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light pollution , unwanted or excessive artificial light . Like noise pollution , light pollution is a form of waste energy that can cause adverse effects and degrade environmental quality. Moreover, because light (transmitted as electromagnetic waves ) is typically generated by electricity , which itself is usually generated by the combustion of fossil fuels , it can be said that there is a connection between light pollution and air pollution (from fossil-fueled power plant emissions). Control of light pollution therefore will help to conserve fuel (and money ) and reduce air pollution as well as mitigate the more immediate problems caused by excessive light. Although light pollution may not appear to be as harmful to public health and welfare as pollution of water resources or the atmosphere, it is an environmental quality issue of no small significance.

( Read Britannica’s essay “Is Light Pollution Really Pollution?” )

Aerial view of Tokyo, Japan at dusk circa 2009. Tokyo Tower (right) located in Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo, Japan. Office buildings, architecture, skyscrapers, skyline.

The quantity of light pollution from a given area depends on the number and brightness of light sources on the ground, the fraction of light that escapes above the horizontal, the reflectivity of surfaces near the light sources (e.g., roads, pavements , walls , windows ), and the prevailing atmospheric conditions. Empirical formulas allow the calculation of skyglow as a function of population and distance from the observer. When skyglow levels are more than 10 percent above the natural background levels, significant sky degradation has begun. Even lights from a fairly small town with a population of only 3,000 people can cause significant night sky degradation for an observer as far as 10 km (6 miles) away.

Light pollution adversely affects professional and amateur astronomers, as well as casual observers of the night sky, because it severely reduces the visibility of stars and other celestial objects. The reduction in night sky visibility is a result of “ skyglow,” upward-directed light emanating from poorly designed or directed lamps and security floodlights. This wasted light is scattered and reflected by solid or liquid particles in the atmosphere and then returned to the eyes of people on the ground, obliterating their view of the night sky. The effect of skyglow from a town or city is not necessarily localized; it can be observed far from the main source.

How does light pollution impact ecology and human health?

Light pollution is a problem not only for astronomers and people who simply want to enjoy the beauty of a starry night. Glare from road lamps, commercial security lights and signs, or even from a neighbor’s bright and misdirected yard lighting can cause discomfort and distraction and adversely affect the quality of life of many people.

Light pollution has adverse impacts on birds and other animals . Many migratory birds, for example, fly by night, when light from the stars and Moon helps them navigate. These birds are disoriented by the glare of artificial light as they fly over urban and suburban areas. It has been estimated by the American Bird Conservatory that more than four million migratory birds perish each year in the United States by colliding with brightly illuminated towers and buildings. Light pollution is considered to be one of the contributing factors in the dramatic decline of certain migratory songbird populations over the past several decades.

Sea turtles are also particularly vulnerable to the effects of light pollution. Although the females of such species as loggerhead sea turtles typically return to the beach on which they were born, bright lights can deter gravid females, forcing them to seek a less familiar or less suitable alternative . Hatchlings emerging from their nests can become disoriented by artificial lighting and, instead of heading toward the ocean, head inland, where they frequently die from exhaustion, dehydration, predation by other animals, or being hit by vehicles. A considerable challenge to sea turtle conservation , light pollution is estimated to be responsible for many tens of thousands of hatchling deaths each year in the United States alone.

Experiments have demonstrated that street lighting reduces moth caterpillar abundance, when compared with unlighted areas, and is linked to slowed caterpillar development . In addition, studies have shown that these disruptions were more evident when streetlights were outfitted with LEDs (light-emitting diodes ) than yellow sodium-vapor lamps. The declines in firefly populations have also been linked to light pollution, which likely interferes with the insects’ bioluminescent mating signals.

Light pollution can be reduced by using well-designed light fixtures with modern optical controls to direct the light downward and also by using the minimum amount of wattage for the area to be illuminated. Residents can reduce light pollution by closing their curtains or blinds at night and by minimizing the use of outdoor lighting.

National and local government agencies can help by passing and enforcing appropriate light-control laws and ordinances. In 2002 the Czech Republic became the first country to enact a law to address light pollution: all outdoor fixtures were required to have a shield to prevent light from extending above the horizontal. In the United States and elsewhere, many coastal municipalities have regulations to reduce light pollution near beaches to preserve the nesting habitats of sea turtles.

