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Essays About Reading: 5 Examples And Topic Ideas

As a writer, you love to read and talk to others about reading books. Check out some examples of essays about reading and topic ideas for your essay.

Many people fall in love with good books at an early age, as experiencing the joy of reading can help transport a child’s imagination to new places. Reading isn’t just for fun, of course—the importance of reading has been shown time and again in educational research studies.

If you love to sit down with a good book, you likely want to share your love of reading with others. Reading can offer a new perspective and transport readers to different worlds, whether you’re into autobiographies, books about positive thinking, or stories that share life lessons.

When explaining your love of reading to others, it’s important to let your passion shine through in your writing. Try not to take a negative view of people who don’t enjoy reading, as reading and writing skills are tougher for some people than others.

Talk about the positive effects of reading and how it’s positively benefitted your life. Offer helpful tips on how people can learn to enjoy reading, even if it’s something that they’ve struggled with for a long time. Remember, your goal when writing essays about reading is to make others interested in exploring the world of books as a source of knowledge and entertainment.

Now, let’s explore some popular essays on reading to help get you inspired and some topics that you can use as a starting point for your essay about how books have positively impacted your life.

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers

Examples Of Essays About Reading

  • 1. The Book That Changed My Life By The New York Times
  • 2. I Read 150+ Books in 2 Years. Here’s How It Changed My Life By Anangsha Alammyan
  • 3. How My Diagnosis Improved My College Experience By Blair Kenney

4. How ‘The Phantom Tollbooth’ Saved Me By Isaac Fitzgerald

5. catcher in the rye: that time a banned book changed my life by pat kelly, topic ideas for essays about reading, 1. how can a high school student improve their reading skills, 2. what’s the best piece of literature ever written, 3. how reading books from authors of varied backgrounds can provide a different perspective, 4. challenging your point of view: how reading essays you disagree with can provide a new perspective.


1.  The Book That Changed My Life  By  The New York Times

“My error the first time around was to read “Middlemarch” as one would a typical novel. But “Middlemarch” isn’t really about plot and dialogue. It’s all about character, as mediated through the wise and compassionate (but sharply astute) voice of the omniscient narrator. The book shows us that we cannot live without other people and that we cannot live with other people unless we recognize their flaws and foibles in ourselves.”  The New York Times

In this collection of reader essays, people share the books that have shaped how they see the world and live their lives. Talking about a life-changing piece of literature can offer a new perspective to people who tend to shy away from reading and can encourage others to pick up your favorite book.

2.  I Read 150+ Books in 2 Years. Here’s How It Changed My Life  By Anangsha Alammyan

“Consistent reading helps you develop your  analytical thinking skills  over time. It stimulates your brain and allows you to think in new ways. When you are  actively engaged  in what you’re reading, you would be able to ask better questions, look at things from a different perspective, identify patterns and make connections.” Anangsha Alammyan

Alammyan shares how she got away from habits that weren’t serving her life (such as scrolling on social media) and instead turned her attention to focus on reading. She shares how she changed her schedule and time management processes to allow herself to devote more time to reading, and she also shares the many ways that she benefited from spending more time on her Kindle and less time on her phone.

3.  How My Diagnosis Improved My College Experience  By Blair Kenney

“When my learning specialist convinced me that I was an intelligent person with a reading disorder, I gradually stopped hiding from what I was most afraid of—the belief that I was a person of mediocre intelligence with overambitious goals for herself. As I slowly let go of this fear, I became much more aware of my learning issues. For the first time, I felt that I could dig below the surface of my unhappiness in school without being ashamed of what I might find.” Blair Kenney

Reading does not come easily to everyone, and dyslexia can make it especially difficult for a person to process words. In this essay, Kenney shares her experience of being diagnosed with dyslexia during her sophomore year of college at Yale. She gave herself more patience, grew in her confidence, and developed techniques that worked to improve her reading and processing skills.

“I took that book home to finish reading it. I’d sit somewhat uncomfortably in a tree or against a stone wall or, more often than not, in my sparsely decorated bedroom with the door closed as my mother had hushed arguments with my father on the phone. There were many things in the book that went over my head during my first time reading it. But a land left with neither Rhyme nor Reason, as I listened to my parents fight, that I understood.” Isaac Fitzgerald

Books can transport a reader to another world. In this essay, Fitzgerald explains how Norton Juster’s novel allowed him to escape a difficult time in his childhood through the magic of his imagination. Writing about a book that had a significant impact on your childhood can help you form an instant connection with your reader, as many people hold a childhood literature favorite near and dear to their hearts.

“From the first paragraph my mind was blown wide open. It not only changed my whole perspective on what literature could be, it changed the way I looked at myself in relation to the world. This was heavy stuff. Of the countless books I had read up to this point, even the ones written in first person, none of them felt like they were speaking directly to me. Not really anyway.” Pat Kelly

Many readers have had the experience of feeling like a book was written specifically for them, and in this essay, Kelly shares that experience with J.D. Salinger’s classic American novel. Writing about a book that felt like it was written specifically for you can give you the chance to share what was happening in your life when you read the book and the lasting impact that the book had on you as a person.

There are several topic options to choose from when you’re writing about reading. You may want to write about how literature you love has changed your life or how others can develop their reading skills to derive similar pleasure from reading.

Topic ideas for essays about reading

Middle and high school students who struggle with reading can feel discouraged when, despite their best efforts, their skills do not improve. Research the latest educational techniques for boosting reading skills in high school students (the research often changes) and offer concrete tips (such as using active reading skills) to help students grow.

It’s an excellent persuasive essay topic; it’s fun to write about the piece of literature you believe to be the greatest of all time. Of course, much of this topic is a matter of opinion, and it’s impossible to prove that one piece of literature is “better” than another. Write your essay about how the piece of literature you consider the best positive affected your life and discuss how it’s impacted the world of literature in general.

The world is full of many perspectives and points of view, and it can be hard to imagine the world through someone else’s eyes. Reading books by authors of different gender, race, or socioeconomic status can help open your eyes to the challenges and issues others face. Explain how reading books by authors with different backgrounds has changed your worldview in your essay.

It’s fun to read the information that reinforces viewpoints that you already have, but doing so doesn’t contribute to expanding your mind and helping you see the world from a different perspective. Explain how pushing oneself to see a different point of view can help you better understand your perspective and help open your eyes to ideas you may not have considered.

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

If you’re stuck picking your next essay topic, check out our round-up of essay topics about education .

201 Literacy Essay Topics & Examples

If you’ve found this article, you probably need good literacy topics to choose from. We’ve got a whole collection of them for high school and college students.

🏆 Best Literacy Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

👍 good literacy essay topics, 📃 interesting literacy research topics, 🔍 good research topics about literacy, ⭐ simple & easy literacy essay titles, ❓ research questions about literacy.

Our IvyPanda team has gathered this list of literacy topics for research papers and essays. Look through them to pick the best one to write about.

