• CBSE Class 5 English Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet PDF
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English Worksheet for CBSE Class 5 Direct and Indirect Speech Questions with Answer Download free PDF

Direct and indirect speech.

Direction: Change the narration of the following sentences from Direct to Indirect speech.

Q1. Rosa asked Jose, "Have you been studying English very long?"

(a) Rosa asked Jose when do you study English.

(b) Rosa asked Jose if he had studied English.

(c) Rosa asked Jose if he had been studying English very long.

(d) Rosa asked Jose if he was studying English very long.

Q2. Samira asked me, "May I borrow your English dictionary?"

(a) Samira asked me if she may borrow my English dictionary.

(b) Samira asked me if she might borrow my English dictionary

(c) Samira asked me if I could borrow her English dictionary.

(d) Samira asked me if I had borrowed her English dictionary

Q3. Monica Cheng asked Roeun, "Are you going to visit Cambodia?"

(a) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he is going to visit Cambodia.

(b) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he had visited Cambodia.

(c) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he had gone to Cambodia,

(d) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he was going to visit Cambodia.

Q4. The teacher said to the students, "Stand up on the bench.??

(a) The teacher told the students that stand up on the bench.

(b) The teacher ordered the students that stood up on the bench.

(c) The teacher ordered the students to stand up on the bench.

(d) The teacher advised the students to stood up on the bench.

Q5. The teacher said, 'don't come to school on Monday because it is a holiday?.

(a) The teacher asked to us to don't come to school on Monday because it is a holiday.

(b) The teacher asked if we were coming to school on Monday because it is holiday.

(c) The teacher told to us don't come in school on Monday because it is a holiday.

(d) The teacher told to us don't come in school on Monday because it is a holiday.

Q6. The teacher said, ? Review exercises two and three for the test.?

(a) The teacher told us to review exercises two and three for the test.

(b) The teacher told to us review exercises two and three for the test.

(c) The teacher asked if we were going to review exercises two and three for the test.

(d) The teacher said us to review exercises two and three for their test.

Q7. Anne said, ?Don?t listed to Mr. bascomb because he is not an honest person.?

(a) Anne asked to us not to listed to me. bascomb because he is not an honest person.

(b) Anne said that Mr. bascomb is not an honest person.

(c) Anne said not to listed to Mr. barcomb because he is not an honest person.

(d) Anne told to us to don't listed to Mr. bascomb because he Is not an honest person.

Q8. Mr. bascomb said, 'Don't vote for otitis because he doesn't want to build factories.?

(a) Mr. bascomb Said not to vote for Otis because he doesn't want to build factories.

(b) Mr. bascomb asked to don't vote for Otis because he don't want to build factories.

(c) Mr. Bascomb told to us not to vote for Otis because he is not wanting to build factories.

(d) Mr. Bascomb said to us to don't vote for Otis because he had not wanted to build factories.

Q9. Olena said to Martha "You should visit Russia in the summer.'

(a) Olena asked Martha if she was visiting Russia in the summer.

(b) Olena told Martha that she should visit Russia in the summer.

(c) Olena told Martha if she should visit Russia in the summer

(d) Olena asked Martha where she should Visit in Russia this summer

Q10. Harold said, "Don't bring sodas near the computers!"

(a) Harold told us not to bring sodas near the computers.

(b) Harold asked us if we were bringing sodas near the computers.

(c) Harold told to us that we had brimmed sodas near the computers.

(d) Harold said not to bring sodas near the computers.

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CBSE Class 5 English Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet PDF

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Reported Speech Exercises – Reported Speech Worksheet

Strengthening your understanding of reported speech is key to effective communication in English. Our specially designed worksheet provides a thorough exploration of reported speech, featuring a variety of exercises that will help you practice and master the concept of relaying information as it was spoken by others.

Remember to go back and study the articles mentioned below to better your knowledge of reported speech

  • Direct Speech
  • Direct and Indirect Speech
  • No Change in Verb Tenses
  • Changes in Time and Place
  • Introductory Verbs
  • Pronouns in Reported Speech
  • Reported Questions
  • Reported Commands & Requests

Reported Speech Worksheet

Reported Speech Exercises – Reported Speech Worksheet

Reported Speech Exercises

Reported speech exercise 1: converting direct speech to reported speech.

