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Resume formatting for mariners.

Merchant Navy Resume formatting for Off shore jobs

Not having Merchant Navy Resume?

Still relying on a generic company form as your CV?

Sent CV to 100 companies but no response?

Eager to infuse a maritime touch into your professional profile, especially for offshore jobs? 

You've set sail in the right direction!

In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of transforming your CV into a maritime masterpiece, focusing on the essential elements of merchant navy resume formatting. In the vast ocean of the maritime industry, a well-crafted Resume for off-shore jobs serves as a compass, guiding you towards promising opportunities. As mariners, your CV/Resume isn't just a piece of paper; it's your first impression and a gateway to your next voyage. we hope that you will find this blog helpful and can connect with Sea and Beyond to craft the ideal merchant navy CV format for freshers and experienced mariners, ensuring that your resume aligns perfectly with the demands of offshore jobs .

The Lighthouse of First Impressions: Why is CV required?

Picture yourself as a ship on the horizon, approaching a port for the first time. What would attract the port authorities' attention? Your flag, your vessel's condition, and your overall presentation, right? Similarly, your CV is your flag – a representation of your skills, experiences, and potential. It's not just a document; it's a portrayal of who you are and what you bring to the maritime table. A good Merchant Navy Resume provides you a chance to showcase your skills over an interview.

Navigating the Hiring Seas: Why a Good Resume matters

A compelling CV for Merchant Navy acts as a magnetic field, pulling in recruiters and interviewers like the tides. It showcases your competence and professional journey, creating a sense of trust. It's your chance to narrate your maritime story – from your days at sea to your expertise in navigation, safety protocols, and teamwork. A well-crafted Merchant Navy Resume/ CV piques curiosity and invites conversations, setting the stage for a successful voyage towards your dream job or offshore jobs. 

Hoist the Sails of Excellence:  What to Highlights in your CV 

Imagine inspecting a vessel ; what do you look for? Well-maintained equipment, no non-conformities, a smooth narration of the story of maintenance. Similarly, your Merchant navy Resume format should emphasize your 

  • Professional journey 
  • Clarity on the position you apply and your fitment in that role
  • Your Expertise
  • Memberships (professional and non-professional)
  • Certifications / Courses ( professional and non-professional ) to show holistic growth
  • Personal details including hobbies
  • Vessel types you've worked on,

Apart from the above Merchant navy resume format and writing tips, the most important aspect to the CV  is:

Your achievements that set you apart from other mariners sailing at the same level. These achievements should ideally showcase how you have been able to either save money or increase revenue. 

Showcase your distinctive contributions and accomplishments to give recruiters a compelling reason to hire you, instead of offering a generic description matching the standard role responsibilities at your rank. For example, “Saved 20000 USD for Company by executing Self-Pilotage.” This specific accomplishment not only demonstrate your skills but also provide concrete examples of your value to potential employers.

Conclusion: Charting Your Course to Success

Your CV is the anchor that holds your maritime aspirations in place. By crafting a strong, maritime-flavored CV, you're signaling to recruiters and interviewers that you're not just a mariner; you're a seasoned professional ready to navigate the challenges and opportunities that the industry presents. As you prepare and format your Merchant Navy Resume/CV, remember that every line should reflect the passion, dedication, and commitment you bring to the maritime world. Remember in the current IT system key words matter.


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Still have more queries then drop a line on  [email protected] and our team will connect with you to resolve your issues or can comment down in comment section 

If you need our help in Merchant Navy resume format or any other query, please  Click here and turn your company form into professional CV or Seafarer resume 

If you already have a resume prepared but unsure about the format of resume or if it’s made correctly or needs recommendations or suggestions? No problem please check out our  CV Evaluation service to resolve that.

To get help in finding the proper Merchant Navy Resume Format for yourself, you may  Contact Us directly. Also, check the testimonials of various persons who have used our CV preparation services.

So, as you set sail on your CV preparation journey, remember that it's more than just a document – it's a testament to your maritime journey and a key to unlocking new horizons. Bon voyage to your career aspirations!


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At Sea and Beyond we strive for authenticity and honesty in our work. Our mission is to help “You take a well informed decision” and we try and support you through our various services like 

  • Skill enhancement/Education
  • Job Opportunities and
  • Your branding (CV and LinkedIn preparation)

We have a team of writers who conduct thorough research to ensure the accuracy of the content and for the clarity in communication. We will be happy to support you wherever required

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StandOut CV

Merchant Navy CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

The Navy is an exciting industry that offers a huge range of opportunities for those seeking a career at sea.

But if you want to secure a maritime position, then you need a CV that carefully highlights your relevant skills, experience and training.

We can help you to produce a well-written application that will ensure you’re welcomed aboard in no time. Simply check out our top tips and Merchant Navy CV example in the guide below.

CV templates 

Merchant Navy CV example

Merchant Navy CV 1

This is a good example of a Merchant Navy CV which is professionally formatted, and structured in a way that allows recruiters to easily find and understand the candidate’s key selling points.

Take some time to look at this CV and refer to it throughout the writing of your own CV for best results.

CV builder

Build your CV now 

Merchant Navy CV format and structure

In today’s fast-paced job market, recruiters and employers are often short on time. If they can’t locate the information they’re searching for within a few seconds, it could result in them overlooking your application.

To avoid this happening, it’s critical to structure and format your CV in a way that allows them to quickly identify your key skills and offerings, even when they’re pressed for time.

How to write a CV

Tips for formatting your Merchant Navy CV

  • Length: Whether you’ve got one year or three decades of experience, your CV should never be more than two sides of A4. Recruiters are busy people who’re often juggling numerous roles and tasks, so they don’t have time to read lengthy applications. If you’re a recent graduate or don’t have much industry experience, one side of A4 is fine.
  • Readability : Help out time-strapped recruiters by formatting your CV for easy reading. Using lots of bullet points and lists will help them to skim through your info, while clearly formatted headings will allow them to navigate towards the content which is most useful to them.
  • Design & format: It’s generally best to stick to a simple CV design, as funky or elaborate designs rarely add any value to your application. A clear, modern font and a subtle colour scheme work perfectly and allow your skills, experience and achievements to speak for themselves.
  • Photos: Don’t add profile photos to your CV unless you work in an industry or region which prefers to see them. Most employers in the UK will not need to see one.

Quick tip: Creating a professional CV style can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. To create a winning CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

To make it easy for busy recruiters and hiring managers to digest your CV, divide the content into several key sections when writing it:

  • Contact details: Always list your contact details at the very top to avoid them being missed.
  • Profile: Start with an introductory paragraph that catches recruiters’ attention and summarises your offerings.
  • Work experience/career history: List your relevant work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your current position.
  • Education: Provide a concise summary of your education and qualifications.
  • Interests and hobbies: You can include an optional section to showcase any hobbies that demonstrate transferable skills.

