528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Current-day problems, from global warming to human rights, continue to be a topical subject, urging students to address acute issues.

However, this relatability means that you, as an essay writer, may find yourself faced with conflicting facts and circumstances, which your inherent bias may affect.

Thus, a terrorism essay becomes not merely an academic endeavor, but an attempt to immerse yourself in contemporary issues with a multitude of opinions.

  • Research and outline your subject beforehand. This process will not only save your time but also help you structure your thoughts and arguments coherently.
  • Use tools, such as topic sentences and brainstorming techniques, in the prewriting phase of your paper. Doing so will help you understand how you would like to develop your central theme.
  • Start compiling a bibliography early on. When many different viewpoints exist, creating a structured argument in favor of a particular approach may require a wide array of supporting book and journal titles.
  • Give a historical overview of your issue. For example, if you are writing about global terrorism, then it is apparent that a worldwide network of violent radicals did not come into existence overnight. Acknowledge and explain the origins of your assigned issue.
  • Read other’s sample essays. This action will help you gain a better understanding of what works and what does not in terrorism essay topics.
  • Use terrorism essay quotations. Since this is a contemporary issue, then there are bound to be many people involved in activities to counter terrorism, survivors of attacks, and general onlookers. Utilize their perspectives and memories to give your essay a unique touch.
  • Remain respectful throughout your paper. Recognize the gravity of your essay and understand the privilege you have when writing about ideas that you may not have experienced.
  • Write your essay with no references. Despite watching TV coverages, listening to critics, and reading tabloids, none of us are experts on war or terrorism. Always cite the sources of your information to uphold the integrity of your work.
  • Plagiarize from the work of others. While you may read essays written by your peers or those that are available online, directly copying from them is an academic offense.
  • Go off point. If you are writing about the history of Al Qaeda, do not disintegrate your work into a how to stop terrorism essay. However, you may give some points in your conclusion on how the overall situation may be amended.
  • Write controversial terrorism essay titles. While your title should be catchy and grab your readers’ attention, you should not resort to cheap tactics to make your headings memorable by shock value. Remember that your audience may perceive this tactic as making light of your subject, thus destroying your hard-earned credibility.
  • Try to advocate for a pro-terrorist approach. While it is a sound idea to subvert some essay topics, this is not the case in such papers and your work should always be against terrorism.
  • Integrate examples from unreliable sources. While readers are often less informed than the essay’s writer is, the opposite may also occur. Therefore, always check the facts, which you include in your work, to avoid embarrassment.
  • Draw out your essay to stress the seriousness of the subject. Use your instructor’s specified word count as a measure for how much you should write. Your readers will not appreciate a long-winded paper, as they are hoping instead to get a quick and concise introduction to an important problem.

Want to get more inspiration on terrorism essay topics? Head over to IvyPanda!

