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3 Best Paraphrasing Tips for IELTS Writing Task 2

What is paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing is when you take an original idea and re-write it to express the same meaning but in a different way. This might be by changing words, word forms, sentence structure, or using synonyms. If you think this is just for writing academic papers, think again. We actually paraphrase all the time!

When you read a book, article, or watch a movie and tell your friends about it, you are paraphrasing. When you tell your friend or colleague about a conversation you had with your boss, you are paraphrasing. You are not repeating the original conversation word for word. You are giving them the main idea of the conversation using your own words.

IELTS Writing Task 2: Why do you need to paraphrase?

Paraphrasing is important to the IELTS writing task 2 because your introduction paragraph is basically a paraphrase of the essay prompt. You will need to re-write the essay prompt in your own words to introduce your essay.

Watch Jay break down the IELTS writing task 2 introduction right here:

Three ways how do paraphrasing for IELTS writing task 2

Before you attempt to paraphrase, you need to make sure that you understand the gist , or meaning of the paragraph. Paraphrasing is more than just changing words. Your paraphrase needs to make sense and still convey the original message. So, you should read the original text a couple of times to make sure you understand the message it conveys. Then turn the ideas over in your mind. Think of how you would express the same ideas to a friend.

Below are three techniques to paraphrase. Rather than exclusively using one of them, a good paraphrase includes all methods. 

  • Use synonyms

Synonyms are different words that express the same or similar meaning.

For example: Interesting, fascinating, curious and amusing are all synonyms.

But! Some synonyms can have a slightly different meaning. For example, fascinating has a stronger meaning than interesting . So be careful when using synonyms. We need to make sure that the words we are using convey the same level of meaning as the original.

Original: Many people think that cars should not be allowed in city centres.

Paraphrase: Many people believe that motor vehicles should be banned in urban areas.

think –> believe

cars –> motor vehicles

should not be allowed –> should be banned

city centres –> urban areas

IELTS writing task 2  Paraphrasing

  • Change the word forms

Another way to paraphrase is to change word forms. For example, changing a noun into a verb, a verb into a noun or an adjective into a noun or vice versa.

Original: Many people find watching tennis interesting (interesting = adjective).

Paraphrase: Many people have an interest in watching tennis (interest = noun).

Original: Some people think Facebook is an invasion of privacy (invasion = noun).

Paraphrase: Some people think Facebook has invaded our privacy (has invaded = verb).

  • Change the sentence structure

A third way to paraphrase is to change sentence structure. This could be by changing the sentence from passive to active or vice versa, or changing the order of the clauses. Let’s have a look.

Active to Passive

Original: The hurricane destroyed the city.

Paraphrase: The city was destroyed by the hurricane.

In the sentence above, the subject (the hurricane) became the object, and the object (the city) became the subject.

To be passive, we also changed the verb destroyed into past perfect (was/were + past participle).

Passive to Active

Original: The public transport system was developed by the city council.

Paraphrase: The city council developed the public transport system.

In the sentence above the subject (the public transport system) became the object, and the object (the city council) became the subject.

  Order of clauses

A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. Some sentences can be a single clause. Some sentences can be made up of two or more clauses.

For example: It is difficult to say whether the economy will improve.

The two clauses are: It is difficult to say / whether the economy will improve.

  One way to paraphrase is by changing the order of the clauses.

For example: Whether the economy will improve, it is difficult to say.

Let’s look at another example:

Original: During the summer, many people visit the temple.

Paraphrase: Many people visit the temple during the summer.

Paraphrasing an essay prompt to write your introduction

In IELTS Writing Task 2, you write your introduction by paraphrasing the essay prompt. In order to do this, you will need to unpack or break the essay prompt into parts. Usually, an essay prompt consists of three parts:

A general statement that introduces the topic

A specific statement that gives you the specific idea about the topic

Finally, your instructions/question


Let’s look at an example:

Nowadays, more and more foreign students are going to English-speaking countries to learn the international language – English. It is undoubtedly true that studying English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but it is not the only way to learn it. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?

To unpack this prompt, the first sentence is the general statement. Nowadays, more and more foreign students are going to English-speaking countries to learn the international language – English . This tells us what the essay topic is.

The second sentence is the specific statement. It is undoubtedly true that studying English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but it is not the only way to learn it . It gives an opinion about the topic.

The third sentence is the question. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above statement? This means you have to express your opinion on the second sentence.

So! In order to write your introduction, you need to paraphrase the three parts of this essay prompt.

Let’s look at an example of a paraphrase of each:

Sentence 1: Nowadays, more and more foreign students are going to English-speaking countries to learn the international language – English

Paraphrase: In recent times, a growing number of international students are learning English in English-speaking countries.

Sentence 2: It is undoubtedly true that studying English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but it is not the only way to learn it.

Paraphrase: Although it is beneficial to learn English in a country where it is natively spoken, there are other effective ways to learn it.

Sentence 3: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above statement?

Paraphrase: I agree with this statement to a large degree.

Putting it all together:

Original (essay prompt): Nowadays, more and more foreign students are going to English-Speaking countries to learn the “international language – English”. It is undoubtedly true that studying English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but it is not the only way to learn it. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?  

Paraphrase (introduction): In recent times, a growing number of international students are learning English in English-speaking countries. Although it is most beneficial to learn English in a country where it is natively spoken, there are other effective ways to learn it. I agree with this statement to a large degree.

Using a combination of the above techniques (synonyms, word forms, sentence structure), write an introduction to the following essay by paraphrasing the prompt below.

The overuse of natural resources ultimately exhausts them. This causes huge harm to the environment. Therefore, the government should discourage people from overusing such resources. To what extent do you support or oppose this idea?

  There are three possible correct answers:

Click here to show/hide answer 1

Click here to show/hide answer 2, click here to show/hide answer 3.

So, more than one paraphrase can be correct. There are many ways to say the same thing. There is also more than one way to paraphrase. The best way to paraphrase for IELTS Writing Task 2 is to use a combination of these techniques (synonyms, sentence structure and clause order).

Practice makes perfect!

Our  E2Language  IELTS experts can help you learn the rest of the method for IELTS Writing Task 2!

Jamal Abilmona is an expert IELTS teacher, curriculum designer and language buff. She has taught English for general and academic purposes in classrooms around the world and currently writes e-learning material for E2Language.com , providing online IELTS preparation for students all around the world.


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olivia says:

We can help with that!

IELTS General Writing TASK 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y_u4o5kp_w

IELTS Speaking SUPER METHODS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXPSgMo0C1w

Find all kinds of other helpful Video Lessons on our E2 IELTS YouTube Channel! Olivia & The E2 Team

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Yogeshbhai Chalodiya says:

Environmental resources run out by over-utilization at the end. Which results in a great level of damage to the environment. It is undoubtedly true that the government should demotivate their citizens from over-utilizing such. Which, I am in great support of this initiative.

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Fathima Hafsa says:

Exploitation of natural resources eventually deplete them. As a result, a major damage is caused to the environment. Hence, people should be urged by the government not to waste natural resources.

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Motaz shehata says:

The excessive usage of natural sources undoubtedly causing at the end be depleted at all, consequently to harmful the planet. So, the government has to encourage people to acknowledge the actual value of our limited supply of natural resources. Therefore, I completely agree to keep our usage of our sources to a minimal level.

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Divyanshu Mishra says:

Excess of anything is bad and the same is true for natural resources which are continuously being depleted by humans and soon will be exhausted. Burning fossil fuels cause a high degree of harm to the environment therefore it is only logical that the governments should discourage their use and provide other sustainable options. I completely agree with the statement.

Is this appropriate or too wordy?

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Naomi says:

Natural resources are vital to the nation, and exploiting them would be harmful to the ecosystem. Therefore,the Authorities should pose strict measures on their use. I agree with this statement to a large degree.

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Ernestina says:

Natural resources are very vital to a nation, and therefore, exploiting it will cause serious harm to us. Hence, I think the governments should pose strict measures on their uses. I strongly agree with this statement.

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Siobhan MacDonald says:

Ho Ernestina, thank you for your feedback!

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TETTEH says:

Misusing of natural resources causes serious harm to the environment. Thus the government should put measures in place to discourage people from misusing such resources. I strongly agree with this statement.

Thank you for your feedback and valuable opinion!

Hi! Thank you for your feedback :)

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Jayeshkumar says:

It was indeed a great guidance to learn nuances of paraphrasing.

We are happy you enjoyed it!

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Paraphrasing in IELTS

In this tutorial, we examine an important IELTS skill for starting  IELTS writing  task 2: paraphrasing.

Firstly, let’s start by defining paraphrasing.

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is the expression of a phrase or sentence in another way.

For example, the sentence:

‘The school student listened attentively to the podcast’

can be paraphrased as:

‘The pupil listened very carefully to the digital audio file’

This technique is used frequently in the writing, reading and listening components of the  IELTS exam .

Why is paraphrasing important in IELTS writing task 2 ?

Paraphrasing in IELTS is important because it:

  • helps you to focus on the main topic, using your own words
  • provides you with the skill to develop an idea, reformulate a concept and offer variety in your writing style
  • prevents redundancy and makes the sentence structure in the essay or written material more appealing to the reader

3 ways To paraphrase

In this tutorial, let’s review IELTS test paraphrasing techniques to apply in writing task 2 of the IELTS exam.

Most students think of paraphrasing only as meaning using synonyms, but there are different ways to paraphrase that don’t require changing the word. These include changing the word form, using the passive voice to change the phrase from active to passive, changing the sentence structure or using different clauses to change the verb form. Use as many of these techniques as you can to score higher on the IELTS test.

We’ll examine three principle paraphrasing strategies:

  • Use of synonyms
  • Verb transformation
  • Sentence restructuring

Secondly, we will apply these techniques to examples of writing task 2 in the IELTS exam. Writing skills in this component of the exam include:

  • giving an opinion
  • discussing causes and suggesting solutions
  • discussing arguments for or against an idea or situation
  • discussing advantages and disadvantages

When you are sure you understand all three techniques, choose another IELTS test writing question and try to paraphrase it by yourself.

Strategy 1: use of synonyms

Let’s start with our first strategy: the use of synonyms.

  • First, read and understand the question.
  • Use a highlighter to highlight the keywords in the question.

Select synonyms to replace those keywords.

Let’s take an example. Read and understand the title of this writing task 2:

Unemployment is one of the most serious problems facing developed nations today. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of reducing the working week to thirty-five hours?

This essay title asks the writer to provide the advantages and disadvantages of an idea or solution.

In your opening introduction, you should not immediately provide an opinion on the essay topic.

Instead, paraphrase two sentences, using our 3-step strategy.

First, read and understand the question:

Unemployment is one of the most serious problems for developed nations.

A 35-hour working week is a possible solution to unemployment.

Use a pen to highlight or underline the keywords in the question:

You can keep the same overall sentence structure and change keywords (making sure not to paraphrase a fixed expression without checking it carefully – for example, high unemployment cannot be changed to ‘high lack of jobs’ – it should be nationwide lack of jobs or a serious lack of jobs)

  • unemployment = lack of jobs
  • serious problems = grave issues
  • developed nations = industrialized countries
  • advantages and/or disadvantages = pros and/or cons
  • working week = professional schedule

Strategy 2: verb transformation

Let’s take the same essay topic example and apply our second strategy to it: verb transformation.

In this strategy, we:

Highlight the key verbs

Select new verbs or synonyms OR transform the verb

  • Facing = confronting
  • Reducing = lessening

Many countries are faced with the problem of unemployment.

Unemployment, which many countries are facing, is a serious problem in the modern world.

