Ph.D. Program

The training for a Ph.D. in Biology is focused on helping students achieve their goals of being a successful research scientist and teacher, at the highest level. Students work closely with an established advisor and meet regularly with a committee of faculty members to facilitate their progress. The Biology Ph.D. program is part of the larger Biosciences community at Stanford, which includes doctorate programs in the basic science departments at Stanford Medical School. 

There are two tracks within the Biology Ph.D. program:

  • Cell, Molecular and Organismal Biology
  • Ecology and Evolution

(Previously a part of the Department of Biology Hopkins Marine Station is now a part of the Oceans Department within  Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability )

All  tracks are focused on excellence in research and teaching in their respective areas; where there are differences between the tracks, they are indicated in the links below. 

Requirements & Forms

Dissertation defense, cellular and molecular biology training program, stanford biology preview program (bpp): navigating the stanford biology phd application process, career development resources.

PhD in Biology and Biotechnology

phd in biotechnology usa

As a student in WPI’s PhD in Biology and Biotechnology program, you will benefit from close mentorship by dynamic faculty who encourage creativity and inquisitiveness.

Value Proposition Description

Enabled by a world-class research infrastructure, students in our competitive program explore their passion for discovery while driving cutting-edge, hypothesis-driven research. You will work alongside interdisciplinary teams of WPI faculty, peers, and industry partners to make an impact in your field and explore topics that matter to you, from cancer biology and immunology research to studies of brain plasticity and pollinator decline.


Through our well-rounded PhD in Biology and Biotechnology, you will delve into immersive research in biology and biotechnology while also sharpening your professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills. You will take core courses covering professional ethics, grant writing, and experimental design, and hone your communication skills by participating in department-wide research presentations. You may also take part in supervised teaching experiences and discuss interdisciplinary research initiatives in our Journal Clubs.

Students complete a qualifying exam by the end of the second year of study and round out required coursework with electives. Completion of PhD studies concludes with the preparation of a written thesis and successful oral defense.

To treat many infectious diseases, including the global scourge of tuberculosis, doctors must do battle with a wily adversary, bacteria. Unfortunately for afflicted patients, bacteria have also acquired strategies for thwarting attacks from the immune system and the onslaught of antibiotic drugs. We need to know more about the strategies bacteria use to survive stresses. Biology and biotechnology professor, Scarlet Shell, is seeking to do just that by probing the molecular changes that underlie these mechanisms.

WPI's Department of Biology and Biotechnology is home to a diverse and dynamic faculty body that employs cutting-edge research to explore and understand research topics at the intersection of biology and technology. You will work alongside them as you make your own discoveries in these research areas:

  • cancer cell biology
  • cognition and behavior
  • cytoskeletal dynamics
  • drug resistance
  • epigenetics and gene regulation
  • infectious diseases
  • neuronal migration and degeneration
  • regenerative medicine
  • signal transduction mechanisms

phd in biotechnology usa

Grad students work closely with faculty and with each other. The opportunity for potential brings new ideas to the forefront and enhances the work everyone does here.

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Students in WPI’s BBT program have access to the state-of-the-art labs and multidisciplinary collaborations in the Life Sciences & Bioengineering Center at Gateway Park.

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Well-equipped BBT facilities mean you’ll be supported in your research endeavors whether that involves an AAALAC-accredited vivarium with surgical suites, NMR, or a greenhouse.

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WPI’s biology and biotechnology graduate degree programs are rigorous yet flexible to provide students with the appropriate backgrounds in both the theory of biology and the practice of biotechnology.

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Work in WPI’s biology and biotechnology labs has real-world applications that impacts problems on a human scale.

phd in biotechnology usa

The BBT program is rigorous, flexible, and comprehensive, so students are prepared for whatever the next step in their career path brings.

PhD candidates are encouraged to review the department's  faculty pages  to identify potential advisors.

You will have access to state-of-the-art equipment in WPI’s Life Sciences and Bioengineering Center, a research complex where an open-plan lab and presence of biotech companies encourage interdisciplinary collaborations. Facilities include an analytical instrumentation core equipped for NMR, Mass Spec, X-Ray Crystal, and qPCR analysis; imaging core with advanced microscopes for point-scanning confocal, spinning disk confocal, and TIRF microscopy; and AAALAC-accredited vivarium.

Faculty Profiles

Amity Manning

Work in my lab is focused on defining the cellular mechanisms that maintain genome stability in normal cells and understanding how these pathways are corrupted in cancer cells.

Joseph Duffy

Defining signaling pathways that program cellular diversity is one of the foremost problems in biology and is central to my research interests.  In the lab we use molecular, genetic, and biochemical approaches to characterize the function of these pathways and to gain insight into their role in disease.  To date, the lab has focused on the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor network, a principal therapeutic target for a variety of human cancers.

Luis Vidali

I deeply enjoy teaching, in particular conveying the important roles played by plants. It is a great reward when my students realize that plants are more complex and interesting than they anticipated, and they want to learn more. I enjoy that students at WPI are open about thinking in new ways; this critical thinking is the result of intense project-based learning.

Pamela Weathers

Prof. Weathers is an internationally recognized expert on Artemisia annua and artemisinin, having worked with the plant and its phytochemicals including the antimalarial drug, artemisinin, for >25 years. She is a Fellow of AAAS and SIVB, won many awards, given many national and international presentations, reviews manuscripts for many journals and proposals for many national and international funding agencies. She is an Associate Editor for multiple journals. Her lab was the first to genetically transform A. annua.

Natalie Farny

Research in my laboratory addresses questions in the field of evolutionary ecology and environmental biology, and typically combines field work and laboratory studies. Current projects focus on two disciplines.

Reeta Rao

A member of the WPI faculty since 2004 and chair of the Department of Biology and Biotechnology since 2022, Reeta Rao is a leader in the field of molecular genetics and genomics. Her primary research activities are focused on emerging infectious diseases, specifically understanding and managing fungal diseases. Students and research associates in her laboratory are trained to use a variety of biochemical, molecular-genetic, and genomic tools to study host-microbe interactions to explore fungal virulence strategies and identify novel therapeutics in a high through

Scarlet Shell

I have a passion for understanding how living systems work, as well as for sharing my love of biology and research with the next generation of scientists and informed citizens.

The central goal of my lab is to understand the regulatory mechanisms that underlie mycobacterial stress tolerance. We combine genetics, genomics, transcriptomics and biochemistry to understand how mycobacteria respond to, and ultimately survive, stressful conditions.

Jagan Srinivasan

It has been my lifelong dream to become a professor in the field of Biology. Being a faculty member provides a great opportunity to teach and interact with students. Students by nature are highly inquisitive and motivated, and as teachers, we have the responsibility to guide our students to explore and think in new ways. I believe that teaching is a two-way interaction between teachers and students. I come from India and my parents, both of whom were teachers, taught me to strive for excellence in my scholarly pursuits.

  • PhD Student

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Do you have a friend, colleague, or family member who might be interested in Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s (WPI) graduate programs? Click below to tell them about our programs.

Earn a Master’s Degree in Biology & Biotechnology First

Are you interested in making advanced discoveries about living organisms in a robust community of like-minded researchers, but need your master’s to get there? Consider earning a master’s in biology and biotechnology where you’ll participate in cutting-edge laboratory training and gain professional training in areas like experimental design, ethics, and more. Do you prefer advancing a career in the biotech industry from making cross-functional decisions to gaining expertise in bio-production? Our online master’s in biotechnology is a skills-focused program perfect for students who are working professionals looking to study part-time. Maybe you have a strong foundation in computer science and statistics? Consider earning a master’s in bioinformatics and computational biology which dives into leveraging biological data to improve health care.

Get Started with a BS in Biology & Biotechnology or a Minor in a Related Field

If you’re interested in the field but need your initial degree, a bachelor’s in biology & biotechnology is the first step. This degree introduces you to how the theory of biology is put into practice with biotechnology. If your interest lies in gaining enough information to use in a different discipline or practice, WPI has minors that will deliver the skills and knowledge you seek. A minor in biology is an excellent addition to your academic program and will be relevant in many industries including biomechanics, big data, or personalized medicine. Or maybe you’re seeking a global perspective. WPI’s interdisciplinary minor in global public health examines biological, social, political, environmental, and economic influences on the health of diverse and varied populations.

