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Social Work Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Osteoarthritis, social role participation, and satisfaction with life: A quantitative study informed by the Social Identity Model of Identity Change (SIMIC) , Stephanie E. Rosado

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Transition of Persons with Developmental Disabilities from Parental to Sibling Co-Residential Care: Effects on Sibling Caregiver Well-Being and Family Functioning , Richard Steven Glaesser

An Exploratory Study of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Communication among Haitian Mother–Daughter Dyads in West Central Florida , Stacy Eileen Kratz

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

An Exploration of the Relationship between Child Welfare Workers’ Ambivalent Sexism and Beliefs about Father Involvement , Katrina Lee Brewsaugh

Physical, Verbal, Relational and Cyber-Bullying and Victimization: Examining the Social and Emotional Adjustment of Participants , Melanie Mcvean

Understanding the Experience of Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder: A Phenomenological Study of Emerging Adults , Kristin M. Smyth

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

A Mixed Methods Inquiry of Caregivers of Veterans with Sustained Serious "Invisible" Injuries in Iraq and/or Afghanistan , Bina Ranjit Patel

Exploring the Relationship of Healthy Lifestyle Characteristics with Food Behaviors of Low-Income, Food Insecure Women in the United States (US) , Kimberly Ann Wollard

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Development of the Professional School Social Work Survey: A Valid and Reliable Tool for Assessment and Planning , Catherine E. Randall

Clinical and Criminal Justice Outcomes in the Jail Diversion and Trauma Recovery (JDTR) Program , Daniel Harold Ringhoff

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Evidence-Based Practice Attitudes, Knowledge and Perceptions of Barriers Among Juvenile Justice Professionals , Esther Chao Mckee

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The Efficacy of Aggression Replacement Training with Female Juvenile Offenders in a Residential Commitment Program , Jody Anne Erickson

Rural Communities: How Do Individuals Perceive Change When Industry Enters the Area? , Katherine Danielle Ferrari

The Baby Blues: Mothers' Experiences After Adoption , Brigette Barno Schupay

Use of Services by Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: In Their Own Words , Michele M. Scordato

Efforts to Engage Parents and Case Outcomes in the Child Welfare System , Patty Sharrock

Continuing Attachment Bonds to the Deceased: A Study of Bereaved Youth and Their Caregivers , Erica Hill Sirrine

Spiritual Life Review With Older Adults: Finding Meaning in Late Life Development , Alicia Margaret Stinson

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Children Who Die of Abuse: An Examination of the Effects of Perpetrator Characteristics on Fatal Versus Non-Fatal Child Abuse , Donald L. Dixon

The Mediating Role of Social Support and Fulfillment of Spiritual Needs in End of Life Care , Kimberley A. Gryglewicz

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Examination of the Effect of Child Abuse Case Characteristics on the Time a Caseworker Devotes to a Case , Christopher J. Card

Evaluating Social Work Students’ Attitudes Toward Physical Disability , Rachael A. Haskell

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Prevalence of Client Violence against Social Work Students and Its Effects on Fear of Future Violence, Occupational Commitment, and Career Withdrawal Intentions , Pamela Myatt Criss

An evaluation of the influence of case-method instruction on the reflective thinking of MSW students , Marleen Milner

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Developing a School Social Work Model for Predicting Academic Risk: School Factors and Academic Achievement , Robert Lucio

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185 Social Work Dissertation Topics: Creative List

185 Social Work Dissertation Topics

If you are a student of social work, then there are so many subjects that you can write about in your dissertation topic. Social work, in simple terms, is a set of functions that allow you to improve the lives of others. Social workers help adults and children cope with everyday issues, relationship troubles, personal issues and family issues. Given the scope of work of a social worker, finding the right social work dissertation topics can be challenging as there are so many pressing issues to cover.

In order to write a good paper and choose a topic that interests you, here are a few things that you should consider:

Choose a topic that is close to your heart : If you have chosen social work as your field of study, then there must be some area of work that intrigues you. This could be related to child care, women’s rights or health. To write a good paper, choose a subject that is of interest to you and will help you in your line of work going forward. Make sure your topic is supported by data : Choose topics that have enough data to present strong arguments and discussions. The paper should be thought provoking : Once you have got an approval on your proposed social work dissertation topics, use as much information that is relatable. The readers should take back some ideas from your paper and also have questions about how the system can be improved to fulfill the purpose of social work. This means that you need to find loopholes in the system and address them in your paper effectively.

Now that you know what a good social work dissertation paper entails, here is a list of topics to help you start your journey. However if you have more interesting things to do, remember you have an opportunity to buy dissertation and get the best result.

Social Work Dissertation Ideas

These are good dissertation topics for social work students at all academic levels:

  • Write an in-depth paper on the perception and attitude of oppression between the community and healthcare professionals.
  • Write about the inherent perceptions related to social work among different cultures.
  • A comprehensive review of different approaches to strengthen users of social services.
  • The role of social workers in end-of-life decisions.
  • Is evidence based learning an excellent way of learning for social workers?
  • What are your views on the law of reflection and its role in social work?
  • What are the challenges faced by social workers with respect to inter-professional practices?
  • Is tutoring an integral part of social work training? Write your views.
  • Social work and government policies: Write a detailed review.
  • How social work interventions can protect vulnerable adults.
  • The common security issues faced by personal social workers.
  • Transitioning from employment to social work: Challenges and advantages.
  • Substance abuse among young adults. The role of social workers in prevention and management.
  • A review on why women choose to remain in abusive relationships.
  • The contribution of social services in helping families cope with a member with dementia.
  • The relationship between social work and communities of faith.
  • The role of social workers in promoting ethnic minorities.
  • The best ways in which social workers can improve the life of the elderly.
  • Does social work impact the quality of life of senior citizens?
  • Disparities in the society that can be resolved to improve the lives of ethnic minorities.
  • The importance of being gender sensitive in addressing the issues faced by the LGBTQ community.
  • Is rehabilitation of young offenders the new way of ensuring restorative justice?
  • Laws that allow the representation of marginalized societies in the government.
  • Can prohibition of alcohol preserve law and order in a community?
  • The role of drug addiction in increasing relationship problems within families.
  • The primary factors contributing to juvenile delinquency.
  • Does imposing a curfew on minors lead to increased chances of premarital sex?
  • The role of the media in determining the electoral process of any country.
  • Provide great examples of good governance with respect to the recovery of a city or locality after being affected by a natural calamity.
  • Provide a social work perspective on the growing popularity of political figures and icons.
  • How does education contribute to the ability of leaders to shape the social and political structure of a country?
  • Can reactivating the death penalty change the rate of crime in our society?
  • Do individuals who are in illicit relationships perceive the norms of a marriage differently?
  • Experiences with healthcare of people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
  • Culture-based activism and its impact on the lives of Native Americans.

Easy Social Work Research Topics

These social work research topics cover a range of relatable and controversial subjects for you to write about.

  • How can survivors of domestic violence get better employment opportunities?
  • A study of women with sexual addiction.
  • Reintegration of individuals who have survived abuse into the society.
  • The primary causes and the best ways to prevent juveni;e recidivism.
  • Examples of great women leaders in our community.
  • Should immigrants be given health services?
  • What are the best housing options to support young people?
  • Medical care for the elderly: The challenges.
  • A detailed study of the relationships of HIV positive individuals.
  • Is customer satisfaction the most important goal for a business?
  • The barriers in social work with respect to climate change.
  • The experience of a home care worker in a caring relationship.
  • Are voluntary tourism communities in Chile an example of social development?
  • Why do we still hesitate to talk about sex?
  • How does organizational culture contribute to marginalism?
  • The role of leadership practices in eliminating new forms of marginalism.
  • Graduate students and the attitude towards couples therapy.
  • Review the employment services for domestic violence survivors in your region/ country.
  • Evaluate eviction risks based on social and cultural perceptions.
  • Write about the experiences of women who are in a relationship with an individual who is sexually addicted.
  • Provide a qualitative study of resilience and risk associated with young people.
  • How does health affect the employment of refugee and immigrant women?
  • Does encouraging traveling among women promote community leadership?
  • Humanities and the relationship with citizenship.
  • The perspectives of youth and service providers on the impact of housing options for young adults.
  • The role of arts in boosting healing processes.
  • How has dance impacted society?
  • How to improve medical facilities in rural areas?
  • The experiences of rural individuals with social workers.
  • How do the concepts of our society affect the lives of individuals with HIV and AIDs?
  • Improving care for individuals with HIV and AIDS.
  • Explore the nature of collaboration between individuals who suffer from poverty and various organizations in regions that are at a high economic and social risk.
  • The importance of sexual health education for immigrant women.
  • The social risks of gender identity.
  • How can the theory of dynamic systems be applied to countries that are in a war situation?

