harvard phd application political science

Information for prospective graduate students

Like all of my colleagues, I receive a large number of email queries from prospective students about the application process to Harvard's Government Department. In case it's helpful, then, a couple of pieces of advice specific to the graduate program here at Harvard, before some more general advice about graduate school applications, including some thoughts from friends and colleagues in the discipline:

You may wish to consult the information posted on the Government department website , which has more details about the program and admissions process, as well as descriptions of research interests of current graduate students and faculty members. Unlike PhD programs in other disciplines/countries, our admissions process does not rely on faculty sponsors: that is, if you’re admitted, you’re admitted to the program more generally, rather than to work with a specific faculty member. In this sense, because the admissions process is centralized, and there aren't particular slots reserved for particular supervisors, you don’t need to go through the hassle of contacting individual faculty members to tell them that you're applying, ask them if they're taking graduate students (we are!), or ask them to sign off on your application or research interests. (There is a misperception that contacting faculty of interest increases your odds of getting in; it does not. The application website at Harvard includes a box where applicants can indicate which faculty they've been in touch with, but to my knowledge, no one looks at this.) Similarly, the sheer number of applications we receive (in a 1993 PS article, King, Bruce and Gilligan report the Government department was receiving ~700 applications a year) means that it's logistically impossible for us to meet with all of the prospective applicants who might wish to do so. The good news is that because the admissions process is centralized, this isn't something you need to do anyway! If you're admitted to the program, we'll fly you in to meet with us, so you'll have ample chance to meet with us then, figure out if the program is a good fit, and so on.

General advice about graduate school applications in political science

One of the challenges about offering more general advice about applying to PhD programs in political science is that the process is so idiosyncratic, both across subfields (a competitive file in political theory might look very different than in American politics), across institutions (some schools care a lot about subfield divisions, and others don't believe in subfields altogether), across time (who happens to be on the admissions committee that year often determines which files make it to the top), and across space (the information below is probably the most useful for applications to schools in the United States). Moreover, given structural changes in post-secondary education that have shrunk the size of the academic job market, there are plenty of good arguments against doing a PhD! The advice below, then, is focused less on the question of whether you should apply to PhD programs (though some of the advice from colleagues below speaks to this point), and more on demystifying the admissions process itself. In general you can think of graduate school applications as a signaling problem. Admissions committees are looking through hundreds upon hundreds of applications spanning thousands upon thousands of pages, trying to predict from your file whether you'll be able to succeed in their graduate program. At many of the top PhD programs, then, it's not about trying to figure out whether you're smart, but about trying to figure out if you're ready. So, committees are going to be looking for signals to help gauge how ready you are, both in your materials, and in letters from your letter writers. Here are a couple of things I wish I knew about this process when I was applying to graduate school.

Signaling you understand the field

Sometimes advisors will tell you about the importance of asking an interesting question in your research statement, but this isn't very actionable advice, because few of us deliberately study things we think are boring — and how do you know if your question will count as interesting to admissions committees? A better way to think about this is as an encouragement to do some reading. Academic disciplines are collective enterprises, in which scholarship is produced in conversation with others. Your research statement is a chance to show that you understand where the conversation is going. If you take a look at the recent books published in your subfield of interest at Princeton University Press or Cambridge University Press , for example, and read the first chapters of the ones that interest you (often times the first chapters are available free online!), what sorts of questions are they about? Take a look at articles published recently in the journals where the faculty you want to work have published. If some of them seems interesting to you, read them, along with some of the other articles they cite. Read pieces written by the faculty you want to work with too. The more you read, the better the sense you'll have of the landscape of the field, and the better sense you'll have about how to "sell" your interests. This is also helpful because sometimes the way we're exposed to the field in the introductory undergraduate classes that first hook us on the topic may not represent the state of the discipline. Similarly, when I was applying to PhD programs, the field looked very different in Canada, where I was from, than in the United States. You should ask one of your advisers to take a look at your research statement to solicit their feedback before you send off your application. Signaling you understand the field also matters in other ways: in your statement of purpose, if all of the faculty members you indicate you're interested in working with are outside of your subfield of interest, or who do work of a very different style (e.g. you want to do game theory, and they do critical theory, or vice versa), or are all in a different department, that can be a sign to admissions committees that you haven't done your homework.

