
Resources education, ugc — guidance document on good academic research practices (garp).

This document, released by the University Grants Commission (UGC), gives information on good practices across the research life cycle for quality, impactful, and ethical research.

Click here to download.

UGC Guidelines: A Clear Path to Research Paper Publication

Why did ugc issue guidelines for research paper publication.

To safeguard the credibility and reliability of research output, foster a culture of academic honesty, and deter unethical practices in research publication .

1. UGC CARE List of Journals:   The UGC has developed a list of journals that are considered to be of good quality. These journals are known as the UGC CARE List of Journals. Researchers are encouraged to publish their papers in journals that are on the UGC CARE List.

2. Plagiarism:   The UGC has a strict policy on plagiarism. Researchers are required to ensure that their work is original and that they have properly cited all sources. Plagiarism is a serious offense and can result in disciplinary action.

3. authorship:  the ugc has guidelines on authorship. researchers are required to clearly state their contribution to the research. the corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have agreed to be included on the paper., 4. conflict of interest:   the ugc has guidelines on conflict of interest. researchers are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. a conflict of interest is a situation in which a researcher's personal or professional interests could influence their research., 5. ethical considerations:   the ugc has guidelines on ethical considerations. researchers are required to ensure that their research is conducted in an ethical manner. this includes obtaining informed consent from participants and protecting the confidentiality of data., book an appointment, publish your research paper now, contact us now.

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How To Publish A Research Paper In UGC Approved Journal



Publication in a good indexing journal depends on research quality, the novelty of work, content presentation, author experience. Out of different indexing, some of the scholars are searching for UGC-CARE Index journals and want to know how to publish paper in UGC Approved Journal . This article help scholars to identify good journals and some easy steps to publish its content in the UGC-CARE journal.

Caution before Journal Selection for publication

  • Always select UGC-CARE journal, not UGC approved. As some of the journals were listed in UGC approved list in 2017 to 2019, but most of them were removed after june 2019.
  • Always cross-check journal website from ABCD portal by correct ISSN number, as few people make clone site of listed international journals.
  • Select online journals only for publication, as this always help in improving paper citation.

Group 1 Journal List

Social Science List

Science List

Multi Disciplinary List

Art & Commerce List

Group 2 Scopus Journal List

Engineering Journal List

Social Science Journal List

Agriculture List

Economics Journal List

Business Journal List

Pharmaceutical Journal List

Science Journal List

Steps of how to publish paper in ugc approved journal is mention below. As per UGC group 2 Scopus journal list is also accepted for publication so scholars having the question of How to publish a research paper in scopus  is also answered in below steps:

  • As per the research topic search for some good journals online.
  • Consult about those journals with a mentor.
  • Check publication fees of that journal.
  • Improve the paper content as per published paper on journals, flow, result section, etc.
  • Always submit a paper of good length 12 to 18 pages.
  • Try to include sub authors having a good profiles (Already have a good number of publications).
  • Authors having good institution profiles have a high chance of paper selection.
  • Flow submission guideline of the journal.
  • It's a suggestion for beginners to publish papers in an average journal like Scopus, ESCI, ABCD C category, journals. Submission to SCI type of journal needs writing skill and improvement in research quality.
  • Publication charge of the journal should be check before submission as some of the journal charge in dollars that may be quite high for the scholar to pay.
  • If the paper accepts for review in a journal then wait for its reviewer response. Try to communicate with an editor for a fast reviewer response.

I hope this article helps scholars to get the answer of how to publish a paper in ugc journal , filter good journal and get a publication. ABCD is a good platform for correct publication information, one can always cross check any information about the journal.

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ugc guidelines for research papers

ugc guidelines for research papers

Frequently Asked Questions

1. where one can find ugc-care list.

The UGC-CARE List is available on the website

2. What is the "UGC-CARE List" of Journals?

The UGC-CARE Reference List of Quality journals is now divided into TWO groups, instead of the original FOUR groups to simplify the search process. These are NOT hierarchic or ranked groups.

  • UGC-CARE List Group I: Journals found qualified through UGC-CARE protocols
  • UGC-CARE List Group II: Journals indexed in globally recognised databases

3. What are predatory/ dubious/ questionable journals or publishers?

According to Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) “Predatory publishing is generally defined as for-profit open-access journal publication of scholarly articles without the benefit of peer review by experts in the field or the usual editorial oversight of the journals in question ( ).

4. How often UGC-CARE List is updated?

UGC-CARE List is updated quarterly i.e. on first of January, April, July, and October (or on the next working day if there is a public holiday on these dates) every year.