Child Protection Dissertation Ideas

Here are some good dissertation topics for social work students who are interested in childcare services:

  • The impact of agencies in protecting children: Provide a review of literature based on real practices.
  • Will children who experience or witness abuse and violence within the family perpetuate the same type of behavior?
  • Impact of family support and protection in child protection intervention by social workers.
  • The health problems of adults who have survived child sexual abuse.
  • The contribution of social workers in carrying out effective interventions for survivors of child sexual abuse.
  • Factors that contribute to adopted children seeking out their biological parents.
  • The impact of domestic violence on children and the resulting consequences for a social worker.
  • Review the educational achievements with respect to childcare in your region.
  • Review of literature of education and childcare in California and what the world can learn from it.
  • The effect of gambling on the lives of children.
  • The common factors that affect the socio-economic requirements of children.
  • How can social workers aid the emotional growth of children?
  • The impact of pornography in increasing the rate of crime and violence against chidlren.
  • The views of sexual abuse victims on pedophilia.
  • How do the physical changes during puberty affect the psyche of a child?
  • The risks associated with child welfare decisions.
  • How can education prevent violence against children?
  • An analysis of the maternal experiences of victims of child sexual abuse.
  • The experience of new social workers in child welfare.
  • Secondary traumatic stress between young counselors and children.
  • The best ways to protect a child in custody.
  • Support strategies to prevent child poverty in your country.
  • A study of resilience in individuals when building a strong future after emerging from a difficult childhood. Provide examples.
  • Immigrant families and adolescent development.
  • Is gender neutral upbringing overrated or is it the need of the hour?
  • How does the environment in the school impact the self esteem of children?
  • A case study to review the challenges of children with learning disabilities.
  • The benefits of studying child development in improving the contributions of social services.
  • The reason for the ignorance of child development for several years in history.
  • Write a detailed paper on the formation of ego with respect to different stages of development.
  • The effect of an absent parent on the developing years of a child.
  • How does domestic violence affect the concept of self in a child?
  • Child education and the impact of single parenting.
  • Factors that contribute to the retention of employees in childcare.
  • The causes and best strategies for the protection of runaway children.
  • The role of gender differences in shaping the outlook of children.
  • Why is play an important educational tool?
  • The best policies to promote the rights of children.
  • Factors that influence the quality of food in child care centers.
  • The risk factors and effects of bullying.
  • The best ways to reduce behavioral issues in children in foster care.
  • The relationship between disability and the chances of a child ending up in foster care.
  • The lack of child support and the effects on child care.
  • How does group therapy help children in foster care?
  • The impact of constant changes of family in orphaned toddlers.
  • How does homelessness impact the psyche of a child?
  • Recurring displacement and the effects on homeless children.
  • Factors that contribute to an antisocial lifestyle in children in foster care.
  • The effects of substance abuse on the lives of children.
  • The trauma of child-parent separation on the lifestyle and health of children.

Social Work Dissertation Topics Mental Health

Mental health contributes to some of the most important dissertation topics for social work students.

  • Why do individuals with obsessive compulsive disorders struggle to cope with society?
  • The effects of living with bipolar parents on the health and lifestyle of a child.
  • Why should we socially interrogate the stigma associated with mental health?
  • The role of social workers in improving support for individuals with mental health issues.
  • The occurrence of suicidal tendencies in military units and the best ways to address them.
  • The impact of death on the collective well-being of any family unit.
  • The positive impact of sponsors on the lives of recovering addicts.
  • Provide a clinical study on the current anti-depressants and their effectiveness.
  • How to stop social elimination of children suffering from Down Syndrome.
  • The role of a family in exacerbating depression.
  • The impact of alcoholism on personal lifestyle, family and society.
  • Provide a detailed analysis of the similarities and differences between ADHD and Dyslexia.
  • The best ways to improve awareness on degenerative mental health issues like Dementia.
  • The need for more awareness among educators about learning disabilities.
  • The most effective learning tools for children who suffer from ADHD, dyslexia and other learning disorders.
  • A detailed evaluation of socio-sexual education programs for individuals with developmental disorders.
  • Evaluation on the impact of developmental disabilities in the life events of an individual.
  • Life with a spouse who has memory loss.
  • Provide an exploratory study of different aids available to the primary caregivers of children with autism.
  • The meaning of well-being based on the cultural and ethic backgrounds of individuals.
  • Building resilience towards traumatic incidents using the mind-body connection of yoga.
  • Is the stigma against mental health disorders greater for women? Conduct a comparative study.
  • The perspectives of a woman living with mental illness and receiving assistance from community services.
  • Investigate how smoking gives individuals with depression a sense of belonging or acceptance.
  • Are mental health services equally accessible to minorities and other oppressed groups?
  • Do mental health service providers avoid detention of young males in their psychiatric units?
  • The relationship between government policies and effective mental health assistance.
  • Common behavioral issues of children in dysfunctional families.
  • The impact of foster care on the mental health of teenagers.
  • The effect of poverty and scarcity on the psyche of young children.

Social Work Masters Dissertation Topics

If you are writing a dissertation paper for your master’s degree, here are some interesting topics for you to choose from:

  • How is the lifestyle of a metropolitan city failed by the criminal justice system?
  • What are some sure shot signs of trauma in the workplace?
  • The effects of racial disparity on our society.
  • The best ways to control substance abuse and addiction.
  • How can the facilities at nursing homes for the elderly be improved?
  • The negative impact of food banks.
  • Government policies that have improved welfare conditions.
  • The impact of homophobia on our community.
  • Primary factors contributing to violence in a family.
  • The effects of unemployment on society.
  • Stigma and social issues faced by welfare mothers.
  • Experiences of women who live in shelter homes.
  • The inherent challenges of transracial adoption.
  • How to make wellness therapy more sustainable?
  • The impact of first-time menstrual experience on teenage girls living in foster homes.

Common Dissertation Topics For Social Work Students

If you wish to get top grades, here are some topics that give you a lot of literature and data to review.

  • Birth control laws and their negative impact.
  • The challenges of increasing housing costs on the youth.
  • Workplace abuse and the relationship with paid labor.
  • The impact of cultural belief on relationships.
  • The negative impact of teenage pregnancy.
  • Low income neighborhoods and the increasing cases of substance abuse.
  • The hazards of confinement and why they need our attention.
  • The need for therapy of poorly represented groups.
  • Misdiagnosis of mental health issues and its impact.
  • How can empathy improve social services?
  • The need for qualitative examination of foster homes.
  • The contributing factors for violence in correctional systems.
  • Do therapists need therapy?
  • How trafficking impacts societal well-being.
  • The reasons for unreported abuse cases.
  • The hidden trauma of survivors of natural calamities.
  • Traumatic experiences of children in foster homes. A clinical study with measures to prevent them.
  • Growing in a war zone and the psychological impact.
  • Common myths about child services and foster care.
  • Is there a disability disparity among social workers?

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Home > School, College, or Department > SSW > Dissertations and Theses

School of Social Work Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Social Justice in Social Work: A Critical Discourse Analysis , Erica Fonseca

Understanding the Other: Mentor Ethnocultural Empathy and Relationship Quality and Duration in Youth Mentoring , Miriam Miranda-Diaz

The Mirror Project: Reflections on the Experiences of African-American Female Adolescents Experiencing Foster Care , Bahia Anise-Cross DeGruy Overton

Living on the Outskirts of Things: Women and Nonbinary People of Color with Cognitive Disabilities Describe Their Employment Experiences , Laura Spura Rodriguez

Towards a New Discourse on Success in Alternative Education , Samuel Thomas Settelmeyer

Feeling Otherwise: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Queer and Trans Youth of Color Who Create and Embody Fursonas , Hazel Ali Zaman

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Does Structural Racism Influence How Black/African Americans Define Memory Loss and Cognitive Impairment? An Africana Phenomenological Study , Andre Pruitt

Prosecutors or Helpers: An Institutional Ethnography of Child Protective Services Casework , Anna Maria Rockhill

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

A Critical Discourse Analysis of How Youth in Care Describe Social Support , Jared Israel Best

Examining Demographic and Environmental Factors in Predicting the Perceived Impact of Cancer on Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Survivors , Nazan Cetin