Now you understand the basic layout of a CV, here’s what you should include in each section of yours.

Contact Details

Contact details

Start off your CV with a basic list of your contact details. Here’s what you should include:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It’s often helpful to make a new email address, specifically for your job applications.
  • Location – Share your town or city; there’s no need for a full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Make sure the information on them is coherent with your CV, and that they’re up-to-date

Quick tip: Delete excessive details, such as your date of birth or marital status. Recruiters don’t need to know this much about you, so it’s best to save the space for your other CV sections.

Merchant Navy CV Profile

Make a strong first impression with recruiters by starting your CV with an impactful profile (or personal statement for junior applicants).

This short introduction paragraph should summarise your skills, experience, and knowledge, highlighting your suitability for the job.

It should be compelling enough to encourage recruiters to read through the rest of your CV.

CV profile

How to write a good CV profile:

  • Make it short and sharp: Recruiters are busy, so to ensure your profile is actually read, it’s best to keep it short and snappy. 3-5 punchy lines makes for the perfect profile.
  • Tailor it: No matter how much time you put into your CV profile, it won’t impress if it’s irrelevant to the role you’re applying for. Before you start writing, make a list of the skills, knowledge and experience your target employer is looking for. Then, make sure to mention them in your CV profile and throughout the rest of your application.
  • Don’t add an objective: If you want to discuss your career objectives, save them for your cover letter , rather than wasting valuable CV profile space.
  • Avoid generic phrases: If there’s one thing that’ll annoy a recruiter, it’s a clichè-packed CV. Focus on showcasing your hard skills, experience and the results you’ve gained in previous roles, which will impress recruiters far more.

Example CV profile for Merchant Navy

What to include in your merchant navy cv profile.

  • Experience overview: To give employers an idea of your capabilities, show them your track record by giving an overview of the types of companies you have worked for in the past and the roles you have carried out for previous employers – but keep it high level and save the details for your experience section.
  • Targeted skills: Highlight your skills which are most relevant to Merchant Navy jobs, to ensure that recruiters see your most in-demand skills as soon as they open your CV.
  • Important qualifications: If you have any qualifications which are highly relevant to Merchant Navy jobs, then highlight them in your profile so that employers do not miss them.

Quick tip: If you are finding it difficult to write an attention-grabbing CV profile, choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All profiles are written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Underneath your profile, write a core skills section to make your most relevant skills jump off the page at readers.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills.

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings in your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

Core skills section CV

Important skills for your Merchant Navy CV

Navigation – Utilising marine navigation techniques, including the use of nautical charts, GPS, and electronic navigation systems, to safely navigate vessels.

Seamanship – Handling and maintaining various types of vessels, including ship handling, anchoring, and mooring.

Marine Engineering – Maintaining and repairing shipboard mechanical and electrical systems, engines, and equipment.

Safety Procedures – Utilising knowledge of international maritime safety regulations to implement safety procedures and respond to emergencies.

Marine Communication – Maintaining competency in maritime communication protocols, including the use of radio equipment and satellite communication systems.

Marine Weather Forecasting – Utilising knowledge of weather patterns to interpret weather forecasts for safe navigation and voyage planning.

Cargo Handling – Loading, stowage, and securement of cargo, including knowledge of cargo types, regulations, and safety precautions.

Firefighting and Safety Drills – Training in firefighting techniques to conduct safety drills and response exercises on board.

First Aid and Medical Care – Providing first aid and basic medical care to crew members in emergencies or until professional medical help is available.

Maritime Regulations and Compliance – Utilising knowledge of international maritime laws and regulations, as well as compliance with port authorities, customs, and immigration requirements.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder has thousands of in-demand skills for all industries and professions, that can be added to your CV in seconds – This will save you time and ensure you get noticed by recruiters.

Work experience

By this point, employers will be keen to know more detail about you career history.

Starting with your most recent role and working backwards, create a snappy list of any relevant roles you’ve held.

This could be freelance, voluntary, part-time or temporary jobs too. Anything that’s relevant to your target role is well-worth listing!

Work experience

Structuring each job

Recruiters will be keen to gain a better idea of where you’ve worked and how you apply your skill-set in the workplace.

However, if they’re faced with huge, hard-to-read paragraphs, they may just gloss over it and move onto the next application.

To avoid this, use the simple 3-step role structure, as shown below:

Role descriptions

Start with a brief summary of your role as a whole, as well as the type of company you worked for.

Key responsibilities

Next up, you should write a short list of your day-to-day duties within the job.

Recruiters are most interested in your sector-specific skills and knowledge, so highlight these wherever possible.

Key achievements

Round up each role by listing 1-3 key achievements , accomplishments or results.

Wherever possible, quantify them using hard facts and figures, as this really helps to prove your value.

Sample job description for Merchant Navy CV

Responsible for the safe and efficient operation of commercial vessels, including container ships and oil tankers, across the UK channel and the North Sea as part of the UK’s leading shipping company.

Key Responsibilities

  • Direct the safe loading and unloading of cargo, ensuring proper stowage and securing measures
  • Oversee the vessel’s stability calculations, weight distribution, and ballasting
  • Conduct regular safety meetings and drills to train and prepare the crew for emergency situations
  • Manage crew schedules, assignments, and performance evaluations

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

Although there should be mentions of your highest and most relevant qualifications earlier on in your CV, save your exhaustive list of qualifications for the bottom.

If you’re an experienced candidate, simply include the qualifications that are highly relevant to Merchant Navy roles.

However, less experienced candidates can provide a more thorough list of qualifications, including A-Levels and GCSEs.

You can also dedicate more space to your degree, discussing relevant exams, assignments and modules in more detail, if your target employers consider them to be important.

Hobbies and interests

The hobbies and interests CV section isn’t mandatory, so don’t worry if you’re out of room by this point.

However, if you have an interesting hobby , or an interest that could make you seem more suitable for the role, then certainly think about adding.

Be careful what you include though… Only consider hobbies that exhibit skills that are required for roles as a Merchant Navy, or transferable workplace skills.

There is never any need to tell employers that you like to watch TV and eat out.

Creating a strong Merchant Navy CV requires a blend of punchy content, considered structure and format, and heavy tailoring.

By creating a punchy profile and core skills list, you’ll be able to hook recruiter’s attention and ensure your CV gets read.

Remember that research and relevance is the key to a good CV, so research your target roles before you start writing and pack your CV with relevant skills.

Best of luck with your next application!

