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Essays on The Kite Runner

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Literary Devices in Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner

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May 29, 2003, Khaled Hosseini

Novel; Bildungsroman, Drama, Historical Fiction, Coming-of-age Drama

Assef, Rahim Khan, Sanaubar, Soraya, General Taheri, Sohrab, Amir, Hassan, Khala, Baba, Farid, Farzana, Ali

The story has been based on Khaled Hosseini life in Afghanistan before he left for the United States.

Father-son relationship, courage, friendship, childhood, change of regimes, guilt and redemption

The Kite Runner is a challenging book to read since it speaks of guilt and redemption, true friendship, and the changes that a person is going through decades later. Most importantly, it is the run of events that run from the fall of Afghanistan's monarch to the refugees era, and the Taliban regime. The red line is the friendship and the way how human relationships change. It has a complex setting through the decades when the main protagonist Amir, a young boy, is telling about his life, his relationship with Hassan and the events that he could not prevent.

The Kite Runner is a story of Amir and his father who are living in Kabul, Afghanistan. They belong to a major ethnic group called Pashtuns. Amir's best friend is called Hassan who lives with his father, yet they belong to a minor ethnic group called Hazaras. Even though the boys belong to different groups, they are the best friends. As the events unfold, Amir is unable to rescue Hassan from a tragedy that takes place due to lack of courage, which is his guilt years later. As Amir grows up, he moves to the United States where he learns that his friend's (Hassan) son is in the orphanage. Saving the boy with his wife, Amir finds redemption.

According to the author, the book became so popular because it "connects with them in a personal way, no matter what their own upbringing and background" are. The book became the best seller at The New York Times for more than two years. It is believed that the September 11 tragedy has contributed to the novel's admiration in the United States since it has allowed people to see the Afghan culture. The story has also been inspired by the news story about Taliban's banning the kite flying in the country, which has inspired Khail Hosseini for the title and some parts of the story. The short version of the book has been rejected by some publishing houses. The Kite Runner is the first English publication written by the Afghan author. The author did not return to his home country Afghanistan until the time when the book was published. Hosseini believes that his novel is a love story because love is the main protagonist.

“For you, a thousand times over” “It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime...” “There is only one sin. and that is theft... when you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth.” “When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness.” “I opened my mouth, almost said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn’t.”

This book became an important example of friendship and living with the guilt that took place as the lack of courage and being brave. As the multi-generational story, it deals with many sides of culture, family life, human relationship, discovering different cultures, and staying true to who you are. The author shows the way Amir grows and how he finally finds his self-identity that he has been seeking so long.

The book, according to the author, is about seeking love and finding it in everything, about friendship, about looking back, and finding redemption and one’s self-identity. While this novel is quite challenging and might even bring up tears while reading, it serves the role of a powerful story about being sincere and earning trust. One can write an essay about it by focusing on cultural, social, or even political aspects as the book runs from the 1970s to 2002.

1. Aubry, T. (2009). Afghanistan meets the amazon: reading the kite runner in America. PMLA, 124(1), 25-43. (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/pmla/article/abs/afghanistan-meets-the-amazon-reading-the-kite-runner-in-america/2D11194B0891CCB91EABAEB5E6BD865D) 2. Jefferess, D. (2009). To be good (again): The Kite Runner as allegory of global ethics. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 45(4), 389-400. (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17449850903273572) 3. O'Brien, S. (2018). Translating Trauma in Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner. Transnational Literature, 10(2), 1-A5. (https://www.proquest.com/openview/5202ba584abd167130cae69acbe52985/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=1596384) 4. Jocius, R. (2013). Exploring adolescents’ multimodal responses to The Kite Runner: Understanding how students use digital media for academic purposes. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 5(1), 4. (https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/jmle/vol5/iss1/4/) 5. Kai-fu, C. (2019). A Study of Amir's Psychological Change in" The Kite Runner". English Language Teaching, 12(5), 190-193. (https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1214311) 6. Du, J. (2017). A journey of self-actualization of Amir in The Kite Runner. English Language and Literature Studies, 7(3), 90-93. (https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9c07/8bb1388903fab1fe437f604fb6c0a15299a6.pdf) 7. Ghafoor, S., & Farooq, U. (2020). Can subaltern be heard: an analysis of the kite runner and the thousand splendid suns by Khalid Hosseini: can subaltern be heard. International Review of Literary Studies, 2(1), 29-38. (http://irlsjournal.com/ojs/index.php/irls/article/view/10) 8. Hunt, S. (2009). Can the West Read? Western Readers, Orientalist Stereotypes, and the Sensational Response to The Kite Runner. (https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/129489717.pdf) 9. Adhikary, R. P. (2021). Crisis of Cultural Identity in Khaled Hosseini‘s The Kite Runner. Scholar Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, 5, 179-187. (https://saspublishers.com/media/articles/SJAHSS_95_179-187.pdf)

