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IELTS Internet vs Newspaper Essay

In this internet vs newspaper essay you have to discuss whether you think reading from newspapers will stay more popular than reading the news online. 

This was a recent question in the IELTS exam. You'll find they pick on topical issues, which is why you should keep up-to-date with the news! 

Although more and more people read news on the internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Thinking about the essay

Before you write your internet vs newspaper essay, you should spend some time deciding what your views and opinions are and how you will support them.

Man reading newspaper

You could write about one side of the essay, for example stating that you think newspapers will remain more popular and then writing about the benefits of newspapers. 

But there are two good reasons for making sure you discuss both  reading newspapers  and  reading online .

Firstly as both those issues are mentioned in the questions you don't want the examiner thinking that you haven't fully answered the question . Also, if you discuss both you will have more to write about .

In this model IELTS internet vs newspaper essay that you can read below, the writer believes that online sources will become the most popular. 

The writer supports this by first giving the counter-argument (opposing view) - why newspapers are still popular - but then goes on to explain why this habit will be taken over by online reading. 

Now take a look at the internet vs newspaper essay model answer.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

It is common at the present time to see people getting updates on the latest news from the internet rather than the traditional method of reading a newspaper. I would argue that electronic sources of news will gradually replace that of the newspaper. 

Newspapers remain an important source of news for several reasons.  The first of these is that the older generation still prefer to read their news this way, which is because they have traditionally bought a newspaper over the years and so do not wish to change or simply do not know how to do so online in some cases. In addition to this a newspaper also comes with other supplements, such as magazines and television guides, and sources of entertainment, such as crosswords. This makes it more attractive for some than going online.  

However, though newspapers may not disappear completely, the Internet is likely to become the more dominant source of news over time. This is primarily because younger people tend to read the news online and prefer not to pay for it, so those reading newspapers, the older generations, will gradually decline. This links in with the second reason, which is that as media companies start to see a drop income from newspapers, printing them will become unprofitable and they will be forced to find ways to make money from news online. 

In conclusion, although newspapers remain popular today, they will gradually be replaced by the desire to read the news through electronic sources. This may be a sad loss given their history, but unfortunately it is an unavoidable development. 

(265 Words)

This internet vs newspaper essay would score highly in the test as it meets the four criteria required for a good IELTS band score. 

It fully answers the question . The writer clearly sets out their opinion and then goes on to provide support for this.

Girl on computer

The essay supports the opinion well as it sets out why people like to read newspapers but then goes on to explain why this will change , with people switching to online reading. The support of the question is specific and ideas are extended and explained. 

The essay is also  well-organised , with a clear introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. 

Topic sentences lead the reader through the essay and there are good linking devices that are not too mechanical. You don't want things too mechanical if you are looking for a score above band 6. 

Examples of mechanical are  'firstly', 'secondly', 'thirdly' 'for example' . They can be a bit boring and easy. 

It also has some good examples of vocabulary and  collocations  related to the topic, and a good range of  complex sentences .

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Newspaper vs. Online News

What's the difference.

Newspapers and online news platforms both serve the purpose of delivering news and information to the public, but they differ in several aspects. Newspapers are traditional print publications that offer a tangible reading experience. They are typically published daily or weekly and provide in-depth coverage of various topics. On the other hand, online news platforms offer instant access to news through the internet. They provide real-time updates, multimedia content, and the ability to interact with the news through comments and social media sharing. While newspapers offer a more immersive reading experience, online news platforms provide convenience, accessibility, and the ability to personalize news consumption.

AttributeNewspaperOnline News
MediumPrinted on paperAccessible through the internet
DeliveryPhysical copies delivered to homes or purchased at newsstandsDelivered electronically via websites or mobile apps
TimelinessPublished daily or weeklyUpdated continuously, often in real-time
AvailabilityLimited to specific regions or countriesAccessible globally
InteractivityNon-interactive, one-way communicationInteractive, allows user engagement through comments, sharing, etc.
CostUsually requires a subscription or purchaseOften free, but may have paid subscriptions for premium content
ArchivingPhysical copies can be stored for future referenceArticles and content can be easily archived and searched electronically
Environmental ImpactRequires paper production and distribution, contributing to deforestation and wasteEnvironmentally friendly, reduces paper waste

Further Detail


Newspapers and online news platforms have become the primary sources of information for people around the world. While newspapers have been a traditional medium for centuries, the rise of the internet has revolutionized the way news is consumed. In this article, we will compare the attributes of newspapers and online news, exploring their advantages and disadvantages in various aspects.


Newspapers have long been a staple in households, providing physical copies of news articles that can be read at any time. They are easily accessible to those who prefer a tangible reading experience and do not require an internet connection. On the other hand, online news offers unparalleled accessibility. With just a few clicks, readers can access news articles from anywhere in the world, at any time, using their smartphones, tablets, or computers. This convenience allows for instant updates and breaking news coverage.

One of the key advantages of online news is its timeliness. Online platforms can provide real-time updates, ensuring readers are always up to date with the latest news developments. Breaking news stories can be published and shared within minutes, reaching a global audience instantaneously. In contrast, newspapers have a longer production process. They are printed and distributed daily, meaning the news articles may be a few hours or even a day old by the time they reach readers. While newspapers strive to provide accurate information, the delay in publication can make them less timely compared to online news.

Depth of Coverage

Newspapers often offer in-depth coverage of news stories, providing comprehensive analysis and background information. Journalists have more space to explore complex issues, conduct interviews, and present multiple perspectives. This depth of coverage allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the news. On the other hand, online news platforms may prioritize brevity due to the fast-paced nature of the internet. Articles are often shorter and more concise, focusing on the key points. While this can be advantageous for readers who prefer quick updates, it may lack the depth and context provided by newspapers.


Online news platforms excel in interactivity, allowing readers to engage with the content in various ways. Readers can leave comments, share articles on social media, and participate in discussions. This fosters a sense of community and encourages dialogue among readers. Additionally, online news often includes multimedia elements such as videos, images, and interactive graphics, enhancing the overall reading experience. In contrast, newspapers are a one-way communication medium. Readers can only consume the information presented without actively participating or sharing their thoughts.

Archival Access

When it comes to archival access, online news has a clear advantage. Articles published online are typically stored in databases, allowing readers to search and retrieve information from the past. This is particularly useful for research purposes or when trying to find older news articles. On the other hand, newspapers are physical copies that can be easily lost or damaged over time. While some newspapers may have archives, accessing specific articles can be more challenging and time-consuming compared to the convenience of online search functions.

Credibility and Fact-Checking

Credibility and fact-checking are crucial aspects of journalism. Newspapers have a long-standing reputation for upholding journalistic standards and ethics. They often have dedicated teams of editors and fact-checkers who ensure the accuracy of the information presented. This rigorous process helps establish trust between the newspaper and its readers. Online news platforms, however, face challenges in maintaining the same level of credibility. With the ease of publishing online, misinformation and fake news can spread rapidly. While reputable online news sources also employ fact-checking measures, readers must be cautious and verify the credibility of the sources they rely on.

Advertising and Revenue

Newspapers have traditionally relied heavily on advertising revenue to sustain their operations. Advertisements are prominently displayed within the physical copies, providing a source of income for newspapers. However, with the rise of online news, advertising models have shifted. Online platforms often rely on digital advertisements, sponsored content, and subscriptions to generate revenue. This transition has presented both challenges and opportunities for the news industry, as online advertising can be more targeted and personalized, but also more intrusive and disruptive to the reading experience.

