
Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time

Students are often asked to write an essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time


Free time is when you can indulge in activities that you love. It’s a time to relax, explore, and grow.

Reading Books

I love reading books in my free time. They take me to different worlds and help me learn new things.

Playing Sports

Playing sports is another activity I enjoy. It keeps me fit and teaches me teamwork.

Free time is precious. It’s important to spend it on activities that make you happy and help you grow as a person.

250 Words Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time

Reading and learning.

One of the ways I spend my free time is through reading. Books offer a wealth of knowledge, insights, and perspectives that can be transformative. They serve as a window to different cultures, philosophies, and scientific advancements, fostering intellectual growth.

Physical Activity

Physical activity is another essential aspect of my leisure time. Engaging in regular exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or a gym workout, helps maintain physical health and boosts mental well-being. It’s a great way to de-stress and rejuvenate.

Creative Pursuits

Creativity also plays a significant role in my free time. Whether it’s painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument, these activities provide an outlet for self-expression and innovation. They can be therapeutic, fulfilling, and contribute to personal development.

Social Engagement

Lastly, I value social interactions. Spending quality time with family and friends, participating in community activities, or volunteering for a cause can foster a sense of belonging, enhance interpersonal skills, and contribute to societal well-being.

In conclusion, the manner in which we spend our free time can greatly influence our overall quality of life. For me, a balance between intellectual stimulation, physical activity, creative expression, and social engagement serves as an ideal way to utilize this precious time.

500 Words Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time

The power of reading.

One of my favorite pastimes is reading. Whether it’s a classic novel, a scientific paper, or a thought-provoking article, reading is an activity that stimulates my mind and broadens my understanding of the world. It is an escape from the routine and a journey into the minds of others. Reading allows me to explore different perspectives, improving my empathy and understanding of diverse cultures and ideologies.

Engaging in Physical Activities

Physical activity is another essential component of my leisure time. Whether it’s jogging in the park, participating in a yoga class, or playing a game of soccer with friends, physical activity provides a much-needed break from the sedentary nature of academic life. It not only keeps me physically fit but also improves my mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. Physical activity is a form of active relaxation that allows me to rejuvenate and prepare for the next bout of focused work.

Volunteering and Social Engagement

Volunteering is another activity that occupies my free time. By helping others, I not only contribute to my community but also gain a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Whether it’s tutoring underprivileged children, participating in a neighborhood cleanup, or supporting a local charity, volunteering fosters a sense of community and interconnectedness.

In conclusion, free time is a valuable resource that offers a respite from the demands of academic life. It provides an opportunity to engage in activities that enrich our lives, broaden our perspectives, and contribute to our well-being. Whether it’s reading, physical activity, creative pursuits, or volunteering, what we do in our free time shapes our identity, values, and character. It’s important to use this time wisely, pursuing activities that bring joy, fulfillment, and personal growth.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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The way we view free time is making us less happy

essay spend free time

Some people try to make every hour of leisure perfect, while others hate taking time off altogether. Have we forgotten how to enjoy free time?

Leisure is the prize, right? We work hard, so we want to play hard; we look forward to our time off, believing that the more leisure time we have, the better life will be. Enjoying that time – or savouring that coveted end goal – should come naturally. 

However, research shows that both having and deciding how to spend leisure time can be very stressful. Some people feel enormous pressure to maximise their downtime with the best choices: researching more, anticipating and spending more money. But, as data prove, this pressure to maximise our fun might get in the way of our enjoyment of leisure itself. 

Additionally, some people struggle to view leisure as worthwhile at all. These individuals – often in high-stress, high-paying jobs – prioritise productivity to the extent that they can’t enjoy time off, often to the detriment of their mental health. 

However different their problems with leisure, both groups struggle with enjoying time off for the same reason: the way we perceive and value leisure has changed, problematically. Understanding this evolution, and finding ways to change our attitudes, could be beneficial for everyone – and help people to start enjoying themselves again. 

The changing concept of leisure  

“Leisure has dramatically evolved over the centuries and across cultures,” says Brad Aeon, assistant professor at the School of Management Sciences at the University of Québec in Montréal. “One thing that’s consistent about leisure, however, is that it has always been contrasted with work.” 

Two-thousand years ago, concepts of work and leisure were associated with servitude and freedom, respectively. In Ancient Greece, explains Aeon, most of the labour was outsourced to slaves, while wealthier parts of society pursued other activities. “Leisure was an active state of mind. Good leisure meant playing sports, learning music theory, debating qualified peers and doing philosophy. Leisure was not easy , but it was supposed to be gratifying.”

Aeon believes that a shift occurred when the Romans started viewing leisure as a way of recuperating in preparation for more work, a transition that accelerated significantly during the Industrial Revolution. By the 1800s, the kind of leisure that signified status had shifted, too; the wealthy led overtly idle lives. A popular example is philosopher Walter Benjamin’s description of the fashion, around 1893, to walk through arcades with a turtle on a leash .  

Anat Keinan, associate professor of marketing at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business, has conducted extensive research on the symbolic value of time . She explains today we’re seeing yet another transition: a lack of leisure time now operates as a powerful status symbol . “On Twitter, celebrities ‘humblebrag’ about ‘having no life’ and ‘being in desperate need of a vacation’,” she points out. In the workplace, being part of the long-hours working culture is still seen by many as a badge of honour .                                                                                                     

In fact, those with the most money to spend on leisure are most likely also putting in the longest hours. “Highly educated people (think surgeons, lawyers, CEOs) often go for well-paid jobs that require highly productive candidates willing to work long hours,” explains Aeon. “This means that those who complain the most about not having enough free time are wealthy and educated .” That fuels the idea that we must maximise leisure’s ‘hedonic utility’, or enjoyment value, when we actually do get some time off – and make every hour count. 

The leisure maximisers  

Economists call the idea that we must maximise our time off the intensification of the value of our leisure time. In his book, Spending time: The Most Valuable Resource, US economist Daniel Hamermesh explains that “our ability to purchase and enjoy goods and services has risen much more rapidly than the amount of time available for us to enjoy them”.  This pressure manifests in our decisions. “We feel like we want to have the best bang for our buck and minutes,” explains Aeon, “So we invest more money in leisure. Better hotels, better movie experiences – like IMAX or Netflix in 4K – better everything.”

Getty For some people, leisure has come to represent collectible experiences that convey status, often on social media (Credit: Getty)

All this can lead to hours poring over reviews diligently planning leisure activities. That might not necessarily be a bad thing, researchers have found, as pre-trip anticipation greatly accounts for vacationers' happiness . But too much anticipation might set us up for a seemingly zero-duration holiday. New research shows that we judge future positive events as both farther away and shorter than negative or neutral ones , leading us to feel like a holiday is over as soon as it begins. 

Equally, the way we chase top-notch leisure experiences has made recreation more stressful than ever. High expectations may clash with our experienced reality, making it feel anti-climactic, while trying to concoct the best vacation or leisure experience ever can fuel performativity.  

In her 2011 research paper, Keinan first posited that some consumers work to acquire collectable experiences that are unusual, novel or extreme because it helps us reframe our leisure as being productive . By working through our experiential checklist instead of seeking simply to enjoy the moment, she writes, we build our “experiential CV”. 

And just like a traditional resume, where we show off our best selves, this experiential CV can become a breeding ground for competition. Keinan believes social media exacerbates our focus on productive leisure. Referencing a 2021 research paper, she suggests people are pivoting to signal their status and accomplishments in alternative domains  – in this case, the use of their free time. 

“Users post carefully curated slide shows of themselves crossing marathon finish lines and climbing Machu Picchu. Conspicuous consumption used to be a wayfor people to display their money through scarce luxury goods. Now, they flaunt how they spend their valuable time only on activities that are truly meaningful, productive or spectacular,” she says. 

The people who hate leisure  

Some struggle to enjoy leisure at all. Some try to ‘hack’ leisure by applying productivity techniques, says Aeon, like listening to a podcast while jogging or watching Netflix shows at twice the regular speed . Others may not truly take time off at all. For example, only 14% of Americans take two weeks' vacation in a row , a finding in keeping with the overwork culture. The same study reports that as of 2017, 54% of American workers didn’t use up their vacation time, leaving 662 million days reserved for leisure unused. 

Part of the problem, new research shows, is how comprehensively we internalise the message that leisure is wasteful . Selin A Malkoc, associate professor of marketing at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University and co-author of the study, says certain people perceive leisure as lacking value, even when it doesn’t interfere with their pursuit of goals. These negative beliefs about leisure are associated with lower reported happiness and greater reported depression, anxiety and stress.