  • “To Any Would-Be Terrorists” by Naomi Shihab Nye While trying to address the extremist audience, the writer resorted to the strong methods of personification to be able to talk straight to each reading the letter. Despite the character of the text, the writer […]
  • Terror in “The Dumb Waiter” Play by Harold Pinter Pinter exemplifies the existential view of the absurd and the non-existence in The Dumb Waiter in the same manner as that employed in Waiting for Godot by Beckett.
  • Role of Media in Terrorism and Its Force Multipliers The following passages describe the role of the media in terrorism, how terrorists use laws to their advantage, the concept of asymmetrical warfare, and force multiplier as they apply to terrorism.
  • Biowarfare and Bioterrorism: History and Origin According to Edmond and William, the dawn of bioterrorism dates back to the nineteenth century, when Louis Pasteur and Robert Koech studied and understood the basics of microbiology. Moreover, another application of biological weapons is […]
  • Investigation Methods: Terrorism and Cyber Crime The question on whether the investigations in these areas of cyber crime and terrorism to remain incident driven or to adopt strategic approach are still is of great concern to the security agencies and the […]
  • Islamic Terrorism in Ridley Scott’s “Body of Lies” As it was implied earlier, in order for us to be able to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of Islamic terrorism, we need to make an inquiry into the very tenets of Islam, […]
  • Leila Khaled: Freedom Fighter or Terrorist? This essay elaborates her intentions with the support of academic sources and her movie in order to demonstrate her cause of action as a freedom fighter for her country and not a terrorist as perceived.
  • “Monsters, Inc.” and the War on Terror The problem of fear in the American society can be discussed as the multidimensional concept which is directly associated with the developed idea of the War on Terror because fear is the main force to […]
  • Analysis of a Domestic Terrorist Group and Homeland Security Policies The Boogaloo Movement is a severe menace, and the government must take all necessary measures to put a stop to it, it is concluded.
  • Suspected Terrorist Interrogation and Use of Torture Regardless, torture is still popular across the globe, and it has elicited a new debate questioning whether it is immoral and unacceptable to use torture in the case of efforts to fight terror in the […]
  • Terrorism, Corruption, and Climate Change as Threats Therefore, threats affecting countries around the globe include terrorism, corruption, and climate change that can be mitigated through integrated counter-terror mechanisms, severe punishment for dishonest practices, and creating awareness of safe practices.
  • Problems the US Faced in the Prosecution of the International Terrorists Differentiating a potential extremist from the rest of the population has been challenging because most international criminals interact with civilians and become part of them.
  • Terrorist Impact on Maritime Transportation Security Notably, the United States established the Transportation Security Administration under the Department of Transportation, which was soon transferred to the newly formed Homeland Security Department.
  • International Terrorism: Waves and Countermeasures The concept of modern terrorism emerged in Russia, and after a decade, it spread to Western Europe, the Balkans, and Asia.
  • The Nexus of Homeland Security and Terrorism The Department of Homeland Security is one of the several bureaucracies formed to tackle the issues of rising insecurity due to external powers and potential facilitators within the US.
  • The Future and Change of Terrorism As a result, even if terrorists get their hands on these weapons, they might hesitate to use them on individuals because of the associated implications.
  • The Terrorist Attack Recovery Process Terrorism response strategies and the recovery process vary according to the scope of damages and the implications of the methods used in the terror attacks.
  • Preparing for a Potential Terrorist Attack The ultimate aim of preparedness is to limit exposure to adversities during and after a terrorist attack. Thus, a recommended approach to limiting the potential security hazard of terrorist attacks is assessing its attributes and […]
  • Role of Terrorism in Russo-Ukrainian War Due to this factor, one of the most influential and widespread typologies of terrorism is the New Terrorism that emerged after the tragedy of 2001 in the USA.
  • Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act of 2018 Therefore, the current policies are a response to existing problems, and as the problem inside the country has become smaller, the reaction has also decreased.
  • Anti-Terrorism Security Complex for Civil Aviation It is expected that the increase in the number of flights in the absence of a strengthened anti-terrorist culture should also lead to an increase in the number of unintended consequences of such flights – […]
  • Terrorism: Goals and Strategies Their main purpose can range from changing the direction of the politics in the state to overthrowing the exciting government and establishing control over the population.
  • Religious Terrorism: Ideologies and Methods of Al Qaeda and ISIS Strict adherence to the recorded practices and sayings of the Prophet in the letter of the Koran is emphasized. It endorses the rationalization of terrorism and violence in the efforts to fight against infidels.
  • Principles of Leadership and Future of Terrorism At the present time, leadership is presented in various forms; however, the primary objectives of the model generally include the improvement of organizational performance and the enhancement of the relationships between the members.
  • The 2012 Tel Aviv Bus Bombing and Crisis Management Musa was the manufacturer and detonator of the bomb, which he used Mafarji to deliver inside the Tel Aviv-based commuter bus.
  • The Role of the Military in Domestic Terrorism Acts The video focuses on the issue of domestic terrorism in the U.S.in light of the January 6th attack on the Capitol.
  • Addressing Challenges of Religious Terrorism The various methods used in religious terrorism are spiritual scriptures to justify the violent acts and the use of apocalyptic images of destruction to justify the actions.
  • Terrorism and Changes in Police Management Firstly, the police and organizations related to the population’s safety prioritized the prevention of terrorism to minimize the damage. Organizing in the police station involves the creation of organizational structure, points of authority, and responsibilities.
  • Terrorists’ Minds and Radicalization Processes Moreover, the models agree that radicalization is a stepwise process in which one stage or step leads to another and eventually reaches the act of terrorism.
  • The Terrorism and Oil Industry Relationship Since terrorism is a source of political instability in the world, there is expected to be a positive correlation between oil prices and terrorist attacks. The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship […]
  • Understanding the Definition of WMDs and the Constraints on Terrorist Acquisition The most known WMD a nuclear weapon is limited in numbers and difficult to create. The most probable WMD for terrorists to acquire are chemical weapons.
  • Online Interventions Addressing Terrorism and Radicalization The study will also identify that the Sakinah campaign can be considered a suitable example of how it is possible to address Internet terrorism and radicalization.
  • A Terrorism Attack in the Middle East Countries in the Middle East are prone to terrorist attacks rendering it one of the unsafest regions in the world. The importance of this study is to understand the purpose of terrorist attacks in the […]
  • Behavioral Factors of Individual Terrorists The behavior of individual terrorists is dictated by the group dynamics, their mental health, and well-being, as well as the underlying incentives for joining a terrorist organization.
  • The Ways Terrorists Raise and Move Money Moreover, the government has put into action the freezing orders and blocking of united states individuals who are presumed to have a hand in terrorist activities.
  • Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime as Threats to Homeland Security The US is among the nations that have suffered some of the worst terrorist attacks worldwide and it is also a hub of international criminal activities due to its wealth of resources and powerful economic […]
  • Planning for Terrorist Events: Case Study To review the response of France’s forces and evaluate its efficiency To provide several recommendations for the prevention of attacks during the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar Terrorist attacks that took place across Paris […]
  • Global Impact of 9-11 Events on Terrorism Prevention Many people resorted to religion and faith, and the majority reported that they were praying more frequently. Moreover, it stimulated the intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan to fight terrorist groups.
  • September 11, 2001 Attacks: What We Have Learned About Terrorism Since 9,11 The world has remembered one of the most tragic attacks in the USA in 2001, and the consequences of this event stay one of the most discussed.
  • The Case of Saudi Arabia’s Soft Counter-Terrorism Strategy Therefore, this assessment is essential for government agencies, consulting organizations, and society in general, since innocent people suffer from the consequences of terrorism.
  • Terrorism Prevention: Operation Geronimo Intelligence briefings had been vital in this operation, and there was sufficient evidence to show that the wanted terrorist was in the compound. In conclusion, the operation was a necessary undertaking in ensuring international peace […]
  • Trump Tells Story About Killing Terrorists With Bullets Dipped in Pigs’ Blood The text reflects on Donald Trump’s recollection of the myth that terrorists were killed before the bullets used were dipped in pig blood.
  • US Strategy From the Cold War to the Post-Global War on Terrorism Before the collapse of the United Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991, the United State’s strategy during the Cold War era had been one of deterrence to the potential threats of the USSR and its allies […]
  • Analysis of the Terrorist Organizations: “Red Brigades” and “Boko Haram” The most famous action in the organization’s history is the abduction and murder of the former Prime Minister of Italy Aldo Moro in the spring of 1978.
  • Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism in the US The very first section of this act is devoted to strengthening the internal security of the population of the States in the framework of countering terrorism.
  • Countering Terrorism Through Innovative Approaches The vital issue of this meeting became the issue of the technological development of international terrorism, its rapid growth in the online world, and acquaintance with the most recent technologies.
  • Iran’s Involvement in Sponsoring Global Terrorism Due to the particular features of the theocratic regimes, in the case of Iran, the inclination towards terrorism can be explained by two pillars of the Islamic doctrine underlining the constitution.
  • Criminalistics: Forensic Science, Crime, and Terrorism These writings can be on the second, third, and so on pages, depending on the pressure on the writing subject, that is, a pen or pencil.
  • Terrorism: the Victim of Terrorism and of Mechanisms to Combat It The Concept of Terrorism: Unlawful act Broad interpretations Threatening lives Generic term of terror Caused by forces opposed to the state Sociopolitical
  • Countering Terrorism and Preventive Measures Considering the events of the past century, including the first and 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and 2001, United States Embassy in Beirut and Kuwait bombing, and many other attacks, the […]
  • Why Terrorism Is Not a Serious Threat to International and National Security We accept the existence of this threat, but we are still sure terrorism narrative as an existential threat is doing more damage to a larger amount of people than local terroristic attacks.
  • An Analysis of Terrorist Activities The main terrorist attack of al Qaeda was the 9/11 Bombing of the World Trade Centers, claiming the lives of thousands of people and leading to the beginning of the War on Terror.
  • Response to a Hypothetical Terrorist Event Prior to explicit action, the first thing to do in such a situation is to assess the environment depending on the location of terrorists and the type of attack and to outline the civilians that […]
  • Biological Warfare and Agro-Terrorism However, the most important thing from which those infected with botulism die is paralysis of the respiratory muscles and the respiratory failure that follows. The bacteria Bacillus Anthracis, which causes anthrax, is one of the […]
  • Terrorism Impacts on Policing in Belgium Nevertheless, when studying the world experience of countries facing the threat of high extremist activity and falling victim to attacks by militant fanatics at the beginning of the 21st century, the Belgian government has strengthened […]
  • Researching of Morals of Terrorists Terrorism attacks are a form of violence, and the moral implication is death in the form of revenge. Realism is a form of acceptance that everyone on the battlefield is a civilian with their families.
  • The Structures, Motivations, and Qualities of Terrorist Groups This implies that the structures of terrorist groups are determined by the capacity and character of the government and society where they operate.
  • The Functionalism Theory Assumptions of Terrorism The functionalism theory echoes the candid assumptions of terrorism and further resonates with the evolving terrorism threat. As Barkan outlines, the functionalism perspective postulates that terrorism creates social bonding and solidarity within societies at war.
  • Terrorism: Cargo and Passenger Screening To avoid such events, security systems need to be improved by the management both in the field of technological equipment and in the training of professionals.
  • Motivations of Lone-Wolf Terrorists The phenomenon of lone-wolf terrorism is an interesting one because it challenges one to attempt to understand the motivation of a person to commit a violent criminal act knowing of the severe consequences.
  • Public Policy Issue: Domestic Terrorism At the same time, proponents of the policy argue that the rise of domestic terrorism is due to the failure of holding accountable and confronting the perpetrators by the responsible authorities and not a case […]
  • Radicalization and Terrorism in the United States The individuals or self-proclaimed bombers are one of the major threats that the USA will have to be on the lookout for most of the time.
  • America: Racism, Terrorism, and Ethno-Culturalism The myth of the frontier is one of the strongest and long-lived myths of America that animates the imagination of the Americans even to this day.
  • Terrorism: Domestic, Transnational, and Maritime Forms All types of terrorism are based on the forcible imposition of a worldview, ideology, morality, politics using violence, threats of murder or other forms as the primary means of achieving goals.
  • “Terrorism” Is a Biased Term According to Bin Ladin, the bombing of the World Trade Center was an intimidation technique targeting the Americans due to the violence against the Islamic community.
  • Terrorism and Data Mining Algorithms However, this is a necessary evil as the nation’s security has to be prioritized since these attacks lead to harm to a larger population compared to the infringements.
  • Cyber-Terrorism and International Interventions Most of the cyber-attacks that have occurred involve the direction of the malware and attacks to specific critical systems and Information Technology infrastructures.
  • Terrorism and Media Coverage In that regard, the issue of media coverage is specifically important to consider in situations involving hostages, as the media either covering a news report or responding to the terrorists’ demands is in a position […]
  • Airfreight Security Breaches and Terrorism The majority of terrorist attacks happened after the 1990s, thereby indicating the deterioration of the security system and breaches in it.
  • Terror and Religion One of the common religious terror activities has been on martyrdom, the practice of causing death to oneself on the basis of being a witness to ideological and theological perspectives and beliefs.
  • Encryption, Stenography & Cyber Criminal Terrorist The internet and the ICT system as a whole are vulnerable to cyber attacks. This is the method of using to trademark to protect our images and copyright on our intellectual properties.
  • Radicalization and Terrorism Phenomena A precursor to radicalization and terrorism is the lack of proper socio-political integration of certain communities in countries. Radicalization lies at the heart of terrorism and plays a central role in the propagation of ideas.
  • Boko Haram Terrorist Organization: History and Facts Since the inception of the organization in 2002, the primary goal of Boko Haram has been to impose Islamic rule in Nigeria by promoting a version of the religion that forbids participation in any social […]
  • Local Efforts to Counter the Terror Threat in New York City The program encompasses a series of both current and future policy efforts that are associated with the private sector security as well as counterterrorism in the state.
  • Cyber-Terrorism and Healthcare Information Systems – Past, Present, and Future The cyber appliances in the health sector then again sustain correspondence amongst shareholders and service providers and as well support resources management.
  • Bioterrorism Response by Healthcare Organizations Bioterrorism is a frequently used term that proves human responsibility on the development of its outcomes and effects on people and other living beings on Earth.
  • Response to Terrorist Attacks: The Role of Military and Public Sector Entities Nevertheless, to understand the basis of such partnership, one has to understand the actions that the public sector takes and has taken to respond to terrorism in the United States and globally.
  • Emergency Operations in Case of Radiological Terrorism An excellent example of an explosion that profoundly affected the Americans is the 9/11 attack that led to the destruction of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
  • Command Structure of Sharing the Information About Possible Acts of Terror Following the infamous events of 9/11, the government of the United States introduced new strategies and roles that have continued to reshape the roles and involvement of law enforcers in cases of terrorism.
  • Bio-Terrorism: When Microbes Become a Threat to Human Existence In general, due to the cooperation of scientists, policymakers, and public agencies across the globe, the international community has recognized the potential of biological weapons and is prepared for the majority of threats.
  • How Terrorism Impacts the Human Experience From the point of view of modern definitions or attempts to define these phenomena, the difference is most often established in the globality of the character, duration of the act, and the number of actors […]
  • Annotated Bibliography About Terrorism This is a book review article written by Khanna on the book “Terrorism as a war” written by Walter Laqueur and published by Continuum Books.
  • Cyberterrorism, Competing Factions, and Possible Course of Action Various aspects can be analyzed concerning cyberterrorism, competing factors, and possible course of actions in corporations to show that cyberterrorism is a legitimate option for the expression of grievances by terrorists.
  • Importance of Emergency Response to Terrorist Attack According to the scenario presented, it makes sense to involve the DoD since the terrorists, supposedly AWOLs, pose an extreme threat to the lives of civilians and the military.
  • National Response to Terrorism & Natural Disaster The National Response Framework governs the national security and crisis response to dynamic emergencies and natural disasters that occur in the community.
  • Terrorism: Definitions, Features Shared by Terrorists However, since there is no agreed-upon definition of a terrorist attack, it is possible to state that some incidents were omitted from the statistics. Terrorism is difficult to combat and requires the input of international […]
  • Alienation and Solidarity: The Logic of Suicide Terrorism Pape’s “The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism” discusses the growing prevalence of suicide attacks in the arsenal of terrorist movements from 1980 onward.
  • Terrorists and Their Rights Under US Laws The key problems of the research are the ways in which Islamists are protected by the US legislation and society, where the threat comes from, and what the consequences might be.
  • Anti-Terrorism Protocol and Counter-Terrorism Units The 1995 Tokyo sarin attack is a case in point because it proved the real possibility of such a scenario and was used as the reference for the L.A. First of all, as shown in […]
  • Oklahoma City Bombing as Domestic Terrorist Act The federal building housed the offices of various government agencies, including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, which was directly involved in the Waco debacle. The attack allowed McVeigh to send a message to […]
  • Foreign Fighters and Contemporary Terrorism Finally, recruiters have received access to the vulnerable groups directly, which is demonstrated in the book In the Skin of a Jihadist written by an investigative journalist Anne Erelle.
  • Terrorist Attacks: Paul Hanson vs. Patrick Crusius He made some preparations in the form of stockpiling weapons and researching the locations in which they reside. Crusius was more discrete in his information gathering, though it was still the failure of the FBI […]
  • Terrorism Liaison Officer’s Responsibilities The analyst was involved in the assessment of the case and contributed to false-positive reporting regarding the journalist and other civilians being terrorists.
  • Cyberterrorism: A 21st Century Threat and the Global Response Thus, it can be concluded that terrorism and cyberterrorism have become one of the many global challenges, and for this reason, they should be the object of close attention to the world community.
  • Terrorism in the United States of America The group might disintegrate in the future because of its dwindling number of followers, leadership wrangles, and a lack of finances to fund its activities.
  • Identifying Terrorism-Related Situations In the selected setting of Philadelphia, the general environment appears to be in control, yet further measures may need to be undertaken to prevent the instances of protests from reaching a state of havoc.
  • Task Force and the Fusion Center: Terrorism Prevention Thus, it can be argued that the main task of JTTF in targeted violence prevention is crime investigation and intelligence generation.
  • Fusion Centers: The Role in Terrorism Prevention Boston Globe reports that the information-sharing system currently in use is not efficient in preventing terrorism, highlighting the fact that the FBI and the CIA probes of Tamerlan Tsarnaev were unbeknown to Massachusetts counterterrorist units.
  • DHS and Intelligence: Terrorism The organization of the fight against terrorism requires a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the sources and subjects of terrorist activity, a clear definition of the functions and areas of responsibility of each item […]
  • The Molly Maguires as a Domestic Terrorism Group It is these origins of the Molly Maguires terrorist group that gave them their thirst for blood and led to the killing of a myriad of Irishmen until the group was exterminated in the proximities […]
  • Australian Anti-Terrorism Laws In the quest to protect citizens, some governments have gone to the extend of inflicting torture on terror suspects in need to obtain some information from the suspect, which raises concern about the suspect’s civil […]
  • Bioterrorism Preparedness and Public Health Response Therefore, the current state of the preparedness cannot be estimated as high or sufficient, and the approach needs to be elaborated.
  • Aggressive Behavior Among the Al-Shabaab Terrorists The former are the underlying sources that propel susceptible individuals to radicalization, while the latter are the incentives that the terrorist groups offer to attract and retain recruits.
  • War on Terrorism: Budget and Policy Discussion The discussion of the specific Acts and Policies directed at USA security is going to be considered with the purpose to follow the changes which occurred in the USA after 9/11 attacks.
  • Criminology: Terrorism–Security Policy for Large Events This attack proved to the government the vulnerability of the state concerning external threats, especially because, prior to the attack, the customary means of attack had been the use of military force as evidenced in […]
  • Causes of Terrorism Terrorism is defined as violent actions that are aimed at instilling fear to people as a means of coercing them to submit to ideologies of a certain group.
  • Violent Resistance and Terrorism The following study is an attempt to establish the root causes of violent resistance, the challenges facing the world due to violent resistance, and possible remedies to the problem citing specific cases that are helpful […]
  • Terror Groups – Abu Nidal Organization Abu Nidal is the Arabic meaning of ‘father of the struggle.’ The terror group was named after its leader and founder Sabri al-Banna who was born in Palestine to a land owning family. Among the […]
  • Impacts of Terrorism on Police Mission in the U.S. The incidence of September 11 2001 has remarkably transformed the police force in the U.S. There is an increase in the level of monitoring of international travels and boundaries by the police force.
  • Homeland Security: Digital Crime and Terrorism Activities However, the US law enforcement system is characterized by the activities of different agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
  • Understanding the Basics of Terrorism On the other side of the rail is another man lying flat on the ground with a sniper rifle in his hands ready to wreak havoc.
  • “Policing Terrorism” by Waddington He is of the argument that case-specific policing is focused on the outcome of court verdicts. He points out an incident in which the palace security was breached, and the commissioner of police reacted to […]
  • Definite Paths to Terrorism: Main Dimensions This assimilation is enforced by the use of violence to instil discipline and loyalty in the participants. In conclusion, there are other dimensions of the Islamic terrorism namely Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.
  • War on Terror: Propaganda and Freedom of the Press in the US There was the launching of the “Center for Media and Democracy”, CMD, in the year 1993 in order to create what was the only public interest at that period. There was expansive use of propaganda […]
  • Terrorism and U.S. National Security Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom in the year 1777 as well as the author of the famous United States Declaration of independence in the year 1776.
  • Domestic Terrorism: Trends, Challenges, and Future Predictions Under the provisions of the US PATRIOT act, acts of domestic terrorism entail dangerous acts that pose a threat to human life and amount to a violation of various criminal laws of the US and/or […]
  • Organizations Convincing to Become a Suicide Terrorist One of the underlying tenets taught to candidate suicide bombers is: “Islam is the answer and jihad is the way”. Pathological altruism refers to any behavior or personal tendency in which ‘the goal or motivation […]
  • Bioterrorism: Term Review According to Meinhardt, “water supplies and water distribution systems represent potential target for terrorist activity in the United States because of the critical need for water in every sector of our industrialized society”.
  • US & UK Human Rights While Countering Terrorism The threat of terror and the further legal reactions of the nations to the problem were considered as challenging, and it is necessary to examine differences and similarities associated with the promotion of human rights […]
  • Organizational Change: Models Influencing American Terrorism This paper seeks to discuss the three models of terrorism, the effects of international terrorism locally, and the impacts of international terrorism on local cell groups.
  • The Goal of a Terrorist Attack This objective is being accomplished by the mean of exposing people to the graphic accounts of terrorist acts-in-making, as was the case with the attacks of 9/11.
  • Local Response to Terrorism Local response to terrorism involves using the resources and the law enforcement officers at the state and county level to detect and prevent acts of terror.
  • Adjusting to Terrorism: The Issue of Detention Without Trial The country also needs to train more prosecutors and legal experts so that justice is disseminated to suspected terrorists who continue to be held at Guantanamo Bay without trial.
  • Biological Terrorism: Dealing With the Threat It is therefore the responsibility of the recipient of this information to take action to secure his/her life against the potential lethality of the agent in question.
  • The Maritime Terrorism Risk and Liability The research describes in detail aspects of maritime terrorism but does not clearly state the research question to be explored. However, in the summary part of the research paper there is several questions implied as […]
  • Bioterrorism Preparedness in Healthcare Organizations It is also necessary to carry out a test on the public health emergencies for this would help the department to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses which are in the system.
  • Adjusting to Terrorism In the US, the Department of Homeland Security is the primary body that deals with all matters of homeland security, including the prevention of terrorism. As such, the department needs to address it as a […]
  • Impact of Terrorism on the Economy The premise of the essay is to evaluate the nature and the nature and the severity of the risks posed by terrorism on IFAD a United Nations specialized agency.
  • A Criminal Justice Approach to Suppressing Terrorism The threat of terrorism substituted communism as the rationale which was used for justifying the state of emergency in America prior to 1990s.
  • Comparison Between Organized Crime And Terrorism Organized crime refers to unlawful activities conducted by members of highly organized gangs and associations. Its defined by members and activities of a group.
  • Boilover: Fire Aspects of the World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks Analysis These includes the intensity of the incident heat on the burning object, the composition of the burning fire, the ability of air that supports combustion to reach the burning fire, the mass of the burning […]
  • Secure Transportation System Against Global Terror The good news is that cooperation, coordination, and new technology can be used to secure the global transportation system and halt the activities of terror groups.
  • Sharing Terror Data: Criminal Analysis The FBI continuing investigation of the attacks to identify the hijackers and their sponsors, codenamed “PENTTBOM,” represents the largest investigation ever in the history of the agency.
  • Torture and War Towards Terrorism An example of mental torture can be explained by the following; Y is a friend to X, they have been caught in the same crime act, Y is then taken to a separate room adjacent […]
  • Women and Terrorism Relations The role of women in secular terrorist organizations has been more pronounced in history due to the conservative nature of religious terrorist movements, which often exclude women from their ranks.
  • Terrorism: Assessing the Past to Forecast the Future The terrorists groups all over the world, having the knowledge of lethargic weapons held by their enemies, are engaged in the discoveries of how the rapidly growing technology may improve the lethargy of their current […]
  • Terrorism Response Strategy The preliminary assessment is performed on the basis that before implementing any rescue operations, the hazards that are contained in the area must be positively identified and the resources available or necessary to deal with […]
  • Homeland Security and Terrorism The important root causes of terrorism are mainly two: a perceived sense of social & political injustice such that the group seeks to right the wrong and, the view that violence is the only way […]
  • Terrorism Preparedness and Response The third and most important step to take is to switch off the available electrical gadgets to prevent the spread of fire. Of importance to prevent such catastrophes is cooperation from citizens, media, and the […]
  • Terrorism Mitigation and Risk In order to avert the danger of possible portable nuclear attacks, it is important to assess the possibility and impact of attacks in the first place.
  • Terrorism Risk Assessment: Threat of Al Shabaab and Hezbollah to the USA Attacks such as those that happened outside the US and more are likely to occur due to what Hezbollah perceives as the US posing a threat to its ties with Iran.
  • Four Priorities of Action for Combating Terrorism on Our Shores There is therefore the need to employ new pragmatic foreign policy steps that promote the national interest within the broader values of international peace and security if any gains are to be realized in the […]
  • The Cyber Terrorism Plan and Counter Strategy The news of hacking the website of the Pentagon will immediately get the attention of the media and this message will spread everywhere at the speed of light.
  • The Potential for State Sponsored Terrorism Also, he mainly tries to bring all the enemies of the United States together and he believes that the United States is a devilish country.
  • Bioterrorism and Biosecurity The epidemiology of the infection is spread in the world evenly though in some of the parts there is only one form of Anthrax, for instance in the United States of America and therefore our […]
  • Bioterrorism and Biosecurity – Aum Shinrikyo The Aum Shinrikyo began their attacks in 1994 in Matsumoto where they used the refrigerator truck to release sarin near the homes of three judges who were overseeing a lawsuit that was predicted to go […]
  • Terrorism: A Definition and Analysis The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines terrorism as the perpetration of violence and force unlawfully against people or property with a sole aim of intimidating or coercing the government or the targeted population or any […]
  • International Political Economy, Democratization, and Terrorism IPE describes the global power dynamics that control international trade and finance, fuel globalization, and wealth distribution across the globe. Sachs argues that globalization and the emergence of political economics have led to the increased […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 3). 528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/terrorism-essay-examples/