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  • Cover Letter Examples
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  • FAQ’s

Marine Resume Examples

Having a great resume is integral when applying for a job in the marine industry. Your resume should showcase your skills, education, and experience, as well as highlight your achievements. Crafting a compelling resume can be challenging, however, as many don’t know how to effectively present information to potential employers in the marine industry. This guide will provide you with essential tips and examples of how to write an effective resume for the marine industry. With these tips, you will be well-prepared to make a great impression on potential employers and take the next step in your career.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


Start building your dream career today! 

Create your professional resume in just 5 minutes with our easy-to-use resume builder!

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I am a highly motivated and organized Marine with 10 years of experience in the military. I have a proven track record of developing and executing strategies to enhance operational effectiveness, and I have extensive knowledge of marine engineering principles and practices. I possess excellent leadership, problem- solving, communication and management skills. My expertise lies in safety and security operations, navigation, navigation systems, and marine engineering. I am looking for a job that will allow me to apply my skills and experience in a new setting.

Core Skills :

  • Safety and security operations
  • Navigation systems
  • Marine engineering
  • Problem solving
  • Communication

Professional Experience :

  • U.S. Marines, May 2010–July 2020
  • Developed and executed effective strategies to enhance operational effectiveness.
  • Utilized navigation systems to navigate ocean pathways and monitor routes.
  • Supported and implemented safety and security operations on marine vessels.
  • Responsible for supervising and managing a team of 12 marine engineers.
  • Worked with a wide array of marine engineering principles and practices.

Education :

  • Florida State University, Bachelor’s in Marine Engineering, 2006–2010
  • Naval NCO Academy, Leadership Course, 2008–2009

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Marine Resume with No Experience

Recent graduate with a degree in marine biology looking to expand my knowledge in the field of marine life. Eager to learn and grow professionally while working towards the preservation of the natural environment.

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite
  • Knowledgeable in marine biology
  • Ability to work well in a team
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Adaptable to new environments
  • Excellent verbal and written communication


  • Conduct research on different marine species
  • Monitor and track the movement of marine life
  • Develop strategies for the preservation of the natural environment
  • Assist in the implementation of conservation initiatives
  • Educate the public on the importance of protecting marine life

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Marine Resume with 2 Years of Experience

Highly experienced Marine Engineer with 2 years of experience in the field. Possess excellent communication, technical and problem solving skills. Demonstrate exceptional ability to analyze complex technical issues and develop effective solutions. Proven record of success in overseeing the maintenance and repair of all engineering systems and components aboard vessels.

  • Project Management
  • Maintenance & Repair
  • Troubleshooting
  • Blueprint Reading
  • Engineering Design
  • Technical Writing
  • Compliance Standards

Responsibilities :

  • Provide technical assistance in the repair, maintenance and installation of all engineering systems and components.
  • Follow all safety procedures to ensure the safety of the vessel and crew.
  • Maintain and repair engines and other mechanical components.
  • Monitor performance of engineering systems and components.
  • Conduct routine inspections of engineering systems and components.
  • Perform necessary operational tests to ensure proper function of engineering systems and components.
  • Maintain engineering schedules and document all maintenance and repairs.

Experience 2+ Years

Marine Resume with 5 Years of Experience

Motivated Marine with five years of experience in maritime operations with a focus on safety and efficiency. Experienced in ship navigation, personnel management, and problem solving. Accustomed to working on tight schedules and in challenging conditions. Aided in the successful launch of numerous ships and vessels and have earned commendations for my work.

  • Personnel Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Risk Assessment
  • Safety Inspections
  • Boat Handling
  • Planned, organized, and managed marine operations.
  • Maintained up- to- date knowledge of tides, weather, and sea conditions.
  • Attended to the needs of the crew, customers, and passengers.
  • Provided professional advice on safe navigation.
  • Monitored safety equipment and ensured it was in good working order.
  • Ensured that vessels were seaworthy and that navigational pathways were clear.
  • Assessed the risk of potential hazards and took action to minimize risk.
  • Conducted regular safety inspections of vessels and equipment.
  • Managed and mentored personnel, ensuring they were properly trained and informed.
  • Operated vessels and boats safely and efficiently.
  • Responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of vessels.

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Marine Resume with 7 Years of Experience

Highly- skilled marine professional with 7 years of experience in the merchant navy industry. Relevant qualifications include a Master of Science degree in Marine Engineering, an Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations and an Advanced Diploma of Marine Engineering. Possesses strong technical, leadership, problem solving and communication skills. Adept at managing teams, ensuring safety and managing projects to successful completion.

  • Technical knowledge and expertise in marine engineering, operations and maintenance
  • Leadership and problem solving abilities
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks and prioritize effectively
  • Strong organizational, time- management and planning skills
  • Carrying out safety and technical inspections to ensure compliance with established standards
  • Managing resources including personnel, equipment, and supplies to achieve project goals
  • Supervising and training personnel on board vessels, ensuring the quality and security of operations
  • Developing and implementing safety protocols and procedures
  • Monitoring the performance of vessels and engines, diagnosing and troubleshooting systems
  • Maintaining records of vessels, personnel and operations
  • Ensuring the safety of passengers and crew
  • Carrying out tests, repairs and maintenance of deck and engine systems

Experience 7+ Years

Marine Resume with 10 Years of Experience

Experienced Marine with 10 years of experience working on various naval vessels, such as submarines, aircraft carriers, and destroyers. Skilled in maintaining and operating all vessel systems, including mechanical, electrical, navigational, and communication. Proven record of consistently providing superior performance and following safety regulations. Possess a firm understanding of the principles of marine engineering, including ship design, propulsion systems, and construction techniques.

  • Operating and maintaining naval vessels
  • Performing routine maintenance on mechanical, electrical, navigational, and communication systems
  • Inspecting and testing vessel systems
  • Adhering to safety regulations and protocols
  • Maintaining the necessary paperwork related to vessel maintenance
  • Inspecting and maintaining propulsion systems, air conditioning systems, generators, and other equipment
  • Performing routine maintenance and repairs on vessel systems
  • Monitoring vessel conditions and systems to identify potential problems
  • Operating navigation systems, sonar, and radar systems
  • Ensuring vessels are operated in accordance with safety regulations and standards
  • Communicating with other vessels and shore stations using radio, satellite, and other communication systems
  • Maintaining accurate records of vessel maintenance and repair work
  • Assisting in the training of new personnel on proper operational procedures and safety protocols

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Marine Resume with 15 Years of Experience

Highly experienced Marine with 15 years of experience in the U.S. Navy, specializing in a wide variety of duties and responsibilities. Certified in navigation, ship handling, seamanship, and leadership, with experience in operations, personnel management, training, command/control, and communications. Proven success in working closely with team members to ensure safety, security, and mission success.