  • The Importance of Literacy Essay (Critical Writing) Literacy is a skill that is never late to acquire because it is essential for education, employment, belonging to the community, and ability to help one’s children.
  • Literacy Definition and Importance Literacy is the process of learning whereby an individual gains the ability to understand and convey written information, gain new skills from the information, teach those skills and apply the acquired knowledge and skills for […]
  • The Connection between Literacy, Education and New media This relationship is viewed to continue growing stronger as more educational institutions incorporate the use of new media in the literacy development and educational practices.
  • The Concept and Importance of Information Literacy In fact, Information Literacy is far much better than these concepts because it stands ahead, gives the ability to think outside the box and not only gives the access to the knowledge but also the […]
  • Retelling as a Literacy Assessment Retelling is the effective tool to assess the students’ comprehension of the text while reading with references to understanding the order of events and key points of the story.
  • Visual Literacy: Definition and Impact Both Dondis and Kennedy agree that visual literacy enhances meaning and understanding of what one sees and the way one lives.
  • How Information Literacy Affects Nursing Informatics in the 21st Century With the discovery of technology and the availability of applications that supports healthcare, there has been a positive shift in information literacy. In conclusion, nursing informatics has been one of the best ways of supporting […]
  • Health Literacy in the Modern Digital Age Although the dynamic of doctor-patient interaction changed due to the abundance of online resources, its downside may be the spread of false and scientifically unsupported information, resulting in damage to people’s health.
  • Children’s Literature in Literacy Education The primary aim of the paper is to provide the in-depth analysis regarding the role of the children’s literature in the literacy education.
  • Promoting Literacy to Students: The Challenges and the Solutions Thus, basing the research on the theory of phonetic awareness, one can presume that the roots of low literacy rates are going to be found and that the most efficient means of improving literacy rates […]
  • Informal Reading Inventory as Literacy Assessment To assess the student’s ability to recognize words and determine the reading level, it is necessary to use graded word lists and graded text passages to conduct the informal reading inventory.
  • Multi-Literacy, Its Types and Characteristics Thus, students are to be taught not only literacy skills but also the identification of alterations in the patterns of meaning depending on the context. For instance, they are to be aware of the main […]
  • Multicultural Literacy: Patricia Polacco and Roald Dahl As the authors explain, it was during her life in this farm that she heard amazing stories about her roots and the time line of her peoples.
  • Defining Literacy Concept The final type of literacy is health literacy that evaluates how well one can comprehend and use health-related information to make health-related decisions.
  • “Literacy in Three Metaphors” by Sylvia Scribner The fundamental proposal presented by the author revolves around the thought that the main problem of literacy is the conceptualization and formulation of a proper education plan.
  • Financial Literacy: The Importance in the Modern World Hence, it is necessary to learn the fundamentals of financial literacy from a young age in order to have a carefree retirement, emergency funds, and protection against inflation.
  • Thematic Cross-Curricular Approach Toward Literacy Learning It has been recommended for schools to pay closer attention to the needs of teachers in planning a thematic curriculum and facilitate the establishment of policies that will help support teachers and their students in […]
  • “Charlotte’s Web” by White for Literacy Development The task of a teacher is to keep the learners interested and motivated. On the whole, literacy and language development is a complicated process.
  • Story of Media Literacy Overview Consequently, it is imperative for students and people, in general, to consume media content objectively and to analyze the message portrayed in the news.
  • Hypodermic Syringe Model and Media Literacy A person’s media competence can be developed starting from an early age, and it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to control media influence on children and teach them to use mass media to […]
  • Literacy and Numeracy Demands Genre is used to describe the elemnts of communication channels or types, usually the types of texts and specific language, which emerged within a specific community.
  • Corporate Media Consolidation: Everyday Media Literacy The third significant issue that arises with media consolidation is the intensification of censorship and the threat to broad media choice.
  • “Clive Thompson on the New Literacy” by Clive Thompson Reasoning in the framework of the text, the readers notice a subsequent transition of the argument from “kids today cannot write” and “age of illiteracy” to “literacy revolution” and “write for an audience”.
  • Literacy Development in Five Stages The question that children tend to ask during the stage of awareness and exploration are the main signifiers of the literacy development process being launched.
  • Computer Literacy: Parents and Guardians Role Filtering and monitoring content on the internet is one of the most important roles that parents in the contemporary world should play, and it reveals that parents care about their children.
  • Literacy Through iPads in Early Education In the article, Beschorner and Hutchison, note that in the 21st century, children gain access to written language very early due to the use of digital devices.
  • Issues of Children Literacy The best way to make parents and guardians aware of the importance of child literacy is to communicate to them the results of researches that have studied the relationship between early childhood literacy levels and […]
  • Comprehensive Literacy Model The attention of students should be focused on the common roots of the vocabulary in use such as the suffixes and the prefixes.
  • From the First Language Literacy to the Second Language Proficiency The above observation was also apparent in the study by Benseman, Sutton and Lander who explained that, the involvement of the learner in the teaching allows students to increase their use of first language literacy […]
  • Role of Teachers in Literacy Education The current essay shows why a qualified teacher is critical in literacy programs and examines three factors that can improve student outcomes. There is a large variety of approaches, techniques, and strategies that can improve […]
  • The Literacy Night Activity Observation It is important to note that literacy is not limited only to reading and writing because there are key elements of being able to share ideas as well.
  • Health Literacy in Hemodialysis Patients Namely, the guide written by the US Department of Health and Human Services focuses on the online aspect of distributing valuable information to the population groups.
  • Media Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills Media literacy implies an understanding by the audience of the basic principles of the work of the media, including the search for the necessary information, understanding the principles of the formation of messages by different […]
  • Media Literacy Amongst Children To equip children and the young generation with relevant knowledge and provide them with the necessary tools to understand the present media landscape and be critical informers.
  • Important Moment in Literacy Development Journey My inability to understand became sore when my parents and teachers determined that I needed to remain in the second grade to improve my comprehension skills.
  • The What’s Hot in Literacy Survey Results As a future teacher, I would like to express solidarity with the report’s authors and the topics they covered, especially considering that not all children have at least a primary education to develop literacy. This […]
  • Health Literacy: Using Patient Portals Aside from needs assessments, I would create teaching materials to provide the staff with ideas on how to offer accommodations for low- and medium-literacy portal users.
  • Importance of Health Literacy for Human Health Thus, the paper addresses the lack of attention to the public sector and the absence of innovative approaches in the administration of the policies.
  • Development of Emergent Literacy in Young ESL Learners In the context of the present-day settings, when communication with strangers is reduced to a minimum due to the threat of the COVID-19, the introduction of digital tools needs to be tested as the method […]
  • Culturally Sensitive Nurses Teaching Health Literacy When patients from different cultures have a problem understanding healthcare practices, nurses have a role in explaining to them the diagnosis and treatment in a way that acknowledges their cultural needs.
  • Technological Literacy and Technical Fluency Tyler argues that technological literacy is the ability to use technology, while fluency in technology is a deep understanding of it and the future it brings to society.
  • Media Literacy Research: Analysis of the Issue In the process of research, I have significantly expanded my ability to access and analyze media messages as well as to use the power of information to communicate and make a difference in the world.
  • Low Health Literacy in Edison Township The prevalence of these outcomes is based on the level of health literacy within a community attributed to the existing social interventions.
  • Project Proposal on Budgeting: An Individual’s Economic Literacy Purchasing this device is a long-time dream of mine, as it will allow me to pursue creativity, view media content, and feel more confident in my daily life; in addition, I expect that the iPad […]
  • Aspects of Literacy Establishment Alphabet awareness is the ability to identify letters from the alphabet, which is related to writing and understanding letter sounds. Lack of alphabet awareness may prevent the development of writing skills and interfere with understanding […]
  • Clinical Field Experience: Integrating Creative Arts and Literacy Formative assessment is critical for the identification of the gaps students may have and the material they may have failed to cover properly.
  • Health Literacy and Patient Education The Internet’s accessibility made various types of health information available for any person, and many consumers developed a habit to check the online sources for symptoms or primarily help before reaching out to a healthcare […]
  • The NP Core Competency of Technology and Information Literacy I advised him to consult a physician, and my use of EHRs appeared to be helpful because it allowed the physician to access patient data easily and confirm the diagnosis of hypertension.
  • Literacy Bags as a Useful Pedagogical Tool The use of literacy bags addresses family involvement, instilling a love of learning, and controlling homeschooling. The contents of the bag depending on the topic being taught and the teacher’s intentions.
  • Family Literacy Night Parents ensure that children develop positive, nurturing relationships with adults and have better opportunities to initiate and engage in conversations.
  • Health Literacy: Strategies to Minimize Barriers In the training of a medical worker, the role of studying natural science and clinical disciplines is undeniable, but the ability of employees to master their speech well, their ability to listen and hear, and […]
  • Media Violence and Importance of Media Literacy Media literacy is the public’s ability to access, decode, evaluate and transmit a message from media. Improved media literacy and education will enable the responsible consumption of information.
  • Strategies for Teaching Literacy in a Secondary Classroom Beforehand, the authors discuss potential obstacles, including disabilities, a cycle of failure, and the absence of motivation, and provide a socio-linguistic background to the literacy acquisition process.
  • Meeting Small Group’s Literacy Needs One peculiarity of this approach to lesson organization is that it offers minimal opportunities for the differentiation of instruction, and it is reasonable to give preference to this approach when introducing concepts that are totally […]
  • Emergent Literacy: How to Make Your Child’s Life Easier? While in the womb, the fetus remembers the rhythm of language, hears the first sounds, and tries to interpret them. The key to this approach is the recognition that the language is not discrete, which […]
  • Phonological and Phonemic Awareness and Literacy Development Simultaneously, phonemic awareness is a more advanced understanding of language, the next level of phonological awareness, when a person can identify and manage the smallest units of speech, the phoneme.
  • Information Literacy and Power in Business The information is complete when all the data and associated context relevant for the problem is available. Information is crucial in determining business/organization success, success factors are determined from the data and context.
  • Models of Information Literacy for Business Report Finally by the end of the lesson the learner should be able to obtain new knowledge in the use of literacy information.
  • Literacy and Numeracy in the Geography Subject Area In the given sample, the student, Pat, demonstrates the basic understanding of the topic, and her skills seem to be poor. The presented sequence of lessons is designed to improve students’ numeracy and literacy skills […]
  • Enhancing Health Literacy for People With Type 2 Diabetes Two professionals, Andrew Long, a professor in the school of heath care in the University of Leeds, and Tina Gambling, senior lecturer in the school of health care studies from the University of Cardiff, conducted […]
  • The Importance of Health Literacy In essence, health literacy is very important to all stakeholders in health care settings. Health literacy is one of the most common issues in healthcare settings.
  • Health Literacy: Does It Make a Difference? The article investigates how health literacy contributes to the general development of the nursing practice. The article continues by outlining how health literacy is of benefit to healthcare.
  • Literacy Demands in the Australian English Syllabus The curriculum also requires learners to “explore the difference in the use of English both at home and school, depending on the relationship between the speakers”.
  • Thinking, Learning, and Literacy in the Internet Age However, one can present a counterargument to the given statement by claiming that it is not reading that is negatively affected by the web, but rather the style or format of the activity.
  • Archetypes in Lyrics: Finding Literacy in Song This turn of the story is unexpected because the text of the first two verses is cheerful, and the motive and melody of the composition have a fast and joyful mood.
  • Health Literacy and Access to Healthcare Services: Problems, Interventions, and Suggestions for Improvements Unfortunately, due to the emergence of new health threats and the lack of accessibility to healthcare, as well as the absence of basic health literacy in an upsettingly large number of the U.S.population, changes have […]
  • Effects of Information Literacy on Scholarship, Practice and Leadership in Teaching Profession The first and the most obvious negative aspect of the introduction of information literacy into the field of SPL in the sphere of teaching profession is the abundance of sources and the search for the […]
  • Emergent Literacy Skills in Children With Hearing Loss The research is stated to “learn more about the early development of literacy skills by examining changes over a typical school year for small children with hearing losses” specifically within the group of young children, […]
  • Beginning Literacy Learner Study It does not amount to too much trouble for now, as he is able to perform the majority of the tasks and pass the majority of the tests with relative success.
  • Philosophy of Literacy Instruction And, of course, the literacy educator needs to be critical of his work and seek opportunities for personal improvement Literacy educator needs to understand that reading and writing are social activities and that students should […]
  • “Visual Literacy Theory” by Paul Messaris In its turn, this points out at the fallacious essence of Messaris’ idea that spatial intelligence is an objective category: “One of the clearest examples of spatial intelligence is the ability of movies to conjure […]
  • Information Literacy in Public Safety Sector Professionals are supposed to be prepared by providing theories inform of public safety scholars and research did to understand them before availing the information to the public.
  • Developing Children’s Language and Literacy Skills The culture of the society his family belongs to greatly influences how he imbibes the culture and how he expresses his developing personality.
  • American Education System and Cultural Literacy In the recant past, he has become critical of the cognitive revolution and has explored for the construction of cultural psychology that weighs very much the factors like historical and social settings of the contributors.
  • Literacy Theories in Action Emergent literacy is the term used to refer to the earliest period of a child’s literacy development, specifically the time between birth and when the child can read and write.
  • Reading and Literacy of the Students In order to motivate the students so that they may be engaged for the rest of the day, I begin the class with a general discussion of the latest issue that is making headlines either […]
  • Early Years Literacy: Analysis and Development The paper consists of three major parts: a description of a literacy event in which I participated, a detailed analysis of all the aspects of the event, implications for teaching, and a conclusion.
  • Literacy Learning Across Diverse Contexts: Digestive System All of the four activities described in curriculum planning can be justified on the basis of their connection to the children’s age and experience.
  • “What Is Literacy? The Power of a Definition” by Keefe & Copeland In the first section of the article, the researchers describe some of the conflicting beliefs about the definition of literacy. The article is significant to education and literacy instruction as it shows the need for […]
  • Pandemic Flu: Health Literacy The higher the readability score, the easier it is to percept the ideas reflected in the text. The higher this score, the better the understanding of a document by the reader is.
  • Emerging Literacy and Assessment in Education Finally, the application of assessments in early education will inform a teacher about the gaps in a student’s knowledge system and the strategies that can be used to fill these gaps.
  • Digital Literacy: Gender and Socio-Economic Aspects Thereby, digital literacy is defined by the opportunity to access information technology and Internet resources, based on the culture, economic, and social development of a country.
  • Political Media Literacy Program The focus on social media is especially crucial as these platforms do not have many rules and tools to check the authenticity of the posted information.
  • Literacy Development in Personal Experience The author encouraged me to use writing as a medium to express ideas and knowledge in a way that I would want it to be presented to me. A significant step towards the improvement of […]
  • Reading Literacy Development and Instruction In the overviewed classroom, the evaluation of the literacy skills of the students was sustained by offering the learners to complete a multi-discipline test, which matches the Common Core State Literacy Standard. The outcomes of […]
  • Literacy Environment for Young Learners This paper examines the arrangement of objects in the classroom and the required teaching skills that enhance literacy in young learners.
  • Emergent Literacy and Reading Lesson Plans Topic or Unit of Study: Derivations Subject: Word recognition Grade/Level: 3 Grade: 3rd Subject: Language Arts Time: 30 minutes Amount: 10 students C1.
  • Digital Literacy Promotion at a Community Event In the course of the event, the attendees will be explained the basics of how the new technology will help learners from Pre-Kindergarten through 12th-grade students in school districts and adult learners at the community […]
  • Shared Reading as a Literacy Strategy Reading strategy involves determining mental actions that learners take when they are reading to assist them to build and maintain the meaning of what they would be reading.
  • Rebecca’s Literacy Development: Non-Cognitive Aspects As to the non-cognitive aspects of the student’s literacy, the girl loves to read and uses every opportunity for it though is embarrassed to read aloud to the others.
  • Digital Literacy and Higher Education in Knowledge Economy Altbach, Reisberg, and Rumbley argue that the “phenomenon of massification ” is what has led to a major revolution in university education.
  • Literacy Theory and Practice in Teaching Reading Due to the fact that the English language prevails in the sphere of international business and technology, it is important for students to have a sufficient command of language.
  • Literacy Challenges at the Postsecondary Level In this view, the article asserts that student learning is less effective when classes are large and the material taught is new to the learners. The feelings of anonymity and lack of self-directed learning on […]
  • Active Literacy Across the Curriculum In addition, the author also expressed the idea about the importance of the literacy mapping a process that would help educational authorities to keep track of the consistency with which literacy is taught in schools, […]
  • Individual Literacy Narrative The purpose of this narrative is to describe how I have managed to develop this kind of literacy. The most outstanding observation is that various events and experiences have made it easier for me to […]
  • Records of Literacy in Qin and Early Han Dynasties The main aim of the text is, according to the author, to review the records of literacy among the lower orders during the Qin and early Han dynasties.
  • Instructional Practices for Emergent Literacy Learners On the level of listening and speaking, the emergent literacy learner should be able to use language to express opinions related to the discussed topic, follow the directions given by the teacher when it comes […]
  • Literacy Strategies in a Social Studies Classroom It may help to put the text in a broader context and help relate the students’ knowledge about the author to the ideas given in the text.
  • Indian Women’s Technology Access and Literacy Nevertheless, the gender divide in technological access is substantially lower in the developed countries. Leggon stated, “the divide is more than as issue of access to technology; it is also an issue of use and […]
  • Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum Overall, it is clear that both literacy and numeracy can help societies all over the world to achieve a better future in the 21st century.
  • Critical Literacy in Lambert’s Bellies Bear a Burden The text is accompanied by several images, most of which are included to illustrate the dynamics of change in women’s body measurements over the years, as well as a photograph of an obese woman to […]
  • Literacy Education and the Workforce This has made organizations set aside a good fraction of their revenue to improve the literacy level of their employees to make them more productive.
  • Literacy Coaching Cycle in Learning In an effective literacy coaching, literacy coach should make strategic class visits to access the level of delivery that teachers are attaining.
  • Reading and Literacy: Teacher Education Program It is vital to understand that a teacher’s role is not only sharing knowledge with his or her students but also shaping their worldview and making them ready for life in an economically, culturally, and […]
  • Population Literacy Skills in Arab Countries For the tables and the analysis, I chose the two years that were closer together, 2005 and 2009. First of all, after 2005 the internet actively started to win its popularity all around the world […]
  • Literacy of Population in Arab Countries That is why this phenomenon can be taken as the main evidence of the problem of poverty peculiar for the majority of these states.
  • Early Cochlear Implantation’s Impact on Literacy That way, the design suitable for this research is qualitative and narrative since the focus is the impressions of the quality of life and learning after the implantation.
  • IT and Its Effect on Workplace Literacy In the last three decades, information technology in the form of information systems has revolutionized the business approach across the globe.
  • Environmental Education and Literacy Program Although scholars and environmental experts are in agreement that environmental education plays a key role in assisting young people in comprehending the nature and complexity of environmental challenges and in developing their capacity to take […]
  • Young Child’s Language and Literacy Development In addition, a work of literature on any social issue may influence how children respond to the demands of their learning environments. Taken together, the growing importance of literature in learning and children’s linguistic development […]
  • Classroom Literacy: Interactions and Learning Approaches Vocabulary skills are important for improving literacy as well as the overall growth of the student in the classroom and outside classroom environment.
  • Literacy Skills Development in Children In this essay, the focus will be to discuss the most appropriate approach for a teacher to facilitate the learning of literacy skills among children.
  • Instruction and Literacy Development Methods To enhance the students’ learning activities and development of their literacy skills, it is possible to use such computer technologies as the computer software and electronic books at all the stages of learning because different […]
  • Ocean Literacy and Exploration From the onset of “human-ocean interaction and exploration in the fifteenth century” and despite ocean being the largest feature of the earth, only 5% of the ocean is known.
  • Balanced Literacy Institute and Teacher Cadre Another important and beneficial point of the training is that the material is selected with a unique understanding of the needs of students and teachers.
  • Diverse Classrooms and Literacy The recruitment of a significant proportion of literacy teachers from various ethnic backgrounds is necessary to effectively address issues on language understanding and fluency in reading.
  • Education Theories: Why Literacy Matters? By definition, literacy is “the ability and the willingness to use reading and writing to construct meaning from the printed text”. Literacy makes a positive contribution to the economic prosperity of an individual and promotes […]
  • Technological Literacy Unit Plan Housing is a social issue that is always contained in the economic blueprints of different countries, however, the cost of buying a house is high and people who get locked out of the financing avenues […]
  • English Literacy Lessons for Australian Students. When Theory Meets Practice Once a teacher introduces the concept of metacognition to the students, it will be easier to help the students link reading and writing: “Adding components of metacognition supports students in learning how to summarize and […]
  • How Effective Teachers Support the Youngest Children’s Literacy Development? The effective teachers should be aware of the most common issues the youngest learners may face and understand the methods to address the issues.
  • Balanced Literacy Program Introduction is as important, perhaps, even more to the flow of the class and positive atmosphere between the teacher and students.
  • Factors that Influence Literacy Acquisition and Reading Achievement Finally, the paper will highlight some contrary arguments that tend to downplay the role of parents in children’s learning at home and at school.
  • Expert Literacy Teachers: What Has Been Learned One of the key insights that I have gained in the process of learning about the role of the RTI in shaping the responsibilities and strategies of an expert literacy teacher concerns the fact that […]
  • Conducting an Assessment: Students’ Progress in Mastering Literacy: What Needs to Be Improved Helping students acquire the basic literacy skills is one of the key tasks of a teacher, and the reading skills are at the top of the teacher’s priority list.
  • Strategies to Support Balanced Literacy After the learners finish reading the story, the teacher should ask them to narrate their feelings and thoughts about the experience.
  • Literacy Instruction for African American Students The research results state that the process of literacy instruction is hindered to an impressive degree by the misunderstandings between teachers and students due to the language issues.
  • Problems of Reading and Literacy The article covers the how, what and when of the visual essays, experiences and how to teach them to improve reading and literacy. It is with no doubt that problems of reading and literacy are […]
  • Early Literacy Development The literacy development is a concept related to acquisition of reading and writing skills. The problem of literacy development in preschool-aged children requires a specific approach to be taken and applied.
  • Literacy Linguistic Usage Finally, it is vital to apply the findings on the relationships between language and identity in the practical sphere of learning and teaching languages.
  • An Early Literacy Intervention The major implication of the study was that effective intervention programs have the capacity to close the gaps in early educational literacy.
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 201 Literacy Essay Topics & Examples.

"201 Literacy Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024,

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IvyPanda . 2024. "201 Literacy Essay Topics & Examples." February 28, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "201 Literacy Essay Topics & Examples." February 28, 2024.


IvyPanda . "201 Literacy Essay Topics & Examples." February 28, 2024.

Good Titles for an Essay on Literacy

David coodin, 25 jun 2018.

Good Titles for an Essay on Literacy

Which came first, the title or the essay topic? Great titles engage the potential reader with memorable words and can help direct students to essay subjects as well. While many students are content to give their written essays the first title that pops into their heads, taking the time to come up with a sharp essay title can draw in your reader and potentially improve your grade. An essay on literacy necessitates finding a strong title especially important because your essay likely emphasizes the importance of reading. Whether you're writing a short essay or a long term paper, try choosing a title that could reflect your own grasp of literacy, your passion for the paper's topic and the topic itself.

Explore this article

  • Technical Titles
  • Impactful Titles
  • Humorous Titles

1 Technical Titles

A title for an essay on literacy is sometimes best when it serves main function of alerting the reader as to the essay's topic. This is especially true for a scientific study of literacy. In this case, come up with a title that conveys your main point. Examples include: "Why Reading Helps Brain Development in Children," "The Impact of the Internet on Literacy Rates" and "The Hidden Links Between Literacy and Income Levels." In all cases, isolate the topic of your paper and phrase it in as few words as possible.

2 Impactful Titles

Sometimes the best titles for an essay on literacy aim to grab the reader's interest through emotional impact. This approach works well if your essay contains examples of literacy's impact on individual people. Find the best anecdote in your essay, and turn it into a title that also conveys your argument. For example, you might choose a title like: "A Mother's Story: How Adult Literacy Can Save the American Family." Without giving too much away, the title personalizes the essay's main point and draws in the reader.

3 Quotations

Many famous quotes exist about the topic of literacy. Finding a good one and using it appropriately can be a great way to come up with a title for your literacy essay. Frederick Douglass famously wrote, "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free." Spin this passage by using a title like: "Becoming Forever Free: The Importance of Learning to Read." You might even include the Douglass quotation as an epigraph to your essay.

4 Humorous Titles

Essay titles that contain humor can work well for your literacy essay if your topic is not as serious. Consider using a pun in your title, such as: "Black, White, and Read All Over: A Study of Newspapers and Literacy" or "Booking Time Off for Books: Reading on your Summer Vacation." Using humor in your title sets the tone for your essay, and can make your audience want to begin reading. You might also consider self-referential humor for your title, such as "Me Read Good" or "How Literacy Can Help You Read This Essay."

  • 1 University of Southern California: Choosing a Title
  • 2 Good Reads: Quotes About Literacy
  • 3 Owlcation: College Writing Tips Write a Good Literacy Narrative

About the Author

David Coodin began working as a writer in 2005, and has been published in "The Walrus." He contributes to various websites, writing primarily in the areas of education and art. Coodin holds a Ph.D. in English literature from York University in Toronto.

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Forging good titles in academic writing

Published on March 20, 2015 by Shane Bryson . Revised on July 23, 2023.

The title is the first thing your reader will see, and most readers will make their first judgements of your work based on it. For this reason, it’s important to think about your titles carefully.

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Table of contents

Informative, striking, appropriate, title templates, writing effective headings, other interesting articles, informative title.

Your title should, above all else, convey the topic of your paper. In other words, no matter how witty, clever, original, or otherwise appealing your title may be, it fails if it is not informative.

Decide whether you’ve given a sense of the paper’s topic and claims by comparing your title’s content to the most important aspect(s) of your dissertation statement or hypothesis and conclusions.

Striking title

A striking title is one that entices your audience to read, so know your audience’s tastes.

The analogy of cultivating sexual attraction in a prospective mate is useful here: some audiences will be enticed by a title’s edginess (as with, for example, V. Alneng’s “‘What the Fuck is a Vietnam?’ Touristic Phantasms and the Popcolonization of [the] Vietnam [War],” published in Critique on Anthropology ); others will almost always prefer a more straightforward title (as with J.C. Henderson’s “War as a tourist attraction: The case of Vietnam,” published in the International Journal of Tourism Research ).

You should be able to gauge how edgy your title can be by the tone of your discipline or the publication you’re submitting to, and your main concern should be forming a title that appeals to your readers’ specific tastes.

Consider also that a title that highlights the paper’s fresh insights will often be striking.

An endocrinologist, for example, might become very excited upon seeing the collaboratively authored article “Comparison of the effects on glycaemic control and β-cell function in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients of treatment with exenatide, insulin or pioglitazone: A multicentre randomized parallel-group trial,” published in 2015 in the Journal of Internal Medicine .

