ESL Worksheets

ESL Worksheets | Free Worksheets For Teaching English

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Worksheets For Teaching English

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English Homework

✔︎ free homework PDFs ✔︎ for teachers to use with ESL classes ✔︎ printer-friendly ✔︎ answers provided

Level: pre-intermediate

Grammar homework.

  • Homework: Present Continuous I am doing, I am not doing...
  • Homework: Present Simple I am, I am not, I have, I don't have...
  • Homework: Future Simple I will do, I won't do...
  • Homework: SHOULD/SHOULDN'T you should do, you shouldn't do...
  • Homework: Past Continuous I was doing, we were doing, they were doing...
  • Homework: MUST vs HAVE TO must do, mustn't do, have to do, don't have to do...
  • Homework: Comparative Adjectives colder, better, easier, more expensive...
  • Homework: Superlative Adjectives the smallest, the worst, the most expensive...
  • Homework: Definite or Indefinite Article a, at, the
  • Homework: Demonstrative Determiners this, that, these, those
  • Homework: Zero Conditional If I don't get exercise, I get fat
  • Homework: First Conditional If you go to bed late, you’ll be tired tomorrow
  • Homework: Second Conditional If I saw a snake, I would scream
  • Homework: GOING TO it is going to rain...
  • Homework: Prepositions of Place at, in, above, below...
  • Homework: Prepositions of Time at, in, on

Level: intermediate

  • Modal Verbs must, can, would, may, ought to...
  • Nouns as Adjectives horse race, accounts department, shoe store...
  • Homework: Interrogative Pronouns who, whom, whose, which, what...
  • Grading Adverbs slightly, rather, very, extremely...
  • Non-Gradable Adjectives freezing, tiny, filthy, boiling, furious...
  • Homework: Reported Speech Tom said he was bored, I asked where he was...
  • Homework: Countable vs Uncountable Nouns job/work, suitcase/luggage...
  • Homework: Tag Questions It's cold, isn't it?...
  • Homework: Phrasal Verbs put up, turn off, break down...
  • Homework: Future Continuous I will be doing, I won't be doing...
  • Homework: Future Perfect I will have done, I won't have done...
  • Homework: Past Perfect Continuous I had been doing, I hadn't been doing...
  • Homework: Past Perfect I had seen, he had seen...
  • Homework: Reflexive Pronouns myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself...
  • Homework: Adverbs of Place where, here, there, downstairs, everywhere...
  • Homework: Adverbs of Degree fairly, pretty, quite, extremely, totally...
  • Homework: Adverbs of Manner badly, well, slowly, easily, loudly...
  • Homework: Adverbs of Time now, then, yesterday, tomorrow, earlier...
  • Homework: BE USED TO vs USED TO I’m used to waking up early / I used to wake up early...
  • Homework: Third Conditional If I had known it was your birthday, I would have sent you a card
  • Homework: Coordinating Conjunctions for, and, but, or, yet...
  • Homework: Subordinating Conjunctions although, despite, while, because, since...
  • Homework: Indefinite Pronouns somebody, anybody, nothing, everything, anywhere...
  • Homework: Infinitive or -ing to be/being, to do/doing, to eat/eating...
  • Homework: Passive Voice is made, are used, was born, was invented, were stolen...
  • Homework: Past Simple vs Present Perfect Simple I did vs I have done...
  • Homework: Present Perfect Simple vs Continuous I have done vs I have been doing...
  • Homework: Quantifiers a few, a little, much, many, a lot of...
  • Homework: Possessive Pronouns mine, yours, his...
  • Homework: Relative Pronouns who, whom, which, that...