WPI is proud to be the recipient of not one, but two National Science Foundation Research Traineeship programs. The programs provide exceptionally talented graduate students with specialized training and funding assistance to join careers at the forefront of technology and innovation. The programs are for graduate students in research-based master's and doctoral degree programs in STEM. Learn more .

The BioPoint Program for Graduate Students has been designed to complement traditional training in bioscience, digital and engineering fields. Students accepted into one of the home BioPoint programs will have the flexibility to select research advisors and take electives in other departments to broaden their skills. BioPoint curriculum is designed to be individual, interactive, project-focused and diverse, and includes innovative courses, seminars, journal clubs and industrial-based projects. Learn more .

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Ph.D. Programs

Alexa Adams, a biotechnology major with an emphasis on bioinformatics, worked as a lab intern helping where needed.

Educational Opportunities in Biotechnology

The Biotechnology Program at UC Davis offers educational programs for current UC Davis students that are seeking a designated emphasis in biotechnology as part of their Ph.D. program as well as opportunities for employees at regional biotechnology companies to pursue a doctoral degree. To date, over 750 students have gone through these programs.

Designated Emphasis in Biotechnology

The Designated Emphasis in Biotechnology (DEB) is a program that allows Ph.D. students from different UC Davis graduate programs to receive and be credited for specialized education and training in the field of biotechnology.

Advanced Degree Program for Corporate Employees

Corporate Employees

The Advanced Degree Program for corporate employees was established to enable employees at regional biotechnology, biomedical, or bioscience corporations to pursue a doctoral degree in relevant fields to advance their careers.

Molecular and Cell Biology

Doctoral Program

The Department of Molecular & Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley offers a Ph.D. program focused on the molecular mechanisms inherent to life. This program integrates research with a modern training curricula, teaching, and career mentorship. Our Department is highly interdisciplinary - comprising the Divisions of Cell Biology, Development & Physiology, Immunology and Molecular Medicine, Molecular Therapeutics, Biochemistry, Biophysics & Structural Biology, and Genetics, Genomics, and Development – and this is reflected in our students and training. The program is also highly collaborative with related programs and Institutes on campus, thus allowing students the flexibility to explore all aspects of modern biological research. Please click on the links below to learn more about our areas of research on the main department website or use the menu at the top to navigate to areas of interest within the graduate program.

Cell Biology, Development & Physiology

Immunology and molecular medicine, biochemistry, biophysics & structural biology, molecular therapeutics, genetics, genomics, evolution, and development.

USA Chalo

A Guide to Pursuing a PhD in Biotechnology in the USA

May 15, 2023

A laboratory setting with a variety of scientific equipment and tools

Congratulations on considering pursuing a PhD in biotechnology in the USA! This degree provides excellent opportunities for those interested in researching and developing solutions to important worldwide problems, such as treating diseases, improving food production, and protecting the environment. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about pursuing a PhD in biotechnology in the USA. From understanding the industry to choosing a program, we’ll provide you with information and helpful tips to ensure a successful journey.

Understanding the PhD in Biotechnology in the USA

Why pursue a phd in biotechnology, top universities in the usa offering phd in biotechnology, admission requirements for phd programs in biotechnology, how to choose the right phd program in biotechnology for you, funding your phd program in biotechnology, tips for writing a strong phd application essay, preparing for your phd interview in biotechnology, coursework and research requirements for a phd in biotechnology, finding a research advisor for your phd program in biotechnology, conducting research and writing your dissertation, career opportunities with a phd in biotechnology, networking and professional development opportunities for biotech phd students, challenges and rewards of pursuing a phd in biotechnology.

Before starting your PhD program, it’s important to understand the biotechnology industry in the USA. In recent years, biotech has become an influential industry, with a market value of over $800 billion. Biotechnology is defined as the use of living organisms to develop new products or improve existing ones. This involves areas such as genetic engineering, biomanufacturing, and personalized medicine. Biotech companies work on developing treatments for diseases, improving agricultural yields, and developing green technologies to reduce the environmental impact of human activity. With the growth of biotech and its impact on society, there is a great need for researchers and innovators to lead the industry forward.

One of the major challenges facing the biotechnology industry is the regulatory environment. The development of new biotech products often requires approval from multiple government agencies, which can be a lengthy and expensive process. Additionally, there is ongoing debate about the ethical implications of genetic engineering and other biotech practices. As a researcher in the field, it’s important to stay up-to-date on these issues and be prepared to navigate the regulatory landscape.

Another important aspect of the biotechnology industry is the role of intellectual property. Patents and other forms of intellectual property protection are crucial for biotech companies to recoup their research and development costs and bring new products to market. As a PhD student, it’s important to understand the basics of intellectual property law and how it applies to biotech research. This knowledge can help you develop a successful career in the industry and contribute to the development of new and innovative biotech products.

There are several reasons why pursuing a PhD in biotechnology may be the right choice for you. With a PhD, you’ll have the opportunity to become an expert in a specific area of biotech research. You’ll also be able to explore new areas of research and contribute to advancements in the industry. A PhD in biotech is also highly valued by employers, as it demonstrates your ability to conduct research independently and solve complex problems. In addition to career opportunities, a doctorate in biotechnology can be highly satisfying, as you’ll have the chance to make a significant impact on people’s lives and the environment.

Furthermore, pursuing a PhD in biotechnology can also lead to opportunities for teaching and mentoring future generations of scientists. As a PhD holder, you’ll have the knowledge and expertise to guide and inspire the next wave of biotech researchers. Additionally, a doctorate in biotechnology can open doors to leadership positions within the industry, where you can use your skills to shape the direction of research and development. Overall, pursuing a PhD in biotechnology can be a challenging and rewarding experience that can lead to a fulfilling career and a lasting impact on the world.

Choosing the right school for your PhD in biotechnology is essential. In the USA, there are many top-ranked universities offering biotech programs. Some of the best include Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Harvard University, and Johns Hopkins University. These schools offer excellent research facilities, renowned faculty, and a great community of students and alumni.

When considering a PhD program in biotechnology, it’s important to look beyond just the rankings and reputation of the university. You should also consider the specific research areas and opportunities available within the program. For example, some universities may have a strong focus on genetic engineering, while others may specialize in drug development or bioinformatics.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the location and resources available to you as a student. Some universities may be located in areas with a strong biotech industry, providing opportunities for internships and networking. Others may have partnerships with nearby research institutions or biotech companies, providing access to cutting-edge technology and resources.


Admission requirements for PhD programs in biotechnology vary from school to school. However, most schools will require a bachelor’s degree in a related field, such as biology, biochemistry, or biotechnology. You’ll also need to submit your GRE scores, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement outlining your goals and research interests. You may also need to submit a writing sample or participate in an interview with faculty members.

Additionally, some PhD programs in biotechnology may require applicants to have prior research experience in a related field. This can include working in a laboratory or conducting independent research projects. Some programs may also require applicants to have a minimum GPA or a certain level of proficiency in specific subjects, such as genetics or molecular biology. It’s important to carefully review the admission requirements for each program you’re interested in and ensure that you meet all of the necessary qualifications before applying.

Choosing the right PhD program in biotech can be challenging. It’s essential to consider factors such as program reputation, faculty expertise, research opportunities, funding, and location when choosing a program. You should engage in thorough research and visit the schools you are interested in to gain a general understanding of each program. Additionally, you should seek counsel from current students or alumni to gain a better understanding of each program’s culture and academic rigor.

One of the significant worries for PhD students is funding. Fortunately, many schools offer funding opportunities for PhD students, including fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships. These financial aids may cover tuition, expenses, and stipends. Additionally, several private organizations offer funding for biotech research, including the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and private industry grants.

Your application essay is one of the most critical parts of your PhD application. In writing your essay, you should provide detailed information about your academic and research background, including previous research, internships, and relevant coursework. Additionally, it’s important to highlight any publications, awards, or research achievements. You should also discuss specific research interests and goals, explaining how you plan to contribute to the biotech industry with your research. Lastly, you should tailor your essay to individual programs and faculty to demonstrate your understanding of their work and interest in the specific program.

