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Menghemat waktu

Siap digunakan dan dapat disesuaikan . Kualitas tinggi dan desain profesional.

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Panduan lengkap cara presentasi, public speaking, powerpoint dan visualisasi data

Contoh Slide Presentasi Powerpoint Yang Baik dan Menarik

03/12/2019 by Muhammad Noer 319 Comments

Baca Juga: Belajar Presentasi dari Ahlinya. Yuk Ikutan Kursus Online Kami di Presenta Academy.

Baca Juga: Mau Sidang Skripsi dan Bingung Buat Presentasinya? Lihat berbagai template presentasi siap pakai untuk Skripsi, Tesis atau Disertasi Anda.

Slide presentasi yang baik dan menarik berfungsi untuk menyampaikan ide Anda kepada audiens. Slide yang baik akan memudahkan audiens paham, yakin, dan bertindak seperti yang Anda harapkan.

Sebelum Anda membaca, silakan tonton terlebih dahulu video ringkasan cara membuat slide presentasi yang baik dan menarik .

Dengan menggunakan slide yang menarik, sebagai presenter Anda akan lebih mudah sekaligus percaya diri dalam menjelaskan makna yang dikandung dalam slide presentasi Anda.

Artikel berikut ini merupakan artikel yang paling banyak dibaca di website ini. Untuk itu, saya dan tim memutuskan menulis ulang untuk memberi contoh slide presentasi yang lebih baik, lebih relevan, serta update terbaru bagaimana cara membuat dan menampilkan slide presentasi yang baik sekaligus menarik.

Cara Membuat Slide Judul Presentasi Dengan Baik

Perhatikan slide judul presentasi di bawah. Ini adalah slide judul standar yang sering dibuat orang. Hanya terdiri dari dua baris tulisan dan terasa sangat monoton. Bayangkan kalau Anda menjadi audiens. Apakah Anda akan tertarik untuk mendengarkan kelanjutan presentasi? Saya yakin tidak.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Sekarang perhatikan bagaimana kita membuat slide judul presentasi powerpoint agar tampil lebih indah dan menarik.

Pilihan slide powerpoint pertama adalah dengan mempertahankan tulisan tanpa gambar. Sekarang Anda bisa membedakan font yang tampil. Di sini saya menggunakan 2 jenis font .

Font yang tebal untuk teks judul yang ingin ditekankan. Sedangkan font yang lebih tipis untuk teks pendukung. Latar belakang sengaja dibuat berwarna gelap agar teks judul tampil lebih menonjol.

Perhatikan. Hanya dengan mengganti font dan menciptakan kontras antar font Anda bisa membuat slide powerpoint untuk judul yang lebih menarik.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Pilihan kedua menampilkan sebuah gambar untuk slide judul. Sebuah gambar yang tepat akan membuat slide judul Anda tampil lebih kuat. Pepatah bilang “a picture worth a thousand words” . Sebuah gambar lebih berharga daripada ribuan kata-kata.

Ya, pepatah ini relevan untuk gambar yang tepat dan sesuai dengan slide judul yang Anda tampilkan. Berikut contoh slide powerpoint yang bisa Anda buat.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Pilihan lainnya adalah tetap dengan menampilkan sebuah gambar namun sekarang dipadukan dengan bentuk-bentuk lengkung yang harmonis . Dengan cara ini slide Anda pun terlihat lebih segar, lebih kekinian, dan modern.

Jangan lupa berikan penekanan pada teks utama judul dan gunakan pilihan warna yang harmonis serta nyaman dipandang mata. Slide judul yang baik akan membuat Anda lebih percaya diri ketika membuka sebuah presentasi .

contoh powerpoint presentation

Jika Anda ingin tahu cara membuat slide judul presentasi yang kuat dan menarik, maka gunakanlah gambar yang mampu membuat audiens membayangkan topik presentasi Anda. Pilih gambar yang relevan. Tampilkan gambar secara penuh untuk menciptakan efek visual yang maksimal atau gunakan bentuk-bentuk (shape) lengkung yang modern.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Membuat Slide Presentasi Lebih Indah dengan Gambar dan Kata Kunci

Perhatikan slide berikut. Slide ini menjelaskan tiga poin mengapa sebuah organisasi perlu belajar. Slide berbentuk bullet point ini terasa membosankan sekaligus melelahkan.

Memang gampang cara membuatnya. Anda tinggal copy paste dan selesai sudah. Namun, apakah Anda mau menjadi seorang presenter yang membosankan dengan slide seperti itu?

contoh powerpoint presentation

Sekarang perhatikan bagaimana kita mengatasi situasi tersebut dengan jauh lebih baik. Ingat, audiens tidak dapat mendengarkan Anda sambil membaca slide yang panjang. Mereka harus memilih salah satu. Slide presentasi dengan teks panjang berpotensi membuat audiens mengantuk dan bosan dengan apa yang Anda sampaikan.

Baca Juga: Belajar Presentasi Dari Nol. From Zero to Hero. Ikuti Kursus Online Ini.

Pilihan pertama yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah mengganti slide tersebut dengan berfokus pada gambar dan kata kunci yang tepat . Pahami setiap poin yang ingin Anda sampaikan. Ganti setiap poin dengan gambar relevan yang mampu menjelaskan poin yang Anda maksud. Berikan kata kunci yang mewakili poin tersebut.

Maka slide powerpoint yang sebelumnya membosankan menjadi lebih segar. Anda bisa menggunakan teknik mengatur gambar menggunakan picture layout untuk menghasilkan desain di bawah dengan sangat cepat kurang dari 1 menit.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Contoh slide presentasi kedua menggunakan gaya yang lebih kekinian . Bentuk kotak diganti dengan bentuk lingkaran. Gambar yang mewakili setiap kata kunci diletakkan di dalam lingkaran. Tidak hanya itu, ketiga lingkaran dibuat bertingkat dengan jarak yang teratur satu dengan lain.

Ini menjadikan slide presentasi powerpoint ini lebih baik sekaligus menarik. Jika Anda butuh tambahan penjelasan, berikan tambahan 1-2 baris teks singkat untuk memberi penguatan terhadap apa yang Anda maksudkan.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Pilihan terakhir masih menggunakan gaya lingkaran. Bedanya kali ini diberikan penekanan pada poin kedua yang menjadi fokus. Teknik ini disebut kontras dengan membedakan warna . Lewat cara ini, audiens akan dengan cepat memahami dari ketika poin tersebut, maka poin kedualah yang paling penting diantara poin-poin lainnya.

Gunakan teknik seperti ini jika daftar yang sampaikan perlu diberi penekanan pada poin tertentu dan bobot suatu poin lebih tinggi dari yang lainnya.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Jika Anda ingin menampilkan poin-poin secara kuat, maka gantilah slide berbentuk bullet point dengan slide gambar ditambah kata kunci . Ini akan menjadikan poin-poin Anda lebih mendalam sekaligus mudah diingat dan dimengerti audiens karena dibantu oleh gambar yang relevan.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Cara Membuat Slide Powerpoint Kutipan yang Lebih Menarik

Dalam membuat slide presentasi powerpoint, tidak jarang Anda harus memasukkan sebuah kutipan. Bisa berasal dari ucapan seorang tokoh, ilmuwan, atau orang yang dianggap penting dalam suatu bidang. Slide seperti ini berguna untuk mengajak audiens merenungi poin-poin yang disampaikan dalam sebuah kutipan tersebut.

Perhatikan slide berikut ini. Slide presentasi ini mengambil kutipan dari ucapan seorang ilmuwan terkenal: Albert Einstein . Perhatikan posisi gambar dan teksnya. Apakah menurut Anda sudah baik?

Sekilas slide powerpoint ini tampil biasa dengan gambar dan teks yang dibuat rata tengah.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Untuk membuat slide kutipan yang baik, maka sudah seharusnya Anda mencari gambar sang tokoh kemudian menampilkannya secara penuh dalam sebuah slide. Letakkan teks dengan posisi yang tepat.

Perhatikan contoh slide presentasi berikut. Di sini saya memperbesar gambar sang tokoh kemudian membuat efek gradasi sehingga gambar tersebut menyatu secara harmonis dengan warna latar belakang slide yang saya miliki. Kemudian teks ucapan sang tokoh diletakkan searah dengan matanya memandang. Maka timbul kesan seolah-olah tokoh tersebut masih bisa berbicara dan berinteraksi dengan kita.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Pilihan kedua Anda bisa menambahkan kotak agar tulisan yang berisi kutipan tampak lebih menonjol lagi . Terlihat teks lebih dominan dan kontras dibandingkan latar belakang slide. Gunakan cara ini jika Anda ingin memberikan penekanan lebih kuat pada teks yang disampaikan sang tokoh.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Bentuk terakhir tetap menggunakan gambar sang tokoh namun sekarang dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah bentuk lingkaran yang sedikit terpotong. Latar belakang slide dibuat menggunakan dua warna berbeda yang saling harmonis satu dengan yang lain. Lewat cara ini, slide terlihat lebih elegan, segar sekaligus kekinian .

contoh powerpoint presentation

Buat Anda yang ingin tahu cara membuat slide powerpoint dengan baik untuk menampilkan kutipan, maka gunakan gambar sang tokoh. Posisikan tulisan ke arah di mana sang tokoh memandang. Perbesar ukuran gambar atau pakai teknik untuk memasukkan gambar ke dalam bentuk-bentuk tertentu.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Contoh Slide Rangkuman Sebuah Presentasi Powerpoint

Di akhir sebuah presentasi, kita sering melihat presenter akan membuat slide rangkuman atau kesimpulan atas poin-poin yang telah disampaikan. Banyak orang yang membuat slide rangkuman hanya dengan bullet point seperti di bawah ini. Apa yang Anda rasakan?

Apakah Anda tertarik untuk membacanya satu demi satu?

contoh powerpoint presentation

Cara lebih baik untuk membuat slide rangkuman mirip dengan teknik gambar dan kata kunci. Pada pilihan pertama seperti slide di bawah saya mengganti gambar dengan simbol/icon . Presentasi terasa memiliki alur yang lebih kuat .

Dengan cara ini simbol/icon terlihat konsisten. Untuk bentuknya dibuat empat poin yang sejajar secara horizontal dan vertikal. Perhatikan slide kesimpulan yang lebih menarik dengan cara seperti ini.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Contoh slide powerpoint kedua tetap menggunakan simbol/icon namun mengganti bentuk di belakangnya menjadi kotak yang terpotong di dua sudut. Kotak tersebut diberikan warna yang senada dengan warna teks pada slide. Inilah salah satu keuntungan menggunakan simbol/icon. Anda bisa memberikan warna yang sesuai dengan tema presentasi untuk icon tersebut termasuk bentuk/shape pendampingnya.

Agar tata letak tidak membosankan, posisi gambar diatur ada yang lebih tinggi dan ada yang lebih rendah. Namun jangan lupa, pastikan jarak horizontal terjaga dengan konsisten. Slide yang rapi, lurus, dan teratur menunjukkan bahwa Anda membuatnya secara profesional.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Pilihan yang lebih kreatif dan berani berikut ini menambahkan gambar untuk setiap poin . Berbeda dari gambar biasa yang berbentuk kotak atau persegi. Gambar yang ditampilkan dalam slide berikut ini berbentuk memanjang dari atas ke bawah. Untuk menambah kesan lebih menarik, potongan gambar dibuat sedikit miring sehingga terlihat lebih menarik.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Jika Anda ingin membuat slide rangkuman atau kesimpulan, hindari bentuk bullet point yang membosankan . Carilah icon/simbol yang relevan dengan setiap poin yang ingin disampaikan dan tampilkan dalam bentuk poin-poin utama saja .

Pilihan lain Anda juga bisa menggunakan gambar yang kuat disertai kata kunci untuk setiap poin. Maka slide presentasi powerpoint Anda akan tampak lebih hebat dan indah.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Membuat Slide Divider Antar Bagian

Sebagai seorang presenter yang memberikan paparan, tidak jarang Anda membutuhkan slide untuk memberikan jeda istirahat sebelum melanjutkan ke bagian berikutnya.

Selain itu, Anda juga membutuhkan slide divider atau slide antar bagian . Ini berguna untuk menunjukkan bahwa materi presentasi telah berpindah dari satu sub topik ke sub topik berikutnya. Biasanya ini digunakan untuk materi presentasi yang relatif panjang.

Bentuk slide antar bagian paling umum menggunakan template dasar yang disediakan Powerpoint seperti yang dapat Anda lihat di bawah. Slide ini terasa sangat biasa dan kurang menarik.

Ingin mengadakan training presentasi online dan tatap muka buat perusahaan/organisasi Anda? Hubungi tim Presenta Edu di 0811-1880-84 (Putri) untuk kebutuhan training terbaik. Presenta Edu juga siap memberikan training online terbaik buat perusahaan Anda di masa new normal ini.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Untuk membuat slide tampil lebih baik dan menarik, gunakan gambar yang kuat . Untuk coffee break misalnya, mengapa tidak mencari gambar kopi yang tersaji dalam sebuah cangkir. Gambar ini sekaligus memberikan imajinasi yang kuat kepada audiens. Tempatkan teks pada sisi kosong dari gambar untuk membuatnya seimbang dengan desain yang Anda buat.

Menggunakan cara tersebut, Anda telah berhasil membuat slide yang jauh lebih menarik. Berikut contoh slide powerpoint yang bisa Anda buat.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Adapun untuk slide antar bagian, sebagai variasi ada presenter yang menambahkan gambar seperti contoh di bawah. Slide ini sudah cukup baik sebenarnya. Namun tentu saja masih bisa membuatnya lebih baik lagi.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Untuk menampilkan slide antar bagian yang lebih kuat lagi, tampilkan gambar secara penuh . Ini akan membuat slide Anda lebih menonjol dan menarik. Anda bisa menggunakan warna yang sama untuk setiap slide divider agar audiens familiar ketika melihat warna tersebut. Atau Anda juga bisa membuat variasi dengan warna yang berbeda pada slide divider lainnya.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Itulah contoh slide-slide presentasi yang baik dan menarik buat referensi Anda. Ingat, presentasi adalah proses penyampaian ide dan komunikasi. Slide yang baik akan membuat presentasi Anda tampil beda.

Sebagai kesimpulan , jangan lupa lakukan hal-hal berikut ketika Anda ingin membuat slide presentasi:

  • Buat slide judul yang menarik dengan gambar yang kuat
  • Ganti bullet point dengan gambar dan kata kunci
  • Tempatkan kutipan secara tepat bersama gambar tokoh
  • Buat rangkuman dengan gambar/icon dan kata kunci
  • Tampilkan gambar secara penuh untuk slide antar bagian

Dengan melakukan hal-hal tersebut, Anda akan mampu membuat slide yang lebih keren dan menarik.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Jika Anda butuh referensi slide-slide yang baik lainnya, silakan berkunjung ke TemplatePresentasi.com . Di sana saya dan tim menyediakan berbagai template presentasi PowerPoint siap pakai untuk keperluan bisnis , pendidikan dan kreatif .

Anda bisa menemukan template khusus yang dirancang untuk proposal , pitching , skripsi, tugas akhir , dan berbagai template bermanfaat lainnya.

Jika Anda ingin belajar presentasi lebih serius lagi, ikuti pelatihan Smart Presentation dan Data Visualization for Business Presentation yang saya bawakan baik secara in house maupun publik.

Update terbaru dari Tempalte Smart Presentation Pro

Download Buku “Presentasi Memukau”

Buku yang akan membantu Anda  menguasai keterampilan penting  dalam menyusun, mendesain dan membawakan presentasi dengan efektif dan memukau.  GRATIS!

contoh powerpoint presentation

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About Muhammad Noer

Muhammad Noer adalah pakar presentasi bisnis Indonesia sekaligus pendiri Presentasi.net website terbesar untuk topik presentasi dan public speaking. Dengan pengalaman panjang sebagai praktisi Human Resource di perusahaan multinasional dan sertifikasi profesi dari CIPD - UK, dia membantu banyak orang untuk menguasai keterampilan presentasi dan komunikasi publik secara efektif lewat Training Presentasi Memukau . Anda bisa mendapatkan buku Presentasi Memukau di sini dan membaca profil lengkapnya di sini.

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05/01/2012 at 19:31

wew kereeeen bisa di share di link facebook ga?

05/01/2012 at 15:44

Cool stuff brur! Keep writing!

06/01/2012 at 03:31

18/01/2012 at 13:56

Silakan di link ke Facebook Irma

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06/01/2012 at 15:48

Web Anda yang ini juga sangat bagus……keren, keren. Wonderful.

