
Descriptive Essay About My Uncle

My Favorite Uncle Having a family is a beautiful part of life. All people have a family member that he or she is more fond of than others. Although I love and appreciate all of my family members, my favorite family member on my mom’s side is my Uncle Mel. To start my Uncle had the most interesting sense of humor . Second, my uncle is exceedingly over protective towards my sisters and I. Lastly, my uncle is always ready to speak his mind. To begin with, my Uncle has the most interesting sense of humor. The majority of my family have a great sense of humor, but my uncle’s is by far the best. When my uncle go to make a joke about someone or a certain subject he will add a strange face expression or gesture to go along …show more content…

The love that my uncle has for my sister and I is remarkable. When it comes to meeting other people he never holds his breath to tell what what he thinks about that person. No male can pass by and look at my sisters and I without getting a evil stare down or a few choice words. Whether the person just walks by and says a friendly hello or looks one of my sister up and down, he will act upon it without hesitation. For the most part my uncle tries not to make a big scene when this type of event occurs in a public place. On top of that, my dad can be over protective towards my sisters and I as well. Things can be bad when my Uncle causes a scene with another guy, but when my dad is there too, there is double the trouble. My dad and my Uncle together can be like the twin towers falling down all over again. Everything will be fine one moment but once one of them catch someone looking at me or my sisters everything will go to smoke. Although he is protective , my uncle never fails to try to get me into trouble with my parents. Most of the time his jokes are humorous, but other times he will take it too far. For example, he will see a guy that just walked pass us walking and will tell my dad that I was blowing him kisses or something at random. Which is all fun and games until my dad actually thinks that my Uncle is telling the truth. In the case, that is when my dad gives me the evil stare down. This evil stare down is not just a look, it is

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There have been countless influential people in my life that I’ve come across. One who was a meticulous inspiration continues to be my grandfather. My grandmother had remarried to the one I call “grandpa” when I was at the age of five, and they both took to each other’s grandchildren as their own. With my mother and me only living a mile down the road from their farmhouse out in the country, I’d spent heaps amount of time there as a child. Indeed, I had been without a father but my grandfather stepped up to the plate and had taken me under his wing and willingly played the personification of a father figure.

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I even went fishing and golfing with him several times at home, and we would always have a great time. As all the men stared at me with smirks on my face, my dad told me that I couldn’t go on the trip because I was too young. My cousin, just a year older, staring at me with a satisfied sneer was allowed to go just because he was a boy. I gave my dad an angry and betrayed look as my cousins laughed and taunted me. The rest of the afternoon, I refused to help with dinner and angrily fished by myself.

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February twenty-third 2010 was just a regular ordinary day. I was on my way to class on this cold February afternoon, when my phone rung. It was my cousin on the other end telling me to call my mom. I could not figure out what was wrong, so I quickly said okay and I hung up and called my mom. When my mom answered the phone I told her the message but I said I do not know what is wrong. My mom was at work and could not call right away, so I took the effort to call my cousin back to see what was going on. She told me that our uncle was in the hospital and that it did not look good. Starting to tear up I pull over in a fast food restaurant parking lot to listen to more to what my cousin had to say. She then tells me to tell my mom to get to

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My brother is not just someone I share blood with but someone I can rely on and look up to. Patrick, my seventeen year old brother, has been by my side since I was a little baby. My youngest memories are of Patrick and I running around in our backyard laughing. As he grew older, I began to look up to him. He was everything I aspired to be: intelligent, passionate, and athletic. Patrick always seemed to know what he wanted in life, and I admired how he chased down his goals. There were points in my life when I was very unmotivated, especially when I was seven years old. Insecure and unsure, I did not believe in myself from a very young age, and Patrick was there for me when no one else was. He made me believe in myself and my own abilities above anything else. I have my big brother to thank for finding the strength to persevere through my struggles and overcoming my obstacles.

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One year ago, my brother went on an incredible journey, from being top of the school to falling of it’s grace to eventually climbing back and reclaiming his throne. During this time he went through changes that tested him mentally and physically to a point where he isolated himself from the world and me as well.

My Family Genogram

I never has a chance to meet my grandparents from my father’s side because they were both deceased before I was born. They both passed away from terminal illnesses which include lung and colon cancer. Although I did not have a chance to meet them they are still known through the legacy their children have passed on. My grandparents gave birth to four children including my father. My aunt, Madlen, and my two uncles, Avik and Vartan. From all of my aunt and uncles the emotional endurance and strength of my Uncle Vartan has amazed me. His wife recently passed away from a terminal illness in which she lost her ability to complete everyday functions such as speaking, eating, or moving. As her

Descriptive Essay About My Family

You walk into a humid gym. It reeks of chalk and feet. The music is playing and it seems like everyone is talking at once. You walk around the corner and parents are sitting in gray stands gossiping. You look straight ahead and see girls working out on different apparatuses. Coaches are explaining drills to some, and giving corrections to others. With so many people talking, you can't hear what the coaches are saying. You only see their lips moving as they talk to the kids. Girls are in suim suit looking uniforms. They all look different ages, ranging from 4-18 years old. The girls you watch do a skill, jump off the beam, then talk happily to their friends. They look like their focused when performing, but when their done they all laugh and talk at once. My friends and family use different traits to describe me depending on the atmosphere we're in.

Descriptive Essay About My Cousin

My cousin, Richard, was such an inspiration to my two brothers and me. I looked up to him for everything. He was an amazing athlete who would never give up on or off the baseball field. I never knew how fast something could be taken away until January 12. I thought the world was just simply punishing me, but then I realized that I couldn’t control what happened even if I wanted to.

