Our free online elementary statistics course includes a free intro statistics book, lectures, videos, help in statistics, and tutoring.


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Week 9 - Normal Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem

text item

The central limit theorem is the most important result in elementary statistics. It will allow us to take any population - skewed, uniform, bi-modal, etc. and convert it to a problem with a normal distribution, provided the samples are random and the sample size is large enough. Once we have a normal distribution there are techniques we can apply to determine anything we want to know about it. This chapter thus serves as our justification for the process used in much of inferential statistics, like confidence intervals and hypothesis tests.

Learning Objectives

  • Know how to use the normal distribution to solve a problem
  • Understand the relationship between probability and the random variable for normal populations
  • Understand what a sampling distribution is
  • Know the requirements of the central limit theorem
  • Know the consequences of the central limit theorem

Performance Criteria

  • The learner recognizes when the normal distribution is appropriate and translates written problems into statistical notation and/or technology input.
  • The learner accurately calculates probabilities and values of the random variable for normal populations using technology.
  • The learner draws or sketches normal curves to diagram the relationship between area and probability for normal data.
  • The learner will observe the creation of sampling distributions using simulations.
  • The learner will verify that requirements for the central limit theorem are met when solving problems.
  • The learner will calculate the mean and standard deviation for sampling distributions for the mean.

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Click on "Textbook" above to view the reading assignment for this experience or read sections 6.2 and 7.1 from your print or digital copy.

Chapter 6 online

Chapter 7 online

Penn State's course on Elementary Statistics


link to web

The calculator here will find probabilities and create graphs for Normal Distribution problems. Feel free to use it for generating the graph in the Applications for this experience.

Enter your mean and standard deviation on the right with Edit Parameters .

Choose Left Tail, Two-Tail, or Right Tail depending on the problem.

Enter the probability that you are seeking or the x-value(s).

Here is a guide to using StatKey for calculating normal probabilities and using inverse normal calculations.

Syntax for calculating the probabilities and random variables for normal populations

Chapter 6  This is a video by the authors covering chapter 6. (Focus more on the first 22 minutes)

Using Drawings to Solve Normal Distribution Problems

Calculating Probabilities using the Normal Distribution (StatKey)

Calculating Probabilities using the Normal Distribution (Excel)

Calculating Probabilities using the Normal Distribution (TI-84)

Chapter 7   This is a video by the authors covering chapter 7. (Watch the whole video)

Calculating Probabilities for a Sampling Distributions (Excel)

Calculating Probabilities for a Sampling Distributions (TI-84)

Use this site to simulate the creation of sampling distributions.

Video of the Instructor running the simulation

  • Review - Read the above components and post any questions in the forum below. 
  • Practice - Complete the practice exercises that follow.
  • Think - Answer the Critical Thinking questions in the "Critical Thinking" forum. 
  • Apply - Complete the Application Problems and upload your completed files.

If you have any questions about the content (readings, problems, etc.) then post in the "Questions about Week 8" forum. 

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Elementary Statistics

Elementary Statistics , 4th Edition

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Elementary Statistics , 4th Edition, was developed around three central themes – Clarity, Quality, and Accuracy. The authors paid close attention to how material is presented to students, ensuring that the content in the text is very clear, concise, and digestible. High quality exercises, examples, and integration of technology are important aspects of an introductory statistics text. The authors have provided robust exercise sets that range in difficulty. They have also focused keen attention to ensure that examples provide clear instruction to students.

About the Author

William Navidi

William Navidi received a B.A. in mathematics from New College, an M.A in mathematics from Michigan State University, and a Ph.D. in statistics from the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Navidi is a professor of applied mathematics and statistics at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. He began his teaching career at the County College of Morris in Dover, New Jersey. He has taught mathematics and statistics at all levels, from developmental through the graduate level. Dr. Navidi has written two engineering statistics textbooks for McGraw-Hill and has authored more than 50 research papers, both in statistical theory and in a wide variety of applications, including computer networks, epidemiology, molecular biology, chemical engineering, and geophysics.