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07/01/2012 at 19:52

Terima kasih Pak Yodhia. Saya juga belajar banyak dari tulisan-tulisan bapak. Website ini akan fokus pada presentasi baik itu teknik penyampaian, merancang slide, dan bagaimana merangkum ide ke dalam presentasi yang baik dan menarik. Salah satu topik yang saya sukai 🙂

14/01/2012 at 05:24


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22/01/2012 at 01:04

Terimakasih sekali dan sangat bermanfaat, semoga Bpk selalu mendapat segala petunjuk dan ide2 yang dapat membuka cakrawala kemajuan di Indonesia.

25/01/2012 at 15:00

sangat membantu sekali untuk presentasi Trim, s atas semuanya.

25/01/2012 at 16:16

Subkhanallah. Amazing, luar biasa, God Bless you, bung Noer, Ilhame qui lho thek mengalir Guaampang men. Semoga Engkau dipanjangkan Umur. Artikel sangat menarik praltis, mudah dipahami. mudah dicerna. AKu mulai tertarik pada artikel Bung, sejak aku baca teknik membaca cepat. Matur Nuwun. God blessing!

25/01/2012 at 15:32

mantap …..

31/01/2012 at 00:00

Bagaimana caranya menambahkan animasi atau gambar yang bergerak di powerpoint?

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31/01/2012 at 10:45

Kata kunci dan gambar : Inilah inti dari presentasi mas NOer. Makasih banyak infonya. Sangat membantu saya untuk menyajikan presentasi yang baik dan menarik.

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31/01/2012 at 12:50

Mas Moehammad Noer, Sudah lama saya mengikuti artikel Mas Moehammad Noer, beberapa komentar saya..Bagus, Sistemmatis, Fokus, Sederhana akan tetapi effektif, kesulitan terbesar umumnya masyarakat kita adalah dalam berpresentasi..dari kecil umunya kita senang berbicara ketika orang lain berbicara mungkin dikarenakan tema nya membosankan, satu arah dan ada unsur pemaksaan harus mendengar atau kita sendiri belum pandai mendengar opini dan presentasi orang lain, kurang sabar..kalau ditanya pendapat umumnya jawaban zona aman, seperti ya lumayan lah..bisasa saja dan lain sebagainya..mudah-mudahan dengan belajar presentasi yang baik dapat diterapkan dikehidupan sehari-hari sehingga kita memperoleh mitra, sahabat dan rekan kerja yang lebih banyak lagi..Terimakasih Mas atas Pencerahannya

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14/02/2024 at 09:59

udah ada produk digital yang bisa bikin animasi lewat powerpoint ya, jadi namanya powerpoint rasa editing hhe

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31/01/2012 at 14:09

sangat bermanfaat Mas Nur. semoga makin menginspirasi banyak orang.

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31/01/2012 at 17:15


31/01/2012 at 22:19

Menurut saya media hanyalah merupakan pendukung dari presentasi, salah salah anda menempatkan media slide, para peserta bukan memperhatikan apa yang anda omongkan tapi memperhatikan gambar di slide yang anda tampilkan. Makanya Stive Jobs ceo apple, seorang inovator besar tidak pernah menggunakan slide saat presentasi.

03/02/2012 at 20:06

Jika sering menonton Steve Jobs presentasi di MacWorld atau Apple WWDC, beliau juga pakai slide koq. Bedanya dari kebanyakan orang adalah slidenya selalu ringkas, fokus, estetis, juga hanya menampilkan apa yang penting untuk membuat penekanan.

12/03/2012 at 15:16

menurut saya pengutaraan mengenai slide presentasi yg baik di atas oleh muhammad noer sudah sangat baik, disana dia menekankan hal2 menarik yg dapat mmbuat presentasi tdk mmbosankan, karena seharusmya presentasi adalah menerangkan sesuatu dengan sejelas jelasnya namun dgn cara yg sederhana serta dpt menarik perhatian seperti mgganti kata2 dgn gambar seperti yg di utarakan di atas, bukan membaca tulisan yg ada di slide tsbt,. good job noer!

29/03/2012 at 01:55

Steve Jobs sering menggunakan slide tapi minimalis dan KUAT. saya setuju, salah satu ciri slide yang jelek adalah "memisahkan" slide dengan pembicara-nya. makanya muhammad noer saya pikir sudah tepat menyampaikan rambu-rambu yang perlu difahami agar bisa presentasi itu menjadi kesatuan yang utuh dan pesannya diterima dengan sangat baik. presentasi=komunikasi

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01/02/2012 at 11:46

bguuuuuuus banged jd punya inspirasiiiii makciiih yaaaah,,,smga bisa tampilin info yg lbh bmanfaat tuk org banyak yaaa dtungguuuu,,,

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01/02/2012 at 23:11

Trima ksh … saya baru punya keberanian untuk mencoba.. setelah membaca ini .. kami tunggu ide2 lainnya,,

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16/07/2022 at 09:30

Sangat bermanfaat contoh-contohnya. Terima kasih,salam sukses selalu

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01/02/2012 at 22:13

Top mas terima kasih atas pencerahannya

03/02/2012 at 07:35

wah ini sangat membantu dan mebuat slide prensentasi jadi lebih mudah, trima kasih mas sharing ilmunya, semoga ide brilian sering muncul dan disebar luaskan

07/02/2012 at 00:43

Terimakasih telah melibatkan saya dalam forum saudara. Kami tunggu kejutan-kejutan berikutnya. Salam, Andry Solo.

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15/02/2012 at 15:56

Terima kasih, sangat membantu saya dalam membuat presentasi…terus bersemangat membantu mencerdaskan Indonesia…semoga barokah.

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16/02/2012 at 15:08

Wow…. Awesome Content Bro.. 🙂 Artikelnya Singat, padat dan aplikatif. two thumbs up. …


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20/02/2012 at 14:58

Alhamdulillah, inspiring! Semoga jadi amal sholeh buat mas Noer.

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26/02/2012 at 13:20

ma….kasih kang…\ jadi sadar salah banyak dalam presentasi

13/03/2012 at 07:43

aku suka buat power point…..aplikasi powerpoint memang mengkhayalkan aku rrrr……..canteeekkkk

16/03/2012 at 15:54

woww…good…thanks…cak Nur…saya yakin akan banyak manfaat!

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20/03/2012 at 18:23

siiiipp… makasi gan 😀

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24/03/2012 at 17:49

terima kasih atas sharingnya, sangat bermanfaat..,

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26/03/2012 at 09:38

Terima kasih, sangat bermanfaat Pak M.Noor buat saya. Maju terus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29/03/2012 at 05:44

Terimakasih atas pengetahuan yang sudah dibagikan. Saya sangat terbantu dan menjadi tahu lebih dalam bagaimana presentasi dengan segala thethek bengeknya.

29/03/2012 at 17:01

Hebat memang luar biasa sukses

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29/03/2012 at 08:55

Jazakallahu khoir , akhi Noor.. sungguh bermanfaat dan pencerahan yang luar biasa. sangat membantu..

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29/03/2012 at 09:58

sangat bermanfaat buat menambah pengetahuan saya n sukses selalu ….

29/03/2012 at 10:54

Info yg sangat menginspirasi, thanks good luck

06/04/2012 at 02:48

Terimakasih telah banyak memberi contoh2 cara menampilkan yang lebih mudah u/ dimengeri oleh orang lain.

06/04/2012 at 03:02

trima kasih atas bantuanya saya bisa mengerjakan powerpoin dengan lancar.

08/04/2012 at 16:58

Thanks to info yang sangat berguna.

17/04/2012 at 23:14

terimakasih….buat kami coba….

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19/04/2012 at 22:18

Terimakasih pencerahannya…. melihat video anda sungguh luar biasa. kesederhanaan tampilan ternyata tidak mengurangi keunggulan pribadi anda. Visualisasi presentasi anda menambah keutuhan presentasi Anda. Sukses selalu

20/04/2012 at 08:02

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20/04/2012 at 22:52

sangat membantu sekali mas, kebetulan sbentar lagi saya mau sidang presentasi seminar. terimakasih banget.

22/04/2012 at 01:52

trimakasih mas, luar biasa menambah insight saya.

22/04/2012 at 06:32

subhanallah, sangat bermanfaat, semoga allah membalas kebaikan bang Noer.

22/04/2012 at 14:25

Banyak bermanfaat, Terima Kasih banyak.

23/04/2012 at 14:08

Luar Biasaaaa

24/04/2012 at 09:27

Menambah inspirasiku menjadi Trainer.

24/04/2012 at 22:56

Siip.. T.ksih atas masukan2nya…

30/04/2012 at 05:34

trims atas ilmu yang diberikan…

30/04/2012 at 15:26

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30/04/2012 at 16:39

bagi yang berminat buku tentang presentasi “RAHASIA PRESENTASI STEVE JOBS” dapat menghubungi kami karena buku ini sangat mengilhami kami dalam melakukan sebuah presentasi yang baik

01/05/2012 at 06:28

ya setuju, dengan perbandingan yang ditampillkan tsb di atas, terlihat bahwa kata kunci, gambar/diagram, cara penyajian yang tepat serta penjelasan yang kuat dan simple…. dapat membuat presentasi menjadi lebih menarik.

01/05/2012 at 22:48

very nice, thank you. I got your points.

02/05/2012 at 05:29

04/05/2012 at 09:49

05/05/2012 at 00:30

It is very Good Pak Noor, It is full inovation… Thanks

05/05/2012 at 01:13

Add a comment…

06/05/2012 at 10:01

Yoi mas Nur, Smoga sbg Jariyah buat panjenengan…

10/05/2012 at 11:49


Thx yea tas ide"nya,,

11/05/2012 at 17:32

14/05/2012 at 10:37

Good Idea 🙂

15/05/2012 at 12:31


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15/05/2012 at 22:41

sebentar lagi saya akan presentasi untuk tugas akhir yang telah disusun, dan pembahasan ini sangat membantu saya.. terimakasih 🙂

17/05/2012 at 03:04

very good. it helps me improve my presentation.

17/05/2012 at 12:40

slamat mas bro.

18/05/2012 at 08:43


18/05/2012 at 15:34

sip akh….

23/05/2012 at 11:26

Sangat Berguna.

23/05/2012 at 14:04

terima kasih, kami akan coba.

24/05/2012 at 12:52


25/05/2012 at 11:04

25/05/2012 at 16:31

I like it,,,

27/05/2012 at 05:41

aduhhhhhhhhhh ngayol

28/05/2012 at 03:48

Smoga banyak manfaatnya.

05/06/2012 at 07:19

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05/06/2012 at 12:02

boleh ngga minta tolong dibuatin slide presentasi untuk tugas akhir saya….soalnya sy uda coba buat sesuai saranya,,,,tpi kynya psnya blum tersmapaikan….

06/06/2012 at 07:10

thx sharingx

06/06/2012 at 03:46

07/06/2012 at 03:31

Sangat membantu. Terimakasih 😀

10/06/2012 at 11:56

11/06/2012 at 02:19

bagus…tp mau memulai yg agak berat.

11/06/2012 at 04:20

11/06/2012 at 08:41

Terima kasih atas ilmunya sangat bermanfaat.

11/06/2012 at 12:29

mksh ini menambah wawasan bgt ^_^.

12/06/2012 at 01:40

Terima kasih Pak Muhammad Noer, sangguh membatu saya.

12/06/2012 at 10:13

Perlu ide2 yg lebih greget, tp membantu.

15/06/2012 at 17:02

like this :)..

15/06/2012 at 17:06

aku buka ya..!!

18/06/2012 at 06:43

18/06/2012 at 09:17

oke juga untuk membantu wawasan…

18/06/2012 at 13:33


22/06/2012 at 12:07

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25/06/2012 at 14:16

That’s what I want…thaks…

25/06/2012 at 14:18

That’s what I want.. thanks..

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29/06/2012 at 08:37

Menarik sekali ,saya merasa sangat beruntung dapat email dari Pak Noer, luar biasa disaat semuanya serba dijual mahal bapak dengan ikhlas membagi ilmunya yang sangat bermanfaat secara gratis, mudah2n ladang amal ini akan selalu membawa berkah P’ Noer dunia akhirat…dan semakin memudahkan jalan rezekinya dari pintu yang tidak disangka2…Salut dan merupakan pembelajaran bagi kita2 semua atas keikhlasan p’ Noer brbagi….”berbagi itu indah”…Salam

30/06/2012 at 02:12

goood sya jadi lebih paham membuat presentasi.

01/07/2012 at 23:29

this is very good.


02/07/2012 at 08:07

nice thing,,, thankz kak,, 😉 doain mg sukses presentasi mapresx.. 😉 amin,

02/07/2012 at 01:16

Mantap dan terima kasih.

04/07/2012 at 12:39

Pengen jadi presenter, setelah baca buku Presentasi Luar Biasa. ☺

05/07/2012 at 12:24

sulit yang dipelajari.

09/07/2012 at 00:28

09/07/2012 at 03:11

Ilmu yang sangat membantu,,,, 🙂

14/07/2012 at 05:53

sangat membantu

15/07/2012 at 11:31

17/07/2012 at 03:45

yess… I Like It… thanks Mas :-D).

18/07/2012 at 01:49

Thank a lot buat M Noer.

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19/07/2012 at 04:42

syukron katsiiro mas noer, sangat bermanfaat sekali

24/07/2012 at 03:00

trims e booknya semoga menjadi manfaat, amin…

24/07/2012 at 12:50

25/07/2012 at 03:26

Good, I like this.

28/07/2012 at 07:08

30/07/2012 at 09:20

he_emmbb btulll….

03/08/2012 at 02:38

comment ya, kebetulan 2 bulan lalu belajar tentang powerfull presentation, bayarnya nyaris 2 juta sehari. tahu ada web ini aku gak ikutan mayan hemat 2 juta he he.

Makasih inspirasi

06/08/2012 at 05:32


23/05/2013 at 20:08

koe tek yo nyasar neng kne to bos

06/08/2012 at 07:02

Good good. Artikel yang sangat menarik dan bermanfaat bagi saya. Thanks

08/08/2012 at 13:23


09/08/2012 at 06:04

Cara brilian

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09/08/2012 at 15:38

Terima kasih mas Muhammad Noer, selamat puasa Ramadhan 1433H, Semoga Allah SWT senantiasa melimpahkan barokah, rahmat dan nikmatNya bagi kita sekalian. Amin YRA

11/08/2012 at 10:23


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15/08/2012 at 12:58

bermanfaat dan moga-moga bisa diamalin untuk seterusnya

16/08/2012 at 00:36


16/08/2012 at 08:37

inspirasi saya untuk persentase di depan siswa.

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16/08/2012 at 14:41

pak sms saya dong pengen belajar banyak sama bapak tentang presentasi, 085868957192

30/08/2012 at 09:01

sangat bermanfaat dan minta ijin utk di-share.

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30/08/2012 at 20:10

sangat bermanfaat 🙂

01/09/2012 at 02:55

thanks….. smoga saya bisa……. akan saya coba.

03/09/2012 at 02:49

Sangat menginspirasai….terimakasih banyak semoga makin berkah melimpah ilmunya.

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09/09/2012 at 08:50

wahh luar biasa, ternyata ada triknya ya. yang paling utama membuat audiens mudah memahami isi presentasi.

09/09/2012 at 13:21

makasih saya lebih bisa mempersiapkan presentasi saya.

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17/09/2012 at 19:44

saya nak buat presentation kat skola i ni mcm mana nak buat

18/09/2012 at 21:23

membuat sya lbih tau.. mkcih

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19/09/2012 at 15:19

mana slide ny

21/09/2012 at 07:35

22/09/2012 at 03:16


23/09/2012 at 15:54

for all, never stop learning…

24/09/2012 at 15:22

Makasih Pak Dapat pengetahuan baru..

27/09/2012 at 05:14

trims atas model presentasinya akan saya coba lebih giat lagi untuk membuat siswa lebih tertarik.

01/10/2012 at 10:24

Bantu dong 😀

02/10/2012 at 07:01

mudah2 bisa membantu saya dalam presentasi. terima kasih sebelumnya.

04/10/2012 at 03:37

luar biasa.numpang copas ilmunya y mas.

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04/10/2012 at 11:34

tipsnya luarrr biasa……… numpang copas ilmunya y mas………..

16/10/2012 at 10:49

Terima kasih, saya akan mencoba persentasi.

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18/10/2012 at 14:45

Contoh slide presentasi yang baik dan menarik sungguh bermanfaat bagi pengembangan usaha kami dibidang jasa pajak pribadi online dalam waktu dekat ini.

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19/10/2012 at 17:11

ini sangat bagus, makasih

01/11/2012 at 08:24

makasih, buat kami coba…

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02/11/2012 at 14:15

heeemmbbbbbb :'(

06/11/2012 at 08:30

wokeh tes gud lah.

12/11/2012 at 00:19

good, thank untuk infox.

12/11/2012 at 09:45

16/11/2012 at 08:45

I think it's good..

19/11/2012 at 06:45


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19/11/2012 at 12:11

terimakasih…sangat bermanfaat dan menambah ilmu….

