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Improve memory and mental Health: 25 brain games for older people

problem solving activities for seniors

This article was reviewed by a member of our in house clinical team Alexis Cable.

problem solving activities for seniors

Certain games can help stimulate older people’s brains to improve mental health and memory skills.

They may also feel a greater sense of independence, be able to concentrate better, take in and process information faster and see an improvement in their coordination and motor skills. Games that help exercise the brain include Trivia quizzes, Sudoku, Bingo and Word puzzles – it’s just a matter of finding the best activity for each individual.

Here we’ve listed 25 of the best brain games you can play with your older relatives or loved ones to help keep their brains active. Each brain training activity or game is a fun and effective way to improve overall mental health for all ages, particularly older adults. We’ve included an activity or brain game to suit many different abilities, and the best part is they can be enjoyed almost anywhere.

Trivia Quizzes

Trivia is a great way to stimulate older adults’ minds and provide a good laugh. With the infinite amount of online trivia topics, it’s up to you to decide on a topic and whether or not it will be played in groups or individually.

Creating teams is a fun way to add a bit of competitiveness, and winners can be rewarded with a small prize. Choose whether or not answers are called out or written down, depending on the ability of the adult you’re playing with.

Trivia topic suggestions –

  • Current affairs
  • Fun facts about family members
  • General knowledge
  • TV shows from the past

Solving Sudoku puzzles is excellent for keeping seniors’ minds sharp by preserving their logical thinking skills and mental abilities. Sudoku is a popular game among the older generation as it encourages them to utilise different parts of the brain they may not necessarily use in everyday life.

Best of all, a successful game of Sudoku can provide older adults with a great sense of accomplishment. Your loved ones can play this game online, or if they aren’t comfortable using a computer, plenty of  printable resources are available.

Keep the hands and mind busy with arts & crafts.

Arts and crafts are one of the best activities for your older loved one to participate in as it encourages the use of both sides of the brain – the left to plan out what’s being made, and the right to drive creativity. Art is able to keep the mind busy, without putting it under stress, and studies have shown that regularly taking part in creative activities can mean we’re  73% less likely to experience memory or thinking problems.

It also keeps the hands busy too – helping to maintain dexterity. Your loved one might like this activity simply because they enjoy being creative, or perhaps they want to create a gift for family and friends.

Consider trying these easy arts and crafts at home –

  • Greeting cards
  • Beaded bracelets
  • Scrapbooking 

Word puzzles

Get your loved one’s brain buzzing with enjoyable yet challenging word puzzles. Word puzzles are a fantastic way to entertain older adults and exercise their brains. It doesn’t matter if they don’t complete the word puzzle; they will still enjoy searching for words or trying to think of the missing words, depending on the type of word puzzle you choose. There are a range of word puzzles available online, or you can find them in most bookstores, or create your own. Some websites allow you to  create puzzles with words of your own choosing  – meaning you could create a word search or  crossword  filled with words that are special to your loved one, such as memorable places, or the names of family members or friends. 

Here are some word puzzles that are popular with seniors –

  • Word search
  • Finish the saying

An Older Man Outside in a Wooded Scenic area Painting a Landscape in Watercolour Paints

Bingo is an old favourite among the senior community as it encourages social interaction. While this is a fun and enjoyable game, it also provides some essential health benefits.

Health benefits include stimulating the following key senses –

  • Hearing:  listening to which numbers are called out
  • Sight:  when looking for the numbers on the bingo card
  • Touch:  using a pen or marker to dab out numbers

As this is such a social game, there is the added benefit of reducing feelings of loneliness, especially if they play bingo as part of a local club, or go the same time each week to meet up and connect with other regulars. 

Learn a new language

Learning a new language sounds daunting, but challenging our brains is the best way to enhance brain health and reduce the impact of ageing. Depending on your loved one’s physical and mental health condition, there are a variety of ways to learn a new language.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Online:  OpenLearn ,  Memrise,  and Busuu
  • Mobile and tablet apps:  DuoLingo ,  Babbel , and  Rosetta Stone
  • Check local community centres for language classes
  • Books and audiobooks from local libraries

Try a brain training app

As long as your loved one has a mobile phone or tablet, they’ll be able to download apps to help with brain training. The best thing about using apps is that they can be accessed anywhere, and it’s . Some Apps can improve concentration levels, visual-spatial skills and problem-solving. A quick search in the app store will provide you with hundreds of brain training apps to choose from.

Online games

The internet provides many resources for online games for seniors. Just be sure you read any online reviews or try the games yourself first, as sometimes it can lead to frustration if the game is too challenging. Above all, ensure the games are enjoyable. If the games are too tricky, your loved one may become disinterested.

You don’t need to be an experienced computer user to enjoy online games; they are easy to access and find. Plenty of online games provide multi-player mode, so if you want to keep this a sociable activity, you can play too!

Think outside the box with logic puzzles.

Neural pathways in the older generation can become dormant after retiring, so logic puzzles that require lateral thinking are great for stimulating these pathways. Logic puzzles are specifically designed to test how you use the information provided to you. These types of puzzles will encourage your loved one to think outside the box by creating new solutions and help them to think logically. You can check out some  online brain teasers here.

The classic game of Chess

Chess is a game of strategy that strengthens logical reasoning and problem solving among older chess players. Your loved one might be worried about playing chess as it can initially seem complicated. However, once they get the hang of it, after just a few months, they could see great benefits such as an increased IQ and increased levels of focus. If you have a chess set, you can play with your loved one in person, or they can  play alone online here.

Jigsaw puzzles

Try completing a puzzle if you want to start with a simple activity to stimulate the mind. While this might seem basic, there are many benefits for your older loved one, such as a slower breathing rate which aids in reducing anxiety and lowering blood pressure levels. Jigsaw puzzles can also be a great distraction to help slow busy minds.

Special tasks to boost memory and attention

Memory loss is one of the most common complaints among older adults, so engaging in some simple games is important to help improve memory and retention.

Consider the following games:

  • Stating the months of the year in alphabetical order
  • Using the letter ‘S’ name six or more things you can wear on your feet.
  • Observe the objects around you for two minutes, then try to find five red items that will fit in your pockets and five blue things that are too big to fit (choose suitable colours depending on your surroundings)
  • Say two objects for every letter in your first or last name, stating different objects each time.

Games for those living with dementia

It has been said that keeping the brain stimulated through games can help slow the progression of dementia. There are certain board games targeted at those  living with dementia .

Perhaps you might like to try the following games if your loved one receives a dementia diagnosis:

  • Amazing Chase:  this can be used in both early and late-stage dementia
  • Call to Mind:  this game is specifically aimed at understanding how your loved one thinks and know what they like and don’t like
  • Snakes and Ladders:  perfect for mental stimulation
  • Animal Snap:  this card set is specially designed around cognitive stimulation therapy for those living with dementia

Identify botanicals

It’s so important that your loved one spends time outside the house, whether exercising, going shopping or visiting a local cafe or restaurant. However, if, for some reason, your loved one is unable to leave the house and they have a garden, you can spend some time identifying botanicals. The fresh air can stimulate their brain and positively impact their mental health.

Reading fiction books

Encouraging a loved one to read is an activity they can enjoy independently. If they can’t read, you could spend time reading with them or set up a recording of the book. The benefits of this immersive activity are enhanced vocabulary and the ability to boost cognitive skills.

If you want to add something extra to the book readings, ask them to tell the story back to you once they have completed the story. This will help with improving memory skills, and it adds a bit of socialising to what is usually a solo activity.

Enhance short-term memory with the serving tray game

The tray game for seniors requires assistance from yourself or your loved one’s live-in caregiver. This game is aimed at enhancing short-term memory, which is usually the most affected as we age. Engaging in this easy activity every day will help stimulate their brain; best of all, setting up the tray game is simple.

How to play the tray game:

  • Lay out a tray
  • Choose a few random objects and place them on the tray
  • Allow your loved one to have a quick peek at the tray, then cover the items
  • Try to remember all the objects that were on the tray

Shopping list game

The shopping list game was created to encourage those living with dementia to participate in conversation and to trigger familiar reminders. This memory game can help to improve memory by challenging their mind and enhancing memory skills.

How to play the shopping list game:

  • The first player must state *”I went to the supermarket and bought (you can choose the item)”
  • The second player must repeat what you bought and then add an item on top of that
  • Continue this back and forth until someone can no longer remember the list of groceries
  • You can play with as many people as you like, but sticking to a smaller group might be best

Card matching

The card matching game is a great way to increase your loved one’s memory skills. The game can be played with friends or alone.

How to play the card matching game:

  • You will need one pack of cards
  • Lay the cards face down on a table
  • Choose two cards to flip over
  • If these two cards match, you can have another go trying to find more matching cards
  • If you’re unsuccessful, it is then the other players turn
  • The winner is determined by who has the most matched pairs

Try video games

Many people believe that video games are played mostly by children and teenagers. However, they’re a great activity for older adults too. Playing video games are beneficial for older adults as they require planning, quick responses and a memory of which buttons to use. The same applies for computer games. Your loved one will feel a sense of achievement if successful when playing their chosen games.

A class of older women Enjoying gentle arm stretch exercises while seated.

Over 50s volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to gain a sense of purpose and feel part of a community; it’s also an excellent opportunity to encourage social interaction. Through volunteering, an older person can take advantage of learning new skills and may also prevent feelings of depression and isolation.

Consider trying one of the following:

  • Mentoring youth
  • Taking care of animals
  • Working in charity shops
  • Fundraising

Check online for local volunteering opportunities or speak with community groups;  there are bound to be many volunteer opportunities for your older loved ones.

Easy and fun party games

Just because someone is older, it doesn’t mean they no longer enjoy celebrating. Some party games may become more challenging as we age, so choosing suitable games that match your loved one’s mental and physical abilities is essential. A popular and easy game to try at your next celebration is ‘Partners in Pen’.

Here’s how to play Partners in Pen:

  • The game must be played in pairs
  • Player one requires a pen and paper
  • Player two will have a bag of objects
  • The player with the objects must choose one and describe it to the other player
  • The other person must then try and draw what is being described
  • The purpose of the game is for the player drawing to guess what item it is they’re drawing
  • You can make it a little more challenging by adding a timer

Combine mental and physical training

Combining mental and physical training through activities such as dancing is a great way to keep fit and active while encouraging social interaction. Through dancing, your loved one’s brain will be stimulated by learning new steps and routines, helping to decrease blood pressure levels and increase general wellbeing.

Check for nearby dance classes, especially ones tailored for older people. These classes usually include chair dancing to ensure all abilities are included.

Card games like Solitaire help to keep brains sharp. Solitaire is recognised as one of the most popular card games in the world, and it can be played in person or online here. Card games benefit Alzheimer’s patients by increasing their thinking and memory skills. The game is slow-paced, meaning your loved one can take their time and stimulate their brain for an extended period.

Scrabble is a true classic and can be enjoyed by older adults and all ages. There are certain benefits for older adults in particular, such as improving memory functions (thinking of words to use on the board), lowering blood pressure (because of the relaxing nature of the game) and can increase overall general wellbeing.

While playing, there are sure to be funny words that will be entertaining for your loved one. There might even be words that you or your loved one have never heard of, making this a great educational game too.

You’ve probably heard of Yoga before, but have you ever heard of Brain Yoga? This is one of the easiest physical activities, yet highly mentally challenging for someone older. No equipment is required, and it can be done anywhere – you only need yourself!

Brain yoga aims to stimulate the brain using only your body to help improve your motor abilities (which will in turn, improve neural pathways) and improve hand-eye coordination, resulting in increased mental abilities.

Here’s an example you might like to try:

  • Make a fist with your right hand and raise your thumb. Hold this position
  • Then, make a fist with your left hand and extend your pinkie finger
  • Now try alternating between each hand

The instructions might seem simple, but you’ll find it’s quite tricky. Stimulate the grey matter in the brain and gain muscle memory by trying this with different body parts.

A young woman and her grandmother washing and drying dishes together at the kitchen sink

Older adults can stimulate their brains to increase mental health and improve their memory skills in many ways. It’s just a matter of finding the best-suited activity for each individual.

Engaging in these brain-stimulating activities as often as possible is important. Studies show that older adults might see benefits such as improvements in performing daily tasks and increased memory ability thanks to certain brain training games.

So take the time and ensure brain games are a high priority as part of your older loved one’s daily routine.

Live-in care

If you’re struggling to find the time to provide full-time care for your loved one or they have a particular health condition that’s making it difficult for you to continue to care for them, you might want to consider arranging a live-in caregiver.

Elder provides full-time live-in caregivers across the country, and we can have a highly qualified carer with you in as little as 24 hours. If you would like more information about live-in care, don’t hesitate to contact one of our friendly care advisors today for an obligation-free consultation.

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11 Most Stimulating Brain Games for Seniors

From actual board games and card games to apps and computer games, and everything in between. Everyone is always searching for a new way to get their brains working more. Whether it be just to curb boredom, learn something new, or stay mentally fit, games can help improve our everyday lives, keep us sharp, and improve our problem-solving skills. While forgetfulness can be a natural part of aging, using these types of brain games can slow down the process. Much like physical activity helps your body stay healthier, brain games and even puzzles have the same effect on your brain . Let’s dive into a list of some of the best brain games out there, and all the different ways you can play them.

A game that is readily available across multiple platforms. You can find this game on any app store, preloaded on your computer, and of course, there’s always the classic playing cards. Whichever way you choose to play this nostalgic game, it can enhance your brain’s ability to recognize patterns and give your memory a significant workout!


Checkers is another fun game that gets your brain working hard. It requires strategy and works your hand-eye coordination (fine motor skills). While game pieces are typically smaller, there are many jumbo versions out there so that anyone can play this classic game. There are also many ways to play with friends and family online or through mobile apps. If you’re looking for a solo challenge, the computer is always a worthy opponent.

Read Next: 10 Proactive Choices You Can Make Today to Avoid Dementia

Chess, while similar to checkers in the realm of strategy, requires more thinking ahead, strategy, and prediction on the players’ part. Like checkers, this game challenges one’s fine motor skills, comes in various sizes, shapes, and themes, and promotes cognitive agility beneficial for seniors. Play it on your computer or download a game on your mobile device to challenge others. 

Scrabble, a timeless word game, offers an array of benefits beyond simple amusement. By engaging with this classic, you’re not just indulging in a game,  you’re also expanding your vocabulary, increasing brain power, and refining your fine motor skills. There are so many different online and app-based versions of this game, like Words with Friends , Scrabble Go, Wordle, and Wordfeud, all designed to keep your mind stimulated. 

Moreover, the market is filled with diverse board games that share similarities with Scrabble Games such as Typo, Dabble, Pass the Pen, and Quiddler offer unique twists on the traditional spelling game. 

Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzles are a fantastic way to give your brain a great workout. According to Health IQ, studies show that people who regularly complete crossword puzzles can have a cognitive function 10 years younger than their actual age. Doing crossword puzzles is a great way to challenge your mind’s recall capabilities and can even help improve your ability to focus. In addition, it helps work executive function as well as memory. Available in both print and digital, the opportunities to do crosswords are endless. 

Sudoku engages your logical thinking skills as well as cognitive capabilities. It works the frontal lobe of your brain which doesn’t get used as often and is in charge of manipulating sequences of numbers and letters. This game is made to keep your mind incredibly active, think in sequences, solve problems, and plan ahead. 


BINGO is a fun and very social game that is offered all over the country. You can’t go wrong with BINGO! You can play in your senior living community , local libraries, and even churches. Not only does it engage your auditory system, but it also works your hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. And on top of it all, since the game is usually played in a social setting, it encourages social interaction, which is crucial to engaging your brain. 

Trivia Games

Trivia games offer a unique blend of social interaction and mental stimulation. Among the most popular are Trivial Pursuit, tune-recognition games, and I Should Have Known. There are also a host of other online options available, providing easy access for group gameplay. Trivia games challenge the brain’s memory and recall abilities and almost always end in a good laugh. 

Puzzles can be a great way to pass the time as well as challenge your brain. They can be done alone or with a friend or two. No matter how you complete your puzzle, you can be assured that your brain will be hard at work. With strategy and problem-solving skills working their hardest, puzzles are a great resource to have. Not only are they typically inexpensive, but they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and designs. The options are endless when it comes to puzzles. 

Brain Game Apps

Brain game apps for your phone or tablet have become a popular choice in today’s digital age. From Brainwell to Positive Activity Jackpot, and everything in between you can rest assured that there is an endless amount of games out there to help your brain get a good workout. These engaging apps stimulate attention, work your memory, and help with problem-solving skills, as well as a host of other cognitive functions. Hop on your phone or tablet app store today and check out all they have to offer. 

Physical Activity

Physical activity is an often overlooked yet effective form of brain exercise. These options can vary from walking and playing ‘I Spy,” to more structured activities like doing yoga. Working your body also works your brain! Your gross motor and fine motor skills are incredibly important and getting those neurons to fire the right way can be enhanced by moving your body. And the best part is, you don’t even have to go do some crazy hard workout. Simple activities like walking will give your brain a great workout While also promoting physical wellness!

The Bottom Line on Brain Games for Seniors

As we age, our cognitive abilities may naturally change. Engaging in stimulating activities like brain games can be a fun way to maintain cognitive function and challenge your mind. While research on the long-term benefits of brain training is ongoing, these games can still be an enjoyable way to stay engaged and mentally active. Whatever your interests, there’s likely a brain game out there for you!

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Anchor Puzzles LLC

15 Engaging Brain Games for Seniors to Keep Their Minds Active

Posted on April 9th, 2024

As individuals age, it becomes imperative to prioritize activities that stimulate the mind and promote cognitive resilience. 

Brain games specifically designed for seniors cater to their unique needs and challenges, providing them with enjoyable opportunities to exercise their mental faculties and stay sharp. 

Brain-stimulating activities can help harness the power of neuroplasticity to mitigate the effects of aging on the brain. 

Let's delve into 15 engaging brain games tailored for seniors.

The Cognitive Benefits of Brain Games and Puzzles

Engaging in brain games and puzzles offers a myriad of cognitive benefits for seniors, contributing to their overall mental well-being and quality of life. 

Here's how these activities positively impact various aspects of cognitive function:

  • Improved Memory Retention: Brain games stimulate the brain's hippocampus, the region responsible for memory formation and recall. Regular engagement in memory-focused activities can enhance seniors' ability to remember names, events, and other important information.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Solving puzzles and tackling brain teasers require seniors to use critical thinking and problem-solving strategies. By exercising their problem-solving skills regularly, seniors can maintain mental agility and adaptability.
  • Increased Concentration and Focus: Brain games demand sustained attention and concentration, which helps seniors strengthen their focus and attention span. This heightened level of focus can extend to other areas of daily life, improving productivity and task completion.
  • Boosted Cognitive Processing Speed: Playing fast-paced brain games can enhance seniors' cognitive processing speed, allowing them to respond more quickly to stimuli and information. This improvement in processing speed can lead to better decision-making and reaction times.
  • Enhanced Mood and Mental Well-being: Engaging in enjoyable brain games can have a positive impact on seniors' mood and mental well-being. These activities provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

15 Engaging Brain Games for Seniors

Keeping the mind active and engaged is essential for seniors' cognitive health. Here are 15 stimulating brain games that offer fun and cognitive benefits:

1. Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles engage multiple cognitive functions, including visual-spatial reasoning, problem-solving, and attention to detail. Completing puzzles can improve memory, enhance concentration, and provide a sense of accomplishment.

2. Word Search

Word searches stimulate language processing skills and visual scanning abilities. Searching for words can enhance vocabulary, boost attention to detail, and promote word recognition and spelling skills.

Sudoku puzzles challenge seniors' logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Solving Sudoku puzzles requires attention to detail, critical thinking, and pattern recognition, which can enhance cognitive flexibility and mental agility.

4. Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzles exercise seniors' verbal fluency, vocabulary, and memory. Solving clues and filling in words require associative thinking and knowledge retrieval, which can sharpen cognitive skills and improve language proficiency.

5. Memory Games

Memory games, such as matching pairs or sequence recall, challenge seniors' short-term and long-term memory. These games improve memory retention, concentration, and attention span while providing an enjoyable mental workout.

Chess is a strategic board game that stimulates seniors' analytical thinking, planning, and problem-solving skills. Playing chess enhances cognitive abilities such as spatial awareness, decision-making, and pattern recognition.

Bingo is a social game that encourages seniors to stay mentally engaged and alert. Listening for called numbers, marking them on the card, and strategizing for a win can improve attention, concentration, and number recognition skills.

8. Trivia Quizzes

Trivia quizzes challenge seniors' general knowledge, memory, and cognitive flexibility. Answering trivia questions exercises the brain's recall abilities, promotes learning, and stimulates curiosity and mental engagement.

