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Human Trafficking: Persuasive Speech

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  • Galvin, G. (2018). Hidden Victims. U.S. News - The Report, C18–C21.
  • Knowles Wirsing, E. (2012). Outreach, Collaboration, and Services to Survivors of Human Trafficking: The Salvation Army STOP-IT Program’s Work in Chicago, Illinois. Social Work & Christianity, 39(4), 466–480. Retrieved from
  • Johnson, B. C. (2012). Aftercare for Survivors of Human Trafficking. Social Work & Christianity, 39(4), 370–389.
  • O’Brien, M. A. (2017). Free Speech or Slavery Profiteering?: Solutions for Policing Online Sex-Trafficking Advertisement. Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law, 20(1), 289–317. Retrieved from
  • Strachan, K. (2016). Doe v. The United States Court of Appeals Further Extends Immunity for Internet Service Providers Under the Communications Decency Act. Tulane Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property, 19, 261–270. Retrieved from
  • Helton, M. (2016). Human Trafficking: How a Joint Task Force between Health Care Providers and Law Enforcement Can Assist with Identifying Victims and Prosecuting Traffickers. Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine, 26, 433–473. Retrieved from

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129 Human Trafficking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

📝 key points to use to write an outstanding human trafficking essay, 🏆 best human trafficking topic ideas & essay examples, ⭐ simple & easy human trafficking essay titles, 📌 most interesting human trafficking topics to write about, 👍 good research topics about human trafficking.

  • ❓ Research Questions about Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the most challenging and acute assignment topics. Students should strive to convey a strong message in their human trafficking essays.

They should discuss the existing problems in today’s world and the ways to solve them. It means that essays on human trafficking require significant dedication and research. But do not worry, we are here to help you write an outstanding essay.

Find the issue you want to discuss in your paper. There are many titles to choose from, as you can analyze the problem from various perspectives. The examples of human trafficking essay topics include:

  • The problem of child trafficking in today’s world
  • The causes of human trafficking
  • Human trafficking: The problem of ethics and values
  • The role of today’s society in fostering human trafficking
  • Human trafficking as a barrier to human development
  • The rate of human trafficking victims in the world’s countries
  • How to prevent and stop human trafficking

Remember that you can select other human trafficking essay titles if you want. Search for them online or ask your professor for advice.

Now that you are ready to start working on your paper, you can use these key points for writing an outstanding essay:

  • Study the issue you have selected and do preliminary research. Look for news articles, scholarly papers, and information from reputable websites. Do not rely on Wikipedia or related sources.
  • Work on the outline for your paper. A well-developed outline is a key feature of an outstanding essay. Include an introductory and a concluding paragraph along with at least three body paragraphs. Make sure that each of your arguments is presented in a separate paragraph or section.
  • Check out human trafficking essay examples online to see how they are organized. This step can also help you to evaluate the relevance of the topic you have selected. Only use online sources for reference and do not copy the information you will find.
  • Your introductory paragraph should start with a human trafficking essay hook. The hooking sentence or a phrase should grab the reader’s attention. An interesting fact or a question can be a good hook. Hint: make sure that the hooking sentence does not make your paper look overly informal.
  • Do not forget to include a thesis statement at the end of your introductory section. Your paper should support your thesis.
  • Define human trafficking and make sure to answer related questions. Is it common in today’s world? What are the human trafficking rates? Help the reader to understand the problem clearly.
  • Discuss the causes and consequences of human trafficking. Think of possible questions you reader would ask and try to answer all of them.
  • Be specific. Provide examples and support your arguments with evidence. Include in-text citations if you refer to information from outside sources. Remember to use an appropriate citation style and consult your professor about it.
  • Discuss the legal implications of human trafficking in different countries or states. What are the penalties for offenders?
  • Address the ethical implications of the problem as well. How does human trafficking affect individuals and their families?
  • A concluding paragraph should be a summary of your arguments and main ideas of the paper. Discuss the findings of your research as well.

Check out our samples (they are free!) and get the best ideas for your paper!

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Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Delivers Remarks at OVC's Anti-Trafficking Commemorative Event

Washington , DC United States

Remarks as Delivered

Good afternoon.  Thank you, Kris, for that very kind introduction. 

Today we recognize National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. And we recognize 20 years of anti-trafficking programs by the Department’s Office for Victims of Crime.

Human trafficking is a heinous crime with devastating consequences.

Traffickers prey upon the most vulnerable members of our society.

They exploit and control their victims, often through force, violence, or abuse.