5. Where I can find a list of cloned journals?

The cloned journal list is available on the UGC-CARE website at Group I List available at : Group II List available at:

6. Can I submit my manuscript to UGC-CARE for consideration for publication in any CARE-listed journal?

UGC-CARE does not facilitate publication.

7. Who can recommend journals for inclusion in the UGC-CARE List?

Anyone can recommend journal/s, whether Indian or foreigner, for inclusion in the UGC-CARE List, by following the prescribed submission process available at

8. When can publishers submit their new journals for inclusion in the UGC-CARE List?

Publishers can apply three years after their journal begins publication.

9. How can publishers add their journal/s to the UGC-CARE List?

Publishers can submit journal title/s through IQAC Cell of any affiliated college / University following the prescribed submission process with the recommendation of teaching faculty along with the duly signed declaration form by competent authority. If any university is the publisher then the declaration form should be signed by teaching faculty from other universities. submission process with the recommendation of teaching faculty along with the duly signed declaration form by competent authority.

10. What is the status of the research papers published before the UGC-CARE List?

You can refer to the public notification of the UGC dated 14th June 2019 (point 2 and 3) available on the UGC-CARE website .

11. Why are a few journals recommended by colleges/ universities are not included in the UGC-CARE List?

Following could be the reasons for non-inclusion:

  • The journals might not have been received through the IQAC centre of particular university.
  • The journals might have not fulfilled the qualifying protocols.

12. How corrections can be made in the UGC-CARE List?

Any type of corrections or discrepancies found in the journal information in the UGC-CARE List can be communicated using feedback option available on the UGC-CARE website .

13. How to submit complaint about a journal mentioned in the UGC-CARE List?

The UGC-CARE List is dynamic. The complaints or grievances regarding journal entries in the UGC-CARE List can be submitted using feedback option available on the UGC-CARE website .No submission form for journals are entertained, if they are sent using feedback option .

14. How to find a journal in a particular subject area?

You can use a subject search option available on the UGC-CARE list. The journals in the UGC-CARE List are classified according to All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes, which are created and maintained by Scopus (Elsevier Science).

15. Whether the journals indexed in different databases are part of the UGC-CARE List?

Journals indexed in globally accepted databases are part of UGC-CARE List Group II. No other databases are recognized by UGC-CARE.

16. What is the status of journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus database in the UGC-CARE List?

Any journal indexed in Web of Science or Scopus database is the part of the of UGC-CARE List Group II. There is no need to submit such journals again for inclusion into the UGC-CARE List.

17. How to search the journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus database on the UGC-CARE website?

You cannot search journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus database directly on the UGC-CARE website but separate links to these databases are provided under Group II of the UGC-CARE List.

18. Are journals included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of Web of Science included in the UGC-CARE List?

Journals included in ESCI are not part of the UGC-CARE List Group II. As and when these journals are included in the Web of Science source publications (Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), then, they will be automatically become the part of the UGC-CARE List under Group II.

19. What is the re-review process of the rejected journal?

Rejected journal can be submitted for re-review only after one year and are required to follow the prescribed submission process . These journals will be reconsidered only if they qualify the analysis protocol.

20. Why are journals indexed in the Directory of Periodicals by the Modern Language Association (Full text) not considered in the UGC-CARE List?

Many journals indexed in Directory of Periodicals by the Modern Language Association (Full text) are already included in the Web of Knowledge and Scopus databases. Other journals qualified after scrutinizing in accordance with UGC-CARE protocols are included in UGC-CARE Group II. UGC-CARE Group II .

21. I have published a research paper in a journal which is indexed in Scopus but removed from the UGC-CARE list. Will it be considered for promotion and other academic purposes?

Please note that any publication in these journals will not be considered for any academic purposes. (Please refer to the public notification of the UGC dated 14th June 2019 (points 2 and 3) available on the UGC-CARE website .)

22.Why our journal is not included in UGC-CARE List?

If your journal has any of the following criteria, then journal may not have been considered for the UGC-CARE List.

  • Cronyism in publishing: Institutional / society publication with inhouse editorial board and If more than 5% articles published either by the editorial board members or in-house researchers / faculty members.
  • Credentials of editorial board: Research credentials of editorial board are not upto the mark.
  • False Information: If any misleading and/or false metrics are displayed anywhere on the journal's website or its pages the journal will not be eligible for inclusion in the UGC-CARE List.

