14 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates to Steal for Your Next Cold Email Campaign

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  • March 19, 2024


An all-too-common mistake when sending sales emails (or any kind of outreach email) is to overlook the follow-up sequence. Sales teams put all the emphasis on sending a great initial email, while the sales follow-up emails become little more than a box-ticking exercise.

That’s a huge oversight, since research has shown time and again that most sales result from a sales follow up email .

So why then are sales reps still:

  • Sending bad emails?
  • Timing their emails poorly (for instance, waiting too long to send a follow-up, not waiting long enough, or being too persistent and sending too many emails?
  • Just not bothering to follow up at all?

If you’re guilty of any of these, you won’t be generating as many leads or closing as many sales as you could be — guaranteed.

While I’m not going to talk about timing today (if you’d like, you can learn more about that in our cold email masterclass ), what you will get from this article is a number of sales email follow-up templates that should make touching base with potential customers easier, while also helping you send better emails throughout the sales process.

sales presentation follow up email

Templates for Sales Follow-Up Emails

Below are 14 templates for sales follow-up emails from my own archives and that I’ve picked up from various other websites. This means others have and may well be using them in their own follow-ups. Unless you want to risk clogging up prospects’ inboxes with duplicate emails, you should use these as inspiration —n ot gospel.

Before you send your first round of follow-up sales emails, take a few minutes to personalize and make your chosen template your own. Then give it a quick review before shipping it.

  • Keep it Short and Sweet
  • Make replying a one-stroke task for recipients
  • Be brutally honest
  • Acknowledge their interest
  • Show absolute belief in your product’s fit for the prospect
  • Follow up from a sales call
  • Walk away gracefully

1. Keep it short and sweet

All sales emails should be short, but follow ups should be even shorter. (Yes, this includes your subject lines.) However, this doesn’t mean you have to do away with all the pleasantries. You can be polite, friendly, and (most importantly) human in a quick email, while respecting their busy schedule — as this template goes to show.

Example #1: Get permission to reach out later

I’m reaching out because I have several ideas for how you can bring in more leads and ultimately close more deals every month.

Would it be OK for me to reach out next week to share those ideas with you?

Kind regards,

{{Your Name}}

Example #2: Give a quick compliment and add value


The second example here gives a relevant and innocent explanation of why you’re reaching out, while also throwing in an easy compliment. After that, it’s a quick win of sharing other content that might interest prospective clients or their followers. Instead of following up for the sake of following up this email attempts to pivot the conversation and provide value.

Finally, that sign off is a simple request that can be answered with a yes or a no. A simple formula like this works because it doesn’t take much time to skim, provides immediate value, and comes off as conversational, instead of salesy. The other benefit is that short emails work better on mobile devices.

2. Make replying a one-stroke task for recipients

You’ve probably seen something to this effect before — or I’d guess that you have, since this type of email pops up in my inbox pretty often. However, that’s not to say you shouldn’t use it yourself. This format is popular because it works. And it works because it makes it incredibly easy for prospects to reply. Just bear in mind that if you use it, you’ll need to pay extra-close attention to how much you adapt it.

Example #1: Hit me back with a number

  • Never contact me again
  • Now’s not the right time – but I am interested!
  • I’m interested and I can respond soon

Example #2: I’m emailing again because…

Example #2 is refreshing because it shows complete transparency into the salesperson’s process: they use a CRM and, after so many days, circle back to gauge interest. The email subject is intriguing to encourage them to open. The sales email also sets expectations and gives recipients an easy out with the promise of not bothering them anymore—all with a simple keystroke of 1 or 0. Truly a win-win for sales professionals and email recipients.

3. Be brutally honest

Few people look forward to cold contact from a sales rep, but we accept it as part of our professional lives. This follow-up email template and email subject recognize that. And it works thanks to its simple, brutal honesty. Because just because your prospect hasn’t responded to your previous messages, doesn’t mean they’re not interested, but it might.

Example #1: Am I bugging you yet?

4. Acknowledge their interest

Prospects know you’re tracking your emails. You know that they know you’re tracking your emails. So why pretend that you’re not? Templates that acknowledge their interest (whether it’s a marketing campaign they viewed or an email they engaged with) can work because they compel prospects to own up to the fact that they’ve shown interest.

Example #1: I see you opened my email

Example #2: I see you’re interested in X, would you like to chat about it?

The second example’s content revolves around a trigger event. If you’re using software like Mailshake, you can track things like email opens and clicks to links provided in the email. Since they clicked something, you know they were at least somewhat interested, so this sales follow-up email is perfect for starting that conversation.

It’s a versatile template, because it could be adapted to downloading white papers or opt-in campaigns before the clear and concise call-to-action brings it home.

Native and third-party integrations give you even more power, letting you push data from your CRM and other tools into Mailshake and vice versa.

5. Show absolute belief in your product’s fit for the prospect

Example #1: Putting your business at risk

I’ve modified this email template (and email subject) slightly from the original source to work as a sales follow up email after you’ve been rejected. Now, it demonstrates your absolute confidence in your product or service, while simultaneously reinforcing how recipients will benefit.

6. Follow up from a sales call

Following up from a sales call is a must. You don’t have to be formal. Showing gratitude and giving a little extra detail can be enough. The email below does exactly that. The template expresses appreciation for the meeting, then jumps right into delivering on a promise to share extra resources. It comes off as purely transactional and far from salesy — even though it’s still essentially a sales message.

Example #1: Here’s all the goodies from our call

  • I’ve attached the slides from the presentation just in case you wanted to share them with your team.
  • Below you can find a full transcript of everything we discussed.
  • Here are a couple of reports relating to the issues we discussed: {{ Link }}& {{ Link }}

Example #2: I learned so much from our meeting

Example #2 starts strong with polite introduction that shows gratitude. From there, it gracefully acknowledges the pain points the recipient is facing, proving that you were really listening. There’s also a bonus line where you can include more reasons your solution is a perfect fit, before wrapping up with an invitation to continue the conversation. If you don’t yet have another meeting scheduled, modify this template to include a call-to-action inviting them to one.

A BLENDED APPROACH Blend phone calls, social media outreach, and general tasks with Mailshake’s Sales Engagement plan .

7. Add value

Sharing wisdom, social proof , statistics, or any other kind of relevant content is always a great practice to deploy in sales. From your first interaction, you want to come off as a trusted advisor and a valuable resource — not just a salesperson waiting to close a deal. The email below shares a piece of content gracefully in a short and concise format. And the email subject line is just as brief.

Example #1: Sharing a quick tip

Example #2: Provide value after a meeting

Email #2 continues the conversation from the meeting, while also adding a personal touch of value (customize it to any hobbies your recipient has shared with you). Doing so keeps the sales follow-up email short and ends the conversation on a casual, non-intrusive CTA. That way you increase your reply rates.

8. Walk away gracefully

Sometimes you’ve hit the end of the road with a prospect, and it doesn’t make sense to keep wasting efforts on them. Rather than just simply giving up, it’s worth throwing a “Hail Mary” email out there to see if it’s enough to wake them up. Make it clear in the email subject that you’re giving them an out if they want it.

Example #1: Is it time to part ways?

Example #2: Perhaps the timing just isn’t right

The second example is a little softer and shows empathy that they might be too busy (or that the relationship isn’t a great fit anymore). It gives respect and reiterates that you won’t reach out anymore. A last ditch effort closes the email requesting to connect if they’re still interested or will be in the future.

There’s no rule that says the focus of a follow-up email should be the fact that you’re following up. The follow-up email template above doesn’t do that, and instead tries increase the response rate by adding value in the form of a piece of advice the rep thinks they’ll find useful.  If you swap that advice for a link to a resource, you’ll achieve the same effect.

Start automating follow-ups with Mailshake

It’s nearly impossible to stay on top of prospect outreach if you’re trying to do it manually. Instead, use an outreach tool like Mailshake to make your email communication scalable.

With Mailshake, you can:

  • Personalize email outreach with mail merge
  • Win more replies and revenue with automated follow-ups
  • Simplify your lead workflow by catching the prospects that turn into leads
  • Integrate Mailshake with your entire tech stack

The bottom line is that following up is essential to your outreach strategy and that you should be automating it to get the best possible results.

Remember, the important thing is that you follow up. While it can seem logical to assume that if someone hasn’t replied to your previous email, they’re not interested, that’s not necessarily the case. Very few prospects say “yes” after your initial contact.

Don’t give up before you give your prospects all the chances necessary to get to yes. Create your own sales follow-up email templates using these 14 as starting points, and test them as you continue to refine your cold email campaigns.

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Flowrite blog

Oct 29, 2022

Sales follow-up with 9 best tips & 11 sample emails

With the help of these sales follow-up email tips and Flowrite's templates, you'll be closing more leads than ever before.

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

Writing successful sales follow-up emails is a skill that can increase profit and (probably) get you a promotion. Thankfully, writing great sales follow-ups is easier than you think. The core of how to write a successful sales follow-up is to stick to a format, focus on building a rapport and be realistic about what you can achieve. You can understand the fundamentals of how to write a sales follow-up email and find 11 examples you can use for your campaigns.

How to write a sales follow-up email

Selling successfully by email involves being persistent and professional without being pushy. You’ll need to keep targeting messages at prospects – and core to that are sales follow-up emails.

A sales follow-up email acts as a reminder after your first email, pitch or proposal – and they play a huge role in sales success.

Writing successful sales follow-up emails is a skill that can increase profit and (probably) get you a promotion.

Thankfully, writing great sales follow-ups is easier than you think. The core of how to write a successful sales follow-up is to stick to a format, focus on building a rapport and be realistic about what you can achieve. You can understand the fundamentals of how to write a sales follow-up email and find 11 examples you can use for your campaigns.

What is a sales follow-up email?

Wouldn’t it be great if every sales email you send gets a response, the first time, every time? Absolutely, but in the real world, it’s not going to happen (no matter how great your sales email game is).

Once you accept not every sales email will hit the spot, you’ll understand why sales follow-ups are important. 

A sales email follow-up email is part of strengthening your funnel. The purpose of a sales follow-up is to get a response – whether that’s positive, negative or non-committal. You’ll know whether to persist with a lead or save your efforts for another day.

Sales follow-ups can be cold (to someone you don’t know) or warm (to someone you do). In both cases, they follow the same format, but the content and the context are different. You’ll see what we mean in our examples below.

Sales follow-ups usually follow the same format. They’re short and get to the point because you’ve already provided information in the initial pitch. 

Every sales follow-up email must be:

  • sent at the right time
  • relationship building
  • actionable – with clear instructions about the next steps

Before we go into how to construct sales emails, here are 9 critical sale follow-up email best practices that everyone should understand.

9 best sales follow-up email practices

1. determine the objective of your sales follow-up email.

Do you want to invite your prospect for a demo call? Is your goal to request another meeting ? Do you need more info on them?

Before rolling up your sleeves and drafting your email, you have to determine your email's specific goal.

The objective of your follow-up will shape the tone and the overall structure of the whole email. What's more, it will make it easier for the prospect to provide an answer. 

Let's take a look at some of the possible follow-up objectives. 

  • To appoint the next meeting
  • To reach after leaving a voicemail
  • To reach after the first follow-up
  • To get a reply after several follow-up series with no response  
  • To continue a discussion after a networking event 
  • To get more information needed to continue a sale 

Pick the one that works for your situation and plan your email copy accordingly. It all should play towards this end goal. From the greeting to sign-off . 

2. Do your homework

Even though it is not your first encounter with a person, it will never hurt to keep an eye on their business's latest updates. You can also take a deep dive into their industry to share some insights or recent news the lead may find useful. 

No matter the situation, making an effort to keep tabs with the recipient and personalizing your follow-up will add extra points and will make you look more appealing in their eyes.

3. Use psychology to your advantage

Depending on your follow-up's objective, you can use some simple mind tricks to achieve your goals.

Add social proof 

Got a testimonial from a happy client?   Mention it in your follow-up email to make your business look more trustworthy. 

Create FOMO

FOMO stands for 'the fear of missing out and is a powerful psychological trigger.  60% of millennials make purchases based on FOMO . Use this to your advantage and create a feeling of scarcity.

Limit your options

When faced with too many options, people struggle to make any decisions, so they end up not buying at all. Make it easier for them to move forward by cutting down your options. For example, if your company has five different plans, you can pick just two of the options that will be suitable for your specific lead. 

Echo your prospect

Echoing is picking up on your potential customer's phrases or analogies. If you noticed a specific communication pattern during your initial talk, go ahead and repeat it in your follow-up message. It also works the other way around – if the customers start to echo you, it's typically a sign of flourishing and healthy communication between you two. 

Make percentages work for you

In case you mention promotions in your follow-up email, you can play with dollar amounts and percentages. For products under $100, using a percentage discount instead of numbers is always a winning option. For example, a 10% discount on a $50 product will entice your customer more than a $5 offer simply because 10 is higher than 5.

4. Choose the right font

Is your font easy to read?  Campaign Monitor  claims that email readers typically prefer the following fonts:

Use one of these fonts or the standard option in your email client to make sure, and your message will be visually pleasing for any reader instead of catching their eye negatively. 

5. Proofread

Typos and poor grammar will inevitably create a negative impression in professional emails. Make sure to go through both your email body and the subject line at least a few times.

It's also good to double-check the recipient's name before rushing into hitting the send button. 

And pro tip: tools like Grammarly and Flowrite can handle your grammar automatically.

6. Send your follow-up at the right time

Timing your email right is crucial to getting it opened. To know when to send your follow-up email, you have to know the person you are trying to reach. It also depends on the industry you operate in.

For example,  Superoffice  found that most of your prospects and leads will be enjoying family time on the weekends if you sell software. That means reaching out to them on the weekend will lead to fewer opens if any at all. ‍

So, when should you send your follow-up communication? ‍ ‍

sales presentation follow up email

Research by Get Response found that  Tuesday is the best day to send emails  if you want to get the highest open rate.

‍ When you have selected the weekday, your next thoughts might be: ‍

What about the time of day? ‍

sales presentation follow up email

The same research proved that  subscribers are most likely to read your email  at 10 am, after they arrived at work, or at 1 pm, when they are checking their inbox after lunch.

Obviously, there's no all-size-fits-all approach when it comes to the sending time. Many variables may impact the most suitable timing, so you should experiment with it to find what works best for you.

7. Determine the sending frequency

Did you know that 80% of sales occur only after  at least five follow-ups ?

In other words, you should send follow-up emails a minimum of five times, each time giving your recipients more time to respond. By extending the time before your next follow-up email, you reduce the chance of being intrusive.

Here's a recommended structure for follow-up emails: 

  • Follow up 1 on day 3
  • Follow up 2 on day 7
  • Follow up 3 on day 14
  • Follow up 4 on day 30
  • Follow up 5 on day 60

After you've determined that the prospect has gone cold and there's no point to continue following up on them, give it another go with a breakup email. These Hail Marys of sales emails are used as a last resort to bring the prospect back to your sales cycle. If there's no response, you have effectively moved them from your pipeline but left a positive impression.

8. Monitor your progress

Do you just send your emails and call it a day? Of course, not. The spray and pray tactic does not work when it comes to sales follow-ups. You should constantly be monitoring the progress of your work to develop your approach.

Here are different ways to do it depending on how big a role sales plays in your day-to-day. 

Launch the Gmail extension for tracking opens

If you're just getting started with sales or it's one of the many thing on your plate, use  this browser extension  to follow up with more accuracy in Gmail. You can find out when your emails have been read, track the number of clicks, and how many times a recipient has opened your follow-up message. ‍

Use a CRM system

Typically sales teams use a CRM tool to manage their pipeline. In case sales is a crucial part of your work, but you are still on the lookout for a CRM system, here are a few suggestions. 

The leading CRM's are: 

  • Hubspot CRM

Utilize free project management tools

Low on resources and can't afford a CRM tool yet? Not to worry, there's a bunch of free project management software at your disposal that you can use to create your own CRM.

The top-notch project management tools are:

9. Focus on one industry to nail it

With each follow-up you create, you are closer to perfection. However, each industry or vertical has its own caveats. In a nutshell, a good way to cut your teeth on crafting follow-up emails is to focus on one industry first.

Suppose you have the luxury of dedicating some time to a specific vertical, even better. By sending messages to people working in similar businesses, you can learn the customer segment's ins and outs. Use it to your advantage in your future emails. 

Sales follow-up email format

1. sales follow-up email subject line.

The simplest way to send a sales email follow-up is to use the existing subject line. But if they’ve ignored your email once, it’s easy to do it again

So instead, you should come up with a new subject line. The process boils down to several options:

  • Make it personal – “Olivia, we’ve got a great offer for you!”
  • Make it funny – “Are you ignoring me?”
  • Push a pain point – “Are you leaving savings on the table?”
  • Make it boring – “Did you miss my last message?
  • Provide a time limit – “You’ve only got one more day to get our best price”

How you approach your subject lines will depend on your relationship with the customer, your industry, and your personality.

It’s essential to test-run sales follow-up email subject lines and see what works. You can alternate between 2 or 3 as part of any campaign and see what happens. Never stop learning and testing!

2. Sales follow-up email body

Remember, this is a follow-up email – so the assumption is that the person will have received (although perhaps not read ) your first message. This is important, as it means you don’t need to do the hard work of explaining everything again.

Start the email with context about why you’re messaging, and referencing previous meetings and deals (if you’ve done them). This creates a personal connection that makes them more likely to read on through the rest of your message.

Once you’ve explained the email and why they should care, explain the outcome you want. This is the core of your message and should be clear and straightforward. You can see examples of this below, but the basic principle is to explain what you’re messaging them about and why they should care.

Here’s an example:

3. How to end a sales follow-up email

Every sales email must have a solid call to action (CTA) . Your CTA is a clear and actionable instruction that everyone can understand. It could be asking for an email reply, a click on a link, or a request for a call. 

The key to successful sales is making it as simple as possible for the recipient to do what you want. It’s essential to be specific in your CTAs, to avoid misunderstanding. For example, instead of saying: “Can we chat?” say, “I’ve got a slot at 4 pm next week for a call. Can you do that?”

Another way to encourage a response is to add some peril. Instead of “Contact me to get this great offer”, say, “I’m only able to offer this price for 24 hours, so let me know if you’re interested”.

P.S. Another great tip from the pros is to add a PS . A P.S is a postscript at the end of the email where you can be playful, funny, or add more value. “P.S. Thanks for reading this far; here’s a code to get 10% off your next order for being the best.”

11 sales follow-up email examples

We’ve provided tips and best practices; now it’s time to show you how it’s done with our 11 sales follow-up examples.

These sales follow-up emails cover many situations you may find yourself in. But, like all our samples, examples and templates should be adapted before sending.

Let’s get started.

1. Follow-up email for sales leads sample

Sales professionals are experts at using email follow-ups to create connections and build relationships. They’ll use all the tricks and tips outlined above to get a click, call, response or reply. Here’s an example of a follow-up email for sales leads.

2. Follow-up sales email sample after no response

Sales is often a numbers game; the more messages you send, the better. But successful salespeople know that following up a warm lead is often a better strategy than trying to engage a cold one.

This is an example of a follow-up sales email after no response that can help you create a connection that could benefit your business.

3. Follow-up email for sales proposal sample

Nobody sends a sales proposal without some previous conversations, so we’re assuming the person knows who you are and why you’re messaging.

These follow-up emails for sales proposals aim to get the information you need as quickly as possible. 

4. Follow-up email after sales meeting sample

Again, a follow-up email after a sales meeting is a warm message to someone you have a relationship. That means you can get straight to the point and be positive, polite and friendly.

But don’t forget to push for what you want – a meeting, a message, or a green light to get started.

5. Follow-up email after sales call sample

A sales call and a meeting are similar, so this follow-up email after a sales call sample should be familiar. But, again, always push to progress your relationship.

6. Follow-up email after a sales presentation sample

Delivering a sales presentation is a significant step in your relationship. You’re so close to the sale, but how long before sending a follow-up?

Leave it too long, and the prospect could have cooled down. But, be too eager or aggressive, and then you could turn them off. This follow-up email after a sales presentation provides a clear CTA but is wrapped up in a friendly message.

7. Sales interview follow-up email sample

This example flips things a little bit and is about responding to a sales interview you’ve been on. If you want a career in sales, you have to be hard-working, and committed and never take no for an answer. This sales interview follow-up email sample demonstrates all these traits.

8. Follow-up email after sales rejection sample

Sometimes, a sale doesn’t go your way. Sure, you can take in on the chin and focus on the next customer, but the best salespeople seek to understand why.

Learning why someone chooses not to buy can help you refine the process, removing any barriers. This is at the heart of continuous improvement, ensuring you get better every day.

9. 2nd follow-up email sales sample

How many times should you follow up with a sales prospect? It’s up to you, but you should try at least two or three times. Your potential client or customer may be busy, your messages may have been blocked, or they may not have been in a position to buy.

So you need to send a 2nd follow-up sales email, but you can’t send the same message. Acknowledge your previous messages, but do something different – as we do in this example.

10. 3rd follow-up email sales sample

After the second message has been ignored, you may think that all is lost – and you could be right. But an email takes seconds to write and costs nothing to send, so give it a go!

In this 3rd follow-up email sales sample, we provide a lighthearted way to engage a prospect. If it works, it works. If not, move on to the next one.

11. After-sales follow-up email sample

Good salespeople sell. Great salespeople provide support throughout the entire process, listening to their customers and learning from them.

This includes after-sales follow-ups about what’s working and what could be improved.

This after-sales follow-up email sample is a simple but effective template you can use with all clients.

Sales follow-up email template

We hope you’ve found our 11 sales follow-up samples useful. You can edit, adapt and update them for your business, customers and clients.

Below, we provide a template layout that you can use to create all types of sales emails. Fill in the gaps, follow the format, and you won’t go far wrong.

Best sales follow-up app

With Flowrite , you can turn your knowledge of the prospect into a personalized sales follow-up email on the fly.

Just provide a few bullet points based on the tips you learned in this article, select the sales follow-up email template, and let our AI writing tool do all the leg work for you, like this:

We are obviously biased, but you can try Flowrite for free to see for yourself!

The sales process is complicated, with several steps to turn a prospect into profit. The best salespeople are persistent but not pushy.

They build relationships based on respect and aim to win customers, not bully them into submission. Those attitudes influence their emails with simple structure, clear content, tangible benefits and a compelling CTA.

If you can manage all that, you’ll smash your sales targets. The easiest way is to follow our tips, or use the power of Flowrite.

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Sales follow-up

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15 Best follow up email templates [With best examples]

Key takeaways.

  • Strategic follow-up emails let you build engagement with cold prospects and improve response rates.
  • You can grow faster by using excellent follow up email templates with little tweaking to make them personalized.
  • A follow-up email must be relevant, with tailored offers or helpful resources, such as case studies or guides, for solving the prospect’s potential challenges.
  • To gain higher open rates for your follow-up emails, send them usually within 2-3 days after the initial contact.
  • Salesmate CRM is the best solution to automate follow-up with sales sequences that enhance engagement and response rates.

Every month, your teams set a sales target.    

To achieve this, you chase new potential clients and begin your sales sequence journey to close more deals.     

However, a constant challenge reps face in this sales process is giving up on prospects due to low response rates after their initial outreach, which leads to poor sales outcomes.  

A study reveals about  44% of sales reps  do not reach prospects after the initial email because they find no better reason to reconnect or find ways to craft a better follow-up email.   

This blog covers the most creative follow-up email templates and examples, which will increase your responses and boost your sales cadence. 

Here is a brief explanation for those new to the email follow-up concept. 

What is a follow up email? 

1. cold email follow up template  , 2. follow up email template after a cold call  , 3. follow up email template after no response, 4. project status update email template  , 5. email follow up appointment template , 6. post meeting follow up email template , 7. proposal follow up email template , 8. after the trigger event follow up email update , 9. event follow up email update , 10. after sending a quote follow up email , 11. customer feedback follow up email template , 12. final follow up email update , 13. post software demo follow up email template  , 14. follow up email template after an initial one , 15. auto sales follow up email template , how to tweak your follow up emails to get better responses , 1. follow up email after a discovery call , 2. proposal follow up email example , 3. follow up email example after no response  , 4. follow-up email after meeting example , 5. webinar follow up email example , 6. real estate follow up email template example , 7. follow up email to recruiter example , how does salesmate crm automate your follow-ups  , final thoughts , faqs  .

A follow-up email is sent to re-engage a cold prospect or continue a conversation with an individual after an initial interaction. 

In cold  prospecting , follow-up emails help discover potential leads for the business.

Follow-up emails are effective as they increase the chances of hearing back from the audience  by 25% . 

These emails help send reminders for an upcoming appointment/meeting or re-engage a cold prospect.

Here are some most common areas where follow up emails are beneficial:

  • Sales follow-up emails  are sent to win responses, engage leads, offer more details, or guide prospects toward purchasing .   
  • After submitting a job application, follow-up emails help  reaffirm your interest in a position, ask about the hiring process, or submit additional supporting materials. 
  • Networking follow up emails  build new connections, seek guidance, or extend your support, enhancing your professional network.  
  • Customer service follow-up emails  letyou confirm whether issues are resolved, provide further help, or gather customer feedback on their experience.  

Next, we will learn about 15 creative email follow-up templates for different scenarios.

15 Best follow up email templates to close more deals 

There are multiple events when a follow-up email is an effective tool to guide your target audience, such as sending appointment reminders or the first follow-up email after the initial email, etc. 

Here is the list of best email follow up templates with explanations, giving an idea of the way it works in different situations:  

Why is this follow up email template effective?  

The follow up template is precise and lets you present insights about the previous cold outreach email . Further, you can discuss the key benefit of your business in overcoming your recipient’s challenges and personalize it to their needs.

This can be an excellent second follow-up email example that will make it a gentle way to contact the prospect again. 

This follow up email template can help you knit personalized messages for your target prospects after a cold call .

Further, attaching a catalog to your follow-up email is excellent when you want to provide prospective customers with a comprehensive overview of your products or services.

Adding a day and time to your follow-up helps create a sense of urgency and commitment to serve. 

Why is this follow up email template effective?   

This follow up email template maintains a casual tone, which lights up the conversation and convinces the recipient to respond.

You can tweak it to use it as an appointment reminder email template in case your prospective client misses appointments.

The template communicates the project status report with clear visibility into its current status & milestones achieved.  

Also, this follow up email template helps clients understand the steps after the project’s progress updates and invites them to a call or meeting for further discussion, feedback, and clarification.     

It is an effective follow up email template that ensures both parties are on the same page and take the agreed-upon next steps. 

Such appointment reminder templates allow for flexibility in time changes, and the chat for the topic cover helps create the impression that the business takes care of the customer’s needs. 

The meeting follow up template recaps the discussion points and agreed-upon actions, specifying the following steps to ensure participation in the meeting outcomes. 

It includes responsible parties and deadlines that foster company accountability. The meeting follow up email exampletemplate also sets upcoming appointments, responsibilities, and expectations for progress in every detail.

Also read : Best practices for follow up email after sales meetings

A well-crafted proposal follow up email will help build a lasting impression of your company in the potential customer’s mind. Many factors, like a strong CTA and a message, help motivate the potential client to take further action.  

This follow up sales email template helps the recipient note the solution you are offering. It can be just a quick reminder for the recipient to see the proposal and act quickly. Also, making it open for questions or conversations helps make immediate decisions.  

The follow up email template is the best way to restart the conversation with the prospect. Reminders allow for collaboration and the closing of the deal. 

Now, prospects can take the collaboration seriously and think of the partnership.  

This event follow up email template first rewinds the conversation, helping readers recall the conversation.

Next, you can mention one of the most relevant topics you discussed to draw their attention.

This will help you turn the proposal into a smooth collaboration.

It can work as a webinar follow up email template if you’ve contacted the participants you interacted with during your online event.

This sales follow-up template for the client is a  gentle reminder  about the pending proposal quote. It also explains its benefits and showcases the proven process through testimonials.  

Must check :  8 Best sales follow up email templates & scripts you can use!

This friendly follow up email template is great for acknowledging a customer’s feedback. The client follow up email template addresses the issue mentioned, which helps convert the problem and outline the steps taken.

This template communicates the last attempt at the outreach sequence. It addresses potential objections and future communication for the business exchange to the reader’s interest and encourages them to act.    

Related read :  Best subject line for follow-up email examples

This template is designed to give a brief insight into the product demo. It also enables giving reminders about the software demo and whether recipients are willing to route for the app.

Also, pinpointing discussions will help prospects remind them about their interests and decisions they are willing to make.  

This follow up email template is designed to recall the offer made in the initial email. You can also make it value-driven by adding a solution aligned with the recipient’s company.   

It will help you move ahead with the leads in the sales funnel and close leads faster.  

The template we’ve designed is perfect for delivering tailored suggestions, making it a powerful tool for discovering hot leads. 

This template is effective only if you understand your recipient’s preferences, such as their taste in cars. 

For example, if they prefer eco-friendly vehicles, the template can be customized to highlight hybrid or electric models, stressing sustainability and efficiency. 

This targeted approach captivates their interest and enhances the likelihood of a positive response.  

Note that minor customizations can transform your follow-up templates into powerful tools for personal engagement and win you the response.

Want to automate your follow ups?

Salesmate lets you create sequences of emails to set your follow ups on automation.

Let’s discuss the best tactics for making the most of follow up email templates.

Many  sales cadence best practices , such as picking the best times to reach out, using omnichannel, or combining automation with personal touches, help you get better responses.

However, just a small change can do the necessary work of making emails effective. Here are some points explaining the way of doing it:     

7 Effective follow up email examples to inspire you 

You might have crazy  follow-up email ideas  floating around your head. At the same time, you write perfect mail, and if you need clarification, here are a few professional email follow up examples from different businesses to get more inspiration. 

Also, you will find sales follow up email examples, such as meaningful messages sent after discovery calls, proposals, and sales meetings.

What makes this follow up email stand out?  

Multiple elements make this sales follow-up email engaging and persuading for a response. People encourage efforts in the right direction, so the email offers additional resource links, favoring the sender. 

Also, the email structure looks clear and visually appealing, with each detail skimmed. 

Once your prospect requests a proposal, post sharing, conduct a follow-up like the example above. 

This will help you stay connected with the target prospects and engage them to move them to the next sales pipeline stages . 

Also, showing that you’re open to discussing any required changes enhances the chances for conversion. 

  What makes this follow up email stand out?  

This is quite a formal follow-up email after no response example. Like the sample follow-up email, you must also customize your follow-up email templates to request their time to connect.

You can also make this email template for follow up more relevant by adding a CTA or link that offers a potential resource to generate qualified leads if they take desirable action.

What makes this follow up email stand out?   This sample follow up email after the meeting example starts with a personalized touch and complements the recipients for their suggestions during the discussion. This is more of a friendly example follow up email. 

It is more of a friendly, example follow-up email that highlights the shared interest, “passion for tea,” making the email more connected to the reader.

<Blockquote: Interesting read : Best practices for follow up emails after sales meetings

Many times, people sign up for a webinar or conference but don’t make it. But assuming these aren’t your audience is not the right way to disqualify prospects. In this case, you must send a webinar follow-up email to discover whether they are still interested in the product/service or topic that you’re pitching. 

Webinars are ruling in the digital space to grow business. So, sending a follow up email post your webinar will open new opportunities for you. 

This example of a follow up email includes a personal greeting and expresses enthusiasm regarding the action triggered: “signing up for weekly listing emails.” 

The personalized email hits the pain point of coping with the home-buying process. 

Also, it shares a freebie guide that helps build credibility. So, any effort to assist prospects will give you a sales deal. This is a tactic for value-based selling . 

Lastly, expressing that you’re there to assist is a great way to invite further engagement for your services. 

A follow-up email after an interview is a good way to affirm that you’re still in their selection process. Also, it becomes a gesture of professionalism, especially if the interview has added tremendous insight to your knowledge.  

The above is one of the best examples of follow-up emails after an interview expressing your deep interest in being a part of the company and highlighting how you would be a good fit. 

Automate your follow-up journey!

Salesmate helps boost responses and engagement with automated follow up sequences(email and text).

Salesmate is a one-stop solution for streamlining workflows, automating mundane tasks, and boosting sales team productivity.  

Moreover, the sales sequence feature helps you send automated emails and text follow ups.   

There is more when we talk about meaningful follow-up emails and text campaigns such as:

  • Use CRM insights to tailor your follow up email templates and win responses.  
  • You can segment your target audience and build personalized follow-ups or email campaigns to win more sales opportunities.
  • Set follow-up email sequences sent to get better engagement with prospects. Further, build sequences as per the prospect time zone to reach internationally.  
  • Use  text sequences  to maintain sales outreach and connect with the audience through text messages, like sending automated appointment reminders. 
  • Track your email and text campaign to get insights into your follow-up strategy for growth optimization.  

Salesmate is more than sales sequence software; it can automate your entire sales cycle, from lead generation to deal closing.

The multiple sales pipeline management system is helping businesses to visualize their sales cycle and expant their revenue scope.

Further, the powerful sales reporting software enables leaders to improve decision-making with sales reports.

Our Mobile CRM app makes the communication process smoother. You can send status updates, send appointment reminder texts, or drop follow-up messages anytime, anywhere.

Ever experienced how a CRM grows a business?

Salesmate is a one-stop solution for streamlining, boosting sales team productivity, and enhancing communication and sales.

A follow-up email is crucial for any business to build rapport with prospects. The given follow up email templates provide a better sneak peek into how they can be used.

If you want to automate your sales follow-up, use an effective tool like Salesmate. It allows features like sales sequences to help automate, customize, and personalize the follow-up template. 

Create a follow up email template that includes details from previous emails to demonstrate your attention to the needs. Be clear, avoid lengthy follow-ups, and focus on the essential aspects so the recipients can understand and respond.