When I think of my Papa many things come to mind, but one of the most important is how loving he is. He is a tall man, about six feet tall and is in good shape. He has a silver-colored hair and an infectious smile. He is very joyful and loves to crack jokes with his family and friends. His real name is Tony Morton, but he is lovingly known as Papa to me as well as his 3 other grandchildren. Papa was born January 14th of 1947 in Concord, North Carolina to Paul and Della Morton. He grew up in the neighboring town of Kannapolis. Papa still lives near the same area that he was raised.

A bulky, vigorous elderly man, who had voyaged an incredible journey was prepared to combat the rest of his life with bliss. He appeared to be callow with small thin patches of hair connected to the sides of his glassy, bald head. He had only a single viable kidney sustaining his life, the other having been appropriated from him at the age of forty, but, nevertheless, he still managed to stimulate a lively charismatic presence around himself. Though his occupation remained only as an accountant, he still managed to regard the positive aspects of life. He would watch the adversities only as a spectator, and would attentively escape them with the people whom he loved. The land around him contained an hyperactive aura that compelled him to thrive from the energy surrounding him. I never understood how he could take pleasure in fervently listening to the repugnant chatter and bickering of the townsfolk that could be heard from my bedroom window. I never understood how the bittersweet melodies of the pecan colored nightingale that perched upon his chalky windowsill at dawn served as a source of amusement to him. I had always indulged in deep admiration for my grandfather, for he was a strong man that had guided me through the most difficult points in my life. Yet I did not have the ability to guide him through his.

Richard Puz once said “Death leaves a memory no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” I don’t remember every moment with him but he was someone who I looked up to, someone who told me stories, someone who watched over me and someone who loved me. He was my grandfather.

My grandfather’s name was Charles Asa Davis, Jr. He was the son of Charles A. Davis Sr and Lois Lee Loggins Davis. My grandfather grew up in Bradenton, Florida which is about forty-five minutes south of Tampa, Florida. He came from an extensive line of fishermen and was a hard worker by all accounts. As a young man, he learned the art of plastering to better support his family. When building was slow, he would then go on commercial fishing trips for more income. My grandfather which we called him “Papa” was an honest, good, and tough man.

Descriptive Essay About Father

When I was 10 years old, I realized I was different from my father. I was in my room playing with LEGO’s when dad called up.

Every household does sleepovers a little differently than all the rest, varying in scale and frequency among a wide variety of traits. Around three years ago from the current date, my family made plans for my younger cousins to have a week-long sleepover over at my house. Inside my mind, I was musing, “This better not get too loud.” Each of my cousins had a tendency to get pretty noisy with very little reprieve in-between, and it got amazingly ear-splitting. Tyler, the youngest, was the king of noise as it turned out. He was very bouncy and rambunctious, and verbally fought with my brother literally every single visit.

“Wake up kids!” my mom exclaimed her words dragging me off the bed and into the shower. I jumped back as the sharp cold water pierced the skin on my chest, a stream of “wake up” filled my body immediately. We woke up earlier than usual, which would probably be the usual for other families, my family was already dressed and downstairs ready to go to our friends family reunion. I threw on a faded shirt and a worn pair of jeans, they were old and i was wearing them, and headed down the stairs and into my mom’s grey minivan.

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Essay-Paragraph on “My Uncle” English Composition in 200 words for kids and Students of Classes 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, College and Competitive Exams.

A month ago, Uncle Aaron was injured in an accident He hurt his back and was confined to a wheelchair. As there was no one to look after him, my parents invited him to stay with us until he was better.

My mother and I cleared the spare room for Uncle Aaron. When he arrived, we showed him to his room. Uncle Aaron frowned when he went in. He did not like the colour of the bedsheets. He also wanted a writing table. I was very irritated. It was hard work cleaning up the room. I did not expect Uncle Aaron to be so fussy. We had to change the bedsheets and give Uncle Aaron a writing table from the study. However, that was not all. Uncle Aaron expected us to serve him his meals because he was in a wheelchair. He did not want to eat with us at the dining table. My mother had a hard time taking care of Uncle Aaron. He made her do everything for him.

My family and I could not wait for Uncle Aaron to get better. We were tired of taking care of him. We hoped he would recover soon.

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my favourite uncle essay for class 3

My Favourite Uncle

Category : Essays

My uncle Manoharlal lives in small farm, ten miles from the town in which I stay. He plants vegetables and flowers for the market. In addition he has a small fish pond in which he rears many types of fishes. With his wife, three young children and a couple of workers, uncle manages his farm reasonably well. They have an old jeep for transporting their products to market and for sending the children to school.

Every holiday, I go and stay with my uncle. He always makes sure that I visit him regularly. Maybe I am his favourite nephew as he is my favourite uncle. Once I am in his farm, I really enjoy myself. Uncle teaches me and shows me all sorts of things. He taught me how to fix fishing line and how to land a fish. I learned to identify bird calls, animal grunts and read signs left by animals. I discovered the intricacies and techniques involved in planting vegetables and flowers. I can even predict the" weather quite accurately by smelling the air and observing the clouds. In short, uncle has and is still showing me the wonderful world of nature, one that is so alien to those who live in the hustle bustle of cities.

I remember the time many years ago when both of us went on a trip to catch some fishes in a small stream. We were only armed with a large fishing net made from mosquito netting and a pail to keep the catch. For some time, we managed to catch some shrimps and small fishes. Then all of a sudden from underneath the bushes, overhanging the stream, a dark blob of something hurried across the stream. We froze in our tracks and watched the movement of the 'thing'. It was a fresh-water turtle! It was so large, about 20 cm in diameter and it was frantically scurrying away from us as fast as its stubby legs could paddle the water. I was so overcome by excitement that 1 went after it without a second thought. My bare hands were about to reach the turtle when I felt a steel like hand clasp my shoulder. Next moment I was flat on my back in the water. Mind you, the water was only knee-deep but the force of my fall made me swallow a considerable amount of water.

