Research Paper Topics - Best Picks

200 best research topics for 2020

Did you know that more than 2.5 million research papers are published worldwide every year? This huge number highlights the vast array of topics students and researchers can explore. 

Below, you will find 200 interesting research topics to help spark your creativity and get you started on your next academic venture. Additionally, you can browse essay topics that can also help set your research in the right duration.

Top 10 Research Topics for Students

  • Impact of ICT's (Information and Communication Technologies) on Society.
  • Role-to-role networks: how Internet and mobile communications have changed the connectivity of social networks in few years.
  • The future of electric vehicles and infrastructure: pros, cons and consequences.
  • Ethical considerations in the development of autonomous weapons. Shall the World stop?
  • Strategies to reduce economic inequality in developing countries.
  • The impact of micro-plastics on marine ecosystems. Ways to safe Planet.
  • New methods for detecting dark matter particles.
  • The use of nano-materials in cancer treatment.
  • The impact of vaccination programs on global health. Shall we win or be defeated?
  • Studying the impact of solar storms on satellite communications.

Research Paper Topics on Math

  • Applications of machine learning algorithms in data analysis and prediction.
  • Mathematical modeling of biological systems and population dynamics.
  • Cryptography and its applications in secure communication and data protection.
  • Theoretical advances in number theory and their practical implications.
  • Optimization techniques and their applications in engineering and operations research.
  • Chaos theory and its applications in weather forecasting and complex systems.
  • Graph theory and its applications in network analysis and social networks.
  • Mathematical aspects of game theory and decision-making in economics.
  • Topological methods in data analysis and pattern recognition.
  • Fractal geometry and its applications in computer graphics and image compression.
  • Statistical methods for analyzing large datasets and drawing meaningful conclusions.
  • Algebraic geometry and its applications in computer vision and robotics.
  • Pricing models for derivatives and risk management strategies.
  • Computational methods for solving partial differential equations and fluid dynamics problems.
  • Mathematical biology: Modeling biological processes and ecosystems.
  • Discrete mathematics and its applications in computer science and information theory.
  • Theoretical aspects of machine learning algorithms and their optimization.
  • Mathematical logic and its role in computer science and artificial intelligence.
  • Combinatorial optimization and its applications in logistics and resource allocation.
  • Quantum computing: Mathematical foundations and potential applications in cryptography.

Research Paper Topics on Business

  • The impact of remote work on organizational culture and productivity.
  • Modern diversity and inclusion initiatives for businesses.
  • Digital marketing strategies for small businesses in the post-pandemic era.
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in enhancing brand reputation and consumer loyalty.
  • Supply chain disruptions: Strategies for building resilience and mitigating risks.
  • The rise of e-commerce and its implications for traditional brick-and-mortar businesses.
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation for fostering a culture of creativity and growth.
  • The future of retail: Trends and challenges in a digital-first world.
  • Sustainable business practices: Balancing profitability with environmental responsibility.
  • Leadership in times of crisis: Managing uncertainty and driving organizational change.
  • Financial management strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Employee engagement and retention: Strategies for cultivating a motivated workforce.
  • Strategic partnerships and alliances: Leveraging collaboration for business success.
  • Digital transformation: Adopting new technologies to stay competitive in the market.
  • The gig economy: Implications for workforce management and talent acquisition.
  • Business ethics and corporate governance: Principles for ethical decision-making and accountability.
  • International expansion: Challenges and strategies for entering new markets.
  • Customer relationship management: Building lasting connections in a digital world.
  • Data-driven decision-making: Harnessing analytics for business growth and optimization.
  • Crisis management and business continuity planning: Preparing for unexpected challenges.

Research Paper Topics on Psychology

  • Psychological implications of social media use across different age groups and cultures.
  • The psychology of risk-taking behavior: Understanding motivations and consequences.
  • Cognitive biases and their impact on decision-making in various contexts.
  • Psychological aspects of online learning: Motivation, engagement, and academic performance.
  • The role of self-compassion in mental health and resilience.
  • Exploring the psychology of conspiracy theories: Beliefs, motivations, and consequences.
  • Cultural differences in emotion regulation and expression: Implications for mental health interventions.
  • Psychological perspectives on environmental sustainability and pro-environmental behaviors.
  • The psychology of procrastination: Underlying factors and strategies for change.
  • Psychological effects of gaming and esports: Benefits, risks, and implications.
  • The role of pets in human mental health and well-being.
  • Psychological aspects of body image and eating behaviors across diverse populations.
  • Exploring the psychology of humor: Effects on mood, social connections, and well-being.
  • Psychological resilience in the face of natural disasters and traumatic events.
  • The impact of color psychology on mood, behavior, and decision-making.
  • Psychological factors influencing the adoption of sustainable lifestyle choices.
  • The psychology of music: Emotional responses, preferences, and therapeutic applications.
  • Understanding and addressing mental health stigma within healthcare systems.
  • Psychological perspectives on aging and successful aging: Factors contributing to well-being in later life.
  • The psychology of creativity in problem-solving and innovation across disciplines.

Research Paper Topics on Literature

  • Love and loss in Shakespeare's sonnets.
  • Gender representation in Jane Austen's novels.
  • Mythology in Greek tragedies.
  • Colonialism in post-colonial literature.
  • "The Great Gatsby" and the American Dream.
  • Identity in Toni Morrison's novels.
  • Magical realism in García Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude."
  • War in Hemingway's novels.
  • Alienation and existentialism in Kafka's works.
  • Race and racism in African-American literature.
  • Folklore and fairy tales in the Brothers Grimm's works.
  • Nature in Romantic poetry.
  • Political allegory in Orwell's "Animal Farm."
  • Heroism in Homer's "The Odyssey."
  • Satire in Swift's "Gulliver's Travels."
  • Social class and inequality in Dickens' novels.
  • Surrealism in García Lorca's poetry.
  • Madness in Shakespeare's tragedies.
  • Religion and morality in Dostoevsky's works.
  • Modernity in the Harlem Renaissance literature.

Looking to Add a Dash of Humor to Your Academic Journey?

Well, why not order our collection of funny research paper topics and let the hilarity begin? Your grades will thank you later!

Research Paper Topics on Environment

  • The interplay between urbanization and environmental sustainability.
  • Technological innovations for addressing climate change challenges.
  • Social, economic, and environmental implications of renewable energy transitions.
  • Ecotourism as a tool for conservation and community development.
  • Indigenous knowledge and practices in environmental management.
  • The role of public policy in promoting sustainable development.
  • Sustainable transportation solutions for reducing carbon emissions.
  • The impact of consumer behavior on environmental sustainability.
  • Green building technologies and their contribution to energy efficiency.
  • The potential of circular economy models in waste reduction and resource conservation.
  • Water scarcity and management strategies in arid regions.
  • The nexus between agriculture, food security, and environmental sustainability.
  • The role of citizen science in monitoring and addressing environmental issues.
  • Environmental education and its influence on public awareness and behavior.
  • Natural resource management and conflicts over land and water resources.
  • The effects of pollution on ecosystems and human health.
  • Indigenous rights and environmental conservation efforts.
  • Environmental governance mechanisms at local, national, and international levels.
  • The impact of globalization on natural resource exploitation and conservation.
  • Resilience and adaptation strategies for communities vulnerable to environmental hazards.

Research Paper Topics on Biology

  • The genetic basis of human diseases and potential therapeutic interventions.
  • Evolutionary mechanisms driving biodiversity and speciation.
  • Ecological impacts of climate change on species distribution and ecosystems.
  • Cellular mechanisms underlying cancer development and progression.
  • Genetic engineering and its applications in agriculture, medicine, and industry.
  • Neurobiology of learning and memory formation in humans and animals.
  • Biodiversity conservation strategies and their effectiveness in preserving ecosystems.
  • Microbial communities and their role in human health and disease.
  • Molecular mechanisms of aging and potential interventions for lifespan extension.
  • Adaptations of extremophiles to extreme environmental conditions.
  • Epigenetics and its role in gene expression regulation and disease susceptibility.
  • The immune system and its response to pathogens and vaccines.
  • Plant-microbe interactions and their impact on plant health and productivity.
  • Population genetics and its implications for conservation biology and evolutionary studies.
  • Genetic basis of behavior and its evolutionary significance.
  • Biotechnology applications in environmental remediation and pollution control.
  • Comparative genomics and evolutionary relationships among different species.
  • Physiological adaptations of organisms to changing environmental conditions.
  • Bioinformatics tools and their role in analyzing genomic and proteomic data.
  • Ethical considerations in biotechnological research and applications.

Research Paper Topics on Health and Medicine

  • The global impact of telemedicine on healthcare access and patient outcomes.
  • Genetic advancements and their role in personalized medicine worldwide.
  • Mental health awareness initiatives and their effectiveness across cultures.
  • The influence of dietary patterns on chronic disease management in different populations.
  • Comparative analysis of universal healthcare systems in various countries.
  • The role of vaccines in preventing global infectious diseases.
  • Physical activity's effects on mental health and well-being in diverse populations.
  • The effectiveness of alternative medicine in various cultural settings.
  • Socioeconomic disparities and their impact on global healthcare access.
  • International strategies for combating antibiotic resistance.
  • Public health campaigns and their success in reducing lifestyle-related diseases globally.
  • Environmental determinants of health outcomes in different regions.
  • Mental health intervention effectiveness in multicultural contexts.
  • Innovations in cancer treatment and their global impact on survival rates.
  • Emerging medical technologies and their role in enhancing surgical outcomes.
  • The effects of health policies on managing non-communicable diseases worldwide.
  • The challenges and opportunities of aging populations on healthcare systems globally.
  • Primary care's role in chronic disease management across various healthcare systems.
  • Global perspectives on stress management techniques and health outcomes.
  • International health initiatives and their success in reducing global health disparities.

Research Paper Topics on Education

  • The impact of technology on education systems globally.
  • Teacher-student relationships and their effect on academic success.
  • The influence of standardized testing on student learning and motivation.
  • Innovative strategies for improving literacy rates in various educational settings.
  • Benefits and challenges of inclusive education for students with diverse needs.
  • The impact of parental involvement on student academic achievement and behavior.
  • The role of arts education in fostering creativity and critical thinking.
  • Comparing the effectiveness of online learning and traditional classroom education.
  • Socioeconomic status and its influence on educational opportunities and outcomes.
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher performance and student success.
  • Benefits of bilingual education programs in diverse communities.
  • The role of extracurricular activities in student development and academic performance.
  • Long-term academic benefits of early childhood education programs.
  • Strategies for closing the achievement gap in different types of schools.
  • Effects of classroom environment on student learning and engagement.
  • The role of vocational education in preparing students for various career paths.
  • School policies' impact on bullying prevention and student safety.
  • Importance of teacher professional development for enhancing instructional quality.
  • Cultural diversity's influence on teaching practices and student learning.
  • The role of educational technology in supporting personalized and adaptive learning.

Research Paper Topics on Sports

  • Mental health benefits of regular sports participation.
  • The role of proper nutrition in enhancing athletic performance.
  • Gender differences in sports performance and participation rates.
  • The ethical and health implications of doping in competitive sports.
  • How different coaching styles influence team success and player development.
  • The relationship between adequate sleep and peak athletic performance.
  • The impact of modern technology on sports training and athlete performance.
  • The physical and social benefits of participation in youth sports programs.
  • The role of sports in building stronger, more cohesive communities.
  • Effects of climate and weather conditions on outdoor sports performance.
  • The importance of injury prevention strategies in competitive sports.
  • Psychological effects of winning and losing on athletes.
  • The evolution and impact of sports equipment design on performance.
  • The role of regular sports participation in promoting overall physical fitness.
  • The influence of media coverage on public perception of professional athletes.
  • Historical development and significance of the Olympic Games.
  • Economic impacts of hosting major sports events on local communities.
  • Unique challenges faced by female athletes in male-dominated sports.
  • The effect of crowd support on the performance of athletes and teams.
  • The relationship between participation in sports and academic performance in students.

Seven Signs of Good Topics for Research Paper

Signs of Good Topics for Research Paper

Here are the main characteristics of engaging research paper ideas:

Relevance The topic should be timely and relevant to current issues, trends, or debates in the field of study.
Significance The topic should address an important research question or problem that has implications for theory, practice, or policy.
Feasibility The topic should be feasible to research within the constraints of time, resources, and access to data or information.
Originality The topic should offer a fresh perspective or innovative approach to existing research or fill a gap in the literature.
Scope The topic should be appropriately scoped to allow for in-depth analysis and exploration without being too broad or too narrow.
Interest The topic should be interesting and engaging to the researcher and potential readers or stakeholders in the field.
Contribution The topic should have the potential to contribute new insights, knowledge, or solutions to the field of study and advance scholarship.

If you don’t feel that your topic meets the abovementioned criteria and the time is too short to brainstorm more research topic ideas, simply say, ‘ write my paper ,’ and one of our experts will be there to help you shortly.

How to Choose a Quality Research Paper Topic

Always select a topic that genuinely interests you and aligns with your passion. Your enthusiasm will fuel your motivation and commitment throughout the research process.

How to Choose a Quality Research Paper Topic

Stay Current

Choose a relevant and timely topic. Look for emerging trends, pressing issues, or gaps in the literature that your research can address. Consult this guide if you need more information about how to research a topic .

Consider Your Audience

Think about who your audience is and what topics would be most engaging and relevant to them. Tailor your topic selection to the interests and needs of your audience.

Be Specific

Narrow down your focus to a specific research question or problem. This will help you avoid tackling overly broad topics and ensure your research is focused and manageable.

Assess Feasibility

Consider the resources, time, and access to data or information available for your research. Choose a topic that you can feasibly research within the constraints of your academic program or timeline.

Seek Inspiration

Look for inspiration from miscellaneous sources, including academic journals, news articles, conferences, and conversations with peers or mentors. Explore different perspectives and ideas to spark your creativity.

Gather Feedback

Discuss your potential topics with your peers, instructors, or academic advisors. They can provide valuable feedback, offer different perspectives, and help you refine your research paper ideas. If you want to join forces with a subject-relevant professor, use our research proposal writing service to entice them to work with you.

Access Significance

Measure the significance of your chosen topic in the context of your field of study. Consider its relevance, potential contributions to existing knowledge, and implications for theory, practice, or policy.

Remain Flexible

Be open to adjusting your research topic ideas as you conduct further analysis and gain new insights. Research is an iterative process, and your topic may evolve as you delve deeper into the literature and data.

Stay True to Yourself

Choose a topic that resonates with you and reflects your academic interests, values, and goals. Your research paper is an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to your field and showcase your expertise and passion. If that doesn’t help, buy a research paper from our writing specialists to save time and nerves.

Students often find it difficult to generate research paper topic ideas due to factors such as a lack of clarity on their interests, limited access to relevant resources, and time constraints. 

A solution to this challenge is to consider utilizing a professional writing service, which can provide expert guidance and assistance in selecting a research paper topic tailored to the student's interests and requirements. 

To bring your academic writing prowess to the next level, please consider the following guide on how to write a reflective essay .

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What Are 5 Good Research Questions for Students?

What are the best research topics, what topic should i use for my research paper.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

200 best research topics for 2020

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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  • Amberstudent. (2024, May 21). Top 10 Research Topics For Students In 2024. Amber.
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AP Research Topics

Topics for Research Papers: Diverse Research Ideas Across Disciplines


Table of contents

  • 1 Why Is the Choice of Subject in Research Papers So Important? 
  • 2 How to Choose a Research Paper Topic?
  • 3 Business Research Paper Topics
  • 4 Media and Communications Research Paper Topics
  • 5 Psychology Research Paper Topics
  • 6 Argumentative Research Paper Topics
  • 7 Controversial Topics for Research Paper
  • 8 Easy Research Paper Topics
  • 9 Research Topic in Natural Sciences
  • 10 Sociology Research Paper Topics
  • 11 Family Research Paper Topics
  • 12 Discrimination Research Paper Topics
  • 13 Law Research Paper Topics
  • 14 Environmental Research Paper Topics
  • 15 Education Research Paper Topics
  • 16 Science and Technology Research Paper Topics
  • 17 College Research Paper Topics
  • 18 Health Research Paper Topics
  • 19 Politics Research Paper Topics
  • 20 History Research Paper Topics
  • 21 Music Research Paper Topics
  • 22.1 After Choosing the Research Topic
  • 22.2 Closing Thoughts

When students approach the final stage of their academic journey, they immediately begin to think about the need to develop their research project to add to their college curriculum. To do this, students start searching for the best research paper topics. From then on, many insecurities and doubts will haunt the minds of these college education students who will have a big job ahead of them with the best research paper topic.

To help students during this challenging phase of their education, we can help them explore various interesting research paper topics, figure out which one aligns with their interests, and start working on it well ahead of the deadline.                    

Why Is the Choice of Subject in Research Papers So Important?  

The final project of a student who is in college is a research paper. However, the student needs to start working on it before the end of their program. It is known that the sooner you begin this process, the more time and tranquility you will find to develop it. Therefore, a research paper will review what experts on a given subject have published in the literature, making the student choose and defend a point of view concerning a thesis statement. Writing one successfully requires surveys and data to back your idea or topic and choose a good research paper topic.

How to Choose a Research Paper Topic?

Choosing a research paper topic is a crucial step in the research process . It’s important to select a topic that interests you, aligns with your academic goals, and is feasible to research. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to pick a good research paper topic :

  • Pick a subject that you’re passionate about! If you’re passionate about your subject, the research process will be more relevant, and you will have more research topic ideas.
  • Concentrate on a doable topic.
  • You will only be able to focus if your topic is narrow enough.
  • Examine the subject selection instructions provided in your assignment—request advice from your lecturer or TA.
  • Always refer to important materials and notes about classes so that you are up to date on the topic.
  • Brainstorm research topics with a friend. They will be able to help you write your emphasis and raise concerns that will not be present at the time of your presentation.
  • Consider the following questions for your research topic ideas: who, what, when, where, and why:

WHY did you choose this particular topic? What piques your curiosity about it?

WHO are the sources of information, and who is impacted?

WHAT are the most important questions about this subject?

WHERE does your topic matter most: locally, nationally, or internationally?

WHEN did your topic become important? Is this a current issue or one from the past?

Business Research Paper Topics

A study of the business is current and significant. It allows data and information to be collected about commercial relationships worldwide. In this way, students can delve deeper into an important economics and professional development topic, finding solutions and discussing results. Sometimes, one can get research paper writing to assist in situations where it is inconvenient. Some examples of these business research paper topics include:

  • The influence of employee benefits on representative efficiency.
  • The difficulties of managing workgroup conflict.
  • Start-ups: Examining the challenges that arise during the early stages of a business.
  • How to work with open and closed systems in business.
  • Workgroups’ ability to evolve to meet the needs of the future.
  • Inter-authoritative networks and leadership strategies.
  • Product and service improvements made in significant cooperation.
  • How to manage an organization’s emergencies.
  • The effect of full quality management practices on client retention and satisfaction.
  • Effective time management as a tool for authoritative endurance.

Media and Communications Research Paper Topics

The research work developed in the area of the media manages to provide students with information about mass communication and its importance. With the advent of the internet and all its nuances, it is increasingly important to develop studies and research to understand the effects of media and communication in the social context. Some communication research topics can explore include:

  • The influence of the media on real-life relationships.
  • The role of the media in the expression of social issues.
  • Consequences of mass media on society’s ethical well-being.
  • The advantages of using the media to anticipate a crisis.
  • How the media infringes on citizens’ rights.
  • What role does the media play in spreading awareness?
  • The significance of trustworthy ads.
  • The impact of the media on a country’s political elite.
  • Is the media good or harmful to the economy?
  • What role does the media play in technological advancement?


Psychology Research Paper Topics

Many subjects can be approached within the theme of psychology. It is an area of science that allows us to carry out different studies with various themes and views. However, the student must be able to choose an important topic for the psychology and academic context. Your teacher’s attention is drawn to an engaging and novel topic. Here are some ideas for you:

  • What impact do violent video games have on children’s brain development?
  • Do violent cartoons impact our children’s behavior and mental health?
  • What impact does divorce have on a child’s emotional blooming?
  • An introverted child’s social anxiety and sadness.
  • How does bullying affect high school or college students’ social interactions?
  • When a person is in love, how does the brain work?
  • Differences in the way a man’s and a woman’s brains work
  • Is there a link between PTSD and Alzheimer’s disease?
  • Sleep paralysis causes and effects
  • What is the best way to deal with multiple personality disorders?

Argumentative Research Paper Topics

The student must choose an argumentative research paper topic because you will have to defend a thesis during the work. By opting for a good research paper topic of your interest, you will base yourself on various materials already published on the subject to develop your thoughts and arguments to defend your initial idea chosen as the main subject of your work.

  • The role of government in addressing income inequality.
  • The pros and cons of school uniform policies.
  • Analyzing the effects of violent video games on behavior.
  • The effectiveness of abstinence-only sex education programs.
  • The impact of fast food advertising on childhood obesity.
  • The role of government in regulating online privacy.
  • The pros and cons of school voucher programs.
  • Examining the impact of standardized testing on education.
  • The ethics of capital punishment for juveniles.
  • The ethics of human organ trafficking.

Controversial Topics for Research Paper

  • High times or high risks? The legalization of recreational marijuana use.
  • Locked and loaded: The endless debate on gun control policies.
  • To kill or not to kill: The ongoing debate on capital punishment.
  • Drones in the crosshairs: Balancing security and privacy.
  • The ethics of human cloning and genetic engineering.
  • Vaccination controversies: Mandates, exemptions, and public health.
  • Affirmative action under scrutiny: Equity in college admissions.
  • The ethics of assisted suicide and euthanasia.
  • Balancing surveillance and civil liberties.
  • Nuclear power and weapons: Weighing the benefits and risks.
  • Solitary confinement: Cruel punishment or necessary measure?
  • Rise of the machines: Artificial intelligence, employment, and ethics.
  • Animals in entertainment: Whose amusement at what cost?
  • Privacy vs. security: Government surveillance and individual rights.
  • Playing God: The ethics of human gene editing and designer babies.
  • Statues and symbols: The controversy surrounding Confederate memorials.
  • Fracking unveiled: The controversy surrounding hydraulic fracturing.

Easy Research Paper Topics

  • The effects of fast food consumption on health.
  • The benefits of reading for personal development.
  • Strategies for stress reduction in everyday life.
  • The role of family in child development.
  • The history of famous inventions.
  • Strategies for effective communication in relationships.
  • The history and impact of social movements.
  • The influence of advertising on consumer choices.
  • Strategies for healthy eating on a budget.
  • The importance of setting goals in life.

Research Topic in Natural Sciences

  • The impact of ocean acidification on marine life
  • Exploring the genetic diversity of soil microbes and their influence on crop health.
  • Studying the impacts of emerging contaminants on freshwater ecosystems.
  • Understanding the dynamics of emerging zoonotic diseases in wildlife populations.
  • The use of CRISPR in gene editing.
  • The use of drones in disaster response.
  • The effects of light pollution on nocturnal insect communities in urban areas.
  • Natural toxins in plants: mechanisms, benefits, and risks in agriculture.
  • Climate change and its effects on algal blooms and water quality in 2023.
  • The ecological significance of wetland restoration efforts in 2023.

Sociology Research Paper Topics

The sociology discipline is responsible for studying human behavior within society. These studies will address how people behave in social relationships and groups and how cultures and customs emerge. The possibilities for research are endless regarding sociology’s enormous reach and continually changing societal trends. Choose the best easy sociology research topics for yourself. Some topic ideas are:

  • Is emotional intelligence as crucial as everyone claims?
  • Is there a misconception that males are better professionals than women?
  • Is homeschooling a hindrance to children’s socialization?
  • Abuse marriages have both causes and effects.
  • We spend too much time on our phones.
  • The ethics of animal experimentation.
  • Is recycling beneficial to the environment?
  • In the United States, is there a stereotype about Mexicans?
  • Racial preconceptions ruin people.
  • The need for sex education.