Environmental Impact

Considering the environmental impact, newspapers have faced criticism due to the use of paper and ink. The production and distribution of physical copies contribute to deforestation and carbon emissions. However, many newspapers have taken steps towards sustainability by using recycled paper and implementing eco-friendly practices. On the other hand, online news has a smaller carbon footprint as it eliminates the need for paper production and transportation. However, the energy consumption associated with data centers and electronic devices used to access online news should also be considered.

In conclusion, both newspapers and online news platforms offer unique attributes and cater to different preferences. Newspapers provide a tangible reading experience, in-depth coverage, and a sense of credibility. On the other hand, online news offers unparalleled accessibility, timeliness, interactivity, and archival access. Ultimately, the choice between the two mediums depends on individual preferences, the desired level of engagement, and the importance placed on factors such as timeliness and depth of coverage. As technology continues to evolve, the news industry will undoubtedly undergo further transformations, shaping the way we consume and interact with news in the future.

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Printed newspaper vs online newspaper - pros and cons of each

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Written by Vera C. Last updated on February 27, 2024 .

woman reading a print newspaper on the train

There's a surprisingly large amount of pros and cons to both print newspapers and online news. Here is a balanced look at these. In addition to all their differences, there are some similarities between printed newspapers and online newspapers. Without further ado, here are the advantages and disadvantages.

Print Newspapers

  • Local information is available in the print newspaper, for example local news, new zoning and construction, local entertainment, local sports, other events in your area, coupons and advertisements for stores having sales.
  • Level of importance of each story is made more obvious by use of different sized headline fonts.
  • Easy-to-find comic and puzzle section in most major print newspapers
  • Does not require any technology or device to read it - you don't need to worry about your data plan or battery level.

The traditional print newspaper has the advantages described above, but it also comes with the following disadvantages:

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  • A subscription to a printed newspaper costs money; in contrast many (but not all) digital news sites offer free access to most content.
  • Full text of all the content requires you to scan more carefully than online newspapers to find content of interest of you. Your eyes are your "search" button!
  • Destroys trees - wasteful and not eco-friendly, since it's thrown away after reading.
  • Bulky – less practical for on-the-go reading than accessing news via a cellphone.
  • You can wind up with newsprint all over your hands after reading. This can be a problem and poses the risk of you subsequently getting newsprint on your clothes, bag, or anything else that your hands are in contact with.

The decline of the print newspaper in part is due to digital alternatives that didn't exist until late last century.

Digital News

  • Personalized experience: based on the story you are reading, an online newspaper may suggest other recent stories of interest to you. It also saves you time in finding content of interest.
  • Can quickly and easily source the same article from many different online newspapers allowing you to read the same item from different perspectives to decrease the possibility of bias. If this is of particular interest to you, check out Ground News
  • Online news can be updated more frequently than the once a day print newspapers.
  • Content is usually free for basic news of the day, although some ask you to pay to continue beyond a certain number of articles
  • It’s interactive – readers may participate via commenting on the article
  • Digital advertisements can be more intrusive or distracting than print advertisements.
  • Some content comes with auto-play audio or video content , and this can be unexpected and distracting to the reader and others, especially in a quiet environment.
  • Malvertising can be a problem - although this is not intentional by the digital newspaper, some advertisements by unscrupulous third parties pose the risk of putting a virus or malware on your device
  • Uses up your device battery more quickly than you might think. Many digital news publications feature high-resolution images, video, complicated ads, and other things which will use up your device's battery surprisingly quickly.

As seen in the pros and cons above, there's not a clear-cut winner in the debate between online vs print newspaper.

Online newspapers and print newspapers have very different pros and cons, but neither is mutually exclusive. Rather, one form of news may appeal over another based on a particular reader’s lifestyle. For example, printed newspapers are delivered typically once a day in the mornings. Depending on the reader, this may be seen as an advantage (each issue is once-and-done - a time saver) or a disadvantage (printed news is static, articles do not get updated the way online news is).

Therefore, when considering which is better out of online news vs print newspaper, you need to take into account your lifestyle. It's worth thinking about which newspaper option is best for you because good morning routine habits make a huge difference to your productivity and to your mood.

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Print Newspapers vs. Online Editions: The Pros and Cons

online news vs print newspaper essay

As a newspaper enthusiast, I am happy about the success of online newspapers. However, I am terribly sad about the struggle of the print newspaper industry.

I have been exposed to the inner-workings of newspapers for a long time, and I have seen firsthand that the declining interest in print editions has put a strain on newspapers, often leading them to make huge staff cuts or cease publication completely.

What is it about print newspapers that people just aren’t into anymore? What does an online edition have that appeals to so many readers? Here are some of the major benefits and drawbacks of both print and online newspapers.

Print newspaper pro: It’s physical.

The feeling of a warm newspaper right off the press is one of my favorite feelings, and the fact that a print newspaper can be physically held in your hands is a huge pro for print editions, in my opinion.

Not only can you hold a print edition in your hand when you first get it, but you can also save it back to look at any time.

A print newspaper is everlasting and unchanging, whereas articles can be hidden away on an online website in a matter of a few days.

Print newspaper con: It’s not free.

The price tag of a print newspaper, though small, is likely one of the biggest reasons for its decline.

Many people don’t see the point in buying a print newspaper if they believe they can get all the news they need online for free.

Some might say that declining circulation doesn’t matter since print newspapers still receive ad revenue. However, circulation and ad sales have an intertwining relationship.

Let me explain. When advertisers notice that circulation numbers are declining for a particular newspaper, it automatically alerts them that the newspaper isn’t reaching as many people as it used to, therefore making their advertising less effective.

This decline in circulation could therefore lead to a decline in advertising, which spells bad news for any newspaper.

All things considered, 75 cents for a daily newspaper isn’t half bad if it could lead to saving the industry.

Online newspaper pro: It’s immediately accessible and convenient.

If you’re running late to class or work but you want to take a look at the news, you probably aren’t going to make a trip to the store to buy the newspaper when you can look at the online edition right away.

As an added bonus, online newspapers are very good at bringing the big news of the day to the focal point of the website, which means you don’t have to hunt for the things you want to read.

In this fast-paced world, people don’t want to spend time fumbling through a print newspaper to find an article when they can search for and find it online in a matter of seconds.

Online newspaper con: It doesn’t include everything.

If a newspaper releases a special print publication outside of its regular edition – for example, an edition specifically highlighting an upcoming election and its candidates – this content often does not make it online.

Sometimes online editions will even leave out content from the print newspaper’s regular edition.

If it is a busy news day and content online is already overflowing, some smaller news items may never make it on the web, leaving online readers slightly less informed than print readers.

We all have our own preferences for getting news, but if you don’t usually read a print newspaper or if you have never been on a newspaper’s website, I encourage you to give them a try!

Once you know have experienced both newspaper formats, you will be able to determine for yourself which one is the right fit for you.

So, go grab your local print newspaper or log on to its website, and get reading!

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About the Author

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Newspapers and Media (Real Test)

by Dave | Cambridge 13 | 1 Comment

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Newspapers and Media (Real Test)

This is a discuss both sides IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer about the topic of newspapers and media from the real test. I’m a real former British Council IELTS examiner so you can fully trust the answer below to be accurate and the exercises to help you boost your score.

