Common Application Essay Option 4—Gratitude

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One major change to the Common Application in the 2021-22 admissions cycle is the addition of a new essay prompt. Option #4 now reads, "Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?"

This new prompt replaces the earlier question about solving a problem : "Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma--anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution." Keep in mind that colleges and universities still want to learn about students interested in solving significant problems, and you still have the "Topic of Your Choice" option if you feel your essay would fit well under the former option #4.

According to Common App , the new prompt serves a couple purposes. First, it replaces a prompt that wasn't very popular among college applicants. More importantly, it gives applicants the opportunity to write about something positive at a difficult time in world history. Rather than write about significant problems, challenges, and anxieties, the new prompt #4 invites you to share something heartfelt and uplifting.

The Importance of Gratitude and Kindness

During the college application process, it's easy and tempting to focus entirely on your personal accomplishments: good grades, challenging AP courses, leadership experiences, athletic ability, musical talent, and so on. Even community service can sometimes come across as focused on your self—hours spent to bolster your application credentials.

Gratitude, however, is a largely selfless feeling. It's about your appreciation for someone else. It's recognizing that your growth and success wouldn't be possible without others. When you express gratitude, you aren't saying "look at me!" Rather, you are appreciating those who have helped you become you.

The folks at Common App have expressed that the new prompt allows students to write about something positive. This is true, but the prompt serves a bigger purpose in the admissions selection process. Highly selective schools end up rejecting thousands of well-qualified applicants, and those decisions will often come down to questions of character rather than GPA and SAT scores.

Think of it this way: when a college is choosing between two students who are academically strong and impressive on the extracurricular front, they will choose the student who seems to be the most kind and generous. Admissions officers are building a campus community with their admissions decisions, and they want to create a community filled with students who appreciate others, build each other up, and recognize the contributions of peers, staff, and professors. They want to admit students who will be kind roommates, collaborative lab partners, and supportive team members.

Chris Peterson, an assistant director of admissions at MIT, wrote a blog post in which he identified three essential qualities for getting into one of the world's most selective schools: do well in school, pursue your passion, and be nice. He notes that this last quality "cannot be overstated." MIT is not a Common Application member, but the point applies perfectly to the value of prompt #4. A winning essay doesn't say "me, me, me!" It shows that you are not only an accomplished person, but also someone who knows how to say "thank you."

Breaking Down the Essay Prompt

Before crafting your essay on prompt #4, it's essential to understand everything that the prompt is asking you to do as well as what it is not asking. The prompt is just 28 words long:

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

The prompt has several important elements to consider.


The very first word in the prompt is one of the most significant. "Reflect" means much more than "write about" or "describe." When you reflect on something, you look inward and reveal self-awareness. You employ critical thinking skills to explain why something is important. Reflection is an act of self-discovery as you examine what you have learned and why it was meaningful.

Here's a quick example:

Unreflective writing: Coach Strauss always taught the team the value of hard work. We practiced hours every day regardless of the weather. The coach's strategy paid off when we won the state championship. The effort we put in wasn't always enjoyable, but the team's success showed that the path to success requires sacrifices.

Reflective writing: I used to resent those miserable and seemingly endless soccer practices in the rain or even snow. Looking back, I now recognize the value of what Coach Strauss was teaching the team. To succeed, we need to work through small obstacles. We need to persevere even when motivation is hard to find. We need to recognize that we always have room for improvement, and we need to support each other as we work towards that goal. I can now see that her lessons were about much more than soccer, and thanks to her I am not just a better athlete, but a better student, peer, sister, and community member.

The first example describes the writer's soccer experience. Nothing in the passage looks inward to analyze the importance of Coach Strauss to the writer's personal awareness and development. The second passage succeeds on this front—it expresses gratitude for Coach Strauss and the way that her lessons helped the writer grow.

"Something" and "Someone"

A nice feature of the Common Application is that all of the essay prompts are designed to give you a lot of latitude in how you respond. The words "something" and "someone" in the new prompt #4 are deliberately vague. You can write about anyone and anything. Possible choices for the person you focus on include

  • A teacher who helped you realize your potential or see the world in a new way.
  • A coach who taught you valuable skills.
  • A family member whose support, love, or guidance helped you become the person you are today.
  • A peer who was always there for you in challenging times.
  • A student you mentored or tutored who ended up teaching you something valuable in the process.
  • A member of your church or community who had a meaningful and positive impact on your life.

The wording of the prompt implies that the "someone" is a living person, so you'll want to avoid writing about an author, God, a pet, or a historical figure (but feel free to use prompt #7 for these topics).

As you think about the "something" that the person did for you, make sure it is meaningful. It needs to be something that has changed you in a positive way.


When the prompt states that you should write about something that has made you "happy or thankful in a surprising way," don't get too hung up on that word "surprising." This doesn't mean that you need to be shocked or overwhelmed by whatever it is that a person did for you. Don't think of the term "surprising" as something that made you speechless and caused an adrenalin rush. It does not need to be something earth-shattering or even unusual. Rather, the "surprise" can simply be something that expanded your world view, made you think about something you hadn't considered before, or caused you to appreciate something new. Some of the best essays focus on something small or subtle that changed you in a meaningful way.


The essay's focus on "gratitude" and thankfulness means that you absolutely must show appreciation for someone other than yourself. One main purpose of this essay, in fact, is to show that you recognize the contributions that others have made to your personal journey. Be generous. Be kind. Show that you value the people who have made you into the person you are.

"Affected" and "Motivated"

Here's the tricky part. Essay #4 is all about recognizing someone else and showing gratitude for the way in which that person has enriched your life. That said, every college application essay needs to be about you. The admissions folks aren't really interested in learning about someone else. They are interested in learning about the student they are considering for admission.

This means you have a careful balancing act to perform with essay option #4. You need to write about the person who contributed to your life in a meaningful and surprising way, but you also need to be introspective and present why that person was so important to you. What did you learn from the person? How did you grow? How did that person change your world view, strengthen your convictions, help you overcome an obstacle, or give you a new sense of direction?

When you answer questions like these, you are writing about yourself. The true goal of this essay is to show that you are a grateful, kind, thoughtful, introspective, and generous person. The focus isn't so much on the person you are writing about, but your ability to cherish that person.

Avoid These Mistakes

You can write about anyone who was important to you, and your gratitude can be for something large or small as long as it affected you in a meaningful way. There are, however, several mistakes you want to avoid when responding to the prompt:

Don't display ego . Prompt #4 is about acknowledging the important contributions others have made to your life, so a boastful or egotistical tone will be entirely out of place. If at its heart your essay says "Coach Strauss helped make me into the award-winning national champion I am today," you've missed the mark.

Do more than describe . Make sure you "reflect" and explore how the person "affected" and "motivated" you. A winning essay needs to be thoughtful and introspective. If you spend the entire essay describing the person who has made you grateful, the admissions folks won't get to know you better and your essay won't have done its job.

Don't be clever with the "someone." Write about a real living human being who has enriched your life in a direct way. Don't write about yourself, God, Abe Lincoln, or Harry Potter. You also don't want to write about a sports idol or musician—while they may have influenced you, they didn't actually do something specifically "for you."

Attend to the Writing

Never forget that your Common Application serves not just to help the admissions folks get to know you, but also to show that you are a capable writer. No matter what your major is, a significant part of your college GPA is going to stem from writing. Successful college students can write clear, engaging, error-free prose. You'll want to pay careful attention to your essay's style , tone, and mechanics. At a highly selective university with more qualified applicants than can be admitted, the difference between an acceptance and rejection can come down to some glaring grammatical errors in the essay.

If you aren't confident in your writing ability, seek help. Have multiple people read your essay. Get feedback from parents and peers, Even more valuable will probably be feedback from your high school counselor and English teacher, for they have more experience with personal essays.

A Final Note for Common Application Option #4

This essay prompt can be approached is so many different ways, but at its heart, the essay needs to accomplish one thing: it needs to show that you are the type of person the college wants to join their campus community. Make sure you come across as someone who is kind, generous, and thoughtful. Show that you care about good writing by crafting an engaging essay that is free of any significant errors. Finally, don't be afraid to let your personality shine. Don't hold back (within reason) if you are a quirky or humorous person. The essay needs to sound like you.

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Gratitude Essay Examples

An essay on gratitude can be an excellent opportunity to reflect on the things in life that we often take for granted. It’s a chance to acknowledge the people, experiences, and things that have made a positive impact on our lives. If you’re struggling to get started, here are some gratitude essay examples and tips to help you craft a perfect essay on gratitude.

One way to approach an essay on gratitude is to reflect on specific instances where you’ve experienced gratitude in your life. For example, you might write about a time when someone went out of their way to help you or when you received unexpected kindness from a stranger. These examples can help you illustrate the power of gratitude in our lives and show how it can change our perspective on the world.

Another approach is to write about the benefits of gratitude. Research has shown that practicing gratitude can improve mental health, boost happiness, and even enhance physical health. You can explore these benefits in your essay and provide examples of how you’ve experienced them in your own life.

If you’re a college student, consider writing a gratitude college essay. In this essay, you can reflect on how college has shaped you and the opportunities it has provided. You might write about a professor who inspired you or a project that challenged you in new ways. By expressing gratitude for your college experience, you’ll be able to showcase your growth and appreciation for the opportunities you’ve had.

Overall, an essay on gratitude can be a powerful tool for personal growth and reflection. By exploring gratitude in your life, you’ll be able to recognize the good things that are often overlooked and find ways to cultivate more gratitude in your daily life. Use the gratitude essay examples and tips above to craft a perfect essay on gratitude and let your gratitude shine through your words.

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Best topics on Gratitude

1. The Power Of Gratitude In Our Lives

2. Being Thankful And Expressing Gratitude

3. Gratitude: Knowledge of Giving Thanks in Life

4. Gratitude and the Act of Giving on Valentine’s Day

5. Thank You Day: Remembering the Feeling of Gratitude

6. How Can the Virtue of Gratitude Enchanse Your Career Growth

7. What Practicing Gratitude Taught Me

8. How the Power of Gratitude Can Change Your Life

9. Living with Gratitude: Opening the Door for Self-Improvement

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Appreciation Essay: Examples, Format, and Topics

An appreciation essay can be defined as a piece of writing that is both creative and academic and chooses to focus on a particular person, art, subject, place, object, or concept to show positive sentiments, gratitude, and admiration. Recognizing and valuing a person can make them feel worthy and validated while spreading positivity and kindness. This act can be carried out using words, gestures, or actions.

We use this essay to show appreciation for a particular topic. Writing an appreciation essay is not hard because it is among the common academic papers and there are plenty of appreciation essay examples available. If you are having a hard time with your appreciation essay, visit our website at where we have appreciation essay samples on different subjects.

This article is going to guide you on an appreciation essay format and even provide you with topics you can use to write your appreciation essay. With our homework help your paper is in safe hands. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Appreciation essay format

Below is a general appreciation format you can use when showing gratitude.

