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  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

Class 8 English NCERT Solutions

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Prose

  • Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World
  • Chapter 2 The Tsunami
  • Chapter 3 Glimpses of the Past
  • Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory
  • Chapter 5 The Summit Within
  • Chapter 6 This is Jody’s Fawn
  • Chapter 7 A Visit to Cambridge
  • Chapter 8 A Short Monsoon Diary
  • Chapter 9 The Great Stone Face 1
  • Chapter 10 The Great Stone Face 2

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Poem

  • Poem 1 The Ant and the Cricket
  • Poem 2 Geography Lesson
  • Poem 3 Macavity: The Mystery Cat
  • Poem 4 The Last Bargain
  • Poem 5 The School Boy
  • Poem 6 The Duck and the Kangaroo
  • Poem 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse
  • Poem 8 On the Grasshopper and Cricket
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Supplementary It So Happened

  • Chapter 1 How the Camel Got His Hump
  • Chapter 2 Children at Work
  • Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant
  • Chapter 4 The Treasure Within
  • Chapter 5 Princess September
  • Chapter 6 The Fight
  • Chapter 7 The Open Window
  • Chapter 8 Jalebis
  • Chapter 9 The Comet 1
  • Chapter 10 The Comet 2
  • Class 8 English Honeydew
  • Class 8 English Honeydew Poem
  • Class 8 English It so Happened

CBSE Class 8 English Reading

Cbse class 8 english writing, cbse class 8 english grammar.

  • Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory
  • Chapter 6 This is Jody’s Fawn
  • Chapter 9 The Great Stone Face I
  • Chapter 10 The Great Stone Face II
  • Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket
  • Chapter 2 Geography Lesson
  • Chapter 3 Macavity – The Mystery Cat
  • Chapter 4 The Last Bargain
  • Chapter 5 The School Boy
  • Chapter 6 The Duck and the Kangaroo
  • Chapter 7 When I Set Out For Lyonnesse
  • Chapter 8 On the Grasshopper and Cricket

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Supplementary Reader It So Happened

  • Chapter 1 How The Camel Got His Hump
  • Chapter 9 The Comet I
  • Chapter 10 The Comet II
  • Unseen Passages Type I
  • Unseen Passages Type II

Short Composition

  • Message Writing
  • Notice Writing
  • Postcard Writing

Long Composition

  • Paragraph Writing
  • Composition Based on Verbal Input
  • Composition Based on Visual Input
  • Letter Writing
  • Application Writing
  • Story Writing
  • Email Writing
  • Article Writing
  • Speech Writing
  • Dairy Writing
  • Dialogue Writing
  • Description Writing
  • Determiners
  • Noun Phrase
  • Phrasal Verbs
  • Agreement of Verb and Subject
  • Use of Modals
  • Preposition
  • Nominalisation
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Reported Speech
  • Integrated Exercises
  • The Sentence
  • Conjunction
  • Interjection
  • Question Tags

We hope the given NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English will help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE English NCERT Solutions Class 8, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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Grade 8 Language Arts Worksheets

We cover a number of High School ready activities here. Everything is a little more open response at this level.

Infinitives – These are root of what verbs are. [L.8.1.A]

Subjunctive Mood – When you are not working with facts. [L.8.1.A]

Verbals – Nouns that function as verbs. [L.8.1.A]

Gerunds – Similar to nouns. [L.8.1.A]

Active and Passive Verbs – Are the verbs in motion or just about to get warmed up? [L.8.1.B]

Phrasal Verbs – These are usually adverbs, but that doesn't always hold true. [L.8.1.B]

Using Verbs To Indicate Mood – A good descriptive verb can really bring emotion into a sentence. [L.8.1.C]

Interrogative Pronouns – When your are really looking to elicit a response from someone. [L.8.1.C]

Verbal Shifts In Voice and Mood – It is amazing who a simple word change, or two, can complete change the impact of text. [L.8.1.D]

Punctuation Pause and Breaks – What would make that sentence flow very well? [L.8.2.A]

Semicolons – Most college educated adults still have trouble this pesky use of punctuation. [L.8.2.A]

Ellipsis Omission – Sometimes say using less is more effective to make your point. [L.8.2.B]

Grade 8 Spelling – As far as vocabulary, you will find the usual suspects here. [L.8.2.C]

Conditional Language – When you are trying to require an outcome. [L.8.3.A]

Identifying Active and Passive Voice Writing – You are deciphering another author's writing here. [L.8.3.A]

Writing With An Active or Passive Voice – We take the previous topic and use our own language to complete the tasks. [L.8.3.A]

Paragraph Based Context Clues – Students will need to take the whole work into account here. [L.8.4.A]

Advanced Root Words – Some of the words they form are a bit tricky. [L.8.4.B]

Using References To Understand Words – Using a reference tool is also a great idea. [L.8.4.C]

Inferred Word Meanings – Taking those words to a new level and then verifying them too. [L.8.4.D]

Irony and Puns – These figure of speech shouldn't give you that hard of a time. [L.8.5.A]

Relationships Between Vocabulary Words – They exist you just have to make the connection. [L.8.5.B]

Advanced Connotation and Denotation – You are deciphering another author's writing here. [L.8.5.C]

8th Grade Vocabulary – Time to put all that reading to good use. [L.8.6]

Middle School Vocabulary - Students will learn grade level vocabulary terms for use in their own writing. [L.7-8.6]

Reading: Informational Text

Interpreting And Inferring From Text – This truly is the key to getting the most out of what you read. [RI.8.1]

Theme Development – You are deciphering another author's writing here. [RI.8.2]

Connecting Individuals, Ideas, or Events – This can be across the same story or multiple works. [RI.8.3]

Understanding Word Impact – Some words can be explosive others can be chilling. [RI.8.4]

Analyzing Paragraphs – It may just be a few sentences, but it can be profound. [RI.8.5]

Conflicting Viewpoints – Opinions start to collide and the debate begins. [RI.8.6]

Understanding Written Works In Different Mediums – It is so interesting to think which of your favorite story makes a better movie, book, or even told aloud story. [RI.8.7]

Validating Arguments – Is that a lawyer's job on either side of a court case? [RI.8.8]

Conflicting Information – This is where a good journalist thrives. [RI.8.9]

Grade 8 Literary Nonfiction Comprehension – These passages are more about explaining or learning something new. [RI.8.10]

Reading For Information – The topics are not common and are very interesting for any age. [RI.8.10 and W.8.7]

Reading: Literature

Using Textual Evidence – The primer steps to becoming an inferential detective. [RL.8.1]

Identifying Themes of Work – You are deciphering another author's writing here. [RL.8.2]

Character Actions and Decisions – What do those crazy characters try to do? [RL.8.3]

Literary Devices - Students explore techniques that are used to capture readers. [RL 8.3, W.8.1.C]

Literary Techniques - We look at some unique twists that are often found in literature. [RL 8.3, W.8.1.C]

Plot Twist - We help students learn to identify the use of this technique and we help them get comfortable with using it in their own writing. [RL.6-8.3]

Analyzing Word Choices – You never fully appreciate how powerful words are to make people take action. [RL.8.4]

Comparing Parts of a Story – Most of the time we are looking for keys to the plot development. [RL.8.5]

Differences In Point of View – Healthy debate makes for a powerful democracy. [RL.8.6]

Films and Their Scripts – Sometimes the screenplay is culprit as to why a wonderful book becomes a bad movie. [RL.8.7]

Analyzing Modern Works of Fiction – Doesn't it seem like masterpieces only come around once per decade? [RL.8.9]

Grade 8 Literature Reading Comprehension – We start to call upon all skills of the reader here. [RL.8.10]

Little Women - Students explore this classic Louisa May Alcott novel. [RL.6-8.10]

Introducing Written Arguments – Verbal arguments might be a little easier to start. [W.8.1.A]

Writing Supporting Claims – You will be asked to do this more often as you become an adult. [W.8.1.B]

Using Effective Words, Phrases, and Clauses – You can create a powerful position for yourself here. [W.8.1.C]

Writing Formal and Informal Letters – There is a vast difference between the two. Even more so between different authors. [W.8.1.D]

Writing Supportive Conclusion Sections – How do you sum all of this up for us? [W.8.1.E]

Informative Text Introduction – Be clear and concise. Also, make sure to provide a preview of what is to come. [W.8.2.A]

8th Grade Writing Prompts – You will find multiple sections like this covered in by the Core. [W.8.2.B]

Transitional Writing – How do you fluidly move from one topic to another? [W.8.2.C]

Writing To Explain, Describe, and Inform – When there is a purpose behind your writing, it is simple to evaluate. [W.8.2.D]

Commands – Sentence that must be followed. [W.7-8.2.D]

Writing Formal Letters – A further expansion of the previous standard. [W.8.2.E]

Argumentative Essay Outlines - These are to help you form an argument and plan all your major thougts. [W.7-8.2]

Writing Expository Conclusion Statements – Where do you go from here with it? [W.8.2.F]

Notice Writing – Listen up! Something is going down. [W.6-8.2]

Constructing Narratives – How do you put two and two together? [W.8.3.A]

Narrative Writing Techniques – We show you a few things that you might not have thought of before. [W.8.3.B]

Shifting Time and Settings Through Writing – The two standard sets are almost identical. [W.8.3.C]

Precise Words and Relevant Details – This is just paying attention to detail here. [W.8.3.D]

Concluding Narrative Statement – How do you finish that perfect thought off? [W.8.3.E]

Writing Thank You Notes – Tell someone that they made your day and it may just make their's too. [W.6-8.3]

Grade 8 Task Based Writing – These can be a great deal of fun. [W.8.4]

Guided and Peer Writing Revision – Working as a team should not be a new skill for this age. [W.8.5]

S.M.A.R.T. Goals – We follow the concept of SMART planning. [W.8.5]

Writing About Similarities – This is skill that come easier for most writers. [W.8.6]

Grade 8 Research Projects – Make sure to infer properly. Don't read into anything. [W.8.7]

Gather Relevant Search Information – How do you build your case with what you are given. [W.8.8]

Grade 8 Writing Projects – You will have some fun and some challenges at the same time here. [W.8.10]

Science Related Language Content – It's time to start looking at school across multiple subjects. [RST.8.1]

Social Studies

Social Studies Related Language Arts – There is a lot of history here, pun intended. [RH.8.8]

What Do 8th Graders Learn in English Class?

