
Top 400 Information Technology Research Topics – Full Guide!

The field of IT is progressive and ever-changing due to the rapid development of hardware, software, and networking technologies. The demand for innovative research in IT has also continued to rise as businesses and organizations embrace digital systems and data-driven solutions. 

Understanding the salient areas of study in IT will help professionals keep up with changes that arise and enable organizations to leverage emerging technologies effectively. 

Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, cloud computing , and big data analytics have emerged through IT research. These fundamental factors shape the modern technology landscape, giving rise to immense possibilities for boosting productivity, raising efficiency, and improving competitiveness across sectors. 

However, companies wanting to navigate the complexities of today’s digital age and exploit new technological advances must examine some of the latest IT research topics.

Understanding Information Technology Research

Table of Contents

In the world of technology, research is a compass that helps us navigate its convoluted evolutions. For instance, Information Technology (IT) research has been conducted in computer science, software engineering, data analytics, and cybersecurity.

IT research involves systematic inquiry to advance knowledge, problem-solving, and innovation. This includes conducting rigorous experiments and analyzing results to unveil new theories or approaches that improve technologies or bring breakthroughs.

Therefore, interdisciplinarity is at the core of IT research, with collaboration cutting across various disciplines. Whether using AI to reinforce cyber security or big data analytics in healthcare, collaboration leads to solutions to complex problems.

This is because IT research is changing rapidly due to technological advances. Thus, researchers need to be up-to-date to make meaningful contributions.

Ethics are involved so that technology can be responsibly deployed. The researchers grapple with privacy, security, bias, and equity issues to ensure technology benefits society.

As a result of this publication and conferences, which enable dissemination of findings, leading to further innovations, collaboration has supported progress, hence speeding it up.

Understanding IT research is vital for leveraging technology to address societal challenges and foster positive change.

Recommended Readings: “ Top 109+ Media Bias Research Topics | Full Guide! “.

Picking the Right Topic to Research: The Key to Finding New Things 

In the always-changing world of information technology, choosing the proper topic to research is like starting a smart path. It’s a big decision that sets where your hard work will go and how much your findings could mean.

Fitting with Industry Moves and Issues

Finding a research topic that fits current industry moves and big issues is important. By staying informed on the latest happenings and problems in the technology field, you can ensure your research stays useful and helps solve real-world troubles.

Growing Fresh Ideas and Practical Uses

Choosing a research topic that generates fresh ideas and practical applications is crucial. Your findings should not just add to school talks but also lead to real solutions that can be used in real situations, pushing technology forward and making work smoother.

Sparking Mind Curiosity and Excitement

Selecting a research topic that sparks your curiosity and excitement is essential. When you dive into an area that truly fascinates you, the research journey becomes more engaging, and your drive to uncover big insights is stronger.

Finding Gaps and Unexplored Areas

Finding gaps in existing knowledge or unexplored areas in the technology landscape can lead to big discoveries. Entering uncharted spaces can uncover fresh insights and meaningfully advance the field.

Considering Potential Wide Effect and Growth

Considering your research topic’s potential wide effect and growth is crucial. Will your findings have far-reaching effects across industries? Can your solutions grow and shift to address changing challenges? Evaluating these things can help you prioritize research areas with the greatest potential for big impact.

By carefully choosing the right research topic, you can open the door to discoveries, push technology forward, and contribute to the constant evolution of the technology information landscape.

Top 400 Information Technology Research Topics

The list of the top 400 information technology research topics is organized into different categories. Let’s examine it. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

  • Easy AI: Explaining and Using
  • Group Learning: Getting Better Together
  • AI in Health: Diagnosing and Helping
  • Robots Learning on Their Own
  • Being Fair with Computers
  • Talking to Computers in Normal Language
  • AI Fighting Bad Guys on the Internet
  • AI Driving Cars: How Safe Is It?
  • Sharing What We’ve Learned with Other Machines
  • AI in Schools: Computers Learning About You

Cybersecurity and Encryption

  • Trusting Computers: How to Stay Safe
  • Keeping Secrets Safe with Fancy Math
  • Secret Codes Computers Use: Safe or Not?
  • Spy Games: Watching Out for Bad Stuff
  • Keeping Secrets, Even from Friends
  • Your Body as Your Password: Is It Safe?
  • Fighting Against Computer Ransomers
  • Keeping Your Secrets Secret, Even When Sharing
  • Making Sure Your Smart Stuff Isn’t Spying on You
  • Insuring Against Computer Bad Luck

Data Science and Big Data

  • Sharing Secrets: How to Be Safe
  • Watching the World in Real-Time
  • Big Data: Big Computers Handling Big Jobs
  • Making Data Pretty to Look At
  • Cleaning Up Messy Data
  • Predicting the Future with Numbers
  • Finding Patterns in Connected Dots
  • Keeping Your Secrets Safe in Big Data
  • Sharing Our Secrets Without Telling Anyone
  • Helping the Planet with Numbers

Cloud Computing

  • Computers Without a Home: Where Do They Live?
  • Keeping Computers Close to Home
  • Moving Our Stuff to New Homes
  • Juggling Many Clouds at Once
  • Making Computers That Live in the Cloud
  • Keeping Clouds Safe from Bad Guys
  • Keeping Clouds Safe from Sneaky Spies
  • Making Sure Clouds Do What They’re Supposed To
  • Computers Need Energy Too!
  • Making the Internet of Things Even Smarter

Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Smart Stuff Everywhere: How Does It Work?
  • Watching Out for Bad Stuff in Smart Things
  • Smart Stuff: Is It Safe?
  • Taking Care of Smart Toys
  • Making Smart Things That Don’t Need Batteries
  • Making Smart Factories Even Smarter
  • Smart Cities: Making Cities Better Places to Live
  • Your Clothes Can Be Smart, Too!
  • Helping Farmers with Smart Farming
  • Keeping Secrets Safe in Smart Stuff

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

  • Magic Glasses: How Do They Work?
  • Making Computers Easy to Use
  • Making Computers for Everyone
  • Talking to Computers with Your Hands
  • Making Sure Computers Are Nice to People
  • Talking to Computers with Your Voice
  • Playing with Computers, You Can Touch
  • Trusting Computers to Drive for Us
  • Computers That Understand Different People
  • Making Computers That Read Our Minds

Software Engineering

  • Making Computers Work Together Smoothly
  • Building Computers from Tiny Pieces
  • Playing Games to Make Computers Better
  • Making Sure Computers Work Right
  • Making Old Computers New Again
  • Making Computers Like to Exercise
  • Making Computers Easier to Understand
  • Building Computers with Blueprints
  • Making Sure Computers Don’t Get Sick
  • Sharing Computer Secrets with Everyone

Mobile Computing

  • Keeping Phones Safe from Bad Guys
  • Making Apps for Every Kind of Phone
  • Keeping Phones Safe in the Cloud
  • Finding Your Way with Your Phone
  • Paying with Your Phone: Safe or Not?
  • Checking Your Health with Your Phone
  • Seeing the World Through Your Phone
  • Wearing Your Phone on Your Wrist
  • Learning on the Go with Your Phone
  • Making Phones Even Smarter with Clouds

Networking and Communications

  • Making Sure Computers Can Talk to Each Other
  • Making Computers Work Together Without Wires
  • Making the Internet Faster for Everyone
  • Getting More Internet Addresses for More Computers
  • Cutting the Internet into Pieces
  • Making the Internet Even More Invisible
  • Talking to Computers with Light
  • Making Sure Tiny Computers Talk to Each Other
  • Sending Messages Even When It’s Hard
  • Making the Radio Smarter for Computers

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

  • Reading Your DNA with Computers
  • Making Medicine Just for You
  • Meeting the Microscopic World with Computers
  • Building Computer Models of Living Things
  • Finding New Medicine with Computers
  • Building Computer Models of Tiny Machines
  • Making Family Trees for Living Things
  • Counting Germs with Computers
  • Making Big Lists of Living Things
  • Making Computers Think Like Brains

Quantum Computing

  • Making Computers Better at Some Math Problems
  • Keeping Computers Safe from Small Mistakes
  • Making Computers Even Harder to Spy On
  • Making Computers Learn Faster with Quantum Tricks
  • Making Fake Worlds for Computers to Explore
  • Building Computers from Super-Cold Stuff
  • Making Computers Cold to Think Better
  • Making Computers Think Like Chemists
  • Making the Internet Even Safer with Computers
  • Showing Off What Computers Can Do Best

Green Computing

  • Saving Energy with Computers
  • Using Wind and Sun to Power Computers
  • Making Phones Last Longer Without Plugging In
  • Making Computers Kinder to the Planet
  • Recycling Old Computers to Save the Earth
  • Computers That Care About Their Trash
  • Saving Energy in Big Rooms Full of Computers
  • Making Computers Save Energy and Work Faster
  • Counting the Trash from Computers
  • Making Computers Kinder to the Planet’s Air

Information Systems

  • Making Computers Work Together in Big Companies
  • Making Computers Remember Their Friends
  • Making Computers Share What They Know
  • Making Computers Smart About Money
  • Making Computers Send Presents to Their Friends
  • Helping Computers Make Big Decisions
  • Making Government Computers Talk to Each Other
  • Making Computers Count Likes and Shares
  • Assisting computers to Find What You Asked For
  • Assisting companies to Keep Their Friends Happy

Semantic Web and Linked Data

  • Making Computers Understand Each Other Better
  • Making Computers Talk About Themselves
  • Making the Internet More Friendly for Computers
  • Helping Computers Find What They Need
  • Making Computers Smarter by Talking to Each Other
  • Making Computers Friends with Different Languages
  • Making Computers Understand Different Ideas
  • Making Computers Think Like Us
  • Making Computers Smarter About Old Stuff
  • Making Computers Share Their Secrets Safely

Social Computing and Online Communities

  • Making Friends on the Internet
  • Getting Good Suggestions from the Internet
  • Making Computers Work Together to Solve Problems
  • Learning from Your Friends on the Internet
  • Stopping Fake News on the Internet
  • Knowing How People Feel on the Internet
  • Helping Each Other on the Internet During Emergencies
  • Making Sure Computers Are Nice to Everyone
  • Keeping Secrets on the Internet
  • Making the Internet a Better Place for Everyone

Game Development and Virtual Worlds

  • Making Games That Play Fair
  • Letting Computers Make Their Fun
  • Making Fake Worlds for Fun
  • Learning with Games
  • Making the Rules for Fun
  • Watching How People Play Together
  • Seeing Things That Aren’t There
  • Letting Lots of People Play Together
  • Making the Engines for Fun
  • Playing Games to Learn

E-Learning and Educational Technology

  • Making Learning Easy for Everyone
  • Taking Classes on the Internet
  • Learning from Your Computer’s Teacher
  • Learning from What Computers Know
  • Learning Anywhere with Your Computer
  • Making Learning Fun with Games
  • Learning Without a Real Lab
  • Learning with Free Stuff on the Internet
  • Mixing School with Your Computer
  • Making School More Fun with Your Computer

Digital Forensics and Incident Response

  • Solving Computer Mysteries
  • Looking for Clues in Computers
  • Finding Bad Guys on the Internet
  • Looking for Clues on Phones and Tablets
  • Hiding Clues on Computers
  • Helping When Computers Get Sick
  • Solving Mysteries While the Computer Is On
  • Finding Clues on Your Smart Watch
  • Finding Tools for Finding Clues
  • Following the Rules When Solving Mysteries

Wearable Technology and Smart Devices

  • Keeping Healthy with Smart Watches
  • Making Clothes That Talk to Computers
  • Listening to the Earth with Your Shirt
  • Wearing Glasses That Show Cool Stuff
  • Making Your Home Smarter with Your Phone
  • Using Your Body to Unlock Your Phone
  • Helping People Move with Special Shoes
  • Assisting people to See with Special Glasses
  • Making Your Clothes Do More Than Keep You Warm
  • Keeping Secrets Safe on Your Smart Stuff

Robotics and Automation

  • Making Friends with Robots
  • Letting Robots Do the Hard Work
  • Robots That Work Together Like Ants
  • Learning Tricks from People
  • Robots That Feel Like Jelly
  • Helping Doctors and Nurses with Robots
  • Robots That Help Farmers Grow Food
  • Making Cars Without People
  • Teaching Robots to Recognize Things
  • Robots That Learn from Animals

Health Informatics

  • Computers That Help Doctors Keep Track of Patients
  • Sharing Secrets About Your Health with Other Computers
  • Seeing the Doctor on Your Computer
  • Keeping Track of Your Health with Your Phone
  • Making Medicine Better with Computers
  • Keeping Your Health Secrets Safe with Computers
  • Learning About Health with Computers
  • Keeping Health Secrets Safe on the Internet
  • Watching Out for Germs with Computers
  • Making Sure the Doctor’s Computer Plays Nice

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  • Watching the World Change with Computers
  • Making Maps on the Internet
  • Seeing the World from Very Far Away
  • Finding Hidden Patterns with Computers
  • Making Cities Better with Computers
  • Keeping Track of the Earth with Computers
  • Keeping Track of Wild Animals with Computers
  • Making Maps with Everyone’s Help
  • Seeing the World in 3D
  • Finding Things on the Map with Your Phone

Knowledge Management

  • Helping Computers Remember Things
  • Making Computers Talk About What They Know
  • Finding Secrets in Big Piles of Data
  • Helping Companies Remember What They Know
  • Sharing Secrets with Computers at Work
  • Making Computers Learn from Each Other
  • Making Computers Talk About Their Friends
  • Making Companies Remember Their Secrets
  • Keeping Track of What Companies Know

Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • Finding Out How People Feel on the Internet
  • Finding Names and Places in Stories
  • Making Computers Talk to Each Other
  • Making Computers Answer Questions
  • Making Summaries for Busy People
  • Making Computers Understand Stories
  • Making Computers Understand Pictures and Sounds
  • Making Computers Learn New Words
  • Making Computers Remember What They Read
  • Making Sure Computers Aren’t Mean to Anyone

Information Retrieval and Search Engines

  • Finding Stuff on the Internet
  • Getting Suggestions from the Internet
  • Finding Stuff at Work
  • Helping Computers Find Stuff Faster
  • Making Computers Understand What You Want
  • Finding Stuff on Your Phone
  • Finding Stuff When You’re Moving
  • Finding Stuff Near Where You Are
  • Making Sure Computers Look Everywhere for What You Want

Computer Vision

  • Finding Stuff in Pictures
  • Cutting Up Pictures
  • Watching Videos for Fun
  • Learning from Lots of Pictures
  • Making Pictures with Computers
  • Finding Stuff That Looks Like Other Stuff
  • Finding Secrets in Medical Pictures
  • Finding Out If Pictures Are Real
  • Looking at People’s Faces to Know Them

Quantum Information Science

  • Making Computers Learn Faster with Tricks

Social Robotics

  • Robots That Help People Who Have Trouble Talking
  • Robots That Teach People New Things
  • Making Robots Work with People
  • Helping Kids Learn with Robots
  • Making Sure Robots Aren’t Mean to Anyone
  • Making Robots Understand How People Feel
  • Making Friends with Robots from Different Places
  • Making Sure Robots Respect Different Cultures
  • Helping Robots Learn How to Be Nice

Cloud Robotics

  • Making Robots Work Together from Far Away
  • Making Robots Share Their Toys
  • Making Robots Do Hard Jobs in Different Places
  • Making Robots Save Energy
  • Making Robots Play Together Nicely
  • Making Robots Practice Being Together
  • Making Sure Robots Play Fair
  • Making Robots Follow the Rules

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)

  • Making Robots Work Together with Other Things
  • Keeping Robots Safe from Small Mistakes
  • Keeping Factories Safe from Bad Guys
  • Making Sure Robots Respect Different People
  • Making Sure Robots Work Well with People
  • Keeping Robots Safe from Bad Guys
  • Making Sure Robots Follow the Rules

Biomedical Imaging

  • Taking Pictures of Inside You with Computers
  • Seeing Inside You with Computers
  • Cutting Up Pictures of Inside You
  • Finding Problems Inside You with Computers
  • Cutting Up Pictures and Putting Them Together
  • Counting Inside You with Pictures
  • Making Pictures to Help Doctors
  • Making Lists from Pictures Inside You
  • Making Sure Pictures of You Are Safe

Remote Sensing

  • Watching Earth from Far Away with Computers
  • Making Pictures of Earth Change
  • Taking Pictures from Very High Up
  • Watching Crops Grow with Computers
  • Watching Cities Grow with Computers
  • Watching Earth Change with Computers
  • Watching Earth from Far Away During Emergencies
  • Making Computers Work Together to See Earth
  • Putting Pictures of Earth Together
  • Making Sure Pictures of Earth Are Safe

Cloud Gaming

  • Playing Games from Far Away
  • Making Games Work Faster from Far Away
  • Keeping Games Safe from Bad Guys
  • Making Sure Everyone Can Play Together
  • Making Games Faster from Far Away
  • Watching People Play Games from Far Away
  • Making Sure Games Look Good from Far Away
  • Watching Games Get More Popular

Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Making Glasses That Show Cool Stuff
  • Making Cool Stuff for Glasses to Show
  • Watching Glasses Follow You
  • Watching Phones Show Cool Stuff
  • Making Cool Stuff to Show with Phones
  • Making Places Even Better with Phones
  • Making Factories Even Better with Glasses
  • Making Places Even Better with Glasses
  • Making Sure Glasses Don’t Scare Anyone

Virtual Reality (VR)

  • Making Glasses That Show Different Worlds
  • Making Glasses That Follow Your Hands
  • Making Therapy Fun with Glasses
  • Making Learning Fun with Glasses
  • Making Glasses That Make Jobs Safer
  • Making Glasses That Show Your Friends
  • Making Sure Glasses Are Friendly
  • Making Glasses That Make Buildings Better
  • Making Sure Glasses Aren’t Scary

Digital Twins

  • Making Computers That Copy the Real World
  • Making People Better with Computers
  • Making Flying Safer with Computers
  • Making Cars Safer with Computers
  • Making Energy Better with Computers
  • Making Buildings Better with Computers
  • Making Cities Safer with Computers
  • Making Sure Computers Copy the Real World Safely
  • Making Computers Follow the Rules

Edge Computing

  • Making Computers Work Faster Near You
  • Keeping Computers Safe Near You
  • Making Computers Work with Far-Away Computers
  • Making Computers Work Fast with You
  • Making Computers Work Together Near You
  • Making Phones Work Faster Near You
  • Making Computers Work Near You
  • Making Computers Work in Busy Places

Explainable AI (XAI)

  • Making Computers Explain What They Do
  • Making Medicine Safer with Computers
  • Making Money Safer with Computers
  • Making Computers Safe to Drive Cars
  • Making Computers Fair to Everyone
  • Making Computers Explain What They Think
  • Making Computers Easy to Understand

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)

  • Making Secret Codes Computers Use
  • Making Contracts Computers Can Understand
  • Making Computers Share Secrets Safely
  • Making Money Safe with Computers
  • Making Computers Work Together Nicely
  • Making Computers Keep Secrets Safe
  • Making Computers Work Together Fairly
  • Making Stuff Move Safely with Computers

Quantum Communication

  • Making Computers Talk to Each Other Safely
  • Making Computers Talk to Each Other from Far Away
  • Making Computers Talk to Each Other in Secret
  • Making Money Move Safely with Computers

This list covers a broad spectrum of topics within Information Technology, ranging from foundational concepts to cutting-edge research areas. Feel free to choose any topic that aligns with your interests and expertise for further exploration and study!

Emerging Trends in Information Technology Research

In the rapidly changing world of Computer Studies, keeping up with the latest trends is indispensable. Technology keeps changing, and so does research in computer studies. From awesome things like clever robots to how we can safeguard our online information, computer studies research is always discovering new ways to improve our lives. Therefore, let us delve into some of the most exciting new trends shaping computer studies’ future.

