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How to get your resume past Artificial Intelligence (AI) screening tools: 5 tips

Artificial Intelligence (AI) screening tools: Resume building tips

The first challenge that IT pros need to beat when job-hunting is to get past the front door. Those doors, now more than ever, are often virtual: online job boards, networking sites like LinkedIn, corporate application tracking systems (ATS), and so forth.

That’s no secret. What’s more opaque is the behind-the-scenes pre-screening that is applied – often in automated fashion – to a virtual pile of resumes. This typically leads to the culling of multiple potential candidates from consideration before a human hiring manager or recruiter even gives their resumes a passing look. (And when we say “passing look,” we mean it: An oft-cited  2018 eye-tracking study  conducted by the careers site  Ladders  found that human recruiters spend an average of just 7.6 seconds reading a resume during an initial review before moving on to the next one.)

[ What in-demand skills should you focus on now? Read also:  6 IT skills to focus on in 2021, from Michigan CIO of the Year winners . ]

Why companies use AI resume screening tools

For job hunters, it’s useful to think about the why behind this process. Recruiters and hiring managers spend a lot of their time reading resumes. As is the case with a lot of repetitive, time-consuming work, it can literally pay to find ways to become more efficient, and HR tasks are no exception. (This becomes increasingly true for companies that receive hundreds of applications for a single position, especially when some of the resumes they receive simply don’t possess the qualifications required for the job.)

Some folks will point out that there are multiple HR processes ripe for automation. The software vendor  UiPath  states that  Robotic Process Automation (RPA)  can enable HR pros to reclaim as much as 40 percent of their time.

That’s the main idea behind automatically pre-screening resumes based on certain criteria. The automation piece is commonly referred to as Artificial Intelligence  (AI), but whether or not it’s actually AI or  a different (but related) technology such as RPA , the principle remains more or less the same: Depending on where and how you apply for your next IT job, your resume may have to pass through some kind of automated test before it gets a chance to be reviewed by human eyes.

[ Made it to the interview stage? Also read:  IT careers: Top IT job interview questions for 2021  ]

To be clear, not every organization does this. We reached out to one in-house recruiting executive at a tech firm who said their firm isn’t currently leveraging AI in their hiring processes, for example. But if you’re directly applying for jobs through a corporate ATS or other online application channels, there’s a growing chance there are some kind of automated filters in place.

How to build a resume that gets past AI screening tools: 5 tips

We asked two experienced IT recruiters who review virtually countless resumes as part of their work with both individual job seekers and hiring companies to shed some light on “beating the AI” – whether the system is actually leveraging AI or another form of automation. These are the tips and tricks they shared for getting past the first step and boosting your odds of success during a job hunt.

1. Don't go overboard trying to "beat the system"

It’s important for job seekers who are applying online to understand that this is indeed a thing. Not realizing that an ATS or similar channel might be automatically pre-screening resumes is not all that different than submitting a resume full of typos. It might indicate a lack of effort or care.

That said, don’t stress out about it or become obsessive about trying to game the system.

“It can be hard to ‘beat the AI’ without knowing the phrases it’s looking for,” says Matt Deneroff, branch manager for  Robert Half Technology  in Washington, D.C. “Every system is different and you don’t want to appear to be trying to simply beat the system when applying.”

In other words, going overboard isn’t necessarily productive since there’s a black box element to this process. These are typically rules-based engines,  especially if RPA is involved  – and you probably don’t know the rules. And it can actually be counterproductive if your resume reads like a game of keyword bingo and, as Deneroff notes, gives a human hiring manager the sense that you’re trying to fake your way through the process or are otherwise overselling your qualifications.

2. Tailor your resume to specific job descriptions

This is smart resume advice overall: Customize (not to be confused with “exaggerate” or “fabricate”) your resume for specific positions.

In the case of an ATS that uses some form of automated prescreening, doing so will have the added benefit of increasing the likelihood that the text in your resume hits the mark in terms of screening criteria the company may be using.

“Our best advice is that tailoring your resume to a specific job description [is the best way to get past initial screening phases],” Deneroff says. “Not only will you be tailoring it – including specific buzzwords that were mentioned in the job description, [for example] – but you’ll also be showing the hiring manager that you have the experience [they’re specifically looking for], which is most important.”

Keywords do matter, provided you’re not actually trying to game the application process or mislead someone. As Deneroff indicates, the job description itself is providing you a working vocabulary as a foundation for tailoring your resume accordingly. Read the description closely.

If the job description lists Kubernetes and service mesh experience as important, your resume should, too. (Otherwise, why are you applying for that particular position?) Make sure things are spelled out and spelled correctly, too.  Rules-based  technologies like RPA aren’t usually smart enough to realize you’ve made a mistake. For similar reasons, don’t rely on too much industry shorthand or jargon; the system might not be set up to recognize or understand it.

[ Read also:  How to answer 7 top DevOps interview questions  and  How to spot a great software developer: 7 interview questions . ]

3. Make smart formatting choices

RPA bots and other rules-based automation aren’t really “reading” resumes so much as “parsing” them. That’s why keywords – spelled properly, among other necessities – matter. As does cutting down or eliminating too much “IT-speak.” In this context, that means terms, phrasing, or abbreviations that few people outside of IT will recognize or use. (“K8s” instead of the full name, Kubernetes, is a useful example here – err on the side of the latter.)

This is also why formatting choices matter – sometimes a lot. Even your resume’s file type can be the difference between getting past an ATS screen or not.

“For a resume to pass screening tools like AI or RPA bots, make sure it is clean, plain, and in a Word document,” says Jenna Spathis, unit manager of the technology recruiting team at  LaSalle Network . “I have noticed more mis-parsed information when resumes are submitted as PDFs rather than Word documents.”

“Plain” is a good guiding principle: As in plain, readable text – and little else. That could be counterintuitive to someone in a design-oriented role, such as a UI/UI position. But save the creative flair for a later phase of the process.

“Formatting issues are a big reason for resumes not being passed through an applicant tracking system,” Spathis says.

As an example, someone might have their skills, education, and experience information – all core information on a resume – in different text boxes in a column view.

“I have noticed those resumes also parse incorrectly when going through pre-screening systems,” Spathis says. “RPA bots are in place to pull and parse the most relevant information, including contact information, experience, and education.”

In other words: Even if your creatively designed resume does pass muster, the system might not capture all of the information it’s supposed to – which means that the recruiter or hiring manager might get an incomplete first impression.

“To ensure all relevant information is being pulled, a plain, simple Word document with clear headers is the best course of action,” Spathis says. “Clear headers include Summary, Education, Professional Experience, Certifications, and Skills or Technical Skills.”

Spathis recommends software engineers and other relevant roles include a link to your Github. (Human reviewers will likely want to take a look.) Also, if you do have a more creative or visually appealing version of your resume, you can always share that in a later phase.

4. The "usual" resume advice is still widely applicable

The fundamentals still matter in the era of online applications and ATS tools – especially as AI plays an increasing role in the early phases of recruiting. Two big pieces of conventional career wisdom stand out in this light.

First, get feedback on your resume. That could be a peer in the industry, a friend, a recruiter, or a professional resume reviewer or career coach. But there’s never really a bad time to hear input from others who can give you an informed and honest opinion. That’s especially important to remember if you’re applying to lots of places and hearing nothing in response. Ask (or pay) someone to review your resume – there may be something you missed that’s hurting your chances.

[ Learn the non-negotiable skills, technologies, and processes CIOs are leaning on to build resilience and agility in this HBR Analytic Services report:  Pillars of resilient digital transformation: How CIOs are driving organizational agility . ]

Second, treat online applications via a corporate ATS or third-party job app as one tool – but not your only tool. Strategies such as tapping your network (and your network’s networks) are as important as ever because with online applications you risk not even getting past the first step. You need a multi-pronged search strategy.

5. Remember: A strong resume is just the first step

Yes, the first step is important, but it’s just that – a first step. Among other reasons (ethical considerations included) why it’s not a good idea to try to flat-out game an ATS or other app is that even if you succeed, you still have a long way to go. Yes, do the above in terms of things like keywords and formatting. But remember that your resume is just a calling card or introduction of sorts.


  • Job hunt: 10 common resume questions, answered
  • IT careers: 8 hot jobs in 2021
  • IT careers: Top IT job interview questions for 2021

“Especially in the tech space, there are many people who are smart enough to beat the system,” Denerrof says. “But in the end, it will always come down to experience and how you handle the latter stages of the interview process. While you want to ‘beat AI’ and get past step one, it is important to be setting yourself up for the steps that come after as well.”

[ Want more advice? Read also:  How to get a job during COVID-19: 9 smart tips . ]

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how to get resume noticed by ai

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Summary .   

Eye-tracking research has shown that an HR professional will review your resume for a mere seven seconds, and companies are increasingly using automation to screen resumes.

  • The days of sending a generic CV are out. You need to be able to stand out and make the connection that lands an interview.
  • Experts share five fresh and practical ways you can do this: 1) Outsmart the robots; 2) Show off your skills; 3) Don’t restrict your work experience to just “work”; 4) Let the numbers do the talking; and 5) Keep your cover letter personal.

How long does it take a recruiter to decide if you’re right for a job? It’s actually around seven seconds, according to eye-tracking research. To put that into perspective, close your eyes and take two deep breaths. That’s the time, on average, hiring managers spend skimming your resume, sizing up your history, hopes, and dreams before either tossing it into the trash or moving you to the next round of the application process.

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How to get your resume past Artificial Intelligence (AI) screening tools: 5 tips

by Guest Author, Kevin Casey

Most resumes must pass through an automated test – based on AI or RPA – before humans ever see them. Career experts share tips, from language to formatting, on how to build a resume that clears that first AI screening tool hurdle

The first challenge that IT pros need to beat when job-hunting is to get past the front door. Those doors, now more than ever, are often virtual: online job boards, networking sites like LinkedIn, corporate application tracking systems (ATS), and so forth.

That’s no secret. What’s more opaque is the behind-the-scenes pre-screening that is applied – often in automated fashion – to a virtual pile of resumes. This typically leads to the culling of multiple potential candidates from consideration before a human hiring manager or recruiter even gives their resumes a passing look. (And when we say “passing look,” we mean it: An oft-cited  2018 eye-tracking study  conducted by the careers site  Ladders  found that human recruiters spend an average of just 7.6 seconds reading a resume during an initial review before moving on to the next one.)

Why companies use AI resume screening tools

For job hunters, it’s useful to think about the why behind this process. Recruiters and hiring managers spend a lot of their time reading resumes. As is the case with a lot of repetitive, time-consuming work, it can literally pay to find ways to become more efficient, and HR tasks are no exception. (This becomes increasingly true for companies that receive hundreds of applications for a single position, especially when some of the resumes they receive simply don’t possess the qualifications required for the job.)

Some folks will point out that there are multiple HR processes ripe for automation. The software vendor  UiPath  states that Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can enable HR pros to reclaim as much as 40 percent of their time.

That’s the main idea behind automatically pre-screening resumes based on certain criteria. The automation piece is commonly referred to as Artificial Intelligence (AI), but whether or not it’s actually AI or a different (but related) technology such as RPA, the principle remains more or less the same: Depending on where and how you apply for your next IT job, your resume may have to pass through some kind of automated test before it gets a chance to be reviewed by human eyes.

To be clear, not every organization does this. We reached out to one in-house recruiting executive at a tech firm who said their firm isn’t currently leveraging AI in their hiring processes, for example. But if you’re directly applying for jobs through a corporate ATS or other online application channels, there’s a growing chance there are some kind of automated filters in place.

How to build a resume that gets past AI screening tools: 5 tips

We asked two experienced IT recruiters who review virtually countless resumes as part of their work with both individual job seekers and hiring companies to shed some light on “beating the AI” – whether the system is actually leveraging AI or another form of automation. These are the tips and tricks they shared for getting past the first step and boosting your odds of success during a job hunt.

1. Don’t go overboard trying to “beat the system”

It’s important for job seekers who are applying online to understand that this is indeed a thing. Not realizing that an ATS or similar channel might be automatically pre-screening resumes is not all that different than submitting a resume full of typos. It might indicate a lack of effort or care.

That said, don’t stress out about it or become obsessive about trying to game the system.

“It can be hard to ‘beat the AI’ without knowing the phrases it’s looking for,” says Matt Deneroff, branch manager for  Robert Half Technology  in Washington, D.C. “Every system is different and you don’t want to appear to be trying to simply beat the system when applying.”