  • Introduction
  • This section of your essay writing is used to capture the attention of your readers. Use the perfect hook to make sure your audience is invested in your paper. You can start the appreciation essay with an anecdote, joke, quote, or even a statistic.
  • Expound on your subject matter by introducing where you are directing your gratitude. Introduce the person or thing you will be appreciating and give a reason why you feel they deserve it.
  • Background information
  • The readers will require more information on your appreciation subject. This will assist them in having enough context on the topic and understanding your views more. They will also be able to relate with you on the importance of your subject.
  • In the case your subject is a person, always state the kind of relationship you have with the person, their background, and achievements.
  • Body paragraphs
  • An appreciation essay is written with 2-3 paragraphs as per your professor’s requirements.
  • Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence where you will introduce the main point of discussion. Each paragraph focuses on a single reason for appreciation. For instance, contributions, qualities, achievements, or even actions.
  • Each point should have supportive evidence. Show your readers that you have a valid reason to appreciate the person or thing. Could be observations, statistics, or even personal experiences.
  • Always make sure that the appreciation essay has a flow. Use transition sentences to move from one paragraph to the other and be organized. Present your points from the most important and relevant.
  • Personal connection
  • Explain to the readers how you have interacted with the subject and the changes that followed after that.
  • Say what you think about the subject, and the feelings you have, and express your emotions.
  • Show the readers the benefits that have developed as a result of your subject that have made you appreciate them. Go broader by discussing the impacts made in society and the influence they have.
  • Remind the readers about your subject and why you are grateful.
  • Summarize all the main points in your appreciation essay
  • End an essay with a lasting impression on the subject. You should find something that will help your audience always remember the subject.
  • Closing remarks
  • Finish with a statement of appreciation where you warmly and sincerely offer your gratitude.
  • Sign and proofread
  • Personalize the essay by signing it. You can use your name or even your initials. Finish by checking your essay for errors. Make necessary corrections and check for clarity before submitting.

Appreciation essay topics

Writing the perfect appreciation essay requires you to have the right topic. There are plenty of areas one can show appreciation thus the appreciation topics are plenty. Choosing an appreciation topic is different for everybody because our reasons differ. Below are a few topics you can look at before choosing a topic that is interesting to you and your needs.

Dance appreciation essay topics

  • What is ballet and how has it evolved over the years?
  • How are modern dance styles influenced by African dance?
  • Write a case study on Flamenco dancing and how it has impacted the culture of Spain.
  • Can ballet be possible without men? Discuss
  • How has pop culture been affected by hip-hop dance?
  • Dancing is therapeutic. Explain various beneficial uses of dance
  • What was dance used for during rituals in traditional times?
  • Analyze how dance relates to technology in the modern era
  • Is choreography dance and does it need music to happen?
  • Different ways political leaders can use dance to protest
  • Talk about Michael Jackson and the choreography available in the music videos
  • Why do musical theaters use dance in their production?
  • Who is Martha Graham and how has she impacted dance in the modern generation?
  • The significance of dance in modern cultures
  • Dance was embraced at weddings and funerals. Explain
  • Explain ways in which different religions use dance
  • What are the pros and cons of using dance as a marketing strategy
  • Various ways the community can use dance to create social connections
  • Different ways the media can help dancers with self-esteem and body image
  • Diversity of modern dance as compared to traditional dance
  • Name the different types of dance
  • How have famous choreographers influenced the world?
  • Is dance a source of income or entertainment?
  • What kind of lives do ballet dancers lead?
  • Can one create a legacy through dance?
  • Is there honor in dance?
  • Different ways social media has contributed to the growth of dance
  • Online dance classes in the contemporary era
  • Dance and covid-19
  • How has education benefited from dance?
  • What role does dance play in child development?
  • Dance and Bollywood films
  • How are teenagers affected by dance competitions?
  • Ballroom dances and how they have made history from historical times till modern times
  • Poetry VS dance

Art appreciation essay paper topics

  • Why did art fail in the U.S. market?
  • ‘Lady with a Fan’ by Gustav Klimt
  • A case study on the Sistine chapel
  • Name ten prominent female artists and their achievements
  • The house museum by Louis Armstrong
  • How has the Brooklyn Museum represented African fashion
  • What impact did Raphael make as an artist?
  • What is the relationship between Taylor Swift’s music career and the economy?
  • Different ways Megan Nolan has made an impact on the literature of Irish
  • Types of printing techniques
  • Discuss art in philosophy
  • Is photography an art?
  • What is art?
  • Why did the Egyptians value jewelry?
  • What is an amulet and how were they used?
  • Why are the dead buried wearing jewelry in Egypt?
  • Discuss Mayan art
  • musical instruments used in primal days
  • The advantages and disadvantages the Egyptians have faced in maintaining their art canon
  • Who is an impressionist discuss the two impressionists in history.
  • When were the carnival masks in Venetian invented?
  • Medieval France and stained glass
  • Calligraphy styles and materials used in Japanese history
  • The history of k-pop music
  • African tribes and their textile industry
  • The history of the Maori culture and their haka dance
  • Malaysian tradition of shadow puppet dancing
  • What are the characteristics of the mehndi in the Middle East
  • Vietnamese and their tradition in water puppetry
  • Papua New Guinea and their art of using totem masks
  • Discuss the style, symbol, and composition used by Leonardo da Vinci in ‘The Last Supper’
  • What is the difference between the artwork of Patrick Hughes ‘Darkness Falls’ and other pieces
  • What were the intentions of Giovanni Arnolfini when he did the painting ‘Marriage Contract’?
  • What is the purpose of Christopher David White ‘Heart of Gold ‘
  • What is meant by good art?
  • The benefit of schools adding art to their curriculum
  • The best artwork of the 18 th century
  • What are the similarities and differences between art in the 20 th century vs. the 18 th century?
  • Why are the Baroque sculptures easy to recognize?
  • Can we say computer games are a form of art?
  • Is graffiti street art?
  • What impact does art have in our lives?
  • Art as a form of investment
  • The Effiel Tower in Paris stole the show in the 20 th century
  • Describe Chinese art from medieval times till today.

Parting shot

Appreciation essays are important for expressing gratitude towards people, objects, and art amongst others. From this article, you have learned about the appreciation essay format and also received a few topics for your appreciation essay. If you have an appreciation essay that is due, visit and you will find experts who will write your essay. We also have online classes where you will learn everything you need like writing a short essay about appreciation. We are affordable and our work is high-quality. We assure you of a remarkable capstone project courtesy of our reliable capstone project writing services .

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Gratitude Essay

500 words essay on gratitude.

Gratitude is a beautiful way of enriching our lives. It refers to the feeling and attitude of appreciation and thankfulness for the good which we receive in life. It has been proven scientifically that when we express our gratefulness to other people, we feel happier and calmer. Thus, it allows goodness to enter our lives. For instance, when a stranger holds the door for you or greets you, it makes you feel happy. Thus, a gratitude essay will teach us how advantageous gratitude is.

gratitude essay

Advantages of Gratitude

Gratitude can have a lot of advantages to our personal as well as social life. First of all, it strengthens our relationship with others. When you have a thankful feeling, it will strengthen the bond with the other party and enhance the trust factor and feeling of respect and love .

Moreover, it also makes us happy. When we express gratitude or receive it, we feel happy either way. As a result, people who have gratitude do not stress out a lot. Similarly, being full of gratitude makes society sensible.

In other words, people become considerate and never leave a chance to say thank you to others. Thus, it helps society to progress in the right direction with the right tools needed for the development of it.

Most importantly, gratitude reduces comparisons and promotes acknowledgement. When we become thankful, we do not compare ourselves to others. Thus, it helps us acknowledge our own achievements and blessings and remain content.

How to Practice Gratitude

There are a lot of ways through which we can practice gratitude. Some of the most effective ones include making a note of every good thing which happens to us every day. Moreover, also note the people behind it.

This will help you to return the favour at an appropriate time. Never forget to return this favour as they deserve it too. Moreover, always make sure to appreciate everything in life ranging from nature to animals .

We are lucky enough to have animals, green plants, fresh air and much more. Thus, never stop acknowledging the importance of these essential things. Moreover, always remember to say thank you to different community helpers.

It can be anyone, whether your gardener or sweeper or even the police officers. Make sure you thank them for their service whenever it is possible for you. Remember that to wake up every day is no less than a blessing itself.

So, make sure to be grateful for a new day and thank the almighty for making you wiser and stronger with each passing day. Most importantly, try to avoid complaining about things when they don’t go your way. You don’t know about the blessing behind it.

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Conclusion of Gratitude Essay

All in all, gratitude is the most essential human expression which proves that humans are sensible and have emotions. Moreover, this emotion does not just limit to humans but also animals. Often, we see then express their gratitude and return the favour. Thus, we must always express our gratitude.

FAQ of Gratitude Essay

Question 1: Why is gratitude important?

Answer 1: Gratitude is strongly and constantly connected with greater happiness. It is what helps people feel more positive emotions, appreciate good experiences, advance their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

Question 2: How can gratitude change your life?

Answer 2: Gratitude can change your life as it makes you appreciate what you have rather than what you don’t have. It can change your life  because it is the single most powerful source of inspiration that any individual can tap into if they simply stop and pay attention to the simplistic beauty and miracle of life.

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Essay About Being Grateful: 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Looking at life in a more appreciative way is key to success and happiness. Read this guide if you want to write an essay about being grateful.

Keeping a positive outlook on life can be challenging in a world where we constantly hear bad news. However, it is important to stop focusing on the negative and become more grateful for what we have.

Being grateful is a principal practice to follow to live a healthy, productive life. Even when you feel like nothing good has happened, think of the simpler aspects of life, things as commonplace as having a meal, a bed to sleep on, and even waking up to another day. Being grateful can help you focus your energy on something more positive, lightening your load when life gets too heavy. 

If you want to write an essay about being grateful, here are some essay examples for inspiration. 

For help with your essay, check our round-up of best essay writing apps .

1. 7 Things That I Am Grateful For. What About You? by Steve Spring

2. how gratitude can help you through hard times by robert emmons, 3. feel and express gratitude by dr. hyder zahed, 4. the importance of being grateful by deborah jepsen, 5. choose to be grateful. it will make you happier. by arthur c. brooks, 1. what is gratitude to you, 2. what are you grateful for, 3. why should you be more grateful, 4. is gratitude still “good” even if you don’t mean it, 5. why has gratitude become such a hot topic.

“I have a lot to be grateful for. If I had been born in another time or place my life might have been very different. I might not have had been blessed with the life I have now. I have an amazing life. It is great to be focused on my goals and trying to improve my life…But, I need to make sure that I am taking some time to be grateful for everything and everyone that I have in my life. If you want to be happy you need to learn to be grateful. What are you grateful for today?”