23. Which are the states covered by a particular UGC-CARE University?

Four UGC-CARE Universities and their corresponding states are as per the following table

Zone Address
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Sikkim, Tripura, West Bengal
Chhattisgarh, Dadara and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Goa, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
Andaman & Nicobar, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Telangana
Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand

This is the official website of University Grants Commission’s (UGC) Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE): Reference List of Quality Journals. It is designed and developed by the UGC Cell for Journal Analysis at the Savitribai Phule Pune University solely for the UGC having its office at Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002. This website displays all the information about the UGC-CARE: Reference List of Quality Journals.

The journals included in the UGC-CARE List will be continuously reviewed by the UGC Cell for Journal Analysis established at the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra. The inclusion of any journal in the List depends on the analysis of related information defined by criteria developed by UGC-CARE.

All the information about the UGC and its policies, programmes, rules, regulations on the website is on "as is" basis without guarantees or warranties of any kind, express or implied. The information available on this website may be subject to change without prior notice. Visitors to the website are advised to contact the office of the UGC for up to date information on any matter concerned with policies, programmes, rules, regulations of the UGC.

While every effort is being made to update the information periodically, UGC-CARE does not undertake any responsibility that the website reflects the updated information on any matter at any point of time. All the content of this website is only for general information or use by the public with the intention of creating awareness and improving quality of scholarly publications. They do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon in making (or refraining from making) any decision. The UGC hereby excludes any warranty, express or implied, as to the quality, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, performance, fitness for any particular purpose of the website or any of its contents, including (but not limited to) any financial tools contained within the website.

The UGC hereby disclaims any and all liability to any individual / organization/ person for any loss or damage caused to them due to any use of or for any action taken on the basis of the general information available on the website which may be due to omission, clerical errors or for any other reason whatsoever.

While all efforts have been taken to make this website as authentic as possible, please refer to the print versions, notified Gazette copies of Acts/Rules/Regulations for authentic version or for use before the UGC or any other authority. The UGC will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any person/ entity caused by any shortcoming, defect or inaccuracy inadvertently or otherwise crept in this website. The UGC will not be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business projects, or loss of profits) arising in contract, tort or otherwise from the use of or inability to use the website, or any of its contents, or from any action taken (or refrained from being taken) as a result of using the website or any such contents.

The UGC takes care to adhere the professional security standards but makes no warranty that the contents of the website are free from infection by viruses or anything else which has contaminating or destructive properties. Users are not permitted to change, modify or prepare derivative works from the content of this website.

All information provided on official website of hosted by Savitribai Phule Pune University is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between the Savitribai Phule Pune University and any person or entity unless otherwise specified.

Information on official institute websites is subject to change without prior notice. Although all efforts have been made to make the information on the website as accurate as possible, by Pune University Network (PUN) web division, Savitribai Phule Pune University, UGC-CARE and its operational offices/officers, Centre for Publication Ethics, SPPU, Pune and UGC New Delhi makes no guarantees of any kind.

In no circumstances, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall the Savitribai Phule Pune University nor or any of its officers/employees, UGC-CARE and its operational offices/officers, CPE-Pune be liable for any loss, additional costs or damage arising as a result of any use of this website or the information, content, or services. Relevant Officials of administrative sections and academic departments in Savitribai Phule Pune University may be consulted for accurate information. 

Any discrepancy may be brought to the notice of the UGC at [email protected]

ugc guidelines for research papers

The Quality Mandate of the UGC emphasizes importance of promoting quality research by the faculty and for creating new knowledge. Credibility of research publications is extremely important. High-quality publications in reputed journals help in achieving higher global ranks and overall improvement of quality of education.

Publications in dubious sub-standard journals reflects adversely leading to long term academic damage and tarnishing of image. A problem of dubious /sub-standard journals has become a serious concern all over the world. The percentage of research articles published in poor quality journals is reported to be high in India, which has adversely affected its image.

As an apex regulatory body responsible for maintenance of standards in institutions of higher education, the UGC has taken firm steps to improve quality of research and safeguard publication ethics. For this purpose, the UGC has established “Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics” (CARE) for creation and maintenance of “Reference List of Quality Journals”. CARE members include Statutory Councils/ Academies/ Government bodies and others like the Association of Indian Universities.

The UGC Journal analysis Cell at Pune, CARE Universities at Hyderabad, New Delhi, Vadodara, Tezpur have created first edition of CARE List under the supervision of the Empowered Committee. I congratulate entire team of CARE and sincerely hope that the CARE List will benefit academic community in quality improvement efforts.

ugc guidelines for research papers

Increased incidence of compromised publication ethics and deteriorating academic integrity is a growing problem contaminating all domains of research. It has been observed that unethical / deceptive practices in publishing are leading to an increased number of dubious/ predatory journals worldwide. It has been reported that the percentage of research articles published in predatory journals is high in Indian Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs). Unethical practices leading to ‘pay and publish trash’ culture in India needs to be thwarted immediately.

