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How To Write An EPQ Essay (Step-by-Step Guide)

In A-Level by Think Student Editor March 29, 2019 8 Comments

Whatever the reasons were for you choosing to write an EPQ, the grade you get is most definitely important to you. That is why I have written this (hopefully) detailed guide on how to write an EPQ.

1. Think Of An EPQ Topic That Genuinely Interests You 

EPQ Topic Idea

It’s important to choose an EPQ you’re interested in, or you may run into some problems . Many students take EPQs each year, and many students fail because they make this mistake.

If you don’t take an EPQ you’re interested in, you’ll have no motivation to work on it . This will be because you start to want to do other things, anything instead of your EPQ.

Think about revision, for example. Is it interesting? Nope. Would you rather be playing videogames, watching Netflix, or literally anything else? Yeah, me too.

If you’re not motivated to write your EPQ essay, then you’ll either not do it or do it badly. If you don’t work hard for it, you won’t get good marks – and therefore there’s less point in even taking it in the first place .

If you find an EPQ topic to write your essay on that genuinely peaks your interest, you’ll find it much easier to get better grades in it.

A more interesting EPQ essay topic will mean that your focus is better . This will result in a better EPQ, meaning more marks when you hand it in.

You’ll also enjoy the EPQ a lot more if you find it interesting . You’ll find the whole experience a lot more fun, and therefore a lot easier too.

To find an EPQ topic that genuinely interests you, you just have to think about what you like. There are lots of different things you can do, but you only get to choose once – so choose carefully.

And if you’re really stuck on ideas, take a look at this list of 600+ EPQ ideas that guarantee an A* . Any of these ideas will be great for your EPQ, so just choose one that interests you and that you’ll actually enjoy.

2. Create A Mind Map Surrounding Your EPQ Topic

How To Use Mind Maps Effectively For GCSE And A-Level Revision

A mind map is where you write down everything you know about a topic . In this case, you’d be writing down all the ideas and concepts surrounding your EPQ topic.

That way you can see everything you need to write about in your EPQ essay. You’re essentially making a mood board for whatever EPQ idea you’ve chosen, and it will help you get in the right mindset for the task ahead.

Mind maps are most commonly used to identify gaps in your knowledge . Students tend to use them when revising to work out what they don’t know, whilst also helping them consolidate what they do know.

In terms of your EPQ essay, a mind map will provide a loose structure for you to follow . You’ll come up with lots of different things you can write about, and that will make the essay a lot easier.

In addition to this, whilst creating your mind map you may even decide to change your topic entirely. You might find that the topic you’ve chosen isn’t giving you any idea inspiration, and so you move on to a different topic. 

To make sure you get your mind maps right, you might want to follow this helpful guideline . It’s mainly about studying, but the same things can be said for planning your EPQ essay.

Don’t try rushing in to your EPQ essay without first creating a mind map . Mind maps are more useful than most students think…

Mind maps will help you avoid getting lost in what you’ve written, what you’ve missed, and what you’re planning on doing. You can use your EPQ topic mind maps as a sort of checklist as you write your EPQ essay.

3. Use Your Mind Map To Think Of A Question Related To Your Main EPQ Topic

EPQ Topic Idea Question

Many students forget to think about this, but it’s probably the most important part of your EPQ . If you get this bit wrong, you can say goodbye to a good grade in your EPQ.

The question relating to your EPQ topic of choice is what you’ll spend your time working on . The 5000 words you write will be about this question, and so it really needs to be a good one.

If you don’t make it a question that interests you, then you’ll find it harder to write as much about it. Find a question that genuinely peaks your interest (relating to your EPQ of course) and the rest will come naturally.

It’s also important, however, that you choose a question where there’s a lot to write about . If you choose a question with lots to write about, you can use that to your advantage when trying to reach those 5000 words.

However, if you don’t choose a question where there’s a lot to write about, you’ll find that your EPQ is slow and drains you. Not only that, but it’ll probably be worse in terms of grade too.

I’d suggest doing a little background research into your question before you start writing your EPQ essay . Just check that there’s lots to write about and then you can avoid starting something you can’t finish.

As a general rule, you’ll want questions that don’t have definitive answers. If you can find a question that is inconclusive, you’re onto a winner.

If you can’t be bothered to look up EPQ questions, then there’s an alternative . Take a look at this list of 600+ EPQ ideas that guarantee an A* .

4. Write Down Subtitles That Relate To Your Main EPQ Question

EPQ Structure

Writing down subtitles for your EPQ question means that you’ll have a better idea of what’s actually going into your EPQ essay .

When you create your subtitles for your EPQ essay, you’re essentially writing down all the mini-topics you’ll write about. You split up the massive 5000 word count into smaller, more manageable parts.

I’d suggest making as many subtitles as you can that relate to your main EPQ question. Just go for a massive brainstorm ( potentially using your mind map ) to try and come up with lots of subtitles.

That way you maximize the chances of you making some actually good subtitles. You’ll have lots of options to choose from, and your EPQ will benefit from having such a varied range of points.

You also put yourself in the right mindset for your EPQ essay . You’ll be much more open to different ideas and approaches whilst actually writing the EPQ, and examiners will see this and give you extra credit.

However, you need to make sure that the subtitles you’re writing actually relate to your EPQ question . If they don’t, you could run into some serious problems.

If you choose to work on a subtitle that doesn’t wholly relate to your EPQ question, you risk filling up your word count with irrelevant information. That means less room for the important stuff, and less marks for you.

Make sure you check all your subtitles before you start writing . Work out what the plan is before you start writing, so that you don’t have to rewrite a large portion of your EPQ essay.

So grab a pen and paper, sit down, put on some nice music, and get to writing those subtitles.

5. Triple Check That Every Subtitle Question Actually Relates To The Main EPQ Topic

Check Your EPQ

By this point, you should have around 16 subtitles that you want to include in your EPQ essay . 16 subtitles will give you a nice 300 word per subtitle guide, give or take a few.

Any more subtitles, and you run the risk of overcomplicating your EPQ. Any fewer, and you’ll struggle to reach that gargantuan 5000 word count.

It’s essential that you break down your EPQ essay into smaller modules like this, to make it easier for you in the long term. 16 subtitles will mean the best productivity for you when you actually come to write your EPQ essay .

The next step is to order your subtitles, for easier reading. You’ll want to make the layout of your subtitles as sensible and as easy to follow as possible for your examiner .

If you please your examiner like this, they’ll be more inclined to give you more marks. They mark you on your written communication, and therefore you’ll want to make sure you’re communicating the most effective way.

Try ordering your subtitles by the order of most important to least important . Laying out your subtitles this way will show your examiner that you’ve really thought about your EPQ and understand what they want to see.

Alternatively, you could lay out your subtitles chronologically . What I mean by this is that you start with your question, move onto research, then explanations, and finally a conclusion.

This is probably the best way to lay out your EPQ essay subtitles . It’s the easiest way to follow the process you went through, and examiners like to see EPQ essays that are laid out like this.

It’s how I laid my EPQ essay subtitles out, and I got an A* – so I’d suggest doing the same.

6. Allocate A Word Count To Each Element Of Your EPQ Structure

EPQ Word Count

You’ll want an introductory paragraph to start with, and that should only take about 200-300 words . Don’t go overboard with your introduction, as you should aim to make the bulk of your essay about your EPQ question.

I’ve already mentioned it, but you want to write about 300 words per subtitle . This is the perfect amount of words to write if you want the EPQ essay to go as smoothly as possible.

16 subtitles at 300 words each will put you at just under 5000 words – 4800, to be exact. That will leave you just enough room to add a short introduction too.

You can go for less subtitles, but that means a higher word count for each individual subtitle . If you make your word count per subtitle too high, then you’ll struggle when it comes to actually writing your EPQ essay.

You could also try more subtitles if you want, but that then means you’d write less per subtitle . That means there’s less room for all your explanation, and less marks when you hand it in.

I’d recommend keeping your subtitle count between 14 and 18 . That way you give yourself the best chances of your EPQ being easier to write.

You also make it easier for you to enjoy, too. Making your EPQ essay subtitles this long means you’ll find it easier and less monotonous, and therefore you’ll enjoy it more.

The word count of each element in your EPQ essay has an impact on your productivity and focus, too . Generally, the shorter the piece of writing you have to do, the more productive you’ll be.

Setting yourself short-term goals like this will help you stay focused and make your EPQ that little bit better. It’s worth setting effective word counts for your EPQ essay elements for those extra marks .

7. Research, Research ( And A Little Bit More Research )

Using YouTube For Revision

Research should make up about 40%-50% of your total EPQ essay . That’s a lot of research, and you can see from this figure that quality research is crucial to your success.

The reason research takes up so much space is because you need to explore all opportunities within your question. Research will help you develop ideas and improve your knowledge of the subject, helping you to better answer your EPQ essay question.

And besides, who doesn’t want help reaching the massive 5000 word count?

There are many ways to research, with the most common being the internet, and books . Both ways of researching are valid and useful, but you still need to be careful.

Especially with the internet, you may come across facts and information that isn’t entirely accurate. This is because anybody can access anything, and usually the information you see online is edited by people who aren’t professionals.

Try to stay away from websites like Wikipedia, where anybody can change the information you see . There are much better alternatives out there, like Google Scholar for example.

Whereas with books, they have to go through a long-winded process to ensure they’re accurate . Books tend to be slightly more reliable than the internet, especially if they have an ‘exam-board approved’ label on them.

I’d also recommend keeping track of all the sources of your information, as you’ll have to write a bibliography at the end of your EPQ .

What that basically means is that you have to reference each individual source of information after you’ve written your EPQ essay. That’s just so examiners can check to see if you’re plagiarising any content, in case you were wondering.

8. Check That Your EPQ Structure Still Makes Sense

EPQ Structure

You should have around 16 subtitles ready to go, in chronological order or order of importance . I’d suggest chronological order, but that’s up to you.

You should also have space to add an introduction and conclusion paragraphs . They shouldn’t take up too much space, but still leave some room for you to add them in.

You’ll actually want to wait until the end of your EPQ essay to write either of these paragraphs, so it might help to add placeholders until you get to writing them.

Around 7 of your subtitles should be based on research . You’ll want to leave yourself a nice amount of in-depth research, whilst also allowing room for all that explanation.

If you don’t give the right proportions for your research and explanation subtitles, your EPQ can become lopsided. Examiners will easily spot this and take away precious marks.

You’ll want your conclusion to be longer than your introduction, as you’re essentially summing up all that you’ve written . Your conclusion should be about the same size as your subtitles, but maybe just a little bit bigger.

If all else fails, just read through your structure and think about it from an examiners’ point of view. Does it all make sense? Are the subtitles in a sensible order? Have you left space for your introduction and conclusion paragraphs?

If you reckon you’ve got all these elements in the right order and the right sizes, you should be good to go. Just keep a clear focus on your EPQ essay question, and you can’t go wrong.

9 . Write Down The Answers To Each Of Your Subtitles

Writing An EPQ

Start with your subtitles to get the main bulk of your EPQ essay underway . The quicker you get your subtitles done, the sooner you can finish your EPQ.

Starting your subtitles first is a good idea, as they make up most of your EPQ. You’ll want to get them done first, and then you have time after that to work on the finer details.

As I’ve said, your subtitles should be around 300 words long . This will allow you just enough space to answer the subtitle, without repeating yourself or going overboard.

If you go too far over 300 words, you risk either repeating yourself or just extending your points so much that your words become empty. Empty words = no marks, which is what you definitely don’t want.

If you don’t write 300 words, the points you make are likely to be underdeveloped. This means you can’t get into the top band of marks no matter how good what you’re saying is – there’s just simply not enough of it.

Of course, if you think you can express yourself in more or less than 300 words, go for it . Everybody’s different, and some people have better writing skills than others.

The amount of words you write per subtitle can also depend on how many subtitles you have . If you have less subtitles, you write more words per subtitle, and vice versa – simple maths.

Try to explore every possibility within your subtitle. The more routes you go down and the further the detail you go into, the more marks you’ll get from the examiner.

10 . Write The Introduction And Conclusion Paragraphs

Intro And Conclusion Paragraphs EPQ

Your introduction paragraph needs to be slightly shorter than your average subtitle paragraph . Usually about 200-300 words, the introduction will basically talk about what’s to come in your EPQ essay.

If you make your introduction too long, you waste space that you might need for your research/explanations. You also take up space that could be used for your conclusion, which is very important.

It’s a good idea to write your introduction paragraph after you’ve written all of your subtitles . It may sound odd, but there’s method to the madness.

If you write your introductory paragraph last, it’ll be a lot more accurate than if you’d have done it at the start. You’ll know exactly what’s in your EPQ, and therefore your introduction can accurately ‘introduce’ your essay .

Your conclusion paragraph should be slightly longer than your average subtitle, and definitely longer than your introduction . I’d say about 400 words, your conclusion should sum up everything you’ve talked about in your EPQ essay.

Your conclusion should essentially answer the question you asked at the start of your EPQ essay. You should aim to include everything you talked about in your other subtitles (that’s why it’s a little bit longer).

You’ll obviously want to write your conclusion paragraph after everything else, or you’ll have nothing to conclude. Once you get on to your conclusion, you’re on the home stretch.

11. Get Someone To Proof Read It To Make Sure There Are No Errors

Get Someone To Proof Read Your EPQ

Proof reading your EPQ essay is so, so, SO important to your success . If you don’t proof read your EPQ essay, you may miss some pretty crucial mistakes…

I’m not just talking about the spelling mistakes you may have made (although you might want to fix those too). I mean the mistakes where you contradict yourself, go off topic, or even just get your facts wrong.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain it, but these mistakes will cost you dearly when your EPQ gets examined . Sometimes just a few marks can be the difference between an A and an A*, so you need to maximize your chances of success.

A good way to ensure your EPQ essay is perfect is to get someone else to look through it. Having a second opinion ensures that everything you’ve written is accurate and concise, and it’s better than just checking through it yourself.

If you rely on your own methods of checking through your work, you’re more likely to miss mistakes . Having a fresh perspective on your work broadens the chances of catching every mistake you make.

It doesn’t matter who you get to check your work . You can ask friends, family, or even your teachers/tutor – just get it proof read before you send it off to be marked .

If you need to check through it for spelling mistakes or wording issues, there’s a handy little trick I used for my EPQ essay. Paste your entire essay into google translate, and have it read out to you .