Strategy 3: sentence restructuring

Let’s apply our third strategy to the same essay topic. Sentence restructuring is using a new sentence format, based on the writing skill. In this example, the writer is expected to explain the advantages and/or disadvantages of an idea.

What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of reducing the working week to thirty-five hours?

The sentence can be paraphrased as

Let’s examine the pros and/or cons of …

Let’s look at the pros and/or cons of …

Okay! Let’s now put our 3 strategies together to write sentences with our new synonyms to create an introduction:

Lack of jobs is indeed a grave issue confronting industrialised countries at this time. Let’s examine the pros and/or cons of lessening professional schedules to thirty-five hours.

IELTS Writing Task 2: How to write a good introduction

Tip 1: Review the question, classify it, and highlight the keywords.

Tip 2: Write brief ideas by brainstorming the topic.

Tip 3: Select the best and easiest to explain ideas.

Tip 4: Write a general statement by paraphrasing, followed by your position.

Tip 5: Explain how you plan to develop your essay. Review your introduction.

Let’s try it again – Another example of paraphrasing for IELTS writing task 2

Using the techniques above, let’s apply them to a different question, this time about computer games in schools.

Firstly, we’ll take an example of a common essay writing skill, discussing causes and suggesting solutions. Let’s look at the example and then, apply our 3-step paraphrasing strategy to write an introduction.

Nowadays, many schools are using computer games to teach lessons to many children inside and outside the classroom. What are the negative and positive effects of using computer games in education and what can be done to minimise the negative effects?

2. Use a highlighter to highlight the keywords in the question:

IELTS Writing Task 2 Rough Copy

3. Select synonyms to replace those keywords.

  • nowadays = in modern times
  • schools = academic institutions
  • computer games = electronic activities and exercises
  • lessons = courses
  • inside and outside the classroom = at school and at home
  • negative and positive effects = good and bad impacts
  • education = academic development

Using Strategy 2: verb transformation

1. highlight the key verbs.

Nowadays, many schools are using computer games to teach lessons to many children inside and outside the classroom. What are the negative and positive effects of using computer games on education and what can be done to minimize the negative effects?

2. Select new verbs or synonyms or transform the verb

using = employing

teach = instruct

can be done = solution

minimise = reduce

Using strategy 3: sentence restructuring

Let’s apply our third strategy to the same essay topic. Sentence restructuring is the skills of applying a new sentence format, based on the writing objective required. In this example, the writer is expected to  outline  both the negative and positive effects of using computer games on education. The sentence

What are the negative and positive effects of using computer games on education?

Can be restructured into an answer format:

In this essay, I will outline the bad and good impacts of employing electronic activities and exercises on academic development.

The second question

What can be done to minimize the negative effects?

can be transformed to:

I will also examine solutions to reducing the bad impacts of electronic activities.

Okay! We are now ready to put our introduction together, using our 3-step strategy:

In modern times, many academic institutions are employing electronic activities and exercises to instruct courses to children both at school and at home. In this essay, I will outline the bad and good impacts of employing electronic activities and exercises on academic development.

I will also examine solutions to reducing the bad impacts of these electronic activities.

Two extra strategies:

Change the word form: Unemployment is a noun, but you can change it to an adjective as an example of paraphrasing.

Unemployment is a serious problem – Change the word form of unemployment from a noun to an adjective: There are many unemployed people in some countries.

In this way, you can change verbs to nouns, nouns to adjectives and vice versa.

Use referencing.

This means using which, that, it – very useful when you can’t think of another synonym!

Unemployment is growing in many countries, and this issue is becoming a challenge for many governments.

There is always a way to paraphrase, whatever the question. With more practice, you will be able to identify the best way to paraphrase that sounds natural and appropriate.

Video: how to start IELTS task 2

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19 sample IELTS essays and 240 task questions ebook

Additional IELTS resources:

Remember, paraphrasing is so important for both writing and speaking in IELTS. You can change the word using synonyms, change the form, change the verb/tense, change the voice from active to passive, or use referencing. and if you’re not sure, look at an example before you practice.

If you have your exam in a few months, then you may be interested in getting feedback for your essay writing, the best way is to find a professional essay correction service, or find a tutor.

If you struggle to start  IELTS writing task 2  (so many students have this problem!), or if you can’t find ideas for Task 2, then this  tutorial  will help. Take a look at some  IELTS writing task 2 questions  to help you prepare. Alternatively, you might be interested in boosting your lexical resource by upgrading your vocabulary, this page explains how to do just that.

35 IELTS writing phrases PDF (copy paste)

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IELTS Paraphrasing Task 2 | Video Post

ielts task 2 paraphrasing

To “paraphrase” something (usually a written or spoken passage) means to re-write it using different vocabulary, phrases, and structures than the original, while keeping the same information and meaning . This ability is essential for the IELTS exam! So if you’re planning on taking the IELTS, it’s time to start sharpening up you paraphrasing skills.

Being able to paraphrase is extremely useful for IELTS Speaking — but it’s even more important for the IELTS Writing section. Paraphrasing shows that you really understand a question, and are not just copying it word for word into your answer.

Re-writing something in your own words can be difficult at first, but our IELTS expert is here to help you become a whiz at IELTS paraphrasing.

Get a higher IELTS score? Start your online IELTS prep today with Magoosh.

With this in mind, we’re proud to present our brand new IELTS resource: the free IELTS Paraphrasing Task 2 video! Watch the embedded video below, or scroll down for a full video transcript. (And check out our Paraphrasing Task 1 video if you haven’t already!) 🙂  

What Will I See in the IELTS Paraphrasing Task 2 Video?

In this free 5-minute IELTS Paraphrasing video, our IELTS expert Eliot will walk you through how to make high scoring paraphrases, using information you are likely to see in an IELTS Academic Task 2 prompt.

The video begins with a brief introduction, after which Eliot will walk you through how to use paraphrasing skills to write good introductions for a IELTS Task 2 essay prompt.

The Task 2 essay is worth two thirds of the points for your writing score the IELTS, so it’s a very important piece of the exam. Since you will only be given a total of 40 minutes to complete Task 2, learning how to quickly write a strong task 2 introduction can save you some precious time!

IELTS Vocabulary 1 Video Transcript

Hi, I’m Eliot the IELTS expert from Magoosh, and today we have a little bit of a challenge for you. By the end of this presentation here, we’re going to ask you to write a comment below where you can submit an answer to a question we’re going to pose to you. And we’re gonna offer to evaluate that, to give you some feedback on it, okay? So what we’re thinking about in this assignment that we have for you is task 2 essays and how to write good introductions for a task 2 essay prompt. Okay, so what goes into a good introduction? Well, there are two basic parts you always need to have in a good IELTS task 2 introduction. First, you need to introduce the topic of the essay to your reader, all right? So it has to be very clear what the essay’s going to be about. And then you have to write a thesis statement where you give your perspective on that topic. You sort of give your opinion, if an opinion is required, or at least your perspective. What do you think about the topic that’s been posed to you in your task 2 question? This is difficult to do, and many of my students have trouble doing it, probably for a lot of reasons. One is that there’s a lot of pressure on your task 2 essay, right? It’s worth two thirds of the points for your writing score the IELTS, so that’s a lot of pressure right there, but also time is so limited, right? You only have 40 minutes to write your task 2 essay, so you don’t have much time to brainstorm. It’s very important to get really good at writing these task 2 introductions, to get started on your essay so that you can save time. And that you have enough time to write your body paragraphs then, and hit your word minimum for your task 2 essay. So the skill we’re working on to do this is to do a really good job of paraphrasing the language from the prompt, translating the language into your own introduction. So what we’re going to do in the assignment that we’re gonna give you here on this video, I’m gonna pose a question for you, a sample task 2 question. And what I want you to do is to do your best to use your own words to paraphrase the language from the prompt and write your own task 2 introduction for the question that we’ve posed. Okay, so you can see the question that we’re gonna be thinking about is, if you could change your home town to make it a better place, what changes would you make? How would these changes improve your home town? This is a sample IELTS task 2 question that’s what I call a thematic question, there are a few questions that they ask you in a row and you need to answer all of them in your essay. So this is a challenging type to answer. What you should do as you think about writing your introduction is to make sure you focus on what is the topic. How can I explain what the topic of this essay is going to be? In just a couple of words, we could say the topic is about your hometown, or making improvements on your hometown. Well, put that into your own language as you begin your introduction. And then your thesis statement should come next, okay, so what’s your thesis going to be for this essay type? Well, the specific improvements you plan to make to your hometown to make it better would be the thing to focus on in your thesis. So think about those things, brainstorm, what are you going to propose are the changes you could make to your hometown to make them better? Those specific things should be in your thesis. So I want you to try this out okay? I want you to think about the question, sit down, pretend you’re about to write a task 2 essay, and then go ahead and write that introduction only. And put it in the comments below this video and we will give you feedback, let you know how you did and what could be improved in your task 2 introduction. So do your best and I look forward to seeing what you come up with for this and, we’ll give you some responses about how well you did.

More IELTS Practice…

If you want more IELTS paraphrasing practice after watching the video, check out our free blog post on How to Paraphrase on the IELTS , and check out our main IELTS Writing blog post . And don’t forget to comment! 🙂

Happy studying!

Molly Kiefer

Molly is one of Magoosh’s Content Creators. She designs Magoosh’s graphic assets, manages our YouTube channels and podcasts, and contributes to the Magoosh High School Blog.

Since 2014, Molly has tutored high school and college students preparing for the SAT, GRE, and LSAT. She began her tutoring journey while in undergrad, helping her fellow students master math, computer programming, Spanish, English, and Philosophy.

Molly graduated from Lewis & Clark College with a B.A. in Philosophy, and she continues to study ethics to this day. An artist at heart, Molly loves blogging, making art, taking long walks and serving as personal agent to her cat, who is more popular on Instagram than she is.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Contest | Video Post

3 responses to “IELTS Paraphrasing Task 2 | Video Post”

archita chaudhuri Avatar

If I had a chance to modify my city to improve the way of living for the people, I would like to make a few alterations in the traffic rules. I think this would be the most important amendment for every one. Furthermore, I would like to improve the underground sewage system which is essential during the rainy season. This change will certainly help the city roads from getting over flooded during heavy rains.

Pema Namgyel Avatar

Every society have their own share of problems and difficulties but like the dawn after dust, opportunities to rectify them is also within our reach. Likewise, if I were given the authority to serve my community, I would propose improvements in many sectors. In particular, issues concerning youth related substance abuse and shortage of drinking water.

D Avatar

Human community, with time, have organically grown by incorporating many developing ideas from within. Even though I wish for subtle modifications in my town, I believe these changes would make my town sustainable and environment friendly.

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Learn how to paraphrase for IELTS and improve your writing score with simple techniques like synonyms and sentence combining. Start practising now!

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Paraphrasing is essential in the IELTS test. It's a great skill to have for speaking and it's especially important for the writing section. This skill shows that you not only understand the question but that you can discuss it fully. If you write the original statement in your tasks, it may not be counted and it could hurt your word count.

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is writing the same information using different vocabulary, phrases, and structures.

How do I paraphrase?

Paraphrasing can be a daunting task. Here are some simple techniques that can help you paraphrase well in your writing:

Use synonyms

Synonyms are words that have the same meaning. Using synonyms is an easy way to create a new sentence that has the same meaning.

Some people think that parents should teach their children how to be good members of society.

Some individuals believe that parents should teach their children how to be a positive part of their community.

Make sure that the synonyms you are using have the same meaning, and not similar, as this could change the meaning of the sentence.