Malkoc describes two types of leisure: ‘terminal leisure’, where the activity and the goal are ‘fused’ together, like attending a Halloween party just for fun, is immediately rewarding and an end goal in itself; and ‘instrumental leisure’, like taking a child trick-or-treating and thereby ‘checking off’ parental duties, which is a means to an end and feeds a long-term goal. The ability to enjoy terminal leisure is a stronger predictor of wellbeing than enjoyment of instrumental leisure, the study showed. 

In one of the study’s experiments, Malkoc and her co-authors wanted to see if they could manipulate participants’ beliefs about leisure and get them to enjoy it more. Each group was presented with a different version of an article that framed their understanding of leisure, either as wasteful in terms of goal-achievement, unproductive or as a productive way of managing stress. Participants were then asked to evaluate how well-written the article was. 

But researchers were more interested in what came afterwards. They offered participants a break and gave them a funny cat video to watch to see how much they enjoyed it.   

Unfortunately, priming our beliefs about leisure only works in one direction, the researchers found – the wrong one. Those who read the articles framing leisure as wasteful enjoyed the experience 11% to 14% less than the baseline (the control group, who read about coffee makers), while those cued to believe it is productive did not experience bolstered enjoyment levels. In other words, trying to prime participants’ receptivity towards enjoying leisure more was about as effective as having them read about coffee, suggesting that our attitudes are deeply entrenched. 

It’s a sobering finding. “We had this group of undergraduate students in the lab doing a series of mostly mind-numbingly boring studies – there’s nothing enjoyable about it,” says Malkoc, “And then, we offer them a mental break to watch a fun video. The fact that even though they couldn’t use those brief moments for something better, they still couldn’t enjoy themselves... attests to the strength of their belief.”

Getty The view that leisure is wasteful can be deeply entrenched – meaning some people really struggle to enjoy time off (Credit: Getty)

Malkoc also compared samples from different nations. Participants from India and America, both nations with overwork cultures, endorsed the belief that leisure is wasteful more strongly than participants from France, which has social norms, “less restrictive of enjoying life and having fun”. In fact, while Malkoc estimates about 30% of the population endorses the ‘leisure is wasteful’ belief on average, this varies greatly across cultures, going as high as 55% in the Indian subsample and as low as 15% in the French sample, she explains. 

Hope for leisure intensifiers and avoiders  

Fortunately, there are ways to help both groups. The first, regardless of which end of the spectrum you fall on, is to relax the productivity mindset. Keinan says a way to do this is by “assuming a broader perspective on life and anticipating your long-term regrets , as it allows people to enjoy the present more”. 

For those seeking to intensify leisure, Aeon recommends using the peak-end rule , a cognitive bias that influences the way we remember events. For example, he says, at the dentist’s office, we remember the peak (when the pain was at its worst) and the end (the candy we’d get as we left); the average sum of these experiences adjusts the emotional intensity. So, for holidays, he recommends doing one thing that’s “completely insane” in the middle, such as bungee jumping, and one equally grandiose thing at the end (for instance, a spa day or indulgent meal) to elevate the entire experience and maximise hedonic utility overall. 

He recommends using mindfulness to help savour leisure experience s. “It expands your subjective perception of time (i.e., you feel like you have more of it) and enhances memory formation, which means you’ll not only feel like your vacations lasted longer, but you’ll remember them a lot better.” And in keeping with research on anticipation, having multiple smaller vacations to look forward to rather than one massive one could also maximise our enjoyment value. 

For those who find it hard to take time off to begin with, Keinan suggests using a functional alibi – a practical excuse for enjoying themselves. “Having a ‘functional alibi’ that articulates a purpose for an activity (such as the health and productivity benefits of taking a much-needed vacation) allows many consumers to relax without feeling guilty,” she says.

Combating the ‘leisure is wasteful’ mindset might also mean emphasising the value of an activity by aligning it with another utilitarian goal, instead of trying to reframe leisure as a concept. “Vacations are meant to be ‘terminal’, but we can have different goals embedded within them,” says Malkoc. A trip to Disneyland, for example, might have terminal value for the children, and offer instrumental leisure for the parents. “Making them understand… that this is a way to get productive or fuel another purpose might help them let their guard down and enjoy it a little bit more.”  

Enjoying leisure might even be a learned response, similar to the way we build up stamina gradually at the gym. Smaller vacations – a 30-hour getaway at a hotel – might be just short enough for such individuals to leave responsibilities behind. For longer trips, Malkoc suggests allowing driven individuals to work for a short window once a day might actually be less stressful than asking them to unplug completely. 

For both groups – and even those somewhere in the middle – the persistent fear that we are not using our time ‘right’, whether by having an extravagantly ‘collectable’ experience or just being uber productive, can derail the very purpose of leisure. Because the only ‘right’ way to do leisure is to relax, let your guard down, make good memories and trust the pieces will fall into place. 

“If you approach a vacation with a ‘should’ mindset, you might be messing it up,” warns Malkoc. “Don’t let your belief that you ‘need to get the best out of this’ get the best of you.”

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30 Productive Things to do With Your Free Time

30 Productive Things to do With Your Free Time

Free time in this day and age is often hard to come by. With everything from work to appointments constantly demanding your time, it can often feel like it’s been months since you were able to stop and take a breather.

Then if you do get the chance to stop and take a deep breath, it’s not long before your phone starts ringing or emails start pouring in.

Being busy has become the norm, and if you do have any free time it doesn’t last long and gets filled up before you know it.

With a world full of people that think having any amount of free time is a bad thing and that every moment needs to be filled with something , we find ourselves getting busier and busier, but losing productivity as we go along.

Hold on, if I’m busy, doesn’t that mean I’m being productive and getting stuff done, too?

Not necessarily.

You can be busy without being productive. Jamming every moment of your day full of stuff just because you have time, doesn’t mean that’s necessarily the right thing to do. It is possible to spend an entire day being busy , yet getting nothing significant or important done.

That’s why I believe that free time is so important. I believe we should take a step back, maybe that means not volunteering this weekend or turning down that shift at work. That may mean bumping your coffee date to next week and taking a day this week to spend some time doing nothing .

Rejuvenating and re-energizing your body is important, and it doesn’t happen if we’re constantly busy.

Taking a day to just focus on yourself and your family is a great way to free up some time, and doing some small, productive things with that time can help you grow closer as a family and help everyone in the family enter tomorrow with a renewed sense of energy.

Rather than using your free time to veg out on the couch all day (though sometimes that’s definitely needed), you can fill it up with the things on the list below to help keep your days and free time from becoming too busy, but still being productive.

If you’re on the other end of the spectrum and you find yourself having too much free time, for whatever reason that may be, you can use this following list to fill your free time with productive things that will help you keep your free time from getting filled up, but also help you be productive with that time.

Whether you have a lot or just a little spare time in your day, there are a few things you can do to be more productive, happier, and healthier.

Put your spare time to work for you

I’ll admit, some days you do need to just sit your butt down on the couch and veg out. There’s nothing wrong with that. But, if you find you have enough spare time, it’s a good idea to use that time to do something productive with your day.

Here’s the catch:

Just because we filled our spare time with something, doesn’t mean we’re being productive. Like mentioned earlier, you can be busy without being productive. Our goal here is not to be busy , but rather to take our free time and do something productive with it. Even if that means spending just 5 minutes of our 1 hour of free time doing something productive.

30 easy and productive things to do with your free time

1. Read a book

Whether you have 5 minutes or an hour, picking up a good book and spending some time reading it is a great way to spend your free time in a productive way. If your whole family has a bit of spare time, rather than sitting down to watch TV challenge everyone to pick a book and spend a certain amount of time reading it.

Not convinced that reading is productive?

Reading reduces stress, stimulates the brain, provides you with knowledge, improves your memory, helps improve focus and concentration, creates better writing skills, and of course offers free entertainment for however long you choose.

2. Exercise

You knew this one was going to be on the list… you were just really hoping it wouldn’t be. I was hoping it wouldn’t, anyway.

Exercising, even if it’s just a quick 5-minute walk down the road, is a fantastic way to use your free time. After you exercise you will feel so much more energized, healthy, and ready to face the rest of the day, rather than when you sit on the couch in front of the TV and end up feeling sluggish and lazy for the rest of the day.

Not only are you be being productive with your spare time when you exercise, but you will also be reaping the many, many benefits that come with exercising, including:

  • Feeling happier
  • Staying fit
  • Increasing your energy
  • Sleep better at night
  • Increase brain health
  • Healthier skin

If that’s not enough to get you out the door and on a brisk walk down the road, do it just because it will make you feel much better overall.