Health Literacy and People Diagnosed with Mental Illness , Beckie Child

High School Persisters and Alternative Schools , Hyuny Clark-Shim

Examining the Role of Social Support and Neighborhood Deprivation in the Relationship Between Multiple ACEs and Health Risk Behaviors , Marin L. Henderson-Posther

A Typology of Foster Home Quality Elements in Relation to Foster Youth Mental Health , Paul Sorenson

"I'm Very Enlightened:" Assisting Black Males Involved in the Criminal Justice System to Deal With and Heal From Racism , Darnell Jackie Strong

The Mechanisms Connecting State Marijuana Policies to Parent, Peer, and Youth Drug Perception Leading to Youth Marijuana Use , Eunbyeor Sophie Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

E(Raced): Race and Use of Self Amongst BIPOC Social Workers , Anita Reinette Gooding

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

A Colorless Nature: Exploring the Mental Health (Help-Seeking) Experiences of Pre-Adolescent Black American Children , Christopher Ashley Burkett

The Economically Disadvantaged Speak: Exploring the Intersection of Poverty, Race, Child Neglect and Racial Disproportionality in the Child Welfare System , Angela Gail Cause

Examining the Narratives of Military Sexual Trauma Survivors , Maria Carolina González-Prats

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Our Vision of Health for Future Generations: an Exploration of Proximal and Intermediary Motivations with Women of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma , Danica Love Brown

Interrogating the Construction and Representations of Criminalized Women in the Academic Social Work Literature: a Critical Discourse Analysis , Sandra Marie Leotti

Learning From Culturally Specific Programs and Their Impact on Latino Parent Engagement , Analucia Lopezrevoredo

Physical and Emotional Sibling Violence and Child Welfare: a Critical Realist Exploratory Study , Katherine Elizabeth Winters

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Is Therapy Going to the Dogs? Evaluating Animal Assisted Therapy for Early Identified At-Risk Children , Leah Faith Brookner

Investigating Time During Residential Program Until Transition for Adjudicated Youth: a Mixed Methods Study Using Event History Analysis with Follow-Up Interviews , Emily Carol Lott

Role of Spouse/Partner in Fertility Preservation Decision Making by Young Women with Cancer , Aakrati Mathur

Exploring the Association of Victimization and Alcohol and Marijuana Use among American Indian Youth Living On or Near Reservations: a Mixed Methods Study , Lindsay Nicole Merritt

The Intersections of Good Intentions, Criminality, and Anti-Carceral Feminist Logic: a Qualitative Study that Explores Sex Trades Content in Social Work Education , Meg Rose Panichelli

Latinas and Sexual Health: Correlates of Sexual Satisfaction , Christine Marie Velez

A Foucaultian Discourse Analysis of Person-Centered Practice Using a Genealogical Framework of Intellectual Disability , Nick Winges-Yanez

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Foundational Knowledge and Other Predictors of Commitment to Trauma-Informed Care , Stephanie Anne Sundborg

An Analysis of Oregon Youth Authority Populations: Who Receives Treatment and What Factors Influence Allocation of Treatment Resources? , Rebecca Arredondo Yazzie

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Importance of Online Peer Relationships During the Transition to Motherhood: Do They Decrease Stress, Alleviate Depression and Increase Parenting Competence? , Bobbie Sue Arias

Bridging the Worlds of Home and School: a Study of the Relational Worlds of First-Generation Students in a School of Social Work , Miranda Cunningham

An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Long-Term Mentoring Relationships from the Youth Perspective , Kevin Richard Jones

The Development and Validation of the Social Recovery Measure , Casadi "Khaki" Marino

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

A Queer Liberation Movement? A Qualitative Content Analysis of Queer Liberation Organizations, Investigating Whether They are Building a Separate Social Movement , Joseph Nicholas DeFilippis

Got Hair that Flows in the Wind: The Complexity of Hair and Identity among African American Female Adolescents in Foster Care , Lakindra Michelle Mitchell Dove

Assessing the Impact of Restrictiveness and Placement Type on Transition-Related Outcomes for Youth With and Without Disabilities Aging Out of Foster Care , Jessica Danielle Schmidt

Fathers Caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs: Experiences of Work-Life Fit , Claudia Sellmaier

Investigating the Impact of Sibling Foster Care on Placement Stability , Jeffrey David Waid

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Understanding Sexual Assault Survivors' Willingness to Participate in the Judicial System , Mildred Ann Davis

The Relationship between Mindfulness and Burnout among Master of Social Work Students , Jolanta Maria Piatkowska

Out of the Way and Out of Place: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experiences of Social Interactions of Bisexually Attracted Young People , A. Del Quest

Strengths in Action: Implementing a Learning Organization Model in a Human Service Setting , Barbara Ann Whitbeck

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

"Who Would Have Thought, With a Diagnosis Like This, I Would be Happy?": Portraits of Perceived Strengths and Resources in Early-Stage Dementia , Jutta Elisabeth Ataie

Lost in the Margins? Intersections Between Disability and Other Non-Dominant Statuses with Regard to Peer Victimization and Psychosocial Distress Among Oregon Teens , Marjorie Grace McGee

Teachers' Negative Comments Toward Youth in Foster Care with Disabilities: How Do They Relate to Youths' Problem Behaviors, School Attitudes, and School Performance? , Sunghwan Noh

Exploring the Effects of Multi-Level Protective and Risk Factors on Child and Parenting Outcomes in Families Participating in Healthy Start/Healthy Families Oregon (HS/HFO) , Peggy Nygren

Public Opinion and the Oregon Death with Dignity Act , Peggy Jo Ann Sandeen

The Role of Psycho-Sociocultural Factors in Suicide Risk Among Mong/Hmong Youth , TangJudy Vang

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Increasing Social Work Students' Political Interest and Efficacy: The Experience and Impact of a Social Welfare Policy Course from the Students' Perspective , Christie Dianne Bernklau Halvor

Exploring Support Network Structure, Content, and Stability as Youth Transition from Foster Care , Jennifer E. Blakeslee

Understanding the Experience of Air Force Single Parents: A Phenomenological Study , Samantha Everhart Blanchard

Implementer Perspectives: The Implementation of a School-Based Mentoring Program , Amanda Angela Fixsen

Risk Factors for Homelessness Among Community Mental Health Patients with Severe Mental Illness , Rupert Talmage van Wormer

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Gender, Culture, and Prison Classification: Testing the Reliability and Validity of a Prison Classification System , Aimée Ryan Bellmore

An Investigation of the Relationships between Violence Exposure, Internalizing and Externalizing Problems, and Adolescent Alcohol Use , Gregory Lloyd Forehand

Identifying Modifiable Factors associated with Depression across the Lifespan in Stroke Survivor-Spouse Dyads , Michael Joseph McCarthy

Investigating the Predictors of Postsecondary Education Success and Post-College Life Circumstances of Foster Care Alumni , Amy Michele Salazar

Runaway and Homeless Youth: Changing the Discourse by Legitimizing Youth Voice , Donald Dale Schweitzer

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Visions and Voices: An Arts-Based Qualitative Study Using Photovoice to Understand the Needs and Aspirations of Diverse Women Working in the Sex Industry , Moshoula Capous Desyllas

Somatization and Engagement in Mental Health Treatment , Teresa Chianello

Parental Differential Treatment (PDT) of Siblings: Examining the Impact and Malleability of Differential Warmth and Hostility on Children's Adjustment , Brianne H. Kothari

Understanding the Development of Self-determination in Youth with Disabilities in Foster Care , Jennifer L. Powers

Child Welfare Workforce Turnover: Frontline Workers' Experiences with Organizational Culture and Climate, and Implications for Organizational Practice , Melanie Dawn Sage

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Developing One's Self: Adoption and Identity Formation Through the Eyes of Transracially Adopted Native American Adults , Jody Becker-Green

Primary Care, Males, Masculinity, and Suicide : a Grounded Theory Study , John Thomas Casey

Dependent Care and Work-Life Outcomes : Comparing Exceptional Care and Typical Care Responsibilities , Lisa Maureen Stewart

Factors Associated with Inclusion of Spirituality in Secular Social Work Education , Leslie Grace Wuest

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Up a Creek : the Perilous Journey of Recently Uninsured Low-Income Adults in Oregon , Heidi Allen

Attributes of Effective Head Start Mental Health Consultants : a Mixed Method Study of Rural and Urban Programs , Mary Dallas Allen

Staying Within the Margins: The Educational Stories of First-Generation, Low-Income College Students , Diane Lyn Cole

