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Published by Robert Bruce at August 29th, 2023 , Revised On September 5, 2023

Biology Research Topics

Are you in need of captivating and achievable research topics within the field of biology? Your quest for the best biology topics ends right here as this article furnishes you with 100 distinctive and original concepts for biology research, laying the groundwork for your research endeavor.

Table of Contents

Our proficient researchers have thoughtfully curated these biology research themes, considering the substantial body of literature accessible and the prevailing gaps in research.

Should none of these topics elicit enthusiasm, our specialists are equally capable of proposing tailor-made research ideas in biology, finely tuned to cater to your requirements. 

Thus, without further delay, we present our compilation of biology research topics crafted to accommodate students and researchers.

Research Topics in Marine Biology

  • Impact of climate change on coral reef ecosystems.
  • Biodiversity and adaptation of deep-sea organisms.
  • Effects of pollution on marine life and ecosystems.
  • Role of marine protected areas in conserving biodiversity.
  • Microplastics in marine environments: sources, impacts, and mitigation.

Biological Anthropology Research Topics

  • Evolutionary implications of early human migration patterns.
  • Genetic and environmental factors influencing human height variation.
  • Cultural evolution and its impact on human societies.
  • Paleoanthropological insights into human dietary adaptations.
  • Genetic diversity and population history of indigenous communities.

Biological Psychology Research Topics 

  • Neurobiological basis of addiction and its treatment.
  • Impact of stress on brain structure and function.
  • Genetic and environmental influences on mental health disorders.
  • Neural mechanisms underlying emotions and emotional regulation.
  • Role of the gut-brain axis in psychological well-being.

Cancer Biology Research Topics 

  • Targeted therapies in precision cancer medicine.
  • Tumor microenvironment and its influence on cancer progression.
  • Epigenetic modifications in cancer development and therapy.
  • Immune checkpoint inhibitors and their role in cancer immunotherapy.
  • Early detection and diagnosis strategies for various types of cancer.

Also read: Cancer research topics

Cell Biology Research Topics

  • Mechanisms of autophagy and its implications in health and disease.
  • Intracellular transport and organelle dynamics in cell function.
  • Role of cell signaling pathways in cellular response to external stimuli.
  • Cell cycle regulation and its relevance to cancer development.
  • Cellular mechanisms of apoptosis and programmed cell death.

Developmental Biology Research Topics 

  • Genetic and molecular basis of limb development in vertebrates.
  • Evolution of embryonic development and its impact on morphological diversity.
  • Stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine approaches.
  • Mechanisms of organogenesis and tissue regeneration in animals.
  • Role of non-coding RNAs in developmental processes.

Also read: Education research topics

Human Biology Research Topics

  • Genetic factors influencing susceptibility to infectious diseases.
  • Human microbiome and its impact on health and disease.
  • Genetic basis of rare and common human diseases.
  • Genetic and environmental factors contributing to aging.
  • Impact of lifestyle and diet on human health and longevity.

Molecular Biology Research Topics 

  • CRISPR-Cas gene editing technology and its applications.
  • Non-coding RNAs as regulators of gene expression.
  • Role of epigenetics in gene regulation and disease.
  • Mechanisms of DNA repair and genome stability.
  • Molecular basis of cellular metabolism and energy production.

Research Topics in Biology for Undergraduates

  • 41. Investigating the effects of pollutants on local plant species.
  • Microbial diversity and ecosystem functioning in a specific habitat.
  • Understanding the genetics of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
  • Impact of urbanization on bird populations and biodiversity.
  • Investigating the role of pheromones in insect communication.

Synthetic Biology Research Topics 

  • Design and construction of synthetic biological circuits.
  • Synthetic biology applications in biofuel production.
  • Ethical considerations in synthetic biology research and applications.
  • Synthetic biology approaches to engineering novel enzymes.
  • Creating synthetic organisms with modified functions and capabilities.

Animal Biology Research Topics 

  • Evolution of mating behaviors in animal species.
  • Genetic basis of color variation in butterfly wings.
  • Impact of habitat fragmentation on amphibian populations.
  • Behavior and communication in social insect colonies.
  • Adaptations of marine mammals to aquatic environments.

Also read: Nursing research topics

Best Biology Research Topics 

  • Unraveling the mysteries of circadian rhythms in organisms.
  • Investigating the ecological significance of cryptic coloration.
  • Evolution of venomous animals and their prey.
  • The role of endosymbiosis in the evolution of eukaryotic cells.
  • Exploring the potential of extremophiles in biotechnology.

Biological Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Neurobiological mechanisms underlying memory formation.
  • Impact of sleep disorders on cognitive function and mental health.
  • Biological basis of personality traits and behavior.
  • Neural correlates of emotions and emotional disorders.
  • Role of neuroplasticity in brain recovery after injury.

Biological Science Research Topics: 

  • Role of gut microbiota in immune system development.
  • Molecular mechanisms of gene regulation during development.
  • Impact of climate change on insect population dynamics.
  • Genetic basis of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
  • Evolutionary relationships among vertebrate species based on DNA analysis.

Biology Education Research Topics 

  • Effectiveness of inquiry-based learning in biology classrooms.
  • Assessing the impact of virtual labs on student understanding of biology concepts.
  • Gender disparities in science education and strategies for closing the gap.
  • Role of outdoor education in enhancing students’ ecological awareness.
  • Integrating technology in biology education: challenges and opportunities.

Biology-Related Research Topics

  • The intersection of ecology and economics in conservation planning.
  • Molecular basis of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria.
  • Implications of genetic modification of crops for food security.
  • Evolutionary perspectives on cooperation and altruism in animal behavior.
  • Environmental impacts of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Biology Research Proposal Topics

  • Investigating the role of microRNAs in cancer progression.
  • Exploring the effects of pollution on aquatic biodiversity.
  • Developing a gene therapy approach for a genetic disorder.
  • Assessing the potential of natural compounds as anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Studying the molecular basis of cellular senescence and aging.

Biology Research Topic Ideas

  • Role of pheromones in insect mate selection and behavior.
  • Investigating the molecular basis of neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Impact of climate change on plant-pollinator interactions.
  • Genetic diversity and conservation of endangered species.
  • Evolutionary patterns in mimicry and camouflage in organisms.

Biology Research Topics for Undergraduates 

  • Effects of different fertilizers on plant growth and soil health.
  • Investigating the biodiversity of a local freshwater ecosystem.
  • Evolutionary origins of a specific animal adaptation.
  • Genetic diversity and disease susceptibility in human populations.
  • Role of specific genes in regulating the immune response.

Cell and Molecular Biology Research Topics 

  • Molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and repair.
  • Role of microRNAs in post-transcriptional gene regulation.
  • Investigating the cell cycle and its control mechanisms.
  • Molecular basis of mitochondrial diseases and therapies.
  • Cellular responses to oxidative stress and their implications in ageing.

These topics cover a broad range of subjects within biology, offering plenty of options for research projects. Remember that you can further refine these topics based on your specific interests and research goals.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are some good research topics in biology?

A good research topic in biology will address a specific problem in any of the several areas of biology, such as marine biology, molecular biology, cellular biology, animal biology, or cancer biology.

A topic that enables you to investigate a problem in any area of biology will help you make a meaningful contribution. 

How to choose a research topic in biology?

Choosing a research topic in biology is simple. 

Follow the steps:

  • Generate potential topics. 
  • Consider your areas of knowledge and personal passions. 
  • Conduct a thorough review of existing literature.
  •  Evaluate the practicality and viability. 
  • Narrow down and refine your research query. 
  • Remain receptive to new ideas and suggestions.

Who Are We?

For several years, Research Prospect has been offering students around the globe complimentary research topic suggestions. We aim to assist students in choosing a research topic that is both suitable and feasible for their project, leading to the attainment of their desired grades. Explore how our services, including research proposal writing , dissertation outline creation, and comprehensive thesis writing , can contribute to your college’s success.

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49 Most Interesting Biology Research Topics

August 21, 2023

In need of the perfect biology research topics—ideas that can both showcase your intellect and fuel your academic success? Lost in the boundless landscape of possible biology topics to research? And afraid you’ll never get a chance to begin writing your paper, let alone finish writing? Whether you’re a budding biologist hoping for a challenge or a novice seeking easy biology research topics to wade into, this blog offers curated and comprehensible options.

And if you’re a high school or transfer student looking for opportunities to immerse yourself in biology, consider learning more about research opportunities for high school students , top summer programs for high school students , best colleges for studying biomedical engineering , and best colleges for studying biology .

What is biology?

Well, biology explores the web of life that envelops our planet, from the teeny-tiny microbes to the big complex ecosystems. Biology investigates the molecular processes that define existence, deciphers the interplay of genes, and examines all the dynamic ways organisms interact with their environments. And through biology, you can gain not only knowledge, but a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things. Pretty cool!

There are lots and lots of sub-disciplines within biology, branching out in all directions. Throughout this list, we won’t follow all of those branches, but we will follow many. And while none of these branches are truly simple or easy, some might be easier than others. Now we’ll take a look at a few various biology research topics and example questions that could pique your curiosity.

Climate change and ecosystems

The first of our potentially easy biology research topics: climate change and ecosystems. Investigate how ecosystems respond and adapt to the changing climate. And learn about shifts in species distributions , phenology , and ecological interactions .

1) How are different ecosystems responding to temperature changes and altered precipitation patterns?2) What are the implications of shifts in species distributions for ecosystem stability and functioning?

2) Or how does phenology change in response to climate shifts? And how do those changes impact species interactions?

3) Which underlying genetic and physiological mechanisms enable certain species to adapt to changing climate conditions?

4) And how do changing climate conditions affect species’ abilities to interact and form mutualistic relationships within ecosystems?

Microbiome and human health

Intrigued by the relationship between the gut and the rest of the body? Study the complex microbiome . You could learn how gut microbes influence digestion, immunity, and even mental health.

5) How do specific gut microbial communities impact nutrient absorption?

6) What are the connections between the gut microbiome, immune system development, and susceptibility to autoimmune diseases?

7) What ethical considerations need to be addressed when developing personalized microbiome-based therapies? And how can these therapies be safely and equitably integrated into clinical practice?

8) Or how do variations in the gut microbiome contribute to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression?

9) How do changes in diet and lifestyle affect the composition and function of the gut microbiome? And what are the subsequent health implications?

Urban biodiversity conservation

Next, here’s another one of the potentially easy biology research topics. Examine the challenges and strategies for conserving biodiversity in urban environments. Consider the impact of urbanization on native species and ecosystem services. Then investigate the decline of pollinators and its implications for food security or ecosystem health.

10) How does urbanization influence the abundance and diversity of native plant and animal species in cities?

11) Or what are effective strategies for creating and maintaining green spaces that support urban biodiversity and ecosystem services?

12) How do different urban design and planning approaches impact the distribution of wildlife species and their interactions?

13) What are the best practices for engaging urban communities in biodiversity conservation efforts?

14) And how can urban agriculture and rooftop gardens contribute to urban biodiversity conservation while also addressing food security challenges?


Are you a problem solver at heart? Then try approaching the intersection of engineering, biology, and medicine. Delve into the field of synthetic biology , where researchers engineer biological systems to create novel organisms with useful applications.

15) How can synthetic biology be harnessed to develop new, sustainable sources of biofuels from engineered microorganisms?

16) And what ethical considerations arise when creating genetically modified organisms for bioremediation purposes?

17) Can synthetic biology techniques be used to design plants that are more efficient at withdrawing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

18) How can bioengineering create organisms capable of producing valuable pharmaceutical compounds in a controlled and sustainable manner?

19) But what are the potential risks and benefits of using engineered organisms for large-scale environmental cleanup projects?


Interested in learning more about what makes creatures tick? Then this might be one of your favorite biology topics to research. Explore the neural mechanisms that underlie complex behaviors in animals and humans. Shed light on topics like decision-making, social interactions, and addiction. And investigate how brain plasticity and neurogenesis help the brain adapt to learning, injury, and aging.

20) How does the brain’s reward circuitry influence decision-making processes in situations involving risk and reward?

21) What neural mechanisms underlie empathy and social interactions in both humans and animals?

22) Or how do changes in neural plasticity contribute to age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases?

23) Can insights from neurobiology inform the development of more effective treatments for addiction and substance abuse?

24) What are the neural correlates of learning and memory? And how can our understanding of these processes be applied to educational strategies?

Plant epigenomics

While this might not be one of the easy biology research topics, it will appeal to plant enthusiasts. Explore how epigenetic modifications in plants affect their ability to respond and adapt to changing environmental conditions.

25) How do epigenetic modifications influence the expression of stress-related genes in plants exposed to temperature fluctuations?

26) Or what role do epigenetic changes play in plants’ abilities to acclimate to changing levels of air pollution?

27) Can certain epigenetic modifications be used as indicators of a plant’s adaptability to new environments?

28) How do epigenetic modifications contribute to the transgenerational inheritance of traits related to stress resistance?

29) And can targeted manipulation of epigenetic marks enhance crop plants’ ability to withstand changing environmental conditions?

Conservation genomics

Motivated to save the planet? Conservation genomics stands at the forefront of modern biology, merging the power of genetics with the urgent need to protect Earth’s biodiversity. Study genetic diversity, population dynamics, and how endangered species adapt in response to environmental changes.

30) How does genetic diversity within endangered species influence their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions?

31) What genetic factors contribute to the susceptibility of certain populations to diseases, and how can this knowledge inform conservation strategies?

32) How can genomic data be used to inform captive breeding and reintroduction programs for endangered species?

33) And what are the genomic signatures of adaptation in response to human-induced environmental changes, such as habitat fragmentation and pollution?

