The Role Of Body Language In Communication

Body language often plays a significant role in communication and can be as important as the words we say. It can involve eye contact, head movement, posture, gestures, and facial expressions, all of which can add meaning to our verbal communication. Non-human primates also frequently use body language to communicate. Today, body language may not always play a role in communication, as many of our interactions tend to happen online through text only. However, body language will likely continue to be a crucial element of communication as long as people continue to have face-to-face interactions. If you struggle to communicate effectively or have trouble understanding various body language cues, working with a therapist in person or online may be helpful.

What is body language?

  • Facial expressions
  • Head movement
  • Eye contact

These can be universal to all humans, and people may perform them consciously or subconsciously to convey their thoughts and feelings. Experts say body language usually constitutes about half of what we are trying to communicate. 

For example, a person may not always need to verbally say "no" to communicate that something is wrong or that they disagree with what a person is saying. Instead, they can shake their head from side to side to share the same sentiment. Moreover, if a student slouches in their chair in class and doesn’t make eye contact with their teacher, this may signal that they are bored.

Body language can also enhance and complement our verbal communication skills. For instance, if someone in a store is asking for directions on where to find a product, and an employee merely says, "over there," this information may be too vague to be helpful to the customer.

Importance of body language in communication

At that point, the employee can be more specific with the location of the item by stating what aisle or department it is in. However, they may also gesture or point in the direction where the product is located. Even if the employee was not very specific and simply said "over there" while pointing, it would likely be more helpful than the original scenario with no body language.

Body language often plays a significant role in everyday interactions, which may be why it tends to be one of the most popular topics in communication studies. It is believed to have been of interest for thousands of years; even the Ancient Greeks interpreted the meanings behind human physical behavior. 

Body language as a form of unconscious communication

The previous section discussed a couple of examples that show how movement can be used to enhance speech. However, body language psychology may also consider unconscious communication. Although these physical cues might be unintentional, they can still be interpreted by others.

Consider law enforcement as an example. A forensic psychologist or someone working with intelligence may be  trained to notice brief micro-expressions , or quick, unconscious expressions of emotion that can appear on a person’s face.

People in charge of investigations may be interested in these nonverbal cues because they can indicate whether a person is lying or trying to conceal something from the interrogator. These cues can happen in a split second, but if an observer slows or freezes a video, they might witness an apparent expression change at that moment.

Some other everyday situations where unconscious body language can occur may be during periods of nervousness or attraction. Specific expressions can vary from person to person. For example, someone might cough when placed in a scenario that makes them nervous, whereas another might touch their face or scratch themselves as though they have an itch.

Nonverbal communication in recognizing changes in behavior

People may be unaware of their body language in these situations because these cues tend to be performed subconsciously. However, they can be observable to others, and people might notice patterns over time. This may be especially true for people who interact with each other regularly, such as parents and their children, for example. 

Since people close to one another usually know each other's baseline or default personality, they can spot when something is off by noticing changes in body language. For instance, if a child lies to their mother about where they are going, they might exhibit distinct body cues that are out of the ordinary, such as avoiding eye contact or speaking more rapidly.

Evolution and the origins of body language and facial expressions

By researching non-human primates, we may better understand how we used body language early in our evolution as a species. The use of body language generally predates any spoken or written language that humans have created. Since they do not have the same vocal anatomy and brain size as humans do to produce speech, non-human primates frequently use body language to communicate with each other.

It is also generally believed that genetic differences may be similarly responsible for why we can speak, while our closest ancestors, chimpanzees and bonobos, cannot. A variation of the FOXP2 gene is suggested to be why this is the case, and humans may have a unique mutation. This mutation had likely occurred within the last four to six million years because that is when the last common ancestor to the Homo and Pan species lived. The mutation is believed to have stuck around, rather than gradually being bred out, because increased communication abilities likely enhanced our chance of survival.

Nonverbal communication and body language in primates and humans

Although they may not speak as we can, non-human primates can provide insight into why body language developed in the first place. We can observe them and see how they use nonverbal communication with one another to fulfill their need to communicate.

Gestures have often been noted in monkeys and great apes to produce different signals, some of which humans also use. For example, a hard touch or brush of the hand can tell another individual to stop, whereas a soft one or a light pull can be more inviting. Some species, such as orangutans, also embrace one another.

Unique body language and facial expressions in primates and humans

Others have unique forms of body language to communicate. Male gorillas may attempt to show dominance by standing on two legs and beating their chests. Despite being exclusive to gorillas, humans also typically have ways to assert power and strength nonverbally, such as standing with our feet at a wider stance than usual. Some primates, such as chimpanzees and bonobos, may pout; however, instead of signaling sadness or disappointment, pouting usually means wanting something related to food or grooming. 

In primates, gestures are often accompanied by facial expressions and eye contact. Baring teeth can be a universal sign of aggression among non-human primates. On the other hand, lip-smacking can be a friendly facial signal and may be a form of submission in some situations.

Evolution of body language in communication among humans

As our brains have grown and our facial structure has changed over time, humans have generally been able to utilize other types of body language in communication. While we may not show our teeth to express aggression, we frequently have other ways to convey the same message, such as scowling, glaring, or using unique gestures like the "middle finger"(which can tie in with language and culture).

The importance of body language in modern society

In today's digital age, many people rely on social media and text messaging to communicate with each other. Although virtual interaction may allow people to talk at their leisure and can minimize social pressure and anxiety for some, certain things can be lost in translation, so to speak. 

By being unable to see or hear the other person as you speak with them, you might miss critical nonverbal cues, as well as verbal ones, like vocal inflection. Online communication is generally becoming the primary modality for millions of people, and body language may continue to evolve to accommodate this shift.

Still, body language has likely been around for millions of years, and despite it being absent from certain situations, it can still be relevant. It may continue for the foreseeable future as long as people continue interacting face-to-face. Research has shown that body language can be vital for human cognitive functioning because it can enhance information transfer and lexical retrieval. 

For some, nonverbal communication may not come easily, and this difficulty may be exacerbated by the frequent use of technology, which may not allow for as many opportunities to learn and practice. If you struggle with communication, whether verbal or nonverbal, therapy can be helpful.

Benefits of online therapy

Online therapy can be convenient if you struggle with communicating or need extra help and support with mental health-related concerns. You generally won't need to leave your house to work with a licensed therapist suited to your needs, and if you're worried about the ability to pick up on nonverbal cues like body language, video-chatting with your therapist may be an option, in addition to phone call or online chat sessions.

Effectiveness of online therapy

A common reason for communication struggles can be social anxiety disorder. If you experience symptoms of social anxiety, it can be challenging to fully engage in conversation and pick up on body language cues. A 2022 study indicated that online therapy could be effective in treating social anxiety disorder . However, if communication difficulties stem from another cause, it may be helpful to know that online therapy is generally as effective as in-person therapy for a variety of mental health-related concerns, according to a growing body of evidence. 

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body essay about communication

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body essay about communication

What is the 7 %- 38 %- 55 rule?

Generally speaking, body language plays a large role in our ability to communicate as humans. Understanding how to read body language can give someone a deeper connection and understanding of what is truly being said and felt by someone else. 

The 7%-38%-55% rule suggests that a mere 7% of communication is done verbally. It then hypothesizes that 38% of communication comes across in our tone and voice inflection, leaving 55% of the communication to come from someone’s body movement and language. 

Whether these exact percentages are true or not, it does show us just how much of a role body language, hand gestures, and facial expressions play in communication — possibly showing our unspoken emotions. 

How much does body language contribute to communication?

Our body movements and hand gestures can convey emotions that we may not even be consciously aware of. Even if we only use subtle movements, someone who is using active listening skills can understand these additions to our verbal message. Seeking out body language tips, as well as signs of positive body language and negative body language can help us to use these skills more effectively socially. 

What are the 4 types of body language?

Generally speaking, people recognize four main types of body language. These can include soft and fluid, precise and bold, dynamic and determined, and light and bouncy movements. Each of these types can convey understanding and support our speech in a visual sense. 

What are the 3 V's of communication?

Many recognize that the three V’s of communication include visual, vocal, and verbal communication methods; which can be shown by positive body language, vocal inflection, and other ways. For example: Maintaining open posture and open body language as you welcome a new friend to a group can send the message that you’re genuinely a warm, safe person to be around. Alternatively, maintaining an open posture and maintaining eye contact can be a way to generate tension if you’re angry, signaling that you’re ready for conflict. 

The most effective body language and eye contact in face-to-face communication

Many sources find that the most effective body language type for face-to-face communication is simply the management of your facial expression. A nice smile can be a great way to facilitate connection and conversation, for example. 

What are some examples of bad body language?

“Bad body language” is entirely subjective, and can be formed by a person’s unique experiences. However, common examples of body language that people may perceive negatively can include: 

  • Shifting one’s weight from side to side 
  • Tensing your cheek muscles 

How do people use body language to communicate?