Spring lists seven things he is grateful for and explains why he is thankful for each. These include his home, food, and, most significantly, the mistakes he has made in the past. He provides excellent insight into why he is grateful for these seemingly basic items and does an excellent job of justifying his points. Ultimately, the takeaway from this article is that while life is not perfect, we always have a lot to be grateful for. Gratitude is a choice.

“Being grateful is a choice, a prevailing attitude that endures and is relatively immune to the gains and losses that flow in and out of our lives. When disaster strikes, gratitude provides a perspective from which we can view life in its entirety and not be overwhelmed by temporary circumstances. Yes, this perspective is hard to achieve—but my research says it is worth the effort.”

This essay reflects on being grateful even when experiencing tough times. It is easy to be grateful when all is well in our lives.

Robert Emmons suggests performing a comparison between good times and bad times. You may then realize that your situation is better than you thought. He also says that rather than thinking about a difficult time or a particular challenge in a negative light, we can think about it in the sense that it has helped us grow, making it something to be grateful for. 

Embracing gratitude can be a challenge in itself, but it is ultimately self-serving. Being grateful makes you count your blessings and makes you feel good.

“For, whatever you genuinely feel grateful for, you will have multiply in your life. Think about it, if you gave a gift to another and that person told you, ‘I am so grateful for the gift. I can’t believe how kind you were to give it to me. You have made me so very happy,’ you’d want to give that person another gift. So you could be feeling genuinely appreciated while at the same time bring a little happiness to another.”

Zahed, in his essay, reminds us to be grateful for everything that contributes to our happiness and wellbeing, no matter how small. Similar to Emmons, he also discusses turning sorrow and disaster into something to be grateful for, in a sense. Being grateful is a commitment that we must choose to enhance our lives. It’s all about how you measure your success.

“Gratitude promotes optimism and helps us to develop a more positive outlook. It lets us pause for a moment to reflect on something we have in our life right now instead of always striving for more … the next goal, the new dress, the new toy, the new car, or the house renovation …Gratitude is simply cultivating a genuine appreciation for what we already have.”

From a more scientific perspective, Jepsen discusses the health benefits of gratitude, both psychological and physical. Gratitude makes us more optimistic and helps us reflect on what we have rather than constantly wanting more. She also encourages readers to share their appreciation with others, even through something as simple as a smile. 

“Be honest: When was the last time you were grateful for the spots on a trout? More seriously, think of the small, useless things you experience — the smell of fall in the air, the fragment of a song that reminds you of when you were a kid. Give thanks.”

This opinion piece by Arthur C is similar to the other works on this list. Brooks encourages readers to choose gratitude. He says that acting grateful can help you feel grateful and that being grateful can uplift the mood of those around us. Gratitude offers benefits for the individual and the collective. Finally, he says to find gratitude in everything, no matter how small it is. 

Essay Prompts About Being Grateful

Essay about being grateful: What is gratitude to you?

Consider how you were introduced to the concept of gratitude as a child. Was it discussed with you, and were you encouraged to express gratitude, or is it something you have come to understand and appreciate in adulthood? How do you personally feel about being grateful? Are there any experiences in which you wish you acted more gratefully? Explore gratitude through your own experience.

As illustrated by Steve Spring, it can be beneficial to list the things you are grateful for and maybe discover a few more you had not considered along the way. Categorize aspects of your life and the parts for which you are grateful. You could then perform a comparison with someone from a different background or country and speculate on how your lists may differ. Finally, consider how quickly a person’s life can change. Should tragedy befall you, would you still be able to find things to be grateful for?

This angle allows you to showcase inspirational examples of the benefits of gratitude. Why is it important to be grateful and maintain a positive outlook on life? And what do people get out of it? The essay examples above offer excellent sources for this prompt. There are measurable benefits.

Some would say it is important to show gratitude even if you don’t mean it sincerely. Others argue that it would be worse to be insincere. What do you think? Does insincerity qualify as gratitude, even if you try to be polite or act kindly to spare someone’s feelings? Or is genuine gratitude something else altogether? If we cannot offer sincere thanks, are we actually being grateful?

In recent times people are talking more about the benefits of gratitude and researching to prove its merits. The popularity of gratitude journaling is vast; you can purchase bespoke gratitude journals to record your thoughts on the topic daily and even take a course to learn how to do it. Investigate where this trend originated and examine how it has been embraced throughout society.  

If you’d like to learn more, in this guide our writer explains how to write an argumentative essay .


Essay on Gratitude

Students are often asked to write an essay on Gratitude in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Gratitude

Understanding gratitude.

Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful. It is an emotion we express when we appreciate the good things in our lives. This could be anything from a kind gesture, a gift, or even the love we receive from our family and friends.

Importance of Gratitude

Gratitude is important because it helps us focus on the positive aspects of our lives. It makes us happier and more content. When we are grateful, we tend to be more positive and optimistic, which is good for our overall well-being.

Practicing Gratitude

We can practice gratitude by thanking people who help us, by appreciating the good things in our lives and by being mindful of our blessings. This can make us more positive and happier.

Also check:

250 Words Essay on Gratitude

The essence of gratitude.

Gratitude, a human emotion that signifies acknowledgment and appreciation, is a fundamental aspect of our lives. It is not merely a reactionary response to kindness but a proactive approach to perceive the world positively.

Gratitude and Well-being

Scientific studies have established a strong correlation between gratitude and an individual’s well-being. Gratitude encourages positive emotions, fosters resilience, and enhances relationships. When we express gratitude, we acknowledge the goodness in our lives, which often stems from outside ourselves. This recognition establishes a connection with something larger than our individual experiences—whether other people, nature, or a higher power—thus broadening our perspective and enhancing our overall life satisfaction.

Gratitude as a Virtue

Gratitude is a virtue that transcends cultural, religious, and philosophical boundaries. It is a universal human experience that can be cultivated and enhanced. The practice of gratitude can have profound effects on our lives, from boosting our mental health to improving our relationships. It inspires us to focus on the positive aspects of our lives, fostering an attitude of optimism and contentment.

In conclusion, gratitude is not just an emotion but a practice that can significantly improve our lives. By consciously cultivating gratitude, we can shift our focus from what our lives lack to the abundance that’s already present. This shift can lead to greater emotional well-being, improved relationships, and a more fulfilling life. Therefore, gratitude is not just a courtesy or an act of good manners, but a key to a happier and healthier life.

500 Words Essay on Gratitude

The power of gratitude.

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can significantly shape our lives. It’s not just about saying ‘thank you’; it’s a deeper appreciation that generates positive energy within us and around us. In essence, gratitude is a way of seeing that alters our gaze.

The Science of Gratitude

Scientific studies have shown that gratitude can have profound and positive effects on our health, our moods, and even the survival of our marriages. Gratitude activates the hypothalamus, a part of the brain responsible for several crucial tasks, and triggers the release of dopamine, the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter. This makes us feel happier, less stressed, and more connected to others.

Gratitude and Relationships

Gratitude can also strengthen relationships. Expressing gratitude to others can increase our social support, deepen our relationships, and make us feel more connected to the people around us. It can also help to build trust and encourage reciprocal kindness.

Gratitude and Resilience

In the face of adversity, gratitude has the power to heal, to be resilient, and to move us forward. It allows us to find meaning in our suffering and to see the bigger picture, which can help us to overcome difficulties and build resilience for future challenges.

Practicing gratitude can be as simple as keeping a gratitude journal, where we write down things for which we are grateful. This simple act can help us to focus on the positive aspects of our life, to appreciate what we have, and to not take things for granted.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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6 Classic Works of Literature on Gratitude

  • November 20, 2020
  • 4 minute read

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By Hannah White

With Thanksgiving around the corner and the end of the year nearing the horizon, there comes the need for gratitude and reflection. Feeling grateful during difficult times like these can feel tough, but fostering gratitude in strenuous situations can actually help alleviate negative emotions and even change the brain over time . And what better way to channel gratitude than reflecting with a classic work of literature that promotes this positive feeling! The following is a list of six classic works of literature on gratitude, written by some of the greatest names in literature.

1. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Friendship”

Emerson’s essay “ Friendship ” is as beautiful and relevant today as it was when it was published in 1841. Throughout many of his works, Emerson reflects on cultivating the habit of being grateful for even the smallest things, and often focuses on the beauty of nature. Even though he is known for embracing solitude, in this classic essay Emerson proclaims his appreciation for his friends, writing “I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, old and new.” You can read this essay along with his more well-known “Self-Reliance” in this collection of essays, while simultaneously reflecting on relationships that you are grateful for in your own life.  Like Emerson says,”Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

2. Maya Angelou’s “On Aging”

In her marvelous poem “ On Aging ,” the great Angelou insists on being grateful for the ability to breathe, for that fact that you are living regardless of your age or physical condition. In this powerful piece Angelou righteously proclaims: 

“When my bones are stiff and aching, / And my feet won’t climb the stair, / I will only ask one favor: / Don’t bring me no rocking chair. / When you see me walking, stumbling, / Don’t study and get it wrong. / ‘Cause tired don’t mean lazy / And every goodbye ain’t gone. / I’m the same person I was back then, / A little less hair, a little less chin, / A lot less lungs and much less wind. / But ain’t I lucky I can still breathe in.”

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You can read this poem and her many others in this complete collection .

3. Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women

In this classic novel that has been adapted multiple times for the screen, Alcott tells a story of sisterhood, selflessness, friendship, and love. She simply proclaims the power of fostering gratitude, “Gratitude can conquer pride.” If you’re looking for a cozy and heartwarming read, order this beautiful edition here and get it in time for the upcoming holidays.

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4. Emily Dickinson’s “Without This—there Is Nought”

Though Dickinson lived a very secluded and oftentimes lonely life, she was very grateful for her ability to write, which she reflected on in some of her work. In “Without This–there Is Nought,” she writes, “I wished a way might be / My Heart to subdivide— / ‘Twould magnify—the Gratitude— / And not reduce—the Gold—” You can purchase the complete poems of Emily Dickinson, including this one, here .

5. Henry David Thoreau’s Walden and Walking

Another renowned Transcendentalist, like Emerson, much of Thoreau’s writing reflects on the beauty of the natural world and the peace found in seclusion in nature. In this combined edition of some of the best works of both Emerson and Thoreau, you can read both Walden and Walking , and if you are interested in the place that inspired the works, check out this article on Walden Pond. Thoreau reminds us of what is important:

“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite – only a sense of existence. Well, anything for variety. I am ready to try this for the next ten thousand years, and exhaust it. How sweet to think of! my extremities well charred, and my intellectual part too, so that there is no danger of worm or rot for a long while. My breath is sweet to me. O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches. No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment.”

