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De Vacaciones: How to Talk About Your Vacation in Spanish

Talking about your vacaciones in Spanish is entertaining, and it enables your friends and family to join you in those unique experiences and memories. So, how about practicing your Spanish in this fun and endearing way? 

In this blog post, I break down all the essentials you need to master talking about your vacaciones in Spanish like a native speaker. 

Pack your bags, and let’s prepare you with the necessary vocabulary and details you’ll need to talk about your vacation in Spanish!  

Planning your Vacaciones

Have you decided on a destination? Are you organizing everything on your own or are you going through a travel agent? Are visas required? 

These are a few of the many details you need to consider for planning an unforgettable trip. When it comes to setting up your vacaciones in Spanish, there’s useful vocabulary and phrases that will come in handy. Let ‘s take a look!

Spanish Vacation Terms and Phrases

You may discuss going on a holiday in Spanish in various ways. The following forms referencing your vacaciones in Spanish are widely understood. 

They’re the first thing you should learn before going on the trip of a lifetime. Check out these frequently used phrases about traveling in Spanish.

Voy a vacacionar en un crucero. I’m vacationing on a cruise. 

Me quiero ir de vacaciones. I want to go on vacation.

Voy a viajar a Guatemala. I’m traveling to Guatemala.

Voy a hacer un viaje a México. I’m taking a trip to Mexico.

Pasaré las vacaciones en España. I’m going to spend the holidays in Spain.

travel agent
tour operator
arrival date
departure date
hotel / hostel / guest house
credit card

Talking About Your Plans

Whether you’re planning everything on your own or you want a travel agent to set everything up, these useful phrases come in handy for you to elaborate on what you’re planning and want to do during your vacaciones in Spanish. 

Necesito ayuda planeando mis vacaciones. I need help planning my vacation. 

Yo quiero hacer un viaje. I want to take a trip.

Yo quiero visitar…(ciudad, país, o destino). I want to visit… (city, country, or destination).

Quiero viajar en avión. I want to travel by plane.

Me quiero hospedar en hotel. I want to stay in a hotel.

Yo necesito ayuda planeando mi viaje. I need help planning my trip. 

Voy a viajar por quince días. I’m traveling for fifteen days. 

Yo necesito tramitar mi visa. I need to process my visa.

Quiero tomar un crucero con todo incluido.  I want to take an all-inclusive cruise.

Estoy viajando con mi familia / amigos. I’m traveling with my family / friends. 

Me quiero ir de luna de miel. I want to go on my honeymoon. 

Tengo un presupuesto limitado para mis vacaciones. I have a limited budget for my vacation.

Necesito una reserva de hotel. I need a hotel reservation.

Necesito ayuda reservando mis boletos de avión. I need help booking my plane tickets. 

Estoy buscando un seguro de viaje. I’m looking for travel insurance.

Necesito alquilar un carro / coche. I need to rent a car.

Tengo que empacar mi maleta.  I have to pack my bag.

Quiero viajar en tren. I want to travel by train.

Quiero conocer todos los lugares posibles. I want to go to as many places as possible.

Mi viaje es para ir de compras y divertirme. My trip is for shopping and having fun.

Quiero viajar por estudios. I want to travel and study.

Mi viaje es para aprender historia. My trip is for learning history. 

Quiero hacer actividades en la naturaleza y al aire libre.  I want to do nature and outdoors activities. 

Me voy a otro país a un intercambio estudiantil.  I’m going to another country on a student exchange. 

Getting Around and Enjoying your Vacation

So you’ve laid out what you’re going to do, and you make it to the airport. Your vacaciones are about to begin! 

Knowing how to communicate the expectations for your vacaciones in Spanish is crucial! Let’s dive deep into the vocabulary and phrases to guarantee your vacation goes smoothly.

From the Airport to the Plane, Car, or Train

boarding pass
round-trip ticket
exit fees
flight attendant
going to
airplane window
security checkpoint

Here are some other phrases that will come in handy during the process of reaching your destination:

Quisiera chequear mi maleta. I would like to check my bags.

¿Cuál es la hora de llegada? At what time are we arriving?

Necesito cambiar de asiento por favor. I need to change seats please.

Tengo que imprimir mi pase de abordar. I need to print my boarding pass.

¿Me podrían subir de categoría? Can I get an upgrade?

Soy viajero frecuente. I’m a frequent flyer. 

Me mareo en el avión. I get motion sickness on planes.

Experiencing your Vacaciones in Spanish

You’ve made it to your destination and it’s time for you to fully enjoy your holiday. It’s okay if you just want to sit back and relax or maybe you want to go for a fast-paced vacation. These useful words will have you moving around like a local and discovering as much as you like. 

single / double / twin hotel room
tourism office
swimming pool
shopping mall / store
bar / night club
laundry mat
old town / historic center
city / town
guided visit
tour guide
travel guidebook

Phrases for Making the Most of Your Vacation

Let’s look at some phrases and sentences you can use in action throughout your vacation. These’ll be of great use for communicating any request or need you may have during your vacaciones in a Spanish-speaking country. 

Quiero ir a tomar algunas fotos. I want to go take some photos.

Voy a tomar una excursión. I’m going on a tour. 

Necesito cambiar dinero. I need to exchange money. 

Quiero visitar la playa. I want to visit the beach.

