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75 Unique School Presentation Ideas and Topics Plus Templates

class presentation for primary school

Are you tired of seeing the same PowerPoints repeating overused and unoriginal school presentation ideas covering repeated topics in your classes?

You know what I’m talking about; we’ve all been there, and sat through yawn-worthy demonstrations, slides, or presentation videos covering everything from the solar system, someone’s favorite pet, past presidents of a country, to why E=mC squared.

school presentation ideas bored cat meme

From grade school to university, first graders to college students, we are obligated to create, perform, and observe academic presentations across a plethora of curriculums and classes, and not all of these public speaking opportunities fall into the category of an ‘interesting topic’.

Yet, have no fear! Here at Piktochart, we are here to help you and your classmates. From giving examples of creative and even interactive presentation ideas, providing presentation videos , and suggesting interactive activities to give your five minutes of fame the ‘wow’ factor that it deserves, this article is your guide!

Our massive collection of unique school and college presentation ideas and templates applies if you’re:

  • A teacher looking to make your class more engaging and fun with student presentations.
  • A student who wants to impress your teacher and the rest of the class with a thought-provoking, interesting topic.

A Curated List of Interesting Topics for School Presentations

Did you know that when it comes to presentations , the more students involved improves retention? The more you know! Yet sometimes, you need a little help to get the wheels moving in your head for your next school presentation .

The great thing about these ideas and topics is you can present them either in face-to-face classes or virtual learning sessions.

Each school presentation idea or topic below also comes with a template that you can use. Create a free Piktochart account to try our presentation maker and get access to the high-quality version of the templates. You can also check out our Piktochart for Education plan .

Want to watch this blog post in video format? The video below is for you!

The templates are further divided into the following categories covering the most popular and best presentation topics. Click the links below to skip to a specific section.

  • Unique science presentation topics to cultivate curiosity in class
  • Engaging culture and history presentation ideas to draw inspiration from
  • Health class presentation topics to help students make healthy lifestyle decisions
  • Data visualization ideas to help students present an overwhelming amount of data and information into clear, engaging visuals
  • First day of school activity ideas to foster classroom camaraderie
  • Communication and media topics to teach students the importance of effective communication
  • Topics to help students prepare for life after school

We hope this list will inspire you and help you nail your next school presentation activity.

Unique Science Presentation Topics to Cultivate Curiosity in Class

Science is a broad field and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with too many topics to choose for your next presentation.

Cultivate curiosity in the science classroom with the following unique and creative presentation ideas and topics:

1. Can life survive in space?

template for can life survive in space

2. Do plants scream when they’re in pain?

template for do plants scream when they're in pain

3. What are the traits of successful inventors?

template of what are the traits of successful inventors

4. How vaccines work

template for how vaccines work

5. Massive destruction of the Koala’s habitat in Australia

template for massive destruction of the koala's habitat in australia

6. Left brain versus right brain

template for left brain vs right brain

7. What are great sources of calcium?

template for great sources of calcium infographic

8. Recycling facts you need to know

template for recycling facts you need to know

9. Do you have what it takes to be a NASA astronaut?

NASA astronaut template

10. The rise of robots and AI: Should we be afraid of them?

rise of robots template

11. How far down does the sea go?

template for how far down does the sea go

12. The stages of sleep

stages of sleep template

13. Will Mars be our home in 2028?

template for will mars be our home in 2028

14. A quick look at laboratory safety rules

template for laboratory rules

15. The first person in history to break the sound barrier

template for the first person in history to break the sound barrier

Engaging Culture and History Presentation Ideas to Draw Inspiration From

History is filled with equally inspiring and terrifying stories, and there are lessons that students can learn from the events of the past. Meanwhile, interactive presentations about culture help students learn and embrace diversity. 

16. Women in history: A conversation through time

infographic template about women in history: a conversation through time

17. The sweet story of chocolate 

visual for sweet story of chocolate 

18. A history lesson with a twist 

template for a history lesson with a twist

19. The history of basketball 

history of basketball visual template

20. The origin of the Halloween celebration 

origin of the halloween celebration template

21. AI History 

AI history template

22. What you need to know about New Zealand 

infographic template about new zealand facts

23. 1883 volcanic eruption of Krakatoa 

template for volcanic eruption of krakatoa 

24. Roman structures: 2000 years of strength

template for roman structures: 2000 years of strength

25. The most famous art heists in history 

template for the most famous art heists in history 

26. Elmo: The story behind a child icon 

template for elmo: the story behind a child icon 

27. 10 things you should know before you visit South Korea 

template for things you should know before you visit south korea 

28. 8 things you didn’t know about these 8 countries 

eight things you didn't know about these countries, template 

Health Class Presentation Topics to Help Students Make Healthy Lifestyle Decisions

Want to learn how to engage students with healthcare topic ideas? Then consider using these templates for your next interactive presentation.

According to the CDC , school-based health education contributes to the development of functional health knowledge among students. It also helps them adapt and maintain health-promoting behaviors throughout their lives. 

Not only will your presentation help with keeping students engaged, but you’ll also increase class involvement with the right slides.

The following examples of health and wellness interactive presentations include fun ideas and topics that are a good start. 

29. How to look after your mental health?

how to look after your mental health infographic template, mental health, mental health infographic, eating disorders

30. The eradication of Polio

template for the eradication of polio, healthcare infographic, healthcare infographic template

31. How to have a healthy lifestyle 

infographic template about healthy lifestyle, health infographic template

32. 10 handwashing facts 

handwashing infographic template, handwashing visual

33. Myths and facts about depression

infographic template about depression, depression infographic template, infographic on depression

34. Hacks for making fresh food last longer 

hacks for making fresh food last longer template, quarantine infographic

35. Ways to avoid spreading the coronavirus

template about how to avoid spreading the coronavirus, covid infographic

36. Mask protection in 5 simple steps 

template about mask protection, covid infographic

37. Everything you need to know about the flu

cover photo of the presentation about everything you need to know about the flu, flu infographic

38. All about stress: Prevention, tips, and how to cope 

template about stress prevention, tips, and how to cope , stress infographic

39. The importance of sleep 

template about the importance of sleep, sleep infographic

40. Is milk tea bad for you?

template about milk tea is bad for you, health infographic

41. How to boost happiness in 10 minutes

template about how to boost happiness in 10 minutes, happiness infographic

42. How dirty are debit and credit cards 

template of how dirty are debit and credit cards, credit card infographic

43. Why do you need sunscreen protection

template about sunscreen, sunscreen infographic

Data Visualization Ideas to Help Students Present Overwhelming Amounts of Data in Creative Ways

Data visualization is all about using visuals to make sense of data. Students need to pull the main points from their extensive research, and present them by story telling while being mindful of their classmates’ collective attention span.

As far as student assignments go, storytelling with data is a daunting task for students and teachers alike. To keep your audience interested, consider using a non linear presentation that presents key concepts in creative ways.

Inspire your class to be master data storytellers with the following data visualization ideas:

44. Are we slowly losing the Borneo rainforest?

deforestation infographic, template about deforestation, example of how to share about current events

45. Skateboard deck design over the years

skateboard infographic, template about skateboard deck design over the years

46. Food waste during the Super Bowl

super bowl infographic, food waste infographic, template about food waste during the super bowl

47. The weight of the tallest building in the world

building infographic, construction infographic, template about the weight of the tallest building in the world

48. Infographic about data and statistics

data infographic, statistics infographic

49. Stats about cyberbullying

template for stats about cyberbullying, cyberbullying infographic

50. How whales combat climate change

climate change infographic, template for how whales combat climate change

First Day of School Interactive Activity Ideas to Foster Whole-class-Camaraderie

Calling all teachers! Welcome your new students and start the school year with the following back-to-school creative presentation ideas and relevant templates for first-day-of-school activities.

These interactive presentations grab the attention of your students and are remarkably easy to execute (which is the main educator’s goal after all)!

51. Meet the teacher

meet the teacher template, introduction template, meet the teacher visual

52. Example: all about me

introduction infographic, about me visual template

53. Self-introduction

template about self introduction, introduction infographic, about me visual template

54. Tips on how to focus on schoolwork

template about how to productive, productivity infographic, taking notes

55. Course plan and schedule

course plan template, course plan visual, course list

Give our class schedule maker a try to access more templates for free. You can also access our presentation-maker , poster-maker , timeline-maker , and more by simply signing up .

56. Interpreting a student’s report card (for parents)

student report card template, student report card visual

57. Introduction of classroom rules

classroom rules, classroom rules template

58. Assignment schedule

course topics, assignments, course template, course infographic

59. Daily planner

daily planner template

60. Course syllabus presentation

course syllabus template

61. How to write a class presentation

template for how to create a class presentation,

Topics to Teach Students the Importance of Effective Communication

Visual media  helps students retain more of the concepts  taught in the classroom. The following media topics and infographic templates can help you showcase complex concepts in a short amount of time. 

In addition, interactive presentation activities using these templates also encourage the development of a holistic learning process in the classroom because they help focus on the  three domains of learning:  cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. 

62. Interactive presentation do’s and don’ts 

template for presentation dos and donts, presentation infographic

63. How to create an infographic 

template about how to create an infographic 

Recommended reading : How to Make an Infographic in 30 Minutes

64. How to improve your internet security and privacy

infographic template about internet privacy

65. What is design thinking?

what is design thinking infographic template

66. What are your favorite software tools to use in the classroom? 

infographic template about educational software

Presentation Topic Ideas to Help Students Prepare for Life After School

One of the things that makes teaching a rewarding career is seeing your students take the learning and knowledge you’ve instilled in them, and become successful, productive adults.

From pitching a business idea to starting your podcast, the following topics are good starting points to prepare students for the challenges after graduation (aka adulting 101):

67. How to make a resume

resume template

68. How to start a startup

how to start a startup, startup infographic, how to temple

69. Credit card vs. debit card

infographic about credit cards and debit cards, credit card infographic

70. Pros and cons of cryptocurrency

pros and cons of cryptocurrency infographic template

71. How to save on travel

ways to save on travel infographic template

72. How to do a SWOT analysis

swot nalysis infographic

73. How to pitch a business idea

business idea pitch infographic template

74. Habits of successful people

presentation template about habits of successful people

75. Starting your own podcast: A checklist

infographic template about starting your own podcast

Find out how a high school teacher like Jamie Barkin uses Piktochart to improve learning in the classroom for her students.

Pro tip: make your presentation as interactive as possible. Students have an attention span of two to three minutes per year of age. To keep minds from wandering off, include some interactive games or activities in the lesson. For example, if you conducted a lesson on the respiratory system, you could ask them to practice breathing techniques.

Maintain eye contact with your students, and you’ll get instant feedback on how interested they are in the interactive presentation.

Make School Presentation Visuals Without the Hassle of Making Them From Scratch

School presentations, when done right, can help teachers engage their classes and improve students’ education effectively by presenting information using the right presentation topic. 

If you’re pressed for time and resources to make your school presentation visuals , choose a template from Piktochart’s template gallery . Aside from the easy customization options, you can also print and download these templates to your preferred format. 

Piktochart also professional templates to create infographics , posters , brochures , reports , and more.

Creating school-focused, engaging, and interactive presentations can be tedious at first, but with a little bit of research and Piktochart’s handy templates, you’re going to do a great job!


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class presentation tips for students

31 of the best class presentation tips for students

Katie September 20, 2022 communication , grades

class presentation for primary school

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.

Giving class presentations is just part of the school experience. Some students dread presenting to their classmates, and others prefer class presentations to written assessments. If you’re new to this, or if you’re just looking for some ideas, I share my best class presentation tips for students in the post below. 

Class presentations often involve a visual component, and an audio and delivery component. The tips in this post are for class presentations that involve SLIDES, such as Google Slides or PowerPoint. Therefore, I break down the class presentation tips for students into the following categories:

  • text and content
  • Audio and delivery class presentation tips
  • Bonus class presentation tips to up-level your game

Class presentation tips for VISUALS

The following tips will enhance the visual component of your school presentation. The strategies are further categorized by format, text, and images.

Class presentation tips for slide FORMAT 

The visual format of your presentation must be clear and easy to read.

1. Use a slide deck.

This class presentation tip is obvious, but I can’t leave it off the list. If you’re presenting to your fellow students, you will need some kind of visual representation of the information you’re delivering. Very rarely will you present to your class without slides. Google Slides and PowerPoint are the two primary products to make slides. 

2. Use the right number of slides.

Class presentations in high school and college will likely be 5 minutes or less. Follow your teacher’s guidelines, of course, but generally, students will use 1-2 slides per minute. (That would be 5-10 slides for a 5-minute presentation.)

3. Use an appropriate slide template and theme.

PowerPoint and Google Slides come with default slide templates (themes). Most of the default templates are suitable for class presentations, and so you should be fine choosing one of those. You can also find templates on the free version of Canva. I like slidesgo.com for free templates (it’s not sketchy – I’ve personally used it. I also like SlidesCarnival.com but you have to import the templates into Canva first, and then export them from Canva into Google Slides or PowerPoint. 

4. Use clear fonts.

Pick your font based on clarity, not creativity. Your audience should be able to read your text effortlessly and from the back of the classroom. Here are some rules:

  • Avoid cursive / script fonts
  • Avoid writing in all capital letters
  • Avoid fonts that are entirely in italics (slanted)

5. Use a maximum of two fonts.

Stick to two fonts: one for headings and titles, and one for body text. More than two fonts make your slides hard to read.

6. Use 3-4 colors.

Stick to a basic color palette of no more than four colors. It’s fine to use images that are outside your color scheme, but besides images, avoid too many colors. Most default templates stick to four colors or less, so you’re safe if you use a pre-made template. 

7. Use high-contrast text-on-background combinations.

Your text needs to stand out from the background color. Black font on a white background or white font on a black background provides the highest contrast and best readability. This website here provides excellent information and examples about color combinations.

Class presentation tips for slide TEXT and CONTENT

8. start with a simple title slide..

Your teacher will likely require a title slide in the syllabus. Even if it’s not required, make one anyway. A title slide should be simple: the name of the presentation, your name, and a simple graphic or image. 

9. Include a roadmap slide.

A roadmap slide (I made up that term, but it works) is like a table of contents. It tells your classmates what they will learn from your presentation. Even if your presentation is only 6 slides long, a roadmap slide can be helpful. Below is an example. 

tips for class presentations for students - roadmap slide

10. Include enough white space.

White space is the blank space that doesn’t contain text or images. White space is very important for readability. In the image below, you can see the impact white space has on readability. 

tips for class presentations for students - include margin

11. Use bullet points.

Whenever possible, use bullet points instead of complete sentences. Most slides should include no more than 5-6 bullet points. If you need to say more, continue the bullet points on another slide.

12. Leave some text off the slides.

Your slides should include minimal to moderate text that you will elaborate on during your class presentation. In other words, don’t cram the slides full of everything you want to share on the topic. The only exception to this rule is if you are not verbally presenting to the class, but are instead just sharing the slides with your classmates to view on their own.

13. Include examples.

Examples make most things clearer. When possible, include an example for all your main points. 

14. Include statistics and other quantitative information.

Use numbers in place of text when you can. Numbers and statistics can be easier for your audience to process. Example below:

  • Instead of saying this: There is one-third as many Giant Pandas living in 2020 as there were in 2014.
  • Say this: Giant Panda population in 2140 = 1864 | Giant Panda population in 2020 = 600 [ source ]

15. Include a summary slide

Consider adding a final summary slide to your class presentation. This is an excellent strategy because it will increase your audience’s understanding of your main points. The text on this slide should be in bullet-point format. The information on this slide might align with the information on your roadmap slide.

tips for class presentations for students - summary slide

Class presentation tips for slide IMAGES

16. include an image or graphical element on each slide..

Every slide should have some kind of graphical element to complement the text. Some slides might even have an image and no text. (You would explain the image in your verbal presentation to the class.) Note: be sure to cite all images.

17. Use images / graphics for illustration and emphasis, not decoration .

Avoid using images for decoration. Images and graphics should do one of the following:

  • Add something valuable to the text
  • Illustrate the idea on the slide
  • Represent the idea on the slide
  • Emphasize an element of the slide (such as underlines, stars, etc.)

18. Resize and reformat images.

Resize images and graphics to fit the scale of your slide. It should be big enough to see clearly, but still allow for plenty of white space (Class Presentation Tip #10). You can remove the background of an image using a mobile app, or something like the paid version of Canva or PicMonkey. Again, be sure to cite your images.

19. Use video when appropriate.

If your presentation calls for it, include short video clips. Only use video if it adds value. 

20. Use icons for emphasis.

Use icons like stars, 3D shapes, speech bubbles, and arrows to emphasize important text. Keep these icons within your color scheme. You can find free icons within Google Slides and PowerPoint, or you can use Google Images or Canva.

21. Use graphs and charts.

Too much text is confusing. Too many images is boring. Solve this problem by using pie charts, bar graphs and other graphical ways of representing data.

Class presentation tips for SPEAKING

You might have the best slides in the class, but your presentation is not complete until you deliver it to your classmates. The following tips are for improving your audio and delivery.

22. Never read directly from the slides.

Use the slides as a reference, but don’t read word-for-word. How do you do this? First change to the next slide. Then look at it for cues. Next, speak directly to your classmates, making eye contact as your speak. It’s okay to glance back at the slide if you need to.

