Intercultural and International Business Communication

The international assignment, learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to prepare for an international assignment.
  • Discuss the acculturation process as an expatriate.
  • Describe effective strategies for living and working abroad.

Suppose you have the opportunity to work or study in a foreign country. You may find the prospect of an international assignment intriguing, challenging, or even frightening; indeed, most professionals employed abroad will tell you they pass through all three stages at some point during the assignment. They may also share their sense of adjustment, even embrace of their host culture, and the challenges of reintegration into their native country.

An international assignment, whether as a student or a career professional, requires work and preparation, and should be given the time and consideration of any major life change. When you lose a loved one, it takes time to come to terms with the loss. When someone you love is diagnosed with a serious illness, the news may take some time to sink in. When a new baby enters your family, a period of adjustment is predictable and prolonged. All these major life changes can stress an individual beyond their capacity to adjust. Similarly, in order to be a successful “expat,” or expatriate, one needs to prepare mentally and physically for the change.

International business assignments are a reflection of increased global trade, and as trade decreases, they may become an expensive luxury. As technology allows for instant face-to-face communication, and group collaboration on documents via cloud computing and storage, the need for physical travel may be reduced. But regardless of whether your assignment involves relocation abroad, supervision of managers in another country at a distance, or supervision by a foreign manager, you will need to learn more about the language, culture, and customs that are not your own. You will need to compare and contrast, and seek experiences that lend insight, in order to communicate more effectively.

An efficient, effective manager in any country is desirable, but one with international experience even more so. You will represent your company and they will represent you, including a considerable financial investment, either by your employer (in the case of a professional assignment) or by whoever is financing your education (in the case of studying abroad). That investment should not be taken lightly. As many as 40 percent of foreign-assigned employees terminate their assignments early, Tu, H., & Sullivan, S. (1994). Business horizons . Retrieved from at a considerable cost to their employers. Of those that remain, almost 50 percent are less than effective. Tu, H., & Sullivan, S. (1994). Business horizons . Retrieved from


With this perspective in mind, let’s discuss how to prepare for the international assignment and strategies to make you a more effective professional as a stranger in a strange land. First we’ll dispel a couple of myths associated with an idealized or romantic view of living abroad. Next we’ll examine traits and skills of the successful expatriate. Finally, we’ll examine culture shock and the acculturation process.

Your experience with other cultures may have come firsthand, but for most, a foreign location like Paris is an idea formed from exposure to images via the mass media. Paris may be known for its art, as a place for lovers, or as a great place to buy bread. But if you have only ever known about a place through the lens of a camera, you have only seen the portraits designed and portrayed by others. You will lack the multidimensional view of one who lives and works in Paris, and even if you are aware of its history, its economic development, or its recent changes, these are all academic observations until the moment of experience.

That is not to say that research does not form a solid foundation in preparation for an international assignment, but it does reinforce the distinction between a media-fabricated ideal and real life. Awareness of this difference is an important step as you prepare yourself for life in a foreign culture.

If the decision is yours to make, take your time. If others are involved, and family is a consideration, you should take even more care with this important decision. Residence abroad requires some knowledge of the language, an ability to adapt, and an interest in learning about different cultures. If family members are not a part of the decision, or lack the language skills or interest, the assignment may prove overwhelming and lead to failure. Sixty-four percent of expatriate respondents who terminated their assignment early indicated that family concerns were the primary reason. Contreras, C. D. (2009). Should you accept the international assignment? BNET . Retrieved from

Points to consider include the following:

  • How flexible are you?
  • Do you need everything spelled out or can you go with the flow?
  • Can you adapt to new ways of doing business?
  • Are you interested in the host culture and willing to dedicate the time and put forth the effort to learn more about it?
  • What has been your experience to date working with people from distinct cultures?
  • What are your language skills at present, and are you interested in learning a new language?
  • Is your family supportive of the assignment?
  • How will it affect your children’s education? Your spouse’s career? Your career?
  • Will this assignment benefit your family?
  • How long are you willing to commit to the assignment?
  • What resources are available to help you prepare, move, and adjust?
  • Can you stand being out of the loop, even if you are in daily written and oral communication with the home office?
  • What is your relationship with your employer, and can it withstand the anticipated stress and tension that will result as not everything goes according to plan?
  • Is the cultural framework of your assignment similar to—or unlike—your own, and how ready are you to adapt to differences in such areas as time horizon, masculinity versus femininity, or direct versus indirect styles of communication?

This list of questions could continue, and feel free to add your own as you explore the idea of an international assignment. An international assignment is not like a domestic move or reassignment. Within the same country, even if there are significantly different local customs in place, similar rules, laws, and ways of doing business are present. In a foreign country, you will lose those familiar traditions and institutions and have to learn many new ways of accomplishing your given tasks. What once took a five-minute phone call may now take a dozen meetings and a month to achieve, and that may cause you some frustration. It may also cause your employer frustration as you try to communicate how things are done locally, and why results are not immediate, as they lack even your limited understanding of your current context. Your relationship with your employer will experience stress, and your ability to communicate your situation will require tact and finesse.

Successful expatriates are adaptable, open to learning new languages, cultures, and skilled at finding common ground for communication. Rather than responding with frustration, they learn the new customs and find the advantage to get the job done. They form relationships and are not afraid to ask for help when it is warranted or required. They feel secure in their place as explorer, and understand that mistakes are a given, even as they are unpredictable. Being a stranger is no easy task, but they welcome the challenge with energy and enthusiasm.

Acculturation Process

Acculturation , or the transition to living abroad, is often described as an emotional rollercoaster. Steven Rhinesmith Rhinesmith, S. (1984). Returning home . Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Bureau for International Education. provides ten steps that show the process of acculturation, including culture shock, that you may experience:

  • Initial anxiety
  • Initial elation
  • Initial culture shock
  • Superficial adjustment
  • Depression-frustration
  • Acceptance of host culture
  • Return anxiety
  • Return elation
  • Reentry shock
  • Reintegration

Humans fear the unknown, and even if your tolerance for uncertainty is high, you may experience a degree of anxiety in anticipation of your arrival. At first the “honeymoon” period is observed, with a sense of elation at all the newfound wonders. You may adjust superficially at first, learning where to get familiar foods or new ways to meet your basic needs. As you live in the new culture, divergence will become a trend and you’ll notice many things that frustrate you. You won’t anticipate the need for two hours at a bank for a transaction that once took five minutes, or could be handled over the Internet, and find that businesses close during midday, preventing you from accomplishing your goals. At this stage, you will feel that living in this new culture is simply exhausting. Many expats advise that this is the time to tough it out—if you give in to the temptation to make a visit back home, you will only prolong your difficult adjustment.

Over time, if you persevere, you will come to accept and adjust to your host culture, and learn how to accomplish your goals with less frustration and ease. You may come to appreciate several cultural values or traits and come to embrace some aspects of your host culture. At some point, you will need to return to your first, or home, culture, but that transition will bring a sense of anxiety. People and places change, the familiar is no longer so familiar, and you too have changed. You may once again be elated at your return and the familiar, and experience a sense of comfort in home and family, but culture shock may again be part of your adjustment. You may look at your home culture in a new way and question things that are done in a particular way that you have always considered normal. You may hold onto some of the cultural traits you adopted while living abroad, and begin the process of reintegration.

The international assignment requires adaptability. FIGURE 18.3: © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation

The international assignment requires adaptability.

You may also begin to feel that the “grass is greener” in your host country, and long to return. Expatriates are often noted for “going native,” or adopting the host culture’s way of life, but even the most confirmed expats still gather to hear the familiar sound of their first language, and find community in people like themselves who have blended cultural boundaries on a personal level.

Living and Working Abroad

In order to learn to swim you have to get in the water, and all the research and preparation cannot take the place of direct experience. Your awareness of culture shock may help you adjust, and your preparation by learning some of the language will assist you, but know that living and working abroad take time and effort. Still, there are several guidelines that can serve you well as you start your new life in a strange land:

  • Be open and creative . People will eat foods that seem strange or do things in a new way, and your openness and creativity can play a positive role in your adjustment. Staying close to your living quarters or surrounding yourself with similar expats can limit your exposure to and understanding of the local cultures. While the familiar may be comfortable, and the new setting may be uncomfortable, you will learn much more about your host culture and yourself if you make the effort to be open to new experiences. Being open involves getting out of your comfort zone.
  • Be self-reliant . Things that were once easy or took little time may now be challenging or consume your whole day. Focus on your ability to resolve issues, learn new ways to get the job done, and be prepared to do new things.
  • Keep a balanced perspective . Your host culture isn’t perfect. Humans aren’t perfect, and neither was your home culture. Each location and cultural community has strengths you can learn from if you are open to them.
  • Be patient . Take your time, and know a silent period is normal. The textbook language classes only provide a base from which you will learn how people who live in the host country actually communicate. You didn’t learn to walk in a day and won’t learn to successfully navigate this culture overnight either.
  • Be a student and a teacher . You are learning as the new member of the community, but as a full member of your culture, you can share your experiences as well.
  • Be an explorer . Get out and go beyond your boundaries when you feel safe and secure. Traveling to surrounding villages, or across neighboring borders, can expand your perspective and help you learn.
  • Protect yourself . Always keep all your essential documents, money, and medicines close to you, or where you know they will be safe. Trying to source a medicine in a country where you are not fluent in the language, or where the names of remedies are different, can be a challenge. Your passport is essential to your safety and you need to keep it safe. You may also consider vaccination records, birth certificates, or business documents in the same way, keeping them safe and accessible. You may want to consider a “bug-out bag,” with all the essentials you need, including food, water, keys, and small tools, as an essential part of planning in case of emergency.


  • Research one organization in a business or industry that relates to your major and has an international presence. Find a job announcement or similar document that discusses the business and its international activities. Share and compare with classmates.
  • Conduct a search on expat networks including online forum. Briefly describe your findings and share with classmates.
  • What would be the hardest part of an overseas assignment for you and why? What would be the easiest part of an overseas assignment for you and why?
  • Find an advertisement for an international assignment. Note the qualifications, and share with classmates.
  • Find an article or other first-person account of someone’s experience on an international assignment. Share your results with your classmates.
  • Communication For Business Success. Authored by : anonymous. Located at : . License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

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Managing International Assignments: Employer Guidance

Anne morris.

  • 28 August 2024

International assignment


Organisations deploy personnel on international assignment for many reasons. Whether you are addressing an internal skills gaps, supporting leadership development or looking to improve working relations across borders, for any international assignment to be successful, there will be a multitude of legal, immigration, tax and pensions risks to manage when sending employees overseas.

Global mobility programmes have traditionally been developed with a uniform approach, driven largely by cost management and operational efficiencies. However, organisations are increasingly taking a more flexible and bespoke approach to overseas assignments in order to attain advantage in areas such as compliance and talent development and retention.

While a one-size-fits-all approach to the fundamentals of mobility management may be a commercial reality, overlaying this should be areas of specific consideration and capability that can be adapted to the specific needs and risks of each international assignment. This allows for greater focus on the assignment’s commercial objectives and the agility to respond to the organisation’s changing global mobility needs .

International assignment objectives

From the outset of any successful assignment project, there should be clarity of objectives. Why as an organisation is the decision being made to invest in sending an employee to perform services in a different country?

International assignments can offer value in many areas, many of which typically present in the longer-term.

Internal knowledge transfer is a common assignment objective to address talent or skills shortages within overseas regions. Deploying key talent with specialist knowledge and skills to train and upskill local team members can help to resolve local labour or skill supply issues. The cost/benefit analysis can explore potential missed opportunities or delays resulting from shortages in the local talent market.

International assignments are also highly effective in building relationships and improving intercultural working. This could be relationships within an organisation, with local clients and intermediaries or local authorities. Face to face interaction remains highly effective and valuable in building influence on the ground and can offer significant potential for advantage over competitors.

Beyond relationships, value is also created in the knowledge gained by assignees working overseas, from insight into local customs and culture, improved language capability and a general understanding of how business is ‘done’ within the region and helping to adapt organisational protocol to suit the local environment. Combined with the assignee’s existing market and organisational knowledge, they can offer a global perspective with local details, bringing considerable potential to build competitive differentiation.

With clarity of objective, you can then consider whether an international assignment is the most appropriate solution . Is it possible to hire or promote locally? Would multiple, shorter trips be as effective in performance terms but with lower cost implications? International assignments demand significant investment and it will be important to assess cost projections against expected return and value to the organisation.

International assignment structures

As well as clarity of objectives, a successful international assignment also requires clarity of contractual terms, both to manage the expectations and understanding of the assignee, and also for the mobility team to identify support needs and potential risks.

Now more than ever, organisations are developing portfolios of mobility programmes to enable an agile approach to global mobility that responds to the organisation’s changing needs for international personnel mobility. Assignments come in increasingly different shapes and sizes, from permanent relocations or temporary exchanges, secondments or transfers to a different region or to a different organisation.

While organisations demand greater flexibility and agility from their global mobility programmes, underpinning the activity should be an appropriate assignment structure with a supporting contractual agreement that enables compliance with regulatory and legal duties.

When considering which structure to adopt, organisations will need to consider a range of factors including the type of assignment and the relevant environmental context such as regulatory, immigration, employment law, tax, pension implications.