Be sure to avoid the mistakes that most students make on writing by signing up for my exclusive ielts ebooks here on patreon., the recent questions from the ielts writing task 2 exam are here , task 1 is here and the speaking questions and topics are here ., the structure of these essays is simple: one paragraph agreeing and one paragraph disagreeing. if you need some more help, you can read about all the ielts essay structures here., my other sample answers from the real tests and ielts cambridge books are here., let’s go, ielts examiner sample answer from cambridge 13: newspapers and the media (by dave), some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn news. however, others believe that they can learn news better through other media. discuss both views and give your opinion, newspapers have been considered the most reliable news source for more than a century but in recent decades newer forms of media have supplanted their influence. some feel that these new sources of news are better but in my opinion, newspapers are by far better because of the amount of time and research that writers put into their articles., the main reason that many people prefer newer media outlets is that they deliver news more quickly across a variety of convenient platforms. the most notable example of this is online news. the vast majority of people get their news from facebook and other social media websites which aggregate articles from various online publishers, including the online version of print newspapers in some cases. the problem here is that websites are solely concerned with increasing traffic and getting news up as fast as possible. it is a common occurrence for a website to publish news quickly in order to beat others to the scoop before it has been properly verified or even thoughtfully analysed. the result is hordes of people clicking on links to amuse themselves for a minute without casting a critical eye over the veracity of the news. these articles are then shared online or by word of mouth and false information spreads rapidly., despite the conveniences of online media, the news that is printed in newspapers has been better researched and verified in most cases. newspapers frequently devote entire departments to long-term investigative journalism. a standout example of this would be the boston globe’s years long investigation into sexual abuse by the catholic church. they carefully interviewed victims and put together a convincing case which led to long-lasting reforms and convictions of some individuals. they also published stories on the topic for over a year which allowed for detailed and thoughtful analysis of the problem, suggestions for solutions, and articles on wider societal implications. this type of reporting is anathema to the fervent pace of online media., in conclusion, even though newspapers are a dying industry i think they are more informative and trustworthy than the largely online institutions that are replacing them. this trend is irreversible and will have consequences for the future of democracies around the world as people become less informed., ielts examiner sample answer analysis, 1. newspapers have been considered the most reliable news source for more than a century but in recent decades newer forms of media have supplanted their influence. 2. some feel that these new sources of news are better but in my opinion, newspapers are by far better because of the amount of time and research that writers put into their articles., 1. in your first sentence just restate the topic quickly – this sentence is not that important so write it as fast as you can, 2. the second sentence makes my opinion 100% clear – the clearer the better, 1. the main reason that many people prefer newer media outlets is that they deliver news more quickly across a variety of convenient platforms. 2. the most notable example of this is online news. 3. the vast majority of people get their news from facebook and other social media websites which aggregate articles from various online publishers, including the online version of print newspapers in some cases. 4. the problem here is that websites are solely concerned with increasing traffic and getting news up as fast as possible. 5. it is a common occurrence for a website to publish news quickly in order to beat others to the scoop before it has been properly verified or even thoughtfully analysed. 6. the result is hordes of people clicking on links to amuse themselves for a minute without casting a critical eye over the veracity of the news. 7. these articles are then shared online or by word of mouth and false information spreads rapidly., 1. my first sentence is a topic sentence that has the main idea for the whole paragraph (they are faster and more convenient)., 2. the second sentence begins my example by focusing on online news., 3. the third sentence makes my example more specific by focusing on sites like facebook., 4. my fourth sentence continues with the example by describing why this is a problem., 5. my fifth sentence further develops why this is a problem., 6. the sixth sentence continues with the impact of this problem., 7. the seventh sentence continues more with the impact so that i have a fully developed example., 1. despite the conveniences of online media, the news that is printed in newspapers has been better researched and verified in most cases. 2. newspapers frequently devote entire departments to long-term investigative journalism. 3. a standout example of this would be the boston globe’s years long investigation into sexual abuse by the catholic church. 4. they carefully interviewed victims and put together a convincing case which led to long-lasting reforms and convictions of some individuals. 5. they also published stories on the topic for over a year which allowed for detailed and thoughtful analysis of the problem, suggestions for solutions, and articles on wider societal implications. 6. this type of reporting is anathema to the fervent pace of online media., 1. the first sentence is a topic sentence focused on why newspapers are better (better researched, more reliable news)., 2. my next sentence develops this idea by making it more specifically about newspaper departments and investigative journalism. being specific is great fro your task achievement score and will help bring out really good vocabulary., 3. the third sentence gives a very specific example of a news story from a real newspaper., 4. the fourth sentence continues with this example., 5. my fifth sentence also continues with this example., 6. the sixth sentence concludes the paragraph by comparing it to online news., 1. in conclusion, even though newspapers are a dying industry i think they are more informative and trustworthy than the largely online institutions that are replacing them. 2. this trend is irreversible and will have consequences for the future of democracies around the world as people become less informed., 1. my first sentence concludes the essay by summarising my main ideas and opinion., 2. the second sentence adds in an extra detail. be sure to include one extra detail at the end for full task achievement points, sample answer vocabulary, how many of the words in bold below do you know you might understand them a bit, not 100%. to practice try to write a dictionary definition of each one and then check your answers below., the main reason that many people prefer newer media outlets is that they deliver news more quickly across a variety of convenient platforms . the most notable example of this is online news. the vast majority of people get their news from facebook and other social media websites which aggregate articles from various online publishers, including the online version of print newspapers in some cases. the problem here is that websites are solely concerned with increasing traffic and getting news up as fast as possible. it is a common occurrence for a website to publish news quickly in order to beat others to the scoop before it has been properly verified or even thoughtfully analysed. the result is hordes of people clicking on links to amuse themselves for a minute without casting a critical eye over the veracity of the news. these articles are then shared online or by word of mouth and false information spreads rapidly., despite the conveniences of online media, the news that is printed in newspapers has been better researched and verified in most cases. newspapers frequently devote entire departments to long-term investigative journalism . a standout example of this would be the boston globe’s years long investigation into sexual abuse by the catholic church. they carefully interviewed victims and put together a convincing case which led to long-lasting reforms and convictions of some individuals. they also published stories on the topic for over a year which allowed for detailed and thoughtful analysis of the problem, suggestions for solutions, and articles on wider societal implications . this type of reporting is anathema to the fervent pace of online media., reliable: can be trusted, unchanging and consistent, supplanted: take over or take the place of, by far better: much better, deliver news: give or show the news, platforms: the places where you can read the news such as on facebook, instagram, on google, etc., most notable example: the best example of, vast majority: by far the most, aggregate: choose/collect, solely concerned: only interested in, getting news up: posting news online, common occurrence: happens a lot, scoop: exclusive news published before anyone else publishes it, properly verified: checked to make sure it is 100% true, hordes: lots of people, casting a critical eye: looking critically at something, veracity: truth, word of mouth: what people say about something; a movie might have good or bad word of mouth, devote: commit fully to, long-term investigative journalism: when a newspaper researches a story for a long time, convincing case: compelling argument, long-lasting reforms: changes that are permanent or last for a long time, wider societal implications: impacts all of society, anathema : hateful to/repugnant, fervent pace: very fast, largely: mostly, irreversible: cannot be changed or reversed or put back to the way it was before, vocabulary practice, newspapers have been considered the most _________________  news source for more than a century but in recent decades newer forms of media have _________________  their influence. some feel that these new sources of news are better but in my opinion, newspapers are _________________  because of the amount of time and research that writers put into their articles., the main reason that many people prefer newer media outlets is that they _________________  more quickly across a variety of convenient _________________ . the _________________  of this is online news. the _________________  of people get their news from facebook and other social media websites which _________________  articles from various online publishers, including the online version of print newspapers in some cases. the problem here is that websites are _________________  with increasing traffic and _________________  as fast as possible. it is a _________________  for a website to publish news quickly in order to beat others to the  _________________  before it has been _________________  or even thoughtfully analysed. the result is _________________  of people clicking on links to amuse themselves for a minute without _________________  over the _________________  of the news. these articles are then shared online or by _________________  and false information spreads rapidly., despite the conveniences of online media, the news that is printed in newspapers has been better researched and verified in most cases. newspapers frequently _________________  entire departments to _________________ . a standout example of this would be the boston globe’s years long investigation into sexual abuse by the catholic church. they carefully interviewed victims and put together a _________________  which led to _________________  and convictions of some individuals. they also published stories on the topic for over a year which allowed for detailed and thoughtful analysis of the problem, suggestions for solutions, and articles on _________________ . this type of reporting is _________________  to the _________________  of online media., in conclusion, even though newspapers are a dying industry i think they are more informative and trustworthy than the _________________  online institutions that are replacing them. this trend is _________________  and will have consequences for the future of democracies around the world as people become less informed., links about news and the media, watch these videos to review some of the ideas and vocabulary from the sample answer above. this will help you to improve for all parts of ielts, not just the writing., how to choose your news, the new york times youtube channel, the atlantic youtube channel, wired youtube channel, bbc news youtube channel , comment below – how often do you read the news.