23. Face your audience.

Your body should always face the audience. Stand or sit either straight on, or at a 45-degree angle. Never have your body square to the presentation screen.

24. Explain the images.

When you present each slide, you should spend some time on the text and some time on the images. If your images add value (which they should), then this should be simple to do.

25. Speak slowly and clearly.

Speak slower than you naturally speak. Practice difficult words until they are smooth.

26. Use verbal transitions between topics.

When you change topics, use transition expressions such as “Next, we are going to look at …” or “Now, let’s move on to …”

27. Practice more than you want to.

Practicing your class presentation over and over improves your delivery and increases your confidence. Practice in front of the mirror, in front of others, or in front of your camera (to be watched later, of course).

Bonus class presentation tips for students: How to up-level your game 

The following bonus tips are for students looking to take their class presentations to the next level. Keep in mind that some of the ideas below are best suited for college and university students.

28. Provide a printed note-catcher.

An engaged audience is the best audience. To increase your classmates’ active focus, provide each student a printed note-catcher they can use to follow along with your presentation. PowerPoint and Google Slides both have features that enable you to print out your presentation with the slides on the left and space to take notes on the right. 

29. Ask questions and survey your classmates.

Another way to engage your audience is by asking them questions. You can build these questions into the slides themselves, or you can pause your presentation to ask questions before moving to a slide with the answers.

30. Use the Speaker Notes section .

The text on your slides should vary from the words you speak to your classmates during your presentation. Either you practice your presentation so much that you memorize it, or you use the Speaker Notes section on PowerPoint or Google Slides.

31. Open with a question, and close with an answer . 

A great class presentation tip for students is to open with a question you pose to your classmates at the beginning, and then close with the answer. You could put the question on its own opening slide and then close with another slide that re-poses the question and features the answer. 

For example, if you are presenting on Susan B. Anthony, your question could be Who was Susan B. Anthony? and the answer – which is the point of your presentation – could be Susan B. Anthony was one of America’s greatest champions for freedom and equality of women and slaves. College-level presentations would have more complex question-and-answer pairings than this example, but you get the idea.

Class presentation tips for students – summary notes

It’s important to follow your teacher’s requirements when creating your class presentation. Use these tips and strategies to maximize your grade, impression on the class, and your content delivery – but always consult your syllabus first. 

And finally, the greatest tip of all is to PRACTICE. In Tip #27 I emphasize the importance of practicing more than you want to. Watch TED talks and other notable speakers to see how smooth they speak – these presenters have practiced the same presentation hundreds of times. Practice is the key.

More resources

  • How to ask for help in school: 4 tips for self-advocacy
  • What to do when you’re confused in class
  • 5 life skills all students need to be functional adults

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8 Tips to Power-Up Your Classroom Presentations

Last month, I attended a Back to School Night for parents, sitting through presentation after presentation by teachers, some with slides that helped make their presentation a delight to listen to, and others . . . well, that's why I'm writing this blog post.

The goal of a classroom presentation is to aid you in effectively conveying information in a way that allows students (or their parents) to remember what you said. Unfortunately, for some, the presentation becomes a crutch, and they begin to rely on the slides to tell their story, rather than to help them tell the story.

I've been creating presentations using software like PowerPoint and KeyNote for 20 years, and I've learned a lot about how to most effectively communicate. Here's what I've found.

1. Use as Many Slides as You Need

It's a common myth that better presentations use fewer slides. This is simply not the case. I once sent an education conference presentation to the organizers so they could preview it in advance of my speaking. They wrote back, concerned that my 45-minute presentation had 116 slides. I looked it over and realized they were right! I revised it and sent a presentation with 135 slides back to them. I finished my talk with 5 minutes to spare -- just enough time to take questions -- and the presentation was a huge success.

The number of slides in your presentation is irrelevant. What matters is how well your slides communicate and how much time you spend talking about each slide. Spending five minutes on five slides will almost always be more engaging to your students than spending five minutes on a single slide, even when the information is exactly the same.

In the movie Amadeus , the Emperor of Austria complains to Mozart that his music has "too many notes." Mozart responds, "There are just as many notes as are required. Neither more nor less." Use as many slides as you need to make your point. No more. No less.

class presentation for primary school

2. Minimize Verbosity

Your slides are there to support what you are saying, not to say it for you. Keep your word count low, and only place one main point on a slide, plus three to five sub-points if absolutely needed. Remember tip #1 above -- don't be afraid to use more slides. They're free! Also, the language in your slides doesn't need to be in complete sentences. Pare the text to as few words as possible, using what's there only to emphasize and reinforce -- not replace -- the words coming out of your mouth.

class presentation for primary school

3. Maximize Visuals

Photos, figures and icons work as visual memory triggers. They help your students remember what it is you're saying. Any time you can add a visual that helps illustrate or reinforce the points you're making in your slides, you should use it. One great way to do this on the cheap is to use public domain or creative commons photos you can find on Flickr or Google .

4. Reduce Noise

Many teachers like to add banners, headers, footers, page numbers and more noise to their slides. Unless the information needs to be on every slide for a vital reason (which is rare), you should remove it. All these redundant elements do is create distractions from the content of your slides. I find this to be especially true of page numbers. Imagine if a movie included a time code at the bottom, constantly reminding you how long you had been watching. All this does is serve to take the viewer out of the moment. Page numbers in slides really don't provide any useful information -- they just remind your students how long they've been watching.

Pursuant to tips #1 and #2, you're not going to win awards by cramming the most content on the fewest slides. Make text and visuals as large as you can. Not only does this make them easier to see and read, but larger images and text make a greater impact to aid memory. There's nothing wrong with filling an entire slide with a photo, and then placing text right on top. You may have to use a transparent background immediately behind the text so that it's clearly readable, but the overall effect is almost always more memorable than just some text beside an image.

class presentation for primary school

6. Highlight What You Are Talking About

While you are presenting, your students may be momentarily distracted taking notes, thinking about what you are saying, glancing out the window, possibly even daydreaming. When they refocus on your slides, though, they need to quickly pick back up where you are, or you risk losing them again.

  • Use contrast or call-outs to clearly show the area of the slide you are talking about.
  • Reveal bullet points or table rows one at a time so that the last one visible is the one you are talking about.
  • Use arrows, circles or other pointers to show what you are referencing in specific parts of an illustration, photo or graph.
  • Animate and reveal parts of illustrations and graphs (where possible) to build your story rather than showing everything at once.
  • Use bold type or different colors to highlight the keywords in any lengthy text.

class presentation for primary school

7. Transition Changes

Humans suffer from an affliction called change blindness -- we have a hard time seeing changes unless there is a clear transition between the states. This is especially a problem in presentations where slides may look very much alike. Most programs include transitions that can be used between slides or on elements in the slides themselves.

My favorite transition is the cross-dissolve -- where the first slide fades down while the next slide fades up -- but different transitions can help illustrate points in your presentation. Are you talking about combustion or the fire of London? Use a flame transition. Talking about photography or Hollywood movies? Use the flashbulb transition. Even "cheesy" transitions help overcome change blindness and aid student memory at the same time.

8. Repeat Yourself Redundantly

It’s OK to repeat the same slide more than once -- especially when using images -- if you are reminding students of an earlier point. Obviously, this is not a license to be monotonous. However, if you want to tie separate ideas together, emphasize a point or splash in a little comic relief, it's perfectly fine to repeat a slide.

Bonus Tip: Make it Funny!

There's little doubt that emotional responses can aid memory. While it can be difficult to apply this power in a classroom slide presentation, humor is easy enough, and adding a bit of levity to your presentations at the right points can work to give students vital memory hooks.

Remember, the point of presentation slides is not to replace you as the teacher, but to help your students understand and remember what you are teaching. Overwhelming them with too much information can be just as harmful as underwhelming them with too little.

Got any suggestions?

We want to hear from you! Send us a message and help improve Slidesgo

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Notebook lesson.

These are the last days before the Summer break! We know that there are some pending lessons that you need to prepare for your students. As they may be thinking about their friends and their holidays, catch their attention with this cool template!

Modern & Simple Chemistry High School Teacher Pack presentation template

Modern & Simple Chemistry High School Teacher Pack

Download the Modern & Simple Chemistry High School Teacher Pack presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template’s design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space for research or group...

Back to School presentation template

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Back to School

Download the "Back to School" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations and engage audiences....

Ballpoint Pen Planner presentation template

Ballpoint Pen Planner

The ballpoint pen is considered one of the most important inventions of history. Did you know that Ladislao Biro, its inventor, got the idea from a group of children that were playing in the street? They were rolling a ball trough a puddle, and it would leave a trace. That...

Team Building Class for Elementary presentation template

Team Building Class for Elementary

Your students spend most of their days at school, so building a good atmosphere in the class is vital for their happiness. Why don’t you dedicate a day to team building activities? This will help new students make friends and older students create deeper relationships with their classmates. It that...

Pretty Aesthetic Notes for School presentation template

Pretty Aesthetic Notes for School

You've seen many notebooks. Now, you'll see the ultimate one! Well, we may be exaggerating a bit, but we're very proud of the aesthetics of this new template! Each slide looks like a page of a notebook, complete with doodles, some stickers and a handwritten font for the titles. It's...

Back to School presentation template

Simple Blackboard Background

Download the "Simple Blackboard Background" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources....

Apnea Training Center presentation template

Apnea Training Center

Download the Apnea Training Center presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Are you looking for a way to make your school academy stand out among the competition? This template is designed to showcase all the fantastic aspects of your center. With perfect slides that allow you to easily add information...

Performing Arts Academy presentation template

Performing Arts Academy

Download the Performing Arts Academy presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Are you looking for a way to make your school academy stand out among the competition? This template is designed to showcase all the fantastic aspects of your center. With perfect slides that allow you to easily add information...

Corkboard Presentation Template presentation template

Corkboard Presentation Template

Download the Corkboard Presentation Template presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources....

Fall Cut-outs presentation template

Fall Cut-outs

Download the Fall Cut-outs template for PowerPoint or Google Slides! Dive into a world of endless possibilities with our unique cut out resource. Whether you're a teacher looking to inspire your students or a parent seeking fun activities for your little ones, these cut out slides are the perfect solution....

Meet Our Professors presentation template

Meet Our Professors

The beginning of the school year is always synonymous with nerves for teachers and students. To break the ice, why not introduce your professors in a different way? We propose you this original template with a dark background and abstract and colorful shapes. It features doodle-style illustrations related to teaching,...

Chalkboard Background presentation template

Chalkboard Background

Download the "Chalkboard Background" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources. You...

Language Arts Subject for High School: Classics of Spanish Literature presentation template

Language Arts Subject for High School: Classics of Spanish Literature

Download the Language Arts Subject for High School: Classics of Spanish Literature presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template’s design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space for research...

Back-to-School Presentation presentation template

Back-to-School Presentation

Download the Back-to-School Presentation presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations and engage audiences. With...

History Subject Activities for Elementary: Neolithic Era presentation template

History Subject Activities for Elementary: Neolithic Era

Download the History Subject Activities for Elementary: Neolithic Era presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics, and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the students' attention and make the learning...

Elegant Education Pack for Students presentation template

Elegant Education Pack for Students

The way in which we study has changed drastically in the last year, that's why we need to be more organized than ever. In Slidesgo we want to help your students and have designed this elegant template full of resources for your classes. We added everything you could possibly ask...

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  • 50 Top School Education Presentation Ideas

50 Top School Education Presentation Ideas

Presenting a compilation of 50 Top School Education Presentation Ideas. Most of these templates are available for free download on PoweredTemplate, enabling you to create engaging and informative presentations. These templates are designed to cater to various educational needs, allowing educators, students, and professionals to effectively communicate their ideas and research. Regardless of your presentation’s topic, these templates offer a versatile and visually appealing way to convey your message.

Whether you’re teaching a classroom full of eager learners, giving a lecture, or sharing insights at an educational conference, these presentation templates are your go-to resource. They are professionally crafted to make your content shine, making the learning experience more enjoyable and effective. Explore the diverse range of designs and styles to find the perfect template that suits your school education presentation needs.

Table of Contents

Introduction, 1. back to school, 2. school bundle, 3. school bus line, 4. school stationery for learning process, 5. school word, 6. back to school pupil, 7. school class, 8. school studying, 9. back to public school , 10. little reader, 11. apple and books, 12. school education, 14. back to school season, 15. school basketball team, 16. back-to-school season, 17. auditorium, 18. students at the computer, 19. school bus aft, 20. excellent pupil in secondary school, 21. education themed roadmap, 22. back 2 school cover slide, 23. 6 point education criteria with pencil, 24. secondary education, 25. school study, 26. loving school, 27. school bus as childish picture, 28. school bus model, 29. school kids, 30. school study in africa, 31. school kids frame, 32. school autumn theme cover slide, 33. school accessories background, 34. school bus, 35. school tests results, 36. kids collage, 37. school learning theme, 38. school bag, 39. primary schooling, 40. classroom education, 41. school themed, 42. school activity, 43. school bus, 44. school desk in a classroom, 45. education report with data driven charts concept, 46. school students, 47. education concept icons, 48. secondary schoolboy, 49. copybooks and notebooks, 50. computer auditorium.

We are delighted to introduce you to an impressive collection of 200 meticulously crafted presentation templates, exclusively designed for educational purposes, all courtesy of PoweredTemplate . These templates are skillfully categorized into four distinct sections, each encompassing 50 unique designs.

In this opening, we are excited to showcase the second set of 50 templates, focusing on top ideas for school education presentations, which is a testament to our commitment to helping you craft presentations that not only inform but also inspire.

  • 50 Exceptional Kindergarten Education Presentation Templates
  • 50 Top High School Presentation Ideas
  • 50 Top Higher Education Presentation Ideas

Regardless of whether you are an educator, student, or a professional in school education, these resources will help you create effective presentations.

If you are a business person, and school education is the central theme of your  business management presentation , the ideas presented here will help you vividly present complex topics such as  goal setting ,  business models , and more in the context of early childhood education as a business enterprise. Furthermore, these ideas will serve as a valuable resource for creating corporate documentation, including company profiles,  FAQ Word templates , and much more.

Embrace these resources, embark on your educational journey, and watch as your ideas flourish, your audience is captivated, and your educational projects thrive. Download your preferred templates today and set your creativity free!

Introducing 50 exceptional kindergarten education presentation templates. The majority of them are available for free download on PoweredTemplate.

Welcome to the Back To School presentation template , a versatile and free resource compatible with both Google Slides and PowerPoint. This template offers a treasure trove of 21 unique slides, each adorned with creative illustrations that capture the essence of the school and education.

class presentation for primary school

Whether you’re a teacher, student, or educational enthusiast, this presentation template is your gateway to visually engaging and informative slides. Explore a world of educational accessories, from alphabets to art, as you embark on your academic journey. The backdrop of these slides exudes the spirit of autumn, making it perfect for the back-to-school season.

With a captivating blend of blue hues, blackboards, books, and bright backgrounds, this template provides a colorful canvas to express your ideas. Whether you’re discussing curriculum design, classroom concepts, or the joy of childhood learning, each slide is a visual masterpiece that complements your content seamlessly.

The “Back To School” template is not just about design; it’s about knowledge sharing. Use it to impart lessons, share knowledge, and inspire a love for learning. From pens and pencils to rulers and textbooks, this template showcases the tools of education with creativity and flair.

As you prepare for the new school year, whether it’s September or any other season, harness the power of technology with smartphone and tablet-themed slides. Highlight the importance of stationery, the joy of study, and the abundance of educational supplies with these vibrant visuals.

This academic year, make a statement with your presentations. Download the “Back To School” template now and embark on a journey of knowledge, inspiration, and creativity that promises to make every lesson memorable. Bring the school spirit to life with this captivating template!

Download the template

Introducing the School Bundle Free Presentation Template , your go-to resource for school-related presentations available in both PowerPoint and Google Slides formats. With a collection of 18 distinct slide layouts, this template is designed to simplify your educational endeavors.

class presentation for primary school

Customization is a breeze, allowing you to tailor each slide to your specific needs. You can also save your creations as JPEG or PNG images, making them compatible with popular tools like Google Jamboard and Microsoft Whiteboard.

This versatile template covers a wide range of educational topics, from apple-themed illustrations that symbolize knowledge to colorful slides that encourage creativity and fun in the classroom. Whether you’re discussing cause and effect, conducting debates, or analyzing evidence, you’ll find slides that cater to your needs.

The “School Bundle” presentation template is your toolkit for effective teaching and learning. It provides a platform for lively and engaging discussions on various subjects, fostering a sense of collectiveness among students. From planning lessons to creating study tables, this template streamlines your educational workflow.

Bring stories to life with captivating illustrations and stickers, making storytelling a fun and educational experience for all. Enhance your teaching with models, notes, and planners, ensuring that every lesson is well-structured and effective.

This template is not just about education; it’s about making learning enjoyable and interactive. Whether you’re a teacher or a student, it offers the tools you need to excel in your educational journey. So, why wait? Dive into the world of education with the “School Bundle Free Presentation Template.” Download it now, and let the learning adventure begin!