  • Ship Handling
  • Command/Control
  • Communications
  • Navigate ships and craft in all phases of operation
  • Provide leadership and guidance to junior personnel
  • Ensure safety, security, and mission success
  • Maintain operational readiness for vessels and personnel
  • Train personnel in all areas of seamanship, navigation, and ship handling
  • Conduct personnel management duties such as promotions, evaluations, and disciplinary action
  • Develop and maintain standard operating procedures
  • Conduct command and control of vessels during operations
  • Ensure proper communications during operations between vessels and personnel

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Marine resume?

A Marine resume is a document that showcases a potential employee’s military background, skills, and experience. Even if a Marine is transitioning to a new field, the combination of their Marine experience and the experience they gained in their civilian job should be included in their resume.

When writing a Marine resume, there are some key elements that should be included:

  • Personal Information: Start the resume off with your contact details such as your full name, current address, phone number and email.
  • Education: List any certifications, degrees, or training courses you have completed.
  • Work Experience: List any positions you have held in the military, as well as any relevant civilian work experience.
  • Skills & Abilities: Include any special skills or abilities you have developed in the military, such as leadership experience or specialized training.
  • Achievements: List any awards or accomplishments you have earned while in the military.
  • Community Involvement: List any volunteer experience or other community service you have done.
  • References: Include at least two professional references that can speak to your skills and abilities.

By including all the above information in your Marine resume, you’ll be sure to make a great impression and stand out from the crowd.

What is a good summary for a Marine resume?

A good summary for a Marine resume should focus on the Marine’s key accomplishments, areas of expertise, and unique skills. It should highlight their military experience, educational background, and any certifications they have obtained. It should also note any awards or commendations they have received. The summary should be crafted to showcase the Marine’s qualifications, while also communicating their commitment to serving the country. Lastly, it should be concise and written in a clear, concise manner. This will provide a hiring manager with the information they need to make an informed decision about the Marine’s candidacy.

What is a good objective for a Marine resume?

Writing a resume for a Marine position can be a daunting and challenging task. As a Marine, you need to make sure you highlight the skills and experience that will make you stand out to potential employers. Your resume objective is an important part of making sure you get noticed. A good objective statement should explain why you are the right candidate for the job and what qualities you can bring to the position.

A good objective for a Marine resume should include the following:

  • Demonstrate your experience and knowledge in the Marine Corps
  • Showcase your leadership skills and ability to work as part of a team
  • Highlight any relevant certifications or training
  • Display your knowledge of safety regulations and procedures
  • Demonstrate your ability to work in both challenging and stressful situations
  • Emphasize your ability to adapt to different scenarios and environments
  • Express your eagerness to take on new tasks and responsibilities

Having a clear and well-crafted objective statement can make all the difference in making sure you get the attention of potential employers. Make sure you take the time to craft an effective objective statement that best showcases your strengths and qualifications for the Marine position.

How do you list Marine skills on a resume?

It’s important to showcase your Marine skills on your resume if you want to make a good impression. Here’s how to list Marine skills on your resume:

  • Include the relevant job titles. If you served in the Marine Corps, it’s important to list the titles you held in the Corps. Include a brief description of your roles and responsibilities.
  • Highlight any specialized training. If you received specialized training during your time in the Marines, list them on your resume. Be sure to mention any certifications or awards you have received.
  • Showcase leadership experience. The Marine Corps teaches leadership skills and the ability to work in teams. Make sure to highlight any leadership roles you took on in the Marines.
  • Describe interpersonal skills. The Marine Corps teaches interpersonal skills such as communication, problem-solving, and negotiation. Make sure to describe these skills and how you have used them in the workplace.
  • Focus on technical skills. Marine service members are often trained in many technical skills such as weapons handling, driving, and computer programming. Highlight any technical skills that you have learned in the Marines.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your Marine skills are properly highlighted on your resume. Showcasing your Marine skills can help you stand out from other job applicants and get the job you want.

What skills should I put on my resume for Marine?

A marine is an expert in maritime, coastal and shoreline operations. As such, the skills required to be successful in this job are varied and specific. When creating your resume, you should highlight your qualifications and training that demonstrate your capabilities as a marine professional. Here are some skills to consider including on your resume:

  • Seamanship: Knowledge of maritime navigation, piloting, and seamanship, including anchoring, mooring, and vessel maneuvering.
  • Communication: Ability to communicate effectively and work as part of a team.
  • Safety: Extensive knowledge of safety protocols and procedures for marine operations.
  • Mechanical: Ability to identify and troubleshoot mechanical and electrical issues on a marine vessel.
  • Regulatory Knowledge: Understanding of local and international maritime regulations and standards.
  • Cargo Handling: Skills in loading, unloading and storing cargo on board a marine vessel.
  • Marine Navigation: Ability to read and interpret navigation charts and navigational aids.
  • First Aid/CPR: Proficiency in administering first aid and CPR.

By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can demonstrate to employers that you’re capable of succeeding in a marine professional role. Make sure to include any relevant training and certifications you have on your resume as well. Doing this will put you in a great position to land the job you want.

Key takeaways for an Marine resume

If you’re a Marine looking to transition into civilian life, your resume is going to be your main calling card for potential employers. Here are a few key takeaways for creating an impressive Marine resume:

  • Focus on achievements: Your job as a Marine is to accomplish goals, so make sure your resume reflects your successes in whatever positions you’ve held. Emphasize the accomplishments that you’re most proud of, as these will stand out to employers.
  • Highlight relevant skills: Whether you’ve worked in logistics, operations, or intelligence, make sure you identify and emphasize the skills you’ve acquired in the Marine Corps that will be valuable in the civilian job market.
  • Build up your network: Your network is one of your most valuable resources when it comes to finding a job, so make sure you’re putting yourself out there. Use a professional job board like LinkedIn to reach out to both military and civilian contacts.
  • Network with veteran-friendly employers: Not all employers are familiar with military service and its requirements, so it’s important to focus on building relationships with companies that have a strong commitment to hiring veterans.
  • Consider apprenticeships: Apprenticeship programs are a great way to gain valuable experience in a particular field and build up your resume. There are many apprenticeship opportunities available for veterans, so make sure you do your research.
  • Use appropriate keywords: Make sure you’re using keywords that are relevant to your skills and experience, as employers often use these to filter out resumes.
  • Showcase your leadership: If you’ve held positions of leadership in the Marine Corps, make sure you emphasize this on your resume. Employers value leadership experience, so this should play a prominent role in your resume.

By keeping these takeaways in mind, you’ll be able to create an impressive Marine resume that will

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Merchant Seaman Resume Example & Writing Guide

Use this Merchant Seaman resume example and guide to improve your career and write a powerful resume that will separate you from the competition.