Family Research Paper Topics

It’s not always easy to research family issues. This is mainly because some students may be coming from pleased families. Thus, many concepts might be difficult to comprehend. However, this field of study has the potential to significantly improve the psychological climate in many households throughout the world. Some topics one can research include:

  • In the family, there has been sexual abuse. The escape plan and organizations that can assist.
  • Resolving religious issues in families.
  • Is it possible to rescue oneself from substance abuse in a family if others engage?
  • Saving family connections while not inheriting the family business.
  • Balancing between family support and allowing young adults to experience living on their own in the transition to adulthood.
  • A relationship that is toxic and abusive. Breaking up with a toxic spouse has psychological ramifications.
  • Children and adults go through phases of grieving after losing a family member. How can we cope as a group?
  • What issues might parents confront when fostering a child?
  • When does teen misbehavior become more than a normal desire for independence?
  • A generational divide exists. The moral and cultural differences. Is this typical?

Discrimination Research Paper Topics

It is undeniable the massive impact that discrimination has in the society of the past and also of the present. Therefore, articles on discrimination and race relations must be the subject of academic research. Research papers on it can probe and proffer solutions through data found. Much research in this area can be developed, addressing relations of age, religion, race, sexual orientation, and any existing social conflict. Some topics to explore are:

  • Colorism as a kind of discrimination.
  • Discrimination Against Muslims in the Workplace.
  • Discrimination Against Asian Americans in Colleges.
  • Discrimination in the Workplace.
  • Discrimination against people of color as a result of racial profiling.
  • Discrimination Against Muslims in the Workplace is an issue that has to be addressed.
  • Discrimination in the Workplace: How to Manage in an Inclusive Environment.
  • Discrimination, social exclusion, and violence against LGBT people are issues that the LGBT community faces.
  • Discrimination and Equality Struggle.
  • Discrimination based on age in the workplace.

Law Research Paper Topics

Another fundamental form of research is legal research. It is a significant topic and one that allows us to have different approaches and points of view. Each country and each historical time will give us an even greater immersion in laws and legal conduct.

The law can be divided into 21 major areas. Just choose one of them to be the topic of your law research . Some areas of law are constitutional law, environmental law, and criminal law, among others. Some good topics include:

  • What are the benefits of business rules for institutions and organizations?
  • What is business law’s actual nature?
  • What do we know about the classification of business rules and the legal regulation of non-consensual adoption in the United States?
  • How does the law handle marriage and divorce for mentally ill people?
  • The cultural influence of transgender marriage and its legal status in different countries.
  • The environment and private property.
  • Equal protection under the law and the principle of equality.
  • The financial pyramid’s legal aspects.
  • Environment-related crimes.
  • Exchange Commission and Securities.

Environmental Research Paper Topics

To improve our relationship with nature and preserve it, it is necessary to carry out a lot of debate and research in this area. In this way, we will learn about the importance of ecology and the environment in the lives of all living beings. Developing work on this subject means containing the adverse effects of globalization, industrialization, and the use of nature. This way, we can save ecosystems, avoiding irreparable losses to our planet. Some environment research paper topics  are:

  • Analysis and proposed remedies for lung cancer and radon.
  • The negative impact of acid rain on aquatic life and natural resources.
  • What can we do to protect wildlife from being killed by acid rain?
  • What role did prehistoric creatures have in today’s ecosystems?
  • The repercussion of air pollution and global warming on human health.
  • Can recycling assist people worldwide in improving their health?
  • What can be done to protect coral reefs from being destroyed?
  • How much are garbage and pesticides to blame for our soil contamination?
  • How big is the problem of ocean acidification?
  • Permafrost melting and its impact on climate change.

Education Research Paper Topics

It is known that improving the educational system worldwide is imperative, better serving students and society. However, how can we do this? This type of research aims to make education more efficient and accessible for everyone. Some topics to consider are:

  • Will one of the aims of modern education be the growth of emotional intelligence?
  • Discrimination in education and its impact on students’ futures.
  • Mentally ill persons need to be educated and socialized. There are some similarities and some variances.
  • Education and censorship. Do we want to protect the pupils, or do we want to help them learn what they need to know?
  • How do students in inclusive classrooms perform compared to students in non-inclusive classes?
  • Is it still necessary to have grades in today’s education?
  • Education and incentive: how to pique the interest of students.
  • In what ways may modern education be compared to traditional schooling?
  • Bullying and a negative psychological climate in the classroom. Its influence on educational quality.
  • The importance of discipline in education and how it affects the learning process.

Science and Technology Research Paper Topics

We can see many positive technical advances in the world these days. However, some have negative consequences. Students must prioritize topics that influence many people’s lives and help develop technological research. At the same time, look at the advantages and preservation of technology in today’s world. Some technology topics include:

  • What effect does alcohol intake have on athletes who are training?
  • What influence does ADCC activity research have on HIV treatment?
  • What function does CDfT-Cell Subsets play in HIV patient progression?
  • What is the most significant technical breakthrough of the twentieth century?
  • Is it possible for tech to ever replace human intelligence?
  • What impact does tech play in genetic engineering’s advancement?
  • Can microbial factories help solve the raw metals shortage?
  • Is the paleo diet representative of ancient life? Is it the best diet for people?
  • Is Europe’s objection to genetically modified crops motivated by science or economic considerations?
  • Could molecular biology study into uncommon genetic abnormalities possibly lead to new insights into cancer and other diseases?

College Research Paper Topics

Developing research about the dilemmas faced daily by many students within the university environment is also extremely important. In this way, it becomes possible to analyze more objectively all social relations within the college, the influence of social media, the academic development of students, and especially the results that will be reaped in their profession in the future. The education system is an extensive topic with possibilities to develop easy research paper topics. In addition, it is an environment you are probably already familiar with, thus facilitating the data and information collection process. Some topics about it:

  • The importance of higher education in a professional career for middle ages people.
  • What are the main reasons that lead students to drop out of college?
  • Why should people study foreign languages in college?
  • The influence of the digital world on the university world.
  • College and the financial hardship faced by many students.
  • Doubts about choosing the right college.
  • How to enter the job market after completing college.
  • What are the main differences between public and private colleges?
  • The effects of cyberbullying in the university context.
  • What is the ideal human behaviour in the university environment?

Health Research Paper Topics

Academic work must be developed in Health subjects, seeking to understand better the dynamics of health in different world countries and how this influences people’s lives to have physical well-being. We have recently seen the impact of the Covid-19 virus pandemic on our planet. We have seen the collapse of many health systems in many countries’ human relationships. In addition, we also saw despair and suffering in many families with mental health problems. Therefore, we see how necessary it is to develop research projects that help consolidate better care for the population, promoting health and preventing the emergence of new diseases, especially in third-world countries. Some health research paper topics are:

  • Support for family members who have lost loved ones to COVID-19.
  • Adolescent violence as a public health problem.
  • Assistance for people with disabilities living in rural areas.
  • Adolescent mental health in public health.
  • The evolution of the human body over the years.
  • Health problems caused by the use of pesticides.
  • How does social media addiction influence people’s health?
  • Obesity as a public health problem.
  • Health education in schools and through social media.
  • How does water quality interfere with public health?

Politics Research Paper Topics

Another research paper topic is politics. Politics is a topic that directly or indirectly involves the lives of all world inhabitants. Through it, we seek our rights, have the strength to fight for our ideologies, and become citizens. Here are some politics research paper topics :

  • Policies to face global warming.
  • The presence of politics within the education system.
  • The influences of the cultural industry in the constitution of public policies.
  • Political relations during World War I and World War II.
  • The importance of feminism in the political achievement of women’s right to vote.
  • Best professional writers on political topics.
  • Public policy related to an all-female working environment.
  • The importance of public policies that make people aware of drug use.
  • The emergence of extremist political ideologies in the 21st century.
  • The importance of democracy in politics.

History Research Paper Topics

History is essential for humanity to understand the facts that occurred and their relationship with time. From history, we can develop several exciting research topics as it can investigate what men did, thought, felt, and set in all social dynamics thousands of years ago. Historical knowledge is capable of helping to understand human beings, their attitudes, and their evolution. Some history research paper topics are:

  • The historical development of the electoral college.
  • Major terrorist attacks throughout history.
  • The historical and social importance of gender psychology.
  • The changes that came with the end of the Soviet Union.
  • The progression of the minimum wage over the years.
  • The worldwide impacts of the war between Russia and Ukraine.
  • The emergence of offshore bank accounts work and their social impact.
  • The Mayan Civilization and Its Cultural Legacy.
  • The history of dictatorships in South America and funding from the United States.
  • The democratization of access to course material at History College.


Music Research Paper Topics

Music has been present in humanity since the most remote times. Through music, people can express themselves, have fun, relax, and express their opinions. As it is a vast topic, it is possible to do extensive research. Music also allows you to find funny research paper topics to develop. We selected a few good research paper topics here:

  • The evolution of the music industry globally.
  • The influence of music in the treatment of depression.
  • The importance of still producing and listening to traditional music.
  • The presence of music in film.
  • The main legacies of classical music.
  • Songs about self-esteem that encourage obese people.
  • School development through music.
  • The aid of artificial intelligence in the creation of new songs.
  • The effects of music on brain development.
  • Songs that address controversial topics and their importance.

Literature Research Paper Topics

Literature is everything that involves the art of the word. We consider literature an instrument capable of making us communicate and interact socially. With literature, we can transmit knowledge, emotions, and stories, and that’s why literature has many good research topics. Literature can provide us with the most interesting research topics. Here are some research paper ideas.

  • Literature as a tool of corporate social responsibility.
  • The first forms of literature found.
  • The use of social media as a way to propagate literature.
  • A sensitive approach to child abuse in the literature.
  • Are people switching from literature to social media?
  • The change of literature after the Industrial Revolution.
  • Literature as a way to protect children online.
  • The development of scientific literature for standardized tests in science.
  • Literature review on computer science.
  • The importance of developing a thesis statement in literature.

After Choosing the Research Topic

Well, after finding great research paper topics, you will decide which one you like the most and which you are more comfortable writing about. So, once you’ve decided which college research paper topics to cover in your thesis, it’s time to start writing. It is important, right at the beginning, to define your main research question to start researching websites, books, articles, etc. A tip is always to opt for a broader research question, so your first research will have a greater amount of material on your research topics, which will make it easier when choosing an approach and focusing on the main subject of your thesis. Before starting the process of submitting research papers, it is important that an advisor can read and review your text on the chosen research topics.

Closing Thoughts

When you have to choose your research paper topic, there are tons of ideas you can use to embark on your research journey. It is very important that you first carry out thorough research about a good research paper topic so that you can start writing your thesis statement. You can read materials online to know if the topic you want to write on is relevant and has enough data. I hope you can take advantage of all our tips to develop your research papers. The most important thing to consider is that you need to like the topic you choose for a good research paper because it’ll help make writing fun.

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200 best research topics for 2020


  • 200 great research paper topics+ tips
  • 200 Great Ideas for Research Paper Topics 2020 and Helpful Tips on Research Paper Writing

200 Great Ideas for Research Paper Topics 2020 and Helpful Tips on Research Paper Writing

What is a research paper

Five parts of the research paper.

  • How to write a research paper

What makes a good research paper topics

  • How to choose a good research paper topic

Ideas for best topics for a research paper

High school research paper topics, college research paper topics, education research paper topics, easy research paper topics, interesting research paper topics, controversial research paper topics, literature research paper topics, persuasive and argumentative research paper topics, health and medicine research paper topics, marketing, economics, business, and finance research paper topics, environment research paper topics, history research paper topics, psychology research paper topics, sociology research paper topics, art, culture, and media research paper topics, science and technology research paper topics, religion research paper topics.

  • Current social issues research paper topics

Women and gender studies research paper topics

Law and criminal justice research paper topics.

  • Need help with research paper writing?

At one point in time, every student gets such a type of an academic assignment as a research paper at least once. At first, it might seem easy as you have heard of research paper before and your friends have written it. But when it comes to actual research writing, numerous questions come to your mind, starting with the range of topics up to the paper format. Naturally,  the first question is how to choose a good topic for your research paper and do my essay or research paper. No panic! We have written an article with tips on how to choose a good topic and prepared a  list of the most interesting topics for your inspiration.

Research paper is a type of academic assignment that is longer and is more complicated than an academic essay. It is a paper that presupposes conducting an investigation and analysis of the existing information or previous on the particular issues or perspective and making a conclusion or presenting new ideas on that issue.

A research paper has a specific structure as well as components that make it a research paper.

Every type of academic assignment has its structure. The research paper should include the following five components:

  • Introduction and Problem Statement
  • Methodology
  • Literature review
  • Discussion and Analysis
  • Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

However, please be attentive to the instructions given to you, and if they are unclear, do not be afraid to specify the instructions with your professor. Sometimes an abstract with keywords, limitations, and implementation parts are required. Thus, do not be afraid to ask questions.

How to write a research paper 

Professional writers have created a list of hints on how to create an outstanding research paper. Check them out:

  • Check and understand the assignment. Although it might seem unnecessary, do not miss this step. If you understand the assignment wrongly, you might have to rewrite the whole paper. Thus, make sure you have carefully read and understood every point of the assignment.
  • Pick a topic. The next step is choosing the topic. It must be interesting and relevant.
  • Know your audience . Make sure that the topic is not only interesting for you but also for your audience.
  • Make a research on the topic. Make a research on the topic you have chosen to find all the necessary information to base your research upon.
  • Create a strong and debatable thesis statement. Before writing your research, create a thesis statement. It should be clear, specific, concise, and debatable.
  • Create an outline. Creating an outline is a good idea. Write an outline with topic ideas for each part of your research.
  • Write a rough draft. Write your research paper considering the proper structure of the assignment and all the points that should be mentioned in it.
  • Properly format your paper. Make sure to format your paper according to the requested format, as this aspect will influence your mark. APA , MLA, and Chicago are the most common formatting styles.
  • Cite all the sources and create the reference list. All the ideas you take from the other sources should be properly cited in your paper. If not, it would be considered plagiarism. Apart from that, all the source from your reference list should be cited in paper, and all the citations from the text should be added to the bibliography .
  • Edit and proofread your research paper. Do not underestimate this step. Even though you think you have done your best, always proofread your paper for mistakes and inconsistencies. Such errors can spoil the general importance about your paper.

Choosing the first topic from the list does not guarantee you an A+. You should choose the one you are well versed in or at least interesting in. Apart from that consider the following indicators of a good research topic:

  • The topic is interesting for you
  • It is interesting for your audience, too
  • It is relevant
  • There are enough resources to underpin your research and arguments with, such as examples, facts, and evidence.
  • It corresponds to the instructions assigned by the professor

How to choose a good research paper topic  

One of the first steps when you need to write a research paper is choosing the topic. It might be an easy task for some students, but others find it difficult. Take this step seriously as when choosing the topic you need to make sure you have enough information and resources and will be able to complete a comprehensive research. 

If you do not know how to choose a good research paper topic, follow such steps:

  • Identify the area of your interest. If you were not assigned a topic by your professor, you have to choose it by yourself. It is important to choose the topic that is interesting for your, as it is a key to writing a good paper.
  • Consider the audience. When you write a research, consider the audience it is written for. Will the topic be interesting for them? Is it relevant?
  • Mind your level of expertise. Sometimes, even if you like the topic, you might have not enough knowledge to cover it. Thus, assess you knowledge, experience, and expertise before writing to understand whether you will cope with it.
  • Make preliminary research on the topic. After you have chosen the topic you like and that is relevant, make a research on it to find out whether there is enough information to write on the topic. If the issue is too broad, narrow it down. If the topic is narrow, add some more aspects to discuss or change the topic.

We have collected the most relevant and interesting topics for your inspiration. You can either write a research on one of them or change the topic based on your preferences.

  • Bullying in high school. Reasons and how to prevent it
  • Capital punishment
  • Impact of globalization on education
  • Results of Obama presidency
  • Will AI dominate the planet
  • Distant education. Is it worth it?
  • Reasons and outcomes of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing
  • Does generation conflict still exist in 2020?
  • Homeland security in the US
  • Corporal punishment in schools
  • Obama vs Trump presidency
  • Effects of substance abuse in college students
  • Pros and cons of private and public colleges in the US
  • Part-time job in college: pros and cons
  • The reasons behind the fall of the Roman empire
  • The role of a college education is building a career
  • The most popular colleges in the US
  • Life after college
  • Should gap year before college be mandatory?
  •  Climate change during the last 20 years
  • Does the diploma still matter today?
  • School vs home education
  • The education system in the US vs Europe
  • Are same-sex classrooms effective?
  • Success stories of college drop-outs
  • Education technologies that ease student’s lives
  • What is the best education system?
  • Scholarship programs
  • Does a diploma guarantee better career opportunities?
  • Is homework effective?
  • Evolution of mobile phones
  • Immigration issues
  • The role of motivation in succeeding
  • The causes and effects of global warming
  • Endangered species in the US 
  • What is emotional intelligence
  • The most unusual cultural traditions
  • Who are the Founding Fathers and what is their role in the US history
  • The most powerful economies of the world
  • The milestones of the US history
  • The concept of the self-made man in Forrest Gump
  • Emotional intelligence in the institutional discourse
  • Non-verbal communication issues
  • Android vs iOS
  • Corruption in developed and developing countries
  • Reasons that led to Brexit
  • Doping in sports. Why is it prohibited?
  • Censorship in modern social media
  • What if grades in educational institutions will be canceled?
  • Cross-cultural differences at the workplace
  • Gun control in the US and Europe
  • Should marijuana be legal?
  • Doctor-assisted suicide
  • Is abortion a crime or a woman’s right?
  • Should vaccination be mandatory?
  • Is COVid-19 manmade?
  • Is stem cell research ethical and effective?]
  • Is homosexuality congenial or attained?
  • Animal testing: pros and cons
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Shakespeare authorship question
  • The relevance of Classical literature for modern students
  • Difference between author and writer in literature
  • Allusions to Ovidius’ Metamorphoses in modern literature and movies
  • Feminism in literature
  • The psychological interpretation of fairy tales
  • Kafka and Phenomenology
  • Anna Karenina vs Madame Bovary
  • Interpretation and overinterpretation in literature
  • Nationalism in American literature
  • Animal testing is a crime that should be severely punished
  • Euthanasia: pros and cons
  • Propaganda in social media should be  punished
  • Negative outcomes of GMO consumption
  • Sex education in schools
  • Abortion: pros and cons
  • Emotional intelligence is more important than IQ
  • Police malpractice should be punished
  • Compensation for all the victims of the COVid-19 outbreak
  • Teachers’ salaries should be higher than sportsmen’s.
  • Patient confidentiality
  • What life will look like after COVid-19 
  • Reasons and ways to cope with medical depression
  • Alternative medicine. Is it effective?
  • What leads to substance abuse and addiction?
  • Effects of abortion on women’s health
  • The role of healthy sleep in organism functioning
  • Anorexia: reasons and outcomes
  • Autism rates in 2020
  • Corporate psychotherapist: pros and cons
  • Effective leadership styles
  • The effect of global lockdown 2020 on small businesses
  • Is e-business profitable?
  • The most influential businessmen of the 21st century
  • The most powerful economy of the 21st century
  • Effective marketing strategies
  • How can marketing help increase company profits
  • Effects of advertisement on masses
  • The most expensive/creative advertisements of all times
  • Effective financing techniques
  • Waste sorting and how to bring in to the masses
  • The outcomes of the Chernobyl tragedy
  • Effects of deforestation on the environment
  • Air/ water/soil pollution
  • Ways to encourage waste recycling
  • Pollution of the ocean with plastic
  • Are there ways to eliminate greenhouse effects?
  • Ways to go green
  • Effective ways of protecting the environment
  • Effects of population control in China
  • Results on WWII in 2020
  • Contribution of Martin Luther’s protest against the Catholic church to the world history
  • The greatest terracts of XX-XXI century
  • Impact of WWII on women rights
  • The results of the Magdeburg Law adoption
  • US Civil War outcomes
  • Cold War reasons and outcomes
  • Aztec culture and empire
  • History of aviation
  • Causes of Yugoslavia breakup
  • Professional burnout. Reasons and how to avoid it
  • Reasons of stress in college students
  • Gambling as a type of disorder
  • Ethics in psychological practice
  • Does gaming provoke aggression in players
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder in As good as it gets
  • Domestic violence
  • The outcomes of childhood traumas in adults
  • The causes of insomnia and how to deal with it
  • The meaning of dreams and their influence on our mood
  • Is emotional intelligence really that important?
  • Workplace harassment
  • Substance abuse among college students
  • Intercultural marriages
  • How divorce affects children
  • Sex issues related to people under 18
  • Causes of childhood obesity
  • Is being a vegetarian really healthy?
  • Causes of nationalism among children
  • Popular culture and its impact on young people
  • Clash of cultures caused by globalization
  • The notion of art today
  • Impact of Instagram and TikTok on children
  • Evolution of the music genres in the US
  • Impact of Andy Warhol on the development of pop culture
  • Hippy culture today. Is it still alive?
  • Should celebrities expose private life on social media?
  • Are influencers from Instagram worse that title?
  • Sexism in rap culture
  • Threats on opportunities of nuclear power 
  • Cybersecurity and cybercrime
  • Is IQOS smoking really safe?
  • Technological inventions of the 21st century that ease our life
  • How soon can AI replace manwork
  • Contribution of Elon Musk to the current technologies
  • Main breakthroughs of the XXI century
  • The future of self-driving cars
  • Does autocorrection reduce human literacy?
  • 3D printing technologies in medicine
  • The Bible interpretations
  • Biblical motives in modern literature (films)
  • Reasons behind the popularity of atheism in the US
  • What will be the religion of the future
  • Common points in all the religions
  • Religion and society
  • Islam and terrorism: stereotypes and reality
  • Church and/vs religion
  • Same-sex marriages and different religions
  • Religious myths

Current social issues research paper topics 

  • Toxic leadership at work. Reasons, how to deal with it, and how to avoid it.
  • Should fast food restaurants be blamed for making people obese?
  • Literacy rates in third world countries
  • Poverty issues in third world countries
  • Human trafficking and slavery
  • Outcomes of the global lockdown 2020 on the global economy
  • Impact of social networks on the perception of life
  • I can’t breathe movement 2020
  • Reasons behind rising divorce rates after global lockdown 2020
  •  Social media is the new addiction of the XXI century
  • Sexism and ageism in American society
  • Evolution of the body image in 100 years
  • Is the glass ceiling still the issue in 2020?
  • Career or maternity leave. What to choose?
  • Woman rights in developed and developing countries
  • Alcoholism among women
  • LGBT community issues
  • Gender discrimination
  • Gender roles in 2020
  • The portrayal of women 50 years ago and today
  • The role of technology in criminal justice
  • Will gun possession legalization contribute to increased crime rates?
  • Intellectual property issues
  • The most corrupted legal system
  • The role of psychology in criminal justice
  • Intellectual property laws
  • The most awkward US laws
  • Laws and religion
  • Laws protecting women rights
  • Doctor-assisted suicide: crime or help?

Need help with research paper writing? 

After reading an article you have a general idea of how to write a research paper and have learned about its compulsory parts that actually make it a research paper. You have also learned about the importance of choosing the right topic, what makes a good research topic, and how to choose the pertinent research paper topic.

You have a list of 200 relevant and interesting ideas for your research. However, if you need help with choosing the right topic or writing your research paper, you can use academic assistance services. We have a team of professional writers with extensive experience in any discipline. They will help you choose an effective topic and will write a quality paper for you based on the instructions you provide.


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113 Great Research Paper Topics

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General Education


One of the hardest parts of writing a research paper can be just finding a good topic to write about. Fortunately we've done the hard work for you and have compiled a list of 113 interesting research paper topics. They've been organized into ten categories and cover a wide range of subjects so you can easily find the best topic for you.

In addition to the list of good research topics, we've included advice on what makes a good research paper topic and how you can use your topic to start writing a great paper.

What Makes a Good Research Paper Topic?

Not all research paper topics are created equal, and you want to make sure you choose a great topic before you start writing. Below are the three most important factors to consider to make sure you choose the best research paper topics.

#1: It's Something You're Interested In

A paper is always easier to write if you're interested in the topic, and you'll be more motivated to do in-depth research and write a paper that really covers the entire subject. Even if a certain research paper topic is getting a lot of buzz right now or other people seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic unless you genuinely have some sort of interest in it as well.

#2: There's Enough Information to Write a Paper

Even if you come up with the absolute best research paper topic and you're so excited to write about it, you won't be able to produce a good paper if there isn't enough research about the topic. This can happen for very specific or specialized topics, as well as topics that are too new to have enough research done on them at the moment. Easy research paper topics will always be topics with enough information to write a full-length paper.