3. Do a bit of home organization

I have a very strong love/dislike relationship with home organization. I love having an organized home, but I don’t always love getting it to an organized state, especially when I have let my cleaning and organization duties go for too long and I’m faced with an extra messy house.

Nonetheless, even if you only have 10 minutes you can still use that small amount of time to do a quick tidy-up of your home.

Set a timer and make it a challenge for everyone in the house, the one with the cleanest room, or the one that has picked up and put away (in the correct spots) the most stuff by the time the timer goes off, is the winner.

Or just take everyone out for ice cream afterward, that’s always a good idea.

If your house is in dire need of a major cleaning and reorganizing, check out The Organized Home.   This eCourse is taught by Hilary, who knows exactly what it feels like to be trapped in a home that is far from perfect.

Hilary doesn’t try to say she’s going to help you create the perfect home, because we all know the perfect home only lives in our dreams. But what Hilary does help you go through this course is create an organized life while keeping it a bit crazy and a whole lot of fun. If you’re interested, you can learn more here.

4. Pay bills

This definitely isn’t the most fun option on the list, but it’s something that has to be done from time to time, and if you’ve been falling behind lately use these couple minutes of free time that you have to catch up on some much-needed bill paying.

Paying late fees is one of the easiest ways to keep yourself from becoming debt free, and paying late fees all starts with forgetting, or putting off, paying your bills. Don’t let that happen, and don’t waste your hard-earned money on late fees.

Then, to treat yourself, take that money that you saved and go out and get yourself something small and affordable (like a coffee or donut).

Are you interested in learning more ways to manage your money? Find my top frugal living and money tips here.

5. Create free online accounts to get cash back

While we’re on the topic of finances, take a few minutes to set up some free online accounts that will end up earning you cash back over the next few months.

A few of my favorite sites to use to earn cash back are:

  • Ebates. Ebates is an online shopping site that gives you a certain percentage of cash back on any items you buy online. You can shop through Ebates on sites like Amazon, JCPenney, eBay, Macey’s, Old Navy, and many more stores. (They offer over 2,000 online retailers). If you do any amount of online shopping, you should definitely be using Ebates. It is free to sign up for and completely free to use, then once you start buying through Ebates and you reach the threshold for cash back money, they will send you a nice cheque in the mail and it will feel like it’s Christmas. (I use Ebates and the days that I get my cheques are happy days!). You can learn more about Ebates here.
  • Checkout 51.  Checkout 51 is an app that you download onto your phone that offers cash back on certain grocery and household purchases. Though the cashback doesn’t seem to add up as quickly as it does with Ebates, I love using Checkout 51 because it allows me to get cash back on the things that I don’t buy online. You can view the offers of the week on the app, then once you’re home from the grocery store you can scan your receipt and select the offers that you want to redeem. The app will then see which offers you have selected, and check your receipt to be sure you purchased the item, then it will credit your account with the appropriate amount of cash back. Checkout 51 is also completely free to sign up for and use. Learn more about Checkout 51 here.
  • Ibotta. I have never personally used Ibotta, but I have heard good things about them from other people. Like Checkout 51, they offer cash back on certain grocery purchases. Unfortunately, I don’t know enough about Ibotta to give you a review of what they offer as I have never used them, but if you’re interested in checking them out, you can do so here.

6. Take surveys

Taking online surveys is another productive thing that you can do with your spare time. Taking online surveys is a great way to use your spare time to earn some extra cash.

Sites like Survey Junkie and Swagbucks offer money (or gift cards) in exchange for you completing surveys on their sites.

They are free to use, and you can create an account and do a few surveys, wait until you have more spare time, and do some more surveys.

You can learn more about Survey Junkie here. Or, click here to learn more about Swagbucks.

7. Learn a new hobby

Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to crochet have never had time to. Maybe you’ve been wanting to learn how to ballroom dance (Youtube is a great teacher), or maybe you’ve wanted to learn a new card game or trick.

Use this free time to pick up a new hobby, even if it’s something you’ve always wanted to try but will probably never try again after today. Go ahead and do that one thing you’ve always wanted to do.

8. Get crafty

Get crafty by picking up a paintbrush, pencil, sewing needle, or crochet hook and spend some time doing something you enjoy.

Does it feel like you haven’t done something for yourself that you enjoy in a really long time? Go ahead and give yourself permission to do that thing now.

Don’t feel bad for taking some you time. You’ve been busy, you deserve some you time.

9. Cook or bake

Go ahead and pick up your trusty old cookbook, or find a new recipe online and bake or cook something new (or old).

This is a great way to waste time in a productive way, and you’ll end up with a delicious treat to munch on when you’re finished.

Even if you’ve never been much of a baker or cooker, try your hand at it and see if it’s something you enjoy. If you don’t end up enjoying it, you don’t have to do it again, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

10. Play cards

Even if you’re by yourself you can learn a new card game to play. Solitaire is just one of the many card games that you can play by yourself.

Playing cards won’t just help you pass the time, it also exercises your brain to keep it sharp and help you concentrate.

11. Plan a coffee date with an old or new friend

Do you have that one person that you always say “we should really go out for lunch sometime!” but never go out with?

Or, maybe you met someone new this week and thought to yourself that you’d like to get to know them better – what better time to reach out to them than now?

You don’t have to have them over for coffee right now if you want to use your free time to just relax, but you can take this time to call them and set a coffee date for a couple days from now.

12. Learn more about something that interests you

It may be just a hobby, or maybe it’s something that you just learned about and it piqued your interest. Take some time now to research it, find books at the library on it, and find articles online to learn more about something that interests you.

13. Write a letter

When’s the last time you picked up a pencil and paper and wrote an old-fashioned letter?

Pick someone in your family or a friend who you know would love to get something in the mail, then write them a letter.

If it’s been a while since you’ve talked to this person take time to recap what has been happening in your life since you last talked to each other, then put it in an envelope with a stamp and mail it off.

14. Sort your paper clutter

Paper clutter can easily become overwhelming when it gets left undealt with for long periods of time.

It doesn’t take long for our paper clutter to get out of control – if I just leave the mail sitting on the table for anything over two days it seems to become a mountain of papers and flyers.

The same goes for bills, receipts, and other paper in our house.

If the paper clutter in your house is a bit out of control, use your spare time to sort through your papers and create a way to keep these papers organized.

15. Set goals

If you’re someone who likes to set and achieve goals, grab a notebook and set a few goals. Set easy goals and goals that seem next to impossible.

Set both long term and short-term goals. Goals you would like to achieve within the next week and month, and goals that you would like to achieve within the next 1 – 5 years.

After you set those goals, write down the action steps that you need to take to work towards achieving those goals.

16. Scrapbook

Scrapbooking can be extremely expensive if you buy all the bells and whistles that come along with scrapbooking (like ready-made scrapbooks where all you have to do is insert pictures). To make scrapbooking more affordable, do it yourself.

Use stuff like construction paper and other crafting supplies that you have at home to make your scrapbooking decorations, rather than spending a fortune on them at the store.

You can also cut pictures out of a magazine or find printable pictures online for your scrapbook.

17. Learn paper mache

After you sort through all the paper clutter in your house, you’re likely going to have a lot of papers and flyers to throw out. Rather than tossing them in the garbage, learn some simple paper mache on Youtube to recycle all that old paper that you were just going to throw away and make something creative out of it.

18. Take an online course

If you want to increase your knowledge in a particular area, but don’t feel like leaving the house to do so, do a quick Google search of online courses on the particular subject you want to learn more about.

You may even be able to find a few free online courses to get you started.

19. Learn how to meal plan and prep

Meal planning and prepping probably isn’t something that you get excited about (I do!), but it can save you so much time and money over time that it is worth learning, even if you really don’t want to.

Who knows, if you give it a try you might realize that it really isn’t as bad as you once thought it was. Then, when you go grocery shopping and realize how much money you saved, there’s a good chance you’ll be hooked.

I love meal planning and am a huge advocate of it. If you’re interested in meal planning you can learn more here.

20. Return phone calls

Do you have a list of people you need to call back, but haven’t been able to find time to lately? Grab your list along with a pen and paper, to write down any important notes, and return some phone calls.

21. Clean up your inbox

Use this spare time to do a thorough sweep of your inbox. Emails inboxes can become cluttered with an overwhelming amount of sale emails and newsletters over time.

Create folders and sort all your emails into the appropriate folders, then unsubscribe from any emails that you no longer wish to receive.

Our online lives can become so cluttered, doing this will help you create a bit of order in your online presence.

22. Put important dates on the calendar

Maybe someone recently got married but you haven’t had a chance to put their anniversary on your calendar yet, or maybe there’s a new member of your family and you haven’t gotten a chance to put their birthday on the calendar just yet.