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Merchant mariners are the men and women who help transport goods across oceans and seas. They’re the people who load cargo onto vessels, secure it safely onboard, and ensure that it arrives at its destination safely.

If you’re looking for a job that offers a lot of variety and adventure, plus great pay and benefits, then you might consider becoming a merchant seaman yourself. But before you can land your dream job, you need a resume that stands out from the rest.

Follow these tips and resume example to write a merchant marine resume that hiring managers will love.

Seasoned merchant seaman with experience in cargo operations, vessel navigation, and maritime law. Proven ability to handle complex logistical challenges in a fast-paced environment. Seeking a position as a port captain or harbor master.

  • Operated cranes and forklifts to load/unload cargo, transported goods between ships and warehouses
  • Maintained a clean work area by following safety regulations and company policies
  • Communicated with other crew members regarding the location of cargo for loading or unloading
  • Followed instructions from supervisors regarding job duties, deadlines, etc., adhered to all safety rules while performing assigned tasks
  • Performed other duties as assigned such as cleaning ship decks, maintaining equipment, assisting in kitchen operations, etc
  • Assisted in the loading and unloading of cargo from ships, including heavy machinery and hazardous materials
  • Maintained a clean work environment by sweeping decks, washing windows and polishing metal surfaces
  • Operated forklifts to transport large shipments weighing up to 50 tons each
  • Followed all safety procedures while operating equipment on board ship (e.g., life vests, fire extinguishers)
  • Performed maintenance on company-owned vessels as needed; replaced damaged propellers with new ones when necessary
  • Assisted the captain and first mate with all aspects of running the vessel, including navigation, docking, and maintenance.
  • Performed regular cleaning and upkeep of the vessel, both inside and out.
  • Acted as a liaison between the captain and passengers, providing information and assistance as needed.
  • Merchant Mariner Credential
  • STCW Basic Safety Training

Industry Knowledge: Navigation, Ship Handling, Cargo, Security Technical Skills: Microsoft Office Suite Soft Skills: Leadership, Teamwork, Communication, Problem-Solving, Critical Thinking, Time Management

How to Write a Merchant Seaman Resume

Here’s how to write a merchant seaman resume of your own.

Write Compelling Bullet Points

Bullet points are the most effective way to showcase your experience and qualifications. But rather than simply listing your responsibilities, you can make your bullet points much more interesting and compelling by using specific numbers and statistics.

For example, rather than saying you “assisted customers in the store,” you could say that you “assisted 20 customers per hour in the store, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction.”

The second bullet point is much more interesting and provides a clear indication of your level of responsibility and the impact of your work.

Identify and Include Relevant Keywords

When you apply for a merchant seaman role, your resume is likely to go through an applicant tracking system (ATS). This software will look for certain keywords related to the position in order to determine whether or not you’re a good fit. If your resume doesn’t have enough of the right terms, your application might not make it past the initial screening process.

The best way to make sure your resume includes all of the right keywords is to read through a few job postings and take note of the terms that are being used. Then, make sure to include those words throughout all sections of your resume. Here are some of the most common merchant seaman keywords:

  • Logistics Management
  • Operation Planning
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Transportation
  • Forklift Operation
  • International Logistics
  • Negotiation
  • Customer Service
  • Business Planning
  • Inventory Management
  • Microsoft Access
  • SAP Products
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Strategic Planning
  • Project Planning
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Organization Skills
  • Project Management
  • Team Leadership
  • Cooperation
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Showcase Your Technical Skills

As a merchant seaman, you will be responsible for operating and maintaining the various systems on board the ship. This will include the navigation, communication, and propulsion systems. You will need to be familiar with the various software programs used to operate these systems, as well as the hardware components.

Some of the most commonly used software programs include:

– Navigation: ECDIS, GPS, AIS – Communication: VHF, HF, UHF – Propulsion: Engine control systems, fuel management systems

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Susan Shor

Seaman resume examples & templates

Seaman resume examples & templates

Understanding the job market

You know how to keep things ship-shape. In fact, that’s your job! Now it’s time to take a new tack in your career. Perhaps you have finished your tour with the Navy and are looking for civilian work at a shipyard or on a commercial or passenger ship.

Entry-level Seaman Resume Example

Your expertise may lie in ship repair, maintenance or operation. Whether your skillset is full to the gunwales or you are just starting out, you need to get noticed and grab that interview. How? With this guide and our adaptable seaman resume example. has the tools you need to present a first-rate image of yourself. Our adaptable seaman resume examples , templates and this guide will teach you how to:

  • Choose the best layout to highlight your professionalism
  • Write a profile that fits the bill
  • Elevate your employment history beyond the routine
  • Focus on the skills that show you know the ropes.

What does a seaman or seafarer do?

A seaman or seafarer is a person who operates ships, and may be employed by the navy as a sailor or by a private company. You must be skilled in seamanship and be able to assist in the navigation of ships during voyages. 

As a seafarer, you may work on ships that transport passengers or cargo from one place to another. seaman may have a combination or short and long trips, depending upon the nature of the voyage. They might operate ships for leisure, commercial, or business purposes. 

The main goal of a seaman is to safely transport passengers or cargo in a timely manner. In order to do so, they must check weather patterns and communicate with safety professionals to ensure a safe sailing pattern. Some seafarers choose shore-based positions.

Ranks of Seamen/Seafarers

Each of these titles holds different responsibilities. All report to the Master, who, in turn, reports to the ship’s owner.

  • Chief Mate (also called Chief Officer), Second Mate (also called Second Officer), Third Mate (also called Third Officer)
  • Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, Third Engineer, Fourth Engineer
  • Engine Cadet
  • Electrician
  • Boatswain (also called Bosun /Deck Foreman)
  • Able-Bodied Seaman (AB) (also called Quartermaster)
  • Ordinary Seaman (OS)
  • Wiper (also called Motorman)
  • Chief Cook and Steward

Ready to take the world by storm or your next voyage? See our other transportation resume examples listed here below - and get inspired to write your own.

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The job market for those yearning for the open seas is tight. Supply chain efficiencies and demand for products that must be shipped in cargo containers, such as iron ore, grain and petroleum products have a great influence over jobs both on the ocean and in shipyards.

Your prospects are likely to come from retiring marine workers or those who decide to switch careers. The good news here is that if you are skilled, you are one of only a few qualified to do the work. Make sure your resume example proves beyond any doubt that you are the best person to fill the spot.

With the cruise industry shut down, your prospects may be limited for now, but as travel expands, you will find more opportunities.

Economic recovery from Covid-19 is an unexpected boost for water workers. While last year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , anticipated job losses or meager growth, it now projects that the number of jobs for captains, mates and pilots of water vessels will leap by 4,000 jobs through 2030 and the number of jobs for sailors and marine oilers will grow by 2,700 positions.