Pulling myself up I could see uncle deftly scooping the turtle into the fishing net. With the struggling catch safely in the net, he turned towards me with a big grin on his face. Wow! I eagerly splashed my way over to him to have a look at the capture. It was a beautiful turtle, almost totally green with a long snout that jutted prominently from its oval-shaped head. It stretched its long neck up probably to find a way out. I felt like touching it and was out to put my hand into the net when uncle stopped me with a curt 'no!' Uncle declared, 'it bites'. Just two short words spoken with authority made me realize that I might have lost a finger or two. It was another lesson for me.

I wanted to keep the turtle for a pet but uncle said it was not advisable. He convinced me that it was better for the turtle, and me, if we let the turtle go and live a normal life. Uncle asked me to release it- Reluctantly, I put the net into the stream to allow the turtle to swim away. Without hesitation it swam slowly down the stream and soon was lost from sight. We watched it till we could not see it anymore.

From the corner of my eye I saw our red plastic fishing pail lying on its Side in the stream. I suddenly realized that I was holding the pail before we saw the turtle, I must have dropped it in my excitement. I rushed over to it but alas, only one tiny shrimp was left in the pail. Stupid fellows, I thought. The rest had escaped. I uttered a few words of disappointment.

Uncle looked at me. His eyes showed sympathy and something more important- strength.

"Well, are we going to lament the loss of a few fishes, or are we going to catch some more?" he asked .

My face lit up. My uncle was a strong guy. I wished that I can be as strong as him. We continued up the stream and by evening caught more than enough to fill my aquarium. I was ecstatic.

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My Favourite Book Essay | Essay on My Favourite Book for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

My Favourite Book Essay In English – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on My Favourite Book for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The My Favourite Book essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on My Favourite Book 100, 150, 200, 250 Words for Kids and Students in English

I love reading books, they are indeed my ‘best friends’. It is a tedious task to choose a good book because thousands of books are published every year. I always take the suggestions made by my teachers and parents into account while choosing a book. Some days back, my uncle gave me one as a birthday gift as he knows my love for books. It is called The Mahabharata’ and has been written in English by Anand Sagar Chowdhry and published by Goodwill Publishing House, Delhi.

Read More: About My Favourite Teacher

Essay on “My Favorite Book-The Mahabharata” In English

When I went through the first chapter, a fascinating story unfolded itself. King Satyavan married the daughter of a washerman and his son from the first wife took a pledge to remain a bachelor all his life. He came to be known as Bhishma Pitamah. The story was so eventful that it was very difficult to keep pace with the individual events.

The battle between the Kauravas and Pandavas is so well known that it need not be repeated. In the middle of the epic stands The Gita which serves as a lighthouse. It sheds light on the theme of the whole story. The language is so poetic that one floats in its divine stream. Lord Krishna tells us to perform our duties without having any expectations about the rewards.

We should forget the sense of affection as it blurs our minds while performing our duties and meeting out justice. We should strive for excellence in whatever we do. This body is short-lived but the soul is eternal. It never dies. It keeps on changing bodies just as we keep on changing clothes. Fire cannot burn the soul nor can the sword cut it. When death is a must, why should we be afraid of it?

It was this “celestial song” ‘Gita’ that helped Arjuna to perform his duty boldly and fearlessly, keeping his personal affections at bay. The author also tells us that the struggle always continues in our hearts. Whenever we are in doubt about whether we should do something or not, we should seek guidance from The Gita.

The Mahabharata has changed the whole course of my life and I wish that it should be read by everyone. The book is especially recommended for those young people who have yet to begin their careers.

My Favourite Book Essay

Short Essay On My Favourite Book Panchatantra In Hindi

मेरी प्रिय पुस्तक | Paragraph on My Favourite Book in Hindi

छपाई कला के आविष्कार के बाद पुस्तक प्रकाशन के क्षेत्र में क्रांति आ गई । प्रत्येक वर्ष हजारों पुस्तकों का प्रकाशन होने लगा । शैक्षणिक ऐतिहासिक धार्मिक वैज्ञानिक जैसे विविध विषयों में छपी अनगिनत पुस्तकों में से किसी एक प्रिय पुस्तक का चुनाव करना बहुत कठिन होता है ।

मेरे दादाजी पुस्तक प्रेमी व्यक्ति थे । उन्होंने घर में कई महत्त्वपूर्ण पुस्तकों का संग्रह कर रखा था । एक दिन मेरी नजर इनमें से एक पुस्तक पंचतंत्र पर पड़ी । एक बार पढ़ना आरंभ किया तो पड़ता ही चला गया । इसकी प्रत्येक कहानी मुझे शिक्षाप्रद एव रोचक लगी ।

मुझे लगा यह कोई साधारण पुस्तक नहीं ज्ञान का खजाना है । मैंने इसे कई बार पढ़ा । यह मेरी सर्वाधिक प्रिय पुस्तक है । विष्णु शर्मा द्वारा रचित पुस्तक पंचतंत्र को भारतीय समाज और संस्कृति का दर्पण कहा जा सकता है । पूरी की पूरी शिक्षा कहानियों के माध्यम से दी गई है ।

कहानियाँ अनेक हैं परतु इन कहानियों को मित्रों के संवाद के रूप में वर्णित किया गया है । इनका आपस में जुड़ाव अनूठा है । पंचतंत्र की कहानियों के अधिकांश पात्र घरेलू तथा वन्य जीव-जंतु हैं । बैल ऊँट सियार शेर हाथी गदहा कबूतर चूहा साँप मगरमच्छ बंदर कौवा आदि पशु-पक्षियों को पात्र बनाकर रची गइ प्रत्येक कहानी में जीवन की वास्तविकता छिपी हुई है ।