34) Or how can genomics help identify “hotspots” of biodiversity that are particularly important for conservation efforts?

Zoonotic disease transmission

And here’s one of the biology research topics that’s been on all our minds in recent years. Investigate the factors contributing to the transmission of zoonotic diseases , like COVID-19. Then posit strategies for prevention and early detection.

35) What are the ecological and genetic factors that facilitate the spillover of zoonotic pathogens from animals to humans?

36) Or how do changes in land use, deforestation, and urbanization impact the risk of zoonotic disease emergence?

37) Can early detection and surveillance systems be developed to predict and mitigate the spread of zoonotic diseases?

38) How do social and cultural factors influence human behaviors that contribute to zoonotic disease transmission?

39) And can strategies be implemented to improve global pandemic preparedness?


Are you a data fanatic? Bioinformatics involves developing computational tools and techniques to analyze and interpret large biological datasets. This enables advancements in genomics, proteomics, and systems biology. So delve into the world of bioinformatics to learn how large-scale genomic and molecular data are revolutionizing biological research.

40) How can machine learning algorithms predict the function of genes based on their DNA sequences?

41) And what computational methods can identify potential drug targets by analyzing protein-protein interactions in large biological datasets?

42) Can bioinformatics tools be used to identify potential disease-causing mutations in human genomes and guide personalized medicine approaches?

43) What are the challenges and opportunities in analyzing “omics” data (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics) to uncover novel biological insights?

44) Or how can bioinformatics contribute to our understanding of microbial diversity, evolution, and interactions within ecosystems?

Regenerative medicine

While definitely not one of the easy biology research topics, regenerative medicine will appeal to those interested in healthcare. Research innovative approaches to stimulate tissue and organ regeneration, using stem cells, tissue engineering, and biotechnology. And while you’re at it, discover the next potential medical breakthrough.

45) How can stem cells be directed to differentiate into specific cell types for tissue regeneration, and what factors influence this process?

46) Or what are the potential applications of 3D bioprinting in creating functional tissues and organs for transplantation?

47) How can bioengineered scaffolds enhance tissue regeneration and integration with host tissues?

48) What are the ethical considerations surrounding the use of stem cells and regenerative therapies in medical treatments?

49) And can regenerative medicine approaches be used to treat neurodegenerative disorders and restore brain function?

Biology Research Topics – Final thoughts

So as you take your next steps, try not to feel overwhelmed. And instead, appreciate the vast realm of possibilities that biology research topics offer. Because the array of biology topics to research is as diverse as the ecosystems it seeks to understand. And no matter if you’re only looking for easy biology research topics, or you’re itching to unravel the mysteries of plant-microbe interactions, your exploration will continue to deepen what we know of the world around us.

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Mariya holds a BFA in Creative Writing from the Pratt Institute and is currently pursuing an MFA in writing at the University of California Davis. Mariya serves as a teaching assistant in the English department at UC Davis. She previously served as an associate editor at Carve Magazine for two years, where she managed 60 fiction writers. She is the winner of the 2015 Stony Brook Fiction Prize, and her short stories have been published in Mid-American Review , Cutbank , Sonora Review , New Orleans Review , and The Collagist , among other magazines.

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Image of the How Science Works diagram

How Science Works

This interactive module allows students and educators to document, annotate, and reflect upon scientific research processes.


Using Three-Dimensional Learning Cards in the Science Classroom

This activity provides three sets of cards that can be used to reflect on the nature and dimensions of science.  

An illustration entitled Model Builder showing arrows connecting different colored shapes

Model Builder

This interactive tool introduces students to building scientific models. Educators can use the tool to create assignments and, in some cases, automatically grade student models. 

Three overlayed scientific term organizer templates titled Term, Theory and Autotroph.  The Autotroph organizer has four quadrants labeled: definition, properties, examples and picture.

Learning Scientific Language with a Graphic Organizer

This activity guides students through learning and using key scientific terms, culminating in the creation of a customizable diagram.  

Data Explorer text on a background of charts and graphs

Data Explorer

This web tool provides a quick and easy way of visualizing and analyzing data without advanced technological requirements.

Illustration showing a mock science newspaper and science headlines appearing on a cell phone.

Evaluating Science in the News

In this activity, students evaluate a science news article to determine whether it is a trustworthy source of information.

A six-part image showing lightning, bees, cactuses, snakes, cancer cells, and a hurricane viewed from space.

What Is Life?

In this activity, students consider the challenges of defining life by sorting cards of living and nonliving things and comparing their characteristics.

An illustration of a group of men, women, and children each flexing an arm with a bandage on it.

Smallpox and the Immune System

This activity uses two short historically based stories about smallpox, told through comics, to motivate learning about the immune response, immune cells, and vaccines.

Animals graze on a vast grassland with shrubs in the foreground and trees and mountains in the distance.

Trees on the Serengeti

This activity explores images of tree growth in the Serengeti over time, which serve as a phenomenon for learning about and modeling species interactions in ecosystems.

Elephant walking

The Genetics of Tusklessness in Elephants

This video follows scientists working in Gorongosa National Park as they try to determine the genes responsible for tusk development in elephants.

An illustration of the small intestine showing areas of redness and inflammation.

Digestive System Card Sort

In this card activity, students investigate the functions of major digestive organs.

A split screen of the sickle cell trait presence in blood cells in response to malaria parasites.

Sickle Cell: Natural Selection in Humans

This film explores the evolutionary connection between an infectious disease, malaria, and a genetic condition, sickle cell disease.

Image of the Earth from the interactive


This interactive module explores biomes, climate, biodiversity, and human impacts around the globe and at different times.

Illustration of the phases of the cell cycle

The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Cancer

This interactive module explores the phases, checkpoints, and protein regulators of the cell cycle. The module also shows how mutations in genes that encode cell cycle regulators can lead to the development of cancer.

Photos of four lizards taken from the interactive.

Lizard Evolution Virtual Lab

This interactive, modular lab explores the evolution of the anole lizards in the Caribbean through data collection and analysis.

Overlapping globes, the icon of EarthViewer


This interactive module allows students to explore the science of Earth's deep history, from its formation 4.5 billion years ago to modern times.

3D model of the Ebola virus

Virus Explorer

This interactive module explores the diversity of viruses based on structure, genome type, host range, transmission mechanism, replication cycles, and vaccine availability.

Photosynthesis thumbnail


This multipart animation series explores the process of photosynthesis and the structures that carry it out.

Educator Voices

Hear how experienced science educators are using BioInteractive resources with their students. Discover implementation ideas, lesson sequences, resource modifications, quick tips, and more in this collection of videos and in-depth articles.

A screenshot from the first Crash Course episode, "What is life?"

Crash Course Biology in Collaboration with BioInteractive

HHMI BioInteractive is a proud collaborator on a new project that reimagines the original Crash Course Biology series. In this article, science communicator Hank Green discusses how this collaboration will deliver value for both students and teachers.

Elephants with tusks

Getting Students Asking Scientific Questions Using BioInteractive Resources

Asking scientific questions is a foundational skill that takes instructional support for students to develop. In this article, Bernice O'Brien outlines how she uses BioInteractive resources to get her students to formulate and refine scientific questions. 

An illustrated model showing the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis

Developing the Model Builder Web Tool

To develop our Model Builder web tool, BioInteractive worked with Jon Darkow, an educator with extensive experience in using models with his students. In this video and Q&A, Jon discusses the Model Builder features he’s most excited to share with other educators.

An owl

Evidence-Informed Tips for Using the Interactive Video Builder Tool

Our new  Interactive Video Builder  tool lets educators embed their own questions into our videos. In this Educator Voices article, Annie Prud’homme-Généreux details research-based strategies for designing effective interactive videos.

A lizard in a tree

A Virtual Animal Behavior Research Project for an Introductory Biology Course

Professor Melissa Haswell details a multiweek virtual model to develop basic scientific knowledge and skills using BioInteractive resources that culminates in an eight-week-long animal behavior research project.

Proteins involved in cell respiration

Modeling Cellular Respiration for Relevance and Reasoning Using BioInteractive Resources

In this Educator Voices article, professor John Moore describes a "backwards" approach to teaching energy use in cells that traces the process from ATP in use back through glycolysis. 

Immune System Primary and Secondary Responses

Teaching About the Cell Cycle, Immune System, and Cancer Using BioInteractive Resources

Getting students engaged in learning about the cell cycle can be difficult. In this Educator Voices article, educator Kathy Van Hoeck describes how she uses cancer as an anchoring phenomenon to spark student interest.

Teaching Support


Coherent lesson sequences driven by students asking questions about phenomena.

Illustration of a lightbulb with gears and a clock

Resource Playlists

Ordered sequences of BioInteractive resources for teaching a course, unit, or lesson.

Illustration of people watching a movie screen

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Howie with a calendar

New Online Professional Development Workshops

BioInteractive is offering free workshops for high school and undergraduate life and environmental science educators. All workshops are online, facilitated by Ambassadors, and include opportunities to interact with our resources and learn from other educators.

Green and blue half circle

HHMI Expands Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

HHMI is investing in increasing racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in academic science to create environments in which everyone can thrive.

Laura Bonetta giving a talk on stage

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Image of the website home page with the text "leading classroom resource for biology educators"

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Collection  10 March 2022

Top 100 in Cell and Molecular Biology

This collection highlights our most downloaded* cell and molecular biology papers published in 2021. Featuring authors from around the world, these papers showcase valuable research from an international community.

*Data obtained from SN Inights, which is based on Digital Science's Dimensions.

image of closeup of red cells

Antibacterial apple cider vinegar eradicates methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and resistant Escherichia coli

  • Darshna Yagnik
  • Malcolm Ward
  • Ajit J. Shah

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Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro by suppressing its receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, via aryl-hydrocarbon receptor signal

  • Keiji Tanimoto
  • Kiichi Hirota
  • Takemasa Sakaguchi

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Targeted clearance of senescent cells using an antibody-drug conjugate against a specific membrane marker

  • Marta Poblocka
  • Akang Leonard Bassey
  • Salvador Macip

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Catechin and curcumin interact with S protein of SARS-CoV2 and ACE2 of human cell membrane: insights from computational studies

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Classification and prediction of protein–protein interaction interface using machine learning algorithm

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Carvacrol exhibits rapid bactericidal activity against Streptococcus pyogenes through cell membrane damage

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SHP2 blockade enhances anti-tumor immunity via tumor cell intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms

  • Morvarid Mohseni
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Polyunsaturated ω-3 fatty acids inhibit ACE2-controlled SARS-CoV-2 binding and cellular entry

  • Aleksandra Niedzwiecki
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Arrayed CRISPR reveals genetic regulators of tau aggregation, autophagy and mitochondria in Alzheimer’s disease model

  • Robert V. Talanian

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Novel myostatin-specific antibody enhances muscle strength in muscle disease models

  • Hiroyasu Muramatsu
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Serine 477 plays a crucial role in the interaction of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein with the human receptor ACE2

  • Georg Steinkellner
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Improved methods for RNAseq-based alternative splicing analysis

  • Rebecca F. Halperin
  • Apurva Hegde
  • Nicholas J. Schork

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SIRT1 promotes lipid metabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis in adipocytes and coordinates adipogenesis by targeting key enzymatic pathways

  • Yasser Majeed
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A directional 3D neurite outgrowth model for studying motor axon biology and disease

  • Xandor M. Spijkers
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Structural insights into SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and its natural mutants found in Mexican population

  • Yudibeth Sixto-López
  • José Correa-Basurto
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Lipid bilayer degradation induced by SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as revealed by neutron reflectometry

  • Alessandra Luchini
  • Samantha Micciulla
  • Giovanna Fragneto

case study biology topics

Scale-up fermentation of Escherichia coli for the production of recombinant endoglucanase from Clostridium thermocellum

  • Iram Shahzadi
  • Maryam A. Al-Ghamdi
  • Imran Kazmi

case study biology topics

Drug design and repurposing with DockThor-VS web server focusing on SARS-CoV-2 therapeutic targets and their non-synonym variants

  • Isabella A. Guedes
  • Leon S. C. Costa
  • Laurent E. Dardenne

case study biology topics

Ultraviolet radiation protection potentials of Methylene Blue for human skin and coral reef health

  • Zheng-Mei Xiong
  • Xiaojing Mao

case study biology topics

ABBV-744 as a potential inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 main protease enzyme against COVID-19

  • Zeynab Fakhar
  • Aijaz Ahmad

case study biology topics

Green synthesis of selenium nanoparticles mediated from Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb extract and its cytotoxicity, antimicrobial, mosquitocidal and photocatalytic activities

  • Vetrivel Cittrarasu
  • Durairaj Kaliannan
  • Maruthupandian Arumugam

case study biology topics

Random forest classification for predicting lifespan-extending chemical compounds

  • Sofia Kapsiani
  • Brendan J. Howlin

case study biology topics

Development, characterization, and applications of multi-material stereolithography bioprinting

  • Bagrat Grigoryan
  • Daniel W. Sazer
  • Jordan S. Miller

case study biology topics

Biosynthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles using Brazilian red propolis and evaluation of its antimicrobial and anticancer activities

  • C. E. A. Botteon
  • L. B. Silva
  • P. D. Marcato

case study biology topics

Reporter gene comparison demonstrates interference of complex body fluids with secreted luciferase activity

  • B. A. C. Housmans
  • P. M. van der Kraan

case study biology topics

High-resolution transcriptional landscape of xeno-free human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cerebellar organoids

  • Samuel Nayler
  • Devika Agarwal
  • Esther B. E. Becker

case study biology topics

Proteome-wide profiling and mapping of post translational modifications in human hearts