Barry Monk received a B.S. in mathematical statistics, an M.A. in mathematics specializing in optimization and statistics, and a Ph.D. in applied mathematics, all from the University of Alabama. Dr. Monk is a professor of mathematics at Middle Georgia State University in Macon, Georgia, where he has been employed since 2001. Dr. Monk was asked to serve as program coordinator of mathematics after only two years at Macon State College; he led the development of the bachelor's degree in mathematics program and the organization of the Southeastern Scholarship Conference on E-Learning for more than 10 years. He has been teaching introductory statistics since 1992 in the classroom and online.

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Math 365, Elementary Statistics












Lesson 1: The Language and Terminology


Most people think of statistics as the study of the numerical features of a subject/population. It means the same to statisticians, but also emphasizes the methods of collecting data, summarizing and presenting data, and drawing inferences from data.

We all see on TV how political pundits justify opposing points of view by presenting statistics from respectable sources. How could something be a science when it justifies two opposing points of view? The answer is that statistics has a scientific basis but it can be misrepresented in use.

Example . During the saga of President Clinton's impeachment, we observed the following:

  • One pundit says that, according to statistics, the majority of Americans think that character matters .
  • The other pundit says, also according to statistics, that the majority of Americans think the president is doing a good job .

The implication here is that one of them was "wrong." But the science of statistics says that both were correct. Data was collected and analyzed, and it was found that the majority of Americans think that character matters and that the majority of Americans think the president is doing a good job . It does not matter to the science of statistics which one of the statistically established facts you or I want to believe.

Another point about the nature of statistics as a science is that it is not a deterministic science . It does not have laws like force is equal to mass times acceleration . Statements in statistics come with a probability (i.e., quantified chance) of being correct . When a weatherman says that it will rain today he means that there is, say, a ninety five percent chance that it will rain today . Roughly, this means that if he makes the same prediction one hundred times he will be correct 95 times, and it will not rain the other 5 days. The problem is that sometimes a weatherman will hide the information that there is a 95 percent chance only . Such information hiding is sometimes done for simplicity.

Before I conclude this introduction, let me tell you an interesting anecdote about the development of this subject. When the proposal to establish the Indian Statistical Institute in Calcutta was considered by the government of India in the early part of the last century, some critics said, then why not an institute in astrology? At the inception of statistics as a science there was a lot of skepticism about its scientific validity. Those days are gone, and statistics is not likened to astrology any more! Statistics is a well-founded and precise science. It is a nondeterministic science in nature; it makes precise probabilistic statements only.

In this course we will be talking about two branches of statistics. The first one is called descriptive statistics and deals with methods of processing, summarizing, and presenting data. The other part deals with the scientific methods of drawing inferences and forecasting from the data, and is called inferential or inductive statistics .

In the rest of this lesson and the next we deal with descriptive statistics, which includes the presentation of data in the form of tables, graphs, and computations of various averages of data.

1.1 Basic Definitions and Concepts

In statistics we use a small representative "sample" to study a big "population." The reason for this is the cost or even the impossibility of studying the whole population.

Population and Sample

Definitions . A complete collection of data on the group under study is called the population or the universe .

A member of the population is called a sampling unit . Therefore, the population consists of all its sampling units.

A S ample is a collection of sampling units selected from the population.

Most often, we will work with numerical characteristics (like height, weight, and salary) of a group. So usually the population is a large collection of numbers and the sample is a small subset of the population .

Example . Suppose we are studying the daily rainfall in Lawrence. Since daily rainfall could be from 0 inches to anything above 0, the population here is all nonnegative numbers (i.e., the interval [0, ∞ ) ). A sample from this population would be the observed amount of daily rainfall in Lawrence on some number of days. A sample of size 11 would be the observed daily rainfall in Lawrence on 11 days.