Welcome to the School Bus Line presentation template , a fantastic resource designed to add vibrancy to your school-related presentations. Whether you’re gearing up for a new school year, discussing various aspects of education, or focusing on high school and classes, this PowerPoint and Google Slides template has you covered.

class presentation for primary school

Picture the bustling mornings when school buses hit the road, providing safe and reliable transportation for our young pupils and students. This template encapsulates the essence of community and care, emphasizing the importance of a smooth commute for children to reach their educational destinations.

Behind every successful school bus line, there’s a dedicated driver ensuring the safety of our youth. With engaging visuals and informative slides, this template celebrates the drivers who educate our children by driving them to school every day.

From elementary to high school, this template embraces the diversity of educational levels. It touches upon the importance of safe travel, highlighting the role of school buses in ensuring the security of our students.

Whether you’re in a rural setting or navigating the bustling highways of a city, school buses play a pivotal role in mass transit, providing reliable transportation for pupils and students alike.

The “School Bus Line” presentation template captures the spirit of youth and education with its iconic yellow school bus imagery. It’s your vehicle for crafting informative and visually appealing presentations that resonate with your audience.

So, as you embark on your educational journey, remember the vital role school buses play in ensuring students reach school safely. Download this template now and drive your presentations to success, making each slide a memorable trip through the world of education. Your pupils and students will thank you for it!

Welcome to the School Stationery For Learning Process presentation template , an excellent choice for a wide range of educational presentations. Whether you’re gearing up for the first day of September, exploring the world of school, or diving into the realm of new knowledge, this PowerPoint and Google Slides template is here to assist you.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a classroom filled with colorful stationery, open notebooks, and eager pupils ready to embark on their educational journey. This template encapsulates the excitement of the first day of school, symbolized by vibrant apples and an atmosphere of curiosity and enthusiasm.

From books and notebooks to pens and paper, the essentials for effective learning are beautifully represented in this template. It’s a visual collage that celebrates the tools of education, making it an ideal choice for lessons, home assignments, and school teaching.

Education is a journey of attaining knowledge, and this template emphasizes that journey. Each slide is like a lesson plan, offering a clear path to learning. Letters and cubes symbolize the foundation of reading and writing, while colorful imagery fosters a love for school.

Whether you’re a teacher, student, or anyone involved in the educational process, this template is your perfect companion. It embodies the essence of management and learning, transforming every presentation into an engaging experience.

As you explore the world of “School Stationery For Learning Process,” remember the importance of fostering a love for learning and teaching. Share your knowledge and enthusiasm with your students, and watch as they embark on their educational journey with joy.

Download this template now and transform your presentations into colorful, engaging, and informative experiences that celebrate the process of learning. Let the spirit of September and the love for school shine through in every slide!

Welcome to the School Word presentation template , a delightful choice for presentations centered around the world of school education, teaching, and learning. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template beautifully captures the essence of education through the imagery of children coming together to spell out the word ‘school.’

class presentation for primary school

In the world of education, it’s the children who form the heart and soul of every classroom. This template celebrates their role in the learning process and emphasizes the importance of school in their lives.

With a subdued grey backdrop that complements the colorful letters spelling ‘school,’ this template creates a harmonious balance between childhood innocence and the structured world of school curriculum.

Each letter in ‘school’ represents a journey of discovery, an opportunity for learning, and a chance for personal growth. This presentation template is a testament to the transformative power of education, where children are nurtured, guided, and encouraged to explore the world of knowledge.

Whether you’re discussing school curriculum, teaching methodologies, or the joys of imparting knowledge to children, this template provides a fitting visual backdrop to your content.

As you utilize the “School Word” template, remember that education is a collaborative effort, with students, teachers, and parents coming together to create a supportive learning environment. It’s a place where young minds are shaped, and a love for learning is fostered.

Download this template now and let the spirit of ‘school’ infuse your presentations with enthusiasm, reminding us all of the vital role education plays in shaping the future. Share your passion for teaching and learning, and inspire others to do the same!

Welcome to the Back To School Pupil presentation template , a charming educational resource designed to elevate your presentations on school education, teaching techniques, learning, and the dynamic interaction between teachers and pupils. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template paints a vivid picture of the school environment, capturing the essence of the classroom experience.

class presentation for primary school

In this template, an African pupil takes center stage, representing the diversity and inclusivity of modern education. His engaging smile and eager expression symbolize the enthusiasm of students as they return to school, ready to embark on a new academic journey.

The classroom backdrop, with its blurred background, creates a sense of focus on the pupil and the learning process. It’s a reminder of the classroom’s role as the primary space for education, where lessons come to life.

Books, notebooks, pencils, and tables are symbols of the learning tools at our disposal. They remind us of the importance of classroom materials in facilitating the teaching and learning process.

As you use the “Back To School Pupil” template, remember that education is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s also about building relationships and fostering a sense of community. Students and teachers come together in this shared space to explore, learn, and grow.

Download this template now and let the spirit of ‘Back To School’ infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and positivity. Celebrate the joy of learning and the bond between teachers and pupils. Share your insights on effective teaching techniques and the magic of the classroom experience. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education.

Welcome to the School Class presentation template , a versatile and elegant choice for your school-related presentations, whether they focus on school programs, study courses, teaching, or any educational topic. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template captures the essence of a modern classroom, combining aesthetics with functionality.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a spacious classroom with rows of comfortable chairs and desks, ready to accommodate students eager to learn. This template embodies the elegance of an educational space designed for knowledge acquisition and personal growth.

The wooden furnishings and three-dimensional design elements create a modern and inviting atmosphere, where students and teachers can come together for lessons and seminars. The blackboard, a classic symbol of education, stands as a focal point, ready to be filled with valuable insights and knowledge.

With its empty classroom setting, this template leaves room for your content to take center stage. Each slide is a canvas waiting to be filled with your ideas, study programs, or teaching methodologies.

As you utilize the “School Class” template, remember that the classroom is not just a physical space; it’s a place where minds expand, ideas flourish, and lifelong learning begins. It’s where students and teachers collaborate to shape the future.

Download this template now and let the spirit of the classroom infuse your presentations with sophistication and educational elegance. Share your insights on study courses, teaching techniques, and the importance of creating a conducive learning environment. Let every slide be a testament to the power of education in shaping the minds of future leaders.

Welcome to the School Studying presentation template , a delightful choice for presentations focused on school lessons, homework, literature, and the world of education. This versatile PowerPoint and Google Slides template encapsulates the essence of learning in a creative and engaging manner.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a library filled with shelves of books, each one a gateway to knowledge and adventure. This template brings that literary world to life, with bookshelves, books, and a cozy reading nook. It’s a reminder of the importance of essential reading and the joy of discovering new literature.

The young girl depicted in the template represents the curiosity and enthusiasm of students as they dive into the world of learning. Her smile reflects the happiness that comes from exploring new ideas and gaining knowledge.

The inclusion of personal photos and locker imagery underscores the importance of privacy and personal space for students. Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s also about creating a safe and welcoming environment for young minds to flourish.

As you utilize the “School Studying” template, remember that learning is a personal journey, and each student’s path to knowledge is unique. This template celebrates the individuality of each student and the joy of studying.

Download this template now and let the spirit of studying infuse your presentations with a sense of discovery and enthusiasm. Share your insights on effective learning techniques, the importance of literature in education, and the role of libraries in nurturing young minds. Let every slide be a tribute to the transformative power of education and the joy of reading.

Welcome to the Back To Public School presentation template , a visually engaging choice for presentations on education, learning, the return to school, and the vital role of teachers. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features an Afro-American boy holding books, representing the diversity and enthusiasm of students returning to school.

class presentation for primary school

The image of the boy, hand outstretched with books, symbolizes the eager anticipation and readiness to learn. It’s a visual testament to the importance of education in the lives of children.

The “Back To Public School” template emphasizes the collaborative effort between students and teachers. It’s not just about learning; it’s also about the dedication of educators who guide young minds and help them reach their full potential.

As you use this template, remember that education is a transformative journey that requires the combined efforts of students, teachers, and parents. It’s a process that involves learning, lesson planning, and hard work, as represented by the boy’s notebook and schoolwork.

Download this template now and let the spirit of returning to school infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and dedication. Celebrate the pivotal role of teachers in shaping the future of young minds. Share your insights on effective teaching methods, the joy of learning, and the importance of creating a supportive educational environment. Let every slide be a reminder of the power of education to change lives.

Welcome to the Little Reader presentation template , a charming choice for presentations focused on primary school, school curriculum, language classes, and the joy of reading. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template captures the essence of childhood education with its endearing visuals.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a little girl sitting on the floor, surrounded by a pile of books. Her smile reflects the happiness that comes from discovering the magic of reading. This template celebrates the joy of learning in the early years of education.

The image of the girl holding a book and sitting in front of a shelf filled with books symbolizes the importance of reading in elementary education. It’s a reminder of the curiosity and eagerness to learn that children bring to the classroom.

As you use the “Little Reader” template, remember that education begins with the love of reading. It’s about fostering a lifelong passion for learning and exploring new worlds through books.

Download this template now and let the spirit of the little reader infuse your presentations with a sense of wonder and enthusiasm. Celebrate the importance of primary education, the role of teachers in shaping young minds, and the joy of teaching and learning. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in the early years of a child’s life.

elcome to the Apple and Books presentation template , a visually appealing choice for presentations on knowledge, education, learning, and the importance of books in the academic world. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a classic symbol of education – a stack of books – accompanied by a bright red apple.

class presentation for primary school

The imagery of books and the red apple are iconic representations of knowledge, learning, and the teacher-student connection. It underscores the idea that education is a fruitful endeavor that nourishes the mind.

The “Apple and Books” template highlights the essential role of books in education. It symbolizes the wealth of information, the joy of reading, and the vast resources that books provide for students and teachers alike.

As you use this template, remember that education is about more than just transferring knowledge; it’s about understanding, critical thinking, and personal growth. It’s a journey of discovery and exploration.

Download this template now and let the spirit of books and apples infuse your presentations with a sense of academic richness and enthusiasm. Celebrate the role of books in knowledge management and transfer, the significance of teachers in guiding students, and the joy of learning. Let every slide be a reminder of the enduring power of education to transform lives and broaden horizons.

Welcome to the School Education presentation template , a comprehensive choice for presentations on school education, elementary and primary schools, mathematics, and the dynamic interaction between teachers and students. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template offers a snapshot of a bustling classroom where learning comes to life.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a vibrant classroom where a dedicated teacher stands at the blackboard, explaining equations and formulas. Little students, with hands raised in eagerness, are ready to ask questions and seek answers. This template beautifully captures the essence of the educational journey.

The diverse group of students, with their cheerful expressions, symbolizes the inclusive and welcoming environment of the classroom. Education is a space where young minds from all backgrounds come together to explore the world of knowledge.

As you utilize the “School Education” template, remember that education is a collaborative effort. It’s about teachers sharing their wisdom and students asking questions, seeking understanding, and growing academically and personally.

Download this template now and let the spirit of school education infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and dedication. Celebrate the role of teachers in shaping the minds of future leaders, the joy of mathematics, and the importance of creating an inclusive and inspiring classroom environment. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education.

Welcome to the School presentation template , a colorful and engaging choice for presentations on school lessons, teaching and learning, and the joy of education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a playful arrangement of colorful alphabet bricks, symbolizing the fundamental building blocks of knowledge.

class presentation for primary school

The vibrant alphabet bricks represent the fun and creativity that comes with learning in a classroom. Education is not just about memorizing facts; it’s about exploring, experimenting, and building a strong foundation of knowledge.

The “School” template emphasizes the importance of early education and the role of teachers in shaping young minds. It’s a reminder that every child is a unique learner, and education should cater to their individual needs.

As you use this template, remember that education is a dynamic and interactive process. It’s about playing with words, exploring concepts, and fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

Download this template now and let the spirit of colorful alphabet bricks infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and creativity. Celebrate the significance of early childhood education, the importance of hands-on learning, and the joy of teaching and learning together. Let every slide be a tribute to the transformative power of education in shaping the future.

Welcome to the Back to School Season presentation template , a vibrant and playful choice for presentations on the new school year, learning, and secondary education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a colorful array of funny letters and delightful characters that embody the spirit of the classroom.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine stepping into a world where learning is an adventure filled with cheerful animals, playful objects, and whimsical letters. This template captures the essence of childhood education, where every day is a new opportunity to explore, play, and learn.

The playful characters and objects represent the joy and curiosity that children bring to the school. Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about fostering creativity and imagination.

As you use the “Back to School Season” template, remember that education is a journey filled with fun and discovery. It’s about nurturing young minds, encouraging them to read, explore, and learn through play.

Download this template now and let the spirit of colorful characters and funny letters infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and creativity. Celebrate the excitement of the new school year, the importance of early childhood education, and the joy of teaching and learning in a playful environment. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in shaping bright futures.

Welcome to the School Basketball Team presentation template , a fantastic choice for presentations centered around school basketball teams, physical training, and the joy of sports in education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template showcases a diverse group of students coming together to play basketball, representing the spirit of teamwork and athleticism.

class presentation for primary school

In this template, students from various backgrounds and races unite to enjoy the thrill of basketball. It underscores the importance of physical education and sports in schools, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

The gymnasium setting with basketballs in motion captures the energy and enthusiasm that sports bring to school life. Education is not just about classroom lessons; it’s also about fostering physical well-being and team dynamics.

As you use the “School Basketball Team” template, remember that sports teach valuable life lessons such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. It’s an integral part of a well-rounded education.

Download this template now and let the spirit of the basketball team infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and team spirit. Celebrate the achievements of school sports teams, the importance of physical training in education, and the joy of students coming together to play and learn. Let every slide be a reminder of the holistic approach to education that includes both mental and physical development.

Welcome to the Back-to-School Season presentation template , a creative choice for presentations centered around the excitement of the new school season, school preparation, and the anticipation of the first day of school. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a vibrant mix of typography, textures, and illustrations that capture the essence of back-to-school energy.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a world where every page is a fresh opportunity to learn, explore, and make memories. This template celebrates the start of a new school year with its bold lettering, crumpled textures, and playful illustrations.

The combination of colorful elements and lined paper brings to mind the joy of note-taking, doodling, and creative expression in the classroom. It embodies the idea that education is not just about facts and figures; it’s also about creativity and self-expression.

As you use the “Back-to-School Season” template, remember that every school year is a fresh start, filled with potential and possibilities. It’s a time to welcome students back with enthusiasm and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.

Download this template now and let the spirit of back-to-school excitement infuse your presentations with energy and creativity. Celebrate the beginning of a new school season, the importance of preparation, and the joy of learning and discovery. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education and the boundless potential of every student.

Welcome to the Auditorium presentation template , a serene and inviting choice for a wide range of educational presentations, including school education techniques, teaching and learning, and more. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a sunlit classroom bathed in soft beige and yellow colors, creating an atmosphere of warmth and positivity.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine stepping into a well-lit and welcoming classroom where students come to learn, engage, and grow. This template embodies the essence of a supportive educational environment where knowledge flourishes.

The classroom setting with its rows of desks and chairs symbolizes the importance of creating a conducive space for learning. It’s a reminder that education is not just about content but also about the environment in which it is delivered.

As you use the “Auditorium” template, remember that education is a partnership between students and teachers. It’s about fostering a love for learning and providing students with the tools they need to succeed.

Download this template now and let the spirit of the sunlit classroom infuse your presentations with positivity and a sense of readiness for learning. Celebrate the techniques and methods that make education engaging and effective. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in shaping bright futures.

Explore the Students At The Computer presentation template , a dynamic choice perfectly suited for presentations on education, team projects, collaboration in school, and college classes. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a diverse group of students working harmoniously on laptops, exemplifying the power of teamwork and the integration of technology in modern education.

class presentation for primary school

In today’s digital age, students from various backgrounds come together, embracing diversity as they learn, research, and work on projects using technology as a tool. This template celebrates the spirit of collaboration and the role of technology in shaping a modern educational landscape.

The image of students gathered around laptops in a library setting highlights the versatility of learning environments. Education transcends the traditional classroom, extending to libraries, collaborative spaces, and online platforms where knowledge is accessed and shared.

As you utilize the “Students At The Computer” template, remember that technology is a potent force for education, connecting students and enabling seamless information access and collaborative efforts.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the energy and innovation of collaborative learning, the role of technology in contemporary education, and the boundless possibilities it offers to students. Let every slide be a testament to the transformative power of education in today’s digital era.

Embark on a journey with the School Bus Aft presentation template , a fantastic choice for a wide array of educational presentations, including learning and teaching programs. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a bright yellow school bus, symbolizing the excitement and adventure of the educational journey.

class presentation for primary school

Picture a group of cheerful children on board, their faces filled with excitement as they head to school. The school bus is more than just a vehicle; it’s a symbol of camaraderie, friendship, and the joy of learning.

The image of the school bus’s rear view captures the anticipation and enthusiasm of students as they arrive at school. Education is an adventure, and every school day is a new opportunity to gain knowledge and make friends.

As you use the “School Bus Aft” template, remember that education is not just about lessons in the classroom; it’s also about the journey to school, the friendships formed, and the memories created along the way.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the energy and excitement of the school bus ride, the importance of transportation in education, and the happiness of students on their way to learning. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education and the joy it brings to young hearts.