"528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 3 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/terrorism-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 3 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/terrorism-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/terrorism-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/terrorism-essay-examples/.

English Aspirants

Terrorism Essay in English [100, 150, 200-250, 300 Words]

Terrorism Essay in English: Terrorism is the use of indiscriminate violence for political ends. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay on Terrorism. Here we’ve provided 4 short and long essays (100, 150, 200-250, and 300 words). These essays will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Terrorism Essay: 100 Words

Terrorism is the result of widespread discontentment that has gone deeper into the minds of the poor and exploited class of people. Being instigated by some power-hungry politicians, these people take up arms against the establishment to voice their protest. When the language of protest violence and cause takes the shape of immense damages to mankind, it becomes terrorism.

Poor, ordinary people remain helpless at the hands of terrorists who want to exercise their authority against the government. Explosions and other terrorist attacks make the country unsafe and take away the peace of common people. The government has taken many steps to curb terrorist attacks, yet the menace of terrorism is still rocking the foundation of a stable country like India.

Terrorism Essay in English

Essay on Terrorism: 150 Words

Terrorism is the use of violence to attain one’s political ends. Every day there are reports of sensational and shocking terrorist activities. A worldwide phenomenon, today it has struck terror in the hearts of the people. Terrorism includes kidnapping of eminent personalities, bombing of civilian territories, blowing of buses, trains, aeroplanes and killing innocent people all with a view to spreading fear among the masses. It is a kind of proxy war against the existing elected government.

The evils of terrorism are obvious and the world has become very familiar with its acts. It is a crime against humanity Terrorism must be curbed with a heavy hand. A group of senseless people cannot be allowed to hold the country to ransom. Law and order enforcement agencies should be made more effective to combat the terror campaign and prevent the creation of fear. The root causes should be analyzed to eradicate terrorism. If that is done people all over the world can live in peace and prosperity.

Essay on Terrorism

Also Read: Essay on Republic Day

Terrorism Essay in English: 200-250 Words

Terrorism becomes now a days a great problem all over the world. It is also a great threat to mankind. It is the use of terror or violence. A certain group of people adopt it as tactics for a purpose. This group is said to be the terrorists. The purpose is a gain, Most gains are political. Sometimes there may be a personal gain. The criminals operate violence to fulfill their wishes or demands. They have various modes of operation.

Sometimes it is in the form of kidnapping or hijacking. Sometimes it is a kind of blasting bombs in a crowded train or bus. In some cases, they release their hostage on a big ransom. At times their terms and conditions are hard to accept and impossible to fulfil. On most occasions, a dateline is fixed. If they are refused or dishonoured, they turn hostile. The criminals kill their captives. It is a matter of great regret that some countries harbour the militants.

Terrorism creates social unrest. It intends to damage the national progress. Even a government falls victim to their wishes. Such a group hijacked an Indian Boeing from Nepal on the 24th December, 1999. They released it when India freed their leader Masood Azhar from the jail. The militants skyjacked American planes and crashed them into World Trade Centre. It was destroyed completely. The massacres in our Parliament and the American Embassy are the glaring examples in the recent times. We can combat and perish it from the face of the earth. But we must keep it in mind: United we stand, divided we fall.

Terrorism in India Essay

Also Read: Essay on Independence Day

Terrorism in India Essay: 300 Words

Communal disharmony is one of the causes of terrorism in India. People here are belonging to the different ethnic groups. Prejudiced, some of them show their commitment to their own minority. And this kind of conservative attitude is the genesis of terrorism in India.

Since 1947 India and Pakistan are regarded as two different free countries, although they were undivided India during the reign of the British colonialists. The British left India by conferring freedom on both India and Pakistan, but the relationship remained unfriendly. Although it is not right to say that Pakistan directly gave shelter to the terrorists, there is little doubt that the terrorists have to some extent nourished by Pakistan.

The terrorists threatened the peace in Jammu and Kashmir. Even the terrorists often attacked India between these two countries by way of causing explosions in large cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Hyderabad. Some Tamil terrorists have also been constantly threatening the peace of India. The most crucial problem that India has now been facing is the activities of the Maoists in West Bengal.

Indians are now uneasy because of the price hike, corruptions in a large scale, and the problem of unemployment. At this time terrorist activities are obligatory to the progress of the nation. All of the political leaders and the Government should be aware of the fact that communal disharmony causes this terrorism. Thus, the liberalism of Indians and proper development of the country, and above all, good administration are very necessary to stop this evil of terrorism.

If it continues, the nation will soon lose its integrity and become the most disgraceful country in the world. Unfortunately, political leaders do politics for the sake of politics only, not for the sake of the making of their country. Every Indian should be conscious of the curse of terrorism and should do well in order to restore the peace of India.

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Essay on Terrorism with Outlines and Quotes

Essay on terrorism with outline and quotations for students of class 12, 2nd year, b.a and bsc.

Hereunder is the Essay on Terrorism with Outline and Quotations for the students of different classes. This Terrorism Essay with Quotes is very important with the point of view of Exams. Students can write the same essay under the title Terrorism Essay, Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan and Essay on How to Combat Terrorism . This essay is taken from local educational notes. You can visit English Essays Category for more English Essays.

Terrorism Essay with Quotes and Outline

  • Terrorism has become one of the most dangerous forms of crime.
  • The main causes of terrorism.
  • Islam is the most misunderstood religion in the west.
  • The Muslim concept of Islamic Fundamentalism.
  • Terrorism is different from political or liberation movement.
  • It must be fought against at all levels.

Terrorism has become one of the most dangerous forms of international crime. Terrorism means the threat or uses of force against civilians or armed forces for political or personal interest. Terrorists attack the civilian population to create terror or general harassment in society. They resort to bombing, killing, hijacking and large scale of destruction of property. A large number of innocent civilians have been killed in these savage attacks. A wave of terror and insecurity has traveled around the globe. People are wonder-struck and terrified at the cruel activities of terrorists in spite of great measures of security and defense.

Narrow-mindedness, fanaticism, fundamentalism, intolerance and religious extremism are considered the main cause of terrorism. Political and religious extremists do not tolerate their opponents and try to eliminate them. Some culprits do it for temptations of money. They are blind agents of other forces. It is also a fact that some intelligence agencies cause terrorism in enemy countries to destabilize them.

“Fanaticism obliterates the feelings of humanity. “

Recent of the hijacking of American passenger airlines and crashing them against the towers of the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington is probably the worst incident of terrorism in the world. Americal wants to punish some individuals and countries whom they blame for terrorist activities in various parts of the world. Usama bin Ladin and some Muslim countries are their specific targets.

Islam is the most misunderstood and misinterpreted religion in the West. A religion that stands for peace and justice has been misrepresented as a religion of war and fanaticism. The Muslims are depicted by the western media as extremists, fanatics, terrorists, backward and devoid of disciplines, On religious issues, They are emotional and intolerance. Fundamentalists believe that they are the right people and all the rest are heretics.

“It is better to understand a little

Than to misunderstand a lot.”

On the other hand, there is no organized Muslim media anywhere in the Muslim World that can refute this western disinformation and give an accurate picture of what is really going on. The west, in fact, is under the psychological pressure of the glorious past of the Muslims. Soon after the demise of communism in the Soviet Union, Islam was perceived as the ideological force to overcome the whole world.

The Muslim concept of Islamic fundamentalism is strict adherence to the age of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). It is an effort to implement the Islamic principles of the Golden age of the world of today for the revival of Islam. Jihad is a totally different act from terrorism. Jihad means the exertion, striving and endeavor for the cause of God. Its object is to bring an end to oppression and aggression against Islam. Its object is not to propagate Islam by use of the sword. It is not anti-wast bigotry and the revival of the ancient Islamic concept of expansionism.

The Quran has emphasized Jihad for a noble cause: “Fight against those who treat helpless men, women and children cruelly”. Jihad stands for noble deeds for elevating the moral character and for seeking refinement to attain nearness to Allah.

“Religion is nothing else but love to God and man.”

Terrorism is also different from political or liberation movement. The Kashmir liberation movement against India, the Palestine movement against Israel and Chechen liberation movement against Russia cannot be regarded as the terrorist movement. They are engaged in an armed struggle to get freedom from cruel rules. They are fighting against aggression.

