Spanish to Go

Spanish to Go

A Level Spanish Irp Ideas

1. Start by saying “ideas para el Trabajo de Investigación de Español A Level” 2. Use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to convey your ideas 3. Provide examples and evidence to support your argument 4. Use connective phrases to link your ideas together 5. Make sure to proofread and edit your work for accuracy and clarity


A Level Spanish Individual Research Project (IRP) is an important component of the Spanish curriculum. It allows students to explore a topic of interest in depth and demonstrate their language skills and cultural understanding. Choosing the right IRP idea is crucial for a successful project. In this article, we will explore some engaging and unique A Level Spanish IRP ideas to inspire you.

1. Spanish Influence in Latin American Literature

Subheading: overview.

In this IRP, you can analyze the impact of Spanish literature on Latin American writers. Explore famous Spanish authors such as Miguel de Cervantes and their influence on renowned Latin American writers like Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Discuss common themes, writing styles, and cultural elements.

Subheading: Methodology

Interview Spanish and Latin American literature experts, conduct surveys, and analyze literary works. Compare and contrast the literary movements in Spain and Latin America.

2. The Evolution of Flamenco Dance

Dive into the rich history and cultural significance of Flamenco dance. Explore its origins in Andalusia, Spain, and how it has evolved over time. Discuss the influence of different cultures and regions on Flamenco, such as Moorish, Gypsy, and Latin American influences.

Attend Flamenco dance classes, interview professional dancers and instructors, and analyze the development of Flamenco through historical records and audiovisual resources.

3. Environmental Challenges in Spanish-Speaking Countries

Focus on the environmental issues faced by Spanish-speaking countries, such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. Analyze the causes, consequences, and potential solutions. Discuss government policies, NGOs, and community initiatives.

Research case studies, interview environmental activists, analyze reports from environmental organizations, and compare the approaches taken by different countries.

Choosing the right A Level Spanish IRP idea is crucial for an engaging and successful project. The above ideas provide a starting point for your exploration, but feel free to tailor them to your specific interests and goals. Remember to conduct thorough research, gather reliable sources, and present your findings effectively to demonstrate your language skills and cultural understanding.

43 Spanish Cartridge

The 43 Spanish cartridge, also known as the 11x59mmR, is a historical ammunition cartridge that saw use in various Spanish firearms during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this article, we will delve into the details of the 43 Spanish cartridge, its history, specifications, and its significance during its time.

1. History of the 43 Spanish Cartridge

Subheading: origins.

The 43 Spanish cartridge was introduced in the 1860s for use in the Spanish military’s rolling block rifles. It was a rimmed, bottlenecked cartridge that replaced the earlier muzzleloading muskets and carbines. The cartridge gained popularity and was widely used by the Spanish army and civilians during its time.

Subheading: Military Service

The 43 Spanish cartridge saw extensive use in various conflicts, including the Spanish-American War, the Cuban War of Independence, and the Philippine-American War. Spanish troops armed with rifles chambered in this cartridge engaged in battles on multiple fronts.

2. Specifications and Performance

Subheading: cartridge dimensions.

The 43 Spanish cartridge had a case length of 59mm and a bullet diameter of approximately 11mm. It featured a bottlenecked shape, which facilitated smoother feeding and extraction in firearms.

Subheading: Ballistics

Depending on the specific load and bullet weight, the 43 Spanish cartridge achieved velocities of around 1,300 to 1,400 feet per second. It typically utilized a round-nose or flat-nose lead bullet, which had moderate stopping power for its time.

The 43 Spanish cartridge played a significant role in Spanish military history during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Its adoption and widespread use in Spanish firearms, particularly rolling block rifles, ensured its prominence on various battlefields. While no longer in active military use, the 43 Spanish cartridge remains an important part of firearms history, reflecting the technological advancements and military strategies of its time.

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  • May 9, 2023

Spanish A Level: How to succeed in your IRP

Part 2 of the AQA A Level Spanish Speaking Assessment consists of the presentation and discussion of an Individual Research Project, which students have previously prepared throughout the year.

