Research and Academic Paper Scholarship

About the scholarship.

The Research and Academic Paper Scholarship offers financial assistance to high school students who demonstrate strong writing skills through academic research and essays. High school sophomores, juniors, or seniors seeking a degree or certification are welcome to apply.

  • Essay Required : Yes
  • Need-Based : No
  • Merit-Based : No
  • Member of the National Society of High School Scholars
  • Residing in the U.S.
  • High school sophomore, junior, or senior
  • Seeking a professional certification, associate, or bachelor's degree
  • Participate in community service, creative writing, extracurricular activities, or leadership
  • Display strong writing skills
  • Country : US


Research Scholarships

The scholarships listed under the heading of research pertain to a wide range of academic disciplines and fields. Here you can find scholarship money for investigating and research into fields as disparate as human sexuality, edible fungi and the Russian Empire. If you have something you'd like to research, then take a close look at these research scholarships and you may find things that surprise you. 

There are a few different educational pathways for students interested in research. Research and development management is one such program. Here you'll study how to manage projects, programs and organizations that are involved with basic or applied research. 

Another academic program available at the bachelor's degree level is research methodology. With a research methodology degree program, you'll study the various modes of design for research studies. You'll learn how to measure variables, analyze data and formulate models.

However, you needn't enroll in either of the above mentioned programs if you want to conduct research. Plenty of academic fields feature research as an integral component of the discipline. The biological sciences are a good example of such a field. In subjects such as biotechnology, genetics, molecular biology or entomology, there are a host of opportunities for conducting research. However, keep in mind that in many of these fields conducting high-end research requires a master's or doctoral degree.

Other majors that feature a large amount of research include many of the humanities. Areas such as history, linguistics and comparative literature all rely of research to further the understanding and awareness of their subject matter. These research opportunities are available at both the bachelor's as well as the graduate level.

Other academic fields that rely heavily on research are the social sciences. Subjects such as anthropology, archeology, psychology and sociology use various modes of research to investigate and explore the issues and topics integral to their understanding.

To find out more about the many possibilities involved with research scholarships, just click on the links below.

M. Hildred Blewett Scholarship

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Creating an account only takes minutes and puts all available Research Scholarships that match your profile in front of you immediately from our extensive database of scholarship awards.

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Best Writing Scholarships in 2024

Showing 133 scholarships that match your search.

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Bill Walsh Scholarship

The Walsh scholarship honors Bill Walsh, author, blogger, and longtime copy editor at the Washington Post. The Walsh scholarship will be awarded to an applicant who demonstrates the talent and passion for language that Bill had, and who aspires to pursue the craft of editing the news.

Categories: Journalism

Organization: ACES: The Society for Editing

Deadline: August 15, 2024

Additional awards: Financial aid to attend the annual ACES conference

Recipients: 1

Top award: $3,500

Apply now →

research paper scholarships

ACES Aubespin Scholarship

The Aubespin scholarship honors Merv Aubespin, a former president of the National Association of Black Journalists who greatly helped inspire the creation of ACES. Applicants should have a commitment to a career in the editing of written materials.

Additional awards: 4 runner-up prizes of $1,500 each

Top award: $2,500

research paper scholarships

Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest

The scholarship essay contest is designed for students who are full-time, undergraduate students in an American college or university. Applicants will write and submit a 1,500-5,000 word essay on a topic related to Abraham Lincoln (a new prompt is given each year). The first-place winner has the opportunity to attend the annual symposium of The Lincoln Forum in Gettysburg, PA in November.

Categories: Critical Essay

Organization: The Lincoln Forum

Deadline: August 31, 2024

Additional awards: $500 for second place, $250 for third place

Top award: $1,000

research paper scholarships

Clubs of America Scholarship Program

To apply for this scholarship, write an essay of at least 600 words about your career aspirations and how your current studies will help you achieve success in your career. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? Thinking outside the box is encouraged! Any current college student of an accredited U.S. college or university in good academic standing (3.0 or higher) is eligible.

Categories: Personal Essay

Organization: Clubs of America

research paper scholarships

Cameron Impact Scholarship

The Cameron Impact Scholarship will be awarded annually each December to approximately 10-15 high school seniors. This four-year, merit-based scholarship is intended to cover the full tuition and educational expenses at the recipient’s chosen collegiate institution. Applicants must submit their high school transcript, two letters of recommendation, and the online application to be eligible for this scholarship.

Organization: The Bryan Cameron Education Foundation

Deadline: September 05, 2024

Recipients: 15

Top award: $50,000

research paper scholarships

Don't Text and Drive Scholarship

The purpose of this scholarship is to help you understand the risks of texting while driving. To apply, complete the application form, which includes a 140-character message about texting while driving. Ten finalists will be asked to write a full length 500- to 1,000-word essay about texting while driving, and one will be chosen as the winner of this $1,000 scholarship.

Organization: Digital Responsibility

Deadline: September 30, 2024

research paper scholarships

Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship

The American poet Amy Lowell died in 1925. Her will established an annual scholarship to support travel abroad for gifted American-born poets. Any poet of American birth, who is able and willing to spend one year outside the continent of North America, shall be eligible.

Categories: Poetry

Organization: Charles A. Cheever and William A. Lowell

Deadline: October 15, 2024

Additional awards: If there are two winners, each will receive the full amount

Top award: $60,500

research paper scholarships

YoungArts' National Arts Competition for Writing

YoungArts’ signature program is an application-based award for emerging artists ages 15-18 or in grades 10-12 from across the United States. YoungArts winners receive valuable support, including financial awards of up to $10,000, professional development and educational experiences working with renowned mentors, and performance and exhibition opportunities at some of the nation’s leading cultural institutions.

Categories: Short Fiction, Novel Writing, Nonfiction, Poetry, Screenwriting, Playwriting, and Portfolio

Organization: National YoungArts Foundation

Deadline: October 17, 2024

Additional awards: Multiple awards of varying amounts will be given

Recipients: 6

Top award: $10,000

research paper scholarships

WIIT Scholarships

Our merit-based scholarships are awarded twice per year to support and encourage women studying International Trade and Global Development. Applicants must identify as female and be enrolled at an accredited U.S. college as a junior, senior, or graduate student. Awards will be based on the quality of the assigned essay and the applicant's demonstrated interested in international trade.

Organization: The Association of Women in International Trade

Deadline: November 01, 2024

Additional awards: Multiple awards will be given each year; winners will also receive WIIT mentorship

Top award: $3,000

research paper scholarships

OPC Scholarships

The Overseas Press Club Foundation strives to improve the media's understanding of international issues and to raise the quality of news-gathering efforts in covering the world. This is achieved by offering scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students in American colleges and universities, who aspire to become foreign correspondents. All applicants to OPC scholarships must submit a cover letter, resume, and writing sample about an international issue or topic.

Organization: Overseas Press Club Foundation

Deadline: December 01, 2024

research paper scholarships

New York Life Award

Underwritten by the New York Life Foundation, the New York Life Award offers $2,500 scholarships/travel stipends to ten students whose works explore death and personal grief. Sharing your story through art or writing can be a healing experience both for you and other teens who are grieving. Your creative work can help someone with similar experiences to you feel less alone.

Categories: Journalism, Personal Essay, Critical Essay, Short Fiction, Novel Writing, Nonfiction, Poetry, Screenwriting, Playwriting, and Portfolio

Organization: Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Recipients: 10

research paper scholarships

Americanism Essay Contest

​FRA sponsors an annual essay contest to promote the spirit of Americanism and patriotism among our country’s youth. FRA's Americanism Essay Contest is open to all students, grades 7-12, including those who are home schooled. Students are invited to submit a 350-word essay through an FRA member or local FRA branch before the December 1st deadline.

Organization: Fleet Reserve Association

Additional awards: Other winners will receive $1,000, $750, and $500

Top award: $1,500

research paper scholarships

Portfolio Awards

The Portfolio Awards, made possible by generous individual donors and other supporters, offer $12,500 scholarships to Gold Medal Portfolio winners and $2,000 scholarships to Silver Medal Portfolio winners. All graduating seniors submitting a collection of six works with accompanying Artist or Writer Statements and Personal Statements (500 words or less) are eligible for this award.

Categories: Portfolio

Additional awards: $2,000 each for Silver Medal prizes

Recipients: 16

Top award: $12,500

research paper scholarships

Many Voices Fellowship

The Many Voices Fellowship is intended to support early career playwrights of color and Indigenous playwrights who demonstrate artistic potential and a commitment to a year-long residency in Minnesota. Fellowships provide a $25,000 stipend and $3,000 to support customized play development through workshops with professional directors, dramaturgs, and actors.

Categories: Playwriting

Organization: Jerome Foundation

Top award: $25,000

research paper scholarships

SPCA Mundy Scholarship

The Foundation awards a scholarship each year to a South Carolina college student interested in pursuing a newspaper career. The premier scholarship, worth $1,000 per academic year, is named for the Foundation’s first president, the late Frank R. Mundy of the Greenwood Index-Journal.

Organization: South Carolina Press Association

Deadline: December 02, 2024

What are writing scholarships?

Writing scholarships are financial awards given to students based primarily on written work, though other factors are usually taken into consideration as well. Most writing scholarships involve a prompt or series of prompts to which applicants must respond. Some writing scholarships — especially those that award large amounts of money — require applicants to submit past writing samples, or even a full portfolio.

The good news is that, with so many writing scholarships to choose from, you don’t have to apply for any that are “out of your league.” Indeed, though most students have heard of writing scholarships, you may not realize just how many different varieties there are! Here are five of the most common types of writing scholarships, all of which you can find in this directory.

1. Personal essay scholarships

Personal essay scholarships involve writing on a topic related to your own experience. You’ll often see personal essay prompts like, “How have your experiences influenced your choice of major?” and “What are your career aspirations and how do you plan to achieve them?” Other prompts may ask you to write about a role model, a life-changing event, an aspect of your identity, etc. Suggested length is usually about 500-1,000 words, but varies depending on the level of detail requested and how many essay questions are provided.

Just about every scholarship these days has a personal essay component of some kind. This is because personal essay responses both demonstrate writing skills and give the judges a clear sense of each applicant’s goals. No one wants to throw away money on an aimless student — so if you’re applying for a personal essay scholarship, make sure to convey both your writing abilities and your ambitions in your work!

2. Critical essay scholarships

Critical essay scholarships are more in line with what students might consider  “academic” essays. The prompts typically ask applicants to analyze works of literature. However, unlike open-ended English class essays, most critical essay scholarships provide a very specific prompt (e.g. “Examine The Great Gatsby in the context of its World War II-era revival”).

Critical essay scholarships can also involve non-literary subject matter. Some may ask applicants to evaluate a historical event or figure; others may ask them to defend their stance on a political or legal issue. Though the line between critical and personal essays can sometimes blur, for the purposes of this directory, we define critical essays as those that use evidence from an external source to prove a point.

3. Short fiction scholarships

Short fiction scholarships include scholarships for short stories, one-act plays, poetry, and any other form of fiction that isn’t a novel or full-length script. Short fiction scholarships tend to be easier to find than long-form fiction scholarships, since most judging panels don’t have time to read more than a few thousand words per entry. Therefore, if you write fiction and you’re hoping to nab yourself a scholarship, this category is the way to go! (That said, if you’re a hardline novelist, some places will accept a sample chapter or two as short fiction entries.)

4. Journalism scholarships

Journalism scholarships are for students interested in pursuing a career in news, magazine, and/or online journalism. These scholarship applications almost always ask for writing samples to show the candidate’s interest. Depending on the organization, they may prefer topical news reports, informative articles, thinkpieces, or a mix. Some journalism scholarships provide a prompt and ask applicants to write a new article, but the focus is usually on samples. Speaking of which…

5. Portfolio scholarships 

Portfolio scholarships are the most rigorous kind of writing scholarship, requiring a substantial body of work from each applicant — usually 5-10 pieces of writing, if not more. The upside is that awards for portfolio scholarships tend to be pretty sizable, and may even cover your entire tuition!

If you decide to apply to a portfolio scholarship, make sure you have several strong pieces of work in your oeuvre, and consider writing a few new pieces as well. What you shouldn’t do is rush through a dozen new pieces to throw together as a portfolio. If you don’t have samples at the ready from previous assignments or projects, you’ll be better off applying to a less intensive writing scholarship.

Why apply to writing scholarships?

Applying to writing scholarships is a huge undertaking, especially if you’re pursuing multiple scholarships at once. It can sometimes feel like the effort isn’t worth it, or that you have little chance of actually winning any awards. But in truth, submitting to writing scholarships is one of the best investments you can make in your education, your creative writing skills, and your professional life.

Scholarships for larger amounts do attract more applicants, but that doesn’t mean they’re impossible to land — only that you have to work a little harder to stand out. And you can definitely sway the odds in your favor by applying to lots of small scholarships ($500 or less) for which you’ll have fewer competitors. Remember that every little bit helps! For example, if you plan on taking out student loans, even a $500 scholarship could save you much more in interest down the line.

Another compelling reason to apply to writing scholarships is that oftentimes, you’ve already done the work, or the work required is minimal. For scholarships that require writing samples, you’ll simply submit what you’ve already written in the past — and even for scholarships with specific prompts, you rarely have to write more than a couple of pages. If you were seriously committed, you could apply to a scholarship every day, spending a single concentrated evening on each application.

Jumping off that thought, as English majors love to say: the more writing scholarships you apply for, the better a writer you’ll become. Writing tons of scholarship essays will make you a much more creative and efficient writer. Not only will this help with your personal writing projects, but it will also be invaluable to your education and even your career! Writing is a crucial skill for every major — you’ll always have to write papers and emails to professors, after all — and even if you don’t plan to pursue a writing-based job, you'll still need writing skills to polish your résumé.

Finally, remember that there’s a writing scholarship out there for everyone, no matter what your interests or intended field. This directory includes plenty of creative writing scholarships, yes; but there are also personal essay scholarships for future doctors, lawyers, salespeople, and so much more. You have nothing to lose by giving it a shot, so why not start searching for your dream writing scholarship today? (And if you’re unsure about your writing skills, you might benefit from some of the resources below.)

Resources to strengthen your writing skills

  • 20 Writing Tips to Help You Become A Better Writer Today. Click here to view
  • How to Stop Procrastinating and Build A Solid Writing Routine. Click here to enroll
  • What is Creative Nonfiction? Memoirs, Literary Journalism, and More! Check it out
  • How to Write a Memoir: Tell Your Amazing Story in 9 Steps. Read more
  • How to Write a Fantastic Short Story In 7 Steps. Find out more
  • How to Self-Edit Your Manuscript Like a Pro. Enroll here
  • 700+ Creative Writing Prompts to Inspire You. Click here to view
  • 100+ Creative Writing Exercises for Authors. Learn more

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Mary Gates Research Scholarship

The Autumn 2024 Research Scholarship application will open on Monday, August 26 at 12:00pm.

  • Mary Gates Research Scholarships are competitive scholarships intended to enhance the educational experiences of undergraduate students at the University of Washington while they are engaged in research guided by faculty. We hope that with research scholarships, students may focus more attention and time, deepening their inquiry into a discipline or project with a reduced financial burden.
  • Students receive research scholarships to pursue research in a variety of disciplines.  Learn more about research in the social sciences, arts, and humanities.
  • Applications are accepted twice per year – once in Autumn Quarter and once in Winter Quarter. The scholarships are $5,000 and disburse in installments of $2,500 each over two quarters. Graduating seniors may request to receive a one-quarter award totaling $2,500.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applica nts must be matriculated UW undergraduate students registered full time (at least 12 credits during the academic year; only one credit is required in Summer) during the award period, pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the UW Bothell, Seattle or Tacoma campus. 
  • Applicants  do not need to be already engaged in research with faculty to be eligible to apply. 
  • During summer quarter, students need only to be enrolled for one credit to receive funds.
  • If you have other scholarships, fellowships, awards or stipends supporting your research project and you are also selected for a Mary Gates Research Scholarship, you may not be eligible to receive the full amount of this award. If you would like to discuss your situation, please contact a Mary Gates Endowment staff member.
  • A student may receive a maximum of one Mary Gates scholarship at a time .  Students may successfully apply for multiple scholarships, but can receive funding for only one scholarship in any given quarter.
  • Previous Mary Gates Research Scholarship recipients are eligible to apply for a second award; however, reviewers will evaluate these applications using additional  criteria .
  • Students who have received the same type of Mary Gates scholarship twice are  not  eligible to apply for a third award of that scholarship type.
  • Students are eligible for a total (maximum) of three Research and Leadership Scholarships (for example, if you have previously received two Research Scholarships, you would only be eligible to receive one Leadership Scholarship).

If you receive need-based financial aid,  learn more about how receiving a Mary Gates scholarship may affect your financial aid package .

How to Apply

To apply for a Mary Gates Research Scholarship, please begin by perusing all the materials on the website pertaining to the Research Scholarship, particularly the  selection criteria .  You may also find the  profiles  of past Mary Gates scholarship recipients informative.

When you are ready to prepare your application, begin with the  Application Guidelines  to find out what you will need in order to apply.  Start your application by using the Application Login on the left panel of the website.

Review Process

All complete applications are reviewed by a committee of faculty and staff. Please see the  Review Process & Selection Criteria  page for more information.

Applicants may stay updated on their application status by checking their application online. We will notify you and your mentor via email whether or not you are awarded the Research Scholarship. The review process takes approximately 8 weeks.


  • For the duration of the award period, you must continue to be actively engaged with your research project and faculty mentor, and remain a full-time undergraduate student. (During summer quarter students need only to be enrolled for one credit to receive funds).
  • You will be asked to complete one or two brief surveys during your award period.
  • You are required to present your work at the Undergraduate Research Program’s annual  Undergraduate Research Symposium  in May. A call to submit proposals for the Symposium is announced during winter quarter. If you are unable to participate in the Symposium the year you receive the scholarship, you are expected to present the following year. If you are receiving support for research from the Mary Gates Endowment through other programs, such as the Friday Harbor Laboratories, you are also expected to present at the Symposium.