Trying to write a research paper on a topic that doesn't have much research on it is incredibly hard, so before you decide on a topic, do a bit of preliminary searching and make sure you'll have all the information you need to write your paper.

#3: It Fits Your Teacher's Guidelines

Don't get so carried away looking at lists of research paper topics that you forget any requirements or restrictions your teacher may have put on research topic ideas. If you're writing a research paper on a health-related topic, deciding to write about the impact of rap on the music scene probably won't be allowed, but there may be some sort of leeway. For example, if you're really interested in current events but your teacher wants you to write a research paper on a history topic, you may be able to choose a topic that fits both categories, like exploring the relationship between the US and North Korea. No matter what, always get your research paper topic approved by your teacher first before you begin writing.

113 Good Research Paper Topics

Below are 113 good research topics to help you get you started on your paper. We've organized them into ten categories to make it easier to find the type of research paper topics you're looking for.


  • Discuss the main differences in art from the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance .
  • Analyze the impact a famous artist had on the world.
  • How is sexism portrayed in different types of media (music, film, video games, etc.)? Has the amount/type of sexism changed over the years?
  • How has the music of slaves brought over from Africa shaped modern American music?
  • How has rap music evolved in the past decade?
  • How has the portrayal of minorities in the media changed?


Current Events

  • What have been the impacts of China's one child policy?
  • How have the goals of feminists changed over the decades?
  • How has the Trump presidency changed international relations?
  • Analyze the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • What factors contributed to the current decline in the rate of unemployment?
  • What have been the impacts of states which have increased their minimum wage?
  • How do US immigration laws compare to immigration laws of other countries?
  • How have the US's immigration laws changed in the past few years/decades?
  • How has the Black Lives Matter movement affected discussions and view about racism in the US?
  • What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the UK deciding to leave the EU (Brexit)?
  • What factors contributed to China becoming an economic power?
  • Discuss the history of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies  (some of which tokenize the S&P 500 Index on the blockchain) .
  • Do students in schools that eliminate grades do better in college and their careers?
  • Do students from wealthier backgrounds score higher on standardized tests?
  • Do students who receive free meals at school get higher grades compared to when they weren't receiving a free meal?
  • Do students who attend charter schools score higher on standardized tests than students in public schools?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • How does giving each student access to an iPad or laptop affect their studies?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Montessori Method ?
  • Do children who attend preschool do better in school later on?
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • How does the US education system compare to education systems in other countries?
  • What impact does mandatory physical education classes have on students' health?
  • Which methods are most effective at reducing bullying in schools?
  • Do homeschoolers who attend college do as well as students who attended traditional schools?
  • Does offering tenure increase or decrease quality of teaching?
  • How does college debt affect future life choices of students?
  • Should graduate students be able to form unions?


  • What are different ways to lower gun-related deaths in the US?
  • How and why have divorce rates changed over time?
  • Is affirmative action still necessary in education and/or the workplace?
  • Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?
  • How has stem cell research impacted the medical field?
  • How can human trafficking be reduced in the United States/world?
  • Should people be able to donate organs in exchange for money?
  • Which types of juvenile punishment have proven most effective at preventing future crimes?
  • Has the increase in US airport security made passengers safer?
  • Analyze the immigration policies of certain countries and how they are similar and different from one another.
  • Several states have legalized recreational marijuana. What positive and negative impacts have they experienced as a result?
  • Do tariffs increase the number of domestic jobs?
  • Which prison reforms have proven most effective?
  • Should governments be able to censor certain information on the internet?
  • Which methods/programs have been most effective at reducing teen pregnancy?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Keto diet?
  • How effective are different exercise regimes for losing weight and maintaining weight loss?
  • How do the healthcare plans of various countries differ from each other?
  • What are the most effective ways to treat depression ?
  • What are the pros and cons of genetically modified foods?
  • Which methods are most effective for improving memory?
  • What can be done to lower healthcare costs in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the current opioid crisis?
  • Analyze the history and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic .
  • Are low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • How much exercise should the average adult be getting each week?
  • Which methods are most effective to get parents to vaccinate their children?
  • What are the pros and cons of clean needle programs?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • Discuss the history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • What were the causes and effects of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • Who was responsible for the Iran-Contra situation?
  • How has New Orleans and the government's response to natural disasters changed since Hurricane Katrina?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of British rule in India ?
  • Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary?
  • What were the successes and failures of the women's suffrage movement in the United States?
  • What were the causes of the Civil War?
  • How did Abraham Lincoln's assassination impact the country and reconstruction after the Civil War?
  • Which factors contributed to the colonies winning the American Revolution?
  • What caused Hitler's rise to power?
  • Discuss how a specific invention impacted history.
  • What led to Cleopatra's fall as ruler of Egypt?
  • How has Japan changed and evolved over the centuries?
  • What were the causes of the Rwandan genocide ?


  • Why did Martin Luther decide to split with the Catholic Church?
  • Analyze the history and impact of a well-known cult (Jonestown, Manson family, etc.)
  • How did the sexual abuse scandal impact how people view the Catholic Church?
  • How has the Catholic church's power changed over the past decades/centuries?
  • What are the causes behind the rise in atheism/ agnosticism in the United States?
  • What were the influences in Siddhartha's life resulted in him becoming the Buddha?
  • How has media portrayal of Islam/Muslims changed since September 11th?


  • How has the earth's climate changed in the past few decades?
  • How has the use and elimination of DDT affected bird populations in the US?
  • Analyze how the number and severity of natural disasters have increased in the past few decades.
  • Analyze deforestation rates in a certain area or globally over a period of time.
  • How have past oil spills changed regulations and cleanup methods?
  • How has the Flint water crisis changed water regulation safety?
  • What are the pros and cons of fracking?
  • What impact has the Paris Climate Agreement had so far?
  • What have NASA's biggest successes and failures been?
  • How can we improve access to clean water around the world?
  • Does ecotourism actually have a positive impact on the environment?
  • Should the US rely on nuclear energy more?
  • What can be done to save amphibian species currently at risk of extinction?
  • What impact has climate change had on coral reefs?
  • How are black holes created?
  • Are teens who spend more time on social media more likely to suffer anxiety and/or depression?
  • How will the loss of net neutrality affect internet users?
  • Analyze the history and progress of self-driving vehicles.
  • How has the use of drones changed surveillance and warfare methods?
  • Has social media made people more or less connected?
  • What progress has currently been made with artificial intelligence ?
  • Do smartphones increase or decrease workplace productivity?
  • What are the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom?
  • How is Google search affecting our intelligence?
  • When is the best age for a child to begin owning a smartphone?
  • Has frequent texting reduced teen literacy rates?


How to Write a Great Research Paper

Even great research paper topics won't give you a great research paper if you don't hone your topic before and during the writing process. Follow these three tips to turn good research paper topics into great papers.

#1: Figure Out Your Thesis Early

Before you start writing a single word of your paper, you first need to know what your thesis will be. Your thesis is a statement that explains what you intend to prove/show in your paper. Every sentence in your research paper will relate back to your thesis, so you don't want to start writing without it!

As some examples, if you're writing a research paper on if students learn better in same-sex classrooms, your thesis might be "Research has shown that elementary-age students in same-sex classrooms score higher on standardized tests and report feeling more comfortable in the classroom."

If you're writing a paper on the causes of the Civil War, your thesis might be "While the dispute between the North and South over slavery is the most well-known cause of the Civil War, other key causes include differences in the economies of the North and South, states' rights, and territorial expansion."

#2: Back Every Statement Up With Research

Remember, this is a research paper you're writing, so you'll need to use lots of research to make your points. Every statement you give must be backed up with research, properly cited the way your teacher requested. You're allowed to include opinions of your own, but they must also be supported by the research you give.

#3: Do Your Research Before You Begin Writing

You don't want to start writing your research paper and then learn that there isn't enough research to back up the points you're making, or, even worse, that the research contradicts the points you're trying to make!

Get most of your research on your good research topics done before you begin writing. Then use the research you've collected to create a rough outline of what your paper will cover and the key points you're going to make. This will help keep your paper clear and organized, and it'll ensure you have enough research to produce a strong paper.

What's Next?

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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200 best research topics for 2020

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200 Research Proposal Topics Across Key Disciplines

Research Proposal Topics

A research proposal involves planning out a project you're curious about in your field. It outlines what you plan to study, how you'll go about it, and why it matters.

The problem, though, is what research proposal topic to pick, as there are so many to choose from, with :

  • Fields like AI are getting more and more popular among students, with the AI market set to grow to $310 billion by 2026.
  • Politics is another dynamic area, with ongoing shifts in global power structures, international relations, and policy-making.
  • And for those of you passionate about the environment, the renewable energy sector could see investments of up to $1.97 trillion by 2030.

These fields provide excellent opportunities for research and open doors to exciting career paths.

In this guide, you’ll discover a broad selection of research proposal topic ideas that cover everything from international relations to the impacts of global economic policies. Each one comes with short pointers on how to develop it into a solid proposal.

And if you find yourself needing a bit more guidance in writing a research proposal , don’t hesitate to reach out to DoMyEssay. We’re ready to help you polish your proposal and get set for some serious research.

how to choose a research proposal topic

Best Research Proposal Topics

Political science research proposal topics.

Here are some engaging political science topic ideas, with tips on how to approach them and examples to guide your research process:

  • How Does Social Media Influence Political Campaigns? In this topic, l ook into how politicians like Obama and Trump used Twitter and Facebook to shape voter behavior and campaign strategies.
  • What Are the Implications of Voter ID Laws on Election Outcomes? Compare how strict voter ID laws in the U.S. affect who shows up to vote and examine how it changes election results.
  • Can Decentralized Platforms Improve Government Transparency? Check out how Estonia uses blockchain to make government actions more transparent and reduce corruption.
  • What Is the Impact of Globalization on National Sovereignty? This proposal explores how the EU and Brexit challenge the balance between working together globally and keeping national control.
  • How Effective Are International Sanctions in Influencing National Policies? Look into whether sanctions on countries like Iran and North Korea actually make them change their policies.
  • What Role Does Propaganda Play in Modern Warfare? See how Russia uses state-run media during war conflicts, like in Ukraine, to influence public opinion at home and abroad.
  • Can Democracy Be Exported? A Study of Western Influence in Non-Western Countries For this research, study whether U.S. efforts to promote democracy in places like Iraq and Afghanistan have worked or faced challenges.
  • How Do Migration Policies Affect International Relations? Look at how the EU-Turkey migration deal has impacted relationships between countries and regional stability.
  • What Are the Consequences of Political Corruption on Economic Development? Analyze how corruption in countries like Brazil or Nigeria slows down economic growth and reduces public trust.
  • How Do Climate Change Policies Differ Across Political Systems? For this topic, compare how democracies like the U.S. and authoritarian regimes like China approach climate change and global agreements like the Paris Accord.

Computer Science Project Proposal Topics

Here are some solid topic ideas to help you get started, from AI innovations to the latest in cybersecurity:

  • How Can Machine Learning Improve Predictive Analytics? See how machine learning, like Netflix’s recommendation system or fraud detection in banks, improves predictions in finance and healthcare.
  • What Are the Ethical Concerns Surrounding AI in Decision-Making? Explore ethical issues in AI, such as biases in hiring algorithms or predictive policing.
  • How Does Blockchain Enhance Data Security? For this proposal, Check out how blockchain secures data in banking and healthcare, protecting transactions and patient records.
  • What Are the Challenges of Implementing Quantum Computing? Look into the practical challenges of quantum computing, like error rates and extreme conditions needed for it to work.
  • How Can Augmented Reality Be Used in Education? Look into how augmented reality (AR) is used in classrooms, for instance, how AR apps can bring historical events to life or help medical students visualize complex anatomy.
  • What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Cloud Computing? For this research, study how companies like Netflix use cloud computing, weighing the benefits of global access against security risks.
  • How Can Natural Language Processing Improve Human-Computer Interaction? See how NLP tools like Siri and Alexa make technology easier to interact with by better understanding human language.
  • What Role Does Cybersecurity Play in Protecting Critical Infrastructure? Look into how cybersecurity is essential for protecting power grids and water supplies, using examples like the Stuxnet attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.
  • How Can Big Data Analytics Drive Business Decisions? For this topic, Examine how companies like Amazon use big data to make smarter decisions, from product recommendations to supply chain management.
  • What Are the Applications of Robotics in Healthcare? Check out how robots are revolutionizing healthcare, from surgical robots like the Da Vinci system to robots that assist with hospital patient care.

International Relations Research Proposal Ideas

These international relations research topic ideas will help you explore critical global issues, from trade agreements to climate change impacts:

  • Research on How Trade Agreements Influence Diplomatic Relations Look at how trade deals like NAFTA impact relationships between countries, affecting both cooperation and conflicts.
  • What Is the Role of the United Nations in Conflict Resolution? Investigate how the UN intervenes in conflicts, such as the Syrian civil war, and assess its effectiveness in maintaining peace.
  • How Do Economic Sanctions Affect International Relations? Check out how sanctions on countries like Venezuela or Russia change their relationships with other nations.
  • Research on What Role Media Plays in Shaping International Relations Explore how news coverage shapes public opinion and diplomatic relations, especially in conflicts like those in the Middle East.
  • What Are the Implications of Brexit on the European Union? See how Brexit has reshaped the EU’s political and economic landscape, affecting ties with both members and non-members.
  • How Does Migration Affect International Relations? Study how migration, like the flow of people from the Middle East to Europe, influences diplomatic ties between nations.
  • Research on the Impact of Climate Change on Global Security Look at how issues like rising sea levels and resource shortages are becoming key concerns in global security.
  • How Do Peacekeeping Missions Influence International Stability? Explore how UN peacekeeping efforts in places like Africa or the Balkans help — or don’t help—maintain stability.
  • What Are the Challenges of Nuclear Non-Proliferation? Check out the difficulties in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons, especially in countries like North Korea.
  • Research on How Foreign Direct Investment Influences International Relations? Study how investments by multinational companies in other countries affect diplomatic ties and local economies.

Economics Research Proposal Topics

These economics research ideas will help you explore key issues in the field, including the impact of interest rates on economic growth and the effects of globalization:

  • Research on How Interest Rates Affect Economic Growth See how changes in interest rates, set by central banks like the Federal Reserve, impact the economy and what people spend.
  • What Are the Economic Impacts of Income Inequality? Look at how the gap between the rich and poor affects a country’s economic stability, using examples from the United States.
  • How Does Tax Policy Influence Business Investment? Explore how different tax policies, like corporate tax cuts, either encourage or discourage businesses from investing.
  • What Are the Effects of Globalization on Developing Economies? Study how globalization impacts the growth of emerging markets in countries like India and Brazil.
  • Proposal on How Exchange Rates Affect International Trade Check out how changes in exchange rates, like the value of the U.S. dollar against the euro, affect trade between countries.
  • What Role Does Government Spending Play in Economic Recovery? Look into how government spending helps boost the economy during tough times, focusing on examples like the 2008 financial crisis.
  • How Does Unemployment Affect Consumer Spending? Explore how rising or falling unemployment rates impact how much people spend and the overall health of the economy.
  • What Are the Economic Impacts of Automation? See how automation in industries like manufacturing is changing job markets and productivity.
  • Research on How Trade Policies Influence Global Supply Chains Examine how trade policies, like tariffs or free trade agreements, affect how goods are produced and moved around the world.
  • What Are the Effects of Minimum Wage Increases on Small Businesses? Look into how raising the minimum wage impacts small businesses, both the good and the bad.

Business Research Proposal Topic Ideas

These business research questions cover a range of topic ideas, including leadership styles, customer retention, and the impact of artificial intelligence on business operations:

  • Proposal on How Leadership Styles Affect Employee Productivity Explore how different leadership approaches, like transformational or authoritarian styles, impact how productive employees are.
  • Proposal on the Best Strategies for Customer Retention Look into the most effective ways businesses keep customers coming back, like loyalty programs or personalized marketing.
  • Proposal on How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Brand Image Study how a company’s CSR activities, like environmental initiatives, shape its reputation and customer loyalty.
  • Proposal on the Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail Businesses See how the rise of online shopping is changing the landscape for traditional brick-and-mortar stores.
  • Proposal on How Startups Successfully Attract Investors Examine the strategies that help startups secure funding, such as pitch decks, business models, and networking.
  • Proposal on the Effects of Remote Work on Team Collaboration Look into how working from home changes the way teams communicate and work together, both positively and negatively.
  • Proposal on How Digital Marketing Influences Consumer Behavior Explore how online ads, social media, and SEO shape the way people shop and make decisions.
  • Proposal on the Challenges of Managing a Multigenerational Workforce Study the difficulties and benefits of leading a team that includes employees from different age groups, like Baby Boomers and Millennials.
  • Proposal on How Companies Use Data Analytics to Improve Decision-Making Check out how businesses leverage data to make better decisions, from marketing strategies to product development.
  • Proposal on the Role Innovation Plays in Business Success Look at how companies that prioritize innovation, like Apple or Tesla, achieve long-term success.

Management Research Proposal Topics

These interesting research paper topics in management will help you dive into key areas like leadership, team dynamics, human resource management, and organizational culture:

  • How Does Leadership Style Influence Employee Motivation? See how democratic leadership at companies like Google boosts motivation compared to more top-down approaches.
  • What Are the Best Practices for Managing Remote Teams? Look into how tools like Zoom help managers keep remote teams connected and engaged.
  • How Does Organizational Culture Affect Employee Satisfaction? Study how Google’s creative culture leads to higher employee satisfaction and engagement.
  • What Are the Challenges of Change Management in Organizations? Examine how Microsoft successfully managed its shift to cloud computing, overcoming employee resistance.
  • How Do Team Dynamics Impact Project Success? Explore how Agile teams in tech, with open communication, lead to successful project outcomes.
  • What Is the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership? See how emotionally intelligent leaders improve team morale by responding to employees’ needs.
  • How Do Employee Incentive Programs Influence Productivity? Check out how Amazon’s performance bonuses boost productivity and motivation among employees.
  • What Are the Key Factors in Managing Organizational Conflict? Study how IBM uses mediation to resolve conflicts and maintain a positive work environment.
  • How Does Diversity in the Workplace Affect Team Performance? Examine how diverse teams at companies like Unilever bring in varied perspectives and improve performance.
  • What Are the Benefits of Mentorship Programs in the Workplace? See how mentorship at General Electric helps junior employees grow and contributes to company success.

MBA Research Proposal Topic Ideas

These MBA research topics for students will help you explore critical areas in business management, from strategic planning to the role of information technology in business:

  • How Does Strategic Planning Affect Business Success? Explore how effective strategic planning helps companies like Apple achieve long-term success.
  • What Are the Key Drivers of Innovation in Startups? Look into how startups like Airbnb foster innovation through a culture of creativity and risk-taking.
  • How Do Financial Management Practices Impact Company Growth? Examine how good financial management helped companies like Amazon scale quickly.
  • What Is the Role of Leadership in Organizational Change? Study how leaders at companies like Microsoft successfully manage major organizational changes.
  • How Does Brand Management Influence Consumer Loyalty? See how strong brand management at companies like Nike keeps customers coming back.
  • What Are the Effects of Corporate Governance on Business Performance? Look into how strong corporate governance at companies like Tesla influences business outcomes.
  • How Does Digital Transformation Drive Business Growth? Explore how companies like Netflix use digital transformation to stay competitive and grow.
  • What Is the Impact of Marketing Strategies on Business Revenue? Study how innovative marketing strategies boost revenue at companies like Coca-Cola.
  • How Does Supply Chain Management Contribute to Business Efficiency? Check out how efficient supply chain management helps companies like Walmart reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  • What Are the Best Practices for Risk Management in Businesses? Look into how companies like Goldman Sachs manage risks to protect their assets.

Business Project Proposal Topics

These business project proposal topics focus on how various strategies and tools can influence academic performance in a business context, offering a fresh perspective for your typical research proposal:

  • How Do Mergers and Acquisitions Influence Market Position? Examine how mergers, like Disney acquiring Pixar, strengthen a company’s position in the market.
  • What Is the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Brand Image? See how CSR efforts at companies like Starbucks improve their brand image and customer loyalty.
  • How Does Talent Management Affect Organizational Performance? Explore how effective talent management practices help companies like Google maintain a high-performance culture.
  • What Are the Impacts of Globalization on Business Operations? Look into how globalization affects the way companies like McDonald's operate worldwide.
  • How Do Consumer Behavior Trends Influence Marketing Tactics? Study how understanding consumer behavior trends helps companies like Amazon tailor their marketing efforts.
  • What Are the Challenges of Implementing Sustainability in Business? Examine how companies like IKEA navigate the challenges of integrating sustainability into their business models.
  • How Does Financial Technology (FinTech) Impact Traditional Banking? Explore how the rise of FinTech companies like PayPal is changing the traditional banking landscape.
  • What Is the Effect of Leadership Styles on Company Culture? See how leadership styles at companies like Google shape their unique company cultures.
  • How Do Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems Improve Business Performance? Look into how CRM systems, like Salesforce, help businesses manage customer relationships and boost performance.
  • What Are the Benefits of E-commerce for Small Businesses? Explore how e-commerce platforms help small businesses reach a wider audience and grow.

Sociology Research Proposal Ideas

These sociology research project ideas will help you explore key social issues and phenomena, offering a strong foundation for your research:

  • How Does Social Media Affect Adolescent Mental Health? For this topic, explore how platforms like Instagram and TikTok impact the mental health of teenagers, focusing on issues like anxiety and self-esteem.
  • What Is the Role of Family Structure in Child Development? Study how different family structures, such as single-parent households or extended families, influence a child's emotional and social development.
  • How Does Socioeconomic Status Affect Educational Opportunities? Examine how a family's income level influences access to quality education and impacts long-term academic and career success.
  • What Are the Social Impacts of Urbanization? For this topic, look into how the rapid growth of cities affects community relationships, crime rates, and access to resources like housing and healthcare.
  • How Does Gender Stereotyping Influence Career Choices? Explore how traditional gender roles and stereotypes shape career decisions and job opportunities for men and women.
  • What Is the Effect of Cultural Diversity on Workplace Dynamics? Study how a diverse workforce, including different ethnicities and cultures, influences teamwork, communication, and overall workplace harmony.
  • How Do Social Movements Drive Legislative Change? For this topic, examine how movements like Black Lives Matter or #MeToo have influenced changes in laws and policies at both local and national levels.
  • What Are the Causes and Consequences of Homelessness? Look into the root causes of homelessness, such as poverty or mental health issues, and explore the social and economic effects on communities.
  • How Does Media Representation Affect Public Perception of Minorities? Study how the portrayal of ethnic and racial minorities in news and entertainment media shapes public attitudes and beliefs.
  • What Role Does Religion Play in Social Integration? For this topic, explore how religious beliefs and practices help immigrants and other minority groups integrate into new communities.

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200 best research topics for 2020

Psychology Research Proposal Topics

Choose one of these psychology research topic ideas to explore the fascinating ways our minds work, from how childhood experiences shape our adult lives to the impact of technology on our attention spans:

  • How Does Childhood Trauma Affect Adult Relationships? Explore how experiences of trauma in childhood influence relationship patterns and attachment styles in adulthood.
  • What Is the Impact of Social Media on Self-Esteem? Examine how platforms like Instagram and Facebook affect self-esteem, particularly in teenagers and young adults.
  • How Do Sleep Patterns Affect Cognitive Function? For this topic, study the relationship between sleep quality and cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, and problem-solving.
  • What Are the Psychological Effects of Chronic Stress? Look into how prolonged exposure to stress impacts mental health, including the development of anxiety and depression.
  • How Does Positive Reinforcement Influence Behavior Change? Explore how positive reinforcement techniques, such as rewards, are used in therapy to encourage behavior modification.
  • What Is the Role of Genetics in Mental Health Disorders? For this topic, examine the influence of genetic factors on the development of mental health disorders like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
  • How Do Parenting Styles Affect Child Development? Study how different parenting approaches, such as authoritative or permissive styles, impact a child's emotional and social growth.
  • What Are the Effects of Mindfulness Practices on Anxiety? Look into how mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, reduce anxiety and improve overall mental well-being.
  • How Does Peer Pressure Influence Adolescent Decision-Making? For this topic, explore how the desire to fit in with peers affects the choices and behaviors of teenagers.
  • What Is the Relationship Between Nutrition and Mental Health? Examine how diet and nutrition influence mental health, including the effects of specific nutrients on mood and cognitive function.