It constitutes one of the most fascinating and exciting parts of the A Level Spanish course, as learners can link their own interests to the subject while developing not only their language, but also their research skills.

So, what steps do you need to take in order to prepare a successful IRP?

1. Don't be afraid to choose an original topic .

For the IRP, students must identify a subject or a key question which is of interest to them and which relates to a country, or countries, where Spanish is spoken.

The most successful students use this to their advantage and play to their strengths by choose a topic that they are really, genuinely interested in.

Don’t be afraid to choose something unique and original !

Since the AQA A Level Spanish syllabus includes such a broad variety of themes, it is worth taking your time to identify your area of greatest interest. Instead of going through lists of previous IRP topics for ideas, think about what inspired your interest in Spanish in the first place, and where you intend to take your studies in the future.

The IRP topics do not even have to be taken from the syllabus itself; this is a brilliant opportunity to broaden your knowledge by studying something that the AQA syllabus does not already cover, as long as it is appropriate in scope (not too broad or too narrow) and is based in the culture or history of a Spanish-speaking country. You can find further guidance on the choice of topic here .

2. Combine your choice of topic in Spanish with other subjects you enjoy.

Are you also taking an A Level in art? Then why not research a Spanish-speaking artist and the impact of their work, or the role of art in education in Spain? Taking an approach based on your other A Level subjects means you will be on solid ground and have plenty of existing knowledge and ideas. An added bonus is that you will gain relevant insight into your other A Level subject, too.

Researching something that you really want to learn about, and that may be related to your personal interests, your other academic work or your further studies, will mean that you genuinely enjoy the preparation of your IRP and are in a strong position to make it a success.

💡 Tip: You can also base your research on one Spanish or Latin American literary text or film, but it must not be the same one that you are going to refer in Paper 2, your written assessment.

🔍 Further reference: The A Level Content Advisory Board has published these illustrative examples of individual research topics .

3. Select an appropriate key question for your IRP.

Once you’ve decided which topic you’re going to explore in your project, you can then think of what key question will guide your research.

Why is this important?

If we look at AO4, one of the assessment objectives, it says that, in order to achieve highest marks, students must give an "excellent critical and analytical response". It is therefore important to find an appropriate question that will allow you to analyse the impact and/or evaluate the importance of the aspect you are researching.

Let’s look at an example.

The question “¿Cuáles son las pinturas más famosas de Frida Kahlo? / What are Frida Kahlo’s most famous paintings?” leads to a more descriptive / narrative answer, whereas “¿Cuál es el impacto de la obra de Frida Kahlo? / What’s the impact of Frida Kahlo’s paintings?” requires an analytical answer .

A question that leads to analysis and evaluation is what will set you up to gain the most marks under the AO4 criteria, putting you in a strong position from the outset.

4. Only use high-quality, Spanish-language sources.

The AQA specification states that students must select relevant information in Spanish from a range of sources , including the internet.

You should therefore use a wide variety of sources (not only online information, and not Wikipedia!). These must be reliable and high-quality; it’s better to use information from reputable news sources instead of online tabloids, and documentaries instead of Youtube influencers.

In summary, your sources must be:

reliable: from a reputable author, newspaper, etc;

in different formats : articles, podcasts, books, TV news, etc;

up-to-date : check that the information is recent and correct;

directly relevant to your question or title : not superfluous.

5. Prepare thoroughly for your 2-minute IRP presentation.

In the assessment for the AQA Spanish A Level, students will need to give a presentation with their key findings, speaking for up to two minutes. According to the assessment criteria, "thorough knowledge and understanding of the area of study" must be evident in the presentation in order to gain full marks.

To make sure that all the relevant information is summarised in those two minutes, you can follow this structure:

Initial information.

Background / Context.

Examples / Evidence / Observations.

Consequences / Impact.

Opinions / Conclusions.

Once you’ve prepared the presentation, record yourself reading it to make sure you don’t exceed the 2 minutes. Then, practice many times to learn the overall structure by heart so that you can present it confidently in the exam.