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Kite Runner Essay | Essay on Kite Runner for Students and Children in English

May 11, 2023 by Prasanna

Kite Runner Essay:  The Kite Runner is the debut fiction of Khaled Hosseini, who is an Afghan-American author. This heart-warming novel came in the year 2003, with the tale of a young boy, named Amir.

The story of Kite Runner is a story of family, friendships, betrayal and also admiration. The background of the novel is the devastating state of historical Afghanistan for 30 years.

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Long and Short Essays on Kite Runner for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with samples of essay on an extended piece of 500 words and short writing of 150 words on the topic “Kite Runner” for reference.

Long Essay on Kite Runner 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Kite Runner is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The protagonist of the novel, The Kite Runner, is Amir. Amir is much like the novelist Khaled Hosseini himself, as both of them were born in Afghanistan, both left their homeland as a youth, and returned long after.

The novel depicts the incredible friendship that forms between Amir, who is the son of a wealthy Wazir and Hassan, who is the son of Amir’s father’s servant. The novel derives its name from the fact that Hassan is Amir’s kite runner. Both the boys enjoy flying kites, and Hassan has an uncanny ability to understand exactly where a downed kite might land.

The theme of this tale is mostly a search for redemption. Amir’s mother gave away her life while giving birth to him. So the young boy tries to redeem himself in front of his father’s eyes. The entire plot is based on one particular line Amir heard from his father. His father once told him that someone who does not have the capacity to stand up for himself, as a man, he will fail to stand for anything. The theme of redemption is also portrayed through the relationship between Amir and Hassan. Amir fails to do anything when Hassan is sexually assaulted. This is the guilt that drives him to locate Sohrab, Hassan’s son so that Amir can have a chance at redemption. His journey to Kabul, his confrontation with Assef are all instances that show his guilt.

The complicated relationship between fathers and sons is another theme of this novel. The love that exists between a son and his father comes with tensions as well. Amir and his Baba share quite a complex relation. There are various instances when Amir felt the lack of love from his father. Amir’s father, on the other hand, has difficulties in connecting with his son.

The novel also depicts are many political events are intertwined with the private lives of the people. The storyline moves with Amir, but it also follows the transitions that Afghanistan goes through as a country. Amir’s childhood shows a memory of calm Kabul during the reign of the monarchy. The Soviet invasion is also visible in the later years and how it uproots the lives of the people is a central tenet of the novel. The republic that has been established now gives an excuse to harass people. The main reason for Amir to flee to California with his Baba is because of such destructive forces.

Another concept that is portrayed beautifully is male friendship. Male friendships are complicated, and Amir and Hassan’s friendship grows to be more involved when Amir learns that Hassan is his half-brother in reality. Amir’s superior societal status forms another barrier to his friendship with Hassan. There is a sense of jealousy on Amir’s part, while Hassan is symbolic of utmost loyalty. This novel is one-of-a-kind and a classic. It takes its audience through a rollercoaster ride of emotions and has numerous heart-wrenching points. Some instances depict morality. The Kite Runner can move the audience and creates a mixture of feelings among the readers.

