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How to Make Presentations Fun for Kids

Are you ready to create presentations that captivate and engage children follow these tips and make learning fun.

Giving a presentation to children can be a daunting task for any speaker. With short attention spans and boundless energy , it’s essential to keep kids engaged and entertained throughout the presentation.

However, with the right approach, a presentation can become a fun and interactive experience for children. In this article, we will explore effective strategies for making presentations enjoyable for kids, including incorporating interactive elements , using storytelling , and tailoring content to the audience’s interests.

presentation for kid

By the end, you’ll be equipped with the tools to turn any presentation from boring to engaging, leaving a lasting impact on your young audience.

5 Proven Tips for Captivating Kids During Presentations

Presenting to children is a unique challenge that requires a different approach from presenting to adults. Children have different needs and interests, and they require a presentation that is engaging , interactive , and fun. Whether you are a teacher, a children’s author, or a public speaker, mastering the art of presenting to kids is an essential skill that can make all the difference in your success. These 5 tips are infallible to capture children’s attention:

1. Incorporate Interactive Elements

Engaging children in the presentation process can be an effective way to maintain their attention and make the experience more enjoyable. Consider including activities such as games , quizzes , and demonstrations that involve the children in the presentation. This could be as simple as asking for volunteers or encouraging participation through raised hands. Interactive elements can also include visual aids, such as pictures or videos, which can be used to illustrate key points and add interest to the presentation.

Additionally, hands-on activities can be an effective way to engage children. For example, if you are presenting on a science topic, consider doing a simple experiment that the children can follow along with. This helps to break up the presentation and provide a more immersive experience for the children.

2. Use Storytelling

Children love to hear stories , and incorporating storytelling into your presentation can be a powerful way to capture their attention and keep them engaged. Use anecdotes, real-life examples, and relatable characters to illustrate key points and keep the presentation interesting. Consider using props, costumes, or puppets to bring the story to life and create a memorable experience.

Storytelling can also be used to create a narrative structure for the presentation. Start with an attention-grabbing introduction and build up to a climax, followed by a satisfying conclusion. By using storytelling to structure the presentation, you can help keep children engaged and provide a sense of cohesion to the presentation.

3. Tailor Content to the Audience’s Interests

Children have unique interests and needs, and it’s crucial to understand what topics and themes resonate with them. Take the time to research your audience and tailor your presentation accordingly. This could include incorporating popular culture references , such as music or movies , or including topics that are relevant to the children’s lives.

It’s also important to consider the age range of your audience. Younger children may require simpler language and more visual aids, while older children may be more interested in deeper discussions or debates. Tailoring your presentation to the audience’s interests and needs can help make the presentation more relevant and engaging for them.

4. Use Humor

Humor can be a powerful tool for engaging children and making the presentation more enjoyable. Incorporate jokes , puns , or funny anecdotes to help break up the presentation and keep the children entertained. However, it’s important to ensure that the humor is appropriate for the audience and that it doesn’t detract from the message of the presentation.

Additionally, using humor can help to create a positive and relaxed atmosphere, which can be beneficial for both the children and the presenter. Children are more likely to engage and participate when they feel comfortable and at ease.

5. Keep it Visual

Children are highly visual learners, and incorporating visual aids into the presentation can help to keep them engaged and interested. Use pictures , videos , and diagrams to illustrate key points and break up the presentation. This can also be helpful for children who may struggle with traditional forms of learning, such as reading or listening.

presentation for kid

The Secret Sauce to Holding Children’s Attention in Presentations

The secret sauce to holding children’s attention in presentations is to create a sense of wonder and excitement . Children are naturally curious and eager to learn, and by tapping into this innate curiosity, you can make your presentation more engaging and memorable.

One effective way to do this is to use surprises and unexpected elements throughout the presentation. This could be as simple as revealing a hidden picture or using props that pop up unexpectedly. Surprises like these can capture children’s attention and create a sense of anticipation for what’s to come.

Don’t miss the enthusiasm

Another key element to holding children’s attention is to use enthusiasm and energy throughout the presentation. Children are highly attuned to the emotions of those around them, and by bringing positive energy and enthusiasm to the presentation, you can create a positive and engaging atmosphere.

Incorporate movement and physical activities

Incorporating movement and physical activity into the presentation can also help to keep children engaged . Consider incorporating simple gestures or movements that the children can follow along with, or having the children stand up and move around during certain parts of the presentation. This can help to break up the presentation and keep children engaged and focused.