In other words, going overboard isn’t necessarily productive since there’s a black box element to this process. These are typically rules-based engines, especially if RPA is involved – and you probably don’t know the rules. And it can actually be counterproductive if your resume reads like a game of keyword bingo and, as Deneroff notes, gives a human hiring manager the sense that you’re trying to fake your way through the process or are otherwise overselling your qualifications.

2. Tailor your resume to specific job descriptions

This is smart resume advice overall: Customize (not to be confused with “exaggerate” or “fabricate”) your resume for specific positions.

In the case of an ATS that uses some form of automated prescreening, doing so will have the added benefit of increasing the likelihood that the text in your resume hits the mark in terms of screening criteria the company may be using.

“Our best advice is that tailoring your resume to a specific job description [is the best way to get past initial screening phases],” Deneroff says. “Not only will you be tailoring it – including specific buzzwords that were mentioned in the job description, [for example] – but you’ll also be showing the hiring manager that you have the experience [they’re specifically looking for], which is most important.”

Keywords do matter, provided you’re not actually trying to game the application process or mislead someone. As Deneroff indicates, the job description itself is providing you a working vocabulary as a foundation for tailoring your resume accordingly. Read the description closely.

If the job description lists Kubernetes and service mesh experience as important, your resume should, too. (Otherwise, why are you applying for that particular position?) Make sure things are spelled out and spelled correctly, too. Rules-based technologies like RPA aren’t usually smart enough to realize you’ve made a mistake. For similar reasons, don’t rely on too much industry shorthand or jargon; the system might not be set up to recognize or understand it.

3. Make smart formatting choices

RPA bots and other rules-based automation aren’t really “reading” resumes so much as “parsing” them. That’s why keywords – spelled properly, among other necessities – matter. As does cutting down or eliminating too much “IT-speak.” In this context, that means terms, phrasing, or abbreviations that few people outside of IT will recognize or use. (“K8s” instead of the full name, Kubernetes, is a useful example here – err on the side of the latter.)

This is also why formatting choices matter – sometimes a lot. Even your resume’s file type can be the difference between getting past an ATS screen or not.

“For a resume to pass screening tools like AI or RPA bots, make sure it is clean, plain, and in a Word document,” says Jenna Spathis, unit manager of the technology recruiting team at  LaSalle Network . “I have noticed more mis-parsed information when resumes are submitted as PDFs rather than Word documents.”

“Plain” is a good guiding principle: As in plain, readable text – and little else. That could be counterintuitive to someone in a design-oriented role, such as a UI/UI position. But save the creative flair for a later phase of the process.

“Formatting issues are a big reason for resumes not being passed through an applicant tracking system,” Spathis says.

As an example, someone might have their skills, education, and experience information – all core information on a resume – in different text boxes in a column view.

“I have noticed those resumes also parse incorrectly when going through pre-screening systems,” Spathis says. “RPA bots are in place to pull and parse the most relevant information, including contact information, experience, and education.”

In other words: Even if your creatively designed resume does pass muster, the system might not capture all of the information it’s supposed to – which means that the recruiter or hiring manager might get an incomplete first impression.

“To ensure all relevant information is being pulled, a plain, simple Word document with clear headers is the best course of action,” Spathis says. “Clear headers include Summary, Education, Professional Experience, Certifications, and Skills or Technical Skills.”

Spathis recommends software engineers and other relevant roles include a link to your Github. (Human reviewers will likely want to take a look.) Also, if you do have a more creative or visually appealing version of your resume, you can always share that in a later phase.

4. The “usual” resume advice is still widely applicable

The fundamentals still matter in the era of online applications and ATS tools – especially as AI plays an increasing role in the early phases of recruiting. Two big pieces of conventional career wisdom stand out in this light.

First, get feedback on your resume. That could be a peer in the industry, a friend, a recruiter, or a professional resume reviewer or career coach. But there’s never really a bad time to hear input from others who can give you an informed and honest opinion. That’s especially important to remember if you’re applying to lots of places and hearing nothing in response. Ask (or pay) someone to review your resume – there may be something you missed that’s hurting your chances.

Second, treat online applications via a corporate ATS or third-party job app as one tool – but not your only tool. Strategies such as tapping your network (and your network’s networks) are as important as ever because with online applications you risk not even getting past the first step. You need a multi-pronged search strategy.

5. Remember: A strong resume is just the first step

Yes, the first step is important, but it’s just that – a first step. Among other reasons (ethical considerations included) why it’s not a good idea to try to flat-out game an ATS or other app is that even if you succeed, you still have a long way to go. Yes, do the above in terms of things like keywords and formatting. But remember that your resume is just a calling card or introduction of sorts.

“Especially in the tech space, there are many people who are smart enough to beat the system,” Denerrof says. “But in the end, it will always come down to experience and how you handle the latter stages of the interview process. While you want to ‘beat AI’ and get past step one, it is important to be setting yourself up for the steps that come after as well.”

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About the author: Kevin Casey writes about technology and business for a variety of publications. Find him on  LinkedIn  and  Twitter .

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how to get resume noticed by ai

Get past the robots: A guide to building an AI-proof resume

robot hands typing on laptop with screen opened to job search

The traditional resume, with its neat rows of bullet points and chronological history, is undergoing a transformation. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) reshapes the hiring process, it's time to rethink how you present yourself to potential employers. Gone are the days of wading through piles of resumes by hand. AI-powered Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) now scan applications, using keywords and algorithms to filter candidates. This means your resume needs to be optimized for machine readability while still addressing human interest. This blog will provide a complete overview of what to expect if you’re applying for jobs for the first time or for the first time in recent years.

Widespread AI adoption

In a recent ACI Learning webinar, Unlock the algorithm: How to build a tech resume that gets noticed , Alison Ayers, Career Services Instructor for the ACI Learning Tech Academy and edutainer Lauren Deal offered insights into effective resume creation and job market research. Ayers shared that ATS optimization has been embraced far and wide among employers.

How widespread? For visual impact, let’s just say it came on the scene like a wildfire – check out her statistics:

Over 98% of Fortune 500 companies and 66% of large companies use ATS in their hiring process.

There are over 200 types of ATS, each with unique specifications for candidate screening.

Quick tips for building an AI-proof resume:

ATS ranks resumes based on skills, experience, and formatting.

Avoid graphics, collapsible sections, and complex layouts on resumes.

Ensure clarity by avoiding industry jargon and unclear abbreviations.

Use tools like Grammarly to catch grammatical errors that may be missed by standard word processors.

Implement clear sections, headers, and sans-serif fonts.

Save resumes in PDF format for universal readability.

Identify relevant keywords from the job description and naturally weave them into your resume.

Beyond the resume:

While the resume remains crucial, your online presence matters more than ever. Ensure your LinkedIn profile aligns with your resume and highlights your achievements, skills, and endorsements. Job market research, via LinkedIn, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook and Glassdoor are all recommended.

Considerations from the employer side

In a recent ACI Learning interview on AI and hiring process, edutainer Sophie Goodwin and Jax Scott, founder of Outpost Gray, discussed how business leaders can and should embrace AI in the hiring process. Scott outlined some benefits for businesses of integrating AI in hiring, such as:

AI can be a significant asset in the hiring process by easily identifying and targeting entry-level skills required for a position.

Traditional manual resume review has been sped up by 75 to 100 percent through AI.

However, Scott also cautioned that weakly customized resumes may not contain the right keywords and could be rejected by AI, meaning that experienced candidates may get rejected if their resumes aren't updated to align with AI scanning criteria. She recommended that hiring teams can avoid these pitfalls by educating individuals on updating resumes with relevant keywords for each position. She also shared key recommendations for eliminating bias such as:

Develop AI technology to reduce biases by auditing rejected candidates for any bias patterns, such as age or gender.

It's not just the tool (AI) but also how it is used that matters.

Things that AI cannot – and should not – replace in the hiring process:

Hiring teams should use AI for initial screening but not replacing the human aspect entirely.

Caution against using chatbots for initial interviews or test screenings instead of recruiters.

Highlight the significance of human connections in understanding candidates and their fit within an organization.

Emphasizes the need for intentionality in maintaining human engagement throughout the hiring process.

The prevalence of AI-powered Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in the hiring process underscores the importance of optimizing resumes for both machine readability and human engagement. The widespread adoption of ATS among Fortune 500 companies and large corporations necessitates a conscious effort to tailor resumes to specific job descriptions. With the adoption of practical guidance for creating an AI-proof resume, emphasizing clarity, relevant keywords, and a streamlined format, today’s applicants can succeed. Beyond the resume, it is important to align online profiles, particularly on platforms like LinkedIn, with the resume content. While AI enhances efficiency in initial screenings, the human touch remains irreplaceable in understanding candidates and fostering meaningful connections throughout the hiring process. As businesses integrate AI, it is crucial to strike a balance, utilizing technology for efficiency while preserving the essential human elements of recruitment.

Additional resources from ACI Learning:

Webinar – Unlock the algorithm: How to build a tech resume that gets noticed

Blog - The ultimate 30-60-90 day plan for launching your IT career

Blog and webinar - ACI Leadership Series: AI and the Hiring Process

Other sources:



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5 Ways to Get Your Resume Past AI

Job candidates now have to get past more sophisticated AI screening tools. What is it looking for?

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Career & Leadership Coach, Korn Ferry Advance

Job seekers are accustomed to searching job descriptions for keywords and then adding those words to their resumes to get past so-called applicant tracking software. Now job applicants have a new nemesis: sophisticated screening tools powered by artificial intelligence software that are becoming more sophisticated by the day.

Indeed, about 99% of all Fortune 500 companies are using AI to screen job candidates, according to a recent survey. A separate survey found that more than 95% of all companies are using AI to screen resumes. While these tools might speed up the hiring process for employers, it is making it more difficult for job seekers to break through the process and be interviewed for a position.

“AI brings more intelligence,” says Dan Kaplan , senior client partner for Korn Ferry's CHRO practice. AI is still looking for keywords but if you overuse keywords, many AI programs will flag the resume as suspicious, he says. “You can no longer trick the system by using ten keywords over and over again in your resume,” he says. Here are five ways job seekers can crack the system.

Use simple formatting.

AI can’t read graphics or fancy formatting or fonts. Many AI systems can’t even read a PDF, so if you’re prompted to upload a Word document, follow those instructions exactly, says Mark Royal , senior client partner for Korn Ferry Advisory.

Many AI systems also require resume points to be in chronological order. It’s also a good idea to use clear headings for each section and to avoid acronyms and jargon that AI might have a hard time understanding. You can also increase your chances of getting past bots by removing headers, footers, and text boxes, says Korn Ferry Advance Coach Frances Weir .

Tailor your resume.

Spend some time reviewing the job description or any information about the role and the company’s objectives, values and culture, Royal says. “Being attentive to the language used by the company can help your resume line up with what the AI is likely looking for,” he says. For instance, if the job description focuses on collaboration but your resume uses the word teamwork, rewrite the resume to include collaboration. “If you have the qualifications and experience listed in the job description, be sure to call them out but don’t over play it,” Kaplan says.

Pay attention to titles.

Some bots look for specific titles, yet job titles can differ across organizations. Weir suggests putting the most appropriate title for the company you’re applying to in paratheses after your actual title. For instance, if your title is HR Director but the company is seeking a Head of HR, put in parathesis next to your title “Head of HR equivalent.”

AI programs might also be looking for specific education or certifications, including how they are spelled, which could cause trouble if you are applying to a role in a different country. For instance, if you’re applying for a job in the United States but receive a Ph.D. in organisational behaviour in the United Kingdom, be sure to list the degree on the reume as “organizational behavior” or it might be overlooked, Weir says.

Don’t try to game the system.

Job candidates have tried to trick bots by pasting the entire job description in white into the resume, or stuffing the resume with keywords, or submitting multiple resumes for the same position hoping that one is selected by AI. The problem with that, Royal says, it what happens if the resume actually does get past the AI.  “Remember, a human will read your resume and that’s where ultimately you want to be successful and get an interview,” he says.

Don’t forget about networking. 

The best way to avoid bots is to network your way to a job rather than applying online, says Korn Ferry Advance Coach Valerie Olson . Online job applications have a low rate of success for a variety of reasons. Most postings get hundreds of applicants and some employers list jobs just to get a backlog of candidates for the future.

If you do apply online, and you know someone at the company, it’s best to let them know, Weir says. “Going through a referral process can result in you being included in a much leaner shortlist of candidates,” she says.

Learn more about Korn Ferry’s career development capabilities from Korn Ferry Advance . 