Research and innovation involve rigorous scientific effort in search of truth, creation of new knowledge contributing to socioeconomic benefits for global good. It is important to ensure prevention of academic misconduct including plagiarism in academic writing among student, faculty, researcher and staff. Responsible conduct of research and safeguarding ethics and integrity in scientific research is extremely crucial.

Academic Integrity is defined as “the intellectual honesty in proposing, performing and reporting any activity, which leads to the creation of new knowledge, intellectual property”. Any attempt of compromised academic integrity should be challenged, questioned and de-recognized at all levels.

Indian academic community including teaching faculty, scientists and research scholars need to ensure that the journals / conferences they choose follow standard ethical policies. For this purpose, the UGC has set up a Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) to identify, continuously monitor and maintain reference list of quality journals across disciplines. We suggest that research articles published only in CARE Reference List of Quality Journals (CARE List) should be considered for all academic purposes.

Indian academic community must avoid publication in predatory/ dubious journals or participate in predatory conferences. They must not get associated (as Editors/Advisors or in any other capacity) with journals / publishers / conferences involved in fraudulent, dubious, / deceptive practices.

Vice Chancellors, selection committees, research supervisors / guides and such other experts involved in academic evaluation / assessment must ensure that their decisions are primarily based on quality of research work and not merely on number of publications. Any publicationsin predatory journals or presentations in predatory conferences should not be considered for academic credit for selection, confirmation, promotion, performance appraisal, award of scholarship or academic degrees or credits in any form. We hope CARE list will be useful for this purpose.

UGC (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2018 and UGC CARE website may be referred for more information. Guidance from Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and the Leiden Manifesto may be also referred for this purpose.

In addition toReference List of Quality Journals, CARE website also provides useful resources as relevant publications, audio visual materials, videos, weblinks etc. CARE website also provides FAQs, Feedback and grievance redressal mechanism. We hope that CARE website and Reference List of Quality Journals will be useful to create more awareness and help the cause of promoting academic integrity and ethical publishing.

Publish your credibility in UGC- CARE Journals

ugc guidelines for research papers

What are UGC-CARE journals?

ugc guidelines for research papers

The story of a research scholar is simple: Work Hard, Earn a fellowship, Join an established lab and do world-class research. But most of the time, scholars fail to comprehend the necessity and struggle to prove the credibility of their work by publishing it in peer-reviewed, reliable journals. To make this daunting task easier for Indian faculty and research scholars and ensure the publishing of Indian academic work in internationally-recognized journals, the University Grant Commission (UGC) established the Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE). Amidst other significant challenges, the primary task of the UGC-CARE is preparing and maintaining the “UGC-CARE Reference List of Quality Journals” or simply the UGC-CARE List.

Why should you publish in UGC-CARE journals?

One might think, “Why do I need to publish a research paper under UGC guidelines?” or “ Do I really need to know how to publish research papers in the UGC-CARE list ?”. While everyone is free to publish their work in their choice of journals, publications in globally recognized, credible journals significantly enhance the academic image of the individual, the institution, and the nation. India has an alarmingly high percentage of research articles published in poor-quality journals, tarnishing its academic reputation and global institutional rankings. Therefore, scholars must conscientiously select journals that follow the standard policies decreed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Scholars can easily find such journals on the quarterly-updated, dynamic UGC-CARE List available at

How to publish in UGC-CARE journals?

Scholars should also conduct their research following the guidelines set up by the UGC in the book “Guidance Document: Good Academic Research Practices” (GARP). Below are some fundamental points a scholar should consider for the increased chance of getting UGC research paper publication s:

  • The chosen research topic should be novel, noteworthy, aimed at solving real-world problems, and substantially significant for the discipline.
  • The manuscript’s content and form should conform to the journal’s requirements and guidelines.
  • The study’s rationale must be proper, the subject matter thoroughly treated, and the study design (statistical tests, experiments, controls, etc.) must be cogent and substantial.
  • Clear and concise scientific writing must be followed throughout the manuscript while avoiding duplications or significant overlaps of previous works (plagiarism).
  • The research must be exemplary, with significant results that add to the existing knowledge in the discipline.
  • The accompanying cover letter must be outstanding to reinforce the publication prospects of a manuscript.

Points to consider

  • Scholars should cross-check the prospective journal’s website using the correct ISSN number to avoid cloned sites of listed international journals.
  • Presenting a work at an acclaimed conference or meeting and eliciting a generous response from a highly-intellectual audience increases the chances of a work being noticed by and accepted in a high-impact journal significantly.