सच्चा मित्र कौन है इसकी क्या पहचान है धूर्त लोगों की क्या पहचान होती है बुद्धि के प्रयोग से किस प्रकार कठिन से कठिन कार्य को सरल बनाया जा सकता है, इत्यादि तथ्यों का पुस्तक में खुलासा किया गया है । लोभी मनुष्यों की कैसी दुर्गति होती है, बुजुर्गों का उचित परामर्श न मानकर लोग किस प्रकार के संकट में फँसते हैं, जिन लोगों को छोटा समझ कर अपमानित किया जाता है, वे समय पाकर भकर प्रतिशोध लेते हैं ऐसी अनेक शिक्षाएँ पंचतंत्र की कहानियों का आधार हैं ।

चूँकि शिक्षा कहानियों के माध्यम से दी गई है, अत: यह कहीं से भी बोझिल प्रतीत नहीं होती है । मैं जब भी किसी दुविधा या मुश्किल में होता हूँ झट मुझे पचतत्र की याद आती है । इसकी किसी न किसी कहानी में मेरी समस्या का समाधान छिपा होता है । मैं समझता हूँ यह पुस्तक मेरी भांति अन्य व्यक्तियों की शंका का निवारण करने में पूरी तरह सक्षम है ।

मन के विभिन्न भावों का प्रस्तुतिकरण पुस्तक में बड़े ही सहज ढंग से किया गया है । सचमुच विष्णु शर्मा एक महान साहित्यकार ही नहीं अपितु महान मनोवैज्ञानिक भी थे । यही कारण है कि संस्कृत भाषा में लिखी गई पुस्तक पंचतंत्र का अनुवाद विश्व की लगभग सभी भाषाओं में हो चुका है ।

पूरे संसार में पंचतंत्र की कहानियाँ बड़े चाव से पड़ी जाती हैं । बच्चों की पाठ्‌य पुस्तकों में भी पंचतंत्र की कहानियों को शामिल किया गया है । वर्तमान समय में हालाकिं ज्ञान-विज्ञान का काफी विस्तार हो गया है, फिर भी लोगों की समस्याएँ ज्यों की त्यों बनी हुई हैं । बहुत से मनुष्य इन समस्याओं से घबरा जाते हैं । इन स्थितियों में पंचतंत्र की कहानियाँ उनकी सहायता कर सकती हैं ।

उनके हृदय में आशा का संचार हो सकता है । पुस्तक पढ़कर ढोंगी, पाखंडी, दुश्चरित्र, निर्दयी तथा कृतप्न मनुष्यों की पहचान करने में तथा इनसे अपना बचाव करने में मदद मिल सकती है । दूसरी ओर पुस्तक के माध्यम से सीधे-सादे, निष्कपट, मधुरभाषी, सच्चरित्र और कृतज्ञ मनुष्यों के गुणों को धारण करने में भी मदद मिलती है । उपरोक्त गुणों के आधार पर ही यह मेरी सबसे प्रिय पुस्तक है ।

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My Favourite Game Essay for Class 3 Students

Favourite game for class 3 students.

Unseen essay writing is introduced in Class 3 and children happen to be very fond of this part of their English class. Essay writing gives them an opportunity to discover their creativity and to put their thoughts into words. Vedantu presents easy and simple essays on various topics that are likely to be asked in the junior school examinations. Here is a sample essay on ‘My Favourite Game’ for the kids of Class 3.

My Favourite Game

Playing games is my favourite pastime and I like to play both indoors and outdoors. I play indoor board games with my parents and my sister on Sunday evenings. Most of the time, we play the board game Monopoly on Sunday evenings but sometimes I like to play other board games like Chinese Checkers also. I love to go outdoors to play cricket and hide and seek with my friends, but nowadays, nobody goes to the playground. So, now my favourite game is Monopoly.

The best part about this board game is that only two players can play it and also eight players can play it together. When our parents are busy with their work and household chores, my sister and I take the board game to the terrace and play over there. These days, our parents and grandma join us in the game late in the evenings and all of us have a great time playing it. 

There are a total of 40 spaces on the board and there is a pair of dice that each of us rolls on the board to begin the game. There are ‘Go’, ‘Jail’, ‘Go to Jail’ and ‘Free Parking’ boxes on the four corners of the Monopoly board. We have to begin at ‘Go’ and move our game tokens as many spaces as the number on the dices. We can buy or build spaces from a total of 22 properties, Electric Company, Water Works and 4 railway stations. Some of the spaces on the board are marked as Community Chests and Chances, Luxury Tax and Income Tax. There is a set of Chance and Community Chest Cards that is kept at the centre of the Monopoly board. 

In this board game, each player gets a game token to move on the board and one of us plays the banker. The banker is in charge of all the money and distributes a total of 1500 game money to each player. When all of us play Monopoly, my grandma plays the banker and keeps all her share of 1500 game money in a red coloured case. 

The banker is in charge of the houses, hotels, and deed cards. Every time each of us passes the ‘Go’ space, the bank rewards 200 game money to the player. When we purchase a space on the board, we pay the bank for it and our grandma gives us the deed card for that space in return. When any player happens to visit a space owned by another player, he has to pay the rent on that space. The rent increases if the owner has houses or hotels in that space. The bank collects taxes from the players when they happen to visit that Income Tax box. 

When any of us has to visit the Jail space and misses his or her chance to play or pays a fine. The game continues for a long time until we all get tired and decide who the winner is. The player who has the maximum game money and property is crowned as the winner. Most of the time, my father wins the game and he treats us with ice cream when he wins. This board game has become my favourite during this vacation.