Eighth grade is a highly important year for anyone's academic success because the major things learned during this year are used throughout high school, university life and even in professional fields. An eighth-grader should have a strong grip on the English language because of this language's status in the world. Teachers during eighth grade should focus on spoken and written content in the English language. An eighth-grader should have excellent reading and writing skills along with correct pronunciation and accurate punctuation practices.

Given below are some of the things that the eighth-graders learn in their English class:

Writing Skills

During their eighth grade, students learn a lot of new and unique writing skills. With the help of these new skills, students write essays, stories, letters in a way better than ever before. Eighth graders also learn about formal and informal ways of communication that help them in their professional life and research works.

Reading Skills

During eighth grade, students are advised to read as much as they can. Reading is essential for the development of a good vocabulary. Eighth graders are taught how to make inferences, how to grab the main idea, and how to read in between lines.


When it comes to writing, a proper use of punctuation matters a lot. Eighth graders spend a lot of time struggling with the correct use of punctuation marks. It is a must for every eighth-grader to have a strong grip on punctuation and knowledge of all punctuation marks so that they can use the right mark at the right place.

During eighth grade, teachers should focus a lot on students' vocabulary and pronunciation. Teachers should teach new words, their meanings, and correct pronunciation to the students and should emphasize their use in written and oral content. Teachers' should also encourage students to communicate more with their fellows to improve their spoken English.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

Ncert solutions for class 8 english – chapter-wise free pdf download updated for 2023-24.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English contain exercises and activity-based questions from various units comprising prose and poems as per the NCERT Class 8 English Syllabus. We have extensively covered each and every question in the NCERT English textbook. Our subject matter experts have solved the unit questions in a simple manner, according to the latest CBSE syllabus. Access detailed NCERT solutions of the “Honeydew” and Supplementary textbook “It So Happened” from BYJU’S for free.

In this competitive age, it is imperative for school students always to be ready to face challenges. Exams are one of those challenges in their lives. In order to excel in the exams, students need to become extremely well-versed and have an in-depth understanding of all the textbook lessons. Here, we bring you the best-in-class BYJU’S NCERT Solutions to help your child frame precise answers in their final exam. Students are advised to access  NCERT Class 8 English Supplementary Book PDF to boost their exam preparations and crack the Class 8 exams with optimum scores.

English is an important subject that you will be using as a part of communication in your daily life. It is necessary to have a good foundation and professional fluency in the subject. To the Class 8 students, CBSE introduces two textbooks, which help you to understand English literature and enriches your knowledge of the language. The solutions are prepared according to the latest syllabus and guidelines as it contains answers to all the questions present in the textbook, along with sample papers and practice papers. With the help of NCERT Class 8 English Supplementary Textbook, students can learn to answer difficult questions in an efficient manner.

NCERT Solutions of Class 8 English

Here, we have provided the links to the unit-wise NCERT Class 8 English Solutions of the main textbook, Honeydew, and the Supplementary textbook, It So Happened.

Honeydew Textbook Solutions:

The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew by BYJU’S is present here in PDF format and is curated by the most experienced English faculty. After vast research, the solutions are created in accordance with the latest CBSE syllabus and guidelines. The PDF contains chapter-wise solutions so that students do not get confused while learning them. The clear-cut explanations help students understand the meaning and actual theme that underlie the chapter. The faculty provide you with the right guidance when you require more assistance. While staying at home, parents can rest assured that their children get free access to the best resource material.

The following list mentions chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 8 English (Honeydew) textbook 2023-24.

The Great Stone Face – I

The Great Stone Face – II

The following list mentions poems that have been removed from the NCERT Class 8 English (Honeydew) textbook 2023-24.

Macavity: The Mystery Cat

When I set out for Lyonnesse

Supplementary Textbook, It So Happened Solutions:

Learning a new language is fun. This fun can be ruined if the students are not able to get good marks. We at BYJU’S assist students to spend more time learning new chapters. The set of in-house faculty provide the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened in PDF format which can be downloaded easily by the students. Using these solutions will enable students to learn the subject in a shorter duration. It will help you to completely learn the syllabus and revise the chapters a few days before the exam.

The Open Window

The Comet — I

The Comet — II

Class 8 students would have a wonderful learning experience from all these NCERT Solutions for Class 8 and prepare them to write the exams effectively. The answers to the different questions are given in detail to cater to their needs. Students can also download these NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English in PDF format so that they can practise these questions well before the exams and stay ahead of other students in their class.

Download NCERT Class 8 English Solutions for a remarkable score in the exam. Students can also make use of NCERT Class 8 English Honeydew PDF at BYJU’S to resolve their doubts instantly and boost exam preparations.

NCERT Solutions Class 8 English

NCERT Solutions Class 8 English have various advantages when it comes to preparation for the final exam. Students can also enroll in BYJU’S and learn different topics of the CBSE or NCERT syllabus for Class 8 more effectively. They can learn different topics from the comfort of their homes by logging into their account and browsing useful content on their systems and start practising exercise questions for a better understanding. Students can also adopt a customised learning experience according to their grasping power. They can interact with our subject matter experts or mentors to understand concepts in a simpler and fun way.

Meanwhile, students can also download BYJU’S: The Learning App and get complete assistance for Class 8. The app provides ample interactive educational videos and live-online sessions to make learning a fun-filled experience for our learners.

Key Features of BYJU’S NCERT Class 8 English Solutions

Given below are some of the major features of BYJU’S NCERT Class 8 English Solutions:

  • These solutions cover all the units that are included in the  NCERT Class 8 English textbook .
  • Detailed explanations to help students understand the key concepts better.
  • Easily downloadable PDF format and offline materials can be accessed at any time from any location.
  • These CBSE 8th Class English Solutions are available for free download, and students can access them while studying the lessons.
  • Following NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Grammar helps students to enhance their knowledge in an effective manner and score excellent marks in exams.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solution for Class 8 English

Where can i download ncert solutions for class 8 english.

The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English can be referred to in both online and offline modes on the BYJU’S website. A team of experts at BYJU’S have prepared the solutions for all the questions in the NCERT textbook for Class 8 English in accordance with the latest CBSE guidelines in a simple language for students to grasp the concepts easily.

Which is the best reference guide for Class 8 English exam preparation?

NCERT books are the best source of study material for CBSE board exam preparation. The subject experts at BYJU’S outline the concepts in a clear and precise manner based on the understanding level of students. Our solution module utilizes numerous practical examples to explain all the exercise questions in simple and easily understandable language. If you wish to obtain an excellent score, then referring to NCERT Solutions is a must. Students are advised to practise the solutions on a daily basis to get good results in the exams. By referring to sample papers and previous year question papers, students can gain more knowledge and know the exam pattern that helps in attaining their goals.

How many chapters are present in NCERT Class 8 English?

There are a total of 10 Units from Honeydew Textbook Solutions: Unit 1- The Best Christmas Present in the World, Unit 2- The Tsunami, Unit 3- Glimpses of the Past, Unit 4- Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory, Unit 5- The Summit Within, Unit 6- This is Jody’s Fawn, Unit 7- A Visit to Cambridge, Unit 8- A Short Monsoon Diary, Unit 9- The Great Stone Face – I, Unit 10- The Great Stone Face – II.

There are 11 Units from Supplementary Textbook, It So Happened Solutions. Unit 1- How the Camel Got His Hump, Unit 2- Children at Work, Unit 3- The Selfish Giant, Unit 4- The Treasure Within, Unit 5- Princess September, Unit 6- The Fight, Unit 7- The Open Window, Unit 8- Jalebis, Unit 9- The Comet — I, Unit 10- The Comet — II, Unit 11 – Ancient Education System of India.

Where can I get the correct solutions for NCERT Books?

You can find correct and accurate NCERT Solutions from Classes 1 – 12 at BYJU’S website. The solutions are prepared with utmost care to help students understand the concepts easily and score well in their exams. The official website for NCERT is . NCERT provides students and teachers with a wide range of study materials like textbooks, reference books, etc.

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Buju’s gives a good answer

This is a nice learning app

8th class english homework

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8th Grade Reading Worksheets

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8th grade students are a special bunch. They often behave as though they are too cool for school, yet they keep coming back. Ha ha. We love them. This page has all of my reading worksheets that were written at or around the 8th grade level. I've used this website to determine the reading scores, but you'll want to read and approve each of these worksheets before giving them to your students. I've worked hard to produce the following materials and make them available to you. I hope that these resources help your students reach your learning goals.