“If we like them, they’re freedom fighters,

If we don’t like them, they’re terrorists” (Carl Sagan)

Terrorism is evil. It must be fought against at all levels. Governments and nations must join hands to crush this evil and its agents. At the same time, the United Nations must take steps to remove the germs of dissatisfaction, deprivation, and injustice from various religions of the world.

“Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method

Which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation?

The foundation of such a method is love.” (Martin Luther King)

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Terrorism Essay in English

Terrorism essay introduction and outline.

Terrorism Essay in English

To distinguish it let’s consider Alex’s definition of terrorism which states that it is a politically motivated anxiety method that incorporates the acts of violence perfumed by a group of people or an individual to gain publicity. The human victims of this type of violence are chosen at random to serve as message generators aimed at fathering a political, ideological goal. People have a deferent view of the motives behind terrorism in summary according to the FBI 2002/2005 reports and publications we analyzed the general reasons why terrorism exist as follows.

Ethno-nationalism- this is the urge of a group of individuals to break away from the ruling power. The habit gained root in the 20 th century when most of the colonized states where attempting to acquire independence. One of the results of ethnonationalism activates that has yielded to terrible terrorism activities is the formation of the Hamas a political and terrorist militia group that is known for suicide booming. Secondly it religion is thought to be the most common reason why terrorism exists. Looking back at in history Jewish Zealots used to kill Romans in public for religious reasons(Khan). As from the current situation religion, especially the Islamic fundamentalism at some point has driven terrorism to the next level with cases like the global Salafi Jihad revivalist movement. Finally, terrorism exists due to political grievances. In such a state the population lacks a political inclusion causing them to form terrorist groups.

Are there ways that can effectively stop terrorism? The answer is yes. One of the most effective ways to control or stop terrorism is cutting their source of funds. A terrorist group has individuals with bills, needs to buy weapons, need to buy food staff and many other demands. Without funds, it may be difficult for a terrorist group to operate. The states within terrorism prime areas should spend more time and resource to improve their people’s life rather than funding the terrorist groups. Additionally, the world nation should beware no to support dictators who fund terrorist (Crenshaw, Martha.). In a situation where a dialogue on negotiations has been called the parties involved should be ready to persuade it. According to security experts in terrorism prime areas waging war weakens the governing state hence increases terrorism (Pape). To other states should involve the public as much as possible to enable they report any suspicious behavior. A good example is the Singapore security systems which have an additional public warning system that raises awareness and provides training in dealing with potential terrorist.

Finally, the formation of an anti-terrorism group has proven to be very effective in terrorism. This incorporates heavily trained agents that have experience in prevention and responding to threats associated with terrorism. Terrorism activities are unique hence special skills, equipment tactical advantage and supervision is of paramount importance in combating the acts. A good example is the United Nation’s initiative to globally counter-terrorism through the formation of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (Keohane, Daniel).

Also Study: ISIS Recruitment Through Social Media


  • Khan, Nida. “Definitional Issues Of Terrorism – Rise Of Islamophobia.” SSRN Electronic Journal (2013): n. pag. Web.
  • Schmid, Alex. “Terrorism-the definitional problem.”  Case W. Res. J. Int’l L.  36 (2004): 375.
  • “Terrorism 2002/2005.” Federal Bureau of Investigation. N.p., 2017. Web. 28 Nov. 2017.
  • Pape, Robert. “It’s The Occupation, Stupid.”  Foreign Policy . N.p., 2010. Web. 28 Nov. 2017.
  • Keohane, Daniel.  The EU and counter-terrorism . London: Centre for European Reform, 2005.
  • Crenshaw, Martha. “The causes of terrorism.” Comparative politics 13.4 (1981): 379-399.

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  • Terrorism Essay


Essay on Terrorism

Terrorism is a blunder committed by the terrible individuals around us. To demonstrate their strength, a group of people attempts to govern a specific arena. Terrorism has a negative impact on both society and personal life. As a result of their acts, a large number of families are destroyed. Regrettably, the number of crimes in India is increasing on a daily basis. Ancient India was ruled by a monarchy, and the ruling was a source of pride for the king. However, India later accepted democracy, and everyone is treated equally under the Indian constitution. Even so, some cowards try to keep their power over the impoverished and weak.

Terrorism represents the foolish act done by the cruel people around us. The bunch of groups tries to rule the certain arena to show their power. Terrorism had a adverse effect on the society as well as a personal life. Their number of families gets destroyed due to their actions. In India, it's sad to say, but the number of crimes is increasing day by day. Ancient India was in Monarchy where ruling was a pride to the king, but later on India accepted democracy and everyone is treated the same under the Indian constituent. Still some cowards try to maintain their dominance over poor and helpless people.

Who could forget the date 26th November, better known as 26/11! Where 10 terrorists entered the country and attacked the economic city in India. Bringing grenades, pistols, automated rifles and other destructive weapons they almost destroyed the city and shocked the Indians in the midnight. The people are helpless, weaponless and in their own world of enjoyment at the railway station, hotels and in the drives on the roads, and suddenly a danger happens in their lives, which they did not expect. 

Osama Bin Laden was the greatest terrorist in the world! People are still afraid of hearing his name. He had destroyed a building named ‘world-trade center’ with the help of an airplane. It has also been stated in the reports that frequently Osama had been amorphous with him. Even the police themselves got confused and captured the wrong one. After his death there was lots of time still required to recognize the originality of him.

Lying in court is an offense. Frequently the needy and poor people lie in court for the sake of a certain amount of money. But, this money would be a help to criminals outside the world. Even, we purchased CDs and DVDs at an economic rate. To save a certain amount of money, we help piracy. These pirates invest this money in the armonony and indirectly we are sponsoring a bullet in every war which would be used against us only. 

The origin of terrorism starts with a little things. The first pen stolen from a friend could even lead to mortal works. Everything has a start and if left unmanaged, they can leave the astray and lose the right path. In the school, if the adverse effects of being bad are explained properly with illustrations to some real life examples, the students may get aware about all the facts and take an initiative to stop the spread of crime. Instead of making criminals with heroic roles in the television serials, the more heroic movie super cops are to be made. Instead of writing biographies of terrorism supporters, write articles about terrorism demonization. The start of this cleaning starts from home, if you have a child, teach them the ways to be a great person in good habits rather than supporting him when he starts stealing something. Terrorism has an end, if we are united the terrorism can be thrown is out of the windows! 

Various Forms Of Terrorism

Political terrorism, which raises mass concern, and criminal terrorism, which involves abduction for ransom money, are the two sorts of terrorism. Political terrorism is significantly more essential than criminal terrorism since it is carried out by well-trained personnel. As a result, apprehending them in a timely way becomes increasingly challenging for law enforcement agencies.

Terrorism has spread across the country and around the world. Regional terrorism is the most dangerous type of terrorism. Terrorists feel that dying as a terrorist is a priceless and sacred experience, and they will go to any extent to attain it. Each of these terrorist groups was founded for a different motive.

Who can forget November 26th, often known as "26/11"? Ten terrorists infiltrated the country and assaulted India's economic centre. They nearly devastated the city and astonished the Indians by bringing explosives, pistols, automatic rifles, and other lethal weapons. People are defenceless, without weapons, and engrossed in their own realms of pleasure at the railway station, motels, and on the highways when an unanticipated menace enters their life.

The Origins of Terrorism

The invention or manufacture of vast quantities of machine guns, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, nuclear weapons, missiles, and other weapons fuels terrorism. Rapid population expansion, political, social, and economic issues, public dissatisfaction with the country's system, a lack of education, corruption, racism, economic disparities, and language disparities are all key factors in the development of terrorism. Terrorism is sometimes used to establish and maintain one's stance. Despite the contrast between caste and terrorism, the most well-known riots have taken place between Hindus and Muslims.

Consequences of Terrorism

Individuals are filled with fear as a result of terrorism, and people of the country feel vulnerable as a result. Millions of goods have been destroyed, thousands of people have died, and animals have been slaughtered as a result of terrorist assaults. People lose trust in humanity after seeing a terrorist attack, which fosters more terrorists. Terrorism comes in many forms and manifests itself in different parts of the country and outside.

Terrorism is becoming a problem not just in India, but also in our neighbouring countries, and governments throughout the world are battling it. The World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001, is considered the world's worst terrorist strike. Osama bin Laden launched an attack on the world's tallest tower, resulting in millions of injuries and thousands of deaths.


FAQs on Terrorism Essay

1. Who was Osama bin Laden?

Osama Bin Laden was the world's greatest terrorist! Hearing his name still makes people fearful. With the help of an aeroplane, he had destroyed the 'world-trade centre.' According to the rumours, Osama had been amorphous with him on several occasions. Even the cops got mixed up and arrested the wrong person. There was still a lot of time required after his death to acknowledge his uniqueness.

2. Identify the countries that are the most impacted by terrorism.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Syria were the countries most hit in 2014, with the highest number of terrorist incidents. This year has been dubbed "Terrorism Year." Furthermore, it has been reported that these five countries were the primary targets of 78 per cent of all attacks last year. Apart from them, there are 39 countries that endured the most attacks, and their index rating is based on the severity and frequency of attacks they experienced.

3. What is the true cause of terrorism?

Terrorism is defined as the use of violence for a specific purpose. This motivation could stem from a sense of social and political injustice, or just a belief that violence can bring about change. The main cause of terrorism is usually perceived unfairness or rage against specific societal conditions. Many people join terrorist groups out of desperation or to exact personal vengeance on powerful authorities. Terrorism is also a result of strong feelings of injustice. Millions of young people aspire to make a difference by utilising violence as a tool for social upheaval. As a result, in order to combat these extremists, we must provide them with alternatives to violence that can be useful to them.

4. What is the best way to combat terrorism?

The reduction of terrorism threats and the safeguarding of the state, its interests, and citizens against all types of terrorist activity are two of the State Security Service's top priorities in the battle against terrorism. It is critical to detect and suppress operations carried out by international terrorist groups and anyone linked to them. It is necessary to conduct an active search for persons linked to terrorist organisations. Enhancing the capacity of readiness and reaction to terrorist threats should receive special focus.

5. Give an overview of the history of terrorism.

The term "terrorist" was coined by François-Nol Babeuf, a French philosopher, in 1794. As a result of his denunciation of Robespierre's regime as a dictatorship, the Brunswick Manifesto threatened Paris with military punishment and complete devastation. This threat, however, only fueled the Revolution's determination to overthrow the monarchy. Tyranny, according to ancient philosophers, was the greatest political threat to Greco-Roman civilization prior to the French Revolution. Philosophers in the Middle Ages were also preoccupied with the concept of tyranny.

6. Explain the historical background of terrorism.

The word "terrorist" was first used in 1794 by François-Noël Babeuf who was a French philosopher. He denounced Robespierre's regime as a dictatorship therefore Brunswick Manifesto threatened Paris that the city would be subjected to military punishment and total destruction. But this threat only increased the Revolution's will to abolish the monarchy.

Prior to the French Revolution, ancient philosophers wrote tyranny as the greatest political threat to Greco-Roman civilization. Medieval philosophers were similarly occupied with the concept of tyranny.

7. How to fight against terrorism?

One of the main priorities of the State Security Service in fighting against terrorism is the reduction of the risks of terrorism and the protection of the state, its interests and citizens against all forms of terrorist activities. The detection and suppression of activities carried out by international terrorist organizations and persons related to them is important. Active search of individuals connected with terrorist organizations needs to be conducted. Considerable attention should be paid in enhancing the capabilities of readiness and responses to terrorist threats.

8. What is the real reason behind terrorism?

Terrorism is the use of violence for a certain cause. This cause may be due to the perceived social and political injustice or simply a belief that violence can lead  to change.

Usually perceived injustice or anger against a certain social conditions is the main cause  that foster terrorism. Many people join terrorist groups because of poverty or to take their personal revenge from the powerful authority. Strong feelings of injustice also results in terrorism. There are millions of young people who want to create change by using fight as the tools for social upheaval. So, in order to counter these extremists we need to give them alternatives to violence which can prove beneficial for them.

9. Name the countries which are most affected by terrorism.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria are the most affected countries which suffered the largest number of terrorist attacks in 2014. This year is called the year of terrorism.

Also it has been recorded that these five countries were the major victims of 78% of all attacks that happened last year. Apart from these countries there are 39 countries which saw the greatest number of attacks, and their index ranking is calculated against severity and frequency of attacks they experienced.

terrorism essay outline

Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan Causes Effects and Solution

Terrorism is in the broadest sense the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror among masses of people or fear to achieve a religious or political aim. It is used in this regard primarily to refer to violence during peacetime or in context of war against non-combatants. The terms “terrorist” and “terrorism” originated during the French Revolution of the late 18th century but gained mainstream popularity in the 1970s in news reports and books covering the conflicts in Northern Ireland, the Basque Country and Palestine. In this page we discuss Terrorism in Pakistan its causes and salutation. Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan Causes Effects and Solution. Read complete article and improve your knowledge about terrorism in Pakistan.