Chemistry Research Proposal Topic Ideas

These chemistry research topic ideas explore scientific advancements while addressing the ethical considerations that arise in this dynamic field:

  • How Can Green Chemistry Make Manufacturing Cleaner? Explore how using less harmful substances in manufacturing processes reduces environmental damage and improves safety.
  • What Ethical Questions Come Up with Synthetic Biology? For this topic, discuss the concerns related to creating organisms that could outcompete natural species or be used irresponsibly.
  • How Does Handling Chemical Waste Affect Our Health? Examine specific cases where improper chemical waste disposal has led to community health crises, like in Flint, Michigan.
  • What Are the Ethical Dilemmas in Creating Sustainable Energy? Consider the trade-offs between developing large-scale solar farms that may disrupt ecosystems and the need to reduce fossil fuel use.
  • Is Nanotechnology Safe in Medical Treatments? For this topic, investigate the potential long-term effects of nanomaterials in the body, focusing on their use in cancer treatment.
  • Should We Test Chemicals on Animals? Debate the necessity of animal testing in the cosmetics industry versus the push for cruelty-free alternatives and synthetic testing methods.
  • How Harmful Are Pesticides to People and the Planet? Look at studies linking pesticide exposure to health issues in farming communities and their effects on local wildlife.
  • What's Wrong with Developing Chemical Weapons? For this topic, discuss the international laws against chemical weapons and the ethical implications of their potential use in warfare.
  • Can Biodegradable Plastics Help Us Fight Pollution? Explore successful examples of biodegradable plastics in use today and their effectiveness in reducing plastic waste in oceans.
  • How Ethical Is the Drug Development Process? Evaluate the transparency in clinical trials for new medications, including how results are reported and who benefits from the findings.

History Research Proposal Ideas

These history research proposal ideas offer a range of topics from ancient civilizations to modern international conflicts:

  • How Did Ancient Trade Routes Shape Early Civilizations? Explore how the Silk Road and other trade networks influenced the cultural and economic development of ancient societies.
  • What Were the Social Impacts of the Industrial Revolution? Investigate how the Industrial Revolution transformed class structures, urbanization, and family dynamics in Europe and America.
  • How Did Colonialism Affect Indigenous Cultures? Examine the long-term effects of European colonialism on native populations in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
  • What Roles Did Women Play in World War II? Study the diverse contributions of women during WWII, from factory work to serving in armed forces across different countries.
  • How Did the Cold War Influence Global Politics? Look into the geopolitical strategies and conflicts driven by the Cold War, including proxy wars and espionage between the USSR and the USA.
  • What Were the Major Causes and Consequences of the American Civil War? Analyze the key factors that led to the Civil War and its impact on American society and politics.
  • How Have Migration Patterns Affected Cultural Identities? Explore how significant migration waves, such as the Great Migration in the US or the post-WWII movements in Europe, reshaped cultural identities.
  • What Are the Historical Roots of Modern Terrorism? Investigate the evolution of terrorism, tracing its historical roots and how it has transformed over the centuries.
  • How Did the Renaissance Change European Art and Thought? Study how the Renaissance period influenced art, science, and philosophy, marking a shift from medieval to modern thinking.
  • What Was the Impact of the Discovery of the New World on Europe? Examine how the discovery of the Americas led to economic and social changes in European societies.

Criminal Justice Research Proposal Topics

Check out these interesting research proposal topic ideas in criminal justice that cover everything from community policing to the intricacies of forensic science:

  • How Effective Are Community Policing Strategies? Investigate how community policing initiatives like neighborhood patrols and police-community forums reduce crime and build trust.
  • What Are the Impacts of Drug Decriminalization on Society? Explore how policies like those in Portugal have affected crime rates, addiction levels, and overall public health.
  • How Does Racial Profiling Affect Trust in Law Enforcement? Examine the impact of racial profiling on community trust and what it means for police reform efforts.
  • What Role Does Forensic Science Play in Solving Crimes? Study the breakthroughs in forensic science, such as DNA profiling, and their role in cracking complex cases.
  • How Do Mandatory Sentencing Laws Impact Prison Overcrowding? Look into the link between mandatory sentencing and the rise in prison populations, and discuss alternatives.
  • What Are the Challenges of Rehabilitating Ex-Offenders? Investigate the hurdles ex-offenders face when returning to society and how effective current rehabilitation programs are.
  • How Does Media Coverage Influence Public Perception of Crime? Explore the role media plays in shaping people’s perceptions of crime, including the effects of high-profile crime reporting.
  • What Strategies Are Effective in Reducing Juvenile Delinquency? Study various interventions aimed at curbing juvenile delinquency, focusing on their success rates across different settings.
  • What Is the Impact of Cybercrime on National Security? Analyze how cybercrime poses threats to national security and what measures are effective in countering these risks.
  • How Are Correctional Facilities Implementing Mental Health Services? Examine how prisons are providing mental health services and the effects on inmate behavior and recidivism.

Philosophy Research Proposal Topics

These philosophy research proposal topics cover complex ethical, metaphysical, and social questions, providing a comprehensive literature review for each study:

  • What Really Makes Up Our Reality? Look at different philosophical theories about what’s truly real, weighing up ideas from materialism to idealism.
  • Free Will and Fate: Can They Coexist? Discuss how the concept of free will stands up against the idea of a predetermined universe and what this means for our personal responsibility.
  • Navigating the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Dive into the challenges and potential repercussions of developing AI technologies, considering both the benefits and ethical dilemmas.
  • The Interplay Between Language and Thinking Check out how the language we use might actually shape the way we think, influencing everything from our simplest decisions to our biggest.
  • Intuition’s Place in Philosophy Analyze the importance of gut feelings in philosophical reasoning, seeing how they stack up against more structured approaches like logic and evidence.
  • Identity Through Time: Who Are We Really? Examine how we remain the same or change over time, looking into theories that use memory, physical continuity, or other criteria to define personal identity.
  • Unpacking the Foundations of Human Rights Explore the fundamental theories that form the basis of human rights, comparing ideas like natural rights against constructs like legal positivism.
  • Learning Virtue: Is It Possible? Investigate whether virtues are innate traits we’re born with or if they can be learned and cultivated over time.
  • Decoding the Basis of Moral Decisions Delve into the roots of how we make moral choices, contrasting approaches like consequentialism, deontological ethics, and virtue ethics.
  • How Aesthetics Shape Our Art Experience Examine how different theories of beauty and art influence our appreciation and understanding of artistic works across cultures and eras.

Medical Research Proposal Topic Ideas

Check out these medical research proposal topic ideas designed for successful research, offering insights into various health challenges and innovations:

  • Improving Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Investigate new biomarkers or imaging techniques that could help doctors identify Alzheimer's earlier, enhancing treatment outcomes.
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Telemedicine Study how telemedicine impacts patient care quality, especially in rural areas or during public health crises.
  • Developing Next-Generation Vaccines for Emerging Viruses Research the latest technologies in vaccine development, such as mRNA platforms, to combat newly emerging viral threats.
  • Exploring Non-Opioid Pain Management Alternatives Examine the potential of alternative pain management therapies, like TENS or acupuncture, in reducing reliance on opioid prescriptions.
  • Impact of Nutritional Interventions on Chronic Diseases Analyze how specific dietary changes can prevent or manage chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease.
  • Investigating the Role of Genetics in Cancer Treatment Look into how genetic profiling of tumors can lead to more personalized and effective cancer therapies.
  • Assessing Mental Health Interventions in Schools Evaluate the effectiveness of mental health programs in improving student well-being and academic performance in educational settings.
  • Studying the Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 Research the prolonged health impacts of COVID-19 to understand and manage the long-term care needs of survivors.
  • Advancing Techniques in Minimally Invasive Surgery Explore innovations in minimally invasive surgical techniques that reduce recovery time and improve patient outcomes.
  • Understanding the Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance Delve into how bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics and what new approaches could be effective in combating resistant strains.

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200 best research topics for 2020

Biology Research Proposal Topics

Tackle these biology research proposal topics that address various research problems, from ecological dynamics to molecular genetics. Prepare to uncover fascinating insights into the living world:

  • What Genetic Factors Contribute to Longer and Healthier Lives? Which specific genes help some people live longer, and how could we use genetic engineering to extend healthy lifespans for everyone?
  • What's the Real Effect of Microplastics on Marine Life? How are tiny plastic particles affecting ocean ecosystems, and what steps can we take to minimize their impact?
  • Can CRISPR Revolutionize the Way We Treat Diseases and Grow Food? How is CRISPR technology changing the game in medicine and agriculture, and what are the potential benefits and risks?
  • Which Coral Reef Restoration Techniques Really Work? What methods are proving most successful at bringing coral reefs back to life, and how can we apply these solutions on a global scale?
  • How Are Birds Adapting to Climate Change? What changes are birds making to their migration and breeding behaviors in response to climate change, and what does this tell us about their survival?
  • How Does Our Gut Bacteria Affect Our Overall Health? What role does the gut microbiome play in things like immune response and disease susceptibility, and how can we manipulate it for better health?
  • What Works Best for Saving Endangered Species? Which conservation strategies have been most successful in preserving endangered species, and why?
  • How Can Bioinformatics Prevent the Next Global Pandemic? In what ways is bioinformatics crucial in identifying potential viral outbreaks and developing strategies to prevent widespread disease?
  • How Do Plants Handle Extreme Environmental Stress? What genetic and physiological strategies do plants use to survive extreme conditions like drought and high salinity?
  • How Is Urban Expansion Impacting Local Wildlife? What happens to animal populations when cities expand, and how can urban planning help mitigate negative effects on biodiversity?

Environmental Research Proposal Ideas

Check out these environmental research proposal topics that use advanced research methods to solve our planet's pressing problems, offering ways to make a real difference:

  • Tracking Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans: What Works Best? Explore the latest tech and methods that can help us better monitor and quantify plastic waste in marine environments.
  • Making Urban Green Spaces Wildlife Friendly How can we design and manage city parks to maximize their benefits for local wildlife and biodiversity?
  • Restoring Damaged Landscapes Effectively What are the best ways to bring degraded ecosystems back to life, and how can native species play a role in this process?
  • Saving Water in Agriculture Without Losing Crops Can new technologies and smart irrigation practices help farmers use less water without cutting down on crop yields?
  • New Gadgets for Cleaner Air: Are They Up to the Task? Look at the newest tools for monitoring air quality—are they accurate enough to help us clean up our cities?
  • Assessing Renewable Energy's Impact on Wildlife How can we better understand the effects of wind farms and solar panels on local animal populations?
  • Citizen Science: A Game Changer for Environmental Research? Could having community members help gather data boost our understanding of environmental changes?
  • The Long-term Trouble with Microplastics in Freshwater What happens to microplastics in lakes and rivers, and how do they affect the aquatic life there?
  • Using Bioengineering to Tackle Invasive Species Could genetic modifications help us control or eliminate invasive species without causing more problems?
  • Forecasting Climate Change Effects on Coastal Areas What new methods can help us predict how rising sea levels will affect coastal regions and find ways to lessen the impact?

Research Proposal Topics on Development Studies

Explore these research proposal topics on development studies, each designed to spark deep investigation into social, economic, and environmental advancements:

  • Research on How Microfinance Helps Rural Communities Escape Poverty Take a close look at microfinance programs and their real impact on rural poverty. Can these small loans create big changes for the better?
  • Can Schools Narrow the Socio-economic Divide? Investigate whether targeted educational programs are effective at leveling the playing field across diverse socio-economic backgrounds.
  • Can Tech Innovations Transform Farming in Developing Nations? Explore how introducing advanced agricultural tech might revolutionize farming in less developed areas, possibly making food production more efficient and sustainable.
  • Urban Expansion: Threat or Opportunity for Traditional Communities? Examine the effects of city growth on traditional communities, focusing on changes in their lifestyle, economy, and cultural preservation.
  • Public Health Programs in Developing Countries: Do They Deliver? Assess the effectiveness of public health initiatives in developing countries. Are these programs reaching the people who need them most and making a health difference?
  • Research on The Ripple Effects of Migration on Home Countries Explore how the departure of migrants impacts the economies and communities they leave behind, and what this means for long-term development.
  • Rebuilding After Conflict: Is International Aid the Answer? Look at the role of international aid in post-conflict reconstruction. How well does it work in rebuilding societies and restoring stability?
  • What Makes a City’s Development Sustainable? Review various global cities known for their sustainability to understand which strategies are most effective in balancing growth with environmental stewardship.
  • Global Trade and Local Markets in Africa: A Double-Edged Sword? Analyze how international trade affects local economies in Africa, highlighting both the benefits and the challenges it brings.
  • Water Management in Dry Places: Finding Solutions Dig into the methods and technologies used in arid regions to manage and conserve water. What works, what doesn’t, and why?

Qualitative Research Proposal Topics

These qualitative research proposal topics uncover deep insights into human behavior and social patterns. Each proposal topic is chosen to encourage thoughtful exploration and rich discussion:

  • Exploring Community Resilience Through Personal Stories Take a closer look at how personal experiences and individual stories reflect the broader economic and social resilience of communities facing change.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Personal Identity Explore how people shape and express their identities using social media, and the effects this has on their real-world relationships and self-perception.
  • Cultural Influence on Healthcare Choices Investigate how people's cultural backgrounds influence their healthcare decisions, focusing on the balance between traditional practices and modern medicine.
  • Workplace Environment and Employee Mental Health For this topic, study how different workplace environments impact mental health, identifying what factors contribute to a supportive or harmful work culture.
  • Education’s Role in Social Mobility Look into how education serves as a pathway for social mobility, focusing on stories from individuals across various socio-economic backgrounds.
  • Effects of Urbanization on Community Bonds Explore how urbanization impacts community relationships and social networks, and what this means for social cohesion in urban settings.
  • Changing Gender Roles in Family Dynamics Research how evolving gender roles are reshaping family structures and dynamics, affecting everything from daily responsibilities to interpersonal relationships.
  • Media's Influence on Public Views of Social Issues Analyze how media portrayals shape public opinions on significant issues like immigration and climate change, using specific media examples.
  • Engagement of Youth in Politics through Cultural Trends For this topic, discover how cultural trends influence political engagement among young people, identifying which platforms and issues resonate most with them.
  • Contemporary Art as a Reflection of Societal Changes Examine how contemporary artists use their work to comment on and engage with shifts in society, highlighting specific pieces that have stirred public conversation.

Quantitative Research Proposal Ideas

These quantitative research proposal topics are perfect for exploring the numbers behind important issues, from consumer spending to environmental policies:

  • What Factors Drive Consumer Spending in a Digital Economy? Look at what really makes people spend money online, using data from e-commerce platforms to spot the trends and patterns that matter most.
  • How Effective Are Public Health Campaigns in Reducing Smoking Rates? Explore how well anti-smoking campaigns are working by comparing smoking rates across different regions and demographics.
  • Does Access to Higher Education Improve Economic Mobility? See how access to college impacts a person’s ability to move up the economic ladder, using income data to find out if education really makes a difference.
  • How Do Workplace Diversity Programs Affect Employee Productivity? Dive into how diversity initiatives at work might boost productivity, by analyzing performance data from companies with different levels of diversity.
  • What Are the Economic Impacts of Minimum Wage Increases? For this topic, examine what happens when the minimum wage goes up, using economic data to see how it affects jobs and business growth in various regions.
  • How Does Social Media Influence Political Participation? Study the link between social media use and getting involved in politics, using data to explore how online activity relates to voter turnout.
  • Are Renewable Energy Policies Effective in Reducing Carbon Emissions? Check out whether policies pushing for renewable energy are actually cutting down on carbon emissions, using environmental data to track changes over time.
  • What Are the Patterns of Income Inequality in Urban vs. Rural Areas? Compare income inequality between cities and rural areas, using census data to understand what’s driving the differences.
  • How Does Physical Activity Influence Academic Performance in Students? Look into how staying active might help students do better in school, using data from school performance reports to see if there’s a real connection.
  • What Factors Predict Job Satisfaction Among Employees? For this topic, figure out what really makes people happy at work by analyzing survey data on job satisfaction, focusing on things like work-life balance, pay, and job security.

Easy Research Proposal Topics for Students

These simple research proposal topics are perfect for students who want to explore important ideas without getting overwhelmed.

  • How Does Social Media Impact Study Habits? Explore how platforms like Instagram or TikTok influence the way students manage their study time, using survey data from your peers.
  • What Factors Affect High School Graduation Rates? Look into the key reasons some students graduate on time while others don’t, analyzing data from local schools or national statistics.
  • Does Listening to Music Help Students Focus? Study whether listening to music while studying actually improves concentration, using feedback and test results from students who try it.
  • How Do School Uniforms Affect Student Behavior? Investigate whether wearing uniforms in school has any real impact on how students behave, using case studies from schools that have introduced them.
  • What Are the Benefits of Homework for Academic Success? For this topic, examine whether doing homework regularly leads to better grades and understanding of the material, based on student performance data.
  • How Does Class Size Affect Student Learning? See if smaller class sizes really make a difference in how well students learn, comparing test scores from different classroom settings.
  • Are Online Classes as Effective as Traditional Classroom Learning? Study the effectiveness of online learning compared to in-person classes, focusing on student performance and engagement.
  • How Does Sleep Affect Academic Performance? Look into how much sleep students are getting and whether it’s linked to better grades, using surveys and school performance data.
  • What Role Does Parental Involvement Play in Student Success? Explore how parents’ involvement in their children’s education affects their academic achievements, using interviews and data from schools.
  • How Does Peer Pressure Influence Student Choices? For this topic, investigate how much peer pressure affects decisions like studying, attending classes, or participating in extracurricular activities, using survey data from your classmates.

The research topic ideas we've covered highlight some of the most popular and relevant areas for students today. Whether you're looking into how social media influences political campaigns or the role of leadership styles in boosting employee productivity, these proposal ideas offer a strong starting point for your academic journey.

If you’re still feeling stuck or need a bit more guidance, DoMyEssay is here to help. Our team of experts can assist you in crafting a research proposal that truly shines. Check out our research proposal writing service for more support.

  • Renewable Energy ETF to Snatch Up Today. (n.d.). The Globe and Mail.
  • Artificial Intelligence Mega Trends. (n.d.). Markets and Markets.

200 best research topics for 2020

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The top 10 journal articles of 2020

In 2020, APA’s 89 journals published more than 5,000 articles—the most ever and 25% more than in 2019. Here’s a quick look at the 10 most downloaded to date.

Vol. 52 No. 1 Print version: page 24

man watching television

1. Me, My Selfie, and I: The Relations Between Selfie Behaviors, Body Image, Self-Objectification, and Self-Esteem in Young Women

Veldhuis, j., et al..

Young women who appreciate their bodies and consider them physical objects are more likely to select, edit, and post selfies to social media, suggests this study in Psychology of Popular Media (Vol. 9, No. 1). Researchers surveyed 179 women, ages 18 to 25, on how often they took selfies, how they selected selfies to post, how often they used filters and editing techniques, and how carefully they planned their selfie postings. They also assessed participants’ levels of body appreciation and dissatisfaction, self-objectification, and self-esteem. Higher levels of self-objectification were linked to more time spent on all selfie behaviors, while body appreciation was related to more time spent selecting selfies to post, but not frequency of taking or editing selfies. Body dissatisfaction and self-esteem were not associated with selfie behaviors. DOI: 10.1037/ppm0000206

2. A Closer Look at Appearance and Social Media: Measuring Activity, Self-Presentation, and Social Comparison and Their Associations With Emotional Adjustment

Zimmer-gembeck, m. j., et al..

This Psychology of Popular Media (online first publication) article presents a tool to assess young people’s preoccupation with their physical appearance on social media. Researchers administered a 21-item survey about social media to 281 Australian high school students. They identified 18 items with strong inter-item correlation centered on three categories of social media behavior: online self-presentation, appearance-related online activity, and appearance comparison. In a second study with 327 Australian university students, scores on the 18-item survey were found to be associated with measures of social anxiety and depressive symptoms, appearance-related support from others, general interpersonal stress, coping flexibility, sexual harassment, disordered eating, and other factors. The researchers also found that young women engaged in more appearance-related social media activity and appearance comparison than did young men. DOI: 10.1037/ppm0000277

3. The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-2019) Outbreak: Amplification of Public Health Consequences by Media Exposure

Garfin, d. r., et al..

Repeated media exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic may be associated with psychological distress and other public health consequences, according to this commentary in Health Psychology (Vol. 39, No. 5). The authors reviewed research about trends in health behavior and psychological distress as a response to media coverage of crises, including terrorist attacks, school shootings, and disease outbreaks. They found that repeated media exposure to collective crises was associated with increased anxiety and heightened acute and post-traumatic stress, with downstream effects on health outcomes such as new incidence of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, misinformation can further amplify stress responses and lead to misplaced or misguided health-protective and help-seeking behaviors. The authors recommended public health agencies use social media strategically, such as with hashtags, to keep residents updated during the pandemic. They also urged the public to avoid sensationalism and repeated coverage of the same information. DOI: 10.1037/hea0000875

4. Barriers to Mental Health Treatment Among Individuals With Social Anxiety Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Goetter, e. m., et al..

This study in Psychological Services (Vol. 17, No. 1) indicates that 3 in 4 people who suffer from anxiety do not receive proper care. Researchers recruited 226 participants in the United States who were previously diagnosed with social anxiety disorder or generalized anxiety disorder and assessed their symptom severity and asked them to self-report any barriers to treatment. Shame and stigma were the highest cited barriers, followed by logistical and financial barriers and not knowing where to seek treatment. Participants with more severe symptoms reported more barriers to treatment than those with milder symptoms. Racial and ethnic minorities reported more barriers than racial and ethnic majorities even after controlling for symptom severity. The researchers called for increased patient education and more culturally sensitive outreach to reduce treatment barriers. DOI: 10.1037/ser0000254

5. The Construction of “Critical Thinking”: Between How We Think and What We Believe

This History of Psychology (Vol. 23, No. 3) article examines the emergence of “critical thinking” as a psychological concept. The author describes how, between World War I and World War II in the United States, the concept emerged out of growing concerns about how easily people’s beliefs could be changed and was constructed in a way that was independent of what people believed. The author delves into how original measurements of critical thinking avoided assumptions about the accuracy of specific real-world beliefs and details how subsequent critical thinking tests increasingly focused on logical abilities, often favoring outcome (what we believe) over process (how we think). DOI: 10.1037/hop0000145

6. Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder: Integration of Alcoholics Anonymous and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Breuninger, m. m., et al..

This article in Training and Education in Professional Psychology (Vol. 14, No. 1) details how to work with alcohol use disorder patients who are participating in both cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The authors point to distinctions between AA and CBT: The goal of AA is total abstinence and the primary therapeutic relationship is with a peer in recovery, while CBT takes a less absolute approach and the primary relationship is with a psychotherapist. The authors also point to commonalities: both approaches emphasize identifying and replacing dysfunctional beliefs and place value in social support. The authors recommend clinicians and trainees become more educated about AA and recommend a translation of the 12-step language into CBT terminology to bridge the gap. DOI: 10.1037/tep0000265

7. Positivity Pays Off: Clients’ Perspectives on Positive Compared With Traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

Geschwind, n., et al..

Positive cognitive behavioral therapy, a version of CBT focused on exploring exceptions to the problem rather than the problem itself, personal strengths, and embracing positivity, works well to counter depressive symptoms and build well-being, according to this study in Psychotherapy (Vol. 57, No. 3). Participants received a block of eight sessions of traditional CBT and a block of eight sessions of positive CBT. Researchers held in-depth interviews with 12 of these participants. Despite initial skepticism, most participants reported preferring positive CBT but indicated experiencing a steeper learning curve than with traditional CBT. Researchers attributed positive CBT’s favorability to four factors: feeling empowered, benefiting from effects of positive emotions, learning to appreciate baby steps, and rediscovering optimism as a personal strength. DOI: 10.1037/pst0000288

8. Targeted Prescription of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Versus Person-Centered Counseling for Depression Using a Machine Learning Approach

Delgadillo, j., & gonzalez salas duhne, p..