Signaling you understand how to do research

If being a successful undergraduate student is typically about being a skilled consumer of research, being a successful graduate student is typically about being a skilled producer of research. Having previous research experience is valuable not only because it will teach you whether you really want to apply for grad school in the first place, but also because it will help you better understand the field , help you produce a strong writing sample , and help you get stronger letters . Not everyone gets the chance to do a lot of research in college, but research experience can take a variety of forms, from writing a senior or master's thesis, to working as a research assistant, either in college or afterwards. The kind of research experience you'd want to have is likely is going to vary based on the kind of work you're interested in doing (e.g. in parts of comparative politics, many applicants often have spent a year working as an RA or predoctoral associate running studies and analyzing data, which isn't necessarily the norm in quadrants of the field that don't rely as heavily on field experiments), but more experience is usually better than less. There are also a number of programs that offer research opportunities to college graduates from historically underrepresented groups. If this applies to you, you should speak to one of your advisers.

What makes an informative writing sample?

Some writing samples are more informative than others. If possible, your writing sample should be a solo-authored piece (i.e., isn't coauthored with one of your advisors, whereupon admissions committees might be unsure about how much of the work you did, even if you did the whole thing!), written in the subfield you're interested in studying (i.e. if you want to study American politics, your writing sample should ideally be about American politics, not IR). Ideally, it should also be consistent with the norms of academic research in whatever subfield you're studying (for most subfields, it shouldn't just be a literature review, political commentary, or a book report, say).

What makes a useful letter of reference?

The most helpful letters come from faculty members who can speak to your ability to conduct academic research in the discipline you want to study. Letters from celebrities, politicians, your boss in a non-research-based job, and so on, are going to be less useful to you, since they can't credibly speak to what you need your letters to speak to. This is another reason why having research experience before applying to graduate school is useful, since letter writers who you work as a research assistant for are well positioned to speak to your abilities in this front. Similarly, although it's not at all the case that you need to be a political science major in college in order to get into political science PhD programs, you do want to have at least one of your letters come from a political scientist, ideally in the subfield you want to study. (Chemists and comparative literature professors, say, can speak to your ability to do research, but not necessarily your ability to conduct research in political science).

Strong GRE scores

When I was applying to graduate school, I assumed that everyone understood that standardized tests were noisy and imperfect measures and that admissions committees wouldn't place much weight on them. Suffice it to say, the admissions committees at the schools I applied to disagreed! Regardless of how much weight committees should place on the GRE (although many critiques of the diagnostic value of the GRE suffer from some methodological flaws ), however, many do take them into account (although some departments have made them optional in recent cycles). For those programs that do require GREs, these scores are useful because they provide one of the few metrics in common across files that typically differ from one another along a large number of dimensions. (When I'm on admissions, I might not know how to compare a 3.9 GPA at school X with a 3.7 GPA in a different program of study at school Y, but I know how to compare a 168 GRE with a 160). You're unlikely to get into a graduate program just because of your GRE score (we reject applicants with 170/170 GREs all the time!), but doing well on the GRE (especially the quantitative score, since that's the part of the test that applicants tend to perform the most poorly on in relative terms) will be helpful. What counts as doing well will depend on the program to which you're applying (see some of the suggestions below for details).

Skills relevant to your proposed program of study

To some extent, your GPA matters less than the courses you've taken, or skills you've acquired. Admissions committees want to know whether you have the skills you need to do the research you're interested in. If you're interested in doing political economy-style work, a 4.0 GPA without any economics or math classes will be less helpful than a lower GPA that includes more technical coursework. Similarly, it's hard to study East Asian politics if you don't speak or have never studied any East Asian languages.