Step into the world of an Excellent Pupil in Secondary School with this captivating presentation template. It’s a perfect fit for presentations on education, secondary school, knowledge, grades, tests, lessons, and homework. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template showcases a confident and intelligent student, embodying the essence of academic excellence.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a classroom where bright young minds like the girl in the template eagerly participate, ask questions, and raise their hands to seek knowledge. This template celebrates the joy of learning, the pursuit of excellence, and the confidence that comes from academic success.

The image of the diligent student confidently raising her hand symbolizes the importance of active participation and engagement in the learning process. Education is not just about receiving information; it’s about asking questions, seeking answers, and enjoying the journey of discovery.

As you use the “Excellent Pupil in Secondary School” template, remember that education empowers students to excel and succeed. It’s about fostering confidence, intelligence, and a thirst for knowledge.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the enthusiasm and determination of an excellent student. Celebrate the pursuit of academic success, the importance of active learning, and the joy of students who are ready to rise to any challenge. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in shaping future leaders.

Embark on an educational journey with the Education Themed Roadmap presentation template , a versatile choice for visualizing curriculum development, educational milestones, and project progress. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a roadmap adorned with school doodles and a trusty pencil, providing a creative and effective way to convey information.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a roadmap that guides students and educators on the path of knowledge acquisition. This template celebrates the process of education, from the first step to reaching important milestones.

The use of school doodles, a checkered path, and a pencil symbolizes the learning journey. Education is not just about the destination; it’s about the steps, choices, and milestones along the way.

As you use the “Education Themed Roadmap” template, remember that education is a structured path filled with opportunities for growth and progress. It’s about planning, setting goals, and celebrating achievements.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with a sense of direction, progress, and organization in education. Celebrate the journey of learning, the importance of curriculum development, and the joy of reaching educational milestones. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in guiding students toward success.

Embark on a cosmic learning adventure with the Back 2 School Cover Slide presentation template , a whimsical and captivating choice for presentations on education, inspiration, and the excitement of going back to school. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a curious young spaceman surrounded by space and planets, along with school accessories and the title “Back 2 School.”

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a young learner venturing into the vast expanse of knowledge, eager to explore and discover new horizons. This template celebrates the joy of learning, the spirit of curiosity, and the boundless universe of possibilities that education offers.

The juxtaposition of a space-themed background with school accessories highlights the idea that education can take us on incredible journeys of discovery. Learning is not limited to one planet; it can transport us to the farthest reaches of the universe.

As you use the “Back 2 School Cover Slide” template, remember that education is an adventure filled with wonder and inspiration. It’s about fostering curiosity, nurturing young minds, and igniting a passion for knowledge.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the excitement of going back to school, the importance of inspiration in education, and the limitless opportunities for learning and growth. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in shaping the future explorers and thinkers.

Dive into the world of education criteria with the 6 Point Education Criteria with Pencil Presentation Slide template, a creative choice for visualizing the essential features and characteristics of school education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a horizontal pencil divided into six colorful segments, symbolizing the key points and stages in the education system.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a roadmap that outlines the critical elements of a successful educational journey. This template celebrates the importance of clarity, organization, and goal-setting in the field of education.

The use of a pencil as a visual metaphor represents the idea that education is a journey of growth and development, where each step contributes to the overall progress. The six segments denote different aspects or criteria that contribute to a well-rounded education.

As you use the “6 Point Education Criteria with Pencil Presentation Slide” template, remember that education is not just about delivering information; it’s about setting clear goals, measuring progress, and ensuring that students receive a comprehensive learning experience.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with a sense of structure, goal-setting, and a systematic approach to education. Celebrate the importance of defining education criteria, understanding the learning process, and achieving success through a well-organized educational system. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in shaping future leaders.

Immerse yourself in the world of Secondary Education with this exceptional presentation template. It’s an excellent choice for presentations on secondary education, educational institutes, schools, colleges, teaching methods, learning, and studying. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a doodle-inspired design that embodies the spirit of creativity and learning.

class presentation for primary school

Picture a classroom where students are engaged in dynamic and imaginative learning. This template celebrates the joy of education, the role of creativity in teaching, and the diversity of students’ experiences.

The doodled icons and illustrations represent the multitude of subjects, activities, and ideas that make up the world of secondary education. Education is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s a colorful tapestry of knowledge and self-improvement.

As you use the “Secondary Education” template, remember that education is about more than textbooks and lectures; it’s about fostering creativity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love of learning.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the energy of creative teaching methods, the importance of student engagement, and the rich tapestry of experiences that define secondary education. Celebrate the diversity of subjects, the joy of learning, and the transformative power of education in shaping future leaders. Let every slide be a testament to the boundless possibilities that education offers.

Explore the world of School Study with this engaging presentation template, an ideal choice for presentations on education, school education, teenage education, classes, teaching, teachers, and school life. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a scene of secondary school pupils in a classroom, symbolizing the essence of educational growth.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a classroom filled with eager young minds, ready to absorb knowledge and engage in the learning process. This template celebrates the role of educators, the dedication of students, and the vibrant atmosphere of a school.

The image of secondary school pupils at their desks conveys the importance of discipline, study, and dedication to academic growth. Secondary education is a crucial phase where students build on their foundations and prepare for the future.

As you use the “School Study” template, remember that education is not just about teaching; it’s about instilling a love for learning, fostering discipline, and motivating students to reach their full potential.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the enthusiasm of young learners, the importance of teachers in the educational process, and the vibrant energy of school life. Celebrate the transformative power of secondary education in shaping the future of students. Let every slide be a reminder of the boundless possibilities that education offers.

Embrace the joy of learning with the Loving School presentation template, a fantastic choice for presentations on school classes, homework, assignments, and school education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template celebrates the love for school and the enthusiasm of students.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a classroom filled with students who are eager to learn, with hearts that are warm and open to knowledge. This template embodies the spirit of passion for education and the vibrant energy of school life.

The image of an apple, a symbol of learning and knowledge, reflects the idea that education is a nourishing experience for the mind and soul. The vibrant colors and school-related imagery evoke the excitement of school subjects and lessons.

As you use the “Loving School” template, remember that education is not just about acquiring facts; it’s about nurturing a love for learning, curiosity, and a sense of wonder.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the love and passion that students have for school. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping the hearts and minds of future leaders. Let every slide be a reminder of the boundless possibilities that education offers and the joy it brings to those who embrace it.

Experience the charm of childhood with the School Bus as Childish Picture presentation template , a delightful choice for presentations on school, lessons, pupils, homework, and school education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template captures the innocence and joy of early education.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a school day filled with laughter, friends, and the excitement of riding the school bus. This template celebrates the simplicity of childhood and the happiness that comes with learning.

The whimsical drawing of a school bus, complete with a friendly driver and a smiling sun, symbolizes the carefree nature of early education. It reminds us that school is not just about lessons; it’s also about the journey to and from school, the friendships formed, and the sunny days of childhood.

As you use the “School Bus as Childish Picture” template, remember that education is not just about academic growth; it’s about nurturing young hearts and minds, fostering friendships, and creating cherished memories.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the innocence and joy of childhood education. Celebrate the transformative power of early learning, the importance of friendly environments, and the boundless happiness that education brings to children. Let every slide be a reminder of the precious moments of childhood in the world of education.

Embark on a journey of education with the School Bus Model presentation template , a perfect fit for presentations on school, school education, school pupils, and more. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a delightful school bus illustration that adds a touch of nostalgia to your educational presentations.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine the iconic school bus, a symbol of the daily journey to knowledge. This template celebrates the role of school buses in transporting students to and from their destination of learning, fostering a sense of community and adventure along the way.

The vibrant colors and playful design capture the excitement of young minds as they board the school bus, ready for a day of exploration and growth. It’s a reminder that education is not just about the classroom; it’s about the entire journey, from home to school and back.

As you use the “School Bus Model” template, remember that education is a dynamic experience that extends beyond textbooks and lessons. It’s about the friendships formed, the memories created, and the adventures shared on the school bus.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the nostalgia and joy of the school bus experience. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping young minds and the role school buses play in connecting students to their educational journey. Let every slide be a reminder of the cherished moments of childhood on the way to school.

Dive into the world of young learners with the School Kids presentation template , an excellent choice for presentations on school learning, school teaching, school attendance, and both primary and secondary education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features an image of bustling schoolchildren, symbolizing the energy and enthusiasm of young minds in pursuit of knowledge.

class presentation for primary school

Picture a schoolyard filled with students, eager to learn and excited to explore the world of education. This template celebrates the commonness and camaraderie of students, fostering a sense of community within the school.

The image of running schoolkids represents the vitality and curiosity that characterize childhood and the early stages of education. It’s a reminder that learning is an active and dynamic process.

As you use the “School Kids” template, remember that education is not just about the classroom; it’s about the friendships formed, the joy of learning, and the sense of belonging that schools provide.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the vibrancy and spirit of young learners. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping the futures of these eager minds. Let every slide be a testament to the boundless possibilities that education offers and the sense of togetherness it creates among schoolkids.

Embark on an educational journey through Africa with the School Study in Africa presentation template , a fitting choice for presentations on school learning, the first day in school, school classes, school teaching, and primary school. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features an engaging image of a young learner in Africa, symbolizing the thirst for knowledge that transcends borders.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a young student in Africa, eager to explore the world of education and discover the wonders of learning. This template celebrates the universal desire for education and the power it holds to transform lives.

The image of a child pointing at a globe reflects the curiosity and aspiration to understand the world. It serves as a reminder that education is a gateway to knowledge, awareness, and a broader perspective.

As you use the “School Study in Africa” template, remember that education knows no boundaries, and every child, regardless of location, deserves the opportunity to learn and grow.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of global education and the importance of providing quality learning experiences to children around the world. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping the future of young learners, regardless of where they are. Let every slide be a testament to the universal nature of curiosity and the role education plays in fulfilling it.

Illuminate the world of education with the School Kids Frame presentation template , a delightful choice to showcase the significance of learning. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a charming frame design with a young pupil holding a pencil, symbolizing the essence of development and knowledge.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a world where education is a colorful journey filled with joy and optimism. This template captures the spirit of childhood and the excitement of young minds as they embark on their educational voyage.

The vibrant colors and playful design inspire confidence and cheerfulness, setting a positive tone for your educational presentations. The frame design creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere, inviting viewers to explore the world of learning.

As you use the “School Kids Frame” template, remember that education is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about nurturing creativity, curiosity, and a love for learning.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of childhood and the boundless enthusiasm of young learners. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping the future and fostering a sense of wonder. Let every slide be a reminder of the joy and optimism that education brings to children’s lives.

Embrace the beauty of autumn with the School Autumn Theme Cover Slide presentation template , a perfect choice for setting the tone for your educational presentations. This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a school backpack adorned with textbooks and accessories, all set against a backdrop of vibrant autumn leaves in shades of red, orange, and yellow.

class presentation for primary school

Picture a crisp autumn morning as students eagerly prepare for a day of learning, their backpacks filled with knowledge and their hearts filled with anticipation. This template captures the essence of the back-to-school season, where education takes center stage amidst the changing leaves.

The warm and inviting colors of autumn create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere, making this template an ideal choice for setting the mood at the beginning of your presentation.

As you use the “School Autumn Theme Cover Slide” template, remember that education, like the changing seasons, brings renewal and growth. It’s a reminder that every school year is an opportunity for students to learn, grow, and embrace new knowledge.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of autumn and the promise of a new school year. Celebrate the transformative power of education against the backdrop of nature’s changing canvas. Let every slide be a reminder of the beauty and potential that each school year brings.

Elevate your educational presentations with the School Accessories Background template , a dynamic choice that puts school supplies at the forefront. This engaging PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a captivating background adorned with colorful hand-drawn school accessories, celebrating the tools that empower students on their learning journey.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a world where education is not just about books and lessons but also about the vibrant and diverse set of tools that help students explore and discover. This template captures the essence of creativity and individuality that students bring to their learning experiences.

The lively and colorful design creates an energetic and engaging backdrop for your presentations, making it an ideal choice for capturing your audience’s attention from the very beginning.

As you use the “School Accessories Background” template, remember that education is not confined to the classroom but extends to the world of imagination and exploration. It’s a reminder that every student’s journey is unique and filled with creativity.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of creativity and the importance of embracing a wide range of tools and resources in the pursuit of knowledge. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping individuals and fostering creativity. Let every slide be a testament to the diversity and vibrancy of the learning experience.

Welcome to the School Bus Free Presentation Slide template , a vibrant and cheerful choice for your back-to-school safety presentations. This engaging PowerPoint and Google Slides template features an adorable illustration of happy children getting on the school bus, emphasizing the importance of safety during school transportation.

class presentation for primary school

Picture a scene filled with excitement as children eagerly board the school bus, ready for another day of learning. This template captures the joy and enthusiasm of young students as they embark on their educational journey.

The colorful and playful design sets a positive and welcoming tone for your presentation, making it an ideal choice for emphasizing the importance of safety and responsible behavior during school transportation.

As you use the “School Bus Free Presentation Slide” template, remember that education goes beyond the classroom and includes teaching students essential life skills, such as safety and responsibility.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of enthusiasm and safety consciousness. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping responsible and happy students. Let every slide be a reminder of the joy and safety that accompanies the back-to-school season.

Welcome to the School Tests Results template , a vibrant and engaging choice designed to illuminate the outcomes of educational assessments. This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a bright and cheerful design in shiny yellow and red colors, featuring a girl and school tests.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a world where students eagerly take on the challenge of school exams and tests, confident in their ability to find solutions and demonstrate their knowledge. This template captures the essence of motivation and achievement in the world of education.

The lively and colorful design creates a positive and inspiring backdrop for your presentations, making it an ideal choice for highlighting the importance of assessments and the joy of academic accomplishments.

As you use the “School Tests Results” template, remember that education is a journey marked by milestones and achievements. It’s a reminder that every test and exam is an opportunity for students to showcase their skills and knowledge.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of motivation and achievement. Celebrate the transformative power of education in helping students reach their full potential. Let every slide be a testament to the dedication and hard work that lead to academic success.

Welcome to the Kids Collage template , a delightful and playful choice designed to celebrate the world of children and education. This engaging PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a vibrant collage of kids, books, and playful elements, setting the stage for presentations on children, upbringing, and elementary education.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a classroom filled with the laughter and curiosity of young learners, eager to explore the world and discover new knowledge. This template captures the essence of joy and enthusiasm that children bring to the learning process.

The colorful and dynamic design creates an atmosphere of excitement and positivity, making it an ideal choice for presentations on primary and secondary education.

As you use the “Kids Collage” template, remember that education is a journey of exploration and discovery, and children are at the heart of that journey.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of fun and curiosity. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping young minds and fostering a love for learning. Let every slide be a testament to the boundless potential of children and the joy they bring to the educational experience.

Welcome to the School Learning Theme template , an excellent choice for illuminating the world of education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template is designed to bring the essence of school learning, subjects, and students to your presentations.

class presentation for primary school

Picture a classroom adorned with learning tools, books, and the tools of the trade, where students eagerly engage with their subjects, fueled by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. This template encapsulates the atmosphere of productive learning and academic exploration.

The combination of warm colors and educational elements creates an inviting and stimulating backdrop for your presentations, making it a perfect choice for topics related to school subjects, homework, and school assignments.

As you utilize the “School Learning Theme” template, remember that education is not just about acquiring facts; it’s a journey of growth and self-discovery. Each slide is a reminder of the dynamic and transformative nature of the learning process.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of academic excellence and intellectual exploration. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping informed and curious individuals. Let every slide be a testament to the enthusiasm and dedication of students and educators alike.

Welcome to the School Bag template , a fantastic choice for presentations that dive into the world of education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template is designed to capture the essence of school life, classes, lessons, and the dynamic interplay between students and teachers.

class presentation for primary school

Envision a classroom where students eagerly explore their textbooks, guided by dedicated educators who nurture their curiosity and quest for knowledge. This template encapsulates the spirit of collaborative learning and the shared journey of discovery.

The bright and colorful design creates an atmosphere of enthusiasm and engagement, making it an ideal choice for presentations on various school-related topics such as lessons, homework, and school teaching.

As you navigate through the “School Bag” template, remember that education is not just about acquiring facts; it’s about fostering a love for learning and fostering critical thinking.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the vibrancy of school life and the dynamic interaction between students and teachers. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping young minds and fostering a lifelong passion for learning. Let every slide be a testament to the joy of exploring new ideas and the magic of the educational journey.

Welcome to the Primary Schooling template , a delightful choice for presentations that revolve around the world of primary education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template is thoughtfully designed to capture the essence of early learning, primary school teaching, and the exciting journey of young students.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a classroom filled with bright-eyed children, eager to explore the world of knowledge. Their journey begins in primary school, where educators play a pivotal role in nurturing their budding intellect and creativity. This template reflects the energy and enthusiasm that defines primary education.

With a colorful and inviting design, this template sets the perfect backdrop for presentations on primary school, primary pupils, and the essential role that early education plays in shaping young minds.

As you navigate through the “Primary Schooling” template, remember that primary education is the foundation upon which a lifetime of learning is built. Each slide represents an opportunity to celebrate the wonder and excitement of those formative years.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the vibrancy of primary education and the boundless potential of young learners. Let every slide be a testament to the joy of discovery and the vital role that educators play in laying the foundation for future success.