Amachine learning algorithm can identify which patients would derive more benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) versus counseling for depression, suggests research in this Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (Vol. 88, No. 1) article. Researchers retrospectively explored data from 1,085 patients in the United Kingdom treated with either CBT or counseling for depression and discovered six patient characteristics—age, employment status, disability, and three diagnostic measures of major depression and social adjustment—relevant to developing an algorithm for prescribing the best approach. The researchers then used the algorithm to determine which therapy would work best for an additional 350 patients with depression. They found that patients receiving their optimal treatment type were twice as likely to improve significantly. DOI: 10.1037/ccp0000476

9. Traumatic Stress in the Age of COVID-19: A Call to Close Critical Gaps and Adapt to New Realities

Horesh, d., & brown, a. d..

This article in Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy (Vol. 12, No. 4) argues that COVID-19 should be examined from a post-traumatic stress perspective. The authors call for mental health researchers and clinicians to develop better diagnoses and prevention strategies for COVID-related traumatic stress; create guidelines and talking points for the media and government officials to use when speaking to an anxious, and potentially traumatized, public; and provide mental health training to professionals in health care, education, childcare, and occupational support in order to reach more people. DOI: 10.1037/tra0000592

10. Emotional Intelligence Predicts Academic Performance: A Meta-Analysis

Maccann, c., et al..

Students with high emotional intelligence get better grades and score higher on standardized tests, according to the research presented in this article in Psychological Bulletin (Vol. 146, No. 2). Researchers analyzed data from 158 studies representing more than 42,529 students—ranging in age from elementary school to college—from 27 countries. The researchers found that students with higher emotional intelligence earned better grades and scored higher on achievement tests than those with lower emotional intelligence. This finding was true even when controlling for intelligence and personality factors, and the association held regardless of age. The researchers suggest that students with higher emotional intelligence succeed because they cope well with negative emotions that can harm academic performance; they form stronger relationships with teachers, peers, and family; and their knowledge of human motivations and socialinteractions helps them understand humanities subject matter. DOI: 10.1037/bul0000219

5 interviews to listen to now

Psychology’s most innovative thinkers are featured on APA’s Speaking of Psychology podcast , which highlights important research and helps listeners apply psychology to their lives. The most popular episodes of 2020, as measured by the number of downloads in the first 30 days, were: 

  • How to have meaningful dialogues despite political differences , with  Tania Israel, PhD
  • Canine cognition and the survival of the friendliest , with  Brian Hare, PhD  
  • The challenges faced by women in leadership , with  Alice Eagly, PhD
  • How to choose effective, science-based mental health apps , with  Stephen Schueller, PhD  
  • Psychedelic therapy , with Roland Griffiths, PhD  

Listen to all of the Speaking of Psychology episodes .

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Best Research Paper Topics: The Ultimate List

Research Paper Topics

A research paper is a detailed document presenting original research, analysis, or evaluation on a specific topic, backed by evidence. It includes an introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and references, contributing to academic knowledge. To create a good research paper, you need to gather information from reliable sources and build a strong argument or explanation. This process allows students to develop important skills for their future studies and career. To help you get started, this article offers a wide range of best research paper topics in different subjects to choose from.

If you need more help or advice after exploring these ideas, you can use a professional writing service like WritePaper. Simply ask us to ' write my papers ' and get expert help with any kind of assignment. We'll make sure your paper meets the highest academic standards.

What is a Good Research Paper Topic?

Here are five points to consider when selecting a good research paper topic:

Choose a topic relevant to your field of study or area of interest. It should address current issues, debates, or gaps in the existing literature. Research contributing to solving real-world problems or advancing knowledge in a particular field is highly valued.

Select a topic that genuinely interests you. Your enthusiasm for the subject will fuel your motivation and engagement throughout the research process. It's easier to stay committed and produce high-quality work when you're passionate about what you're studying.


Consider the resources and time available for your research. Ensure that your chosen topic is feasible within the constraints of your project, such as access to data, equipment, or research participants. A manageable scope will help you stay focused and achieve meaningful results. You can ask a professor to work with you on a specific topic. But first, you should consider hiring research proposal writers to assist you with such a document.

Aim for a topic that offers a fresh perspective or presents a novel approach to an existing problem. Avoid topics that have been extensively researched unless you have a unique angle to explore or a new methodology to apply. Originality and innovation can make your research stand out and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

Think about the potential impact of your research on academia, society, or the relevant stakeholders. Consider who will benefit from your findings and how they can be applied or implemented. Research that addresses pressing issues or has practical implications is likely to attract attention and make a meaningful contribution to the field.

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How to Choose a Good Research Paper Topic?

To choose a good research paper topic, you need to follow a few tips below. Since the selection process is your first challenge, we thought of the most helpful steps to help you brainstorm different research paper ideas.

where to look for research paper topics

  • Identify a Broad Interest: To begin, reflect on your personal interests. Even for easy research paper topics, you need to balance your personal passion with academic or societal relevance. A broad topic allows for multiple perspectives and research angles, but make sure it's not too broad or too narrow. Remember that if you also need a personal statement writing service , you should definitely consider this option.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research: Once you have a general area of interest, start exploring your chosen subject. Balance thorough research with avoiding information overload. Understand the difference between primary and secondary sources—primary sources provide original data, while secondary sources offer general overviews. Assess the credibility and reliability of your sources.
  • Brainstorm Related Concepts: Generate a diverse pool of ideas without judgment. Visualizing relationships between ideas can reveal unexpected connections and help identify subtopics. Consider relevant keywords to suggest additional concepts and search terms.
  • Formulate a Research Question: Turn your broad interest into a focused inquiry. Depending on your research, your question might be descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, or evaluative. A clear and concise question avoids ambiguity and keeps your investigation focused. Ensure your question is achievable within your resources and time frame and contributes to existing knowledge or addresses a significant gap.
  • Consider Different Perspectives: Look at your topic from various angles. Incorporate insights from different disciplines for fresh perspectives and innovative approaches. Understand the historical development of your topic to provide essential background information and identify patterns of change. Don’t forget that at any point, especially when you lack time, you can tell us, ‘ Write my research paper for me ,’ so we can take on that workload and give you relief.
  • Start In-Depth Research: Immerse yourself in scholarly materials to build a comprehensive understanding of your research paper topic. This phase requires critical thinking, analysis, and synthesizing information from various sources. Effective note-taking helps organize information and capture key ideas, enhancing the research process.
  • ‍ Embrace Flexibility: Finally, remember that the research process is rarely linear. Be prepared for unexpected findings and new information, and adjust your research plan accordingly. Flexibility allows you to capitalize on opportunities and avoid dead ends.

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200 best research topics for 2020

Best Research Paper Topics For Students

Research paper topics for middle school.

  • Butterfly life cycle.
  • History of the internet.
  • Plastic pollution impact.
  • How volcanoes form.
  • Importance of recycling.
  • The water cycle.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Photosynthesis process.
  • Role of bees.
  • Social media effects.
  • Space exploration history.
  • Exercise and mental health.
  • Weather forecasting.
  • Light bulb invention.
  • Amazon rainforest importance.

High School Research Paper Topics

  • Climate change and polar ice caps.
  • AI in modern medicine.
  • Social media and teen mental health.
  • Civil rights movement impact.
  • Ethics of genetic engineering.
  • Renewable energy and the environment.
  • Causes of World War II.
  • Internet's societal impact.
  • Women in STEM.
  • Evolution of space exploration.
  • Diet and health connection.
  • Ancient Greek influence today.
  • Great Depression causes.
  • Importance of biodiversity.
  • Globalization effects on cultures.

College Research Paper Topics

  • AI and job markets.
  • Climate change policies.
  • Ethics of gene editing.
  • Social media in politics.
  • Renewable energy challenges.
  • College student mental health.
  • Big data in healthcare.
  • Economic impact of pandemics.
  • Cybersecurity solutions.
  • Evolution of feminist theory.
  • UN's role in global conflicts.
  • Globalization and developing countries.
  • Advances in renewable energy.
  • Cultural impact of immigration.
  • Future of quantum computing.

Research Paper Topics by Categories

Research paper topics on medicine.

  • Advances in cancer treatment.
  • The impact of telemedicine.
  • Vaccination and public health.
  • Antibiotic resistance.
  • The role of genetics in disease.
  • Mental health treatment innovations.
  • The opioid crisis and solutions.
  • Stem cell therapy advancements.
  • Personalized medicine.
  • The future of robotic surgery.
  • Nutrition and chronic disease.
  • The impact of aging populations.
  • Gene therapy for rare diseases.
  • The effectiveness of alternative medicine.
  • Public health strategies for pandemics.

Research Paper Ideas on Education

  • Technology in classrooms.
  • Remote learning challenges.
  • Improving literacy rates.
  • Standardized testing roles.
  • Closing the achievement gap.
  • School funding effects.
  • Early childhood education.
  • STEM teaching methods.
  • Teacher-student relationships.
  • Inclusive education.
  • Extracurricular activities' impact.
  • Benefits of bilingual education.
  • Parental involvement in academics.
  • Addressing school bullying.
  • Future of online degrees.

Environmental Research Paper Topic Ideas

  • Deforestation and biodiversity.
  • Carbon emissions reduction.
  • Climate change and marine life.
  • Renewable energy benefits.
  • Urban pollution control.
  • Wetlands preservation importance.
  • Sustainable agriculture.
  • Environmental policy impact.
  • Plastic pollution effects.
  • Water scarcity solutions.
  • Air pollution and health.
  • Urban biodiversity conservation.
  • Industrialization's environmental impact.
  • Renewable energy in developing nations.
  • Wildlife corridors for habitat.

Good Research Paper Topics on Sport

  • Youth sports and development.
  • Gender equality in sports.
  • Sports psychology techniques.
  • Nutrition and athletic performance.
  • Preventing sports injuries.
  • Sports media influence.
  • Rise of esports.
  • Economics of sports.
  • Sports and personal identity.
  • Ethics of doping.
  • Psychology of sports fandom.
  • Sports diplomacy.
  • Sports and community development.
  • Race and sports participation.
  • Sports officiating challenges.

Interesting Research Paper Topics on Media and Communication

  • Social media's influence on communication.
  • Gender portrayal in media.
  • Media's role in shaping politics.
  • Impact of fake news.
  • Advertising and consumer behavior.
  • Media censorship issues.
  • Rise of influencer culture.
  • Streaming services' impact on media.
  • Digital divide and media access.
  • Race representation in media.
  • Media literacy in the digital era.
  • Evolution of online journalism.
  • Mobile communication and relationships.
  • Media coverage of crises.
  • Media's role in globalization.

Good Research Paper Ideas on Politics

  • Populism's impact on democracy.
  • Electoral systems and representation.
  • Money's role in politics.
  • Political polarization.
  • Rise of 21st-century authoritarianism.
  • Politics of immigration.
  • Human rights in international politics.
  • Media influence on politics.
  • Global governance challenges.
  • Identity politics' impact.
  • Environmental policies on climate change.
  • Healthcare reform politics.
  • Diplomacy in international relations.
  • Social movements and politics.
  • Technology in political activism.

Topics for Research Papers on Technology

  • AI's impact on job automation.
  • Ethics of autonomous vehicles.
  • Blockchain's industry revolution.
  • Cybersecurity in interconnected devices.
  • Social media algorithms' influence.
  • Future of 5G technology.
  • Rise of remote work.
  • Ethical concerns in biometric surveillance.
  • Potential of quantum computing.
  • Wearable tech in healthcare.
  • Tech and mental health.
  • Technology in education.
  • Privacy in big data.
  • Technology and climate change.
  • Ethical dilemmas of genetic engineering.

Research Papers Ideas on Culture

  • Fashion industry and cultural appropriation.
  • Globalization's impact on indigenous cultures.
  • Cultural identity and language.
  • Communication styles across cultures.
  • Food and cultural identity.
  • Cultural representations in media.
  • Cultural norms and etiquette.
  • Heritage preservation in urban areas.
  • Technology and cultural practices.
  • Cross-cultural misunderstandings.
  • Cultural diversity in workplaces.
  • Significance of cultural rituals.
  • Religion's influence on culture.
  • Cultural tourism effects.
  • Cultural adaptation in the digital age.

Easy Research Paper Topics on Math

  • History of calculus.
  • Game theory in economics.
  • Mathematics in cryptography.
  • Unsolved number theory problems.
  • Math models in epidemiology.
  • Fractals in computer graphics.
  • Linear algebra applications.
  • Math and music.
  • Probability in risk assessment.
  • Math models for climate change.
  • Symmetry in mathematics.
  • Famous mathematical constants.
  • Mathematics of voting systems.
  • Graph theory in networks.
  • Topology in shape understanding.

Research Paper Topics Ideas on Business

  • Globalization's impact on corporations.
  • Entrepreneurship in the digital age.
  • Corporate social responsibility.
  • AI in business decision-making.
  • Supply chain management strategies.
  • Culture in international negotiations.
  • E-commerce vs. traditional retail.
  • Financial markets and investments.
  • Opportunities in the gig economy.
  • Business ethics in big data era.
  • Strategic management for advantage.
  • Digital marketing and consumer behavior.
  • Sustainability in business.
  • Trade agreements' impact on businesses.
  • Corporate governance for sustainability.

Literature Research Paper Topics

  • Gender in Shakespeare's plays.
  • Identity in immigrant literature.
  • Nature in American Transcendentalism.
  • Postcolonial literature critique.
  • Mythology in modern fantasy.
  • Mental illness in literature.
  • Dystopian reflections on society.
  • War's impact on literature.
  • Gothic elements in literature.
  • Magical realism in Latin American lit.
  • Harlem Renaissance literature.
  • Environmental themes in literature.
  • Queer theory in literature.
  • Feminist perspectives in lit.
  • Evolution of Bildungsroman genre.

Law Research Paper Topics

  • Restorative justice effectiveness.
  • Technology's impact on privacy laws.
  • AI and legal implications.
  • International law and human rights.
  • Intellectual property rights in digital era.
  • Criminal justice reform strategies.
  • Law and neuroscience in crime.
  • Online free speech legal challenges.
  • Environmental law and climate change.
  • Legality of surveillance tech.
  • Gun control laws debate.
  • Discrimination and affirmative action.
  • Judiciary's role in social policy.
  • Corporate governance responsibilities.
  • Legal issues in biotechnology.

Picking the perfect topic for your research paper can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. However, if you choose something that truly piques your interest and is also relevant, you don't have to worry! Some popular research topics right now include:

  • The ethical implications of AI in decision-making
  • Climate change and its effects on global health
  • The stigma surrounding mental illness
  • Social media addiction and its consequences
  • Surveillance capitalism and privacy concerns

And if you need a little extra help, we're here for you. From the spark of an idea to the final polished paper, we can guide you through the entire research process. Let's work together to create something amazing!

  • updated info in introduction and conclusion blocks;
  • updated headings.
  • Collins, M. (2023, May 27). Research Paper Topics: 50 Ideas to Get Started. HBCU Lifestyle – Black College Living.
  • 100 Interesting Research Paper Topics for High Schoolers. (2023, May 4). CollegeVine Blog.
  • Research Guides: Paper Topic Ideas: Paper Topic Ideas. (n.d.).

Article Review

Top-notch Research Paper Topics List

29 November, 2020

16 minutes read

Author:  Kate Smith

You know how they say: “Be strong; the beginnings to great things are always the hardest”? And though you might not consider writing a research paper and choosing a good research paper topic a really great thing, you see our point. If you are having troubles getting started with the composition in question, we have good news for you.

Research Paper Topics

We have come up with a lengthy list of good research paper topics that will come in handy if you are running out of research paper ideas. Sounds like something you can use? Then don’t hesitate to make the most out of it!

And if you would rather order a whole piece from a professional, we can be of much help here too. Our research paper writing service can craft a piece for you at any time and on any topic. Just drop us a line!

But before we dive into various topics we have to offer, consider checking out our recommendations on how to find argumentative research paper topics all by yourself.

What is a Good Topic for a Research Paper?

good research paper topic

There are several facets of a good research paper topic. To put it short, your theme should be:

When you pose a topic for your research, be sure that it is clear. A reader should be able to understand its purpose right away. If he doesn’t, you did not do a very good job formulating the subject line.

No kidding: you should do your best to be innovative even if you are writing a paper on something as old as time. It might not be simple, but we’re sure you can find a new perspective if you dedicate enough time to the search.

The paper must contain precise figures or facts. They are at the core of your research. Don’t confuse this type of composition with descriptive writing. They have nothing in common. So, focus on precise data: that’s exactly what your readers expect from you.

How to Choose Interesting Research Paper Topics

how to choose research paper topic

Before you take one of the topics we suggest, we recommend you to try to come up with a good topic yourself. It might be easier than you think. Here are several ways to spot an interesting idea:

Think of Something You Find Interesting.

There are always things we find astonishing but don’t have enough time to explore deeper. Maybe this is your chance to give it some time and conduct in-depth research. Of course, take into account the discipline and the academic level required. Thus, it’s pretty clear that you can’t talk about the Vietnam War for the Social Studies class paper (unless you’re looking into the differences of the military operations impact on the civilians and soldiers).

Choose a Topic With Sufficient Data for the Research.

The main point of writing this paper lies in finding information at various credible sources and refining it. Therefore, if you pick a subject that is somewhat new or wasn’t studied well in the past, you’ll have no information to work with. That is why the availability of credible information is vital to the success of the writing process.

Narrow the Subject Down.

The subject you find great interest in might be too broad. Not to sound too shallow, it’s better for you to pick just one perspective of the problem and study it carefully. This way you will be able to dive deep enough into the research instead of just hitting the high spots.

These are our recommendations on how to choose a theme on your own. Now let’s look into other tips we’d like to offer to you before you get down to writing.

Related post: How to write an Argumentative essay 

How to write an outline for a research paper

While you can find all the essential information in our guide on how to write a perfect research paper outline , here we’ll introduce you to the basics.

  • Find an engaging topic. For it, read on to see what subject line we have to offer.
  • Create a list of credible sources to take a look at. You can either ask you tutor for recommendations, surf the web, or go old school and visit a library for suggestions.
  • Mark all the elements you will add to your outline.
  • Briefly explain what each of these components will be about. But don’t bury the blueprint under too many details. Keep it short!
  • Finally, find good examples to explore.

Now, that you understand how to craft a plan for your paper, have our tips to help you out along the way, your only job is to find good topic ideas to write about. And we can help you with that too!

Note that our company provides academic writing help. You can buy a research paper written from scratch by our  essay writer .

Now that you know your ways around crafting good research papers, we want to introduce you to our list of various ideas you can conduct a thorough research on. Use our ideas if coming up with your own is something you don’t want to deal with at the moment.

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Are people with the IQ level above the average really unhappy?
  • Eating disorders: Are they necessarily associated with the self-image issues?
  • The impact of stress on the mental health of a person.
  • The nature and causes of child violence.
  • Insomnia as a valid excuse for breaking the rules or committing crimes.
  • Race relations in the USA in the 20th century and today.
  • The nature and causes of sexual orientation: Different perspectives on the issue.

Easy Research Paper Topics

  • The glass ceiling: Myth or reality?
  • Popular ventures started without money.
  • The history of the social media boom around the globe.
  • Top tech startups of the 21st century.
  • Video games and their impact on the development of young people.
  • Animal testing across the globe.
  • Is global warming real?
  • Has the Internet become a safer place with the cybersecurity principles implementation?
  • The impact of the screen time on a child’s mental development.
  • The US election system: The history and principles behind it.

World History Research Paper Topics

  • The life and traditions of the first Gladiators.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Bits and pieces of the tragedy.
  • The history of Singapore: From worst to first.
  • North Korea: Dictatorship ideology and its complications.
  • The establishment of the League of Nations.
  • Racial discrimination origins.
  • The history of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • The most powerful opponent of Germany in the WWI.
  • Egyptian pyramids: The history and meaning.
  • The history of Christianity.

Controversial Topics for Research Paper

  • The history of modern Israel.
  • Abortion: “My body – my rules” or the discrimination of the unborns’ rights?
  • How Facebook shaped the way people communicate today.
  • Beauty pageants: Celebration of the beauty or discrimination in disguise?
  • Death penalty around the globe.
  • Implications of gun control in the USA.
  • Creationism against Evolution.
  • Physical punishment as a core principle of children’s upbringing.
  • The origins of the “invasion of privacy” notion across the world.
  • The impact of social media addiction on young people.
  • Genetic predisposition to committing a crime.

High School Research Paper Topics

  • School uniform: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
  • The effect of sexual acts displays on TV.
  • The American Dream of Generation X and the Millennials.
  • Biggest cults existing today in the world.
  • Learning disabilities: Their nature, causes, and solutions.
  • The history of Somalia.
  • The portrayal of a woman in the social media today and 20 years ago.
  • Freedom of expression.
  • The poorest nations in the world.
  • The effect of feminism on Europe.
  • The impact of classical music on one’s brain.

Literature Research Paper Topics

  • The relevance of the US Literature class choices to the modern youth.
  • Examples of literature pieces that shaped whole cultures across the globe.
  • Feminism in literature.
  • The issue of the Holocaust in the world’s literature.
  • The first translations of the Bible.
  • Literature is known to be most effective in the struggle against illiteracy in different cultures.
  • The brightest images of Death in literature.
  • The history of slavery in Africa in world literature.
  • Romanticism in Spanish literature.
  • The moralism of the British literature of the 20th century.

College Research Paper Topics

  • Success stories of college dropouts.
  • The rarest phobias and fears people have.
  • The history of e-learning around the globe.
  • Can higher education grant a successful future career?
  • Should grades be banned from the educational system?
  • The use and harm of vaccination.
  • The new emerging specializations and professions of the 21st century.
  • The most effective teaching methods today.
  • The History of the Ivy League.
  • College re-organization for the better future of education.
  • Private vs. Public colleges in the USA: Pros and cons.

Persuasive Research Paper Topics

  • Antisemitism origins.
  • Sex education pushes the youth to involve in sexual relations too early.
  • The last days of newspapers in our media-controlled world.
  • The danger of the GMO.
  • Impact of Instagram on teenagers’ self-esteem.
  • Pros and cons of studying at a single-sex school.
  • Overpopulation management.
  • Deforestation: Are we digging our own grave this way?
  • People using cell phones while driving should be held criminally liable.
  • Paying children for good grades: Different perspectives on the issue.

Sports Research Paper Topics

  • The greatest athlete in the history of the world.
  • The history of the Olympic Games.
  • Why are cybersports considered sports?
  • The history of marathons and their use today.
  • Doping in sports.
  • The use of playing competitive sports.
  • The most dangerous sports from all over the world.
  • Should sports be used as a therapy in prisons?
  • Should student athletes be paid for playing sports?
  • The effect of physical activities on the human’s brain.

Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

  • Prisoners falsely accused and then released should receive financial compensation from the state.
  • Sexual harassment problem in Europe and the USA.
  • Should corporate abuse be considered a criminal injustice case?
  • The death penalty in different countries.
  • Hate crime history in the USA.
  • Control over the brutal behavior of guardsmen at prisons.
  • Should mental issues affect the court judgment?
  • Sex slavery: Should people buying and selling sex slaves be sentenced to the death penalty?
  • Should the criminals be allowed to vote?
  • Two sides of the Mandatory Minimum sentencing.

Topics about Technology for the Research Paper

  • Will artificial intelligence substitute humans at a workplace?
  • Saving the Earth today with the aid of state-of-the-art technologies.
  • Self-driving cars development history.
  • The history of Virtual and Augmented realities.
  • Positive use of nuclear energy and the future.
  • How does the lie detector work? Is this a trustworthy technology?
  • The history of aviation in the world.

Medical Research Paper Topics

  • Why animal testing should be stopped.
  • The history of the Placebo treatment.
  • Euthanasia: What doctors from different countries think about it.
  • The use of vegetarianism: The myth or reality?
  • Mental breakdown: Causes and prevention.
  • The notion of mood in medicine.
  • Should marijuana be allowed for recreational purposes?
  • Should vaccination be mandatory?
  • The history of plague in Europe.
  • The most dangerous virus of today.