Short Essay on Kite Runner 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Kite Runner is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The Kite Runner is the primary novel written by Khaled Hosseini. This novel tells the story from the view of Amir, a young Pashtun boy. His father is a wealthy Wazir, and his companion is his Baba’s servant’s son, Hassan. Both the boys have a knack for flying kites, but Hassan also has an exceptional ability to understand the point where a kite might fall. So Hassan is Amir’s ‘kite runner’, and therefore the name of the novel.

The novel traces the progress through the disturbing historical events in Afghanistan. There is a warmth in the depiction of Afghanistan’s culture. The traces of violence, guilt and consequent redemption can be found throughout the novel. The assault of Hassan on the hands of Assef, consequently Amir failing to do anything against it, which leads to his search of redemption, is the crux of the story. This heart-warming tale in a beautifully crafted novel also shows the pivotal role that a father has on the life of his son.

10 Lines on Kite Runner in English

  • Riverhead Books published The Kite Runner.
  • Hassan is Amir’s half-brother in the story.
  • The novel has received several reviews, of which the majority are good.
  • Amir adopts the role of a father for Sohrab.
  • For two years consecutively, The Kite Runner has been on the bestseller list in the New York Times.
  • Assef considers Pashtuns to be superior.
  • The name of Hassan’s mother is Sanaubar.
  • Kites play an essential role in this story.
  • Hassan was a kite runner for Amir.
  • The novel is believed to be bildungsroman.

FAQ’s on Kite Runner Essay

Question 1. Is The Kite Runner a Young Adult fiction?

Answer: In many ways, it can be considered as a YA fiction, but there is quite some number of disturbing events, like brutal beatings, that does not certify for it to be in young adult genre.

Question 2. Who is the main character in the novel?

Answer: The protagonist of the story is Amir as the story is told from his viewpoint. But Hassan is the one who is a kite runner.

Question 3. What are some other good books by Khaled Hosseini?

Answer: Hosseini has written some praiseworthy books, of which A Thousand Splendid Suns and The Mountains Echoed are very well known.

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The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Essay

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The kite runner: summary of the novel, the main characters and themes of the narrative, personal opinion about the composition.

The Kite Runner is a novel written by an Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini. When Hosseini was a child, his family moved from Afghanistan to France, and then to the USA. This experience is partially reflected in the narrative of the author. Hosseini has written three novels, and The Kite Runner “has sold millions of copies worldwide and been classified as one of a classic” (Khadawardi 2017, 88). In this essay, the summary of the story, information on the main characters and themes, as well as a personal opinion about the composition will be presented.

The story revolves around the life of a young boy from Kabul, Amir. He lives with his father, Baba, a wealthy man who never has time to spend with his son. Amir feels jealous when he notices Baba’s cordial treatment of his friend, Hasan, the son of their servant. To deserve his father’s love, Amir decides to take part in the kite competition with Hassan. Even though the two boys could keep their kite in the sky for a long time and won the first part of the competition, the event ended tragically. Hassan runs away, trying to find a place where the kite fell. After waiting for him for a long time, Amir decides to follow his friend and becomes a witness to the rape of Hassan by his enemy Assef. Amir is scared to interfere and help his friend and decides to go away and pretend he did not see anything. Feeling guilty for what he did, Amir stops talking to Hassan and does not want to be his friend anymore. He blames him for being a thief, and Hassan and his father leave their home.