Some people believe that car emissions have a massive impact on the environment.

Incorrect: Some people believe that car emissions have a large impact on the environment.

Correct: Some people believe that car emissions have an enormous impact on the environment.

Be careful because some synonyms can be used in some situations but not in others.

The amount of fish consumed in the world has increased dramatically.

Incorrect: The amount of fish used in the world has increased dramatically.

The amount of fuel consumed when driving largely depends on the vehicle.

Correct: The amount of fuel used when driving largely depends on the vehicle. 

Also, grammar is important when using synonyms.

Wealth does not necessarily guarantee happiness.

Having money does not necessarily ensure satisfaction.

2. Change word order

Putting words and phrases in different places within the sentence is another simple way to paraphrase.

The percentage of stressed children in western society has increased by 15% in the last ten years.

In the last ten years, the percentage of stressed children in western society has increased by 15%.

Again, the meaning of the sentence may change when changing the word order.

Successful sports professionals earn more money than people in other important professions.

Incorrect: People in other important professions earn more money than successful sports professionals.

Correct: People in other important professions earn less money than successful sports professionals.

3. Change word form

Along with word order, you can change word form. This involves changing vocabulary from nouns to verbs, adjectives to adverbs, and so on.

Nowadays, crimes are becoming more violent.

Nowadays, crimes are being committed more violently.

Once again, grammar is important when changing word form.

The level of crime has increased noticeably in different ways.

Incorrect: There was an increase noticeably in the level of crime in different ways.  

Correct: The increase in the level of crime has been noticeable in different ways.

4. Active to Passive

Changing your sentences from active to passive voice can be more difficult than the other techniques; however, it shows a variety in your grammar structures.

Active: Technological advances have replaced people in the workforce.

Passive: People in the workforce have been replaced by technological advances.

Make sure you know how to change the structure of a sentence before trying to use the passive voice.

Children today play very violent video games.

Incorrect: Children today are played by very violent video games.

Correct: Very violent video games are played by children today.

5. Combine sentences

The ability to combine sentences gives you more opportunity to change word order as well as shows off more variety in your writing.

Some people believe that animals should have the same rights as humans. Other people believe that animals should be used for various needs such as food and research.

Some people believe that animals should have the same rights as humans, while others believe they should be used for various needs such as food and research.

When combining sentences, make sure that the transitions you are using are correct.

Some people believe that logging is a serious problem. They believe that it may lead to the extinction of animal life.

Incorrect: Some people believe that logging is a serious problem, while others believe that it may lead to the extinction of animal life.

Correct: Some people believe that logging is a serious problem and it may lead to the extinction of animal life.

Practice using these techniques in your writing to become more comfortable with paraphrasing. Paraphrasing can lead to better writing, which in turn, can lead to a better writing score.

By Ashlee Hunter

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ielts task 2 paraphrasing

In this video, you also get impressive sentence structures for your body paragraphs, such as:

1. There are a great number of reasons to support/oppose this belief. 2. There do exist reasons why this notion is out of favor with some. 3. Let’s examine the flaws in this view.

Your Opinion

You will need a few interesting phrases to express your opinion on IELTS exam day, as you must directly give your opinion not only on IELTS Writing Task 2, but also Speaking Part 3.

Here are some interesting ways to do this:

  • My frank and honest opinion is that…
  • It is my firm belief that…
  • I’m inclined to believe that…

Plus, you should learn some idioms to express your opinion . Even on IELTS Writing Task 2, you should use 1 or 2 idioms to raise your vocabulary score.


  • One possible quick fix could be…
  • The key to unraveling the issue is…
  • The origins of the problem can be found in…
  • The genesis of the issue is actually…
  • The aftermath has involved…
  • There are legitimate repercussions, including…

Finally, it is always a good idea to look at exemplary essays and learn from them. One student, after taking our course, got an 8.5 in writing , and in this episode he tells you how .

Practice the phrases from today by adding them to your vocabulary notebook and using them in your own examples.

What do you think of today’s advice?

Leave us a message in the comments section below!

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How to Paraphrase in the IELTS Test

Paraphrasing is an essential IELTS skill. This post will show you how to paraphrase effectively.

Paraphrasing is simply re-writing a phrase or sentence so that it has the same meaning but with different words. Paraphrasing is one of the most important skills to learn before doing your IELTS test. It is most important for writing and speaking, but will also help you in the reading and listening tests. In other words, if you know how to paraphrase, you are more likely to get the score you need.

The mental processes required to paraphrase will also help you to fully understand the question, and this is one of the reasons I tell my students to begin all of their answers in the writing test by paraphrasing the question.

Let’s look at an example.

Example: Paraphrasing is one of the most important skills to learn before doing your IELTS test.

Paraphrased: Before taking the IELTS test, mastering paraphrasing is one of the most crucial things to do.

As you can see, the second sentence (paraphrased sentence) uses synonyms to change some vocabulary (e.g., ‘important’ for ‘crucial’ and ‘’prior’’ to ‘before’ and changes the grammar (e.g., Paraphrasing is one of the most important skills” for “mastering paraphrasing”). You can also change the word order.

You should use these three main methods in the IELTS test to paraphrase sentences. Ideally, you should try to use all three, but sometimes two will only be possible.

We will now look at each method in detail and also have a look at the passive.

Method Number 1: Using Synonyms

Synonyms are different words that have the same meaning. For example, ‘humans’ is a synonym for ‘people’ and ‘attractive’ is a synonym for ‘beautiful’. This method replaces words with the same meaning to produce a new sentence.

For example:

My car needs petrol .

My vehicle requires fuel.

As you can see, I have replaced 3 out of four words with synonyms to produce a new sentence with the same meaning as the first one. You will notice that I didn’t replace all of the words, but you should try to replace most of them.

This is the most common method that students use, and it can be used effectively, but you should be careful.

Violent crime is on the rise among teenagers .

Violent offences are rising among young people .

This student has changed the word ‘teenagers’ to ‘young people’. They are similar words, and teenagers are, of course, young people; however, children and young adults, aged between 18-30, could also be described as young people. A more term would be ‘adolescents’ or ‘young people between the ages of 13-19.’ A better way to paraphrase this sentence would therefore be:

Violent offences are rising among adolescents.

You should, therefore, only use words you are 100% sure about. Don’t change a word unless you are 100% sure that it is a direct synonym. Otherwise, you are likely to make mistakes, which will lower your score.

Let’s look at another good example:

Global warming is mostly caused by emissions from internal combustion engines.

Climate change is mainly caused by the release of fumes from motor vehicles.

M ethod Number 2: Change the Word Order

Changing the word order also allows us to effectively paraphrase a sentence, but again, we have to be careful. Don’t change the word order without thinking about how this affects the grammar of the sentence. By changing the word order, you may have to add a word, subtract a word or change the form of the word.

The 100% rule applies again; don’t change it if you are not 100% sure it is grammatically correct. Remember that you are judged on your ability to produce error-free sentences in the IELTS test and use a range of grammar structures.

Fortunately, there are two straightforward ways to change the word order in most IELTS questions.

  • You can easily change the order of the clauses if the original sentence has more than one clause.

Question: As languages such as Spanish, Chinese and English become more widely used, there is a fear that many minority languages may die out.

Paraphrased by changing word order: There is a fear that many minority languages may die out, as languages such as Spanish, Chinese and English become more widely used.

We could also add some synonyms to paraphrase it even more:

Paraphrased with changing word order AND synonyms: There is dismay that many lesser-used languages may pass away as languages such as Chinese, English and Spanish become more broadly spoken.

  • You can also change the word order if there is an adjective or noun in the question. You do this by simply changing the adjective into a relative clause.

Question: Learning to manage money is one of the key aspects of adult life.

Paraphrased: Learning to manage money is a key aspect of adult life.

M ethod Number 3: Change the Form of the Word

There are many different forms of words, including nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Changing the form of a word allows us to paraphrase effectively. Again, don’t just change the form of the word; you also need to check that your changes make grammatical sense. You might need to change the words around it to make the sentence error-free.

Question: Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people suggest that people over the age of sixty-five can continue to live full and active lives.

Paraphrased by changing word form: Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people are suggesting that people over the age of sixty-five can continue living full and active lives.

M ethod Number 4: Change from Active to Passive

The passive voice is often used in academic writing and can therefore be used in the IELTS academic writing test. Only verbs with an object can be turned into passive.

Example active sentence: The property developers invested $20 million in the development of the shopping centre.

Example passive sentence: $20 million was invested in the development of shopping centres.

We often use the passive voice in academic writing when we don’t want to say it is our opinion.

Example active: People say that global warming is caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

Example passive: Global warming is said to be caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

How many of these methods should I use?

The four methods can be used independently or together. I advise my students to try and change the grammar (word order and/or word form) and use synonyms. Remember only use the methods you feel 100% comfortable using and ensure your work is error-free.

These paraphrasing methods will only help you in the IELTS exam if you practice using them. Find some example writing questions and try paraphrasing them using these methods. You can use the methods individually and then combine them. Try all of them to see what works for you. If you practice enough, you will begin to see patterns in the questions, and common words and phrases will become easy for you to change.

If you want to see examples of paraphrasing, use Google. Many articles will appear on the same topic if you Google certain keywords. By comparing these, you will be able to see how different writers have expressed the same ideas.

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About Christopher Pell

My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Paraphrasing Practice No. 3

The lesson today is about paraphrasing in IELTS writing task 2. It is about paraphrase the essay question in order to make a background statement for the introduction.

The introduction for an IELTS essay in writing task 2 consists of two sentences: a background statement and a thesis statement. The background statement paraphrases the essay question. The thesis statement gives your answer.

Yesterday, a student wrote this to me about paraphrasing:

Hi Liz, You said that it’s ok to keep some words the same when you paraphrase. My question is: “Do you have a maximum number of words that can stay the same? For example: Artists need a certain amount of freedom to develop their creativity. Some people think that artists should have total freedom to express any thoughts and ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree? I think I can keep the word “artist” and “creativity”. But I doubt using “freedom” Should I paraphrase the word “people”? What words can I keep?

Get Model Answer

You can find a model introduction with paraphrasing tips on this page. The link below will explain how you can paraphrase your background statement.

Paraphrasing: Model Introduction & Tips

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Artists require a particular amount of freedom to enhance their creativity. However some people believe attaining complete freedom to artists in terms of expressing their thoughts and ideas is highly needed. To my opinion, artists should possess total freedom in expressing their thoughts so that they can achieve beneficial outcomes in their work.

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It is commonly believed that artists should have full freedom to express any thoughts, ideas and on the other hand, they should have a limited amount of freedom to express themselves. In my opinion, In my opinion, nobody should interfere the artists to showcase what they want to express namely, their thoughts, ideas and their creativity.

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Artists are creative thinkers, and for them to express their imaginative ideas there should be no limits to their freedom of expression.

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It is widely believed that, artists should be allowed absolute freedom to express their mind, since freedom is the key to develop and nurture their creative potential.

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Hi Liz, Thank you so much for your generosity and this blog is really useful.

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People in the field of arts require some liberty from restraints in order to grow. Many even suggest that there should not be any shackles to those, who are in this field.

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This is a good one, I think.

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Hi Mam Liz. Your video is very helpful for me as a timer in teaching IELTS WRITING ESSAY.Can you help me by sending some example topics to pratice or topics with answers already. Thanks and have a great day!

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See this page: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/

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Some people embrace the idea that artists shall be given a certain level of freedom. On the contrary, some espouse to the belief that artists shall be given a total freedom of expression. This essay adheres to the theory of freedom of expression as it is necessary to nurture the creativity in oneself.

