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Machine Learning Career: Pros and Cons of Having a PhD

Vincent Granville

  • September 25, 2021 at 4:30 pm November 28, 2022 at 12:02 pm

It is often said that data science jobs are for seasoned professionals, and many job ads still show a preference for a profile with a PhD, with years of experience. Yet, many corporate employers have been disillusioned about the value that a PhD brings to the company. Likewise, many professionals, especially among those who just completed a PhD and were offered their first job, find the work sometimes unrewarding.

A PhD may command a slightly higher salary initially, and may be required for a position in a research lab (whether private or government-operated). But for many positions, it may not bring an advantage. Corporate work can be mundane and fast-paced, and the search for perfect algorithms is discouraged, as it hurts ROI. In many companies, a solution close to 80% of perfection is good enough, and requires far less time than reaching 99% perfection, especially since the machine learning models employed are just an approximation of the reality. People with a PhD are not well prepared for that.

Here are some of the negative aspects.

  • Even if you pay someone to write your PhD thesis (such services exist), you may spend several years of your life working on your PhD, possibly in a stressful environment, with low pay, delaying buying a home, or getting married. Meanwhile, you see your non-PhD friends ahead of you in their personal life. If you married when working on your PhD, this could eliminate some of these problems.
  • Some recruiters may say that you are over-qualified, that your experience is not really relevant to the job you are applying for (or too specialized), and that adapting to a fast-paced corporate environment might be challenging.
  • If you land a job in the corporate world, you might find it menial or boring. You could be disappointed that the research you did during your PhD years is a thing of the past, not leading to anything else. This is especially true if your hope was to get a tenured position in the academia, but can’t get one despite your very strong credentials, due to the fierce competition. It can bring long-lasting regrets and nostalgia.
  • You may be lacking some coding skills (SQL in particular), which put you at a disadvantage against a candidate with an applied master. Of course, it is always possible and desirable to gain these skills on your own (or via data camps) when working on your PhD.
  • Your salary might not be higher than that of a younger candidate with a master degree and the right experience. Your cumulative wealth over your lifetime may be lower.
  • Some employers (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Wall Street,  or defense-related companies) routinely hire PhD’s to work on truly exciting projects. Some only hire from top universities and if your PhD was not from an ivy-league,  you will be by-passed. That said, there are plenty of companies that will hire non ivy-league candidates, and I think that’s a smart move. After all, I earned my PhD in some unknown university, and eventually succeeded in the corporate world.

For some, the pros outweigh the cons by a long shot. This was my case. I provide a few examples below.

  • If your PhD was very applied in a hot field (in my case in 1993, processing digital satellite images for pattern detection), you learned how to code, played with a lot of messy data, and even got part-time job in the corporate world, related to your thesis when working on it, then you are up to a good start. In my case, solid funding for the research, and even data sets, came from governmental agencies (EU and others) and private companies (Total, for instance) trying to solve real problems. This adds credibility to your PhD experience. On the downside, my mentor was not a great scholar, but a good salesman able to attract many well paid contracts.
  • If you earned your PhD abroad like I did, it is quite possible that you were paid better than your peers in US. In my case, my salary, as a teaching assistant, was similar to that of a high school teacher. And conference attendance (worldwide) was paid by the university or by the agencies that invited me as a speaker. Coming from abroad is sometimes perceived as an advantage, due to showing cultural adaptation, and in most cases, being multilingual and able to easily relocate in various locations if corporate needs ask for it.
  • You can still continue to do your research, decades after leaving academia. I still write papers and books to this day. The level is even higher than during my PhD years, but the style and audience is very different, as I try to present advanced results, written in simple English, to a much larger audience. I find this more rewarding than publishing in scientific journals, read by very few, and obfuscated in jargon.
  • There are great positions in many research labs, private or government, available only to PhD applicants. The salary can be very competitive.
  • VC funding is usually contingent to having a well-known PhD scientist on staff, for startup companies. So if you create your own startup, or work for one, a PhD is definitely an advantage. Even when I started my own, self-funded publishing / media company (acquired by Tech Target in 2020, and focusing on machine learning), my wife keeps reminding me that I would have had considerably less success without my education, even though you don’t legally need any degree or license to operate this kind of business.


Having a PhD can definitely offer a strong advantage. It depends on the subject of your thesis, where you earned your PhD, and if you worked on real-life problems relevant to the business world. More theoretical PhD’s can still find attractive jobs in various research labs, private or government. The experience may be more rewarding, and probably less political, than a tenured position in academia. It goes both ways: it is not unusual for someone with a pure corporate / business background, to make a late career move to academia, sometimes in a business-related department. Or combining both: academia and corporate positions at the same time.

I wrote an article in 2018, about how to improve PhD programs to allow for an easy  transition to the business world. I called it a doctorship program, and you can read about it  here . I will conclude by saying that another PhD scientist, who earned his PhD in the same unknown math department as me at the same time (in Belgium), ended up becoming an executive at Yahoo, after a short stint (post-doc) at the MIT, working on transportation problems. His name is Didier Burton. Another one (Michel Bierlaire), same year, same math department, also with a short post-doc stint at MIT (mine was at Cambridge University), never got a corporate job, but he is now an happy full professor at EPFL. Also, a Data Science Central intern (reporting to me), originally from Cuba and with very strong academic credentials (PhD, Columbia University, EPFL) got his first corporate job after his internship with us (I strongly recommended him). Despite a mixed academic background in physics and biology, he is now chief data scientist of a private company. His name is Livan Alonso.