20/11/2012 at 12:50

wow aku menemukan tempat belajar yang baik…tq.

20/11/2012 at 16:50


20/11/2012 at 18:20

21/11/2012 at 01:22

the examle of the be best.

22/11/2012 at 01:33

24/11/2012 at 14:39

I am very grateful to Mr. noer which give encouragement to me, and I was able to presentation.

30/11/2012 at 00:46

Alhamdulillah dan terima kasih kami haturkan, mudah-mudahan tulisan salah satu " Tulisan untuk keabadian" bagi Mas Noer.

05/12/2012 at 03:15

keren skaleee…sukses sll..

06/12/2012 at 05:52


14/12/2012 at 02:29

terima kasih sekali lagi. saya baru liat Mas Noer di TED… luar biasa. mudah-mudah saya bisa seperti itu.

15/12/2012 at 02:27


19/12/2012 at 10:13

Thank you…..

21/12/2012 at 05:19

thank's your info bos.

22/12/2012 at 14:41

tanks,,, wa coba lu ia.. 🙂

23/12/2012 at 11:24

03/01/2013 at 09:37

thanks for your information.

04/01/2013 at 04:04

sempurna………………..thank buanyak

05/01/2013 at 12:39

trims atas masukannya..

13/01/2013 at 04:15

14/01/2013 at 10:04

terima kasih pak 😀

14/01/2013 at 11:03

15/01/2013 at 11:07

26/01/2013 at 07:07

ide yang kreatif dan bagus dalam presentasi, terima kasih ilmunya.

26/01/2013 at 22:53


27/01/2013 at 05:38

Hahaha yg sibuk mau presentasi

27/01/2013 at 05:46

pelatihan kader N penyuluhan banyak N ujian prposal

27/01/2013 at 09:48


28/01/2013 at 04:15


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29/01/2013 at 10:51

Pembelajaran yang sangat apik dan mudah dipahami, terimakasih atas sharing ilmunya pak Noor

04/02/2013 at 22:22

05/02/2013 at 10:55

Makasih… tlah mmudahkan tugas ku…

07/02/2013 at 05:33

Terima kasih sudah memberikan contoh slide untuk Presentasi.

11/02/2013 at 00:01

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19/02/2013 at 12:01

Izin sedot bang, simple & menarik! I like it.

20/02/2013 at 04:13

20/02/2013 at 05:51

Berguna sekali terima kasih.

23/02/2013 at 14:13

saya sangat tertarik dan ingin mebuat presentasi saya bagus didepan pim saya.

23/02/2013 at 07:21

24/02/2013 at 01:26

terima kasih banyak.

26/02/2013 at 16:02

04/03/2013 at 22:37

05/03/2013 at 07:39

13/03/2013 at 23:21

WOOOW… bagus banget… moga2 saya bisa membuat semacam itu! thanks ya pak…

13/03/2013 at 21:15


16/03/2013 at 01:56

Thanks Sangat Bermanfaat….:)

16/03/2013 at 23:11

top already I verry happy with your blogg… and thanks for learn me about that..

16/03/2013 at 23:19

Wowowowooww master o.O

19/03/2013 at 02:02

kerene buangetttt…I like that…

19/03/2013 at 02:03

keren buangett..I like that…thanks a lot.

30/03/2013 at 19:46

thanks, sungguh sangat membantu 🙂

05/04/2013 at 04:20

ehh ga ada gunanya.. :p

14/04/2013 at 21:16

bagus, namun seandainya isi dari persentasi yang atasan sy berikan seperti apa desaindnya agar tetap terlihat menarik dan cukup spacenya.

15/04/2013 at 19:15

thanks pak Noer, artikelnya mantap dan bermanfaat.

22/04/2013 at 09:07

Terima kasih banyak Mas Noer, Anda sangat baik sekali memberi pengetahuan yg bermanfaat. Semoga ALLAH SWT membalas kebaikan anda. Amin

23/04/2013 at 21:28

24/04/2013 at 05:04

saya do'akan jadi pahala ibadah.

28/04/2013 at 01:44

apa itu slide interaktive…

02/05/2013 at 05:53

'..tidak semua slide memudahkan seorang presenter untuk menyampaikan ide dan gagasan. Hanya slide yang baiklah yang dapat menjelaskan makna yang ingin disampaikan presenter..'

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08/05/2013 at 20:36


12/05/2013 at 21:50

23/05/2013 at 00:48

terimakasih pengetahuannya

30/05/2013 at 01:31

Sangat mendidik dan mencerahkan

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31/05/2013 at 14:29

Sangat komplit sekali bahasnya pak, sangat menarik disimak hingga akhir. Inspirasi saya kalau mengenai Presentasi itu… Steve Jobs! 🙂

Salam, Kemaludin

01/06/2013 at 00:39

Selain slide yang menarik, penguasaaan materi dan kemampuan beretorika pun perlu dikuasai agar pesan yang kita maksudkan tersampaikan dengan baik..

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07/06/2013 at 20:55

saya kesulitan mencari gambar yang cocok dengan tulisan. bagaimana ya tipsnya? terima kasih.

16/06/2013 at 06:05


19/06/2013 at 00:44

Cerdaskan ummat mandirikan bangsa.

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22/07/2013 at 14:21

terima kasih Mas Nur, sangat mencerahkan !

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30/10/2013 at 11:13

terima kasih info y

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04/11/2013 at 10:39

Terima Kasih Banyak 🙂

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12/11/2013 at 16:17

terima kasih bapak-bapak semuanya.

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26/12/2013 at 03:22


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16/05/2014 at 14:49

Tiada kata yang pantas yang diberikan untuk semua ilmu yang Pak Muhammad Nur shering kan, kecuali Ucapan “Trimakasih”. namun jika boleh bertanya bagaimana teknik mengajar yang menyenangkan namun efektif? kebetulan saya pengajar di BIMBEL.Tk

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20/05/2014 at 13:49

jleb…saya sering banget ber bullet dlm ppt saya…ternyata big mistake ya

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20/05/2014 at 14:07

pak, kalau untuk membuat slideshow portofolio dg PPT ada tips/contohnya kah pak?

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20/05/2014 at 14:00

pak, saya tertarik belajar presentasi dari bapak utk meningkatkan jualan saya. bagaimana caranya?

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22/05/2014 at 09:42

Thank. mudah2an dapat menjadi referensu yang bermanfaat buat saya. sekalki lagi, thanks.

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22/05/2014 at 21:42

terimakasih pak referensinya,.

kunjungi[ Microsoft Powerpoint Berbasis Flash ] di http://powerpoint-flash.blogspot.com/

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23/07/2014 at 07:10

Terima kasih p Nur. semoga karya kreatifnya dpat menular kpd kami dan yg lainnya.

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15/03/2015 at 14:13

menarik jg referensinx

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06/05/2015 at 06:05

Trimakasih.infonya sungguh keren dan bermanfaat

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27/07/2015 at 10:38

terima kasih banyak pak….memang sangat2 membantu sy…

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24/11/2015 at 17:10

persentasi yang cukup bagus, singkat, menarik dan jelas. mudah dipahami

24/11/2015 at 17:13

persentasi yang bagus sikat jelas dan mudah untuk dipahami .

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25/02/2016 at 11:33

Thank You ya Pak Noer, panduan presentasinya sangat membantu. Merupakan motivasi tersendiri buat saya dalam menjalankan pekerjaan sehari-hari.

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23/05/2016 at 17:49

mantap mas nur saya sebgai pemula sangat bertrimakasi krn sdh bisa membantu, dan saya masih perlu bimbingan mohon untuk jadi atensi baik mas nur, trims wsslm

23/05/2016 at 17:54

mantap mas nur sangat membantu saya sebagai pemula dalam mengenal presentasi ini, semoga selanjutnya saya bisa membuat nya dengan baik dan menarik dan saya presentasikan dengan gaya bahasa yang mudah dan menarik amin

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24/05/2016 at 22:23

Keren banget.. Terima kasih untuk inspirasinya

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27/05/2016 at 13:41

sangat sederhana tp jelas….keren.pak muhamad noer

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31/05/2016 at 18:15

Great article, easy to understand and apply. I think most government officer/figure need to read and use these idea. I know myself that the ppt prepared by many government officer/staff look terrible and very close to bore. They need this training. Pak Noer, success and keep doing your best.

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05/06/2016 at 08:25

Terima kasih banyak atas info dan tips-tipsnya, dapat menjadi sebagai alat evaluasi diri untuk memperbaiki slide-slide yang akan dipresentasikan berikutnya.

05/06/2016 at 09:23

Aslm.wrwb. Mat pagi mas nur ijin, biar pun saya sibuk layani masyarakat tetap saya melihat dan memonitor semua yang mas nur sampaikan ke Link ini, tentunya sangat bermanfaat dan berguna buat kami disini selaku melaksanakan tugas saya yang selalu memberikan. Informasi bagi masyarakat… selamat dan sukses mohon maaf lahir bathin dalam persiapan jelang bulan ramadhan ini, sehat selalu dan sukses bersama keluarga barokah semuanya amin yra. Wasalam.

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11/06/2016 at 12:25

terimakasih mister,you are the best

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14/06/2016 at 08:19

Menarik sekali untuk mengikuti dan mencermati teknik maupun paparan yg tersaji dalam konten ini, mudah2an bermanfaat dan menjadi inspirasi bagi yang memerlukan…

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24/06/2016 at 07:56

Assalammualaikum Terima kasih meskipun saya mencontohnya melalui email sudah ada beberapa perubahan yang menarik, terima kasih bantuan anda mudah mudahan menjadi amalan yang baik. Wassalam Hamid Pusdalops PB BPBD Jatim.

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27/06/2016 at 19:01

Ternyata gambar merupakan illustrasi yg tepat untuk menjelaskan maksud

27/06/2016 at 19:08

Ternyata gambar merupakan illustrasi yg tepat untuk menjelaskan maksud yg akan disampaikan..karena gambar yg ditampilkan membuat orang lebih tertarik daripada kalimat2

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15/07/2016 at 14:29

Thanks bnget presentasi.net….inspirasi bnget buat gw yg bru SMK jurusan markrting yg suka praktik presentasi….Lanjut truss gan!

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13/08/2016 at 19:05

jos mksh mg tambah berkah

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21/10/2016 at 06:12

Wah..Terima kasih!

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17/11/2016 at 21:37

Cetar banget ilmu-ilmu yang ada di presentasi.net

Saya sangat rekomendasikan mahasiswa dan officer untuk up-to-date disini. Hari ini presentasi menjadi kunci kesuksesan karir seseorang. Untuk itu dibutuhkan Tips Presentasi yang Dahsyat

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26/11/2016 at 09:14

Apakah template bisa digunakan di Macbook.? Terima kasih

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31/12/2016 at 23:02

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10/12/2017 at 16:40

saya ijin share di Facebook juge ya. nice article.

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10/04/2018 at 14:02

terima kasih pak muhammad nur atas ulasannya, sehingga saya bisa lebih ter arah dalam menulis power point agar lebih menarik lagi.

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17/10/2018 at 15:31

Wow, Luar biasa !! Sangat bermamfaat….Thanks atas ilmunya.

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19/11/2018 at 22:42

Terimakasih ilmunya…. sangat bermanfaat

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23/02/2020 at 13:13

Meskipun baru nemu artikelnya, tapi kontennya masih cukup bermanfaat. Thanks ya…

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22/06/2020 at 00:08

Untuk profesi sebagai guru power point menarik sangat dibutuhkan agar siswa tidak bosan. Terima kasih Pak Muhammad Nur atas ulasannya, sehingga saya bisa lebih ter arah dalam membuat power point yang menarik .

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29/06/2020 at 09:17

Terima kasih Bu Renatha, semoga berhasil mempraktekkannya. 🙂

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31/10/2020 at 18:31

keren, tq ilmunya

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04/12/2020 at 01:46

padahal artikel ini sudah lama ditulis tapi masih relevan dan ngasih ide bikin presentasi yang cakep

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08/12/2020 at 15:15

Terima kasih penjelasannya, sangat bermanfaat, semoga bisa diterapkan

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22/08/2021 at 15:23

Assalamualaikum kak, selamat sore. Mohon maaf mengganggu waktunya. Perkenalkan saya Firda Widya Sari mahasiswa dari Poltekkes Kemenkes Kaltim jurusan Gizi dan Dietetika 2019. Saya sebagai perwakilan HMJ Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Kaltim ingin menyelenggarakan acara Pelatihan CV dan Desain PowerPoint Kreatif untuk mahasiswa jurusan Gizi dengan estimasi pelaksanaan pada pertengahan bulan September. Kami berminat untuk menawarkan kakak menjadi salah satu narasumber pada acara tersebut dengan tema materi CV. Kalau boleh tau kira-kira apa saja ketentuan dan persyaratannya ya kak? Terimakasih banyak sebelumnya kak

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18/10/2021 at 21:46

Terima kasih Kereeeennnn …

Sukses Selalu ……………………

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15/07/2023 at 22:12

Artikel nya sangat Bermanfaat

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20/02/2024 at 09:21

Sangat bermanfaat

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13/06/2024 at 11:10

Makasih mas, jadi bisa nambah pengetahuan lagi.

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18/06/2024 at 10:15

Isinya begitu menarik dan relevan bagi banyak orang.

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06/03/2012 at 14:21

Blog anda ini menarik buat acuan kami,tulisan ini cukup berkesan,terima kasih banyak.

[…] ini sebenarnya sangat sederhana. Versi simpel-nya adalah dengan membuat bulleted list. Namun dengan mengubahnya menjadi gambar visual Anda dapat membuatnya lebih baik dan memberi kesan kuat bagi audiens. Jika ingin memberi gambar, […]

[…] Hal ini menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa saya menulis buku ini. Untuk membantu Anda memperbaiki kualitas presentasi. […]

[…] Presentasi adalah sebentuk komunikasi. Komunikasi presentasi dilakukan secara terpadu: lewat suara, gambar, dan bahasa […]

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[…] pilih kata yang ringkas, relevan, dan tepat sasaran. Pastikan setiap slide hanya memiliki satu pokok pikiran sehingga bisa mempengaruhi audiens Anda secara […]

[…]  Clik di sini untuk  mulai berusaha membuat slide presentasi kelas dunia yang bisa membuat apa yang Anda sampaikan bisa tersampaikan dengan baik. […]

[…] Contoh Slide Presentasi Powerpoint Yang Baik dan Menarik NOVEMBER 2, 2011 BY MUHAMMAD NOER 137 COMMENTS […]

[…] 2. Contoh Slide Power Point Yang Baik dan Menarik […]

[…] ini, Zaini Alif telah menunjukkan presentasi yang sederhana namun begitu kuat dalam pembawaan serta penggunaan slide yang menarik. Bahasa yang digunakan begitu ringan, seakan-akan dia berbicara layaknya berbicara dengan teman, […]

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[…] presenter adalah menyiapkan slide presentasi menggunakan prinsip-prinsip desain yang baik. Meringkas teks dan menampilkan gambar visual yang relevan sehingga slide tidak kebanyakan […]

[…] template powerpoint tersebut sesuai selera Anda. Dengan memanfaatkan slide master Anda akan mampu membuat slide yang menarik dan konsisten dalam waktu yang lebih […]

[…] Sumber : https://www.presentasi.net/contoh-slide-presentasi-powerpoint/ […]

[…] Visual –> gunakan visualisasi yang tepat sehingga audiens mudah membayangkan apa yang Anda sampaikan. Dalam kasus ini, Presiden Jokowi menggunakan banyak gambar aktual tentang Indonesia. Dengan demikian, slide-nya berfungsi sebagai komunikasi visual yang baik. […]

[…] PDF File Name: Contoh slide presentasi powerpoint yang baik dan menarik Source: http://www.presentasi.net » DOWNLOAD « […]

[…] slide presentasi yang baik dan menarik gampang-gampang […]

[…] slide yang baik dan menarik sehingga audiens bisa menangkap materi Anda dengan […]

[…] menambahkan animasi pda slide, pastikan slide yang Anda buat sudah mengikuti kaidah slide yang baik dan menarik. Kali ini saya akan menggunakan contoh slide yang di adaptasi dari WOW Presentation 2  tema Modern […]

[…] menambahkan animasi pda slide, pastikan slide yang Anda buat sudah mengikuti kaidahslide yang baik dan menarik. Kali ini saya akan menggunakan contoh slide yang di adaptasi dari WOW Presentation 2  […]

[…] Buatlah slide yang baik dan menarik sehingga audiens bisa menangkap materi Anda dengan baik. […]

[…] yang baik memiliki kesan visual yang kuat. Artinya, slide tersebut mampu menumbuhkan semangat, mengundang pertanyaan, menciptakan […]

[…] Contoh Slide Presentasi Powerpoint Yang Baik dan Menarik […]

[…] Anda menuliskan semua informasi yang diambil dari isi skripsi Anda, yang ingin Anda buat sebagai slide. Setelah itu, pilih dan pilah semua informasi tersebut, mulai dari yang paling penting untuk […]

[…] pilih kata yang ringkas, relevan, dan tepat sasaran. Pastikan setiap slide hanya memiliki satu pokok pikiran sehingga bisa mempengaruhi audiens Anda secara […]

[…] sekilas tips mengenai membuat slide PPt yang baik. Jika Anda sudah mengikuti pelatihan PowerPoint, tentu Anda akan lebih dapat untuk […]

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contoh powerpoint presentation

Find the perfect PowerPoint presentation template

Bring your next presentation to life with customizable powerpoint design templates. whether you're wowing with stats via charts and graphs or putting your latest and greatest ideas on display, you'll find a powerpoint presentation template to make your ideas pop., presentations.