Vocabulary Homework

  • Homework: Measure Words with Uncountable Nouns packet, piece, grain, bar, jar...
  • Homework: Prepositions of Movement towards, over, around, across, past...
  • Homework: Common Prepositions as, for, since, but, plus...
  • Homework: Nouns the are Countable and Noncountable delight/delights, iron/irons, glass/glasses...
  • Homework: Negative Contractions mustn't, daren't, can't, won't, mightn't...
  • Homework: Positive Contractions it's, it'll, we've, he'd, she'll...
  • Homework: Partitive Expressions with Uncountable Nouns piece of advice, drop of blood, grain of truth...
  • Homework: Common Collocations take a photo, do your nails, pay attention...
  • Homework: Company Structure Vocabulary A.G.M., president, Sales Dept, shareholder...
  • Homework: Internet Vocabulary phishing, forum, subscribe, hacker, forward...
  • Homework: Presentations Vocabulary marker, flip chart, finally, microphone, OHP...
  • Homework: Meetings Vocabulary ballot, adjourn, vote, agenda, minutes...
  • Homework: Resume Vocabulary skill, bilingual, reference, cover letter, career...
  • Homework: Numbers Vocabulary plus, subtract, kilo, zero, billion...
  • Homework: Negotiation Vocabulary haggle, dispute, deadlock, compromise, low-ball...
  • Homework: Marketing Vocabulary brand, trademark, launch, product, digital marketing...
  • Homework: Newspaper Vocabulary editor, tabloid, journalist, sensationalist, headline...
  • Homework: Insurance Vocabulary premium, policy, claim, goods in transit, liability...
  • Homework: Pollution Vocabulary sewage, smog, industrialised, fossil fuels, pollution...
  • Homework: Advertising Vocabulary billboard, target, ad, promote, commercial...
  • Homework: Property Vocabulary tenant, rent, estate agent, freehold, landlord...
  • Homework: Law Vocabulary jury, barrister, sentence, sue, attorney...
  • Homework: Money Vocabulary invest, hard currency, transaction, cashier...
  • Homework: Animal Vocabulary herd, kitten, lioness, calf, peacock...
  • Homework: Medical Vocabulary pain, swollen, allergic, side-effects...
  • Homework: Air Travel Vocabulary baggage claim, board, jet-lag, runway...
  • Homework: Body Vocabulary calf, cheeks, liver, thumb, wrist...
  • Homework: Rooms, Furniture, Appliances Vocabulary attic, counter, freezer, hallway...
  • Homework: Telephone Vocabulary hang up, pay phone, missed call, receiver...
  • Homework: Employment Vocabulary dismiss, interview, recruit, salary, staff...
  • Homework: Criminals Vocabulary arsonist, bigamist, burglar, murderer, thief...
  • Homework: Computer Vocabulary app, email, modem, external drive, ebook...
  • Homework: Weather Vocabulary chilly, flood, hail, drought, temperature...
  • Homework: Music Vocabulary band, beat, verse, genre, artist...
  • Homework: Movies Vocabulary sci-fi, director, cast, genre, comedy...
  • Homework: Sports Vocabulary score, compete, cheer on, beat, train...
  • Homework: Cooking Verbs boil, grate, whisk, fry, stir...
  • Homework: Confusing Words accept/except, bring/take, raise/rise...
  • Homework: Homophones bear/bare, fare/fair, desert/dessert...
  • Homework: Interjections hmm, shh, yuck, aah, wow...
  • Homework: CAN, COULD, BE ABLE TO I can run, I could run, I will be able to run...
  • Homework: Modal Verbs of Deduction can't be, must be, could have been...
  • Homework: Prefixes re-, mis-, over-, under-, ex-...
  • Homework: Opposite Prefixes INappropriate, IRregular, IMpolite...
  • Homework: Adjective Suffixes -ing, -ous, -able, -ive, -ful...
  • Homework: Noun Suffixes -al, -er, -ment, -ness, -tion, -y...

See also: Talking Point Homework and Discussion

  • The Cult of Homework
  • Who Invented Homework?
  • The pros and cons of homework for English language learners

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Resources you can trust

Homework activities for year 7 – English

Homework activities for year 7 – English

Homework activities for year 7  is designed to ensure you have all your homework activities for year 7 English in one place. Including differentiated tasks for reading, writing and SPaG, there’s a task for every week of the school year. Whether you use it as a homework workbook or dip in and out, it's perfect for teachers, home tutors and teaching assistants of year 7 students. The pack is identical to the  Home Learning for year 6 – English  pack on Teachit Primary: it has been specially adapted for year 7 students to consolidate KS2 prior learning.