This is also a good time to go through your entire calendar. Whiteout any dates or notes that you no longer need, add any important birthdays, anniversaries, and other events that you need to keep track of, too.

23. Weed the garden

I find weeding the garden such a relaxing way to clear my head. If you have a garden, head outside for some time by yourself and get all those pesky weeds out of your garden.

If you don’t have a garden yet but want one, you can use this time to create a garden plot or plan where you want your future garden to go, how big it will be, if you will make it in raised beds or on the ground, and what kind of stuff you will plant in your garden.

24. Spend some “you” time

Spend your spare time doing something you enjoy, whether that be an at-home spa day that you give to yourself, watching a movie you’ve been wanting to watch for some time, or just sitting and relaxing.

Whatever it is that you enjoy doing and you find relaxing, do that, and don’t worry about the other pressing demands of the day for now.

25. Take out the recycling

If you have a big pile of recycling in your house or garage, you could use these few minutes to bring it in to the bottle depot and earn some money.

Then, you could go out for a quick coffee with that money you just made from the recycling, or save it for a rainy day.

26. Learn origami

Years ago I tried my hand at some origami, and I loved it. Though I’m not the most crafty or artsy person around, I still enjoyed getting my origami on.

If you want to learn how to do origami you don’t have to go out and buy some expensive kit from the get-go. Instead, do a quick Google or Youtube search on learning how to do origami and get started with paper that you have laying around the house.

27. Start a challenge

Starting a challenge is a great way to be productive with your spare time, but keep in mind that you’re going to have to find ways to fit that challenge into your everyday life from today on out until you’re finished the challenge.

You could choose something like a decluttering challenge ( like this one )  to do over the span of a few days, or you could choose a reading challenge or any other type of challenge that fits your personality.

28. Start dinner prep

Whatever time of day it is, if you are wondering what to do with your free time, starting dinner prep is always a good use of your time.

Even if you had plans of just making frozen pizza for dinner tonight, do a quick search on Pinterest or Google for some simple homemade dinner recipes and make a nice homemade dinner.

Even if you won’t have a whole lot of time at suppertime to make supper, you can still make a homemade dinner by starting the meal prep now . Prep everything you can right now – cook the meat, chop the veggies and make the salad, make the garlic bread, then when suppertime comes around all you have left to do is throw everything together and warm it up.

29. Declutter your house

I get that decluttering isn’t for everyone, and some people may think you need to set aside a solid week to declutter, but that’s not always the case.

If you wanted to do a thorough declutter of your house chances are that, yes, you would need to set aside a lot more time than just 10 minutes. But, if 10 minutes is all you have right now and you see a particular room or area in your house that needs tending to, take that time and work as fast as you can to get everything back in its correct place.

How to Declutter Your House in One Day

Make sure you have a “donate” bin with you at all times. Chances are, you’re going to come across at least a few things that you no longer need and could give away.

30. Start a blog

Of course I had to add this one to the list, since my blog got started while I had some spare time, and ended up growing to my full-time job from there.

Starting a blog, whether for a hobby or with intentions of making an income from it, can be an awesome way to use up your free time throughout the next while.

Who knows – you might start your blog and decide you want to give it your all and make it your main stream of income so you can work from home, or you may just want to start a blog for fun – either way, blogging is a great way to spend your time being productive.

You can start a blog for free on sites like Blogger and WordPress.com, but, if you want something that you can eventually make money off of with more customization options, you can use a site like SiteGround to start a blog (you can get hosting for less than $4 a month). There are many other hosting sites like SiteGround that you can certainly look into and compare prices – but  SiteGround is the one I use and highly recommend.

Learn how to start a blog here.

Related: 7 Decluttering Tips For Hoarders (and people who like to collect stuff) 9 Ways to Clean Your House Fast (in less than 30 minutes) 4 Unique Ways to Make Your House Smell Good All the Time

30 Productive Things to do With Your Spare Time

What are some things you like to fill your spare time with? I’d love to hear from you!

About the author, deliberately here.

Amy is a full-time wife, mother, business owner, and homemaker. Amy truly believes that homemaking is a ministry, and she has a passion for helping other moms who are overwhelmed with the day-to-day find peace and joy in even the most mundane tasks.

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How Teens Use Downtime to Connect, Distract or Reflect

Different choices for how young people use free time lead to different kinds of relief.

essay spend free time

By Lisa Damour

When pandemic-weary adolescents get to take a break, what should they do with themselves? The main aim, of course, should be to feel better after the break than before it. But different downtime choices lead to different kinds of relief. Adolescents (and adults) might want to reflect on the options for how they spend their free time — whether they’ve got 20 spare minutes today or can anticipate more unscheduled time in the weeks ahead.

Here’s a look at three ways teenagers tend to spend their downtime, and the particular benefits and challenges that come with each.

Connecting With the World Digitally

Young people often use their downtime to text with friends or check their social media accounts — and with good reason. Particularly under the restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic, teenagers rely on these platforms to connect with peers and to keep up with headlines . Spending time online might deliver the boost of an amusing exchange with a friend, a clever meme or good news about a favorite sports team. If it does, that makes for a restorative break.

But, of course, it can go another way.

Checking in on social media or the 24-hour news cycle is the psychological equivalent of sidling up to a slot machine. Hitting the jackpot — receiving digital love from a friend or finding an encouraging update about a vaccine — feels good. Pulling the lever and losing — whether that’s your messages being “left on read,” meaning the recipient doesn’t respond, or catching a depressing headline — is pretty much bound to happen from time to time.

For teenagers, especially in the context of the pandemic, turning to social media as a way to recharge can be a high-stakes gamble. Jill Walsh, a Boston University sociologist who studies technology use among adolescents, finds that having fewer in-person interactions has left many teenagers feeling “incredibly uncertain about their friendships.” Previously tolerable ambiguity in communications can now be highly distressing. Dr. Walsh notes that “getting a text that simply reads ‘k,’” — shorthand for OK that can be read as friendly, curt or angry — “can create a huge amount of emotional labor as a kid tries to figure out what it means.”

Before defaulting to downtime scrolling, teens might weigh the possibility of seeing a mood-lifting post against the chance that they’ll run into something distressing. A well-spent break should help to ease the mind; it shouldn’t open new tabs to worry over in our mental browsers.

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Free time activities essay 13 models

  • English essay
  • March 8, 2018

Free time activities essay

Free time activities essay contains many interesting  about how to spend leisure time in useful and interesting things at the same time. All of this will be found here in free time activities essay .

  • Free time activities essay

Many of us are bored in our spare time and find nothing to occupy ourselves with at those times ,and here we will offer you many activities that can be exploited in leisure time. This is here in free time activities essay .

Leisure time

Leisure time is considered one of the most problems experienced by young people in our time. They spend their time playing or sitting in front of television and computer screens without doing anything useful. Therefore, we will present in this article a set of activities that can be done to get rid of this problem.

How to spend your free time:

 Reading, where reading is one of the most beautiful and wonderful activities and useful works.In addition to the pleasure and entertainment that it adds to the life of the person,it also fills the mind with knowledge , science ,stories and useful novels .

A person can follow the style of reading in his life, either by buying books, making use of a free library card, or by exchanging books with his friends.

Writing, as this means has a great role in improving the psyche of the person and the translation of ideas and feelings and emptying them on paper.

 Man can adhere to this habit until it becomes an integral part of his life, and may develop this talent to become a well-known writer later.

 A person can begin to write about a particular event or turning point in his or her life, he can also write his diary, for example.

Writing poetry in its various forms and types.

 Sewing , a nice idea to start a sewing project, fashion design, knitting art pieces.

 Walking, it has multiple benefits to the health of the body, heart and blood vessels.

Drawing, which allows the person to translate the ideas in his head through the work of simple graphics, and can develop this talent through the lessons of learning online and available free of charge.

Cooking,   cooking skill is necessary and must be learned in life, and there is nothing more beautiful than to cook with your hands and make new and unfamiliar dishes.

The manufacture of various accessories and jewelry , which require multiple raw materials, and can learn this skill through learning lessons spread across the Web.

Fishing,   this is a good way to spend enjoyable time for people who live near the sea and the water bodies.

Taking photos , using specialized cameras or using a smartphone’s camera, so that people can take beautiful pictures of scenic and natural places.

To learn the chess , it is known that this game helps to increase thinking, raise the level of intelligence, in addition to being a good way to challenge the self.

My free time activities are walking and jogging. I love to share this hobby with others, especially with friends, after a long and hard school week.

I need nothing more than to drain my energy so that I can release the pressure and tension from within me. And renew my activity to return to school with all activity and vitality.

Walking is very wonderful, especially when you wake up early and start some warm-up with friends, have some interesting conversations, and then start doing sports.

