The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy

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Ojot announces a call for artists for the occupation and the artist feature, current issue: volume 12, issue 3 (2024) summer 2024, letter from the editor.

Finding Harmony in Academic Life: Blending the Teacher-Scholar Model Shirley P. O'Brien

Applied Research

The Use of Occupational Therapy Interventions in a Hematology-Oncology Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Lucy Weathers, Sarah Schwartzberg, Kenneth Pettit, Fang Wang, Shilpa Gorantla, and Saad Ghafoor

Effectiveness of an Occupational Therapy-Led Social Skills Group Using Parent Training: A Pilot Study Sheryl Eckberg Zylstra, Yvonne L. Swinth, Aimee Sidhu, and Julie Anderson

Understanding the Needs of Gender-Diverse Youth and Young Adults and Their Staff Members in Homeless Shelters and Supported Housing Sharon Gutman, Ashley Choi, Alexis Kearney, and Margaret Swarbrick Dr

Occupational Therapists’ Consideration of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity when Working with Adolescents: A Preliminary Study Kristin S. Willey, Dana Howell, and Camille Skubik-Peplaski

Current Landscape of Interventions that Promote Self-determination in Adolescents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Secondary Transition: A Scoping Review Chia-Yang Chiang and Tsu-Hsin Howe

Pawsitive Purpose: The Impact Of Autism Assistance Dogs on the Occupations of Autistic Children Morgan Starkweather, Amie E. Germain, and Christine A. Kivlen

Preparation and Use of Physical Agent Modalities Among U.S. Occupational Therapists: A Mixed-Methods, Exploratory-Descriptive Study Keith Gentry, Tammy LeSage, Devin Hebble, Lilly Adams, and Ashlyn Watts

The Experiences of Routine Powered Mobility Users in an Assisted Living Facility: A Case Study Richelle Louise Gray

Breastfeeding as Co-Occupation: Occupational Therapy’s Role in Promoting Health and Well-Being Lisa Joelle Sutton, Julie D. Kugel, Dragana Krpalek, and Arezou Salamat

A Retrospective Study of Healthcare Needs of Unpaid Caregivers in the United States Ranelle M. Nissen, Jessica McHugh Conlin, Mackenzie L. Feldhacker, Whitney Lucas Molitor, and Allison J. Naber

Primary Care Occupational Therapy: Diagnoses, Outcomes, Reimbursement, and Team Satisfaction Sue Dahl-Popolizio, Tina M. Sauber, Mandi Ogaard, Martina Mookadam, Shanthi V. Cambala, and Felicia E. Trembath

Topics in Education

A Synthesis of Professional Socialization Literature and Educational Opportunities in Occupational Therapy Jessica Nakos

Opinions in the Profession

Cultural Respect in Academia Alondra Ammon

Clinical Application of the SOiL Model: A Practical Case Consideration Shivani B. Vij

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: The COPM: Culturally Sensitive by Design MaryAnn McColl, Susan E. Baptiste, Anne Carswell, Mary Law, and Helene Polatajko

  • Occupation and the Artist

Unification of Art and Spirituality Erin Barrus

Would you like to learn about the art featured on the cover? The “Occupation and the Artist” section of OJOT highlights the use of art in the practice of OT and in the occupations of both consumers of OT services and its practitioners. Click here to explore this unique feature of OJOT.

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OT Potential • Occupational Therapy Continuing Education

Helpful List of OT Journals


  • Post date --> June 27, 2024

In this post, you’ll find a helpful list of occupational therapy journals. These will give you a taste of the breadth of OT research out there.

Occupational therapy is a holistic health profession. Which means the research that supports our care comes from many different disciplines. 

In this post, you’ll find a helpful list of occupational therapy journals. These will give you a taste of the breadth of OT research out there. We’ll begin with a list of journals that are specifically focused on OT. Then share our growing list of journals that publish research related to OTs. 

The journals with related research were pulled from our lists of the most influential OT research —and then featured in the OT Potential Club . (You’ll see below that this list includes some of the most prestigous peer-reviewed journals in healthcare!)

If you know of any OT journals we missed or would like to see them organized differently, please let us know in the comments!