9. Logic Puzzles

Logic puzzles, such as logic grids and riddles, encourage seniors to think critically and analytically. Solving these puzzles requires deductive reasoning, problem-solving, and cognitive flexibility, which can enhance cognitive skills and mental agility.

10. Card Games (e.g., Solitaire)

Card games like Solitaire engage seniors' concentration, planning, and decision-making abilities. Playing card games requires strategy, memory, and attention to detail, providing a mental challenge and stimulating cognitive function.

11. Brain Teasers

Brain teasers, such as optical illusions and lateral thinking puzzles, offer seniors a fun way to exercise their problem-solving skills and creativity. These puzzles encourage out-of-the-box thinking, promote cognitive flexibility, and stimulate the imagination.

12. Maze Books

Maze books challenge seniors' spatial reasoning and visual-motor coordination. Navigating through mazes requires planning, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills, which can improve cognitive function and spatial awareness.

13. Coloring Books

Coloring books provide seniors with a relaxing and creative activity that stimulates the brain. Coloring promotes mindfulness, reduces stress, and enhances focus and concentration, offering therapeutic benefits for cognitive health.

14. Board Games (e.g., Scrabble)

Board games like Scrabble encourage seniors to exercise their language and vocabulary skills. Forming words, strategizing placement, and competing with others can improve language proficiency, memory, and cognitive flexibility.

15. Wooden Balancing Rocks

Wooden balancing rocks are tactile puzzles that challenge seniors' spatial reasoning and fine motor skills. Balancing the wooden pieces requires precision, planning, and visual-spatial awareness, providing a stimulating mental challenge.

Related: 25 Questions to Ask Elderly Loved Ones to Create Meaningful Connections

Wrapping Up

Keeping seniors mentally active is vital for maintaining cognitive health and overall well-being. Brain games offer a fun and engaging way to stimulate the mind, improve memory, and enhance cognitive function. 

At Anchor Puzzles LLC , we understand the importance of providing seniors with a wide range of brain games and puzzles to keep their minds sharp and active. From jigsaw puzzles and word searches to chess and trivia quizzes, our selection offers something for everyone.

Explore our collection of brain games and puzzles today to discover the perfect activities for your loved ones. Whether you're looking for solo challenges or group activities, we have something to suit every preference and skill level.

Contact us at [email protected] for personalized recommendations and assistance.

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Senior Lifestyle. Your life, your style.

10 Best Brain Games for Seniors

A senior man works on a jigsaw puzzle.

Keeping mentally active with various games is a good strategy for senior health. A number of studies and findings acknowledge that brain games can help maintain and even strengthen such areas as memory, reasoning and speed of processing, according to the National Institutes of Health . Other studies confirm that brain games for seniors can encourage independence , lower the risk of dementia and even prevent falls . 

Playing these games in groups also encourages social interaction, which can help stave off loneliness, another risk for seniors. So, what are the best brain games for seniors?

>> Read “ The Mental Health Benefits of Socializing for Seniors ”

Find out more about why brain and memory games for seniors bolster health and learn about some of the best brain games for senior citizens and older adults. 

6 Ways Brain Games Can Be Beneficial for Seniors

Stimulating the brain with games can help senior health in a variety of ways. Among the ways brain games help are:

  • Connecting with loved ones – Playing games with family or grandchildren can help seniors maintain a connection with them. Many games can be played online, enabling interaction with those who live far away.
  • Exercising the mind – Brain games stimulate different brain memory functions in seniors, such as executive function and processing speed.
  • Giving a feeling of control – Brain exercises can help seniors get and maintain a positive outlook. Learning and mastering a new game gives these seniors a sense of accomplishment.
  • Making new brain connections – Challenging your mind with new activities will, in theory, develop new connections in your brain, strengthening memory.
  • Preventing isolation – Playing games with others has the benefit of companionship. Seniors can join a chess club, have a card night with friends, or work on a jigsaw puzzle with a group. 
  • Sharpening thinking skills – Games can prevent age-related mental decline just like exercising prevents loss of bone strength and muscle. Brain games can re-engage the mind and improve thinking skills. 

The 10 Best Brain Games for Seniors

Bingo is a fun, social game offered at many Senior Lifestyle communities and some senior centers and libraries. It encourages social interaction and memory challenges. Bingo also offers health benefits from participation in the game’s activities, such as hearing when numbers are called out, sight when searching for numbers on the bingo card, and touch when using pieces, markers or daubers to mark the cards.

2. Checkers 

This is an easy-to-learn board game for seniors. This game is less about strategy and more about the process of logic and simple hand-eye coordination. Game sets are in many sizes, including ones with large boards and pieces, which can help seniors with arthritis or vision challenges.

Chess is a more complex game of strategy, beneficial for strengthening problem solving and reasoning. Chess can seem complicated at first, but the work is worth it because it can increase brain use and focus. Chess can be played in person or online with other players or alone.

4. Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzles are everywhere, from daily newspapers to free online sites to books you can purchase at the grocery store or dollar store. These puzzles are a challenge either alone or sitting with a group, everyone helping each other out. If crosswords aren’t appealing, other free word games for seniors can be tried, such as word searches.

5. Jigsaw Puzzles 

Working on jigsaw puzzles is a wonderful way to fill the hours, either alone or with friends helping out. Jigsaw puzzles involve strategy and problem-solving skills, and they can grow in complexity depending on the number of pieces, the picture design or even the puzzle shape. They are also inexpensive, widely available in dollar stores.

6. Online Games

There are dozens of games available online for seniors. Memory games, skill games, word games and more are available in online versions. You can find word searches, jigsaw puzzles and more, many for free, and in multiplayer mode for a social version.

7. Scrabble 

This is a true classic board game for seniors and all ages. Scrabble can be entertaining while exercising memory, and can help build your vocabulary. Since it’s a game for at least two people, it is a social game, too.

8. Solitaire 

Solitaire and other card games help keep brains sharp. As one of the most popular card games, solitaire can be played in person or online. Other simple card games, which involve others, include bridge, gin rummy, go fish and hearts.

Sudoku puzzles challenge logic skills and mental abilities, which makes them perfect for seniors looking to stay sharp. Finishing a sudoku puzzle gives a senior a sense of accomplishment. There are many sudoku resources available, from inexpensive books to online sites to apps.

>> Read “ 5 Tips for Sudoku Beginners ”

10. Trivia Quizzes 

Trivia games, such as Trivial Pursuit, are a great stimulator of minds and memories. Played in teams, these games are fun and social, and can spark great conversations about shared experiences.

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Elizabeth Bemis

By: Elizabeth Bemis on January 14th, 2020

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Top Cognitive Games and Mental Exercises for Seniors

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It is never too late to help your aging loved one focus on their cognitive health and improve their brain function. While it’s certainly true that age plays a major role in the  decline of memory and other cognitive abilities , studies show there are proven ways to work on maintaining and enhancing these capabilities at any age.

If you’re looking for opportunities to help the senior in your life focus on this important aspect of their overall health, take advantage of the following tips and information.

Cognitive Health 101

It was once believed that the brain’s ability to learn and grow was hardwired and finite, but more recent studies and research reveal that  the brain can continue to change, reorganize and create new pathways . Essentially, it is becoming more evident that the human brain can adapt and stay sharp well past the formative years. To realize the full benefits of neuroplasticity, however, one must practice using their brain.  

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’  National Institute on Aging (NIH)  explains that cognitive health, or the ability to think, learn and remember, is an important component of brain health. Scientists believe that certain stimulating activities may protect the brain by establishing a “cognitive reserve.” This means that they can enable the brain to become more adaptable in some mental functions, compensating for age-related brain changes and health conditions that affect the brain.

Optimizing Neuroplasticity

To support your aging loved one in optimizing their brain health and positively impacting neuroplasticity, it is important to encourage them to engage their mind with cognitive stimulation. The most effective opportunities to introduce this kind of mental exercise into their everyday lives include ones that focus on the following elements :

  • Attention : strengthening, for example, sustained, selective, visual or auditory attention
  • Perception : improving or developing visual, auditory and tactile perception
  • Memory : counterbalancing the deterioration of long- and short-term memory as a result of age or injury
  • Processing speed : maximizing the capability to process information quickly, without losing efficacy
  • Reasoning : protecting the superior cognitive functions (numerical, logical and abstract reasoning) that help one think and make decisions in the face of stimuli, events, and situations

Games and strategies that focus on these specific areas of maintaining and improving the cognitive capabilities of older adults are key to promoting mental health for seniors.

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6 Worthwhile Games and Exercises for Cognitive Stimulation 

To keep your aging loved one’s brain active and healthy, here are some valuable activities you can work into their daily or weekly routine:

1. Puzzles: These help seniors stretch their mental muscles and stimulate their brain function. Completing a puzzle alone or together can help the senior in your life practice problem-solving functions, look for patterns and pay attention to details. There are a range of options spanning from traditional jigsaw puzzles to crossword puzzles, word searches, and memory games. 

2. Trivia Games: These are especially helpful for seniors who want to exercise their recall skills and engage with family or friends. Games of trivia encourage seniors to recall past events or facts they have learned throughout their lives. Consider playing a general trivia game, or try one that covers specific categories like TV shows, movies, religion, pop culture, music or particular periods in time. 

3. Sudoku: This is a game that focuses on numeric patterns and is accessible in a variety of difficulty levels. Sudoku can be found in print form or on a handheld digital device.

4. Cards & Board Games: Lots of games played with a deck or more of cards give seniors the chance to stimulate their brains in a fun and engaging way. You could also suggest some strategic games like chess or checkers, which require players to use reasoning for choosing their next move, anticipating the moves of opponents and developing an overall strategy. 

5. Computer & Mobile Applications: Today, there is a seemingly limitless array of downloadable cognitive applications that can be used on a mobile phone, tablet or personal computer. Look for options that allow you to choose or adjust the level of complexity and hone in on specific cognitive capabilities, like attention, reasoning, language, and memory.

6. Crafts & Hobbies: The  NIH  indicates that people who engage in meaningful activities and hobbies say they feel happier and healthier and that learning new skills may improve thinking ability. One study, in particular, found that older adults who learned quilting or digital photography, for example, had more memory improvement than those who only socialized or did less cognitively demanding activities.

Supporting Seniors Through Engagement

The cognitive games and exercises recommended above allow seniors to not only maintain and improve their brain health but also overcome boredom or loneliness and engage in personal interactions. Whether your aging loved one lives alone, with you or in  an assisted living community , it’s important to support them in participating in activities like these. 

If a senior in your life is experiencing any type of memory loss or cognitive deterioration, be sure to  check out this informative guide on understanding their experience and developing the best care plan for them .

If you're a caregiver exploring senior living options for your loved one, or perhaps looking into the possibility of making a move to an assisted living community yourself, then this guide was written with you in mind!

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About Elizabeth Bemis

In 1998, I drove past an assisted living community construction site, learned that it was part of United Methodist Homes and realized the next stop on my professional journey was to work for a mission driven organization. Soon after, I joined the team as Executive Director of our Middlewoods of Farmington community and later served as Regional Manager for the Middlewoods properties before accepting my current role as Vice President of Marketing, Promotions, and Assisted Living Operations. I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, reading, walking, and love working alongside our staff, residents, and families to build strong communities that reflect the mission, vision, and values of United Methodist Homes.

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games to improve memory for seniors

Boosting Senior Memory: Best Games to Play

Did you know that keeping mentally active can help ward off conditions like dementia in later life? Just as staying physically fit is important, engaging in games that improve cognitive function can have a significant impact on senior memory. In this article, I will explore 10 games that seniors can play to improve their memory while having fun at the same time. These games range from word puzzles to chess, number puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, memory games, and more. Let’s discover how these games can enhance memory and provide enjoyable brain exercises for older adults.

Key Takeaways:

  • Engaging in games that improve cognitive function can help ward off conditions like dementia.
  • Word puzzles, such as crosswords and word searches, can combat memory loss and boost cognitive skills.
  • Playing chess improves auditory and visual memory, as well as cognitive skills like planning and concentration.
  • Number puzzles, like Sudoku, enhance problem-solving, logic, and decision-making abilities in seniors.
  • Jigsaw puzzles stimulate the mind, reduce blood pressure, and provide relaxation for seniors.

Word Puzzles

When it comes to boosting cognitive skills and combating memory loss in seniors, word puzzle games are a fantastic choice. Games like crossword puzzles, arrow words, hangman, Boggle, and word searches engage both sides of the brain, stimulating cognitive function and memory.

Crossword puzzles, in particular, have been shown to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. These puzzles challenge seniors to learn new words and recall facts and vocabulary, helping to keep their minds sharp.

Word puzzles can be enjoyed individually or in groups, making them a versatile option for seniors. Not only do these games provide mental stimulation, but they also offer relaxation and social interaction. Whether you’re competing with friends to find words in a Boggle board or collaborating with others to solve a crossword puzzle, word puzzles are a fun way to exercise your brain while connecting with others.

So, why not grab a pen or open your favorite word puzzle app and challenge yourself with a crossword, arrow words, or a game of hangman? It’s an enjoyable way to boost your cognitive abilities and keep your mind sharp.

Chess is a classic and strategic game that engages the brain and provides numerous benefits for seniors. Playing chess helps improve auditory and visual memory, as well as cognitive skills like planning, strategizing, and concentration. Regular chess playing has been shown to have a positive effect on IQ and can even help ward off Alzheimer’s disease. Chess may seem complicated at first, but it can be learned and enjoyed by beginners. Playing chess with a friend or family member can be a fun and brain-stimulating activity for seniors.

Not only does chess offer entertainment, but it also exercises several cognitive functions. When playing chess, seniors need to rely on both their auditory memory and visual memory to keep track of the moves and remember the positions of the pieces. This constant mental stimulation can improve memory capabilities and overall cognitive performance.

Moreover, chess is a game that requires critical thinking, planning, and strategizing. Seniors who engage in regular chess games develop these skills, which are vital for problem-solving and decision-making in daily life. The strategic nature of chess enhances mental flexibility and fosters the ability to think ahead.

Research has shown that playing chess can have a positive impact on IQ. The game’s complex nature challenges seniors to think analytically, improve logical reasoning skills, and make strategic decisions. These cognitive processes contribute to an overall boost in IQ and brain function.

One of the great aspects of chess is that it can be enjoyed at any skill level. Beginners can start with simple strategies and gradually learn more advanced tactics. Seniors can find chess partners within their social circles, such as friends, family, or local chess clubs. Playing chess with someone else not only provides enjoyable social interaction but also stimulates the brain through friendly competition and shared learning experiences.

Chess Benefits for Seniors

Benefits of Chess for Seniors: How Chess Enhances Seniors’ Well-being:
Improves auditory and visual memory Keeps the mind active and sharp
Enhances cognitive skills like planning and strategizing Boosts problem-solving abilities
Positive effect on IQ Supports overall brain health
Can help ward off Alzheimer’s disease Promotes social interaction and shared experiences

Number Puzzles

For seniors who prefer numbers over words, number puzzles can be a fantastic way to improve memory and cognitive skills. One popular number puzzle is Sudoku, which requires problem-solving, logic, memory, concentration, and decision-making. By identifying number patterns and completing the puzzles, seniors can enhance their brain health and experience a sense of accomplishment.

Sudoku games can be played online or using printable resources, making them easily accessible for seniors. The rules are simple: fill in a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. The game starts with a few numbers already filled in, and the player must use logical reasoning to fill in the rest.

Playing Sudoku regularly can sharpen problem-solving skills, improve logical thinking, enhance concentration, and boost decision-making abilities. It provides an entertaining and challenging way for seniors to keep their minds active and engaged.

Sudoku puzzle

Benefits of Number Puzzles:

  • Improves memory and cognitive skills
  • Enhances problem-solving abilities
  • Sharpens logical thinking
  • Boosts concentration
  • Enhances decision-making abilities

Whether seniors prefer to solve number puzzles online or on paper, the benefits remain the same. Engaging in Sudoku and other number puzzles can be an enjoyable way to exercise the brain while challenging oneself to solve complex problems. So, why not give Sudoku a try and reap the numerous cognitive benefits it offers?

Number Puzzles Benefits
Sudoku Improves memory, problem-solving skills, logic, concentration, and decision-making
Mathematical puzzles Enhances mathematical reasoning and problem-solving abilities
Number sequence puzzles Improves pattern recognition and logical thinking

Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are not only a fantastic way to stimulate the mind but also to reduce blood pressure and induce relaxation. These puzzles engage visual-spatial skills, memory, and logic, providing a satisfying challenge for seniors. Completing jigsaw puzzles can improve brain health and help seniors unwind. Whether done alone or with friends, jigsaw puzzles offer a cozy and mentally stimulating activity for seniors.

jigsaw puzzles

When seniors work on jigsaw puzzles, they exercise their visual-spatial skills, which involve the ability to perceive and understand visual information about objects and their spatial relationships. This skill is crucial for everyday tasks such as reading maps, navigating spaces, and organizing objects. By practicing visual-spatial skills through jigsaw puzzles, seniors can enhance their overall cognitive abilities.

Additionally, jigsaw puzzles require memory and logic. As seniors piece together different puzzle pieces, they rely on their memory to recall the shapes, colors, and patterns they have seen before. This cognitive exercise helps improve memory and enhances the brain’s ability to store and retrieve information efficiently. Furthermore, the logical reasoning needed to match pieces based on their shapes and colors helps seniors strengthen their problem-solving skills.

Engaging in jigsaw puzzles also offers a range of mental health benefits. The focused and repetitive nature of working on puzzles can have a calming effect, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. This, in turn, can help lower blood pressure and improve overall well-being. The sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a puzzle can boost mood and self-esteem, further contributing to a positive mental state.

Whether seniors choose a simple or complex jigsaw puzzle, the activity fosters concentration and mindfulness. It encourages individuals to stay fully engaged in the present moment, promoting a sense of mindfulness and relaxation. This immersive experience can provide a much-needed break from daily stressors and a chance to focus on a single task, promoting mental clarity and tranquility.

In summary, jigsaw puzzles offer a multi-faceted approach to improving cognitive abilities in seniors. They engage visual-spatial skills, memory, and logic while providing a soothing and relaxing activity. With their wide range of complexities, jigsaw puzzles can be tailored to individual preferences and abilities. So why not grab a puzzle, gather some friends or family members, and embark on a journey of mental stimulation and relaxation together?

Memory Games

When it comes to improving memory skills in seniors, memory games offer a fun and interactive way to exercise the mind. Two popular memory games are the tray game and the shopping list game. These games are not only enjoyable but also highly effective in stimulating short-term memory.

In the tray game, the player must memorize objects placed on a tray and then recall them later or identify any changes that have been made. This game challenges the memory and concentration, helping seniors enhance their ability to remember and retain information. It can be played individually or in a group, promoting social interaction among seniors.

The shopping list game is another great memory exercise that encourages conversation and memory recall. In this game, players take turns adding items to a growing shopping list. Each person must remember the previous items on the list and then add a new one. This game not only helps seniors improve their short-term memory but also provides an opportunity for social interaction and engagement.

Memory games like the tray game and the shopping list game offer mental stimulation and entertainment while contributing to the overall well-being of seniors. Whether played alone or with others, these games are a wonderful way to keep the mind sharp and foster social connections.

Source Links

  • https://lottie.org/care-guides/10-games-to-improve-memory-for-elderly-people/
  • https://www.elder.org/the-elder/improve-memory-and-mental-health-25-brain-games-for-the-elderly/
  • https://sunflowercommunities.org/memory-games-for-seniors/

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10 Best Brain Games for Seniors that Improve Memory and Mental Health

Home » 10 Fun Games for Seniors

Old age is unfair. Not only do our bodies become older and less capable of the things they used to be able to do easily, but our minds can also diminish, too. However, remember that your brain is a muscle, too. And if you don’t use it, you lose it.

What are the best memory games for seniors?

Playing a memory game is a great and fun get into to brain training. The best thing about mind and memory games is that you can start them today to improve cognitive function. Here are the 10 free brain training games for seniors that will keep your aging brain sharp:

Rulers in 7th century India were onto something when they came up with the game of chess. This board game encourages the use of strategy (“Where can I move my pawn?”) and creative thinking (“Well, there’s an open spot…”).

Chess is one of the best board games that can improve you or your loved one’s brain health and cognitive skills. It is fairly accessible, even though many people think you have to be quite intelligent to play it. You can play on your computer. Even better, find a game at your local seniors’ centre or park, where you can get the added bonus of social interaction.

Graphic illustration of a woman playing chess on computer

2. Switch It Up

Here’s a completely free brain exercise for seniors: use your non-dominant hand to complete tasks you’d normally do with your dominant hand.