Additional resources

Finally, a number of friends and colleagues in the discipline have put together some helpful resources with advice about applying to PhD programs in political science in general, and in international relations in particular: "Should I Get a PhD?" is an interview-based site run by Tim Hopper that isn't specific to political science, but offers lots of helpful suggestions more generally about the more fundamental question of whether you should apply for a PhD in the first place. Dan Nexon has helpful advice at the Duck of Minerva on applying for a PhD in political science, and how to make your application more competitive. Nuno Monteiro has great advice both on how to decide whether to go to graduate school, and the tradeoffs between PhD programs (like those offered by the Government department) and MA programs (which the Government department doesn't currently offer as a standalone degree). Erica Chenoweth has similarly helpful advice; her discussion of the difference between policy-oriented degrees (like those offered at the Harvard Kennedy School ) versus academic degrees (like those offered in the Government department) is especially valuable. Steven Wilkinson has useful advice especially relevant for international applicants. Terri E. Givens has a series of helpful articles at Inside Higher Education on her graduate school experiences, especially relevant for first-generation students, and students of color. Duke's Sociology Department has a helpful FAQ page that's technically about applying to sociology PhD programs, but many of its suggestions apply to social science PhD programs more generally. Dan Drezner has a series of helpful posts at Foreign Policy on PhD programs in political science: see here for advice for undergraduates , here for advice for students who have already graduated , and here for advice on PhD applications for aspiring policymakers . Erin Simpson and Andrew Exum have helpful advice on the CNAS blog from the perspective of policymakers. Bradley Potter, Nathaniel Allen, and Torrey Taussig have helpful advice at War on the Rocks about good and not-so-good reasons to pursue a policy-oriented PhD. Chris Blattman has extensive advice on many of the above topics from a political economy perspective. Cyrus Samii has helpful advice on much of the above; his advice about applying to "boutique" departments is also particularly helpful. Justin Esarey has a helpful post on The Political Methodologist about how to know whether to apply to grad school in the first place, and if so, how to choose where to apply. Austin Carson has helpful advice on whether to go to grad school, along with what to do when you get there. Once you've been admitted to a PhD program, Chris Kennedy has useful advice about how to prepare for your first semester. Finally, here's some advice for early career researchers I was asked to put together by International Society of Political Psychology's Early Career Committee .

Program finder image


The concentration in Government introduces students to the discipline of political science: the study of power in all of its many forms and consequences. The program aims both to prepare students to lead engaged civic lives and to introduce them to the ways in which political scientists explain and analyze the social and political world around them.

The Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree is designed for industry professionals with years of work experience who wish to complete their degrees part time, both on campus and online, without disruption to their employment. Our typical student is over 30, has previously completed one or two years of college, and works full time.

Harvard University’s Department of Government is dedicated to excellence in all fields of political science and encourages diverse approaches to scholarship. Students in the Department of Government pursue a wide variety of approaches to the study of politics and have the opportunity to define and explore their own questions about politics and government.

Students enrolled in the Master of Liberal Arts program in Government will explore the institutions of government, politics, policy, and the systems used to govern communities and nation-states. In this graduate degree program, students gain a deeper understanding of the complex role of governmental organizations within society.


Books on a Bookshelf

The Graduate Student Dissertation

A student is required to demonstrate ability to perform original research in political science by writing a dissertation that makes a significant contribution to knowledge in the field. The requirement may also be fulfilled in the form of a three-article dissertation by approval of the dissertation committee.

Dissertations must be approved by three committee members, two of whom must be faculty members of the Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The chair must be a member of the Department of Government. Any member of the committee who is not a member of the department must be approved by the dissertation chair. Dissertations must be approved for defense by the committee. The final copies of the dissertation must conform to the requirements described online in  The Form of the PhD Dissertation .

Special Examination

After the dissertation has been approved, and after all other degree requirements have been met, a student will take the “special” oral examination, or defense. This examination is focused on the dissertation and on the relevant special field, which is ordinarily one of the fields that the student presented in the general examination, or an approved portion of that field.

Students who defend their dissertation later than six years after taking the general examination must re-take the focus field of the general examination. Approved parental leave extends this period by one year per child, but no other reason for leave does.

Depositing Dissertation Data

Students are required to make available to the  Harvard-MIT Data Center  all of the quantitative data they have compiled in machine-readable form (together with accompanying explanatory materials) upon which the findings in their dissertation depend. These data will be made available to other users five years after receipt of PhD or sooner, if the PhD recipient permits.

Ten-Year Enrollment Cap

An overall Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) policy has been established that students ordinarily will not be permitted to register beyond their tenth year in the Graduate School. However, exceptions to this rule may be made for students who have taken medical or parental leave or for students with other special circumstances. However, according to GSAS policy, the number of G8s and above may impact the number of offers made during admissions. Students who are administratively withdrawn are free to apply for readmission to GSAS, so as to re-register for the purpose of receiving the degree, when their dissertation is completed.

Politics and Institutions Track

In this section.

  • Degree Requirements
  • What We Look For

The Politics and Institutions track provides a curriculum for students interested in a rigorous program of study and research on international or domestic politics and institutions as these issues relate to major public policy issues in the U.S. and around the world.  