For international assignments, where the employee is moving from the home country employer to a host country employer, the employer could consider a number of assignment structures, including:

  • The employee continues to be employed solely by the home employer.
  • The employment contract with the home employer is suspended for the duration of the assignment while the employee enters into a new employment contract with the host employer.
  • The employment contract with the home employer is terminated with a promise of re-employment at the end of the assignment while the employee enters into a new employment contract with the host employer.
  • The employment contract with the home employer is suspended and the employee enters into a contract with an international assignment company (IAC) within the employer group
  • The employment contract with the home employer is suspended and the employee enters into a contract with both an IAC and the host country employer.
  • The employee remains resident in the home country and works in a host country under a commuter assignment.

Each type of assignment structure offers advantages and disadvantages which should be considered in light of the individual assignment. For example:

  • Do employment laws in the host country require the assignee to be employed by a local entity?
  • Would the assignee be agreeable to ending their home country contract and starting a new agreement with a new entity in the host country?
  • Are there terms in the home country contract that would need protecting in any new agreement, such as restrictive covenants?
  • Which jurisdiction would prevail, the host or home country?
  • How would local laws interpret a situation where there is no contract of employment with the employer in the host country?
  • Issues such as income and corporate tax, pension and employment rights and responsibilities will need to be identified and assessed against the specific assignment objectives and budget and the assignee profile and circumstances.

Employment law

Employment law implications come hand-in-hand with selecting an appropriate assignment structure.

Home-country employment contracts for employees on assignment from the UK to an overseas jurisdiction should generally be interpreted under the laws of England and Wales. If a host country contract is used, there should be specific provision in the agreement to determine which jurisdiction would prevail. However, neither position is guaranteed, for example where issues of domicile arise which may supersede any contractual provisions. Again the need is to assess on an individual assignment basis.

As well as explicit contractual considerations, employers should also be aware of any statutory rights or implied terms under UK law that may continue to apply even in the host country.

Specific provisions may also need to be made to ensure confidentiality and appropriate handling of commercial and sensitive information. While this may be standard or expected for senior employees, those on assignment should also be considered for such terms relevant to the type of assignment and the commercial objectives of the project.

Immigration options

Successful international assignments will invariably require careful consideration of the immigration requirements. Governments across the globe are adopting increasingly protectionist stances towards economic migrants, as policies seek to favour domestic workers. This means business travellers and visa holders are now facing greater scrutiny when applying for work visas and when trying to gain entry at the border.

Visa options and criteria vary between countries and are subject to frequent change. Where permission is required for the assignee to work in the host country, it will be important to ensure the assignee applies for the most appropriate route to meet the assignment need, whether that is a work permit or a business visitor visa. The immigration requirements and options will be determined in most part by the rules of the home and host countries, the nationality of the assignee (and any of their dependants who will be joining them overseas) and the nature of the activities the assignee intends to perform during their time in the host country.

For example, a British citizen may be eligible to travel to the US to attend sales meetings and work conferences for up to 90 days  without having to apply for a visa but to conduct ‘gainful employment’ they would need to look at a specific work visa, such as the L-1 visa for intracompany  transfers.

A further factor will be the specific requirements of the visa or permit. Work visas, for example, may require sponsorship of the employee by a local entity with valid sponsor status. The application process for work visas are typically resource-intensive and in many cases will require the employer to provide compelling evidence as to why the role or work cannot be performed by a worker resident in the host country.

Preparation will, therefore, be critical, ensuring there is sufficient time to consider the relevant immigration options in light of local rules, and to then make the required application. Complications may also arise where the employee does not meet certain requirements under the local rules, for example if they have a past criminal conviction or negative immigration record. This will require careful handling and, depending on the host country’s rules, may require submission of a visa waiver to explain the issue and provide assurances of the employee’s eligibility by requesting a discretionary decision on the application.

Assignee remuneration

Relocation packages are typically the biggest expense associated with an international assignment. While cost control will remain a concern, it is important for employers to ensure they are offering packages that are competitive within the market and that the package will support both the commercial objective of the assignment and compliance with associated legal and tax risks.

Home-based packages remain common, including those which may be markedly above local market compensation levels, particularly in circumstanecs where the assignment need is business-critical.

It may be possible however to look at offering a lower package than the home-based option, by either localising the package to harmonise with host nation levels or to develop a ‘local-plus’ offering that maintains a degree of competition, but this can be challenging to apply consistently across all assignment types and locations.

Again, consideration should be given to the individual assignment and the assignee. Millennial workers for example are generally understood to value international experience and the remuneration package may not be their primary concern where the opportunity for overseas exposure is available.

For organisations with a substantial cohort of international assignees and travellers, it may be more appropriate to build a compensation scheme specifically for globally-mobile personnel.

Importantly, assignees who will remain under an employment contract in their home country may continue to be subject to home country payroll while on assignment. This will also enable pension and benefits to be offered in the same way through the home country. Taxation, however, raises more complex issues, for example where withholding rules apply in the host country. This will require specialist guidance to ensure tax liabilities in the home and host country are correctly managed and met withiin the appropriate timeframes.

Need assistance?

International assignments are demanding on the employer and the employee, but have become critical given the business imperatives to meet talent and development needs and achieve competitive advantage .

Employers should not lose sight of the need to understand the specific risks of each individual assignment, which increasingly demand bespoke solutions. While compliance , efficiencies and cost control should be underpinned by a solid global mobility infrastructure of policies, systems and procedures, the current shift is away from a uniform approach to assignment management, instead moving towards more agile management of each assignment, shaped by the specific assignment objectives, budget and risks in relation to immigration, tax, remuneration and employment law.

DavidsonMorris’ specialist global mobility consultants provide expert guidance to employers on all aspects of international assignments, from programme management and implementation to strategic consultancy to ensure value and return on the mobility investment. We understand the commercial drivers behind mobilising workers and the need to ensure compliance without impacting return on mobility investment.

We work with senior management teams, HR and mobility professionals to develop strategies that ensure effective compliance risk management while supporting delivery of the organisation’s global mobility objectives. For advice on making the most of international assignments, speak to us .

International Assignment FAQs

What is an international assignment?

An international assignment is when an employee is temporarily relocated to work in another country on behalf of their employer. These assignments can vary in length and purpose, ranging from short-term projects to long-term placements or even permanent moves.

How long do international assignments typically last?

The duration of an international assignment can vary greatly. They can be as short as a few months or extend to several years. It depends on the needs of the business and the specific goals of the assignment.

Do I need to provide cultural training for employees going on international assignments?

Cultural training is highly recommended. It helps employees adapt to the cultural nuances of the host country, improving their effectiveness and reducing the risk of culture shock. This training can also support better communication and integration within the local team.

What legal considerations should I be aware of for international assignments?

There are several legal considerations, including obtaining the correct work visas and permits, understanding employment laws in the host country, and ensuring compliance with both UK and local regulations. It’s crucial to consult legal experts to avoid any pitfalls.

How can I support employees and their families during an international assignment?

Supporting employees and their families involves providing relocation assistance, helping with accommodation and schooling, offering language courses, and ensuring access to healthcare. Regular check-ins and a clear repatriation plan also help maintain their well-being.

What is the process for repatriating employees after an international assignment?

Repatriation involves planning for the employee’s return to the UK, both in terms of logistics and reintegration into the workplace. It includes arranging their move back, addressing any reverse culture shock, and ensuring they have a clear role and support upon their return.

How can I measure the success of an international assignment?

Success can be measured through various key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the achievement of business objectives, employee satisfaction, skill development, and the impact on the company’s global operations. Regular reviews and feedback from the employee and host team are also essential.

What risks are associated with international assignments?

Risks include geopolitical instability, health issues, and the potential for the assignment to fail if the employee cannot adapt. Mitigating these risks involves thorough planning, offering support systems, and having contingency plans in place.

Is it necessary to have a contingency plan for international assignments?

Contingency planning is vital to address any unexpected issues that may arise during an international assignment. This includes plans for emergency evacuation, alternative work arrangements, and ensuring continuous support for the employee and their family in case of unforeseen events.

Term Definition
International Assignment The temporary relocation of an employee to work in another country on behalf of their employer.
Global Mobility The practice of managing the movement of employees across international borders for work assignments.
Tax Residency The status of an individual that determines their tax obligations in a particular country.
Double Taxation Agreement A treaty between two countries that prevents individuals from being taxed twice on the same income.
Work Visa/Permit An official document that allows an individual to legally work in a foreign country.
Cultural Training Education provided to employees to help them understand and adapt to the cultural differences of the host country.
Repatriation The process of returning an employee to their home country after completing an international assignment.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Metrics used to evaluate the success and effectiveness of an international assignment.
Relocation Assistance Support provided by the employer to help employees move to another country, including housing, transportation, and more.
Reverse Culture Shock The psychological and emotional adjustment experienced by employees when they return to their home country after an assignment abroad.
Contingency Plan A backup plan designed to address potential risks and unforeseen events during an international assignment.
Compliance Adhering to local and international laws and regulations during an international assignment.
Geopolitical Risk The potential impact of political instability or conflict in the host country on the assignment.
Global Talent Development Strategies for enhancing employee skills and capabilities through international experience.
Cost Forecasting The process of predicting the financial expenses associated with an international assignment.

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Founder and Managing Director Anne Morris is a fully qualified solicitor and trusted adviser to large corporates through to SMEs, providing strategic immigration and global mobility advice to support employers with UK operations to meet their workforce needs through corporate immigration.

She is a recognised by Legal 500 and Chambers as a legal expert and delivers Board-level advice on business migration and compliance risk management as well as overseeing the firm’s development of new client propositions and delivery of cost and time efficient processing of applications.

Anne is an active public speaker, immigration commentator , and immigration policy contributor and regularly hosts training sessions for employers and HR professionals

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About DavidsonMorris

As employer solutions lawyers, DavidsonMorris offers a complete and cost-effective capability to meet employers’ needs across UK immigration and employment law, HR and global mobility .

Led by Anne Morris, one of the UK’s preeminent immigration lawyers, and with rankings in The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners , we’re a multi-disciplinary team helping organisations to meet their people objectives, while reducing legal risk and nurturing workforce relations.

Legal Disclaimer

The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law, and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of writing, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert legal advice should be sought.

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the international assignment meaning

Lessons from an international assignment

Robert S. DeVries

An international assignment has long been seen as providing executives with an opportunity for personal growth and professional development, while enabling companies to place executives in markets where specific capabilities are needed or to spread corporate values and best practices throughout the organization. With business footprints expanding and international markets becoming increasingly important drivers of revenue and profit growth, companies need executives who are global thinkers with broad-based business perspectives and the agility to master an array of markets, cultures, competitors and workforce differences.

As these capabilities become even more important, having a meaningful assignment outside one’s own market has become a critical element of executive experience and is likely to become a prerequisite for career advancement at a growing number of multinational companies.

We asked several senior executives to think back to their first or most memorable international assignment and share how those experiences helped to shape or influence their leadership styles. What surprised them the most? What did they learn and how have they continued to apply those lessons in their current leadership roles? Finally, what advice would they give to other executives about succeeding in an international assignment?

Philippe Bourguignon

Vice chairman, revolution places, and ceo, club med, what surprised you.

Someone who was born and raised in his country and, when he is 25, 28, 30, is posted abroad, obviously, learns so much during his first assignment. I was raised in Morocco. My father worked for a U.S. company, and I came to the U.S. almost every year when I was a young boy. Therefore, I’ve been exposed and living international from basically almost the time I was born. It is more a way of life, and, by the way, this has been a huge gift. My two children were born in New York and raised in the U.S., and today they are totally bicultural.

What have you learned?

I like to say that I’ve learned patience in Asia, and I’ve learned what competition means in the U.S., because I’m from a country where there is no patience and limited competition.

What I also learned by working internationally is that if you keep good sense — remain grounded in basic business judgment and rules — you can work in any foreign environment. Good sense is key. Some people try too hard to be too local, understand everything, but you will never understand a foreign country as well as you understand your native country, even if you speak the language. But good sense is the same everywhere.

What advice would you give to others based on your experience?

To an executive, my advice would be to listen and be humble. Listening is very important. Be humble and respectful. The tendency, particularly if you go into emerging countries, is to consider that everything else is not as well done. But being humble and respectful of people buys you tremendous mileage no matter where you go. You need to be more humble abroad than you are at home and more respectful.

When you are abroad, things are over-amplified. Being abroad over-amplifies your body language, your words and your decisions. Whatever you say is listened to twice as carefully as when you say it at home. You are watched much more closely than you are at home — for both good and bad.

John Doumani

Managing director, australasia for fonterra cooperative group, what did you learn.

The business issues were not that hard to discover, but the bigger issues for me were actually more cultural. The culture in the U.K. was similar to here, and there was a relatively informal work environment where you can joke around a bit. This is my style and it translated really well. However in Italy and the U.S., the work environment is more formal, and I had to adjust my style to be conscious of this. Had I not done so, I would not have been able to be effective working for the organization. You have to be very careful not to offend people. If you want people to follow your leadership, you have to engage them in a way that works for them.

Seventy percent of what you know about business will translate, but the other 30 percent — the difference between success and failure quite often — comes down to truly understanding the business dynamics that might be different. Market dynamics vary greatly in terms of regulations, trade and competitive structures. You’ve got to make sure you get your head around this because it will affect your ability to implement what you want to do, and you have to modify whatever you do to fit in.