6. Anticipate some of the questions that the examiner might ask you in the discussion.

The presentation of your research will be followed by a 9- to 10-minute discussion with the examiner. These will be based on your presentation and the headings you have chosen (these headings are entered on your Candidate Record Form, which is submitted in advance of the exam). You can’t know the questions in advance, but there are ways to anticipate some of them. Here are some examples of prompts that examiners use frequently:

¿Por qué has elegido estudiar este tema?

Háblame un poco más de….

Cuando hablas de…..¿qué quieres decir exactamente?

Algunas personas piensan que….¿qué piensas tú al respecto?

¿Cómo reaccionas ante esto?

¿Piensas que esto es verdad/ mentira?

¿Qué piensas si te digo que…?

¿Tienes algún ejemplo que pueda justificar tu idea?

¿Y qué dirías si…?

¿Y si te dijera que…..que dirías tú?

En tu opinión, ¿qué impacto ha tenido…..sobre…?

¿Qué es lo que te ha interesado/chocado/marcado/sorprendido más a raíz de tu investigación?

¿De dónde has obtenido tu información?

¿Qué es lo más importante que has aprendido de tu investigación?

¿Cómo ha cambiado tu visión de [nombre del país] o del mundo hispanohablante después de este proyecto individual?

The choice of topic and the way you prepare for the Individual Research Project can make the difference between a good exam performance and an outstanding one. The key is to find what you really love to talk about. This will make the research process, and the assessment itself, a highlight of your Spanish A Level course.

The Kate Maria Languages Academy teaches immersive online A Level courses in Spanish , following the AQA syllabus. The course develops all four key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening, with live lessons taught by experienced A Level tutors. For further information and enrolment details, you can contact us here .

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spanish independent research project ideas

The IRP in Spanish A-level: the teacher’s perspective

BAS editor Helen Laurenson

In July 2014 the A-level Advisory Board (ALCAB) published the findings of its panel on the provision of both Modern and Classical languages at A-level.

spanish independent research project ideas

Amongst a broad raft of recommendations and guiding principles for reform, the panel set out its stall regarding skills acquisition, commenting, ‘the panel believes that critical thinking should be developed alongside the linguistic skills’. It recommended that an Individual Research Project (IRP) form an integral part of the new specification: ‘an individually chosen and researched project should be required for A-level…sharply focused and related to a country where the language of study is an official or national language’. In addition, the recommendations state that ‘the subject matter should be challenging enough to allow for at least two sources to be studied and to allow a serious discussion to take place’. So, in summary, a need for a ‘grown-up’ and decidedly nuanced approach to both research skills, higher-order thinking and sophisticated expression in the spoken language. 

spanish independent research project ideas

All A-level Spanish examination boards now require candidates to identify a key question or subject of interest on which to conduct individual research from a range of authentic sources, including the internet. The proportion of marks allocated to the IRP across all boards – Edexcel, AQA, Eduqas and OCR – is in the region of 15% of the total examination. All boards are clear in their objectives for this component, namely the development of students’ capacity for critical thinking.  The aim is to equip them with ‘transferable skills such as autonomy, resourcefulness, creativity and linguistic, cultural and cognitive flexibility that will enable them to proceed to further study or to employment’.  In addition, a pivotal function of the IRP within the speaking examination is to provide an opportunity for pupils to showcase language learning skills, ‘including communication strategies such as adjusting the message, circumlocution, self-correction and repair strategies’. 

spanish independent research project ideas

Examination boards coincide in their approach and guidance regarding teacher input and any potential overlap with texts or films studied for the Cultural Topic component. Teachers may advise on titles and, in some cases, on sources, but should avoid ‘giving advice on language or correcting any work students may have written down’.  Teachers are encouraged to liaise wth the examination board and the subject officers to ensure that titles are suitable. A variety of administrative approaches are used to ensure that the independent nature of the project is ensured; no written or oral feedback is permitted during any mock examinations, and a pro-forma is submitted with bullet-point details for possible discussion and a number of sources.