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Resume hacks: 5 tips to beat AI screening tools and get noticed

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Ranita Tejwani

how to get resume noticed by ai

In the modern job market, where technology is evolving at a rapid pace, it's essential to understand and adapt to new trends. One such trend is the rise of AI-based resume screening, which has become immensely popular among recruiters.

In fact, a staggering  98.8% of Fortune 500 companies use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to streamline their hiring process. To increase your chances of landing an interview, it's crucial to optimize your resume for AI CV screening.

In this blog, we'll explore why AI-based resume screening has gained popularity and provide five effective tips to help you bypass AI screening and secure coveted job interviews.

What is AI-based resume screening, and why is it so popular?

AI-based resume screening refers to the use of AI technology, such as ATS, to evaluate and filter resumes based on specific criteria. These systems employ sophisticated algorithms to analyze keywords, skills, experience, and formatting; ranking resumes according to their relevance to the job description.

The popularity of using AI for CV screening stems from its ability to streamline the hiring process, eliminate bias, and identify top candidates efficiently. Recruiters can focus their time and energy on evaluating the most suitable candidates instead of spending hours sifting through piles of resumes.

AI-based job sites, such as JobTatkal, tirelessly scan and analyze resumes to find the ones that meet the desired qualifications. By optimizing your resume for AI, you essentially give it the key to unlocking the gate to your dream job. Now that we know what is AI CV screening, let’s explore how to get your resume past AI.

5 tips on how to beat AI resume screening and land interviews

Now, let's delve into five invaluable tips that will help you beat AI resume screening and maximize your chances of securing interviews:

1. Keyword optimization for AI

Just like a compass helps sailors find the right direction, keywords direct the AI's focus to your core skills.

Optimize your resume for AI screening by identifying relevant keywords. Carefully analyze the job description and industry trends to pinpoint the most sought-after keywords. 

These keywords often represent the required skills, qualifications, or specific job requirements. Once you have compiled a list of relevant keywords, strategically incorporate them throughout your resume.

While industry-specific jargon can showcase your expertise, striking a balance is essential. Avoid keyword stuffing, which can be counterproductive and raise red flags for an AI resume screening tool and human reviewers. Aim for a natural flow of content that integrates the keywords seamlessly. By aligning your resume with the language used in the job description, you increase the likelihood of passing the AI's initial screening.

JobTatkal Pro Tip: Place the keywords in sections that are most likely to be recognized, such as the professional summary, skills section, etc.

2. Optimize formatting and structure

Formatting is crucial for artificial intelligence resume screening tools to understand your resume. Keep it clean, organized, and structured.

Avoid unconventional fonts, overly complex designs, charts, graphics, logos, or images – including a headshot of yourself – that might confuse the resume scanner AI.

Bad Resume.png

As shown in the above resume, using a "fancy" font undermines the legibility of the details. Moreover, overlapping designs and multiple bar graphs add to the complexity, making it difficult for the parsing system to accurately decipher and extract the data.

  • Use a simple, professional layout, preferably the reverse-chronological format.
  • Clearly label each resume section with relevant headings, such as "Work Experience" or "Education"
  • Include a short profile overview under the "Summary" section
  • Select a professional and legible font (e.g., Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman)
  • Use the same font for all sections, including headings, subheadings, and body text

Good Rersume

The above image shows an ideal AI-friendly resume. It is segmented into distinct sections and uses a consistent font for visual uniformity. By avoiding graphics, the resume ensures clarity and prevents confusion. This design caters to the requirements of the AI screening tool while looking aesthetically pleasing for talent acquisition specialists.

JobTatkal Pro Tip: Avoid placing your contact information in the header or footer, as certain AI scanners cannot parse the information added in the header and footer.

3. Highlight key skills and achievements

Sheryl Sandberg once said —

Build your skills, not your resume.

However, to showcase your skills in the initial stages of your job search, you must exhibit them in the best possible way.

Start by leveraging powerful action verbs to describe your skills and experiences. Verbs like "led," "achieved," "implemented," or "optimized" can demonstrate your impact and abilities. 

Craft concise points that showcase quantifiable achievements or demonstrate the results of your efforts. Remember, your resume should tell a story of your accomplishments and how you can bring value to a prospective employer.

JobTatkal Pro Tip: Complement your hard skills with well-rounded soft skills that showcase your versatility and adaptability.

4. Optimize your resume's file format

Your resume's file format can impact how AI systems parse and interpret its content . While different resume screening tools may have varying preferences, choosing a universally compatible file format such as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Portable Document Format (.pdf) is generally recommended.

Additionally, give your resume file a meaningful name that includes your name and the position you're applying for. For instance, rename your resume as "FirstName_LastName_Position.pdf."

JobTatkal Pro Tip:  Double-check the preferred format on the job application site before uploading your CV.

What is Parsable CV?

What is parsing, and how to make a parsable CV?

Want to know how parsing can benefit you? Read our blog to discover all about parsing — what parsing is and how to make a parsing-friendly CV.

5. Proofreading your AI-friendly resume

Meticulous proofreading is crucial before submitting your AI-friendly resume. Research shows that  59% of recruiters reject candidates due to poor grammar or spelling errors. To avoid this fate, carefully review and edit your resume for accuracy, grammar, punctuation, and overall professionalism.

Read each section multiple times, checking for any inconsistencies, typos, or awkward phrasing. Double-check dates, job titles, and contact details to avoid any discrepancies. Also, ensure that your online profiles, such as LinkedIn, align with the information provided in your resume.

JobTatkal Pro Tip:  Display your LinkedIn profile as a plain text URL instead of a clickable hyperlink to ensure AI scanners can accurately interpret the information.

Mastering the art of AI-optimized resumes is crucial in today's digital job market. By implementing the five tips we've discussed, you can drastically increase your odds of outsmarting AI screening tools and securing interviews with top employers. 

An AI-friendly resume effectively combines your distinct attributes with a structure that appeals to AI systems and human recruiters.

Looking to secure your dream job? Experience the revolution in recruiting with JobTatkal's AI-powered platform – connecting candidates to recruiters seeking their specific skillset.

Don't miss out!  Upload your CV today and unlock new career opportunities!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can using an ai-friendly resume format improve my chances of being hired.

While an AI-friendly format alone cannot guarantee a job, it increases the likelihood of your resume being considered by the initial screening process. It's still important to showcase your qualifications and experience effectively.

Is it necessary to personalize my resume for each job application?

Yes, personalizing your resume for each job application is recommended. Analyze the job requirements, customize your skills section, and highlight relevant achievements that align with the specific position you're applying for.

Why is my resume getting rejected by AI?

There could be several reasons why your resume is getting rejected by AI:

  • Formatting issues
  • Wrong file format
  • Password protected file
  • Resume contains images, watermarks, and unselectable text

Ranita is a content marketer by profession and a tech enthusiast at heart. Her articles cover a range of topics, from software development to cloud computing and AI. She delivers informative and engaging content, emphasizing practical applications and real-world examples. When she is not writing, Ranita enjoys reading, knitting, and singing along to songs on the radio.

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Résumé-Writing Tips to Help You Get Past the A.I. Gatekeepers

More companies than ever are using software to screen their mountains of job applications. Getting seen by a human recruiter takes some effort.

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how to get resume noticed by ai

By Julie Weed

It was inevitable: When companies made it simple to apply for a job online, applications poured in. To wade through this ever-rising tide of résumés, human resources departments are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence systems to pluck out the candidates deemed to be good fits. So while applying may be as easy as a mouse click, that résumé is much more likely to be screened out into oblivion than end up in front of a recruiter.

To avoid getting caught by the résumé sifter, job seekers should understand the new systems, which have been spreading to more industries and positions.

How it works

So-called predictive hiring tools evaluate résumés by finding keywords related to categories like skills, experience and education, and weighting them according to the job requirements and any other factors the hiring company has specified. The system may weight applicants who have worked at certain companies more positively. It may infer how old a skill seems to be from where it appears in a job history.

Artificial intelligence is used to understand what people mean to say — for example, if Carleton is a person’s name, an alma mater or a company the applicant worked for.

The software systems can be less biased than human screeners because they can be programmed to ignore characteristics like age, sex, race and other protected categories.

Giving yourself the best shot

Making it through the automated screening can require tailoring your résumé, not just the cover letter, to each job you are applying for. Greg Moran, chief executive of OutMatch, a system that screens more than 10 million applicants a year for companies including Pepsi, Toyota and Walmart, confirmed that the following actions would help applicants avoid an automated rejection.

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I tested 5 AI resume builders to help get a job — here's what happened

Here’s how to apply for a job using AI

Man holding resume in front of a computer

I long for the day when I’ll wake up in the morning and get my AI ready to go to work for me . Until that time comes, the least AI could do for me today is to help me land a job I like.

Not everyone is a fan of resume and cover letters, but they remain staples in many recruitment processes.

For years, employers have also been using forms of AI to filter through these documents in order to narrow down the pool of applications they receive for any given vacancy. 

The latest advances in generative AI mean that right now employees can leverage AI tools at their disposal to empower themselves in the job-hunting process.

I wanted to see how powerful these tools are. To find out, I created a shortlist of AI resume and cover letter builders that I wanted to try. Tom’s Guide believes in fair fights, so I used each of them as though I was applying for the same job with the same profile.

A target was required and I found a LinkedIn ad for a real job as a remote Software Engineer with generative AI responsibilities at Meta (formerly Facebook) that looked promising.

The role asked for a candidate with over two years of coding experience and over two years of building large-scale applications. More experience was required in designing and completing medium to large features without guidance. Meta was looking for a candidate with, or in the process of obtaining, a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalent practical experience. In exchange, the company was offering a salary between $116k and $168k per year.

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I created a fictitious aspiring Meta software engineer, Tamsin Smith, in order to have some kind of profile I could submit to the AI. Smith holds two Stanford University degrees in computing science, completed an internship with Twitter and has been working at Google as a software engineer since 2019. 

If that’s not enough for Mark Zuckerberg to give her an offer, she also leads a local scouting group in her free time.

With an actual job ad and an alter ego in hand, I was ready to start reviewing AI tools. Read on to find out which tools I used, what they produced and my thoughts on their performance.

Resume created by

My first attempt was with since it offers a free basic service and I wanted to check if the way I designed the review could work in principle. And it did!

Right after confirming my email, I was creating Tamsin Smith’s first resume.

I was presented with a choice between a “Job-Tailored Resume” and a “General Purpose Resume”; I went with the first choice as it was exactly what this test was about. It asked me for the role and company I’m targeting but I was blindsided when Rezi asked me to insert a job application I’d written for the role. Isn’t this something the AI should be doing for me?

I finished this side quest and then added basic details like my name and email, followed by my previous work experience. Here’s when I first encountered signs of AI life in the form of a bullet point generator to further explain my role. 

Rezi went on to ask me to add details on projects I’d worked on, my education history, certifications, coursework, involvement in other organizations, and my skills.

The next exciting step was the summary section, where I gladly let the AI take control. It was nothing I couldn’t have come up with myself if I simply wanted to summarize my resume, but it at least merits a pass mark. (I wanted to ask the AI to write a cover letter for me based on the finished resume but that feature requires a subscription.)

Overall Rezi marked the resume it produced at 87 out of 100, which I think is a bit too generous. If you have a rough idea of what you want your resume to look like, by all means, use Rezi so you don’t have to worry about the formatting. It might also provide a helpful AI-generated bullet point or two along the way.

If you were worried that not using Rezi’s AI was the one thing stopping you from getting your dream job, rest assured that (at least with its free version) this is not the case.

My score: 3/5

Resume created by Resumaker

“Designed templates that will get you hired at the world's leading companies,” Resumaker proudly displayed on its homepage. I also had to pay ($0.99) to download my resume and cover letter. Surely, I was on the verge of getting Tamsin hired?

By now I’d gotten the hang of inserting details like my education and work history. In this regard, little separates the resume builders tested here.

The AI kicked in to provide me with text I could insert as accomplishments in my jobs and as the headline summary. The latter left much to be desired but at least it was presentable. Resumaker didn’t offer to beef up my volunteering section so I had to write that part manually. As a whole, the resume felt a bit dry but at least it was presentable.

However, it’s a good thing this service isn’t called Coverlettermaker. Every sentence it generated started with either an “I am” or “I have”. When you’re working with such a structure, there’s only so much you can do to make the rest more exciting. Furthermore, it left the [Company Name] field for me to fill in. AI that’s supposed to help me land a job in a highly competitive market should come with higher standards. claims that thousands of applications it created landed people jobs. If there’s any truth to that, then on the bright side we really shouldn’t be overthinking what we’re sending to hiring managers.