How does body language affect our communication, how to improve body language and eye contact in communication, why is language important in communication, why is it important to read body language.

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Essay on Importance of Communication for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of communication:.

Communication is one of the important tools that aid us to connect with people. Either you are a student or a working professional, good communication is something that will connect you far ahead. Proper communication can help you to solve a number of issues and resolve problems. This is the reason that one must know how to communicate well. The skills of communication essential to be developed so that you are able to interact with people. And able to share your thoughts and reach out to them. All this needs the correct guidance and self-analysis as well.

essay on importance of communication

Meaning of Communication

The word communication is basically a process of interaction with the people and their environment . Through such type of interactions, two or more individuals influence the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of each other.

Such interactions happen through the exchange of information through words, gestures, signs, symbols, and expressions. In organizations, communication is an endless process of giving and receiving information and to build social relationships.

Importance of Communication

Communication is not merely essential but the need of the hour. It allows you to get the trust of the people and at the same time carry better opportunities before you. Some important points are as follows –

Help to Build Relationships 

No matter either you are studying or working, communication can aid you to build a relationship with the people. If you are studying you communicate with classmates and teachers to build a relationship with them. Likewise in offices and organizations too, you make relationships with the staff, your boss and other people around.

Improve the Working Environment 

There are a number of issues which can be handled through the right and effective communication. Even planning needs communication both written as well as verbal. Hence it is essential to be good in them so as to fill in the communication gap.

Foster strong team

Communication helps to build a strong team environment in the office and other places. Any work which requires to be done in a team. It is only possible if the head communicates everything well and in the right direction.

Find the right solutions

Through communication, anyone can find solutions to even serious problems. When we talk, we get ideas from people that aid us to solve the issues. This is where communication comes into play. Powerful communication is the strength of any organization and can help it in many ways.

Earns more respect

If your communication skills are admirable, people will love and give you respect. If there is any problem, you will be the first person to be contacted. Thus it will increase your importance. Hence you can say that communications skills can make a big change to your reputation in society.

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Don’t Go Overboard With Your Point

The conversation is about to express your thoughts. And to let the other person know what you feel. It is not mean to prove that your point is correct and the other person is wrong. Don’t Overboard other With Your Point.

Watch Your Words

Before you say something to Watch Your Words. At times, out of anger or anxiousness, we say somethings that we must not say. Whenever you are in a professional meeting or in some formal place, where there is a necessity of communicating about your product or work then it is advised to practice the same beforehand

Communication is the greatest importance. It is important to sharing out one’s thoughts and feelings to live a fuller and happier life. The more we communicate the less we suffer and the better we feel about everything around. However, it is all the more necessary to learn the art of effective communication to put across ones point well.

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Essays About Communication: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Are you writing essays about communication? Check out our top essay examples and writing prompts to help you get started.

Communication is power and is critical to building a well-connected society. Communicating well is vital in working with people and shedding light on problems and solutions. Practical communication skills can help build relationships. 

If you’re writing an essay on communication and are having a hard time choosing a topic to focus on, here is our round-up of the best essay examples to get you started:  

1. The Benefits of Communication and Teamwork by Karenina Loayza

2. it’s time to tune in: why listening is the real key to communication by kate murphy, 3. a love language spoken with hands by ross showalter, 4. the role of body language in communication by ashley tulio, 5. the power of storytelling in marketing by dylan jacob, 1. how-to develop communication skills, 2. how-to write an inspiring speech, 3. should all leaders be good communicators, 4. theories of mass communication, 5. how are schools developing children’s communication skills, 6. communicating face-to-face vs. online , 7. marketing communications: what are they, 8. is communicating on social media effective, 9. is it possible to communicate effectively on virtual workplace platforms, 10. how-to communicate in the workplace.

“In one task, we were blindfolded and had to describe a set of irregular pieces. With varying degrees of English and different experiences of the world, it was like explaining an elephant to an alien.” 

Loayza narrates an exercise in class where they have to describe surrounding objects as accurately as possible to keep others from stumbling on them. The writer said the exercise demonstrated effectively the need for good communication skills for teams to succeed.

“Schools and universities have courses in debate, rhetoric and elocution, but rarely classes that teach listening. You can get a doctorate in speech communication and join Toastmasters International to perfect your speaking skills, but who strives for excellence in listening?”

Murphy muses on a world that glorifies the speakers but leaves no room for the listeners like her. She points out how social media has created a generation that prefers interacting behind the screen and filtering out opinions that do not resonate with theirs. Instead, Murphy emphasizes listening as a foundation for better human relations and offers solutions for how others can develop their listening for successful communication. 

“Will showed me that not everyone makes promises they don’t intend to fulfil. I don’t have to invest in someone who promises an action they’ll never do. Relationships only move forward once the work of communication begins.”

Showalter, a deaf man, laments how non-deaf ex-lovers have promised to learn sign language to better communicate with him – only to see these promises broken. Then, one morning, a remarkable man in his life sends a video message reviving hopes for Showalter and redefines his standard in relationships for the better. 

“Non-verbal communication can affect our words as it can reiterate our message, contradict our words, reinforce our statement, substitute the meaning of what we are trying to say, and complement what we are trying to say. Body language is something that is usually natural and is often done instinctively rather than consciously.”

Tulio, a communications specialist, stresses the importance of using body language for expression. She provides tips on maximizing gestures and body movement to convey emotions in person and through videoconferencing. 

“In marketing, storytelling provides an avenue to connect to consumers unlike any other. Brands are empowered to share and sell their values and personality in a form that feels less like advertising and more like a concerted effort to strengthen relationships with customers.

The author cites the viewpoints of a business school professor who explains how storytelling can shape the world’s perception of a brand. Finally, the author outlines the vital elements that make an exciting story capable of connecting with an audience and effecting action among consumers.

10 Writing Prompts On essays about communication

To further expand your horizon on the subject, you can work around our list of prompts that are interesting and relevant to date:

essays about communication: How-to develop communication skills

You can narrow down this essay to target employees, students, aspiring leaders, or those who want to improve their conversation skills. First, list down recommendations such as expanding their vocabulary and listening. Then, explain how they can incorporate this into their daily routine. 

Writing a speech that strikes a chord requires extra work in developing empathy and understanding the audience. Next, you can focus on providing recommendations for your essay, such as putting in a personal touch and linking this story to the broader subject. Make sure you also offer simple writing tips such as using the active voice as much as possible, keeping sentences short, and keeping the tone conversational. 

Cite research studies that detail why effective communication is a critical skill that makes a leader. Then, write about the organizational pitfalls of poor communication. Later, leaders who can speak engagingly and listen attentively to their team members can address these pitfalls. 

Communication theory is the study of processes in sending and receiving information. Discuss the four main theories of mass communication: the Authoritarian Theory, the Libertarian Theory, the Soviet-Communist Theory, and the Social-Responsibility Theory. Explain each one. Explain how each remains relevant in understanding modern communication processes. 

Interview schools within your community and learn about their language curriculum and other efforts to empower children to communicate well. You can also interview child development experts. Find out the biggest challenges in helping children improve how they express their thoughts and ideas. Then, find out what schools and parents are doing to address them. 

While you’d hear many people expressing a preference for face-to-face meetings, there are undoubtedly benefits to online meetings, which some usually dismiss. Weigh in on the pros and cons of in-person and online meetings, especially in the current scenario of an ongoing pandemic. 

What are the new marketing channels marketers are leveraging to reach their audience? Several surveys and studies show where most marketing campaigns allocate their budgets. One example is video content. 

An interesting angle would also involve looking at epic brand fails. Cite two or more cases, find a communication mishap common between them and provide what lessons can today’s brands learn from these epic fails. 

From interacting with loved ones and finding someone to date and love, social media has dramatically changed our ways of communication. It might be great to interview the elders who have experienced communicating through snail mail. Dive into their nostalgia and discover how they compare the experience of letter writing against instant chatting through mobile apps. 

Several apps today aim to transform workplaces to be more connected for interaction and communication. First, list down the top apps most used in the corporate world and discuss why these communication forms are preferred over email. Then, delve into the drawbacks and aspects of the apps that need improvements according to what business users say. 

Recent studies show that employees quit their jobs when they feel unable to talk about their needs in the workplace. Research the communication culture in the top companies in a specific field. How are they engaging with their employees? How are they driving conversations toward critical concerns?

TIP: You don’t have to write an extended essay. Here is a guide to writing a concise and organized five-paragraph essay.

For more help with writing, check out our best essay writing tips for a stress-free writing process. 


Essay on Body Language

Students are often asked to write an essay on Body Language in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Body Language

Understanding body language.

Body language is how we talk without using words. It’s about what we do with our hands, face, and body. It can show what we feel inside. For example, when we are happy, we smile. When we are nervous, we might bite our nails.

