly in STEM classes, deeply impresses me. I’m interested in your Chemistry because I want to become a pharmacist. I believe my academic background make me a perfect fit for your esteemed institution.

I have attached my transcripts and standardized test scores for your review. Thank you for considering my application. I eagerly await the opportunity to learn more about Charity Homecoming High School and discuss how I can contribute to the vibrant school community.

Your Signature if submitting a physical copy

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Stacy Nolan


[email protected]

7777 Denver Avenue

8888 Denver, Colorado

14th April 2021

Dr. Simon Morgan

Sun and Shield School of Music

9999 Lights Street

Dear Dr. Morgan,

REF: Application for Admission to the School of Oriental Music

My name is Nacy Nolan, and I would like to apply for admission to the school of oriental music. I take cognizance of your school’s outstanding reputation of producing well-rounded music students and instrumentalists. I believe I would greatly benefit from working with your highly qualified faculty of instructors. I am currently a volunteer with the Travelers Band of Charleston.

My interest in music runs deep. In my high school studies, I majored in music, and I am an accomplished guitarist and violinist. I have performed in various music events in Charleston, Seattle and, most recently, at the inauguration ceremony of the governor. I have received several awards, but the one I am proudest of obtaining is being named the Most Talented Young Violinist in South Carolina.

I would like to join the school and deepen my vocal skills as well as with your excellent students in musical projects. Granted the opportunity, I would ensure that I repay your faith in me through exemplary conduct during and after my time at the school.

Thank you for your time. Please review the enclosed documents for a more in-depth assessment of my suitability. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Respectfully Yours,

Statement of purpose

High school qualification certificate

Letter of recommendation

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By following these steps and personalizing your experiences, you can write an application letter to a school as a student that sets you apart.

Remember, this is your chance to show your potential and convince the admissions committee that you belong in their institution. Now go forth and conquer those applications!

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  • September 7, 2024

High School Cover Letter Example

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Start your high school cover letter with a professional greeting, addressing the recipient by name if possible (e.g., "Dear Mr. Smith"). Begin with a strong opening sentence that captures attention and clearly states the purpose of your letter. Mention the specific position or opportunity you're applying for and express your enthusiasm. For example, "I am excited to apply for the summer internship program at XYZ Company, as advertised in our school's career services office." Tailor the introduction to the role and organization, highlighting a connection or relevant achievement that demonstrates your interest and suitability, such as a relevant project or extracurricular involvement. This personalized approach shows initiative and helps you stand out from the start.

The best way for high school students to end a cover letter is with a professional closing that expresses enthusiasm and gratitude. Students should reiterate their interest in the position and thank the reader for considering their application. A strong closing sentence could be, "I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Organization/Company Name] and look forward to the possibility of discussing my application in further detail." To conclude, use a formal sign-off such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by their name. It's important for students to maintain a tone of respect and eagerness to learn, which reflects their readiness to take on new challenges and opportunities.

When high schools are preparing a cover letter, perhaps for a grant application, partnership proposal, or any official correspondence, it's important to include certain key elements that convey the school's message effectively. Here's what should typically be included in a high school's cover letter: 1. **Header with Contact Information**: At the top of the letter, include the school's letterhead with the name, address, phone number, email address, and website. This provides the recipient with immediate reference to the school's contact information. 2. **Date**: The date the letter is being sent should be clearly stated below the letterhead. 3. **Recipient's Information**: Include the name, title, organization, and address of the person or entity the letter is addressed to. This personalizes the letter and ensures it reaches the correct individual. 4. **Salutation**: A formal greeting such as "Dear [Recipient's Name]" is appropriate. If the recipient's name is not known, "Dear Sir/Madam" or "To Whom It May Concern" can be used as a last resort. 5. **Introduction**: The opening paragraph should briefly introduce the high school and the purpose of the letter. It should engage the reader and provide context for the correspondence. 6. **Body of the Letter**: - **Purpose**: Clearly state the reason for writing. If it's a grant application, specify the need for the grant and how it aligns with the grantor's objectives. - **Details**: Provide specific information about the program, project, or reason for the correspondence. Highlight the school's achievements, strengths, or unique qualities that make it a suitable candidate for the grant, partnership, or other opportunities. - **Benefits**: Explain how the proposed project or partnership will benefit the students, the school, and potentially the broader community. Be persuasive and use data or anecdotes to support your claims. 7. **Closing Paragraph**: Summarize the main points and reiterate the school

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High School Student Cover Letter

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High school students often face the daunting task of crafting a cover letter that captures their budding potential. This guide on “High School Student Cover Letter Examples ” aims to demystify the process. It provides practical examples, tailored to highlight the strengths and experiences typical of high school students. Moreover, it provides actionable tips on writing a persuasive cover letter, even when formal job experience is scarce. The guide is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to stand out in the competitive job market.