Children with Incarcerated Parents : a Longitudinal Study of the Effect of Parental Incarceration on Adolescent Externalizing Behaviors , Jean Mollenkamp Kjellstrand

The Child Care Self-Sufficiency Scale: Measuring Child Care Funding and Policy Generosity across States , Karen Tvedt

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Family-Friendly Workplace Culture, Flexibility, and Workplace Support for Dependent Care : the Perspectives of Human Resource Professionals , Katherine June Huffstutter

Family Participation : Exploring the Role it Plays in Outcomes for Youth with Serious Emotional Disorders , Jodi Lee Kerbs

"Creative Interpretation and Fluidity in a Rights Framework": the Intersection of Domestic Violence and Human Rights in the United States , Karen Lynn Morgaine

Food Security and Hunger among Low income US Households: Relations to Federal Food Assistance Program Participation , Rebecca Elizabeth Sanders

Engaging Our Workforce: How Job Demands and Resources Contribute to Social Worker Burnout, Engagement and Intent to Leave , Sara Laura Schwartz

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Is It Just Me? Felt HIV -Related Stigma among Adults with HIV , Rebecca Gila Block

Social Workers Addressing Student-Perpetrated Interpersonal Violence in the School Context : Awareness and Use of Evidence-Supported Programs , Natalie Diane Cawood

Sons Providing Care at End-of-Life : Common Threads and nuances , Patricia Ebert

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Applying the Transtheoretical Model to Cigarette Smoking by Pregnant and Parenting Adolescent Females , Barbara Mary Sussex

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Identifying and Building on Strengths of Children With Serious Emotional Disturbances , Michael Orval Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

A Dissertation on African American Male Youth Violence: "Trying to Kill the Part of You that Isn’t Loved" , Joy DeGruy Leary

Theses/Dissertations from 1999 1999

Voices of our past: the rank and file movement in social work, 1931-1950 , Richard William Hunter

The Assessment of Children with Attachment Disorder: The Randolph Attachment Disorder Questionnaire, the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale, and the Biopsychosocial Attachment Types Framework , Alice Myrth Ogilvie

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

Grandmothers Laughing: Intergenerational Transmission of Cultural Beliefs About Pregnancy and Childbirth Among Native American Women , Claudia Robin Long

Theses/Dissertations from 1983 1983

The needs of older people as seen by themselves and support providers , Sarah Movius Schurr

Theses/Dissertations from 1981 1981

Non-work-Related Services at the Workplace: An Exploratory Study , William Roland Adix

Assessment of Needs of Adolescent Mothers in Washington County , John L. Arnold

The Portland, Oregon ASAP: an Evaluation of Treatment Effectiveness , Joan M. Wildebush Berry

Burnout: Multi-Dimensional Study of Alienation Among Social Service Workers in the Willamette Valley , Sally Carignan

Alternative Agencies: An Exploratory Study , Linda Crane

An Alumni Survey of the School of Social Work, Portland State University , Stephen R. Fishack

A Description and Evaluation of the Self-Help Information Service , Cathy Tuma and John Wadsworth

Theses/Dissertations from 1980 1980

Multiple Impact Therapy: Evaluation and Design for Future Study , Jacqueline H. Abikoff

Salem Teen Mother Program: A Follow-up Study , Frances L. Barton

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Theses and Dissertations--Social Work

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Fathers’ Perspectives on the Role of Spirituality in Substance Misuse Disorder Treatment and Engaging with Their Children , Kendra Michelle Eubank


Exploring the Therapeutic Relationship in Mental Health Therapy with Queer and Disabled Adults , Rachel Womack

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023


Factors Associated with Successful Military-to-Civilian Transition Among Special Forces Veterans , Edward Richter

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022


Conceptualizing Attorney Motivation: A Study of the Representatives for Parents and Children in the Child Welfare System , Shannon Moody



Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021


Hospital Nurses' Moral Distress and Coping during COVID-19: A Pilot Study , Abigail Latimer



Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

National Guard Members with Suicide Ideation: The Impact of Stigma, Mental Health, and Trauma History on Treatment-Seeking Outcomes , Amy Brown



Olmstead Mandated Statewide Implementation of Assertive Community Treatment: Precipitating Factors and Participant Experiences , Elizabeth Nelson-Cooke



Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Veterans' Treatment Courts in Kentucky: Examining How Personal Characteristics and During-Program Occurrences Influence Program Completion and Criminal Recidivism , Monica Lynn Himes





Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018


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Young men’s experiences of residential childcare transition from mixed sex residential accommodation to single sex provision in egypt , 'she's the reason i do it': the impact of and responses to post-2010 austerity on lone parent families in north edinburgh (scotland) , “it’s not just a job, it’s my life”: long term foster carers’ experiences of placement endings in scotland , troubling the ‘troubled teen industry’: institutional violence, epistemic injustice, and psychiatrised youth , care-experienced mothers and the legacy of social work , critiquing the presence and absence of children and young people's participation in policies for looked after children in scotland , interrogating the ethics of telecare services: a conceptual framework for dementia home care professionals , forever home the complexity of adoption breakdown in scotland , exploring experiences of children who migrate to delhi: understanding gender and space , looking after grandchildren: the motivation, pattern, and the impact of intergenerational engagements on grandparents in rural china , topping up the tank: enhancing the emotional resilience of social workers in local authority adult services , intergenerational transmission of the effects of maternal childhood adversities via poor infant outcomes , contributing to the development of social pedagogy in the uk: a case study at 'santiago 1' residential care home in spain , helping the 'problem child' become loveable again a discourse analysis on childhood adhd in switzerland and implications for social work , health needs and services for refugee women and children in uganda’s settlements: articulating a role for social work , unpicking social work practice skills: an interactional analysis of engagement and identity in a groupwork programme addressing sexual offending , turkish fathering today: an enquiry and discussion arising from the views of turkish fathers and turkish young people , twenty first century contact: young people in care and their use of mobile communication devices and the internet for contact , quickening steps: an ethnography of pre-birth child protection , low income employment in dhaka: women’s lives, agency and identity .

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Four people sit around a table in a classroom engaged in discussion. There are laptops, cell phones and water bottles on the table.

The dissertation is the hallmark of all doctoral-level study and represents the achievement of a high level of professional performance as a practitioner/researcher. You will be required to complete an independent scholarly research project and examine a topic relevant to clinical social work. By completing the dissertation, you will demonstrate your capacity to contribute to the development and dissemination of knowledge for the profession. 

Required Research Courses 

To prepare for your dissertation you will take a series of required research courses that provide the foundation of knowledge required both to assess prior research and to design and implement one’s own research. Our faculty teach core research methods, including advanced statistics, in depth. 

Dissertation Seminar 

During your final summer you will complete a dissertation seminar to support you in developing your dissertation proposal. If you are well along in preparation of your proposal you may opt to take the dissertation seminar during your second summer. We will assign you a research supervisor to assist in identifying and refining an area of study for your dissertation. 

Dissertation Committee 

You are responsible for identifying and recruiting a dissertation committee to assist in the development of your dissertation proposal and in the completion, reporting and defense of the project. The program’s director will assist you in the process. They will also approve the committee, which must include a chair and at least two more members. 

Institutional Review Board 

The Smith College Institutional Review Board is responsible for oversight of projects involving human participants. 

Past Dissertation Titles 

Smith College School for Social Work dissertations 2009 - present are available to the Smith community (including off-campus access with a current Smith login), anyone on campus and anyone via interlibrary loan through Smith ScholarWorks .

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Phd program, dissertation instructions.

The dissertation is an original piece of scholarly research on a topic that has been jointly agreed upon by the student and her/his Supervisory Committee members. It is a major undertaking that should reflect the highest standards of scholarship and make a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in the field of social welfare and the profession of social work.

