The NUS MBA seeks individuals who have integrity, strong leadership capabilities and the desire to achieve academic and management excellence.

In addition, we are looking for individuals who are mature, motivated, focused and wish to make a positive impact on business and society. Candidates must satisfy the following entry requirements for the MBA programme.

Application Requirements

Applicants must have a strong academic record in any undergraduate field from a reputable academic institution.

Applicants must have a minimum of two years full-time post-undergraduate work experience.

All applicants are required to take either the GMAT or GRE exam, regardless of their academic or professional background. As we consider candidates’ profile holistically, a high score does not guarantee admission, and a lower score may not eliminate a candidate. Scores may be self-reported; however, should you receive an offer of admission, official scores will then be requested for verification. You are required to indicate your GMAT/GRE and TOEFL / IELTS results in the application portal under the “Other Tests” section. Your official score report must be sent to the NUS Business School directly. GMAT codes are DRT-MK-35 (Full Time MBA) or DRT-MK-59 (Part Time MBA). GRE DI code is 7539.

Applicants whose undergraduate degree was not taught exclusively in English are required to submit TOEFL / IELTS scores. The TOEFL code for NUS is 9082 Department Code 02. The IELTS code for NUS is 0677. Visit TOEFL or IELTS for more information.

– TOEFL – Minimum score of 100 for internet-based test. – IELTS – Minimum score of 7.0.

Two professional referee reports are required to complete your application. The referees can be your current employer, previous employer or corporate client, who would be able to provide an accurate professional evaluation for you. Only referee reports submitted via the MBA admissions portal using the online referee template will be considered. The online referee form has a validity period of two weeks upon your initiation to your referee. Both referee reports have to be submitted within the application deadlines for the application to be considered complete.

Short-listed applicants will be interviewed and may be required to take further evaluation tests if deemed necessary.

We offer various merit-based scholarships for outstanding candidates. To be considered for a scholarship, fill in the scholarship essay question in the online application form, and submit your completed application by 17 January 2024. No separate application is required. Scholarship decisions are announced in mid-May each year.

The NUS MBA (full-time) August 2024 Intake

Application deadline

Application window: 1 August 2023 – 2 April 2024 Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Round 1: 31 October 2023

Round 2: 17 January 2024 (Scholarship consideration round)

Round 3: 2 April 2024

To be considered for a scholarship, please submit a completed application by the Round 2 deadline.


SGD 87,000 (exclusive of Goods & Services Tax applicable in Singapore)

Application Fee: SGD 100

Note: Tuition fees are subject to change

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nus mba essay questions 2022

September 29, 2017

NUS MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines

NUS Business School 2017-18 MBA Application Essay Tips & Deadlines

My tips for completing the NUS MBA application are below in blue.

1. Please answer ONE of the following short essay prompts. (300 words)

a. I am passionate about… b. My greatest challenge has been… c. My biggest failure was ….

All three of these questions are opportunities to share an interesting experience from your life. Passion comes through with differentiating details (did you compete in 10Ks every weekend? Did you turn $500 in high school summer earnings into an investment portfolio worth thousands?). Challenges are overcome with drive, tenacity, and commitment. Failures are learning experiences and launch pads for subsequent successes. Share an example here that will help the admission committee see your individuality come alive.

2. Briefly describe your immediate post-MBA career goal including your industry, function and country of choice and how have your prior experiences motivated and prepared you to pursue these goals? (300 words)

All MBA programs want their students to be pleased with the employment they find and the career trajectory ahead of them after graduation. Applicants must demonstrate in this essay that they know what they can expect to achieve within five years of graduating so that the admissions office will believe you are realistically driven.

If you do not know any NUS MBAs personally, you may find LinkedIn searches for NUS alumni very useful to see what a wide range of MBA alumni have succeeded in doing within around five years of graduating. Go to  NUS’s LinkedIn page  and then use the Search Alumni button, then restrict your search to alumni who graduated around 2012 or 2013 to get a sense of their five-year progress. This isn’t foolproof: you must check that you are looking at MBA graduates (and not undergraduate degree holders or exchange students), but this will offer you wider insight than your own small circle of acquaintances. Go ahead and reach out to alumni through LinkedIn and through your personal network to discuss how they reached the advancement that they did to add depth to your own plans for this essay.

3. If there is anything else you would like to share with the Admissions Committee that was not covered in your application, please include here. (300 words)

The first two essays were short, so there is almost certainly more in your background: additional areas of leadership, influence, and impact , for example. While this optional space may certainly be used to explain a weakness or flaw in your background, I highly recommend shining the spotlight on an area of strength in the process: poor grades do not have to stand on their own when you can demonstrate that you spent your undergraduate education in significant extracurricular leadership roles, for example.

4. (Only applicable to re-applicants)  Please provide an update on any new aspects of your professional, international, academic or personal profile that would not have been included in your previous application. Please also explain your motivation for re-applying to NUS. (Maximum: 300 words)

Reapplying demonstrates your sincere interest in this program, so don’t assume that the admissions committee is biased against you. Instead, use this space to show that you have used the time since you applied to take on new challenges, expand your leadership experience, and build insight in areas that will interest your NUS classmates and future recruiters. The final aspect of the essay prompt – about your motivation for re-applying to NUS – also offers you the opportunity to show that you’ve done your research about the NUS MBA : what students have you spoken to and what have you learned about how this program will help you on your path? What makes NUS special? Those details will further demonstrate your readiness for the program.

If you would like professional guidance with your NUS MBA application, check out Accepted’s  MBA essay editing  and  MBA admissions consulting  or our  MBA Application Packages , which include advising, editing, interview coaching, and a resume edit for the  NUS application.  

Full-Time NUS MBA Application Dates :

The application window: Now – 31 March 2018

Admissions is rolling: applicants will be notified of their admissions decision within between 6 and 10 weeks of submitting the completed application.

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.***

5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid In Your MBA Application Essays - Download your free guide!

Related Resources:

• Why MBA? , free guide to writing about your post-MBA goals •  Stand Out! A Critical Goal for Your Application [Episode 181] •  How to Stay Within Essay Word Limits by Reducing Verbal Verbosity

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NUS MBA Sample Essays

Free samples from past clients, nus mba application essays 2023-24.

Essay 1: How do you plan to spend your time on The NUS MBA to transform yourself personally & professionally? Briefly describe your experience to date, and how this and The NUS MBA can help you achieve your mid and long term career goals. (350 words)

Essay 2: How have people, events, and/or situations in your life influenced who you are today? (250 words)

Optional Essay: Is there any additional information relevant to your application that you’d like to share with the Admissions Committee? (200 words)

NUS MBA Winning Sample Essays – 1

Nus essay 1: how do you plan to spend your time on the nus mba to transform yourself personally & professionally briefly describe your experience to date, and how this and the nus mba can help you achieve your mid and long term career goals. (350 words).

“Almost 1/3rd of the food produced in the world is wasted while 690 million people go hungry globally.”

I started my career as a software engineer but for the last 7 years, I have dedicated my life to social causes and worked at grassroots levels to ensure every child gets an education and no one sleeps hungry.

I am currently the founder of – “Waste No More”- an initiative focused on eliminating food hunger in Indonesia. We currently have partnerships with more than 10 large scale donors like grocery chains and hotels to collect and distribute approximately 1500 meals every week in Jakarta and its satellite city. We currently reach out to 5000+ beneficiaries across 22 communities. Now my long-term goal is to build a social enterprise mobilising technology-driven solutions to reduce food wastage in South East Asia and Indian Subcontinent. 

