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Managers Resume Writing Tips and Examples for 2024

resume writing tips for managers

A well-crafted resume is the first step towards securing a managerial position in any organization. The resume serves as an introduction to the hiring manager, providing them with the first impression of a candidate’s qualifications, experience, and potential fit for the role. For managers, in particular, the importance of having a resume that effectively showcases their leadership and decision-making abilities cannot be overstated.

This article provides a comprehensive set of tips and examples to help managers write an effective resume. We first explore the basics of resume writing, such as formatting, length, and key components that should be included in the resume. We then delve into more advanced topics, such as how to articulate your achievements and quantify your results. Additionally, we provide real-world examples of successful manager resumes to illustrate how these tips can be applied to create a powerful document. This article aims to equip managers with the skills and knowledge needed to craft an outstanding resume that gets noticed by potential employers.

Understanding the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

As a manager, you want your resume to stand out from the crowd and land you an interview. However, before your resume can even be seen by a human, it first has to pass through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Understanding ATS and how to write a resume that can beat it is crucial for your job search success.

A. Definition of ATS

An ATS is a software application that many companies use to manage their hiring process. It filters and sorts through all of the resumes submitted for a position, and then ranks them based on qualifications and relevant keywords. The goal of the ATS is to identify the most qualified candidates for the position and to make the recruitment process more efficient.

B. Why ATS is Important for Manager Resumes

With the rise of technology, it’s becoming increasingly common for companies to use ATS to manage their recruitment process. As a manager, it’s important to understand how ATS works and how it can affect your job search success. Your resume needs to be optimized to pass through the ATS in order to be seen by a human hiring manager.

C. How ATS Works

When you submit your resume, the ATS will scan it for specific keywords and phrases that match the job description. The software then scores and ranks the resumes based on the matching criteria. Resumes that score the highest will be considered for further review by a hiring manager, while those with low scores are often rejected.

resume writing tips for managers

D. Tips for Writing Resumes to Beat ATS

To increase your chances of passing ATS and landing an interview, there are several tips to keep in mind when writing your resume:

  • Use keywords and phrases from the job description throughout your resume.
  • Use bullet points to make your qualifications and experience stand out.
  • Avoid using graphics, images, or special formatting that can confuse the ATS.
  • Customize your resume for each job application to ensure it matches the specific job requirements.
  • Proofread and edit your resume carefully to avoid typos or errors that can harm your score.

By understanding and effectively utilizing ATS, you can increase your chances of being noticed by hiring managers and landing your dream job.

Identifying Key Skills for Manager Resumes

When it comes to writing a remarkable manager resume, identifying key skills is crucial. Hiring managers and recruiters scan resumes for specific qualifications and experience, so it’s important to highlight the relevant skills that match the job description. In this section, we will discuss the importance of relevant skills, the types of skills to include, how to prioritize and showcase them, and examples of skills lists for managers.

A. Importance of Relevant Skills

The hiring process for managers is highly competitive, and recruiters sift through hundreds of resumes to find the perfect fit for a role. If your resume doesn’t include relevant skills, it’s likely to be overlooked. This is why including the right skills is crucial to landing an interview. Relevant skills help recruiters quickly assess that you have the qualifications they’re looking for and give them a good reason to consider you as a candidate.

B. Types of Skills to Include

Managers require a wide range of skills, ranging from technical expertise to interpersonal skills. The key is to match your skills to the job description.

Here are some examples of skills that you may want to include in your manager resume:

  • Project management
  • Strategic planning
  • Staff training and development
  • Team building
  • Performance management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Negotiation skills
  • Customer service skills
  • Communication skills

C. How to Prioritize and Showcase Skills

Your skills should be listed in a clear and easy-to-read format. It’s also important to prioritize skills that are most relevant to the job. So review the job description carefully, and identify the skills and attributes that are most important. Then, rearrange your skills list so that the most important skills appear at the top.

Here are some tips for showcasing your skills:

  • Use bullet points to list your skills
  • Use strong action verbs to describe your achievements
  • Be specific about your accomplishments and provide measurable results
  • Provide examples of how you used your skills to complete a project or overcome a challenge

D. Examples of Skills Lists for Managers

Here are some examples of how you could format your manager resume skills section:

  • Operations management
  • Supply chain management
  • Quality management
  • Sales and marketing
  • Financial analysis
  • Change management

Including the right skills is crucial to standing out among other candidates. Be sure to identify the relevant skills for the job, prioritize them, and showcase your accomplishments. By doing so, you’ll significantly increase your chances of landing the job you want.

Crafting a Strong Resume Summary

In this section, we will discuss the importance of crafting a strong resume summary and how to structure it properly.

A. Definition of a Resume Summary

A resume summary is a brief overview of your professional experience, skills, and achievements. It is usually placed at the top of the resume and provides recruiters with a glimpse of what you can offer as a candidate.

resume writing tips for managers

B. Importance of a Strong Summary

Having a strong resume summary can make all the difference in getting noticed by potential employers. A well-crafted summary can grab the attention of the recruiter and entice them to read your full resume. It can also set you apart from other candidates and emphasize your unique selling points.

C. How to Structure a Summary

A good summary should be concise, easy to read, and relevant to the job you are applying for. It should start with a strong headline that highlights your key strengths and qualifications. Use keywords from the job description to help the recruiter quickly understand why you are a good fit for the position. Include specific achievements and accomplishments that demonstrate your value to the company.