  • Navratan Bagwan
  • Henrik H. El Ali
  • Alicia Lundby

case study biology topics

Three-dimensional ultrastructure of giant mitochondria in human non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

  • Gerald J. Shami
  • Delfine Cheng
  • Filip Braet

case study biology topics

Zbp1-positive cells are osteogenic progenitors in periodontal ligament

  • Tsugumi Ueda
  • Tomoaki Iwayama
  • Shinya Murakami

case study biology topics

Neurotropic influenza A virus infection causes prion protein misfolding into infectious prions in neuroblastoma cells

  • Hideyuki Hara
  • Junji Chida
  • Suehiro Sakaguchi

case study biology topics

Self-organization and culture of Mesenchymal Stem Cell spheroids in acoustic levitation

  • Nathan Jeger-Madiot
  • Lousineh Arakelian
  • Jean-Luc Aider

case study biology topics

Blockade of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-mediated cell–cell fusion using COVID-19 convalescent plasma

case study biology topics

Systematic evaluation of multiple qPCR platforms, NanoString and miRNA-Seq for microRNA biomarker discovery in human biofluids

  • Lewis Z. Hong
  • Shian-Jiun Shih

case study biology topics

Ionizing radiation exposure of stem cell-derived chondrocytes affects their gene and microRNA expression profiles and cytokine production

  • Ewelina Stelcer
  • Katarzyna Kulcenty
  • Wiktoria Maria Suchorska

case study biology topics

Improved functional properties of meat analogs by laccase catalyzed protein and pectin crosslinks

  • Kiyota Sakai
  • Yukihide Sato
  • Shotaro Yamaguchi

case study biology topics

Delivery of functional exogenous proteins by plant-derived vesicles to human cells in vitro

  • Luiza Garaeva
  • Roman Kamyshinsky
  • Tatiana Shtam

case study biology topics

Identification of germ cell-specific Mga variant mRNA that promotes meiosis via impediment of a non-canonical PRC1

  • Yuka Kitamura
  • Kousuke Uranishi
  • Akihiko Okuda

case study biology topics

Modified recombinant human erythropoietin with potentially reduced immunogenicity

  • Thanutsorn Susantad
  • Mayuree Fuangthong
  • Ram Sasisekharan

case study biology topics

Discovery of a new class of integrin antibodies for fibrosis

  • Masahisa Handa

case study biology topics

DSS-induced colitis is associated with adipose tissue dysfunction and disrupted hepatic lipid metabolism leading to hepatosteatosis and dyslipidemia in mice

  • Jeonghyeon Kwon
  • Chungho Lee
  • Chang-Kee Hyun

case study biology topics

Activation of NF-κB and induction of proinflammatory cytokine expressions mediated by ORF7a protein of SARS-CoV-2

  • Chia-Ming Su
  • Dongwan Yoo

case study biology topics

Development of a target identification approach using native mass spectrometry

  • Miaomiao Liu
  • Wesley C. Van Voorhis
  • Ronald J. Quinn

case study biology topics

Optimized design parameters for CRISPR Cas9 and Cas12a homology-directed repair

  • Mollie S. Schubert
  • Bernice Thommandru
  • Garrett R. Rettig

case study biology topics

Single-cell differential splicing analysis reveals high heterogeneity of liver tumor-infiltrating T cells

  • Biaofeng Zhou
  • Shiping Liu

case study biology topics

Generation of proliferating human adult hepatocytes using optimized 3D culture conditions

  • Sophie Rose
  • Frédéric Ezan
  • Georges Baffet

case study biology topics

Evaluation of microalgae polysaccharides as biostimulants of tomato plant defense using metabolomics and biochemical approaches

  • Farid Rachidi
  • Redouane Benhima
  • Hicham El Arroussi

case study biology topics

Detection and quantification of γ-H2AX using a dissociation enhanced lanthanide fluorescence immunoassay

  • Felicite K. Noubissi
  • Amber A. McBride
  • Sandra M. Davern

case study biology topics

Unraveling the stability landscape of mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain

  • Mohamed Raef Smaoui
  • Hamdi Yahyaoui

case study biology topics

A comprehensive analysis of novel disulfide bond introduction site into the constant domain of human Fab

  • Hitomi Nakamura
  • Moeka Yoshikawa
  • Takatoshi Ohkuri

case study biology topics

Homology between SARS CoV-2 and human proteins

  • Vladimir Khavinson
  • Alexander Terekhov
  • Alexander Maryanovich

case study biology topics

A genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screen to identify phagocytosis modulators in monocytic THP-1 cells

  • Benjamin Lindner
  • Michael Schuler

case study biology topics

PTEN loss promotes oncogenic function of STMN1 via PI3K/AKT pathway in lung cancer

  • Guangsu Xun

case study biology topics

Development of a yeast cell surface display method using the SpyTag/SpyCatcher system

  • Kaho Kajiwara
  • Wataru Aoki
  • Mitsuyoshi Ueda

case study biology topics

The dimer-monomer equilibrium of SARS-CoV-2 main protease is affected by small molecule inhibitors

  • Lucia Silvestrini
  • Norhan Belhaj
  • Francesco Spinozzi

case study biology topics

In-depth transcriptomic analysis of human retina reveals molecular mechanisms underlying diabetic retinopathy

  • Kolja Becker
  • Holger Klein
  • Remko A. Bakker

case study biology topics

Identification of extracellular matrix proteins secreted by human dermal fibroblasts cultured in 3D electrospun scaffolds

  • Atena Malakpour-Permlid
  • Irina Buzzi
  • Stina Oredsson

case study biology topics

Novel methods to establish whole-body primary cell cultures for the cnidarians Nematostella vectensis and Pocillopora damicornis

  • James D. Nowotny
  • Michael T. Connelly
  • Nikki Traylor-Knowles

case study biology topics

Culture and differentiation of rabbit intestinal organoids and organoid-derived cell monolayers

  • Michael Frese
  • Robyn N. Hall

case study biology topics

Cannabidiol induces autophagy via ERK1/2 activation in neural cells

  • Talita A. M. Vrechi
  • Anderson H. F. F. Leão
  • Gustavo J. S. Pereira

case study biology topics

Seaweed cellulose scaffolds derived from green macroalgae for tissue engineering

  • Nurit Bar-Shai
  • Orna Sharabani-Yosef
  • Alexander Golberg

case study biology topics

Outer membrane vesicles containing OmpA induce mitochondrial fragmentation to promote pathogenesis of Acinetobacter baumannii

  • Varnesh Tiku
  • Eric M. Kofoed
  • Man-Wah Tan

case study biology topics

A scaffold-free approach to cartilage tissue generation using human embryonic stem cells

  • Lauren A. Griffith
  • Katherine M. Arnold
  • Franchesca D. Houghton

case study biology topics

The Penn State Protein Ladder system for inexpensive protein molecular weight markers

  • Ryan T. Santilli
  • John E. Williamson III

case study biology topics

Inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase activity impairs human T cell activation and function

  • Claudia Nastasi
  • Andreas Willerlev-Olsen
  • Anders Woetmann

case study biology topics

Glucose confers protection to Escherichia coli against contact killing by Vibrio cholerae

  • Cristian V. Crisan
  • Holly L. Nichols
  • Brian K. Hammer

case study biology topics

Novel standardized method for extracellular flux analysis of oxidative and glycolytic metabolism in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

  • Joëlle J. E. Janssen
  • Bart Lagerwaard
  • Vincent C. J. de Boer

case study biology topics

3D bioprinting of hepatocytes: core–shell structured co-cultures with fibroblasts for enhanced functionality

  • Rania Taymour
  • David Kilian

case study biology topics

Role of miRNAs shuttled by mesenchymal stem cell-derived small extracellular vesicles in modulating neuroinflammation

  • Debora Giunti
  • Chiara Marini
  • Antonio Uccelli

case study biology topics

Isolation of viable Babesia bovis merozoites to study parasite invasion

  • Hassan Hakimi
  • Masahito Asada
  • Shinichiro Kawazu

case study biology topics

Nutritional, phytochemical, and in vitro anticancer potential of sugar apple ( Annona squamosa ) fruits

  • Mohamed Gamal Shehata
  • Marwa Muhammad Abu-Serie
  • Sobhy Ahmed El-Sohaimy

case study biology topics

AptaNet as a deep learning approach for aptamer–protein interaction prediction

  • Reza Ferdousi

case study biology topics

Comprehensive virtual screening of 4.8 k flavonoids reveals novel insights into allosteric inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 M PRO

  • Gabriel Jiménez-Avalos
  • A. Paula Vargas-Ruiz
  • COVID-19 Working Group in Perú

case study biology topics

Comparison of the sensitivity of Western blotting between PVDF and NC membranes

  • Yufang Xiang
  • Yuanyuan Zheng
  • Weijie Dong

case study biology topics

Elovanoids downregulate SARS-CoV-2 cell-entry, canonical mediators and enhance protective signaling in human alveolar cells

  • Jorgelina M. Calandria
  • Surjyadipta Bhattacharjee
  • Nicolas G. Bazan

case study biology topics

The post-translational modification landscape of commercial beers

  • Edward D. Kerr
  • Christopher H. Caboche
  • Benjamin L. Schulz

case study biology topics

Anticancer potential of rhizome extract and a labdane diterpenoid from Curcuma mutabilis plant endemic to Western Ghats of India

  • T. Lakshmipriya
  • P. R. Manish Kumar

case study biology topics

Chemotaxis and swarming in differentiated HL-60 neutrophil-like cells

  • Kehinde Adebayo Babatunde
  • Daniel Irimia

case study biology topics

Integrated, automated maintenance, expansion and differentiation of 2D and 3D patient-derived cellular models for high throughput drug screening

  • Ibrahim Boussaad
  • Gérald Cruciani
  • Rejko Krüger

case study biology topics

In vitro synthesis of 32 translation-factor proteins from a single template reveals impaired ribosomal processivity

  • David Foschepoth
  • Christophe Danelon

case study biology topics

Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals resistant and susceptible genes in tobacco cultivars in response to infection by Phytophthora nicotianae

  • Mingming Sun
  • Yuanying Wang

case study biology topics

Protocol for preparation of heterogeneous biological samples for 3D electron microscopy: a case study for insects

  • Alexey A. Polilov
  • Anastasia A. Makarova
  • Harald Hess

case study biology topics

Downregulation of E-cadherin in pluripotent stem cells triggers partial EMT

  • A. Lombardi

case study biology topics

Identification of the first highly selective inhibitor of human lactate dehydrogenase B

  • Sachio Shibata
  • Satoshi Sogabe
  • Tomoyoshi Soga

case study biology topics

Estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRα) is a key regulator of intestinal homeostasis and protects against colitis

  • Charlotte Scholtes

case study biology topics

Precision modification of the human gut microbiota targeting surface-associated proteins

  • Raquel Marcos-Fernández
  • Lorena Ruiz
  • Borja Sánchez

case study biology topics

Test conditions can significantly affect the results of in vitro cytotoxicity testing of degradable metallic biomaterials

  • Eva Jablonská
  • Jiří Kubásek

case study biology topics

A systems pharmacology approach to identify the autophagy-inducing effects of Traditional Persian medicinal plants

  • Pouria Mosaddeghi
  • Mahboobeh Eslami
  • Younes Ghasemi

case study biology topics

Molecular dynamics and in silico mutagenesis on the reversible inhibitor-bound SARS-CoV-2 main protease complexes reveal the role of lateral pocket in enhancing the ligand affinity

  • Ying Li Weng
  • Shiv Rakesh Naik
  • Aravindhan Ganesan

case study biology topics

Cysteine: an overlooked energy and carbon source

  • Luise Göbbels
  • Anja Poehlein
  • Marie Charlotte Schoelmerich

case study biology topics

Generation of somatic mitochondrial DNA-replaced cells for mitochondrial dysfunction treatment

  • Hideki Maeda
  • Daisuke Kami
  • Satoshi Gojo

case study biology topics

In silico investigation of critical binding pattern in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein with angiotensin-converting enzyme 2

  • Farzaneh Jafary
  • Sepideh Jafari
  • Mohamad Reza Ganjalikhany

case study biology topics

Flexibility and mobility of SARS-CoV-2-related protein structures

  • Rudolf A. Römer
  • Navodya S. Römer
  • A. Katrine Wallis

case study biology topics

The effect of acute moderate-intensity exercise on the serum and fecal metabolomes and the gut microbiota of cross-country endurance athletes

  • Mariangela Tabone
  • Carlo Bressa
  • Mar Larrosa

case study biology topics

Bloom syndrome DNA helicase deficiency is associated with oxidative stress and mitochondrial network changes

  • Veena Subramanian
  • Brian Rodemoyer
  • Kristina H. Schmidt

case study biology topics

Robust and accurate prediction of protein–protein interactions by exploiting evolutionary information

  • Yan-Bin Wang

case study biology topics

Iron supplementation regulates the progression of high fat diet induced obesity and hepatic steatosis via mitochondrial signaling pathways

  • Naho Kitamura
  • Yoko Yokoyama
  • Mitsuhiro Watanabe

case study biology topics

Kokumi taste perception is functional in a model carnivore, the domestic cat ( Felis catus )

  • A. Laffitte
  • S. J. McGrane

case study biology topics

Decoding empagliflozin’s molecular mechanism of action in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction using artificial intelligence

  • Antoni Bayes-Genis
  • Oriol Iborra-Egea
  • Josep Lupón

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569 Biology Research Topics & Cool Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 3860 words
  • Icon Clock 18 min read

Biology research topics include many aspects of living beings, from molecular interactions to ecosystem dynamics. Some themes delve into the secrets of genetics, studying the subtle dance of DNA and RNA to understand heredity and mutation. Other topics cover the realm of microbiology, examining bacteria, viruses, and fungi that are essential to life and yet can cause disease. In neuroscience, people can explore the brain’s complex networks, probing consciousness and memory. Ecological research illuminates the delicate balance of life on the planet, investigating species interactions, climate change impacts, and conservation strategies. Cell biology research uncovers the inner world of the cells, elucidating various processes, such as protein synthesis, cell division, and signal transduction. Therefore, biology research topics form the core concepts of how the biological world works, a field forever expanding human understanding of life in all its beautiful complexity.