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It is believed by some people that artists ought to be totally liberated towards expressions of their own thoughts and ideas, as development of creativity and innovativeness requires certain degree of independence. In my opinion, I would like to disagree with the concept of total freedom because too much liberation of opinion might result in tumult in the society. However, artists must have certain freedom of expression to develop their potential talent.

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The artists require sufficient liberty in order to deepen their creativity skills.There are some people who believe that the artists shouldn’t be provided with complete freedom to express their views and ideas.This essay will discuss why I totally agree that the artists ought to be given the right to express what they want to.

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You r great teacher of Ielts .your video is very fantastic .I m really impressed

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Hello liz, Could u please check my answer, Right to improve the creativity of an artist moreover some people believe that artist should have right to convey their feeling and opinions. However in my opinion, I agree that artist should have deliver to develop their creativity and feeling.

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Hi Liz, My paraphrase consists of 50 words. Please comment, what you think about it. I am writing here first time. thanks

It is true that artists required some degree of independence to create an art. Few people have been arguing that artists should have fully freedom to exhibit their imaginations and feelings. I totally agree with the latter statement that artists should be freed from any boundaries.

There are few grammatical mistakes in your writing. ‘It is true that artists require …’. The second sentence can be written as, ‘Few people argue that artists should be fully free to exhibit their imagination or feelings’ or ‘ Few people argue that artists should have full freedom to exhibit their imagination or feelings’. Moreover, spelling of later is wrong and it is enough to say ‘artists should be free from any boundaries’. No passive voice is required. 🙂

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It is often believed that artists should never be restricted in expressing their ideas in order to reap a good and creative result.I completely agree with the statement as an artist’s skills are wasted if not given complete independence in his thought process.

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It is argued that creative minds are supposed to freely articulate their ideas into the desirable forms. However, I believe that imposing certain restrictions on them will in contrary stimulate their productivity and innovations in the forms of art.

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My question was in writing Task 1 was table Task 2 was related to job satisfaction, job security and permanent job

Speaking part 1 About transportation and types of houses part 2 about sports which sport you watch most? when and where you watched first? with whom? Advantages of watching sports? Part3 related to part 2 (forgot ) 😉

Table was given in year 1 year 2 year 3 Can we write in past tense???

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Part of the audience says that artists are supposed to be absolutely independent to create and to communicate their beliefs and concepts. Partially I agree that artists demand liberty to express themselves and their art, bus I also believe that all people must be respectful and concerned about others opinions and feelings.

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Artists do not require total amount of freedom to improve their creativness, while few people consider that they should have all freedom to show their ability. However, in my opinion, i fully agree with later that artists reflect their culture and other social evils in their art.

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While it is generally understood that in order to be creative an artist must have some liberty to develop impulses and ideas creatively , some would argue that they should have full, and unrestricted, creative licence. Though I agree that artists require a great deal of personal space to create, I believe that some structure within the discipline is necessary to guide and give shape to their creations as well as possibly ensuring their work does not intentionally draw harm to others.

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Artists require the particular extent of liberty to enhance their imaginations.Few people anticipate that artisan should be granted with complete flexibility to explicit their innovative thoughts and ideas. In my opinion, inventors should have the limited degree of independence to articulate their perceptions.

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Artist must take large space of freedom to improving their talent, thought, and creativity.

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Artist have a level of freedom to develop their creativity,but people think that artist have the total liberty to express their opinions

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It is considered by some that artists, in order to amplify their creativity, should be totally free to express their ideas and thoughts. As art is a result of the way each individual sees the world, I strongly agree that artists should have total freedom of speech to produce their work of art.

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A certain amount of liberty must be given to artist to express their creativity. However it is thought by some , that total liberty must be given to artist to innovate their own ideas. In my opinion I agree that there should not be any restrictions on the artists to implement their thoughts and ideas.

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To enhance their creativity,artists require limited freedom.However,to certain people,they think,artists should have the absolute free will to fully express what they have in mind and their ideas.

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It is being argued that artist should have limited access to enhance their creative sense while others feel they should not be restricted in any form to enable unlock the given potential,in my opinion I think they should have freedom of thought because it will help them produce original works and good sense of creativity

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Artists functionality are under debate, some people argue that they must be restricted whist others believe in their independence. This essay,to the greater extend support the notion of artists freedom.

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Since art requires a level of freedom to be creative, some believe that artists ought to be granted all the freedom of expression they need.

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It is often argued that artists require limited privilege to build their creativity,while others claim that full independence is necessary in order to develop their ideas .I completely agree on the statement that artists need a full liberty for better expression of their own views and opinions.

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Hi, Liz, Thank you very much for your help. I got your advanced writing lessons.They are great. Please, if you can check my sentence and give me advice.Many thanks.

Artists possess the talent to depict the reality, their feelings, and perspective of the world by artwork, therefore, like some people I also think they should be given full liberty to exhibit their vision through pieces of art.

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It is commonly believed that artists should be given absolute freedom in order to showcase their creativity and imagination. In my opinion, a certain level of restrictions would be beneficial to maintain social harmony, particularly in religious matters.

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The world of artist cannot be determined by creative boundaries, hence the quest for total freedom by some. The limits for creativity can only achieved by the social cultural environment of these artist. I strongly disagree for a total freedom of artist without the boundaries of social values.

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Hi Liz. I have watched the video that you have uploaded on the topic of how to paraphrase the W.T 2’s introduction and i found that you have written ( In my opinion, I believe that ) is it effective to write i believe that after you already have written in my opinion? As my tutor instructed me that it is not necessary. So i just get confused whether it should write or not?

After all i ma getting lots of most useful tips from you. Thanks for your contribution to the entire world.

It’s up to you. It won’t affect your score one way or the other.

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The question whether,artists should need certain amount of freedom or full is a frequent debate of topic these days.I strongely support the idea that artists should have entire freedom to express their thoughts and ideas.

Liz,please evaluate my introduction part… Iam started battle with ielts for the last 2 years but not getting sucess. I want to improve myself..plz plz 🙏🙏🙏

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Art is the subject that can not be confined within boundaries. Artists required certain degree of liberty to create their piece of art, and therefore, a group of people argue that artist should enjoy complete freedom to convey their imagination.I personally believe that artist’s creativity creativity should not be stifled by restricting their expression.

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Creators have to have a degree of independence to develop their artwork. Few feel that they should be free access to express their ideas and feelings. I believe that without independency, creators will not be able to develop their artwork and likewise cannot express their views and feelings.

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Hi Liz, Artists required some amount of liberty to cultivate their creativity, but, few people believe that they should have full liberty for expressing their thoughts and ideas. In my opinion, I agree with the latter view that artists should have full freedom to express there innovative thoughts and ideas.

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Hi liz, I have been going through your lessons for about a fortnight now and I am just loving them. I would take this opportunity to thank you as well for the Amazing tips and knowledge you share. Kindly review and suggest changes for the below paraphrasing of the stated essay topic: It is believed by some people that the art creators should be provided total independence for demonstrating their views and ideas in the art so as to nurture their innovative and creative skills, where as there are others who think that a limit should be applied to this liberty given.

Thanks and Regards

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Whether or not to provide full freedom to the artish for the development of creative ideas is a matter of debate. Some argue that they should be given freedom to express their creativity to limited extent while other refute this fact,holding an opinion to let artists full liberty.

It is often argued that certain amount of freedom is essential for artists to enhance their innovativeness while other claim that unlimited freedom is mandatory inorder to develop ideas and thoughts to full extent. I completely agree on the fact that artists need a full liberty for better expansion of creative thoughts and to improve their artworks

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It is argued that creative person need a limit authority to grow their creativity.it is commonly believe that artist must have full liberty to show their feelings.personally,i feel that this is an appropriate way to artists display their thoughts.

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Some people believe that artist require total while others think partial freedom is needed in expressing their creativity. I strongly agree that total freedom should be given to artist to show their ideas.

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It is always a topic of debate that whether artists should be given a total freedom to showcase their imaginations or there should be some restrictions to that.I believe that by providing required independence they will be more innovative and motivated to create new masterpieces.

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The creativity for many artists requires the presence of freedom to be well developed, so I believe it is a must to provide the artists with an absolute freedom.

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Developing Artist’s creativity there should be some level of freedom to express.And few people suggest, that they should be granted hundred percent freedom to exhibit their views. I my opinion, I strongly support the above said idea, because it will fetch good thing to the individual and the society.

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Artists should be given a considerable amount of absolute freedom of expression to be able to develop their creativity.

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There are those who believe that in order for most artists to be more creative they should have a complete free will in expressing their thoughts and views through their artworks. I strongly share with this view.

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It is true that a level of liberty is required by artist to enhance their imaginative skills, but some people believe that artists should have unrestricted freedom in giving voice to their opinion and believe. In my opinion, total freedom is vital in artistic work as constraints will reduce creativity.

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It is certainly true that, artists should be given some sort of restricted freedom to express their views. However, other people argue that, artists must get full independence to show their creativity and talent. In my opinion, I completely agree to latter view.

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Artists require limited freedom to enhance their creativity while others believe that they should have complete freedom to show their creative ideas and thoughts.

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It is thought by some people that artists should limit their creativity, whilst others believe that endless freedom is the key to self-expression. In my opinion, I agree that art does not have boundaries and those who create it are allowed to express themselves the way they wish.

Appreciable your thoughts Good describe👍

I’m glad to hear that 😀

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To improve the creativity of an artist they need freedom to expound their thoughts and ideas.

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Most people believe that in order to have the ability to create,Artists should have the space to show their feelings and work because imagination has no boundaries while others think it should be controlled because it might hurt or disturb them. In my opinion I believe Art is madness so,I’ll go for freedom with a certain level.

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Freedom is essential for any artist to improve their creativity,so according to some,artists should completely feel free to express themselves in to their art work.while i agree that total freedom maybe beneficial in some circumstances,i also believe it could be damaging in other areas.

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Hi Liz, my answer is 69 words. I purchased all three of your advanced videos. I have only watched half of the opinion video as I am still practising my reading. My introduction is as follows: Artists are entitled to some degree of freedom to develop their creativity, some would argue that artists are entitled to complete freedom to present their views. In my opinion, I agree that artists should have complete freedom to present their views as this allow them to do this free from criticism and prejudice. Having this freedom will also enable the general public to understand their views. Please let me know what you think. Thank you.

Your introduction is too long. Don’t give too many minor details in your thesis statement. Present your main points but in a short way.

Hi, Liz, I have cut it down to 47 words. The background statement is 26 words and thesis statement is 21 words. I have changed my third main idea. Instead of talking about the general public’s understanding, I will talk about why it is important to allow the artists freedom to express their ideas. I hope this makes sense to you. I am finding it hard to paraphrase my last sentence in the original statement thesis. My new thesis statement is as follows: In my opinion, I agree. By having this freedom they will not be subjected to criticism and prejudice when presenting their views. is this any better? If not, I will keep trying. I will wait for your model answer. In the meantime, I will carry one revising the reading section, Thanks. P.S. I am doing the General Training paper. I am building my academic vocabulary so this is good practice for me.

Make your thesis one sentence.

Hi Liz, I have tried to make it one sentence. Thesis statement: Artists should have complete freedom and as a result of this they will have an opportunity to convey their views, avoid criticism and prejudice. Is this better? Thank you.

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Artists are supposed to have considerable degree of freedom to guard their ingeniousness, to the extent that some argue they should be totally free to reach their ultimate.

Excuse me, would you mind revising my introduction?

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Artists require some freedom to enhance their artwork, but many think artists must be given total freedom of art. In my opinion, complete freedom of work is required to present an artwork. However, artistic skills also play a major role in creating a perfect model.