Ethics Research Paper Topics

  • Religion and morality: Are people with strong moral beliefs more moral than atheists?
  • Should teachers be allowed to carry weapons to school?
  • Prostitution across the globe.
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Paparazzi and the invasion of celebrities’ privacy.
  • Parents should monitor their kids’ Internet use.
  • Do laws generally patronize women and discriminate against men?
  • Adoption by single parents vs. adoption by a two-parent family today.
  • Countries that use child labor: Should we use their products?
  • Should breastfeeding in public be banned?

Tips on Writing a Research Paper

  • Write an outline. An outline will help you stay focused. Since this type of writing is quite lengthy, it is easy to lose track along the way. That is why crafting a detailed outline is in your best interest. It will serve as a roadmap or a blueprint of the whole project.
  • Start bright. You only have one chance to make a positive first impression. That is why you simply cannot afford writing a dull introduction. There are certain rules on how to start a research paper, and you’d better stick to the rules as described in our guide. A bright opening paragraph will ensure the genuine interest of your audience in what you have to say about the topic and will keep them engaged as you write.
  • Use immaculate grammar and spelling. Nothing kills a good paper like poor grammar or spelling. It distracts the reader from the main point and makes him stumble while reading. And if you’re worried that grammar and spelling checking will take up too much of your time, don’t worry: you can always use technologies like Grammarly to do the job for you in seconds.
  • Compose a compelling thesis statement. A thesis statement is the central point of your research paper. You need to insert it in the introduction and make sure that this central idea is exactly one sentence long. Make it loud and clear. However, given the length of this vital part of a research paper, don’t bore readers with too many unnecessary details. This means that you should mention what issue you will look into and why but don’t explain in which ways you will achieve this. Here is a complete guide on what is a thesis statement that will walk you through the process step by step. Enjoy!
  • Stay within the word count limits. This type of writing has a rather strict word count limit. And you need to stay within it. Tutors don’t have all the time in the world to read long pieces. If you can’t stay within word count limits, they’ll assume you didn’t spend enough time filtering the most vital information out of the research (even if you did). So, not to give them that false impression, don’t make it too short or too long. Make it just right. This is the case when the size matters!
  • Ask for help. After spending long hours crafting this paper, you are likely to miss some important points. The thing is that you know exactly what you wanted to say, and mistakes seem to be left unnoticed. Not to let them slip into your text, ask your peers, friends, or family to take a look at your writing. Their fresh perspective might be of much help to you!

tips on writing a research paper

We hope our research paper topics ideas will help you pick a theme you are genuinely interested in. We promise: conducting research and diving into the search can be a lot of fun as long as you choose an engaging subject.

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200 best research topics for 2020

Running out of topics to write about? Check the suggestions below that can help you choose the right research paper topics:

Business Research Paper Topics:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Glass ceiling
  • Online retail
  • Outsourcing
  • White collar crime

Crime and Law Research Paper Topics:

  • Acquaintance rape
  • Animal rights
  • Assisted suicide
  • Campus violence
  • Capital punishment
  • Civil rights
  • Drinking age, legal
  • Drug legalization
  • Gun control
  • Hate crimes
  • Insanity defense
  • Mandatory Minimum sentencing
  • Patriot Act
  • Police brutality
  • Prisons and prisoners
  • Roe vs. Wade
  • Serial killers
  • Sexual harassment
  • Three Strikes Law

Drugs and Drug Abuse Research Paper Topics:

  • Doping in sports
  • Drug testing
  • Drunk driving

Education Research Paper Topics:

  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Charter schools
  • College admission policies
  • College athletes
  • College tuition planning
  • Distance education
  • Diploma mills
  • Education and funding
  • Grade inflation
  • Greek letter societies
  • Home schooling
  • Intelligence tests
  • Learning disabilities
  • Literacy in America
  • No Child Left Behind
  • Prayer in schools
  • Sex education
  • School vouchers
  • Standardized tests

Environmental Research Paper Topics:

  • Alternative fuel/hybrid vehicles
  • Conservation
  • Climate Change
  • Deforestation
  • Endangered species
  • Geoengineering
  • Global warming
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Marine pollution
  • Nuclear energy
  • Population control
  • Radioactive waste disposal
  • Soil pollution
  • Wildlife conservation

Family issues Research Paper Topics:

  • Battered woman syndrome
  • Child abuse
  • Divorce rates
  • Domestic abuse
  • Family relationships
  • Family values

Health Research Paper Topics:

  • Alternative medicine
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Artificial insemination
  • Birth control
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Dietary supplements
  • Exercise and fitness
  • Heart disease
  • Health Care Reform
  • HIV infection
  • In vitro fertilization
  • Medicaid, Medicare reform
  • Organic foods
  • Prescription drugs
  • Plastic surgery
  • Stem cell research
  • Teen pregnancy
  • Vegetarianism
  • Weight loss surgery

Media and Communications Research Paper Topics:

  • Children’s programming and advertising
  • Copyright Law
  • Freedom of speech
  • Materialism
  • Media conglomerates, ownership
  • Minorities in mass media
  • Political correctness
  • Portrayal of women
  • Reality television
  • Stereotypes
  • Television violence

Political Issues Research Paper Topics:

  • Affirmative Action
  • Budget deficit
  • Electoral College
  • Election reform
  • Illegal aliensIllegal aliens
  • Immigration
  • Impeachment
  • International relations
  • Operation Enduring Iraqi Freedom
  • Partisan politics
  • Social Security Reform
  • Third parties

Psychology Research Paper Topics:

  • Criminal psychology
  • Physical attraction
  • Schizophrenia

Religion Research Paper Topics:

  • Freedom of religion

Social Issues Research Paper Topics:

  • Airline safety, security
  • Affirmative Action programs
  • Child rearing
  • Discrimination in education
  • Employee rights
  • Gambling, online gaming
  • Gang identity
  • Gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender
  • Gay parenting
  • Gender discrimination
  • Genetic screening
  • Homelessness
  • Identity theft
  • Interracial marriage
  • Race relations
  • Reverse discrimination
  • Test biases
  • Textbook biases

Terrorism Research Paper Topics:

  • Bioterrorism
  • Homeland Security
  • September 11

Women and Gender Research Paper Topics:

  • Birth control and Pregnancy
  • Cultural expectations and practices
  • Discrimination
  • Eating disorders
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Marriage and Divorce
  • Media portrayals
  • Menstruation and Menopause
  • Prostitution
  • LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender)
  • Sex and Sexuality
  • Substance abuse
  • Violence and Rape

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The Top Ten Research Topics / Research Trends 2019-2020

Blog, Oxford Review

A look at the latest (people and organisations) research topics and research volumes for 2019 – 2020,

Most popular research topics 2019 – 2020

2019 – 2020 research volumes, commentary and notes: , evidence-based practice, explanations, what is the difference and what is this telling us, academic – practitioner gap and the time it takes for research to enter practice, leadership and management, knowledge management and organisational learning, innovation, open innovation, change and continuity, the generations in the workspace, concluding remarks.

Looking at our own stats and research volumes, the top 10 most popular research topics covered this year have been:

  • Organisational culture and climate (by far the most searched for topics)
  • Human Resource Cycles and models
  • Open innovation
  • Organisational commitment and engagement
  • Absorptive capacity and organisational learning
  • Phronesis and wisdom in organisations
  • Openness to change
  • Generations in the workplace

In terms of published research volume, the top ten (bearing in mind that we only include here research papers within our interest area of people and organisations).  You will notice that the sub items do not add up to the main research topics. The subitems represent allied research topics and are not subsets of the main topic. For example, research-based practice and learning trends are not primary research areas we cover all the time.

  • Research based practice 141,000
  • Evidence-based management – 76,800
  • Evidence based implementation – 61,000
  • Evidence-based leadership – 41,900
  • Management style – 90,700
  • Management strategy – 78,500
  • Management trends 75,200
  • Knowledge management – 116,000
  • Open innovation 99,100
  • Human Resources model – 24,400
  • Human Resources cycle – 13,300
  • Employee engagement – 25,900
  • Leadership trends – 20,300
  • Transformational leadership – 17,400
  • Servant leadership – 10,200
  • Organisational performance – 55,100
  • Organisational culture – 41,100
  • Organisational strategy – 41,100
  • Organisational structure – 38,200
  • Organisational climate – 32,300
  • Organisation trends 19,300
  • Organisational adaptation – 18,700
  • Organisational engagement – 16,500
  • Organisational citizenship – 7,220
  • Generation X – 102,000
  • Generation Z – 92,400
  • Generation Y – 85,300
  • Generations in the workplace – 10,400
  • Positive organisational psychology – 21,900
  • Positive organisational scholarship – 18,400
  • Learning trends – 55,700
  • Absorptive capacity – 8,760

There are some interesting observations and notes to be made about these two lists. The first list is based on the popularity / interest and search volumes of topics we have covered in the review.

The second list is based on research volumes or approximate numbers of papers published on a topic.

The first thing to note is that the issues people are interested in and the research volumes aren’t too far apart, but there are a few big differences.

Whilst scholars publish the most around evidence-based practice in terms of research volume, the interest from organisations is somewhat more muted. The world-wide search volume for evidence-based practice has remained constant:

The world-wide search volume for evidence-based practice

In the US there has been a slight increase in interest (search volume) over the years :

200 best research topics for 2020

In the UK search volumes have been pretty steady, which is largely the same picture in Australia, Germany, The Netherlands and just about every other country over the last 10 years.

200 best research topics for 2020

There are a number of explanations here for this year’s research volumes. The first is that evidence-based practitioners, because they are close to the research evidence, appear to be significantly more likely to publish evaluations and other practitioner-focused materials in peer reviewed journals (as opposed to most of the published research being conducted largely by academics) than almost any other form of practitioner, thus boosting the publication figures.

The second observation, which ties in with the first assumption, is the relatively high numbers of papers looking at evidence-based practice implementation and management.

What is interesting is that the publications on research-based practice firstly exceed those of evidence-based practice (141,000 papers this year v 126,000 for EBP) and secondly the publication of papers around implementation and management of these practices is really telling.







Firstly, whilst the two terms are frequently confused and used interchangeably, there is a big difference between research and evidence-based practice in terms of complexity. Research-based practice is based on using research to inform practice. Evidence-based practice, on the other hand, involves a systematic analysis of what the:

  • Research literature
  • Practitioner experience and expertise
  • Client requirements / needs
  • Work based knowledge and testing

tell us about the situation. All of this data is then used for decision-making and problem solving.

A number of commentators and research papers (which we cover frequently in our briefings) have shown that there is often a considerable gap between academic / university derived knowledge and practice on the ground floor or in any community [i] . Also, that academic / university derived knowledge and models tend not very often to be readily translated into practical and operational settings, in many areas of work or practice [ii] . Indeed, recent studies [iii] have shown that the time it takes for academic research to enter practice spans from an average of between 9 to17 years, and often even longer!

The research volumes appear to reflect the relative complexity and difficulty of implementing evidence-based practice compared to research-based practice.

There is quite a difference between the volumes of management and leadership research.   Management research = 122,000 papers in 2019 vs leadership research = 69,000 papers. That equates to 334 papers a day being published around management and 189 papers a day being published around leadership topics!

This is a ratio of roughly of 2:1 research papers being published in management: leadership fields.

This difference in research interest is mirrored in search volumes on Google (not research related):

200 best research topics for 2020

The red lines and volumes relate to management related searches over 2019 and the blue to leadership.

The search volume ratios for management and leadership are more like 4:1

In terms of management and leadership developers on LinkedIn we have:

For people with management development in their title 45.6 million people

200 best research topics for 2020

For people with leadership development in their title 23.6 million people

200 best research topics for 2020

Which is a rough ratio of 2:1

We have the same rough ratios of research output and people engaged in the development of managers and leaders (2:1), but this does not relate to actual public interest levels of the two topics (4:1).

Last year we published a briefing about how knowledge management was splitting from the learning domain within organisations and was not, largely (and bizarrely), being seen as part of the same process. In 2019 I tried to conduct a survey of organisational learning practitioners, managers and directors etc. Very few were willing to engage on the topic of knowledge management. This low return rate was the highest I have ever experienced.

It would appear that learning practitioners are not routinely involved in knowledge management, nor is knowledge management being seen as a learning issue. The research volumes also back this up with approximately 317 research papers a day (116,000 a year) being published about knowledge management and only 70 papers a day being published about topics connected to organisational learning (25,500).

Part of the issue appears to be that knowledge management is often being seen in organisations as a technology issue and learning often isn’t.

Innovation (93,000 papers in 2019) and open innovation – 66,500 papers, continue to be hot research topics last year. This is not surprising, given the evidence of increasing levels of competitiveness, market and social volatility and uncertainty. And yet, research levels looking at organisational ambidexterity (how to manage innovation / change and continuing operations / business / continuity at the same time) are relatively low at 2,500 papers in 2019. It could be that organisations don’t quite see (or are not quite thinking about) the challenges involved in continuity and change.

Given the above research volumes, it may come as a surprise to many practitioners that research around organisational change, on its own, was only around 37,500 papers in 2019 and business continuity about 21,900 research papers.

Something interesting is happening here. When we look at the Google search volumes, we see a world obsessed with innovation:

200 best research topics for 2020

When we remove the issue of innovation …

200 best research topics for 2020

It looks like people aren’t connecting innovation, change and continuity and how to manage and deal with these often-competing issues, especially in our organisations.

There are relatively high levels of research and public interest in generations in the workplace.

200 best research topics for 2020

This is despite a lot of good research (and research briefings and special reports we have published) and systematic reviews showing that there is really not much difference between the generations as such. The issues are maturity issues, rather than there being some fundamental difference between generations. Its maturational not generational. However, why let a good story and popular understanding get in the way of the facts!

In terms of work (53,100) and organisational psychology (47,500) the research numbers are looking pretty even for last year (2019) and mirror public interest in these topics:

200 best research topics for 2020

But are eclipsed by interest in topics like management:

200 best research topics for 2020

It has been a busy year. Currently there are approximately 105,000 research papers published every day around the world (up from 97,000 papers a day in 2018)!  This rate of increase is about 9% per year per year, which is a not unreasonable heuristic for the rate of change.

In our areas of people and organisations we get to see about 200 papers a day. We use 3 sets of criteria for working out what to translate out of “academic” into “human”:

  • That the research looks like reasonable (valid and reliable) research
  • That the topic is of interest to our members
  • That the research is saying something new and not just a re-validation of older studies

From that 200 approximately 65% are rejected on research quality grounds. This is usually either because:

  • The research methods or results appear to be dubious or the wrong method was used.
  • We can’t see how they have obtained their results.
  • There is little connection between the data and the reported findings.
  • There is no data to support the findings.

The desire and motivation to publish papers often exceeds the desire for rigour and science! Just because it’s in a peer reviewed paper doesn’t mean it is either correct or accurate.

We keep in pretty close contact with our members and have a pretty good handle on what they are working on / are interested in.

Lastly, looking forward, we will continue to be guided by our ever growing numbers of members, who are almost entirely evidence-based practitioners and experts in their field, either working in organisations or are active consultants, advisors, coaches and other professionals. About 5% of our members are academics, the rest are practitioners, authors and doers.

I hope this review is useful and interesting and I wish you a very happy and productive 2020.

200 best research topics for 2020

David Wilkinson – Editor

January 1st 2020

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Glasgow, R. E., & Emmons, K. M. (2007). How can we increase translation of research into practice? Types of evidence needed. Annu. Rev. Public Health, 28, 413-433.

Dingfelder, H. E., & Mandell, D. S. (2011). Bridging the research-to-practice gap in autism intervention: An application of diffusion of innovation theory. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 41(5), 597-609.

Green, L. W. (2008). Making research relevant: if it is an evidence-based practice, where’s the practice-based evidence? Family practice, 25(suppl_1), i20-i24.

Balas, E. A., & Boren, S. A. (2000). Managing clinical knowledge for health care improvement. Yearbook of medical informatics, 9(01), 65-70.

Locke, J., Rotheram-Fuller, E., Harker, C., Kasari, C., & Mandell, D. S. (2019). Comparing a Practice-Based Model with a Research-Based Model of social skills interventions for children with autism in schools. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 62, 10-17.

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What were the top research trends of 2020.

The most accessed dissertations reflect interest in health, technology, work and education throughout a tumultuous year

200 best research topics for 2020

The global COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affected the ways all of us worked, learned and related in 2020. Many of our offices and classrooms were transitioned into our homes and online, and our connections with friends and family went virtually…well, virtual.

These issues and concerns also impacted the kinds of topics that interested students and researchers around the world. In looking at ProQuest’s most accessed dissertations and theses in 2020, we weren’t surprised to see most of the titles related to education, leadership, organizational management, technology and health care– or some combination thereof.

The top-most accessed title was Social Media and Self-Evaluation: The Examination of Social Media Use on Identity, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem in Young Female Adults by Dr. Michelle Solomon (William James College). Given the increased amount of time spent on our devices and the reduction in person-to-person interaction over the past year, the influence of social media was more powerful than ever in our lives. Solomon’s study explores how engaging on these platforms impacts the ways we think about ourselves and others.

The second-most accessed title was Student Retention at the Community College: Meeting Students' Needs by Dr. Jill Jacobs-Biden (University of Delaware), US First Lady Elect. Along with concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on community colleges, curiosity about Dr. Biden’s research was likely stoked by viral backlash to a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed that criticized her use of the honorific.

Below is the complete list of most access doctoral dissertations from 2020. We suspect many of them will continue to be relevant in research and learning into this year.

  • Social Media and Self-Evaluation: The Examination of Social Media Use on Identity, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem in Young Female Adults Author: Solomon, Michelle Subject: Clinical Psychology Pubno: 10188962 
  • Student Retention at the Community College: Meeting students' needs  Author:  Jacobs-Biden, Jill Subject: Community college education Pubno: 3247570
  • Why Did You Stay?: A Case Study of Male Student Persistence in Technical College  Author:  Froehlich-Mueller, Kerry Subject: Community college education Pubno: 10680855
  • A Correlational Study on Interactive Technology Use and Student Persistence In eLearning Classes at an Online University  Author:  Edwards, Carol T. Subject: Information Technology Pubno: 10641768
  • Leadership Style and Leadership Education: A Phenomenological Study of Nurse Leader and Frontline Charge Nurse Perceptions of Leadership Style and Leadership Education in Hospitals Author:  Smith, Candace S. Subject: Educational Philosophy Pubno: 10690015
  • How High School Students' Perceptions of Their Teacher-Student Relationships Relate to Their Academic Achievement  Author:  Short, Lori A. Subject: Secondary Education Pubno: 10638662
  • Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction at a Fast Food Hamburger Chain: The Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty  Author:  Kabir, Jahangir M. Subject: Business Administration Pubno: 10169573
  • Organizational Change Readiness: Effects of Organizational Structure and Leadership Communication in Organizational Change  Author:  Krishnan, Rajesh R. Subject: Management Pubno: 10791024
  • Factors that Influence Successful Organizational Change in Corporations: Examination of Change Management, Employees' Reaction to Change, and Change Outcomes  Author:  Roberts, Augustus Dee Subject: Management Pubno: 10746805
  • Content Analysis of the Theory Base Used in the Conference Proceedings of the Association of Educational Communications and Technologies  Author:  Flynt, Peggy R. Subject: Education Pubno: 10635947
  • Social Media and the College Student Journey: An Examination of How Social Media Use Impacts Social Capital and Affects College Choice, Access, and Transition  Author:  Horvath-Plyman, Melissa Subject: Communication Pubno: 10937367
  • Rage and Social Media: The Effect of Social Media on Perceptions of Racism, Stress Appraisal, and Anger Expression Among Young African American Adults  Author:  Maxwell, Morgan Lindsey Subject: Social Psychology Pubno: 10120165
  • The Effects of Watson's Theory of Human Caring on the Nurse Perception and Utilization of Caring Attributes and the Impact on Nurse Communication  Author:  McMillan, Mary Owens Subject: Nursing Pubno: 10274624
  • Organizational Behavior: Perceptions Analysis of Micro and Macro Organizational Behavior in an Organizational Setting  Author:  Delich, Joshua T. Subject: Organizational Behavior Pubno: 10075919
  • Blended Technology Rich Instruction Verses Blended Computer Managed Instruction in 8th Grade Digital Literacy Instruction  Author:  Puccetti, Gregory Peter Subject: Educational Technology Pubno: 10149966
  • Application of Jean Watson's Theory of Transpersonal Caring in Nurses Practicing in a Pain Center   Author:  Hubert, Patricia Malone Subject: Nursing Pubno: 10933489
  • A Quantitative Study of Grit as a Predictor of Online Course Success at a Suburban Michigan Community College  Author:  Climer, Steven L. Subject: Higher Education Pubno: 10682242
  • The K-12 Service-Learning Standards and Fourth Grade Students' Math Achievement: A Quasi-Experimental Study in Georgia  Author:  Clark, Tanner Subject: Elementary Education Pubno: 10743197
  • Managing Marketing Mix and Communications in a Digital Era: The Role of Traditional and New Media in a Multichannel Environment  Author:  Kumar, Ashish Subject: Marketing Pubno: 3541126
  • A Study of the Relationship Between Skill Variety and High Internal Work Motivation, Task Identity and High Internal Work Motivation, Task Significance and High Internal Work Motivation, Autonomy and High Internal Work Motivation, and Intrinsic Job Feedback and High Internal Work Motivation in the Manufacturing arena Author:  Robbins, Jay Thomas Subject: Management Pubno: 9968179
  • An Assessment of Dropout Rates of Former Youth Ministry Participants in Conservative Southern Baptist Megachurches  Author:  Shields, James Brandon Subject: Social Sciences Education Pubno: 3356773
  • Cognitive Effects on the Neurophysiology and Biomechanics of Stroke Recovery  Author:  Diamond, Solomon Gilbert Subject: Biomedical Engineering Pubno: 3117980
  • Exploring Online Community Among Rural Medical Education Students: A Case Study  Author:  Palmer, Ryan Tyler Subject: Health Education Pubno: 3594744
  • A Quantitative Study of the Relationship between Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Violence Training to Reduce Stress and Attrition  Author: Tucker, Angela Subject: Teacher Education Pubno: 10746978
  • Implications of a Social Media Course for Adolescent Social Media Usage Author: Johnson, Nneka A. Subject: Education Pubno: 10261934

See the full list of most accessed dissertations and theses per month in 2020!

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Collection  12 March 2023

Journal Top 100 - 2022

This collection highlights our most downloaded* research papers published in 2022. Featuring authors from around the world, these papers highlight valuable research from an international community.

You can also check out the Top 100 across various subject areas here .