Once you’ve passed the initial application screening, you’ll typically be invited for an interview. In preparing for this interview, you should practice answering common questions, such as “Why biotech?” and “Why this program?” Additionally, research individual faculty members and their research areas to demonstrate your knowledge and genuine interest. Be prepared to ask questions about the program to show your research and dedication, and be sure to have a clear understanding of the program’s research projects, requirements for the degree, and funding opportunities.

The coursework and research requirements for a PhD in biotech vary from school to school. However, most programs typically include core courses in subjects such as organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics. In addition to coursework, students are expected to complete significant research projects. The duration of the program and the specific research requirements will depend on the program and faculty, but you should plan to devote a significant amount of time to independent research and study.

Your research advisor will play a significant role in your PhD program, providing guidance and direction for your research and career. To find the right advisor, ask faculty members for recommendations and clarify your research interests. It’s also essential to discuss potential advisors with current students to gain a better understanding of their advising style and availability. Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential advisors, arrange a meeting to help determine if the advisor is a good fit for you.

Conducting research and writing your dissertation is the most significant part of your PhD program. To ensure success in these areas, it’s essential to plan your research carefully and engage in discussions with faculty members to receive guidance and feedback. You should also seek mentoring from more senior graduate students who have previously completed their dissertation. Throughout the research process, maintain organized notes, and seek to publish and present your findings to build your reputation in the industry. Once completed, your dissertation will be reviewed by a committee of faculty members, who will evaluate your research and writing and determine whether you are awarded your doctorate degree.

Graduates of PhD programs in biotech have a wide range of job opportunities in the industry, including research and development, academia, government, and non-profit organizations. Career paths include industrial research scientist, university professor, clinical researcher, biotech quality control, bioinformatics specialist, and bioethics consultant. With the demand for biotech solutions expected to continue growing, career prospects for biotech students are excellent.

Networking and professional development are crucial aspects of a successful career in biotech. PhD students have numerous opportunities to connect with professionals in the industry, including attending conferences, workshops, and meetings. These events allow students to learn about the latest biotech developments and build relationships with potential employers and mentors. Additionally, taking advantage of leadership and communication training programs will help you develop skills that are essential for success in the industry, such as teamwork, project management, and communication.

Pursuing a PhD in biotech can be a challenging but highly rewarding experience. Some challenges may include long hours, budget constraints, and the pressure to succeed in research in a highly competitive industry. However, these challenges can also provide opportunities for personal and career growth, allowing you to develop resilience, creativity, and analytical thinking. Pursuing a PhD in biotech is a transformative experience, providing opportunities to make significant contributions to the industry and positively impact the world.

Our goal in this guide is to provide a comprehensive overview of pursuing a successful career in biotech through a PhD in Biotechnology in the USA. By following the necessary steps, building relationships, and committing to your research, you will achieve academic and career success. With excellent universities, research opportunities, and funding, pursuing a PhD in biotech in the USA is a wise choice for anyone who wishes to advance their biotech career.

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Biotechnology Graduate Programs

phd in biotechnology usa

Advances in the life sciences and information technology make the impossible possible. The healthcare and pharmaceutical industries rely on the power of biological data—and the scientists behind the collection and analysis.

MS in Bioinformatics Master of Science On Campus & Online Baltimore, MD

Biology, meet big data. At the intersection of computer science and the life sciences is bioinformatics, an industry that fuels scientific discovery and is essential in all areas of biotechnology, including personalized medicine, drug and vaccine development, and database/software development for biomedical data.

MS in Biotechnology Master of Science On Campus & Online Baltimore, MD

Biotechnology is fueling advancements in healthcare and beyond. Prepare for the business or science side of this fast-growing field with the comprehensive MS in Biotechnology program at Johns Hopkins University.

Master of Biotechnology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Master's Degree Online

Biotechnology enterprises benefit from leaders who are skilled in the life sciences—and have strong business acumen. Aspiring biotech entrepreneurs need a solid understanding of intellectual property and law.

MS in Individualized Genomics and Health Master of Science Online

Breakthroughs in genetics research are changing how we discover, diagnose, and treat disease. Individualized genomics is an emerging field filled with career opportunities in health care, education, biotech, and industry.

MS in Regulatory Science Master of Science Online

Behind every exciting research and development initiative in the medical and pharmaceutical industry, you’ll find skilled professionals dedicated to compliance, consumer safety, and public health.

MS in Biotechnology and MBA Dual Degree Dual Degree On Campus & Online Washington, D.C.

Master your knowledge in biochemistry, biostatistics, and bioinformatics while developing critical business skills in accounting, finance, negotiation, regulatory, and legal matters with this dual degree.

MS in Regenerative and Stem Cell Technologies Master of Science Online

Innovation and discovery are in your DNA. Now, you can acquire the technical mastery to begin solving healthcare’s most significant challenges with the first regenerative and stem cell technologies master’s degree offered almost entirely online.

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Our Students

Program alumni are scholars, scientists, educators, and future leaders in the field. 

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Meet Your Mentors

Faculty across the life and physical sciences work closely with graduate students, forming research communities that transcend the boundaries of traditional fields of study. 

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About the Program

In their own words: Students describe how the Biotechnology Graduate Program is preparing them to be scholars, experts, leaders, and problem-solvers.

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Contact us to discover why our Master's Program is exceptional.

Biotechnology at Brown

The Biotechnology Graduate Program at Brown offers a collaborative learning environment that empowers students to explore their interests while engaging in rigorous scholarship alongside industry partners, peers from a range of backgrounds in the biological and physical sciences, and faculty who are at the very top of their fields. 

Master's Programs

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Clarkson University

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PhD in Bioscience and Biotechnology, Interdisciplinary

PhD in Bioscience and Biotechnology, Interdisciplinary

Advance Solutions by Becoming an Expert in Your Field

The interdisciplinary PhD in Bioscience and Biotechnology gives you the opportunity to work on complex challenges in the field. Through additional coursework, you will specialize your knowledge and gain the technical skills to come up with innovative solutions through the study of cells. The degree will open the doors to competitive opportunities in academia or private industry.

Why Earn a PhD in Bioscience and Biotechnology From Clarkson?

Clarkson University's PhD in Bioscience and Biotechnology offers a rigorous curriculum and extensive research opportunities for you to become a scholar in the field. During your studies, you will have access to our state-of-the-art facilities and other resources to complete your original projects.

The curriculum is interdisciplinary, and our faculty reflect that scope. You'll be able to work closely with biologists, chemists, physicists, mathematicians and engineers as mentors. Your advisor will help you create an individualized plan that focuses on your areas of interest. Class sizes are small to encourage collaboration and team-building — skills you'll find in laboratories all over the world.

By the time you graduate, you will have acquired specialized knowledge and technical skills in molecular bioscience and biotechnology, the biomedical sciences and neuroscience, computational biology and bioinformatics, ecology and evolution and the environment. Your training will prepare you for further research opportunities in academia or senior roles in related industries.

What You'll Learn

This program consists of 90 credit hours of coursework, seminars and a dissertation. The required courses include:

  • Two core courses in cell and molecular biology.
  • One biotechnology or molecular biology lab course.
  • Two specialization elective courses from one of four categories (Molecular Bioscience & Biotechnology; Biomedical Science & Neuroscience; Computational Biology & Bioinformatics or Ecology, Evolution & the Environment).
  • One free elective course from any category.
  • One course from the Computational Biology & Bioinformatics category.
  • One course on bioethics, policy or law.

We offer the following areas of concentration:

  • Biomedical Science & Neuroscience

Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

  • Ecology, Evolution & the Environment

Molecular Bioscience & Biotechnology

Required Courses

Specific course requirements for the Interdisciplinary Bioscience and Biotechnology (IBB) program include the following: two core courses in cell and molecular biology (BY580 & BY582); one biotechnology or molecular biology lab course (BY512 or CM570); two specialization elective courses from one of four categories (Molecular Bioscience & Biotechnology; Biomedical Science & Neuroscience; Computational Biology & Bioinformatics; Ecology, Evolution & the Environment); one free elective course from any category; one course from the Computational Biology & Bioinformatics category; and one course on bioethics, policy, or law.