Light Pollution 101

Ever since the light bulb's invention 150 years ago, artificial light has illuminated homes, streets, and skies — but with some unintended consequences. Learn about the major types of light pollution, their impact on human health, and how the worldwide glow from artificial light may continue to grow.

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Light pollution is a problem, but there’s no single country, group, or industry to blame. Instead, it’s a result of the whole world’s ever-expanding reliance on outdoor electrical lights for over 200 years. Fortunately, there’s a growing awareness that the ways we stave off the dark can actually have detrimental effects too.

Let’s look at where light pollution comes from:

Europe at night from space.

When people first went to space, it became dramatically evident how much humans were altering the night sky: Cities are easily viewable from the International Space Station (ISS) at night. Decades on, astronauts on the ISS have observed the light pollution growing as cities sprawl ever larger .

Cities account for most light pollution since they have the most unshielded, improperly colored lights, sending light upward into the sky rather than downward for human safety.

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Outdoor lights

Glare from unshielded lights inhibits the ability to see well at night.

From unshielded pathway lights and streetlights to illuminated signs, most light at night is wasted, spilling up into the air instead of down at the ground where it’s needed for safety and wayfinding.

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Misty blue empty stret at night with glare from bright streetlights.

While streetlights can be retrofitted to be dark sky friendly, most cities and towns haven’t accomplished this yet.

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Electronic advertising

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Electronic billboards, also known as electronic messaging centers (EMCs) can be up to ten times brighter at night than traditionally lit billboards. LEDs from EMCs cannot be shielded, so light is flooded into the night sky.

Light from EMCs can cause glare and be a dangerous distraction to drivers. In some cases, EMC light can be visible from long distances and may affect the breeding, foraging, and orientation behaviors of nocturnal wildlife.

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Parking lots

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Keeping empty parking lots lit all night without timers causes light to be reflected upward into the sky, not to mention wasting energy. Car dealerships, shopping malls, and industrial lots are too often overlit and wasteful.

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Sports lighting

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While nighttime sports offer plenty of valuable benefits to humans, poorly designed lighting at outdoor sports centers, fields, and stadiums causes increased light pollution in parts of town that are often adjacent to open space and parks — habitat for our non-human neighbors.

However, recreational sports lighting can be configured and designed to be effectively shielded to illuminate the field of play and minimize or eliminate glare and light trespass.

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Residents in North America and Europe increasingly report strange glows in the night sky. Lighted greenhouses in densely populated areas are creating conditions of light trespass. Bright glows in unusual colors over greenhouses are sometimes considered a nuisance by neighbors.

Governments largely have yet to confront the situation, in part because it’s not clear how to regulate the light that greenhouses produce. With few regulations in place and a friendly business climate in many areas, operators are choosing increasingly to light all or most of the night with few, if any, legal consequences.

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Factories and industrial

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Warehouse distribution hubs, gas and oil production, and more.

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Houses and apartments

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Learn more: 15 million tons of carbon dioxide emitted each year on residential outdoor lighting

Landscaping and mood lighting

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We love our Instagram-worthy backyards lit with party lights, landscape lights, and such, but when no one’s there to use it, the energy is wasted and it contributes to light pollution in our neighborhoods. Outdoor lights should always be on a timer, sensor, or just plain shut off when not in use.

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Rural places

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Cities and suburbs may be the biggest contributors to light pollution, but rural places aren’t off the hook. Overlighting can happen anywhere that unshielded light fixtures cause glare, light trespass, and upward scattered light.

Oil and gas production

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Photo credit: NOAA, Tim Wallace.

Massive oil and gas development projects are often located far from populated areas, but that doesn’t reduce their negative effects on wildlife. Artificial light at night throws birds off  their migration paths. Some have been known to fruitlessly circle bright natural-gas flares,  unable to navigate away  from the light and as a result lose close to half of their body weight in one night.

The satellite composite image above shows light pollution from oil and gas flares in the western United States (2015 composite data).

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Astronomers have expressed unease in recent years about the growing number of objects orbiting the planet, particularly large fleets of communications satellites known informally as “mega-constellations.”

Research published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters , finds that objects orbiting Earth elevate the brightness of the night sky by at least 10 percent over natural light levels, exceeding a threshold that astronomers set over 40 years ago for considering a location “light polluted.”

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All International Dark Sky Places

Find a Dark Sky Place — there are over 160,000 square kilometers of protected land and night skies in …


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Light Pollution by L and J Nicoloro.

Published by Dana Glenn Modified over 9 years ago

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Light pollution.