Quiero hacer una reservación para cenar. I want to make a dinner reservation.

Me quedaré en el hotel. I’m staying at the hotel.

Quiero ir a visitar los lugares turísticos. I want to go sightseeing.

Quiero aprender a bucear. I want to learn scuba diving. 

Soy vegetariana / vegana. I’m vegetarian / vegan.

Soy alérgica a… I’m allergic to…

Me gusta hacer senderismo. I like to hike. 

Quiero subir un volcán. I want to climb a volcano.

Me gustaría salir a caminar. I’d like to go for a walk. 

Quiero hacer kayak / rafting. I want to go kayaking / rafting. 

Disculpe, ¿dónde queda…? Excuse me, where’s the … located?

Necesito direcciones por favor. I need directions please. 

Quiero conocer gente. I want to meet new people. 

Voy a tomar un taxi / bus. I’m taking a taxi / bus.

¿A qué hora empieza el tour? At what time does the tour begin?

¿Qué debo llevar en el tour? What should I take on the tour?

Estoy de vacaciones. I’m on vacation. 

Remembering your Vacaciones in Spanish

If you’ve made it to this point, it means you’re ready to share with your loved ones the many experiences and lessons learned from the true wanderlust of venturing to a new destination. Use these phrases to discuss your vacaciones in Spanish, what you liked, disliked, the best venues, and useful tips you picked up!

Tengo que desempacar mis maletas. I need to unpack my bags.

Mis vacaciones fueron increíbles. My vacation was incredible. 

Mis amigos y yo la pasamos muy bien. My friends and I had a great time.

Me perdí en algunos lugares pero pedí direcciones y todo salió bien. I got lost in some places, but I asked for directions and things worked out.

Tome muchísimas fotos y videos. I took many photos and videos.

Mi lugar favorito fue… My favorite place was…

El hotel era muy bonito y cómodo. The hotel was quite nice and comfortable. 

La comida más rica que probé fue… The food I liked the most was…

Mi vuelo aterrizó a tiempo.  My flight landed on time.

No me gustó… I didn’t like…

Conocí a muchas personas. I met many people.

Me dieron la bienvenida muy amablemente. They welcomed me very kindly. 

Te traje un recuerdo especial. I brought you a special souvenir. 

Aprendí nuevas cosas. I learned new things. 

Te recomiendo visitar… I recommend you visit…

Necesito un descanso después de esas vacaciones. I need a break after that vacation. 

No puedo esperar a mis próximas vacaciones. I can’t wait for my next vacation. 

Time to Practice (Even if you’re not on Vacation)!

How are you feeling after studying these phrases and new vocabulary? ¿Estás listo para irte de vacaciones?

Now you have the necessary knowledge and basics for planning, enjoying, and remembering your vacaciones in Spanish. Whether your trip has already happened or you’re setting it up for the future, I hope you come back to this blog post to expand your vocabulary and take your conversational skills to the next level.

If you’re ready for a one-on-one conversation about your vacation, sign up for a free class with us at Homeschool Spanish Academy. Our professional, native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala will improve your fluency and have you talking about your vacations and memories like a pro. 

Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

  • 200+ Beginner Spanish Vocabulary Words PDF: Learn Spanish Fast!
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  • ‘How Much Is It?’ in Spanish: A Guide to Travel and Shopping
  • Familial Bonds: Expressing ‘Sister-in-Law’ in Spanish and Family Vocabulary
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  • Earth Day Projects for Kids + Spanish Earth Day Vocabulary
  • How to Talk About the Temperature in Spanish: Fahrenheit, Celcius, and Descriptions
  • Car Parts Spanish Vocabulary List: Learn Using Pictures
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spanish essay on holidays

Spanish essay about a future holiday

I have an essay in for Wednesday about plans for a holiday using future tenses. Is this ok and does it use grammar correctly. Thanks!

El próximo año voy a ir a Barcelona en España por dos semanas con mi novia. Viajaremos en avión desde el aeropuerto de Birmingham porque es más rápido y comodo que viajar en tren o en autobús. Sin embargo es más caro. Nosotros planeamos visitar la Sagrada Familia y, quizás, algunos museos. También quiero ver un partido de fútbol en el Camp Nou, pero mi novia no quiere. Durante la noche, nosotros caminaremos por la cuidad y comemos comida tipica de la region, por ejemplo paella, gambas al ajillo o faves a la Catalana. También podríamos intentar algunos bares o clubes en un par de noches si tenemos suficiente dinero. Me voy a ahorrar 600€ con suerte. Iremos en primavera, así que espero que el clima será agradable. Fui a España el año pasado con mi familia y fue muy divertido.

Next year I am going to go to Barcelona in Spain for two weeks with my girlfriend. We will travel by plane from Birmingham Airport because it is quicker than travelling by train or coach. However it is more expensive. We plan on visiting the Sagrada Familia and maybe some museums. I also want to watch a football game at the Nou Camp, but my girlfriend doesn’t want to. During the night we will walk through the city and eat food typical of the region, for example paella etc… We might also try some bars or clubs on a couple of nights if we have enough money. We will go in spring, so I hope the weather will be nice. I went to Spain last year with my family and it was really fun.