Example Courses and Concentrations

  • BY510 Developmental Biology (3 cr)
  • BY512 Molecular Biology Laboratory (4 cr)
  • BY515 Recent Advances in Immunology Research (1 cr)
  • BY560 Comparative Physiology (3 cr)
  • BY562 Comparative Physiology Laboratory (2 cr)
  • BY580 Advanced Cell Biology (3 cr)
  • BY582 Molecular Genetics (3 cr)
  • BY586 Molecular Biotechnology (3 cr)
  • BY650 Biochemistry I (3 cr)
  • BY651 Biochemistry II (3 cr)
  • BY652 Pharmacology (3 cr)
  • CM520 Separations and Electrochemistry (3 cr)
  • CM530 Colloid and Interfaces (3 cr)
  • CM544 Medicinal Chemistry (3 cr)
  • CM553 Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Biomaterials (3 cr)
  • CM566 Bioelectronics & Bionanotechology (3 cr)
  • CM570 Biochemistry & Biotechnology Laboratory (3 cr)
  • ES552 Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering Applications (3 cr)
  • PH526 Introduction to Biophysics (3 cr)

Biomedical Sciences & Neuroscience

  • BY518 Principles of Toxicology and Epidemiology (3 cr)
  • BY519 Immunobiology (3 cr)
  • BY520 Microbiology (3 cr)
  • BY540 Introduction to Biomedical Rehabilitation Engineering & Science (3 cr)
  • BY548 Medical Microbiology (3 cr)
  • BY555 Cell and Molecular Biology of Cancer (3 cr)
  • BY560 Neurobiology (3 cr)
  • BY571 Anatomy & Physiology I (3 cr)
  • BY572 Anatomy & Physiology II (3 cr)
  • BY573 Anatomy & Physiology Lab I (2 cr)
  • BY574 Anatomy & Physiology Lab II (2 cr)
  • BY576 Current Topics in Biology & Medicine (3 cr)
  • BY588 Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (3 cr)
  • BY604 Molecular Pharmacology (3 cr)
  • ME380 Special Topics: Biomechanics (3 cr)
  • BY514 Bioinformatics (4 cr)
  • BY610 Ecological Statistics and Experimental Design (3 cr)
  • ES505 Design of Experiments and Analysis of Data (3 cr)
  • MA571 Numerical Solution of Differential Equations (3 cr)
  • MA580 Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation (3 cr)
  • STAT582 Mathematical Statistics I (3 cr)

Ecology, Evolution, and the Environment

  • BY525 Biological Systems & Environmental Change (3 cr)
  • BY528 Conservation Biology (3 cr)
  • BY531 Limnology (3 cr)
  • BY532 Limnology Laboratory (2 cr)
  • BY620 Evolution (3 cr)
  • CE575 Coastal Engineering (3 cr)
  • CE577 Atmospheric Chemistry (3 cr)
  • CE579 Water and Wastewater Treatment Design (3 cr)
  • CE580 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr)
  • CE682 Environmental Biological Processes (3 cr)
  • CH509 Receptor Modeling in Environmental Chemistry (3 cr)
  • EHS505 Methods and Analysis (3 cr)
  • ES533 Human Exposure Analysis (3 cr)
  • ES534 Air Pollution Control (3 cr)

To apply, candidates must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Possess a baccalaureate (four-year) degree in biology or a relevant science (e.g., biochemistry, biophysics, environmental science).
  • Three semesters of biology, including genetics.
  • Four semesters of chemistry, including organic chemistry.
  • Two semesters of physics.
  • Two semesters of mathematics, including calculus.

Solving real-world problems based on cutting-edge research is at the core of what we do. With access to nationally recognized faculty and 18 research centers and laboratories, we have the resources you need to advance in your field. Our more than 380 partners in industry, government agencies, chambers of commerce and research organizations also offer graduate students a wealth of opportunities to continue doing their important work.


Our faculty are recognized as leaders in their respective fields and are at the helm of cutting-edge projects. They collaborate closely with each other to provide innovative solutions for complex problems. Our faculty members also value the talents of students and serve as active and engaged mentors.


PhD in Bioscience and Biotechnology students have two options for completing their coursework: entirely onsite at our main campus in Potsdam, New York, or in a hybrid format, with a mix of online and onsite courses.

Many of our full-time, research-based master's and PhD programs are housed in Potsdam. You will be in close proximity to many of our research labs and centers, our libraries and other resources.

Potsdam Campus

A complete application consists of the following:

  • Online Application Form.
  • Statement of purpose.
  • In your statement, please mention two or three faculty members who you believe would be good advisors/supervisors based on their research areas.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • Official transcripts.
  • GRE test scores.
  • Optional: Applications will be read without GRE test scores, but applicants should submit scores if they believe they will enhance their application.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
  • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5), IELTS (6.5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).
  • The English language-testing requirement is not waived based on language of instruction, nor do we accept university certificates. English testing is waived if an applicant has a degree from a country where English is the Native Language. Click here to see the list of these countries.

Prerequisites: Applicants should possess a baccalaureate (four-year) degree in biology or a relevant science (e.g., biochemistry, biophysics, environmental science) with the following minimum college course preparation: three semesters of biology, including genetics; four semesters of chemistry, including organic chemistry; two semesters of physics and two semesters of mathematics, including calculus.

All graduate students are considered for University merit-based financial assistance, including teachings assistantships, research assistantships, fellowships and scholarships. This aid is awarded by each academic department. Not all types of assistantships are available in all programs. Please visit the financial aid, costs and scholarships page to learn about department-specific assistance.

Teaching Assistantships

Teaching Assistantships (TAs) provide a stipend plus full tuition. Duties include an average of 12 hours of work per week for 50 weeks or 20 hours of work per week for 30 weeks. Duties may include assisting in the laboratory or recitation sections and grading of reports or homework.

Research Assistantships

Research Assistantships (RAs) require no teaching responsibilities and provide a standard stipend plus full tuition. Work is determined by the project's principal investigator (PI).

Career Possibilities

The PhD in Bioscience and Biotechnology opens the doors to competitive roles in academia and other research centers. Our graduates also go on to work in a variety of professions and fields, including:

  • Agriculture
  • Biotech companies
  • Energy companies
  • Environmental conservation
  • Government agencies
  • Healthcare companies
  • Higher education
  • Medical laboratories
  • Pharmaceuticals

Recent Employers

You'll find our students employed by these leading organizations:

  • Caris Life Sciences
  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Harford Community College
  • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Senti Biosciences
  • Susquehanna University

Postdoctoral Work

Some students have pursued postdocs at schools like:

  • University of California at San Francisco

STEM OPT Eligible

In-person delivery.

Graduate Admissions Email: [email protected] Phone: 518-631-9831

100% Graduate Placement Rate - Program Specific

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School of Biological Sciences

  • College of Sciences

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Ph.d. biology.

Quick Facts
General Inquiries
 | 404.385.4240 | EBB 2009

Our PhD program accepts students possessing Bachelors or Masters degrees who are planning a career in science. The purpose of our PhD program is to prepare highly qualified scientists who have excellent up-to-date training in the fields of biology or bioinformatics, who are actively involved in scientific research, are capable of making significant contributions to their scientific field, possess all the necessary skills for effective oral and written communication with colleagues, and can successfully compete in the job market for postdoctoral and research scientist level positions in academia and science-related industries.

We currently have approximately 100 PhD students in the Biology PhD program of the School of Biological Sciences. Of recent PhD graduates, 70% are currently employed as postdoctoral researchers in academia, 9% as government scientists , 9% as industry scientists , 4% as instructors , and 9% are enrolled in further professional training . The average number of journal publications is 3.9 per student and the average number of presentations at conferences around the world is 4.3 per student .

Areas of concentration:

  • Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior   including population and evolutionary ecology; community ecology; aquatic chemical ecology; ecological genomics; sensory ecology; evolution of development, behavior, and sociality; biological oceanography; environmental microbiology; theoretical ecology.
  • Molecular and Cell Biology   including eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell biology; molecular physiology; molecular biophysics and structural biology; animal, plant, and microbial molecular genetics; human genomics; molecular evolution.