New World Atlas light pollution map shows extent of light pollution across the globe. To view an interactive version of the new global atlas, use this link: https://cires.colorado.edu/artificial-sky Graphic credit: Falchi et al., Science Advances, includi

Falchi F, Cinzano P, Duriscoe D, Kyba CC, Elvidge CD, Baugh K, Portnov BA, Rybnikova NA, Furgoni R. New world atlas of artificial night sky brightness. Sci Adv. 2016 Jun 10;2(6): e1600377. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1600377. PMID:27386582; PMCID: PMC492

What is light pollution

Light Pollution is the excess or inappropriate artificial light outdoors. Light pollution occurs in three ways: glare, light trespass, and skyglow.

Glare is the bright and uncomfortable light shining directly to the observer that interferes with your vision.

Light trespass is the unintended spill of artificial light into other people’s property or space and often becomes a source of conflict.

Skyglow is the brightening of the night sky from human-caused light scattered in the atmosphere.

Outdoor lighting is often necessary for a productive modern society, nonetheless the widespread use of artificial light has substantially altered the natural pattern of darkness and obscured our view of the natural night sky. The brightening of the night sky is not limited to urban environments as the glow from cities has been documented by the NPS at distances over 200 miles from national parks.

Light skyglow of LA at night from Mt. Whitney

NPS/Ben Banet

Growth of light pollution

Light pollution is increasing globally, in both developed and developing countries. Satellite data show that from 2012 to 2016, continuously lit areas brightened at a rate of 2.2% per year [1]. The naturally dark area is shrinking too as Earth’s artificially lit outdoor area grew by 2.2% per year [1]. Furthermore, recent citizen scientists’ measurements indicate that the average night sky got brighter by 9.6% per year from 2011 to 2022, which is equivalent to doubling the sky brightness every 8 years [2].

The exceptions to this rapid light pollution growth rate include areas where lighting regulations have been created and enforced, such as Tucson, Arizona, portions of Northern Italy [3], and Flagstaff, Arizona [4].

Adverse effects of light pollution

Light scattered through the atmosphere brightens the night sky, making stars and planets impossible to see due to the reduced contrast. Light pollution also prevents the human eye from fully dark-adapting and reaching its maximum sensitivity. Sometimes, the more light there is at night, the less we can see. Light pollution tends to be most acute in urban environments, have pronounced ecological effects, and potentially influence human circadian rhythms. Light pollution also disrupts ecosystems, wastes energy, increases impacts of climate change and can have adverse health effects in humans. In a remote or otherwise dark environment, visual impacts from light pollution are perceived at longer distances. Even if the area of the sky near the Zenith is relatively free of scattered anthropogenic light, areas near the horizon may appear bright or individual light domes from distant cities may be seen. In a natural protected area like a national park, these bright areas produce a measurable impact on a park’s the natural condition.

LED stadium light produces glare, scatters light to the atmosphere

Impacts on Human Health, Public Safety, and Visitor Experience

The nighttime environment plays an integral role in human health and physiology. Dark nights (and bright days) are key in keeping our circadian rhythm in sync. It is well documented that without the restorative power of consistent restful sleep, serious health consequences can arise.

Artificial light can impact visitors in two ways: direct glare from light fixtures can affect vision and nighttime recreation experiences; and sky glow from collective sources of artificial light scattered in the atmosphere can obscure views of the night sky. Both aspects of artificial light can unnaturally illuminate the ground and diminish visitors’ ability to dark adapt their vision, cause blind spots, and create potential safety issues as well. (e.g., wildlife/visitor conflict).

Air pollution and clouds make light pollution brighter

Air pollution and other atmospheric conditions further scatter artificial light making the night sky even brighter and harder to see. The atmosphere includes molecules of gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. The atmosphere also includes aerosols, such as dust, soot, salts, and chemical precipitates. The amount and type of aerosols, moisture level in the air, and the altitude above sea level are the primary variables determining the scattering that will occur. Increasing the aerosol content in the atmosphere will increase scattering, making light domes appear larger and brighter to nearby observers. Therefore, aerosols from the haze, dust, and air pollutants tend to enhance the skyglow.