About the Author


Vincent Granville is a pioneering data scientist and machine learning expert, founder of  and co-founder of  Data Science Central  (acquired by  TechTarget in 2020), former VC-funded executive, author and patent owner. Vincent’s past corporate experience includes Visa, Wells Fargo, eBay, NBC, Microsoft, CNET, InfoSpace. Vincent is also a former post-doc at Cambridge University, and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS).

Vincent published in  Journal of Number Theory ,  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society  (Series B), and  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence . He is also the author of multiple books, available  here . He lives  in Washington state, and enjoys doing research on stochastic processes, dynamical systems, experimental math and probabilistic number theory.

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What are the potential pitfalls of having a PhD in machine learning?

This is a follow up question from this one . From what I read in that question I understood that in most cases the PhD is not a good idea to grow a good career in the industry.

However I contacted two people in the industry who have PhDs in machine learning and data mining and they work in Amazon Germany as machine learning scientists or data miners. They told me almost any job in data mining or machine learning requires a PhD.

My question is: do the same pitfalls for other fields also apply for PhDs in machine learning and data mining? If not, then are there still other pitfalls?

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Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar

  • 6 I think the whole 'PhDs are bad for you' routine is mostly unfounded. If your primary goal is industry, a PhD is probably unnecessary but I never heard of someone who didn't get a job because they had a PhD. PhDs are valued in the industry, especially in engineering and computer-related fields, in the worst case you could have had the same position 5 years earliers. –  Cape Code Commented Oct 15, 2014 at 19:41
  • @CapeCode "I never heard of someone who didn't get a job because they had a PhD"!! Please have a look at… –  d.putto Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 8:34
  • @d.putto PhD in biology. There are a lot of people with a PhD in biology. In my comment I talked about engineering and computer science. –  Cape Code Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 12:18
  • Accepted that condition in biology is worse. In context to lines (from article) "Places don’t want to hire a Ph.D., who they will have to untrain, and then retrain. They want someone with a bachelor’s or master’s degree who doesn’t have any bad habits and will likely be willing to work for less pay.." do you think PhD in Math, Physics, Chemistry or Computer Science are not affected at all!!! –  d.putto Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 14:05

3 Answers 3

As a person who has hired quite a few people in industry, I will simply say that advanced areas (or even areas that are perceived to be advanced) often see PhDs being preferable . In this respect I completely agree with Bitwise.

I do not, however, agree that you might earn less. Those with sought-after skills get paid well in industry . It is about supply and demand but supply (people who can do the job) is not high and demand is growing.

Machine-learning is hot in the business literature . That is, managers are becoming well informed about the potentials of machine-learning and they are becoming worried that the only way they can compete for the long-term is by taking advantage of this area.

While lower-level programming jobs might not see any benefit from higher qualifications, areas like machine-learning are not seen as lower-level.

To answer your main question, are there pitfalls of having a PhD if you want a job in industry? The answer is no. I am unaware of anyone who has ever thought lower of a job candidate because they have a PhD. Yes, you could get a job without one but for your areas of interest, a PhD will give you lots of advantage when it comes to getting job offers.

earthling's user avatar

  • I agree. I think the argument regarding PhD is whether the time spent on acquiring the PhD would not be better spent in gaining industry experience. So the relevant comparison should be between a PhD with no industry experience and a BSc/MSc with 5-6 years of industry experience. –  Bitwise Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 14:20
  • @Bitwise You make a good point. I would say that getting a job in industry doing machine-learning with only a BSc (so gaining the experience) would be more difficult (but not impossible). –  earthling Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 14:27
  • Since coming across this answer from Googling, I'd like to add -- almost all PhD students have had one or more internships in industry research labs during their summers as gradstudents. This (a) builds a healthy respect for the industry and its challenges in most students, (b) lowers the amount of "un-learning" if later in an industry job. –  AruniRC Commented Feb 19, 2020 at 19:23

Supply and demand plays a large part into why I believe the "PhD is not a good idea" comes across. To be fair, a PhD will probably NEVER hurt your chances. It's more whether it will HELP your chances. I find what's best is to demonstrate exactly what each degree provides in a theoretical job application.

A BS in CS, MS in CS, and PhD in Machine Learning (with BS/MS in CS) all apply to a job that is asking for computer science skills.

The BS provides programming at a basic level and maybe a few upper level skills.

The MS provides what the BS does along with additional experience in concepts such as the development cycle. He may have also had some work experience.

The PhD provides what the MS does plus a research in the background of machine learning (probably not applicable to most jobs).

The PhD really doesn't offer significantly more in a practical sense. The PhD can still get the job, but the advantage the PhD has over the MS is much smaller than the MS over the BS. If the MS will do, it may depreciate the value of the PhD (it won't hurt you, but it won't help you as much). When you're competing for the same Master's-level equivalent position, you're in a very big pool of potential candidates, given how there are naturally more MS holders than PhD holders.

Now we'll take the same candidates, and apply the same people to a machine learning job instead.

The BS has probably never heard of machine learning or taken a class.

The MS may have one class worth of experience in machine learning. It would be quite rare for an MS to have work experience with machine learning as well.

The PhD has dedicated a significant amount of time in machine learning. Probably knows everything about theory, and has written his own software.

In this case, the PhD has significantly more experience simply due to his field of study. Probably the only candidate, or one of a few, and has an actual machine learning background.

If you plan to get a PhD in machine learning and then decide to code general enterprise environment software, it's not going to help. If you get that PhD and then decide to work in a cutting-edge environment that actually implements machine learning, you'll probably be the top candidate. Also keep in mind that there are far more general development jobs than there are for machine-learning.

Compass's user avatar

The statement "PhD is not a good idea for a career in industry" is not always true. It depends both on the field but also on the type of job you want to do. For some things, like programming, experience in industry is often considered much more useful than advanced degrees. However, if you are aiming for a position that involves advanced research and development (like some machine-learning jobs), you will most likely be required to have a PhD, or at least have a major advantage.