Another Example of My Favourite Game: Essay on Badminton

Badminton is certainly one of my preferred sports. And it is one of the most performed games in the United States of America. We all love to play badminton. I also like this game very much due to the fact this sport doesn’t require more human beings to play it. The most effective human beings are required to play badminton, or the simplest two people can play badminton without problems. Badminton may be played with or four humans, which means that one player is in opposition to one participant or a crew of two players against the other gamers. It's far from being played with rackets and shuttlecocks. In this game, gamers use rackets to hit a shuttlecock over a net. Shuttlecocks are made of duck feathers. And the badminton rackets are very mild, weighing around one hundred grams.

Within the sport of badminton, everybody can play it because of now not having many rules. In the game, the intention is to hit the shuttlecock over the net so that the opponent player or group can not hit it returned over the internet earlier than it hits the ground, this offers one point to the participant and a hazard to serve first. The primary participant to reach 21 points wins the sport, and the first to win -recreation sets wins the match. There are a total of six predominant photographs: the serve, the clean, the smash, the forehand power, the backhand force, and the drop. The sphere wherein badminton is performed is known as the “court docket.” A court is a rectangular floor divided in half with a net.

In each college, there's a sports period wherein teachers make college students play badminton and inform them of the benefits of playing badminton. In India, this is the second most popular game performed after cricket. There are exclusive championships of badminton games like District level, kingdom stage, countrywide stage, and worldwide degree championships. The primary game of badminton is played at a Badminton residence in Gloucestershire, England.

PV Sindhu, Saina Nehwal, P Gopichand, Srikanth Kidambi, P Kashyap are the top first-rate players of Badminton in India. Those gamers also represented India in the Commonwealth video games every time, even winning medals and making us proud. Those are my favourite players too. Both boys and ladies can play this sport. There may be an extraordinary case of damage in badminton video games as there is much less hazard of being injured at some stage in the game. This recreation can be performed by absolutely everyone, whether or not a child, a grownup, or a girl.

Unique Benefits of  Badminton

Playing badminton keeps our body in shape.

By way of gambling badminton, our entire body will fully broaden.

Playing badminton increases our velocity of thinking.

Playing badminton additionally enables you to conquer weight problems.

It is the glide of blood inside the frame.

The person playing badminton has less chance of getting a heart disorder.

Playing this recreation strengthens the muscle tissue of the legs and palms of our bodies.

Playing this sport will increase awareness so that we do not take a good deal of time to do any work or make decisions.

Playing badminton keeps our minds calm and makes us glad.

 By Playing badminton, the possibilities of any sickness occurring in our body are drastically decreased.

Study with Vedantu

The storehouse that is Vedantu has a lot many other topics on which essays are available. These are free for students and all other learners. These essays can be of great use while writing comprehensive answers as well as articles. 

All other study materials are available here on the Vedantu website. Alternatively, students can also download the Vedantu app to gain access to all the resources by top field experts quickly and for free.

FAQs on My Favourite Game Essay for Class 3 Students

1. What are the easy ways to write unseen essays in class 3?

The following tips will help you write unseen essays easily:

Understand the topic and relate it to your daily life.

Think of all you know about the given topic.

Write down the points in rough work.

Make meaningful sentences with these points.

Practice writing in paragraphs. Each paragraph should consist of related points.

Make smaller paragraphs.

Write in simple sentences.

2. How to develop essay writing skills?

It is important that young kids of Class 3 get an opportunity to read various interesting storybooks. This will develop their creativity and they will become familiar with sentence building skills. There are sample essays available on Vedantu that are easy to understand for these young kids and will guide them to write essays on their own.

Kids-learning • Class 3

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My Favourite Holiday Essay: 100,200,250 Words For Class 3

My favourite holiday essay 100 words.

My favorite holiday brings a pause to the daily rush, offering a cherished chance to unwind and reconnect with loved ones. This day is eagerly awaited, as it promises freedom from the routine, allowing for leisure and the pursuit of hobbies.

Whether it’s spending quality time with family, exploring new places, or simply enjoying the tranquility of home, every moment is treasured. The joy of not waking up early for school or work, and the liberty to plan the day as desired, makes it profoundly special. This holiday symbolizes relaxation, happiness, and the simple pleasures of life, making it my absolute favorite.

My Favourite Holiday Essay 150 Words

My favorite holiday stands as a beacon of relief in the relentless flow of daily commitments, offering a much-needed respite that reinvigorates my spirit. This special day, freed from the clutches of routine, is a sanctuary where time slows, and life’s simple joys are amplified.

It’s a day marked by the warmth of family gatherings, the laughter shared over meals, and the serene moments of solitude that replenish my soul. Each activity, whether it’s a leisurely stroll in the park, diving into the pages of a gripping novel, or engaging in cherished hobbies, is imbued with a sense of freedom and contentment.

The anticipation leading up to this holiday is filled with dreams of relaxation and the joy of stepping away from the usual demands of life. It’s a time when connections are deepened, and memories are made, embodying the essence of joy and the importance of taking time to celebrate life’s beautiful moments.

My Favourite Holiday Essay 200 Words

My favorite holiday stands out as a beacon of relaxation and joy in the relentless tide of daily routines. It’s the time when the constant ticking of the clock seems to pause, allowing us to breathe freely and immerse ourselves in the warmth of cherished moments. This holiday is not just about stepping away from the demands of work or school; it’s about reconnecting with the essence of life that often gets overshadowed by our responsibilities. It provides a perfect blend of leisure and adventure, enabling us to explore new places or rediscover the comfort of our own homes through a different lens.

On this special day, the joy of sleeping in without an alarm, indulging in hobbies that time usually doesn’t permit, and savoring unhurried meals with family transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. It’s a day where laughter fills the air, and the worries of life are put on hold. For students, it’s a break from the pressures of academics, a time to play and dream. For working adults, it’s a precious opportunity to unwind, rejuvenate, and perhaps tick off some long-postponed personal projects.