A quick note on access:

It feels like more and more journal articles are getting moved out from behind paywalls, making them free to the general public.

But, very few journals themselves are completely open access. I’ll highlight the open access journals at the top of each category to make them easy to find for you.

OT-specific journals

Open access OT journals:

  • Open Journal of Occupational Therapy

Additional OT journals:

  • American Journal of Occupational Therapy
  • Annals of International Occupational Therapy
  • Argentine Journal of Occupational Therapy/Revista Argentina de Terapia Ocupational
  • Asian Journal of Occupational Therapists
  • Australian Occupational Therapy Journal
  • Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy/Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional
  • British Journal of Occupational Therapy
  • Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
  • Chilean Journal of Occupational Therapy/Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional
  • Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy
  • Human Occupation Magazine/Revista Ocupación Humana
  • Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy
  • Journal of Acute Care for Occupational Therapy
  • Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
  • Journal of Occupational Science
  • Journal of Occupational Therapy at the University of Sao Paulo/Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo
  • Journal of Occupational Therapy Education
  • Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, and Early Intervention
  • Journal of the Occupational Therapy Society/職能治療學會雜誌
  • Journal of the School of Public Health/Cuadernos de la Escuela de Salud Pública
  • OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health
  • Occupational Therapy In Health Care
  • Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
  • Occupational Therapy International
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
  • Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
  • South African Journal of Occupational Therapy
  • Translational Science in Occupation
  • UFSCar Occupational Therapy Journals/Cadernos de Terapia Ocupational de UFSCar

Journals that publish OT-related research

Open access journals:

  • Jama Network Open

Additional journals publishing OT-related research:

  • Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
  • American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
  • American Psychologist
  • Annals of Internal Medicine
  • Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
  • Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Arthritis and Rheumatology
  • Autism Research
  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular Basis of Disease
  • BioMed Research International
  • BMC Family Practice
  • BMC Health Services Research
  • BMC Medicine
  • Brain and Behavior
  • British Journal of Psychiatry
  • Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences
  • Cancer Treatment Reviews
  • Clinical and Translational Science
  • Clinical Rehabilitation
  • Cochrane Database
  • CONTINUUM Lifelong Learning in Neurology
  • Critical Care Clinics
  • Critical Care Medicine
  • Current Psychiatry Reports
  • Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
  • Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
  • Disability and Rehabilitation
  • Drug and Alcohol Dependence
  • Early Human Development
  • Early Intervention in Psychiatry
  • Environmental Research
  • European Journal of Neurology
  • Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
  • International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education All
  • Intensive Care Medicine
  • Health and Social Care in the Community
  • International Journal of Nursing Studies
  • JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association
  • JAMA Internal Medicine
  • JAMA Neurology
  • Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
  • Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
  • Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
  • Journal of Geriatric Oncology
  • Journal of Hand Therapy
  • Journal of Interprofessional Care
  • Journal of Medical Internet Research
  • Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
  • Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
  • Journal of Neurotrauma
  • Journal of Pediatrics
  • Journal of Physiotherapy
  • Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
  • Medical Care Research and Review
  • Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
  • Movement Disorders
  • Nature Reviews Disease Primers
  • Nature Reviews Neurology
  • Neurologic Clinics
  • Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
  • Neurotherapeutics
  • Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
  • Pain Medicine
  • Parkinsonism and Related Disorders
  • Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
  • Pediatric Neurology
  • Physical Therapy
  • Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Research in Developmental Disabilities
  • Reviews in Medical Virology
  • Supportive Care in Cancer
  • The Lancet Neurology
  • The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

How OT Potential helps you dig into the research

At OT Potential, our mission is to help you make a habit of regularly diving into research to grow your OT practice. One of the best ways to begin your evidence-based practice journey with us is to listen to our evidence reviews and discussions on our OT Potential Podcast Courses . And, ultimately, the best way to stay up to date on new evidence is to join the OT Potential Club.

occupational therapy research paper topics

3 replies on “Helpful List of OT Journals”

Thank you so much for helping to develop young OTs

Thank you for this list! Another helpful resource would be a list of open-access OT or OT-related journals.

There is also the Hand Therapy journal (in addition to the Journal of Hand Therapy).

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60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best occupational therapy topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on occupational therapy, ⭐ simple & easy occupational therapy essay titles.