It is possible that you might earn less or advance slower in a PhD research-type position, but I don't think salary level or rank are necessarily the way to measure career success.

Bitwise's user avatar

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machine learning phd salary reddit

Machine Learning - CMU

Phd program in machine learning.

Carnegie Mellon University's doctoral program in Machine Learning is designed to train students to become tomorrow's leaders through a combination of interdisciplinary coursework, hands-on applications, and cutting-edge research. Graduates of the Ph.D. program in Machine Learning will be uniquely positioned to pioneer new developments in the field, and to be leaders in both industry and academia.

Understanding the most effective ways of using the vast amounts of data that are now being stored is a significant challenge to society, and therefore to science and technology, as it seeks to obtain a return on the huge investment that is being made in computerization and data collection. Advances in the development of automated techniques for data analysis and decision making requires interdisciplinary work in areas such as machine learning algorithms and foundations, statistics, complexity theory, optimization, data mining, etc.

The Ph.D. Program in Machine Learning is for students who are interested in research in Machine Learning.  For questions and concerns, please   contact us .

The PhD program is a full-time in-person committment and is not offered on-line or part-time.

PhD Requirements

Requirements for the phd in machine learning.

  • Completion of required courses , (6 Core Courses + 1 Elective)
  • Mastery of proficiencies in Teaching and Presentation skills.
  • Successful defense of a Ph.D. thesis.

Teaching Ph.D. students are required to serve as Teaching Assistants for two semesters in Machine Learning courses (10-xxx), beginning in their second year. This fulfills their Teaching Skills requirement.

Conference Presentation Skills During their second or third year, Ph.D. students must give a talk at least 30 minutes long, and invite members of the Speaking Skills committee to attend and evaluate it.

Research It is expected that all Ph.D. students engage in active research from their first semester. Moreover, advisor selection occurs in the first month of entering the Ph.D. program, with the option to change at a later time. Roughly half of a student's time should be allocated to research and lab work, and half to courses until these are completed.

Master of Science in Machine Learning Research - along the way to your PhD Degree.

Other Requirements In addition, students must follow all university policies and procedures .

Rules for the MLD PhD Thesis Committee (applicable to all ML PhDs): The committee should be assembled by the student and their advisor, and approved by the PhD Program Director(s).  It must include:

  • At least one MLD Core Faculty member
  • At least one additional MLD Core or Affiliated Faculty member
  • At least one External Member, usually meaning external to CMU
  • A total of at least four members, including the advisor who is the committee chair

Financial Support

Application Information

For applicants applying in Fall 2024 for a start date of August 2025 in the Machine Learning PhD program, GRE Scores are OPTIONAL. The committee uses GRE scores to gauge quantitative skills, and to a lesser extent, also verbal skills.

Proof of English Language Proficiency If you will be studying on an F-1 or J-1 visa, and English is not a native language for you (native language…meaning spoken at home and from birth), we are required to formally evaluate your English proficiency. We require applicants who will be studying on an F-1 or J-1 visa, and for whom English is not a native language, to demonstrate English proficiency via one of these standardized tests: TOEFL (preferred), IELTS, or Duolingo.  We discourage the use of the "TOEFL ITP Plus for China," since speaking is not scored. We do not issue waivers for non-native speakers of English.   In particular, we do not issue waivers based on previous study at a U.S. high school, college, or university.  We also do not issue waivers based on previous study at an English-language high school, college, or university outside of the United States.  No amount of educational experience in English, regardless of which country it occurred in, will result in a test waiver.

Submit valid, recent scores:   If as described above you are required to submit proof of English proficiency, your TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo test scores will be considered valid as follows: If you have not received a bachelor’s degree in the U.S., you will need to submit an English proficiency score no older than two years. (scores from exams taken before Sept. 1, 2023, will not be accepted.) If you are currently working on or have received a bachelor's and/or a master's degree in the U.S., you may submit an expired test score up to five years old. (scores from exams taken before Sept. 1, 2019, will not be accepted.)

Graduate Online Application

  • Admissions application opens September 4, 2024
  • Early Application Deadline – November 20, 2024 (3:00 p.m. EST)
  • Final Application Deadline - December 11, 2024 (3:00 p.m. EST)

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Best Online Doctorates in Machine Learning: Top PhD Programs, Career Paths, and Salary

Machine learning is a rapidly growing, fascinating field dealing with algorithm development that can be used to make predictions from data. The best online PhD in Machine Learning prepares students for a career in this promising field.

The best online doctorates in machine learning offer students a comprehensive education in all aspects of the field. Students are also provided with the opportunity to choose a specialization such as deep learning, natural language processing , or computer vision. Find out in this article what machine learning PhD online degree program best fits you and the machine learning jobs for graduates.

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Can you get a phd in machine learning online.

Yes, you can get a PhD in Machine Learning online. The online learning system has seen rapid growth in many academic fields and has given students the opportunity to virtually access the academic curriculum remotely.

Many online PhD programs in the United States are accredited and designed with working professionals in mind. Online learning is a great way to earn a doctorate without sacrificing your day job, and in most cases, online students can complete their entire academic journey without stepping foot on campus.

Is an Online PhD Respected?

Yes, an online PhD is respected when it is obtained from an accredited institution in the US. A PhD from an unaccredited school is regarded as just an expensive piece of paper by many other academic institutions.

In regard to employment, many companies and organizations respect an online PhD, holding it to the same standard as an in-person PhD. However, some employers prefer in-person degrees and will disregard online degrees. Ensure your potential future employer accepts online degrees as credible education.