  • Smart Computers:

Right now, smart computers are a hot item. They can learn from experience, recognize patterns, and even understand language like humans do. This helps in many areas, such as healthcare or finance. So researchers are working on making smart computers smarter yet so that they can make decisions alone and be fair to everyone.

  • Fast Computing:

As more devices connect to the Internet, we need ways to process information quickly. Fast computing helps bring processing power closer to where the information comes from, making things quicker and more efficient. Thus, researchers have been figuring out how to improve fast computing, especially for analyzing real-time data.

  • Keeping Things Safe:

With all the cool tech around, keeping our information safe from bad guys is important. We must develop methods to safeguard our data and networks from cyber attackers. In addition, they have also been considering how to ensure the privacy of our personal information so that only authorized individuals can access it.

  • Fancy Computers:

The next big thing in computing is quantum computers. They can do calculations at a high speed that ordinary ones cannot. Researchers are working hard to achieve quantum computing because it could be useful in cracking codes and creating new drugs.

  • New Ways of Doing Things Together:

Blockchain is an exciting technology that allows us to collaborate without a central authority. Its use in cryptocurrencies is quite popular but it has other applications too. Blockchain can be applied for purposes such as helping us discover where products come from, proving who we are on the internet, and making contracts that cannot be changed later on.

  • Virtual Reality Adventures:

Entering a completely different world is what Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) do. The feeling of being in reality is what these two technologies create, which is not real. These researchers are working hard on making VRs and ARs better so that they can be used for learning, training, and amusement in more innovative ways.

In summary, computer studies research keeps changing with new trends such as smart computers, rapid computing, cybersecurity issues, high-end computers, collaboration platforms and immersive games or virtual reality escapades. 

By exploring these trends and developing new ideas, researchers ensure that technology keeps improving and making our lives easier and more exciting.

How can I brainstorm research topics in information technology?

Start by identifying your areas of interest and exploring recent advancements in the field. Consider consulting with mentors or peers for suggestions and feedback.

What are some ethical considerations in AI research?

Ethical considerations in AI research include fairness, transparency, accountability, and privacy. Researchers should ensure their algorithms and models do not perpetuate bias or harm individuals.

How can I stay updated on emerging trends in IT research?

Follow reputable journals, conferences, and online forums dedicated to information technology. Engage with the academic community through discussions and networking events.

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60 Most Interesting Technology Research Topics for 2024

August 22, 2024

Scrambling to find technology research topics for the assignment that’s due sooner than you thought? Take a scroll through these 60 interesting technology essay topics in 10 different categories, including controversial technology topics, and some example research questions for each.

Social Technology Research Topics

Whether you have active profiles on every social media platform, you’ve taken a social media break, or you generally try to limit your engagement as much as possible, you probably understand how pervasive social technologies have become in today’s culture. Social technology will especially appeal to those looking for widely discussed, mainstream technology essay topics.

  • How do viewers respond to virtual influencers vs. human influencers? Is one more effective or ethical over the other?
  • Across social media platforms, when and where is mob mentality most prevalent? How do the nuances of mob mentality shift depending on the platform or topic?
  • Portable devices like cell phones, laptops, and tablets have certainly made daily life easier in some ways. But how have they made daily life more difficult?
  • How does access to social media affect developing brains? And what about mature brains?
  • Can dating apps alter how users perceive and interact with people in real life?
  • Studies have proven “doomscrolling” to negatively impact mental health—could there ever be any positive impacts?
  • How much can bots truly shape or manipulate opinions on social media? Is their influence positive or negative?
  • Social media algorithms can contribute to the spread of sensationalized or controversial stories. Should social media companies be held accountable for misinformation on their platforms?

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Research Topics

Following cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has been a rollercoaster over the last few years. Since Bitcoin’s conception in 2009, cryptocurrency has consistently showed up on many lists of controversial technology topics, and continues to undergo massive shifts in popularity as well as value.

  • Is it ethical for celebrities or influential people to promote cryptocurrencies or cryptographic assets like NFTs ?
  • What are the environmental impacts of mining cryptocurrencies? Could those impacts ever change?
  • How does cryptocurrency impact financial security and financial health?
  • Could the privacy cryptocurrency offers ever be worth the added security risks?
  • How might cryptocurrency regulations and impacts continue to evolve?
  • Created to enable cryptocurrency, blockchain has since proven useful in several other industries. What new uses could blockchain have?

Artificial Intelligence Technology Research Topics

ChatGPT , voice cloning , and deepfakes continue to be a major source of conversation (and contention). While people have discussed artificial intelligence for ages, recent advances have pushed this topic to the front of our minds. Those searching for controversial technology topics should pay close attention to this section.

  • OpenAI –the company behind ChatGPT–has shown commitment to safe, moderated AI tools that they hope will provide positive benefits to society. Sam Altman, their CEO, recently testified before a US Senate committee. He described what AI makes possible and called for more regulation in the industry. But even with companies like OpenAI displaying efforts to produce safe AI and advocating for regulations, can AI ever have a purely positive impact? Are certain pitfalls unavoidable?
  • In a similar vein, can AI ever actually be ethically or safely produced? Will there always be certain risks?
  • How might AI tools impact society across future generations?
  • Countless movies and television shows explore the idea of AI going wrong, going back all the way to 1927’s Metropolis . What has a greater impact on public perception—representations in media or industry developments? And can public perception impact industry developments and their effectiveness?
  • Is it ever okay to use voice cloning or deepfakes without the person’s knowledge or consent?

Beauty and Anti-Aging Technology

Throughout human history, people in many cultures have gone to extreme lengths to capture and maintain youth. But technology has taken this pursuit to another level. For those seeking technology essay topics that are both timely and timeless, this one’s a gold mine.

  • With augmented reality technology, companies like Perfect allow app users to virtually try on makeup, hair color, hair accessories, and hand or wrist accessories. Could virtual try-ons lead to a somewhat less wasteful beauty industry? What downsides should we consider?
  • Users of the Perfect app can also receive virtual diagnoses for skin care issues and virtually “beautify” themselves with smoothed skin, erased blemishes, whitened teeth, brightened under-eye circles, and reshaped facial structures. How could advancements in beauty and anti-aging technology affect self-perception and mental health?
  • What are the best alternatives to animal testing within the beauty and anti-aging industry?
  • Is anti-aging purely a cosmetic pursuit? Could anti-aging technology provide other benefits?
  • Could people actually find a “cure” to aging? And could a cure to aging lead to longer lifespans?
  • How might longer human lifespans affect the Earth?
  • Should social media influencers be expected to disclose when they are using augmented reality, filters, or Photoshop on their photos?

Geoengineering Technology Research Topics

An umbrella term, geoengineering refers to large-scale technologies that can alter the earth and its climate. Typically, these types of technologies aim to combat climate change. Those searching for controversial technology topics should consider looking into this one.

  • What benefits can solar geoengineering provide? Can they outweigh the severe risks?
  • Compare solar geoengineering methods like mirrors in space, stratospheric aerosol injection, marine cloud brightening, and other proposed methods. How have these methods evolved? How might they continue to evolve?
  • Which direct air capture methods are most sustainable?
  • How can technology contribute to reforestation efforts?
  • What are the best uses for biochar? And how can biochar help or harm the earth?
  • Out of all the carbon geoengineering methods that exist or have been proposed, which should we focus on the most?
  • Given the potential unintended consequences, is geoengineering ethical?

Creative and Performing Arts Technology Topics

While tensions often arise between artists and technology, they’ve also maintained a symbiotic relationship in many ways. It’s complicated. But of course, that’s what makes it interesting. Here’s another option for those searching for hot-button technology essay topics.

  • How has the relationship between art and technology evolved over time?
  • How has technology impacted the ways people create art? And how has technology impacted the ways people engage with art?
  • Technology has made creating and viewing art widely accessible. Does this increased accessibility change the value of art? And do we value physical art more than digital art?
  • Does technology complement storytelling in the performing arts? Or does technology hinder storytelling in the performing arts?
  • Which current issues in the creative or performing arts could potentially be solved with technology?
  • Should digital or AI-generated art be valued in the same way as more traditional art forms, like drawing, painting, or sculpting?

Cellular Agriculture Technology Research Topics

And another route for those drawn to controversial technology topics: cellular agriculture. You’ve probably heard about popular plant-based meat options from brands like Impossible and Beyond Meat . While products made with cellular agriculture also don’t require the raising and slaughtering of livestock, they are not plant-based. Cellular agriculture allows for the production of animal-sourced foods and materials made from cultured animal cells.

  • Many consumers have a proven bias against plant-based meats. Will that same bias extend to cultured meat, despite cultured meat coming from actual animal cells?
  • Which issues can arise from patenting genes?
  • Does the animal agriculture industry provide any benefits that cellular agriculture may have trouble replicating?
  • How might products made with cellular agriculture become more affordable?
  • Could cellular agriculture conflict with the notion of a “ circular bioeconomy ?” And should we strive for a circular bioeconomy? Can we create a sustainable relationship between technology, capitalism, and the environment, with or without cellular agriculture?

Transportation Technology Research Topics

For decades, we’ve expected flying cars to carry us into a techno-utopia, where everything’s shiny, digital, and easy. We’ve heard promises of super fast trains that can zap us across the country or even across the world. We’ve imagined spring breaks on the moon, jet packs, and teleportation. Who wouldn’t love the option to go anywhere, anytime, super quickly? Transportation technology is another great option for those seeking widely discussed, mainstream technology essay topics.

  • Once upon a time, Lady Gaga was set to perform in space as a promotion for Virgin Galactic . While Virgin Galactic never actually launched the iconic musician/actor, they launched their first commercial flight full of civilians–who paid $450,000 a pop–on a 90-minute trip into the stars in 2023. And if you think that’s pricey, SpaceX launched three businessmen into space for $55 million in April 2022 (though with meals included, this is actually a total steal). So should we be launching people into space just for fun? What are the impacts of space tourism?
  • Could technology improve the way hazardous materials get transported?
  • How can the 5.9 GHz Safety Band affect drivers?
  • Which might be safer: self-driving cars or self-flying airplanes?
  • Compare hyperloop and maglev.  Which is better and why?
  • Can technology improve safety for cyclists?

Gaming Technology Topics

A recent study involving over 2,000 children found links between video game play and enhanced cognitive abilities. While many different studies have found the impacts of video games to be positive or neutral, we still don’t fully understand the impact of every type of video game on every type of brain. Regardless, most people have opinions on video gaming. So this one’s for those seeking widely discussed, mainstream, and controversial technology topics.

  • Are different types or genres of video games more cognitively beneficial than others? Or are certain gaming consoles more cognitively beneficial than others?
  • How do the impacts of video games differ from other types of games, such as board games or puzzles?
  • What ethical challenges and safety risks come with virtual reality gaming?
  • How does a player perceive reality during a virtual reality game compared to other types of video games?
  • Can neurodivergent brains benefit from video games in different ways than neurotypical brains?

Medical Technology

Advancements in healthcare have the power to change and save lives. In the last ten years, countless new medical technologies have been developed, and in the next ten years, countless more will likely emerge. Always relevant and often controversial, this final technology research topic could interest anyone.

  • Which ethical issues might arise from editing genes using CRISPR-Cas9 technology? And should this technology continue to be illegal in the United States?
  • How has telemedicine impacted patients and the healthcare they receive?
  • Can neurotechnology devices potentially affect a user’s agency, identity, privacy, and/or cognitive liberty?
  • How could the use of medical 3-D printing continue to evolve?
  • Are patients more likely to skip digital therapeutics than in-person therapeutic methods? And can the increased screen time required by digital therapeutics impact mental health?

Now that you’ve picked from this list of technology essay topics, do a deep dive and immerse yourself in new ideas, new information, and new perspectives. And of course, now that these topics have motivated you to change the world, look into the best computer science schools , the top feeders to tech and Silicon Valley , the best summer programs for STEM students , and the best biomedical engineering schools .

  • High School Success

Mariya holds a BFA in Creative Writing from the Pratt Institute and is currently pursuing an MFA in writing at the University of California Davis. Mariya serves as a teaching assistant in the English department at UC Davis. She previously served as an associate editor at Carve Magazine for two years, where she managed 60 fiction writers. She is the winner of the 2015 Stony Brook Fiction Prize, and her short stories have been published in Mid-American Review , Cutbank , Sonora Review , New Orleans Review , and The Collagist , among other magazines.

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masters research topics in information technology

Research Topics & Ideas: CompSci & IT

50+ Computer Science Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

IT & Computer Science Research Topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a computer science-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of CompSci & IT-related research ideas and topic thought-starters, including algorithms, AI, networking, database systems, UX, information security and software engineering.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the CompSci domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: CompSci Research Topics

  • Algorithms & data structures
  • Artificial intelligence ( AI )
  • Computer networking
  • Database systems
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Information security (IS)
  • Software engineering
  • Examples of CompSci dissertation & theses

Topics/Ideas: Algorithms & Data Structures

  • An analysis of neural network algorithms’ accuracy for processing consumer purchase patterns
  • A systematic review of the impact of graph algorithms on data analysis and discovery in social media network analysis
  • An evaluation of machine learning algorithms used for recommender systems in streaming services
  • A review of approximation algorithm approaches for solving NP-hard problems
  • An analysis of parallel algorithms for high-performance computing of genomic data
  • The influence of data structures on optimal algorithm design and performance in Fintech
  • A Survey of algorithms applied in internet of things (IoT) systems in supply-chain management
  • A comparison of streaming algorithm performance for the detection of elephant flows
  • A systematic review and evaluation of machine learning algorithms used in facial pattern recognition
  • Exploring the performance of a decision tree-based approach for optimizing stock purchase decisions
  • Assessing the importance of complete and representative training datasets in Agricultural machine learning based decision making.
  • A Comparison of Deep learning algorithms performance for structured and unstructured datasets with “rare cases”
  • A systematic review of noise reduction best practices for machine learning algorithms in geoinformatics.
  • Exploring the feasibility of applying information theory to feature extraction in retail datasets.
  • Assessing the use case of neural network algorithms for image analysis in biodiversity assessment

Topics & Ideas: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Applying deep learning algorithms for speech recognition in speech-impaired children
  • A review of the impact of artificial intelligence on decision-making processes in stock valuation
  • An evaluation of reinforcement learning algorithms used in the production of video games
  • An exploration of key developments in natural language processing and how they impacted the evolution of Chabots.
  • An analysis of the ethical and social implications of artificial intelligence-based automated marking
  • The influence of large-scale GIS datasets on artificial intelligence and machine learning developments
  • An examination of the use of artificial intelligence in orthopaedic surgery
  • The impact of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) on transparency and trust in supply chain management
  • An evaluation of the role of artificial intelligence in financial forecasting and risk management in cryptocurrency
  • A meta-analysis of deep learning algorithm performance in predicting and cyber attacks in schools

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Networking

  • An analysis of the impact of 5G technology on internet penetration in rural Tanzania
  • Assessing the role of software-defined networking (SDN) in modern cloud-based computing
  • A critical analysis of network security and privacy concerns associated with Industry 4.0 investment in healthcare.
  • Exploring the influence of cloud computing on security risks in fintech.
  • An examination of the use of network function virtualization (NFV) in telecom networks in Southern America
  • Assessing the impact of edge computing on network architecture and design in IoT-based manufacturing
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities in 6G wireless network adoption
  • The role of network congestion control algorithms in improving network performance on streaming platforms
  • An analysis of network coding-based approaches for data security
  • Assessing the impact of network topology on network performance and reliability in IoT-based workspaces

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Topics & Ideas: Database Systems

  • An analysis of big data management systems and technologies used in B2B marketing
  • The impact of NoSQL databases on data management and analysis in smart cities
  • An evaluation of the security and privacy concerns of cloud-based databases in financial organisations
  • Exploring the role of data warehousing and business intelligence in global consultancies
  • An analysis of the use of graph databases for data modelling and analysis in recommendation systems
  • The influence of the Internet of Things (IoT) on database design and management in the retail grocery industry
  • An examination of the challenges and opportunities of distributed databases in supply chain management
  • Assessing the impact of data compression algorithms on database performance and scalability in cloud computing
  • An evaluation of the use of in-memory databases for real-time data processing in patient monitoring
  • Comparing the effects of database tuning and optimization approaches in improving database performance and efficiency in omnichannel retailing

Topics & Ideas: Human-Computer Interaction

  • An analysis of the impact of mobile technology on human-computer interaction prevalence in adolescent men
  • An exploration of how artificial intelligence is changing human-computer interaction patterns in children
  • An evaluation of the usability and accessibility of web-based systems for CRM in the fast fashion retail sector
  • Assessing the influence of virtual and augmented reality on consumer purchasing patterns
  • An examination of the use of gesture-based interfaces in architecture
  • Exploring the impact of ease of use in wearable technology on geriatric user
  • Evaluating the ramifications of gamification in the Metaverse
  • A systematic review of user experience (UX) design advances associated with Augmented Reality
  • A comparison of natural language processing algorithms automation of customer response Comparing end-user perceptions of natural language processing algorithms for automated customer response
  • Analysing the impact of voice-based interfaces on purchase practices in the fast food industry

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Topics & Ideas: Information Security

  • A bibliometric review of current trends in cryptography for secure communication
  • An analysis of secure multi-party computation protocols and their applications in cloud-based computing
  • An investigation of the security of blockchain technology in patient health record tracking
  • A comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms for instant text messaging
  • A systematic review of secure data storage solutions used for cloud computing in the fintech industry
  • An analysis of intrusion detection and prevention systems used in the healthcare sector
  • Assessing security best practices for IoT devices in political offices
  • An investigation into the role social media played in shifting regulations related to privacy and the protection of personal data
  • A comparative study of digital signature schemes adoption in property transfers
  • An assessment of the security of secure wireless communication systems used in tertiary institutions

Topics & Ideas: Software Engineering

  • A study of agile software development methodologies and their impact on project success in pharmacology
  • Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments
  • A study of the impact of DevOps practices on software development and delivery in the healthcare sector
  • An analysis of software architecture patterns and their impact on the maintainability and scalability of cloud-based offerings
  • A study of the impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on software engineering practices in the education sector
  • An investigation of software testing techniques and methodologies for subscription-based offerings
  • A review of software security practices and techniques for protecting against phishing attacks from social media
  • An analysis of the impact of cloud computing on the rate of software development and deployment in the manufacturing sector
  • Exploring the impact of software development outsourcing on project success in multinational contexts
  • An investigation into the effect of poor software documentation on app success in the retail sector

CompSci & IT Dissertations/Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a CompSci-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various CompSci-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • An array-based optimization framework for query processing and data analytics (Chen, 2021)
  • Dynamic Object Partitioning and replication for cooperative cache (Asad, 2021)
  • Embedding constructural documentation in unit tests (Nassif, 2019)
  • PLASA | Programming Language for Synchronous Agents (Kilaru, 2019)
  • Healthcare Data Authentication using Deep Neural Network (Sekar, 2020)
  • Virtual Reality System for Planetary Surface Visualization and Analysis (Quach, 2019)
  • Artificial neural networks to predict share prices on the Johannesburg stock exchange (Pyon, 2021)
  • Predicting household poverty with machine learning methods: the case of Malawi (Chinyama, 2022)
  • Investigating user experience and bias mitigation of the multi-modal retrieval of historical data (Singh, 2021)
  • Detection of HTTPS malware traffic without decryption (Nyathi, 2022)
  • Redefining privacy: case study of smart health applications (Al-Zyoud, 2019)
  • A state-based approach to context modeling and computing (Yue, 2019)
  • A Novel Cooperative Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Solomon, 2019)
  • HRSB-Tree for Spatio-Temporal Aggregates over Moving Regions (Paduri, 2019)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Research Topic

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your Computer Science dissertation or research project, check out our Topic Kickstarter service.