This rather long title is more acceptable in the sciences, where what readers tend to find provocative in a title is the degree to which it reveals the paper’s specifics.

Appropriate title

Ensuring that your title is appropriate in a way of making sure not only that your audience understands it, but also that its appeal contributes to its meaning. To make sure the title will be understood, you need to consider how familiar your research topic will be to your audience.

In an academic essay, you can use highly technical terms in your title, but generally avoid terms that the average well-read person in your discipline might not know.

In any writing that has a broad audience, titles need to avoid language that is too sophisticated; a news article, for example, should be easily understood by all.

As a second consideration of appropriateness, make sure that your title does not entice without substance.

The title of Alneng’s paper, for example, does not use “fuck” merely to shock and therefore entice the reader; the uncommon use of a swearword here helps convey the topic of the article: more or less vulgar representations of Vietnam.

The same is true for other striking titles, such as Nancy Tuana’s “Coming to Understand: Orgasm and the Epistemology of Ignorance,” published in Hypatia .

The title’s sexually charged play on words (“coming to understand”) hooks the audience, but is not merely a hook. The pun is directly relevant to the essay’s argument, which is that sexual pleasure offers an important form of knowledge.

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essay titles about reading

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  • Use key terms. Find words that your audience can easily identify as markers of the topic matter. These will include, for example, terms that convey the field of research, central concepts, or subjects of study.
  • Identify the context (sometimes called “the location”). By context, I mean the source or the setting of the discussion, depending on discipline. In a history paper this might be a certain century or era; in literary studies a certain book or author; and in the sciences an organism or compound.

The following is a list of title formats, with examples of each. I’ve given the names of the publications in brackets to give a sense of how different disciplines treat titles.

Note that these are not mutually exclusive patterns (i.e. it’s possible to have various combinations; e.g. General & interesting: Informative & specific). Note also that this is not meant to be an exhaustive list.

  • Striking: Informative – The Specter of Wall Street: “Bartleby, the Scrivener” and the Language of Commodities ( American Literature )
  • Informative: Striking – Carbon capture and storage: How green can black be? ( Science )
  • General: Specific – The issues of the sixties: An exploratory study in the dynamics of public opinion ( Public Opinion Quarterly )
  • “Quotation”: Discussion (social studies) – “I’d rather not talk about it”: Adolescents’ and young adults’ use of topic avoidance in stepfamilies ( Journal of Applied Communication Research )
  • “Quotation”: Discussion (literary studies) – “I Would Prefer Not To”: Giorgio Agamben, Bartleby and the Potentiality of the Law ( Law and Critique )
  • Simple and precise – Methodological issues in the use of Tsimshian oral Traditions (Adawx) in Archaeology ( Canadian Journal of Archaeology )
  • Topic: Method – Mortality in sleep apnea patients: A multivariate analysis of risk factors ( Sleep )
  • Topic: Significance – LC3 binds externalized cardiolipin on injured mitochondria to signal mitophagy in neurons: Implications for Parkinson disease ( Autophagy )
  • Technical and very specific – Single-shot quantum nondemolition measurement of a quantum-dot electron spin using cavity exciton-polaritons ( Physical Review )

Although similar, headings are not the same as titles. Headings head paragraphs and help structure a document. Effective headings make your paper easily scannable.

Common high level headings in dissertations and research papers are “Methods”, “Research results”, and “Discussion”. Lower level headings are often more descriptive.

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Bryson, S. (2023, July 23). Forging good titles in academic writing. Scribbr. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from

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Shane Bryson

Shane finished his master's degree in English literature in 2013 and has been working as a writing tutor and editor since 2009. He began proofreading and editing essays with Scribbr in early summer, 2014.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Lifestyle & Interests — Reading Books

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Essay Examples on Reading Books

What makes a good reading books essay topics.

When it comes to writing an essay about reading books, choosing the right topic is essential. A good essay topic is one that is interesting, relevant, and allows for in-depth analysis and discussion. To brainstorm and choose a good essay topic, start by considering your own interests and passions. What books have you read recently that have made a lasting impression on you? What themes or ideas from those books could be explored further in an essay? Additionally, consider the potential impact of the topic on the reader. A good essay topic is one that will engage and captivate the reader, sparking their interest in the subject matter. Finally, a good essay topic is one that allows for a variety of perspectives and interpretations, encouraging critical thinking and analysis.

Best Reading Books Essay Topics

  • The role of symbolism in "To Kill a Mockingbird"
  • The impact of censorship in "Fahrenheit 451"
  • The portrayal of mental illness in "The Bell Jar"
  • The theme of identity in "Beloved"
  • The use of magical realism in "One Hundred Years of Solitude"
  • The representation of race and gender in "The Color Purple"
  • The significance of the green light in "The Great Gatsby"
  • The portrayal of war in "All Quiet on the Western Front"
  • The theme of power and corruption in "Animal Farm"
  • The use of allegory in "Lord of the Flies"
  • The impact of colonialism in "Things Fall Apart"
  • The role of family in "Pride and Prejudice"
  • The portrayal of love and loss in "The Fault in Our Stars"
  • The theme of survival in "Life of Pi"
  • The representation of heroism in "The Odyssey"
  • The impact of technology in "Brave New World"
  • The portrayal of social class in "The House of Mirth"
  • The role of nature in "Walden"
  • The theme of innocence in "The Catcher in the Rye"
  • The significance of memory in "The Remains of the Day"

Reading Books essay topics Prompts

  • Imagine you are a character from your favorite book. Write a letter to the author expressing your thoughts and feelings about the story and its impact on your life.
  • Choose a book that you believe should be included in the school curriculum. Write an essay arguing for its inclusion, providing evidence to support your argument.
  • Create a playlist of songs that you believe represents the themes and emotions of a particular book. Write an essay explaining your song choices and how they relate to the story.
  • Choose a classic novel and write an essay exploring how its themes and messages are still relevant in today's society.
  • Imagine you are a literary critic. Write a review of a book you recently read, discussing its strengths and weaknesses and whether you would recommend it to others.

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essay titles about reading

Essay Title: Rules, Tips, Mistakes to Avoid


Table of contents

  • 1 What Makes a Good Title?
  • 2.1 Use your essay to develop your topic
  • 2.2 Identify keywords and take advantage of them
  • 2.3 Use Multiple Titles
  • 3.1 MLA Format
  • 3.2 APA Format
  • 3.3 Chicago Format
  • 4 What to Avoid When Writing a Title for an Essay?
  • 5 Take into account Your Paper Style
  • 6 Types Of Papers and the Best Titles For Them
  • 7.1 Questions make Catchy
  • 7.2 Describe the Paper in 5 Words
  • 7.3 Use One Direct Word
  • 7.4 Extract a Sentence from the Paper
  • 7.5 Take advantage of Pop-Culture
  • 7.6 Put “On” at the beginning
  • 7.7 Start with a Verb in “-ing”
  • 7.8 Give a Mental Visualization of Your Topic
  • 7.9 Modify a Title that was Rejected
  • 7.10 Choose 2 Variants That Were Considered and Declined; Then Join Them Together
  • 8.1 Why is an essay title important?
  • 8.2 Can a title be a question?
  • 8.3 How long should the title be?

Good paper titles could be the difference between the audience viewing or ignoring your essays. When chosen carefully, essay titles could well capture the attention of someone who would not typically read the topic. Learning the proper method for titling an article can work wonders in creating an attention-grabbing heading. A well-titled article will also tell readers what to expect. Knowing how to create a topic for an essay that commands the reader’s attention is important. That is why this piece is designed to help you write just that.

What Makes a Good Title?

The importance of a great title cannot be overemphasized in the essay-writing process . And that is where you question yourself – what makes good essay headlines?

  • A good title for an essay must be memorable. You want to think up something that stands out as much as possible to capture the audience’s eyes and minds. Remember – your title is the first thing your reader sees.
  • Your essay name must possess a near-perfect degree of accuracy. Titling an essay like a clickbait heading could have the viewer on strings at the beginning, but they may not be disposed towards reading it to the end. Even so, it might not leave them with the desired impression.
  • A good essay title has to be written in a language the target audience would understand easily. You might want to keep the language of your essay headline simple, but it should reflect as much expertise as the target audience would reasonably expect.
  • A proper heading for an essay must be easy to read. The main idea is that your title gives a brief insight into what the audience should expect. Keep it concise and eye-catching, and ensure it is in active voice.

How to Title an Essay?

Having understood the importance of creative essay titles, you also know what features they are supposed to contain. The next item on the agenda is for you to know how to make a title for a write-up. This is not an arbitrary undertaking. It is a multi-step ritual that helps you ensure you are on the right track to connect with your audience using a catchy essay title.

Use your essay to develop your topic

This may seem rather confusing, but it is a very efficient step to follow while coming up with great naming ideas. You should start writing your essay once you have a subject matter identified. By the time you finish writing your essay, you can use the write-up details to construct the most suitable title. It would also give you much more clarity on the subject matter and what the audience wants from it since you would have conducted more research on the issue. As such, your title can be more precise and connected to the paper.

Identify keywords and take advantage of them

Your essay’s title must scream “This is what you want” to the reader. And no matter how fun and memorable it may be, it might not be as successful if it does not capture what the audience is exactly looking for. This is where keywords will work for you. They are terms that would let readers know that your essay is relevant to what is in question.

For instance, imagine trying to research articles on symptoms of pregnancy – but the name you see has nothing like “symptoms” or “pregnancy” in them. They might be catchy essay headers and even end up being related to the search, but they don’t exactly strike you like that is what you seek. You don’t need to stuff your title with key phrases. Just two or three core ones will do the trick.

Use Multiple Titles

Nobody said you have to use just one main topic. Segmenting your paper and sub-titling each makes your essay much more readable.


Essay Title Formats and Punctuations

It is perfectly fine if you would rather freestyle your essay heading. After all, a little creative license never hurts as long as you craft a good essay title. Though, you might want to play it safer by defining parameters, especially if your essay is formal. In that case, you should opt for an essay title format. These are internationally recognized sets of prescribed guidelines for titling your papers. There are three main essay title styles – the MLA, the APA, and the Chicago.

The rules of MLA style  emphasize that your essay topics should be centralized on the page. Perhaps the most important rule of this style is that the title must be written in “title case”. This means every word should begin using capital letters except prepositions, coordinating conjunctions, “to” when it is alongside a verb in its infinitive form, and articles. However, the first and last words must have capital letters, no matter what they are. This style also discourages italicizing, underlining, or placing the topics in quotation marks.

This formatting APA style is particular about the brevity of the title, stipulating a maximum of 12 words. It emphasizes a short and straight-to-the-point without abbreviations or redundancies. A title in this style aims to share as much information with the audience in as few words as possible. It does not encourage the use of figurative words because it is used in technical and professional writing. Thus, expect to see it deployed toward a research paper title and formal articles. It also supports centralizing the title toward the top of the page.

Chicago Format

Like the other two formats, this style is particular about having the title in the title case. However, it gives more leeway and license to the writer than the others. In fact, the Chicago style prescribes no further guidelines beyond title casing.


What to Avoid When Writing a Title for an Essay?

Developing interesting titles for essays can be a challenge for some. Tips include avoiding negativity and offensive or controversial terms and keeping it professional. Even the cover page could be done properly thanks to a writing service like the APA title page generator, which can also help you write a good title for an essay.

Making a good start means staying positive. Even when the essay topics are dreary, attempt to write less negatively. Good headlines for essays also use appropriate language to attract more possible readers to the paper. Lastly, its image should remain neutral – don’t overshare.

Take into account Your Paper Style

The style of your essay is essential to your topic. Identify and study what kind of essay it is, e.g., an argumentative essay or narrative essay, and ensure that the essay topic reflects it. Essays have tones depending on their kind, the audience, and the subject matter. For instance, academic writing would likely assume a formal tone. Having identified the tone of your essays, you should ensure your essay topics don’t go off-key. It should complement the tone of the essay itself in order to have the desired effect on the readers.

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Types Of Papers and the Best Titles For Them

There are several situations that could involve you writing an essay paper. And depending on the situation or the target of the piece, several kinds of papers exist as well. These may include a narrative paper, expository essay, business paper, and thesis statement in academic writing, among others. Some of the most creative examples of titles include:

Research Paper

The Role of COVID-19 in the Growth of Digital Services

Impacts of Climate Change on Developed Countries

Business Paper

Why Franchising Is the Way for New Small Business Owners

How Digital Services Can Influence the Global Supply Chain

College Essay

The Golden Rule of Wholesome Studentship

Finding Success in My Failures

Reflective Essay

The Time I Met My Mentor

My First Surgery

Personal Statement

My Nine Lives as an Immigrant Student

The Three Horsemen of Ambition

Literary Analysis

The Use of Symbolism in The Pulley

Thematic Preoccupations of Shakespeare’s Othello

Report Titles

Earlier Vaccinations Would Not Have Subsided the Coronavirus Pandemic

Students Want Mixed Dormitories in American Universities

Good Titles for Essays about Yourself

Why I Am the Way I Am

A Letter To the 7-Year-Old Me

Good Titles for Narrative Writing

The Day the World Stood Still

My Perfect Birthday Party

MLA Essay Title Format

The Old Man and the Sea: A Critical Analysis of Ernest Hemingway

Why You Can Do What You Do Without Knowing Who You Are

Argumentative Essay

Are Electric Cars the Solution To Carbon Emissions?

Should Reparations Be Paid To Marginalized Groups?

Compare and Contrast Essay

Left Wing Versus Right Wing: What Ideologies Do We Need?

Good Versus Bad: The Constant Clashes of Morality

Persuasive Essay

Why Dogs Make Better Pets Compared to Cats

Digital Banking: The Peak of Fintech

Scholarship Essay Titles Examples

What Can You Contribute to the Student Community?

Narrate a Defining Experience in Your Life

Nursing Essay

COVID-19 and the Growing Demand for Nursing Staff

Prioritizing Ethical Education in the Nursing Profession

Title The Government’s Role in Poverty Alleviation

Myths and Facts about Tuberculosis

10 Tips to Create an Exceptional Title

There are numerous ways in which a writer can craft a quality naming experience. Unless you use a title generator for an essay , titling an essay is as simple or as hard as the writer makes it. It is often necessary to edit the essay online multiple times. Finding their own style is dependent on the type of essay and the purpose of the writing. In the quest to title an essay, here are some tips for arriving at a really creative title.

Questions make Catchy

Titles Interesting headings for essays can be created by using a cause-and-effect approach. Start considering a common problem and think about what question does that paper answers. You can compose a title out of it.

Describe the Paper in 5 Words

If you were, to sum up the entire paper in 5 words, what words would be chosen? Not only does this unique creation bring some fun to the process, but it can also birth a catchy phrase – which translates to a highly effective title.

Use One Direct Word

Sometimes the best essay title ideas are simpler than we think. For some essay topics, one idiom could be all you need. Though it might not be easy how to come up with one, it may give your research paper an edge over others.

Extract a Sentence from the Paper

It’s usually a good solution to pick the heading after the text is drafted. At this point, there are many title options. Just pick one that sums up your concepts better than the others.

Take advantage of Pop-Culture

Don’t be shy to use something related to pop culture. Titles for papers may definitely contain references to songs, books, or movies as long as they fit the paper topic. This could be especially powerful for college essay titles and other essays for younger readers. You just need to ensure that the audience can recognize it easily.

Put “On” at the beginning

Depending on what you’re writing, this option might be a bit tricky. It works very well for books, songs, or movie reviews. Just name the object of your research paper or article. For example, “On The Importance of Being Earnest.”

Start with a Verb in “-ing”

Especially persuasive essay types can greatly benefit from titles for papers starting like this. Be sure to find a verb straightforward enough to grab the attention.

Give a Mental Visualization of Your Topic

This works wonders when the topic you write about is art-oriented. Even if the mental image brings something that is not seen by most people, it could go far for those that grab it.

Modify a Title that was Rejected

Using old, rejected essay topics to design new ones is usually possible. All it takes is a bit of creativity and a decent name.

Choose 2 Variants That Were Considered and Declined; Then Join Them Together

Although 2 separate entities did not work out, it does not mean that those phrases can’t work together for your new paper. So keep that list of paper titles!

Why is an essay title important?

Can a title be a question, how long should the title be, readers also enjoyed.

How to Write a Research Paper in APA Format


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essay titles about reading

How To Write An Essay

How To Title An Essay

Barbara P

Learn How to Title an Essay Like a Professional Writer

14 min read

Published on: Mar 1, 2023

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

how to title an essay

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A title is the one thing that makes your essay and all academic papers impressive. This is because it is the first thing that a reader looks at and decides whether to give your essay a shot or not. 

Naturally, things with amusing and interesting titles tend to be more read-worthy.  A right and accurate title can either make your essay a success or a complete disaster. 

It might sound easy to give a title to your essay, but it can be daunting in reality. Creating a title is an art, and not everybody knows how to do it. 

This writing guide is provided to know how important it is to give a correct title to your writing and polish your writing skills. 