Good Biology Research Topics

  • Cellular Respiration and Energy Conversion Mechanisms
  • Protein Structure and Its Influence on Function
  • Epigenetics: An Exploration of Hereditary Changes
  • Plant Defense Mechanisms Against Pathogens
  • Circadian Rhythms in Humans and Animals
  • Neural Plasticity and Cognitive Function
  • Studying Gene-Environment Interactions in Disease
  • Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics
  • Human Microbiome: Implications for Health
  • Regulation of Cell Growth and Cancer
  • Ecology of Invasive Species
  • Investigation Into Prion Diseases
  • Plant Photosynthesis and Climate Change
  • Deciphering the Human Genome
  • Genetic Basis of Behavioral Traits
  • Stem Cells: Potential and Limitations
  • Immunology: Unraveling Allergic Responses
  • Ocean Acidification and Marine Life
  • Probiotics and Gut Health
  • Epigenetic Factors in Aging

Biology Research Topics & Cool Ideas

Easy Biology Research Topics

  • Understanding Photosynthesis: The Green Magic
  • Investigating the Life Cycle of a Butterfly
  • Bird Migration Patterns and Causes
  • Life in a Drop: Exploring Pond Microorganisms
  • Exploring Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
  • Mendel’s Laws: Studying Genetics in Pea Plants
  • Food Chains and Energy Flow in Ecosystems
  • Cell Structure: Uncovering the Building Blocks of Life
  • Human Digestive System: From Bite to Nutrient
  • How Does DNA Replication Work?
  • Circulatory System: A Journey Through the Human Body
  • Mushroom Lifecycle: An Investigation
  • Tree Rings Tell a Story: Dendrochronology Basics
  • Understanding the Human Eye: Vision Mechanics
  • Adaptations: How Do Animals Survive in the Arctic?
  • Coral Reefs: An Ecosystem Underwater
  • Flower Pollination: The Work of Bees
  • Why Do Leaves Change Color in Autumn?
  • Mitosis: The Process of Cell Division

Interesting Biology Topics

  • Symbiotic Relationships in Nature
  • Mysteries of Bioluminescence
  • Pandemics: Influenza and Beyond
  • Neuroplasticity: Brain’s Adaptability
  • Venomous Creatures and Their Defense Mechanisms
  • Fermentation Process in Brewing
  • Epigenetics: Beyond the DNA Sequence
  • Journey Into the Human Genome
  • Biodiversity in the Rainforest
  • Life at the Extremes: Organisms in Deep Sea Vents
  • Biomimicry: Nature’s Design Genius
  • Invasive Species: Consequences and Control
  • Plant Communication: More than Meets the Eye
  • Stem Cells: Hope and Hype
  • Human Microbiome: We Are Not Alone
  • Camouflage and Mimicry in Nature
  • Circadian Rhythms: The Body’s Internal Clock
  • Probiotics: Beneficial Microorganisms
  • Endangered Species: Conserving Biodiversity
  • Cloning: Ethical and Biological Considerations

Biology Research Topics for High School

  • Genetics and Inheritance Patterns
  • Photosynthesis: Life’s Solar Panel
  • Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis
  • Human Immune System: Body’s Defense
  • Ecology: Ecosystems and Food Webs
  • Exploring the Animal Kingdom
  • Plant Life: From Seed to Flower
  • Bird Migration Patterns
  • Endocrine System: Hormones at Work
  • Aquatic Biomes: Life Underwater
  • Genetic Engineering: Pros and Cons
  • Taste and Smell: Sensory Biology
  • Principles of Evolution
  • Nutrition and Digestion
  • Biotechnology and Its Applications
  • Human Brain: Anatomy and Function
  • Mitochondria: Powerhouse of the Cell
  • Aquatic Pollution: Effects on Marine Life
  • Disease Transmission: Viruses and Bacteria
  • DNA and RNA: The Code of Life

Biology Research Topics for College Students

  • Biological Effects of Climate Change
  • Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms
  • Behavioral Ecology: Studying Animal Behavior
  • Nanotechnology in Biology
  • Understanding Human Aging Process
  • Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
  • Exploration of Marine Biodiversity
  • Ecological Impact of Invasive Species
  • Cancer Biology: Mechanisms and Treatments
  • Symbiosis in Nature: A Detailed Study
  • Molecular Biology of Prions
  • Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Bioinformatics: Analyzing Biological Data
  • Plant Genetic Engineering for Food Security
  • Biochemistry of Metabolism
  • Developmental Biology: From Zygote to Organism
  • Neuroscience: Understanding the Human Brain
  • Protein Structure and Function

Biology Research Topics for University

  • Human Genomics: Decoding Our DNA
  • Molecular Mechanisms of Diseases
  • Microbiology of Extreme Environments
  • Neuroplasticity and Learning
  • Antibiotic Resistance: A Growing Threat
  • Plant Responses to Environmental Stress
  • Paleobiology: Reading Fossils for Evolutionary Patterns
  • Nanomedicine: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Advanced Immunology: Understanding Immune System
  • Cellular Mechanisms of Aging
  • Parasitology: Life Cycle and Host Interaction
  • Bioengineering: Bridging Biology and Technology
  • Comparative Anatomy: Insights Into Evolution
  • Endocrinology: Hormones and Health
  • Biology of Sex and Gender
  • Bioluminescence in Marine Organisms
  • Understanding Genetic Disorders
  • Molecular Virology: Viruses and Host Interactions
  • Genetics of Human Population Variation
  • Microbial Ecology: Microbes in Ecosystems

Human Biology Research Topics

  • Human Brain Mapping: Unraveling the Mysteries
  • Genetic Basis of Human Diseases
  • Stem Cells: Promise and Challenge in Medicine
  • Epigenetic Modifications in Human Health and Disease
  • Aging Process: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms
  • Biotechnology in Human Reproduction
  • Neuroendocrinology: Interactions of Brain and Hormones
  • Genomics and Personalized Medicine
  • Environmental Influences on Human Health
  • Challenges in Transplantation Biology
  • Physiological Basis of Human Nutrition
  • Molecular Basis of Human Cancer
  • Immunotherapy: New Frontiers in Treatment
  • Genetic and Environmental Factors in Obesity
  • Deciphering the Human Microbiome
  • Longevity and Lifespan Extension
  • Circadian Rhythms in Human Biology
  • Biological Markers in Neuropsychiatry
  • Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Diseases
  • Metabolic Syndrome: Interconnected Health Issues

Immune System Biology Topics to Research

  • Deciphering the Role of Innate Immunity in Autoimmune Diseases
  • Impact of Aging on Adaptive Immune Response
  • Toll-Like Receptors and Their Contribution to Immune Defense
  • Unveiling the Mystery of Immunological Memory
  • Immuno-Oncology: Unraveling the Cancer-Immune System Battle
  • Exploring the Complex World of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
  • Intricate Interplay of Cytokines in Inflammatory Responses
  • Harnessing Natural Killer Cells in Immunotherapy
  • Role of Complement System in Immune Response and Disease
  • Influence of Stress and Mental Health on Immune Functionality
  • Antibody Diversity: Generation and Its Clinical Implications
  • Immune Evasion Mechanisms Employed by Pathogens
  • Unraveling the Biology of Regulatory T Cells
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: An Immune System Conundrum
  • Vaccines: Illuminating the Principles of Immune Activation
  • Autoimmunity and Gender: Understanding the Female Predominance
  • Dendritic Cells: Guardians of Immunity
  • Role of Epigenetics in Immune Cell Differentiation
  • Thymus and T Cell Maturation: An In-Depth Study
  • Role of Nutrition in Modulating Immune Responses
  • Unfolding the Link Between Allergies and the Immune System

Genetics Research Topics in Biology

  • Genetic Algorithms: Explorations and Applications
  • Epigenetics: Beyond the Human Genome
  • Biodiversity and Genetic Conservation
  • Gene Therapy: Ethical and Safety Concerns
  • Molecular Mechanisms of Genetic Mutations
  • Neurogenetics and Disorders of the Nervous System
  • Pharmacogenomics: Personalizing Drug Therapy
  • Transposable Elements in Genome Evolution
  • Gene-Environment Interactions in Disease
  • Genetics of Aging and Longevity
  • Genome Editing Technologies and Implications
  • Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnosis
  • Human Behavioral Genetics: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Cancer Genomics: Unlocking the Disease Code
  • Forensic Genetics: DNA Evidence in Crime Solving
  • Genetic Basis of Infectious Diseases
  • Gene Regulation in Development and Disease
  • Genetic Engineering: Prospects and Perils
  • Population Genetics: Understanding Genetic Variation
  • Genomics of Complex Traits and Diseases

Neurobiology Research Topics

  • Molecular Mechanisms of Memory Formation
  • Brain-Computer Interfaces: Bridging Neurology and Technology
  • Neuroplasticity and Learning Adaptations
  • Neuroimmunology: Immune Response in Neurological Disorders
  • Neurobiology of Aging and Age-Related Disorders
  • Neurochemical Correlates of Mental Disorders
  • Decoding Neural Networks in Cognitive Function
  • Genetic Influences on Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  • Cellular Mechanisms of Sensory Perception
  • Neurobiology of Pain: Unraveling Chronic Conditions
  • Addiction Pathways in the Neurobiological Context
  • Exploring the Biological Basis of Consciousness
  • Neuroprosthetics and Their Clinical Implications
  • Understanding Neurogenesis in Adult Brain
  • Regenerative Medicine in Neurological Diseases
  • Neural Circuitry and Emotion Regulation
  • Neurobiology of Stress Effects on the Brain
  • Neuroanatomy of Language and Communication Disorders

Evolutionary Biology Research Topics

  • Speciation Mechanisms in Endemic Species
  • Epigenetic Inheritance: A New Dimension in Evolution
  • Adaptive Radiation in Island Ecosystems
  • Sexual Selection and Animal Behavior
  • Microbial Co-Evolution and Antibiotic Resistance
  • Genomics and Phylogenetics: Tracing Life’s History
  • Evolutionary Medicine: Disease and Natural Selection
  • Allopatric Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations
  • Paleogenomics: Reconstructing Evolutionary History
  • Ecological Genomics and Adaptive Evolution
  • Evolutionary Bioinformatics: Decoding Life’s History
  • Mimicry and Camouflage in Animal Kingdom
  • Comparative Genomics in Evolutionary Studies
  • Hominin Evolution: Tracing the Origins of Homo Sapiens
  • Plant Evolution in Response to Environmental Stress
  • Genetic Drift and Population Bottlenecks
  • Evolutionary Ecology of Host-Parasite Interactions
  • Molecular Phylogenetics and Species Divergence
  • Selection Pressures in Pathogen Evolution

Research Topics in Biological Crossing

  • Artificial Selection and Genetic Improvement
  • Genetic Hybridization in Agriculture
  • Transgenic Organisms: Methods and Implications
  • Meiosis and Genetic Recombination
  • Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria
  • Inbreeding Depression and Heterosis
  • Cytoplasmic Inheritance in Plant Breeding
  • Interactions of Crossing Over and Linkage
  • Ethics and Biotechnology: GMOs in Focus
  • Genome Editing Techniques: CRISPR and Beyond
  • Selective Breeding and Animal Husbandry
  • Interspecific Hybridization and Speciation
  • Chromosomal Aberrations During Crossing
  • Synthetic Biology: Creating Life in the Lab
  • Next Generation Sequencing and Genomic Diversity
  • Bioinformatics in Genomic Research
  • Regulation of Meiotic Recombination in Eukaryotes
  • Genetic Markers in Plant Breeding
  • Chromosomal Mapping and Linkage Analysis
  • Genome-Wide Association Studies in Complex Traits

Topics on Prohibited Research in Biology

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Cloning
  • Human Genetic Modification and Society
  • Legalities Surrounding Stem Cell Research
  • Chimeras: Genetic Engineering Boundaries
  • Biohacking and Personal Genetic Engineering
  • Euthanasia: Perspectives in Biological Sciences
  • Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) in Microbiology
  • Creating Novel Pathogens: Scientific Gain or Risk?
  • Human-Animal Embryo Research: Crossing the Line?
  • Biopiracy and Exploitation of Indigenous Knowledge
  • Brain-Computer Interfaces: Privacy and Consent Issues
  • Eugenics and Genetic Discrimination
  • Designer Babies: Possibilities and Ethical Challenges
  • Artificial Wombs: Ethical and Legal Considerations
  • Genetically Modified Crops: Ecological Concerns
  • Animal Testing in Biomedical Research
  • Age Reversal Experiments: Ethical Quandaries
  • Synthetic Viruses and Biological Weapons
  • Genetic Privacy in the Age of Personal Genomics