Types of Body Language

There are many types of body language. Facial expressions, gestures, and posture are a few. Facial expressions show feelings like happiness, sadness, or anger. Gestures are things we do with our hands or arms. Posture is how we stand or sit.

Importance of Body Language

Body language is important because it helps us understand each other better. It can tell us if someone is telling the truth or not. It can also show if a person is confident or shy. Learning about body language can help us communicate better.

Reading Body Language

Reading body language means understanding what someone’s body is saying. If someone crosses their arms, they might be upset. If they lean in when you talk, they might be interested. Understanding these signs can help us respond in the right way.

Improving Body Language

We can improve our body language by being aware of it. We can practice standing tall to show confidence. We can also try to match our body language to our words. This can help us communicate more clearly and effectively.

250 Words Essay on Body Language

Introduction to body language.

Body language is the unspoken communication we use every day. It includes facial expressions, posture, gestures, and eye contact. Our body language can tell others how we feel, even when we do not say a word.

There are many types of body language. Facial expressions like smiling or frowning can show happiness or sadness. Gestures like waving or pointing can help us express our thoughts. Posture, the way we stand or sit, can show confidence or nervousness. Eye contact can show interest or disinterest in a conversation.

Body language is important because it helps us understand others better. For example, if someone is crossing their arms, they might be upset or defensive. If they are leaning in and making eye contact, they are likely interested in what you are saying. Understanding body language can help us communicate more effectively.

Learning Body Language

Learning body language can be fun and useful. It can help us become better communicators. By observing people and their body language, we can learn to understand their feelings and thoughts better. It can also help us express our own feelings more clearly.

In conclusion, body language is a vital part of communication. It helps us express our feelings and understand others. Learning about body language can make us better communicators and help us connect with others on a deeper level.

500 Words Essay on Body Language

The importance of body language.

Body language is vital because it helps us understand others better. For example, if someone is crossing their arms, it might mean they are feeling closed off or defensive. A person who is smiling and maintaining eye contact is likely to be more open and friendly. By paying attention to body language, we can get a better sense of a person’s true feelings.

There are several types of body language. Facial expressions are the most common, and they can express many emotions without saying a word. For instance, a frown might indicate unhappiness or confusion, while a smile can show happiness or approval.

Gestures are another type of body language. These can include waving, pointing, and using our hands when we talk. Posture can also convey a lot of information about a person’s state of mind. For example, a person who stands tall with their shoulders back is likely to be confident, while someone who slouches might be tired or unsure.

To understand body language, we need to pay attention to the context. The same gesture can mean different things in different situations. For example, crossed arms could mean that a person is feeling defensive, but it could also mean that they are cold.

Another important point is to look at body language as a whole. If a person’s words are saying one thing but their body language is saying another, it’s likely that their body language is the more truthful of the two.

The Power of Body Language

In conclusion, body language is a crucial part of communication. It can help us understand others, express our own feelings, and improve our interactions. By paying attention to body language, we can learn a lot about ourselves and the people around us. Remember, it’s not just about what we say, but also how we say it.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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Introduction, the power of non-verbal communication, in academic settings, the role of body language in interviews and evaluations, cultural considerations, the impact of body language on collaboration, declarations.

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Unspoken science: exploring the significance of body language in science and academia

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Mansi Patil, Vishal Patil, Unisha Katre, Unspoken science: exploring the significance of body language in science and academia, European Heart Journal , Volume 45, Issue 4, 21 January 2024, Pages 250–252,

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Scientific presentations serve as a platform for researchers to share their work and engage with their peers. Science and academia rely heavily on effective communication to share knowledge and foster collaboration. Science and academia are domains deeply rooted in the pursuit of knowledge and the exchange of ideas. While the focus is often on the content of research papers, lectures, and presentations, there is another form of communication that plays a significant role in these fields: body language. Non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, gestures, posture, and eye contact, can convey a wealth of information, often subtly influencing interpersonal dynamics and the perception of scientific work. In this article, we will delve into the unspoken science of body language, exploring its significance in science and academia. It is essential to emphasize on the importance of body language in scientific and academic settings, highlighting its impact on presentations, interactions, interviews, and collaborations. Additionally, cultural considerations and the implications for cross-cultural communication are explored. By understanding the unspoken science of body language, researchers and academics can enhance their communication skills and promote a more inclusive and productive scientific community.

Communication is a multi-faceted process, and words are only one aspect of it. Research suggests that non-verbal communication constitutes a substantial portion of human interaction, often conveying information that words alone cannot. Body language has a direct impact on how people perceive and interpret scientific ideas and findings. 1 For example, a presenter who maintains confident eye contact, uses purposeful gestures, and exhibits an open posture is likely to be seen as more credible and persuasive compared with someone who fidgets, avoids eye contact, and displays closed-off body language ( Figure 1 ).

Types of non-verbal communications.2 Non-verbal communication comprises of haptics, gestures, proxemics, facial expressions, paralinguistics, body language, appearance, eye contact, and artefacts.

Types of non-verbal communications. 2 Non-verbal communication comprises of haptics, gestures, proxemics, facial expressions, paralinguistics, body language, appearance, eye contact, and artefacts.

In academia, body language plays a crucial role in various contexts. During lectures, professors who use engaging body language, such as animated gestures and expressive facial expressions, can captivate their students and enhance the learning experience. Similarly, students who exhibit attentive and respectful body language, such as maintaining eye contact and nodding, signal their interest and engagement in the subject matter. 3

Body language also influences interactions between colleagues and supervisors. For instance, in a laboratory setting, researchers who display confident and open body language are more likely to be perceived as competent and reliable by their peers. Conversely, individuals who exhibit closed-off or defensive body language may inadvertently create an environment that inhibits collaboration and knowledge sharing. The impact of haptics in research collaboration and networking lies in its potential to enhance interpersonal connections and convey emotions, thereby fostering a deeper sense of empathy and engagement among participants.

Interviews and evaluations are critical moments in academic and scientific careers. Body language can significantly impact the outcomes of these processes. Candidates who display confident body language, including good posture, firm handshakes, and appropriate gestures, are more likely to make positive impressions on interviewers or evaluators. Conversely, individuals who exhibit nervousness or closed-off body language may unwittingly convey a lack of confidence or competence, even if their qualifications are strong. Recognizing the power of body language in these situations allows individuals to present themselves more effectively and positively.

Non-verbal cues play a pivotal role during interviews and conferences, where researchers and academics showcase their work. When attending conferences or presenting research, scientists must be aware of their body language to effectively convey their expertise and credibility. Confident body language can inspire confidence in others, making it easier to establish professional connections, garner support for research projects, and secure collaborations.

Similarly, during job interviews, body language can significantly impact the outcome. The facial non-verbal elements of an interviewee in a job interview setting can have a great effect on their chances of being hired. The face as a whole, the eyes, and the mouth are features that are looked at and observed by the interviewer as they makes their judgements on the person’s effective work ability. The more an applicant genuinely smiles and has their eyes’ non-verbal message match their mouth’s non-verbal message, they will be more likely to get hired than those who do not. As proven, that first impression can be made in only milliseconds; thus, it is crucial for an applicant to pass that first test. It paints the road for the rest of the interview process. 4

While body language is a universal form of communication, it is important to recognize that its interpretation can vary across cultures. Different cultures have distinct norms and expectations regarding body language, and what may be seen as confident in one culture may be interpreted differently in another. 5 It is crucial for scientists and academics to be aware of these cultural nuances to foster effective cross-cultural communication and understanding. Awareness of cultural nuances is crucial in fostering effective cross-cultural communication and understanding. Scientists and academics engaged in international collaborations or interactions should familiarize themselves with cultural differences to avoid misunderstandings and promote respectful and inclusive communication.

Collaboration lies at the heart of scientific progress and academic success. Body language plays a significant role in building trust and establishing effective collaboration among researchers and academics. Open and inviting body language, along with active listening skills, can foster an environment where ideas can be freely exchanged, leading to innovative breakthroughs. In research collaboration and networking, proxemics can significantly affect the level of trust and rapport between researchers. Respecting each other’s personal space and maintaining appropriate distances during interactions can foster a more positive and productive working relationship, leading to better communication and idea exchange ( Figure 2 ). Furthermore, being aware of cultural variations in proxemics can help researchers navigate diverse networking contexts, promoting cross-cultural understanding and enabling more fruitful international collaborations.

Overcoming the barrier of communication. The following factors are important for overcoming the barriers in communication, namely, using culturally appropriate language, being observant, assuming positive intentions, avoiding being judgemental, identifying and controlling bias, slowing down responses, emphasizing relationships, seeking help from interpreters, being eager to learn and adapt, and being empathetic.

Overcoming the barrier of communication. The following factors are important for overcoming the barriers in communication, namely, using culturally appropriate language, being observant, assuming positive intentions, avoiding being judgemental, identifying and controlling bias, slowing down responses, emphasizing relationships, seeking help from interpreters, being eager to learn and adapt, and being empathetic.