Application Login

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Our reviews and recommendations are based on extensive research, testing, and feedback. We may receive commission from links on our website, but that doesn’t affect our editors’ opinions. Our marketing partners don’t review, approve or endorse our editorial content. It’s accurate to the best of our knowledge when posted. You can find a complete list of our partners here .

Top 100+ Undergraduate Scholarships in August 2024

Gabriel Jimenez-Ekman

Gabriel Jimenez-Ekman is a content editor and writer at Scholarships360. He has managed communications and written content for a diverse array of organizations, including a farmer’s market, a concert venue, a student farm, an environmental NGO, and a PR agency. Gabriel graduated from Kenyon College with a degree in sociology.

Learn about our editorial policies

Whether you are a prospective or current undergraduate student, you are probably facing overwhelming educational expenses. We gathered this list of vetted undergraduate scholarships to help. We’ve included undergrad scholarships for students in STEM, social sciences, the humanities, and any other field of study.

This list includes scholarships for high school students looking to attend undergrad, as well as current undergraduate students looking to fund the rest of their education, and even their grad school. Scroll down to start your search, and consider signing up for our free app to get custom scholarship recommendations, updated daily.

Why choose Scholarships360

We helped over 4 million students find scholarships in 2023

We've spent over 4,000 hours reviewing 3,000 scholarship programs

13+ years of experience helping students make smart education decisions

The Scholarships360 Research Team reviews all scholarships individually and strives to exclude any scholarship where any of the below applies:

  • The scholarship requires a fee to apply
  • The scholarship provider’s privacy policy allows for the misuse of student data
  • The scholarship requires paid membership in an organization (with certain exceptions for reputable trade organizations and others)
  • Student are required to sign up for a site or service to apply*
  • The scholarship seems primarily used for lead generation** or idea harvesting purposes***
  • The scholarship website has many grammatical errors and/or advertisements
  • The scholarship or scholarship providing organization seem untrustworthy
  • There is no evidence the scholarship was previously awarded
  • The scholarship has not been awarded in the past 12 months
  • There is no available contact information

If you believe a scholarship has been published in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll take a look!

* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

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research paper scholarships

Danielle Emretane

Winner of the Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

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Fiorella Ruiz

Winner of the "Commencing at Community College" Scholarship

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Jack Furman

Winner of the “Tuition Solution” STEM Scholarship

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Morgan Breitschuh

Winner of the “Follow Your Own Path” Scholarship

research paper scholarships

Connor Godoy

Winner of the “Commencing at Community College Scholarship”

research paper scholarships

Kyamani Atterbury

Winner of the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Scholarship

$10,000 No Essay Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Scholarships360

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high… Show More

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high school student who hopes to go to college, a graduate student who’s in a master’s program, or an adult learner who wants to return to school, you are eligible for our no essay scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to students who get the most out of Scholarships360 scholarships and content. You will be a strong applicant if you apply to scholarships with the Scholarships360 platform. Finalists for this scholarship will be interviewed about their process for funding their education. Show Less

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Sallie Mae

Sallie Mae will award $2,000 each month to eligible entrants. No essay or account sign-ups, just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for…

Sallie Mae will award $2,000 each month to eligible entrants. No essay or account sign-ups, just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for school.

“Get Inspired” TikTok Scholarship

“Get Inspired” TikTok Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Online platforms like TikTok have given people all around the world the opportunity to create and share content. But sometimes with so many people constantly… Show More

Online platforms like TikTok have given people all around the world the opportunity to create and share content. But sometimes with so many people constantly posting and sharing, it’s hard to break out of all the noise. That’s why Scholarships360 is asking what or even who inspires you to create, to share, and to connect with others. To apply for this scholarship, simply follow these steps: 1. Follow us on TikTok. 2. Like the "Get Inspired" TikTok Scholarship post pinned at the top of our grid. 3. Drop a thoughtful comment on the post about what inspires you. For extra consideration, tag some friends who inspire you as well! Show Less

BigFuture $40k Essay-Free Scholarship

BigFuture $40k Essay-Free Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by The College Board

Open to US-Based high school students in the class of 2025 — no essay, minimum GPA, test score, or citizenship requirements.

“Jump for Joy” InstaScholarship

“Jump for Joy” InstaScholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

When you’re not searching for scholarships, what do you like to do for fun? Do you dance? Play sports? Watch movies? Here at Scholarships360, we… Show More

When you’re not searching for scholarships, what do you like to do for fun? Do you dance? Play sports? Watch movies? Here at Scholarships360, we know how important it is to follow your passions. That’s why we’re offering a $500 scholarship to one student who tells us what makes them jump for joy! Whether it’s spending time with your friends, reading a good book, or jamming out to music, we want to know what brings a smile to your face. To apply for this scholarship, simply follow these steps: 1. Follow us on Instagram. 2. Like the “Jump for Joy” InstaScholarship post pinned at the top of our grid. 3. Drop a thoughtful comment on the post about something that brings you joy. Extra consideration will be given to students who mention at least one friend in their comment! Show Less

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Niche

Easy scholarship open to all high school and college students, as well as anyone looking to attend college or graduate school in the next year!

“College Here I Come” Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors

“College Here I Come” Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

The "College Here I Come" Scholarship for Class of 2025 is open to just who you think: high school seniors graduating in the class of… Show More

The "College Here I Come" Scholarship for Class of 2025 is open to just who you think: high school seniors graduating in the class of 2025! Here at Scholarships360, scholarships are our passion–we know that you can never have enough of them! After all, scholarships are essentially “free money” to help fund your education. We want to help out a lucky high school senior who is just starting out on their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We hope that you apply and look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students

“Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

In offering the “Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students, we want to help offset the cost of attending college for Black students. Open to… Show More

In offering the “Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students, we want to help offset the cost of attending college for Black students. Open to high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 and 2025) and undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year, this scholarship aims to lighten your financial worry and allow you to take fewer loans. Remember, scholarships are essentially “free money” that need not be paid back. This scholarship, specifically, aims to help out a Black student who is passionate about their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application, and wish you much success on your academic journey!  Show Less

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by CollegeXpress

Annual $10k scholarship from CollegeXpress open to all high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors.

“Making Waves” Scholarship for Women

“Making Waves” Scholarship for Women This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Are you a woman in high school, college, or graduate school enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year? If so, let us help you! Our $500… Show More

Are you a woman in high school, college, or graduate school enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year? If so, let us help you! Our $500 “Making Waves” Scholarship for Women aims to help women cover the costs of pursuing their dreams. Whether that dream is starting a business, learning a foreign language, or attending college on the path to fulfilling your dream, the scholarship will cover those costs and make your journey a little easier. No matter your goals, we want to help out a woman who is passionate about their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. In order to apply, simply write an essay about how the $500 “Making Waves” Scholarship for Women will help you fulfill your dreams. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We encourage you to apply and look forward to reading your essay. Good luck! Show Less

“Tuition Solution” Scholarship for STEM Students

“Tuition Solution” Scholarship for STEM Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Do you like figuring out solutions to difficult problems? Well, if you’re a current or aspiring STEM major, we have one for you! Our $500… Show More

Do you like figuring out solutions to difficult problems? Well, if you’re a current or aspiring STEM major, we have one for you! Our $500 “Tuition Solution” Scholarship is meant for high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 or 2025), as well as undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2023-24 academic year who are looking for ways to fund their postsecondary education in STEM. In order to apply, you must write an essay about how your passion for STEM started and how the scholarship will help you fulfill your dreams. No matter which STEM field ignites your interest, we look forward to reading your essays. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. Apply today - it’s time to cell-e-brate you! Show Less

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by

Open to high school students, college students, community college students, and graduate students.

“A Helping Hand” Scholarship

“A Helping Hand” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

At Scholarships360, we know how hard it can be to pay off the hefty costs of a college tuition. Oftentimes, this is even more difficult… Show More

At Scholarships360, we know how hard it can be to pay off the hefty costs of a college tuition. Oftentimes, this is even more difficult for students coming from low-income backgrounds or for those who demonstrate financial need. This is where our “A Helping Hand” Scholarship comes in! We're offering a $500 scholarship to help out a low-income student who is passionate about their higher education journey and is actively looking for ways to fund it. This award is open to high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 and 2025), as well as undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year. In order to apply, students should submit an essay detailing how winning the scholarship would help you fulfill your dreams. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship

“Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

At Scholarships360, our mission is to help students find and fund their postsecondary education. We know that students have a variety of educational and career… Show More

At Scholarships360, our mission is to help students find and fund their postsecondary education. We know that students have a variety of educational and career interests and aspirations. That is why we are offering the “Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship. This scholarship aims to support all current postsecondary students, regardless of the type of education they are pursuing. Thus, no matter your own unique educational path, we hope you apply for this $500 scholarship. In order to apply for the “Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship, students must submit an essay about their career ambitions. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Appily

This easy scholarship from Appily is open to U.S. high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, 2027) and college transfer students. One scholarship will be… Show More

This easy scholarship from Appily is open to U.S. high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, 2027) and college transfer students. One scholarship will be awarded each month. Show Less

“Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship

“Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Community college, also known as two-year college, is a golden opportunity for the right student. These schools offer an affordable education to a diverse range… Show More

Community college, also known as two-year college, is a golden opportunity for the right student. These schools offer an affordable education to a diverse range of students in a wide range of majors. If starting your postsecondary education at a community college is right for you, we have a scholarship just for you! The “Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship aims to financially support community college students who are passionate about their higher education journeys and actively looking for ways to fund it. In order to apply for the “Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship, students must submit an essay explaining how earning their degree at community college will help them achieve their educational and career goals. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application!  Show Less

“Outstanding Undergraduate” Essay Scholarship

“Outstanding Undergraduate” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

The U.S. is home to over 2,000 four-year universities offering bachelor’s degrees. However, attending such universities can sometimes come with hefty costs that can deter… Show More

The U.S. is home to over 2,000 four-year universities offering bachelor’s degrees. However, attending such universities can sometimes come with hefty costs that can deter students from attending. If you’re in a situation similar to this, we may just have the perfect scholarship opportunity for you: the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Essay Scholarship! With this scholarship, we aim to help out a lucky undergraduate student (enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year) who is passionate about their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. The scholarship is open to any U.S. citizen who is enrolled as an undergraduate at a four-year university in the U.S. during the 2023-24 academic year. In order to apply, submit an essay explaining how earning your bachelor’s degree will help you achieve your educational and career goals. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Christian Connector

Students applying to the $5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship must be current high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, or 2027) interested in attending a Christian…

Students applying to the $5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship must be current high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, or 2027) interested in attending a Christian university or college.

Sharing is Caring Scholarship

Sharing is Caring Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Did you know you can win a $1,000 scholarship just by sharing Scholarships360 with your friends? The Sharing is Caring Scholarship is open to all… Show More

Did you know you can win a $1,000 scholarship just by sharing Scholarships360 with your friends? The Sharing is Caring Scholarship is open to all Scholarships360 users who refer their friends to Scholarships360. The more people you refer, the higher your chances of winning! To apply, just send your personal referral link to your friends. For every person who creates a Scholarships360 account using your personal referral link, you’ll gain an entry to the Sharing is Caring Scholarship. Get started by visiting the Scholarships360 Referral Center! Show Less

Ascent’s $10,000 Summer Scholarship Giveaway

Ascent’s $10,000 Summer Scholarship Giveaway This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Ascent Funding

As you soak up the summer vibes and look ahead to the next school year, it's never too early to start thinking about your internship… Show More

As you soak up the summer vibes and look ahead to the next school year, it's never too early to start thinking about your internship or job! Whether you're figuring out what interests you, checking out career resources, or picking up skills for your dream job, we want to know: Do you have what you need to enter the next phase of life, post-graduation? Ascent is committed to your long-term success and is giving away $10,000 to one lucky winner for sharing your feedback and ideas on what you need to build the skills and confidence to thrive in the workplace. To apply, complete these three easy steps below: Step 1: Visit the “Summer of Success Scholarship” to complete a quick survey and contact form. Step 2: Follow @ascentfunding on Instagram and like the post. Step 3: Tag 3 friends below that would benefit from this scholarship! Be sure to end your comment with #AscentSponsored. Disclaimer: Deadline to apply for Ascent’s $10,000 scholarship prize (1) is September 2nd at 8:59AM PT. To apply and see official rules, visit the “Summer of Success Scholarship” link here: Show Less

Top 10 undergraduate scholarships overall

We went through our database of thousands of undergraduate scholarships and hand-selected the opportunities below based on three criteria:

  • The scholarship is from a well-known organization that has been offering the opportunity for several years
  • The award amount is substantial
  • The eligibility information is not too narrow, so many students can apply

Here are our picks for the overall top 10 undergraduate scholarships:

  • Questbridge College Match  – For high school seniors with financial need, offers a full ride to college
  • The Gates Scholarship  – For low-income minority high school seniors, offers a full ride to college
  • Collegiate Inventors Competition  – For college students who submit an original invention. Worth up to $10,000
  • Dell Scholars Program  – For Pell Grant-eligible high school seniors who participated in a college readiness program. Worth $20,000 with 500 scholarships awarded every year. Recipients also receive a free laptop, textbooks, and more
  • Regeneron Science Talent Search  – For high school seniors interested in pursuing an individual STEM research project. Worth anywhere between $2,000 and $250,000
  • Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship  – For Black high school seniors pursuing a bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer science, computer information systems, or a business field. Worth up to $20,000
  • Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Atlas Shrugged)  – For students who submit an essay about the novel Atlas Shrugged. Worth $25,000
  • Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship  – For high school seniors with financial need, worth up to $55,000 per year
  • Elie Wiesel Foundation Prize In Ethics  – For college upperclassmen who write an essay about ethics. Worth $10,000
  • Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship Contest  – For high school and college students who submit a greeting card of their own creation. Worth $10,000

Top 3 undergraduate scholarships for Black students

  • Scholar Dollars Essay Scholarship for Black Students  – For Black high school upperclassmen, college students, and graduate students. Worth $500
  • Generation Google Scholarship  – For HS seniors, college, and grad students who plan to study computer science or engineering. Worth $10,000. Preference given to women and ethnic minorities
  • Ron Brown Scholarship  – For Black high school seniors who plan to study global entrepreneurship and/or community engagement. Worth $10,000 per year

Top 3 undergraduate scholarships for Hispanic students

  • El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarship  – For undergraduate and graduate students attending Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the US. Worth $5,000
  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund  – For Hispanic students who will be enrolled at a 4-year college or grad school the following year. Worth up to $5,000. Approximately 10,000 awards granted per year
  • Dream.US Opportunity Scholarship  – For undocumented high school seniors and college freshmen with high financial need living in a state where public colleges do not offer in-state tuition to undocumented students. Worth $20,000 per year

Top 3 undergraduate scholarships for women

  • Navisite’s Next Steminist Scholarship Program  – For women who are HS seniors or college students and submit a 60-second video about their dream STEM career. Worth $10,000
  • “Making Waves” Scholarship for Women – For women in all grade levels who write a short essay. Worth $500
  • Hyundai Women in STEM Scholarship  – For HS seniors and college undergrads who identify as female and are pursuing STEM. Worth $10,000

Top 3 undergraduate STEM scholarships

  • Barry Goldwater Scholarship  – For college students pursuing a research career in STEM. Worth $7,500
  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Scholarships  – For high school seniors and above who are Hispanic and pursuing a STEM degree. Worth $25,000

Scholarships for undergrads by grade level

Whether you are a college freshman or a transfer student, we have specific guides to help you find and apply for scholarships:

  • Scholarships for High School Freshman
  • Scholarships for High School Sophomores
  • Scholarships for High School Juniors
  • Scholarships for High School Seniors
  • College Freshmen
  • Community College Students
  • College Sophomores
  • College Juniors
  • Transfer Students
  • College Seniors

How to win undergrad scholarships

Here are a few tips for finding and winning scholarships and financial aid for an undergraduate education.

Apply for need-based financial aid

Your first step should be to apply for need-based aid, including  Pell Grants ,  Federal SEOG Grants , and  work study . These are strictly based on your need, so your academic standing should not impact them as long as you are making Satisfactory Academic Progress .

The two major financial aid applications are the  FAFSA  and the  CSS Profile . These applications serve to assess your financial need. Schools have their own deadlines for each application, so make sure that you get everything in on time!

Apply to many scholarships to increase your odds of winning

A key part of any good scholarship strategy  is applying to a broad array of scholarship opportunities. The more you apply to, the more chances you have of winning! Scholarships can take many forms, such as  video scholarships ,  local opportunities , and scholarships based on your  major  or your  background .

Check your college’s financial aid office or high school counseling office for scholarships

Your college’s financial aid office or your high school’s counseling office should be your first stop for college scholarships since they may be able to offer other forms of aid as well (like grants or work study programs). If you are not currently on campus, you can consult their website and reach out to a representative via email.

Look for departmental scholarships

Many colleges, such as the  University of South Carolina , offer scholarships to current students on a departmental basis. Students who show particular promise in one field of study may be eligible to receive funding from their department for their additional years of schooling. You can try consulting your professors, your advisor, or the chair of the department you’re majoring in to see what opportunities are out there.

Study abroad scholarships

If you plan on studying abroad, you may be eligible for scholarships! There are many places to look for study abroad scholarships. These include your school’s study abroad department, the organization running the program you’re enrolling in, and  our very own list of scholarships for students who are studying abroad ! As studying abroad can often end up being expensive for students, it’s a good idea to pursue these options to reduce your costs. 

Frequently asked questions about undergraduate scholarships

How do i find scholarships that no one applies for, is the sallie mae $2000 scholarship legit, what is the most prestigious undergraduate scholarship.

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3 reasons to join scholarships360

  • Automatic entry to our $10,000 No-Essay Scholarship
  • Personalized matching to thousands of vetted scholarships
  • Quick apply for scholarships exclusive to our platform

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Research scholar program

The Research Scholar Program aims to support early-career professors who are pursuing research in fields relevant to Google.

The Research Scholar Program provides unrestricted gifts to support research at institutions around the world, and is focused on funding world-class research conducted by early-career professors.

Program details

Application status, award information, eligibility criteria, funding amounts, supporting cutting-edge research, award recipients.

Applications are currently closed.