*Data obtained from SN Insights, which is based on Digital Science’s Dimensions.

image of abstract blue network

mRNA vaccine-induced antibodies more effective than natural immunity in neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 and its high affinity variants

  • Dominic Esposito

200 best research topics for 2020

Cats learn the names of their friend cats in their daily lives

  • Saho Takagi
  • Atsuko Saito
  • Hika Kuroshima

200 best research topics for 2020

Metformin administration is associated with enhanced response to transarterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma in type 2 diabetes patients

  • Woo Jin Jung
  • Sangmi Jang
  • Jin-Wook Kim

200 best research topics for 2020

The impact of digital media on children’s intelligence while controlling for genetic differences in cognition and socioeconomic background

  • Bruno Sauce
  • Magnus Liebherr
  • Torkel Klingberg

200 best research topics for 2020

Life tables of annual life expectancy and mortality for companion dogs in the United Kingdom

  • Kendy Tzu-yun Teng
  • Dave C. Brodbelt
  • Dan G. O’Neill

200 best research topics for 2020

Bioarchaeological and palaeogenomic portrait of two Pompeians that died during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD

  • Gabriele Scorrano
  • Serena Viva
  • Fabio Macciardi

200 best research topics for 2020

Reading on a smartphone affects sigh generation, brain activity, and comprehension

  • Motoyasu Honma
  • Yuri Masaoka
  • Masahiko Izumizaki

200 best research topics for 2020

Principal Component Analyses (PCA)-based findings in population genetic studies are highly biased and must be reevaluated

  • Eran Elhaik

200 best research topics for 2020

The determinants of COVID-19 morbidity and mortality across countries

  • Dianna Chang
  • Kelvin Jui Keng Tan

200 best research topics for 2020

Birdsongs alleviate anxiety and paranoia in healthy participants

  • J. Sundermann

200 best research topics for 2020

Identification of ADS024, a newly characterized strain of Bacillus velezensis with direct Clostridiodes difficile killing and toxin degradation bio-activities

  • Michelle M. O’Donnell
  • James W. Hegarty
  • Laurent Chesnel

200 best research topics for 2020

Multiple sclerosis genetic and non-genetic factors interact through the transient transcriptome

  • Renato Umeton
  • Gianmarco Bellucci
  • Giovanni Ristori

200 best research topics for 2020

The effect of metformin on the survival of colorectal cancer patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

  • Zeinab Tarhini
  • Kamelia Manceur
  • Niki Christou

200 best research topics for 2020

Chemical characterisation of the vapour emitted by an e-cigarette using a ceramic wick-based technology

  • M. Isabel Pinto

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Large-magnitude (VEI ≥ 7) ‘wet’ explosive silicic eruption preserved a Lower Miocene habitat at the Ipolytarnóc Fossil Site, North Hungary

  • Dávid Karátson
  • Imre Szarvas

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Far-UVC (222 nm) efficiently inactivates an airborne pathogen in a room-sized chamber

  • Waseem Hiwar
  • Kenneth Wood

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Low dose aspirin associated with greater bone mineral density in older adults

  • Hongzhan Liu
  • Xungang Xiao

200 best research topics for 2020

First direct evidence of adult European eels migrating to their breeding place in the Sargasso Sea

  • Rosalind M. Wright
  • Adam T. Piper
  • David Righton

200 best research topics for 2020

Infections with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant exhibit fourfold increased viral loads in the upper airways compared to Alpha or non-variants of concern

  • Christian J. H. von Wintersdorff
  • Jozef Dingemans
  • Paul H. M. Savelkoul

200 best research topics for 2020

Inappropriate sinus tachycardia in post-COVID-19 syndrome

  • Júlia Aranyó
  • Victor Bazan
  • Roger Villuendas

200 best research topics for 2020

The microstructure and the origin of the Venus from Willendorf

  • Gerhard W. Weber
  • Alexander Lukeneder

200 best research topics for 2020

COVID-19 reinfections among naturally infected and vaccinated individuals

  • Sezanur Rahman
  • M. Mahfuzur Rahman
  • Mustafizur Rahman

200 best research topics for 2020

Lockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic strongly impacted the circulation of respiratory pathogens in Southern China

  • Heping Wang
  • Yuejie Zheng
  • Wenjian Wang

200 best research topics for 2020

Alzheimer’s disease large-scale gene expression portrait identifies exercise as the top theoretical treatment

  • Mason A. Hill
  • Stephen C. Gammie

200 best research topics for 2020

COVID-19 symptoms are reduced by targeted hydration of the nose, larynx and trachea

  • Carolin Elizabeth George
  • Gerhard Scheuch
  • David A. Edwards

200 best research topics for 2020

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior in mouse via non-cell autonomous hippocampal neuronal death

  • Junyoung Oh
  • Woo-Hyun Cho
  • Sung Joong Lee

200 best research topics for 2020

Abdominal pain patterns during COVID-19: an observational study

  • Alexandre Balaphas
  • Kyriaki Gkoufa
  • Christian Toso

200 best research topics for 2020

Detection of human pathogenic bacteria in rectal DNA samples from Zalophus californianus in the Gulf of California, Mexico

  • Francesco Cicala
  • David Ramírez-Delgado
  • Alexei F. Licea-Navarro

200 best research topics for 2020

Industrialised fishing nations largely contribute to floating plastic pollution in the North Pacific subtropical gyre

  • Laurent Lebreton
  • Sarah-Jeanne Royer
  • Matthias Egger

200 best research topics for 2020

Hypertension and diabetes including their earlier stage are associated with increased risk of sudden cardiac arrest

  • Seung Young Roh
  • Young-Hoon Kim

200 best research topics for 2020

Utility of an artificial intelligence system for classification of esophageal lesions when simulating its clinical use

  • Ayaka Tajiri
  • Ryu Ishihara
  • Tomohiro Tada

200 best research topics for 2020

Prevalence, age of decision, and interpersonal warmth judgements of childfree adults

  • Zachary P. Neal
  • Jennifer Watling Neal

200 best research topics for 2020

Acute and protracted abstinence from methamphetamine bidirectionally changes intrinsic excitability of indirect pathway spiny projection neurons in the dorsomedial striatum

  • Sanghoon Choi
  • Steven M. Graves

200 best research topics for 2020

Indeterminacy of cannabis impairment and ∆ 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (∆ 9 -THC) levels in blood and breath

  • Gregory T. Wurz
  • Michael W. DeGregorio

200 best research topics for 2020

High rates of plasmid cotransformation in E. coli overturn the clonality myth and reveal colony development

  • Delia Tomoiaga
  • Jaclyn Bubnell
  • Paul Feinstein

200 best research topics for 2020

Metformin sensitizes leukemic cells to cytotoxic lymphocytes by increasing expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1)

  • Nerea Allende-Vega
  • Joaquin Marco Brualla
  • Martin Villalba

200 best research topics for 2020

Incorporation of machine learning and deep neural network approaches into a remote sensing-integrated crop model for the simulation of rice growth

  • Seungtaek Jeong
  • Jong-min Yeom

200 best research topics for 2020

Perceiving societal pressure to be happy is linked to poor well-being, especially in happy nations

  • Egon Dejonckheere
  • Joshua J. Rhee
  • Brock Bastian

200 best research topics for 2020

The earliest Pleistocene record of a large-bodied hominin from the Levant supports two out-of-Africa dispersal events

  • Alon Barash
  • Miriam Belmaker

200 best research topics for 2020

Generation mechanism and prediction of an observed extreme rogue wave

  • Johannes Gemmrich

200 best research topics for 2020

Fitness tracking reveals task-specific associations between memory, mental health, and physical activity

  • Jeremy R. Manning
  • Gina M. Notaro
  • Paxton C. Fitzpatrick

Domestic dogs ( Canis familiaris ) grieve over the loss of a conspecific

  • Stefania Uccheddu
  • Lucia Ronconi
  • Federica Pirrone

200 best research topics for 2020

Human transgenerational observations of regular smoking before puberty on fat mass in grandchildren and great-grandchildren

  • Jean Golding
  • Steve Gregory
  • Matthew Suderman

200 best research topics for 2020

Chlamydia pneumoniae can infect the central nervous system via the olfactory and trigeminal nerves and contributes to Alzheimer’s disease risk

  • Jenny A. K. Ekberg

200 best research topics for 2020

Oxycodone/naloxone versus tapentadol in real-world chronic non-cancer pain management: an observational and pharmacogenetic study

  • Jordi Barrachina
  • Cesar Margarit
  • Ana M. Peiró

Cooking methods are associated with inflammatory factors, renal function, and other hormones and nutritional biomarkers in older adults

  • Montserrat Rodríguez-Ayala
  • José Ramón Banegas
  • Pilar Guallar-Castillón

200 best research topics for 2020

Classification of pig calls produced from birth to slaughter according to their emotional valence and context of production

  • Elodie F. Briefer
  • Ciara C.-R. Sypherd
  • Céline Tallet

200 best research topics for 2020

Higher emotional awareness is associated with greater domain-general reflective tendencies

  • Michelle Persich
  • William D. S. Killgore

200 best research topics for 2020

A large Megaraptoridae (Theropoda: Coelurosauria) from Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Patagonia, Argentina

  • Alexis M. Aranciaga Rolando
  • Matias J. Motta
  • Fernando E. Novas

200 best research topics for 2020

Long COVID occurrence in COVID-19 survivors

  • Aya Sugiyama
  • Junko Tanaka

200 best research topics for 2020

Water activated disposable paper battery

  • Alexandre Poulin
  • Xavier Aeby
  • Gustav Nyström

200 best research topics for 2020

Intestinal preservation in a birdlike dinosaur supports conservatism in digestive canal evolution among theropods

  • Yichuan Liu

200 best research topics for 2020

Antiviral effect of cetylpyridinium chloride in mouthwash on SARS-CoV-2

  • Hirofumi Sawa

200 best research topics for 2020

Evidence of an oceanic impact and megatsunami sedimentation in Chryse Planitia, Mars

  • J. Alexis P. Rodriguez
  • Darrel K. Robertson
  • Mario Zarroca

200 best research topics for 2020

Curcumin and metformin synergistically modulate peripheral and central immune mechanisms of pain

  • Peththa Wadu Dasuni Wasana
  • Pasarapa Towiwat

200 best research topics for 2020

The first occurrence of an avian-style respiratory infection in a non-avian dinosaur

  • D. Cary Woodruff
  • Ewan D. S. Wolff
  • Lawrence M. Witmer

200 best research topics for 2020

Optimal linear estimation models predict 1400–2900 years of overlap between Homo sapiens and Neandertals prior to their disappearance from France and northern Spain

  • Igor Djakovic
  • Alastair Key
  • Marie Soressi

200 best research topics for 2020

The influence of time on the sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 serological testing

  • Arturo Torres Ortiz
  • Fernanda Fenn Torrente
  • Louis Grandjean

200 best research topics for 2020

Online misinformation is linked to early COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy and refusal

  • Francesco Pierri
  • Brea L. Perry
  • John Bryden

200 best research topics for 2020

A distinct symptom pattern emerges for COVID-19 long-haul: a nationwide study

  • Melissa D. Pinto
  • Charles A. Downs
  • Natalie Lambert

200 best research topics for 2020

SARS-CoV-2-reactive IFN-γ-producing CD4 + and CD8 + T cells in blood do not correlate with clinical severity in unvaccinated critically ill COVID-19 patients

  • Beatriz Olea
  • Eliseo Albert
  • David Navarro

200 best research topics for 2020

Classification of 74 facial emoji’s emotional states on the valence-arousal axes

  • Gaku Kutsuzawa
  • Hiroyuki Umemura
  • Yoshiyuki Kobayashi

200 best research topics for 2020

The emergence of a new sex-system (XX/XY 1 Y 2 ) suggests a species complex in the “monotypic” rodent Oecomys auyantepui (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae)

  • Willam Oliveira da Silva
  • Celina Coelho Rosa
  • Cleusa Yoshiko Nagamachi

200 best research topics for 2020

Detection of COVID-19 using multimodal data from a wearable device: results from the first TemPredict Study

  • Ashley E. Mason
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200 best research topics for 2020

200+ Research Proposal Topics

Published by Boni on June 29, 2022 June 29, 2022

Research Proposal Topics

What is a Research Proposal?

A research proposal is one of the essential elements of your academic career. It is a document that outlines the purpose, methodology, and results of your upcoming study. Research proposals have specific requirements concerning formatting, length, and information that must be included to be considered. Failure to follow these guidelines will likely result in rejection.

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We have presented 200+ research proposal topics that you can use to get started with your own research proposal. If you looking to buy research proposal online , Gudwriter is your preferred choice. We have hundreds of professional writers with expertise in different fields. Not only can they help you with your research proposal, but they can also assist you with writing your whole research paper. Contact us now and get a quality paper.

Key Sections of a Research Proposal

When coming up with research proposal topics, you ought to know what to include in the proposal- understand the key elements that should go into your proposal. The key sections to have are:

  • Title – Give your topic an attention-grabbing title. The title should be concise to state your intent.
  • Abstract – This brief summary of your topic is written in two or three paragraphs. It should be informative and easy to read. Do not include citations or quotations in the abstract. State your purpose, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Table of contents – This section of the proposal is a list of the different sections of your proposal. It is a guide to your readers as they read through your paper.
  • Introduction – In this part of your proposal, you ought to hook your readers’ interest. You may choose to use a question or state what the problem is in the introduction. This is also where you introduce your topic and explain how you will address it within the study.
  • Literature review – In this section, you should discuss the history of research in your chosen topic, review related studies that have been done that are related to your study, and give an overview of the current literature on your topic.
  • Objectives of the proposal – This section is where you state what you wish to study, explain why it is necessary or interesting, and tell the reader why your study will be important.
  • Methodology – Here, you should describe how you accomplished your study and what procedures were used in conducting it. Provide details on sample size and selection techniques; also include variables being tested and measurements used in data collection.
  • Scope of the research – Discuss the limitations of your study, including the length of time for data collection, testing procedures, and sample size.
  • Limitations of the research proposal – This section is where you describe any limitations that might be associated with your study. Include as much detail as possible.
  • Significance of the research – Summarize what will be gained by your study and why it was necessary to conduct it. This section should affect the reader and make them want to read on.
  • Conclusion – Here, you should summarize your research and discuss the implications of your findings. What do they tell us about how we should do our jobs?
  • References – This is where you list the sources from which you got information for your study.
  • Appendices – This is where you include tables and charts that are related to your topic.

How to Select the Best Research Proposal Topic

It would help if you found a brilliant research topic to develop the perfect research proposal. But how do you create the best research topic? Here’s how:

  • Ask questions – Research proposal topics are often based on a problem that must be solved. Ask yourself what questions need answers.
  • Question the question – Make sure you can answer the question in your research proposal and that the answer will be meaningful.
  • Put it in context – Decide if your question has implications for other areas of study, and be sure to find out if there are other researches on the topic.
  • Have realistic expectations – Don’t try to tackle everything at once. Choose a precise topic and narrow down your focus as much as possible.
  • Let your curiosity lead you – Attending conferences, seminars, workshops, or reading articles in trade journals may give you insights into areas of study that interest you or where there may be gaps in existing knowledge that need investigating.

By doing these, you are sure to come up with a killer research topic for your proposal.

What is Topic Selection?

Topic selection is a critical part of writing a good research proposal. It is the first step in writing a proposal. You should select your topic very carefully, as it will help you complete the entire paper. Here are some tips to help you in selecting your topic:

  • Your topic should be simple.
  • Your topic should be interesting.
  • Your topic must be attractive to outside readers of your paper.
  • You should well research your topic.

Below are brilliant examples of research proposal topics.

Psychology Research Proposal Topics

These are the psychology research proposal ideas you can work on. Psychology is a broad topic meaning there is a wide range of research ideas. Below are some of the impressive psychology topics you can cover:

  • REM sleep psychology.
  • How to control aggression in street demonstrations.
  • How the society models our behavior.
  • Anger psychology.
  • Differences and similarities between cataplexy and sleep paralysis.
  • Impacts of ignoring emotional needs in children when they grow up.
  • The balance between restraining factors and criminal intentions.
  • Causes of dehumanization in the Stanford prisoner experiment
  • The role played by unfamiliar environment in Milgram’s shock experiment
  • Measures of controlling aggression during street demonstrations
  • Conformity, compliance, and obedience as a function of social status
  • Physiological differences in brains determined by gender
  • Consequences of following continuous sleep disruption at the REM phase
  • An analysis of memory and cognitive processes in a patient with retrograde amnesia
  • Factors contributing to multiple personality disorder onset
  • Top social factors and life events endangering mental health in the US population
  • Symptoms and impact of ADHD on life quality
  • Environmental factors role in triggering depression
  • How much discipline is enough for harmonious development of a child’s personality?
  • Midlife crisis in men and women: similarities and differences
  • Child abuse as the causative factor for multiple psychological afflictions in later life
  • Impact of ignoring a child’s emotional needs on adult life
  • What impact does self-worth perception have on academic achievement?
  • Consequences of bullying in school on self-perception
  • How much study effort is ok for different ages?
  • Does a no-homework policy (like in Finland) have positive effects on student performance? Is such a model applicable to the US?

Criminal Justice Research Proposal Topics

Here you can choose the topic of your criminal justice research proposal. The criminal justice world is full of research proposal ideas you can work on. Examples may include:

  • The effects of various factors on the re-offense rate among the elderly in the prison system.
  • The findings and implications of combining the human factors engineering approach with a sociological approach to studying human behavior.
  • The effects of probation and parole at different stages.
  • Sex offenders and their families: Causes, consequences, and treatment.
  • How do high schools prevent teenage pregnancy?
  • How mass media and social media influence crimes
  • Solving violence in prisons
  • Political science
  • The relationship between police and people of different backgrounds.
  • Ethical and legal issues in international intervention
  • The impact of prison on children of incarcerated individuals
  • How mandatory minimum sentences hurt or help
  • How Can Economic Crimes Be Reduced?
  • Gun Control Debate
  • Human Trafficking Combat Methods
  • Power Abuse Among Police Officers Analysis

Sociology Research Proposal Topics

Sociology is a vast topic. You can write about various sociology topics, including social justice, human behavior, and so on. Below are some of the exciting topics you can write on sociology:

  • How can a slight policy change affect small environments?
  • What are the causes of crime, and how can it be resolved?
  • Why do people offend? This includes how people react to offense and how it affects the individual.
  • How does a person get into criminality?
  • How are the disabled treated in society?
  • Gender profiling today
  • Causes and consequences of early marriage
  • Sexuality in Disney movies
  • Does the human race define welfare?
  • Is emotional intelligence as important as they say?
  • Are men better professionals than women, or is it just a stereotype?
  • Causes and results of abusive marriages
  • Should same-sex couples be allowed to adopt kids?
  • Does homeschooling affect the quality of education?
  • Does homeschooling hinder the socialization of children ?

Criminology Research Proposal Topics

Criminology is a broad topic. You can write about many subjects in Criminology, such as crime, punishment, justice, etc. Below are some of the exciting topics you can handle in Criminology:

  • How does punishment work in the United States?
  • Different forms of punishment and how they are carried out
  • Different types of crimes and their effects.
  • The stages to crime evaluation and also the stages to rehabilitation.
  • The effects of crime in society today and how we can prevent it from happening again.
  • Personality traits that trigger criminal behavior.
  • Community deterioration and crime rates.
  • Does experimental criminology affect social policy?
  • Families and Crime.
  • Child Sexual Abuse.
  • Education and Criminal activities
  • How religion influences delinquent activities
  • Fingerprints and it’s meaning in investigation.
  • Crimes in the sphere of computer information: criminological analysis of the offender’s identity.
  • The concept and characteristics of crime among juvenile and youth.
  • Preventive activities of investigative agency in the process of detection and investigation of crimes.
  • The ethical basics of police activities in a modern society.
  • Criminality among women: characteristics and prevention.
  • Domestic crime and methods of it prevention.
  • Criminological problems preventing robbery.
  • Stages and methods of criminology research.
  • Victims and social consequences of crimes.

Educational Research Proposal Topics

Education is a broad topic, and countless things are happening globally. This means you can discover new perspectives that are appealing to talk about. The following are some great ideas for research proposal topics you can write in the Education field.

  • How playing and fun help kids grow properly
  • Effects of violence in games and movies on education.
  • How can students and teachers work together to improve education?
  • How to tackle courses you don’t like.
  • Is it really necessary to have sex education?
  • Social learning and how it affects education
  • How Psychology Can Help Improve Education
  • Why Education Should Teach us More About Our Health
  • Best Studying Methods for Students
  • Does Family Impact The Level of Education a Kid Will Achieve?
  • Distant education in the era of COVID-19 pandemic 
  • The role of technology in distant learning 
  • Student-student communication in distance education 
  • How can career counseling support high school students?
  • How does Race to the Top program affect students’ outcomes?
  • The effect of outcomes-based education on children’s mental health
  • How to prevent students from being distracted by smartphones?
  • Do virtual classrooms lack a personal connection between students and teachers?
  • Is the whole brain teaching method effective for college students?
  • How can teachers ‘protect’ their students from procrastinating?
  • Should Autism be considered an illness?

Early Childhood Development Research Proposal Topics

The development of children is influenced by both nurture and nature. In addition to the genes acquired from their parents, child development is affected by the home environment, parenting, and early experiences. Here are some of the childhood development proposal topics you can write about.

  • How children grow and change in their first 12 years
  • The cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of childhood development and growth.
  • Does the environment have a significant role in child development?
  • Why child development renders a crucial role in shaping the entire life of a person.
  • Are children more creative and intelligent than the average students?
  • Why child development was largely ignored throughout the History
  • The social, emotional and cognitive aspects of child development and growth
  • The benefits of studying how a child grows, change and learns things.
  • Does environment really play a significant role in child development?
  • The influence of parents, peers and caregivers on the development of a child
  • Are children really more intelligent and creative than average adults?
  • Why play is significant in helping children learn and understand life
  • Why speaking to a real person is more important for a child’s growth than just playing games
  • Child development: heredity and environment
  • Social and cultural aspects of child development
  • Factors affecting child development
  • Child development: history, theory, and research strategies
  • The child development theory of middle childhood
  • Child development and Jean Piaget’s Theory of cognitive
  • Language and social skills in child development
  • Divorce and consequences for child development
  • How parenting styles affect child development
  • Gender roles and child development
  • How classroom environments affect child development
  • The Importance of play in promoting healthy child development
  • The child development through exercise
  • Adolescent mothers and effects on child development
  • Violence during early childhood and child development
  • Maternal employment and child development
  • Child development and the effects of the internet
  • Understanding the stages of child development and rate
  • Are fathers crucial for child development?
  • Healthy child development depends on quality child are

Business Research Proposal Topics

Business research papers are crucial for entrepreneurs taking a business degree and those who aspire to be business leaders. They enable you to understand the fundamental economic principles, financial markets, various markets, and their effects on the global economy. Below are some of the exciting business research topics.

  • Pros and cons of outsourcing workforce.
  • Merits of increasing brand awareness.
  • Methods to increase motivation among employees.
  • The relation between employee productivity and wages.
  • Business differences in developing countries Impact of startups on local economies Management approaches in different cultural places
  • How does management affect an organization’s performance?
  • The effects of advertisement on consumer behavior
  • In what ways can human resource promote industrial harmony?
  • How does corporate sustainability affect the organizational process?
  • Weighing the pros and cons of startup and established companies
  • The strategy of corporate sustainability
  • The roles of budget analysis and budgetary controls on an organization’s operation
  • What is sustainable development and what is its impact on modern businesses
  • The role of financial managers in maintaining records of business expenses
  • How does employee motivation increase the earnings of organizations?
  • The importance of a digital marketing strategy to small businesses
  • Understanding the process of taxation and its relation to the profit of the business
  • How to handle a crisis in an organization
  • The impact of gender discrimination on employees’ performance
  • The effects of a company’s environmental practices on consumer trust
  • The ways a company can create a healthy and more balanced work environment
  • Does workplace diversity play an important role in productivity?
  • The rise of foreign exchange market in the era of globalization
  • Going digital and its effects on international business
  • The influence of culture in marketing and branding
  • The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing the business
  • The many ways for foreign companies to handle scam
  • The effects of good business communication in business development and growth
  • Communication and its relation to marketing effectiveness
  • How effective communication can help in dealing with global companies
  • The theories of communication and their different roles in the corporate world

Social Science Research Proposal Topics

Social science topics deal with scientific research into the social relationship and the human society. The significant fields in this category are Geography, Politics, Anthropology, Law, History, Linguistics, Sociology, and Psychology. These fields provide a broad area of research proposal topics you can handle in social science. They include:

  • Effects of divorce on children.
  • Nature of parenting in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender families.
  • How does racial stereotype affect consciousness and self-esteem?
  • The relationship between patriotism and social status.
  • Should male workers have the same workplace rights as females?

Nursing Research Proposal Topics

Nursing is a broad field and requires more time to find a good research topic to pick. Your research topic should be relevant, engaging, specific, meaningful, and original. Below is a list of potential research proposal topics on nursing.