Finally, it’s important to remember that children learn best when they are having fun . By incorporating elements of play and enjoyment into your presentation, you can help children to stay engaged and motivated. This could include incorporating games or quizzes, or using humor and storytelling to create a fun and engaging experience.

By using these strategies to create a sense of wonder and excitement, bringing enthusiasm and energy, incorporating movement and play, and using surprises and unexpected elements, you can create a presentation that captures children’s attention and leaves a lasting impact.


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The Best Google Slides and PowerPoint Templates for Kids


Most people that work with presentations have faced the challenge of an audience composed of children. Getting (and keeping!) their attention is quite a feat and has its own particularities. Of course, we can help you with that!

The Slidesgo team loves to reinvent themselves, and after putting their creative minds to work, the number of templates for kids has been growing little by little. So, in this article we are going to show you the best slides for the young ones , all of them 100% editable in Google Slides and PowerPoint.

Pedagogical Education

What better way to start a presentation than with a bright and happy illustration? Two children and a dinosaur smiling in front of a rainbow, stars and a paper airplane. Plenty of colors to welcome everyone!

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As its name suggests, this template is useful for topics related to pedagogy or education, which are so much in demand by users, especially with the boom of distance learning and virtual classrooms.

Speaking of virtual, there are certain elements that are practically universal and attract the gaze of our eyes. Emojis ! A very simple and understandable way for everyone to convey feelings. What if you tried using them as part of an infographic, as seen in the following example?

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Visit Slidesgo and download for free the Pedagogical Education template . Once you have edited it to your liking, feel free to use it in class or in lectures!

Clase Seño Loli

Class is about to start! In order to make the students feel eager to learn, we propose the following: a slide design in which the backgrounds look like the pages of a notebook and the illustrations have textures.

presentation for kid

Once you’ve started the lesson, you’ll need to keep the children looking at the screen while you’re imparting knowledge. This can be achieved, for example, with a combination of various colors, adorable pictures (look, a pencil with legs!) and fun typography.

presentation for kid

You may have noticed that the content is written in Spanish by default. Variety is the spice of life! Remember that, if you need it in another language, everything in the presentation is editable, from the text to the layouts.

Do you like what you’ve just seen? Download the Clase Seño Loli template and make education entertaining and instructive at the same time.

School Assignments

A student’s work goes beyond being in class. Teachers often assign homework so that the student can demonstrate what he or she has learned with some exercises. You can be creative when giving assignments! For example, you can use a presentation like this one and spark interest in learning.

presentation for kid

It’s a good idea to show fun things such as crayons or paints, as these are items that the children themselves can use. In fact, to get kids even more involved, you can try adding photos that reinforce the concepts and, at the same time, illustrate how entertaining learning can be. With a slide like the one below, you’ll have no problem:

presentation for kid

The School Assignments template and many others are only available for Premium users. If you want to know all the advantages that Slidesgo subscriptions have to offer, you can visit this page and see for yourself. We are sure you won’t regret being part of this great family!

Evolution as Such!

A long time ago, a man named Charles Darwin wondered about the origin of all species and wrote one of the most recognizable books. Evolution is a very interesting topic for a science class, so sooner or later every teacher will have to talk about it. Here is this proposal: a template with many animals and many irregulars and eye-catching shapes.

presentation for kid

If there is something that children love, it is watching videos. This type of audiovisual resource is quite interesting, since it allows you to complement the lesson and, at the same time, show examples of your explanations. The best thing is that there is a slide prepared for you to insert your own multimedia content. In fact, if you need help with that, you can take a look at Slidesgo’s tutorials. This one is for Google Slides and this one is for PowerPoint .

presentation for kid

Try the Evolution as Such ! and proceed to give one of the most memorable lessons for your students, but first don’t forget to edit it!

COVID Outbreak for Kids

It is inevitable to think that COVID has influenced our lives during the past year, and most likely will do so in 2021. How could you explain to children what this virus is and what can be done to prevent it? Using a presentation like the one below. Even the little animals are wearing masks to set an example!

presentation for kid

The backgrounds feature some drawings of clouds and plants to give the impression that the characters are outdoors. The style of the illustrations is so adorable that it really helps the little ones to pay attention to an important topic like this. And if you need to go further, you can always try using icons to relate them to the textual content. Take a look at this example!

presentation for kid

Get the COVID Outbreak for Kids template and edit it to show slides able to teach them everything they need to do to be safe from the virus.