Help your data, insights, and recommendations make a statement with beautiful and easily customizable presentation templates.

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Keep track of whatever you need to in style. From personal planning to promotional calendars, find templates for every kind of project and aesthetic.

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Say more with less using helpful and easily customizable infographic templates. Add clarity to business presentations, school projects, and more with these helpful templates.

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Start with the best PowerPoint templates

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Elevate your storytelling

Tips, tricks, and insider advice from our business and design experts

A quick way to create beautiful, powerful PowerPoint presentations

Create captivating, informative content for PowerPoint in just a few minutes—no graphic design experience needed. Here's how:

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1. Find the perfect PowerPoint template

contoh powerpoint presentation

2. Customize your creation

contoh powerpoint presentation

3. Show it off

Let's create a powerpoint design, tanya jawab umum, where can i find slide templates and themes that i can customize.

To find customizable slide templates and themes, you can explore the business presentations templates or search by PowerPoint templates . Once you find a template that resonates with you, customize it by changing its color scheme, add in your own photos, and swap out the font.

How do I use pre-made PowerPoint templates?

After you've chosen a PowerPoint template to use, customize it. Explore [design tips] on how to customize a deck that resonates with your brand while putting emphasis on the topic at hand. Play with other design elements, like photo shapes, to make each slide unique.

How can I make or edit my own custom PowerPoint templates?

Start from scratch by creating your own PowerPoint template . Follow tips for designs and business presentations so that your unique template is cohesive and relevant to your brand. Incorporate your brand's color scheme and graphics so that all your slides aren't text only.

What kinds templates can I get online for PowerPoint?

You can get PowerPoint templates that have modern designs, animated ones, or even hand-drawn art in each slide. The color schemes range from bold to subtle. Each template's slides are also organized based on what you may want to include in your presentation . You can use the template as a starting point and customize its specific details from theme.

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Modern resume

31 Free Modern Powerpoint Templates for Your Presentation

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By Lyudmil Enchev

in Freebies

4 years ago

Viewed 864,366 times

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contoh powerpoint presentation

Updated April 2022: We’ve updated the article with new and fresh free modern PowerPoint templates

As part of Microsoft’s office suite PowerPoint is an absolute standard presentation tool for meetings, conferences, and especially these days online learning and instruction. Its visual nature and the fact that it is easy to use and can create a clear, effective presentation with numerous inbuilt effects and designs means that it lends itself ideally to any almost situation. Whilst the PowerPoint software already has templates that are proven, time-saving and effective, you may want to go for a more customized or specialized look and one way of creating something special is by using a range of alternative templates that are available for free online with a simple download.

In this article, we’ll bring you a great selection of 31 entirely free templates to wow your audience and save you time searching and save time creating, double plus. All are customizable and fully editable, just add your own content and images to suit.

You may also be interested in The Best Free PowerPoint Templates to Download in 2022

1. Zeen Aesthetic Free Powerpoint Template

Aesthetic Free Powerpoint Template

Stand out a cool-looking design that is clean and organized inboxes and yet bold and modern. It screams for attention. It is fully editable and contains slides for images, tables, flowcharts, and graphs.

  • Resolution – high 16:9 widescreen layout
  • Number of slides – 15
  • Color themes – black/white/grey/green

2. Infographic Templates for PowerPoint

PowerPoint infographic template slides

A huge bundle of infographic templates, including 20 free infographic designs in modern style. The slides are compatible with PowerPoint, but also with other popular software solutions, such as Google Slides, Photoshop, Illustrator, and more.

  • 20 free templates – a total of 539 modern templates for data visualization
  • editable in PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, Photoshop, Illustrator
  • well-structured, and organized files

3. Quantities Free Powerpoint Template

Quantities Free Powerpoint Template

Modern crisp template design lets you get your message across in a powerfully direct way. Strongly structural look, that allows plenty of possibilities for a wide range of businesses.

  • Number of slides – 10
  • Color themes – clean white/black pages

4. Nook Minimalist Free Powerpoint Template

Nook Minimalist Free Powerpoint Template

A minimal palette of classic and classy black, white, and gold combinations. Oozes style and elegance.

  • Resolution – high 16:9 widescreen layout
  • Number of slides – 12
  • Color themes – Classy black/white/gold

5. Ailie Free Powerpoint Template

Ailie Free Powerpoint Template

A subtle and effective 15-slide PowerPoint template. A soft, gentle look, yet with strong borders for clear organization.

  • Color themes – grey/white/muted blues

6. Marketing Plan Free Powerpoint Template

Marketing Plan Free Powerpoint Template

A comprehensive business or marketing template. Minimal design with clearly targeted areas including maps, charts, and infographics.

  • Number of slides – 28
  • Color themes – white/blue/grey

7. Free Modern Business Powerpoint Template

Free Modern Business Powerpoint Template

A two-color design choice of light or dark including charts, maps, diagrams, and other useful slides for multipurpose presentations. a smooth, consistent, well-ordered look.

  • Resolution – High 16:9
  • Number of slides – 2 color versions of 34
  • Color themes – white/light blue or dark/blue

8. Aliena Free Powerpoint Template

Aliena Free Powerpoint Template

A stunning futuristic gradient offering in stylish blue and purple. Its isometric illustrations make it ideal for technological themes. Includes a full customization icon family of 80.

  • Resolution- 16:9 also suitable for 4:3
  • Number of slides – 25
  • Color themes – blue/ purple gradient

9. High-Tech Free Powerpoint Template

High-Tech Free Powerpoint Template

Futuristic bright neon colors and sleek graphic illustrations create a modern forward-thinking powerful presentation for business or learning environments.

  • Resolution – 16:9 widescreen
  • Number of slides – 21
  • Color themes – gradient neon blue/pink

You may also be interested in these related articles:

  • 23 Great Free Google Slides and PowerPoint Templates for Teachers
  • The Best Free Infographic Templates in 2022 for Every Software
  • The Best Minimalist Powerpoint Templates for Free Download

10. Juliet Free Powerpoint Template

Juliet Free Powerpoint Template

An ideal presentation template for limited text and heavy on images.  Heavy multicolored painted brush strokes give a flash of entertainment and an artistic feel to each slide. Very creative.

  • Resolution – 16:9 screen layout (can change to 4:3)
  • Color themes – multicolored painted design

11. Watercolor Modern Free Powerpoint Template

Watercolor Powerpoint Template

A superb slideshow to set a calm, peaceful, and creatively artistic mood.  A variety of brushstrokes and painted techniques all held together with a gentle and attractive blue palette. Come with 1000+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides, many with an artistic theme.

  • Resolution – 16:9 widescreen
  • Color themes – blue/turquoise/green with black

12. Gower Free Powerpoint Template

Gower - Green Powerpoint Template

A perfect design to emphasize teamwork in any situation. Friendly and personable, containing graphic illustrations of colleagues involved in a variety of activities.  It also includes a customizable icon family with 80 different icons and a world map.

  • Resolution – 16:9 screen layout (Can change to 4:3)
  • Color themes – white/ green accents

13. Modern Illustrations Free Powerpoint Template

PPT Template with modern illustrations

An interesting style that takes its inspiration from online content. Modern, clear backgrounds allow the illustration to speak for themselves with a mixture of font styles adding extra vitality. Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides.

  • Number of slides – 29
  • Color themes – white/grey and pastels

14. Modern Flat Free Powerpoint Template

Free powerpoint slides with flat illustrations

Creative, lively, and colorful. The soft backgrounds really make the text and images pop, giving a modern look. Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides

  • Number of slides – 26
  • Color themes – pale blue background, bright accent colors

15. Summer Free Powerpoint Template

free powerpoint template on summer theme

A vintage cool theme of slightly muted colors that work great. A modern mood of active lifestyle choices in an upbeat yet relaxed presentation. Really creates the vibe. Plus it has 1000+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides

  • Resolution – 16:9 widescreen format
  • Number of slides – 11
  • Color themes – muted natural sea/waves

Get a Professionally Designed Presentation For Your Project

16. Minimalist Design Free Powerpoint Template

minimalist style presentation template

Harmony and comfort are the watchwords for this slideshow presentation template. Clean backgrounds with large headings and elegant shapes exude balance and precision. There are also 1000+ icons split up into different themes to custom your slides whilst keeping the tone.

  • Resolution – 16:9 widescreen format
  • Number of slides – 30
  • Color themes – soft browns, beige and natural greens

17. Minimal Mint Free PowerPoint Template

minimalist style powerpoint template with modern colors

Clean, simple, and classy. The mint green accent used sparingly is incredibly effective in attracting and drawing attention to key points.  A modern, minimal and confident slideshow, that can be customized by 1000+ icons provided in themes.

  • Color themes – dark greys/white and mint green

18. Rites Free PowerPoint Template

fashion themed presentation template with modern design

A slideshow that really pulls you in with sensuous, softness.  Visually attractive but subtle enough to make you want to spend time on each slide, nothing should be rushed. Stylish and relaxed.

  • Resolution – 16:9 widescreen layout
  • Number of slides – 30 +
  • Color themes – Soft whites/pinks/blues

19. Rosalind Free PowerPoint Template

Pink and purple colors powerpoint template

Attention-grabbing and full of life, there is nothing to hide with a bright pink background. The contrast white fonts mean it doesn’t overwhelm but it certainly leaves an impression. Come with a customizable icon family of 80 different icons and a world map, so it’s adaptable too.

  • Color themes – vibrant pink/ slight gradient to purple

20. 3D Free Powerpoint Template

Creative presentation template with 3D shapes

With a modern 3d look that is set off by an attention-grabbing gradient background, this PowerPoint presentation can’t fail to impress. Ideal for tech presentations or anything that wants to push toward a bright, bold abstract future. Hundreds of icons are available to enable you to make something very special.

  • Color themes – gradient purples/blues

21. Black Friday Sales Free Powerpoint Template

Presentation template for Black friday with modern neon colors

Soft warm invited colors theme but still fresh and clear. A versatile, modern slideshow template that includes 1000+ icons as extra customizable options.

  • Number of slides – 33
  • Color themes – Soft gradient pink and purple

22. Modern Blue Free Powerpoint Template

Modern blue and green color scheme powerpoint template

Strong colors, clear typography, and organic shapes combine to deliver a rather funky, modern feel. Themes icons will give you the opportunity to add your own style to accompany your content and leave your mark.

  • Color themes – blues/greens

23. Freesia Free Powerpoint Template

Fresh PowerPoint template with yellow tones

A fresh, interesting look that uses bright colors and organic, abstract shapes to lead you from slide to slide. Lots of positive energy and loads of additional free icons for easy customization.

  • Number of slides – 31
  • Color themes – white/yellow/orange

24. Modern Dark Blue Free Powerpoint Template

Free powerpoint template with modern shapes and blue and red color scheme

A dramatic slideshow with dark moody backgrounds and blood-red highlights creates instant visual impact. Add this to the rectangular theme that continues throughout and you get a serious statement piece of design that can really help you get your point across. Comes with over 500 icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides allowing for huge versatility.

  • Number of slides – 23
  • Color themes – Dark blue/ highlight red

25. Minimalist Newsletter Free Powerpoint Template

Free minimalist presentation template for newsletters

Readable and comfortable to read. a newsletter base that can easily be adapted with the use of your own content and photos. Carefully framed photos as backgrounds and with geometric patterns overlapping create a modern image and create an atmosphere that mixes the photos with the facts.

  • Number of slides – 19
  • Color themes – Available in five colors themes: black, purple, dark blue, red, and green

26. Porto Free Powerpoint Template

Modern clean powerpoint template with white color

Short but beautifully formed. a to-the-point 9-slide PowerPoint template that can but used anywhere for anything. Balanced and unfussy, plenty of breathing space, simplicity, and room for you to be yourself.

  • Number of slides – 9
  • Color themes – light (editable)

Presentation Tip You Wish You Knew Earlier:

The shorter you keep the text, the better. In fact, some specialists suggest that you shouldn’t use more than 5-6 words per slide . And sometimes, a single word combined with a powerful visual is enough to nail the attention of the people sitting in front of you and make them listen to what you have to say.

27. Hexa Free Minimalist Powerpoint Template

HEXA - creative minimal PowerPoint slides

Minimal, modern, and marvelous. Keep the focus on the content as the template design very much works with you on this one. simple and cool, like a breath of fresh air.

  • Color themes – white/beige

28. Minimalist Inversement Free Powerpoint Template

Cool free aesthetic powerpoint template with white, green and black colors

A powerful design, intent on holding that attention span. Strong structural elements and stand-out bold headings mean you will never be lost here. There is a mix of various types of slides including timelines, charts, agenda slides, mockups, and many others, so the world is your oyster.

  • Resolution – 16:9
  • Number of slides – 24
  • Color themes – 3 pre-made variations (mint green/mustard yellow/ sky blue

29. Window Minimal Free Powerpoint Template

Minimal style presentation template for free download

A comprehensive template that allows great variations of presentation including charts, timelines, maps, and all infographic elements. Modern and minimal pushing content to the fore and taking a backseat where necessary. Statement design.

  • Resolution – 16:9 HD
  • Color themes – mainly white with 5 pre-made color variations

30. Pink Pastel Free Powerpoint Template

Fresh Powerpoint template with pastel colors

A gentle PowerPoint presentation that sits back and waits to be viewed. There is nothing forceful here but it is enticing with its soft comforting colors and elegant layout.

  • Color themes – Pastel pink/green/white

31. Fresh Colors Free Powerpoint Template

Colorful free presentation template for PowerPoint

A true whirlwind of a presentation, energetic, lively, wild, and certainly confident. A full selection of well-designed classic infographics, loads of space for explanations, and variety in buckets. What a way to end.

  • Resolution – 16:9
  • Number of slides – 17
  • Color themes – White and bright

Final Words

If you’re going to spend time making something worth presenting why not take a little more time to make it something truly special. These templates will allow you to do exactly that thanks to the help of top PowerPoint designers. Save time for you to concentrate on your content and let the designers do their thing. All are fully editable, play with the colors and use your branding or school colors. add images and photos or use the ones provided  – and best of all they are free, free, free!

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Lyudmil Enchev

Lyudmil is an avid movie fan which influences his passion for video editing. You will often see him making animations and video tutorials for GraphicMama. Lyudmil is also passionate for photography, video making, and writing scripts.

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Thousands of vector graphics for your projects.

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3,900+ Free & Premium PowerPoint, Keynote & Google Slides Templates

Showing 1–12 of 3961 results

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Welcome to our ultimate destination for professional, aesthetic, and interactive presentation templates. Browse our vast collection of free and premium templates for your next PowerPoint, Keynote or Google Slides presentation. With over 3,900+ options, you’ll find the perfect design for any industry or project. Whether you need minimalist, business, or educational templates, our high-quality designs and easy editing will help you create presentations that captivate your audience.

Why Choose Our PowerPoint and Google Slides Templates?

Our curated collection of free and premium templates offers key benefits:

  • Free and Easy to Edit: Our Google slides, PowerPoint and Keynote templates are not just visually appealing, but user-friendly. Editing them is a breeze. Save time designing so you can focus on your content.
  • Diverse Range: With minimalist, cute, professional, attractive, interactive and educational templates, we’ve got you covered. Explore our vast collection of free Google slides themes, PowerPoint templates and more.
  • High-Quality Designs: Crafted by professionals, our templates ensure your presentation stands out. Whether it’s a business deck or educational, quality is guaranteed.
  • Instant Download: Simply download free PowerPoint templates and Google slides themes without hassle. Present confidently using our professionally designed files.