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What is an Essay Title

An essay title is the name or label given to an essay, which provides a brief summary of the main topic or theme of the essay.

It should be catchy, informative, and relevant to the content of the essay, while also giving readers an idea of what to expect from the writing. 

A good essay title should capture the reader's attention and make them interested in reading the essay.

Purpose and Importance of Essay Title

A title holds great importance in essay writing. It can easily make or break the quality of your work. 

Choosing a title that interests the audience and motivates them to read your essay. This is because they are intrigued, it serves as fertile land to present your knowledge, ideas, writing skills, and critical thinking.   

Qualities of an Essay Title

When coming up with the topic or title for your essays, keep in mind that it should contain the following qualities: 

  • Eye-catching and unique: The title should be eye-catching and unique to grab the reader's attention.
  • Based on facts: A good title is always believable and based on facts. Especially for writing essay types and papers that stand on facts and logic should have believable titles. 
  • Audience-appropriate: Readability is key. Using fancy and bombastic vocabulary that is not common for the audience will affect the readership. 
  • Tone: A great essay title is always written in an active voice. 
  • Brief and Short: The title should be brief and to the point. Avoid dragging titles into long sentences. 
  • To-the-Point: An essay title should be accurate and clearly present the main theme of the essay. This will allow the reader to know what to expect from the document. 

Components of an Essay Title

Just as all formal writings have an outline to follow, a good essay title is constructed using a formula as well. Keep in mind that the shorter, the better. A title must not exceed 10 to 12 words.

The components of an essay title include

  • An attention-grabbing and catchy hook
  • Tone sets the overall mood or attitude conveyed by the title.
  • The focus keyword - the "where" and "when" in your essay. 

Once you know the importance and elements of an essay title, you are more likely to create a better title.

How to Title an Essay?

Almost all essay writers find it tricky to make an appropriate title for their essays. However, writing a title is not only based on good writing skills. You need to know the basics of creating it. 

A good and effective essay title can be created by taking the following steps:

1. First Write an Essay 

It will be extremely beneficial and easy to create a title once you have written an entire essay.

After writing your essay, you will be clear about what title suits your content the most. Complete your essay and then start reading it.

This will give you a clearer picture of how to address the essay properly.

Deciding on a topic or a title can be time taking. Another advantage of writing a title at the end is that it saves a lot of your time. 

Also, the wrong topic makes it difficult for you to choose the best essay title.  

Struggling with getting started with your essay? Check out this helpful guide on how to write an essay !

2. Use your Thesis Statement

There is another reason you should leave your title for an end.  An effective title provides a reason for the readers to read your essay. The best part to find a reason is in the thesis statement in the introduction of your essay. 

You can always get a title from a thesis statement or by using a part of that argument in the title. 

3. Popular Phrases

Catchphrases and cliches that go with the theme of your essay can be used as the titles as well. When popular phrases are appropriate and interesting, they make effective puns. 

Play with the cliches and twist them to create something of your own. Be creative and innovative for your titles as much as you can. 

4. Consider the Tone

Another trick to creating an effective title for your essay is to consider the essay's tone and come up with something related to it. 

If the tone and subject of your essay are serious and sad, never make the mistake of addressing your title in an informal and fun way.  

Do not try to go off the wall in such cases. The tone of your essay and the title have a strong connection to a good essay. 

5. Use a Central Idea or a Quote 

It is not mandatory but an easy way to create a title that uses a central idea. You can use a quote as the title of your essay topic. 

If the purpose is served correctly, even song lyrics work the best sometimes. 

6. Summary in Three Words

The most common and basic technique is to get a title from the summary of your essay. 

A writer can summarize the entire essay or the central idea and thesis statement in three words and write a title. 

This can be a title by putting it in a headline, inserting a colon, and stating the purpose of your essay. 

7. Movie Titles in an Essay 

A movie title can also be used as a title in an essay.

There are some basic ways to do that. A writer can highlight the title, use a capital letter for the first letter of the movie title, and italicize its font. 

Another technique is by creating a sentence structure and using a movie title in it. You can use quotation marks as well as the underlining tool. However, title the essay according to the field of study and don't make it irrelevant. 

Mistakes to Avoid While Giving a Title to Your Essay

Here are some tips to keep in mind when crafting effective essay titles to avoid common mistakes:

  • Positive themes

Avoid writing about sensitive, unethical, or immoral topics, such as drugs, prostitution, or murder.

  • Personal information

Your personal negative experiences should not be included in your essay. However, you can still include lessons learned from those experiences in a professional manner.

  • Relevant Questions

Make sure to ask questions that are relevant to your field of study to ensure you choose an appropriate topic.

  • Professional tone

Keep your essay professional and avoid including personal information or experiences that are not relevant. Your readers are not interested in your personal life.

  • Understanding requirements

It's important to understand your professor's requirements to avoid choosing the wrong topic and wasting time and effort.

  • Neutral perspective

Avoid taking an offensive approach in your essay and steer clear of controversial topics such as religion, abortion, and politics.

How to Title an Essay in Different Formats?

All academic essays require a format through which the writer shapes his document. This format varies from academic level to level and institution as well. The format styles include MLA, APA, Chicago, and Harvard. 

MLA, APA, and Chicago are the most common formats that are usually used. If you are writing an essay choosing a specific format, all of the parts should be drafted accordingly. 

From titling an essay to drawing a conclusion, the writer must follow the format properly to create a strong essay. 

How to Title an Essay in MLA Format?

No matter which essay format you are using to shape your argumentative essay, descriptive essay, etc. The qualities of the title and components remain the same.

Although the formatting of the title may differ. For an MLA style , format your essay title in the following pattern:

  • On the cover page of your essay, using double spacing, write your name in the upper left corner
  • Along with your name, present your instructor's name, the course title, and the date. 
  • Double-space a line and using centered alignment, provide the essay title in font size 12 pt. 
  • Do not bold or italicize the title.
  • Capitalize important words only and not the articles in the title. 

How to Format an Essay in APA Format?

If you are writing an essay in APA style, you might be wondering how to title an essay in apa format. 

Simply use the following guidelines to format your title and make your writing process easy: 

  • Type the title in upper and lowercase letters
  • Use centered alignment on the upper half of the page and write the title
  • The title in APA style should not exceed more than 12 words
  • Avoid using abbreviations and irrelevant words 
  • The title should be presented in a line or two and not more than that
  • Use double spacing between the lines 
  • Beneath the title, write your name and the institutional affiliation.

How to Title an Essay Chicago Style 

To create an appropriate final version of the title for your essay in Chicago style, you should follow certain guidelines.

  • Use a heading level 2 (H2) for your title
  • Center the title on the page and use title case capitalization
  • Keep the title informative and concise, aiming for no more than 12-15 words
  • Consider including relevant keywords to make your essay easier to find
  • Avoid using slang or informal language in your title
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation

How to Choose a Good Title for an Essay 

Choosing a good title for an essay is crucial as it sets the tone and theme for the reader. 

Here are some important qualities to consider when selecting a title:

  • Informative: A good title should give the reader an idea of what the essay is about. It should be concise and clearly convey the main topic or argument of the essay.
  • Catchy and Memorable: A title that is catchy and memorable can grab the reader's attention and make them more likely to read the essay. Consider using wordplay, puns, or alliteration to make your title stand out.
  • Unique: A title that is unique and original can make your essay stand out from others. Avoid using generic or cliche titles that have been overused.
  • Accurate: A title should accurately reflect the content of the essay. Avoid using sensational or misleading titles that do not accurately convey the main point or argument of the essay.
  • Relevant: A title should be relevant to the current times or issues. Especially in subjects like current events, social or political issues, and scientific research.
  • Reflective of Tone: The title should also reflect the tone of the essay. If the essay is humorous, the title should be as well. If the essay is serious or academic, the title should reflect that.

Essay Title Examples

Just like the tone of every essay differs, the title also differs from each type of essay. For example, movie titles can only be used for informal writing and narrative essays. 

Some examples of essay titles are provided below.

Finding My Voice: A Journey of Self-Discovery
Lessons Learned: Reflections on Life's Challenges
A Moment of Clarity: How I Overcame My Fears

The Use of Symbolism in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
Exploring the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
An Analysis of the American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

The Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle for Our Health and the Environment
Gun Control: Balancing Second Amendment Rights and Public Safety
The Importance of Bilingual Education in Today's Society

Why Every Home Should Have a Pet
The Benefits of Meditation for a Balanced Life
Making the Switch to Renewable Energy: Why It's Time to Go Green

A Tale of Two Cities: A Comparison of Urban and Rural Living
The Similarities and Differences between Classical and Operant Conditioning
Comparing the Leadership Styles of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X

Overcoming Adversity: How I Grew from Life's Challenges
My Passion for Environmental Science and Sustainability
The Importance of Diversity in My Life and Future Career

Exploring the Relationship between Social Media and Mental Health
The Impact of Climate Change on Global Agriculture: An Analysis of Current Research
The Role of Women in Science: A Historical Perspective

Investigating the Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treating Depression
The Effect of Music on Memory Retention: A Comparative Study
Examining the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities

Here are some more examples of essay titles.

Tips to Draft an Essay Title

Titles for Different Types of Essay

How To Title An Essay About A Book

Bad vs Good Essay Title Examples

My Essay About the Environment

Climate Change: Causes and Solutions

The Book I Read

The Impact of To Kill a Mockingbird 

Why I Love Music

The Evolution of Jazz Music

A Trip to the Beach

Finding Serenity by the Ocean

My Favorite Hobby

The Art of Photography: Capturing Life

Tips for Crafting an Outstanding Title 

Here are some tips for crafting an outstanding title:

  • Brainstorm: Begin by brainstorming a list of potential titles for your essay or paper. Write down as many ideas as you can think of, even if they seem silly or irrelevant at first.
  • Be Specific: A good title should be specific and accurate. It should give the reader an idea of what the essay is about. Avoid vague or general titles that don't provide any useful information.
  • Use Keywords: Including keywords in your title can make it easier for readers to find your work in searches. Consider what words or phrases a person might use to search for your topic and incorporate them into your title.
  • Be Creative: A creative and unique title can make your work stand out from others. Consider using wordplay, puns, alliteration, or metaphors to create a memorable and attention-grabbing title.
  • Keep It Short and Sweet: While a title should be specific and informative, it should also be concise. Try to keep your title under 10-12 words, as longer titles can be difficult to read and remember.

For more tips, you can check out this video:

The success of your overall essay is not just based on how well you presented the argument and conducted research to gather the information. A title plays a vital role as well. 

Creative titles are like the icing on the cake. Nobody will want to read it when it will not appeal to them. 

Make your college essay and paper flawless, as they are the only thing that will get you scores in academics. So, you have to know what mistakes to avoid and what to do when title the essay.   

However, you can ask professionals at our best essay service to write your essays perfectly and with the best quality.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to use a question or a statement as my essay title.

Whether to use a question or a statement as your essay title depends on the content and purpose of your essay.

Using a question can be effective if your essay is exploratory and seeks to answer a specific question. On the other hand, using a statement can be more appropriate if your essay has a clear argument or thesis statement.

Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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Best Tips on How to Title an Essay

essay titles about reading

How to Make a Good Title for an Essay

The success of an essay heavily depends on its title. This may not come as a surprise given that the essay title is the first aspect to provide the reader with a sneak peek into the text. It piques our interest to read the paper in the first place and gives us a preview of what to expect from the author.

Our research paper writing help prepared a thorough guide on how to title an essay. Here you may find tips and tricks for developing an effective APA or MLA essay title. So, let's dive straight into the article for more exciting details!

Essay Title Format

During your essay writing process, ensure you know the stylistic requirements before beginning an essay. Knowing the format you need to employ is crucial because different style manuals may have varying requirements. Mostly, you could have used an APA or MLA essay title format. Our service, where you can buy essay online , explains these two in more detail below.

Essay Title MLA

If you're required to create an essay title MLA format, check whether your instructor wants you to make a separate cover page. If not, put a heading at the beginning of your work that includes your name, the name of your professor, the course ID, and, lastly, the date.

On the other hand, if you must present a cover page for your essay title MLA, then you need to include the following:

  • The name of the college
  • The title of your paper
  • The subtitle of your paper, if applicable
  • Your first and last name
  • Your teacher or professor's name
  • The class name or course number
  • The date the paper is due

The formatting instructions are as follows:

  • Double-spaced
  • Times New Roman font
  • Size 12 font
  • Apart from very short terms, each word's initial letter should be capitalized. The initial word, however, must always be uppercase.
  • The title page shouldn't include a header with the page numbers.

Essay Title APA

Having discussed the MLA format essay title, let's explore what the APA student title page includes:

  • The paper title
  • Author names
  • Institutional affiliation where the author carried out the study
  • Name and number of the course
  • Professor name
  • Page number

The title of an essay format instructions:

  • double-spaced
  • 1" margins
  • 12-point Times New Roman
  • According to APA, your title should be targeted and brief, without unnecessary words or abbreviations

How to Choose a Good Title for an Essay: Important Qualities

Nobody will read a dull headline. Your title should grab your audience's attention and encourage them to read the rest of the work. As it is one of the initial things readers see, having a strong attention grabber is essential when writing an essay from scratch. To fully understand how to come up with a title for essay that is strong and exciting, let's consider a few following factors:

Employ a Catchy Hook - Usually, the title of essay format follows a similar basic structure, especially if they are used for an academic article. The hook serves as a unique component that attracts the reader. It's a captivating statement informing others about the topic of the essay. You can also explore several types of sentences with examples that can help you develop the ideal hook structure.

Consider Topic Keywords - These are essential terms or expressions pertinent to your subject and help your reader understand the focus and body of your article. These focus keywords should serve as a brief, one- to two-word article summary. You can choose some terms from the research topic your instructor gave you, but after your thesis statement is formed, this is where you should hunt for ideas.

Use a Colon - A colon is frequently used in academic titles to separate concepts and sentences. The standard procedure is to place a clever remark or brief quotation before the colon. Although these beginning words offer flavor, they can be overdone. Because of this, some individuals find using the colon to be repugnant. Therefore be careful not to misuse this method.

Ask a Question - To write essay title that is strong, consider asking a question. But, use it with caution because posing a question will make your tone less formal. As long as the question is suitably phrased to meet the subject of your essay, feel free to employ it. Always check to see if the title question still applies to your points in the essay's body. The thesis statement should be appropriately reflected as well.

Find Inspirational Quotes - There is no formula for selecting essay titles from the textual content. You may get playful and choose any quotation, proverb, or catchphrase that applies to your particular publication and works as a title. You may also create a great essay title using well-known expressions or idioms. Doing so will help your readers relate to and feel more comfortable discussing your subject.

How to Title an Essay headline

Here are other rules for how to create a good title:

  • Title every section of writing: In the process of writing, create interesting subheadings to give your paragraphs an identity. Also, they make your text look ordered and clear. 
  • The title must bear the theme of the text: choose a title that summarizes the essay. 
  • Capitalize all words with certain exceptions: Capitalize the first letter of every word in the title, but do not capitalize pronouns, articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
  • Avoid underlining the title: Since topics come in boldface, underlining it will amount to overemphasis. Some authorities say that if you must underline it, do not bolden it.
  • Review the final version of the title: Do not forget to do a quick review of the final version of the title—check for grammar, structure, spelling and so on. Re-read it to determine if the title has given justice to the essay. Confirm if the topic is catchy enough to attract your reader’s attention. 
  • When using a colon in your title, follow the rules: Since we are dealing with punctuation rules here, let us talk about the colon – when you have two eye-catching topics, separate them with a colon.

Student’s Guide on How to Come Up with a Title for an Essay

Titling an essay can be easy, but there are a few core principles to be taken into account. The following tips will help you stay on track and avoid any common pitfalls.

Essay Goes First

Never start with a title! If you write it before the rest of the text, it will be based on it, and it should be vice versa. Writing an essay before choosing a heading will give you a clear understanding of what should make sense to the reader. Re-read the finished paper several times to decide on the title. The last thing to create is a title - such strategy will give more time to spend on crafting an essay outline, conducting research, or writing the paper itself.

How to Title an Essay, Complete Guide 2

What are you writing about? What is the style of your paper, and is it an academic essay or a free-form essay like a narrative essay? If the topic of your essay is “Do people who commit heinous crimes deserve the death penalty?” your title should not be humorous; it should be strict and to the point.

If your topic is “Why do people like watching funny cat videos?”, feel free to craft a funny title. Determine the tone of your essay and base your title on it—in consideration with the essay’s topic.

The tone can be:

  • Serious - “The implications of global warming”
  • Funny - “How cats and dogs love their masters”
  • Amiable - “Ways to fight depression”
  • Persuasive - “Why positive thinking is a must have skill for every person”
  • Informative - “Ten rules for creating a chemical at home”

The main goal of a title is to name its paper. There is no need to tell an entire story in the title, or provide any useless details. Sum up your paper in a few words! Another way to do this is to sum up your thesis statement, as it represents the main idea of your essay. Take your thesis and squeeze it into 3-4 words. Imagine that you are creating a title for your favourite newspaper or a slogan for Coca-Cola.