A good example of email follow up should be easily customizable for prospects. It should include a polite greeting and elements like a place to offer insight into the previous session, a statement for follow up, etc. The aim should be to create a better rapport with the prospects.

Here are the ways through which you can ask for professional email updates: 

  • Drop the checking-in to wind up and ask for a task update 
  • Open with context 
  • Send a friendly reminder 
  • Reference a blog post 
  • Drop a name 
  • Recommend an event you are attending in their area.   

Here is the list of alternatives that you can use in a follow up email template except checking in:

  • Hope you’re doing well!  
  • I’m checking up on how things are going!  
  • Dropping in to see if you need any assistance.  
  • I want to connect with you.  
  • Let’s catch up!  
  • I would love an update on this! 

Sonali Negi

Sonali is a writer born out of her utmost passion for writing. She is working with a passionate team of content creators at Salesmate. She enjoys learning about new ideas in marketing and sales. She is an optimistic girl and endeavors to bring the best out of every situation. In her free time, she loves to introspect and observe people.

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How to write a response-worthy follow-up email (with 15 templates)

Sales Follow Up Email Templates

Email is one of the most convenient and logical ways to follow up with prospects after your first contact, turning prospects into leads and leads into clients.

However, prospective customers’ inboxes are filled with emails, so how do you convince them to open yours?

We’ve compiled 15 of the best follow-up email examples you can use for almost any sales situation, from after successful demos to receiving no response.

You’ll also learn when to send these follow-up templates and how to tweak, adapt and learn from email check-ins to increase conversions.

What is a follow-up email?

A follow-up email is an email you send to someone you’ve contacted before. Unlike a cold outreach message, a follow-up email comes after initial contact or when you’ve built a relationship with the email recipient.

Sales teams send these emails at significant points in the sales funnel to gather information, remind the recipient of an action to take or simply to continue the customer journey .

Here’s an example of a follow-up email using Pipedrive:

Pipedrive follow-up email example

A good follow-up email for sales may be transactional (an email sent to an individual recipient to complete a transaction).

These types of messages are often strictly informational. For example, a transactional post-purchase follow-up email may contain details about price or shipping.

Sales follow-up emails can also be commercial (i.e., including a marketing message). The main purpose of commercial follow-ups is to promote awareness and engagement or to make a sale.

Whatever the nature of the message, a polite follow-up email can help you build trust and close deals faster.

Recommended reading


What’s the difference between a marketing email and a transactional email?

Key takeaways from this follow-up email templates article

Effective follow-up emails: Craft response-worthy follow-up emails using 15 templates tailored for various sales situations, from initial meetings to offering demos. Boost engagement and avoid common mistakes: Discover the importance of follow-up emails in nurturing leads, building relationships and increasing conversions. Implement best practices to avoid errors like insufficient follow-ups, poor timing and lack of personalization. Use Pipedrive’s email marketing features to automate, personalize and track your follow-up emails, making it easier to manage campaigns and improve engagement. Try Pipedrive free for 14 days .

Why do you need follow-up emails?

Follow-up emails have many uses in sales. For example, you can send them to increase cold email campaign response rates, align with a lead after a meeting or nurture prospects further down the funnel.

While all salespeople love hot leads that buy immediately and take the least effort, these will always be a small percentage of your total number of prospects.

According to our State of Sales and Marketing Report 2021-2022 , 54% of reps report spending most of their day selling, followed by prospecting.

Which of the following tasks do you spend most of your day working on?

For most prospects and leads, reps need to put in a lot of effort to close the deal – and email follow-ups help maximize that effort. Email follow-ups can be great tools for nurturing warm or cold leads through the sales funnel . They help you build relationships with prospects, improve your brand perception and encourage potential clients or customers to convert.

15 sales follow-up email templates

You may know you need to reach out to a certain contact again but you’re still unsure what to write in a follow-up email.

Here are 15 polite follow-up email templates (divided up by use case) to help you engage prospects and turn them into customers faster.

Note: You can swap “Hi” for “Hello” or “Dear [insert name]” for each sales email template to make your communication more formal.

Use case: after the initial meeting

Let’s say you met with the prospect and went through your sales pitch . You had a great meeting and left feeling confident that you initiated a deal. Three days later, however, you still haven’t had a response.

The classic “gentle reminder email ” or “just touching base” can help to move the last conversation forward and provide a concrete reason for a response.

Use one of these follow-up emails after a meeting to show prospects why they should buy from you.

1. Email subject line: Are you ready to take the next steps?

Hi [insert name], Thanks for your time [last week/yesterday/recently]. It was great to chat and I’d love to know how you’d like to move the conversation forward. If you’re still interested, please let me know and we’ll make a plan. I look forward to hearing from you. [Insert signature]

2. Email subject line: Good news! I have the info you requested

Hi [insert name], Thank you for speaking with me on [day]. I’ve checked with our [accounting department/my boss/our warehouse]. They’d be more than happy to arrange [insert special request]. Please let me know how you’d like to proceed. [Insert signature]

Use case: Confirming details of value-based pricing

When you’re selling a product or service that requires a bespoke proposal or price, you’ll need to follow up after the initial meeting. This is your chance to sell your services (again) and reiterate the pricing options.

Here’s an email template you can use in this situation.

3. Email subject line: Here’s the pricing information you requested

Hi [insert name], Thanks for chatting with me earlier today. I really enjoyed learning more about you and [insert company name]. I promised you some more information about our pricing and here it is – please see attached. Let me know when you’ve had a chance to look at this information. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. Feel free to drop me an email or give me a call at [insert your phone number] any time. [Insert signature]


23 confirmation email templates and examples

Use case: following a trigger event

If your analytics show that a prospect opened an email or clicked on a link and visited your site, you need to strike while the lead is hot. For example, you may use an automated “Contact Us” email template when someone fills out the contact form on your website.

Offering a clear call to action at the right time gives you a better chance of moving them to the next stage of your sales funnel.

Take a look at these trigger email templates for some inspiration.

4. Email subject line: Do you want more information?

Hi [insert name], Thanks for browsing our website! Just a follow-up to my previous email: have you given any additional thought to my proposal? I’d be happy to do a quick recap over the phone or via email to answer any questions. When would suit you for a quick conversation? [Insert signature]

5. Email subject line: I see you’re interested in [Company name]

Hi [insert name], Thanks for visiting our website! Do you have any questions about our [insert product or service]? Let me know if you’d like to chat and I can take you through my plan on how we could work together. I look forward to hearing from you. [Insert signature]

Use case: a prospect needs to consult with colleagues

In many cases, the person you met initially isn’t always the final or only decision-maker. According to Gartner , B2B (business-to-business) buyers typically include six to 10 decision-makers.

If your B2B sales contact needs to consult with colleagues or management, here’s a template you can use.

6. Email subject line: Do you (or your colleagues) need more information?

Hi [insert name], Thanks for taking the time to hear me out on [insert date]. I’m really excited about the potential of working together. You mentioned that you’d need to consult with [insert colleague’s name] before deciding. Did they have any questions about the proposal? Let me know when you have some time to chat and I can answer any questions you both have. [Insert signature]

Use case: after meeting at a trade show, networking event or conference

Trade shows and conferences are great places to network and gather leads. If you pick your events correctly, you can converse with segments of your target market face-to-face and start building deeper relationships.

When leads entrust you with their contact details or show an interest in your product or service, you can use follow-up emails as opportunities to give them some more information or background on your product or service.

Here’s an example of how to craft this type of email.

7. Email subject line: Following up from [insert event name] – here’s the information I promised!

Hi [insert name], It was great to meet you at [insert event name]. What a show! Thanks for showing interest in [your company]. I’m sure improving your [objective] is one of your company’s main priorities, so I thought it would be great to contact you sooner rather than later. As discussed, here’s [insert information] for you to review. If you’d like any additional information or have any questions, I’d be more than happy to have a quick chat over the phone. Just let me know when works best for you. [Insert signature]

Use case: immediately after leaving a voicemail

If you try to get a hold of a lead on the phone but don’t have any luck, you’ll probably leave a voicemail. In this scenario, it’s also a good idea to follow up with an email.

A voicemail followed by an email gives the prospect an extra nudge and shows that you’re committed to catching their attention. When they receive both communications, you may well position yourself in the forefront of their mind.

Take a look at this example to learn how to craft a post-voicemail email.

8. Email subject line: I just tried to call you

Hi [insert name], I tried calling you but it looks like you’re busy – I know how it goes! I left a voicemail, but it would be great to catch up soon. I’ll try and call again next week, or you can give me a call back on [insert number] whenever it suits you. I look forward to hearing from you. [Insert signature]

Use case: Mistaken identity

Finding the right person to talk to is half the battle when it comes to sales.

If you’re talking to the wrong person, it’s important to find out sooner rather than later. That way, you can spend more time focusing on converting the decision-maker.

Take a look at this email template to see how to ask a prospect if they’re the right contact (and who you should be talking to if they’re not).

9. Email subject line: Can you point me in the right direction?

Hi [insert name], I sent you an email a few days ago about [company or product]. It was only after sending it that it struck me: am I barking up the wrong tree? My company offers [insert service or product] which I think would be a perfect fit for [insert company]. Are you the right person to speak to about this? If not, could you point me in the right direction? I look forward to your response, [Insert signature]

Use case: Following up the follow-up

What about how to follow up on an email? If you’ve already sent a follow-up email but haven’t heard back, it’s time to follow up again.

Sending a curious or informational follow-up email after no response to your original email can keep a lead moving through the pipeline.

Here are a couple of templates to help you tread the line between being pushy and gently nudging the prospect in the right direction.

10. Email subject line: A few things you may not know about [company name]

Hi [insert name], I sent you an email a while ago about [insert company name] and how I think we could be a great fit for [insert company name]. Did you know that our clients report [insert statistic] when they use our [insert product/service]? We also offer [insert feature] and [insert feature]. If you’d like to hear about this in more detail, please let me know. I would happily jump on a call to answer any questions. I look forward to your response, [Insert Signature]

11. Email subject line: Still hoping to connect with you

Hi [insert name], I’m sorry we haven’t been able to connect. The last time we spoke, you seemed very interested in [objective of product or service]. I realize that you’re incredibly busy, so I’m happy to schedule a call with you at any time – even if it falls outside regular office hours. I hope to hear from you soon, [Insert signature]

Use case: Offering a free sample, test, or demo

To hook your prospects further into the sales funnel , you might want to offer a free trial of our product or service.

This template is a great example of how to offer prospects a trial of your product or service.

12. Email subject line: A gift for you and your company

Hi [insert name], I know how busy you must be managing your team and helping them [insert job function]. I sent you some information about [insert product or service] a while ago and I thought this might be a good time to give you a practical demonstration. I’ve [created/attached] a few [guest logins/free samples/vouchers] that you can use to [access/sample] our [product or service]. Feel free to share these with your staff and colleagues and let me know what you think! If you have any questions, let’s hop on a quick call to talk it through. I feel we can really add value to your [area of operations], so it would be good to talk soon. [Insert signature]


7 steps to putting together a brilliant sales demo

Use case: To push your features and USPs

To show prospects what they’re missing, use a follow-up email to promote your key features and unique selling propositions (USPs) by sharing relevant content from your company. This informational follow-up email template is a good way to promote your services without seeming too boastful.

13. Email subject line: [Content title, e.g. “10 ways Pipedrive boosts your bottom line”]

Hi [insert name], When we met recently, it was clear that you’re very interested in [insert relevant feature or subject]. When I saw that our [insert team] had put together [insert blog or article name plus hyperlink] I immediately thought of you. If you don’t have time to read the whole thing, here are the bullet points: [Insert brief list of key points] I’d really like to hear your thoughts on this and discuss how we can help you achieve [insert objective]. Could I give you a call sometime? Let me know when would be convenient. [Insert signature]

Use case: The final try

If you’ve followed up multiple times and you’re still not getting a response, you might have to end the prospect’s journey. As a result, you’ll have more time to focus on quality leads that are more likely to make a purchase.

And sometimes, the best way to get a response is to tell them you’re leaving. Sprinkle a little humor on top and you just might tear down their walls and get a response.

Here are a couple of templates you can try if you find yourself in this situation.

14. Email subject line: It’s really lonely out here

Hi [insert name], I’ve tried to get in contact with you over the last few months without success, which leaves me thinking that: You’re not interested . That’s okay, I won’t take it personally. The timing is wrong. This happens. I’ll happily get back to you in a few weeks or months if that works for you. Just let me know. You’ve been abducted by aliens. Please let them know that I’d really like to have you back on earth so we can have a quick chat over the phone. I won’t contact you again unless you ask me to. Feel free to keep my info on file if you ever need [insert service]. [Insert signature]

15. Email subject line: Can I close your file?

Hi [insert name], My boss has asked me to clear out my sales pipeline. I haven’t heard from you in a while, so I thought I should let you know that your name is on my delete list (sorry). If you aren’t interested, I’ll go ahead and close your file. But if you are interested, shoot me a quick email or give me a call to get the ball rolling. Thanks for your help. [Insert signature]

Now that we’ve shared our sales follow-up email templates and some tips on how to send follow-up emails, let’s look at why you need to send them in the first place.

All salespeople love a hot lead , the kind that buys immediately and takes the least amount of effort. But hot leads will always be a small percentage of your total number of prospects.

According to our State of Sales Report 2020-2021 , 55% of reps report spending the majority of their day selling, followed closely by prospecting and lead qualification. That wouldn’t be the case if the majority of leads were qualified, hot and ready to commit.

This is where follow-up emails come into play.

An email follow-up (or email marketing ) is a great tool for nurturing your warm or cool leads through the sales funnel . It helps you build relationships with prospects, improve your brand perception and encourage potential customers to convert.

Note: Get started mapping your customer journey with our free customer journey template .

Customer Journey Template

How to boost engagement with a better follow-up process

Before writing your first follow-up email, you’ll need a solid follow-up process in place.

Here, we’ll cover five essential steps your follow-up process must include. Then, we’ll take a look at mistakes to avoid along with ways to optimize your process.

1. Understand the customer journey

Start by understanding how customers move through the buying journey and interact with your business. This will inform the content you include and when you send the emails (more on this later).

For example, you don’t want to send an intro email to a lead that’s almost ready to buy. Instead, you want to send an email that’ll tip them over the edge to make a purchase.

Understanding the customer journey will help you create relevant and personalized emails that reach prospects at the right time.

If you’re not sure how to identify the customer journey, here are some steps you can take:

Create a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a fictional character that represents your ideal customer. It outlines their demographics, personality traits, goals, pain points and challenges. A persona helps you understand what your ideal customer wants and how they want to interact with your business.

Review past customer interactions . Get a clear picture of how your customers engage with your business by looking back. Do prospects engage with you on social media? Do they open all your emails? Do they keep revisiting your website?

2. Identify where the follow-up fits into your sales pipeline

In addition to the customer journey, you also need to understand the stages of your sales pipeline . The way you follow up with prospects and leads depends on where they are in the sales pipeline (also known as the purchasing funnel). You’ll need a follow-up email sequence at each stage.

A typical sales pipeline can be broken down into the following steps:

Lead acquisition: This is when a lead first submits a form or takes the first action to find out more about your product or service. Here, you must respond quickly with a welcome email to strike while their motivation is hot. You’ll also need to follow up if they don’t confirm an appointment or next steps.

Lead qualification: Qualification is when you decide which actions indicate that the customer is moving through the sales pipeline. For example, if a customer has already requested a demo, you know they’re further along the pipeline than someone who’s signed up for an email newsletter.

Lead prioritization: The information you have on the prospect, as well as any actions they take, will help you prioritize the leads that are more likely to convert. For example, if a lead visits your pricing page and your features page more than once, you’ll want to flag them as high priority. You can segment your audience and offer an email follow-up sequence that’s relevant to their customer journey.

Host a demo or meeting. After the initial conversation, you’ll want to schedule a presentation or a pitch. You’ll also need to consider who you’re presenting to. For example, a senior decision-maker will need more strategic insights, while more “tactical” roles value technical specs. Be sure to send a follow-up email immediately after the call, which keeps you at the top of a prospect’s mind (and inbox) until your next call.

Negotiate and make a commitment. This stage involves discussing pricing, services and contracts with the lead. Follow up with relevant emails to manage expectations and solidify commitments.

Close the deal. Finally, the deal is won and the sale is made.

If you receive a flat-out “no” throughout any of these stages, the game’s not over yet. You can continue to follow up with leads in the hope of converting them in the long run (within reason – you don’t want to irritate them).

3. Plan when to send your follow-up messages

Good follow-up emails rely on timing. Knowing the right amount of time to wait, what time of day and which days of the week to send your follow-up emails will help you generate a more generous response rate.

The perfect day and time to send follow-up emails varies from industry to industry. The best place to look? Your own CRM.

Look at which emails generate the best open rates and reply rates. Analyze when they were sent and use this to plan the timing around your follow-up process. If you don’t have access to past data, take a look at third-party data or conduct your own A/B testing to see what works for your subscribers.

4. Craft engaging (and relevant) subject lines

An engaging subject line can be the difference between a lead opening your email or sending it straight to the trash.

Here are some best practices for creating a compelling subject line for your target audience:

Review past open, click and engagement rates to see what works. Take a look at how prospects and leads have engaged with your past subject lines. Do shorter subject lines get more engagement? Does using punctuation increase clicks? Identify the trends and use these insights to inform your subject lines going forward.

Do some A/B testing to try out new options. Use different subject line examples to see which formatting works best for your audience.

Segment your audience so you can personalize subject lines. Follow-up email subject lines should align with the audience segment and their stage in the buyer journey. Keep your audience in mind when writing your subject line. If they don’t resonate with it, they might not click.

5. Track results

To measure the success of your follow-up emails, you need to set goals.

If things aren’t going to plan, you can return to the drawing board and change the way you’re doing things. If things are going well, you can hone in on this and spread it across the rest of your follow-up emails.

To effectively track and manage your email marketing goals, take a look at Pipedrive’s email analytics and reporting features. With our software, you can set goals and track progress in real-time. Create reports, access unique insights and use this information to inform your future follow-up emails.

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The perfect day and time to send follow-up emails varies from industry to industry. The best way to determine yours is to look through your own customer relationship management (CRM) software.

Look at which emails generate the best open rates and reply rates. Analyze when reps sent them and use this sales data to plan the timing of future follow-up processes.

For example, here’s what response tracking looks like using Pipedrive’s AI Sales Assistant :

Pipedrive follow up sales assistant

If you don’t have access to past metrics, look at third-party data or conduct your own A/B testing to see what works for your subscribers.


Contacts Timeline: Make Timely Follow-ups with Your Leads

Here are three best practices for creating a compelling subject line for your particular target audience:

Review past open, click and engagement rates to see what works. Look at how prospects and leads have engaged with your past subject lines. Do shorter subject lines get more engagement? Does using punctuation increase clicks? Identify trends and use insights to inform subject lines going forward.

Do some A/B testing to try out new options. Send two variations of subject lines to see which formatting or tone appeals most to your audience.

Segment your audience so you can personalize subject lines . Sales follow-up email subject lines should align with the audience segment and their stage in the buyer journey. If they don’t resonate with it, they might not click.

Once you’ve sent your emails, all that’s left is to track your important metrics (e.g., open rates and clicks).

5. Track follow-up results

To measure the success of your follow-up emails, you need to set goals for each strategy. That way, if things aren’t going to plan, you can return to the drawing board and change course.

If email open rates and clicks are increasing, you can hone in on why and try the same tactics across other types of follow-ups.

To effectively track and manage your email marketing goals, look at Pipedrive’s email analytics and reporting features.

For example, this customized performance report tracks campaign deliverability data.

follow-up email campaign performance Pipedrive

Using Campaigns, you can set goals and track progress in real time. You can also create reports, access unique insights and use this information to inform future follow-up emails.

6 follow-up mistakes to avoid

Developing a consistent follow-up process puts you in a good position to guide your prospects through the customer journey. However, there are several challenges you need to face to prevent the common cracks that your leads can slip through.

Out of all the follow-up mistakes that sales reps make, here are the six that tend to catch teams out most often:

Not following up quickly. The faster you follow up with leads and prospects, the more chance you’ll have of getting a response. Put systems in place (like email or marketing automation ) to ensure you’re responding as quickly as possible.

Not focusing on the company as a whole. When dealing with large organizations, email follow-ups may need to engage multiple people. Always find out as much information about all the buying decision-makers as possible to target your emails accordingly.

Not following up often enough. A study by the Rain Group found that it takes eight touchpoints to get a prospect to conversion. Consistent contact is essential, so ensure you’re following up enough to encourage leads to make a purchase.

Following up too often. While it’s important to follow up regularly, send the right amount at the right time so you don’t bombard your audience with a constant flow of emails.

Not using preferred channels. Some leads prefer phone calls or face-to-face communication to email. To effectively nurture leads , find out the best way to reach them. If they’ve already purchased from you, follow up on the channel they used previously.

Not tracking your metrics. Use a CRM system to measure your emails’ open and response rates to see how they perform. That way, you can optimize future follow-ups and give yourself the best chance of getting a reply.

Avoid these sales activities and you’ll stay on track to send successful follow-ups that get results.

Effective follow-up email best practices for better response rates

When you optimize your follow-up emails, you’re more likely to see an uptick in response rate (and thus conversions) from your efforts.

Consider these five sales tips to improve follow-up (and original emails) and boost engagement:

Begin with value selling . When a new lead enters your pipeline, add as much value as possible upfront. New leads are unlikely to trust you at first but by guiding them and acting like an advisor, you can earn it to close the deal.

Use data and insights. Back up claims with valid customer data , third-party statistics and anecdotes from industry thought leaders. Leverage social proof like testimonials and case studies to showcase the results you’ve generated for similar clients.

Use automation effectively. For automation to be effective, you need to combine it with personalization. With Pipedrive’s email marketing software , for example, you can send automated personalized emails whenever a lead reaches a certain pipeline stage.

Be clear about your product or service. Use concise email copy to describe what your product or service involves. Avoid complex jargon and use words and phrases that clearly outline what you do and why the lead should buy from you.

Create visually appealing emails. Structure emails clearly and professionally to entice recipients to read the content. Use white space, add a clear CTA and highlight the most important information.

All these tips apply to any sales and marketing efforts, so bear them in mind when creating your next social media or content strategy.

Final thoughts

The best follow-up emails – commercial or informational – boost sales and build relationships with recipients.

By now, you have a clear idea of what follow-up emails are, why they’re important and how to create your own follow-up sequence to nurture and segment your prospects and leads.

The next step is determining how to effectively manage your follow-up emails (and all of your email marketing efforts).

Pipedrive’s email marketing software allows you to seamlessly manage campaigns, create beautifully crafted content, track clicks and open rates in real time and review key information at a glance.

Try Pipedrive for free today.

Turn ‘maybe’ into ‘yes’ with these killer follow-up email templates

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16 Templates For The Sales Follow Up Email


Every month, the sales clock resets.

Last month's performance is behind you — now, it’s all about this month. You may contact new clients or … begin your cadence of follow up emails in hopes of striking a deal.

Problem is, sending a generic, “just checking-in” follow up email typically isn't good enough.

So how do you write a sales follow up email that converts? When should you follow up? How do you maintain contact without being pushy? What should you say?

Download Now: 50 Sales Email Templates  [Free Access]

In this guide, we'll review five examples of follow-up emails you can learn from. Then we’ll check out 16 sales follow-up email templates we've created with the help of our salespeople here at HubSpot to help you get started.

Before we get started reviewing templates, it's important to note that your subject line is also exceptionally important — this is the first thing your prospective clients are going to read, so it needs to be perfect.

Follow Up Email Subject Lines

Here are some subject line examples — split into groups based on the type of sales follow up email you're writing — that will make your prospects intrigued enough to open your message. These examples have actually been used some of HubSpot's top sales professionals to help them achieve high email open rates.

Sales Email Subject Lines After No Response

  • Still any interest in our service?
  • Any updates for us?
  • It takes two to tango
  • Let's cut to the chase

Sales Email Subject Lines After A Trigger Event

  • Discussing your future goals today
  • Ideas for your launch
  • Question about new product feature
  • Thoughts about [title of blog post]

Sales Email Subject Lines For General Follow Up

  • How can we improve your [business goal]?
  • 10 free tactics to increase [objective]
  • Let's have a 10 min call on this?
  • [name], quick question
  • [name] recommended we chat

5 Follow-Up Email Examples

Like any other sales activity, some companies do follow-up emails better than their peers. Here, we'll take a look at some of the businesses that did them right. We’ll show you five follow-up email examples and what you can learn from them.

1. Twilio Covers the Follow-Up Email Fundamentals

Follow-up email example from Twilio

There’s a lot done right in this email. First, Emerald is aiming as high as she can. Although the information is protected, we know that "Howard" is Howard Schultz — CEO of Starbucks. 

She’s also writing this follow-up email with personalized information on why Starbucks needs Twilio. Emerald doesn't focus on highlighting the tool’s features; instead, she stresses how the tool can help Starbucks today . She clearly shows she did her homework and ties the information to strategies that Starbucks was already running.

The end product is a unique and valuable follow-up email that shows Emerald actually cares about helping Starbucks.

  • Aim high. The CEO might not be the person making the decision, but if they forward the email to the decision-makers, it's bound to get some serious attention.
  • Write a fully personalized and authentic message. Show them you understand they’re a person and not just an item on your to-do list. 
  • Offer value. Pack your follow-up emails with relevant information that speaks to their wants and needs.

2. Canva Re-Engages Its Audience

Follow-up email example from Canva

Every time you send an email with a link, you’re asking your audience, " Will you click the link? " If you want that answer to be " yes, " you need to prime your reader beforehand.

Canva does this beautifully in this short but elegant email. In just one small paragraph, the email asks two questions that every reader would say yes to. If someone answers, " Yes, I do wonder if I make mistakes on social media, " or, " Yes, I would like to make things better, " they’ll be more inclined to click the link and follow through .

The email also ends with a human touch — with the sender signing "Tom" with no last name.

This email can be read in a few seconds and will easily re-engage users. Plus, it’s so simple and non-intrusive that it’s unlikely to generate many unsubscribes.

  • Prime the reader. Catch their attention with the promise of something they could learn from.
  • Keep it short and engaging. If your leads have gone cold, don’t try and force them to come back. Instead, write them short follow-up emails containing content they may find interesting.
  • Keep it human. Consider an informal touch, like only signing your first name. 

3. Apple Humanizes Itself

Apple’s customer support is legendary. While many tech companies come off as cold and inaccessible, Apple aims to humanize the customer experience. 

Super Office's Steven MacDonald learned about Apple's commitment to exemplary customer service after writing to them about their iTunes store.

This is the first email Steven received from the company:

Follow-up email example from Apple

While Steven was impressed with the first message, it was the follow-up email that really wowed him. After Steven told them his issue was resolved, Apple replied with this:

Personalized follow-up email from Apple

Several other companies might have replied with something like, " Good to know. Thank you for choosing us. Please, let us know if there’s something else we can do. "

Apple thought differently. Instead of a canned response, Jose from Apple told Steven he was the reason why he made an effort at his job, and he reminded him that he was always " just an email away. "

With this email, Jose assured Steven that Apple's staff is a group of hardworking people who sincerely care about him and his experience with Apple products.

It means a lot that one of the top five largest corporations in the world can show that kind of commitment to individual customers.

  • Stop using canned responses. If you can’t avoid pre-written responses, use the right templates — and make sure the tone is as friendly and personal as possible.
  • Create a personal connection. Let recipients know the email was written by a person just like them, and not by a large, faceless corporation.
  • Use your name. Instead of signing the email with the name of your company, sign with the name of the person writing it.

4. Salesforce Leverages CTAs After an Event

Follow-up email from Salesforce

In this follow-up email, sent after the Connections conference in Chicago, Salesforce gives the reader a whopping four calls to action.

Although four CTAs may seem like a lot, it makes a lot of sense when you consider the context. The sender knows that these are warm leads, so it provides three quick routes to conversion. For any leads that may need a bit more convincing, the last CTA offers an informative keynote video instead of a direct conversion.

This email has the perfect CTA for every lead, wherever they are in their customer journey.

  • Use multiple CTAs. If you’re following up with someone who already knows your product, don’t be afraid to go for a sale. Set up a couple of ways for them to convert right away, like a pricing link and the phone number of one of your salespeople.
  • Include a soft CTA for colder leads. Avoid sounding pushy by giving them an option to learn more about your product. This might be a free ebook , webinar , or case study .

5. ReturnPath Follows Up with Ice-Cold Leads

Follow-up email from ReturnPath

All leads are worth a follow up, even your cold ones. This email asks one simple question: "Are you still interested?" 

Two things can happen out of this: The cold lead could reply “yes,” making them a hot lead. Or they could reply "no," telling the sender they’ll never buy.

Whatever happens, one thing is certain — the readers who respond will no longer be cold leads.

  • Never assume. Instead of deciding whether it’s worth deleting cold leads or not, let them tell you, themselves.
  • Know when to let go. By allowing recipients to choose whether to stay subscribed, you’ll make sure you're only keeping your qualified leads to nurture. Removing the rest saves time and money.

16 Follow Up Email Templates

Now that we've reviewed some examples of subject lines you can use for your follow up emails, let's dive into the templates that will help you improve your conversions. As mentioned, there are 16 templates here — we've organized them by specific use case so you can browse them easily.

First, here's a quick a look at the 8 specific use cases:

Follow Up Emails For Sales

  • After a meeting
  • After a trigger event
  • After you tweak an email
  • After leaving a voicemail
  • After a trade show, conference, or networking event
  • After your first discussion
  • After you send a follow up email
  • After sending several follow up emails

Use Case 1: After A Meeting

Once you've had a positive, first meeting with your prospective client, you'll probably find yourself sending them a follow up email.

For example — imagine, you just nailed your client call. Your prospective customers were hanging onto your every word — even finishing your sentences. And now your head is spinning thinking about all of the ways you'll spend your commission check. You send that follow up email regarding their next steps so you can close the deal.

But wait — for some reason, that same client isn’t responding to any of your emails or calls.

Here are two follow up emails you can send once you've had an initial meeting to get the ball rolling again.

[Name], I’m writing to follow up. I’m not sure what our next step is.

Let me know what makes sense for you as a next step, if any?

Thanks for your input.



[Name], I’m writing to follow up on our last conversation. My boss asked me for an update on your account. I told him I didn’t have one. I’m not sure if it makes sense to continue the conversation. What makes sense as a next step, if any? [Signature]

Use Case 2: After A Trigger Event

Another situation that calls for a follow up email is after a trigger event occurs. For example, if you notice a prospect is re-opening an email or proposal you sent, you can try to follow up with them. Using HubSpot's free sales tools, you can get notifications whenever a prospect opens your email .

Start tracking your emails today for free.

Not only does this tool make you feel like you're a spy, but it's exceptionally useful in gauging a prospect's interest and boosting conversions. In fact, a HubSpot customer closed a $100,000 deal  after capitalizing on an email notification.

Last we chatted, you requested that I get back in touch in November. I may be a month early, but I figured it’d be worth checking-in.

Have you given any additional thought to my proposal? I’d be happy to do a quick review of it on the phone and answer any pending questions.

What does your calendar look like to schedule a conversation?

[Name], two of your teammates were looking at our product page this week. The product page they’re all viewing is focused on helping reps close deals at an accelerated rate.

Do you have 10 minutes to discuss what tools your team has been researching? Would they like to join the call? If so, what does your calendar look like?

Get over two dozen pre-written email templates and a tool to automate your process, for free.

Use Case 3: After You Tweak An Email

Sometimes, when determining the type of follow up sales email you need to send, you realize you may need to make a few small tweaks to your message. Whether this is a simple change in wording, or sending the email to a different person at the company you're trying to do business with, small adjustments to your message might just get you that response you're looking for.

For example, Bryan Kreuzberger, Founder of BreakthroughEmail, was hired by a consulting agency to help close their pipeline filled with world-class, Fortune 1000 companies: Google, Toyota, etc. He had a list of 522 companies to work with, but the agency had a problem — they weren't closing any deals.

Instead of spamming companies with the same, ineffective email template, Bryan made a few small tweaks to their sales process.

Then, they saw an 80% email open rate , earning $4,386,000 in additional revenue.

I’m writing to follow up on my email. I didn’t hear back from anyone on the team. If it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

If not, who is the appropriate person for me to talk to?

Thanks for your help,

Use Case 4: After Leaving A Voicemail

There are multiple scenarios in which you'll likely find yourself leaving a prospective customer a voicemail or two. But similar to email, just because you leave a voicemail doesn't mean your prospect will respond.

For the best chance of receiving a response, you can send a sales follow up email once you leave a voicemail. The best part? This type of follow up email has an 80% response rate within 24 hours .


I just called to [explain your purpose].

In my voicemail, I mentioned that I’ll try you again on [date and time], but feel free to reach me whenever works best for you at [phone number] or shoot me an email.

Use Case 5: After A Trade Show, Conference, or Networking Event

When you attend a trade show, conference, networking event, or any other occasion related to your core business product, service, or target customer, you're bound to make some important connections. So, you'll probably want to send a follow up email to some of those connections you made whether it's to close a deal, connect with a partner, or anything else.

What a great show. I hope you enjoyed it and learned more about email tracking software [tool] to improve your [problem facing business].

I’m sure improving your sales team’s productivity [objective] is a top priority for you. I thought I’d send you “10 Ways to Boost Your Sales Productivity” [piece of content] for you to review. If you’d like any additional information about how [details of content], I’d be more than happy to have a quick chat over the phone.

Just let me know if you have any questions or would like to have a more in-depth conversation. I’m here whenever you need me.

Use Case 6: After Your First Discussion

Sending a strong, first follow up email is crucial. Your message should show your prospective customer that you value their time and explain how you can continue to be of assistance to them.