D. Sample Summary Statements for Managers

Innovative and results-driven manager with over 10 years of experience leading cross-functional teams and delivering strategic business solutions. Proven track record of increasing revenue and profitability through process optimization, employee development, and client relationship management.

Seasoned operations manager with extensive experience in supply chain management, logistics, and inventory control. Skilled in driving continuous process improvement initiatives and reducing costs. Strong leader with a track record of building and managing high-performing teams that exceed goals and objectives.

Dynamic and entrepreneurial executive with a successful background in managing and growing start-ups. Proven track record of raising capital, launching new products, and building market share. Skilled in developing and executing strategic plans that deliver significant business results.

Crafting a strong resume summary is an essential part of creating a compelling resume for managers. By following the tips outlined in this section and using the sample statements provided, you can create a summary that effectively showcases your strengths and qualifications to potential employers.

Showcasing Achievements with Action Verbs and Metrics

One of the most effective ways to make your manager’s resume stand out is to use action verbs and measurable outcomes to highlight your achievements. This section will cover the following topics:

A. Using Strong Action Verbs

When writing your manager’s resume, it’s important to use powerful action verbs to illustrate your accomplishments. Strong action words can help to demonstrate your leadership skills, creativity, and ability to drive results.

Some examples of strong action verbs that managers can use on their resume include:

  • Coordinated
  • Streamlined
  • Implemented

By using strong action verbs like these to describe your accomplishments, you can effectively show potential employers the impact you have made in your previous roles.

B. Importance of Tangible Metrics

In addition to using strong action verbs, it’s also important to include tangible metrics that quantify the results of your achievements. Metrics provide concrete evidence of your abilities and can help to make your resume more compelling to hiring managers.

Examples of metrics that managers can include on their resume include:

  • Increased sales revenue by X%
  • Reduced expenses by X%
  • Improved customer satisfaction scores by X points
  • Achieved X% reduction in project completion time
  • Led team to achieve X% improvement in productivity

Including metrics like these can help to demonstrate the specific impact you have had in your previous roles and can set you apart from other candidates who may only list their responsibilities.

C. Examples of Action Words and Metrics for Managers

To help you get started with incorporating action verbs and metrics into your resume, here are some examples of how managers can highlight their achievements:

  • Spearheaded a new sales initiative that increased revenue by 25% within the first 6 months
  • Managed a team of 10 employees, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity and a 15% decrease in employee turnover
  • Optimized the supply chain process, resulting in a 30% reduction in production costs
  • Led a successful project to implement a new CRM system, resulting in a 40% improvement in customer satisfaction ratings

By using action verbs and metrics like these to describe your achievements, you can effectively communicate the value you can bring to a new role.

D. How to Incorporate Them into the Resume

When incorporating action verbs and metrics into your manager’s resume, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use bullet points to make your accomplishments stand out
  • Start each bullet point with a strong action verb
  • Follow up the action verb with a concise description of the achievement, including any relevant metrics

By following these guidelines, you can effectively showcase your achievements and differentiate yourself from other candidates. Remember to focus on specific, tangible results that demonstrate your leadership skills and ability to drive success.

Writing Effective Job Descriptions

Writing effective job descriptions is crucial for managers when recruiting new employees. A well-written job description provides potential candidates with a clear understanding of the position’s responsibilities and requirements, which can help attract qualified candidates who best fit the role.

A. Importance of Job Descriptions

Job descriptions play a vital role in the hiring process. They help managers:

  • Clarify the position: A detailed job description helps managers to understand the job’s requirements and responsibilities better.
  • Attract qualified candidates: By accurately conveying the job’s requirements, managers can effectively target the right candidates who are qualified for the position.
  • Reduce misunderstandings: A well-written job description can help minimize misunderstandings between the employer and candidate regarding the job’s specifics, duties, and requirements.
  • Establish clear expectations: When creating a job description, managers can include details about KPIs, goals, and expectations for the role, helping employees understand performance requirements from the get-go.

B. How to Write Clear and Concise Descriptions

Managers must write clear and concise job descriptions to attract potential talent. When preparing job descriptions for their company, managers should focus on the following:

  • Use clear language: Avoid industry jargon or buzzwords that may confuse potential candidates.
  • Highlight critical job responsibilities: Clearly outline essential job functions, including daily tasks and performance expectations.
  • Be specific: Specific job descriptions help to reduce confusion and misunderstandings, helping potential employees assess if they qualify for the job.
  • Use Keywords: Keywords suitable for the role help to boost SEO and increase your company’s job description’s discoverability.

C. Examples of Strong Job Descriptions for Managers

Effective job descriptions for management roles must be clear and provide relevant information. Here are some examples of strong job descriptions for managers:

  • Operations Manager Job Description – this job description clearly details the responsibilities of an operations manager, including strategy, planning, and implementation.
  • Sales Manager Job Description – this job description provides detailed information on the primary role of a sales manager, including planning, developing, executing, and monitoring sales strategies.
  • Marketing Manager Job Description – this job description offers a clear understanding of the position’s requirements and responsibilities, including market research, developing strategies, and managing marketing campaigns.

D. Avoiding Common Mistakes

Managers often make mistakes when writing job descriptions, which can negatively impact the company’s recruiting process. Here are a few common mistakes managers should avoid:

  • Using ambiguous language: Avoid using vague language or industry jargon that potential candidates might not understand.
  • Failure to Focus on Requirements: Be sure to include information explicitly related to the job, such as skills requirements, education, and minimum qualifications
  • Using Unstructured Formatting: Create a clear outline and structure to make the job description easy to read and digest.
  • Not Considering Inclusivity: Avoid gender-specific language, age, and other discriminatory factors that can reduce qualified applicants.