  • Environmental Adaptation in Occupational Therapy In addition, the assessment also includes their home and work environment to ensure that the intervention selected and recommended can improve the patient’s independence and ability to meet their needs.
  • Advanced Practice Between Occupational Therapy and Pharmacy in the UK On the other hand, the occupation therapy framework guides the therapist on using their knowledge and actions relevant to occupation and occupational therapy of the identified areas of practice and the patient needs.
  • “Evaluation of an Occupational Therapy Program…” by Pillastrini et al. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the occupational therapy program provided in combination with a course of neuromotor rehabilitation measuring the levels of functional improvement and independence the patients with […]
  • The American Occupational Therapy Association They help in the facilitation of activities that aid the child in the course of interaction and communication with peers and caregivers.
  • Occupational Therapy on Limbs Limitations In this respect, it is the role of occupational therapists to mobilise the community and involve them in a range of services and activities that aim at improving, promoting, and protecting the overall health status […]
  • Occupational Therapy for Children With Autism The main reason for the appearance of autism is the disturbance of the development of the patients brain which results in the appearance of various symptoms.
  • Occupational Therapy and the Modern Society Learning the role of the occupational therapy in the sphere of health promotion, one can figure out the new ways of enhancing the occupational therapy effect among the enabled and thus provide them with sufficient […]
  • Occupational Therapy: Becoming a Member of Society Because of the complicacies that the enabled people can face in the unusual and thus hostile environment, the concern for the health of these people is becoming quite understood.
  • The Heart, Mind, and Soul of Professionalism in Occupational Therapy: Wendy Wood In her article “The Heart, Mind and Soul of Professionalism in Occupational Therapy”, Wendy Wood presents the notion that one of the current concerns in OT is the endemic proliferation of the disheartened within the […]
  • Occupational Therapy Theory: Enhancing Research and Practice Knowledge of this concept can greatly enhance the ability of a therapist to improve on strategies that are already in place.
  • Arthritis: The Use of Physical and Occupational Therapy Incorporating credible evidence, the paper expounds on biological factors such as unusual bowel permeability, genetic and microorganism as the causes of arthritis The paper examines the use of physical and occupational therapy, as some of […]
  • A Palliative Care: Knowledge, Skills and Attributes Needed to a Newly Graduated Occupational Therapist Cooper and Littlefield performed a study of occupational therapy interventions in oncology and palliative care and, focusing on patient contact activities performed by occupational specialists, they also stress the importance of goal setting.
  • Asthma in Pediatric and Occupational Therapy Treatment The flow peak is more than 80% of the child’s personal best, and less than 30% variability in the day-to-day flow of the peak measurements.
  • Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease Hypotension is an “abnormal condition in which the blood pressure is not adequate for normal perfusion and oxygenation of the tissues”.
  • Terminal Illness and Occupational Therapy The medical history of the patient shows that she was previously diagnosed with a terminal illness high-grade borderline mucinous tumour, which presents a case of the recurrence of the condition.
  • Suadi vs. Australian Aging and Occupational Therapy Therefore, the objective of the given paper is to investigate the current system of occupational therapy operations in Saudi Arabia and identify the gaps to fill. The focus of the study is occupational therapy for […]
  • Equipment Provision in the Occupational Therapy Frame The primary goal of the given paper was to choose from a wide range of strategies and search tools in order to find a substantial number of credible academic sources providing relevant and appropriate information […]
  • Personal Development in Occupational Therapy The proponent of the study decided to focus on the personal circumstances and preoccupation of Nessrine and Hoa due to fact that they belong to the same age range that is suited for the design […]
  • Occupational Therapist: The World Through a Different Lens It is hard to pinpoint the exact definition of an occupational therapist, since the job of the latter involves a lot a issues; however, when putting all the qualities of an occupational therapist together, one […]
  • Improved Occupational Therapy for Adults With Learning Disabilities
  • Unique Role of Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation of the Hand
  • Occupational Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy
  • Occupational Therapy Practice in Mainstream Schools
  • Development of Informational and Historical Literacy Competencies in Occupational Therapy Students
  • Student Success on the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy Interventions in Primary Care
  • Occupational Therapy for People With Dementia
  • The American Occupational Therapy Association
  • Structure of the Occupational Therapy Practice
  • Role of Occupational Therapy in Pain Management
  • Health Professionals on Occupational Therapy
  • Important Factors for Success in Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy and Community Reintegration of Persons With Brain Injury
  • The Occupational Therapy Theories and Educational Learning
  • Occupational Therapy for Adults With Cancer
  • Occupational Therapy Wellness Program
  • Special Education on the Role of School-Based Occupational Therapy
  • Botulinum Toxin and Occupational Therapy for Writer’s Cramp
  • Occupational Therapy Efficacy After Stroke
  • The Conceptual View of Occupational Therapy
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy
  • Social Policy for Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
  • Measuring the Efficacy of Occupational Therapy in End-Of-Life Care
  • Equine-Assisted Experiential Learning in Occupational Therapy Education
  • Mental Health and the Occupational Therapy Setting
  • Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
  • Occupational Therapy and Eating Disorder Recovery
  • The Role of Psychologists in Occupational Therapy
  • Relationship Between Patient Functionality and Occupational Therapy
  • Video Telehealth Occupational Therapy Services for Older Veterans
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder and Occupational Therapy
  • The Applicability and Feasibility of Occupational Therapy in Delirium Care
  • The Role and Scope of Occupational Therapy in Africa
  • Healthcare Reform and Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy Interventions to Improve Reading in Older Adults With Low Vision
  • Occupational Therapy Practice in Sleep Management
  • School Occupational Therapy: Staying Focused On Educational Performance
  • Early Occupational Therapy Intervention for Schizophrenia
  • Aging in the United States: Advancing the Value of Occupational Therapy
  • Work-Life Balance Essay Titles
  • Lifespan Development Essay Titles
  • Nursing Care Plan Paper Topics
  • Workplace Health Essay Topics
  • Aging Ideas
  • Nursing Home Questions
  • Physical Therapy Research Topics
  • Metabolic Disorders Questions
  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2023, September 27). 60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Sept. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.