Terrorism is one of the biggest problems in Pakistan due to which we are not saved. Terrorists always attack the schools, colleges, universities, hospital and many more and killing the students and small kids marble heartedly. We could observer that in this month, we have faced many attacks where we have lost precious lives.We face the war as a situation against terrorism. There are many dimensions in this situation due to many factors. These factors include social injustice, economic disadvantages, political instability, religious inconvenience, as well as foreign hands or international conspiracies.

Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan Causes Effects and Solution

Those people who had forced to meet the interests of their evil, they did not kill innumerable lives, but by the tyranny, the real image of Islam destroyed the face of the world on the face of the world. . Terrorist actions, such as suicide bombs, have become today’s laws. Due to these attacks, Pakistan has economically uncertainly damaged the citizens. People have become digital data, since time has increased. Terrorists have left no place like Market, mosques, educational institutions, offices, hotels, no safe place.

Religious Causes:

  • Role Of Madrassahs.
  • Religious Intolerance.

External Causes

  • Afghan War: 1979
  • Iranian Revolution:
  • War On Terrorism: 9/11

Factors Boosting Terrorism:

  • Anti-Terrorism Campaign And Drone Strikes:
  • Negligence Of Government:
  • Persecution Of Innocent Muslims In Kashmir And Palestine:

Steps Taken By Pakistan:

  • Ban On Terrorist Organisation
  • Operation Rah-E-Nijat
  • Operation Rah-E-Rast

Once a convicted “terrorist” Nelson Mandela wrote in his autobiography “the hard facts were that 50 years of nonviolence had brought my people nothing but more repressive legislation and fewer rights.

Causes of Terrorism in Pakistan.

The sectarian anti shite militant groups like Sipah I Sahaba Pakistan were preaching hatred against the Shiite Muslims and employing some terrorist activities. The extremist sectarian intolerance came to Pakistan only after 1979 revolution in Iran.

Terrorism in Pakistan originated with supporting the Soviet–Afghan War, and the subsequent civil war erupted in Afghanistan that continued for at least a decade. The conflict brought numerous fighters from all over the world to South Asia in the name of jihad. The mujahideen fighters were trained by Pakistan’s military, American CIA and other western intelligence agencies who carried out insurgent activities inside Afghanistan well after the war officially ended.

Pakistan has done its level best to rid terrorism and terrorists from its soil. In first step, many terrorist organisations were banned by the Musharraf government. After those successful military operations namely Rah-e-Nijat and Rah-e-Rast have been conducted. Pakistan army has fought bravely against terrorist and has destroyed their safe dens. It has broken the backbone of the terrorists and has forced them to flee. These operations still keep ongoing in some tribal areas. In this context, it is worth-mentioning that public support to military operations is very essential, and without people’s backing no army can win this ‘different war’ against terrorism.

For Pakistan the consequences of being the epicentre of the war on terror have been disastrous physically, psychologically and economically. Nobody understands terrorism better than us (Pakistanis). We have been victims of various manifestations of it since the Soviet Afghan war. Since 9/11, the wave of suicide bombing has so far killed scores of innocent Pakistani civilians and muffled the already slow pace of our economic growth. The financial cost of the ongoing global war on terror in the last two years alone has been $35 billion. This has badly affected in particular, the socio-economic development of Pakistan. Lest we forget, we even lost our prominent political leader Benazir Bhutto to an act of terror.

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></center></p><ul><li>Muhammad Rouf</li><li>February 13, 2024</li><li>Limitless Aims</li></ul><h2>Terrorism in Pakistan: 1 Best Comprehensive Essay for CSS</h2><p><center><img style=

Uncover the complex landscape of terrorism in Pakistan , delving into its origins, impact, and ongoing challenges. Gain insights into the socio-political dynamics and counterterrorism efforts shaping the nation’s security narrative.


I. introduction.

   A. Definition of terrorism

   B. Brief overview of terrorism in Pakistan

   C. Thesis statement

II. Historical Context of Terrorism in Pakistan

   A. Origins of terrorism in the region

   B. Major historical events contributing to terrorism

   C. Evolution of terrorist groups and tactics

III. Causes of Terrorism in Pakistan

   A. Socio-economic factors

   B. Political instability and governance issues

   C. Religious extremism and sectarianism

   D. External influences and geopolitical factors

IV. Types of Terrorism in Pakistan

   A. Domestic terrorism

   B. Sectarian violence

   C. Insurgency in border regions

   D. State-sponsored terrorism allegations

V. Impact of Terrorism in Pakistan

   A. Human casualties and displacement

   B. Economic repercussions

   C. Social and psychological effects

   D. Impact on international relations and security

VI. Counterterrorism Efforts in Pakistan

   A. Military operations against terrorist groups

   B. Intelligence and surveillance measures

   C. Counter-extremism policies and initiatives

   D. International cooperation and support

VII. Challenges in Combating Terrorism in Pakistan

   A. Complexity of the terrorist threat landscape

   B. Internal divisions and political obstacles

   C. Role of non-state actors and external support

   D. Balancing security measures with human rights concerns

VIII. Case Studies of Major Terrorist Incidents in Pakistan

   A. Examples of significant terrorist attacks

   B. Responses and aftermath of selected incidents

IX. Future Prospects and Recommendations

   A. Emerging trends and potential threats

   B. Strategies for addressing root causes of terrorism

   C. Enhancing counterterrorism capabilities and cooperation

   D. Conclusion and final recommendations

Essay: Terrorism in Pakistan


Terrorism, characterized by acts of violence and intimidation to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals, has plagued Pakistan for decades. From domestic insurgencies to sectarian violence and international terrorism, Pakistan has been a battleground for various extremist groups. This essay provides an in-depth analysis of terrorism in Pakistan, examining its historical roots, underlying causes, diverse manifestations, and ongoing efforts to combat it.

Historical Context of Terrorism in Pakistan

Pakistan’s history of terrorism can be traced back to its origins as a nation-state in 1947. The partition of British India led to communal violence and displacement, laying the groundwork for sectarian tensions and identity-based conflicts. Over the years, Pakistan has witnessed the rise of various terrorist groups, including militant factions involved in the Afghan-Soviet war, sectarian outfits targeting religious minorities, and separatist movements in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces.

Causes of Terrorism in Pakistan

Several factors contribute to the prevalence of terrorism in Pakistan. Socio-economic disparities, poverty, and lack of development opportunities exacerbate grievances and provide fertile ground for recruitment by extremist groups. Political instability, corruption, and governance failures weaken state institutions and undermine efforts to address security challenges. Religious extremism and sectarianism fueled by radical ideologies further exacerbate tensions and violence, leading to a cycle of radicalization and conflict. Additionally, external influences, including regional geopolitics and the Afghan conflict, contribute to Pakistan’s security challenges.

Types of Terrorism in Pakistan

Terrorism in Pakistan takes various forms, including domestic insurgencies, sectarian violence, and international terrorism. Domestic insurgencies, such as the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), target the Pakistani state and seek to establish Islamic law in the country. Sectarian violence between Sunni and Shia Muslim groups has claimed thousands of lives and destabilized communities. Insurgencies in border regions, particularly along the Afghan border, have fueled cross-border militancy and terrorism. Moreover, allegations of state-sponsored terrorism, including support for militant proxies, have further complicated Pakistan’s security landscape.

Impact of Terrorism in Pakistan

The impact of terrorism in Pakistan is profound and far-reaching. Human casualties, displacement, and trauma have devastated communities and disrupted daily life. Economic repercussions, including loss of investment, damage to infrastructure, and decline in tourism, have hindered Pakistan’s development prospects. Socially, terrorism has fostered fear, mistrust, and division, undermining social cohesion and stability. Internationally, Pakistan’s image has been tarnished by associations with terrorism, leading to strained relations with key allies and partners.

Terrorism in Pakistan

Counterterrorism Efforts in Pakistan

Pakistan has undertaken various counterterrorism measures to address the threat posed by extremist groups. Military operations, such as Operation Zarb-e-Azb and Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad, have targeted terrorist strongholds and dismantled insurgent networks. Intelligence and surveillance measures have been enhanced to disrupt terrorist plots and apprehend suspects. Additionally, counter-extremism policies and initiatives aim to promote tolerance, counter radicalization, and rehabilitate former militants. International cooperation, including support from the United States, China, and regional partners, has bolstered Pakistan’s counterterrorism capabilities.

Challenges in Combating Terrorism in Pakistan

Despite efforts to combat terrorism, Pakistan faces numerous challenges. The complexity of the terrorist threat landscape, including the presence of multiple militant groups with varying agendas, makes it difficult to eradicate terrorism entirely. Internal divisions, political obstacles, and corruption within state institutions hamper effective governance and counterterrorism efforts. The role of non-state actors and external support from neighboring countries further complicates Pakistan’s security dynamics. Balancing security measures with human rights concerns remains a challenge, raising questions about the legitimacy and efficacy of counterterrorism tactics.

Case Studies of Major Terrorist Incidents in Pakistan

Numerous major terrorist incidents have occurred in Pakistan, underscoring the severity of the threat and the resilience of extremist groups. From the attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar in 2014 to the bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad in 2008, these incidents have left a lasting impact on Pakistani society and highlighted the urgent need for robust counterterrorism measures.

Future Prospects and Recommendations

Looking ahead, Pakistan faces significant challenges in combating terrorism and maintaining security. Addressing the root causes of terrorism, including socio-economic disparities, political instability, and religious extremism, is essential to long-term peace and stability. Enhancing counterterrorism capabilities, promoting regional cooperation, and addressing grievances through inclusive governance and development initiatives are crucial steps towards mitigating the threat of terrorism in Pakistan.

In conclusion, terrorism remains a persistent threat to Pakistan’s security and stability, fueled by a combination of socio-economic, political , and ideological factors. While significant strides have been made in countering terrorism, challenges persist, requiring sustained efforts and international cooperation. By addressing root causes, strengthening institutions, and fostering inclusive governance, Pakistan can mitigate the threat of terrorism and build a more secure and prosperous future for its citizens.

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Essay on “Terrorism” for CSS, PMS, and All Judiciary Examinations


  • July 29, 2021
  • Essay for CSS PMS and Judiciary Exam

This is an essay on “Terrorism” for CSS, PMS, and All Judiciary examinations. Terrorism is called the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. in this essay you will learn about Terrorism, its types, terrorist incidents, and the causes of terrorism. In this essay, you will learn about terrorism, its types, and the causes of terrorism. So here is a complete essay on the topic of Terrorism for CSS, PMS, and All other Judiciary Examinations.

Essay on “Terrorism”

Terrorism is the willful destruction of people or property by people not acting on behalf of an established government to redress a real or imaginary injustice attributed to an established government. Terrorism has become a part of modern life. Hijackings, bombings, and assassinations on different continents of the world may seem like isolated attacks, but they reflect an easy reliance on violence as a way to promote social , political , and religious change. They are elements of a pervasive end that justify the means philosophy being followed to its most perverse conclusions.

International terrorism has become the scourge of all democratic governments . This democratic government is accustomed to dealing within a legal structure, often finds it difficult to deal with criminals and terrorists that routinely operate outside of the law. However, deterrence is just as much a part of justice as proper enforcement of the laws.

Democratic governments that do not deter criminals inevitably spawn vigilantism as normally law-abiding citizens who have lost confidence in the criminal justice system take the law into their own hands.

A similar backlash is beginning to emerge as a result of the inability of western democracies to defend themselves against terrorists. However, a lack of governmental resolve is only part of the problem.

Terrorism is not new, and even though it has been used since the beginning of recorded history it can be relatively hard to define. Terrorism has been described variously as both a tactic and strategy; a crime and a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an inexcusable abomination. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view is being represented. Terrorism has often been an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict.

As an asymmetric form of conflict, it confers coercive power with many of the advantages of military force at a fraction of the cost. Due to the secretive nature and small size of terrorist organizations, they often offer opponents no clear organization to defend against or to deter.

That is why preemption is being considered to be so important. In some cases, terrorism has been a means to carry on a conflict without the adversary realizing the nature of the threat, mistaking terrorism for criminal activity. Because of these characteristics, terrorism has become increasingly common among those pursuing extreme goals throughout the world. But despite its popularity, terrorism can be a nebulous concept. Even within the U.S. Government, agencies responsible for different functions in the ongoing fight against terrorism use different definitions.

Terrorism is a criminal act that influences an audience beyond· the immediate victim. The strategy of terrorists is to commit acts of violence that .draws the attention of the local populace, the government, and the world to their cause. The terrorists plan their attack to obtain the greatest publicity, choosing targets that symbolize what they oppose. The effectiveness of the terrorist act lies not in the act itself, but in the public’s or government’s reaction to the act.