As the founder, I wear multiple hats, but I spend significant time growing two critical aspects of our program – building partnerships with food donors and expanding the volunteer base. I have extensive experience in leading operations at the grass-root level for social organisations. Now in the short term, I want to upskill my business acumen, learn the strategic approach to continuously grow, and understand how to lead social enterprises to global success. I believe that an MBA from NUS followed by an experience of managing program operations at international organizations like Gates Foundation can get me exposure and help me understand how to scale social initiatives.

NUS MBA Essay 2: How have people, events, and/or situations in your life influenced who you are today? (250 words)

Back in 2013, when I was working at Accenture, my watchman came to my house and explained how his eldest son had failed 3rd standard in primary school for the 2nd time. He asked for a little help in teaching and motivating his kids to learn. 

While I had no formal background in teaching, I agreed to teach and see if I could motivate them. I started teaching his son and a few other 5-8-year-old kids at home every day. That 1 year proved to be a powerful lesson for me in the virtues of patience and perseverance. Capturing the imagination of students who had lost interest in studies required me to think outside the box and come up with unconventional methods of teaching. Finally, I was able to build the conceptual foundation which helped these students pass their exam.

I was teaching these kids how to learn and pass mathematics exams but in turn these kids ended up giving me much more return. After seeing the smile of their faces and gratitude I got from their parents, I found a new purpose in life, and the confidence to create a real positive impact. This inspired me to bid adieu to my prospering IT career and work in the social sector full time. It was not easy to convince my parents and husband of my decision to switch sectors especially when I was taking almost 70% pay cut. 

But with my newfound purpose in life, I was determined to chart a new course for myself. Looking back at all the impact that I created, I feel proud and my family is now very supportive of my career and the work I am doing.

NUS MBA OPTIONAL ESSAY : Is there any additional information relevant to your application that you’d like to share with the Admissions Committee? (200 words)

I would like to use this opportunity and tell the admissions committee about my full-time work at Waste No More. It is a volunteer-driven organisation where we do not take any monetary donation. I have dedicated myself wholly to the benefit of society and have not taken any salary for the last 1.5 years.

I moved to Indonesia because of my husband’s relocation for work purposes. In India, I was working with non-profit organisations in the education domain. In Indonesia, I encountered a troubling reality – with extreme poverty and no food to feed their children, education was a luxury these families just could not afford. Hunger was a much more pressing problem in these communities. 

That’s why I changed my focus from education to hunger and started Waste No More. It was never a for profit organisation but a volunteer driven movement. Our expectations from our volunteers were just to do food collection and distribution, and our donor partners to donate surplus food. 

We have never raised any money or asked for monetary donations. Due to this I haven’t taken any salary for the last 1.5 years and solely focused on growing waste no more through volunteers. 

FOR NUS MBA SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS ONLY (250 words): 1.Please indicate the type of Scholarship you are applying for, and describe your fit for this scholarship.

I want to apply for scholarships promoting women in business and social entrepreneurs, positively impacting society. I believe my six-year experience in the social sector, and as the founder of a social initiative in Indonesia, makes me a strong fit for such scholarships.

When I started my career in the social sector with Avanti and Atma, I used my software engineering experience to launch a Remote Accelerator Program for Atma that increased our reach by 40%. As part of this, I worked with 40 women-empowerment NGO heads to build their leadership skills and create plans to overcome their most pressing challenges. These experiences taught me how to work with limited budget and still inspire people from diverse backgrounds to contribute for social good and. 

After I moved to Indonesia due to family reasons, I decided to start my own initiative – Waste No More. Stepping into founder shoes has allowed me to grow a resilient leader where I have managed to establish partnerships with more than 10 large scale donors and inspire XXX volunteers to distribute approximately 1500 meals every week in Jakarta.

Despite not taking any salary at all for the last 1.5 years, my work in the impact sector gives me a great sense of satisfaction  and Post-MBA, I would love to continue working in the impact sector. However, I am cognizant of the high MBA tuition fees and thus, a scholarship can go a long way in keeping the burden of an MBA loan low, allowing me to continue working for the community’s welfare. 

FOR NUS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS ONLY (250 words): 2.Briefly share how you plan to “pay it forward” as a student and alum of the programme if you were awarded.

If I am awarded a scholarship, I would plan to “pay it forward” in primarily three ways. 

First, I aim to continue working in the development sector. My short term goal is to join an impact organization like Gates Foundation and work preferably in the agricultural-development sector. Additionally, I would volunteer with organizations focusing on girl education and women empowerment providing them pro-bono consulting to address their most pressing growth challenges leveraging my experience from Atma consulting. 

Next, I would aim to bring in more opportunities, through partnerships, for the NUS students and alumni to get involved in the impact sector for their close-to-heart causes in the form of internships, projects, volunteering or even periodic financial contribution. I would also guide individuals, as and if needed, to create new engagements while being part of the Sustainability, Ethics and Impact club. 

Finally, in the long run, I would like to pay my gratitude forward by contributing to the scholarship funds at NUS so that future generations of students can continue to benefit from such scholarships the same way I would. 

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NUS MBA Winning Sample Essays – 2

Nus essay 1: the nus mba offers a   highly transformative educational experience. what kind of transformation are you working towards in your professional and personal self (250 words) .

Working as an engineer for the past six years, I started off as an individual contributor and now I am managing projects. I have developed good communication skills and am able to work well in a team. I am able to lead a team of five to design, commission and deliver industrial plants to clients. However, I am working towards one day taking over the business, so I have to transform from an engineer to a businessman, requiring a new set of skills.

In the short term, I intend to first become Engineering Manager to fully understand the company’s revenue streams. I would like to take on more responsibilities as head of the department, developing my skills at managing bigger projects across a bigger region, leading large teams and handling greater budgets. Three years on, I plan to move into a business development role to immerse myself in the industry and build relationships with the clients. By slowly working my way up the company, I am able to display my capabilities while ensuring I will be in good stead to take over the business.  

Personally, I would like to grow as a business leader, being able to lead and motivate much bigger teams as compared to my teams now. I am an introvert now and I hope to improve my public speaking, communication and presentation skills. I also strive to build my network of successful people, picking up knowledge and habits that would advance my professional and personal life.

NUS Essay 2: Tell us about your intermediate (3 years) post-MBA career goal, describing your industry, function, and country of choice and a plan on how you would achieve this goal. (250 words) 

In the past six years, I have gained experience in the edible oil industry. I had the freedom and opportunity to work in China, Indonesia and Thailand. Now that my father is growing older each day, I feel that I should join my father to help grow the family business and prepare myself to lead it someday. Kelington Group Berhad (KGB), a listed company on the Malaysia Stock Exchange, provides engineering services to a variety of industries.

I have managed engineering projects in the past six years, similar to what KGB does, in countries where KGB does business. Handling clients, managing project budgets and meeting project deadlines have become second nature to me.

While I excel at managing projects, I realise I lack the knowledge of running a successful business. Leading a project involves managing much fewer people compared to business. The different aspects of a business from finance to human resource management are foreign to me. Realising my shortfall, I would like to pursue an MBA to bridge my gap in skills to be better prepared to go back and help my family business.

With its strong Asian focus, NUS is a perfect fit for me to gain applicable business knowledge as KGB’s core business is within the region. After Speaking to Ji Hui, a current NUS MBA student, I realized that the diversity of the batch and the experiential learning modules allow me to build my network and develop my skills to lead KGB’s business. 

NUS Essay 3: Describe the type of leader you are right now, and the qualities of a leader you aspire to be. How would The NUS MBA help you cultivate those qualities? (250 words) 

Being an introvert by nature, I like to macro manage my team members and allow them the freedom to define their own approach to their work. As commissioning leader, I assign tasks to my team members and many plant operators. While we have successfully delivered working plants to clients within schedule, I have realised that I may need to improve my skills to lead much larger teams now and I believe that I have the potential to develop those skills.