What truly elevates this holiday above all others is the way it stitches memories that last a lifetime. Whether it’s a simple family dinner, an impromptu backyard camping adventure, or a quiet afternoon spent with a good book, these moments become treasures. This holiday is a reminder that in the pursuit of our ambitions, taking time to cherish life and loved ones is paramount. It encapsulates the essence of joy, peace, and the simple yet profound pleasure of just being.

My Favourite Holiday Essay 250 Words

Holidays serve as a precious break from the monotonous rhythm of daily life, offering a sanctuary for relaxation and the pursuit of hobbies. Among all, my favorite holiday encapsulates the essence of joy and tranquility, standing out as a cherished pause in the ceaseless flow of responsibilities. This holiday, observed amidst the bustling life, is eagerly anticipated for its promise of leisure and family time. It’s a period when the usual rush to school or work halts, allowing for moments of unhurried pleasure and togetherness.

On this particular holiday, the significance extends beyond mere respite; it embodies the joy of being home, not bound by the constraints of time and schedules. It’s a day when sleep is not cut short by alarms and the day’s agenda is filled with activities of choice rather than obligation. For students, it brings the delight of freedom from academic duties, offering ample time to indulge in play or to dive into the world of their favorite books. Working individuals find solace in this break too, seizing the opportunity to unwind, attend to personal projects, or cherish quality moments with family and friends.

What makes this holiday my favorite is the blend of relaxation and the opportunity it offers to strengthen bonds with loved ones. It’s a time when families come together, sharing stories, laughter, and possibly embarking on short, memorable excursions. The simplicity of enjoying a home-cooked meal with family or watching a beloved movie together holds unparalleled charm.

This holiday reminds us of the importance of taking a pause, stepping back from the hustle of life to relish the simpler joys. It reinforces the idea that while pursuing our goals is vital, finding moments of peace and happiness in the company of our dear ones is equally essential. It’s a testament to the fact that sometimes, the best memories are forged not through grand adventures but through the warmth of spending time with those we love.

My Favourite Holiday Essay For Class 2

My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love Christmas because it is very happy and exciting. We put up a big tree in our house and decorate it with lots of colorful balls and lights. It looks so beautiful.

Santa Claus comes on Christmas night. I put a sock near my bed, and in the morning, I find gifts in it. Opening the gifts is so much fun. I wonder what I will get every time.

We eat yummy food like cake and cookies. My family sits together, and we laugh and talk. We also sing Christmas songs, which makes me feel very happy.

I love Christmas because I spend time with my family and get presents. It is the best holiday for me.

My Favourite Holiday Essay For Class 3

My favorite holiday is Christmas because it is very fun and special. Christmas means we get to decorate our house with lights and a big Christmas tree. The tree looks so pretty with all the colorful ornaments and shiny tinsel. On Christmas morning, I wake up excited to open the presents that Santa left under the tree. I love guessing what each gift could be before I unwrap it.

On this day, my family comes together, and we all help to make a delicious dinner. We have tasty foods like turkey, mashed potatoes, and lots of cookies for dessert. After dinner, we sit together and watch Christmas movies. It makes me so happy to see everyone smiling and having a good time.

What I love most about Christmas is not just the presents but being with my family and feeling happy together. We play games, tell stories, and laugh a lot. Christmas is a time when we show love to each other, and that makes it my favorite holiday. It’s a very special day that I always look forward to every year.

My Favourite Holiday Essay For Class 5

My favorite holiday is Christmas, and I love it because it’s a time filled with happiness, beautiful lights, and family gatherings. Christmas is special to me not just because of the presents, but because it’s a day when my whole family comes together to celebrate. We decorate our house with sparkly lights and a big, green Christmas tree. The tree gets decorated with colorful balls, stars, and lights. It looks so beautiful that I could stare at it all day.

On Christmas morning, I wake up early, excited to see what Santa has brought for me. Opening presents with my family is the best part. We all sit together, and it feels like a big treasure hunt. After opening gifts, we have a big meal. My family cooks delicious food like turkey, pies, and my favorite, mashed potatoes.

Another reason I love Christmas is that we get to share joy and love. We sing Christmas songs, and sometimes, we even go caroling around our neighborhood. It’s fun to see everyone’s smiling faces. We also spend time talking, playing games, and watching Christmas movies together. It’s a holiday that brings my family closer, and we make lots of happy memories.

Christmas is about giving, caring, and sharing joy with others. It reminds me to be thankful for what I have and to spread happiness. That’s why Christmas is my favorite holiday. It’s a magical time that fills my heart with joy.

My Favourite Holiday Essay 200 Words In English

My favorite holiday is Christmas because it is full of joy and brings my family together. Every year, we decorate our house with colorful lights and a big Christmas tree. The tree looks amazing with all its decorations and twinkling lights. It makes our home feel very cozy and festive.

Christmas morning is the most exciting part. I wake up early, full of excitement to open the presents Santa left under the tree. My family gathers around, and we take turns opening our gifts. It’s fun to see everyone’s happy faces.

We also enjoy a special meal on Christmas. My family cooks delicious foods like turkey, stuffing, and lots of sweet treats like cookies and pies. We all sit together at the table, share stories, and enjoy the food. It feels great to be with everyone I love.

During Christmas, we do fun activities like singing carols and watching holiday movies. These moments are special because we laugh and have a good time together. Christmas is about giving, loving, and spending time with family. It reminds me to be thankful for all the good things in my life.

I love Christmas because it’s a happy time that brings joy and peace. The time I spend with my family. Christmas always leaves me with beautiful memories that I cherish all year long.

My Favourite Holiday Essay 100 Words

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English is My Favourite Subject Essay for Class 3

We all have a favourite subject out of all the different subjects we study at school. Something about this subject feels special and more interesting than all the other subjects. Many students say that English is their favourite subject.