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Some argue that people from art sphere ought to be guaranteed with unlimited freedom to give voice to their opinions and impression while others advocate introducing a limit on liberty art people. Although there are some aspects that could justify restricts in some level, I personally believe that ultimate artist freedom is one of the important factors that might make life more interesting.

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Artists need aspecific quantity of liberty to improving their creativity. It is thought by some that artists ought to be completely free to explain their believes and points of view. In my opinion, putting constraints on artists will decrease their creativity. However, I also think that feeling free is very important for every.

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It is sometimes though that providing a full privilege to artists allows them to perform well and produce creative ideas. In my opinion, freedom is essential for creativity and outstanding performance, however, it must be controlled to the extent that does not disturb and overlap with other’s privacy and rights.

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There should be a particular amount of independence to cultivate their creativity for the artists, while some people anticipate that artists should have total independence to show any thoughts and plans

To what extent this background statement is correct mam?

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It has been a matter of debate that there should no bound on creative persons to reflect their individuality. while there are many who do not agree with the given idea. I completely agree that creators must allowed to excel their imaginations.

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Freedom of thoughts is considered as the root of creativity. However, it is thought by some that artists should have full liberty to express their ideas and thoughts. I disagree with this statement as uncontrolled freedom of expression can deter sentiment of other cultures, societies and can also sway youngsters on a deleterious path.

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Hello Liz. Could you please have a look, this looks slightly different and length is also good.

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A particular level of space and freedom is required for Artists, to help improving their creativity and talent, while on the contrary, many people believe that they should be given full freedom to express any thought and ideas.

Dear Liz, Please find my i background and thesis

It is some times thought that providing a full privilege to Artists allow them to perform well and produce creative idea. In my opinion, freedom is essential for creativity and outstanding performance, however, It should controlled to the extent that does not disturb others.

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Inorder for artists to develop their creative abilities, it is thought by some that artists ought to have all the right to freedom of expression.

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Even though it is a fact that artists require freedom to bring out their imaginations, some people think that they should be given complete freedom for their creativity.

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I would say something like: “It is said artists should be free to expand their imagination and freely reflect it in their work.”

I hope it is right to say it like this… Thanks for your help! Silvia

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Freedom of mind is the base of an artist, this is why he can create. Full expression of himself can make him a creator,the artist.

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Hello Liz, That’s my answer. Is it ok to write like this? Some people think that artists will Improve their creativity if they have a total liberty. In my opinion, I agree with that creaters need a number of freedom in order to express thoughts. However, having a full freedom may cause some problems such as poticial, religions issues.

I am really appreciate your helping.

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To improve the creativeness of an artist they need ample amount of freedom, although it is some times thought that artists ought to have full license to show their ideas. In my opinion, I believe that artists need to have complete freedom to express any thoughts.

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77 words….this is one of my struggles cos I was told introduction has to to be a maximum of words….Pls let me try again.

It is true that freedom is crucial in development of creativity for artists, and it has been proposed by some, that this freedom be allowed in totality. I do not agree with this, because artists tend to be eccentric which could sometimes be deemed as insane by society, and control of these eccentricities could, in the long run, prove problematic when the need arises.

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It is thought by some that artists should express their minds with a completely free to enhance their creative ability. In my opinion, I don’t agree with this statement because the unlimited freedom of artistic expression may bring negative effects on people’s views of society.

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It is believed bt some people that required freedom should be provided to the artists so that thay can develop their thinking and idea as freedom is essential to gain creativity.

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Majors of studies are different according to their contains and importance as well as their effective on the people’s life, animals’ life and plants as well. I totally agree to allow artists to express and introduce what they feel and display their ideas widely in order to generate a recent things and convey humans’ believes.

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An artist, in order to develop his creations requires some sort of liberty, however, few believe that they are ought to be given full freedom to exhibit their own views and concepts more freely. In my opinion, I believe that only when an artist is completely given the right to express their minds there will be more creativity and master-piece been designed for the others to cherish.

It is widely believed that artists ought to be given absolute freedom of expression, because freedom is essential in the development of their creative process. I disagree to a large extent that they should, because artists tend to be eccentric in nature, which is not always compatible with what is believed to be sane by society, and control might become a serious issue in the long run, when there might arise a necessity to curb their excesses.

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Complete freedom should be given to every artist for them to display their creativity with their own ideas and thoughts without limit. I agree with the statement because imagination can be boundless.

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Artists require a requisite liberty to enhance their creativity. However, some believe that artists should b given total liberty to freely express their mind. I think that the artists should be allowed to express their thoughts on social evils and highlight the flaws of the society we thrive in order to keep the values of the society intact

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Artist require certain amount of freedom in order to enhance their creativity. However, some believe that artist should have absolute freedom to create new thoughts and ideas.

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Creating arts require some flexibility and generally people believe that total autonomy require to illustrate quality arts .

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Expressing thoughts and ideas require certain amount of freedom to develop creativity which is the belief of some people.

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Artists and performers require a fair extension of freedom and exemptions to promote their creativity, few people consider that artists ought be given complete liberty to express, all thoughts and ideas.

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It is believed from the masess that, artists ought to have freedom in order to be more creative. I believe that, it is indispensable for any artist to be sat free to come up with the best ideas he can imagine.

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Some people believe an artist should be given some limited amount of restriction about their work while other argue they will be given full independence about their work.This is an issue very debatable and controversial but I strongly believe they should be given full liberal about their work.There are several reasons for my standing on the side why the artist require their independence.

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It is often argued that artists should given a defined level of right to express their imagination in their creation while on the other hand, some state that artists should allow to showcase their creativity without any boundaries. In my opinion, artists need their space to express their creativity but with certain restrictions according to the audience.

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Its argued that,to increase the cretivity, artists should have particular freedom whereas some believe that the artists are not required to be fully independent in expressing their notions. I also consider being freedom completely for expressing their ideas to be one their rights..

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It is thought by some people that Artists should be given complete freedom to express their imagination because a free environment facilitates them in crafting their art.

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Talented people have the right to express their views freely with no constructions in order to excel their gifted skills.

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Hi liz This is about academic or general.l need general reading tips.one thing more,can u pls tell me reading ans should be in capital letter or not on ans sheet.

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Hi I am so sorry that I am posting a reading query in Writing Section. I also want to know about the General Reading. I have some doubts. Pooja and Liz Can we clear?

See this page: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-general-training-reading-information/

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It is argued that creative people must not be confined in strict borders in order to fully develop their opinions and views. I absolutely agree with this idea because firstly, limitations of any sort disrupt the process of creation and secondly, in some situations it is a violation of the freedom of speech.

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Hi LiZ, can we use the word ‘kids’ for children in writing task 2 ?

No. The word “kids” is informal and will count as a vocabulary mistakes in writing task 2. It’s fine to use in speaking.

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How To Paraphrase in IELTS Writing

May 30, 2020

How to paraphrase in IELTS writing and speaking

What is paraphrasing in IELTS?

The use of paraphrasing in IELTS is what allows you to show that you have a sufficient range of vocabulary to cope with the task, whether it is in speaking or writing.

Paraphrasing in IELTS is the skill of being able to read or hear one or more sentences, and then write or say a sentence back that means the same thing only by using mostly different words and different grammatical constructions. The IELTS examiners love it!

This paraphrasing skill is used extensively in writing IELTS introductions in particular. One part of paraphrasing is using similar meaning words, these are known as synonyms, different words with the same meaning.

If you’re aiming for an IELTS band seven, then the IELTS band marking critieria state that you need to show a ‘ sufficient range of vocabulary ’. If you’re aiming for a band eight, then this changes to a ‘ wide range of vocabulary’ .

IELTS paraphrasing examples

I am going to show you exactly how to paraphrase in IELTS writing and speaking so you can show a wide range of vocabulary to the examiner and increase your band score. 

You can either watch the video below or read the article, the information is the same:

You can get my full video course covering every part of the test here!

How Do You Paraphrase For IELTS?

(how to paraphrase the question in ielts writing), method 1: the simple synonym sauce.

The first and most obvious way we can show that we have a good range of vocabulary in the IELTS writing tasks is to use synonyms for the words that we are given in the question.

The words we substitute in are simply words that have a similar or the same meaning as the word they are replacing. We do this particularly when we are writing introductions to our IELTS essays in IELTS writing task 2.

You can practice using synonyms by using an online thesaurus. When you are doing practice essays, you can simply look up a word and see what other words have a similar or same meaning. Many of my students then like to keep their own written record of the synonyms they are using as IELTS topics often repeat themselves.

Let’s just have a quick look at synonyms for the word environment, which often occurs in essay questions, as provided by synonym.com and it gave me these words: ecology, habitat, geographical area settings, surrounding situation, circumstances and background.

The words ‘ ecology, habitats and geographical area ’ are more suitable to be used when we’re replacing the word environment, when it’s being used to talk in relation to animals .

Other words, such as ‘ setting, surrounding situations, circumstances and background ’ are talking about general conditions that are not related to animals and so would not fit into our essay well.

So, we have to be quite careful that we don’t use synonyms in the wrong context, nevertheless it is the easiest way to paraphrase successfully.

IELTS paraphrasing exercises

  Method 2: Paraphrase to Perfection!

Using synonyms all the time can look a bit unnatural, but if we change the order in which we use them, then it can make it look more natural. 

Here’s another example question: 

Some people believe that getting a degree from university is the best way to guarantee getting a job. Others believe it would be best to go straight into work and get experience. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 

So, if you were writing the introduction to this essay, normally you would first paraphrase the question. So you could write:

Certain people think that graduating from higher education is the optimum way to assure getting a top job. 

‘some people’ = ‘certain people’ 

‘graduating from higher education’ = ‘getting a degree from a university’ 

‘best way to guarantee getting a job’ = ‘optimum way to assure getting a top job.’

  That is how you can use synonyms, the examiner will see that and it’s very obvious to them. However, we could also switch the order of the sentence around as well. So it reads like this. 

The optimum way to assure getting a top job is by graduating from higher education, according to certain people.  

This shows that we can be flexible with how we write and shows that we have a good command and control of grammar. In my full course, we will cover more aspects of grammar such as complex sentences, common mistakes, and tenses – take a look .

How do you paraphrase

Method 3: Fun with formations!

This next way of paraphrasing is to change the word formations that are used, you might read the question and one word might stand out to you that you think you could use a different formation for of that word. 

In this question here, for example:

Many small shops are closing as they are unable to compete with large supermarkets in the area here.

The word competes might stand out to you and you immediately perhaps think of the word competition so we could simply try to use that form of the word along with the synonyms as well. 

So, next you might come up with the sentence. 

A large number of less well-known outlets are shutting due to competition from established superstores in the locality. 

Now we’ve got synonyms and we’ve got ‘competition’ in there as a change in word formation. 

We could also go one step further and change the order of the sentence as well. It could read:

Competition from established superstores in the locality is forcing a large number of less well-known outlets to shut down. 

As you can see, what we’re starting to do is mix together different ways to paraphrase , which is really a very powerful way to impress the examiner. You’ll find more like this in my full course here . 

What is paraphrasing in IELTS?

Method 4: Antonym Soup!

One more thing we can do is to use antonyms. An antonym is basically a word that has the opposite meaning to another word.

So, synonyms mean similar or the same antonyms mean the opposite. So again, for the same question, we might have the same sentence. 

But we might choose to use antonyms. Instead of using a large number, we might simply say fewer. 

So ‘fewer, less well-known outlets can remain open. 