What Is the Best Online PhD Program in Machine Learning?

The best online PhD program in machine learning is at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. It is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and has an excellent reputation within the academic community, a student-to-faculty ratio of 12 to one, and one in five of its 44,000 alumni is a CEO or executive.

Why Clarkson University Has the Best Online PhD Program in Machine Learning

Clarkson University has the best machine learning PhD program not only because it is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) but also because of its US News & World Report ranking. MSCHE is a regionally recognized accreditation association that uses a rigorous and comprehensive system for the purpose of accreditation.

Referring to US News & World Report, Clarkson University is ranked 127 for best national universities out of 4000 degree-granting academic institutions in the United States and 49 for best value schools.

Best Online Master’s Degrees

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Online PhD in Machine Learning Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for an online PhD in Machine Learning typically include a master’s degree or Bachelor’s in Machine Learning or a related subject like the field of engineering. Moreover, prepare to submit official transcripts from previously attended postsecondary institutions and GRE test scores.

Additionally, you may be asked to submit three letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, a CV or resume, and prove your knowledge of calculus and your fluency in computer programming languages like Python and Java. Below is a list of the typical admission requirements needed by distinct schools that offer a machine learning PhD program.

  • Master’s or bachelor’s degree in a relevant field
  • Official transcripts and GRE test scores
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Statement of purpose
  • CV or resume
  • Knowledge of programming and calculus

Best Online PhDs in Machine Learning: Top Degree Program Details

School Program Estimated Length
Aspen University DSc in Computer Science 5 years and 7 months
Capitol Technology University PhD in Artificial Intelligence 2 to 3 years
City University of Seattle PhD in Information Technology Self-paced
Clarkson University PhD in Computer Science 3 years
Northcentral University PhD in Computer Science 3 years and 4 months
Nova Southeastern University PhD in Computer Science Not specified
University of North Dakota PhD in Computer Science 4 – 5 years
University of Rhode Island PhD in Computer Science 4 years
University of the Cumberlands PhD in Information Technology Not specified
Wright State University PhD in Computer Science and Engineering 10-year limit

Best Online PhDs in Machine Learning: Top University Programs to Get a PhD in Machine Learning Online

The top university programs to get a PhD in Machine Learning are at Clarkson University, Aspen University, Capitol Technology University, The University of Rhode Island, and The University of the Cumberlands, among other distinct schools.

This section discusses the properties, requirements, and descriptions of the best universities offering online PhD in Machine Learning programs. We have created this list below to narrow down your school search for these graduate-level in-depth study programs.

Aspen University is a Distance Education Accrediting Commission accredited university. It was established in 1987 as a private for-profit online university offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer science, business information systems, and project management.

Aspen University in Phoenix, Arizona is a known member of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning and is dedicated to supporting adult learners in achieving a professional career in whatever field they desire.

DSc in Computer Science

This doctoral degree teaches students the theory and practical application of computer science in data science, application design, and computer architecture. It contains 20 courses, including artificial intelligence, risk analysis, and system metrics. 

These courses are offered online and aim to impart students with the necessary skills for improving existing technology, as well as evaluating and applying them. It also contains courses that aid doctoral students in carrying out their research dissertations.

DSc in Computer Science Overview

  • Accreditation: Distance Education Accrediting Commission
  • Program Length: 5 years and 7 months
  • Acceptance Rate: N/A
  • Tuition and Fees: $375/month

DSc in Computer Science Admission Requirements

  • Master’s degree
  • Statement of goals
  • Minimum of 3.0 GPA
  • Must know about object-oriented development

Capitol Technology University was founded in 1927 and offers online programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. The areas of study in which these online programs are offered include business, technology, and the field of engineering.

PhD in Artificial Intelligence

This is a research-based PhD program that offers students the opportunity to conduct research in any field of their choice. Throughout the program, student work must be approved by the academic supervisor. Students are to submit a thesis and give an oral presentation which will be supervised by an expert in the field.

PhD in Artificial Intelligence Overview

  • Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education
  • Program Length: 2 to 3 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $933/credit

PhD in Artificial Intelligence Admission Requirements

  • Application fee of $100
  • Master’s degree in a relevant field
  • Minimum of five years of related work experience
  • Two recommendation letters

Founded in 1973, City University of Seattle is recognized as a top 10 educator of adults nationwide, as ranked by the US News & World Report for school rankings. It offers online undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs designed for working professionals

PhD in Information Technology

The program’s curriculum consists of courses in machine and deep learning. Candidates are given the option to propose their depth of study, which requires approval from the academic director. The program consists of core courses, concentration courses, a comprehensive examination, a research core, and a dissertation. 

PhD in Information Technology Overview

  • Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
  • Program Length: Flexible
  • Acceptance Rate: 100% due to open admission policy
  • Tuition and Fees: $765/credit

PhD in Information Technology Admission Requirements

  • A master’s degree from an accredited or recognized institution
  • CV and resume, and three references letters 
  • Proof of English proficiency
  • Interview with admissions advisor
  • State goals related to your academic work

Founded in 1896 to honor Thomas S. Clarkson, Clarkson University offers flexible online degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. It is a research university that leads in technology education. 

PhD in Computer Science

This doctoral program places emphasis on areas such as artificial intelligence , software, security, and networking. Current students are required to complete 36 credits of computer science foundation and research-oriented courses, elective courses, achieve candidacy within the first two years of the program, and propose and defend a thesis.