My father, having held senior managerial positions throughout his career as Ex-CEO of Air Liquide Malaysia and CEO of KGB, is the type of leader I aspire to be. Unlike myself, he is an extrovert and a tough leader. He commands respect from his employees, some of which have followed him to his new company when asked. Being able to communicate effectively, he was able to inspire his staff with a clear vision and produce results quickly.

Realising my skill gaps is the first step to improving myself and that is why I would like to ask for the opportunity to achieve my goals through the NUS MBA. After consulting Douglas Tan, a current MBA candidate, I am confident that the NUS MBA can help me in becoming a better leader. The Launch Your Transformation bootcamp and MBA Survival Kit module will really help me realise my own capabilities and areas to work on.  

NUS Essay 4: Share a situation in your personal or professional life, where your value system was put to the test. How did you react, and what did you learn from it? (250 words)

Personal recognition is something I value immensely. As a young boy of 19, I was already striving for excellence and converted an offer from Imperial College London. While my family could have sponsored my degree, I was determined to create my own identity, set of values and financial freedom, and I won a full tuition and board scholarship from the Public Service Department of Malaysia.

Upon graduation however, my values were again challenged. I could have easily joined Air Liquide because my father was the Managing Director of Air liquid at that time and could have referred me to a good role but I wanted to look for one myself and earn one based on my capabilities. Ultimately, my values prevailed. I did not want to be classified as having succeeded with the help of my father so I decided to create my own identity elsewhere.

Through this decision, I learned that the path to creating my own identity was not easy. It took me nearly six months, writing to more than 50 companies in Malaysia and Singapore, before finally accepting the offer at my current company. Working outside, I learned how to climb the career ladder without any privilege or being treated as the boss’ son. I now judge people not based on their background but by merit. Along the way, I also came to appreciate the advice and knowledge that my father has imparted to me and now I want to join forces with him.

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NUS MBA Review : Ultimate Admit Guide for Aspirants


MBA & Beyond Team

22/12/2023 | 10:13 pm

NUS MBA Review

NUS MBA Review – The National University of Singapore (NUS) MBA program is globally recognized, offering a transformative educational experience with a strong focus on Asia.

The program is available in both full-time (17 months) and part-time (24-30 months) formats, starting every August, and is situated in Singapore, a prime business hub in Asia.

It ranks 8th globally in the QS World University Rankings 2024 and 1st in Asia according to the Poets & Quants International MBA Ranking 2022-2023. The program emphasizes a practical, hands-on learning approach and encourages students to shape their journey with over 50 specialized electives.

Table of Contents

NUS MBA Class Profile

The NUS MBA class profile is characterized by its diversity and excellence. Key statistics from the official website include:

  • Average Age: 29 years
  • Average Work Experience: 6 years
  • Gender Ratio: 58% male and 42% female
  • International Students: Approximately 88% of the cohort
  • Number of Nationalities Represented: Over 20
  • Undergraduate Background: A mix of Engineering, Business, Economics, Science, and Arts
  • Average GMAT Score for NUS : Around 670

This diverse mix of backgrounds and experiences contributes to a rich, multicultural learning environment, offering students a global perspective on business challenges.

Program and Curriculum

The NUS MBA program, according to numerous reviews, stands out for its robust curriculum and flexible structure. This comprehensive NUS MBA review underscores the program’s capacity to accommodate diverse career goals and interests, offering students a tailored learning experience. With an emphasis on practical skills and real-world applications, it prepares graduates to excel in today’s competitive business environment. Overall, the NUS MBA receives high praise for its excellence in education and its ability to meet the needs of aspiring business leaders.

  • Core Modules: Foundational business and management courses that form the backbone of the MBA experience.
  • Specializations: Students can tailor their learning with specializations in areas like Finance, Marketing, Strategy & Organization, and more.
  • Experiential Learning: Opportunities for practical learning through internships, student clubs, and field trips.
  • Global Exposure: Options to study abroad with over 60 partner universities or participate in exchange programs.

The curriculum is designed to provide students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, preparing them for the complexities of the global business environment.

NUS MBA Scholarships

The NUS MBA program offers an impressive array of scholarships designed to support and recognize outstanding candidates. These scholarships are tailored to cater to a diverse range of students, covering various aspects such as academic achievements, leadership potential, entrepreneurship, and social contributions. Here’s an overview of some of the NUS MBA scholarships available . For a comprehensive NUS MBA review and information on available scholarships, you can explore online resources and reviews from current and former students

Derwin Pereira MBA Scholarship

Open to full-time MBA candidates from Singapore and Southeast Asian countries, this scholarship requires strong academic credentials, leadership potential, and financial need. It offers an award value of S$25,000, mainly for tuition fees.

Lam See Chiew Memorial Scholarship in Social Entrepreneurship & Philanthropy

Available to all full- and part-time candidates, this scholarship focuses on candidates involved in social entrepreneurship, philanthropy, or volunteer work for at least two years.

LPDP Indonesia Scholarships

Sponsored by the Indonesian government, these scholarships are available for Indonesian citizens pursuing master’s or doctoral studies at top universities, including NUS.

The ADB-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP)

Funded by the Government of Japan, this scholarship is for outstanding full-time MBA candidates from ADB borrowing member countries. It covers full tuition fees and some expenses.

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The NUS APEC Scholarship

Funded by the Singapore Ministry of Education, this scholarship is for candidates from APEC member countries (excluding Singaporeans and PRs). It covers full tuition fees, a monthly stipend, a one-way flight allowance, and book allowance.

The NUS MBA Scholarships for Various Regions

These scholarships target candidates from Latin America, Africa, North America, Europe, and the Middle East, focusing on leadership experience and potential. They partially cover tuition fees.

Private Equity Award

Aimed at MBA students interested in Private Equity, funding those on a semester-long exchange at a partner school.

NUS MBA ESG Scholarship

For candidates who have significantly contributed to Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) initiatives.

NUS MBA Dean’s Award

A prestigious award covering full tuition and an experiential learning grant of S$5,000.

The NUS Part Time MBA Scholarship

For outstanding part-time MBA candidates, this scholarship funds around 15% of the tuition fees.

The NUS MBA Local Scholarship

Open to Singaporean full-time and part-time candidates, awarded based on academic and professional achievements.

The NUS MBA Scholarship for Women

For female candidates with strong academic performance and leadership in women-led causes, this scholarship partially covers tuition fees.

The NUS MBA Entrepreneurship Scholarship

For candidates with entrepreneurship experience, partially covering the tuition fee.

NUS StaffConcession

A 20% tuition fee deduction for eligible full-time staff of NUS and associated institutions.

NUS MBA Alumni Loyalty Grant

A grant of S$10,000 for NUS alumni to offset tuition fees.

NUS MBA Local University Alumni Grant

A grant of S$5,000 for alumni of certain local universities.

NUS MBA Experiential Learning Grant

Helps fund experiential learning opportunities, up to S$5,000 per student.

Skills Future Credit

For Singaporeans aged 25 and above to use towards the MBA program.

We Make Scholars and In Cred

For Indian students seeking education loans.

These scholarships and grants demonstrate NUS’s commitment to attracting a diverse and talented cohort by providing financial assistance and recognizing outstanding achievements.