Topics on Experimental Research in Biology

  • Pioneering Techniques in CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing
  • Immunotherapy and Personalized Medicine Advances
  • Experimental Designs for Microbiome Studies
  • Single Cell RNA Sequencing Techniques and Applications
  • In Vivo Models for Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Investigating Symbiotic Relationships in Marine Biology
  • Advancements in Bioluminescence Imaging Techniques
  • Metabolic Pathways in Cancer: Experimental Approaches
  • Investigating Brain Plasticity in Adult Mammals
  • Strategies for Genome-Wide Association Studies
  • Experimental Approaches to Studying Epigenetics
  • Nano-Biotechnology: Novel Techniques and Applications
  • Optogenetics in Neural Circuit Analysis
  • In Vitro Fertilization: Advancements and Challenges
  • Experimental Methods in Protein Folding Studies
  • Techniques in Cellular Reprogramming
  • Approaches in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
  • Neuroimaging Techniques in Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Experimental Models for Studying Zoonotic Diseases
  • Techniques and Challenges in 3D Bioprinting

Topics to Research on DNA

  • Novel Insights Into DNA Repair Mechanisms
  • Epigenetic Modifications in DNA Methylation
  • DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity Studies
  • Understanding DNA Replication Fidelity
  • Whole Genome Sequencing: Techniques and Applications
  • DNA Damage Response in Aging Cells
  • Nanotechnology Approaches for DNA Sequencing
  • Single Molecule Studies of DNA Replication
  • Comparative Genomics and DNA Conservation
  • Structural Studies of DNA-Protein Interactions
  • Mechanisms of DNA Recombination
  • CRISPR-Cas9 and DNA Editing Advances
  • DNA Topology in Cellular Functions
  • DNA-Based Therapies for Genetic Disorders
  • Bioinformatics Tools for DNA Sequence Analysis
  • DNA Fingerprinting in Forensic Science
  • Origin and Evolution of Mitochondrial DNA
  • Microsatellites and DNA Polymorphism
  • Techniques in DNA Data Storage
  • DNA Vaccines and Immunotherapies

Biology Topics to Research on Behavior and Hormones

  • Behavioral Endocrinology: Hormones and Social Behavior
  • Neuroendocrine Regulation of Aggression
  • Circadian Rhythms and Hormonal Regulation
  • Impact of Stress Hormones on Animal Behavior
  • Hormones and the Development of Parental Behavior
  • Adrenal Hormones and Fear Response Mechanisms
  • Hormonal Influences on Human Sexual Behavior
  • Behavioral Implications of Hormonal Imbalances
  • Influence of Hormones on Eating Behavior
  • Gonadal Hormones and Mood Disorders
  • Endocrine Disruptors and Altered Behaviors
  • Hormonal Control of Migration in Birds
  • Hormones and Memory Formation: Neurobiological Perspectives
  • Thyroid Hormones and Behavioral Development
  • Pheromones and Reproductive Behaviors
  • Serotonin, Dopamine, and Behavior
  • Oxytocin’s Role in Social Bonding
  • Growth Hormones and Aging Behavior
  • Insulin and Behavior: Beyond Metabolic Regulation

Cell Biology Topics to Research

  • Unraveling the Mysteries of Mitochondrial DNA
  • Decoding the Language of Cell Signaling
  • Cellular Mechanisms in Autophagy
  • Exploring the Intricacies of Cell Death: Apoptosis vs. Necroptosis
  • Understanding Mechanotransduction: How Cells Sense Mechanical Stress
  • Navigating the Maze of the Cell Cycle: Checkpoints, Progression, and Control
  • Molecular Choreography of Chromosome Segregation
  • Epigenetic Modifications and Cellular Memory
  • Unpacking the Secrets of the Nucleolus
  • The Curious Life of Lysosomes: Beyond Waste Management
  • Enigmatic Endoplasmic Reticulum: Functions and Pathways
  • Cellular Journey: Endocytosis and Exocytosis Mechanisms
  • Wnt Signaling Pathway: Critical Regulator of Cell Fate
  • Deciphering the Role of Actin in Cell Motility
  • Delving Into the World of Nuclear Pore Complexes
  • Investigating the Role of Golgi Apparatus in Protein Trafficking
  • Unfolding the Mystery of Protein Folding in Cells
  • Dissecting the Details of the DNA Replication Process
  • Uncovering the Dynamic World of Cytoskeleton

Molecular Biology Research Topics

  • Decoding the Language of RNA Splicing
  • Unraveling Introns and Exons: The Puzzle of Gene Expression
  • Translation Process: Uncovering Ribosome Secrets
  • Diving Into Telomeres: Maintaining Genomic Integrity
  • Long Non-Coding RNAs: Genomic Dark Matter Illuminated
  • Genome Organization: A Peek Into Chromatin Architecture
  • Understanding DNA Methylation and Its Implications
  • MicroRNAs: Small Molecules, Big Functions
  • Transposable Elements: Jumping Genes and Genome Evolution
  • Unveiling the Mystery of DNA Repair Mechanisms
  • Revisiting the Central Dogma: From DNA to Protein
  • RNA Interference: The Silence of Genes
  • Mechanisms and Models of Genetic Recombination
  • Unraveling the World of Quorum Sensing in Bacteria
  • Understanding the Intricacies of Signal Transduction
  • Post-Translational Modifications: The Final Touch in Protein Synthesis
  • Decoding the Processes of Protein Degradation
  • Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Transport: Moving Molecules Across the Cell
  • Unpacking the Enigma of Prions: Infectious Proteins

Plant Pathology Research Topics

  • Unraveling Plant-Virus Interactions: A Molecular Approach
  • Plant Defense Mechanisms Against Pathogenic Bacteria
  • Decoding Fungal Pathogenesis in Crops
  • Molecular Insights Into Plant-Insect Interactions
  • Nematodes and Plant Health: A Detailed Study
  • Signaling Pathways Involved in Plant Immunity
  • Phytoplasma-Plant Interactions: Understanding the Pathogenesis
  • Biocontrol Agents in Combating Plant Diseases
  • Mechanisms of Plant Resistance to Fungal Pathogens
  • Exploring the World of Oomycetes: Plant Destroyers
  • Host Specificity in Plant Pathogens: A Deep Dive
  • Unraveling the Mystery of Mycotoxins in Plants
  • Plant Proteases and Their Function in Disease Resistance
  • RNA Silencing in Plants: Defense Against Viruses
  • Plant Pathogenic Bacteria: Unveiling the Mode of Infection
  • Phytoalexins: A Key Player in Plant Immunity
  • Deciphering the Role of Plant Hormones in Disease Resistance
  • Emerging Diseases in Crop Plants: A Global Overview
  • Studying the Influence of Climate Change on Plant Diseases

Ecology Research Topics

  • Understanding Species Interactions and Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss: A Comparative Study
  • Interplay Between Microbial Communities and Ecosystem Processes
  • Invasive Species and Ecosystem Disruption: A Closer Look
  • Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Their Effect on Ecosystem Health
  • Examining Trophic Cascades in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • Biomonitoring and Its Significance in Conservation Biology
  • Endangered Species Protection: Investigating Successful Strategies
  • Biosphere Reserves and Their Contribution to Ecosystem Stability
  • Fire Ecology: Unraveling the Effects of Wildfires on Ecosystems
  • Marine Protected Areas and Their Significance in Ocean Health
  • Exploring Ecosystem Services: From Pollination to Carbon Sequestration
  • Landscape Ecology: Understanding Land Use Changes and Biodiversity
  • Ecology of Urban Environments: Challenges and Solutions
  • Ecological Succession: Understanding Changes in Ecosystem Over Time
  • Fragmentation of Habitats: Causes, Effects, and Mitigation Strategies
  • Pollution Ecology: Tracing the Effects of Contaminants on Ecosystems
  • Ecology of Zoonotic Diseases: From Wildlife to Humans
  • Alpine Ecosystems: A Study in Climate Sensitivity and Adaptation

Marine Biology Research Topics

  • Exploring Deep-Sea Biodiversity and Its Conservation
  • Conservation Strategies for Marine Protected Areas
  • Understanding Coral Reef Dynamics and Resilience
  • Ocean Acidification: Causes and Effects on Marine Life
  • Cetacean Behavior and Communication Systems
  • Unraveling Mysteries of Marine Bioluminescence
  • Marine Biofouling: Understanding the Mechanisms and Finding Solutions
  • Investigating Plastic Pollution in the Oceans: From Microplastics to Ghost Nets
  • Jellyfish Blooms: Causes, Consequences, and Controls
  • Assessing the Threats to Seagrass Meadows
  • Understanding the Ecology of Hydrothermal Vents
  • Shark Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Effects of Sonar and Noise Pollution on Marine Mammals
  • Marine Microplastics: Their Role in the Marine Food Web
  • Invasive Marine Species: Mechanisms and Management
  • Deep Sea Mining: Ecological Consequences and Mitigation
  • Marine Parasites: Life Cycles, Host Interactions, and Ecology
  • Exploring the Ecology of Mangrove Ecosystems
  • Unraveling the Secrets of Marine Symbiotic Relationships
  • Decoding the Language of Dolphin Communication

History of Biology Research Topics

  • Understanding Linnaeus: His Contribution to Biological Classification
  • From Alchemy to Biochemistry: Tracing the Historical Path
  • Decoding the Double Helix: Discovery of DNA Structure
  • Voyage of HMS Beagle: Darwin’s Journey and Its Implications
  • Development of Modern Microscopy and Its Influence on Cell Theory
  • Louis Pasteur and the Fight Against Infectious Diseases
  • Fleming’s Accidental Discovery: The Advent of Antibiotics
  • Mendel’s Peas: The Birth of Genetics
  • In the Footsteps of Gregor Mendel: The Expansion of Genetic Studies
  • Exploring the Origins of Molecular Biology
  • History of Biotechnology: From Yeast Fermentation to Genetic Engineering
  • Dolly the Sheep: A Historical Perspective on Cloning
  • Biological Warfare: An Analysis From Ancient Times to Modern Day
  • From Eugenics to Modern Genetics: A Controversial History
  • Endosymbiotic Theory: Tracing the Origins of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
  • Nobel Prizes in Biology: Insights Into Scientific Progress
  • Understanding the History of Genetic Engineering
  • Vaccination: A Historical Perspective From Smallpox to Covid-19
  • Unraveling the Human Genome Project: A Historical Approach
  • Rosalind Franklin and the Unseen Contributions of Women in Biology

Animals Biology Research Topics

  • Comparative Analysis of Neural Networks in Echolocating Bats and Dolphins
  • Potential Applications of Biofluorescence in Marine Organisms
  • Genomic Adaptations in High Altitude Birds: A Deep Dive
  • Microbiome Influence on Mammalian Health and Behavior
  • Biodiversity Conservation Strategies in Tropical Rainforests
  • Understanding Bioluminescence: From Fireflies to Deep Sea Creatures
  • Climate Change Effects on Polar Bear Migration Patterns
  • Metabolic Flexibility in Hibernating Mammals
  • Intricate Courtship Behaviors of Birds of Paradise
  • Survival Strategies of Desert Dwelling Species
  • Behavioral Plasticity in Social Insects
  • Species Survival in the Midst of Habitat Fragmentation
  • Exploring Symbiosis: Coral Reefs and Their Resident Microorganisms
  • Adaptation Mechanisms of Alpine Flora and Fauna
  • Communication Strategies among Cephalopods
  • Antarctic Krill: A Keystone Species in a Changing Environment
  • Tracking Migration: Navigational Abilities of Monarch Butterflies
  • Investigating Tool Use in Cetaceans
  • Molecular Mechanisms Behind Poison Production in Venomous Creatures

Zoology Research Topics

  • Animal Camouflage: Unraveling the Mechanisms Behind Crypsis
  • Conservation Strategies for Endangered Amphibian Populations
  • Dynamics of Social Hierarchies in Primate Groups
  • Mechanisms of Venom Production in Conus Snails
  • Assessing Biodiversity in Deep Sea Ecosystems
  • Nutrient Cycling in Detritivore Communities
  • Signal Transduction in Echolocating Mammals
  • Flight Adaptations in Migratory Bird Species
  • Uncovering the Secrets of Bioluminescence in Cnidarians
  • Hibernation Patterns in Arctic Mammals
  • Endocrine Disruption in Aquatic Invertebrates
  • Territorial Behavior among Canine Species
  • Parasite-Host Interactions in Marine Ecosystems
  • Predator-Prey Dynamics in Savannah Ecosystems
  • Investigating Cooperative Behavior in Social Insects
  • Adaptations of High-Altitude Wildlife to Hypoxia
  • Understanding Reproductive Strategies in Coral Reefs
  • Deciphering Communication Systems in Cetaceans
  • Conservation Challenges for Island Endemics
  • Complexities of Mating Systems in Arachnids

Botany Research Topics

  • Plant Defenses Against Herbivory: Chemical Warfare in the Plant Kingdom
  • Molecular Mechanisms of Drought Resistance in Succulents
  • Circadian Rhythms in Photosynthesis: A Closer Look
  • Biotechnological Approaches to Improve Crop Yield
  • Signals and Responses: Understanding Plant Hormones
  • Mycorrhizal Networks: Unseen Interactions in the Plant World
  • Genetic Biodiversity in Ancient Tree Species
  • Plant-Pollinator Relationships in Tropical Rainforests
  • Ecophysiology of Desert Flora: Surviving Extreme Conditions
  • Harnessing the Power of Algae: Biofuel Potential and Challenges
  • Investigating Disease Resistance in Commercially Important Crops
  • Exploring Chemical Communication in Plant Communities
  • Strategies for Invasive Plant Species Management
  • Understanding the Molecular Basis of Phototropism
  • Cyanobacteria and Nutrient Cycling in Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Unraveling the Genetic Basis of Plant Longevity
  • Biotic and Abiotic Stress Responses in Forest Trees
  • Applications of Plant Tissue Culture in Agriculture
  • Alpine Plant Adaptations: Surviving at High Altitudes