Many definitions of variables are available in standard textbooks. For our purpose the following definition will suffice.

Definition . A variable is a rule or a formula or a mechanism that associates a value with each member of the population. So, given a member w, a variable X assigns a value X (w) to w. For us X (w) will be a characteristic (like height, weight, time, salary) of the population.

Example. Suppose we are studying the KU student population. The population is the whole collection of KU students. A KU student is a sample unit. If GPA is the "characteristic" that we are studying, then X = the GPA of a student is a variable. So, given a student, X has a value. For example:

X(Donald Smith) = 3.25,     X(Sam Donaldson) = 3.11,
X(Karen Currie) = 3.89,     X(King Who) = 2.13

On the other hand, if GENDER is the "characteristic" that we are studying, then Y = gender of a student is a variable. So, given a student, Y has a value. For example:

Y(Donald Smith) = Male,     Y(Sam Donaldson) = Male,
Y(Karen Currie) = Female ,     Y(King Who) = Male

If HEIGHT is the characteristic that we are studying, then Z = height of students is a variable.

To give another example, if credit hours completed is the characteristic studied, T = the number of course credit hours completed so far by a student is a variable.

Similarly, given any other characteristic like weight, annual income, annual expenditure, you can construct a variable for this population.

A variable that takes numerical values is called a quantitative variable . So, the variables X, Z, and T above are quantitative variables, while Y is not. A variable that takes non-numerical values is called a qualitative variable . So, the variable Y above is a qualitative variable. We will mostly be concerned with quantitative variables .

We discuss two types of quantitative variables: continuous and discrete variables. A quantitative variable that can assume any numerical value over an interval is called a continuous variable . Since Z above can (hypothetically) assume any value between 0 to 100 inches, Z is a continuous variable. T assumes only integer values and is therefore not a continuous variable.

A different way to understand a discrete variable is that the possible values of the variable can be written down (or can be counted) in a (finite or infinite) list. We say that the values of a discrete variable are countable.

A quantitative variable is called a discrete variable if its possible values consist of breaks between successive values. If a variable assumes only a finite number of values, then it is also called a finite variable. Otherwise the variable is called an infinite variable. A finite variable is definitely a discrete variable. The variable T above is a discrete variable.

Examples of Continuous and Discrete Variables

  • The examples of continuous variables are weight, length, volume, area, and time.
  • For this course, examples of discrete variables are always the number of something—number of typos, number of road accidents, number of phone calls.

Parameters and Statistics

Definition 1. Given a set of data, any numerical value computed from the data using a formula or a rule is called a quantitative measure of the data.

Definition 2. A quantitative measure of a population data is called a parameter . In other words, parameters belong to the whole population and are computed (if feasible) from the WHOLE population data. Examples: the average GPA of all KU students, the height of the tallest student in KU, the average income of the entire KU student population.

One way to study a population is to know some of the parameters of the population. Unfortunately, computing such parameters could be expensive or even impossible. Essentially, parameters are unknown and the main game of statistics is to try to estimate parameters on the basis of small samples collected from the population .

Definition 3. A quantitative measure of a sample data is called a statistic . So, any constant that we compute from a sample is a statistic. We use these statistics to estimate the parameters of the population. For example, the average height computed from a sample is a reasonable estimate for the (parameter) average height of the KU student population. Obviously, we do not expect the value of the statistic to be exactly equal to the parameter value. Hopefully, the error will be small or will exceed our tolerable limit very rarely (say once in a 100 trials) .

Why do we need a statistic?

Sometimes it will be impossible to know the actual value of a parameter. For example, let μ be the mean length of the life of light bulbs produced by a company. In this case, the company cannot test all the bulbs it produces to find a mean length. So, the best it can do is to test a few bulbs, compute the sample mean length (a statistic) of the life of these bulbs and use it as an estimate for the mean length (parameter μ ) of the life for all the bulbs it produces.