Ernest Joseph

Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments.

Steps on getting this project topic


I want to work with this topic, am requesting materials to guide.

Yadessa Dugassa

Information Technology -MSc program

Andrew Itodo

It’s really interesting but how can I have access to the materials to guide me through my work?

Sorie A. Turay

That’s my problem also.


Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments is in my favour. May i get the proper material about that ?



Nanbon Temasgen


Andrew Alafassi

Database Management Systems

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masters research topics in information technology

  • Master of ICT Research

Become a knowledge creator

Researchers create original knowledge, which drives the digital economy.

The Master of ICT Research is an advanced coursework and research program. Coursework will consist of one year of study in three broad fields in ICT, including Research proposals, followed by a year of Research thesis to complete. The research degree teaches you the fundamentals of knowledge creation. The skills you gain will support you throughout your career.

This course will give you a broad grounding in networking, data analytics, telecommunication engineering and the Internet of Things. Then you'll choose one area to focus on in your research and dissertation. You'll learn to solve complex problems with innovative ideas.

Your research will contribute to the fourth industrial revolution. You'll become a subject matter expert with the chance of being published or speaking at conferences presenting your research.

2 Years (4 Semesters) Full-Time or Equivalent Part-Time
March, July
Sydney, Melbourne
Level 9


2 Years (4 Semesters) Full-Time or Equivalent Part-Time
March, July, November
110649K (VIC), 110690J (NSW)
Sydney, Melbourne
Level 9


The Master of ICT Research teaches you the fundamentals of knowledge creation. The skills you gain will support you throughout your career.

This course will give you a broad grounding in networking, data analytics, telecommunication engineering and the Internet of Things. Then you'll choose one area to focus on in your research and dissertation. You’ll learn to solve complex problems with innovative ideas.


Problem solving.

Use the latest tools to learn how to design, test the performance of systems and strengthen online networks.


Identify a real-world business problem and investigate possible solutions.


Learn to apply research skills in uncharted business domains to create original knowledge.


Graduate with strategic industry research skills and knowledge ready to find rewarding roles in this growing field.


Get all the support you need from our research mentors and supervisors. 


Learn to extract meaning from raw data and apply machine learning techniques.


Graduates of this course will work in ICT and related industries, including:

  • Data Analyst
  • Data Management
  • Network Analyst
  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Forensic Computer Analyst
  • Mobile Communication Engineers
  • Cloud Engineers
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning

You can find work in software engineering companies like Google, AWS, KPMG, Defence, CISCO, Huawei, Ericsson, Telstra, and Optus. Or find research roles within the public sector or higher education.


Accreditation, course structure, course units, research areas, learning outcomes, entry requirements, tools we use, fee information, how to apply.

Create and share knowledge

When you conduct research, you learn through action. The Master of ICT Research blends ICT and research skills. This combination will allow you to enrich business strategy and project management, improving decision-making.

You can look at research as uniting several core elements. There's critical thinking, identifying and solving problems, data collection and analysis and communication. Each one of these elements is vital for your future success.

Career outcomes

MIT has designed this course to address current industry demand. Graduates become professionals with sharpened business skills and leadership potential.

The average entry level salary for non-doctorate researcher jobs in Australia ranges from $70k to $100k. Researchers enjoy working in both higher education and business sectors.


The Master of ICT Research is accredited by

  • TEQSA (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency)
  • Australian Quality Framework (AQF) Level 9

MIT has a proud history of providing quality assured and accredited qualifications in Information Technology and has been a leader in creating flexible courses that adapt to new technologies as they emerge.

The economy of the future relies on original knowledge creation and skills to support Industry 4 and beyond. Research is an important tool to assess what's working and what's not.

This course produces graduates with a blend of in-demand IT skills. With these skills, you'll be able to improve decision-making in business.

Graduate with the professional skills to pursue a rewarding career in leadership.

The Master of ICT Research course builds strong research skills, including

  • analytical thinking and innovation
  • problem identification and problem solving
  • data collection and analysis
  • information dissemination and communication
  • active learning skills
  • development and application of algorithms

These skills are key if you want to excel in your career. The World Economic Forum includes these skills within the top 10 skills in most demand in the workplace.

Students develop applied technical skills, including

  • developing computer networks
  • defending computer networks and infrastructure
  • designing and deploying communication networks
  • deriving intelligence from data with advanced analytics algorithms and software
  • gaining mastery of the tools and techniques used for data management and analysis

Students get hands-on experience

  • applying machine learning and optimisation techniques
  • learning to find critical patterns in datasets
  • extracting meaning from raw data
  • developing analytic dashboards
  • creating visual presentations for non-technical audiences
  • design and implementation of modern networks
  • deploying IOT systems
  • planning of mobile communication networks
  • market potentials of new technologies

By the time you graduate, you'll be able to create communication circuits. You'll also have the skills to apply system design software to the Internet of things and other networks.

Your thesis will rely on

* statistics and probabilistic reasoning

* research design

* innovation and leadership in research

Each unit consists of 20 credit points. However, Master thesis unit consists of 60 credit points. A full-time study load is 60 credit points per trimester.

MN404 and MN405 are available for students who need to supplement their undergraduate degree program. Students who have gaps in their undergraduate program will need to undertake these units to ensure they meet prerequisite requirements for core units.

A typical course outline:

Two electives + one advanced elective from the same specialisation

AIM100 Academic Integrity Module*

MRS0l Research Skills

MR502 Quant & Qua I Research Techniques

  • MR601 Research Proposal & Literature Review

MR603 Research Thesis 1 (pre-requisite MR601)

MR604 Research Thesis 2 (pre-requisite MR603)

  • MR501 Research Skills
  • MR502 Quant & Qual Research Techniques
  • MR603 Research Thesis 1  (prerequisite MR601 )
  • MR604 Research Thesis 2  (prerequisite MR603 )

Elective Units

  • MDA511 Statistical Methods
  • MDA512 Data Science
  • MDA522 Artificial Intelligence
  • MN502 Overview of Network Security
  • MN622 Software Defined Networks
  • MN604 IT Security Management
  • ME502 Digital Communications
  • ME503 Telecommunication System Engineering
  • ME601 Communication Modelling and Simulations

Advanced Electives

  • MDA522 Artificial Intelligence ( MDA512 )
  • MDA611 Predictive Analytics ( MDA511 )
  • MDA621 Big Data Analytics and Visualization ( MDA512 )
  • MN623 Cyber Security and Analytics ( MN502 )
  • MN621 Advanced Network Design
  • MN612 Enterprise Architecture
  • ME602 Mobile and Satellite Communication Systems ( ME601 )
  • ME693 Software Defined Radio Communication ( ME502 )
  • ME606 Digital Signal Processing ( ME502 )
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Analytics/ Data Science
  • Software Engineering
  • Telecommunications Engineering
  • Computational Intelligence
  • Micro Robotics
  • Mechatronics
  • Remote Sensing
  • Analyse and evaluate complex problems to devise ethical technical solutions within the Information Technology knowledge domain;
  • Skillfully demonstrate initiative, resilience, expert judgement and autonomy as a learner;
  • Demonstrate in-depth specialist understanding of a complex suite of knowledge by contributing to a body of knowledge using research methods and principles;
  • Apply highly developed communication skills to disseminate research outcomes for a variety of mediums and audiences;

The requirements for admission to this course are:

  • A completed Australian Bachelor degree or equivalent in any ICT discipline.
  • IELTS Academic, Overall 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.
  • Other qualifications and experience may, upon application by the student, be deemed equivalent to the coursework units by the Academic Board of the Institute.

English Language Requirements

IELTS Academic

Overall score 6.5 (no band less than 6.0)

Overall score 79-93 with minimum scores: Reading 13, Listening 12,  Speaking 18, Writing 21

PTE Academic

Overall score 58 with no score less than 50

Cambridge CAE

CAE score of 176 (no band less than 169)

For further information:

  • Institute Entry Requirement
  • MIT Admissions Policy and Procedures
  • HDR Candidature Management and Support Policy

Applicants must meet the academic entry requirements, including prerequisites for their chosen course.

Credit Transfer

Students can gain credit for learning already achieved. Applicants are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Learn more about credit transfer. Read more about the process .

Applications for credit transfer must be made before or during orientation and enrollment week.


masters research topics in information technology

Students studying at MIT may be eligible for FEE-HELP. FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that assists eligible fee-paying students to pay their tuition fees. An eligible person may borrow up to the FEE-HELP limit to pay tuition fees over their lifetime.

Read more about FEE-HELP or visit Study Assist .

For fee information visit the tuition fee page.

Financial Assistance

Youth and student allowances

For details on Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY, visit Human Services .

  • Admissions policy and procedure
  • Appeals and grievances procedures

For further information please visit

  • Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency
  • Quality Indicators for Teaching and Learning
  • Australian Qualifications Framework

For 2023-2024 fee information visit the tuition fee page.


What are the entry requirements.

  • Successful completion of Australian equivalent relevant bachelor's or master's degree
  • IELTS score 6.5 or equivalent, with no band score below 6.0.

Students who completed a degree in Australia may be eligible for an English language waiver.

Do students need to know what topic they want to look at for their research thesis?

No, they don't need to know their topic before they start the degree. We've designed the course to introduce students to a range of topics so they can pick one that interests them.

How much support is available during the research process?

We will support students with both primary and secondary supervision from early in the course when they select their chosen subject area.

How many words is the research thesis?

The research thesis will be 20,000 - 30,000 words.

How long will it take to write the research thesis?

We expect students to begin their research thesis research towards the end of their first year of study and over that holiday period. They'll then be working intensively on their thesis until the end of the second year of study.

Where can students expect to publish their thesis?

A simplified excerpt of your thesis could appear in a publication like The Conversation.

Can I work while doing my research degree in Australia?

You must check your visa conditions so you understand all the restrictions on your student visa. You can do this on the Department of Home Affairs Visa Entitlement Verification Online system (VEVO) . If you are a postgraduate research student on a student visa, you can work without any limitations during your studies. However, you'll need to maintain full-time enrollment and finish your course within the duration specified in your eCoE.

Student work hour restrictions

Student type When a course is in session When a course is not in session
ELLICOS, undergraduate and postgraduate students who have started their course 48 hours per fortnight Unlimited hours
Graduate research degree students who have started their course Unlimited hours N/A

Work hour restrictions for dependants

Dependant type When a course is in session When a course is not in session
Dependants of student visa holders enrolled in a Master's and Research degree Unlimited hours N/A
Dependants of student visa holders enrolled in an ELICOS and undergraduate degree 48 hours per fortnight N/A

Please visit the Department of Home Affairs website for a complete list of work and other visa conditions.

Can students study this course online?

This course is available on campus, face-to-face, in Melbourne and Sydney.


Before applying, make sure you:

  • Meet the course entry requirements for the course you want to apply for.
  • Have all your details ready—for example, your educational history, personal details, academic transcripts and award certificates.

What to include with your application?

  • Evidence of completion of your previous studies that is award certificates or transcript with completion confirmed.
  • Proof of identity, for example, your passport or birth certificate or citizenship.
  • Evidence of English language skills (if you completed studies from a non-English speaking country).
  • Proof of your permanent residency or citizenship if you were born overseas.

Certifying your academic documents

You should provide  certified copies  of your academic and other essential documents at the time of application.

Uploading your documents

You must upload all requested documents at the time of the application.

Learn more about the whole of the institution set here .

Phone our friendly student recruitment team on 1800 648 669. [email protected]

  • Certified copies of your academic documents such as your results and award certificates;
  • Certified copy of your passport and visa copy if you have a visa;
  • Evidence of English language skills test-for example, IELTS, PTE and TOEFL;
  • Employment-related documents such as employment letter and resume (where applicable).

If you are looking to apply for a credit transfer, you must submit the following supporting documents with your credit application:

  • Certified copy of relevant award certificates and results for any studies that you have completed;
  • Unit descriptions;
  • Credit Transfer Application Form - download and complete
  • For further information about credit transfer, click here .

You should provide certified copies of your academic and other essential documents at the time of application.

Offshore international students must apply through an MIT authorised agent in their home country.

Download admission forms

  • MIT International Student Application Form
  • MIT English Language Application Form
  • Non-Award & Cross Institutional Application From
  • Federation University Australia International Student Application Form


For 2023-24 fee information visit the tuition fee page.


Businesses are shifting from specialist IT teams to integrated, multi-skilled teams. Employers are demanding graduates who are innovative thinkers, who can work collaboratively and can solve problems to create cost-effective business solutions.

That’s why we focus on meaningful individual research projects and building industry connections for all students in our industry projects.

These units provide students with real-world experience working for an industry client.

  • Develop vital soft skills, like leadership, communication and negotiation, when you communicate and collaborate with a team of your peers
  • Conduct high-level research, analysis and development
  • Tackle complex real-world problems with technical and creative skills


  • Expert in big data and telecommunications network

masters research topics in information technology

Johnson Ihyeh Abgbinya

Head of school of it and engineering and course coordinator master of engineering (telecommunications).

Professor Agbinya is the author of a number of textbooks on networks and wireless communication. There’s no better person to learn from. His research includes inductive communication systems, big data analytics, wireless power transfer and the Internet of Things. He leads the Engineering and IT Schools at MIT.

His previous experience includes lecturing at the University of Technology Sydney, and senior research roles at Vodafone Australia and CSIRO Telecommunications developing speech recognition software for mobile phones.


Specialist knowledge.

MIT has provided tertiary education in leading industries since 1996. We have an outstanding reputation in business, IT and engineering.


masters research topics in information technology

When you study a Master of ICT Research, you’ll make friends and industry connections that last a lifetime. Our welcoming student support team will help you start your career on the right foot and stay in touch as your career progresses. Our alumni network is active and encouraging.


At MIT you’re more than a number. Our teachers know students by name. And our teaching methods support and challenge you to reach your potential.

Our care goes beyond the classroom. We ensure students have the support and skills they need to succeed in life and study.

We understand that choosing a course can be daunting at times. Our friendly student support service is there to answer your questions.


At MIT you’ll experience great teaching in a supportive environment. And you’ll graduate with the skills you need to succeed.

Call our friendly student services team today to discuss your learning journey on +61 3 8600 6700.


  download student guide.

Fill in your details below to contact our course advisors

  • Bachelor of Business, major in Accounting
  • Bachelor of Business, major in Business Analytics
  • Bachelor of Business, major in Digital Marketing
  • Bachelor of Business, major in Management
  • Bachelor of Business, major in Marketing
  • Bachelor of Business, major in Marketing and Digital Communications
  • Master of Professional Accounting
  • Graduate Diploma of Accounting
  • Master of Business Analytics
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You are here, innovative learning analytics online master’s program advances education.

Clusters of dots representing data, most of which are connected by a network of lines.

Artificial intelligence and data analytics are revolutionizing education — from traditional K–12 classrooms to advanced research labs — and Penn GSE’s Learning Analytics online M.S.Ed. program is perfectly timed to meet this growing demand. The program equips aspiring data scientists and educators with the skills to significantly impact various educational sectors, including schools, educational technology, and policymaking. 

The Learning Analytics program is designed for part-time and full-time students to develop measurement, analysis, and predictive modeling expertise. Students will also master advanced technologies such as generative AI, machine learning, and intelligent instruction and tutoring. 

Penn GSE Professor Ryan Baker , who also serves as the Penn Center for Learning Analytics director, says the program offers wide applications across the education sector. For instance, predictive analytics can help schools and districts identify students at risk for dropping out, enabling timely interventions. An ed-tech company can also use learning analytics to develop adaptive learning programs that tailor content to individual students’ needs, or a university can deploy data to analyze its curriculum resources. 

“Our goal is to get people with methodological tools, and also [with] the understanding of how to do … the real work in ways that are fair and don’t promote bias and don’t violate privacy,” Baker said. “There are a ton of potential applications.” 

With entry points in both the fall and spring, the program allows students to tailor their studies to fit their schedules, enabling them to apply their knowledge in their current roles immediately. 

The program enrolled 23 students in its first year, and a second-year cohort started in August. Students tune in from across the U.S., East Asia, and Europe. 

Baker said most students have worked in education in schools, policy, or government and want to burnish their data and contemporary analytics skills. They don’t need a computer science degree to participate, although Python, a high-level programming language, is necessary. 

Next year, the program will be named “Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence” and expand the focus on generative AI. 

Baker said Penn GSE’s program is a lab for new technologies. Students use intelligent tutor-based assignments, video discussion tools, and an AI assistant called JeepyTA that answers questions and gives real-time feedback as they work through ideas and assignments. There’s even a video discussion tool where students have conversations moderated by a video version of Baker. 

Baker said the program’s strengths are innovation and research. 

“The capacity of our faculty is outstanding, and we’re also very pedagogically experimental,” Baker said. “We’re not just doing lectures and programming assignments. We aren’t just teaching about learning analytics and artificial intelligence in education; we are actually using them to improve the program.” 

Learning Analytics students say their cohorts are tight-knit, and Penn GSE professors are accessible and supportive. 

“The program may be online, but the experience has been personal,” said Cesar Flores. 

Flores didn’t set out to work in education or technology. After college, he joined the family grocery business. He worked for a grocery brokerage firm, where he experimented with a new data analytics program and quickly became a one-person analytics department. 

Intrigued, Flores returned to school for a master’s in applied data sciences and worked as an adjunct professor in data analytics at Lone Star College. After joining a Dallas-based educational nonprofit, he applied to Penn GSE’s program to combine his passions for technology and education and use data to advance education. 

“I see technology as a tool that can help close the educational learning gap between students in economically disadvantaged communities and those who do not come from such communities,” Flores said. 

Students from across the Penn community can take individual courses. Mariana Riestra enrolled in Baker’s Big Data, Education, and Society class to complement her International Educational Development program and her job in alumni relations at Penn GSE. 

“Learning analytics plays an important role in maintaining a student-centered approach toward education through measuring learning growth and outcomes,” Riestra said. 

Another student, Lemar White, attends classes from Maryland, where he works for Google as the head of inclusive learning and development. White holds an MBA from Texas A&M University-Commerce and an Ed.D. from Northeastern University. He enrolled in Penn GSE’s program to burnish his data science expertise. 

“I wanted to gain the knowledge and skill set to use data effectively to make decisions about future learning experiences and learning design for Googlers,” White said. 

For his part, Baker envisions the program growing to hundreds of students learning data analytics and advanced methods for the greater good of education. 

“I want to expand the pool of people using these methods well to impact kids and adult learners,” Baker said. 

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masters research topics in information technology

Special Topics in Information Technology

  • Open Access
  • © 2021

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  • Angelo Geraci 0

Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB), Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

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Part of the book series: SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology (BRIEFSAPPLSCIENCES)

Part of the book sub series: PoliMI SpringerBriefs (BRIEFSPOLIMI)

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8 Citations

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About this book

This open access book presents thirteen outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers.

Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications.

Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program. This book gathers the outcomes of the thirteen best theses defended in 2019-20 and selected for the IT PhD Award. Each of the authors provides a chapter summarizing his/her findings, including an introduction, description of methods, main achievements and future work on the topic. Hence, the book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists.

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Information Technologies in FPRS

  • Information Technology
  • PhD Springer Award
  • Politecnico DEIB
  • Polimi PhD School
  • artificial intelligence
  • computer system architectures


  • Open access

Table of contents (13 chapters)

Front matter, machine-learning defined networking: towards intelligent networks.

  • Sebastian Troia

Traffic Management in Networks with Programmable Data Planes

  • Davide Sanvito


Frequency synthesizers based on fast-locking bang-bang pll for cellular applications.