That way you can listen and check for anything that’s not quite right, and sort it out in time for your EPQ essay to be examined.


Thanks so much for the help !

Alec Jones

This is so, so helpful, thanks so much!

Tom Bell

How many resources should I have for my EPQ?


20-25 should be the right number


Hi, thanks for the cool tips! I will definitely keep it for myself


Hello, thanks for the cool advice, but the most difficult thing for me is 1 point – to think through the topic itself. Therefore, already at the first stage, I give up and turn to the college essay writing service. This service helped me more than once or twice. My friends also use it. Also, it is difficult for me to create a mental map, which is in point 2. Therefore, I would rather spend my writing time on purposes that are useful to me.


This is so useful! I have been working on my EPQ over the past few weeks and have had a few big quandries about how I should go about forming an answer to my question and this has made it much clearer. Thank you!

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  • How to Write an EPQ Essay

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Writing an EPQ essay can seem like a daunting task, which is why we’ve written this nine-step guide to help make the whole process easier.

In addition to the A-Levels you’re already doing, you can choose to take an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). An EPQ is an independent research project, and it’s extremely beneficial as it counts towards UCAS tariff points.

Consisting of around 5,000 words, an EPQ essay is an in-depth assignment which takes about 120 hours to complete.

That may seem like a lot of extra work to take on alongside your existing studies, however it can be hugely beneficial when applying to get into university.

Choosing to undertake independent research and reading can prove to future educators that you’re willing to take on extra work to really show what you can do academically, as well as demonstrating that you have interests that go beyond the curriculum. An EPQ sits nicely with a summer school course such as a law summer school , business summer school , engineering summer school and medicine summer school . During your course you have the chance to explore and understand your subject further, demonstrating your commitment to your studies, and develop ideas for your EPQ.

How do you write an EPQ essay?

To write an EPQ essay, you need to: come up with a compelling idea that you’re interested in, write down everything you know about the subject to generate further ideas, find the best essay question to use, reference your sources properly, write a sharp introduction and conclusion, get feedback on your essay, and make sure you double-check your work before submitting it.

The key to writing any extended document is planning, which is why we’ve written this nine-step guide to help you write the best EPQ essay.

Read on for our top tips on how to write an extended project essay.

9 steps to write your EPQ essay

1. come up with an idea.

One of the main reasons students fail their EPQ is because they’ve chosen the wrong subject matter. It’s vital that you choose a topic you’re genuinely interested in, otherwise you won’t have any motivation to work on it. Because of the extra workload, many students choose to start their EPQ over the summer holidays, and with all the distractions that summer brings (trips to the beach, sunbathing in the garden or hanging out with friends in the park) there’s even more reason to pick a subject you don’t find boring, or you’ll just look for any excuse to avoid doing it. Before finalising your topic, you might want to discuss your ideas with your supervisor so they can check you’re on the right track.

2. Write down everything you know about the subject.   

Before doing any extra reading, it’s really helpful to write down everything you already know about your chosen subject. This can help to get your thoughts and ideas – which are often jumbled up – out of your head and down onto a piece of paper or computer screen so that you can begin to organise and make sense of them. This is also useful for identifying any gaps in your knowledge. However, if the gaps in your knowledge are vast and your chosen topic isn’t giving you enough inspiration, don’t be afraid to abandon your original idea entirely and come up with something new. It’s better to start again from scratch at this stage, rather than 2,000 words in.

3. Think of a question

Whatever your chosen topic, you’ll need to think of a question to answer. This is an extremely important part of your EPQ and will form the basis of your essay, so it really is worth thinking long and hard about. The way in which you phrase your question or hypothesis will affect the structure and flow of the whole essay. For example, some typical essay question formats include ‘Compare and contrast’, ‘Critically evaluate’ and ‘Analyse and conclude’. The type of question you want to answer will affect whether you need to highlight and critique a number of theories or evaluate how useful a particular concept is. And remember that your extended project essay needs to be approximately 5,000 words long, so you should choose a question that allows for extended research and arguments. It’s also worth bearing in mind that questions without definitive answers are better as there will generally be much more to write about.

4. Research the topic

Next, you should start thinking about the main body of the essay and how you’re going to go about fleshing out your ideas. Ideally, this step should take up half the amount of total time you spend working on your EPQ essay. You should spend a good deal of time reading books, papers and online journals that have been written about your chosen subject. The Internet is an excellent source of information, but anyone can write anything and publish it online, so make sure your sources are credible and recognised by the examining body. Wikipedia, for example, should be avoided as a reliable source of information as anyone can edit the text that’s been written there. While doing your research, you’re going to come across many different opinions and arguments and it’s all going to come from a variety of sources. So now is also a good time to think about how you’re going to organise it all.

5. Remember to reference your sources

As with any piece of academic work, referencing your sources is vital so the examiners can check you’re not plagiarising. It’s also good to demonstrate that your information has come from a range of places so the person marking your essay can see that you’ve researched your topic widely and have considered several different viewpoints. You’ll need to provide a bibliography at the end of your EPQ essay and if you can’t say where your information has come from, you’ll be unable to use it, so it’s a good idea to get into the habit of doing this as you go along. Whether you choose to create a spreadsheet on your computer or annotate photocopies and clippings with a pen, it doesn’t matter how you go about doing this as long as you remember to do it. It’ll make your life so much easier in the long-run!

6. Create subsections

Splitting your essay up into sections can help to make sure you’re writing enough and exploring the topic in as much depth as possible. Keep your word count in mind when dividing up your essay and try to split each section equally. But while mini topics are good for breaking the 5,000 words down into more manageable chunks, you have to make sure each one relates back to your original question, otherwise you could risk wasting some of those words on irrelevant information. Don’t sacrifice the important stuff by shoehorning facts and figures into your chosen subsections. It’s worth thinking about the order of these sections too. It’s usually best to write in a ‘news story’ format, with the most important subtitles at the top and the less relevant stuff filtering down to the bottom, however you could consider working chronologically if that works better for your chosen topic.

7. Write an introduction and a conclusion

As strange as it sounds, it can be helpful to write your introduction and conclusion paragraphs once you’ve completed the main body of the essay. This is because your thoughts on the subject matter are more likely to be more organised, therefore it will be easier to summarise the main points clearly and concisely. Your first paragraph should introduce the subject matter, briefly expanding upon your question and how you’re going to go about answering it, while your conclusion should refer back to the title and answer the question you asked at the beginning of your essay. Ensure that both paragraphs are as direct and succinct as possible, in order to show that you have a clear understanding of your topic.

8. Ask for feedback

Whether it’s a friend, a relative or – even better – your course tutor, it’s a good idea to have your work checked over by someone else. Because you’ve spent hour upon hour absorbed in your subject matter, you can lose sight of certain things, so it makes sense to have your EPQ essay looked at from a different viewpoint. A second opinion can ensure that everything you’ve written is concise and accurate and the person checking your work can give you advice on what to leave out or add in; especially if they already have some knowledge on the subject matter.

9. Double-check everything before submitting your work

It’s a good idea to leave it a day or so before coming back to your essay to proofread it so that you’re viewing it with a fresh pair of eyes. We recommend going over it a couple of times – once to check that you’ve covered everything in terms of the subject matter and another for housekeeping. You want to ensure that you don’t lose any marks for basic things like spelling, punctuation and grammar. You should also take this time to make sure footnotes are accurate, as well as checking over any graphs, charts, diagrams and images.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this step-by-step guide and we’re confident that you now have everything you need to go on to successfully write an EPQ essay. Good luck!

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epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

EPQ essay stands for Extended Project Qualification essay. It is an independent research project undertaken by students, allowing them to explore a topic of their choice in-depth and produce an extended essay enhancing critical thinking and research skills.

As students begin their college assignments, they have to complete an independent research project that is long, intensive, and takes more time to complete.

So by completing EPQ essays, students uncover the ability to develop creative thinking and analytical problem-solving skills that will help them to get into their desired colleges.

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This comprehensive guide aims to provide valuable insights into EPQ essay examples, guiding toward crafting outstanding EPQ essay papers that demonstrate their academic prowess.

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Essay Writing is an essential part of academics which presents the ideas, arguments, opinions, or positions of the writer regarding the topic. The writer supports his claims using facts, evidence, or survey studies.

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What is EPQ Essay?

EPQ essays serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for individuals working on their EPQ projects. This write-up showcases the structure, content, and quality of essays that have achieved excellence. 

By examining successful EPQ essays, you gain a deeper understanding of effective research methodologies , critical analysis , and compelling presentation techniques.

How to Crafting an Outstanding EPQ Essay?

To create an EPQ essay that stands out, you should consider the following key elements to writing your own EPQ essay:

1. Choosing an Engaging Topic

Select a topic that aligns with your interests, which will keep you motivated throughout the research process . Additionally, ensure that your chosen subject has sufficient academic resources to support your analysis and arguments.

2. Effective Research Methodology

Devise a well-structured research plan encompassing primary and secondary research methods . This will enable you to gather a diverse range of information and perspectives, enhancing the credibility and depth of your essay.

3. Structuring the Essay

Organize your essay into logical sections, including an introduction, methodology, analysis, findings , and conclusion. This coherent structure allows readers to navigate through your work seamlessly, following your arguments and insights effortlessly.

4. Compelling Introduction

Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that clearly states your research question or objective. Engage your readers by providing context, significance, and a glimpse of what they can expect from your essay.

5. Thorough Analysis and Critical Thinking

Demonstrate your analytical skills by critically evaluating your research findings and existing literature. Incorporate different perspectives and theories to enrich your arguments and provide a well-rounded analysis of your topic.

6. Well-Supported Arguments

Back up your claims with credible evidence, such as academic research , case studies , or expert opinions. Ensure that your sources are reliable and properly cited, adhering to academic integrity standards.

7. Coherent Writing Style

Maintain a clear and concise writing style throughout your essay. Use appropriate academic language and terminology to convey your ideas effectively. Avoid excessive jargon and strive for clarity without sacrificing depth.

8. Effective Conclusion

Summarize your key findings and arguments in a concise and impactful conclusion. Emphasize the significance of your research and its potential implications. Leave your readers with a thought-provoking ending that encourages further exploration of the topic.

By incorporating these essential elements, you can create an outstanding EPQ essay that showcases your research skills and academic excellence.

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epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Example EPQ Essay: An Insightful Guide

When it comes to EPQ example essays, one aspect that captures attention is the word count. Many students wonder how to effectively manage an EPQ 5000-word essay example. Fear not, for we have carefully curated a diverse selection of EPQ essay examples to shed light on this matter.

  • Abstract: This essay examines the various consequences of climate change on coastal ecosystems, focusing on the ecological disruptions caused by rising sea levels, ocean acidification, and extreme weather events.
  • Methodology: The author employs a multidisciplinary approach, combining scientific research, statistical analysis, and case studies to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the subject matter.
  • Findings: The essay highlights the vulnerability of coastal ecosystems, emphasizing the urgent need for sustainable practices and environmental conservation measures.
  • Conclusion: The author concludes by emphasizing the importance of collective action in mitigating the adverse effects of climate change on coastal ecosystems.

Final Thought  

In the pursuit of academic excellence, EPQ essay examples offer a guiding light, enabling individuals to navigate the complexities of research, analysis, and presentation. By harnessing the power of these examples, you can unlock their full potential and produce outstanding work that contributes to the scholarly discourse.

So, let the rich and diverse world of EPQ essay examples inspire and guide you on your academic journey. Harness the power of these examples to unlock your own academic excellence and make a meaningful impact in your chosen field of study.

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The University of Manchester

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Resources for Extended Project tutors and assessors

Experienced researchers at Manchester have designed a series of bespoke workshops specifically to support students studying for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), or undertaking an Extended Project as part of a diploma. These sessions can be used by teachers delivering the taught element of the EPQ to provide students with an excellent grounding in the academic and intellectual skills required. Our EPQ support and resources are also of relevance to students undertaking other research projects or qualifications, such as: HPQs; Welsh Baccalaureates; international EPQs; and extended A-level essays.

Powerpoint presentations for the seven workshops are available to download below, along with accompanying teaching notes, activities and worksheets. They are accessible, adaptable and designed to encourage students to develop as reflective learners, preparing them for the evaluative element of the Extended Project.

Most workshops are suitable for all project types and are appropriate to all exam board specifications. They can also be used to support the teaching of research modules in other A-Level and BTEC qualifications.

All resources are free of charge.

We welcome your feedback on our workshops and resources. Whether you are a teacher or a student, we would like to know how useful you found our presentations and handouts, and any suggestions for future developments. The form will only take you a couple of minute to complete.

  • Complete our workshop feedback form.

1. Making a Start

This session provides some basic pointers that will help students identify a suitable topic and question for their Extended Project. For those students who already have a topic in mind, the session will offer tools to refine and focus their thoughts. It may also lead students to develop ideas they had not previously considered.

  • Download our Making a Start presentation (PowerPoint file, 1.3MB)
  • Download our Making a Start activity 4 worksheet (PDF document, 38KB)
  • Download our Making a Start notes for teachers (PDF document, 37KB)

2. Smart Reading

Most Extended Projects - whether they involve production of a dissertation, investigation, artefact or performance – will require students to digest and respond to a considerable amount of written information.

This session introduces students to 'active' research. It provides strategies for reading sources and taking notes effectively, and also helps students with the reflective aspects of the Extended Project.

  • Download our  Smart Reading presentation (PowerPoint file, 1.27KB)
  • Download our Smart Reading activity 4 worksheet (PDF document, 132KB)
  • Download our Smart Reading notes for Teachers (PDF document, 17.5KB)

3. Engaging with Visual Culture

This workshop aims to develop students’ understanding of how visual culture, including imagery, objects and architecture, can be used within the Extended Project, emphasising the interdisciplinary nature of visual culture. By the end of this workshop, students will understand the differences between different types of media; be able to apply questions to images within any given context; understand the role of codes and signifiers; and respond with confidence to visual material.