Definition 4. The data that has not been processed or organized in any form is called raw data . When the data is arranged in an increasing or decreasing order, then it is called an array . The range of the data is the difference between the largest and the smallest value of the data.

range = highest value - lowest value.

1.2 Frequency Distribution

In this section we talk about representation of data organized in tabular form. Such a representation is called a frequency distribution . We are mostly concerned with numerical data (i.e., quantititative data), but also consider some non-numerical data (i.e., qualitative data).

Example. (from Khazanie, p. 18) The following is data on the blood group of 36 patients in a hospital:


We have four types of blood groups, namely, O, A, B, AB. Each of these blood groups may be referred to as a " class ." The frequency of a class is defined as the number of data members that belong to that class. For example, the frequency of the class O is 16; the frequency of class A is 14. A table that lists the classes and the corresponding frequency is called the frequency distribution of this qualitative data. Following is the frequency distribution of this data:

Blood Group Frequency
O 16
A 14
B 4
AB 2
Total 36

Ungrouped Data

For the quantitative data, we consider two types of frequency table. When we are working with a large set of data we group that data into a few classes and construct a "frequency table," which we will discuss later. If the data set is small or if the number of values that appear in the data is small we need not group the data. Instead, we make a list of all the data members and give the corresponding frequency for each data member in a table. The number of times a data member (i.e., value) appears in the data is called the frequency of the data member. A list that presents the data members and the corresponding frequency in a tabular form is called a frequency table or frequency distribution . The relative frequency and percentage frequency of a data member x are defined as follows:

relative frequency of x = frequency of x
percentage  frequency of x = frequency of x · 100.

The frequency table may also contain the relative and percentage frequency. Since we did not group the data into a few classes, we call this the frequency distribution of the ungrouped data .

Example 1.2.1 To estimate the mean time taken to complete a three-mile drive by a race car, the race car did several time trials, and the following sample of times taken (in seconds) to complete the laps was collected:

50 48 49 46 54 53 52 51 47 56 52 51
51 53 50 49 48 54 53 51 52 54 54 53
55 48 51 50 52 49 51 53 55 54 50  

Note that there are 35 observations here. So we say that the size of the sample (or data) is 35. Also the values present are 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56. Since there are only 11 distinct values present we can make a frequency table for the ungrouped data. The following is the frequency distribution of this ungrouped data:

(in seconds)
Frequency Relative
46 1 1/35 2.86
47 1 1/35 2.86
48 3 3/35 8.57
49 3 3/35 8.57
50 4 4/35 11.43
51 6 6/35 17.14
52 4 4/35 11.43
53 5 5/35 14.29
54 5 5/35 14.29
55 2 2/35 5.71
56 1 1/35 2.86
Total 35 1 100

Grouped Data

When we are working with a large set of data that has too many distinct class member (i.e., values) then we group the whole set of data into a few class intervals and give the corresponding "frequency" of the class. When the data is presented in this way, the data is called grouped data . The number of data members that fall in a class interval is called the class frequency and the relative and percentage frequencies are computed by the same formula as above. A list that gives various class intervals and the corresponding class frequencies in a tabular form is called a class frequency table or class frequency distribution of the data. The frequency distribution may also include the relative and percentage frequencies.

Grouped Data and Loss of Information

Sometimes it is convenient or necessary to group data into class intervals and construct a class frequency distribution. This is the case when there are too many distinct numbers present in the data—too many even to fit into a simple table on a page for presentation. In such situations, we group the data in a few class intervals. While class frequency distribution is very good for presentation and convenient for other reasons, we lose a lot of information in this process. There is no way we can recover the original data from the class frequency distribution.

Given a set of data, a good question would be, How many class intervals should we have? The answer is that it should not be too few nor should it be too many. If we take too few (say one), then all the information will be lost. On the other hand, if we take too many, we will have the problem of having to work with ungrouped data. (In this course we will always tell you how many classes to take.) Although sometimes it may be necessary to take class intervals of varying width, in this course we only consider classes of equal class width.