What is High School Student Cover Letter?

A High School Student Cover Letter is a formal letter that high school students send to potential employers to express their interest in a job and highlight their relevant skills, even if they don’t have much professional experience. It’s an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the role and how their academic, extracurricular, and personal experiences make them a strong fit for the position.

What is the Best Example of High School Student Cover Letter?

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position advertised at [Company Name]. Although I am still in high school, I believe that my academic achievements and participation in [mention extracurricular activities or clubs] have equipped me with valuable skills such as [mention specific skills relevant to the job].

For example, as a member of the [mention a club or activity], I have developed strong leadership skills and learned the value of teamwork and commitment. These experiences, along with my strong work ethic and eagerness to learn, make me a promising candidate for this position.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

High School Student Cover Letter

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Free High School Student Cover Letters – Copy & Paste

High school student cover letter with no experience.

I’m writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], which I learned about from [where you found the job listing]. Although I’m a high school student with no professional work experience, my academic pursuits and extracurricular activities have equipped me with a wealth of skills that align with this role.

Over the past few years, I have cultivated strong [mention a key skill] skills through my involvement in [describe a relevant school project, club or activity]. Additionally, I have demonstrated a keen ability to [mention another key skill] through [describe another relevant experience or achievement].

I am eager to apply my abilities to a professional setting and believe that this position would provide an invaluable opportunity to do so. I am confident that my [mention skills] and passion for [industry] would allow me to contribute positively to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my suitability for this position.

How to Use: Highlight your academic and extracurricular activities that have helped you develop the skills you need for the job, even if you don’t have professional work experience. Make sure to tailor this  no experience cover letter to the specific role and company you’re applying to.

High School Student Cover Letter with No Experience

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High School Student Cover Letter for Internship

I’m writing to express my interest in the internship position available at [Company Name] which I discovered through [source]. As a high school student, I have always been interested in [industry or field], and I see this internship as a remarkable opportunity to enrich my knowledge and skills.

Over the past few years in high school, I have been involved in [describe relevant extracurricular activities or projects], where I demonstrated my [mention a key skill] skills. Additionally, my role in [describe another activity or project] has honed my [mention another key skill].

I am eager to bring my dedication and drive to your esteemed organization and believe this internship would provide an excellent foundation for my future career. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application further.

How to Use: Make sure to highlight your relevant academic and extracurricular activities that demonstrate your key skills and your eagerness to learn and contribute in your internship cover letter .

High School Student Cover Letter for Internship

High School Student Cover Letter for Senior

As a proactive senior student at [School Name], I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I have always been drawn to [industry or field] and see this role as an incredible opportunity to explore my interests professionally.

During my high school years, I have excelled academically, especially in subjects relevant to [industry or field]. Moreover, I have been involved in various [extracurricular activities/clubs/projects] where I have showcased my ability to [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill].

I am confident that my enthusiasm, commitment, and the skills I have cultivated throughout my high school years make me a strong candidate for this position. I look forward to potentially discussing my suitability further.

How to Use: Highlight your academic achievements, activities that have equipped you with the skills required for the job, and express your enthusiasm for the role.

High School Student Cover Letter for Senior

High School Student Cover Letter for Summer Job

I’m writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] summer position advertised at [Company Name]. As an ambitious high school student, I believe this opportunity perfectly aligns with my skills, interests, and enthusiasm to learn and contribute.

Over my high school years, I have actively participated in [mention specific extracurricular activities or part-time work] that honed my skills in [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill], which I believe are essential for this role. I’m confident that these experiences, combined with my dedication, will make a positive impact on your team.