I always find my day more energetic when I can get up early and do my exercises. I already feel the effect of the activity of the blood circulation, and the softness of the nerves and muscles, and I can relax without feeling any pain in my body resulting from pressure and tension.

Therefore, I like to do some sports activities during my spare time, whether with friends or on my own.

Free time activities paragraph

The activities I do in my spare time are many because of the area in which I live. My friends and I can go mountain bike tours, visit different places by bike and experience discovery. I also tend to try out some new practices like gymnastics, horseback riding, or playing tennis.

It is nice to take advantage of the free time and acquire some new skills. I love doing all these things but I’m still interested in short trips with friends that allow us to get to know each other more, and spend evenings and trips half a day or a full day together. That makes me very happy.

What do you do in your free time essay

I like to use my free time to do useful work, or practice a hobby that I like, therefore, I spend my spare time fishing, which is my favorite hobby.

Fishing is an interesting hobby and has many benefits, including that I enjoy watching the sea and its crashing waves, and also enjoying the fresh air. Then I finally get a meal of delicious fresh fish. Also, I don’t go fishing alone, I go with my best friend, we have a good time and we make use of the fish we caught.

A free time activity you enjoy essay

The activity I like to do in my spare time is cooking of all kinds, as I make all kinds of pizzas and sweets. I learned to cook from my aunt because she was working as a chef in a big hotel. When I was young I watched her cook and I was so happy. As I got older, I became more attached to this hobby until I became unable to do anything else. At the end of the year, I go to my aunt’s house to learn a number of new recipes, so that I can implement them in my next spare time.

How do you spend your free time essay

My name is (..). I have a brother who is two years younger than me, I am in (..) class . I like to spend my spare time in ice skating, all the children of the town practice ice skating in the winter season.

Snow covers everything in winter and the lakes in my town freeze. I like to spend my spare time in riding a Ski Bike or in traditional skating.

Sometimes I go with my father to the lake to catch fish. The lake is frozen so we must first sit inside our log cabin on the lake and dig a hole in the ice. And through this hole we can fish. I love spending such time with my father or my friends.

Every year I spend my spare time doing the same things. I am excited in the coming years to travel to other countries and discover more curious and interesting things.

Paragraph about free time activities

My name is (..). I have a family consisting of (..) people. I am (..) years old.

On vacation last year, my father told us about the importance of volunteering in charitable work and participating in social activities through which we can help others.

Therefore, we have some activities that we do whenever the opportunity arises, especially on vacations and holidays. Such as volunteering in hygiene campaigns and preserving the environment. Or visits to hospitals and provide psychological support to the patient.

So there is always a new person we get to know and try to make happy, or there is an area we share and work to improve the general appearance of it.

We often work on the sides of roads and rivers where some people throw rubbish there. Therefore, we share hygiene and hang awareness banners in these areas.

Sometimes we distribute some warning leaflets to them to preserve the environment in which they live. I love doing these activities very much and I hope they will manage.

Paragraph about how to spend your free time

I like to spend my time on normal days playing video games and roaming with my friends in the streets, Sometimes we go to parties to have fun.

But in recent weeks, that seemed to change a little, as I became involved in voluntary activities after joining a non-governmental charitable organization, which is interested in visiting orphaned children, children with burns, and children with cancer.

Since I joined this association, I no longer care about games as much as before. I work on picking positive words during conversation and showing love through jokes and hiding the side of pity that I used to show when I saw them, I knew that it was bad and made them upset.

I think after joining this association and doing some volunteer work with them that something has changed in me. I feel that I have become more mature and I love the volunteer work through which we raise the morale of many children who need this support.

My Favourite Free Time Activities Essay

I love photography very much. I own a Nikon D3500 camera. Not the best of the species, but it is very good and took many great shots.

I very much like to go out on holidays like summer vacation, or holidays from school and take some pictures of birds and landscapes. I teach in class (write your class here). Therefore, I do not practice my hobby a lot except on vacations only.

I love visiting natural areas and photographing some close-up shots of birds or people. I always go around looking for a special shot or an impressive scene that I can capture without affecting its beauty to be natural and unique.

I like to post my photos to my social media accounts. It gets a lot of praise and encouragement. When I grow up I hope to be this is my job.

Essay a free time activity you enjoy

Undoubtedly, free time is one of the times that everyone needs to practice some activities to unload the activity trapped inside them, so I like to volunteer in some non-governmental charities and visit cancer patients and support them.

Such activities impress me a lot and make me learn from their experiences and suffering to appreciate life, and how to live according to a healthy diet, which helps me prevent many diseases.

In the aspect of self-confidence, such visits always help me in developing my rhetoric and developing jokes to ease the suffering of others.

One of my ambitions in the future is to become a doctor and I would very much like to specialize in treating children. I like to deal with them a lot and I am very happy to relieve their psychological burdens.

I also like to go out on some volunteers to clean up my surroundings and participate in some seminars.

Essay about a free time activity you enjoy

I very much like to participate in volunteer activities that make me get to know others and share conversations with them and benefit from their experience a lot.

I may describe myself as a social person who loves all people and is very tolerant with myself. One of my best features is that I can notice details and keep them in my memory without forgetting them.

Therefore, I very much like to participate in non-governmental associations for the treatment of alcohol, or any kind of addiction, and some encouraging seminars for the injured.

I always find what I look for when other people talk about their pain and tell how it happened. I can benefit from this, and I liked a lot some of my posts that I recommended to some, and the advice was fruitful and useful.

I expect to benefit from my talent in the future, I may study psychiatric counseling or some thing like that.

Write a paragraph about your free-time activities

It is great for a person to have a variety of different activities that he does in his spare time. Such variety does not make me bored and always makes me excited to try some new things.

I love fishing very much, so I practice more than one different way of fishing, and I can find out the most suitable among them according to the season, direction and wind speed. I also love very much to play basketball and soccer.

The diversity of activities always makes me active and happy and I do not feel depressed, especially when I am passionate about hunting. I can enjoy a lot of fishing and forget about anything that bothers me.

I also love to research and learn my lessons before I study them. Therefore, I like to go to the library and read some historical books or books that may be related to my studies. This makes me more open to the subject we are studying and familiar with many aspects of it.

How to spend your free time essay

When asked how do you spend your free time? I find myself thinking about one thing, I really feel that I love nothing more than fishing, and watching TV programs that talk about the means, methods and seasons of fishing.

I love being on the beaches, or rivers, I can catch fish in more than one way, I like a lot to strive to catch the biggest fish and challenge my brother or father, and maybe some friends who share my love for this hobby.

What can I say, I think I’m obsessed with this hobby and I really like the idea that it became more popular on TV shows. I watched some competitions here and there, I hope in the future to participate in one and show my hunting abilities and talents.

We have provided you with Free time activities essay ,and you can read more through the following link:

  • Free time essay

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The Best Way To Spend Free Time Essay

Introduction University is your last summer holiday in a life time—this is a famous quote for Japanese freshman. The word ‘Summer holiday’ misleads you to a meaning of play and joy, but this quote means that university is your last opportunity where you can do what you want freely, so don’t regret your years. Now, there is a problem that rises here. What is a good way to spend university life? What is the best time usage? The answer for this is infinity. It is November now, half year has already passed since we have entered Keio University. In order to seek a better way to spend university life, we spotlighted on student’s lesson schedule and gained many opinions towards time usage. Firstly, we searched for Japanese statistics to explore …show more content…

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New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time - IELTS Writing Task 2


Updated On Aug 02, 2024


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The article provides a detailed overview of writing an IELTS Advantages/Disadvantages essay on 'New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time'. It includes essay structure, Band 7, 8 & 9 sample essays, and useful vocabulary.

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Table of Contents

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IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

Achieving proficiency in IELTS Writing Task 2 for questions like, ‘New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time’ poses a difficulty for numerous test-takers as it assesses the ability to write a well-structured and cohesive essay in response to a given topic. Hence, it is essential to enhance your essay writing abilities before undertaking the IELTS to ensure success.

In this task, you will be presented with an IELTS Advantages/Disadvantages essay prompt, where you are presented with a statement or opinion, and you are asked to either agree or disagree with it. To effectively prepare for the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is highly recommended to practice with a variety of sample essays. IELTSMaterial.com offers a comprehensive collection of IELTS Writing practice tests that can help you hone your essay writing skills and achieve a high score in the exam.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Structure Breakdown

Band 7 Sample Answer for IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

Currently, it is true that the way children spend their leisure time has been changed by new technology. While this has several benefits, In my opinion, the the drawbacks far outweigh them.