Now that you’ve seen a few presentations perfect for kids, do you feel like expanding your repertoire even more? Visit Slidesgo and find all our child-friendly templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides , useful for all kinds of educational purposes.

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How to give a presentation

Does the thought of public speaking start your stomach churning like a tornado? Would you rather get caught in an avalanche than give a speech? Giving an oral report does not have to be a natural disaster. There are two main elements—the writing and the presentation. Find out how to put it all together with tips from the Nat Geo Kids Almanac .

Writing Your Material

Try to keep your sentences short and simple. Long, complex sentences are harder to follow. Limit yourself to just a few key points. You don’t want to overwhelm your audience with too much information. To be most effective, hit your key points in the introduction, elaborate on them in the body, and then repeat them once again in your conclusion.

The three basic parts

• Introduction—This is your chance to engage your audience and really capture their interest in the subject you are presenting. Use a funny personal experience or a dramatic story, or start with an intriguing question.

• Body—This is the longest part of your report. Here you elaborate on the facts and ideas you want to convey. Give information that supports your main idea, and expand on it with specific examples or details. In other words, structure your oral report in the same way you would a written essay so that your thoughts are presented in a clear and organized manner.

• Conclusion—This is the time to summarize the information and emphasize your most important points to the audience one last time.

Preparing Your Delivery

Practice makes perfect. Confidence, enthusiasm, and energy are key to delivering an effective oral report, and they can best be achieved through rehearsal. Ask family and friends to be your practice audience and give you feedback when you’re done. Were they able to follow your ideas? Did you seem knowledgeable and confident? Did you speak too slowly or too fast, too softly or too loudly? The more times you practice giving your report, the more you’ll master the material. Then you won’t have to rely so heavily on your notes or papers, and you will be able to give your report in a relaxed and confident manner.

Present with everything you’ve got

Be as creative as you can. Incorporate videos, sound clips, slide presentations, charts, diagrams, and photos. Visual aids help stimulate your audience’s senses and keep them intrigued and engaged. They can also help to reinforce your key points. And remember that when you’re giving an oral report, you’re a performer. Take charge of the spotlight and be as animated and entertaining as you can. Have fun with it.

Keep your nerves under control

Everyone gets a little nervous when speaking in front of a group. That’s normal. But the more preparation you’ve done—meaning plenty of researching, organizing, and rehearsing—the more confident you’ll be. Preparation is the key. And if you make a mistake or stumble over your words, just regroup and keep going. Nobody’s perfect, and nobody expects you to be.

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Tips for kids on how to nail presentations in the classroom

Tips for kids on how to nail presentations in the classroom header

As an adult, public speaking can be a scary thing. But for kids — without all those years of built-up social coping mechanisms — it can be even scarier! Luckily, the same techniques that help adults improve their presentation skills can be a big help to kids in the classroom, too. And even better, teaching them how to present effectively at a young age can help instill confidence that will last a lifetime.

What are the 6 top tips for public speaking for kids?

If you want tips to improve public speaking for your kids, look no further. While we are the experts in helping adults command any stage , big or small, we’ve pulled from our expertise to help your young ones start early. Check out these top 6 presentation skills for kids and help your kids nail their presentations in the classroom!


Kid’s public speaking tip no. 1: Start by saying hello

Treat your audience like a new friend. When you first stand up in front of the room, start off by doing three things, just like you would with a new friend:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Tell them something interesting about yourself

For example, if I were giving a presentation for kids about whale sharks, here’s how I would begin:

  • Hello everyone
  • My name is Doug Neff
  • Did you know that the whale shark is the largest fish in the world?

That introduction will get you off to a good start with your audience . From there, you can move into the next part of your presentation.

Kid’s public speaking tip no. 2: Look at a friend in the audience

Everyone gets nervous giving presentations sometimes, even us professionals. So, if you’re feeling nervous up there, remember that you’re not alone! Remember, public speaking for kids and adults is a skill that can be learned.

Kids focused on a presentation in the classroom

Here’s a great way to make yourself more comfortable. Look at someone in the audience and pretend that you’re talking directly to one of your friends. (Friends make us feel comfortable!) Just focus on that one person for a few seconds. Then find another friend in the audience and focus on them for a few seconds. After a while, this will help you relax. Then, if you feel yourself getting nervous again, come back to one of those people and focus on them.