Steps to Construct Frequency Distribution

  • Range : Pick a suitable number L less than or equal to the smallest value present in the data. Pick a suitable number H greater than or equal to the highest value present in the data. The range R that we consider is R = H - L.
  • Number of Classes : Decide on a suitable number of classes. (In this course we will tell you the number of classes.)
class width = w = R

[L,L+w],[L+w,L+2w],[L+2w, L+3w], ...,[H-w,H]

Since this definition creates an ambiguous situation in which a data value may fall into two classes, we need a convention to address this situation.

  • Frequency : Find the frequency for each of the classes. You can use an advanced calculator or some software (like Excel) to count frequencies.

A few more important definitions. The above intervals are called class intervals . The w above is called the class size or width . The lower end of the class is called lower limit and the upper end of the class is called upper limit . The class mark is the midpoint of the class, defined as follows:

class mark = lower limit of class+ upper limit of class .

A class limit is also called a class boundary . I took a slightly different approach when I defined the classes, so that for us class limits and class boundaries are the same. Although all the approaches are essentially the same, many slightly different approaches are possible depending on the situation.

Example 1.2.2 The following is the weight (in ounces), at birth, of a certain number of babies.

74 105 124 110 119 137 96 110 120 115 140
65 135 123 129 72 121 117 96 107 80 91
74 123 124 124 134 78 138 106 130 97 145
93 133 128 96 126 124 125 127 62 127 92
95 118 126 94 127 121 117 124 93 135 156
143 125 120 147 138 72 119 89 81 113 91
133 127 138 122 110 113 100 115 110 135 141
97 127 120 110 107 111 126 132 120 108 148
143 103 92 124 150 86 121 98 74 85 99

We will construct a class frequency table of this data by dividing the whole range of data into class intervals.

Solution: Note that the lowest value is 62 and the highest value is 156. We take L = 60, H = 160, so R = H-W = 100. We made such a choice of L and H, precisely so that R = 100 is a "nice" number. Now we decide to have 5 class intervals and so w = R/5 = 20. According to what I said above, our classes should be : [60, 80], [80,100], [100,120], [120,140], [140, 160]. But if we do so then there is a risk that some data members (like 80, 100, 120, 140) will fall in two classes. One way to avoid this is to add .5 to all the class boundaries. So, our classes are [60.5, 80.5], [80.5, 100.5], [100.5, 120.5], [120.5, 140.5], [140.5, 160.5].

So the frequency distribution is as follows:

Classes Frequency Relative
60.5 - 80.5 9 9/99 9.09
80.5 - 100.5 20 20/99 20.20
100.5 - 120.5 25 25/99 25.26
120.5 - 140.5 37 37/99 37.38
140.5 - 160.5 8 8/99 8.08
Total 99 1 100

1.3 Pictorial Representation of Data

Another way to represent data is to use pictures and graphs. We see such pictorial representation in newspapers and other sources every day. Pictorial representation is particularly important when you have to represent data to people with limited technical background, like newspaper readers or a governmental or congressional body.

The Pie Chart

The pie chart is a commonly used pictorial representation of data. When you do your tax return every year, you find a few pie charts in the instruction book for form 1040. These charts show what proportion/percentage of each tax dollar goes for particular expenses. I reproduced the following pie charts from the 1040 instruction book of 1999.

The Histogram

Among pictorial representations, the most useful in this course is the histogram. The histogram of data is the graphical representation of the frequency distribution of the data, where we plot the variable on the horizontal axis and above each class interval, we erect a bar of the height equal to the frequency of the class . Such a histogram is called a frequency histogram .

If, instead, we erect bars of height equal to the relative frequency, then the graph is called a relative frequency histogram . Similarly, we can construct a percentage frequency histogram .

Remark. Take a look at the Stem and Leaf Diagram discussed in any textbook.