Since you'll most likely be sending multiple first follow up emails every day to different prospects, you can automate all of your emails by using Sequences — one of the many tools in the HubSpot Sales toolbox.

I really enjoyed chatting with you earlier today and learning more about how you [role] at [company]. I understand the issues you’re encountering with [challenges discussed in conversation] and how they make it harder to [impact on team or company].

As mentioned, I’ve attached more information about our resources and how we can help you boost [business objective] and solve [business problem].

Just let me know if you have any questions and I’d be more than happy to chat again. If not, I look forward to talking again on [date and time].

Use Case 7: After You Send A Follow Up Email

Just because you follow up with your prospective clients once doesn't mean they'll respond. However, that also doesn't mean you should give up. By sending more follow up emails — in situations where you feel it'll be worth it — that are simple, short, and useful, you might just get that response you're looking for. Persistence pays off when it comes to sales follow up emails.

I wanted to get in touch to see which of the 10 Ways you’re using to boost your sales team’s productivity [details of content sent in first email]. If you haven’t implemented these techniques yet, I’d love to help you get started. Are you available for a 30 minute call on [date and time]? Just let me know what works best for you. I look forward to hearing from you!

If that email doesn't work, you can try sending a third follow up.

Note: If your prospect does want to set up a meeting, you can save time and use HubSpot's Meeting Scheduling Software so your prospects can book time on your calendar.

I know how busy you must be managing your team and helping them increase sales [job function]. I hope the resource I sent you about boosting your sales productivity was helpful, and that you can share it with the rest of your team. Here it is again [insert hyperlink here] in case it got lost in translation. Would you have time for a call on [date and time] or [date and time]?

Let me know what works best for you, or if you have any conflicts with those times. I’d be happy to work around your schedule.

Still nothing? Don't be discouraged. Remember: 80% of sales require at least five follow ups . So here’s a fourth follow up email template.

I’m sorry we haven’t been able to connect. Last time we spoke, you seemed very interested in boosting your sales productivity [objective]. Again, I know how hectic things can get between work and personal life.

I would be available for a call during weekends or before or after work hours if that’s easier for you. I don’t mean to bug you, but I do want to help you manage your team so you can exceed your sales goals [objective].

Use Case 8: After Several Follow Ups ... Time For The Break Up Email

Still no response? At this point, it might be time for the break up email.

If you continue the conversation, you'll likely be wasting your time. You're also probably annoying your prospect.

However, it's still important to "break up" with your prospect in a professional way that leaves them feeling positive about you and the company you work for, even if they're certain they won't be doing business with you at this time. Who knows — they may refer you to someone else and/or want to reach out to you in the future.

Here are a few variations of a template to help through your break up:

Hi [First Name],

I’ve tried to reach you a few times to go over suggestions on improving ___, but haven’t heard back which tells me one of three things:

1) You’re all set with ____ and I should stop bothering you.

2) You’re still interested but haven’t had the time to get back to met yet.

3) You’ve fallen and can’t get up and in that case let me know and I’ll call someone to help you   ….

Please let me know which one as I’m starting to worry!

[First Name], I wanted to reach out to you one last time. I have suggestions on how your ____ can work harder in terms of generating new business. If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume the timing isn’t right.

My information is below should you have any questions.

[First Name], I haven’t heard back from you since our last conversation. We’ve spent a good deal of time together, and I hope I’ve given you some good ideas for your ____ initiatives.

Please let me know if _____ is a priority for you now, or perhaps sometime in the future.

Your follow up is greatly appreciated.

Alright, you may be thinking the three break up email templates above are a bit less direct than you'd prefer to be after being ignored so many times. You can always go with the straightforward, no BS break up email as well.

In fact, when someone doesn't respond to Bryan Kreuzberger's second or third follow-up emails, he uses this tactic and sends a final follow-up that has a 76% response rate . Bryan swears by it, claiming it's his best-performing email of all time, "No matter how many variations I try, I can't match the results of the 'Permission to close your file?' email template."

Let's take a look:

[First Name],

We are in the process of closing files for the month. Typically when I haven’t heard back from someone it means they’re either really busy or aren’t interested.

If you aren’t interested, do I have your permission to close your file?

If you’re still interested, what do you recommend as a next step?

Thanks for your help.

Hey [First Name],

I was just running through my ___ pipeline and cleaning up my backlog of guest contributions. Since we haven't been able to get your ____ over the past few months, I'm going to go ahead and assume you won't be able to contribute the discussed _____?

If so, no worries. Just let me know so I can comfortably remove it from my list. If you still want to contribute, I'm also happy to keep it on my list and discuss how we can get it completed in a manner that suits your schedule.

Ready to Give Your Sales Follow Up Emails A Performance Boost?

Sending a sales follow up email might just be the thing that allows you to finalize and close a major deal. By implementing the templates we've reviewed in your sales process and tailoring them to your prospects, you'll sound professional, helpful, and thoughtful in your communication. And if you're in need of support, HubSpot's free sales tool has numerous features to help you throughout this process — because when you equip yourself with the right tools, you have more time for the important tasks you have to complete.

So, determine your use case, choose your template, and begin sending sales follow up emails to your prospective clients to boost conversions and increase sales.

sales presentation follow up email

After 12 months of using HubSpot Sales, we saw revenue grow 6X, our sales cycle shortened from 9 months to 4 weeks, and we grew our headcount by 5.

Josh Harcus

Founding Principal

HubSpot Sales - Email Templates

Send template emails from inside your inbox.

Access a library of built-in email templates designed for every step of your customer’s journey, or create your own from scratch.

And your templates are always one click away inside your inbox – whether you use Outlook or Office 365 for Windows, or Gmail.

You’ll save hours when you can send your most repetitive emails in seconds.

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Optimize email templates with real-time metrics.

Real-time email metrics show you which of your templates are performing, and which ones need attention now.

Your open rates tell you which subject lines your leads and customers can’t help but click. And your click rates tell you which buttons, links, and attachments they explore.

You can see metrics across all of your templates for an individual sales rep, and over any time period – it’s all there in your dashboard.


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How to Write Sales Follow Up Emails That Actually Get Opened (Templates and Tips)

Illustration of an email inbox with unread message icons and closed envelopes

Don't waste your time on generic sales emails. Get templates and tips for crafting compelling messages.

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Erin Hueffner

Share article.

“Just wanted to check in…”

I don’t know about you, but emails that start this way almost always go straight into my trash folder, and I know I’m not alone. If you aren’t taking the time to personalize your follow-ups, you may be leaving money on the table. Wondering where to start? We’ll walk through effective follow-up techniques, how to craft a compelling email, and templates you can use.

What you’ll learn

What is a sales follow up email.

  • What are the benefits of a follow up email?

How to write a sales follow up email

  • 5 follow up email example templates by use case

How to boost your follow up email performance

Common follow up email mistakes to avoid, engage and close prospects from everywhere.

Pull up CRM data for prospects even when you’re engaging with them outside your CRM — whether on social or online. 

sales presentation follow up email

A sales follow up email is one that you send after interacting with a lead. Follow up emails help you continue a conversation and continue building a relationship with the goal of closing a sale.

The core content of a follow up email will vary depending on your prospective buyer’s needs, interests, and behaviors. For example, if you need to educate a lead about your brand, you may share more details about your company or send along thought leadership content. When trying to convert a lead, you might suggest the next steps or ask to schedule a meeting. Once you’re close to closing a deal, you can send the proposal with clearly defined next steps. 

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What are the benefits of a follow up emails?

Email is a fast and convenient follow up method. It allows you to efficiently send information so prospects can learn more and get back to you at their convenience. This approach (often seen as less pushy than a call) is often effective because it respects your prospect’s time and busy schedule.

We’ll look at different sales follow up email templates below, but the typical formula includes:

  • Intent/recap: State the reason for your follow up. Briefly share what you know about their company’s needs or recap your most recent conversation. 
  • Value add: Position yourself as an industry expert who understands their business challenges and wants to help. This could mean sharing an article that demonstrates your thought leadership or attaching a whitepaper to your email that frames your product as a solution. The goal is to align this valuable resource with needs expressed during the prior interaction.
  • Call to action (CTA): Propose a next step with a clear CTA. Your CTA should prompt an action from the customer and keep things in motion. 
  • Subject line: Weird for this to come last? Not really. The content of your email will often dictate the best subject line, so save this for your final task. Do all you can to make it stand out in your prospect’s inbox. More on this later.

5 follow up email example templates and subject lines

If you want to create the perfect follow up email, you don’t have to start from scratch — you can use these templates to get started. Be sure to customize to fit the prospect and keep in mind that you’re trying to grab someone’s attention while they scan a busy inbox, so don’t neglect the importance of a strong subject line. Aim to write one that’s clear and relevant.

We’ve included subject line options for each template, many of which have worked well for my sales follow up emails. I’ve also sprinkled in some subject line advice from John Barrows, CEO of Sell Better by JB Sales.

1.  Personalized sales follow up email after an event

Trade shows, networking events, and conferences offer great opportunities to meet prospects. Right after a meeting, jot down some notes about your conversation on their business cards. Then continue the conversation within a week by sending a follow up email. Here’s a template for inspiration:

Hi, [Name],

I’m so glad we got to talk at [name of event]. Thank you for [taking the time to stop by our booth/learn more about our company]! 

I remember you mentioned [reference a specific part of the conversation — a challenge or goal]. So I wanted to share this with you [include information about your solution/product and briefly explain how it can help them]. Let me know if you’d like to [CTA: meet to discuss further/set up a demo/jump on a call] so I can answer any questions.

I look forward to talking soon!

[Your sign-off/company links]

This email template works well, because:

  • It’s personalized and thoughtful. 
  • It jogs their memory about who you are.
  • By sharing key details from your conversation and tying them to how you can help them, you show that you value their time and would make a good partner. 
  • It recommends a clear next step. 

Now, let’s talk about subject lines for this type of email template. Experiment with the options below, adjusting your email copy as needed, and see what works best for you. 

  • [Their company name] <> [Your company name] This builds further awareness of your company while the name is still fresh in your prospect’s mind. Plus, it suggests you have a mutually beneficial partnership to explore.
  • Let’s do lunch (on me!)  This is a great way to follow up with prospects after a good conversation at an event. It helps you build the relationship in a casual, positive way and offers them a tasty perk. Keep your email short and focused on scheduling lunch. Beyond that, briefly reference something they said when you last met and how you can help to pique their interest.
  • Can I be honest? This can be a good way to get a conversation going in a relatable and helpful way. If you use this subject line, the body of your email should share an interesting thought and relate to a conversation you had with the prospect during the event. For example, you might say something like, “Most people think [XYZ] is the only way to tackle [a problem they’d mentioned], but I’ve found that [solution/idea] actually works better. Here’s why.”

2. General sales follow up email after an event

In a perfect world, you’d get to chat with every person who stops by your booth or attends one of your company’s networking events, but that doesn’t always happen. That’s why it’s helpful to have a simple template you can use for general event follow up emails. While you may not be able to reference specifics about the prospect, you can still make your email relevant. Collect business cards or email addresses of interested people at your booth and recap the event, sharing relevant content or news, in your email.

We both attended [event name] but didn’t have a chance to connect. Hopefully, we can another time! Until then, I wanted to share something that may [solve a relevant problem/help them in their role or industry]. 

[Share some industry news, event takeaways, thought leadership content, or a company white paper with a link or an attachment so they can explore it further.]

What are you currently doing to address [topic/challenge/news mentioned above]? If you’re free for a 15-minute phone call in the next week or so, I’d love to chat with you about this. If not, let’s connect on LinkedIn [provide a link to your profile] and stay in touch. 

Thanks again for stopping by!

  • It’s honest and helpful.
  • It tees up a meaningful topic ahead of a potential sales conversation.
  • It suggests two possible next steps so the lead can show their level of interest.
  • It offers an option to stay in touch while delaying a conversation, so you can gently nurture the lead via social media and email if they aren’t yet ready to talk. 

Here are some options to consider for your subject line when following up with general leads after an event:

  • X questions answered after [event name] If you didn’t connect with this lead personally, you can use the name of the event you both attended as common ground while offering them new, valuable information about your product or service.
  • X takeaways from [event name] This subject line and content promise can help you follow up with leads who attended the event and those who may have missed it. It can position you as a thought leader in your industry and provide an opportunity to introduce new people to your brand.
  • Looking for input… Getting feedback is always a good idea, especially after a sales event. And asking someone for their thoughts shows that you’re willing to listen and you value their insights, which is a great way to foster a relationship. In this type of email, you won’t necessarily lead with your product or service. You’ll use it to gather information, connect with people, and start conversations.

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3. sales follow up email after a conversation.

You should get in the habit of always following up after a conversation with a potential customer. If it’s within a few days, use your follow up email to recap your conversation and confirm the next steps, even if the next step is just, “I’ll reach out again in a month when things have calmed down for you.” Then set a reminder to follow up.

If it’s been a longer time since you’ve spoken, weeks or months, remind them of your last conversation, share something helpful, and suggest a reason to reconnect. Here’s an idea to get you started:

Hi [Name],  

It was great talking with you [yesterday, last Thursday, last month, etc.]. I wanted to follow up about your [question/comment/challenge] regarding [topic]. [Provide brief info to refresh their memory about you and your company, connecting the dots between product and topic if appropriate].

Is now a good time to reconnect? I’m happy to provide any details you need from our end, and feel free to send me information about your challenges ahead of time. Hope to talk soon. 

Have a great day!

  • It’s sincere and personalized. 
  • It helps you to re-establish rapport and position yourself as someone who can help solve their problem. 
  • It is assertive but not pushy.

Once you’ve written the email body to follow up after your sales conversation, try out one of these subject lines:

  • I thought about what you said… This adds a personal touch to your message. Reading this subject line may make them curious about which of their problems or insights gave you food for thought, making them more likely to open and read your email.
  • X options to get started This actionable subject line works great if your conversation reveals that the prospect may be ready to move a deal forward. It tells them what to expect from your email and keeps the sales process moving in a clear direction.

4. Sales follow up email after a trigger event

Trigger events are behaviors that tell you a lead is interested in what your company offers. These are things like signing up for a newsletter, downloading a white paper, or opening an email and clicking its link. This behavioral data can be tracked and scored by your marketing and CRM platforms , which may nudge you when leads engage. 

Keep track of trigger events to see what your prospect is interested in, and consider when it makes sense to follow up via email. Introduce yourself if you haven’t yet. Then offer content that may interest them, invite them to a webinar or in-person event, or suggest a meeting or demo. Here’s an example:

I hope you’re doing well — thanks for [note trigger event]. We work with [name a couple of similar companies] to [explain how your solution helps], and many of them have been asking us about [topic relevant to their trigger event]. Is this [pain point] affecting you too? 

I’m happy to share how we’ve helped clients [achieve a solution to the pain point]. Are you open to scheduling a phone call soon, perhaps [day] at [time]? If that doesn’t work, let me know when is better for you. In the meantime, I’ve attached a case study that shows how we [explain successful outcomes/highlight impressive results].

  • It allows you to show immediate credibility.
  • It focuses on your prospect rather than starting with your company’s solution.
  • It shares helpful content while suggesting a concrete next step. 

Consider the following subject lines for following up via email after a trigger event:

  • Can I help? Emails often ask the recipient for something. This one can stand out by offering something. If you see that a prospect has recently looked at your website, opened an email, or downloaded an asset, you know that they are at least somewhat interested in your industry or what you offer. They probably have questions. This is a great time to offer help by getting to know more about them and their concerns.
  • Meeting invite with [company name]: [date] Trigger events indicate a prospect is intrigued by your offering. Why not spur their interest further? Take a chance and send a meeting invite. If your product lends itself to a demo, suggest that too.
  • Are you going to [name of event]? This is an intriguing subject line because it builds awareness about an event the recipient may not have been aware of. It’s a chance to provide more information and include a link to register for the event at the same time. 
  • [Goal/solution to a problem] e.g. “Speed up your production with fewer mistakes” This may be a good option if your lead is fairly new as it will help you gauge their interest without scaring them off. Based on what you know about their company, consider their likely issues and goals. Using a subject line that focuses on achieving a goal and overcoming a challenge will show your lead that you understand what they’re going through and how you can help them. 

5. Sales follow up email for when you don’t get a response

If a prospect doesn’t open, click, or respond to your first email, don’t lose hope. There could be many reasons for this, and it doesn’t always mean they’re not interested. Persistence and understanding are key. Try reaching out again. Keep it short, positive, and helpful. Use this template as a jumping-off point:

I know how busy you must be with [job function tasks]. Hopefully, the [asset name] I sent about [topic] was helpful. In case you missed it, I’m including it again here [link/attachment]. Feel free to share it around if you find it helpful!

Any chance you have time for a call on [date and time] to talk more about I can help? If not, let me know what works best for you. I’m happy to work around your schedule.

Looking forward to connecting,

  • It’s gracious and not accusatory or guilt-inducing.
  • It reminds your prospect that you aim to be helpful.
  • It suggests a next step while offering flexibility on when to take action. 

When a lead has ignored your emails a couple of times (or more), it may be time to offer your last attempt to help. Being direct may spark their interest, initiate FOMO (fear of missing out), or signal to you that it’s time to spend your efforts elsewhere. Try these subject lines to determine which direction it’ll go:

  • Did I lose you?
  • Is that a no?
  • Have you given up on [initiative]?
  • Still looking for [product or service]?
  • Reaching out one last time. Let me know if I can help.

Now it’s time to determine how to improve your follow up game. Read on to learn more ways to boost your email performance.

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Even seasoned sales pros have room to grow. After 10 years in the industry, I’m still learning new ways to improve my follow up emails for better results. Look at important metrics, including open rates, click-through rates, and direct responses, when evaluating your email performance. And try these tips:

  • Write an attention-grabbing subject line : Doing so can improve your open rate and get more eyes on your emails. Keep it short and benefit-oriented so the reader knows they’re getting something out of it.
  • Make sure your content matches your subject line : A decent open rate and a poor click-through rate usually mean your email doesn’t deliver what your subject line promises. For better results, make sure your subject lines and content are aligned. 
  • Personalize your content : Using a template is a great guide, but don’t just copy, paste, and send. Personalize each email. Tailor them to your recipient’s industry or company, or reference a recent conversation you had. If possible, mention mutual connections or similar clients you’ve helped.
  • Offer help and value : If you make their lives easier by offering valuable thought leadership or recommending solutions to one of their biggest pain points, they’re more likely to consider what you have to say. Plus, this is a great way to build rapport.
  • Ask for input : This tactic can show your prospects that you value their opinions and feedback. It also prompts them to respond and engage with you. Try asking them to confirm they’re experiencing the same challenges that the news is reporting, for example.
  • Experiment with send times : Unfortunately, there is no perfect send time. If you’re not seeing desirable open rates, try mixing up the day and time that you send emails. Paying attention to how these affect your metrics can be hugely helpful. For example, I never send emails on a Monday. I’ve seen that Tuesday mornings work best for follow up emails, and when I want to schedule a meeting, I send invitations on Thursday mornings for the following week. 

To ensure a better follow up email, avoid these pitfalls:

  • Don’t try to trick people: Always make sure the body of your email relates to the subject line, or you’ll lose trust and kill the relationship before it begins.
  • Don’t address your email to the wrong person: This often happens when automation software either pulls from the wrong field or is working with poorly organized lead data. Always test your emails before you send them to catch mistakes when possible. When using a template, don’t be sloppy. Change people’s names when copying and pasting. 
  • Don’t be pushy: Being overly salesy or aggressive at any stage of the sales process can bring your deal to a screeching halt. Be kind and empathize with your customers instead.
  • Don’t be long-winded: Respect people’s time. You’ll see better results when you get straight to the point and offer a clear call to action.
  • Don’t overwhelm: Data is your friend, but you need to wield this not-so-secret weapon wisely. Trigger events can excite us. But just because someone clicked on a link doesn’t automatically mean they want to schedule a demo. Reach out in baby steps to understand where your prospects are in the process and meet them there.

Keep the conversation going

Bottom line: In sales, following up is a must — a constant must. Use the above sales follow up email techniques to guide your leads through the sales process. Rather than pushing them forward, consider their needs and their readiness. Ask yourself what can help them most at that moment and which next step makes sense on both sides. By responding to their interests and considering what they need, you will naturally keep the conversation going toward a deal.

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19 Templates for Follow-Up Emails After a Meeting, Conference, and More

Kristen Baker

Published: April 22, 2024

A ton of time, resources, and effort go into relationship-building in sales — so something as seemingly insignificant as a follow-up email after a meeting or conference is often an afterthought for a lot of sales professionals.

Sales rep delivering a follow-up email using a template after a conference meeting

But make no mistake — those kinds of messages can make a pretty significant difference, and you should always stay timely and attentive with your emails after interactions with prospects.

That‘s why we’ve created this guide — loaded with insider tips and templates, it‘s here to help you send effective post-networking follow-up emails. Let’s dive in.

Free Download: 30 Follow-Up Email Templates

Table of Contents

Follow-Up Email Subject Lines

How to send a follow-up email after networking, when to follow up after a meeting, how to write a thank you email after meeting, thank you email after meeting tips, follow-up email templates, thank you for meeting with me emails [templates], the importance of sending a thank you email after a meeting.

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30 Free Follow-Up Email Templates

Follow up with colleagues, sales prospects, recruiters, and networking connections. Great for...

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Before we look at the follow-up templates below, let's review the importance of including strong subject lines in your emails.

Your subject line is the first thing a recipient sees when they glance at their inbox — meaning, it needs to grab their attention and make them want to open your message.

HubSpot spent time exploring subject lines that influence people to open emails. So, with that data collected in mind, we've compiled some popular follow-up email subject lines to use after your next networking event, meeting, or conference.

Now, let‘s look at how you can craft your follow-up email. Your message should include the following features, no matter the type of networking you took part in or which industry you’re in.

1. Write a personalized subject line.

Your email should get the reader’s attention and most importantly, remind them why they want to include you in their professional network.

If you’ve just come back from a networking event, everyone is going to be bombarded with the same formulaic emails. Don’t get lost in the sauce. Be pleasant, get to the point quickly, and demonstrate your value.

2. Mention a moment or conversation you had with the recipient.

Mentioning a conversation from the conference or networking event will offer context for your recipient. This will jog their memory so they can remember you.

3. Offer details about how you can help.

Showcase the value you bring and how the relationship can benefit both parties. How can you support your recipient with your knowledge and skills? Why is this relationship mutually beneficial?

4. Proofread the email.

Copyedit the follow-up email — several times — so your message is flawless. (You wouldn't want a recruiter at your dream company reading through an error-ridden message.)

5. Thank the recipient for their time.

Once you’ve succeeded in communicating your value and interest in a professional relationship, add a personal touch. Express your gratitude, and add a personal thank you. Politeness and sincerity are key.

6. Offer a chance to connect again.

Ask to keep in touch, set up a face-to-face meeting, or schedule a phone call — be sure to share at least two dates and times that you're available.

7. Craft a professional sign-off.

Sign your email to make sure the follow-up feels professional and personal. An email signature generator can help you with just that. Adding a headshot to your signature will also make you much easier to recognize. (You may also hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile here.)

As for when to send your follow-up email, here's the general rule of thumb based on the type of networking:

Note: If you're a HubSpot user, you can automate your follow-up emails with Sequences to save time.

  • Within 24 hours: Interview, business meeting, deal, conference, interview, or special event.
  • Within 48 hours: Submission of application or another type of form.
  • Within 1-2 weeks: Follow-up after no response regarding a meeting request or the status of a job opportunity.
  • Every 3 months: Catch up with a member of your network to maintain your relationship with them.

Allow your email recipients to book follow-up meetings on your calendar with free appointment scheduling software.

Creating a follow-up email after a meeting may take a little more effort than a post-networking email. You've spent more time with your contact, so your email should reflect that added time and value. These steps can help you make sure your email includes the essentials.

1. Express gratitude for their time.

Life gets busy. Between juggling work and family obligations, time is a precious commodity. As such, it’s important to thank your recipient for taking time out of their day to meet with you. Even if you’ve already thanked them in person during your meeting, reiterating your gratitude is a kind gesture that shows that you appreciate their time.

Pro-Tip: Specificity and demonstrating that you listened actively throughout your meeting can go a long way. There should always be a “why” behind gratitude — and if you can‘t articulate it, your "thank you" won’t mean too much.

Try referencing a specific point they made and why it resonated with you. Something like, “I want to thank you for taking the time to meet today — especially when it came to your insights around XYZ,” will hit more than a generic “Thanks for your time.”

2. Refresh their memory (of you).

If you’re following up with a new prospect, it’s a good idea to remind the recipient who you are. First, jog their memory about how you met at the beginning of your message. You may also want to mention other people at the meeting or how you first made a connection.

This will spare them from having to spend extra time trying to figure out who you are and how you got their contact information.

Pro-Tip: If you didn‘t schedule the meeting (or you were just sitting in), make sure you reference whoever booked the meeting when refreshing your contact’s memory. This step is about establishing credibility in a tight window — whoever was behind the meeting in the first place will give you the most immediate clout.

3. Add a brief recap of the meeting with key takeaways.

For emails following business meetings, a brief recap of what the meeting covered can be super helpful. This quick step can reiterate key learnings and objectives discussed in the meeting.

Even if attendees took their own notes, chances are they‘re not uniform and they may have missed some details. Providing a summary in writing will confirm that everyone is on the same page and knows what’s expected going forward.

For example, you may share:

  • Summary of key metrics discussed
  • Where the company is excelling or where it’s falling short
  • Colleague achievements
  • New product information or changes in strategy

An email recap is also a great way to offer clarification and answer questions raised in the meeting. You can attach any related supplemental documents to this email too.

Pro-Tip: As with the first step listed here, this is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that you listened actively during the meeting and value your prospect‘s time, so be specific. Don’t just vaguely rehash the agenda — try calling out some key points or questions your prospect raised.

4. Confirm your interest.

It can sometimes feel obvious or unnecessary to repeat what you want from the recipient and why. But adding a quick reminder of what you‘re building together and why it’s important can keep your contact engaged for the long term. It can also keep your communication a priority for them.

Pro-Tip: Don't get too caught up pouring through every detail from your meeting here — a cursory mention is more than enough. As much as you want to demonstrate how engaged you are, you want to show that you value their time as well.

5. Reference a common interest.

Another email strategy is to highlight a common interest you share with the contact or prospect. This is especially helpful when your relationship is new or you've just been introduced.

As I'm sure almost everyone alive can vouch, meeting new people can be awkward — and anything that can help allay that is always a huge plus. Common ground is a massive asset in networking, so do what you can to find it with your prospects.

It helps break the ice and keep the conversation going — and sometimes, that can make a real difference.

Pro-Tip: If you're not sure what to mention, browse their LinkedIn profile or visit their personal website if they have one.

You could reference:

  • Having similar hobbies
  • Growing up in the same state, or experience living in the same city
  • Attending the same college or having similar academic interests
  • Reference something they posted that interested you

Making the extra effort to establish a connection, shows that you have a genuine interest in them as a person, not just as a business contact.

6. Include a call to action or review next steps.

A dead-end follow-up email won‘t do too much for you. You can say the nicest, most thoughtful, most compelling gosh darn things about a prospect in an email after a meeting, but if you don’t give them any context on how to proceed, you‘ll run the risk of stalling your relationship’s momentum.

Your call to action doesn't have to be particularly elaborate — it can be as simple as setting up a date to meet again. But no matter what the content of the meeting was, always include actionable steps on how to keep things moving in your follow-up.

Pro-Tip: Some meetings are more complicated than others. For team meetings or project-specific meetings, adding next steps to an email can also help with momentum. This can be a list of action items with an assigned point person so that each team member knows what they are responsible for and what to expect.

7. Keep track of your follow-up emails.

You might not get an immediate response to your follow-up email — in some cases, you might not get a response at all — but you want to avoid redundancies in your communication with prospects. That's why you need to stay organized and keep tabs on your follow-up emails.

While some emails can be easy to find in your sent emails when you need them, it takes time to scan your sent box. Similar names, forgetting send dates, and more can also make some follow-up emails tricky to find when you need them.

Pro-Tip: Using a CRM system like HubSpot CRM , you can schedule follow-ups with prospects and keep track of all the interactions. This way, when you need to write the next follow-up email or pitch the next meeting, you have a clear record of the details you need.

8. Contain all information in a digital sales room.

Based on the information you gather from the prospect during the meeting, you can personalize a digital sales room with all the relevant information — including case studies, ROIs, what the prospect is looking for, how you can help them, demo recordings, and your HubSpot calendar to book the follow-up meeting.

Pro-Tip: Tools like Trumpet allow you to put a collaborative space with all the above information into your follow-up.

Address the email appropriately.

The way you address your contact shows how well you understand their role and the nature of your relationship. So, start your email with the right greeting for your contact.

Some businesses encourage formal greetings with a title and last name. But most business relationships are more casual, and the right touch is a first-name greeting.

Check out this post for more details on how to craft the perfect greeting for your follow-up email.

Check your timing.

Most contacts will expect a follow-up within 24-48 hours of your meeting unless you agreed on a different time. As you draft your email, think about the best time to send it to your specific prospect.

For example, if you promised a document or attachment during your meeting, it may be best to send your follow-up right away.

But say your meeting was on a Friday afternoon or you know your contact is heading out of the office soon. In this case, you‘ll want to send your follow-up message when it’s most actionable, which is probably after your contact returns to the office.

Customize each follow-up email.

Every email you send should feel like it‘s meant for the recipient. Custom details like common interests and mentions from past meetings let the person you’re emailing know that your follow-up email is just for them. These details let your contact know you were listening and genuinely interested in what they had to share.

Remembering these kinds of details after a meeting is a challenge for many sales pros. If this describes you, think about using a tool to capture your meeting notes .

Add new or useful information.

Each email you send to a contact is an opportunity to add value. With this in mind, every email you send should add something new, interesting, or useful to the conversation.

This tactic will make sure that your contact continues to see your relationship as a value-add, no matter what stage they are in the buying process.

Check your email for tone.

While it‘s essential to check your email for any grammar or spelling errors, that’s not the only scan your email needs. You may just want to dash off a quick email and hit send after a quick spell check, but that tact could have a negative impact.

This is because tone is especially important in follow-up emails. The right tone should be professional, friendly, and conversational. It should be assertive, but not pushy. If this is something you struggle with, try conditional language like “if” or “might” to set a tone that persuades instead of pushing.

Update your message by prospect stage.

Sales teams tend to send a lot of follow-up emails, so it can help to tailor your message to your recipient's sales cycle stage.

For example, you may want prospect emails to focus on relationship building while qualification follow-ups can center on questions about prospect needs and budget.

By customizing follow-up emails by stage, you can draft useful emails that can make an impact on decision-making. If you’re not sure where to start, these proven sales email templates can speed up the process.

Keep your email brief.

Follow-up emails should be concise and easy to read. Keep your message short and to the point. Try not to cover more than one topic in detail or add more than one call to action. Use separate paragraphs and headers to draw attention to important points.

Add some appreciation.

Starting each email with a thank you isn't the only way you can show gratitude to your contact. A grateful closing or quick compliment can make it clear to your recipient that you appreciate their time and efforts. It also creates a strong positive impression.

Let's review some templates for your follow-up emails after networking. Each of these templates is organized by use case so you can easily identify the follow-up scenario that suits your needs.

Follow Along With HubSpot's Free Follow-Up Email Templates

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Use these templates to follow up with colleagues, sales prospects, recruiters, and networking connections.

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How to Write Follow-Up Emails (13+ Templates & Examples)

How to Write Follow-Up Emails (13+ Templates & Examples)

Even the best cold email campaigns rarely get higher than a 40 percent reply rate. So, how do we reach the other 60+ percent of prospects? We follow up.

I’ve said it for years—you have to send as many follow-up emails as necessary until you get a response. It doesn’t matter what response you get; you follow up until you get one.

If you’re struggling to know what to say in your follow-up emails or seeing really low reply rates, I’ve got you covered. With more than two decades of experience writing (and receiving) follow-up emails of all shapes and sizes, I know what makes a great follow-up email.

And today, I’m going to show you exactly how to write follow-up emails that don’t just get opened, they get responses. You’ll also get 13 highly effective follow-up email templates for different scenarios, but first, let’s talk about how to make your so-so follow-up emails truly great.

How to Write Follow-Up Emails: The Close Follow-up Formula

When you think of becoming a great salesperson, most folks think it’s all about talking. I’d argue that the best salespeople know how to build connections —which is exactly what a great follow-up email does. I literally wrote the book on follow-ups (which I highly recommend reading), but I’m going to break down our formula in a few easy steps:

  • Send the first email: You can’t follow up until after you’ve reached out! If it's a cold campaign, grab one of our cold email templates or use our cold email generator to get a solid first draft and make it your own. But you can (and should) follow up on any email you want a response to.
  • One day later, at a different time of the day: Send Follow-up #1:
  • This email should be a modified version of your original email. It should communicate the same message, just in a different format. For example, if your initial email was several paragraphs long, make this follow-up email just two sentences. Don’t write something completely different or include attachments. Just recap your points in more detail. We’ve got these exact templates for you here, below.
  • Two days after your second email: Send Follow-up #2:
  • Don’t explain anything. Just restate your call to action. You can ask your prospect to introduce you to the right person in their organization, schedule a call, or respond to your email—whatever your CTA was in the initial cold email, use that. For example, “Hey, when would be a good time to discuss this? How about Tuesday or Wednesday at 10 a.m. Pacific?”
  • Four to five days after your third email: Send Follow-up #3.
  • The break-up email . This is the “last email” where you say goodbye to a cold prospect while betting on their loss aversion, a psychological principle that describes the tendency to strongly prefer avoiding losses to acquiring gains.