Developmental Biology Research Topics

  • Organogenesis: Tracing the Formation of Complex Structures in Mammals
  • Decoding the Mysteries of Axolotl Regeneration
  • Mechanisms of Early Embryonic Patterning in Drosophila
  • Epigenetic Regulation in Mammalian Neural Development
  • Investigating the Molecular Basis of Morphogenesis in Zebrafish
  • Neural Crest Cells: Pioneers in Vertebrate Development
  • Embryonic Development and Metamorphosis in Amphibians
  • Cell Fate Determination During Gastrulation
  • Signaling Pathways Involved in Limb Development
  • MicroRNAs in the Control of Cell Differentiation
  • Sex Determination Mechanisms in Reptiles
  • Axonal Guidance: Exploring Molecular Mechanisms
  • Intricate Choreography of Cell Movements in Gastrulation
  • Epigenetic Influence on Stem Cell Potency
  • Somitogenesis: Segmentation in Early Vertebrate Development
  • Imprinted Genes in Mammalian Development
  • Unraveling the Mechanisms of Asymmetric Cell Division
  • Molecular Regulation of Cardiac Development
  • Genetic Control of Eye Development in Drosophila
  • Exploring the Basis of Cellular Plasticity During Development

Environmental Biology Research Topics

  • Assessing Biodiversity in Freshwater Ecosystems: Challenges and Approaches
  • Climate Change and Species Distribution: Anticipating Shifts
  • Understanding the Persistence of Keystone Species in Urban Environments
  • Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Life
  • Soil Microbiome Composition and Its Influence on Plant Health
  • Plastic Pollution in Marine Ecosystems: Assessing the Scale
  • Phytoplankton Productivity in Response to Changing Sea Surface Temperatures
  • Mechanisms of Survival in Extreme Environments: Studying Extremophiles
  • Forest Fires and Ecosystem Recovery: A Holistic View
  • Air Pollution Effects on Lichen Diversity and Distribution
  • Ecological Consequences of Invasive Species: Case Studies
  • Bioindicators in Monitoring Environmental Health: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Conservation Priorities in Biodiversity Hotspots
  • Ecotoxicology: Assessing the Effects of Pollutants on Wildlife
  • Dynamics of Algal Blooms in Response to Nutrient Loading
  • Adaptation Strategies of Arctic Wildlife to Climate Change
  • Tracking the Movement of Pollutants in Aquatic Food Webs
  • Endocrine Disruptors in the Environment: Sources and Effects
  • Mangrove Ecosystems in the Face of Sea-Level Rise

Abortion Biology Research Topics

  • Deciphering Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Spontaneous Abortion
  • Influence of Maternal Stress Hormones on Early Pregnancy Outcomes
  • Understanding the Etiology of Recurrent Miscarriage
  • Immunological Aspects of Pregnancy and Abortion: An Interplay
  • Investigating Genetic Abnormalities in Cases of Spontaneous Abortion
  • Endocrine Disruptors and Pregnancy Outcomes: A Complex Relationship
  • Nutritional Factors Affecting Pregnancy Viability
  • Pathophysiology of Ectopic Pregnancy
  • Correlation Between Age and Miscarriage: Unraveling the Underlying Causes
  • Exploring the Intersection of Infections and Pregnancy Outcomes
  • Autoimmune Disorders and Their Influence on Pregnancy Termination
  • Epigenetic Modifications and Pregnancy Loss: An Uncharted Territory
  • Embryo Implantation Failure: Causes and Potential Interventions
  • Investigating the Role of Antiphospholipid Syndrome in Miscarriage
  • Assessing the Influence of Environmental Toxins on Pregnancy Outcomes
  • Cellular Mechanisms of Embryo Rejection
  • Physiological Responses to Termination of Pregnancy
  • Effects of Chronic Diseases on Pregnancy Outcomes
  • Understanding Fetal Development in High-Risk Pregnancies
  • Pathological Examination of Miscarriage: Advancements and Challenges

Recent Research Topics in Biotechnology

  • Precision Genome Editing: CRISPR and Beyond
  • Harnessing the Power of Microbial Factories for Biofuel Production
  • Exploring Cellular Agriculture: Lab-Grown Meat and Its Implications
  • Unraveling the Potential of Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine
  • Advancements in Plant Genomics for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery Systems: Current Developments
  • Protein Engineering for Biotherapeutic Applications
  • Bioinformatics in Personalized Medicine: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Decoding the Microbiome: Health, Disease, and Biotechnological Applications
  • Synthetic Biology: Designing Biological Systems for Industrial Applications
  • Neuroengineering: Interfacing Electronics with the Brain
  • Biotechnology in Waste Management: Toward a Circular Economy
  • Gene Therapy Approaches to Rare Genetic Disorders
  • Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Development of Biodegradable Plastics Through Microbial Fermentation
  • Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring: Emerging Techniques
  • Biotechnological Strategies for Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Microbial Biofilms in Industrial Processes: Pros and Cons
  • CRISPR as a Diagnostic Tool: Current Progress
  • Application of Biotechnology in Forensic Science: New Frontiers

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Essay Assignment Writing Tips for Students of MBA, Masters, PhD Level

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200+ Best Biology Research Topics for Every Student in 2023

What is biology research.

Biological research is an access that is a peer-reviewed journal to encompass the different fields of biology like biochemistry, physiology, botany, zoology, bioinformatics, microbiology, biotechnology, etc. This blog will discuss Biology Research Topics for Every Student around the globe.

Biology Research Topics

How to write Finest Biology Research Paper?

Below is the way how to write a Biology Research Paper Writing? Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Write a proper title: The title of your biology research paper is the opening statement based on the given topic.
  • Abstract: It is a short summary from the beginning to the end of the paper. You always need to remember your objective while writing your abstract part. The reader needs to know what your biology research paper is all about, and the results are needed to be clearly presented in it.
  • Introduction: It is a self-explanatory part of your biology research paper where you can present the gist of the paper and its goal.
  • Methods: This section explains how the biology laboratory tests are carried out and how one can copy the procedure.
  • Results: You need to present the results obtained from the experiment, and can be figure based
  • Discussion: Here, the author discusses the results and things that are affected by them. Here also you need to discuss your own opinion regarding the results and what is expected from them.
  • Literature cited: This is the reference section that is related to the citation inserted within the text.

Explore List of Biology Research Topics for Students

Biology research paper topics.

  • CRISPR and Genetic Engineering: Today, genetic engineering and research are becoming extremely useful and popular all over the world.
  • Prions : It can cure a lot of genetically induced diseases
  • Cancer biology : it can cure cancer in the near future
  • Climate change : This is one of the major issues in today’s civilization
  • Genetic engineering : It is a very beneficial branch of study worldwide. It has a very bright future.
  • Epidemiology : This study is very much essential today when the entire human society is under the threat of a pandemic
  • Coronavirus : It is one of the major headaches in today’s world.
  • Behavioural economics : It is always to know about behavioural economics students.
  • Astrobiology  is one of the latest areas of study in the bioscience field.
  • Endangered Species Recovery : This study will really help in protecting and conserving endangered species around the globe.

Biology Research Topics for College Students

  • Theoretical foundations of humankind origins: It is perhaps one of the very fundamental studies in biology
  • Genetics behind human physical features: This forms the basis of bioscience studies.
  • Immune system diseases: The study can greatly help medical science
  • Gestation periods in mammals: It is needed for an in-depth study and research in zoology.
  • Hormonal control: human reproduction: It is essential for the gynaecology and human fertilization area.
  • Current science on oxytocin and serotonin: The study is the first step towards hormonal studies
  • Protection of rare species: The study is closely related to the study of ecology.
  • Does vaccination have benefits: This is a very important topic in the age of the pandemic.
  • The science behind drug addiction: The study is very much needed for the youth.
  • Infectious diseases: This study is quite necessary today.

Biology Research Topics for High School Students

  • Human cloning, abortion, genetic research: this is the newest research and studies
  • Endocrinology, a hormone research topic: essential for the study of human anatomy
  • Human Immune system: The study can reduce diseases to a very large extent
  • Cell biology researches: This is a very preliminary research field
  • Molecular Biology Research: The basic research area
  • Ecology-concerning Subject topics: You need to study this for maintaining biological balance in the entire biosphere
  • Plant Pathology: It is an essential study field in the stream of botany
  • Ecology-concerning Subjects: You always need to be aware of this
  • Evolutionary Biology Research Topics: This can be studied at the high school level of education
  • Neurobiology Research Topics: This will help in dealing with various neural disorders

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Cell Biology Research Topics

  • Lipid metabolism in cells: It has relation to the study of human hormones
  • Cell division: Needed for human growth
  • Neuro cells: It forms the basis of nerves
  • Normal functioning of different cells and tissues: A general area of study
  • Cell metabolism: It is responsible for all the functions in our body
  • Cytoskeletal cross talks: Related to the muscle cells or the skeletal muscle cells
  • Muscle cells: Applicable to all types of voluntary as well involuntary muscles of the human body
  • Hair cells research: Relate to the cochlea of the ear
  • Cell component study: It is a basic study field
  • Blood cell research and stem cell research: This will be useful in curing various genetic disorders in human beings

Zoology Biology Research Topics

  • Asian elephants vs human speech patterns
  • Oyster genomes vs adaptation
  • Darwin’s work in the Galapagos Islands
  • Giant squids: Fact vs fiction
  • Asian carp: Invasive species analysis
  • Parasites and disease
  • Coyote vs hybrid wolf species in the United States
  • Migration patterns of killer bees
  • Biodiversity vs plankton
  • The treatment of species in Melville’s Moby Dick
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Animal Biology Research Topics

  • Animal products and human health: It is related to human consumption of animal products
  • Poultry farming: It is related to human consumption of birds and eggs, especially chicken and ducks
  • Fishery: It is the culture of different types of fish for human consumption
  • Dairy: Its usefulness as an animal product
  • Deer: It is a rare animal product
  • Livestock: Deals with the rearing of cattle for farming and agriculture purposes
  • Muscle biology and meat science: It is associated with human consumption of animal flesh
  • Safety of animal food: This is a basic hygiene
  • Animal food quality: The study is important for human health after consuming animal products

Botany Biology Research Topics

  • Cellulose: Study of carbohydrates
  • Cotton: plant product
  • Cocaine: harmful plant product
  • Flower: related to botany
  • Forestry; related ecology
  • Forests: related to soil conservation
  • Leaf: essential for photosynthesis
  • Horticulture: a study of agriculture
  • Agriculture and photosynthesis: Needed for human nutrition and survival
  • Marijuana: banned plant product in many countries

Developmental Biology Research Topics

  • Cardiovascular System Development
  • Excretory System Development
  • Digestive System Development
  • Gastrulation and Germ Layer Formation
  • Gametes and Fertilization
  • Immune System Development
  • Muscular System Development
  • Morphogenesis, Embryonic Patterning and Axis Formation
  • Nervous System Development
  • Skeletal System Development

Marine Biology Research Topics

  • Aquatic Microbiology: microbes in water
  • Coastal Ocean Processes: oceanic life
  • Aquatic Physiology: a study of hydrosphere
  • Coral Reef Research: a study of the oceanic world
  • Deep-Sea Environments and Ecology: a study of marine life
  • Marine Affairs and Policy: a study of deep marine life
  • Oceanic discoveries: interesting topic on marine life
  • Marine Affairs and Policy.: needed for industrialization
  • Global Change and the Future Ocean.: conservation of oceanic life
  • Oceanic life conservation: shark conservation

Molecular Biology Research Topics

  • Cell signalling vs differentiation
  • Cellular evolution
  • Cellular organization and dynamics
  • Gene regulation, chromatin and epigenetics
  • Metabolism and metabolomics
  • Genetics and genomics
  • Microbiology and virology
  • Neurobiology
  • Molecular medicine and disease mechanisms

Ecology Topics for Research Paper

  • Maternal structure
  • Transcriptomic changes in plant species
  • Discovery of various species
  • Defining population variation regarding the carnivorous population structure
  • The evolution of social complexity in humans
  • The effect of invaders on communities of soil fungi
  • What is the history of manure?
  • evolution of social complexity in humans
  • eating habit-changing trends
  • application of social ecology
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Human Biology Research Topics

  • How can stem cells form different tissues
  • Duplication of genomes
  • How are tumours formed?
  • Different congenital disabilities
  • Plasticity of development
  • Anticancer drugs mixtures
  • Interactions between genes and the environment
  • Most deadly viruses
  • Drosophila Oogenesis
  • Developmental diseases: Origin

Genetics Research Topics

  • Cytogenetic: Karyotyping
  • Behavioural genetics
  • Molecular genetics: Molecular basis for inheritance
  • Epigenetics: Molecular basis
  • Genomics: Genome analysis
  • Population genetics
  • Medical genetics: Types of a genetic disorder
  • Human mitochondrial genetics

Evolutionary Biology Research Paper Topics

  • Host-parasite coevolution
  • Evolution of immunity and immune systems
  • Evolutionary ecology of parasites
  • Sexual selection and sexual conflict
  • Social evolution
  • Natural selection in the wild.
  • Reproductive allocation vs life-history evolution.
  • The evolution of sex differences in cognition
  • Natural selection in the wild
  • Human evolution

Neurobiology Biology Research Topics

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Neuroimaging
  • Neurotransmitters
  • Megakaryocyte

Biotechnology Research Topics

  • Vaccine development
  • COVID 19 pandemic
  • Virology researches
  • Respiratory viruses
  • RNA-based Therapeutics
  • Microvesicles + Extracellular Vesicles
  • Metabolism in Cancers + Other Diseases
  • Human Microbiome
  • genetic researches
  • Study of genetically transmitted diseases with possible treatments

Biology Research Paper Topics for COVID-19

  • Effect of COVID-19 on the society
  • Effective vaccination to prevent COVID 19
  • Can COVID-19 vaccines be suitable for children below 12 years of age
  • After effects of COVID 19
  • COVID 19 symptoms
  • Most harmful strains of COVID 19
  • COVID-19 effects on the animal world
  • Experiments on various strains of COVID 19
  • Precautions for COVID 19
  • Types of effective masks to prevent coronavirus spread

Human Behaviour and Hormones Biology Research Topics

  • Define the basic terminology and basic principles of hormone–behaviour interactions.
  • What is the role of hormones in behavioural sex differentiation?
  • Examples of some common hormone–behaviour interactions.
  • What is the role of hormones in aggressive behaviour?
  • Give examples of some common hormone–behaviour interactions.
  • What is the significance of some hormones associated with normal body functioning
  • How can hormonal imbalance contribute to depression
  • What are basic hormonal changes during pregnancy
  • Psychological Disorders: The Biological Basis
  • Current Oxytocin Science

Ethology Research Paper Topics

  • Observing monkey behaviour
  • Behavioural observation of new zoo habitat for elephants
  • Interactive enrichment for great apes
  • Neuroscience research with guinea pigs
  • Chicken welfare
  • Domesticated vs wild animals
  • Can rat social behaviour be monitored
  • Spatial learning in rats
  • Zebrafish studies
  • Effect of pheromones on animals

Immunology Biology Research Topics

  • Transplantation and All immunity
  • B cell Biology.
  • Antigen Presenting Cell Biology.
  • Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Disorders vs Autoimmune Disorders.
  • Comparative Immunology.
  • Cancer Immunity vs Immunotherapy.
  • Cytokines and Soluble Mediators in Immunity.
  • Tumour Immunology
  • transplantation immunology

Thus, you can see here that writing a good assignment on any biology research topic is challenging. So you always need the best biology assignment writing service provider in this regard. Casestudyhelp.com is always the top choice for you in this regard.