In addition, clouds over the cities will make the night skies brighter. Clouds reflect the light back downward and increase scattering. The combination of these effects redirects the upward escaping light back to observers. Clouds over a city light dome can enhance the sky brightness by as much as 1000 times compared to a clear night.

light pollution on clear night, Lake Chelan, WA

Left image Light pollution on mostly clear night, Lake Chelan, WA Credit: Li-Wei Hung

Right image Light pollution magnified on cloudy night over Lake Chelan, WA Credit: Li-Wei Hung

Estimating skyglow impact from cities

Models and measurements of the brightness of city light domes show a relationship between the city's population and the distance to the observer. This relationship is known as Walker's Law. Primarily derived from actual observations, this formula may predict the anthropogenic skyglow:

Skyglow = C x Population x (Distance)-2.5

The constant C is dependent on the units of luminance used and the per capita "escaped light" of the city. Cities at closer distance with larger populations are predicted to cause greater light pollution.


[1] Kyba, Christopher & Kuester, Theres & Sanchez de Miguel, Alejandro & Baugh, Kimberly & Jechow, Andreas & Hölker, Franz & Bennie, Jonathan & Elvidge, Christopher & Gaston, Kevin & Guanter, Luis. (2017). Artificially lit surface of Earth at night increasing in radiance and extent. Science Advances. 3. e1701528. 10.1126/sciadv.1701528.

[2] Kyba, Christopher & Altıntaş, Yiğit & Walker, Constance & Newhouse, Mark. (2023). Citizen scientists report global rapid reductions in the visibility of stars from 2011 to 2022. Science (New York, N.Y.). 379. 265-268. 10.1126/science.abq7781.

[3] Falchi F. 2011. Campaign of Sky Brightness and Extinction Measurements Using a Portable CCD Camera. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol 412:1.

[4] NPS measurements from 2002-2012 Night Sky Data Collection Sites - Night Skies (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)

Last updated: June 17, 2024

light pollution


Nov 05, 2014

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LIGHT POLLUTION. Light pollution is the brightening of the night sky inhibiting the visibility of stars and planets by the use of improper lighting of communities. CAUSES OF LIGHT POLLUTION.

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Presentation Transcript

LIGHT POLLUTION Light pollutionis the brighteningof the night skyinhibiting the visibilityofstars and planetsby the useofimproperlightingofcommunities

CAUSES OF LIGHT POLLUTION • Street lampsthatshine light in alldirections,insteadofwith a hood to point light downwardtoward the street • Unnecessarylights,especiallyaround the home

Light pollution uses more energy,mayaffect human health and our sleepcycles and mostimportantly, corruptsour kidstelescopes and theircuriosity

Effectsof Light Pollution • The brightnessof the night skyprevents the viewof the stars and othercelestialbodies • Disorders in the sightofchildren • Insomnia

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  • Environmental Pollution
  • Environmental Light Pollution
  • Land pollution
  • Pollution Meeting
  • Pollution Infographic
  • Light Pollution Infographic
  • Google Slides

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LIGHT POLLUTION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation on light pollution


The rod sensitivity is shifted toward shorter wavelengths compared to daylight ... choosing fixtures with hoods or visors that control light ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Forming an image on the back of the eye is not difficult,
  • actually seeing the image is the hard part.
  • The human eye has two sets of seeing systems
  • the rod retina and the cone retina.
  • Light Pollution occurs in three forms
  • Light Trespass
  • Light that trespasses onto neighboring property is annoying, wastes energy and obscures the night sky.
  • You can reduce lighting trespass by
  • Aiming lights down
  • Choosing fixtures with hoods or visors that control light
  • Installing motion sensors to turn lights off automatically when they are not needed
  • Using the correct wattage fixture. If 70 watts will do, why use 400? Lighting should not be overly bright in relation to the surrounding area.
  • LIGHT POLLUTION. Advantages and benefits.
  • " Future generations have the right to an undamaged and unpolluted Earth, including the right to a clean sky."

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World's Best PowerPoint Templates PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  1. PPT

    presentation on light pollution

  2. Light pollution

    presentation on light pollution

  3. PPT

    presentation on light pollution

  4. PPT

    presentation on light pollution

  5. Light Pollution Presentation by David Randall

    presentation on light pollution

  6. Light Pollution Presentation by David Randall

    presentation on light pollution


  1. Light Pollution

    Light pollution, the excessive or inappropriate use of outdoor artificial light, is affecting human health, ... If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. They will best know the preferred format. When you reach out to them, you will need the page title ...