We are providing two essays on the topic ‘English is my favourite’ subject for the students of class 3.

Short Essay on English Is My Favourite Subject of 100 Words

English is the most interesting subject that I have at school. I love to learn new words and read so many wonderful stories. English not only helps me to write better but also teacher me many new lessons.

I like my English teacher very much, and she teaches us very nicely and slowly. Even if I make any mistake in English, I like to learn and correct it. When I grow up, I want to become an author and write new stories in English as well.

English is a beautiful language, and Out of all the subjects at school, English is my favourite.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 3  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on English Is My Favourite Language of 150 Words

I like learning all the exciting subjects that I have in school. However, I think I do not like any other subject as much as I like English.

In English, we not only study about grammar but also get to read many different interesting stories. These stories have lovely lessons to teach us and help me become a better person. When I read these stories often, I can relate to the characters and love to learn more about them.

English is not only about reading but also has a creative side. I like to write and express myself with these writings. I also like reading various poems and try to write poems myself.

When I grow up, I want to write stories and poems in English. One of the main reasons I like English is because our English teacher is very kind and teaches us very well. English is a subject that I want to learn more about in the future.

10 Lines on English Is My Favourite Subject

  • Out of all the subjects that I study in school, English is my favourite.
  • I like learning English and learn the rules that help me write better.
  • English also helps me express myself and write different things.
  • I like reading poems and stories.
  • The stories also teach me various lessons and morals that help me become a better person.
  • Our English teacher is very kind and teaches us very well, that helps me to learn better.
  • I want to grow up and become an author and write stories that would inspire other children like me.
  • English excites me and is more interesting for me than all the other subjects I learn in school.
  • I like reading books and short stories that help to improve my English and also experience many different new stories.
  • English is a beautiful language, and it is a pleasure of learning more about it.

Frequently Asked Questions on English is My Favourite Subject

  • Why is English the favourite subject?

Answer: English can be a favourite subject because the student has an interest in learning the language and reading different stories and poems.

  • Which factors make English a favourite subject?

Answer: If a student likes reading and writing, then he/she can have English as a favourite subject. How a teacher teaches the subject also contributes to this.

  • Why is good to read different stories?

Answer: Stories teach children important life lessons and also help them to improve their reading and writing skills.

English is my favorite subject img-1

English is my favorite subject

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10 Lines, Short And Long Essay On My Favourite Book For Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Note While Writing An Essay On My Favourite Book For Lower Primary Classes

Importance of books in life, 10 lines on ‘my favourite book’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘my favourite book’ for kids, short essay on ‘my favourite book’ in english for kids, long essay on ‘my favourite book’ for children, what will your child learn by writing an essay on ‘my favourite book’.

Reading is the most effective learning method, and we all know the value of children reading literature. In truth, books have always been and will remain the greatest path to knowledge. If you’ve ever pondered how to start reading without becoming weary, this is your opportunity to do so. Continue reading these sample essays on ‘My Favourite Book’ for classes 1, 2, and 3 or ‘The Book I Like The Most’, and get some ideas for writing an essay on your own.

Essay writing on ‘my favourite book’ is easy. Let us guide you with some points to remember. 

  • Begin by writing an introduction about the author and some background information on the book.
  • Then, in a clean, straightforward manner, compose the primary text, and end with a proper conclusion.

Books are vital in each child’s life. They bring kids to a fantasy universe, introduce them to the big world out there, and improve their reading and writing skills, memory, and cognition. We cannot emphasise the value of literature in the kids’ lives as it expands their minds and serves as portals into the universe surrounding us. They leave a long-lasting impression on children.

Younger children can be expected to write their essay in a simple format. Guide them to jot down their points and write them out in grammatically correct sentences. Below are ten points on the essay for class 1 & class 2:

  • Books are a treasure trove of knowledge.
  • Reading books is an excellent habit that gives us insight and expertise.
  • They help us improve our brain power and expand our vocabulary.
  • I like reading books about fairy tales.
  • Fairy tale books have fascinating stories about fairies and their companions in fairyland.
  • I read these books every night before going to sleep.
  • The book I’m currently reading has some lovely stories with big pictures! 
  • The book’s illustration makes it more enjoyable to read.
  • The pictures in the book make it easy to imagine the fantasy world.
  • My friends and I always exchange our books, so we get to read many new books.

Books are our great buddies since they provide all the information about the world. One of my favourite books is ‘The Jungle Book’.  Rudyard Kipling wrote ‘The Jungle Book’ in 1894. The story revolves around Mowgli, a human kid raised by wolves in a wild forest.

Bagheera, the loving panther, finds a small boy in the jungle and delivers him to the wolf pack. Mama wolf then raises Mowgli as her baby. Daddy wolf teaches Mowgli all the skills of the forest. Mowgli understands the jungle laws and spends most of his time with Baloo and Bagheera. Sher Khan, a dangerous tiger, wants to eat Mowgli. So Mowgli thinks of a plan to rescue himself and succeeds. Everybody in the forest gets happy.

Reading is something I enjoy doing. I’ve read many novels. But, one book holds a special place in my heart, my favourite book, Panchatantra, written by Vishnu Sharma. It has many stories with pictures. Every story has a moral which teaches something good and meaningful in life. I enjoy reading picture books, and this book offered me a variety of stories.