On the other hand, negative body language, such as crossed arms, lack of eye contact, or dismissive gestures, can signal disinterest or disagreement, hindering collaboration and stifling the flow of ideas. Recognizing and addressing such non-verbal cues can help create a more inclusive and productive scientific community.

Effective communication is paramount in science and academia, where the exchange of ideas and knowledge fuels progress. While the scientific community often focuses on the power of words, it is crucial not to send across conflicting verbal and non-verbal cues. While much attention is given to verbal communication, the significance of non-verbal cues, specifically body language, cannot be overlooked. Body language encompasses facial expressions, gestures, posture, eye contact, and other non-verbal behaviours that convey information beyond words.

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There are no conflicts of interests from all authors.

Baugh AD , Vanderbilt AA , Baugh RF . Communication training is inadequate: the role of deception, non-verbal communication, and cultural proficiency . Med Educ Online 2020 ; 25 : 1820228 .

Google Scholar

Aralia . 8 Nonverbal Tips for Public Speaking . Aralia Education Technology. (22 July 2023, date last accessed)

Danesi M . Nonverbal communication. In: Understanding Nonverbal Communication : Boomsburry Academic , 2022 ; 121 – 162 .

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Cortez R , Marshall D , Yang C , Luong L . First impressions, cultural assimilation, and hireability in job interviews: examining body language and facial expressions’ impact on employer’s perceptions of applicants . Concordia J Commun Res 2017 ; 4 .

Pozzer-Ardenghi L . Nonverbal aspects of communication and interaction and their role in teaching and learning science. In: The World of Science Education . Netherlands : Brill , 2009 , 259 – 271 .

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Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Effective Communication — Effective Communication: The Key to Building Strong Connections


Effective Communication: The Key to Building Strong Connections

  • Categories: Connection Effective Communication

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Words: 791 |

Published: Sep 12, 2023

Words: 791 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

The importance of effective communication, key elements of effective communication, barriers to effective communication, strategies for improving communication, 1. building relationships:, 2. resolving conflicts:, 3. achieving goals:, 4. personal development:, 5. success in the workplace:, 1. clarity:, 2. active listening:, 3. empathy:, 4. nonverbal communication:, 5. respect:, 1. misunderstandings:, 2. lack of active listening:, 3. emotional barriers:, 4. assumptions and stereotypes:, 5. lack of feedback:, 1. practice active listening:, 2. foster empathy:, 3. be mindful of nonverbal cues:, 4. seek feedback:, 5. adapt to your audience: h3>, 6. practice constructive communication:, 7. educate yourself:.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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body essay about communication

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Body Language


Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff

Body language is a silent orchestra, as people constantly give clues to what they’re thinking and feeling. Non-verbal messages including body movements, facial expressions, vocal tone and volume, and other signals are collectively known as body language.

Microexpressions (brief displays of emotion on the face), hand gestures, and posture all register in the human brain almost immediately—even when a person is not consciously aware they have perceived anything. For this reason, body language can strongly color how an individual is perceived, and how he or she, in turn, interprets others’ motivation , mood, and openness . It's natural to mirror; beginning as soon as infancy, a newborn moves its body to the rhythm of the voice he hears.


Body language is a vital form of communication, but most of it happens below the level of conscious awareness. When you wait for a blind date to arrive, for instance, you may nervously tap your foot without even realizing that you’re doing it. Similarly, when you show up to meet your date, you may not consciously perceive that your date appears closed-off, but your unconscious mind may pick up on the crossed arms or averted gaze. Luckily, with knowledge and a little practice, it is possible to exert some measure of control over your own body language and to become more skilled at reading others.

The face is the first place to look , arching eyebrows might indicate an invitation of sorts, and smiling is another indication that the person welcomes you. And is the person standing or sitting close to you? If so, then there is interest. Plus, open arms are just that: Open.

If a person repeatedly touches your arm, places a light hand on your shoulder, or knocks elbows with you, the person is attracted to you and is demonstrating this with increased touch. People interested in each other smile more, and their mouths may even be slightly open. Engaging in eye contact is another indication. A person who leans towards you or mirrors your body language is also demonstrating interest.

A common form of body language is mirroring another person’s gestures and mannerisms; mirroring also includes mimicking another person’s speech patterns and even attitudes. This is a method of building rapport with others.  We learn through imitating others, and it is mostly an unconscious action.

When you want to persuade or influence a person, mirroring can be an effective way to build rapport. Salespeople who use this with prospective clients pay close attention to them and they listen, observe, mimic with positive results.

People who are attracted to one another indeed copy each other’s movements and mannerisms. In fact, many animals mirror as well. That is why cats circle each other, and why chimpanzees stare at each other before intercourse.

If you tilt your head while looking at a baby, the baby relaxes. Why is that? The same applies to couples who are in love, tilting the head exposes the neck, and perhaps shows vulnerability. The person with a tilted head is perceived as more interested, attentive, caring, and having less of an agenda.

Eye blocking , or covering your eyes, expresses emotions such as frustration and worry. And sometimes the eyelids shut to show determination, while sometimes the eyelids flutter to show that you have screwed up and feel embarrassed.

When you’re stressed out, touching or stroking the neck signals a pacifying behavior. We all rub our necks at the back, the sides, and also under the chin. The fleshy area under the chin has nerve endings and stroking it lowers heart rate and calms us.

The hands reveal a lot about a person. When you feel confident, the space between your fingers grows, but that space lessens when you feel insecure. And while rubbing the hands conveys stress, steepling the fingers means that a person feels confident.

In many cultures, a light touch on the arm conveys harmony and trust. In one study, people in the UK, the US, France, and Puerto Rico were observed while sitting at a coffee shop. The British and the Americans hardly touched, and the French and the Puerto Ricans freely touched in togetherness.  

To make others feel comfortable while standing, crossing your legs will show you are interested in what the other person has to say. It also means, “Take your time.” The standing crossed legs will help you say that you are comfortable with the other person.

Fidgety hands mean anxiousness or even boredom and keeping your arms akimbo may telegraph arrogance. Crossing the arms and legs is, no doubt, a closed position. Whereas sitting with open arms invites the other person in. If you are sitting and want to appear neutral, it’s best to hold your hands on your lap, just like the Queen of England.

Shake hands firmly while making eye contact, but do not squeeze the person’s hand—your goal is to make someone feel comfortable , not to assert dominance. It is important to be sensitive to cultural norms: if you receive a weak handshake, it may be that the person comes from a background in which a gentle handshake is the norm.

Most people think that crossed arms are a sign of aggression or refusal to cooperate. In fact, crossed arms can signal many other things, including anxiety, self-restraint, and even interest, if the person crossing their arms is mirroring someone who is doing the same.   

For the most part, yes. All primates demonstrate behaviors including the freeze response and various self-soothing behaviors, such as touching the neck or twirling the hair in humans. We know that many non-verbal behaviors are innate because even blind children engage in them. Still, some behaviors are mysteries. 

In males, wide shoulders and narrow hips are associated with strength and vitality; this is reflected in everything from the form of Greek statues to padded shoulders in men's suit jackets. How one hold's one's shoulders conveys dominance and relative status within a hierarchy. 

Freezing in place, rocking back and forth, and contorting into a fetal position are all known as " reserved behaviors ," as they are used only when a person experiences extreme stress. Facial expressions alone can signal this state, such as pursing or sucking in the lips, often seen when a person is upset or feels contrite. 

As social animals, we evolved to display emotions, thoughts, and intentions, all of which are processed by the brain's limbic system. Because these reactions precede and at times even override conscious deliberation, body language is uniquely capable of revealing how a person feels--but only if another person is schooled in what these gestures indicate. 

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Importance of Communication Essay

500+ words importance of communication essay.

For every human being, communication is one of the essential parts of our lives. People build relationships in their personal and professional lives based on communication. Effective communication works as a foundation for respect and trust to grow. It helps in better understanding a person and the context of the conversation. People always believe that their way of communication is better than others. To communicate effectively, individuals should understand the motion behind the said information. We know that communication is effortless, but miscommunication between two or more individuals sometimes leads to conflicts and distress. Building relationships at home, work, and social affairs will be easier if you know the right way to communicate effectively. It is required to have better communication skills such as non-verbal communication, listening and managing stress can improve the relationship between individuals.

Meaning of Communication

Communication is essential for all of us, whether humans or animals. Communication is a part of written and spoken language, and altogether it completes the communication process. Both use different languages to communicate because it’s hard to survive in this world without communication.

Good communication skills are all about exchanging ideas and thoughts to convey information. It is a two-way conversation that includes vocalisation as well as a gesture. One of the crucial purposes of communication is to express ideas, needs or thoughts, and one’s beliefs with clarity for a mutually accepted solution.

Communication skills cannot be underestimated. Before languages were invented, people communicated with their hand gestures, body language, etc. We all require better communication skills at every step of our life. Personal and professional life will get hampered if you lack practical communication.