  2. Light Pollution

    Light pollution is an increasingly pressing issue in cities and towns across the world. Luckily, this stunning template will help you tackle the problem in a creative and unique way. With a dark background and bokeh effect to draw attention to the subject, this template is perfect for crafting an informative and fun presentation.

  3. Light pollution

    Light pollution is unwanted or excessive artificial light. It is a form of waste energy that can have adverse effects on birds and other migratory animals and degrade environmental quality. Artificial light is typically generated by electricity, which itself is usually generated by the combustion of fossil fuels.

  4. Light Pollution.

    Light pollution can be defined as the presence of artificial night in the environment. Light pollution can have severe adverse effects on humanity as well as on animals an other organisms. In the following, the types, causes and effects of light pollution as well as possible solutions to the problem are examined below. 3 Types of light pollution.


    22 Conclusions Light pollution is an important consideration because it is affecting the ecosystem, for example, birds and turtles. From the results presented here and from database searches, light pollution is a key issue that must be addressed in many parts of Europe (including Greece).

  6. Light Pollution 101

    Light Pollution 101. Ever since the light bulb's invention 150 years ago, artificial light has illuminated homes, streets, and skies — but with some unintended consequences. Learn about the major types of light pollution, their impact on human health, and how the worldwide glow from artificial light may continue to grow.

  7. Causes of light pollution

    Light pollution is a problem, but there's no single country, group, or industry to blame. Instead, it's a result of the whole world's ever-expanding reliance on outdoor electrical lights for over 200 years. Fortunately, there's a growing awareness that the ways we stave off the dark can actually have detrimental effects too.

  8. PPT

    What is light pollution? • It is wasted light that performs no function or task. Such as …. • Sky glow • Glare • Clutter • It is artificial light that goes where it's not supposed to go • Neighbor's window (Light Trespass) • Into the sky IDA in Partnership with NOAO, NSF and IYA Dark Skies Awareness.

  9. Environmental Light Pollutions PowerPoint Google Slides

    It is an excellent awareness presentation slide that will allow you to make informative presentations. It will educate your target audience and make them aware of light pollution. It is a 100% editable slide according to your audience. Visit our global warming category to find more light pollution PowerPoint slides.

  10. Light Pollution by L and J Nicoloro.

    6 Kinds of Light Pollution 3 main kinds Glare- light from unshielded sources. Light trespass (AKA spill light)- unwanted light that enters one's. Skyglow- the combination of all the reflected light and upward-directed (unshielded) light escaping up into the sky (and for the most part, unused), causing the glow effect that can be seen over populated areas.

  11. Light Pollution

    Light pollution also disrupts ecosystems, wastes energy, increases impacts of climate change and can have adverse health effects in humans. In a remote or otherwise dark environment, visual impacts from light pollution are perceived at longer distances. Even if the area of the sky near the Zenith is relatively free of scattered anthropogenic ...

  12. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. LIGHT POLLUTION. Light pollution is the brightening of the night sky inhibiting the visibility of stars and planets by the use of improper lighting of communities. CAUSES OF LIGHT POLLUTION. Slideshow 6209543 by dana-king.

  13. How light pollution harms the planet and what to do about it

    1. Light pollution interrupts wildlife patterns and harms biodiversity. Birds, bats and insects are among those in the natural world affected by light pollution, studies show. Migratory birds rely on natural light to guide them and interruptions can lead to collisions and incorrect navigations on their long-distance journeys.

  14. Light Pollutions PowerPoint Template & Google Slides designs

    Download this Light Pollutions PowerPoint Template to make powerful infographic presentations to create awareness about light pollution. It is a 100% editable slide that can be personalized according to your needs. You can use this slide in schools, colleges, industries, etc. Using this slide, you can also explain global warming concepts.

  15. Light Pollution

    The biggest cost of light pollution is wasted. energy. Accordingly, poor lighting design contributes to. increased carbon dioxide emissions and global. warming. In the United States, roughly 6 of the. 4.054 million megawatt hours (mwh) of electricity. produced are used for outdoor lighting and an.

  16. Free Pollution-related templates for Google Slides & PowerPoint

    Light pollution is an increasingly pressing issue in cities and towns across the world. Luckily, this stunning template will help you tackle the problem in a creative and unique way. ... Download the Water Pollution presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo ...


    Light pollution affects much more. than just astronomical observation bird. migration, nocturnal animals, marine life. migration, driver safety, public security, the. environment, economic savings, and city budget. 3. The Retina. Forming an image on the back of the eye is.