IvyPanda . "60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.

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61 Best Occupational Therapy Research Topics

Occupational therapists help people of all ages to recover and improve their physical, sensory, and cognitive activities. More than half of occupational therapists work in hospitals, while others work in nursing homes, educational facilities, and homes. But what does it take to be an occupational therapist? It would be best to study occupational therapy primarily up to the master’s level . Students are assigned projects as part of their course work through the studies. That is why we have selected the best occupational therapy research topics for your next assignment.

In occupational therapy, students always have trouble handling research projects. If you study occupational therapy and feel like you need help selecting a research topic, do not hesitate to contact us. Our writers go the extra mile and assist you in writing a top-notch research paper.

Do You Need Help in Selecting an Occupational Therapy Research Topic?

When you search “occupational therapy research topics, “it is not easy to trust platforms that offer academic consultation services. However, we offer expert writing services and professional research tips to keep your data confidential when you order from us.

Need help doing your assignment?

Often, occupational therapy students have a large workload which prevents them from doing every task on time. And when you have limited time, it becomes challenging to select a research topic.

We hope the tips below help you in your subsequent research:

1. Select a topic that interests you

When you select a topic that interests you, the research process becomes fun and engaging.  

2. Narrow your topic

If your topic is too broad, it loses focus. Therefore, you should narrow down your scope to cover all the relevant information on the topic.

3. Review your research guidelines

Make sure that the research topic meets the requirements. If some of the guidelines are unclear, you should consult your professor or HelpForHomework to explain . 

4. Read your class notes  and do background research

Reading your notes helps in doing background checks on a topic. Knowing more about your research topic helps you develop a compelling argument for your paper.

5. Consider your audience

You should select a topic that is understandable to your audience. The research depends on your level of education as more comprehensive reports are high in the educational spectrum. Further, by identifying your audience, you can arrange details, tone, and supporting information in an appropriate presentation . 

6. Create questions to evaluate your research topic

After finding a research topic, create questions to evaluate it. For example:

  • Is the research feasible?
  • How attractive is the research topic?
  • What has been researched?
  • What is the problem to be solved?
  • What is the solution to the problem?
  • How is your solution a good one?
  • Who is the audience?