Don’t use fancy words! Take 2-3 main words (keywords), put them together, and stop wasting your time. Avoid jargon and abbreviations.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is something that can help any student and young writer reap benefits. While working on a title, detect the words related to the central idea of the paper. Type the words into the search field of Google and add the word “quote.” A search engine will show numerous web pages with in-text quotations that could be useful. Select the fragment you like. It is possible to learn how to make a creative title for an essay in this way.

Discover several more tips from experts:

  • Never forget the “What,” “Who,” “When,” “How,” “Why,” and “Where” questions (if you start with one of these questions, your title has a chance of getting noticed);
  • Come up with an unexpected image not related to the selected topic;
  • Sometimes, starting with a lie increases the chances of a title being able to catch an eye;
  • Review our catchy essay title examples.

Need Some Help With Your Essay's Title?

Feel free to contact EssayPro and we will provide you with a writing help at a moment’s notice. With the years of essay writing experience, titling becomes second nature, so you no longer need to worry about having a catchy headline on your paper.

Essay Title Examples: Bad vs Good

The strongest essay titles condense lengthy essays into concise statements. When wondering how to make an essay title, think carefully about your stylistic choices and essay format to produce an excellent one. Our dissertation help has provided essay title examples to let you understand the difference between good and bad ones more vividly.

bad good essay titles

Bad Essay Title Examples

As we discussed how to create an essay title and the specific elements that go into it, you should have a clear idea of how important it is to craft a strong title. In contrast, first, look at weak essay title ideas that can break your paper. This should serve as an example of why your heading should not be like this:

Ex 1: ' How Television Has Changed Our World ' - too vast and not informative

Ex 2: 'The Ara Pacis Augustae' - unclear for those who don't know Latin

Ex 3: 'The Most Poisonous Frog' - does not provide any insight

Ex 4: 'A Brief History of Subcultures and How They Manifest Themselves in a Constantly Changing Socio-Economic Environment' - too long and complicated

Ex 5: 'The Little Mermaid 29 Years Later: Selling a Harmful Sexist Message Through a Naughty Image' - inappropriate language

Good Essay Title Examples

Now that you know what a bad essay title looks like, let's explore good essay title examples as their substitutes. Examine the following essay title format styles that will give you a clear understanding.

Ex 1: ' The Electronic Babysitter: A Social History of Uses of the Television' - gives an exact description of what the essay will be about

Ex 2: ' The Modern Historical Significance of the Ara Pacis Augustae to the City of Rome' - here, the reader can understand what they will be reading about

Ex 3: ' A Deadly Beauty: The Evolution of Skin Coloration and Toxicity of the Poisonous Dart Frog' - clear, informative, and on-point.

Ex 4: 'Reconsidering Counterculture in Contemporary Society' - informative enough and brief

Ex 5: 'The Projection of Gender Stereotypes in The Little Mermaid' - employs appropriate language

Catchy Essay Title Ideas

You now understand that long, complicated headlines do not accurately convey the paper's main idea. Take ample time to consider the word choice before tilting your work. How do you create good essay titles? Think creatively and with common sense. But meanwhile, for your convenience, we compiled title ideas for essays you may use as inspiration.

Persuasive Essay Titles

  • Why Receiving College Education is Important: Examining Long-term Benefits
  • Face-to-Face Courses Cannot Be Replaced by Online Learning
  • An MBA Does Not Ensure Corporate Success.
  • Every Company Should Adopt a Green Strategy.
  • Energy Drinks Represent a Lucrative Market Segment.
  • Aircraft, Excess Weight Charges, Need to be Prohibited.
  • Patients' Life Shouldn't be Put to Death by Nurses.
  • Google Glasses May Increase the Number of Auto Accidents.
  • All of the Conventional Malls Will Soon be Replaced By Online Shopping
  • How Do Team-building Exercises Contribute to the Development of Inventions?
  • Illegal immigrants are entitled to remain in the US.

Academic Essay Titles

  • Several English Dialects: The Link Between Various Cultures
  • Instagram: A social media innovation
  • Is it possible to reverse drug-induced brain damage, and if so, how?
  • What the Future Holds for Humans in the Light of Artificial Intelligence
  • The Story of Two Nations after Decades of Conflict: North and South Korea
  • Video Games and Their Learning Context in Schools
  • Free Wi-Fi: Strategies for Enhancing the City's Economy

Strong Research Paper Titles

  • Digital World Cybersecurity
  • E-business to Provide New Paths for Booksellers
  • Outsourcing for Large Businesses
  • Preparing for College Costs for High School Students
  • What News Reporters Should Do in the Digital Age and How to Do It: Examples
  • The Transformative Power of Music: How Heavy Metal Impacted My Life

Best Essay Titles for College Students

  • The Possible Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence for Humans
  • The Potential for Time Travel in Virtual Reality
  • What Role Has Mathematics Played in Human History?
  • How to Succeed in the Real Estate Industry
  • E-Commerce: An Empire of Virtual Businesses Worth Millions of Dollars
  • How to Achieve Financial Independence in the Digital Age Without Opening a Real Business

More Creative Titles for Essays

  • When getting rewarded for their grades, would kids do better left alone?
  • How Does Fake News Impact the Mainstream press?
  • Homelessness in Contemporary Society: A Dilemma
  • What News Reporters' Best Job Is in the Digital Age and How to Uphold It
  • Elon Musk: Brilliant Mind or Insane Person?
  • Positives and Negatives of Employing a Smoker
  • Do We Employ the Appropriate Student Success Metrics?

Professional Academic Help

Now that you know how to make a good title for an essay, you should also understand that you should approach the task as a process. While composing your essay title, you must condense your whole thesis and point of discussion into a single, concise, yet powerful sentence. If you have time before your deadline, give it some thought and don't hurry.

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How To Title An Essay?

How to title an essay in mla format, what are some good titles for an essay.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How to Find a Catchy Title for Your Paper/Essay

Last Updated: February 23, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA . Stephanie Wong Ken is a writer based in Canada. Stephanie's writing has appeared in Joyland, Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and other publications. She holds an MFA in Fiction and Creative Writing from Portland State University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,073,229 times.

Coming up with an effective title can end up being the most difficult part of your essay. A catchy title can make your paper stand out from the pile and give your reader a sense of the content, slant, and perspective of your essay. To craft a strong title, you need to focus on the three elements of a standard title: the hook, the key terms, and the source or location. This structure applies specifically to academic essays, but you can also apply this structure to narrative essays.

Understanding the Structure of a Title

Step 1 Craft a hook.

  • The hook can be collection of keywords, an image, a play on words, or a quote from your essay.

Step 2 Choose one or two key terms.

  • Keep in mind good titles never state the obvious or contain generic terms or phrases. Titles like “Paper on 1950s China” or “Report on Shakespeare” are too general and do not give the reader a sense of the content of your paper. Avoid general and non specific terms like “society” “culture” “the world” or “mankind” in your title.

Step 3 Cite the source or location.

  • For example, a paper about Mao’s Great Leap Forward in Communist China in the late 1950s may have a title that has a hook (catchy phrase), one or two key terms, and the source or location (1950s Communist China). A possible title could be: “The Failure of One, the Fall of Many: Mao’s Great Leap Forward in 1950’s Communist China”.

Using Keywords or Images

Step 1 Consider the tone of your essay.

  • For example, the title of an essay about the Great Leap Forward might be something simple, professional, and clear, such as: "The Failure of the Great Leap Forward: China in the late 1950s". An essay about Shakespearean comedy may be more playful, such as: " Love's Labour Lost and Other Comedies."

Step 2 Sum up your paper in three words or less.

  • For example, an essay about the Great Leap Forward in 1950s China may focus on the failed use of industries like steel and farming by Mao’s government and the resulting mass famine in China. Three words that sum up the paper may be: steel, land, famine. A possible title of the essay could be: “Steel, Land, and Famine: The Failure of the Great Leap Forward”.

Step 3 Choose two to three keywords from your introduction or conclusion.

  • Look for two to three keywords that are short, descriptive, and clear. Consider if the words fit together in some way, or how they are very different. For example, your introduction on 1950s China may have keywords like “industrialization” “collectivization” and “collapse”. A possible title for the essay could then be: “The Collapse of Collectivization in 1950s China”.
  • In an essay on the conventions of Shakespearean comedy, the tone of the essay may be less serious or rigid, and you can look for keywords that are playful or humorous. For example, your conclusion may have keywords like “lovers” “obstacles” and “improbable” or “supernatural”. A possible title for the essay could then be: “Lovers in an Improbable Situation: The Conventions of Shakespearean Comedy.”

Step 4 Use a strange or unique image.

  • For example, a paper about a volcano could have the title: “The Day the Earth Bled: The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius”.

Using a Quote or a Play on Words

Step 1 Look for a key quote or phrase in your essay.

  • For example, an essay on Shakespearean comedy may quote A Midsummer Night’s Dream , where a character named Theseus professes his love to his betrothed, the Amazonian queen Hippolyta. “Hippolyta, I woo'd thee with my sword/ And won thy love doing thee injuries,/ But I will wed thee in another key,/With pomp, with triumph, and with reveling.”
  • A possible title for the essay may then be: “With pomp, with triumph, and with reveling: The Conventions of Shakespearean Comedy”.
  • Alternatively, you can look up a key quote or phrase that is not in your essay but reinforces central ideas or themes in your essay. Type keywords from your essay into a search engine, along with the word “quote” and see what comes up. You can then take a fragment of the quote and use it in your title.
  • For example, for an essay on Mao’s Great Leap Forward, you may use quotes from propaganda posters for the Great Leap Forward made by the Mao government, which are available online. A propaganda quote like “Brave the wind and the waves, everything has remarkable abilities” could be shortened to a title like: “Brave the wind and the waves: False Promises by Mao’s The Great Leap Forward”.

Step 2 Reword a cliche.

  • An essay on Shakespearean comedy could use the cliche “laughter is the best medicine” and change it into “laughter is thy best medicine.” A possible title could be: “Laughter is Thy Best Medicine: The Conventions of Shakespearean Comedy”.

Step 3 Go for a play on words, or a double entendre.

  • For example, an essay about missionaries in West Africa during the colonial period could have a title that plays on two key words, such as: “Prophets or profits: The European Colonial Invasion of West Africa”.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • There are also tools available online that can generate essay titles for you based on your topic. However, the effectiveness of these title generators vary and the quality of the titles may not be as high as if you take the time to create your own. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • Your title is the first thing readers will look at, so remember it's an important part of your essay! Pick one that really captures what your paper is about.
  • Take your time picking a good title. If you're stuck, take a break and come back to it later.

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Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA

To find a catchy title for your paper or essay, start by thinking of 1 or 2 keywords or phrases to include in the title that applies to the topic of your essay and will hook your reader in. You can also try looking for a key quote or phrase and using part of it in your title. Alternatively, reword a cliche or familiar phrase so that it is specific to your essay. To give your title some punch, use a play on words or double entendre, like “Prophets or profits: The Colonial Invasion of West Africa,” which will show off your creativity. For more tips from our Writing reviewer, like where and how to find good keywords to use, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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216 Literacy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples

Literacy usually refers to reading and writing skills. However, there are also financial, media, and computer literacy, among many others. On this page, you’ll find literacy topics and questions about all these types. Read on to find a perfect title to write about in your paper!

🏆 Best Research Topics about Literacy

✍️ literacy essay topics for college, 👍 good literacy research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot literacy topics to write about, 🎓 most interesting topics in literacy, 💡 simple literacy topics for a research paper, 📌 easy literacy essay topics, ❓ literacy research questions, 📚 literacy narrative titles.