Welcome to the Classroom Education template , a powerful tool for creating presentations that bring the world of education to life. This versatile PowerPoint and Google Slides template captures the essence of classroom learning, making it perfect for a wide range of educational topics.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine stepping into a vibrant classroom, where the teacher stands at the blackboard, and eager young students sit at their desks, their hands raised in anticipation of learning something new. This template beautifully depicts this scene, making it ideal for presentations on school education, elementary school, primary school, mathematics, and arithmetic.

The classroom is a dynamic space where knowledge is shared, questions are asked, and young minds are molded. With its beige and green color scheme, this template evokes a sense of warmth and engagement, reflecting the interactive nature of education.

As you explore the “Classroom Education” template, consider the essential role that educators play in shaping the future. Each slide is a canvas for conveying the excitement of learning and the collaborative spirit of the classroom.

Download this template now to create presentations that inspire and inform. Let it be a testament to the power of education and the boundless potential of young learners. Whether you’re an educator, student, or anyone passionate about education, this template is your tool for making a lasting impact.

Welcome to the School Themed template , a dynamic and creative presentation tool designed to capture the essence of education and innovation. This black and yellow-themed PowerPoint and Google Slides template is the ideal choice for presentations on a wide range of school and education-related topics.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a world where knowledge flows freely, where ideas take shape, and where innovation thrives. This template embodies the spirit of inspiration and creativity, making it perfect for presentations on brainstorming, creativity, leadership development, and much more.

The striking black and yellow color scheme exudes energy and vitality, symbolizing the dynamic nature of the educational journey. Whether you’re an educator, a student, or a professional looking to inspire creativity and innovative thinking, this template has you covered.

As you navigate through the slides, you’ll find a wealth of possibilities for conveying your message with impact. From laptops and pencils to rulers and glasses, each element in the design is a symbol of knowledge, imagination, and the pursuit of new ideas.

In the world of education, the ability to inspire and innovate is essential. Let the “School Themed” template be your canvas for sharing your vision and igniting the spark of creativity in others. Download it now to embark on a journey of inspiration and innovation in your presentations.

Welcome to the School Activity template , a bright and engaging presentation tool designed to showcase the active and participatory nature of educational environments. With its light yellow color scheme and dynamic imagery, this template is the ideal choice for a wide range of educational presentations.

class presentation for primary school

Imagine a classroom filled with eager pupils, each raising their hands to answer questions and actively participate in the learning process. This template captures that essence, making it perfect for presentations on school education, teaching techniques, school results, and various educational activities.

The use of light yellow as the primary color conveys a sense of positivity, optimism, and energy. It symbolizes the bright and hopeful future that education offers to students of all backgrounds and abilities.

As you explore the slides, you’ll find dynamic visuals of students from diverse backgrounds, working together and actively engaging in the learning process. The imagery highlights the importance of inclusivity and diversity in educational settings.

Education is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about fostering a sense of community and encouraging active participation. Whether you’re an educator, a student, or anyone passionate about the field of education, this template provides you with a powerful platform to convey your message.

Let the “School Activity” template be your guide as you inspire and engage your audience in the world of education. Download it now and embark on a journey of interactive and impactful presentations.

Welcome to the School Bus template , a vibrant and cheerful presentation theme that captures the essence of school excursions, conducted tours, and outings. This template is an excellent choice for presentations related to school events, educational field trips, transportation, and more.

class presentation for primary school

The centerpiece of this template is the iconic yellow school bus, a symbol of adventure and learning for students of all ages. The bus is filled with diverse and happy children, reflecting the inclusivity and diversity of school communities. Their cheerful expressions and anticipation of the trip create a positive and energetic atmosphere.

The blue sky and white clouds in the background evoke a sense of freedom and open possibilities, mirroring the excitement that comes with a school excursion. The template’s color scheme of blue, yellow, and white is visually appealing and aligns with the classic school bus colors.

Whether you’re planning to present information about upcoming school trips, share the highlights of past excursions, or discuss the importance of educational outings, this template provides a vibrant and engaging backdrop for your content.

With its playful yet professional design, the “School Bus” template will help you captivate your audience and make your school-related presentations more memorable and enjoyable. Download it now to embark on a journey of informative and visually appealing slides.

Welcome to the School Desk in a Classroom template , a clean and minimalist presentation theme that focuses on the essentials of school and education. This template is an excellent choice for a wide range of presentations related to school, study, academic pursuits, and more.

class presentation for primary school

The template’s design features a simple yet impactful image of a school desk and a textbook against a plain white background. This imagery symbolizes the core elements of learning and represents the foundation of education. The blue color accents add a touch of vibrancy and sophistication to the overall look.

Whether you’re giving a lecture on study techniques, presenting classroom rules and expectations, or discussing the significance of education, this template provides a professional and uncluttered canvas for your content.

The straightforward layout and design allow your message to take center stage, ensuring that your audience focuses on the educational insights and information you’re sharing.

With its minimalist and versatile design, the “School Desk in a Classroom” template is a reliable choice for educators, students, and anyone involved in the field of education. Download it now to create presentations that convey the essence of learning and academic excellence.

Welcome to the Education Report with Data-Driven Charts Concept template , a magnificent and individualized presentation theme that adds a touch of elegance to educational presentations. This template is the perfect choice for a wide range of educational applications, including school projects, academic reports, and curriculum-related presentations.

class presentation for primary school

The template’s design incorporates a unique style that includes subject names and various elements representing different fields of knowledge. These elements create a visually appealing and sophisticated look, making this template suitable for a variety of educational settings.

You’ll find subject names like arts, biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics, and physics, all presented in a clean and concise manner. Additionally, there are data-driven charts, including area charts and stacked bar charts, that allow you to showcase educational data and results effectively.

The DNA sign in the template’s design adds a touch of scientific and research-oriented aesthetics, making it an ideal choice for presentations related to genetics, biology, or any data-driven educational report.

With its elegant and versatile design, the “Education Report with Data-Driven Charts Concept” template is a valuable resource for educators, students, and professionals involved in various educational fields. Use it to create compelling and informative presentations that convey the importance of knowledge and academic excellence.

Welcome to the School Students template , a fantastic choice for presentations related to high school learning and the educational journey of high school students. This template features a vibrant and engaging design that perfectly encapsulates the essence of high school life.

class presentation for primary school

The template incorporates a variety of elements that symbolize the high school experience. You’ll find images of cheerful high school students, a school bus, and a scenic backdrop with blue skies and green grass. These elements come together to create a visually appealing and dynamic presentation theme.

Whether you’re discussing the joys of high school life, the importance of education, or the various activities that high school students engage in, this template provides an excellent backdrop for your content.

The use of vibrant colors, including blue and yellow, adds a sense of positivity and energy to your presentation. It captures the enthusiasm and optimism that often accompany the high school years.

With this template, you have the perfect canvas to create presentations that inspire and inform your audience about the world of high school education. Share your insights, experiences, and knowledge with others, and make your high school-related presentations engaging and memorable.

Welcome to the Education Concept Icons collection , a versatile set of visual elements designed to enhance your presentations on various educational topics. This collection includes a range of icons and symbols that can be seamlessly integrated into PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations.

class presentation for primary school

These icons cover a wide spectrum of educational themes, making them suitable for presentations on studying, school and college projects, learning, higher education, secondary school, teaching, and more. The use of blue and green colors in the icons adds a sense of freshness and vitality to your slides, aligning with the educational context.

Each icon has been thoughtfully crafted to represent key concepts and ideas related to education, making it easier for you to communicate your message effectively. Whether you’re discussing the stages of education, the connection between students and teachers, the process of learning, or any other educational aspect, these icons can be valuable visual aid.

Icons are an excellent way to break down complex ideas into easily digestible visuals, enhancing the overall clarity of your presentations. They can be resized, recolored, and positioned as needed to complement your content and create a cohesive visual narrative.

By using this collection of educational icons, you’ll be able to create engaging and informative presentations that captivate your audience and help them better understand the educational concepts you’re discussing. These icons are a valuable addition to your toolkit for educational presentations.

Welcome to the Secondary Schoolboy presentation template , an excellent choice for creating engaging PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations related to education, the new school year, high school, classes, homework, and all things secondary school.

class presentation for primary school

The template’s design incorporates a grey and black color scheme, giving it a professional and modern look. It features a young African American schoolboy with a backpack, making it relatable to students and educators alike.

Whether you’re planning to discuss the excitement of a new school year, the importance of education, the challenges and rewards of high school, or any other educational topic, this template provides you with a visually appealing backdrop to convey your message effectively.

With slides dedicated to various aspects of education, such as lessons, school curriculum, and the love for school, you can structure your content seamlessly and keep your audience engaged. The template’s clean and straightforward design allows you to focus on the key points you want to convey.

As you create your presentation using this template, you’ll find it easy to customize the slides to suit your specific needs. Whether you’re an educator, student, or presenter, this template will help you deliver a compelling message about secondary school and the journey of learning.

Welcome to the Copybooks and Notebooks presentation template , an ideal choice for creating educational PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations. This template is perfect for discussions on topics like going back to school, education, learning, studying, primary school, secondary school, and more.

class presentation for primary school

The template’s design features a clean and minimalist look with a color palette of blue, brown, and white. It prominently showcases a stack of open notebooks, symbolizing the journey of learning and education. The notebook pages are blank, offering a versatile backdrop for your content.

With dedicated slides for text and visuals, you can effectively communicate your message and engage your audience. Whether you’re a teacher, student, or presenter, this template provides you with the tools to deliver your educational content with clarity and impact.

You can easily customize the slides to tailor them to your specific presentation needs. Add your text, images, and data to convey your ideas effectively. Whether you’re discussing the importance of notebooks in the learning process or sharing insights about education, this template provides a professional and organized framework for your content.

Use this template to create a compelling and visually appealing presentation that captures the essence of education, learning, and knowledge. Whether you’re preparing for the start of a new school year or addressing educational topics, this template has you covered.

Welcome to the Computer Auditorium presentation template , an excellent choice for creating dynamic PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations. This template is ideal for discussing various topics related to online education, testing, classes, learning, school and university, hardware, and equipment.

class presentation for primary school

The template features a vibrant and engaging design, with a classroom setting that includes cheerful students working on computers. It’s a perfect representation of modern education and the use of technology in learning environments. Whether you’re an educator, student, or professional, this template allows you to effectively convey your message.

The slides are professionally crafted and organized, making it easy for you to structure your content. You can add your text, images, and data to communicate your ideas clearly. Whether you’re discussing the benefits of online education, the importance of technology in classrooms, or the collaborative aspects of learning, this template provides a visually appealing backdrop for your content.

The color palette, which includes brown and white, creates a clean and modern look that’s suitable for various educational topics. The template also accommodates different content types, from text-heavy slides to visuals and data-driven charts.

Use this template to create presentations that captivate your audience and highlight the importance of technology in education. Whether you’re conducting a workshop, giving a lecture, or sharing research findings, this template will help you deliver a compelling and informative presentation.

Don’t assume that these 50 ideas about school education are all we have to offer. PoweredTemplate’s library contains hundreds of free and premium presentation templates covering the topic of secondary education.

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How to do a class presentation (11 steps)

How to do a class presentation

The best class presentations combine strong content and visuals with an engaging presentation style. This post offers 11 steps for creating memorable and high-performing class presentations.

1. Review assignment guidelines

Before you can strategize about how to start a class presentation, you need to be certain that you understand the assignment details. Consult materials that your instructor provided, like rubrics, to determine what your presentation needs to cover and what form it should take.

For instance, are you presenting individually or as part of a group? How long should the presentation be? Are you required to have visuals? Knowing these details will help you to plan a successful class presentation.

2. Make a presentation plan

Once you've reviewed the specific assignment details, it's time to make a presentation plan. You can start by making an outline of your talking points. Outlines for class presentations will look similar to those for papers, with sections and subsections that work through your main ideas. You'll want to be precise about what points are essential to communicate to your audience. Also, take some time to decide on a completion timeline to ensure that you're ready on presentation day. Remember to build in time for practice!

3. Choose your visuals

At this point, you'll also want to determine what kind of visual aid(s) you want to use: a handout or a digital presentation, or both? Keep in mind the assignment requirements, but also the audience and the presentation format. For example, are you presenting to a large audience? If so, a handout might not be efficient. Are you presenting in-person or online? If you're preparing an online presentation, a PowerPoint or Google slides presentation will help your audience follow along.

4. Fill out your outline and keep it simple

Now that you've developed a plan for completing your class presentation, you can begin to build out the actual content. If you've created a basic outline, fill it in with some substance. Remember to keep it simple. At around 10-15 minutes, the average in-class presentation can only effectively communicate around three main points. Avoid long quotes or monologues. Your audience may find it difficult to follow longer textual components.

5. Design your visuals with minimal text

Along similar lines, don't simply plop your outline or textual notes into your visuals. Visual aids should be just that: aids that allow your audience to better visualize the main points of your presentation. Large blocks of text on a PowerPoint can be hard to see, so work on creating a digital aid that is mostly comprised on images. When text is appropriate, use bullet points and active words that your audience can remember.

6. Allow time for revisions

Once you've compiled your notes and created your visuals, take some time away from the project. You'll return to your work with fresh eyes. Then, allow time for revision: be sure to proofread your notes, slides, and/or handouts and make sure your visuals are clear. Check to see if any images that you're using appear pixelated on a larger screen and make sure your text is readable from a distance.

7. Check your citations

Many in class presentations will require citations, especially if they are accompanying a paper or another class research project. You can use BibGuru's citation generator to create your citations and copy them to your slides or handout. Consult your assignment guidelines, or ask your instructor, to find out what citation style is required.

8. Practice...and practice again

Give yourself time to practice your presentation in front of an audience before the big day. Familiarize them with the assignment guidelines, as needed, and ask them to time you. You'll need to know if your presentation meets the time requirements. After the first run though, consider these questions:

  • Is your presentation too long or too short?
  • Are you hitting the main points in a logical sequence that your audience can follow?
  • Are your visuals clear?
  • Is your delivery fluid or are you pausing too often to look at your notes?
  • Are you making eye contact with your audience?

Use your answers to these questions to determine what, if at all, you need to change and then schedule another practice. You should practice your presentation as many times as you need to in order to achieve a fluid delivery.

9. Prepare for technical difficulties

Since most class presentations will include a digital element, be prepared to troubleshoot if there are technical difficulties on presentation day. Always have a back-up plan and be sure to save your visuals in multiple places. Keep a copy of your notes and slides in your email, on a thumb drive, and/or on the cloud. Practice enough so that, in the event that you can't get your visual aid to work, you can still deliver your presentation.

10. Take the stage with confidence

If you've followed your plan, practiced thoroughly, and prepared for possible technical difficulties, you should be ready to take the stage with confidence. Nervousness is absolutely natural, but try your best to relax and breathe. A few shoulder rolls and deep breaths right before the presentation can go a long way to making you feel more focused and centered.

11. Connect with your audience

From the first moment of your presentation, you'll want to establish a strong connection with your audience. Smile, make eye contact, and modulate your voice appropriately. Remember, people exhibit all kinds of facial expressions when they are listening or concentrating, so try not to pay too much attention to individual faces.

Also, although your instructor will be the one grading you, don't simply present to them. Include the entire class in your gaze. Finally, be careful about pace. If you have a tendency to speed up your speech when you're nervous, make a conscious effort to slow down.

The bottom line

Following the tips above will enable you to confidently deliver a class presentation to your instructor and classmates, or to any audience. With solid preparation and ample practice, your next class presentation will be a memorable success.

Frequently Asked Questions about class presentations

The most successful presentations begin with a hook. This could be a short, yet compelling story, an eye-catching visual with brief analysis, or an inspiring quote or statistic. No matter how you begin, ensure that you can fluidly transition to the main substance of your presentation in a way that your audience can easily follow.

Regardless of the subject of your presentation, you can make it interesting for your audience by engaging them through consistent eye contact, a relaxed and confident delivery style, and interactivity. For instance, to keep your audience engaged, you might try including questions or brief activities in your presentation.

Wrap up your presentation by summarizing your key points. You can also end with a provocative question or thought. You should also thank your audience for listening.

Good presentations are well-organized, time-sensitive, clear, and delivered with confidence.

The most common presentation mistakes include: not engaging your audience, using visuals that are overloaded with text, and not practicing enough.

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Frantically Speaking

46 Powerful Opening Lines for a Class Presentation

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking

A visual representation of presenting before a class

Class presentations can be extremely stressful. The way you open your presentation will determine the way the rest of your presentation goes and how it is accepted by the audience. To make things easier for you, here is a list of powerful opening lines for a Class Presentation.

Before we get into the opening lines, here are some pointers to ensure your presentation has a good structure that will keep the audience engaged.

How to structure a good presentation

State the relevance and purpose to the audience, identify a core message, divide your presentation into three parts, use a simple and clear structure, use engaging and relevant slides, practice and rehearse your delivery, q & a session.

Determine the purpose of your presentation. What do you want your audience to learn or take away from it? Consider the knowledge level, interests, and expectations of your audience. This will help you tailor your content appropriately. Explain why the information is important or relevant to your audience

Identify a single central message that you would like to communicate to your audience. Then build your presentation around that core message. Select a clear and focused topic that aligns with the objectives of the assignment or class.