There are three perspectives of terrorism: the terrorists, the victims, and the general public. The phrase “one man’s terrorist is another. man’s freedom fighter” is a view terrorists themselves would accept. Terrorists do not see themselves as evil. They believe they are legitimate combatants, fighting for what they believe in, by whatever means possible. A victim of a terrorist act .sees the terrorist as a criminal with no regard for human life . The general public’s view is the most unstable.

The terrorists take great pains to foster a “Robin Hood” image in hope of swaying the general public’s point of view toward their cause. This sympathetic view of terrorism has become· an integral part of their psychological warfare and needs to be countered vigorously.

Terrorist acts or the threat of such action have been in existence for millennia. Despite having a history longer than the modern nation-state, the use of terror by governments and those that contest their power remains poorly understood. While the meaning of the word terror itself is clear, when it is applied to acts and actors in the real world it becomes confused. Part of this is due to the use of terror tactics by actors at all levels in the social and political environment. Is the Unabomber, with his solo campaign of terror, a criminal, terrorist, or revolutionary?

Differences between Terrorism and Insurgency

If no single definition of terrorism produces a precise. unambiguous description. we can approach the question by eliminating similar activities that are not terrorism, but that appear to overlap. For the U.S. military, two such related concepts probably lead to more confusion than others. Guerilla warfare and insurgencies are often assumed to be synonymous with terrorism. One reason for this is that insurgencies and terrorism often have similar goals.

However, if we examine insurgency and guerilla warfare, specific differences emerge. A key difference is that an insurgency is a movement – a political effort with a specific aim. This sets it apart from both guerilla warfare and terrorism, as they are both methods available to pursue the goals of the political movement.

Goals and Motivations of Terrorists

Ideology and motivation will influence the objectives of terrorist operations, especially regarding the casualty rate. Groups with secular ideologies and non-religious goals will often attempt highly selective and discriminate acts of violence to achieve a specific political aim.

This often requires them to keep casualties at the minimum amount necessary to attain the objective. This is both to avoid a backlash that might severely damage the organization, and also maintain the appearance of a rational group that has legitimate grievances. By limiting their attacks they reduce the risk of undermining external political and economic support . Groups that comprise a “wing” of an insurgency, or are affiliated with aboveground, sometimes legitimate, political organizations often operate under these constraints.

The tensions caused by balancing these considerations are often a prime factor in the development of splinter groups and internal factions within these organizations.

In contrast, religiously oriented and millenarian groups typically attempt to inflict as many casualties as possible. Because of the apocalyptic frame f reference they use, loss of life is irrelevant, and fore casualties are better. Losses among their co-religionists are of little account because such casualties will reap the benefits of the afterlife. Likewise,· non-believers, Whether they are the intended target or collateral damage, deserve death, and killing them may be considered a moral duty.

The type of target selected will often reflect motivations and ideologies. For groups professing secular political or social motivations, their targets are highly symbolic of authority; government offices, banks, national airlines, and multinational corporations with direct relation to the established order.

Likewise, they conduct attacks on representative individuals whom they associate with economic exploitation , social injustice , or political repression. While religious groups also use much of this symbolism, there is a trend to connect it to greater physical devastation. There also is. a tendency to add religiously affiliated individuals, such as missionaries, and religious activities, such as worship services, to the targeting equation.

Types of Terrorist Incidents

The most common types of terrorist incidents include:

Bombings are the most common type of terrorist act. Typically, improvised explosive devices are inexpensive and easy to make. Modern devices are smaller and are harder to detect.

Kidnappings and Hostage-Takings

Terrorists use kidnapping and hostage-taking to establish a bargaining position and to elicit publicity. Kidnapping is one of the most difficult acts fr a terrorist group to accomplish, but, if a kidnapping is successful, it can gain terrorists money, the release of jailed comrades, and publicity for an extended period. Hostage-taking involves the seizure of a facility or location and the taking of hostages. Unlike a kidnapping, hostage-taking provokes a confrontation with authorities. It forces authorities to either make dramatic decisions or comply with the terrorist’s demands.

Armed Attacks and Assassinations

Armed attacks include raids and ambushes. Assassinations are the killing of a selected victim, usually by bombings or small arms. Drive-by shootings are a common technique employed by unsophisticated or loosely organized terrorist groups. Historically, terrorists have assassinated specific individuals for psychological effects.

Arsons and Firebombings

Incendiary devices are cheap and easy to hide. Arson and firebombings are easily conducted by terrorist groups that may not be as well-organized, equipped, or trained as a major terrorist organization. An arson or firebombing against a utility, hotel, government building, or industrial center portrays an image that the ruling government is incapable of maintaining order.

Other Types of Terrorist Incidents

In addition to the acts of violence discussed above, there are also numerous other types of violence that can exist under the framework of terrorism. Terrorist groups conduct maimings against their own people as a form of punishment for security violations, defections, or informing.

Terrorist organizations also conduct robberies and extortion when they need to finance their acts and they don’t have sponsorship from sympathetic nations. Cyber terrorism is a new form of terrorism that is ever-increasing as we rely on computer networks to relay information and provide connectivity to today’s modern and fast-paced world. Cyber terrorism allows terrorists to conduct their operations with little or no risk to themselves.

It also provides terrorists an opportunity to disrupt or destroy networks and computers. The result is interruption of key government or business-related activities. This type of terrorism isn’t as high profile as other types of terrorist attacks, but its impact is just as destructive.

Historically, terrorist attacks using nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) weapons have been rare. Due to the extremely high number of casualties that NBC weapons produce, they are also referred to as weapons of mass destruction (WMO). However, a number of nations are involved in arms races with neighboring countries because they” view the development of WMD as a key deterrent of attack by hostile neighbors.

The increased development of WMD also increases the potential for terrorist groups to gain .access to WMD. It is believed that in the future terrorists will have greater access to WMD because unstable nations or states may fail to safeguard their stockpiles of WMD from accidental losses, illicit sales, or outright theft or seizure. Determined terrorist groups can also gain access to WMD through covert independent research effors or by hiring technically skilled professionals to construct the WMD.

Terrorism is continually changing. While at the surface it remains “the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear…” it is rapidly becoming the predominant strategic tool of our adversaries. As terrorism evolves into the principal irregular warfare strategy of the 21st century, it is adapting to changes in the world’s socio-political environment.

Some of these changes facilitate the abilities of terrorists to operate, procure funding, and develop new capabilities. Other changes are gradually moving terrorism into a different relationship with the world at large.

Types of Terrorism

The Task Force classified terrorism into six categories.

Civil Disorders

A form of collective violence interfering with the peace, security, and normal functioning of the community.

Political Terrorism

Violent criminal behavior is designed primarily to generate fear in the community, or a substantial segment of it, for political purposes.

 Non-Political Terrorism

Terrorism that is not aimed at political purposes but which exhibits “conscious design to create and maintain a high degree of fear for coercive purposes but the  end is individual or collective gain rather fan the achievement of a political objective.”


The activities incidental to the commission of crimes of violence that are similar in form and method to genuine terrorism but which nevertheless lack its essential ingredient. It is not the main purpose of the quasi-terrorists to induce terror in the immediate victim as in the case of genuine terrorism, but the quasi-terrorist uses the modalities and techniques of the genuine terrorist and produces similar consequences and reactions.

For example, the fleeing felon who takes hostages is a quasi-terrorist, whose methods are similar to those of the genuine terrorist but whose purposes are quite different.

Limited Political Terrorism

Genuine political terrorism is characterized by a revolutionary approach; limited political terrorism refers to “acts of terrorism which are committed for ideological or political motives but which are not part of a concerted campaign to capture control of the State.

Official or State Terrorism

Referring to nations whose rule is based upon fear and oppression that reach similar to terrorism or such proportions.

The context in which terrorist tactics are used is often a large-scale, unresolved political conflict.

The type of conflict varies widely historical examples include:

  • the secession of a territory to form a new sovereign state
  • The dominance of territory or resources by various ethnic groups
  •  Imposition of a particular form of government, such as democracy, theocracy, or anarchy
  • Economic deprivation of a population
  • Opposition to a domestic government or occupying army

Terrorism is a form of asymmetric warfare. and is more. common when direct conventional warfare either cannot be (due to differentials in available forces) or is not being used to resolve the underlying conflict.

Responses to terrorism

Responses to terrorism are broad in scope. They can include re-alignments of the political spectrum and reassessments of fundamental values. The term counterterrorism has a narrower connotation, implying that it is directed at terrorist actors.

Specific types of responses include

  • Targeted laws, criminal procedures, deportations, and enhanced police powers
  • Target hardening, such as locking doors or adding traffic barriers
  • Preemptive or reactive military action
  • Increased intelligence and surveillance activities
  • Preemptive humanitarian activities
  • More permissive interrogation and detention policies
  • Official acceptance of torture as a valid tool

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Essay on Terrorism in India for Students and Children

500 words essay on terrorism in india.

Terrorism in India has a long history. It is a cowardly act by the terrorist groups who wish to disturb the peace of the country. It aims to create a state of panic amongst the people. They want to keep the people in a constant state of fear to stop the country from prospering.

Essay on Terrorism in India

Time to time, they carry out terrorist acts to remind people of the fear they want them to live in. Consequently, there are roughly 100 terrorist cells that are operating in India. They have to an extent successfully created an atmosphere of tension amongst the citizens. Terrorism impacts the country gravely and has dangerous repercussions.

Impact of Terrorism in India

As discussed earlier, terrorism has a major impact on any country. When we look at a developing country like India, it is all the more harmful. Firstly, it creates a state of panic amongst the citizens. The bomb blasts or firing impacts the mental health of people. This causes the untimely death of various citizens or leaves them handicapped. The anxiety and fear one has to live in restrict their way of living to a great extent.

Moreover, terrorism has a major impact on the tourism industry. As tourists avoid visiting places that are vulnerable to terrorist attacks, the tourism industry faces a blow. India is a country that earns a lot of its revenue from tourism. When these attacks happen, they cause fear amongst the tourists as well. The ones planning to visit cancel their trips. Similarly, the ones staying presently shorten their trip and leave.

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Furthermore, terrorist attacks create a sense of doubt in the foreign investors of India. After all, who would want to invest in a country prone to terrorism? They avoid the risk and instead opt for safer alternatives. This causes a huge blow to the business of India depending on them.

Thus, it damages the economy. As terrorist attacks cause loss of life and property, the replenishment takes up a lot of capital. It also results in people leaving the country to settle abroad for a safer environment. This makes India lose a lot of potential doctors, engineers, artists and more.

Major Terror Attacks in India

India has faced a number of terror attacks over time. The worst of them is definitely the 26/11 terror attack which took place in Mumbai. The terrorists captured renowned places like Nariman House, Hotel Oberoi Trident and Hotel Taj. They killed almost 170 people and injured around 300 people. All these victims were police officers, security personnel, or tourists.

The Mumbai Train Blasts were also very deadly. They took place in the local trains of Mumbai and happened at seven railway stations. It claimed 210 lives and injured 715 people.

The Indian Parliament Attack was also very surprising. As the parliament is one of the safest buildings. The terrorist managed to kill three parliament staff members and six police officers. It remains shocking as one wonders how such a safe place could come under attack. In short, terrorism in India needs to be eradicated to safeguard the country and help it prosper.

FAQs on Terrorism in India

Q.1 How does terrorism impact India?

A.1 Terrorism in India has a deep impact on the people and economy of the country. It causes panic amongst people and affects the tourism industry. Furthermore, it also has adverse effects on the economy of the country and its foreign investments.

Q.2 Name some of the most deadly terrorist attacks in India.

A.2 India has had some of the most dangerous terrorist attacks. The major ones include the one on Hotel Taj known as the 26/11 attack. The Mumbai serial bomb blasts were also very deadly where more than 1,000 people were injured. Moreover, the Indian Parliament attack was also quite dangerous.

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9/11 terrorism attack essay examples & outline.