While it might sound like a recipe for disaster, using your non-dominant hand for everyday tasks such as brushing your teeth or eating builds new connections between your brain cells. Also, the more you use your non-dominant hand, the stronger it will get.

Graphic illustration of a senior man brushing teeth

3. Do You Remember…

Many people joke about losing their memory as they age. That doesn’t have to be the case, though. Here’s another free brain exercise for older adults against memory loss: Test Your Memory.

What’s the best way to test your memory skills? Make a list – it could be anything, like your grocery list, or the next ten books you want to read – and then memorize it. An hour later, see how many items on the list you can recall. The more challenging the list, the greater the brain workout.

Graphic illustration of an older man thinking

4. Jigsaw Puzzles

If you’re looking for a fun and classic brain game for seniors, you might already have a bunch of jigsaw puzzles lying around. And if you don’t, you can buy them quite inexpensively at your local dollar store.

Jigsaw puzzles are a great mental exercises. They involve strategy (“Let’s find all of the edge pieces first”) and problem-solving skills (“This piece goes there”). Also, you can find jigsaw puzzles of varying levels of complexity, from a few dozen pieces to several hundred.

Graphic illustration of a senior man doing a jigsaw puzzle

5. Make Some Beautiful Music

Have you always been told that you’ve got a great ear for music? Join a choir or take up a new musical instrument as a great cognitive training.

Learning something that’s new as well as complex engages and keeps your brain active, which is good for cognitive health. Playing an instrument is also a physical activity requiring dexterity. Here’s an added benefit: if you join a choir or take lessons with more than one person, you make new friends.

Graphic illustration of an older man playing guitar

6. Pick up a Book

This can be an activity that can be a free brain exercise for seniors, if you go to your local library or borrow books from your friends. Just remember to give them back afterwards.

Reading is an excellent activity for boosting your brainpower. It’s a mentally stimulating activity, and studies have shown that when you stimulate your brain, you slow cognitive decline. Research hasn’t specified exactly what kinds of books you should read to get the greatest cerebral stimulation, so read whatever type of book you like most, be it romance, sci-fi, or non-fiction.

Graphic illustration of a woman reading a book in a rocking chair

7. Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzles can also be free, if you find them online or if you’re already subscribing to a newspaper with a crossword puzzle. The New York Time’s version is probably the most famous.

These puzzles are great word games for seniors; they challenge people to think of a word that fits into a certain number of boxes and makes sense in the context of the rest of the puzzle. And doing a crossword puzzle can become a social experience when you ask friends or family members for help.

Graphic illustration of an older person doing a crossword puzzle

You might be more of a numbers person than a wordsmith. That’s okay – Sudoku is just the game for you.

If you’re not familiar with Sudoku, it’s a number puzzle that originated in Japan. There’s a box with numbers and several blank spaces. Judging by the numbers that are already there, you have to fill in the blanks.

As with crosswords, Sudoku can be a free activity. Many newspapers feature a daily Sudoku puzzle. You can also buy Sudoku puzzle books. Sudoku puzzles come in several levels of difficulty, so you can challenge yourself as much or as little as you like.

Related: Video games for seniors and mental health

Graphic illustration of sudoku

9. Count Backwards

You don’t have to be good at math to play this game for seniors. All you need to do is know how to count, and you have to be able to perform basic subtraction.

Try counting backward from 200, and subtract five from every number (“200, 195, 190…”). Then, try counting backward from 150, subtracting seven each time (“150, 143, 136…”). Next, count backward from 100, but this time, subtract three from each number (“100, 97, 94..”).

Graphic illustration of an woman thinking

10. Get Some Exercise

Combine mental and physical exercise by doing some simple workouts. You don’t have to get very sweaty, and some of these activities are free (the ones that aren’t are low-cost).

Getting some exercise not only improves your physical fitness but also provides mental health benefits. Walking protects your brain against dementia, while Tai Chi sharpens your mental focus. Yoga makes you feel centered, and jogging boosts your memory. You can do all of these alone, though you’ll enjoy doing these activities either in a class or in a group.

Graphic illustration of woman exercising with dumbbells

Cognitive decline doesn’t have to be part of old age. Doing brain exercises and brain games for seniors (many of which are free or very affordable) staves off the loss of memory and boosts your mental acuity. And the earlier you start, the sooner the benefit.

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Engaging Game Ideas for Senior Citizens to Enjoy

Games are not just for kids – they provide a fantastic way for senior citizens to have fun, stay mentally active, and connect with others. Whether you’re looking for game ideas for yourself or a loved one, there are plenty of options to choose from. From classic board games to interactive video games, there’s something for everyone. Let’s explore some game ideas that are perfect for seniors to enjoy.

Key Takeaways:

Puzzle, tile, and board games.

Puzzle games , such as jigsaw puzzles, are not only entertaining but also stimulate the mind and improve visual-spatial skills, memory, and logic. They provide a sense of accomplishment as seniors piece together intricate images. Jigsaw puzzles are available in various difficulty levels, allowing seniors to choose the ones that match their abilities and preferences.

Jigsaw PuzzlesStimulate the mind, improve visual-spatial skills, memory, and logic
MahjongA tile-based game that requires strategic thinking and pattern recognition
DominoesA tile-based game that helps with decision-making skills

Benefits of Puzzle, Tile, and Board Games for Seniors

“Playing puzzle, tile, and board games not only brings joy and entertainment but also provides numerous cognitive and social benefits for seniors.” – Senior Care Experts

Video Games for Seniors

The world of video games has expanded far beyond just entertainment for young people. Seniors can also benefit from playing video games, as they offer visual and auditory engagement and can enhance cognitive abilities. While some may question the benefits of “brain-training” games, there are numerous video games that can provide enjoyment and mental stimulation for seniors.

Video Games for SeniorsDescription
BejeweledA match-three puzzle game that challenges players to swap and match gems to create rows or columns of three or more of the same color.
Snipperclips PlusA cooperative puzzle game where players must work together to solve various challenges by cutting and reshaping their characters.
Puyo Puyo TetrisA fusion of the classic puzzle games Puyo Puyo and Tetris, offering both solo and multiplayer modes.

Video games provide a unique form of entertainment and cognitive stimulation for seniors. With a wide variety of games available, seniors can find options that suit their interests and abilities. Whether it’s solving puzzles, engaging in strategic thinking, or simply enjoying the visual experience, video games offer a fun and engaging way for seniors to stay mentally active and entertained.

“Playing video games allows seniors to enjoy a new form of entertainment and cognitive stimulation. It’s never too late to start gaming!”

Card Games for Seniors

Popular card games for seniors:.

Card games offer not only entertainment but also a chance to socialize and bond with others. They provide opportunities for friendly competition, laughter, and shared experiences. So gather your friends, family, or fellow seniors, shuffle the deck, and get ready to have a great time!

Dice Games for Seniors

Dice games are simple yet engaging options for senior citizens to enjoy. These games provide a great opportunity for seniors to socialize, exercise their minds, and have fun. Whether played with friends or family, dice games offer a convenient and portable form of entertainment.

For seniors who enjoy elimination-style games, Mexico is a great choice. In this game, players take turns rolling two dice and based on the outcome, eliminate a specific number from their score. The goal is to be the last player remaining. Mexico keeps players engaged until the very end and provides a healthy dose of competition.

Dice GamesDescription
YahtzeeA classic dice game involving various combinations and strategy.
Liar’s DiceA game of bluffing and social interaction, where players guess the number of dice hidden under cups.
MexicoAn elimination-style game where players roll dice and eliminate a specific number from their score.

Word Games for Seniors

Word games are a fantastic way for seniors to stay mentally active and have fun at the same time. These games help improve language skills, enhance vocabulary, and provide mental stimulation. Whether played alone or with others, word games offer a variety of challenges and opportunities for seniors to exercise their minds. Here are some enjoyable word games that are perfect for elderly individuals:

1. Crossword Puzzles

Boggle is a fast-paced word-finding game that challenges seniors to find as many words as possible within a given time limit. The game consists of a grid of letters, and players must connect adjacent letters to form words. Boggle helps improve memory, concentration, and cognitive abilities. It’s a great game to play with family members or friends.

4. Scrabble

Outdoor games for seniors: fun and engaging activities for the elderly.

Outdoor games offer a wonderful opportunity for seniors to enjoy the fresh air, stay active, and engage with nature. These fun activities can be tailored to suit varying mobility levels and provide a range of benefits for the elderly, including physical exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction.

Engaging and Accessible Options

Adapting games for individual needs.

Engaging in outdoor games not only provides physical benefits but also promotes mental well-being. The combination of fresh air, physical activity, and social interaction can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve overall quality of life for seniors.

Outdoor Games for SeniorsDescription
Lawn BowlingA gentle and precise game that involves rolling balls to knock down pins on a grassy surface.
Bocce BallA strategic game where players aim to roll their balls as close as possible to a target ball.
CroquetA classic game of skill and precision, played by hitting balls through a course of hoops using a mallet.
Walking GroupsOrganized walks in parks or scenic areas that provide physical exercise and opportunities for socializing.
Golf OutingsPlaying golf in a relaxed and social setting, enjoying the benefits of fresh air and physical activity.

Sporty Games: Keeping Seniors Active and Engaged

Engaging in sports activities is not only fun but also beneficial for seniors’ physical and mental well-being. Participating in sports helps improve cardiovascular health, increase flexibility and strength, enhance cognitive function, and promote social interaction. Whether seniors prefer individual or team-based activities, there are plenty of senior-friendly sports options to choose from.

Tennis: A Game of Skill and Strategy

“Playing tennis has been a game-changer for me as a senior. Not only does it keep me physically active, but it also allows me to meet new people and make lasting friendships. It’s a sport that challenges both my body and mind, keeping me sharp and energized.” – Mary, 67

Golf: A Gentle and Relaxing Pastime

Tai chi: balance and harmony.

Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise that focuses on slow, flowing movements and deep breathing. It promotes relaxation, flexibility, and balance, making it an ideal activity for seniors of all fitness levels. Tai Chi classes are widely available at community centers, senior centers, and fitness studios. This ancient practice not only benefits physical health but also reduces stress and enhances mental well-being.

The Benefits of Playing Games for Seniors

One of the key benefits of playing games for seniors is the positive impact on mental health. Games stimulate the brain, improving memory, concentration, and critical thinking skills. Regular game play can help keep the mind sharp and enhance cognitive abilities in seniors.

Mental Benefits of Playing Games

By incorporating games into their daily routines, seniors can reap these mental benefits while having fun and staying mentally sharp.

Social Benefits of Playing Games

Games bring people together.

“Playing games brings people together and bridges the gap between generations.”

Furthermore, games provide a platform for meaningful social connections. They create common ground and shared interests, allowing seniors to connect with others on a deeper level. Through friendly competition or cooperative gameplay, relationships can deepen and flourish. The interactive nature of games encourages communication, teamwork, and collaboration, resulting in stronger bonds between individuals.

Table: Social Benefits of Games for Seniors

Reduced Isolation and LonelinessGaming activities provide opportunities for social interaction, helping seniors overcome feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Stronger Social ConnectionsGaming fosters meaningful connections, allowing seniors to bond with others on a deeper level and create lasting relationships.
Improved CommunicationGames encourage communication, teamwork, and collaboration, enhancing social skills and interpersonal relationships.
Enhanced Well-beingThe contribute to overall well-being, improving mood, and promoting a sense of purpose and enjoyment.

The Effects of Play on the Mind

Video games, despite their reputation, can also have cognitive benefits for seniors. Some video games, like match-three puzzle games, exercise pattern recognition and strategy skills. Interactive games, like Snipperclips Plus and Puyo Puyo Tetris, require quick thinking and problem-solving. Playing video games can provide mental stimulation and help maintain brain function.

Table: Examples of Games and Their Cognitive Benefits

GameCognitive Benefits
Jigsaw PuzzlesImproves visual-spatial skills, memory, and logical thinking.
QwirkleEnhances strategic thinking, decision-making, and pattern recognition.
Gin RummyEncourages memory, concentration, and problem-solving.
Match-Three Puzzle GamesExercises pattern recognition, strategy, and quick thinking.
Snipperclips PlusRequires problem-solving, coordination, and critical thinking.

In conclusion, game options for senior citizens are plentiful and diverse, catering to various preferences and abilities. Puzzle, board, and card games offer mental challenges and opportunities for social interaction. Video games provide engaging visual and auditory experiences, while word games and outdoor activities promote exercise and mental stimulation. Regular gameplay can enhance seniors’ overall well-being and cognitive abilities, preventing boredom and improving memory and concentration. By choosing games that suit individual interests and capabilities, seniors can enjoy the countless benefits and joy that games bring.

What are some game ideas for senior citizens?

Puzzle, tile, and board games, video games, card games, dice games, word games, outdoor games, and sporty games are all great options for seniors to enjoy.

What are some puzzle games for seniors?

Are there video games suitable for seniors, what are some popular card games for seniors.

Gin Rummy, Bridge, UNO, Old Maid, and Solitaire are all popular card games among seniors. These games offer opportunities for strategy, memory skills, and socializing.

Can you suggest some dice games for seniors?

What word games would be fun for seniors, what are some outdoor games suitable for seniors.

Lawn bowling, bocce ball, croquet, walking groups, and golf outings are low-impact outdoor games that seniors can participate in. These activities provide opportunities for exercise, socialization, and enjoying nature.

What are some sporty games that seniors can play?

What are the benefits of playing games for seniors, how do games bring people together.

Games provide a platform for meaningful social interactions and connections. They create purpose and enjoyment in interactions, helping seniors overcome feelings of isolation and loneliness. The shared experience of playing games fosters relationships and deepens bonds.

What are the effects of play on the mind?

What are some game options for seniors, what is the conclusion on game ideas for senior citizens.

Engaging in games regularly can have positive effects on seniors’ overall well-being and cognitive abilities. Choose games that suit individual preferences and abilities to ensure maximum enjoyment and benefit.

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Assisted living levels of care: understanding the differences.

Active Adult – Designed for retired adults 55 or older who would enjoy freedom from chores and maintenance, exclusive perks, convenient amenities, countless social opportunities and much more. This is retirement like you always imagined with everything you need to make the most of every day.

Independent Living – From maintenance-free living to convenient amenities and more, everything is designed to provide peace of mind and help you spend your days exactly as you want to.

Assisted Living – From help with medication to support with daily activities, coordinating appointments, and more, assisted living offers 24-hour care.

Memory Care – Designed for those experiencing dementia or other memory impairments, our licensed memory care neighborhood offers specially trained employees, intentional programming, unique community features, and more.

Enhanced Living – For those who are most comfortable in an apartment setting and are not ready or in need of the care services offered in assisted living, enhanced living offers flexibility to only pay for necessary services.

Unveiling Nursing Home Costs And How It Compares To Senior Living

10 of our favorite books on dementia, 17 of the most engaging retirement hobbies, ranking the best places to retire in michigan, fun brain games for seniors to keep your memory sharp.

Like any muscle, we have to regularly challenge our brains so it maintains its memory and cognitive functions. But, since we can’t go to the gym to exercise our brains, how can we engage our mind and maintain our overall mental well-being?

Brain games are a fun way to improve your problem-solving and memory skills. We’ve listed the best brain games for seniors you can play for yourself or with your elderly loved one to help keep the brain sharp.

Fun Brain Games For Seniors

Brain games for seniors are mental exercises that can help keep seniors’ brains actively engaged, a key component to maintaining overall mental health.

Brain games aren’t just a great way to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline – they are challenging and fun. It’s satisfying to achieve the goals you set for yourself, so seniors who play brain games are strengthening their mental well-being in a healthy, fulfilling way.

Exercising the mind can be easy thanks to brain games. Whether you enjoy social games or prefer to play brain games alone, here’s a list of the best brain games for seniors.

Bingo is a classic favorite amongst seniors, but it also has overlooked positive health benefits. Like the image shown above of a game at one of our sister communities, bingo is a great social activity and should be rewarding. It’s a low-maintenance, yet fun way for seniors to socialize. And socialization is important, especially for seniors. 

Social interaction reduces loneliness and increases your general well-being. That’s why, at Independence Village, we offer a variety of engaging social activities .

Bingo is also a simple way for seniors to engage three of the main senses: touch, hearing and sight . Engaging the senses means exercising your brain and increasing cognitive abilities and motor skills. Bingo may seem like a simple party game, but it is a great way to stimulate the senses and improve overall cognition.

Here are just a few of the positive health effects of bingo for seniors : 

  • Increased social engagement.
  • Improved cognitive functions and memory recall.
  • Better hand-eye coordination.

Puzzles are a fun way to train your mind and hone your hand-eye coordination, too. Jigsaw puzzles are a great solitary activity and assembling a jigsaw puzzle on your own can be extremely satisfying. Since challenging yourself is key to maintaining your overall mental health, people who do puzzles are strengthening their mental well-being and the self-confidence that comes with accomplishment.

It’s important to note that brain games like puzzles can slow the effects of dementia and improve cognitive health . Doing puzzles strengthens brain-cell connections and speeds up mental functioning. Besides the mental health benefits, doing a jigsaw puzzle is proven to lift your spirits. So, putting together a puzzle can offer mental stimulation as well as a serene, meditative break.


Shuffleboard is a relaxing game that can be played inside or outdoors. Strategizing in a game like shuffleboard improves dexterity and mental abilities. Since it engages both the body and mind, shuffleboard is a great game to stay physically and mentally active.

The Best Memory Games For Seniors

Finding the best memory game can be difficult. Brain games come in a variety of different formats, from classic word puzzles, identification games and more.

Whether it’s online or a classic card recall game, you have the power to pick the best format for you or your loved one to play brain games. To make it more engaging, try choosing a memory game that involves one of your other passions. For an avid birder, a bird identification game could be best for them.

Botanical Identification Games

Botanical identification games are memory games that can help you exercise your brain and while learning the names and attributes of different species of plants. It’s basically a memory card matching game. You have a card with a plant species on it, and see if you can identify the plant in the foliage around you. Botanical identification games are a great option for seniors with a passion for flowers or gardening.

Simply spending some time in the garden identifying botanicals can help you grow your vocabulary, make you more knowledgeable about plants, and boost your memory . Not to mention, being outdoors in nature can be beneficial for the mind and improve your mood.

Chess is a great brain game because it’s an engaging game that demands a lot of concentration and strategic thinking. Chess is especially helpful for boosting your memory because it activates more than one area of the brain.

Chess helps you develop pattern recognition, make decisions both visually and analytically, and test your memory. Seniors who want to stay sharp should consider chess to exercise logic and challenge the brain.

Word Association Games

Word games include games where seniors find hidden words, fill in missing words, build words and use descriptions or definitions to identify words. Word games are particularly important because they challenge your cognitive abilities and widen your vocabulary. Here are a few popular word association games to stimulate memory for seniors:

  • Crossword puzzles. There is research proving that struggling to put the right letters in those little boxes can help protect against dementia and improve your overall quality of thinking.
  • Scrabble . In this classic game, players earn points by constructing words through placing letter tiles on a grid. Playing the game requires logical thinking and strategizing about where to put each word on the board.
  • Boggle. Boggle promotes creative and critical thinking because players need to find words in sequences of adjacent letters. 
  • Upwords. The Upwords board game is a three-dimensional Scrabble-like game for two to four players. In Upwords, players can also stack letters on top of each other to make new words, making it an engaging memory recall game.

Community Brain Games For Seniors At Independence Village

At Independence Village, we integrate brain games into our events and activities. As residents had to spend more hours in their apartments during this past year, we integrated brain games into our community events to keep our residents active and happy.

As shown above, Independence Village Ankeny held an Olympics-themed event where residents could compete in cognition-strengthening brain games like bean bag baseball, ring toss and more. These Olympic events involved fun brain games so that our residents could stay active, sustain their mental well-being and feel accomplished.

In the full spirit of the Olympics, medals were awarded to the winners!

Events like this one are a chance for residents to connect with peers and the community. Good physical and emotional health can be a positive side effect of social interaction. At Independence Village, we strive to support our residents by engaging activities.

Related: Indoor Activities for Senior Residents

Partnering With CorsoCare To Serve Seniors

CorsoCare , a preferred third-party provider of StoryPoint Group, offers seniors more than high-quality care services — seniors also gain a dedicated partner in their health journey.

Whether seniors need expert medical support at home, compassionate end-of-life care, or assistance with daily activities, CorsoCare provides personalized, compassionate care to enhance the quality of life at every stage.

Click here for additional resources and to learn more about CorsoCare.

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Brain Exercises For Seniors: Fun Ways Of Cognitive Training & How To Improve Mental Health In Older Adults

Christopher Ravn

Explore brain exercises for seniors designed to enhance cognitive health and mental well-being. This article introduces fun ways to train the cognitive mind and improve mental acuity in older adults.


