educational technology and society

Aims and Scope

Educational Technology & Society (ET&S) is an open-access academic journal published quarterly (January, April, July, and October) since October 1998. ET&S has achieved its purposes of providing an international forum for open access scientific dialogue for developers, educators and researchers to foster the development of research in educational technology. Thanks to all the Authors, Reviewers and Readers, the journal has enjoyed tremendous success. 

ET&S has established a solid and stable editorial office where the Editors-in-Chief aims to promote innovative educational technology research based on empirical inquiries to echo the pedagogical essentials of learning in the real world—lifelong learning, competency-orientation, and multimodal literacy in the 21st century.

ET&S publishes research that well bridges the pedagogy and practice in advanced technology for evidence-based and meaningful educational application. The focus of ET&S is not only technology per se, but rather issues related to the process continuum of learning, teaching, and assessment and how they are affected or enhanced using technologies. The empirical research about how technology can be used to overcome the existing problems in the frontline of local education with findings that can be applied to the global spectrum is also welcome. However, papers with only descriptions of the results obtained from self-report surveys without systematic or empirical data or any analysis on learning outcomes or processes are not favorable to be included in ET&S .

ET&S publishes research that fulfills any of the following description:

Evidence-based Research: Continuous research that is conducted within a sufficient amount of time such that the effectiveness of the research intervention in education can be evaluated and demonstrated convincingly via empirical methods. Preferably, research experience, outcome, and results for a semester long of adopting educational technologies ; or an evaluation/experiment that is conducted multiple times and spans over several semesters.

Emerging Technology: New and emerging technology used in education

Special Domain Research : Research with specific participants using technology in education, for example, those with privacy issues in special education or those of younger ages like infants and toddlers, who may not form a large pool of participants

ET&S had Impact Factor of 4.595 and 5-Year impact factor of 4.737 according to Thomson Scientific 2023 Journal Citation Report.

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1176-3647 (Print)  / 1436-4522 (Online)

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  • Editorial Board
  • Double anonymous peer review

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Expect on average 24 weeks from submission to publication.

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This journal began publishing in open access in 1998 . What does DOAJ define as Open Accesss?

This journal uses a CC BY-NC-ND license.

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Journal metadata

Publisher International Forum of Educational Technology & Society , Taiwan, Province of China Other organisation National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, Province of China Manuscripts accepted in English

LCC subjects Look up the Library of Congress Classification Outline Education: Education (General) Keywords education educational technology

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educational technology and society


  1. The Importance Of Technology In Education Infographic

    educational technology and society

  2. What are the advantages of Educational technology?

    educational technology and society

  3. 5 Educational Technology Trends For Digital Classroom

    educational technology and society

  4. 10 Reasons we use Technology in Education

    educational technology and society

  5. Partnership brings immersive tech to science education

    educational technology and society

  6. Complete issue in PDF

    educational technology and society


  1. How can higher education stakeholders support Edtech?

  2. Educational Technology in Context: The Big Picture

  3. Ed-Tech Monday: Technology as an Enabler of Equity and Inclusion in Education

  4. What are the key tensions in educational technology (Edtech)?

  5. Experience the Magic of the Edtech Solutions Summit

  6. Rethinking Education for the Future