  • Luca Bertulessi

Inductorless Frequency Synthesizers for Low-Cost Wireless

  • Alessio Santiccioli

Characterization and Modeling of Spin-Transfer Torque (STT) Magnetic Memory for Computing Applications

  • Roberto Carboni

One Step in-Memory Solution of Inverse Algebraic Problems

  • Giacomo Pedretti

Development of a 3” LaBr3 SiPM-Based Detection Module for High Resolution Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Imaging

  • Giovanni Ludovico Montagnani

Computer Science and Engineering

Velocity on the web.

  • Riccardo Tommasini

Preplay Communication in Multi-Player Sequential Games: An Overview of Recent Results

  • Andrea Celli

Systems and Control

Leadership games: multiple followers, multiple leaders, and perfection.

  • Alberto Marchesi

Advancing Joint Design and Operation of Water Resources Systems Under Uncertainty

  • Federica Bertoni

Optimization-Based Control of Microgrids for Ancillary Services Provision and Islanded Operation

  • Alessio La Bella

Allowing a Real Collaboration Between Humans and Robots

  • Andrea Casalino

Editors and Affiliations

Angelo Geraci

Bibliographic Information

Book Title : Special Topics in Information Technology

Editors : Angelo Geraci

Series Title : SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62476-7

Publisher : Springer Cham

eBook Packages : Engineering , Engineering (R0)

Copyright Information : The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2021

Softcover ISBN : 978-3-030-62475-0 Published: 27 February 2021

eBook ISBN : 978-3-030-62476-7 Published: 26 February 2021

Series ISSN : 2191-530X

Series E-ISSN : 2191-5318

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : VIII, 148

Number of Illustrations : 9 b/w illustrations, 47 illustrations in colour

Topics : Communications Engineering, Networks , Control and Systems Theory , Data Structures and Information Theory

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MSc in Information Technology (Research)

Faculty Website:    Faculty of Science Department:  Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering Programme Level: Postgraduate Programme Name:  MSc in Information Technology (Research) Programme Code: M2013Q

Medium of Facilitation: part-time, Full-Time NQF Level:  9 NQF Credits:  180 SAQA:  74033

Application Start Date : 1 April 2024 Application End Date: 14 March 2025

Campus:  Auckland Park Kingsway

Contacts: 011 559 2842 Email: [email protected]

Duration of Study:  2 Years Full-Time and 3 Years Part-Time

Programme Fees

The primary purpose of the MSc dissertation is to provide students with specialised advanced education and training while meeting the requirements of a specific research component so that students can master the required experimental and technological skills and necessary fieldwork competencies such as innovation, decision-making, strategic thinking and organisational skills. A dissertation-based Master of Science degree consists of a comprehensive study of a specialized area in the field of specialisation, reported on and submitted in the form of a dissertation at the end of the programme. The degree demands a high level of intellectual and theoretical knowledge and insight into problems related to the field of study and of critical reasoning, formulation, analysis and evaluation of a specific problem in the field of study.

Admission Requirements

The Masters study programme comprises a dissertation based on an approved topic. In addition, a minimum result of 65% in the preceding Honours Degree is required for admission. Furthermore, the general rules for master’s degrees are applicable. Rules of Access: An HBS310 Degree (BSc Hons Information Technology)

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Extended BSc in Life and Environmental Sciences (Zoology and Chemistry)

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Master of Information and Communications Technology (Research)

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The Master of Information and Communications Technology (Research) exposes you to advanced topics and research in the field of Information and Communications Technology. This degree is comprised of a programwork component that is followed by a full-time-equivalent year of supervised research training. The main goal of the degree is to provide you with an opportunity to develop research skills appropriate to the ICT discipline.

Full Time: 2.5 Years

Next Start Date

06 January 2025

30 June 2025

End of Session

Indicative annual fee from $11,885

Additional Information

Program Code: 8112

CRICOS Code: 092789G


Lead the tech world

This degree provides a pathway to Higher Degree Research studies by engaging you in research projects within the University or in collaboration with an external organisation.

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With a postgraduate degree from Western you can elevate your career. Expand your knowledge, develop new networks and enhance your career prospects with us.

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What you can expect to study

The program structure is outlined in our handbook . Here you can view all of the subjects you will be studying.

Career Opportunities

As a graduate of this research program, you can look forward to career opportunities in:

  • Systems Architecture
  • Systems Integration
  • Research and Academia

Entry requirements for domestic students

Please consult the handbook for more information regarding entry requirements for this course.

You can read more about special requirements here.

Entry requirements for international students

**Please note, if this course lists a part-time option, this is not available to International Students on a Student Visa.

You can read more about  international academic entry requirements here.

Indicative annual fee

The fee estimates provided are indicative only and subject to change. These estimates are based on the current fee structures for a normal full time study load. However, the final fees may vary depending on several factors, including the specific subjects chosen, the duration and timing of study, and annual fee adjustments (subject to Commonwealth student contribution band rates). Please note that these estimates do not include the Student Services and Amenities Fee. We encourage all prospective and current students to consult with our  Student Services Hub  for the most current fee information.

As a multi-campus institution, Western Sydney University and its entities reserves the right to alter the location of its programs between campuses and other locations as necessary.

Apply as a Domestic Student

You should refer to the  Higher Degree Research Fees page  for information about tuition fees for this program. If you are a domestic student, you can apply through our Western Application system which is free of charge.

Domestic students are:

  • Australian Citizens
  • New Zealand Citizens
  • Australian permanent residents
  • Australian permanent humanitarian visa holders

Apply as an International Student

You should refer to the  Higher Degree Research Fees page  for information about tuition fees for this program.

We have compiled a list of answers to some of the most common enquiries regarding Higher Degree Research, as well as information around fees.

Want to know more?

We're here to provide clarity. If you're uncertain about your study journey, enquire about our program today and gain the confidence to move forward.if you have any further questions or would like to know more, please  submit your enquiry here.  For more information visit the  Higher Degree Research Knowledge Directory. 

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The fee estimates provided are indicative only and subject to change. These estimates are based on the current fee structures for a normal full time study load. However, the final fees may vary depending on several factors, including the specific subjects chosen, the duration and timing of study, and annual fee adjustments (subject to Commonwealth student contribution band rates). Please note that these estimates do not include the Student Services and Amenities Fee. We encourage all prospective and current students to consult with our Student Services Hub for the most current fee information.

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Masters Research Topics Availability


Dr. Ali Ahmadinia

Dr. Simon Fan

Dr. Ahmad Hadaegh

:  a course in Bioinformatics. : BIOL_210 (Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology) and CS_443 (Database Management Systems). : CS_512 (with a grade of "C" or higher or consent of the instructor).
Dr. Jing Hou

olid math background is preferred
Dr. Asif Imran

Dr. Yuanyuan Jiang

Dr. Yanyan Li

Dr. Nahid Majd

Dr. Justin Morris
Dr. Youwen Ouyang

Dr. Muhammad Lutfor Rahman

Dr. Shaun-Inn Wu

: CS_573 or CS_575.
 Dr. Rika Yoshii

Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang

Dr. Yongjie Zheng

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Master of Science in Information Technology Theses

Information Technology (IT) focuses on meeting the needs of users within an organizational and societal context through the selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies. To succinctly put it - IT uses technology to apply information to meet business needs.

Information Technology is the term used to describe the convergence of computer science, management and information systems. The main distinction between IT and the other computing disciplines (e.g., computer science, software engineering, etc.) is that IT professionals must know how to apply computing technology and to build a business case for that application. It emphasizes the management and performance of information technology planning, development, implementation and operation, and development of the infrastructure to support the processes necessary to achieve organizational objectives.

The Masters of Science in Information Technology degree is designed to enhance career options for a broad mix of students. The program is geared for those students interested in pursuing a career in the management and performance of information systems planning, development, implementation and operation.

This collection was started with the graduates of the Fall 2015 semester, after the consolidation between Kennesaw State University and Southern Polytechnic State University was final (July 2015).

Need to Submit Your Thesis? Submit Here!

Theses from 2024 2024.

Generalized Model to Enable Zero-shot Imitation Learning for Versatile Robots , Yongshuai Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023


Analysis of the Adherence of mHealth Applications to HIPAA Technical Safeguards , Bilash Saha

Assessing Blockchain’s Potential to Ensure Data Integrity and Security for AI and Machine Learning Applications , Aiasha Siddika

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

A Literature Review On Privacy and Security in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality , Yunus Gumbo

A Maturity Model of Data Modeling in Self-Service Business Intelligence Software , Anna Kurenkov

Blockchain-based Medical Image Sharing and Critical-result Notification , Jiyoun Randolph

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Deep Learning for Human MicroRNA Precursor Prediction: A Systematic Literature Review , Martina ojonah

Non-Invasive Monitoring of Human Hygiene using Vibration Sensor and Classifier , Shashank Trivedi, Maria Valero, Hossain Shahriar, and Liang Zhao

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Distributed Denial of Service Attack Detection , Travis Blue

A Framework to Detect Presentation Attacks , Laeticia Etienne

Using Multiple Data Sources for Customer Satisfaction Analyzing: A Sentimental Approach , Jhanvi Vyas

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

An Architecture for Blockchain-based Collaborative Signature-based Intrusion Detection System , Daniel Laufenberg

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Why Certified IoT Devices Remain Untrustworthy , Donald Privitera

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Paradox of Social Media Security: A Study of IT Students’ Perceptions versus Behavior on Using Facebook , Zahra Y. Alqubaiti

A Framework for Hybrid Intrusion Detection Systems , Robert N. Bronte

Perceived Effectiveness of E-Learning for Technology Instruction in Public Library Staff Development Programs: A Survey Based on the Technology Acceptance Model , Julia Huprich

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Empirical research on ai technology-supported precision teaching in high school science subjects, 1. introduction, 1.1. development and application of precision teaching, 1.2. the present study, 2. precision teaching model supported by ai technology.

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2.1. Teachers and Parents: Precision Teaching and Precision Intervention Supported by Formative Assessment

2.1.1. learning preview, 2.1.2. classroom interaction, 2.1.3. learning report, 2.1.4. stage report, 2.2. students: personalized learning and individual development supported by intelligent technology systems, 2.2.1. pre-class study, 2.2.2. homework, 2.2.3. practice, 2.2.4. exams, 2.2.5. error logbook, 2.3. examples of pedagogical models in use, 3.1. procedure and sample, 3.2. measures, 3.2.1. midterm examination papers, 3.2.2. self-directed learning report, 3.2.3. teacher emotional attitude survey questionnaire ( questionnaire s1 ), 3.3. data analysis, 4.1. results of t-test, 4.2. results of regression analysis, 4.3. results of correlation analysis, 4.4. results of descriptive analysis, 5. discussion, 5.1. measures 1 and 2, 5.2. measure 3, 5.3. limitations for research, 6. conclusions, supplementary materials, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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SubjectExam TypeTotal Number of ParticipantsFull ScoreMaximum ValueMinimum ValueMean ValueStandard DeviationTest Difficulty
Class Pre-Test M Post-Test M Pre-Test P Post-Test P Pre-Test C Post-Test C Pre-Test B Post-Test B Pre-Test Total Score Post-Test Total Score Difference from Grade Average Total Score (Pre-Test) Difference from Grade Average Total Score (Post-Test)
4 53.63 79.03 44.48 50.23 50.63 56.28 61.84 56.95 210.58 242.49 −18.82 10.55
5 63.86 80.97 60.74 60.97 63.41 67.95 73.66 69.61 261.67 279.5 32.27 42.00
6 65.09 78.32 59.6 51.63 62.38 64.75 66.02 67.62 253.09 262.32 24.58 24.82
7 39.61 50.46 34.76 26.02 36.05 29.23 47.39 41.21 157.81 146.92 −71.59−85.02
8 37.93 44.02 31.19 27.51 32.82 24.37 49.98 43.61 151.92 139.51 −77.84−92.43
9 38.5 52.97 36.25 31.48 35.22 28.97 50.58 44 160.55 157.42 −68.85−74.52
Grade Level 56.78 74.87 52.62 49.75 54.64 54.41 64.47 58.47 228.51 237.50 0 0
SubjectHomework Completion RateSimilar Questions Completed CountPersonalized Exercises Completed Count
MY = 0.0031 × X + 9.663Y = −0.5400 × X + 30.81Y = 0.0167 × X + 4.917
PY = −0.1662 × X + 95.13Y = 1.277 × X + 21.50Y = −0.0298 × X + 3.857
CY = 0.4216 × X + 95.66Y = 4.283 × X + 5.579Y = 2.174 × X−2.325
BY = −0.2373 × X + 94.84Y = 1.306 × X + 35.34Y = −0.4493 × X + 21.37
SubjectSimilar Questions Completed CountPersonalized Exercises Completed Count
MY = 0.084 × X + 24.28Y = 0.047 × X + 17.85
PY = 0.020 × X + 131.6Y = 0.007 × X + 4.82
CY = 0.2111 × X + 27.84Y = 0.0190 × X + 35.92
BY = 0.024 × X + 43.20Y = −0.124 × X + 176.2
QuestionsOptions and Answers
Based on your teaching needs, do you think the pre-class study report is helpful for your teaching?Yes: 15 (78.95%)No: 0 (0%)Not very helpful: 4 (21.05%)
Are you satisfied with the types of homework provided by the AI learning system, or do you have any suggestions?Satisfied: 7 (36.84%)Dissatisfied:
0 (0%)
It is okay: 11 (57.89%)Other Suggestions: 1 (5.26%)
Are you satisfied with the difficulty level of the homework provided by the AI learning system, or do you have any suggestions?Satisfied: 7 (36.84%)Dissatisfied:
0 (0%)
It is okay: 12 (63.16%)Other Suggestions: 0 (0%)
Are you satisfied with the homework grading provided by the AI learning system, or do you have any suggestions?Satisfied: 9 (47.37%)Dissatisfied:
0 (0%)
It is okay: 10 (52.63%)Other Suggestions: 0 (0%)
Does the collection period and source of incorrect questions in the AI teaching class meet the teaching requirements?Satisfied: 5 (26.32%)Not Satisfied: 0 (0%)It is okay: 13 (68.42%)Other Suggestions: 1 (5.26%)
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Share and Cite

Hao, M.; Wang, Y.; Peng, J. Empirical Research on AI Technology-Supported Precision Teaching in High School Science Subjects. Appl. Sci. 2024 , 14 , 7544. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14177544

Hao M, Wang Y, Peng J. Empirical Research on AI Technology-Supported Precision Teaching in High School Science Subjects. Applied Sciences . 2024; 14(17):7544. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14177544

Hao, Miaomiao, Yi Wang, and Jun Peng. 2024. "Empirical Research on AI Technology-Supported Precision Teaching in High School Science Subjects" Applied Sciences 14, no. 17: 7544. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14177544

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Study reveals the benefits and downside of fasting

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Low-calorie diets and intermittent fasting have been shown to have numerous health benefits: They can delay the onset of some age-related diseases and lengthen lifespan, not only in humans but many other organisms.

Many complex mechanisms underlie this phenomenon. Previous work from MIT has shown that one way fasting exerts its beneficial effects is by boosting the regenerative abilities of intestinal stem cells, which helps the intestine recover from injuries or inflammation.

In a study of mice, MIT researchers have now identified the pathway that enables this enhanced regeneration, which is activated once the mice begin “refeeding” after the fast. They also found a downside to this regeneration: When cancerous mutations occurred during the regenerative period, the mice were more likely to develop early-stage intestinal tumors.

“Having more stem cell activity is good for regeneration, but too much of a good thing over time can have less favorable consequences,” says Omer Yilmaz, an MIT associate professor of biology, a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, and the senior author of the new study.

Yilmaz adds that further studies are needed before forming any conclusion as to whether fasting has a similar effect in humans.

“We still have a lot to learn, but it is interesting that being in either the state of fasting or refeeding when exposure to mutagen occurs can have a profound impact on the likelihood of developing a cancer in these well-defined mouse models,” he says.

MIT postdocs Shinya Imada and Saleh Khawaled are the lead authors of the paper, which appears today in Nature .

Driving regeneration

For several years, Yilmaz’s lab has been investigating how fasting and low-calorie diets affect intestinal health. In a 2018 study , his team reported that during a fast, intestinal stem cells begin to use lipids as an energy source, instead of carbohydrates. They also showed that fasting led to a significant boost in stem cells’ regenerative ability.

However, unanswered questions remained: How does fasting trigger this boost in regenerative ability, and when does the regeneration begin?

“Since that paper, we’ve really been focused on understanding what is it about fasting that drives regeneration,” Yilmaz says. “Is it fasting itself that’s driving regeneration, or eating after the fast?”

In their new study, the researchers found that stem cell regeneration is suppressed during fasting but then surges during the refeeding period. The researchers followed three groups of mice — one that fasted for 24 hours, another one that fasted for 24 hours and then was allowed to eat whatever they wanted during a 24-hour refeeding period, and a control group that ate whatever they wanted throughout the experiment.

The researchers analyzed intestinal stem cells’ ability to proliferate at different time points and found that the stem cells showed the highest levels of proliferation at the end of the 24-hour refeeding period. These cells were also more proliferative than intestinal stem cells from mice that had not fasted at all.

“We think that fasting and refeeding represent two distinct states,” Imada says. “In the fasted state, the ability of cells to use lipids and fatty acids as an energy source enables them to survive when nutrients are low. And then it’s the postfast refeeding state that really drives the regeneration. When nutrients become available, these stem cells and progenitor cells activate programs that enable them to build cellular mass and repopulate the intestinal lining.”

Further studies revealed that these cells activate a cellular signaling pathway known as mTOR, which is involved in cell growth and metabolism. One of mTOR’s roles is to regulate the translation of messenger RNA into protein, so when it’s activated, cells produce more protein. This protein synthesis is essential for stem cells to proliferate.

The researchers showed that mTOR activation in these stem cells also led to production of large quantities of polyamines — small molecules that help cells to grow and divide.

“In the refed state, you’ve got more proliferation, and you need to build cellular mass. That requires more protein, to build new cells, and those stem cells go on to build more differentiated cells or specialized intestinal cell types that line the intestine,” Khawaled says.

Too much of a good thing

The researchers also found that when stem cells are in this highly regenerative state, they are more prone to become cancerous. Intestinal stem cells are among the most actively dividing cells in the body, as they help the lining of the intestine completely turn over every five to 10 days. Because they divide so frequently, these stem cells are the most common source of precancerous cells in the intestine.

In this study, the researchers discovered that if they turned on a cancer-causing gene in the mice during the refeeding stage, they were much more likely to develop precancerous polyps than if the gene was turned on during the fasting state. Cancer-linked mutations that occurred during the refeeding state were also much more likely to produce polyps than mutations that occurred in mice that did not undergo the cycle of fasting and refeeding.

“I want to emphasize that this was all done in mice, using very well-defined cancer mutations. In humans it’s going to be a much more complex state,” Yilmaz says. “But it does lead us to the following notion: Fasting is very healthy, but if you’re unlucky and you’re refeeding after a fasting, and you get exposed to a mutagen, like a charred steak or something, you might actually be increasing your chances of developing a lesion that can go on to give rise to cancer.”

Yilmaz also noted that the regenerative benefits of fasting could be significant for people who undergo radiation treatment, which can damage the intestinal lining, or other types of intestinal injury. His lab is now studying whether polyamine supplements could help to stimulate this kind of regeneration, without the need to fast.

“This fascinating study provides insights into the complex interplay between food consumption, stem cell biology, and cancer risk,” says Ophir Klein, a professor of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, who was not involved in the study. “Their work lays a foundation for testing polyamines as compounds that may augment intestinal repair after injuries, and it suggests that careful consideration is needed when planning diet-based strategies for regeneration to avoid increasing cancer risk.”

The research was funded, in part, by Pew-Stewart Scholars Program for Cancer Research award, the MIT Stem Cell Initiative, the Koch Institute Frontier Research Program via the Kathy and Curt Marble Cancer Research Fund, and the Bridge Project, a partnership between the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT and the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center.