To make things even easier, turn these emails into automated workflows that are triggered at the appropriate time. Email sequences in Close also have detailed reporting metrics , which help guide further iteration of your entire sales process .

How Often Should You Send a Follow-Up Email?

The best follow-up frequency allows you to be persistent without being annoying. This is especially important when engaging with decision-makers. My philosophy, when dealing with warm leads, is to keep following up until you get a response.

Incorporate our follow-up email frequency system into your workflow:

  • Day 1: First contact
  • + 2 days: Follow up
  • + 7 days: Follow up
  • + 14 days: Follow up
  • + 30 days: Follow up
  • Still no response? Going forward, follow up once a month

If you’re mixing emails and phone calls in your follow-up strategy, it might look something like this:

Follow up Emails - If you’re mixing emails and phone calls in your follow-up strategy, it might look something like this

The follow-up emails themselves don’t need to be complicated—in fact, simple is almost always more effective. Keep them straightforward and relevant, and experiment with different email subject lines and email openers. If you're struggling to come up with great subject lines, give our email subject line generator tool a spin—it's totally free and will help you craft the perfect follow-up email subject line .

13 Best Follow-Up Email Templates & Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates

Cold email outreach is a big part of modern sales, and we’ve covered it fairly extensively . But knowing what to write (and what email subject line to use!) can be challenging. With that in mind, I want to share 13 of the best email follow-up templates we’ve used to close more sales .

Choose the follow-up email template that fits your specific needs, then spend a little time adjusting it to make it personal.

1. Cold Outreach Follow Up Email Template

Subject Line: "Trying to connect"

When to use this follow-up template :

Cold emails are effective, but you won’t always get a reply to your first message. Maybe they’re busy, out of office, or just got distracted when reading your message.

Use this quick and fast email template to pop your name back up to the top of your prospect’s inbox and touch base. The key here is to keep it short and sweet.

2. The Quick Check-In Follow-Up Email Template

Subject line : Time to chat?

When to use this follow-up template:

Even if you come in with a killer offer, there’s a good chance most prospects won’t reply on the first try. Use this template when you’re pretty sure you have the right contact, but the prospect didn’t reply to your previous email. There’s no need to make this complicated; just check in and make contact one more time.

3. The Direct P.S. Follow-Up Email

Follow-up subject line: Quick call?

When to use the P.S. follow-up email:

They know you’re selling. You know you’re selling. There’s no need to pretend your email is about anything else. However, including a genuinely interesting article, case study, or relevant resource gives your prospect a reason to pause and click on a link. Once they’ve read it, they might just come back and send you their thoughts, especially if it’s personalized for them.

4. Follow Up with a Social Media Connection

Follow-up email subject line: Our conversation on [social media platform]

When to use the social media follow-up:

If you’re using an omnichannel outreach approach, there’s a good chance you’ve started talking with prospects on channels like LinkedIn and moved the conversation over to email or met. If the person was responsive on social but less so in email, you may need to follow up. Give a quick reminder of where you met (say, a networking event or another platform) and what you discussed so you can continue your conversation.

5. Inbound Lead Follow-Up Email

Subject lines to A/B test:

  • Your demo request of [Company service]
  • [Subject of request]—Important note before you get started
  • Following up regarding the [Subject of request]
  • Do you need to discuss [Subject of request]?

When to use the inbound lead follow-up template:

Inbound leads may download a piece of content, request a quote or demo, or in some other way indicate their interest in your product. At this point, the ball is in your court: How will you engage and push them toward a close?

This template is quick but reminds potential customers who you are and what value you offer. Use it when prospects have engaged with you to move them down the funnel. I suggest setting a trigger event in your CRM or email marketing platform to send this out automatically.

6. No Response Follow-Up Email Template

Subject Line: Hey [First Name], what’s my next step?

When to use the no-response follow-up template:

If someone doesn’t reply to your first (or second) follow-up email, they may need a stronger approach. Encourage them to respond with a gentle reminder about the value of the product—but don't be pushy.

You could also add social proof or testimonials to your email to boost trust and motivate them to reply.

7. Missed Call Follow-Up Template

Subject line: Sorry I missed you!

When to use the missed call follow-up template:

You’ve hooked a prospect and even got them to schedule a call—but then they no-show . It's frustrating, but it's also just part of the sales game. Use this no-nonsense template to let them know you’re still here for them and happy to meet at a better time.

8. Check In Before Next Meeting Email Template

Subject Line: Recap of [Date] [Call/meeting/discussion]

  • [Date 1]: [Action 1].
  • [Date 2]: [Action 2].
  • [Date 3]: [Action 3].

When to use the check-in follow-up email template

This email template is ideal when you’ve already had one meeting, and you have another one on the books. The purpose of this email is two-fold: you want to "check in" with your prospect and remind them of your discussion and your next scheduled meeting.

9. Free Trial Follow-Up Template

Subject line: How’s it going?

  • [Resource 1 + short description]
  • [Resource 2 + short description]
  • [Resource 3 + short description]

When to use the free trial follow-up:

If you’re in SaaS like us, you know free trial follow-ups are crucial. Following up with free trials helps engage new prospects and shows them you care. Offering resources like guides or case studies helps users make the most of your product. I highly recommend scheduling an automated version of this email for all trial sign-ups.

10. Follow Up Email After Meeting a New Customer

Subject line: Here are the resources we discussed

Use this template when you’ve already sealed the deal with a new customer. Simply share the promised resources and ask for whatever assets you need to keep the process moving forward.

11. Follow-Up Email After a Voicemail

Subject Line: Sorry I missed you

When to use the voicemail follow-up template:

Leaving a great sales voicemail can be a really effective way to help prospects remember you. If you don’t hear back after the voicemail, however, you might want to follow up by email.

Word to the wise: don’t send your first follow-up email too quickly. Rather, give them some time to reply to you. I suggest sending a follow-up email four to six working hours after you’ve left a voicemail.

12. Follow up on an Expired Trial Template

Subject line: Just for you - extend your FREE trial

  • Benefit 1 [resource link]
  • Benefit 2 [resource link]

When to use the expired trial follow-up email template :

If you’re in SaaS, following up on expired trials is one of the easiest ways to close more deals. Seriously. Take advantage of the relationship you’ve built and use this template to follow up with prospects who tried your product but didn’t convert. Share additional information about why your product is worth the offer.

13. The Personal Touch Follow-Up After a Pain Point Objection

Follow-Up Email Subject line: Re: [Last email subject line]

When to use the objection follow-up message:

Remember earlier when I said sales is all about relationships? This template leans on that personal relationship to move a prospect through the sales funnel. Use this follow-up template when the prospect offers a specific objection or time frame they’re waiting on and find out if they’re ready to move forward.

4 Real Sales Follow-Up Email Examples to Learn From

So you’ve got 13 tried-and-true follow-up templates that will help you increase your response rate—and close more deals. Now, I want to show you what great follow-up emails look like in action. Take a peep at these sales follow-up email examples:

1. Free Trial Follow-Up Email Example: Groove

Many SaaS businesses offer a free trial to get interested users to use their products actively. Once you get the signup, you still have to turn those free trial users into premium customers—which is where the follow-up comes into play.

An example of this in action comes from Groove , a simple help desk software platform. Groove starts with a welcome email focused on making a connection with the product and then sends follow-up sequences based on user behavior.

Once the sequence is over, Groove sends out a “win them back” email to users who don’t sign up for a trial:

Free Trial Follow-Up Email Example - Groove

The goal of this email is to get users back at a better time when they can understand better how the product benefits them.

2. Follow Up After a Call with Gift: Postal.Io

This thank-you email was sent after a call with Postal, a marketing company that helps go-to-market teams send gifts to partners and customers. In addition to mentioning their call with another team member, their sales follow-up email also included an offer for a branded gift.

Follow Up After a Call With Gift - Postal.Io

This follow-up email does two things—it reminds the prospect of the call and gives them a taste of what the company offers in the form of a free gift. If you’re in SaaS, you might offer a free trial, company swag, or even a gift card to buy lunch. The goal is to encourage the prospect to get excited about your offer.

3. Follow Up After a Missed Phone Call: Close

This polite follow-up email is one our sales team uses to check in with prospects who schedule a call but miss it. It's short and sweet but keeps it professional and positive. No blame, just a quick line and a link to schedule a call at a better time.

Follow Up After a Missed Phone Call - Close

There’s no need to overthink it! Let the email recipient know you’re happy to meet at a different time.

4. Follow Up with a Prospect That’s Not Ready to Convert: Crowdspring

What do you do when your offering isn’t quite the right fit or the prospect isn't ready to convert? This follow-up email example from Jason at Crowdspring shows how to find other ways to turn a prospect into a customer or just a contact. When Ryan wasn’t quite ready to jump on the first offer, Jason came back with alternative ways they could work together.

Follow Up With a Prospect That’s Not Ready to Convert - Crowdspring

He’s not pushy or trying to turn a no into a yes. Instead, he suggests a few other ways they could work together and hones in on the value he can deliver. <chef’s kiss>

Close's AI Email Writer offers a solution for crafting these follow-ups. With its ability to generate personalized and contextually relevant email content, this tool can significantly enhance your follow-up strategy.

Follow-Up Emails Close More Deals. Period.

The biggest mistake folks make with follow-up emails is overthinking it. My advice for improving your follow-up game is: keep it short, keep it sweet, and always follow up until you get a no. Also, use automation to schedule follow-up emails and trigger them on the right day.

To recap, remember your follow-up sequence: After the first email, send follow-ups on:

Whether sending your first or last email, centralizing customer communication and automating the follow-up from within your CRM will boost productivity. Check out this 14-day free trial of Close .


Ramin Assemi

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47 Powerful Follow-Up Email Templates That Get Replies

47 Powerful Follow-Up Email Templates That Get Replies

Do you know 80% sales need 5 follow-ups ? As a salesperson, you can’t escape following up on your prospects. No matter how much you hate doing it, it is a part of your job and is essential to close deals.

You may feel that no reply from the prospects means they don’t have an interest in your product or service. But it is a mistake to think that you’ll annoy them by following up. In fact, sending follow-up emails is an art you must master as a salesperson after you learn how to write a cold call email for sales.

We’ll first take a look at the meaning of follow-up emails and the top follow-up email templates that can fetch you more responses from prospects.

Table Of Contents

What Is A Follow-Up Email? 

47 follow up email templates to close more deals, follow up with prospects using salesblink, faqs about follow up emails, why are follow-up emails so important, when to send a follow-up email, what are the types of follow-up emails, how do you write a follow-up email.

  • Follow Up Mistakes To Avoid
  • 4 Golden Rules For Sales Follow up Emails

So, what is a follow-up email after all?

 Follow Up Email Infographic

A follow-up email refers to an email or a sequence of emails sent after an initial email or reaching a particular stage in the buyer journey. You can also send a follow-up email if someone is in the middle of a trial to ask what they feel about the product or service. You can also follow up after a particular event. 

In B2B sales, you often have to send follow-up emails because your first email is insufficient to close a deal. 

Here’s a list of business email follow up templates that will give you an idea of how to write a follow up email,

Short follow-up email template

It is always good to write short and sweet follow-up emails as the other person mostly has other important work to do. Here’s a template to send short follow-ups when you don’t receive a reply from prospects. 

Template 1 

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to know what you have thought about my suggestions regarding switching over to {{product_name}}. Let me know if I can be of help to you.

Best Regards,


This email is to the point and saves the time of prospects. It states the purpose of the email very clearly. It is a gentle way to get in touch with a prospect again. 

Tip: You can choose to add a CTA different from your initial email.  

Post-meeting follow-up email template

After an in-person or online meeting with a prospect (as it has been in this year of the pandemic), you will send a follow-up email if you don’t hear from them. Here is a template to reinitiate your connection with them. 

I am writing to follow up on our last meeting regarding implementing {{product/service_name}} in your organization. Thanks for allowing me to connect with you on {{meeting_day}}. 

As we discussed, I have checked with my manager and am glad to tell you that we will be happy to arrange {{special_request}} for you. 

Do let me know if we can proceed. 


Tip:  Try reminding the prospect about how your product or service can help overcome the challenges they face. 

Subject line: Are you prepared for a follow-up?

Hi {{prospect_name}} ,

I wish to thank you for your time and want to know how you would like to move the conversation ahead. In case you are still interested, kindly suggest what you want to do next.

Looking forward to your response,

{{Your_name }}

In the template below, you can get an idea of how to follow up when you have the information that the client requested.

Subject line: Got the info you need 

Hi {{prospect_name}} , 

Thank you for the opportunity to get in touch with you on {{day}}.

I spoke to my company’s department, and they would be glad to be of assistance to you for {{request}}.

Kindly let me know who you would like to proceed further. 

Here is another variation for you.

Subject line: Find the info you are looking for

It was nice chatting with you on {{day}} and understanding the needs of your company.

As you wanted to know about {{information}} in our last conversation, I have attached it here. 

Do let me know when you get a chance to look at it and want to speak to me to discuss

Follow-up email after no response

There can be instances when the recipient may have checked your email but, for some reason, chose not to respond. There are also chances of losing the email in the inbox. You can mention that you had previously contacted them in your email and want to help them solve their issues. 

Template 6 

I had sent you an email a while back about {{product/service_name}} and how it would be a perfect fit for your company. 

Our existing clients have witnessed a 20% increase in sales with the help of our solution. In addition, we are offering a 10% discount and complete training. 

If you want to know further details, please get in touch with me. I would be happy to discuss things in detail with you. I am looking forward to your response.


Another follow up email after no response

Instead of simply sending an email to check in on them, try to share a valuable resource that they would find useful. Here is a sales follow up email template to get new clients,

Template 7 

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

You are dealing with {{problem}}, so I thought of sharing an easy tip that most customers use.

I have a few more ideas that I want to discuss with you. Do let me know if you are interested in knowing them.

Here is another email template,

I was quite surprised when I didn’t hear from you. I’m sure t he previous email about {{product_name}} was quite insightful, and you want to know more about our solution and how it helps get rid of {{prospects’_problem}}. 

I want to share a blog post on {{topic}} as I felt that it would be quite useful to you. 

Tip: Remind the prospect how your product or service fits perfectly into their needs. 

Follow-up email template for sales asking for a referral

When your emails are not getting a response, the reason could be that the recipient is not a decision-maker. After realizing that you are speaking to the wrong person, you can request them to direct you to the concerned person. 

Here are the email template for follow up you can use, 

Hi {{prospect’s_name}}

I emailed you a few days back about {{your_company/product_name}}, and it was only later that I realized I might be knocking on the wrong door. 

My firm provides solutions for {{explain_offer}} which can be useful for your company. Are you the concerned person in this regard? If not, could you please help me reach the right person? I am looking forward to your reply.

The one below is a straightforward way of reaching out to a prospect and finding the decision-maker.

Template 10

I am writing again as I didn’t hear back from you. Can we connect when you are free someday? If not, can you please lead me to the concerned person?

I will be very thankful to you for your help.

Tip: Remind the recipient why you are reaching out so that they can guide you to the right person.

After trigger follow up

There are situations when the prospect engages with your email but chooses not to respond. Engaging with the email refers to clicking on a link, downloading resources, and even watching a video embedded in it. There is a chance of closing the deal with them if you follow up properly. 

You have to fan their interest in your product or service and turn them into paying customers. Follow up with them to grab their attention. Ask them what they are looking for or share how your solution has helped other clients to look credible. 

Template 11

I feel that you had a look at my previous email and our company’s website, so I thought I must get in touch with you again. 

Do you want to know how {{product_name}} can help {{prospect’s_company}} to {{benefit}}? I will be glad to get on a quick call to discuss this further when you are free. Would you mind letting me know which time suits you?

Template 12

I realized that you read my previous email and wanted to look at our product online, so I thought of reaching out to you again. 

Have you thought a bit about switching over to {{product _name}}? In case there are any doubts, I will be glad to clear them. Would it be possible for you to connect on a quick call any time this week? 

Template 13

Subject line: Do you require more information?

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I came to know that you read my last email and had a look at our website, so I felt that I should reach out to you once more. 

Did you think about my proposal once more? I would be happy if you wish to connect with me on the phone and discuss the proposal. 

Please tell me when I can schedule a call.

{{your_name }}

Template 14

Subject line: May I help you with <pain point>?

I know that you read my previous email and visited our website to glance at <product or service>. I, therefore, felt like connecting with you again. 

Our {{product_name}} can help in improving {{objective}} and addresses {{pain_point}} 

Please let me know if you have time to speak over the phone to look at how {{client}} benefitted from our tool. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Tip: If the prospect doesn’t respond, it can be due to lack of time. If you find that a prospect has visited your website or carried out some other activity, you should email them to engage with them. It would help push the prospect further down the sales funnel. 

After-event follow up email template

Events in the business world are most often for networking. When you make some connections, you would want to send them a follow-up email to build the relationship further and probably introduce your product. It is better to send follow up email to clients right after the event when you are fresh in their memory. 

Template 1 5

It was wonderful meeting you at {{event_name}}, and our discussion was quite in-depth. I thought that it would be better to take it forward as {{reason}} Are you having the time to meet for a cup of coffee next week? Here is a link to my calendar. You can pick a date and time that is convenient for you {{calendar_link}}.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. 

Template 1 6

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

It was a pleasure to connect with you at {{event_name}}.

I gave a thought to what you were saying about {{pain_point}} and felt that you should go through this case study to understand how {{product/service}} has helped a {{competitor_ company}} get a 10% increase in sales. 

Let me know if it is useful. 

Template 1 7

I hope you remember that we met at {{event_name}}.

It was nice discussing how you can improve your organization’s workflow by making simple tweaks. I have many more ideas that will fetch you great results if implemented right. 

Will it be possible for you to meet over coffee to discuss those ideas in detail?

Template 18

Subject line: Here is the info about {{company_name}} that you needed

I hope you enjoyed attending the conference and I want to thank you for showing interest in our company.

I am sure that you want to improve your company’s {{objective}} and that is why I wanted to get in touch with you.

Please find the information you need attached below. If you require any other

Tip: It would be a good idea to refresh the prospect’s memory after you meet them at an event. It would help them get along with you actively and probably schedule a meeting with you. 

Follow-up email after leaving voicemail  

If you try reaching out to a prospect over the phone but can’t talk to them, you would leave a voicemail. However, why would someone respond to the voicemail of a total stranger? That is why you have to send a follow-up email as well. As it aims at reminding the prospect about the voicemail, you have to keep your email short.

Take a look at the template you can use below,

Template 1 9

I tried calling you, but I think you are occupied, so I left you a voicemail. I came across your {{prospect’s_action}} and wanted to share some tips about how you improve {{tips}}

Please call me back on this number when you are free – {{phone_number}} or let me know the right time for me to give you a ring.

Template 20

Subject line: I was trying to call you

I was trying to connect to you over the phone but couldn’t reach you. I know that you are busy and would not bother you. 

Please call me back on {{phone_number}} or let me know when I can give you a ring.

 I am looking forward to your reply.

Tip: Mention the reason for reaching out in the email so that the recipient understands the context. 

Follow-up email after demo

Once you reach the stage of giving a demo of your solution, it means that the prospect has an interest in you. As the chances of closing the deal are higher, what is the need for a follow-up? Well, even if everything looks like it is going smoothly, there are chances that the prospect may forget about the interaction and may not be too keen to make the purchase. So, you must send a gentle follow-up email and mention the important points in the demo. If the prospect has any concerns, you can try to address them. 

Here are a few templates,

Template 21

Hi {{prospect’s name}},

It was nice talking to you today. 

To proceed further, you can start the trial to understand {{your_product}} better. Our team can add the custom features you requested to prevent affecting your workflow .  

Please let me know when we can go ahead.

Template 22

It was a pleasure talking to you today and knowing how your company functions. 

I have collected the information you requested, and I am sure you will find it useful. Please find it attached. 

If you have any queries, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to answer your questions. 

Here’s a template to revisit the benefits of the product or service you had mentioned in your demo. 

Template 23

Thank you so much for attending the demo. It was nice talking to you.

I want to give a short recap of the benefits of the {{product_name}} that we are customizing for {{prospect’s_company}}


If you require more information and have any concerns, please reach me. I will be glad to be of help to you. 

Tip: Try to remind the prospect how your product or service can change how they carry out tasks and simplify their lives.

Following up to find the right prospect

After finding a lead online and getting in touch with them, you may feel that they may not be the right person. To find out if you are on the right track, you can send the following email. 

Template 24

Subject line: Hope that you direct me right

I had sent you an email a few days back about {{product}}, and I feel that I may be on the wrong track. My company has {{product}} to offer that would help fit into your firm’s requirements. 

Are you the right person to discuss the features of {{product? If not, can you please guide me to the decision-maker?

Here’s another variation of the above email

Template 25

Subject: Can you help me out?

I reached out to you a few days back about {{product}}, and I felt that I should check whether you are the right person to discuss this. If not, can you please help me reach the right person?

Template 26

 Subject Line: The right individual to reach out to

As I didn’t hear back from any of your team members, I want to know whether I am talking to the appropriate person or not. If yes, can we schedule a meeting this week? In case I am on the wrong track, can you please connect me to the right person?

Following up when a prospect needs to consult others

Most often, the prospect you are speaking to may not be the decision-maker. He or she would have to consult their colleagues or superiors. Though you should give them the time to make the decision, a little nudge from your end would be great.

Ideally, you must wait for at least 4-5 days before you follow up with the prospect.

Template 27

Subject line: Here is more information about {{company_name }}

Thank you so much for taking time out on {{day}}. I am pretty excited about how our relationship would take off. 

That day you said that you have to consult with {{person}} before proceeding further with the deal. Can I know what {{person}} said about my company’s proposal? 

Can we fix a face-to-face meeting to discuss how we can proceed?

Following up with prospects who asked to reach out after sometime

There are times when prospects don’t prioritize purchasing a solution, and they may ask you to get back to them after a few days. You should mark the date in your calendar and make sure that you send them the email on time. 

While composing the email, you must ensure that you revisit what you discussed last with them and help them recollect what took place previously. You can also mention the newly-made changes and why it would be the right time to sign up. 

Template 2 8

I hope you are doing well. When we spoke last time about {{product/service}}, you thought our solution was not the right fit for your requirements. We are glad to let you know that we have a new feature that you would find useful. {{explain_feature}}

Our solution will now be of better use to you. It would help you {{achieve_specific_goal}}. 

Please let us know, and we will set up a trial account for you.

Here’s a template to refresh the memory of the prospect. 

Template 2 9

The last time when we discussed the benefits of implementing {{product/service_name}}, you suggested that we should wait for the right time and asked me to connect after a month. 

Can we please pick up from where we left our conversation?

Looking forward to hearing from you. 

You can even reach out early and use the following template,

Template 30

Hi {{name_prospect}},

I know that you asked me to get back to you after 2 months. But I am reaching out sooner as there are a lot of new ideas to discuss with you on how to boost sales in a short period. 

Can I discuss the ideas with you on a 10-minute call? Please let me know when you are available.

Tip: Help the prospect gently recall what they had discussed with you in your previous emails. It would help take the conversation ahead.

Follow-up email after sending a quote

When you reach the stage of sending a quote, things seem to start moving in the right direction. It may take many days for the prospect’s company to approve the proposal. But if you send a follow-up email after a few days, it indicates that you are taking responsibility and are willing to answer the prospect’s queries. 

Here’s a template you can use,

Template 3 1

I had sent you a quote for {{product/service_name}} on {{date}}, and I wanted to follow up to remind you what all our solution has to offer,




In case there are any concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Tip: There can be an internal issue that is holding the prospect from responding. Try to ask them how you can be of help to them.

Follow-up email template when a prospect goes silent after showing interest

There are situations when the prospect shows interest in your product or service, but all of a sudden goes silent. They may not want to purchase the product or service anymore, or they would have found another solution for their problem. It is wise enough to send follow-up emails to such prospects as they showed interest in you, and they may want to go ahead with purchasing your product. 

First of all, try finding out why the prospect went silent. Send free resources that are relevant to them or use Customer testimonials to convince them about the effectiveness of your product or service.

Template 3 2

We had last discussed {{mention_what_you_discussed}}, and I have not been able to reach you since then.

This means that you are either not interested or don’t have the time to respond. If you want to continue our discussion from where we left, please let me know. 

Thanks & Regards,

Tip:  As mentioned above, try to find out what is holding the prospect back and how you can help

Following up to provide more information after an initial call

When you speak to the prospect on the phone, you will want to share a few extra resources, and you can send a follow-up email for that. 

Template 3 3

Hi {{prospect_name}},,

It was great connecting with you. I am sharing some resources with you,

  •  A PowerPoint presentation  
  • A complete revenue report of your company

Feel free to share them with your team members. 

Tip: Add relevant resources that are useful to the prospect.

Following up using the excuse of a new blog 

If you’re into content marketing, i.e. writing blogs, you can send follow-up emails that can be created with the help of professional email marketing software to leads on the pretext of discussing your latest write-up..

Template 34

Subject line: How {{product}} boosts profit?

In our last meeting, you talked about {{blog_subject}}, and I understood that you have a deep interest in it. 

Our company’s publishing team came up with a new blog on {{blog_subject}} {{link}}. I immediately thought of you. Please have a look at it and share your thoughts about it. We can discuss things further.

 Can I call you sometime soon? Do let me know.

Following up after a follow-up email

Following up after receiving no reply to the previous follow-up email requires preparation. You have to chalk it out well before making your move. The best thing to do is provide exciting information to the recipient to pique their interest in your product or service. 

Template 35

Subject Line: Some things you might want to know about {{company_name }}

I emailed you a few days back regarding {{company_name}} and how {{product}} can fit into your firm’s needs. 

You might not be aware that our clients can report a 50% increase in revenue with {{product}}? There is complete training with a 20% discount. 

In case you want to hear more about {{product}}, kindly let me know. I would be happy to help. 

Looking forward to your reply.

Template 36

Subject line: Hoping to connect with you

I am sorry about not being able to connect with you recently. In our last conversation, you were pretty interested in {{Product}}

I understand that you’re very busy, so I’d be happy to schedule a call when it is convenient for you. 

{{Your name }}

You can lure the prospect to reply to you by providing a helpful resource. Here’s the template below:

Template 37

S ubject line: Here’s a gift for you

I understand that you’re busy managing your team. I had emailed you with the information of {{product}} a few days back, and I feel that this is the right time to get in touch with you for a demo.

You can find a few guest logins to access {{product}} and see how well it works in addressing your {{pain_point}}. Do share them with your colleagues, too, and let me know about your experience with {{product or service }}

 Please let me know if you can meet anytime this week.

Template 38

Subject line: A few ideas for you

Your firm can be dealing with {{pain_point}}, so I thought that I should share a few tips to help you out. 

I have some more ideas to improve the situation. Kindly let me know if you are interested to know about them.

Breakup email

Though goodbyes are always tough, you have to threaten to end the bond if you don’t get replies to your follow-up emails. If the prospect has an interest, they may respond, and if not, it will be easy to get rid of deals that have no future. It will be free of extra baggage. Try to use humor in breakup emails as you never know; you might just hit the bull’s eye! It is trying to reach out to the prospect one last time.

Template 39

I have tried to reach out to you multiple times in the last 3 months. Maybe you are not interested and that is alright with me. 

Maybe the timing is not right, and I will be happy to get back to you in a few weeks. If someone kidnapped you, please let me know to come to rescue you. 

I won’t follow up any further, but you can keep my details with you to get in touch with me if you need my services. 

Here is another one that can be of help to you,

Template 40

I am clearing out my sales pipeline, and I thought it is important to inform you that your file is on the delete list. 

In case you are not interested, can I please close your file? If you still have interest in {{product/service}}, please let me know what the next step should be. 

Template 41

I am sorry for bombarding your inbox, but I have been trying to reach out to you repeatedly with no success. I guess you are not the right person to talk about {{topic}}. Would you please direct me towards the concerned person?

And I won’t bother you after this email.

Template 42

Subject line: Is this the end?

I have tried to reach you many times in the last few months, but I have not been successful in my endeavor.

I feel that:

You are not interested. If so, there is no problem. It is fine

I am contacting you at the wrong time. In that case, I will be happy to reach out to you after a couple of weeks or months.

Someone abducted you!

I will not reach out to you again, but if you change your mind, please contact me on {{phone_number }}

Template 43

Subject line: Can I close the file?

I have to clear out the sales pipeline, and I feel that I should let you know that you are on my delete list. In case you are not interested, can I close your file? If you have even a slight interest still, how should we proceed further?

Template 44

Subject line: {{prospect_name}} I would love to know your feedback

This is my last attempt to get in touch with you. However, I would like to get feedback from you regarding {{product}}. As you have used the free trial, you can tell us what improvements we need to make. 

Can I please know the reason for not connecting with our company?

Template 45

Subject line: Thanks from {{company_name }}

I wanted to write to you one last time in connection with {{product}}.

If I don’t get a reply from you, I will assume that you don’t have any interest in what my company has to offer and I won’t bother you again. 

If you want my assistance at any point in time, please reply to this email, and I will be glad to assist you. 

Tip: If there is no answer after repeated follow-up, the recipient may be an unqualified lead. You can try sending a breakup email as a last resort to get the prospect’s attention.

Follow up after a webinar or an event

Sending a follow-up email after a webinar or event helps connect and expand your network. Keeping the prospects in the loop can help you in the long run. Find the template for such emails below,

Template 46

Yesterday, you attended my webinar about ‘Best ways to drive more sales’. Did you find it useful? Were you able to learn something new? Please let me know your feedback. 

I also took a look at your company’s website, and I thought it would be nice to share some articles with you,

Here they are – {{Link_to_articles}}

It would be great if you connect with me on LinkedIn {{LinkedIn_profile_link}}

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Template 47

It was good to see you at the {{event}} yesterday and talk about {{mention_what_you_discussed}} I found your thoughts on it very insightful. I told you about {{your product/service}} and how it can help resolve {{prospect’s_problem}}.

It would be great if we could take the discussion ahead. Will you be available for a 10-minute call this Wednesday? 

Tip: Remind about the meeting/webinar and what your product and service can do for the prospect.

With SalesBlink, it is easy to create email follow-up sequences with prospects. By turning to automation, you need not manually follow up with leads anymore. You just need to schedule your sequence and focus on other sales activities that require your direct involvement.

Use SalesBlink to create follow-up sequences.

Do try SalesBlink’s 7-day free trial .

Follow-Up Email Examples

Here are a few examples to help you understand follow-up emails better,

1. Following up with a prospect after a discovery call

The follow up email below is sent after a call with the prospects. As you can see, the rep has added value to it by sending more resources. It gives them a reason to revert.

Following up with a prospect after a discovery call

2. Follow up after a meeting

Here’s an email you can send to follow up after a meeting. It is simple and straightforward.

Follow up after a meeting

3. Simple check-in follow up email

Here’s a simple email check in on the prospect and try to get a response. It is straightforward and simple.

Simple check-in follow up email

4. Last follow up email

At times prospects don’t respond even after repeated follow up. That is when you can try one last time.

Last follow up email

You can keep sales streamlined with the help of follow-up emails. In addition, to get a positive reply from the prospect, you usually need a minimum of 5 follow-ups. However, some sales reps give up after they face rejection for the first time. Such an attitude will not fetch you the results you want. Regarding statistics, 48% of sales reps don’t follow up, and 44% stop after the first try. It indicates that only 8% are following up , but that is the percentage that is winning at sales. 

Cold Email Follow-Up Statistics

Follow-up emails are important as they do the following,

1. Help Increase Conversion

There are several reasons for the recipient not opening your email, the person may be busy, or they couldn’t find the email in the piles of emails in their cluttered inbox. That is why you have to send a follow-up email to increase the chances of the prospect connecting with you and turning into a paying customer.

2. Build Trust

When you send follow-up emails, you show that your business is more customer-centric. The prospects would think that you have genuine interest in doing business with them, which would help build trust.

3. Filter Out Leads

It is impossible to close the deal with those who are not into your product or service right from the beginning. They might be there for a free trial and not intend to pay. With follow-up emails, you can filter out the hot leads and keep the promising ones. After all, it is pointless to invest your time and effort in people who don’t have a future with you. That’s why time management for sales reps is essential.

There is no hard and fast rule of when to send a follow-up email, but you have to make certain considerations. Sending follow-up emails when your prospects are busy with office work is not a good idea as it won’t get a response. You have to see at what time of the day the open rates of emails are the highest and send follow-up emails accordingly. 

Even follow-up emails have types, and they are the following,

1. Free trial follow-up

With free trial follow-up emails, the aim is to turn prospects into paying customers by providing them a chance to use the full version of their solution. This is quite common in the SaaS industry. In the email, you can ask for feedback and guide them about how the prospect can use the solution to get better outcomes. 

2. Lead magnet opt-in follow-up

People provide their email addresses in return for valuable resources. If you have a blog, you can ask visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, and as there is a double opt-in, subscribers have to confirm the subscription in their inbox. However, if there is a glitch and there’s a stall midway, you can always send a follow-up email to remind the lead to finish their sign-up. In the follow-up email, you can mention the benefits of signing up. 

3. Product sales follow-up

One goal that most businesses try to achieve is to turn a customer into a loyal one. For that, you have to put in efforts as a salesperson. Once the sale takes place, you should ask the customer about their experience and offer them more products at a special discount. 

Here are the key steps that you have to consider to craft the best follow-up emails,

1. Define the purpose of sending the email

This is a logical step you must focus on before composing your follow-up email. You have to find out why you are following up in the first place. 

Here’s an example – You met a prospect at an event one week ago, and the lead is now cold, but you want to reconnect. You have an objective at hand, and you can try to achieve it by sending a follow-up email. You can send a follow-up to restart the relationship with the hope of closing the deal. 