Graduates will be prepared for academic research and teaching positions in schools of public policy and disciplinary departments such as, but not limited to, political science and history, as well as policy positions in national governments, research centers, and international institutions.  

HKS offers a strong cadre of faculty across multiple social science disciplines specializing in politics and institutions, renowned and dynamic research centers, and a unique interdisciplinary atmosphere of scholars and practitioners with expertise in diverse fields. In addition to research opportunities with leading scholars, the PhD program offers training in teaching as well as in public policy writing and communication.

PhD Program Requirements

  • Introduction

Harvard Griffin GSAS strives to provide students with timely, accurate, and clear information. If you need help understanding a specific policy, please contact the office that administers that policy.

  • Application for Degree
  • Credit for Completed Graduate Work
  • Ad Hoc Degree Programs
  • Dissertations
  • English Language Proficiency
  • African and African American Studies
  • American Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
  • Biological Sciences in Public Health
  • Biostatistics
  • Business Administration
  • Business Economics
  • Byzantine Studies
  • Celtic Languages and Literatures
  • Chemical Biology
  • Chemical Physics
  • Chemistry and Chemical Biology
  • Comparative Literature
  • Division of Medical Sciences
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • Film and Visual Studies
  • Germanic Languages and Literatures
  • Health Policy
  • History of Art and Architecture
  • History of Science
  • Human Evolutionary Biology
  • Inner Asian and Altaic Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics
  • Middle Eastern Studies
  • Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Political Economy and Government
  • Population Health Sciences
  • Public Policy
  • Quantum Science and Engineering
  • Religion, The Study of
  • Romance Languages and Literatures
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Social Policy
  • South Asian Studies
  • Systems, Synthetic, and Quantitative Biology
  • Secondary Fields
  • Year of Graduate Study (G-Year)
  • Master's Degrees
  • Grade and Examination Requirements
  • Conduct and Safety
  • Financial Aid
  • Non-Resident Students
  • Registration
  • Residence Halls
  • Student Groups

In addition to the common degree requirements expected of Harvard Griffin GSAS students, students must meet additional requirements specified by their department or program. This section provides additional degree requirements by academic program.


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Phd in political economy & government.

The PhD in Political Economy and Government is designed for students interested in the impact of politics on economic processes and outcomes, and the reciprocal influence of economic conditions on political life. It is appropriate for students whose academic interests are not served by doctoral studies in Economics or Political Science alone.

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Political Science-Prep (PS-Prep) 2023


Interested in applying to graduate programs in political science?

Great! The Harvard Department of Government (academic political science) community is thrilled to announce the fourth annual Political Science-Prep (PS-Prep) , an informational and mentoring event for individuals interested in pursuing doctorates in political science.

Who is this program for?

The goal of this workshop is to help students who are underrepresented in PhD programs with their applications to graduate school in political science. PS-Prep offers participants the opportunity to ask important questions and to receive feedback that they may not otherwise receive without the workshop. Past participants have come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. We encourage you to submit an application even if you are unsure whether you match this section's description. Interested applicants from any institution or organization are invited to apply!

Why is Harvard Government doing this?

The Harvard Department of Government is actively and intentionally committing to building an inclusive field. While we intend to be more intentional about increasing diversity and support for diverse individuals within our own department, we also feel strongly that we should help underrepresented students pursue training in political science no matter what institutions they're interested in, because the field needs everything you have to offer! As such, our goal in offering this workshop is to help you put your best foot forward as you apply widely for training opportunities in political science.

What is the format?

Our community of graduate students and faculty will hold a free day of informal panel discussions. You will also be paired with current members of our department (i.e., faculty and graduate students) who will provide structured feedback on the materials you intend to use to apply to Ph.D. programs in political science.

What will the application feedback portion look like?

You will receive feedback on your research statement, or a brainstorm about how to approach it if you haven’t started yet.

How do I apply?

Click here to apply!

What's the application like?

The application is estimated to take between 7 and 15 minutes. It consists of a few quick questions about your background and identities that you hold, as well as a single short response question asking for information about you, your interests, research experience, and why you're interested in this program.  This application is meant to be very informal!

Is this only for people who are applying to positions at Harvard?

Nope! You can apply to this workshop regardless of whether or not you plan to apply to Harvard (though we hope you'll apply to Harvard as well)!  Please Note: that this event is NOT associated with admissions to Harvard University.