  • Reading Comprehension Worksheets

“Gilray’s Flower-Pot” | By J.M. Barrie - Barrie, who is better known for creating Peter Pan, writes a whopper of a short story that highlights just how unreliable a narrator can be. This is a fun one to read out loud. View my readibility scores . “Gilray’s Flower-Pot” | By J.M. Barrie | RTF “Gilray’s Flower-Pot” | By J.M. Barrie | PDF “Gilray’s Flower-Pot” | By J.M. Barrie | Preview “Gilray’s Flower-Pot” | By J.M. Barrie | Answers “Gilray’s Flower-Pot” | By J.M. Barrie | Ereading Worksheet

“The Hydrophobic Skunk” | By Irvin S. Cobb - Cobb takes readers on a snipe hunt in this short, witty tale. Students should appreciate the humorous plot movements so much, that they may not even get hung up on the bits of dialect. View my readibility scores . “The Hydrophobic Skunk” | By Irvin S. Cobb | RTF “The Hydrophobic Skunk” | By Irvin S. Cobb | PDF “The Hydrophobic Skunk” | By Irvin S. Cobb | Preview “The Hydrophobic Skunk” | By Irvin S. Cobb | Answers “The Hydrophobic Skunk” | By Irvin S. Cobb | Ereading Worksheet

“A Respectable Woman” | By Kate Chopin - The presence of a guest causes tension in a married woman’s home. Warning: this story deals with issues of infidelity, or at least the implications of such. View my readibility scores . “A Respectable Woman” | By Kate Chopin | RTF “A Respectable Woman” | By Kate Chopin | PDF “A Respectable Woman” | By Kate Chopin | Preview “A Respectable Woman” | By Kate Chopin | Answers “A Respectable Woman” | By Kate Chopin | Ereading Worksheet

“A Piece of Steak” | By Jack London - What is the difference between winning and losing? Sometimes, it can be less than you think. This is the story of an old boxer who cannot afford to lose his next fight. View my readibility scores . “A Piece of Steak” | By Jack London | RTF “A Piece of Steak” | By Jack London | PDF “A Piece of Steak” | By Jack London | Preview “A Piece of Steak” | By Jack London | Answers “A Piece of Steak” | By Jack London | Ereading Worksheet

“The Son” | By Hermann Hesse - The story of a loving and patient dad who struggles with his restless and undisciplined son. View my readibility scores . “The Son” | By Hermann Hesse | RTF “The Son” | By Hermann Hesse | PDF “The Son” | By Hermann Hesse | Preview “The Son” | By Hermann Hesse | Answers “The Son” | By Hermann Hesse | Ereading Worksheet

Context Clues 2.5 - This worksheet has another 12 context clues problems. Students determine the meanings of the bolded words based on the context, and then explain their answers. View my readibility scores . Context Clues 2.5 | RTF Context Clues 2.5 | PDF Context Clues 2.5 | Preview Context Clues 2.5 | Answers

Context Clues 3.1 - This worksheet will help students sharpen their vocabulary skills with 12 challenging practice problems. Determine the meaning of challenging vocabulary words based on contextual clues and explain your answer. View my readibility scores . Context Clues 3.1 | RTF Context Clues 3.1 | PDF Context Clues 3.1 | Preview Context Clues 3.1 | Answers

Context Clues 3.2 - This worksheet will give students practice with challenging vocabulary words. They will figure out what the words mean based on how they are used and then explain their answers. View my readibility scores . Context Clues 3.2 | RTF Context Clues 3.2 | PDF Context Clues 3.2 | Preview Context Clues 3.2 | Answers

Context Clues 3.3 - This worksheet will give students even more practice with context clues. Students will determine the meanings of 12 more challenging vocabulary words and explain their answers. View my readibility scores . Context Clues 3.3 | RTF Context Clues 3.3 | PDF Context Clues 3.3 | Preview Context Clues 3.3 | Answers

Context Clues 3.4 - This worksheet features another 12 tricky vocabulary words used in context-rich sentences. Students determine the meanings of the words and explain their answers. View my readibility scores . Context Clues 3.4 | RTF Context Clues 3.4 | PDF Context Clues 3.4 | Preview Context Clues 3.4 | Answers

Figurative Language Poem | "The Grave" - This wry Robert Blair poems contains some great examples of personification and metaphor. Students read the poem and answer questions about figurative language and poetic techniques used in the poem. View my readibility scores . Figurative Language Poem | "The Grave" | RTF Figurative Language Poem | "The Grave" | PDF Figurative Language Poem | "The Grave" | Preview Figurative Language Poem | "The Grave" | Answers

Figurative Language Poem | "X" and "XXI" - This figurative language worksheet focuses on two short poem excerpts from Emily Dickinson. These are great poems that promote literacy and also have a bunch of metaphors. Students read the poems and answer questions about figurative language and poetic techniques. View my readibility scores . Figurative Language Poem | "X" and "XXI" | RTF Figurative Language Poem | "X" and "XXI" | PDF Figurative Language Poem | "X" and "XXI" | Preview Figurative Language Poem | "X" and "XXI" | Answers

Figurative Language Poem | "A Lady" - Amy Lowell's interesting poem focuses on an interaction between a young woman and an old woman. It contains metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and simile. Students read the poem and answer questions about figurative language techniques and poetic devices. View my readibility scores . Figurative Language Poem | "A Lady" | RTF Figurative Language Poem | "A Lady" | PDF Figurative Language Poem | "A Lady" | Preview Figurative Language Poem | "A Lady" | Answers

Figurative Language Worksheet | Shakespeare - If you've never heard of William Shakespeare, he wrote sonnets and plays. Ha ha. Just joking. Of course you've heard of William Shakespeare. This four page worksheet has 23 figurative language examples taken from some of the master's texts. Students read each example, determine the technique being used, and explain their answers. View my readibility scores . Figurative Language Worksheet | Shakespeare | RTF Figurative Language Worksheet | Shakespeare | PDF Figurative Language Worksheet | Shakespeare | Preview Figurative Language Worksheet | Shakespeare | Answers Figurative Language Worksheet | Shakespeare | Ereading Worksheet

Personification Worksheet 6 - This worksheet features another 10 examples of personification from classic poems. Students find the object or idea that is being personified in each example and then explain the quality or trait that is given. View my readibility scores . Personification Worksheet 6 | RTF Personification Worksheet 6 | PDF Personification Worksheet 6 | Preview Personification Worksheet 6 | Answers

Personification Worksheet 7 - This worksheet features 10 more poetic examples of personification. Students identify what is being personified and then explain the human quality or trait that is given. View my readibility scores . Personification Worksheet 7 | RTF Personification Worksheet 7 | PDF Personification Worksheet 7 | Preview Personification Worksheet 7 | Answers

Genre Worksheet 3 - This worksheet contains another 8 problems that will help students master genre. Based on short descriptions of texts, students must determine the genre and subgenre of a variety of works. They also must explain their answers. View my readibility scores . Genre Worksheet 3 | RTF Genre Worksheet 3 | PDF Genre Worksheet 3 | Preview Genre Worksheet 3 | Answers Genre Worksheet 3 | Ereading Worksheet

Genre Worksheet 4 - This worksheet has 9 problems to help students become genre experts. Students read short descriptions of texts and determine the genre and subgenre based on textual details. Then they explain their answers. View my readibility scores . Genre Worksheet 4 | RTF Genre Worksheet 4 | PDF Genre Worksheet 4 | Preview Genre Worksheet 4 | Answers Genre Worksheet 4 | Ereading Worksheet

Genre Worksheet 6 - This worksheet has 8 short descriptions of texts. Students read these descriptions and determine the genre and subgenre of each text. Then they explain their answers. View my readibility scores . Genre Worksheet 6 | RTF Genre Worksheet 6 | PDF Genre Worksheet 6 | Preview Genre Worksheet 6 | Answers Genre Worksheet 6 | Ereading Worksheet

Genre Worksheet 9 - This worksheet has 9 more descriptions of texts. Students read each description and determine the genre and subgenre of the text. Then they explain their answers. View my readibility scores . Genre Worksheet 9 | RTF Genre Worksheet 9 | PDF Genre Worksheet 9 | Preview Genre Worksheet 9 | Answers Genre Worksheet 9 | Ereading Worksheet

Main Idea, Text Structure, and Valentine's Day - This worksheet has six passages related to Valentine's Day. Students read the passages, interpret the main ideas, express the main ideas as a title, and represent the text structures using graphic organizers. View my readibility scores . Main Idea, Text Structure, and Valentine's Day | RTF Main Idea, Text Structure, and Valentine's Day | PDF Main Idea, Text Structure, and Valentine's Day | Preview Main Idea, Text Structure, and Valentine's Day | Answers

Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet | Robots - Students read six paragraphs about robots and identify and express the main idea of each. Then they write a title for the passage that expresses the main idea of the text, and create a graphic organizer that represents the structure of text. View my readibility scores . Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet | Robots | RTF Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet | Robots | PDF Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet | Robots | Preview Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet | Robots | Answers

Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet | Bicycles - Students will have a "wheelie" good time completing this 6 question text structure and main idea worksheet. Students read each passage, identify and explain the main idea, create a title related to the main idea, and draw and use an appropriate graphic organizer to contain information from the text. View my readibility scores . Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet | Bicycles | RTF Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet | Bicycles | PDF Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet | Bicycles | Preview Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet | Bicycles | Answers

Point of View Worksheet 4 - This worksheet has 9 passages taken from short stories. Students read the passages, determine the narrator's view point, and explain their answers. View my readibility scores . Point of View Worksheet 4 | RTF Point of View Worksheet 4 | PDF Point of View Worksheet 4 | Preview Point of View Worksheet 4 | Answers Point of View Worksheet 4 | Ereading Worksheet

Story Structure Quiz | "Blood is Thicker" - Students read a short story about two sisters who learn to work together. Then they answer multiple-choice questions about the story structure. View my readibility scores . Story Structure Quiz | "Blood is Thicker" | RTF Story Structure Quiz | "Blood is Thicker" | PDF Story Structure Quiz | "Blood is Thicker" | Preview Story Structure Quiz | "Blood is Thicker" | Answers

Story Structure Worksheet | "The Way of the World" - Students read a short story about an old-school businessman who must learn to adapt to the new world. Then they analyze the story structure and answer questions related to the plot. View my readibility scores . Story Structure Worksheet | "The Way of the World" | RTF Story Structure Worksheet | "The Way of the World" | PDF Story Structure Worksheet | "The Way of the World" | Preview Story Structure Worksheet | "The Way of the World" | Answers

Summary and Main Idea with Trains - Students read four short passages related to trains. Then they summarize each passage and come up with a title related to the main idea of the passage. View my readibility scores . Summary and Main Idea with Trains | RTF Summary and Main Idea with Trains | PDF Summary and Main Idea with Trains | Preview Summary and Main Idea with Trains | Answers

Text Structure Worksheet 1 - This worksheet contains six passages, each structured using a different pattern of organization. Students read each passage, determine how it is structured, and add information from the passage into the appropriate graphic organizer. View my readibility scores . Text Structure Worksheet 1 | RTF Text Structure Worksheet 1 | PDF Text Structure Worksheet 1 | Preview Text Structure Worksheet 1 | Answers Text Structure Worksheet 1 | Ereading Worksheet

Text Structure Worksheet | Dinosaurs - This worksheet contains 6 passages about dinosaurs. Students determine the structure of each passage and put information from the text into an appropriate graphic organizer. View my readibility scores . Text Structure Worksheet | Dinosaurs | RTF Text Structure Worksheet | Dinosaurs | PDF Text Structure Worksheet | Dinosaurs | Preview Text Structure Worksheet | Dinosaurs | Answers Text Structure Worksheet | Dinosaurs | Ereading Worksheet

Text Structure Worksheet | Natural Disasters - This worksheet has 11 passages about tornados, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. Students determine the structure of each text and put information from the passage into the appropriate graphic organizer. View my readibility scores . Text Structure Worksheet | Natural Disasters | RTF Text Structure Worksheet | Natural Disasters | PDF Text Structure Worksheet | Natural Disasters | Preview Text Structure Worksheet | Natural Disasters | Answers Text Structure Worksheet | Natural Disasters | Ereading Worksheet

Text Structure Worksheet | Pizza - This worksheet has 10 delicious passages about pizza. Students identify the structure of each text and then put information from the passage into an appropriate graphic organizer. View my readibility scores . Text Structure Worksheet | Pizza | RTF Text Structure Worksheet | Pizza | PDF Text Structure Worksheet | Pizza | Preview Text Structure Worksheet | Pizza | Answers Text Structure Worksheet | Pizza | Ereading Worksheet

Text Structure Worksheet | Twisters - This worksheet has 5 twister related passages. Students determine the structure of each text and then put information from each passage into an appropriate graphic organizer. View my readibility scores . Text Structure Worksheet | Twisters | RTF Text Structure Worksheet | Twisters | PDF Text Structure Worksheet | Twisters | Preview Text Structure Worksheet | Twisters | Answers Text Structure Worksheet | Twisters | Ereading Worksheet

Text Structure Worksheet | Fireworks - Students will have an explosive time completing this text structure worksheet. They read 11 passages about fireworks, determine the structure of each, and create a graphic organizer that contains important information from the passage. View my readibility scores . Text Structure Worksheet | Fireworks | RTF Text Structure Worksheet | Fireworks | PDF Text Structure Worksheet | Fireworks | Preview Text Structure Worksheet | Fireworks | Answers

Text Structure Worksheet | Computers - Students read 10 paragraphs about computers and determine the text structure of each. Then they create and use a graphic organizer to visually represent the structure of the passage. View my readibility scores . Text Structure Worksheet | Computers | RTF Text Structure Worksheet | Computers | PDF Text Structure Worksheet | Computers | Preview Text Structure Worksheet | Computers | Answers

Tone Worksheet 2 - This worksheet has another four emotive poems. Students identify the speaker's tone and support their answers by referring to the text. View my readibility scores . Tone Worksheet 2 | RTF Tone Worksheet 2 | PDF Tone Worksheet 2 | Preview Tone Worksheet 2 | Answers

8th grade students are remarkable. What would the future of our world look like without them? It'd be a lot less bright. I hope this collection of worksheets and activities written at or around the 8th grade level will help you to better serve your students. I appreciate all comments, corrections, feedback, and suggestions. The easiest way to contact me is just to leave a comment below. Thanks for visiting!

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All Reading Worksheets and Activities Author's Purpose Worksheets and Activities Characterization Worksheets and Activities Character Types Worksheets and Lessons Context Clues Worksheets Conflict Types Worksheets Differentiated Reading Instruction Worksheets and Activities Fact and Opinion Worksheets and Activities Functional and Nonfiction Comprehension Worksheets Activities Genre Activities Genre Worksheets Inferences Worksheets and Activities Irony Worksheets and Activities Literature Units Main Idea Worksheets and Activities Making Predictions Worksheets Point of View Activities Point of View Worksheets Reading Comprehension Worksheets Summary Worksheets and Activities Story Structure Worksheets Story Structure Activities Text Structure Activities Text Structure Worksheets Theme Worksheets and Activities

Online Reading Activities: Complete on phones, tablets, or computers. Print, save, or email results as a PDF.

Chess | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 1-4) TV | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 1-4) Metal Detectors | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) Seat Belts | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) Wintertime | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) Reading | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 3-7) Black Friday | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 3-7) Hummingbirds | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 3-7) Worst Game Ever? | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 4-8) Carnivorous Plants | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 4-8) Google | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 4-8) Honey Badgers | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 4-8) Hyperinflation | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 4-8) Koko | Nonfiction Reading Test Ereading Worksheet (Gr. 4-8) Mongooses | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 5-9) Trampolines | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 5-9) Garbage | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 5-9) Maginot Line | Nonfiction Reading Test Ereading Worksheet (Gr. 5-9) Asian Carp | Nonfiction Reading Test Ereading Worksheet (Gr. 5-9) A Tale of Two Countries | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 6-10) Kevlar | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 7-10) Tigers | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 7-11) Statue of Liberty | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 8-10) Submarines | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 8-12) Castles | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 9-13) Gutenberg | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 9-13) Author's Purpose Practice 1 Author's Purpose Practice 2 Author's Purpose Practice 3 Author's Purpose Practice 4 Author's Purpose Practice 5 Author's Purpose Practice 6 Fact and Opinion Practice 1 Fact and Opinion Practice 2 Fact and Opinion Practice 3 Idioms Practice Test 1 With Long Responses Idioms Practice Test 2 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 1 Figurative Language Practice 1 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 2 Figurative Language Practice 2 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 3 Figurative Language Practice 3 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 4 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 5 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 6 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 7 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 8 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 9 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice | Edgar Allan Poe Figurative Language Practice | Edgar Allan Poe With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice | O. Henry Figurative Language Practice | O. Henry With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice | Shakespeare Genre and Subgenre Practice 1 Genre and Subgenre Practice 2 Genre and Subgenre Practice 3 Genre and Subgenre Practice 4 View More Genre and Subgenre Practice Tests Irony Practice 1 Irony Practice 2 Irony Practice 3 Making Inferences Practice 2 Main Idea Practice 1 Main Idea Practice 2 Point of View Practice 1 | Multiple Choice Only Point of View Practice 1 | With Long Responses Point of View Practice 2 | Multiple Choice Only Point of View Practice 2 | With Long Responses Text Structure Practice 1 Text Structure Practice 2 Text Structure Practice 3 Text Structure Practice 4 Text Structure Practice 5 Story Structure Practice 1

Examples of Alliteration Examples of Figurative Language Examples of Hyperbole Examples of Metaphor Examples of Onomatopoeia Examples of Personification Examples of Simile Figurative Language Activities Figurative Language Poems With Questions Figurative Language Worksheets Idiom Worksheets Onomatopoeia Worksheets and Activities Personification Worksheets Poetic Devices Activities Poetic Devices Worksheets

Adverbs and Adjectives Worksheets and Activities Capitalization Worksheets and Activities Comma Worksheets and Activities Contractions Worksheets and Activities End Mark Worksheets Grammar Worksheets Homograph, Homonym, and Homophone Worksheets and Activities Noun Worksheets Parts of Speech Activities Parts of Speech Worksheets Prepositions Worksheets and Activities Pronoun Worksheets and Activities Punctuation Worksheets and Activities Semicolon Worksheets Sentence Structure Activities Sentence Structure Worksheets Verb Tense Activities Verb Tense Worksheets Verb Worksheets and Activities Was and Were Worksheets and Activities

Essay Writing Rubrics Narrative Essay Assignments Narrative Essay Topics and Story Ideas How to Write Narrative Essays and Short Stories Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics Persuasive Essay Worksheets Research Paper Topics Writing Persuasive Essays

Author's Purpose Figurative Language How to Identify Figurative Language Techniques Ideas for Projects List of Character Traits Literary Genres and Subgenres Poetic Devices Point of View Sentence Structure Story Structure Teaching Point of View Teaching Theme Text Structure Text Structure | Patterns of Organization Understanding Common Core State Standards Units and Lesson Plans Aligned With Common Core State Standards

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Josephine amos.