Formatting and Design Tips

One of the most crucial elements of your resume as a manager is its formatting and design. A well-formatted resume can grab a hiring manager’s attention and showcase your qualifications and capabilities effectively. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the design and layout of your resume to create a strong, lasting impression. In this section, we will explore the importance of formatting and design, best practices for layout, tips for font selection and size, and examples of effective resume designs for managers.

A. Importance of Formatting and Design

Formatting and design are essential elements of your resume that can make it stand out from the competition. A clear and well-formatted resume can capture a hiring manager’s attention within seconds, while a confusing or poorly designed resume can be easily overlooked. Therefore, it is important to focus on the following aspects of formatting and design:

Visual appeal:  Your resume must be visually appealing to make a lasting impression on the hiring manager. A simple, uncluttered design with the right balance of white space can make a resume look professional and engaging.

Clear structure:  Your resume must have a clear structure to make it easy to read and follow. This means using headings, subheadings, and bullet points to organize your information and make it visually appealing.

Consistency:  Consistency is key when it comes to formatting and design. Ensure that you use a consistent font style, size, and formatting throughout your entire resume.

B. Best Practices for Layout

The layout of your resume is just as important as its content. A well-organized and structured layout can make your resume look professional and create a lasting impression. Here are some best practices for resume layout:

Use a clear and readable font:  Choose a font that is easy to read, such as Arial or Calibri. Avoid using decorative or unusual fonts, as they can be difficult to read.

Use headings and subheadings:  Use headings and subheadings to organize your resume and make it easy to read.

Use bullet points:  Use bullet points to list your achievements, responsibilities, and skills.

Keep it simple:  Keep your resume simple and easy to follow. Avoid using too many colors or graphics, as they can be distracting.

C. Tips for Font Selection and Size

The font style and size that you choose for your resume can have a significant impact on its appearance and readability. Here are some tips for selecting the appropriate font style and size for your resume:

Font style:  Choose a font style that is simple and easy to read, such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.

Font size:  Your font size should be between 10 and 12 points to ensure that your resume is easy to read.

Use bold or italics:  You can use bold or italics to highlight important information, such as your name or job title.

Tailoring Resumes for Different Industries

When it comes to job hunting, creating a one-size-fits-all resume is not always the best approach. Tailoring your resume for specific industries can make a significant difference in landing the job you want.

A. Importance of Targeting Resumes for Specific Industries

Recruiters and hiring managers receive a ton of resumes daily, and they have specific industry-related keywords and phrases that they look for in resumes. Tailoring your resume for a specific industry can help you stand out among a sea of applicants. Moreover, it shows that you have done your homework and that you genuinely want to work in that specific industry.

B. How to Customize Resumes for Various Sectors

Customizing your resume for different industries is not rocket science. It is all about adjusting your resume to highlight relevant information that aligns with the specific job and industry. Here are some tips on how to customize your resume for different industries:

  • Review the job description and identify essential skills and keywords
  • Research the company and the industry to understand its culture, values, and industry jargon.
  • Tailor your professional summary to highlight your relevant skills and experiences that align with the job requirements.
  • Highlight your accomplishments related to the specific job and industry.
  • Customize your skills section to include industry-related skills and software.

C. Examples of Resumes Tailored for Different Industries

Below are some examples of how you can tailor your resume for different industries:

  • Marketing Resume:

Professional Summary: Detail-oriented marketing professional with four years of experience in executing successful marketing campaigns using SEO strategies and content creation.


  • Conducted market research, created and implemented SEO strategies to increase website traffic by 20%.
  • Created content for social media and blog posts, increasing engagement and followers by 30%.
  • SEO strategies
  • Content marketing
  • Google Analytics

Professional Summary: Highly skilled IT specialist with six years of experience in network architecture and software development.

  • Designed and implemented new network architecture that improved network efficiency by 15%.
  • Developed software applications that integrated databases and automated routine tasks, saving 20 hours of work time weekly.
  • Network architecture
  • Python programming language
  • Database management

Tailoring your resume for specific industries is essential in increasing your chances of getting hired. By customizing your resume to highlight relevant information, you show that you are the right fit for the job and that you have the necessary skills and experiences to succeed in the position.

Including Relevant Training and Certifications

As a manager, your resume should reflect your education and certifications. This is an important aspect of your professional profile that can help you stand out from other candidates. Here are some tips and examples to help you effectively highlight your education and certifications on your resume.

A. Importance of Education and Certification for Managers

As a manager, education and certifications are important indicators of your competency and expertise in your field. They demonstrate that you have invested time and effort into your career development and are committed to staying updated on the latest trends and best practices.

Moreover, educational qualifications and certifications lend credibility to your resume and boost your chances of being considered for the position. They assure the employer that you possess the necessary skills and knowledge to perform the job requirements.

B. How to Highlight Education and Certification on a Resume

To effectively highlight your education and certification on your resume, you should include a separate section that clearly lists your credentials. Here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  • Use a clear and concise heading such as “Education” or “Certifications” to indicate the section
  • List your degree(s) or certification(s) in reverse chronological order starting with the most recent one
  • Include the name of the institution or certification body, city and state of the institution, degree or certification earned, and the year of completion
  • Highlight any honors or achievements such as cum laude, extracurricular activities, or professional affiliations

Make sure to tailor your education and certification section to the specific job requirements. If the job requires a certain certification or degree, make sure to prominently feature it in your resume.