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6. Christina Rossetti’s “A Birthday”

Perhaps my favorite on this list, Rossetti’s “ A Birthday ” is a poem so ripe with fruitful diction you can taste it on your tongue. Rossetti sings of an overflowing richness of the heart in this beautiful piece: “My heart is like an apple-tree / Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;” Read this and the rest of Rossetti’s poems here .

Gratitude is not just a feeling we evoke out of necessity around the holidays, it is a way of living and thinking that can be cultivated in order to bring more joy and content to our lives. Reflecting through reading these 6 classic works of literature on gratitude and incorporating these ideas into our own lives is one way to bring about change and move toward a more positive and thoughtful way of living.

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Hannah White

Hannah White is a contributing writer at Literary Traveler. She graduated with degrees in English and psychology from Bridgewater State University and is currently pursuing her Masters of Arts degree in English while writing a hybrid collection of nonfiction essays and short stories. She is Graduate Assistant at the Journal of International Women's Studies. Hannah also has experience writing for nonprofits and is interested in working in the publishing industry.

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Gratitude Essay

500+ words essay on be grateful.

During difficult times, it’s easy to feel frustrated or drained by life. Negative feelings and thoughts can creep in, which can make it difficult to see the positive things in life. However, one simple practice of gratitude can help to eliminate these feelings. We take a look at the importance of being grateful through this being grateful essay. Students can also use this essay to practise more essays on similar topics like gratitude, being grateful, being grateful etc. Doing so will improve their writing section and increase their scores in the English exam.

What is Gratitude?

The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness. The word gratitude encompasses all of these meanings. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation or thanks. It is defined as “a sense of thankfulness and joy in response to receiving a gift, whether the gift is a tangible benefit from a specific other or a moment of peaceful bliss evoked by natural beauty”. With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives.

There are different ways of expressing one’s thanks. Gratitude is one such emotion. People feel and express gratitude in multiple ways. Some of them apply it to the past by retrieving positive memories and being thankful for elements of childhood or past blessings. Some people are grateful for the present as they do not take good fortune for granted. Some people show gratitude for the future as they hope for a better future and maintain an optimistic attitude.

Importance of Gratitude

Gratitude enhances the quality of life and makes existence more worth living. It opens the human heart and carries the urge to give back-to do something good in return, either for the person who helped us or for someone else. It establishes social harmony and creates an environment where everyone is appreciating and providing support to each other. It also improves the quality of personal lives and strengthens the bond with family and friends. Expressing gratitude keeps us happy, healthy and stress-free.

Feeling grateful reminds people of a joyous event, and expressing gratitude to others often strengthens relationships. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. When we are grateful for others, we do not compare ourselves with others based on their financial situation or other factors, we simply appreciate their achievements. Thus, it helps in elevating the feeling of comparison, jealousy and hate. Being grateful also helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals — whether to other people, nature, or supreme power.

How to Practise Gratitude

Everyone can benefit from making an effort to practise gratitude in day-to-day life. It can be achieved simply by paying attention to the good things that happen to us. We must appreciate and accept the importance of everything in nature and our surroundings. Also, we should not forget to return the favour at an appropriate time. Whenever possible, we should thank the people around us, who make our lives comfortable, such as washermen, gardeners, security guards, sweepers, delivery men, etc. We should make a habit of thanking God when we wake up in the morning and before sleeping at night.

Gratitude is the best way to return the favour to God, nature, society, friends and relatives for the thousands of good deeds that they do for us.

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Frequently asked Questions on Gratitude Essay

How to show gratitude towards others.

You can show gratitude by thanking people who help you and being courteous and friendly. You can iInvite people over for lunch/dinner to thank them for something they did for you. Always listen intently to what others are saying to show appreciation and care.

Why is showing gratitude so important?

Psychologists show that there is a positive impact on the brain and body of people who show gratitude.

What are the benefits of showing gratitude?

Showing gratitude helps in emotional regulation by reducing stress and burnout. It also increases your mental resilience because you are able to build meaningful relations with others.

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How to Write a Meaningful Thank You Note

  • Christopher Littlefield

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Sample messages from common workplace scenarios.

Many of us fear expressing our thanks to others. We might worry that our efforts will be misinterpreted or make the person on the receiving end uncomfortable. Or we might struggle to find the right words to express how we feel. Here’s how to do it right.

  • Keep it genuine : The goal of expressing appreciation should be to let someone know how their actions have impacted you and/or others. If you have any other agenda, your message will not be authentic.
  • Share what you appreciate and why : Focus on the impact their actions had on you and explain both  what you appreciate and why . This will help the other person understand the reason you feel the way you do.
  • Send it : E-mails get lost and handwritten cards get saved. Write your message on a piece of paper, post-it note, or card and give it directly to the person. If you are at work, you can also leave it on their desk or in their “mailbox.”

We all want to be appreciated. Whether you’ve accepted a task while your plate is already full, worked through weekends to get a project off the ground, or simply been there for a work friend when they needed your support, an acknowledgement or “thank you” can go a long way in making us feel good about the efforts we put in — and the research supports this.

  • Christopher Littlefield is an International/TEDx speaker specializing in employee appreciation and the founder of  Beyond Thank You . He has trained thousands of leaders across six continents to create cultures where people feel valued every day. He is the author of 75+ Team Building Activities for Remote Teams—Simple Ways to Build Trust, Strengthen Communication, and Laugh Together from Afar . You can follow his work through his weekly mailing  The Nudge .

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100+ Art Essay Topics for Your Excellent Paper

Art is a gold mine for essay ideas. The multiplicity of art styles, genres, and movements gives a great opportunity to choose a topic of your interest. If you are bored with standard assignments, you will like our post because writers of our essay service we have collected unusual and catchy essay topics about art of different epochs and countries. Writing essays about artists, artworks, or art history is not only exciting – it may also broaden your erudite horizons. Don’t hesitate to steep yourself in the world of beauty and aesthetics!

Best art essay topics in December 2023

  • How modern technology has altered the landscape of art.
  • The value of public artworks in contemporary cityscapes.
  • The colossal cultural influence of Christmas art.
  • How social justice movements relate to artistic expression.
  • How works of art and literature depict mental illness.
  • What digital art has become and where it stands in the modern art scene.
  • Edited AI-generated images as a form of art.
  • How art can help People from different cultures understand and empathize with one another.
  • The morality of cinematic and photographic depictions of art.
  • Images of the LGBTQ+ community in media and entertainment.
  • The impact of the development of AI tools on modern artists.
  • What museums can do to keep history alive.

Our great collection of art essay ideas

When we want to avoid the mistakes of the past, we turn back to our history. The same happens when we are looking for art essay ideas. Art history is a treasury filled with various and exciting topics for your papers. You can choose any epoch, any art movement, any school and present their peculiarities, representatives, and origins. Check out the list of art essay ideas from our art essay writing service .

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  • How can you explain the “philosophy of art”?
  • When and how did photography become art?
  • Jewelry of Ancient Egypt: the role of jewelry in the afterlife; the most used materials and metals; protective amulets; types of ancient Egyptian jewelry.
  • Edo in Japan: Kabuki theater and woodblock prints.
  • Why did Egyptians never change their art canon for 3,000 years?
  • The first Impressionists: Édouard Manet and Claude Monet.
  • Primeval musical instruments.
  • The references to Renaissance art history in “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown.
  • How do the painters of different epochs depict the Apocalypse?
  • The history of the Venetian carnival masks.
  • Sacrifice in Mayan art.
  • Stained glass in Medieval France.

Artist biography essay ideas

Artist Biography Essay Ideas

Artists’ biographies always have something to surprise with: skeletons in the closet, unusual career stories, difficult childhood, etc. Studying the details of their lives doesn’t only serve for fun. When we analyze a certain piece of art, it is necessary to look into the author’s ideas, motives, and feelings. The understanding of all these aspects simplifies the analysis of the art piece and allows us to produce a more detailed and exhaustive paper. Below, we provide you with a list of talented artists of three centuries. Writing about their colorful lives will be a great art essay idea and paper writing help .

18th century:

Etienne Falconet Francesco Rastrelli Hubert Robert Jacques-Louis David Jean-Antoine Houdon Johann Sebastian Bach Louis François Roubiliac Ludwig van Beethoven Thomas Gainsborough Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

19th century:

Auguste Rodin Claude Monet Edgar Degas Eduard Manet Eugene Delacroix Franz Schubert Giuseppe Verdi Gustav Klimt Paul Cézanne Paul Gauguin Vincent Willem van Gogh

20th century

Alberto Giacometti Andy Warhol Constantin Brâncuși Edvard Munch Frida Kahlo Georges Braque Georgia Totto O’Keeffe Henry Spencer Moore Jackson Pollock Judy Chicago Pablo Picasso Salvador Dali

Art around the world essay topics

Think Global_Art Around the World

Our planet is an amazing place. We share our home with thousands of different nations, ethnic groups, and tribes. Their cultures are unique and fascinating. You only have to look closer to find some great art essay ideas.

  • Japanese calligraphy: styles and materials.
  • K-pop: music style and subculture.
  • Chinese circus art as a synthesis of ancient traditions and innovations.
  • Bollywood and Hindi-language film industry.
  • Fashion and textiles of the African tribes.
  • The war dance haka in the Maori culture: history and types.
  • Wayang: traditional shadow puppet theater in Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • The peculiarities of mehndi in India, Africa, and the Middle East.
  • Water puppetry: a unique Vietnamese tradition.
  • The totem masks in the art of Papua New Guinea.

Art piece analysis topic ideas

Art Piece Analysis Topic Ideas

Art appreciation essay topics require some specific knowledge. If you choose one of these topics, make sure that you provide all kinds of research about the artist, his or her personal style and technique, the art school, the background, etc. A detailed and well-considered art piece analysis is always highly appreciated.

  • “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci: style, composition, symbols.
  • What makes “Darkness Falls” by Patrick Hughes a unique artwork?
  • Analyze the purpose of the painting “Marriage Contract” by Giovanni Arnolfini.
  • Describe the structure of “Heart of Gold” by Christopher David White.
  • The biblical symbols in “The Garden of Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • The “demons” of Mikhail Vrubel: “The Demon Seated,” “The Demon Flying,” “The Demon Downcast.”
  • Symbolism and interpretations of the engraving “Melencolia I” by Albrecht Dürer.
  • The depiction of the female body in the painting “The Three Graces” by Peter Paul Rubens.
  • The role of decorating elements for the perception of the painting “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt.
  • Magic realism in the painting “La note bleu” by Eric Roux-Fontaine.

Modern art topic ideas

Modern Art Topic Ideas

New is always better. Of course, this aphorism doesn’t cover all aspects of life. Anyway, modern art has something to surprise you with. The multiplicity of styles, movements, and forms is breathtaking, and you can choose any to write an excellent essay about it!