How to write a seaman resume 

Your seafarer resume sample should follow a standard format with the following sections:

  • The resume header
  • The resume summary (aka profile or personal statement)
  • The employment history section
  • The resume skills section
  • The education section

Your job is to convince hiring managers that you are the right person for the job. Your knowledge of the sea and ships is deep and you want to show it off. Using strong descriptive language, without crossing the line into bragging territory will make your seaman resume sample a convincing one.

Choosing the best resume format for a seaman 

Most resumes follow the standard reverse chronological order format. Why? It makes it easier for recruiters to scan for relevant information. If this is your first job or you're switching careers, you may consider hybrid resume formats.

The functional resume format is best reserved for highly technical professionals or specialists, since it emphasizes niche or complex skills. 

Resume summary example

Your seafarer profile is your opportunity to show your true colors. You’ll be working in close quarters with many different types of people, so a personality fit is crucial, but you also have to press your biggest achievements into service.

You have about four lines of type to explain your work philosophy, how you collaborate with other mates and brag a bit about your seaworthy accomplishments. Don’t neglect to mention your love of the open seas. Read through this seaman resume example text for a profile to get you started or click over to our transportation resume samples for more ideas.

Experienced seaman with a proven track record of successfully operating and supervising boating excursions. Experienced in directing ships transporting bulk materials and goods, as well as ships transporting passengers. Committed to ensuring the safety of crew and passengers while at sea, and adept in monitoring and maintaining the proper function of ships. Driven and enthusiastic, with a passion for life at sea.

Getting past the Applicant Tracking System

ATS software is used to sort and scan resumes. In addition to inputting your data into the human resources system, the ATS ranks your resume by scanning for keywords and phrases pegged to the job. 

Increase your chances of passing the ATS hurdle by analyzing the job listing and noting any skills and requirements. Cross-reference those words and phrases with your resume. Make sure any skills you have that are mentioned in the listing are also in your resume. Use the exact phrasing when possible. Then, use both acronyms and the full names of organization, certificates, etc., just to make sure the ATS catches them. 

A final word of advice: Don’t leave important information for your cover letter (but do check out our cover letter templates and examples here). The ATS may not scan it or rank it as highly.

Employment history sample: your experience fits the bill

Your employment history section is the sea shanty of your success. You may not be singing your praises, but you should be focusing your job descriptions on all your accomplishments as well as your responsibilities. Use powerful action verbs and remember that data and specifics make your case much more strongly than generalities.

If you completed an apprenticeship, you may also list that here.

Your goal here is to show a pattern of growth in responsibility and knowledge.

Use the seaman resume sample content below as a guide.

  • Worked as a seaman shipping cargo to and from locations spanning 100 miles.
  • Inspected boats and performed minor maintenance when necessary.
  • Worked well with other crew members and followed safety guidelines.
  • Handled paperwork and collected payment and receipts during deliveries.
  • Remained informed about weather patterns and planned trips accordingly.

CV skills example: focus on the role you want

The skills section of your seaman CV will depend heavily on the position you seek. Seamen all need general knowledge of marine vessels, physical strength and stamina and communication skills, but you also need to match the skills and attributes on your CV to your desired job.

For example, an able-bodied seaman steers vessels, docks and undocks, and acts as general assistant to the mate, Maritide describes. With experience, they may take on a supervisory role. If you are looking for an entry-level position, you may be applying for an ordinary seaman job. Skills required for that job include upkeep of the ship, acting as lookout and helping load and secure cargo, according to Maritime Professional .

Check out part of our seaman resume sample below.

  • Leadership Skills
  • Knowledge of Marine Vessels
  • Strong Communication Skills
  • Physical Stamina
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Knowledge of Math and Physics

Seaman resume education section 

Your education section is a straightforward listing of your academic and professional education. There are many channels to becoming a seafarer. You may have joined the Navy right out of high school or earned a college degree in maritime studies. If you have an STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping), include that here. Any honors or distinctions should be noted here as well. If you hold a degree higher than a bachelor's, you may leave out your high school. 

The Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies ( MITAGS ) lists the different degree and certificate programs you may have or may want to obtain to advance your career.

Use the seaman resume example text below to format your education section.

  • 2001-2005 SUNY Maritime College, Marine Engineering Throggs Neck, NY
  • 1997-2001 Glenoake High School, High School Diploma Glenoake, OH

Resume layout and design

A clean resume layout and design is one of the best things you can do to make a great first impression in this competitive industry. For a seaman resume sample, there's no need to include many colors, graphics or images. A simple yet eye-catching header and a neutral color palette will make you stand out as a polished and professional candidate. If you need help creating a design, try one of our resume templates which allow you to format a professional seaman resume sample in just a few clicks.

A seaman resume format must muster crisply and cleanly. Since your seaman resume is the first impression your prospective employer will get of you, your layout and design must also look crisp and clean. Check out our seaman resume examples and templates for ideas.

Recruiters will scan for some key data first:

  • Your contact information (including your LinkedIn profile if it is up-to-date)
  • Your current job and title
  • Your previous job and title.

Make sure these items stand out. Use the standard headings you will find in our resume examples so recruiters don’t have to guess what each section is and leave plenty of white space to keep it legible.

  • Stick with classic, easy-to-read fonts
  • Make sure you have a friend or colleague proofread before you hit send.
  • Do not include a photo or any graphics
  • Go overboard with colors or design elements

Key takeaways for a seafarer resume

  • Your profile shows the cut of your jib
  • Use keywords and phrases strategically to beat the ATS
  • Your employment history should describe your career from stem to stern
  • Align your skills section with the job listing
  • Check out our seaman resume sample for more ideas on creating a great layout and design.

Beautiful ready-to-use resume templates

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Merchant Navy Officer CV Sample

A Merchant Navy Officer plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe and efficient operation of ships. This comprehensive CV sample for a Merchant Navy Officer showcases the candidate's qualifications, experience, and certifications in the maritime industry.

The sample highlights the individual's educational background, including a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering and completion of a Merchant Navy Cadet Training Program. It also emphasizes relevant certifications such as a Master Mariner License and various safety training courses. The extensive experience section demonstrates the candidate's ability to manage and oversee vessel operations, lead teams, and maintain compliance with international maritime regulations.

The CV sample also includes a skills section, highlighting the candidate's knowledge of industry regulations, leadership abilities, and effective communication skills. References are available upon request. This CV sample is designed to impress potential employers and showcase the candidate's expertise in the Merchant Navy field.

Merchant Navy Officer CV Example

This Merchant Navy Officer CV sample uses a simple format that will guide you in writing a perfect CV for your job applications.