Hello Keylock,

You asked us to proof-read/check your text for Spanish mistakes::

El próximo año voy a ir a Barcelona en España por dos semanas con mi novia. Viajaremos en avión desde el aeropuerto de Birmingham porque es más rápido y comodo que viajar en tren o en autobús. Sin embargo es más caro. Nosotros planeamos visitar la Sagrada Familia y, quizás, algunos museos. También quiero ver un partido de fútbol en el Camp Nou, pero mi novia no quiere. Durante la noche, nosotros caminaremos por la cuidad y comemos comida tipica de la region, por ejemplo paella, gambas al ajillo o faves a la Catalana. También podríamos intentar algunos bares o clubes en un par de noches si tenemos suficiente dinero. Voy a ahorrar 600€ ... Iremos en primavera, así que espero que el clima será agradable. Fui a España el año pasado con mi familia y fue muy divertido.

1.. Accents ex: regi ó n = region and c ó modo = comfortable

examples: Eres inteligente = You are inteligent (familiar form used with friends family, children/young people and pets)

¡Tenemos mucha hambre! = We are very hungry! Tenemos can only refer to the personal pronoun form: we (literally: we have much hunger)

The English personal pronouns they and you are both translated in Spanish using son (if the verb ser is used) or están (if the verb estar is used)

in which case you can say: Ustedes están leyendo = You are reading or Ellos están hablando = They are talking/speaking if the subject/s (person/people)to whom the action refers is not clear from the context!

El próximo año próximo voy a ir a Barcelona en España por dos semanas con mi novia. Viajaremos en avión desde el aeropuerto de Birmingham porque es más rápido y comodo que viajar en tren o en autobús comma here no capital "s" in sin , sin embargo es más caro. Nosotros planeamos visitar la Sagrada Familia y, quizás, algunos museos. También quiero ver un partido de fútbol en el Camp Nou, pero mi novia no lo quiere. Durante la noche, nosotros caminaremos por la cuidad y comemos comeremos comida tipica de la region, por ejemplo paella, gambas al ajillo o faves a la Catalana. También podríamos intentar algunos bares o clubes en un par de noches si tenemos suficiente dinero. Me voy a ahorrar 600€ con suerte. Iremos en primavera, así que espero que el clima será agradable. Fui a España el año pasado con mi familia y fue muy divertido.

Very nice work! (see Daniela's comment she's the expert)

Por favor ilumine una vela en Sagrada Familia por el jubilado que no puede viajar.

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spanish essay on holidays

TUS VACACIONES – Talk about your holidays in Spanish

Today we are going to learn how to talk about your holidays in Spanish, “las vacaciones” . Speaking, for instance, about your last holiday will be an excellent way to improve your Spanish conversation skills .

Where did you go for your last holiday? What did you do there? Did you have a good time? Can you describe the place? How was the weather? There is so much you can say.

In today’s lesson, you’ll learn how to answer some of these questions in clear and natural Spanish. To begin with, we have a video with two friends telling each other how their vacations were . Pay attention because you can use their examples to talk about yours.

Talking about your past holidays in Spanish

To start with, it is important you increase your Spanish vocabulary about vacation. Click on the link to learn useful vocabulary to talk about your holidays in Spanish.

Please watch the video twice or three times and stop it when necessary . Write down  helpful expressions and repeat them out loud , paying attention to the pronunciation. All this  will help you to talk about your holidays in Spanish.

Below, you have some activities to practice everything we have seen in the video, but before you do this you must have a couple of things into account.

  • Since they are talking about a very specific holiday, the one you just spent, they use t he preterit tense (el pretérito indefinido) :

¿Qué hiciste en Agosto? ( What did you do in August?)

  • Nevertheless, if you want to talk about how your holidays used to be, you will use the imperfect tense (el pretérito imperfecto) :

¿Qué solías hacer  en agosto? (What did you use to do in August?)

  • If you were describing how your holidays normally are you will use the present tense (el presente de indicativo) :

¿Qué haces normalmente en agosto? (What do you normally do in August?)

  • Finally, if you are talking about your plans for the next holidays, you will use the future (el future simple o de planes) :

¿Qué vas a hacer en Agosto (What are you going to do in August?)

¿Qué tal las vacaciones?: Exercises

Contact us

Now it’s time to check and practice everything you’ve learned about how to talk about your holidays in Spanish. For that, y ou have four exercises below . Remember that you can ask any questions or ask your tutor for more exercises. Don’t you have a Spanish personal tutor yet?

More about vacation in Spanish

Talking about your holidays in Spanish for your GCSE Spanish Exam.

We have more activities related to talking about Holidays in Spanish , that will help you pass your GCSE Spanish exam with success .

  • The first one is a writing essay for the structured task , in which you will have to write around 150 about the best holidays of your life (click on the link to access the activity.
  • The second one is a Spanish-English translation of how holidays used to be .
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spanish essay on holidays

Andrea Storey

A year of holidays in spanish.

Since 2023 has only just begun, there’s a whole year of holidays ahead of us. If you’re a planner, you might already be thinking of how you’re hoping to spend time off of work and school! If you prefer more spontaneous activities, keep this vocabulary in mind when the time comes to celebrate. When it comes to Holidays in Spanish, remember that not all holidays are celebrated everywhere. We’ll show you some holidays you might want to talk about, and new ones you might hear about!