And victims experience unimaginable harm, trauma, and stigma – all of which can prevent them from receiving the support they need and deserve.

The Department of Justice is committed to combatting human trafficking from every angle, and to vindicating the rights of victims and survivors.

We are committed to expanding our capacity to prevent human trafficking, including by working with federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial law enforcement partners.

We are committed to expanding our capacity to prosecute perpetrators of human trafficking crimes across all 94 of our U.S. Attorneys’ Offices.

Prosecutors in our Civil Rights Division’s Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit work closely with AUSAs and law enforcement agencies to streamline investigations, ensure consistent application of trafficking statutes, and identify multijurisdictional trafficking networks. 

In addition, in June 2021, I established Joint Task Force Alpha in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security. 

The Task Force’s mission is to work within the United States and with our foreign partners in the Northern Triangle and Mexico to dismantle the most dangerous human smuggling and human trafficking networks. 

The Criminal Division’s Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section helps lead and has numerous federal prosecutors assigned to the  Task Force. 

We also are committed to providing protection and trauma-informed assistance to victims and survivors of human trafficking.

For two decades, the Department’s Office for Victims of Crime has led our efforts to protect and support survivors.

In that time, this work has greatly expanded. In 2003, we issued almost $10 million in grants to combat human trafficking. 

By 2022, we issued more than $90 million. 

And that figure will grow even more in the year ahead, with up to $95 million in awards available. 

I am proud that the funding OVC manages is the largest amount of federal funding dedicated to supporting survivors of human trafficking.

This funding is used to support direct services for survivors, including housing, employment, and legal assistance. 

It also supports multidisciplinary task forces, state-level capacity building, and a range of training and technical assistance – all aimed at combatting human trafficking.

Together, these resources help ensure the safety and wellbeing of survivors. 

These resources empower survivors to help bring their traffickers to justice, including through testimony and victim-impact statements.   

And these resources help prevent future crimes. 

I am grateful to OVC – and to everyone involved in this work – for how much you have done to advance our anti-trafficking efforts thus far. But I am grateful more for how much you will continue to do in the years ahead. 

Your work has made a real difference in the lives of survivors across the country, and it will continue to do so year in and year out. 

Building an effective response to human trafficking takes commitment and collaboration at every level of government and beyond. 

It demands a multi-disciplinary approach, and partnerships between subject-matter experts, law enforcement, and stakeholders. 

And most important, it requires listening to victims and survivors and incorporating their perspectives into everything that we do. 

Nearly one year ago, I announced the Department’s National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking.

This multi-year framework harnesses our law enforcement, prosecution, and grant-making capabilities to more effectively dismantling trafficking threats. 

The result is an approach to combating trafficking that puts victims first.

And in the last year, we have put these policies into place.

In support of the Strategy, we have released an updated version of the Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance. 

This version incorporates enhanced protections and addresses specific considerations for vulnerable victims and members of marginalized communities. 

We have developed and disseminated expanded training resources for federal prosecutors, to offer strategies for enforcing restitution and forfeiture provisions for human trafficking victims.

We have expanded the scope of our Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking, so that this program now covers both emergency and transitional housing.

And we have launched an interagency Forced Labor Initiative to enhance the detection, investigation, and prosecution of federal criminal forced labor crimes. 

This initiative is led by a committee of experts from the FBI, the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, and the Departments of Labor and Homeland Security.

As I said, these are great strides forward. But there is much more to do. So, as we celebrate our accomplishments over the last 20 years, we will also recommit ourselves to doing this important work.

We will continue to bring the full force of the Department to the fight against human trafficking. 

We will continue to bring traffickers to justice. 

We will continue to disrupt and dismantle the networks that enable these crimes. 

And we will continue to show victims, by word and by deed, that we are worthy of their trust.

I’m now pleased to turn the podium back over to Kris.

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United Nations

Office on drugs and crime, yury fedotov.

Director General/Executive Director

Remarks at the Opening session UN General Assembly Interactive Dialogue "Fighting Human Trafficking: Partnership and Innovation to End Violence against Women and Children"

Mr. President,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am extremely pleased to address this high level meeting at the General Assembly Interactive Dialogue on the issue of "Fighting Human Trafficking: Partnership and Innovation to End Violence against Women and Children."

Indeed, this is a challenge of extraordinary proportions. US$32 billion is being earned by unscrupulous criminals running human trafficking  networks every year.

At any one time, 2.4 million people suffer the misery of this humiliating and degrading crime.