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UGC approved journals

UGC is the regulator for the Universities in India had come out with a list of reputed journals. These Journals are considered to be high in quality and ethics. The  UGC approved journals  are also known as the  UGC Care listed journals IRAJ International journals  collaborated with various  UGC-approved journals  to publish high-quality research papers. These journals flow the UGC Care guidelines strictly and all Central, State government and Private Universities in India recognize these Journals.

Who needs to publish in UGC-approved journals?

All Ph.D. Scholars, Professors, Associate Professors, Asst. Professors, Master and Bachelor students from all Engineering, Technology, Health care, General Science, Humanities, Social Science, etc. can publish their research papers to full fill  their degree and academic need .

How to Publish in UGC-approved journals?

Submit your research paper to  IRAJ International journals for Publication in the UGC Care listed Journals.

UGC Paper Submission Requirements

  • Submit your paper in. Doc Format within 10 pages in single-column format.
  • Contact Number/Whatsapp number
  • Print journal (Only Pdf and Hard copy of the journal, No Online link)
  • Online journal(Only Online link, No hard copy)

Duration of Review:  10 to 20 days( Depends on the Journal’s editorial board) Duration of Publication:  15 to 45 days Publication fees:  3000INR to 20000INR (* T&C applied)

Will Scopus and WoS Indexed Journals be considered UGC Care journals?

Yes, as per the UGC Care list Website, all journals actively indexed in Scopus and Wos are considered in UGC Care list Group-2

Any queries related to UGC Care listed journal Contact Technical Editor Contact/Whatsapp: +91-9040435740

  • It's the Author's  Sole responsibility  to check the status of the Journal's Publication information(ISSN), Indexing and Impact factor information from the journal's home page, UGC Care Website or using his/her own source. We will not be responsible for any changes in the journal's authenticity, Indexing, and impact factor status or coming in the clone list in the future and no money will be refunded after publication.
  • As per the Guidelines if your paper got accepted for the UGC Care listed Journal then you need to pay the Article Processing Charge (Non-Refundable).

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ugc guidelines for research papers

International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-issn: 2582-2160 • follows ugc-care guidelines • impact factor: 9.24, an online refereed journal (peer reviewed journal). an openly accessible, widely indexed, multidisciplinary, scholarly / academic, international journal.


CrossRef DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is alloted to all published papers. Indexed by Google Scholar and many other research databases


Peer Reviewed

Open access, multidisciplinary, widely indexed, about ijfmr.

International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) is a widely indexed, open access, refereed / peer reviewed, multidisciplinary, international, scholarly online journal, and helping researches to share their research work since 2019.

As being a multidisciplinary journal, we are accepting research work from all branches of Engineering, all branches of Ph.D., all fields of Medical & Pharmacy, all branches of Business Administration (MBA), all disciplines of Physical Sciences, all streams of Computer Applications (MCA) and all areas of Mathematics, Economics, Social Sciences and Arts. Click here to view all the disciplines and research areas.

UGC-CARE (India) recommends publishing papers in either peer reviewed journals (refereed journals), or in the journals approved by UGC-CARE, or journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science. IJFMR is a peer reviewed journal (refereed journals) and therefore fitting within UGC's recommendations.

The research papers published in the journal are indexed by and submitted to various research indexing websites and databases, which include Google Scholar,, Index Copernicus, Zenodo, and more.

As being an international, open access and online journal, papers published in the journal can reach to very wide demography.

ugc guidelines for research papers

  • Publish research paper in almost all academic/research disciplines (multidisciplinary).
  • Publish research paper im almost all spoken languages.


  • Indexing of papers in all major online journal / research databases / repositories.
  • Easy and fast review and publication system.
  • Authors can check review and publication process status online anytime.
  • Email notification sent to the authors at each process stage.
  • Quick support through email, phone and social media (WhatsApp, Facebook).
  • HTTPS-SSL website for secured encrypted access.

ugc guidelines for research papers

Current Issue

Volume 6, Issue 5 (September-October 2024)

Submit Research Work for Consideration of Publication


Research Paper Format (Microsoft Word .docx File)

Copyright Permission Form and Undertaking Form

Cover Pages

Volume 6, Issue 4 (July-August 2024)

Volume 6, Issue 3 (May-June 2024)

Latest Published Research Papers

The uncitral model law: a harmonized approach to cross-border insolvency challenges.