Resume created by Teal

The main question I asked myself before deciding whether each AI builder deserved a pass mark was: Can I send out the résumé as is? 

Teal didn’t quite make the cut here.

It asked me to connect the specific job I was applying for from LinkedIn to the resume and it started analyzing the job ad for keywords I should include. Fantastic! I was ready for a made-to-measure summary, past accomplishments, and cover letter — the areas where I wanted the AI to work its magic.

Unfortunately, this is where I felt let down. In the headline summary, Teal ended up giving me a compilation of the achievements it had previously generated but also prominently added that I had expertise in “work authorization”. The AI thought the right to work in the U.S. requirement from Meta’s job description was a hard skill. 

It scored its own resume at 79%.

As far as its cover letter goes, I appreciated that I could generate it for free without having to spend time adding more details than I already had. However, the result was something I could have just as easily written myself.

My score: 2/5

Resume created by Kickresume

The last AI resume maker I wanted to test was Kickresume, which had the highest monthly fee out of the lot at $19 per month. You can bring that down by paying an annual lump sum that brings the pricing down to $9 a month or, as I did, utilize the free trial version. 

Right when I was losing hope in the resume generators, Kickresume lifted my spirits.

Its helpful AI writer was alongside me from start to finish, offering handy suggestions for work accomplishments, explaining my certifications, and also suggesting skills I should list specifically for a software engineering position. I ended up with a clean-looking CV and I didn’t even have to break a sweat.

Kickresume gave the resume it generated a score of 88/100.

If I’m in a pinch and need a new resume that I don’t have to scan for AI-generated sentences that would land me in the "rejected" pile, is the first website I’ll be visiting.

I wanted to add a nice cherry to the cake, so I asked Kickresume to create a cover letter using the great resume it made. But this is where I was underwhelmed. 

While devoid of grammatical errors, I felt as though the AI didn’t take the résumé and job description I gave into consideration. It provided me with a few short lines that didn’t even name-drop Tamsin’s fictitious stints at Twitter and Google. You wouldn’t even know she completed two degrees at Stanford. Based on my positive experience with the résumé, I couldn’t believe this was the same AI content generator.

My score: 4/5

Resume created by ChatGPT

No subscriptions. No plugins. I wanted to see how well the free version of OpenAI ’s ChatGPT would do against the four dedicated AI resume and cover letter generators listed above.

I tweaked a prompt that I found online and, in 161 words, I asked the AI for a first draft of my new resume. I then asked the chatbot to refine its work based on the job description I gave it to make my resume less generic. In seconds, I had my second draft.

Since ChatGPT only gave me a plain text version of my resume, I then pasted what it gave me into a template from one of the previous builders.

I’m happy to announce that both myself and Tamsin were very pleased with the results. The resume easily rivals the ones generated from the other services I tested. I wouldn’t have minded some text to beef up the education section to explain what I had learned at Stanford. Also, the line pointing out that Meta was previously called Facebook is something I would never have included in a resume intended for Meta’s eyes. Other than that, ChatGPT gave me decent results in the shortest amount of time.

I was especially impressed with the cover letter I asked ChatGPT to craft for me. It was perhaps a bit too long for some tastes but it was arguably the most well-rounded out of the five.

Honorary score: 4/5

The verdict

There have already been reports of people using AI to write resumes and cover letters who ended up getting hired for the positions they’ve applied for, and I’m not surprised. But as this test has shown, a website’s claim that it uses AI to provide a service is not some kind of guarantee of the level of service you can expect. 

Shop around when looking for AI resume and cover letter writers. Perhaps combine two or more of them to leverage each one’s specific strengths. But add the finishing touches yourself.

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Christoph Schwaiger is a journalist who mainly covers technology, science, and current affairs. His stories have appeared in Tom's Guide, New Scientist, Live Science, and other established publications. Always up for joining a good discussion, Christoph enjoys speaking at events or to other journalists and has appeared on LBC and Times Radio among other outlets. He believes in giving back to the community and has served on different consultative councils. He was also a National President for Junior Chamber International (JCI), a global organization founded in the USA. You can follow him on Twitter @cschwaigermt.

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Craft Your Resume with AI in Mind

how to get resume noticed by ai

With many popular applicant tracking systems (ATSs) using artificial intelligence to screen job applicants, hiring managers often end up seeing only a fraction of the resumes submitted.

That happens when resumes fall below a certain ATS score. Based on how the resume is worded, it may appear that the candidate doesn’t meet certain criteria to be considered for the job.

“The recruiter doesn’t even get to see it,” said Khaled Hussein of the rejected resume. He is co-founder and CEO of Betterleap, an AI-powered sourcing and outreach platform in San Francisco. And the employer may miss out on finding that “hidden gem” of an employee.  

What’s a Job Seeker to Do?

One thing to keep in mind is including keywords that match the job description, according to a recent Forbes article . For example, the ATS for a job ad calling for someone with experience in “client services” likely will be screening for that wording and not “customer services”—even though they’re synonymous.

However, Hussein warned against incorporating business jargon.

“Using jargon or acronyms can certainly trip up the ATS,” he acknowledged. “While some systems are sophisticated enough to distinguish specific terms, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and use language that is easy for all systems—human or otherwise—to decipher.”

He’s also an advocate of the hybrid resume, which highlights key accomplishments while elaborating on measurable bullet points. For example, it’s not enough to indicate you have strong communication skills; instead, give examples of how you used those skills.

“The resume needs to be a lot richer.  … You have to craft it beyond the bullet points,” Hussein said.

Tips for a Successful Resume

Other tips to keep in mind for crafting a rich, effective resume

  • Drop the work or career objective statement. “Objective statements used to be popular, but now we’re seeing a shift toward short summaries or ‘profile’ sections at the beginning [of the resume], which succinctly outline skills, relevant experiences and career goals,” Hussein said.
  •   Focus on experience relevant to the role . “We’re also seeing a shift away from including all experience—really, only relevant experience matters. And it’s no longer necessary to note that references are available by request. Everyone assumes they are,” he said.
  • Be thoughtful in what education details to include. “The goal is to provide enough detail to showcase your qualifications and experiences while keeping your resume concise and easy to read,” Hussein said. “You should include your educational highlights,” such as degrees earned or colleges attended. “The more minor details like GPA and coursework may be relevant for recent graduates but can probably be left off more expansive resumes.”
  • Opt for plain fonts and formatting .  “Applicants should aim to make their resumes as easy as possible to analyze for the ATS systems,” he said. “This means that difficult-to-read fonts and fancy formatting may make it harder for the system to parse out relevant experience and skills. Simple is best.”
  • Use AI with care. “AI can help optimize keywords and highlight specific skills, but there is no substitute for a well-written, human-generated resume ,” Hussein said. “AI tools can analyze the job description you're applying to and identify the most relevant skills and keywords that employers are looking for, some of which you might not have thought to include. “Also, AI can help articulate candidates’ experiences and skills more effectively. Sometimes, we struggle to see the unique value in our experiences or present them in the most compelling light. AI can suggest more powerful language or different angles for showcasing your achievements,” he added.

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Tweak your resume with action words using Microsoft Copilot's AI

june 4, 2024

A photo of Kazu Fuimoto, who is wearing a crisp blue suit and smiling in front of a blurred outdoor background.

by Kazu Fujimoto

If you’re on the hunt for a new job, crafting a standout resume is a crucial step in securing more job interviews and offers. And thanks to AI, you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s explore how you can use Microsoft Copilot , an AI-powered tool, to create a resume that sets you apart.

Why optimize your resume?

To get your resume past ATS filters and make an impact with hiring managers, a resume must feature certain elements. These optimizations include:

  • The right keywords: Incorporating industry-specific keywords is vital for getting noticed, especially in systems using automated resume screening. Keywords that are relevant to the job listing itself are also vital.
  • Quantitative results: Showcasing your achievements with numbers and facts can make your accomplishments more tangible and impressive.
  • Business impact: Highlighting how your work has positively impacted businesses gives recruiters a clearer picture of your potential contributions.

How Microsoft Copilot can help

A screenshot of Copilot on a rainbow background

Microsoft Copilot utilizes AI and GPT technology to provide guidelines for crafting effective resumes. To use this tool, ensure you have Microsoft Edge browser and visit

Let’s say you're looking for an engineering job. Here's what Copilot suggests for engineering resumes:

  • Use strong action verbs: Start bullet points with dynamic verbs to convey your actions effectively.
  • Quantify achievements: Include measurable results to provide a clear sense of your accomplishments.
  • Be specific about technical skills: Clearly list your technical skills to match the job requirements.
  • Tailor bullet points to the job description: Customize your resume to align with the specific job you're applying for.
  • Provide contextual details: Give additional background to help recruiters understand the significance of your achievements.

Now that you have some guidelines, revisit your resume and apply each tip one at a time. If you get stuck, paste your resume into Copilot and ask for help! The tool is great at coming up with stronger verbs and rephrasing bullet points to emphasize accomplishments and value.

A graphic summarizing tips from this post

Transform a generic resume with AI

After applying Copilot’s recommendations, you’ll end up with a revised resume that features strong action verbs, quantifiable achievements, specific technical skills, tailored bullet points, and necessary contextual details. In short, it’s the perfect resume for demonstrating your value and landing the interview.

Using Microsoft Copilot can significantly improve your resume writing efficiency, making it more likely to land you job interviews and offers. Check out Microsoft Copilot to take your resume to the next level and enhance your job search!

A selection of resume templates from Microsoft Create

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woman preparing resume for ATS

Through job-matching platforms and AI-powered games and interviews, companies are relying more and more on artificial intelligence to streamline the hiring process. But some job seekers feel frustrated and misunderstood by these technologies.

Malika Devaux is a student at the HOPE Program , a Brooklyn-based nonprofit that provides job training. Devaux is looking for a job, and we asked her to complete a trial of a 90-second personality test, which assesses candidates on the Big Five personality traits.

Her results indicated that she was pragmatic and carefree, but Devaux didn’t agree with the AI’s read on her personality. And she found the test confusing. “I think [this test] would have made me lose a chance to have this position or an opportunity finally where I can shine,” she says.

So how can you make the algorithms work in your favor when you apply for your next job?

In the latest episode of MIT Technology Review’s podcast “In Machines We Trust,” we asked career and job-matching experts for practical tips on how to succeed in a job market increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence.

Ditch conventional advice about résumés. Instead of choosing a unique design or color scheme and including robust job descriptions, focus on making it as simple and straightforward as possible, says Ian Siegel , cofounder and CEO of ZipRecruiter .

“Conventional wisdom will kill you in your search for a job,” Siegel says. “You want the simplest, most boring résumé template you can find. You want to write like a caveman in the shortest, crispest words you can.”

In most cases, when candidates apply for jobs their résumés will first be processed by an automated applicant tracking system (ATS), Siegel says. To increase your chances of advancing to an interview, you should submit a résumé that the AI will interpret accurately.

Use short, descriptive sentences to help an AI parse your résumé, Siegel says. Clearly list your skills. If possible, include details about where you learned them and how long you’ve used them, plus any licensing or certification numbers that verify your expertise. “You want to be declarative and quantitative, because software is trying to figure out who you are and decide whether you will be put in front of a human,” he says.

And don’t be discouraged from applying to jobs that require more experience than you have, as long as you meet some of the qualifications in the job description.

“If you have any of the skills listed, I want you to apply to it,” Siegel says. “Let the algorithms decide whether or not you’re a great match, and they will sort you to the top or bottom.”

Create multiple versions of your résumé. Once you streamline your résumé for an AI, you may worry that you’ve damaged its flow and readability. So prepare another version for human review, says Gracy Sarkissian , the interim executive director of New York University’s Career Center .

“Some students tell me, ‘I did what you guys told me to do. I made sure that my résumé was filled with keywords. And now it sounds kind of like a cheesy marketing document,’” Sarkissian says. She tells them to make another one, with a personalized design and format, to send by email or to hand to hiring managers at an interview.

You should also modify your résumé to reflect the description of each job to which you apply, Sarkissian says. Each job posting contains keywords that a prospective employer’s ATS is likely using to prioritize candidates. Choose a few that are appropriate to your experience and sprinkle them throughout your résumé.

Test your résumé with an AI. Upload your résumé and the description of the job you’re applying for to an automated résumé checker like Jobscan . Jobscan will score how well it matches the job description, to help you optimize it for each prospective employer’s ATS. Creating an account on Jobscan is free, and the basic tier of membership offers two match-rate calculations per month.

VMock also provides software to universities and other institutions that issues feedback on users’ résumés by highlighting inconsistent dates and simplifying descriptions of previous roles that aren’t as relevant to the one for which they’re applying.