"A candidate must present a dissertation demonstrating original and independent investigation and achievement. A dissertation should reflect not only mastery of research techniques but also ability to select an important problem for investigation and to deal with it competently." ( University of Washington Graduate School )

Dissertation Research 

After the dissertation prospectus has been approved by the Supervisory Committee and the PhD Steering Committee, the student normally works primarily under the direction of the chair. The extent to which other members are involved during the course of the dissertation research is determined on a case-by-case basis. If a dissertation study significantly changes as it progresses from that originally approved in the Prospectus by the Supervisory Committee and Steering Committee, the changes must be reviewed and approved by the Reading Committee members of the Supervisory Committee. 1

Dissertation Research Colloquium

At some point during the dissertation process each candidate is required to make a 30-minute presentation of her/his research at a Dissertation Colloquium. 2  The colloquium is an open assembly of Social Welfare Faculty, PhD students, and others (e.g., faculty from the School of Social Work and other departments, MSW and BASW students, and community persons) who have interest in the proposed research. The Dissertation Colloquium provides (1) a forum for the productive and timely exchange of ideas, suggestions, and resources with doctoral candidates as they work on their first major independent research endeavor and (2) an opportunity for doctoral candidates to articulate to others their research goals, plans, and questions. The timing of the colloquium will depend on the specific needs of each student and be determined by the student and Supervisory Committee. Two options are available:

  • At any point during the dissertation research process when the student and Supervisory Committee determine that a public presentation of the research and findings would be useful for the student. (This could be as a practice job talk or for the general purpose of sharing the research with the community.) The student’s Supervisory Committee is typically in attendance, and one member serves as discussant and facilitator of the Colloquium.
  • As an opening presentation during the Oral Dissertation Defense. (If this option is chosen the Social Work community must be invited to the presentation. Note: Graduate School guidelines recommend that at least a portion of the Oral Dissertation Defense be open to the public.)

Consistent with the program’s emphasis on providing opportunities for students to strengthen their skills in presenting their work, students are strongly encouraged to invite not only social work faculty and students but also any other relevant university colleagues or community members to attend the Colloquium. At least two weeks prior to the date of the Colloquium the student sends an email announcement with the presentation information and an abstract.

Writing and Submitting the Dissertation

Two general formats have been approved by the Graduate School and the social welfare faculty. The first, more traditional within the Arts and Sciences, is the monograph or “book” format for a dissertation. In this format, the dissertation is organized as an integrated set of chapters written as a logical progression of ideas pertaining to a central topic.  The second dissertation format, more prevalent in the health sciences, is a series of three to four research papers that may differ in topic but are clearly reflective of a coherent program of research. (*When the dissertation is composed of a set of research papers that are inclusive of co-authored manuscripts, the candidate must be the primary contributor and lead author on all published papers.)  Each format has advantages and disadvantages having to do with publication goals and career plans, and these should be carefully considered by the candidate in consultation with his/her dissertation committee.

For instructions on formatting the Dissertation, follow the School of Social Work Dissertation Style Guidelines . Also referenced in the guidelines document are templates for the required preliminary pages  and for paragraph styles . The final dissertation must be submitted to the Doctoral Program Office for approval before it is submitted to the Graduate School, thus students need to contact the Program Office during the final stages of writing to ensure that all the guidelines are understood and complied with. For submitting the final to the Graduate School, students must follow the procedures outlined in the  Graduate School’s Dissertation Submission Guidelines  for Theses and Dissertations. This document outlines the process for submission of doctoral dissertations.

All members of the Supervisory Committee must be provided a draft of the dissertation chapters at least 6 weeks in advance of the Oral Defense and a complete draft of the dissertation (with all required sections) at least 2 weeks in advance of the Defense. 2

Resources for Dissertation Research and Writing

All-But-Dissertation Survival Guide This monthly newsletter provides practical strategies for successfully completing your doctoral dissertation, periodic interviews with scholars about the tips they wish they'd known at the beginning of their own careers, and teleworkshops. 

Phinished  A discussion and support site aimed at helping people finish their dissertations.

Summary Notes of  Writing for Social Scientists Presents an outline of Howard S. Becker's suggestions for writing.  Taken from his book,  Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article  (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986). 

Thinking About Your Thesis This article by Erika Simpson provides guidelines for finishing a thesis or dissertation.

Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation This article by S. Joseph Levine provides guidelines for thinking about a thesis or dissertation, writing a proposal, completing the project, and defending it.. 

Final Program Office Check

Before scheduling the oral defense, the student must contact the PhD Program Assistant Director for a final degree check, which will be done via email. This will ensure that all degree requirements have been met.

SSW Approval of the Dissertation

Once the entire dissertation is complete, it must be submitted it to the School of Social Work Doctoral Program Office for approval before submitting the final to the Graduate School. Each document will be checked page-by-page, and notations made of all errors to be fixed. 

As a general guideline, the SSW check should be arranged at least 2 weeks prior to the time the final will be submitted to the Graduate School. For formatting guidelines, see the  School of Social Work Dissertation Style Guidelines .  Contact the PhD Program Assistant Director in advance to request this check. Provide electronic files for checking instead of paper copy. This check can usually be accomplished in 1-2 working days if scheduled in advance.

Final Examination: Oral Defense

When the dissertation is complete and the doctoral Supervisory Committee agrees that the candidate is prepared to take the Final Examination (Oral D efense), the Program Director, Assistant Director, and Graduate School must be informed of the decision . 3

All members of the Supervisory Committee must be provided an initial draft of all chapters at least 6 weeks prior to the Oral Defense and a complete draft of the dissertation (with all required sections) at least 2 weeks in advance of the Defense. 4

All members of the Supervisory Committee (including the GSR) must be consulted by the student and approve the date, time, and location for the Oral Defense. The student then logs in to MyGrad to request  scheduling of the Defense . (This must be done at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the oral defense.) As soon as the request is made, the student  must send an email to the Assistant Director of the Social Welfare Program indicating that the request has been made (the MyGrad system tells students that the departments are being notified, but that's not true). The Assistant Director will approve the request through MyGrad. 

The Final Oral Defense is intended as an opportunity for the student to clarify, elaborate, or justify the procedures used and the findings obtained. At least four members of the Supervisory Committee (including the Chair, all other members of the Reading Committee, and the GSR) must be present at the defense, and all members of the Reading Committee (composed of at least 3 members of the Supervisory Committee, including the Chair) must approve the final product. (The GSR must be there in person; any other members may participate by phone or video-conferencing.) The student may choose to present the public Dissertation Colloquium as part of the Defense (see Dissertation Colloquium section above).

The defense session is normally about 2 hours. The committee Chair completes the  Dissertation Evaluation Form . After the defense has been conducted, the committee may approve the dissertation or require the student to make additional modifications or additions. Upon a successful defense and acceptance of the dissertation by the SSW and the Graduate School, the PhD in Social Welfare is conferred. 

The Reading Committee approves a dissertation through an online process. All members of a Committee must log into MyGrad Committee View , including non-UW Reading Committee Members. Members log in using their UW NetIDs and will see the option to approve the dissertation after the student's final exam has been scheduled. Any non-UW Reading Committee members must obtain a UW NetID when the join the committee. The PhD Program GPA can assist in this process.

Participating in Commencement Exercises

Consistent with the eligibility criteria for participation in the University of Washington’s June commencement exercises, individuals are eligible for participation in the School of Social Work’s June commencement exercises if the doctoral degree has been earned during the preceding Summer, or the Fall or Winter term of the current academic year. Alternatively, if a doctoral candidate has a reasonable expectation of graduating in either Spring or Summer of the current academic year he/she may choose to participate.  “Reasonable expectation of graduation” is interpreted as having progressed sufficiently in the writing of a dissertation that is of sufficient academic standard that there is strong consensus by the candidate’s Reading Committee that a dissertation defense can be scheduled in sufficient time for graduation by the end of the Summer term (after the commencement exercises).   

The PhD Program Director must approve commencement participation for any student who has not completed all requirements, including submission of the final dissertation to the Graduate School.

  • For information on participating in the  School of Social Work commencement .  To apply and participate in the University of Washington’s June commencement exercises go to the Graduation, Commencement, and Diplomas page .
  • Approved by Steering Committee, 5/26/98.
  • Approved by the PhD Steering Committee, 11/6/2012.
  • Graduate School revisions in General Examination and Defense Process instituted May 2009.
  • Approved by Steering Committee, 12/7/2010.
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206 Interesting Social Work Research Topics You Should Consider

social work research topics

Many students struggle to find suitable social work research topics. This field has many subjects that learners can explore in their dissertations. The simplest social work definition describes it as a set of functions that enable you to improve other people’s lives. A social worker helps children and adults cope with daily issues, personal issues, family issues, and relationship troubles.

Considering the scope of this field, selecting an ideal social work research topic can be challenging. Learners have many pressing issues that they can cover in their papers. Nevertheless, choosing an interesting topic is essential in writing a winning dissertation.

Social Work Research Paper Outline

Once you’ve chosen a topic for your social work dissertation or research paper, the next step is to outline it. Your outline should highlight the components of your work, incorporating the argument. Also, identify your stance on an issue, tying up the other parts of the paper because it will enable you to create a thesis statement. Here are the key sections to highlight in your outline.