Qualities of an Excellent Occasional Therapy Research Topic

As we have recommended, always narrow down to a topic that interests you. After selecting a topic, you should check if it has the following qualities:

Clarity: Your occupational therapy research topic should be straightforward and understandable to your audience.

Complex: Your project topics should not be answerable by yes or no. The topic should be arguable and analytical.

Focused : Once you select a topic, check if it is narrow and focused and answer it thoroughly.

Your final research grade depends on how effective your topic selection is. It would be best if you prepared for your research early. However, if you need help, do not hesitate to contact us. But first, go through the occupational therapy research topics below and tell us what you think.

Hot Occupational Therapy Research Topics

Hot occupational therapy research topics should help you in creating a unique project. Before selecting a topic, you should examine the aspects that are preferable to you and what interests you the most. But it would be best if you did not worry as we have a list of top recommendations to save you .

  • Discuss the progress made in a decade in occupational therapy for adults
  • Ethics in occupational therapy
  • Explain the role of occupational therapy for patients with stroke
  • How do diabetic patients benefit from occupational therapy?
  • How does culture affect occupational therapy?
  • How is occupational therapy important in controlling dementia?
  • How is occupational therapy necessary in pain management?
  • Is occupational therapy truly occupational?
  • Occupational therapy for breast cancer patients
  • Occupational therapy in disease prevention
  • Role of occupational therapy in disaster preparedness and management
  • Role of occupational therapy in functional literacy
  • Role of occupational therapy in the management of depression
  • Role of occupational therapy in the management of eating disorders
  • What is the role of occupational therapy in schools?

Good research topics for occupational therapy

An excellent occupational therapy research topic should be comprehensive and enjoyable to read. When formulating a research topic, you should ensure that you are original, specific, and concrete. We hope you find the best research topic from the list below:

  • Benefits of occupational therapy for adult mental health patients
  • Between bottom-up and top-down approaches, which method is effective for patients suffering from a stroke?
  • Coexistence between teachers and occupational therapists in a school setting
  • Discuss the stereotypes in occupational therapy practice
  • Evaluate occupational therapy for patients with a brain tumor
  • How can occupational therapy be used to prevent human trafficking?
  • Interventions used by occupational therapists when treating spinal cord injuries
  • Occupational therapy for cancer patients with metastatic disease
  • Occupational therapy for inpatient
  • Occupational therapy for terminally ill patients
  • Occupational therapy in mental health management
  • Role of occupational therapy in symptoms control
  • The role of occupational therapy for prisoners
  • The use of apps in occupational therapy treatment
  • What are the therapeutic outcomes of occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy student research topics

It may seem challenging to select the best occupational therapy research topic, so the trick is to narrow down and select one that fascinates you. Always take your time, research a list of topics, and choose the one you can support. Here are some of the topics to consider:

  • Critical historical analysis of occupational therapy
  • Does occupational therapy affect politics
  • Foundations of occupational therapy practice
  • Impact of the gender of providing occupational therapy services
  • Importance of occupational therapy in school mental health
  • Leadership in occupational therapy
  • Occupational therapy for children with autism
  • Occupational therapy for people who have hip replacement
  • Occupational therapy models for families
  • Role of occupational therapy for children with sensory modulation disorder
  • Role of occupational therapy in managing sleep
  • Role of occupational therapy in psychiatry
  • Scope of occupational therapy
  • Students perception of occupational therapy
  • Teacher’s perception towards occupational therapy
  • The perspective of sensory integration approach in occupational therapy

Pediatric occupational therapy research topics

Pediatric occupational therapists seek to understand children’s motor skills, cognitive abilities, and social development. The therapists also check factors that may hinder children’s growth or ability to perform certain tasks at a specific age.

While studying pediatric occupational therapy, students go through a hassle in selecting a research topic. That is why HelpForHomework compiled the best 15 Pediatric occupational therapy research topics for you.