VMock’s algorithm helps users identify transferable skills as well. The program will say, “Here is something else you did, but that translates into the soft skills that recruiters are looking for,” says Kiran Pande, cofounder and head of products at VMock. “You have communication skills; it’s not necessarily marketing oriented, but you do have good communication skills. You did other things that developed your communication skills. Write about those too.”

Practice makes perfect. Why not use AI to help you prepare for your interview with an AI? Several companies, including VMock, offer tools to help job seekers prepare for virtual interviews.

Interview Stream will ask you questions via webcam and allow you to record and review your responses. The platform offers a 30-day free trial to individual users and is also available through some institutions. Big Interview uses AI to coach users on their interview responses. It offers three packages for individuals, priced at $79 for one month, $149 for three months, and $249 for six months.

The HOPE Program uses a platform called Talk Hiring , which includes 10-minute mock interviews consisting of five questions each. Talk Hiring scores interviewees on their responses, taking into account factors such whether their answers contained a problem, action, and result, as well as the pace and volume of their voice. The platform offers free trial accounts for individual users and partners with organizations for $18 per user per year.

Several AI interview services, like HireVue , Retorio , and Yobs , also let you test out their platforms before your scheduled interview. Some will even allow you to view the personality profile they create based on your performance.

“When we’re interviewing with AI, it feels like a stranger, right? It feels like a stranger without a face. It’s a blank screen,” Sarkissian says. But rehearsing on these platforms allows you to become more familiar with the process: “You can practice, and the more you practice, the better you get at these things.”

And the more information you can find about prospective employers’ hiring processes and the assessment tools they rely on, the better. Job seekers can also find user-generated videos on YouTube and elsewhere about how to beat AI-powered games and interviews, though the quality and accuracy of this advice may vary.

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OpenAI has released a new ChatGPT bot that you can talk to

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  • Scan and score your resume vs. any target job.
  • Build a job-winning resume using proven templates and advice.
  • Have AI generate a personalized, job-winning cover letter in
  • Transform your LinkedIn headline into a job-generating machine.
  • Scan, score, and upgrade your resume bullets.
  • Find anyone’s professional email address in seconds.
  • The Job Search Email Playbook Our 100+ page guide to writing job-winning emails.
  • Value Validation Project Starter Kit Everything you need to create a job-winning VVP.
  • No Experience, No Problem Learn how to change careers with no experience.
  • The Interview Preparation System A proven system for job-winning interview prep.
  • The LinkedIn Launch Formula A proven system for six-figure success on LinkedIn.
  • See All Blog Posts Check out all of our job search articles & posts.
  • Scan your LinkedIn Headline and turn it into a job-generating machine.
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization Our comprehensive guide to optimizing your LinkedIn profile.
  • LinkedIn Headlines Learn how to write a crazy-effective LinkedIn headline.
  • LinkedIn Profile Picture Learn how to create a job-winning LinkedIn profile picture.
  • LinkedIn About Section Write a job-winning About section (with examples!)
  • LinkedIn Cover Photos Learn how to create a job-winning LinkedIn cover photo.
  • Scan your resume and turn it into a job-generating machine.
  • Build a beautiful, job-winning resume using recruiter-approved templates.
  • Resume Examples Check out example resumes for a range of job titles and industries.
  • How To Write A Resume Learn how to write a resume that actually wins job offers.
  • Resume Summaries Our guide on writing a job-winning resume summary.
  • Resume Tips & Action Words 175+ tips & examples to supercharge your resume.
  • Use our tool to generate a personalized, job-winning cover letter in
  • Cover Letter Examples Check out example cover letters for a range of job titles and industries.
  • How To Write A Cover Letter Learn how to write a cover letter that actually wins job offers.
  • Cover Letter Templates Check out our proven, job-winning cover letter templates.
  • Addressing A Cover Letter Learn how to start a cover letter the right way.
  • A tool to help you find anyone’s professional email in seconds.
  • How To Get A Job Without Applying Online Our flagship guide for effective job searching in today’s market.
  • How To Network Our comprehensive guide on learning how to network.
  • Tips For Better Networking Emails 6 tips for writing networking emails that actually get results.
  • What To Ask In An Informational Interview 10 great questions to ask during a networking conversation.
  • How To Prepare For Interviews Our proven preparation framework for turning more interviews into offers.
  • How To Create A Job-Winning Interview Presentation Learn our “silver bullet” Value Validation Project presentation strategy.
  • Interview Questions & Answer Examples Job-winning example answers for common interview questions.
  • What To Wear To An Interview A simple guide to dressing for the job you want.
  • How To Write A Job-Winning Thank You Note Learn how to write a post-interview thank you that wins job offers.

The 5 Best Free & Paid AI Resume Builders [ATS-Friendly]

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Let's face it: building a resume is no walk in the park.

There's the layout, the formatting, filling out your past experiences… and not to mention one of the trickiest parts: writing your resume in compelling language that grabs the attention of recruiters.

My guess is, if you've landed on this article, you're probably looking for assistance to help you build an awesome resume.

One way to do so is by using an AI resume builder.

Well, I've got good news for you — you've landed in the right place! This article reviews the top 5 resume builders along with their pros and cons.

And, because the job search is more than just crafting a resume, we've also listed five more free tools that can help you land your dream job!

But before we begin, there's something you should know:

There's More To Building A Resume Than You Think

Especially a resume that will get results like:

  • Application Views

Let's dive deeper into each.

How To Build A Resume That Gets Views

There's nothing worse than applying for hundreds, maybe even thousands of jobs and realizing your application hasn't been viewed by one single company.

I know. I've been there.

The truth is, if your resume isn't optimized for ATS, the odds won't be in your favor.

ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System — software recruiters use it to filter candidates that best match the job description by scanning specific skills, experience, and keywords on their resume.

If you want to increase the chances of your application being viewed, then you'll need to optimize your resume for ATS!

Now, I know you might be wondering how to go about this. The good news is, that there are plenty of resume checkers out there that will scan and score your resume against your target job description and suggest improvements.

You can try out Cultivated Culture's resume scanner,, using the shortcut below to get started!

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Copy/paste or upload your resume here:

Click here to paste text

Upload a PDF, Word Doc, or TXT File

Paste the job post's details here:

Scan to compare and score your resume vs the job's description.


How to build a resume that gets interviews.

Unfortunately, even if you optimize your resume for ATS and boost your application views, this doesn't necessarily mean you'll suddenly land dozens of interviews.

Keep in mind that once your resume gets past the  ATS, it will most likely be skimmed by human eyes. This means you'll need eye-popping information in there that really sells and is compelling to a human reader.

This is when you'll want to muster all of your copywriting skills and write compelling resume bullets that combine:

  • Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Words
  • Measurable Results
  • And just the right amount of common words.

For example, here's what a compelling resume bullet for a Software Engineer might look like:

Designed  and  launched  a  mobile   app  with over 50,000 downloads, improving user  retention  by  20 % through iterative  UI/UX  enhancements.

That's way better than something like “ Designed and launched a mobile app “, right?

To make sure your resume bullet is top-notch, you can use to scan and score every resume bullet on your resume!

Free Resume Bullet Analyzer

Learn to write crazy effective resume bullets that grab attention, illustrate value, and actually get results., copy and paste your resume bullet to begin analysis:.

Here's what the Software Engineer resume bullet scored:

Software Engineer Resume Bullet Example

If you're still struggling to write your resume, fear not. This video provides a step-by-step guide to writing eye-catching resume bullets:

5 Best AI Resume Builders To Boost Your Job Search In 2024

Now that we've covered the basics, it's time to pick a resume builder and start crafting your resume!

We've reviewed 5 AI resume builders so you can pick the one that best suits you.

Let's get started!

1. is an AI resume builder that comes with 8 completely customizable, ATS-friendly templates.

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Free Job-Winning Resume Templates, Build Yours In No Time .

Choose a resume template below to get started:.

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With ResyBuild, you can import your resume or start one from scratch. Just fill in the fields for personal info, objectives, experience, education, skills, and interests. After that, just click “Finalize Design” to customize colors, fonts, spacing, and margins!

ResyBuild also comes with an AI writing assistance tool to help you write compelling resume bullet points. Simply add your experience, hit “Optimize”, and watch the magic happen.

✅ Powered with AI: Write job-winning resume bullets with the AI writing assistance tool.

✅ Easy to use: Intuitive platform and very easy to use.

✅ ATS-Friendly: ResyBuild's resume templates are designed for ATS best practices.

✅ All resources are free : The Free Plan gives you 10 standard credits and 3 AI resume credits that grant you access to all of ResyBuild's features.

❌ Requires you to sign up for a free account to download the resume.

Teal Resume Builder

✅ Powered with AI: You can improve resume bullets with Teal's AI writing assistance tool.

✅ Imports information from LinkedIn: You can import the information from your LinkedIn profile in addition to your existing resume.

✅ Instant feedback (Upgrade): Instant feedback and resume scores are available in Teal+.

❌ Requires you to sign up for a free account to get started.

3. Kickresume

Kickresume offers a smooth resume-building experience by pre-filling your resume with AI based on your name and job title.

Kickresume Resume Builder

✅ Powered with AI: Kickresume uses AI to write your resume by providing your name and job title.

✅ Multilingual: You can craft your resume in different languages.

❌ Adding additional sections, like skills and interests, requires an upgrade to Premium.

4. Resume Builder

Resume Builder Resume Builder

✅ Powered with AI: Generates recommendations based on your job title.

✅ Easy to use: Intuitive design, providing a smooth UX.

❌ Requires a small payment for a 14-day access.

Enhancv uses ChatGPT to help you write your resume.

Enhancv Resume Builder #2

✅ Powered with AI: Uses ChatGPT to help you write your resume.

❌ Requires you to provide a job description to write your resume with AI.

❌ Requires an upgrade to download the resume.

ChatGPT VS. Resume Builders: Where Should I Start?

After going through all the options, you might be wondering: “Isn't it better to just use ChatGPT to write my resume?”

While ChatGPT can be a great resource to help you get started with your resume, it is not the best move to rely on it to do 100% of the work. First, you'll still have to work on layouts and formatting and, second, ChatGPT won't provide you with ATS best practices — unless you use very specific ChatGPT prompts.

My suggestion? Instead of choosing one or another, use both!

If you are starting this process without a resume draft, using ChatGPT to get that first draft out can be a great call. Then, use a resume builder to adjust & refine.

But don't forget: while AI can be  super helpful, we don't recommend you blindly trust what it will give you. Always, always, always review and edit the content before considering it done.

Tips For Using AI To Build A Job-Winning Resume: A Step-By-Step Guide

AI can save you a lot of time if you use it properly. Below I've listed out a step-by-step process on how you can leverage AI for your resume!

1. If You're Using ChatGPT, Be Specific With Your Prompt

This means providing as many details as you can. You'll notice a significant difference by providing a simple prompt like “ Please write a resume for a Social Media Manager ” and something a little bit more detailed.

If you don't know where to start, feel free to copy and paste the ChatGPT prompt below and place the correct information marked in bold:

I need help writing my resume. This is what you need to know about me: * Name: [Enter your name] * Email: [Enter your email address] * Phone: [Enter your phone number] * Most recent experience ( MM/YY – MM/YY ): [Enter your job title and the company you worked for, e.g.: Product Marketing Manager at Google ] * Job description: [Enter the main activities you were responsible for, e.g.: Conducted market research, developed go-to-market strategy, and conducted performance analysis ]  * Previous experience: ( MM/YY – MM/YY ): [Enter your previous job title and the company you worked for] * Job description: [Enter the main activities you were responsible for]  * Previous experience: ( MM/YY – MM/YY ): [Enter your previous job title and the company you worked for] * Job description: [Enter the main activities you were responsible for]  * Education: [Enter your degree and school] Please consider the following instructions: 1. Use action words, hard & soft skills, and measurable results whenever possible 2. Include a skill section

ChatGPT will give you a pretty good resume to start out with, with compelling sample bullet points that you can tailor according to your experiences and the results you've achieved. Edit, customize, and review until you have something that matches your experience!

💡 Pro Tip: can write compelling, job-winning bullet points within the resume builder itself. Just craft an initial bullet point and hit “Optimize” to improve! Try out for free.

2. Step It Up A Notch With AI Resume Builders

Now that you've got your resume draft, it's time to bring in the big guns. Pick one of the resume builders from the list above and get started by copying and pasting your resume. Then, pick one of the templates from the tool and start ramping up your resume.

Not only will the AI resume builders suggest ATS-friendly improvements, but you won't have to worry about designing and formatting your resume!