Decisions for the November 2023 application will be announced via email by April 2024. Please check back in Fall 2024 for details on future application cycles.

We encourage submissions from professors globally who are teaching at universities and meet the eligibility requirements. It is our hope that this program will help develop collaborations with new professors and encourage the formation of long-term relationships.

Awards are disbursed as unrestricted gifts to the university and are not intended for overhead or indirect costs. They are intended for use during the academic year in which the award is provided to support the professor’s research efforts.

  • Post doctoral staff can only serve as a co-PI, not a primary PI.
  • We consider exceptions for applicants who have been teaching seven years or fewer and had delays, such as working in industry, parental leave, leave of absence, etc. This exception request can be documented on the application.
  • Faculty can only serve as a PI or Co-PI per round. Applicants cannot serve on two separate proposals.
  • Applicants can apply a maximum of 3 times within the 7 years post-PhD.

The funds granted will be up to $60,000 USD and are intended to support the advancement of the professor’s research.

Algorithms and optimization

Our team conducts research in graph mining, optimization, operations research, and market algorithms to improve Google's infrastructure, machine learning, and marketplaces. We collaborate with teams across Google and perform research in related areas, such as algorithmic foundations of machine learning, distributed optimization, economics, and data mining.

Health research

Google Health research aims to advance AI and technology to help people live healthier lives through collaborative research with public officials, clinicians, and consumers. We are developing tools to understand population health, novel algorithms to better understand and use complex medical data, and technology to help people find high-quality health information and understand their health status.

We invite proposals that will generate and understand large datasets to improve population health, develop novel algorithms for better understanding of complex medical data, and develop novel methods to extract health insights cheaper, faster, or better.

Machine learning and data mining

Machine learning is the foundation of Google's research, with a broad scope that includes foundational and algorithmic work, critical real-world applications, and topics, such as federated learning, information retrieval, learning theory, optimization, reinforcement learning, robotics, and recommender systems.

Natural language processing

Our team comprises multiple research groups working on a wide range of natural language understanding and generation projects. Our researchers are focused on advancing the state of the art in natural language technologies and accelerating adoption everywhere for the benefit of the user. Natural language processing and understanding plays a major role in driving Google’s company-wide OKRs as language understanding is the key to unlocking Google’s approach: “Build a more helpful Google for everyone that increases the world’s knowledge, success, health, and happiness.”

Quantum computing

The Quantum AI team is developing an error-corrected quantum computer and discovering valuable applications by offering a quantum computing service. We collaborate with academic partners to advance both goals, so if you have a quantum algorithm you would like to run on our service, please submit a proposal.

Software engineering and programming languages

Research on all aspects of software development, including the engineers and the programming languages, libraries, development tools, and processes that they use.

Fundamental and applied science

Large language, visual, and multimodal models have made significant advances in recent years, opening up new possibilities for scientific research. We invite proposals in these four areas:

  • Applications : Proposals that demonstrate how large language models can be used to advance scientific discovery in a specific field.
  • Foundations : Proposals that explore broad advances in building, tuning, or deploying large models for scientific research, such as integrating language models with specialized scientific tools, developing multimodal models for understanding scientific data, and accelerating scientific analysis, experimentation, and summarization.
  • Evaluation : Proposals that develop datasets or methods for benchmarking and evaluating large models for science, including evaluating domain-specific knowledge, assessing factuality and grounding, evaluating multimodal capabilities, and developing tasks that require multi-step scientific reasoning.
  • HCI : Proposals that enhance scientific workflows, such as automating complex simulation pipelines, with large language models and human-in-the-loop interaction.

Human-computer interaction

HCI researchers at Google design and build large-scale interactive systems that aim to be humane, simple-to-understand, and delightful to use. We work across a variety of HCI disciplines, including predictive and intelligent user interfaces, mobile and ubiquitous computing, social and collaborative computing, and interactive visualization.

Machine perception

Machine perception researchers at Google develop algorithms and systems to tackle a wide range of tasks, including action recognition, object recognition and detection, hand-writing recognition, audio understanding, perceptual similarity measures, and image and video compression.

Google's privacy research reaches across multiple teams, focusing on different aspects of privacy to advance the state of the art and develop tools to protect users and give them control over their data. This includes work on privacy-preserving technologies using cryptography and differential privacy, machine learning for privacy, user interface design and human-computer interactions to make communication clear and empower users, privacy policy to define Google's guiding principles for user protection, and system analysis and measurement to develop techniques to evaluate the privacy health of Google's systems.

Google's security and anti-abuse research team brings together experts from multiple disciplines to defend users from a wide range of threats. This includes work on access control, information security, networking, operating systems, language design, cryptography, fraud detection, machine learning for abuse detection, denial of service, emerging threats, user interfaces, and other human-centered aspects of security.

Systems and networking systems

Google's systems and networking systems research is focused on building and deploying novel systems at unprecedented scale. Our work spans the entire spectrum of computing, from large-scale distributed systems to individual machines to accelerator technologies.

We address fundamental questions around data center architecture, cloud virtual networking, wide-area network interconnects, software-defined networking, machine learning for networking, large-scale management infrastructure, congestion control, bandwidth management, capacity planning, and designing networks to meet traffic demands.

What is the evaluation criteria when assessing proposals?

To ensure fairness, we use a scoring rubric for consistency across reviews. We look at the criteria below to assess proposals. Proposals must comply with the required format and other Research Scholar Program guidelines.

  • Faculty Merit : Faculty is accomplished in research, community engagement, and open source contributions, with potential to contribute to responsible innovation.
  • Research Merit : Faculty's proposed research is aligned with Google Research interests, innovative, and likely to have a significant impact on the field.
  • Proposal Quality : The research proposal is clear, focused, and well-organized, and it demonstrates the team's ability to successfully execute the research and achieve a significant impact.
  • Broadening Participation : Faculty is committed to broadening participation in computing through their work on a variety of initiatives, including, for example, designing and deploying programs, and training and mentoring students from historically marginalized groups.
  • AI Ethics Principles : The research proposal strongly aligns with Google's AI Principles .

What are the steps for the selection process?

  • November: Applications open
  • December/January: Proposal reviews and scoring
  • February: Committee reviews proposals, scoring and make selections
  • March: Approval process for selected proposals
  • April: Applicants are notified of decision

We completely understand the desire to receive feedback and do our best to meet this request. However, due to the high volume of applications received, you may not receive feedback on your proposal.

To ensure fairness, we use a scoring rubric for consistency across reviews.

How many times can I apply for the Research Scholar program?

Faculty may apply up to a maximum of 3 times within the 7 years they received their PhD.

Can I receive this award more than once?

Faculty can receive a Research Scholar award only once. Previous Faculty Research Award recipients are still eligible to receive a Research Scholar award.

Who is eligible to apply for the Research Scholar Program?


  • We accept applications from full-time faculty at universities around the world. Funding is focused on supporting the faculty’s research. We do not allow applications from non-degree-granting research institutions.
  • Since our funding is structured as unrestricted gifts to degree-granting Universities, we cannot process awards to other institutions (e.g. not-for-profits institutions, hospitals, non-degree-granting research institutes, etc) even if they are affiliated with a University. A Principal Investigator must apply in his or her capacity as a university professor and must be able to accept an award through that University.

Principal Investigator Requirements:

  • Global faculty who have received their PhD less than 7 years from submission from degree-granting institutions who are doing research within fields relevant to Google.
  • An applicant may only serve as Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator on one proposal per round, they cannot be listed on two separate proposals.
  • We understand that titles may differ globally. In order for someone without the title of professor to apply, he or she must be a full-time faculty member at an eligible institution and serve as a formal advisor to masters or PhD students. We may, at our discretion, provide funding for Principal Investigators who advise undergraduate students at colleges that do not award advanced degrees.

Past Applicants:

  • If an applicant’s proposal was not selected for funding the previous round, they are welcome to apply with a new proposal (or substantively revised proposal) the following round. A Principal Investigator can apply a maximum of 3 times within the 7 years post-PhD.

How do I apply for the Research Scholar Program?

The application process includes filling out an online form requesting basic information and uploading a PDF proposal via the form. As part of the online form, you will be asked to select a topic area. Please select carefully, as this will help us in ensuring your proposal is read by the appropriate reviewers. Do not send any confidential or proprietary information in your proposal. Any information you send us as part of your application will be considered not confidential regardless of any markings or designations on it.

I have a social science background, can I still apply?

Yes. We focus on funding social science research that looks at technology's implications and impacts on individuals and society. We typically review submissions from fields like human-computer interaction, psychology, and science and technology studies, as well as research in computer science fields with a strong emphasis on the human experience.

What is the proper format for a Research Scholar proposal?

  • The proposal should be a maximum of 5 pages if you are a sole Principal Investigator.
  • If you choose not to include the co-Principal Investigator’s CV then your proposal should only be 5 pages.
  • The extra 2 pages will only accommodate for an additional CV, not for additional proposal content.
  • The maximum page limit includes the 2-page CV of the primary Principal Investigator, which is required for all applications (again a 2-page CV for a co-Principal Investigator is optional).
  • To be fair to you and others, we do not consider proposals longer than the maximum page limit.
  • We request a Google Scholar profile link as part of the online application form. Our reviewers find it helpful to be able to easily reference a Principal Investigator's publication history to see how the current proposal relates to past work the Principal Investigator has done in relevant fields. The Google Scholar profile complements, but does not replace, the Principal Investigator's 2-page CV.
  • We do not require a budget breakdown since we have flat funding amounts we will grant based on region.
  • We would prefer proposals to respect a minimum 10pt font size and 1-inch (2.5-cm) margins. Our reviewers value readability.
  • Below is an example of what a proposal may look like (though the relative length of each section may differ by proposal).

Proposal Format

  • Proposal Title
  • Principal Investigator full name, contact information (postal address, email address, phone), affiliation (university, school, college and/or department)
  • Research goals, including a problem statement.
  • Description of the work you'd like to do, as well as the expected outcomes and results.
  • How this relates to prior work in the area (including your own, if relevant)
  • References, where applicable.
  • Our goal is to support work where the output will be made available to the broader research community. To that end, we ask that you provide us with a few sentences sharing what you intend to do with the output of your project (e.g. open sourcing code, making data sets public, etc.). Please note that the awards are structured as unrestricted gifts, so there are no legal requirements once a project is selected for funding. This is simply a statement of your current intentions.
  • The maximum length of a Principal Investigator CV is two pages. Any submitted CV that is longer than 2 pages may be cut off at two pages before the proposal review process begins.
  • We require a CV for at least the primary Principal Investigator on the proposal. We will accept CVs from each of the Principal Investigators listed on the proposal (up to two are allowed). Each CV must be limited to two pages.

Should I add a budget breakdown in my proposal?

Please do not include budget details in your proposal. We will be providing flat funding amounts based on the cost of student tuition on a regional basis.

How much funds will I get if I am awarded?

We provide support up to $60,000 USD depending on the cost of student tuition on a regional basis.

I am not eligible for this program, how can I apply to other programs?

Our website is consistently updated with new programs we offer. We encourage you to connect with our Google researchers at conferences to build more opportunities for applying to research grants.

Are Research Scholar Awards eligible for extensions?

The program is designed to support one year of work. If you are selected as a recipient of a Research Scholar award, we will partner you with a Google sponsor who can navigate the potential of an extension.

Does the co-PI need to meet the same eligibility criteria as the primary PI?

Yes, the co-PI must meet the same eligibility criteria as the primary PI. We are providing an exception if the co-PI is a postdoctoral researcher.

Can I speak to someone from the Research Scholar team to ask additional questions?

We will be providing limited email support via [email protected] . Due to the volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to respond to questions where the answer is available on the website.

Open advice to Google Research Awards proposal writers

As a part of the group of engineers that review proposals for this program, we read a lot of proposals. We'd like to read more good proposals. Here's some advice on how you can improve the content of your short proposal and make reviewing it easier.

A good research grant proposal:

  • Clearly specifies a problem. Good research is driven by a great problem or question, and a good proposal starts with a clearly specified one.
  • Describes a specific, credible, relevant outcome. Try to identify a specific and appropriately sized outcome, to give us a clear notion of what the research award would be enabling. What will likely come to be that might otherwise not happen? While this outcome should be a decisive step towards achieving your vision, it generally won't be adequate to completely achieve it. It often helps to describe both the minimum that is likely to be accomplished and a potential best-case. Since picking the right datasets and test cases is often important, tell us which ones you plan to use.
  • Crisply differentiates the proposed contribution from prior work. Please apply normal practices (citations, etc.) for documenting how your work will materially advance the state of the art. Make it clear how your work will be changing the state of the art, and not simply trying to match it.
  • Tells us how the research challenge(s) will be addressed. Successful research projects combine a great problem with ideas for solutions, too. We recognize that all the answers won't be known yet, but we'd like to feel that the direction has been established, and a plausible path has been identified. (Try to avoid proposals of the form "We want to look at problem X".) It's hard to have a big impact without taking risks, but please identify what the difficulties are likely to be and how you plan to mitigate them. It may help to explain how you succeeded in addressing analogous problems in other projects.
  • Puts the proposed work in context. Most projects we fund also have support from other sources. To help us understand the expected impact of Google support, please explain what funding you already have for this area of research and how the proposed work relates to your existing plans. Do you plan to build a capability for other research, provide a tool, reproduce a prior result, collaborate with others to try something out, follow up on a promising idea, or explore a new one? All are potentially of interest; we just want to know.
  • Makes the case to a non-expert. While we try to have your proposal reviewed by a Google expert in your field, it will also be read by non-experts, so please make at least the motivation and outcomes broadly accessible.

See past Research Scholar program recipients

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NSHSS Foundation Scholarships

NSHSS Foundation scholarships have been created to help reduce financial barriers for students as they prepare for upcoming careers in STEM majors (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), business, economics, public policy, and environmental science and sustainability. The Foundation seeks to engage these future leaders to help fuel the global economy, stimulate innovation and creativity, and yield a strong ethical foundation for decision-making. We seek to support higher education to enable our future leaders to achieve their dreams.

NSHSS Foundation scholarships are generally targeted toward high school or college students who belong to groups generally under-represented in these careers.

  • NSHSS Foundation STEM Scholarship
  • NSHSS Foundation Business & Public Policy Scholarship
  • NSHSS Foundation Earth Day Award
  • NSHSS Foundation Logistics & Supply Chain Management Scholarship 
  • NSHSS Foundation Bridge to Opportunity Scholarship 

NSHSS Scholarships

Take advantage of over 50 NSHSS scholarship opportunities to help you reach your potential and pay for college, international study abroad, summer programs, and graduate school.  NSHSS and its partners offer over $2.5 million in scholarships annually. 

High school and college scholarships are available to all students in subjects such as entrepreneurship, leadership, literature, medicine, music, STEM, sustainability, visual arts, community service and more.

See all NSHSS and NSHSS Foundation Scholarships

" I am incredibly grateful and honored to have been chosen for this prestigious award. Thank you for investing in my education and for making a significant impact on my life. I am profoundly grateful for your generosity and the belief you have placed in me. I look forward to updating you on my progress and your scholarship's impact on my future journey .”

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Hannah Blanton presents her research

How To Win A National Scholarship? Research, Mentoring, Discovery Through Setbacks

Berry College’s newest Goldwater Scholar, Hannah Blanton ’25, thrives under the lights of her biology lab and the mentorship of Berry professors like Associate Professor of Biology DeLacy Rhodes. An Honors student from Norcross, Georgia, Hannah is majoring in biology (cellular and biomedical concentration) and minoring in chemistry and One Health.

She has pursued research since her first semester at Berry.

“I met Hannah during her freshman year,” Rhodes remembers. “Hannah had expressed interest in becoming involved in research and was changing her major to biology. [She] reached out to me, and we discussed my research projects, and she started working with me the next semester.”

Rhodes adds, “Mentoring Hannah has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience. She is the ideal research student — she is intelligent, hardworking and shows a great deal of scientific curiosity.”

Hannah and Rhodes are researching the bacterium Streptococcus equi subspecies equi ( S. equi ) that causes the highly contagious strangles disease of the upper respiratory tract in horses. Specifically, they are studying how biofilms play a role in the ability of bacteria to set up and maintain an infection.

“I love problem-solving, asking questions and getting to work with my hands,” Hannah says. “Scientific research encompasses all of these aspects! I feel a lot of personal satisfaction when I am able to solve complicated questions or propose ideas to a problem as a potential solution.”

Through her work, she has written two grants, presented at two conferences and spoken at two of Berry’s student symposiums. Her latest achievement? A 2024 Goldwater Scholarship. Named after Senator Barry Goldwater, it is the preeminent award for undergraduate students in science, mathematics and engineering. Each Goldwater Scholar annually receives financial aid for tuition, books, housing and other financial needs up to a $7,500 maximum.

“I would not be where I am currently without my mentorship experience at Berry!” Hannah says. “My mentorship experience at Berry has been very intentional and has helped me advance as a student, future researcher and as a person. … I’m very grateful for Dr. Rhodes’ mentorship and admire how devoted she is to her students’ success both inside and outside of the classroom.”

After graduation, she plans to obtain her Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology and lead research at a federal agency.

“Antibiotic resistance is an urgent concern in the health-care field that I plan to research in my future career,” Hannah explains. “At the completion of my Ph.D., I hope to lead a diverse research team that will make significant contributions to the development of alternative treatment options against antibiotic resistant bacterial infections.”

Hannah’s story reveals lessons for thriving at Berry and beyond: Find mentors, dig into research and learn from obstacles.

“I realize how my roadblocks are more valuable to me than everything going right the first time because I learned how to persist through setbacks,” she notes. “These setbacks led to new discoveries within my research!”

Written by student public relations manager Elizabeth Chandler

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Hannah Blanton presents her research

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NSHSS Scholarship Winners

Meet a few of our outstanding winners..


Juliette Teutsch


Sofia Arancibia

Scholarship recipients, congratulations to all of our scholarship winners, what are you looking for, no results found. please try again., 2020 scholarship recipients.