Teachers can aim for a variety of innovative approaches to the preparation and practice of the IRP.  These include ‘mini-IRP’ practice, involving a practice ‘try-out’ on another topic, with comments from peers, or an IRP carousel powerpoint presentation to Year 11 pupils as part of an Autumn Term Modern Languages promotion ahead of A-level choices being made. The IRP section of the speaking examination covers all (or almost all) of the Assessment Objectives, with a focus on the quality of language, presentation, critical and analytical response, along with general accuracy. 

spanish independent research project ideas

There are no hard and fast rules issued by examination boards as to the timing of the inputting, monitoring and preparation of the IRP, but many schools opt to have this in place ahead of the summer break at the end of Year 12. Whilst it is the intention of the examination boards that the syllabus subject topics act as a springboard for inspiration, many pupils choose a topic which dovetails with another of their A-level subjects or a degree programme to which they intend to apply. For example, an applicant for Medical School focused on Cuban medical internationalist missions, whilst an Economics pupil explored the reasons for inflation in Venezuela. Indeed, the Summer Term is an ideal juncture at which to explore such possibilities, as the research skills gained over the summer, along with a broadening of knowledge base in the pupil’s chosen field for Higher Education, can be included in the all-important UCAS personal statement.

The Individual Research Project is a really enjoyable part of the A-level Spanish suite of papers and skills. A successful execution of its intended objectives elicits a positive and dynamic approach on the part of pupils, teachers and foreign-language assistants. Here are some approaches which may be useful:

  • Explore and embed cultural inserts from the outset of Spanish teaching at GCSE and below, using the Summer Term to inculcate the skills of presentation and research.
  • Be explicit about higher-order thinking skills and how these might look within the context of IRP research.
  • Use your school library and librarians where available to access online resources, such as JStor. Oxbridge candidates may also want to look at Polyglot (Oxford) and Polyglossia (Cambridge) for some inspirational ideas and research methodology.
  • Provide some authentic supplementary material prompted by the topics at A-level; for example, in aspects of political life, instead of Franco, explore the Argentine guerra sucia . (Increasingly contracted timetables are an issue here but provide opportunities for independent reading and research over holiday periods.)
  • Make cross-curricular connections, liaising with colleagues in Art, Geography, History and Economics; if the Cuban Revolution is on the SoW, use some authentic materials in the target language to explore further.
  • Encourage pupils to set up current affairs clubs or film clubs to foster broader, supra-curricular interests.
  • Use Year 12 Languages Ambassadors to deliver mini-IRP presentations to the GCSE cohort.
  • Take a bespoke approach to the IRP of each individual pupil, considering their HE profile, employing FLAs too (where available) to explore areas of interest.
  • Finally, facilitate visits and talks by former pupils who went on to study languages.

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Independent Research Projects in Spanish: Explore Spain & Latin America

Why choose this course.

During your IRP, you will be given a faculty adviser from the Spanish Studies or host institution’s faculty or staff. This adviser will help guide your project through meetings and discussions, monitor your progress, and serve as an invaluable resource during your investigation.

In the past, students have combined private lessons in studio art, acting, flamenco guitar, and dance with academic research to create projects that include:

Federico Garcia Lorca on Paper and on the Stage

One student combined acting classes, work on a production of “La casa de Bernarda Alba”, and literary analysis of Garcia Lorca’s plays to develop an in-depth understanding of Garcia Lorca’s literary collection and legacy.

Contemporary Spanish Women Writers and Feminism

Over two semesters, a student studied the works of several contemporary women writers in Spain and then Spanish feminism to see how these two aspects of women’s developing role in society interacted.

Stencil Graffiti of Seville

After developing a curiosity in the stencil graffiti throughout the city walls of Seville, one student created a photo journal of stencil graffiti to try to understand each piece's intended message and appreciate it as its own work of art.