C. Examples of Education and Certification Sections

Here are some examples of how you can effectively showcase your education and certification on your resume:

  • Master of Business Administration, XYZ University, Chicago, IL, 2017
  • Bachelor of Science in Accounting, ABC University, Los Angeles, CA, 2012


  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA), American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 2012
  • Six Sigma Green Belt, International Association for Six Sigma Certification, 2016
  • Bachelor of Science in Marketing, XYZ University, Dallas, TX, 2014
  • HubSpot Inbound Marketing, HubSpot Academy, 2015
  • Certified Scrum Master, Scrum Alliance, 2017
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, ABC University, Seattle, WA, 2013
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, Microsoft, 2016
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate, Amazon Web Services, 2017

Including your education and certifications is an important aspect of your manager’s resume.

Tips for Writing Cover Letters for Manager Roles

When applying for a manager role, your cover letter can be the deciding factor in whether or not you are invited for an interview. A strong cover letter can showcase your qualifications and experience, while also demonstrating your passion and interest in the position. Here are some tips and best practices to help you write a compelling cover letter for a manager role.

A. Purpose of Cover Letters

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself and explain why you are the best candidate for the job. Your cover letter should highlight your relevant experience, qualifications, and achievements. It should also showcase your personality and passion for the industry. A well-written cover letter can help you stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of landing an interview.

B. Best Practices for Writing Manager Cover Letters

  • Address the hiring manager by name if possible. This shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the position.
  • Begin your cover letter with a strong opening sentence. This can be a personal anecdote, a question, or a powerful statement that grabs the reader’s attention.
  • Use concrete examples to illustrate your skills and achievements. This not only demonstrates your qualifications, but also shows that you are results-oriented.
  • Avoid repeating information from your resume. Instead, use your cover letter to provide additional information that is not included in your resume.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the company and the industry. This shows that you have done your research and are passionate about the work.

C. Examples of Strong Manager Cover Letters

Example 1: This cover letter should highlight a candidate’s experience working in a similar role, as well as their passion for the industry.

Example 2: This cover letter should demonstrate a candidate’s leadership skills and ability to manage a team.

Example 3: This cover letter should showcase a candidate’s achievements and track record of success in their previous roles.

By following these best practices and using strong examples, you can create a compelling cover letter that highlights your qualifications and experience, while also demonstrating your passion and interest in the position. A well-written cover letter can help you stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Reviewing and Editing Resumes

Now that you’ve learned all the essential tips for crafting a solid manager’s resume, it’s time to focus on the essential skill of reviewing resumes. As a hiring manager, you’re responsible for scouring through numerous resumes to find the most qualified candidates. However, this process can be challenging, especially when you’re screening hundreds of resumes at once. The key is to develop a critical eye and a systematic approach to review resumes thoroughly.

A. Importance of Proofreading and Editing

Before diving into the best practices for reviewing resumes, it’s essential to understand the importance of proofreading and editing. Resumes full of errors and typos can make a poor first impression, even if the candidate has impressive qualifications. As a hiring manager, you want to make sure that the resumes you shortlist are polished and easy to read. This not only reflects well on your company but also helps you avoid passing over excellent candidates due to careless mistakes.

B. Common Errors to Watch For

When reviewing resumes, keep an eye out for common errors such as misspellings, grammar mistakes, and formatting errors. These mistakes can make it difficult to understand the candidate’s qualifications and may reflect poorly on their attention to detail. Other errors to watch for include using the wrong tense in job descriptions and not tailoring their resume to the job posting.

C. Best Practices for Reviewing Resumes

To ensure that you’re reviewing resumes effectively, here are some best practices to follow:

Start by creating a list of the essential skills and qualifications you’re looking for in a candidate. This will help you weed out resumes that don’t match your requirements.

Look for clear formatting and readability. Resumes that are cluttered, poorly formatted, or hard to read will likely not make the cut.

Pay attention to the candidate’s work experience and accomplishments. Look for relevant experience and notable achievements that demonstrate their qualifications for the job.

Take note of any gaps in employment, as these may be red flags that need to be addressed in the interview process.

Consider the cover letter and other application materials. A well-crafted cover letter can provide additional insights into the candidate’s qualifications and passion for the job.

By following these best practices, you’ll be able to review resumes more efficiently and accurately. However, keep in mind that reviewing resumes is an iterative process, and you’ll likely need to revisit candidates’ resumes multiple times before making a final decision.

Reviewing and editing resumes is a crucial step in the hiring process. By taking the time to proofread, watch for common errors, and follow best practices, you’ll improve your chances of finding qualified candidates who can help your company thrive.

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Manager Resume Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

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Are you on the hunt for more Manager-level job offers?

You're going to need a strong resume. This comprehensive guide provides proven strategies, skills, templates, and examples for writing a job-winning manager resume based on data from coaching thousands of successful job seekers.

From top to bottom, this guide will give you the tools you need to create an excellent manager resume and increase the chances of you landing your dream job. I recommend reading the whole post but, if you're short on time, here is an overview of what we're going to cover:

  • What To Know About Writing A Job-Winning Manager Resume
  • The Best Skills To Include On A Manager Resume

How To Write A Job-Winning Manager Resume Summary

How to write offer-winning manager resume bullets.

  • 3 Manager Resume Examples

The 8 Best Manager Resume Templates

Here's the step-by-step breakdown:

Manager Resume Overview: What To Know To Write A Resume That Wins More Job Offers

What do companies look for when hiring for a manager role?