  • Cara Cha, Lee's Summit, MO, Lee's Summit High School
  • Freya Abraham, Maricopa, AZ, Maricopa High School
  • Brayden Berving, Madrid, Spain, Saint Louis University - Madrid
  • Elaina Radden, Rome, Italy, The American University of Rome
  • Gabrielle Durso, Towson, MD, Towson University
  • Meredyth Davis, London, England, University of East London
  • Xiao Kuang, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, National Sun Yat-Sen University
  • Amelia Wyatt, Concord, NC, Cannon School
  • Asila Zeid, Oakland, CA, Coliseum College Prep Academy
  • Audrey McNeal, Kennesaw, GA, Harrison High School
  • Gwendolyn Morgan-Flowers, St. Michaels, AZ, St. Michael Indian School
  • Lakshmi Kameswari Lahari Nidadavolu, Redmond, WA, Tesla STEM High School
  • Meiqi Liang, Port Angeles, WA, Port Angeles High School
  • Olivia Wenzel, Shaker Heights, OH, Laurel School
  • Shruthi Kumar, Omaha, NE, Marian High School
  • Srirakshaa Sundararaj, Jonesboro, GA, Mount Zion High School
  • Zeinh Aboushaar, Cedar Rapids, IA, John F. Kennedy High School

Top 2 Winners:

  • Caroline Lee, Syosset, NY, Syosset High School
  • Grace Liu, Katy, TX, Taylor High School

Top 5 Finalists:

  • Alexa Fuhrer, Portland, OR, Lincoln High School
  • Elisabeth Merriam, San Bernardino, CA, San Gorgonio High School
  • Gabriel Weiss, Atlanta, GA, Atlanta Jewish Academy Upper School
  • Isabel McNulty, Andover, KS, Andover High School
  • Madeleine LeBeau, Chantilly, VA, Chantilly High School
  • Lauren Cogan, Winnipeg, Canada, Oak Park High School
  • Blaine Dillingham, Boise, ID, Timberline High School
  • Leena El-Mohandes, Hagerstown, MD, Boonsboro High School
  • Cullen Fetzer, Mullica Township, NJ, Cedar Creek High School
  • Faizan Khan, South Amboy, NJ, Old Bridge High School
  • Isabella Macias, Parrish, FL, Braden River High School
  • Jacob Sauls, Escondido, CA, Escondido High School
  • Marina Shenouda, Lima, OH, Shawnee Senior High School
  • Ashlynn Wright, Lilburn, GA, Arabia Mountain High School
  • Avery Zwayer, Richwood, OH, North Union High School

View their outstanding speeches here!

  • Meredith Rosenberg, Blue Valley North High School, Leawood, KS
  • Sydney Shepherd, Los Angeles County High School of the Arts, Norwalk, CA
  • Monica Zesch, Eureka High School, Wildwood, MO
  • Kylie Charice Alarcon, Aiea High School, Aiea, HI
  • Lauren Best, Coe-Brown Northwood Academy, Northwood, NH
  • Teron Brooks, Fort Lauderdale High School, Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • Alessandro De La Torre, Los Altos High School, Hacienda Heights, CA
  • Daria Nastasia, Lindbergh High School, St. Louis, MO
  • Sierra Rodriguez, Lovejoy High School, Lucas, TX
  • William Salts, Springdale Senior High School, Springdale, AR
  • Minh Trinh, Sun Valley High School, Monroe, NC
  • Noah Weaver, City High School, Iowa City, IA
  • Eliza Keenan, Monument Mountain Regional High School, Great Barrington, MA
  • Mynia Porter, Robert E. Lee High School, Jacksonville, FL
  • Ivan Rosiles, John F Kennedy High School, Chicago, IL
  • Mar-Kera Chambers, Henderson County High School, Henderson, KY
  • Claire Lin, Lakeside High School, Atlanta, GA
  • Madalyn Ramirez, Homeschooled, Conroe, TX
  • Kareyni Davis, High School of Art & Design, New York, NY
  • Colin Horath, Cypress Lake High School, Fort Myers, FL
  • Lena Huang, Lester B. Pearson United World College of the Pacific, Victoria, Canada
  • Said El Kadi Pualuan, American Community School, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Senaida Ng, Havergal College, Toronto, Canada
  • William Ramos, Interlochen Arts Academy, Interlochen, MI
  • Arjun Verma, Dutch Fork High School, Irmo, SC
  • Moses Aina, Garland High School, Garland, TX
  • Scott Gilman, Homeschooled, Mount Sydney, VA
  • Cannyon Ramos, McKinney Boyd High School, McKinney, TX
  • Lindsey Arruda, Somerset Berkley High School, Somerset, MA
  • Sophia Fang, Winston Churchill High, Potomac, MD
  • Abigail Ndikum, Phillips Academy, Upper Marlboro, MD
  • Eljin Rhymes. Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
  • Hans-Veron Banag, Clarksburg High, Clarksburg, MD
  • Ayei Chang, Lake Highland Preparatory School, Orland, FL
  • Joshua Kernc, Chardon High School, Chardon, OH
  • Keegan Kutemeier, Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley High School, Gibson City, IL
  • Robert Liggett, Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School, Midland, PA
  • Alec Pirone, Bayard Rustin High School, West Chester, PA
  • Courtinee Walker, Half Hollow Hills HS East, Dix Hills, NY
  • Jasmine Warren, Peachtree Ridge High School, Suwanee, GA
  • Daniella Ye, Vincent Memorial Catholic High School, Calexico, CA
  • Emily Zhang, Keystone Online High School, Kittanning, PA

Top Ten $5,000 Winners:

  • Shreeja Kikkisetti, Chantilly High School, Chantilly, VA
  • Ruchi Agashe, Canyon Crest Academy, San Diego, CA
  • Ryan Githuku, The Westminster Schools, Smyrna, GA
  • Tyler Bullock, Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet School, Brentwood, TN
  • Ryan Catlin, Southington High School, Southington, CT,
  • Danielle Levanti, Northport High School, Northport NY
  • Rafee Mirza, Chesapeake Science Point PCS, Glen Burnie, MD
  • Michelle Vong, Roosevelt High School, Honolulu, HI
  • Alejandro Assael, Michael M. Krop Senior High School, Miami FL
  • Stephanie Chen, BASIS Independent Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA

Top Twenty National Scholar $1,000 Winners:

  • Joyce Jogwe, Sage Hill School, Santa Ana, CA
  • Lauren Skyler,  Chandler Preparatory Academy, Gilbert, AZ
  • Lily Scott, Westlake High School, Austin, TX
  • Christopher Eaton, Case High School, Racine, WI
  • Rohan Krishnan, Worcester Academy, Hopkinton, MA
  • Verrels Eugeneo, Hot Springs High School, Truth or Consequences, NM
  • Zainab Yusuf, Curtis High School, Staten Island, NY
  • Jacob Frazier, Gadsden City High School, Gadsden, AL
  • Demir Uslu, Hamden Hall Country Day School, Milford, CT
  • Jeffrey Fung, The Harker School, San Jose, CA
  • Julie Czech, Chippewa Valley High School, Clinton Township, MI
  • Owen Colombo, Christian High School, Alpine, CA
  • Nina Salameh, San Diego High School of International Studies, San Diego, CA
  • Olivia Lindberg, Wachusett Regional High School, Princeton, MA
  • Anna Beth Swain, Second Baptist School, Houston, TX
  • Lucas Davis, Samuel Clemens High School, Cibolo, TX
  • Megan Lee, Union High School, Camas, WA
  • Neha Skandan, Moravian Academy, Bethlehem, PA
  • Eshani Jha, Lynbrook High School, San Jose, CA
  • Hayley Gaines, James Madison Memorial High School, ​Madison, WI

Congratulations to our winner:

  • Collin McCabe , Shaker Heights High School, Cleveland, OH

Congratulations to our winners:

  • Isabella Vega , Lake Wales High School, Winter Haven, FL
  • Emma Lloyd , Woodrow Wilson High School, Dallas, TX
  • Nicole Torres , Coral Reef Senior High School, Miami, FL
  • Ashley Pelham , Prestonwood Christian Academy, Frisco, TX
  • Anna Narin , Research Triangle High School, Durham, NC
  • Eniola Ayo-Gbenjo , Reservoir High School, Laurel, MD
  • Isaac Allen , Reservoir High School, Laurel, MD
  • Calysa Young , Batesville High School, Batesville, IN
  • Olivia Fanning , Virgil I Grissom High School, Huntsville, AL
  • Jordan Bryant , North High School, Torrance, CA
  • Abby Fountain , University High School, Spokane Valley, WA
  • Mariella Garza , Blacksburg High School, Blacksburg, VA
  • Aryan Ranjan , American Heritage School of Boca/Delray, Boca Raton, FL
  • Selina Godina , Monmouth Roseville High School, Monmouth, IL
  • Brie Fallin , Briarwood Christian High School, Birmingham, AL
  • Kameria Doss , Pickens County High School, Reform, AL
  • Alahna Woodburn , Sage Creek High School, Carlsbad, CA
  • Ishikaa Kothari , Riverdale Country School, Closter, NJ
  • Shreya Shivakumar , John P Stevens High School, Edison, NJ
  • Melissa Shang , Newton South High School, Auburndale, MA
  • Uma Fox , Li Po Chun United World College, Silver Spring, MD
  • Shannon Lewis , Cedar Hill Collegiate High School, Cedar Hill, TX
  • Yara Levin , John Burroughs School, Chesterfield, MO
  • Kiara Hill , Ridgeland High School, Ridgeland, MS
  • Deborah McDougall , East Orange Stem Academy, East Orange, NJ
  • Justin Fitzgerald , Mount Carmel High School, South Holland, IL

Congratulations to the following winners:

  • Sai Pranav Theerthala, West Windsor-Plainsboro High School, Plainsboro, NJ
  • Wyatt Tauber, Nevis High School, Backus, MN
  • Michelle Shirzadnia, Brentwood School, Playa Vista, CA
  • Daniel Goldberg, San Marcos High School, Santa Barbara, CA

Congratulations to the following winner:

  • Claire Jin, State College Area High School, State College, PA

2019 Scholarship Recipients

  • Isabella Rabakowsi, Newbury Park, CA, Newbury Park High School 
  • Olivia Snipes, Norfolk, VA, Old Dominion University 

Top 5 Winners: 

  • Sydney Gray, La Jolla, CA, The Bishop's School 
  • Vanesa Carrillo, El Paso, TX, Bel Air High School 
  • Chloe Petrosino, Merritt Island, Edgewood Junior/Senior High School
  • Sofia Vainikos, Orland Park, IL, Carl Sandburg High School 
  • Vainavi Viswanath, San Diego, CA, Canyon Crest Academy

Top Finalists: 

  • Neha Deshmukh, The Woodlands, TX, The Woodlands High School 
  • Fiona Donovan, Phoenix, AZ, Xavier College Preparatory 
  • Reet Mishra, Cupertino, CA, Homestead High School 
  • Varsha Nekkanti, San Jose, CA, Notre Dame High School 
  • Elaine Wen, Atlanta, GA, North Springs High School
  • Carolyn Zhang, Cincinnati, OH, Sycamore High School 
  • Sarah Castleberry, State College, PA, Pennsylvania State University 
  • Greyson Hoye, Tacoma, WA, Pacific Lutheran University 
  • Daniela Maquera Sardon, South Orange, NJ, Seton Hall University 
  • Justine Rainford, Washington, D.C., Howard University 
  • Raven Witherspoon, Richmond, VA, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Enterprise High School, Enterprise, AL 
  • Logos Academy, Hong Kong
  • Corinna Jones, Enterprise, AL, Enterprise High School
  • Jovany Trevino, Arlington, TX, Arlington Collegiate High School
  • Stephanie Reid, Battle Creek, MI, Pennfield High School
  • Caroline Fisher, Clarkesville, TN, Clarkesville High School
  • Paige Keeler, West Boylston, MA, Worcester Academy
  • Trinh Tran, Fulton, MD, Reservoir High School
  • Rachel Stange, Stephens City, VA, Sherando High School
  • Andrea Moran-Melendez, Jacksonville, FL, Paxon School for Advanced Studies
  • Zachary Lafontaine, Warwick RI, Pilgrim High School
  • Alexandra Van De Kieft, Lower East Side, New York, New Explorations into Science, Technology, and Math
  • Emily Bell, Suwanne, GA, Lambert High School 
  • Makayla Fox, Parker, CO, Chaparral High School 
  • Evan Metaj, Grand Rapids, MI, Forest Hills Central High School
  • Sean Buchanan, Ballwin, MO, Marty Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School 
  • Noah Covey, Dunwoody, GA, Dunwoody High School 
  • DeGreer Harris, Atlanta, GA, Charles R. Drew Charter Academy
  • Paris Creed King, Tallahassee, FL, Leon High School 
  • Yanai Sun, Coon Rapids, MN, Coon Rapids High School 
  • Alexandra Swain, Chicago, IL, Whitney M. Young Magnet High School 

Top 2 Winners: 

  • Anne Ball, Spartanburg, SC, Spartanburg Day School 
  • Peter Schmidt, Crestwood, KY, South Oldham High School 

Top 5 Finalists: 

  • Savana Nelson, Livermore, CA, Livermore High School 
  • Delynn Pesek, Shiner, TX, Shiner Catholic School 
  • Krsitin Riggs, Casa Grande, AZ, Casa Grande Union High School 
  • William Rodriguez, Las Vegas, NV, Spring Valley High School 
  • Tori Vestal, Louisville, KY, DuPont Manual High School 
  • Jennifer Cornejo, Salt Lake City, UT, Salt Lake Community College
  • Adriana Deonarine, Washington, D.C., The George Washington University 
  • Tyler Holder, Poughkeepsie, NY, Marist College

Full program scholarship:

  • Karni Dechoian, Parsippany, NJ, Parsippany High School

Partial program scholarship:

  • Klaybis Asllani, Aurora, IL, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy 
  • Julian Barkoh, Missouri City, TX, Lawrence E. Elkins High School 
  • Katelyn Bryant, Smithfield, VA, Smithfield High School
  • Elizabeth Kolb, Mauston, WI, Mauston High School 
  • Mya Watts, Chicago, IL, DePaul University 
  • Aidan Altamirano, Homeschool
  • Rishibrata Biswas, Baltimore, MD, Calvert Hall College High School
  • Yazmin Bocanegra, San Gabriel, CA, San Gabriel Mission High School
  • Suzanne Brown, Muncie, IN, Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities 
  • Taylor Brown, Tenino, WA, Tenino High School
  • Jocelyn Chen, Irvine, CA, Northwood High School
  • Nathaniel Clements, Online
  • Cristina Cruz, Flowery Branch, GA, Flowery Branch High School
  • Roberto Demarchi, Beachwood, OH, Beachwood High School
  • Katelyn Ebert, Vancouver, WA, Evergreen High School
  • Alexandra Erickson, Amman, Jordan, American Community School-Amman
  • Nina Frame, Sultan, WA, Sultan High School
  • Jenna Hanson, Leander, TX, Rouse High School 
  • Matison LeBlanc, Morgan City, LA, Morgan City High School
  • Kara Luckett, Matador, TX, Valley High School
  • Mudit Mishra, Singapore, Anglo-Chinese School Independent
  • Priscilla Ohara, Port St. Lucie, FL, Treasure Coast High School
  • Rocco Polimeni, Swiftwater, PA, Pocono Mountain East High School
  • Melany Quintero, Hollywood, FL, McArthur High School
  • Rosalie Read, Manvel, TX, Manvel High School
  • Rachel Ritchey, York, PA, West York Area High School
  • Lucy Skrypzak, Portland, OR, Saint Marys Academy
  • Isaiah Turner
  • Allaura Wile, Knoxville, TN, L&N STEM Academy 
  • Elise Williamson, Louisville, KY, DuPont Manual High School
  • Jack Brockman, Enterprise, AL, Enterprise High School
  • Milan Chandy, Collegeville, PA, Perkiomen Valley High School
  • Blaine Fasil, Greenbelt, MD, Eleanor Roosevelt High School
  • Bradley Ferguson, Linwood, NJ, Mainland Regional High School
  • Neeyanth Kopparapu, Alexandria, VA, Jefferson Science Technical High School
  • Samantha Leach, North Charleston, SC, Academic Magnet High School
  • Andrew Masek, N. Attleborough, MA, North Attleborough High School, Eleanor Roosevelt High School
  • Kristen Postiglione, Ringoes, NJ, Hunterdon Central Regional High School
  • Amy Tam, Hacienda Heights, CA, Los Altos High School
  • Gianna Wessler, Matthews, NC, David W Butler High
  • Lokesh Pugalenthi, Katy, TX, British International School of Houston
  • Ahdis Beruk, Greenville, MS, Greenville High School
  • 1st place: Margarita Skvortsova, Reisterstown, MD, Franklin High School
  • 2nd place: Som Mohapatra, Richmond, VA, Maggie L. Walker Governor's School
  • 3rd place: Johnathan Zhu, Katy, TX, Obra D Tompkins High School
  • 1st place: Shelby DeWitt, Bellevue, OH, Bellevue High School
  • 2nd place: Maximilian Kim, Manassas, VA, Osbourn Park Senior High School
  • 3rd place: Shayla Ashley, Northwood, NH, Coe-Brown Northwood Academy


  • 1st place: Dora Pang, Allen, TX, Allen High School
  • 2nd place: Alyssa Duhart, Frisco, TX, Heritage High School
  • 3rd place: Jennifer Li, Claremont, CA, Claremont High School