I’m not really into the news so just… I’m really keen on reading the news so maybe… In my country, the news… I’m not interested in reading the news because…

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Ravinder Singh

Nowadays people think that the best way to read the news is the newspaper while others people believe that the online way is the best to get news This essay will analyse there both opinions further I believe that online platforms of news have more weightage

To begin with Now people read the news by newspapers, because old people can easy read the newspaper they do not know the technology and old people are not educated they can not use the online media,However.govermant did survey in the country that old people can not use online media because newspaper are good way to read news while people are not educated they can not use the internet whereas newspaper are good way of read newspapers because every person can take newspaper as it is not costly and every person can take the newspaper to read.

On the other hand, people are using the online media in the modern world,most of people like to read news on internet and person can easy read the news because people are educated they use easly internet and local news coming on the online media,they go to other side they can easy read the news and mostly people have read the online news that government has noticed that 80 percent people are using the online media.

In conclusion, Although, online media are being used by the people who people are educated they use the internet in good way to read the newspaper now day increasing the technology and people can easily read the news by internet.

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Online vs. Print Journalism: What Is More Beneficial? Essay (Critical Writing)

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The enhanced progress of economic and social development in the present-day world implies the emergence of new means to transmit essential information to the citizens. In the case of news, they are related to online platforms used for this purpose, which satisfy the needs of people more efficiently than previously popular sources. Therefore, online journalism is better than printed journalism because of its greater availability and capability to save time, which is critical for most readers.

The first reason is connected to the emphasis of writers on mobility essential for the population. The necessity to provide them with an opportunity to be updated with real-time news is confirmed by scholars. They claim that the evolution of the Internet as one of the principal innovations led to the particular value of mobile phones and tablets for displaying the distributed content from official publications (Višňovský and Radošinská 9). This argument is underpinned by the instant access to any kind of data provided by magazines (“5 Differences Between Writing for Online and Print”). Hence, they are not only more convenient but also more comprehensively reflect on issues.

The second factor indicating the predominant importance of online journalism compared to printed articles is its impact on the amount of time people spend reading them. In the business world, it is especially vital since the rapid performance of most operations require timely awareness about all shifts in the field (Višňovský and Radošinská 4). Meanwhile, according to the researchers, an average person spends only about two minutes to learn about a topic of their interest (“5 Differences Between Writing for Online and Print”). This outcome is partially conditional on the shorter length of websites’ information added to their advantages.

In conclusion, online journalism is more beneficial than distributed printed newspapers due to its compliance with the needs of people. In other words, it saves their time spent on reading while being always available from their mobile devices. Since these two circumstances are especially values by the citizens living in the fast-paced world in the conditions of unexpectedness, this innovative method of spreading news is more effective.

“5 Differences Between Writing for Online and Print.” Arkansas State University, 2017. Web.

Višňovský, Ján, and Jana Radošinská. “Online Journalism: Current Trends and Challenges.” The Evolution of Media Communication , edited by Beatriz Peña Acuña, IntechOpen, 2017, pp. 3-22.

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IvyPanda. (2022, July 2). Online vs. Print Journalism: What Is More Beneficial? https://ivypanda.com/essays/online-vs-print-journalism-what-is-more-beneficial/

"Online vs. Print Journalism: What Is More Beneficial?" IvyPanda , 2 July 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/online-vs-print-journalism-what-is-more-beneficial/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Online vs. Print Journalism: What Is More Beneficial'. 2 July.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Online vs. Print Journalism: What Is More Beneficial?" July 2, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/online-vs-print-journalism-what-is-more-beneficial/.

1. IvyPanda . "Online vs. Print Journalism: What Is More Beneficial?" July 2, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/online-vs-print-journalism-what-is-more-beneficial/.


IvyPanda . "Online vs. Print Journalism: What Is More Beneficial?" July 2, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/online-vs-print-journalism-what-is-more-beneficial/.

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online news vs print newspaper essay

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online news vs print newspaper essay

Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspaper will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?

I. Introduction

  • The trend of increasing numbers of people reading news on the Internet
  • The argument that newspapers will remain the most important source of news
  • The personal stance on this issue

II. Arguments in favor of newspapers being the most important source of news

  • The potential for newspapers to offer more in-depth or investigative journalism
  • The potential for newspapers to be a more reliable or credible source of information
  • The potential for newspapers to serve as a historical record or reference

III. Arguments against newspapers being the most important source of news

  • The convenience and accessibility of news on the Internet
  • The potential for the Internet to offer a wider range of sources and perspectives
  • The potential for the Internet to be a faster or more up-to-date source of news
  • The potential for the decline of the newspaper industry to impact the availability and diversity of news

IV. Conclusion

  • Recap of main points and personal stance on the issue
  • The complexity of the factors influencing the role of newspapers as a source of news and the importance of considering both traditional and new sources of information.

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August 22, 2024

With the rise in popularity of the Internet, newspapers will soon become a thing of the past. To

“with the rise in popularity of the internet, newspapers will soon become a thing of the past. to what extent do you agree or disagree”, sample answer:.

In today’s digital age, the Internet has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we consume information. With the convenience of accessing news online, many argue that traditional newspapers will eventually become obsolete. However, I disagree with this viewpoint and believe that newspapers will continue to hold significance in the future.

Firstly, it is important to acknowledge the impact of the Internet on the newspaper industry. The rise of online news platforms and social media has led to a decline in print newspaper circulation. Many people now prefer to get their news from digital sources due to the speed and accessibility it offers. Despite this shift, newspapers still play a crucial role in providing in-depth analysis, investigative journalism, and a sense of credibility that is often lacking in online news.

Furthermore, newspapers have a loyal readership that values the tactile experience of reading a physical paper. There is a certain charm in flipping through the pages of a newspaper, which cannot be replicated by scrolling through a screen. Additionally, print newspapers are often seen as a more reliable source of information, as they undergo rigorous editorial processes and fact-checking procedures before publication.

Moreover, newspapers have adapted to the digital age by establishing their online presence. Many leading newspapers have developed user-friendly websites and mobile applications to cater to the changing preferences of readers. This demonstrates that newspapers are not becoming obsolete, but rather evolving to coexist with digital media.

