1. Political Representation

    Political representation occurs when political actors speak, advocate, symbolize, and act on the behalf of others in the political arena. In short, political representation is a kind of political assistance. This seemingly straightforward definition, however, is not adequate as it stands. For it leaves the concept of political representation ...

  2. Political representation

    Political representation is the activity of making citizens "present" in public policy -making processes when political actors act in the best interest of citizens according to Hanna Pitkin's Concept of Representation (1967). [ 1][ 2] This definition of political representation is consistent with a wide variety of views on what representing ...

  3. Representation

    representation, in government, method or process of enabling the citizenry, or some of them, to participate in the shaping of legislation and governmental policy through deputies chosen by them.. The rationale of representative government is that in large modern countries the people cannot all assemble, as they did in the marketplace of democratic Athens or Rome; and if, therefore, the people ...

  4. Chapter 1: Political representation: concepts, theories and practices

    The concept of representation central in contemporary interpretations of democracy is in many ways dependent also from the juridical, artistic and religious languages, and the meanings it assumes in this field. This polysemic character has animated the history of political thought, where the concept of representation has been viewed in different and loosely related ways. An important turning ...

  5. Representation: Political

    Etymologically, representation originates from the Latin repræsentare which means "to make present or manifest or to present again". From its initial usage in aesthetic and ecclesiasticism, the concept of representation finds its political meaning in the thirteenth century (Pitkin 1989).At first unrelated to democracy, the meaning of political representation evolved to be strongly ...

  6. Representation

    In order to define a representational system one must first define representation, a many-faceted and elusive concept. ... A penetrating analysis of the issues raised by political representation in the context of Continental constitutionalism, with particular reference to France, may be found in CarrS de Malberg 1922.

  7. 45 Political Representation and Democracy

    Representation is the "process in which one individual or groups (the representative) act on behalf of other individuals or groups (the represented) in making or influencing authoritative decisions, policies, or laws of a polity" (Thompson 2001, 11696). Representation may occur in many circumstances.

  8. The power of political representation

    The 'representative turn' stood out for its proponents' 'willingness to question the polarity of representation and democracy' (Brito Vieira, 2017, p. 5).They emphasized that representative functions can be fulfilled by a broad variety of non-electoral political actors including social movements, organizations, individual citizens, and influential media figures.

  9. The Concept of Representation in Contemporary Democratic Theory

    Democratic theorists have paid increasing attention to problems of political representation over the past two decades. Interest is driven by (a) a political landscape within which electoral representation now competes with new and informal kinds of representation; (b) interest in the fairness of electoral representation, particularly for minorities and women; (c) a renewed focus on political ...

  10. The Nature of Representation

    Abstract. For a fuller understanding of what constitutes 'representation', as is being assessed in the book, this chapter provides an exploration of the theory and meanings of this in the political sphere. Various theories of representation are explored, such as descriptive and substantive representation, presence theory, and critical mass ...

  11. Political Representation

    Political Representation. B. Forest, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009 The Meanings of Political Representation. Nearly 40 years ago, political theorist Hannah Pitkin argued that only a constellation of meanings could adequately describe representation, and political representation in particular. The concept is so complex because representation is an apparent absurdity: to ...

  12. PDF 1. Political representation: concepts, theories and practices in

    Political representation: concepts, theories and practices in historical perspective Federico Russo and Maurizio Cotta INTRODUCTION The concept of representation is, without doubt, at the centre of what can be termed the most important political invention of the last two centuries, that is to say, liberal democracy. As

  13. (PDF) Political Representation

    On this definition, political representation is the activity of making citizens' voices, opinions, and. perspectives "present" in the public policy making processes. Political representation ...

  14. The Legitimacy of Representation: How Descriptive, Formal, and

    In essence, descriptive representation is argued to produce better decisions that are inclusive to a wider set of popular voices. We examine whether descriptive representation also helps the popular willingness to accept a political decision using a survey experiment run in the Norwegian citizen panel in 2014.

  15. Introduction: Political Representation in Liberal Democracies

    The objective of the Oxford Handbook of Political Representation in Liberal Democracies is to assess comprehensively how well the interests and preferences of mass publics become represented by the institutions of liberal democracies. By liberal democracies we refer to the institutional practices as they have evolved in Western democracies since the early nineteenth century where periodic ...

  16. What Does Political Representation Mean?

    Benefits of Proportional Representation One of the most direct benefits of proportional representation is the elimination of manufactured majorities. This refers to when a political party wins only a plurality of the votes (less than half), but gains a majority (more than half) of the seats and effectively lawmaking power.


    Resisting the temptation to define the essence of representation, this paper proposes to distinguish several notions of representation, starting with the words used by actors and then putting them ...

  18. The Meanings of Political Representation: Uses and Misuses of a Notion

    3In the first section, I will begin by rejecting any attempts to define the essence of political representation. In the subsequent sections, I will address two sets of meanings linked to representation as an activity, one concerning symbolic representation, the other concerning juridical-political representation.

  19. Descriptive Representation Revisited

    It is now part of the shared understanding of liberal democracy that representation involves at least some component of what has come to be known as 'descriptive' representation. Politicians, political commentators, and citizens alike now routinely comment on the gender and ethnic composition of elected assemblies, and take it as self-evident progress when elections generate a higher ...

  20. What Constitutes Substantive Representation, and Where Should We

    Orly Siow is will join the Department of Gender Studies at Lund University in summer 2023. Her work focuses gender, race and political representation. She has won multiple awards, including the ECPR ECPG Joni Lovenduski Prize, and also consults on gender issues for clients including UN Women. This short article introduces a novel framework for ...

  21. Proportional representation, explained

    Proportional representation is an electoral system that elects multiple representatives in each district in proportion to the number of people who vote for them. If one third of voters back a political party, the party's candidates win roughly one-third of the seats. Today, proportional representation is the most common electoral system among ...

  22. The Politics of Representation

    These bring forth new discussions on representation in the context of belonging, the legitimacy of entrenched thought and knowledge, and the erasure of marginalised voices. In many ways the politics of representation is a slippery concept, difficult to pin down and attach to a specific meaning; in part we see it as the contested space between ...

  23. Symbolic Representation as Political Practice

    Symbolic representation is a key dimension of political representation and deserves critical attention when the agenda is to rethink popular representation.In his outline of a framework for analysing political representation, Törnquist 1 highlights the lasting influence of Pitkin's classic study of The Concept of Representation. 2 Pitkin famously distinguishes between representation as ...

  24. Proportional Representation

    Proportional representation is a class of electoral system that aims to ensure seats reflect votes: that is, a political party's share of seats in a delegation and a legislature is commensurate with its share of its vote: If a party wins 30 percent of votes, it should earn 30 percent of seats, and likewise for any other share. Proportionality ...

  25. Evolution of the 'woman's question' in India

    Political representation. While several global suffragette movements were raising their demand for universal adult franchise in the Western countries, ... However, the definition of a farmer and the techniques which data collection agencies such as the NCRB use have been largely criticised for under-representing women as farmers, besides male ...