  • The Bottom-Up and Top-Down Models of Literacy
  • The Importance of Media Literacy
  • Computer and Digital Literacy Differences
  • English Literacy Autoethnography
  • What Is Digital Literacy?
  • School Library Promoting Reading and Literacy at School
  • How Digital Literacy Skills Will Help Me in the Healthcare Setting
  • The Importance of Information Literacy Information literacy is a skill of a person able to request, search, select, and evaluate the necessary information.
  • Media Literacy Discussion Post Media consumption grows increasingly with the development of the internet and the popularization of social media.
  • The Literacy Teaching: Literacy Training Techniques The specific techniques as well as the peer mentoring method of dissemination are quite likely to be effective in many environments.
  • How to Create Literacy Centers in Classrooms Literacy centers seek to promote literacy in a comprehensive manner by developing essential skills in a multifaceted way.
  • Language Arts and Literacy Development With language arts, children have the opportunity to develop their literacy skills that subsequently boost their chances for well-being.
  • Annotated Bibliography to Health Literacy, Self-Care and Patients With Diabetes This annotated bibliography covers topics related to health literacy, self-care, and glycemic control among others in patients with diabetes.
  • Literacy Narrative: “Make a Wish” The paper presents a short story called “Make a Wish”: “I vividly remember the day I realized life was too short and unexpected not to wish for more.”
  • The Action Plan: Literacy Development This work aims to develop an action plan that will help the author guide his student in the development of his literacy.
  • Information Literacy and Scholar-Practitioner-Leader Model The aim of this paper is to discuss the principles of information literacy and its alignment with the scholar-practitioner-leader (SLP) model, analyze related scholarly sources.
  • Realism Philosophy in Teaching Literacy The paper considers the realism context of teaching literacy and explains why North American teachers should follow this philosophy and how it differs in other regions.
  • The Reading Activity Characteristics: Literacy Philosophy Developments in reading take place in a process that incorporates several aspects that are child centered. Some of these aspects include bearing in mind the characteristics of a child reader.
  • Financial Literacy Lessons for Children Teaching children financial literacy is the key to building a society in which citizens know how to properly manage their funds.
  • Global Team Acclimatization and Cultural Literacy Application The problems that occurred in AlternativeSource Inc. include internal conflicts between team members, the lack of cooperation from the Indian clients, and issues of adaptation.
  • Balanced Literacy Teaching Method Balanced literacy is a teaching methodology whereby the tutor integrates various instructional methods. The teaching approach uses different strategies to achieve the goals of the process.
  • Phonemic Awareness and Children Literacy Phonemic awareness requires the capacity to spin the concentration of an individual to sounds in verbal language while shortly moving away from its implication.
  • Encouraging Students in Reading and Literacy Enhancing literacy acquisition in students is a hard task requiring a lot of responsibility, persistence and skills for adopting a unique approach towards students.
  • The Internet’s Effect on Education and Students’ Literacy While some claim it gives students a broader learning option, others believe it cannot replace the possibility of writing on physical paper and reading from paper books.
  • Online Classes: Computer Literacy and Knowledge The aim of the paper is to prove that educational establishments should change their policies to introduce online classes.
  • Gender Gap in Financial Literacy The presented paper studies the topic of the differences in financial knowledge between male and female undergraduate psychology students.
  • Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Literacy The effectiveness of sex education may be traced via females’ awareness of gender identity, sexuality, and the increased quality of life.
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  • Equity Literacy: The Main Advantages Equity literacy enables educators to make decisions that affect every student similarly. Equity literacy focuses on the life of an educator as a whole.
  • Medication Literacy Education for Minorities Medication literacy education will help patients understand complex information by ensuring linguistic minorities’ access to materials/reminders in their language.
  • Basic Literacy and School-to-Prison Pipeline Basic literacy is undoubtedly important for students to be successful in school and beyond, but it is not the only factor in stemming the school-to-prison pipeline.
  • Improving Health Literacy through Patient Education in a Healthcare Facility Health literacy is the ability of individuals to access, understand, and use health information to make informed decisions about their health.
  • How Post-Media Literacy Affects Society This paper focuses on the post-media literacy affecting the way modern post-literate society engages with information online.
  • Aspects of the Ethnography of Literacy The paper states that literacy is a complex ability that is influenced by a large variety of factors. There is a lack of a universal definition and metric.
  • Teaching Disciplinary Literacy to Adolescents The phenomenon of disciplinary literacy is crucial to learning outcomes and, therefore, requires particularly close attention.
  • The Direct Practice Improvement of Health Literacy The project aims to address the pressing issue of health literacy among the Latino population in the United States, who are experiencing healthcare disparities.
  • Information Literacy Importance and Module Takeaways In the modern age, the amount of data has been rapidly growing with the development of technology. People are consuming information via digital sources.
  • Relation Between the Language, Landscape and the Literacy of Tracking The essay considers tracking as a type of literacy and discuss how language and landscape are related based on Abrams “The Spell of the Sensuous”.
  • Personal Financial Literacy and Planning General expenses include food, household supplies, communications (mobile and Internet), clothing, and loan payments.
  • Literacy Is More Than Writing and Reading Many people assume that literacy and speaking are two separate things. This paper argues they are the same thing, with one pip emerging from the other.
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  • Value of Religious Literacy in Society It is crucial to develop religious literacy as a lack of knowledge of different faiths can translate into prejudices being indoctrinated in society.
  • Information Literacy in Advanced Nursing Practice Information literacy in nursing practice is significant because it allows the efficient using the best available sources to work effectively and achieve positive outcomes.
  • Researching of Mass Media Literacy Mass media literacy involves how we consume and use received information by enabling us to examine the conflicts, problems, contradictions, positive outcomes in public communication.
  • Teaching Children Languages and Literacy Language and Literacy should be learned in a “game” format to encourage children enough for studies since this program level requires preschoolers to be ready for learning.
  • Transforming Biomedical Informatics and Literacy The Internet provides health-related information, including generally understandable symptoms, treatment options, and expected outcomes.
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  • Financial Literacy and Self-Awareness in Entrepreneurship The paper states that financial literacy and self-awareness should become an integral component of a person’s skill set in business.
  • Concepts of Health Literacy and Cultural Awareness The difference between two concepts is determined by the fact that cultural customs do not always fit into the scientific understanding of the world around them.
  • Literacy Skills in Struggling Students: Team Read Program This paper discusses several studies which prove the effectiveness of the Team Read program in improving the literacy skills of struggling students.
  • Improving Literacy in the Seattle School District The Improving Literacy in the Seattle School District Program is designed to meet the community’s needs for reading skills improvement in elementary school.
  • Maternal Health Literacy and Child Participation in Welfare Programs Mothers with higher literacy capability were likely to get well-paying jobs and therefore, did not find the need to enroll in the social programs.
  • Maternal Health Literacy & Child Participation in Social Welfare Programs Mothers with adequate health literacy would be more likely than those with inadequate health literacy to participate in public programs.
  • Examples of Literacy and Health Literacy Literacy is a general term for conveying people’s comprehension of general issues, but health literacy is a more specific term for explaining people’s comprehension of health matters
  • The Concept of Health Literacy The purpose of this formal concept analysis paper is to explore a chosen concept in nursing theory. The methodology was obtained from Walker and Avant 2010.
  • The Importance of Health Literacy This paper discusses the importance of health literacy. The paper also gives an example of a situation that demonstrates the difference between health literacy and literacy.
  • Views About the Video Transcript Health Literacy and Literacy in Simple Ways The video transcript defines health literacy and literacy in simple ways that make it easy for people, who are not in the health sector, to understand.
  • Influence of Poor Health Literacy on Public Health Leaders The following article is devoted to the investigation of such issues as health literacy and different possible ways to raise its level.
  • Sexual Health Literacy in Social Adaptation of Women This paper aims to explore and analyze the results of women studies to provide insight into the impact of SRH literacy on the lives of women.
  • Ethical Literacy in Humans: Do We Deserve Cats? The lack of ethics in humans makes it hard to spot the good and the bad, leaving animals with no protection or backup from those who are believed to be the most developed.
  • Financial Literacy of Marketing Staff Members To assure the potential buyers that the purchase is a reasonable decision, the marketing staff should be able to command financial literacy.
  • Healthcare Literacy Decreases Healthcare Costs The resounding 47% of Americans in 1993 showed poor reading and comprehension skills. This translates into poor comprehension in all areas of life, including medicine.
  • Literacy Practices in Different Contexts Literacy is honed depending on the setting and circumstances, with some being strict about language use and others allowing more flexibility.
  • Literacy Project: The Book by Temple, Ogle, Crawford, Freppon, and Temple Most students speak carelessly and avoid using new words because they do not appreciate the beauty, richness, and uniqueness of the English language.
  • Interracial Marriages: Racial Literacy Components and Border Patrolling Interracial marriages have become an evident positive phenomenon of the present-day United States, but there are still those who share obsolete views and object to them.
  • History and Theories of Literacy Instruction There were several eras of reading research led by different assumptions and theories. The research is guided by theories and models, which are very close in meaning.
  • The Need for a Literacy-Rich Classroom The present-day educators highlight the need for a literacy-rich classroom that reflects the proper application of technology.
  • Health Literacy Program for Kids from a Low-Income Area The purpose of this article is to describe the Health Literacy Program and its steps in educating poor children about health topics.
  • School Age Health Literacy School-age health literacy is crucial, as children need to know how to comply with health recommendations and make better health-related choices.
  • Media Literacy and Political Manipulation Media plays a significant role in influencing public opinion and giving shape to the perceptions that people have about the world of politics.
  • Literacy Skills and Knowledge: Implementing Literacy Instruction The efficient implementation of literacy instruction ensures successful outcomes demonstrated in students’ performance.
  • Early Literacy in Children Early literacy includes all the phases of learning processes which children go through as they grow. This normally begins with children of about 5-8 years.
  • Health Literacy Program for Children in a Low-Income Urban Area A nurse plays the role of an improvised teacher, who has to explain in child-friendly and simple language the basics of health literacy to the children.
  • Health Literacy Program for Children For children, health literacy is essential to prevent infection-based diseases. Children tend to engage in learning activities that involve touching lots of items.
  • Computer Literacy: Information Systems Education In this information age, it is possible for learning to take place with the student being in a different continent from the tutor.
  • Mathematical Literacy: Understanding Mathematics Vocabularies This paper gives an overview of the benefits associated with being able to understand mathematical vocabularies used in the field of mathematics.
  • Teacher-Based Assessment of Literacy Learning Assessment is defined as the process of learning the status of a student and spotting their weakness and strengths in learning.
  • “Cultural Literacy and Critical Literacy” by Donald Lazere In his Cultural Literacy and Critical Literacy, Lazare focuses on the notion of critical literacy, which is rather important for the intellectual potential of an individual.
  • “Literacy With an Attitude” by Patrick J. Finn Review The conclusion of this paper can be summarized as follows: The watching of “Radio” did not bring us closer to realization of how should educators address their professional duties.
  • Slavery and Literacy. The Triumph of a Poor Slave Olaudah Equiano begins his story by telling readers how he was being kidnapped by the members of rivaling tribe in his native Africa while still a child and turned into a slave.
  • Literacy & Curriculum. Differentiated Instructions Differentiated instructions allow teachers to meet the needs and abilities of students and provide them with effective assignments according to their skills and mental abilities.
  • Literacy from the Perspective of Social Theory This essay redefined literacy based on the works of Hawisher et al. and Barton & Hamilton. Literacy is a social practice; it is connected to the interactions between people.
  • Health Literacy as a Core of Healthcare The purpose of this paper is to describe measures, quality improvements, and better outcomes of health literacy
  • Cultural and Social Literacy for Millennials Cultural and social literacy is critical to millennials because it will help them to navigate the complex sociocultural environment and contribute positively to the world.
  • Information Literacy: Credibility and Peer Review Credibility is one of the central aspects of any research project. For this reason, there is a specific peer review cycle needed to determine the nature of a study.
  • Information Literacy: Peer-Reviewing Process Cycle Peer-reviewing is an essential part of the scientific publishing process. It ensures the accuracy and quality of information presented in the peer-reviewed article.
  • Information Literacy: Peer-Reviewing Process Steps Every scientific journal or publishing company typically has its own guidelines for the peer-reviewing process. Wiley’s peer-reviewing cycle is comprised of ten steps.
  • Children’s Early Literacy Achievement and Parents’ Role The research explores the relationship between parents’ interaction with their children while sharing storybook reading and achieving children’s literacy.
  • Literacy in Different Social Class In their works, Collins, Scribner, Brandt, Burton, and Hamilton discuss point out that literacy categorically contributes to social class distinction.
  • The Current State of Adult Literacy The point of financial literacy learning is in letting people engage in available social opportunities and relations that lead to sustained wellbeing.
  • Literacy Issue in Contemporary Research Formal language does not necessarily mean complex language. Organizations and managers must use language that is equally formal and comprehensible.
  • Literacy Centers: Reading and Writing in 2nd-Graders Teaching young learners, the difference between short and long vowels is an essential step to enhancing literacy among them.
  • Early Literacy and Academic Performance in English Learners Since the success of bilingual programs in US schools is dubious, and there are still gaps among natives and immigrants, it is vital to change current educational practices.
  • Information Literacy: Scholar-Practitioner-Leader Model This paper discusses the principles of information literacy and its alignment with the scholar-practitioner-leader model and proposes a creative synthesis of contradictory ideas.
  • Hypertension Literacy Among Hispanic Patients One is considered to have hypertension if the force exerted by blood against the wall of blood vessels is greater than normal.
  • Health Literacy: Diverse Needs and Learning Styles This paper identifies individual learning styles and the unique learning needs of diverse learners integrating health literacy considerations into health assessment.
  • Health Literacy and Care Among Latino Immigrants The paper reviews the study “Health literacy and quality of care among Latino immigrants in the United States” by R. Calvo.
  • Personal Financial Management and Financial Literacy By understanding the basic principles and minor aspects of money management such as the compound interest method, people can avoid bankruptcy and enhance their chances for the side income.
  • Health Literacy Importance and Impact on People’s Health Status The purpose of this paper is improving of health literacy that may result in fewer hospital admissions and a better health condition.
  • Early Literacy and Academic Performance in ELLs The main aim of delivering educational content in more than one language is to enhance literacy among all members of the society.
  • Health Information Literacy Among Irish Adults The study chosen for the analysis is titled “Health Information Literacy among Healthy Older Irish Adults” and is a collaborative effort of Anna McCabe and Sheelagh Wickham.
  • Literacy and Academic Performance in ELLs The main purpose of multilingual schooling is to enhance understanding of the contents of academic programs amongst learners who are not proficient in the native language.
  • Low-Income Children’s Health Literacy Program Health literacy programs are essential for children in low-income urban areas as it can prevent the development and spread of serious health issues.
  • Patrick Finn’s Book “Literacy with an Attitude” The purpose of this paper is to examine the key concepts presented by Finn in his work and analyze how these ideas can be applied to real-life situations.
  • The Yvonne Learning Center Health Literacy Program Being a health literate is the essential characteristics any individual should have. This paper analyzes the aspects of the health literacy program at the Yvonne Learning Center.
  • Children’s Health Literacy Program Development This paper includes developing an effective program that would enhance children’s health literacy and provide them with an opportunity to have better health outcomes.
  • Health Literacy Intervention in Cardiology Improved health literacy among acute myocardial infarction patients help to improve the quality of care outcomes and cut costs associated with early rehospitalization.
  • Literacy Centers in Math Lessons Learners should be provided with literacy centers that will help them use their current knowledge to build the next one based on the information provided by a teacher.
  • Health Literacy and Cultural Awareness The support that would come from high levels of health literacy in the urban community would be contingent on individual and systemic factors.
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  • Cutting Through the Fog: Financial Literacy and the Subjective Value of Financial Assets
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  • Literacy Rates Affecting Women and Development in India
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  • Health Literacy and Its Effects on Hispanic Population
  • Adult Literacy and the New York City Public Library
  • The Main Points Essential for Developing Early Literacy
  • Can Social Media Improve Literacy and Communication Skills?
  • Literacy Rates Among Females in Developing Countries
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  • Does Text Messaging Have an Effect on Student Literacy?
  • Adult Literacy and Early Development of Language
  • Association Between Medication Literacy and Medication Adherence Among Patients With Hypertension
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  • Basic Literacy and Attainment of Good Health and Well-Being Among Young Adults in Ekiti State, Nigeria
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  • Literacy Skills and Earnings: Race and Gender Differences
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  • The Balanced Literacy Program for Teaching Language Arts
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  • How Literacy Affects Unemployment Among Different Age Groups in Palestine
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  • Adults’ Financial Literacy and Households’ Financial Assets: The Role of Banks Information Policies
  • Financial Inclusion, Regulation, Financial Literacy, and Financial Education in Armenia
  • Culture and Financial Literacy: Evidence From a Within-Country Language Border
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  • Can Financial Literacy Reduce Anxiety About Life in Old Age?
  • Excellent Study Skills and Information Literacy
  • Information Literacy and the Public Library
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  • Difference Between Computer Literacy and Information Literacy
  • Correlation Between Low Literacy Skills and Prison
  • Culture, Discursive Practices and Literacy Work in Families: Why Is Mathematics Important to Indian Immigrants in the UK
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  • Computer Literacy: Important Skills to Access Information
  • Interactive Computer Reading Programs Improve Literacy
  • Adult Literacy, Heterogeneity, and Returns to Schooling in Chile
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  • Can Private School Growth Foster Universal Literacy?
  • What Are the Differences Between Computer Literacy and Information Literacy?
  • Does Financial Literacy Increase Students’ Perceived Value of Schooling?
  • How Individuals’ Attitude and Affinity With Numbers Influence Financial Literacy?
  • How Does Literacy Break Mirror Invariance in the Visual System?
  • How Financial Literacy Affects Household Wealth Accumulation?
  • How Financial Literacy and Impatience Shape Retirement Wealth and Investment Behaviors?
  • How Does Information Literacy Influence Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership?
  • How Literacy Affects Unemployment Among Different Age Groups in Palestine?
  • How Literacy Skills Can Help You Achieve a Personal Goal or Accomplishment?
  • How Technology Can Help Children Develop Their Reading Literacy?
  • What Explains the Gender Gap in Financial Literacy?
  • What Freedoms Does Literacy Offer in a Globalized Society?
  • What Russian High Schools Can Teach in a Year Based on PISA-2009?
  • What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy?
  • Why English Learners Struggle With Content Literacy?
  • Why Financial Advice Cannot Substitute for Financial Literacy?
  • Why the Literacy Level in the United States Has Fallen in the Last Century?
  • Why the Need for Financial Literacy Comprehension Is Still Not Being Add?
  • What Is the Relation Between Health Literacy to Health Outcomes?
  • What Links Between Literacy and Numeracy Skills and Labour Market Outcomes Are There?
  • What Are the Five Types of Literacy?
  • How Does Literacy Affect Spoken Language in a Non-linguistic Task?
  • What Are the Components of Literacy?
  • The first book that ignited my love for reading.
  • The influence of a teacher on my literacy journey.
  • Dyslexia: overcoming reading challenges.
  • My transformation from a reluctant reader to an avid bookworm.
  • Navigating information overload in the digital age.
  • The joy of reading aloud: sharing stories with loved ones.
  • From picture books to novels: how I started engaging with complex texts.
  • How reading shaped my character.
  • Becoming a bilingual reader: how I embraced a second language.
  • Literacy as therapy: how journaling helped me heal and grow.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 216 Literacy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples.

"216 Literacy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021,

StudyCorgi . (2021) '216 Literacy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "216 Literacy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." September 9, 2021.


StudyCorgi . "216 Literacy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." September 9, 2021.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "216 Literacy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." September 9, 2021.

These essay examples and topics on Literacy were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 24, 2024 .

How to Write Essay Titles and Headers

The deadline for your latest writing assignment is mere minutes away. You’re rushing to get the final details together and suddenly realize you’ve forgotten a title. You quickly throw something random on top of the page and submit it to your teacher.

You’re not satisfied with your title, but you vow to do better next time. And you will!

Waiting until last minute to come up with a title for your writing assignment is never a good idea. This is the first detail your readers notice and should not only prepare them for what they’ll read but intrigue them as well.

You’ve learned from your mistake: essay titles are not a last-minute detail. They’re an integral part of any piece of written work and should be planned out earlier on in the writing process.

Titles lead to your reader’s first impression of your essay, and the headings help organize your thoughts and make the essay easier to read. Let’s take a look at how you can turn your titles from an afterthought into a well-thought-out writing element.

How Do You Write a Great Title?

People DO judge a book by its cover, and they will judge your essay by its title. So writing a strong title is an important part of starting your writing off on the right foot.

Your essay title has two main functions:

  • Inform your reader
  • Spark your reader’s interest

Additionally, keep in mind these three pointers:

Be clear and concise

Vague titles do not inform the reader. Provide a specific description of what your focus will be. Your audience wants to know precisely what they will be reading.

Bad Example: Oceans

Good Example: Disappearing Ocean Life in the Pacific Rim

Offer an exciting tidbit or interesting fact

If your title is boring, readers will not want to keep reading. Offer them something that will get attention.

Bad Example: How Consumers are Wrongly Spending Money

Good Example: The Seven Million Dollar Mistake

Everyone may be writing a college admissions essay, but don’t title yours: My College Admissions Essay . No matter what the prompt, make your title something that stands out from the stack.

Bad Example: My Research Project

Good Example: Relocating the Human Race to Mars

How Do You Create a Great Header?

Essay headers are often overlooked by writers, but they can really help your readers as they journey through your essay. While the title may get the reader hooked, the headers keep them moving smoothly through your paper. They enhance readability and help explain what is most relevant in the essay.

Each essay header should answer these two questions:

  • What will I learn?
  • What is the focus?

When readers approach a new section of your essay, they will have a better reading experience if they have a small preview of what’s to come.

Essay headers should answer two questions for your reader: What will I learn? and What is the focus?

Writing a useful header should be relatively easy. Read through your paragraphs and see what the main idea of is. From here, make a list of sub-topics that are discussed in each section. The best way to do this is to pull from the main points you listed out in your outline (which you, of course, remembered to do!).

Remember the following details about writing a header:

Be simple, but informative

You don’t want to give away all of your ideas here, but you need to give some guiding information.