To be eligible for the NUS MBA program , candidates must meet several key requirements, ensuring they are well-prepared for the rigors of this top-tier business education. Here are the primary eligibility criteria and application requirements:

  • Good Undergraduate Degree: Applicants must hold a strong academic record in any undergraduate field from a reputable academic institution.
  • Work Experience: A minimum of two years of full-time post-undergraduate work experience is required for applicants.
  • GMAT/GRE Scores: All applicants must take either the GMAT or GRE exam. NUS considers candidates’ profiles holistically, so a high score does not guarantee admission, and a lower score may not eliminate a candidate. Official scores must be sent directly to NUS Business School.
  • English Language Proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS): Applicants whose undergraduate degree was not taught exclusively in English are required to submit TOEFL or IELTS scores. The minimum score for TOEFL is 100 (internet-based test) and 7.0 for IELTS.
  • Referee Reports: Two professional referee reports are necessary to complete the application. Referees can be current or previous employers or corporate clients who can provide an accurate professional evaluation.
  • Interview: Short-listed applicants will be interviewed and may be required to take further evaluation tests if deemed necessary by the admissions committee.
  • Scholarship Application: Candidates interested in scholarships should complete the scholarship essay question in the online application form and submit their application by the specified deadline for scholarship consideration.
  • Application Fee: There is an application fee of SGD 100.


The NUS MBA program follows a specific timeline for applications, and it’s crucial for prospective students to be aware of these deadlines to ensure their applications are submitted on time. Importantly, the program typically offers several rounds of application deadlines to accommodate different planning schedules. Consequently, here are the key dates and rounds for the upcoming intake:

For a comprehensive overview of the application timeline and other important details, including deadlines and rounds, you can refer to NUS MBA review sites and the official program website.

  • Application Window: The application period usually spans several months, giving candidates ample time to prepare and submit their applications.
  • Round 1 : Often set in late October. This round is critical for those who want to secure their admission early.
  • Round 2 (Scholarship Consideration Round): Typically in mid-January. This is an important deadline for applicants seeking scholarship consideration.
  • Round 3: Usually in early April. This is the final round and often the last chance for applicants to submit their applications for that year’s intake.

It’s important to note that these dates can vary each year, so candidates should check the official NUS MBA website for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, being aware of these deadlines is crucial, especially if you are applying for scholarships, as some scholarships have specific application rounds.


Here’s a step-by-step overview of the process:

  • Initially, the first step is to complete an online application, which includes providing personal details, educational and professional history, and other relevant information.
  • Subsequently, candidates need to submit various documents, such as undergraduate degree certificates, GMAT/GRE scores, TOEFL/IELTS scores (if applicable), and professional referee reports.
  • Concurrently, applicants are required to pay an application fee of SGD 100.
  • Thereafter, the admissions team reviews the applications and documents submitted, and candidates who meet the eligibility criteria and program’s objectives are shortlisted.
  • Following this, shortlisted candidates are invited for an interview, a crucial part of the process that may be conducted in person or virtually.
  • Additionally, in some cases, candidates may be required to undergo further evaluation tests.
  • Upon successful evaluation, candidates receive an admission offer, which includes details about the program, fee structure, and any scholarship awarded.
  • Next, to confirm their place in the program, candidates must accept the admission offer and fulfill any enrollment requirements, such as paying a deposit.
  • Moreover, for those applying for scholarships, the process includes submitting a scholarship essay and meeting specific deadlines.
  • Finally, students should prepare for the start of the program, which may include pre-reading, accommodation arrangements, and participation in introductory sessions or networking events.


The NUS MBA program boasts a strong track record in terms of employment and placement outcomes, reflecting the high market value of its graduates. Here are key highlights of the employment and placement statistics for NUS MBA graduates:

For a more detailed analysis of the employment and placement outcomes, as well as insights into the career prospects of NUS MBA graduates, you can explore NUS MBA review platforms and official reports published by the program.

  • Employment Rate: A high percentage of graduates secure job offers within a short period after graduation. For instance, 94% of graduates receive at least one job offer within three months of completing the program.
  • Average Starting Salary: Graduates of the NUS MBA program typically see a significant increase in their salary. The mean base salary for graduates is around SGD 85,321.
  • Consulting : 20%
  • Financial Services : 22%
  • Technology : 26%
  • Manufacturing : 7%
  • Healthcare , Media/Entertainment, Real Estate, Retail, Consumer Products, and others also recruit NUS MBA graduates.
  • Global Opportunities: The NUS MBA equips graduates with skills and knowledge that are valued globally, opening doors to career opportunities not just in Singapore but also in other regions.
  • Career Services: The NUS MBA career development office plays a pivotal role in student placement. They offer various services such as career coaching, workshops, networking events, and access to an exclusive job portal.

These employment outcomes underscore the effectiveness of the NUS MBA program in preparing students for successful careers in a variety of sectors and geographical regions.


Here are some key points and tips for writing an effective NUS MBA application essay:

  • Firstly, familiarize yourself with the specific essay questions included in the NUS MBA application.
  • Secondly, use the essay to highlight what makes you unique, showcasing your distinct qualities.
  • Moreover, clearly articulate your career goals and how the NUS MBA will facilitate achieving them.
  • Additionally, reflect on your leadership experiences and your ability to collaborate in teams.
  • Importantly, considering NUS’s global orientation, mentioning any international experience or global perspective could be beneficial.
  • Furthermore, share insights into your personal and professional growth, especially in challenging situations.
  • Also, mention how you plan to contribute to the NUS MBA community, both as a student and as an alumnus.
  • In terms of writing, ensure your essay is authentic, reflective of your true self, and concise.
  • Consequently, proofread and edit to ensure your essay is well-written, free of errors, and professionally presented.
  • Finally, tailor your essay to align with the values and ethos of the NUS MBA program, reinforcing your fit with their community.


Here are key aspects to consider when preparing LORs for your NUS MBA application:

  • Firstly, choose individuals who know you well professionally, such as current or former supervisors, mentors, or clients for your recommendations.
  • Secondly, brief your recommenders on the NUS MBA program and its requirements to guide their letters.
  • Additionally, encourage recommenders to provide specific examples that highlight your skills and contributions.
  • Moreover, the letter of recommendation (LOR) should assess your professional abilities, including leadership and analytical skills.
  • Importantly, recommenders should comment on your potential for growth in the NUS MBA and your future career prospects.
  • Furthermore, it’s beneficial if the recommendation aligns with your MBA goals and demonstrates your fit for the program.
  • Concerning the submission process, ensure your recommenders are aware of the deadlines and procedures.
  • Also, the letter should be authentic and professional, maintaining a tone that adds credibility to your application.
  • Finally, after the LORs are submitted, remember to thank your recommenders for their support and effort.


Here’s a guide on what to expect and how to prepare for the NUS MBA interview :

  • Introduce yourself, highlighting your background, career journey, and motivation for an MBA.
  • Explain why you chose NUS’s MBA, focusing on its alignment with your career and personal goals.
  • Describe your short-term and long-term career goals and how NUS’s MBA will facilitate them.
  • Share leadership experiences, challenges, and solutions.
  • Discuss your teamwork and conflict resolution skills in group settings.
  • Address your readiness for the MBA’s academic demands, especially if you’re from a non-business background.
  • Talk about ethical dilemmas you’ve faced in your career and your decision-making process.
  • Reflect on a professional failure, its impacts, and the lessons learned.
  • Detail how you plan to contribute to the NUS MBA community.
  • Prepare insightful questions about the program, faculty, or student life for the interviewer.

Preparation Tips

  • Research the Program: Understand NUS MBA’s curriculum, specializations, culture, and values.
  • Self-Reflection: Reflect on your experiences, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations.
  • Practice: Conduct mock interviews to get comfortable with your responses.
  • Be Authentic: Be honest and genuine in your answers. Authenticity is key to a successful interview.
  • Professionalism: Dress appropriately and maintain a professional demeanor.