Translational Theory and Practice

As a starting place for a required senior thesis, one student studied theories and models of translation to be able to defend his own translation of a collection of poems from English to Spanish in front of a thesis review board.

Apply now by downloading the  IRP proposal form  and sending it to the Amherst Office. The deadline for your proposal is two months before the start of your program.

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A-level Spanish

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  • Introduction
  • Specification at a glance
  • 3.1 Social issues and trends
  • 3.2 Political and artistic culture
  • 3.3 Grammar

3.5 Individual research project

  • Scheme of assessment
  • General administration

 Individual research project

Students must identify a subject or a key question which is of interest to them and which relates to a country or countries where Spanish is spoken. They must select relevant information in Spanish from a range of sources including the internet. The aim of the research project is to develop research skills. Students will demonstrate their ability to initiate and conduct individual research by analysing and summarising their findings, in order to present and discuss them in the speaking assessment.

Students may choose a subject linked to one of the themes or sub-themes or to one of the works. However, students must not base their research on the same literary text or film that they refer to in their written assessment.

Students within a school or college should each choose a different subject for their research. However, if more than one student selects the same general subject area, the title of their research and their approach must be different.

The A-level Content Advisory Board (ALCAB) has published illustrative examples of individual research topics at

Speaking - Task 1a: Presentation of Independent Research Project (2 minutes)

Task 1a: Overview

This task requires you to present an Independent Research Project (IRP) in Spanish.

The idea is to showcase your in-depth understanding of an aspect of Hispanic society , whether it’s historical, cultural, social or political.

You are given 2 minutes to present your IRP.

Choosing a Topic

Select a topic you are genuinely interested in to make the process of researching and studying more interesting.

Ensure the research topic you choose has enough information available in Spanish.

Read, watch, or listen to Spanish-language sources to gather information about your chosen topic.

Preparing the Presentation

The presentation should be based around a key question or statement that relates to your chosen topic.

Begin by providing a little background on your chosen topic.

The content of your presentation should be primarily factual, but you are also expected to present your own analysis or opinion .

You should aim to speak for exactly 2 minutes. Practice timing yourself to get a sense of how much content that involves.

It is crucial to structure your thoughts around your key question/statement and ensure that your points follow logically from each other.

Delivering the Presentation

You need to deliver your presentation without any notes, so it’s critical that you know your material well .

Remember to speak clearly and deliberately . Do not rush.

Try to keep your language as natural and fluent as possible. Avoid reciting your presentation word-for-word like a script.

Body language, eye contact, and vocal control all contribute to an effective presentation, so practice these along with the presentation content.

After the Presentation

After the presentation, the examiner will lead a discussion based upon your presentation that will last approximately 8 minutes.

Make sure you are prepared to answer any potential questions about your topic.

Key Points to Remember

Make sure your presentation clearly answers your key question or statement .

Each point should be well researched and accurately reproduced in Spanish.

Be prepared to defend your arguments if challenged on them during the discussion.

Remember to speak Spanish as naturally and fluently as possible.

Be prepared to expand on or clarify any points in the Q&A session after your presentation.

AQA Alevel spanish IRP ideas

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spanish independent research project ideas

17 Hispanic Heritage Month Spanish Project Ideas

Ashley mikkelsen.

  • September 4, 2024
  • All Blog Posts , Holidays & Seasonal

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With Hispanic Heritage Month coming up, I thought it might be fun to share different ways you can do projects with your classes to celebrate! Whether you want to highlight the Spanish-speaking countries, famous Hispanics, or focus on culture, there are options in this post to inspire you. Check out this round up of Hispanic Heritage Month Spanish project ideas !

spanish independent research project ideas

Tips for a Successful Project

Before we get into the Hispanic Heritage Month Spanish project ideas, I wanted to share a few tips for doing a research project successfully with your students:

  • Have clear expectations
  • Allow choice
  • Check in with students along the way 
  • Bring in a media specialist or expert to help your students research
  • Show off their stuff

If you’d like to see more on these tips, check out my blog post with a more detailed explanation here !