Soon, the Soviet Union troops intervene in Afghanistan. To save their lives, Amir and his father immigrate to the USA. Many years later, after his parent’s death, Amir receives a letter from a family friend. From this letter, he learns that Hassan was his brother and that he knew about Amir’s betrayal but still loved him until the end of his life. Unfortunately, Hassan died with his wife during demonstrations in their country, but their little son, Sohrab, managed to survive. He was sent to an orphanage, and the author of the letter asks Amir to save the child and take him to the USA. Amir decides to go to Afghanistan and finds his nephew there. Even though it turns out to be difficult for Amir to adopt him, he promises Sohrab never to send him to an orphanage again. One day, when Sohrab notices that Amir is about to break his promise, he tries to commit suicide. Even though the boy survives, he starts to keep to himself being silent most of the time. One day, Amir buys a kite for Sohrab, and, for the first time, he sees a smile on his face. Thus, it is not entirely clear if the story has a happy ending or not. Even the protagonist of the story mentions that he does not know for sure if the story of Hassan and his nephew, Sohrab, ends happily (Hosseini 2013). However, the author gives readers the hope that the characters of the story will eventually find peace and harmony.

The protagonist of the story is Amir, a young boy who was born in a wealthy Afghan family. It is not possible to tell if the personage of Amir is positive or negative. On the one hand, his sneaky nature allows him to betray his best friend. On the other hand, he is capable of feeling guilty and admitting his mistakes. Trying to make amends, Amir uses “a chance to put to rest his tortured past” ( Summary and Analysis of The Kite Runner 2016, 8). He puts much effort into taking Sohrab to the USA and giving him a better life.

Baba, the father of Amir and Hassan, also feels guilty for his affair with a servant’s wife. He considers it the worst sin he ever committed, and, in his desire to redeem himself, helps other people until the last days of his life. In contrast to his son Amir, Baba is a very independent and decisive person. However, it turned out that he was not brave enough to tell Amir and Hassan that they were brothers.

It is evident that Hassan and Amir have many differences. Even being unaware of the fact that Amir was his brother, he loved him and considered his best friend. He forgave Amir for his betrayals and was always ready to spend time with him. Amir, on the contrary, “never displayed his feelings toward Hassan” (Hosseini and Zohdi 2016, 37). It remains unclear if it is caused by the lack of Amir’s love for Hassan or by peculiarities of his personality. Being a very kind person, Hassan also forgave his mother, who left him when he was a child and sheltered her at his house during the war in the 1970s.

The main themes of the book are forgiveness and friendship. The author shows that for friendship, it does not matter if people have or do not have much in common. Hassan and Amir are two boys from two different worlds. Amir belongs to the aristocratic part of the society, while Hassan is from a low-income family of servants. Baba is a handsome man, and Hassan’s father is miserable and limp. Hassan has an ugly harelip, while the deformity of Amir is not noticeable from the outside. Despite all these differences, the two boys become soul mates and real friends. Unfortunately, Amir’s weakness and villainy trigger the end of their friendship. However, nothing can make Hassan stop communicating with his friend, even Amir’s betrayal. Being aware of every harmful deed done by Amir, Hassan is still looking up to Amir, ready to forgive him for everything. Thus, the author shows that forgiveness is the main element of people’s lives that helps individuals to build happiness.

The Kite Runner is one of the rare novels that invite readers to feel all the mental experience of the protagonist. This novel evokes a strong emotional response of readers and teaches them to be braver in some situations to avoid regrets in the future. It also shows that sometimes people neglect those who are sincere with them, and when they realize that they made a mistake, it is sometimes too late. This book shows the weaknesses and vices of human nature and makes readers think about their behavior.

It can be concluded that the novel The Kite Runner contains many significant ideas about people’s relationships. It teaches how important it is to forgive betrayals, love despite all, and bring goodness to this world. It also makes readers think about protagonists’ emotions and feelings and involves them in the process of reflections on their life. The author created an engaging narrative that should be read by both youth and adults because it raises questions that are always topical for all generations.

Hosseini, Akram, and Esmaeil Zohdi. 2016. “ The Kite Runner and the Problem of Racism and Ethnicity.” International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, vol. 74, 33-40.

Hosseini, Khaled. 2013. The Kite Runner. 10th ed. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.

Khadawardi, Hesham. 2017. “Superego Guilt, Redemption and Atonement in Khaled Hosseini’s the Kite Runner .” International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education 4 (2): 88-99.