  • A profile of your country pediatric occupational therapy
  • Competency of a pediatric occupational therapist in the USA
  • Correlation between obesity and academic achievement
  • Discuss how religion and culture affect decision making in pediatric occupational therapy
  • Effects of COVID-19 to outpatient occupational therapy
  • How effective are the weighted vests in pediatric occupational therapy?
  • How effective is the standing frame to children with cerebral palsy?
  • Policies governing pediatric occupational therapy
  • Risk factors correlating with musculoskeletal complaints from children
  • The role of pediatric occupational therapy to children with osteosarcoma
  • Treatment methods of lower limb spasticity in children with cerebral palsy
  • Treatment of neonatal jaundice
  • Use of video occupational therapy modeling for children
  • What is the role of pediatric occupational therapy?
  • What is your perspective on occupational-based pediatric therapy?

Need Help With Occupational Therapy Research?

Now that you have an occupational therapy research topic, do you need help in writing? Our support department is on standby to help you get top-quality expert papers. Further, if you need more clarification on project topics, do not hesitate to contact us. We assure you of personalized and professional help whenever you consult us for your assignments. Also check out Physical Therapy Research Topics .

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48 Occupational Therapy Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on occupational therapy, 🎓 most interesting occupational therapy research titles, 💡 simple occupational therapy essay ideas.

  • Occupational Therapy: The Key Features
  • Healthcare Professions: EMT and Occupational Therapist
  • Occupational Therapy for the Kids: Marketing Campaign
  • The Occupational Therapy Assistant Profession
  • Pediatric Occupational Therapy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Occupational Therapy in Modern Healthcare Market
  • COTA and Occupational Therapy within Adolescent Population with Cerebral Palsy
  • Health and Medicine: Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy: Bringing Possibilities to Life
  • Mental Health Recovery and Occupational Therapy in Australia and New Zealand
  • Occupational Therapy to Improve Outdoor Mobility After Stroke
  • Patient and Staff Acceptance of Robotic Technology in Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy and the Power of Assistive Technology
  • Robotics for Occupational Therapy: Learning Upper-Limb Exercises From Demonstrations
  • New Advances in Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy
  • Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Early Powered Mobility, and the NDIS
  • The Importance of Occupational Therapy in Brain Injury Rehabilitation
  • Virtual Reality in Occupational Therapy: Engaging Patients and Enhancing Recovery
  • Occupational Therapy as a Solution for Multiple Disabilities
  • Stress Management Techniques in Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy Services in Facilitating Work Participation and Performance
  • Pediatric Occupational Therapy: Helping Children Thrive
  • Addressing the Challenges of Evidence-Based Practice in Occupational Therapy
  • A Path to Self-Actualization for Occupational Therapists
  • Occupational Therapy and Driving and Community Mobility for Older Adults
  • The Role of Occupational Therapists in the Design of DIY Assistive Technology
  • Occupational Therapy Techniques for Enhancing Daily Living Skills
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Assistive Technology Devices for Occupational Therapists
  • The Role of Occupational Therapy in Functional Mobility
  • Occupational Therapy: Cost-Effective Solutions for Changing Health System Needs
  • The Role of Occupational Therapy in Corporate Wellness
  • Occupational Therapy: Unlocking Potential and Promoting Growth
  • The Use of Technology in Mental Health Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy for Independent Living in Older Adults
  • Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Interventions for Adults With Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Occupational Therapy’s Unique Contribution to Chronic Pain Management
  • The Art of Play in Pediatric Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy for PTSD: A Path to Healing and Recovery
  • The Role of Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Treatment
  • Occupational Therapy in the Promotion of Health and Well-Being
  • Significance of Occupational Therapy in Surgery Recovery
  • Partnership, Inclusion, and Innovation in Occupational Therapy
  • The Future of Occupational Therapy: Trends and Innovations
  • Pediatric Occupational Therapy for Children in Texas
  • The Transformative Power of Occupational Therapy for Autistic People
  • Enhancing Autonomy and Well-Being: The Role of Occupational Therapy in Addressing Dementia
  • Opportunities for Occupational Therapy Behavioral Health
  • Treating Sensory Processing Disorder With Occupational Therapy

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"48 Occupational Therapy Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 1 Sept. 2024,

StudyCorgi . (2024) '48 Occupational Therapy Essay Topics'. 1 September.

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StudyCorgi . "48 Occupational Therapy Essay Topics." September 1, 2024.

StudyCorgi . 2024. "48 Occupational Therapy Essay Topics." September 1, 2024.