2. Create an effective email subject line

The email subject line is the first thing that the prospect sees, and if you are successful in capturing the prospect’s attention, the open rates will be high. Here’s what all you have to consider while writing your subject line,

Keep the subject line short – You have to keep the subject line short because when they are too long, they don’t appear fully on the screens of mobile devices. Use fewer words to convey the message effectively. Keep it crisp and clear so that the prospect doesn’t lose interest.

Ensure that it has details – As already said, the subject line has to have all the information and be clear. It will help them determine whether they want to open the email or not. 

Keep it engaging – Be creative and capture the prospect’s attention right at the subject line. You can use different ways and make it engaging. After all, who wants to read a boring email?

3. Provide value 

Sending a follow-up email just for the sake of it would do no good to your sales numbers. If your email is just another generic and laid-back follow-up that adds no value to the prospect, they will ignore it. You have to put in the effort to make the email worth reading and responding to. If possible, offer something in return; it can be anything like a free template, an e-book, a free trial. It can be anything relevant to the prospect they would find useful. 

4. Keep the language of your follow-up email clear

It would help if you value the reader’s time, and for that, you have to ensure that you don’t waste their time. Keep the message clear and direct. The reader shouldn’t have to put in an extra effort to understand it. Stay to the point and tell the recipient what you expect them to do with a strong CTA. Easy to understand emails have more chances of getting a response. 

5. End your email naturally

You have to end your email as naturally as possible by keeping the previous interactions in mind. There is no hard and fast rule for this, so it is up to you to close the email as you wish to while keeping the prospect in mind. It can be something like “looking forward to hearing from you” or something else the prospect would appreciate. 

6. Get ready with your upcoming follow-up emails

Things go well when you have a plan. You have to create initial and follow-up emails beforehand based on your sales funnel. Be ready for what action you have to take if the prospect doesn’t reply to your follow-up email, and it has to be as seamless as possible. 

Follow-Up Mistakes To Avoid

Sales reps commit a few common email mistakes that seem quite basic but can have a lot of impact on your sales numbers. Let’s see what they are and how to avoid them,

1. Mentioning ‘follow-up’ in the subject line

Some reps use ‘follow-up’ in the email subject line, which isn’t the right approach. Even if your email is a follow-up, you shouldn’t mention it in the subject line as it doesn’t add to the value of the email. It instead increases the chances of the recipient ignoring your message altogether. The recipient may also feel that you are blaming them for not responding to your email. Try writing a subject line that looks relevant to the email body. 

2. Not adding value

It would be of no use if you send a follow-up email but don’t add any value to it. It would help if you didn’t waste prospects’ time with such emails. Try to offer something of value to the reader and show them how your product or service can help them. 

3. Forgetting to include a CTA

A CTA or call-to-action is a requisite in every email you send to the prospect, including the follow-up email. If you don’t include a CTA in your email, the reader will not know what to do after reading it. The CTA can be anything like a reply from the prospect’s end, a call-back, or a request to fill out a form. Just make sure to keep the CTA clear and be specific.

4. Not following up in time

It is better not to wait for too long before sending your follow-up email. It would be good to keep that waiting time around 3 days instead of more than 10 days. Waiting for too long can make the prospect forget what the CTA was and you wanted them to do. Regardless of which industry you are in, the timing of your follow-up email is crucial. If you delay unnecessarily, you will lose the prospect.  

4 Golden Rules For Sales Follow-up Emails

You have to follow a few best practices when you are following up with prospects after giving them a demo. 

1. Don’t follow up immediately

Following up just after you had a conversation with them is not a very good idea. Give a gap of at least 12 working hours after you complete the demo. 

2. Practice being patient

Even if you are under pressure to complete your targets, don’t pass on that pressure to the prospect. Be as patient as you can be, and don’t rush into things. If you try to make it look too urgent, the prospect will distance themselves from you.

3. Check whether the team is ready

When you plan to follow up, you must ensure that your team is all set for it. There shouldn’t be a problem in the process after you reach out to a prospect, or else you can lose them.

4. Make sure you covered everything discussed in the previous interaction

Check whether you covered all the points in the email. The prospect should have all the details of your last interaction with them.

Increase Conversions With Follow Up Email For Sales

A follow-up email is important for sales, and if you are in the bracket of salespeople who persistently follow up, you can close more deals.

Make use of the above tips and tricks to improve your follow-up strategy. Make sure to add a human touch because people can make out when they get an email using automated software. You can’t expect a response to such emails, and that is why you have to step in yourself if you want to close a deal. If you feel low, try to read sales motivational quotes . They will surely help you.

Whatever tactics and templates you use, make sure that you don’t end up disrespecting the prospects in the name of follow-up. 

A follow-up email refers to an email or a sequence of emails sent after an initial email or reaching a particular stage in the buyer journey. You can also send a follow-up email if someone is in the middle of a trial

With free trial follow-up emails, the aim is to turn prospects into paying customers by providing them a chance to use the full version of their solution. This is quite common in the SaaS industry.

People provide their email addresses in return for valuable resources. You can ask visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, and as there is a double opt-in, subscribers have to confirm the subscription in their inbox.

Published On: June 11, 2024

Written by: sushant shekhar, categories: cold email, you might also like.

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15 easy sales follow up email templates that actually work.

If it’s still crickets after your sales intro emails, you may need help creating stronger follow ups. Check out our 15 top sales follow-up email templates.

Published on Nov 15, 2021

By Dave Rogenmoser

sales presentation follow up email

If you’ve written and sent off sales introduction emails, you’ve done the first part. Now it’s time for the real work: the sales follow-up email. We call this the real work because research shows that only 2% of people buy at the initial sales contact . So, the follow-up emails are crucial for nurturing cold leads into warm — or even hot ready-to-purchase customers.

But how do you write a sales follow-up email that drives conversations? How can you convince prospects to convert? 

We’re sharing tips for writing email subject lines and 15 sales follow-up email templates salespeople can use to improve conversion rates. We also share how Jasper can upgrade the quality of your sales copy and raise your response rates. 

Need help writing full emails? Try our Email Generator .

5 tips for writing the best sales follow up email subject lines

No lead will open your sales follow-up emails, much less convert, if your email subject lines are unappealing. Since it’s the first thing a lead sees when they look through their crowded inbox, your email subject lines should pop! Keep these tips in mind as you craft one:

  • Personalize: Personalizing your subject line makes it more attention-grabbing because your lead gets the sense that the email was crafted just for them. 
  • Invoke curiosity: You can do this by asking a question, sharing an industry fact or statistic, or teasing an idea or tip shared in your email. Remember that this works best if you don’t give up everything in the subject line.
  • Offer value: Highlighting discounts, coupon codes, and tips for improving a process are all ways to hint that your email follow-up provides value to your lead. You can even mention a useful article or case study, suggests Lavender co-founder Will Allred on LinkedIn. Will recommends choosing a relevant study in a neutral publication. Don’t send just any study, though; “Pick a source they trust,” he says. This helps you build credibility with your prospects.
  • Keep it short and sweet: Email marketing experts, Mailchimp recommend using no more than nine words and 60 characters in your subject line. We agree! Your subject line loses the punch if its last three keywords aren’t even visible.
  • No clickbait: This goes without saying, but your email subject line should only promise what the email delivers. Otherwise, you’ll lose your readers’ trust the minute they discover your exaggeration or flat-out lie.

15 sales follow up email subject lines to increase your open rates

With our tips in mind, here are 15 examples of email subject lines you can copy (or pass on to your sales team) to improve your open rates. We’ll be using several of these in the email templates we share so you can see them in action.

Tip: A/B test these titles to ensure you’re using one that will produce the best results for your prospects.

  • Can you spare 10 mins to talk about [Benefit]
  • Feeling [Pain Point]? Let’s help you [Benefit]
  • [Lead’s name], What did you think about [Event]?
  • [Date and time], you coming?
  • [Lead’s name], are you ready for a follow-up?
  • Want to learn more about [Benefit]?
  • Sorted! Here’s what you wanted to know about [Company name]
  • There’s no easy way to do [Pain Point] but we have 3 tips
  • 10 ways [Company’s name] [Benefit]
  • A gift for you: Try [Product name] free for 30 days
  • We don’t share this with everyone…
  • We see you like [Feature]. Here’s how it works
  • Improve your team’s [Benefit]
  • Quick Question
  • Still interested in getting help with [Pain Point]?

15 successful sales follow up email templates for warming up prospects

With those subject lines as inspiration, we’ve prepared 15 sales follow-up email templates you can copy and paste. However, we have to confess: we had help. 

Our number one tool for scaling marketing is AI copywriting assistant Jasper .

Jasper has more than 52 writing templates for emails, long-form content, scriptwriting, and even e-commerce writing like product descriptions. We generated these 15 templates using the Personalized Cold Emails template . We’ll share a few screenshots so you can see the process, but mostly text, so you can copy and paste the templates easily! In our screenshots, you’ll see that Jasper can generate emails specific to your company, but for the purpose of this article, we’ll be sharing customizable templates.

Sales email tip: Follow-up emails are a long game. Most of the time, you need to follow up multiple times or keep a lead in the conversation for a while before they convert. A study by Brevet showed that 80% of sales require five follow-ups before closing. So, if one of these templates fails you, try another!

Scenario: The classic follow up

Sales follow up email template generated by Jarvis AI

It might seem basic, but asking prospects whether they’re available for a follow-up is a great way to frame your sales follow-up email—especially if it’s your first follow-up. Like in this template (which you can tweak), ask them what challenges they’re facing and leave the ball in their court so they can reply when they’re ready.

Subject line: Ready for a follow-up?


I am following up on our previous conversation about your [prospect’s pain point]. Are you ready to talk more about the challenges you are facing with regards to this? 

I have created a brief video that might help you understand how [PRODUCT] could help your team [your product’s benefits]. Feel free to watch it at ____. Let me know what questions or thoughts come up for you after watching it!


Scenario: Asking for feedback

This follow-up works best when you offer potential customers a chance to try out the product in your first email. You can now check in on them to see if they have any useful feedback and perhaps warm them up into a long-term commitment.

Subject line: Quick Question


I hope you've been enjoying the trial of [PRODUCT] so far. I wanted to reach out and touch base with you to see if there was any feedback that we could use today.

Please let me know what kind of [your product’s category] product would work best for your needs at this point in time. What makes a good piece of software? One that gets the job done or one that's easy to use? 

Scenario: Following up a networking event connection

Post-event follow-ups can yield bountiful fruit because your lead has likely met you in real life or virtually — and has probably been exposed to your product or service. Don’t waste the opportunity.

Subject line: Want to learn more about [Benefit]?

I know how important it is to [prospect’s pain point]. I would like to share with you the benefits of [PRODUCT] since we met last week at ____ event.

[PRODUCT] allows managers and employees to [your product’s main benefits]! 

We're looking forward to working with you in the future. If you're interested in learning more about [PRODUCT], please let me know!

Scenario: Proposing a solution

Sales follow up email template generated by Jarvis AI

Leading with benefits is how you get your leads’ attention. Find the spot where your product’s unique value proposition intersects with your leads’ needs and amplify that as in the example below:

Subject line: Feeling frazzled? Let’s help you make the most of your time.

I hope you're doing well. I realize that sometimes it can get a little tough to [prospect’s pain point].

This is why we created [PRODUCT] - the best way to [what your product does]! We have a 14-day free trial so you can try out our product for yourself before making a purchase decision. 

Let me know if I can answer any questions about how [PRODUCT]  might help you in your day-to-day life?

Scenario: Thanking a lead for attending your webinar

After hunting down potential leads who may benefit from your webinar — and product, by extension — don’t just let them go. Stay in touch!

Subject line: [Lead’s name], What did you think about [Event]?

I hope you enjoyed our webinar! I wanted to follow up with you about the product we mentioned in the presentation. If it fits your needs, I would love for you to try out [PRODUCT] and see how it can help your company. Please let me know if there was anything else that interested you during the presentation or if there is anything else I can answer for you here.

Thanks again for attending our webinar, and feel free to contact us any time at ____@____.com with questions or concerns!

Scenario: Following up on a phone call or voicemail

If you’ve had the chance to talk on the phone or leave a voicemail for a lead in your outreach, leverage that connection by shouting it out in your subject line. You’ll grab their interest as someone they already know about.

Subject line: I enjoyed our chat over the phone

Just wanted to follow up on our phone call last week. I hope you're well! We chatted about how your business is doing and that you were looking for a [your product’s category] software.

If the idea of [what your product does] sounds like something your team would be interested in - we'd love to schedule [time] to chat more about it with you! Would [date] work for you? Just let me know when's best or shoot me an email if not. You can also read more about [PRODUCT] here: [WEBSITE]

Scenario: Acknowledging a pain point

Popping in to share how you can help your lead benefit from your product or service is a helpful way to show up in their inbox. In our example, we’re writing to a team lead or business owner who’s struggling with tracking time for their employees. We’re also asking for 10 minutes which is a small enough commitment that it might entice prospects.

Subject line: Can you spare 10 mins to talk about team time-tracking?

I hope you had a great week. I just wanted to follow up on our last conversation and make sure we can schedule a time for you to demo [PRODUCT] . If possible, I would like to do it at your convenience. Does [Time] work for you?

If this is not a good time please let me know what days/times work best for you and I will be in touch with the next steps from there!

Scenario: Sharing your product’s benefits

After doing some research on your lead’s pain points, send them an email specifically highlighting how your product/service can improve their workflow. You can even send them a bullet list of several ways your product will benefit them.

Subject line: Improve your team’s time tracking process

I noticed that you're using [highlight an ineffective method] to [what your product does]. Although it does the job, we at [COMPANY] want to show you how our software can do a better job. Would you like me to send over an introduction email with some key info?

Scenario: Providing requested information

Did you notice in your customer relationship management (CRM) tool that your lead had a question about the product after your initial email? Returning with the additional information your lead requested in another way to frame your follow-up.

Subject line: Sorted! Here’s what you wanted to know about [Product]

I hope you had a great week! I just wanted to follow up on your request for more information about [PRODUCT].

Here’s how [PRODUCT] solves the problem. [Details of solution]. Is there anything specific you need help with? Let me know and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Until then, here is a quick link that answers more questions.

Scenario: Offering a free trial

Sales follow up email template generated by Jarvis AI

If your lead seems undecided, a free trial may be a good push to get them to try the product and see if it’s a good fit.

Subject: A gift for you: Try Tommy Track free for 30 days

I'm following up on our recent email exchange about [PRODUCT]. I wanted to let you know that we're running a promotion now and to give you a chance to try the product for free for 30 days! We are giving away 10 licenses to people who are interested in trying it out. Just enter your details here [link] to enter the contest.

Scenario: A curiosity-evoking subject line + a worthy freebie

If you think offering a free trial upfront is boring, try a clever subject line bound to trigger curiosity. Just make sure your offering is worthy of the mystery.

Subject line: We don’t share this with everyone…

I hope you're doing well!

As a follow-up to my previous email, I wanted to let you know that we’re offering a free 14-day trial of our product. If you try it out and decide that it's not right for your business or company then all those features will be disabled at the end of the 14-day trial. 

If you want more information about how [PRODUCT] can benefit your organization please let me know and I'll send over some info/links (or we could talk on the phone). Thank you so much!

Scenario: When there’s no response

It can be discouraging to get no reply to your email, but your follow-up can make a difference. Check back in with easily accessible contact details or even a call-to-action (CTA) button to book a call, so your lead can get to you with one click.

Subject line: Still interested in getting help with time tracking?

I sent you an introductory email about [PRODUCT] the other day and didn't get a response. I'm following up to see if you would like to learn more?

[PRODUCT] is an app that helps companies track their employees' time on projects or tasks. It [your product’s main benefit]. If you are interested in learning how this can help your company, please give me a call anytime Monday-Friday (8am-7pm EST) - ___________ _________________________

Scenario: When there’s still no response (the breakup email)

Sales follow up email template generated by Jarvis AI

If it seems like a lead isn’t interested after several tries, it might be time to wrap things up.

Subject line: Should we wrap things up?

I'm reaching out to you because I noticed that our last follow-up email got no response. This is the third time we've contacted you about this topic and it doesn't seem like there's much interest on your end.

We just wanted to know if there was anything we could do to help with [pain point] so we can better serve you in the future. If not, feel free to let me know and I'll take care of things from here. Thanks for your time!

Scenario: Your lead seems to like a certain feature

Sales follow up email template generated by Jarvis AI

If your analytics show that a lead clicked to learn more about a particular feature, you can follow up on that interest with this template.

Subject line: We see that you like our Reports feature. Here’s how it works

I noticed that you are following our new feature [feature prospect seems to like]. I have to tell you, this is one of the most powerful features we have! It makes it really easy to [what makes the feature unique and beneficial].

Would you like me to show [PRODUCT] [feature] in action? Just reply with "yes"!

Scenario: The event invite

Subject line: [Date and Time], you coming?

I wanted to follow up with you about the sales call we had last week. I've been following up with some of our other prospects in your area and noticed that you're not on any of our lists for events coming up.

We're hosting a [workshop name] at the end of the month which would be great for anyone who is struggling with [workshop goal]. If you are interested in joining us, feel free to reply back here!

Improve follow up emails with converting copy

With all those examples, we know you’re positively brimming with inspiration! Writing a sales follow-up email is a mix of strategy, tact, empathy, and persuasiveness. And remember, a personalized follow-up email beats anything you could possibly automate. 

Sales follow-up emails are an important part of the sales process. But it’s tough to generate enticing copy when you have to do it multiple times a day. That’s why you need Jasper.

Ready to write follow-up emails that bag leads and close deals? Sign up with Jasper today to get started.

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Meet The Author:

Dave Rogenmoser

Dave Rogenmoser

Dave is the Co-Founder Jasper , a Y Combinator-backed tech company based in Austin, Texas. He is also a husband and father of 3 boys.

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20 Sales Follow-up Email Templates to Unlock Higher Response Rates (2023)

sales presentation follow up email

Follow-up emails can pump up the average response rate by at least 4% . First follow-up emails are the most effective, bringing in reply rates that are 40% higher than initial emails. Needless to say, follow-up emails are indispensable to sales activities. They can further increase the response rate when worded right and timed strategically. 

While sending follow-up emails can be automated and templatized, it is crucial to avoid sounding formulaic or monotonous. Weave a little personalization or relatability into the content and context. This small effort can go a long way in making the recipient feel valued and appreciated. 

Read on and see real-world examples and templates of follow-up emails.

How to Write Good Sales Follow-up Emails?

A good sales follow-up email should convey the purpose of your initial email and build upon the relationship and trust you establish with the recipient. It should be personalized in consideration of the first email’s context and call to action. It should also add value for the recipient. 

An effective follow-up email should not come across as blatantly automated or auto-texted, as it can make the recipient feel like just another name on a list. Instead, its tone should be subtle and authentic, showing that you have taken the time and effort to craft a message specifically for them. This can help establish a deeper connection with the recipient, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.

Here are a few key points to remember:

Use Effective Follow-up Email Subject Lines for Sales

A good subject line should be concise, attention-grabbing, and convey the purpose of your email. Consider using personalization tactics such as including the recipient’s name or referencing a previous conversation or interaction. 

Here are some example templates of good follow-up email subject lines:

  • Quick question about [topic/product/service]
  • Following up on our conversation about [topic/product/service]
  • [Recipient’s name], have you had a chance to review our proposal?
  • Just checking in on your [specific need/challenge]
  • [Product/service] demo request – next steps
  • [Recipient’s name], did you receive the information you requested?
  • Exciting news about [product/service] – [recipient’s name], you’re the first to know!
  • [Product/service] update – [recipient’s name], you won’t want to miss this!
  • [Recipient’s name], we have a special offer just for you
  • [Product/service] case study – [recipient’s name], this could be you!

Include Personalization

Your follow-up email should be tailored to the recipient’s specific needs and interests. Personalize it by referencing specific details from previous conversations. Mention common interests or challenges and use their preferred name or title.

Here is a stellar example of how Twillo (a prominent communication API provider) checked all the boxes of personalization in its follow-up email to Starbucks’ key decision maker. Notice how the sender went above and beyond to describe Twilio’s potential use-cases with Starbucks.

After sending my last email, I got really excited and wanted to share some ideas I had on how Starbucks could leverage Twilio:

• Mobile app distribution – reduce friction by allowing your website visitors to download your mobile app by texting the download link to their phone. Our technology intelligently detects whether a phone is on iOS or Android OS and sends them to the right app store.

• Picture message a coupon to your customers on their birthday. Why tell them how good a frap will be when you can show them the gooey ribbons of caramel?

• New VIP service: text your order in to your local Starbucks. Get your favorite thirst quencher sooner.

• Picture message Starbucks coupons w/QR codes to your friends on special occasions.

• Leverage geo-location services to MMS special deals to customers when they are in close vicinity to a Starbucks.

The possibilities are really endless.

I’d love to chat with you further about how other companies are using us, as well as chat more about how we can help foster Starbucks’ future innovative ventures.

What’s the best way for me to get 15 minutes on your calendar?

Offer Value

Your follow-up email should offer value to the recipient through additional information, insights, or special promotion. It will show you are invested in the prospect’s needs and interests. 

For example, notice how, in the email sent by Groove below, the sender balances following up and providing a heads-up for additional information.

Subject: You’re in 🙂 | Plus, a quick question…

I really appreciate you joining us at Groove, and I know you’ll love it when you see how easy it is to deliver awesome, personal support to every customer.

We built Groove to help small businesses grow, and I hope that we can achieve that for you.

If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love it if you answered one quick question: why did you sign up for Groove?

I’m asking because knowing what made you sign up is really helpful for us in making sure that we’re delivering on what our users want. Just hit “reply” and let me know.

By the way, over the next couple of weeks, We’ll be sending you a few more emails to help you deliver awesome support to your customers. We’ll be sharing some tips, checking in with you and showing you how some of our customers use Groove to grow their businesses.

Alex – CEO, Groove

Here’s another good example follow-up email sent by Kevin Donlin: Subject: RE: follow-up

It’s been just over 2 weeks since we met at your office, so I wanted to check in and see how things are going with your plans to roll out your new training platform this fall. If you have a chance, please let me know!

Meanwhile, with Steve Jobs in the news so much this week. I was reading this and thought of you — the attached is a copy of a book summary from my files that I hope you find helpful!

Kevin Donlin

Marketing Auther, Copywriter, Speaker


Avoid Using Canned Responses

Avoid generic responses in your follow-up emails. They come across as impersonal and insincere and may even turn off potential customers. Even if you may have to reroute around your automated email mechanisms, take the time to craft a personalized message that addresses the recipient’s specific needs and interests.

Include One or Two Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Your follow-up email should include at least one clear CTA, prompting the recipient to take action. This can include scheduling a meeting or making a purchase. You may add another CTA if (and only if) necessary. Be careful not to overload your email with more than two CTAs because it can be overwhelming and confusing.

Other key follow-up email pointers include:

  • Keeping it short and precise for easy readability
  • Using names in the signature to make it look human
  • Aiming high, given that your email may be circulated to higher authorities

20 Sales Follow-up Email Templates

Here are 20 free-to-use sales follow-up emails templates. We’ve taken the liberty to classify the following sales follow-up email templates based on scenarios and a few industry-specific templates.

Sales Follow-Up Email After No Response

You’ve sent out your first carefully crafted cold email. Now, you’re expecting a good response rate. But as with most emails, you find that you don’t get any response at all. Here is how you can follow up with an email after no response to your sales follow-up email.

Context: Reminding the recipient about the previous email.

Subject Line: [Recipient’s Name], are you still interested in [Product/Service]?

Dear [Recipient’s Name],I hope this email finds you well. 
I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding [product/service]. Since I haven’t heard from you, I take it you’re likely busy. This is just to ensure that my email didn’t get lost in your inbox.

Do you have any questions or concerns about our [product/service]? I’d be happy to provide additional information that might help you make a decision.

If you’re still interested in learning more about [product/service], please let me know a convenient time and date to schedule a call or meeting. 

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Here is a slightly edited text of the previous template that’s more centered on checking in and offering assistance rather than simply reminding the recipient. 

Context: reminding and offering assistance.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on [product/service] and whether it might be a good fit for your needs.

If you have any questions or if there’s anything else I can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Here are some examples of how the template can be tweaked, depending on the line of business:

  • A real estate agent could tweak the email template by customizing the subject line and body to highlight specific properties or deals of interest to the recipient.
  • A lawyer/law firm can change the subject line to “Need legal advice on [issue]? Follow up.” The body of the email could include information about the lawyer’s experience and how they can help with the recipient’s specific legal needs.
  • “A reminder to join us in supporting [cause]” could be the subject line for a nonprofit. The body could include information about the nonprofit’s mission and how the recipient can get involved or support the cause.

Follow-Up Email After Sales Call

Even after a successful call, following up with an email is crucial to keep the momentum going. It ensures that the prospect doesn’t forget about your offering/proposition. A well-crafted follow-up email can help keep your product or service in the recipient’s mind and increase your chances of closing the sale.

Here are some relevant sales follow-up email samples that can help you go about it.

Context: Reinforcing sales points

Subject Line: [Recipient Name], thank you for your time and interest in[Product/Service]

Hi [Recipient Name],

It was great speaking with you earlier today about [Product/Service]. I appreciate your time and the opportunity to learn more about your [Industry/Goal] challenges.

Based on our conversation, I wanted to highlight how [Product/Service] can benefit your organization. Here are a few key points we discussed:

[List a few benefits]

I believe that [Product/Service] could be a valuable asset in helping your organization achieve [specific goal]. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or if there’s anything else I can do to assist you in taking things forward.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Context: CTA/Action-oriented approach

Subject Line: Next Steps – [Product/Service]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today about [Product/Service]. In light of our conversation, I have a good understanding about your [Industry/Goal] challenges and how we might be able to help.

I think that [Product/Service] could be a valuable asset in helping your organization achieve its goals. To move forward, I suggest that we take the following steps:

Step 1: [Action 1]

Step 2: [Action 2]

Step 3: [Action 3]

If this sounds good to you, let’s schedule another call to go over the details and discuss next steps.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if there’s anything I can do to assist you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

The above templates can be tweaked according to, say, follow-up emails after sales presentations and sales meetings follow-up emails.

Sales Follow-Up Email After Proposal/Quote

Following up with an email after sending the quote or proposal is just as crucial as crafting the initial document. Here are a couple of email templates to tackle the same.

Context: Sales quote follow-up email

Subject: Hope the Quote For [product/service] Aligns With Your Expectations

Hello [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up with you regarding the [product/service] quote I sent over last week. I understand you may have some questions or concerns. I would be more than happy to address them.

Our [product/service] offers [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3], which I believe would greatly benefit your business. 

Also, I wanted to let you know that we are currently offering a [discount/special offer], which is only available for a limited time.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to move forward with the quote. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Context: Best Sales follow-up email after proposal

Subject: Checking in on the [product/service] proposal

Dear [Prospect’s Name],

I wanted to follow up with you regarding the [product/service] proposal I sent last week. Do you have any questions or concerns about the proposal?

Our team has extensive experience in [industry/niche], and we are confident that we can deliver the results you’re looking for.

I will be happy to answer any questions, elaborate on the next steps, or provide any additional information you may need.

Thank you for considering our proposal. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Note: These templates can be tweaked by professionals in different industries. While a healthcare provider could mention the benefits of their services to the patient’s health and well-being, a startup could focus on how their product or service can help other startups grow. A hotel could highlight its property’s unique features and amenities and how it can provide an unforgettable experience for its guests.

Follow-up Email Offering Additional Products or Services

Sending a follow-up email after a sale is an excellent opportunity to offer additional products or services to your customers. However, it’s essential to do so in a way that doesn’t feel forced or pushy. With a relevant follow-up email, you can focus on providing value and showing how the additional product or service can enhance their overall experience.

Here are a couple of templates for both upselling and cross-selling. 

Context: Cross-selling

Subject Line: Suggestions to Maximize Your Recent Purchase

Dear [Customer Name],

We are reaching out to thank you for choosing [Company Name] for your recent purchase of [Product/Service]. 

As our valued customer, we would like to offer suggestions to enhance your experience with our products/services. We have several complementary offerings that we believe would work well with your recent purchase. They include [list of products/services with brief descriptions]. 

If any of these products interest you, do reply to this email. We will be happy to assist you.

Thank you again for choosing [Company Name]. We look forward to serving you again soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Context: Upselling (upgrading)

Subject Line: Expand your [Product/Service] experience with our premium features

Dear [Customer Name],

We hope you are enjoying the [Product/Service] you recently purchased from us. [Company Name] takes pride in providing our customers with top-quality products and services.

We also offer several premium features that can take your [Product/Service] experience to the next level. These include [list of premium features with brief descriptions]. They maximize your experience with our products/services and offer additional benefits that the standard packages do not provide.

If you are interested in learning more or if you have any questions, please reply to this email. We’d be happy to assist you.

Thank you for choosing [Company Name]; we look forward to serving you again soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Sales Appointment Request Follow-up Email

After a customer has shown interest in your product or service, it’s crucial to establish a sales call or meeting to discuss their needs and how you can assist them. A follow-up email requesting a sales appointment shows you’re committed to the same. Here is a template for it.

Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our recent correspondence and express my gratitude for your interest in our products/services.

We would be delighted to have the opportunity to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals. We can provide value to your business with our expertise and experience in [insert relevant areas].

Would you be available for a brief call next week to discuss this further? If so, please let me know what dates and times work best for you. 

[Alternatively, you can insert your calendar link so the client can book slots in your calendar upfront.]

Thank you once again for considering our products/services. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Follow-up Email to Check on Customer Satisfaction

Checking on customer satisfaction is crucial for building long-lasting relationships and driving sales. It leads to increased customer loyalty and repeat business. It also opens avenues for valuable feedback for improving customer experience. 

Subject: Checking in on Your Experience with [company name]

Hello [customer name],

I wanted to reach out and thank you for choosing [company name] for your recent purchase. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and this email intends to check in and see how everything is going with your purchase.

We would love to hear your feedback and constructive criticism.

Please submit your feedback in the form below. It will take no more than 5 minutes of your time.


If there is anything we can do to improve your experience, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you again for choosing [company name]. 

Best regards,

[Your name]

Follow-Up Email After Sales Rejection

Rejection is part of any sales job. It doesn’t mean you should give up on a potential customer though. Following up with a polite email after rejection can help keep the door open for future opportunities and show your prospect that you value their time and consideration. 

Context: Simple “thank you” follow-up email after sales rejection

Subject: Thank You For Considering [product/service]

Dear [Prospect’s Name],

I want to thank you for considering [product/service] and taking the time to speak with me about your needs.

While I’m disappointed we couldn’t move forward, I respect your decision. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Should your circumstances change, I would be happy to revisit our conversation and discuss how we can help you achieve your goals. 

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Context: Offering alternative solution

Subject: Alternative solution for [prospect’s pain point]

Dear [Prospect’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about [prospect’s pain point] and considering our [product/service]. I understand that our solution may not have been the right fit for your needs. As such, I wanted to offer an alternative that may interest you.

[Talk about the alternative]

If you’re interested, I would be happy to provide more information and help facilitate the introduction. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Context: Seeking feedback

Subject: Your feedback is valuable to us

Dear [Prospect’s Name],

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for considering our [product/service]. Although I’m saddened that we couldn’t move forward, I respect your decision and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

We strive to improve our offerings and customer experience. I was wondering if you could share any feedback or insights you may have on how we could have better met your needs. Your input is incredibly valuable to us.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Follow-Up Email to Check Status Engagement

Despite multiple follow-up emails, some customers may remain unresponsive. This template can serve as a last-resort email to confirm if they should still be included in your sales pipeline.

Subject: Checking in on our engagement

Hello [Customer’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up regarding our previous conversation and check if you are still interested in [product/service] from us.

I understand things can get busy, and you may have been sidetracked with other priorities. 

That said, I wanted to check if you are still interested in exploring how [product/service] can benefit your business. If not, we completely understand and would like to thank you for your time. We will remove you from our sales pipeline and not contact you further. Please let me know.

If you are still interested, we can continue the conversation about how we can serve you anytime you’d like.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Company Name]

Now that we’ve covered many generic follow-up email templates. Let’s focus on some specific use cases.

Car Sales Follow-up Email

Buying a car is a big decision and can be overwhelming for customers.

As a car salesman, sending a follow-up email can help to build trust, answer their queries, and ultimately close the deal. It comes down to making the process as smooth and stress-free as possible for the customer. Here are some follow-up email templates to facilitate your next car sales.

Context: Follow-up to purchase inquiry

Subject: Follow-Up on Your Recent Car Purchase Inquiry

Dear [Customer’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to check in regarding your recent inquiry about purchasing a car from [Dealership Name].

We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service. I understand that purchasing a car is a big decision, and I want to ensure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. 

If you have any further questions or concerns about the cars you were interested in or financing options, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. 

I look forward to scheduling your test drive!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Dealership Name]

Context: Follow-up on test drive

Subject: Follow-Up on Your Recent Test Drive

Dear [Customer’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to follow up with you after your recent test drive at [Dealership Name] and see if you had further questions or concerns about the [Car Make and Model] you test-drove.

I understand that purchasing a vehicle is a big decision, and it’s crucial that you have all the information you need to make the right choice. If there’s anything that’s unclear or you’d like to discuss further, I’m here to help.

Thank you for considering [Dealership Name] for your automotive needs.I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Dealership Name]

Fundraising/Pitch Deck Follow-up Email Templates For Startups

As a startup founder, getting the necessary funding can be a make-or-break situation. Following up after a fundraising pitch can show potential investors you’re serious, dedicated, and committed to your business. Here is a follow-up email template that could aid you in securing the investment you need for your startup.