Hispanic Heritage Month Spanish Project Ideas

Biography spanish project ideas.

This Wax Museum Project will help your students create a biography research report on a famous person of Hispanic Heritage. The finished project is a Wax Museum event, where students dress up as the person they have learned about and hold a “pose”, like a Wax Museum, until someone walks up to them and presses the “button” near them. Then students give a short speech about that person’s life.

spanish independent research project ideas

Giselle de ABCen123 has a biography project with a book and lap book version for you!

spanish independent research project ideas

This research poster project includes 40 templates with names of famous Hispanics filled in , as well as a blank template for students to choose and add their own person to research! It comes in Spanish and English.

spanish independent research project ideas

Paulina from Monster’s Chest has a research project on 21 important women in current history, Hispanic or of Hispanic descent.

spanish independent research project ideas

Ariana from the Spanglish Mom has this set of posters and games completely in Spanish .

spanish independent research project ideas

If you are working with your upper levels, you might like this authors biography research project. There are 40 authors from the Spanish-speaking world included !

spanish independent research project ideas

Christine from All About Art has a set of posters in English for researching Hispanic artists . This is a great fit if you’re doing an art unit !

spanish independent research project ideas

If you would prefer a biography project for artists in Spanish, check out this resource here !

The Sassy Maestra has this template for a Biography Ball project , with readings included. How fun!

spanish independent research project ideas

Cultural Spanish Project Ideas

Debbie Wood has a reading and a beautiful, simple art project for students on Guatemala worry dolls.

spanish independent research project ideas

Spanish-Speaking Country Projects

Color Spanish speaking countries flags, maps, and explore food and culture with these report posters! There are 21 templates with names of Spanish-speaking countries filled in . You can print them off and let students choose, assign people to research, or post the sheets as a fast finisher option to create a bulletin board or display!

spanish independent research project ideas

Theresa from The Pura Vida Teacher has a Hispanic Heritage Tissue Box Project ! Students choose a Spanish-speaking country to research and create an eye-catching collage on a tissue box or poster with beautiful images of all the information they learned.

spanish independent research project ideas

Granabana has a “country a day” resource where students complete info on Hispanic Heritage Month, then complete information about each country !

spanish independent research project ideas

Do your students love taking virtual field trips? Help them make their own and explore the Spanish-speaking countries with this tech-based project ! Students add info on their own interactive maps for each country.

spanish independent research project ideas

Or, you might like this create your own virtual trip project where students each focus on a different country !

Spanish Project Ideas for Heritage Classes

Profe Nygaard has a project that is designed for heritage Spanish speakers! The resource is called Los Dos Lados de mi Vida and is a free download on her page here .

spanish independent research project ideas

La Misi de Español has this cool collaborative bulletin board for students ! This could really be for any of your classes as it’s in English and Spanish. Students each decorate their own puzzle piece, then you hang them up to make the classroom display!

spanish independent research project ideas

More on Hispanic Heritage Month:

If you’re looking for more resources for Hispanic Heritage Month, check out these posts!

Hispanic Heritage Month Activities and Lessons

spanish independent research project ideas

Bulletin Boards for Hispanic Heritage Month

spanish independent research project ideas

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month in your School

spanish independent research project ideas

Teacher Tees for Hispanic Heritage Month

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Hispanic Heritage Month Door Decor Ideas

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Digital Resources for Hispanic Heritage Month

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Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm so glad you're here! I love helping secondary Spanish teachers with engaging activities and ideas for their lesson plans. I can't wait to support you with no and low prep activities to help reduce your workload!

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Spanish 1 High Frequency Verbs Unit BUNDLE | Activities and Lessons

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Spanish Thanksgiving | El Día de Acción de Gracias Reading & Activities

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Thanksgiving | Día de Acción de Gracias Reading Comprehension Digital Activities

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Virtual Field Trips Teacher Guide and Video Demo

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WORTH £16! Hours and hours of research and work to come up with these eight A LEVEL independent research topic sample questionnaires. Well researched rich questions that could potentially make excellent work. Ideal for teachers to get inspiration of topics or to use in school as speaking practice with the FLA, in class or as mock work.