Holidays in Spanish for the native English-speaker

These are some holidays that you might be familiar with as an English speaker, since they tend to be common in the English-speaking world. We’ll also tell you the date in Spanish too for the holidays that happen on the same day every year, just as a little bit of added practice. Remember, the formula for the date is “ el + day + de + month”.

  • El Año Nuevo – New Year’s Day : el 1 (primero) de enero
  • El Día de San Valentín/El día del amor y la amidad – Valentine’s Day: el 14 de febrero
  • El Día de San Patricio – Saint Patrick’s Day: el 17 de marzi
  • La Pascua – Easter: Depends on the year
  • El Día de los Santos Inocentes – April Fool’s Day: El 1 (primero) de abril
  • El Día de la Madre – Mother’s Day: different, depending on the country
  • El Día del Padre – Father’s Day: different, depending on the country
  • La Noche de Brujas – Halloween: el 31 de octubre
  • El Día de Acción de Gracias – Thanksgiving: different, depending on the country
  • La Noche Buena – Christmas Eve: el 24 de diciembre
  • La Navidad – Christmas Day: el 25 de diciembre
  • La Nochevieja – New Year’s Eve: el 31 de diciembre

Holidays of the Spanish-speaking world

CONVERSA Spanish english false friends

In the Spanish-speaking world, there are holidays that native English speakers might not know a lot about, or maybe haven’t even heard of. Here are some holidays that you might encounter as you continue learning Spanish:

  • El Día de los Reyes Magos – Three King’s Day: el 6 de enero. For lots of kids around the world, this is the day where the 3 Wise Men, or 3 Kings, bring gifts to children, like they brought gifts to baby Jesus
  • La Semana Santa – The holy week of Easter: Many Spanish-speaking countries celebrate the entire week of Easter
  • El 5 de Mayo – Many parts of Mexico celebrate this, as well as the Mexicans in the United States. It’s not Mexican Independence Day, but a day to remember the Battle of Puebla.
  • Los Sanfermines – Festival of San Fermín: el 6 de julio – el 14 de julio. You might have heard of this Pamplona holiday as the running of the bulls!
  • El Día de los Muertos – Day of the Dead: el 1 (primero) de noviembre – el 2 de noviembre. This holiday remembers loved ones who have passed. Remember, it’s not Halloween!
  • Las Posadas – “ The Inns”: el 16 de diciembre – el 24 de diciembre. Throughout Mexico and Central America, participants reenact the journey Mary and Joseph made for a place where Mary could give birth to baby Jesus.

With these dates, you’ll be prepared to talk about your plans, favorite traditions and learn more about culture in the Spanish-speaking world!

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Spanish essay on holidays and pastimes

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Soy una chica típica. Usualmente, navego por internet y mando mensajes en mi móvil. Los jueves, hago la natación, que me gusta mucho porque es muy divertido. También, los viernes, juego al golf con mi hermano, que se llama Muhammad. Me gusta al golf porque es tranquilo pero a veces, es difícil. Cada noche, antes de dormir, hago mis deberes y  No me gusta nada. No es justo que tengo tantos deberes. Finalmente, después del colegio, toco el piano porque me parece tranquilo.

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Juego en un equipo de hockey en mi tiempo libre y Entrenamos en un polideportivo una vez la semana. Me gusta mucho porque juego con mis amigos. Cuando era una niña joven, jugué en un equipo de atletismo pero ahora creo que es muy difícil. También, no me gusta jugué al baloncesto pero ya a no. Ahora, me gusta mucho. Me gustaría jugar al baloncesto pero no tengo tiempo libre. Los deportes son muy importantes para esta en forma o serás perezoso.

This is a preview of the whole essay

La semana pasada, fui de comprar a Leeds con mi hermana y traje un regalo por mi  primo, que ahora tiene uno ano. Cuando llegó de mi casa tuve que limpiar  mi dormitorio porque eran muy desordenados. El domingo, vi la tele porque estaba aburrido. Después de estaba limpiando, tenía que leer un novela para mi clase de inglés.

Durante mis vacaciones, iré a Francia para practicar wakeboard porque creo que es muy emocionante. Iré con mi amigo, que se llama Leah y voy a ir en un avión. Me gusta practicar el wakeboard porque me fascinan la. También, con mi paga, voy a ir de comprar a parís. Cada noche, nadaré en la piscina de hotel para esta en forma. Me gusta nadando porque es relajado. También, visitaré sitios interesantes y bibliotecas. Las bibliotecas son muy tranquilas.

Spanish essay on holidays and pastimes

Document Details

  • Author Type Student
  • Word Count 305
  • Page Count 1
  • Subject Modern Foreign Languages
  • Type of work Controlled assessment

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  • Stability, 1875–98
  • Opposition movements, 1898–1923
  • Primo de Rivera
  • The Second Republic
  • The Civil War
  • Franco’s Spain, 1939–75
  • Transition to democracy
  • The administration of Felipe González, 1982–96
  • The Aznar regime
  • Zapatero and a new generation of Socialist leadership
  • Economic downturn
  • The Rajoy administration
  • Economic recovery and Catalonian independence
  • Kings and queens regnant of Spain


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Spanish poet and novelist Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547 - 1616), the author of 'Don Quixote de la Mancha', ca. 1590. An artist's impression since there are no contemporary likenesses of Cervantes.