I am eager to bring my energy, reliability, and passion for learning to this summer role. I look forward to the chance to discuss my application further.

How to Use: This job cover letter emphasizes readiness for a summer job. Highlight your part-time work or relevant experiences, and your commitment to use the summer job as a learning opportunity.

High School Student Cover Letter for Summer Job

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High School Student Cover Letter for First Job

I am excited to submit my application for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Although this would be my first formal job, I am confident that my academic achievements and extracurricular experiences have equipped me with valuable skills and a strong work ethic.

In my time at [School Name], I have been actively involved in [extracurricular activities] that have enabled me to develop skills such as [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill]. These experiences have prepared me to take on the challenges of the [Job Title] position.

I am eager to apply my skills in a professional setting and I am confident that my commitment and enthusiasm make me a strong candidate for this role. I look forward to discussing my suitability further.

How to Use: Highlight your readiness for your first job. Emphasize the relevant skills you have gained through school and extracurricular activities and your eagerness to learn and grow.

High School Student Cover Letter for First Job

Sample High School Student Cover Letter

I am currently a dedicated student at [Your School’s Name] and am eager to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Despite my limited work experience, I believe that my involvement in school activities and my academic achievements make me a strong candidate for this role.

Throughout my high school years, I have excelled in [mention relevant subjects] and participated in [mention relevant extracurricular activities or part-time work] which have honed my skills in [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill].

With a positive attitude and a strong drive to learn, I am excited about the prospect of bringing my skills and enthusiasm to your organization. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application further.

How to Use: This sample letter is adaptable to a range of positions. Just be sure to tailor the highlighted skills and experiences to the particular job you are applying for.

Sample High School Student Cover Letter

High School Student Cover Letter for Entry Level Job

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. As a high school student preparing to graduate, I believe I possess the necessary skills and readiness to succeed in this entry-level position.

I have consistently excelled in [mention relevant subjects] and have been recognized for my [mention a key skill] during [mention relevant activity or project]. Furthermore, my experience as a [mention relevant role] has honed my [mention another key skill], making me ready for a professional setting.

I am eager to translate my academic achievements and extracurricular experiences into success at your esteemed organization. I look forward to potentially discussing my application further.

How to Use: Tailor this letter to your prospective employer by highlighting your academic and extracurricular achievements and demonstrating your readiness to embark on your professional journey.

High School Student Cover Letter for Entry Level Job

College Student Cover Letter

I am currently a dedicated student at [Your College’s Name] pursuing a degree in [Your Major]. I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] to enhance my classroom learnings with practical industry experience.

Over the course of my academic career, I’ve had the opportunity to develop and refine critical skills such as [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill]. I’ve applied these skills in [mention any internships, projects, or extracurricular activities] which has prepared me for the challenges of the [Job Title] position.

I am eager to leverage my academic knowledge and practical experiences to make meaningful contributions to your team. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my suitability further.

How to Use: Modify this college student cover letter to align with the requirements of the job you’re applying for. Highlight any relevant coursework or experiences that demonstrate your suitability for the role.

College Student Cover Letter

High School Student Cover Letter for Part-time Job

I am a dedicated student at [Your School’s Name] and I am eager to apply for the part-time [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I believe that my time management skills, coupled with my commitment to learning, make me an excellent candidate for this role.

In balancing my academic responsibilities with my extracurricular involvement, I have honed my [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill]. I am confident that these skills, along with my ability to adapt and learn quickly, will enable me to excel in a part-time role.

I am excited about the prospect of applying my abilities in a professional environment while balancing my academic commitments. I look forward to discussing my application further.

How to Use: This letter emphasizes your ability to manage your time effectively and balance multiple commitments. Highlight relevant skills and experiences and express your eagerness to learn and contribute.

High School Student Cover Letter for Part-time Job

Generic High School Student Cover Letter

I am an enthusiastic and diligent student at [Your School’s Name], eager to bring my dedication and positive attitude to the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I believe that my academic achievements and extra-curricular involvement make me an ideal candidate for this role.

In school, I’ve displayed a strong work ethic, achieving high grades in [mention relevant subjects] and demonstrating [mention a key skill] in [mention an activity or project]. My involvement in [mention an extra-curricular activity] has honed my skills in [mention another key skill], which I am confident would benefit your team.