When hiring for a manager role, companies look for candidates with a combination of technical expertise, leadership skills, and interpersonal abilities. Effective communication, decision-making, problem-solving, and organizational skills are also essential for success in a managerial position.

Managers should also possess technical knowledge that's relevant to the industry, and have strong interpersonal skills that are necessary for building strong relationships and working effectively with others.

Typically, organizations also look for candidates with prior management experience, as it demonstrates a track record of success in a leadership role. However, this isn't a requirement. Overall, companies seek candidates who can lead their team to achieve organizational goals, communicate effectively, and make timely and effective decisions.

Your resume should show your potential employer that both your personality and your experience encompass all of these things.

Additionally, there are a few best practices you want to follow to write a job-winning manager resume:

  • Highlight your leadership and management skills. Include examples of how you have motivated and led teams to achieve organizational goals.
  • Emphasize your communication and interpersonal skills.  Provide examples of how you have effectively communicated with team members, stakeholders, and clients.
  • Include keywords from the job description: ensure your resume is optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Highlight your problem-solving and decision-making skills.  Provide examples of how you have addressed complex issues and made effective decisions.
  • Include any relevant certifications, awards or professional development courses. Demonstrate your expertise in your industry or field.
  • Quantify your work: Use numbers to showcase the impact of your leadership on your team's performance. Some examples include improvements in employee productivity, increased team morale,  and boosts in overall team performance.
  • Proofread: Carefully proofread your resume for errors and typos, as these can give a negative impression to potential employers (I recommend using the Hemingway App ).

Let's dive deeper into each of these so you have the exact blueprint you need to see success.

The Best Manager Skills To Include On Your Resume

Keywords are one of the most important factors in your resume. They show employers that your skills align with the role and they also help format your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

If you're not familiar with ATS systems, they are pieces of software used by employers to manage job applications. They scan resumes for keywords and qualifications and make it easier for the employers to filter and search for candidates whose qualifications match the role.

If you want to win more interviews and job offers, you need to have a keyword-optimized resume. There are two ways to find the right keywords:

1. Leverage The 20 Best Manager Keywords

The first is to leverage our list of the best keywords and skills for a manager resume.

These keywords were selected from an analysis of real manager job descriptions sourced from actual job boards. Here they are:

  • Communication
  • Team Member
  • Performance
  • Development
  • Consistency
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Accountable
  • Organization

2. Use To Find The Best Keywords That Are Specific To Your Resume And Target Role

The second method is the one I recommend because it's personalized to your specific resume and target job.

This process lets you find the exact keywords that your resume is missing when compared to the individual role you're applying for

Manager Resume Skills

Here's how it works :

  • Open a copy of your updated manager resume
  • Open a copy of your target manager job description
  • Head over to
  • Copy and paste your manager resume on the left and then do the same for the job description on the right
  • Hit scan and review the results

ResyMatch is going to scan your resume and compare it to the target job description. It's going to show you the exact keywords and skills you're missing as well as share other feedback you can use to improve your resume.

Here's a video walking through this whole process:

Capturing an employer's attention is critical and you only have an average of six seconds to do it.

To increase the chances of getting more interviews and job offers, it's essential to make every second count. One way to do this is by putting the most relevant information at the top of your resume.

A quick Google search will tell you that a Summary or an Objective should hold this top spot but, unfortunately, that traditional advice simply won't capture your reader's attention. Winning in today's job market means using a more modern approach, what I like to call a “Highlight Reel.”

Here's how it works:

Highlight Reels: A Proven Way To Start Your Resume And Win More Jobs

The Highlight Reel is exactly what it sounds like.

It's a section at the top of your resume that allows you to pick and choose the best and most relevant experience to feature right at the top of your resume.

It's essentially a highlight reel of your career as it relates to this specific role! I like to think about it as the SportsCenter Top 10 of your resume.

The Highlight Reel resume summary consists of 4 parts:

  • A relevant section title that ties your experience to the role
  • An introductory bullet that summarizes your experience and high level value
  • A few supporting “Case Study” bullets that illustrate specific results, projects, and relevant experience
  • A closing “Extracurricular” bullet to round out your candidacy

For example, if we were writing a Highlight Reel for a manager role, it might look like this:

Manager Resume Summary

You can see how the first includes the Manager job title, the years of experience this candidate has, and it wraps up with a value-driven pitch for how they've helped companies in the past.

The next two bullets are “Case Studies” of specific results they drove at their previous employers, again driving home the measurable outcomes of their efforts with metrics. Their last bullet focuses on the results of a program they implemented to increase employee recognition that had amazing results.

This candidate has provided all of the info any employer would want to see right at the very top of their resume! The best part is, they can customize this section for each and every role they apply for to maximize the relevance of their experience.

Here's one more example of a Manager Highlight Reel:

Manager Resume Summary Example

While this candidate doesn't mention any management experience, they focus on their skills as a leader and what their team was able to accomplish with their guidance. You can see all the elements of a great Highlight Reel (especially the emphasis on measurable outcomes and results!).

If you want more details on writing a killer Highlight Reel, check out my full guide on Highlight Reels here.

Bullets make up the majority of the content in your resume. If you want to win, you need to know how to write bullets that are compelling and value-driven.

Unfortunately, way too many job seekers aren't good at this. They use fluffy, buzzword-fill language and they only talk about the actions that they took rather than the results and outcomes those actions created.