  • “I am going to the market,” said John.
  • “We have finished our homework,” the students said.
  • “Will you join us for dinner?” she asked.
  • “I can’t drive you to the airport tomorrow,” he told her.
  • “I saw a strange animal in the forest,” the hiker reported.
  • “I will help you with your project,” Tom promised.
  • “I don’t like spicy food,” she admitted.
  • “I didn’t hear the doorbell,” he explained.
  • “I’ll be moving to a new city next month,” Anna announced.
  • “We won’t be able to attend the meeting,” the delegates stated.
  • “I have been feeling unwell since yesterday,” the patient told the doctor.
  • “I used to live in Spain,” he mentioned.
  • “I may start a new course in September,” she pondered.
  • “I must finish this assignment by tomorrow,” the student realized.
  • “I can meet you at 3 PM,” she offered.
  • “We should have taken a different route,” the driver suggested.
  • “I would like to visit Japan one day,” he dreamed.
  • “I have never seen such a beautiful sunset,” she exclaimed.
  • “I might go for a hike if the weather is nice,” he thought aloud.
  • “We did not understand the instructions,” they complained.
  • John said that he was going to the market.
  • The students said that they had finished their homework.
  • She asked if I/you/he/she would join them for dinner.
  • He told her that he couldn’t drive her to the airport the next day/tomorrow.
  • The hiker reported that he had seen a strange animal in the forest.
  • Tom promised that he would help me/you/us with my/your/our project.
  • She admitted that she didn’t like spicy food.
  • He explained that he hadn’t heard the doorbell.
  • Anna announced that she would be moving to a new city the following month.
  • The delegates stated that they wouldn’t be able to attend the meeting.
  • The patient told the doctor that he had been feeling unwell since the day before.
  • He mentioned that he used to live in Spain.
  • She pondered starting a new course in September.
  • The student realized that he must finish his assignment by the next day.
  • She offered to meet me/you at 3 PM.
  • The driver suggested that they should have taken a different route.
  • He dreamed that he would like to visit Japan one day.
  • She exclaimed that she had never seen such a beautiful sunset.
  • He thought aloud that he might go for a hike if the weather was nice.
  • They complained that they had not understood the instructions.

Reported Speech Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns

  • Sarah said, “I am going to the store.” Sarah said that ___ was going to the store.
  • Mike told me, “You can come over tomorrow.” Mike told me that ___ could come over the next day.
  • “He doesn’t like the movie,” said Jane. Jane said that ___ didn’t like the movie.
  • The teacher told the class, “You must submit your homework.” The teacher told the class that ___ must submit ___ homework.
  • “We will finish the project on time,” the group leader announced. The group leader announced that ___ would finish the project on time.
  • “She will be here soon,” Tom thought to himself. Tom thought to himself that ___ would be there soon.
  • “It’s not my book,” said the boy. The boy said that it was not ___ book.
  • “They have been to the new museum,” Emily told her mother. Emily told her mother that ___ had been to the new museum.
  • “I don’t want to go outside,” the child told her father. The child told her father that ___ didn’t want to go outside.
  • “You should wait here,” the officer told the citizens. The officer told the citizens that ___ should wait there.
  • “I will handle the situation,” Mark promised. Mark promised that ___ would handle the situation.
  • “You need to finish your assignment,” the tutor said to Jake. The tutor told Jake that ___ needed to finish ___ assignment.
  • “We are not ready to present,” the students admitted to the professor. The students admitted to the professor that ___ were not ready to present.
  • “She can join us for dinner,” they insisted. They insisted that ___ could join them for dinner.
  • “I have seen that movie several times,” she mentioned. She mentioned that ___ had seen that movie several times.
  • “You must apologize to your sister,” Mom instructed. Mom instructed that ___ must apologize to ___ sister.
  • “They won’t be able to come to the party,” John said. John said that ___ wouldn’t be able to come to the party.
  • “It might rain later,” the weatherman predicted. The weatherman predicted that ___ might rain later.
  • “I’m feeling very tired today,” the athlete confessed. The athlete confessed that ___ was feeling very tired that day.
  • “You shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet,” the teacher warned the students. The teacher warned the students that ___ shouldn’t believe everything ___ read on the internet.
1. she 2. I 3. he
4. they, their 5. they 6. she
7. his 8. they 9. she
10. they 11. he 12. he, his
13. they 14. she 15. she
16. you, your 17. they 18. it
19. he 20. they, you

Reported Speech Exercise 3: Multiple Choices

Reported Speech Exercise

Choose the correct reported speech form for each sentence.