Author(s): Aahana

Country: India

Assessing the Impact of Virtual Reality Integration in PET-CT Scans: A New Frontier in Radiology

Author(s): Madhur Nagrath

From Clickbait to Credibility: an Analytical Framework for Enhancing Fact-checking Mechanisms in the Era of Digital Misinformation

Author(s): Anindita Dey

Best Practices in Teaching Mathematics


Country: Philippines

Cow Protection vis-a-vis the Constitution

Author(s): Kuvam Verma

The Relationship Between Defensive Styles and Coping Strategies among Adolescence

Author(s): Rushikesh Ingulkar, Dr. Ramdas Kolekar

Important Details

UGC Approved Journal No: 49023 (18) UGC approval Link All Policy and Approval

Please Like Our Facebook Page and get 100 of in DOI | DOI and Hard copy of Certificate Provide if required. | | [email protected] | WhatsApp: 7990172303

Publication Details:

  • Paper Submission : 30-Sep-2024. Call For Paper (Volume 12 | Issue 9 | Month- September 2024)
  • Acceptance/Rejection Notification: Within 02-04 Days.
  • Paper Publish: Within 02-04 Days after submitting all documents.

Submit Your Paper Any time There No deadline.

Publication fees with free doi: 1500 inr for indian author & 55$ for foreign international author., please like our facebook page and get 100 inr off in doi | doi and hard copy of certificate provide if required..


Licence and Indexing

ugc guidelines for research papers

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IJCRT Research Journal


International peer reviewed & refereed journals, open access journal.

ISSN Approved Journal No: 2320-2882 | Impact factor: 7.97 | ESTD Year: 2013

Call For Paper - Volume 12 | Issue 9 | Month- September 2024

Scholarly open access journals, peer-reviewed, and refereed journals, impact factor 7.97 (calculate by google scholar and semantic scholar | ai-powered research tool) , multidisciplinary, monthly, indexing in all major database & metadata, citation generator, digital object identifier(doi), contact us click here, whatsapp contact click here,   publication procedure & guidelines.

  • Publication Process

Follow this step and publish your research paper within 2 to 3 day

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Peer review process, paper publish online.

ugc guidelines for research papers

Submit Your Paper online Publication Guidelines

ugc guidelines for research papers

Download IJCRT Paper Format and Prepare Paper based on Unique Content

Submission of Manuscript/Paper ( Submit your paper online )

Review of Your Paper within 2 Days You will get your Acceptance and Rejection Notification via Email and SMS.

Download and Filling Copyright Form and Undertaking Form available in Author Home and Pay Publication charges

Submission of Necessary Documents. ( send this all 5 Require Documents to [email protected]).

After Receiving this all 5 required documents your paper will be publish within 3 to 4 Days.

Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers (not being considered for publication elsewhere) in standard format (that is provided) describing new theoretical and/or experimental research. Author can submit paper with have any number of pages including figures, tables, and references. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, correctness, and presentation.

  Stages of publications procedure

  • Submit online by clicking here
  • Submit by mail to [email protected] In the subject of the mail write down “Submission of Manuscript/Research Paper: Name of Paper”. also mention paper category, title of the paper, fullname of author, designation, contact number In the message body of the mail.
  • Please prepare your research paper/manuscript in IJCRT paper format(click here for download the paper format).also Submitted papers MUST be written in English.
  • our team will give the acknowlegement by mail regarding paper submission. also author will get the submitted paper unique registration id.
  • Author can track his/her submitted paper status online by login to AUTHOR's HOME account.for login authors have to use paper registration id and corresponding author mail id.
  • Author can also check in AUTHOR HOME account for the reviewer result.
  • In the case of paper accepted, authors have to pay Publication fees.
  • In the case of paper rejection, author have to make the modification as per instruction given by our reviewer committee.
  • Undertaking by Author Form (scanned copy)(Handwritten signed by author) (Download)
  • Copy right transfer form (scanned copy) (Handwritten signed by author) (Download)
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  • Final Manuscript/Research paper (must be in DOC file format and file name should be your registration ID)
  • Paper Publication - after receivingabove mentioned documents, our team will publish your paper in 3 to 4 of days.
  • Certificate of publication- author can download certificates of each author, confirmation letter, and published paper from AUTHOR HOME.

  What is AUTHOR HOME?

IJCRT provide the account to each corresponding author individual. Once the paper submitted to IJCRT, corresponding author got the Account credential details in author provided Email address. Authors can check his/her paper details, Authors Details and Paper status from account.

Authors will download the soft copy of the published paper certificate, confirmation letters, and Published paper pdf file from his/her account after the paper will successfully published.

  Regarding reserach paper

Authors have to consider following criteria before publish the paper.