  • Download our Engaging with Visual Culture presentation (PowerPoint file, 1.31MB)
  • Download our Engaging with Visual Culture handout 1 (PDF document, 152KB)
  • Download our Engaging with Visual Culture activity 2 worksheet (PDF document, 229KB)
  • Download our Engaging with Visual Culture activity 3 worksheet (PDF document, 252KB)
  • Download our Engaging with Visual Culture activity 4 worksheet (PDF document, 143KB)
  • Download our Engaging with Visual Culture activity 5 worksheet (PDF document, 144KB)
  • Download our Engaging with Visual Culture extension activity (PDF document, 149KB)
  • Download our Engaging with Visual Culture further reading (PDF document, 150KB)
  • Download our Engaging with Visual Culture notes for teachers (PDF document, 127KB)
  • Download our Engaging with Visual Culture key themes (Word document, 27KB)

4. Referencing, Not Plagiarising

Referencing properly is an important aspect of all research, and this workshop provides students with guidance on how to reference correctly in order to avoid plagiarism. It looks at when and how to cite sources and introduces students to the Harvard style of referencing.

  • Download our Referencing, Not Plagiarising presentation (PowerPoint file, 1MB)
  • Download our Referencing, Not Plagiarising activity 2 answers (PDF document, 31KB)
  • Download our Referencing, Not Plagiarising activity 3 worksheet (PDF document, 160KB)
  • Download our Referencing, Not Plagiarising activity 3 answers (PDF document, 47KB)
  • Download our Referencing, Not Plagiarising Frequently Asked Questions handout (PDF document, 34KB)
  • Download our Referencing, Not Plagiarising notes for teachers (PDF document, 42KB)

5. Report-Writing

The Extended Project covers many different formats of projects, for example, a dissertation, performance or field study. Although this session is aimed at students undertaking the dissertation project (5,000 words), it will be useful for all types of project, as the same principles apply to writing shorter reports. The session encourages students to think about the structure and writing of their report early on in their project planning, and provides tips on critical writing.

  • Download our Report-Writing presentation  (PowerPoint file, 1.14MB)
  • Download our Report-Writing activity 1 worksheet  (PDF document, 147KB)
  • Download our Report-Writing activity 2 worksheet (PDF document, 30KB)
  • Download our Report-Writing notes for teachers  (PDF document, 37KB)

6. Effective Presentations

This workshop aims to prepare students for their end-of-project presentation. It focuses on structuring a presentation, using visual aids effectively and delivering a successful presentation.

  • Download our Effective Presentations presentation  (PowerPoint file, 1.42MB)
  • Download our  Effective Presentations activity 2 worksheet  (PDF document, 295KB)
  • Download our  Effective Presentations activity 3 worksheet  (PDF document, 140KB)
  • Download our  Effective Presentations notes for teachers  (PDF document, 138KB)

7. Visualisation and Presentation of Data

This workshop provides advice and guidance on using and presenting data as part of an assignment. The session looks at different types of data and when and how to use such data in assignments and presentations.

  • Download our  Visualisation and Presentation of Data presentation  (PowerPoint file, 3.25MB)
  • Download our  Visualisation and Presentation of Data worksheet  (PDF document, 351KB)
  • Download our  Visualisation and Presentation of Data/Information is Beautiful toolkit  (PDF document, 1.2MB)
  • Download our  Visualisation and Presentation of Data notes for teachers  (PDF document, 105KB)

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Art-based Artefact FULL Essay & Sketchbook Example

Jennifer Leigh | 28th September 2019

Many students are warned before taking on an EPQ, that artefact projects are substantially harder and score substantially lower than full essay projects. The key difficulty with artefact EPQs is making them research-based and the biggest task I had to overcome was insuring my artefact complimented my research, rather than the other way around. I was the only student in my year group to attempt an artefact EPQ and there was very little help as to the structure my EPQ should take.

During Sixth Form, I completed an art-based artefact EPQ on the significance of light and colour in Impressionist art. This EPQ followed obtaining full marks in my Art GCSE, so I chose to take a very similar process in creating my EPQ project and sketchbook.

In the end, I obtained 48/50 in my EPQ in June 2019 (AQA EPQ A* boundary = 45/50).

Looking for top EPQ tips? Check out my EPQ advice article here! This article features my EPQ essay and sketchbook in full that helped me achieve my A*. All the art below was submitted collectively as my artefact, with mini essays, artist studies and my final pieces being documented in an A3 sketchbook.

My EPQ essay (ft. photos of artefact)

Is use of light and colour the sole feature that defines the impressionist art era, or are there more significant motives behind the movement.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Impressionism can be described as “a style or movement in painting originating in France in the 1860s, characterised by a concern with depicting the visual impression of the movement, especially in terms of the shifting effect of light and colour”. Today, the Impressionists are some of the most popular artists whose artworks are readily seen by the public, namely due to the expressive use of colour and unique depictions of interesting compositions of light. However, this project aims to explore whether use of light and colour really is the defining feature of Impressionist art, or whether there are other reasons why this movement of art is so unique from other movements. Furthermore, I also explored whether some of the most famous “Impressionist” artists today can be defined as “true Impressionists”, based on their techniques and motives.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Initially, I researched Claude Monet, as he is frequented described by art historians as “epitomis[ing] most closely the values of Impressionism”1. Monet frequently used varied colour palettes in his paintings, such as in “The Cliff Walk at Pourville” (1882) and “Red Boats, Argenteuil” (1875), which helped create a powerful mood and atmosphere for the viewer. For example, in “Le Grand Canal” (1908), he primarily used more muted, cool colours to emphasise the bright morning, which focuses the viewer on the reflections and varied hues of the water. Studying the painting up close, one can see how the hints of pinks and yellows contrasts with the muted colours, creating a sense of calmness and tranquility. In series works such as his Haystacks, Monet painted many similar, simplistic scenes so that “nothing distracts the attention from his harmonies of colour and atmosphere”2. Taking a random selection of paintings from this collection, such as “Haystacks, Hazy Sunshine” (1891) and “Haystacks at the End of Summer, Morning” (1891), it is clear to the viewer that the real interest is in Monet’s manipulations of light through the medium of colour.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

However, use of light and colour is not the only technique that Monet demonstrated that is considered typically Impressionist: Monet also frequently varied his style of brushstrokes, working very loosely and liberally in paintings such as in his Waterlilies series. This technique, combined with frequently working in plein air, led to many of Monet’s paintings creating a feel of a “moment in time” for the viewer. Indeed, many of the revolutionary techniques Monet demonstrated had the same key purpose: to create a sense of a moment or impression of a scene for the viewer, rather than a full, still representation of a period of time.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Considering Monet as a “true Impressionist”, I then began to compare his techniques and works to those of other artists during a similar period of art history. I initially researched Edgar Degas, who separated himself from most Impressionists by outwardly describing himself as a Realist, rather than an Impressionist, with a “lack of interest in plein-air painting, his abiding passion for the art of the great masters, and his experimentation in different media, including photography” 3 . However, it is clear by studying his works that Degas aimed to create an impression of a person’s life rather than Monet, who aimed to create an impression of a scene. One way that he demonstrated this was how Degas “began experimenting with off-centre compositions, and figures cut in half by the picture frame” 1 , which can be considered a way that Degas allowed the viewer to glimpse “an unexpected slice of Parisian life”. This is comparable to how Monet used sketchy strokes and varied colours in his paintings; both artists used these contrasting techniques to give the viewer an impression of the scene in front of them, whether it was a landscape or a group of people.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Some critics have argued that “Degas never allowed himself to be called an Impressionist, and, affirming the supremacy of drawing over colour, was often highly critical of his colleagues [the Impressionist artists he frequently exhibited with at the Salon des Refusés]” 4 yet, despite this, he did show very similar motifs to other Impressionists like Monet. Indeed, a majority of written sources on Degas were in books containing a wide range of other Impressionist artists, implying that many art historians do draw great similarities between Degas’ and other Impressionists’ work. Studying Degas’ sketches and paintings as a modern viewer, it is clear that the theme of capturing a moment for the viewer was a theme of Impressionism that Degas consistently demonstrated, along with other Impressionists.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Another artist prominent at the time of the Impressionists was Paul Cézanne, whom I also researched as part of my project. Like other Impressionists, Cézanne presented his work at the 1870 Salon de Réfuses, however he drifted away from the Impressionist movement and focused on creating more carefully structured compositions, with a unique crystal-life appearance. In paintings such as Tall Trees at the Jas de Bouffan (1883), Cézanne used “constructive” strokes, consisting of flat strokes of a consistent scale, shape and direction, “giving the picture an overall coherence … through slow methodical brushwork” 5 . Art historians can infer that rather than attempting to create atmospheric conditions, he sought to create spectrums of colour that more realistically replicated the conditions of the day.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Some critics argue that Cézanne was key to the Impressionist movement, while others, such as Hajo Düchting, claim “once the heyday of Impressionism dawned, Cézanne had already put both Paris and Impressionism far behind him” 6 . In this case, it is important to note that Düchting is writing with the purpose to persuade the reader that Cézanne was a truly unique and revolutionary artist of his time, so the author avoids crediting the origins of Cézanne’s style to any artist or movement, such as the Impressionists, throughout the book. Despite potential bias in his work, it is difficult to ignore Düchting’s argument that Cézanne was unlike the Impressionists; indeed, even sources specifically covering Impressionist artists describe Cézanne as relinquishing Impressionism, “insufficient for [his] purpose and inadequate to [his] aims” 4 .

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Many of the sources I did study as part of my research gave a general overview of Impressionism, such as “Great Artists of the Western World: Impressionism”, considering how many artists of the same period of history used Impressionist techniques; this suggests that the authors may be biased in looking at Cézanne and Degas from a purely Impressionist viewpoint, rather than considering techniques which made both artists stand out from classic Impressionists like Monet. Despite this, visiting galleries and exhibitions such as “Drawn in Colour: Degas from the Burrell” (National Art Gallery) and “Corteau Impressionists: From Manet to Cézanne” (National Art Gallery) offered the opportunity for first hand research in seeing these artists’ work up close, supporting evidence from these texts regarding to what extent Degas and Cézanne really were “Impressionists”. The Corteau Impressionists exhibition at the National Art Gallery 5 featured a range of artists from a similar period of art history, such as Manet, Renoir and Seurat. However, the paintings themselves and their descriptions were clear evidence of how differently these artists worked; for example, Seurat was described as being “dissatisfied with Impressionists’ intuitive responses to light and colour” and thoroughly discarded their style of thinking, despite being exhibited as one of them in this exhibition, suggesting that not all those artists considered “Impressionists” by the public can truly be considered one by art historians. Generally, the Impressionist exhibitions proved more useful sources than the texts, which were prone to producing bias to make the artist seem more original in their techniques (and therefore less “typically Impressionist”), while seeing the paintings and annotations up close allowed for a more critical judgement of the methods used.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Using the research I had gathered from these three key artists, I began to develop an idea for a final piece which incorporated what I felt were the key features of Impressionism. I focused on a series of works, taking inspiration from how both Monet and Degas created multiple, similar paintings which showed subtle changes in composition and/or atmosphere. I chose to focus on landscapes, picking compositions from my garden in order to give me the change to work en plein air, trying to pick images which worked together in a series, yet also showed some compositional interest, taking inspiration from Degas. Eventually I chose a set of two compositions that complemented each other with similar viewpoints. Throughout the painting process, I focused on capturing all the colours reflected in the light of the scenes, while preserving the spontaneous, loose feel of the Impressionist artists, taking note of what I’d learnt in my research. This can particularly be reflected in the portrayal of the trees, where I used broad brushstrokes to capture the constant movement of the leaves. I also used subtle variations of colour to reflect the slight changes in light and impression for the viewer: while the first painting has a strong, warm tint to reflect the calm twilight, the second painting consists of slightly cooler tones to suggest the vibrant daytime. This was an ode to Monet’s many series works, containing multiple similar scenes with strong variations in light and atmosphere. Overall, these paintings reflected and supported what I’d learnt during my research regarding the techniques and aims of Monet and Degas.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

In conclusion, there is clear evidence for colour being a key feature in Impressionist art, yet this cannot be prioritised over the real motive behind the artist’s work: the reason for “Impressionist” art being given its name is due to whether or not the aim of the piece is to suggest a moment in time, inflicting some sort of emotion or atmosphere for the viewer. Despite this, it is accurate to suggest that “the Impressionist group in France falls into several sections” 4 . Monet and Degas both shared the same intention to capture an impression of a scene, despite doing this through different techniques; in comparison, Cézanne shared similar technical qualities in his painting style to Monet, yet his overall aim leant towards capturing a representation of a longer period of time. In this way, it is clear Monet and Degas demonstrate their Impressionist qualities to a much greater extent than Cézanne, which can be noted in viewing their work. In this way, the significance of colour in Impressionism is limited to simply being a means through which artists, such as Monet, can create these atmospheric effects and feelings for the viewer.

  • Anon. (1987). Great Artists of the Western World. London: Marshall Cavendish.
  • Mannering. (1998). The Masterworks of Monet. Bristol: Parragon.
  • Drawn in Colour: Degas from the Burrell. The National Gallery, London. (Exhibition February 2018)
  • Francia, d. (1961). Movements in Modern Art: Impressionism. Vienna: Brüder Rosenbaum.
  • Courtauld Impressionists: From Manet to Cézanne. The National Gallery, London. (Exhibition November 2018)
  • Duchting. (1996). Cézanne. Taschen America Llc.
  • Sagner-Duchting. (1992). Claude Monet. Taschen America Llc.
  • Reyburn. (1997). The Art of the Impressionists. Grange Books Ltd.
  • Gariff. (2008). World’s Most Influential Painters and the Artists They Inspired: Stories and Hidden Connections Between Great Works of Western Art.

© 2020 Jennifer Leigh. Based on website design GreatSEO .


EPQ Guide: Expressing your ideas

  • The Inquiry Process
  • Developing a line of inquiry
  • Finding and selecting sources
  • Working with ideas

Expressing your ideas

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

This is the stage you have been building towards - writing your report. Although that is largely the focus of this page , it is not all there is to the EPQ.

Your EPQ will be assessed on:

  • Your completed Production Log
  • if your project is a research based written report of any kind (e.g. a science investigation or an essay) it should be approximately 5,000 words long
  • If your project is an artefact, it must be accomapanied by a research based written report of a minimum of 1,000 words. For artefacts, you may include photos showing various stages of the production process as well as the final product. You do not need to submit a large artefact as evidence - photographs or other media are fine.
  • If your product was itself a presentation then you still need to produce a presentation about the process of producing it!
  • Your presentation must be delivered live to a non-specialist audience and might use flipcharts or posters, presentation tools such as PowerPoint or Prezi or short video clips. The evidence for your presentation will  include a record in your Production Log of questions your supervisor asked and how you responded.

On this page you will find guidance on:


As well as resource boxes on:

Am I ready?