Of the individuals trafficked each year, 17 per cent are trafficked for the purposes of forced labour, while 80 per cent are trafficked for sexual exploitation.

Children, women, migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons, are particularly vulnerable to human trafficking.

The international community also needs to be aware that the conditions for human trafficking, as with other crimes, are heightened by conflict and the lack of security.

Human trafficking is also an issue of economic and social development. However, this crime is not simply the symptom of a fragile or poor country, it occurs in every region; irrespective of the size of the GDP.

Due to the multifaceted nature of human trafficking, and its close connections with other transnational issues, no country is capable of combating this transnational threat on its own.

This global threat, therefore, requires a coordinated and meaningful response at all levels: local, regional and international.

The foundation for these activities must be the Palermo Convention on Transnational Organized Crime, including its protocol on human trafficking.

Our approach needs to balance progressive and proactive law enforcement with activities that combat the market forces driving human trafficking in many destination countries.

With very few victims being detected when it most matters, we must work closely with enforcement bodies to increase the risks of arrest, trial and imprisonment for traffickers.

In contesting the market forces, we must also raise awareness of this issue at the national and international levels, but especially in communities.

To achieve this, we are forging partnerships and empowering key groups within societies, particularly, women, young people and the private sector.

Women must receive our fullest support. Two out of every three victims of this crime are women.

Around 7 individuals every hour are trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation in Europe.

Far too often, women and young girls are the victims of the trafficking and the physical, psychological, and economic violence that accompanies it.  We must stop this.

This means working with every link in the criminal justice chain to promote sensitivity and understanding of violent crime and how it targets women.

Complementing this approach, we must design advocacy campaigns capable of educating people about human trafficking and its violence.

Young people everywhere must also be engaged by these activities. We need to help them channel their passion and dedication into the movement to eradicate this crime.

The private sector has an ability to support local communities and encourage best practices.

It is especially important that human trafficking is addressed through the supply chains of the private sector. The United Nations stands ready to assist in this matter.

All of our activities must be based on the strong political commitment of the international community as well as an inter-agency, multi-stakeholder strategy.

There has been significant progress through the work of the United Nations' Inter-Agency Coordination Group and the Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking. But, we must work harder.

In 2010, the UN adopted the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons. Under this plan, a UN Voluntary Trust Fund was established to provide critical aid to those victimized by this crime.

The Trust Fund has already provided funding to support grass-roots NGOs working directly with the survivors of human trafficking.

Since the Trust Fund was created, around US$1,000,000 has been pledged, with around US$470,000 contributed. In the first tranche, awards of up to US$25,000 were given to 11 NGO's.

The funding supported the provision of educational, medical and psychosocial assistance to child victims of trafficking in Cambodia; assisted victims in Albania through a reintegration program, and supported a Nepalese NGO almost entirely staffed by the survivors of human trafficking.

However, there are still significant amounts outstanding. For example, just three countries pledged a total of US$460,000. An amount that has yet to be sent to the Trust Fund.

I call on all countries to assist our project development by sending these outstanding funds as quickly as possible.

We have the partnerships, we have the necessary innovation, we must now bring this shameful crime to an end.

I call on all Member States to assist and to make sure that we can align your vision to our practical support for the victims of human trafficking.

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    Human Trafficking Persuasive Speech. If you were to ask someone what comes to their mind when they hear the word slave or slavery they would most likely think about the 17th century, plantations, and the civil war. Slavery is something that is associated with the past. In the world today, slavery is illegal in every country, although it is ...

  4. 129 Human Trafficking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The examples of human trafficking essay topics include: The problem of child trafficking in today's world. The causes of human trafficking. Human trafficking: The problem of ethics and values. The role of today's society in fostering human trafficking. Human trafficking as a barrier to human development.

  5. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Delivers Remarks at OVC's Anti

    Today we recognize National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. And we recognize 20 years of anti-trafficking programs by the Department's Office for Victims of Crime. Human trafficking is a heinous crime with devastating consequences. Traffickers prey upon the most vulnerable members of our society.

  6. Voices of Freedom: Responding to Human Trafficking through ...

    Voices of Freedom is a project that collects and shares the stories of survivors and professionals in the anti-human trafficking field. It aims to inform, inspire, and improve the response to human trafficking through oral history and empathy.

  7. Persuasive Speech About Human Trafficking

    Persuasive Speech About Human Trafficking. According to the Blue Campaign, human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. It also goes against the 13th amendment which bans slavery or involuntary servitude in the United States.