I’m excited about the opportunity to learn and grow within your company and look forward to discussing my application further.

How to Use: This cover letter is a versatile choice that can be adapted for any job opportunity. Be sure to fill in the key skills and experiences with your personal attributes and achievements.

Generic High School Student Cover Letter

Basic High School Student Cover Letter

As a motivated student at [Your School’s Name], I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am confident that my strong work ethic, combined with my willingness to learn, would make me a valuable addition to your team.

Throughout my high school career, I have excelled acadically and displayed my [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill] in various activities. I am eager to translate these skills and my enthusiasm into success at your organization.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my qualifications align with your needs.

How to Use: This basic cover letter is suitable for any job type. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences and express your eagerness to apply them in a professional setting.

Basic High School Student Cover Letter

High School Student Cover Letter for Nursing Job

As a devoted student with a passion for the healthcare field, I am eager to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I believe my academic focus on science and health, along with my volunteer experience in healthcare settings, make me a fitting candidate for this role.

During my time in high school, I have dedicated myself to studying [mention specific courses related to healthcare] and volunteering at [mention healthcare-related volunteering experience], which has strengthened my [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill].

I am excited to further contribute to the healthcare field and believe your organization provides the perfect opportunity for me to do so. I look forward to discussing my application further.

How to Use: This nursing cover letter highlights your academic achievements and experiences in healthcare. Customize it to highlight your commitment and skills relevant to a nursing role.

High School Student Cover Letter for Nursing Job

School Leaver Cover Letter

As a recent graduate from [Your School’s Name], I am eager to apply my skills and knowledge to the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am confident that my dedication to learning and my ability to work well with others make me a promising candidate for this role.

During my time at school, I have excelled in [mention relevant subjects] and demonstrated my [mention a key skill] through my involvement in [mention relevant activities]. This experience, combined with my strong [mention another key skill], has prepared me for a professional setting.

I am excited about the opportunity to transition into the workforce and believe your organization provides the perfect environment for me to do so. I look forward to discussing my application further.

How to Use: This cover letter is ideal for those fresh out of school and stepping into the workforce. Highlight your skills and experiences that demonstrate your readiness for the professional world.

School Leaver Cover Letter

How do you Write a Cover Letter for a High School Student?

Writing a cover letter as a high school student can seem daunting, especially when you might not have a lot of work experience to include. Here are a few key steps to guide you:

1. Start With a Professional Header: Your header should include your name, contact information, and the date you’re writing the letter.

2. Address the Hiring Manager: Research who the hiring manager is so you can address them directly. If you can’t find their name, a simple “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.

3. Express Your Interest: Clearly express why you’re interested in the job and how you learned about the position.

4. Highlight Your Skills and Experience: Highlight academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, volunteer work, or any other experience that may be relevant to the job. Showcase the transferable skills you’ve gained from these experiences.

5. Show Enthusiasm: Employers appreciate candidates who are enthusiastic about their company and role. Make sure to express your eagerness to contribute.

6. Close Professionally: Conclude by thanking them for their time and expressing interest in the opportunity to discuss your application further.

Tips for High School Student Cover Letter

A. Focus on Skills: As a high school student, you might not have an extensive work history. However, you can focus on skills gained from your studies, extracurricular activities, and even personal hobbies.

B. Tailor Each Letter: Employers appreciate a tailored application. Make sure to change your cover letter for each application, focusing on the skills and experiences most relevant to each job.

C. Express Passion: Even if you don’t have much professional experience, a clear passion for the industry or role can leave a strong impression.

D. Proofread: Always proofread your cover letter. Errors can leave a negative impression, while a well-written, error-free letter communicates professionalism and attention to detail.

E. Use a Professional Tone: While it’s good to let your personality shine through, remember to maintain a professional tone throughout your cover letter.

By following these guidelines and tips, you can craft a compelling cover letter that effectively presents your skills and potential to prospective employers, even as a high school student.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Write a cover letter for a college student applying for an internship at an educational technology company

Form a cover letter for a high school student seeking a part-time job at a local bookstore.