The Anatomy Of A Highly Effective Resume Bullet

If you apply this framework to each of the bullets on your resume, you're going to make them more compelling and your value is going to be crystal clear to the reader. For example, take a look at these resume bullets:

❌ Responsible for managing a team of 10 client success managers to drive revenue. 

✅ Managed a team of 10 client success managers who worked collaboratively to increase sales revenue by $20 million in 12 months. 

The second bullet makes the candidate's value  so much more clear. It gives information about what the candidate accomplished, how they accomplished it, and also gives a timeframe. That's what we're going for here.

That said, it's one thing to look at the graphic above and try to apply the abstract concept of “35% hard skills” to your bullet. We wanted to make things easy, so we created a tool called that will actually give your resume bullet a score and show you how to improve it.

Using ResyBullet To Write Crazy Effective, Job-Winning Manager Resume Bullets

ResyBullet takes our proprietary “resume bullet formula” and layers it into a tool that's super simple to use. Here's how it works:

  • Head over to
  • Copy a bullet from your manager resume and paste it into the tool, then hit “Analyze”
  • ResyBullet will score your manager resume bullet and show you exactly what you need to improve
  • You edit your bullet with the recommended changes and scan it again
  • Rinse and repeat until you get a score of 60+
  • Move on to the next bullet in your manager resume

Let's take a look at how this works for the two resume bullet examples I shared above:

First, we had, “Responsible for managing a team of 10 client success managers to drive revenue.”

ResyBullet gave that a score of 46/100.  While it includes a couple of action words and a metric to describe the size of the team this candidate managed, it has too many common words and no soft skills:

Good example of a manager resume bullet point.

Now, let's take a look at our second bullet,  “Managed a team of 10 client success managers who worked collaboratively to increase sales revenue by $20 million in 12 months.”

ResyBullet gave that a 60 / 100. Much better! This bullet had more content focused on the specific criteria the hiring team is looking for. We can see by exactly how much they increased sales revenue and in what timeframe. We can also see the skills used to achieve those results, by getting the team to work collaboratively towards a common goal, which is exactly what employers are looking for in an effective manager!

Good example of a manager resume bullet point.

Now all you have to do is run each of your bullets through ResyBullet, make the suggested updates, and your resume is going to be jam packed with eye-popping, value-driven content!

And if you want to learn more about the underlying strategies behind writing great resume bullets, check out this guide.

3 Manager Resume Examples For 2023

Now let's take a look at all of these best practices in action. Here are three resume examples for different situations from people with different backgrounds:

Manager Resume Example #1: A Traditional Background

Manager Resume Example #1

Manager Resume Example #2: A Non-Traditional Background

For our second Manager Resume Example, we have a candidate who has a non-traditional background. In this case, they are coming from the teaching field and looking to transition into a manager role and highlights their transferrable skills.  Here's an example of what their resume might look like when applying for manager roles:

Manager Resume Example #2

Manager Resume Example #3: Experienced Manager With a Career Gap

For our third Manager Resume Example, we have a candidate who has 12+ years of experience in management but has a 3-year career gap. There are a few ways to explain gaps in your employment history , but here is an example of what your resume might look like when applying for manager roles:

resume writing tips for managers

At this point, you know all of the basics you'll need to write a manager resume that wins you more interviews and offers. The only thing left is to take all of that information and apply it to a template that's going to help you get results.

We made that easy with our ResyBuild tool . It has 8 proven templates that were created with the help of recruiters and hiring managers at the world's best companies. These templates also bake in thousands of data points we have from the job seekers in our audience who have used them to land job offers.

Just click any of the templates below to start building your resume using proven, recruiter-approved templates:

ResyBuild For Account Manager Resume Templates

Key Takeaways To Wrap Up Your Job-Winning Manager Resume

You made it! We packed a lot of information into this post so I wanted to distill the key points for you and lay out next steps so you know exactly where to from here.

Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning manager resume:

  • Start with a proven resume template from
  • Use to find the right keywords and optimize your resume for each manager role you apply to
  • Start your resume with a Highlight Reel to immediately grab your target employer's attention
  • Use to craft compelling, value-driven bullets that pop off the page
  • Compare the draft of your manager resume to the examples on this page to make sure you're on the right path
  • Use a tool like HemingwayApp to proofread your resume before you submit it

If you follow those steps, you're going to be well on your way to landing more manager interviews and job offers.

Laura Headshot

Laura Lorta

Laura is an Editor at Cultivated Culture. She transitioned from teaching into the world of content so she's no stranger to career pivots. She also has a bachelors in Entrepreneurship and a Masters in Curriculum & Instruction / Bilingual Education. She currently shares job search advice to help people like you land jobs they love without applying online.

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Manager Resume Examples and Writing Tips

Best Resume Samples and Templates for Management Jobs

resume writing tips for managers

What to Include in Your Resume

  • Tips for Writing an Effective Resume

Manager Resume Samples

Management resume template.

If you are applying for a manager position, your resume needs to show off your management-related skills and experience. In the document, you should strive to demonstrate to potential employers your ability to lead, motivate, and organize those who work under your supervision. 

Always prioritize your information so that the most important facts about you and your career are at the beginning of the resume. 

For management-related resumes, you may include your management philosophy, examples of accomplishments, and quotes from others regarding your management skills, in addition to your work history and other relevant information.

Below, you'll find detailed information on skills to highlight on your resume, along with management resume examples for a variety of management jobs (including customer service, finance, human resources, operations, technical, and general management positions). There are also a few useful tips to help you craft a successful resume. 