Quick Facts

  • Stipend and tuition waiver offered.
  • Fellowships available.
  • Duration of program depends on research progress. Ph.D. candidates typically defend their thesis at the end of the 5th or during the 6th year.
  • 18 credit hours of coursework.

General Inquiries

  • Chung Kim Academic Program Coordinator Email  | 404.385.4240 | EBB 2009

Ph.D. Program Overview:

  • Stipend: $35,500 per year
  • Year 1 Focus:  Coursework / Lab Rotations / Teach
  • Year 2 Focus:  Coursework / Thesis Research / Qualifying Exams
  • Year 3 Focus:  Thesis Research
  • Year 4 Focus:  Thesis Research
  • Year 5 Focus:  Thesis Research, Writing and Defense

The PhD in Biology is a research-based degree involving deep immersion in a topic within biology with mentoring from an advisor and thesis committee with expertise in the field of study. Coursework is typically completed within the first 2 years (18 credit hours). Students who have previously earned an M.S. degree or taken graduate courses elsewhere can negotiate up to 9 transfer credit hours upon entering our program. Selection of a thesis advisor is made in discussion with our faculty and/or via lab rotations during the first year, and the composition of the thesis committee is established by the student by the end of the first year.

PhD students in the School of Biological Sciences are each supported by a stipend and do not pay tuition, only modest   fees   each semester. Stipend support comes from teaching or research assistantships which complement research training towards the PhD. Whether PhD stipends are earned from research or teaching assistantships after the first year is decided in consultation with a student's thesis advisor and the graduate committee. Our base PhD stipend is $35,500. Several fellowships are available which can supplement the PhD stipend.

Further Funding

Please take some time to review our   funding opportunities and fellowships .

Choosing between the Masters and Ph.D. Program

Our graduate program is primarily focused on the PhD which prepares students for careers in scientific research and employment in academia, industry, or government. We encourage potential applicants to the PhD program to directly contact individual   faculty   members whose research may appeal to them to discuss research interests and future opportunities. Students who are not yet sure of their interest in scientific research or are interested in other kinds of professional development should consider the M.S. degree in   Biology   or  Bioinformatics . Admission decisions are made by our graduate committee (composed of Biology faculty) in consultation with all of the faculty in the School of Biological Sciences.

Georgia Tech provides application fee waivers to advance diversity, recognize outstanding undergraduate achievement, and engage prospective students in recruitment events where Georgia Tech is affiliated. Such fee waivers are currently available only to domestic applicants.

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  • Georgia Tech Global Learning Center
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  • Ferst Center for the Arts
  • Robert C. Williams Paper Museum

College of Sciences Social Links

Biology related research centers.

  • Aquatic Chemical Ecology Center
  • Center for Biologically Inspired Design
  • Center for Integrative Genomics
  • Center for NanoMAD
  • Center for Ribosomal Evolution and Adaptation
  • Center for the Study of Systems Biology
  • Integrated Cancer Research Center

Map of School of Biological Sciences | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta, GA | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta, GA

Georgia Institute of Technology School of Biological Sciences 950 Atlantic Drive Atlanta, GA 30332 Office: 404-894-3700 Fax: 404-894-0519

Georgia Institute of Technology North Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30332 404.894.2000

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© Georgia Institute of Technology

PhD in Biotechnology

Biotechnology, phd: 1st year.

Course Course Title Brief Description
ChBE 160
(3 credits)
Biochemical Engineering Thermodynamics of biological reactions; principles of fermentation processes; chemical engineering applications to bioreactor analysis.
ChBE 167 or 193
(3 credits)
Metabolic & Cellular Engineering or Special Topics: Synthetic Biology Systems-oriented approach to the problem of remodeling and reconfiguring the many molecular components of the cell in order to achieve a desirable phenotype. Metabolism, protein synthesis, regulation of gene expression. // Special topics in synthetic biology.
ChBE 161
(3 credits)
Protein Purification Methods of purifying proteins at a large scale for therapeutic or industrial uses.
ChBE 166
(3 credits)
Principles of Cell and Microbe Cultivation In-depth examination of microbial and mammalian cell cultivation and concomitant production of commercially important products.

Other requirements for the PhD program include:

  • Additional electives that emphasize individual research themes
  • 3.25 GPA in core classes (listed above)
  • Oral critique of a current research article
  • Research progress report with oral presentation
  • 1-3 teaching assistant assignments
  • Attendance and participation in the Departmental Seminar Series
  • Research committee meetings and thesis defense

** Additional program details are provided in the Graduate Handbook

PhD Handbook

PhD in Biotechnology in USA: A Guide to PhD in Biotechnology in USA for International Students


A PhD in biotechnology in USA is a rapidly expanding global industry with a variety of exciting job prospects. More and more applicants are now moving into creating a profession in the expanding sector of biotechnology.

phd in biotechnology usa

The USA is the leading country that has advanced itself in practising biotechnology. Why  more and more students prefer PhD in Biotechnology in USA is because of the quality of education students get. There are many universities in USA for PhD in biotechnology that accept applications from international students. The cost, however, is frequently what keeps individuals from applying for a fellowship at their preferred universities in the USA. stay with us till the end to know all about the best universities for PhD in biotechnology in USA, and a lot more!

Why Study PhD in Biotechnology in USA?

At present, there are more than 190 top universities in USA for PhD in biotechnology that provide more than 300 courses including PhD. From certificate programs to Ph.D. programs, these universities offer a variety of degrees.

Among the prominent fields at biotechnology universities in the USA are bioinformatics and biotechnology management, both of which are offered by universities there. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, earning a higher education from one of the biotechnology colleges in the USA would open up approximately 87,600 career prospects for you in the near future. Students can pursue fully-funded PhD programs in Biotechnology in USA that cover the cost of the study and stay. Some more reasons to pursue PhD in USA in biotechnology are-

  • In the USA, more than 60% of biotechnology experts have a yearly salary of around USD 90,000 (INR 71,86,275).
  • Students are offered with fully funded PhD programs in biotechnology in the form of grants by universities.

: Top Reasons to Study MS in USA

phd in biotechnology usa

Best Universities for PhD in Biotechnology in USA

There are a number of universities in USA for PhD in biotechnology offering quality education in the form of practical and theoretical methods. Below are the best universities for PhD in biotechnology-

Harvard University

Stanford university.

Johns Hopkins University

University of California, Berkeley

The george washington university.

Let us get into the details for all of these universities in USA for PhD in Biotechnology:

Harvard University, which was founded in 1636, is the oldest American university and a member of the exclusive US group of Ivy League Schools. Applicants to the PhD in biotechnology will learn about Biological Sciences in Public Health (BPH), dysregulation in complex diseases (such as obesity, diabetes, cancer), infectious diseases (such as malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS), environmental exposures (such as air pollution, asthma, and radiation), etc.



QS Ranking 2023


Program Offered

Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics, Integrative Genomics- 4-5 years

Program Fees

USD 24,000 (INR 19,16,340)

Suggested: How to Write an SOP for Biotechnology?

Stanford University, a private research university in Stanford, California, was established in 1891. Students pursuing a Ph.D. in biology receive instruction that is geared on assisting them in reaching the highest levels of success as teachers and researchers. In order to aid their growth, students collaborate closely with a designated adviser and attend regular meetings with a committee of academic members. The Stanford University Biosciences community, which also comprises doctoral programs in the fundamental scientific departments at Stanford Medical School, includes the Biology Ph.D. program.



QS Ranking 2023


QS Subject Ranking 2023


Program Offered

Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry- 4 years

Program Fees

USD 54,000 (INR 43,11,765)

MS in USA Without GRE

This private university, Johns Hopkins University was established in 1876. The institution has campuses in and near Baltimore, the District of Columbia, Italy, and China. The PhD in biotechnology program, which is intended for both part-time and full-time students, gives you the option to take classes online or on campus in the evenings and on weekends. The biotechnology labs at Johns Hopkins are where exciting things are taking place. You'll gain knowledge from professionals who are engaged in ongoing research, discovery, and publication in a dynamic field.