Obviously, ‘remain open’ is an antonym for shutting. So, by using antonyms, we can keep the meaning the same, but once more show off different vocabulary that we are able to use.

ielts task 2 paraphrasing

Method 5: The Native Speaker Way of Paraphrasing 

Now, the final way to paraphrase, and I would call this the native speaker way, because it’s what I would do and what other native speakers would probably do. This is what band 8 and 9 candidates should be aiming to do because it’s just a very natural technique. 

Firstly, imagine if you were paraphrasing in your own language, just think how easy it would be. You would just look at a sentence and just say it in different words.

You wouldn’t even be thinking about how you were going to break it down or what grammar you were going to use, or even what words you were going to say! 

You would just come out with a sentence that made perfect sense and have the same meaning. And that is the native speaker way to paraphrase. 

Now, have a go at paraphrasing this question below using the native speaker method:

how do you paraphrase in IELTS writing?

So, there’s lots of natural language in there, some collocations, some synonyms from, but they’re not really deliberate. It’s just what naturally came out of my mouth as a native speaker. And when you get to this level, you might be able to do something similar. It’s what you can aim for. 

Check Out My Complete Guide To IELTS Course Here

Final Words of Advice for IELTS Paraphrasing

And finally, just a few words of advice. Now, remember, we are looking at synonyms and paraphrasing because we want to show the examiner that we have a sufficient range of vocabulary to answer the question.

It is important that we do this, but remember, your essay is marked on many different things and not just on the vocabulary. So, don’t get fixated on this.

Don’t spend too long thinking about the synonyms or paraphrases that you’re trying to use, you still need to write good, solid body paragraphs. You still need a good conclusion and you need time to be checking that as well. So, yes, pay attention to paraphrasing, but don’t focus on it so much that it disrupts the rest of your essay.

And the best way to develop your paraphrasing skills reading. Reading over the medium to long term. Exposing yourself to different word sets in different contexts gives you the experience to be able to know how words fit together and replace other words. 

So keep reading my friends! That’s the main thing you need to do.

Final, final IELTS Paraphrasing Tips!

Don’t go over the top, it is very difficult to find a synonym for some words and you won’t always be able to do so. Instead, you could try a group of words, so, rather than saying ‘adult’, you might say ‘grown up’.

However, if you can’t think of a paraphrase of synonym then don’t be afraid to use the words in the question. It is more important to be accurate with your word choice then to try lots of different synonyms. Always c hoose the words that you know to be 100% correct , in that way you will reduce your mistakes and increase your band score.

How can I improve my paraphrasing? With IELTS paraphrasing exercises of course! Here we go…

IELTS Paraphrasing Exercise 1

To practice this technique, ideally you will need a partner. All you need to do is to select a text related to any of the 14 main topic areas that often come up in IELTS.

This could be from a newspaper, journal or book. Next, print out the text and then with a black marker pen or using tip-ex remove random key words from a text. The article can be as short or as long as you like.

You might end up with something like this article from the BBC web-site:

For Your Partner To Complete:

A new study reveals how crocodiles’ eyes are fine-tuned for lurking at the water __________ to watch for prey.

The “fovea”, a patch of tightly packed receptors that _________ sharp vision, forms a horizontal streak instead of the usual circular spot.

This allows the animal to scan the ___________ without moving its head, according to Australian researchers.

They also found differences in the cone cells, which ____________ colours, between saltwater and freshwater crocs.

Swap articles with your partner and try and complete the missing words. Ask yourself what type of word is missing ; is it an adjective, noun, verb or adverb? Once you have identified this, have a guess at what word might fit.

Following this, view the completed text and see if you have selected the same word, or a word that is a synonym (a word with the same meaning).

The more synonyms and correct guesses you manage to get the better. Doing this increases your synonym power which will have a positive impact on virtually all parts of the IELTS test.

The missing words in this case are: surface (noun), delivers (verb), shoreline (noun), senses (verb).

IELTS Paraphrasing Exercise 2

Select an article you have read recently that you have found difficult. Ideally this will be on a typical IELTS related topic.

Now, write or type out 20 words that you found difficult on to pieces of small card. Place the cards face down in the middle of the table in a pile.

Turn over the first card and try to make a sentence using a synonym for that word, or if you can’t use a synonym by using a group of words (paraphrase) instead.

Immediately check your answers online with a synonym generator or with your teacher or a study partner.

If you get a particular word wrong then put the card to the bottom of the pile and come back to it again later . If you are correct place it in a new pile.

You can alternate ‘goes’ with a partner’ and score points in this manner.

Alternatively, with all of the cards face up, candidates could say a synonym or paraphrase for one of the words and a partner guesses which word it is, again with a competitive element.

Advanced students could then spread the cards face down in front of them and then summarise the entire text verbally being careful to use synonyms or paraphrases of the words only.

This could then be written up from memory as a summary task to consolidate the new vocabulary.

IELTS Paraphrasing in the Reading Test

Once you get good at synonyms and paraphrasing you may start to realise how IELTS reading papers are actually written.

Basically, an article is selected and the questions that test your understanding of the text are written.

However, examiners cannot just use the same words in the text, as that would make it too easy. So, instead they ask the questions using different words, synonyms or paraphrases.

Once you have spotted this pattern and practised a great deal as above, you will find the IELTS test gets a lot easier.

Use The 3 R’s For IELTS Synonym and Paraphrasing Success

As you are doing exercises such as those above, you need to:

Record – Make  note of all the new words you are learning. Include a definition, example sentences, synonyms and a personalised picture to help make it memorable.

Review – Set aside a specific time each day when you can remind your self of the new words. Ten minutes a day is better than 70 minutes once a week. Regular practice is key.

Re-test – Test yourself to see how well you are doing and identify areas of weakness. Why not have a competition with a study partner for added motivation.

You could use a software service such as Quizlet to help you do this.

Doing this will give you the maximum chance of remembering all your synonyms and paraphrases and ultimately improve your IELTS band score!

 OK, that’s enough about IELTS synonyms and paraphrasing. I hope we got a lot out of this article. And please remember where you’re going. You’re on this journey of working out how to do the IELTS test so that you can transform your life into a better future, use that as motivation to keep going! Drop any questions below

You might also like to read about complex sentences here .

ielts task 2 paraphrasing

Recommended IELTS Study Tools

Thank you for reading this article. I always get lots of questions about how else to get a better band score quickly. So, this is what I recommend:

Complete IELTS Course : Of course, my full course ‘ INCREASE YOUR IELTS ‘ covers everything you need to need to know to pass IELTS, including practice questions, model answers, grammar work, strategies for every possible reading, writing and listening question type, as well as a complete speaking course too, check it out here .

IELTS Essay and Speaking Feedback : To complete full mock tests and get feedback from IELTS examiners on your IELTS essays or speaking tasks then visit: IELTS Feedback and Mock Tests, here.

Improve your grammar fast by using the Grammarly suggestions to improve your writing. Every IELTS students should have this free grammar improving tool.

Improve all-round English skill with EnglishClass101.com . If you have failed IELTS more than once then you probably need to improve your general level of English. Use the free online lessons and vocabulary building tools here and start improving today! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

ielts task 2 paraphrasing

Hi there, I’m Tim James a former IELTS examiner and IELTS teacher of over a decade. This site is where I share my exam strategies to help people get the score they need. I hope it helps you!

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Task 1 & 2: Paraphrasing 

Trên trang này, 1. use synonyms , 2. change word order, 3. change word form, 4. active to passive, 5. combine sentences.

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Paraphrasing is essential in the IELTS exam. It's a great skill to have for speaking and it's especially important for the writing section. This skill shows that you not only understand the question but that you can discuss it fully. If you write the original statement in your tasks, it may not be counted and it could hurt your word count.

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is writing the same information using different vocabulary, phrases, and structures.

How do I paraphrase?

Paraphrasing can be a daunting task. Here are some simple techniques that can help you paraphrase well in your writing:

Synonyms are words that have the same meaning. Using synonyms is an easy way to create a new sentence that has the same meaning.

Some  people  think that parents should teach their children how to be  good members  of  society.

Some  individuals believe  that parents should teach their children how to be a  positive part  of their  community.

Make sure that the synonyms you are using have the same meaning, and not similar, as this could change the meaning of the sentence.

Some people believe that car emissions have a  massive  impact on the environment.

Incorrect:  Some people believe that car emissions have a  large  impact on the environment.

Correct:  Some people believe that car emissions have an enormous impact on the environment.

Be careful because some synonyms can be used in some situations but not in others.

The amount of fish  consumed  in the world has increased dramatically.

Incorrect  The amount of fish  used  in the world has increased dramatically.

The amount of fuel  consumed  when driving largely depends on the vehicle.

Correct:  The amount of fuel  used  when driving largely depends on the vehicle.

Also, grammar is important when using synonyms.

Wealth  does not necessarily  guarantee happiness.

Having money  does not necessarily  ensure satisfaction.

Putting words and phrases in different places within the sentence is another simple way to paraphrase.

The percentage of stressed children in western society has increased by 15%  the last ten years.

In the last ten years, the percentage of stressed children in western society has increased by 15%.

Again, the meaning of the sentence may change when changing the word order.

Successful sports professionals  earn more money than people in other important professions.

Incorrect:  People in other important professions earn more money than  successful sports professionals.

Correct:  People in other important professions earn less money than  successful sports professionals.

Along with word order, you can change word form. This involves changing vocabulary from nouns to verbs, adjectives to adverbs, and so on.

Nowadays, crimes are becoming more  violent.

Nowadays, crimes are being committed more  violently.

Once again, grammar is important when changing word form.

The level of crime has  increased noticeably  in different ways.

Incorrect:  There was an  increase noticeably  in the level of crime in different ways.

Correct:  The  increase  in the level of crime has been  noticeable  in different ways.

Changing your sentences from active to passive voice can be more difficult than the other techniques; however, it shows a variety in your grammar structures.

Active:  Technological advances have replaced people in the workforce.

Passive:  People in the workforce have been replaced by technological advances.

Make sure you know how to change the structure of a sentence before trying to use the passive voice.

Children today play very violent video games.

Incorrect:  Children today are played by very violent video games.

Correct:  Very violent video games are played by children today.

The ability to combine sentences gives you more opportunity to change word order as well as shows off more variety in your writing.

Some people believe that animals should have the same rights as humans. Other people believe that animals should be used for various needs such as food and research.

Some people believe that animals should have the same rights as humans, while others believe they should be used for various needs such as food and research.

When combining sentences, make sure that the transitions you are using are correct.

Some people believe that logging is a serious problem. They believe that it may lead to the extinction of animal life.

Incorrect:  Some people believe that logging is a serious problem, while others believe that it may lead to the extinction of animal life.

Correct:  Some people believe that logging is a serious problem and it may lead to the extinction of animal life.

Practice using these techniques in your writing to become more comfortable with paraphrasing. Paraphrasing can lead to better writing, which in turn, can lead to a better writing score.

By Ashlee Hunter

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Preparation for the IELTS Exam

Paraphrasing by changing sentence structure

Useful paraphrasing technique in ielts writing task 2..

One of the most important skills in IELTS writing is being able to paraphrase. This means to change the wording or the sentence structure but retain the same meaning.

It’s a challenge for many students doing IELTS to get used to this skill as you need to have a wide vocabulary and know how to use synonyms correctly.

There are 2 main ways to paraphrase. This can be done either with synonyms or by changing the structure of the sentence while adjusting the word-formation. In the writing section, you need to use this skill when starting the introduction of your essay. Let’s take a look at an example below.