Christopher Ravn

Key takeaways.

1.Brain exercises for seniors, including puzzles and games, are vital for maintaining cognitive function and mental well-being. 2. Engaging in physical activities, such as walking and yoga, supports brain health by improving blood flow and mood regulation. 3. Social interactions and learning new skills also play significant roles in preventing cognitive decline and promoting overall brain health in older adults.

Table of Contents

1. What Are The Best Brain Exercises For Seniors? 2. Why Are Brain Exercises For The Elderly So Important? 3. Explain The Impact Of Cognitive Exercises For Older Adults 4. Full List Of Exercises For Seniors 5. Fun Brain Exercises For Seniors 6. Memory Games 7. Card Games 8. Board Games 9. Specific Brain Fitness Exercises For Older Adults 10. How Can Word Games Benefit Senior Brain Training? 11. What Number Games Are Simple Brain Training Exercises For The Elderly? 12. Visual Easy Exercises For Senior Cognitive Training? 13. Can Arts, Crafts, And Music Improve Cognitive Training In Older Adults? 14. How Good Brain Exercises For Seniors Prevent Cognitive Decline? 15. Frequently Asked Questions About Brain Exercises For Seniors

What Are The Best Brain Exercises For Seniors?

When it comes to the best brain exercises for seniors, it is vital to ensure that they are designed to maintain cognitive function and overall mental health. Here’s a list of brain exercises for seniors that will help them:

  • Puzzles: Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and jigsaw puzzles help trigger the mind to focus and think. Games like chess or Scrabble can also stimulate the brain, benefiting seniors’ problem-solving skills.
  • Learning new skills: Seniors can benefit from learning new skills such as playing musical instruments like the piano or ukulele, painting, or learning a new language. These activities stimulate various parts of the brain and promote neuroplasticity.
  • Physical exercises: Encouraging seniors to engage in regular, mild exercises promotes blood flow to the brain, aiding cognitive function. Activities like walking, light swimming, or yoga improve mental acuity and physical coordination.
  • Memory games: Simple memory games, such as recalling a place or a short list, can help seniors with both short-term and long-term memory. Another thing you could do is introduce speech therapy memory activities for adults .
  • Reading and writing: Regular reading of articles or books helps seniors with cognitive learning. Writing in a journal or creating short stories also contributes to cognitive function.
  • Social activities: Engaging in social activities, whether through volunteer work or spending time with family and friends, helps seniors stay mentally sharp by stimulating conversation and social cognition.

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Why Are Brain Exercises For The Elderly So Important?

Brain exercises for the elderly are crucial because they help sustain cognitive function and mitigate age-related cognitive decline. Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of brain exercises in enhancing brain health among seniors.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that engaging in frequent cognitive activities can reduce the risk of dementia and cognitive issues in seniors . Seniors who regularly participated in mentally stimulating exercises such as reading, playing board games, and solving puzzles exhibited lower risks of Alzheimer’s Disease compared to those who did not engage in such activities.

Additionally, research published in the journal of Neurology found that seniors who learned new skills and engaged in social interactions showed preserved cognitive function and a slower rate of cognitive decline. Furthermore, brain exercises among seniors facilitate the creation of new neural pathways, known as plasticity.

Explain The Impact Of Cognitive Exercises For Older Adults

The impact of cognitive exercises for older adults highlights their significant role in overall brain health and well-being. Engaging in various brain exercises helps maintain cognitive function and provides numerous benefits for seniors.

Continuous learning and participation in new hobbies are crucial for stimulating different parts of the brain, thereby promoting overall brain health and well-being. Playing musical instruments or learning a new language is particularly important for building neural pathways that enhance memory, attention span, and problem-solving skills.

Additionally, activities such as puzzles, memory games, and strategic board games help stimulate brain function and cognition. Participation in these exercises keeps the brain agile, improves concentration, and prevents mental health decline associated with aging. Moreover, cognitive exercises are essential for keeping seniors socially active, fostering better relationships, and reducing feelings of loneliness or isolation. Social interactions play a vital role in maintaining positivity as seniors age, thereby enhancing their quality of life.

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Full List Of Exercises For Seniors

  • Physical exercise: Activities like swimming, brisk walking, yoga, tai chi, and water aerobics improve seniors’ health, flexibility, cardiovascular health, and balance.
  • Strength training: Using light resistance bands or performing simple exercises like squats and lunges helps seniors maintain muscle mass and bone density.
  • Flexibility exercises: Stretching targets muscles for improvement, enhancing flexibility, joint health, and injury prevention.
  • Balance exercises: Standing on one leg, heel-to-toe walking, and other balance-focused exercises strengthen seniors’ balancing abilities, reducing the risk of falls.
  • Chair exercises: Arm curls with weights and leg lifts improve seniors’ mobility and overall conditioning.
  • Cognitive exercises: Playing games such as jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, chess, and memory-stimulating games stimulates seniors’ brains, enhancing cognitive function.
  • Social exercises: Joining book clubs, participating in group classes, or spending time with friends and family fosters better social interactions for seniors.
  • Dance: Line dancing or ballroom dancing improves coordination, balance, and cardiovascular health in seniors.
  • Gardening: Engaging in planting, watering, and tending to the garden provides light activity and stress relief while connecting seniors with nature.
  • Mindfulness and meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques reduces stress, enhances focus, and promotes relaxation and overall well-being.

Fun Brain Exercises For Seniors

There are many types of fun brain exercises that can enhance the mental acuity of seniors. Games such as board games, card games, and puzzles provide enjoyment and numerous benefits for seniors. These games not only improve cognitive abilities but also promote overall brain health and mental stimulation.

Games like chess, Scrabble, or Monopoly encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. They stimulate brain areas necessary for planning and logical reasoning, while also fostering social interaction and communication skills, enhancing mental well-being for seniors.

Activities such as poker or solitaire challenge memory, concentration, and decision-making abilities, stimulating executive function and improving cognitive flexibility and processing power. These games also provide social engagement, improve mood, and alleviate feelings of isolation among seniors.

Playing jigsaw puzzles or Sudoku enhances memory, attention span, and pattern recognition. Seniors engaged in puzzle-solving stimulate multiple cognitive processes, keeping the brain alert. Completing a puzzle brings a sense of fulfillment, boosting self-esteem and mental satisfaction.


Memory Games

Playing memory games like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and jigsaw puzzles is valuable not only for seniors but people of all ages. These games help enhance memory, boost problem-solving skills, and cognitive function.

When someone engages in a crossword puzzle, they are required to recall words, search for synonyms, and make associations, stimulating both short and long-term memory. Continuously searching for the right words upgrades vocabulary and linguistic skills while exercising memory abilities.

In Sudoku, a number game, logical reasoning and spatial awareness are essential. Players must remember number placements and devise strategies to fill in boxes correctly, thereby enhancing concentration, focus, and memory retention.

Solving jigsaw puzzles involves piecing together images, challenging visual memory and spatial cognition. Analyzing shapes and colors improves flexibility, focus, and attention to detail.

Playing card games such as solitaire, poker, and bridge may seem like recreational activities, but they are far more than that. These games help exercise the brain , allowing the elderly to focus on strategy and enhance their memory . Additionally, they provide a means for social interaction and enhance mental well-being.

Card games like bridge are strategic and require critical thinking, memorization, and communication . Playing this game involves recalling past moves, predicting opponents’ actions, and strategizing with a partner, which can stimulate cognitive function and sharpen mental acuity in seniors.

Solitaire, played alone, still challenges seniors to understand card layouts, sequence cards, and plan their moves accordingly, thus improving memory and planning skills .

Poker, known for its complexity, involves skills like calculations, risk assessment, and maintaining a poker face. This game enhances cognitive flexibility, decision-making abilities, emotional regulation, and mental acuity in seniors .

Moreover, card games offer a social aspect for the elderly. Whether played with family, friends, or in a communal setting, these games facilitate social interaction, laughter, and camaraderie. They help alleviate feelings of loneliness, uplift mood, and promote overall mental health and well-being .

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Board Games

Playing board games like chess and backgammon is not merely for entertainment but is also important for enhancing competitive brain function among seniors. These games enable players to think strategically, critically, and solve problems, potentially improving cognitive ability and mental sharpness .

Chess, for instance, offers the opportunity to strategize , think ahead, and anticipate changes in game dynamics. Analyzing board positions, possible moves, and future scenarios stimulates areas of the brain crucial for logic, reasoning, and spatial cognition.

Similarly, backgammon enhances probability skills as seniors make calculated moves based on dice rolls and board positions. Evaluating risks, options, and adjusting strategies helps with decision-making, risk assessment, and spatial awareness.

Specific Brain Fitness Exercises For Older Adults

There are specific brain fitness exercises catered for older adults, offering various activities to boost brain function and cognitive health . These mental activities focus on different parts of the brain, including word games, puzzles, and visual exercises.

Word games like crossword puzzles, word searches, and Scrabble challenge language skills, vocabulary, and verbal fluency . They stimulate parts of the brain associated with language processing and memory retrieval, improving cognitive function and communication skills while reducing age-related decline in verbal understanding.

Solving puzzles such as Kakuro or simple math exercises helps seniors solve problems and enhances logical thinking skills. Activities involving mathematical stimulation or reasoning improve concentration and mental agility in older adults , maintaining numerical understanding and proficiency over time.

Engaging in jigsaw puzzles enhances visual aid, spatial understanding, and pattern recognition, promoting spatial ability and visual functionality . These games challenge seniors in perception, attention to detail, and cognitive flexibility, improving visual processing skills.

How Can Word Games Benefit Senior Brain Training?

Playing word games such as memory card games or crossword puzzles offers a variety of benefits for senior brain training, contributing to their mental acuity and overall brain health.

Memory card games challenge seniors to recall the placement of cards , improving their short-term memory and coordination, thus enhancing cognitive function and sharpness.

Sudoku, a puzzle game requiring logical reasoning and problem-solving , stimulates critical thinking and cognitive flexibility as seniors fill in numbers and consider various possibilities.

Crossword puzzles enhance language skills, vocabulary, and verbal fluency, requiring seniors to search for words and remember synonyms, thus improving linguistic capabilities and memory retrieval.

Research has shown that seniors participating in word games and puzzles often experience improvements in memory, attention, and overall cognitive function, promoting mental well-being and cognitive function in older age.

What Number Games Are Simple Brain Training Exercises For The Elderly?

Simple number games are known to help the elderly in their brain training exercises, providing avenues to stimulate cognitive function and mental acuity. Here are some simple games:

  • Sudoku: This number game challenges seniors’ logical thinking, concentration, and problem-solving skills. With a 9×9 grid and 3×3 subgrids, seniors systematically fill in numbers 1 through 9, enhancing brain health.
  • Kakuro: Similar to Sudoku, Kakuro involves filling a grid with numbers, but with the added challenge of solving mathematical equations in each row and column, enhancing numerical reasoning and arithmetic abilities.
  • Brain teasers: Providing seniors with brain teasers and numerical riddles engages their minds, offering mental calculation, critical thinking, and creativity, making it an enjoyable platform for brain training.
  • Number crosswords: Combining elements of crossword puzzles and number games, number crosswords allow players to fill the grid with numbers instead of words.

Visual Easy Exercises For Senior Cognitive Training?

Visual games are enjoyable and a great way to provide training to seniors, stimulating different parts of their brain and thus enhancing cognitive function through entertainment. They help seniors process visually and contribute to their overall cognitive health and well-being.

Playing jigsaw puzzles, spot-the-difference games, and matching picture exercises helps seniors process patterns, remember shapes, and differentiate between different images. It also strengthens visual perception and attention to detail, important skills for everyday activities such as reading, driving, and navigating the environment.

Other games that involve colors or symbols provide an alternative to traditional number-based games . They challenge and stimulate the elderly person’s mental agility and enhance their problem-solving skills.

Can Arts, Crafts, And Music Improve Cognitive Training In Older Adults?

Yes, arts, crafts, and music help improve cognitive training in older adults . Allowing them to engage in painting, sculpting, crafting, or learning musical instruments helps enhance their cognitive functionality.

Engaging in these artistic ventures stimulates various areas of the brain linked to creativity , problem-solving, and emotional expression. Activities like pottery and knitting may assist with fine motor skills and spatial reasoning, regulating cognitive function and dexterity.

Learning musical instruments benefits seniors by improving memory, coordination, and auditory processing. It challenges the brain to integrate sensory information and motor skills, leading to improved memory, concentration, and multitasking abilities.

Participating in arts, crafts, or music fosters social interaction and provides a sense of accomplishment for seniors, reducing stress and enhancing overall quality of life. It serves as therapy, promoting emotional well-being and cognitive function for those facing age-related issues.

How Good Brain Exercises For Seniors Prevent Cognitive Decline?

Good brain exercises to prevent Alzheimer’s are essential for seniors to prevent cognitive decline. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand and recognize the early symptoms of cognitive decline in seniors, enabling effective strategies to slow its progression.

To combat cognitive decline , seniors can engage in activities such as solving puzzles, reading, and learning new skills, stimulating the brain and promoting cognitive health. Physical exercise improves blood flow to the brain and regulates mood. Providing seniors with a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids supports brain health. Additionally, socializing in groups helps stimulate their brains and promotes emotional well-being.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Brain Exercises For Seniors

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Memory Health Made Easy

31 Best Fun Brain Games For Seniors and Adults [Free to Paid]

by David Norris | Published: May 22, 2020 | Last updated: May 26, 2020 | Blog Post , Brain Games

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Bonus Material:  The 9 Must Dos For Your Brain To Thrive For Life ( The Secret Sauce: Brain Boosters to Stay Sharp)

Boost Your Brain Power With 31 Fun Brain Games For Seniors and Adults (Free to Paid)

In today’s post, I’m going to share with you the Best Free And Paid Brain Boosting Games to help you stay sharp (lockdown or not).

Whether you’re into brain training or good ol’ fashioned memory games, this ultimate list of fun brain games is for you!

You can start with free brain training games right of the bat or you can get more technical with free to paid brain training apps ( we’ve got you covered) 

This is not another Sudoku list – far from it.  You have in your hands a complete list of brain training apps, websites, games and daily exercises (device free).

It’s a platform friendly list. (android or mac users welcome).

The primary goal here is for you to have happy neurons for life. It needn’t be painful or tiresome so lets make it fun.   

In fact, I share with you the same information I give my clients so they can:

  • Improve their brain performance
  • Live fiercely and independently 

Commonly it takes just a few extra tweaks to boost their brain health  [ Make sure you grab the free bonus The 9 Must Dos For Your Brain To Thrive For Life: THIS IS the secret sauce to stay sharp)

Brain Training Evidence Finger Dementia Prevention Study Results

These fun brain games for seniors have been selected based on research principles. Importantly, it’s not just one thing that improves our brain performance but many.

Findings from studies like the FINGER STUDY shows us you can improve your brain performance.

The missing ingredient in most “brain games for seniors” is the lack of fun- the emotional charged good stuff.

AND fun really matters.

The Best 31 Fun Brain Games For Seniors List Helps You

  • Cut through the anxiety noise of COVID-19
  • If you’re having trouble with your memory, forgetting names & words on occasion, but put it down to “just something that happens”. Realize you can change that outcome and improve your memory significantly and this is a good place to start 
  • Put you in a better “State” to remember
  • Lowers your brain “Performance” age
  • Increase your memory, 
  • Sharpen your reasoning powers
  • Develop whip like working memory 
  • Expand your creative thinking
  • Accelerate your speed of processing
  • Create nurturing relationships at a time when this really matters

9 Brain Boosters to Make The Most Out Of Fun Brain Games (The Secret Sauce)

In This Article I Share

  • Science For Regular People:  Online Brain Games For Seniors [ Let’s clear this up]
  • Why “Fun” Brain Games For Seniors Really Matters
  • What You Need To Know About Doing The Best Brain Workouts
  • Must Know Brain Booster Tip to Squeeze The Most Out of the Brain Games
  • The 2 Essential Ingredients To Help You Grow and Connect Your Brain Cells

The 31 Best Fun Brain Games For Seniors and Adults

  • Exercise Games with Novel Brain Twist
  • Fun Problem Solving Games ( Groups and Solo even in lockdown!)
  • The Not So Usual Fun Memory Games
  • 4 Science Backed Online Brain Games  
  • Fun Navigation + Problem Brain Games 
  • Fun Every Day Games to Bust Out Of Brain Autopilot
  • I’m In Isolation- How Can I Do This?

Do These 5 Things More Often to Milk The Brain Changing Benefits of Fun Brain Games

The science behind online brain games for seniors and adults.

Let’s Be Clear About A Few Things about Online Brain Games

Doing these exercises is based on an underlying assumption, Brian Games Work.

  • That there is a cognitive improvement benefit .

In 2014, two large groups of scientists, health professionals joisted over the pros, cons and evidence of “Online Brain Training” and put forth a consensus statement

One Side Argued- Against

“there is little evidence that playing brain games improves underlying broad cognitive abilities, or that it enables one to better navigate a complex realm of everyday life.” 

Standford_Brain Training Evidence_Scientific Community

The Other State – For

“a substantial and growing body of evidence shows that certain cognitive training regimens can significantly improve cognitive function, including in ways that generalize to everyday life.” 

Cognitive Data Brain Training Evidence

Compelling Strong Research Evidence 

The Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) trial was first large-scale, randomized trial to test the long-term outcomes of cognitive training effects on prevention of decline in daily function. 

Active Study Brain Training Discussion

So Where Does That Leave Us?

  • There is a big divide in the expert opinion field 
  • Driving this divide further is the structure of the research not controlling for the Perceived Opinion Benefit that your belief in the benefit may also have an effect on your results

Why Fun Brain Games for Seniors and Adults Really Matters

Brain Fit with Fun and Performance

We could take a large bridging step here and say that when an activity is matched to our skills, motivation, perception of pleasure – you’re going to be better at.  

Emotions and Memory Performance

  • Positive memories contain more contextual details – there for more accurate memory
  • Emotional arousal not “importance of information” which helps your memory.
  • Emotional arousal ( upbeat- happy- joyful yes all aspects of fun) appear to keep us in a readiness to respond so we’ve better attention 5.

Mood and Memory Performance

When your emotional state is positive – you tend to remember more positive events and the same goes with negative..

Also, you’re better able to remember when your mood matches the state in which you took in the information so mood matching is important. 

So, let’s keep it up beat

Brain Booster Tip: 

 Nearly 70% of baby neurons don’t survive into “adulthood”. 

So we often miss out on the power of integrating them into the rich neural network of our brain. 

2 Essential Ingredients

The 2 essential ingredients to help with this maturing of brain cells.

It appears you need 2 essential ingredients to help your neurons develop.

  • Raise your heart rate is important to helping create new neurons, as well as 
  • Novel, challenging and consistency helps them grow into adults

Here’s What You Need To Know About Creating The Best Type of Fun Brain Workouts For Seniors

It’s clear exercise improves your brain function. How well it appears to be a number of things like:

  • Creating new blood vessels ( referred to as angiogenesis), 
  • Creating of new neurons (neurogenesis), 
  • Creating new synapses (synaptogenesis), as well as the
  • Production of brain growth factors called neurotrophins. One of the well researched and  stand out neurotrophins is called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF).  

Harvard Psychiatrist John J Ratey, MD most notably referred to this as “Miracle Grow” for the brain, or as I call it “Dynamic Lifter”. 

Movement + Raise Your Heart Rate + Mental Challenge

Linking movement, increasing your heart rate and adding in mentally stimulating + FUN activities together is one way to hit health pinata to boost your brain performance.

You’re activating many senses, many internal body processes to help your memory health.

If you’re not up for the movement challenges at least get a 20 min of effort walking in beforehand!

If you’re asking “How can you keep your brain active” then this list Is-A-Must-For-You.

But David, 

“ I’ve been doing sudoku, I’ve been doing crosswords Pfft….  I do cryptic puzzles

Is this good for me?”

If I had a dollar every time I got asked this question.

Well I’d have a few dollars.

This is not a “Classic List” Seniors and Adults “fun games” you might be expecting.

  Far from it.