Example 1.3.1. Following is the frequency table of data on height (in inches) of some babies at birth. Sketch the histogram of the following data:

Height Frequency
16-17 3
17-18 8
18-19 34
19-20 60
20-21 72
21-22 18

The Cumulative Frequency Distributions

For a given value x of a variable, the cumulative frequency of the data, for x, is the number of data members that are less than or equal to x.

Definition . Given a frequency distribution of some data, for a class boundary x, the cumulative frequency is the sum of all the class frequenies less or equal to x. The cumulative frequency distribution is a table that gives the cumulative frequencies against some x values (for us the class boundaries). We also define cumulative relative frequency and cumulative percentage frequency as follows:

cumulative relative frequency of x =
cumulative frequency of x
cumulative percentage frequency of x= cumulative frequency ×100

Example 1.3.2 Once again we consider the data on birth weight of babies in Example 1.2 that we discussed in the last section. A cumulative frequency distribution can be constructed from the frequency distribution.

Solution: We have seen the frequency distribution before. The following is the cumulative distributions:

Weight Cumulative
60.5 0 0 0
80.5 9 9/99 9.09
100.5 29 29/100 29.29
120.5 54 54/99 54.55
140.5 91 91/99 91.92
160.5 99 1 100

Use of Calculators

Because we will be using calculators (TI-83) extensively in this course, let me explain how you enter data in the TI-83.

Use of Calculators (TI-83):
Enter Your Data:

It is not easy to construct a frequency table of a data set unless you are systematic. Traditionally, we used "tally marks" to count the frequency. Now you can use some software programs (e.g., Excel). Let me show you a method, using a calculator (TI-83).

Exercise 1.2.1 To estimate the mean time taken to complete a three-mile drive by a race car, the race car did several time trials, and the following sample of times taken (in seconds) to complete the laps was collected:

The following is the frequency distribution of this ungrouped data:

Construct a histogram.

Exercise 1.2.2. The following is the weight (in ounces), at birth, of 96 babies born in Lawrence Memorial Hospital in May 2000.

94 105 124 110 119 137 96 110 120 115 119
104 135 123 129 72 121 117 96 107 80 80
96 123 124 124 134 78 138 106 130 97 134
111 133 128 96 126 124 125 127 62 127 96
116 118 126 94 127 121 117 124 93 135 112
120 125 120 147 138 72 119 89 81 113 100
109 127 138 122 110 113 100 115 110 135 120
97 127 120 110 107 111 126 132 120 108 148
133 103 92 124 150 86 121 98

Construct a class frequency table of this data by dividing the the whole range of data into class intervals:

[60.5-70.5], [70.5-80.5], [80.5-90.5], [90.5-100.5], [100.5-110.5], [110.5-120.5], [120.5-130.5], [130.5-140.5], [140.5-150.5]

Exercise 1.2.3 . The following are the length (in inches), at birth, of 96 babies born in Lawrence Memorial Hospital in May 2000.

18 18.5 19 18.5 19 21 18 19 20 20.5
19 19 21.5 19.5 20 17 20 20 19 20.5
18 18.5 20 19.5 20.75 20 21 18 20.5 20
21 19 20.5 19 20 19.5 17.75 20 19.5 20
20.5 17 21 18.5 20 20 20 18.5 19.5 19
18 20.5 18 20 19 19 19.5 20 20.75 21
17.75 19 18 19 20 18.5 20 19 21 19
19.5 20 20 19 19.5 20 19.5 18.5 20.5 19.5
20.25 20 19.5 19.5 20 20 20 21 20 19
18.5 20.5 21.5 18 19.5 18

Construct a frequency table for this data by dividing the whole range into class intervals:

[16-17], [17-18], [18-19], [19-20], [20-21], [21-22].

Note: If a data member falls on the boundary, count it in the right/upper class-interval. Solution

Exercise 1.2.4 . The following data represents the number of typos in a sample of 30 books published by some publisher.