This website has been so helpful for many of my students and I am so thankful. The resources have helped in vocabulary, creative writing and comprehension! Thank you so much!

Rouena M. Bonilla

Thank you so much for the reading materials I accessed from your website. This could be a great help for my learners struggling in reading comprehension.

Nice for students

Just found this site, and I, too, am amazed at the quality and generosity. Thank you!!!

Marissa C. Cabanela

This site is a useful source for my reading activities for students. I have to share this with my colleagues.

Miss, I am a new teacher starlight out of senior high teaching grades 7-9 reading. It would be of great help to me if you could please post the answers to these question so I can use them for guidance. I am working with a bunch of slow-learners but I want them to be better.

Dina Beydoun

This is wonderfully organised! Great job!

The answer key for the reading comprehension worksheet named “A Respectable Woman” is wrong for Problem 1. I think the correct answer should be A instead of C.

An excellent job

This is the best educational website ever for all EFL students around the world.

Thank you so much!

Ina Mitchell

my grand daughter needs reading material for the 8th grade reading test to get her driving permit


Hello from Honduras. Just wanted to thank you for the provided activities and useful reading material. I am the Language Arts teacher in a bilingual school in Honduras and this material has been really useful. Thank you once again. Cheers

I’m a student in Asia and my teacher uses those materials in our class.I think all the English learners around the world can use it.It’s really a great website!

Awesome activities especially to challenge my Year 8 with a high level of reading comp. Highly recommended.

Marie Fircz

I admire your organized, informed, and thorough approach. I am also awed by your exceptional generosity. Thank you many times over! Marie Fircz, SSMS, RVC, NY

I Really like this website thanks for making this website

This website is a very good website.I like this website because I learn a lot of knowledge from it thanks for making this website for all of us

Rama Alzamel

hey, Ia Rama I want to read a story for 8th grade can you send me a story that i can read thanks

Hello. Are all these stories Fair Use? Do we have to worry about Copyright?

You may use them in classrooms, homes, and other educational settings. If you are a publisher or other commercial entity: contact me .

I cant find the long reponse answer :()

Yeah, those vary and should be evaluated more openly.

We can talk about any of them though, if you have a question or want to bounce your ideas off someone.

april siose

Thank you so much… You made my preparation so easy… 🙂

Bill Bryant

Wow! I have been searching all over the internet for something like this. I am doing a jumpstart class for struggling students prior to the beginning of the school year and this is exactly what they need. Thank you.

Where can i get a solution to these worksheets

I think this site is fantastic and it’s easy to use 🙂 It’s nice that for the reading comprehension worksheets there are multiple choice and long response questions, as students need practice answering harder questions.

Hey +Georgia , did you get a solution to these?

Check the links that say “Answers”

These are AMAZING!!! Thank you so much!!! A long-term substitute who has been struggling.

Hi I really need a story about friendship as a reading comprehension for my grade 8 learners Thanks in advance

can i have a worksheet of seat belts?please?

Where is the comprehension. Which. I can practice

This is a pretty good section for that:

How can I even begin to say THANK YOU for this incredible resource that you have created. It is much appreciated.

Norma Hernandez

Need some worksheets on Connotation/Denotation

Courtney Meger

Very helpful for me and my friends to learn more about language arts

Lori Reaves

I teach a nursing assistant course. I came across your very helpful site while looking for a way to determine incoming students’ reading comprehension level. What grade would they have to score to be considered competent at that grade level? Thanks!

These worksheets shouldn’t really be used to evaluate a student’s reading level. Rather, they should be used with students whose reading levels are known. If you know that a student is reading at a 6th-10th grade level, these 8th grade worksheets are probably appropriate for him or her. I’m sorry that I currently have no diagnostic test available. Perhaps I will devise one someday. Best wishes!

Thank you Made it very easy to find anwsers to my work

Yeah, this is an interesting situation.

I’ve thought about putting up a 99 cent annual paywall over the answer keys to prevent students from accessing them, but decided that it was a bad idea.

Mainly because motivated students use the site too, as well as cheaters, and shouldn’t motivated students be able to check their work?

Not to mention that a resourceful student can always use the Internet to find the answers to their homework and “workaround” the learning experience, so to speak.

I’m all for making it harder for cheaters, but not to the point where it cripples the learning experiences of those with sincere intentions.

Any one else have any thoughts on this?

I just have to echo all the comments here. This is THE most helpful site I have ever found for teaching reading comprehension at a variety of levels. These are not boring and are not so extensive as to intimidate reluctant readers. You are an absolute life saver!!! Thank you!

I appreciate your echoes. Thank you for visiting and I hope that I can continue to an asset to you in the coming years.

AWESOME stuff here!!! I am excited to be able to use this material for my low level 9th graders. Interesting passages with appropriate questions. Hoping they will have interest in improving their reading scores. Older new teacher here – thanks for all of your hard work and dedication.

You are most welcome. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

dimple bakhda

You have one of the best English language tutorial website. My compliments to you Sir, and my heartfelt gratitude!! Any student of English will be able to improvise and develop his language to another level with your worksheets. Amazing and painstaking work done!!

Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. I appreciate it.

I agree, thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting together such an amazing site. I teach a free GED program to low-income students ages & your site allows me to access wonderful resource materials for them.

I am so happy to hear it. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. Best wishes!

Thank you for creating this website. I teach ESL students and the woksheets are very helpful.

What can I say? Thank you and you are AWESOME! This is the most helpful site that I have found for teaching middle school ELA.

Thank you very much for your time and effort in putting up this great site. I find it really useful and my students learn a lot! Thanks again.

Thank you for the wonderful work you have done to provide such awesome resources. This makes my job much easier, as well as makes me more effective in teaching my students what they are expected to learn. I appreciate your efforts!!

You are so welcome.

This is the best English site I have found! Love all the different reading levels and variety of passages!!!

Thank you so much for saying so.

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8th class english homework

[Updated] CBSE Class 8 Holiday Homework 2024-25 Session in PDF


Hello Parents, In this article, we will discuss the Class 8 Holiday Homework. Many students agree that homework over the holidays is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. Upon returning from Holiday, the teachers probably have a handful of students saying the dog ate their homework or it got blown away in a winter storm. But as a parent, you need to understand that the holiday’s homework is a good practice. In this article, you can get the CBSE Class 8 Holiday Homework in PDF for practice purposes. Students/parents/teachers can check and also download these useful Class 8 Holiday Homework.

Before discussing the CBSE Class 8 Holiday Homework, let’s check the summary.

Holiday Homework

Class 8 Holiday Homework

Below we have mentioned the updated Holiday homework for the CBSE Class 8 session like an autumn session, winter session and summer session. Students can download the complete Subject holiday homework in PDF Format for practice purposes.


Class 8 Syllabus 2024-25

Before discussing the Class 8 Holiday Homework, let us check the Class 8 Syllabus. Below, we have mentioned the complete Class 8 Syllabus. Students are advised to check out the complete syllabus.


CBSE Class 8 Worksheet

Here in this section, we have mentioned the CBSE Class 8 worksheet in PDF Format only for practice purposes. Parents /guardians can check and download the worksheet for better preparation of their students.


CBSE Class 8 NCERT Solutions

Below we have mentioned the NCERT Solutions. Students have checked the complete NCERT Solutions in pdf for a great score in the final examination.

CBSE Class 8 Sample Paper

Here in this section, we have mentioned the Model Test paper specially made for CBSE Class 8. Try to solve it within the prescribed time limit.


CBSE Class 8 Study Material

We have tried to bring all the useful links to CBSE NCERT Study Materials like Syllabus, Worksheet, Sample Paper, NCERT Solutions, Important Books, Holiday Homework, Previous Year Question Papers and Study Materials. You can visit all these important links by clicking the links/Icons given.​

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About Sourav Roy

Sourav is a student pursuing his graduation, passionate about education. He creates engaging content tailored for school students, aiming to make learning enjoyable and accessible. Through interactive lesson plans, videos, and articles, he inspires curiosity and fosters a love for learning. Sourav's goal is to empower students with the tools they need to succeed academically and instill a lifelong passion for knowledge.

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Reading Worksheets, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Lesson Plans

8th Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets

The reading comprehension passages below include 8th grade appropriate reading passages and related questions. Please use any of the printable worksheets (you may duplicate them) in your classroom or at home. Just click on the worksheet title to view details about the PDF and print or download to your computer.

Be sure to check out all of our reading comprehension worksheets .

Analyzing O! Pioneers

Analyzing O! Pioneers

A passage from the classic novel “O! Pioneers” is the focus of this worksheet on citing text examples.