  • The artistic styles of modern art: British Pop art Conceptual art Constructivism Art Deco
  • Globalization in contemporary art.
  • Activism as a platform for modern art.
  • Use of technologies and social media in modern art.
  • Rise of art fairs in the 2000s.
  • Multiplicity of forms in modern art.
  • Political cartoons as a modern art form.
  • The modern mural as an instrument of political protest.
  • The technologies that define art of the 21th century
  • Large-scale artworks within contemporary art.

Art essay topics by type of essay

Below, we have placed the art essay ideas for argumentative, cause and effect, and compare and contrast essays. These three types are frequently assigned for homework because they allow the evaluation of critical thinking, argumentative skills, and logical reasoning of students.

Argumentative essay topics about art

Argumentative Essay Topics About Art

If you like good discussions as well as art, you are welcome to train your argumentation skills. Prove your viewpoint using logical reasoning and enhanced arguments. Write a well-structured essay, and the high grades will come soon!

  • How can we define “good art”?
  • Why art disciplines are necessary for school programs.
  • The most important painting of the 20th century.
  • What makes Baroque sculptures recognizable?
  • Why does “Birth of Venus” by Botticelli best exemplify the ideals of the Renaissance?
  • Why does modern society put the arts in the role of social service?
  • Computer games as a kind of art.
  • Why has “Guernica” by Pablo Picasso had a global impact?
  • In what ways does art influence our everyday life?
  • Why is the “Mozart effect” not real?
  • Is the theater an art form significant enough to change culture?
  • Why the feminist movement is important for contemporary art.
  • Is graffiti a kind of art?
  • Banksy: vandal or artist?
  • Is art a good option for investments?
  • Should photojournalism be censored?
  • Can we consider advertisement to be a kind of modern art?
  • What made Paris a center of art in the 20th century?
  • Why is art education undervalued around the world?
  • How does art education help to think different?
  • The appearance of Gala and her influence on Dali’s art .

Cause and effect essay topics about art

Cause and Effect Essay Topics About Art

These art essay topics are based on two key pillars: reasons and consequences. A cause-and-effect link connects everything in this world. There is no exception for art.

  • Choose one American painting created under strong influence of Japanese art and explain what exact effect it has had.
  • How did the Second Great Migration influence the art of the Harlem Renaissance?
  • What was the impact of Hudson River School of Art on the American painting?
  • How did iconoclasm affect Muslim art?
  • Has the Cultural Revolution influenced Chinese art?
  • How did Japanese art influence Van Gogh’s paintings?
  • The impact of Raphael on the art of the Renaissance (check the list of Renaissance topics for your papers).
  • How did mythology influence the sculptures of Ancient Greece?
  • How did the Japanese mentality and lifestyle affect the art of the rock garden?
  • What caused the decline of art in Medieval Europe?

Compare and contrast essay topics about art

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics About Art

These art essay topics are not that easy. You have to work twice as hard to compare two things because you have to be well-informed about each of them. However, the game is worth the candle.

  • Compare the main ideas of Middle Age art and Renaissance art.
  • Compare Greek and Egyptian canons of proportions.
  • The peculiarities of modern art in comparison with the previous art periods.
  • Similarities and differences in Mannerism and Baroque styles.
  • Compare the novelties in the paintings of Gustave Courbet to those of Edouard Manet.
  • Compare Picasso’s Blue and Rose periods.
  • Compare traditional and modern Caribbean music.
  • Compare and contrast French and English gardens.
  • Compare the surrealism in the paintings of Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali.
  • Compare Baroque and Rococo design styles.

We are absolutely sure that you’ve found an interesting and unusual topic for your art essay in our lists. No doubt, art provides us with inspiration for creating high-quality papers. If you don’t feel confident about your writing skills but have an excellent idea for a paper, you are welcome to use the college paper writing service EssayShark. Here, you will find a comfortable ordering system, a team of experienced writers, and 24/7 available support. Good luck on the path to academic success, and may the Force be with you!

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How to write a heartfelt appreciation message to a friend, colleague, or anyone.

Lia Miller, M.A., MPA, MSW

Saying thank you when someone has done you a good turn is not a lost art in the 21st century. The words "thank you" are still two of the most powerful words we can use to convey appreciation to another person, and sending an appreciation message remains one of the best ways to truly let someone know you are grateful for what they have done for you.

But sometimes, beyond just the "thank you," it is hard to find the right words to use in an appreciation message. Here's some expert advice on creative ways to send appreciation messages in different situations and for different recipients.

Writing an appreciation message.

An appreciation message can be any expression of gratitude or thanks, from a simple note sent by email to an ornate card with a handwritten letter delivered in the mail. As family strategist and coach Sonya Belleti, LCSW , explains, people often send appreciation messages after receiving a gift, to thank someone for showing up for them (such as to a wedding or funeral), or to help stand out after a job interview.

"An appreciation message is one way to let someone know how much you appreciate them for what they have done for you," licensed clinical social worker and health coach Sarah Brown, LCSW , tells mbg. "It is so important to show appreciation to others, and sometimes giving an appreciation message can go a long way."

Brown notes that appreciation messages can be meaningful to send out to truly anyone who has affected you personally: "Think, hairstylist, child care worker, personal trainer, coach, mentor, etc. They can also be used for colleagues and for your team if you are in a leadership role in a work setting."

The great thing about writing appreciation messages, Belleti adds, is that they benefit the giver as much as the receiver. "When we are writing a true heartfelt appreciation message, we tap into gratitude, which is always great for lifting our spirits as well as the recipient," she explains. "Appreciation messages don't always need to be big gestures to be impactful. Expressing gratitude to someone makes a person feel seen and affirms that their efforts were noticed and appreciated."

"The benefit of living in the digital age is, with only a few keystrokes and the tap of a button, we can immediately reach out to everyone we want to thank," says Belleti. "The method of outreach depends on your relationship with the recipient."

Some options to consider:

  • Text: A simple text message can be a quick, casual, yet meaningful way to show your appreciation to someone. Belleti and Brown both note this method may be more appropriate for personal settings, such as to a friend or acquaintance.
  • Phone call: Telephone calls can be a quick and effective way to thank someone. According to Brown, this is probably most appropriate with a friend or family member. Belleti adds that it can be a nice option for someone you're trying to build a deeper friendship with.
  • Email: Email can be a great way to send a note of thanks in a professional manner or to teachers or any other helping professionals that you want to show some love to, says Brown. Email thank-you notes are also appropriate after an interview, Belleti adds.
  • Card: Cards show you have put some effort and thought into thanking a person, says Brown. Although a small token of thanks, it will still be much appreciated by the receiver.
  • Gifts: Giving a gift can be a way of showing appreciation and, although not showing it with words, can be an act of kindness that can go a long way, according to Brown. Oftentimes for those who do selfless acts, they may need some encouragement to practice self-care. Sending a thank-you message in the form of a gift can be a wonderful way to show your appreciation. "Gift baskets are also wonderful if they are curated to the recipient's likes," Belleti adds.
  • In person: Expressing appreciation for someone in person may be harder for some people, especially if you feel awkward expressing thanks and if the receiver struggles with attention and/or recognition. However, that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be done, according to Brown. In-person appreciation messages can be incorporated in speeches, introductions, and other formal ways in a public setting, and it can also be as intimate as telling someone one-on-one that you appreciate them.

Examples of appreciation messages.

Below, our expert shares examples of great appreciation messages. "The best appreciation messages are personalized," Belleti notes, so make sure to customize your message to the specific person you're writing to and your specific relationship.

Appreciation messages for a friend.

Friends are important people in our lives, so it is important to let them know what they mean to us and to show gratitude and appreciation for the things they do for us. "The key to writing appreciation to friends is to be specific about what you are grateful for," Belleti says.

Some examples:

  • "Thank you for showing up for me. Your presence made my day even more special."
  • "This ___ outfit you gave for my baby is so adorable. I will be sure to send pictures when they wear it."
  • "Thank you for coming over after my _____ passed. It meant a lot to have your support."
  • "Thank you for your kindness and support over the last few weeks. Your friendship means the world to me, and you were such a big part of me moving and growing through this period."
  • "Thank you for being a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on when I have needed it the most."
  • "Thank you for being there for me, making me feel supported and cared for."
  • "Thank you for being my friend!"

Appreciation messages for a family member.

Many times, and in many cases, we expect and assume our family will do things for us when we need them to and that they will show up for us. Because of this, it is even more important that we show gratitude to them so they don't feel taken for granted.

  • "Thank you for always supporting me even when it is not easy to do."
  • "Thank you for your support and for seeing me through all the many life challenges I have experienced."
  • "Your wisdom, kindness, and strength has carried me through many challenging times. Thank you for always being there."
  • "Thank you for your help with the move. I appreciate the time and help you gave me!"
  • "I wanted to thank you for always being there for me. It means so very much."
  • "To show my appreciation for all of you, I'm going to cook you all dinner for us to eat together!"
  • "I appreciate you always having my back."
  • "The help you gave me was so important. I am lucky to have such a supportive family."

Professional appreciation messages for a boss or colleague. 

Sending appreciation messages to a boss or colleague can be a little tricky because it is important to strike the right tone. However, a well-written appreciation message can go a long way toward building positive relationships with your co-workers. Writing an appreciation message is also an opportunity to give colleagues credit for their contributions and to receive deserved recognition.

  • "Thank you for taking the time to teach me about ____. Your mentorship and support have not gone unnoticed, and I am appreciative of the opportunities presented to learn and grow from you."
  • "Thank you for having my back. It's people like you who make this company a wonderful place to work."
  • "Thank you so much for your help on this project. I couldn't have done it without you."
  • "Thank you for your valuable contributions to the team."
  • "I remain impressed by your ability to inspire everyone on the team to do their best."
  • "Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this project. Your belief in me and my ability to get the job done helped me to give my best."
  • "Through your mentorship, I have learned a lot. You have helped me to learn and apply new skills and knowledge. I appreciate the time you have taken to teach me and develop my potential."
  • "Thank you for helping me reach my personal and professional goals. I enjoy working with you and appreciate the opportunities you have given me."
  • "Thank you for always pushing me to be my best. I am so lucky to have such a great boss."

Professional appreciation messages to send your team. 

Working as a team is an essential part of the modern-day workplace. Typically, you collaborate intensively with the team, and your success or failure rests on the individual contributions of your team members. Therefore, it is important to recognize the contributions of team members, so they know their work is seen and appreciated.

  • "Thank you for being such a valuable asset to our team/company."
  • "Thank you for stepping up when the team needed you the most."
  • "Hey team, I don't know how we would have gotten through this project without each of you giving it your all. Your commitment to doing good work is an asset to this organization, and I appreciate each and every one of you."
  • "Finishing this project would not have been possible without your hard work and positivity throughout. You truly embody the meaning of teamwork. Thank you!"
  • "Thanks for your hard work, team. Because of your efforts, this company has achieved a new milestone."
  • "I wasn't sure if we would have managed to beat the deadline without each of your efforts. We did it! Thank you for your good work!"
  • "This is a great job. Thank you for all your effort and positive thinking. You have made this organization be recognized."
  • "The mark of an effective team is one that pushes everyone's individual work to another level. Thanks for doing just that and for being a great team!"
  • "Thank you for always being there for each other. You're the best team that I have ever worked with."