Remember, the interview is not just about assessing your fit for the MBA program; it’s also an opportunity for you to gauge how the program aligns with your aspirations and goals. For firsthand insights into the interview experience and how the NUS MBA program resonates with prospective candidates’ goals and aspirations, you can explore NUS MBA review platforms where current and former students share their experiences and perspectives.


The NUS MBA stands out for several reasons, making it a highly sought-after program for students around the globe. Here are the key factors that contribute to its uniqueness:

Global Recognition and Ranking

The NUS MBA is consistently ranked among the top MBA programs globally, renowned for its academic excellence and global perspective.

Strong Asian Focus with a Global Outlook

The program offers a unique blend of Western business models and Asian insights, making it particularly appealing for those looking to excel in the dynamic Asian markets or understand global business through an Asian lens. For a more detailed examination of the program’s distinctive approach and its relevance in today’s global business landscape, you can delve into NUS MBA review platforms where students and alumni share their perspectives and experiences.

Diverse and International Cohort

The NUS MBA attracts students from various nationalities, creating a multicultural learning environment. This diversity enriches classroom discussions and fosters a broader understanding of global business challenges.

Robust Curriculum with Specializations

The program offers a flexible and rigorous curriculum, with a wide range of electives and specializations, allowing students to tailor their learning to their career aspirations. For a deeper understanding of how the curriculum flexibility enhances the learning experience and aligns with diverse career goals, you can explore NUS MBA review platforms where students and alumni provide insights and feedback on their academic journey.

Experiential Learning Opportunities

NUS emphasizes practical learning experiences through internships, consulting projects, and field trips, which provide hands-on exposure to real-world business challenges.

Strong Industry Connections and Networking Opportunities

The program’s links with the business community in Singapore and beyond offer immense networking opportunities and potential for future career advancements.

Strategic Location in Singapore

Situated in Singapore, a global business hub, NUS offers students access to a vibrant economic environment and opportunities to interact with a myriad of multinational companies. For firsthand accounts of how the program leverages its strategic location to provide enriching opportunities for students, you can explore NUS MBA review platforms where individuals share their experiences and perspectives on the program’s networking and career development initiatives.

Dedicated Career Development Support

The program’s career services are highly proactive in providing students with career coaching, workshops, and recruitment events, enhancing their employability and career progression.

Commitment to Sustainability and Social Responsibility

NUS MBA incorporates elements of sustainability and ethical leadership, reflecting the growing importance of these aspects in modern business practices.

Alumni Network

Graduates become part of a vast and influential alumni network, which is a valuable resource for lifelong learning and career development.

The NUS MBA program’s unique blend of global insights, Asian expertise, experiential learning, and a diverse community creates an enriching educational experience that prepares students to be future-ready leaders.

In conclusion, the NUS MBA program stands as a beacon of excellence in business education, uniquely positioned to offer students a transformative journey. Its rigorous curriculum, global recognition, diverse community, and focus on real-world applicability make it an ideal choice for aspiring business leaders looking to make a significant impact in the global business landscape.

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Nus business school mba application insider.

Picture yourself in the NUS MBA cohort? Our MBA Application Insider tells you how to get accepted (Credit: NUS Facebook)

Picture yourself in the NUS MBA cohort? Our MBA Application Insider tells you how to get accepted (Credit: NUS Facebook)

NUS Business School is home to a top MBA program at the heart of Asia. But what does the NUS admissions team look for in its MBA applicants?


National University of Singapore - NUS Business School

Headshot of Simon Lovick

Wed Oct 7 2020

In the 55 years since it was founded, NUS Business School in Singapore has cemented its reputation as one of the best business schools in the world. 

NUS led the charge of Asian programs up the Financial Times Global MBA Rankings and, as of 2020, is the second highest ranked Asian MBA, coming in at 15th overall. It has unique access to Singapore’s economy, considered one of the most innovative and dynamic economies in the world. NUS also offers the most affordable MBA in the FT's top 20. 

So what does it take to get into the NUS MBA? BusinessBecause spoke to the NUS MBA admissions team, to find out what they look for in candidates, and what applicants can expect from the admissions process. 

What does NUS look for in MBA candidates?

NUS is fairly clear on what it's looking for in candidates. Leadership potential, intellectual curiosity, communication skills, and self-awareness are chief among the soft skills which the MBA admissions team actively look for in applicants. 

Crucially, the team isn't just looking for a homogenous group: diversity is at the heart of the admissions process. 

This includes global diversity: 90% of the MBA cohort is international, drawing in students from across Asia and the rest of the world. But it’s also not just about where you are from, but about your professional background, your interests, and your personality. 

Su Ann Teo, head of admissions for The NUS MBA, believes this is a big part of looking at what applicants can contribute and bring to the classroom. After all, with an intimate group of 50 students in each class, having active participants is vital. 

“We look for a propensity to contribute to classroom discussions, people who are positive about sharing their own experiences with fellow classmates,” Su Ann notes. 

What can you expect from the NUS MBA application?

The NUS MBA application has several distinct stages, on top of standard requirements like a GMAT score, an MBA resume, and references. 

First of all, candidates have to complete the online application form. This includes two compulsory essays and one optional essay. For 2021 admissions, the essay questions are:

Wedad emphasizes the importance of the word “transform” in the first essay question. “We’d like to hear applicants elaborate on the kind of transformation they are looking for, both personally and professionally. The NUS MBA offers plenty of opportunities beyond the classroom, from exchanges, study trips, internships, to a thriving student club ecosystem where students can deepen their knowledge, explore career pathways, and build their network.” 

“We want candidates looking for real change and real experiences.”

The NUS admissions team strongly encourages candidates to get to the heart of the NUS MBA. They should research the curriculum, with more than 50 academic and experiential electives offered, for students to select and customise their own learning pathway, and speak to current students and alumni to get first-hand insights into their experience.

Crucially, it’s not about articulating your fit for any MBA: they want to know why the NUS MBA in particular. “There needs to be a two way fit—not just their suitability for the program, but how the program will fit your overall goals and plans,” Wedad says.  

How can you stand out in the NUS MBA interview?

After the online application, shortlisted candidates are invited to an interview. This is an opportunity to really shine, to bring your application to life and show NUS what you’ll bring to the MBA. 

“We want candidates to be able to articulate those qualities through examples, stories they can tell us, and personal experiences. Being able to bring that out adds a lot of credibility to their application,” Su Ann stresses. 

Questions will vary, from the skills, expertise or interests you may bring to the classroom, how you’ve worked in a team or overcome challenging situations, to asking about your views on leadership and management.

Secondly, thinking about your contributions is important, both inside and outside the classroom. Campus life and MBA student clubs are an important part of the NUS experience, and they want to see that you’re keen to participate and contribute. 

There are a few big things to avoid during the interview. For example, don’t be late, don’t start by reading out your resume chronologically, and avoid general statements. ”This is your elevator pitch, so first impressions are everything.”  

Applicants who stand out are those who are honest and candid. The interview process is really an opportunity for candidates to share their experiences, how these experiences have shaped them, and how they see themselves in the future. 

“Be authentic. We want to get to know you as a person. We’re looking for candidates who have interesting stories to tell, beyond the accomplishments that you have covered in your CV,” Wedad says. 

Su Ann adds—”Show us more of who you are, that's valuable.” 

  • MBA Application Insider

Student Reviews

I have studied at the top university in the world and it was no doubt an overwhelming experience for me. I have gained skills as well as knowledge and it was the aim of this institute to give the insight of the skills besides theoretical learning.