156 159 162 160 156 162
159 160 156 156 160 162
156 159 162 156 162 158
160 158 159 162 158 158
162 160 159 162 162 160

Construct a frequency table (by sorting in your calculator). Also construct a histogram. Solution

Exercise 1.2.5 . Following is data on the hourly wages (paid only in whole dollars) in an industry.

9 11 8 9 10 11 7 10 12 13
7 11 8 11 14 9 10 9 11 7
13 13 14 12 9 8 12 14 15 9
9 7 12 7 12 7 7 11 13 9
11 9 9 9 10 14 11 12 14 7

Exercise 1.2.6 . Following is data on the hourly wages (paid only in whole dollars) of 99 employees in an industry.

7 11 7 11 10 9 10 10 12 13
7 8 11 11 14 9 7 9 11 7
9 13 12 14 7 8 7 14 15 9
9 7 11 9 12 9 12 11 14 9
12 13 7 9 10 14 11 12 13 7
15 15 16 16 15 16 11 7 18 19
15 16 15 15 16 16 17 16 16 13
15 15 16 15 16 15 15 17 16 12
16 15 15 16 15 15 19 8 16 17
16 16 15 16 16 16 13 12 8  

Construct a frequency table (by sorting in your calculator).

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Omsk Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Omsk oblast: Omsk .

Omsk Oblast - Overview

Omsk Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the south-eastern part of Siberia, in the Siberian Federal District. Omsk is the capital city of the region.

The population of Omsk Oblast is about 1,879,500 (2022), the area - 141,140 sq. km.

Omsk oblast flag

Omsk oblast coat of arms.

Omsk oblast coat of arms

Omsk oblast map, Russia

Omsk oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

10 November, 2019 / Tomsk - the view from above .

3 July, 2016 / Omsk - the view from above .

20 October, 2012 / The bear at the gate .

2 August, 2012 / Omsk city from bird's eye view .

14 December, 2011 / Time-lapse video of Omsk city .

More posts..

History of Omsk Oblast

Ancient people began to settle in the area of the middle reaches of the Irtysh River about 45,000 years ago. This region became the place of numerous migrations of different peoples, of interpenetration of forest and steppe cultures. In the Middle Ages, the territory of the present Omsk region was part of the Western Turkic Khanate and the Siberian Khanate. As a result, an ethnic group of the Siberian Tatars was formed. This region was also inhabited by Kazakhs and other peoples.

The history of the development of the Irtysh by Russians is connected first of all with the legendary Yermak. Although even before him, in the 15th century, Russian merchants from the Urals visited the Siberian Khanate.

In the early 18th century, major reforms carried out by Peter the Great required large expenses. The first Russian emperor turned his attention to the east. He sent a detachment of Cossacks under the command of the lieutenant-colonel I.D.Bukhgolts from the town of Tobolsk up the Irtysh River in search of gold deposits.

More Historical Facts…

The expedition failed because of resistance from the nomads Dzhungars. Russians were forced to take a step back. In 1716, they founded a fortress at the mouth of the Om River - future Omsk. Russian peasants began to settle in the land around the fortress. To the south of Omsk, a line of outposts was constructed for protection from the nomads.

In 1782, the fortress became a town. Omsk district was formed on the basis of the southern part of Tarsky district and, in 1785, the town of Omsk was given a coat of arms. Omsk became an important center for the study of Siberia and Central Asia. This region like other parts of Siberia was used as a place for political exile.

In the 19th century, the people exiled to Siberia were the Decembrists, Petrashevts, Narodniki, representatives of other revolutionary parties and organizations, participants of the Polish national movement. These people had a major cultural impact on the local population. The great Russian writer F.M.Dostoyevsky was one of the prisoners of the Omsk jail.

In the late 19th and early 20th century, Siberia experienced significant changes. Large-scale migration of peasants led to the rapid growth of the local economy, especially agriculture. Due to its favorable economic and geographical location, at the intersection of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Irtysh River, Omsk rapidly turned into a large transport, trade and industrial center of Western Siberia, the largest city in Siberia.