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Press mentions, medical news today.

A new study led by researchers at MIT suggests that fasting and then refeeding stimulates cell regeneration in the intestines, reports Katharine Lang for Medical News Today . However, notes Lang, researchers also found that fasting “carries the risk of stimulating the formation of intestinal tumors.” 

Prof. Ömer Yilmaz and his colleagues have discovered the potential health benefits and consequences of fasting, reports Max Kozlov for Nature . “There is so much emphasis on fasting and how long to be fasting that we’ve kind of overlooked this whole other side of the equation: what is going on in the refed state,” says Yilmaz.

MIT researchers have discovered how fasting impacts the regenerative abilities of intestinal stem cells, reports Ed Cara for Gizmodo . “The major finding of our current study is that refeeding after fasting is a distinct state from fasting itself,” explain Prof. Ömer Yilmaz and postdocs Shinya Imada and Saleh Khawaled. “Post-fasting refeeding augments the ability of intestinal stem cells to, for example, repair the intestine after injury.” 

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Ewes preferentially grazing a dhurrin-free sorghum hybrid at Purdue University’s Animal Sciences Research and Education Center. (Purdue Agricultural Communications photo)

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — A sorghum technology developed at Purdue University improves crop and animal safety. New research confirms that it appeals to the taste buds of grazing ewes.

Sorghum is a resilient forage crop because it tolerates heat and drought. However, it produces the metabolite dhurrin, which breaks down into hydrogen cyanide, a substance also called prussic acid that is toxic to livestock.

A research team led by Mitch Tuinstra, the Wickersham Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Research and professor of plant breeding and genetics in Purdue’s Department of Agronomy , developed the prussic acid-free sorghum that can ease the minds of farmers concerned about feeding forage sorghum to their animals.

Purdue-based research featured on the June 2024 cover of Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management shows that the new sorghum technology also improves palatability. Based on differences between pre- and post-grazing forage mass and measurements from drones, the researchers confirmed that ewes not only preferred grazing on the prussic acid-free hybrid over conventional sorghum hybrids, but they also were able to detect and selectively feed on the preferred plants.

The lead author of the article is Tuinstra’s former PhD student Shelby Gruss, now an assistant professor of agronomy and the state forage specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

Tuinstra’s research team developed the prussic acid-free sorghum technology in 2001. As primary investigator, Tuinstra disclosed the technology to the Purdue Research Foundation’s Office of Technology Commercialization , which applied for and received a patent for it in 2016.

Jay Hulbert, president and CEO of Ag Alumni Seed , was brought in to help explore the technology’s potential commercialization. Hulbert’s company produces high-performance popcorn hybrids, but the nonprofit Purdue affiliate also provides expertise and funding to move Purdue’s value-added crop traits to market.

Planting prussic acid-free sorghum would increase farmers’ ability to manage toxicity risk in livestock when using sorghum forages. “I thought this was a groundbreaking idea,” Hulbert said. “The worst thing in the world for somebody in animal agriculture is to do something that causes harm to their animals. In parts of the U.S. where drought and high temperatures are becoming more and more of a problem, this could enhance the ability of farmers to provide high-quality feed for their livestock.”

Ag Alumni Seed funded efforts to develop and test prototype varieties at Purdue before licensing the technology to S&W Seed Co. , where testing is underway on sorghum hybrids that incorporate the trait. Seed will be widely available in 2025, said Scott Staggenborg, sorghum product marketing director at S&W.

On S&W’s test fields, another animal might have given the Purdue researchers an inkling of the ewes’ munching preferences, albeit an unscientific one. Texas jackrabbits found small plots of prussic acid-free sorghum amid S&W’s much larger sorghum fields, and every night they ate the new growth while leaving the traditional sorghum untouched.

“These rabbits traveled 1,000 feet to find this stuff, and then they kept coming back to it,” Staggenborg said. “We recently had a similar experience with Kansas State University researchers. They were bewildered that a plot that looked great one day was ‘disappearing.’ It was jackrabbits again.” He believes their behavior predicted results of the palatability studies that Gruss conducted with sheep.

The prussic acid-free hybrids were shown to perform as well as conventional hybrids, with high forage accumulation and similar nutritive value. “Outside of the fact that it doesn’t have prussic acid, which is dangerous, it is more palatable. As we get ready to bring this to the market, we talk about all these features,” Staggenborg said.

He expects high demand among growers. “We have people that have tried to put in large orders for the past two years,” he said. “We also have customers in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil who are excited about planting prussic acid-free hybrids.”

S&W will improve the hybrids by adding select insect and disease tolerances. “We’re going to continually add other traits that enhance the value around this one, but the base is going to be prussic acid-free,” Staggenborg said.

While Indiana is not a leader in U.S. sorghum production, Purdue’s role in developing prussic acid-free sorghum has potential impact worldwide, said Tuinstra, who estimates that more than 40 million hectares of sorghum are grown for grain and forage production globally. “Sorghum is No. 5 in the world for cereals,” he said. And given its resilience, future Indiana farmers may well grow more sorghum as the climate warms, he added.

The prussic acid-free sorghum will be showcased at the 75th anniversary celebration of Purdue’s Agronomy Center for Research and Education on Sept. 6, 2024.

About Purdue University

Purdue University is a public research institution demonstrating excellence at scale. Ranked among top 10 public universities and with two colleges in the top four in the United States, Purdue discovers and disseminates knowledge with a quality and at a scale second to none. More than 105,000 students study at Purdue across modalities and locations, including nearly 50,000 in person on the West Lafayette campus. Committed to affordability and accessibility, Purdue’s main campus has frozen tuition 13 years in a row. See how Purdue never stops in the persistent pursuit of the next giant leap — including its first comprehensive urban campus in Indianapolis, the Mitch Daniels School of Business, Purdue Computes and the One Health initiative — at https://www.purdue.edu/president/strategic-initiatives .

Media contact: Devyn Raver, [email protected] Agricultural Communications:  765-494-8415; Maureen Manier, Department Head, [email protected]   Agriculture News Page

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  • Masters Research Topics in Information Technology

In the domain of Information Technology (IT), selecting a research topic for a master’s thesis comprises latest trends, breakthrough technologies and crucially your areas of interest. Scholars might get out too much stressed as selecting the right research topic is very important for the success of your research. From international journals we refer research ideas of your areas and suggest trending Masters Research Topics in Information Technology. Even the toughest critic will be solved as our writers are well updated on all areas. We also generate thesis work customised on your specific areas by abiding your university rules. The modern or latest research topics based on IT (Information Technology) that is supported by us are listed below, just have a glance for obtaining advanced ideas:

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What are the steps involved in conducting an MS thesis research?

While you manage a MS thesis, it involves various methodical processes for verifying the research is comprehensive, reasonable and academically strong. We are here to offer a basic guide, where the significant steps are occupied:

  • Choose a Research Topic :
  • Among your domain of study, detect your area of interest.
  • Study the workability, significance and novelty of the probable topics.
  • Conduct a Literature Review :
  • To understand the existing conditions of research in your topic area, collect the current academic literature.
  • In the corresponding literature, detect the gaps where your research can provide.
  • Formulate Research Questions or Hypotheses :
  • You should state clear and brief research questions or hypotheses depending on your literature review.
  • Develop a Research Proposal :
  • By providing a summary of your research question, goals, methods, theoretical framework and intended time frame.
  • From our mentors or thesis council, obtain the acceptance for your proposal.
  • Select Research Methodology :
  • Ensure of your research whether it might be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods.
  • For the purpose of data collection and analysis, you must select relevant techniques.
  • Obtain Ethical Approval (if required) :
  • If your research involves human or animal subjects specifically, submit your research proposal to the ethics council.
  • Collect Data :
  • In order to collect the data, execute your selected methods. It might include tests, investigations, meetings, evaluations or utilizing the current data.
  • Analyze Data :
  • Employing the relevant statistical techniques, thematic analysis or other analysis techniques that are suitable to your research, you are able to examine the fetched data.
  • Interpret Results :
  • Explain the findings of data analysis in the frame of your research questions or hypotheses.
  • The consequences of your result are discussed and clarified in what way they offer to the field of study.
  • Write the Thesis :
  • Your research must be arranged in an organized thesis style which basically involves an introduction, literature review, methods, findings, meetings, conclusion and citations.
  • Assure your writing is clear, consistent and intellectually demanding.
  • Revise and Edit :
  • Your thesis must be revised once again to verify any subjects, architectural or grammatical mistakes.
  • Obtain the feedback of your thesis from our mentors and upcoming nobles.
  • Submit the Thesis :
  • Present your thesis to the department regarding the demanded procedures, once you finish the thesis and that must get approval from our guides.
  • Prepare for the Thesis Defense (if applicable) :
  • Outlining your research and being ready for the presentation.
  • In front of a board of judges, be prepared to answer their questions and defend your research result by providing clear-cut answers.
  • Publish Findings (Optional) :
  • Your research results can be distributed to academic magazines or considered in displaying them at discussions.
  • Reflect on the Research :
  • Throughout the process, indicate what you have recognized and how it might be applicable in your career path or further research.

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MILESTONE 1: Research Proposal

Finalize journal (indexing).

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Literature Survey Writing

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Case Study Writing

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Problem Statement

Based on the research gaps finding and importance of your research, we conclude the appropriate and specific problem statement.

Writing Research Proposal

Writing a good research proposal has need of lot of time. We only span a few to cover all major aspects (reference papers collection, deficiency finding, drawing system architecture, highlights novelty)

MILESTONE 2: System Development

Fix implementation plan.

We prepare a clear project implementation plan that narrates your proposal in step-by step and it contains Software and OS specification. We recommend you very suitable tools/software that fit for your concept.

Tools/Plan Approval

We get the approval for implementation tool, software, programing language and finally implementation plan to start development process.

Pseudocode Description

Our source code is original since we write the code after pseudocodes, algorithm writing and mathematical equation derivations.

Develop Proposal Idea

We implement our novel idea in step-by-step process that given in implementation plan. We can help scholars in implementation.


We perform the comparison between proposed and existing schemes in both quantitative and qualitative manner since it is most crucial part of any journal paper.

Graphs, Results, Analysis Table

We evaluate and analyze the project results by plotting graphs, numerical results computation, and broader discussion of quantitative results in table.

Project Deliverables

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MILESTONE 3: Paper Writing

Choosing right format.

We intend to write a paper in customized layout. If you are interesting in any specific journal, we ready to support you. Otherwise we prepare in IEEE transaction level.

Collecting Reliable Resources

Before paper writing, we collect reliable resources such as 50+ journal papers, magazines, news, encyclopedia (books), benchmark datasets, and online resources.

Writing Rough Draft

We create an outline of a paper at first and then writing under each heading and sub-headings. It consists of novel idea and resources

Proofreading & Formatting

We must proofread and formatting a paper to fix typesetting errors, and avoiding misspelled words, misplaced punctuation marks, and so on

Native English Writing

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Plagiarism Checking

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MILESTONE 4: Paper Publication

Finding apt journal.

We play crucial role in this step since this is very important for scholar’s future. Our experts will help you in choosing high Impact Factor (SJR) journals for publishing.

Lay Paper to Submit

We organize your paper for journal submission, which covers the preparation of Authors Biography, Cover Letter, Highlights of Novelty, and Suggested Reviewers.

Paper Submission

We upload paper with submit all prerequisites that are required in journal. We completely remove frustration in paper publishing.

Paper Status Tracking

We track your paper status and answering the questions raise before review process and also we giving you frequent updates for your paper received from journal.

Revising Paper Precisely

When we receive decision for revising paper, we get ready to prepare the point-point response to address all reviewers query and resubmit it to catch final acceptance.

Get Accept & e-Proofing

We receive final mail for acceptance confirmation letter and editors send e-proofing and licensing to ensure the originality.

Publishing Paper

Paper published in online and we inform you with paper title, authors information, journal name volume, issue number, page number, and DOI link

MILESTONE 5: Thesis Writing

Identifying university format.

We pay special attention for your thesis writing and our 100+ thesis writers are proficient and clear in writing thesis for all university formats.

Gathering Adequate Resources

We collect primary and adequate resources for writing well-structured thesis using published research articles, 150+ reputed reference papers, writing plan, and so on.

Writing Thesis (Preliminary)

We write thesis in chapter-by-chapter without any empirical mistakes and we completely provide plagiarism-free thesis.

Skimming & Reading

Skimming involve reading the thesis and looking abstract, conclusions, sections, & sub-sections, paragraphs, sentences & words and writing thesis chorological order of papers.

Fixing Crosscutting Issues

This step is tricky when write thesis by amateurs. Proofreading and formatting is made by our world class thesis writers who avoid verbose, and brainstorming for significant writing.

Organize Thesis Chapters

We organize thesis chapters by completing the following: elaborate chapter, structuring chapters, flow of writing, citations correction, etc.

Writing Thesis (Final Version)

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How PhDservices.org deal with significant issues ?

1. novel ideas.

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  • Personal Info: We restricted to access scholars personal details by our experts. Our organization leading team will have your basic and necessary info for scholars.


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A collage of about the work of the new NSF Engineering Research Centers in biotechnology, manufacturing, robotics and sustainability.

NSF announces 4 new Engineering Research Centers focused on biotechnology, manufacturing, robotics and sustainability

Engineering innovations transform our lives and energize the economy.  The U.S. National Science Foundation announces a five-year investment of $104 million, with a potential 10-year investment of up to $208 million, in four new NSF Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) to create technology-powered solutions that benefit the nation for decades to come.   

"NSF's Engineering Research Centers ask big questions in order to catalyze solutions with far-reaching impacts," said NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan. "NSF Engineering Research Centers are powerhouses of discovery and innovation, bringing America's great engineering minds to bear on our toughest challenges. By collaborating with industry and training the workforce of the future, ERCs create an innovation ecosystem that can accelerate engineering innovations, producing tremendous economic and societal benefits for the nation."  

The new centers will develop technologies to tackle the carbon challenge, expand physical capabilities, make heating and cooling more sustainable and enable the U.S. supply and manufacturing of natural rubber.  

The 2024 ERCs are:  

  • NSF ERC for Carbon Utilization Redesign through Biomanufacturing-Empowered Decarbonization (CURB) — Washington University in St. Louis in partnership with the University of Delaware, Prairie View A&M University and Texas A&M University.   CURB will create manufacturing systems that convert CO2 to a broad range of products much more efficiently than current state-of-the-art engineered and natural systems.    
  • NSF ERC for Environmentally Applied Refrigerant Technology Hub (EARTH) — University of Kansas in partnership with Lehigh University, University of Hawaii, University of Maryland, University of Notre Dame and University of South Dakota.   EARTH will create a transformative, sustainable refrigerant lifecycle to reduce global warming from refrigerants while increasing the energy efficiency of heating, ventilation and cooling.    
  • NSF ERC for Human AugmentatioN via Dexterity (HAND) — Northwestern University in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University, Florida A&M University, and Texas A&M University, and with engagement of MIT.  HAND will revolutionize the ability of robots to augment human labor by transforming dexterous robot hands into versatile, easy-to-integrate tools.     
  • NSF ERC for Transformation of American Rubber through Domestic Innovation for Supply Security (TARDISS) — The Ohio State University in partnership with Caltech, North Carolina State University, Texas Tech University and the University of California, Merced.   TARDISS will create bridges between engineering, biology, and agriculture to revolutionize and on-shore alternative natural rubber production from U.S. crops.  

Since its founding in 1985, NSF's ERC program has funded 83 centers (including the four announced today) that receive support for up to 10 years. The centers build partnerships with educational institutions, government agencies and industry stakeholders to support innovation and inclusion in established and emerging engineering research.  

Visit NSF's website and read about NSF Engineering Research Centers .  

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221 Interesting Thesis Topics for IT Students

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Did you know that one of the most important parts of writing your dissertation is finding the best topic possible? You are probably having serious problems finding a topic for your thesis. After all, the thesis topics IT students are looking for are pretty rare. The reality is that in the IT field, most topics have already been written about. There are few things left to write it seems. Well, things are a bit different. We are here to assure you that you can find thesis topics for IT students. Also, we want to assure you that it is not at all difficult to find an interesting topic that you can write an engaging paper about. We will provide you with 21 such topics shortly. College students can use our topics for free; we are very happy to help!

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As you are probably already aware, the IT field is advancing rapidly. Advancements are made almost daily in technology, including information technology. This is why so many students are looking for fresh 2022 dissertation topics. They want to write about the latest technologies and the latest gadgets. Of course, one can go online and find various 2022 thesis topics IT students would find impressive. You will probably find some that are relatively decent. But be aware that the evaluation committee will most certainly not be impressed by decent topics. They want something new. They want something that can pique their interest. They want to LEARN something from you. And they want to award you with some bonus points. Why not take them?

Why Thesis Topics for IT Students Are Important

Did you ever wonder why so many people dedicate so much time to finding a great topic? Probably not. Let’s shed some light on this. College students are looking for IT dissertation topics because they want bonus points. The topic is the first thing the evaluation committee sees. It is the most important part of your paper. As such, it must be interesting, engaging, and also helpful. It must show that you have put in the effort to write the dissertation. Awe the admission committee and you will surely get bonus points. Even if your dissertation is not the best, you will still get a good score if the topic you choose is exceptional. But engaging IT dissertation topics are difficult to come by. Most of your classmates have already picked the simple ones. But you are not like the rest of your class, are you? You want to be original and you want to make a lasting impression on the professors. This is why you need to take a look at our fresh dissertation topics.

21 Fresh Dissertation Topics for You (Absolutely Free)

Without further ado, here are the 21 thesis topics for IT students that we think are the most interesting and engaging:

  • Conducting virtual business in the era of 3D Internet – the business of the future
  • Analyzing e-tourism services in the UK: Factors that Influence Customer Satisfaction
  • Mobile government applications and their benefits
  • Producing believable emotions using AI systems for e-commerce
  • The future of YouTube and multimedia distribution platforms
  • Analyzing the impact of media technology on child development throughout the school
  • Integrating an ERP system with a cloud service
  • Developing a tool to analyze keystrokes and use the data for password security
  • Analyzing critical vulnerabilities of the Android mobile operating system
  • Analyzing the impact of e-publishing on libraries (one of the best thesis topics for IT students)
  • In-depth analysis of the fault-recovery and redundancy in modern 4G mobile networks
  • The impact of full-text databases on Google as a search engine
  • Creating software capable of reading human emotions using a webcam
  • How effective is face recognition as a security measure?
  • Analyzing critical security vulnerabilities in IT systems used at the government level
  • Does curbing software piracy in developing countries have any negative results?
  • Using BitTorrent systems for faster multimedia delivery and playback
  • How safe are whistleblowers operating on the Dark Web? (one of the thesis topics IT students are usually reluctant to write about)
  • Building a Dark Web crawler that indexes onion sites based on specific criteria
  • Creating a modern Tetris game in C# using OpenGL
  • The advantages brought by mobile working to IBM and its employees

If you want to write a relevant research topic, consider writing about Artificial intelligence topics (AI). AI is a relevant phenomenon, and here is a look at some ideas of artificial intelligence that you should look into.

  • Is deep learning an effective way of dealing with deep learning?
  • How do artificial neural networks affect deep learning?
  • Discuss the areas of life machine learning that are most influential.
  • Ways to select the best algorithm for machine learning.
  • How does NASA use robotics?
  • Discuss the process of using natural languages to create a unique language.
  • How does artificial intelligence affect computer vision?
  • Compare and contrast the effects of supervised vs. unsupervised machine learning.
  • The effects of reinforcement machine learning algorithms.
  • Model-based vs. Model-free reinforcement learning algorithms.
  • Deep learning as a subject of machine learning.
  • Comparison between single vs. Multi-agent reinforcement learning.
  • Ways that the social robots interact with the humans
  • How do chatbots aid in the natural language processing system?
  • Five ways of computer vision application.
  • What is the recommended systems approach?
  • What is the interconnection of the Internet of things and artificial intelligence?
  • What amount of data is generated by the Internet of things devices?
  • Compare and contrast content-based recommendation vs. collaborative filtering.
  • What makes the collaborative filtering system stand out?