Bad Example: Eating Too Many Fatty Foods Can Increase Your Cholesterol Levels

Good Example: How Your Diet Affects Your Health

Be consistent throughout your essay.

Choose a pattern and stick with it throughout the entirety of the assignment. If you start off by having a heading for each paragraph, keep it that way until the end. Also, make sure the format remains the same. If your first heading is in the form of a question, all of the rest should be as well.

Bad Example: Beaches, What is Up With Littering?, I Want to Clean Up the Planet

Good Example: Neglected Beaches, Effects of Litter, Motivated Activists

Just like when you are writing a title, there are generic headings you can lean on to get it done quick and easy. But don’t use these. Your conclusion shouldn’t have the header, "Conclusion." Come up with something unique for each part of your essay to keep your reader from feeling fatigued as they read on.

Bad Example: Conclusion

Good Example: Will the Pandas Survive?

Be organized and helpful

Your essay should be scannable. This means that if someone needs information fast, they can find it without having to read every word of your piece.

Although titles and headers are often neglected, they are very important to your pieces of writing. They grab your reader’s attention from the start and keep them focused throughout the rest of your essay. Taking the time to craft great titles and headers can advance your writing to the next level.

Don’t overlook the title and section headers when putting together your next writing assignment. Follow these pointers for keeping your writing organized and effective.

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  • Importance Of Reading Essay

Importance of Reading Essay

500+ words essay on reading.

Reading is a key to learning. It’s a skill that everyone should develop in their life. The ability to read enables us to discover new facts and opens the door to a new world of ideas, stories and opportunities. We can gather ample information and use it in the right direction to perform various tasks in our life. The habit of reading also increases our knowledge and makes us more intellectual and sensible. With the help of this essay on the Importance of Reading, we will help you know the benefits of reading and its various advantages in our life. Students must go through this essay in detail, as it will help them to create their own essay based on this topic.

Importance of Reading

Reading is one of the best hobbies that one can have. It’s fun to read different types of books. By reading the books, we get to know the people of different areas around the world, different cultures, traditions and much more. There is so much to explore by reading different books. They are the abundance of knowledge and are best friends of human beings. We get to know about every field and area by reading books related to it. There are various types of books available in the market, such as science and technology books, fictitious books, cultural books, historical events and wars related books etc. Also, there are many magazines and novels which people can read anytime and anywhere while travelling to utilise their time effectively.

Benefits of Reading for Students

Reading plays an important role in academics and has an impactful influence on learning. Researchers have highlighted the value of developing reading skills and the benefits of reading to children at an early age. Children who cannot read well at the end of primary school are less likely to succeed in secondary school and, in adulthood, are likely to earn less than their peers. Therefore, the focus is given to encouraging students to develop reading habits.

Reading is an indispensable skill. It is fundamentally interrelated to the process of education and to students achieving educational success. Reading helps students to learn how to use language to make sense of words. It improves their vocabulary, information-processing skills and comprehension. Discussions generated by reading in the classroom can be used to encourage students to construct meanings and connect ideas and experiences across texts. They can use their knowledge to clear their doubts and understand the topic in a better way. The development of good reading habits and skills improves students’ ability to write.

In today’s world of the modern age and digital era, people can easily access resources online for reading. The online books and availability of ebooks in the form of pdf have made reading much easier. So, everyone should build this habit of reading and devote at least 30 minutes daily. If someone is a beginner, then they can start reading the books based on the area of their interest. By doing so, they will gradually build up a habit of reading and start enjoying it.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Importance of Reading Essay

What is the importance of reading.

1. Improves general knowledge 2. Expands attention span/vocabulary 3. Helps in focusing better 4. Enhances language proficiency

What is the power of reading?

1. Develop inference 2. Improves comprehension skills 3. Cohesive learning 4. Broadens knowledge of various topics

How can reading change a student’s life?

1. Empathy towards others 2. Acquisition of qualities like kindness, courtesy

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Choose Good Titles for Essays and Make Them Sound Great


Good titles for essays act like an attractive factor that draws readers to have an interest. The first step to enjoying the luxury of being the best selling author is the ability to develop attention-capturing and curiosity-arousing titles. People have desisted from reading reviews or summaries written on books and essays when buying them.

Instead, they closely examine the creative titles that will make it to their reading list. Books are also subjected to the same style of choosing when scouting for the next read. Writing an essay can be challenging but assigning a title should not be as difficult. A poorly written paper with a good title will attract more attention than a well written one with a boring title.

Why Are Titles Important in Essays?

The functionality and importance of good essay titles are synonymous to that of a door. Its attractiveness is what will motivate you to find out what lies inside the house. It also gives a sneak peek on what you are more likely to interact with when reading that particular essay. Great essays usually have creative titles that do not allow you to stop your reading at the cover page.

The title of an essay is the single most crucial factor that determines the impression of the reader towards an essay. Much thought should be given when coming up with one. There are many instances when great titles have been shoved aside falling victim to morale killing variants. Sometimes the little time you have only allowed you to glance at the heading.

It is during these times that the significance of a heading is clearly portrayed. The next time you are making a good title remember it is of utmost importance and should be given enough thought. This is because it greatly determines the reception the essay will receive based on it foreshadows what is in the essay.

How to Format the Title of An Essay?

After getting the heading for essays, you need to know how to format them to look catchy and in place. Read on to get an insight into what to consider.

Exactly how long should an essay title be?

The length of essay titles is a topic that has been largely contested by authors. Though a consensus on the exact number of words has never been reached, proposals have been put forward on the approximate number. It is proposed that a typical essay title should contain between 3-15 words. This largely depends on the niche the essay is addressing.

With college essays, for instance, paper titles should give sufficient information about the research paper without revealing too much information. It should also not be too short and ambiguous. Its length should be long enough to capture the reader’s attention while preparing what awaits in the essay.

Can A Title Be A Question For Essays?

There are many styles employed in the structuring of essay titles. Different authors will use whichever style that befits their article and is conversational. They prefer to remain in their comfort zones and use conventional statement titles. In fact, the format is left for you to determine.

The heading could be expressed in numbers, questions or even alphanumeric order, depending on the written  types of essay . In rare instances, it will be pictorial. When using a question as your title, then the essay should be engineered such that it answers or attempts to answer it. Questions are effective and form good catchy titles to trigger curiosity.

What Are the Main Components of Good Titles for Essay?

  • Catchy hook

A paper name is an ambassador to readers. It should communicate or cast a positive picture of the essay. This is best achieved by capturing the reader’s attention through its creativity. The first thing an essay wants is to get noticed.

Catchy headings for an essay will make a composition stand out and compel the readers to read it to completion.

  • Topic keyword

This is the “what” of your essay. It identifies the component your dissertation will be exploring. Topic keywords should be captured in good paper titles to shed more light and introduce the reader into the essay.

Usually, it should be a general term that best describes what the author is putting across in the essay. This will ensure readers have an idea of what the essay is all about just by a glance at the title.

  • Active voice  

If your title contains verbs, consider putting them in active rather than passive voice. Active voice tends to relate with the readers directly engaging them on what they want to know. The best combination is expressing your title in an active voice in a question form. This makes the readers identify more with the essay and aspire to explore your opinions on the same.

  • Focus keyword

Unlike the topic keyword which describes the center of focus of your paper, the focus keyword describes the extent to which the topic keyword will be addressed. It predicts the limits and boundaries how the essay addresses the topic.

A perfect example of a good title for an essay is “the effects of global warming.” In this label, the topic keyword is global warming, but the essay will be limited to its effects.

What Are the Steps for Making Good Titles for Essays?

There are is no logical, sequential order authors should follow to arrive to the most creative and captivating title. However, there are some guidelines that could make sure you end up with the best one. The steps below describe  how to write analytical essays  titles effectively.

  • Reversed law order

The first step to writing an effective title is writing it last. Write your essay draft first then revise it before deciding on the label. This is because essays often change in the course of revision. Therefore, your heading may not necessarily reflect what is in the essay. The best thing is to name it last to avoid tilting your essay.

When you are out of creativity when making a title, consider seeking external motivation through the work of other authors. Reading the labels of other essays written in your niche will inspire thoughts leading to the conception of a perfect title for your essay.

  • Identify your target audience

Knowing your audience is instrumental in coming up with a title that will net a huge demographic of readers. If you are writing a formal paper like a college essay, titles have to be as formal as the setting in which they will be reviewed. But for fiction and story-telling compositions, the heading can have a pun or slang included to relate with the target audience.

Some Personal Statement Essay Examples

Personal statement essays are written to describe a person, and yes, they too need to be labeled. Some of the best examples of titles written for personal statements have been outlined below.

  • Excellent Marriage Life
  • Battling Depression
  • Healthy Living
  • Career Trajectory

Compare and Contrast Essay Title Examples

This type of paper seeks to bring out the comparisons between two aspects mostly in a bid to identify the superior one. It is synonymous to argumentative where the contrasting view of a subject is discussed.  Most  argumentative essay topics  tend to have a similar naming style as compare and contrast titles shown below.

  • Using Online Writing Against Traditional Writing Services
  • Facebook or Myspace: Which Social Media Network Is More User-Friendly?
  • Books Against Movies: Why Reading Is Preferred

Reflective Essays Title Examples

A reflective essay is an academic paper that describes the personal experiences the author has had. Some interesting titles for essays of this type include:

  • Smelling a Rare Flower
  • Unwinding the Spring
  • Staring at tThe Morning Sunrise

Final Thoughts

Considering the importance of the heading in an essay, its construction has to be given utmost attention. It is the creativity channeled into coming up with a heading that will rank a well-written article among the best. Authors should identify the right title styles for their essays.

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Tips and Examples to Create Catchy Titles and Get More Readers

An attractive title can trigger reader response, as your title is a snapshot of what to expect in your essay or book. Catchy titles for essays, newsletters, articles, blogs, science projects and autobiographies have a big effect on your readership.

Catchy Titles

Creative and tricky titles catch the attention of the readers. To fulfill the expectations of the readers, you should also have good content in your essay, article, or newsletter. Here are some examples of catchy titles in different areas of writing. Pay attention while reading the following titles and watch which titles grab your attention.

Science projects

School going children are often interested in science fair projects. A title in the ‘question form’ always arouses curiosity of the reader to know more.

Attractive Titles for Science Projects

Cow chewing cud

~ How do Mosquitoes Breed ~ How to Make an Egg Float ~ Tornado in a Bottle ~ Does Music Affect Plant Growth ~ Why Does the Cow Keep Chewing Cud? ~ Physics of Baseball

Creating unusual titles for essays is almost same as creating attractive titles for science projects. Essay writing is an art but title writing also requires skills.

Good Titles for Essays

Global warming

~ Three Ways in Which Chemistry is Related to Your Life ~ Importance of Media ~ Bad Effects of High Population ~ Ways to Save Money ~ Is Praying Beneficial ~ Global Warming and Deforestation ~ Pros and Cons of Zoos ~ Bilingual Education in School ~ Living Without Television ~ How Much is Too Much Homework ~ Mobile Phones – Necessity or Nuisance

Impressive Titles for Articles

Spanish wine

~ Why is the Sky Blue ~ Why is the Ocean Salty ~ Why Am I Always Hungry ~ Am I Overweight ~ Why Do Dogs Eat Grass ~ Side Effects of Fish Oil ~ Advantages of Internet Banking ~ What Women Want from Men ~ How to be a Good Husband ~ Rioja – Spain’s Great Wine


One of the most common naming techniques used by people is using the name of your niche in your newsletter. This explains what the content is about. The target market also plays an important role. Some names are creative, catchy and easy to remember. The risk in such names is that the audience can’t understand what your newsletter is about.

Appealing Titles for Newsletters

Working at home

~ Affiliate Marketers Weekly ~ Pet Lovers Tips & Trends ~ Christians Weekly Talks ~ Work at Home Moms ~ Blue Velvet Times ~ Zapping Tides ~ Daily Bread

These days, blogging is quite common. You can express and share your thoughts through your blog. You can even earn a lot of money through advertisements; but for that your blog should have good and authentic content. A good title can definitely bring more visitors. Blog name should be readable and memorable. One should find it easy to spell and pronounce. It should be short and obviously unique. Here are a few examples of good blog-titles.

Nice Titles for Blogs

Tea and book

~ Mind Salad ~ Slow Turtle ~ Fresh Kites ~ Thanks a Lot ~ Daily Insanity ~ Born Confused ~ Death Valley ~ Short Circuit ~ Here Comes da Pain ~ We Regret To Inform U ~ Caffeine in My Brain


Autobiographies of world-famous personalities are read by people with curiosity. They don’t need any introduction. In fact, a simple title is enough for a reader to pick up the book. Some autobiography titles are symbolic, revealing the facts in the life of the person.

Perfect Titles for Autobiographies

Mahatma Gandhi

~ Jackie Chan, I Am Jackie Chan: My Life in Action, 1998 ~ Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 1869 ~ Helen Keller, The Story of My Life, 1903 ~ Mark Twain, Mark Twain’s Autobiography, Posthumous, 1907 ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), 1925 ~ Mahatma Gandhi, The Story of My Experiments with Truth, 1927 and 1929 ~ Nirad C. Chaudhuri, The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian, 1951

~ Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1969 ~ Ronald Reagan, An American Life, 1990 ~ Nelson Mandela, Long Walk To Freedom, 1995 ~ Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father, 1996 ~ A P J Abdul Kalam, Wings of Fire, 1999 ~ Craig Thompson, Blankets, 2003 ~ Chelsea Handler, My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands, 2005 ~ Ronald Reagan, The Reagan Diaries, 2007 ~ Fidel Castro, My Life – A Spoken Autobiography, 2006 ~ Eminem, The Way I am, 2008

Writing Captivating and Creative Titles

The article title or the newsletter title is the key to getting people to open up and read your article. Catchy titles for science projects can make the reader enthusiastic. A good title sums up what the essay is all about. With the help of a nice title, you can influence a book buyer to buy your book. People do judge the book by its cover. Without an attractive title, the rest of your words may be in vain.

Splendid subject matter

~ For writing impressive titles, you should first take into consideration the subject matter, how you are going to argue, etc. If you have chosen one word, then you should look for the synonyms; as you may get a catchier word than the original word you’ve chosen.

Crisp title

~ Your title should not be either too long or too short. Don’t cram too much information into the title. Re-read your title aloud and check whether it sounds like a paragraph, cut out some words to make it as concise as possible. The title should sound catchy.

~ Being specific will make your reader pay more attention to your articles, essays or newsletters. The title should reflect the things which the audience is looking for.

Target audience

~ Determine your audience and then decide on a title. For writing a better title, you should put yourself in the reader’s shoes.

~ You can then try puns or play on words which can give your title a clever element as long as they’re not overly cheesy.

Imitating famous titles

~ You may try imitating any famous TV show title or select a phrase from any famous song which can work as a catchy title.

Simple words

~ You should avoid difficult to pronounce words in your title. The language should be simple.

If your articles or essays are on the Internet, title plays a major role in the whole phenomenon. By using title as a part of your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, you can cover the top 10, top 20 and top 30 results to increase your on-line exposure. Writing attention-seeking titles involves imagination and creativity. Skillfully designed titles lure people into clicking. These days, software that generate random albeit super catchy titles for articles that are bound to make people click, are available. You can enter subjects to generate titles related to them. So, generating attractive titles is no big problem.

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Reading Essay Titles

IELTS essay questions for books and reading topic.

Some people think books are losing importance as a source of information and entertainment. To what extent do you agree? (Reported 2017, GT)
Children who start reading earlier in life perform better later on in their school studies. How important are early reading skills in a child’s academic performance? What other preschool factors influence a child’s academic success?
Some people think that children who spend a lot of time reading children’s story books are wasting their time which could be better used doing other more useful activities. To what extent do you agree?
Some people think that e-books are the death of paper books, while others think that paper books will never disappear. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Libraries should focus on improving their technological resources rather than on building a larger collection of paper books. To what extent do you agree?
Public libraries will soon no longer be housed in a building as all facilities and books will be available online for everyone to access. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public libraries only existing online.

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McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning

Active reading strategies: remember and analyze what you read.

Choose the strategies that work best for you or that best suit your purpose.