  • 1st place: Alisha Gebe, Albuquerque, NM, Cibola High School
  • 2nd place: Sai Tippana, Alpharetta, GA, Alpharetta High School
  • 3rd place: Devon Willis, Pasadena, TX, First Baptist Christian Academy
  • 1st place: Taetyn Panagos, Interlochen, MI, Interlochen Center for the Arts
  • 2nd place: Isabella Escobedo, Santa Ynez, CA, Santa Ynez Valley Union High School
  • 3rd place: John Lindsay, Suffolk, VA, Nansemond River High School
  • Mikhail Ocampo, Bakersfield, CA, Stockdale High School
  • Abin Antony, Northville, MI, Northville High School
  • Alexa Grabelle, Voorhees Township, NJ, Eastern Regional High School
  • Alexandra Barfield, Zachary, LA, Zachary High School
  • Amari Murry, Atlanta, GA, Westlake High School
  • Avi Shah, Pleasanton, CA, Foothill High School
  • Bailey Nuutinen, Ashland, WI, Ashland High School
  • Brianna Bui,  Mechanicsville, VA, Atlee High School
  • Britney Soll, Moka, Mauritius, Le Bocage International School
  • Cassandra Joseph, Somers, NY, Kennedy Catholic High School
  • Christian French, New York, NY, Columbia Secondary School
  • Clarice Flores, Austin, TX, Brentwood Christian School
  • Colleen Buckley, Hauppauge, NY, Hauppauge High School
  • Devin Ellis, Hampton, VA, Kecoughtan High School
  • Devon Willis, Pasadena, TX, First Baptist Christian Academy
  • Dorian Smalley, Detroit, MI, Renaissance High School 
  • Erika Swanson, Online
  • Gabriel Drill
  • Gillian Conner, Plymouth Meeting, PA, Plymouth Whitemarsh High School
  • Hannah Pippin, Lynchburg, VA, Liberty University Online Academy 
  • Hannah Wilson, Homeschool
  • Imanni Wright, Tilton, NH, Tilton School
  • Isha Puri, Chappaqua, NY, Horace Greeley High School 
  • Jacob Shellhamer, West Chester, PA, 21st Century Cyber Charter School
  • Jenna Alam, Daleville, VA, Lord Botetourt High School
  • Jessie Turner, Villa Rica, GA, Villa Rica High School
  • Joseph Grams,  Parker, CO, Colorado Early Colleges-Douglas County
  • Kathryn Bairley, Covington, GA, Eastside High School
  • Kekeli Logoh, Horsham, PA, Hatboro-Horsham High School
  • Kelli Alford, Camdenton, MO, Camdenton R-III High School
  • Khalil Forbes, Detroit, MI, Martin Luther King High School
  • Lauren Yang, Sugar Land, TX, Dulles High School
  • Lauryn Johnson, Winter Park, FL, Circle Christian School
  • Lexi Atilano, White, GA, Cass High School
  • Lezai Favors, Middletown, NY, Middletown High School
  • Liam Iovinella, Reno, NV, Damonte Ranch High School
  • Lilly Schroer, Dumfries, VA, Potomac Senior High School
  • Madeline Purvis, Troy, MI, Athens High School 
  • Madeline Reese, Chicago, IL, Trinity High School
  • Madison Wong, Katy, TX, Obra D Tompkins High School 
  • Madrid Holland, Nipomo, CA, Nipomo High School
  • MaKayla Erdmann, Pulaski, WI, Pulaski High School 
  • Malik Williams, Vancouver, WA, Seton Catholic College Preparatory
  • Marco Polimeni, Swiftwater, PA, Pocono Mountain East High School
  • Margot Bolanos-Gamez, Skokie, IL, Niles Township West High School
  • Molly Stanly, Cary, NC, Panther Creek High School
  • Natalie Fleshman, Lexington, VA, Rockbridge County High School
  • Obamide Samaye, Skokie, IL, Niles Township West High School
  • Olivia Romanko, Franklin, TN, Centennial High School
  • Oluwasemilore Ayo-Gbenjo, Fulton, MD, Reservoir High School
  • Patricia Freeman, Mundelein, IL, Carmel Catholic High School
  • Poojita Chinmay, Online, Liberty University Online Academy
  • Ramya Raja, Cumming, GA, North Forsyth High School
  • Samantha Donohue, East Brunswick, NJ, East Brunswick High School
  • Steven French, New York, NY, Columbia Secondary School
  • Tory Johnson, Lake Elsinore, CA, Temescal Canyon High School
  • Victoria Taylor, Dallas, TX, Cambridge School Of Dallas
  • William Barber, Lynn Haven, FL, A Crawford Mosley High School
  • Winston Khan, Kissimmee, FL, Gateway High School
  • Adriane Monroy, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Bhakti Centro de Estudios
  • Amanda Simon, Roseville, CA, Woodcreek High School
  • Caymen Woods, Aurora, IL, Waubonsie Valley High School
  • Chivon Ou, Hillsboro, OR, Liberty High School
  • Christian Little, McCrory, AR, McCrory High School
  • Denique Tullooch, Poughkeepsie, NY, Oakwood Friends School
  • Dylan Kelly, New Fairfield, CT, New Fairfield High School
  • Elizabeth Bedrossian, La Crescenta-Montrose, CA, Crescenta Valley High School
  • Eljin Rhymes, Tallahassee, FL, Maclay School
  • Emari Swinton, Charlotte, NC, Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology
  • Emily Bowen, Jersey City, NJ, Hudson County Prep High School
  • Erin Simon, Winter Haven, FL, Polk State College Collegiate High School
  • Haven Primm, San Antonio, TX, Louis D. Brandeis High School
  • Jackson Bellard, Reno, NV, Galena High School
  • Jonathan Goforth, Charlotte, NC, Hickory Grove Christian School
  • Josie Mallory, Monticello, GA, Monticello High School
  • Katilin Cesario, Traverse City, MI, St. Francis High School
  • Kennedy Amucha, Bellevue, WA, Newport High School
  • Kishen Mitra, Melbourne, FL, West Shore Junior-Senior High School
  • Leah Adams, San Antonio, TX, Ronald Reagan High School
  • Liberty Broughton, Spokane Valley, WA, Central Valley High School
  • Lila Copeland, Homeschool
  • Macy Carlson, Wilsonville, OR, Wilsonville High School
  • Madeline Wederquist, Omaha, NE, Millard West High School
  • Manuel Rea, Osprey, FL, Pine View School 
  • Ofeck Mazor, Dix Hills, NY, Half Hollow Hills High School East
  • Patrick Brewer, Greensburg, PA, Greensburg Central Catholic High School
  • Samuel Foore, Lafayette, LA, Carencro High School
  • Samuel Rex, San Diego, CA, Rancho Bernardo High School
  • Susan Williams, Johnstown, PA, Westmont Hilltop High School 
  • Fahad Mohsin, Saint John's High School, Northborough, MA
  • Ava Ward, Thomas Jefferson High School, Denver, CO
  • Hanna Elgarhi, Riverside High School, Greer, SC
  • Genevieve Jean-Pierre, MLK Magnet High School, Nashville, TN
  • Audrey McNeal, Harrison High School, Kennesaw, GA

2018 Scholarship Recipients

  • Anjum Alam, Americus, GA, Southland Academy
  • Christine Emeric, Tampa, FL, C. Leon King High School
  • Jawan Footman, Orangeburg, SC, Orangeburg-Wilkinson High School
  • Arif Harianawala, Acton, MA, Acton-Boxborough Regional High School
  • Christianna Holmes, Chicago, Lindblom Math and Science Academy
  • David Huh, La Habra, CA, Sonora High School
  • Rasika Mukkamala, Highlands Ranch, CO, STEM School Highlands Ranch
  • Udochi Okorie, Hawthorne, CA, Hawthorne High School
  • Christin Timmons, Douglasville, GA, Robert S. Alexander High School
  • John Thomas Villanueva, Houston, TX, Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
  • Susan Fendt, New Hyde Park, NY, Great Neck South High School
  • Addele Hargenrader, Bethesda, MD, Richard Montgomery High School
  • Matthew Johnson, Martinsburg, WV, Spring Mills High School
  • Brittany Adames, Boston, MA, Emerson College
  • Jakiyah Bradley, New York, NY, New York University 
  • Zenya Ledermann, St. Petersburg, FL, Eckerd College
  • Anibal Morales, Miami, FL, Miami Killian High School
  • Jose Soto, Columbus, OH, The Ohio State University
  • Nicholas Hesselgesser, Oxford, OH, Miami University
  • Arielle Belluck, Weston, CT, Weston High School
  • Sarah Betts, Visitation School, Mendota Heights, MN
  • Aiden Brewer, Greensburg, PA, Greensburg Central Catholic
  • Daniel Garcia, Olmito, TX, South Texas Academy for Medical Professions
  • Soleil Gaylord, Telluride, CO, Telluride High School
  • Alec Janowski, Niles, MI, Niles High School
  • Patrick Nasta, Crystal Lake, IL, Prairie Ridge High School
  • Selina Nie, Marietta, GA, Walton High School
  • Jessica Xiao, Beaverton, OR, Southridge High School
  • Albert Zhang, Atlanta, GA, The Westminster Schools
  • Antonio Ferris, Mesa, AZ, Stanford University
  • Garren Snow, Salem, VA, Salem High School
  • Brooke Bahde, Lake Havasu City, AZ, Lake Havasu High School
  • Aliyah Jones-Griffith, Atco, NJ, Winslow Township High School
  • Valeria Orraca, Miami, FL, Design and Architecture Senior High
  • Rachel Ann Poovathoor, Castle Hills, TX, BASIS San Antonio-Shavano Campus
  • Grace Zheng, Jiangsu, China, Providence International Christian Academy
  • Loaah Eltemsah, Paramusm, NJ, Al-Ghazaly Junior-Senior High School
  • George Fane, Northville, MI, Northville High School
  • Dana Huang, Damascus, MD, Damascus High School
  • Parker Wai-Seng Lum, Anaheim, CA, Canyon High School
  • Anthea Ma, Hong Kong, China, Good Hope School
  • Yanai Sun, Minneapolis, MN, Coon Rapids Senior High School
  • Eric Tong, Houston, TX, Bellaire Senior High School
  • Phillippe Wu, Pasadena, CA, Loyola High School

Full Scholarship

  • Tigerlily Cooley, Fordham University

Partial Scholarship

  • Julia Vachon, Ohio Northern University

Poetry 1 st Maya Salameh, San Diego, CA, San Diego High School of International Studies 2 nd Arianna Neal, Osage Beach, MO 3 rd  Rayn Fox, Aurora, CO, William C. Hinkley High School

Fiction 1 st  Catherine Xia, Gilbert, AZ, Gilbert Classical Academy 2 nd  Alecia Robins, Farmingville, NY, Sachem High School East 3 rd  Regina Francis, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Fort Lauderdale High

  • Yaba Ahounou, Alexandria, VA, Thomas A. Edison High School                         
  • Afe Addeh, Greenbelt, MD, Eleanor Roosevelt High School
  • Charles Alexander, Marblehead, MA, Marblehead High School   
  • Andrew Bacotti, Levittown, NY, Island Trees High School
  • Pruthvi Banginwar, North Brunswick, NJ, North Brunswick Township High School,
  • Cole Bauge, Molalla, OR, Molalla High School      
  • Jahmani Beckford, Clermont, FL, Real Life Christian Academy
  • Esther Bedoyan, Gates Mills, OH, Hawken Upper School                
  • Steven Billings-Larson Jr, Apopka, FL, Apopka High School            
  • Elizabeth Birkley, Fort Thomas, KY, Highlands High School
  • Matthew Bobela, St. Joseph, MO, Bishop Le Blond High School
  • Gordon Brookshaw, Irondale, AL, Jefferson County International Baccalaureate School   
  • Gabrielle Brown, Murfreesboro, TN, Blackman High School   
  • Walter Byrd, Duluth, GA, Duluth High School           
  • Carson Cannon, Mena, AR, Mena High School    
  • Joseph Caplin, Manhattan Beach, CA, Mira Costa High School      
  • Justin Cavil, Pflugerville, TX, Pflugerville High School
  • Cailin Chenault, Corinth, TX, Chenault Homeschool          
  • Kathleen Cicero, Villa Park, IL, Willowbrook High School                 
  • Grace Crain, Little Rock, AR, Little Rock Christian Academy
  • Sam Cuentas, Post Falls ID, Home School                              
  • Jacob Curtis, Bismarck, ND, Legacy High School  
  • Vanessa Dib, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Richmond Green Secondary School                
  • Charlotte Ehlers, Bellaire, TX, Bellaire High School
  • Danniela Estrada, Sandwich, IL, Sandwich High School                     
  • Roxanna Figueroa, Tucson, AZ, Pima Partnership High School                      
  • Calista Foo, Melbourne, FL, West Shore Junior-Senior High School             
  • Liam Fowler, San Diego, CA, Westview High School
  • Kennedy Francis, Riverside, CA, Martin Luther King High School  
  • Michelle Gan, Raleigh, NC, Enloe Magnet High School                     
  • Merrick Gessler, Virginia Beach, VA, Frank W. Cox High School                     
  • Kamran Ghandhy, Chino Hills, CA, Ruben S. Ayala High School
  • Brandon Gottlieb, Milton, GA, Milton High School             
  • Sailor Helms, Las Vegas, NV, West Career Technical Academy                      
  • Rachel Hodson, Hampshire, IL, Central High School          
  • Laura Huie, Statesville, NC, South Iredell High School       
  • Akshay Jain, Albuquerque, NM, La Cueva High School      
  • Sarah Joe, Oviedo, FL, Homeschool
  • Sarah Kissell, Halls, TN, Halls High School                              
  • Balaji Kodali, Ellicott City, MD, Centennial High School    
  • Veenadhari Kollipara, Bellevue, WA, Interlake High School                            
  • Lakshta Kundal, Jamaica, NY, Thomas Edison Career and Technical Education High School               
  • Eliesse Kwok, Gilroy, CA, Pacific Point Christian High School          
  • Carissa  Lacy, Anchorage, AK, Anchorage Christian Schools                            
  • Marcus Lannie, Arlington Heights, IL, Saint Viator High School  
  • SeungilLee, Belmont, MA, Belmont High School
  • Benjamin Lee Su, Byron, MN, Byron High School
  • Justice Lucas, Irondale, AL, Shades Valley High School     
  • Farhan Mashud, New York, NY, Democracy Prep Charter High School       
  • Travis Maynard, Palm Coast, FL, Flagler Palm Coast High School  
  • Vilina Mehta, Scottsdale, AZ, Basis Scottsdale Charter School       
  • Danielle Mercado, Summerville, SC, Ashley Ridge High School     
  • Olivia Miller, William Howard Taft Charter High School, Woodland Hills, CA
  • Jillian Mirro, Yatesville, PA, Pittston Area High School      
  • Dominique Moody, Blytheville Arkansas, Blytheville High School
  • Lauren Morejon, Boca Raton, FL, Boca Raton Community High School
  • Pete Moussouras, Brentwood, CA, Heritage High School
  • Phuc Ngo, Stevenson, MD, St. Timothy's School 
  • Judah Norman, Mableton, GA, Pebblebrook High School                
  • Zuzanna Nowak, Cumberland, VA, Cumberland High School         
  • Katherine Nugent, Oceanside, CA, Mission Vista High School        
  • Angelo Ou, Berea, KY, Madison Southern High School    
  • Jason Own, Benicia, CA, Benicia High School        
  • Maya Parekh, Lincolnshire, IL, Adlai E. Stevenson High School      
  • Priya Patel, Statesvilles, NC, South Iredell High School     
  • Gimsnysha Paul, Newton, MA, Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart
  • Akashdeep Pawar, Haslett High School, Haslett, MI
  • Elena Polinski, Glen Dale, WV, John Marshall High School              
  • Charlotte Probst, Battle Ground, WA, CAM Academy                      
  • Yun Qi, Bethesda, MD, Walt Whitman High School           
  • Sanjana Ramchandran, The Woodlands, TX, The Woodlands College Park High School
  • Isabella Rabara, Bixby, OK, Bixby High School
  • Uma Reddy, McKinney, TX, Imagine International Academy of North Texas
  • Aubrey Reed, Russellville, AR, Russellville High School    
  • Natalie Reisman, New Hyde Park, NY, Herricks Senior High School            
  • Melody Rivera, Hartford, CT, Journalism and Media Academy      
  • Michael Rivera, San Sebastian, Puerto Rico, Academia San Sebastian Martir                                          
  • Rani, Shah, San Diego, CA, Westview High School
  • Zahrah Siddiq, Tinton Falls, NJ, Ranney School    
  • Julia Simon, New Orleans, LA, Lusher Charter School       
  • Anya Simonovich, Scotts Valley, CA, Scotts Valley High School     
  • Steven Spirakis, Garden City, NY, Garden City High School
  • Jasmine Steele, Danville, CA, San Ramon Valley High School         
  • Elizabeth Sullivan, San Antonio, TX, Incarnate Word High School
  • Berat Talay, Istanbul, Turkey, Kabatas Erkek Lisesi             
  • Dorivaldo Tati, Tulsa, OK, Nathan Hale High School
  • Trinh Tran, Fulton, MD, Reservoir High School                    
  • Ashley Wade, Spartanburg, SC, Spartanburg High School  
  • Jacob Walker, Boone, NC, Watauga High School
  • Kevin Wang, Chicago, IL, De La Salle Institute      
  • Jack Ward, Geneva, IL, Geneva Community High School
  • Justin Watford, Baltimore, MD, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute  
  • Kayla Welch, Edenton, NC, John A Holmes High School   
  • Claire Windsor, Travelers Rest, SC, Travelers Rest High School     
  • Elizabeth Yeiter, Warsaw, IN, Warsaw Community High School   
  • Lilia Yousefian, Glen Burnie, MD, North County High School         
  • Madina Zermeno, San Diego, CA, Mount Everest Academy           
  • Nicole Zhang, Pleasanton, CA, Amador Valley High School             
  • Yunxi Zhu, Fresno, CA, Fresno Christian High School         
  • Veronika Zilajeva, Oklahoma City, OK, Westmoore High School   
  • Jason Chen, Orange Park, FL, Ridgeview High School
  • Natalya Jewelewicz, Boca Raton, FL, Boca Raton Community High School
  • Benjamin Jones, Wheeling, WV, Wheeling Park High School
  • Emily Wade, Nampa, ID, Ridgevue High School
  • Savannah Workman, Thomson, GA, Thomson High School
  • Rachel Chau, Oakland, CA, Skyline High School
  • Daniel Onuoha, New Haven, CT, Yale University
  • Chloe Jonas, Newton Highlands, MA, Newton South High School
  • Tyler Long, Winslow, AZ, Winslow High School
  • Mikiya Reuther, Redding,CA, University Preparatory School
  • Ava Barabasz, Ellensburg, WA, Central Washington University
  • Cheuk Lam Justin Cheung, Hong Kong, China, Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
  • Wing Lam Lee, Hong Kong, China, St. Paul's Convent School
  • Margarita Mavroeidi, Morrisville, NC, North Carolina State University
  • Max Prilutsky, San Ramon, CA, California High School
  • Lauryn-Maggie Smith, St. Petersburg, FL, University of South Florida
  • Natasha Yankofsky, Redlands, CA, Riverside Community College
  • Rithvik Agastya, San Jose, CA, BASIS Independent Silicon Valley 
  • Alexa Grabelle, Voorhees, NJ, Eastern Regional High School
  • Julia Kearney, East Hampton, NY, East Hampton High School
  • Avalon Jade Theisen, Tampa, FL, Homeschool
  • Angel Thomas, High Point, NC, T. Wingate Andrews High
  • Michael Chmura, Akron, St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
  • Kevin Jurewicz, Isle of Wight, VA, Isle of Wight Academy
  • Mofetoluwa Onasanya, Houston, TX, Alief Taylor High School 
  • Autum Satterfield, Waynesville, NC, Tuscola High School
  • Hannah Steele, Bedford, VA, Liberty High School

Full program scholarship

  • Kaitlyn Robinson, London, KY, North Laurel High School

Partial program scholarships

  • Bryan Bernal, Neosho, MO, Crowder College, partial program scholarship
  • Kiva Carman-Frank, Milwaukee, WI, Rufus King International Baccalaureate High School
  • Serena Chen, West Windsor, NJ, The Lawrenceville School
  • Callie Ingwersen, Bowie, MD, Bowie High School

1 st  Paige Bowers, Parker, CO, Chaparral High School 2 nd John Thomas Villanueva, Houston, TX, Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 3 rd  Soleil Gaylord, Telluride, CO, Telluride High School


  • 1 st  Alondra Hernandezo – Love that Surpasses Borders
  • 2 nd  Brooke Landry – Sunken
  • 3 rd  Thuy Hien Ngo – The Asian American


  • 1 st  Tyler Nishimoto – Freedom Tower
  • 2 nd  Anjini Azhar –  Indigenous Tranquility  
  • 3 rd  Lluvia Sommer –  Bird Man

2017 Scholarship Recipients

  • Zephaniah Galloway, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Early College High School: Growing Communities, Growing Food
  • Claire Menefee, Knoxville, TN, L&N STEM Academy: Hydroponics in Kenya

They are traveling to Guatemala this summer as scholarship winners of the AFS Project: Change contest. Read more about the sustainability project they are working on.