Computer science and engineering combine two different yet interconnected worlds of machines. The use of computer science uses the computer’s brain. It is, in most cases, used to include areas of studies like programming language and algorithms. Here is a list of research topics in computer science and engineering that you can use.

  • In what ways is the virtual and human perception connected?
  • What is the future of computer science-assisted education?
  • What are computer science and high-dimensional data modeling?
  • The imperative vs. declarative languages.
  • Explain the use of blockchain and AI algorithmic regulations.
  • How has blockchain technology impacted the banking industry?
  • In what way does machine architecture use to affect the efficiency of code?
  • What are the languages of parallel computing?
  • Explain the way that mesh generation is used for computational domains.
  • The cyber-physical optimization vs. the sensor networks.
  • Explain the development of computer graphics in a photorealistic rendering case.
  • What are game theory and network economics?
  • What are the most effective cryptographic protocols?
  • An overview of the software security types.
  • It is possible to eliminate phishing.
  • Floating point and programming language
  • In what ways is the mesh generation used for computational domains?
  • How to get the persistent data structure optimization
  • In what ways does computer thinking affect science?

One of the first areas that technology affected was communication. With technology, media is used for social interactions, business development, and educational purposes. Here are exciting ideas to use when researching your IT thesis paper.

  • What is the impact of ethics on communication?
  • How the development of communication through the computer has evolved in the past decade.
  • In what ways has social media impacted communication?
  • What role do media play during a disaster? Does it increase panic or help in reducing it?
  • Compare and construct the authority’s media presence in different countries.
  • Will people start preferring newspapers to new media again?
  • In what ways has the Internet changed media?
  • Discuss communication networks.
  • What impact do social media have on super bowl ads?
  • What are the new content marketing ideas?
  • What is the impact of media exposure on adolescents?
  • In what ways do people use hype in the media?
  • Discuss the media and freedom of speech.
  • Is it possible for people to build trustful relationships in virtual communication?
  • What measures can you put to maintain privacy on social media?
  • In what ways have computers changed interpersonal communications?
  • What is yellow journalism in new media?
  • In what ways do enterprises use ICT to get a competitive advantage?
  • Is it possible to live without mass media?
  • What are the impacts of mass media and morality in the 21st century?

If you are searching for a qualitative research topic about technology in the food industry, here is a list of ideas you can use.

  • What are the machines used in the food industry?
  • In what ways do robots improve safety in butcheries?
  • 3D printing and the food industry.
  • Is 3D printing the best solution to offer people with swallowing disorders?
  • About drones and precision agriculture.
  • In what ways does robotics help in creating eco-friendly food packages?
  • Is micro packaging the future?
  • Research on the development of edible cling film.
  • The solution that technology has to food waste.
  • How do preservatives and additives impact the human gut microbiome?
  • Physicochemical levels the effect of citric acid on orange juice.
  • Compare and contrast vegetable oil in mass production.
  • Time-temperature indicators and food industry.
  • Farming: hydroponic vs. conventional farming.
  • How is food safety a policy issue in agriculture today?
  • Ways you can use to limit the detection of parasites in food.
  • How is the baking industry evolving?
  • How technology is used to eliminate byproducts in edible oils production
  • About cold plasma and biofilm.
  • Ways to extract good antioxidant peptides are extracted from plants.

The ethical issues surrounding the enhancement technology are intertwined with the questions of human identity and the proper trajectory of human life. Here is a list of thesis ideas you can use in your research.

  • Does technology make human life worth living than animal life?
  • The dignity of human life concerning technology explained?
  • In what ways should humans be observed in informational technology?
  • Should tech and scientific investigations on humans have a limit?
  • What is the importance of DNA information in forming our identity?
  • Is Ancestry DNA testing important?
  • Explain multi-racial identification.
  • Can scientific investigations tell us what self-care is?
  • In what ways will virtual reality technology change us?
  • Should there be a limit on the research in virtual reality? The possibility of virtual reality being the future.
  • What are the benefits of using virtual reality technologies?
  • What is the importance of finding alternative treatments for mental illness other than drugs?
  • Has the increase in technology affected the rise of mental illness?
  • Ways technology can be used to control addiction.
  • Pros and cons of using technology to control brains.
  • 7 social dangers of the brain controlling technology.
  • Does science dictate who we are?
  • What has led to the increase in mental illness among tech enthusiasts?
  • Can tech-related mental illness be cured?
  • What is the relationship between technology and drug addiction?

Companies are using technology to search for ways they can use it to reduce costs and boost effectiveness by doing pharmaceutical technology research. Impress your lecturer by choosing one of the research topics discussed below

  • What is the effectiveness of medical therapy management?
  • Explain how prior electronic authorization is a pharmacy technology trend.
  • Explain the medical therapy management and the health information exchanges.
  • How can electronic prescribing reduce the possibility of drug abuse issues?
  • Ways that pharmacists help with meaningful tech use.
  • Discuss various pharmaceutical technologies.
  • Pharmaceutical technology research.
  • What are specialty medications?
  • Vaccines for AIDS: can it be developed?
  • Ways that the prescription drug monitoring program works.
  • How do specialty pharmacies use NCPDP?
  • Why are patients interested in real-time pharmacy?
  • Phenotypic screening research.
  • Impact of ERP with pharmaceutical company’s analytics.
  • Pharmaceutical technologies: data security.
  • About DNA-encoded library technology.
  • Pro and cons antibiotics vs. superbugs.
  • How does the body-on-a-chip approach be used for personalized medicines?
  • Modern cannabidiol medicine and pain management.
  • What is the future of cannabidiol medicine?

It is not possible to have a technology process without energy. That is the reason that scientists are always looking for ways they can improve energy power technologies. So, if you are looking for thesis topics you can use to impress your lecturer, here is a list of power technology research you can use.

  • Ways that fuel cells can be used for the generation of stationary power.
  • Compare the energy density of lithium-ions and lithium-air batteries.
  • Gasoline vs. Lithium-air batteries.
  • The pros and cons of renewable energy use.
  • How does the UAE use nuclear power?
  • Research on India power installation.
  • Increase in gas prices and alternative energy sources.
  • How can hydrogen energy be used to transform the methods or energy?
  • Is hydrogen energy the future?
  • About the thermal storage and AC systems.
  • In what ways can you use load balance using a smart grid?
  • How can distributed energy generation optimize power waster?
  • Is the smart energy network a solution to climate change?
  • What is the future of tidal power?
  • What is the possibility of 3D printing micro stirring engines?
  • In what ways can robots be used to adjust the solar panel weather?
  • Explain advanced biofuel and algae.
  • In what ways can photovoltaic glass be fully transparent?
  • Compare the different third-generation biofuels.
  • Is space-based solar power a myth or the reality of the future?

The innovation of medicine and technology helps to improve life expectancy. If you feel that saving lives is your purpose, here are some thesis topics you can use in your research paper.

  • The effects of robotic surgeries.
  • Explain defibrillator & cardiac resynchronization therapy.
  • How smart can inhalers be used as a new solution to asthma treatment?
  • Genetic counseling: ways of preventing diseases.
  • What are the benefits of electronic medical records?
  • How is Erythrocytapheresis used to treat sickle cell disease?
  • The reason that drug-eluting stents fail.
  • An overview of the dissolved brain sensors.
  • What are the benefits of 3D printing for medical purposes?
  • How soon will it be possible to create an artificial organ?
  • Research on wearable technologies in health care.
  • Precision medication based on genetics.
  • The importance of using virtual medicine devices for educational purposes.
  • Research on the development of telemedicine.
  • How is technology impacting cancer treatment?
  • Is genome editing safe?
  • How is the electronic diagnosis tool evolving?
  • Brain-machine interface, the future.
  • How does the use of wireless communication help medical professionals in hospitals?
  • Ten ways wearable technology impacts the medical industry.

The development of biotechnology allows people to cure diseases and help with new machines. Here are some ideas of interesting topics you can use for your biotechnology thesis research.

  • Ten impacts of biotechnology in farming.
  • How does biotechnology lead to a self-sufficient protein supply?
  • Evapotranspiration vs. Evaporation.
  • DNA cloning and a Southern blot.
  • How are personalized drugs made?
  • What is pharmacogenetics?
  • Is cloning playing God?
  • How is pharmacogenetics used to get cancer medicines?
  • Is it possible to control our genetics?
  • How much genetic control do humans have?
  • Based on genetics, at what point do we cease to be human?
  • Research on bioethics and stem cells.
  • Definition of genetic engineering.
  • Gene therapy and genetic engineering.
  • Ten benefits and risks of genetic engineering.
  • How does plant genetic enhancement help preserve scarce plants?
  • South Africa Y-chromosome genotyping.
  • Ways technology is used in the creation of new vaccines.
  • How does Nanotechnology help in treating HIV?
  • An overview of Genes in heavy metal tolerance.

Your IT thesis does not have to be boring. Here is a list of interesting thesis topics that will impress your lecturer.

  • Ways that you can eliminate heat-resistant microorganisms with ultraviolet light.
  • In what ways can pesticides be used to diagnose cancer?
  • How can the smeller nuclear reactors be more efficient?
  • An overview of renewable energy technologies.
  • Explain electronic use in the food industry and agriculture.
  • The harm of polyphenols in food.
  • Hope for anticancer nanomedicine.
  • Does increasing military technology make use safe?
  • What is the importance of military research?
  • In what ways can technology be used to gauge intelligence?
  • In what ways is Google search changing us?
  • Blogs vs. books.
  • How is teaching IT research skills important today?
  • Should parents and schools encourage or discourage social media?
  • Does Google affect the attention span of young people? What is the borderline in hardware and software cloud computing?
  • What will be the impact when everything moves to the cloud?
  • How will virtual reality change education?
  • If the computer takes over most of our tasks, what will humans do?
  • What will computer language be important in the future?
  • What are the benefits of robots in health care?

Of course, there are dozens of other thesis topics on which students could write a paper. Some companies specialize in providing college students with entire lists of topics on a specific subject. You just need to contact an online academic writing company and tell its writers what you need. These people have extensive experience in the IT industry and have probably written dozens of dissertations. They can help you with more dissertation topics. And the best part is that some of these online services are quite affordable. An exceptional topic is worth the money – guaranteed!

Are you stuck with writing your thesis? Just enter promo “ mythesis ” – that’s all you need to get a 20% discount for any IT writing assignment you might have!

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450+ Technology Research Topics & Ideas for Your Paper

Technology Research Topics

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Technology is like a massive puzzle where each piece connects to form the big picture of our modern lives. Be it a classroom, office, or a hospital, technology has drastically changed the way we communicate and do business. But to truly understand its role, we need to explore different technology research topics.

And that's where this blog will be handy! Powered by solid experience, our professional term paper writers gathered multiple technology research paper topics in literally any direction. Whether you're a student looking for an intriguing subject for your project or just a tech enthusiast trying to broaden your understanding, we've got your back. Dive into this collection of tech topics and see how technological progress is shaping our world.

What Are Technology Topics?

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It's the smartphone in your hand, the electric car on your street, and the spacecraft exploring Mars. It might also be the code that protects your online privacy and the microscope that uncovers mysteries of the human cell.

Technology permeates our lives, revolutionizing the way we communicate, learn, work, and play. But, beyond the gadgets and gizmos, there's a world of diverse technology research topics, ideas, concepts, and challenges.

Technology topics zoom in on these ideas, peeling back the layers of the tech universe. As a researcher, you might study how AI is changing healthcare, explore the ethical implications of robotics, or investigate the latest innovations in renewable energy. Your project should probe into the 'how,' the 'why,' and the 'what next' of the technology that is reshaping our world. So, whether you're dissecting the impact of EdTech on traditional learning or predicting the future of space exploration, research topics in technology are limitless.

Branches of Technology Research Paper Topics

Undoubtedly, the reach of technology is extensive. It's woven its way into almost every corner of our lives. Before we move to technological research topics, let’s first see just where technology has left its mark. So, here are some areas where technology is really shaking things up:

  • Government services: E-governance, digital IDs, and digital voting are just a few examples of technology's application in government services.
  • Finance: Fintech innovations include cryptocurrencies, mobile banking, robo-advising, and contactless payments.
  • Education: Technology is used in a wide variety of educational contexts, from e-learning platforms and digital textbooks to educational games and virtual classrooms.
  • Communication: Social media, video conferencing, instant messaging, and email are all examples of tech's role in communication.
  • Healthcare: From electronic medical records and telemedicine to advanced imaging technology and robotic surgery, technology is surely transforming healthcare.
  • Agriculture: Technological advancements are revolutionizing agriculture through precision farming, automated machinery, drones, and genetic engineering.
  • Retail: It also influences retail through e-commerce, mobile payments, virtual fitting rooms, and personalized shopping experiences.
  • Environment: Tech is used in climate modeling, conservation efforts, renewable energy, and pollution control.

These are far from all sectors where technology can be applied. But this list shows how diverse topics in technology can be.

How to Choose a Technology Research Topic?

Before you select any idea, it’s important to understand what a good technology research topic is. In a nutshell, a decent topic should be interesting, relevant, and feasible to research within your available resources and time. Make sure it’s specific enough, but not to narrow so you can find enough credible resources. 

Your technology topic sets the course of your research. It influences the type and amount of information you'll search for, the methods you'll use to find it, and the way you'll interpret it. Ultimately, the right topic can make your research process not only more manageable but also more meaningful. But how to get started, you may ask. Don’t worry! Below we are going to share valuable tips from our thesis writers on how to choose a worthy topic about technology.

  • Make research Study the latest trends and explore relevant technology news. Your task is to come up with something unique that’s not been done before. Try to look for inspiration in existing literature, scientific articles, or in past projects.
  • Recognize your interests Start with what you are genuinely curious about in the field of technology. Passion can be a great motivator during the research process.
  • Consider the scope You want a topic that is neither too broad nor too narrow. It should provide enough material to explore without being overwhelming.
  • Check availability of resources Ensure there are sufficient trustworthy resources available for your chosen topic.
  • Evaluate the relevance Your technology research idea should be pertinent to your field of study and resonate with current trends. This can make your research more valuable and engaging for your audience.

Top List of Technology Research Topics

Are you looking for the best research topics about technology? Stop by! Here, we’ve carefully collected the topic ideas to ignite your curiosity and support your research. Each topic offers various data sources, allowing you to construct well-supported arguments. So, let's discover these fascinating subjects together!

  • AI's influence on healthcare.
  • Challenges of cybersecurity in a connected world.
  • Role of drones in modern agriculture.
  • Could renewable energy replace fossil fuels?
  • Impact of virtual reality on education.
  • Blockchain's potential beyond cryptocurrencies.
  • Ethical considerations in biotechnology.
  • Can smart cities enhance quality of life?
  • Autonomous vehicles – opportunities and threats.
  • Robotics in manufacturing.
  • Is big data changing decision-making processes?
  • E-waste : Challenges and solutions.
  • Role of IoT in smart homes.
  • Implications of 5G technology.
  • EdTech: A revolution in learning?

Good Technology Research Topics

Ready for another batch of inspiration? Get ready to discover great technology topics for a research paper across various disciplines. These ideas are designed to stimulate your creativity and provide substantial information for your research. So, let's explore these exciting themes together!

  • Impact of nanotechnology on medicine.
  • Harnessing quantum computing potential.
  • Augmented reality in tourism.
  • Can bioinformatics revolutionize disease prediction?
  • Sustainability in tech product design.
  • Darknet : A hidden side of the internet.
  • How does technology influence human behavior?
  • Assistive technology in special education.
  • Are smart textiles transforming the fashion industry?
  • Role of GIS in urban planning.
  • Space tourism: A reality or fantasy?
  • Potential of digital twins in engineering.
  • How is telemedicine shaping healthcare delivery?
  • Green IT : Addressing environmental issues.
  • Impact of machine learning on finance.

Interesting Technology Research Paper Topics

For those craving intriguing angles and fresh ideas, we present these interesting topics in technology. This collection is filled with thought-provoking subjects that cover the lesser-known areas of technology. Each topic is concise, clear, and ready to spark a fascinating research journey!

  • Cyber-physical systems in industry 4.0.
  • Social implications of deepfake technology.
  • Can gamification enhance learning outcomes?
  • Neuromorphic computing: Emulating the human brain.
  • Li-Fi : Light-based communication technology.
  • Health risks of prolonged screen time.
  • Quantum cryptography and secure communication.
  • Role of technology in sustainable agriculture.
  • Can we predict earthquakes with AI?
  • Virtual influencers: A new trend in marketing.
  • Tech solutions for wildlife conservation.
  • Role of 3D printing in organ transplantation.
  • Impact of automation on the job market.
  • Cloud gaming: A new era in the gaming industry.
  • Genomic editing: Possibilities and ethical concerns.

New Technology Research Topics

Understanding the fast-paced world of technology requires us to keep up with the latest developments. Hence, we bring you burning  technology research paper topics. These ideas reflect the most recent trends and advances in technology, offering fresh perspectives for your research. Let's take a look at these compelling subjects!

  • Potential of hyper automation in business processes.
  • How is AI changing digital marketing?
  • Brain-computer interfaces: The future of communication?
  • Quantum supremacy : Fact or fiction?
  • 5D data storage: Revolutionizing data preservation.
  • Rise of voice technology in consumer applications.
  • Using AI for mental health treatment.
  • Implications of edge computing for IoT devices.
  • Personalized learning with AI in education.
  • Role of technology in reducing food waste.
  • Digital twin technology in urban development.
  • Impact of AI on patent law.
  • Cybersecurity in the era of quantum computing.
  • Role of VR in disaster management training.
  • AI in talent recruitment: Pros and cons.

Unique Technology Research Topics

For those wanting to stand out with truly original research, we offer 100% authentic topics about technology. We understand that professors highly value unique perspectives. Below we've meticulously selected these technology paper topics to offer you something different. These are not your everyday technology subjects but rather unexpected gems ready to be explored.

  • Digital ethics in AI application.
  • Role of technology in countering climate change.
  • Is there a digital divide in developing countries?
  • Role of drones in disaster management.
  • Quantum internet: Possibilities and challenges.
  • Digital forensic techniques in cybersecurity.
  • Impact of technology on traditional art forms.
  • Biohacking: Can we really upgrade ourselves?
  • Technology and privacy: An inevitable trade-off?
  • Developing empathy through virtual reality.
  • AI and creativity: Can machines be artists?
  • Technology's impact on urban gardening.
  • Role of technology in accessible tourism.
  • Quantum biology: A frontier of science.
  • Unmanned underwater vehicles: Opportunities and threats.

Informative Research Topics in Technology

If you are seeking comprehensive information on technologies, this selection will definitely provide you with insights. As you may know, every study should be backed up by credible sources. Technology topics for research papers below are very easy to investigate, so you will surely find a bunch of academic resources.

  • Exploring  adaptive learning systems in online education.
  • Role of technology in modern archaeology.
  • Impact of immersive technology on journalism.
  • The rise of telehealth services.
  • Green data centers: A sustainable solution?
  • Cybersecurity in mobile banking.
  • 3D bioprinting : A revolution in healthcare?
  • How technology affects sleep quality.
  • AI in music production: A new era?
  • Technology's role in preserving endangered languages.
  • Smart grids for sustainable energy use.
  • The future of privacy in a digital world.
  • Can technology enhance sports performance?
  • Role of AR in interior design.
  • How technology is transforming public libraries.