Appreciation messages for a teacher.

Teachers are some of the most hardworking and dedicated professionals in the workplace. Unfortunately, they are often one of the most overlooked in terms of receiving recognition and praise for their contributions. Sending an appreciation message or thank you can go a long way toward letting them know you appreciate their work and commitment. When writing an appreciation message for a teacher or educator, Belleti advises, "It is great to share a specific fond memory of highlight of something that was impactful during the school year."

  • "Thank you for inspiring me to be the best version of myself. You are greatly appreciated."
  • "Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone and toward being the best version of myself."
  • "Thank you for sharing your time and talent. Without you, we wouldn't have been what we are today. I can't find the right words to convey our gratitude except to say thank you."
  • "Great teachers are great because they find a way to bring out the best in their students. You are one of the greats, and I wanted you to know that. Thank you for everything."
  • "Most kids need someone to believe in them, someone to offer them hope, and a little help from time to time. You helped us, believed in us, and helped nurture and grow our hope. The world needs teachers like you, and we are so grateful for you. Thank you."
  • "Dear X, your patience with finding a teaching method that worked for me helped me excel in class this year. Thank you for inspiring me and giving me the tools for success."
  • "A truly amazing teacher is a treasure to find, hard to part with, and impossible to forget. The influence of a good teacher lasts a lifetime. I will always remember you and will always be grateful to you."
  • "Thank you for encouraging me when things seemed impossible, mentoring me when I was lost, strengthening my confidence when it felt like no one was there for me. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you and to thank you for being there for me when I needed someone the most."

Tips to keep in mind:

Be specific..

People can tell when they're receiving a routine thank-you note sent simply for social graces, Belleti notes. So, if you're going to send a note, she recommends really focusing on trying to be specific in your message and really gear it toward each individual.

"Whatever the occasion is, be specific, and speak from the heart," she says. "It is important to keep in mind when writing an appreciation message what actions the other person took that you are grateful for and the impact those actions had on you to inspire an appreciation message."

Try to send your appreciation message promptly.

"The best timeline to send an appreciation message is within two to four weeks after an event," says Belleti. "However, it is important to remember that appreciation is not limited by time, so a heartfelt thank you sent later is always appreciated."

Brown concurs—in general, it's never too late to say thank you and show appreciation.

You don't need to write a novel.

A little goes a long way, says Brown. While she recommends being genuine and speaking from the heart, sometimes a succinct and meaningful note is just as impactful as a long-winded one. The old saying is true, she notes: It's the thought that counts.

Validate the recipient.

"In general, an appreciation message is validating to the recipient," says Belleti. "It says, 'I see you, and your actions mattered.'"

The takeaway.

Showing gratitude to someone who has done something for you improves the well-being of not only the recipient but also the sender. Practicing gratitude daily has been proved to have positive psychological, social, and emotional benefits . It helps build thriving and healthy people and societies and improves the quality of one's life.

"When we show appreciation for the small and big things, we are all better for it," says Belleti. "Who doesn't want to know that their actions or words had meaning, and who doesn't want to know they have people who support them? Appreciation opens our heart and is a win-win for everyone involved."

The next time you have a free moment, consider using it to practice gratitude by writing someone special a note of appreciation. You'll probably make their day.

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110 Music Essay Topics

Whether it’s for a fine arts course, a music appreciation class, or just a general assignment to build writing skills, music essays are an integral part of the musical education world.

Students are often assigned to write a music essay on a specific topic or one based on their interests. While it may seem overwhelming at first, writing music essays can actually be fun and rewarding.

The Fundamentals of Writing a Music Essay

Before a student can begin writing a music essay, there are a few key fundamentals to be aware of. These fundamentals will ensure that a paper is written to the student’s potential and will benefit them in their future musical studies.

Understand the Music

Listening to a piece of music and understanding a piece of music are two different things. While listening to music lets a student know what the piece is like, it does not necessarily allow them to understand the music’s more profound meaning.

This means that before writing a music essay, students must study their selected piece of music in depth. This might entail listening repeatedly or reading an analysis on the piece to gain a thorough comprehension. It could also mean researching the composer and their life to understand what effect their life might have had on the music.

Another option is to research the genre that the piece belongs to or even its historical context. Full knowledge of all these elements will ensure a deeper understanding of what is being listened to so that the writing is more profound.

Enhance Your Vocabulary

In music, there are specific words to describe sounds, aspects of the sound, and even emotions. Without an understanding of these words, a student will not be able to write a music essay to the highest degree possible.

Instead of saying the music is good or bad, students will need to expand their vocabulary to include more descriptive words such as :

These words allow a student to describe the music in much more depth than just ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ They provide readers with an idea of what is felt when listening and can better explain how the piece makes the writer feel.

Note that not only should you include these types of adjectives in your music essay, but also try to limit “big” or overused adjectives such as beautiful, stunning, amazing.

Know How to Cite

Often, to back up claims or provide context to musical analysis, it is essential to cite in the proper format so that a paper is academic and can be taken seriously. In a music essay, students will need to include proper citations that show where they got their information from after writing a quote or paraphrasing something said by someone else.

Citations are essential for another reason: they allow other people to investigate the source of your work for themselves to check its validity. Failure to cite sources and examples may diminish the credibility of the writing in the reader’s eyes.

When citing a lyric, be sure to include the songwriter’s name and the name of the piece. It is also important to remember to place a line break before and after the quote and use quotation marks for lyrics.

When citing a critique, be sure to include the author’s name and relevant background information such as their profession, where they got their degree from, and when their piece was published. It is then necessary to place a line break before and after the quote, italicize the author’s name, and include a page number if applicable to your citation.

The Different Types of Music Essay

A music essay can be written in a variety of formats or styles. Most commonly, a music essay will fall into one of three categories:

Musical Analysis

Musical analysis is a description of a piece of music. This usually includes describing the song’s mood, tempo, and melody as well as its historical context, genre, composer, and so forth.

Students may examine and critique the composition of a piece, or they might discuss the feelings that the music conveys. In short, a musical analysis should describe what is heard and explain to the reader how it made them feel.

Informative Essay

Students use their research skills to provide others with information about a certain topic in an informative essay. This can include an explanation of something musical such as the history of a genre, how it developed over time, and so forth.

Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is one in which students argue for or against something. For example, for music essays, students argue whether they believe that one piece of music is better than another or whether they prefer a specific style or genre.

This is an opportunity for students to make their voice heard by giving personal reasons for why something is good or bad and can be used to compare two distinct pieces of work through direct comparison or contrast.

With the fundamentals of writing a music essay above, students may still have trouble coming up with the right topic for their writing assignment. Fortunately, this list of 110 music essay topics is perfect for any writer level and is guaranteed to spark at least one idea for a music essay.

Music Essay Topics About Genre

  • Which music genre has had the most impact in modern times?
  • How have musical genres changed or developed over the past 100 years?
  • Which is musical genre is best for teaching an instrument?
  • Which is musical genre do you think has the most talent involved?
  • How has technology influenced musical genres over the past 50 years?
  • What musical genres are no longer seen in modern times?
  • Are there musical genres that shouldn’t be used in today’s society?
  • Are musical genres really all the same?
  • Compare and contrast two different musical genres?
  • How do musical genres influence each other?
  • What is the best way to discover the type of musical genre you like?
  • Which platforms are best for a particular type of musical genre?
  • Are music genres meant for certain audiences?
  • Which musical genres are the least biased by modern culture?
  • What makes a song belong to a particular genre?
  • Can a musical genre be broken down further than it already is?
  • How have technology and fashion influenced popular genres of music over time?
  • How has globalization impacted different musical genres?
  • Which style of music is the most popular in your country?
  • Which musical genres typically get the least respect from society?
  • What is the history of a particular musical genre?
  • Are there any specific songs that belong to a certain genre?
  • How have political issues influenced musical genres over time?
  • Is it harder to write a song in one musical genre or another?
  • Why do some people prefer one style or genre over another?
  • In what circumstances do you listen to particular types of music?
  • Which type of genre would be best for specific occasions?
  • What are the differences between modern and classical genres?

Music Essay Topics About Classical Music

  • What is the most significant piece of classical music?
  • How did certain pieces of classical music change over time?
  • Does one specific style better illustrate a particular piece of classical music?
  • How is musical structure important in modern-day classical pieces of work?
  • Why are certain classical pieces of work good to listen to when stressed out?
  • How does one piece of classical music compare to another?
  • What is the history behind a particular piece of classical work?
  • Which musical instruments are typically used in classical music?
  • Why is classical music better for different types of people?
  • Compare and contrast how two classical composers created their work?
  • What influenced a piece of significant classical music?
  • How do the notes in classical music differ from modern-day pop music?
  • What makes a piece of music classical?
  • Should classical music be learned before other types of music?
  • What developmental benefits does classical music have on newborns?
  • Who was Mozart, and why is he considered one of the most significant composers in history?
  • How does Western classical music differ from that in other countries?
  • Why was Beethoven’s work superior within its time period?
  • What makes Mozart different than other composers?
  • How can people improve their understanding of classical music?
  • How does the style and context influence the choice of musical instruments for specific pieces of classical music?
  • Why should children learn about classical music as part of their education?

Music Essay Topics About Music Theory

  • Which is more important to music: theory or practice?
  • How have new musical instruments influenced the theory behind music?
  • Are there any specific rules for using melodies and harmonies in music?
  • What are examples of non-traditional music theory?
  • Why do some people want to expand the boundaries of traditional music theory?
  • Are there any movements currently challenging traditional music theory?
  • Why is music theory important in modern-day music?
  • What are some types of modern-day musical compositions that ignore traditional music theory?
  • How have technological advances influenced traditional and non-traditional forms of music theory?
  • Which type of theory do you prefer: traditional or non-traditional?
  • What makes a piece of music sound like jazz?
  • What is the difference between musical form and music theory?
  • Which types of pieces best illustrate different theories in music?
  • What can non-traditional forms of music teach students about classical forms of music?
  • In what circumstances is music theory advanced?
  • What are some similarities between classical and modern-day musical compositions?
  • How has the Internet influenced traditional and non-traditional forms of music theory today?
  • Who was Leonard Bernstein, and how did he influence American society through his music theory contributions?
  • How do different cultures use a similar or different form of music theory?
  • Which is more difficult: playing music by ear or reading sheet music?
  • Which musical theory from the past is still valid in today’s society?
  • What are examples of outdated musical theories?