In conclusion, while the Internet has transformed the way news is consumed, I believe that newspapers will not become a thing of the past. Their unique value proposition, loyal readership, and ability to adapt to changing times will ensure their relevance in the future.

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Digital Commons @ USF > Office of Graduate Studies > USF Graduate Theses and Dissertations > USF Tampa Theses and Dissertations > 868

USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Content differences between print and online newspapers.

Jessica E. Smith , University of South Florida

Graduation Year

Document type, degree granting department.

Mass Communications

Major Professor

Kenneth C. Killebrew Jr., Ph.D.

Committee Member

Timothy E. Bajkiewicz, Ph.D.

Randy E. Miller, Ph.D.

Gatekeeping, Convergence, Shovelware, Local news, Content analysis

The Internet provides the opportunity to develop a new way to present journalism, but many scholars say newspaper Web sites do nothing but mirror their print parents. This study used content analysis to compare the content of stories in five newspapers with their Web counterparts, and it examines whether reporter affiliation or a story's geographic emphasis has a relationship with the story's amount of contextual elements. These elements could include photos, graphics, or multimedia or interactive components online. This approach applied gatekeeping theory to publications that have editions in two media.

This study examined the five largest newspapers in the South over 14 days, collecting a sample of 635 stories on the front pages and metro section front pages of the papers. Nearly all stories in the sample appeared on the newspapers' Web sites, and story content was the same 96% of the time. The study found that 85% of print stories were published with at least one contextual element, but only 58% of online stories had at least one such element. About a third of the sample had at least one contextual element in common between print and online versions of a story, while about 20% of the sample had entirely unique sets of contextual elements in print and online. Newspapers are no more likely to publish additional contextual elements with local stories than any other type of content. This effort focused on storytelling components; it examined whether print and Web editions of newspapers tell stories differently---whether they are complementary or competitive.

Scholar Commons Citation

Smith, Jessica E., "Content Differences Between Print and Online Newspapers" (2005). USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations. https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/etd/868

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Find out more, digital news fact sheet.

The vast majority of adults in the United States get at least some news from digital devices , and the online space has become a host for the digital homes of both legacy news outlets and new, “born on the web” news outlets. Digital advertising revenue across all digital entities (beyond just news) continues to grow, with technology companies playing a large role in the flow of both news and revenue. Explore the patterns and longitudinal data about digital news below.

online news vs print newspaper essay

The news outlets included in this analysis are those whose primary domain – the outlet’s flagship website – averaged at least 10 million unique visitors per month from October to December of each year analyzed, according to Comscore, a cross-platform audience measurement company. This includes both digital-native news publishers, such as Axios or HuffPost, and so-called “legacy” news organizations (those that originated in print or broadcast) like The New York Times or Fox News that met those traffic levels. There were 105 such outlets in 2022 (for a full list of outlets and collection methods, read the methodology ).

The average fourth quarter monthly unique visitors for the primary domains of these outlets remained relatively stable from 2021 (27.9 million) to 2022 (27.1 million), according to Comscore data. The average minutes per visit was about 1 minute and 45 seconds, down from roughly 1 minute and 50 seconds in 2021.

Website traffic and time spent for news outlets

  • Unique visitors
  • Average visit duration
Year (Q4)Average monthly unique visitors

Note: The news outlets with the highest traffic are defined as those that had a monthly average of at least 10 million unique visitors from October to December of the year being analyzed, according to Comscore data. Each outlet’s primary domain – the outlet’s flagship website – was analyzed; read the methodology for a list of domains. 2022 and 2021 cohort is based on data from 2022.

Source: Comscore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform, United States, Unique Visitors, October-December 2021-2022.

Year (Q4)Average minutes per visit

Source: Comscore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform, United States, Average Minutes Per Visit, October-December 2021-2022.

Outlets have several options for reaching their consumers online, including apps, newsletters, podcasts and aggregation platforms like Apple News or Flipboard. The use of those different tools varies across news outlets. In a Pew Research Center audit of 105 outlets conducted in October 2023, about three-quarters of these highest-traffic news outlets (74%) have apps for at least one of the two main mobile platforms (iOS and Android). Among outlets that do have apps, two-thirds (67%) have them for both platforms.

Android only02
iOS only96
Android + iOS6467

Note: The news outlets with the highest traffic are defined as those that had a monthly average of at least 10 million unique visitors from October to December of the previous year, according to Comscore data. Each outlet’s primary domain – the outlet’s flagship website – was analyzed; read the methodology for a list of domains. The percentage of outlets without either type of app is not shown.

Source: Pew Research Center audit of the 105 news outlets with the highest traffic. Read the methodology for details on site selection and audit process.

News outlets are also adopting other digital outreach and engagement methods. The vast majority of these outlets offer newsletters (92%) and have an official presence on Flipboard (92%) or Apple News (87%). About three-quarters release podcasts (76%), and 37% allow comments on their articles.

These outlets are also highly likely to use social media as part of their outreach. All outlets studied here have an official presence on Facebook, while at least nine-in-ten have a presence on X, formerly known as Twitter (99%), Instagram (97%), and YouTube (93%).

TikTok has become an increasingly popular way that these digital news sites reach their audiences. Nearly nine-in-ten of these sites (89%) have a presence on TikTok, up from 57% in 2021. Fewer outlets have accounts on Snapchat (25%).

Digital outreach methods for news outlets

  • Digital outreach methods
  • Social media
Outreach type20212023
Apple News8887

Note: The news outlets with the highest traffic are defined as those that had a monthly average of at least 10 million unique visitors from October to December of the previous year, according to Comscore data. Each outlet’s primary domain – the outlet’s flagship website – was analyzed; read the methodology for a list of domains.

X (Twitter)10099

Note: The news outlets with the highest traffic are defined as those that had a monthly average of at least 10 million unique visitors from October to December of the previous year, according to Comscore data. Each outlet’s primary domain – the outlet’s flagship website – was analyzed; read the methodology for a list of domains. Twitter rebranded to X in 2023.

online news vs print newspaper essay

Digital advertising continues to grow as a proportion of total advertising revenue, a trend driven in large part by growth in advertising on mobile devices. The estimates below are for all digital advertising revenue, not just for news outlets, and thus are an indicator of the general direction of the economic health of the digital realm rather than the digital news sector specifically.

In 2022, according to eMarketer estimates, digital advertising grew to $245 billion, an increase from $221 billion in 2021 and $161 billion in 2020. It was estimated to comprise nearly three-quarters of all advertising revenue (72%), compared with 70% in 2021 and 64% in 2020.

YearNondigital advertisingDigital advertising

Note: Data from previous years is updated annually.

Source: eMarketer, U.S. Ad Spending Estimates, March 2023.

Mobile advertising revenue also continued to grow rapidly, increasing from $146.1 billion in 2021 to $161 billion in 2022. This in turn represented massive growth from $1.7 billion in 2011. Desktop advertising revenue increased from $31.3 billion to $64.7 billion from 2011 to 2022. In 2022, mobile advertising revenue comprised about two-thirds of digital advertising revenue on mobile and desktop devices (66%), up dramatically from just 5% in 2011.

YearDesktop digital advertisingMobile digital advertising

Note: Data from previous years is updated annually. Digital advertising on CTV not shown.n

Source: eMarketer, U.S. Ad Spending Estimates.

Looking more specifically at digital display ads, which include banners, videos and other advertisements that news organizations and other websites typically run alongside their content, total digital display ad revenue continued to rise in 2022, but at a slower rate. The rise was driven primarily by growth in mobile display ad revenue (desktop display includes advertising on desktop and laptop computers and other nonmobile internet-connected devices).