What's included

  • 39 photocopiable tasks, differentiated where appropriate
  • mapped to the NC objectives for year 5/6
  • answers where relevant
  • teacher’s tick list to keep track of work set.

What's inside

Teaching notes (page 4)

Section 1 – student section

Reading resources (pages 5-36)

  • Comprehension resources
  • Book review resources
  • Poetry performance resources
  • Different genres resources
  • Figurative language resources

Writing resources (pages 37-67)

  • Resource – proofreading
  • Resource – assessing a piece of writing
  • Resource – describing characters
  • Resource – describing settings
  • Resource – the plot
  • Resource – the big write
  • Resource – a newspaper report
  • Resource – persuasive writing
  • Resource – formal or informal?
  • Resource – a précis
  • Resource – advice for year 6
  • Resource – your school report

Spelling, punctuation and grammar resources (pages 68-100)

  • Resource – prefixes and suffixes
  • Resource – homophones
  • Resource – using a dictionary and thesaurus
  • Resource – a conversation
  • Resource – parenthesis
  • Spelling resources
  • Resource – passive verbs
  • Resource – relative clauses
  • Resource – lists
  • Resource – modal verbs
  • Resource – avoiding ambiguity
  • Resource – the perfect tense
  • Resource – expanded noun phrases and independent clauses

Section 2 – teacher section

Teacher’s tick list (pages 101-103)

Reading (pages 104-110)

Writing (pages 11-112)

  • Proofreading resources

Spelling, punctuation and grammar (pages 113-129)

This sample shows a writing homework resource from the  Homework activities for year 7  pack:

Resource 6 - the big write

In this task, you will: • write a narrative, selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary to enhance meaning • use a wide range of words and phrases to connect your paragraphs • use dialogue to convey your character and advance the action.

You’ve worked hard to develop ideas for a character, setting and plot for your story. Now you’re going to write it! 

Things to include to really interest your reader:

• varied vocabulary (no ‘said’ or ‘nice’) • a range of connectives and conjunctions • dialogue (speech)  • a mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences • a really catchy title!

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Resources you might like

The Curriculum Corner 123

Packets for Home Learning (Homework Packets)

english homework pack

Create your own homework packets for home learning using our free resources.

homework packets

This is another free collection of resources for teachers from The Curriculum Corner

Working on creating homework packets for your students? You’ve found the perfect place to start!

As schools are moving to e-learning, we know this is not possible for many across the country. Too many families do not have the resources to fully engage in e-learning.

For teachers in schools where technology is not available, we have heard of packets being created to send home with students.

We have just updated this collection in the fall of 2020 to add in our newest resources.

english homework pack

While we in no way think sending home a packet of worksheets is ideal, nothing about the situation is ideal and as teachers we know to do the best we have with the circumstances we are dealt. If you must create homework packets, we wanted to give you the resources to do so.

We have worked to gather links to possible resources you can use when creating your packets.

The links below range from journal pages to math worksheets to graphic organizers.

Hopefully you will be able to find resources that will work for your students when creating your homework packets.

We have seen pictures of teachers creating pencil pouches with necessary supplies such as pencils, crayons, scissors and glue. If you have other ideas you are putting together for your students – please share your suggestions below! We know many teachers are looking for ways to help their families.

Obviously at a time like this the intent of the packets your create will not so much be learning but to keep a small sense of normalcy. Maybe students having a little exposure to academics while they are gone will also help prevent a slide backwards over the next month or so.

Click the images below to find resources to assist you in creating your homework packets:

english homework pack

Can you add to our homework packets collection?

You will find additional no prep printables focusing on word work at Cathy’s other site, Free Word Work .

If you have any free pages to share with teachers on teachers pay teachers or on your blog, please feel free to share the links in the comment section below. They must be completely free resources.

As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!