Importance of Effective Communication

People understand the importance of communication, but sometimes they cannot communicate through communication. It happens due to a lack of better communication skills. Below, we have discussed a few ways to communicate effectively.

  • Interruption: It becomes very annoying when someone disrupts you while talking. It looks pretty unethical to disrupt someone while talking constantly, and the conversation can take a different turn. So, while talking, let the other person complete their talk before you start talking.
  • Listen patiently: Listen patiently when someone tries to make a healthy conversation. It is one of the ways to do effective communication, as it gives a clear understanding of what the person is trying to say.
  • View your body language: Body language speaks about your personality. Some people make uncomfortable gestures through their body language. So, you should keep your body language friendly and warm rather than keeping it arrogant.
  • Do not go over your point: Communication is all about expressing thoughts so that the other person can understand. It is not that you are trying to prove something correct and the other person incorrect. Some people try to win the conservation, which leads to struggles and arguments.
  • Watch your words: Before telling someone something, make sure you know what you are saying. We often say things that we should not do out of anger or anxiety. Remember, once spoken, words can not be withdrawn. Thus, it is suggested that you do not say something that you can regret later.
  • Practice: If there is a professional meeting where you need to communicate about your product or work, it is recommended to practise already. Practise in front of the mirror or with a friend only. Choose how your conversation will begin, all the points you cover, and how you will end it.

As many people may feel comfortable communicating, communication is an art developed through practice and evaluation; every good communicator passes through a process to learn communication and practice skills, review themselves, and decrease where they can be.

Communication is essential to share our thoughts and feelings to live a happy life. Better communication makes us feel better about everything surrounding us and makes us suffer less. So, it is necessary to learn the art of communication to put across one point well.

Therefore, communication is a vital aspect of our existence. Effective communication can be achieved by being mindful of different elements of communication. Using appropriate communication in appropriate settings is essential for effective communication.

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Frequently asked Questions on the Importance of communication Essay

How important is communication.

Communication of ideas, and thoughts is an important skill to be acquired. Conveying things in an effective manner is necessary for both our personal and professional lives.

What are types of communication?

There are 4 main types of communication are verbal, non verbal, visual and written forms of communication.

What are the factors that act as a barrier for communication?

Language is obviously the biggest barrier for communication between peoples of the world. Then comes the physical barrier. Geographical separation hinders communication. There are other factors like the gender barrier, cultural differences that prevail in the society. Last but not the least, emotional barriers too hinder proper understanding between persons involved in communication.

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What is effective communication?

Tips for improving your communication skills.

  • Tip 1: Understand the barriers to effective communication

Tip 2: Become an engaged listener

Tip 3: pay attention to nonverbal signals, tip 4: keep stress in check, tip 5: assert yourself, effective communication improving your interpersonal skills.

Want better communication skills? These tips will help you avoid misunderstandings, grasp the real meaning of what’s being communicated, and greatly improve your work and personal relationships.

body essay about communication

Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information. It’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. As well as being able to clearly convey a message, you need to also listen in a way that gains the full meaning of what’s being said and makes the other person feel heard and understood.

Effective communication sounds like it should be instinctive. But all too often, when we try to communicate with others something goes astray. We say one thing, the other person hears something else, and misunderstandings, frustration, and conflicts ensue. This can cause problems in your home, school, and work relationships.

But by learning effective communication skills, you can deepen your connections to others, build greater trust and respect, and improve teamwork, problem solving, and your overall social and emotional health

Whether you’re trying to improve communication with your romantic partner, kids, boss, or coworkers, learning the following communication skills can help strengthen your interpersonal relationships.

Tip 1: Understand what’s stopping you from communicating well

Common barriers to effective communication include:

Stress and out-of-control emotion.  When you’re stressed or emotionally overwhelmed, you’re more likely to misread other people, send confusing or off-putting nonverbal signals, and lapse into unhealthy knee-jerk patterns of behavior. To avoid conflict and misunderstandings, you can learn how to quickly calm down before continuing a conversation.

Lack of focus.  You can’t communicate effectively when you’re multitasking. If you’re checking your phone , planning what you’re going to say next, or daydreaming, you’re almost certain to miss nonverbal cues in the conversation. To communicate effectively, you need to avoid distractions and stay focused.

Inconsistent body language.  Nonverbal communication should reinforce what is being said, not contradict it. If you say one thing, but your body language says something else, your listener will likely feel that you’re being dishonest. For example, you can’t say “yes” while shaking your head no.

[Read: Nonverbal Communication and Body Language]

Negative body language.  If you disagree with or dislike what’s being said, you might use negative body language to rebuff the other person’s message, such as crossing your arms, avoiding eye contact, or tapping your feet. You don’t have to agree with, or even like what’s being said, but to communicate effectively and not put the other person on the defensive, it’s important to avoid sending negative signals.

When communicating with others, we often focus on what we should say. However, effective communication is less about talking and more about listening. Listening well means not just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also understanding the emotions the speaker is trying to convey.

There’s a big difference between engaged listening and simply hearing. When you really listen—when you’re engaged with what’s being said—you’ll hear the subtle intonations in someone’s voice that tell you how that person is feeling and the emotions they’re trying to communicate. When you’re an engaged listener, not only will you better understand the other person, you’ll also make that person feel heard and understood, which can help build a stronger, deeper connection between you.

By communicating in this way, you’ll also experience a process that  lowers stress and supports physical and emotional well-being. If the person you’re talking to is calm, for example, listening in an engaged way will help to calm you, too. Similarly, if the person is agitated, you can help calm them by listening in an attentive way and making the person feel understood.

If your goal is to fully understand and connect with the other person, listening in an engaged way will often come naturally. If it doesn’t, try the following tips. The more you practice them, the more satisfying and rewarding your interactions with others will become.

Tips for becoming an engaged listener

Focus fully on the speaker.  You can’t listen in an engaged way if you’re  constantly checking your phone or thinking about something else. You need to stay focused on the moment-to-moment experience in order to pick up the subtle nuances and important nonverbal cues in a conversation. If you find it hard to concentrate on some speakers, try repeating their words over in your head—it’ll reinforce their message and help you stay focused.

Favor your right ear.  As strange as it sounds, the left side of the brain contains the primary processing centers for both speech comprehension and emotions. Since the left side of the brain is connected to the right side of the body, favoring your right ear can help you better detect the emotional nuances of what someone is saying.

Avoid interrupting or trying to redirect the conversation to your concerns.  By saying something like, “If you think that’s bad, let me tell you what happened to me.” Listening is not the same as waiting for your turn to talk. You can’t concentrate on what someone’s saying if you’re forming what you’re going to say next. Often, the speaker can read your facial expressions and know that your mind’s elsewhere.

Show your interest in what’s being said.  Nod occasionally, smile at the person, and make sure your posture is open and inviting. Encourage the speaker to continue with small verbal comments like “yes” or “uh huh.”

Try to set aside judgment.  In order to communicate effectively with someone, you don’t have to like them or agree with their ideas, values, or opinions. However, you do need to set aside your judgment and withhold blame and criticism in order to fully understand them. The most difficult communication, when successfully executed, can often lead to an unlikely connection with someone.

[Read: Improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ)]

Provide feedback. If there seems to be a disconnect, reflect what has been said by paraphrasing. “What I’m hearing is,” or “Sounds like you are saying,” are great ways to reflect back. Don’t simply repeat what the speaker has said verbatim, though—you’ll sound insincere or unintelligent. Instead, express what the speaker’s words mean to you. Ask questions to clarify certain points: “What do you mean when you say…” or “Is this what you mean?”

Hear the emotion behind the words . It’s the higher frequencies of human speech that impart emotion. You can become more attuned to these frequencies—and thus better able to understand what others are really saying—by exercising the tiny muscles of your middle ear (the smallest in the body). You can do this by singing, playing a wind instrument, or listening to certain types of high-frequency music (a Mozart symphony or violin concerto, for example, rather than low-frequency rock, pop, or hip-hop).

The way you look, listen, move, and react to another person tells them more about how you’re feeling than words alone ever can. Nonverbal communication, or body language, includes facial expressions, body movement and gestures, eye contact, posture, the tone of your voice, and even your muscle tension and breathing.

Developing the ability to understand and use nonverbal communication can help you connect with others, express what you really mean, navigate challenging situations, and build better relationships at home and work.

  • You can enhance effective communication by using open body language—arms uncrossed, standing with an open stance or sitting on the edge of your seat, and maintaining eye contact with the person you’re talking to.
  • You can also use body language to emphasize or enhance your verbal message—patting a friend on the back while complimenting him on his success, for example, or pounding your fists to underline your message.

Improve how you  read nonverbal communication

Be aware of individual differences. People from different countries and cultures tend to use different nonverbal communication gestures, so it’s important to take age, culture, religion, gender, and emotional state into account when reading body language signals. An American teen, a grieving widow, and an Asian businessman, for example, are likely to use nonverbal signals differently.