QS Ranking 2023


QS Subject Ranking 2023


Program Offered

Doctor of Philosophy [Ph.D.] Biochemistry- Cellular and Molecular Biology 4-5 years

Program Fees

USD 42,000 (INR 33,53,595)

Best MS Specializations in USA

The Computational Biology PhD program's major goal is to educate the next generation of scientists who are devoted to performing at a high level in both the computational and biological sciences and who are passionate about researching the interface between computer and biology. The program places a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation, and research. It also offers a flexible curriculum made up of two semesters of didactic coursework that is adapted to the individual needs of each student.



QS Ranking 2023


QS Subject Ranking 2023


Program Offered

PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology- 5 years

Program Fees

USD 564 (INR 45,033) per semester

  Suggested : How to Choose Your University in US for MS?

This private research university George Washington University was founded in 1821. The university is home to a number of renowned research institutes and facilities, including the GW Cancer Institute, the Centre for Regulatory Studies, Centre for Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology, and the Biostatistics Centre. The Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering is intended to train future academics and researchers to apply engineering concepts to issues in biology and medicine, to comprehend and model the characteristics of living systems, and to combine biomedical systems and equipment to conduct novel research.



QS Ranking 2023


QS Subject Ranking 2023


Program Offered

Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology- 5years

Program Fees

USD 15,885 (INR 12,68,377)

10 Top Universities for MS

Course Overview of PhD in Biotechnology in USA

PhD in Biotechnology in USA lasts for 4-5 years and keeps students up to date on scientific advancements that are connected to biotechnology development. Students can choose from a number of specializations, ranging from molecular biotechnology to biochemistry.

Popular Course Offered

Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology

PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology

Doctor of Philosophy [Ph.D.] Biochemistry- Cellular and Molecular Biology

Course Duration

4-5 Years

Top Universities

Harvard University

Stanford University

Johns Hopkins University

University of California, Berkeley

The George Washington

Average Tuition Fees

USD 24,000 (INR 19,16,340)

Minimum GRE Score

140 or more

English Proficiency Test Score



GRE- 140 or more

Low Tuition Fee Universities for MS in US

Eligibility Criteria and Documents Required to Study PhD in Biotechnology in USA

Eligibility Criteria for PhD in Biotechnology in USA is given below:

Educational Qualification

English language proficiency test scores, standardised exam scores.

Let us check in detail:

  • Students need to provide the passing certificate of masters in Biotech and other relevant degree
  • A strong recommendation is to have an excellent academic record for both your undergraduate and graduate degrees (70 percent or B-).

Students while applying for the PhD in Biotechnology in USA need to submit the score of the English Language Proficiency test. However, the score may differ according to the university.

  • GRE - 140 or more

You may be asked to give US entrance exam scores, such as the SAT / ACT for PhD in Biotechnology. These scores are rarely sought, but if you have already taken the test, keep them on file.

PhD in Biotechnology in Canada

Documents Required for PhD in Biotechnology in USA are :

  • Statement of Purpose (SOP)
  • Letter of Recommendation (LOR)
  • Past Academic transcripts
  • Approved thesis

Sample LOR for MS in Biotechnology

Application Process to Apply for PhD in Biotechnology in USA

To get the admission in any of the top ranked universities in the USA, students need to follow the admission process. Below are the steps-

  • Look for the university in the US offering a PhD in Biotechnology.
  • Examine the admissions requirements of the university. Determine which exam you must take and which documents you must submit.
  • Fill out the application form. You can avail the admission application online.
  • Ensure that all documents are submitted by the application deadline. Check the website to see how far your application has progressed.
  • If a student meets all of the prerequisites, the university invites the student to take the entrance exam.
  • The cut-off for the entrance exam is determined by the college administration. If an applicant performs well on the entrance exam and meets the cut-off, the next step is processed.
  • Once chosen, start preparing your budget and applying for a student visa

Admission Process for MS in USA

Cost of Studying PhD in Biotechnology in USA

The cost of pursuing PhD in Biotechnology in USA varies depending on the type of institution you choose. Both the tuition fees and cost of living differs according to the city or state you are pursuing the course.

  • The overall annual cost of studying masters in agriculture in the USA is around USD 24,000 (INR 19,16,340).
  • The overall annual cost of living in the United States for an international student is around USD 20, 000 (INR 15, 96,950) per year. The amount depends on the location, the type of residence, and services you utilize while studying here.

  Suggested: Cost of PhD in USA

Scholarships Available for PhD in Biotechnology in USA

Universities and colleges offer state special financial grants for international students seeking PhD in USA in biotechnology. One can go for a full funded PhD in biotechnology in USA covering the study cost. Some of the grants offered are:

Inlaks Foundation

Up to 100,000 (INR 79,84,750)

JNTata Endowment Scholarship

15,96,9500 (INR 2,00,000)

AAUW International Fellowships


Robert S. McNamara Fellowship Program

25,000 (INR 19,96,187)

   Suggested: How to Finance Your MS in US?

Job Scope After PhD in Biotechnology in USA

Students after completing their PhD and these in Biotechnology will have a great career scope. On an average, the annual salary of a PhD holder in the USA is around USD 70,000 (INR 55, 89,325).

Bioinformatics Scientist

1,24,000 (INR 99,01,090)

Bioinformatics Technician

77,000 (INR 61,48,257)


89,000 (INR 71,06,427)


91,000 (INR 72,66,122)

Highest Paying Jobs in USA

There is a huge scope in terms of career for students completing their education from universities in USA for PhD in biotechnology. If you are looking forward to seeking admission or know any other information, Yocket professionals are ready to help you.

Frequently Asked Questions about PhD in Biotechnology in USA

What is the average salary of a PhD Biotechnology?

The average annual salary of the PhD in Biotechnology aspirant is around USD 70,000 (INR 55, 89,325).

Why choose the USA for PhD in Biotechnology?

USA is the leading nation that has adopted the advancement in biotechnology. Students pursuing PhD in biotechnology will get the insight about the industry and have practical understanding of the same.

Is a PhD in biotechnology worth it?

PhD in Biotechnology is recommended only if you are keen to take up research oriented career otherwise it would just be a waste of your precious time and years. Once you are done, you will have a great career ahead.

How long is the PhD in Biotechnology course?

The PhD in Biotechnology program typically lasts three to five years to complete. Research Methodology, Scientific Communication, Recent Trends in Biotechnology, and other topics would be covered in this course.

Is an entrance exam required to pursue PhD in Biotechnology?

IELTS, TOEFL and GRE are part of the PhD in Biotechnology in the USA. Other than these, you need to check with the university if they have any other exam to undergo.


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Students enrolled in the Master of Liberal Arts program in Biotechnology will gain insight into the latest biotechnology discoveries and trends, and develop a solid foundation in research and innovation.


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phd in biotechnology usa

Best 28 Doctorate in Biotechnology Universities/Colleges in USA

  • Biotechnology
  • Engineering
  • Social Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Environmental Studies
  • Information Studies
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Architecture
  • Graphic Design
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Agriculture
  • Fashion Design
  • Social Work
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioinformatics
  • Financial Times
  • Private (Not for Profit)
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Dakota
  • Massachusetts
  • Athens - [ 1 ]
  • Baton Rouge - [ 1 ]
  • Brookings - [ 1 ]
  • Buffalo - [ 1 ]
  • Burlington - [ 1 ]
  • Cleveland - [ 1 ]
  • Columbus - [ 1 ]
  • Coral Gables - [ 1 ]
  • Fort Collins - [ 1 ]
  • Houston - [ 1 ]
  • Huntsville - [ 1 ]
  • Iowa City - [ 1 ]
  • Ithaca - [ 1 ]
  • Knoxville - [ 1 ]
  • Madison - [ 1 ]
  • Manhattan - [ 1 ]
  • Milwaukee - [ 1 ]
  • New York City - [ 1 ]
  • Norman - [ 1 ]
  • Pasadena - [ 1 ]
  • Philadelphia - [ 1 ]
  • Portland - [ 1 ]
  • Provo - [ 1 ]
  • Salt Lake City - [ 1 ]
  • San Francisco - [ 1 ]
  • Stanford - [ 1 ]
  • Tucson - [ 1 ]
  • Worcester - [ 1 ]
  • ₽915K - ₽1829K
  • ₽1829K - ₽2744K
  • ₽2744K - ₽3658K
  • ₽3658K - ₽4573K
  • ABOVE ₽4573K