My journey at University of Singapore

1. In my opinion, the library (actually the library) was a great resource and facilitated a great learning environment. 2nd The professors and tutors were knowledgeable in their respective fields and were happy to help and involve students who visited them outside of class. 3. The students themselves were involved in each program in very different ways. You can meet everyone from lazy people to studious people. In my experience, students were motivated by grades and sheer intellect. 4. A myriad of extracurricular activities and facilities were available at a very low cost. 5. Academic performance is rated very high. when I applied to college S., my NUS transcripts had to be standardized in order for them to assign me a US GPA. During this conversion all C's were converted to As

Prestigious university - learning is in your hands

Pros: - Great branding (one of the top universities in Southeast Asia) - Relatively easy coursework (As a business major, I spend about a third of my week studying and the rest working) - Qualify under the High Potential Individual visa that UK is handing out (all NUS students can apply to get a visa to work/ live in the UK for 2 years). I don’t expect NUS to be removed from this list any time soon given it’s reputation. Cons: - Lack flexibility in coursework (committing upfront on the major you are taking from matriculation

Great opportunities,

Perhaps the best part of NUS is the vast amount of opportunities it affords it's students. It's almost as if every week there's a new career fair, industrial visit, hackathon, or any other competition or event for it's students to join. NUS also offers multiple exchange programs ranging from 3 to 12 months (see the NOC programme) to grant it's students a more international outlook upon their graduation. There is a general atmosphere here that employability isn't an issue once we graduate. It's just unfortunate that it seems most students don't utilize these opportunities the best they can, but this attitude is simply a by-product of the results-oriented education system in Singapore that can be chalked up to the lack of diversity in the student body beyond Singaporeans. Perhaps bringing in more international students will help skew the results-focused nature of academics at NUS to a focus on more holistic education and development - what I personally believe a university education is really worth. However, with the right mindset and attitude, I believe NUS can truly offer a world class education, provided you're willing to put in the extra effort.

A dynamic and inter-disciplinary experience, that nurtured a love for learning

Coming from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, what I greatly enjoyed was the sheer breadth of courses available within the faculty and encouragement to take courses outside our faculty as well. Courses were always engaging, and professors and lecturers often gave students the freedom to pick topics for their final term papers or presentation and exercise creativity - for example, my interest in Art History meant that I could often delve deeper into this interest in my main academic leanings of Political Science and History. Professors and lecturers made themselves readily available to the students, and were approachable. During my time in NUS, there was a noticeable effort to invest in the students' global experiences (Exchange Programmes, Summer School, NUS Overseas College) - I truly believe that NUS was sincere in allowing as many students to have overseas experiences in spite of financial capabilities, and if one made the effort, the Centre for Future Ready Graduates was useful and invested in the potential careers of students too. When a friend from another local university did a local exchange to NUS, he remarked that NUS students truly loved to learn. I was content being surrounded by people who pursued their Arts/Social Sciences disciplines with a love for the content. It is also dynamic to be in a university that simply has so many different disciplines and faculties - one is just surrounded by people of varying interests and experiences, and forces them to look beyond their majors. Of course, NUS is commonly known for being too theoretical and content-focused. This is up to the students' prerogatives on how they want to exact their education and mould it for their lives, but generally NUS feels comfortable and safe within the academic realm - there is no push towards internships or whatnot that other universities might focus on. This could be a con. Another thing I did not like about NUS in recent times was the blatant grade inflation - that juniors from the 2014/5 batch could have liberties to S/U a lot more modules than their seniors could in some bid to take the focus away from grades, and towards learning and experimenting. Nevertheless, I greatly cherished my time in NUS and would highly recommend it.


There is an issue of overcrowding during peak hours such as before morning class and lunch time. This results in uncomfortable travelling experience for many students, it also becomes dangerous when the drivers make steep turns and brakes suddenly.

never ending accademic excellence

Considering various aspects of my university experience, here is my review as a student at National university of Singapore. NUS is highly ranked globally and has a strong reputation for academic excellence across a wide range of disciplines. The school attracts a diverse student body and offers an international perspective through its academic programs and exchange partnerships with other universities. NUS boasts modern facilities, including libraries, laboratories, and recreational spaces. Accommodation is spacious. However, due to its high reputation, admission to NUS can be highly competitive, making it challenging for some students to gain entry. Singapore is known for its high cost of living, and this may pose a challenge for students on a tight budget, especially those coming from lower-income backgrounds. International students may face a period of adjustment to a new cultural and social environment when studying at NUS.

rigorous yet a nurturing academic environment

As a student at the National University of Singapore NUS, I have found it to be a vibrant and diverse institution with a top-notch faculty. The faculty are not only knowledgeable but also approachable and supportive of students' academic pursuits. For me the University is rigorous yet a nurturing academic environment. The student life is rich with clubs and activities, and the accommodation options are comfortable and safe. While tuition fees may vary, there are numerous financial aid and scholarship opportunities available. Overall, NUS offers a well-rounded university experience with modern facilities and a strong emphasis on global engagement. Overall, my experience at NUS has been enriching, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a world-class education in a dynamic and inclusive environment.

high cost of living

The cost of living at the National University of Singapore (NUS) is quite high for Chinese citizens, especially when compared to living expenses in China. Accommodation, food, and transportation expenses are significant, with rent for a room in on-campus housing ranging from S$400 to S$1000 per month. While there are affordable food options on campus, dining out can be expensive. However, the quality of education at NUS is excellent, with top-notch faculty and resources available to students. The university ranks among the best in Asia and offers a wide range of programs, ensuring a high standard of education. As for student life, NUS has a vibrant campus with numerous clubs, societies, and events to cater to various interests. Chinese students can find a sense of community through cultural groups, while also engaging in activities with local and international students. Overall, despite the high cost of living, NUS provides a diverse and enriching educational experience for Chinese students.

dedicated staff

I am a local student studying at the National University of Singapore, I can confidently say that this institution truly lives up to its reputation as one of the best universities in the world. What I appreciate the most about NUS is the quality of education that is offered here. The professors are dedicated to helping students succeed. The curriculum is rigorous and challenging, but it is also very rewarding as it equips us with the knowledge and skills. I really lik the campus itself. It is well-maintained and equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. The campus is also vibrant and bustling with various activities and events. Furthermore, NUS has a strong emphasis on research and innovation, which is evident in the many groundbreaking research projects that are being conducted here. As a student, I feel proud to be part of an institution that is at the forefront of pushing boundaries and making significant contributions to various fields of study.

dynamic student population

The diverse and dynamic student population at the National University of Singapore greatly enriches the overall academic experience for me. Interacting with peers from different cultural backgrounds and perspectives broadens my understanding of the world and fosters a truly global mindset. The diverse student body also creates a vibrant campus environment, with a plethora of cultural events, clubs, and activities that cater to a wide range of interests. This diversity not only enhances the social aspect of student life but also promotes collaboration and innovation in academic pursuits. The varied perspectives and experiences of my classmates challenge me to think critically and approach problems from different angles, ultimately contributing to a more holistic and well-rounded education.

numerous opportunities

Studying at the National University of Singapore has been a mind-blowing experience. The rigorous curriculum challenges me to think critically and expand my intellectual horizons. The professors are world-renowned experts in their fields, providing unparalleled guidance and mentorship. The campus is vibrant and conducive to learning, fostering a sense of community among students. The numerous opportunities for research and extracurricular activities have enriched my academic journey. Overall, my time at NUS has been both challenging and rewarding, preparing me for a successful future. I recommend the university to other students

expert faculty

I can confidently say that I am proud to be part of such a prestigious institution. NUS offers world-class education with top-notch facilities and resources. The professors are experts in their field and are dedicated to helping us succeed. The campus is beautiful and conducive to learning, with a vibrant student life that offers numerous clubs and activities to get involved in. However, there are some drawbacks to attending NUS. The workload can be overwhelming at times, with heavy course loads and demanding assignments. Additionally, the competitive nature of some programs can create a stressful environment for students. The bureaucracy and red tape can also be frustrating, making it difficult to navigate certain administrative processes. I recommend NUS because it is a fantastic university that provides a high-quality education.