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Buy Essay on 9/11 Terror Attack

7:59am ET - American Airlines Flight 11 leaves Logan Airport in Boston heading to Los Angeles. The plane strikes the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City at 8:46am. Eleven crew members, seventy-six passengers and five hijackers on board. 8:14am ET - United Airlines Flight 175 leaves Logan Airport in Boston heading to Los Angeles. The plane strikes the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York City at 9:03am. Nine crew members, fifty-six passengers and five hijackers on board. 8:20am ET - American Airlines Flight 77 leaves Dulles International Airport in Virginia heading to Los Angeles. The plane strikes the Pentagon Building in Washington at 9:37am. Six crew members, fifty-three passengers and five hijackers on board. 9:59am ET - South tower of World Trade Center crumbles down in approximately 10 seconds. 08:42am ET - United Airlines Flight 93 leaves Newark International Airport in New Jersey heading to San Francisco. Crashes in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03am. Seven crew members, thirty-three passengers and four hijackers on board. 10:28am ET - North tower of World Trade Center collapses. The time difference between the first attack and the collapse of both World Trade Center towers is one hour and forty two minutes. United Airlines Flight 93 was targeting to strike Washington DC, but the plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This was as a result of resistance from the hostages in the plane and the attempt of the passengers to overpower the hijackers. The delay is what led to the plane not striking its initial target (Zelikow 57). The destination of Flight 93 is thought to be either the White House or the Capitol. The collapse of the World Trade Center caused the surrounding ten building around them significant damage. American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense led to the collapse in the western side of the building. The damage caused by the attacks was massive and very fatal with the death of approximately three thousand people recorded. All the passengers onboard in the planes did not survive the ordeal and the two hundred and forty six plus nineteen hijackers all found dead. At the pentagon, fifty five military officers also lost their lives and the remaining portion were those who passed away in New York. The twin towers contributed to the largest number of casualties, and most of them died as a result of being trapped or the smoke from the building. About four hundred and forty one emergency workers also met their death in their efforts to try and rescue the people trapped and those caught in the fire. The deaths affected about ninety citizens with other nations of origin other than the state. A few weeks after the attacks, the death toll was over six thousand and had even doubled. The collected bodies that could be identified were roughly about one thousand six hundred.

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Narcoterrorism has long been one of the many headaches that the United States government suffers from perennially. In the global economic picture, there are always two sides of the economy coin. On one, side, people and businesses make their money legally while, on the other side, people make money illegally such as from the sale of narcotics. The drug trade is a constant sphere of influence that has not only policy, but also political implications on the United States of America . The prohibition of the drug trade is, more often than not, at the root of narcoterrorism. It is worth noting that only drugs that are branded illegal are the ones at the center of conflict between the United States government and drug cartels. The prohibition of these drugs is responsible for fuelling the fire in which the government and the cartels perennially burn. Many of these drugs are the sources of livelihood for the cartels involved in their trafficking (Davids 82). Sadly, they are also the sources of funding that quite a number of terrorist groups depend on to finance their terror activities. This results in a situation in which the government is fighting the trafficking of drugs while some individuals and cartels are fighting to have their way with the government on the sale of drugs. In many of the countries that suffer from narcoterrorism, the United States included, prohibition of drugs is the cause of conflict. In the United States, terror activities against the Federal government have been witnessed in recent years. The worst example of this terrorist attacks was the September 11 attack in which many civilians lost their lives with the bombing of the World Trade Center. However, local law enforcement and anti drug agencies have also felt the pinch of narcoterrorism. In the case of the 9/11 attacks, it is believed that the terrorist group responsible for the attack draws most of its revenue from the sale and trafficking of drugs .

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These cartels also control local distribution of drugs. Many of the cartels are pursued by the law enforcement agencies involved, in a bid to end the drug trade (Davids 132). The result is often in the form of fatal shoot-outs between the cartel members and the law enforcement officers. Many lives are lost in the course of these drug wars in the USA, seeing that many innocent civilians are often caught in the crossfire of these shoot-outs. Rampant corruption and terrorism in the law enforcement agencies is primarily responsible for the increased levels of narcoterrorism in the United States. Many at times, officers who are fully against the drug business end up facing intimidation and terrorism. The drug cartels may forcefully bribe the officers while threatening them and their families. Many are times when law enforcement officers working against drug trafficking have lost close relatives and family members, in dubious circumstances, as a means of intimidation from the cartels. The cartels are often made of locals who know the neighborhoods and the people well enough to know personal details about them.

The cartels even go through the trouble of finding out the homes and relatives of these individuals, and use this as leverage to prevent law enforcement from taking action against them. This results in a weakened law enforcement force that is often ‘fully’ bribed from the highest to the lowest ranking officer. The fact that accepting bribes is a federal offence puts the officers in a tough spot insofar as pursuing these cartels is concerned. Many of the cartels also intimidate by challenging the law enforcement agencies to take action. They intimidate the police bosses who in turn force their subordinates to loosen the reins on the fight against drug trafficking. Solutions The fight against narcoterrorism in the United States is one that faces a myriad of challenges. It is necessary to take the right steps to stop this form of terrorism in the USA. In order to, efficiently, deal with narcoterrorism in the USA, the fight against narcotics trafficking and trade must first be won. The first step towards winning the battle against narcotics is to eradicate corruption in law enforcement agencies. The number of officers that are on the payroll of drug trafficking cartels is very high. There is a need to deal with this corruption since it is the biggest stumbling block towards dealing with narcoterrorism (Davids 176). Many officers are moles to these cartels and inform them of the measures the government is taking towards fighting the cartels. By ensuring that all bribed officers are punished, and that all present officers are all focused on one goal, this fight stands a chance on being won. Secondly, intelligence will be vital in fighting drug cartels. By having reliable intelligence on the revenue portfolios of these cartels, stopping them will be easier than it is at present. This will require in-depth penetration of these cartels by undercover agents that will secretly gather intelligence on the activities of these cartels. This will help to stop the trafficking and shipment of drugs by these cartels. The constant presence of state security will be vital in fighting the cartels, drugs trafficking and, in turn, narcoterrorism. Many drug cartels thrive in regions that lack adequate security. The inability of the government to provide intensive security plays a key part in the success stories of these cartels. In order to address this matter, ensuring that police and anti-narcotics officers are present at all times, in all neighborhoods, will help reduce the chances of success of these cartels. This is because the heavy law enforcement presence discourages the development of any cartels whatsoever. The cartels and individuals that are responsible for narcoterrorism are often just individuals looking to survive in a tough world. The lack of jobs and opportunities to further themselves economically poses a great challenge to the government (Forest 45). Many cartels recruit such individuals and the offer of making a good amount of money is very lucrative to these individuals. The fight against narcoterrorism will receive a big boost once the labor force of the cartels is no longer working for them. By ensuring that many of the individuals offering service to the cartels no longer do so, narcoterrorism in USA will be well on its way to doom. Conclusion

Narcoterrorism continues to be a civil problem in the United States of America. However, government efforts to alleviate this problem will be very important today and in the future. Works Cited

Forest, James J. F. Countering Terrorism and Insurgency in the 21st Century: International Perspectives. Westport, Conn: Praeger Security International, 2007. Internet resource. Davids, Douglas J. Narco-terrorism: A Unified Strategy to Fight a Growing Terrorist Menace. Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, Inc, 2002. Print.

The dreadful terror attack on September 11, 2001 in United States necessitated government’s responsibility of taking care of the people’s lives and maintaining a balance of the society. The terrorist occurrence contributed to the adoption of a controversial piece of legislation called the USA Patriotic Act. In the context of adopting the new legislation law , the Senate, the House of Representatives and President Bush responded within the contexts of the constitution while confronting and preventing such occurrences. The enforced constitutional law empowered US security agencies by equipping them with the most effective tools of responding to terror attacks. It grants federal officers authority while tracking and intercepting communication Amitai Etzioni (2005).

The act’s acronym, ‘the United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act,’ reveals a strong enforcement of the national security agents. Several government departments experience the influences of the act. Through the enforced bill, federal officers have authorities of vesting the secretary of the treasury while using the powers under its provisions while combating corruption and terror related actions. The act has significantly played a vital role while combating terrorists in US as it creates new laws and definition of crime activities. In addition, it develops new penalties for these crimes and as well new procedures used against both domestic and international terror attacks.

A positive advantage strongly attached to the legislation is a provision for expansion of powers. In their definition, the enforcers gave federal officials an allowance of intercepting and monitoring different communication channels during the quest of dealing with terror attacks in US Rebecca Stefoff (2010). A good example of the expansion of the surveillance of powers is in the inaction of FBI agency and as well digital interception methods of sourcing communication such as ‘Carnivore.’ Through the digitalized approach while using the software, the FBI had the perfect opportunity of recording and intercepting communication through different channels such as mobile and emails.

In United States, civil liberties refer to the rights of the citizens free from interference from the government and other people in the society. Bill of Rights and local laws in the American society define these rights. Similarly, when the Ninth Article of The Bill of Rights states, “the enumeration…of certain rights of people shall not be constructed to deny or disparage others retained by the people,” it has an implication that privacy rights and others related to people fall under civil liberties Amitai Etzioni (2005). Prior to the development of The Patriotic Act, these provisions by the civil liberties faced challenges during times of terrors and wars. The Act aided while dealing with the challenge posed on civil liberties during wartime. However, according to some critics, they refer it as an ‘unwarranted and intrusive’ legislation. While responding to these critics on the passed Bill, former president Bush stated that, the Act was important while combating terrorists’ attacks since it protects innocent citizens from the intruding enemies.

According to many citizens, the Act is controversial in nature. Controversies experienced in the legislation attributes to the perception of continued intrusion of freedom of Americans. Similarly, according to many respondents on the act, they articulate that it was unnecessary since it did not provide extra efforts and measures of fighting against terrorism. Search warrants are vital documents while dealing with terrorists. However, enforcing the law, it delays the process of issuance of search warrants contributing to the delayed notice before conducting searches.

Among many citizens, privacy is an important aspect of their life. Their desire for high profiles of privacy influences their relations with others in their society. Concurrently, the modern society has a characteristic of high individualism. Therefore, many consider the Act as a violation of their privacy. Through the provisions made by the Constitutional laws governing the federal agencies responding to terrorism, officials have the authorities of monitoring emails and financial transactions of citizens Rebecca Stefoff (2010). According to many opponents to the Act, they refer to these provisions as threats to individual freedom and exploitation of civil rights.

It is not doubtful the Patriotic Act is unconstitutional. It violates the fundamental American ideal of ‘checks and balances’ on government official powers. Normally, federal officials do not have the powers of carrying out searches without search warrants. Similarly, they do not have the reasons of doing so without demonstrating reasons of believing the suspect may commit a crime. Unlike other provisions made by the constitution, the enforced legislation, through its ‘sneak and peak’ approaches of conducting searches without prior notices, federal officers easily storm into public libraries and institutions without notification. Section 213 of the Act expands federal government’s power Robert P. Abele (2005). Patriotic Act violates the fourth amendment by allowing federal agents carry out searches without presenting search warrants. The government requires citizens to provide federal officials with both educational and financial records. However, the abrupt search activities are against the provisions made by the rights of freedom act of the constitution. In the current society, abrupt searches are continuously increasing. Among many FBI agents, they do not produce search warrants. Mostly, they articulate that these searches are essential for national security, and they have the obligation of continuing with the search. Lack of search warrants contributed to the abuse of power among these federal agents raising concerns among many citizens. A government review of the provision led to the establishment of the regulatory body, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA).

Despite the highlighted drawbacks of the Act, US government often calls for changes in the criminal procedures Amitai Etzioni (2005). However, according to many, they have strong beliefs that these changes will significantly erode human rights and freedom. Changes proposed by the legislation act include; the overall procedures of detaining and deporting criminals. In relation to the Act, the Attorney General has the power of detaining criminals. In addition, Attorney General has the powers of controlling the proceedings engulfing the prisoners. Under some special circumstances, they have the authority of extending the detention period with six months. These provisions are in situations when the criminal poses a threat to national security and may disrupt the peaceful society.

However, on a different scope, detentions without trials based on the Attorney General’s powers provided by the Act contributes to the violation of the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution. The amendment states that, ‘…no person…under any context is deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.’ Nevertheless, while focusing on maintaining a peaceful society and preventing an occurrence of a terrorist attack similar to the September 11 attack, defenders of the Act state that it is essential detaining possible terrorists before causing harm to other citizens Rebecca Stefoff (2010). Additionally, according to Section 411 of the Patriotic Act, there is provision of execution of immigrants basing the analysis on their connection with terrorists. Hence, detainment of criminals without trails only happens when they have strong links with terrorist groups. The provision is ambiguous in nature since it has possibilities of contributing to discrimination and exclusion of immigrants based on the ideology surrounding them. However, basing arguments on the September attack, it is evident that the US immigration policy needed reformation.

In addition to the highlighted controversial provisions of the Act, the enforced legislation advocates for high use of National Security Letters (NSLs). Section 505 of the Act is threatening as it facilitates the use of these letters. Normally, these letters demand personal records without a judicial review Amitai Etzioni (2005). Additionally, they request for an automatic gag order on suspects. Failure of cooperation and disclosure of information required by the surveillance letters contribute to penalties. In the provision, FBI the Act adds non-terrorism suspects to the list of entities where FBI can use these letters. According to data presented on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the NSLs, FBI agents abused more than half of the letters issued. The controversy in facing the acts on the reliance on these letters adds up to the constitutional violations experienced Robert P. Abele (2005). The drawback attributed to these letters is that acquiring them is easy since they do not need authorization by a judge. As an implication, it means that FBI agents may use these letters illegally to obtain information from a citizen involved in a crime. However, these letters can aid FBI agents in obtaining information on different crime types. Contrarily, use of these letters on such a perspective leads to the violation of the Fifth Constitutional Amendment Rebecca Stefoff (2010).