Below, I’ve assessed the following games under a lens of 

  • Fun : Emotion and mood has a powerful effect on you memory performance
  • Social : There are so many wonderful brain boosting opportunities when we do it together AND really, truly communicate.  Yes, even in the time of Coronavirus we can do this.
  • Hits the Brain Cognitive Skills that commonly decline as we get older
  • Are relatively Challenging

Are Diverse , they hit many brain functions

Exercise (Movement)  Games + Mental Challenges: 

Benefits: Raise the Heart Rate, Body Awareness,  Problem Solving Skills and Memory and Communication  (Movement Problems)

Here’s How Can You Dial Challenged Up or Down The Fun Brain Game Recommendations 

Dial Down: Difficulties with balance or endurance- do this with supporters like a handrail,  bench top, large sofa as a support

Dial Up: Increase weights, changes in heights, crawl through spaces  (under broom sticks), balance, non dominant hands

1. The Floor Is Lava

Yes the floor is lava, place objects on the floor, create an obstacle course at home

  • No “stuff” use the tiles, the floor markings, post it notes as zones, Using masking tape as “beams” have a destination- The morning cup of tea run could be soo  much more interesting
  • Share your adventure with friends
  • Need inspiration? With over 112million views  and to really have some giggles this is what you’re doing here.

A must watch for inspiration and a giggle or 2. ( It’s PGish)  

2. House Jenga- Big Blocks or Little Blocks

What You Need

  • Jenga Blocks, or uniform timber rectangles ( not too big as the bigger the block , the harder they fall )
  • Short game – who can take out the most blocks in 5minutes
  • Long games – how long can the game go for
  • Change the position of the game floor, standing, standing one legged, you get the idea
  • Create a memory game ( word building or like stacking you have to remember the words that come before
  • Initiation game: Great with a fast game, include a category lets say African Animals: you alternate with your partner in physical and mental dual
  • Downscale – sitting, don’t re-stack on top instead remove a tile and place to the side.

3. Pipeline

You could do this social distancing style – but not recommended – requires 2 plus people

What You Need 

  • Grab 2 x pipe of PVC tubing 90mm wide by 900mm long (wide enough for a tennis ball). Some people have created “half tubes” where the pipe is cut in half making a channel if you will but this isn’t needed.
  • You’ll need a tennis ball

It gets harder with a smaller and smoother ball like a large marble or golf ball

How You Play 

  • Set a length, a course, an obstacle course.
  • Starting at one end, place the ball into the pipe whilst another person holds the pipe relatively level. The ball is to stay within tube and is to pass to the next person who is also holding the second tube
  • The first person moves around the other person quickly to get the ball and so on

The goal to get through the course, distance in the quickest time 

Great for challenges in households, between households, within communities or workplaces. 

Fun Brain Exercise_Movement Games  and Mental Challenges Ideas

4. Movement Deck of Cards

  • Against each month assign an exercise, a movement, a task to each number and picture card in suit of a deck of cards. So there are 13 exercises matched from 2 – Aces
  • Daily or for when you need something novel unplanned shuffle a deck of cards and deal yourself or others 1 -2- 3 cards ( or more)

This is a lot of fun when you do this as a movement group. The collective groan, the sighs the yippies when a card is drawn adds to the experience. 

This is very doable as a group online.

Benefits of dancing on your brain health

5. Dancing – It Goes Without Saying This One Is  A Good 

Now, I appreciate this may not be “fun” for everyone.  

On the upside dancing has been observed to improve processing speed, build stronger, denser neural pathways.

This means that if you engage in jazz, jive, samba or another form of structured dance, can help boost your brain powers, especially for skills like convergent thinking.

  • Convergent thinking skills help you identify a single, appropriate answer to a problem. 
  • On the other side, divergent thinking helps you identify many solutions to a problem. For this skill doing more free form types of dance such as hip-hop or even Zumba.

Boxer-cise is another non learned, rapidly changing movement program. 

Yoga can also be in this category as well.  

Fun Group Problem Solving Brain Games For Seniors

Fun Group Brain Problem Solving Games For Seniors

6. Laser Webs

This fun brain games stack brain skills of Movement, Balance, Body Awareness, Auditory Processing and Memory plus more.

  • Some furniture

How You Play

  • Have a person set up a “spider web or laser web” using furniture or objects in the room 
  • The other person doesn’t see this “set up”
  • Now you’ve a few options here- the person does it with their eyes open and  so in that instance – what’s the point of the not seeing the set up OR
  • You could have the other person do this blindfolded with the other person either providing verbal instructions or allows the other person to do this in silence.

The Problem solving element here is when the blindfolded person is supported with verbal instructions. 

Ok, this no doubt will need some self assessment whether this is a good fit for you. 

It can be dialled down and can be a classical obstacle course. Race yourself against the clock.

7. Jigsaw Puzzle Traders

Hits the cognitive skills of – language, visual processing, working memory, problem solving plus more

  • 1 Puzzle divided randomly between a minimum of  2 People 

The aim is to build your pieces into the largest piece of the puzzle as quickly as possible. 

This means you’ll need to trade, swap, negotiate with your partner to do so.

Puzzles are fun, this adds just that little twist

8. Spaghetti Towers

Can be done solo, as a team and as a large group 

  • 20 pieces of uncooked spaghetti ( limiting the number places a greater demand on fine movement coordination )
  • Marshmallows
  • Build the tallest tower using the marshmallows and spaghetti within a certain time frame
  • Can be dialled up with movement limitations- one leg, one armed – great to challenge the non dominant side
  • Do it as a paired household team where you both can’t use your dominant hand but can help each other out at the same time
  • Change the height of your starting surface ( on the floor say on on cooking pan cause you’ll want those marshmallows for later right? )
  • Dialled down – use more rigid “poles” like skewers

Fun Memory Brain Games For Seniors

Fun Memory Brain Games for Seniors

9. Name That Era, Place, Object  

  • Set up a slide show, play it with neighbours or family or friends
  • Like visual trivia
  • With the more unusual objects you can tier it with questions like- when was it made, what was its use ( extra bonus points for funny reasons)

In a similar way you can play “Name that Tune”

10. Two Pack Playing Cards Memory 

  • The twist is to use slightly different packs because you want to match exactly
  • My son challenged me with a two pack of dinosaur cards. Yep, I was taken to the cleaners 🙁

How You Play  

  • Add movement challenges by placing it on the floor
  • Add a time pressure ( must take a go within 10seconds)
  • Place the cards down in different orientations is a real memory challenge as your environmental cues are taken away. You’d rely on these when they are in rows
  • Solo Games- compete against a friend, family or neighbour

11. Virtual Guess Who

  • Write down an animal, character name, book title etc 
  • Can be themed – Movie, Author, Book Title but this gives more “context” to the answer. 
  • The other person needs to guess out with yes / no questions 
  • The aim is to get your answer out as quickly as possible

Online Brain Training Games (Free to Paid)

Paid and Free Online Brain Training Games

Benefits of Online Brain Training Games:

These games are novel and entertaining. Can be done solo or in a group.  To milk the brain benefits I suggest those doing those games that hit hearing, auditory processing speed, vision, visual processing speed and memory skills.

I do find they can be a little monotonous after a while so the “ fun and novel” experience will likely wear off.  These programs make the novelty and challenge criteria BUT they lack other areas mentioned earlier.  

Free and Paid Online Brain Training Games (App and Websites)

There are Free and Paid versions of these brain games. 

12. Brain HQ www.brainhq.com/

  • “ Think faster, focus better, and remember more with BrainHQ —Improve your brain health with clinically proven brain training exercises.”

13. Brain Turk www.brainturk.com  

  • For kids and adults the “Brainturk games are designed to develop your intellectual, motor skills, emotional, episodic memory and communication skills.” Free and Paid options

14. PEAK www.peak.net/  

Push your cognitive skills to their limits and use your time better with fun, challenging games and with fun, stimulating games and workouts.  

15. Lumosity   www.lumosity.com/

“Free in the iOS Store and Android Play Store, Lumosity offers an ever-expanding set of cognitive and scientific games designed to improve your working memory and stimulate your brain on a daily basis.”

# Lumosity: These guys did get in a bit of legal trouble with their marketing a few years ago BUT you’re so much more informed about the PROS and CONS of online brain games now- aren’t you?

Fun Navigation + Problem Brain Challenges for Seniors

Fun Navigation Problem Brain Games For Seniors

16. Treasure Hunt or Activity Brain Challenges 

Set a daily / weekly challenge or hunt to achieve a goal this can include:

Treasure hunts are fun as they can be cryptic as well with the clues that you use or are given. “You’ll find me where there is x ( cryptic clue)”

The limitation here is your imagination and that’s what I like about this activity. 

It  challenges you to push beyond the normal and to break out into new and novel patterns using abstract reasoning, problem solving and creativity.!

Treasure Hunt or Activity Challenge:  They can both follow a similar format 

  • Write a 80 word poem
  • Wear a blue something today which is visible
  • Find 20 things that start with 
  • List 3 things you’re grateful for 5 days in a row
  • Solve a sudoku / crossword puzzle ( ok it had to make the list somewhere)
  • Write a letter to someone
  • Create a picture diary of the day and share it with someone

Fun and Novel Daily Life Activities ( With A Brain Twist)

Practice Neurobics To Keep Your Brain Sharp with Daily Routine Challenges 

  • This is about breaking up your daily activities like brushing your teeth and use as many senses as possible + movement + environment changes 

Neurobics_ Novel Daily Life Activities With A Brain Challenge Twist

Here’s Very Practical, Immediately Doable Examples of How to Bust Through Daily Brain Autopilot [14 examples]  

Hand Dominant Mix Ups

  • Brush your teeth with the non dominant hand
  • Drink with your non dominant hand
  • Play a musical instrument with your non dominant hand
  • Play cards with your non dominant hand
  • Play scrabble with your non dominant hand
  • Play “anything” with your non dominant hand

*You may need a cue to do this at first from notes to bracelets to prompt you to change. You can extra complexity or richness with movement, doing it to the beat of the music for example.

Hidden Guess What

  • Guess the coins in your pocket or a sock – do it with your non dominant side as well
  • In fact layer this with a mystery box of items and place them all in a sock, box of sand/ rice ( possibly not the most practical) 

Opening The Door Eyes Close 

25. Getting the keys out, finding the right one, orientating itto the lock and being aware of your body are all challenged with this exercise

Eating Eyes Closed 

26. How often are you truly aware  of the feed you eat?  An eyes closed eating experience dials you into one of the most powerful senses when eating – smell. You’ll also challenge  your hearing, awareness of food in your mouth, you’ll like be aware of other factors like your hunger or lack of it as well.

  • You could also add placement of food onto your fork or spoon but this could get messy quickly – just saying.

Attend To The Everyday

27. Count Your Breaths in a certain amount of time or when doing an activity

28. Count the number of simple beauties in the day you experience – it may be birds, plants, people, words, sounds

Different Routes to the ……..

29. Almost like the floor is lava, think  of different, new pathways to destination in the home, yard, complex or your community

Chalk It Up Course

30. On your driveway, parking areas, basement where ever you have access to a cement walking slab, using chalk create a movement course for you and your neighbours to do

  • Create chalk scoreboard of times!

Printable Fun Brain Games

31. There is a forest supply of printable activities out there searching for “Printable Free Brain Games” will give you more options than I care to poke a stick at

  • BUT beware these are very narrow in their brain skills and sensory experiences which going full circle to the top of the article are missing.
  • Make sure exercise is part of this.

HELP! I’m In Isolation – How Can I Do This?

There are many communication platforms that can help with connecting with friends and other “gamers”. Here’s technology options for either video or “non video” like texting.

Video Support Conferencing Services To Help With Gaming With Others

Video Conference Tools To Help Support Fun Brain Gaming with Others

Zoom : https://zoom.us/meeting

  • Has a free version which allows you to host multiple video connections in a “room” 

FaceTime – In Itunes app store

  • iphone to iphone app with the more recent phones allowing you to have many video connections

Google Hangouts 

  • For Android and Iphones

Skype : https://www.skype.com/en/

  • Like Zoom and has been around for a long time
  • Stay in touch! Free online calls, messaging, affordable international calling to mobiles or landlines and Skype for Business for effective collaboration.

Non Video – Text, Images

All SMS services listed above allow you to set up groups and you can access these tools via your relevant app store.

5 Tips To Change Your Brain With Brain Games

  • Challenge: Keep your level of difficulty up around a 6- 8 out of 10 level of effort
  • Novelty : Mix it up, keep it new
  • Real World: Doing these games, but nothing beats real world activities that have so many cognitive challenges to it. 
  • Raise the heart rate
  • HAVE FUN 🙂 

Look, there are more activities here than you’d likely need to get you through the next pandemic lock down. 

Final Tips To Help Make Fun Brain Games Work At Home

  • Start with One and .. Have Fun
  • Play with it for a few days, maybe a week
  • Build out a “Home Olympics” challenge board

So, the question is which one are you going to do?

  • Movement + problem solving
  • Daily Brain Autopilot Circuit Breakers

What interests you the most?   

Comment below, what are you doing, what did you like, what would you like more of?  – love to hear from you [Plus a little thank you gift when you do]

  • Stanford Scientific Concensus
  • Cognitive Training Data  
  • https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0146167203253481
  • Active Study
  • https://www.pnas.org/content/99/6/4115

Can’t Go Past These Memory Health Made Easy Podcast Episode Recommendations

  • All About Brain Training – Do Brain Training Games Really Work? 
  • What we get wrong about memory loss: Your Body’s Wear and Tear and Memory Loss: The Biggest Things We Get Wrong with Prof. Zoltan Sarnyai

About The Author

About The Author

David Norris is an occupational therapist who has been in this practice for 20 years.

He has dealt with a lot of clients who seek help with their memory loss problems. David began asking himself about how these people can get ahead of these problems. It is then that he started teaching his clients how to improve their brain health to prevent memory loss.

David Norris is also the director and founder of Occupational Therapy Brisbane.

Disclaimer: Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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11 Best Mental Games for the Elderly

games for the elderly

Games have been a part of human society for centuries. They are not only a source of entertainment but also have several benefits. Games can help develop cognitive skills, improve social interactions, and provide a sense of community. As we age, games become even more crucial, especially for the elderly. In this article, we will discuss the importance of games for the elderly and the various types of games that can be beneficial for them.

It is not just physical exercise that our bodies need – mental exercise can help our brains remain sharp. Dementia becomes a looming fear the older we get. Mental exercise through games for the elderly will help keep it at bay. Hey, it’s fun and exciting. Everyone loves games, especially those tailored for us.

Web MD insists that even 5 minutes a day of brain exercise can help the elderly. However, it is not a panacea. It takes time. Using your brain will help when you need to use your brain. Don’t expect overnight changes. However, if seniors continually challenge themselves then it will make a difference to their brain health.

Table of Contents

Games for the Elderly

Playing games for the elderly improves their mental health and helps to keep their minds sharp. By playing games, seniors can develop social connections with those they are around. This helps to combat the isolation that so many seniors feel.

The National Institute on Aging has concluded that by playing games, seniors may improve or help their cognitive abilities. Other studies have concluded that “playing games can improve physical and cognitive abilities, reduce stress levels, and enhance mood. Playing games can also help seniors develop social connections, combat isolation, and maintain independence.”

Mental Benefits of Seniors Playing Games

Playing games can also provide several mental benefits for the elderly. Here are some mental benefits of playing games for the elderly:

  • Improved cognitive function: Games that require seniors to think and strategize can help improve their cognitive function.
  • Enhanced memory: Games that require seniors to recall information can help improve their memory. For instance, playing memory games can help seniors improve their short-term memory.
  • Improved mood and mental well-being: Games can be an effective tool to reduce stress levels and improve mental health. It can reduce the risk of depression and other health issues associated with social isolation.
  • Connecting with family and friends: By playing games together, seniors can engage in social interactions and build connections with their family and friends. It also provides a sense of companionship and support, which can be especially important for seniors who live alone or far away from their loved ones.

Great Games for Seniors

Each person has different needs and abilities. Not all games are suitable for each person. One will get more out of a game if they enjoy it. Some just do not enjoy jigsaw puzzles while for others, it may be their first choice when choosing which game to play.

Mental games are those that require thinking and strategizing. By regularly playing these games and therefore by being engaged in games related to memory and reasoning skills, these skills will improve as your brain health improves. As the saying goes: use it or lose it.

Per Medical News Today : “Brain exercises may help boost and maintain brain function. Memory games, learning new skills, crosswords, and even video games may help.” Thus to improve memory function and thinking skills, you must use your brain every day. Harvard Health studies have shown that it takes about six months to see the results of brain exercises. It takes time but playing games is fun and not to be discounted.

11 Best Mental Games for Seniors

These games can help improve cognitive function and memory. Here are some of the best mental games for the elderly:

Bingo is a classic game that can be played by seniors of all ages. It involves marking off numbers on a card as they are called out. Bingo can help improve memory and cognitive function. You can play online as well as in a bingo hall. Playing with others is more fun as you can enjoy social interaction.


2. Scrabble

Scrabble is a word game that can help seniors improve their vocabulary and keep their minds sharp. It involves creating words using tiles with different letters and values. Each player needs to recall words and make decisions regarding where on the board to place their word. The game is engaging and will help to slow the progression of cognitive impairment for those who play it often.

scrabble, games for elderly

Sudoku is a number game that can help seniors improve their problem-solving skills and memory. It involves filling in a grid with numbers, making sure that each row and column contains all and only the numbers from 1 to 9. Start with the easy games to play before moving to the intermediate and harder games. There are a variety of sudoku games that can be purchased. Just remember to get a large print so it is easier to read.

sudoku, games for elderly

4. Puzzle Games

Puzzle games are those that involve solving puzzles, such as jigsaw puzzles or crossword puzzles. These games can help improve cognitive function and memory. Players must concentrate on the puzzle. All parts of the brain must be used as the game demands creativity as well as logic.

Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are a popular pastime enjoyed by people of all ages. They involve assembling various interlocking puzzle pieces to recreate a complete image. Working on jigsaw puzzles can provide a sense of satisfaction, relaxation, and an opportunity to exercise problem-solving and spatial reasoning skills. Larger pieces are easier for seniors to handle.

jigsaw puzzles games for the elderly

Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzles can be a beneficial tool for seniors to enhance their vocabulary and cognitive function. This engaging activity requires filling a grid with words that correspond to the given clues. By participating in crossword puzzles, seniors can actively stimulate their mental abilities and improve their linguistic skills.

crossword puzzles-games for the elderly

5. Solitaire

Solitaire is a fun game that can be played alone or with others. It can easily keep one occupied for long periods of time. There are many sites online that provide solitaire games for the elderly.

This game requires focus and attention to detail, which can help improve cognitive abilities such as memory, problem-solving, and decision-making. Playing solitaire can also help the elderly relax and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety.

Solitaire can be played on the internet “for free” or you can purchase a handheld game from Amazon. The choice depends upon the person. The internet is free and fast, depending on your home internet speed, but you can take the handheld version everywhere.

solitaire games for the elderly

Wordle comes out daily in the New York Times. You must use your reasoning skills to figure out the answer with the clues given. You start with a blank screen and as you choose a 5-letter word. The letters change color alerting you as to whether those letters are in the final wordle and whether they are in the correct position in the word.

You get 6 changes to choose the right wordle. The first choice is just luck. After that, it takes reasoning. The more you play, the better you get at solving the puzzle. You can buy a version of the game but it is much more exciting to play the game on the New York Times site on the internet.

7. Minesweeper

Minesweeper is an online game in that you must use reasoning to figure out the answer. If you click the wrong block, the bombs explode and you lose! Again, you are given clues to figure out the answer. It can be done but you must think about your choices.

Sokoban is a word that means warehouse keeper in Japanese. The objective of the game is to push boxes around trying to get them in their correct position. There are many variations of this game. However, you must reason out why the boxes will or will not fit. You can solve the game and must exercise your brain to do so. It is more exciting if you play online so give it a shot!

9. Checkers

Checkers is a simple and popular game. The rules and mechanics of the game are easy to understand and master. It can be played with two people and does not require any special skills. However, a player must use strategic thinking to win the game.

checkers games-for-the-elderly

10. Mahjong

Mahjong or mah-jongg is a game played with tiles that was developed in the 19th century in China. That just goes to show its popularity as it has been around for so long. Mahjong is a game of skill and strategy. And just like all other games for the elderly, luck!

The 144 tiles are mixed and each of the players (usually 4) chooses tiles to begin the game. Each player attempts to get a “legal hand” by discarding and choosing tiles. The first player to accomplish this wins. To make this game even more challenging the National Mah Jongg League distributes new cards with explanations of new “legal hands” each year!

mah jong games for the elderly

11. Card Games

There are so many games to be played with cards. You can find card games online or card games can be played in a social setting. Here are four games but there are so many more card games for the elderly.

cards games-for-the-elderly

Bridge is a classic card game that requires strategy and critical thinking. Playing bridge can help the elderly improve their memory and concentration skills, as well as their ability to analyze and make decisions.

It is a social game that can help seniors stay connected with others and prevent feelings of loneliness. However, it can also be played against online competitors.