Summary and Analysis of the Kite Runner: Based on the Book by Khaled Hosseini. 2016. New York: Worth Books.

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IvyPanda. (2019, December 3). The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-kite-runner-by-khaled-hosseini/

"The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini." IvyPanda , 3 Dec. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/the-kite-runner-by-khaled-hosseini/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini'. 3 December.

IvyPanda . 2019. "The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini." December 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-kite-runner-by-khaled-hosseini/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini." December 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-kite-runner-by-khaled-hosseini/.


IvyPanda . "The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini." December 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-kite-runner-by-khaled-hosseini/.

Kite Runner Essay Sample and Guide

The samples of composition on “kite runner” and tips concerning the book of hosseini.

Quite often, we hear diverse reviews of books we read or are going to read. And there are books about which we hear only positive ones. Such as: “This is the miraculous story! Eye-catching! A very vital book about the significance of comradeship, the treachery of treachery and tremulousness. The book struck me and I thought of the fact that life teaches anyone what parents do not try to teach their children to appreciate real friends, whatever they’re.” Or “The book is amazing, it pledges you think. You seem to be getting to that time, to such point . I actually liked it very much in the soul of it . So far the emotions are coming.” It’s “The kite runner” by the writer Khaled Hosseini. Therefore, it becomes a product of what many teachers give to make a composition.

Some writing tips for those who try to do it themselves:

  • When starting to write a composition of a literary work you read, for instance, of the novel Khaled Hosseini, think of the purpose of your creative work.
  • Start a review of the info of the writer and read the work, defining the theme and ideas. For example, the weight of comradeship between Amir and Hassan his friend.
  • Convey the introduction in the introductory part of the overall impression of the work you read (if you liked it, which personages were especially remembered baba and amir or other, etc.).
  • Share your thoughts about what you didn’t like in the work (such as the rape of Hassan, and the indifference to that case Amir the narrator), what you disagree with it, the main character analysis and vice versa.
  • In the final part, draw conclusions about the perception of the literary work, the given estimates and judgments. (This is the adventure of Amir and Hassan, about perfidy, about love, that good does not always conquer evil, that the living of an uncharacteristic person makes him unhappy and all around. This narration can be re-read a hundred times and still find something.).

The template of the “Kite runner” essay:

The 1975 year. A few minutes, one scene, an explosion of emotions, a wave of fear and self- loathing and tremulousness. The novella of comradeship and treachery, of devotion one friend and contradistinction of Amir and his guilt. The very touching book, the heroes are real and anything that happens in the paper is likewise real. We read, and anything comes to life: Kabul Afghanistan and old buildings are being constructed with lightning speed, there is a rumble in your ears, and a pomegranate tree grows right in front of your nose. We see the inscription: “Amir and Hassan, overlords of Kabul,” an inscription embodying their friendliness. The childhood is enclosed in this phrase, on the tree bark reminding of the time that they spent hand in hand.

Khaled Hosseini the writer, has already been called a “classic in the lifetime,” by critics, despite the fact that he began his literary career not so long ago, in 2003. His novels are translated into dozens of languages of the world, and Russia has not become an exception, in our country Khaled Hosseini’s novel have also become bestsellers. Alone of the basic novels that determine the writer’s work is, of course, the novel. The kite runner. A touching and at the same time dramatic narrative of the living and friendliness of two boys, narrated by the writer in a time interval of 30 years. Two friends, two brothers, master and servant – two fates, told on behalf of the main character – Amir young boy, who acted as a leader and master in tandem. A separate hero of the paper is Kabul, which appears formerly the reader in various faces – from the young and blooming to the destroyed and suffering.