Display ad revenue began to level out among all formats except video ads which continued to rise in 2022. Video ads were the largest segment of this market in 2022 at $73.8 billion, growing 17% from the previous year. Banner ad revenue decreased for the first time in 2022 dropping to $47.6 billion from $49.4 billion in 2021.

Digital display advertising revenue by device type

  • Desktop and mobile
YearDesktop display advertisingMobile display advertising
YearBanner adsSponsorship adsVideo adsRich media other

Digital display advertising revenue continued to be dominated by just a few companies in 2022. Meta, the owner of Facebook, comprised 37% of this advertising segment, according to eMarketer estimates. Google accounted for 10% of this segment and Amazon accounted for 6%, while no other company controlled more than 5% of this market.

(In 2017, Verizon purchased Yahoo and created a new subsidiary called Oath that incorporated Yahoo, AOL and Verizon’s other digital entities. In 2019, Oath was renamed the Verizon Media Group. And in 2021, Apollo Global Management acquired Verizon Media Group , which is now known as Yahoo.)

In the mobile sector, Meta captured about half (52%) of mobile digital display advertising revenue, according to eMarketer estimates. In recent years, TikTok has grown to capture 5% of mobile digital display advertising revenue, up from just 1% in 2020, and is now similar to the share that Google has (6%). No other company controlled more than 5% of the mobile market.

Digital display advertising revenue by company

  • All digital
  • Mobile only

Note: Numbers may not add up to 100% due to rounding. In 2017, Verizon purchased Yahoo and created a new subsidiary called Oath that incorporated Yahoo, AOL and Verizon’s other digital entities. This entity was renamed Verizon Media Group in 2019. Accordingly, Verizon and Yahoo are not broken out separately for 2017-2020. In 2021, Apollo Global Management acquired Verizon Media Group, now known as Yahoo. In 2021 and 2022, revenue for Yahoo was not reported separately by eMarketer and is included in “Other.” In 2021, Facebook rebranded as Meta. Data from previous years is updated annually.


Note: Numbers may not add up to 100% due to rounding. In 2016, Microsoft purchased LinkedIn, and display advertising revenue from LinkedIn was consolidated under Microsoft starting that year. Data from previous years is updated annually. In 2021, Facebook rebranded as Meta. Data from previous years is updated annually.

online news vs print newspaper essay

This fact sheet was compiled by Research Assistants Christopher St. Aubin and Sarah Naseer and Senior Researcher Elisa Shearer . The digital news site audit was conducted by Research Analyst Jacob Liedke and Research Assistant Emily Tomasik .

Read the methodology .

Pew Research Center is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts, its primary funder. This is the latest analysis in Pew Research Center’s ongoing investigation of the state of news, information and journalism in the digital age, a research program funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, with generous support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

Find more in-depth explorations of digital news by following the links below:

  • Most Americans favor restrictions on false information, violent content online , July 20, 2023
  • A Profile of the Top-Ranked Podcasts in the U.S. , June 15, 2023
  • Podcasts as a Source of News and Information , April 18, 2023
  • U.S. adults under 30 now trust information from social media almost as much as from national news outlets , Oct. 27, 2022
  • More Americans are getting news on TikTok, bucking the trend on other social media sites , Oct. 21, 2022
  • After increasing in 2020, layoffs at large U.S. newspapers and digital news sites declined in 2021 , Oct. 13, 2022
  • The Role of Alternative Social Media in the News and Information Environment , Oct. 6, 2022
  • News Platform Fact Sheet , Sept. 20, 2022
  • Social Media and News Fact Sheet , Sept. 20, 2022
  • Twitter is the go-to social media site for U.S. journalists, but not for the public , June 27, 2022
  • How Americans tweet about the news , Dec. 14, 2021
  • News on Twitter: Consumed by Most Users and Trusted by Many , Nov. 15, 2021
  • Facebook Posts in Early Days of Biden Administration Reflect Ideological Divide , June 14, 2021
  • 70% of U.S. social media users never or rarely post or share about political, social issues , May 4, 2021
  • Partisan differences in social media use show up for some platforms, but not Facebook , April 7, 2021

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ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER  Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of  The Pew Charitable Trusts .

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Nowadays more and more people prefer to look for information of different kind in online newspapers. In our high-tech world people choose mobility and fast temper of life. That’s why I dare say that almost every piece of news can be found by means of Internet. Along with traditional printed newspapers there appeared up-to-date and more efficient way to present information. Online newspapers became widely spread as a way to inform and unite readers according to their interests. I’ll make an attempt to define clearly privileges and drawbacks of both variants.

There is a wide variety of newspapers published online. Readers may mostly get access to sociological, psychological and political newspapers and those intended for a wide range of people. In general online newspapers don’t seem to differ much from printed versions by the contents of articles. But there still can be defined certain advantages and disadvantages. I will examine Epoch Times International newspaper. The article for comparison deals with the spring festival in Vancouver which is held every year in order to view the beauty of local cherry blossom. It’s common knowledge that such festival is a Japanese tradition which takes place every spring. The first thing to catch readers’ eyes is illustrations for the topic. It shows a row of trees all in pink blossom. There is only one picture in online version. Newsprint article is known to contain more pictures to the topic. Attentive reader however will notice that online version gives links to more illustrations especially devoted to Vancouver cherry blossom. (http://www.vancouvercherryblossomfestival.com/vcbf/map)

In this way online newspaper page gives more freedom to find some additional information in case readers became deeply concerned in the topic. It gives opportunity to subscribe the edition and view some similar editions which would probably be more detailed.

I doubt whether it is an advantage or not, that newsprint version doesn’t contain any advertisements which may distract reader’s attention. Advertisements which often give unnecessary information usually irritate readers. In this way newspaper print version has an important privilege for readers. Printed version is more specific. It gives nothing more than an article with illustrations and brief information about the newspaper. At the top of the article there is always given its Internet address.

I consider online newspaper to be more useful in some way. The example of Epoch Times International shows that such newspapers usually give an opportunity to choose different languages. It would actually help people of different nationalities to read the same article in their native languages. Moreover such options let readers view newspapers of different countries as well. It is especially valuable for translators and people dealing with international affairs. For example, an article about cherry blossom in Vancouver can be read and appreciated by a Japanese person either. Readers are able to leave their comments on the article and newspaper itself. Some online newspapers provide an opportunity to add some more article of this kind to enrich the content of the newspaper. In this respect printed version yields much to the online one. I mean that online newspapers actually became an international source, while newsprint versions just give a piece of information and no one would know whether it was appreciated or not. Online newspapers give an opportunity to discuss the topic on forum, e-mail other readers or editors themselves. The most striking difference is that online articles may be renovated or improved, unlike printed ones.

All in all I consider it obvious that online newspaper has doubtless advantages in comparison with printed ones. In our fast-moving world it gives people more opportunities not only to read the article but to view other resources on the topic and share opinion with other readers. It is obviously more convenient and appropriate to modern life.

Joan Delaney. (2007, March 29). Epoch Times International. Cherry Blossom Festival Delights Vancouverites. http://en.epochtimes.com/news/7-3-29/53475.html

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A Comparative Analysis of Print vs. Online News Media Parveen

Profile image of Interal Res journa  Managt Sci Tech

This paper gives an investigation of the print news and online news utilization design. Purpose of input has been inferred on both mass and customized media in particular print and its online rendition. By utilizing multi different investigation ANNOVA essential information, taking sample size of (N=400) the respondents were asked for to give data on the recurrence, timing and place of use of every medium and were made a request to report their input on the helpfulness of these media. The different statistic factors are related with media use designs. The fundamental discoveries of the investigation propose that the web is nearly more used among the media. Online/internet is underutilized as a result of absence of mindfulness and non accessibility of flag.