Explore, Discover and Transform Your Presentations Design

Our vast collection allows you to easily transform your next slideshow:

  • Browse Unlimited Diverse Themes and Templates: We offer minimalist, cute, vibrant, elegance, professional and modern Google slides themes and PowerPoint free templates to fit any need. Find the perfect design to make your presentation shine.
  • Quick and Easy Search: Use the search bar to instantly find what you need. You can also browse categories like education, business, and more.
  • Seamlessly Download Templates: Once you’ve found the perfect Google Slides, PowerPoint or Apple Presentation file, download it with one click. Then edit slides easily by adding your own content.
  • Diverse Selection of Free and Paid Templates: Get free PowerPoint templates to use now or upgrade to premium for more features. Either way, you’ll get high-quality files.
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  • New Templates Added Weekly: Come back often as we release fresh Google slides themes, PowerPoint layouts, and free presentation designs every week.
  • Presentation Inspiration: Browse model presentations by other users for ideas and examples of templates in action. See how professionals use Google slides and PowerPoint to engage their audiences.
  • Active Community: Join for inspiration, feedback, and tips for giving better presentations. Connect over a shared desire to impress with visual stories and impactful slides.

With the ability to completely customize and make your presentation shine, start designing an amazing slideshow today!

Templates Optimized for Your Favorite Slideshow Presentation Platform

Build stunning slides using the software you know and love:

  • For Microsoft PowerPoint users, we offer a vast library of templates fully optimized for the PowerPoint presentation experience. Our files allow you to easily create professional presentations with smooth animations and seamless functionality.
  • Apple Key note fans will love our collection of sleek, designer Apple Slide show templates. Craft beautiful presentations on Mac using our templates specifically tailored to leverage Keynote’s capabilities.
  • If you prefer Google Slides, we’ve got you covered with modern templates made for easy editing in Google Slides. Our slides are simple to customize and allow for real-time collaboration.

With templates optimized for PowerPoint, iWork Slides or Google Slides, you can build professional presentations to impress your audience. Our collections allow you to make an engaging slideshow using the presentation software you know best.

Say goodbye to presentation stress! With our perfectly optimized PowerPoint templates, Keynote themes, and Google Slides files, you can create a polished presentation, regardless of platform. Choose from a wide variety of designs to showcase your ideas.

Become Part of Our Presentation HiSlide Community

Join our community of presenters and take your slideshows to the next level:

  • Get inspired viewing other users’ presentations made with our templates. See examples and get ideas for your own next presentation.
  • Share feedback on your experience using our Google slides and PowerPoint templates to help others.
  • Discover new templates and connect with fellow presenters passionate about creating visual stories and polished slides.
  • Presentations can reflect your creativity and style. With the right template, easily make presentations that captivate audiences.

We release new editable templates every week for you to explore. As a member you get access to exclusive free files and assets. You can also get tips and tricks for presentation design from our blog.

With an amazing selection of Google slides themes and PowerPoint templates to choose from, you’ll find the perfect one to elevate your next presentation.

Join now to become part of a community that helps each other take presentations to the next level! Get inspired, collaborate, and create presentations you’re proud to present.

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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: August 06, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

contoh powerpoint presentation

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

  • Creative templates.
  • Data-driven templates.
  • Professional templates.

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In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

contoh powerpoint presentation

Image source

Mesmerize your audience by adding some neon colors and effects to your PowerPoint slides. Adding pops of color to your presentation will create visual interest and keep your audience engaged. 

What I like: Neon will add personality and depth to your presentation and will help the information you're providing stand out and be more memorable. 

2. Use an interesting background image.

Interesting PowerPoint

Do you have some interesting nature photos from a recent road trip? Or maybe a holiday passed, and you have gorgeous photos to share? If so, consider incorporating them into your PowerPoint. 

What I like: PowerPoints don't have to be stuffy and boring. They can be fun and a unique or interesting background will enhance the experience of your presentation.

3. Or be minimal.

Powerpoint Minimal

Have you ever heard of K.I.S.S.? Not the band! I mean, Keep It Simple, Sweetheart. If you're worried too many colors or visuals could take attention away from the message of your presentation, consider going minimal. 

Pro tip: Stick to no more than three colors if you're going for a minimalist design in your slides. 

4. Incorporate illustrations.

PowerPoint Illustration

Illustrations are a great way to highlight or break down a point in your presentation. They can also add a bit of whimsy and fun to keep viewers engaged.

5. Use all caps.

PoiwerPoint Capital Letters

Using all capital letters can draw your audience's eyes to where you need them, helping cement your message in their minds. It can also just be aesthetically pleasing.

Pro tip: If you choose to use all capital letters, use varying fonts so readers can tell which information is important and which are supporting details.

6. Alternate slide layouts

PowerPoint alternate slides

You don't want readers to grow bored with your presentation. So, to retain visual interest, use alternating slide layouts. The example above shows PowerPoint slides alternating between vertical and horizontal layouts.

This keeps things interesting and ensures your presentation isn't monotonous.  

7. Inject a little humor.

Humor is a great way to drive a point home and help people remember the information you're presenting. People remember a good joke, so if you have a funny pun to connect to a concept in a presentation, why not use it in a slide?

Pro tip: Remember you're in a professional setting, so keep your jokes appropriate. If you're worried a joke can get you a meeting with HR, then keep it to yourself. 

8. Use duotones.

PowerPoint Duotones

Duotones (or gradience) can take the aesthetic of your PowerPoint to new levels. They can provide a calming energy to your presentation and make viewers feel relaxed and eager to stay focused. 

9. Include printed materials.

Let's say you have a PowerPoint you're proud of, but you want to go that extra mile to ensure your audience understands the material. A great way to do this would be to supplement your presentation with printed materials, as such as:

  • Pamphlets 
  • Printed slides
  • Short quizzes on the material

10. Keep it to one chart or graph per slide.

powerpoint chart

This is both a design example and a warning. Graphs and charts are an excellent way of displaying quantitative data in a digestible format.

However, you should have no more than one graph or chart per slide so your presentation doesn't get too confusing or muddled. 

11. Use a large font.

PowerPoint Large Font

Just like capital letters, a large font will help your shift your audience's focus to key points in your presentation.

Pro tip: You can combine large fonts and capital letters to boost its effectiveness. 

12. Include videos.

Embedding a video into your PowerPoint can help you expand on a point or effectively break down a complex topic. You can either embed a video from a platform like YouTube or TikTok or use HubSpot's Clip Creator to make your own.

Pro tip: Try to keep videos short, like, under a minute, and don't use more than one or two. 

13. Use GIFs.

GIFs add more visual interest, and they can be a great way to add humor or personal touch to your PowerPoint presentation.

14. Use contrasting colors when comparing two ideas or arguments. 

powerpoint contrast

Contrasting colors can convey the difference between two opposing thoughts or arguments in a way that is visually appealing. 

15. Add a touch of nature.

PowerPoint nature

If you want your presentation to exude a calming energy to your audience, including images of trees, flowers, and natural landscapes can do the trick.

PowerPoint Theme Ideas

Atlas (theme).

Covering a more creative subject for a younger or more energetic audience? I’d recommend using the cover slide design below. Its vibrant red color blocks and fun lines will appeal to your audience.

contoh powerpoint presentation

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

And if you want more templates and examples, you can download them here .

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

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120+ Best Free PowerPoint Templates (PPT) 2024

Not everyone can afford to buy premium PowerPoint templates to create their slideshows. But, that doesn’t mean you have to settle for a default template. There are dozens of incredible free PowerPoint templates to try out!

A great thing about the design community is that there are designers out there who willingly share their amazing work for free of charge, including gorgeous free PowerPoint templates.

To help you save some money, we scoured the web and handpicked a collection of the best free PowerPoint templates with modern and professional designs that you can use to make various types of presentations. Good luck with your presentation!

Just looking for a stylish free Powerpoint Template? No problem. Let’s dive into our collection of the best free PowerPoint templates!

19+ Million PowerPoint Templates, Themes, Graphics + More

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with an Envato subscription. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 19+ million presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

The X Note

Mystify Presentation

BeMind Minimal Template

BeMind Minimal Template

Maximus Template

Maximus Template

Pitch PowerPoint

Pitch PowerPoint

Modern PPT Templates

Modern PPT Templates

New & innovative.

Explore PowerPoint Templates

What Type of Free PowerPoint Template Do You Need?

We’ve broken our collection down into different categories, so you can quickly find just the right PPT template for your project! Almost of all of these PPT templates are free, but at the start of each section you’ll see one or two premium ones, just so you have that option to choose as well.

  • Professional PowerPoint Templates
  • Business PowerPoint Templates
  • Animated PowerPoint Templates
  • Modern PowerPoint Templates
  • Creative PowerPoint Templates
  • Pitch Deck PowerPoint Templates
  • Medical PowerPoint Templates
  • Teacher & Education PowerPoint Templates
  • Church & Christian PowerPoint Templates
  • Infographic PowerPoint Templates

Free Professional PowerPoint Templates

Selfone – free professional presentation template.

Selfone - Free Professional Presentation Template 2

Selfone is an amazing presentation template that features lots of useful slides with professional and modern designs. There are 32 unique slides in this template and it’s ideal for making various types of slideshows for businesses, brands, and creatives. It comes in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides formats too.

Free Consulting Presentation PowerPoint Template

Free Consulting Presentation PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is great for creating presentations for consultants. It features a set of modern and stylish slides featuring image placeholders, shapes, and editable graphics.

Free Geometric Professional Presentation Template

Free Geometric Professional Presentation Template

The colorful geometric shapes are what make this PowerPoint template one of the best on our list. This template is also available in Google Slides and Keynote formats. And you can use the free version of the template to create a basic slideshow for your professional project.

Ash – Free Professional PowerPoint Template

Ash - Free Professional PowerPoint Template

Ash is a modern and stylish PowerPoint template featuring a dark color theme. This template is made with professionals in mind and it’s especially suitable for event and product presentations. The free version of the template can be used to create a simple presentation.

Free Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint Template

Free Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is ideal for making professional presentations for showcasing startups, ideas, and products related to artificial intelligence. The template features 7 unique slides with creative charts, timelines, and more.

Free Tech Slides PowerPoint Presentation Template

Free Tech Slides PowerPoint Presentation Template

You can use this PowerPoint template to design attractive slideshows for technology-themed presentations. It comes with 10 different slide layouts with gradient colors, editable shapes, and text. You can also download it in Google Slides format.

Hendrix – Free Dark Professional PowerPoint Template

Hendrix - Free Dark Professional PowerPoint Template

Another free and professional PowerPoint template with a dark theme. This template comes in both PowerPoint and Google Slides versions. You can easily customize the slide layouts to create various types of presentations.

Pro Portfolio PPT Template

Agency Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Every business needs a presentation template for showcasing their portfolio. This PowerPoint template is perfect for that task. It comes with 50 unique slides featuring a minimalist design that effectively highlights your portfolio in every slide. The template also includes editable vector graphics, infographics, and icons.

Aesthic – Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Aesthic - Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

It’s hard to believe that this PowerPoint template is free to download. The modern and unique design of this presentation gives it a truly professional look. It’s perfect for creating presentations for showcasing your portfolio, creative projects, and more.

Dolor – Free Professional Presentation Template

Dolor - Professional Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template also comes with modern and professional slide design. It uses a perfect combination of visuals and minimalism to create a very attractive slide layout. You can use it for free with your creative projects.

Kitulah – Free Dark Professional PowerPoint Template

Kitulah - Free Dark Professional PowerPoint Template

The dark color theme of this PowerPoint template adds an elegant look to this entire presentation design. It’s perfect for creating slideshows for modern brands and startups.

DSGN – Free Lookbook Presentation Template

DSGN - Free Lookbook Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with 90 unique slide layouts you can use to make slideshows for creative portfolios, photography, and fashion related presentations. The template is also available in 5 color schemes and it’s free to use with your personal projects.

Enable – Free Modern PowerPoint Template

Enable - Free Modern PowerPoint Template

Enable is a modern PowerPoint template featuring a set of minimal slide designs that are most suitable for making creative and business-related presentations. The template comes with an easily editable design and image placeholders for easily replacing the images.

Look – Free Fashion PowerPoint Template

Look - Free Fashion PowerPoint Template

Look is an elegant PowerPoint template that features a highly visual design that’s most suitable for making fashion and photography related presentations. The template includes 55 unique slides and comes in two different colors.

Free Creative Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Free Creative Portfolio PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for a stylish PowerPoint template to create a simple portfolio to showcase your work and services, this free template is perfect for you. It includes 20 unique slides that are designed to make highly visual slideshows filled with large images.

Project Proposal – Free Professional PowerPoint Template

Project Proposal - Free Professional PowerPoint Template

This is a professional PowerPoint template you can use for free to create proposals for various client and freelance projects. This template includes 19 unique slides with an icon pack, illustrations, and much more.

Resume Presentation – Free PowerPoint Template

Resume Presentation - Free PowerPoint Template

This minimal PowerPoint template is ideal for showcasing your portfolio and resume. It comes with 14 unique slides with editable vector graphics and image placeholders. The template is available in Google Slides version as well.

Free Modern Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Free Modern Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Another free portfolio PowerPoint template with a set of creative slides. This template also includes 20 unique slides with editable layouts, image placeholders, icons, and much more.

Wagner – Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Wagner - Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Wagner is a multipurpose PowerPoint template that comes with a modern and stylish design that allows you to design all kinds of presentations. Each slide in the template is fully customizable and features editable vector shapes and elements as well.

Minimal – Simple Free PowerPoint Template

Minimal - Simple Free PowerPoint Template

This minimal free PowerPoint template is perfect for crafting slideshow for presenting personal portfolio as well as creative agency presentations. The template is fully customizable as well.

Xara – Free PowerPoint Template

Xara - Free Powerpoint Template

Xara is a modern PowerPoint template most suitable for making minimal slideshows for business and corporate presentations. It includes 9 unique slides with editable layouts, graphics, and charts.

Red White – Free PowerPoint Template

Red White - Free Powerpoint Template

Red White is a modern free PowerPoint presentation template you can use to make slideshows for businesses, brands, and creatives. The template includes 30 unique slides with editable designs.

Free Business PowerPoint Templates

Business cost analysis – free powerpoint template.

Business Cost Analysis - Free PowerPoint Template

This is a creative PowerPoint template you can use to present your business cost analysis during meetings. It features colorful slides with attractive illustrations across 35 different slide designs.

Project Proposal – Free PowerPoint Template

Project Proposal - Free PowerPoint Template

A simple, minimal, and clean PowerPoint template for creating professional business presentations. It’s designed with project proposal slideshows in mind. You can fully customize each slide to your preference.

Monthly Strategy Meeting – Free PowerPoint Template

Monthly Strategy Meeting - Free PowerPoint Template

Use this free PowerPoint template to create a fun and playful presentation for your monthly business strategy meetings. The template includes more than 30 slides with beautiful illustrations.

Construction Company Profile – Free PowerPoint Template

Construction Company Profile - Free PowerPoint Template

This free business PowerPoint template is made with construction companies in mind. It features 30 slides with modern designs and plenty of space for showcasing your properties with photos.

Business Action Plan – Free PowerPoint Template

Business Action Plan - Free PowerPoint Template

A highly minimalist and free PowerPoint template for business presentations. This template is ideal for creating an effective action plan for your company. The template includes 20 slides.

Free Retro Pixel Business PowerPoint Template

Free Retro Pixel Business PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template that comes with colorful and creative slide designs inspired by retro-themed pixel graphics. It includes many stylish slide designs with dark color themes for creating attractive presentations for business meetings.

Free Geometric Shapes Marketing Plan for PowerPoint

Free Geometric Shapes Marketing Plan for PowerPoint

This free PowerPoint template comes with a set of slides full of colorful geometric shapes and patterns. It’s designed with marketing agencies in mind and you can use it to create attractive marketing plans for your business meetings.

Free Content Strategy Meeting PowerPoint Template

Free Content Strategy Meeting PowerPoint Template

Create the perfect presentation for your content strategy meetings with this free PowerPoint template. It includes many beautiful slide layouts featuring gradient color backgrounds and image placeholders. You can fully customize each slide to your preference.

Free Abstract Shapes Business PowerPoint Template

Free Abstract Shapes Business PowerPoint Template

You can download this PowerPoint template for free to create modern business presentations. It has a set of minimalist slides featuring abstract shapes with rough textures.

Free Morph Business Plan PowerPoint Template

Free Morph Business Plan PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with more than 40 slides featuring modern backgrounds and trendy content layouts. It’s especially perfect for creating business plan slide decks and presentations.

Free Company Profile Powerpoint Template

contoh powerpoint presentation

This free company profile PowerPoint template provides a comprehensive overview of your organization in a 20-slide presentation. Designed to showcase a brand’s identity, it covers the company’s journey, from establishment to its current successes, capturing its mission, vision, and values. With customizable slides, the template features a Presentation Agenda, Financial Reports, Business SWOT Analysis, Gantt chart, various graphical charts, and a Company Timeline.

Cranford – Free Business Presentation PPT

Cranford - Free Business Presentation PPT

Cranford is a free PowerPoint template that includes a set of professional slide layouts. It’s most suitable for making modern business and agency slideshows. It comes in Google Slides and Keynote formats too.