1. He said, “I am watching a movie.”

  • A) He said he was watching a movie.
  • B) He said I am watching a movie.
  • C) He said he is watching a movie.

2. She said, “I will call you tomorrow.”

  • A) She said she would call me tomorrow.
  • B) She said she will call you the next day.
  • C) She said she would call you the next day.

3. “I have finished my homework,” he told her.

  • A) He told her he had finished his homework.
  • B) He told her he finished his homework.
  • C) He told her he has finished his homework.

4. They said, “We are going to the market.”

  • A) They said they were going to the market.
  • B) They said they are going to the market.
  • C) They said they go to the market.

5. “Do you like pizza?” she asked him.

  • A) She asked him if he liked pizza.
  • B) She asked him does he like pizza.
  • C) She asked him if he likes pizza.

6. “Why did you go out last night?” the mother asked.

  • A) The mother asked why had he gone out last night.
  • B) The mother asked why he had gone out the night before.
  • C) The mother asked why did he go out last night.

7. “Can you help me with my project?” he asked his friend.

  • A) He asked his friend if he could help him with his project.
  • B) He asked his friend can you help me with my project.
  • C) He asked his friend if he can help him with his project.

8. “I might visit France this summer,” she mentioned.

  • A) She mentioned that she might visit France this summer.
  • B) She mentioned that she might visit France the coming summer.
  • C) She mentioned that she may visit France that summer.

9. “We have been waiting here for over an hour!” they exclaimed.

  • A) They exclaimed that they have been waiting there for over an hour.
  • B) They exclaimed that they had been waiting there for over an hour.
  • C) They exclaimed that they were waiting there for over an hour.

10. “Don’t touch that!” he warned.

  • A) He warned not to touch that.
  • B) He warned to not touch that.
  • C) He warned not to touch it.

11. “I have lost my keys,” she said.

  • A) She said she had lost her keys.
  • B) She said she has lost her keys.
  • C) She said she lost her keys.

12. “We didn’t go to school yesterday,” the boys said.

  • A) The boys said they didn’t go to school the day before.
  • B) The boys said they hadn’t gone to school yesterday.
  • C) The boys said they hadn’t gone to school the day before.

13. “I will be traveling to Japan next year,” he told his colleagues.

  • A) He told his colleagues he will be traveling to Japan next year.
  • B) He told his colleagues he would be traveling to Japan the following year.
  • C) He told his colleagues he would be traveling to Japan next year.

14. “You should try the new restaurant,” she suggested.

  • A) She suggested that I should try the new restaurant.
  • B) She suggested that you should try the new restaurant.
  • C) She suggested that you tried the new restaurant.

15. “I can’t attend the meeting tomorrow,” John informed his boss.

  • A) John informed his boss that he can’t attend the meeting tomorrow.
  • B) John informed his boss that he couldn’t attend the meeting the next day.
  • C) John informed his boss that he could not attend the meeting tomorrow.
1. A 2. C 3. A
4. A 5. A 6. B
7. A 8. B 9. B
10. C 11. A 12. C
13. B 14. A 15. B
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Class 5 English Grammar Chapter 7 Reported Speech

worksheet on reported speech for class 5

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Grammar Chapter 7 Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect Speech) updated for session 2024-25. State boards and CBSE students can take the benefits of these contents clearing their doubts. Lots of illustrations are given for practice the concepts.

Class 5 English Grammar Chapter 7 Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect)

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Class: 5English Grammar
Chapter: 7Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect)

The following paragraphs illustrate the two ways in which we can report the words of a speaker.

  • 1. Teacher said, “Have you done your homework?” Student said, “Sorry, teacher, I could not complete it.” Teacher said, “Why couldn’t you complete your homework? Now get out of my class!”
  • 2. The teacher asked the student if he had done his homework. The student apologised that he could not do his homework. On knowing this, the teacher angrily asked him the reason for not doing the homework and asked him to get out of the class.

In 1, we give the exact words used by the speaker. This is called the Direct Speech. In 2, we do not give the exact words of the speaker but give only the substance of what he said. This is called the Indirect Speech or Narration.