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Traditionally, most holidays in Spain have been religious in origin. At the national level the most important of these are Holy (or Maundy) Thursday , Good Friday , Easter Monday, Corpus Christi , the Feast of Saint James (July 25), and All Saints’ Day (November 1). The most important day of the Christmas period, and the day on which children receive presents, is the Day of the Three Kings, or Epiphany (January 6).


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By contrast, nonreligious, civic holidays have been relatively insignificant. The Franco regime declared July 18, the day on which the Spanish Civil War began, a national holiday, but that was abandoned after the demise of the regime. Since 1978 the official national holiday has been Constitution Day (December 6). Catalonia and the Basque Country have their own official “national” holidays, and each of the autonomous communities celebrates itself with a regional holiday.

One important holiday is both religious and civic. October 12 is the Day of the Virgin of El Pilar and also the day on which the “discovery” of America is celebrated (a counterpart to the celebration of Columbus Day in the United States ); it has been called at different times the Day of the Race (Día de la Raza) and Hispanic Day (Día de la Hispanidad).

spanish essay on holidays

Every village and town has its own annual holiday fiesta, and these are probably the most important holidays in the daily lives of the Spanish people. These holidays are religious in origin, honouring the local patron saint or the Virgin Mary, but the religious component is often much less important than the dancing and bullfights that take place. Some of these celebrations, such as the Fiesta de San Fermín in Pamplona (with its famous running of the bulls), the Sevilla fair, and the Fallas of Valencia , have become internationally famous and have turned into major tourist attractions. A thoroughly secular , unique festival is held in the little town of Buñol, near Valencia, where each August thousands of residents and visitors gather to hurl tomatoes at one another. The festival, called La Tomatina, began as a symbolic repudiation of harsh rule during the Franco era. It now celebrates the summer tomato harvest, but it is also a fine excuse to drink red wine , eat paella , and enjoy one another’s company.

Spain has a long, varied, and distinguished artistic heritage, which includes some of the most important figures in the Western cultural tradition. A partial list would include novelists Miguel de Cervantes (the most important figure of Spanish literature) and Benito Pérez Galdós , dramatists Pedro Calderón de la Barca and Lope de Vega , painters Diego Velázquez , Francisco de Goya, and Pablo Picasso , and filmmaker Luis Buñuel .

The period from about 1500 to 1681, known as the Golden Age , is considered the most brilliant era of Spain’s artistic history, with enduring contributions made in the fields of literature, theatre, architecture, and painting. Still, at no time has Spain ceased to be a culturally vital country , and the 20th century in particular proved a highly productive and creative one; indeed, its first few decades came to be called the Silver Age.

The Spanish Civil War marked a break in the development of the arts. Many leading artists and intellectuals went into exile at the end of the war. Within Spain the Franco regime practiced a sweeping censorship that limited artistic expression. Nevertheless, many Spanish artists made major contributions throughout the 20th century. Some sought inspiration in the country’s history and folk traditions; others joined the most modern currents in their fields.

Spain’s contributions to world culture are many, but none has been so universally well-accepted as its musical heritage, especially that of music performed on stringed instruments. Noteworthy Spanish composers include Fernando Sor (1778–1839), Isaac Albéniz , Enrique Granados , Manuel de Falla , and Joaquín Rodrigo , all of whom drew heavily on popular and regional music for their inspiration. In the hands of Spanish composers, the guitar moved from Rom (Gypsy) folk instrument to a staple of symphonies; from Spain have come such masters as Manitas de Plata, Andrés Segovia , Paco de Lucia, and countless flamenco and classical artists of great distinction. The flamenco tradition, derived from a marriage of Arabic and Spanish folk songs, carried over into southern Spain’s unique “Rock Andaluz” movement of the 1970s and ’80s, centred in Sevilla. In the 1990s Ibiza , a popular holiday destination in the Balearic Islands , emerged as a global capital of electronic music . Electronic artists and disc jockeys from around the world converge on the island each summer to perform at night clubs and private parties, and music-related tourism has become a vital part of Ibiza’s economy.

Spain is also well represented in classical opera, with Plácido Domingo , José Carreras , Alfredo Kraus, and Montserrat Caballé among the most renowned singers. The leading classical instrumentalists of the century were cellist Pablo Casals , pianist Alicia de Larrocha, and guitarist Narciso Yepes.

Spain’s loss of its empire in Latin America following the Spanish-American War (1898) provided the impetus for many Spanish writers, poets, and scholars to restore a sense of national pride. In their work, writers such as José Ortega y Gasset , Pío Baroja , Vicente Blasco Ibáñez , and Antonio Machado y Ruiz examined Spain’s heritage and its role in the modern world. They and others who took up similar concerns came to be known as the Generation of ’98 . These writers helped revitalize Spanish letters and opened the doors for Spanish cultural development in the 20th century.

Many of Spain’s 20th-century authors achieved international recognition, including five who won the Nobel Prize for Literature: dramatists José Echegaray (1904) and Jacinto Benavente (1922), poets Juan Ramón Jiménez (1956) and Vicente Aleixandre (1977), and novelist Camilo José Cela (1989).