Affordablility and quality

I have discovered the university to be relatively affordable compared to other top institutions around the world. The application process was not hectic, and there are scholarship opportunities available for students in need of financial assistance. Enrolling at the university was an easy process, with helpful staff guiding me through each step. The tuition fees are worth the quality of education provided. The university offers world-class facilities, renowned professors, and a diverse range of courses that prepare students for success in their chosen fields.

enthusiastic school spirit

I am confident in the career success opportunities that the university provides. NUS has a strong network of alumni and industry connections, making it easier for students to secure internships and job placements. The tuition costs at NUS are reasonable compared to other top universities, and there are various scholarships available for both local and international students based on merit and financial need. School spirit at NUS is strong and enthusiastic, with numerous student organizations and clubs to join. The campus is always buzzing with events, workshops, and activities that foster a sense of community and belonging. As a student, I have had the opportunity to gain valuable work experience through internships and research projects, which have enriched my academic learning and prepared me for the workforce.

Maria Vazquez

global recognition

the examination style at NUS emphasizes critical thinking and application of knowledge rather than rote memorization. The university's rigorous assessment methods challenge students to demonstrate their understanding and analytical skills, preparing them for real-world scenarios. NUS is globally recognized and accredited, ranking as one of the top universities in the world. This accreditation ensures that the degrees and programs offered by NUS are of high quality and recognized internationally, providing students with a competitive edge in their future careers. The university offers a wide range of programs across various disciplines. These programs are taught by renowned faculty members. Accommodation options at NUS are comfortable and convenient, with on-campus residences and off-campus housing options available for students. The university also provides a reliable and efficient transport system, making it easy for students to commute to and from campus.

campus look and feel

As a student at the National University of Singapore, the academics here are top-notch. The professors are highly knowledgeable and dedicated, and the coursework is challenging yet rewarding. The campus is located in the vibrant Kent Ridge area, surrounded by lush greenery and stunning architecture. The food options on campus are diverse and delicious, ranging from traditional hawker fare to international cuisines. There are also plenty of cafes and eateries off campus, so you'll never run out of dining choices. In terms of getting around, NUS has a well-connected shuttle bus service that makes it easy to travel between different parts of the campus. Additionally, there are plenty of public transportation options nearby, including buses and the MRT.

students taking control

I am impressed by the numerous student leadership roles available on campus. From student clubs and organizations to residential hall councils, there are ample opportunities for students to take on leadership positions and contribute to the university community. Moreover, the university encourages peer-to-peer support through programs like peer tutoring, study groups, and mentorship initiatives. The quality of education at NUS is exceptional, with knowledgeable faculty members, innovative teaching methods, and cutting-edge research opportunities. The university's rigorous academic standards challenge students to excel and think critically, preparing them for success in their fields. Lastly, student life at NUS is vibrant and diverse. From cultural festivals and sports events to academic conferences and community service projects, there is never a dull moment on campus.

different support services

National University of Singapore offers a wide range of support services to help students succeed in their studies. Firstly, there is academic support in the form of study skills workshops, tutorial classes, and academic advisors who provide guidance on course selection and career planning. The university also has a well-equipped library with academic resources and study spaces. In terms of personal support, the university has counseling services and support groups for students facing mental health issues or personal challenges. There are also campus health services and a student wellness center that promote physical and mental well-being. Additionally, the university offers financial aid and scholarships to students in need, as well as career services to help students secure internships and job opportunities. The university also organizes networking events, industry talks, and career fairs to connect students with potential employers.

Exchange students

As an exchange student at the National University of Singapore (NUS), I have had an incredible experience studying at this prestigious institution. The university offers a wide range of courses taught by world-renowned faculty members. The campus is modern and vibrant, with excellent facilities and resources available to students. NUS also provides numerous opportunities for cultural immersion and exploration through student organizations, events, and international exchange programs. They have Diverse and high-quality academic programs, World-class faculty members. However Large class sizes in some courses, Competitive academic environment, Cost of living in Singapore can be high and Limited interaction with local Singaporean students outside of classes can be a burden.

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NUS MBA Essays

NUS is ranked 1 MBA program in Singapore, and is most preffered closer home programs by most Indian MBA aspirants.

Essay 1: Please pick ONE of the following short prompts to complete your first NUS MBA Essay. (Max 300 words)

a. I am passionate about… b. My greatest challenge has been… c. My biggest failure was…

Essay 2:  Briefly describe your immediate post-MBA career goal including your industry, function and country of choice and how have your prior experiences motivated and prepared you to pursue these goals? (Max 300 words)

 Essay 3: In this NUS MBA Essay, you are required to share anything else (that you may think is relevant for the Admissions Committee) that may not have been covered in the rest of the application.

NUS Resume:  Upload your updated resume containing your education background, work experience, memberships in associations/ organisations, achievements, international experience, etc.

You also need to submit two recommendation letters. These can be requested from your seniors, clients, employer or supervisor.

NUS Application Deadlines

Round I* (31 Jan), Round II (31 Mar) * Scholarship qualifying period Applicants are reviewed on a rolling basis; hence, applicants are encouraged to submit their application early.

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I graduated !!! ( still can't believe it ... ) I couldn't have been here without you ... thanks for everything ..

Anu Mangal 730, Washington Olin, Foster, Illinois

National University of Singapore MBA Admission Details and Applications Essays 2022-23

Here is a snapshot of the vital information for the applicants


  • How have people, events, and/or situations in your life influenced who you are today? (250 words)
  • How do you plan to spend your time on The NUS MBA to transform yourself personally & professionally? Briefly describe your experience to date, and how this and The NUS MBA can help you achieve your mid and long term career goals. (350 words)
  • OPTIONAL: Is there any additional information relevant to your application that you’d like to share with the Admissions Committee? (200 words)


1 31 October 2022
2 16 January 2023
3 30 March 2023


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International Students

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Application Fee

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  1. NUS MBA Sample Essays and Tips

    nus mba essay questions 2022

  2. Mba admission essay services nus, nus singapore essays

    nus mba essay questions 2022

  3. NUS MBA Application Essay Tips From an Admissions Expert

    nus mba essay questions 2022

  4. Mba admission essay services nus, nus singapore essays

    nus mba essay questions 2022

  5. MBA Application Insider: NUS Business School

    nus mba essay questions 2022

  6. CMU Tepper MBA Essays for 2022-2023

    nus mba essay questions 2022



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  6. Top 10 Non-IIMS MBA Colleges


  1. Admissions

    The NUS MBA (full-time) August 2024 Intake. Application deadline. Application window: 1 August 2023 - 2 April 2024. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Round 1: 31 October 2023. Round 2: 17 January 2024 (Scholarship consideration round) Round 3: 2 April 2024. To be considered for a scholarship, please submit a completed application ...

  2. 10 common mistakes applicants often make

    If your company is sponsoring your MBA studies, do upload your company sponsorship letter too. #8 Missing out on scholarship application as part of the application process. Candidates often overlook the scholarship application as part of the whole application process. You can apply for a scholarship within the same application form.