The bigger issue is to be really sensitive to cultural differences. There’s no shortcut in being able to do this other than to have an open mind and be willing to accept any differences. You can’t go with the attitude of, “I’m just going to do what I do and if they don’t like it, stuff it!” The first thing is to accept that the cultural issues are really important. Accept the fact that it may be different and be really open-minded. The sooner you identify and are open to any differences, the better.

Philip Earl

Executive vice president and general manager, publishing for activision blizzard, what most surprised you.

Having worked in Saudi Arabia, having worked in Australia, having worked in Los Angeles, what surprised me the most is that there are more similarities than differences in the people across countries.

I learned the importance of understanding the pace of change: how much to do and how quickly. You have to be very astute in understanding the capabilities of the organization in the marketplace. It can be too fast, but can also be too slow. There is no right or wrong answer. You have got to accept that you can have a very strong strategy and you can have a very good vision, but unless you bring the team with you, it is just disconnected. Your people capability platform will determine whether to go faster or slower.

What people leadership insights have you gained?

Something interesting I have learned is the fact that people are motivated by different things, and understanding what most drives a specific individual lies at the heart of leadership. Often you assume people are concerned about money. It almost always isn’t the case. There has to be a base level of remuneration, but in three years working with video games people, I have Harvard graduates who just want to work in that industry; it motivates them to be part of something amazing. It is a passion for them. Some people are motivated by a very strong sense of family and a sense of community. If you are not careful and gloss over individual motivations, you never get the most out of people. You have got to understand people. There can be 10 nuances of what motivates them, and if you get that right, despite cultural differences, you can usually do quite well.

My advice is to “be in.” When you go to a new market, don’t hang around on the side; just get in there. Absorb the culture, language, food, sport, everything. You get a reaction from your work colleagues that is really incredible and makes you feel that you really want to be here, and as a consequence, they see you as an expat wanting to be here.

Conrado Engel

Chief executive officer, hsbc bank brazil.

The most important thing was how careful you have to be about managing cultural differences. People react differently to situations, and this is very challenging. For example, the way you interact with a Chinese company is completely different from an Indian one. Individuals can interpret situations very differently. Early during my assignment in Hong Kong, after a meeting where we were assigned tasks for a particular project, I asked an executive for a status update prior to the due date. I realized later that this made the executive feel very uncomfortable, because, as he said, he would fulfill his commitments; it was part of his responsibility. Again, it demonstrates the importance of understanding cultural differences.

What personal or professional lessons from your international experience have remained with you?

Managing any business is about managing people. Dealing with different cultures and reactions is crucial. I learned to listen more and reflect more before taking immediate action. I also learned that people can significantly benefit from each other’s experience. For example, I believe that my experience in dealing with crisis management as a Brazilian executive was very beneficial to the HSBC Group when I was in Hong Kong.

You have to visit people, go and visit the countries and the operations, and establish strong professional connections. Personal relationships may also help. Understanding the cultural environment is of vital importance. Learning how to navigate a large organization like HSBC — with a strong internal culture, with very strong roots in Asia — is also critical for success.

It is always best to listen, comprehend and then act.

Kirk Kinsell

President of the americas, intercontinental hotels group.

Based in London, with responsibilities for Europe and Africa, the things that surprised me were the diversity of thinking and the distinctive cultures and, therefore, how people felt, how people thought, how they processed information and what was important to them varied tremendously. As a result, there was more dialogue, which oftentimes meant debate. Having to have that broader discussion on issues was intriguing, challenging and fulfilling. Initially, the discussion can feel like it’s slowing things down, but when you reset expectations and build in opportunities for debate, what I have found is that, even though people may not agree with the ultimate decision, the process allows people to align and walk out of a meeting on the same page.

What personal or professional lessons have remained with you?

I made it a point to get underneath the differences between my new environment and what I was used to at home, and understand the history and the stories behind the surface. I began to appreciate the differences for how they enrich the environment that I was in, creating a more holistic and colorful tapestry from an aesthetic standpoint.

Coming back to the United States, I find myself wanting to go deeper with people who I otherwise would have thought were just like me. As a result, I think I have the potential to build stronger relationships. I have the potential to be a better leader. Because our job as leaders is to unlock the potential of the people we work with and the people we have the privilege of leading and managing. And, therefore, I can get perhaps a better perspective of who they are and their motivations and how they align with the company’s purpose and objectives.

What advice would you give others based on your experience?

To another American, I would say dialing down the fact that you’re American and dialing up being a global citizen is probably a much more effective way of engaging people. It doesn’t mean that you change your principles or your beliefs or your value system; it means being sensitized to how you come across. Saying things like, “We do it this way back there” — meaning that was the only good way — can come off as being too American, too know-it-all, too celebratory, too cheerleading, too shallow, all those things that are sometimes attributed to being American.

Murilo Portugal

President of febraban (brazilian federation of banks).

My most relevant international experience was to work with International Monetary Fund. It provided me a great opportunity to understand the reality of other countries. Since I was responsible for the fund’s relations with 81 countries in all five continents — from advanced countries such as Sweden to developing countries such as Bhutan — I had to understand different environments and market dynamics. In this role, I came into direct contact with the reality of different countries, different economic cycles and stages of development, from crisis to growth moments. What did not surprise me, unfortunately, was the reaction in some places to the economic crisis in 2008, in particular, the difficulty of entering into a discussion with governments and the denial about the gravity of the problems.

Do not postpone the inevitable. Trying to escape an inevitable conclusion will increase the costs related to the decision, but it is hard to define what you should fight for, and what to give up.

What personal or professional lessons from the experience have remained with you?

Life is the best teacher. The only problem is that there is only one pedagogy. You learn when you hit a wall, and usually you have to go through this painful process to learn. Even if you rationally know what to do, usually you only change when you hit a wall, because of the limitations in the decision-making process and human behavior.

Respect the level of the professionals who work with you, and learn how to best deal with very smart people and motivate them. Well-qualified people, of course, have their own ambitions and personal interests. It is critical to maintain the enthusiasm of people in a multicultural environment, and devote time for that. You have to be a manager of people, otherwise you will fail even if you are capable of managing processes and tasks. Technical knowledge alone will not make you successful.

This article is included in Point of View 2012 .

International Assignments: New Roles and Responsibilities for HR

The crucial role of hr in managing international assignments.

The process of managing international assignments can be complicated. HR departments play a crucial role in making sure they run smoothly. Our managing partner, Stefan Remhof , lays out the specific tasks and challenges in this process, including additional complexities like sensitivity to our rapidly changing world and new roles within a company.

The challenge of international assignments for everyone involved

Sending employees abroad is challenging for everyone involved. From the employees and their families to the employer and company, international assignments are a huge change. More than a geographical shift, there are logistical, operational and operational nuances to consider. Financially, committing to international assignments signifies more than a mere allocation of resources; it symbolises a strategic investment in a company’s human capital. Navigating the complexities of international assignments requires a modern approach. Gain additional perspectives on this topic through the collaborative insights found in LinkedIn’s article on Managing International Assignments Effectively , which explores the challenges and strategies in managing these assignments effectively.

International assignments as part of career development

International assignments are designed to give employees’ careers a boost. Traditionally, they focused on knowledge transfer across borders. But this can now occur in a digital environment. Although international assignments remain an attractive asset, how people approach them has changed. Employees want to further their personal and cultural enrichment, as well as enjoyment. They have a desire to learn from foreign cultures, enhance their educational level and professional development. Their quality of life is more important to them than workplace performance. This modern shift places greater emphasis on employer attractiveness and employee retention.

The Growing Importance of HR’s Role in International Assignments

For a successful company attachment, structured collaboration from all stakeholders is vital. This is where the HR department becomes increasingly important. It’s their job to ensure the entire expat management process occurs without issues. HR helps provide solutions to support employees and their families, allowing them to successfully complete their objectives during the assignment. For a comprehensive understanding of how HR managers can ensure a smooth transition for employees, ARC’s detailed guide offers a Guide for HR Managers and Employees .

7 essential HR responsibilities in managing international assignments

  • Preparing Employees: HR plays a crucial role in properly preparing employees for their expat assignment. This can include simple things like information about the destination country, its culture, lifestyle and work ethic. And it can also include more detailed intercultural training.
  • Visa and Work Permits: This involves the procurement of all necessary visas and work permits, not just for employees but also their families. Here, HR plays a vital role in minimising stress for the employee and ensuring a smooth transition to their international assignment.
  • Legal Issues and Compliance: International assignments can involve complex legal issues. But by closely monitoring legal standards and staying up to date, the HR team works to make sure international assignments align with both global regulations and the company’s internal compliance policies.
  • Housing and Relocation Support: Relocation is complicated and cause unnecessary stress for employees when trying to adjust to a new environment. Taking an active role in supporting employees in the search for suitable housing makes a huge difference to the entire international assignment experience.
  • Health Insurance Support: Ensuring employees and their families receive comprehensive and correct health insurance coverage throughout the entirety of their international assignment relieves the burden of trying to navigate new healthcare systems.
  • Payroll and Taxes: Handling payroll processes and taxation in accordance with local regulation to ensure accuracy and compliance at all times.
  • Post-Assignment Support: Extending support beyond the international assignment by assisting in the repatriation and reintegration process supports employees and reduces challenges upon return.

Naturally, HR departments may not have enough resources to manage all these responsibilities. External service providers can take over some or all of these tasks, with support and coordination from HR. Companies can choose how to delegate these responsibilities but they are nonetheless highly important and should not be overlooked. In order to support and offer international corporate global mobility, companies must develop the structures to offer security to employees and help contribute to their personal learning and professional development.

Developing a Global Mindset

Companies that operate on a global scale face the challenge of trying to maximise opportunities but minimise risks with global mobility. Strategically planning for staffing needs, especially for highly skilled workers, gives them a competitive edge. H2: The Evolving Role of International HR Management International HR management is constantly changing and adapting. Managing a culturally diverse global workforce across countries and cultures is a significant challenge requiring innovative solutions. Developing a global mindset is essential here, as well as ensuring an understanding of leadership among executives.

Sensitivity to a Changing World is essential for HR strategies

As the world undergoes shifts from globalisation to nationalisation once again, public sentiment is changing. Companies are now re-evaluating their global activities. Transparency is vital as companies relocate more of their operations back to their home countries.

Adapting to Changing Needs in International Assignments

The need for and importance of international assignments is changing for global companies. HR professionals and expat management specialists must integrate into different value systems to create a common work environment that encourages effective communication and common goal achievement.

More than ever, global companies need a deep understanding of local business practices and must understand the needs of local customers and stakeholders. Developing a global mindset among leaders and employees is essential. International HR management must take on a new role with different strategies and solutions in order to guide organisations through the uncharted waters of globalisation. This changing and modern role around the global workforce should also be reflected in university and college curricula.

Visit our content page for more information on expat management, international assignments and HR solutions for the global workforce.

Author: Prof. Dr. Stefan Remhof is a Professor of International Management at IU International University and Managing Partner of the People Mobility Alliance. He has many years of professional and management experience in the fields of education management, politics, the consumer goods industry, and financial services.

PMA Perspective: 5 Takeaways from the Siemens Global Mobility Conference #TRENDSformation

Pma perspective: 5 key trends from the dgfp gm conference in berlin, effective communication strategies for international teams, a one-stop shop solution for global mobility services, global talent mobility trends: key insights from the decoding global talent 2024 report, the keys to effective expatriate selection: adaptability and competence, navigating global leadership: the essence of a global mindset, benefits of language proficiency in global talent acquisition, the transformation from hr tech to people tech, the evolution of the pma, you want to become a partner.

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Alexia Schmolling Consultant

Alexia joined the pma in 2024 as transformation consultant. her focus lies on international hrm and mental health. she is responsible for content and partner management, and brings valuable insights from her international experience..

the international assignment meaning

Stefan Remhof Managing Partner

Stefan joined the people mobility alliance at the beginning of 2023. he brings valuable insights into the academic side of people mobility into the alliance. together with co-founders daniel and mira he is part of the pma management team..

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Mira Pathak Co-Founder

Mira currently works for airinc in germany and has been working in global mobility since 2006. of german-indian origin, she has lived and worked in different countries but spent the majority of her working life in london before moving back to her native germany in 2019. she believes that personal connection and experiences are the key to successful business interactions. and that even in business, it’s the person behind the employee that makes all the difference..

the international assignment meaning

Daniel Zinner Co-founder

Daniel is a global workforce consultant, podcaster and investor. cultural diversity and global collaboration have been his passion for more than 20 years. he has worked in global mobility for various corporations in many different countries, but is currently based in berlin, where he enjoys the city’s creativity, diversity and open mindset., the members of the people mobility alliance are united by the same passion: fostering cultural diversity and embracing technological advancement. we welcome everyone who is open to new perspectives, likes to give and receive new ideas and who will therefore help shape this alliance. find like-minded people and exchange ideas about relevant topics, such as hr strategy, digitization, transformation processes and more. most importantly, help drive change in how people mobility is performed. join today..

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Managing International Assignments

International assignment management is one of the hardest areas for HR professionals to master—and one of the most costly. The expense of a three-year international assignment can cost millions, yet many organizations fail to get it right. Despite their significant investments in international assignments, companies still report a 42 percent failure rate in these assignments. 1

With so much at risk, global organizations must invest in upfront and ongoing programs that will make international assignments successful. Selecting the right person, preparing the expatriate (expat) and the family, measuring the employee's performance from afar, and repatriating the individual at the end of an assignment require a well-planned, well-managed program. Knowing what to expect from start to finish as well as having some tools to work with can help minimize the risk.