Look at nonverbal communication signals as a group. Don’t read too much into a single gesture or nonverbal cue. Consider all of the nonverbal signals you receive, from eye contact to tone of voice to body language. Anyone can slip up occasionally and let eye contact go, for example, or briefly cross their arms without meaning to. Consider the signals as a whole to get a better “read” on a person.

Improve how you  deliver nonverbal communication

Use nonverbal signals that match up with your words rather than contradict them. If you say one thing, but your body language says something else, your listener will feel confused or suspect that you’re being dishonest. For example, sitting with your arms crossed and shaking your head doesn’t match words telling the other person that you agree with what they’re saying.

Adjust your nonverbal signals according to the context. The tone of your voice, for example, should be different when you’re addressing a child than when you’re addressing a group of adults. Similarly, take into account the emotional state and cultural background of the person you’re interacting with.

Avoid negative body language. Instead, use body language to convey positive feelings, even when you’re not actually experiencing them. If you’re nervous about a situation—a job interview, important presentation, or first date, for example—you can use positive body language to signal confidence, even though you’re not feeling it. Instead of tentatively entering a room with your head down, eyes averted, and sliding into a chair, try standing tall with your shoulders back, smiling and maintaining eye contact, and delivering a firm handshake. It will make you feel more self-confident and help to put the other person at ease.

How many times have you felt stressed during a disagreement with your spouse, kids, boss, friends, or coworkers and then said or done something you later regretted? If you can quickly relieve stress and return to a calm state, you’ll not only avoid such regrets, but in many cases you’ll also help to calm the other person as well. It’s only when you’re in a calm, relaxed state that you’ll be able to know whether the situation requires a response, or whether the other person’s signals indicate it would be better to remain silent.

In situations such as a job interview, business presentation, high-pressure meeting, or introduction to a loved one’s family, for example, it’s important to manage your emotions, think on your feet, and effectively communicate under pressure.

Communicate effectively by staying calm under pressure

Use stalling tactics to give yourself time to think. Ask for a question to be repeated or for clarification of a statement before you respond.

Pause to collect your thoughts. Silence isn’t necessarily a bad thing—pausing can make you seem more in control than rushing your response.

Make one point and provide an example or supporting piece of information. If your response is too long or you waffle about a number of points, you risk losing the listener’s interest. Follow one point with an example and then gauge the listener’s reaction to tell if you should make a second point.

Deliver your words clearly. In many cases, how you say something can be as important as what you say. Speak clearly, maintain an even tone, and make eye contact. Keep your body language relaxed and open.

Wrap up with a summary and then stop. Summarize your response and then stop talking, even if it leaves a silence in the room. You don’t have to fill the silence by continuing to talk.

Quick stress relief for effective communication

When a conversation starts to get heated, you need something quick and immediate to bring down the emotional intensity. By learning to quickly reduce stress in the moment, you can safely take stock of any strong emotions you’re experiencing, regulate your feelings, and behave appropriately.

Recognize when you’re becoming stressed. Your body will let you know if you’re stressed as you communicate. Are your muscles or stomach tight? Are your hands clenched? Is your breath shallow? Are you “forgetting” to breathe?

Take a moment to calm down before deciding to continue a conversation or postpone it.

Bring your senses to the rescue. The best way to rapidly and reliably relieve stress is through the senses—sight, sound, touch, taste, smell—or movement. For example, you could pop a peppermint in your mouth, squeeze a stress ball in your pocket, take a few deep breaths, clench and relax your muscles, or simply recall a soothing, sensory-rich image. Each person responds differently to sensory input, so you need to find a coping mechanism that is soothing to you.

[Read: Quick Stress Relief]

Look for humor in the situation. When used appropriately, humor is a great way to relieve stress when communicating . When you or those around you start taking things too seriously, find a way to lighten the mood by sharing a joke or an amusing story.

Be willing to compromise. Sometimes, if you can both bend a little, you’ll be able to find a happy middle ground that reduces the stress levels for everyone concerned. If you realize that the other person cares much more about an issue than you do, compromise may be easier for you and a good investment for the future of the relationship.

Agree to disagree, if necessary, and take time away from the situation so everyone can calm down. Go for a stroll outside if possible, or spend a few minutes meditating. Physical movement or finding a quiet place to regain your balance can quickly reduce stress.

Find your space for healing and growth

Regain is an online couples counseling service. Whether you’re facing problems with communication, intimacy, or trust, Regain’s licensed, accredited therapists can help you improve your relationship.

Direct, assertive expression makes for clear communication and can help boost your self-esteem and decision-making skills. Being assertive means expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs in an open and honest way, while standing up for yourself and respecting others. It does NOT mean being hostile, aggressive, or demanding. Effective communication is always about understanding the other person, not about winning an argument or forcing your opinions on others.

To improve your assertiveness

Value yourself and your options. They are as important as anyone else’s.

Know your needs and wants. Learn to express them without infringing on the rights of others.

Express negative thoughts in a positive way. It’s  okay to be angry , but you must remain respectful as well.

Receive feedback positively. Accept compliments graciously, learn from your mistakes, ask for help when needed.

Learn to say “no.” Know your limits and don’t let others take advantage of you. Look for alternatives so everyone feels good about the outcome.

Developing assertive communication techniques

Empathetic assertion conveys sensitivity to the other person. First, recognize the other person’s situation or feelings, then state your needs or opinion. “I know you’ve been very busy at work, but I want you to make time for us as well.”

Escalating assertion can be employed when your first attempts are not successful. You become increasingly firm as time progresses, which may include outlining consequences if your needs are not met. For example, “If you don’t abide by the contract, I’ll be forced to pursue legal action.”

Practice assertiveness in lower risk situations to help build up your confidence. Or ask friends or family if you can practice assertiveness techniques on them first.

More Information

  • Effective Communication: Improving Your Social Skills - Communicate more effectively, improve your conversation skills, and become more assertive. (AnxietyCanada)
  • Core Listening Skills - How to be a better listener. (
  • Effective Communication - How to communicate in groups using nonverbal communication and active listening techniques. (University of Maine)
  • Some Common Communication Mistakes - And how to avoid them. (
  • 3aPPa3 – When cognitive demand increases, does the right ear have an advantage? – Danielle Sacchinell | . (n.d.). Retrieved May 22, 2022, from Link
  • How to Behave More Assertively . (n.d.). 10. Weger, H., Castle Bell, G., Minei, E. M., & Robinson, M. C. (2014). The Relative Effectiveness of Active Listening in Initial Interactions.  International Journal of Listening , 28(1), 13–31. Link

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Essay On Importance Of Communication

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Table of Contents

Short Essay On Importance Of Communication

Communication is a vital aspect of our lives, and it plays a critical role in shaping who we are and how we interact with others. Effective communication skills are essential in both personal and professional settings, and its importance cannot be overstated. There are several reasons why communication is important.

First, communication helps us to build relationships. When we communicate effectively, we can establish trust, understanding, and mutual respect with others. Good communication skills help us to form and maintain meaningful relationships, both personally and professionally.

Second, communication helps us to express our thoughts and ideas. By communicating effectively, we can share our thoughts and opinions, and we can also listen to the thoughts and opinions of others. This allows us to exchange ideas, build consensus, and make informed decisions.

Third, communication helps us to understand others. Through effective communication, we can better understand the perspectives, feelings, and motivations of others. This helps us to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, and it also helps us to build empathy and respect for others.

Fourth, communication is essential in the workplace. Effective communication skills are critical in the workplace, and they play a vital role in success. Good communication can improve teamwork, increase productivity, and enhance job satisfaction.

In conclusion, communication is an essential aspect of our lives, and it plays a critical role in shaping who we are and how we interact with others. Whether in personal or professional settings, effective communication skills are essential for success and for building meaningful relationships. By developing strong communication skills, we can improve our interactions with others and make the world a better place.

Long Essay On Importance Of Communication


In today’s world, communication is more important than ever. With the advent of the Internet and social media, we are now able to connect with people all over the globe. This has led to a more connected world, where we are able to share information and ideas instantaneously.

The importance of communication cannot be understated. It is essential in our personal lives, our professional lives, and in our relationships. It is how we connect with others and share our thoughts and feelings. It is how we build relationships and trust.

Without communication, we would be lost. We would not be able to express our needs or wants, or understand the needs and wants of others. We would not be able to resolve conflict or build rapport. We would not be able to communicate effectively.

The ability to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills that you can learn in life. It doesn’t matter what your occupation is, or what level you are in your career – if you cannot communicate effectively, you will struggle.

Whether you are communicating with your boss or a colleague, a client or a customer, your spouse or a friend, it is essential that you do so in a way that is clear, concise, and respectful. Only then can you hope to achieve the desired results.