The following rules will help you in changing Direct Speech into Indirect: Rule 1: If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future Tense, the Verb in the Reported Speech is not changed at all. Direct: Meena says, “There is no water in the jug.” Indirect: Meena says that there is no water in the jug.

Rule 2: If the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense, the Verb in the Reported Speech is also in the Past Tense. The matter inside the inverted comma will change as under. 1. The Simple Present becomes the Simple Past; as: Direct: Teacher said, “Kitty works very hard.” Indirect: Teacher said that Kitty worked very hard.

Rule 3: (Exception to Rule 2.) If the reported speech contains some universal or habitual fact, then the Simple Present in the Reported Speech is not changed into the corresponding Simple Past, but remains unchanged. Direct: The Mother Teresa said, “Charity begins at home.” Indirect: The Mother Teresa said that Charity begins at home.

Rule 4: Students may carefully note the following in order to understand the change of persons. First Person is changed into the person of the subject. Second Person is changed into the person of the object. For the Third Person, there is no change.

Rule 5: In the Reported Speech ‘said to’ changes to “told”, thus: Direct: He said to me, “I will go there tomorrow.” Indirect: He told me that he would go there the next day.

Rule 6: In the Reported Speech the words expressing nearness are changed into words expressing distance or remoteness, thus: ex.: This- changes into- that

words expressing nearness words expressing distance or remoteness
This that
These those
Here there
Now then
Today that day
Tomorrow the next day
words expressing nearness words expressing distance or remoteness
Yesterday the previous day or the day before
Last night the previous night or the night before
Ago before
Just then
Come go
Next month the following month.

What is reported speech and its type in Chapter 7 Class 5 English Grammar?

Reported speech is the way we can express our thoughts. There are two type of reported speeches: (i). Direct Speech (ii). Indirect speech

What is the main difference between direct and indirect speeches in Class 5 Grammar Chapter 7?

Direct speech: in the direct speech sentences we give the exact words used by the speaker. This is called the Direct Speech. Ex.: Meena says, “There is no water in the jug.” Indirect speech: in the indirect speech sentences we do not give the exact words of the speaker but give only the substance of what he said. This is called the Indirect Speech or Narration. Ex.: Meena says that there is no water in the jug.

What is the indirect form of Present Perfect in 5th Grammar Chapter 7?

The Present Perfect becomes the Past Perfect; when sentence changes from direct speech to indirect speech. Ex.: Direct: Srikant said. “Mini has done his work.” Indirect: Srikant said that Mini had done his work.

In what condition Simple Present in the Reported Speech is not changed into the corresponding Simple Past in Class 5 Grammar?

If the reported speech contains some universal or habitual fact, then the Simple Present in the Reported Speech is not changed into the corresponding Simple Past, but remains unchanged. Ex.: Direct: The Mother Teresa said, “Charity begins at home.” Indirect: The Mother Teresa said that Charity begins at home.

Class 5 Grammar Chapter 7 Reported Speech

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Reported speech worksheet

Sentences are given in direct speech. Change them into indirect speech.

1. The teacher said to the boys, ‘Have you done your homework?’

2. The little girl asked the man, ‘Will you help me?’

3. Janaki said, ‘I have been reading this book.’

4. Mother said to the daughter, ‘Go and change your dress.’

5. Susie said, ‘I had read this book before I gave it to you.’

6. Mike said, ‘I will bring my piano.’

7. The officer told the clerk, ‘Bring me that file.’

8. Jane asked, ‘Have you read that book?’

9. Malathi asked, ‘Where is your watch?’

10. Sophia said, ‘I watched this movie last week.’

11. Mother asked, ‘What is the matter?’

12. Shyam said, ‘I can solve this problem.’

1. The teacher asked the boys if they had done their homework.

2. The little girl asked the man if he would help her.

3. Janaki said that she had been reading that book.

4. Mother told the daughter to go and change her dresses.

5. Susie said that she had read that book before she gave it to me.

6. Mike said that he would bring his piano.

7. The officer told the clerk to bring him that file.

8. Jane asked if I had read that book.

9. Malathi asked where my watch was.

10. Sophia said that she had watched that movie the previous week.

11. Mother asked what the matter was.

12. Shyam said that he could solve that problem .

worksheet on reported speech for class 5

English - Class 5

worksheet on reported speech for class 5

Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet 1

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worksheet on reported speech for class 5

Reported Speech Worksheets

Reported speech worksheets to help your students improve their understanding and skills in English. Reported speech can be tricky for some students and takes a bit of time and practice. Once they’ve nailed it, they often realise how easy it is. Get your students to rewrite the sentences in these worksheets, and change them from direct speech to reported speech. Get them to do it independently during English and then mark it together as a class. These reported speech worksheets are also perfect to literacy rotations. 