  8. President Obama's Speech on Human Trafficking

    New anti-trafficking teams are dismantling their networks. Last year, we charged a record number of these predators with human trafficking. We're putting them where they belong—behind bars. But with more than 20 million victims of human trafficking around the world—think about that, more than 20 million—they've got a lot more to do.

  9. Persuasive Speech About Human Trafficking

    1. Human trafficking is affecting an enormous amount of people. The rate at which people have been pushed into human trafficking is increasing rather rapidly. Tsin Ken Yoh, a graduate student at Harvard University, who. Get Access. Free Essay: Everybody is born with a voice. One may have a voice that can be heard for miles, while another may ...

  10. Green, Sara K. (2021) Persuasive Speech Outline

    Human trafficking is a major global issue. It is defined as modern-day slavery where people are coerced or forced into commercial sexual exploitation or labor against their will. It is currently the third largest international crime industry, generating over $150 billion annually. Most victims are women and children who are targeted due to factors like poverty, lack of support systems, and ...

  11. Persuasive Speech On Human Trafficking

    Well according to the US department of health and human services, human trafficking is second largest criminal industry making $12 billion per year off of a staggering 1.2 million child victims, all from the ages 5 to 17. Unlike other criminal industries children can be sold over and over again. The. Get Access.

  12. Combatting Human Trafficking

    Combatting Human Trafficking. Migrant Workers | Speech 10 October 2012. Written by John Morrison, Chief Executive, IHRB. At a Wilton Park conference on business and human rights, IHRB's Executive Director John Morrison was asked to speak on how to combat human trafficking in the context of business. He started by saying: "The UN Office on Drugs ...

  13. Persuasive Speech Outline On Human Trafficking

    222 Words. 1 Page. Open Document. Topic: Human Trafficking. General Purpose: To persuade. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that human trafficking is an incredibly relevant issue today that must be halted. Thesis Statement: Human trafficking is a horrid activity present in the world today that is in need of abolishment.

  14. What could be a thesis statement for an essay on human trafficking

    Human trafficking (subject) is a growing evil (description) destroying communities (content 1), expanding gang activity (content 2) and robbing the innocence of the world's youth (content 3).

  15. Human trafficking survivor calls Harris 'fearless' during DNC speech

    Human trafficking survivor calls Harris 'fearless' during DNC speech Courtney Baldwin spoke during the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

  16. Human trafficking persuasive speech by Sadie Politakis on Prezi

    Human Trafficking is exploitation of the youth. Human trafficking is a brutal and horrible criminal industry that is a growing threat in the U.S. and across the world. Human trafficking exploits our youth and takes advantage of our women. It takes a pshychological and physical toll on its victims and is many times a fatal industry.

  17. Human Trafficking Persuasive Speech

    Human Trafficking Persuasive Speech. According to the article "Hotline Statistics," in 2016 alone, there were 1,057 reported cases of human trafficking related to labor work with a total of 7,572 cases of trafficking. Regardless of the 1,057 individuals that were trafficked for labor, there isn't a lot of awareness in regards to this problem.

  18. SpeechHumanTrafficking03042012

    Indeed, this is a challenge of extraordinary proportions. US$32 billion is being earned by unscrupulous criminals running human trafficking networks every year. At any one time, 2.4 million people suffer the misery of this humiliating and degrading crime. Of the individuals trafficked each year, 17 per cent are trafficked for the purposes of ...

  19. Persuasive Speech On Human Trafficking

    According to Google, human trafficking is defined, the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or …show more content…. People are sold through the black market everyday. Not only sold, but their organs are taken and sold as well creating a whole different ballgame. Organs are very valuable, hence why people ...

  20. Human Trafficking Persuasive Speech

    Human Trafficking Persuasive Speech. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" this quote is inspiring for many different problems, but this quote clearly says a lot about Human Trafficking once we stop standing up for those who are stuck in a sticky situation such as forced ...

  21. Persuasive Speech: Human Trafficking

    Human trafficking, or trafficking in persons (TIP) or modern day slavery, is a heinous and widespread crime occurring around the world in nearly every society. Most people often thought slavery was part of the past; however, human slavery is part of our current society and has been an on-going issue around the world.

  22. Persuasive Speech (human trafficking)

    here is my persuasive speech for my speech class I took Fall 2012.I won for my class as the best persuasive speaker and the money we collected went to the ch...

  23. Persuasive Speech- Human Trafficking

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