Music Essay Topics About Instruments

  • What instruments sound the best in music?
  • How do the instruments used in jazz differ from those used in rock and roll?
  • Is there a best way to play a specific instrument?
  • Why do orchestras typically use certain instruments?
  • Which instrument is most beneficial to the beginner musician learning to play music?
  • What are some types of non-traditional instruments used in musical compositions today?
  • Who were the first modern musicians to impact society through their use of new and different instruments?
  • What benefits do different types of instruments have on a musical composition?
  • What are some traditions followed when playing certain instruments in music?
  • What is the history behind unique musical instruments?
  • Who were the first people to experiment with new sounds on instruments with different tones and chords?
  • What’s the difference between playing with sound effects and using natural sounds?
  • How has technology influenced the use and creation of musical instruments today?
  • Which instruments should people learn to play first: traditional or non-traditional ones?
  • Compare and contrast the sounds of woodwind instruments to brass instruments.
  • Should percussion instruments be considered a type of classical music instrument or a type of pop music instrument?
  • What types of musical instruments are used in different types of foreign musical compositions?
  • How do people learn to play new instruments today?
  • How have old and modern musical instruments been combined to create unique sounds in songs?
  • What is the history behind musical instruments?
  • What are some traditional musical instruments still used today?
  • How can people make their own musical instruments at home with household items?
  • What was the first instrument ever invented?

Music Essay Topics About Singing

  • What is the difference between singing and vocalizing?
  • What is autotune, and how has it affected the music industry?
  • Is music with autotune better or worse than music without?
  • Should singers be allowed to use autotune in their performances?
  • What are the best types of vocal ranges for singers?
  • Who is famous for singing songs with wide vocal ranges?
  • Is it better to sing high or low notes in music today?
  • How do male and female singers compare with each other regarding their voices?
  • What are the different types of musical compositions that use vocals?
  • How do popular artists use vocalization in their songs?
  • Who was Kurt Cobain, and what did he do to change the face of music and singing?
  • Are there any negatives associated with using autotune in a song today?
  • Do all singers need to use autotune to sound better in their songs?
  • What are the five main parts that make up the human voice, and how do they work together to create singing?
  • How does pitch play a role in different types of music genres?

Using any of the 110 music essay topics listed above should provide the inspiration needed to write a great music essay.

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70 meaningful thank you quotes and messages for showing appreciation

by Aleksandra Masionis

Updated on September 5, 2024

Thank you messages for employees

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We all know the feeling of being recognized for our hard work or a small act of kindness. But taking the time to thank others for their help in turn is something that’s easily overlooked. Perhaps because we’re so busy, or because “thank you” often seems implied. Sharing thank you quotes and messages can instantly make a difference.

It’s important to make the time to show your appreciation for neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, and any other individuals who brighten your day. A few words of thanks or a brief note goes a long way in solidifying life’s most important relationships. Here are 70 thank you quotes and messages you can use to show real gratitude to others in your personal life and on the job.

  • Thanking someone for their efforts

We all know the feeling of gratitude towards another person who has helped us in a time of need. Whether it’s a new acquaintance who performed a single act of kindness or a friend who has provided help time and time again, there’s probably someone in your world whose efforts deserve recognition. Here are a few easy ways to say thank you to others for all they’ve done for you:

  • Thank you for always being there for me when I need you.
  • Thank you for your help putting on last weekend’s bake sale, Jeff. I couldn’t have done it without you.
  • I appreciate you watching our sweet pup, Lasso, while we were out of town.
  • I’m grateful for the work you put into this project. Your dedication to our company is unparalleled.
  • I value the time and effort you put into this campaign, Marsha. We’ve already seen an uptick in new sales!
  • Thank you for volunteering with my organization this Tuesday. Your time really makes a difference!
  • Your dedication to our clients shows through your consistent engagement and attention to detail.
  • I appreciate your positive attitude during our home renovation. You’re a truly great roommate, Sarah.
  • Thank you for all your help onboarding our new cohort of developers.
  • Thank you for being a great manager, Liza. I can always count on you.
  • Saying thank you for someone’s time

Everyone is busy, which makes it matter all the more when someone takes time out of their day for you. Take a look at some ways you can let them know you appreciate it:

  • Thank you for helping me find my missing dog. We’re so glad to have her back.
  • Thanks for taking the time to chat with me today. It was great to get to know you better.
  • Thank you for spending some time connecting about our interests outside work. I never knew you loved Star Trek as much as I did!
  • I appreciate you taking the time to chat with me today. Having just moved into this neighborhood it’s wonderful to get to know some neighbors.
  • It was great having coffee with you today. It’s nice to feel like I have a friend in the office, especially since I’m new to the company.
  • Thank you for making time to babysit the kids today. We’re so lucky to have in-laws like you.
  • I’d like to recognize your willingness to spend the extra time needed to deliver excellent results on every assignment. It really speaks to your work effort and dedication to perfection.
  • Thank you for stopping by to help clean up after last week’s event. Having a few more hands makes the work go quicker.
  • I appreciate the opportunity to get to know coworkers I don’t have the opportunity to interact with regularly. Thank you for making the time.
  • Saying thanks to friends and neighbors

Aside from loved ones, our friends and neighbors are some of our greatest support. Take the time to say thank you to these heroes in your life:

  • Thank you for collecting our mail while we were away.
  • We appreciate you helping us move last weekend. Next time we’ll have things boxed up sooner!
  • The cake you baked for Lydia’s birthday was divine. Thank you!
  • Thank you for inviting us over to your BBQ last weekend. It was great to get to know you better.
  • It’s good to know I can always count on you, Bill. Let’s go fishing soon.
  • My tomatoes are thriving in the potting soil you gave me. Thank you for supporting my budding garden!
  • Thank you quotes

While thanking someone in your own words provides a personal touch, sometimes it can be helpful to see how others have shown appreciation and thought about gratitude in the past. Here are a few thank you quotes to get you inspired:

  • “Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.” – Randy Pausch
  • “The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.” – Douglas Wood
  • “Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life and you’ll find that you have more of it.” – Ralph Marston
  • “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  • “For my part, I am almost contented just now, and very thankful. Gratitude is a divine emotion: it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms, but not to fever.” – Charlotte Bronte
  • “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” – Mother Teresa
  • If the world had more people like you it would be a better place. You do make a difference.” – Catherine Pulsifer
  • When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect towards others.” – the Dalai Lama
  • “Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” – Voltaire
  • “Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it all into words is all that is necessary.” – Margaret Cousins
  • Thanking your co-workers

When it comes to co-workers and employees, data shows that employees who are recognized monthly are more engaged, productive, and feel greater belonging in their company. While certain team members are intrinsically motivated to do a good job, extrinsic motivation , like rewards, bonuses, and messages of appreciation go a long way. Whether you work for a large company or run your own small business, here are some meaningful words of thanks for your co-workers:

  • Thanks for having my back in this morning’s meeting.
  • I really appreciate the quick turnaround on this deliverable, Angie. It made all the difference!
  • Thank you for getting the copier unjammed. Again.
  • I appreciate you taking a minute to provide some training when you could have just moved on.
  • The way you bring doughnuts to our Monday meetings – I’ll just say, “Not all heroes wear capes.”
  • It’s so good to have a work bestie. Thanks Martin!
  • Your drive to foster collaboration within our team makes our organization a great place to work.
  • Your project management skills keep us organized! Thank you! 🙂
  • Charles, you deserve all the recognition for getting this assignment done quickly on a tight deadline. Keep up the incredible work.
  • Thank you for always considering my opinion when making decisions. Having a real voice at this company is something I really treasure.
  • Saying thank you for listening

There are few things better than a great listener. But listening is a two-way street, and one of the best ways to show appreciation to skilled listeners is to practice active listening in turn. Whether it’s lending an ear to a friend during difficult times or processing and acting on feedback in the workplace , the people in your life will appreciate knowing that they’ve been truly heard.

If you know a great listener or two who deserves recognition, take a look at these messages of appreciation :

  • Thank you for listening to my concerns about our dog, JJ. We’re so glad to have you as our vet.
  • I appreciate your focus on creating a great employee experience by collecting and acting on input from our employees.
  • I appreciate your willingness to always listen to my ideas and concerns. Your openness is a big part of why I feel comfortable being my real self at work.
  • Thank you for listening to my complaints about school, Grandma.
  • Thank you for taking the time to consider my input. You’re what makes volunteering for this organization so enjoyable.
  • I’d like to recognize how you always reach out to other stakeholders when making key decisions about the business, Greg.
  • Thanks for taking my worries about Truman’s SAT scores seriously. It’s good to know he has an educator on his side.
  • Thank you for giving me a chance to make my voice heard during the transition, Carol. It’s been so exciting to be a part of this process.
  • You not only ask for feedback, but follow through on that feedback, and that means the world to me.
  • Not every manager takes the time to really listen to their employees. When I speak with you I feel heard.
  • Thanking employees for their service

One of the most obvious times to thank an employee is when they celebrate a big milestone. Whether it’s one year or twenty, work anniversaries are a great time to pause, let employees know you appreciate their hard work and loyalty, and align on what the employee’s future with the company might look like.

Here are a few ways to thank team members for their years of hard work:

  • Thank you for your many years of service to our organization. Happy 10th anniversary!
  • I appreciate the institutional knowledge you bring to our team – we’re all the richer for it!
  • Your expertise in our industry and experience at our company make you a truly invaluable contributor.
  • I don’t know how we’d do it without you. Thank you for everything, and I hope the next five years are as rewarding as the last five have been.
  • I appreciate your tireless effort to deliver great value to our clients, year after year. Here’s to 20 more!

Saying thanks for great leadership

We’ve all had great bosses, team leaders, volunteer coordinators, and other folks at the helm who have gone above and beyond. Here are some words for saying thanks to the best leaders you know:

  • In my 30 years in the rotary, I don’t think we’ve had as strong a president as you, Hubert.
  • Thank you for the thorough feedback on my work. You’ve been a great mentor.
  • Your organization at the clothing drive was amazing. You really led us to success.
  • Thank you for creating a successful employee training and development program. I’ve learned so much!
  • You’ve done a great job prioritizing leadership development at our organization. Cheers!
  • You’ve excellent in your role as team captain of our ultimate frisbee team. Way to go, Dorcy.
  • I appreciate your commitment to growing our team and promoting or hiring from within.
  • During this challenging time at work, knowing we’ve had such a strong CEO at the helm has really kept me centered. Thank you.
  • Thank you for hiring and training me. This is the best yoga studio in town. Namaste!
  • Make saying thanks easy

While sharing a few words of thanks is always appreciated, it only goes so far, and many opportunities to show gratitude are likely to pass by unnoticed, no matter how attentive you are. Recognition has more of an impact when it’s shown routinely, especially in the workplace, so making it a daily habit is important.