Context: Fundraising/Pitch Deck follow-up

Subject: Following Up on Our Pitch Meeting

Dear [Investor Name],I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our pitch meeting from [date] and express my gratitude for your time and interest in our startup.

As a reminder, our startup [startup name] is focused on [briefly describe your startup’s mission and value proposition]. 

We are currently seeking funding to help us [briefly describe your funding needs and plans]. I believe that [investor name]’s expertise and experience in [investor’s area of expertise] could be incredibly valuable to our company. 

I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss our startup further and answer any questions you may have. Please let me know if you would like to schedule a follow-up meeting or call at your convenience.

Thank you again for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Startup Name]

E-commerce Follow-up Email

Bulk follow-up emails should be part and parcel of e-commerce campaigns. Here is a generic template.

Context: Follow up to the welcome email post signing up

Subject: Welcome to [E-commerce website name] – Here are some fantastic deals for you!

Dear [Customer Name],Thank you for signing up with us. We hope you’re enjoying your experience with [E-commerce website name]! 

Here is an exclusive welcome coupon as a token of our appreciation for you coming on board. Also, our team has put together a special collection just for our new customers, and we think you’ll love it!

Check out our website today to explore our range of products and take advantage of our exclusive offers.

Thank you again for choosing [E-commerce website name].

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[E-commerce website name] Team

Context: Win-back follow-up email

Subject: We Miss You! Come Back For a Special Offer

Dear [Customer Name],

We noticed that you haven’t shopped with us in a while, and we wanted to reach out to see if everything is okay. Are you still satisfied with our products and services?

Here is a special discount of [Discount Amount or Percentage] on your next purchase with us. Simply use the code [Discount Code] at checkout to redeem your offer.

Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to improve your shopping experience.

We hope to see you back on our website soon!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Company]

Context: Abandoned cart follow-up email

Subject: Get 10% off on your left-behind purchases

Dear [Customer Name],

We noticed that you added some items to your cart but didn’t complete your purchase. Let us know if you have any concerns about the products or the ordering process.

Thank you again for considering our store, and we hope to see you soon!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your E-commerce Website]

Note: e-commerce email templates can be tweaked in many ways, depending on the scenario. These include:

  • Repeat customer follow-up email
  • Post-purchase/upselling follow-up email

Why You Need Mailsuite for Sales Emails

Knowing whether your prospect has opened or read your emails is crucial to making informed decisions about how and when to send subsequent follow-up emails. This is where Mailsuite comes in. It is a powerful tool to help you track whether and when your prospect has opened your email. We provide you with valuable information to improve your email marketing strategies. 

In addition, Mailsuite provides custom follow-up reminders/notifications (such as “Not Opened Reminders” and “Revival Notifications”) and integration options with other software like Zapier for those who need automatic follow-ups. 

Leverage Mailsuite to up your sales email game.

Read more about follow-up emails:

How to Write Follow-Up Emails (w/Templates for Common Scenarios)

30 Follow-up Email Templates That Work and 30 Bad Examples

30 Best Follow-Up Email Subject Lines (to Get Replies!)

Set up effective Gmail follow-up emails

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Overcome email overload: how to reach inbox zero, 18 out-of-office email templates for every situation (and when to use them), get your time off approved: how to write a winning vacation request email.

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Ultimate Sales Follow-Up Email Templates

You got the meeting, booked the call, created the Showcase presentation, and delivered your message to the prospective client… Now what?

Now we enter the art of the follow up. Research shows that 80% of sales require at least five follow-ups — but only the top 8% of sales people make that many attempts!

You want to be part of that 8% — but we know as well as anyone that it can be tricky to know what to say in all those follow-ups. How do you make yourself useful and friendly in a sales follow-up email without sounding… well, too salesy ?

That’s why we decided to pull together the ultimate sales follow-up email guide so you’re never again at a loss for words. Bookmark this page, print it out, or — better yet — copy and paste the templates as canned responses in your own email program or CRM so you can grab them whenever you need them.

General guidelines for email follow-up

There are some best practices you can (and should) consider when you want to send an email to follow up with a potential customer, no matter what the circumstances:

1.   Start with thank you. Keep it brief and be genuine.

2.   Make a connection. It’s that old adage that people buy from people they know, like, and trust. If possible (and authentic) connect with them around something you spoke about or something you have in common. But don’t string this part out.

3. Remind them why they need your product. Revisit what they are struggling with or need.

4.   Establish yourself as the expert. Explain how and why you or your product is the answer to their problem/struggle. As often as possible, offer new and relevant information to help them advance their thinking or decision.

5.   Include a testimonial or case study from a satisfied customer to show that you can deliver on your promise. This is most effective when the satisfied customer had the same (or similar) problem or concern.

6. End with a call to action enticing the customer to do something — you might suggest they visit a website for more information, book a call, place an order, or ask a question.

In the templates below, we won’t necessarily be prompting you to say thank you or make a connection in every email — but that’s the part you can customize for each client. If it’s helpful, make yourself a little checklist and put it on a sticky note near your computer to help you remember.

sales presentation follow up email

One other thought: In the minute before my sales calls I have a routine of taking a deep breath, imagining the best possible outcome, and fashioning the sides of my face into a smile. We are inclined to mirror the energy of others and this little routine helps me bring my warmest self to a meeting, and feel relaxed enough to meet the other person where they are in that moment. I think the technique works for putting your best foot forward in an email too.

After the meeting

Use these follow-up email swipe templates after you’ve had the meeting and want to follow up:

Had a meeting and wanting to send a follow-up recap or summary email

Dear {First name},

Thanks for your time today. I really enjoyed getting to know about {insert what you learned about their company/problem} .

As follow up to our call, I wanted to send a quick recap of what we talked about:

  • {recap or summarize the meeting or pitch}

I believe {your product} is a perfect fit for you because {insert benefits} .

Our biggest success story involves {share a customer win or testimonial here} .

You can view the {presentation/proposal} we talked about by clicking here {insert VIP link to your Showcase presentation} .

Let me know when you’re ready to {take the next step in the sales process} .

{Insert Closing}

Had a meeting where prospect seemed keen but you haven't heard from them

Hi {First name},

Thanks so much for taking the time to meet with me {last week }.

I wanted to follow up to see if you had any questions about {the product/proposal — include a VIP link to the associated Showcase presentation} ?

I know you were concerned about {main pain point or concern} . Our product {describe how your product solves that problem} .

Feel free to send me any questions by email or we can schedule a follow up meeting.

Talk to you soon,

sales presentation follow up email

Had a phone call where prospect seemed keen but you haven't heard from them

Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me {last week} .

I wanted to follow up to see if you had any questions about {the product/proposal} ?

I also wanted to send along this {resource/presentation – insert VIP link to Showcase Workshop} that answers questions about {product} .

Feel free to send me any specific questions you may have by email or we can schedule a follow-up meeting.

Had a meeting and the prospect said they needed to talk to their boss/spouse before proceeding

Thank you for your time {yesterday/today/etc) . I understand the importance of thinking and taking the time to discuss with your {boss/spouse} .

You’re not entering into this lightly; you’re taking the time to think through your choices and make the best decision and that’s admirable.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with many amazing {clients/companies} and I am certain that {product/service} is a good fit for you because {reasons or benefits} .

Other clients have had a similar experience and I thought I’d send you these {case studies/testimonials} that you can share with your {boss/spouse} while you consider our offer.  You can share the {proposal/presentation} with them directly by sending them this link {insert VIP link to your Showcase presentation} .

And, of course, I’d be more than happy to answer any questions they have.

I’ll follow up with you again in {time period} if I haven’t heard back before then.

Gave a product demo but you haven't heard back

Thanks so much for taking the time to go through our {product} demo with me. It seemed like you were really excited about {feature or benefit they loved} .

I wanted to circle back and see if you had any additional questions about {the product} that I could answer for you?

{Remind them about their main pain point and the benefits of the product}

I can get you started with {product} right away when you’re ready. Just {take this next step in the sales process} and we can get started.

Accessed a free trial/download/resource but you can tell they haven't made use of it

I see you signed up for a {product free trial/free resource} on {date} but it doesn't look like you had the opportunity to give it a try. You don't know what you're missing out on!

{Product} has the potential to be a great tool for a company like yours with {describe their main pain point and benefit of the product} .

If there was a technical hurdle getting started, let me know and I can help resolve that.

If you had some other question, I’d be happy to {get on a call/schedule a meeting/set up a demo} to go over it with you.

sales presentation follow up email

Had a meeting, sent a proposal, and haven't heard back for X number of days

I wanted to follow up on the proposal I shared on {date} and get your thoughts.

Here it is again if you need it: {insert VIP link to Showcase presentation} .

I wanted to be sure to point out {highlight an important point or detail from the presentation} because you {remind them of a pain point} .

I’d love it if you’d let me know where you’re at in your decision process and if I can answer any additional questions for you.

Had a meeting, sent a proposal, followed up once but haven't heard back

*Note: This is a variation on Dean Jackson’s famous nine-word email. It seems too short, but it gets results!

I wanted to circle back. Are you still interested in {solving their main pain point} ?

Let me know,

Follow-up after customer booked a meeting/demo and cancelled or didn’t show

I will keep this super short because I understand how busy you probably are.

On {date} you {booked a meeting/demo} but we missed each other and I wanted to follow up.

I know that you {reiterate their pain point — be specific if they shared on a booking form} and our {product/service} can help. {Describe the benefits.}

I pulled together some information for you. You can check it out here: {insert VIP link to Showcase proposal or presentation} .

Your next step is to {attend a short call/get a free demo} .

When you sign up, there’s no obligation to buy. I just want to make sure you get all your questions answered about {product/service/pain point} .

Grab a spot on my calendar {insert link to book a meeting/demo} or, if these times don’t work, feel free to email (or text). I know how schedules can be.

Follow-up after not hearing back for at least 6 weeks or more

*Note: This template works well when you have a new company resource you can share, like a blog post, testimonial, white paper, etc.

I saw this {article/book/resource} today and it made me think of you.

Last time we talked, you mentioned {pain point} and I thought this might help.

Can we book a time to catch up? How about {specific time} or {specific time} ?

Hope you’re doing well.

Overcoming objections

sales presentation follow up email

Sometimes a prospect will respond with an objection. This is a great time to demonstrate your expertize.

Follow-up to a time objection

Thanks so much for sharing your concern about {time: how long it will take, they don’t have time right now, etc} . Everybody is so busy these days, and I can completely understand what that’s like.

It can be hard to prioritize {solving their pain point} when there are so many other things demanding your time and resources, and it’s easy to imagine there will be a time in the future when we won’t be so busy.

But, to be honest, I haven’t found that to be the case.

{Share the benefits of solving their problem now instead of waiting, or share how your company can make the process faster/easier for them}.

In fact, this customer had the same concern and ended up extremely glad they made the time to take action. {Share a relevant case study or testimonial}.

Let me know how I can help you get started.

Follow-up to a price objection — prospect is asking you to lower your prices but you are not going to adjust prices

Thank you so much for sharing your current circumstances with me. I completely understand where you’re at with this decision.

We understand {finances/cash flow} can be tricky sometimes. I’ve often heard from customers who let me know that the investment felt steep, but they found a way to make the commitment — and on the other side of that investment, those same people tell us it's some of the best money they have ever spent, because {describe benefits, changes, or testimonials here} .

Because of those customers’ experiences it's out of integrity for us to offer a discount to anyone.

What I am able to do is {insert any offer you are willing to make. This could be multiple payments, different terms, or a smaller scope or package} .

Please let me know if you have any questions and what you decide.

Follow-up to a price objection — prospect is asking you to lower your prices and you are willing to give a X% reduction because you've worked together in the past and know they are a good client

We understand {finances/cash flow} can be tricky sometimes.

Because you’ve been a reliable {customer/client} and we’ve worked together in the past, I’m willing to offer you a {X%} reduction.

Just don’t go telling all your friends, or they’ll all want one!

Let me know if that works for you and we’ll get things started right away.

Follow-up to a price objection — prospect is asking you to lower your prices and you are willing to give a $X reduction because you've worked together in the past and know them to be a good client

Thanks for giving me the chance to speak with you on {day} – and I’ve got some good news.

I checked in with my {boss, manager, or warehouse} and they would be happy to offer you that {$X} discount we discussed because you’ve been such a great client in the past.

Please let me know that you’re ready to go and I will get things started on our end.

sales presentation follow up email

Follow-up after they accepted a proposal or gave a soft yes and then changed their mind

Dear {First name}

Thank you for reaching out and letting me know you want to try {a different solution} . I understand {objection} and want to make sure you’re doing what’s best for {you/your company} .

I've been doing this long enough to know that {challenge or benefit they may not have considered} and I wanted to share one last thought with you.

{Reiterate their pain point and why your solution is the best fit, especially if you can compare it to the competitor}.

Are they any further questions I can answer? Whatever you choose, I want to help you make the best choice for {you/your company} at this time.

After delivering the product or service

Your job as a sales rep doesn’t end when the contract is signed. The best sales people continue to follow up with clients and customers after the sale; that’s smart because it’s always easier to sell additional products or services to an existing customer than to bring in a new customer.

Follow-up after you've delivered services to make sure they are happy with the outcome

I heard from {department} that your {service} was completed on {date} and I wanted to reach out and ask — are you loving it?

If you have any questions or concerns at all, you know where to reach me.

Follow-up after you've delivered their order to make sure they are happy with their product

I heard from {department} that your {product} was delivered on {date} and I wanted to reach out and ask — are you loving it?

sales presentation follow up email

Other general follow-up messages

Some additional follow-up email messages to have in your toolbox.

Telephoned and left a message follow-up

I tried calling but assume you’re busy at the moment. I know how it goes.

When you have a moment, please call me back at {number} or reply here to let me know if there’s a better time for me to phone you.

Hope to talk soon.

Following up after they’ve viewed a Showcase presentation (or other triggering event)

*Note: This is a clever technique some of our clients use to appear omniscient. When they receive the email alert notifying them that a client has viewed a presentation, they call or send a follow-up email like this one and the client replies — “That’s so funny! We were just talking about you…”

I trust you’ve had a chance to review the {proposal/presentation} I sent over, so I thought it was a good time to check in with you again.

Have you had a chance to think it over? I’m happy to chat on the phone to answer any questions you may have.

Are you free {specific time} or {specific time} for a quick conversation?

Follow-up after a networking event or conference

It was great connecting with you at {event} on {date} .

I was thinking about what you said about {problem or pain point they mentioned} and thought you might appreciate this case study on how we helped a similar company achieve {benefit or goal} . {insert VIP link to Showcase presentation}

I would love to discuss how we can make this solution work for you. Are you free for a phone call at {specific time} or {specific time} ?

Intro made by someone else and wanting to pick up the conversation one-on-one

It sounds like {introducer} thought we should talk, and I agree. I’d love to get to know you and hear more about {company and/or problem} .

Are you free for a call at {specific time} or {specific time} ?

A prospect who has moved companies and expressed their desire to take your services with them to their new job

Congrats again on the new position! Have you finished setting up your new desk yet?

As promised, I am following up with you to talk about bringing {product/service} to your new job.

Can we set up a time to talk about the details? I could do a meeting at {specific time} or {specific time} .

In the meantime, here are some materials you can take to your new {boss/board of directors/manager/team} to get them acquainted with {product/service} : {insert VIP link to Showcase presentation} .

Let’s catch up soon!

sales presentation follow up email

As you might have noticed, having all your sales materials in one place, like Showcase Workshop, can make sales follow-up emails even more powerful and effective. With Showcase, you can send emails directly from the app, share proposals and presentations directly to your prospects, and even keep track of when a prospect has viewed the materials you sent.

Click here to arrange a free demo — and we promise, a real human will follow up with you!

Header image by Chen Mizrach on Unsplash

11 Follow-Up Email Templates for Sales

11 Follow-Up Email Templates for Sales

No reply to your cold emails? Trying to move the sales process forward without being too pushy? We have follow-up email templates to get you started. Write follow-ups for one-on-one use or automation workflows that’ll get results. 

The hard truth of the matter is that when starting out with follow-up emails, it will take time to build up a high response rate. But they’re still a necessary part of your email marketing strategy. Why? 

Because prospects aren’t always going to reach out to you on their own. And, your competitors are already doing it. 

In this article, we’ll cover follow-up email templates, examples, and tips so you can write a professional email that goes beyond “Just checking in,” and improve your email outreach.

Sales follow-up email templates

Below we cover templates for how to write an official follow-up email for common use cases so your prospects don’t fall through the cracks. Use these as a guide and personalize as needed. 

1. Follow up after a meeting

Scenario: You've had a productive meeting with a potential client or business partner. You want to follow up to recap the meeting and discuss next steps. The example below is from the perspective of a financial consulting company. 

Related: 7 Ways to Use Marketing Automation for Financial Services

2. Follow up after presenting at an event

Scenario: You've attended a networking event or conference and made valuable connections. Now, you want to follow up with those contacts to continue the conversation and explore potential opportunities.

3. Trigger event follow-up email template

Scenario: A contact interacts with a page on your website or content in your email campaign. For example, they request more information about a service. By adding this trigger in an automation workflow, you can send a pre-made follow-up email template to reach out to them while they’re interested. 

4. Follow up after no response

Sent a cold email to a potential prospect and they haven’t replied after a few days? Or did you talk once, and now radio silence? Now’s the time to send a first follow-up email. 

4.1 Politely bump an email

4.2 a second follow-up.

This email is an adapted email that nailed the sale.

4.3 Final follow up

At some point, you need to know if you’re just wasting your time. The final follow-up email is essentially a “last chance” and creates a sense of urgency without being pushy.

5. Inquiry follow-up email template

Scenario: A prospect has inquired about your product or service. You want to follow up to provide more information and answer any questions they may have, ideally through a call. 

6. Follow up on a proposal

Scenario: You've submitted a proposal to a client, and you want to follow up on your previous email. The goal is to address any questions or concerns they may have and move the deal forward.

7. Follow up email template after leaving a voicemail

Whether you’re cold-calling your prospects or reaching out to someone you met, following up with an email gives your prospects a bit more context. 

If phone calls are a primary part of our business, consider a VoIP service so you can record calls and keep track of client conversations.

8. Follow up after a demo or trial

Scenario: A prospect has participated in a product demo or trial, and you want to follow up to gather feedback, address any issues, and discuss next steps.

How to write a follow-up email: dos and don'ts

These are the favorite dos and don'ts our Brevo sales experts shared with us. We also included our favorite tips from around the web to help you master follow-up emails. 

Follow up promptly . Prompt follow-ups (1-3 days) leave less time for contacts to forget the context. However, it’s always good to A/B test what works best for your campaign. Try 12 hours and work from there.

Be brief . People don’t have all day to read emails, so make your message concise. A couple paragraphs is a good range to aim for.

Add value . To make your follow-up successful, offer something useful to potential customers. Is it a resource, a chance to chat, or a solution to their problem? 

Put the prospect first. Think of their needs and respond with genuine suggestions.

Reply to their original email . Reply to the email thread and include original attachments if applicable. If you met your prospect another way, provide a quick refresher about how you met. 

Create an informative follow-up email subject line . Let your recipient know what to expect. 30-50 characters is a good length. If it’s too long, it’ll get cut off in Gmail inboxes. 

Was it nice meeting someone at a networking event? Say, “Great meeting you, {{Name}}.” Are you thanking someone for a download, “Thanks for downloading our {{resource name}},” or answering an inquiry “In response to your inquiry”? And so on.

Try Brevo’s AI Assistant

Give your email campaigns a fresh boost with the power of AI. Brevo’s AI Assistant knows all the techniques for generating engaging content and subject lines. Available for free in our Email editor.  Learn more here.

Create a professional sender name. Having a professional email sender name increases the chances someone will open your email. Beyond building trustworthiness, it allows you to easily segment your email lists later on. Include a profile picture to perfect it. 

An email sender name preview.

Include a clear call to action (CTA) . In a B2B email, this is your ask. Do you want them to schedule a call? Or plan a demo? In a B2C email, your CTA is usually a button with persuasive text such as “Unlock my free trial.” 

Analyze your campaigns . Campaign reports show how well your templates perform. Track key email metrics like open rates, clicks, and unsubscribes. Then optimize your follow-up email template for future prospects.

Campaign metrics showing the success of a follow-up email campaign.

Email campaign metrics in Brevo

Use automation . Not all follow-up emails are personal, handwritten emails. Sometimes, it’s better to automate them. If you had a lot of attendees at your webinar, you can email them all individually, but it’ll take a lot of time. 

This image shows how to use automation to send follow-up emails.

Follow-up email campaign automation

Set up lead nurturing automation follow-up sequences and populate your sales follow-up email template with dynamic content, like each contact’s name or industry. 

Don’t attach large files. This may cause your email to bounce. 

Don’t use jargon . As Motherofcatss put it on Reddit , “Write like you talk.” Your prospects might just skim emails on their phones, so make it easy to read. 

Don’t start an email with “Just.” Using “Just” makes whatever you have to say less valuable, explains Borla78 . 

“Just seeing what you thought about our [proposal]” is much less confident than “What did you think of our [proposal].” Don’t let your prospects doubt you. 

Real-world follow-up email examples

Here are a couple of follow-up messages we sourced to show some real-life methods.

Networking event follow-up email example

This is a follow-up email example after an event.

Follow up email example after an event

Use the adapted follow up template below.

Subject line: Great meeting you!

Good Afternoon,

My colleague and I enjoyed getting to meet your team at [event name] on [date]! I spoke to your colleague, they suggested I send an email to this address.

We chatted about [topic].

That happens to be exactly what we specialize in. We’re great at [what you do]. Take a look at our [resource] to how we help clients achieve [ goal]. 

Are you free [date] for a coffee chat? Let me know. 


This follow-up email template starts with a quick refresher, shows expertise, and finishes off with a call to action for a coffee chat. 

Lead nurturing follow-up email example

Subject line: Inside CRE: The page we send to our new clients (to improve their success rates)

This is a follow-up email example for content download.

This follow-up email is part of a lead nurturing workflow. It shows how to add value to a follow-up email by including some top resources. You can use a similar tactic in your follow-up email.

Survey follow-up email example

A survey follow-up email example.


This follow up email example is asking for feedback or a review after an event. This format can also be used to ask for client referrals. 

Create your own follow-up email template

Ready to send follow-up emails and get results? 

With the Brevo CRM, your salespeople can easily design email templates to use in follow-up email sequences. Then, track prospects’ progress through your CRM database so you never miss a key moment to touch base. 

Create your follow-up email templates in Brevo

About the author.

Monika Fowle

Ready to grow with Brevo?

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sales presentation follow up email

How to Write Sales Follow-Up Emails that Close Every Time (With 10 Templates You Can Steal)

sales presentation follow up email

In order to close sales, you need to be serious about following up with your prospects.

Unfortunately, many sales reps struggle to send effective follow-up emails that grab their recipients’ attention without spamming their inbox .

There are a number of key components that go into sending an effective sales follow-up email and consistently generating interest and closing more deals.

This article will show you how to write a sales follow-up email that gets a response and isn’t annoying.

8 Key Tips for Sending Effective Sales Follow-up Emails

  • Start with a killer email subject line that grabs their attention
  • Make your pitch compelling and personalized
  • Time your follow-up email to stay relevant but not feel overwhelming
  • Create a consistent cadence and keep following up with every prospect
  • Focus on the value that you can create for them
  • Inject personalization or points of interest that the prospect mentioned previously
  • Look for opportunities to follow-up naturally after an event or trigger ‍
  • Keep following up !

Writing Better Follow-Up Emails Can Skyrocket Your Sales

80% of all sales require five follow-ups to close?

Did you know that 80% of all sales require five follow-ups to close ?

Unfortunately for the overwhelming majority of sales reps who fail to follow up five times (92% to be exact), there’s a small yet persistent group of reps landing most of the deals.

Even worse, 44% of all reps gives up after one measly follow-up attempt!

Here’s the exact breakdown according to research by Marketing Donut :

  • 44% of sales reps stop following up after one rejection or ignored email
  • 22% of reps stop after two attempts
  • 14% of reps stop after three attempts
  • 12% of reps stop after four attempts

The math works out to suggest that 8% of salespeople are scoring 80% of the deals!

Even if following-up isn’t your favorite part of the job, it’s absolutely crucial to your success. If you give up before that crucial fifth follow-up, you’re shutting down the bulk of your sales potential.

The key is to strike a balance between sending attention-grabbing follow-up emails and driving your prospect crazy with incessant messages.

How to NOT be Annoying When Sending a Sales Follow-up Email

How to NOT be Annoying When Following Up

Want to get someone’s attention without scaring them away? Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

  • Make it easy for them to respond: Make sure your subject line and call to action are as specific as possible. The more emails your prospect receives every day, the less likely they are to read each one. If you send them a wall of text with no clear direction, they aren’t likely to reply. If you want them to take a certain action – tell them!
  • Don’t flag your email as high priority: No matter what you’re selling, your follow-up message is probably not a matter of life and death. Rather than ensuring it gets read, marking a sales email as urgent comes off as arrogant and could get your message deleted. If you really want to stand out in your contact’s inbox, take the time to write a relevant, punchy, personalized subject line.
  • Be respectful of their time:  Give prospect’s a reasonable window of time before sending a follow-up message. Even if you have to follow-up five times (as is required by most sales!), you can avoid spamming your prospect by spacing them out appropriately. Sending a follow-up email too soon tells the recipient you don’t respect their busy schedule.  

Timing is Everything: When to Send a Follow-Up Sales Email for Best Results

If you’re not concerned about getting the timing right, you’re following up wrong. Exactly when you send a hit (or schedule your emails to send it) is one of the most important aspects of an effective follow-up.

So, here’s the big question: how long should you wait before sending a follow-up email?

The bad news is that there’s no easy answer. The best times and days to send an email vary greatly depending on who you’re contacting.

The good news is that, in most cases, you can confidently follow-up every three to four days without making your prospect feel overwhelmed.

The even better news? Technology makes following up easier than ever. You can write, format, and schedule follow-up emails in advance using automatic email follow-up software like Propeller’s, so none of your opportunities slip through the cracks.

10 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates You Can Steal

Now, let’s dive into those email templates. We’ve provided ten follow-up email templates that you can use at different stages of the sales process, including when to send them and suggested subject lines.

10 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates You Can Steal

1. Following Up After Your First Meeting

Subject: Are you ready to discuss our next steps?

Hi [NAME] ,

I’d like to thank you for your time and find out how you’d like to proceed from here.

Are you ready to [SPECIFIC NEXT STEP] ?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


When to use it? After your first sales call or meeting with a potential customer. Use this email as an opportunity to build a positive relationship, stay top-of-mind, and build momentum to drive the sale forward.

2. Following Up After a Sales Demo

Subject 1: Great talking with you today!

Subject 2: One more thing before I forget

Hey [NAME] ,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet with you today. Here’s a quick recap of the key points we covered:


Do you have any questions about what our solution can do for [PROSPECT’S COMPANY] ? When is a convenient time to chat about this over the phone?

When to use it? After a product demo when your presentation is still fresh in the prospect’s mind.

3. Following Up After a Sales Call or Meeting

Subject 1: I got your request approved!

Subject 2: Looks like we’re good to go

[NAME] , I’m writing to say thanks for giving me the chance to speak with you on [DAY] – and to deliver some good news.

I checked in with my [BOSS or WAREHOUSE] and they would be happy to arrange [SPECIAL REQUEST].

Please let me know how you would like to proceed.

When to use it?   After you’ve had a sales meeting with a potential customer who needs a few days to think it over or an extra incentive to commit. Whether they specifically requested a custom solution or you’re going out of your way to secure them a specific offer, this template allows you to re-open the conversation on a very positive note.

4. Following Up After Leaving a Voicemail

Subject 1: Is there a better time we can talk?

Subject 2: Tried to call you just now

I tried calling but assume you’re busy at the moment. I know how it goes.

When you have a moment, please call me back at [NUMBER] or reply here to let me know if there’s a better time for me to phone you.

Hope to talk soon.

When to use it?   As soon as you hang up the phone! Always pair a voicemail message with a quick email to reinforce the impact of your follow-up.

5. Following Up After a Trigger Event

Subject 1: Do you want more information?

Subject 2: Would you like to discuss next steps?

I trust that you’ve had a chance to read my previous message and check out our products online, so I thought it was a good time to check in with you again.

Have you had a chance to think over my proposal? I’m happy to chat on the phone to answer any questions you may have.

Are you free [SPECIFIC TIME] or [SPECIFIC TIME] for a quick conversation?

When to use it? If you’re using a CRM to track email opens and analytics, you can send this email shortly after a prospect has opened one of your previous messages or visited your website.

6. Following Up After a Networking Event

Subject 1: I’m glad we crossed paths today, [NAME]

Subject 3: You might want to see this

It was great connecting with you at [EVENT] on [DATE].

I was thinking about what you said about [PROSPECT PAIN POINT] and thought you might appreciate this case study on how we helped a similar company achieve [GOAL] in [TIMEFRAME] : [LINK to relevant case study or article] .

I would love to discuss how we can make this solution work for you. Are you free for a phone call on [DATE] at [TIME A] , [TIME B] , or [TIME C] ?

When to use it? Use this template to follow-up with prospects after meeting at a trade show or industry event. It serves the dual purpose of reminding the recipient of who you are and what your company offers, as well as finding out how serious they are about making a purchase in the near future.

7. Following Up When You Have the Wrong Contact

Subject 1: Can you help me?

Subject 2: I hope you can set me straight

Hi [NAME ],

I reached out to you a few days ago about [COMPANY OR PRODUCT] and it struck me afterwards that I may have missed the mark.

Are you the right person to talk to about this? If not, could you please tell me who I should contact?

Thanks for your help.

When to use it? If you realize the person you’re in contact with doesn’t have buying power or seems reluctant to commit to a purchase without checking in with a colleague.

8. Following Up After Radio Silence

Subject 1: A few things you should know about [COMPANY NAME]

Subject 2: This might be of interest to you, [FIRST NAME]

Hi again, [NAME] ,

I emailed you a while ago about [ COMPANY OR PRODUCT] and how I think we could be a great fit for [PROSPECT’S COMPANY] .

Did you know that our client’s report [ACHIEVEMENT] when they use our [PRODUCT OR SERVICE]? We also provide [BENEFIT A] and [BENEFIT B] to companies just like yours.

Would you like to hear about this solution in more detail? I’d be happy to fill you in!

When to use it? If you’ve sent a previous email or two and never heard back. Curate interesting pieces of content that you can send to potential clients when you need to recapture their attention.

9. Following Up After Multiple Follow Ups

Subject: Still hoping to connect

I’m sorry we haven’t been able to connect recently. The last time we spoke, you seemed quite interested in [PRODUCT OR SOLUTION].

I realize that you’re incredibly busy, so I’d be happy to schedule a call with you at any time that works for you – even if it falls outside of office hours.

I don’t mean to bother you, but would appreciate some indication of your decision either way.

When to use it? When you’ve already sent multiple follow-ups and still haven’t heard from the prospect. If you don’t get a response after following up on your original follow-ups, it might be time to send over a breakup email.

10. Following Up with A Breakup Email

Subject 1: Can I close your file?

Subject 2: Is this the end?

I’m in the process of clearing out my sales pipeline and I thought I should let you know that you’re on my delete list.

If you’re no longer interested, do I have permission to permanently close your file?

If you are still interested, what would you like to do as a next step?

When to use it? Only resort to this type of message when you’ve followed up already five or more times and still haven’t heard back.

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12 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates to Turn Silences Into Sales

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Customer Service & CX Specialists

ProProfs Help Desk Editorial Team is a diverse group of professionals passionate about help desk management. We update you on the latest trends, dive into technical topics, and offer insights to elevate your business.

Sales Follow Up Email Templates

Sometimes, in life, you may not hit the target on the first attempt. And who knows this better than a sales representative? 

After the first contact with a prospect, they may not be fully convinced to buy your product or service. This is where sales follow-up emails can help reignite their interests and push them to desired actions. 

Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or new to the game, this blog will help you understand the nuances of follow-up emails, offering you templates that are both effective and easy to personalize. 

Let’s dive in! 

What Are Sales Follow-Up Emails?

Sales follow-up emails are a crucial component of the sales process, acting as a bridge to maintain communication with potential customers after initial contact has been made. 

These emails serve several important purposes, including nurturing leads, providing additional information, addressing concerns, and ultimately guiding prospects through the sales funnel toward making a purchase. 

The goal of sales follow-up emails is to encourage action, whether it’s making a purchase, scheduling another meeting, or taking another step in the sales process. Effective follow-up emails have clear calls-to-action (CTA) that guide prospects on what to do next.

12 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates to Try This Year

From establishing a connection with a prospect who’s gone cold to expressing gratitude post-purchase, this section reveals 12 templates that can get the job done. 

But what’s the best way to store and access all these follow-up templates? You can use shared inbox software to create and save as many templates as you want. Your sales agents can simultaneously access inboxes like sales@, orders@, inquiries@, etc., and collaborate with each other using internal notes . 

1. When the Prospect Disappears

This template is designed for re-establishing contact with prospects who have gone silent. It emphasizes a positive tone and understanding, avoiding any expression of frustration while leaving the door open for future interactions.

Subject: Just Checking In – Hope All Is Well!


I hope you are doing well and things are great on your end. It’s been a while since we last connected, and I wanted to check in to see how everything is going with you.

Sometimes, we don’t hear back from our contacts for one of two reasons: it’s not the right time for them, or they’ve decided to go in a different direction. We completely understand and respect your decision either way.

Given our policy to keep files active for only a certain period, I’ll be closing your file shortly. However, I would love the opportunity to reconnect in the future and explore how we can support each other.

Should you have any questions or wish to discuss potential opportunities, please feel free to reach out. I’m looking forward to the possibility of working together down the line.