  3. NUS MBA Essays : Sample Essays & Writing Tips

    NUS MBA application essays are designed to assess your fit for the program. Each prompt is an opportunity to showcase different facets of your background and aspirations. Short Essay Prompts (300 words) Option A: Passionate about…. Option B: Greatest challenge…. Option C: Biggest failure…. Post-MBA Career Goals (300 words) Discuss your ...

  4. Admissions, Funding & Scholarships

    Score reports have to be valid for at least one month from the point of submission. TOEFL: Minimum score of 100. IELTS: Minimum score of 7.0. Learn about The NUS MBA admission requirements, application deadlines, fees, scholarships & funding and the application process.

  5. NUS MBA Application Essay Tips From an Admissions Expert

    This is a small program of fewer than 100 students, but 93% of those students hail from over 30 countries outside of Singapore. My tips for completing the NUS MBA application are below in blue. Essays: 1. Please answer ONE of the following short essay prompts. (300 words) a. I am passionate about….

  6. NUS MBA

    NUS Essay 2: Tell us about your intermediate (3 years) post-MBA career goal, describing your industry, function, and country of choice and a plan on how you would achieve this goal. (250 words) In the past six years, I have gained experience in the edible oil industry. I had the freedom and opportunity to work in China, Indonesia and Thailand.

  7. NUS MBA Review : Ultimate Admit Guide for Aspirants

    22/12/2023 | 10:13 pm. NUS MBA Review - The National University of Singapore (NUS) MBA program is globally recognized, offering a transformative educational experience with a strong focus on Asia. The program is available in both full-time (17 months) and part-time (24-30 months) formats, starting every August, and is situated in Singapore, a ...

  8. NUS MBA Class of 2023- Essay Analysis : MBA Archive

    End each one with how it will relate to your goals. NUS's core values are Excellence, Care, Innovation, Integrity, Teamwork. It would be a good idea to include at least one example of leadership skills (essential for any business school). • The NUS MBA - There are 4 main aspects of a b-school education 1) the in class experience- courses ...

  9. NUS Business School MBA Application Insider

    The NUS MBA application has several distinct stages, on top of standard requirements like a GMAT score, an MBA resume, and references. First of all, candidates have to complete the online application form. This includes two compulsory essays and one optional essay. For 2021 admissions, the essay questions are:

  10. NUS MBA Essay

    Essay 1: Please pick ONE of the following short prompts to complete your first NUS MBA Essay. (Max 300 words) a. I am passionate about…. b. My greatest challenge has been…. c. My biggest failure was…. Essay 2: Briefly describe your immediate post-MBA career goal including your industry, function and country of choice and how have your ...

  11. How to Apply to NUS

    This is a step by step guide for applying to #National #University of #Singapore. I have explained for NUS MBA program @NUSBizSchool , but the steps will re...

  12. Calling all NUS MBA Applicants: 2022 Intake [Class of 2024]

    Schools: NUS (M) NTU (A$) GMAT 1: 530 Q42 V21. GMAT 2: 640 Q44 V33 (Online) GPA: Send PM. Re: Calling all NUS MBA Applicants: 2022 Intake [Class of 2024] [#permalink] Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:24 am. namlaoxao wrote: hi, today is the deadline of R2. However, the deadline of my recommendation is a 24/01.


    If you do not have any of the above social accounts, please click to create a NUS Account for . here Undergraduate Admission Application. (3) Students residing in Singapore are encouraged to use the postal code search function so that accurate residential address information such as Block/House Number and Street Name can be pre-loaded in one-click.

  14. National University of Singapore MBA Admissions Details, Applications

    ESSAY QUESTIONS. How have people, events, and/or situations in your life influenced who you are today? (250 words) How do you plan to spend your time on The NUS MBA to transform yourself personally & professionally? Briefly describe your experience to date, and how this and The NUS MBA can help you achieve your mid and long term career goals ...

  15. Essay Questions MBA

    The document contains sample essay prompts from several top MBA programs, including: - NUS Business School in Singapore, asking applicants to discuss how they will contribute to the learning environment and their career prospects as a manager. - Nanyang Business School in Singapore, with questions about impactful professional experiences and goals for post-MBA career and skills development ...

  16. Application Guides & Sample Forms

    Office of Admissions. National University of Singapore. University Town 2 College Avenue West #01-03 (Stephen Riady Centre) Singapore 138607 +65 6516 1010

  17. NUS MBA Essays, Application Deadlines and Admission Tips

    NUS MBA application 2024 deadlines, essays help, & NUS essay editing service along with sample essays analysis by best NUS MBA consultants. Skip to content (IND)+91 90350 50056 ... NUS MBA . NUS Essays; NUS Interview Questions ; NUS MBA Deadlines; MIT Sloan MBA . MIT Essays; MIT Interview; MIT Sloan Fellows Program; IIM MBA Admissions .

  18. NUS MSc in Finance (2022 Intake) : Business School Discussions

    Calling all applications to the 2022 intake of NUS Business School's MSc in Finance program! This is a platform to share relevant resources, information and advice. ... What AdComs Look For, Typical Essay Questions Wed 08/21 (11:30am ET): MPrep CR Series EP2 - Evaluate, Discrepancy, & Fill in the Blank Questions ... Ace the "Why MBA" Essay ...

  19. NUS MBA Essay Analysis & MBA Application Deadline

    NUS essay 1:Please introduce yourself to your NUS MBA classmates. (300 words) NUS essay 2:Please answer ONE of the following short essay prompts. (300 words) * a. I am passionate about…. b. My greatest challenge has been…. c. My biggest failure was …. NUS essay 3:Tell us about your intermediate (5 yrs.) post-MBA career goal, describing ...


    Don't stress the essays too much; unless you're a national Olympiad winner or something, NUS only cares about your grades. As an international student applying to CS, I'm assuming you're doing Cambridge International A levels. Then to be competitive you'd ideally need 4 A* to be considered, if not it's pretty much impossible.

  21. Weekly Refresh: Latest MBA Essay Questions, Analyzed

    Weekly Refresh: Latest MBA Essay Questions, Analyzed - Plus Deadlines & Rec Forms School Q&A Admissions Director Q&A: Mohammad Salhia of Toronto Rotman Weekly Columns The Week Ahead: Cambridge Judge Deadline, August 26-30, 2024 Featured Schools. Emory / Goizueta. CLASS SIZE: 125

  22. Calling all NUS Singapore MBA Applicants: 2025 Intake Class of 2027

    NUS MBA Essays 2024-25: Essay 1: How have people, events, and/or situations in your life influenced who you are today? ... NUS MBA Employment report 2022-23: Average Salary: $77,109: Received offer in 3 months: 93%: Changed location: 69%: ... hi, I just noticed that the essay questions for this year(2025 intake) are 3 compulsory and 1 optional ...

  23. Calling all NUS MBA Applicants: 2024 Intake Class of 2026 : NUS

    Send PM. Re: Calling all NUS MBA Applicants: 2024 Intake Class of 2026 [ #permalink ] Tue Aug 01, 2023 5:29 pm. Expert Reply. Foster's application for Autumn 2024 admission is open! The following are the application deadlines. Round 1: October 3, 2023. Round 2: January 4, 2024. Round 3: March 14, 2024.

  24. NUS B School LoR Questions: Class of 2025 : MBA Archive

    Sample Essays. Ask Admissions Consultants. GMAT. Score Calculator. Study Plan. Math Book. ... NUS B School LoR Questions: Class of 2025 Thu Oct 13, 2022 6:39 am Hi, Can someone please post LoR questions. ... Feel free to dive into our dedicated NUS Forum for all fresh things related to the NUS MBA program. Thank you for understanding, and happy ...