The most famous writer of the century, however, was poet and playwright Federico García Lorca . Executed by the Nationalists in the early days of the Spanish Civil War, he became a symbol of art perishing at the hands of fascism . García Lorca’s poetry is often couched in illusive symbolism and, like his plays, draws heavily on the folklore of his native Andalusia and especially on that of the Roma (Gypsies), or Gitanos. The suppression of instinct by social convention and the repression of women are the major themes of his plays (perhaps influenced by his own homosexuality), some of which continue to be produced and which inspired two films by Spanish director Carlos Saura in the 1980s.

Among the leading poets of the last half of the 20th century were Leopoldo Panero, Luis Rosales, Blas de Otero, Gabriel Celaya, Juan Luis Panero, Andrés Trapiello, Claudio Rodríguez, José Hierro , and Pedro Gimferrer, who wrote in Catalan as well as in Castilian. Prominent women poets in the late 20th and early 21st centuries included María Victoria Atencia , known for her poetry inspired by domestic situations, for her cultivation of the themes of art, music, and painting, and for her later existentialist contemplations; Pureza Canelo, known especially for her ecological poetry and feminist volumes; Juana Castro; Clara Janés; and Ana Rossetti, noteworthy for her erotic verse. Contemporary Spanish poetry often uses colloquial language and explores intimate and social themes.

During the early 20th century many novelists experimented with form and technique and put less emphasis on plot and character. In the post-Civil War period a new generation of novelists, including Rosa Chacel , Miguel Delibes , and Carmen Laforet , avoided such experimentation and returned to a more traditional approach. Several noted writers, including Camilo José Cela , Luis Martín-Santos , and Rafael Sanchez Ferlosio, focused on postwar social problems.

The late 20th-century novel showed a variety of trends. One was the use of everyday language to tell realistic stories, often based on historical events. At the other extreme were highly intellectual novels by writers such as Juan Benet Goitia and his small group of followers. In addition, some novelists, such as Terenci Moix and, later in his career, Juan Goytisolo , were strongly drawn to non-Western cultures . Among the ranks of leading novelists were Eduardo Mendoza, Carmen Martín Gaite, José Luis Sampedro, Francisco Umbral, Javier Marías, Juan José Millàs, Antonio Muñoz Molina, and Antonio Gala. The detective novel became a popular genre after the 1970s, largely through the influence of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán; the work of his younger contemporary Arturo Pérez-Reverte, who writes both intellectual thrillers and historical novels, has been widely translated.

For further discussion, see Spanish literature .

Spain has been an important centre of world theatre since the Roman era, when playwrights such as Lucius Annaeus Seneca , a native of Córdoba , produced popular and enduring works that would exert great influence in the 16th and 17th centuries—the so-called Golden Age. Whereas medieval drama tended to be closely tied to the Roman Catholic Church , focusing on miracle and Passion plays and on religious themes, the pioneering 16th-century dramatist Juan del Encina helped revive classical theatrical forms. During this profoundly inventive period, a national theatre emerged, fuelled by the energies of artists such as Lope de Vega , Guillén de Castro , Tirso de Molina , Pedro Calderón de la Barca, and Miguel de Cervantes .

A time of relative quiet and cultural conservatism followed, as Spanish theatre became a shadow of the French—an irony , given that Pierre Corneille , Jean Racine , and Molière borrowed many themes and characters from Spanish Golden Age originals. To further the irony, it was a French dramatist and stage director, Juan de Grimaldi, who helped revive the Spanish theatre in the 1820s by both translating French plays into Spanish and commissioning new works by Spanish writers. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, playwrights José Echegaray , Gregorio Martínez Sierra , and Jacinto Benavente helped elaborate this identifiably Spanish theatre, which would arguably reach its zenith in the work of Federico García Lorca . Although, as with other aspects of art and culture, the long Franco era discouraged theatrical experimentation, García Lorca’s work informed that of playwrights such as Antonio Buero Vallejo , Antonio Gala, Adolfo Marsillach, Josep María Flotats, and Fernando Fernán Gómez. These and other writers have produced a significant body of theatrical work in Spanish as well as in other national and regional languages, such as Catalan and Basque . Most modern playwrights are active as well in other literary genres and media, such as poetry and filmmaking.

Spain’s most important 20th-century painters and sculptors were all part of the international avant-garde. The most famous, Pablo Picasso , is considered by many to be the most influential European artist of the 20th century. Other leading figures were Juan Gris , Joan Miró , and Salvador Dalí . Among sculptors, the best-known figure internationally was Eduardo Chillida . Among the leading artists of the late 20th and early 21st centuries were the painters Antoni Tàpies , Miguel Barceló, Rafael Canogar, Manuel Millares, and Antonio Saura, along with the sculptors Pablo Serrano, Julio González , Pablo Gargallo , and Alberto Sánchez.

Travel Safe

Views of Palafrugell beach, Girona

Some of the aspects of Spain that will simply seduce you

spanish essay on holidays

If you want to escape the cold weather and clouds, Spain offers you almost 3,000 hours of sunshine a year. Its Mediterranean, almost sub-tropical climate allows you to enjoy outdoor activities in pleasant temperatures all-year-round. For example, the Costa del Sol (Malaga) and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria , boast average annual temperatures of 20.7ºC. Imagine the space you can save in your suitcase by leaving your coat at home! More information on the weather in Spain

Mediterranean diet

2. Food and drink

Yes, Spanish gastronomy is one of the best in the world. And it’s not just us who says so. The Mediterranean diet and everything that surrounds eating and drinking in our country makes everyone who visits us fall in love with the tapas , the ham , the paellas, the cocido (typical stew) and our wine. From north to south, from the Calle Laurel in Logroño to a beach bar in Malaga. From east to west, from some calçots (wild spring onions) in a cave in Tarragona to a seafood platter in the Rías Baixas of Vigo. A country full of flavours. Read more about gastronomy and oenology.