Character Development in The Tell-Tale Heart

Character Development in The Tell-Tale Heart

This worksheet uses Poe’s classic, “The Tell-Tale Heart” to help the student analyze aspects of a character.

Evaluating Text: My Life

Evaluating Text: My Life

In this worksheet, your student will assess a premise in Helen Keller’s autobiography, My Life.

Finding Text Evidence: Frederick Douglass

Finding Text Evidence: Frederick Douglass

Your student will look for textual evidence in Frederick Douglass’ autobiography in this worksheet.

How Do I Love Thee? Supporting Ideas

How Do I Love Thee? Supporting Ideas

Citing text examples is the focus of this poetry worksheet of Browning’s “How Do I Love Thee?”

Literature About Chicago: Prose vs. Poetry

Literature About Chicago: Prose vs. Poetry

It’s prose vs. poetry in this worksheet on literature about Chicago.

Shakespeare’s Language: What’s the Meaning?

Shakespeare’s Language: What’s the Meaning?

Your student will determine the meaning of some of the words and phrases from a soliloquy from Shakespeare’s As You Like It.

Summarize It: President Theodore Roosevelt’s Message

Summarize It: President Theodore Roosevelt’s Message

In this worksheet, your student will summarize part of President Theodore Roosevelt’s message to Congress about conservation.

The Ransom of Red Chief

The Ransom of Red Chief

Your student will examine the use of irony in this classic humorous short story.

What’s the Purpose? FDR’s Pearl Harbor Speech

What’s the Purpose? FDR’s Pearl Harbor Speech

Your student will explore the purpose of President Franklin Roosevelt’s speech on the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8

8th class english homework

Class 8 ncert solutions refer to the solutions provided for the various subjects’ textbooks for class 8 published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in Bharat. NCERT is an autonomous organization in Bharat responsible for developing and publishing textbooks that align with the national curriculum. Subjects typically covered in “class 8 ncert solutions” include:

English Hindi Sanskrit Mathematics Science Social Science

Class 8 NCERT solutions at Tiwari Academy are designed to assist students in understanding and solving the exercises and problems presented in their class 8 textbooks. These solutions offer step-by-step explanations and answers for each exercise, chapter, and topic, helping students grasp concepts and improve their problem-solving skills.

Computer Science Hindi Vyakaran English Grammar

Tiwari Academy’s Class 8 ncert solutions are widely used by students and teachers in Bharat to prepare for class 8 exams, as they align with the curriculum prescribed by various education boards, including the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

NCERT solutions help students understand key concepts, practice problem-solving, and ensure a strong foundation in their subjects. They are available in various formats, including printed books, online PDFs, and digital resources, making them accessible to a wide range of learners.

Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions

Tiwari Academy is a popular online platform that provides additional educational resources, including NCERT solutions, for students in Bharat. When using Tiwari Academy’s Class 8 NCERT solutions, students can benefit in several ways. Class 8 Hindi Vasant Question Answers Chapter 1. Laakh Ki Choodiyaan Chapter 2. Bus Ki Yaatra Chapter 3. Deevano Ki Hasti Chapter 4. Bhagavan Ke Daakie Chapter 5. Kya Niraash Hua Jae Chapter 6. Yah Sabase Kathin Samay Nahin Chapter 7. Kabeer Ki Saakhiyon Chapter 8. Sudama Charit Chapter 9. Jahaan Pahiya Hai Chapter 10. Akabari Lota Chapter 11. Soor Ke Pad Chapter 12. Pani Ki Kahani Chapter 13. Baaj Aur Saanp Class 8 Hindi Durva Question Answers Chapter 1. Gudiya Chapter 2. Do Gauraiya Chapter 3. Chiththiyon Me Europe Chapter 4. Oos Chapter 5. Naatak Me Naatak Chapter 6. Saagar Yaatra Chapter 7. Uth kisaan O Chapter 8. Saste Ka Chakkar Chapter 9. Ek Khilaadi Ki Kuchh Yaaden Chapter 10. Bas Ki Sair Chapter 11. Hindi Ne Jinaki Jindagi Badal Di Chapter 12. Aashaadh Ha Pahala Din Chapter 13. Anyaay Ke Khilaaph Chapter 14. Bachchon Ke Priy Shree Keshav Shankar Pillai Chapter 15. Farsh Par Chapter 16. Boodhi Amma Ki Baat Chapter 17. Vah Subah Kabhi To Aaegi Class 8 Hindi Buddh Charit Answers Chapter 1. Aarambhik Jivan Chapter 2. Abhinishkraman Chapter 3. Gyan Prapti Chapter 4. Dharmchakra Pravartan Chapter 5. Mahaparinirvan Tiwari Academy provides comprehensive solutions for NCERT textbooks, which can be particularly helpful for Class 8 students. These solutions cover all subjects, including Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. Students can access detailed step-by-step solutions to all exercises and questions in their NCERT textbooks.

Class: 8NCERT Solutions
Contents:Textbook Exercises and Extra Questions
Subjects:Maths, Science, English, Sanskrit, Social Science & Hindi
Content Type:Images, PDF and Videos
Academic Session:Year 2024-25
Medium:Hindi and English

Class 8 Maths NCERT Solutions

Clas 8 all subjects Tiwari Academy’s solutions are designed to enhance students’ understanding of various concepts. The solutions offer clear explanations, diagrams, and illustrations to help students grasp complex topics with ease. In addition to the solutions, we often provides extra practice questions and exercises to help students reinforce their learning. This extra practice can be valuable for students who want to further develop their problem-solving skills. Chapter 1. Rational Numbers Chapter 2. Linear Equations in one Variable Chapter 3. Understanding Quadrilaterals Chapter 4. Data Handling Chapter 5. Square and Square Roots Chapter 6. Cube and Cube Roots Chapter 7. Comparing Quantities Chapter 8. Algebraic Expressions and Identities Chapter 9. Mensuration Chapter 10. Exponents and Powers Chapter 11. Direct and Inverse Proportions Chapter 12. Factorization Chapter 13. Introduction to Graphs There are so many chapter in class 8 Maths which are base for the chapters in class 9 or class 10. For example, finding square and square roots or cube and cube roots are the fundamental tools for calculation in next classes. Similarly, mensuration is a common chapter in all the classes from 6 to 10. Algebraic Expression and Factorization also make Algebra stronger in higher classes. Do all the chapters by understanding the actual concepts not by rote learning.

Class 8 English NCERT Solutions

Language of solution or answers is so easy that every student of 8th standard can understand easily. We are trying to provide the best NCERT Solutions 2024-25 and study material for class 8. For any further help or feedback, please contact us without hesitation. Chapter wise Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 1. The Best Christmas Present in the World Chapter 2. The Tsunami Chapter 3. Glimpses of the Past Chapter 4. Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory Chapter 5. The Summit Within Chapter 6. This is Jody’s Faun Chapter 7. A Visit to Cambridge Chapter 8. A Short Monsoon Diary Chapter wise Solutions for Class 8 English Supplementary Reader It So Happened Chapter 1. How the Camel got his hump Chapter 2. Children at work Chapter 3. The Selfish Giant Chapter 4. The Treasure within Chapter 5. Princess September Chapter 6. The Fight Chapter 7. Jalebis Chapter 8. Ancient Education System of India All the subjects in class 8 are equally important. Make a suitable time table to study by giving an appropriate time to each subject. Don’t confined to a particular book or website for answers or solutions, try yourself each questions and discuss with your subject teacher to make any final decision.

Books and Solutions for Social Science (S. St.) in Class 8

Books for class 8 Social Science The Textbook in History for Class 8 is ‘Our Past – III’ The Textbook in Geography for Class VIII is ‘Resources and Development’ The Textbook in Civics for Class 8 is ‘Social and Political Life – III’. Class 8 Social Science – History-Our Pasts – III Chapter 1. How, When and Where Chapter 2. From Trade to Territory Chapter 3. Ruling the Countryside Chapter 4. Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age Chapter 5. When People Rebel Chapter 6. Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation Chapter 7. Women, Caste and Reform Chapter 8. The Making of the National Movement: 1870s – 1947 Class 8 Social Science – Geography-Resources and Development Chapter 1: Resources Chapter 2: Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources Chapter 3: Agriculture Chapter 4: Industries Chapter 5: Human Resources Class 8 Social Science – Social and Political Life – III Chapter 1: The Indian Constitution Chapter 2: Understanding Secularism Chapter 3: Parliament and the Making of Laws Chapter 4: Judiciary Chapter 5: Understanding Marginalisation Chapter 6: Confronting Marginalisation Chapter 7: Public Facilities Chapter 8: Law and Social Justice Class 8 is an important year in a student’s academic journey in Bharat, and Tiwari Academy’s NCERT solutions can be used as a valuable resource for exam preparation. These solutions are aligned with the curriculum and can help students prepare effectively for class 8 exams, including school exams and competitive exams. Our resources, including NCERT solutions, are available online, making them easily accessible to students across Bharat. Students can access these solutions from the comfort of their homes, and they are often available for free or no cost.