Example IELTS writing question

‘An increasing number of people are buying what they need online’

Paraphrased with synonyms:

‘ A growing number of individuals are purchasing what they require on the internet ‘

I didn’t paraphrase every word here. In fact, you do not need to paraphrase everything because sometimes you may not be able to find an accurate synonym.

Increasing – growing 

Buying – purchasing , online – the internet, people – individuals, paraphrased without synonyms:.

 ‘The number of people who buy what they need online is on the increase ‘

In this second example, I have used the same words but changed the form and also moved the sentence structure around. This is a very good way to paraphrase if your range of synonyms is limited.

(gerund) buying – (relative pronoun + verb) who buy (gerund) increasing – (noun phrase) on the increase

  • An increasing number of people are buying what they need online
  • A growing number of people are purchasing what they require on the internet
  • The number of people who buy what they need online is on the increase

All three of these above sentences convey the same meaning. This skill needs to be developed and is necessary to get to Band 7 or more in writing task 2. It is better for your vocabulary score if you can use synonyms as well as changing the structure of the sentence. The meaning must stay the same though.

Let’s try another 2 examples without using synonyms.

‘Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. ‘
‘Some people find it preferable to avoid change and always do the same things in their lives, others think that it is good to go through changes .’

In this case, I have added collocations such as ‘find it preferable’ and ‘go through changes’.  These are not synonyms, I have kept the same word but changed the form and used collocation. I have slightly changed the sentence structure too.

‘Doctors should be responsible for educating their patients about how to improve their health.’
‘Educating patients about improving their health should be the responsibility of Doctors.’

I have changed the structure of the sentences and reversed it around and made subtle changes to the word forms as below.

(verb) Improve – (gerund) Improving ,  (adjective) Responsible – (noun phrase) The responsibility of.

What would this look like in the introduction of an essay?

Task question:.

‘Doctors should be responsible for educating their patients about how to improve their health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?’


It is argued that educating patients about improving their health should be the responsibility of Doctors. I completely agree with this because many people need advice from a medical expert about healthy eating and exercise which is crucial for preventing disease.

Blue = Paraphrased the task question Purple = Thesis statement with my specific opinion.

Another way of writing this is by adding synonyms (in red), this introduction below would be much better:

Task Question: ‘Doctors should be responsible for educating their patients about how to improve their health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?’ Full Introduction with synonyms: It is argued that it ought to be the responsibility of Doctors to instruct patients about improving their well-being. I completely agree because many people need advice from a medical expert about healthy eating and exercise which is crucial for preventing disease.

Paraphrasing also shows up in the reading and listening parts of the IELTS exam. This is a very important skill to work on, and if you can paraphrase with your speaking then you can get a good score in vocabulary.

Any questions? leave a comment below.

2 thoughts on “paraphrasing by changing sentence structure”.

can we write specific opinion in the thesis statement?

yes, the main part of a thesis statement is a specific opinion, especially if it is an opinion essay.

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Common Topics for IELTS Writing Task 2: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you preparing for the IELTS exam and feeling overwhelmed by the Writing Task 2? Don’t worry! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the most common topics you’re likely to encounter in IELTS Writing Task 2, helping you feel more confident and prepared on exam day.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Understanding IELTS Writing Task 2
  • 2.1 1. Education
  • 2.2 2. Environment and Climate Change
  • 2.3 3. Technology and Society
  • 2.4 4. Health and Lifestyle
  • 2.5 5. Globalization and Culture
  • 3.1 1. Analyze the Question Carefully
  • 3.2 2. Plan Your Essay
  • 3.3 3. Use Relevant Examples
  • 3.4 4. Develop a Clear Structure
  • 3.5 5. Use Appropriate Vocabulary and Grammar
  • 4 Important Tips for IELTS Writing Task 2
  • 5 Next Steps

Understanding IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 is a crucial component of the IELTS exam, requiring candidates to write an essay in response to a given prompt. This task tests your ability to present and justify opinions, evaluate ideas, and write coherent, well-structured essays.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay

Common Topic Categories

1. education.

Education is a frequently recurring theme in IELTS Writing Task 2. You might encounter questions about:

  • The role of technology in education
  • Homeschooling vs. traditional schooling
  • The importance of arts and music in the curriculum
  • University education: free or paid

Example question: “Some people believe that children should be taught how to manage money at school. Do you agree or disagree?”

2. Environment and Climate Change

Environmental issues are increasingly important and often appear in IELTS essays. Topics may include:

  • Renewable energy sources
  • Plastic pollution and waste management
  • Conservation of natural resources
  • Climate change mitigation strategies

Example question: “Many environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual people to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?”

3. Technology and Society

The impact of technology on society is another common theme. You might be asked to discuss:

  • Social media’s influence on relationships
  • Artificial intelligence and job displacement
  • Privacy concerns in the digital age
  • The role of technology in healthcare

Example question: “Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

4. Health and Lifestyle

Health-related topics are frequently featured in IELTS Writing Task 2. Common subjects include:

  • Diet and nutrition
  • Work-life balance
  • Mental health awareness
  • Healthcare systems and policies

Example question: “Some people believe that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to choose their activities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.”

5. Globalization and Culture

As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, questions about globalization and cultural identity are common. Topics might include:

  • Cultural preservation in a globalized world
  • International tourism: benefits and drawbacks
  • Language learning and its importance
  • Migration and multiculturalism

Example question: “In many countries, the number of people learning English is increasing. What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative development?”

How to Approach Common IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics

1. analyze the question carefully.

Before you start writing, make sure you understand what the question is asking. Identify the topic, the task (agree/disagree, discuss both views, etc.), and any specific points you need to address.

2. Plan Your Essay

Spend a few minutes outlining your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure you cover all necessary points.

3. Use Relevant Examples

Support your arguments with specific examples. These can be from personal experience, current events, or general knowledge.

4. Develop a Clear Structure

A well-structured essay typically includes:

  • Introduction: Paraphrase the question and state your position
  • Body paragraphs: Each discussing a main point with supporting evidence
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your position

5. Use Appropriate Vocabulary and Grammar

Demonstrate your language skills by using a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures relevant to the topic.

IELTS Essay Structure

Important Tips for IELTS Writing Task 2

  • Practice regularly with a variety of topics to improve your writing speed and quality.
  • Time management is crucial. Aim to spend about 40 minutes on Task 2.
  • Read widely on current affairs to build your knowledge base for different topics.
  • Focus on developing clear, logical arguments rather than trying to use overly complex language.
  • Proofread your essay if time allows, checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Now that you’re familiar with the Common Topics For IELTS Writing Task 2 , it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. Try writing essays on different topics, timing yourself to simulate exam conditions. Consider joining an IELTS study group or seeking feedback from a tutor to further improve your skills.

Remember, success in IELTS Writing Task 2 comes with practice and familiarity with various topics. Stay informed about current events, continue to expand your vocabulary, and practice regularly. With dedication and the right approach, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle any topic that comes your way on exam day.

  • IELTS essay samples
  • reading strategies
  • Vocabulary List

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How to Prepare for IELTS Academic Writing Task 2: A Comprehensive Guide

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How to Achieve Band 9 in IELTS Exam: Expert Strategies and Tips

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Vocabulary: Sample Answers & PDF

  • Last Updated On August 21, 2024
  • Published In General

ielts writing task 1 map vocabulary

Maps have been humanity’s silent guides, charting courses from uncharted lands to bustling cities. Now, they’ve become a challenge in the path to IELTS success .

Table of Content

With the average IELTS writing score hovering around 7.0 in 2024 , mastering the art of map description is essential. To transform geographical data into compelling prose, you need more than just direction — you need the language of a map expert.


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In this blog, you’ll explore essential IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary words that can help you improve your descriptions and boost your overall writing score. Using the right terms and phrases ensures that your map descriptions are detailed, accurate, and aligned with the standards needed to achieve a score of 7.0 or higher. 

Want to ace IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary? Dive in!

Key Highlights

Here is a table detailing this blog’s key points that will help you ace the IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary.

Before and After, Proposed Changes, Comparative Maps
North, South, Adjacent to for precise location descriptions
Words like: ‘expanded,’ ‘reduced,’ and ‘transformed’ 
Incorrect tense usage, Repetition of words

What is IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Vocabulary?

In IELTS writing task 1, map vocabulary plays a crucial role as it helps you accurately describe the changes and features shown in different maps. Your ability to use precise terms like “ constructed ,” “ demolished ,” and directional phrases like “ north of ” or “ adjacent to ” is essential for achieving a high score.

This vocabulary is assessed under the Lexical Resource criterion, one of four areas, along with Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. Each contributes 25% to your overall Task 1 score.

Here is a table that outlines the key types of vocabulary used in IELTS Writing Task 1 map descriptions:

North, south, adjacent to
Constructed, demolished, expanded
Converted into, replaced by

These terms help you convey the map’s details clearly and concisely, which is crucial for achieving a high score.

Types of Map Charts in IELTS Writing Task 1

Familiarising yourself with the common map chart types will enhance your ability to effectively apply IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary in your response. 

Here are some of the most frequently encountered map types in this task.

ielts writing task 1 map vocabulary

  • Before and After Maps : These maps highlight how a specific area has changed, showing developments or transformations.
  • Proposed Changes Maps : These maps depict plans for an area, such as new infrastructure or urban development projects.
  • Comparative Maps : These maps compare locations or areas, highlighting their similarities and differences.
  • Single Time Point Maps : These maps present the layout of a place at one specific moment, offering a snapshot of that location.
  • Tourist or Transport Maps : These maps focus on key tourist attractions, transportation routes, or other thematic elements related to travel and navigation.

Also Read: Personality Vocabulary IELTS: About People & Personalities

IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Vocabulary: Key Terms

The overall average IELTS score for 2024 is reported to be 7.5 , emphasising the need for precise language skills, particularly in specific tasks like map descriptions. Mastering IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary is crucial for accurately conveying changes, locations, and features in map-based tasks.

This section outlines essential terms and phrases to enhance your ability to describe maps effectively, helping you align with the high standards reflected in the current average IELTS scores.

Below are tables of key terms, each with an explanation of the key terms and their usage.

1. Regions and Directions

Regions and directions are essential for accurately locating features on a map. These terms help describe the geographical placement of different elements.

Here is a table outlining key vocabulary for regions and directions.

North, South, East, WestBasic cardinal directions on the map.
To the north/south/east/westSpecifies a feature’s position relative to others.
Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, NorthwestProvides precise intercardinal directions.

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2. adverbs and prepositions.

Adverbs and prepositions are crucial for describing the relative positions and movements of features on the map.

Here is a table of important adverbs and prepositions used in map descriptions:

To the left of, To the right ofIndicates position relative to another feature.
Upstairs, DownstairsSpecifies vertical position for multi-floor maps.
Clockwise, AnticlockwiseDescribes movement or orientation around a central point.
In the middle of, In the centre ofHighlights central placement within the map.
Inside, OutsideSpecifies whether a feature is within or outside a boundary.

Nouns identify various features and areas on a map, helping to categorise and describe different elements clearly.

Here is a table of key nouns used in IELTS map descriptions:

Housing area, Residential area, Sleeping areaRefers to zones designated for living spaces.
Entrance, DoorwayEntry points to buildings or areas.
Edge, Boundary, End, FringeDescribes the outer limits of an area.
Crossroad, Intersection, JunctionPoints where roads or paths meet or cross.
Site, Place, LocationGeneral terms for specific spots on the map.
Area, Field, ZoneBroad terms for larger sections of the map.

4. Verbs to Describe Changes

Verbs describe actions, movements, or changes in features on the map. They are key to detailing developments over time.