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Louis Hill

Hi, I am Louis Hill, the author of this blog. I am a well-experienced academic writer. We’ll help make your writing shine.

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150 Actual Biology Research Paper Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is Biology? What Topics Might Biologists Study?
  • 2 How to Choose a Topic for Biology Research Paper?
  • 3.1 15 Developmental Biology Topics For Research
  • 3.2 15 Immune System Biology Research Topics
  • 3.3 15 Cell Biology Research Topics
  • 3.4 15 DNA Research Topics
  • 3.5 15 Molecular Biology Research Topics
  • 3.6 15 Neurobiology Research Topics
  • 3.7 15 Abortion, Human cloning, and Genetic Researches Topics
  • 3.8 15 Environmental and Ecology Topics for Your Research
  • 3.9 15 Plant Pathology Biology Research Topics
  • 3.10 15 Animals Biology Research Topics
  • 3.11 15 Marine Biology Research Topics
  • 3.12 15 Zoology Research Topics
  • 3.13 15 Genetics Research Topics
  • 3.14 15 Biotechnology Research Topics
  • 3.15 15 Evolutionary Biology Research Topics

Biology is one of the most magnetic fields of study these days. If you want to be a biologist or scientist in the future, there is no better time to start than right now. Biology research topics covered in this article will keep you busy and interested. Writing a research paper is one of the best ways to dip your toes into the field. Before doing that, you need to know some good topics for the research paper . They should be suitable for biology students rather than cutting-edge researchers. On Papersowl.com , we provide as many biology research paper examples as possible so that you have a huge choice.

What Is Biology? What Topics Might Biologists Study?

Biology is simply the study of everything that has a form of life. It includes investigations on plants, animals, and everything found in the environment. It is about studying how life forms grow, develop, and interact with each other. Biology essay topics for research encompass all these and more.

This science uncovers many fields where various life forms are studied. It makes sense to look through these fields to help you decide which suits you the best.

Plant Biology research topics are about studying the plants around us. They disclose information about their existence as a part of the ecosystem, their life cycle, resources they can give us, their ability to preserve them from climate changes, and so on. There are many ideas to choose from, but you must focus on a specific one.

Human Biology research topics are all about us. These topics focus on different body parts, such as the human brain, the human immunological system, the nervous system, etc. In addition, you can discuss DNA modifications in humans and explain why genetic disorders occur in your research projects. Various cell research is also common today.

Biology research topics on the environment are in great demand too. For example, climate change is becoming a more significant threat every day. By studying environmental topics in biology for projects and research, we can come up with ways to combat them and preserve ecosystems.

Microbiology research topics delve into things we can’t see. There are trillions of microbes and bacteria all around us. Knowing about them is essential to understanding what makes us sick and how to fight against them. All microbiology research paper topics are pretty complicated yet very engaging to include in your paper research.

Molecular biology topics dive even deeper into the level of atoms and molecules. The various medicines and drugs we take were all created through molecular-biology research. It is one of the areas full of ideas, but there is yet to be much evidence. Science is advancing in this realm but still needs a lot of time. Topics of molecular biology will need days for research only.

Keep in mind that there are more ideas and variations of this science. We offer more examples in further sections of the article about developmental biology, marine biology, evolutionary biology, etc. Explore them and make your writing appealing and meaningful in the eyes of a professor.

How to Choose a Topic for Biology Research Paper?

When choosing a biology project topic, you must be aware of one or more fields of science. Biology research is critical to the present world. By doing research, we can learn more about genetic disorders, immune disorders, mental health, natural disease resistance, etc. Knowing about each of these could save lives in the future.

For those who may not have the time or resources to do their own research, there are research paper writing services that can provide assistance with the project. And we are always here to help you find your own topic among interesting biology research topics. Here we prepared some useful tips to follow.

  • Tip 1: The level of interest matters Pay attention to one that interests you, and you might have ideas on how to develop the topic. Passion is fundamental in research, after all.
  • Tip 2: Explore the topic Try to narrow things down a bit. If the topic is too broad, you may not be able to cover all aspects of it in one research paper. If it is too narrow, the paper could end up too short. Analyze the topic and the ways to approach it. By doing so, you can strike a balance between the two.
  • Tip 3: Discover the recent developments To make your research paper touchable with the present day, you must explore the latest developments in the field. You can find out what kind of research has been done recently by looking at journals. Check out research papers, topics, research articles, and other sources.
  • Tip 4: Ensure to get enough resources When choosing a topic, make sure it has plenty of resources available. For example, a research paper on xenobiology or cutting-edge nanobiology might sound attractive. Still, you might have difficulties getting data and resources for those unless you are a researcher at a government lab. Data, resources, complex numbers, and statistics are all invaluable to writing a paper about these topics.

That is why we have selected a range of biological topics. The topics on this list are all hopefully exciting topics for research you could write an excellent paper on. We should also add that easy biology topics to research are rare, and a writer usually needs days to prepare and start writing. Yes, biology research topics for high school students are a bit easier, but still, they need time to explore them.

On the other hand, biology research topics for college students are far more complex and detailed. Some people prefer evolutionary biology research paper topics, and we can agree with this claim. These research areas do have a lot of potential and a lot of data to support the claims. Others prefer cell biology research topics that are a bit specific and fun. Anyway, with this article’s list of easy biology research topics, you will surely find the one matching your interest.

For those who may not have the time or resources to do their own research, there are provide assistance with the project.


Top Research Biology Paper Topics

This section contains a large selection of research biology paper topics. You will be able to find one that will suit you the best. The only thing left is to decide what variation of science you prefer. Whether you’re interested in microbiology, genetics, or any other type of science, you’ll find a topic to get you started. If you’re ever stuck or need some extra help, you can always pay someone to write your paper for you. So, take a look, and choose the perfect topic for your project!

15 Developmental Biology Topics For Research

Exploring the processes of how cells grow and develop is exciting. The human body contains millions of cells, and it’s interesting to research their behavior under different conditions. If you feel like writing about it, you can find some interesting biology topics below.

  • How do stem cells form different tissues?
  • How are tumors formed?
  • Duplication of genomes
  • Plasticity of development
  • Different birth defects
  • Interactions between genes and the environment
  • Anticancer drugs mixtures
  • Developmental diseases: Origin
  • Drosophila Oogenesis
  • Most deadly viruses
  • Most deadly bacteria in the world
  • How do germs affect cells?
  • How does leukemia start?
  • Development of the cardiovascular system in children
  • How do autoimmune diseases start and affect the human body?

15 Immune System Biology Research Topics

For decades, many scientists and immunologists have studied the human immune system and tried to explain its reaction to various pathogens. This area allows you to deepen into it and reveal how a body protects itself from harmful impact. Look over the biology research questions below and find your match-up.

  • How does the human body’s immune system work?
  • The human immune system: How to strengthen it?
  • What makes the immunological system weaker?
  • The notion of auto-immune diseases and their effect on the body’s immune system
  • The global HIV/aids epidemic
  • What methods are used to prevent the spread of hives?
  • Living with auto-immune diseases
  • Genetics and the immune system: effects and consequences
  • How do immune disorders affect the body, and what causes them?
  • Are allergies signs of worrying about an immune disorder?
  • DNA modification in solving immune disorders
  • Stress as the biggest ruiner of the immunological system
  • Vaccines as strong supporters of the immunological system
  • The perception of vaccines in society
  • Why do some people refuse vaccines and put others around them in danger?

15 Cell Biology Research Topics

Cell study might seem challenging yet very engaging. It will be a good idea to compare various types of cells and compare them in animals and plants. Make your choice from the list of cell biology research topics below.

  • The structure of an animal cell
  • Mitochondria and its meaning in cell development
  • Cells classification and their functions
  • Red blood cells and their function in transporting oxygen
  • White blood cells and their responsibility to fight diseases
  • How are plant cells different from animal cells?
  • What would it be if animals had a function to photosynthesize?
  • Single-celled organisms: What is it, and how do they work?
  • What processes do cells go through in division?
  • Invasion of bacteria into the body
  • Viruses – alive or not?
  • Fungi: their reproduction and distribution
  • Cancer cells: Why are they so dangerous?
  • What methods are used to kill cancer cells?
  • The role of stem cells and their potential in a body


15 DNA Research Topics

The variety of biology research topics for college students might impress you a lot. This is a science with a large field of investigation, disclosing much scientific information to use in your project. The notion of DNA and its gist are also excellent options to write about.

  • The structure of the human DNA
  • The main components of a DNA chain
  • Why does DNA have a double-helix spiral structure?
  • The purpose of chromosomes
  • MRNA and its relation to DNA
  • Do single-celled organisms have DNA?
  • Do viruses have DNA?
  • What happens if you have too many or too few chromosomes?
  • Analyzing the structure of DNA using computers
  • Uses for the DNA of extinct organisms like mammoths and dinosaurs
  • Storing non-genetic information in DNA
  • Can you write a computer program into human DNA?
  • How does radiation affect DNA?
  • Modifying DNA to treat aids
  • Can we fight cancer through DNA modification?

15 Molecular Biology Research Topics

Do you prefer to research molecules’ chemical and physical composition? We gathered some molecular biology research topics to make your choice easier.

  • The structure and components of a gene
  • How do molecules move in and out of a cell?
  • The basic building blocks of life
  • How are drugs designed for humans?
  • How is a vaccine designed to target a specific disease?
  • Dominant genes vs. recessive genes
  • Prion disease – why is it so dangerous?
  • Hormones and their function in the body
  • Developing artificial hormones from other animals
  • How to carry out a western blot?
  • Testing and analyzing DNA using PCR
  • The three-dimensional structure of a molecule
  • What is DNA transcription, and how is it used?
  • The structure of a prion
  • What is the central dogma of molecular biology?

15 Neurobiology Research Topics

The more you dive into science, the more exciting things you find. That’s about biology. Here, you can choose biology research topics for high school and try to reveal more simply.

  • Nervous system: its structure and function
  • Neurons as unique cells playing a central role in the nervous system
  • What is the maximum reaction speed in a human?
  • Reaction speed: how to improve it?
  • Research on Organic Farming
  • What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?
  • Why do we feel happy or sad?
  • Headaches in terms of Neurobiology
  • What are the reasons for neurobiological degeneration?
  • Myths and reality of Amnesia
  • What causes Alzheimer’s Disease, and what are the consequences of the disease?
  • What is the treatment for Spinal Cord Injury?
  • Studies on Narcolepsy and Insomnia: What are the causes?
  • Is there a connection between Mental Health and Neurobiology?
  • Emotions in terms of their reflection in the brain

15 Abortion, Human cloning, and Genetic Researches Topics

There are so many scientific researches and theories that society accepts or neglects. You can operate different notions and try to explain them, reflecting their advantages and downsides for a human being. We gathered some enticing life science research topics for high school students that might interest you.

  • The controversy around abortion: legal or not?
  • Can abortion be safe?
  • Human cloning – reality vs. science-fiction
  • The goals of cloning humans
  • Are human cloning and transplantation ethical?
  • Having a “perfect child” through gene therapy: Is it a myth?
  • How far has gene therapy gone in genetic research?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of gene therapy
  • How gene therapy can help beat cancer
  • How gene therapy can eliminate diabetes
  • The opportunity to edit genes by CRISPR
  • DNA modifications in humans to enhance our abilities – an ethical dilemma
  • Will expensive gene therapy widen the gap between the rich and the poor?
  • Cloning: the good and the Bad for a Generation
  • The disadvantages of cloning
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15 Environmental and Ecology Topics for Your Research

The nature around us is so enormous and includes many branches to investigate. If you are keen on the environment and how ecology affects it, the list of follow-up biology paper topics might be helpful to you.