A presentation can be divided into three parts: an introduction detailing the purpose and structure of the talk; a body covering the main points; and a conclusion summarizing and highlighting the significance of your talk.

A good presentation structure means analyzing the core message of your presentation. Decide on a key message you want to impart to the audience, and then craft an engaging way of delivering it.

Design engaging and suitable slides that support your message and help your audience understand your presentation. Use rhetorical questions, anecdotes, or interactive elements to keep the audience engaged. Incorporate relevant visuals or multimedia to illustrate critical points. Ensure they are clear and legible, and add value to your presentation.

Practice your presentation beforehand to ensure that you can deliver it confidently and effectively.

Invite questions from the audience. Be prepared to respond thoughtfully.

Cite your sources if applicable. This adds credibility to your presentation. In fact, provide any recommended readings or resources for further exploration.

You can divide your presentation in the following manner-


  • Hook : Start with an attention-grabbing statement, question, or anecdote related to your topic.
  • Presentation Statement : Clearly state the main purpose or argument of your presentation.
  • Preview : Provide an overview of what you’ll be covering in the presentation.
  • Each main point should be a separate section or slide.
  • Present one key idea per slide or section.
  • Provide evidence, examples, and supporting details for each point.
  • Use visuals like images, graphs, or charts to enhance understanding.


  • Summary : Summarize the main points.
  • Restate Thesis : Remind the audience of your main argument.
  • Closing Statement : Provide a clear and impactful closing statement.

Structuring a class presentation effectively involves careful planning and organization. By following these steps, you can create a well-structured class presentation that effectively delivers your message and engages your audience.

Here are some additional tips for structuring your class presentation:

  • Keep it simple: Don’t try to cram too much information into your presentation. Focus on the most important points you want to communicate.
  • Use a variety of presentation techniques : This could include storytelling, humor, and interactive activities.
  • Be clear and concise : Avoid using jargon and technical language that your audience may not understand.
  • End powerfully: Leave your audience with a memorable thought or call to action.

By following these tips, you can create a class presentation that is informative, engaging, and memorable.

A powerful opening sets the tone for your class presentation and grabs your audience’s attention. Moving ahead to the main part of the article, here is a list of things you can incorporate to make your opening lines for a class presentation rather memorable.

Opening Lines for a class presentation

Ask a rhetorical question, use a startling statistic or fact, quote someone, make a provocative statement, interactive opening, visual description, make historical reference.

This is a great way to grab the audience’s attention and get them thinking about your topic. For example: “Have you ever wondered how the internet works?” or “What are the ethical implications of artificial intelligence?”

1. “Have you ever wondered why [topic] affects each and every one of us?”

2. “What if I told you that [startling fact or statistic]?”

Stories are a great way to connect with your audience and make your presentation more memorable. For example, you could tell a story about a personal experience related to your topic, or a story that illustrates a key point you want to make.

3. “Let me take you back to [a specific moment in time related to your topic].”

4. “I’d like to share a personal story that illustrates the importance of [topic].

This is a great way to grab the audience’s attention and make them want to learn more. For example: “Did you know that 90% of all data has been created in the past two years?” or “One in three people will experience depression at some point in their lives.”

5. “Did you know that [shocking statistic]?”

6. “It might surprise you to learn that [eye-opening fact].”

This is a great way to add credibility to your presentation. For example: “According to Albert Einstein, ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.'” or “A recent study by Harvard University found that people who meditate regularly are more likely to be happy and successful.”

7. “As [famous figure] once said, ‘ [relevant quote].'”

8. “As Neil Armstrong once said, “That’s one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind.” I believe space exploration is essential for the development of mankind.”

This is a great way to get the audience’s attention and make them think about your topic in a new way. For example: “The future of work is remote.” or “Artificial intelligence will revolutionize every industry.”

9. “Today, I’m here to challenge how we think about [topic].”

10. “Let’s consider a perspective on [topic] that might be different from what you’ve heard before.”

Other than these, there are certainly other ways of opening your presentation such as:

This is a great way to engage the audience from the beginning of the presentation. This will help keep the audience hooked and trigger their thought process too.

11. “I’d like to begin with a quick exercise. Raise your hand if [question-related to your topic].”

A visual description will help the audience to draw things from their imagination and will keep them engrossed in what you have to say after.

12. “Close your eyes for a moment and imagine [vivid scene related to your topic].”

Humor can never go wrong if you know the audience you are dealing with. A good laugh will always make your presentation go a lot smoother and easier.

13. “They say that [humorous twist on your topic]. But today, we’ll uncover the real story.”

Pick up a historical fact or reference that is quite common or that you can prove happened. This helps engage your audience and they would want to know how is that reference relevant in the context of your topic.

14. “In [specific time period], [relevant historical event] changed the course of [topic].”

Stating something and immediately countering your own statement will confuse the audience into listening to you more keenly. Which is why it serves the purpose of having your audience’s attention.

15. “While most people think [common misconception], the reality is quite different.”

Remember to choose an opening that aligns with your topic and style, and be sure to transition smoothly from your opening into the main content of your presentation. Additionally, practice your opening to ensure you deliver it confidently and engagingly.

Now, let’s look at some examples of opening lines for specific topics of class presentation

Opening lines for specific topics of a class presentation

Climate change, globalization and its effects, mental health awareness, artificial intelligence, gender equality, entrepreneurship, space exploration, cybersecurity, diversity and inclusion, the benefits of reading, the dangers of smoking.

  • The challenges of poverty

The importance of recycling

16. “The world is on fire. Or at least it feels that way. The Amazon rainforest is burning, the Arctic is melting, and the Great Barrier Reef is dying. But we can still make a difference.”

17. “Imagine a world where our coastal cities are submerged, and our weather patterns become increasingly erratic.”

18. “In the next few minutes, we’ll confront a reality that demands our immediate attention: the accelerating crisis of climate change.”

19. “Today, our actions in one corner of the globe can have ripple effects thousands of miles away. The world truly is a web of interconnectedness.”

20. “As we discuss globalization, let’s remember that it’s not just about economics. It’s about cultures converging, traditions evolving, and societies adapting.”

21. “We all have mental health. Just like we have physical health. But why is it that we’re so afraid to talk about it? Why is it that we treat mental illness as a taboo topic?”

22. “Close your eyes and think about a time when you or someone you know faced a mental health challenge. It’s more common than you might think.”

23. “Mental health is just as important as physical health, but it is often overlooked.”

24. “One in five adults in the United States experiences mental illness each year.”

25. “Mental health problems can impact anyone, regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic status.”

26. “Imagine a world where machines can think and learn like humans. A world where robots can do our jobs, and self-driving cars can take us anywhere we want to go. This is the world of artificial intelligence.”

27. “From self-driving cars to virtual personal assistants, the rise of artificial intelligence is reshaping the way we live and work.”

28. “Today, we stand on the precipice of an era where machines can not only think but learn and adapt.”

29. “It’s time to talk about gender equality. It’s time to talk about the fact that women still earn less than men, that they are underrepresented in leadership positions, and that they face discrimination and harassment on a daily basis.”

30. “What do Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk have in common? They’re all entrepreneurs who started with nothing and built billion-dollar companies. But what does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?”

31. “The cosmos, with its vastness and mysteries, has beckoned explorers and dreamers for centuries. Today, we’re on the cusp of new frontiers.”

32. “As we look up at the night sky, it’s important to remember that each star represents a potential world, waiting to be discovered.”

33. “In an era where our lives are increasingly intertwined with technology, the battleground for our security has shifted to the digital realm.”

34. “Picture this: a breach in cybersecurity can lead to consequences as real and impactful as a physical break-in.”

35. “Diversity isn’t just about ticking boxes on a checklist. It’s about recognizing the richness that comes from embracing different perspectives and experiences.”

36. “In this room, we each bring a unique story and perspective. Together, we have the power to shape a more inclusive world.”

37. “Diversity and inclusion lead to innovation and creativity.”

38. “Reading can improve your vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills.”

39. “Reading can help you to learn about different cultures and perspectives.”

40. “Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States.”

41. “Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other serious health problems.”

42. “Secondhand smoke is just as dangerous as smoking itself.”

 The challenges of poverty

43. “Poverty is a complex problem that affects millions of people around the world.”

44. “Poverty can lead to hunger, homelessness, and lack of access to education and healthcare.”

45. “We all have a role to play in fighting poverty.”

46. “Did you know that it takes 700 years for a plastic bag to decompose?”

These opening lines can be used as inspiration to create your own powerful opening line for your class presentation. Make sure it sets the tone for the rest of your presentation.

These opening lines are designed to capture attention and provide a strong foundation for your presentation on these specific topics. Remember to follow through with compelling content and a strong conclusion to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

List of other resources for you

As a college student, presentations carry a lot of weight, so How to Give a Presentation in Class as a College Student

As talked about, organizing your presentation is essential, hence Presentation Structures: Everything You Need To Organize Your Talk

Sometimes, you can have a lot of content and not know what to remove, 14 Techniques To Ensure Audience Engagement Through Long Presentations

Doing things at the last minute is not okay, unless and until you know how to get it done effectively. Help! I Have A Presentation Tomorrow & I Am Not Prepared

Sometimes you would not have someone around to practice your presentation, and for that Have A Presentation Coming Up. Here’s How You Can Practice It By Yourself

I hope this is helpful. When choosing an opening line for your presentation, be sure to consider your audience and what you want to achieve with your presentation. You can always try to get in touch with a professional to get advice on your presentation structure and how you present it. For this, check out our personalized coaching services !

Hrideep Barot

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Young students listening to a presentation

13 Interactive Presentation Ideas to Engage Students in Class

If you’re a teacher, you’ll know that there’s a lot to think about when you’re in class. It’s important to ensure that what you’re teaching the children is as educational and as interesting as possible - with the aim of engaging the students in the subject and hopefully even enabling them to enjoy learning! 

This can be a very difficult balance to strike. However, it’s made easier by these interactive presentation ideas listed in this article, which can engage even the most distracted of students!

How to display presentations

The best classroom gadget to show these presentations on is an interactive display. These are large devices that are mounted to the wall and can connect seamlessly with any video collaboration applications. You can connect interactive displays to the internet and further use them as a powerful classroom teaching tool, to help students learn in a fully interactive and efficient way. We sell interactive displays for classrooms  here at Avocor.

Interactive class presentation ideas 

Ice breakers.

Many work-related presentations start with an icebreaker, and there’s no reason why a presentation to a class of students should be any different. 

The icebreaker question will depend on the class and age of students, but could be something like the following: 

  • If you could be an animal, what would it be and why? 
  • What would be your dream place to go on holiday? 
  • If you could have dinner with three historical characters, who would they be and why? 
  • If you could make any kind of potion, what would it do? 

Incorporating video is one of the best interactive presentation ideas for students. Even if the video is about the same topic as the presentation, the fact that it’s a different type of media will interest the class. 

You can either find a suitable video on YouTube or another video software or, if you have a file saved, paste it directly into the presentation . 

Modern classroom with desktop computers and whiteboard

Questions and answers

Questions and answers are a great way to get the whole class involved. You could invite one student to ask a hypothetical question about the topic, and another could answer. 

For example, if you’re learning about Henry VIII and his six wives , you could ask a student to ask a question about them. Their question could be “what was Henry VIII’s favourite food?” or something similar. 

When another student answers, you could ask them to explain their answer - for example, if they say “meat and bread”, they might carry on to explain that that was the main diet for royalty at the time. 

Songs are a good way to interest younger kids in a topic. You can find songs about all sorts of subjects on YouTube. For example, this seven continents song could be suitable for a Geography song. 

Many songs on YouTube have lyrics, so you could encourage your class to practice their reading as they sing along. 

Some presentations are made more interactive by external objects - and if you want to engage younger kids, bringing some props can really help the lesson to come alive. 

For example, if you’re doing a history lesson about the Ancient Egyptians , you could bring some figures of Tutankhamun, the Sphinx and the ancient pyramids for everybody to see. 

Class involvement

Asking for direct class involvement throughout the presentation is a good way to ensure that students stay engaged. For instance, if you’re doing a presentation about animals, you could ask students to make a noise every time you mention a certain animal.

Classroom full of kids getting involved in the interactive lecture

You could ask them to roar each time you mention lions, or make a monkey noise each time you talk about monkeys. This is a great way to ensure that the students are paying attention! 

Transitions and animations

A simple way to ensure that your students are paying attention is to use different transitions and animations throughout your presentation. 

If you’re teaching older kids or teenagers, you might not want to have too many of these, but younger kids will love seeing every item bounce onto the screen. It’s a wonderful way to get them interested in technology in the classroom !

Quizzes are an effective way to engage students of any age. You can include these at the end of the presentation and they can include questions that you’ve covered in the session. 

If your students know that there will be a quiz at the end of the class, they may be more likely to pay attention throughout it! You could also ensure maximum engagement by telling students that there will be prizes for the winner of the quiz - such as stickers or sweets. 

Interactive games

Interactive games for class presentations are always a popular way to ensure that students stay engaged! Some examples include: 

  • noughts and crosses or tic tac toe
  • pictionary 
  • hangman or an alternative like spaceman
  • 21 questions

It’s best to make these games related to the subject. For example, the game “21 questions” involves you thinking of a character and students asking questions with a yes or no answer about what character you are. 

If you’re teaching a history class, the character could be somebody from history (such as Florence Nightingale or Queen Victoria), or if you’re instructing a science lesson, the character could be a famous scientist (like Einstein or Steven Hawking). 


Brainstorming is another great way to get the class involved. You can use an interactive display to create the brainstorm diagram on. Students can take turns writing on the board, and it  can securely connect to any external devices, so any remote class members can join in. 

With an interactive display, you can also immediately share the diagram to the rest of the class once it’s finished, so they can keep it to refresh their knowledge of a topic. 

Young students listening to an interactive presentation

For example, if you’re teaching your class about Australia in geography , you could ask their students what they may already know about Australia. They could come up with some items like the following: 

  • Sydney Opera House
  • Aboriginal art
  • outback 

You could then create a spider diagram with different legs depending on the topic. For this list, there could be an “animals” leg for kangaroos and koalas, an “architecture” leg for the Sydney Opera House, a “landscapes” leg for the rainforest and outback, a “culture” leg for Aboriginal art and a “food” leg for BBQ.

Make a story

Making a story about the topics covered can encourage creativity around the topic. To do this, write down a couple of opening lines to a story related to the topic that you’re teaching. 

For example, if you’re teaching students about the Ancient Roman Empire, you could start by saying “Ronald the Roman lived in the British City of Bath, where the Romans had arrived 20 years before. He spent most of his time at work, where he built houses for the rest of the Romans”. 

Then, you could invite a student to continue the story, encouraging them to stay as on-topic as possible. You could even give out a prize to the student with the best part of the story. Depending on the size of the class, you could ask every student to contribute. 

Stories also work well for English lessons. In these classes, the topic of the story doesn’t matter as much, but you could encourage students to use whatever language they’ve been learning. 

For example, if your class has been focused on adjectives, you could ask students to put as many adjectives as possible in each part of their story. 

Have a short play 

You could take your stories to the next level by creating a short play on one of your slides. This could be based on whatever topic you’re learning about, and you could select a few students to come to the front of the class and read out the lines. 

You may wish to create this personally, find a relevant play online or you could even turn a well-known story into a play!

Interactive classroom presentation with two students putting on a play

Virtual field trip

One of the most creative interactive school presentation ideas is to take the class on a virtual field trip. This is particularly valuable for geography lessons, where you may learn about places that students might not be able to visit in person, like the Amazon rainforest or even under the sea!

You could link to Google maps, where you could use Google Earth to explore a particular area. Alternatively, there are some YouTube channels that specialise in virtual tours and field trips, such as this one which details all you need to know about rainforests .

If you have a classroom full of students and want to keep them as engaged as possible while teaching them new material, try some of these interactive games for classroom presentations and other ideas! 

By incorporating some of these interactive ideas into your presentation, you’ll have the students’ full undivided attention and ensure that they not only enjoy the class but retain the information.

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25 Free Education PowerPoint Templates For Lessons, Thesis, and Online Lectures

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By Al Boicheva

in Freebies

3 years ago

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Free Education PowerPoint Templates

Today we have prepared for you 25 free education PowerPoint templates for your online lessons, lectures, thesis, and educational purposes. Some of them are suitable for multiple purposes, others are specifically designed for more niche topics, so we made sure there is something for everyone.

As usual, some of the websites that offer these free resources may require free registration. All templates are editable and compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides .

1. Free Online Lessons PowerPoint Presentation Template

Free Online Lessons powerpoint template

Here we have 20 free online education slides  by GraphicMama. With online lessons and homeschool presentations in mind, the educational slides have 2 color schemes. In addition, they feature multipurpose slides, infographics, quotes, practice, and others.

2. Free Meet Our Professors PowerPoint Template

Meet Our Professors free education powerpoint template

What better way for teachers to break the ice at the beginning of a new class than by introducing themselves? This free template with a dark background and colorful shapes is ideal for the purpose. It has 34 different slides , is 100% editable, and includes 500 additional icons for further customizing your presentation.