To begin with, computer games tend to be enjoyable for many kids and can potentially enhance their cognitive abilities. Strategic video games, for instance, compel players to hone their problem-solving aptitude and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. As a result, children who regularly play such games are likely to sharpen their logical reasoning and problem-solving prowess. Furthermore, the vast trove of easily accessible information online can benefit young people through early internet exposure. When children are able to surf the web from a young age, they can embark on the learning process sooner and accelerate their knowledge acquisition as they mature.

However, I would argue that the advantages discussed above are outweighed by the disadvantages. One main drawback is that children who enjoy spending time in front of the computer screen are often reluctant to do exercise. Low physical activity levels are likely to result in children becoming overweight, and in turn, they would end up being obese. In addition, some games tempt people to continue playing for hours, which could lead to gaming addiction. In role-playing games, for instance, people might need to stay in front of the computer for several hours in order to progress to higher levels, and therefore children may spend an excessive amount of time on games.

In conclusion, while there are some advantages to children spending time on advanced technologies, it seems to me that the disadvantages are more significant. Technology has been triumphant over sundry verticals nowadays which has modified the leisure time spent by the children around. (285 words)

Band 7 Vocabulary

Now check out some relevant vocabulary used in the above Band 7 IELTS Writing Task 2 sample essay on advantages and disadvantages of new technology.

  • Cognitive :

Meaning : Related to mental processes such as thinking, learning, and remembering.

Example : Engaging in chess or other strategic board games can enhance children’s cognitive development by stimulating critical thinking.

  • Strategic :

Meaning : Involving a plan or strategy to achieve a specific goal.

Example : Playing strategic sports, like chess or soccer, encourages children to think strategically and make quick decisions on the field.

  • Reluctant :

Meaning : Unwilling or hesitant to do something.

Example : Children who prefer indoor activities may be reluctant to participate in outdoor adventures like hiking or camping.

Meaning : Extremely overweight, often to the point of negatively affecting health.

Example : Unhealthy eating habits, combined with a lack of physical activity, can lead to children becoming obese over time.

  • Addiction :

Meaning : A compulsive and harmful dependence on a substance or activity.

Example : Excessive engagement in social media can lead to addiction, where individuals find it challenging to disconnect from online platforms.

  • Excessive :

Meaning : Going beyond what is necessary or normal.

Example : Spending an excessive amount of time on video games may result in children neglecting other important aspects of their lives.

  • Triumphant :

Meaning : Having achieved victory or success.

Example : The local soccer team was triumphant in the championship, celebrating their hard-earned victory.

Meaning : Various or diverse.

Example : Outdoor activities offer sundry options for children, from hiking and biking to exploring nature and playing team sports.

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Band 8 Sample Answer for IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

In today’s digital era, children’s leisure activities have undergone a profound transformation due to the pervasive influence of innovative technologies. While concerns about potential drawbacks are valid, I contend that the benefits derived from these technological advancements far outweigh any associated disadvantages for today’s youth.

The ubiquity of screens and digital interfaces has redefined how the younger generation engages with their free time, marking a paradigm shift in childhood experiences. Despite concerns about adverse effects, particularly excessive screen time, a judicious approach to technological integration, coupled with parental guidance, can effectively navigate these challenges. Concerns include potential hazards to physical and mental well-being, with research linking extended screen usage to decreased physical activity and an increased risk of obesity among children. Overexposure to digital interfaces is associated with potential setbacks in cognitive development, academic performance, and social skills. However, responsible technological use can mitigate these risks.

On the positive side, technology significantly benefits child development and learning. Educational applications and interactive games offer captivating alternatives to traditional learning methods, making subjects like math, science, and language more engaging. Video games, when approached responsibly, facilitate the development of problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and hand-eye coordination. Social media platforms and messaging applications serve as invaluable tools for maintaining connections in an interconnected world.

In conclusion, while adopting technology in children’s leisure activities raises concerns, the transformative potential for development and education cannot be overlooked. By carefully navigating risks through parental guidance and responsible usage, we can harness the myriad benefits that technology brings to the lives of today’s tech-savvy youth. (258 words).

Band 8 Vocabulary

Have a look at the IELTS Vocabulary for Band 8 sample answer on 'New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time'.

Meaning : Having deep significance or impact.

Example : The digital revolution has had a profound effect on how children experience leisure.

  • Pervasive :

Meaning : Spread widely and consistently throughout an area or group.

Example : Technology has become pervasive, influencing every aspect of children’s daily lives.

Meaning : The state of being present, appearing, or found everywhere.

Example : The ubiquity of smartphones highlights their integral role in contemporary society.

  • Paradigm Shift :

Meaning : A fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.

Example : The advent of digital technology represents a paradigm shift in how children engage with entertainment.

  • Judicious :

Meaning : Showing wisdom and good judgment in decision-making.

Example : A judicious approach to screen time involves balancing technology use with other activities.

Meaning : Harmful or unfavorable.

Example : Excessive screen time can have adverse effects on a child’s physical and mental well-being.

Meaning : To lessen the severity or impact of something.

Example : Parental guidance can help mitigate the potential risks associated with technology use.

  • Interactive :

Meaning : Involving communication or action between people or things.

Example : Educational apps provide an interactive learning experience for children.

  • Captivating :

Meaning : Attracting and holding the interest or attention.

Example : Video games with captivating storylines can engage children in constructive ways.

  • Invaluable :

Meaning : Extremely useful or indispensable.

Example : Social media has become an invaluable tool for staying connected with friends and family.

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Band 9 Sample Answer for IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

Technology has been triumphant over sundry verticals nowadays which has modified the leisure time spent by the children around. Although that comes along with the pace digitization has been moving ahead with and could prove advantageous in the same regard, however, it has its major share of drawbacks that supersedes its advantages in the long marathon. In the forthcoming paragraphs, this essay will analyze both sides.

There are a few pros to children putting their hours of free time in learning the advancement of the technologies and the modus operandi of the same as that keeps them moving and aligning with the dynamic world, especially, during current times. It enhances their digital knowledge that somehow has become the need of the hour in every walks of life. Using technology not only improves children’s technical skills, but also keeps them engaged and focused, enhancing their expertise in this area. For example, learning coding, programming, and web development expands their knowledge and prepares them for future job opportunities.

However, there are also significant downsides to children’s technology use. Exposure at a young age can be harmful to children’s development and thinking. Teens are more vulnerable to cybercrimes and phishing. Inappropriate content and sites can also do more harm than good. Heavy technology use has health risks. Violent graphics in games are another major concern. Certain dangerous games like “Bluewhale” have been banned after being linked to youth suicide. Overall, while technology has benefits, uncontrolled use at a young age poses risks of crime, inappropriate content, and physical and mental health issues.

All in all, it could be concluded that although technical expansion is a requirement right now, the pitfalls of children spending their free time on the same often overtakes its advantages and is riskier in the long run. (297 words)

Band 9 Vocabulary

Use the following Band 9 vocabulary while writing your essay on 'New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time' and improve your IELTS band score .

Example : The team was triumphant in the championship, celebrating their hard-fought victory.

Example : The museum displayed a sundry collection of artifacts from different cultures and time periods.

  • Digitization :

Meaning : The process of converting information into digital format.

Example : The rapid digitization of historical documents has made them more accessible to researchers.

  • Advantageous :

Meaning : Beneficial or favorable.

Example : Regular exercise is advantageous for maintaining good health and overall well-being.

  • Modus Operand i:

Meaning : A particular way of doing something; method or procedure.

Example : Detectives carefully analyzed the criminal’s modus operandi to solve the mysterious case.

  • Drawbacks :

Meaning : Disadvantages or negative aspects.

Example : Despite the benefits of remote work, there are drawbacks, such as potential feelings of isolation.

Meaning : Advantages or positive aspects.

Example : Pursuing a higher education degree has numerous pros, including expanded career opportunities.

  • Discernment :

Meaning : The ability to judge or understand things clearly.

Example : Developing discernment is crucial when evaluating the reliability of information in the age of misinformation.

Meaning : Skill or expertise in a particular area.

Example : A successful entrepreneur often possesses financial acumen, enabling them to make wise business decisions.

  • Proliferation :

Meaning : Rapid and widespread growth.

Example : The proliferation of social media platforms has changed the way people communicate and share information.

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Connectors Used in the Above Sample Answers of IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

Connectors, also known as connectives or transition words, are words or phrases that link ideas or parts of a sentence or paragraph together. Here are some of the connectors/linking words for writing used in the above sample answers:

  • Furthermore
  • In addition
  • On the flip side
  • On the positive side

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Nafia Zuhana is an experienced content writer and IELTS Trainer. Currently, she is guiding students who are appearing for IELTS General and Academic exams through ieltsmaterial.com. With an 8.5 score herself, she trains and provides test takers with strategies, tips, and nuances on how to crack the IELTS Exam. She holds a degree in Master of Arts – Creative Writing, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has worked with The Hindu for over a year as an English language trainer.