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  1. 6 Research Projects for Spanish Class

    spanish independent research project ideas

  2. Independent Research Project (IRP) Spanish A-Level

    spanish independent research project ideas

  3. A-level Spanish Independent Research Project (IRP) Guide

    spanish independent research project ideas

  4. 6 Research Projects for Spanish Class

    spanish independent research project ideas

  5. 7 Fun and Engaging Spanish Project Ideas

    spanish independent research project ideas

  6. Research Projects for Spanish Class: 7 Ideas for MS and HS

    spanish independent research project ideas


  1. spanish project

  2. The Spanish Study Plan Success Blueprint

  3. Top 5 Spanish Inventions that you can’t live without

  4. ¿Estos trabajos existen? 💸| Learn Spanish Podcast #18

  5. ⭐️ summer #research project ideas for #engineering #college #students ⭐️

  6. BBA Project Ideas: Unique & Creative Topics for Final Year Students


  1. A Level Spanish Irp Ideas

    A Level Spanish Irp Ideas Introduction. A Level Spanish Individual Research Project (IRP) is an important component of the Spanish curriculum. It allows students to explore a topic of interest in depth and demonstrate their language skills and cultural understanding. Choosing the right IRP idea is crucial for a successful project.

  2. Spanish A Level: How to succeed in your IRP

    5. Prepare thoroughly for your 2-minute IRP presentation. In the assessment for the AQA Spanish A Level, students will need to give a presentation with their key findings, speaking for up to two minutes. According to the assessment criteria, "thorough knowledge and understanding of the area of study" must be evident in the presentation in order ...

  3. The IRP in Spanish A-level: the student's perspective

    By Alexander Evers, new undergraduate at Trinity College, Oxford, reading Spanish and Portuguese. The Independent Research Project, or IRP for short, is an exciting opportunity for Year 13 (school-leaving) students such as myself to further their interests in Hispanic culture and develop independent research skills - something that I found hugely rewarding.

  4. A-Level Spanish IRP: How to pick a topic & begin your research

    In this video I go through what the IRP is, have a look at the mark scheme, explain what makes a suitable topic & explain how you should research for it! AQA...

  5. The IRP in Spanish A-level: the teacher's perspective

    The Individual Research Project is a really enjoyable part of the A-level Spanish suite of papers and skills. A successful execution of its intended objectives elicits a positive and dynamic approach on the part of pupils, teachers and foreign-language assistants. Here are some approaches which may be useful:

  6. Independent Research Projects In SPANISH [Spain/LatAm]

    This personalized and flexible research program allows you to propose, design, and complete a research project that meets the specific requirements of your home college or university. During your IRP, you will be given a faculty adviser from the Spanish Studies or host institution's faculty or staff. This adviser will help guide your project ...

  7. Spanish

    3.5 Individual research project. Students must identify a subject or a key question which is of interest to them and which relates to a country or countries where Spanish is spoken. They must select relevant information in Spanish from a range of sources including the internet. The aim of the research project is to develop research skills.

  8. A-level Spanish Independent Research Project (IRP) Guide

    pptx, 124.7 KB. teachingisgood is excited to offer a full and comprehensive guide on preparing for and partaking in the Independent Research Project (IRP) for A-level Spanish. This guide is in PowerPoint format and is designed to make it clear and simple to students (and teachers) what the IRP is composed of, how it will run, and what you need ...

  9. Independent Research Project (IRP) Spanish A-Level

    These are two comprehensive examples of a Spanish independent research project (IRP) for Edexcel A-Level. It includes two examples for task 2 of the Edexcel Speaking Assessment - Paper 3. Each example comprises of the 2 minute presentation, and 3 detailed findings for the discussion aspect of the task. The two questions covered, and their ...