How are participants selected?

We will first review applications to ensure selection criteria are met. Then, we will randomly select from this pool by sub-discipline (i.e., American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Theory) to form a cohort for the event. We are using random selection to comprise the final cohort of attendees to ensure a maximally equitable selection process. 

Important Dates:

Friday, November 3rd, 2023 : PS-Prep applications are due

Monday, November 6th, 2023 : you will receive email notification of PS-Prep admission decision

Saturday, November 11th, 2023 : the informal, live event will take place virtually (via Zoom)

Week of November 13th : Peer/faculty feedback on application materials

Eligibility Requirements:

At least 18 years of age

Important Notes:

Priority will be given to individuals who are planning on applying for Ph.D. programs in political science THIS CYCLE (i.e., applying in Fall 2023 to begin a PhD program in Fall 2024).

If you have questions about this event or the application, please email [email protected]

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A subreddit to discuss political science. Political science is the scientific study of politics. It deals with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws. Postings about current events are fine, as long as there is a political science angle. Rationality and coherent argument are encouraged, whereas ideological flamewars are strongly discouraged.

How do I get into a doctoral program in Political Science?

I have a Bachelors in Business Administration and I’d like to pursue graduate work in Political Science. Do I get an MA first before the PhD?

I wasn’t an honor student since my GPA was only a 3.04 at graduation.

What prerequisites should I take to prepare?

I’d naturally like to teach as a professor or work in politics.

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  1. Government

    JD/PHD. For the coordinated JD/PhD in law and political science, applicants must apply separately to each program and indicate in the application to the PhD program that a concurrent application has been submitted to the Harvard Law School. Personal Statement. Required. Standardized Tests. GRE General: Required Writing Sample: Required (15-25 ...

  2. For Prospective Graduate Students

    Admissions . The graduate program of the Department of Government is designed to train students for careers in university teaching and advanced research in political science. The department does not offer an independent master's program, the master of arts in political science being reserved for PhD candidates on the way to their final degrees.

  3. Graduate

    World-class resources. Ground-breaking research. A wide range of fields and methodologies. Welcome to the Department of Government. Harvard University's Department of Government is home to a vibrant and diverse intellectual community of political science scholars, researchers, visionaries, leaders, and changemakers. Our dedication to excellence and our strength in teaching and research in ...

  4. PhD in Public Policy

    The Complete PhD. The PPOL admits students to one of four tracks: Economics; Judgment and Decision Making; Politics and Institutions; and Science, Technology and Policy Studies. PPOL graduates enter the workplace prepared to teach, carry out research, and make a profound impact in academia, while for others the degree leads to productive careers in think tanks, multinational organizations ...

  5. PDF Writing Statement of Purpose for Graduate School Application: Political

    various enterprises, and induce political inaction on the part of ordinary citizens. This study aims. to improve our understanding of how redistribution under authoritarian regimes can be driven by. variables beyond concerns of direct political support or social stability, through an investigation of.

  6. Government

    Requirements. Courses — A student must successfully complete at least 12 4-credit courses, of which 8 must be in political science. At least 10 of these 12 4-credit courses and 7 of the 8 4-credit courses in government must be listed in the catalog as 1000- or 2000-level courses. Courses cross-registered with Harvard Divinity School, Harvard ...

  7. PhD in Political Economy & Government

    History of the PhD in Political Economy and Government. Dating to the 1930s, the PhD Program in Political Economy and Government (PEG) was initiated with the objective of fostering research at the intersection of Economics and Political Science. A collaborative program between Harvard Kennedy School, the Department of Economics, and the ...

  8. Public Policy

    The Public Policy PhD is awarded by the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Harvard Griffin GSAS) but is administered by the Higher Committee on Public Policy. Students enroll in one of four tracks: Economics, Judgment and Decision Making, Politics and Institutions, or Science, Technology and Policy. Economics

  9. Public Policy

    The PhD in public policy program trains candidates to conduct policy analytic research, help shape and execute public policy, and teach the next generation of educators, researchers, and practitioners. The flexible nature of the program allows you to choose your own path in areas that most interest you—from microeconomic research to ...

  10. Information for prospective graduate students

    Dan Drezner has a series of helpful posts at Foreign Policy on PhD programs in political science: see here for advice for undergraduates, here for advice for students who have already graduated, and here for advice on PhD applications for aspiring policymakers. Erin Simpson and Andrew Exum have helpful advice on the CNAS blog from the ...