Introduction: The intro should present your study’s background while providing relevant details of the problem. Use a strong opening phrase to grab your readers’ attention and engage them so they can read the rest of the paper. The introduction should present your study’s context, formulate its primary goal, and end with an effective thesis statement. Main body: This section should feature the main arguments. It highly depends on your research type and the methods you use. It may include a literature review analyzing other scholars’ findings and identifying gaps in previous studies. Also, this section explains the methods you use in your research, results, and discussions. Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the findings and wrap up the dissertation. You can restate your thesis statement to remind readers about your position on the issue and your goal. The best approach is to reward the thesis statement persuasively while encouraging readers to think about the problem. Also, you can recommend further research explaining why the topic is worth exploring.

After drafting an outline, you can proceed to research and write your social work paper. Edit and proofread the work or seek professional assistance to ensure its quality.

General Social Work Research Topics Ideas

Maybe you want to write a thesis on general topics in this study field. In that case, here are ideas you can explore in your paper.

  • How substance abuse influence parenting
  • Teenager adoption- Happiness and hardships that come with it
  • How to address the inclination to commit suicide
  • Should society question the stigma surrounding mental sickness?
  • Foster homes and group therapy- Is it effective?
  • How does the lack of child support affect childcare
  • Investigating autistic children and social displacement
  • How does clinical depression affect adolescent children
  • How does continuous mobility influence orphan toddlers
  • Analyzing the stigma surrounding depression
  • How to manage intrinsic PTSD for medical veterans
  • Exploring the stigma surrounding disability
  • How homelessness influences a person’s psychology
  • How does displacement influence aggressiveness among street children
  • How the works of several agencies affect child protection
  • Exploring perceptions and attitudes of oppression between the community and health professionals
  • Addressing cultural perspectives- Transiting to social work
  • The social worker’s role in deciding to end life
  • Lifelong learning model- Exploring evidence-based practices
  • The reflection law- a learning model or self-indulgence in social work

These are general ideas worth exploring in your social work dissertation. Nevertheless, please select any of these titles when confident you will be comfortable working on them.

Common Social Worker Research Topics

Maybe you’re searching for something your readers can quickly identify with when reading your paper. If so, this section lists some of the best ideas to investigate in your social work thesis.

  • How to create dyslexia patients’ awareness
  • Analyzing similarities and differences between ADHD and dyslexia
  • How alcoholism affects personal, family, and social lifestyle
  • How a family can exacerbate depression
  • Why academic and social integration matter for kids suffering from down syndrome
  • Investigating the social exclusion of kids with down syndrome
  • The effectiveness of anti-depressants- A clinical study
  • How alcoholism affects a person’s psyche
  • The positive impact of sponsors on recovering addicts’ lives
  • Investigating family support and its effects on alcohol recovery
  • Why group therapy matters for foster home children
  • How clinical depression affects teenage girls
  • How the lack of support affects child care in America
  • How ADHD affects foster home children
  • How mental illness misdiagnosis affects people
  • How to address suicidal tendencies in military units
  • Why social interrogation matters when dealing with stigma surrounding mental illness
  • How parents’ bipolar affects their children’s lives and parenting
  • Is childhood displacement the cause of antisocial lifestyle among foster children?
  • The joys and struggles of teenagers’ adoption
  • Investigating the undisclosed rape violence cases among military women- How it affects their service and lives
  • How substance abuse affects parenting
  • Child-parent separation- Investigating the stigma it brings
  • Positive impacts of divorce on children’s lifestyle and health
  • Addressing substance abuse issues among teenagers
  • How death affects a family’s well-being
  • Family support study- Is it a viable option for alcohol recovery?

Most people will identify with these topics because they touch on issues with which they are familiar. However, investigate the matter you select carefully to develop a winning dissertation.

Exciting Social Work Research Questions

Maybe you want to answer a question in your thesis paper. If so, consider any of these questions as a topic for your essay.

  • How can you support an adult living with a disability?
  • What are the social and psychological impacts of student loans?
  • What are the psychological, physical, and emotional effects of incarceration of pregnant mothers?
  • What challenges do minority children face in foster homes?
  • Transformative change- Can police brutality enhance it?
  • How can society deal with the rising obesity in America?
  • How can we support bipolar patients?
  • What are the effects of incarcerated individuals’ entry into the community?
  • What is the percentage of incarcerated adults among minority groups?
  • Does substance misuse increase alcoholism cases?
  • How does community violence affect LGBT lives?
  • What is the difference between Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2?
  • Can trauma inform children’s education in foster homes?
  • Can protesting police brutality promote transformative change?
  • Does divorce affect all children’s psyches negatively?
  • Does foster homes’ trauma cause kids’ disappearance from the facility?
  • Can implementing learning curriculums with a positive impact on dyslexic students enhance academics?
  • Does trauma-informed learning reflect parenting?
  • Do food and house security affect foster children throughout their lives?
  • Has the criminal justice system failed social lifestyle in America?
  • What are the primary workplace trauma signs?
  • How can society address workplace violence?
  • How do scarcity and poverty affect young children’s psychology?
  • How can you identify depression in a teenager?
  • Has the American healthcare system failed minority groups?
  • What are the risks of kids-parent separation?
  • What are the impacts of living with dyslexia?
  • Is depression a mental disorder?
  • What are the effects of racial disparity?

Any of these questions can be an excellent title for your dissertation. Nevertheless, consult various information sources to write a high-quality paper.

Human Services Research Paper Topics

Human services is a part of the social work field dealing with issues related to human services, factors affecting them, and how to address the challenges. Here are ideas to consider in this category.

  • How to address panic, anxiety, and depression in young children
  • The psychological impact of human trafficking on victims
  • Psychological effects of child trafficking
  • Similarities between adult incarceration and juvenile delinquency
  • How unemployment affects people
  • Factors that increase depression cases among the youth
  • Police system- Defunded, reformed, or abolished?
  • How the carceral system in America affects minority and low-income homes
  • Social integration of dyslexic and down syndrome patients
  • Effective ways to enhance welfare conditions
  • Food banks and their adverse psychological effects
  • The benefits of food banks on American lives
  • The impact of home violence on children
  • The result of high school bullying
  • Why welfare workers need support groups and therapy
  • How to enhance love in foster homes
  • Resilience practice among social workers
  • Juvenile delinquency impacts in America
  • The shortcomings of America’s carceral system
  • How to address the homophobia issue in the U.S
  • How homophobia affects LGBT+ adults
  • What causes family violence?
  • How to address spousal violence
  • How family cruelty affects lives
  • Undiagnosed bipolar cases and their effects
  • Impacts of misdiagnosed mental illnesses
  • How to enhance LGBTQ+ kids’ support systems
  • The result of home insecurity on the homeless
  • How to bridge the gap between community members and formerly incarcerated individuals
  • Incarceration- Abolished or reformed?

These human services topics are worth investigating in a research paper. However, take the time to research your chosen title to write an exciting piece.

Controversial Topics In Social Work

Some social work essay topics are controversial. Some people find these titles controversial because they provoke public interest. Here are some of them.

  • Flood and hurricane survivors and their hidden trauma
  • How hurricanes affect low-income neighborhoods
  • Trafficking- How it affects a society’s social well-being
  • Unreported abuse cases in homes and how they promote violence
  • Social, health, and psychological implications of the abortion ban for rape victims
  • Why the community should enhance awareness of AIDS stigmatization
  • Therapy continuous cycle- Why a therapist requires therapy
  • The unnoticed and hidden trauma among therapists and counselors
  • How court-sanctioned confinement promotes mental illness instead of facilitating correlation
  • How to address violence- Is it a social problem in the correctional system?
  • Sexual health education- Is it vital for incarcerated women?
  • How social media affects a person’s mental health and well-being
  • The effectiveness of different types of therapy for treating mental health disorders.
  • The prevalence of Eating Disorders in developed countries.
  • The role of family dynamics in the development and treatment of Eating Disorders.
  • How do different cultures view mental health and mental illness?
  • Is there a link between creativity and mental illness?
  • Does psychiatric medication use lead to higher recovery rates from mental illness?
  • What are the most effective interventions for helping people with substance abuse problems?
  • How to deal with grief and loss?
  • How can we better support people with chronic physical health conditions?
  • Drug abuse- Is it increasing in low-income neighborhoods?
  • The negative impacts of incarceration on the imprisoned people’s psychological well-being
  • Reasons to investigate confinement and its dangers
  • Ways to help addicts facing high drug vulnerability
  • How cognitive-behavioral therapy enhances the relationship between social workers and their situations or environments
  • The health benefits of hypnosis on individuals
  • Why treatment is essential for less represented groups
  • Distinguishing undiagnosed depression and clinical depression
  • A qualitative investigation of dyslexia among adolescents
  • How empathy can enhance the social work sector
  • Why qualitative examination of foster homes for peace and child safety matters

These are controversial topics to consider in this academic field. Prepare to take a stance and defend it if you pick any of these social work project ideas.