List your specific management skills. Companies need effective managers who can help accomplish the goals and objectives of the company. From human resources to revenue targets, management skills are constantly used across all levels of a company. The ability of good managers to delegate different responsibilities to employees gives workers a sense of worth, teamwork, drive, and the opportunity to learn new skills as each goal is met. 

Business leaders also use management skills to coordinate employee output with third-party vendors, suppliers, and other external companies to reach targeted objectives.

Here is more information on various  management skills that you should highlight in your resume. Plus, review  management job titles and responsibilities , and browse through a list of leadership skills as well. 

The best way to showcase your management skills is to list them in a dedicated section or table at the beginning of your resume.

Some suggested titles for this section are: “Key Skills and Strengths,” “Core Skills and Competencies,” “Skills and Qualities,” or “Skills and Abilities.” 

Focus on keyword phrases. Use an employer’s job listing as your guide as you decide which of your management skills and related achievements you should emphasize on your resume . The management competencies you present should closely echo the keyword phrases listed in the “Preferred Qualifications” section of the job listing you’re applying for.

Use action verbs. Most of the language you use in your resume should be active (describing what you yourself have done) rather than passive (what has happened to you). Some  action verbs  that demonstrate key leadership skills include:  initiated , directed, innovate, originated, guided, coached, led, lead the path, developed, inspired, motivated, established, dominated, achieved, influenced, planned, and forecasted .

Action words for managerial positions that show the ability to manage, supervise, and delegate are: organized, administered, coordinated, supervised, controlled, oversaw, managed, took charge of, maintained, handled, assigned, and dictated .

Quantify and boldface your achievements . Throughout your initial resume profile and in the “Professional Experience” section of your resume, be sure to describe tangible examples of the successful results you have produced during your management career.

Quantify these with numbers, percentages, or dollar amounts, boldfacing these figures to make them “pop” on the page and catch a hiring manager’s attention. 

Tips for Writing an Effective Resume for a Manager

Explore different resume formats and templates. When it comes to formatting resumes, one size does not fit all. The format that will be most effective for you depends upon your level of management experience, your work history, and your industry (a management resume for a tech manager, for example, would be formatted differently than that of a factory manager, with sections dedicated to specific technical competencies).

Here are the most common resume formats, along with templates you can download to create your own resume.

  • Combination Resume  - A mix of a chronological and functional resume. 
  • Chronological Resume  - This type of resume lists experience in order from most recent to oldest. 
  • Functional Resume  - In this resume variant, the focus is on relevant skills and experience, rather than a chronological listing of positions held. 
  • Targeted Resume  - The focus here is on matching your skills and experience to the job listing. 
  • Resume with Accomplishments Section  - Think of this section as a place to show off your greatest hits in the workplace. 
  • Resume with Skills Section  - You can include both  hard  and  soft skills  in this section. 
  • Resume with Summary of Qualifications  - Use this section to give potential employers an at-a-glance view into why you are a strong, qualified applicant. 

Proofread your resume carefully. Resumes that are carelessly written, with spelling and grammatical errors, suggest to employers that your work might be sloppy as well. Take the time to edit and correct your resume and cover letter, following these proofreading steps .

Tailor a cover letter to complement your resume. Once you have a strong resume ready, your next step will be to create a cover letter—review these ​ management cover letters  to help get started. 

Review these resume examples for inspiration on how to make your management resume the best it can be. Do not copy these samples exactly—instead, use them as a framework to help you develop your own resume that highlights your skills and work experience. 

  • Customer Service Manager
  • Entry Level Management
  • Financial Manager
  • Human Resources Management
  • Recruiting Manager

This is an example of a resume for a management position. Download the management resume template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Management Resume Sample (Text Version)

Manny Manager 123 Oak Avenue Raleigh, NC 27614 (123) 456-7890


Guiding retail operations to continuing levels of efficiency and success.

Results-oriented Operations Manager with 5 years’ experience on-boarding, developing, and motivating high-performance teams that consistently produce upwards sales growth. Key skills include:

  • Recruiting, Staffing, and Training
  • Business Reporting
  • POP, SKU, and Inventory Integrity Audits
  • Supply Chain Optimization
  • Warehouse Organization
  • Loss Prevention / Inventory Control


MUSIC CENTER, Raleigh, NC Operations Manager (January 2018 – Present) Partner with Store Manager and task associates to ensure seamless operations of high-volume retail store operations. Scope of responsibilities include: inventory management, merchandise resets, staffing, training, shipping and receiving, and financial and operational reporting. Key accomplishments:

  • Spearheaded introduction of new planograms that increased sales by 40% within one month.
  • Consistently surpassed ambitious EBITDA, sales, and margin goals by more than 5%.
  • Introduced sales incentive and employee recognition programs that increased staff retention by 80%.

TOYS FOR ALL, Raleigh, NC Store Manager (September 2015 – December 2017) Held key-holder responsibility for hiring, training, and supervising 50-member workforce. Managed daily store operations, formulated strategic marketing and promotions initiatives, and communicated sales and productivity goals to team members. Key accomplishments:

  • Introduced new customer appreciation program that reduced churn by 60%.
  • Coordinated high-profile seasonal sales events producing more than $100K in sales.

NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY, Raleigh, NC Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Operations and Supply Chain), 2015

How to Get Your Management Resume Noticed

HIGHLIGHT YOUR MANAGEMENT SKILLS: Use strong action verbs to describe how you have led and optimized operations and teams during your career. List your most important management competencies in a dedicated section at the beginning of your resume, matching these to those emphasized in the job listing you’re applying for.