Found 28 universities

CD RankCollege InfoTuition Fees & living Cost(Avg.)Top CoursesRanking & Reviews
#1 California, Usa3.9 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽5587.1K/Yr ( Living ₽3032K/Yr ( GRE328TOEFL100PTE68₽5587.1K 7.2/10(
#2 California, Usa3 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽5798.1K/Yr ( Living ₽1353.1K/Yr ( IELTS7₽5798.1K 8.3/10(
#3 New York, Usa3.9 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽7569.9K/Yr ( Living ₽1005.9K/Yr ( GRE311TOEFL100PTE68₽7569.9K 6.2/10(
#4 New York, Usa14.10 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽2268K/Yr ( Living ₽1034.5K/Yr ( GRE310IELTS7.0PTE70₽2268K 8.8/10(
8.0 New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey 1st Year Fees M.S Data Science Apply Now 7.8 California State University Los Angeles, California 1st Year Fees M.S Computer Science Apply Now 7.4 Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona 1st Year Fees M.S Computer Science Apply Now 7.5 Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts 1st Year Fees M.S Project Management Apply Now 6.7 University of Illinois Chicago, Illinois 1st Year Fees M.S Business Analytics Apply Now 8.2 University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 1st Year Fees M.S Data Science Apply Now 6.3 University of North Texas Denton, Texas 1st Year Fees M.S Data Science Apply Now 6.8 University at Albany Albany, New York 1st Year Fees M.S Data Science Apply Now 6.1 DePaul University Chicago, Illinois 1st Year Fees M.S Computer Science Apply Now 7.1 University of Bridgeport Bridgeport, Connecticut 1st Year Fees M.S Analytics and Systems Apply Now
#5 Wisconsin, Usa60 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽2343.4K/Yr ( Living ₽1449.4K/Yr ( IELTS6.5PTE54₽2343.4K 7.8/10(
#6 Ohio, Usa49.4 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽6065.9K/Yr ( Living ₽1277.2K/Yr ( TOEFL79₽6065.9K 7.7/10(
#7 Arizona, Usa78.6 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽3105.6K/Yr ( Living ₽1758.6K/Yr ( GRE318TOEFL79PTE60₽3105.6K 8.5/10(
#8 Ohio, Usa35.4 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽8046.7K/Yr ( Living ₽597.5K/Yr ( IELTS7PTE61₽8046.7K 5.7/10(
#9 Florida, Usa37.7 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽4649.4K/Yr ( Living ₽1249.8K/Yr ( IELTS6.5₽4649.4K 8.3/10(
#10 Iowa, Usa80.7 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽1777.8K/Yr ( Living ₽955.7K/Yr ( Duolingo105IELTS7PTE58₽1777.8K 8.3/10(
#11 Utah, Usa76.4 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽3218.7K/Yr ( Living ₽1139.1K/Yr ( IELTS6.5₽3218.7K 7.3/10(
#12 New York, Usa59.4 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽2773.7K/Yr ( Living ₽928.4K/Yr ( GRE309TOEFL90PTE50₽2773.7K 9.7/10(
#13 Tennessee, Usa74 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽2945.4K/Yr ( Living ₽978.1K/Yr ( GMAT700TOEFL80PTE53₽2945.4K 8.7/10(
#14 Oregon, Usa3.8 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽1305.4K/Yr ( IELTS6.5₽1305.4K
#15 Georgia, Usa52.9 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽2821K/Yr ( Living ₽920K/Yr ( IELTS6.5₽2821K 7.7/10(
#16 Colorado, Usa78 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽2803.5K/Yr ( Living ₽1095K/Yr ( Duolingo110IELTS6₽2803.5K 7.0/10(
#17 Texas, Usa58.5 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽1721.1K/Yr ( Living ₽913K/Yr ( GRE305TOEFL79PTE43₽1721.1K 6.8/10(
#18 Oklahoma, Usa71 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽987.9K/Yr ( Living ₽968.3K/Yr ( IELTS6.5PTE60₽987.9K
#19 Kansas, Usa94.1 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽1801.9K/Yr ( Living ₽258.8K/Yr ( TOEFL79PTE58₽1801.9K 8.0/10(
#20 Louisiana, Usa76 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽5386.4K/Yr ( Living ₽1074.5K/Yr ( TOEFL79PTE59₽5386.4K
#21 Massachusetts, Usa54.7 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽5252.9K/Yr ( Living ₽810.2K/Yr ( GRE298IELTS6.5PTE53₽5252.9K 7.3/10(
#22 Vermont, Usa67 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽4718.8K/Yr ( Living ₽1099.4K/Yr ( Duolingo110IELTS6.5₽4718.8K 8.0/10(
#23 Utah, Usa51 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽1480.8K/Yr ( Living ₽688.6K/Yr ( IELTS6.5PTE53₽1480.8K 9.3/10(
#24 Alabama, Usa78 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽3051.9K/Yr ( Living ₽891.5K/Yr ( IELTS6.0PTE53₽3051.9K 6.8/10(
#25 South Dakota, Usa90.8 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽1794.4K/Yr ( Living ₽783.1K/Yr ( IELTS6PTE46₽1794.4K
#26 California, Usa25 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽3039.6K/Yr ( TOEFL80₽3039.6K
#27 Wisconsin, Usa83 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽5900.7K/Yr ( ₽5900.7K
#28 Pennsylvania, Usa61 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₽3325.1K/Yr ( Living ₽1439.2K/Yr ( TOEFL90PTE58₽3358K --


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Nav-main-mobile, vanguard university, header-utility-container, drawer trigger, nav-sub-horizontal, nav-breadcrumb, master of science in biotechnology.

G ain the knowledge and skills needed to successfully enter or advance your career in the biotechnology industry.

The Master of Science (MS) in Biotechnology is designed to prepare you for a career in an ever-evolving field. This program combines molecular biology rigor with soft skills to provide the essential background you need to effectively collaborate, communicate and lead in biotech. Take classes in both biotechnology science and bio-entrepreneurship, and learn from professor-mentors who truly know you and where you want to go beyond the classroom. Go deeper to expand your knowledge of the industry with instructor-supervised independent research opportunities.

Designed with working professionals in mind, the biotechnology master’s program offers classes in the late afternoon and evening.

  • Application Deadline: July 1
  • Number of Units:  39
  • Cost per Unit: $795
  • Time to Degree: 2 years

Pricing is based on the current academic year and is subject to change. Scholarships or partner discounts may be available. 

Request Information

Why earn your ms in biotechnology from vanguard university.

Throughout the MS in Biotechnology program, you will hone industry-relevant technical skills by interpreting and executing best practices, prioritizing protocols, critically reviewing scientific research and evaluating concepts from multiple disciplines. The program will equip you to become a skilled researcher or laboratory manager. Learn how to critically assess biotechnology advances and applications through internship opportunities with professionals in this growing workforce. You will also gain hands-on training and conduct research in our dedicated biotechnology lab.

The program is also available as a 4+1 degree for currently enrolled Vanguard undergraduate students. 

Program Learning Outcomes

Christ-centered education.

Upon completion of the MS in Biotechnology  program, you will be prepared to:

  • Demonstrate proficiency in general biology concepts and theories, as well as in self-selected biology subdisciplines in order to succeed in careers and graduate programs
  • Illustrate sufficient proficiency in calculus, general chemistry, organic chemistry and physics in order to understand biological concepts involving these disciplines
  • Operate basic scientific instruments necessary for biological investigations such as microscopes, centrifuges, spectrophotometers, electrophoresis equipment and pH meters, thus demonstrating competency in basic laboratory skills, cell culture and field techniques
  • Design and conduct experiments — both individually and in small groups — using appropriate strategies such as collect, organize, analyze, interpret and present quantitative and qualitative data and incorporate them into the broader context of biological knowledge
  • Analyze and evaluate various types of scientific information including primary research articles, mass media sources and the internet
  • Disseminate and present biological data with theoretical and historical perspectives — both in oral and written formats — to a diverse audience
  • Use critical and creative thinking to solve problems by compiling and analyzing scientific information from library, electronic and experimental sources.
  • Effectively apply current technology and scientific methodologies for problem solving
  • Articulate historical, current and theoretical issues relating to biology and society within a Christ-centered worldview that allows for evaluation of the relationship of scientific theories with ethical and religious perspectives, particularly those common to Pentecostal Christians

At Vanguard University, you will experience personalized instruction paired with a strong spiritual foundation that fosters knowledge, cultivates character and deepens faith. Our Christian professor-mentors will prepare you to make meaningful contributions in your profession and community, equipping you to lead a Spirit-empowered life of Christ-centered leadership and service.