Social Work Topics For Presentation

Maybe you want to include a presentation in your paper. That’s because social work is a practical field requiring some displays. Consider the following titles for your essay if you want to include a presentation.

  • What are Stockholm syndrome and its effects?
  • How to understand syndrome victims better
  • How incest affects homes
  • Investigating sexually violated kids
  • Why free healthcare matters in foster homes and low-income neighborhoods
  • How adult incarceration and juvenile delinquency affect society
  • Juvenile delinquency and trauma
  • LGBTQ+ children trauma and adolescent transitioning
  • Foster kids and neglect-syndrome
  • Why diversity matters in the social work sector
  • Social workers- Understanding their trauma
  • Foster parenting- What are the positive impacts?
  • Do foster homes create a safe space?
  • Foster parents and their roles in preventing violence
  • Social workers and their role in preventing drug abuse
  • The effects of domestic violence
  • Psychological violence and its damages
  • How spirituality affects techniques in social works
  • Social works and their historical development
  • Social work and its importance in schools
  • Why teenagers’ therapy matters
  • Exploring the challenges facing social workers in the forensics sector
  • Investigating the struggles facing the minority groups
  • Studying abuse and violence in middle-class homes
  • Why finance matters in social works sustenance
  • The impact of compassion fatigue
  • Modern social workers and their challenges
  • Drug abuse and its effects on children
  • Why inclusivity matters in social works
  • Same-sex relationships- Why they matter to a social worker
  • Why high schools need drug sensitization
  • Investigating depression stereotypes

Pick any of these ideas and use them to draft a paper that includes a presentation. Nevertheless, research your topic extensively to prepare a winning dissertation.

Interesting Social Work Topics

Some issues in social work draw more attention than others because they are unique. Here are such topics.

  • The impacts of pregnancy on teenage mothers
  • The increasing pressure and effects of social media on teenagers’ lives
  • How welfare systems relate to low-income neighborhoods
  • Why are rehabilitation centers are essential in America than carceral systems
  • How cultural beliefs and gender roles affect marriages
  • Low labor and its role in workplace abuse
  • How the increasing housing cost affects young millennials
  • The part of abortion bans on psychological issues
  • How birth control roles affect society negatively
  • How are teenagers, the general community, and school related?
  • Analyzing first-time menstrual experiences and their impact on teenage girls within foster homes
  • Wellness therapy and its sustainability
  • Investigating poverty prevalence in the American Deep South- How it prevents the growth
  • The implications of relationships on social workers’ interactions
  • The negative impact of conversion therapy on the LGBTQ+ community
  • How an inclusive and functional healthcare system enhances social growth
  • Shelter homes women- Investigating their life experiences
  • The prevalent racial disparity in food bank systems in America
  • Understanding social relegations and stigma of welfare mothers
  • Client-therapist relationship- Investigating psychiatric therapists and their work

These topics address relevant issues that society often neglects. Pick any idea in this category and explore it further through research and analysis.

Social Work Thesis Topics

Educators will ask you to write different papers when pursuing social work studies. A sociology thesis is among the documents you might write when pursuing a master’s or Ph.D. studies. Here are topics to consider for these papers.

  • Investigating expecting mothers’ postpartum depression
  • How interdependency differs from codependency among youth adults
  • Emotional unavailability in homes- Does it enhance codependency?
  • Codependency- Is it a displacement feature?
  • Foster kids and future attachment methods
  • Social work and disability disparity
  • Disability challenges facing the healthcare system
  • Compassion integration in social works
  • ADHD- What are the most common myths about it?
  • How emotionally immature parents affect their adult children psychologically
  • Drug addiction and treatment plans
  • Addressing challenges facing visually impaired students
  • Investigating foster homes and child abuse
  • The emotional impact of a transition into a nursing home
  • Exploring immigrant families and parenthood
  • The intricacies of child labor

These are exciting topics to consider for your social work thesis. Nevertheless, prepare adequate time and resources to investigate any of these titles to develop a paper that will earn you the best grade.

Get Professional Thesis Assistance

Perhaps, you have chosen a title but don’t have the skills or time to write a top-notch paper. Maybe you’ve never scored high grades on your report, and your professor or parent constantly reprimands you. In that case, you need help with your academic writing.

We offer fast, cheap, and some of the best dissertation services for college, university, and high school students. Our ENL and U.S writers are always ready to handle your project. Contact us now to get the best academic paper help online.

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The Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology

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Julie Fish, The Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology, The British Journal of Social Work , Volume 43, Issue 8, December 2013, Pages 1667–1668,

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Social work gained recognition by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Government funded research council, as a research discipline in 2006. Disciplinary recognition, and subsequent designation as a priority research area, was achieved because social work research makes a distinctive contribution to knowledge about the effective design and delivery of social care services or interventions to promote well being. Achieving a vibrant and heterogeneous research discipline requires solid foundations: qualifying social workers need to be both active consumers and producers of research. Carey makes this argument early in this second edition of his book: social work students are uniquely placed among social science undergraduates and postgraduates to apply their research in practice. Social work researchers are able to build upon their practice experience of working alongside service users to bring about positive outcomes in their lives.

Competing demands on the qualifying curriculum following the Munro Review may lead some universities to question the need for an extended piece of work, such as a dissertation; Carey argues, in the first chapter, that conducting a dissertation enables students to understand social ‘problems’ in context and, at the same time, develop core social work skills. The text does much to demystify research from social work students' own disciplinary base. In chapter 2, Carey takes the reader through the stages of undertaking a dissertation: through choosing a topic to writing up and disseminating the findings. Choosing a topic is illustrated by practice examples, stimulating students' interest in core social work issues, including the assessment skills of care managers, safeguarding work with children and the needs of residents with learning disabilities in supported living. Students can thus visualise that the dissertation enables them to develop understanding and expertise about a key area of social work practice: to further investigate a problem they have encountered on placement, develop their understanding of people's experiences of service provision or pursue a topic about which they are passionate.

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  • Exploring resilience skills and strategies of social workers : a qualitative study within the Department of Social Development, Johannesburg  Mangolele, Lucy Rhabela ( 2024-01-09 ) Social Work is a profession that is fulfilling yet emotionally demanding. As such, the ongoing commitment to self-care by exploring resilience skills and strategies for social workers are essential to maintain a healthy ...
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  • The experiences, challenges and coping strategies of foster parents raising teenage foster children  Mphephu, Azwidohwi Jacqueline ( 2023-09 ) Globally, there is an estimated high population of teenage children who grow up in foster care. In South Africa, these children are legally placed in foster care by the commissioner of the children`s court inquiry in ...
  • The challenges faced by statutory social workers in rendering foster care services to undocumented children  Mapheto, Mabolotse Thabang ( 2023-09 ) Africa, there are several undocumented children who are found to in need of care and protection. Therefore, South Africa designed the Children’s Act no 38 of 2005 which seeks to ensure that the basic and the financial ...
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  • Experiences, challenges, and coping strategies of Zimbabwean mothers caring for their minor children without family support whilst residing in South Africa  Kekana, Jela Prudans ( 2022-02-28 ) Background to the study: Family support and Zimbabwean migration is commonly alluded to by various researchers globally and in South Africa. The reason for migration is mainly financial opportunities. One of the common ...
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Social Work BSc: IHRSOW399 Research Dissertation

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  • IHRSOW111 Values, Ethics and Dilemmas in Social Work Practice
  • IHRSOW110 Social Change and Social Justice in Social Work
  • IHRSOW204 Introduction to Research in Social Work
  • IHRSOW205 Assessed Practice Learning
  • IHRSOW212 Effective Communication in Social Work Practice
  • IHRSOW216 Social Work Research
  • Social Work with Children and Families: Law, Policy and Practice
  • IHRSOW302 Current Practice, Policy and Legislation
  • IHRSOW301 Assessed Practice Learning
  • IHRSOW399 Research Dissertation
  • Mental Health and Social Justice for Children and Adults
  • IHRIPL302 The Professional in the Team
  • IHRSOW306 Critical Social Work and Social Justice
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Skills for Care

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Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2006) 'Using Thematic Analysis in Psychology',  Qualitative Research in Psychology , 3(2), pp. 77-101.