In the book, we can distinguish two moments: – The first is, of course, the major treachery Hassan by Amir, the host’s display of cowardice before the servant and friend. It’s from this moment the series of Amir’s internal vices begins, which leave in his soul heavy scars of repentance and conscience and suffering that imposes an imprint on all spheres of life. And in general, a good person, protagonist Amir becomes a hostage to the vices of his own ego, unable to get out on his own. – The second moment is a call from Pakistan to Amir penitent adult, who has been living in America for a long time, from the comrade of Rahim Khan’s dad, who encourages him to come in a mysterious but understandable phrase: “You’ve got a chance to embark on a righteous path.” And Amir is clinging to this chance, although his former essence is trying to refuse. He not only jeopardizes his life and health in the name of saving the son of the deceased Hassan in the hope of redeeming the former his guilt albeit likewise undergoing a colossal internal transformation on the path to Islam and harmony. The latest fact has gone unnoticed in most reviews, but for a reader, this is a very momentous layer of the novel.

It’s about how Amir who grew up with the dad as whole secular views and ways of living, and himself not really thinking about the need to walk to the mercy of the Creator, via the redemption Amir finds a way to worship Allah. This fact we can see in the film, where the wounded Amir in a Pakistan mosque, after having carefully bathed, reads the prayer, trying to remember the suras, which were memorized in childhood for the school bench. And already after returning from the adventures in the US, Amir reads the morning prayer and notes that from now he “never oversleeps the Fajr”. Therefore, the novel is deeper than it seems at first glance, and it’s gratifying that such books are now so popular among readers. And then we see the capital of the country, almost wiped from the face of the earth, torn by wars and populated by suffering, crippled physically and morally residents.

The book was filmed in 2007 by American director Marc Forster, and the script to the tape was written, Khaled Hosseini. Among the merits of the movie “The Kite Runner” with the same name, the primary thing to note is the selection of actors, as well as the masterful work of a technical group in the performing of the viewer of Afghan landscapes. And if, while reading the novel, we could only imagine Kabul, then on the screen we see it exactly as it’s described in the paper – at first peaceful, affable and sunny, with streets “smelled of kebabs and ice cream”.

The book makes you think. For a long time to think about the actions, the attitude to life and the loved ones. This is an incredibly amazing book. I cannot fall asleep about a week, I think and think, I scroll the whole story over and over again. The reader falls in love with Kabul, in heroes thanks to the talent of the writer.

It is a terrific spiritual paper where Khaled Hosseini tells of the comradeship of two boys, what they carried through their whole life. If you have not read it yet, you can already start this case.

If you have no time for writing this paper, you could always buy essay online .

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Home Essay Samples Literature The Kite Runner

Persistence of the Past and Present in "The Kite Runner"

Persistence of the Past and Present in "The Kite Runner" essay

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English A1 EE Kite Runner

By rhea45 March 7, 2010 in Extended Essay

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I want to do my EE on the novel the Kite Runner, any ideas on what aspect of the book I could do it on?

My supervisor said its better to do it on a literary feature rather than something completely plot oriented.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

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The Kite Runner is a very symbolic novel with many themes.. I think your teacher is right when saying it's better to not have it completely plot oriented. I did my Norwegian A1 assignment on the kite runner, and I focused on how Hosseini had used language to build up tension just before the scenes with much action. Not sure if that would suit the EE as well as it suited the language subject, but those kind of invstigations can be an option.


The Kite Runner is a very symbolic novel with many themes.. I think your teacher is right when saying it's better to not have it completely plot oriented. I did my Norwegian A1 assignment on the kite runner, and I focused on how Hosseini had used language to build up tension just before the scenes with much action. Not sure if that would suit the EE as well as it suited the language subject, but those kind of invstigations can be an option. I think it would be a good idea to investigate some of the strongest symbols in some way or another, that's just one of many possible topics.. It's a great novel Capa..


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Did you decide on a topic?

I wanna do my EE (English A2) on the kite runner as well.

I thought about analyzing the narrator's perspective and to what extend it's reliable etc.

But I had to drop it because there isn't any secondary literature on it.

Did you find 'reliable' references for your EE?

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