Types of Communication

There are various types of communication, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Here are some common types of communication:

Verbal communication is the use of words to communicate. It can be used to communicate emotions, ideas, and information. The disadvantages of verbal communication include the possibility of misunderstandings and the difficulty of conveying non-verbal cues, such as tone of voice.

Written communication is the use of written words to communicate. It can be used to convey emotions, ideas, and information. The advantages of written communication include the ability to carefully craft messages and the ability to convey a lot of information in a relatively concise format. The disadvantages of written communication include the possibility of misinterpretation and the lack of immediate feedback.

Nonverbal communication is the use of body language, facial expressions, and gestures to communicate. It can be used to communicate emotions, ideas, and information. The advantages of nonverbal communication include the ability to communicate without words and the ability to convey more than one message at a time. The disadvantages of nonverbal communication include the possibility of misinterpretation and the difficulty of conveying complex messages.

Benefits of Good Communication

Good communication is important for a number of reasons:

1. It helps to build and maintain relationships.

2. It can help to resolve conflict.

3. It can help to improve team performance.

4. It can help to increase customer satisfaction.

5. It can help to reduce stress levels.

Impact of Poor Communication in Personal and Professional Life

Poor communication can have a negative impact on both your personal and professional life. Poor communication skills can make it difficult to express your needs and wants, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. In the workplace, poor communication can lead to miscommunication, which can result in lost productivity, missed deadlines, and errors. In your personal life, poor communication can lead to strained relationships and a lack of intimacy.

How to Improve Your Communication Skills

In order to improve your communication skills, you need to be aware of the different techniques that can be used to communicate effectively. You also need to practice these techniques in order to become better at using them.

Some of the different techniques that can be used to improve communication skills include: active listening, nonverbal communication, and assertiveness. Active listening is when you pay attention to what the other person is saying and try to understand their point of view. Nonverbal communication is when you use body language and facial expressions to convey your message. Assertiveness is when you express yourself in a clear and concise manner without being aggressive.

Practicing these techniques will help you become a better communicator. In addition, it is important to be open minded and willing to listen to others. This will help you understand their point of view and come up with creative solutions to problems.

In conclusion, communication is an essential part of everyday life and should be taken seriously. Without it, many relationships would break down, misunderstandings would occur more often, and we wouldn’t have the ability to effectively express our thoughts and emotions. Communication can help us build strong relationships with those around us by allowing us to better understand each other’s perspectives. It also enables us to make decisions quickly in difficult situations while still considering the opinions of others. Taking the time to learn how to communicate clearly and effectively will lead to a much happier life for everyone involved!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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  • Essay on Importance of Communication


Importance of Communication Essay

Communication can be defined as sending and receiving information through face-to-face conversation or via email and phone about anything. When one is good at communicating information the receiver can perceive it very clearly and there is no scope for misunderstandings. Being a good communicator comes in handy in every aspect of life whether one is a student, in professional as well as personal life. If one is not able to convey well it leads to miscommunication.

Here in the importance of communication essays in English, we will explore different ways to write them. We have provided a long and short essay on the importance of communication.

Long Essay on Importance of Communication

In this long importance of communication essay, we will go through the meaning, types, and importance to give a proper idea in simple words to the reader.

Communication meaning has changed drastically throughout only a couple of years since the advent of technology. Earlier communication meant having to converse about feelings, emotions, views, and ideas all while sitting before one another or in a group. With technology, one can communicate via email where one can send a message to an entire group.

The influx of smartphones has brought about an entirely different culture of communication. Smartphones have cameras that make it easier to communicate via video calls and conference calls between a group of people are also possible today. This generation of millennials is also adapting to social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for business and personal communication as well.

However, with the rapid changes in technology the fact that only good communication will get the job done remains unchanged. Before understanding the ways to better communicate with others we should understand the parts and types of communication.

Parts of communication include the sender who forms the message, then the message itself which should be very clear and understandable, and the receiver whose job is to decode the message. There is a high probability that the same message can be perceived poles apart by two different people. This problem can be avoided when the sender understands the mode of communication.

Types of Communication

There are many different types and modes of communication, like verbal, non-verbal, written, visual and formal, and informal communication.

The most common one is Verbal Communication which involves the use of speech and language by both the sender and receiver. The message here is conveyed through the usage of words.

In non-verbal communication, the body language of the parties involved in communication or discussion is important. It is not an overly loud way of conversing, so the signs can likely be missed or misinterpreted in this type of communication. One should be a shrewd observer to understand the subtle ways of non-verbal communication. It is in the movement of limbs, eyes, the direction of tilted shoulders, or whether one is fidgeting and flinching, etc.

The written form of communication is a crucial one and at the same time, it is very tricky. One must very carefully construct the words in a written form as this can be documented for years to come. The use of written communication is in professional terms like circulars, memos, letters, and bank statements. Only experts get involved in drafting written statements when legalities are concerned.

Visual communication means conveying information through graphical representation like statistical data, pie charts, and bar graphs. All of this should also be based on facts and not mere assumptions.

The formal way of communicating is obeyed with colleagues and seniors wherein the sender needs to be controlled and measured in words as everything is for official purpose.

Informal communication is with peers and friends groups where there is a camaraderie between such groups and it can be casual with no rules and obligations and formalities.

When one is not a good communicator the repercussions can be of varying degrees to different people. In an official environment if miscommunication occurs one might even be suspended or lose their job. So one must learn the ways and importance of good communication.

Ways to Be a Good Communicator:

Knowing the audience one is addressing is the primary and most important step. If there is a younger audience the language must be simple and targeted specifically to them. Using difficult language and big words to show off one’s ability in such a case is futile.

Usage of a non-verbal mode of communication can be very effective. Like making eye contact when speaking can give a better understanding of the extent of grasping information of the audience.

Preparation before speaking is very important. One must be fully aware of the importance and objective of the message to be conveyed.

Usage of images and drawings, if need be one must explain using pictures as they can give a different perspective to the audience you are passing on the information to.

Be clear and precise and there is no need to add extra pieces of information when not required.

Listening more attentively before jumping to conclusions is very important.

Need and Importance of Good Communication:

Promotes cooperation and improves the working environment. When everyone is on the same page about what is expected, then people work in teams to complete the task.

Enhances working relationships and fosters a strong team. When there is good communication practice there are no misunderstandings and people find it easier to trust others.

Effective communication increases managerial efficiency. As higher management can trust their subordinates to do the work in less time than allotted.

Decision-making becomes easier as everyone can contribute their ideas and brainstorming also can be fun and creative.

Healthy relationships can be formed be it professional or personal. When one can communicate themselves well enough then they earn the respect of others and this only forms lasting bonds.

Short Essay on Importance of Communication

In this short importance of communication essay, a brief account of the communication methods and importance is discussed. 

Communication and the need for it to be good has become increasingly important in all fields of life. Communication is a way to pass on information about a certain belief, emotions, feelings, and ideas from one person to another or from one person to a group of people. In today’s world English is the most important language to communicate with others and socialize.

The formal way of communication is usually in an official setup and people use more formal language and controlled ways of conveying information. Whereas informal communication is the opposite, there are no set rules and only casual language in such a form of communication.

However, the importance of good communication is as important in any form of communication as it improves the work environment, there is no communication gap, all jump on the same bandwagon, one can easily find solutions when they communicate their issues and problems with clarity.

Good communication also helps create healthy boundaries in both personal and professional life so it is important to be a good communicator for a stress-free life with no misunderstandings.

Why Communication Skills are Evergreen!

There are so many skills in the present context but communication skills are always useful in every aspect of life. They are useful not only in day-to-day life but also to express our views at the time of interview or at your workplace.

Communication skills are needed for an hour. Though you  have hard skills, if you don't have communication skills, nothing is going to work for you.

Learning new skills are always  essential to progressing your career. It gives you various  job options and helps you develop new techniques to keep up with the fast-changing world. But there are other benefits, too. Here are some benefits of learning new skills—no matter your age or profession, or type of skill you learn.

1. It keeps you healthy and strong and active.You feel motivated always.

2. It unlocks doors of success.

3. It improves your adaptability to new things and allows you to sustain in any type of environment.

4.It keeps you relevant with the growing pace of life.

Examples of Human Skills

Communication skills 

Understanding body language.


Growth mindset.

Critical thinking.

What are Communication Skills?

When we are communicating with others the following aspects should be considered.

Communication should be clear enough so the person can understand and relate your idea of communication.

You should talk about facts to build confidence among others. If you just make false predictions, no one will be interested in communicating with you. Always talk slowly with courtesy and humbleness.

Communication Skills for Workplace Success:

(Image will be Uploaded soon)

Listening: Always listen to what the person is saying and then try to reply.

Clarity: You should be clear in your thoughts and pronunciation while speaking.

Treat people friendly but follow work rules.

Always talk and walk with confidence so you can create a decent impression in front of your colleagues.

Always have love and compassion for others and try to help others .Dont bully or put down others.

Always be open minded and don't judge people by their appearance.