PhD in Computer Science Overview

  • Program Length: 3 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,533/credit

PhD in Computer Science Admission Requirements

  • Complete the online application form
  • Resume, statement of purpose, and three letters of recommendation
  • English proficiency test for international applicants (TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, and Duolingo English Test)

Northcentral University is a private university established in 1996 and is designed for flexibility by offering programs of distance learning for working professionals. It practices a distinctive one-to-one learning system and has a dedicated doctoral faculty.

In this doctorate program, besides writing papers about past research, students are allowed to propose their research. Its curriculum consists of subjects such as software engineering , artificial intelligence, data mining, and cyber security. Through the course, students conduct research and examine real-world issues in the field of computer science.

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  • Accreditation: WASC Senior College and University Commission
  • Program Length: 3 years and 4 months
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,094/credit
  • Master’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Official transcripts
  • English proficiency exam score for international students

Nova Southeastern University was founded in 1964 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It offers online graduate and undergraduate courses and conducts a wide variety of interdisciplinary healthcare research. It is home to national athletics champions and Olympians.

This program provides research in computer science. Its format of learning combines both traditional and online instruction designed with consideration for working professionals . Its coursework consists of research in computer science areas, including cyber security, software engineering, and artificial intelligence.

  • Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges
  • Program Length: Not specified
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,282/credit
  • Online application and $50 application fee
  • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in a relevant field from a regionally accredited institution
  • GPA of at least 3.20 
  • Official transcripts from all institutions attended 
  • A resume  
  • Essay, and three letters of recommendation

The University of North Dakota was founded in 1883, six years before North Dakota was made a state. Today, it offers several academic programs in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral fields and is known for conducting research in areas that include medicine, aerospace, and engineering.

This PhD in Computer Science curriculum consists of courses in machine learning, software engineering, applications of AI, computer forensics, and computer networks which benefit students by granting them proficiencies in areas such as artificial intelligence, compiler design, operating systems, simulation, databases, and networks.

  • Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
  • Program Length: 4 to 5 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $545.16/credit (in state); $817.73/ credit (out of state)
  • Application fee of $35
  • Master’s or bachelor’s degree in engineering or a related science field
  • GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and GRE test score
  • Official copy of all college and university academic transcripts
  • Statement of academic goals and three letters of recommendation
  • Expertise in a high-level programming language and basic knowledge of data structures, formal languages, computer architecture and OS, calculus, statistics, and linear algebra 
  • English language proficiency

The University of Rhode Island is a public research institution founded in 1892. It conducts extensive research in the field of science. It offers online, on-site, and hybrid programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels, as well as certificate programs.

In this PhD in Computer Science program, students are involved in research geared toward producing new intellectual and innovative contributions to the field of computer science. It offers a combination of on-campus, online, and day and evening classes. It consists of courses in machine learning, artificial intelligence, software engineering, and systems simulation.

  • Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education
  • Program Length: 4 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $14,454/year (in-state); $27,906/ year (out of state)
  • An undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution in the US
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0
  • All official college transcripts
  • Personal statement
  • An application fee of $65

Founded in 1888 by Baptist ministers in Williamsburg KY, today the University of the Cumberlands offers online master's and doctoral degree programs in the fields of education, information technology, and business.

The program requires 18 credit hours of core courses which include information technology geared toward creating machine learning engineers . Its curriculum focuses on predictive analytics and other skills students need to become experts in cyber crime security, big data, and smart technologies.

Students have the option to specialize in information systems security, information technology, digital forensics, or blockchain technologies. Students will complete 21 credit hours of professional research while working toward a dissertation.

  • Tuition and Fees: $500/credit
  • A master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • TOEFL for non-native English speakers
  • Application fee of $30

Wright State University was first seen in 1964 as a branch campus for Ohio State University and Miami University. It is a Carnegie classified research university and offers research at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels.

PhD in Computer Science and Engineering

This degree is awarded to students who show excellence in study and research that significantly contributes to the field of computer science and engineering. The degree requirements include an A grade completion of the core coursework in two areas and at least a B in the third. 

Students are to complete a minimum of 18 hours of residency research before taking the candidacy exam, which must be completed with a satisfactory grade. Also, a minimum of 12 hours of dissertation research is needed before the dissertation defense, which has to be approved.

PhD in Computer Science and Engineering Overview

  • Program Length: 10 years time limit
  • Tuition and Fees: $660/credit (in state); $1,125/ credit (out of state)
  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related discipline (computer science or engineering)
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 if admitted with a bachelor’s degree or 3.3 with a master’s degree
  • GRE general test portion
  • TOEFL score for non-native English speakers
  • Knowledge of high-level programming languages, computer organization, operating systems, data structures, and computer systems design
  • A record that indicates potential for a career in research

Online Machine Learning PhD Graduation Rates: How Hard Is It to Complete an Online PhD Program in Machine Learning?

It is very hard to complete an online PhD in Machine Learning. According to a paper published in the International Journal of Doctoral Studies, there is a PhD attrition rate of 50 percent in the US within the past 50 years. Therefore, the graduation rate for doctorate students is approximately 50 percent.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Machine Learning Online?

It takes about four years to get a PhD in Machine Learning online, which is fast when compared to a traditional in-person PhD program which may take over seven years to complete. Online PhD programs are accelerated by default, so the curriculum focuses on the major needs of a PhD graduate in the areas of research, thesis, and dissertation.

Students may be able to reduce the time spent pursuing a PhD in Machine Learning by first acquiring a master’s degree in the field. If you choose to pursue a PhD on a part-time schedule as opposed to full-time study, it will significantly increase the time it takes to acquire the degree.

How Hard Is an Online Doctorate in Machine Learning?

Getting an online doctorate in machine learning is very hard, as are most graduate programs. Besides the rigorous research, strict requirements, deadlines, qualification examinations, and dissertations, other challenges may exist, such as limited student connection with the faculty members, isolation, financial issues, and lack of an adequate work-life balance .