  • Impact of antibiotics on child immunities.
  • How to reduce infant injury during delivery.
  • How to prevent malnutrition in children.
  • How to treat mental disorders nonchemically during pregnancy.
  • Age-related factors in the cardiovascular deterioration.
  • Antibiotics impact on childhood immunities
  • Effects of childhood exposure to environmental pollutants
  • Effects of second-hand smoke inhalation in early life
  • Genetic factors of diabetes in children
  • How to diagnose and manage respiratory illnesses in children
  • How to improve child care at inpatient facilities
  • Analyzing the history of nursing and their role in health care
  • Comparing culture’s effect on nursing in different countries
  • Effective strategies to maintain emotional health for nurses
  • History of treatment for eating disorders and current treatment analysis
  • Analyzing effects of telephone-provided care during postnatal treatment
  • Case studies of positive birth experiences
  • Case studies of positive postnatal experiences
  • Prevention of falls and injuries in senior patients
  • Strategies to improve oral health conditions in senior patients
  • Strategies to improve recognition of dehydration in aging adults
  • Disorders in female sexual health
  • Effectiveness of breast cancer screening measures
  • Environmental factors that lead to high infertility rates
  • Benefits of using antipsychotics when preventing delirium
  • Chemical stimulant treatments of ADHD
  • Detection and risk factors of bipolar disorder
  • Effects of social media on mental health
  • Effectiveness of pain management strategies in cancer patients
  • History and best practices of cognitive hypnotherapy in pain management
  • Medication trends in pain management relevant to nurses
  • Methods of enhancing staff relations in health care
  • Stem cells and their usage in the treatment of pediatric diseases
  • Early-life exposure to air pollution: health effects
  • Prenatal exposure to nicotine: health effects
  • Cells and molecules in lung health and disease: understanding the function
  • Neurotrophin and neurotransmitter receptors: a molecular study
  • New therapeutic approaches to developmental diseases of the nervous system
  • Movement disorders in children: understanding and treatment

Mental Health Research Proposal Topics

Mental health is a state of well-being in which every person realizes their potential, can work productively and fruitfully, can cope with everyday life stress, and can contribute to his community. While mental health research has taken significant strides, there is still a long way to go in spreading mental health awareness. The following are topics you can research on mental health.

  • Does Obesity affect mental health?
  • Is mental illness more dominant in men or women?
  • How can we ascertain if they are mentally ill or not?
  • What is the relationship between depression and weight loss?
  • The lasting psychological trauma of rape.
  • The relationship between depression and weight loss
  • The rise of eating disorders in teenagers and adolescents
  • The glamorization of mental illness in modern media
  • why mental health education is relevant in our society
  • Relationship between physical health and mental wellness
  • Advances in mental health education and research in the last decade
  • Living with mental health in the age of social media
  • The importance of including mental health topics in the school curriculum
  • The need to create safe spaces for people living with mental health issues.
  • Friendships in men and how they contribute to mental health?
  • The role of parenting in building good mental health in children
  • Effect of exercise on a patient’s mental health
  • Mental health developmental stages in children from birth to 5 years of age

Explore brilliant sports research paper topics .

Economics Research Proposal Topics

The ultimate goal of economists is to study how to utilize scarce resources to maximize value and generate profit. Economics is a broad field and focuses on issues such as consumption and production, investments, saving, opportunity cost, borrowing, trade markets, and employment. Given the broad issues that economics covers, the following are topics you can research.

  • The effects of change in income on consumer choices.
  • The relationship between unemployment and economic growth in USA.
  • The relationship between productivity and internet connection in a workplace.
  • What are the losses and gains of international trade in developing countries?
  • The relationship between government spending and inflation in Nigeria.
  • The effect of labor force participation on the economy and budget – A comparison
  • The impact of marital status on the labor force composition: A case of   [your country] economy
  • The relationship between salary levels and ‘economic convergence’ in [your country] ?
  • Analyzing salary inequalities in [your country] and the forces behind such inequalities.
  • The evolution of consumption in [your country] over the last 10 years: Trends and consumer behavior.
  • The relationship between economic growth and unemployment in [your country]
  • Global recession and factors that contribute to it.
  • Impact of government expenditure on economic growth in [your country]
  • A comparison of the United States unemployment to the rest of the world
  • Sports Marketing and Advertising: the impact it has on the consumers.
  • Economic Development in the Tourism Industry in Africa
  • Globalization and its significance to business worldwide.
  • Economic risks connected to investing in Turkey.
  • The decline in employment rates as the biggest American economy challenge.
  • Impacts of labor unions on labor markets
  • Impacts of consumer behavior on market growth
  • Globalization of trade and the impacts on the economy

Political Science Research Proposal Topics

Political science is a broad field. Writing a research proposal in this field can be complicated if you are to develop your topic. However, there are several categories where you can find a research topic, including comparative politics, philosophy research topics, public administration, and public law topics. Some of the top research proposal topics on political science include:

  • How does technology impact the voting process?
  • How wars shape countries for decades to come.
  • Racism and its effects on modern politics.
  • The internet and its role in shaping modern politics.
  • Are whistleblowers traitors or saviors?
  • Cultural Pressure Between the United States & Japan
  • Anglo-Saxon Traits in American Government
  • Can nationalism be classified as a proper school of leaders in history?
  • Prosecution Ethics of Top Tier Officials
  • Is Criminal Pardon Acceptable?
  • European and American Federal Crimes Comparison
  • Differences Between Political and Armed Conflicts
  • Is Religion A Social Power?
  • Corruption Elimination Methods
  • Federalism traces in the Unitary Governance Model
  • Compare European and American Federal Crimes
  • Modern Leaders Global Interdependence
  • Compare and contrast political science with pure history.
  • Civil rights controversies in the United Kingdom
  • Freedom of speech in the United States
  • Talk about abortion and its political implications
  • Discuss the death penalty in the US

Sociological Research Proposal Topics

Sociological topics deals with the development, and study of the structure and functioning of human society. Below are some of the promising research topics on sociology.

  • Relationship between educational level and race.
  • The feminist revolution.
  • Effects of child abuse
  • The relationship between education and poverty.
  • The modern role of leadership and responsibility.
  • Long term impact of cultural appropriation
  • Impact of media on human behavior and attitude
  • Key social justice issues impacting society
  • Factors contributing to extreme polarization in society
  • Impact of sensationalized media coverage and perceptions of current events
  • How political differences impact family relationships and friendships
  • Impact of social media on human relationships
  • Factors that contribute to spousal abuse
  • Characteristics of childhood friendships that last a lifetime
  • Relationship factors that commonly lead to divorce
  • Prevalence of shared custody arrangements with children alternating weeks with each parent
  • Impact of living together prior to marriage on long-term relationship success
  • Social media and video games as a cause of aggression among teenagers
  • The effect of cultural appropriation in the long term.
  • The effect of media on human attitude and behaviour.
  • How political differences affect friendship and family relationships.
  • Important social justice issues affecting society.
  • Public distrust in political appointees and elected officials.
  • The unique separation challenges that those who work from home face in their workplace.
  • Industrial Revolution and its impact on a relationship and family structure
  • The relationship between success in school and socioeconomic status.
  • To what extent do low-income families rely on the school to provide food for their children?
  • The outcome of classroom learning compared to homeschool pupils.
  • The role of school attendance on children’s social skills progress.
  • How to promote equality among school children from economic handicap backgrounds.
  • The effects of bullying on the person’s mental health.
  • The relationship between social depression or anxiety and social media presence.
  • The effects of school shootings on students’ mental health, parents, staff, and faculty.
  • What is the connection between environmental conditions and group behaviour?
  • How can the condition of an environment affect its population, public health, economic livelihoods, and everyday life?
  • The relationship between economic factors and environmental conditions.
  • The relationship between juvenile crime and the social, economic status of the family.
  • Factors that determine gang membership or affiliation.
  • How does upbringing affect adult anti-social behaviour?
  • How does cultural background and gender affect how a person views drug abuse?
  • The relationship between law violation and mental health.
  • The effect of globalization on various cultures.
  • What influences the problematic attitudes of young people towards their future?
  • The role models of the past decade versus the ones in recent times.
  • The effect of changes in the educational field on new students.
  • Discuss the effects of social media on college students.
  • Discuss the role of countries, languages, and nationalities at schools.
  • How can the harassment and bullying on social media be controlled?
  • Discuss the reasons behind childhood obesity.
  • How are children and teenagers affected by the mass media?
  • Discuss the inequalities in health care and social classes.
  • How can humans establish rational relationships with nature?
  • What are the negative effects of industrial wastes on the environment?
  • Compare the wage gap between the genders in different states.
  • Why should we promote equal opportunities for men and women?
  • What does it mean to be transgender?
  • Discuss the empowerment of women in sports
  • What can be done to make the environment safer for women?
  • Discuss the negative effect on children adopted by a family of different ethnicity.
  • Why should parents take a parenting class before having children?
  • Why must students at religious schools be forced to take standardized tests?
  • What is the relationship between class and religion?
  • Are ethnicity and nationality the same thing?
  • Do race, nationality, and ethnicity affect self-esteem?
  • What is the difference between ethnic culture and race?
  • Discuss changes within the urban environment.
  • Discuss class, gender, and age as a factor of inequality.
  • How are urban sustainability and global environmental crisis related?
  • What are the social responses to urban social movements?
  • Explain the social impacts of implementing the rural revival program.
  • What is the end of rural society and the future of rural sociology?
  • Discuss migration dynamics in the development of rural South Africa.
  • Discuss the reasons behind the population growth in rural America.

Social Work Research Proposal Topics

Social work research is the structured investigation of problems associated with the social work field. Some of the research proposal topics on social work include:

  • Most common challenges encountered by Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender youths in the United States schools.
  • Dealing with child abuse in orphanages.
  • Healing steps for victims of domestic violence.
  • Risk factors for dangerous grief.
  • Strategies for building resilience in social workers.
  • The importance of group therapy for children in foster homes
  • Impacts of clinical depression on teenage girls
  • Lack of child support and its impact on child care in America
  • A look into depression and the stigma associated with it.
  • ADHD within foster homes and its impacts on children
  • Disability and how it affects the lives of middle-aged parents
  • The recurring case of displacement and its violent effects on street children
  • Understanding the trauma associated with child-parent separation
  • How divorce positively impacts the health and lifestyle of children
  • A close analysis of the myths associated with Welfare mothers
  • Addressing the issue of substance abuse amongst teenagers
  • Death and how it impacts the collective well-being of the family
  • Absence of child support and its impact on child care in America.
  • The social displacement of Autistic children.
  • Effect of clinical depression on adolescent children.
  • The influence of continuous mobility in the lives of orphan toddlers.
  • Analyzing the feeling of depression and the stigma about it.
  • Analyzing the trauma of parent-child separation.
  • Discuss the concept of substance abuse among teenagers.
  • Identify the similarities and distinctions between ADHD and Dyslexia.
  • A comprehensive study of anti-depressants and their present efficiencies.
  • The influence of America’s carceral structure on the minority and low-income group homes.
  • What are the drawbacks of the carceral system of America?
  • Housing abandonment and societal opinion- Evaluate. 
  • Secondary traumatic stress and the risk factors associated with it. 
  • Drug rehabilitation program- Pros and Cons. 
  • Discuss the suicide prevention protocols in your locality. 
  • Explore the perspectives of women living with mental illness, stigma and receiving community services.
  • Leadership practice, organizational culture and new managerialism: strengths, challenges, variations and contradictions in service agencies.
  • An analysis of the narrative of the maternal experience of women who experienced Child Sexual Abuse by a family member.
  • Impact of gender and culture: to contribute satisfactory factors long-term marriages.
  • The construction of housing as a social problem: A factors, mediating strategies.
  • An exploration of the relationship between school and girls’ self-esteem.
  • Investigate the factors influencing the use of narcotics and other substances by adolescents
  • Develop a framework to assess racial and ethnic inequality in the workforce
  • Investigate the relationship between cultural acclimatization and educational performance in adolescents
  • Examine methods of improving the participation of adolescents in the development of the local community
  • Investigate the inclusion of the justice system in cases of child welfare
  • Analyze the relationship between economic difficulties and complex grief
  • Discuss the effectiveness of family therapy in a mental health setting
  • Evaluate mentoring programs developed as part of your local behavioral health service
  • Look into the support for lesbian and gay human rights in a range of societies
  • Discuss the issues associated with long-term care for older women of an immigrant background
  • Evaluate the risk factors associated with secondary traumatic stress
  • Evaluate the experiences of oncology patients having received prognoses
  • Investigate the social effects of giving birth to an infant with fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Examine the psychosocial effects on children whose parent has been diagnosed with cancer
  • Examine the mental health services and how they are adapted for use by military veterans
  • Discuss the effectiveness of peer support programs for young adults with cancer
  • Is post-traumatic stress disorder treated by means of brief preventive interventions?
  • How can employee engagement be improved by means of improved organizational functioning?
  • Discuss the development of successful smoking cessation programs
  • Investigate means of assisting adolescents with substance abuse issues
  • Examine how early upbringing affects later academic achievement in children
  • Discuss what is being done to eradicate community violence in low socioeconomic areas
  • Evaluate the effects of gender dysphoria in institutionalized adolescents
  • Discuss means of early intervention in teen pregnancy cases
  • Investigate the use of peer-based support in teenage pregnancy

Business Management Research Proposal Topics

Finding a good business management research topic takes effort and time since there is a vast area to choose from. Some of the best research topics on business management include:

  • The impact of production strategies on the profitability of an organization.
  • The effect of credit management on the profitability of manufacturing companies.
  • Employee benefits and effects on their productivity.
  • Effective time management as a tool for organizational survival.
  • Impact of employee commitment on organization performance.
  • Manpower planning and development as an effective tool for achieving organizational goals.
  • Impact of pricing policy on profitability level of an organization
  • The impact of production strategies on profitability of an organization

Scientific Research Proposal Topics

Scientific topics are easy to research since many reputable and current journals are published online. Here are some of the exciting topics you can write about.

  • Do viruses continuously evolve to become less virulent?
  • What is an antiviral drug, and how does it differ from the vaccine?
  • Is it realistic that people can live on another planet?
  • How can metal oxides improve cell phones?
  • How well do childhood vaccines prevent diseases?
  • Why solar system researchers insist this field is so important for people?
  • What is Big Bang and why scientists pay so much attention to this question?
  • What is the role of meteorites for our universe investigation?
  • How commercial space flights will influence on the universe exploration?
  • Why there are so many junks in space and how to solve this problem?
  • What are the most popular careers in chemistry nowadays?
  • How chemicals can cause allergies and how these materials can help to defeat such problems with health?
  • Is it possible to create environmentally-friendly materials, for instance, plastic?
  • What is the role of sugar in the chemical industry?
  • What are the most spectacular new researches in medical chemistry?
  • What are the main problems of hydraulic fracking?
  • What is a disposable product and how it can harm our ecology?
  • How to reduce the level of exhaust pollution in big cities?
  • How to improve the weaknesses of honey bee colonies?
  • What are the main differences between organic and traditional farming?
  • Are small farms more ecological and safer than large farms?
  • How to defeat different types of weeds?
  • Can robots help medical staff to improve the quality of healthcare?
  • Should armies use drones for strategic purposes?
  • What is the power of bitcoin and what future expects it?
  • How computers can help to discover the human brain?
  • Is it ethical to hold experiments on people?
  • Can scientists develop a drug to cure AIDS?
  • What are the main differences between parallel and series circuits?
  • How nuclear fusion investigation can help humanity?
  • How gravitation influences animals and humans?
  • What are the benefits of probabilistic quantum cloning?

Globalization Research Proposal Topics

Globalization discussion covers a wide area since it touches almost every aspect of the current world and how its effects differ from one region to another. Some of the research topics in globalization include:

  • Globalization and population problems in (your country).
  • In what ways does globalization influence consumer behavior?
  • The positive influence of globalization on Japanese economics.
  • Discussion of the three main types of globalization: technological, economic, and cultural.
  • Analyze the history of globalization from the moment of its emerging until the present-day realms
  • In what way the developed and underdeveloped countries can benefit from the growth of globalization?
  • Globalization and China. Discuss the impact of globalization on Chinese political and economic development;
  • Discuss the anti-globalization trends emerging in the United States
  • Compare and contrast the aspects of regionalization and globalization. What makes these concepts different?
  • Analyze the relationship between globalization and free trade;
  • What are the main advantages and disadvantages of globalization at the international level?
  • The role of Disney and other major companies in globalization;

Health-Related Research Proposal Topics

When choosing your research proposal topics on health issues, you should pick a captivating subject that will catch the reader’s attention and flaunt your knowledge in a particular field.

  • When is body building considered healthy?
  • Plastic surgery for beauty: should it be encouraged? Is it healthy?
  • Should computers replace doctors?
  • Depression in the society: can it be solved?
  • Does violent music have any effects on young children?
  • Changes in physical and mental health due to aging
  • How modern lifestyle affects public health
  • How environmental changes affect human health
  • How urban pollution affects respiratory diseases
  • Government investment in healthcare services in the EU versus the USA
  • Inequalities in healthcare assistance and services
  • Healthcare management and leadership
  • Healthcare education and training  
  • Technical impact on the improvement of medical services
  • How does the US government encourage the development of healthcare services?
  • Investment in the improvement of the healthcare sector in the UK
  • Mandatory overtime of the medical staff
  • Inequalities that exist in Medicine
  • Nursing shortage and its impact on the patient care
  • Factors that influence the Autism development in children
  • The efficiency of the ongoing breast cancer studies
  • Necessary equipment to improve the treatment of AIDS
  • Health care issues in the third-world countries
  • The impact of smoking on cancer development
  • Causes and effects of heart attacks

Finance Research Proposal Topics

You can research numerous finance topics – from organizational, risk management, and corporate governance. Some of these research topics are:

  • An assessment of loan defaults and their impacts on a bank’s profitability.
  • Internal control within an accounting firm.
  • Cybersecurity issues affecting online transactions and online banking.
  • Heightening accountability and clarity in corporate organizations.
  • The integration of cryptocurrency and banks in a demonetized world.
  • Human resource management research proposal topics.
  • Relationship between corporate image and mobile phone advertising in the field of finance
  • Macroeconomic variables and their effect on the financial market in relation to the GDP on consumer market plans.
  • Financing requirements in agricultural commodity businesses and its challenges
  • Impact of portfolio diversification on Banks’ Return.
  • Impact of energy crises on economic growth and GDP fluctuation.
  • Relationship between Government Expenditure and Government Revenues.
  • Considerations for saving taxes and financial strategies
  • Life insurance investment and the participation of investors in these investments
  • Risks that could be posed to the banking sector, and how to mitigate them?
  • The latest technology that are behind commercial banking
  • How can we help prevent the onset of global economic crisis?
  • Does the banking industry have the ability to lessen the consequences of the financial crisis?
  • Potential solutions to ethical issues in the field of corporate finance
  • The establishment of business entities and the use of business finance
  • Modernization of business and the role of finance in business
  • Selling our life insurance do we have a tax incentive that is effective in this case?
  • Who are the people who mutual funds affect in the private and public sectors?
  • Diverse investment options for various types of financials – Do you have an investment option you prefer?
  • How do taxes affect financial decision?
  • What are the most effective ways to effectively manage credit?
  • The mobile banking industry and the problems
  • The distinction between traditional and behavioral finance
  • The effect of control over budgets on organization performance
  • An analysis of the usage of financial state in evaluating the performance of a company
  • Examining the effects of loan defaults and loan defaults on the financial viability of banks
  • Examine the differences between traditional finance and behavioral finance.
  • The impact of electronic banking on satisfaction of customers.
  • An analysis of loan defaults and the impact it has on the bank profitability
  • The impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the foreign economic activity of enterprises
  • The essence and significance of monetary policy
  • Organization of financial control in a market economy
  • The role of funds in solving social problems
  • Risk management in the financial sector

English Literature Research Proposal Topics

The easiest way to get an idea on your research proposal topic on English literature is to start broad and then work on making the topic more specific and attractive to the readers. Below are a few research topics on English literature.

  • Artificial languages in literature.
  • Good and evil in literature.
  • Psychology in literature.
  • Romance and sex in literature.
  • Sarcasm and irony in literature.
  • The American Dream in literature
  • How do religion and literature correlate?
  • The image of Death as a character in literature
  • Literature as an instrument of propaganda
  • How is mythology termed in literature?
  • Discuss why Harry Potter became that popular.
  • Is it advisable for literature to be gendered?
  • Evaluate between utopian and dystopian literature.
  • Discuss the work of Shakespeare.
  • Can fan fiction be considered an independent part of literature?
  • How do clichés work in literature
  • How are the Byronic characters in literature?
  • Discuss the good and evil of studying literature.
  • How can you term irony and sarcasm in literature?
  • How can literature be termed as an instrument of propaganda?
  • The relation between literature and psychology.
  • The influence of European culture in the Midwest literature.
  • The differences between the literature of different countries.
  • The effect of European culture on modern literature.
  • How is the Image of death represented as a character in literature?
  • Is there an appropriate gender in literature?
  • Evaluate the Victorian literature.
  • Evaluate the methods of teaching English literature.
  • Investigate modern Indian literature in English translation.
  • Evaluate women writers and the survey of English literature.
  • Investigate the impact of the Bible on English literature.
  • Evaluate the impact of the Classics on Literature.
  • Define the scope of English literature in Educating people.
  • Explain the influence of Darwin on Literature.
  • Explain medieval English literature.
  • How has the role of a woman changed in twentieth-century literature?
  • What effect does Milton’s paradise lost have on 17th-century literature?
  • The role of female writers in the literature
  • The role of the supernatural and spirituality in literature
  • The relationship between old and contemporary American literature
  • Distinguish between performance and narration in literature
  • Challenges of studying English literature.
  • The power of wealth in modern literature
  • The Female masculinities in old English Literature.
  • The historical analysis of children’s literature.
  • The idea of death in Renaissance literature.
  • The utilization of language activities in teaching and learning of English Language.
  • Discuss women in nation-building and influence on literature.
  • The relevance of folktale in the learning of literature.
  • The significance of drama and poetry in literature.
  • An analysis of the Asian theatre and influence on modern literature.
  • The examination of leadership in literature.
  • The relevance of literature in the world.
  • What is the need to study literature?
  • Discuss contemporary American Literature.
  • The African Realism and influence in Literature.
  • How did colonization influence modern literature?
  • Define 20th-century Latin American literature.
  • Evaluate African Americans and their fight for equality in American Literature.
  • Define realism, naturalism, and modernism in African American literature.
  • Evaluate Allen Ginsberg and American Protest literature.
  • Examine American literature and society.
  • Provide your understanding of censorship in American Literature.
  • Evaluate black American women writers and their influence on the world.

Research Proposal Topics in Information Technology

Information technology (IT) includes many facets of computer, communication, and data management, and it is rapidly evolving. IT research is important if you are looking to further technological developments, tackling problems, and enhancing the effectiveness and security of information systems. Below are some of the information technology topics you can research:

  • Exploring the uses and challenges of blockchain technology in different industries.
  • Cybersecurity measures for preventing advanced persistent threats to critical infrastructure systems.
  • Utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve network security.
  • What are the effects of cloud computing on storage and data processing?
  • Examining the use of augmented and virtual reality in education.
  • Examining artificial intelligence’s place in autonomous vehicles.
  • Enhancing healthcare information systems’ data privacy and security.
  • Examining quantum computing’s Effect on Cryptography.
  • Creating useful data mining methods to draw useful conclusions from large datasets.
  • Analyzing IT’s contribution to sustainable development and environmental protection.
  • Examining the opportunities and challenges of 5G networks and other future technologies.
  • Creating effective computer vision algorithms for the processing of images and videos.
  • Investigating the potential of edge computing for real-time data processing.
  • Examining IT’s potential to improve supply chain management.
  • Developing user-centric information systems for the delivery of personalized healthcare.
  • Investigating IT’s role in E-commerce: Trends in consumer behavior.
  • Examining the ethics of face recognition technology.

Computer Science Project Proposal Topics

Students and researchers working on computer science projects have a great chance to use their theoretical understanding and problem-solving abilities to tackle actual problems. Below are some of the fascinating project proposal ideas about computer science:

  • Creating an intelligent Chabot for E-commerce customer support.
  • Making a recommender system for customized film recommendations.
  • Using encryption techniques to build a secure password manager application.
  • Using face recognition to create an automated attendance management system.
  • Creating a machine-learning model for trend prediction in the stock market.
  • Developing a virtual assistant powered by AI for smart homes.
  • Creating a real-time tracking online food delivery system.
  • Designing a system to detect fraud in online banking transactions.
  • Creating a social network analysis tool for Influencer Identification.
  • Developing a VR application for virtual museum tours.
  • Creating a sentiment analysis tool for social media data analysis
  • The development of a deep learning model for medical image analysis and diagnosis.
  • Creating a multi-agent traffic management system for smart cities.
  • Building a gamification-enabled e-learning platform.
  • Building a conversational AI Natural Language Understanding (NLU) system.
  • Installing a cloud-based document management system for businesses.
  • Creating a system for human-robot interaction in industrial automation.
  • Using a sentiment analysis system to monitor social media texts.

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