One of my favourite stories from Panchatantra is ‘The Foolish Lion And The Clever Rabbit’. Once upon a time, there was a greedy lion who used to kill animals. Everyone was afraid of him. To reduce the senseless killing, the animals requested the lion to spare them the fear and decided to send one animal to the lion each day. The lion agreed to this agreement. One day, the animals sent a rabbit. He was an intelligent creature. He reached the lion’s cave late and told him that another big lion had stopped him on the way. He told the greedy lion that this second lion was challenging him. The lion felt very angry and decided to teach a good lesson to the other lion. He asked the rabbit to take him to the place where he met the other lion. The clever rabbit took him to a well and told him that the other lion lived in that well. When the greedy lion looked inside the well, he saw his own reflection and mistook it for the second lion. He jumped into the well to attack his competitor but drowned. The rabbit saved himself and the entire forest because of his quick wit and cleverness.

There are many such stories of wit and intelligence in the Panchatantra books. They introduce us to virtues such as compassion, bravery, wisdom, mental presence, and togetherness.

Books are loyal companions that will never abandon you. This holds true for me because you can always find books with and around me.

Books can transport us to other universes without leaving our current location. Books also help us expand our creativity. My family and teachers always motivated me to read and instilled in me the value of books. The book I like most is the Panchatantra. It is an extremely fascinating book. I have finished the book, but I still continue to read it because it is so entertaining! 

One of the most prominent Indian authors and scholars, Vishnu Sharma, wrote Panchatantra in Sanskrit in the 3rd century BC. The book was later translated into many different languages. It is a collection of several stories. Vishnu Sharma has done a good job of giving moral life lessons by showcasing the activity of animals. I enjoy the book because it has many stories I love and cherish.

My mother bought this book for me as my birthday present. When I first read this book, it captured my attention instantly. Panchatantra has a unique narration which makes it my favourite book. It teaches us how humble, loving, and caring people always succeed. The book also showcases how bad qualities like cunningness, jealousy, anger and cheating can get you into trouble.

Panchatantra is a narrative of several animal characters in various stories, including a lion named Pingalaka, two bulls named Karnataka and Sanjivaka, a fox named Damanaka, deer named Chars, and so many others. These animals showcase human behaviour that we come across in our daily life.

Even though the book has a variety of stories, the story of The Crab and The Stork is close to my heart. It teaches us about presence of mind and intelligence. The story begins with a stork that was searching for food but could not find any as he was old. Finally, he plans to catch a fish to eat. He goes to a pond and pretends to be sad and depressed. Seeing him gloomy, a fish and a crab ask him why he is upset. The stork makes up a story that humans were going to inhabit the pond to grow crops. They are convinced by this story and are worried about how to stop this. The stork takes all the fish, frogs and other marine animals out of the pond, and slyly uses them for his meal. Finally, it is the turn of the crab to go with the stork, but the crab is aware that his friends are dead. So, the crab uses his intelligence, grabs the stork’s neck, and kills him to save himself.

Panchatantra stories like this one have taught me to think before taking any action. The book educates me on optimism and how to see the brightness at the end of the tunnel. It has made me realise the value of being good to all in any situation.

Thinking about their favourite book will make children mentally revisit all the books they have read and enjoyed. It will also encourage them to analyse what they like about each of the books as they choose their favourite one and think of points to write about. Moreover, as children discuss their assignments in class, it will expose them to a whole new variety of books that they would like to add to their reading wishlist. This assignment will also make children understand the importance of reading for their overall learning. It will also give them good writing practice with a topic that they can enjoy. The samples given here will give your child an idea of how to write this essay independently. So what are you waiting for? Ask your child to pick their favourite book and compose an amazing essay on their own!

1. What Are Some Popular Children’s Books?

The following are a few famous children’s books:

  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
  • Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
  • Charlie And The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
  • The True Story of Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka
  • Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson
  • Panchatantra by Vishnu Sharma
  • The Famous Five by Enid Mary Blyton

2. What Was The Name Of The First Published Book In The World?

The first published book in the world was the Diamond Sutra, printed in AD 868.

We hope that the facts, tips and examples presented here help your child with their essay writing assignment on ‘My Favourite Book.’ We have kept the language simple for them to read and comprehend well, to be able to write in their own words.

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My Favourite Book Essay For Class 3 Student

My favorite book short essay for class three kids students is written below in easy simple English. Alm sentences and paragraphs are reviewed by our expert writer. Hope you find no single error and difficulty while reading this article.

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Short Essay On My Favourite Book For Class 3 Children

Let me tell you about my favorite edition . It’s called One Hundred Years of Solitude and was written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1967. My copy is an English translation, but the original Spanish version won the 1982 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Essay about my favorite book

The novel begins in a fictional South American town called Macondo, which is surrounded by banana plantations and constantly bathed in a fine mist that makes everything smooth. Though full of strange happenings, Macondo is an idyllic city where people fall in love at first sight and women seem more beautiful as they age.

The first few pages describe some of Mrquez’s ancestors. These people don’t act like adults. They are more like children living in a self-created magical world where even death doesn’t seem real. The best things happen and yet the city dwellers accept them unquestionably.

The conflict arises when Jos Arcadio Brenda, one of the founders of Macondos, tries to make the city a place where something strange cannot happen. Much of the book revolves around the struggle of his descendants against this fate.

The more I read A Hundred Years of Solitude, the more I get the feeling that Garcia Mrquez knows exactly what he is talking about. He has a kind of wisdom about the world that I would give anything to own. He knows how people think and act, even if they are so different from everyone else I have ever known.

I’m not kidding when I say that reading this novel changed my life. It taught me to have new experiences, like a kid hugging candy to be curious and grateful for everything that happened, even when it didn’t seem rational.

The characters in One Hundred Years of Solitude are so real to me that I feel like they’re my family. The ghosts, the old men who can communicate with fish , the one-legged captain who always wears an eye patch because he lost his eye while discovering America. I love them all.

Hundred Years of Solitude is my favorite book because it taught me to believe in the magic of the world around me. I love this novel with all my heart. It’s like a friend that I’ll never forget or let go of. It’s not just about what Mrquez wrote about the power of words and how they can change someone’s life.

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