Tenerife Carnival, Fallas of Valencia and the festival of San Fermín in Pamplona-Iruña

Whether it’s our Latin character or because we know how to host a great celebration, any time of the year is a good time for enjoying a festival with its music, customs and flavour. We don’t need excuses to fill our streets with life. The Carnival in Tenerife , Holy Week in Seville , Fallas in Valencia or the festival of San Fermín in Pamplona . These and many more fiestas will make you want to stay here forever. More about Spanish fiestas .

Detail of arches in the Alhambra

Numerous peoples and cultures inhabited these lands before it was named Spain. The Celts, Romans, Phoenicians, Moors… they have all left a unique cultural heritage across the length and breadth of the country dating back thousands of years to the present day. Imagine travelling back in time 20,000 years as you venture inside the cave of Altamira (Cantabria), immerse yourself in the rhythm of flamenco, visit the places that inspired Picasso or discover some of the world’s most unique enclaves, such as the Alhambra (Granada) or the City of Arts and Sciences (Valencia). More about the art and culture of Spain

Las Catedrales beach in Ribadeo, Lugo (Galicia)

5. Landscapes

It doesn’t matter if you prefer the sunrise or the sunset. Or if you prefer the beach to the mountain. Spain is made up of breathtaking, inspirational landscapes that you will simply fall in love with. You can feel like an authentic cowboy in the Almería desert, watch the spectacular view of Las Médulas ( León ) for hours on end or get away from everything while you listen to the sea at Las Catedrales beach (Lugo).

Bonfire on the beach

6. Hospitality

It’s our way of being, feeling and experiencing life. We love to share everything with others, and especially with visitors, so we can show them everything that makes us so unique. We are ambassadors of hospitality, experts in making people feel right at home, even when they are thousands of miles away from it. More information on the customs in Spain

Shopping Centre

7. Shopping

Shops with the best brands at very appealing prices. This is what lovers of shopping can do in cities like Madrid or Barcelona , homes to the latest trends. Golden miles, large shopping centres, boutiques, vintage shops, local designers, markets... If you are visiting with plans for shopping, then come with an empty suitcase for your purchases. See more on shopping in Spain

Mountain biking

Something else you mustn’t forget to pack when you come - sports clothes. For years now Spain has been the perfect destination for sports tourism. With over 25 marathons a year, thousands of routes for hiking, cycling and horse riding, and with optimum weather and scenic conditions to get the adrenaline pumping with adventure sports. See more on sports and adventure holidays in Spain

La Perla spa, San Sebastian, Donostia

9. Wellness

And to free the body and soul of endorphins, Spain offers a wide range of health and wellness tourism, and is positioned as one of the top destinations for these types of services. Immerse yourself in peace at one of the more than 60 spas Spain has to offer, or enjoy some therapies with the best climate the eastern area has to offer.

Road trip in a camper van with friends

10. Contrasts

If there is one thing that makes our gastronomy, climate, fiestas and landscapes truly unique, it is the diverse contrasts that visitors to Spain can experience throughout the country. Because it is a place to suit all tastes, age groups and budgets. A destination that adapts to you, a place you will fall in love with and that leaves you feeling like you want to come back and keep discovering it.

Travel plans for inspiring you

Norwegian cruise ship in Málaga

Practical information

How to get to Spain by ferry or cruise ship

Aircraft taking off from Seville airport

Air connections for exploring Spain

' title=

Culture accessible to everyone in Spain

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My December Holiday Essay For Students

The winter holidays are an exciting time of year filled with fun traditions, tasty foods, and quality time with family and friends. Last December, my family and I took a holiday trip that I will never forget. In this essay, I will share some of the highlights from my December holiday. I will discuss our travels, the special celebrations we enjoyed, and what I learned from the experience.

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My December Holiday

Travel plans.

As part of our holiday preparations, my family researched different destinations to visit over our school break. After much debate, we settled on a one-week road trip along the coast of California (Topic Sentence). For the first part of our journey, we packed up our suitcases and snacks and embarked on an eight-hour drive from our home in Northern California down to Los Angeles (Transition). Hitting the road for long periods of time can be tiring, so we listened to Christmas music and audiobooks to pass the time and keep our energy up. Taking breaks to stretch our legs at scenic overlooks also helped the drive feel shorter.

Arrival in Los Angeles

Upon arriving in LA, our first stop was checking into our hotel for a few nights of exploring the city (Topic Sentence). We spent one afternoon at Disneyland, enjoying the festive decorations and riding our favorite attractions like the teacups (Example). On another day, we toured Hollywood Boulevard and snapped photos beside the handprints of famous movie stars at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Our hotel was located near the Santa Monica Pier, so one evening we strolled along the beachfront shops and played amusement park games for prizes (Example). Los Angeles was bustling with holiday cheer and offered the perfect mix of activities to start our winter getaway.