Surprisingly, Patriotic Act faces are susceptible of government abuse. According to researchers, enforcing powers to federal agents do not make America safe. Similarly, both political and federal government authorities do not need dictatorship powers to make America safe. Mostly, communalism approach of preventing terrorism related threats contributes to suppression of freedom of speech, and protest over enforced laws. Surprisingly, according to Americans, empowering of these groups appears as an immediate response measure towards terrorist threats. It is alarming that through the provisions made by the Act government agencies are performing suspicious actions. It is keeping secret of the most basic information related to surveillance of FBI Amitai Etzioni (2005). Despite the actions, do not prove any violation of the constitution, they hint that the government is hiding some operations from public scrutiny.

Controversial ethical issues facing the Patriotic Act led to its renewal. Changes were essential aimed at proving support to federal officials during the implementation process of the law. Taping of communication records and getting access to financial records was vital while checking the flow of financial transactions facilitating terrorists. Consequently, among many citizens, the Act is an effective tool of dealing with terror attacks.

Due to the violations of civil liberties faced while tracking sensitive information related to terrorist actions, it was essential renewing the provisions aimed at meeting the constitutional human rights and freedoms. Among many federal agents, America is still susceptible to terrorist attacks. Thus, new provisions of the Act grants these officials with authorities of monitoring additional aspects such as illegal drugs Robert P. Abele (2005). The provision aims at safeguarding the civil rights of Americans. More so, according to the renewed legislation, it has comprehensive tools that protect the American infrastructure including ports and airlines possible used by terrorists. On the other hand, due to the imbalance of authorities in the ‘sneak and peek’ tracking processes, where federal agents had the authorities of taping phone calls of American citizens, the renewal has aided while controlling the imbalance of the powers Rebecca Stefoff (2010). With the renewed Act, the process of acquiring information on terror suspects has a limitation. While controlling the underlying exploitation of the civil rights of citizens, the government anticipates at expiring three clauses in the provision. Possible changes in the Act may include regulation of checking financial records and library information, by ensuring that these records have a high relation with foreign intelligence and investigation.

FISA courts as developed earlier are contributing in protecting privacy freedoms of citizens. Nowadays, FBI agents and other investigators have a requisite of producing search warrants prior to the search process. The government is empowering these secret courts by allowing their electronic monitoring of terrorist suspects. The sole of empowering these FISA and such related courts is to promote authorities while developing links between investigations and illegal international groups in the country.

As mentioned earlier, the government is giving the administration wide powers of performing tasks of protecting America from both domestic and foreign terror attacks Amitai Etzioni (2005). Patriotic Act allows for the detainment of non-citizens in America for indefinite periods. Targets made by federal agents is on those immigrants linking with terrorist groups and pose harm to domestic security. Thus, as a measure of promoting national security, it defines the detainment procedures of immigrants in US.

American constitution does not have provisions for the detainment of immigrants in the county. Security authorities do not target these groups while implementing their powers. Normally, uncontrolled immigrants pose a threat to the national security. However, government authorities do not have the obligation of charging the target groups with involvement in domestic terrorism. However, with the renewed Patriotic Act, it makes a provision of pursue of supporting government agencies in protecting the citizens from enemies.

Normally, effective functioning of security agents has a reliance on successful tracking of information. Failure of presenting concrete intelligence information, security agents are unable to strike their enemies. Additionally, they are unable to pursue the effective response measures against their threats. Thereby, through the intelligence methods of tracking terrorist activities used by the Patriotic Act, security agents have the ability of equipping their surveillance using the acquired information Robert P. Abele (2005). For this purpose, renewal of the attack was vitally crucial while preventing the occurrence of terror attacks in US.

In conclusion, protecting Americans from terror threats is essential. Federal government has the responsibility ensuring that the citizens are safe. However, while undertaking its role, it should not interfere with civil human rights. In the provisions made by the Patriotic Act, implementers have the role of maintaining a balance between adequate protection of civil liberties and protection of national security. The Act along with the massive renewals made are significantly playing a role in curbing terrorist actions in US. Conclusively the Patriotic Act is a representation of the current trends in US. The trend of sacrificing civil liberties with security is evident. The debate on balanced harmonized approach between human rights and national security continues to raise concerns among citizens.

Reference Amitai Etzioni, How Patriotic Is the Patriot Act? (Routledge 2005). Rebecca Stefoff, The Patriot Act (Marshall Cavendish 2010). Robert P. Abele, A User's Guide to the USA Patriot Act and Beyond (Univ. Press of Am. 2005).

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  • Increasing the yield of agriculture products
  • Using agriculture robots
  • Exploiting crop and soil monitoring

What are the Demerits of Artificial Intelligence?

  • Invading human privacy Social media algorithms have substantial control over people’s engagements
  • Leading to unemployment Replacing manual work with machines
  • Overpowering human beings Making it impossible for humans to control machine damage
  • Accelerating hacking and terrorism Introducing robotic swarm to attack remotely
  • Changing the perspective of decision making through automated advisors Making decisions based on analytical considerations without any emotional involvement.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) – the simulation of human intelligence in a machine – has long gone from delusion to necessity in today’s world. It has been the most progressive development in the last few decades, intruding into every known human field. Although AI is not a futuristic vision, it underpins present-day life in several disciplines, including health, finance, national security, environment, and agriculture. From helping healthcare professionals to spot potential anomalies to identifying criminals, AI has proved itself out and out miraculous. Likewise, its use is equally significant in augmenting the economy, detecting erratic climate changes, and increasing the yield of agriculture output. However, despite its splendid rewards in every walk of life, AI has become a controversial arena on account of the threats it poses to human beings. Apprehensively, the predominant perturbation is that a machine would not need to be smarter than humans, or it would pose a critical risk. For instance, in the case of social media, the algorithms have substantial control over what people choose to engage with, thus, invading the privacy of its users and exploiting their information. Another biggest fear is the idea that AI is going to overrule the human world. In other words, AI would eventually replace human beings because of its overpowering nature, competing with comparatively weaker human capabilities, thus, increasing unemployment and laziness. Hence, despite valid concerns, the effects of AI on the world are undeniable, and it keeps developing every day. However, precautious severe steps must need to be taken to use the positive aspects of the invention to create a better world.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term used to describe machines performing human-like cognitive processes such as learning, understanding, reasoning and interacting. In fact, it is a scientific field that uses a computer to store data and responds to robotics and machines for specific commands based on stored data. In simple terms, AI is the ability of a system to think, learn, and perform tasks based on the instruction it is fed with. However, AI that has started engulfing every walk of human life comes with its merits and demerits.

To begin with its merits, artificial intelligence has revolutionized the field of medicine. It has been beneficial not only in diagnostic but also in therapeutic treatment. For instance, through very accurate diagnostic scans like mammography, computed tomography, echocardiography, etc., AI helps predict if a patient is susceptible to breast cancer, brain injury, or stroke. Moreover, machine learning enables individuals to monitor their health through personalized medicine devices such as smartwatches, android phones, walking bands, etc. The more personalized data the devices’ algorithms are fed with, the more accurate they can understand a user’s profile, enabling health care to spot potential anomalies on time. The electronic health record, in fact, is an electronic version of a patient’s medical history that may include all of the key demographics, progress notes, problems, and past medical history. Briefly, AI has transformed the same approach toward the medical field.

Furthermore, AI plays the role of diesel to drive the economy worldwide. Rapidly advancing computing capability with accuracy has made it attainable to assemble, calculate, and transfer large volumes of data in no time. Moreover, AI has also increased labour productivity and a virtual workforce capable of solving problems and self-learning. In a journal published by European Parliament, Accenture forecasts that AI could double economic growth rates by 2023 by increasing labour productivity and diffusion of innovation. Cutting it short, AI has imposed unprecedented impacts on various production sectors because of its ability to generate new revenue, thus, accelerating economic growth at a prodigious rate.

Additionally, the recent breakthrough of AI is gradually reaching a point where it can be used in military applications. For example, intrusion detection-an important part of cyber security to detect malicious network activity before it compromises information availability, integrity, or confidentiality- works on the principle of AI to protect critical cyber networks. Another area where AI helps to increase cyber security is penetration testing. The penetration testing network is often represented with attack graphs or trees that depict how an adversary can exploit vulnerabilities to break into a system. Other potential AI applications that strengthen defence strategies are reconnaissance using partly autonomous vehicles and sensor systems, threat evaluation in air defence systems with high temporal requirements, intelligence analysis of emerging patterns, command and control systems, and education and training.

Moreover, AI has proved beneficial for reducing the impact of climate change. For instance, it has helped detect deforestation through satellite imagery or aerial imagery, including gathering data about where buildings and infrastructure used to stand in the past. Such a move is essential for policymaking to deal efficiently with the erratic weather changes, which are caused mainly due to deforestation. Researchers from the Carbon Tracker- an independent financial think tank- are working toward the United Nation’s goal of preventing the operationalization of new coal plants by monitoring coal plant hazardous emissions with satellite imagery. The gathered data is then used to convince the energy production industry to stop installing carbon energy plants due to their dangerous environmental impacts. So, AI may prove drastically beneficial in reducing the risks involved with fast climate change.

Lastly, the agriculture industry has made tremendous progress with the use of AI. Companies are already developing and using autonomous robust to handle essential agriculture tasks such as crop harvesting on a huge scale and faster pace than human labour. In addition, many companies now leverage computer vision algorithms to process data captured by drones to monitor crop and soil health issues. The gathered data can also be used to detect soil deficiencies, plant pests, and crop irritants to extract data needed for proper treatment, thus, increasing the yield of crops worldwide.

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Despite all the benefits, AI also poses severe challenges to humans in the shape of demerits. As Elon Musk aptly says, “Artificial intelligence would undermine our security and be detrimental to the survival of the human race in the not so distant future.” Firstly, AI is invading human privacy and exploiting information. For instance, in the case of social media, the algorithms have substantial control over what people choose to engage with. In other words, social media algorithms exploit the users and propagandize them in target marketing and selling. The case of the UK’s Brexit vote illustrating AI power for social manipulation is one such example in which AI has been used destructively. Briefly, AI has proved detrimental to human privacy and personal identification information.

Secondly, since machines are taking over most manual work, the excessive dependency on AI-based devices leads to massive unemployment. It is already happening on an industrial scale, where AI-based systems and chatbots take the e-commerce industry by storm. It may seem an exaggeration, yet AI will play an important role in executing tasks and processing in a better way than that of humans. Therefore, AI is steadily and inevitably taking over large workforce sectors and causing mass-scale unemployment, resulting in social unrest.

Thirdly, AI pictures possible worst-case scenarios, including a complete overtake of human affairs and the incapacitation of human abilities. Experts, researchers, and scientists often warn that human beings are creating a new god that can be merciful or evil. According to AI researchers, machines are predicted to be better than us in translating languages in 2024, driving a truck by 2027, writing a bestselling book by 2049, and doing surgery by 2053. Hence, it is likely that AI-based machines will overpower human beings shortly. Fourthly, AI-operated systems are likely to be used for nefarious acts, such as delivering viruses to soft wares, manipulating systems, and hacking sensitive projects. Since AI is way faster and more capable than humans reach, it would be almost impossible for man to control the machine-based damage in a short time. Similarly, there are many AI-enabled forms of terrorism to deal with due to the introduction of robotic swarms to attack or deliver disease remotely. Hence, to deal with AI-initiated terrorism, more AI-based technology would be needed to adjust the potential threat.

Last but not least, the increasing penetration of AI into numerous aspects of life has drastically changed the perspective of decision-making through advanced robot advisers that make decisions based on analytical considerations without any emotional involvement. Resultantly, the machines perform multiple tasks and execute critical decisions, either with or without human supervision. Thus, it is feared that AI would also outstrip humans in analytical learning and critical decision-making.

In a nutshell, AI is machine learning that has resulted in a human thrust of technological advancements. Man has reached the era of industrialization and computerization, but he has not sopped here. Instead, he is trying more and more to advance in science and technology. The idea – a product of computer science and its applications- AI has brought improvement and up-gradation in various disciplines, including medicine, economy, security, transportation, astronomy, environment, and entertainment. Further, an AI system has developed automatic driverless commuter trains, robotic pets, and motorized assistants. However, as stated, with the perks come to the perils; the biggest dilemma people face is the machines dominating human beings, leading to unemployment and terrorism. Invading people’s privacy and exploiting their personal information is another considerable problem human beings face owing to AI. Nonetheless, regardless of constructive and destructive consequences, AI has taken us where humans are between the devil and the deep sea. Therefore, it is high time researchers and AI professionals limit their goals of AI-enabled systems to control the ensuing issues before computers overtake humans.

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