Business Case

As more companies expand globally, they are also increasing international assignments and relying on expatriates to manage their global operations. According to KPMG's 2021 Global Assignment Policies and Practices Survey, all responding multinational organizations offered long-term assignments (typically one to five years), 88 percent offered short-term assignments (typically defined as less than 12 months), and 69 percent offered permanent transfer/indefinite length.

Managing tax and tax compliance, cost containment and managing exceptions remain the three principal challenges in long-term assignment management according to a 2020 Mercer report. 2

Identifying the Need for International Assignment

Typical reasons for an international assignment include the following:

  • Filling a need in an existing operation.
  • Transferring technology or knowledge to a worksite (or to a client's worksite).
  • Developing an individual's career through challenging tasks in an international setting.
  • Analyzing the market to see whether the company's products or services will attract clients and users.
  • Launching a new product or service.

The goal of the international assignment will determine the assignment's length and help identify potential candidates. See Structuring Expatriate Assignments and the Value of Secondment and Develop Future Leaders with Rotational Programs .

Selection Process

Determining the purpose and goals for an international assignment will help guide the selection process. A technical person may be best suited for transferring technology, whereas a sales executive may be most effective launching a new product or service.

Traditionally, organizations have relied on technical, job-related skills as the main criteria for selecting candidates for overseas assignments, but assessing global mindset is equally, if not more, important for successful assignments. This is especially true given that international assignments are increasingly key components of leadership and employee development.

To a great extent, the success of every expatriate in achieving the company's goals in the host country hinges on that person's ability to influence individuals, groups and organizations that have a different cultural perspective.

Interviews with senior executives from various industries, sponsored by the Worldwide ERC Foundation, reveal that in the compressed time frame of an international assignment, expatriates have little opportunity to learn as they go, so they must be prepared before they arrive. Therefore, employers must ensure that the screening process for potential expatriates includes an assessment of their global mindset.

The research points to three major attributes of successful expatriates:

  • Intellectual capital. Knowledge, skills, understanding and cognitive complexity.
  • Psychological capital. The ability to function successfully in the host country through internal acceptance of different cultures and a strong desire to learn from new experiences.
  • Social capital. The ability to build trusting relationships with local stakeholders, whether they are employees, supply chain partners or customers.

According to Global HR Consultant Caroline Kersten, it is generally understood that global leadership differs significantly from domestic leadership and that, as a result, expatriates need to be equipped with competencies that will help them succeed in an international environment. Commonly accepted global leadership competencies, for both male and female global leaders, include cultural awareness, open-mindedness and flexibility.

In particular, expatriates need to possess a number of vital characteristics to perform successfully on assignment. Among the necessary traits are the following:

  • Confidence and self-reliance: independence; perseverance; work ethic.
  • Flexibility and problem-solving skills: resilience; adaptability; ability to deal with ambiguity.
  • Tolerance and interpersonal skills: social sensitivity; observational capability; listening skills; communication skills.
  • Skill at handling and initiating change: personal drivers and anchors; willingness to take risks.

Trends in international assignment show an increase in the younger generation's interest and placement in global assignments. Experts also call for a need to increase female expatriates due to the expected leadership shortage and the value employers find in mixed gender leadership teams. See Viewpoint: How to Break Through the 'Mobility Ceiling' .

Employers can elicit relevant information on assignment successes and challenges by means of targeted interview questions with career expatriates, such as the following:

  • How many expatriate assignments have you completed?
  • What are the main reasons why you chose to accept your previous expatriate assignments?
  • What difficulties did you experience adjusting to previous international assignments? How did you overcome them?
  • On your last assignment, what factors made your adjustment to the new environment easier?
  • What experiences made interacting with the locals easier?
  • Please describe what success or failure means to you when referring to an expatriate assignment.
  • Was the success or failure of your assignments measured by your employers? If so, how did they measure it?
  • During your last international assignment, do you recall when you realized your situation was a success or a failure? How did you come to that determination?
  • Why do you wish to be assigned an international position?

Securing Visas

Once an individual is chosen for an assignment, the organization needs to move quickly to secure the necessary visas. Requirements and processing times vary by country. Employers should start by contacting the host country's consulate or embassy for information on visa requirements. See Websites of U.S. Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions .

Following is a list of generic visa types that may be required depending on the nature of business to be conducted in a particular country:

  • A work permit authorizes paid employment in a country.
  • A work visa authorizes entry into a country to take up paid employment.
  • A dependent visa permits family members to accompany or join employees in the country of assignment.
  • A multiple-entry visa permits multiple entries into a country.

Preparing for the Assignment

An international assignment agreement that outlines the specifics of the assignment and documents agreement by the employer and the expatriate is necessary. Topics typically covered include:

  • Location of the assignment.
  • Length of the assignment, including renewal and trial periods, if offered.
  • Costs paid by the company (e.g., assignment preparation costs, moving costs for household goods, airfare, housing, school costs, transportation costs while in country, home country visits and security).
  • Base salary and any incentives or allowances offered.
  • Employee's responsibilities and goals.
  • Employment taxes.
  • Steps to take in the event the assignment is not working for either the employee or the employer.
  • Repatriation.
  • Safety and security measures (e.g., emergency evacuation procedures, hazards).

Expatriates may find the reality of foreign housing very different from expectations, particularly in host locations considered to be hardship assignments. Expats will find—depending on the degree of difficulty, hardship or danger—that housing options can range from spacious accommodations in a luxury apartment building to company compounds with dogs and armed guards. See Workers Deal with Affordable Housing Shortages in Dubai and Cairo .

Expats may also have to contend with more mundane housing challenges, such as shortages of suitable housing, faulty structures and unreliable utility services. Analyses of local conditions are available from a variety of sources. For example, Mercer produces Location Evaluation Reports, available for a fee, that evaluate levels of hardship for 14 factors, including housing, in more than 135 locations.

Although many employers acknowledge the necessity for thorough preparation, they often associate this element solely with the assignee, forgetting the other key parties involved in an assignment such as the employee's family, work team and manager.

The expatriate

Consider these points in relation to the assignee:

  • Does the employee have a solid grasp of the job to be done and the goals established for that position?
  • Does the employee understand the compensation and benefits package?
  • Has the employee had access to cultural training and language instruction, no matter how similar the host culture may be?
  • Is the employee receiving relocation assistance in connection with the physical move?
  • Is there a contact person to whom the employee can go not only in an emergency but also to avoid becoming "out of sight, out of mind"?
  • If necessary to accomplish the assigned job duties, has the employee undergone training to get up to speed?
  • Has the assignee undergone an assessment of readiness?

To help the expatriate succeed, organizations are advised to invest in cross-cultural training before the relocation. The benefits of receiving such training are that it: 3

  • Prepares the individual/family mentally for the move.
  • Removes some of the unknown.
  • Increases self-awareness and cross-cultural understanding.
  • Provides the opportunity to address questions and anxieties in a supportive environment.
  • Motivates and excites.
  • Reduces stress and provides coping strategies.
  • Eases the settling-in process.
  • Reduces the chances of relocation failure.

See Helping Expatriate Employees Deal with Culture Shock .

As society has shifted from single- to dual-income households, the priorities of potential expatriates have evolved, as have the policies organizations use to entice employees to assignment locations. In the past, from the candidate's point of view, compensation was the most significant component of the expatriate package. Today more emphasis is on enabling an expatriate's spouse to work. Partner dissatisfaction is a significant contributor to assignment failure. See UAE: Expat Husbands Get New Work Opportunities .

When it comes to international relocation, most organizations deal with children as an afterthought. Factoring employees' children into the relocation equation is key to a successful assignment. Studies show that transferee children who have a difficult time adjusting to the assignment contribute to early returns and unsuccessful completion of international assignments, just as maladjusted spouses do. From school selection to training to repatriation, HR can do a number of things to smooth the transition for children.

Both partners and children must be prepared for relocation abroad. Employers should consider the following:

  • Have they been included in discussions about the host location and what they can expect? Foreign context and culture may be more difficult for accompanying family because they will not be participating in the "more secure" environment of the worksite. Does the family have suitable personal characteristics to successfully address the rigors of an international life?
  • In addition to dual-career issues, other common concerns include aging parents left behind in the home country and special needs for a child's education. Has the company allowed a forum for the family to discuss these concerns?

The work team

Whether the new expatriate will supervise the existing work team, be a peer, replace a local national or fill a newly created position, has the existing work team been briefed? Plans for a formal introduction of the new expatriate should reflect local culture and may require more research and planning as well as input from the local work team.

The manager/team leader

Questions organization need to consider include the following: Does the manager have the employee's file on hand (e.g., regarding increases, performance evaluations, promotions and problems)? Have the manager and employee engaged in in-depth conversations about the job, the manager's expectations and the employee's expectations?

Mentors play an important role in enhancing a high-performing employee's productivity and in guiding his or her career. In a traditional mentoring relationship, a junior executive has ongoing face-to-face meetings with a senior executive at the corporation to learn the ropes, set goals and gain advice on how to better perform his or her job.

Before technological advances, mentoring programs were limited to those leaders who had the time and experience within the organization's walls to impart advice to a few select people worth that investment. Technology has eliminated those constraints. Today, maintaining a long-distance mentoring relationship through e-mail, telephone and videoconferencing is much easier. And that technology means an employer is not confined to its corporate halls when considering mentor-mentee matches.

The organization

If the company is starting to send more employees abroad, it has to reassess its administrative capabilities. Can existing systems handle complicated tasks, such as currency exchanges and split payrolls, not to mention the additional financial burden of paying allowances, incentives and so on? Often, international assignment leads to outsourcing for global expertise. Payroll, tax, employment law, contractual obligations, among others, warrant an investment in sound professional advice.

Employment Laws

Four major U.S. employment laws have some application abroad for U.S. citizens working in U.S.-based multinationals:

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
  • The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).

Title VII, the ADEA and the ADA are the more far-reaching among these, covering all U.S. citizens who are either:

  • Employed outside the United States by a U.S. firm.
  • Employed outside the United States by a company under the control of a U.S. firm.

USERRA's extraterritoriality applies to veterans and reservists working overseas for the federal government or a firm under U.S. control. See Do laws like the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act apply to U.S. citizens working in several other countries?

Employers must also be certain to comply with both local employment law in the countries in which they manage assignments and requirements for corporate presence in those countries. See Where can I find international employment law and culture information?


Companies take one of the following approaches to establish base salaries for expatriates:

  • The home-country-based approach. The objective of a home-based compensation program is to equalize the employee to a standard of living enjoyed in his or her home country. Under this commonly used approach, the employee's base salary is broken down into four general categories: taxes, housing, goods and services, and discretionary income.
  • The host-country-based approach. With this approach, the expatriate employee's compensation is based on local national rates. Many companies continue to cover the employee in its defined contribution or defined benefit pension schemes and provide housing allowances.
  • The headquarters-based approach. This approach assumes that all assignees, regardless of location, are in one country (i.e., a U.S. company pays all assignees a U.S.-based salary, regardless of geography).
  • Balance sheet approach. In this scenario, the compensation is calculated using the home-country-based approach with all allowances, deductions and reimbursements. After the net salary has been determined, it is then converted to the host country's currency. Since one of the primary goals of an international compensation management program is to maintain the expatriate's current standard of living, developing an equitable and functional compensation plan that combines balance and flexibility is extremely challenging for multinational companies. To this end, many companies adopt a balance sheet approach. This approach guarantees that employees in international assignments maintain the same standard of living they enjoyed in their home country. A worksheet lists the costs of major expenses in the home and host countries, and any differences are used to increase or decrease the compensation to keep it in balance.

Some companies also allow expatriates to split payment of their salaries between the host country's and the home country's currencies. The expatriate receives money in the host country's currency for expenses but keeps a percentage of it in the home country currency to safeguard against wild currency fluctuations in either country.

As for handling expatriates taxes, organizations usually take one of four approaches:

  • The employee is responsible for his or her own taxes.
  • The employer determines tax reimbursement on a case-by-case basis.
  • The employer pays the difference between taxes paid in the United States and the host country.
  • The employer withholds U.S. taxes and pays foreign taxes.

To prevent an expatriate employee from suffering excess taxation of income by both the U.S. and host countries, many multinational companies implement either a tax equalization or a tax reduction policy for employees on international assignments. Additionally, the United States has entered into  bilateral international social security agreements  with numerous countries, referred to as "totalization agreements," which allow for an exemption of the social security tax in either the home or host country for defined periods of time.

A more thorough discussion of compensation and tax practices for employees on international assignment can be found in SHRM's Designing Global Compensation Systems toolkit.

How do we handle taxes for expatriates?

Can employers pay employees in other countries on the corporate home-country payroll?

Measuring Expatriates' Performance

Failed international assignments can be extremely costly to an organization. There is no universal approach to measuring an expatriate's performance given that specifics related to the job, country, culture and other variables will need to be considered. Employers must identify and communicate clear job expectations and performance indicators very early on in the assignment. A consistent and detailed assessment of an expatriate employee's performance, as well as appraisal of the operation as a whole, is critical to the success of an international assignment. Issues such as the criteria for and timing of performance reviews, raises and bonuses should be discussed and agreed on before the employees are selected and placed on international assignments.