Am I ready to start writing my essay?

Before you start writing, think:

  • Is my investigation largely complete? As you write you may find that you need a few additional resources or information to support your argument, but you should not sta rt to write until you are largely sure where your argument is going.
  • Have I filled in a Research Organiser (which you will find on the Working with Ideas tab)? This will help you to organise your thoughts and make sure you understand the argument you intend to make and have the evidence to support it. While not compulsory, it makes writing your final essay significantly easier.
  • Do I understand how to write in an appropriate academic style? Guidance is given in the Academic Writing box below.
  • Do I know how to import my sources from my Investigative Journal? Don't waste time putting all your citation data in again! Import all your sources as you set up your document. There are helpsheets in the Resources for PC / Mac users boxes to the right.

You should use the Oakham APAv3 Academic Writing Template (below) rather than a generic Word template to set up your essay.

(The image below is taken from the EE LibGuide, but the template is just as useful for EPQs)

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Citing and referencing

There are many different ways to acknowledge the sources you use. These are called referencing styles . You are free to use any recognised referencing style you wish for your EPQ, but Oakham's 'house style' is APA. We suggest you use this because we already have a lot of support in place for it. APA is an 'Author-date' system, meaning that you show which source you have used by putting the author and date in brackets after it in your text, and then put the full reference in an alphabetical list at the end of the essay. The Library does not support 'footnote referencing', where you put all the information in a footnote at the bottom of the page. If you want help with this then please talk to the member of staff who suggested that you use it.

For detailed information and guidance on how to use sources in your writing and how to cite and reference them accurately using the tools in Microsoft Word, consult the Citing and Referencing LibGuide . This site includes information about how to reference all sorts of different kinds of sources, including videos and works of art, and what to do if you are using a source written in a language that is not the language of your essay. It also gives some examples of how to use in-text citations , whether quoting, paraphrasing or just referring to a source more generally, and how to use the automatic citing and referencing tools in Word .


Academic writing

Stages in an academic essay


Your thesis is the point you want to make. It emerges from your research and your task is to use the evidence you have found to establish it as the most reasonable response to that research.

A persuasive (or argumentative) approach proceeds from the answer to the research question through a detailed analysis of the arguments surrounding the research question — their claims, their evidence, and their assumptions.

In both approaches, you must state the research question in your introduction, and make sure you return to it in your conclusion .

Sections required in your essay

Have a look at the Formal Presentation guide in the sidebar for a guide to laying out your essay.

Paragraph Structure

Paragraphs themselves have a structure - the most common you will have come across is likely to be PEEL. The letters often stand for slightly different things in different subjects, but the idea is largely the same - introduce your main idea for the paragraph ( Point ), justify it with Evidence and/or Examples , and Evaluate this evidence. Finally, Link back to the Research Question and/or Link forward to the next paragraph.

This is not the only way to write a paragraph and, with experience, you will soon find that your argument develops a flow of its own that does not require a formula - indeed, your essay would be very dull if every paragraph followed exactly the same structure. However, this structure can be a useful scaffold to get you started and make sure you don't miss anything important.

Paragraph structure

The structure of academic writing

Note that the following graphic was originally produced for the IB Extended Essay, but is equally applicable to the EPQ.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Planning your essay

It is vital to plan your essay before you start writing. An essay plan provides an outline of your argument and how it develops.

What sections and subsections do you need?

Although this might change as you write your essay, you should not start writing until you have your overall structure. Then think about roughly how you are going to divide your 5000 words between the different sections. 5000 words seems like a lot before you start writing, but it is much easier to write to the limit, section by section, than to try to cut your essay down once it is written.

What will the reader will expect to see and where?

Look back at your checklist and think about where in your essay you are planning to include the required information. Make sure the flow of your essay makes sense to a reader who may be a subject expert but knows little about your topic. Have you included background information? Details of experimental methods? Arguments and counter arguments?

Now get writing!

You've read all the guidance. You've made your plan. Now you have a blank screen in front of you and you just need to get started! Start with the section you think you will find easiest to write and work outwards from there, or follow the steps below to get started. Don't forget to write with the word limit in mind though.


What if you are writing lots of paragraphs but your essay just doesn't seem to be coming together?

1. Condense each paragraph into a short statement or bullet point. This is the skeleton structure of your essay.

2. Look at the order of the statements.

  • Is the order logical?
  • Does each point follow another in a sensible order?
  • Do you need to change the order?
  • Do you need to add paragraphs?
  • Do you need to remove paragraphs?

3. Add, subtract and rearrange the paragraphs until your structure makes sense.

4. Redraft using your new paragraph order.  

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Willard, D. (2003) My journey to and b eyond tenure in a secular university . Retrieved from: . Accessed: 9th May 2020

Oh no! It's too long!!

If you haven't managed to write to the word limit and are suddenly faced with cutting down an essay that is over the word limit, try these tips on concise writing from Purdue Online Writing Lab.

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

Use the menu on the left of this page from Purdue OWL to browse the four very practical pages on writing concisely and one on the Paramedic Method for reducing your word count.

AQA Guide to completing the Production Log: Expressing your ideas

epq 5 000 word essay example pdf

AQA copyright notice

The presentation above contains slides from the AQA presentation  Teaching slides: how to complete the production log  (available from the AQA EPQ Teaching and Learning Resources website ).  These slides are Copyright © 2020 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.

A downloadable copy of the Production Log can be found here , on the Home tab of this guide.

Submission checklists

  • First Draft Checklist A guide to make sure you stay on track and complete everything required for your first draft.
  • Final Draft Checklist A guide detailing everything that needs to be completed before submitting your EPQ.

Guides for PC users

  • Citing and Referencing in Word 2016 for Windows
  • Managing Sources in Word 2016 for Windows
  • Creating a Table of Contents in Word 2016 for Windows

Guides for Mac users

  • Managing Sources in Word 2016 for Mac
  • Citing and Referencing in Word 2016 for Mac
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  • Next: Reflecting >>
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How Long Is a 5000 Word Essay Double Spaced?

An essay of 5000 words is approximately 20 pages double-spaced or 10 pages single-spaced. The most common format for all the major citation styles is 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is about 250 words per page. While APA 7, MLA 9, and Chicago also accept fonts like Arial and Calibri, TNR 12 ppt is still preferable.

How Many Paragraphs Is 5000 Words?

A 5000-word essay contains 33 to 50 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

5000-Word Essay Structure

A 5000-word paper is a very extensive piece of writing that needs to be carefully planned and prepared. You might need to write a research paper, a term paper, or an academic article of such a length. Depending on the genre of the paper, it might include an abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. The exact list of elements will depend on the paper’s genre.

How Long Does It Take to Write a 5000-Word Essay?

Typing 5000 words on a keyboard usually takes 100 to 200 minutes, depending on your typing speed. However, if you need to write an academic paper, add time for research, formatting the text, and preparing graphic materials. You’ll need at least 16 hours for 5000 words.

How Long Should an Introduction Be for a 5000 Word Essay?

An average introduction length of a 5000-word essay should be 750 words. The exact requirements will be given by your professor.

Operational Practices of the UAE Based Businesses

Introduction Contemporary business activities have become increasingly complex for entrepreneurs. This situation has compelled organizations to implement robust operational practices in an attempt to address the needs of employees, customers, suppliers, and competitors among other stakeholders. Various factors that should be considered in operational management include excellent delivery of services,...

Siemens Energy: Renewable Energy System

Abstract As the current necessity for renewable energy continues to increase due to global awareness, ocean renewable energy presents itself as a viable means of alternative energy production. Despite its potential for supplying terawatts of power to the global community various ocean renewable energy technologies are not without their drawbacks....

Every Child Matters: The UK Government Green Paper

Introduction Children are of most importance to parents since they represent the parent’s hopes, ambitions and indeed future. As such, most parents cherish and love their children and try to provide a quality life for them. Even so, not all children are cherished and loved as they should be and...

The Higher Education Institution: Organizational Justice

Introduction The article selected for review is titled “Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Higher Education Institution”. It reports on a study conducted by Mohammad, Habib, and Alias in 2010. The study considered the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors of staff in higher education settings. The...

Importance of Checklists in Veterinary Practice

Introduction Animal companions are important and dear to the owners and thus, deserve much care. Individuals have for a long time adopted pets as part of their lives to the extent they treat them like family members. This has allowed many resources to be invested in the animals’ medicine, care,...

Alternative Fuel Sources in Aviation

Introduction The issue of ecologic fuels has long been standing in every machine-related industry: land, sea, railroad transport, and, of course, aviation. Sindhu et al. (2019, p. 79) state that “increases in the global demand for energy, high fuel prices, and depletion of fossil fuels have led to the search...

Marine Environmental High Risk Areas Definition

Introduction Marine Environmental High risk Areas (MEHRAs) was first used by Lord Donaldson in His Report titled Safe Ships, Clean Seas (1994). He defined these areas as locations with high environmental sensitivity and prone to high pollution due to heavy shipping activities. There are other natural activities characterizing these areas....

An Improved Strategy as an Implication of an EBP Study

Executive Summary Meeting the needs of patients in the setting of a nursing institution is a rather challenging task since it requires both a very sharp focus on the unique characteristics of the target audience, particularly, a significant improvement in the information management process, and the upgrade in the contemporary...

Rockville Case: Prevention and Enforcement Analysis

Introduction The rise of violence in cities is an issue that affects a wide layer of the population. In that regard, Rockville, a large coastal city in North Queensland with a population of 100,000, is no different. The city, despite being a coastal tourists’ attraction, has distinct problems of poverty...

Accessibility in the Workplace and Its Impact on an Organization

Introduction Inclusion and diversity laws require organizations to ensure physical accessibility of the workplace by all employees, no matter their disability. It also encompasses technological accessibility, such as in computers and files necessary for one to perform in their career. Addressing accessibility issues in the workplace is important because some...

Management Theories in The Coca-Cola Company

Introduction It goes without saying that the understanding and practical application of management theories are immeasurably essential for the success of any organization or company. In general, management theories may be defined as specific concepts that surround appropriate management practices and may include particular tools, such as guidelines and frameworks...

Learning English as a Second Language by Arabic Speakers

Introduction The national and linguistic isolation of a person is practically impossible due to the accelerating processes of globalization. Genetically different languages, such as, for example, English and Arabic, are attracted by the fundamental differences in their structure, which increases the interest in the identities between them. This study examines...

Inattentional Blindness and Unconscious Perception

Abstract Inattentional blindness defines the inability to detect externally apparent details of the overall context while focusing attention on individual objects. This effect can be life-threatening and create adverse consequences, especially in relation to crisis situations where maximum attention is required. In the present dissertation work, an experimental method was...

LGBTQ (Queer) in English Language Learning Classrooms

Introduction In the present day, cultural competence in multiple spheres of life attracts society’s particular attention. A considerable number of studies emphasize its significance and the importance of the inclusion of ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic identities in various processes, including education and language learning. The LGBTQ community may be regarded...

Supply Chain Management of Coffee

Introduction Nestlé, a multinational corporation headquartered in Switzerland, manufactures the well-known coffee brand Nescafé. Henri Nestlé launched it in Switzerland in 1867 (Nestlé, n.d.-a). During the coronavirus outbreak, Nestlé has not been able to produce at “normal” levels, according to Mark Schneider, CEO of the multinational food and beverage corporation...

  • Communication
  • Corporation
  • International Relations

Data Gap Analysis in America’s Community Bankers

A massive volume of data needs to be specially handled in almost any organization when tapping value to be used in decision-making. This paper mainly explores how big data found in organizations should be used for it to be an essential input when making decisions (Sill 2016). The document explains...

Critique of Negotiation Theory. Distributive Bargaining

Introduction Since disputes and conflicts are an integral part of a given society, they have led to development of various negotiation theories in a bid to ease their resolution. Resolution of conflicts and disputes is a process that requires strategies and tactics to enhance fair settlements and satisfaction of the...

Prenuptial Agreements and Islamic Women’s Rights in the US and UK

Introduction The practice of prenuptial agreements is common among Islamic marriages for marriage contracts protect a woman’s right during wedlock. The Islamic family law serves as an international family law among Muslim marriages around the globe but agreements drafted out in marriage contracts must be in line with the local...

Psychological Perspectives and Behaviours in Childhood

Key Characteristics of a Range of Psychological Perspectives Psychodynamic Perspective Freud suggested that there were vital five stages of development in childhood: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. These are called psychosexual because they represent different stages of libido fixation that are contingent on one’s instincts (Guntrip, 2018). A person’s...

Unilever Group’s Supply Chain and Management

Summary Today’s businesses are part of a highly dynamic operations and supply chain that includes managers, various manufacturers, and distributors located worldwide. When a disruption or bottleneck happens in some portion of the stock chain, it is always challenging to establish the people to blame without a thorough review of...

Strategic Management Plan: GrowthDC

Introduction Strategic Management Strategic management is a widely discussed topic in modern-day literature. Strategic management is a continuous process that includes planning, monitoring, and analyzing all the company’s needs to meet the strategic goals (Carter, 2013). The purpose of strategic management is to develop and implement a formula that defines...

Super Greens Organic Food Restaurant’s Business Plan

Abstract ‘Super Greens’ restaurant is a new medium-sized restaurant to be located in a busy locality of Westminster in the neighbourhood of some aristocratic areas like Upper Brook St.Our restaurant is supposed to provide organic food to consumers. Being dedicated to sustainable development, the restaurant purely focuses on organic foods....

Tenet Healthcare Corporation: Training and Development

Abstract The paper provides the discussion of how the global training plan was developed for Tenet Healthcare Corporation in order to improve the intercultural competence of employees and enhance their communication. The analysis of the organization, as well as global issues and contexts that influence the development of Tenet, is...

Business Networking Strategies for Collaboration

Business networking is one of the most essential marketing strategies in the world (O’Donnell, 2013). Business networking provides mutual benefits for the companies involved. Moreover, the activity enables companies to reach marketing leads and referrals that would otherwise be difficult to find using conventional advertising techniques. In the recent past,...

The Culture of Music Consumption: The Changing Trends and Indie Label Management

Abstract The nature of music industry has created a scenario where only management savvy indie labels ends up successful in the music marketing. Management dilemmas associated with production and marketing of music are critical for any successful indie label. This report explores the link between modern sales techniques and consumption...