  • The manuscript submitted is author’s own original work;
  • All authors participated in the work in a substantive way and are prepared to take public responsibility for the work;
  • Corresponding (1st Author)Author was authorized by all authors to transfer all royalties related with the manuscript and to enter into a binding contract with IJCRT as detailed in this Copyright Release Form, and He/She will be responsible in the event of all disputes that have occurred and that may occur,
  • All authors have seen and approved the manuscript as submitted;
  • E-mail and street addresses of all authors have been entered into the IJCRT Journals Manuscript Submission and Evaluation System correctly,
  • The manuscript has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere;
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  • All submitted papers will be sent to reviewers for a blind review. The reviewers use the following in evaluating research papers:Novel Contribution, Originality in Thought, Inferences, Key Strengths, Key Weaknesses, Areas of Improvement, Presentation/Organization of Research

  Number of Author for single Paper publication

Our basic publication fee include only 5 authors per single research paper. Maximum 5 author will be allowed for single paper publication

  Certificate of Paper publication

Our basic publication fee include softcopy of the certificates. we will provide e-certificate to each author individually, confirmation letter per research paper, and copy of the published paper with unique identification number.

our basic publication charge NOT include the hardcopy of the certificates.

if author wants hardcopy of the certificates, confirmation letter and copy of published paper then author have to pay additional hardcopy charges to IJCRT.

ugc guidelines for research papers

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ugc guidelines for research papers

ugc guidelines for research papers

IJCRT Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, Impact factor 7.97 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool) , Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI)

Important Links

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  • Submit Paper online
  • Current Issue


  1. 4276446 UGC-Guidelines-on-Examinations-and-Academic-Calendar

    ugc guidelines for research papers

  2. 10 Free UGC-CARE Journals Of Health Sciences For Paper Publication

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  3. Ugc norms for phd thesis writing

    ugc guidelines for research papers

  4. UGC Care Guidelines for Research Paper Publication: Quality and

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  5. UGC Approved Journals Platform to publish your Research Paper in UGC Approved Journals

    ugc guidelines for research papers

  6. UGC New Guidelines 2023

    ugc guidelines for research papers


  1. #study #ugcguidline #ugc Guidelines 🙏 Pls Subcribe this channel 🙏

  2. UGC Guidelines for Internship & Research Internship for Undergraduate Students

  3. “UGC Guidelines for Institutional Development Plan (IDP)”- Session 1 Organized by A.C.T Academy

  4. UGC New Guidelines for PHD Eligibility ✌🏻

  5. Most Expected MCQs

  6. UGC Guidelines that helps the institution to connect with their alumni


  1. UGC Care Guidelines for Research Paper Publication: Quality and

    Publishing research papers is a crucial step in establishing one's credibility and contributing to the body of knowledge in any field. In India, the University Grants Commission (UGC) plays a significant role in promoting and maintaining the quality of academic research.In this blog, we will delve into the UGC Care guidelines for research paper publication, focusing on the importance of UGC ...

  2. PDF Ministry of Education University Grants Commission New Delhi ...

    Allocation of Research Supervisor: Eligibility criteria to be a Research Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, Number of Ph.D. scholars permissible per Supervisor, etc. 6.1 Any regular Professor/Associate Professor of the University/ College, with at least five research publications in peer-reviewed or refereed journals after obtaining PhD and any

  3. UGC Guidelines

    University Grants Commission (UGC) Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110002. Phone: 011-23604446, 011-23604200. Email: [email protected]

  4. PDF The UGC Research Guidelines, 4th Ed

    The UGC Research Guidelines, 5th Ed 2019 The UGC Research Development and Innovation Programs Implementation Guidelines, 2019 Fifth Edition September, 2019 University Grants Commission Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Nepal. The UGC Research Guidelines, 5th Ed 2019 Acronyms CC Cluster Committee

  5. PDF University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications for

    Average = 3. Modest = 1. 4C. Use of anonymous students' feedback on the quality of classroom teaching and students' interaction. ck to be attached2 points per course (max 10 points)Minimum score required for promotion: 150 out of a total of 250 from category I and II, at least 100 (from Maximum of 180) from.

  6. Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics

    Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics. No journals were included in the UGC-CARE list in its 16th Quarter update (January 2023 to March 2023). Deadline for the submission of new journals will be 10 th September 2024. Journals submitted that would be considered only for the October 2024 update.

  7. UGC

    UGC — Guidance document on Good Academic Research Practices (GARP) This document, released by the University Grants Commission (UGC), gives information on good practices across the research life cycle for quality, impactful, and ethical research. Click here to download. This document, released by the University Grants Commission (UGC), gives ...