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Due to the opportunities that it offers, the Internet enriches and transforms traditional journalism with innovations and poses some risks in terms of sustainability. In the future, this area seems to be the main source of success because of the innovations redounded to journalism due to its technological supremacy. It maintains its dominancy due to the easiness such as allowing access to the news and controlling the news source by establishing different links, intelligence and research, reporting, verifying and storing the distributed speed and information and also allowing the newspapers being archived themselves. The problem of digital diversification on the status and use of information communication technologies as well as existing digital immigrants remains a structural obstacle today. The reliable place of journalism in society is due to the fact that it is easier for people who are technologically distant to access information. However, the speed of internet journalism, the use of multimedia, interaction, easy publishing and distribution of news, instant updating, unlimited space and time constraints have facilitated the digital orientation of computer literate individuals. However, even though the excess information loading affects the reliability of readers' ethical problems in news production, it is a fact that traditional journalism is in a transformation. In this study; the perspectives of individuals from different socioeconomic sections on traditional journalism and internet journalism were evaluated. The data was obtained by applying a questionnaire survey to 350 individuals selected by cluster sampling method. Significant relations were found between the socioeconomic levels of the individuals and other demographic features as well as access to newspapers, reading the daily newspapers, using the internet to access the newspaper, accessing various online news and traditional newspaper preferences, newsletters to follow newspapers, and interest in traditional journalism.

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News outlets were leaked insider material from the Trump campaign. They chose not to print it

At least three news outlets were leaked confidential material from inside the Donald Trump campaign. So far, each has refused to reveal any details about what they received. Here’s what to know.

FILE - Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, left, and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, shake hands at a campaign rally in Atlanta, Aug. 3, 2024. (AP Photo/Ben Gray, File)

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, and his wife Usha Chilukuri Vance order ice cream at Olson’s Ice Cream Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, in Eau Claire, Wis. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, waves as he leaves with ice cream at Olson’s Ice Cream Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, in Eau Claire, Wis. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

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At least three news outlets were leaked confidential material from inside the Donald Trump campaign, including its report vetting JD Vance as a vice presidential candidate. So far, each has refused to reveal any details about what they received.

Instead, Politico, The New York Times and The Washington Post have written about a potential hack of the campaign and described what they had in broad terms.

Their decisions stand in marked contrast to the 2016 presidential campaign, when a Russian hack exposed emails to and from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. The website Wikileaks published a trove of these embarrassing missives, and mainstream news organizations covered them avidly.

Politico wrote over the weekend about receiving emails starting July 22 from a person identified as “Robert” that included a 271-page campaign document about Vance and a partial vetting report on Sen. Marco Rubio, who was also considered as a potential vice president. Both Politico and the Post said that two people had independently confirmed that the documents were authentic.

“Like many such vetting documents,” The Times wrote of the Vance report, “they contained past statements with the potential to be embarrassing or damaging, such as Mr. Vance’s remarks casting aspersions on Mr. Trump.”


What’s unclear is who provided the material. Politico said it did not know who “Robert” was and that when it spoke to the supposed leaker, he said, “I suggest you don’t be curious about where I got them from.”

The Trump campaign said it had been hacked and that Iranians were behind it. While the campaign provided no evidence for the claim, it came a day after a Microsoft report detailed an effort by an Iranian military intelligence unit to compromise the email account of a former senior advisor to a presidential campaign. The report did not specify which campaign.

Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for Trump’s campaign, said over the weekend that “any media or news outlet reprinting documents or internal communications are doing the bidding of America’s enemies.”

The FBI released a brief statement Monday that read: “We can confirm the FBI is investigating this matter.”

The Times said it would not discuss why it had decided not to print details of the internal communications. A spokesperson for the Post said: “As with any information we receive, we take into account the authenticity of the materials, any motives of the source and assess the public interest in making decisions about what, if anything, to publish.”

Brad Dayspring, a spokesperson for Politico, said editors there judged that “the questions surrounding the origins of the documents and how they came to our attention were more newsworthy than the material that was in those documents.”

Indeed, it didn’t take long after Vance was announced as Trump’s running mate for various news organizations to dig up unflattering statements that the Ohio senator had made about him.

A lesson from 2016?

It’s also easy to recall how, in 2016, candidate Trump and his team encouraged coverage of documents on the Clinton campaign that Wikileaks had acquired from hackers. It was widespread: A BBC story promised “18 revelations from Wikileaks’ hacked Clinton emails” and Vox even wrote about Podesta’s advice for making superb risotto.

Brian Fallon, then a Clinton campaign spokesperson, noted at the time how striking it was that concern about Russian hacking quickly gave way to fascination over what was revealed. “Just like Russia wanted,” he said.

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Unlike this year, the Wikileaks material was dumped into the public domain, increasing the pressure on news organizations to publish. That led to some bad decisions: In some cases, outlets misrepresented some of the material to be more damaging to Clinton than it actually was, said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a University of Pennsylvania communications professor who wrote “Cyberwar,” a book about the 2016 hacking.

This year, Jamieson said she believed news organizations made the right decision not to publish details of the Trump campaign material because they can’t be sure of the source.

“How do you know that you’re not being manipulated by the Trump campaign?” Jamieson said. She’s conservative about publishing decisions “because we’re in the misinformation age,” she said.

Thomas Rid, director of the Alperovitch Institute for Cybersecurity Studies at Johns Hopkins, also believes that the news organizations have made the right decision, but for different reasons. He said it appeared that an effort by a foreign agent to influence the 2024 presidential campaign was more newsworthy than the leaked material itself.

But one prominent journalist, Jesse Eisinger, senior reporter and editor at ProPublica, suggested the outlets could have told more than they did. While it’s true that past Vance statements about Trump are easily found publicly, the vetting document could have indicated which statements most concerned the campaign, or revealed things the journalists didn’t know.

Once it is established that the material is accurate, newsworthiness is a more important consideration than the source, he said.

“I don’t think they handled it properly,” Eisinger said. “I think they overlearned the lesson of 2016.”

David Bauder writes about media for the AP. Follow him at http://twitter.com/dbauder .


  • Library of Congress
  • Research Guides
  • Newspapers & Current Periodicals

U.S. Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress

Historical newspapers.

  • Introduction
  • How to Find a Newspaper
  • U.S. Newspapers Currently Received

Chronological Index to Microfilm (1940-1989)

Alabama to Guam

Hawaii to Louisiana

Maine to Nevada

New Hampshire to Puerto Rico

Rhode Island to Wyoming

  • Connecticut
  • District of Columbia
  • Massachusetts
  • New Hampshire
  • North Carolina
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • West Virginia
  • Special Newspaper Collections
  • Reference Sources
  • Additional Resources Online

Hank Aaron (photo thumbnail)

This section of the guide provides an overview of the historical U.S. newspaper collections held by the Serial & Government Publications Division and served in the Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room (NCPRR) at the Library of Congress. "Historical," for the purposes of this guide, is defined as newspapers published during the 17th through 20th centuries.

The American newspaper collection spans 1690-present, and titles are held in microfilm, print, and/or digital formats. The Division does not have every U.S. newspaper ever published, but there are newspapers from every state and territory, including over 9,000 individual titles. Scroll down or click on the section linked below to explore the collections:

Print Collections

Microfilm collections.