2. The Quick Check-In

This email follow-up example is perfect for a light touchpoint, especially after an initial meeting or conversation. It can be used to remind the prospect of your presence and eagerness to assist without being overbearing.

Subject: Quick Touch Base – How’s Everything?

I hope this message finds you well! Just wanted to quickly touch base following our recent conversation to see if there’s anything more I can help you with.

Your insights during our chat were incredibly valuable, and I’m keen to continue our discussion or answer any lingering questions you might have about our [product/service].

Please feel free to share your thoughts, or if now’s not a good time, let me know when might be more convenient for you. Your satisfaction and success are our top priorities.

Looking forward to your reply.


3. Following Up After No Response

This template is crafted for situations where your emails have gone unanswered. It combines professionalism with a gentle nudge for a response, emphasizing understanding and flexibility.

Subject: Hoping to Reconnect – Your Thoughts?


I hope you’re doing well. I’ve reached out a couple of times regarding our [product/service] and haven’t heard back, which tells me one of three things:

1. You’re incredibly busy and haven’t had a chance to respond. 2. You’re no longer interested in our [product/service]. 3. You’ve been swept away to a desert island and haven’t had internet access. (I hope it’s not the third!)

We understand how things can get hectic, and I want to ensure we respect your time and priorities. If you’re still interested in learning more about how we can assist, I’d love to hear from you. Otherwise, no worries at all – just let me know, and I’ll ensure we adjust our follow-ups accordingly.

Thanks for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.


4. The Helpful Resource Share

This template is designed to provide value to the prospect by sharing relevant resources or insights. The idea is to establish your credibility and keep the lines of communication open without directly pushing for a sale.

Subject: Thought You Might Find This Interesting

I hope you’re finding everything to your liking this week! I recently came across this [article/video/report] on [relevant topic], and it made me think of our conversation about [specific detail or challenge they mentioned].

I thought you might find it interesting and potentially helpful as you navigate through [related topic or challenge]. Here’s the link: [Link to resource].

If you’re up for it, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this or discuss any questions you might have. Also, if there’s anything specific you’re interested in learning more about, let me know. I’m here to help!

Wishing you a great day ahead.


5. The Gentle Follow-up After a Meeting

Perfect for following up after a recent meeting or presentation, this template helps reinforce your key points and offers further assistance, ensuring the prospect knows you’re available to support their needs.

Subject: Reflecting on Our Meeting on [Date]

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me [yesterday/earlier this week]. It was a pleasure learning more about your goals regarding [specific goal] and discussing how our [product/service] can support your efforts.

I’ve attached a brief summary of the key points we covered, along with answers to some of the questions that came up. [Optionally, attach a document or provide a link.]

Please feel free to reach out if you need further clarification on anything we discussed or have any more questions. I’m here to ensure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for your [company/project].

Looking forward to our next steps together.

6. Re-engaging After Time Has Passed

This follow-up email template aims to rekindle a connection with a prospect after a significant amount of time has passed since your last interaction. The idea is to offer new insights or updates about your product/service to grab the attention of prospects again. 

Subject: New Updates You Might Be Interested In

I hope all is well with you. It’s been a while since we last touched base, and I thought it might be a good time to share some exciting updates about [product/service] that have happened in the meantime.

Since we last spoke, we’ve [implemented a new feature/seen great results with a new study/received positive feedback from clients], and I believe this could really benefit your [specific need or project] by [briefly describe the benefit].

I’d be more than happy to catch up and discuss how these updates might positively impact your work. Let me know if you’re open to a conversation, and we can pencil in a time that suits you.

Looking forward to the possibility of reconnecting and exploring new opportunities together.

7. The Polite Persistence

Tailored for instances where you’ve sent several messages without a response, this template strikes a balance between persistence and respect for the prospect’s situation, signaling your continued interest in a polite manner.

Subject: Hey, [Prospect Name]! Still Hoping to Connect With You

I hope you’re doing well. I realize I’ve reached out a few times without hearing back, and I want to ensure I’m not overstepping. Our goal is to be a resource for you, not a source of unwanted communication.

That said, I still believe strongly in the value [product/service] can offer to [specific aspect of their business or challenge], and I’d hate for you to miss out on the opportunity without having all the information.

If it’s a matter of timing or current priorities, I completely understand. Just let me know if and when you’d like to revisit this conversation. If there’s someone else on your team who would be better to speak with, feel free to point me in their direction.

Thank you for considering my request. I’m looking forward to your feedback when it’s convenient for you.

Warmest regards,

8. The Check-in Before a Deadline

This template is designed for use when there’s an upcoming deadline that could affect the prospect’s decision or opportunity to take advantage of an offer, ensuring they have all the necessary information to proceed.

Subject: Reminder: [Deadline/Opportunity] Approaching

I hope you’re doing well. As the [deadline for the special offer/end of the quarter/etc.] approaches, I wanted to check in and see if you had any last-minute questions or needed further clarification about [product/service].

We wouldn’t want you to miss out on the chance to [benefit of the offer, e.g., “take advantage of our current promotion”/”secure your spot in our upcoming webinar”].

Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist in your decision-making process. I’m here to help with any information or resources you might require.

Looking forward to your response.

9. The Invitation to an Event

Use this template to invite your prospects to an upcoming event that could be of interest to them. For example, the event can be a webinar , trade show, or open house. It’s an excellent opportunity to engage in a different setting.

Subject: Exclusive Invitation: Join Us at [Event Name]

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out to personally invite you to [event name], happening on [date] at [location/time]. It’s going to be a great opportunity to explore [topics to be covered/what they can expect to learn], and I immediately thought of you.

[Optional: If there’s a special offer or guest speaker, mention it here.]

I believe you’d find great value in attending, and it would also be a fantastic chance for us to connect in person.

Please let me know if you’re interested, and I can arrange for your complimentary ticket/registration. Also, feel free to share this invitation with anyone else from your team who might benefit from attending.

Looking forward to hopefully seeing you there!

10. Expressing Gratitude After a Purchase or Commitment

This template is perfect for expressing sincere thanks to a prospect who has recently made a purchase or committed to your service. It can help you foster a positive relationship and set the stage for future engagement.

Subject: Thank You for Choosing [Your Company/Product]!

I just wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks for choosing [product/service]. We’re thrilled to have you on board and are excited about the journey ahead.

[Optional: You can include a brief overview of what they can expect next, such as any onboarding processes, product delivery timelines, or customer support information.]

If you have any questions or need further assistance as you get started, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to ensure you have the best possible experience.

Thank you once again for your trust in us. We’re looking forward to achieving great things together.


11. Offering Personalized Assistance

This template emphasizes personalized support, offering to address specific questions or concerns the prospect may have about your product or service. It’s ideal for moving them closer to a decision.

Subject: Hello, [Prospect Name]! How Can I Assist You Further?

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out and offer my personal assistance as you consider [product/service]. I understand that making such decisions can involve numerous factors, and I’m here to provide the information you need to make the most informed choice.

Whether you have questions about features, pricing, implementation, or anything else, please feel free to share. I’m here to help in any way I can, including setting up a demo or providing detailed case studies relevant to your industry.

Your success and satisfaction are our top priorities, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of this personalized support. I’m looking forward to your questions and helping you discover the full potential of [product/service].

12. Reiterating Offer Before Expiry

This sales email follow up sample is useful when an offer or discount you’ve previously communicated is about to expire. It serves as a final reminder, encouraging the prospect to take action before missing out on the valuable opportunity. 

Subject: Final Reminder: Don’t Miss Out on Our [Offer/Discount]

I hope you’re doing well. As the deadline approaches, I wanted to send one last reminder about our exclusive [offer/discount] on [product/service], which expires on [expiration date].

This is a fantastic opportunity to [describe the benefit of the offer, e.g., “enhance your operations with our state-of-the-art solution” or “take your team’s productivity to the next level”] at a significantly reduced price.

If you have any lingering questions or would like to discuss how this offer can specifically benefit your business, I’m here to chat. Don’t let this chance slip by – [action they need to take, e.g., “reach out today to secure your discount” or “sign up before the deadline to take advantage of this deal”].

Thank you for considering [Your Company/Product]. We’re excited about the prospect of working together and supporting your [goals/objectives].

Craft a Response-Worthy Follow-Up Email Today! 

Thoughtfully composed sales follow-up emails can help you elevate your sales strategy, turning silences into sales and interests into investments.

All the templates shared above are designed by industry experts, who have years of experience in revenue generation and customer relationships. Keep in mind that while templates are great for efficiency, they shouldn’t come across as impersonal to your recipients. Try to customize your messages, tailoring them to your prospects’ demographic details, such as age and location, as well as their shopping preferences.

If you are in search of a shared inbox solution for your sales team, consider ProProfs Help Desk as an optimal choice. It enables your sales rep to oversee multiple customer-facing email accounts like sales@, inquiries@, billings@, etc., all from a single platform, while also allowing you to store hundreds of templates for quick, one-click responses.

Learn More About Sales Follow-Up Email Templates 

Why are sales follow-up emails important.

Sales follow-up emails are vital because they keep the dialogue with prospects alive, gently nudging them down the sales funnel. They help in addressing concerns, providing additional information, and maintaining a connection, thereby significantly increasing the chances of converting leads into customers.

What should be included in a sales follow-up email template?

A sales follow-up email template should include a personalized greeting, a reference to the previous interaction, valuable content or information relevant to the recipient’s interests or needs, a clear call-to-action, and your contact information for easy replies or queries.

How do I personalize a sales follow-up email template?

Personalize a sales follow-up email by mentioning the recipient’s name, referencing specific past interactions or discussions, including tailored recommendations or solutions based on their unique needs, and addressing any concerns or questions they may have raised previously.

How often should I send follow-up emails?

The frequency of follow-up emails should be balanced to avoid overwhelming prospects while ensuring you remain in their thoughts. Typically, starting with a follow-up a few days after the initial contact, then spacing subsequent emails 1-2 weeks apart is effective, adjusting based on their engagement and feedback.

ProProfs Editorial Team

About the author

ProProfs Editorial Team

ProProfs Help Desk Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to improving your help desk operations with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.

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  • How to Write Follow-up Emails After No Response [25 Ready-to-use Templates]

You can also download the follow-up email templates pdf to share with your friends or refer to it later. :)

follow-up email templates to send to prospects after no response

Here’s the thing that no one talks about:

Follow-up emails perform better than the original.

Weird, right?

But it’s true. 

Speak to anyone in sales or marketing, and they’ll tell you the same thing:

Follow-ups work better.

Follow-up emails increase response rates.

Our data backs this up, too.

For instance, last month we sent 4 emails to a segment of 26,000 subscribers for an upcoming webinar. We planned a sequence of 4 emails: 

  • Introducing the event
  • Follow up 1
  • Follow up 2
  • Follow up 3

The introduction email had an open rate of 20.1%.

Not bad, by any means.

But the follow up email? That had an open rate of 23.6%!

(The follow-up email had a 17% better response rate).

Follow up email open rates statistics

It’s not a one-off, either.

Follow-up emails generally have better open and response rates than the first email.

It’s not just us, either.

Research from Woodpecker found that emails without a follow-up achieve an average response rate of 16%. 

In comparison, those who send at least one follow-up email in a campaign reach 27%.

The moral – follow-up emails are essential!

But what happens if you follow-up and STILL don’t get a response?

Well, we’re here to help you.

We’ve compiled 25 templates that you can use to send  follow-up emails after no response  for several different scenarios. 

You can also  download the follow-up email templates pdf  to share with your friends or refer to it later. :)

Let’s dive in!

1. Follow up email templates after a demo 

Don’t assume that the work is done after the demo. Neither should you expect that prospects will respond on their own.

Follow up regularly, at least till you close a sale .

Here’s the email template you can use after completing a demo.

Demo follow up template 1:

Subject : Thanks for your time, [Name] ! Hi [Name] , Thanks for your time on the call the other day. Hope that the demo was helpful and gave you an idea about how [Company] can help you with [problem statement] . I am attaching the demo recording for you to revisit: [Demo Recording] I am also sharing a couple of case studies in case you’d want to go through: – Link 1 – Link 2 Please feel free to contact me for any queries you may have. Looking forward to hearing from you and building a long-lasting and fruitful partnership. :) Best, [Name]

Now, the prospect might be in discussion with other brands because of which they could not respond instantly.

The pitfall here is, if you don’t follow up, they might forget you and go with your competitor.

So, to stay on the top of their mind, send a follow-up email within 2-5 days of your last contact. 

Demo follow up template 2:

Subject : I wanted to follow up on our last conversation Hi [Name] , I hope you’re doing well. Since I haven’t heard from you in the last couple of days, I wanted to check if you’ve any queries regarding the [product/service/solution] . Here’s is the demo recording [link] – in case you want to revisit our discussion. Or please feel free to call/email me for anything you need. I’ll be happy to help. Regards, [Name]

2. Follow up email templates for a meeting reminder

People often miss meetings because they are occupied with other tasks or sometimes just because they forgot.

Sending a meeting reminder email is always a good practice to reduce no-shows.

Here’s an email template you can use.

Meeting reminder email template:

Subject : Meeting with [Company] reminder Hi [Name] , Greetings from [Company] ! We’ve got a meeting on [Date and Time] . Below are the details: [Address or Zoom link] Talk soon! [Name]

Remember to share the meeting address or Zoom/Teams/Meet link on the meeting reminder emails – even if you’re sending 2-3 reminder emails. It will make it easier for the recipient to find the required details.

You can also use the above template to customize the automated meeting reminder email in your meeting scheduling tool .

3. Follow up email templates after a meeting

So, you have made the sales pitch with the prospect. After the initial cold email , you had some conversation, and you thought that you made a sale. But days later, you don’t get any response from them. You can send a gentle reminder email to move the conversation forward. Or you could send the prospect an online flip book where you list all the details discussed and make the process more interactive. Here is a simple follow-up email after no response that does the job in a couple of lines.

After meeting follow up template:

Subject : Are you ready for the next steps? Hi [Prospect] , I am writing to you to know how you would like to move forward with [topic of discussion] . If you are free this [Weekday] , you can schedule a meet with me here: [link to meeting tool] . Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, [Name]

4. Follow up email templates after a missed call

If you got a call from your prospect but missed it, you can either call back or follow up with them with the following email template.

Email template to follow up after a missed call:

Subject : Sorry, I missed your call. Hi [Name] , Greetings! Sorry I was in a meeting when you called me. I tried calling you back, but it seems you’re not available. Please let me know when I should call you. :) Regards, [Name]

5. Follow up email after no response on phone/mobile

If you’ve tried reaching out to a prospect but got no response, you can use the following template.

Email sample when you don’t get a response on phone:

Subject : [Name] – Unable to reach you! Hi [Name] , I hope you’re doing well. I’m [Your name] , reaching out to you from [Company] . This is regarding your inquiry for [product/service] yesterday. I tried calling you several times, but your number is not reachable. You can reach out to me on [Your number/email] or share your alternative mobile number. Hoping to hear from you soon. Regards, [Name]

Here’s another follow-up email template you can use if the prospect doesn’t respond on the phone.

Follow up email template when you don’t get a response on mobile:

Subject : Follow up discussion with [Company] Hello [Name] , Greetings! Thanks for your time the other day. I hope I was able to answer your questions. I just wanted to let you know that I tried reaching you, but I believe you were busy as calls went unanswered. Do let me know a good time to connect back with you. Thanks and Regards, [Name]

6. Follow up email templates after a sales inquiry

When you have a website , you might receive several business inquiries.

You can use these email templates to follow up with inbound leads.

Follow up after a sales inquiry template 1:

Subject : [Name] + [Your company] Hi [Name] , Thanks for reaching out to [Company] . I’m [Your name] , happy to assist you with your inquiry. Do you have 5-10 minutes to talk about how we can help you? Let me know. Here’s my calendar. [Link] Talk soon, [Name]

Selling a complex product will require many more interactions with the prospect. For instance, you need to do a lot of research after the first meeting. When you have anything worth sharing, include that in your follow-up email.

Follow up after a sales inquiry template 2:

Subject: Information regarding [product or service] . Hi [Prospect] , Thank you for reaching out to me regarding [product/service] . I have checked with the [supervisor/inventory] , and they can arrange for your request. [description of the request] Let me know how you would like to proceed from here. Regards, [Name]

It’s unlikely that you will get a response after a single follow-up email. 

However, try to  keep your leads warm by drip-feeding them with information regarding the product or the service they are interested in. 

Follow up after a sales inquiry template 3:

Subject : Here are some things that you do not know about [company name] Hi [Prospect] , Do you know that [Company] can be a great fit for your business? You would love to know that our clients report an [result] in [problem statement] using our service. Right now, we are offering full training and a [X% discount on yearly licenses] . If you want to learn more about this, let me know. It would not take more than five minutes. To schedule a meeting, click this link: [link to meeting tool] . Regards, [Name]

The next template we’re about to share may sound manipulative. But it could help you get a response by mentioning how trying to contact them is not working out. 

This approach can also help you realize which leads are not worth pursuing so that you can focus your effort more on the ones who matter. 

Follow up after a sales inquiry template 4:

Subject : It’s just not the same without you. Hi [Prospect] , It has been a while since we got any response from you. We have been trying to reach you for the last [X] months. Is everything alright? It’s alright if you are not interested. We will not take that personally. At [Company] , we want to ensure that everyone engaged with our company does not face any difficultly with making any decision regarding the purchase process or understanding our services. You can always contact us if you have any queries. Regards, [Name]

I’ll tell you one more way to follow up with a prospect who does not respond. After this, you can move them to the cold list.

You can simply let your prospects know that they have been unresponsive and you are closing their file. This “housekeeping” email works well as an excuse to make a final contact.

Follow up after a sales inquiry template 5:

Subject : Can I close your file? Hi [Prospect] , I just wanted to let you know that we are closing your file since you have been unresponsive for [X] months . If you are interested in our [product/service] , you can sign in to your existing account or get in touch with [relevant department] and share the next steps. Regards, [Name]

7. Follow up email templates for contract renewal

If you’re in a subscription-based business, you’ll have to send follow-up emails for contract renewals.

Here’s a template you can use.

Contract renewal follow up email template:

Subject : Reminder from [Company] Hi [Name] , [Your name] here from [Company] ! I noticed your contract renewal is due on [Date] . You can confirm the renewal by replying to this email, and I’ll do the needful. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach me. :) Thanks and regards, [Name]

Note that you might need to send further emails if the recipient doesn’t respond. You can set a drip campaign for sending automated emails for renewal and reminders.

The following image from LeadSquared CRM illustrates this.

8. Follow up email templates after sending a quote

Chances are, your prospect must be evaluating other products or brands. Following up, in this case, acts as a gentle nudge and gives an impression that you’re interested in doing business with them.

1. Follow up email after sending a quote:

Subject : Quote from [Company] Hi [Name] , Thanks for your time at the meeting. It was a pleasure speaking with you. As discussed, I’m sending you a quote. Please find attached. Let me know when we can discuss this. Thanks, [Name]

Often the person you’re in touch with is not the decision-maker. They need to consult with their boss or colleagues before they can make a move. In this case, it is advisable to give them four to five working days to respond.

However, in the meantime, keep the lead warm by sending them follow-up emails. It increases the chances of them getting back to you.

2. Second follow up email after sending a quote:

Subject : Here is more information regarding [product/service/company] Hi [Prospect] , Thank you for your time on [date of the previous meeting] . I understand that you will need to consult with your [superior/colleagues] before you can make a decision. However, to help you with that discussion, here are some resources that can help you better understand the potential of this relationship. [Resource links] If there is a spot on your calendar that I could claim, I would love to take this discussion forward. Regards, [Name]

If you still don’t get a response from your prospect after sending a quote, use the following template.

3. Third follow up email after sending a quote:

Subject : A quick chat? Hi [Name] , Greetings from [Company] ! This is a gentle follow-up on the proposal I sent earlier. I wanted to get in touch and understand how we can take this forward. If you have any concerns regarding the commercials, please let me know what time works best for a 5-10 minute chat, and I’ll make myself available. Looking forward, [Name]

9. Follow up email templates after a free trial

If you offer a free trial for your product or service, you can send a series of follow-up emails to check if they’re interested or if you’re able to meet their requirements. You can also send follow-up emails if they stop using your product/service before the free-trial session ends.

Free trial follow up email template:

Subject : Did you enjoy our [product/service] ? Dear [Name] , [Name] here from [Company] Welcome aboard! I called you to understand if we met your requirements but couldn’t get through. You can reach me on [your contact number] or write to me at [your email] , and I’ll get back to you. Talk soon. [Name]

Follow up email after the free-trial session ends.

Free trial follow up email template 2:

Subject : We’re sad to see you go :( Hi [Name] , I see that your free trial with [Company] has expired, and we are so sad to see you go. I just wanted to know if it is because you faced any difficulties using it. If so, please let me know. I’ll be happy to help. If you’d like, I can also set up a demo to show you the most loved features and use cases. Awaiting your response. Have a great day! :) Regards, [Name]

A great way to get a response from prospects is to share offers and discounts. There is no need to mention how they have been unresponsive and how you have been trying to reach out to them. You can simply drop them an email.

While such emails may not guarantee purchase, they sure increase the engagement and interests of buyers.

Follow up email template offering a discount:

Subject : Here’s an offer just for you Hi [Prospect] , Managing a [team/department name] and increasing [metrics] is quite hard. You have already received emails describing how effective our [product/service] is for increasing [metrics] . This holiday season, we are giving [X% discount] on 2-year subscriptions, applicable on all purchases over the next thirty days. Furthermore, we are offering an extended one-month free trial just for you that you can get just by signing up with this email. If you have any queries regarding the service or the offer, do not hesitate to reply to this email or reach out to us at [customer service email] . Regards, [Name]

10. Follow up email templates after a voicemail

When you contact a prospect over the phone and get redirected to the voicemail , the next thing to do is follow up with an email. People cannot always stay by their phones. 

In general, people are more likely to respond to an email than a phone call. However, the secret is to be quick and send an email within minutes.

Follow up email template after a voicemail:

Subject : I just tried calling you Hi [Prospect] , I just tried to contact you over a phone call, but I assume that you are busy at the moment. Please give me a call back at [mobile number] or let me know a time when you are free for a phone call. Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, [Name]

11. Follow up email templates after a trigger event (lead activity)

If you are using tracking and analytics for your sales activities, you will get an alert when there’s an activity from your prospect. 

For instance, you’ll know if they reopened the previous email or if they have looked up any information on your website . 

In this case, there are a couple of options. The first option is to share information with them. Here, you want to be discreet and not let them know that you are sending this email as they have triggered an alert on your CRM. 

Trigger event follow up email template 1:

Subject : Are you looking for [product/service information] ? Hi [Prospect] , Just checking in to see if you are interested in [product/service] . If you are looking for [specific details regarding product/service] , you can head over the documentation and resources section on our website. Alternatively, you can always reach out to us at [support link] . If you want to chat directly, you can schedule a meet here: [link to the meeting tool] . Regards, [Name]

Here’s another follow-up email template when you catch an activity from the prospect.

Unlike the above email, you mention that you have tracked their activities. While this may seem a little creepy, but also holds your prospect accountable. It allows them to disclose their interest in your offering and has a higher chance of entering the sales funnel .

Trigger event follow up email template 2:

Subject : It seems that you are interested in [product/service] Hi [Prospect] , It seems like you have been looking for [product/service] . If you recently visited our website, you surely would have noticed that we made some improvements to the [product/service] . Do not hesitate to get in touch with us to know more. We can answer all your queries in a short meet. To schedule a meet, use this link: [link to meeting tool] . Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, [Name]

While we’re talking about triggered emails, I want to recommend something. Instead of using different tools for sales , email marketing, and ad campaigns, use CRM software such as LeadSquared to track lead activities and trigger email campaigns based on the activities – from a single platform. It will make your life easier.

12. Follow up email templates after a networking event or trade show

You will meet a lot of people in real life and exchange contact cards. Even after having a fruitful initial conversation, you may not get any responses after the event. 

These situations are common as your prospect may misplace your contact card, get occupied with other work, or even forget about mailing you completely. In these cases, you can send a follow-up email. Writing these emails is quite easy as you will only need to put details of your previous meeting. 

Follow up with a prospect you met at a trade show:

Subject : What do you think of [event/trade show] ? Hi [Prospect] , What a day it was! I hope you enjoyed the [event] . I am sure that your company’s primary focus will be on improving [metrics] . Therefore, I thought I should get in touch with you sooner than later. I want to share some information regarding [product/service] that you said would be a helpful addition to your company. And I would be more than happy to have a quick chat over the phone. Just let me know if you have any queries. Here’s my contact number: [contact number] . Regards, [Name]

You can simply send a “nice to meet you” email to refresh the memory of your prospects. It gives your prospects fast follow-up information and shows that you were attentive during the previous conversation. You can end the email asking for the next meeting.

Here is how you should frame that email.

Follow up with a prospect you met at a networking event:

Subject : Nice meeting you at [Event/Location/Date] Hi [Prospect] , It was great meeting you at [Event/Location/Date] . I loved our conversation on [topic] . I am interested in [topic of interest] and with you as a [job role and position] . I feel that we could take this discussion further. If you are free in the coming days, let’s meet. I am usually free on [day of week and time] if that works for you. Looking forward to keeping in touch. Regards, [Name]

While it is a generic template, this gives you a fair idea of what you should talk about in the email. You can make it easier to schedule a meet by inserting a link to the  meeting tool  that you prefer. But be flexible with the timing of the meeting to give your prospects some degree of control.

13. Follow up email template to find the right contact

Sometimes, you keep sending emails to the wrong person expecting a reply. 

But people don’t generally reply if the message isn’t meant for them.

If you sense that the person you reached out to isn’t the right one, ask directly. They may affirm that they’re the right person, or they can refer you to the right point of contact.

Email template to find the right contact:

Subject : Can you help me find [the right person] ? Hi [Prospect] , A few days back, I mailed you regarding [product or company] , and I realized afterward that I might be barking up the wrong tree. My company offers [product/service] that would be fit perfectly for [company type] . Are you the right person to speak to about this? If not, you can connect me to [the decision-maker] . I look forward to your response. Regards, [Name]

Note that instead of writing “the right person” in the email, mention the relevant designations. It will clarify who exactly you’re looking for.

For example, you can write – Can you help me find the content editor/content manager?

Best Practices to write follow-up email after no response

In this section, I’d like to address the most common question that comes to everybody’s mind – how to follow up without being annoying.

We recommend certain ethics while sending a follow-up email. Otherwise, you know what happens next – you’ll be blocked or unsubscribed

1. Keep your emails short , to the point. Many people check their emails on their mobile devices. Long-winding sentences and too much text can be overwhelming and may dilute the main message.

2. Don’t use jargon. Keep it simple. Easy-to-read messages are  36% more likely  to get a response.

3. Maintain gaps between follow-up emails. Also, check if your team members are sending other campaign emails to them. If that’s the case, then suppress the other campaign list. Too many emails from a brand might annoy the recipient.

4. Don’t send emails at odd hours. Check your email marketing or  CRM software  for ideal timings.

For example, according to our own research and based on 3,38,918 emails analyzed, we have found that Tuesdays and Thursdays work best for us.

Email open rates by days-of-week-statistics

But these numbers will vary depending on your target audience. So, the best thing to do is track your email engagement metrics using the software.

Similarly, you can also check the email open rates by the hour of the day and schedule your follow-up emails accordingly.

5. Take cues from trigger events (e.g., website page visit, email open, ad clicked, etc.) and follow-up when your prospects are thinking about you.

6. Don’t play tricks with subject lines. Yes, the subject line needs to be catchy, but make sure it conveys what the email is about.

7. Finally, don’t be passive-aggressive. Even if you’re sending a follow-up email for the fifth time, keep your tone positive.

Forget manual follow-ups. Automate them instead.

Following up is a challenge, especially when manual. Using a tool like LeadSquared to follow up automatically saves you time. It helps you identify the day and time that works the best for you in getting opens, clicks, and responses. You can also find devices your leads use to open your emails. Plus, you can save all of these templates in LeadSquared, so you’re basically good to go.

When it comes to follow-up emails, timing is important. Make good use of your CRM platform and analytics tools to know your customer better. This information can help you craft more relevant and personalized emails.

If you’re looking for a CRM that supports email marketing, look no further. LeadSquared has everything you need – from automated drips to tracking lead activities in one platform.

Book a free demo and see it in action yourself.

More in this series:

  • 20 Best Cold Email Templates to Warm Their Inbox
  • 15 Higher Education Email Templates to Boost Enrollments
  • 20 Best Ready-to-use Email Templates for Real Estate
  • Car Sales Email Templates
  • 21 Persuasive Sales Email Templates
  • 15 Customer Service Email Templates  

Personalization builds connection. Here are some tips: 1. Reference the initial interaction : Briefly acknowledge your previous message and its topic. Personalize it further by mentioning something specific from their initial inquiry or response. 2. Offer additional value:  Go beyond simply requesting a response. Provide additional information, answer potential questions, or offer a helpful resource related to their initial interest. 3. Focus on building a relationship:  Strike a conversational tone and personalize your message to build rapport. Show genuine interest in their needs and how your product or service can benefit them.

Tailoring addresses specific scenarios. Here are some adjustments: 1. Busy recipient:  Acknowledge their potential busyness and offer to schedule a call at their convenience. Keep the email concise and focus on rescheduling rather than demanding an immediate response. 2. Lack of interest:  If you suspect they’re not interested, re-evaluate your approach. Briefly reiterate the value proposition but avoid being overly persistent. You can offer to connect them with a relevant resource or politely end the conversation. 3. Incorrect contact information:  Double-check the email address and consider alternative communication methods if a bounce-back occurs. You can try reaching out through social media or the company website contact form.

Metrics guide improvement. Here’s what to monitor: 1. Open rates and click-through rates:  Track the percentage of recipients who open your follow-up emails and click on any links included within the message. This helps you assess the effectiveness of your subject lines and email content. 2. Response rates:  Monitor the percentage of recipients who respond to your follow-up emails. This directly measures the success of your follow-up strategy in generating engagement. 3. Lead conversion rates:  Track the conversion rate of follow-up email recipients into paying customers. This is the ultimate metric that measures the overall effectiveness of your follow-up emails in driving sales.

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Nidhi is a content writer/editor at LeadSquared. She works closely with sales professionals and senior management to bring their outlook into her write-ups. Connect with her on LinkedIn or write to her at [email protected].

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41 Sales Follow Up Email Templates For Every Scenario

If you're doing any kind of sales over email, you already know that getting a sale requires many follow up emails.

Before jumping into all of the templates, it's always important to remember a few things about follow ups:

  • Keep it short and sweet : Nobody wants to read 20 paragraphs - get to the point!
  • Make replying a simple yes/no task for recipients : The recipient shouldn't have to "think" about what to say - make it easy for them to say yes!
  • Be honest : Be upfront about your objectives (selling your product).
  • Add value : Stop saying "Hey - just following up here" for every email. We have many examples below.
  • Walk away gracefully : Know when to stop, and don't waste your time on someone who is clearly not interested.

Here are 25 of the best sales email follow up templates and samples you can use, based on different scenarios:

Import these templates into Gmail

If you don't want to copy and paste these templates all day, check out the Pigeon for Gmail app.

Using Pigeon, you can download all of these straight into your Gmail. You can do this one by one, or add the entire set:

Follow up email after a sales meeting

You just finished up a sales meeting and it went really well. Well, your work is not done.

You should be following up right after to take next steps and actions while you are still "top of mind" for your prospect.

Another approach is to be bit more comprehensive:

  • Show some social proof about other companies that use your product
  • Send a case study (add value)
  • Recap your meeting
  • Set next steps

Follow up email after no response from a client

This is probably one of the most common scenarios - you're following up to someone who either:

  • Has yet to respond to you, or
  • Has recently gone quiet

There are a few ways you can approach this:

1 - Owning it

It helps to be straightforward that you are doing sales as it can break down the "formal" nature of your relationship with the prospect.

2 - Sending helpful resources

Instead of just pestering them with follow-ups, offer something of value!

Here's another example of a nice email where you can genuinely help your client out while also selling your product/services:

3 - A simple one-liner

When humans disagree by saying “No”, it provides them an illusion of safety and control. They feel less threatened and more in the driving seat.

This template is like bait for this:

You can also "waive the white flag":

4 - Ask to close out the file

Unique sales follow up email examples.

One way to stand out is to be unique - and to stand out from the rest of the hundreds of other salespeople trying to get your prospects' attention

1 - Use humor + animated GIFs

Using humor and self-deprecation can often illicit a response:

2 - Use personalized images

Get their attention with a personalized image of your prospect or the logo of their company:

3 - Send a gift

Sending free accounts, extended trials, or even physical gifts can be very effective. Here's a sample you can use:

Follow up after leaving a voicemail

If you're doing any cold calls, it's absolutely essential to also email.

Why? Because your prospects may not like picking up the phone or even checking the voicemail. If you don't email they may never even check it.

Here's another sample:

Follow up email after a "trigger" event

Great salespeople can turn just about any 'event' into a way to sell more things.

For example, if a client just raised some capital, you can follow up with a template about how they will use this money:

Follow up email after a prospect visits your website

If someone clicked the link in your email, or visited your website, you can set up automations that can send them an email right when it happens:

  • It may help to acknowledge the awkwardness of it
  • Ask for a meeting

Follow up email after a sales phone call

Just like after an in-person meeting, you should be following up right after a sales call.

Keep this short and make sure to be clear about what the next step is. Also, make sure to thank them for their time.

It also helps to let them know you understand they are busy:

Follow up after a trade show, conference

Trade shows are an amazing way to find leads.

But how to email them effectively? There are a couple approaches

1 - Mention something you talked about

2 - send some resources, follow up after networking event.