  8. (PDF) Guidelines for Research Publications

    Final Report - Guidelines for Research Publications - Patwardhan 5May 2015. accepted databases, should preferably be members of reputed bodies like COPE and. must follow publication ethics in ...

  9. UGC Guidelines: A Clear Path to Research Paper Publication

    2. Plagiarism: The UGC has a strict policy on plagiarism. Researchers are required to ensure that their work is original and that they have properly cited all sources. Plagiarism is a serious offense and can result in disciplinary action. Book an Appointment. UGC Guidelines: Navigating the intricacies of research paper publication can be daunting.

  10. How To Publish A Research Paper In UGC Approved Journal

    Check publication fees of that journal. Improve the paper content as per published paper on journals, flow, result section, etc. Always submit a paper of good length 12 to 18 pages. Try to include sub authors having a good profiles (Already have a good number of publications). Authors having good institution profiles have a high chance of paper ...

  11. A Comprehensive Guide to UGC-Approved Journals: How to Find ...

    Select the Right Journal: Carefully choose a UGC-approved journal that aligns with the scope and focus of your research. Review Author Guidelines: Visit the journal's website and thoroughly ...

  12. (Pdf) Research & Publication Ethics

    Process to search UGC-CARE List is given below. Step 1: Visit University Grants Commission Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics. website Step 2: At home Page ...

  13. The UGC-CARE initiative: Indian academia's quest for research and

    Many reputable academic journals have retracted research papers from Indian researchers because of plagiarism. ... It is widely recognized that the UGC guidelines about faculty recruitment in ...

  14. Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics

    What is the status of the research papers published before the UGC-CARE List? You can refer to the public notification of the UGC dated 14th June 2019 (point 2 and 3) ... 21. I have published a research paper in a journal which is indexed in Scopus but removed from the UGC-CARE list. Will it be considered for promotion and other academic purposes?

  15. Publish your credibility in UGC- CARE Journals

    Scholars should also conduct their research following the guidelines set up by the UGC in the book "Guidance Document: Good Academic Research Practices" (GARP). Below are some fundamental points a scholar should consider for the increased chance of getting UGC research paper publications: The chosen research topic should be novel ...

  16. PDF Guidelines for Establishment of Research & Development Cell In ...

    University Grants Commission. gar, Delhi-110092 Ph. : +91 9312550335, +91 7042732332 E-mail : [email protected] Education Poli. (NEP) 2020 envisages the promotion of quality research within the Higher Education System. Research, innovation and development ar. important aspects to enhance quality education by the Higher ...

  17. PDF Guidelines

    period the research grant ceases with immediate effect. Any claim/reference to the expenditure incurred beyond the tenure of two years will be illegal. 8. Feedback: a. For every Fellowship/Scholarship/Research Grant scheme of UGC the beneficiary will have to submit a feedback in form of the report on the research work done on the

  18. The Ultimate Guide to UGC Care Journal Publication

    Here are the tips to publish research paper in UGC Care Journals: Selecting the Right Journal: The foundation of successful publication lies in selecting the right journal. Ensure that the journal ...

  19. UGC approved journals

    The UGC approved journals are also known as the UGC Care listed journals. IRAJ International journals collaborated with various UGC-approved journals to publish high-quality research papers. These journals flow the UGC Care guidelines strictly and all Central, State government and Private Universities in India recognize these Journals.

  20. University Grants Commission: Research Grant Opportunities ...

    The University Grants Commission (UGC) is a statutory body established by the Indian government to oversee and regulate higher education in the country. As part of its mandate, the UGC provides various research grant opportunities for fellowships, enabling scholars and researchers to pursue advanced studies and contribute to the knowledge base ...

  21. A Journal Following UGC Guidelines

    IJFMR is an online refereed journal, refereed also means peer reviewed. UGC (India) recommends publishing papers in refereed journals or in the journals listed in UGC-CARE. It is an openly accessible, multidisciplinary, scholarly / academic, international journal published bi-monthly. We are accepting research work for publishing in all research areas/disciplines.

  22. PDF University Grants Commission

    7/2015-U.II(2) dated 08.11.2017 with all conditions specified by the UGC in these Regulations and other Guidelines as contained in Appendix I and II. II. Subject to the availability of vacant positions and fitness, teachers such as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and Senior Professor only, may be re-

  23. Journal UGC-CARE IJCRT( ISSN: 2320-2882 )

    Submit your research article/manuscript in .DOC/.DOCX file format to us by mail or online submission. Submit online by clicking here; Submit by mail to [email protected] In the subject of the mail write down "Submission of Manuscript/Research Paper: Name of Paper". also mention paper category, title of the paper, fullname of author, designation, contact number In the message body of the mail.