  • Ask yourself pre-reading questions. For example: What is the topic, and what do you already know about it? Why has the instructor assigned this reading at this point in the semester?
  • Identify and define any unfamiliar terms.
  • Bracket the main idea or thesis of the reading, and put an asterisk next to it. Pay particular attention to the introduction or opening paragraphs to locate this information.
  • Put down your highlighter. Make marginal notes or comments instead. Every time you feel the urge to highlight something, write instead. You can summarize the text, ask questions, give assent, protest vehemently. You can also write down key words to help you recall where important points are discussed. Above all, strive to enter into a dialogue with the author.
  • Write questions in the margins, and then answer the questions in a reading journal or on a separate piece of paper. If you’re reading a textbook, try changing all the titles, subtitles, sections and paragraph headings into questions. For example, the section heading “The Gas Laws of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro” might become “What are the gas laws of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro?”
  • Make outlines, flow charts, or diagrams that help you to map and to understand ideas visually. See the reverse side for examples.
  • Read each paragraph carefully and then determine “what it says” and “what it does.” Answer “what it says” in only one sentence. Represent the main idea of the paragraph in your own words. To answer “what it does,” describe the paragraph’s purpose within the text, such as “provides evidence for the author’s first main reason” or “introduces an opposing view.”
  • Write a summary of an essay or chapter in your own words. Do this in less than a page. Capture the essential ideas and perhaps one or two key examples. This approach offers a great way to be sure that you know what the reading really says or is about.
  • Write your own exam question based on the reading.
  • Teach what you have learned to someone else! Research clearly shows that teaching is one of the most effective ways to learn. If you try to explain aloud what you have been studying, (1) you’ll transfer the information from short-term to long-term memory, and (2) you’ll quickly discover what you understand — and what you don’t.

Sample diagrams:

Mind map of derivatives and applications sample diagram

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Creative Titles For Essays: Examples & Advice

A title is indeed the “Why” of your essay. It is a phrase that determines whether a reader will pass by or get interested in the story. These words set a tone of your piece and establish borders for the narrative.

creative essay title

Our writing agency specializes in all types of texts for high schools and colleges. We have seen thousands of essays, reports, case studies, etc. They all had headlines: catchy or boring, bold or standard, awesome or so-so. Thus, our authors know firsthand what a good title for an academic article or any other paper is.

We are willing to share our experience on this blog post. And we would be even more glad to come up with a title for your text. Send it to our support agents and get the best name for your opus.

Creativity is what you need most when it deals with headlines. One needs to compose a unique expression reflecting the overriding message of the whole project. Our professionals have enough experience and talent to make it captivating and informative.

A title tells a lot about the author, revealing his/her imagination, analytical abilities, a level of intelligence, etc. We want you to show the best version of your skills to professors, so our services are at your disposal.

How to come up with a good title? Ultimate guide

A title for the essay is the first phrase that is noticed by a reader. Yet, it is not the first wording that an author comes up with.

Experienced authors of often create a headline after they have finished the whole paper. Why so? It is mainly because they need to tie this heading to the text of the essay. Meantime, one of the following goals must be achieved.

Types of titles according to purposes:

  • intriguing and promising,
  • eye-catching,
  • informative.

Your headline can contain one or even more aspects. However, the key thing is to make people read the text below the title. It is obviously worth your time and attention.

Things that work good for your titles:

  • relevance to the topic of the argumentative essay,
  • symbols: figures and abbreviations.

Do essays always have titles?

We suppose that every essay should have a unique headline. It is like a name for a book. People need this phrase to associate your piece with it.

Cool titles for essays are the first step to your successful essay.

Obviously, a headline must be composed correctly. You might have found numerous methods to do it, yet beware of the dubious ones.

Misconceptions concerning interesting titles for essays

  • It is enough to copy the title from a given assignment

In doing so, you simply show a lack of creativeness. If you want to demonstrate a writing talent, you’d better come up with your variant.

  • One is free to rewrite a title from another essay

Do not forget about the plagiarism check. In addition, your professors have already read hundreds of catchy title names for essays, and they definitely do not expect to stumble upon a duplicate.

  • Why not use a creative paper title generator ?

Seriously, have you ever tried to do it? It is our understanding that such online tools can be used for inspiration only.

Professional help is the most reliable way to get a brilliant title for the text. Still, we have prepared guideline in case you want to try your hand at this stuff.

Practical tips

  • Learn the requirements of your educational institution. There might be rigorous standards on its length and content.
  • Study the titles of similar essays. You can look through academic papers on your subject. Thus, you will feel the style and the manner of composing headers. Trust your feelings. Try to evaluate what title is catchy and which one is boring. The best title is the one that grabs attention and “invites” to read the whole text.
  • Do not write a title until the whole text is ready. It could double your efforts. Yes, you could have particular thoughts before writing a report. It is not the reason to rush to invent a heading. The thing is that a written text can be different from your intentions and images.

Short cheatsheet

  • Finish your essay and revise it with fresh eyes.
  • Determine the core message of your opus.
  • Think about people who made you write this piece. It is not always a muse who inspires authors to create essays. Many literary works are born under the impression of some real personalities. You might devote the text to someone or address an important message to a particular audience.
  • Try to compose several titles. A good heading is a matter of degree.
  • Put yourself in the shoes of the readers. Would you read this text if you were a teacher?

Hints for those who are bold enough to go against rules

If your professors do not mind, use the following elements:

  • provocative questions,
  • brave suggestions, etc.

A secret of an intriguing title

Add a moment of surprise to your headline. Use words and phrases that highlight it:

  • “unexpected,”
  • “you didn’t know,”
  • “dispelled myths,” etc.

example of a title for essay

The title of your essay: what should it be?

A well-considered title is half the battle. It is not only about a beautiful phrase. The thing is your headline reveals the essence of the whole research paper. It can be called “an idea” of your project, while other parts of the text are “implementation”.

Honestly, we could barely find any lessons or articles on how to write good titles for gender inequality essays. They don’t teach this stuff in detail at colleges and universities. That is why our authors have gathered materials on the Internet and from personal notes. We hope this post will be informative and helpful for you.

There exist different views on titles for essays. We consider, above all, a title as a hook for attention.

How to title an essay? 4 ways from our experts

Here is a classification based on the experience and individual feelings of our writers. It is a helpful instrument to come up with a headline fast.

1) Direct (traditional) title

We would rather call it “boring.” However, such headlines can be justified in terms of educational or academic standards.

There is nothing special in this phrase. It is concise and informative enough. That’s it. If you have strict requirements concerning academic writing, do not overdo with creativeness. No questions, games of words, citations, etc. A clear, direct title is precisely what you need in this situation. This neutral approach highlights seriousness and allegiance to rules.

Good examples:

  • Documents (Charles D’Ambrosio)
  • Death of the Moth (Virginia Woolf)
  • Thoughts for the Times on War and Death (Sigmund Freud)
  • How To Do What You Love (Paul Graham)
  • Self-Reliance (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Do not be afraid to seem banal using such wordings. Brevity is evidence for good analytical skills.

2) Titles with exaggerations

An exaggeration makes your title bright. The only thing is to stay honest while using it. One can add words: “secrets,” “dire predictions,” “terrifying mystery,” “unbelievable,” etc. Such titles will definitely make your essay stand out among others.

3) Bold titles presenting fresh views

It is a good idea to show your original insight right in the title.

  • Is Pedantry the Mother of the Essay? (Ken Chen)
  • The Hottest Water in Chicago: On Family, Race, Time and American Culture (Gayle Pemberton)
  • Time Is the Thing a Body Moves Through (T. Fleischmann)

4) Manipulations with common phrases, a game of words and  paradoxes

Take a famous expression and change some words in it.

  • The Mother Of All Questions (Rebecca Solnit,2016)

You could use something like:

  • Knowledge and nothing else matters...
  • Intellectual progress must go on...
  • Keep calm and develop the mind...

Apparently, an academic sphere has strict rules and requirements on composing clever argumentative persuasive essay titles. Yet, if you are lucky to have some freedom, use creativeness. In case of a writer’s block, go to our live chat and order professional services from our authors .

So, a perfect title for an essay...

What is a secret formula for it? Actually, we cannot give you one right universal answer. The thing is that one should consider various factors.

  • sphere (essay for blogs, for education, for science magazine),
  • style of writing,
  • a discipline,
  • a level of seriousness,
  • a target audience (reader).

We cannot judge whether a title is good or bad until we know the text below and its purpose. The rules are relative. What is good for an academic essay may be dull for a college essay on a free topic. Thus, do not forget to attach detailed instructions when ordering our writing services .

Creative ideas for essay titles

It happens that you have enough knowledge on how to compose a headline. You have read our tips, learned the rules that a professor gave you, and still feel a writer’s block. Indeed, it is not easy to say everything you want in one phrase.

Here are some hints to develop your imagination.

Read headlines from blogs

Some of them can inspire you to create an essay for a college paper. Check out our captivating articles , for instance.

Take this one, for example.

essay title example

This title is intriguing since it tells about an outlook on students in the nearest future. Sounds curious, does it? In addition, it is rather compelling due to mentioning “experts.”

Social advertisement

As a rule, such projects are aimed to cause feelings. They are awesome sources of inspiration if  you need an emotional title. Striving to convey the main idea fully, its creators come up with “spot-on” slogans.

  • This one is from the anti-anorexia advertisement:

title from social ad

( Source is here )

  • For the homeless, every day is a struggle

(Source: )

What do professional essayists write?

Famous authors are definitely good at titles for their literary works. Here are some popular essays:

  • Why I Write (George Orwell,1946)
  • A Modest Proposal (Jonathan Swift, 1729)
  • Courage (JM Barrie,1922)
  • Advice To Youth (Mark Twain, 1882)
  • Eichmann and the Private Conscience (Martha Gellhorn, 1962)

Modern writers also often choose an essay as a preferred manner of writing. Interestingly, you can read most of their pieces online. For instance, The New Yorker has a column for essays. It can spark a thought too.

Here are the latest titles for essays from this portal:

  • Love and Anger (Keith Gessen, December 23, 2019)
  • Darryl Pinckney’s Intimate Study of Black History (Zadie Smith, November 26, 2019)
  • Fred Moten’s Radical Critique of the Present (By David Wallace, April 30, 2018)
  • What Makes an Essay American (Vinson Cunningham, May 13, 2016)
  • Vivian Gornick Is Rereading Everyone, Including Herself (Alexandra Schwartz, February 3, 2020)

Helpful tip: You know, it is not even compulsory to read all these stories. You can simply review their titles and come up with a new idea.

Titles from celebrities

Do you have an idol or a hero among stars? Maybe, he/she is a good essayist too.

  • The Meanings of the Selfie (James Franco)
  • Matt Damon’s Marathon (Matt Damon)
  • Confessions of a Juggler (Tina Fey)
  • The Death of My Father (Steve Martin)
  • My Medical Choice (Angelina Jolie)

​ Statuses from social media

Social media is often criticized for low-quality content and too much advertisement. This statement is quite dubious. We strongly believe that it is a matter of an individual choice. For example, their headlines and statuses can inspire you to formulate a title for a college essay.

  • #Not all classrooms have 4 walls
  • #Retain female talent in science

Essay title generator online or human talents?

This age of fantastic technological opportunities offers numerous online tools. A free creative scholarship essay titles generator is among them. What does it actually do? As a rule, its algorithm chooses words and phrases relevant to the topic. Probably, it has a database of catchy phrases and, thus, it combines them with your keyword.

We, on our part, believe that a manual way is still better than the automatic one. The thing is that artificial intelligence still cannot fully understand the sense of your essay, feel the mood, and reflect the tone in one phrase. Therefore, do not rely on such programs too much.

Read at your leisure:

  • Best Ideas for Research Paper Topics in 2019: 100+ variants
  • College Essay Writing Workshop
  • Professional Essay Writing

Striving to find the best headline

The most suitable title for an essay implies one main phrase. It must focus attention on the sense of your paper, as well as engage people to keep reading the further text. In fact, it will be found somewhere at the intersection of college standards and your imagination. Enthusiastic writers of are willing to pick the best words for your headline. We can provide several options so that you could choose the finest one. Send us your draft, and we will find a superb title, or order writing services and get a ready-made paper. Give it a go today.

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Good Opinion Writing Topics
  • Comprehensive Guide to the Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • Comprehensive Guide to Profile Essay Topics and Writing Tips

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How to Pick a College Essay Topic, According to an Admission Expert

A student in a USC hoodie writes in a notebook outdoors. (USC Photo/Philip Channing)

The personal essay is one of the most crucial parts of a college application. While your transcripts and test scores highlight your achievement, they’re ultimately just stats and figures.

That’s where the college essay comes in: It helps colleges determine who you are. You can let your personality shine through and also show off your biggest wins — and explain away any potential shortcomings.

Of course, not everyone loves to write. And even if you do, it’s not always easy to figure out what to say. After all, most college essay prompts are quite vague. Where do you even start?

We spoke with Dan Phan, the academic program manager for USC Bovard Scholars , to learn how to pick the perfect college essay topic.

What Should a College Essay Focus On?

First things first: You need to determine what your dream school is asking for. Some will ask for just one essay, which is in response to several possible prompts. Usually, these prompts have to do with your background, your ambitions, challenging or formative times in your life or your personal beliefs. Other schools, however, will require you to write a personal statement, in addition to answering several shorter supplementary essay questions.

So, different universities have different application requirements. However, the essay’s goal remains the same, regardless of the prompt or format.

“The main personal statement should be introspective and shed light on the student’s core values, experiences that shaped them and aspirations for the future. Who is this student? Where have they been

Where do they hope to go?” Phan said.

What are Some Examples of College Essay Themes?

Many people use the college essay to reflect on hurdles in their lives. These difficulties could be related to academics or personal struggles. The idea is to show how you handle adversity. Essays can also focus on a personal turning point, to illustrate your personal growth or how you adapt to change.

Other applicants focus on topics related to identity and diversity, diving into their cultural background or family history to explore how their heritage and upbringing have shaped them into who they are today.

Some students write about their passions, hobbies or community involvement, showing what they have to offer besides good grades. It’s also a way to paint a picture of how they could participate in campus culture. After all, the goal is for the university to want you to be there and bring your personal touch to campus!

Phan’s favorite college essay themes?

“I love reading stories about the movers and shakers of the world, young adults that I can envision in the college setting, wherever that may be, and making a big difference once there,” she said.

And while Phan sees plenty of stories about family, culture, personal obstacles and achievements, she’s also read some “beautifully written essays” that she “remembers vividly to this day.”

The topics of these essays were wide-ranging and, often, highly personal.

“Playing music with symbrachydactyly (a hand anomaly characterized by missing fingers),” Phan recalled. “Visiting the neighborhood wig shop after school to chat with cancer patients. Defying gender stereotypes. Living close to the state prison and getting involved in prison-to-school pipeline programs. Car rides listening to NPR. Peach dumplings. Natural hair. Treasure maps.”

So, don’t be afraid to get creative. While your college essay should express who you are, there are many different ways to do so.

How Do You Choose a College Essay Topic?

When faced with vague prompts and open-ended suggestions, it can be hard to think of one story that summarizes who you are. Unfortunately, you can’t write about everything that makes you unique. Instead, narrow it down to a specific thesis.

Phan recommends that students think about the top four things a stranger would need to know to get acquainted with them.

“I encourage students to be vulnerable, to build connections and to think about some of their most formative or meaningful experiences, whether that involves family, identity, culture, extracurricular activities or interests,” Phan said.

Ask yourself what your strengths are. What are the skills and qualities that separate you from others? Then, consider the stories in your life that illustrate these traits.

Maybe you’re proud of your resilience. What’s a time in your life that it was tested? Or perhaps you have a passion for improving your community. What led you to that? What are some times you’ve demonstrated that dedication?

Once you consider what you want the essay to reveal about you, it’s easier to determine what examples in your life illustrate that.

“The most compelling essays are not only well written but have rich details that humanize the student’s experiences,” Phan said.

What Not to Write in Your College Essay

While you have plenty of options for your college essay, there are also some topics you don’t want to write about. For example, Phan advises applicants to avoid writing about grades or academic performance. Your transcript already covers that.

Another common pitfall? Not writing about yourself.

“Sometimes, students make the mistake of bringing in another person like a family member, friend or leader they admire, and the essay ceases to be about the student but rather about how incredible the other person is — which completely misses the point,” Phan explained.

Similarly, keep in mind that you’re writing about yourself now. That means you should be discussing who you are as a prospective college student, not who you were in kindergarten. While stories from your youth may help explain who you’ve become, the focus should always be on personal growth and development.

Some essay topics are so overused that they’ve become clichéd, such as teenage heartbreak, mission trip experiences or winning a sports game, Phan said: “Considering how admissions committees may be reading tens of thousands of applications each application cycle, admissions readers want to read unique college essays with fresh perspectives and angularity.”

Should Someone Proofread Your College Essay?

Applying for college is a process with many steps, and most students ask for help confirming they’ve done each part correctly. The same goes for your college essay!

Once you’ve selected the topic, it’s normal to ask for feedback to ensure you’re on the right track. Your college counselor or a teacher would be the right people to ask.

Similarly, it’s a good idea to ask them for help refining the essay once it’s done. They can help you deliver your thesis in the most compelling way possible. Remember, even the most talented writers need a copy editor to check that their work is free of misspellings and grammatical errors.

However, don’t have too many people read your essay.

“I’ve seen essays become so disjointed because there were too many voices in the essays,” Phan said. “Additionally, working with multiple people can pull students in different directions, resulting in a bit of Frankenstein of an essay and the student’s original voice being completely lost.”

So, trust your gut! With enough preparation, hard work and proofreading, you can write a solid college essay that makes you stand out to potential schools.

Learn more about USC Summer and Online Pre-College Programs today.

Author: Becca van Sambeck


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