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How I Spent My Leisure Time (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


Meaningfully engaging in life is investing in the things that you enjoy doing most. What gives you much joy and inspires you? What makes you feel giddy and relaxed at the end of doing it?

This essay focuses on leisure activities. The author explains his uses of leisure time and encourages others to get involved in leisure activities that are both fulfilling and satisfying at the end of a long day.

To try your hand at doing a custom essay on how you spend your leisure time, we’d be happy to help you with our essay writing services .

How I Spend My Leisure Time Essay

I admit that I am a very busy person, but I still believe in finding time to unwind and do enjoyable things. I intentionally block off time for leisure in my calendar. I also make it a point to aside resources and plan meticulously to ensure I get maximum relaxation from it.

Leisure is important to mental and physical wellness and should be taken seriously. It is a conscious decision I make to ensure that I am able to experience it regularly. Taking time out renews my vigor to tackle the challenging tasks I come across daily, as I am able to take breaks to reflect on a few issues about life. I mostly plan my leisure time on the weekends so that I can make space for my family and friends.

This is a short description of how I spend my leisure breaks.

How I Make My Free Time Count

My favorite way to spend my leisure time would be to hang out with my friends at the beach. I enjoy the cool breeze from the ocean and watching people have fun on the shore. Walking along the shores of the beach calms my inner chaos. Occasionally, I collect seashells on the beach and bring them to my siblings. Most of these outdoor activities highly depend on how favorable the weather is.

Full body of anonymous barefoot female with flying hair standing on sandy coast near waving sea against colorful rainbow in nature

I also make the effort to make calls to friends I am unable to physically visit and check in on. Sometimes, the walks alone can take up my whole afternoon.

Other times, I like listening to the music albums of my favorite artists as I stroll along the beach. When the weather is hot, I like swimming on the beach or joining my friends to go fishing in deeper waters. Recently, I tried scuba diving and I liked the experience. I hope that I get to try it again soon. The breathtaking view of the reef is amazing. 

Sometimes, the weather confines me indoors, but that does not mean I cannot have a good leisure break.

If I am having my leisure getaway indoors, I like trying out new recipes and different cuisines from all over the world. Being busy in the kitchen trying out new dishes is enjoyable, to say the least. The meals don’t always turn out the way I expect them to, but the experience is always fun for me. 

Alternatively, I like reading non-fiction books, particularly those that talk about historical events, while relaxing on the couch. I like doing this with soft jazz playing in the background as I peruse through the pages.

At times, I also go to the cinemas and theaters and catch up on the latest movies and plays with friends. There are times when I just want to stay at home and catch up on my go-to shows. I like playing dance games competitively with my brother especially when he is in town. Although he is a better dancer than I am, we both enjoy the dance and have fun together.

Giraffes Standing on Grass Field Surrounded by Plants

I also travel to Africa annually and go on safaris or hike in the mountains. The experience is always great – from socializing with people of different cultures to watching animal wildlife in their natural habitat. The days I spend in Africa leave indelible memories in my mind and encourage me to save up to return and experience more.

The activities I mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg. I really like making the most out of my leisure breaks. All these experiences and memories push me to invest in rest.

I don’t know how you make use of your spare time, but I hope that you are using it well. It could simply be a matter of engaging in your hobbies, spending time with loved ones, soaking in nature, or even reading books. As long as it makes you feel happy and recharged by the time the next week rolls in, it is worth doing.

Different people have different kinds of preferences when it comes to maximizing their free time. There are so many activities to choose from – so there’s no excuse not to indulge in getaways for yourself.

Essay About A Leisure Time Activity

What do you do when you have so much free time that you can actually take extended time off?

I have had the blessing of enjoying a lot of free moments lately and it has given me the opportunity to get involved in the many things that give me joy. One of them is reading novels. I am a staunch fan of murder mysteries. I can never get enough breathers to go through them during a busy week at school, so my collection has been gathering dust at home. I have recently been able to finish two books each weekend, and I’m really enjoying it.

Another activity that I love doing is to write down my plans for the future. I don’t just mean plans for the next year. I like envisioning myself five or ten years from where I am and dreaming of what I’ll be able to accomplish by then.

Finally, I like playing games and indulging in recreational activities. Board games are a guilty pleasure for me. I recently rediscovered my love for classic Monopoly and word puzzles and have been challenging my family and friends for intense rematches on weekends.

What Are Popular Ways To Spend Leisure Time?

There are plenty of ways to wind down in your spare moments. There are those who get involved in competitive sports. Others want something more relaxing and simply hang out with family. More adventurous people travel to other parts of the world to experience and soak in another culture. Others write down their ideas. There are a rare few who spend days in the library looking to expand their knowledge on a certain topic or subject of interest. Then there are the more fun, casual, and popular group activities, such as karaoke, cocktails, hotel stays, and pampering trips.

Why Is Leisure Time Important?

Making space to relax and the wind is essential in making sure you can still excel in the other areas of your life. People say that rest is actually a life strategy. You don’t necessarily rest because you are lazy and don’t want to deal with your obligations. You get to rest for the ultimate good of those activities. It almost seems counterproductive, for example, to do a catnap the night before a heavy deadline. But ten minutes of sleep can actually re-energize your brain and refuel your creative juices so that you can power through the night and finish that requirement. Getting those breathers for yourself also protects you from burnout, which is a common ailment in today’s busy world where everything demands your time and attention. It gives you fresh starts, especially when you feel uninspired and stuck.

essay spend free time

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Essays About Time: Top 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

Essays about time involve looking into human existence and other intangible concepts. Check out our top examples and prompts to write an engaging piece about this subject.

Time entails many concepts that can be hard to explain. In its simplest sense, time is the period between the past, present, and future. It also encompasses every action or progression of events within those measures. Time never stops. It consistently ticks away, making it both a cruel teacher and an apt healer. It inspires many writers to write pieces about it, discussing time as a notion or an element in emotionally-driven compositions that both describe euphoric and heart-rending episodes. 

To aid you in writing a compelling piece, below are our top picks for great essays about time:


1. Time is Precious Essay by Anonymous on AreSearchGuide.com

2. an essay on time by david pincus, 3. time is money by supriya, 4. time waster by anonymous on exampleessays.com, 5. time management: using the less time to do more by anonymous on edubirdie.com, 1. how i spend my time, 2. what is time, 3. time and technology, 4. time management and procrastination, 5. if time doesn’t exist, 6. time as a currency, 7. the value of time, 8. time and productivity.

“Make most of your time and you will be rewarded ten folds of it, waste it and the little you have will be taken away, just like in the parable of talents.”

The essay begins with a convincing statement reminding the readers of the average life expectancy of a person to assert the importance of time. Then, in the later sections, the author answers why time is precious. Some reasons include time is always in motion, is priceless, and can never be borrowed. The piece also mentions why many “wait for the right opportunity,” not realizing they must plan first to get to the “right time.” Finally, at the end of the essay, the writer reminds us that balancing and planning how to spend time in all areas of life are critical to having a meaningful existence.

“I don’t know what time is, beyond a mysterious self-similar backdrop upon which we lead our lives. It is intricately woven across the scales of observation – from the quantum level to the phenomenological time of cultural revolutions.”

Pincus begins the essay with questions about time and then proceeds to answer them. Then, he focuses on time psychologically, relating it to traumas, disorders, and lack of meaning. In the next section, he discusses how psychotherapists use the concept of time to treat patients. 

In the last part of his essay, Pincus admits that he doesn’t know what time is but notes it’s akin to a thread that stitches moments together and anchors us through a complex world.

“Knowing how precious time is, we should never waste time, but make good use of it.”

Supriya’s essay is straightforward. After claiming that someone’s success depends on how they use their time, she gives an example of a student who studied well and passed an exam quickly. She follows it with more examples, referring to office workers and the famous and wealthy.

“Time is something you can’t have back, and should not be used to simply watch a computer screen for hours upon end.”

The writer shares one of his vices that leads him to waste time – technology, specifically, instant messaging. They mention how unproductive it is to just stare at a computer screen to wait for their friends to go online. They know many others have the same problem and hope to overcome the bad habit soon.

“I should strive for good time management skills which are essential to be learned and mastered in order to have a better personal and professional life… it can also help us learn more about self-discipline which is a crucial pillar for stable success… time management is a concept of balance and moderation of the things that are important to us.”