Employees on foreign assignments face a number of issues that domestic employees do not. According to a 2020 Mercer report 4 , difficulty adjusting to the host country, poor candidate selection and spouse or partner's unhappiness are the top three reasons international assignments fail. Obviously, retention of international assignees poses a significant challenge to employers.

Upon completion of an international assignment, retaining the employee in the home country workplace is also challenging. Unfortunately, many employers fail to track retention data of repatriated employees and could benefit from collecting this information and making adjustments to reduce the turnover of employees returning to their home country.

Safety and Security

When faced with accident, injury, sudden illness, a disease outbreak or politically unstable conditions in which personal safety is at risk, expatriate employees and their dependents may require evacuation to the home country or to a third location. To be prepared, HR should have an evacuation plan in place that the expatriate can share with friends, extended family and colleagues both at home and abroad. See Viewpoint: Optimizing Global Mobility's Emergency Response Plans .

Many companies ban travel outside the country in the following circumstances:

  • When a travel advisory is issued by the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, International SOS or a government agency.
  • When a widespread outbreak of a specific disease occurs or if the risk is deemed too high for employees and their well-being is in jeopardy.
  • If the country is undergoing civil unrest or war or if an act of terrorism has occurred.
  • If local management makes the decision.
  • If the employee makes the decision.

Once employees are in place, the decision to evacuate assignees and dependents from a host location is contingent on local conditions and input from either internal sources (local managers, headquarters staff, HR and the assignee) or external sources (an external security or medical firm) or both. In some cases, each host country has its own set of evacuation procedures.

Decision-makers should consider all available and credible advice and initially transport dependents and nonessential personnel out of the host country by the most expeditious form of travel.

Navigating International Crises

How can an organization ensure the safety and security of expatriates and other employees in high-risk areas?

The Disaster Assistance Improvement Program (DAIP)


Ideally, the repatriation process begins before the expatriate leaves his or her home country and continues throughout the international assignment by addressing the following issues.

Career planning. Many managers are responsible for resolving difficult problems abroad and expect that a well-done job will result in promotion on return, regardless of whether the employer had made such a promise. This possibly unfounded assumption can be avoided by straightforward career planning that should occur in advance of the employee's accepting the international assignment. Employees need to know what impact the expatriate assignment will have on their overall advancement in the home office and that the international assignment fits in their career path.

Mentoring. The expatriate should be assigned a home-office mentor. Mentors are responsible for keeping expatriates informed on developments within the company, for keeping the expatriates' names in circulation in the office (to help avoid the out-of-sight, out-of-mind phenomenon) and for seeing to it that expatriates are included in important meetings. Mentors can also assist the expatriate in identifying how the overseas experience can best be used on return. Optimum results are achieved when the mentor role is part of the mentor's formal job duties.

Communication. An effective global communication plan will help expatriates feel connected to the home office and will alert them to changes that occur while they are away. The Internet, e-mail and intranets are inexpensive and easy ways to bring expatriates into the loop and virtual meeting software is readily available for all employers to engage with global employees. In addition, organizations should encourage home-office employees to keep in touch with peers on overseas assignments. Employee newsletters that feature global news and expatriate assignments are also encouraged.

Home visits. Most companies provide expatriates with trips home. Although such trips are intended primarily for personal visits, scheduling time for the expatriate to visit the home office is an effective method of increasing the expatriate's visibility. Having expatriates attend a few important meetings or make a presentation on their international assignment is also a good way to keep them informed and connected.

Preparation to return home. The expatriate should receive plenty of advance notice (some experts recommend up to one year) of when the international assignment will end. This notice will allow the employee time to prepare the family and to prepare for a new position in the home office. Once the employee is notified of the assignment's end, the HR department should begin working with the expatriate to identify suitable positions in the home office. The expatriate should provide the HR department with an updated resume that reflects the duties of the overseas assignment. The employee's overall career plan should be included in discussions with the HR professional.

Interviews. In addition to home leave, organizations may need to provide trips for the employee to interview with prospective managers. The face-to-face interview will allow the expatriate to elaborate on skills and responsibilities obtained while overseas and will help the prospective manager determine if the employee is a good fit. Finding the right position for the expatriate is crucial to retaining the employee. Repatriates who feel that their new skills and knowledge are underutilized may grow frustrated and leave the employer.

Ongoing recognition of contributions. An employer can recognize and appreciate the repatriates' efforts in several ways, including the following:

  • Hosting a reception for repatriates to help them reconnect and meet new personnel.
  • Soliciting repatriates' help in preparing other employees for expatriation.
  • Asking repatriates to deliver a presentation or prepare a report on their overseas assignment.
  • Including repatriates on a global task force and asking them for a global perspective on business issues.

Measuring ROI on expatriate assignments can be cumbersome and imprecise. The investment costs of international assignments can vary dramatically and can be difficult to determine. The largest expatriate costs include overall remuneration, housing, cost-of-living allowances (which sometimes include private schooling costs for children) and physical relocation (the movement to the host country of the employee, the employee's possessions and, often, the employee's family).

But wide variations exist in housing expenses. For example, housing costs are sky-high in Tokyo and London, whereas Australia's housing costs are moderate. Another significant cost of expatriate assignments involves smoothing out differences in pay and benefits between one country and another. Such cost differences can be steep and can vary based on factors such as exchange rates (which can be quite volatile) and international tax concerns (which can be extremely complex).

Once an organization has determined the costs of a particular assignment, the second part of the ROI challenge is calculating the return. Although it is relatively straightforward to quantify the value of fixing a production line in Puerto Rico or of implementing an enterprise software application in Asia, the challenge of quantifying the value of providing future executives with cross-cultural perspectives and international leadership experience can be intimidating.

Once an organization determines the key drivers of its expatriate program, HR can begin to define objectives and assess return that can be useful in guiding employees and in making decisions about the costs they incur as expatriates. Different objectives require different levels and lengths of tracking. Leadership development involves a much longer-term value proposition and should include a thorough repatriation plan. By contrast, the ROI of an international assignment that plugs a skills gap is not negatively affected if the expatriate bolts after successfully completing the engagement.

Additional Resources

International Assignment Management: Expatriate Policy and Procedure

Introduction to the Global Human Resources Discipline

1Mulkeen, D. (2017, February 20). How to reduce the risk of international assignment failure. Communicaid. Retrieved from

2Mercer. (2020). Worldwide Survey of International Assignment Policies and Practices. Retrieved from .

3Dickmann, M., & Baruch, Y. (2011). Global careers. New York: Routledge.

4Mercer. (2020). Worldwide Survey of International Assignment Policies and Practices. Retrieved from

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Gareth Wadley

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International assignments: Key issues to consider

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What legal issues do you need to consider when it comes to sending employees overseas?

The number of employees working abroad is increasing. As it becomes more common, some assume this will lead to greater standardisation, with template assignment letters the norm.

However, the legal, tax, pension and other variables involved in international assignments require a more bespoke approach, leaving little room for standard documentation. We outline some key issues to address below.

What is an assignment?

Also referred to as a secondment or transfer, an assignment might be internal (to a different role abroad with the same employer) or to an external employer. A key characteristic of an international assignment is that an employee from one legal entity and country ('home' country) temporarily performs services in another country ('host' country).

Potential assignment structures

There are a number of different ways in which assignments can be structured and documented. Which approach is appropriate will depend on a range of issues including employment law, tax, pension, social security and regulatory implications as well as the expectations of employees. Five frequently used assignment structures are:

  • the employee continues to be employed solely by the home employer;
  • the contract with the home employer is suspended and the employee enters into a local employment contract with the host employer for the assignment;
  • the contract with the home employer is terminated with a promise of re-employment at the end of the assignment. In the meantime, the employee enters into a local employment contract with the host employer;
  • the contract with the home employer is suspended and the employee enters into a contract with an international assignment company (IAC) within the employer group; or
  • the contract with the home employer is suspended and the employee enters into a contract with both an IAC and the host country employer.

Which is best?

When deciding on the best structure for the circumstances, some questions to consider are:

  • Do the host country’s laws require employment by a local entity, ruling out sole employment by the home employer?
  • Where there is no contract of employment in place with the host employer, could local laws presume that the host is the de facto employer?
  • If the home contract is “suspended”, is the home employer prepared to accept the legal uncertainty, in employment law terms, that this status brings?
  • In a dual contract structure, who will bear the greatest risk of being liable for employment claims – host, home (or the IAC)?
  • Will the employee accept the termination of his/her home contract?
  • What is the impact on pension and benefit schemes, social security and tax?

Are there key terms in the home contract that require special consideration and protection, for example, restrictive covenants and confidentiality?

Which national law applies, when and to what? Which courts would have jurisdiction in the event of a dispute?

Who pays for, and manages, the employee during the assignment and will the employee return to the home country?

Looking forward

It is inevitable that documenting assignments will become a smoother process as employers become more familiar with the issues involved. However, the range of significant personal, legal and financial implications will mean that a degree of tailoring will always be necessary, in order to avoid negative repercussions.

Gareth Wadley is principal associate at Eversheds

Further reading

the international assignment meaning

Paying your way: International tax and benefits

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Companies expect to increase international assignments

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How HR can improve LGBT+ employees' access to international assignments

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How territorial jurisdiction works

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How to get the most out of global mobility

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Managing International Assignments: Compensation Approaches

A new international assignment landscape is challenging traditional compensation approaches

For many years, expatriate compensation has been focused on a dilemma: having assignees on expensive home-based expatriate package versus localization - which is about replacing expatriates with locals or at least transition expatriates from an expatriate package to a local salary. Many predicted that the traditional home-based balance sheet approach would gradually disappear. The predictions of the demise of the typical expatriate approach have been greatly exaggerated. We are witnessing the emergence of new compensation challenges instead, due to the complexity of having to manage multiple types of assignments and assignee categories.

The home-based approach still retains its utility for certain kinds of moves (e.g. business-critical assignments or moves to hardship locations). Local strategies are becoming more common but, due to the difficulty of applying them consistently in all transfer destinations, they are used only in some cases (moves between similar countries, developmental moves) and take multiple forms as “purely local” or local-plus approaches. Additional approaches like international compensation structures have emerged to address issues of global nomads.

The challenge for HR managers is, therefore, not so much to find the best approach applicable for all assignments as to deal with individual assignment complexity, envisage greater mobility policy segmentation and, if relevant for the company, map each compensation approach to a particular assignment in a consistent way.

The increasingly complex international assignment landscape: One size does not fit all anymore

Expatriates vs. Locals

One size fits all?

Let's localize assignees as soon as possible!


Rise of the third-country nationals

Need to add a cost efficient category for junior employees/developmental moves?

Traditional expatriates

Global nomads

Permanent transfers

Employee-initiated moves

Local or local plus?

Foreigners hired locally

Commuters (cross-border or regional

Multiple types of short-term/project/rotational assignments

Increasing number of home locations

Reviewing international assignment approaches in three steps:

Step 1: Understand the options available

Approaches linked to the host country (local or local-plus)

While these approaches sound logical and natural (when relocating assignees to a new country, they will be paid according to the local salary structure in that destination country) their practical implementation is often tricky. Few employees accept a salary decrease when moving to a low-paying country. It is often difficult to reintegrate assignees relocated to a high-paying country into their original salary structure due to their inflated base salary.

The host approach was historically not the most common for assignees on long-term assignments. However, we have witnessed a growing interest in recent years in host-based approaches – either a host approach or local-plus approach (host salary plus selected benefits or premiums) – as companies are trying to contain costs and as significant salary increases in many emerging markets make host strategies more attractive.

Approaches linked to the home country ("balance sheets")

Home-based approaches have been traditionally the most commonly used to compensate international assignees. Assignees on a home-based approach retain their home-country salary and receive a suite of allowances and premiums designed to cover the costs linked to expatriation. The equalization logic behind the balance sheet approach (no gain/no loss) encourages mobility by removing obstacles. Retaining the home-country salary facilitates repatriation. The balance sheet approach can, however, be costly. Many companies either look for alternatives or try to reduce the benefits and premiums included for less significant moves.

Other Solutions

Hybrid approaches attempt to combine the advantages of the home and host-based approaches. These often mean running a balance sheet calculation and comparing the results with the host market salary to determine what solution would make sense. A hybrid approach can work well for a small assignee population but it can generate inconsistencies when companies expand globally, and the assignee population grows significantly.

Finally, some companies rely on international compensation structures that do not use the host and the home structures at all. These might utilize the average salary in a selected group of high-paying countries where the companies operate. This approach facilitates mobility for global nomads and highly mobile employees. It is, however, often very expensive and doesn’t solve all assignment-related issues (e.g., currency issues, pension, taxation). It is typically used in specific industry sectors (e.g., energy and engineering) and for a few assignees (top level managers and global nomads.)

Step 2: Assessing assignment patterNs and business objectives

Assignment patterns

Are assignees moving between countries with similar salary levels, which would make the use of local or local plus easier or, on the contrary, are expatriates sent to host countries with different pay and benefits structures (low-paying to high-paying, or high-paying to low-paying country moves)? Are moves for a fixed duration – e.g., assignments lasting one to five years – or will the company rely on permanent transfers with no guarantee of repatriation?