Poker is a popular card game that requires a combination of luck and skill. Playing poker can help the elderly improve their analytical and strategic thinking, as well as improve their ability to read and interpret body language and facial expressions. Additionally, poker is a social game that can help seniors stay connected with others and build relationships.

Rummy is a fun and easy-to-learn card game that can be played with two or more players. This game requires players to think critically and strategically, as well as to remember the cards that have been played. Playing rummy can help the elderly improve their memory and concentration skills, as well as their ability to think creatively and make decisions.

Go Fish is a simple and enjoyable card game that can also be played with children or grandchildren. This game requires players to match cards and collect sets, which can help improve memory and concentration skills. Playing Go Fish can also be a fun way for seniors to bond with younger family members and stay connected with the younger generation.

Considerations When Choosing Games for the Elderly

Games that require social interaction are the best games for the elderly. However, games that can be played at home can be satisfying. The internet can be used to play games. Or, if you prefer to be able to hold the puzzle pieces in your hands, they can be ordered, and then play the old-fashioned way. We all remember the card table that stayed in the corner of the room for weeks as we slowly pieced together that jigsaw puzzle. We felt great satisfaction when the puzzle was completed.

Playing card games can be a great way for the elderly to stay mentally sharp and socially engaged. Some of the more popular card games are listed above. There are many more different types of card games that can be enjoyed by seniors of all ages and abilities.

By incorporating games into elderly care, we can improve the quality of life for seniors and promote their overall health and well-being. It takes time and patience to exercise your brain to solve the puzzles. However, the benefits provided will keep us all in good stead. Especially for the elderly.

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6 Brain Exercises For Seniors To Try

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6 Brain Exercises For Seniors To Try

Table of Contents

What are brain exercises, benefits of brain games for aging adults, 6 brain exercises to try at home.

Jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, chess and other problem-solving and memory games that stimulate your brain aren’t just fun—they may produce lasting benefits. A 2014 study found brain exercises helped older adults maintain reasoning skills and speed of cognition 10 years after the research period came to an end.

Here’s why engaging brain exercises boost cognition, plus six exercises to try today.

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A brain exercise is any activity that engages your cognitive skills. Online brain games are popular and offer a wide variety of imaginative exercises designed to challenge your memory, focus and problem-solving skills, but tactile games like bingo and jigsaw puzzles and hobbies like model building also stimulate important types of memory skills. The key is that they must be difficult, but not too difficult.

“It’s important to engage in mentally challenging activities that allow you to constantly learn and get better,” says Denise Park, Ph.D., professor and director of research at the Center for Vital Longevity in the School of Behavioral Sciences at the University of Texas in Dallas.

Park conducted a study where different groups of older adults (ages 60 to 90) learned digital photography and quilting—new activities that required complex planning and learning—and found that, over a period of 15 hours a week for three months, these adults enhanced their memories.

“It’s important to have the optimal amount of challenge to maintain a healthy mind,” says Park. “If there’s too much, you will get stressed out and stress can be damaging to the cognitive system. But if there’s too little, there may not be any gain. Adding novel behaviors that you never performed before helps build new neural circuits that will be built to handle that challenge.”

Working at brain-challenging exercises won’t reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other kinds of dementia, nor will it reduce progression rates of these diseases, says Zaldy Tan, M.D., director of the Cedars-Sinai Memory and Aging Program and medical director of the Jona Goldrich Center for Alzheimer’s and Memory Disorders at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

But they do provide significant benefits and can make your life better, he says.

A Workout for Your Mind

Brain games stimulate different cognitive functions, such as executive function and processing speed, in older adults. And they can enhance your life in other ways. “They can help your social life, particularly in group trainings that provide socialization that otherwise you won’t have,” says Dr. Tan. Similar to exercising in a workout class with a friend, the experience itself is enhanced by being with other people.

Isolation Prevention

When you play a stimulating game with other people, you get the added bonus of companionship, which provides protective health benefits for older adults, according to several studies.

What’s more, socializing itself has a cognitive component to it, says Park. “When you’re engaged in a social situation, you are stimulating multiple cognitive systems at the same time. You’re composing sentences, learning new names, remembering what the person you just spoke to told you about their work or family, paying attention to the broader party scene and maybe even balancing a plate and drink while in high heels. A lot of inter-related cognitive work is going on,” she says.

A Sense of Control

Brain exercises can play an important role in creating a positive outlook for older adults especially for those who are retired or are dealing with illness.

“People need purpose and a sense of control,” says Dr. Tan. “If they are losing their memory, or they’ve received a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, they might feel they have no control over it. Brain exercises and games can give them a chance to feel like ‘I’m in control here, and I can improve,’ and this will improve their mood.”

New Brain Connections

“I tell patients, ‘Challenge your mind,’” says Dr. Tan. “If you are an accountant and numbers are easy for you, take an art class. If you’ve been a neurosurgeon for 30 years, learn a new language. For a neurosurgeon, that’s more challenging than brain surgery. Challenge your mind so that, at least in theory, you’ll develop new synapses with every new thing you learn.” (Synapses are the spaces between cells through which cells connect and communicate.)

But for these new brain connections to be sustainable, the activity also has to interest you, he adds.

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“Each brain exercise targets a different part of your cognition,” says Dr. Tan, making the analogy to different kinds of exercise. “If I run on the treadmill for 30 minutes every day, I won’t necessarily improve my core like I would from doing pilates. To be physically fit, I have to do a couple of different kinds of exercise. The same is true for brain exercises.”

1. Do a Crossword Puzzle

When you attempt a crossword puzzle, you use verbal memory as you seek words that match a certain number of letters that fit descriptive phrases. One study in the Journal of the International Neuropsychology Society found a possible connection between completing crossword puzzles and the delayed onset of accelerated memory decline in people who developed dementia.

Also, the range of difficulty in available crossword puzzles is huge—starting at mini crosswords of easy three- or four-letter words.

Buy Now: Available on Amazon .

2. Play an Online Brain Game

Lumosity, Cognifit, Sharpbrains, BrainHQ and others provide free brain games daily—and many more for people willing to pay for a subscription—that challenge memory, attention and concentration skills. Does playing these games lead to long-term cognition improvement? It’s not known for certain, but they are engaging and fun. These word, number, speed, math, problem-solving and shape games often have time limits, which escalate the challenge, along with colorful graphics and cheerful bloops and bleeps (or a computerized voice exclaiming, “Good job!”).

Video games can be beneficial as well. “Video games can be great, particularly because so many start out at an easy level and become more challenging with practice, and are essentially cognitive training,” says Dr. Park.

3. Start a Jigsaw Puzzle

Whether they’re easy or complicated, jigsaw puzzles tap into many “visual-spatial working memory” skills—seeing and remembering which pieces fit into similarly shaped spaces—says Dr. Tan. To that end, a 2018 study in Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience showed that working on jigsaw puzzles engages multiple cognitive abilities.

4. Build a Model or Start a Knitting Project

Tactile hobbies like model building and knitting utilize procedural memory, which includes understanding, remembering and performing a sequence of actions, says Dr. Tan. As a bonus, you end up with a finished product that showcases your skills.

5. Join a Card Game

“Many well-loved games involve significant cognitive challenges,” says Park. “When you play bridge, you have to remember who has played what cards, develop your own strategy while keeping in mind the intentions of fellow players, and keep in mind a complex point system for gains and losses.” Other cognitive-enhancing games for older adults include mahjong, chess and bingo.

6. Learn Some New Dance Moves

Learning complex dance moves is a cognitive challenge as well. “You have to remember and match long sequences of body movements to the tempo and mood of the music, as well as to adapt to your partner’s moves,” says Park. “It’s tactile, visual, motor and auditory, and it has the added benefit of improving your cardiovascular system.”

Rebok, G, Ball, K, Guey, L, et al. Ten-Year Effects of the ACTIVE Cognitive Training Trial on Cognition and Everyday Functioning in Older Adults . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2014 ; 62(1):16–24.

Berkman, LF, Syme, SL. Social networks, host resistance, and mortality: a nine-year follow-up study of Alameda County residents . American Journal of Epidemiology. 1979;109(2):186-204.

Blazer, DG. Social support and mortality in an elderly community population . American Journal of Epidemiology. 1982;115(5):684-94.

Jagan, AP, Hall, Charles B, Dickson, Dennis W, et al. Association of Crossword Puzzle Participation with Memory Decline in Persons Who Develop Dementia . Journal of the International Neuropsychology Society . 2011;17(6).

Fissler, P, Küster, O, Laptinskaya, D, et al. Jigsaw Puzzling Taps Multiple Cognitive Abilities and Is a Potential Protective Factor for Cognitive Aging . Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience. 2018;10:299.

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Nicole Gregory

Nicole Gregory is an editor and writer in Los Angeles who has contributed to the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register, Vegetarian Times, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, New Woman and Living Fit, among other publications. She enjoys interviewing medical experts and researchers about their work and is passionate about communicating accurate and relevant health information to the public.

Sarah Davis

Sarah is an experienced writer and editor enthusiastic about helping readers live their healthiest and happiest lives. Before joining Forbes Health, Sarah worked as a writer for various digital publications including LendingTree, theSkimm, CNBC and Bankrate. When she isn’t writing or editing, you can find Sarah with her nose in a book or enjoying the outdoors with her French bulldog, Honey.

Technology for Seniors

10 Free Printable Brain Games For Seniors

Memory games and puzzles are great ways to boost your brain power and keep you mentally sharp and active.

According to a 2014 study by NIH , brain games and exercises that stimulate the brain help older adults maintain reasoning skills and result in improved cognitive abilities for 10 years.

One of the common complaints among older adults is that retirement life is boring and unproductive. Once you lose the structure and routine of your work life, boredom can set in due to social isolation.

Puzzles and brain games are fun activities to keep you mentally sharp and active and avoid depression and anxiety.

Here is the list of 10 free printable games for seniors to make their free time fun.

1. Word Search

Word search puzzles help grow the vocabulary of players as they discover new words and their meanings.

Completing a word search puzzle requires attention to details and patterns resulting in improving problem-solving attitudes among seniors.

The Word Search website offers hundreds of puzzles that are available to download and print as PDFs or images.

Follow the below procedure to download and print puzzles from The Word Search .

  • Go to The Word Search Printable section and click on the Print This Puzzle option under any of the puzzles

the word search printable games

  • Next, you can download the puzzle as an image or PDF. I recommend going for the PDF options. You can also download the puzzle with solution by clicking on the third download button

puzzle print options

Once the puzzle file is downloaded to your computer, open it in any PDF software and print as many copies as you want.

2. Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku is one of the world’s most popular puzzle games to test your attention and focus and is based on logic.

Sudoku puzzles are played in 9×9 grids and you are required to fill in the empty boxes. Each row, column and region must contain numbers 1 to 9 one time.

Reader’s Digest has a variety of printable sudoku puzzles with different levels of difficulty (easy, medium, hard and extra hard) that are available for free.

  • Go to Reader’s Digest website and click on the red Download Puzzle+answer button under each puzzle.

reader digest puzzle

  • You will get a PDF file with a puzzle and a solution (in the bottom right corner of the page). Print as many copies as you want.

sudoku puzzle

You can start with easy ones (first 5) and progress to more challenging options.

The next Printable brain game that senior citizens love is Maze where the player starts from a starting point and chooses different paths to find the exit. One wrong turn results in a dead end.

senior solving maze puzzle

Here are two great resources that provide Mazes of different difficulty levels.

1) Yo Free Samples

This website has one of the largest collections of 20,000+ printable mazes of different difficulty levels (from Easy to Insane).

  • Go to the Yo Free Samples Mazes page. They have categories based on difficulty levels including too easy, easy, medium, hard, very hard, and insanity.

printable maze puzzles

  • Each category has hundreds of books and each book has 20 mazes to solve. Click on a book to download the PDF files with 20 mazes.

This is one of the best collections of printable brain games for seniors with a massive list of 20,000+ free maze puzzles. Each page has one maze puzzle, making it large and easy to solve for older adults.

2) Printablee

Printablee has a variety of hard maze puzzles that you can download in PDF format and print to to solve.

Go to Printablee Maze collection and click on the PDF logo under each puzzle to download it.

maze puzzle

Solving Maze puzzles is one of the best brain teasers for seniors to keep them sharp.

The next entry in printable activities for senior adults is Trivia questions. This game is excellent for jogging the memory and testing your knowledge of the past in a fun way.

If seniors find some questions challenging, family or caregivers can make them easier by offering hints.

I have shared different resources to get printable trivia questions for seniors for free, here are the best printable Trivia questions for older adults.

  • Printable Trivia questions by Love To Know
  • 125 Trivia questions for seniors in 25 categories

Trivia questions are an ideal group activity for seniors and older adults and do not require a lot of planning.

5. Word Scramble

Word Scramble is another fun word game that seniors love to play. This game makes you think, recall, and pay attention to solve or unscramble the words.

Unscrambling random letters to create different words is a great brainstorming exercise and a fun group activity.

Here are two resources that offer printable word scrambles on a variety of topics.

1) Printable Paradise

  • Go to Printable Paradise and click on a puzzle of your choice and
  • You will have an option (at the bottom of the puzzle) to save and print the puzzle and the answer sheet in PDF format (as below)

word scramble

2) Printable Creative

is another online platform with a large collection of word scramble puzzles divided into different categories like food and drinks, health and fitness, sports, countries, animals etc.

  • Go to the Printable Creative Word Scramble page and click on any puzzle you want to download and print
  • Next, you have options to directly print the puzzle or download (in PDF) format. Each puzzle has two pages; one page has scrambled letters and the other page has solution.

word scramble print sheet

If you want to download the puzzle, make sure to change the page size to A4 for standard size printing.

6. Cryptogram Puzzles

A cryptogram is basically a quote that is encrypted by taking each letter in a quote to substitute it with another letter.

Your task is to decrypt the hidden quote using pattern recognition and your grammar and vocabulary abilities.

You can download and print the cryptogram puzzles from the following website.

1) Learn with Puzzles

Learn with Puzzles offers free cryptogram puzzles in different categories in PDF format with solutions.

From US presidential quotes to Father’s Day cryptic quotes, you will find a variety of options.

2) Easy Teacher Worksheets

ETW has a large collection of cryptogram puzzles in different categories.


Click on Get Worksheet to print the puzzle and Answer Key to print the solution.

7. Anagram Puzzles

Anagram is one of the printable brain games for seniors where an anagram is a result of rearranging letters of a word, phrase or sentence to form a new word or sentence.

Here are some of the Anagram puzzles in PDF format to get you started.

1) ESL Vault anagram puzzles

Click on the Download PDF under the puzzle that you want to print.

Animal anagram

2) 15 Worksheets anagram puzzles

Click on the anagram puzzle that you want to print. On the puzzle page, you have options to print the puzzle by clicking on View Worksheet and print the answer by clicking on View Answer sheet .

8. Rebus Puzzles

Rebus Puzzles get you thinking and help stretch your mind and stimulate creativity. It is a game where you guess the words that are hidden behind letters, symbols and random pictures.

Here are two websites to get free Rebus puzzles in PDF format.

  • Go to Printablee Rebus puzzles section and click on the PDF icon under a puzzle to download the file

printable Rebus puzzle

  • Go to the Puzzles to Print website for free printable Rebus puzzles worksheets with solutions. Click on a puzzle to print and print it simply by clicking on Print

Rebus puzzles

Rebus puzzles require a problem-solving attitude and vocabulary. It’s a brainteaser game that digs into your memory and is very beneficial for seniors and the elderly alike.

9. Battle Ship

The objective of this game is to try and sink your opponent’s ships before they sink yours. This game is a solitaire version of a classic Battleship game in which you must hunt down a fleet of enemy ships.

KrazyDad has a collection of hundreds of Battleship puzzles with answers in PDF format to print and play. The puzzle books are ordered by difficulty levels so you can start with Book 1 and work your way up.

10. Dots and Boxes

The last of free printable senior brain games is Dots and Boxes which is a great indoor or road trip activity for seniors.

This game needs a sheet covered in a dotted grid allowing the players to connect the dots and try to complete the boxes.

You can download and print the template for this game from Printable Paradise , Madison’s or Paper Trail Design and start playing right away.

The Dot game

This is a list of 10 free printable games for seniors. These puzzles help to improve memory and make life enjoyable for senior citizens. Perfect for seniors living alone and keeping their brains stimulated.

So, print and enjoy.

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problem solving activities for seniors

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Top 6 Benefits of Cognitive Exercises for Seniors

Top 6 Benefits of Cognitive Exercises for Seniors

Unlock cognitive fitness for seniors with effective exercises! Boost memory, problem-solving, and attention. Get started today!

Understanding Cognitive Exercises for Seniors

Maintaining cognitive health is of utmost importance for seniors, as it directly impacts their overall well-being and quality of life. Cognitive fitness refers to the state of having a sharp and resilient mind, capable of processing information, making decisions, and engaging in daily activities. In this section, we will explore the importance of cognitive health for seniors and the benefits of engaging in cognitive exercises.

problem solving activities for seniors

Importance of Cognitive Health for Seniors

As individuals age, cognitive decline becomes a common concern. Cognitive health plays a vital role in various aspects of seniors' lives, including their independence, social interactions, and overall mental well-being.

By maintaining cognitive health, seniors can:

  • Preserve their memory and recall abilities, which are essential for daily functioning.
  • Enhance their problem-solving skills, enabling them to adapt to new situations and challenges.
  • Improve their attention and focus, helping them stay engaged and present in conversations and activities.
  • Reduce the risk of cognitive decline and age-related cognitive diseases, such as dementia and Alzheimer's.

Investing time and effort into cognitive exercises and activities can significantly contribute to the preservation and improvement of cognitive function in seniors.

Benefits of Cognitive Exercises

Engaging in regular cognitive exercises offers numerous benefits for seniors. These exercises are designed to challenge and stimulate the brain, promoting cognitive fitness and overall mental well-being.

Some notable benefits of cognitive exercises for seniors include:

  • Improved memory and recall abilities
  • Enhanced problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • Increased attention span and focus
  • Boosted mental agility and flexibility
  • Reduced risk of cognitive decline and age-related cognitive diseases
  • Enhanced mood and overall well-being

Cognitive exercises can take various forms, such as memory exercises, problem-solving activities, attention and focus tasks, and more. By incorporating these exercises into their daily routine, seniors can reap the benefits and maintain their cognitive health for years to come.

Understanding the importance of cognitive health and the benefits of cognitive exercises lays the foundation for exploring different types of cognitive exercises suitable for seniors. By engaging in these exercises, seniors can enhance their cognitive abilities, maintain their mental sharpness, and enjoy a fulfilling and vibrant life.

Types of Cognitive Exercises

When it comes to maintaining cognitive health, engaging in specific exercises can be highly beneficial, especially for seniors. These exercises are designed to stimulate the brain, improve cognitive function, and enhance overall mental well-being. Let's explore three types of cognitive exercises that are particularly effective for seniors: memory exercises, problem-solving activities, and attention and focus tasks.

Memory Exercises

Memory exercises are specifically designed to enhance memory recall and retention. These exercises can range from simple activities to more complex challenges, all aimed at keeping the brain sharp and agile. Some examples of memory exercises for seniors include:

  • Word Association: In this exercise, seniors are given a word and asked to quickly associate it with another word that comes to mind.
  • Memory Games: Games like "Simon Says" or memory card games that require recalling the sequence of items can help improve memory skills.
  • Recalling Lists: Seniors can challenge themselves by trying to recall a list of items, such as groceries or names of people they know.

Problem-Solving Activities

Engaging in problem-solving activities can enhance cognitive abilities such as critical thinking, logical reasoning, and decision-making skills. These activities encourage seniors to think creatively and find solutions to various challenges. Some examples of problem-solving activities for seniors include:

  • Puzzles: Crosswords, Sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, and brain teasers are excellent for stimulating problem-solving skills.
  • Strategy Games: Games like chess, checkers, or strategic video games require seniors to think ahead and make strategic decisions.
  • Riddles: Solving riddles or brainteasers can help seniors exercise their problem-solving abilities while having fun.

Attention and Focus Tasks

Attention and focus tasks are designed to improve concentration and mental focus. These exercises require seniors to pay attention to specific details or perform tasks that demand focused thinking. Some examples of attention and focus tasks for seniors include:

  • Meditation: Practicing mindfulness meditation can help seniors improve their ability to focus and sustain attention.
  • Visualization Exercises: These exercises involve imagining detailed scenes or visualizing specific objects to enhance concentration.
  • Listening and Following Instructions: Seniors can enhance their attention skills by listening carefully to instructions and following them accurately.

Engaging in a variety of cognitive exercises, including memory exercises, problem-solving activities, and attention and focus tasks, can help seniors maintain and enhance their cognitive abilities. It's important to choose exercises that align with seniors' interests and abilities, making the experience enjoyable and engaging.