2. Run Your Resume Through An ATS Resume Checker

Finished building your resume? Don't forget to run it through a resume checker for any additional improvements. Some tools like will even compare your resume against a specific job description and provide tailored feedback for the position you are targeting.

If you have your resume in hand, you can use the shortcut below to run an analysis (in case you missed it earlier!):

Ready To Land An Interview?

Resumes are still a very important part of the job search, and using AI resume builders can be super helpful for crafting a great resume.

But did you know only 2% of resumes land interviews?

If you want to land more interviews, you'll need more than a great resume.

Our free comprehensive guide, “ How To Get A Job Anywhere Without Applying Online ” teaches effective job-searching strategies for today's market. We hope you'll find it helpful!

Good luck out there!

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Paula Martins

Paula is Cultivated Culture's amazing Editor and Content Manager. Her background is in journalism and she's transitioned from roles in education, to tech, to finance, and more. She blends her journalism background with her job search experience to share advice aimed at helping people like you land jobs they love without applying online.

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ATS Resume Checker: Get Your Resume Noticed

Our resume checker uses real-time content analysis to automatically review your resume for any mistakes, missing bullet points or keywords, and more. Send resumes free from error that not only meet hiring standards but also stand out and follow best practices.

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Kill the Uncertainty With an ATS Resume Checker 

A simple formatting or writing mistake can cost you an interview. Not presenting yourself in an impactful way on paper can also cost you an interview. Worse, it puts you behind less qualified candidates. An ATS resume checker eliminates both risks. Here’s resume confidence, simplified.

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Here's How Real-Time Analysis Works

It’s Grammarly on steroids, but solely for polishing your resume so that it beats applicant tracking systems. Our real-time content analysis flags writing and formatting suggestions to make it twice as easy to meet hiring standards.

Add Your Work History

Tell us your field of work and level of experience. If you're targeting a particular job, paste the description. This way, the AI Resume Builder will know what to highlight.

Improve Your Content

The review prompts explain what to correct and pinpoint where to make the fix. All feedback is built to help you overcome the applicant tracking system. Make editing straightforward by knowing what to refine from the get-go. Double your resume’s impact. No more endless revisions. 

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What's your resume score?

Join over 3 million people who use Rezi to take control of their job search.

Why Check Your Resume Score?

A resume score gives you a complete audit of your resume, helping you ensure everything is on point. You'll have confidence that nothing's missing and optimized to the highest standard.

Using an AI resume checker makes the entire process less draining. Imagine getting a fresh pair of eyes. Your worries about making a mistake would drastically decrease. That's the whole point.

Similar to an expert resume review, a resume score guides you towards a perfect resume that cuts through the noise.

Step into a new era of resume creation—simpler, faster, and designed to get you noticed.

1. Improve clarity and readability

Get an accurate score with detailed audits across four key areas: content, formatting, optimization, and best practices. From simple suggestions to deal-breakers, know what to correct and emphasize the value of your skills.

2. Polish your resume format

Over the top designs are a problem for the resume screening software that companies use to filter candidates. Inconsistent formatting and bullet points is also a problem. We'll tell you what changes are necessary for a hireable resume.

3. Make your mark in competitive fields

Rezi customizes its resume score based on your job title and experience level. Find out if your resume matches the job description and meets or exceeds industry expectations.

4. Identify and fix common mistakes

Our AI-powered resume checker is trained to spot common errors that can hurt your chances of getting noticed. From typos and grammatical mistakes to inconsistent formatting and unclear language, we'll pinpoint areas that need improvement and provide actionable suggestions to fix them.

5. Optimize your resume for ATS

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes before they reach a human recruiter. Our resume checker ensures your resume is optimized for ATS by identifying relevant keywords, ensuring proper formatting, and highlighting important information. This increases your chances of making it past the initial screening process.

6. Get instant, actionable feedback

Unlike traditional resume review services that can take days or even weeks, our AI resume checker provides instant feedback. You'll receive a comprehensive report within minutes, allowing you to make necessary changes and submit your improved resume right away. This saves you valuable time and helps you stay ahead of the competition.

Job Seekers Love Using Our AI resume Builder

We're pretty sure you'll love it too.

Rezi is an awesome AI-based resume builder that includes templates to help you design a resume that is sure to check the boxes when it comes to applicant tracking systems. This is a great jumping off point to kickstart a new resume.

Ashley Stahl from forbes image

Just what I was looking for

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Very good resume editor!

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Rezi worked like a charm.

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My experience with Rezi during a job search.

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Very Reliable Resume Editor

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Rezi is my favorite Resume creator website!!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Everything you need to know about using Rezi's AI Writer.

Yes, Rezi is free to use. Some features require a Pro subscription.

Rezi AI Writer is powered by GPT-3 API from OpenAI. This means, with the content you generate, we're "buying" the usage of their API.

Rezi partnered with OpenAI to use their GPT-3 neural network. GPT-3 is an innovative and powerful new neural network. We trained it to understand best resume writing practices from our experience and database of resume content. Integrating this AI into Rezi, we are able to transfer expert-quality resume writing at almost no cost.

You can get credits in one of two waysSubscribing to Rezi Pro: We'll give you 100,000 AI Credits to use for content each month. By purchasing more AI Credits: You can also buy  AI Credit directly without subscribing. - First you'll need to create a free Rezi account. The Rezi AI Writer is integrated in the Experience, Projects, and Involvement sections.

Ready to build your resume?

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More From Forbes

5 ai resume builders you should try in 2024.

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A resume builder should not be used as a magic wand, but it can certainly reduce anxiety in the job ... [+] search process and help you process your thoughts, skills and experiences in a way that will resonate with the recruiting team

In your quest to create the perfect resume, no doubt you've encountered several AI (artificial intelligence) applications all supposedly guaranteeing the same promise: to be able to save you time, worry, and stress, and generate a shiny new document that will get you past the gatekeepers and secure an initial interview.

If you've never used a generative AI tool before, you might be concerned and initially apprehensive.

And you should be.

After all, you don't want to take any chances and wreck an entire application that has already taken considerable painstaking effort.

With the plethora of options you have to choose from, it might be overwhelming to know which resume builders are worth your money (if you do need to pay anything at all) and which ones have the highest chances of success.

But as long as you follow these guidelines to make your resume with AI, you'll be on the right track:

How To Find A Good Resume Builder

When looking for a resume builder, you will need to carefully weigh up several factors including:

  • Ease of navigation and user experience
  • Your budget and pricing options available—including any free trials or free plans you might be able to take advantage of
  • Trustpilot and Product Hunt reviews, Reddit discussions and reviews, and even asking your professional connections on LinkedIn
  • Value for the price
  • Comparison of features and customization options—customization is extremely important for your resume to be effective
  • ATS compatibility

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A note on ATS compatibility: Applicant tracking systems are becoming more modernized, and as such, some features that would have been rendered unreadable and disqualify you from a position (such as double columns) are now accessible thanks to updated parsing technology, according to an Enhancv study .

However, it's worth bearing in mind that according to the study, a resume built with Canva or Microsoft Word tends to fare better overall without double columns—a 93% success rate compared to an 86% success rate for double columns.

At the same time, using a different software such as Google Docs yields an impressive 99% success rate, regardless of whether the resume was created with a single or double column.

5 AI-Powered Resume Builders

Below are five positively-reviewed AI-powered resume builder tools you can use to make your application truly stand out to hiring managers. Some, such as Enhancv, are tested against ATS software (applicant tracking systems that recruiters use to help screen candidate resumes) to ensure full compatibility:

  • Resumaker AI

How To Use A Resume Builder

Whichever resume builder you decide to use from the list above, it's essential to understand that AI is not a quick fix. While it certainly provides much needed assistance as you figure out how to make a resume that truly stands out to employers, you will need to ensure that you double check the final output for grammatical issues, spelling mistakes, inconsistencies, needless repetitions, and a lack of human flow in the writing style—all of which can be obvious tell-tale signs that your resume was written by AI.

Additionally, while AI can help with formatting and readability, you need to ensure that the final document reflects who you really are and is one that you are personally happy and comfortable with.

Using a resume builder doesn't take away from the fact that you need to sell yourself effectively. AI will only provide impetus to what you already have. An AI-powered resume builder won't do the selling for you. This means quantifying your achievements where possible and using this data to feed the resume builder.

Resume builders will also help you identify keywords to help you beat ATS—but you'll need to check over these to ensure they apply to you, and look out for any other resume keywords which are familiar terms in your industry so you can highlight the right keywords to catch the attention of recruiters.

Finally, it's essential to note that resume builders will not take away the necessity for mental effort. You still need to closely study job descriptions and highlight relevant experience, education, skills (including soft skills) and certificates that you possess, so that you can input these into the tool.

This is because resume builders may sometimes include skills that are not relevant to you, in an effort to match with the job description for the role you wish to apply for, so you'll need to ensure that you review these for accuracy. Also, some may only focus on your last role, so you'll need to add extra experiences to bulk up your resume and provide deeper context into your skills and experience.

Resume builders offer incredible features such as customization options, free trials, and assistance ... [+] with keywords.

Overall, crafting the perfect resume that actually gets you hired comes down to a combination of your personal input and self-belief in your abilities, and the complementary augmentation of artificial intelligence tools. Job searching can be an exhausting process, so utilize these resume builders to make your efforts easier and give you greater piece of mind—edging you closer to your dream job.

Rachel Wells

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45 Quick Changes That Help Your Resume Get Noticed

person editing resume

There is certainly a time and a place for a resume overhaul. Taking a couple hours to really clean up your resume is worth doing before you start a job search, or even just once a year as a tune-up.

But sometimes, you don’t have that kind of time. Sometimes, you just have a few minutes, and you want to spend them giving your resume a quick polishing-up. And for those times, we made you this list of resume updates that only take a few minutes, but that can make a big difference in making your resume shine.

Choose how much time you have, pick a (mini) project, and get ready for your resume to be that much more eye-catching.

how to get resume noticed by ai

1. Switch the Font

Ready, switch the font of your resume to Helvetica, Arial, or Times New Roman—in other words, make sure it’s not hard to read (or stuck in Word’s standard Calibri). Using a common, clean font may not make your resume the prettiest out there, but it will make it more readable (and less likely to be rejected by applicant tracking systems).

2. Remove “References Available Upon Request”

If they want references, they’ll ask for them! Use the extra space to add a detail about your abilities or accomplishments.

3. Delete the Resume Objective

That boring boilerplate “I am a hard working professional who wants to work in [blank] industry” is a bit obvious—why else would you be submitting your resume?—and takes up valuable space.

4. Spell Check

...and correct any mistakes .

5. Save it Correctly

Save your resume as a PDF if it’s in any other format. That way, the formatting won’t get messed up when your resume is opened on a different computer. (To see exceptions to this rule, click here .)

6. Change the File Name

Change the file name from “Resume” to “[First Name] [Last Name] Resume”—it makes things easier for hiring managers and ensures your resume doesn’t get lost in the crowd.

7. Remove Your Address .

If you’re not local, recruiters might not look any further. If you are, recruiters may take your commute time into account and turn you down if they think it would be too long.

8. Add Your LinkedIn Profile

In its place, add a link to your LinkedIn profile, as well as any other relevant social media handles (Twitter if it’s professional, Instagram or Flickr if you’re applying to social media or creative positions). Caveat: Never include Facebook, no matter how clean you keep it.

Don’t want to drop your whole ugly LinkedIn URL onto your resume? (Hint: You shouldn’t.) Create a custom URL to your public profile using simply /yourname (or some similar, simple variation if somebody already has your name). LinkedIn has instructions on its website .

9. Make All Your Hyperlinks Live

Your resume is most likely going to be read on a computer, so making things like your email address, LinkedIn and other social profiles, and personal websites clickable makes it easier for the recruiter to learn more about you.

10. Delete Irrelevant Data

Omit any references to your birthdate, marital status, or religion. Since it’s illegal for employers to consider this when looking at your application (at least in the U.S.), they can’t request it (and offering it makes you look a little clueless).

11. Get Rid of That Grad Year

If you’re more than three years out of college, remove your graduation year . Recruiters only really want to know that you got a degree, and you don't want them to inadvertently discriminate based on your age.

12. Move Your Education

While you’re at it, do a little rearranging, and move education down below your experience. Unless you’re a recent graduate, chances are your last one or two jobs are more important and relevant to you getting the job.

13. Make it Readable

To improve readability, increase the line spacing (also called leading) to at least 120% of the font size. To do this in Word, go to Format and select Paragraph. In the pulldown under Line Spacing, choose Exactly and set the spacing to two points above the size of your font (so, 12 if your font is 10 point).