3. Free Writing History Thesis PowerPoint Template

Writing History Thesis free education powerpoint template

You might need to write a history thesis or prepare a history lesson for your classes. This template with 29 free editable slides has a beige background, doodle illustrations, and a suitable design.

4. Free Generation of ’27 Literature PPT Template

Generation of '27 free education powerpoint template

Generation ’27 is the name of a group of avant-garde poets and artists. They began to publish their works in the 1920s. 25 different slides for explaining Spanish literature to your student.

5. Free Kids Alphabet Blocks PowerPoint Template

Kids Alphabet Blocks free education powerpoint template

With a fun LEGO-inspired design and vivid colors, the template is ideal for teaching lessons to younger students. It includes 48 editable slides and it’s available for free for schools and companies.

6. Free Steam Education PowerPoint Template

Steam Education free education powerpoint template

The design for this template is entirely based on the concept of steam education. It contains 48 free slides easy to modify.

7. Free Global Education Solution Template

Global Education Solution free education powerpoint template

A free global education solution presentation template with a suitable design of bulbs, earth, and cities. It contains 48 editable slides .

8. Free Dandelion Thesis PowerPoint Template

Dandelion Thesis free education powerpoint template

This free template was designed for students who need to defend their thesis before getting their PhD. It’s a good addition to the speech and features 24 editable slides to accompany your presentation.

9. Free Black Death Epidemic Thesis PowerPoint Template

Black Death Epidemic Thesis free education powerpoint template

A little bit niche, this design is dedicated to the 14th century Black Death and it’s ideal for the topic if you’re working on a thesis about the historical event. It has 23 free editable slides .

10. Free Lecture On Music PowerPoint Template

A Lecture on Music free education powerpoint template

On a more positive note, the next free template has a design all about music. You can use it to prepare a lecture on music history, instruments, and everything about music in general.

11. Reading is Magical – Free PowerPoint Template

Reading is Magical free education powerpoint template

Kids discover the magic of reading. This free presentation design is ideal for teaching the younger audiences the importance of literature and make them fall in love with reading. It features 25 editable slides .

12. Free History of Architecture PowerPoint Template

Historical Architecture free education powerpoint template

Another niche topic for presentation. This free education template is designed to convey a historical feeling for every historical architecture lesson. It has 25 slides , easy to modify.

13. Free Geography PowerPoint Template

Vintage Geography free education powerpoint template

This free vintage geography PowerPoint template with old map background has 25 different slides and aims to assist presentations on every geography, history, travel, or politics lesson.

14. Free E-Learning PowerPoint Template

E-Learning free education powerpoint template

More for e-learning and online lessons. Here we have a free PowerPoint template that describes training with control over mobile. It features 48 slides , easy to customize and adapt to your presentation.

Get a Professionally Designed Presentation For Your Project

15. Chalk Free Education PowerPoint Template

Chalk free education powerpoint template

A free educational template with a child reading a book and lovely chalk illustrations. This is a design that can express education through reading. 48 slides , ideal for literature lessons and presentations.

16. Free ABC Alphabet Blocks PPT Template

ABC Alphabet Blocks free education powerpoint template

Here’s a free multipurpose PowerPoint design with alphabet blocks. Suitable for all kinds of educational presentations, the free template has 48 customizable slides with a color theme and 135 icons.

17. Free Science Education Center PowerPoint Template

Science Education Center free education powerpoint template

It’s always a good day for science! This free presentation theme is based on a learning center structure. The background is blue, and it is conspicuous for the textures in the corners. It has 23 editable slides .

18. Free Handa Notebook Thesis Presentation

Handa Notebook Thesis free education powerpoint template

A free multipurpose thesis presentation design with a lovely notebook style. It has 34 slides with all you need to present your data and make it stand out, despite the casual design.

19. Free Building Siblings Relationships Educational Template

Building Siblings Relationship free education powerpoint templates

This free template has the topic of building siblings relationships in mind. It’s perfect for audiences from kindergarten, pre-school and elementary school.

20. Free Green Grass Open Book PowerPoint Template

Green grass open book free education powerpoint template

A free Multipurpose template that suits lessons and presentations related to ecology, nature, agriculture, and environment. It has 48 editable slides and a color theme.

Presentation Design Tip:

The shorter you keep the text, the better. In fact, some specialists suggest that you shouldn’t use more than 5-6 words per slide . And sometimes, a single word combined with a powerful visual is enough to nail the attention of the students sitting in front of you and make them listen to what you have to say.

21. Free Online Library PowerPoint Template

Online Library free education powerpoint template

The library concept gives the opportunity to fit any topic and adapt to any lesson. With 48 free editable slides , this template will suit school classes, business and commercial purposes.

22. Free Graduation PowerPoint Template

Graduation free education powerpoint template

If you’re in need to prepare your students for graduation and educate them on the career paths that await after, this free template with 48 slides and infographics will suit the purpose.

23. Free Alphabet Blocks PowerPoint Presentation

Alphabet Blocks free education powerpoint template

A free educational presentation design of books being stacked up with alphabet block to top it off. It also consists of a light blue and orange color scheme. It includes 33 fully-editable slides and high-quality vector graphics.

24. Free Back to School PowerPoint Template

Back to School free education powerpoint template

A classic even old-fashioned on purpose design that instantly grabs the attention. It has 36 free slides and infographics for educational purposes.

25. Free Desk Presentation Template

desk presentation free education powerpoint template

And last, we have this free hand-drawn template with a beautiful color scheme with 23 slides and a pinch of creativity that will suit multiple presentations.

And these were today’s 25 free educational templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Based on multipurpose or niche topics, the collection has something for everybody, so grab your favorites and create your awesome presentations.

In the meantime, if you’re in search of more resources for online classes, we have also prepared 60 colorful slides for that.

Final Words

We hope you enjoyed the hand-picked educational templates and found something that will adapt to your project perfectly.

While on the topic, why not check these other helpful online education-related articles.

  • Top 25 Teaching Blogs To Help Your Educational Process
  • How to Use Technology in Education: Save Time and Better Engagement
  • How to use Zoom for Education [+ Useful Tips and Ideas]

class presentation for primary school

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class presentation for primary school

Al Boicheva

Al is an illustrator at GraphicMama with out-of-the-box thinking and a passion for anything creative. In her free time, you will see her drooling over tattoo art, Manga, and horror movies.

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class presentation for primary school

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Tips for kids on how to nail presentations in the classroom

Tips for kids on how to nail presentations in the classroom header

As an adult, public speaking can be a scary thing, and for kids—without the benefit of years of built-up social coping mechanisms — it can be even scarier! Luckily, the same techniques that help adults improve their presentation skills can be a big help to kids in the classroom, too. And even better, teaching them how to present effectively at a young age can help instill confidence that will last a lifetime.

What are top 6 presentation tips for kids?

Check out these simple tips for helping your kids nail presentations in the classroom.

1. Repeat your first sentence for emphasis

When you begin your presentation, say your first sentence very clearly. Then, pause for a 1-2-3-count while you look at the audience. Say that sentence one more time, and then start your presentation. This makes for a strong beginning for the right presentation.

2. Look at a friend in the audience

If you’re feeling nervous, start by looking at and pretending you’re talking to one of your friends in the audience. Friends make you feel more comfortable! Once you feel better, look around more often.


3. Maintain good posture

Pretend you’re a marionette (one of those puppets held up by strings) and that you can feel the string going all the way up your back and through the top of your head. That will help you remember to stand up straight. Also, make sure you keep your shoulders back and relaxed as this will help you project your voice and keep you from running out of air while you speak.

4. Keep your feet still

For most of your presentation, keep your feet still, like you stepped on two big pieces of bubble gum and can’t move them. Then, when it’s time to change to a different topic or the ending of your presentation, you can walk to a new spot on the stage and stand still again.


5. Talk to the person farthest away from you

… all the way in the back. This will ensure you’re using the appropriate projection and volume. If your audience has to work too hard to hear you, they’ll tune you out.

6. Memorize your final sentence

Have the final sentence of your presentation memorized — word-for-word. Once you’ve said it, pause, say thank you — and you’re done!


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Learn presentation basics

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  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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35 Fantastic Free Google Slides Templates and Themes for Teachers

Add some pizzazz to your presentations!

Reading log on laptop screen as an example of free Google slides templates for teachers.

Google Slides is free, easy to use, and offers so many cool options. These free Google Slides templates for teachers give you endless ways to use this essential tool in your classroom. Choose a few to customize now!

More Google Slides goodness:

  • Google Slides 101: Tips and Tricks Every Teacher Needs To Know
  • 18 Interactive Google Slides for Elementary Math Students
  • 18 Interactive Google Slides for Teaching Phonics and Sight Words

First Day of School

This bundle of free Google Slides templates for teachers is perfect for the first day of school. It even includes an icebreaker students will love.

Get it: First Day of School Google Slides Templates

Daily Agenda

Daily Agenda slides template with space for bellringer, assignments, homework, and more

Use this template as a daily lesson planner, then share it with kids and parents. It makes it easy for students who miss class to catch up.

Get it: Daily Agenda Planner at TPT

Customizable Google Slides template showing a math mat with addition problem and virtual manipulatives

These slides are customizable, so you can focus on specific skills and differentiate for various learning levels. Smart!

Get it: Math Mats at Fun Learning for Kids

Sight World Builder

Illustration of child in hard hat next to a letter bank

These slides have audio built in, so they’re perfect for kids to complete on their own. They hear the word, then choose the right letters to spell it out.

Get it: Sight Words Builder at Mrs. Winter’s Bliss ADVERTISEMENT

Digital Reading Log

Digital Reading Log template with a pastel bookshelf theme

Make it simple and fun for kids to keep track of their daily reading time. Each clickable tab in the book provides space for day after day of reading logs.

Get it: Digital Reading Log on TPT

Hamburger Paragraph

Photo of hamburger with instructions for writing an engaging paragraph using the hamburger method

Using the hamburger method to teach paragraph or essay writing? Try this editable template to give students a place to practice.

Get it: Hamburger Paragraph at TPT

Missing Number Game

Math puzzle slide template with missing numbers in a two-digit, three number addition problem

Challenge kids to use their higher thinking skills with these missing-number puzzles. There are 10 of them in the free set, perfect for bell ringers or early finishers.

Get it: Missing Number Game via Math Geek Mama

Planets Research Guide

Saturn research template with space for identifying characteristics, interesting facts, and more

This template has a slide for every planet, making it effortless for students to complete individual or group research on the solar system.

Get it: Planets Research Guide on TPT

Secret Sight Words

Picture of house, elephant, rainbow, and elephant, with boxes below for beginning letters - Sight Words Google Slides

Kids will really enjoy this activity, and teachers will love that it incorporates multiple skills. First, kids identify the beginning letter of each word. Then they type it into the box, spelling out a sight word.

Get it: Secret Sight Words on TPT

Newspaper Theme

Newspaper-themed Google Slides template for a presentation or lesson plan

Extra, extra, read all about it! Whatever today’s teaching topic is, it’s sure to be headline news with this fun template theme.

Get it: Newspaper Theme via SlidesMania

Happy Birthday

Text reading Happy Birthday on a colorful explosion background

Celebrate classroom birthdays the easy way. This template set offers several different options to customize with student names as needed.

Get it: Happy Birthday on TPT

Interactive Jeopardy!

Google Slides Templates Jeopardy

Turn test review into a fun competition. This interactive template is fully customizable; just add your questions and answers.

Get it: Interactive Jeopardy! at Slides Carnival

Desktop Organizer Calendar

Set of free Google slides templates for teachers with a calendar theme

Use these monthly organizers to link to other projects, slideshows, documents, and more. It’s a great place to start class each day.

Get it: Desktop Organizer Calendar at SlidesMania

Alphabet Order Game

Series of mixed up letters  with space for student to put them in the correct order

This Google Slides game is ready to go! Use the five increasingly challenging drag-and-drop levels with your whole class, or assign it as station work.

Get it: Alphabet Order Game at TPT

Galaxy Theme

Google Slides Templates Space

These Google Slides templates are perfect for a unit on space. (You might even say they’re out of this world!)

Get it: Galaxy Theme at Slides Carnival

Bulletin Board Theme

Free Google Slides Templates for teachers with a Bulletin Board theme

Use this theme to create presentations or for an interactive classroom bulletin board with links to flyers, events, and more.

Get it: Bulletin Board Theme at SlidesMania

Breakout Room Note Taker

Breakout room note taker Google Slides template

Virtual breakout rooms have a lot of uses in the classroom. Have your students use these Google Slides templates to record their discussions.

Get it: Breakout Room Note Taker at Hello Teacher Lady

Who’s Who? Game

Who's Who Game Google Slides template for getting to know students in the classroom

These free Google Slides templates for teachers have activities like a match-up game and crossword puzzles built right in.

Get it: Who’s Who Game at SlidesGo

Camping Theme Virtual Classroom

Camping theme Google Slides template with a blank chalkboard for notes

Going with a camping theme in your classroom this year? This free camping theme has multiple slides to customize.

Get it: Camping-Theme Virtual Classroom at TPT

Farm Animals

Google Slides Templates with a barnyard theme

Use these farm animal Google Slides templates to create interactive math or spelling activities for young learners.

Get it: Farm Animals at SlidesMania

Vocabulary Four Square

Vocabulary Four Square template with spaces for definition, synonym or antonym, image, and used in a sentence

Customize these simple interactive Frayer Model templates with the vocabulary words your students are studying. Then use it for group work or a homework assignment.

Get it: Vocabulary Four Square at TPT

Investigation Game

Investigation Game free Google Slides templates for teachers

Transform an ordinary lesson into an investigation! This would be a cool way to teach kids about primary sources .

Get it: Investigation Game at SlidesGo

Digital Notebook

My Digital Notebook Google slides template, themed to look like a composition book

These slides are a fun interactive way for kids to keep track of notes, research, and more.

Get it: Digital Notebook at SlidesMania

Classroom Assignment Slides

Free Google Slides templates for teachers to use for class assignments

This planner makes a teacher’s life easier. The slides give students one place to access all their assignments, whether group or individual.

Get it: Classroom Assignment Slides at TPT

Studying Organizer

Studying organizer slide template with a tropical theme

Give your students a leg up on their classwork with this free Google Slides template study organizer.

Get it: Studying Organizer at SlidesGo

Dinosaur Theme

Google Slides template with colorful cartoon dinosaurs and text reading

Introducing little ones to prehistoric times? Try these free Google Slides templates for teachers!

Get it: Dinosaur Theme at Slides Carnival

Digital Board Game

Colorful Google Slides templates with a board game theme

Customize this board game template to use for a fun review activity in pretty much any subject.

Get it: Digital Board Game at SlidesMania

Vintage Geography Theme

Map themed Google slides template reading

Calling all geography teachers! These slides are just for you.

Get it: Vintage Geography Theme at Slides Carnival

Elementary School Weekly Planner

Elementary School Weekly Planner slides with a cheerful school supplies theme

Help students develop good study habits and learn to organize their time with these cheery slide templates.

Get it: Elementary School Weekly Planner at SlidesGo

Virtual Job Fair

Virtual job fair Google slides theme.

Need a fun way to hold virtual career day? Set up these slides with photos, videos, and info about a variety of jobs for kids to explore.

Get it: Virtual Job Fair at TPT

Letter-Writing Slides

Google Slides template themed to look like airmail letters

Teaching a unit on letter writing? These slides have the perfect theme.

Get it: Letter-Writing Slides at SlidesMania

Spelling Choice Boards

Spelling Choice Boards Google Slides templates with cartoon alphabet letters

This template is ready to use, with its missing-letter games and other spelling activities. You can also customize it to fit your needs.

Get it: Spelling Choice Boards at SlidesGo

Interactive File Cabinets

Interactive File Cabinets slides template with illustrations of blue file cabinets

This is a smart way to organize digital documents and materials for your classroom. Assign each class or subject a drawer, then use the tabs to link to documents and other files.

Get it: Interactive File Cabinets at SlidesGo

29. Harry Potter Theme

Google Slides Templates with a Harry Potter theme

It’s not magic, though it might seem like it to muggles! These Google Slides templates are sure to enchant your students.

Get it: Harry Potter Theme Template at SlidesMania

Google Search Theme

Slides template themed to look like Google search window with Google color scheme

Design a presentation inspired by a Google search with these clever templates!

Get it: Google Search Theme at SlidesMania

Google Classroom has a lot to offer teachers and students. Check out these Amazing Free Sites and Apps To Use With Google Classroom .

Plus, get all the best teaching tips and ideas when you sign up for our free newsletters .

These free Google Slides templates and themes are terrific for teachers at any grade level. Just grab them, customize, and go!

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Icon of a person presenting in front of a slide on a screen

Students: How to PRESENT a presentation

Does your student know how to give a presentation while listening to a screen reader.

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After creating the slide show, the next logical step for students is to present the content of their slide show in front of the class. When delivering slide show presentations, students learn a broadly applicable professional skill – how to speak in front of a group. Students in 21st century classrooms are creating multimedia slide shows as a way to demonstrate and share their knowledge of a particular topic. Early elementary classes are incorporating public speaking into classrooms with initial projects which are very simple – each student creates and reads aloud one or two slides. By middle school, students are researching, writing, and presenting full slide decks. The beauty of using a slide deck during a presentation is that the student uses the slides to guide his/her presentation. An added benefit is that the audience focuses on the slide deck instead of the student presenting which helps the presenter to be more comfortable about speaking in front of the class.