Networking events are an underrated way to get more sales.

It's important that you stay casual in your follow ups, though.

Follow up email for sales meeting request

Just getting a meeting may be the first step to your sale, so focus your follow ups on getting that meeting.

Follow up email to an unresponsive prospect

Here's a template that you can use if you keep sending follow ups and you haven't heard anything.

This is sometimes called a "break up" email.

Another version of the breakup email (with some added humor):

Follow up email after providing quote

You just provided a quote and now it's time for the big decision for your prospect.

Sometimes, at this stage, the prospect might go silent here, as this can be a big financial decision.

It's very important to be persistent at this stage. Here's a couple approaches:

1 - Let them know more details and when things will get started

2 - or just keep it simple, follow up email after sending several follow up emails.

If you feel like you're running out of ideas, and not getting any responses, here's a couple more things you can try:

1 - Be forward + offer something of value

Stop beating around the bush and just ask for that meeting:

2 - See if you can get connected to someone else

Sometimes, you're just not talking to the right person:

3 - Get a bit personal

4 - use social proof.

Let your prospects know about the other successful companies that use your product!

Follow up email to a lost sale

Sometimes, people are just busy, and it's just not the right time.

But that doesn't mean they can't be re-engaged at a later date! You can let them know kindly that you're still around when they are ready:

Another great way to try to revive a lost sale is to show your passion that you want to make things work:

Prospect follow up email (early)

Very early in the sales process, you may not be going straight for the sale, but rather provide helpful resources to your prospect.

Here's an effective way to do that:

Follow up sales letter to client

This may even be a cold email, but it's a great way to get on a prospect's radar:

Follow up email after a sales presentation

After a demo or sales presentation, the prospect might be surer excited, so you should be immediately following up with next steps.

Business development follow up email

The key here is letting them know you have "ideas" that will improve their business. This can excite your prospects.

Sales reminder email / sales check-in email

Sometimes prospects ask you to get back to them at a later date.

Be sure to keep a reminder, and if you can, even email them a bit earlier - it shows you are prepared and thinking of the client:

Follow up email after sales pitch

Follow up after sales demo.

The key here is:

  • Remind the client about why they should buy from you
  • Offer to answer any questions
  • Get the next meeting

Follow up email after sales rejection

In sales, rejection is the norm, and sometimes, even a rejection can turn into a sale.

Maybe it's not today, but someday down the road.

The key is:

  • Let them know you're persistent
  • Let the prospect know you care about their success regardless if they're a customer

Follow up after sales proposal

If your previous email went unread, you can acknowledge that:

sales presentation follow up email

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Sales Follow Up Emails That Convert (+Templates)

Sales Follow Up Emails That Convert (+Templates)

Following up with your prospects after a product sales demo is a no-brainer, right? When remote work comes into play, having a well-designed sales follow-up email is imperative to really connect with your lead and help them through the sales funnel. However, there is a difference between sending a quick recap email versus sending a thorough sales follow-up email that reinforces the value of your solution and gives your prospects the necessary information to keep the positive momentum.

Good sales follow-up emails require a well-planned strategy. Remember, every prospect interaction during the sales process is an opportunity to push the sale ahead. Although, being empathetic to every lead’s situation is essential when building a relationship with them. When you write your sales follow-up email, you are not only reminding them of what’s next, but you are guiding them to take action.

This article is designed specifically to help you master the art of writing a sales product demo follow-up email so you can maximize the momentum generated in the demo and take another step towards a deal. You could make the argument that the follow-up process is even more vital for remote inside sales reps .

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Why are sales follow-up emails important

Following up with your prospect after a sales call or meeting is the glue that keeps the entire sale intact. Studies have shown that 80% of sales require at least five follow-ups after the first conversation to be successful, yet too many sales professionals give up after just one try.

Why do they give up? Usually, it’s because they view sales follow-up emails as another opportunity for the sales pitch rather than using it as a sales catalyst. The purpose of sales follow-up emails is to reinforce the positive steps that have already taken place and get the prospects ready for what’s next.

When you get to the product demo, the sale has matured to a point where the buyer should understand how your product solves their pain points. Therefore, your demo follow-up email should clearly restate that value while addressing the next steps that you discussed in the meeting.

Following up is not only an important step, but it’s also a sales imperative! You are essentially leading your prospect down a path to a prosperous partnership, and your sales follow-up emails are the instructions that will help them achieve their goals with you.

The best sales follow up emails for after a demo

Your demo call just ended and you probably feel like you just ran a marathon. Though you are mentally exhausted, it’s the best time to start preparing your sales follow-up email while everything is still fresh.

Review your meeting notes. Watch the demo recording and analyze the talking points. Discuss the details with your colleagues who were in the meeting. Before you craft your email, ask yourself a few questions, including:

  • Did your one-feature framework solve their pain points or did you discuss other features?
  • Did you agree on the next steps or schedule the next meeting?
  • Were there any outstanding objections that need to be addressed?
  • Are there more decision-makers who need to see the demo before moving forward?
  • Did they mention competitors they were also considering?

Answering these questions will determine how you craft your sales follow-up email. You want to reassure your prospects that you understood every concern voiced during the demo, and show them how you plan to help them move ahead.‍

5 Golden Rules for sales follow-up emails

5 golden rules for sales follow-up emails

At Demodesk, we’ve noticed that successful sales follow-up emails share a similar formula or set of rules that lead to more effective responses. These best practices include:

  • Send your sales follow-up email 12 working hours after the demo.
  • Be patient. Don’t try to close or pressure them to buy.
  • Before you send it, make sure your internal team is aligned and ready.
  • Triple-check that you didn’t miss ANYTHING from the demo conversation.
  • Use a sales demo platform to track the email and allow for scheduling the next steps. If you don’t have a standardized sales follow-up process for your team, you should create one using these guidelines so nothing slips through the cracks. You can also start to create your own follow-up best practices.

How to write different sales follow-up emails

As mentioned above, the content of your email is determined by the discussion points from the demo and the next steps. That said, there are a few email-writing practices that should be considered in every follow-up message.

  • Keep it as short as possible while including the main action items.
  • Always add value by answering questions, providing intelligence, and removing hurdles
  • Make it easy for them to take action such as confirming the next meeting or signing a proposal

OK, sounds quite straightforward, right? To make your life easier, we’ve included some different use cases with sales follow-up email templates that you can customize to make them your own.

hot tips for the best subject lines

Hot tips: sales follow-up email subject lines

Don’t underestimate the power of your subject lines. They can affect whether or not your email even gets opened. In the case of sales follow-up emails, it’s better to avoid being cute or clever and clearly state what the email is about. If it’s post-demo, they should be expecting your email, so make sure they recognize your sender name and the subject line topic immediately. In addition to keeping it on point and relevant, here are some proven subject line techniques to consider.

  • Length: According to email experts, you should write lines that are about 40 characters for mobile and up to 70 characters for Gmail desktop.
  • Tone: You’ve hopefully built a rapport by this point, so make it more personal and conversational. Example: I’ve thought a lot about what you said yesterday. See our next steps.
  • Style: Even though you are excited, don’t use emojis or ALL CAPS. In fact, 85% of survey respondents prefer an all-lowercase subject line to one in all caps.

Email template #1: reinforce your value and confirm the next steps

The best-case scenario is that your demo went well and your solution is a fit. While this is amazing news, the sale is not a sure thing.

Use the sales follow-up email as an opportunity to remind them how your product fits perfectly into their plans, thank them for their insightful contributions to the discussion and give them one task that relates to the next steps .

template for after a good demo experience

Subject line: Great demo meeting! Here’s what is coming next

‍ Hi [prospect name],

Thank you for your time yesterday and for sharing more insights on [X goal and the Y challenges you’re facing]. We understand the bigger picture and we’re happy that the demo gave you a better idea of how [product name] will help you reach your goals.

Here are the X ways we agreed [your product] meets your requirements:

  • Problem / Solution #1
  • Problem / Solution #2

Based on the next steps we discussed, we will [send proposal] by [date]. Please click this scheduling link [ Demodesk scheduling link ] to confirm the best meeting time, so we can walk you through [the proposal.]

Let me know if you have any questions.

Best,[Your name]

Email template #2: outstanding questions, objections, or competitors

In most cases, the prospects will ask questions or have objections that you can’t answer on the demo call. They might also mention competitors that they are looking at in addition to your company.

For these use cases, it’s best to include answers to these outstanding issues in the sales follow-up email. Sometimes you’ll want to include support materials, such as articles or case studies to help the prospect. If they mention competitors, be proactive and send along a competitive analysis to show the pros and cons of each solution (including yours).

template for after a demo where a prospect still has questions

Subject line: Insightful demo meeting! The new information we discussed is enclosed

Thank you for your time yesterday and for sharing more insights on [X goals and the Y challenges you’re facing]. We are excited about our partnership, especially after seeing how well you responded to the demo.

During our discussion, you brought up [X, Y, and Z]. We are glad you are thinking about every possible scenario. Our team got together yesterday to address your questions. Here’s an overview of what we discussed. (A full report is attached for your review.)

  • Question / Answer #1
  • Question / Answer #2
  • Question / Answer #3

I am eager to hear what you think of the report. Let’s schedule a call early next week to discuss the report. Simply click this scheduling link [ Demodesk scheduling link ] to choose a meeting time that works best for you.

Email template #3: when the demo doesn’t go great

The reality is that not all product demos go well. Sometimes you can feel your prospect getting confused or the demo has a few hiccups. It happens!

When something goes wrong, your sales follow-up email is the first step in getting the sale back on track. Don’t ignore the issues, but rather address them head-on. While it’s important to acknowledge the situation, don’t try to solve everything in the follow-up email. Set the stage and schedule a follow-up meeting as soon as possible.

template for after a demo where the prospect still has concerns.

Subject line: X action items from our demo meeting and a new idea to run by you

Thank you again for your time yesterday and for sharing your insights on [X goal and the Y challenges you’re facing].

During our discussion, you brought up [X and Y]. We did not have enough time in the demo to address those concerns, but you’ll be happy to know that our [product] solves those pain points. Specifically,

  • Concern / Solution #1
  • Concern / Solution #2

We are glad you are thinking about every possible scenario and would love the opportunity to spend 30 minutes with you showing you exactly how we can meet your needs. We are available next week. You can click this scheduling link [ Demodesk scheduling link ] to choose a meeting time that works best for you.

Book meetings in seconds with automated scheduling and lead routing

Use sales follow-up emails to lead your prospects

You are in control of your prospect’s experience. Be the most helpful sales professional they’ve ever dealt with by being communicative at every step of the sales process, especially post-demo. Don’t relax after a successful product demo. Instead, keep the momentum going to reach your ultimate goal, which is to help your prospects reach theirs.

‍ Sales follow-up email: mistakes to avoid:

  • Following up too soon or waiting too long (generally, 12 working hours after the demo is the sweet spot).
  • Sending emails after work hours or on the weekend.
  • Talking too much about yourself. Avoid words like “I”, “me,” “my”, “we,” “us,” and “our” and focus on using “you” and “your.”
  • Giving your prospect too many tasks. Keep it to one action.
  • Not tracking your conversations or email metrics.
  • Making grammatical or spelling errors in your emails.

Your sales follow-up emails are only as good as the next steps that you discussed with your prospects in the previous meeting. Learn how to present the right next steps before your demo ends.

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The Ultimate Sales Follow Up Email Post-Meeting

Learn the best practices for writing the ultimate sales follow up email.

  • Read time: 6 min

On average, only 2% of sales are made during the first touchpoint. Basically, if you don’t follow up after your first meeting, you’re missing out on 98% of potential sales!

Writing an effective sales follow up email is more than just another attempt to get a prospect’s attention.

1. how to write the first follow up email.

The last thing you want to do is be aggressive or pushy in your sales follow up email. Instead, your message should show your prospect exactly how you can be of assistance to them.

You’re the sales rep and you recently had a first meeting with a new potential customer. The meeting was exceptional. The prospect was engaged and excited about the product you were offering. Essentially, it seemed like a done deal from the moment they said, “hello!” And yet, the meeting ends without any decision being made.

Before you begin writing the follow up email, there are a few things to consider:

  • Put yourself in the prospect’s shoes
  • Think to yourself: would I open this email?
  • Address your prospect’s needs and problems to immediately grab their attention
  • In every aspect of your email, including the subject line, be personal
  • Your buyers are human - so be human

Hi [First Name], I had a great time speaking with you today! I’m glad we got a chance to discuss the lack of engagement your sales team is experiencing during their meetings. As a fellow sales professional with over 10 years in the industry, I understand the struggle! As promised, attached is a brochure highlighting our sales enablement platform, how it works, and a personalized report of just how we can help your sales reps support the customer dialogue with interactive presentations. Please let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to chat further! Feel free to set up another meeting with me via my calendar link. [Signature]

This email proactively continues the conversation from earlier in the day.

It addresses the prospect’s main pain points.

It does a great job of offering a personalized solution.

The tone of the email is friendly, empathetic, and understanding.

It ensures the prospect feels comfortable moving forward in the sales cycle.

2. Personalize the follow up email for each prospect

Remember, a follow up email helps to further grow the buyer/seller relationship.

Consider a few things:

  • No one wants to receive a superficial message that appears as though it was written by a robot.
  • Your prospect needs to get valuable information to foster a productive buyer/seller relationship.
  • Take notes during your initial meeting on not only their specific use case for your product, but also on their personal attributes such as their likes and dislikes.
  • Use this information to personalize your sales follow up email.

A great way to add a fun personalized touch to your follow up email is to incorporate a common interest. For example, let’s say your prospect is a fan of baseball. Below is an example of an email that speaks to the prospect’s interest in baseball while still addressing the main reason for the email and offering value.​

Hi [First Name], Did you see the Yankees win last night? I was blown away by the double-play in the 9th inning. It was incredible! I’m following up on our conversation regarding sales enablement technology. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Let me know what makes sense for you as a next step. Looking forward to speaking with you again. [Signature]

Including the baseball anecdote adds a bit of your own personality into the conversation as well.

By adding your own personality the prospect feels comfortable speaking with you again — sort of like a friend.

By having a humanistic conversation with you the prospect is able to gain trust and comfortability.

3. Offer a time and date for you to speak again

One of the most common mistakes sales reps make is not including a time and date to meet again.

Have you ever tried to make plans with a friend and one of you says, “Just let me know when you’re free!” The typical response is “Okay, sounds good!” But no one ever offers a date and time to meet up, and so you don’t hang out for weeks.

By offering the dates and times you are available in a follow-up email, whether written out or via calendar link, helps lock in another meeting with a prospect.

Take a look at the email example below:

Hi [First Name], I wanted to reach out and see if I could help answer any questions you may have about Prezentor’s interactive sales presentations. You can book a time to meet with me here or just reply to this email. We can walk through your sales enablement goals and show you how [Company Name] can achieve a 25% increase in effectively communicating your sales messages with interactive sales content. I look forward to hearing from you! [Signature]

Setting up a future meeting enables the sales rep to take the knowledge they gained from the first meeting.

By setting up a future meeting you can use your selling tactics in the next meeting.

The prospect has a deeper understanding of the value the product brings to the table.

The sales rep has a greater chance of wowing the prospect.

4. Leave space for questions

By leaving the email open-ended, you’re creating a safe space for the prospect to ask all the questions they have.

This is a great way to build rapport and further the conversation. Based upon the prospect’s questions, you gain more insight into their exact needs and pain points. Essentially, their questions help you to more adequately sell your product by offering a tailored solution to their problems.

The relationship between you and the prospect will bloom.

Let’s take another look at our first example of a sales follow up email. But this time, let’s add an open ending.

Lets look at an Example

Hi [First Name], I had a great time speaking with you today! I’m glad we got a chance to discuss the lack of engagement your sales team is experiencing during their meetings. As a fellow sales professional with over 10 years in the industry, I understand the struggle. As promised, attached is a brochure highlighting our sales enablement platform, how it works, and a personalized report of just how we can help your sales reps support the customer dialogue with interactive presentations. Do you have any questions? Let me know what you’re still curious about, I’m here whenever you need me. [Signature]

The final sentence of this follow up email informs the recipient that you value their time.

These perceived notions will show that you care about their needs.

A great sales follow up email can be the difference between closing a sale or never hearing back from a prospect again. Maximize your sales by sending the ultimate sales follow up email with the techniques listed above. Take it one step further and schedule a demo with Prezentor to learn more about how the right sales enablement technology can propel your sales even further.

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8 Templates for Follow Up Emails After a Meeting, Conference, and More

by Vlad Oleksiienko

  • Prospecting

follow up emails

Building meaningful business relationships is never easy, be it networking or getting new clients on board. It takes much more than simply showing up to numerous events and exchanging business cards. 

The preparation stage is crucial because it will set up your email follow-ups for success when the time comes.

So if you plan on visiting that conference, seminar, webinar, or any other networking event – check out the guest list and prep your questions to set up the future follow-up email.

It is worth it, though. Forbes found that 85% of job vacancies are filled via networking , and a shocking 78% of startups owe their success to some form of networking .

The importance of building business relationships cannot be overlooked.

Well, the meeting is over, and everyone is back to their busy lives with thousands of things on their minds. How do we ensure our interaction isn’t forgotten? 

What really solidifies a business connection is the next point of contact – a follow-up.

Emails remain the premium channel to phone calls or social media for the time being, mostly because they’re the least invasive and professional.  

A follow-up email after meeting someone makes your interaction more memorable, strengthens your new connection, and highlights your appreciation and interest in moving forward.

Writing an effective follow-up after a meeting + what to include

Timing is vital.

It’s best to send your follow-up while you, your conversation, and the event are still fresh in the recipients’ minds. A good rule of thumb is to do so within 24/48 hours of the event. 

Keep it short 

Whoever you’re following up with, chances are they’ve got a lot on their plate, so keep your message brief, friendly, and direct.

Besides, you have already met – no need for lengthy intros. 

Here’s a proven ‘sandwich’ on how to write a follow-up email after meeting someone: 

  • Quick reference to where you’ve met / what you’ve discussed;
  • Purpose of the email/value or ideas proposed;
  • Call to action;
  • Thanks for your time + Sign off (preferably with an email signature ).

Use a striking subject line 

Subject lines often determine the fate of your email. In an event follow-up email , keep your subject line snappy and capturing.

Mention the event or topic discussed to stand out. Oh, and probably a good idea to lay off ‘follow up’ and ‘just following up’.

  • Lovely meeting you, {Contacts Name};
  • Loved our chat at {Event Name};
  • How’s {project discussed} going?

Make it all about them 

When networking, it’s always best to listen more than you speak. Your follow-up letters after a meeting should be about them, not about you.

Save the talk about your awesome business or achievements for a better time. 

Show authenticity 

To avoid being just another email in your recipients’ inbox, avoid sounding like one. This is a great opportunity to showcase your true personality, keeping the tone light and genuine.

Throwing in a joke or two could be a great ice-breaker 😉 

Have purpose

A clear goal will highlight the purpose of your follow-up, propose a next step moving forward, and outline what’s expected of your recipient.

Are you hoping for a call? A meeting? A collaboration? In the business world, directness and clarity are highly appreciated. 

Although the ‘ thank you for meeting with me email’ is a common and cheerful follow-up example, we will focus on templates that continue the conversation with a new call to action. 

1. Follow-up email after meeting a potential client 

When attending any professional event, chances are your business overlaps with whoever you meet there. Inevitably, you will chat with people who fit your ideal partner or client profile. 

In the case of the latter, probably a good idea to shoot that follow-up message explaining how your business can benefit their unique case: 

Hello, [Name] 

It was great meeting you at [Event] and learning more about [Recipient’s Company] and the great work your company does. It’s been quite the journey since your launch just a few years ago. Truly inspiring!  

I’ve been thinking about the [Unique Challenges] you mentioned, and I am here to tell you – you’re not alone.  

We’ve helped numerous [industry name] companies overcome this exact problem, so I understand how difficult it is to [problem description].

Check out our [website, portfolio, etc.] to see how [Your Product] helped a fellow client with this exact struggle, and see for yourself how we could do the same for you.  

I would love for an opportunity to schedule a call sometime next week to discuss this in more detail. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or concerns you may have. 

I really appreciate you taking the time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon! 

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

It goes without saying that the priority of any follow-up email after a business meeting is not you or your business, it’s them. Show genuine appreciation for meeting them to create a positive and respectful environment before getting into business. 

2. Follow-up email after networking with a potential partner 

Now let’s imagine you have a chat with another attendee and realize that your businesses would go well together in a collaboration, joint project, or possible future endeavors. 

When you first meet someone at a networking event, the conversation is usually short and introductory, probably not ideal to drop the ‘hey let’s partner up’ bomb on them. 

However, a constructive and clear follow-up can definitely set the tone for a possible business partnership: 

I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed our meeting yesterday. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on [Topic] and [Recipient’s Company]’s strategic goals.

It was really informative. 

I’d be interested in continuing our convo and discussing the possibility of working together.

I spoke with my people, and we would be thrilled to partner with you and your team to accomplish the common goals we have discussed. 

Here are some projects we’d be thrilled to team up on: 

[List of Projects]

Please let me know a time and date that works best and we can arrange all the details. 

[Your name]

Doors only open to those who knock. Even if you’re a much smaller startup, if you sincerely believe your two businesses could benefit each other – don’t shy away from that follow-up request! 

3. Follow-up Email after a business meeting or event you created 

Sooner or later most companies will host their own meetings, events, conferences, etc. When on the other side of the table, it’s imperative in your follow-ups to thank all your attendees for taking the time to join your event. 

In the case of virtual events, don’t forget to include a link to the recorded video of the event for all attendees to look back at any time and share with others!  

Here’s the template we used in a recent virtual sales conference we organized and hosted: 

Subject Line: [Company Name] at [Event Name]  

Hi [Name], 

I’m writing to you because I noticed that you attended our [Event name], and I was thinking that perhaps you are looking for software or tips that might help you with [Topic of Event]. 

As [Your Product] [Key Features of Your Product], I thought our platform might help the [Department] at [Company Name] hit their target numbers. 

Do you have 10-15 minutes for a quick chat sometime this or next week? 

P.S. here is the event replay: [Link] 

With , [Company/Organizer Name] 

Naturally, we thanked everyone for showing up, added a link to the video, and promoted our product (SEP) to a very targeted and interested audience! Talk about two birds and one stone. 

Some words of advice – virtual networking has skyrocketed over the last few years with the boom of remote and hybrid workplaces, and it’s much easier and cheaper to create! 

4. Demo meeting follow-up template 

Now that more people are interested in your product, it’s time for demo and discovery meetings! Another common form of business meetings, and just like with the rest, follow-ups are a fantastic way to keep the conversation flowing after it’s done.  

You want to give the interested client some breathing room to weigh everything and think about your product, but it’s also necessary to show that you value their time and consideration. 

Here’s one of the few follow-up meeting emails we use at Reply after a demo: 

Hi [Name] ,

Pleasure speaking with you today! Below are the main highlights of our conversation.

Current requirements of [Prospect Company Name] :

– 1st requirement 

– 2nd requirement 

– 3rd requirement 

How [Your Company Name] can help:

– 1st solution 

– 2nd solution

– 3rd solution 

Given your unique requirements, our [Pricing Plan Name + Cost] would be the best fit. This includes [Main Features of Plan] . 

Here’s our call recording in case you want to look back: [link] 

Some helpful resources to get to know our product a bit better: [link 1] [link 2]  

Let’s touch base in a week or so, once you’ve had a chance to discuss creating an account at [Your Product Name] with your partners. 

If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,

If at first glance this looks like a summary of our meeting…that’s because it is! 

We follow up to compile all the important points discussed and other helpful resources to help our potential clients make the best, most informed decision. It’s also an opportunity to leave the door open for our next communication.

sales presentation follow up email

5. Follow-up email after a phone call 

While in-person meetings are great, they’re not always practical. There are times when zoom or phone call meetings make more sense, for instance, to avoid an international commute.

If you’re wondering if a follow-up is necessary for these situations – the answer is a big fat yes! 

Here is a follow-up email after a phone call sample: 

Hello [Name],

I appreciate you finding the time to hop on our call! 

I’m following up with a brief outline of the business discussed for you to look back at, and I went along and added some extra information for you to take a look at. 

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions moving forward. 

We can schedule another call at your convenience, I look forward to hearing from you soon! 

Once again, thanks for your time – it was a pleasure speaking with you.

[Your name].

An email follow-up after a phone call makes up for the lack of in-person contact with your partners or clients.

They provide the recipient with a reference of all the business discussed, make your conversation more memorable, create a more personal connection, and once again, leave the door open for future contact.  

6. Follow-up meeting email template for an industry expert, thought leader, mentor, etc. 

It’s no secret that at times talking to the right person is more valuable than any client or partner down the road.

Someone established as an expert in your field most probably went through all the challenges you’re going through at the moment and overcame them. 

If you get the chance to meet someone like that at a networking event, make sure to follow up and ask whether it’s OK to reach out to them from time to time for some advice. 

Again, the lessons, experiences, and tips they share can prove to be pivotal moments in your career .

Hey [Name] ,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday at [Event]. I really appreciated the opportunity to discuss the industry with a leader in the field, it meant a lot to me. 

I will begin following your advice and can’t wait to see the results! 

I know how valuable your time is, but I wanted to ask if we could keep in touch? I have multiple projects I’m working on and would love your feedback. 

In particular, I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts on [List of Issues].

Once again a true pleasure meeting you and chatting! 

7. Event Follow-up email to ask for an introduction 

Similarly, you could meet someone who works with or mentions they know an industry expert you’re keen on meeting / getting advice from.

In that case, a short follow-up asking for an introduction is on order: 

It was nice to meet you at [Event]. Our conversation was very informative to me, especially your take on [Topic Discussed]. 

During our chat, you mentioned that you knew [Name] from [Company]. With his/her exceptional expertise in [Area of Expertise], I would greatly appreciate it if you could introduce me to them.

I can imagine how hectic your schedule is, so I’ve prepared a short message to make the introduction as seamless as possible. Of course, please feel free to adjust as you see fit. 

[Short Message About You/Your Company]

Could you please find a moment to make the introduction?

Thank you in advance!

This is also a great opportunity for a follow-up email after a conversation with an employee of a company you’ve had your eye on for some time, be it for partnering, signing them as a client, or perhaps joining their team! 

8. Follow-up thank you email after meeting someone at an event 

Whether it’s a potential partner, client, or simply a peer you’ve had an interesting chat with, one common follow-up is a ‘thank you email’ after meeting them. 

Networking isn’t always about partnering up on the spot. It’s about building meaningful connections and making friends across various industries. One never knows how life may turn out. 

Below is a sample thank you letter after a business meeting where we thank them for their time, and as a bonus – ask to keep in touch or invite them for coffee/lunch to keep the conversation going. 

Hey [Name],

It was a pleasure meeting you at [event] and learning more on [topic of conversation], it gave me quite a bit to think about! 

I’d love to keep in touch and continue our conversation someday soon. Let me know when you’re free, and we’ll grab that coffee 🙂 

Thanks again for your help and advice!

[Your Name] 

Covid is over(ish) – time to bring in-person meet-ups back in style! 

Wrapping up 

They say network is your net worth, and in today’s hyper-paced, globalized world of business it couldn’t be more true. 

Meeting people at networking events and meetings isn’t all that challenging. Maintaining those business connections is where it gets tricky.

Without a prompt follow-up, you risk the person you spoke to forgetting you and your conversation (nothing personal, we’re all human). 

Taking a few minutes of your time to sculpt that brief, genuine follow-up email will make your interaction fresh and positive for the other person, paving the way for lasting connections. 

So whether you’re looking to partner up, attract a new client, connect with an industry expert , or simply stay in touch with someone you met in the business world – don’t forget to follow up! 

sales presentation follow up email

About the author

  • Vlad Oleksiienko

Vlad Oleksiienko is an SDR Team Lead at Reply.io, the multichannel sales engagement platform. With 6+ years of experience in the field, he is keen on building creative outreach strategies and experimenting with different approaches for personalization at scale. Connect with him on  LinkedIn .


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    1. Personalized sales follow up email after an event. Trade shows, networking events, and conferences offer great opportunities to meet prospects. Right after a meeting, jot down some notes about your conversation on their business cards. Then continue the conversation within a week by sending a follow up email.

  8. 19 Templates for Follow-Up Emails After a Meeting, Conference, and More

    6. Offer a chance to connect again. Ask to keep in touch, set up a face-to-face meeting, or schedule a phone call — be sure to share at least two dates and times that you're available. 7. Craft a professional sign-off. Sign your email to make sure the follow-up feels professional and personal.

  9. How to Write Follow-Up Emails (13+ Templates & Examples)

    The goal of this email is to get users back at a better time when they can understand better how the product benefits them. 2. Follow Up After a Call with Gift: Postal.Io. This thank-you email was sent after a call with Postal, a marketing company that helps go-to-market teams send gifts to partners and customers.

  10. 13 Industry-Proven Sales Follow-Up Email Templates

    13 Sales follow-up email templates that generate replies. When uncertainty and recession hit the B2B world hard, the adage "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" resonates more than ever. Sales professionals understand that persistence and tact often make a difference in their ability to close deals.

  11. 47 Powerful Follow-Up Email Templates That Get Replies

    Here are the key steps that you have to consider to craft the best follow-up emails, 1. Define the purpose of sending the email. This is a logical step you must focus on before composing your follow-up email. You have to find out why you are following up in the first place.

  12. 15 Easy Sales Follow Up Email Templates That Actually Work

    15 successful sales follow up email templates for warming up prospects. With those subject lines as inspiration, we've prepared 15 sales follow-up email templates you can copy and paste. However, we have to confess: we had help. Our number one tool for scaling marketing is AI copywriting assistant Jasper.

  13. 20 Sales Follow-up Email Templates to Unlock Higher Response Rates

    The above templates can be tweaked according to, say, follow-up emails after sales presentations and sales meetings follow-up emails. Sales Follow-Up Email After Proposal/Quote. Following up with an email after sending the quote or proposal is just as crucial as crafting the initial document. Here are a couple of email templates to tackle the ...

  14. 17 Sales Follow-up Email Templates

    Download our 17 free follow-up email sales templates to simplify your nurturing and prospect re-engagement processes. Each is crafted for various categorical situations and allows basic plug-and-play of contact data and contextual information for speedy deployment. FILE TO DOWNLOAD OR INTEGRATE.

  15. Ultimate Sales Follow-Up Email Templates

    General guidelines for email follow-up. There are some best practices you can (and should) consider when you want to send an email to follow up with a potential customer, no matter what the circumstances: 1. Start with thank you. Keep it brief and be genuine.

  16. 11 Follow-Up Email Templates for Sales

    Inquiry follow-up email template. Scenario: A prospect has inquired about your product or service. You want to follow up to provide more information and answer any questions they may have, ideally through a call. 6. Follow up on a proposal. Scenario: You've submitted a proposal to a client, and you want to follow up on your previous email.

  17. How to Write Sales Follow-Up Emails that Close Every Time (With 10

    In order to close sales, you need to be serious about following up with your prospects. Unfortunately, many sales reps struggle to send effective follow-up emails that grab their recipients' attention without spamming their inbox.. There are a number of key components that go into sending an effective sales follow-up email and consistently generating interest and closing more deals.

  18. How to Write a Follow-Up Email (+12 Examples & Templates)

    This email is for the same situation as above, but with some more specific items. Subject line: [Your company] x [Client] follow-up. Hi [Name], Great speaking with you today! I just wanted to follow up on our meeting with a few things. To answer your question about [topic], [answer question].

  19. 21 Sales Email Follow Up Templates That Work

    Instead, let's get into the core content that will make your sales email follow-ups more successful. Following are 7 situations where a follow-up email is appropriate, and provide 3 distinct email templates for each occasion. Subject line options are included in brackets. 1. Following up after a no-response.

  20. 12 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates to Turn Silences Into Sales

    Craft a Response-Worthy Follow-Up Email Today! Thoughtfully composed sales follow-up emails can help you elevate your sales strategy, turning silences into sales and interests into investments. All the templates shared above are designed by industry experts, who have years of experience in revenue generation and customer relationships.

  21. Follow-up Emails After No Response [25 Ready-to-use Templates]

    Follow-up emails generally have better open and response rates than the first email. It's not just us, either. Research from Woodpecker found that emails without a follow-up achieve an average response rate of 16%. In comparison, those who send at least one follow-up email in a campaign reach 27%.

  22. 41 Sales Follow Up Email Templates For Every Scenario

    Import these templates into Gmail. Follow up email after a sales meeting. Follow up email after no response from a client. 1 - Owning it. 2 - Sending helpful resources. 3 - A simple one-liner. 4 - Ask to close out the file. Unique sales follow up email examples. 1 - Use humor + animated GIFs.

  23. Sales Follow Up Emails That Convert (+Templates)

    Following up too soon or waiting too long (generally, 12 working hours after the demo is the sweet spot). Sending emails after work hours or on the weekend. Talking too much about yourself. Avoid words like "I", "me," "my", "we," "us," and "our" and focus on using "you" and "your.". Giving your prospect too many ...

  24. The Ultimate Sales Follow Up Email Post-Meeting

    It addresses the prospect's main pain points. It does a great job of offering a personalized solution. The tone of the email is friendly, empathetic, and understanding. It ensures the prospect feels comfortable moving forward in the sales cycle. 2. Personalize the follow up email for each prospect.

  25. 8 Templates for Follow Up Emails After a Meeting, Conference ...

    7. Event Follow-up email to ask for an introduction. Similarly, you could meet someone who works with or mentions they know an industry expert you're keen on meeting / getting advice from. In that case, a short follow-up asking for an introduction is on order: Hey [Name], It was nice to meet you at [Event].