Howard – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Howard Free Business PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is also available in multiple formats. You can use it to create presentations for small businesses as well as corporate brands. There are 8 unique slides in this template.

Merville – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Merville - Free Business PowerPoint Template

Merville is a free PowerPoint template that includes very professional-looking slides. It has highly visual slides with easily editable designs. The template is suitable for all types of business presentations.

Free Business Meeting PowerPoint Template

Free Business Meeting PowerPoint Template

This is a creative PowerPoint template that comes with a set of beautiful slides. There are 24 unique slides in this template with editable graphs, timelines, mockups, and more. It’s available in Google Slides version too.

Free Creative Agency PowerPoint Template

Free Creative Agency PowerPoint Template

This is a huge PowerPoint template that includes more than 100 different slides. Of course, the full version comes at a price. But if you scroll all the way down on the page, you’ll find a free version of the template that’s also pretty great for making a simple business presentation.

Free 2022 Marketing Plan Infographic PowerPoint Template

Free 2022 Marketing Plan Infographic PowerPoint Template

This is a must-have presentation template for marketing agencies and businesses. It includes creative infographic slides you can use to showcase your marketing plan and the performance of your campaigns. It includes 32 slides and it’s available in Google Slides format too.

Free Electric Scooter Company Profile PPTX

Free Electric Scooter Company Profile PPTX

This free PowerPoint template is ideal for making company profiles. It’s especially perfect for making company profile presentations for startups and modern brands. The template includes 28 fully customizable slides with free icons and graphics.

Free Human Resource Meeting PowerPoint Template

Free Human Resource Meeting PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template comes with a set of professional slide designs you can use to create presentations for human resource meetings for all kinds of businesses. There are 24 unique slides included in this template and it comes in Google Slides format as well.

Free Gradient Corners Business PowerPoint Template

Free Gradient Corners Business PowerPoint Template

The elegant design of this PowerPoint template makes it a perfect choice for making business presentations. The template features 7 unique slides with colorful blue gradient corner designs.

Free Simple Business Executive PowerPoint Template

Free Simple Business Executive PowerPoint Template

You can use this free PowerPoint template to make simple presentations for corporate brands and businesses. The template includes 8 editable slides with professional layouts. It comes in Google Slides version as well.

Digital Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template

Digital Marketing Strategy - Powerpoint Template

Using a creative and bold design in your PowerPoint slideshow is a great way to capture attention and make your presentation stand out. This beautifully designed PowerPoint template will help you achieve that goal. It comes with more than 40 slides that feature a unique design made specifically for marketing presentations. It’s also available in 2 different color themes.

Bara – Free Modern Business PowerPoint Theme

Bara - Free Modern Business PowerPoint Theme

Bara is the perfect free PowerPoint template for creating business presentations. It features a modern design and comes with easily editable slide layouts. In addition, it’s available in Keynote version as well.

Clifton Free Business Presentation Template

Clifton Free Business Presentation Template

This modern and free presentation template comes in multiple formats. You can use it to create a stylish presentation to promote business services, brands, and products as well.

Barnwell Free Business Presentation Template

Barnwell Free Business Presentation Template

Barnwell is a simple yet effective presentation template for creating business and agency slideshows. This template comes in multiple formats including PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides.

Free Onboarding Meeting PowerPoint Template

Free Onboarding Meeting PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is perfect for creating a presentation for your new hire onboarding meetings. It includes 33 different slide layouts with easily editable designs. The template comes in the Google Slides version as well.

Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Presentation Template

Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Presentation Template

You can use this PowerPoint template to design clean and minimalist presentations for various business meetings. It includes 27 different slide designs you can customize to your preference.

Free Construction & Real Estate PowerPoint Template

Free Construction & Real Estate PowerPoint Template

If you’re preparing a presentation for a construction project or a real estate property, this PowerPoint template will come in handy. There are 19 unique slides in this template made specifically with construction and real estate businesses in mind.

Future – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Future - Free Business PowerPoint Template

A simple and clean PowerPoint template for making professional and business presentations. This template comes with 25 unique slide layouts featuring minimalist designs. Each slide is fully customizable and features master slide layouts as well.

Business Plan Free Powerpoint Presentation

Business Plan Free Powerpoint Presentation

This free PowerPoint template is a great choice for making slideshows for presenting your business plans and strategies in meetings. It includes 20 unique slides. You’ll need to signup for a free account on the website to download the file.

SEO Proposal – Free PowerPoint Template

SEO Proposal - Free Powerpoint Template

This creative PowerPoint template is designed specifically for digital markers and agencies. You can use this to craft an effective slideshow that wins over your marketing clients. It’s free to download and use.

Conference Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Conference Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

This is a pitch deck PowerPoint template featuring a set of slides made for designing slideshows for business and conference presentations. It includes customizable vectors, diagrams, shapes, and lots more as well.

Annul Report – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Annul Report - Free Business PowerPoint Template

A free business PowerPoint template you can use to create annual report presentations for various projects and companies. This template includes 22 unique slides with easily customizable layouts.

Beexey – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Beexey - Free Business PowerPoint Template

Another modern PowerPoint template specially made for businesses and agencies. This template features 20 unique slides with icons, editable graphics, and animations.

Vision – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Vision - Free Business PowerPoint Template

Vision is a modern PowerPoint template you can use to design business and corporate presentations. The free template comes in multiple styles and color versions, which you can download individually to your preference.

Casper – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Casper - Free Powerpoint Presentation Template

Casper is a creative and minimalist PowerPoint template you can use to create presentations for startups and personal portfolios. The template includes 60 unique slides featuring transition animations, infographics, and more.

Minta – Business Free PowerPoint Template

Minta - Business Free Powerpoint Template

Minta is a free PowerPoint template most suitable for making slideshows for presentations related to business and marketing. It comes with 21 unique and customizable slides in widescreen layout.

Business Report Free PowerPoint Template

Business Report Free PowerPoint Template

Business Report is a professional PowerPoint template featuring 40 unique slides. The template is available in 5 color schemes and in both animated and static versions.

Annual Report – Free PowerPoint Template

Annual Report - Free PowerPoint Template

Another great free PowerPoint template made specifically for making annual report presentations. It’s most suitable for corporate and business presentations. The template is free to use with personal and business projects.

Window – Free PowerPoint Template

Window - Free PowerPoint Template

Window is a creative and minimalist PowerPoint presentation template most suitable for startups and creative agencies. The template comes with 25 unique slides filled with stylish designs and its available in 5 pre-made color schemes.

Modern Business Free PowerPoint Template

Modern Business Free PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template you can use to craft a slideshow for a modern small business or a startup. The template features 12 unique slides featuring retina-ready and beautiful designs.

Seattle – Simple PowerPoint Presentation Template

Seattle - Simple PowerPoint Presentation Template

Seattle is a clean and simple PowerPoint presentation template that includes a set of unique slides featuring stylish graphics, shapes, and elements. You can easily customize the template to your preference as well.

Free Animated PowerPoint Templates

Shining – creative animated powerpoint template.

Shining - Creative Animated PowerPoint Template

Shining is an animated PowerPoint template that comes with 30 unique slides. The slides are available in 5 different color schemes. It also features master slide layouts, animations, editable graphics, illustrations, and much more as well.

Lookbook – Free Pastel PowerPoint Template

Lookbook - Free Pastel PowerPoint Template

Lookbook is a colorful free PowerPoint template that features a set of creative slides with attractive pastel colors. This template is perfect for showcasing professional and agency portfolios. All the slides can be easily customized to change colors as well.

Voodoo – Free Animated PowerPoint Template

Voodoo - Free Animated PowerPoint Template

VooDoo is a highly professional PowerPoint template that features more than 10 unique slide designs, which feature transition animations and much more. It’s also available in both light and dark color designs.

Dark Red – Free Elegant Black Powerpoint Template

Dark Red – ELegant Black Free Powerpoint Template

This professional, yet free, PowerPoint template comes with an elegant color theme that effectively highlights its content. The template is free to download and can be customized to your preference.

Stasia – Free PowerPoint Template

Stasia - Free PowerPoint Template

Stasia is a creative and free PowerPoint template you can use with your creative and professional presentations. It comes with 13 unique slides featuring editable graphics, charts, and lots of other elements.

Free Modern PowerPoint Templates

Free modern & minimal powerpoint template.

Free Modern & Minimal PowerPoint Template

You can download this PowerPoint template for free to make beautiful slideshows for company profile, portfolio, and various other professional presentations. It includes 30 unique slides with animations and transitions.

Slide Pro – Free Modern Presentation Template

Slide Pro. - Free Modern Presentation Template

The minimal and clean design of this presentation template makes it an ideal choice for modern brands and design agencies. The template has 30 different slides with editable graphics and image placeholders.

Free Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Template

Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Template

Design professional-looking project proposals that win clients using this free PowerPoint template. It features 85 different slides with fully customizable layouts. The template includes transition animations as well.

UNCO – Simple Modern PowerPoint Template

UNCO - Simple Business PowerPoint Template

This modern business PowerPointe presentation template comes with more than 60 unique slides filled with editable vector shapes, graphics, icons, and so much more for making attractive presentations for all kinds of businesses. The template also includes lots of charts and graphs you can use to visualize data and make more compelling arguments.

Pale Dawn – Free Modern Fashion PowerPoint Template

Pale Dawn - Free Modern Fashion PowerPoint Template

Pale Dawn is a very modern PowerPoint template you can use to craft presentations to promote fashion and lifestyle products. The template comes with lots of customizable slides in PowerPoint and Keynote formats.

Mass Media – Free Agency Presentation Template

Mass Media - Free Agency Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template is made specifically for marketing and media agencies. The template includes 25 unique slide layouts featuring editable shapes, colors, and fonts. It’s available in Google Slides version as well.

Heimat – Free Modern Business Presentation Template

Heimat - Free Modern Business Presentation Template

If you’re looking for a simple PowerPoint design with a minimal content layout, this template will come in handy. It lets you choose from 33 unique slides for crafting attractive presentations for showcasing projects and plans.

Born-Ink – Free Modern Event PowerPoint Template

Born-Ink - Free Modern Event PowerPoint Template

Featuring 10 unique slide designs, this modern PowerPoint template will allow you to design effective presentations for creative agencies as well as fashion brands. The template is free to use with your personal projects.

XGDragon – Modern Presentation Template

XGDragon - Modern Presentation Template

This free template comes with lots of unique slide designs for promoting modern brands through creative design. The template is ideal for creating a lookbook-style presentation and it’s free to use with commercial projects.

Minimalistic – Free Clean PowerPoint Template

Minimalistic - Free Clean PowerPoint Template

A highly minimalist and clean PowerPoint presentation that’s most suitable for making creative and professional slideshows. The template features an easily editable design, changeable colors, and editable vectors as well.

Air – Clean Free PowerPoint Template

Air - Clean Free PowerPoint Template

Air is a minimal and free PowerPoint template featuring creative slides full of images and icons. It includes 60 different slides in Full HD resolution. All of the graphics and shapes in the template are also editable as well.

Neue Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Neue Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Neue is a free PowerPoint template with a minimalist design. This makes it a perfect choice for crafting creative and business presentations. The free versions of the template include multiple slides you can use with your personal projects.

TAHU – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

TAHU - FREE PowerPoint Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with a set of creative slides you can use to design professional and business presentations. It includes many different types of slides for crafting effective slideshows, including slides for showcasing services, timelines, portfolio, and more.

Clean – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Clean - Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Just as the name suggests, this free PowerPoint template features a minimal and clean design with lots of white space. It’s perfect for making professional slideshows with a content-focused design. The template is easily editable as well.

Duotone – Modern Free PowerPoint Template

Duotone - Modern Free PowerPoint Template

Duotone is a modern and colorful PowerPoint template that features a set of attractive slides with a creative duotone color effect. This template is most suitable for making presentations for creative brands and professionals. It’s available in both PowerPoint and Keynote versions and includes 18 unique slides.

London – Minimal  Free PowerPoint Template

London - Minimal Free PowerPoint Template

London is an elegant and a minimalist free PowerPoint template that comes with 21 unique slides with easy to customize drag and drop image placeholders. You can use this template to make all kinds of business and creative presentations.

Modern Minimal Free Powerpoint Template

Modern Minimal Free Powerpoint Template

This free PowerPoint template includes a set of creative slides featuring colorful designs. You can easily customize all the slides in the template however you like to change fonts, colors, and images as well.

Style – PowerPoint Presentation Template

Style - PowerPoint Presentation Template

Style is a PowerPoint presentation template designed for making lookbook-style slideshows for showcasing fashion designs. It’s perfect for promoting fashion catalogs. The template is free to use with your personal projects.

Free Creative PowerPoint Templates

Color fun – creative powerpoint template.

Color FUN - Creative Powerpoint Template

Just as the name suggests, this PowerPoint template comes filled with colorful slides that will allow you to design unique and cheerful presentations to showcase your products, designs, and ideas. The template includes 50 unique slides with unlimited color options to customize the design however you want.

FUN Tastic – Free Creative PowerPoint Template

FUN Tastic - Free PowerPoint Template

This bright and colorful PowerPoint template offers a great set of slides for you to create more fun and entertaining presentation. It includes lots of creative slide designs in Full HD resolution. And you can customize them to your preference as well.

Free Neomorph PowerPoint Template

Free Neomorph PowerPoint Template

If you’re a fan of the Neomorphism design trend, this PowerPoint template is a perfect match for you. It features a bold slide design with shapes, buttons, and icons inspired by Neomorphic design. The free version of the template includes 10 unique slides.

GMTRY – Free Geometric Presentation Template

GMTRY - Free Geometric Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template features one of the most creative slide designs on our list. The creative use of geometric shapes to design its colorful and attractive slides is simply perfect. The template is free to use with personal projects.

Curato – Free Creative Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Curato - Free Creative Portfolio PowerPoint Template

A bright and colorful PowerPoint template filled with shapes and styles. It’s perfect for showing off your best work in a portfolio. The template includes 37 unique slides with easily editable layouts.

Emotion Flashcard – Free Creative PowerPoint Template

Emotion Flashcard - Free Creative PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template comes with a set of creative and fun slides. It uses a lot of emoticons throughout the presentation to help you discuss emotions and mental health in a very creative way.

Kental – Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Kental - Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Kental is another free PowerPoint template that comes with colorful slide design. All of the slides in this template features pastel colors and comes with master slide layouts as well. This template is most suitable for creative fashion and design presentations.

Free Giant Doodles Newsletter PowerPoint Template

Free Giant Doodles Newsletter PowerPoint Template

Filled with lots of colorful doodles and illustrations, this PowerPoint template comes with 28 creative slide layouts you can customize however you like. It’s available in Google Slides version as well.

Free Creative PowerPoint Presentation Template

Free Creative PowerPoint Presentation Template

This is a free demo for a premium PowerPoint template. It includes several creative slides you can repurpose to create your own unique presentations.

Free Stylish Botanical PowerPoint Template

Free Stylish Botanical PowerPoint Template

The nature-inspired botanical theme gives this presentation template a very unique look and feel. It’s perfect for creating presentations for modern fashion and lifestyle brands.

Colors – Stylish Free PowerPoint Template

Colors - Stylish Free PowerPoint Template

Just as the name suggests, this free PowerPoint template comes with a beautiful set of slides filled with lots of colors. It’s ideal for making creative slideshows for event and entertainment related presentations as well as many others. And it includes 60 creative slides.

Happy Holi – Creative Free Powerpoint Template

Happy Holi - Creative Free Powerpoint Template

Happy Holi is a beautiful and creative PowerPoint template that comes with a colorful set of slides. Despite being named after a festival, the slides in the template feature a multipurpose design you can use to craft business, creative, and many other professional presentations.

Every – Clean & Simple PowerPoint Template

Every - Clean & Simple PowerPoint Template

Every is an elegant PowerPoint template featuring modern slide designs. It comes in both PowerPoint and Keynote file formats. Each template includes 15 unique slides in Full HD resolution.

Creative – Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Creative - Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

This minimalist PowerPoint template comes with a creative design making it a great choice for presenting your personal portfolios and professional work. The template features drag and drop image placeholders and editable objects.

Mifridix – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Mifridix - Free Powerpoint Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with a beautiful and feminine slide design. Which makes it the perfect choice for crafting presentations for fashion brands, beauty products, and others.

BRONX – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

BRONX - Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Bronx is a creative PowerPoint presentation template that includes a modern and customizable design. You can use this template to create presentations with PowerPoint, Keynote, or even Google Slides.

Free Pitch Deck PowerPoint Templates

Free powerpoint pitch deck template.

Free PowerPoint Pitch Deck Template

You can use this PowerPoint template for making creative pitch deck slideshows. It includes colorful slides with cool illustrations and shapes to give each slide a unique look and feel. There are 19 unique slides and they come in Keynote format as well.