Reported speech worksheet

More Reported Speech Worksheets

Need more reported speech resources? Check out English Grammar . They have more examples of changing direct speech to reported speech.

Personification Lesson

This personification lesson includes a PowerPoint, activities and a worksheet. All ready to go to save your time!

worksheet on reported speech for class 5

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Direct and Indirect Speech For Class 5

Jump ahead to:

Read the following sentences.

  • He said, “I have been studying since morning”.
  • He had said that he had been studying since morning.

In the first sentence, we can see the exact words spoken by a speaker, the exact words spoken is Direct speech.

In the second sentence, we can see that the words spoken are not exactly the speaker speak, the words that are not exact is Indirect speech.

Let us study direct speech and indirect speech in detail.

1. Direct Speech

Direct speech is the words, statements, or clauses in which we convey the message of the speaker in his words without any change.

  • He said, “I am busy”.
  • She said,” I am not well”.
  • He said to me, “what are you doing”?
  • They said, “they have passed the examination”.
  • Rama said, “Will you listen to me”.
  • She shouted, “let me practice”.
  • The teacher said,” You performed well in exams”.
  • She said, “I am late”.
  • She asked,” Mayank will you help me”.
  • She asked, “Meet me in the hall”.

2. Indirect Speech

Indirect speech is the words, statements, phrases, or clauses in which we convey the message of the speaker in our own words to another person.

  • He said that he was busy.
  • He said that he was not well.
  • He asked me what I was doing.
  • They said that they had passed the examination.
  • Rama said that you would listen to her.
  • She shouted to let her dance.
  • The teacher said that they performed well in the exam.
  • She said that she was late.
  • She asked Mayank if he would help her.
  • She asked them to meet in the hall.

As you see in the above sentences direct speech is changed into indirect speech.

Rules of Direct and Indirect Speech For Class 5

Rules for changing a sentence from direct to indirect speech.

1. The inverted commas have been removed after the verb in indirect speech. The comma after the reporting verb is removed in indirect speech.

Direct speech – Priyanka said,” She attended the meeting.”

Indirect speech – Priyanka said that she had attended the meeting.

2. First person is changed into the person of the subject, the second person is changed into the person of the subject and for the third person there is no change.

Direct speech: Mayank asked, ” Will you listen to me”.

Indirect speech: Mayank asked to listen to him.

3. The conjunction is used to join the reporting verb to the remaining sentence.

Direct speech: Ritika said, “She will go to the party”.

Indirect speech: Riya said that she will go to the party.

4. Verbs such as said and tell  are used by one person to tell something to someone are called reporting verbs.

Direct speech: Pihu asked to her mother, “If she allows her to go to the party or not.”

Indirect speech: Pihu asked that if her mother allows her to go to the party or not.

5. If the reporting verb is present in the sentence then there is no change in the tense of the verb in which the reported speech has been taking place.

Direct speech: He said, “I want to buy a new car”.

Indirect speech: He said that he want to buy a new car.

6. When the speaker talks about a truth in which the tense of the sentence does not change.

Direct speech: The teacher said, “The sun rises in the East.”

Indirect speech: The teacher said that the sun rises in the East.

Study the table of changes in sentences from direct to indirect speech.

Change in Tenses

TenseDirect SpeechIndirect Speech
Simple present to simple pastRiya said," I like to read novels".Riya said that she likes reading novels.
Present continuous to Past continuousRiya said," I am reading novels".Riya said that she was reading novels
Present perfect to Past perfectRiya said," I have read novels".Riya said that she had read novels.
Present Perfect to Past perfect continuousRiya said," I have been reading novel".Riya said that she had been reading novel.
Simple past to Past PerfectRiya said," I read novel".Riya said that she had read novel.
Past continuous to
Past perfect continuous
Riya said," I was reading novel".Riya said that she had been reading novel.
Past perfect to Past perfect ( no change)Riya said," I had read novel".Riya said that she had read novel.
Past perfect continuous to Past perfect continuous ( no change)I had been reading novel".Riya said that she had been reading novel.