Controversial Research Topics on Technology

Technological field touches upon areas where technology, ethics, and society intersect and often disagree. This has sparked debates and, sometimes, conspiracy theories, primarily because of the profound implications technologies have for our future. Take a look at these ideas, if you are up to a more controversial research topic about technology:

  • Facial recognition technology: Invasion of privacy?
  • Tech addiction: Myth or reality?
  • The ethics of AI in warfare.
  • Should social media platforms censor content?
  • Are cryptocurrencies a boon or a bane?
  • Is technology causing more harm than good to our health?
  • The bias in machine learning algorithms.
  • Genetic engineering: Playing God or advancing science?
  • Will AI replace human jobs?
  • Net neutrality: Freedom of internet or control?
  • The risk of AI superintelligence.
  • Tech companies' monopoly: Beneficial or detrimental?
  • Are we heading towards a surveillance society?
  • AI in law enforcement: Safeguard or threat?
  • Do we rely too much on technology?

Easy Technology Research Paper Topics

Who ever thought the tech field was only for the tech-savvy? Well, it's time to dispel that myth. Here in our collection of simple technology research topics, we've curated subjects that break down complex tech concepts into manageable chunks. We believe that every student should get a chance to run a tech related project without any hurdles.

  • Impact of social media on interpersonal communication.
  • Smartphones: A boon or a bane?
  • How technology improves accessibility for people with disabilities.
  • E-learning versus traditional learning.
  • Impact of technology on travel and tourism.
  • Pros and cons of online shopping.
  • How has technology changed entertainment?
  • Technology's role in boosting productivity at work.
  • Online safety: How to protect ourselves?
  • Importance of digital literacy in today's world.
  • How has technology influenced the music industry?
  • E-books vs printed books: A tech revolution?
  • Does technology promote loneliness?
  • Role of technology in shaping modern communication.
  • The impact of gaming on cognitive abilities.

Technology Research Topics Ideas for Students

As an experienced paper writing service online that helps students all the time, we understand that every learner has unique academic needs. With this in mind, the next section of our blog is designed to cater specifically to different academic levels. Whether you're a high school student just starting to explore technology or a doctoral candidate delving deep into a specialized topic, we've got different technology topics arranged by complexity.

Technology Research Topics for High School Students

High school students are expected to navigate complex topics, fostering critical thinking and promoting in-depth exploration. The proposed research paper topics on technology will help students understand how tech advancements shape various sectors of society and influence human life.

  • How have smartphones changed our communication?
  • Does virtual reality in museums enhance visitor experience?
  • Understanding privacy issues in social media.
  • How has technology changed the way we listen to music?
  • Role of technology in promoting fitness and healthy lifestyle.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of online learning.
  • Does excessive screen time affect sleep quality?
  • Do video games affect academic performance?
  • How do GPS systems work?
  • How has technology improved animation in films?
  • Pros and cons of using smart home devices.
  • Are self-driving cars safe?
  • Technology's role in modernizing local libraries.
  • Can technology help us lead more sustainable lifestyles?
  • Can technology help improve road safety for teenagers?

Technology Research Topics for College Students

Think technology research topics for college are all about rocket science? Think again! Our compilation of college-level tech research topics brings you a bunch of intriguing, conversation-stirring, and head-scratching questions. They're designed to let you sink into the world of technology while also pushing your academic boundaries. Time to dive in, explore, question, and take your own unique stance on hot-button issues.

  • Biometrics in identity verification: A privacy risk?
  • Impact of 5G on mobile gaming.
  • Are wearable fitness devices a true reflection of health?
  • Can machine learning help predict climate change effects?
  • Are digital currencies disrupting traditional finance?
  • Use of drones in search and rescue operations.
  • Impact of e-learning on academic performance.
  • Does artificial intelligence have a place in home security?
  • What are the ethical issues surrounding robotic surgery?
  • Are e-wallets a safer option for online transactions?
  • How has technology transformed news dissemination?
  • AI in language translation: How accurate can it be?
  • Personalized advertising: Boon or bane for online users?
  • Are smart classes making learning more interactive?
  • Influence of technology on homemade crafts and DIY culture.

Technology Research Topics for University Students

Are you browsing for university technology research ideas? We've got you covered. Whether you're about to dig deep into high-tech debates, or just taking your first steps, our list of technology research questions is your treasure chest.

  • Blockchain applications in ensuring academic integrity.
  • Impact of quantum computing on data security.
  • Are brain-computer interfaces a future communication tool?
  • Does digital currency pose a threat to the global economy?
  • Use of AI in predicting and managing natural disasters.
  • Can biometrics replace traditional identification systems?
  • Role of nanotechnology in waste management.
  • Machine learning's influence on climate change modeling.
  • Edge computing: Revolutionizing data processing?
  • Is virtual reality in psychological therapy a viable option?
  • Potential of synthetic biology in medical research.
  • Quantum cryptography: An uncrackable code?
  • Is space tourism achievable with current technology?
  • Ethical implications of gene editing technologies.
  • Artificial intelligence in governance.

Technology Research Paper Topics in Different Areas

In the next section, we've arranged a collection of technology research questions related to different areas like computer science, biotechnology, and medicine. Find an area you are interested in and look through subject-focused ideas and topics for a research paper on technology.

Technology Research Topics on Computer Science

Computer science is a field that has rapidly developed over the past decades. It deals with questions of technology's influence on society, as well as applications of cutting-edge technologies in various industries and sectors. Here are some computer science research topics on technology to get started:

  • Prospects of machine learning in malware detection.
  • Influence of cloud computing on business operations.
  • Quantum computing: potential impacts on cryptography.
  • Role of big data in personalized marketing.
  • Can AI models effectively simulate human decision-making?
  • Future of mobile applications: Towards augmented reality?
  • Pros and cons of open source software development.
  • Role of computer science in advancing virtual reality.
  • Natural language processing: Transforming human-computer interaction?
  • Developing secure e-commerce platforms: Challenges and solutions.
  • Green computing : solutions for reducing energy consumption.
  • Data mining in healthcare: An untapped opportunity?
  • Understanding cyber threats in the internet of things.
  • Algorithmic bias: Implications for automated decision-making.
  • Role of neural networks in image recognition.

Information Technology Research Topics

Information technology is a dynamic field that involves the use of computers and software to manage and process information. It's crucial in today's digital era, influencing a range of industries from healthcare to entertainment. Here are some captivating information technology related topics:

  • Impact of cloud technology on data management.
  • Role of information technology in disaster management.
  • Can artificial intelligence help improve data accuracy?
  • Cybersecurity measures for protecting personal information.
  • Evolving role of IT in healthcare administration.
  • Adaptive learning systems: A revolution in education?
  • E-governance : Impact on public administration.
  • Role of IT in modern supply chain management.
  • Bioinformatics and its role in personalized medicine.
  • Is data mining an invasion of privacy?
  • Can virtual reality enhance training and development programs?
  • Role of IT in facilitating remote work.
  • Smart devices and data security: A potential risk?
  • Harnessing IT for sustainable business practices.
  • How can big data support decision-making processes?

Technology Research Topics on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI as we fondly call it, is all about creating machines that mimic human intelligence. It's shaping everything from how we drive our cars to how we manage our calendars. Want to understand the mind of a machine? Choose a topic about technology for a research paper from the list below:

  • AI's role in detecting fake news.
  • Chatbots in customer service: Are humans still needed?
  • Algorithmic trading: AI's impact on financial markets.
  • AI in agriculture: a step towards sustainable farming?
  • Facial recognition systems: an AI revolution or privacy threat?
  • Can AI outperform humans in creative tasks?
  • Sentiment analysis in social media: how effective is AI?
  • Siri, Alexa, and the future of AI.
  • AI in autonomous vehicles: safety concern or necessity?
  • How AI algorithms are transforming video games.
  • AI's potential in predicting and mitigating natural disasters.
  • Role of AI in combating cyber threats.
  • Influence of AI on job recruitment and HR processes.
  • Can AI help in advancing climate change research?
  • Can machines make accurate diagnoses?

Technology Research Topics in Cybersecurity Command

Cybersecurity Command focuses on strengthening digital protection. Its goal is to identify vulnerabilities, and outsmart cyber threats. Ready to crack the code of the cybersecurity command? Check out these technology topics for research designed to take you through the tunnels of cyberspace:

  • Cybersecurity strategies for a post-quantum world.
  • Role of AI in identifying cyber threats.
  • Is cybersecurity command in healthcare a matter of life and death?
  • Is there any connection between cryptocurrency and cybercrime?
  • Cyber warfare : The invisible battleground.
  • Mitigating insider threats in cybersecurity command.
  • Future of biometric authentication in cybersecurity.
  • IoT security: command challenges and solutions.
  • Cybersecurity and cloud technology: A secure match?
  • Influence of blockchain on cybersecurity command.
  • Machine learning's role in malware detection.
  • Cybersecurity protocols for mobile devices.
  • Ethics in cybersecurity: Hacking back and other dilemmas.
  • What are some steps to recovery after a breach?
  • Social engineering: Human factor in cybersecurity.

Technology Research Topics on Biotechnology

Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary field that has been gaining a lot of traction in the past few decades. It involves the application of biological principles to understand and solve various problems. The following research topic ideas for technology explore biotechnology's impact on medicine, environment, agriculture, and other sectors:

  • Can GMOs solve global hunger issues?
  • Understanding biotech's role in developing personalized medicine.
  • Using biotech to fight antibiotic resistance.
  • Pros and cons of genetically modified animals.
  • Biofuels – are they really a sustainable energy solution?
  • Ethical challenges in gene editing.
  • Role of biotech in combating climate change.
  • Can biotechnology help conserve biodiversity?
  • Biotech in beauty: Revolutionizing cosmetics.
  • Bioluminescence – a natural wonder or a biotech tool?
  • Applications of microbial biotechnology in waste management.
  • Human organ farming: Possibility or pipe dream?
  • Biotech and its role in sustainable agriculture.
  • Biotech advancements in creating allergy-free foods.
  • Exploring the future of biotech in disease detection.

>> Read more: Biology Topics to Research

Technology Research Paper Topics on Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is an area of science that involves the manipulation of genes to change or enhance biological characteristics. This field has raised tremendous ethical debates while offering promising solutions in medicine and agriculture. Here are some captivating topics for a technology research paper on genetic engineering:

  • Future of gene editing: Breakthrough or ethical dilemma?
  • Role of CRISPR technology in combating genetic diseases.
  • Pros and cons of genetically modified crops.
  • Impact of genetic engineering on biodiversity.
  • Can gene therapy provide a cure for cancer?
  • Genetic engineering and the quest for designer babies.
  • Legal aspects of genetic engineering.
  • Use of genetic engineering in organ transplantation.
  • Genetic modifications: Impact on human lifespan.
  • Genetically engineered pets: A step too far?
  • The role of genetic engineering in biofuels production.
  • Ethics of genetic data privacy.
  • Genetic engineering and its impact on world hunger.
  • Genetically modified insects: Solution for disease control?
  • Genetic engineering: A tool for biological warfare?

Reproduction Technology Research Paper Topics

Reproduction technology is all about the science that aids human procreation. It's a field teeming with innovation, from IVF advancements to genetic screening. Yet, it also stirs up ethical debates and thought-provoking technology topics to write about:

  • Advances in in Vitro Fertilization (IVF) technology .
  • The rise of surrogacy: Technological advancements and implications.
  • Ethical considerations in sperm and egg donation.
  • Genetic screening of embryos: A step forward or an ethical minefield?
  • Role of technology in understanding and improving fertility.
  • Artificial Wombs: Progress and prospects.
  • Ethical and legal aspects of posthumous reproduction.
  • Impact of reproductive technology on the LGBTQ+ community.
  • The promise and challenge of stem cells in reproduction.
  • Technology's role in preventing genetic diseases in unborn babies.
  • Social implications of childbearing technology.
  • The concept of 'designer babies': Ethical issues and future possibilities.
  • Reproductive cloning: Prospects and controversies.
  • Technology and the future of contraception.
  • Role of AI in predicting successful IVF treatment.

Medical Technology Topics for a Research Paper

The healthcare field is undergoing massive transformations thanks to cutting-edge medical technology. From revolutionary diagnostic tools to life-saving treatments, technology is reshaping medicine as we know it. To aid your exploration of this dynamic field, we've compiled medical technology research paper topics:

  • Role of AI in early disease detection.
  • Impact of telemedicine on rural healthcare.
  • Nanotechnology in cancer treatment: Prospects and challenges.
  • Can wearable technology improve patient outcomes?
  • Ethical considerations in genome sequencing.
  • Augmented reality in surgical procedures.
  • The rise of personalized medicine: Role of technology.
  • Mental health apps: Revolution or hype?
  • Technology and the future of prosthetics.
  • Role of Big Data in healthcare decision making.
  • Virtual reality as a tool for pain management.
  • Impact of machine learning on drug discovery.
  • The promise of medical drones for emergency response.
  • Technology's role in combating antimicrobial resistance.
  • Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Blessing or curse?

>> More ideas: Med Research Topics

Health Technology Research Topics

Health technology is driving modern healthcare to new heights. From apps that monitor vital stats to robots assisting in surgeries, technology's touch is truly transformative. Take a look at these topics related to technology applied in healthcare:

  • Role of mobile apps in managing diabetes.
  • Impact of health technology on patient privacy.
  • Wearable tech: Fad or future of personal health monitoring?
  • How can AI help in battling mental health issues?
  • Role of digital tools in promoting preventive healthcare.
  • Smart homes for the elderly: Boon or bane?
  • Technology and its impact on health insurance.
  • The effectiveness of virtual therapy sessions.
  • Can health chatbots replace human doctors?
  • Technology's role in fighting the obesity epidemic.
  • The use of blockchain in health data management.
  • Impact of technology on sleep health.
  • Social media and its effect on mental health.
  • Prospects of 3D printing in creating medical equipment.
  • Tele-rehabilitation: An effective solution for physical therapy?

>> View more: Public Health Topics to Research

Communication Technology Research Topics

With technology at the helm, our ways of communicating are changing at an unprecedented pace. From simple text messages to immersive virtual conferences, technology has rewritten the rules of engagement. So, without further ado, let's explore these communication research ideas for technology that capture the essence of this revolution.

  • AI chatbots: Re-defining customer service.
  • The impact of 5G on global communication.
  • Augmented Reality: The future of digital marketing?
  • Is 'digital divide' hindering global communication?
  • Social media's role in shaping public opinion.
  • Can holographic communication become a reality?
  • Influence of emojis in digital communication.
  • The cybersecurity challenges in modern communication.
  • Future of journalism in the digital age.
  • How technology is reshaping political communication.
  • The influence of streaming platforms on viewing habits.
  • Privacy concerns in the age of instant messaging.
  • Can technology solve the issue of language barriers?
  • The rise of podcasting: A digital renaissance.
  • Role of virtual reality in remote communication.

Research Topics on Technology in Transportation

Technology is the driving force behind the dramatic changes in transportation, making journeys safer, more efficient, and eco-friendly. Whether it's autonomous vehicles or the concept of Hyperloop, there are many transportation technology topics for a research paper to choose from:

  • Electric vehicles: A step towards sustainable travel.
  • The role of AI in traffic management.
  • Pros and cons of autonomous vehicles.
  • Hyperloop: An ambitious vision of the future?
  • Drones in goods delivery: Efficiency vs. privacy.
  • Technology's role in reducing aviation accidents.
  • Challenges in implementing smart highways.
  • The implications of blockchain in logistics.
  • Could vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicles solve traffic problems?
  • Impact of GPS technology on transportation.
  • How has technology influenced public transit systems?
  • Role of 5G in future transportation.
  • Ethical concerns over self-driving cars.
  • Technology in maritime safety: Progress and hurdles.
  • The evolution of bicycle technology: From spokes to e-bikes.

Technology Research Paper Topics on Education

The intersection of technology and education is an exciting frontier with limitless possibilities. From online learning to interactive classrooms, you can explore various technology paper topics about education:

  • How does e-learning affect student engagement?
  • VR classrooms: A glimpse into the future?
  • Can AI tutors revolutionize personalized learning?
  • Digital textbooks versus traditional textbooks: A comparison.
  • Gamification in education: Innovation or distraction?
  • The impact of technology on special education.
  • How are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) reshaping higher education?
  • The role of technology in inclusive education.
  • Cybersecurity in schools: Measures and challenges.
  • The potential of Augmented Reality (AR) in classroom learning.
  • How is technology influencing homeschooling trends?
  • Balancing technology and traditional methods in early childhood education.
  • Risks and benefits of student data tracking.
  • Can coding be the new literacy in the 21st century?
  • The influence of social media on academic performance.

>> Learn more: Education Research Paper Topics

Relationships and Technology Research Topics

In the digital age, technology also impacts our relationships. It has become an integral part of how we communicate, meet people, and sustain our connections. Discover some thought-provoking angles with these research paper topics about technology:

  • How do dating apps affect modern relationships?
  • The influence of social media on interpersonal communication.
  • Is technology enhancing or hindering long-distance relationships?
  • The psychology behind online dating: A study.
  • How do virtual reality environments impact social interaction?
  • Social media friendships: Genuine or superficial?
  • How does technology-mediated communication affect family dynamics?
  • The impact of technology on work-life balance.
  • The role of technology in sustaining long-term relationships.
  • How does the 'always connected' culture influence personal boundaries?
  • Cyberbullying and its effect on teenage relationships.
  • Can technology predict compatibility in relationships?
  • The effects of 'ghosting' in digital communication.
  • How technology assists in maintaining relationships among elderly populations.
  • Social media: A boon or bane for marital relationships?

Agriculture Technology Research Paper Topics

Modern agriculture is far from just tilling the soil and harvesting crops. Technology has made remarkable strides into the fields, innovating and improving agricultural processes. Take a glance at these technology research paper topic ideas:

  • Can drone technology transform crop monitoring?
  • Precision agriculture: Benefits and challenges.
  • Aquaponics and the future of sustainable farming.
  • How is artificial intelligence aiding in crop prediction?
  • Impact of blockchain technology in food traceability.
  • The role of IoT in smart farming.
  • Vertical farming : Is it a sustainable solution for urban food supply?
  • Innovations in irrigation technology for water conservation.
  • Automated farming: A boon or a threat to employment in agriculture?
  • How satellite imagery is improving crop disease detection.
  • Biotechnology in crop improvement: Pros and cons.
  • Nanotechnology in agriculture: Scope and limitations.
  • Role of robotics in livestock management.
  • Agricultural waste management through technology.
  • Is hydroponics the future of farming?

Technological Research Topics on Environment

Our planet is facing numerous environmental challenges, and technology may hold the key to solving many of these. With innovations ranging from renewable energy sources to waste management systems, the realm of technology offers a plethora of research angles. So, if you're curious about the intersection of technology and environment, this list of research topics is for you:

  • Innovations in waste management: A technology review.
  • The role of AI in predicting climate change impacts.
  • Renewable energy: Advancements in solar technology.
  • The impact of electric vehicles on carbon emissions.
  • Can smart agriculture help solve world hunger?
  • Role of technology in water purification and conservation.
  • The impact of IoT devices on energy consumption.
  • Technology solutions for oil spills.
  • Satellite technology in environmental monitoring.
  • Technological advances in forest conservation.
  • Green buildings: Sustainable construction technology.
  • Bioengineering: A solution to soil erosion?
  • Impact of nanotechnology on environmental conservation.
  • Ocean clean-up initiatives: Evaluating existing technology.
  • How can technology help in reducing air pollution?