Getting a doctorate in any field is not easy. In fact, there is research to suggest that online doctorate students face challenges regarding culture and academia. As a result of these challenges, many students drop out from their PhD programs.

Best PhD Programs

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What Courses Are in an Online Machine Learning PhD Program?

The courses in an online machine learning PhD program include an introduction to machine learning and deep learning, artificial intelligence, statistical theories, data mining , system simulation, computer programming, and software development.

Main Areas of Study in a Machine Learning PhD Program

  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Databases and data mining
  • Statistical theory
  • Software engineering
  • Systems simulation

How Much Does Getting an Online Machine Learning PhD Cost?

On average, it costs $19,314 per year to get a PhD in Machine Learning, according to the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES). However, this figure is not fixed, as the total tuition for a PhD program varies from school to school.

Private institutions generally cost more than public institutions, but there are funding opportunities for PhD students. Some PhD programs may guarantee financial aid for all their students regardless of merit.

How to Pay for an Online PhD Program in Machine Learning

You can pay for an online PhD in Machine Learning by taking advantage of student loans, scholarships, grants, teaching and research assistantships, graduate assistantships, and fellowship assistantships. As a result, most PhD students spend less than the tuition fee displayed on a school’s website.

How to Get an Online PhD for Free

You cannot get an online PhD in Machine Learning for free. However, there are ways to reduce the cost, or get partial tuition discounts and stipends through graduate assistantships, fellowships, scholarships, or grants.

What Is the Most Affordable Online PhD in Machine Learning Degree Program?

The most affordable online PhD in Machine Learning based on cost per credit is at Aspen University in Phoenix, Arizona. It charges $375 per month, which, when multiplied by the 67 months it takes to complete the program, results in a total of $25,125 for the entire program. This is more affordable compared to a school like Clarkson University, which charges $1,533 per credit hour.

Most Affordable Online PhD Programs in Machine Learning: In Brief

School Program Tuition
Aspen University DSc in Computer Science $375/month
University of the Cumberlands PhD in Information Technology $500/credit
University of North Dakota PhD in Computer Science $545.16/credit
Wright University PhD in Computer Science and Engineering $660/credit
City University of Seattle PhD in Information Technology $765/credit

Why You Should Get an Online PhD in Machine Learning

You should get an online PhD in Machine Learning because having a PhD offers you a stronger advantage in terms of employability, salary, and in your career in general that would otherwise be unavailable with just a bachelor’s and master’s degree.

Top Reasons for Getting a PhD in Machine Learning

  • Research opportunities. PhD students get the opportunity to be involved in rigorous and innovative research that may positively impact humanity, add to the world’s knowledge, and improve the lives of others.
  • Expertise development. A PhD is the highest level of academic degree, and as a result, PhD holders have expert-level knowledge in whichever field they acquire a PhD in. However, it is advised to only get a PhD if you are very interested in the field and willing to explore your interest and expand your understanding through cutting-edge research.
  • Access to better jobs. There are lots of bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates in the job market, and earning a PhD will help you stick out from the crowd. A PhD reveals career opportunities that may not be available to bachelor’s and master’s degree grads.
  • Networking opportunities . During a PhD program, students are in contact with top lecturers and academic experts by attending guest lectures, conferences, seminars, and workshops. Students can network with colleagues and classmates, which helps put them in a good position after their academic journey.

Best Master’s Degree Programs

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What Is the Difference Between an On-Campus Machine Learning PhD and an Online PhD in Machine Learning?

The difference between an on-campus machine learning PhD and an online PhD in Machine Learning is primarily the mode of learning. Online PhDs are as rigorous and effective as their on-campus counterparts.

However, there may be some slight differences between the two in terms of cost, schedule, quality, and funding. Some of the differences that may exist are discussed below.

Online PhD vs On-Campus PhD: Key Differences

  • Affordability. An online PhD is more affordable compared to the traditional on-campus alternative. An on-campus PhD can cost as much as $30,000 per year, while an online PhD may be as low as $20,000 per year.
  • Flexibility. Online PhD students have the liberty to conduct in-depth study and research at their own time as opposed to the schedule of an in-person PhD program. Moreover, most online PhD programs don’t have an enrollment date, and some online PhD work is asynchronous, meaning students can take classes from anywhere at their convenience.
  • Quality. Traditionally acquired PhDs are thought to be superior to their online counterparts by some employers and academics, probably due to sentiment. However, the quality of an online PhD is dependent on the research subject, the school’s reputation, and accreditation.
  • Availability of funding. Funding available for online PhD programs may be limited due to some geographical constraints. For example, online PhD students cannot take up teaching assistantship positions unless they are willing to be physically present.

How to Get a PhD in Machine Learning Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

An online machine learning PhD student sitting at a coffee shop table, working on a computer.

To get a PhD in Machine Learning, you need to first apply online to a PhD program. If accepted, you must enroll in the required classes and complete the academic coursework, research, and a series of academic milestones, which include attaining candidacy, passing the qualification examinations, proposing, writing, and defending your dissertation.

To begin your journey to acquiring a PhD in Machine Learning, you first need to apply online to the school of your choice. You also need to fulfill the admission requirements, including possessing a master's or bachelor's degree–depending on the school–in a relevant field, a minimum grade point average, letters of recommendation, and GRE test scores . 

Many online PhD programs require students to take and pass a minimum number of credit hours in core and elective courses. A typical online PhD in Machine Learning program consists of about 70 to 90 credit hours that involve intensive research in a provided or chosen area of concentration. 