Books and Solutions for Science in Class 8

We often offers forums and community spaces where students can discuss their doubts and queries with peers and educators. This supportive learning environment can be beneficial for students seeking additional assistance with their studies. Our website is usually designed to be mobile-friendly, allowing students to access NCERT solutions and other resources on their smartphones and tablets, making learning convenient and flexible. Chapter 1. Crop Production and Management Chapter 2. Microorganisms: Friend and Foe Chapter 3. Coal and Petroleum Chapter 4. Combustion and Flame Chapter 5. Conservation of Plants and Animals Chapter 6. Reproduction in Animals Chapter 7. Reaching the Age of Adolescence Chapter 8. Force and Pressure Chapter 9. Friction Chapter 10. Sound Chapter 11. Chemical Effects of Electric Current Chapter 12. Some Natural Phenomena Chapter 13. Light We always respect your feedback and suggestion. Feedback help us to improve the content quality and helping more and more students. For any help never hesitate send us message or call us, we will definitely help you at our level best. If you have any doubt in any subject, visit to our discussion forum and put your question for discussion. Our experts as well as so many other uses will reply you with suggestions.

Books and Solutions for Sanskrit in Class 8

It’s important to note that the specific features and benefits offered by Tiwari Academy may vary over time, so it’s a good idea to visit our website or platform for the most up-to-date information on their offerings and resources. Chapter 1: Subhaashitaani Chapter 2: Bilaasy Vaanee na Dadaapi me Shruta Chapter 3: Bhagavadjjukam Chapter 4: Sadaiv Purato Nidhihi Charnam Chapter 5: Dharme Dhamanan Paape Paunam Chapter 6: Premalasy Premalyaashch Katha Chapter 7: Jalavaahinee Chapter 8: Sansaarasaagarasy Naayakaah Chapter 9: Saptabhaginyah Chapter 10: Ashokavanika Chapter 11: Saavitree Baee Phule Chapter 12: Kah Rakshati Kah Rakshitah Chapter 13: Himalayah Chapter 14: Aaryabhatah Overall, using Tiwari Academy’s Class 8 NCERT solutions can complement a student’s learning and help them excel in their studies.

What are the important chapter in class 8 Maths?

All the chapters in class 8 are basically the foundation of next classes. Algebraic expression and factorization are main chapters to make stronger you algebraic mathematics. Similarly finding cube roots or square roots is a fundamental requirement in most of the classes. Practical geometry improve our skills in drawing mathematical objects.

What are the main books for Social Science in Class 8?

The social science for class 8 is divided into 3 sections like History, Geography and Civics.

How many books are there in Class 8 English subject?

As per NCERT, there are two books in Class 8 English syllabus. One is ‘Honeydew’ – A textbook for class 8 English and the other one is ‘It so happened…’ – Supplementary reader book. Both the books contains 8 chapters.

How many chapters of Physics are there in NCERT Book for Class 8 Science?

There are all together 13 chapters in Class 8 NCERT Book. The first chapter is Crop Production and Management and the last one is Pollution of Air and Water. There is no separate section of Physics, Chemistry or Biology are made so far.

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NCERT Class 8 English Book

NCERT Class 8 English Book Honeydew, It So Happened & Supplementary Reader PDF Download

NCERT Books Class 8 English : The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) publishes English textbooks for Class 8. The NCERT Class 8th English textbooks are well known for it’s updated and thoroughly revised syllabus. The NCERT English Books are based on the latest exam pattern and CBSE syllabus.

Students can also visit most comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Supplementary .

NCERT keeps on updating the English books with the help of the latest question papers of each year. The Class 8 English books of NCERT are very well known for its presentation. The use of NCERT Books Class 8 English is not only suitable for studying the regular syllabus of various boards but it can also be useful for the candidates appearing for various competitive exams, Engineering Entrance Exams, and Olympiads.

NCERT Class 8 English Books in English PDF Download

NCERT Class 8 English Books are provided in PDF form so that students can access it at any time anywhere. Class 8 NCERT English Books are created by the best professors who are experts in English and have good knowledge in the subject.

NCERT Books for Class 8 English

  • Chapter 1:  The Best Christmas Present in the World & The Ant and the Cricket
  • Chapter 2:  The Tsunami & Geography Lesson
  • Chapter 3:  Glimpses of the Past & Macavity: The Mystery Cat
  • Chapter 4:  Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory & The Last Bargain
  • Chapter 5:  The Summit Within & The School Boy
  • Chapter 6:  This is Jody’s Fawn & The Duck and the Kangaroo
  • Chapter 7:  A Visit to Cambridge & When I set out for Lyonnesse
  • Chapter 8:  A Short Monsoon Diary & On the Grasshopper and Cricket
  • Chapter 9:  The Great Stone Face–I
  • Chapter 10:  The Great Stone Face–II

NCERT Class 8 English Honeydew Book

It So Happened… – Supplementary Reader

  • Chapter 1:  How the Camel got his hump
  • Chapter 2:  Children at work
  • Chapter 3:  The Selfish Giant
  • Chapter 4:  The treasure within
  • Chapter 5:  Princess September
  • Chapter 6:  The fight
  • Chapter 7:  The open window
  • Chapter 8:  Jalebis
  • Chapter 9:  The comet — I
  • Chapter 10:  The Comet — II

NCERT Class 8 English It so Happened Book

The NCERT syllabus mainly focuses on this book to make it student-friendly to make it useful for both the students and the competitive exam aspirants. The book covers a detailed English based on the syllabuses of various boards. NCERT English Books for Class 8 is perfectly compatible with almost every Indian education state and central boards.

We hope that this detailed article on NCERT Books Class 8 English helps you in your preparation and you crack the Class 8 exams or competitive exams with excellent scores.

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English Summary

Marco Polo Lesson Summary Notes and Explanation in English Class 8th

Table of Contents


Long ago people had to travel to other countries by ship or caravan. One such traveller who visited numerous nations in order to understand the people, their eating customs, and their cultures was Marco Polo. Both a merchant and an explorer, Marco Polo travelled to China from Venice with his father and uncle. Before returning to Venice, Marco Polo lived in China for seventeen years.

A Young Explorer

He had several travels and met many different individuals. Marco Polo was awed by the riches and opulence of the Chinese cities. The splendour and magnificence of Kublai Khan’s court captivated him. He had never encountered anything like that in Europe. The food, the people, and the animals were all novel and fascinating. Marco Polo spent a significant amount of time in China where he learned the local language. 

The Travels of Marco Polo

A few years after arriving home, Venice and Genoa engaged in battle. In 1299, Marco was freed after being imprisoned in a Genoese jail. He amassed money as a merchant, wed Donata Badoer, and had three kids together. He was buried in the San Lorenzo church in Venice on January 8, 1324, when he passed away at the age of 70.

Marco Polo was an adventurous and curious soul. He was eager to explore the world and gain his answers, and thus today he is remembered greatly for his expeditions.

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Not-so-great expectations: Students are reading fewer books in English class


Chris Stanislawski, 14, poses for a portrait outside of his home in Garden City, N.Y., on Friday, Sept. 13, 2024. Chris didn’t finish any books in his 8th grade English class, in part because their google classroom had detailed summaries of each chapter of every book. (AP Photo/Brittainy Newman)

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Chris Stanislawski didn’t read much in his middle school English classes, but it never felt necessary. Students were given detailed chapter summaries for every novel they discussed, and teachers played audio of the books during class.

Much of the reading material at Garden City Middle School in Long Island was either abridged books, or online texts and printouts, he said.

“When you’re given a summary of the book telling you what you’re about to read in baby form, it kind of just ruins the whole story for you,” said Chris, 14. “Like, what’s the point of actually reading?”

In many English classrooms across America, assignments to read full-length novels are becoming less common. Some teachers focus instead on selected passages — a concession to perceptions of shorter attention spans , pressure to prepare for standardized tests and a sense that short-form content will prepare students for the modern, digital world.

The National Council of Teachers of English acknowledged the shift in a 2022 statement on media education, saying: “The time has come to decenter book reading and essay-writing as the pinnacles of English language arts education.”


The idea is not to remove books but to teach media literacy and add other texts that feel relevant to students, said Seth French, one of the statement’s co-authors. In the English class he taught before becoming a dean last year at Bentonville High School in Arkansas, students engaged with plays, poetry and articles but read just one book together as a class.

“At the end of the day, a lot of our students are not interested in some of these texts that they didn’t have a choice in,” he said.

The emphasis on shorter, digital texts does not sit well with everyone.

Deep reading is essential to strengthen circuits in the brain tied to critical thinking skills, background knowledge — and, most of all, empathy, said Maryanne Wolf, a cognitive neuroscientist at UCLA specializing in dyslexia research.

“We must give our young an opportunity to understand who others are, not through little snapshots, but through immersion into the lives and thoughts and feelings of others,” Wolf said.

At Garden City Middle School, students are required to read several books in their entirety each year, including “Of Mice and Men” and “Romeo and Juliet,” Principal Matthew Samuelson said. Audio versions and summaries are provided as extra resources, he said.

For Chris, who has dyslexia, the audio didn’t make the reading feel more accessible. He just felt bored. He switched this fall to a Catholic school, which his mother feels will prepare him better for college.

Even outside school, students are reading less

There’s little data on how many books are assigned by schools. But in general, students are reading less. Federal data from last year shows only 14% of young teens say they read for fun daily, compared with 27% in 2012.

Teachers say the slide has its roots in the COVID-19 crisis.