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Business Strategy
  • Climate Change
  • Operations Management

Thai-Lay Fashion Ltd.: Leadership and Motivation

Executive Summary Leadership and worker motivation are two important factors in the survival and growth of any organization. A study with regard to how motivation can be improved in the Thai Lay Fashion Company has been conducted here. The organization is a successful garment manufacturer based in Hong Kong with...

Oil Industry and Supply Chain Management

Executive summary The supply chain is an important element of the business community and is very vital and necessary for the smooth flow of goods from the manufacturer to the end consumer. It is as a consequence necessary that supply chain management managers incorporate planning and use appropriate strategies to...

Remote Sensing and Image Processing: Examining Privacy and Data Protection Issues

The paper attempts to define and examine privacy as well as undertake a somewhat detailed study of the legal regulations relating to privacy and data protection extant in two of the most advanced economies, the US and the EU. It observes that other countries have taken to remote sensing only...

The Impact of PEG Feeding on Patients and Carers Daily Lives

Abstract For a short-term purpose the feeding tubes can be introduced through the nasal cavity of the patient known as the nasogastric tubes when surgery and treatment of some patients affect their ability to eat their food properly. This type of tube is known as Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy tube or...

The Gucci Firm’s Sustainable Business Strategy

The luxury handbag industry is a multi-billion field dedicated to producing expensive leather goods of exquisite designs. This sphere has become a significant driver of the global GDP. However, it is a highly competitive sector, with only several brands accounting for the majority of the sales. Moreover, the most recent...

Louvre and Abu Dhabi Museums’ Design Innovation

Introduction By design and structure, most museums are architecturally fascinating. For instance, the world-famous art museums, such as the Louvre and the Guggenheim are also architecturally important in Abu Dhabi. These structures were designed and intended for design lovers. There are marginally odd museums globally, however, that may not have...

Driving Force for Changes in Special Education

Abstract The field of special education continues to attract research due to the nature of diversities that are involved in the discharge of activities in special education. The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors that press for changes in the field of special education. The paper explores...

Leadership and Organizational Change

Introduction The efficiency and success of an organization greatly depend on the type of leadership approaches or strategies that are practiced in the corporate organization. According to some organizational change scholars, a leader must be capable of influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute to the success and efficiency of...

Speaker Recognition: Multispeaker

Introduction It has always been a problem determining the number of speakers required for a quality sound system especially in cases where speech separation of an individual speaker from a multispeaker signal is required. In this regard, various theoretical approaches such as the subjective threshold hypothesis for the detection of...

Strategic Shipping Operations Management: Liquefied Natural Gas

Introduction The commercialized natural gas production on the global level has increased from 2.1% to 2,819.4 Bcm (99.5 Tcf) as of the year 2005. Lately, there has been a considerable increase in gas production, thanks to the advent of cutthroat competition that exists in customary power and gas markets coupled...

  • Negotiation
  • Organizational Change
  • Environment
  • Strategic Planning

Heritage Visitor Attractions in Malta

In the first part, this chapter undertakes a literature review on the Heritage Visitor Attractions (HVAs) in Malta. In this part, a review is done on the attractiveness of Malta as far as tourism and heritage are concerned. The second part of the chapter deals with the question of online...

Russian Cyberterrorism and the United States Election 2016

Introduction New communication technologies have brought about many benefits for this society, but they are also being weaponized. While political interference is a relatively old practice,1 the 2016 actions of Russian hackers, which consisted of interfering with the elections in the United States (US), demonstrate that this approach to the...

The British Petroleum Company Plc: Corporate Governance

Introduction Corporate governance and business ethics are key aspects of the success of an organization. Corporate governance deals with policies, customs, processes, laws, and institutions that affect the way an organization is run. It affects the way that an organization is controlled, directed, and administered (Agalgatti and Krishna 2007, p.121)....

The PepsiCo Company’s Strategic Management

Executive Summary Every business must rely on a clear strategic plan which is capable of guiding its activities and the decisions of the management. The current paper explores the strategic plan of PepsiCo, as well as the aspects which shape the goals of the company and its objectives. PepsiCo is...

Institutions and Their Effect on Economic Performance

Introduction Economic performance is attributed to the association between various socio-political and legal institutions that have specific contributions to gross domestic products (GDPs) of different countries. The role of institutions in the society has been studied in different disciplines including social sciences, economics, philosophy, politics, and geography. This essay provides...

Male and Female Executives in the United States

Introduction It is ironic that in a world that is clamoring for gender equality, the fair sex is still discriminated against in many matters. One of the main areas where this discrimination exists is the compensation received by executives, especially when the posts get higher. The education system in the...

Habermas: Rescuing the Public Sphere

Introduction The public sphere provides a social forum where people deliberate openly on problems in the society with the aim of provoking political action. It creates the right environment for people to discuss in groups on issues of mutual concern for the purpose of reaching a common decision. It is...

Organizational Justice Effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Introduction Justice and its relations in all aspects of society, including the behavior of individuals in organizations and all the consequences arising from this behavior, have recently attracted the attention of researchers. Justice has various forms and types of manifestation, and one of these forms is organizational justice. Observance of...

Rogers Communication Company in the Indian Market

Executive Summary Rogers Communication is one of the leading Canadian telecommunication firms. It is proposed that it should consider expanding its operations to the Indian market because of the size and increasing purchasing power of the population. The country analysis shows that India’s population, socio-cultural and political environment and good...

Vaccination Issue Concerning the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction This study’s central focus was the current vaccination issue in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the world. It is known that large numbers of patients worldwide refuse vaccines for religious, ethical, medical, or personal reasons. Among the most unexplained factors are often cited conspiracy aspects, whether the world...

  • Marine Life

The Link Between Organizational Behavior and Change Management

Higher Professional Level Acknowledgment I am thankful to many of my colleagues and professors whose help led to the paper submission. I want to thank my tutor for recommendations, research support, and help in organizing the paper, and to the management staff of the organization, I am working with. Executive...

How Social Learning Theories Impact Juvenile Delinquency and Crime

Introduction The scientists engaged in the research into human learning and development have long emphasized the importance of the environment and community surrounding a young individual since these factors impact the behaviors and values that a person adopts. Juvenile delinquency is defined as “the habitual committing of criminal acts or...

Dyson Company: Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Marketing Plan

Dyson Company is famous for its cordless vacuum cleaners. If you need to write a business case study on Dyson marketing strategy, branding, or digital promotion, check out this sample. Executive Summary This report presents a strategic marketing plan for Dyson to introduce a new type of cordless vacuum cleaner....

Total Energies: Operations Management

Executive Summary The report focuses on analysing the application and importance of operations management principles at Total Energies. A brief overview of Total Energies has been identified, as well as analysing of some of the challenges facing its operations. However, the competitiveness of the company in its operation management has...

Comparative Law and Business in Russia

Legal Tradition Russia is governed by civil law and its constitution is largely regarded as the supreme law of the land. The judicial system of Russia is highly structured with the existence of a constitutional court, a supreme court and a supreme court of arbitration. Legislative and executive related matters...

E. E. Cummings and His Poetry

Introduction: the wit and sensitivity of “ee cummings” The popularity of Edward Cummings (known as “ee cummings”) and his creative heritage has never been fully consistent with his critical reputation. Some of his readers view him as a genius, whereas the others believe the syntactic complexity of his poems is...

Can Hydrogen Replace Petrol in Motorsports?

Introduction The usage of fossil fuels has become a component of daily energy demands, and their demand is growing with time. The use of fossil fuels contributes to greenhouse gas emissions in the environment and creates ambient air pollution, both of which are now worldwide problems. Because of this consumption...

The General Electric Multi-Industry Company Overview

Introduction General Electric Company is a multi-industry that focuses on technology and financial services. The company develops products for the distribution, control, transmission, and generation of electrical energy. The products include power generation, medical imaging, media content, security technology, water processing, business and consumer financing, aircraft engines, and industrial products....

Corporate Bonds and Government Bonds

Abstract The role of the corporate and government debt market in the form of bonds in a country’s economic development can not be undermined, as it is an important channel that links the savings of the society into the investment opportunities. The importance of the corporate and government bonds can...

The United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East

Introduction The foreign policy of the United States towards the Middle East is a critical and sensitive subject. The ideology behind it can be summed up by a recent statement by Ambassador Jeffrey in a briefing on Syria. He stated that the United States president had laid forceful goals in...

  • Entertainment
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

M-Company’s Employees’ Resistance to Transformation

Abstract Management of change is important to accomplish a successful transformation plan to the learning organizations as they are facing radical changes in the environment. There are many researches that studied management of change and specifically the attitude of people toward the change. This research included the examination of management...

The Importance of a Focused Research Strategy

Introduction Frequently, employees of a company seek to know everything there is to know about their goods, facilities, systems, and so on. The research strategy is determined by the knowledge we need to gather in order to make significant decisions about a good, service, program, or other subject (Oxley, Rivkin...

Tax Issues Affecting Non-US Citizens

Abstract The purpose of the research paper will be to look at taxation issues that affect non-US citizens in the country. The first aspect will be to look at which residents in the United States are subject to paying taxes and which of their incomes earnings will be taxed under...

Single African-American Mothers’ Experiences with Their Sons

Introduction The previous chapter provided a detailed review of literature to help explore what other scholars have found in relation to this topic. In this chapter, the focus was to provide a detailed discussion of the methods and strategies used to collect and analyze primary data. Robinson and Werblow (2013)...

Impact of Relational Theory on Development of Generalization

Introduction There are disparities between different people on there relational thinking which has led to different understanding of algebraic relations. Different people will understand and explain relational questions in different students way frameworks according to how they have understood the situation. This has led to generalization of ideas. For example...

Energy Demand in Pakistan

The context in Energy Demand in Pakistan (Energy share, energy dependency) In recent years, as the world globalizes, new usage of energy has increased and this has led to the threat and observation that oil fields are likely to dry. In the case of Pakistan, there has also been an...

Nursing Articles Critique

Quantitative Analysis of Sex Differences in Traumas The Ethical Aspects of the Study Not presented. The study does not operate the consent of the subjects since it analyzes the data based on articles reviews (Tolin & Foa, 2006). The research uses neither the names nor the private data of the...

Islamic and Western Corporate Social Responsibility

Executive Summary Corporate social responsibility encourages organizations and investors to conduct their operations in a principled way. Thus, corporate social responsibility enhances the image and growth potentials of business investments. However, the term social responsibility portrays different meanings across borders. This paper seeks to discuss corporate social responsibility from the...

Quality Management Role in Effective Leadership

Executive Summary The report entails a critical review of total quality management in the operation of a firm. The various ways through which the total quality management can contribute to an organization success are evaluated. However, the report takes a narrow approach of total quality management. This arises from the...

Contributing Factors of Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that affects the way a person communicates and socializes. In 1943, Leo Kanner was the first psychiatrist who coined the term “infantile autism” to explain children’s obsession with objects and resistance to change (Baron-Cohen, 2015). The contributions of Steve Silberman and...

  • Colonialism
  • Women's Rights
  • Colonization

Cultural and Entertainment Activities in Saudi Arabia

Tourism is an essential pillar of the economic growth and development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is crucial to enhance the apt promotion of socio-cultural and entertainment activities. On the one hand, engagement fosters a prominent boost in the diversification of the tourism experience among the customers. On...

Single African American Mothers and Their Relationship With Adolescent Sons

Abstract The study focused on investigating the experience of single African American mothers of their relationship with their adolescent sons. The rationale for this study was to explain factors that affect the experience of these single mothers and what different stakeholders can do to improve the relationship. The review of...

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Major Tenets of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) comprises a short-term psychotherapeutic treatment that is oriented towards changing patterns of destructive thinking or behavior behind a person’s difficulties and thereby changing how they feel. By definition, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the intentional implementation of methodological rigor, applied...

The Ford Motor Company’s Sustainability

Background Ford Motor Company is a world-class motor selling company whose leading brands are commercial vehicles and luxury vehicles under the Ford and Lincoln brands. The company has employed Ford Motor Company and has supplied cars for a long time since its creation by Henry Ford in 1903. The company’s...

Comparison Between the US Congress and the UK Parliament

Introduction The United States and the United Kingdom can be considered among the greatest policy holders of the International community. Despite the close relationship between the two countries, their forms of government show great differences both in the structure and functions. This is very clear in the legislative formation of...

Breaking Free of Tradition. Poetry

Early American Poetry Poetic tradition in America followed that in Britain for nearly 200 years. The Puritan poets, like Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor, likened their work to the British metaphysical poets, and followed in the footsteps of Milton, Spenser and Donne, among others. Their poetry was highly didactic, mostly...

IPhone Addiction and Health of Hispanic Adolescents

The American society, especially teenagers and young adults, are obsessed with iPhone, according to a research that was recently released by (Yan, 2015). Many people often wait for the release of the latest models because of the improved features. Apple Inc. has done a lot to ensure that its latest...

Journal and Newspaper Collection on Global Warming

This paper comments on Journal/ newspaper articles on global warming from major newspapers and journals around the world. In February 2007, the United States Scientific panel concluded that global warming being experienced today is irreversible. It is also apparent from the report that anthropogenic activities have been the major cause...

Animal Testing: Benefits and Disadvantages

Introduction It is usually dangerous to give out a new medication to people without checking its safety levels. The outcomes are catastrophic since the drug may be poisonous to individuals, leading to severe illness or death. There is a significant similarity between humans and animals, making it necessary for experimental...

Volkswagen Cars Company: Professional Marketing Components

Professional Marketing Analysis of Volkswagen’s Engineering and Technological Products Introduction Volkswagen is a German automobile company. It has its headquarters in Wolfsburg. The firm was found in 1937. It was founded by the German Labour Front. Since its inception, the company has emerged to be one of the leading vehicle...

  • Palliative Care

Herbermas and the Public Sphere

Introduction Discussion Habermas has been concerned with the development and decline of public sphere right from his earliest works. The public sphere was defined by Habermas as ‘a realm of social life in which something approaching public opinion can be founded’ (Habermas, 1989, p2). In public sphere, citizens discuss without...

The Treatment of Alcohol Abuse among the Elderly

Introduction Alcohol abuse among the elderly is an issue that has raised concern among medical practitioners and society in general. According to Ham (2007), abuse of Alcohol by aging individuals may pose serious health problems to the victims because of the reduced ability of the body system to manage the...

Health Law: The Confidentiality Issues

Introduction The medical profession in the United Kingdom is a sensitive field because of the matters it tackles. It is therefore under strict vetting to ensure that the practitioners treat patients with the due duty of care and within the framework of the stipulated practice guidelines. In the UK, the...