High School Student Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

Use these High School Student cover letter examples and writing tips to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

application letter for high schools

Table of Contents

High school student cover letter example 1, high school student cover letter example 2, high school student cover letter example 3, high school student cover letter writing tips.

If you’re a high school student who wants to make a big impact on the world, a summer job could be a great way to get your foot in the door.

But before you can get hired, you need to create a stellar cover letter. Check out the examples and tips below to learn how to write a cover letter for a high school student.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the role at your company. After looking over the job description, it’s clear that you’re looking for a candidate that is extremely familiar with the responsibilities associated with the role, and can perform them confidently. Given these requirements, I am certain that I have the necessary skills to successfully do the job adeptly and perform above expectations. 

I am a hard-working recent high school graduate (4.3 GPA) who has consistently been praised as focused by my teachers and managers. During the course of my academic career, I also managed accrue nearly 4.5 years of work experience. I had the privilege of working for El Pueblito’s in a server role in my free time, where I learned valuable professional skills such as conflict resolution, team work, multitasking, customer needs assessment, and customer service. Whether working on academic, extracurricular, or professional projects, I apply proven communication, creative thinking, and critical thinking skills, which I hope to leverage into the associate role at your company. 

After viewing my resume, I hope you will agree that I am the type of competent and competitive candidate you are looking for. I look forward to elaborating on how my specific skills and abilities will benefit your organization.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

I am submitting this letter and the enclosed resume to show my interest in seeking a position at your organization.

I have recently graduated from high school and am seeking an entry-level position at your company. High school has taught me a variety of skills. One of them is the value of teamwork. I have played team sports and participated in event planning at school. This has taught me how to work with a team of diverse people to accomplish a specific outcome. Teamwork is not always easy. I used these opportunities to master the ability to inspire people to work in a team. I was recognized for this ability as I was appointed as captain and team leader in various after-school activities.

I managed to maintain good grades throughout my schooling career. I wouldn’t call myself a natural student. I’ve always had to work very hard to secure my achievements. This was, to me, a valuable life lesson which is that, if you want something you have to work for it. I regard this as one of my greatest strengths. I believe in perseverance and working hard to get anywhere in life.

Now that I’ve graduated, I’m looking forward to moving on to the next phase of my life. I want to start working and study part-time. I know that if you give me the opportunity to work at your organization, I can prove myself to be a dedicated employee. I believe that dedication and commitment are the main drivers of career success. I would enjoy the opportunity to meet with you to describe what skills and abilities I could add to your company. I am also interested in finding out more about your organization to see where I would best fit into it.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

This cover letter serves as my application to be accepted in your institution to achieve academic excellence and build my future. Not only do I believe that I have the qualities that it takes to succeed at your school, but I also believe that the ethos of the school is in line with my own philosophies on education.

I can paint a rosy picture of a student that has all the talents in the world. I can tell you about my past academic achievements and that I participated in an array of sports. I can even tell you about the cultural activities that I excelled at, but it would not be the truth. I achieved outstanding grades and represented my previous school at the cross-country state championships. I also played the lead in our school’s rendition of Romeo and Juliet, but I did not achieve all of this because I am talented. Instead, I achieved it all because I am a hard worker.

From a very young age, I realized that anything that is worthwhile is never easy. I did not grow up in an affluent home, but I grew up in a stable home where my parents instilled in me the value of hard work and perseverance.

Your school has an excellent reputation and I believe that if I apply myself in my academics, sport and cultural activities as I have done in the past, I will make a success and be an asset to the school. Education is a powerful tool, but any tool is only as effective as the person using it. Your school has astounding teachers and your educational philosophy resounds with my own.

I look forward to hearing from you and also becoming a member of the legacy that you have already built over the years.

Use your cover letter to show your maturity

High school students are often still viewed as children, so they need to demonstrate that they are mature enough for the job. Demonstrate your maturity in the cover letter by highlighting examples of leadership skills you have exhibited through sports, volunteering or other extracurricular activities.

Address the specific job position

If you’re applying for a job as a high school student, it can be tempting to simply cut and paste your resume into the body of your cover letter. However, you should never do this because it won’t let hiring managers know why you’re interested in their company. To show that you have a passion for the role and why it interests you, write specifically about what attracted you to this particular company or job description. Be sure to include how your skills would benefit the company as well as any reasons why they should hire someone from your age group.