14. Reduce Your Margins

Need a little more space to work with? Reduce your top and bottom margins to 0.5" and your side margins to no less than 0.75". This will keep your resume clean and readable but give you more room to talk about what you've got.

how to get resume noticed by ai

15. Leave High School Behind

Remove anything high school-related unless you’re a year out of college or need to bulk up your resume and did something highly relevant (and awesome) during your high school years.

16. Update Your Skills Section

Add any new skills you’ve gained, and remove anything that is a little dated (nobody wants to hear that you have Microsoft Word experience anymore—they expect it).

17. Break Up Your Skills Section

If you have lots of skills related to a position—say, foreign language, software, and leadership skills—try breaking out one of those sections and listing it on its own (“Language Skills” or “Software Skills”).

18. Double-Check Formatting

Make sure formatting is consistent across your resume. You want all headers to be in the same style, all indentations to line up, all bullet points to match, and the like. You don’t want the styling to look sloppy!

19. Remove Acronyms

Find any acronyms, and write out the full name of the title, certification, or organization. You should include both, at least the first time, to make sure the recruiter knows what you’re talking about and so an applicant tracking system will pick it up no matter which format it is looking for. For example: Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

20. Get Rid of Distracting Design

Unless you are a designer or are submitting a ( carefully crafted ) creative resume, remove any photos or visual elements. On a more traditional resume, they generally just distract from the information at hand (and can confuse applicant tracking systems ).

21. Work Around Your Gaps

If you have gaps of a few months in your work history, swap out the usual start and end dates for each position with years only (e.g., 2010-2012).

22. Do a Verb Swap

Swap out a couple of your boring verbs for some more powerful (and interesting) ones. Check out our list of resume action verbs if you need inspiration.

23. Now, Do an Adjective Swap

Swap out a couple of generic adjectives or titles (words like “detail-oriented” or “experienced” are overused and don’t tell a recruiter much) with stronger language that better describes your more unique strengths.

24. List Your Promotions Correctly

Worked multiple jobs within the same organization? Learn how to list them right on your resume, then update it as such.

25. Leave History in the Past

As a rule, you should only show the most recent 10 to 15 years of your career history and only include the experience relevant to the positions to which you are applying. So if you have anything really dated or random, remove it and use the space to bulk up other sections or add something more relevant.

26. Look for Orphan Words

Go through line by line and take note of any orphan words (single words left on a line by themselves). See how you can edit the previous line so they can fit—making your resume look cleaner and opening up extra lines for you to do other things with.

27. Make it Skimmable

Make your document easier to skim by adding divider lines between sections. Check out section three of this great guide for instructions.

28. Use Numerals

Include any numbers on your resume? Go through and change them all to numerical form, instead of written out (i.e., 30% instead of thirty percent). Even small numbers that are often spelled out should be written numerically—it makes them pop to the reviewer and saves space.

29. Read it Out Loud.

This will not only help you catch any spelling or grammar errors, but it will also help you notice any sentences that sound awkward or that are hard to understand.

how to get resume noticed by ai

30. Check Out the Top

Look at your resume “above the fold.” In other words, take a close look at the top third of your resume—the part that will show up on the screen when the hiring manager clicks “open” on that PDF. That’s what’s going to make your first impression—so make sure it serves as a hook that makes the hiring manager eager to read more.

31. Shorten Your Bullet Points

Make sure you have no more than six to seven bullet points for any given position. If you do? Cut and condense. No matter how long you’ve been in a job or how good your bullets are, the recruiter just isn’t going to get through them.

32. Identify Your Narrative

Give your resume to someone who doesn’t know you well to look at for 30 seconds. Then ask: What are the three most memorable things? What’s the narrative? Take this feedback and think about how you can adjust your resume to get it closer to where you want.

33. Use a Word Cloud

Similarly, drop your resume into a word cloud generator and see which keywords are popping out. If the most prominent ones aren’t what you want to be remembered by, or if there are important words that aren’t present, think about how you can tweak your resume to make that more clear.

34. Quantify Everything

Go through your bullet points , and add as many numbers and percentages as you can to quantify your work. How many people were impacted? By what percentage did you exceed your goals? (And, yes, it’s OK to estimate as long as you can roughly prove it.)

35. Make Your Benefit Clear

Pick a few statements to take one step further, and add in what the benefit was to your boss or your company. By doing this, you clearly communicate not only what you’re capable of, but also the direct benefit the employer will receive by hiring you.

36. Consider Adding a Qualifications Section

Perhaps in lieu of your now-deleted “Career Objective?” This should be a six-sentence (or bullet pointed) section that concisely presents the crème of the crop of your achievements, major skills, and important experiences. By doing this, you’re both appeasing any applicant tracking systems with keywords and giving the hiring manager the juicy, important bits right at the top.

37. Update Your Header to Make it Pop

You don’t have to have a ton of design knowledge to make a header that looks sleek and catches a recruiter’s eye. (Hint: Use this same header on your resume and cover letter to make your “personal brand” look really put together.)

38. Fill it Up

Need to fill up more space on your resume, or feel like you’re light on the experience? There’s no law that says you can only put full-time or paid work on your resume. So, if you’ve participated in a major volunteer role, worked part-time, freelanced, or blogged? Add a couple of these things as their own “jobs” within your career chronology.

39. Or, Cut it Down

If you need more space on your resume, check and see if any of your formatting decisions are taking up unnecessary space. Does your header take up too much at the top? Do you have any extra line breaks that you don’t really need? Tinker around with the formatting and see how much space you can open up (without your resume looking crowded or messy).

40. Make Your Bullet Points Make Sense

Look at each bullet point and make sure it’s understandable to the average person. Remember that the first person who sees your resume might be a recruiter, an assistant, or even a high-level executive—and you want to be sure that it is readable, relevant, and interesting to all of them.

41. Use a Resume Template

Download this free resume template so you’ll look extra polished.

how to get resume noticed by ai

42. Update All Your Roles

Make sure all of the experience on your resume is updated. Add any awards you’ve received, new skills you’ve taken on, articles you’ve published, or anything else awesome you’ve done.

43. Spread the Word

Hop over to your LinkedIn profile, and make any updates you’ve just made to your resume to your summary and experience sections there.

44. Ask a Friend to Help

Email three of your friends or professional contacts asking (nicely!) for a peek at their resumes. You might be able to get some inspiration for your own (or even help them out).

45. Get That Baby Out There

Find an awesome job to apply to with one of our partner companies, then get started on your cover letter with our easy-to-follow guide .


Of course you do.

Resume Review coaches

  • 60+ ChatGPT Prompts for Real Estate Agents


The competition you face as a real estate agent or marketer is immense. To get noticed, build a brand, stand out and eventually, drive sales, great content is the key. That’s where the magic of AI for real estate marketing , with tools like Narrato and ChatGPT, comes in! As a real estate agent, you juggle numerous tasks from crafting property descriptions to engaging with clients. AI content creation tools can be your secret weapon, streamlining your workflow, and freeing up more time for what truly matters—building relationships and sealing the deal. Whether you need help with creating content, client follow-ups, or market analyses, Narrato’s AI templates and a few powerful ChatGPT prompts for real estate can be the answer to all your woes. Let’s dive into how you can leverage ChatGPT prompts to elevate your real estate marketing and sales game. But before that, here’s why you should be using ChatGPT and other AI tools in real estate marketing.

Benefits of using AI tools and ChatGPT in real estate

Best chatgpt prompts for real estate agents, chatgpt prompts for property descriptions, chatgpt prompts for real estate property brochures, chatgpt prompts for real estate blogs, chatgpt prompts for real estate customer interactions, chatgpt prompts for real estate ads, chatgpt prompts for real estate sales and marketing emails, crafting effective chatgpt prompts.

Narrato AI content creation workspace

Let’s dive into the multitude of benefits that AI writing tools for real estate bring to your content creation and marketing efforts to help you stand out from the crowd in the real estate market.

1. Task automation : AI tools like ChatGPT and Narrato can automate repetitive writing tasks such as creating property listings and social media content. Instead of spending hours writing promotional materials, agents can generate engaging content in moments with targeted prompts.

2. Scalability : With the ability to generate multiple variations of content swiftly, agents can handle larger volumes of work without compromising on quality, allowing scaling of their operations without the need for additional staff.

3. Personalized follow-ups : Using ChatGPT , you can draft customized follow-up messages that align with your personal communication style. This ensures every message sounds like it comes directly from you, enhancing client satisfaction.

4. Rapid responses : Agents can provide timely responses to inquiries, ensuring that no client is left waiting and potentially lost to competitors. Narrato AI email writer and ChatGPT can even help draft replies that are friendly and informative, yet concise.

5. Adaptable tones : Whether you’re addressing a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, tools like Narrato and ChatGPT can adjust the tone of their responses to suit different client needs and personalities, making your communications more relatable and effective.

6. Consistency in branding : By feeding AI tools with information about your brand’s voice and persona, it ensures that all your written communications across various platforms echo the same consistent, professional tone.

The best way to create content using AI is of course with a platform like Narrato, which offers pre-built AI templates for almost every use case you can think of. Be it blog writing, copywriting, social media posts, property descriptions, or anything else, Narrato already has an AI template to help you generate content faster.

AI property brochure generator on Narrato

However, tools like Narrato’s AI Chat and ChatGPT can prove to be handy too, as long as you know how to craft the right ChatGPT prompts for your use case.

The effectiveness of ChatGPT, irrespective of what you’re using it for, lies in using the right prompts. As a real estate agent or marketer, you need to know what kind of ChatGPT prompts for real estate marketing will give you the desired output.

Prompt engineering is not as simple as it may sound. So to make your life a little easier, we’ve curated some of the best ChatGPT prompts for real estate agents. Here’s how you can use it to your advantage in different facets of your real estate business.

The easiest way to generate eye-catching property descriptions would be using the AI property description generator on Narrato. This tool only requires a few key details about your property to generate a cohesive and alluring description that buyers just can’t resist. It also lets you bulk generate descriptions, if there are several properties to list.

AI property description generator on Narrato

As for ChatGPT, here are some prompts for generating property descriptions that you might find useful.

  • Can you write an enticing description for a [no. of bedrooms]-bedroom, [no. of bathrooms]-bathroom home located in [City, neighborhood]? Highlight features like the spacious backyard, modern kitchen, and proximity to local amenities.
  • Describe a luxurious penthouse apartment for high-income couples and families located in the heart of [City]. Highlight its upscale amenities like [list amenities], panoramic views, and proximity to fine dining and entertainment like [name a few places nearby].
  • Create an SEO-optimized description for a charming, [X]-bedroom suburban home ideal for a growing family. Focus on its safe neighborhood, spacious backyard, and proximity to good schools.
  • Write a description for a property listing, about a trendy urban loft with exposed brick walls and high ceilings, emphasizing its open floor plan, modern amenities, and unique character.
  • Describe a picturesque [X]-bedroom rustic cottage, for a real estate listing, situated in the countryside. Highlight its cozy interiors, beautiful garden, and peaceful surroundings.
  • Craft a description for a sleek, modern condo of [X] rooms with direct beach access. Mention its stunning ocean views, contemporary decor, and nearby coastal amenities like [list amenities].
  • Write a description for an elegant, historical mansion in [location]. Emphasize its grand architecture, rich history, and expansive grounds. The mansion has [list rooms, staff quarters, studies, etc.]
  • Write a description for a compact yet stylish studio apartment in the city center of [City]. Emphasize its efficient use of space, modern amenities like [list amenities], and convenient urban location.
  • Write a description for a charming bed and breakfast property in [location]. Detail its welcoming ambiance, beautifully appointed rooms, and ideal location for tourists including solo travelers, groups, and families with children. Also, mention its pet-friendliness and safe neighborhood.
  • Create a description for a sustainable, eco-friendly tiny house in [location]. Highlight its efficient use of space, green energy features, and minimalist design.

Here’s one of the prompts used in Narrato’s AI Chat and the AI-generated description we got.

ChatGPT prompts for real estate property description used on Narrato AI Chat

Try out these prompts and modify them as per your needs, depending on which property features you want to highlight or who your target buyer is.

AI property description generator for real estate businesses - Narrato

Brochures still play a critical role in real estate marketing. If you are using Narrato’s AI property brochure generator , you don’t have to worry about prompt engineering at all. Just add the basic details about your property and the AI tool does the rest.

AI real estate property brochure generator on Narrato

You can also use ChatGPT or Narrato’s AI Chat to craft brochure copy expertly. Here are some ChatGPT prompts for real estate property brochures that could be useful.