  • Andrea De Haro, Doral, FL, Gulliver Preparatory School
  • Maili Mejia, San Juan, TX, Vanguard Academy
  • Ronald Senchak, Cary, NC, Holly Springs High School
  • Cassandra Stewart, Nitro, WV, Nitro High School
  • Rachel Tichenor , Bardstown, KY, Thomas Nelson High School
  • Leila Ally, Keller, TX, University of Texas at Austin
  • Christopher Honeycutt, Chapel Hill, NC, Carrboro High School
  • Kaitlyn Boyle, Cherry Hill, NJ, Cherry Hill High School East
  • Shareen Elnaga, Raleigh, NC, William G. Enloe High School
  • Gabriella Garcia, Key Biscayne, FL, MAST Academy
  • Isabela Kimmel, Anaheim, CA, Orange County School of the Arts
  • Nadaa Moharram, Cupertino, CA, Monta Vista High School
  • Madelyn Cox-Guerra, William Jewell College
  • Reina Francisco, University of California, San Diego, studying in Rome, Italy
  • Autumn Griffin, Albany State University, studying in Belize             
  • Shane O'Donoghue, Harvard University, studying in León, Spain 
  • Sydney Owada, Lewis & Clark College, London, England
  • Anthony Teachey, Georgia Institute of Technology, studying in Madrid, Spain
  • William Jackson, Overland Park, KS, Blue Valley West High School
  • Nandini Tivakaran, Bossier City, LA, Airline High School
  • Full Program Scholarship: Nicole Perez, El Paso, TX, El Paso High School
  • Zainah Dahlan, Aberystwyth University
  • Partial Program Scholarship: Harmandeep Bains, Bakersfield, CA, Golden Valley High School
  • Bramwell Atkins, Fort Campbell, KY, Homeschooled
  • Brooke Detwiler, Colby College
  • Nicole Steiner, Emory University
  • Brandon Choi, West Covina, CA, Covina High School
  • Nicole Danuwidjaja, Elk Grove, CA, St. Francis High School
  • Eric Li, Manvel, TX, Dawson High School
  • Claire Zhang, Cupertino, CA, Monta Vista High School
  • Ameer Abdulhadi, South Bend, IN, J. Whitcomb Riley High School
  • Sharmi Amin, Salisbury, NC, Salisbury High School
  • Allison Angelidis, Valencia, CA, Valencia High School
  • Kavya Anjur, Aurora, IL, Metea Valley High School
  • Hounein Arbaji, Solon, OH, Solon High School
  • Laraya Billups, Toano, VA, Warhill High School
  • Astrid Bjoern Doennem, Katy, TX, Seven Lakes High School
  • Jordan Bobbitt, Peachtree City, GA, Starr's Mill High School
  • Elizabeth Castillo, Bowie, MD, Archbishop Spalding High School
  • Juliana Cazzaniga, Miami, FL, Our Lady of Lourdes Academy
  • Arie Chen, Pleasanton, CA, Amador Valley High School
  • Haley Cohen, Newport Coast, CA, Corona del Mar High School
  • Marita Coker, Chantilly, VA, John Champe High School
  • Emma Conn, College Grove, TN, Fred J Page High School
  • Phillip Dyer, Ooltewah, TN, Ooltewah High School
  • Kyeong Eun Cho, Bellevue, WA, Interlake High School
  • Zairy Fernandez, Bronx, NY, International Leadership Charter High School
  • Jacqueline Fisher, San Diego, CA, Torrey Pines High School
  • Aracely Franco Ugarte, Englewood, CO, St. Mary's Academy
  • Ian Frantal, Highland, IN, Munster High School
  • Tomeka Frieson, Midfield, AL, Jefferson County International Baccalaureate School
  • Rebecca Fuhrmann, St Augustine, FL, Pedro Menendez High School
  • Kara Grady, Fairfax, IA, Prairie High School
  • Ansley Grider, Fort Payne, AL, Fort Payne High School
  • Omar Hasan, Richmond, VA, Garfield High School
  • Kyle Henden, Phoenix, AZ, Basis Phoenix
  • Long Hong, Waco, TX, Vanguard College Preparatory School
  • Naeema Hopkins-Kotb, Ampang, Malaysia, International School of Kuala Lumpur
  • Gregory Horn, Doylestown, PA, Central Bucks High School East
  • Greyson Hoye, University Place, WA, Liberty University Online Academy
  • Anna Ilyasova, Mount Airy, NC, Mt. Airy High School
  • Jamie Innabi, Claremont, CA, Claremont High School
  • Christopher Johnson, South Holland, IL, Thornwood High School
  • Jane Jomy, Mississauga, ON, Glenforest Secondary School
  • Emily Jue, Friendswood, TX, Clear Springs High School
  • Nikita Kumar, Granger, IN, Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities
  • Sana Lakdawala, Marietta, GA, Walton High School
  • Annie Law, Elmhurst, NY, Francis Lewis High School
  • Rishabh Lugani, Faridabad, India, Amity International School Pushp Vihar
  • Lizbeth Marquez, Yuma, AZ, Cibola High School
  • Amelia Martin, Rocky Mount, NC, Faith Christian School
  • Mikel Matticoli, Kendall Park, NJ, South Brunswick High School
  • Rachel Meierovich, Jersey City, NJ, Convent of The Sacred Heart
  • Molly Mermin, Berkeley, CA, Berkeley High School
  • Michael Mills, Dallas, TX, Highland Park High School
  • Leigh-Anna Nielsen, Fremont, CA, Washington High School
  • Aprill Park, Potomac, MD, Winston Churchill High School
  • Alexandra Patterson, Union, KY, Ryle High School
  • Cabrina Peer, Winnetka,CA, Faith Baptist Schools
  • Gladis Philip, Saddle Brook, NJ, Saddle Brook High School
  • Margaret Pisacano, Flagstaff, AZ  , Basis Flagstaff
  • Sydney Polson, Lander, WY, Lander Valley High School
  • Gemma Postill, Toronto, ON, Leaside High School
  • Amanda Powers, Newton, MA, Newton North High School
  • Carla Ramazan, Reno, NV, Sage Ridge School
  • Louric Rankine, Brooklyn, NY, Secondary School Journalism
  • Noah Reardon, La Grange, IL, Lyons Township High School
  • William Rodebaugh, Philadelphia, PA, The Keystone School
  • Sumaiya Sathar, Redmond, WA, Redmond High School
  • Hana Seastedt, La Jolla, CA, Vientiane International School
  • Maia Shalev, Worcester, MA, The Keystone School
  • Parima Sharma, Hopkinton, MA, Hopkinton High School
  • Sara Shoushtarian, Marietta, GA, Wheeler High School
  • Jacqueline Smith, Denville, NJ, Mt. St. Dominic Academy High School
  • Leo Stafsnes, Eureka, CA, Arcata High School
  • Nien-Jou Su, San Bruno, CA, Alma Heights Christian High School
  • Matthew Sullivan, Orchard Park, NY, Canisius High School
  • Peyton Sventek, Flagstaff, AZ, Flagstaff High School
  • Wyatt Tauber, Backus, MN, Nevis School
  • Eliana Taylor, Nassau, Bahamas, Kingsway Academy High School
  • Jordan Watt, Kennesaw, GA, North Cobb High School
  • Faith Whyte, Williamstown, NJ, Williamstown High School
  • Hannah Wilkins, Hurdle Mills, NC, Cedar Ridge High School
  • Hayley Wood, Charlottesville, VA, Albemarle High School
  • Yiming Zhang, Montgomery, AL, Saint James School
  • Amy Cumiford, Mesa, AZ, New School for the Art
  • Leia Mermejo-Varga, Penasco, NM, Santa Fe Indian School              
  • Margaret Pickett, Anchorage, AK, West Anchorage High School
  • Alexander Adler, Greenville, NC, North Carolina School of Science & Mathematics Genetic Analysis of Stress Hormone Levels Affecting Egg Production Capabilities in Chickens
  • Mikayla Beeson, Phoenix, MD, Keystone National High School Comparative Analysis Science and Technology: Ocean Floor Mapping and Exploration
  • Arielle Bellew, Doraville, GA, Norcross High School Solving the Konigsberg Bridge Problem
  • Hannah Boyce, Groton,MA, Massachusets Academy of Math & Science Micro-Fragmenting as  a Method of Reef Restoration Using Monta Capricornis
  • Sophia Brazda, Lafayette, LA, Teurlings Catholic High School Part of Your World...On Second Thought, We'll Take All of It
  • Erin Dalrymple, Cedar Park, TX, Cedar Park High School Reappearing Voices: Modern-Day Language Revival
  • Franklin Estein, Windermere, FL, Windermere Preparatory School The German Refugee Crisis: A Macroeconomic Analysis
  • Calista Foo, West Melbourne, FL, West Shore Junior/Senior High School The Effect of the Turkey Point Cooling Canal Leakage
  • Rikia Freeman, Suffolk, VA, King’s Fork High School The Relationship between Black Holes and Quantum Bridges
  • Steven French, New York, NY, Columbia Secondary School for Math, Science & Engineering Democritus' Exploration of the Atomist Theory and its Influence on the World
  • Chixue (Sybil) Fu, Oakland, CA, Alameda Science and Technology Institute A Humbling Truth About Truth
  • Connor Geudeker, Thousand Oaks, CA, Thousand Oaks High School The Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Growth of Daucus carota
  • Tyler Giallanza, Centennial, CO, Cherry Creek High School Novel Applications of Stochastic Global Optimization Algorithms to the Shortest Common Superstring Problem
  • Emma Groves, San Diego, CA, Rancho Bernardo Sieben Musikabsätze (Seven Musical Paragraphs)
  • Natasha Hamid, Brentwood, TN, Ravenwood High School The Value of Music Education for Student Development
  • Omar Hasan, Richmond, VA, Garfield High School Effects of OSNs on Digital Citizens
  • Naeema Kotb-Hotb, DPO, AP, International School of Kuala Lumpur The Poetry of a Movement: An Analysis of 20th Century African-American Poetry
  • Caroline Horn, State College, PA, State College Area High School Life and Death: Conjoined Twins
  • Kathryn MacQuarrie, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada, Cobequid Educational Centre Oppression in 1984 and The Swallows of Kabul
  • Diana Nguyen, Salt Lake City, UT, Taylorsville High School Societal Scrutiny of Social Sites
  • Kurtis Nguyen, Cary, NC, Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School The Degradation of Earth's Coral Reefs
  • Charissa Roberson, New Market, MD, Home School Soldiering On: Psychosocial Barriers to Mental Health Treatment Among Military Personnel
  • Aaron Rohlfing, Summit Hill, PA, Panther Valley High School Technology and the Mind & Body
  • Elise Schlect, Kohler, WI, Kohler High School Nbokov’s Thaumatrope: the Superimposition of Memory
  • Kellyann Ye, Sunnyvale, CA, Homestead High School Gender Bias in Dance
  • Salman Azfar, Woodland Hills, CA, Chaminade College Preparatory
  • Afrah Bashir, Houston, TX, Alief Taylor High School
  • Smita Bhoopatiraju, Minneapolis, MN, Wayzata High School
  • Allison Jennings, Mount Juliet, TN, Lebanon High School
  • Kayla Nichols, Taos, NM, Moreno Valley High School         
  • Maricarmen Pedroza, Fort Worth, TX, Steele Accelerated High School
  • Christopher Swafford, Gallatin, TN, Gallatin High School
  • Kyra Thomas, Houston, TX, Young Women's College Preparatory Academy                                 
  • Piper Watt, Atlanta, IN, Hamilton Heights High School    
  • Jasmine Wilson Hanksville, UT, Wayne High School
  • Antonio Ferris, Mesa, AZ, BASIS Mesa
  • Kavya Kopparapu, Herndon, VA, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology
  • Sharon  Lin, Corona, NY, Stuyvesant High School
  • Felix Morales, San Juan, PR, Colegio Congregacion Mita
  • Daniel Onuoha, Williamstown, NJ, Williamstown High School
  • Cassandra Overney, San Jose, CA, Lynbrook High School
  • Katie Pollock, Kenosha, WI, Tremper High School
  • Elise Schlecht, Kohler, WI, Kohler Senior High School
  • Brian Xia, San Diego, CA, Canyon Crest Academy
  • Carolyn Ziegler, Centreville, VA, Westfield High School
  • Jordan Grulke, Spicewood, TX, Lake Travis High School
  • Haylee Hicks, Huntersville, NC, William Amos Hough High School
  • Lauren Fane, Northville, MI, Northville High School
  • Mona Manglona, Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia University
  • 1 st Maya Salameh, San Diego, CA, San Diego High School of International Studies
  • 2 nd Chixue (Sybil) Fu, Oakland, CA, Alameda Science and Technology Institute
  • 3 rd Amina Odogba, Waukesha, WI, Kettle Moraine High School
  • 1 st Huda Moopen, Euless, TX, Islamic School of Irving
  • 2 nd Christina Relich, Richmond, KY, K12 International Academy
  • 3 rd Kathryn MacQuarrie, Nova Scotia, Canada, Cobequid Educational Centre
  • Kalpa Anjur, Aurora, IL, Metea Valley High School
  • Paola Chavez-Arroyo, Commerce City, CO, Adams City High School
  • Cristina Crespo Roldán, Moca, PR, Catalina Morales de Flores
  • Tyler Giallanza, Centennial, CO, Cherry Creek High School
  • Kenneth Wang, Houston, TX, Clear Lake High School
  • Carlos Castanedo Brito, San Antonio, TX, Ronald Reagan High School
  • Naomi (Mimi) Miyamoto, Davis, CA, Davis Senior High School
  • Christopher Reilly, Long Valley, NJ, West Morris Central High School

1 st Kathryn Stanzel –  Relieved 2 nd Taylor Jenkins –  Aleah 3 rd Winnifred Tataw –  Legend the Lion

1 st Isabella Baynard –  A Portal to Somewhere 2 nd Christine Luu –  Individual 3 rd Alexa Olivares Luna –  Market of Life

  • Eric Li, 1 st  Place , Manvel, TX, Glenda Dawson High School
  • Matthew McDaniel, Finalist , Snellville, GA, Archer High School
  • Tokunbo Olaniyan, Finalist , Clarksville, MD, Glenelg Country School         
  • Katie Prior, Finalist , Oklahoma City, OK, Row Academy
  • Katharine Shao, Finalist , Northville, MI, Detroit Country Day School
  • Alexa Rains, University of Alabama
  • Full Program Scholarship: Leticia Guibunda, Bethesda, MD, Walter Johnson High School
  • Partial Program Scholarship: Christian Boujaoude, Columbia University
  • Destiny Glover, Reynoldsburg, OH, Reynoldsburg High School
  • Meagan Leberth, Gardnerville, NE, Douglas High School
  • Crystal Sin, Pitzer College
  • Allyson Smith, University of Akron
  • Esther Animalu, World Journalism Preparatory School, Jamaica, NY
  • Varshini Guhan, Dublin Jerome High School, Dublin, OH
  • Arif Harianawala, Acton-Boxborough Regional High School, Acton, MA
  • Carson Shuler, Savannah Arts Academy, Savannah, GA
  • Avalon Warren, Homeschool, Dallas, NC