You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Writing on a PDF - The Curriculum Corner 123

Wednesday 25th of March 2020

[…] Pages for At Home Packets […]

How to Share 1 PDF Page - The Curriculum Corner 123

Tuesday 24th of March 2020

Google Slides Games for e-learning - The Curriculum Corner 123

Tuesday 17th of March 2020

[…] of you who do not have the technology needed, we have a collection for helping you create your own Learning Packets. By clicking the link you will find printable journals, worksheets and graphic organizers that can […]

Ideas for Home Learning - The Curriculum Corner 123

Saturday 14th of March 2020

[…] Packets for Home Learning (Homework Packets) […]

PowerPoint Games for e-Learning - The Curriculum Corner 123

Friday 13th of March 2020

english homework pack

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Year 1 Literacy/English Home Learning Mini Pack includes Parental Guidance (Coronavirus)

Year 1 Literacy/English Home Learning Mini Pack includes Parental Guidance (Coronavirus)

Subject: English

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Unit of work

iTRACK_Education_Resource's Shop

Last updated

21 May 2024

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english homework pack

The activity sheets are structured around the narrative, non-fiction and poetry blocks of the new literacy Framework. The content comes from common Year 1 fiction and non-fiction themes. The activities are designed to support work done across the curriculum as well as in literacy teaching.

The activities follow the main literacy priorities in Year 1 and are designed to be used flexibly. They are intended to be used with an adult: it would be pointless for the child to do them alone. Much of the learning is in the interaction.

Each activity sheet has a clear focus and advice to the adult as well as the child. There are four main types: • Understanding and engaging with texts; • Shaping texts; • Sentence structure and punctuation; • Spelling.

Each unit contains a mixture of the activity types.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"

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Great for my 5 years old daughter.

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great for my very low ability. Thanks


Glad we could help. Have you looked at the full pack?

very useful especial at this time of lock down parents need all the material they can use to keep the kids busy and not think about the COVID 19

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  1. PDF English Activity Booklet Year 3

    David was born on 20th August 1971 in Merton, London. He was the child of Peter and Kathleen Williams. From a young age, he loved dressing up and his older sister Julie would often dress him up in girls' clothes for fun. David went to school in Surrey, where his love of dressing up grew and his love of acting began.

  2. ESL Worksheets

    On this page, you can find many printable ESL worksheets on many topics for English language learners and teachers. All the worksheets on Games4esl are absolutely FREE to download and use in your English classes. Worksheets For Teaching English. The worksheets on this page are arranged by topic or by grade.

  3. Year 5 Literacy/English Mini Home Learning Pack (Coronavirus)

    The activities are designed to support work done across the curriculum as well as in literacy teaching. The activities follow the main literacy priorities in Year 5 and are designed to be used flexibly. Each activity sheet has a clear focus and advice to the adult as well as the child. There are four main types: • Understanding and engaging ...

  4. English Home Learning Packs KS3

    English Home Learning Packs KS3. Subject: English. Age range: 11-14. Resource type: Other. I'm a TES Awards-nominated English Lead in an SEND secondary school predominantly for children with Autism. I've worked across SEND and SEMH, and mainstream too. Here, you'll find a range of resources for students of varying abilities that are ...

  5. KS2 English home learning pack

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  6. English Homework

    badly, well, slowly, easily, loudly... Homework: Adverbs of Time. now, then, yesterday, tomorrow, earlier... Homework: BE USED TO vs USED TO. I'm used to waking up early / I used to wake up early... Homework: Third Conditional. If I had known it was your birthday, I would have sent you a card.

  7. Worksheets

    Homework. Languages. Looking after pets. Musical instruments. New Year's Eve. New Year's resolutions. Numbers. Olympic and Paralympic games. Pencil case. Presents. Reading. School. Shoes. ... English courses for children aged 6-17. Learn more. Sign up to our newsletter for free learning tips and resources.

  8. PDF ELA 6th Grade Summer Packet

    ots of time for summer fun. In the packet you will find three assignments based on the genres of texts we will be expl. ring throughout 6th grade. These include: fiction. informational, and poetry. Since writing is also a key part of ELA, you will also have three grammar assignments to kee.

  9. Homework activities for year 7

    Teaching pack. Homework activities for year 7 is designed to ensure you have all your homework activities for year 7 English in one place. Including differentiated tasks for reading, writing and SPaG, there's a task for every week of the school year. Whether you use it as a homework workbook or dip in and out, it's perfect for teachers, home ...

