1. IR Theory: Problem-Solving Theory Versus Critical Theory?

    Indeed, Cox's categories of "critical" and "problem-solving" are now part of the very common-sense ordering of theory in IR. It is therefore important to consider what Cox actually said about these categories. Problem-solving theory, first, "takes the world as it finds it, with the prevailing social and power relationships and the ...

  2. Does Epistemology Matter? The Divide Between Critical and Problem

    The conception of a theoretical divide between critical and problem-solving IR owes its conceptual framework and background to a split introduced by Max Horkheimer in the context of Frankfurt School theorizing during the late 1930's. In his writing "Critical and Traditional Theory", Horkheimer (2002) argues that human and social sciences ...

  3. At the nexus of problem-solving and critical research

    The problem-solving approach tries to find solutions that do not disturb (or disturb the least) the prevailing socioeconomic order while critical theory is willing, if necessary, to question the prevailing order, often from a normative perspective. In this sense, the problem-solving approach is ahistorical because it does not

  4. Traditional, Problem-Solving and Critical Theory: An Analysis of

    Shannon Brincat's research focuses on recognition theory and cosmopolitanism; dialectics; tyrannicide; climate change justice; and Critical Theory.He has been the editor of a number of collections, most recently Dialectics and world politics; Recognition, conflict and the problems of ethical community; and the three volume series Communism in the twentyfirst century.

  5. 'third way' in ir theorising

    critical theory has aims that are as practical as those of problem-solving theory. However, 'it approaches practice from a perspective which transcends that of the existing order, which problem-solving theory takes as its starting point'.14 One key element that separates critical theory from problem solving is the

  6. Realism as Critical Theory: The International Thought of E. H. Carr

    critical theory by contrasting it with problem-solving theory as the traditional per spective animating mainstream realist, neorealist, and neoliberal IR thought (Cox 1981).7 This was a seminal accomplishment. It helped to sensitize the field to its unacknowledged foundational biases and thereby unlocked previously

  7. Traditional, Problem-Solving and Critical Theory: An Analysis of

    ABSTRACT. Robert W. Cox's dictum that ' (t)heory is for someone and for some purpose' (emphasis in the original) is said to be the most-quoted line in International Relations (IR) theory. Yet whilst this spurred a revolution in critical thinking in IR, it echoed a far older conception of Critical Theory advanced by Max Horkheimer in the ...

  8. IR Theory: Problem-Solving Theory Versus Critical Theory?

    Robert Cox began his canonical 1981 essay "Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory" with the observation that it is "necessary and practical" for academic disciplines to "divide up the seamless web of the real social world". We make these divisions, Cox wrote, in order to analyse the world and thus to produce practical knowledge of that world ...

  9. PDF Traditional, Problem-Solving and Critical Theory: An Analysis of

    To cite this article: S. Brincat (2016): Traditional, Problem-Solving and Critical Theory: An Analysis of Horkheimer and Cox's Setting of the 'Critical' Divide, Globalizations, DOI: 10.1080 ...

  10. Key Theories of International Relations

    IR Theory: Problem Solving Theory vs. Critical Theory, E-International Relations Marxism Festival, Marxism Women's Rights and Opportunities, The Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton One Woman Initiative Fund for Women's Empowerment, U.S. Department of State Feminism's Influence on Iceland's Foreign Policy, E-International Relations

  11. Critical Theory: International Relations' Engagement With the Frankfurt

    One of the most well-known definitions of critical theory (CT) in IR belongs to Robert Cox (1981) who defined critical theory in the context of his famous landmark distinction between problem-solving theory and critical theory. According to Cox, problem-solving theories are preoccupied with maintaining social power relationships and the ...

  12. Foundations of Critical Theory

    Stephen D. Brookfield is the John Ireland Endowed Chair at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis-St. Paul. He has authored, edited, or co-authored 17 books on adult learning, critical thinking, teaching, discussion methods, leadership, and critical theory, and is a six-time winner of the Cyril O. Houle World Award for Literature in ...

  13. 'Problem-solving' and Critical Theory Distinction: A Reflection from

    Second, it seeks to show that there are not just nuanced, but substantial differences between different 'critical' approaches, and within them. Finally, it concludes exploring plausible reasons for this classification of theories, currently useful in IR, arguing that there is a sense in which this comprehensive concept is of utility, but that ...

  14. Critical Theory (Frankfurt School)

    4. Critical Theories Today. Marx defined critical theory as the "self-clarification of the struggles and wishes of the age" (Marx 1843). The vitality of this approach to critical theory depends on continually taking up this task in new social contexts, as the first generation of the Frankfurt School did.

  15. Problem-Solving Theory: The Task-Centred Model

    This chapter focuses on the task-centred model (Reid and Epstein 1972) as a prime example of the major influence problem-solving theory has exerted in the practice of social work.First, as background for understanding the development of the task-centred model, the chapter offers a brief account of the historical development of the problem-solving model (Perlman 1957) and describes its key ...

  16. Problem Solving

    Cognitive—Problem solving occurs within the problem solver's cognitive system and can only be inferred indirectly from the problem solver's behavior (including biological changes, introspections, and actions during problem solving).. Process—Problem solving involves mental computations in which some operation is applied to a mental representation, sometimes resulting in the creation of ...

  17. Traditional, Problem-Solving and Critical Theory: An Analysis of

    Indeed, as demonstrated by Davis (2014) and Brincat (2016), problem-solving theory and critical theory each seek social equitythough one is practical while the other is transformational. Given the ...

  18. International Political Theory and the Real World

    The conventional distinction between "critical theory" and "problem-solving theory" is also challenged, and each is defended as an equally important, albeit different, stage in the life of a theory. The second half of this chapter sets out the principles upon which the Handbook is organized, and provides a guide to each section and chapter.

  19. IR Theory: Problem-Solving Theory Versus Critical Theory?

    Indeed, Cox's categories of "critical" and "problem-solving" are now part of the very common-sense ordering of theory in IR. It is therefore important to consider what Cox actually said about these categories. Problem-solving theory, first, "takes the world as it finds it, with the prevailing social and power relationships and the ...

  20. Problem Solving Theory Vs Critical Theory

    PROBLEM-SOLVING (REALIST) THEORY. Security studies originated from neorealist IR theory, and began with the explicit mandate of solving the problem of war and instability in world politics. It has a clear referent object of analysis (the state) and a clear goal (explaining why states go to war). As such, security studies is defined as ' the ...

  21. Mediation, Conflict Resolution and Critical Theory

    correct. However, there are crucial differences between critical theory and the methodology and approach of the problem-solving workshop. This is true in both theory and practice. The purpose of this article is to create some conceptual and methodological space for the eventual emergence of a distinct and unique critical approach.

  22. Furthering systems theory towards social theory by revisiting critical

    The purpose is to forward systems theory one more step towards social theory and integrate problem-solving and theory-building, and search for the integration and unity of science by revealing the nature and role of critical systems thinking (CST).,This article describes relations between systems theory and social theory in three parts.

  23. Does Epistemology Matter? The Divide Between Critical and Problem

    The conception of a theoretical divide between critical and problem-solving IR owes its conceptual framework and background to a split introduced by Max Horkheimer in the context of Frankfurt School theorizing during the late 1930's. In his writing "Critical and Traditional Theory", Horkheimer (2002) argues that human and social sciences ...