Almarai Company’s Expansion in Europe

Introduction In the globalized business atmospheres, players in individual industries consider the expansion of their scope of operations in a bid to heighten their competitiveness. Before a company enters a new market, it ought to carry out an analysis of the internal and external factors that would affect its functionality...

Global Development: Core Concerns for the 21st Century

Abstract The nature of development and its primary concerns vary from time to time. The issues that were considered as most significant in past may not be a part of today’s key concerns. As the world crosses the premises of a new millennium, the nature of global development has considerably...

Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Market Capitalization

Market Capitalization Market capitalization indicates the size and performance of the company, and it also reflects how the management responsible for the changes in external economic environments by allocating funds on equity and liability reasonably. In the case of the GCFB Company, the market capitalization has been on the downward...

Technology Industry and University Research

Introduction The knowledge base of technology usually derives from basic research. It focuses on generating scientific knowledge and deals with fundamental questions of science. Nature of the environment plays a very significant role in creation and application of knowledge. Government policy plays a very significant role in establishing a national...

International System and International Society

For several years, scholarship on the contemporary international state has been marred by a lack of clarity. Most scholars have failed to draw a clear distinction between an international system and an international society. As a result, comparative analysis between international systems in the concept of international society could not...

Mild Depression: Psychotherapy or Pharmacotherapy

Introduction The New Horizons Community Mental Health Center serves the diverse population of Miami, FL, which predominantly includes Hispanic, White American, African American, and Haitian clients. Patients with depression constitute a large part of the population that the Center serves, but the Center’s health providers have been reporting issues in...

Nike Social Media vs. Adidas Social Media: Marketing Analysis

Adidas vs. Nike Social Media Accounts: Essay Introduction In the modern world, communication channels are developing rapidly, expanding Internet communications, which allow companies to interact with potential consumers, distribute content quickly, and deliver more accurate and relevant information, implementing advertising and PR tasks. One of the most actively developing methods...

  • Juvenile Delinquency
  • Renewable Energy
  • Alternative Energy
  • Business Planning

Five Areas of Effective Task Management

Introduction All organizations have requirements which prompt the implementation of certain tasks in a bid to improve the overall performance of the organization while at the same time ensuring that the organization is at par with recent developments in the specific area of operation. The overall success of the task...

Starbucks’s Stores and Canada’s Gross Domestic Product per Capita

Introduction The topic selected for this report is “Investigation of the relationship between the number of Starbucks’s stores per capita and Canada’s ‘GDP per Capita’.” Starbucks Coffee Company (Starbucks) is a leading coffee brand that has the largest chain of stores. It is based in Seattle, Washington and its shares...

Transactional Organized Crimes: Growth and Implications

Introduction The growth of international crime and transnational crime is a vital threat to the peaceful existence of humanity. Globalization and developments in the field of information systems have increased the scope of cross-border crimes as they have facilitated easy communication among world nations. Time and distance no longer create...

Social and Environmental Reporting: Arguments Against

Introduction Corporate SERA (social environmental reporting) was created in order to expand on conventional models of financial reporting which puts emphasis on a company’s financial prosperity in order to include social and environmental dimensions (Elkington 1999). Corporate reporting and assurance guidelines are now more than simply optional and voluntary reporting...

Strategic Management of Human Resources

Introduction The world has evolved dramatically with automobiles, steel, tire and various other industries had erupted during the industrial revolution. A number of countries came into the limelight like Japan, Germany, and Taiwan against the European Union. Organizations make up a nation because they provide jobs, earnings, standard of living;...

Employee’s Job Satisfaction: Emirates Group Case

Executive Summary This study aimed at examining the relationship between communication, as an independent variable, and job satisfaction, as the dependent variable. The study analyzed previous studies on communication and job satisfaction in a bid to establish any relation between communication and employee job satisfaction. Also, the study looked at...

Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer and Communication Theory

Introduction The Internet constitutes one of the most important innovations in communication technology. Unlike traditional media such as print, audio, and audio-visual platforms, the Internet fosters two-way communication. Search engines permit people to acquire information at a swift pace by eliminating the necessity of perusing through pages, as in the...

Meaning and History of Australian Consumer Law

In contemporary business environments, marketers have embarked on strategic market segmentation and consumer targeting strategies to improve their sales; with the aggression that comes with marketers, governments have seen the need to formulate and protect the rights of consumers, businesses, and the community. Australian business environment has both international and...

The Emerging Terrorist Threat in Africa

Abstract This research paper looks into the emerging issues of terrorist threats in Africa and especially the Northern African region. The paper tries to answer whether the U.S. has the ability to counter the emerging terrorist threats in Africa through military co-operation missions with aligned countries. As a result, the...

Old & New Testaments: Exegesis of Jeremiah 31 in Hebrews 10

Introduction Hebrews is about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ about the sacrifices enforced in the Mosaic Law. As mandated by this Law, the priests, the Levites, sacrificed animals for the atonement of their sins, but there is one superior to the animal sacrifices and this is Jesus Christ. “His sacrifice...

  • Collaboration
  • Product Marketing
  • Psychotherapy

Effective Leadership Skills to Motivate and Empower Nursing Faculty

Introduction As Tate points out, “senior nurses are likely to engage in a range of leadership activities in their daily routine and some may find the concept hard to understand” (34). Leadership in nursing is an art that involves quality delivery of care and facilitating positive nursing growth among other...

The Possibility of a United Africa: Impact of Colonization

Introduction Colonialism in Africa was executed mainly by European countries between 17th century and 19th centuries. The main reason towards this was the abundance of raw materials in the continent that they wanted to extract for industries back in Europe (“IvyPanda,” 2020). However, they concealed this by claiming that their...

Strategic Marketing Plan: Apple Corporation Inc.

The American marketing association defines marketing as ‘the activities, set of institutions and processes for creating communicating delivering and exchanging offering that has value to its customers, partners and the society at large. Marketing is the process through which companies create, communicate and deliver value to actual and potential customers...

Effect of Information and Communication Technology in a Corporate Organization

Proposal At the beginning of the 21st century, information technology and communication become an integral part of the corporation. Information technologies help organizations to manage and control all processes, develop their infrastructure and change. The most rapidly developing topic related to technology in recent years has been IT, with the...

Critical Issues to Planning and Implementation of Information Systems

Abstract The initial gist of this paper is the ‘information revolution’, spanning a period of technological innovations, from the internet to Information Technology, coupled with globalization and the rise of the multinationals. A new paradigm shift has emerged from this kind of revolution, and the organization’s trend is to implement...

“Lanval”: Summary & Analysis of Gender Roles and Courtly Love

The details of the concept of love presented in the literature change with references to different centuries and societies and Marie de France’s vision of love presented in her lais can be discussed as rather provocative for the Medieval society and literature because of the author’s use of the feminist...

The Impact of E-Commerce on the External Audit Process

Introduction Technology is here with us, it is here to stay, and therefore adopting technology has become a trend in many sectors of the economy. Despite the adoption of technology as a trend, it has proved to be the only way to survive in this competitive environment. Competition in all...

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Style

Introduction Leaders are vision careers. As heads of organizations, leaders are anticipated to have the ability to manage their emotions so that they (emotions) do not get out of control irrespective of the challenges that leaders go through while attempting to enhance compliance to their visions (Parker, & Sorensen, 2008,...

The Open Door Mission Program: A Grant Proposal

Abstract Open Door Mission is a faith-based and scientific-proof rehabilitation and recovery center and institution based in Harris County, Texas. It is committed to restoring the situations of society’s chronically dependent, poor, homeless, and crippled men. The complex has 175 bedrooms distributed among seven dorms and a dining hall, chapel,...

Effects of Climate Variability on Water Resources, Food Security, and Human Health

Introduction Climate variability remains one of the most severe public issues for all citizens across the globe. Profit and non-profit organizations are involved in their discussions and investigations to understand changes in temperature, weather conditions, and other events that humans are not able to control. Many observations and research activities...

  • Animal Testing
  • Acquisition
  • Gender Roles

US Foreign Affairs in the Middle East

Introduction Historically, the presence of the United States in the Middle East was based on safeguarding its national security interests. According to the CATO Institute, the American role in the region has been based on; supply of oil and natural resources, limiting the proliferation of nuclear weapons and limiting the...

Garbage Collection Center in Al Mosoud or Farajhazza

Introduction When setting up a company it is very important to consider different factors before starting to assess the viability of the company in the future, in addition, it helps to do research about the company’s success in the targeted market. The research may revolve around the expected operations the...

Climate Change Factors and Impacts on Blue Crab Populations

Introduction As part of the natural world, humankind has interacted with the environment to some extent throughout its history. If initially, it was a harmonious relationship with other animals and plants, then the human began to show more consumerism. Over time, the world community began to show concern for the...

From Breast Cancer to Zika Virus – Nursing Issues

Diabetes Type II and Oral Hygiene PICOT Question In patients aged 30–60, how can maintenance of oral hygiene by developing an oral health strategic plan as opposed to merely maintaining good hygiene (e.g., flossing, brushing teeth, etc.) influence the reduction of the diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, etc., over a...

Purchase or Lease Decision: Concrete Mixer Acquisition

Executive Summary Purchasing and buying equipment for a business is part of the primary capital budget expenditure, which affects the net profits. When deciding on whether to purchase or hire equipment, it is imperative to review the cash flows of each alternative to make a prudent option with optimal investment...

Leadership in Business: The Main Aspects

The business world is very much different today than it was a few decades ago. Technology and globalization has made it more exciting and also very difficult to establish a company and sustain its profitability. The same thing can be said with an existing organization that may have had great...

Nonprofit Organizations’ Disaster Management

Abstract The impact of nonprofit organizations on the process of disaster management is rather significant. Numerous nonprofit organizations focus on the process of helping other organizations to get back on track. There are also smaller nonprofit organizations that function similarly to their public counterparts. Within the framework of this research...

Jane Austen’s Literary Heroines

Introduction Jane Austen is generally accredited to be one of the most widely read and accepted writers in the world of English literature. Effective use of realism, indirect speech, and crucial social criticism is very common in Austen’s writings. Austen has a deep insight into the family dynamics and she...

JetBlue in the Global Financial Downturn

Introduction There are numerous external forces that affect the airline industry. As a result, the industry is compelled to continuously change its ways of doing things. The industry is not only vulnerable to bankruptcy, terrorism, amalgamation and acquisition but is also adversely affected by political instability in the various countries...

TQM, Six Sigma and Product Liability in Perishable Food Industry

Introduction The food industry is a multifaceted, worldwide collective industry composed of different enterprises which together supply food products that are used by the global population. Only the individuals who thrive on the food they grow (subsistence farmers) cannot be considered within the scope of today’s food industry. From the...

  • Animal Abuse
  • Performance
  • Breast Cancer

Free Essays by Words

5000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

Education system in saudi arabia.

  • Subjects: Education Study Courses and Education Programs
  • Words: 5446

Pentagon 9/11, Actions and Durations

  • Subjects: Terrorism Warfare
  • Words: 5403

Greener Pastures

  • Subjects: Business Case Study
  • Words: 5388

Factors Affecting the Consumption of Men’s Cosmetic Products

  • Subjects: Business Marketing
  • Words: 5385

Mitigation of Delayed Projects in the UAE

  • Subjects: Business Management
  • Words: 5443

Social Science and Elementary Teaching Methods

  • Subjects: Education Learning Challenges
  • Words: 5165

How power and politics play their role in context with consumers

  • Subjects: Business Business Ethics
  • Words: 5192

The Decision Process in Operations

  • Subjects: Business Decision Making
  • Words: 5003

What were the implications of Germany’s reunification for France and how did Francois Mitterrand respond to it

  • Subjects: History Western Europe
  • Words: 5287

Human Trafficking between Africa and Europe: Security Issues

  • Subjects: Slavery Sociology
  • Words: 5322

The Agricultural Policy in European Union and the United State of America

  • Subjects: Agriculture Sciences
  • Words: 5019

Sustainability of Trade Relationship Between EU and China

  • Subjects: Economics International Trade Policy
  • Words: 5064

Strategic Thinking and Strategic Leadership

  • Words: 5481

Emirate Airline General Business Model

  • Subjects: Business Strategy
  • Words: 5499

Gate Gourmet International Business and Management

Emotional intelligence and gender in leadership.

  • Words: 5284

Physical Education Curriculum

  • Subjects: Curriculum Development Education
  • Words: 5011

Five Year Peace and Security Action Agenda

  • Subjects: International Relations Politics & Government
  • Words: 5035

The American Empire’s Public Affairs Strategy

  • Subjects: Government Politics & Government
  • Words: 5480

Compare and Evaluate Reform in One Policy Sector in Two Countries

  • Words: 5009

Reinhard Heydrich’s Role in the Holocaust

  • Subjects: Nazi Germany Warfare
  • Words: 5463

The Death Penalty Debate in the United States of America

  • Subjects: Capital Punishment Debates Politics & Government
  • Words: 5442

A Just Humanitarian War: Kosovo 1999

  • Subjects: Modern Warfare Warfare
  • Words: 5370

The Relationship Between Religion and Politics in Somalia

  • Subjects: Political Culture Politics & Government
  • Words: 5415

United States-Iran Relations, 1930-1945

  • Subjects: History United States
  • Words: 5027

Service Corporation International

  • Words: 5459

Hofstede Labels the Chinese as a Collectivist Culture

  • Words: 5037

Avix Car Rentals Company Analysis

  • Subjects: Business Company Analysis
  • Words: 5174

Unemployment in Saudi Arabia

  • Subjects: Economic Systems & Principles Economics
  • Words: 5399

Criminology: The CSI Effect Among Jurors

  • Subjects: Criminology Law
  • Words: 5479

CSI Effect: Crime-Related Shows and Judicial System

  • Words: 5104

The Case of Etisalat Company

  • Words: 5495

Polymer Based on Ethylene Glycol – Chemistry

  • Subjects: Chemistry Sciences
  • Words: 5450

Zamil Air Conditioners (ZAC) strategic analysis

  • Words: 5408

Risk Management in Construction Projects

  • Subjects: Business Risk Management
  • Words: 5341

Insanity, Its Nature, Treatment, and Attitudes

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Psychiatry
  • Words: 5012

European Court of Justice and Regional Integration

  • Subjects: International Organizations Politics & Government

Hammond Aerospace: Company Leadership

  • Subjects: Business Leadership Styles
  • Words: 5076

Single Parenthood: History and Economic Implication

  • Subjects: Sociological Issues Sociology
  • Words: 5423

Has Post-Marxist and Critical Theory Strengthened Marxism?