Physical Exercises for Cognitive Health

Engaging in physical exercise not only benefits the body but also has a positive impact on cognitive function, especially for seniors. Regular physical activity has been shown to enhance cognitive abilities, improve memory, and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. In this section, we will explore the impact of physical activity on cognitive function and recommend exercises that are particularly beneficial for seniors.

Impact of Physical Activity on Cognitive Function

Physical exercise has been found to stimulate the brain and promote the growth of new neurons, leading to improved cognitive function. It increases blood flow to the brain, delivering oxygen and nutrients that support brain health. Regular exercise also enhances the production of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, which play a crucial role in cognition and mood regulation.

Research has shown that physical activity can enhance various cognitive abilities, including attention, memory, processing speed, and executive functions. It has also been associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline and age-related cognitive disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Recommended Physical Exercises for Seniors

When it comes to physical exercises for cognitive health, it's important to focus on activities that involve both aerobic exercise and coordination. Here are some recommended exercises for seniors:

Exercise Types and Descriptions

Exercise Type Description
Brisk Walking An excellent low-impact aerobic exercise that can be easily incorporated into daily routine. Aim for at least 30 minutes of brisk walking most days of the week.
Dancing Not only a fun activity but also a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and balance. Consider joining dance classes or dancing at home to your favorite tunes.
Swimming A gentle and joint-friendly exercise that provides a full-body workout. Swimming can improve cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and endurance.
Tai Chi A mind-body exercise that combines gentle flowing movements with deep breathing and mental focus. Tai Chi has been shown to improve balance, flexibility, and cognitive function.
Yoga A practice that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. Yoga can enhance strength, flexibility, balance, and mental well-being.
Cycling Whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, cycling is a great cardiovascular exercise that improves leg strength and overall fitness. Pay attention to safety precautions when cycling outdoors.

It's important to note that seniors should consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially if they have any underlying health conditions. Additionally, exercises should be tailored to individual capabilities and preferences.

By incorporating physical exercises into their routine, seniors can not only enhance their physical fitness but also promote cognitive health and overall well-being. Regular aerobic exercise, combined with activities that challenge coordination and balance, can have a positive impact on cognitive function and contribute to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Social Engagement and Cognitive Health

Maintaining an active social life is not only enjoyable but also plays a significant role in promoting cognitive health for seniors. Engaging in social activities and participating in community programs and support groups can provide valuable cognitive stimulation and contribute to overall well-being.

Social Activities for Cognitive Stimulation

Participating in social activities that involve mental engagement can help seniors enhance their cognitive abilities. These activities foster social connections while challenging the brain to think, remember, and problem-solve. Here are some examples of social activities that can stimulate cognitive function:

Social Activities and Cognitive Stimulation

Social Activity Cognitive Stimulation
Group discussions Stimulates verbal communication and critical thinking skills
Board games and card games Enhances memory, attention, and strategic thinking
Puzzles and riddles Improves problem-solving abilities and stimulates memory recall
Book clubs Promotes reading comprehension and stimulates discussions
Learning a new language Enhances cognitive flexibility and memory retention

By engaging in these social activities, seniors can have fun while keeping their minds sharp and active.

Community Programs and Support Groups

Community programs and support groups provide valuable resources and opportunities for seniors to engage with others who may share similar interests or experiences. These programs often offer a wide range of activities and educational opportunities that promote cognitive health. Here are some examples of community programs and support groups that can contribute to cognitive stimulation:

Programs and Groups for Seniors

Program/Group Description
Senior centers Provide a variety of social and educational activities, such as arts and crafts classes, exercise programs, and guest lectures
Volunteer programs Offer opportunities to give back to the community, fostering a sense of purpose and social interaction
Book clubs Allow individuals to discuss literature, share perspectives, and engage in intellectual conversations
Discussion groups Focus on specific topics, encouraging critical thinking and stimulating cognitive function
Memory support groups Provide a supportive environment for individuals with memory-related concerns, offering cognitive exercises and strategies for memory enhancement

Participating in community programs and support groups not only provides cognitive stimulation but also helps seniors maintain social connections and combat feelings of isolation.

By incorporating social activities and engaging with community programs and support groups, seniors can enhance their cognitive health while enjoying the benefits of social interaction. These activities contribute to a well-rounded approach to cognitive fitness, complementing other cognitive exercises and mental stimulation techniques.

Mental Stimulation Beyond Exercises

While cognitive exercises play a vital role in maintaining cognitive fitness, there are other activities that can provide mental stimulation and enhance brain function for seniors. Engaging in reading and learning, as well as pursuing hobbies and creative endeavors, can contribute to overall cognitive health and well-being.

Reading and Learning

Reading is a wonderful way to exercise the mind and expand knowledge. Whether it's novels, non-fiction books, newspapers, or magazines, reading provides a range of cognitive benefits for seniors. It helps improve vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, reading stimulates imagination and creativity, keeping the mind active and engaged.

Benefits of Reading for Seniors

  • Expands vocabulary
  • Enhances comprehension skills
  • Stimulates imagination
  • Boosts critical thinking
  • Provides relaxation and stress relief

Apart from reading, learning new subjects or acquiring new skills can also foster cognitive fitness. Seniors can explore a wide variety of topics through online courses, workshops, or community classes. Engaging in lifelong learning helps to keep the mind sharp, promotes continuous growth, and provides opportunities for social interaction.

Hobbies and Creative Pursuits

Engaging in hobbies and creative pursuits is not only enjoyable but also beneficial for cognitive health. Pursuing activities that bring joy and fulfillment can help reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function. Whether it's painting, playing a musical instrument, knitting, gardening, or any other hobby, these activities stimulate different parts of the brain and promote mental well-being.

Benefits of Hobbies and Creative Pursuits for Seniors

  • Reduces stress
  • Improves mood
  • Enhances cognitive abilities
  • Promotes self-expression
  • Provides a sense of accomplishment

Hobbies and creative pursuits encourage problem-solving, decision-making, and fine motor skills. They also offer opportunities for social engagement and connection, which further contributes to cognitive health. Seniors can explore various hobbies and creative outlets to find what resonates with them and brings them joy and satisfaction.

By incorporating reading, learning, hobbies, and creative pursuits into their daily lives, seniors can enjoy the cognitive benefits these activities offer. These mental stimulations go hand in hand with cognitive exercises, creating a well-rounded approach to maintaining cognitive fitness and overall well-being. It's important for seniors to embrace these activities as part of their lifestyle to nurture their minds and continue to thrive intellectually.

Incorporating Cognitive Exercises into Daily Routine

To reap the benefits of cognitive exercises, it is essential for seniors to incorporate them into their daily routines. By setting realistic goals and creating a varied routine, seniors can make cognitive exercises a regular part of their lives, promoting cognitive fitness and overall brain health.

Setting Realistic Goals

When it comes to cognitive exercises, setting realistic goals is key to maintaining motivation and ensuring consistent engagement. Seniors should consider their individual abilities and limitations when setting goals for cognitive exercises. Here are a few tips to help set realistic goals:

  • Start small: Begin with simple exercises and gradually increase the difficulty level as cognitive skills improve. This helps prevent frustration and encourages a sense of accomplishment.
  • Focus on progress: Rather than aiming for perfection, seniors should focus on progress. Celebrate small victories and improvements along the way, as these contribute to overall cognitive fitness.
  • Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to cognitive exercises. Set a regular schedule and allocate a specific time each day for these activities. This helps establish a routine and makes cognitive exercises a habit.
  • Seek professional guidance: It can be helpful to consult with a healthcare professional or cognitive fitness specialist who can provide guidance on setting realistic goals based on individual capabilities and needs.

Creating a Varied Routine

To keep cognitive exercises engaging and enjoyable, it is important to create a varied routine that targets different cognitive skills. Incorporating a variety of exercises helps stimulate various parts of the brain and promotes overall cognitive fitness. Here are some suggestions for creating a varied routine:

Cognitive Skills and Example Exercises

Cognitive Skill Example Exercise
Memory Play memory games, such as matching cards or recalling past events.
Problem-Solving Solve puzzles, riddles, or crosswords to challenge the brain.
Attention and Focus Practice activities that require sustained attention, such as reading or doing word searches.
Language Skills Engage in activities that involve reading, writing, or learning a new language.
Creativity Explore hobbies like painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument to stimulate creativity.

By incorporating a combination of these exercises into their daily routines, seniors can ensure they are engaging different cognitive skills and keeping their minds active and sharp.

Remember, it is important to personalize the routine based on individual preferences and abilities. Seniors should choose exercises that align with their interests and adapt them as needed. Regularly updating the routine with new activities and challenges can also help prevent boredom and maintain motivation.

By setting realistic goals and creating a varied routine, seniors can effectively incorporate cognitive exercises into their daily lives. With consistent practice, these exercises can contribute to maintaining cognitive health, enhancing mental agility, and promoting overall well-being.






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5 Memory Apps Designed To Keep Seniors Mentally Sharp

  • 5 Memory Apps Designed To…

Female hand putting a missing piece into jigsaw puzzle

Exploring the world of digital solutions for cognitive health can be a rewarding journey, especially when it comes to memory apps for seniors. These innovative tools offer engaging exercises and activities designed to stimulate the mind and enhance memory function. Whether you’re a caregiver or an individual seeking to maintain mental acuity, incorporating memory apps into daily routines can be a valuable addition.

Lumosity: Brain Training

Lumosity is a popular brain training app that offers a variety of games and puzzles designed to challenge memory, attention, and other cognitive skills. With personalized training programs and progress-tracking features, users can engage in daily workouts to keep their minds sharp and agile. From memory-matching games to pattern recognition exercises, Lumosity offers a diverse range of activities to suit different preferences and skill levels.

Elevate: Brain Training

Elevate is another leading brain training app that focuses on improving cognitive skills such as memory, focus, and processing speed. Through personalized training programs and adaptive difficulty levels, Elevate provides users with targeted exercises to challenge their minds and track their progress over time. With a variety of engaging activities, including memory recall tasks and language comprehension exercises, Elevate offers a comprehensive approach to cognitive health and wellness.

Peak: Brain Games & Training

Peak is a versatile brain training app that offers a wide range of games and challenges to stimulate memory and cognitive function. With over 40 different games targeting various cognitive skills, including memory, attention, and problem-solving, Peak provides users with a fun and interactive way to keep their minds sharp. From memory matching games to spatial awareness tasks, Peak offers something for everyone, regardless of age or skill level.

CogniFit: Brain Training

CogniFit is a scientifically validated brain training program that offers personalized cognitive assessments and training exercises. By analyzing individual cognitive strengths and weaknesses, CogniFit creates personalized training programs to target specific areas of improvement, including memory, attention, and executive function. With a range of engaging activities and progress-tracking features, CogniFit provides users with a tailored approach to cognitive enhancement and mental wellness.

Word Crossy: A Relaxing Word Game

Word Crossy offers a refreshing twist on traditional word games, providing users with a relaxing yet challenging experience. With thousands of levels and daily challenges, Word Crossy encourages players to expand their vocabulary and improve memory recall through word association and pattern recognition. Whether you’re a word enthusiast or simply looking for a relaxing mental exercise, Word Crossy offers a delightful way to keep your mind sharp and engaged.

Incorporating memory apps into daily routines can be a proactive step toward maintaining cognitive health and wellness . Whether you’re looking to challenge your memory, improve focus, or simply engage in fun and stimulating activities, there’s a memory app out there to suit your needs.

By incorporating these digital tools into your daily regimen, you can keep your mind sharp, active, and resilient for years to come. At our retirement community , we understand the importance of cognitive engagement. We support our residents in integrating these innovative solutions into their lifestyles, ensuring they benefit from continued learning and mental stimulation. Remember, it’s never too late to invest in your cognitive health. Contact us to learn how we can help enhance your daily living experience.

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Gainful Retirement

Sit Down Games for Senior Citizens

70 Exciting Sit Down Games for Senior Citizens and the Elderly

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According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion staying active in your old age can lower your risk of heart disease and many other conditions. It improves your strength and balance and prevents injuries. Whenever you’re not out and about, you can play some sit-down games and socialize with other seniors.

Sit-down games are popular amongst seniors because they are safe and fun to play. If you have limited mobility, are disabled, or simply want games you can play while sitting down, you’re in the right place. Pick a game from our list that exercises your mental and emotional capabilities. You’ll have more fun as you play. Here are 70 sit-down games we highly recommend for seniors and the elderly.

Board Games

According to doctors , playing chess improves cognitive skills like memory and problem-solving. It can also help minimize symptoms of certain brain conditions. Chess calls for two players, and each starts with 16 pieces. The game’s objective is to checkmate your opponent’s king, putting it under attack so it cannot escape capture.

2. Checkers

This board game for seniors is all about logic and simple hand-eye coordination. It’s usually played by two persons who oppose each other on a board of 64 colored squares. Players jump to capture checkers until one color remains on the board. Whoever captures all their opponents’ checkers wins.

3. Scrabble

Scrabble is a wonderful game for word-loving seniors. Players spot letter patterns and connect different words to win points. The game can be played by two to four people. Scrabble helps you exercise your memory and builds your vocabulary. It’s also a social game because it’s played by at least two people.

4. Backgammon

The main objective of this game is to be the first to bear off—remove them from the board. Players move the fifteen pieces around the board to achieve this. Your goal is to achieve this while your opponent is still a long way behind to scoop a triple win known as a backgammon.

5. Monopoly

Monopoly for Senior Citizens

In monopoly, players buy and trade properties and develop them with houses and hotels. The aim is to remain financially solvent while forcing opponents into bankruptcy. Bankruptcy results in elimination from the game.

6. Codenames

This game is played by four or more players split into two teams. Players guess words based on clues from their teammates. Each team has one spymaster, while the others play as field operatives. The winning team is the one that places all of its agent tiles.

7. Ticket to Ride

In this cross-country train adventure, players match train or ship cards to claim railway/ship routes connecting cities throughout Europe,  North America, and other areas. There are many variations of the game, and it’s ideal for seniors who like a more relaxing game.

8. Betrayal at House on the Hill 

This game is played by three to six people who play one of six possible characters. One of the players betrays the rest of the party secretly, and the other players/characters must defeat the traitor in their midst before it’s too late!

This board game is set in the 1920S era in Eastern Europe—a time of war, broken hearts, farming, and valor. Each player represents a fallen leader looking to restore their honor and lead their group to power.

10.  Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective

In this cooperative game, players try to solve mysterious cases by walking the streets in search of clues. Answer questions, unravel intrigues, and compare your detective skills to those of Sherlock Holmes.

11. Quacks of Quedlinburg

In this game, players are quack doctors who make secret brews by adding different ingredients. compete with other players to brew the best potions to build their engines and score the most points. After 9 rounds of play, the biggest quack is crowned.

12. Trivial Pursuit

In this board game, players must be able to answer trivia questions to win. They move their pieces around a board, and the squares they land on determine the subject of the question they get asked. To win, you (or your team) must return to the hexagonal hub and correctly answer the game-winning question in a category chosen by the other players.  

Puzzle Games

Puzzle Games for Senior Citizens

13. Jigsaw Puzzles

Research has shown that jigsaw puzzles can help combat cognitive decline and reduce the risk of developing dementia. A jigsaw puzzle gives your brain a mental workout and improves your problem-solving skills and attention span. It’s also a great stress reliever.

This geometric puzzle game can be played by two to four players. You race against the timer—and each other—to solve a puzzle comprised of interlocking shapes. You get gems for each quick puzzle you solve. If you have the most valuable gem treasure after nine rounds, you win!

This abstract strategy board game is for two to four players. Each player tries to earn points by occupying most of the board with pieces of their color. The game ends when players can’t fit more pieces on the board, and the player with the lowest number of pieces wins!

This murder mystery game was first manufactured by Waddingtons in the UK. Each player tries to crack a murder case alone by using logic to identify the murderer, the weapon, and the location. Many versions of Cluedo exist on the market, so pick the one you like.

17. Cranium

If you usually play games as a group, this is a fun game to try. It comprises 600 mind (and body) challenges. Team up with other players to complete hilarious activities from 4 categories. The activities span talents, so each one of you can show off what you’re good at— whether it’s spelling, acting, or puzzling.

18. FITS (Fill In The Spaces)

In this multiplayer Tetris game, each player has an inclined board to place different polyominoes. Players draw cards from a pile and try to build on their board skilfully, piece by piece. The first player to make all pieces fit on his board wins.

This is another abstract strategy game made up of a hexagonal board and chips in six colors. Small hexagons aligned in different ways from each tab. Players place their pieces on the board, trying to limit the maximum space available for other players. Once the board is full, players count their pieces, and the one player with the lowest number wins.

Card Games for Senior Citizens

20. Gin Rummy

This game’s objective is to be the first to reach an agreed-upon score, usually 100 points. The basic game strategy is to collect cards into melds and have as little deadwood (non-value cards) as possible at the end of a game.  The game ends when one player reaches 100 points.

Bridge is a four-player trick-taking game. Each player is dealt thirteen cards from a standard 52-card deck. Each player must play a card of the same suit as the player before them. If unable to, they may play any card. A trick is won by the highest card or the highest trump of the suit led.

22. Old Maid

Old Maid is a card game in which three queens are removed from a standard pack of 52 cards, leaving the “Old Maid,” the fourth queen. Each player tries to avoid being stuck with the Old Maid or the unpaired queen.

The game is usually played by four players. The objective is to avoid taking any cards of the heart suit in tricks. Each player takes turns playing one card, and whoever plays the highest card in the suit gets all the cards played. The trick winner leads a card to the next trick but can’t play a heart until another player discards it. 

UNO is an easy game to pay for seniors. In the colorful card game, the objective is to be the first to discard all the cards in your hand. Each player gets 7 cards initially, and they take turns drawing cards from the deck.

25. Solitaire

If you like solo games, then this one’s for you. In the game, you play to get rid of your cards and build the deck into a sequence from ace through king. You win the game when you build the whole deck of cards into the foundation.

26. Cat in the Box

Cat in the Box is a trick-taking card game. The color of each card is uncertain, and when a card is played, it’s treated as the color declared by the player. After each player plays a card, the winner is usually the player who plays the strongest card. A card’s strength depends on its color and number.

Dice Games for Senior Citizens

The objective of this game is to be the first person or team to reach 21 points. Players take turns rolling three dice to try and earn points. They try to roll the same number on the dice as the round’s number. For instance, rolling three 4’s in Round 4 earns a player points.

In this game, players agree to play a set number of rounds. They must avoid rolling the lowest dice score in a round to be the last player standing. When all players but one have been eliminated, the remaining player is the winner.

29. Sevens Out

This is a very simple game that can be played by many people. The objective is to avoid rolling a seven (7). You’ll end your turn if you do so and give other players a chance to get to the highest score first. 

30. Yahtzee

In this game, you score points by rolling five dice to make certain combinations. You can roll the dice up to three times to try to make different scoring combinations. But the dice must remain in the box. 

Tile Games for Senior Citizens

31. Dominoes

This is one of the most popular tile-based games for seniors. Players begin by drawing a hand of seven Dominoes (two players) or (five Dominoes) three or four players. Most domino games are blocking games, your objective is to empty your hand while blocking the opponent’s. The winner is the player with no tiles left or the one with the smallest total.

32. Qwirkle

In Qwirkle, players make lines with six tiles that are either one color or one shape. They get points for every tile they play, and the player with the most points wins the game.

33. Mahjong

The Chinese Mahjong game is a game of skill, strategy, and calculation, but it also involves a degree of chance. Each player gets 13 tiles at the start, and they keep playing until they complete a hand using the 14th drawn tile. The winner is the first player to hold a complete hand—four sets and a pair of like tiles (a total of 14 tiles).

34. Rummikub

Rummikub combines elements of the card game rummy and mahjong. Your goal is to get rid of all your tiles by making groups. You can do this in two ways: by making runs (creating several tiles of the same color in numerical order like 1,2,3,4) or groups (creating several tiles of the same number).

This is a single-player puzzle game that was created by Gabriele Cirulli. It has one main objective: move numbered tiles on a grid until you create a tile with the number 2048. But doing that isn’t easy.

Number Games

Number Games for Senior Citizens

The rules for sudoku are simple. Fill a 9×9 square with numbers 1-9 without repeating numbers in each line, vertically or horizontally. 3×3 squares are already marked out on the grid, and these can’t have repeat numbers either.

All cards are laid face-down on a surface, and two with the same image remain face-up in each turn. Players must find all the matching image pairs with the least number of tries. The lower number of tries, the higher the scores.