  11. Department of Government

    Background video of aerial view of Harvard University and other b roll video of the inside of campus buidlings The Department of Government is a world leader in the study of politics. It is home to a vibrant and diverse intellectual community of faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, fellows, and staff.

  12. PhD in Social Policy

    PhD in Social Policy. The joint PhD Programs in Social Policy combine the disciplinary depth of a PhD in political science or sociology with multidisciplinary perspectives and problem-driven research on questions of social policy. As a joint venture between the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences' Government and ...

  13. Apply

    Step 4: Complete your application by the deadline. The degree program application becomes available in September. You should review Applying to Degree Programs before starting your application. All components of the application to a degree program are due by 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on the deadline date. Applications for the Visiting Students ...

  14. Government

    Graduate. Harvard University's Department of Government is dedicated to excellence in all fields of political science and encourages diverse approaches to scholarship. Students in the Department of Government pursue a wide variety of approaches to the study of politics and have the opportunity to define and explore their own questions about ...

  15. Comparative Politics

    The field of Comparative Politics at Harvard is the study of cross- and sub-national differences in these areas: Development Inequality The state Political institutions Ethnic-religious politics. Our diverse faculty has expertise in Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, East and South Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. In short, it represents all major theoretical and...

  16. The Graduate Student Dissertation

    The Graduate Student Dissertation A student is required to demonstrate ability to perform original research in political science by writing a dissertation that makes a significant contribution to knowledge in the field. The requirement may also be fulfilled in the form of a three-article dissertation by approval of the dissertation committee.

  17. Politics and Institutions Track

    The Politics and Institutions track provides a curriculum for students interested in a rigorous program of study and research on international or domestic politics and institutions as these issues relate to major public policy issues in the U.S. and around the world. Graduates will be prepared for academic research and teaching positions in schools of public policy and disciplinary departments ...

  18. PhD Program Requirements

    PhD Program Requirements. African and African American Studies. American Studies. Anthropology. Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning. Astronomy. Molecular and Cellular Biology. Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. Biological Sciences in Public Health.

  19. PhD in Political Economy & Government

    The PhD in Political Economy and Government is designed for students interested in the impact of politics on economic processes and outcomes, and the reciprocal influence of economic conditions on political life. It is appropriate for students whose academic interests are not served by doctoral studies in Economics or Political Science alone.

  20. Political Science-Prep (PS-Prep) 2023

    Friday, November 3rd, 2023: PS-Prep applications are due. Monday, November 6th, 2023: you will receive email notification of PS-Prep admission decision. Saturday, November 11th, 2023: the informal, live event will take place virtually (via Zoom) Week of November 13th: Peer/faculty feedback on application materials. Eligibility Requirements:

  21. PDF The Science of Political Science Graduate Admissions

    In In recent recent years, years, the the Department Department of of Government Government has has received received between between 600 600 and and 700 700 applications applications to to its its Ph.D. Ph.D. program. program. From From this, this, we we accept accept 40-50 40-50 students students (about (about 7%). 7%).

  22. How do I get into a doctoral program in Political Science?

    Adequate GRE Scores: A high GRE won't get you into a program, but a low one will kill you. Try getting 160+ on verbal and quant, and a 5.0 on writing. Political Science Courses: You do not need a political science bachelors, but you do need a couple courses to demonstrate competency and interest. An MA could help you here.

  23. PiNBAC: Harvard Program in Neuroscience Post-Baccalaureate program

    The Harvard Program in Neuroscience Post-Baccalaureate (PiNBAC) program is a training program for recent college graduates interested in applying to PhD programs in the neurosciences. Launched in 2020, PiNBAC offers longitudinal science curriculum, individualized professional development, and assistance in graduate applications. The overall mission of PiNBAC is to support educational ...

  24. Politics (POL-PHD)

    Subject Summary. You'll become part of our vibrant postgraduate research culture, focused on areas including; • Political parties, elections, and deliberative democracy • Governance and Public Policy, with a particular emphasis on European Union politics, international political economy, gender studies, governance.

  25. Persistent polarization: The unexpected durability of political

    Recent research in political science, however, points to a less sanguine view of electoral competition. Multiple studies show that elections act as short-term polarizing events that intensify the animosity between political parties in the pre-election period, with animosity toward the opposing party then cooling off in the aftermath of an ...