One of the best ways to make recognition easy for you -and other team members – is by adopting an employee recognition platform like Achievers Recognize . It empowers everyone, from the C-suite on down, with the ability to show appreciation from within the apps they already use every day. And it democratizes rewards by letting employees give and redeem points for merchandise and experiences, with over 3 million options to choose from. Whether you’re celebrating a small victory or an employee’s long tenure with the organization, Achievers can help.

Discover how the power of thanks can transform your company with a free demo from Achievers.

Find out what makes an online employee recognition platform effective

2024 State of Recognition Report

Discover the power of saying thank you. Send an online appreciation card.

Online Employee Appreciation Cards

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Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Sociological Theories — Cultural Appropriation

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Essays on Cultural Appropriation

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Cultural appropriation refers to the adoption, borrowing, or imitation of elements, practices, symbols, or artifacts from a marginalized culture by individuals or groups belonging to a dominant culture, often without proper understanding, respect, or acknowledgment of the cultural context or significance. It involves the selective appropriation of certain aspects of a culture, typically for personal gain, fashion trends, or entertainment, while disregarding the historical, social, or religious meaning behind those elements.

Cultural appropriation, as a concept, traces its origins to the early 20th century, primarily in the field of anthropology and cultural studies. It emerged as a way to address the power dynamics and inequalities that exist between different cultures. The history of cultural appropriation can be seen within the context of colonialism and imperialism, where dominant cultures often appropriated elements from marginalized or colonized cultures for their own benefit. This included the appropriation of cultural symbols, artifacts, clothing, music, and other cultural practices. The discourse around cultural appropriation gained significant attention and evolved throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. It has become a subject of debate and critique, raising questions about cultural sensitivity, respect, and the commodification of cultural elements. Proponents argue that cultural exchange is beneficial and can foster understanding, while critics assert that appropriation can perpetuate stereotypes, exploit cultures, and erase the significance of cultural practices.

In the US, cultural appropriation is often observed in the realm of fashion, music, art, and even Halloween costumes, where elements from different cultures are sometimes used without proper understanding or respect. This can range from the adoption of cultural hairstyles, attire, or religious symbols to the appropriation of cultural rituals and practices. The public opinion on cultural appropriation in the US is diverse. Some individuals view it as a form of appreciation and cultural exchange, while others perceive it as a form of disrespect, erasure, and even exploitation of marginalized communities. Activists and social media platforms play a crucial role in raising awareness about cultural appropriation, promoting dialogue, and encouraging individuals to be mindful of the cultural origins and significance of what they adopt or represent. As society becomes more aware of the complexities surrounding cultural appropriation, there is a growing emphasis on fostering cultural understanding, respecting cultural boundaries, and engaging in responsible cultural exchange. The conversation on cultural appropriation in the US continues to evolve, highlighting the importance of education, empathy, and sensitivity to different cultures and their histories.

Fashion and Style: This includes the adoption of cultural attire, accessories, or hairstyles without understanding their cultural significance. Examples include wearing Native American headdresses or African tribal prints without knowledge or respect for their cultural context. Language and Slang: Appropriating language or slang terms from different cultures without understanding their origins can be seen as a form of cultural appropriation. This often happens when words or phrases are taken out of their original cultural context and used without proper understanding or respect. Music and Dance: Borrowing elements of music and dance from different cultures without giving credit or respecting the cultural roots is another form of cultural appropriation. This can involve taking traditional music styles, instruments, or dance moves and using them without acknowledging their cultural significance. Art and Symbols: Appropriation of cultural symbols, religious icons, or traditional artwork without understanding their cultural meanings can be seen as disrespectful. It involves using these symbols for aesthetic purposes or commercial gain without recognizing their cultural heritage. Rituals and Traditions: Adopting or modifying cultural rituals and traditions without proper understanding or respect for their significance is another aspect of cultural appropriation. This can involve appropriating religious practices, ceremonies, or spiritual symbols without understanding their sacredness.

Iggy Azalea: The Australian rapper faced criticism for appropriating African American Vernacular English (AAVE) in her music and performances. Her adoption of African American culture and style drew accusations of cultural appropriation. Katy Perry: The pop singer has been accused of cultural appropriation for incorporating elements of various cultures, such as Japanese, Indian, and African, in her music videos and stage performances. Kylie Jenner: The reality TV star and entrepreneur faced backlash for appropriating Black culture through her hairstyles, such as wearing cornrows, which some viewed as a misappropriation of a traditionally African hairstyle. Marc Jacobs: The fashion designer faced criticism for featuring white models wearing dreadlocks on the runway, which was seen as cultural appropriation of a hairstyle deeply rooted in African and African American culture. Miley Cyrus: The singer and actress faced controversy for appropriating elements of Black culture, including twerking and adopting a hip-hop-inspired persona during her Bangerz era.

Power Dynamics: This theory emphasizes the power imbalances between dominant and marginalized cultures. It argues that cultural appropriation occurs when elements of a marginalized culture are adopted and commodified by the dominant culture without proper understanding or respect, perpetuating inequalities and erasing the cultural context. Appreciation vs. Appropriation: This theory distinguishes between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation. It suggests that appreciation involves respectfully learning about and engaging with different cultures, while appropriation involves taking elements out of context, often for personal gain, without understanding or respecting their cultural significance. Commodification: This theory focuses on the commercial aspect of cultural appropriation. It highlights how cultural elements, such as fashion, music, or art, are often commodified and stripped of their original cultural meaning, resulting in the exploitation of marginalized cultures for profit. Cultural Exchange: This theory acknowledges that cultural borrowing and exchange have existed throughout history. It suggests that cultural exchange becomes problematic when it lacks mutual respect, consent, and acknowledgment of power dynamics, leading to the erasure or exploitation of the culture being borrowed from.

Borrowing Elements: Cultural appropriation involves the adoption or borrowing of cultural elements, including symbols, traditions, clothing, music, language, or rituals, from another culture. Power Imbalance: Cultural appropriation often occurs within a power dynamic where a dominant culture adopts elements from a marginalized culture. The dominant culture may hold more social, economic, or political power, resulting in the exploitation or erasure of the culture being appropriated. Lack of Understanding: Cultural appropriation often reflects a lack of understanding, knowledge, or respect for the cultural significance, history, and context of the borrowed elements. It can lead to misrepresentation, distortion, or trivialization of the original culture. Commercialization and Commodification: Cultural appropriation frequently involves the commodification and commercial exploitation of cultural elements, turning them into trendy fashion, consumer products, or entertainment without proper acknowledgment or compensation to the source culture. Harmful Stereotypes: Cultural appropriation can perpetuate harmful stereotypes, reinforce prejudices, or contribute to the marginalization and discrimination of the culture being appropriated. Absence of Consent and Recognition: Cultural appropriation occurs when elements are taken without the consent or involvement of the originating culture, often without giving credit or recognizing the contributions of the culture being appropriated.

Marginalization and Exploitation: Cultural appropriation can contribute to the marginalization and exploitation of marginalized communities. When elements of their culture are taken out of context or commodified without proper understanding or respect, it can perpetuate power imbalances and reinforce inequalities. Cultural Misrepresentation: Cultural appropriation can lead to misrepresentation and distortion of cultures. It can perpetuate stereotypes, misconceptions, and simplifications, reducing rich and diverse cultural practices to shallow and inaccurate portrayals. Erosion of Cultural Identity: When cultural elements are taken and divorced from their original context and meaning, it can erode the cultural identity and significance attached to them. This can lead to the loss of cultural heritage and the devaluation of traditions, rituals, and symbols. Appropriation vs. Appreciation: The influence of cultural appropriation highlights the need for a shift from appropriation to appreciation. It encourages a more respectful approach to cultural exchange that involves learning, understanding, and honoring the source culture's perspectives, histories, and contributions. Social Awareness and Activism: Cultural appropriation has fueled social awareness and activism. It has sparked discussions and movements that aim to challenge and address the harmful effects of appropriation, promote cultural sensitivity, and advocate for the rights of marginalized communities.

The topic of cultural appropriation is important to write an essay about due to its far-reaching implications and significance in today's diverse and interconnected world. Cultural appropriation raises critical questions about power dynamics, identity, representation, and social justice. By exploring this topic, one can delve into the complexities of cultural exchange, appreciation, and exploitation. Writing an essay on cultural appropriation allows for an examination of the historical context, current manifestations, and the impact it has on marginalized communities. It provides an opportunity to critically analyze the ethical, social, and cultural implications of borrowing elements from different cultures. The essay can delve into the importance of recognizing and respecting the origins, meanings, and value systems associated with cultural practices and artifacts. Moreover, addressing cultural appropriation fosters a deeper understanding of privilege, cultural sensitivity, and the need for cross-cultural dialogue. It encourages individuals to reflect on their own role in perpetuating or challenging appropriation, and prompts discussions on the responsibility of individuals and institutions in promoting cultural understanding and equity.

1. Alcoff, L. M. (2019). The problem of speaking for others. In The feminist standpoint theory reader: Intellectual and political controversies (pp. 210-222). Routledge. 2. Anderson, K. (2009). Cultural appropriation and the arts. Wiley-Blackwell. 3. Choo, H. Y., & Ferree, M. M. (2010). Practicing intersectionality in sociological research: A critical analysis of inclusions, interactions, and institutions in the study of inequalities. Sociological Theory, 28(2), 129-149. 4. Delgado, R., & Stefancic, J. (2017). Critical race theory: An introduction. New York University Press. 5. Hooks, B. (1992). Black looks: Race and representation. South End Press. 6. Lentin, A. (2008). Racism and anti-racism in Europe. Pluto Press. 7. Matthes, E. H. (2017). Cultural appropriation and the arts. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. 8. McLeod, J. (2017). The ethics of cultural appropriation. Wiley-Blackwell. 9. Richardson, J. E. (2019). (Mis)appropriation, hybridity, and resistance: Revisiting the cultural politics of rap music. In Popular culture and the civic imagination: Music, dissent, and social change (pp. 67-89). Routledge. 10. Young, R. (2008). Colonial desire: Hybridity in theory, culture, and race. Routledge.

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    In conclusion, the exploration of why beauty matters reveals its multifaceted significance in human existence. From its role in shaping cultural identity to its impact on emotional well-being and creativity, beauty holds a unique position in our lives. The universal appreciation for beauty unites humanity, transcending linguistic, cultural, and societal boundaries.

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    Musical analysis is a description of a piece of music. This usually includes describing the song's mood, tempo, and melody as well as its historical context, genre, composer, and so forth. Students may examine and critique the composition of a piece, or they might discuss the feelings that the music conveys. In short, a musical analysis ...

  23. 70 meaningful thank you messages for showing appreciation

    "Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life and you'll find that you have more of it." - Ralph Marston

  24. ≡Essays on Cultural Appropriation

    11 essay samples found. 1. Cultural Appropriation: Respect Vs. Exploitation. 2 pages / 791 words. Cultural appropriation is a hotly debated topic that intersects the realms of sociology, anthropology, and ethics. It is often defined as the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of another culture.