2016 Scholarship Recipients

  • Lillian Alonzo, Somerset, NJ, Hun School of Princeton
  • Rose Arbittier, York, PA, Dallastown Area High School
  • Christian Boujaoude, Eatontown, NJ, Monmouth Regional High School
  • Sophie Doldenburg, Warsaw, Poland, King’s College London
  • Fatima  Elfakahany, Marietta, GA, North Cobb High School
  • Jinjibadam Gankhuu, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, The American Business School of Paris
  • Xanthia Hargreaves, Oxford, England, University of Oxford
  • Andrae Holsey, Altoona, PA, Altoona Area Senior High School
  • Tyler Lackland, Springfield, IL, Keystone National High School
  • Maria Yiannakis, London, England, Richmond, The American International University in London
  • Nerissa Mei Demasco, Chula Vista, CA, University of California, San Diego
  • Brent Dyer, Ooltewah, TN, Ooltewah High School
  • Daniel Fridman, Frankfurt, Germany, Internationale Schule Frankfurt-Rhein-Main
  • Matthew McDaniel, Snellville, GA, Archer High School
  • Pari Pandey, Monroe Township, NJ, Monroe Township High School
  • Jade Woodward, Upper Marlboro, MD, Charles Herbert Flowers High School
  • Tiffani Alexander, Murfreesboro, TN, Mercer University
  • Adrianna Robakowski, Newbury Park, CA, Newbury Park High School
  • Mackenzie Berry, Louisville, KY, Dupont Manual High School
  • Meilani Meleisea, San Diego, CA, San Diego High School of International Studies
  • Elizabeth Harvey, Atlanta, GA, The Westminster Schools
  • Nicole Shah, Springfield, MO, Greenwood Laboratory School
  • Stephanie Luna-lopez, Atwater, CA, Atwater High School
  • Shahwar Ali,   Berea, KY, Berea College
  • Sreya Atluri, Centreville, VA, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Flor Lorenzo, Uppsala, Sweden, Cal State University of San Bernardino
  • Chinwude Nwana, Richmond, IN, Earlham College
  • Kimberly Orozco, Los Angeles, CA, University of California Los Angeles
  • Francesco Abbinante, Ft Wright, KY, Simon Kenton High School
  • Sanzida Akter, Woodbridge, VA, Osbourn Park High School
  • Vivekjyoti Banerjee, Arbutus, MD, Western School of Technology
  • Nikita Bantey, Shakopee, MN, Shakopee Senior High School
  • Hannah Boyce, Groton, MA, Massachusetts Academy of Math & Science
  • Conner Caughlin, Wichita, KS, Wichita Collegiate School
  • Emily Forester, Absecon, NJ, Mainland Regional High School
  • Aditi Gnanasekar, Cupertino, CA, Monta Vista High School
  • Daniel Leng, Fremont, CA, Irvington High School
  • Victoria Lopez del Pino, Manassas, VA, Osbourn Park High School
  • Rielly McCormick, Midlothian, VA, Clover Hill High School
  • Matthew Neubacher, Jupiter, FL, Suncoast Community High School
  • Devorah Pinczower, Bronx, NY, Manhattan High School For Girls
  • Shruthi Santhanam, Suwanee, GA, Gwinnett School of Math, Science & Technology
  • Angela Walker, Tomball, TX, Tomball Memorial High School
  • Natasha Testa, Hollywood, FL, Cooper City High School
  • Raina Kadavil, Boston University
  • Omar Chavez, Dallas, TX, Texas A&M University, studying in Leuven, Belgium
  • Angelique Edwards, Johns Creek, GA, Georgia Tech, studying in Southeast Asia
  • Yelyzaveta Glybchenko, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, American University in Bulgaria, studying in Iceland
  • Jasmine Ramirez, Columbia, MD, University of Missouri, studying in Rome, Italy
  • Crystal Sin, Claremont, CA, Pitzer College, studying in Beijing, China
  • Emilio Espinosa De Los Monteros, El Paso, TX
  • Elliot Riddick, Whitehall, PA
  • Delane Botte, North Las Vegas, Nevada,  Northwest Career and Technical Academy
  • Malaika Moyer, San Diego, CA, San Diego High School of International Studies
  • Abigail Bonilla, White Plains, NY, White Plains High School
  • Radha Patel, North Plainfield, NJ, North Plainfield High School
  • Merlin Perez, Miami, FL, Southwest Miami Senior High
  • Austin Arenz, Sheboygan Falls, WI, Sheboygan Falls High School
  • Samantha Hilburn, Shreveport, LA, Captain Shreve High School

Poetry 1 st  Mackenzie Berry, Louisville, KY, DuPont Manual High School 2 nd  Kami Krista, Klosterneuburg, Austria, St. Gilgen International School 3 rd  Aly Beckham, Louisville, KY, Assumption High School

Fiction 1 st  Amanda Pascali, Houston, TX, Bellaire High School 2 nd  Richard Hwang, Athens, OH, Athens High School 3 rd  Briaela Shimansky, Montreal, Canada, Herzliah High School

  • Lavanya Aggarwal, Overland Park, KS, Blue Valley High School
  • Joseph Little, Palm Springs, CA, Palm Springs High School
  • Tresten Pope, Moore, OK, Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics
  • Nedina Tuck, Hamilton City, CA, Inspire School of Arts and Sciences
  • Azoline Gaudin-Dalton, Ashland, OR, Ashland High School
  • Jorge Alvarez, Winter Haven, FL, Haines City Senior High School IB
  • Ambrielle August, Conyers, GA, Rockdale Magnet School for Science & Technology
  • Samira Barnes, Montclair, NJ, Montclair High School
  • Jalia Carlton-Carew, Lithonia, GA, Arabia Mountain High School
  • McKenna Christian, Fort Collins, CO, Fort Collins High School
  • Shelby DeLille, Recife, Brazil, Alpha Omega Academy
  • Andrea Jouvin, Samborondón, Ecuador, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Delta
  • Anthony Mastromarini, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, De La Salle College "Oaklands"
  • Andrew Palacios, Staten Island, NY, Brooklyn Technical High School
  • Grace Showalter, Fort Wayne, IN, Homestead High School
  • Dimple Belani, Queens Village, NY, Bronx High School of Science
  • Rehan Choudhury, Highlands Ranch, CO, Kent Denver School
  • Gabriella Gagliano, Ashburn, VA, Stone Bridge High School
  • Maria Gonzalez Aranda, Altamira, Mexico, The American School of Tampico
  • Jenny Huang, Leawood, KS, Phillips Academy Andover
  • Charles Isgar, Los Angeles, CA, Windward School
  • Paxton Peacock, Newton, AL, Enterprise High School
  • Nicole Steiner, Parker, CO, Legend High School
  • Catherine Tu, Pleasanton, CA, Amador Valley High School
  • Jabari-Ture Brooks, Chicago, IL, Whitney M. Young Magnet High School
  • Isabel Anderson, Alexandria, VA, Bishop Ireton High School
  • Lauren Bellamy, Meridian, ID, Rocky Mountain High School
  • Efe Birkan, Izmir, Turkey, Cakabey High School
  • Joshua Bjelland, Holton, KS, Holton High School
  • Cade Cannedy, El Prado, NM, Taos High School
  • Francie Case, Crestview Hills, KY, Notre Dame Academy
  • Darran Casey, Northridge, CA, Crespi Carmelite High School
  • Shule Chen, Buford, GA, Mill Creek High School
  • Ethan Chen, Camarillo, CA, Adolfo Camarillo High School
  • Joyce Cheng, Springfield, VA, James Madison High School
  • Devina Colon, Stockton, CA, Stockton Collegiate International School
  • Monica Daubon, Culebra, PR, George Washington University Online High School
  • Chase Dieckhoner, Gallatin, TN, Merrol Hyde Magnet
  • Lawrence Early, Moseley, Moseley, VA, Clover Hill High School
  • Caleb Ellington, Austin, TX, Liberal Arts and Science Academy
  • Beau Fairless, Henderson, NV, Foothill High School
  • Riley Flynn, Valencia, CA, West Ranch High School
  • Tyler Frye, Kathleen, GA, Veterans High School
  • Jayden Garrett, Chadron, NE, Chadron Senior High School
  • Meriah Grove, Roswell, GA, North Springs Charter High School
  • Elyse Hofer-Draper, Littleton, CO, Valor Christian High School
  • Haley Horton, Orlando, FL, Circle Christian School
  • Krutika  Ingale, Pleasanton, CA, Amador Valley High School
  • Victoria Izaac, San Antonio, TX, Travis Early College High School
  • Alejandro Jimenez, Washburn, MO, Southwest High School
  • Sergio Jones, Tucson, AZ, BASIS Tucson North
  • Sloan Kanaski, Tucson, AZ, University High School
  • Kathleen Kish, Sandy Springs, GA, Dunwoody High School
  • Leann Klingensmith, Gibsonia, PA, Pine-Richland High School
  • Mary Ananditha Kommareddy, Tampa, FL, Tampa Bay Tech
  • Atharva Kumthekar, Mason, OH, William Mason High School
  • Michael Kuzma, Avon, IN, Avon High School
  • Rachel LaFond, Port Orange, FL, Spruce Creek High School
  • Alexander Li, Blauvelt, NY, Tappan Zee High School
  • Jingjun  Li, Tempe, AZ, Seton Catholic Preparatory High School
  • Lauren Loh, Houston, TX, Saint Agnes Academy
  • Rachel Mair, Chatsworth, CA, Sierra Canyon School
  • Junaid Malik, Reisterstown, MD, Western School of Technology and Environmental Science
  • Diamond Mangrum, Bowie, MD, Eleanor Roosevelt High School
  • Ariana Matias, Montclair, NJ, Verona High School
  • Adam Michals, Bloomingdale, IL, Lake Park High School
  • Anderson Moore, Fayetteville, GA, Fayette County High School
  • Veena Muraleetharan, Norman, OK, Norman North High School
  • Erica Nebet, Forest Hills, NY, Bard High School Early College Queens
  • Divya Nekkanti, San Jose, CA, Notre Dame High School
  • Miles Nevills, Dyersburg, TN, Dyer County High School
  • Edrian Oliver, Marietta, GA, Sprayberry High School
  • Sean Orellana, Los Angeles, CA, Middle College High School
  • Pavlina Osta, Port Orange, FL, Spruce Creek High School
  • Alejandra Parisi, Boca Raton, FL, Saint Andrew's School
  • Mackenzye Penn, Carmel, IN, University High School of Indiana
  • Sloane Perkins, Simpsonville, SC, Greenville Senior High Academy
  • Katherine Plier, Wausau, WI, Wausau East High School
  • Taegen Poles, Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, Trinity College School
  • Polina Prokof'yeva, Enerhodar, Ukraine, Enerhodar School "Harmony"
  • Abbey Ragan, Germantown, TN, Evangelical Christian School
  • Ashutosh Raman, Norman, OK, Norman High School North
  • Valerie Romanko, Franklin, TN, Fred J. Page High School
  • Megan Ryu, San Jose, CA, Leland High School
  • Sonia Sachar, Fremont, CA, Irvington High School
  • Sena Sarikaya, Houston, TX, Bellaire High School
  • Jeremy Schwartz, Saint Louis, MO, Ladue Horton Watkins High School
  • Parisa Sharif, San Antonio, TX, Ronald Reagan High School
  • Katherine Sherlock, Highlands Ranch, CO, Highlands Ranch High School
  • Parker Shires, Stone Mountain, GA, Ben Franklin Academy
  • Meghna Srivastava, Fremont, CA, Irvington High School
  • Vivian Tian, Barrington, RI, Barrington High School
  • Luca Tomescu, Sugar Land, TX, Stephen F. Austin High School
  • Kaitlin Tucci, Las Vegas, NV, Rancho High School
  • Alexa Vaghenas, East Stroudsburg, PA, Stroudsburg High School
  • Lesly Vallejo Lopez, Mecca, CA, Desert Mirage High School
  • Zachary Van Gorder, Pennellville, NY, John C. Birdlebough High School
  • Genevieve Weaver, Haslet, TX, Northwest High School
  • Brooklynn Wilhelm, Sarasota, FL, Suncoast Polytechnical High School
  • Reilly Collins, Freedom, PA, Freedom Area High School
  • Nicole Maestri, Knoxville, TN, Hardin Valley Academy
  • Anna Qi, Austin, TX, McNeil High School
  • Michael Denham, Mandeville, LA, Louisiana State University
  • Clayton Chaffins, Murfreesboro, TN, Home Life Academy
  • Divya Nekkanti, San Jose, CA, Notre Dame High School
  • Trenten Ross, Bristow, VA, Patriot High School and The Governor's School at Innovation Park
  • Sonia Sachar, Fremont, CA, Irvington High School
  • Cassia Wang, Saint Johns, FL, Ponte Vedra High School

1 st Sarah Tan –  Reminiscing 2 nd Cory Levy –  Typhon 3 rd Quynh Vo –  Calmed

1 st Pooja Ghalley –  Preservation 2 nd Brooke Buchan –  Eunoia 3 rd Brittany Walker–  Enchanting Whispers

  • Benjamin Morales, 1 st Place , Southwest Ranches, FL, West Broward High School
  • Christian Boujaoude, Finalist , Eatontown, NJ, Monmouth Regional High School
  • Sophia Gonzalez, Finalist , Cutler Bay, Westminster Christian School
  • Nathan Grant, Finalist , Loveland, OH, Cincinnati Country Day School
  • Josie Pearce, Finalist , Rossmoor, CA, Los Alamitos High School
  • Allyson Smith, Novo, OH, The University of Akron
  • Daniela Reyes-Marin, Denver, CO, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Early College
  • Kaela Green, Blakeslee, PA, Pennsylvania State University 
  • Navira Alifa, Katy, TX, Texas A&M University
  • Milena Nino, Whitehall, PA, Johns Hopkins University
  • Nicholas Norwitz, Newton, MA, Dartmouth College
  • Akinola Sogunro, Exton, PA, Johns Hopkins University
  • Umyeena Bashir, Plano, TX, Plano West High School
  • Anthony Box, Wakefield High School, Arlington, VA
  • Full program scholarship: Fatima Elfakahany, Marietta, GA, North Cobb High School
  • Partial Program Scholarship:  Steven Bernstein, Chattanooga, TN, Mccallie School

1 st  Pallas-Amenah Morgan, Silver Spring, MD, St. Andrew's Episcopal School 2 nd  Hannah Wilkins, Hurdle Mills, NC, Cedar Ridge High School 3 rd  Abby DeReamer, Alexandria, MN, Alexandria Area High School

2015 Scholarship Recipients

  • Navira Alifa, Houston, TX, Texas A&M University
  • Bhavya Ancha, Yardley, PA, Temple University
  • Bryce Badura, Midlothian, VA, University of Notre Dame
  • Angelique Edwards, Johns Creek, GA, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Shannon Lewis Greenbaum, Queretaro, Mexico, East Anglia University
  • Xanthia Hargreaves, Oxford, UK, University of Oxford
  • Madeline Lane, Ferguson, MO, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Nathan Musick, Brookpark, OH, Ohio State University
  • India Persaud, Appling, GA, University of Georgia
  • Anusha Prasad, Lakewood, CO, Colorado School of Mines
  • Kenneth Rusk, Waynetown, IN, University of Evansville
  • Theresa Marie Romualdez, Singapore, United World College of Southeast Asia Dover
  • Eui Hyeon Song, Pasadena, CA, Royal College of London
  • Joelle Victoriano, San Ramon, CA, University of California San Diego
  • Jacky Xu, Singapore, University of LIverpool
  • Maria Yiannakis, London, Richmond - The American International University in London
  • Shrey Gupta, Ashburn, VA, Thomas Jefferson High School
  • Eshwar Inapuri, Novi, MI, Novi High School
  • Katelyn Luck, Bedford, NH, Bedford High School
  • Michael Nock, Cary, NC, Wake Early College of Health and Sciences North Campus
  • Jazlynn Rodriguez, New Britain, CT, Sport & Medical Sciences Academy
  • Shahwar Ali, Berea, KY, Berea College
  • Ayat Amin, San Diego, CA, University of California San Diego
  • Clarisse Caliman, St. Louis, MO, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Ameya Kotwal, Blacklick, OH, The Ohio State University
  • Ton La, Jr., Houston, TX, University of Houston
  • Augustina Mensa-Kwao, Charlottesville, VA, University of Virginia
  • Caroline Patton, Grayson, KY, University of West Florida
  • Brittany Sharma, Vancouver, BC, University of Victoria
  • Tatiana Landini, Chula Vista High School, Chula Vista, CA
  • Esther Mallet, Nimitz Senior High School, Humble, TX
  • Angela Walker, Tomball Memorial High School, Tomball, TX
  • Kailey Kerr, Sugar Hill GA, University of Central Florida
  • Kayona Meade, Conyers, GA, University of Georgia
  • Connor Pestovich, Kamiakin High School, University of South Carolina
  • Makayla Bradford, San Diego, CA, San Diego State University
  • Larissa Cruz, Arlington, TX, University of Texas- Austin
  • Kylie Lan Tumiatti, West Melbourne, FL, Seton Hall University
  • Kyana Waters, Silver Spring, MD, Spelman College
  • Elizabeth Wicks, Ocean Springs, MS, The University of Mississippi
  • Kavya Sreedhar, Lake Oswego, OR, California Institute of Technology
  • Igor Tomeski, Tetovo, Macedonia, Piedmont College
  • Paige Hawkins, Fort Washington, MD, From The Heart Christian School
  • Swetha Manivannan, Collierville, TN, Collierville High School
  • Le-Vy Quinn, Tucker, GA, Parkview High School
  • Apurwa Shukla, Los Angeles, CA, North Hollywood High School
  • Ashhab Thakur, Fort Myers, FL, Fort Myers High School
  • Laura Toledo – first place winner, Boynton Beach, FL
  • Connie Edwards 
  • Nina Chachad, Riverside, CA
  • Jahaan Turkhud, East Brunswick, NJ, East Brunswick High School
  • Morgan Bailee Boggess, Owensboro, KY, Apollo High School
  • Shelby Beam, Arab, AL, Arab High School
  • Tyler Cole, Louisville, KY, Eastern High School
  • Parker Craig, Lexington, KY, Lexington Christian Academy
  • Sheldyn Duff, Putney, KY, Harlan Jr.Sr. High School
  • Makenzie Engel, Crestwood, KY, Oldham County High School
  • Clara Goodman, Frankfort, KY, Western Hills High School
  • Abigail Hackett, Frankfort, KY, Franklin County High School
  • Robert Hatfield, Frankfort, KY, Western Hills High School
  • Shae Henry, Lexington, KY, Henry Clay High School
  • Hunter Henson, Cynthiana, KY, Harrison County High School
  • Harley Von Oliver, Goshen, KY, North Oldham High School
  • Jordan Osborn, Prospect, KY, North Oldham High School
  • Demetria Quincy, Frankfort, KY, Franklin County High School
  • Caroline Ricks, New Washington, IN, New Washington High School
  • Seth Roush, Frankfort, KY, Western Hills High School
  • Hannah Shelton, Louisville, KY, Louisville Male High School
  • Blaine Skeen, Benton, KY, Marshall County High School
  • Ashton Trunnell, Owensboro, KY, Apollo High School
  • Kristen Wade, Lexington, KY, Lafayette High School
  • Aubrey Walter, Lexington, KY, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School
  • Andrea Augustine, Eagle's Landing High School, Stockbridge, GA
  • Grayson Everett, Buckhorn High School, Huntsville, AL
  • Emily Foulke, East Limestone High School, Athens, AL
  • Teilei Hall, Stewarts Creek High School, Smyrna, TN
  • Alethia Jordan, Lee High School, Harvest, AL
  • Magdalene Isabel Smith, St. Bernard Preparatory School, Cullman, AL