Respect each other in the staff.

Skills to be used while Interview:

By  following a few important interview skills you can have a good interview. Skills  can support the interview process and help set you apart from other candidates:

Always research about the company before going for an interview.

Prepare some expected and surprise questions that may be asked during the process.

Be punctual and reach before the interview starts.By reaching late you might create a false impression in front of selectors.

Be professional and act decent.Don't talk in a non-professional manner or crack jokes during the interview.

Show you communication skills in an appropriate manner.

First listen properly and then try to answer the question.Be on point. Give short and crisp answers.

Ask questions to the recruiters

If they ask to do so.You can ask regarding the company which will create an impression that you are interested in the job process.

Have Confidence and don't lose hope even if you get rejected.

Hard skills vs. Soft skills

What is the difference between hard skills and soft skills? Hard skills are used in jobs by employees to perform their work at work place.. Soft skills, on the other hand, are the personal qualities that help employees really throw in the workplace.

How to Improve Communication Skills?

The things to be considered to improve skills

Listen a lot. It will make you a better speaker.

Improve your Body language , the way you carry yourself, your walk.

Watching News and listening to podcasts or interviews of famous people can help you a lot.

Write  down things and work on them.Accept your flaws and try to work on them.

Think before you speak.Avoid ego problems and stay down to earth to learn new things.

Write a few lines daily which will improve your writing skills also.

Good communication can help one save time and energy and be productive in the workplace and otherwise. Listening to the speaker is also an important part of being a good communicator. It helps one understand better and there is an easy flow of communication and exchange of information. When one speaks their mind their hearts become lighter and then one only can lead a happy and peaceful life.


FAQs on Essay on Importance of Communication

1. How can one be a Good Communicator?

One must be fluent in their language. Fluency in any language, Hindi, English, Marathi, Malayalam, etc will first give you confidence and belief to speak up. It helps in forming words that one can understand without much struggle. One must always remember to pause and listen to others when they are speaking; this will make them a good communicator.

2. Is English Important in Communication?

Nowadays English has become a requirement in every area whether one wishes to pursue higher studies or for securing a job. It is an integral part of international communication. So if one is inclined to become a world citizen, English is certainly important. It is a means of communication in every aspect now like, media, art, science, and politics.

3. How to use communications skills in your resume and cover letter?

Your communication skills are not only important in everyday life but they play a very vital role in the interview process as well as your resume skills  will support you in every step of your career.  You can demonstrate your communication skills in your resume by ensuring that your resume is well-formatted and free of grammatical errors. Ensure to specify your communication skills in a separate skill section. By mentioning separately, you can also mention how proficient you are in verbal and written communication.

4. What are good communication skills for writing essays?

Good communication is something which you can understand easily  and  from one person to another. For communication to be effective, the meaning must be easily understood. The success of an individual lies in one's knowledge apart from the  factors that include speaking, reading, listening, and reasoning skills.

5. Why should communication skills be taught to children from childhood?

Communication skills are important in child development for the following reasons: 

Teaching effective communication skills to children from a young age is crucial as they can become expressive and can convey their ideas easily.

Communication skills can enable learning and meaningful exchange of information with others.

They can express their ideas more clearly and efficiently.

6. How helpful are communication skills for effective speaking?

Effective communication is the backbone of public speaking. Effective communication guarantees the message reaches the audience in its correct and desired form. Conveying your ideas to the audience is important so it is very much essential that you speak in the language they understand. Speaking in other languages or not using good vocabulary will not help you to reach your target audience.

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Essay on Communication in 100, 200 and 300 Words: The Essence of Survival

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  • Oct 20, 2023

Essay on Communication

Do you know how important it is to communicate with others? Communication is the primary means through which individuals share information, ideas and thoughts. Communication fosters strong relationships. In this essence, writing an essay on communication becomes important where you highlight the importance of communication, how it affects our everyday lives and what skills are required to become a communication professional . Let’s explore all these questions with some essays on communication.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Communication in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Communication in 200 Words
  • 3 Essay on Communication in 300 Words

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Essay on Communication in 100 Words

Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction and is crucial to sharing ideas, thoughts and information. By communicating, people foster relationships, which is vital for personal and professional growth. Effective communication facilitates understanding, resolves conflicts, and promotes collaboration. Whether verbal or nonverbal, it forms the basis of successful teamwork, decision-making, and social integration.

Clear communication is key to a harmonious society, nurturing empathy, and building trust. It encourages brainstorming, creative thinking, and the development of new solutions to complex problems. Its impact is profound, shaping the way we interact, learn, and evolve, making it an indispensable tool for human connection and progress. 

Essay on Communication in 200 Words

What makes communication important is that it serves as the bedrock for exchanging ideas, information, and emotions. It is the essence of human interaction, enabling us to convey our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions to others. Effective communication is essential in every aspect of life, whether in personal relationships, professional environments, or social interactions.

Effective communication can form the basis of trust and mutual understanding and understanding. In personal relationships, communication fosters understanding and empathy, allowing individuals to express their feelings and needs, while also listening to and acknowledging others. 

In the professional realm. Communication allows the smooth functioning of organizations. With communication, individuals can disseminate information, set clear expectations and encourage collaboration among team members. Moreover, effective communication in the workplace enhances productivity and promotes a positive work culture.

The uses and benefits of communication are not limited to just personal and professional realms. In social environments also, communication allows diverse groups to understand each other’s cultures, beliefs, and values, promoting inclusivity and harmony in society.

You can call communication a fundamental pillar of human existence, as it helps in shaping our relationships, work environments, and societal interactions. Its effective practice is essential for nurturing empathy, building trust, and fostering a more connected and understanding world.

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Essay on Communication in 300 Words

How crucial communication is can be explained by the fact that it allows the smooth transfer of ideas, thoughts, feelings and information. Communication is the lifeblood of human interaction, playing a crucial role in the exchange of ideas, information, and emotions. It serves as the cornerstone of relationships, both personal and professional, and is integral to the functioning of society as a whole. 

In personal relationships, it is essential to have effective communication for clear understanding and empathy. It allows individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs, while also providing a platform for active listening and mutual support. Strong communication fosters trust and intimacy, enabling individuals to build meaningful and lasting connections with others.

Without communication, you might struggle for organizational success in the professional world. Clear and effective communication within a team or workplace ensures that tasks are understood, roles are defined, and goals are aligned. It enables efficient collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making, contributing to a positive and productive work environment. Moreover, effective communication between employers and employees promotes a sense of transparency and fosters a healthy work culture.

In a broader sense, communication is vital for social integration and cultural understanding. It bridges the gaps between diverse groups, facilitating the exchange of values, beliefs, and perspectives. Effective communication fosters inclusivity and respect for cultural differences, contributing to a more harmonious and cohesive community.

However, communication is not just about sharing information and ideas. It also encompasses nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, all of which play a significant role in conveying meaning and emotions. It is the glue that binds individuals and communities together, fostering understanding, empathy, and collaboration. Practicing clear and empathetic communication is vital for creating a more connected, inclusive, and harmonious world.

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Communication is the process of exchanging ideas, information, thoughts and feelings between individuals or groups through the use of verbal and nonverbal methods.

To write an essay on communication, you need to describe what communication is, what the importance of communication in our lives and how it can help us know different aspects of life.

To become an effective communicator, you must become an active listener and understand what others have to say. You must learn to express your thoughts clearly and concisely. You also need to ensure your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice perfectly align with your ideas.

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Body Language Essay Examples

Body language as our real feelings.

Languages aren’t just the method of human communication consisting of the use of words in a structured way. Body language is a big part of communication, body posture and movements show emotion toward the speaker. It could help break the barrier of unfamiliarity and help...

Communication Through the Body Pose

Communications are not only limited to verbal. For bringing out the whole emotion to the listener we tend to use not only voice but Gesture, Body movement, Facial expression, Voice Intensity etc. Also, we tend to express the majority of our emotion not via voice....

Reflection and Analysis of Amy Cuddy’s Speech on Body Language

Body language plays an essential role when it comes to communication, as presented in the Ted Talk speech delivered by Amy Cuddy. Very often, people tend to neglect the relevance of body language, as to some, it may not be as obvious or important. However...

Body Language Observation Report: Tim Urban

In a short video taken in 2016, Tim Urban, guest speaker of this specific Ted Talk addresses his feelings about the topic of procrastination stating that it is an idea that is difficult for one to completely grasp. During this talk, Urban refers to examples...

Body Language and Sigmund Freud’s Theory About Our Desires

People believe that they are usually in control of their own behavior. But the only behavior that we are in control of are the ones we think of doing. Other behaviors or actions we make everyday are things that we are oblivious of. This is...

Body Languages for Comfort Speaking

Most people believe that communication is the most important in our diary life, nevertheless only some people will realized of how to use verbal and nonverbal effectively in business. One of the most important things to communication nowadays is body languages. It is simple, but...

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