  10. AQA A level spanish, independent research project

    EmilyKellett. I'm studying A-level AQA Spanish, and as part of our A2 speaking exam, we must complete an independent research project, researching our chosen topic in detail, ready to have a fairly lengthy discussion about it. This is the information AQA have released; Students must identify a subject or a key question which is of interest to ...


    EXAMPLE IRP - A LEVEL SPANISH AQA. Subject: Spanish. Age range: 16+. Resource type: Assessment and revision. File previews. pdf, 93.82 KB. A five page, detailed plan for a possible Independent Research Presentation. Includes a possible title, two-minute presentation, possible subjects and follow-up questions that could be discussed alongside ...

  12. Spanish Research Project Ideas

    The following projects are research-based assignments designed to enhance linguistic and cultural literacy for students learning the Spanish language. All of these projects can be easily modified ...

  13. Speaking

    Everything you need to know about Speaking - Task 1b: Discussion on Independent Research Project (9-10 minutes) for the A Level Spanish Eduqas exam, totally free, with assessment questions, text & videos. ... ideas, and findings in Spanish. Demonstrate a strong command of Spanish, with a significant emphasis on higher-level language skills.


    NOTE: Independent Research Projects with Spanish Studies Abroad are normally for three semester hours' credit and require prior approval by the home college or university. This form must be submitted to Spanish Studies at least two months prior to the start of the student's program abroad. 1/24/2012

  15. PDF Welcome to Year 13 Spanish!

    Welcome to Year 13 Spanish! come to Year 13 Spanish! Please complete, over the summer, the following tasks which are going to be essential for. ndependent Research ProjectOver the summer, you need to continue your work on your Independent Research Project completing your booklet, making sure you can find the resources that you need and that ...

  16. 6 Research Projects for Spanish Class

    This Spanish-Speaking artists research poster project is a great way to kick off the unit! Assign students an artist, or let them choose who to present on. There are 40 artists included, but there's also a blank page so you can add more, or let your students find and choose who to research! Help them celebrate and learn about art from a ...

  17. 48 Spanish IRP titles from the past

    48 Spanish IRP titles from the past. Subject: Spanish. Age range: 16+. Resource type: Other. File previews. pdf, 89.24 KB. 48 titles and counting from a great thread on Secondary MFL Matters. I'll keep this updated. Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions.

  18. Speaking

    A Level Spanish Eduqas View topics (20) Topics. Assessment Components Writing: 300 Word Essay on Second Literary Text or a Film ... This task requires you to present an Independent Research Project (IRP) in Spanish. The idea is to showcase your in-depth understanding of an aspect of Hispanic society, whether it's historical, ...

  19. AQA Alevel spanish IRP ideas

    AQA Alevel spanish IRP ideas. A. lucia161. 1. I'm studying Alevel spanish and I'm currently doing my A2 course. For our speaking exam we have to complete an Independent research project which is a 2-3 minute presentation in which we choose a topic and gather research and speak about. The topic has to be related to the Spanish speaking world ...

  20. 17 Hispanic Heritage Month Spanish Project Ideas

    Hispanic Heritage Month Spanish Project Ideas Biography Spanish Project Ideas. This Wax Museum Project will help your students create a biography research report on a famous person of Hispanic Heritage. The finished project is a Wax Museum event, where students dress up as the person they have learned about and hold a "pose", like a Wax ...

  21. Spanish A level Individual Research Project (IRP)

    Spanish A level Individual Research Project (IRP) Subject: Spanish. Age range: 16+. Resource type: Unit of work. File previews. docx, 22.25 KB. pptx, 1.32 MB. A full Presentation on the Individual Research Project. This could be covered all in one lesson, or referred back to in different lessons based on what stage of the IRP you are at.

  22. Aqa Spanish a Level Research Project Sample Questions Pack

    SPANISH A LEVEL AQA RESEARCH TOPIC SAMPLE -CATALAN INDEPENDENCE. WORTH £16! Hours and hours of research and work to come up with these eight A LEVEL independent research topic sample questionnaires. Well researched rich questions that could potentially make excellent work. Ideal for teachers to get inspiration of topics or to use in school as ...