Bonus tip : Have a real friend sit in the audience. Tell them ahead of time, “If I get nervous, I’m going to look right at you. Don’t make me laugh.” If you get nervous, look at them and see what they do. (It’s okay if they make you laugh a little; it might make you relax, and you’ll forget that you were nervous.)

Kid’s public speaking tip no. 3: Stand up straight

An essential piece of nailing public speaking for kids is getting that posture right! You don’t need to make your back super straight like a soldier, but standing up straight and tall will actually help you stay calm and confident , giving you more air in your lungs to project your voice. The goal is to be standing up straight while also being relaxed. But how do you do that?

Here’s one way: Pretend you’re a marionette (one of those puppets held up by strings) and that you can feel the center string going all the way up your back and through the top of your head. But the top of that string isn’t held by a puppeteer; it’s held by a balloon. So, your back shouldn’t feel rigid, it should feel a little like floating. Now, relax your shoulders and take a deep breath. This is the feeling you’re going for: Straight and relaxed. If you feel yourself slouching during your presentation, remember the balloon and let it lift you back up. This is the anatomy of a great speaker !

Kid’s public speaking tip no. 4: Keep your feet still

You’ve seen those speakers who pace back and forth when they give a presentation, right? They look kind of like a tiger pacing back and forth in its cage. And that doesn’t look comfortable or relaxed.

Tape outline on the floor with kids feet placed in the outline, kids need to practice keeping their feet still during presentations

When it comes to public speaking for kids, remember that moving on stage is okay, but you want to stand still sometimes, too. And for those of us with a lot of energy, that can be challenging.

Here’s a good way to remember to keep your feet still: Imagine you stepped on two pieces of bubble gum, one for each foot. Keep those feet stuck to the ground. Then, if you do want to move to another position on the stage, gently pick up your feet and move to another spot, but imagine that you stepped on another two pieces of bubble gum. Do that as many times as you need, but always come back to a standing still position. This trick will keep you from pacing back and forth and let you focus your energy on your presentation instead.

Kid’s public speaking tip no. 5: Talk to the person farthest away from you

The people in the back row need to hear you just as well as the people in the front row. (And if your audience has to work too hard to hear you, they’ll just stop listening.) So make sure they can hear you!

Imagine yourself always speaking to someone at the very back of the room. Stand up straight and tall (see tip #3) and project your voice so that they can hear you. If you’re not sure, go ahead and ask! (“Can you hear me in the last row?”) If they can’t, get louder until they can. Learn to do this well and you’ll never have trouble getting an audience’s attention as a kid public speaking.

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Kid’s public speaking tip no. 6: Memorize your final sentence

You would think that the beginning of your presentation is the most important part. After all, that’s when you make your first impression on the audience. And it is important! But the way you end your presentation is even more important. That’s what your audience will remember, even after you take a bow and leave the stage.

To help make your ending as good as it can be, come up with a really good closing thought. Something that sums up your presentation well and leaves your audience with a concrete task on what to do next is a great skill to master when public speaking for kids. We call this a call to action . Here’s an example:

Whale sharks are fascinating and important to our ecosystem, but they’re also endangered. Please join me in choosing sustainable seafood whenever you can. And if you’d like, you can even adopt a whale shark through the World Wildlife Fund. Thank you!

Once you have your closing figured out, write it down. Then memorize it, word for word. Practice it over and over and over until you know it as well as you know your ABCs. Then, when you get to the end of your presentation, you’ll be ready to deliver that closing thought with confidence, right before you take a bow.

Need public speaking help for teens and adults?

We’ve coached the biggest CEOs on the largest stages with their presentations, keynotes , and public speaking presence — and we can help you, too! Whether you need to nail a presentation for a thesis or college application, or for a board room meeting or investor pitch , Duarte has done it all.

If you’d like a public speaking course, our Captivate™ workshop is a live, interactive workshop designed to help you get rid of those “umms” and command any stage with confidence.

If you’d like one-on-one coaching, our executive speaker coaches are the choice for you. They can walk through your speech, help you with rehearsal, and make sure you get across — whatever it is you need to get across.

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This article was originally published on February 3, 2020. It has been updated in August 2024 for relevancy.