Tips for all student presenters

  • Posture: Face the audience with good, straight posture and RELAX!
  • Eye contact : Make eye contact with the audience
  • Voice : Project your voice so that everyone can easily hear; adjust your voice if using an mic – and do a mic check!
  • Know the set up : This includes knowing the device that will be running the slide deck (if it is your device, how to connect the device to the system), know the commands for your presentation app (Google Slides, PowerPoint, Keynote apps) how to adjust the mic height, etc.
  • Know your content

Additional presentation tips for students who are blind or low vision

Students may be speaking in their familiar classroom (which requires little exploration of the room, route, tech set up, etc.) However, students should also be prepared to speak in unfamiliar environments too! Students may also be presenting a slide deck in a virtual class/meeting and will need to know how to adjust the camera along with the additional app (i.e. Zoom, Google Meets) platform. As part of their course work, students should practice presenting in different environments!

  • Know the room: If the room is new, explore the empty room before the presentation. Learn the layout of the room, size of the room, where you will be seated and the route to/from the podium. When standing at the podium, know where the audience is.
  • Know the podium area: Be aware of any chords on the floor or dangling from the podium. If using a mic, become familiar with the mic, how to adjust it, how far/close the mic should be (to pick up your voice without feedback), how to connect your device to the system or how to access your presentation on the provided device.
  • Know your slide deck app commands!
  • Posture: Stand upright, facing the audience. Hands and feet should be quiet – no fiddling, rocking or pacing.
  • Eye contact: Look out into the audience (even if you cannot see people in the audience); look at different areas in the audience.
  • Voice: Adjust your voice according to the size of the room and the noise within the room. Do a voice check – “Can you hear me in the back?”
  • Use one earbud in order to hear your screen reader and still hear questions or comments from the audience. Your screen reader speech rate should be fast – so that you can quickly hear the information on the slide without long pauses. Practice listening to your screen reader through the earbud and while presenting the information!
  • KNOW YOUR CONTENT: The screen reader should provide a quick hint about the next piece of content. If possible, only listen to the first couple of words or phrases with your screen reader – you should know the rest of the content! The slide should have bullet points and you should know these bullet points. Be prepared to expand on the bullet points if necessary.
  • Confirmation: Ask a sighted person to confirm that the presentation is visually displayed correctly in the slide deck and on the public screen.
  • Practice: Practice your content, practice your slide deck commands, and practice presenting with a screen reader. Use inflection – do not sound like your screen reader!
  • Know your audience: Is the topic and audience formal or is it a more relaxed, humorous presentation?

PowerPoint with JAWS commands

  • F5: Enter Slide Show Mode
  • Spacebar: Advance thru the slides
  • Backspace: Navigate backwards thru the slides
  • Right or Left Arrow: Read slide content forwards/backwards
  • Down Arrow: Start video or audio within the slide (if the video/audio is not set to automatically trigger)
  • Escape: Exit Slide Show mode

PowerPoint with JAWS video tutorial : APH’s Access Academy has a wonderful video tutorial with Elizabeth Whitaker presenting. While the video tutorial focuses on how to create a PowerPoint Presentation with JAWS, Elizabeth demonstrates the JAWS navigation commands used when presenting. This section starts at 1:16:11.

JAWS with Google Slides : APH’s Access Academy (Video tutorial focuses on how to create a Google Slide and includes how to use JAWS navigation commands when presenting; commands are listed at 1:19:28)

Google Slides Navigation with a Screen Reader (JAWS) video tutorial by Dr. Denise Robinson

Navigating Google Slides with ChromeVox (includes video tutorials)

Tech Standards: Accessing Keynote Presentations with VoiceOver

PowerPoint screen reader navigation commands  (Details PowerPoint screen reader commands – select your device (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Web)

The Importance of Teaching Presentation Skills to Elementary Students  (a blog post from Macaroni Kid website)

Align with National Tech standards

Multimedia and Presentation Tools

Introduce in First Grade, Reinforce in Second Grade and Master in Third Grade:

  • Create, edit and format text on a slide

Introduce in Second Grade, Reinforce in Third Grade and Master in Fourth Grade:

  • Create a series of slides and organize them to present research or convey an idea
  • Use painting and drawing tools/applications to create and edit work

Optional in Second Grade, Introduce in Third Grade, Reinforce in Fourth and Master in Fifth:

  • Copy and paste or import graphics; change their size and position on a slide
  • When you have low vision and are the conference presenter: What works for me post

By Diane Brauner

Back to  Paths to Technology’s  Home page

Keep reading

Cartoon girl with clasped praying hands showing distress in front of a computer with text

National Homework Hotline for Blind or Visually Impaired Students: Part 2

Ipad displaying Chapter 3 of A Very Wimpy Kid with two-fingers making the Read All VoiceOver gesture.

Screen reader for low vision students?

GROUP poster: Get along

Making Group Projects Work with Diverse Students!

beta This is a new service

School Zone

class presentation for primary school

Welcome to the new home for School Zone

Our look has changed but you can still find our flexible teaching resources for both primary and secondary schools. They cover a range of topics including nutrition, physical activity and mental wellbeing.

You will need to register for an account and sign in to download School Zone resources. This is free and quick to do.

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Target audience: Students and teachers

Topics: Schools

New suite of mental wellbeing lesson plans for primary school pupils

Across a range of lesson plans covering self-care, kindness and emotions, pupils will learn habit-forming techniques to support their mental wellbeing, while also helping you to deliver the Health Education and PSHE curriculums.

Popular resources

Vaping – ks3 form time activities.

Students explore the facts and impacts of vaping in these flexible NHS-approved activities.

Transition to secondary school lesson plan

Pupils explore the transition to secondary school and identify strategies to deal with change.

Bullying and cyberbullying — KS3 and KS4 lesson plan

Students explore the meaning and impact of bullying and cyberbullying.

Physical and mental wellbeing – KS3 and KS4 lesson plan

Help students consider the transition to secondary school and identify some of the challenges that can arise.

Positive friendships – KS3 and KS4 lesson plan pack

Help students identify the key features of positive friendships, and practise skills to be a good friend.

Self-care – KS3 and KS4 form time activities

Students explore a variety of self-care activities.

School Zone campaigns

class presentation for primary school

Mental wellbeing

Helping you teach mental wellbeing topics to both primary and secondary students, with flexible, ready-to-use content.

Published: 15 August 2024

How a change in teaching styles transformed life and NAPLAN scores at Upwey South Primary School

Topic: Education

A teacher is seen at the front of a primary school classroom

Upwey South Primary School's NAPLAN results have skyrocketed over the past six years. ( ABC News: Patrick Stone )

Upwey South Primary School's academic results have lifted dramatically since changing its teaching practices.

It is bucking wider NAPLAN trends, with the 2024 results released this week showing one in three students need more help with English and maths.

What's next?

More schools are retraining staff in explicit instruction, while the federal government is also mandating universities teach it to aspiring teachers.

For most schools, it doesn't get much better than seeing academic scores skyrocket.

At Upwey South Primary School, in Melbourne's outer-eastern suburbs, that is exactly what has happened.

In the past six years, its NAPLAN results across the board have surged — in reading alone, scores lifted by a massive 70 points.

But principal Damien Kitch is even prouder of something else.

"Whilst NAPLAN's really great … our actual real measure of success is that the students get up in the morning, they check their watch and they're like, 'yes, it's a school day'," he said.

A middle aged bald man standing in front of a playground

Principal Damien Kitch oversaw the shift in teaching practices. ( ABC News: Patrick Stone )

Inside the classroom, Upwey South students are at the vanguard of a teaching revolution.

Six years ago, the school decided to change the way it taught literacy, abandoning an approach known as "whole language", or balanced literacy, popular on university campuses.

It switched to a more direct, evidence-based approach known as "structured literacy".

Mr Kitch retrained the school's teachers in direct, explicit instruction.

"And since we began … we've just seen huge positive results across the school, not just in academics for English but also in mathematics, in the culture of the school and in children's engagement," he said.

A teacher is seen at the front of a primary school classroom

The NAPLAN results at Upwey South Primary have dramatically risen since the school changed its teaching practices. ( ABC News: Patrick Stone )

Bucking a national trend

The overhaul has paid dividends, with the school's NAPLAN scores bucking the national trend.

The 2024 results , released on Wednesday, showed for the second year in a row that one third of Australian students across all year levels had not met numeracy and literacy benchmarks.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the results were "alarming", while the federal opposition called them "disastrous".

While wider debate will continue over the causes of this failure, there will not be a post-mortem at Upwey South.

Its 2024 results in every domain were higher than the average compared to "similar schools" — a metric calculated by NAPLAN authorities that considers things like parental education levels and occupation, disability and languages other than English to roughly group schools together by socio-economic advantage.

Mr Kitch said an effective school needed three things: predictability, consistency and immediate reinforcement of desirable behaviours, a practice known as proximity praise.

Lead teacher Melinda Rowe said the consistency across the school had helped identify students needing additional support to catch up.

"We could really tell who was picking concepts up, who needed that extra intervention with small groups or even a one-to-one process," Ms Rowe said.

As well as improved engagement, Ms Rowe said it had led to better behaviour and less classroom disruption.

"[The students] are really engaged learners and just confident little people across our school, which is fantastic to see," she said.

A white woman with brown hair and a blue blazer standing in a classroom

Melinda Rowe says changing teaching styles has had a profound impact. ( ABC News: Patrick Stone )

A ray of hope

There is hope that more schools will be able to supercharge their academic results.

The teaching practices at Upwey South have now been adopted across all of Victoria's public schools.

The move was opposed by teachers' unions, but momentum has been growing — a number of private schools have started retraining teachers in explicit instruction, too.

To try and boost English proficiency across the entire school system, the federal government is also mandating universities to teach the next generation of educators structured literacy.

Glenn Fahey, the education director at the Centre for Independent Studies, said other government reforms, such as Year 1 phonics and numeracy checks, would also be crucial in turning around NAPLAN results.

"The latest data shows why the steps taken by the federal government in its new school reform agreements are so critical," he said.

"The government's efforts to introduce improvement targets in NAPLAN are essential for lifting the ambition of [education] systems."

Jordana Hunter, the Grattan Institute's education director, said urgent action was required otherwise an entire generation's education would be at risk.

"Waiting for Year 3 NAPLAN results is simply too late," she said.

"At a bare minimum, all states and territories should introduce a mandatory Year 1 phonics screening check from next year, with a resit process in Year 2 for those students who fall short."

School of Civic Leadership Accepting Applications for Inaugural Class

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AUSTIN, Texas — The University of Texas at Austin’s School of Civic Leadership is now accepting applications for its inaugural class, which will enroll in Fall 2025. The school is among the first in a growing number of civics-focused colleges, institutes and initiatives being launched at public universities across the U.S. to prepare students for civic responsibility through the study of America’s founding principles, economic foundations and history.

“Liberty depends on citizens who understand the ideas and institutions that make free, prosperous societies possible,” said Justin Dyer, founding dean of the School of Civic Leadership. “As we study those ideas and institutions, the School of Civic Leadership will prepare students not only for successful careers in business, education, law, entrepreneurship and public life, but also for lives of significance and service to their communities.”

Students who gain acceptance to this pioneering cohort will become eligible for the school’s flagship program, the Bachelor of Arts with a major in civics honors , where they will study the intellectual inheritance of Western Civilization and the American constitutional tradition.

The School of Civic Leadership will launch its first academic program this fall, a minor in philosophy, politics and economics in collaboration with the College of Liberal Arts, as well as general education courses and electives on topics including the history of democracy, moral leadership in economics, and the pursuit of happiness. Next fall, in addition to the civics honors major, the school plans to launch a minor in civics available to students across campus. To support these programs, the school has hired 10 inaugural faculty members who will begin teaching during this upcoming semester.

“The School of Civic Leadership, under the guidance of Dean Dyer, has made tremendous progress since its establishment just over a year ago,” said Sharon L. Wood, executive vice president and provost. “In addition to the development and launch of new academic programs, the school has also hired 10 excellent faculty members whose deep expertise will strengthen our University’s academic reputation as one of the nation’s premier research and teaching institutions.”

During the coming months, the school will continue to build on this foundation by recruiting additional faculty members.

Ryan Streeter, executive director of the Civitas Institute , echoed Wood’s comments. “We couldn’t be more excited to welcome our new colleagues,” said Streeter. “Scholarship is the cornerstone of our work. Their contributions to our community will be invaluable as Civitas studies the foundations of flourishing societies.”

The Civitas Institute, which already has more than 30 affiliated faculty members and fellows from UT and other leading universities across the country, is housed within the School of Civic Leadership. Civitas is a research center that facilitates scholarly inquiry into the foundational principles of a free and enduring society: individual rights and civic virtue, constitutionalism and the rule of law, and free enterprise and markets.

The School of Civic Leadership’s inaugural faculty members are:

Carola Binder , Associate Professor (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) A macroeconomist and economic historian, Carola Binder is author of the book “Shock Values: Prices and Inflation in American Democracy.” Her affiliations include the National Bureau of Economics Research, the Brookings Institution and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

Scott Carrell , Associate Dean and Professor (Ph.D., University of Florida) With previous teaching positions at the University of California, Davis, Dartmouth College and the U.S. Air Force Academy, Scott Carrell specializes in public and labor economics. He also served as an Air Force lieutenant colonel and as the senior economist for public finance and labor economics on the Council of Economic Advisers in the Executive Office of the President. Carrell also holds an appointment in UT’s Department of Economics.

Alexander Duff , Associate Professor (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame) A scholar of the history of political philosophy, Alexander Duff has held fellowships at the University of Notre Dame and Boston College. Duff is co-founder of the Association for the History of Political Thought, and he has published articles in top academic journals, including American Journal of Political Science and The Journal of Politics. His first book is “Heidegger and Politics: The Ontology of Radical Discontent.”

Justin Dyer , Dean and Professor (Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin) Justin Dyer was the founding director of UT’s Civitas Institute and is the inaugural dean of the School of Civic Leadership. He writes and teaches in the fields of American political thought, jurisprudence and constitutionalism, with an emphasis on the perennial philosophical tradition of natural law. Dean Dyer also holds an appointment in UT’s Department of Government.

Patricio A. Fernandez , Associate Professor (Ph.D., Harvard University) A philosopher with publications on Aristotle, action theory, ethics and the economic analysis of law, Patricio Fernandez also holds an appointment in UT’s Department of Philosophy. He previously taught at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and held fellowships at Stanford University and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Dirk Mateer , Professor of Instruction (Ph.D., Florida State University) An award-winning teacher, Dirk Mateer is director of UT’s minor in philosophy, politics and economics. He previously taught at Penn State University and the University of Arizona. Mateer is the author of numerous journal articles and books, including “Economics in the Movies,” “Essentials of Economics,” and “Principles of Economics.”

Vincent Phillip Muñoz , Distinguished Visiting Professor (Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University) Currently the Tocqueville Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame, Vincent Phillip Muñoz is the founding director of Notre Dame’s Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government. He writes and teaches across the fields of constitutional law, American politics and political philosophy. His most recent book is “Religious Liberty and the American Founding.”

David Puelz , Assistant Professor of Instruction (Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin) David Puelz’s teaching and research explore computational methods for applied data analysis, especially in the economic, social and behavioral sciences. He is director of the School of Civic Leadership’s Policy Research Lab. Previously, he was a clinical assistant professor at UT’s McCombs School of Business, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and an analyst with Goldman Sachs & Co.

Raúl Rodriguez , Assistant Professor (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame) Raúl Rodriguez’s work focuses on the classic texts of political philosophy and constitutional studies. His writings have appeared in journals including the American Journal of Political Science, American Political Thought, The Political Science Reviewer, and The Review of Politics. His current book project is titled “Redeeming Democracy: Tocqueville’s New Liberalism.”

John Yoo , Distinguished Visiting Professor (J.D., Yale University) Currently the Emanuel Heller Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley, John Yoo is also senior research fellow at the School of Civic Leadership’s Civitas Institute. He has published 11 books and over 100 academic journal articles on national security, constitutional law, international law and the Supreme Court. He has also served in all three branches of government, including as an official in the U.S. Department of Justice, as general counsel of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, and as a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

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College of engineering awards 2024 receipients.

We are very pleased to share that our CEE faculty members have received the College of Engineering (CoE) Awards 2024.

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Congratulations to the recipients.

CoE Research - Young Faculty Award Special Mention: Assistant Professor Shi Chao

CoE Industrial Excellence Award Special Mention: Associate Professor Grzegorz Lisak

The objective of the CoE Awards is to promote the College's twin foci of research and innovation by recognising outstanding CoE faculty’s achievements in these areas and to complement the highly competitive university-level Nanyang Awards, by providing College-level recognition to faculty members:

  • CoE Research - Young Faculty Award  - To identify and enhance early career development of rising stars (for faculty members below 40 years old) in CoE.
  • CoE Industrial Excellence Award - To recognise faculty’s success in building effective, functional and synergistic working collaborations with industry partner(s).

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