Be honest about your ability to handle the job

If you’re a high school student applying for a summer job, you’ll need to be honest with yourself and the employer about your ability to handle the responsibilities of this type of position. High school students often make the mistake of applying for jobs they are underqualified for because they overestimate their own abilities. Before you apply, make sure that you can complete all aspects of the job. If not, look for an entry-level position in which your responsibilities are more within your skill set or even better yet work as a volunteer or intern.

Avoid grammatical errors in your cover letter

A high school student’s cover letter is an important opportunity to prove they are the ideal candidate for the job. However, a poorly written cover letter will not leave a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Use proper grammar and spelling in your cover letter, as these two elements can speak volumes about yourself. Proofread your cover letter carefully before submitting it. If possible, have someone else read over your work for any errors you may have missed.

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application letter for high schools

  • Write down your reason and intent for your application.
  • Include or list down the qualifications that you have.
  • End on a positive tone.


[Letter Date]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

I am writing to you to inform you of my desire to enter your prestigious school for my high school education. You will find enclosed the necessary documents to support my application. Also, you will find that I am very much qualified to enter your school due to my various merits such as: (insert values here) I look forward to your favorable response.

Sincerely, [Senders Name] [Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] - Optional - cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -

Application letter for high school. Sample letter.

Further things to consider when writing application letters to schools

Further things to consider when writing application letters to schools

Application Letters

Application letters are letters that you write to formally request for something from authority, apply for a job, or join an institution. Effective application letters will give a detailed explanation for your interest in the specific item, company, or institution. They showcase your abilities and strengths and illustrate your experience. In most cases, people write application letters to express their interest in receiving a position, attending an institution, or when applying for a visa, for instance. In all scenarios, application letters must be accompanied by the relevant documents. Application letters are the perfect tool to demonstrate something of your personality. Therefore, you should write in a professional tone setting a clear outline that allows the reader to scan the primary data quickly. Introduce yourself and briefly explain your intent and reason for the application. Address the letter with a title or name of the recipient. If your application is for a job or to join an institution, for example, you need to highlight your experience and qualification; if you are applying for a travel visa, make sure to state a clear intention for your travel. End with a positive tone and invite the recipient to contact you.

Letters to Schools

Letters to schools are letters written to institutions designed to provide learning environment and spaces to pupils and students. There are many times when you may feel the need to write to a school administration. Maybe you want to recommend a student or employee or want to apply for an academic program. Perhaps your child has a disability, and you want to make sure that he/she is receiving special education services. Whatever the issue, putting your thoughts in writing avoids confusion since it provides you and the recipient with a record of your request. It is, therefore, crucial to keep a copy of any letter you send. All letters to schools must use the standard business letter style. Start your letter with the proper address and salutation. Introduce yourself and explain the reason for your letter clearly and concisely. Depending on the content of your letter, provide any documentation that gives the recipient reference to the case or clarifies your concerns. Keep the tone polite, respectful, and professional. Close by thanking the recipient for his/her time and with a note of anticipation of positive feedback. Sign off and proofread the final draft before sending it.

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application letter for high schools

High School Application Acceptance Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Recipient's Name]

[High School Admissions Committee]

[High School Name]

Subject: Application Acceptance to [High School Name]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am thrilled and honored to have received the news that I have been accepted to [High School Name]. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for considering my application and giving me this wonderful opportunity to be a part of your esteemed educational institution.

Ever since I first learned about [High School Name], I have been captivated by the exceptional academic programs, supportive faculty, and diverse extracurricular activities offered here. I believe that this nurturing environment aligns perfectly with my academic and personal goals, and I am eager to contribute my best efforts towards upholding the school's values and traditions.

Throughout my academic journey, I have consistently strived for excellence in my studies and have actively participated in various school clubs and community service initiatives. My passion for learning, dedication to personal growth, and willingness to collaborate with my peers are attributes that I intend to bring to [High School Name].

I am also excited about the opportunity to meet and befriend like-minded students who share similar aspirations and interests. I am confident that my time at [High School Name] will provide me with invaluable experiences and shape me into a responsible and compassionate individual ready to face the challenges of the future.