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Flyvbjerg, B. (2006) 'Five Misunderstandings About Case-Study Research',  Qualitative Inquiry , 12(2), pp. 219-224 .

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Hall, P. (2017) ‘Mental Health Act Assessments – Professional Narratives on Alternatives to Hospital Admission’, Journal of Social Work Practice , 31(4), pp. 445-459

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Dissertations on Social Work

Social Work is a profession that focuses on improving the well-being of individuals, encouraging positive relationships in communities, and improving people's lives. Social Work can relate to human behaviour, social behaviour, and various aspects of the community.

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Social Work

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The Insight and Factors That Promote Job Longevity in Child Welfare Social Workers

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Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and their Post-Arrival Experiences in the UK.

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Evaluation for Peer Support Programme for Disabled Persons

ABSTRACT Purpose The peer support programme as run by Helderberg Association for Persons with Disabilities (HAPD) uses people who have disabilities to support people with disabilities (PWD) in their ...

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Does Domestic Violence/Abuse Affect a Childs' Behaviour and Future Development?

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Effect of Bullying on Substance Abuse

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Personality Disorder Carer and Family Support Impact


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Effectiveness of Support for Children in Homeless Families

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Runaway Children: Causes and Strategies for Protection

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Evolution of Community Kitchens

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Support Networks For Young Homeless People

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Social and Cultural Aspects of Child Abuse

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    commercially sexually exploited children targeted within social services, britny ragland. pdf. art therapy for bereaved siblings after pediatric cancer death, daniela ramirez-ibarra. pdf. how did the covid-19 pandemic impact extended foster care social workers while providing social services, omar ramirez and victoria lopez. pdf

  2. Social Work Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2009 PDF. Prevalence of Client Violence against Social Work Students and Its Effects on Fear of Future Violence, Occupational Commitment, and Career Withdrawal Intentions, Pamela Myatt Criss. PDF. An evaluation of the influence of case-method instruction on the reflective thinking of MSW students, Marleen Milner

  3. Dissertations

    Dissertations. 2023. Li, Ke (2023) Social Isolation and Psychological Well-being of U.S. Older Adults: Exploring the Moderating and Mediating Effects of Psychosocial Factors. VanHook, Cortney (2023) A Person-Centered Approach to Increase the Uptake of Mental Health Services among Young Black Men. Ballard, Adrian (2023) Development, Validation ...

  4. 185 Social Work Dissertation Topics

    Common Dissertation Topics For Social Work Students. If you wish to get top grades, here are some topics that give you a lot of literature and data to review. Birth control laws and their negative impact. The challenges of increasing housing costs on the youth. Workplace abuse and the relationship with paid labor.

  5. School of Social Work Dissertations and Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2024. PDF. Social Justice in Social Work: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Erica Fonseca. PDF. Understanding the Other: Mentor Ethnocultural Empathy and Relationship Quality and Duration in Youth Mentoring, Miriam Miranda-Diaz. PDF.

  6. Social Work Theses, Projects, and Dissertations


  7. Theses and Dissertations--Social Work

    Theses/Dissertations from 2022. THE INFLUENCE OF DISTANCE LEARNING ON UNDERGRADUATE SOCIAL WORK COMPETENCY: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY AT A PRIVATE UNIVERSITY, Christine K. Fulmer. Conceptualizing Attorney Motivation: A Study of the Representatives for Parents and Children in the Child Welfare System, Shannon Moody.

  8. Social Work School Theses and Dissertations

    Theses, Dissertations, and Doctoral Papers. Social Work School Theses and Dissertations. Enhancing the Sexual Health of Youth in Systems of Care: Factors Affecting Risky Sexual Behaviors and Implications for Pregnancy Prevention Programs. This study investigates factors contributing to risky sexual behaviors and teenage pregnancies among youth ...

  9. LibGuides: Doctor of Social Work: Dissertation Resources

    ISBN: 9781544317205. Publication Date: 2018-07-13. Since 1998, this book has been the go-to resource for scholars seeking guidance at every phase of the process. This revised and updated fourth edition is the most comprehensive guide yet to researching, writing, and publishing a successful thesis or dissertation.

  10. Social Work thesis and dissertation collection

    Topping up the tank: enhancing the emotional resilience of social workers in local authority adult services . Rose, Sarah (The University of Edinburgh, 2022-11-17) The emotional resilience of social workers has increasingly been a focus of research, particularly in response to high levels of stress in the profession.

  11. Dissertation

    Smith College School for Social Work dissertations 2009 - present are available to the Smith community (including off-campus access with a current Smith login), anyone on campus and anyone via interlibrary loan through Smith ScholarWorks. The dissertation is the hallmark of all doctoral-level study and represents the achievement of a high level ...

  12. Dissertation Instructions

    At some point during the dissertation process each candidate is required to make a 30-minute presentation of her/his research at a Dissertation Colloquium. 2 The colloquium is an open assembly of Social Welfare Faculty, PhD students, and others (e.g., faculty from the School of Social Work and other departments, MSW and BASW students, and ...

  13. PhD Program

    A PhD in Social Work Candidate will complete: Approximately two years of full-time coursework; Master content in a social work method, a related behavioral or social science, and a substantive field of practice ... To learn more about the concentrations, coursework, registration, and dissertation stages at Columbia School of Social Work, ...

  14. PDF Writing a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation in the Social Sciences

    Writing a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation in the Social Sciences Anne Jordan, Ph.D. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto ©2020 A guide for doctoral students at various stages of their doctoral theses and dissertations: Designing their thesis proposals, developing their research

  15. Best Social Work Research Topics

    Social Work Thesis Topics. Educators will ask you to write different papers when pursuing social work studies. A sociology thesis is among the documents you might write when pursuing a master's or Ph.D. studies. Here are topics to consider for these papers. Investigating expecting mothers' postpartum depression.

  16. Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work (Ph.D.)

    Call us at 848-932-5333 if you have questions. Academics. Our Ph.D. program prepares you for a career as a faculty member, research scientist, or policy analyst and offers you: Access to exceptional faculty. A dynamic, diverse, and accomplished student body from across the United States and the world.

  17. Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology

    The Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology, Malcolm Carey, Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/ Open University Press, 2nd edition 2013, ISBN-13: 978--33-522549-1, £24.90. Julie Fish. Julie Fish Reader in Social Work and Health Inequalities, Social Work Division,

  18. Theses and Dissertations (Social Work)

    A social work study on factors contributing to a high rate of depression amongst university students from the age of 19 - 23 years. Matthew, S. A. (2022-12) Over the past few decades, the increase in depression amongst university students has become a global concern. In attempting to understand the increase in the prevalence of depression ...

  19. PDF Contemporary Social Work Practice: The struggles of

    A thesis submitted to The University of Gloucestershire in accordance with the ... "Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and

  20. Social Work BSc: IHRSOW399 Research Dissertation

    The Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology, 2nd edn by Carey, M. "This book is an indispensable and uniquely placed resource for any social work student daunted by the prospect of the dissertation, or indeed for practitioners who are starting out in research. Malcolm Carey has managed the difficult task of producing ...

  21. Dissertations and Theses

    Provides electronic access to the only comprehensive record of dissertations accepted by American universities during that time period, the print index Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities. Dissertations and Theses Full Text (ProQuest) Dissertations & theses from 1861- present in PDF format. Last Updated: Jan 9, 2024 12:25 PM.

  22. Social Work Dissertations

    Dissertations on Social Work. Social Work is a profession that focuses on improving the well-being of individuals, encouraging positive relationships in communities, and improving people's lives. Social Work can relate to human behaviour, social behaviour, and various aspects of the community. View All Dissertation Examples.

  23. DSpace

    Doctorate in Social Work (DSW) Dissertations. This series contains dissertations from Penn's Doctorate in Social Work program. For more information about University of Pennsylvania dissertation requirements and guidelines, please consult the dissertation manual.

  24. Urban poverty and implications for social work training and practice

    This paper assesses the role that social work can play in social development and in particular in mitigating the effects of poverty in urban areas. The paper supports the thesis that while the philosophy of social work is relevant to solving problems, its methods and training of social workers need to be made more relevant to the Third World to make an effective contribution to solving the ...