  • Lists by Century

Digital Collections

Historical newspapers research guides, authenticating old newspapers.

Contact us using our Ask a Librarian service to help you identify which titles are available from a certain time and place, and in which format(s). If we do not have the newspaper you need, we can help you locate it elsewhere.

The historical newspaper collection in original print format is comprised of 37,954 bound volumes, 18,979 rare 18th-century volumes, and over 50,000 individual portfolio issues. See the "Historical Newspaper Lists by Century" section below for lists of titles organized by place and available dates. Additionally, newspapers are cataloged by title in the Library of Congress Online Catalog . Collection materials must be requested through a paper call slip in the Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room, or requested in advance of a visit by using our Ask a Librarian service. Please note that, when available, microfilm or digital formats will be served in place of original print out of concern for the long-term preservation of the collections. Newspapers in original print format are not available for Interlibrary Loan.

Original Print Bound Volumes Collection

This collection is comprised of original print newspaper issues bound in volumes that are held in either remote storage or on-site in the Serial and Government Publications Division. For detailed holdings of bound newspapers, including location information, please search the Library of Congress Online Catalog . Items in remote storage are indicated by "Ft. Meade" in the call number. To request bound newspapers from remote storage , be sure to Ask a Librarian in advance to confirm holdings.

Portfolio Collection

The U.S. newspaper portfolio collection is comprised of individual, original print format newspaper issues and stored in large archival folders (portfolios). The Division holds portfolio collections for most U.S. states. To search the Library of Congress Online Catalog for a list of portfolios, conduct an Advanced Search , entering the state and "portfolio" in the search boxes, like this:

example portfolio search

Narrow your search further by adding limits such as "Location in the Library" (Newspaper & Current Periodical) and "Type of Material" (Periodical or Newspaper). Call numbers generally have "X" at the end as an indication. ex: "Newspaper 8829-X: portfolio

The Division's newspaper microfilm collection consists of over 785,000 microfilm reels. Some of the most requested titles are immediately available in the Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room (see below). The vast majority of the collection is held in closed stacks and must be requested by filling out a paper call slip, indicating the call number, title, and dates of issues required and submitting the request at the Circulation Desk. Delivery time is generally within 30 minutes.

The lists below provide merely a starting point for finding out which titles and dates are available, and the lists are particularly useful for finding out which newspapers are available from a certain city or state. Search the Library of Congress Online Catalog for specific titles. Dates of holdings are noted by the "Older Receipts" at the bottom of catalog records, and titles will have a call number indicated by "Newspaper Microfilm ---."

Self-Service Microfilm Collection

The following newspapers are readily available in the reading room in the self-service microfilm cabinets. These titles do not circulate through interlibrary loan.

Newspaper Title Available Dates
May 17, 1837 - November 30, 2017
April 23, 1849 - December 31, 2017
January 1924 - November 29, 2019
January 1785 - November 30, 2019
November 3, 1822 - November 24, 2019
September 1851 - February 28, 2019
November 7, 1860 - February 28, 2018
January 16, 1865 - April 30, 2018
July 8, 1889 - October 31, 2018
December 16, 1852 - August 7, 1981
News Index 1850, 1870, 1880, 1894 - 1973
December 6, 1877 - February 28, 2018

This resource lists U.S. newspapers from 1940-1980 on microfilm available for use at the Library of Congress. All entries are alphabetically arranged by state abbreviation, city, and title.

  • Access the Chronological Index to Microfilm (1940-1989) Unless noted as a partial file, all holdings are assumed to be complete for the years listed. Because newspaper titles typically vary over time, the Chronological Indexes generally display the title used by a newspaper for the majority of a given decade. Microfilm control numbers have been listed to aid researchers in accurately requesting material.
  • 1940-1949 U.S. Newspapers
  • 1950-1959 U.S. Newspapers
  • 1960-1969 U.S. Newspapers
  • 1970-1979 U.S. Newspapers
  • 1980-1989 U.S. Newspapers
  • Microfilm Exceptions Report - newspapers with name changes, mergers, strikes, place of publication changes, etc.

Newspaper Lists by Century

  • 18th Century
  • 19th and 20th Century

18th Century American Newspapers

18th Century Maryland Gazette

The 18th-Century American Newspapers in the Library of Congress website reflects the Library's holdings of pre-1801 American newspapers as of February 2, 1996. The list consists of individual newspaper titles arranged alphabetically by state, city, and newspaper title. The numbers in the title index and the name index (including printers, publishers, and editors) refer to entry numbers, not page numbers. This list also contains print and microform holdings.

  • Access the 18th-Century American Newspapers in the Library of Congress website

This list is meant as a starting point in research and does not necessarily reflect the Library's current holdings. Please refer to the Library of Congress Online Catalog for the most up-to-date holdings information.

19th and 20th Century Original Print Bound Volumes

These lists, also linked from the left-side navigation panel, is based on an inventory of Library of Congress holdings that was conducted in Summer 1998. Arranged alphabetically by state, then city, the lists include the bound volume control number, total volume count, and summary holdings for each title. The lists do not provide detailed holdings; the dates listed may have unspecified missing issues.

This inventory is meant as a starting point in research and does not necessarily reflect all of the Library's current holdings. Please contact reference staff through Ask-a-Librarian to confirm holdings.

An ever-growing amount of historical newspapers are being digitized, though not nearly every newspaper ever published has or will be digitized. Digitization is an important preservation measure and it improves discoverability of newspaper content: digitized newspapers are typically word-searchable, while microfilm is not (it must be examined page by page). Some historical digital newspapers will be found freely available online, while others are available through subscription resources. Checking to see if a newspaper has been digitized will often require consulting several different sources.

  • Chronicling America
  • Digital Collections on LOC.gov
  • On-site Access Only

Cover Art

There are ongoing efforts to digitize and provide free access to historic newspapers through the Library of Congress website. Digital newspaper collections include the following resources:

Frederick Douglass Newspapers

The Library provides access to many subscription-based digital resources that are available to researchers while they are on-site. See this list of historical newspaper databases in the Library's E-resources Online Catalog . Listed below are a few of the most commonly used databases for researching historical newspapers. The description indicates whether a database is limited to "On-Site Only," or if there is "Free Access" available. There are several public computer terminals in the reading room, or bring your own device and connect to the Library's Wifi. View the Library's Terms of Use for its electronic resources.

Restricted Access

The following Research Guides produced by the Serial and Government Publications Division provide more information on historical newspapers at the Library of Congress.

Some of the most frequently asked questions we receive in the NCPRR relate to authenticating old newspapers. Newspapers are an important aspect of a community's collective memory, and saving clippings or entire issues that cover significant happenings is a common behavior through time and place. It is exciting to come across an old newspaper in an attic or at a yard sale or auction!

While there are very few historical newspaper issues with significant monetary value, some retain important artifactual value.  Although reference staff neither authenticates nor appraises items , we do provide information about a number of significant newspaper issues through "Information Circulars." These circulars were compiled by experts in the Serial & Government Publications Division and have been formatted into a guide:  Original or Reprint? A Guide to Noteworthy Newspaper Issues .

The Division accepts newspaper donations following evaluation of several factors, including the physical condition of the issue(s), long-term preservation considerations, and how the newspaper fits within the scope of the larger collections. For more information, please Ask a Librarian .

  • << Previous: U.S. Newspapers Currently Received
  • Next: Chronological Index to Microfilm (1940-1989) >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 18, 2024 1:51 PM
  • URL: https://guides.loc.gov/united-states-newspapers


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