  • Subjects: Politics & Government Social & Political Theory
  • Words: 5015

The Z Centre for Educational Research

  • Subjects: Business Organizational Management
  • Words: 5036

Boeing Company: Strategic Alternatives and Recommendations

  • Words: 5494

Femme Fatales in Mulvey’s “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”

  • Subjects: Art Film Studies
  • Words: 5025

Forming Partnerships in Education

  • Subjects: Education Education System
  • Words: 5290

Food Texture Research for Healthcare

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Healthy Nutrition
  • Words: 5410

The US Government vs. the US Airways

  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law Law
  • Words: 5044

Ronald Reagan as a President and a Person

  • Subjects: American Ex-Presidents History
  • Words: 5358

Modern Algeria

  • Subjects: Countries Studies Sciences
  • Words: 5466

Women’s Status in the Workforce and Its Evolution

  • Subjects: History Women Studies
  • Words: 5048

“Plaza Suite” by Neil Simon

  • Subjects: Literature Plays
  • Words: 5024

Coca Cola’s Business Policy in Zambia and El Salvador

  • Words: 5051

Emirates Airlines: Reservation Issues

  • Subjects: Project Management Tech & Engineering
  • Words: 5489

Strategic Audit: Home Depot Inc.

  • Words: 5493

Entrance and Expansion of KFC in China

  • Words: 5465

Chipotle Mexican Grill Company’s Management Strategies

  • Words: 5032

My Lai Massacre During Vietnam War

  • Subjects: Asia History
  • Words: 5109

Steve Jobs’ Role at Apple

  • Words: 5428

Concepts of Speech: Critique

  • Subjects: Communications Sociology
  • Words: 5321

Good Governance in IMF member Countries

  • Words: 5248

Christian Ethics in Jane Austen’s “Mansfield Park”

  • Subjects: British Literature Literature
  • Words: 5261

Moral Panic: James Bulger and Mary Bell Cases

  • Subjects: Socialization Sociology
  • Words: 5105

Bankruptcy and the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005

  • Subjects: Big Economic Issues Economics
  • Words: 5080

Survey on CMMI Framework.

  • Words: 5454

Public Policy & Planning: Inclusionary Zoning in Los Angeles

  • Subjects: Politics & Government Public Policies
  • Words: 5311

Food Merchandising Corporation’s Conflict Management

Mp3 vs satellite radio in the united states.

  • Subjects: Entertainment & Media Media and Society
  • Words: 5369

Voice Over IP Technology Review

  • Subjects: Internet Tech & Engineering
  • Words: 5078

Telefonica Spain’s Consumer Analysis Plan

America: the hands that helped to build her.

  • Subjects: Immigration Sociology
  • Words: 5200

RNA Interference Exploration Importance

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Healthcare Research
  • Words: 5151

Luxury Boats Product Marketing in Singapore

  • Subjects: Business Product Marketing
  • Words: 5336

World Literature. Where Does Evil Come From?

  • Subjects: Literature on Religion Religion
  • Words: 5252

Warsha: Company Analysis, Personnel and Marketing Plan

  • Words: 5175

Ford Motor Company During the Great Depression and Today’s Economic Crisis

  • Words: 5167

Marriage Differences in Botswana

  • Subjects: Family, Life & Experiences Marriage

Secondary and Primary International Market Research

  • Words: 5286

K9 Program: Effective Perception of Law Enforcement

  • Subjects: Education Educational Resources

“The Wasteland” by Thomas Eliot

  • Words: 5204

Senior Housing and Its Future in the US

  • Subjects: Economics Housing
  • Words: 5418

Children’s Aromatic Library as Intellectual Property

  • Subjects: Intellectual Property Law
  • Words: 5063

Financial Analysis: ADNOC vs. ENOC

  • Subjects: Business Financial Management
  • Words: 5008

Apple Company: Strategic Analysis and Recommendations

  • Words: 5402

Capital Punishment in Modern American History: Lists of Capital Crimes That Varied From Region to Region

  • Subjects: Criminal Law Law
  • Words: 5207

Airline Mergers and the Case Between BMI and Lufthansa

  • Subjects: Business Industry
  • Words: 5077

Analogue to Digital Sound Effect Processor

  • Subjects: Other Technology Tech & Engineering
  • Words: 5052

Motor Industry: Forklift Market Analysis

  • Words: 5236

Human Behavior Effect on the Results of Organization’s Projects

  • Words: 5216

Computer Network: Electronic Mail Server

  • Subjects: Computer Science Tech & Engineering
  • Words: 5456

Current Laws and Acts That Pertain to Computer Security

  • Subjects: Computer Security Tech & Engineering
  • Words: 5452

Security Solutions for MANETs

  • Subjects: Cyber Security Tech & Engineering
  • Words: 5014

Process of Pharmaceutical Manufacture of Tablets

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Pharmacology
  • Words: 5112

Global Finance Inc.: Assets Risks and Mitigation

  • Words: 5340

Life Cycle Assessments of Flooring Cover Materials

  • Subjects: Construction Design
  • Words: 5198

Retail Stores Managerial Aspects

  • Subjects: Business Company Structure
  • Words: 5431

Post-Classical Hollywood

  • Subjects: Art Cinema Art
  • Words: 5267

Nursing Retention: Kanter’s and Neuman’s Theory

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Nursing
  • Words: 5071

Education System in Iceland

  • Subjects: Education Education Abroad

Under the Influence Problem in the City of Albuquerque

  • Subjects: Law Transportation Law
  • Words: 5233

Antitrust Law Violation in the Market

Saudi arabian amiantit fiberglass industries analysis.

  • Words: 5488

Managing Procurement and Supply

  • Words: 5179

Bacterial Biofilms and Infections

  • Subjects: Biology Sciences
  • Words: 5039

United States Coast Guard’s Leadership Styles

  • Words: 5201

Parents’ Perception of Attending an ADHD Clinic

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Healthcare Institution
  • Words: 5042

Empirical and Theoretical Studies Own-Race Bias

  • Subjects: Social Movements Sociology

Territorial Claims of Antarctica and the Antarctic Treaty

  • Words: 5458

The Park Hyatt Sydney Dining Room Project Refurbishment

  • Words: 5384

McLaughlin & Harvey Firm’s Cement Procurement Strategy

  • Words: 5121

The Future of Car Markets in Dubai

  • Words: 5368

7-Eleven Inc.’s Corporate Analysis

  • Words: 5082

Improving Patient Outcomes by Reducing Avoidable Interruptions

Goodman fielder company extensive valuation, a diversity of a workforce: millennial generation.

  • Subjects: Business Workforce
  • Words: 5266

Child Labour Policies in Business

  • Words: 5411

Strategy as a Practice and Leadership

  • Words: 5330

The Impact of International Regimes

Van doesburg and the international avante-garde: constructing a new world.

  • Subjects: Art Art Movement
  • Words: 5173

Pedagogy: The Learning of English as a Foreign Language

  • Subjects: Education Pedagogy
  • Words: 5364

The Safe Drinking Water Act 1974: Overview

  • Subjects: Environmental Law Law
  • Words: 5441

Health Outcome of Quadrivalent and Trivalent Influenza Vaccines

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Healthcare Financing
  • Words: 5030

Writing a 5000-word essay may seem overwhelming at first, as this word count presupposes composing a paper at least 17-18 pages long. That’s pretty much for a beginner.

With proper planning and thorough research, such an assignment is still manageable. You may need to write a paper of this length if you’re assigned to:

  • A research paper (1,500+ words)
  • A lengthy report (2,000+ words)
  • A term paper (2,500+ words)
  • A thesis (5,000+ words)

As you can see, essays of this word count are pretty rare, though still possible. On this page, we’ve collected the top 5000-word paper examples and topics. If you’re looking for more samples, check the IvyPanda free essays page!

  • 🔥 Hot Topics for 2024
  • 👔 Business Essay Examples
  • ✏️ How to Write a 5000 Words Paper
  • 🎓️ Paper Examples on Education

💭 5000 Word Paper Prompts

  • 📘 Research Paper Examples
  • 🌍 International Affairs Paper Topics
  • 🏺 History Paper Examples
  • 👨‍🏫 Thesis Topic Ideas

🔥 Hot 5000-word Paper Topics for 2024

  • Employee data security in the era of cybercrime.
  • Approaches to increasing the social responsibility of mass media influencers.
  • Methods for overcoming stigma around HIV.
  • Role of advertising in the formation of consumerist cultures.
  • Tech advancements for early forest fire detection.
  • Scale and magnitude of industrial pollution in India.
  • The effect of pesticides on consumer health.
  • Modern art promotion strategies.
  • EU security threats resulting from the conflict in Ukraine.
  • Internet advancements as a tool for fairer electoral procedures.
  • Child labor prevention policies in Asia.
  • Climate change’s impacts on the residents of Bangladesh.
  • The destiny of traditional cultural practices in the 21st century.
  • Molecular science advancements and cancer treatment.
  • The far-reaching implications of modern genome research.

👔 5000 Word Research Papers on Business & Management

  • Nelson Mandela Leadership Style Mandela’s fight for democracy and fulfilment of the majority will was also seen in his efforts to reconcile Libya with the rest of the world.
  • IKEA Company Analysis It is one of the major retailers of furniture and house wares in the world. The company blends the four components of the marketing mix in order to identify the target market to penetrate.
  • New Energy Drink Marketing Strategy The Mission of the company is to be a leader in the manufacturing and marketing of healthy, nutritious beverages in the USA and to satisfy consumers’ needs while at the same time enhancing the individual […]
  • International Market Entry Strategies Besides, the international market can also attract consumers from the adjacent countries, thereby widening the marketing portfolio further Nonetheless, this form of direct investment is underpinned by one main challenge in the sense that the […]
  • Management Skills in the 21st Century The report also delves in discussing the fundamental skills that the managers and executives of the 21st century need to be equipped with so that they are able to position their organizations at a competitive […]
  • Total Quality Management: A Path to Sustainable Growth and Improvement The considerations include but are not limited to: the identification of the business opportunity, development of the product or service, evaluations of the suppliers, clients and business environment and market analysis among others.
  • Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies Therefore the success of firm in this industry will depend on the intensity of market research conducted so as to identify the most appropriate product to supply in the market.
  • Global Business Cultural Analysis: Japan The ability to address changes lies on business members’ wish to embrace the goals of the business and the level of the sense of togetherness.
  • Hospitality Strategic Management and Marketing The school puts an underscore on the importance of an entity with regard to the context in which the entity operates.asserts that the environment is essential as it is referred to while testing the viability […]
  • Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Talent Management in Etisalat It is the assumption of this study that talent management and retaining employees are inherently connected to job satisfaction, as well as the degree development and the number of new tasks associated with a job […]
  • Mitigation of Delayed Projects in the UAE Some of the causes of delays in the construction industry and especially in the UAE include delay in the approval of drawings, inadequate and late planning, and slow decision-making for the part of the owners. […]
  • Fair Trade as an Alternative to Free Trade The failure of the conventional trade system has forced people to reconsider the assumption that free trade is the best way to create wealth and benefit all of humanity.
  • Factors Affecting the Consumption of Men’s Cosmetic Products The main aim of this study was to determine the factors that affect the consumption of cosmetic products in the male population.
  • E-Marketing For Small Businesses The urban centers are also attractive to both the small-scale and large firms because of the purchasing power in the towns. This affects the ability of the small-scale firms to adopt e-commerce at a speed […]
  • Marketing in Various Areas The Next Generation Management gives the learner the opportunity to expand their mindset to look at the business and economy as part of the globe and the entire global society and therefore initiate solutions that […]

✏️ How to Write a 5000 Word Paper

As you may see from the large word count of a 5000-word assignment, it should be well-structured and organized to maintain readability and coherence. Here are some vital tips for organizing an essay or research paper of this length.

The picture describes a 5000-word paper structure.

5000-Word Essay Structure

Given the length of this essay assignment, you will need to divide the paper into sections to allow readers to navigate through the content and find appropriate sections with ease.

As a rule, such papers include:

  • An introduction
  • A literature review that shapes the theoretical basis for further analysis
  • An actual analysis
  • A conclusion

You may also have a separate methodology section if you’ve applied some systematic approach to data selection or analysis, but it’s a rare occurrence in essays.

As for paragraphs, your 5000-word essay may have from 25 to 50+ paragraphs (if we count the number of paragraphs by a standard word count from 75 to 200 words each).

If this looks too challenging, you might want to use the free outline generator we’ve developed.

5000-Word Essay Introduction

The standard approach to introduction writing is to allocate 10% for papers of 1,500+ words in length and 10-20% for smaller papers. Since we have a 5,000-word assignment, 10% will be enough. This means that you will need to dedicate 1.5-2 pages to your introductory section – around 500 words long. Here, you should introduce your subject, specify the problem you’re going to discuss further, and formulate a thesis statement for 1-2 sentences with your main argument and points on the chosen subject.

Try using the research introduction maker to get a sample introduction for a paper on your topic. Two more instruments that you’ll probably find helpful are a hook sentence generator and a thesis statement tool .

5000-Word Essay Conclusion

Similar to the introductory section, your conclusion should be 10% of the word count – roughly 500 words in this case. It will recap the essay’s main points and arguments you’ve discussed in the body of your paper, focusing on your progress throughout the research and your key insights derived from it. Don’t forget to reformulate the thesis statement, voice a call to action, and make broader conclusions about the significance of your study.

Consider using a closing sentence generator to quickly wrap up the content of your paper.

How Many References Should I Use in a 5000 Word Paper?

It’s hard to estimate the right number of references for this project, as the standard for essay papers is 8-12 references for every 1,000 words. Thus, following this rule, you might need anywhere from 40 to 60 sources for this assignment if the professor doesn’t indicate otherwise.

If you want to quickly generate a reference list for your essay of 5000 words, try the works cited generator we’ve developed.