Assignee Population

Are assignees coming mainly from the headquarter countries (typical for early stages of globalization) or is the number of third-country nationals already significant? A growing number of multinational companies report that the number of moves between emerging markets (“lateral moves”) is catching up with or exceeding the number from the headquarters, prompting a review of compensation approaches.

Are some assignees becoming true global nomads who move from country to country without returning home during their career? Employees, and especially the younger generations, are becoming much more mobile, but only a minority would be global nomads. These assignees are usually top-level managers, experts with unique skills, or globally mobile talent sourced from small or emerging countries where the absence of career opportunities perspective would preclude repatriation perspectives.

Company's philosophy and sector

Some industry sectors like services and finances relocate employees between major regional and financial hubs which facilitate the use of local approach, whereas energy and engineering companies transferred employees to hardship locations are a key feature of the business – and requires comprehensive expatriation packages often based on balance sheets and international salary structures.

Step 3: Assess segmentation needs

An increasing number of companies rely on expatriate policy segmentation to reconcile the cost control versus international expansion dilemma – how to have the same number of assignments or more without increasing the budget dedicated to international mobility. Segmentation means reallocating part of the budget to business critical assignees and limits the costs of non-essential moves.

Some of the commonly used assignment categories include strategic moves (business-critical), developmental moves (which benefit both the company and the employee), and self-requested move (requested by the employee but not essential to the business).

A consistent policy segmentation approach allows HR teams to present business cases or assignment options to management and provide a clearer understanding of the cost and business implications of relocation for different assignees.

It could also help manage exceptions into a well-defined framework based on a consistent talent management approach, as opposed to ad hoc deals.

Example of segmented compensation approach: the four-box model

Chart showing segmented compensation approach: the four-box model

Want to learn more about Expatriate Compensation Approaches?

Make sure to download our free guide to understanding compensation strategies

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Events and training Throughout the year, Mercer conducts a variety of free webinars and paid training sessions, online and in person, to help you keep pace with the evolution of international talent mobility and global workforce management.

Policy benchmarking Gain insights into your peers' international assignment programs and global mobility policies and practices. Participate in Mercer surveys to access unique benchmarking solutions.

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5 Tips for Managing Successful Overseas Assignments

  • Andy Molinsky
  • Melissa Hahn

the international assignment meaning

Stay in constant touch and have a plan for their return.

Sending talented employees overseas can be a promising way to leverage the benefits of a global economy. But expatriate assignments can be extremely expensive: up to three times the cost of a person’s typical annual salary, according to some statistics. And despite the investment, many organizations lack the know-how for optimizing the potential benefits, leaving them disappointed with the results. The unfortunate reality is that even companies providing well-crafted relocation packages (including the all-important cultural training) may not have the talent management mechanisms in place to truly leverage the valuable skills expatriate employees gain during their assignments.

  • Andy Molinsky is a professor of Organizational Behavior and International Management at Brandeis University and the author of Global Dexterity , Reach , and Forging Bonds in a Global Workforce . Connect with him on LinkedIn and download his free e-booklet of 7 myths about working effectively across cultures .
  • Melissa Hahn teaches intercultural communication at American University’s School of International Service. Her new book, Forging Bonds in a Global Workforce (McGraw Hill), helps global professionals build effective relationships across cultures.

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5 Types of Global Assignments: What’s Best for Your Company?

Last Updated on August 22, 2024

Employers and employees have many reasons for sending employees and other talent on different types of global assignments worldwide . Sometimes, companies need to relocate their employees temporarily for a short-term finite assignment. In other scenarios, they must send talent abroad to work for a more extended assignment to facilitate a business objective successfully.

No matter the type of, or reason for, an international assignment, they are essential in global mobility programs and allow for avenues to ensure international organizations’ success.  

What are Global Assignments?

Global assignments require an employee to relocate internationally and undertake work in a destination country for a specified time. Global assignments can vary in duration , often differentiated by being classified as either short-term or long-term.   

Types of Global Assignments

HR professionals may wonder, “What is an example of a global assignment our company can utilize for the needs that arise in our industry?” Companies have various options for assignments when devising an optimal global mobility strategy.

Employers can leverage multiple forms of global assignments to meet their needs and maximize their ROI by choosing impactful yet cost-effective assignments based on assignment length, location and ultimate business need.

Elevate Your Global Mobility Program

Short-Term Assignment

A short-term international assignment usually lasts for a year or less. Employers generally have a specific goal for the employees they send on short-term assignments, such as facilitating training, completing a particular project, or temporarily filling a vacancy.

Many short-term assignments are single-status, whereby only the employee travels, and dependents do not join for the time abroad. Companies may also make use of short-term assignment options when trying to reduce the cost of conducting work abroad despite a need to have talent present on location abroad.

Long-Term Assignment

Companies also often leverage long-term work assignments for various reasons. Employers often contemplate long-term assignments lasting one to three years. However, it is commonplace for employers to extend assignments due to continuing business needs, the preference of the employee, or a variety of other reasons. Many companies contemplate a maximum assignment length of five years, primarily due to cost. A stay of up to five years is still often considered temporary. Still, assignments longer than five years are more likely to be seen as permanent.

Employers typically send their employees on long-term international assignments for strategic reasons such as expanding the business into new markets, opening new offices, developing talent and establishing teams of global leaders.

Since long-term assignments last an extended period, employers have more factors to consider than those classified as short-term. One key consideration is that employees on long-term assignments will likely need to find housing, which may include renting or buying a house. Another is the tax component, as there are likely to be more significant tax implications where there is an extended stay in a given destination.

Employees with families are more likely to bring their dependents along on longer assignments, which means their family members may also need to find work or education options. You’ll also want to consider transportation and healthcare needs and tax obligations.

Business Travel    

Business travel resembles a short-term work assignment because employees don’t stay at the destination for an extended period. The main differentiator is the type of activities undertaken during business travel are much less associated with what’s classified as work and are, instead, typically limited to hands-off activities and business meetings.    

Employees often  stay in a foreign country for just a few days . However, business travel trips can last multiple weeks in some scenarios. Employees may also travel for business between several countries, creating added considerations employers should consider to ensure compliance.  

Remote Work Visas  

Remote work visas are available in many countries around the world. Some countries introduced them during the COVID-19 pandemic to stimulate their economies and encourage companies with remote work policies to send their talent there without formally relocating.

Remote work visas quickly gained traction, and governments continued establishing similar statuses. They are an increasingly popular option for companies that allow employees to work from anywhere on a remote basis.

The application cost per visa varies from country to country, as does the visa’s duration. Some countries will extend the validity of temporary remote work visas , while others contemplate only a finite period of stay for visa holders. Countries often require proof of income as part of these types of visa requests and may also have provisions for bringing dependents that potential applicants should consider.

Commuter Assignments  

An image from the Envoy Global 2024 EMEA Immigration Trends Report showing that employers Employers want more rotational and short-term work programs for moving employees across the EMEA region.

Commuter assignments differ from long-term and short-term assignments because employees regularly commute from their home country to the destination jurisdiction.

While companies use short-term and long-term global assignments worldwide, commuter assignments are typically regional because employees cross neighboring borders. Commuter assignments can be good alternatives for employees who need to work in another country but prefer not to relocate entirely for personal reasons.

What Types of Global Assignments Should Companies Leverage?

HR professionals often ask, “What are the different types of global assignments we can use?”.

Businesses have different reasons for needing to send talent abroad for work assignments. Therefore, employers should carefully consider what they are trying to achieve when deciding what type of global mobility strategy to implement.

Along with the duration of the assignment, employers should consider the employee’s circumstances – are they hesitant to leave family behind, or do they have other obligations that would impact the length of the assignment? Cost is another critical consideration for employers when deciding on a global mobility strategy and will be a decision driver for most programs.

Employers must use various services to ensure a smooth transition no matter how long employees stay in another country. A global immigration services provider such as Envoy Global can partner with your organization to decide on the proper assignment strategy for the company and employee and support the acquisition of the necessary immigration status to allow for a compliant work engagement in the destination country.

Envoy offers valuable services to educate employers on all global assignment types and advise on the assignment strategy that will best ensure your organization’s success. Every company’s HR team partners with a Global Account Manager to create a successful and sustainable global mobility program, including guidance on best practices for leveraging global assignments.

With so many moving parts to global mobility, HR managers can rest assured that working with Envoy’s experienced team helps make relocating talent worldwide a seamless and efficient experience.

Learn About Envoy's Global Immigration Services

Content in this publication is for informational purposes only and not intended as legal advice, nor should it be relied on as such. Envoy is not a law   firm, and   does not provide legal advice. If you would like guidance on how this information may impact your   particular situation   and you are a client of the U.S. Law Firm, consult your attorney. If you are not a client of the U.S. Law Firm working with Envoy, consult another qualified professional. This website does not create an attorney-client relationship with the U.S. Law Firm.

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Is An International Assignment Right For You?

Is an international assignment right for you?

See the world! Go to exotic locations! It’s exciting! It’s an adventure! It’s like a vacation all the time! Or not. The truth is international assignments are both incredibly amazing and incredibly difficult, and they’re not for everyone. Companies recognize that these assignments are difficult personally, and because sending someone abroad is expensive, they want to ensure that they are sending people who will succeed in those assignments. Otherwise, it can be a disaster for the individual personally and a loss for the company.

So how do you know if an international assignment is right for you? Here are some questions to ask yourself.

1. Are you doing it just for the money? If so, you may want to reconsider. Being interested only in the money won’t carry you through the day-to-day trials and tribulations of living abroad. If money is your primary motivation, you may find yourself not exploring and not integrating into your new country and thus having social and personal difficulties. And if you are just phoning it in at work to get a paycheck, you may find yourself not succeeding at the level expected by your company.

2. Do you take vacations abroad or study another language because you’re truly interested in different cultures and ways of life?  An important indicator of success of an assignment is the level of sincere interest in learning about and experiencing other cultures. Were your last few vacations spent abroad? Did you stay in a U.S. hotel where the staff speaks English and you can order hamburgers from room service? Or did you stay in a local hotel and experience local food and the challenge of communicating with someone who does not speak English? Did you venture out on your own or stay with a tour group the whole time? People who are truly interested in exploring, trying, failing, and discovering in other geographies and cultures are more likely to be interested in these assignments and successful at them. 

3. Can you live without your creature comforts?  If you have to have Starbucks coffee, a particular type of workout class, and the convenience of online shopping, you may be in for a rude awakening in your time abroad. Yes — technology is great and can solve many problems — but depending on where you go, you may not be able to get these things and you may need to learn to live without them and replace them with something wonderful from your new country.  

4. Are your relationships stable?  When you move abroad, you may take some family members with you and you may leave some family members and friends behind. You and your family will need a support group, and any issues you may have in your relationships will be magnified in an international assignment because everyone will experience higher levels of stress and the usual support networks may not be available. I would advise getting some counseling ahead of time when considering an international assignment in order to bring to light issues that could arise later on.  

5. Are you generally a flexible person, open to diverse opinions and new ways of doing things?  Flexibility and openness are important in an assignment for both professional and personal success. People in your office will not do things the same way they do back home and you will find it strange, inefficient and frustrating until you start understanding the culture and the reasons for doing things that way.  The same will be true for the way things get done in life — from grocery shopping to paying bills to getting around town. Understanding, adapting and even embracing new ways of doing things is critical for success.  

Most of all, you need to be honest with yourself about these questions. If you decide that an international assignment is right for you, go forward with enthusiasm and eagerness in your new country. And if you decide it’s not for you, enjoy other professional and personal opportunities at home.  

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1. Changing international assignments

  • Initial research conducted amongst global businesses in 2021, as Covid-19 was controlled showed that a mobile workforce was still integral to future working plans. Although most expat assignments were likely to follow the traditional format, the area was not unaffected by change. We delved into the alternative options businesses were using to achieve business goals while satisfying employee demand for more flexibility around ways of working. 

2. Managing commuter assignees

3. managing short term assignments.

Another option for employers with a specific goal to achieve is to send an employee on a short-term assignment of less than a year. A short-term assignment can be a cost-effective option when the goal is to transfer resource, knowledge, or skills.

This kind of task may mean some employees have to be separated from spouse or family for a time. But a short-term assignment may still be a better option if their partner has a career of their own or if children are at pivotal points in their education. We investigate how employers can prepare expat assignees for a short assignment and most importantly how to help them prepare for their return. 

Managing Virtual Assignments

Managing expat assignments post pandemic.

Following the cataclysmic shift in the working world that has occurred in the last few years. Employees are looking for more flexibility from their employers than ever before. Employers are answering this need with remote or hybrid working options and a stronger focus on health and wellbeing in the workplace. How is this translating into the world of the globally mobile workforce? We look at considerations your company may wish to consider to make the most of expat assignees in your business.

There is no denying there is a lot to think about when it comes to the future of expat assignments in your business. 

There is one thing we can take off your plate, that’s group international health insurance for expats . Our range of products can be tailored to meet the needs of your business. Get in touch today to see how we can help your employees access private healthcare while on assignment. 

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The Best Yoga Mats Tried and Tested by Experts

When it comes to choosing a yoga mat, there’s more to it than meets your third eye chakra. Sourcing a stylish design might look good in a yoga class, but a mat that feels easy to move on and offers essential grip is key to perfecting your poses. From dynamic moves such as dolphin plank or crow pose to a restorative savasana at the end of your practice, using a supportive and comfortable yoga mat can make all the difference.