>> View more: Environmental Science Research Topics

Energy & Power Technology Topics for Research Paper

Energy and power are two pivotal areas where technology is bringing unprecedented changes. You can investigate renewable energy sources or efficient power transmission. If you're excited about exploring the intricacies of energy and power advancements, here are some engaging technology topics for research papers:

  • Assessing the efficiency of wind energy technologies.
  • Power storage: Current and future technology.
  • Solar panel technology: Recent advancements and future predictions.
  • Can nuclear fusion be the answer to our energy crisis?
  • Smart grid technology: A revolution in power distribution.
  • Evaluating the impact of hydropower on ecosystems.
  • The role of AI in optimizing power consumption.
  • Biofuels vs. fossil fuels: A comparative study.
  • Electric vehicle charging infrastructure: Technological challenges and solutions.
  • Technology advancements in geothermal power.
  • How is IoT technology helping in energy conservation?
  • Harnessing wave and tidal energy: Technological possibilities.
  • Role of nanotechnology in improving solar cell efficiency.
  • Power transmission losses: Can technology provide a solution?
  • Assessing the future of coal technology in the era of renewable energy.

Research Topics about Technology in Finance

The finance sector has seen drastic changes with the rise of technology, which has revolutionized the way financial transactions are conducted and services are offered. Consider these research topics in technology applied in the finance sector:

  • Rise of cryptocurrency: An evaluation of Bitcoin's impact.
  • Algorithmic trading: How does it reshape financial markets?
  • Role of AI and machine learning in financial forecasting.
  • Technological challenges in implementing digital banking.
  • How is blockchain technology transforming financial services?
  • Cybersecurity risks in online banking: Identifying solutions.
  • FinTech startups: Disrupting traditional finance systems.
  • Role of technology in financial inclusion.
  • Assessing the impact of mobile wallets on the banking sector.
  • Automation in finance: Opportunities and threats.
  • Role of big data analytics in financial decision making.
  • AI-based robo-advisors vs. human financial advisors.
  • The future of insurance technology (InsurTech).
  • Can technology solve the issue of financial fraud?
  • Impact of regulatory technology (RegTech) in maintaining compliance.

>> More ideas: Finance Research Topics

War Technology Research Paper Topics

The nature of warfare has transformed significantly with the evolution of technology, shifting the battlegrounds from land, sea, and air to the realms of cyber and space. This transition opens up a range of topics to explore. Here are some research topics in the realm of war technology:

  • Drones in warfare: Ethical implications.
  • Cyber warfare: Assessing threats and defense strategies.
  • Autonomous weapons: A boon or a curse?
  • Implications of artificial intelligence in modern warfare.
  • Role of technology in intelligence gathering.
  • Satellite technology and its role in modern warfare.
  • The future of naval warfare: Autonomous ships and submarines.
  • Hypersonic weapons: Changing the dynamics of war.
  • Impact of nuclear technology in warfare.
  • Technology and warfare: Exploring the relationship.
  • Information warfare: The role of social media.
  • Space warfare: Future possibilities and implications.
  • Bio-warfare: Understanding technology's role in development and prevention.
  • Impact of virtual reality on military training.
  • War technology and international law: A critical examination.

Food Technology Topics for Research Papers

Food technology is a field that deals with the study of food production, preservation, and safety. It involves understanding how various techniques can be applied to increase shelf life and improve nutrition value of foods. Check out our collection of food technology research paper topic ideas:

  • Lab-grown meats: Sustainable solution or a mere hype?
  • How AI is enhancing food safety and quality?
  • Precision agriculture: Revolutionizing farming practices.
  • GMOs: Assessing benefits and potential risks.
  • Role of robotics in food manufacturing and packaging.
  • Smart kitchens: Streamlining cooking through technology.
  • Nanofood: Tiny technology, big impact.
  • Sustainable food systems: Role of technology.
  • Food traceability: Ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Food delivery apps: Changing the face of dining out.
  • The rise of plant-based alternatives and their production technologies.
  • Virtual and augmented reality in culinary experiences.
  • Technology in mitigating food waste.
  • Innovations in food packaging: Impact on freshness and sustainability.
  • IoT in smart farming: Improving yield and reducing waste.

Entertainment Technology Topics

Entertainment technology is reinventing the ways we experience amusement. This industry is always presenting new angles for research and discussion, be it the rise of virtual reality in movies or the influence of streaming platforms on the music industry. Here's a list of unique research topics related to entertainment technology:

  • Impact of virtual reality on the movie industry.
  • Streaming platforms vs traditional media: A comparative study.
  • Technology in music: Evolution and future prospects.
  • eSports: Rise of a new form of entertainment.
  • Augmented reality in theme parks.
  • The transformation of theater with digital technology.
  • AI and film editing: Redefining the art.
  • The role of technology in the rise of independent cinema.
  • Podcasts: Revolutionizing radio with technology.
  • Immersive technologies in art exhibitions.
  • The influence of technology on fashion shows and design.
  • Livestreaming concerts: A new norm in the music industry?
  • Drones in entertainment: Applications and ethics.
  • Social media as an entertainment platform.
  • The transformation of journalism in the era of digital entertainment.

Technology Research Questions

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology, numerous intriguing questions arise. Below, we present new research questions about technology that can fuel your intellectual pursuit.

  • What potential does quantum computing hold for resolving complex problems?
  • How will advancements in AI impact job security across different sectors?
  • In what ways can blockchain technology reform the existing financial systems?
  • How is nanotechnology revolutionizing the field of medicine?
  • What are the ethical implications surrounding the use of facial recognition technology?
  • How will the introduction of 6G change our communication patterns?
  • In what ways is green technology contributing to sustainable development?
  • Can virtual reality transform the way we approach education?
  • How are biometrics enhancing the security measures in today's digital world?
  • How is space technology influencing our understanding of the universe?
  • What role can technology play in solving the global water crisis?
  • How can technology be leveraged to combat climate change effectively?
  • How is technology transforming the landscape of modern agriculture?
  • Can technological advancements lead to a fully renewable energy-dependent world?
  • How does technology influence the dynamics of modern warfare?

Bottom Line on Research Topics in Technology

Technology is a rapidly evolving field, and there's always something new to explore. Whether you're writing for the computer sciences, information technology or food technology realm, there are endless ideas that you can research on. Pick one of these technology research paper topics and jumpstart your project.


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University Information Technology (UIT)

Main navigation, microsoft copilot: compliance and ethical considerations.

Three stacked Microsoft 365 screens, with the left screen on top. The top screen has a white box in the middle that says, "Introducing Copilot."

The University of Utah has approved the use of Microsoft Copilot, though users should always log in to the university's instance for data and legal protections and follow guidelines.

Since OpenAI’s introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022 , a “ space race ” of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools began, with companies and organizations rolling out new large language models (LLMs) and promising to transform work and creativity. Concerns about algorithmic bias in automated decision-making , legal challenges about copyright and fair use of training material , more opportunities for malicious actors to breach enterprise or personal data, as well as AI hallucinations or nonsensical or inaccurate outputs, however, have left users uncertain about whether the tools are safe to use.

Even Microsoft Copilot , the only commercial generative AI tool approved for use at the University of Utah , comes with risk. By following some key guidelines and behaviors, however, the U’s instance of Copilot can help draft documents, summarize information, analyze data, and even provide a few laughs in a safer, more accurate and credible manner.

Powered by ChatGPT-4, and DALL-E for images, Copilot ingests a user’s prompt, transmits it outside of the university’s self-regulated IT environment, and accesses generative AI systems in Microsoft’s cloud to provide a response, also called an output. In the simplest terms, Copilot evaluates the prompt against LLM training data, considers context cues from the prompt, and generates an output using sophisticated mathematical reasoning. Copilot’s AI systems are regularly tuned, adjusted, and updated to enhance accuracy and decrease occurrences of bias and hallucination.

Critical legal protections are in place when using a verified university account (they are not present when using a personal Copilot account or open-source LLMs), so it’s important that users log in with their U credentials before using the tool . These protections are paramount because Microsoft is a “prompt processor” — when users disclose or share restricted data , it leaves the university’s IT environment and is processed or accessed by third parties, including Microsoft and its subcontractors, which may violate law, expose trade secrets, or infringe on trademarks, or risk intellectual property.

According to U regulations, users are required to limit prompts to approved data, meaning nonspecific or nonidentifiable, publicly available information.

Users are prohibited from disclosing protected health information (PHI) because certain legally required contracts, such as a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Business Associate Agreements , are not in place under the U’s Microsoft Copilot license. Users also should never input other legally restricted data, such as confidential information, student data, privileged communications, trade secrets, personally identifiable information like health or financial data, or unpublished intellectual property.

With these cautions in mind, students, faculty, and staff can experiment with Copilot’s prompt engineering with little risk. When logged in with a U account, commercial data protections provide certain IT security and privacy configurations, delete prompt data, prohibit the transfer of ownership of prompt data or outputs to third parties, and prohibit Microsoft from using user input to train the underlying LLM(s).

When using Microsoft Copilot, consider compliance, ethics, communication, and editing — human behaviors that a machine can’t replicate.

Compliance is a community effort and builds an important foundation for using technology.

Start by using university-approved services, such as Copilot, and university-managed devices to ensure data protection is enabled and IT security configurations are in place. Next, understand the nature of the data you are interacting with before disclosing it to a third party, such as Microsoft. This includes understanding the expectations around the handling of that data. Certain categories of data, such as restricted data, can lead to state or federal regulatory violations or civil legal liability.

Ethics around using and developing skilled (and perhaps eventually sentient) AI tools is complex, with competing views and strong opinions. People are grappling with this across the globe, including scholars who’re publishing ethical frameworks . When considering generative AI at a university, some topics include its place in pedagogical, clinical, and workplace optimization, as well as data usage and governance.

Some tips for ethical use include:

  • Accessibility — Consider a training program to ensure that AI is accessible to students and employees equally, and folks who don’t consider themselves “technically savvy” aren’t left behind or think of AI tools as incompatible with their teaching, learning, or work.
  • Bias and accuracy — Research indicates that algorithms can be biased against some groups, compounding systemic discrimination. Additionally, outputs can be wrong but sound convincing and authoritative. There are reputational and legal risks of relying on inaccurate and biased information. Monitor and verify outputs before using them, check sources, and be mindful about when generative AI use is inappropriate.


Be transparent when you use Copilot or other generative AI tools.

Communicate specific generative AI use expectations with your students, colleagues, and audience, relying first on university policy and use guidelines, and second on your collaborators’ comfort and internal workflows. Always cite the use of generative AI tools. Reading or viewing AI content without noting its use can be jarring, misleading, and feel inauthentic.

Become a good editor and teach others to enhance their editing skills when using generative AI tools.

One of the most human things about you is your personal sense of style and taste; these are uniquely you. You have developed your voice from your education and experiences. Your taste and editing skills are critical when using Copilot. Consider generative AI outputs as a first draft and have a heavy hand in editing to apply your personal voice and taste.

What are groups doing with Microsoft Copilot?

The Copilot logo above a translucent text box that reads, "A whole new way to work." The bottom of the background resembles purple and blue ribbons winding from front left to back right, with peach and other gradient hues at the top.

Copilot can support your work.

Have an information privacy topic you’d like to know more about? Contact Bebe Vanek, information privacy administrator for University of Utah Health Compliance Services, at [email protected] .

  • Preparing first drafts of letters, kudos, or emails. Remember to review and edit for your voice and appropriate content.
  • Compiling and summarizing large amounts of information from various sources and preparing a summary or initial outline for a presentation. Be sure to check sources for accuracy and credibility.
  • Analyzing large data sets and publicly available documents to summarize information. Use caution to verify accuracy.
  • Generating appropriate images to brainstorm content for social media marketing or office materials. Be sure to follow approved university marketing guidelines .
  • Experimenting with prompt engineering and learning something new. This technology can be fun, and some outputs are inadvertently funny while you adjust to these skills.

U of U resources

Many resources are available for those interested in using Microsoft Copilot or getting involved with AI discussions at the university.

  • Related article: Website about AI efforts at the U goes live
  • Attend monthly VP for Research AI Community of Practice meetings to learn more about platform development, events, and use cases
  • Contact me or Senior IT Product Manager Clayton Norlen at [email protected] for information on upcoming webinars, which include a Copilot demo and more information about legal and compliance risks associated with the tool
  • Complete the Responsible AI Survey to submit ideas and help drive development on campus

Our monthly newsletter includes news from UIT and other campus/ University of Utah Health IT organizations, features about UIT employees, IT governance news, and various announcements and updates.

  • Digital Learning Technologies
  • Employee Feature
  • IT Governance
  • IT Leadership Spotlight
  • IT Security News
  • Meet Your Colleagues
  • Network News

Featured Posts

  • UIT Leadership Spotlight: Jake Johansen, chief information security officer
  • UIT preplanning avoids start of semester 'fires'
  • Microsoft Copilot: Compliance and ethical considerations for the AI tool
  • IT governance roundup


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  6. Master's in Information Technology


  1. Top 400 Information Technology Research Topics

    Get into the latest and most compelling information technology research topics. From cybersecurity to artificial intelligence, big data to cloud computing, discover emerging trends and groundbreaking innovations shaping the future of IT.

  2. 54 Most Interesting Technology Research Topics for 2023

    We present 60 of the most interesting technology research topics and technology essay topics for high school and college students in 2024.

  3. A List of 20 Information Technology (IT) Dissertation Topics for 2023

    A list of 20 trending IT dissertation topics that will captivate your research interest and contribute to the advancement of the field.

  4. Research Topics & Ideas: Data Science

    A comprehensive list of data science and analytics-related research topics. Includes free access to a webinar and research topic evaluator.

  5. Computer Science Research Topics (+ Free Webinar)

    A meaty list of research topics in computer science, including algorithms, AI, networking, database systems, UX, and information security.

  6. Information Technology: News, Articles, Research, & Case Studies

    Information Technology New research on information technology from Harvard Business School faculty on issues including the HealthCare.gov fiasco, online privacy concerns, and the civic benefits of technologies that utilize citizen-created data.

  7. Your Guide to the Master's in Information Technology

    Earning your master's degree in information technology (IT) —or the practice of supporting and troubleshooting computer systems and network systems—can be a lucrative way to advance your knowledge or pivot from another area and prepare for a career in the field. These degrees tend to be somewhat faster to earn than other types of master ...

  8. Master of ICT Research

    The Master of ICT Research is an advanced coursework and research program. Coursework will consist of one year of study in three broad fields in ICT, including Research proposals, followed by a year of Research thesis to complete. The research degree teaches you the fundamentals of knowledge creation. The skills you gain will support you throughout your career.

  9. Top Master's Degrees in Information Technology

    MS in Computer and Information Technology. Purdue's MS in computer and information technology offers eight concentrations, including big data and data analytics, bioinformatics and healthcare computing, and cyberinfrastructure and high-performance computing. The degree culminates in a thesis or directed research project.

  10. M.S. in Information Technology

    Topics in database systems, networking, data analytics, software design and engineering, management of technology, human computer interaction, and ethics are applied within a framework of global e-business strategy. The course utilizes an Information Technology Team Project with a real organization to practice the major concepts of the IT Degree.

  11. Innovative Learning Analytics online master's program advances

    Artificial intelligence and data analytics are revolutionizing education — from traditional K-12 classrooms to advanced research labs — and Penn GSE's Learning Analytics online M.S.Ed. program is perfectly timed to meet this growing demand. The program equips aspiring data scientists and educators with the skills to significantly impact various educational sectors, including schools ...

  12. Special Topics in Information Technology

    Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program.

  13. What are hot research areas in Information Technology?

    I propose the following and current research topic in the field of ICT information technologies: The role and significance of ICT information technologies in the field of improving anti-pandemic ...

  14. MSc in Information Technology (Research)

    The Masters study programme comprises a dissertation based on an approved topic. In addition, a minimum result of 65% in the preceding Honours Degree is required for admission.

  15. 150+ Research Paper Topics For Information Technology

    The Information Technology is most modern technological advancements. In this following article we've chosen the 150+ most research topics for Information technology.

  16. Master of Information and Communications Technology (Research)

    With a postgraduate degree from Western you can elevate your career. Expand your knowledge, develop new networks and enhance your career prospects with us. The Master of Information and Communications Technology (Research) exposes you to advanced topics and research in the field of Information and Communications Technology.

  17. Information Systems Graduate Theses and Dissertations

    Essays On Information Technology Product Strategies And The Evolution Of Information Systems Research, Soheil Goodarzi

  18. Masters Research Topics Availability

    Masters Research Topics Availability. Solid programming skills. Deep learning in video recognition. Service-oriented architecture. Micro-architecture. Knowledge of Python. Knowledge of Java. Must plan to work on project for two semesters. All aspects of Database Management Systems and Data Mining.

  19. Kennesaw State University's Master of Science in Information Technology

    The Masters of Science in Information Technology degree is designed to enhance career options for a broad mix of students. The program is geared for those students interested in pursuing a career in the management and performance of information systems planning, development, implementation and operation.

  20. Empirical Research on AI Technology-Supported Precision Teaching in

    The empowerment of educational reform and innovation through AI technology has become a topic of increasing interest in the field of education. The advent of AI technology has made comprehensive and in-depth teaching evaluation possible, serving as a significant driving force for efficient and precise teaching. There were few empirical studies on the application of high-quality precision ...

  21. IT Management Research Topics

    Current Ph.D. faculty research programs span a wide range of technology management topics. Examples include: Analytics in organizations and social media. Organizational diffusion, adoption and use of information technologies. Role of routines and organizational work processes in IT-mediated transformations. The roles of trust in the adoption of ...

  22. Study reveals the benefits and downside of fasting

    MIT researchers have discovered how fasting impacts the regenerative abilities of intestinal stem cells, reports Ed Cara for Gizmodo.. "The major finding of our current study is that refeeding after fasting is a distinct state from fasting itself," explain Prof. Ömer Yilmaz and postdocs Shinya Imada and Saleh Khawaled.

  23. What are the research topics available for Masters students in

    What are the research topics available for Masters students in Information Technology? I am a student under school of engineering I am straggling to find a research topic for my thesis I have been ...

  24. Researchers document animals' preference for ...

    As primary investigator, Tuinstra disclosed the technology to the Purdue Research Foundation's Office of Technology Commercialization, which applied for and received a patent for it in 2016. Jay Hulbert, president and CEO of Ag Alumni Seed, was brought in to help explore the technology's potential commercialization. Hulbert's company ...

  25. Masters Research Topics in Information Technology

    In the domain of Information Technology (IT), selecting a research topic for a master's thesis comprises latest trends, breakthrough technologies and crucially your areas of interest. Scholars might get out too much stressed as selecting the right research topic is very important for the success of your research. From international journals we refer research ideas of your areas and suggest ...

  26. NSF announces 4 new Engineering Research Centers focused on

    Engineering innovations transform our lives and energize the economy. The U.S. National Science Foundation announces a five-year investment of $104 million, with a potential 10-year investment of up to $208 million, in four new NSF Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) to create technology-powered solutions that benefit the nation for decades to come.

  27. Biggest List of 221 IT Thesis Topics For Students

    21 Fresh Dissertation Topics for You (Absolutely Free) Without further ado, here are the 21 thesis topics for IT students that we think are the most interesting and engaging: Conducting virtual business in the era of 3D Internet - the business of the future. Analyzing e-tourism services in the UK: Factors that Influence Customer Satisfaction.

  28. 450+ Technology Research Topics: Best Ideas for Students

    Need technology research paper topics? Check our list of ideas and topics in technology in dfferent domains: Computer Sciences, AI, Robotics, Biotechnology.

  29. Microsoft Copilot: Compliance and ethical considerations

    When considering generative AI at a university, some topics include its place in pedagogical, clinical, and workplace optimization, as well as data usage and governance. ... Bias and accuracy — Research indicates that algorithms can be biased against some groups, compounding systemic discrimination. ... University Information Technology. The ...

  30. Honors College Faculty Equipment and Technology Grant Applications Due

    You have a brilliant idea that will provide solid research experience for an honors student in search of a thesis topic — but need nationwide data so your student can crunch the numbers. Or perhaps a very small (and very pricey) lens will support a new line of undergraduate inquiry in your lab. The Honors College can help.