Fiction: 1st Shayla Grace Cabalan, Indianapolis, IN, Roncalli High School 2nd Chyna Moore-Smith, Philadelphia, PA, Central High School 3rd Yasmin Phillip, Laurel, MD, Cedar Brook Academy

Poetry: 1st Angelina Suwoto, Lawrenceville, GA, Brookwood High School 2nd Mackenzie Berry, Louisville, KY, duPont Manual High School 3rd Benjamin Hess, Kennett Square, PA, Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School

  • Jason Mahr, Montville, NJ, Harvard University
  • Paul Gilliam, Colorado Springs, CO, Discovery Canyon Campus High School
  • Jonathan Vecser, Houston, TX, Vecseri Academy
  • Maria Juliana Fontecha, Franklin, TN, Brentwood Academy
  • Amir Adem, Norcross, GA, Emory University
  • April Federico, Medfield, MA, Saint Anselm College
  • Marcus Frias, Miami, FL, Florida International University
  • Kruthika Gurukkal, Pelham, AL, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Samir Nacer, Cape Coral, FL, NOVA Southeastern University
  • Cassandra Ngo, Pittsburg, KS, Pittsburg State University
  • Jacob Torres, Toa Alta, PR, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico -Oficina de Recaudaciones
  • Armaan Premjee, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, University of Southern California
  • Katie Prince, Westfield, MA, Mount Holyoke College
  • Ozzarah Watson, Midland, GA, Georgia State University
  • Noorin Asjad, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vanderbilt University
  • Alexander Buczynsky, Odessa, FL, University of Florida
  • Rohan Dani, Ashburn, VA, Virginia Tech
  • Jordan Green, Reynoldsburg, OH, University of Arizona
  • Laura Hallas, Allen, TX, University of Texas at Austin
  • Myrial Holbrook, Columbus, OH, Princeton University
  • Raina Kadavil, White Plains, NY, Boston University
  • Smythe Mullikin, Galveston, TX, Southern Methodist University
  • Sahana Rao, Centreville, VA, University of Maryland
  • Grant Simons, Byron Center, MI, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Basma Abdellaoui, La Jolla, CA, University of California, San Diego
  • Olukemi Adebanjo, Valley Stream, NY, Stony Brook University
  • Sejal Aggarwal, Scottsdale, AZ, Princeton University
  • Blaine Allen, Stone Mountain, GA, Georgia State Universityy
  • Sabrina Aponte, Chicago, IL, University of Pennsylvania
  • Courtney Astore, Lakewood Ranch, FL, University of Central Florida
  • Hilda Atuncar, Downey, CA, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Adriana Babakanian, San Diego, CA, Torrey Pines High School
  • Alexandria Bagwell, Dawsonville, GA, North Forsyth High School
  • Austin Bates, Ronkonkoma, NY, Cornell University
  • Regheim Beck, Bronx, NY, City College of New York
  • Siya Bhagat, Highland, MD, University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • Kaylee Bullington, Portland, TN, Ohio State University
  • Leonardo Colon, Woodbridge, VA, University of Virginia
  • Laura Corrigan, Cos Cob, CT, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Giovanni Desir, Brooklyn, NY, The Catholic University of America
  • Nile Dwyer, Piscataway, NJ, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Kaitlyn Fabre, Salem, MA, Endicott College
  • Wenxuan Fan, Foshan, Guangdong, China, New York University
  • Teah Flynn, Fayetteville, AR, University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • Tynan Gardner, North Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers Preparatory School
  • Alec Gelfenbein, South Burlington, VT, University of Pennsylvania
  • Amara Gordon, Tacoma, WA, Dartmouth College
  • Lauren Griffin, Ball Ground, GA, University of Georgia
  • Brock Hay, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, University of Victoria
  • Gunnar Henning, Washington, NJ, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Samuel Horton, Simpsonville, SC, Furman University
  • Cheney Huls, Cave Creek, AZ, Grand Canyon University
  • Ukachi Irobereachi, Bowie, MD, University of Notre Dame
  • Nathaniel Jensen, Virginia Beach, VA, Old Dominion University
  • Simone John-Vanderpool, Ellicott City, MD, Centennial High School
  • Dunia Karzai, Port Jefferson, NY, University of Vermont
  • Phong Le, Tucker, GA, Emory University
  • Jae Seung Lee, Newton Center, MA, Harvard University
  • David Li, Commack, NY, Commack High School
  • Stacie Lin, Bedford, NH, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • George Lin, Richardson, TX, Princeton University
  • Thomas Little, High Point, NC, University of North Carolina School of the Arts
  • Danielle Lyle, Woodbridge, VA, Spelman College
  • Ye Ma, Lexington, KY, University of California, Berkeley
  • Daryl Mitchell, Douglasville, GA, New York University
  • Ashanna Molokwu, San Diego, CA, University of Oregon
  • Alexandra Munoz, Wellington, FL, University of Florida
  • Hanan Muzemil, Chicago, IL, Southern Methodist University
  • Gabriela Naumnik, Bialystok, Podlasie, Poland, New York University Shanghai
  • Saraf Nawar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Polytechnic Institute of New York University
  • Zachary Nobile, Greensburg, PA, University of Pittsburgh
  • Michael Nock, Cary, NC, Wake Early College of Health and Sciences
  • Kevin Ong, Houston, TX, Awty International School
  • Isabella Penola, Zionsville, IN, University of Notre Dame
  • Emily Pilot, Gilbert, SC, Clemson University
  • Alexandra Probst, Ridgefield, WA, University of Washington
  • Angeline Rao, Sugar Land, TX, Harvard University
  • Natalya Ritter, Salt Lake City, UT, Princeton University
  • R. Noah Sannes, Milton, GA, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Kishan Segu, Germantown, MD, Univeristy off Maryland- College Park
  • Jeff Sheng, Markham, ON, University of Pennsylvania
  • Yongseop Shim, Phoenix, AZ, Arizona State University
  • Matthew Sima, Fort Collins, CO, Duke University
  • April Simmons, Brooklyn, NY, Loyola University of Maryland
  • Emelia Suljic, Winnetka, IL, Columbia University
  • Matthew Sun, Centreville, VA, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
  • Gerron Syvertson, Bellingham, WA, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Joanne Thomas, Marietta, GA, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Isabel Thompson, West Olive, MI, Black River Public School
  • Sabrina Tong, Skokie, IL, University of Southern California
  • Maya Van Lysebettens, Chicago, IL, Millikin University
  • Samuel Vilchez, Orlando, FL, Princeton University
  • Quinn Vissak, Bethel, CT, University of Connecticut
  • Katherine Wang, Cheshire, CT, Wellesley College
  • Challen Wright, Carson City, NV, University of Nevada Reno
  • Michael Yang, College Station, TX, University of Texas at Austin
  • Alyssa Yun, Auburn, WA, University of Pennsylvania
  • Sophie Zhang, Concord, CA, Princeton University
  • Joseph Lamp, John F. Kennedy Memorial High School, Seattle, WA
  • Adrianna Oxendine, Pembroke NC, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
  • Cherokee Scruggs, Shadow Ridge High School, Las Vegas, NV
  • Aswin Bikkani, Westlake, OH, Westlake High School
  • Steven Jiang, Sugar Land, TX, Clements High School
  • Smiti Kaul, Charlotte, NC, Providence Senior High School
  • Eleana Musteata, Slingerlands, NY, Guilderland High School

1 st Saya Nassyr –  Game of Shadows 2 nd Taylor Young –  Jane 3 rd Christian Zelaya –  Brought to Life

1 st Nicole Campbell –  Mother Nature 2 nd Alondra Aguilar –  Along the Way 3 rd Rachel Borisko –  Mine?

  • Scott Forsythe – first place winner, Huntington, IN, Eagle Academy
  • Sydney Kamen, Washington, DC, Dartmouth College 
  • Stephanie Niu, Marietta, GA, Stanford University  
  • Morlan Osgood, Loveland, OH, Loveland High School
  • Brooke Willemstyn, Little Silver, NJ, University of Richmond
  • Harrison Hart, Towson, MD, Towson University
  • Aisvarya Panakam, Cumming, GA, Johns Hopkins University
  • Spenser Rush, Davie, FL, George Mason University
  • John Ukenye, Miami, FL, Florida International University
  • Cheikh Craig-Ba, Chicago, IL, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Alizay Jalisi, Brooklandville, MD, Johns Hopkins University
  • Amber Liggett, Beaver, PA, Millersville University
  • Jay Wong, Baldwin, NY, Yale University
  • Suthida Frank, Falls River, MA, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

1st Ally Chou, Sha Tin, Hong Kong, Renaissance College Hong Kong 2nd Jose Gayoso-Prieto, Fort Lauderdale, FL, South Plantation High School 3rd William Blount, Union City, GA, Langston Hughes High School

Saya Nassyr – Game of Shadows Taylor Young – Jane Christian Zelaya – Brought to Life

Nicole Campbell – Mother Nature Alondra Aguilar – Along the Way Rachel Borisko – Mine?


  1. Learn How to Write a Truly Impressive Scholarship Essay!

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  2. Scholarship Essay

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  4. Scholarship Essay

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  5. Scholarship Essay

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  6. Scholarship Essay Cheat Sheet

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  1. Research and Academic Paper Scholarship

    About the Scholarship. Opens: 12/29/2023. Closes: 5/15/2024. The Research and Academic Paper Scholarship offers financial assistance to high school students who demonstrate strong writing skills through academic research and essays. High school sophomores, juniors, or seniors seeking a degree or certification are welcome to apply.

  2. NSHSS Research and Academic Paper Scholarship

    Scholarship Details: NSHSS will recognize fifty (50) students who have written academic papers as class assignments in high school, such as a research paper, an original essay, or an analytical paper. The essay must have been assigned and submitted for a class you have taken in high school, or are currently taking.

  3. Best Research Writing Scholarships in 2024

    Add to shortlist. The Dr. Jerry Pournelle Scholarship may be awarded to a candidate of any gender majoring in engineering, math, biological or physical sciences, or "science fiction as literature" as an eligible field of study. Applicants must submit a 500-1,000 word essay on one of several scientific topics.

  4. List of Research scholarships

    Fellowships/Grants to study in Scandinavia. Awards for Study in Scandinavia The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers fellowships (up to $23,000) and grants (up to $5,000) to individuals to pursue research, study or creative arts projects in one or more Scandinavian country for up to one year. The number of awards varies each year ...

  5. The Ultimate List of Writing Scholarships in 2024 • Apply Today

    The first-place winner has the opportunity to attend the annual symposium of The Lincoln Forum in Gettysburg, PA in November. Categories: Critical Essay. Organization: The Lincoln Forum. Deadline: August 31, 2024. Additional awards: $500 for second place, $250 for third place. Recipients: 1. Top award: $1,000. Apply now →.

  6. Top 552 Writing & Essay Scholarships in August 2024

    Austin Peay State University Creative Writing Scholarships. The scholarships are open to undergraduate and incoming APSU students who email a 10-20 page manuscript of fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction, to Lakota Withrow at [email protected]. Awards are for $600 or $1,200. The deadline to apply is March 18th.

  7. NSHSS Research and Academic Paper Scholarship

    The paper can be a research paper, original essay, or an analytical paper. Please keep the paper to a maximum of 8 pages. Please note: We will not consider fiction, poetry, journal entries, computer programs, or lab reports. You may submit one paper. Winners must agree to the publication of their essay on the NSHSS website in order to receive ...

  8. Top 210 Essay Scholarships to Apply for in August 2024

    This scholarship seeks to honor the legacy of Brandon Repola by supporting students with big goals who are interested in video and digital marketing. Eligibility Criteria: Field of Interest: Videography, digital marketing, computers, and/or automotive technology. Education Level: Undergraduate. Amount: $9,700.

  9. Essay Scholarships

    Niche $2,000 No Essay Scholarship. Amount $2,000. Deadline August 31, 2024. The $2,000 No Essay Scholarship is open to high school student all the way up to, and including, graduate school students. Scholarship Details $2,000 No Essay Scholarship for tuition and any other college-related expenses No essay requirement.

  10. 30 Great Essay Scholarships

    Three essay scholarships worth $1,000, $1,500, and $2,500 are available. Entrants must craft a patriotic essay of 1,500 to 2,000 words about the meaningful ways diversity betters American life. Essays with a proper MLA- or Chicago-style citation bibliography are due on June 30th. Scholarship Website. 4.

  11. Google Scholar

    Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions.

  12. NSHSS Student Research Journal

    Research Journal. Each year, NSHSS and its partners award more than $2.5 million in scholarships and educator grants. One of the many scholarship opportunities we offer to students is the "NSHSS Research and Academic Paper Scholarship.". This scholarship, which has over 1,200 submissions each year, recognizes the top students who have ...

  13. 25 Science Research Competitions for High Schoolers

    The Regeneron ISEF is the world's largest international pre-college STEM competition—high school students representing all 50 states and more than 70 countries, regions, and territories, take part. Students showcase independent research and compete across 22 categories for awards ranging from $500 to $75,000.

  14. The Top Essay Scholarships for Students

    Texas History Essay Contest. Deadline: 1/31/24. Award Amount: $2,000 - $4,000 The Texas History Essay Contest is open to graduating high school seniors. To enter, you must submit a 1500 - to 2000 - word essay that reflects your research and study of Texas history and its relevance to the development of Texas.

  15. Mary Gates Research Scholarship

    Students receive research scholarships to pursue research in a variety of disciplines. Learn more about research in the social sciences, arts, and humanities. Applications are accepted twice per year - once in Autumn Quarter and once in Winter Quarter. The scholarships are $5,000 and disburse in installments of $2,500 each over two quarters.

  16. Top 100+ Undergraduate Scholarships in August 2024

    The Scholarships360 Research Team reviews all scholarships individually and strives to exclude any scholarship where any of the below applies: The scholarship requires a fee to apply; ... No matter which STEM field ignites your interest, we look forward to reading your essays. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the ...

  17. The Complete Guide on the Different Types of Scholarships

    1. Merit-based scholarships. This is the best-known type of scholarship and is awarded to students based on their superior achievements in academia, art, or other similar fields. Beyond how well they do in school, many students excel in specific fields and show potential that can genuinely impact our society.

  18. Research scholar program

    Research scholar program. The Research Scholar Program aims to support early-career professors who are pursuing research in fields relevant to Google. The Research Scholar Program provides unrestricted gifts to support research at institutions around the world, and is focused on funding world-class research conducted by early-career professors.

  19. NSHSS Scholarships

    NSHSS and its partners offer over $2.5 million in scholarships annually. High school and college scholarships are available to all students in subjects such as entrepreneurship, leadership, literature, medicine, music, STEM, sustainability, visual arts, community service and more. See all NSHSS and NSHSS Foundation Scholarships.

  20. Scholarships for High School & College Students

    NSHSS and partners provide more than $2.5 million in annual scholarships. All students can apply for scholarships in various fields like academics, entrepreneurship, leadership, literature, medicine, music, STEM, sustainability, visual arts, and more. Hear from recent winners and discover NSHSS's benefits.

  21. (PDF) The impact of scholarships on students ...

    The results of the research, scholarships encourage student achievement, students' attention to study, develop book reading habits, and time management habits. In this case, Sneyers (2016) shows ...

  22. Scholarships and Academic Performance: Benefits of Athletic

    It has been accepted for inclusion in Research Papers by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please [email protected]. Recommended Citation Woods, Alicia N., "SCHOLARSHIPS AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: BENEFITS OF ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS AT SIU - CARBONDALE" (2011).Research Papers. Paper 155.

  23. How To Win A National Scholarship? Research, Mentoring, Discovery

    [She] reached out to me, and we discussed my research projects, and she started working with me the next semester." Rhodes adds, "Mentoring Hannah has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience. She is the ideal research student — she is intelligent, hardworking and shows a great deal of scientific curiosity."

  24. Your First Scholarship Award

    In Your First Scholarship, an award for those who have never before won a scholarship, we will be walking you through all the steps of the application process, providing the best tips and tricks, and essentially, leaving you with a refined "toolbox" for you to use in all your future endeavors—from academic to professional. You can then submit ...

  25. Cisco Security Products and Solutions

    "From securing stadiums, broadcasts, and fans to protecting the largest live sporting event in America, the right tools and the right team are key in making sure things run smoothly, avoiding disruptions to the game, and safeguarding the data and devices that make mission-critical gameday operations possible."

  26. Current NSHSS Scholarship Winners

    See current winners of NSHSS scholarships. Visit the official website of the National Society of High School Scholars. ... NSHSS Research and Academic Paper Scholarship Your First Scholarship NSHSS Foundation + Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) Economics and Financial Literacy Scholarship ... Anna Narin, Research Triangle High School ...