Sales Pitch Deck Free PowerPoint Template

Sales Pitch Deck Free PowerPoint Template

Create a bold and professional pitch deck for your agency using this free PowerPoint template. It has 20 unique slides with free fonts and icon packs. The template is especially suitable for real estate agencies.

Free PowerPoint Pitch Deck Infographics

Free PowerPoint Pitch Deck Infographics

You can use this free PowerPoint template to showcase stats and data related to your product launches. It includes 32 infographic slides with various styles of layouts. They are all fully customizable.

Free Corporate Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Free Corporate Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

This pitch deck presentation is made with corporate brands and agencies in mind. It features a set of professional slides with easily editable layouts. There are 20 unique slides in this template.

Free Business Opportunity PowerPoint Pitch Deck

Free Business Opportunity PowerPoint Pitch Deck

You can create an attention-grabbing pitch deck to present your business ideas and startups with this free PowerPoint template. It features 12 unique slide layouts with beautiful gradient designs. And the template can be easily customized to your preference.

Pitch Werk Template

pitch werk-Startup Pitch Deck Template For PowerPoint

Pitch Werk is a creative PowerPoint template featuring a set of stylish slides made for modern startups. It includes more than 100 unique slides which are also available in 5 different premade color schemes. The template also comes with lots of useful elements such as pricing tables, device mockups, maps, and much more.

Sneakers Shop – Free PowerPoint Pitch Deck Template

Sneakers Shop - PowerPoint Pitch Deck Template

If you’re working on a pitch deck for a sneaker startup or even an eCommerce store for a fashion product, this template is perfect for creating a winning presentation. It includes 32 unique slides.

Comersa Free Pitch Deck Presentation Template

Comersa Free Pitch Deck Presentation Template

Comersa PowerPoint template comes with a designed made specifically for crafting slideshows for business-related presentations. The template is available in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides versions as well.

Pitch Deck – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Pitch Deck - Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

This is the perfect free PowerPoint presentation template you can use to create pitch decks for startups, creatives, and freelancers. The template includes 22 unique slides and it’s available both with and without slide animations.

Free Conference Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

Free Conference Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is perfect for making a pitch deck for speeches and presentations you give at events and conferences. The template features a set of easily editable slide layouts with modern designs.

Free Medical PowerPoint Templates

Free mental health workshop powerpoint template.

Free Mental Health in the Workplace PowerPoint Template

You can create an effective presentation to promote good mental health in the workplace with this free template. It includes 22 unique slide layouts you can use to showcase the importance of maintaining good mental health and suggest your ideas in meetings.

Modern Medical PowerPoint Template

Modern Medical Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template comes with 30 unique slides featuring clean and modern designs. It also lets you choose from 5 different premade color schemes for designing various styles of slideshows. It’s perfect for making presentations for all kinds of businesses and events.

World After Corona Virus – Free PowerPoint Template

World After Corona Virus - Free PowerPoint Template

If you’re working on a presentation to talk about the recent global pandemic, this template will help you design a more compelling slideshow. It includes 31 unique slide layouts with editable graphics and icons.

Free Mental Health Thesis Presentation Template

Free Mental Health Thesis Presentation Template

This is the perfect presentation template you can use to talk about mental health topics. It features 23 unique slides with easily editable designs. The template is also available in Google Slides version.

Free Medical Presentation Template

Free Medical Presentation Template

This is a multipurpose PowerPoint template you can use to create different types of presentations related to medicine and medical facilities. The template includes editable graphics and master slide layouts as well.

Medical – Free PowerPoint Template

Medical - Free Powerpoint Template

If you’re working on a presentation for a medical related business or brand, this free PowerPoint presentation template will come in handy. The template includes 30 unique slides filled with plenty of image placeholders and graphics.

Clinical Case – Free Medical PowerPoint Template

Clinical Case - Free Medical PowerPoint Template

This free and creative PowerPoint template comes in both PowerPoint and Google Slides versions. It includes 24 beautiful slide designs filled with colorful illustrations and content formatting.

Healthcare Center – Free Medical PowerPoint Template

Healthcare Center - Free Medical PowerPoint Template

Healthcare Center is a professional and free PowerPoint template designed for medical centers and healthcare businesses. The template includes 23 unique slide design you can use to create an effective presentation.

Free Teachers & Education PowerPoint Templates

Free social studies for elementary powerpoint template.

Free Social Studies for Elementary PowerPoint Template

This educational PowerPoint template is designed for making presentations for educating social studies subjects. The template includes 35 different slides with colorful designs that will easily attract the attention of your students.

Free Elementary School PowerPoint Template

Free Elementary School PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template features the perfect design for making fun educational presentations for kids. It’s designed for showcasing different types of stones and it comes with lots of colorful illustrations. There are 35 different slides in this template.

Free Chinese Language Day PowerPoint Template

Free Chinese Language Day PowerPoint Template

Use this free PowerPoint template to teach the Chinese languages to kids. It features a beautiful slide design filled with adorable illustrations and colorful shapes. There are 35 unique slides included in the template with fully editable layouts.

School Bundle – Free Education PowerPoint Template

School Bundle - Free Education PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for a creative PowerPoint template to grab the attention of your students during presentations, this free template is for you. It features a creative design across 15 different useful slide layouts.

Daniel’s Thesis – Free Education PowerPoint Template

Daniel's Thesis - Free Education PowerPoint Template

This colorful and creative PowerPoint template is perfect for creating attractive presentations to showcase your thesis, assignments, projects, and much more. The template features 24 unique slides filled with colorful graphics, shapes, and elements.

Academy at the City – Free Education PowerPoint Template

Academy at the City - Free Education PowerPoint Template

A professional PowerPoint template for promoting your school, academy, and institutions. While the template is designed with education establishments in mind, you can use it to create business presentations as well. The template includes 24 unique slides.

Education – Simple PowerPoint template

Education - Simple Powerpoint template

This is a professional PowerPoint template that includes 30 unique slide designs. Each slide is also available in 5 different color schemes. It also features editable vector graphics, image placeholders, and icons for crafting entertaining presentations more easily.

Math Lesson – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Math Lesson - Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

This free and creative PowerPoint template is designed for teachers for making their lessons look more engaging and fun for students. The template comes packed with creative illustrations and graphics as well.

E-Learning – Free Teachers PowerPoint Template

E-Learning - Free Teachers PowerPoint Template

Another free PowerPoint template that’s most suitable for making presentations to promote your online learning programs and courses. The template comes with 17 unique slide layouts that you can easily customize to your preference.

Master’s Thesis – Free Education PowerPoint Template

Master's Thesis - Free Education PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with 12 unique and editable slides you can use to effectively showcase and present your thesis projects to an audience. The template is also available in Google Slides version as well.

Free Interactive Education PPT for Teachers

Free Interactive Education PPT for Teachers

This PowerPoint template is designed with teachers in mind. It features 44 different slides you can use to create various educational presentations for classes. The slides are fully customizable and include graphs, charts, and infographics as well.

Online Notebook – Free Education PowerPoint Template

Online Notebook - Free PowerPoint Template

A free PowerPoint template you can use to create a notebook-style presentation. Both teachers and students can use this template to create notes for classes and subjects. There are 30 slide layouts in this template.

Free English Language Grammar Rules PPT

Free English Language Grammar Rules PPT

Grammar can be a boring subject to talk about. But with this colorful PowerPoint template, you can present your lessons in a more entertaining way. It includes 41 unique slides filled with adorable illustrations.

Colorful Light Bulbs Free Education PowerPoint Template

Colorful Light Bulbs Free Education PowerPoint Template

This colorful PowerPoint template has lightbulbs all over the slides. You can use it to create presentations to teach various subjects and topics. There are 39 slides in this template. And it’s available in the Google Slides version as well.

Free Church PowerPoint Templates

Free christian church powerpoint template.

Free Christian Church PowerPoint Template

A beautiful presentation template made with churches in mind. It has 20 unique slide layouts with colorful and minimal designs. The template is ideal for showcasing your Christian Church projects.

Free Church Conference Powerpoint Template

Free Church Conference Powerpoint Template

A modern and elegant PowerPoint template designed specifically for making presentations for church events and conferences. The template comes with 23 slide layouts with easily editable designs and image placeholders.

Religion Lesson – Free PowerPoint Presentation

Religion Lesson - Free PowerPoint Presentation

A free PowerPoint template designed for educating students and audiences on various religious topics. It can also be used to deliver religious speeches and presentations as well. It includes 17 unique slides. Even though the template features slide designs with multiple religions, you can easily replace the images of your choice as well.

Free Infographic PowerPoint Templates

8 free charts powerpoint templates.

8 Free Charts PowerPoint Templates

This template includes 8 customizable charts infographics for you to use in your presentations. The template includes pie charts, bar charts, and infographics too. It’s also available in Excel format.

12 Free Infographics Slides for PowerPoint

12 Free Infographics Slides for PowerPoint

There are 12 different infographic slides to choose from in this PowerPoint template. They are ideal for both business and research presentations. The template is free to use.

Free Internal Motivation Infographics PowerPoint Template

Free Internal Motivation Infographics PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template includes 31 unique slide designs with infographics. They are designed for visualizing stats and information for motivating your teams and employees.

The Power of Feminism Infographics PowerPoint Template

The Power of Feminism Infographics PowerPoint Template

You can use this free PowerPoint template to create attractive infographic slides to promote the power of feminism. It includes more than 30 unique slide designs. And you can customize them in Google Slides as well.

PPTx Infographics

PPTx Infographics

This Powerpoint presentation template also includes 50 unique infographic slides. The slides are also available in light and dark themes as well as unlimited color options for customizing the shapes, text, and icons of the slides.

Epsilon – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Epsilon - Free Business PowerPoint Template

Epsilon is a free PowerPoint template made for small businesses. You can use it to create powerful business presentations using its slides full of charts and graphs. The template can be easily customized with multiple color options and icons.

Free Business Infographics PowerPoint Template

Animated Business Infographics PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with lots of editable infographics you can use to visualize your data. The template includes 8 unique slide designs that are easily customizable. It’s also available in Google Slides version as well.

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Our Free Powerpoint Templates

Mexican Taco PowerPoint Slide

Mexican Food PowerPoint Template

Artificial Intelligence Slides

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Golden Circle's Slide

Business Golden Circle PowerPoint Template

Technology Stack PowerPoint Diagram

Technology Stack Presentation Template

Fruit-themed Product Distribution PowerPoint Slide

Fruit-themed PowerPoint Template

UX Research Data Comparison Slide

UX Research Report PPT Template

Vet Clinic Services Slide

Vet Clinic Powerpoint Template

Spotify Artist Profile Slide

Spotify-themed PowerPoint template

Movie time PowerPoint Slide

Movie-themed PowerPoint template

Purple Background PowerPoint template

Purple Background PowerPoint Templates

Car Insurance Benefits Slide

Car Insurance Services Presentation Template

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Simple Presentation templates

A clean, simple slide design can help you deliver your message straight to your audience without distractions. make good use of these google slides themes and powerpoint templates and create engaging presentations..

  • Calendar & Weather
  • Infographics
  • Marketing Plan
  • Project Proposal
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  • Thesis Defense
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Elegant Education Pack for Students presentation template

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contoh powerpoint presentation

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Elegant education pack for students.

The way in which we study has changed drastically in the last year, that's why we need to be more organized than ever. In Slidesgo we want to help your students and have designed this elegant template full of resources for your classes. We added everything you could possibly ask...

Minimalist Hepatitis Clinical Case presentation template

Minimalist Hepatitis Clinical Case

Give your clinical case presentations a modern and elegant touch with this minimalist design with watercolor strokes. We have prepared lots of medical resources so that explaining complicated concepts is very easy for you, and even more easy for your audience to understand. In addition, this template is completely editable,...

Minimalist Business Slides presentation template

Minimalist Business Slides

Minimalism is an art style that frees the canvas and that lets the content stand out for itself. It’s a way of conveying modernism, simplicity and elegance and can be your best ally in your next presentation. With this new design from Slidesgo, your business presentations will be as professional...

Minimal Charm presentation template

Premium template

Unlock this template and gain unlimited access

Minimal Charm

Download the "Minimal Charm" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources. You...

Wind Energy Supplier Pitch Deck presentation template

Wind Energy Supplier Pitch Deck

There are so many reasons to shift to renewable energy: it’s better for the environment, it can also be cheaper to produce, it contributes to making your company carbon neutral… take all of those ideas and present them with a pitch deck like this one. After you’ve added all the...

Elegant Bachelor Thesis presentation template

Elegant Bachelor Thesis

Present your Bachelor Thesis in style with this elegant presentation template. It's simple, minimalist design makes it perfect for any kind of academic presentation. With an array of features such as section dividers, images, infographics and more, you can easily create a professional and creative presentation that stands out from...

Elegant Lines Pitch Deck presentation template

Elegant Lines Pitch Deck

Trying to convince some investors or partners to believe in your new project? With the elegance and sobriety of this new template, you won't have problems achieving that. The name says it all: the template contains lines, elegance and the ideal layouts for a presentation. The backgrounds are gray, a...

Simple Blackboard Background presentation template

Simple Blackboard Background

Download the "Simple Blackboard Background" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources....

Elegant Black & White Thesis Defense presentation template

Elegant Black & White Thesis Defense

Present your research findings with grace and assertiveness through this template. Available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, this design set offers minimalistic charm with its simple, gray scale elegance. The template not only provides a polished platform to showcase your thesis but also ensures seamless and efficient delivery of your...

Lead Funnel presentation template

Lead Funnel

Have you ever heard the term "lead funnel" thrown around in business or marketing circles and wondered what it meant? It's essentially a visual representation of the process that businesses use to convert potential customers (or "leads") into paying customers. Now that we piqued your interest, can we "lead" you...

Candy Pastel Style Theme presentation template

Candy Pastel Style Theme

Download the "Candy Pastel Style Theme" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic...

Yellow Abstract Marketing Theme presentation template

Yellow Abstract Marketing Theme

Download the "Yellow Abstract Marketing Theme" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and take your marketing projects to the next level. This template is the perfect ally for your advertising strategies, launch campaigns or report presentations. Customize your content with ease, highlight your ideas and captivate your audience with a...

Management Consulting Toolkit presentation template

Management Consulting Toolkit

If you want your company to keep growing but you don't know exactly what path to take now, perhaps you should seek professional advice. Management consultants can use this new template to offer their services and explain to potential clients what they do and how they do that. This slideshow...

Formal Geometric Slides presentation template

Formal Geometric Slides

Download the "Formal Geometric Slides" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations and engage audiences....

Engineering Project Proposal presentation template

Engineering Project Proposal

What is the best way to build your own successful future? Giving a presentation made thanks to our new free business template! Your audience will appreciate your engineering project proposal, paving the way for new deals and investments.

Linic presentation template

Download the "Linic" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources. You need...

Simple Watery Shapes Style MK Campaign presentation template

Simple Watery Shapes Style MK Campaign

Sometimes, you are not looking for a presentation with lots of ornaments and illustrations. You need to present your content in a simple style. That way, what stands out is your information. To address this need, we have created this template for marketing campaigns. Its main color is blue, combining...

Livine Meeting presentation template

Livine Meeting

Organize your monthly meeting and share the most important points of it with the rest of your team thanks to this presentation. It combines white with green and yellow! Review the agenda, product schedule, project timeline and status report employing these slides. Make use of tables, timelines and many other...

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  • Presentations

How to Create Great PowerPoint Presentations (With Top 2024 Examples)

Laura Spencer

If you're in business, odds are great that you're going to have to create a presentation at some point during your career. And when you do, odds are also good that you'll use Microsoft PowerPoint to do it. According to statistics from iDatalabs over 150,000 companies use PowerPoint .

powerpoint presentations

There's a real need for people who can create relevant, engaging PowerPoint presentations. But creating a good presentation is more than just throwing together a bunch of slides. Not everyone knows how to make a good presentation.

In this tutorial, you'll learn the steps to making good PowerPoint presentations. The steps can be used for any presentation, of course, but they're especially relevant to Microsoft PowerPoint. I'll provide some tips on how to use a PowerPoint template. You'll also see how to make a good slide presentation with Slideshare examples.

For even more information about how to make a presentation,   be sure to download our free eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It'll help you master the complete presentation process.

make a presentation

How to Make Great PowerPoint Presentations (Plan, Design, & Deliver)

Whether you're going to give your PowerPoint presentation as a speech or share it online, you'll want to make sure you create a good presentation that stands out. Here are seven steps you can follow to help you learn how to make a good PPT presentation:

Note : While these techniques specifically reference PowerPoint , most of them work well with other presentation author tools as well such as Keynote and Google Slides .

1. Know Your Target Audience

The target audience for your presentation is the group of people who you want to listen to or view your presentation. Not all audiences are the same. Audiences vary depending on your company's goals. A presentation that works well with one audience may not work well (or at all) with another.