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Free - PowerPoint Presentation Template and Google Slides For Kids

PowerPoint Presentation Template and Google Slides For Kids

Best Kids PowerPoint Presentation Slide

Choosing PowerPoint Slides For Kids is an excellent way to teach your child how to create a PowerPoint presentation. These presentation slides are easy to create and incorporate various color schemes and themes. Make use of this kids PowerPoint template to impress your children.

About this template

The PowerPoint Slides For Kids is a pre-designed template. It has a kids image theme along with the text box holder. This is a six-noded template with a multicolor background theme. It is the best design to demonstrate your ideas. You can customize the design of this slide as per your desire. Use the best kids theme template to create an excellent PowerPoint presentation in a minute.

Feature of this template 

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Subject: Citizenship

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

Tony's Workspace Shop

Last updated

13 September 2024

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This resource covers the topic of leadership in a way that teenagers can understand and enjoy. It can be used by teachers, parents and students and is an invaluable resource for PSHE / Citizenship lessons on Leadership or for training prefects on the qualities of a good leader. It comprises of 10 Powerpoint presentations that explore the different qualities required in becoming a great leader.

These are easy to follow Powerpoint lessons where no prior planning, printing or preparation is required. It contains numerous thought-provoking questions that will promote critical thinking. The resource is designed to be delivered as ten 45 minute sessions.

No previous knowledge in the subject area is required and the lesson is easily deliverable. The Presentations include:

  • The Mindset of a Leader 1- A Leader Sets Priorities
  • The Mindset of a Leader 2- A Leader Has a Clear Plan and Goals
  • The Mindset of a Leader 3- A Leader Has Strong Convictions of Right and Wrong
  • The Character of a Leader 1- A Leader Is Self-Disciplined
  • The Character of a Leader 2- A Leader Has Integrity and Keeps Their Word
  • The Character of a Leader 3- A Leader Seeks Counsel
  • The Heart of a Leader 1- A Leader Values People and Invests in Them
  • The Heart of a Leader 2- A Leader Is Generous and Strong to Serve
  • The Heart of a Leader 3- A Leader Seeks To Live a Balanced Life
  • The Habits of a Leader 1- A Leader Reads Widely

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Introducing Myself for Pre-K

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Break the ice for a new group of kids with this charming Google Slides and PowerPoint template, adorably designed to help young children introduce and describe themselves. Bursting with cuteness and color, these slides are sure to capture the hearts and imaginations of little ones. Let them embark on a joyful journey of self-expression as they share their favorite things, hobbies, and unique characteristics. With playful illustration, this slide deck encourages active participation and fosters a sense of belonging. Watch as their faces light up with excitement as they proudly introduce themselves to their peers!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 35 different slides to impress your audience
  • Available in different colors
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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Introducing Myself for Pre-K Infographics

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Weight-loss drug safe, effective for kids as young as 6, study says

by GEOFF HARRIS | The National Desk

FILE - This Tuesday, April 3, 2018 file photo shows a closeup of a beam scale in New York. (AP Photo/Patrick Sison, File)

WASHINGTON (TND) — According to a new study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, a weight-loss drug approved to treat obesity in adults is also safe and effective for kids as young as six.

Saxenda was the FDA's first approved drug to treat obesity in adults back in 2014.

Devin Lavender, a professor in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Georgia said in this study, over 80 kids, none older than ten years old and all of whom had a least a body mass index of 31, used Saxenda for a year.

"As we've seen with all the other GLP-1 weight loss medications, there was a reduction in BMI from baseline at the end of the trial period," Lavender said.

Similar to other weight-loss drugs on the market, Lavender said months after the trial ended and the kids stopped taking the drug, the weight returned.

When the drug is stopped, the weight does come back," Lavender said.

C. Michael White, a professor in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Connecticut said during this study, some kids did experience side effects.

"About 80% of kids had some upset stomachs. Some had vomiting. A few had diarrhea," White said.

But since this is one of the first published studies involving kids, White said it's not yet known if taking this drug at such a young age will impact growing bodies.

But what happens when they're receiving therapy for 10 years, for 15 years, for 20 years? We just don't have that kind of data set," said White.

Lavender said that compared to other weight-loss drugs, one drawback of Saxenda is that it isn't a weekly injection.

"You can imagine having to give a very young child a daily injection," said Lavender.

The trial has been extended to include more treatment and follow-up. Results are expected to come out sometime in 2027.


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