Change in Pronouns

Direct SpeechReported Speech
IHe, she
MeHim, her
YouHe, she, they
YouHim, her, them
MyHis, her
MineHis, hers
YourHis, her, their
YoursHis, hers, theirs

Change in  Adverbs (time or place)

Direct speechIndirect Speech
TodayThat day
TomorrowThe next day / The following day
YesterdayThe previous day
TonightThat night
Last weekThe week before
Next weekThe week after
Last monthThe previous month
Next monthThe following month
Last yearThe previous year
Next yearThe following year

Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet For Class 5

Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech.

  • She says, “I study in seventh class.”
  • The teacher said, “She is a clever girl.”
  • She said to her mother, “I had completed my homework.”
  • The teacher said, “She does not work hard.”
  • He said, “It has been raining since morning.”
  • She said, “I took breakfast in the evening.”
  • She said, “I am suffering from a fever.”
  • They said, “We had spoken the truth.”
  • He said, “I shall leave you soon.”
  • Alex said, “I can solve the sums.”
  • Our teacher said, “We live on Earth.”
  • She said, “My mother is cooking food.”
  • Rama asked, “Where did Suhani live?”
  • She said, “We should obey our parents.”
  • She said to me, “Who teaches us Maths.”
  • Mehak said, “I shall play now.’
  • Ravi said, “I have been studying since morning.”
  • They said, “We shall help you in the morning.”
  • Poonam said, “I arrived before you.”
  • He said, “I am going out for dinner.”
  • She says that she studies in the seventh class.
  • The teacher said that she is a clever girl.
  • She said to her mother that she had completed her homework.
  • The teachers said that she does not work hard.
  • He said that it had been raining since morning.
  • She said that she had taken her breakfast in the morning.
  • She said that she was suffering from a fever.
  • They said that we have spoken the truth.
  • He said that he would leave me soon.
  • She said that she could solve the sums.
  • Our teacher said that we live on Earth.
  • She said that her mother cooked food.
  • Rama asked where did Suhani live.
  • She said that we should obey our parents.
  • She asked me who taught us Maths.
  • Mahesh said that she would play now.
  • Ravi said that she had been studying since morning.
  • They said that they would help you in the morning.
  • Poonam said that he had arrived before you.
  • He said that he was going out for dinner.

Also read: Synonyms and Antonyms for class 5

Direct and Indirect Speech For Class 5 PDF

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Reported Speech For Grade 5 With Answer

Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Reported Speech For Grade 5 With Answer .

Some of the worksheets for this concept are Reported statements mixed exercise, Direct indirect speech, Direct and indirect speech, Reported speech work, Reported speech rs 1, Reported speech ejercicios, Grammar challenge, Reported speech.

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1. Reported Statements Mixed Exercise

2. direct . indirect speech, 3. direct and indirect speech, 4. reported speech worksheet, 5. reported speech rs 1 -, 6. reported speech ejercicios -, 7. grammar challenge, 8. reported speech.

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  5. Рабочая тетрадь. Spotlight 5 класс. Модуль 5 a

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  1. CBSE Class 5 English Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet PDF

    Download and solve with help of a free PDF of the CBSE class 5 English Direct and Indirect Speech worksheet. Students and teachers can get chapter-wise English worksheets in PDF format. NCERT Class 5 English worksheet prepared as per the current CBSE syllabus pattern 2022-23.

  2. PDF Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet

    She says that she eats an apple a day. She says that she sang a song. He says that he wants to buy that book. She says that everybody was there. They say that it's ten o'clock then. He said the he likes English. She said that she had bought a book. They said respectfully that the time was over. She says that she is writing a letter.

  3. Reported Speech Class 5 CBSE English Grammar Chapter 7 [PDF]

    English Grammar Reported Speech For Class 5- Download Free PDF With Solutions. To speak and communicate in English, it is highly important to learn the language. Speaking can be done in many ways, like direct speech, indirect speech, active voice, or passive voice. Class 5 English Chapter 7 is about reported speech, which is a part of direct ...

  4. Topic: Direct and Indirect Speech

    Direct Speech - Jimmy said, "All the boys were shouting.". Indirect Speech - Jimmy said that all the boys had been shouting. 7. Shall is changed into should; will is changed into would. Direct Speech - Radha said, "I will open the door." Indirect Speech - Radha said that she would open the door.