Please convey my heartfelt appreciation to the admissions committee for recognizing my potential and granting me this opportunity. I understand the responsibilities that come with being a student at [High School Name], and I am committed to making a positive impact on the school community.

I am more than willing to complete any necessary paperwork and fulfill all the requirements outlined in the acceptance package. If there are any additional steps or procedures that I need to follow, please let me know, and I will promptly attend to them.

Once again, thank you for offering me admission to [High School Name]. I am eagerly looking forward to joining the [High School Name] family and making the most of this enriching experience.

If you require any further information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [Phone Number] or [Email Address].

Thank you for your time and consideration.

application letter for high schools

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Sweetwater Union High School District Logo

Educational Interpreter I Eligibility Pool - AC/Special Services Dept. (Open until filled) at Sweetwater Union High School District

Application Deadline

9/10/2024 4:30 PM Pacific

Date Posted

Number of openings, add'l salary info, length of work year, employment type, about the employer.

Imagine a school district that wins the San Diego County Academic Decathlon eight years in a row, that guarantees a college education to entire grade levels of children and where students excel in the arts as well as the classroom. At the Sweetwater Union High School District, our students and staff members have accomplished those feats and many more. Founded in 1920, the district has grown to more than 40,000 students in grades 7 through 12 and more than 22,000 adult learners. The district’s 30 campuses are located in the cities of Chula Vista, Imperial Beach, National City and San Diego. Mission: Located in the heart of an international border community, Sweetwater District ensures a safe, inclusive, collaborative culture that empowers each student to actively engage in a meaningful educational experience to pursue personal and academic success. Belief Statements: We believe each student can succeed. We believe in a welcoming community that is inclusive, equitable, and promotes positive academic, social, and emotional well-being. We believe relationships and collaboration matter. We believe resources shall be equitably distributed to ensure the success of each student. We believe in the value of community voice in decision-making. We believe in a culture of trust based on integrity and transparency. SUHSD BP 4030: The Sweetwater Union High School District shall be free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying against an individual or group based on actual or perceived age; gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; sex, actual or potential parental, family, or marital status that treats students differently on the basis of sex; race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The Board of Trustees is determined to provide employees and job applicants a safe, positive environment where they are assured full and equal employment access and opportunities, protection from harassment, intimidation, bullying, and freedom from fear of retaliation for asserting their rights in accordance with that law. The District has designated the Chief Compliance Officer as the Title IX Coordinator at 670 L Street, Suite G, Chula Vista, CA 91911 (619) 796-7720, [email protected].

Requirements / Qualifications

Education/Experience: Any combination equivalent to High School diploma or equivalent and (1) year of job-related training and experience. Certificates/Licenses: Certification by the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) or equivalent, OR Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA) at Level 4.0 or above, OR Education Sign Skills Evaluation-Interpreting/Receptive (ESSE-I/R) at Level 4.0 or above, OR National Assoc. of the Deaf/American Consortium of Certified Interpreters (NAD/ACCI) at Level 4.0 or above. Valid California Driver’s License Required Testing: Must pass the SUHSD Instructional Assistant proficiency exam exam or have completed 48 college credits. Application Materials Required: Current Resume Three (3) letters of recommendation and/or three (3) Classified Reference forms dated within the last two years; all letters must be dated. Note: All required certifications listed on the job posting must be uploaded to the application; no exceptions. *Internal applicants require a current resume and are highly encouraged to submit three (3) current letters of recommendation and/or three (3) Classified Reference Forms*

Comments and Other Information

Links related to this job.

  • Classified Reference Form (form #8014)
  • Sweetwater Salary Schedules
  • Nondiscrimination BP 4030
  • Sexual Harassment BP 4119.11
  • View Other Job Desc. / Ess. Elem.

CalPERS Links

  • CalPERS Retirement Benefits

application letter for high schools

Sweetwater Union High School District

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  24. Educational Interpreter I Eligibility Pool

    Imagine a school district that wins the San Diego County Academic Decathlon eight years in a row, that guarantees a college education to entire grade levels of children and where students excel in the arts as well as the classroom. At the Sweetwater Union High School District, our students and staff members have accomplished those feats and many more. Founded in 1920, the district has grown to ...