🎓️ 5000 Word Paper Examples on Education

  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children The paper will look at the applicability of the instrument for assessing the cognitive abilities of children giving special attention to how the freedom for distractibility index is applied.
  • Emergency Nursing Disaster Preparedness: Teaching Plan The topic that will be covered in the teaching session is “Emergency Nursing Disaster Preparedness”, and the time allocated to cover the topic is 30 minutes.
  • First-Year Students and Issues to Cope with Procrastination in the studying process is not the choice; it is no longer the norm to do the task in the last minute such as the night before it is due.
  • Forming Partnerships in Education Therefore, it is the responsibility of individuals, organisations and governments to ensure that learning processes in schools and colleges are effective.
  • Innovation Development in Dubai Schools The following are the research objectives for this study: To explore different factors of innovation development in Dubai schools and how effective they are;
  • Teaching: Stressful Activity and Its Implications In other words, it is proposed that a teacher gains the skill of coping with different stress situations in the course of the program.
  • Peer Assessment as a Teacher’s Motivating Strategy According to Wadesango & Bayaga, the fact that motivation can drop among high ability students in the process of the intervention points at the necessity to introduce the set of activities that would keep the […]
  • The Effects of Self-Directed Learning The featured research questions revolves around the impacts that online learning practices would tend to have on self directed learning; the types of learning skills which students are likely to achieve through online learning practices; […]
  • Identification and Provision for Mathematically Gifted Students Secondary research is preferred over primary research methods since the core of the study is to appraise already available literature and existing theories on the topic to determine their reliability to the area of study.
  • Social Science and Elementary Teaching Methods Holmes and Holmes postulate that teachers, “face the responsibilities and pressures of the accountability movement where the lessons they plan must continue the momentum of the curriculum required by the state, district, school and classroom […]
  • Education System In Saudi Arabia To ensure the smooth running of education in the country the government formed the General Directorate of Education. The government recognizes the importance of technical education to improve the skills of the labor force hence […]

Importance of Keeping Appointments 5000 Words

Discuss the importance of being punctual and respectful at all appointments people make in their personal and professional lives. Talk about the consequences of being chronically late and the impact of such conduct on personal and business relationships. Propose actionable strategies to help people improve time management skills and become more punctual.

5000 Word Dissertation Proposal

Five thousand words is the optimal size for a dissertation proposal on any topic. Make sure to cover all essential aspects of your dissertation research in this paper, starting from the introduction of the problem, the research scope, the methodology you’re planning to use, expected outcomes, and the theoretical and practical value of your study for your academic area.

5000 Word Essay on Respect

Respect is a broad, abstract concept that can be researched in depth in a 5,000-word assignment. You can consider respect from the differing perspectives of various cultures and examine its expression in various life domains (family, friendship, relationship, or workplace).

Personal Statement 5000 Words

This word count is pretty much for a personal statement, and it’s not typical to receive such an assignment from an employer or academic institution. However, if you have been assigned to this project, make sure to make it structured, attention-grabbing, and informative. Discuss your educational or professional pathway and mention your key relevant achievements, skills, and future plans.

📘 5000 Word Research Paper Examples

  • Cyber Security Technologies The technology is regularly designed to alter the attack surface of a network, making it hard for attackers to access a system and reducing the susceptibilities and predictabilities available at any time.
  • Human Trafficking between Africa and Europe: Security Issues This situation is usually made possible by the fact that the traffickers are usually criminal groups that have a potential to do harm to the victims and to the family of the victims.
  • How Public Participation Is Affecting Service Delivery In the UK, the notion of public participation has gained favour, owing to its ability to affect democracy and flexibility in the delivery of public services.
  • Conflict Resolution Within an Organization There has been renewed interest on conflict in the organization context in the past decade which can be evidenced by establishment of the International Association for Conflict Management which facilitates in the research and development, […]
  • Pentagon 9/11, Actions and Durations The following are the objectives of my study: To find out the major loopholes that was exploited by the terrorists in the attack To find out the measures that can be put in place to […]
  • The Relationship between Stress Management and Criminal Recidivism Employment tends to increase the social capital of individuals, what is usually referred to as the networks of shared norms and values, which augments the access to the much-needed necessities.
  • How Infographics Make it Easier to Receive Information Some of the limitations to the use of images in infographics include the visual impairment of the intended subjects, lack of clarity in the presentation of the message, and existing personal viewing preferences such as […]
  • The Benefits of Being Bilingual in a Global Society And, it represents the matter of crucial importance for educators to be able to adopt a proper perspective onto the very essence of bilingualism/multilingualism, as it will increase their ability to design teaching strategies in […]

🌍 5000 Word International Affairs Paper Topics

  • Consequences of rising China for the USA.
  • Origins and political motivations of Al Qaeda.
  • Evolution of the US foreign policy in the past 30 years.
  • The world’s path to multi-polar politics.
  • The role of anti-dumping laws in international trade.
  • Can soft power still help in 21st-century regional conflict resolutions?
  • The evolution of the global security concept since the 2010s.
  • The impact of war in Ukraine on international politics.
  • Dynamics of international politics during globalization.
  • The American trace in South Sudan civil war.
  • The UN as a global governance body – analysis of efficiency.
  • Are humanitarian interventions always justified from the viewpoint of international politics?
  • The US engagement with Middle East politics – the oil question.
  • The Turkey-Afghanistan political tension.
  • International affairs from constructivist vs. realist perspectives.

🏺 5000 Word History Paper Examples

  • The History of Rice in Japan Towards the end of the 1930s, the government took control of the rice markets and licensed all the brokers as well as rice dealers.
  • Women’s Status in the Workforce and Its Evolution However, I was interested in taking a historical excursion into the evolution of the position of women in the labor market and understanding how women of the last century felt in the labor market and […]
  • Ronald Reagan as a President and a Person He was against the ideas of communism, and he thus worked hard to ensure that communism did not find a place in Hollywood.
  • The US Military Experience in Films He dips a cloth in the water at the bottom of the shell hole and touches it to the wounded Frenchman’s mouth.
  • United States-Iran Relations, 1930-1945 The American’s mission was to refurbish Iranian army, to reorganize gendarmerie in Iran; they also had financial mission and smaller missions to the police department and Ministry of Food and Supply in Iran.
  • Poverty and Inequality in Jacksonian America One of the reactions of the leaders and most especially the presidents under this period was to impose a policy of non-intervention by the federal government.

👨‍🏫 5000 Word Thesis Topic Ideas

  • The impact of global warming and climate change on the Dead Sea ecosystem.
  • Homeschooling vs. public education: a longitudinal study of schoolers’ career prospects.
  • Long-term impact of Tourette’s syndrome on the person’s life.
  • Market analysis adjustments for digital businesses.
  • Career prospects of over-qualified staff in business administration.
  • Perceived impact of socio-economic status on happiness.
  • AI use in healthcare diagnostics: a step forward?
  • Biodiversity conservation challenges in East India.
  • VR tools for student assessment.
  • Pedagogical work with youth subcultures.
  • Business development in compliance with ESG principles: a modern business challenge.
  • Predictive modeling of financial crises.
  • Marketing strategies for small businesses in the post-COVID era.
  • The principles of reflex branding.
  • Impact of feedback on employee performance and self-esteem in the nursing workplace.

📌 5000 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 5000 word essay is how many pages.

How many pages is a 5000-word essay? It depends on the line spacing. A paper of this length will take 10 pages (single-spaced) or 20 pages (double-spaced). The exact length of your 5000 words will depend on the citation style used, the footnotes, and the bibliography.

📌 How Many Paragraphs Is 5000 Words?

How much is 5000 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 5000-word essay will consist of 34-37 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 5000 Words?

How many sentences is a 5000-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 5000 words are not less than 250-253 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 5000-Word Essay?

A 5000-word paper requires a very thorough approach to researching, outlining, and writing. You’ll rarely need to write an essay of such a length. 5000-word volume is more suitable for a term paper, research paper, or scholarly article. Apart from the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, you can be required to include other parts like an abstract, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion. The details will depend on the exact requirements.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 5000 Words?

How long does it take to write a 5000-word essay? It will take you 2-3 hours to type 5000 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend a little over 16 and a half hours for a 5000-word paper.

📌 How to Reduce Word Count in a 5000-Word Essay?

The easiest way to do that is to get rid of the less important arguments you consider in your 5000-word essay. Rank your arguments and eliminate those weaker. Another idea is to edit your paper in order to make sentences shorter. For instance, you can remove some of the adverbs.


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  1. PDF Upper Sixth Extended Project Qualification and Extended Essay

    Qualification and Extended Essay November 2019 The EPQ typically involves a 5,000 word essay, based on the student's own research. Alternatively, students may choose to produce an artefact of their choice accompanied by a 1,000 word analysis and explanation. The Extended Essay is part of the IB Diploma and asks students to engage


    Flair, originality and accurate use of language are all helpful when writing an academic essay but this booklet provides useful guidance on the technique of academic writing. It's a style you can learn if you follow this guidance. In bringing this guide together, we have sourced the very best advice from top universities, from exam boards and ...

  3. PDF Level 3 Extended Project H856 Exemplar Folder 1

    Level 3 Extended Project H856 Exemplar Folder 1. Extended Project Exemplar 1 - 49/60 A* Palladium Catalysts. AO1 -Some reservations at the start, with the abstract, introduction approach etc, so seemed to be more concerned with dissertation than with project management. PPR had good evidence of choice and planning ...

  4. How To Write An EPQ Essay (Step-by-Step Guide)

    That is why I have written this (hopefully) detailed guide on how to write an EPQ. 1. Think Of An EPQ Topic That Genuinely Interests You. The most important thing to do before you even start your EPQ is to find a topic that actually interests you. Think about what you like, and focus your EPQ essay on that.

  5. PDF Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

    The EPQ is an essay that students will complete from year 12-year 13. The aim of this is to inspire, ... 5000-6000 word essay. A presentation on findings. 120 'guided learning' hours which will be delivered during a timetabled 'enrichment hour', once ... For example, if you want

  6. How to Write an EPQ Essay

    In addition to the A-Levels you're already doing, you can choose to take an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). An EPQ is an independent research project, and it's extremely beneficial as it counts towards UCAS tariff points. Consisting of around 5,000 words, an EPQ essay is an in-depth assignment which takes about 120 hours to complete.

  7. PDF A Survival Guide to the Extended Project

    2. Number system - simply using the insert tool on Word to insert a number which refers the reader to your footnote or endnote. Bibliography - the list of all sources that you have used, referred to or consulted during the course of compiling your Extended Essay. For example: Power, J. A History of the Extended Project at MTGS. Crosby, England ...

  8. PDF The Extended Project Qualification

    The project should be 5000 words in length, or an equivalent artefact and written report combination. You might submit a 5000 word dissertation-style extended essay, but if you were conducting, for example, sociological research then an observation journal could count towards the word limit, a linguistic study might include a CD, an

  9. PDF OCR

    OCR - awarding body for A Levels, GCSEs, Cambridge Nationals, Cambridge ...

  10. EPQ exemplars

    Hi everyone! I'm currently behind on the EPQ dissertation and I'm needing major inspiration for it. However, I can't seem to find any good exemplars online unfortunately? If anyone is willing to share their former essays or have any links to examples, it would be amazing! Thanks! P.s my topic is: To what magnitude has materialism within consumerism impacted modern society?

  11. How To Write EPQ Essay: A Step By Step Guide With Examples

    4. Compelling Introduction. Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that clearly states your research question or objective. Engage your readers by providing context, significance, and a glimpse of what they can expect from your essay. 5. Thorough Analysis and Critical Thinking.

  12. Resources for the Extended Project Qualification at The University of

    Resources for Extended Project tutors and assessors. Experienced researchers at Manchester have designed a series of bespoke workshops specifically to support students studying for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), or undertaking an Extended Project as part of a diploma. These sessions can be used by teachers delivering the taught ...

  13. My A* EPQ [Art-based Artefact FULL Essay & Sketchbook Example|| Pastel

    Gariff. (2008). World's Most Influential Painters and the Artists They Inspired: Stories and Hidden Connections Between Great Works of Western Art. During Sixth Form, I completed an art-based artefact EPQ on the significance of light and colour in Impressionist art. This EPQ followed obtaining full marks in my Art GCSE, so I chose to take a ...

  14. Smallbone Library: EPQ Guide: Expressing your ideas

    Your EPQ will be assessed on: Your completed Production Log; A written report (sometimes referred to in this guide as an essay) if your project is a research based written report of any kind (e.g. a science investigation or an essay) it should be approximately 5,000 words long

  15. PDF Level 3 Extended Project H856 Exemplar Folder 3

    Level 3 Extended Project H856 Exemplar Folder 3. Extended Project Exemplar 3 - 46/60 A Treatment of Cerebral Palsy. AO1 - Top Level Two is right. There are flaws in the planning process, but student clearly learned a lot and was aware of issues and how to develop. Plan changes are fairly well documented and some of ...

  16. How many words long should my EPQ be?

    All Project products must include a written report ofbetween 1000 and 5000 words. The exact length ofeach written report will depend on the nature of theproject, the subject area or topic chosen and theother evidence provided.A project which consists solely of written work shouldbe approximately 5000 words, for example a researchreport of an ...

  17. A* graded EPQ 5000 word Report

    4.6 stars on & (+1000 reviews) 85957 documents were sold in the last 30 days. Founded in 2010, the go-to place to buy revision notes and other study material for 14 years now. Start selling. An 5000 word essay for AQA Extended Project Qualification, graded A* (highest grade)

  18. PDF A Survival Guide to the Extended Project

    approximately 5000 words, for example an investigation, exploration of a hypothesis or extended essay or academic report. Projects where the majority of the evidence is provided in other formats should include a report or record of work undertaken which is at least 1000 words. What should the written report contain?

  19. How to Write an EPQ Essay [Professional Guide]

    Here's how you can write an A+ extended project qualification essay in 9 steps. 1. Brainstorm topic ideas. The first thing to do before you start writing your EPQ essay is to find an engaging topic that interests you. Look for ideas and brainstorm subject matter essay topics that are significant to you and intrigue your mind.

  20. 5000-Word Essay Samples: A+ Paper Examples for Free

    120 samples of this type. A 5000-word essay is a standard graduate-level college assignment. Its structure will depend on the discipline and institution. Moreover, a paper of 5000 to 5500 words is not necessarily an essay. A student might be assigned a research paper of such a length. The possible research fields might be social science ...

  21. 5000 Word Essay Examples + Topiсs for 5000 Words Papers

    The standard approach to introduction writing is to allocate 10% for papers of 1,500+ words in length and 10-20% for smaller papers. Since we have a 5,000-word assignment, 10% will be enough. This means that you will need to dedicate 1.5-2 pages to your introductory section - around 500 words long.