“Grip is important to me when deciding which mat to use so that I won’t slip when the yoga session gets sweaty,” says celebrity personal trainer Peter Maciver of PMac Fitness . “Material that feels good underhand is also crucial as I want to be able to lie down and feel relaxed and balanced. Choosing a mat with durable materials that don’t easily damage after frequent use and can be easily wiped clean will also help prolong the life of the mat.”

Flexibility is also something to bear in mind when deciding which yoga mat to buy. A mat that travels well and isn’t too heavy to carry to class might be an important factor in your decisionmaking. Or perhaps you’re after a design that you can use for Pilates, body balance, and a body pump class too? If so, look out for a versatile mat that is built to cater to all forms of exercise, not just pigeon pose.

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Person holding a wide stance on a blue yoga mat with one arm extended upwards

Best Yoga Mat Overall

For comfort and support when you’re stretching and moving, this yoga mat is an excellent option. At 5 mm, it’s a little thicker than the average mat, which makes it a little bulkier to transport. But I think if you get yourself a good yoga bag, it’s a great choice at home or the gym. It provides a plush yet balanced feel underfoot, and has good grip. I felt secure while in downward dog, but felt that the mat was equally supportive when I was doing a weights session with bare feet.

It’s made with FSC certified rubber and contains latex, which helps to provide a luxurious finish, and it comes in a selection of colorways. The mat is designed to absorb moisture so you don’t slip in high-sweat practices, which makes it a particularly good option for anyone who loves hot yoga.

I chose the Soft Denim/Pastel Blue/White/Pastel Blue option to test, and the cool blue finish made me feel calm. There’s also grounding Black, striking Dew Pink, and an invigorating Sonic Navy to choose from, too.

Health coach Maite Brines von Melle was impressed with this mat too. “This was my favorite of the bunch,” she says. “I like the design and it’s very versatile—I taught Pilates and resistance training on this mat and it worked well. It’s cushioned, which makes it comfortable to lie on for restorative yoga such as yin. It is larger in size than average but not too heavy to carry across town to class—it wipes clean easily so stays fresh too.”

Rolled up purple yoga mat with black strap to carry it

Best Budget Yoga Mat

Having focused on mainly premium yoga mats, I was surprised by how much I liked this $20 design. Made from a basic foam, both sides of the mat are designed to be nonslip, and while its grip could be better, it did well to keep me in place while in challenging poses. It’s hard to say whether its grip would maintain over time and not get slippery, but for now, it was more than good enough.

Time will also tell as to whether the foam is durable, but I think it feels well made, and for this price I don’t think you can complain.

At half an inch thick, I really appreciated how comfortable the mat felt when carrying out poses that were hard on the knees. It felt nice to relax on once I’d finished a series of dynamic stretches too.

The mat comes in a range of bright colors including punchy purple (pictured), black, blue, green, pink, and red. It’s also moisture resistant so was easy to clean. The foam is lightweight, and while this may make it feel rather cheap, it actually makes it easy to roll up and carry. I also like the fact that, in addition to a basic, plastic-mesh carrying bag, it comes with a carrying strap. While this doesn’t sound too generous, it makes a difference when you’ve rolled up your mat and need it to stay in place.

Person with their arms stretched upward in a wide stance on a yoga mat in an apartment

Best Yoga Mat for Grip

This yoga mat has a closed-cell PVC construction that seals out moisture, sweat, and bacteria so it’s durable and easy to maintain. But the real appeal here is the no-slip dot pattern on the bottom layer that keeps the mat firmly in position whatever the surface. It’s a latex-free mat too, which might make it a better option than the Lululemon if you suffer from allergies.

I found this mat very comfortable to practice yoga on, and its texture feels good. It has just the right amount of grip without feeling too sticky, and its smooth, tactile finish felt relaxing to lay on. Importantly too, the cushioning was dense enough to support my knees when in a kneeling plank.

It comes in a lush choice of colors, including a Black Sage green that looked great in my living room, and it didn’t pick up every bit of dirt, dust, and hair like some mats can. It’s also very easy to wipe clean.

“The Manduka ProLite is one of my favorite yoga mats and has a fabric-like finish that gets grippier with age,” says Brines von Melle. “This mat is very versatile for all types of exercise—from yoga to strength training—and I didn’t find myself slipping, which is always testament to a good design.”

Blue yoga mat and the carrying bag in the grass of a small garden

Best Yoga Mat for Alignment

At 70 by 26 inches wide, this mat is slightly longer and wider than your average design. While this makes it a bit heavier than a standard mat, the supplied zip-up Liforme bag makes it easy to carry.

I love the style of this mat, and while at first I thought it would be all style over substance, Liforme has managed to balance comfort and support to create a design that seems to have it all.

The mat is printed with ecofriendly, nontoxic inks to give you Liforme’s “alignment system” that’s designed to help you perfect your practice. The lines are there to help you position your hands, feet, and body, and make it easier to perform poses such as warrior or to carry out a sequence.

Brines von Melle was also impressed. “It’s got very good grip and I really enjoyed moving on this mat,” she says. “I noticed how good the grip was in downward dog and when doing sun salutations, and I think the alignment points are great for anyone new to yoga.”

If your budget is tight but you like the idea of a mat that offers guide points, check out the less expensive Liforme Classic Yoga Mat . While it doesn’t have this specific moon design, it does have Liforme’s alignment system and is similar in construction.

Red yoga mat and blue hand weights in the grass of a small garden

Best Yoga Mat for Dynamic Exercise

Like the Lululemon, the Les Mils mat is just 5 mm thick, but it has a very different finish and feel. It is made up of a red and gray high-density eco-PVC material that is built for working hard whatever your style.

Its surface is made to anchor you during the sweatiest of training sessions. The gray side has an anti-slip coating for high-impact exercise and weight training, while the red surface has excellent grip, ideal for yoga.

While I didn’t find it as smooth or tactile as a standard yoga mat, I did like the versatility. I found it easy to wipe clean, and it lasted well. I positioned it under my spin bike for a month (to protect the floor) and was surprised to find that the dent marks from the bike faded fast.

Brines von Melle thought that this was a good option for all-round exercise. “I like the fact that this mat has two sides to it to suit your goals,” she says. “It’s not the most comfortable yoga mat, but it works well when moving, it’s convenient and easy to store. It has eyelet holes on one end so you can hang it up to air and store if needed too.”

Green yoga mat with decorative patterns

Best Yoga Mats for Kids

It's a luxury choice for the little yogi in your life, but the Playful Kids yoga mat offers the best quality in a fun-size bundle. There aren’t that many designs for kids out there, but this is the most attractive I’ve found. In truth, it's better looking than many adult designs.

The mat is 36 centimeters shorter than the adult-size Liforme yoga mat and half a kilogram lighter. It also comes with a useful carry bag, which means it's significantly easier to carry than an adult-size option.

A mat like this can be an enticing way to get kids to join in on a yoga session, such as the popular Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube. It worked well for my 7-year-old son William, who suffers from tight calf muscles after playing soccer. The mat was a good way to encourage him to stretch more and unwind before bed.

Purple yoga mat in the grass of a small garden

How I Tested Yoga Mats

Having dabbled in yoga, Pilates, and body balance classes for years, I instinctively know what makes for a comfortable and ergonomic mat. Grip, finish, thickness, and design are all key considerations. I also called on the expert help of Maite Brines von Melle from Superhealth Playbook , who was invaluable in assessing each mat and whittling them down to the very best options for your style, size, and budget.

Hand holding a spray bottle aimed toward a rolled up yoga mat while the other hand wipes the mat with a sponge

How to Properly Clean a Yoga Mat

Keeping your yoga mat clean isn't just about basic personal hygiene. A clean mat will simply last longer, but given the range of materials used to manufacture them—from polyurethane, PVC, natural rubber, and cork—it's important to heed the manufacturer’s recommendations before you reach for the bleach.

Some mats benefit from a simple wipe down with a damp microfiber cloth, while others can be dunked in the bath, put in the washing machine, and left to air dry. And then there's specialized yoga mat cleaning sprays that promise to sanitize and prolong the life of your mat, and make it smell a whole lot better. Here's our pick of the best:

Liforme Ultimate Everyday Yoga Mat Cleaner for $23 : This plant-based cleaning foam is made from 95 percent natural ingredients and has a subtle, clean scent. I pumped the foam onto a sponge and rubbed it onto my mat. It dissolved quickly and left the surface refreshed.

Manduka Yoga Mat Wash and Refresh for $12.00 : I love the lavender scent, which is made from 100 percent naturally derived ingredients. You can spray the surface and wipe down for a quick refresh, or spray generously and let soak for two minutes for a deeper clean before drying.

Moxe Yoga Mat Cleaner Spray, two bottles for $20 : With rosemary and lemon essential oil, this solution smells like a sleep spray you’d put on your pillow before bed. It comes with a soft microfiber cloth as part of the price to make it easy to clean and dry. I use it on my mat before class so I can enjoy the scent during the session.

Rolled up pink yoga mats with a black strap on each

How to Choose the Best Yoga Mat

WIRED asked the popular YouTube yoga teacher Sara Beth for her top tips on buying the best yoga mat:

Thicker is not better. You still want to support your balance by having a firm connection to the ground beneath you, so aim for a 3 to 5 mm thickness. You can always add more cushion for your knees in the center, but too much cushion under the front and back, where your hands and feet go, can disrupt your balance.

Look for good grip. For hot yoga or sweaty people, make sure your mat gets grippier when wet. A washable design is more hygienic. A microfiber-finished mat can be put in the washing machine (manufacturers instruction advised) or you can opt for a “yoga towel” you cover the mat with before wiping down and washing after your session.

Take a travel mat. For holidays, a thin, lightweight, 0.059-inch (1.5-mm) mat can be folded or rolled in your suitcase. They work well on hotel room carpet, but if you need more cushion you can always layer a towel where your knees go. I’ve also practiced yoga in my hotel room with just the bath towel laid out like a mat.

Make it easy to workout. If you plan to use your mat like a gym floor for Pilates, weights, yoga, and HIIT, then consider investing in a jumbo 5- by 8-feet mat ( like Gorilla mat ), which shouldn't move. These are typically a bit heavier and sturdier, which will help it stay in place while you move.

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‘I Like to Think It Made Her Smile’: Angelina Jolie on the Deeper Meaning Behind Her Dazzling Cartier Jewelry in Maria

Image may contain Blonde Hair Person Face Head Photography Portrait Adult Clothing and Dress

It’s the night before the premiere of Maria —the Pablo Larraín-directed Maria Callas biopic that is already the most talked-about film at this year’s Venice Film Festival —and its star, Angelina Jolie, is feeling reflective. “I met Pablo many years ago, and told him how much I respected him as a filmmaker and hoped to work with him one day,” Jolie tells Vogue of how she decided to take on this once-in-a-lifetime role. “To be asked to play Maria was an honor and the most challenging role I have ever taken on. Above all, because I do feel so strongly about her as an artist and as a woman that I worried about not doing her justice.”

On that, Jolie need not worry. With Maria, she delivers arguably the greatest performance in her already remarkable career, fully embodying the legendary Greek opera singer in her 1970s twilight years in Paris: her striking kohl-rimmed eyes, her fraying voice, and her tempestuous moods. To achieve it, Jolie dedicated herself to an intensive training process so that she wasn’t just delivering a portrait of Callas, but instead became her, somehow. “Pablo expected me to work very hard, and he expected me to sing,” she says. “I went into classes for six or seven months to learn to really sing, to take Italian classes, to understand and study opera, to immerse [myself in it] completely and do the work. For Maria, there was no other way.” However grueling that journey may have been, it was a process that left Jolie feeling creatively fulfilled. “I am deeply grateful to Pablo for having faith in me to do this,” she adds.

Yet there was another, equally important, element of Callas’s life that Jolie was fully committed to realizing on screen: her style. For Callas, fashion wasn’t just the clothes she dressed in every day, but an armor that allowed her to step out into an at-times hostile world. As a result, Callas became a couture client to some of the greatest designers of her day, including the Italian couturier Biki, Christian Dior, and Yves Saint Laurent. (The opera star is still inspiring designers: Just look to Erdem’s fall 2024 collection , which featured gestural swoops of paint across floral gowns mimicking the designs of Salvatore Fiume’s sets in her 1953 La Scala production of Medea, accompanied by the only surviving recording of Callas speaking in Greek.)

While Jolie worked closely with Maria ’s costume designer Massimo Cantini Parrini on the outfits that would inform her performance, the extra sparkle that helped her embody Callas came via Cartier. Throughout her lifetime, the singer amassed an extensive collection of gems—but few were as prized as the pieces she acquired from the legendary French fine jewelry house. One such piece is a figurative Panthère brooch made in 1971, featuring one of Cartier’s signature gold panthers (complete with emeralds for eyes) sitting atop a carved white chalcedony gemstone.

It turns out Callas’s actual brooch is now in the Cartier Collection, and was worn by Jolie both in the film and at the press conference for Maria in Venice today, affixed to her black Atelier Jolie column dress. “You can imagine how special it was to wear a piece of jewelry that was hers,” Jolie tells me of wearing the brooch both during the film’s production, and being able to step onto the global stage to promote Maria with a little bit of Callas on her chest. Elsewhere in the film, Jolie also wears a Rose ouvrante 1972 flower brooch featuring diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, and rubies, with a special mechanism that allows the petals to be opened and closed. “I was also charmed at how it transformed from a closed flower that then blooms,” Jolie adds. “I like to think it made her smile. The little secret in the piece.”