  10. Packets for Home Learning (Homework Packets)

    The links below range from journal pages to math worksheets to graphic organizers. Hopefully you will be able to find resources that will work for your students when creating your homework packets. We have seen pictures of teachers creating pencil pouches with necessary supplies such as pencils, crayons, scissors and glue.

  11. FREE!

    EAL Teaching Resources. Download this useful pack of home learning materials to send home with students if they are required to complete some learning from home. With a range of fun, engaging and challenging activities, children will practise fundamental skills and reinforce concepts that have already been taught to them during year 3.

  12. Grade 1 English Homework Pack Week 1 by All Sorts of Learning

    RF1.3A, RF1.3B. This pack includes the following; Pg 4 - Letter to parents that lists the contents of the homework pack and. provides any instructions that may be needed. Pg 5 - Spelling List for the week. Pg 6 - Write out spelling worksheet. Pg 7-8 Draw it and Write it worksheet. Pg 9 - Build a Sentence worksheet.

  13. ESL Summer Reading and Writing Pack (Teacher-Made)

    This bumper pack has five different summer themed reading and writing worksheets for your ESL, EFL or EAL students. Each one covers a different summer topic; picnics, school holidays, camping, swimming and summer around the world. The worksheets all begin with a quick warm up question and visual cue to the topic at hand, followed by a short ...

  14. FREE!

    Design and Technology Resources. Download this useful pack of home learning materials to send home with students if they are required to complete some learning from home. With a range of fun, engaging and challenging activities, children will practise fundamental skills and reinforce concepts that have already been taught to them during year 3.

  15. Cambridge One

    Your home for digital learning. Get access to a wide range of activities, resources and tools to support your teaching and learning with Cambridge.

  16. Year 3 English/ Literacy Home Learning Mini Pack includes Parental

    The activity sheets are structured around the narrative, non-fiction and poetry blocks of the new literacy Framework. The content comes from common Year 3 fiction and non-fiction themes.

  17. The Home Learning Pack

    In this critical hour of lockdown, this resource pack was a boom. It is a great resource to help my school students. Thank you so much. Support your children's learning outside of the classroom with our home learning pack. It includes a wide variety of free English and Maths resources, along with cross-curricular project activities to download!

  18. Year 4 Literacy/ English Home Learning Mini Pack(16 sheets) includes

    The activity sheets are structured around the narrative, non-fiction and poetry blocks of the new literacy Framework. The content comes from common Year 4 fiction and non-fiction themes.

  19. KS1 Homework Activity Pack (teacher made)

    Encourage Year 1 and Year 2 children's creativity with these fun homework worksheets. With bright graphics and engaging content, this pack contains a variety of cross-curricular, seasonal and themed homework activities. They can be used over the course of a series of lessons. The worksheets for 6-year-olds and 7-year olds are designed to engage ...

  20. Grade 1 English Homework Pack Week 2

    RF1.3A, RF1.3B. This pack includes the following; Pg 4 - Spelling List for Week 2. Pg 5 - Spelling Practice Sheet. Pg 6 - Build a Sentence. Pg 7-8 Build a Word. Pg 9-11 Color It and Write It. Pg 12 - Comprehension. Pg 13 - Search and Color and Word Search.

  21. Activity Pack

    The resource pack includes various different primary resources/ literacy homework activities to entertain and engage your children around a different subject topic. Included activities improve proficiency in English, covering topics like tenses, contractions and dictionary skills. Designed by teachers with real classroom teaching experience ...

  22. KS1 Homework Activity Pack (Teacher-Made)

    Encourage Year 1 and Year 2 children's creativity with these fun homework worksheets. With bright graphics and engaging content, this pack contains a variety of cross-curricular, seasonal and themed homework activities. They can be used over the course of a series of lessons. The worksheets for 6-year-olds and 7-year olds are designed to engage ...

  23. Year 1 Literacy/English Home Learning Mini Pack includes Parental

    The activity sheets are structured around the narrative, non-fiction and poetry blocks of the new literacy Framework. The content comes from common Year 1 fiction and non-fiction themes.