  • Create brochure text that showcases a family home in [neighborhood], including visuals of the recent renovation and access to top-rated schools. The family home has [X] rooms, [X] bathrooms, a living area, a covered porch, and an expansive backyard.
  • For a real estate property brochure, write a section about the vibrant community and neighborhood amenities around a suburban family home. Mention local parks, shopping districts, and community events.
  • Create content for a brochure that highlights the historical significance and unique architectural features of a Victorian-era property. [Add property details]
  • For a real estate property brochure, write a section devoted to the environmentally sustainable features of an eco-friendly home, such as solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and energy-efficient appliances.
  • Highlight the investment potential of a mixed-use property in an up-and-coming neighborhood, including projected rental income and property value appreciation.
  • Create content for a real estate brochure that showcases the outdoor living spaces of a rural estate, including patios, gardens, and natural landscapes.
  • For a real estate brochure, describe the potential of a fixer-upper or a customizable property for creative buyers looking to renovate or personalize their space.

Here’s one of these ChatGPT prompts for real estate brochure content used on Narrato’s AI Chat.

ChatGPT prompts for real estate property brochure content used on Narrato AI Chat

Blogs are an important part of any content marketing strategy, and that holds true for real estate too. An AI blog article generator , like the one on Narrato, makes blog content creation a breeze. Just add in your topic and keywords, or provide a few reference URLs or documents, and based on these inputs the AI can generate long-form, informative pieces that command the reader’s attention.

AI blog writer on Narrato

However, if you wish to use ChatGPT or similar AI chat engines to generate blog articles or sections of your blog posts, here are some ChatGPT prompts for blog writing that you can use.

  • Housing Market Trends – What are the key housing market trends for [current year] in [specific location]? Provide an analysis of price changes, inventory levels, and buyer behavior.
  • First-Time Home Buyers – Create a comprehensive guide for first-time home buyers, covering topics such as financial preparation, mortgage options, and the home buying process from start to finish.
  • Staging Tips – What are the top 10 home staging tips to help sellers showcase their property effectively? Include before-and-after examples and insights on budget-friendly ideas.
  • Investment Properties – Discuss the best strategies for investing in rental properties, including market research, financing options, and tips for managing rental units successfully.
  • Selling in a Slow Market – How can homeowners boost their chances of selling their property in a slow market? Offer tips on pricing strategy, marketing techniques, and home improvements.
  • Neighborhood Guides – Write a detailed neighborhood guide for [specific neighborhood/city], highlighting local amenities, schools, transportation options, and what makes it an appealing place to live.
  • Home Renovation ROI – Which home renovation projects offer the best return on investment when selling a home? Provide examples of high-impact improvements vs. low-return upgrades.
  • Environmental Sustainability – What are the benefits of eco-friendly home features and sustainable building practices? Discuss how these can influence property value and attract eco-conscious buyers.
  • Market Predictions – What are the predicted real estate trends for the next five years in [specific region/market]? Base your blog on industry reports, expert opinions, and economic indicators.
  • Financing Options – Outline the various mortgage and financing options available to home buyers today. Include traditional mortgages, FHA loans, VA loans, and newer financing models.
  • Virtual Tours – Explain how virtual tours and digital marketing are transforming the real estate industry. Provide tips on creating effective virtual listings and the benefits they offer.
  • Legal Considerations – Discuss the key legal considerations and steps involved in buying or selling a property. Include information on contracts, disclosures, and common legal pitfalls to avoid.
  • Real Estate Technology – How is technology changing the real estate industry? Explore topics like AI, blockchain, and property management software and their impact on agents and clients.
  • Luxury Market – What defines a luxury property, and what do buyers in the luxury market typically look for in a home? Offer insights into marketing and selling high-end real estate.
  • Client Testimonials – Highlight the importance of client testimonials and reviews for building credibility in real estate. Provide examples of effective testimonials and advice on how to gather and use them.

These prompts cover a broad range of topics that can be tailored to specific markets and audiences. By using these ChatGPT prompts for real estate blogs, you can quickly generate high-quality content that addresses the needs and interests of your clients and prospects.

ChatGPT and AI tools can even help you improve customer interactions, boosting your lead generation and sales efforts. Here’s a collection of prompts specifically crafted for engaging with real estate clients:

  • What are the most effective communication strategies for keeping real estate clients informed and engaged throughout the buying or selling process?
  • How should real estate agents address common client concerns and objections, such as anxiety about market conditions or doubts about property value?
  • What are some effective methods for personalizing real estate interactions to make each client feel valued and understood?
  • Discuss various techniques for building trust with new and existing real estate clients. Include examples of actions and behaviors that foster trust.
  • How can real estate agents improve their active listening skills to better understand and meet their client’s needs and preferences?
  • What are the best practices for educating clients about the buying or selling process, financing options, and market conditions?
  • Provide tips on helping clients manage stress and anxiety during the home buying or selling process. How can agents create a more comforting experience?
  • What are the best follow-up practices and questions for real estate agents after initial meetings, showings, and transactions to keep clients engaged and satisfied?
  • Discuss strategies for resolving conflicts or misunderstandings with clients in a constructive and professional manner.
  • How can real estate agents set clear and realistic expectations with clients to ensure a smooth and satisfying transaction process? Suggest some questions to ask clients to understand their expectations.
  • How can real estate agents improve their negotiation skills to better advocate for their client’s interests while maintaining positive relationships with all parties involved? Suggest some convincing points to make during such negotiations.

Using these ChatGPT prompts, you can enhance your communication, provide timely information, and ensure a smooth transaction experience for your real estate clients.

As a real estate agent and marketer, you need to capture attention with targeted advertisements. But copywriting for ads requires special skills – or a good AI ad copywriter. Narrato’s AI ad copy generator , for instance, can help you craft click-worthy ad copy tailored to any platform, be it Google Ads, social media ads or classifieds.

AI ad copy generator on Narrato

If you would like to use your own prompts and further customize your ad copy, you can do that with ChatGPT or Narrato’s AI Chat, using some of the following ChatGPT prompts.

  • Write an ad copy for Facebook focusing on a newly listed beachfront property with picturesque sunset views and investment potential.
  • Create a Google ad copy for a luxury home that emphasizes its high-end features, exquisite design, and prime location in [specific area]
  • Write an ad for a real estate marketplace promoting a family-friendly home that highlights nearby schools, parks, and family-oriented community amenities.
  • Craft an ad for a starter home perfect for first-time buyers, focusing on affordability, convenience, and charming features.
  • Generate a classified ad copy for a modern condo unit, showcasing its amenities, low-maintenance lifestyle, and proximity to urban conveniences.
  • Compose ad copy targeting investors for a residential property, highlighting potential rental income, growth areas, and ROI projections.
  • Write an ad inviting potential buyers to an open house event, detailing the key features of the property and what attendees can expect.
  • Create an ad for a commercial office space, focusing on its modern facilities, flexible floor plans, and ideal location for businesses. [Add details of location/neighborhood]
  • Write an ad for a retail space available for lease/sale at [location], mentioning its high foot traffic, large display windows, and nearby businesses [mention details about nearby businesses].
  • Compose an ad for a restaurant property, highlighting its fully-equipped kitchen, dining area capacity of [X] guests, and prime location for foot traffic.
  • Generate ad copy for a mixed-use development, showcasing the blend of residential and commercial spaces, amenities, and community atmosphere at [location].

ChatGPT prompts for real estate ads used on Narrato AI Chat

To make sure your ChatGPT-generated ad copy is tailored to the platform of your choice, it is best to mention it in your prompt. Also, include any specific details about the property you wish to promote or any particular CTAs you want to add.

AI ad copy generator for real estate agencies - Narrato

Emails are as important as ever in real estate sales and marketing. They are a great way to connect with clients at a more personal level, landing directly in their inboxes. But email marketing can only be effective if your message is on point every time. Knowing what to say in a cold outreach email or a follow-up email can be tricky. This is where an AI email writer or an AI sales email sequence generator like Narrato can make your job easier.

AI email writer on Narrato

But if you plan to use ChatGPT instead, you will need the right ChatGPT prompts for email writing to get your desired output.

Here are some prompt ideas to create engaging sales and marketing emails:

  • Draft an email for potential buyers detailing the open house schedule for [property details], featuring recent renovations and special financing options available.
  • Compose an email announcing a new property listing in [desired location], highlighting its unique features, local amenities, and upcoming viewings.
  • Write an email informing potential buyers about a recent price reduction for [property], emphasizing the value and benefits of acting quickly.
  • Craft an email sharing a recent client testimonial about their positive experience with your agency, encouraging recipients to contact you for their real estate needs. [Add details/URL of client testimonial]
  • Generate an email newsletter to update clients on the latest trends and statistics in the [local real estate market], offering insights on the current buyer and seller landscape.
  • Write an email announcing a seasonal promotion or special offer for buyers and sellers, explaining the benefits and how to participate.
  • Generate an email to promote an upcoming home buying seminar, providing details on the agenda, guest speakers, and how to register. [Add details of seminar]
  • Compose a festive holiday email to send to your clients, wishing them well and reminding them you’re available to assist with any real estate needs in the coming year.
  • Write an email presenting a lucrative property investment opportunity, including detailed financial projections and an invitation to discuss further. [Add key details]
  • Craft an email for following up with leads who attended a property viewing or open house, asking for feedback and offering additional assistance.

These prompts can keep your real estate communications sharp, professional, and engaging, ensuring your business remains a step ahead of the competition. By employing ChatGPT wisely, agents can enhance their productivity and maintain that crucial personal touch with clients, driving success in this dynamic industry.

As a real estate agent looking to leverage ChatGPT, the magic lies in how you craft your prompts. With the right approach, ChatGPT can become an invaluable assistant, generating content tailored to your needs and preferences. However, mastering the art of prompt crafting involves understanding key elements like specificity, clarity, context, and desired outcomes.

Importance of specificity and clarity

When communicating with ChatGPT, specificity, and clarity are crucial. These characteristics significantly impact the quality of the responses you receive. Think of ChatGPT as your high-speed assistant: the clearer and more specific your instructions, the better the output.

  • Be direct and concise : A prompt like “Write a social media post” is too vague and can lead to generic responses. Instead, specify your needs: “Create a lively social media post about open houses in Miami targeting first-time buyers aged 25-35.”
  • Defined questions and instructions : Asking clear questions like, “What are the top three features to highlight in a luxury condo listing?” or “Suggest five engaging hashtags for my new blog post about home staging” guides ChatGPT towards producing more valuable content.
  • Refinement is key : If the first output isn’t quite right, don’t hesitate to refine your prompts. Suppose your prompt “Write an email to potential buyers” wasn’t specific enough. Next time, go with something like: “Compose a friendly email for first-time home buyers in San Francisco, emphasizing the benefits of energy-efficient homes.”

Providing context and desired outcomes

Alongside specificity and clarity, setting the right context and expressing desired outcomes are pivotal to leveraging ChatGPT effectively. This helps ChatGPT to align responses with your unique business objectives and brand voice.

  • Describe your role and audience : Contextual prompts like “As a real estate agent specializing in beachfront properties in Southern California, draft an email to attract out-of-state investors” ensure that ChatGPT tailors the content to suit your professional identity and target audience.
  • State the goal : Define what you’re aiming to achieve with the prompt. For example, if you’re seeking ideas for a monthly newsletter, try: “Suggest topics for a newsletter aimed at educating sellers about improving home curb appeal before listing.”
  • Create scenarios for complex tasks : Break complex tasks into a series of prompts. Begin with broader context and narrow down to specifics. First, prompt: “What are current market trends influencing luxury real estate in New York City?” Follow with: “Craft a detailed listing that incorporates these trends for a 5-bedroom penthouse.”

By focusing on clarity, specificity, context, and desired outcomes, your ChatGPT interactions will become more productive. Keep experimenting with different prompts and refining your approach to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT in your real estate business.

Wrapping up

Incorporating ChatGPT into your real estate business can transform the way you operate, making your tasks more efficient and your interactions more engaging. By using specific prompts, you can leverage this powerful tool to create captivating property listings, engaging social media content, and effective email campaigns. From drafting property descriptions to planning a content calendar, ChatGPT offers real estate agents the means to save time and drive success. So, go ahead, harness the potential of ChatGPT, and watch your real estate ventures soar to new heights!

AI content creation and marketing workspace - Narrato

Neelam Goswami is an engineer turned writer, currently working as a Content Specialist. She has always had an affinity to writing and loves creating simple-to-read pieces for everyone to enjoy.

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