These essay examples and topics on Occupational Therapy were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on September 12, 2024 .


  1. (PDF) Occupational therapy and return to work: A systematic literature

    occupational therapy research paper topics

  2. (PDF) British Journal of Occupational Therapy

    occupational therapy research paper topics

  3. (PDF) Occupational therapy articles in serial publications: An analysis

    occupational therapy research paper topics

  4. Occupational Therapy Research Paper Example

    occupational therapy research paper topics

  5. (PDF) Qualitative approaches in occupational therapy research

    occupational therapy research paper topics

  6. 50 Research topics related to Occupational Therapy

    occupational therapy research paper topics


  1. Current Trends and Challenges in Occupational Therapy Education and Clinical Practice

  2. Occupational Therapy Research Presentation

  3. Occupational Therapy overview

  4. What kind of research does the Research Career Development Grant fund?

  5. Experience of Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) & Occupational Participation: Qualitative Study

  6. What Services Occupational Therapists Offer to Adults with Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis?


  1. 100 Most Influential OT Research Articles • OT Potential

    The medical and research communities (and general community for that matter) remain under-educated about the existence and value of the occupational therapy profession. We very rarely have a seat at the table, as you recognized. Occupational therapy, though being around for over 100 years, continues to be quite insulated. Although this is changing!

  2. Topics

    Topics. Start here to explore in depth the topics that matter to you. Advocacy. Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia. Arthritis. Assessment Development and Testing. Assistive Technology. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder.

  3. American Journal of Occupational Therapy

    An official publication of AOTA, the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT) is the premiere peer-reviewed journal for occupational therapy research. All AOTA members have access to AJOT as a member benefit. Nonmembers, institutions, and libraries can use the subscribe link below or purchase single articles and issues through the AJOT site.

  4. OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research: Sage Journals

    Journal Homepage. OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research is published quarterly by the American Occupational Therapy Foundation, Inc. This international peer-reviewed journal offers empirical and review articles to readers interested in factors of human … | View full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee on ...

  5. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy

    AJOT 's State of the Journal (2023) is now available! The American Journal of Occupational Therapy has maintained its top-ranked status in the field of occupational therapy based on an increase in its two-year impact factor. Key outcomes for 2023 showcase the journal's dedication to addressing diverse occupational therapy needs.

  6. OJOT

    The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy. is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal with a mission to publish high quality articles that focus on applied research, practice, and education in the occupational therapy profession. See About this Journal for more information.

  7. Occupational Therapy Interventions for Adults Living With Serious

    Abstract. Occupational therapy practitioners have education, skills, and knowledge to provide occupational therapy interventions for adults living with serious mental illness. Evidence-based interventions demonstrate that occupational therapy practitioners can enable this population to engage in meaningful occupations, participate in community living, and contribute to society. Systematic ...

  8. OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research

    OTJR: Occupational Therapy of Research will accept quantitative and qualitative research articles and systematic review papers that advance knowledge of occupation, and/or will lead to improving the lives of people at risk of being restricted from participating in activities and roles that have meaning to them. OTJR publishes data-driven research, meaning findings with or without statistical ...

  9. British Journal of Occupational Therapy: Sage Journals

    The British Journal of Occupational Therapy (BJOT) publishes peer-reviewed articles with international relevance that advance knowledge in research, practice, education, and policy in occupational therapy. The journal has been established since 1938, is owned by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, and has been published with Sage since 2015.

  10. OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research

    OTJR is published quarterly by the American Occupational Therapy Foundation, Inc. This peer-reviewed journal is based in the United States and invites national and international submissions of empirical and review articles on factors of human participation and how such factors influence health and well-being. Qualitative and/or mixed methods ...

  11. Critically Appraised Topics

    Critically Appraised Topics from 2023. Occupational Therapy's Role in Addressing the Intersectionality of Veterans Who Are Chronically Homeless, Mental Health, and Sleep Deprivation, Maci Bakken, Abby Eken, and Morgan Halliday. The Role of Occupational Therapists Working with Adolescents with Mental Health Conditions in the Juvenile Justice ...