Christmas Eve in San Diego

After a few enjoyable days in Los Angeles, we packed up and continued on to San Diego for Christmas Eve (Transition). We checked into a cozy hotel downtown and walked nearby to see the iconic San Diego Zoo all lit up for the night (Topic Sentence). What really stood out was attending midnight mass at a historic Spanish church near our hotel. It was a beautiful service with traditional carols and readings about the nativity story that put me in the Christmas spirit (Example). For dinner, my family cooked up a feast of tamales, potatoes, and fruit salad in our mini kitchen before exchanging gifts by the fireplace (Example). Spending quality time together made it feel just like Christmas, even though we were on vacation in a new city.

Our December holiday trip up and down the California coast was full of wonderful new experiences and memories. I learned that holidays are about more than presents or fancy meals—they are a chance to appreciate your family through shared moments of laughter and bonding (Topic Sentence). The natural scenery, festive celebrations in cities, and time unplugged from technology refreshed my mind and spirit. Looking back, that one special week created lasting memories that I will cherish for many years to come. I am grateful that my parents planned such a meaningful getaway for our family during my winter school break.

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Year 8 Spanish HOLIDAYS topic (LAS VACACIONES)

Year 8 Spanish HOLIDAYS topic (LAS VACACIONES)

Subject: Spanish

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Unit of work

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3 September 2023

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Year 8 Spanish HOLIDAYS topic (LAS VACACIONES) It includes the following items: • 12 starter activities (DO NOWS) covering HOLIDAYS vocabulary • 12 complete lessons on the topic with answers, challenges, models for extended writing and audio files. • 12 plenaries (EXIT tickets) ) covering HOLIDAYS vocabulary • Printable vocabulary sheet for students to stick onto their books.

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    Spanish Holidays - Las vacaciones. Save **80%** with this topic bundle of 20 different resource packs on the topic of holidays to use with GCSE or intermediate KS3 groups. The resources cover all aspects of the topic and a range of tenses (present, past, future and conditional).

  12. GCSE Spanish Writing: Holiday

    GCSE Spanish Writing: Holiday. A. Bulbasaur10. 12. I have just started to teach myself Spanish, and have just started a GCSE course alongside a textbook (Mira AQA) in case I would like to take an exam in it, as I am in year 10 and that could become an option. I have only been learning it for about a month, and have done a load of grammar yet am ...

  13. Spain Holidays: the best travel tips

    1. Climate. If you want to escape the cold weather and clouds, Spain offers you almost 3,000 hours of sunshine a year. Its Mediterranean, almost sub-tropical climate allows you to enjoy outdoor activities in pleasant temperatures all-year-round. For example, the Costa del Sol (Malaga) and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, boast average annual ...

  14. Holidays In Spain Essay

    Holidays In Spain Essay. Which are the working hours and holidays in Spain? When we want to talk about Spain a typical schedule in Spain can be from nine in the morning to two in the afternoon, a couple of hours to eat and take a nap, and return to work in the afternoon from five to eight. This may vary. Today it tends to reduce the lunch time ...

  15. Higher Spanish

    Holidays Learn with flashcards, games and more — for free. ... Home. Study tools. Subject areas. Create. Generate. Log in. Sign up. Higher Spanish - Phrases for Short Essay - Holidays. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Get a hint. You can escape the hustle and bustle of life at home. Se puede evadirse del bullicio de la vida en casa. 1 ...

  16. I have a Spanish 150 word exam on holidays what are some ...

    Cuando era joven = When I was younger. Por otro lado / Por otra parte = On the other hand. Dado que = Given that (Use it where you normally put porque) También = Also. Prefiero = I prefer. Por ejemplo = For example. Lograr = To get. This was part of a 90 word essay that did for my mocks (I got an 8 overall) : Normalmente, voy a Grecia porque ...

  17. My December Holiday Essay For Students

    Angelina September 30, 2023. The winter holidays are an exciting time of year filled with fun traditions, tasty foods, and quality time with family and friends. Last December, my family and I took a holiday trip that I will never forget. In this essay, I will share some of the highlights from my December holiday.

  18. Leaving Cert Spanish: H1 Notes

    The Leaving Cert Spanish Oral Exam is worth 20% of the overall grade, while the written paper exam carries the remaining 80%. SimpleStudy offers exclusive revision tools and learning resources for Leaving Certificate Spanish. Including Revision Notes, Past Exams, Quizzes, Essays, Questions by topic, and other unique features usually reserved ...

  19. Short spanish essay.

    Short spanish essay. I'm studying for a spanish exam right now and I wrote a short essay about what I did during my last summer holidays. And I was asking myself, if someone would be willing to have a look at it (it's mostly about the tenses: pretérito imperfecto and pretérito perfecto simple). I'm not actually studying spanish, it's just ...

  20. Year 8 Spanish HOLIDAYS topic (LAS VACACIONES)

    pptx, 20.33 MB. pdf, 100.81 KB. Year 8 Spanish HOLIDAYS topic (LAS VACACIONES) It includes the following items: • 12 starter activities (DO NOWS) covering HOLIDAYS vocabulary. • 12 complete lessons on the topic with answers, challenges, models for extended writing and audio files. • 12 plenaries (EXIT tickets) ) covering HOLIDAYS vocabulary.