The essay affirms people need to protect time, as it’s a non-renewable resource. A great way to do it is by tracking your time, also known as time management. The writer shared their experience when they were a college student and how challenging it was to allocate their time between deadlines and other life demands. The following parts of the piece explain what time management is in detail, even recommending a tool to help individuals label their activities based on urgency. The following paragraphs focus on what the author learned about time management throughout their life and how they missed opportunities while continuously being stressed. Then, the last part of the essay suggests tips to conquer time management problems. 

Did you know that readability is critical to readers finishing your whole essay? See our article on how to improve your readability score to learn more. 

8 Writing Prompts For Essays About Time

Go through our recommended prompts on essays about time for writing:

In this essay, share how you use your time on a typical day. Then, decide if you want to keep spending your time doing the same things in the future. If not, tell your readers the reason. For instance, if you’re devoting most of your time studying now, you can say that you intend to use your future time doing other invaluable things, such as working hard to help your family.

Because there are many definitions of time, use this essay to define your interpretation of time. You can use creative writing and personify time to make your essay easy to understand. For example, you can think of time as a personal tutor who always reminds you of the things you should be able to finish within the day. For an engaging essay, use descriptive language to emphasize your points.

Essays About Time: Time and technology

List technologies that help people save time, such as smartphones, computers, and the internet. Delve into how these devices help individuals complete their tasks faster. On the other hand, you can also talk about how modernization negatively affects people’s time management. Like when they distract students and workers from completing their assignments.

Discuss reasons why people procrastinate. First, ensure to pick common causes so your readers can easily relate to your piece. Then, add tips on how individuals can battle dilly-dallying by recommending influential time management theories and models. You can even try some of these theories or models and tell your readers how they worked for you. 

Open a discussion about what can happen if there is no concept of time. Include what matters you think will be affected if time is abolished. You can also debate that time does not exist, that it’s just created by people to keep track of whatever they need to monitor. Finally, add your thoughts on the notion that “we only exist within an ever-changing now.”

Share your ideas of what can take place if we use “time” to buy food, pay rent, etc. You can also analyze that when we use our time to work, get paid for it, and then purchase our necessities, we’re technically exchanging our time to be able to buy what we need. A movie that used this theory is In Time , starring Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, and Cillian Murphy. You can write a review of this movie and add your opinions on it.

Everyone’s aware of the importance of time. For this prompt, delve into why time is precious. Write this essay from your perspective and probe how time, such as managing or wasting it, affects your life. You can also interpret this prompt by calculating the non-monetary or opportunity costs of spending time. 

Examine the direct relationship between time and productivity. Then, list productivity strategies schools and businesses use. You can also open a discourse about the number of hours workers are supposed to work in a week. For example, debate if you think a 40-hour full-time work week in America, results in more productive employees. Then, add other schedules from other countries and how it affects productivity, such as Denmark, Germany, and Norway, with less than 30 hours of the work week. 

Do you want to know how to convince your readers effectively? Read our guide on how to write an argumentative essay . Improve your writing skills; check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

English Summary

100 Words Essay On How I Spend My Free Time In English

Firstly, I am an avid reader. In my free time hence, I try to read as many books as I can to pass the time. 

I also watch shows to pass my time. I currently am, in fact, watching the BBC Sherlock series at the moment and am tremendously enjoying myself!

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Essay on “How I Spend My Free Time” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

How I Spend My Free Time

As a teenager, I spend my free time on what I enjoy doing. Over the weekends, I like to go paintball shooting in Desert Hot Springs at an old cement refinery. During the summer, I enjoy going to the Ganga River with family: All throughout the year, I like to spend my free time with my friend Hina. Through all these fun activities, I have gained to keep out of trouble, continue going to school, and maintain a good relationship as a boyfriend. On weekends, I like to gather up a couple of my guy friends and go paintball shooting. Paintball is like hunting only your hunting each other with paint.

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New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time - Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample

Updated: Mar 23

Write about the following topic:

New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time.

Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay in response to the prompt "New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?"

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Sample Essay 1

The advent of new technologies has significantly altered the landscape of children's leisure activities, presenting both opportunities and challenges. This essay posits that the benefits, including educational advancements and global connectivity, outweigh the drawbacks, such as reduced physical activity and potential for addiction. Key discussions will center on the educational value and fostering of global connections versus the risks of sedentary lifestyles and overdependence on technology.

New technologies have ushered in an era where information is at our fingertips, making learning more accessible and engaging for children. Educational apps and online platforms offer personalized learning experiences, catering to individual learning styles and speeds. For instance, interactive math games and virtual science labs make abstract concepts tangible, enhancing comprehension and retention. Moreover, the global village concept is now a reality for many children, who can easily interact with peers from across the globe, fostering cultural exchange and understanding from a young age. This exposure broadens their horizons, promoting empathy and global citizenship.

However, the sedentary lifestyle encouraged by excessive screen time is a growing concern, with implications for physical health. Studies suggest a correlation between prolonged screen use and obesity, a condition with long-term health consequences. Additionally, the instant gratification provided by video games and social media can lead to addiction, detracting from time that could be spent on physical activities or developing interpersonal skills. Yet, these challenges are not insurmountable. With mindful usage and parental guidance, the negative impacts can be mitigated, ensuring children reap the benefits of technology while maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

In conclusion, while acknowledging the potential downsides, it is evident that the advantages of new technologies in shaping children's free time are paramount. The key lies in harnessing these tools for educational enhancement and global connectivity, while actively addressing and managing the risks associated with sedentarism and dependence. By striking this balance, we can empower the next generation to navigate the digital world wisely and healthily.

Sample Essay 2

In our rapidly evolving world, advancements in technology have revolutionised the nature of children's leisure, introducing a digital shift in their routines. The contentious issue of whether the benefits of this transformation supersede its drawbacks is a topic that warrants scrutiny. This essay will argue that despite the potential pitfalls, the positive implications of this change, in terms of fostering creativity and facilitating learning, considerably outweigh the negatives.

To commence with, new technologies have given rise to an interactive world where children can foster their creativity and cognitive abilities. For instance, applications such as Minecraft or Roblox not only engage children during their free time but also promote their problem-solving skills, spatial reasoning, and creativity by encouraging them to build intricate structures and devise strategies. Moreover, a wealth of educational apps have been designed to gamify learning, thereby bridging the gap between leisure and education. Platforms like Khan Academy or Duolingo transform monotonous academic concepts into fun, engaging activities that stimulate intellectual curiosity.

However, it is important to acknowledge the potential downsides. Prolonged exposure to screens could lead to sedentary lifestyles, thereby contributing to obesity and other health issues. Additionally, the risk of children encountering inappropriate content or cyberbullying cannot be overlooked. Nevertheless, these disadvantages can be mitigated by parental supervision, limiting screen time, and promoting digital literacy from an early age. While these concerns are valid, they should not detract from the fact that new technologies have reshaped the way children spend their free time into more constructive and engaging pursuits.

In conclusion, while the advent of new technologies has undeniably brought about certain challenges in the context of children's free time, the advantages of this change are profoundly more significant. The shift towards a digital leisure landscape nurtures creativity, enriches learning experiences, and prepares the younger generation for a technology-driven future.

Sample Essay 3

The digital revolution has dramatically altered the landscape of children's leisure activities. While these technological advancements offer an array of recreational options, the question arises whether these benefits outweigh the potential harm, particularly regarding children's free time. I assert that, despite the potential advantages, the substantial health and social risks associated with these technologies cast a long shadow over their benefits.

On the one hand, the rise of the internet and digital devices has considerably broadened the scope of entertainment for children. Children can now engage in a myriad of activities ranging from watching movies, listening to music, to playing video games on diverse online platforms. Moreover, these platforms offer a unique opportunity for children to socialize with peers across the globe. Crucially, these interactive games stimulate cognitive development. They promote critical thinking, prompt decision-making, and augment creativity. For instance, strategy-based games like chess or Minecraft can aid in fostering these skills, contributing significantly to children's academic pursuits.

Despite these potential benefits, the drawbacks associated with the excessive use of technology are too significant to be dismissed. The sedentary lifestyle prompted by excessive screen time has led to escalating rates of obesity and high cholesterol levels among children. A report by the World Health Organization in 2022 revealed a direct correlation between increased screen time and obesity in children aged 5-14 years. Furthermore, the reliance on digital communication can lead to a gradual erosion of interpersonal skills. Over time, children might find face-to-face interaction challenging and might prefer the confines of their virtual world, leading to social isolation. For instance, a study by the American Psychological Association in 2023 indicated a decline in real-world social skills among frequent gamers.

To sum up, even though the advent of digital technologies provides children with diverse opportunities for entertainment and skill enhancement, the health implications and the potential harm to social skills are significant.

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