Featured Courses in the MS in Biotechnology Program

Experimental design and statistical analysis.

Introduces advanced statistical concepts and analytical methods for the experimental needs and data encountered in biotechnology and biomedical sciences. Experimental design/conduct, quantitative analysis of data, and statistical inferences and interpretations are studied for scientific hypothesis testing, as well as clinical trials. Explores methodological approaches to bioassay development/testing and provides a foundation for critically evaluating information to support research findings, product claims, and technology opportunities. Students are recommended to be familiar with Python programming.


A seminar course that develops skills in managing bioentrepreneurship projects in the bioscience and biomedical device fields. Students learn how to be responsive team members as well as communicative team leaders. This course also investigates issues and decisions that inventor / scientists, investors, founders, business people, lawyers, and others might typically encounter when they are considering the application and commercialization of early stage scientific discoveries. And how to sustain innovation in organizations and team dynamics.

Independent Advanced Research

Students conduct supervised, independent research in Biotechnology. The student and faculty supervisor together develop a course outline, with a proposal for original research and the method of evaluation, including a formal research paper. Outline must be approved by the department before the student is permitted to register. Students will present their work in oral and written format. A maximum of eight (8) combined units apply to graduation.

What Jobs can I get with a MS in Biotechnology?

Our biotechnology graduate program will prepare you for a career in the growing biotech industry. Biotechnology professionals often conduct experiments and analyze results in laboratories, offices or out in the field for a variety of organizations.

Laboratory Manager

Academic Faculty

Biomedical Engineer

The quality of the curriculum and the opportunities students have for individual mentorship, hands-on practice and research are what really stand out in our Biotechnology program.

Itzel Calleja-Macias, PhD Program Director

Meet more Biotechnology/Biological Sciences Faculty

MS in Biotechnology Admissions Requirements

Application & admissions info, what to expect, admissions requirements - domestic applicants.

The university requirements for program admission below must be met before an application is considered complete.  

  • Online application for admission
  • Non-refundable $45  application fee  
  • Request Official Transcripts from  any  colleges or universities attended. Vanguard graduates need only request transcripts from institutions attended after Vanguard.
  • Any program-specific supporting materials (see below)

Required Supporting Materials

Applicants for the MS in Biotechnology should also submit the following:

  • Statement of Purpose: Write a detailed one-page statement explaining why you wish to study Biotechnology at Vanguard and what professional career you plan to pursue with your degree.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation: Letters should be on institution/organization letterhead from individuals with knowledge of academic and/or professional ability and potential.

Prerequisite Courses or Requirements

Applicants must also have completed:

  • Bachelor's degree in Biology or comparable science major
  • Biology: 4 courses (lecture and lab, 16 semester units or 24 quarter units)
  • General Chemistry: 1-year sequence (lecture and lab, 8 semester units or 12 quarter units)
  • Preferred cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above

Submission Instructions

All supporting documents should be submitted to the Graduate & Professional Education Office.

If possible, please submit transcripts electronically (e.g. Parchment). Unofficial transcripts and test scores* (with student name, test date and subscores), may be scanned and emailed. 

  • Electronically through Parchment
  • Email:  [email protected]
  • Mail/Drop-Off: ATTN: Vanguard University Graduate & Professional Education 55 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626

*GRE Test scores are not required for admission into programs and are not considered in evaluating applications.

Admissions Requirements - International Applicants

To apply for a degree program at Vanguard, the following requirements must be fulfilled in addition to meeting the domestic applicant and any program-specific admission requirements specified above.

  • Evalution of Official Transcript(s):  All transcripts reflecting prior coursework must be submitted. Transcripts must be evaluated, not just translated, by an official agency.
  • Official TOEFL ( Test of English as a Foreign Language ) Scores:  The minimum TOEFL score requirement is 80 on the web version. If English is the primary spoken language and medium of instruction at the institution(s) attended and at least two years of full-time study occurred at such institution(s), the TOEFL may be waived.
  • Affidavit of Financial Support: If supported by personal and/or family funds, submit this form with an original bank statement in U.S. currency reflecting bank balance availability of the total amount listed below. If sponsored by a government or other official agency, an official letter stating that the funding and/or scholarship is valid for use at Vanguard University must be submitted. Please contact [email protected] to obtain the Affidavit of Financial Support.
  • Copy of Valid Passport
  • Students applying within the U.S. must submit copies of their visa , I-94 , and if on a student visa, copies of their I-20 A-B Form .

All materials must be received in the Admissions Office by the appropriate deadline:

  • Fall semester - June 1  |  Spring semester - October 1

International students must be enrolled full-time within their program. For information on specific unit requirements, please contact the Graduate & Professional Education Office at [email protected] . International students are not eligible for any financial aid with the exception of institutional talent scholarships.

For current tuition rates and fees, please visit Account Services .


Vanguard University offers graduate academic scholarships for the biotechnology, clinical psychology, education, leadership studies, organizational psychology, and theology programs. These 10-15% tuition scholarships are based on cumulative undergraduate GPA calculations.  You will automatically be awarded a scholarship if you qualify. Vanguard University also offers a colleague discount for the MSN and post graduate certificate programs and the Ministry Grant for applicants working full time in ministry as ordained or licensed ministers or missionaries. Please ask your admissions counselor for more information.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is offered through the FAFSA application. Please see the  Financial Aid  page for further information and talk to your admissions counselor. 

Once an applicant’s file is complete, with all required items submitted, the file is forwarded to the department for review and potential admissions interview invitation.

From there, the Office of Graduate & Professional Education will inform the applicant of their admissions decision via email with a) a program acceptance to the university, or b) a program denial with recommendations for improving their file for potential resubmission. 

Admissions Deadlines

Applications are accepted year-round. Priority and standard deadlines for specific academic terms can be viewed on the graduate admissions page . 

Have Questions?

Fill out the request information form or reach out directly to one of our team of dedicated admissions counselors. 

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Phone: 714.966.5499

Email:   Graduate Admissions Email

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Second 2024 Open Call for Applications: Research Fellowships in Biotechnology

UNU-BIOLAC is accepting applications for three-month fellowships during the second half of 2025.

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UNU-BIOLAC is accepting applications for 3-month fellowships in research centres in Latin America and the Caribbean, LAC (to be developed in the second half of 2025). Following our mission to build biotechnology capacities within the LAC region, UNU-BIOLAC aims to help prepare and capacitate professionals through high-level, short-term internships . These activities are to be co-funded by UNU-BIOLAC throughout the LAC countries and, in some cases, in other parts of the world, to be carried out in highly reputed research centres in diverse fields of biotechnology.

Applications are sought from lac graduate students and researchers who pursue the highest level of research excellence with a demonstrated passion for delivering social impact in biotechnology. all candidates must have been accepted by the receiving institution and supported by a sending institution before proceeding with the application., this call is open to graduate students and researchers/academics from lac whose research focus is biotechnology sensu stricto . these must be engaged in active research or pursuit of new research opportunities in, but not limited to, high-throughput and deep sequencing of genomes, metagenomic analysis and the discovery, characterisation and/or expression of new genes and biological functions in homologous or heterologous systems, creation and use of new biomaterials, engineering of genes, genomes, tissues and organs, whole organisms or even complete communities, drug discovery, vaccine development, omics technologies, fight against diseases in plants and animals (including humans), etc., for 2025, unu-biolac is encouraging fellows to delve into:, the use of biotechnology as a means to solve problems of a scientific nature.  , the generation of biotechnological solutions/products derived from basic or applied science, the application deadline is 30 september 2024 .  for full fellowship details and application requirements, see the unu-biolac research fellowships page . , related content.

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