Researching your target audience is a very important first step for creating any kind of marketing or informational material —that includes PowerPoint presentations. If you really want your presentation to be successful, learn all that you can about your audience.

For some guidance on how to define a target audience, study the following tutorial:

contoh powerpoint presentation

2. Target Your Presentation to Your Audience

Once you know who you're creating your PowerPoint presentation for, you can begin to customize it for them. Start by choosing a topic that you know will be relevant to your audience. Ideally, your topic will be something that interests your audience or solves a problem for them.

A good PowerPoint presentations targets your audience

You also need to consider your audience's existing knowledge when writing your presentation. How will they take in and understand your presentation? 

Obviously, it won't be helpful to create a presentation filled with industry-specific jargon if your listeners don't know what those words mean. At the same time, if you're targeting a group of experts for your presentation basic information may bore them.

3. Start With an Outline

Once you've researched your target audience and chosen a topic that's relevant to them it's time to start writing your PowerPoint presentation . The quickest, most efficient way to do that is to use an outline. Plus, an outline can easily be converted to individual slides when the time comes.

Be sure to use language that's geared to your target audience. For most audiences, a conversational style works best. Also, limit the amount of material you put on each PowerPoint presentation slide. Cluttered slides are hard for audience members to follow.

To learn more about how to write a presentation, study these tutorials on how to write a speech:

contoh powerpoint presentation

4. Use a Professional PowerPoint Template

One way to make sure that you've got a great, visually appealing PowerPoint presentation is to use a premium PowerPoint template such as those available through Envato Elements or  GraphicRiver .

powerpoint examples

In fact, there are hundreds of creative PowerPoint presentations examples available on Envato Elements . 

All you need to do is pay one low monthly price and you can download as many templates as you want. You'll have access to other creative assets as well such as WordPress themes, stock photos, and even courses and eBooks.

Rockefeller - Creative PowerPoint Presentation Design

Check out some of our best PowerPoint templates with creative ideas from Envato Elements in this quick video. Also, discover a handful of helpful PowerPoint presentation slide design tips.

contoh powerpoint presentation

You can find some more great creative PowerPoint presentation template examples in this article:

contoh powerpoint presentation

5.  Keep Slides Short

When it comes to making great PowerPoint presentations, it’s important to remember that your slide deck is a helpful tool that highlights the main points of your presentation and serves as a visual representation of the data and facts you’re sharing. 

To make a really great PowerPoint presentation, keep the slides short to avoid boring your audience and losing their interest.

6. Practice Your PowerPoint Presentation (For Live Presentations)

Great PowerPoint presentations don't happen without practice. So, if you'll be presenting your PowerPoint personally, set aside some time to practice it after you've created it. If you can, practice with a friend or family member. But if no one's available you may still be able to practice giving it alone.

For a helpful checklist for practicing a speech, study this tutorial:

contoh powerpoint presentation

If your job requires you to give a lot of PowerPoint presentations, you may benefit from improving your public speaking skills. Consider joining Toastmasters International  to become a better speaker. Or you can attend a Public Speaking Meetup .

7. Stay Focused

While you're giving your presentation, stay focused on your topic. If you're making the presentation in person, it's easy to lose track of what you're talking about.

Focus is another reason why practice is so important. If you've practiced your presentation, you're less likely to get off track. Also, if people have questions, ask them to wait until the end. That way you can stay focused on your topic.

If you're creating a presentation to be shared online, focus is still important if you want your PowerPoint presentation to be a great one. Review the copy you've written carefully to make sure that it fits with your target audience and goals. Be careful not to include irrelevant information.

8. Study Great PowerPoint Presentation Examples

One great way to learn how to make a great PowerPoint presentation is by example. Studying great PowerPoint examples can serve as inspiration for your own PowerPoint slideshow. By studying great PowerPoint examples, you'll be able to pick up common design elements that they use, notice how the slides are laid out, and how the whole PowerPoint presentation is structured. You can use that knowledge to your advantage, and it'll serve you well when it comes time to make your own great PowerPoint presentations.

5 SlideShare Examples of Great Presentations

In this section, I'm going to share five great presentations examples from SlideShare to help inspire you to create your own great PowerPoint Presentations. 

Each of these great presentation examples currently has over a million views on SlideShare, so you know that they must have done something right. For each example, I'll explain what works.

Now let's look at some great presentation examples:

1. Work Rules - Great Visual PowerPoint Presentation Example

This presentation from Laszlo Bock , former Senior Vice President of People Operations at Google, Inc., clearly explains the importance of culture at tech giant Google. He does it with engaging illustrations and a nicely coordinated yellow and blue color theme. Notice how each slide contains enough information to make his point, but none are too cluttered.

2. Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling

Consultant Gavin McMahon brings us this engaging slideshow on the importance of storytelling. Drawing inspiration from filmmaker giant and master storyteller, Pixar, was a great idea for this presentation. It gives the audience something they can relate to. Notice the use of bold colors throughout.

3. 25 Mission Statements From the World's Most Valuable Brands

Does your business have a mission statement? If it doesn't, it needs one. Palo Alto Software solves a problem for their target audience by using the mission statements of some of the most successful corporations as examples (good and bad). The presentation also links to a companion article from company founder, Tim Berry, with more details on the same subject.

4. Congratulations Graduate! Eleven Reasons Why I Will Never Hire You

With the shocking opening statement, PR Managing Director Mark O'Toole is sure to capture the attention of his intended audience of young graduates. Add to that a bold red and black color scheme and plenty of engaging graphics and you've got a slideshow that's gotten over two million views. Incidentally, viewers who read to the end will gain some valuable job-hunting tips.

5. Thirst - Good PowerPoint PPT Presentation Design Example

The one word in the center of the compelling graphic on the cover of this slideshow from Jeff Brenman of Apollo Ideas draws the viewer in. As you begin to scroll through the slides, arresting images combine with startling quick facts to convey an urgent message: the world is facing a serious water shortage. This compelling presentation is sure to stick in the viewer's mind for a long time.

For even more great examples of good presentations, look at these articles:

contoh powerpoint presentation

5 Tips for Working With PowerPoint Presentation Design Templates

We've already mentioned some of the advantages of using a PowerPoint template to create your presentation. Here are three tips to make sure you get the most from the PowerPoint templates you select:

1. Don't Fall Into the Free Templates Trap

If you've decided to use a PowerPoint template, you may be tempted to download a free PPT template . However, downloading a PowerPoint template for free is usually not the bargain you might think it is. Here are some disadvantages to free PowerPoint templates:

  • Little to No Support . Often free templates don't have support or aren't updated. If you run into problems, you're on your own.
  • Lack of Uniqueness . Since free templates are available to everyone, it's more likely your audience will have seen the template before.
  • Limited Slide Designs . Free templates are often limited to only a few simple slide designs that you may or may not be able to use.

2. Look for a Reputable Template Provider

Your best bet for selecting great PowerPoint templates is to choose a reputable provider, such as Envato Elements or GraphicRiver . These services have thousands of creative assets available (including PowerPoint presentation templates)—all created by professional designers. 

Examples of our best-selling PowerPoint templates on Envato Elements

Each template offers the flexibility and design options you need to make your presentation really unique.

What’s more, when you sign up for Envato Elements low monthly plan, you'll get access to thousands of other creative design assets such as fonts, images, and more. Each asset, whether it’s a PowerPoint presentation or a font, can be used in an unlimited number of projects and you can download as many items as you need.

You can then use these elements in your PowerPoint presentations and take them to the next level.

3. Do Incorporate Creative Elements

If you're creating a presentation, you might hesitate before adding a truly creative element such as an infographic or timeline to your presentation. After all, designing a creative element can add a lot of extra time and work to your project.

This is exactly where pre-built templates can help. Many templates include pre-designed creative elements that you can simply adapt to your own needs. Here are a few creative PowerPoint presentation examples:

contoh powerpoint presentation

Even if you can't find a template specifically tailored to your field, it's easy to customize these templates to suit your need.

4. Choose a PowerPoint Template That Matches Your Topic

When you’re going through the process of choosing a PowerPoint template, be sure to keep your presentation topic in mind. This will make it a lot easier to customize the template as you won’t have to spend time looking for extra elements such as the right icons or the right presentation elements.

For example, check out this great PowerPoint example that was tailored made with the architecture industry and topic in mind:

Picazo PowerPoint template

5. Experiment With Slide Layouts

When you’re creating a PowerPoint presentation, take advantage of all the different layout options that the template offers. You'll make your presentation more visually engaging and interesting. Take a look at this professional PowerPoint example that offers a number of different layout designs for each slide type:

Lorem Ipsum PowerPoint Template

How to Make Great PowerPoint Presentations Quickly (With PPT Templates)

It's easier to learn how to make a good PPT presentation when you start with a template. You'll find the pre-built slide designs that are sure to spark ideas and creative designs. But, how can you make them your own?

Have no fear: templates help you master how to make a great PowerPoint presentation . They're flexible enough to adapt to your presentation purpose.

Let's work with The X Note   in this section. We'll customize two slides in five steps. This section will show you how to make a good PowerPoint presentation with the help of a template.

1. The Team Slide - Update Images

Team Slide Starting Point

One tip I advise every presenter learning how to make a good presentation PPT: remember your team! You've got to credit and showcase the key members that contribute to your project. Let's use slide 7 to do that.

As a first step, let's update the images on this slide. We need to add the members of our team in the image placeholders. 

To do that, start by right-clicking and choosing  Group > Ungroup  on the circle graphics. This helps us select just the shape that we can fill with an image.

Ungroup Images

Now, right-click an image and choose  Format Pictures.  You'll see a new menu open. on the  Fill  settings, choose  Picture or texture fill,  then browse to your replacement profile image.

Picture Fill The X Note

Just repeat this process with the other image placeholders. Soon, you'll have a totally personalized and people-focused PowerPoint slide.

2. The Team Slide - Update Text

Now that you've added your team's photos, there's another crucial step: updating the text! As you'll see in templates that help you master how to make a good PPT presentation, the included text boxes tell the story.

To update text, all you need to do is type over the placeholders. Use the pre-built text boxes to help you avoid the hard work of selecting fonts, sizing, and colors each time.

Updated Text in The X Note

You can also delete any text boxes that you don't need. Just click and select them, then press Delete on your keyboard. That removes text boxes. Less is often more, according to pros that know how to make a great PowerPoint presentation.

3. The Team Slide - Update Branding

You might have noticed while working with this slide that there are a few objects that don't seem to be selectable. That includes the logo in the upper corner and text in the lower-left corner.

That's because this text lives on the  Slide Master.  To adjust it, we'll need to edit the lower-level slide design. Go to the  View > Slide Master  menu. Now, you'll find that you can select and edit elements that were previously locked.

View and Edit Slide Master

Consider replacing the logo with one of your own, plus adjust the text reading Presentation name goes here.  That makes your slide totally customized. Let's move onto editing another slide.

4. The Data Slide - Update Data

Update PowerPoint Presentations Data

Let's switch gears and work on a second slide. Slide 27 includes a pre-built chart. This is a great example of easing the learning curve of creating a good PowerPoint presentation. Use the starter chart template with your data.

Right-click on the chart and choose  Edit Data.  You'll see an embedded Excel window. This table controls the data that shapes the chart. Just type over the start data to update it.

Update Data in PowerPoint Presentations

When you're finished, close the embedded Excel window. The chart will automatically update with your new data. You can always update data by returning to this same menu.

5. The Data Slide - Update Text

This last tweak is an easy one. Just like our prior slide, typing over the text boxes is all that it takes to finish rounding out the slide.

Growth in PowerPoint Presentations

As you can see in the example above, reducing the text helps too. I deleted the sub-headline so that there's more focus on the data.

As you saw, templates are like the answer key to a test of how to make a good presentation PPT. Use templates like The X Note to tap into the secrets of great PowerPoint presentation design.

5 Great PowerPoint PPT Templates for 2024

If you're learning how to make a good PowerPoint presentation, don't forget that templates are a major advantage. They're the antidote to creating designs on a totally blank canvas. They help you leverage the learning and design work of others.

With the help of Envato Elements , you unlock unlimited downloads. That includes PowerPoint presentations plus stock photos and graphics that really complement your content.

Envato Elements PowerPoint Presentation Library

You don't have to learn how to make a good PowerPoint presentation design on your own. Instead, see what makes a great PowerPoint presentation when you use templates.

Let's look at five of the best PowerPoint presentations included with Envato Elements:

1. The X Note - PowerPoint Template

The X Note PowerPoint Presentations

Time and time again, presenters learning how to make a great PowerPoint presentation choose The X Note. It's easy to see why. The slides feel like a professionally designed presentation that a seasoned executive would trust. A PowerPoint presentation design like this instantly gives your content credibility.

2.  Fashioned Stylist PowerPoint

Envato Elements Fashioned Stylist PowerPoint

Here's a tip while learning how to make a good presentation PPT: use on-trend designs. When your presentation matches trendy and modern designs, your audience knows that you stay up-to-date. That's why a template like Fashioned Stylist is so powerful. It instantly builds credibility and trust so that you command attention from the audience.

3. SINDE -  Business PowerPoint Template

Business PowerPoint Sinde Template

Templates like Sinde hold the secret of how to make a good slide presentation. With 30 slides and five color schemes mean that you've got all of the combinations you need to create a polished and professional presentation. You'll find slides like portfolio layouts that help you put your best foot forward.  

4.  Oceania - Sea & Ocean PowerPoint Template

Oceania Sea and Ocean PowerPoint Template

Isak Dinesen once said, "the cure for anything is saltwater: sweat, tears or the sea." The last of those options is the inspiration for this template. Oceania evokes feelings of relaxing on the beach with the sea in sight. As you learn how to make a good presentation PPT, keep this in mind: templates are only the starting point. Use the ocean-inspired view to start your design, but remember that it works with any content.

5. Galaxi PowerPoint Presentation Template

Galaxi PowerPoint Presentation Template

Blast off to success with a PowerPoint presentation like this one. It's got infographics that help you master how to create a good PowerPoint presentation, easily. The graphics serve to explain complex ideas with easy-to-follow visuals.

Still want to learn how to make a good presentation slide? Try out even more templates. Jump to our articles below for more PowerPoint presentations:

contoh powerpoint presentation

Make Great PowerPoint Presentations ( Free PDF eBook Download )

Our free eBook makes a perfect complement to this tutorial. It'll take you through the complete presentation process—from start to finish.  Learn how to make a good PowerPoint presentation from writing it, designing it like a pro, and preparing it to present powerfully.

Free PDF ebook

Download our new eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . I t's available for free with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

Learn More: How to Make the Best PowerPoint Presentations Fast

We also have a number of helpful PowerPoint tutorial resources on Envato Tuts+. Learn more about working creatively with PowerPoint to make great presentations quickly : 

contoh powerpoint presentation

Start Making Your Own Great PowerPoint Presentations Today

You've just learned the steps for making great PowerPoint presentations. I've also shared some good presentation examples with creative ideas that could apply to your PowerPoint presentation design. You now have the information you need to begin making your own great presentation.

As we discussed earlier, one way to give your PowerPoint presentations a head start is to use a premium template designed by professionals. We've even shared some tips on how to design a PowerPoint presentation by working with top PowerPoint presentation templates . 

Why not download a presentation template from Envato Elements or GraphicRiver and begin creating your own great PowerPoint presentations today?

Editorial Note: This tutorial was originally published in October of 2018. I t's been comprehensively revised to include new information—with special assistance from Brenda Barron  and Andrew Childress .

Laura Spencer


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  2. Contoh Presentasi Power Point Menarik

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  4. Webinar_ Power Up Your Presentation Batch 1

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  6. Contoh Presentasi yang Baik dan Menarik


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  13. 20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

    6. "Blitzscaling: Book Trailer," Reid Hoffman. If you're going to go the minimalistic route, I'd take note of this PowerPoint presentation example from Reid Hoffman. This clean design adheres to a simple, consistent color scheme with clean graphics peppered throughout to make the slides more visually interesting.

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  20. 10 Tips Presentasi PowerPoint: Membuat Slide PPT yang Baik (dengan

    Dalam kasus ini, tips favorit saya adalah mengekspor presentasi sebagai PDF. Untuk melakukannya, buka File > Export > Create PDF, lalu simpan presentasi anda sebagai PDF. Cara ini pasti akan membantu sebagian besar pengguna anda melihat presentasi sesuai keinginan anda. 5. Cobalah Skema Warna yang Berbeda.

  21. How to Create Great PowerPoint Presentations (With Top 2024 Examples)

    4. Use a Professional PowerPoint Template. One way to make sure that you've got a great, visually appealing PowerPoint presentation is to use a premium PowerPoint template such as those available through Envato Elements or GraphicRiver. Here are some great PowerPoint examples from Envato Elements of templates that can be useful in creating your presentation.