Customize it with your own details and experiences to create a personalized and professional CV/resume. Make sure to highlight your specific achievements and accomplishments that align with the job requirements.

If you'd like to add more style and formatting to this CV, take a look at our CV templates and formats .

123 Main Street, City, State, ZIP Code

Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

Highly motivated and experienced Merchant Navy Officer with a strong background in maritime operations and vessel management. Seeking a challenging position that allows me to utilize my skills and expertise to ensure the safe and efficient operation of ships and contribute to the success of the organization.

  • Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering - XYZ University, City, State (Year)
  • Merchant Navy Cadet Training Program - ABC Maritime Academy, City, State (Year)


  • Master Mariner License - Issuing Authority (Year)
  • Advanced Firefighting - Issuing Authority (Year)
  • Medical First Aid - Issuing Authority (Year)
  • Personal Survival Techniques - Issuing Authority (Year)
  • Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats - Issuing Authority (Year)

Merchant Navy Officer - XYZ Shipping Company, City, State (Year - Present)

  • Manage and oversee the safe navigation and operation of vessels, ensuring compliance with international maritime regulations and company policies.
  • Supervise and lead a team of seafarers, providing guidance and training to ensure efficient performance and adherence to safety protocols.
  • Maintain accurate records of vessel activities, including cargo operations, maintenance, and crew management.
  • Coordinate with port authorities, suppliers, and other stakeholders to ensure smooth operations and timely delivery of goods.
  • Conduct regular safety drills and inspections to ensure the readiness of emergency equipment and adherence to safety procedures.

Third Officer - ABC Shipping Company, City, State (Year - Year)

  • Assisted in the navigation and operation of vessels, including watchkeeping, chart plotting, and maintaining communication with other ships and shore-based facilities.
  • Conducted routine inspections and maintenance of safety equipment, ensuring compliance with international regulations.
  • Assisted in cargo operations, including loading, unloading, and securing of cargo.
  • Participated in emergency response drills and exercises to enhance preparedness and response capabilities.
  • Strong knowledge of international maritime regulations and industry best practices.
  • Excellent leadership and team management abilities.
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Proficient in navigation and ship handling.
  • Sound decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Available upon request.

View all CV Samples

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Merchant Navy Officer Interview questions

Merchant Navy Officer Salary in Nigeria

Merchant Navy Officer Job description

Ordinary Seaman Resume Samples

An Ordinary Seaman takes responsibility for working on a ship to become an able seaman . Primary responsibilities seen on the Ordinary Seaman Resume are – working towards certification to become an able seaman, watching the deck department, working with bridge equipment; cleaning and performing ship maintenance, working with deck equipment; identifying and removing rust accumulations ; scaling and buffing, and painting decks; scrubbing and washing the deck, splicing wire and rope; breaking out and rigging; securing and fastening cargo to ship; loosening cargo at the end, and launching and recovering boats.

To become one, the person should be a citizen of the country and possess a Merchant Mariner’s Document issued by the Coast Guards that provides information about the applicant’s age, health, and citizenship. They should also pass the physical and drug tests, and pass the FBI check as well. As the job needs a high level of physical activity, most companies require a clean bill of health and the capacity to lift at least 50 pounds.

Ordinary Seaman Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Ordinary Seaman

Ordinary Seaman Resume

Objective : To acquire an Ordinary Seaman position in a growing company that will allow me to use all my training, management, and leadership skills I have acquired, along with having a good work-life balance.

Skills : Fire Suppression, MS Office, Communication Skills.

Ordinary Seaman Resume Format

Description :

  • Loaded or unloaded materials from vessels.
  • Handled lines to moor vessels to wharves, to tie up vessels to other vessels, or to rig towing lines.
  • Operated, maintained, or repaired ship equipment, such as winches, cranes, derricks, or weapons system.
  • Cleaned rust spots on decks, superstructures, or sides of ships, using wire brushes and hand or air chipping machines.
  • Performed general cleaning, maintenance, and labor duties o Painted all interior and exterior surfaces and equipment o Assisted in the care.
  • Kept lines, hoses, slings, etc.
  • Repaired ropes, wire cables, or cordage, using marlinespikes, wire cutters, twine, and hand tools.

Objective : Seeking an Ordinary Seaman career that utilizes my skills in my area of competence and enriches my knowledge, and gives me a chance to be part of a team that contributes towards the growth of an organization.

Skills : Customer Service Experience, Data Entry, Typing.

Ordinary Seaman Resume Template

  • Performed daily sanitary duties onboard vessels.
  • Performed deck maintenance work as directed.
  • Assisted as directed in making/breaking tows.
  • Assisted in unloading/loading barges as directed.
  • Assisted in vessel mooring operations as directed.
  • Performed miscellaneous tasks as needed.
  • Participated in safety training and drills as required.

Objective : Safety-oriented, well experience about proper handling of heavy machinery. Works well independently and as a part of a team. Adapts quickly to the changing needs of the workplace as well as with the co-workers. Extensively trained in deck maintenance such as ( painting, chipping, and etc. ) Reliable and punctual with a strong background in the maritime industry.

Skills : Ordinary-seaman, Able seaman, MS Office.

Ordinary Seaman Resume Format

  • Performed minor meter maintenance and repair.
  • Able to continue working efficiently even during extreme temperatures and/or unfavorable weather conditions.
  • Performed common labor tasks in handling cargo of toxic chemicals.
  • Worked on a jack-up ship, duties included anywhere from painting, grinding, operating needle gun on rust as well as a crane operator.
  • Trained on applicable pollution regulations, procedures for discharge containment, and approved methodologies for the disposal of sludge material from cargo and fueling operations.
  • Inspected material and equipment for defects.
  • Performed routine deck maintenance functions such as repair, sanitation, and upkeep of assigned areas.

Objective : Ordinary Seaman with 2 years of experience in Assisting in handling and operating of all deck gear such as topping cradling and housing of the booms and may assist in carpentry work, etc,.

Ordinary Seaman Resume Sample

  • Traveled through the local city taking accurate readings of water consumption.
  • Followed assigned routes and read meters at residences and businesses, recording volume of water used over a certain time frame.
  • Maintained excellent time management skills to ensure the completion of daily route assignments.
  • Provided notification of high or unusual consumption levels.
  • Ensured effective security controls in place to identify any potential meter tampering.
  • Inspected meters and connections to ensure working properly.
  • Weared inspected and cared for required personal protective equipment.

Objective : As an Ordinary Seaman, responsible for Interacting with customers to provide information in response to inquires about product and services and to handle and resolve complaints.Assisting customer with credit applications getting them approved for credit.

Skills : MS Office, Time Management, Clerk.