“There was a trend, it happened when COVID hit, to stop reading full-length novels because students were in trauma; we were in a pandemic. The problem is we haven’t quite come back from that,” said Kristy Acevedo, who teaches English at a vocational high school in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

This year, she said she won’t accept that students are too distracted to read. She plans to teach time-management strategies and to use only paper and pencils for most of class time.

Other teachers say the trend stems from standardized testing and the influence of education technology . Digital platforms can deliver a complete English curriculum, with thousands of short passages aligned to state standards — all without having to assign an actual book.

“If admins and school districts are judged by their test scores, how are they going to improve their test scores? They’re going to mirror the test as much as possible,” said Karl Ubelhoer, a middle school special education teacher in Tabernacle, New Jersey.

For some students, it’s a struggle to read at all . Only around a third of fourth and eighth graders reached reading proficiency in the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress, down significantly from 2019.

Leah van Belle, executive director of the Detroit literacy coalition 313Reads, said when her son read “Peter Pan” in late elementary school, it was too hard for most kids in the class. She laments that Detroit feels like “a book desert.” Her son’s school doesn’t even have a library.

Still, she said it makes sense for English classes to focus on shorter texts.

“As an adult, if I want to learn about a topic and research it, be it personal or professional, I’m using interactive digital text to do that,” she said.

Teachers fit books in with other ‘spinning plates’

Even in well-resourced schools, one thing is always in short supply: time.

Terri White, a teacher at South Windsor High School in Connecticut, no longer makes her honors ninth-grade English class read all of “To Kill a Mockingbird.” She assigns about a third of the book and a synopsis of the rest. They have to move on quickly because of pressure for teachers to cram more into the curriculum, she said.

“It’s like spinning plates, you know what I mean? Like it’s a circus,” she said.

She also assigns less homework because kids’ schedules are so packed with sports, clubs and other activities.

“I maintain rigor. But I’m more about helping students become stronger and more critical readers, writers and thinkers, while taking their social-emotional well-being into account,” she said.

In the long run, the synopsis approach harms students’ critical thinking skills, said Alden Jones, a literature professor at Emerson College in Boston. She assigns fewer books than she once did and gives more quizzes to make sure students do the reading.

“We don’t value the thinking time that we used to have. It’s all time we could be on our phone accomplishing tasks,” she said.

Will Higgins, an English teacher at Dartmouth High School in Massachusetts, said he still believes in teaching the classics, but demands on students’ time have made it necessary to cut back.

“We haven’t given up on ‘Jane Eyre’ and ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ We haven’t given up on ‘Hamlet’ or ‘The Great Gatsby,’″ Higgins said. But he said they have given up assigning others like “A Tale of Two Cities.”

His school has had success encouraging reading through student-directed book clubs, where small groups pick a book and discuss it together. Contemporary authors like John Green and Jason Reynolds have been a big hit.

“It’s funny,” he said. “Many students are saying that it’s the first time in a long time they’ve read a full book .”

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  1. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English (2023-24 Book)

    NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Prose. Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World. Chapter 2 The Tsunami. Chapter 3 Glimpses of the Past. Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory. Chapter 5 The Summit Within. Chapter 6 This is Jody's Fawn. Chapter 7 A Visit to Cambridge.

  2. Grade 8 Language Arts Worksheets

    Conflicting Information - This is where a good journalist thrives. [RI.8.9] Grade 8 Literary Nonfiction Comprehension - These passages are more about explaining or learning something new. [RI.8.10] Reading For Information - The topics are not common and are very interesting for any age. [RI.8.10 and W.8.7]

  3. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Updated for 2023-24 Exam

    The following list mentions chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 8 English (Honeydew) textbook 2023-24. The Open Window. The Comet — I. The Comet — II. Class 8 students would have a wonderful learning experience from all these NCERT Solutions for Class 8 and prepare them to write the exams effectively.

  4. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English PDF (Updated for 2021-22 Exams)

    NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Poem. Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket. Chapter 2 Geography Lesson. Chapter 3 Macavity: The Mystery Cat. Chapter 4 The Last Bargain. Chapter 5 The School Boy. Chapter 6 The Duck and the Kangaroo. Chapter 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse. Chapter 8 On the Grasshopper and Cricket.

  5. 8th Grade Reading Worksheets

    Only Include Worksheets Written at the 8th Grade Level Not Recommended. Include Worksheets Within 1 Grade Level (7th and 9th) Include Worksheets Within 2 Grade Levels (6th through 10th) Recommended. Currently Showing These Types of Worksheets: Reading Comprehension. Context Clues. Figurative Language. Genre. Main Idea.

  6. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

    Step 1: Follow the curriculum 2024-25 and make notes of main events of the chapters. Step 2: For session 2024-25 exams, prepare the Summary of the lesson in own words. Step 3: Follow the rationalised NCERT books 2024-25 to study, avoid the rote learning. Step 4: Point out questions and word meaning from each paragraph.

  7. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Grammar

    Tiwari Academy is a valuable resource for Class 8 students studying English Grammar. It provides well-structured lessons, practice exercises, sample papers, and online accessibility, all of which contribute to a comprehensive and effective learning experience for students aiming to improve their grammar skills and excel in their English studies.

  8. Common Core Worksheets

    8th Grade Common Core Worksheets. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) provide a framework of educational expectations for students in reading, writing, and other language skills. The goals of the CCSS ELA are broken out by grade and subject area, including Reading: Literature, Reading: Informational Text ...

  9. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

    Our CBSE Class 8 English textbook solutions give students an advantage with practical questions. These textbook solutions help students in exams as well as their daily homework routine. The solutions included are easy to understand, and each step in the solution is described to match the students' understanding.

  10. [Updated] CBSE Class 8 Holiday Homework 2024-25 Session in PDF

    Here in this section, we have mentioned the CBSE Class 8 worksheet in PDF Format only for practice purposes. Parents /guardians can check and download the worksheet for better preparation of their students. S.No. Subjects. 1. Class 8 English Worksheet. 2. Class 8 Hindi Worksheet. 3.

  11. The Great Escape Lesson Summary Notes and Explanation in English Class 8th

    'The Great Escape' is a novel written by Sugata Bose. This text is an excerpt from the novel 'His Majesty's Opponent'. It is about the story of Subhas Chandra Bose, how he planned his escape from India from the British's house arrest.

  12. 8th Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets

    6th - 8th Grade, Grades K-12 CCSS Code(s): RL.8.1 Character Development in The Tell-Tale Heart. This worksheet uses Poe's classic, "The Tell-Tale Heart" to help the student analyze aspects of a character. Grade Levels: 6th - 8th Grade, Grades K-12 CCSS Code(s): RL.8.3 Evaluating Text: My Life.

  13. NCERT Solutions for Class 8

    Subjects typically covered in "class 8 ncert solutions" include: English. Hindi. Sanskrit. Mathematics. Science. Social Science. Class 8 NCERT solutions at Tiwari Academy are designed to assist students in understanding and solving the exercises and problems presented in their class 8 textbooks.

  14. 8th Grade Ela Homework Teaching Resources

    4.8. (50) $18.99. Zip. Are you looking for weekly ELA Homework for your 7th and 8th graders? These homework activities and homework worksheets are perfect for your students to complete to review common ELA skills.This product is jammed-packed 4 weeks of homework activities, September through June.

  15. Khan Academy

    If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked.

  16. NCERT Class 8 English Book Honeydew, It So Happened & Supplementary

    NCERT Books Class 8 English: The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) publishes English textbooks for Class 8. The NCERT Class 8th English textbooks are well known for it's updated and thoroughly revised syllabus. The NCERT English Books are based on the latest exam pattern and CBSE syllabus. Students can also visit ...

  17. Free 8th grade english language arts worksheets

    Sprinkle a little fun into your English Language Arts lessons by using manipulatives, pairing unusual texts like poems and short films together, or doing an escape room activity. Browse free 8th grade english language arts worksheets on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  18. Marco Polo Lesson Summary Notes and Explanation in English Class 8th

    The Aged Mother Lesson Summary Notes and Explanation in English Class 8th ; Saint Ravidas Lesson Summary Notes and Explanation in English Class 8th ; Don't Quit Poem Summary Notes and Line by Line Explanation in English Class 8th ; The Old Sage and the Brothers Lesson Summary Notes and Explanation in English Class 8th

  19. PDF Holiday Homework Class VIII

    Class VIII. s the most amazi. that are to be followed: Download the holiday homework. ges and complete the task.Handwriting. uld be neat and legible. All the subject holiday homework should be done in r. ctive subject notebooks. The holid. omework would be graded. The work should be original a.

  20. PDF Class

    ENGLISH Compulsory For all Students For all: Here are some of the English Idioms related to colours. Find out the meanings of these Idioms- a. Black mood b. Black and white c. Golden handshake d. Green fingers e. Gray matter f. Catch someone red handed g. Out of the blue 1. Listen to the song -‗I have a dream, A song to sing' by Abba ...

  21. 8th

    See Pre-K - 8th Math; Math: Get ready courses; Get ready for 3rd grade; Get ready for 4th grade; ... world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donate or volunteer today! ... English. Country U.S. India Mexico Brazil

  22. Not-so-great expectations: Students are reading fewer books in English

    2 of 6 | . Chris Stanislawski, 14, poses for a portrait outside of his home in Garden City, N.Y., on Friday, Sept. 13, 2024. Chris didn't finish any books in his 8th grade English class, in part because their google classroom had detailed summaries of each chapter of every book.