SHOWCASE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Quantifying your achievements in previous jobs with numbers or percentages will help to ensure that you rise above your competition for the job.

TAILOR YOUR RESUME TO THE JOB: Customize your resume each time you send it out for consideration, making sure that it utilizes the keyword phrases most emphasized by the employer in the “Preferred Qualifications” section of their job listing.

resume writing tips for managers

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resume writing tips for managers

  • Build a better resume in minutes
  • Resume examples
  • 2,000+ examples that work in 2024
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  • Free templates for all levels
  • Cover letters
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  • It's like magic, we promise
  • Cover letter examples
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9 Manager Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

Best for candidates with 3+ years of experience

With your job experience and a stunning resume layout, recruiters will be ready to give your application the official stamp of approval.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

  • Manager Resumes
  • Manager Resumes by Type

Manager Resume FAQs

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level

Resume Image

It’s not easy being the boss. In management, you help employees advance their careers, improve the business’s bottom line, and juggle priorities without dropping the ball.

While it’s not a walk in the park, you’ve learned to handle whatever corporate life throws at you. Yet, demonstrating your abilities on a manager resume is challenging. How do you showcase experience and knowledge on one page?

We have the  top resume tips  to help you  make a resume you’ll be proud to submit, and we’ll also walk through the manager resume writing process.

These nine manager resume samples are helping managers land their next role in 2024, and they can help you  write a resume  that will catch any hiring manager’s attention.

Manager Resume Example

or download as PDF

Manager resume example with 7 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Start your work experience bullet points with action verbs like “led,” “founded,” “directed,” “oversaw,” and “managed” to immediately convey your role.
  • If you’re a senior manager, tailor your work experience only to include the most relevant positions and technical skills, but if you’re newer to the field, consider adding a  resume objective  to convey your passion and abilities further.

General Manager Resume Example

General manager resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • Strategically placing your MBA at the top of your general manager resume sends a clear message that you’re prepared to help a business run smoothly.

Bar Manager Resume Example

Bar manager resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Apart from the design, keep your font size readable. Don’t go for tiny font size unless you want employers to feel like they’re giving an eye exam while reading your bar manager resume.

Stage Manager Resume Example

Stage manager resume example with 7 years of experience

  • A great way of proving that you’re an indispensable stage manager is adding names of the best theaters you’ve worked for such as The Franklin Theatre. If you haven’t worked for the big guns yet, highlight your best impacts in each job and convey that you’re ready to work for them now.

Case Manager Resume Example

Case manager resume example with 3+ years of experience

  • Elevate your case manager resume by harnessing the power of a cover letter maker to weave in different ways you’ve supported diverse populations.

Project Manager Resume Example

Project manager resume example with 10 years of experience

  • While it’s not much different than an objective, this lets employers know your qualifications and your abilities before they even look at your work experience.
  • Even if you have one certification, it’s worth including it in its own area, so it’s easier to pinpoint.
  • Don’t have any certifications? Research certifications available for project managers and start learning. Whether it takes you a lot of time or a little, know that you’re taking a big step toward forward movement!

Product Manager Resume Example

Product manager resume example with 6+ years of experience

  • Whenever possible, state your impact using quantifiable metrics. Even if they’re rough estimates, numbers are the best way to demonstrate your management abilities. 
  • Your product manager resume should explicitly state your role, project goals, and impact for each position listed in your work experience.

Account Manager Resume Example

Account manager resume example with 10 years of experience

  • You can also focus on other important metrics like the number of accounts you opened, the success of your upsells, and how you improved customer retention.
  • When choosing a template, make sure you choose one that allows plenty of room for work experience, skills, and contact information.
  • Using a template doesn’t mean you can’t get creative; feel free to make it your own with color and different fonts to help it look more like  you .

Operations Manager Resume Example

Operations manager resume example with 9+ years of experience

  • Ideally, you should limit this list to five to seven technical skills.
  • For example, did you collaborate with partners to target a specific goal? Did you launch a new rotation system that improved efficiency?
  • Consider your responsibilities and how you went above and beyond to meet your goals and help others.

Related resume guides

  • Assistant Manager
  • Store Manager
  • Account Manager
  • Product Manager

Job professional holds "FAQ" letters at desk with potted plants

It may feel like a struggle right now, but we highly recommend you keep your manager resume at one page.

You may have valuable experience in more senior positions, and figuring out what to cut is hard. It’s okay to exclude the job you held in college, entry-level roles, and possibly mid-level roles, depending on how much experience you have.

A good rule of thumb is to include three jobs in your resume, beginning with your most recent position. If you include four to six bullet points for each role, you’ll find it’s a breeze to keep your management resume to a page.

But if you’re still struggling, keep in mind that those details you really want to include will help you write a manager cover letter that stands out.

At a glance, recruiters and employers want to see your management skills and abilities in action. There are so many types of managers, such as project managers, operations managers, account managers—the list goes on.

No matter the company or the profession, your resume job description bullet points should be chock-full of examples of where you led projects and teams successfully. You’ll have a winning resume when you back up your claims with numbers by writing descriptive points like Led and coordinated a project with HR to re-design new-hire training, which reduced average onboarding time by 18%.

If you’re looking to move up the ladder rungs, the best thing you can do in your manager resume is to show how you’ve exercised ownership and autonomy in your experience.

In your work history section on your resume, write about experiences where you headed up your own projects from start to finish , volunteered mentorship or suggestions that left a positive impact , and demonstrated a high aptitude for time management, organization, and problem-solving .

Create my free resume now


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