Image may contain Angelina Jolie Blonde Hair Person Clothing Dress Adult Face Happy Head Smile and Photography

For Cartier, it feels like a full-circle moment too. “Like so many other important women of the time, Maria Callas chose Cartier for jewelry that reflected her personality,” says Pierre Rainero, Cartier’s image, style, and heritage director, before going on to quote the iconic Mexican actor María Félix: “Cartier has always been known as the jeweler of the aristocracy of blood, but also of talent.”

10 Years In, Amal Clooney Still Channels Bridal Fashion for Date Night

Tonight, Jolie will arrive on the red carpet at the Palazzo del Cinema, in one of the most hotly-anticipated fashion moments of this year’s festival. But according to Jolie, we should expect the unexpected when it comes to her Venice wardrobe. “I chose not to copy [Maria’s] looks because they are hers, and her Venice carpets were stunning, so I gave a little nod to her—in a different way,” she says, adding: “But I made sure to wear something ladylike in her honor.” (Earlier today, Jolie also wore a Saint Laurent dress with Grecian-style sleeves that served as a subtle homage to Callas.)

Image may contain Angelina Jolie Clothing Dress Formal Wear Evening Dress Accessories Bag Handbag Adult and Person

Still, having worked on this project for nearly two years, how does it feel now it’s finally out in the world? And ultimately, what does Jolie hope the audience will take from this movie? “I just hope this film helps Maria to be more understood and respected.” If Jolie’s performance is anything to go by, it will do all that and more.

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What Across-the-Board Tariffs Could Mean for the Global Economy

Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has floated the idea of a 10 percent tariff on all U.S. imports, a plan that economists say could badly damage trade.

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A ship docked at a port, with shipping containers stacked at a dock around it.

By Patricia Cohen

Former President Donald J. Trump blames the global trading system for inflicting a long list of ills on the American economy including lost jobs, closed foreign markets and an overvalued dollar.

The remedy, he insists, is simple: tariffs. Mr. Trump, the Republican nominee for president, has repeatedly said he would raise tariffs if elected. China, a geopolitical and economic rival, would face an additional 50 or 60 percent tariff on its exports to the United States. He has also floated the idea of a 10 to 20 percent surcharge on exports from the rest of the world.

Although smaller than the percentage proposed for Chinese exports, an across-the-board tariff has the potential to deliver a much more devastating jolt to world trade, many economists warn.

Such a surcharge would not distinguish between rivals and allies, critical necessities and nonessentials, ailing industries and superstars, or countries adhering to trade treaties and those violating them. (Democrats have also embraced tariffs as a policy tool , but Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has criticized Mr. Trump’s universal approach as inflationary.)

Here is what you need to know about the idea of a universal tariff on all imports.

What are the historical precedents?

Mr. Trump’s broad-brush tariffs frequently evoke comparisons with the destructive global trade war that the United States helped to initiate in the 1930s with the Smoot-Hawley tariffs passed by Congress. The Senate Historical Office has called that law “among the most catastrophic acts in congressional history.”

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18.7 The International Assignment

Learning objectives.

  • Describe how to prepare for an international assignment.
  • Discuss the acculturation process as an expatriate.
  • Describe effective strategies for living and working abroad.

Suppose you have the opportunity to work or study in a foreign country. You may find the prospect of an international assignment intriguing, challenging, or even frightening; indeed, most professionals employed abroad will tell you they pass through all three stages at some point during the assignment. They may also share their sense of adjustment, even embrace of their host culture, and the challenges of reintegration into their native country.

An international assignment, whether as a student or a career professional, requires work and preparation, and should be given the time and consideration of any major life change. When you lose a loved one, it takes time to come to terms with the loss. When someone you love is diagnosed with a serious illness, the news may take some time to sink in. When a new baby enters your family, a period of adjustment is predictable and prolonged. All these major life changes can stress an individual beyond their capacity to adjust. Similarly, in order to be a successful “expat,” or expatriate, one needs to prepare mentally and physically for the change.

International business assignments are a reflection of increased global trade, and as trade decreases, they may become an expensive luxury. As technology allows for instant face-to-face communication, and group collaboration on documents via cloud computing and storage, the need for physical travel may be reduced. But regardless of whether your assignment involves relocation abroad, supervision of managers in another country at a distance, or supervision by a foreign manager, you will need to learn more about the language, culture, and customs that are not your own. You will need to compare and contrast, and seek experiences that lend insight, in order to communicate more effectively.

An efficient, effective manager in any country is desirable, but one with international experience even more so. You will represent your company and they will represent you, including a considerable financial investment, either by your employer (in the case of a professional assignment) or by whoever is financing your education (in the case of studying abroad). That investment should not be taken lightly. As many as 40 percent of foreign-assigned employees terminate their assignments early, Tu, H., & Sullivan, S. (1994). Business horizons . Retrieved from at a considerable cost to their employers. Of those that remain, almost 50 percent are less than effective. Tu, H., & Sullivan, S. (1994). Business horizons . Retrieved from


With this perspective in mind, let’s discuss how to prepare for the international assignment and strategies to make you a more effective professional as a stranger in a strange land. First we’ll dispel a couple of myths associated with an idealized or romantic view of living abroad. Next we’ll examine traits and skills of the successful expatriate. Finally, we’ll examine culture shock and the acculturation process.

Your experience with other cultures may have come firsthand, but for most, a foreign location like Paris is an idea formed from exposure to images via the mass media. Paris may be known for its art, as a place for lovers, or as a great place to buy bread. But if you have only ever known about a place through the lens of a camera, you have only seen the portraits designed and portrayed by others. You will lack the multidimensional view of one who lives and works in Paris, and even if you are aware of its history, its economic development, or its recent changes, these are all academic observations until the moment of experience.

That is not to say that research does not form a solid foundation in preparation for an international assignment, but it does reinforce the distinction between a media-fabricated ideal and real life. Awareness of this difference is an important step as you prepare yourself for life in a foreign culture.

If the decision is yours to make, take your time. If others are involved, and family is a consideration, you should take even more care with this important decision. Residence abroad requires some knowledge of the language, an ability to adapt, and an interest in learning about different cultures. If family members are not a part of the decision, or lack the language skills or interest, the assignment may prove overwhelming and lead to failure. Sixty-four percent of expatriate respondents who terminated their assignment early indicated that family concerns were the primary reason. Contreras, C. D. (2009). Should you accept the international assignment? BNET . Retrieved from

Points to consider include the following:

  • How flexible are you?
  • Do you need everything spelled out or can you go with the flow?
  • Can you adapt to new ways of doing business?
  • Are you interested in the host culture and willing to dedicate the time and put forth the effort to learn more about it?
  • What has been your experience to date working with people from distinct cultures?
  • What are your language skills at present, and are you interested in learning a new language?
  • Is your family supportive of the assignment?
  • How will it affect your children’s education? Your spouse’s career? Your career?
  • Will this assignment benefit your family?
  • How long are you willing to commit to the assignment?
  • What resources are available to help you prepare, move, and adjust?
  • Can you stand being out of the loop, even if you are in daily written and oral communication with the home office?
  • What is your relationship with your employer, and can it withstand the anticipated stress and tension that will result as not everything goes according to plan?
  • Is the cultural framework of your assignment similar to—or unlike—your own, and how ready are you to adapt to differences in such areas as time horizon, masculinity versus femininity, or direct versus indirect styles of communication?

This list of questions could continue, and feel free to add your own as you explore the idea of an international assignment. An international assignment is not like a domestic move or reassignment. Within the same country, even if there are significantly different local customs in place, similar rules, laws, and ways of doing business are present. In a foreign country, you will lose those familiar traditions and institutions and have to learn many new ways of accomplishing your given tasks. What once took a five-minute phone call may now take a dozen meetings and a month to achieve, and that may cause you some frustration. It may also cause your employer frustration as you try to communicate how things are done locally, and why results are not immediate, as they lack even your limited understanding of your current context. Your relationship with your employer will experience stress, and your ability to communicate your situation will require tact and finesse.

Successful expatriates are adaptable, open to learning new languages, cultures, and skilled at finding common ground for communication. Rather than responding with frustration, they learn the new customs and find the advantage to get the job done. They form relationships and are not afraid to ask for help when it is warranted or required. They feel secure in their place as explorer, and understand that mistakes are a given, even as they are unpredictable. Being a stranger is no easy task, but they welcome the challenge with energy and enthusiasm.

Acculturation Process

Acculturation The transition to living abroad. , or the transition to living abroad, is often described as an emotional rollercoaster. Steven Rhinesmith Rhinesmith, S. (1984). Returning home . Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Bureau for International Education. provides ten steps that show the process of acculturation, including culture shock, that you may experience:

  • Initial anxiety
  • Initial elation
  • Initial culture shock
  • Superficial adjustment
  • Depression-frustration
  • Acceptance of host culture
  • Return anxiety
  • Return elation
  • Reentry shock
  • Reintegration

Humans fear the unknown, and even if your tolerance for uncertainty is high, you may experience a degree of anxiety in anticipation of your arrival. At first the “honeymoon” period is observed, with a sense of elation at all the newfound wonders. You may adjust superficially at first, learning where to get familiar foods or new ways to meet your basic needs. As you live in the new culture, divergence will become a trend and you’ll notice many things that frustrate you. You won’t anticipate the need for two hours at a bank for a transaction that once took five minutes, or could be handled over the Internet, and find that businesses close during midday, preventing you from accomplishing your goals. At this stage, you will feel that living in this new culture is simply exhausting. Many expats advise that this is the time to tough it out—if you give in to the temptation to make a visit back home, you will only prolong your difficult adjustment.

Over time, if you persevere, you will come to accept and adjust to your host culture, and learn how to accomplish your goals with less frustration and ease. You may come to appreciate several cultural values or traits and come to embrace some aspects of your host culture. At some point, you will need to return to your first, or home, culture, but that transition will bring a sense of anxiety. People and places change, the familiar is no longer so familiar, and you too have changed. You may once again be elated at your return and the familiar, and experience a sense of comfort in home and family, but culture shock may again be part of your adjustment. You may look at your home culture in a new way and question things that are done in a particular way that you have always considered normal. You may hold onto some of the cultural traits you adopted while living abroad, and begin the process of reintegration.

You may also begin to feel that the “grass is greener” in your host country, and long to return. Expatriates are often noted for “going native,” or adopting the host culture’s way of life, but even the most confirmed expats still gather to hear the familiar sound of their first language, and find community in people like themselves who have blended cultural boundaries on a personal level.

Living and Working Abroad

In order to learn to swim you have to get in the water, and all the research and preparation cannot take the place of direct experience. Your awareness of culture shock may help you adjust, and your preparation by learning some of the language will assist you, but know that living and working abroad take time and effort. Still, there are several guidelines that can serve you well as you start your new life in a strange land:

  • Be open and creative . People will eat foods that seem strange or do things in a new way, and your openness and creativity can play a positive role in your adjustment. Staying close to your living quarters or surrounding yourself with similar expats can limit your exposure to and understanding of the local cultures. While the familiar may be comfortable, and the new setting may be uncomfortable, you will learn much more about your host culture and yourself if you make the effort to be open to new experiences. Being open involves getting out of your comfort zone.
  • Be self-reliant . Things that were once easy or took little time may now be challenging or consume your whole day. Focus on your ability to resolve issues, learn new ways to get the job done, and be prepared to do new things.
  • Keep a balanced perspective . Your host culture isn’t perfect. Humans aren’t perfect, and neither was your home culture. Each location and cultural community has strengths you can learn from if you are open to them.
  • Be patient . Take your time, and know a silent period is normal. The textbook language classes only provide a base from which you will learn how people who live in the host country actually communicate. You didn’t learn to walk in a day and won’t learn to successfully navigate this culture overnight either.
  • Be a student and a teacher . You are learning as the new member of the community, but as a full member of your culture, you can share your experiences as well.
  • Be an explorer . Get out and go beyond your boundaries when you feel safe and secure. Traveling to surrounding villages, or across neighboring borders, can expand your perspective and help you learn.
  • Protect yourself . Always keep all your essential documents, money, and medicines close to you, or where you know they will be safe. Trying to source a medicine in a country where you are not fluent in the language, or where the names of remedies are different, can be a challenge. Your passport is essential to your safety and you need to keep it safe. You may also consider vaccination records, birth certificates, or business documents in the same way, keeping them safe and accessible. You may want to consider a “bug-out bag,” with all the essentials you need, including food, water, keys, and small tools, as an essential part of planning in case of emergency.

Key Takeaways

Preparation is key to a successful international assignment. Living and working abroad takes time, effort, and patience.

  • Research one organization in a business or industry that relates to your major and has an international presence. Find a job announcement or similar document that discusses the business and its international activities. Share and compare with classmates.
  • Conduct a search on expat networks including online forum. Briefly describe your findings and share with classmates.
  • What would be the hardest part of an overseas assignment for you and why? What would be the easiest part of an overseas assignment for you and why?
  • Find an advertisement for an international assignment. Note the qualifications, and share with classmates.
  • Find an article or other first-person account of someone’s experience on an international assignment. Share your results with your classmates.


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  2. PPT

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  5. PPT

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