Here is a table listing important verbs for describing changes on maps.

Build, ConstructIndicates the creation of new structures.
Extend, ExpandDescribes the enlargement of existing features.
RemoveRefers to the elimination of structures.
Is located, Is situated, Lies, There isDescribes the static position of a feature.
Go up, Go downIndicates vertical movement or position change.
Start byRefers to the initiation point of a feature or process.
Cross, Pass over, Cut acrossDescribes movement from one side to another.

5. Paraphrases for Maps

Paraphrases offer alternative expressions to add variety and avoid repetition in your map descriptions .

Here is a table of common paraphrases used in IELTS Writing Task 1 maps.

Town centreCity centre, Center of the town
Housing areaResidential area
Is locatedIs situated, Lies, Is

Most Commonly Used IELTS Map Vocabulary in 2024

Writing Task 1 of the IELTS Academic test often includes a map description, a task you may find challenging. In this task, you need to describe the given map in a clear, well-organised essay of at least 150 words.

To maximise your score, it’s important to avoid repetition and demonstrate a broad range of vocabulary. 

To help you prepare, here’s a list of commonly used IELTS map vocabulary that can help you aim for a Band 9 in Writing Task 1.

Changed from one use or purpose to another.
To separate from a route or path and go in a different direction.
Raised or situated above the ground level.
Made larger or expanded in size.
Lengthened in space or time.
Made level or even, removing elevation.
To cross or pass through, typically referring to roads or paths.
Separated from others, placed apart.
A road or path that curves back on itself, forming a loop.
Combined or joined together.
Changed or altered slightly to improve or adapt.
A body of water that can be travelled by ships or boats.
Positioned at a distance from something else, not aligned.
A bridge or road that crosses over another road or railway.
A route or track between two places, typically narrower than a road.
The outer boundary or edge of an area.
Rearranged or changed the layout or structure.
Moved to a different place.
Taken away or eliminated.
Substituted with something else.
Reduced in size or amount.
Extended across a distance or space.
Beneath the surface of the ground.
Made wider, increased in width.

Example Sentences for IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Descriptions

When describing maps in IELTS writing task 1, using varied and precise vocabulary is key to conveying changes and locations effectively.

Below are some example sentences that illustrate how to use map vocabulary correctly. These examples will help you understand how to describe various features and developments on a map with clarity and detail.

  • The hospital is located on the southeast side of the road.
  • In that year, there was a significant decrease in rainfall.
  • Over time, the village had steadily developed.
  • The trees underwent rapid growth.
  • During these years, the buildings were expanded.
  • There was a shop positioned in the middle of the street.
  • A roundabout was developed at the junction of the road.
  • The depth of the pond was over 20 metres.

Structure for IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Questions

A clear and organised structure is crucial for effectively communicating your analysis when tackling IELTS writing task 1 map questions. Using precise IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary is essential for accurately describing changes, locations, and developments over time.

Below is a detailed structure that will help you approach these questions systematically.

  • Introduction : Start by paraphrasing the prompt. Mention the key features on the maps, such as the periods, the areas involved, and any significant changes that stand out.
  • Overview : Provide a broad summary of the main features or trends. Highlight general changes, like urbanisation or expansion, without delving into specifics. This sets the stage for a more detailed analysis.
  • Main Body Paragraphs : Break down 6-8 significant changes in detail. Use a variety of tenses to describe past, present, and future developments. Specify locations and directions, utilising precise IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary words such as “north of,” “adjacent to,” and “demolished.” 

Read more about IELTS Academic or General: Which is the Easiest Test?

Common Features of Map Charts in IELTS Writing Task 1 

In IELTS writing task 1, various symbols and icons represent different map features and changes. Understanding these symbols is key to accurately describing the map’s details.

Here is a table detailing the various icons and how to translate them into your essay seamlessly:

Square/RectangleBuildings such as houses, schools, or commercial structures
CircleTowers, roundabouts, or public facilities
Solid LineMain roads or streets
Dashed LineFootpaths, secondary roads, or proposed roads
Tree IconParks, forests, or green spaces
Wave LinesRivers, lakes, or coastal lines
Mountain/Hill IconElevated land or mountainous areas
Bus/Train IconBus stops, train stations, or transport hubs
Airplane IconAirports or airstrips
Playground/Sports IconPlaygrounds, sports fields, or recreational areas
Swimming Pool IconSwimming pools or water parks
Bridge IconBridges over rivers or obstacles
Tunnel IconTunnels through mountains or other areas

Also Read: IELTS Connectors and Linking Words for 2024

IELTS Writing Task 1 Map – Band Score 8.5 Sample

Achieving a Band 8.5 in IELTS writing task 1 requires exceptional precision and clarity, especially when describing maps. Mastery of IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary is crucial for effectively communicating changes, locations, and developments.

This Band 8.5 sample showcases how to expertly use map vocabulary to create a detailed and accurate description for IELTS Writing Task 1.

The maps below show the town of Stokeford in 1930 and 2010. Write a report of at least 150 words, summarising the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

ielts writing task 1 map vocabulary

Sample Answer

Here is a sample answer to the above question.

The two maps illustrate how Stokeford changed between 1930 and 2010. The main point of the city was its transformation from rural to urban areas, along with the increased infrastructure and the disappearance of farmland. 

In the year 1930, the town was a farmland area with a large number of livestock located both in the southwest and the northeast. There were two shops and a post office in the west, with a primary school just on the east of the road and an individual big house with gardens between the north and south of the area. During the next 80 years, the town saw several significant changes. The most noticeable is that all of the farmland areas were transformed into a housing area, where the two shops were demolished, and several houses were built along with two connecting roads in the northwest and northeast.

Moreover, the large house and the gardens were knocked down, and several retirement houses were built in 2010. In contrast, only the bridge, the post office, and the River Stoke remained in the exact same condition for 80 years, although the primary school was added with two retirement houses in 2010.

Our blog post on IELTS Writing Task 1 Map provides further details on how to structure your answer for writing task 1. 

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Vocabulary: Grammar Tips

Precision in vocabulary and grammar is crucial for success in IELTS Writing Task 1, particularly when describing maps. 

Choosing the correct tense is key to accurately describing the changes and features shown in maps. Here’s how to effectively use language in your map descriptions.

  • Present simple tense is ideal for describing the current layout of a map.

Example: “A library stands in the centre of the town.”

  • Past simple tense is used to describe past states or changes.

Example: “The area was a vast forest in 1980.”

  • The present perfect tense is useful for describing developments that have occurred up to the present.

Example: “The village has expanded considerably in the past decade.”

  • Future simple tense should be used for proposed or planned changes.

Example: “A new highway will be built along the city’s northern edge.”

  • The past perfect tense is applied when describing changes that happened before another event in the past.

Example: “By 2005, the old market had been replaced by a shopping mall.”

Strategies for Tackling Map Charts in Task 1

You should begin by closely examining the map provided. Identify significant changes or differences between the maps and consider periods, symbols, and icons.

Read below on how you can expertly proceed from here to craft a high-score-worthy essay answer.

ielts writing task 1 map vocabulary

1. Planning Your Response

Carefully plan your response by grouping related information based on similar locations or directions. This will help you create a logical and coherent description.

2. Writing Your Response

Structure your writing into the following three clear sections:

  • Introduction : Paraphrase the task statement and briefly overview the maps.
  • First Body Paragraph : Describe the features of the initial map, focusing on key elements.
  • Second Body Paragraph : Compare the maps, highlighting major changes such as new constructions, removals, or modifications.

To Conclude

Mastering IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary is essential for achieving a high score, especially with the overall average IELTS score for 2024 being 7.5.

By using precise directional language, descriptive terms, and correct verb tenses, you can effectively convey the changes, locations, and developments shown on maps, making your descriptions clear and accurate.

Elevate your IELTS preparation with LeapScholar! Get top-tier training from the best instructors, with live classes, tailored module-specific lessons, and personalised support. Whether it’s practice tests or doubt-solving sessions, we’ve got you covered.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. what is ielts writing task 1 map vocabulary and why is it important.

A. IELTS Writing Task 1 Map vocabulary refers to the specific words and phrases used to describe maps in the IELTS exam. This vocabulary is crucial because it helps you accurately convey changes, locations, and developments in map-based tasks, which can significantly impact your score. Mastery of this vocabulary allows for clearer, more precise descriptions.

Q. How can directional language improve your IELTS maps vocabulary?

A. Directional language, such as “north,” “south,” “adjacent to,” and “between,” is an essential part of IELTS maps vocabulary. It helps you describe the exact locations and movements of features on a map, making your descriptions more precise and easier for the examiner to understand. Using these terms correctly can enhance the clarity and accuracy of your response.

Q. What are some common verbs in map task 1 vocabulary that describe changes?

A. In map task 1 vocabulary, verbs like “constructed,” “demolished,” “expanded,” and “replaced” are frequently used to describe changes over time. These verbs effectively convey the development or removal of structures and features on a map. Correct verbs are key to providing clear and accurate descriptions of changes.

Q. How do prepositions play a role in map vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1?

A. Prepositions such as “along,” “beside,” and “near” are important in map vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 because they help describe the spatial relationships between different features. These words allow you to precisely indicate where one feature is located about another, which is crucial for creating an accurate map description.

Q. Why is it important to use descriptive language in your IELTS maps vocabulary?

A. Descriptive language in IELTS maps vocabulary, like “expanded,” “reduced,” or “transformed,” helps to detail the size, scale, and changes of features on a map. This language adds depth to your descriptions, making visualising the map’s content easier for the examiner. Detailed descriptions can increase scores as they demonstrate your ability to convey information.

Q. How should tenses be used in map task 1 vocabulary when describing maps?

A. Tenses play a critical role in map task 1 vocabulary, as they reflect the time frame of the changes described. For example, use the past simple tense for past changes, such as “The park was expanded in 1990,” and the future simple for planned changes, like “A new road will be constructed next year.” Correct use of tenses ensures that your descriptions are accurate and contextually appropriate.

Q. What types of areas should you be familiar with in map vocabulary IELTS Writing Task 1?

A. In map vocabulary IELTS Writing Task 1, it’s important to know terms for different areas such as “residential area,” “commercial zone,” and “industrial area.” These terms help you categorise and describe various sections of the map, providing a clear and organised explanation of the map’s layout and features.

Q. Can you explain the importance of relative locations in IELTS Writing Task 1 map vocabulary?

A. Relative locations, such as “adjacent to,” “next to,” and “between,” are vital in IELTS Writing Task 1 map vocabulary because they help describe where features are positioned about one another. Using these terms correctly can significantly improve the clarity and detail of your map descriptions, making it easier for the examiner to understand the relationships between different elements.

Q. What are some key phrases in IELTS maps vocabulary for describing natural features?

A. Key phrases in IELTS maps vocabulary for natural features include terms like “green space,” “water body,” and “forest area.” These phrases help you accurately describe natural elements on a map, which is essential for providing a complete and detailed response. Accurately describing natural features can enhance your overall map description and contribute to a higher score.

Q. How can map vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 enhance your score?

A. Map vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 enhances your score by enabling you to describe map features and changes with precision and clarity. A strong command of this vocabulary allows you to convey complex ideas succinctly, making your descriptions more effective and easier to follow. This can result in better task achievement and overall higher marks.

Q. What strategies can help improve your IELTS maps vocabulary?

A. To improve your IELTS maps vocabulary, regularly practise describing different types of maps using a variety of terms and phrases. Focus on learning directional language, descriptive adjectives, and verbs related to changes and developments. Consistent practice with these terms will help you become more comfortable and proficient in using them during the actual exam.

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