During the Second World War, about 100 industrial plants were evacuated from the European part of the USSR to Omsk. They became the basis of the local engineering industry. In 1949, the first refinery in Siberia was constructed in Omsk. In 1954-1956, during development of virgin lands, several large agricultural enterprises were built in the southern part of Omsk Oblast. In the 1970s, Omsk oblast became one of the most economically developed regions of Siberia.

Pictures of Omsk Oblast

Wooden chapel in Omsk Oblast

Wooden chapel in Omsk Oblast

Author: Sedov Artem

Country house in Omsk Oblast

Country house in Omsk Oblast

Author: Heinrich Jena

Provincial life in the Omsk region

Provincial life in the Omsk region

Author: Baranov Pavel

Omsk Oblast - Features

Omsk Oblast is located in the south of the West Siberian Plain, in the middle reaches of the Irtysh River, with steppes in the south, which turn into forest steppes, forests and marshy tundra in the north. The territory of the region stretches for about 600 km from north to south and 300 km from west to east. In the south, Omsk Oblast borders with Kazakhstan.

The largest cities and towns of Omsk Oblast are Omsk (1,126,000), Tara (28,500), Kalachinsk (21,900), Isylkul (21,700). The main river is the Irtysh with its tributaries (the Ishim, Om, Osha, and Tara). The Trans-Siberian Railway is an important traffic artery. There is an international airport in Omsk.

The climate is continental and sharply continental. The average temperature in January is minus 19-20 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 17-18 degrees Celsius in the northern part and plus 19 degrees Celsius in the south.

Omsk Oblast has such natural resources as oil, natural gas, brown coal, iron ore, various construction materials. Main manufacturing, construction and trade are carried out in Omsk. Industrial sector is represented by military, aerospace and agricultural engineering, petrochemical, light and food industries.

Agriculture is represented by crops, dairy and beef cattle, pig and poultry farming. Cereals (wheat, rye, oats, barley), potatoes, vegetables, sunflower, and other crops are cultivated.

Attractions of Omsk Oblast

A lot of sights can be found in Omsk. The most interesting places located outside the city are:

  • Achairsky Convent in the upper reaches of the Irtysh River, 50 km from Omsk;
  • St. Nicholas Monastery in the village of Bolshekulache, 20 km from Omsk;
  • Nature reserve “Bairovsky” created for the preservation and reproduction of rare and valuable species of birds and animals;
  • Batakovo tract - a natural and archaeological park on the left bank of the Irtysh River, 150 km north of Omsk, in Bolsherechensky district;
  • Znamenskiy museum of local lore dedicated to the history and nature of Omsk oblast, located in one of the oldest settlements of the region - in the village of Znamenskoye;
  • Chudskaya mountain on the left bank of the Irtysh River, 3 km north of Znamenskoye;
  • Lake Ulzhay - a relict water reservoir in the northwest of Kurumbelskaya steppe, in Cherlaksky district, 160 km from Omsk;
  • Lake Ebeyty in the southwest of the region;
  • Lake Platovskoye located to the north-east of the village of Platovo in Polstavskiy district;
  • “Bird’s Haven” - a natural park located in Omsk;
  • “Devil’s finger” - a rock on the right bank of the Irtysh, 2 km from the village of Serebryanoye, on the territory of Gorky district.

Omsk oblast of Russia photos

Nature of omsk oblast.

Omsk Oblast landscape

Omsk Oblast landscape

Author: Vitali Ellert

Omsk Oblast scenery

Omsk Oblast scenery

Author: Yury Ermakov

Small river in Omsk Oblast

Small river in Omsk Oblast

Author: Andrey Genze

Wooden house in the Omsk region

Wooden house in the Omsk region

Winter in Omsk Oblast

Winter in Omsk Oblast

Wooden church in Omsk Oblast

Wooden church in Omsk Oblast

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