  5. PDF English Grammar Class 5 Reported Speech

    English Grammar Class 5Reported SpeechToday we will study. n exciting topic "Reported speech". Reported speech refers to how we ha. e interpreted the words of the speaker. In simple terms, Reported speech refers to reporting the speech of the speaker i.e. whether conveying directly the words of the speaker or indirectly conveying.

  6. Reported Speech Exercises

    Reported Speech Exercise 3: Multiple Choices. Reported Speech Exercise. Choose the correct reported speech form for each sentence. 1. He said, "I am watching a movie." A) He said he was watching a movie. B) He said I am watching a movie. C) He said he is watching a movie. 2. She said, "I will call you tomorrow." A) She said she would ...

  7. Direct and Indirect Speech

    Direct and Indirect Speech worksheets by Yakub Susanto .Direct and Indirect Speech worksheet for Grade 5 Live Worksheets Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher.

  8. Class 5 English Grammar Chapter 7 Reported Speech

    1. The Simple Present becomes the Simple Past; as: Direct: Teacher said, "Kitty works very hard.". Indirect: Teacher said that Kitty worked very hard. Rule 3: (Exception to Rule 2.) If the reported speech contains some universal or habitual fact, then the Simple Present in the Reported Speech is not changed into the corresponding Simple ...

  9. Reported speech

    Reported speech 2. Reported requests and orders. Reported speech exercise. Reported questions - worksheet. Indirect speech - worksheet. Worksheets pdf - print. Grammar worksheets - handouts. Grammar - lessons. Reported speech - grammar notes.

  10. Reported speech worksheet

    The teacher asked the boys if they had done their homework. 2. The little girl asked the man if he would help her. 3. Janaki said that she had been reading that book. 4. Mother told the daughter to go and change her dresses. 5. Susie said that she had read that book before she gave it to me.

  11. English

    Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet 1. Download to practice offline. 148.2 KB · PDF. Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet 1.pdf. Disclaimer. All contents provided by us are based on best of our knowledge. We do not take the responsibility of how the information provided by this website is used or the consequence of its use.


    REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES Class 5 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides examples of direct speech and asks the reader to rewrite them as reported speech by changing the verb tenses and pronouns. There are 4 sections with examples from the present, past, questions, and modals. The goal is to change the direct quotes into indirect ...

  13. Reported speech

    Reported speech worksheets by chkotro .Reported speech online exercise for GRADE 5 Live Worksheets Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher.

  14. Reported Speech Worksheets

    Reported speech can be tricky for some students and takes a bit of time and practice. Once they've nailed it, they often realise how easy it is. Get your students to rewrite the sentences in these worksheets, and change them from direct speech to reported speech. Get them to do it independently during English and then mark it together as a class.

  15. Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet for Class 5 with Answers

    Exercise 4 - Simple Past Tense. Exercise 5 - Past Continuous Tense. Exercise 6 - Simple Future Tense. Exercise 7 - Rewrite the Sentences from Direct to Indirect Speech. Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech. Mother said, "The dinner is ready.". Tom said to me, "I want to become an engineer.". She said ...

  16. Direct and Indirect Speech For Class 5

    The conjunction is used to join the reporting verb to the remaining sentence. Examples:-. Direct speech: Ritika said, "She will go to the party". Indirect speech: Riya said that she will go to the party. 4. Verbs such as said and tell are used by one person to tell something to someone are called reporting verbs.

  17. Reported Speech For Grade 5 With Answer Worksheets

    Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Reported Speech For Grade 5 With Answer. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Reported statements mixed exercise, Direct indirect speech, Direct and indirect speech, Reported speech work, Reported speech rs 1, Reported speech ejercicios, Grammar challenge, Reported speech.

  18. Reported Speech

    Reported Speech worksheets by anikajaiswal06 .Reported Speech online exercise for Grade 5-6 Live Worksheets Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher.

  19. Reported Speech For Class 5 Worksheets

    Displaying all worksheets related to - Reported Speech For Class 5. Worksheets are Reported speech work, In charge 1 grammar reported speech, Reported speech overview, B1 reported speech rs001, Reported speech, Reported speech ejercicios, B1 reported commands rs009, Direct and indirect speech. *Click on Open button to open and print to worksheet.