  12. Helpful List of OT Journals

    Jama Network Open. Additional journals publishing OT-related research: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. American Psychologist. Annals of Internal Medicine. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Arthritis and Rheumatology.

  13. Type of Findings Generated by the Occupational Therapy Workforce

    Scattered in topics, timings, or contexts, and over-reliant on descriptive or exploratory methods, the occupational therapy research can be best described rather than thoroughly aggregated and synthesized toward generating a sound body of knowledge that can be both generalizable and context-sensitive—i.e., outlining what is common and what ...

  14. Choosing a Research Topic

    HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO VIEW: Okay, ignore the silly beginning, because this video is a great (and short!) overview on how to select a research topic that's manageable for your assignment.Nice tips on narrowing a huge topic by considering the angles of WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN, or HOW. Also, tips to keep from making a topic too narrow. (See box on right "Narrowing your topic" for other examples.)

  15. Research-based occupational therapy education: An exploration of

    The following topics were covered: 1) perceptions of the term "research-based education"; 2) expectations regarding the use of research in education, including clinical placements; 3) students' involvement in research projects and the faculty's experiences regarding such involvement; 4) faculty' members participation in research; 5 ...

  16. Occupational Therapy Research Agenda

    The Occupational Therapy (OT) Research Agenda identifies the major research goals and priorities for occupational therapy research. The goals and priorities span 5 categories: Assessment/measurement, Intervention, Basic Research, Translational Research, and Health Services Research. A 6th related category, Research Training, addresses capacity building to accomplish the research goals and ...

  17. Effectiveness of paediatric occupational therapy for children with

    Paediatric occupational therapy involves working with the child, the parent and the family unit: The child was the primary client for 87% (n = 45/52) of the interventions, i.e. therapy focussed on improving the child outcomes (e.g. an orthotic worn by the child to improve hand function), whereas the parent was the primary client for 13% (n = 7/ ...

  18. 60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The flow peak is more than 80% of the child's personal best, and less than 30% variability in the day-to-day flow of the peak measurements. Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy in Parkinson's Disease. Hypotension is an "abnormal condition in which the blood pressure is not adequate for normal perfusion and oxygenation of the tissues".

  19. 61 Best Occupational Therapy Research Topics

    61 Best Occupational Therapy Research Topics. Occupational therapists help people of all ages to recover and improve their physical, sensory, and cognitive activities. More than half of occupational therapists work in hospitals, while others work in nursing homes, educational facilities, and homes. But what does it take to be an occupational ...

  20. Defining the future of occupational therapy: A concept analysis of

    Methods. A concept analysis is useful where there is a lack of clarity or consensus around a concept that has an established literature base. Through this analysis, researchers can develop a better understanding of how to approach future research in a manner consistent with the concept [Citation 22].Within occupational therapy, there appears to be a lack of consensus around leadership ...

  21. 48 Occupational Therapy Essay Topics

    Looking for the best Occupational Therapy topic for your essay or research? 💡 StudyCorgi has plenty of fresh and unique titles available for free. 👍 Check out this page! ... 🎓 Most Interesting Occupational Therapy Research Titles. Occupational Therapy: Bringing Possibilities to Life.

  22. occupational therapy research: Topics by

    1992-01-01. Of 63 undergraduate occupational therapy programs surveyed, the 38 responses revealed some common areas covered: elementary descriptive statistics, validity, reliability, and measurement. Areas underrepresented include statistical analysis with or without computers, research design, and advanced statistics.

  23. Occupational Therapy Program Student Theses, Dissertations and

    Follow. Theses/Dissertations from 2021 PDF. Capstone: Accessing the Potential Role of Occupational Therapy in the Primary Care Setting, Trudy Bazzy. PDF. Dissertation: Occupational Balance among Parents of Typically Developing Children and Parents of Children with Disabilities Living in Qatar, Brightlin Nithis Dhas. PDF. Capstone: Occupational Therapy's Approach to Implement a Kangaroo Care ...

  24. Clinical Topics

    Sex as an ADL. There are many forms of sexual expression which include actions such as kissing, hugging, and intercourse. Sexual activity occurs across the adult lifespan and may be with an intimate partner or with oneself. Engagement is often a positive experience; however, occupational therapy practitioners must consider any negative or ...