Ordinary Seaman Resume Example

  • Directly assisted the able-bodied seaman and operated as the deck utility man.
  • Observed gauges and operated valves to regulate heat and flow of cargo in tanks.
  • Transferred fuel, unloaded barges, and performed rigging operations.
  • Regularly called upon to stand lookout and report any hazards to the chief mate.
  • Called the watch for deck crew members and officers.
  • Assisted in emergency drills and typically handled the lines in the mooring of the ship.
  • Assisted the vessel carpenter by removing rust, mixing paint, and cleaning the hull daily.

Objective : Seeking an Ordinary Seaman position with an outstanding career opportunity that will offer a rewarding work environment along with a winning team that will fully utilize management skills.

Skills : Manual Labor, Handling Hazardous Materials And Chemicals, Power And Equipment Operation, Maintenance.

Ordinary Seaman Resume Sample

  • Operated Cranes aboard the vessel.
  • Picked up equipment and brought it to/from the vessel.
  • Maintained government-issued certifications, as required.
  • Maintained the cleanliness of the vessel.
  • Assisted the Engineer with maintaining the equipment and cleanliness of the engine rooms.
  • Performed a full range of housekeeping duties on the inner cabins of vessels to keep them clean, safe, and in good order including cleaning toilets.
  • Responsible for general maintenance consists of, but is not limited to: chipping, scaling, scraping, priming, painting, sounding, and or cleaning.

Summary : To obtain an Ordinary Seaman position with a growing company to utilize my skills and qualifications while at the same time gain further experience while enhancing the company's productivity.

Skills : Teamwork, Written Communication, Oral Communication, Loading And Unloading, Packing And Shipping.

Ordinary Seaman Resume Model

  • Performed routine ship maintenance such as scrub deck areas and clean crew quarters, coil and splice lines and cables, and operate winches.
  • Operated forklift truck Participating in hands-on unrep evolutions transporting cargo from one ship to another.
  • Worked on ammunition ships palletizing and staging ammunition such as missiles nuclear bombs and poison gases inside a weapon station base.
  • Regularly checked cargo for wear and tear, broken or compromised securements, shifting, or any other sort of noncompliance.
  • Performed a variety of duties concerned with the operation and upkeep of deck department areas and equipment.
  • Responsible for painting and maintaining proper coatings onboard the rig Needlegunning, chipping and sanding around the rig Perform general.
  • Performed general cleaning, maintenance, and all manual labor duties assigned.

Objective : Motivated and highly productive Ordinary Seaman professional with a research background. Detail-oriented with strong skills in multi-tasking and efficient management of day-to-day office operations. Adept at building and maintaining effective working relationships with co-workers and outstanding interpersonal skills.

Skills : Hydraulics, Construction, Mechanically Inclined, Maintenance, Computer, Communication, Electrical, Welding, HVAC.

Ordinary Seaman Resume Sample

  • Identified strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, and/or approaches to problems.
  • Studied the costs and benefits of potential actions.
  • Selected the most appropriate cost method based on research/historical data Identified complex problems and reviewed related information.
  • Loaded, unloaded, and stowed supplies and equipment.
  • Operated winches and other deck equipment.
  • Loaded and unloaded cargo using cranes and forklifts Secured cargo using chain binders and straps Opened and closed ship bored hatches Performed.
  • Maintained of decks by means of pressure wash, sanding, and needle gun, and paint.

Objective : Over 1-year offshore experience. Knowledge & experience in the offshore industry with at least 5 years experience in a similar Mechanical role, etc,.

Skills : Safe Navigation Of Various Vessels, Cargo Handling, And Operations.

Ordinary Seaman Resume Template

  • Served as a Merchant Mariner on the M/V Patriot a 47,000 gross tonnage Ro/Ro vehicle and heavy cargo transport.
  • Worked with break out, rig, overhaul and slow cargo-handling gear, stationary rigging, and running gear.
  • Performed repair, sanitation, upkeep of material, equipment, and areas of the Deck Department Performed duties of chipping, scaling, scraping.
  • Checked safety equipment, operate a crane to load and offload boats.
  • Provided hospitality services such as table preparation, bar service, and cabin care for patrons.
  • Attached runners, weights, buoys, anchors, poles, stakes, wood or metal beams to nets, traps or pots.
  • Sorted, cleaned, processed, preserved, and packaged catches.

Objective : Ordinary Seaman with 2+ years of experience in assisting in the maintenance operation of the Research Vessel (R/V) Elakha in a safe, efficient, and effective manner, under the immediate supervision of the Ships Master.

Skills : Ordinary Seaman, Plumbing, MS Office.

Ordinary Seaman Resume Example

  • Assisted in training new crew members of deck crew work Monitor ship interior and exterior decks for any maintenance that needed attention light fixtures, overflow of toilets, replacing windows, installing carpet, etc.
  • Assisted captain in helm watch in the navigating of the ship Operating Lift crane ascending and descending lifeboat for tender operation Maintain cleanliness to the interior and exterior and the upkeep of the vessel; panting, chipping, washing, Lifting 50lbs to 75lbs in transportation boxes, gangways, removing trash in both interior and exterior of the ship.
  • Able to work 40 hours or more work well in a fast-paced environment on time able to read and write and comprehend orders knowledge in emergency procedures.
  • Able to rig heavy equipment and willing to relocate.
  • Responsible for, ensuring personnel knows his or her role in emergency situations (fire, man overboard, & abandon ship.
  • Maintained a clean outer appearance of the vessel.
  • Cleaned and maintained a sanitized living condition on the inside of the vessel.

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Merchant Navy Officer Resume Format For Fresher And Experience

Resume format for merchant navy officer freshers.

A shorter alternative is simply vita, the Latin for "life". In popular usage curriculum vitæ is often written "curriculum vitae". The plural of curriculum vitæ is formed following Latin rules of grammar as curricula vitæ (meaning "courses of life") - not curriculum vita (meaning ~ "curriculum life"). The form vitæ is the genitive of vita, and so is translated "of life". In current usage curriculum is less marked as a foreign loanword, and so the plural of curriculum on its own is sometimes written as "curriculums", rather than the traditional curricula; nevertheless, the phrase "curriculums vita" is avoided, because vita remains strongly marked as a foreign loanword. Every good merchant navy officer resume need a good cover letter for merchant navy officer fresher too.

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The merchant navy officer resume uses a combination of executive summary and bulleted highlights to summarize the writers qualifications. The summary also emphasizes skills in team leadership and problem solving while outlining specific industry experience in pharmaceuticals, consumer products, software and telecommunications.

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CURRICULUM VITAE (Seaman Application Form) Personal Date Certificate Of Competency No Certificate Number Place & Date of Issued Expired Date 1 Deck Officer Class IV 6202000648N42416 Certificate Of Proficiency

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