38. Minesweeper

Minesweeper is a  logic-based computer game played on a rectangular board. Players must employ logic and open all the squares in the grid while avoiding the squares with mines. Clicks on a mine, and the game ends.

39. Battleshi p

In this two-player game, each player secretly deploys his ships on a square grid. Then, you shoot at the opponent’s grid by calling a location. The other player responds by saying, “Hit!” or “Miss!” You use probability to deduce where the enemy ships are and sink them.

Word Games for Senior Citizens

40. Hangman

Hangman is a word-guessing game played by two or more people. One player picks a secret word, and the other players try to guess it. A point is lost for every letter guessed that isn’t in the word. For each wrong guess, the first player draws part of a hangman until it’s complete.

41. Crosswords

Crosswords typically have a grid of black and white squares, into which solvers enter words or phrases. They range from cryptic crosswords to simple newspaper crossword puzzles. You can buy a newspaper every day and tackle the daily crossword puzzle, play crosswords online, or buy a crossword puzzle book to keep you entertained.

42. Articulate

Players work in teams to describe cards in 30 seconds without saying the word on the cards. They describe words from six different categories (Nature, Object, Person, Random, World, and Action). The teams progress based on the number of words they’ve correctly guessed and occasional spinner bonuses.

In this game, Players take turns shaking a 16-letter dice and then trying to spot words before the timer runs out. Points are given for each word, and the longer the word, the more the points!

Memory Games

Memory Games for Senior Citizens

44. Flags of the World Game

Test your geography skills by playing this thinking game. You’re presented with random flags, and you must guess which country they represent. There are six main game modes. You can also play the flag game on your smartphone.

45. Card Matching

This game can be played individually or in a group. Place a deck of cards face-down on a table, and then take turns to turn over two at once to find matching pairs. The objective is to match all cards by locating matching pairs until all cards are matched.

Wordle is a browser-based word game that requires players to figure out a secret word. They play by guessing different words. To win, think of the frequency of letters and also how they are arranged.

47. The Tray Game

This game is great at improving your memory skills. To play, the leader puts different objects on a tray and gives participants time to look at them. Then they cover the items with a cloth and ask participants to name the items in a set time limit. The one who can recall most items is the winner.

Social Games

Social Games for Senior Citizens

Bingo helps your brain stay active in old age. You have to remember numbers, identify different sounds and images, and think about patterns required for winning. This mental stimulation boosts and maintains your cognitive abilities.

49. Name that Tune

In the mood for a nostalgia trip? Gather your friends together and divide them into two groups. Appoint a leader to take turns playing the first few seconds of a song and then pause it to let the groups guess the name. The group that guesses correctly.

50. Lucky Dip

Fill a small bag with items and then tell players to take turns dipping their hands, grabbing an object, and trying to guess what they’re holding. Once they’ve guessed, they should pull the item out of the bag to see what it is. If you’re playing this game with dementia patients, fill the bag with sensory and reminiscence items to create a similar effect to reminiscence therapy .

51. Guess the Food

Put fruits or vegetables in a non-see-through bag and blindfold the players. Let each player touch what is in the bag and describe it. After everyone makes a guess, remove their blindfolds and let them see if they guessed right. If you’re playing the game with seniors, you can pick nostalgic foods that may trigger memories. It will help them reminisce about past experiences and fond memories, which is beneficial for boosting memory.

52. Charades

This energizing party game can be played by seniors and anyone looking for a fun game. It gets everyone on their feet and moving. In the word-guessing game, one player acts out a word or action without speaking, and other players have to guess what it is.

Sporty Games

Sporty Games for Senior Citizens

This is a strategy board game for two to four players. In the game, players roll a single die and then race their four tokens from start to finish according to the rolls. The first player to bring all their tokens to the finish wins the game. 

This tabletop game is a lot similar to snooker or billiards. Players propel discs and pot them into the four corner pockets on a wooden playing board. It’s mostly played by hand, but some versions use small cues.

55. Sports Jigsaw Puzzles

Indulge in your love for sports with different sports jigsaw puzzle collections. Each individual game captures the thrill of the game. The puzzles range from football to tennis. You can choose from 30-piece, 100-piece, 250-piece, 500-piece, and even 1000-piece puzzles.

Online Games

Online Brain Games for Senior Citizens

56. Lumosity

Lumosity can be found on the App Store or the Google Play Store. The brain-training game helps you learn about how your mind works. Its program consists of games that exercise memory, speed, flexibility, and problem-solving.

57. Mahjong

Mahjong is a Chinese tile game similar to Scrabble that can be played in person or online. Players take turns to roll the dice to group tiles of different symbols and characters and build a winning combination of tiles. Each player gets 14 tiles and Mahjong is achieved by grouping all 14 tiles into four sets and one pair. Points are awarded based on the moves made and the speed at which correct moves are made.

58. Elevate

You’ll need to download an app to play Elevate on your iPhone or Samsung phone. The app has more than 35 brain training games which focus on reading, writing, speaking, and math. You can also customize it to focus on the areas you prefer. 

59. Crossword Puzzles

A past study found that individuals who did web-based crossword puzzles improved their cognition and experienced less brain shrinkage. Crosswords train the brain, particularly verbal language and memory. There are many crossword puzzles online you can play for free, and the AARP website also offers a daily crossword that’s free to everyone.

60. Happy Neuron

Happy Neuron is an online game that works on five critical brain areas: memory, language, attention, executive functions, and visual/spatial. Like Lumosity, the game is based on scientific research. It customizes the training to fit you and tracks your progress. But it is a paid web and mobile app.

61. Online Escape Rooms

An escape room experience is good for the brain. Players solve puzzles and remember clues to win, which helps improve memory capacity over time. These games are beneficial for older adults because research has shown that mentally challenging activities can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in the elderly.

62. Braingle

This free website houses the world’s largest collection of brain teasers, from puzzles to trivia games. Test your gray matter daily with optical illusions, codes and ciphers, trivia quizzes and more. The website also has a vibrant community of enthusiasts. You can also make your own puzzles to give your brain a super workout.

63. BrainGymmer

This online brain training program offers brain games , brain teasers, and brain tests to train your brain. These work on your thinking speed, helping you to come up with solutions or ideas as fast as possible.

Video Games

Video Games for Senior Citizens

In Tetris, players complete lines by moving differently shaped pieces onto the playing field. You earn points for the lines you completed, and the game ends when uncleared lines reach the top of the playing field.

65. Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day!

This fun and rewarding game helps you flex your mental muscles with quick activities. It’s the brainchild of Dr. Ryuta Kawashima, a prominent Japanese neuroscientist. Play one game a day and earn a stamp on the doctor’s calendar. 

66. Minecraft

Players in Minecraft place blocks and go on adventures. They can craft simple items like containers, building structures like houses, and even make complex mechanical devices. Spending time in the blocky, pixelated world of Minecraft can enhance your problem-solving skills and boost your creativity.

67. Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley puts players in charge of running a farm. You inherit your deceased grandfather’s dilapidated farm in a place known as Stardew Valley. Activities involve raising livestock and growing crops. Engaging in relaxing activities, such as fishing or tending to crops, will help you feel more relaxed and less stressed.

68. Rise of Nations

This is a historical real-time strategy game that centers around the concept of “territory.” Players deploy forces to lead their nations to global prominence. The video game can help improve learning and memory.

In Peggle, you fire a ball into a screen full of pegs, and those you hit are removed. Focus on getting rid of the orange ones, as that’s how you progress to the next level. Playing Peggle is a great way to exercise the brain and improve cognitive abilities.

70. Humankind

This game lets you rewrite the entire narrative of human history and combine cultures to create a civilization. Create different historical cultures and lead your people from the Ancient Age to the Modern Age. Humankind enables creativity and problem-solving. 

problem solving activities for seniors

Alice is a writer and editor for Gainful Retirement. She is passionate about helping retirees live fulfilling lives without financial constraints. She puts a lot of time and effort conducting market research to identify common issues faced by retirees. Her passion is to help you enjoy retirement and solve the most pressing issues you face.

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></center></p><h2>Schedule a Tour</h2><p>Floor plans & pricing, the top 10 games for seniors to stay entertained.</p><ul><li>ConversionFormula</li><li>August 16, 2024</li><li>Health , Memory Care</li></ul><h2>Westmont of Pinole</h2><p><center><img style=

As you enjoy your golden years at Westmont of Pinole , you’re likely looking for ways to stay engaged, active, and entertained. With so many options available, deciding how to spend your days can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 games for seniors, designed to bring fun, socialization, and mental stimulation to your daily routine. We’ve covered you, from puzzles and card games to outdoor activities and video games. Whether you’re looking to challenge your mind, exercise, or have fun with friends and family, these games will surely bring joy and excitement to your life.

Brain Teasers for Seniors

Before we investigate the world of brain teasers, let’s discuss why they’re so important for seniors. Engaging in mentally stimulating activities has been shown to improve cognitive function, delay cognitive decline, and even reduce the risk of dementia. So, please grab a cup of tea, get comfortable, and let’s explore some of the best brain teasers for seniors!

Jigsaw Puzzles: Piecing Together Fun

There’s nothing like working on a jigsaw puzzle on a lazy afternoon. With pieces scattered across the table, you’ll be challenged to fit them together to create a beautiful picture. Jigsaw puzzles are an excellent way to relax, focus, and exercise your brain simultaneously.

Sudoku: The Ultimate Mind Challenge

Seniors, are you ready for a challenge? Sudoku is a number-based puzzle that requires logic, problem-solving skills, and attention to detail. With its simple yet addictive gameplay, Sudoku is an excellent way to keep your mind sharp and active.

Try setting a timer or working on more complex puzzles to improve your Sudoku game. You can even find Sudoku books or apps specifically designed for seniors, with more giant print and easier-to-use interfaces. Whatever your skill level, Sudoku is a great way to challenge yourself and have fun.

Word Games Galore

Even if you’re not a self-proclaimed “word nerd,” word games can be an excellent way to keep your mind sharp and entertained. In these article 10 Board Games to Help Seniors Battle Boredom and Reap Health Benefits , word games can help improve cognitive function, memory, and social interaction. Here are a few of our favorite word games for seniors:

Word Games Galore

Scrabble: The Classic Word Battle

Any word game enthusiast knows that Scrabble is the ultimate test of vocabulary and strategy. This classic board game is perfect for seniors who love words and want to challenge themselves and their friends. With its simple yet engaging gameplay, Scrabble is an excellent way to spend an afternoon with loved ones.

Crossword Puzzles: Unscrambling the Letters

Any fan of word games has probably spent hours working on a crossword puzzle. These puzzles are an excellent way to challenge your brain and keep your mind sharp. With their portable nature and lack of time limits, crosswords are a great option for seniors who want to stay entertained on the go.

A significant benefit of crossword puzzles is that they can be adapted to any skill level. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, a crossword puzzle exists. Plus, many newspapers and online resources offer free crosswords, making starting easy.

Strategy and Skill

Any senior looking to challenge themselves and keep their minds sharp will love the games in this category.

Chess & Checkers: The Ultimate Showdown

Skill-building and strategic thinking are necessary for success in Chess and Checkers. These classic board games require you to plan and adapt as you navigate the game, making them an excellent way to keep your brain sharp and active.

Chess & Checkers: The Ultimate Showdown

Clue: Solving the Mystery

Mystery and intrigue await in Clue, a game that challenges your deductive skills and encourages creative thinking. As you work to unravel the mystery, you’ll exercise your brain and have fun doing it.

Showdown with your friends and family as you compete to solve the crime. With its engaging storyline and suspenseful gameplay, Clue is an excellent way to spend an afternoon exercising your mind and socializing with others.

Card Games for Social Butterflies

After exploring the world of puzzles and board games, it’s time to look into card games that are perfect for seniors who thrive in social settings. As discussed in the Reddit thread “ Board games for the elderly? “, card games offer an excellent way to stay entertained, challenge the mind, and connect with others.

Card games are an excellent way to stay entertained, challenge the mind, and connect with others. At Westmont of Pinole, we understand the importance of socialization for seniors, so we’ve included card games in our list of top games for seniors.

Poker: Bluffing and Betting

You can engage in a thrilling poker game with a deck of cards and a group of friends. This classic card game requires strategy, skill, and a bit of luck, making it an excellent way to challenge your mind and have fun with others.

Poker: Bluffing and Betting

Uno: A Colorful Game of Chance

During game nights, we just got a whole lot brighter with Uno! This popular card game is easy to learn, fun to play, and perfect for seniors who enjoy a good dose of chance and strategy.

Poker and Uno are card games that can bring people together and create lasting memories. At Westmont of Pinole, games like these can help foster a sense of community and social connection among seniors. By incorporating card games into your daily routine, you can stay entertained, engaged, and connected with others.

Solo Delights

All seniors need some alone time to unwind and recharge. This section will explore some fantastic solo games that can provide entertainment, mental stimulation, and relaxation. As 64 Top Games for Seniors and the Elderly: Fun for All Ages suggests, these games can be a great way to stay engaged and active, even when flying solo.

Solitaire: The Classic Card Game

Classic card games like Solitaire are perfect for seniors who enjoy a quiet, low-key activity. With just a deck of cards, you can challenge yourself to clear the tableau and win the game. Solitaire is an excellent way to spend time alone, relax, and exercise your brain.

Bingo: Marking Your Way to Victory

Marking off numbers on a Bingo card can be a fun and exciting way to spend your solo time. You can play online or with a physical card, and the thrill of potentially winning can keep you engaged and motivated.

Understanding the rules and strategies of Bingo can make it even more enjoyable. You can start by learning the different types of Bingo games, such as 75-ball or 90-ball, and then practice your skills. With Bingo, you can challenge yourself to win and have fun while doing it.

Bingo: Marking Your Way to Victory

The world of games for seniors is vast and exciting, offering a range of activities to suit every interest and ability. From jigsaw puzzles to badminton and Scrabble to video games, these top 20 games for seniors are designed to entertain, stimulate, and bring people together. At Westmont of Pinole, staying engaged and active is vital to a happy and healthy retirement. By incorporating games and activities into your daily routine, you can maintain your physical and mental well-being while making new friends and creating lasting memories. So why explore our community and discover the perfect game for you? Contact us at 510-758-1122 to learn more.

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12 Exciting Sit-Down Games For Seniors

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two senior women friends or sisters play leisure board game at h

Engaging in fun and stimulating activities is crucial for maintaining mental sharpness, social connections, and overall well-being as we age. For those seeking entertaining and enriching ways to spend time, sit-down games for seniors offer a perfect solution. Whether it’s a lively card game, an engaging board game, or a thoughtful puzzle, these activities provide numerous benefits and can be enjoyed in a relaxed, seated position.

  • Bridge: Bridge is a strategic card game that requires teamwork and communication, making it a fantastic choice for socializing and mental stimulation. It involves four players in two partnerships, and the game is known for its complexity and depth, providing endless enjoyment and mental exercise.
  • Rummy: Rummy is another great card game that helps improve memory and strategy skills. Players aim to form sets or runs of cards, and the game can be played with two or more people. It’s easy to learn and can be played at a leisurely pace.
  • Canasta: Canasta is a lively and social card game that originated in South America. It involves creating melds of seven cards of the same rank and requires both luck and strategy. It’s a perfect game for larger groups and can be very engaging.
  • Scrabble: Scrabble is a beloved word game that enhances vocabulary and strategic thinking. Players create words on a game board using letter tiles, and the goal is to score the most points by forming high-scoring words. It’s a great way to keep the mind sharp and have fun with friends.
  • Monopoly: Monopoly is a classic board game that involves buying, trading, and developing properties. It requires players to think strategically about their investments and manage their money wisely. It’s a game that can last for hours and provides plenty of opportunities for interaction and fun.
  • Checkers: Checkers is a simple yet challenging game that is easy to learn and play. It involves moving pieces diagonally across the board to capture the opponent’s pieces. It’s a game of strategy that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.
  • Jigsaw Puzzles: Jigsaw puzzles are excellent for relaxation and mental stimulation. They require players to assemble a picture from small interlocking pieces, and they come in various levels of difficulty. Puzzles can be done alone or with others, making them a versatile activity.
  • Sudoku: Sudoku is a number puzzle game that involves filling a 9×9 grid so that each row, column, and 3×3 section contains the numbers 1 to 9. It’s a fantastic game for sharpening logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Crossword Puzzles: Crossword puzzles challenge the mind with word clues that need to be filled into a grid. They are excellent for vocabulary building and can be done at one’s own pace. Crosswords can be a solitary activity or a fun challenge to tackle with friends.
  • Bingo: Bingo is a social game that is both exciting and easy to play. Players mark off numbers on their cards as they are called out, to complete a specific pattern. It’s a game that fosters a sense of community and provides a lot of joy and excitement.
  • Trivia Games: Trivia games test players’ knowledge of various topics, from history to pop culture. They are a great way to stimulate the mind and encourage conversation and laughter. Trivia can be played in teams or individually, making it flexible for different group sizes.
  • Dominoes: Dominoes is a classic game that involves matching numbered tiles end-to-end. It’s a game of strategy and chance that can be played by two or more players. Dominoes are great for keeping the mind active and for social interaction.

Enhancing Senior Living with Games

At our community, we believe in fostering a vibrant and engaging environment where everyone can find joy and companionship. Sit-down games for seniors offer a wonderful way to stay mentally sharp, socially connected, and physically comfortable. We invite you to join us for game nights and other fun activities that celebrate the spirit of camaraderie and lifelong learning.

If you’re interested in learning more about the exciting activities, exclusive programs , and amenities we offer, please contact us or schedule a visit . We’d love to show you how we can make your days brighter and more fulfilling.

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How to help seniors experiencing mental health issues

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  • Peter O'Dowd
  • Samantha Raphelson

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Find out more about our mental health series  here .

Grief and loss, isolation, chronic health conditions and dementia can lead to mental health issues in older adults. But oftentimes, depression in seniors can go undetected because it can look like other signs of aging.

Patrick Raue, psychologist and a professor at the University of Washington, focuses his research on how to prevent and manage mental health issues in elderly people.

He says that most older adults are doing quite well mentally because over a long lifetime, people navigate the tough things that inevitably come with life. But, he says, there are specific risk factors for seniors that can lead to mental health issues.

“Most older adults in the community are actually doing pretty well emotionally and their mental health is actually better than middle-aged adults, but there are many risk factors as we get older that can contribute to the possibility of depression,” Raue says. “Chronic medical illnesses, disability, social isolation, lower income, all of those things can increase the risk for depression as we age.”

4 questions with Patrick Raue

Does depression and anxiety look the same in older people as it might in younger people?

“There are some core symptoms that can be the same [such as] a lowered mood, lack of interest in activities that normally brought us pleasure, but there are some unique features among older adults. There can be some more physical presentation of some depressive symptoms, things like lowered energy, aches and pains, feeling it in the body more.”

Why do these risk factors make seniors more prone to depression? 

“When we get older, if we are experiencing issues with getting around or functional limitations, we may be more likely to be isolated and these are all factors that can increase risk of depression.”

How do you navigate the unique stigma older adults may have about mental health? 

“That's definitely a big issue, and we have seen that despite high rates of depression in certain groups of older adults, that many, if they're offered treatment, may say, ‘Thank you, but no, thanks.’

“And a lot of that is due to denial of need for treatment, discomfort with admitting that they're struggling, and this is why we see that a lot of older adults don't make use of the mental health-trained workforce, like psychologists and psychiatrists and social workers. Many of them are not comfortable seeing a formal mental health professional.”

What is the best way to reach older people who may be facing mental health issues?

“I've actually developed a program for older adults experiencing depression that is led by their peers. So these are older adults in the community who are trained and supervised in a program that I call ‘ Do More, Feel Better ,’ and that starts with friendly listening and showing warmth and empathy.

“But then it's also teaching a set of skills to older adults who are struggling to help them tune into the things that are important to them and give their life meaning, but they may have stopped doing because of depression and how that robs us of our energy and our motivation to engage in these things.

“So I think it can break down some of those stigma issues that we were talking about or not wanting to admit that one is experiencing depression and needs formal help. So a peer is a person who is within the community that the older adult lives in and somebody who can support them kind of make some changes and cope as well as they can.”

Samantha Raphelson produced and edited this interview for broadcast with Michael Scotto . Raphelson also adapted it for the web.

This segment aired on August 15, 2024.

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Headshot of Peter O'Dowd

Peter O'Dowd Senior Editor, Here & Now Peter O’Dowd has a hand in most parts of Here & Now — producing and overseeing segments, reporting stories and occasionally filling in as host. He came to Boston from KJZZ in Phoenix.

Headshot of Samantha Raphelson

Samantha Raphelson Associate Producer, Here & Now Samantha Raphelson is an associate producer for Here & Now, based at NPR in Washington, D.C.

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