Obtaining a PhD in Machine Learning allows an individual to become a world-renowned expert in the field. After completing a rigorous course of study and passing a series of exams, the doctoral candidate would then undertake an original research project that contributes new knowledge to the field. Upon successful completion of the degree, the graduate would be able to pursue a career in academia or industry. 

Examinations are an essential part of any education. They test a student's understanding of the material and help them to learn and remember the information. If you want to earn a machine learning PhD, you must pass the examinations for various core and required courses. Then, you will need to complete and defend your dissertation.

A dissertation is a research paper that is submitted to and defended by a graduate student to earn a graduate degree. To graduate with a PhD in Machine Learning, you are required to write a dissertation on a topic related to machine learning. Your doctoral dissertation must demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the field of machine learning, as well as your ability to conduct original research in the field.

Online PhD in Machine Learning Salary and Job Outlook

The job outlook for machine learning jobs is 22 percent between 2020 and 2030 , with the number of new jobs expected in this time frame being 7,200, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average salary for computer and information research scientists, which is a category that machine learning professionals belong to, is $131,490 per year .

What Can You Do With an Online Doctorate in Machine Learning?

With an online doctorate in machine learning, you can qualify for specialization roles and lead machine learning positions, including senior machine learning engineer and computer research scientist.

Depending on your preferences, you may also opt for a research and academic career path to become a university professor. The list below is a list of the best jobs for PhD in Machine Learning graduates.

Best Jobs with a PhD in Machine Learning

  • Senior Machine Learning Engineer
  • Computer and Information Research Scientist
  • Data Scientist
  • Software Engineer
  • Postsecondary Teacher

Potential Careers With a Machine Learning Degree

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What Is the Average Salary for an Online PhD Holder in Machine Learning? 

The average salary for a PhD in Machine Learning holder is $108,000 per year , according to PayScale’s salary for skills in machine learning. The average salary a PhD holder receives depends on the location and position you apply for.

Highest-Paying Machine Learning Jobs for PhD Grads

Online Machine Learning PhD Jobs Average Salary
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Computer and Information Research Scientist
Senior Data Scientist
Senior Software Engineer
Postsecondary Teacher

Best Machine Learning Jobs for Online PhD Holders

The best machine learning jobs for online PhD holders are typically high-paying jobs that require advanced-level skills that coincide with the nature of the position they undertake. Below are some typical job titles that online machine learning PhD degree holders assume.

A senior machine learning engineer oversees a team of machine engineers charged with designing and developing effective machine learning and deep learning solutions implemented in machine learning systems.

  • Salary with a Machine Learning PhD: $153,255
  • Job Outlook: 22% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 33,000
  • Highest-Paying States: Oregon, Arizona, Texas

Computer and information research scientists research and develop new ways of solving complex computing problems and apply existing technology. They work to significantly increase the knowledge in the field of computer science, which will aid in the production of more efficient software and hardware technologies.

  • Salary with a Machine Learning PhD: $131,490

A senior data scientist is responsible for developing data mining and machine learning techniques to solve complex business problems. They identify patterns and trends in large data sets, develop models to improve forecasting and decision making, and effectively communicate data-driven insights to non-technical stakeholders and lead a team of data analysts.

  • Salary with a Machine Learning PhD: $127,455

A software engineer is a professional that develops and maintains software. They work on a variety of software, from operating systems to video games, and may be involved in the development of websites. They must also have an excellent understanding of computer programming languages and be able to solve complex problems.

  • Salary with a Machine Learning PhD: $121,115
  • Number of Jobs: 1,847,900
  • Highest-Paying States: Washington, California, New York

Postsecondary teachers are in charge of lecturing students in colleges and universities. They are also responsible for instructing adults in several academic and non-academic subjects including career, work, and research.

  • Salary with a Machine Learning PhD: $79,640
  • Job Outlook: 12% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 1,276,900
  • Highest-Paying States: California, Oregon, District of Columbia

Is It Worth It to Do a PhD in Machine Learning Online?

Yes, it is worth it to do a PhD in Machine Learning online. Getting a PhD is not for everyone, as the process will require tremendous effort and discipline, but it can be rewarding. A PhD in Machine Learning online allows you to learn from some of the best minds in the field.

You can also specialize in an area of your choice, such as big data, natural language processing, or deep learning. Specializing in one area for your PhD in Machine Learning allows you to deep-dive into that subject and build doctorate-level expertise.

An online PhD in Machine Learning provides students with the same high-quality education as a traditional PhD but with more flexibility and affordability. You’ll have access to top-notch instructors, state-of-the-art technology, and a thriving online community of experts.

Additional Reading About Machine Learning


Online PhD in Machine Learning FAQ

Yes, you should get an online PhD in Machine Learning if it is critical for your career prospects. An online PhD in Machine Learning allows you to learn at your own pace and keep your day job while you pursue your degree. In the end, it sets you up for the highest-earning jobs in the machine learning industry , with better pay and a larger professional network.

The type of research you will carry out as a machine learning student includes research in deep learning, neural networks , machine learning algorithms, supervised and unsupervised machine learning, predictive learning, and computer vision. Students will make use of quantitative and experimental methods of research as well as the use of optimal feature selection.

You can choose a concentration for an online machine learning PhD by factoring in your interests, strengths, and career goals. You may also consider recent trends, the average salary of machine learning professionals , or the career options the machine learning industry has to offer when choosing a machine learning concentration.

Examples of online machine learning PhD dissertations include experimental quantum speed-up in reinforcement learning agents, improving automated medical diagnosis systems with machine learning technologies, regulating deep learning and robotics, and the use of machines and robotics in medical procedures.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Artificial Intelligence Degree

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Artificial Intelligence

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Artificial Intelligence Jobs by Salary

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CMU Machine Learning PhD Courses

Hello, I will be joining the ML PhD department from undergrad and will be starting the required coursework this term. I did well in undergrad (4.0 GPA in comp sci/ECE) but it was very taxing and I’m hoping to also have time to do research and some other things.

How do the PhD courses 36-705 (intermediate stats), 10-715 (advanced intro to ML), 10-716 (advanced ML), 10-725 (convex optimization) compare to masters level courses in undergrad in terms of earning good grades? E.g. are the classes curved so that only a small percentage are able to earn A/A+ grades, or is anyone able to as long as they pass a certain threshold? What’s the grade distribution like in these courses specifically?

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    Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores ... A question about the typical salary for a fresh machine learning PhD graduate . Discussion ... Any master CS in LDN starts at 60k GBP, Phd in Machine Learning should get you 100k-150k GBP to start. If you would join FAANG in LDN, you'd start ...

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    If you can get into FAANG, it used to be at least 300k for new grad PhD. With the current state of market, may be a little bit lower. $400K if you have published a notable paper during your PHD. Location matters. As a PhD intern my salary is nominally 135k for speech recognition.

  3. Senior ML/software engineer salary with PhD

    Salary-wise, 2 years experience + PhD would put you around 120-130k base at a large company (e.g., Google), so you could dock off 5% at a startup for reasonable stock options. With bonus, You should shoot for at least 140k. Depends on a lot.

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    Program Name: Ph.D. in Machine Learning Research Ranking in Machine Learning: 1 Research Ranking in AI: 1 Duration: 4 to 5+ years Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Core courses: Advanced machine learning, statistics, research, statistical machine learning, data analysis, artificial intelligence.

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    A PhD may command a slightly higher salary initially, and may be required for a position in a research lab (whether private or government-operated). But for many positions, it may not bring an advantage. Corporate work can be mundane and fast-paced, and the search for perfect algorithms is discouraged, as it hurts ROI.

  6. Salary: Machine Learning Phd in United States 2024

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  7. What are the potential pitfalls of having a PhD in machine learning?

    The PhD really doesn't offer significantly more in a practical sense. The PhD can still get the job, but the advantage the PhD has over the MS is much smaller than the MS over the BS. If the MS will do, it may depreciate the value of the PhD (it won't hurt you, but it won't help you as much).

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    Final Application Deadline - December 13, 2023 (3:00 p.m. EST) The Machine Learning (ML) Ph.D. program is a fully-funded doctoral program in machine learning (ML), designed to train students to become tomorrow's leaders through a combination of interdisciplinary coursework, and cutting-edge research.

  9. Salary: Phd Machine Learning Engineer in United States 2024

    Most Likely Range. The estimated total pay for a Machine Learning PhD Intern is $178,735 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $129,433 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

  10. Salary: Phd Machine Learning in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a Phd Machine Learning is $238,648 per year, with an average salary of $149,633 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $89,015 per year.

  11. [d] Robotics/ AI PhD Salary Expectations for T1.5 School : r ...

    For non-PhD engineers, going from L3 (fresh out of college) to L5 is definitely not as easy. The comp varies a lot because the stock appreciation plays a big role. For example, if your initial salary was $120k cash and $130k stock, and the Google stock doubles, your salary inflates to $120k + $130k x 2 = $380k without doing anything.

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    AI-related roles for Ph.D.s pay an average salary of $115,000 and up to $279,000, according to limited 2024 Payscale data. There's a huge variety of industries to work in. This includes tech and non-tech fields, such as data science, software engineering, retail, education, and finance. However, some experts believe job competition may increase ...

  13. Salary: Phd in Machine Learning

    Average : US$85,188 Range : US$63,891 - US$119,264. The average salary for Machine Learning is US$206,652 per year in the United States. The average additional cash compensation for a Machine Learning in the United States is US$85,188, with a range from US$63,891 - US$119,264. Salaries estimates are based on 285 salaries submitted anonymously ...

  14. How Much Will You Earn With a PhD in Computer Science?

    It reports that a master's is the minimum degree required to enter the field, and that average annual income for computer scientists is $136,720. reports an average salary for computer science PhDs of $133,000. Clearly, you don't get a PhD for the money; you can make nearly as much as a PhD makes with only a master's degree.

  15. Salary: Machine Learning PhD (October, 2023)

    The average salary for Machine Learning PhD is £70,744 per year in the United Kingdom. The average additional cash compensation for a Machine Learning PhD in the United Kingdom is £10,918, with a range from £4,257 - £27,999. Salaries estimates are based on 1461 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Machine Learning PhD employees in ...

  16. Best Online PhDs in Machine Learning

    The average salary for a PhD in Machine Learning holder is $108,000 per year, according to PayScale's salary for skills in machine learning. The average salary a PhD holder receives depends on the location and position you apply for. Highest-Paying Machine Learning Jobs for PhD Grads.

  17. [D] PhD Student Internship Big Tech Zurich

    This does seem low indeed if you factor in cost of living in Zurich. I did two (remote) ML research internships at NVIDIA and Facebook since the beginning of my PhD and monthly salary was 8-10k CAD + 1k stipend for housing. You might get taxed a lot less though, which is nonnegligible.

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    The estimated total pay range for a Machine Learning Engineer at Reddit is $195K-$289K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Machine Learning Engineer base salary at Reddit is $171K per year. The average additional pay is $65K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.

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    Gender Breakdown for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Artificial Intelligence. Male. 70.0 %. Avg. Salary: $105k - $180k. Female. 30.0 %. Avg. Salary: $0 - $0. This data is based on 10 survey responses ...

  20. Reddit

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