  • The theory of evolution
  • How does natural selection work?
  • How do living organisms adapt to their environment?
  • The concept of divergent and convergent evolution
  • Building a sustainable environment
  • Development of environment-friendly cities
  • How to control population growth?
  • Why have recycling resources become so essential in the modern world?
  • The effect of plastic on the environment
  • What are the global consequences of deforestation?
  • What can we expect when losing biodiversity?
  • Ecological damage: How to prevent it?
  • How can GMO products affect ecology?
  • Cloning endangered or extinct species: Is it a good idea?
  • Is climate change the main reason for disrupting ecology?

15 Plant Pathology Biology Research Topics

Many factors impact human health and the quality of food products matters. These easy biology research topics will be useful if you want to describe the connection between those two concepts.

  • How do plants protect themselves from diseases?
  • How to increase the plant’s resistance to diseases?
  • Diseases distribution among plants
  • The banana pandemic
  • How do herbicides influence plants?
  • Corn blight
  • Can any plant diseases affect humans?
  • The issue of stem rust and its impact on wheat
  • What approaches are used to struggle against invasive plants and affected weeds?
  • Fertilizers: their pros and cons on plants
  • Plant disease genetics: its system and structure
  • What is the connection between ecological changes and plant diseases?
  • Modifications on food production because of plant diseases
  • How do fungal and viral diseases appear in plants?
  • The sweet potato virus

15 Animals Biology Research Topics

It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t like animals. If you are curious about animals scientifically, here you are with biology research paper topics in this field.

  • Classification of animals
  • Land-based life: its evolution history
  • Controversies about keeping animals as pets
  • Is it ethical to test drugs and products on animals?
  • Why do nature reserves against zoos?
  • Evidence on prehistoric aquatic animals growing giant
  • What species of animals are vegan?
  • Animals and their social behavior
  • Primate behavior
  • How intelligent can other primates be?
  • Are wolves and dogs intelligent?
  • Domesticating animals
  • Hibernation in animals
  • Why animals migrate
  • Should we bring back extinct animals?


15 Marine Biology Research Topics

The marine theme is engaging as it reveals so many interesting facts about life forms dwelling under the water. You can make your paper look captivating using biology topics in marine below.

  • How acidification affects aquatic environments
  • Evolution in the deep sea
  • What’s the meaning of camouflage mechanism in sea life?
  • Consequences of oil spills on marine life
  • Oldest marine species
  • How do whales communicate with each other?
  • How blind fish navigate
  • Are marine shows and aquariums ethical?
  • The biology and life cycle of seabirds
  • How jellyfish are immortal
  • Plankton ecology
  • Difference between freshwater and seawater marine life
  • Coral reefs: their importance and evolution
  • Saving and restoring coral reefs
  • Life in the deep-sea ocean trenches

15 Zoology Research Topics

Zoology can be an excellent choice to write about if you are close to animal studies. Look at biology topics to research and choose the one that fits your interest most.

  • Asian elephants and human speech patterns
  • Oyster genomes and adaptation
  • Darwin’s work in the Galápagos Islands
  • Asian carp: Invasive species analysis
  • Giant squids: Fact vs. fiction
  • Coyote and wolf hybrid species in the United States
  • Parasites and disease
  • Migration patterns of killer bees
  • The treatment of species in Melville’s Moby Dick
  • Biodiversity and plankton
  • The role of camels and the development of Africa and the Middle East
  • Muskellunge and adaptive creek mechanisms to small water
  • Ants and cooperative behavior among species
  • Animal communication and the origin of language
  • Speech in African Gray Parrots

15 Genetics Research Topics

Writing about modifications caused on the gene level is pretty challenging but very fascinating. You can select one among the biological questions for research and bring up a meaningful paper.

  • Genetics and its role in cancer studies
  • Can genetic code be confidential?
  • Is it possible to choose the sex of a person before birth?
  • Genetics as a ray of hope for children with an intellectual disability
  • What factors in human genetics affect behavior?
  • Is it somehow possible to improve human personality through genetics?
  • Are there any living cells in the gene?
  • Fighting HIV with gene mutations
  • Genetic mutations
  • How addictive substances affect genes
  • Genetic testing: is it necessary?
  • Cloning: positive or negative outcome for future generations
  • Pros and cons of genetic engineering
  • Is the world ready for the bioethics revolution?
  • The linkage between genetics and obesity

15 Biotechnology Research Topics

The way scientists conduct research today is magnificent. Implementing high-tech innovations in biology research brings new opportunities to study the world. What are these opportunities? Explore biotechnology research topics for college students and disclose the best options for you.

  • Biotechnology used in plant research
  • What is the contribution of biotechnology to food?
  • Pharmacogenetics: What is it, and how it works?
  • How are anti-cancer drugs produced to be effective?
  • Nanotechnology in DNA: How to isolate it?
  • Recent nanotechnology used in HIV treatment
  • What biotech apps are used to detect foodborne pathogens in food systems?
  • Genotypes research: Why are they tolerant and sensitive to heavy metal?
  • High-tech solutions in diagnosing cancer
  • Forensic DNA and its latest developments
  • Metabolic changes at the level of cells
  • Nanotechnology in improving treatments for respiratory viruses
  • The latest biotech discoveries
  • Digital evolution: bioresearch and its transformation
  • The concept of vaccine development


15 Evolutionary Biology Research Topics

Knowing how life forms started their existence is fundamental. And more interesting is to look through the evolution of many processes. If you find this trend of research more engaging, we outlined evolutionary biology research paper topics to diversify your choice.

  • Darwin’s concept’s impact on science
  • The evolution concept by Lamarck
  • Origins of the evolutionary theory
  • Evolution acceptance: a belief vs. a theory?
  • Evolutionary in microbiology
  • Development of robotics
  • Revealing differences: human brain & animal brain
  • Preservation of biological resources
  • Transformations in aging
  • Adaptive genetic system
  • Morphometrics’ history
  • Developmental theory and population genomics
  • Bacteria ecology’s evolution
  • Biological changes: impact and evolution
  • Infectious diseases and their profession

The world of science and biology is vast, making research tedious. Use our list of interesting biology research topics to choose the best issue to write your own paper.

However, it is still hard to prepare a high-quality biology research paper, even with a brilliant topic. Not all college students can do it. Do you feel like you need some help? Then buy biology paper from our professional writers! Our experts will choose the best biology experimental research topics for you and can bring up top-level papers within the shortest time. Additionally, if you need help with a statistics project related to biology, our team of experienced professionals is equipped to provide you with the utmost quality of research and analysis.

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case study biology topics

case study biology topics

Case Studies in Systems Biology

  • © 2021
  • Pavel Kraikivski 0

Academy of Integrated Science, Division of Systems Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA

You can also search for this editor in PubMed   Google Scholar

  • One of the first book on systems biology for the classroom
  • Offers flexible way to choose the topics
  • Each chapter can be used as an independent project
  • Features contributions from key scientists in the field, such as Drs. John Tyson, Alex Mogilner nad Jae Kyoung Kim

15k Accesses

4 Citations

14 Altmetric

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About this book

This book provides case studies that can be used in Systems Biology related classes. Each case study has the same structure which answers the following questions: What is the biological problem and why is it interesting? What are the relevant details with regard to cell physiology and molecular mechanisms? How are the details put together into a mathematical model? How is the model analyzed and simulated? What are the results of the model? How do they compare to the known facts of the cell physiology? Does the model make predictions? What can be done to extend the model? The book presents a summary of results and references to more relevant sources.

The volume contains the classic collection of topics and studies that are well established yet novel in the systems biology field. 

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case study biology topics

Introduction to Systems Biology

The physics behind systems biology.

case study biology topics

Interdisciplinarity, Philosophy and Systems Biology

  • Dynamic modeling
  • Biological Networks
  • Bio-systems
  • Genetic Networks
  • Synthetic biology
  • Signaling Pathways

Table of contents (18 chapters)

Front matter, mitotic cycle regulation. i. oscillations and bistability.

  • John J. Tyson

Mitotic Cycle Regulation. II. Traveling Waves

Cell cycle regulation. bifurcation theory, glycolytic oscillations.

Pavel Kraikivski

NF-κB Spiky Oscillations

Tick, tock, circadian clocks.

  • Jae Kyoung Kim

Spruce Budworm and the Forest

  • Lauren M. Childs

Modeling cAMP Oscillations in Budding Yeast

  • Amogh Jalihal

Synchronization of Oscillatory Gene Networks

The lac operon, fate decisions of cd4+ t cells.

  • Andrew Willems, Tian Hong

Stochastic Gene Expression

Collective molecular motor transport.

  • Christopher Miles, Alex Mogilner

Principle of Cooperativity in Olfactory Receptor Selection

  • Jianhua Xing, Hang Zhang

Applying Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Modeling to Understand the Treatment of Pneumocystis

  • Tongli Zhang

Virus Dynamics

  • Stanca M. Ciupe, Jonathan E. Forde

Identifying Virus-Like Regions in Microbial Genomes Using Hidden Markov Models

  • Frank O. Aylward

Computational Software

Back matter, editors and affiliations, about the editor, bibliographic information.

Book Title : Case Studies in Systems Biology

Editors : Pavel Kraikivski

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67742-8

Publisher : Springer Cham

eBook Packages : Computer Science , Computer Science (R0)

Copyright Information : Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

Hardcover ISBN : 978-3-030-67741-1 Published: 07 October 2021

Softcover ISBN : 978-3-030-67744-2 Published: 07 October 2022

eBook ISBN : 978-3-030-67742-8 Published: 06 October 2021

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : VIII, 310

Number of Illustrations : 24 b/w illustrations, 80 illustrations in colour

Topics : Systems Biology , Gene Function , Stem Cells

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200+ Fascinating Biology Research Topics for Students in 2024

Updated 24 Jul 2024

Biology Research Topics

Finding a great topic for a study can be challenging. Interesting biology topics need to be appealing, attention-grabbing and academically relevant. They need to deal with the recent findings and debatable questions. A great topic is a base of a scientific argument that has a valuable idea for the science. It also should provoke further discussion and lead to further coming studies.

College students have a hard time choosing the fascinating subject for their paper. That’s why these biology research paper topics can give you inspiration. You can pick one for your research or use them as the base for building your own idea.

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A List of Researchable Topics for Biology 

A list of researchable topics for biology students starts with several interesting biological topics concerning sociological perspective and ethical issues. The most debatable subjects are abortion, human cloning, genetic researches and the new ethics that should be created to resolve these issues.

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What are some good biology research topics?

One could also find good research topics related to traditional biology subfields like plant and animal biology, ecology (current global problems warrant a number of hot topics), or topics related to humans: neurobiology (and determinants of human behavior), recent discoveries on diseases and the immune system, etc.

What are the major biological issues today?

They include pollution challenges, overpopulation, an increase in infectious diseases, and the lack of transparency in DNA and synthetic biology studies. We also have biological issues like global warming, endangered species, stem cell research, and the acidification of the ocean.

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Biology Research Topics for College Students

When you choose a competitive Biology subject, you must focus on ideas that inspire you and talk about morphology, physiology, cell studies, origins, distribution, and innovations related to living organisms. You can also talk about the plants, the animals, or even famous personalities in the field.

  • Developmental Biology and Aging: Exploring New Discoveries in Lifespan Extension Research
  • The Role of Microbiomes in Ecosystem Health: A Look into the Microscopic Regulators of Ecological Balance
  • CRISPR and Beyond: Advanced Genetic Editing Techniques Emerging in 2023
  • Bioengineering and Sustainability: Harnessing Synthetic Biology for a Greener Future
  • Revolutionizing Drug Discovery with Synthetic Biology: Progress and Prospects in 2023
  • Challenges and Ethical Implications of Synthetic Biology: A Thorough Discussion on Genetically Modified Organisms
  • The Use of The Advanced X-Ray for The Scanning of The Plants
  • The Pros and Cons of The Cryo-EM Pattern in Virology
  • The Use of 3D Models for The Microscopic Examination of Living Cells
  • The Heritage of Jose Rizal and The Experiments Related to The Garden in Dapitan
  • Understanding the Role of Epigenetics in Human Development: Current Research and Perspectives
  • Heredity and Genetics Through The Lens of Autism: The Theories
  • Novel Approaches to Conservation: How Modern Ecological Research Aids in Species Preservation
  • Genetic Engineering and The Modern Survival of Life Mechanisms
  • How Can The Energy Be Transformed Into Living Things
  • Immune System of The Dolphins Compared to The Whales
  • Primary Productivity in a Limited Ecosystem: The Role of The Social Community
  • The Production of Hormones Without an Endocrine System: The Metabolism of The Plants

Abortion, Human cloning, Genetic Researches Biology Topics

  • Presentation on Abortion Law & Society’s Perspective in the USA
  • How Abortion is Related to the Feminist Ideology
  • The Biological Insights of Abortion
  • Human Cloning & Transplantation Possibilities
  • Project on Different Types of Cloning
  • DNA Structure, Genetic Disorders, and Modern Technology
  • History and Development of Human Cloning Science
  • Cloning: The Moral Aspect
  • How Cloning Can Change Medicine
  • What We Actually Know About DNA-modified Organisms
  • The Influence of Genetics on Disease Susceptibility: Current Research in Personalized Medicine
  • Genetic Grounds for Obesity
  • Is Homosexuality Genetically Based?
  • How Addictive Substances Affect Our Genes
  • Depression & Genes
  • Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe?
  • Should Human Cloning Be Legal?
  • The Advantages of Transgenic Crops
  • Factors Contributing to Genetic Mutations
  • Organ Transplantation: Is Donor’s Consent Needed?
  • Ethics Behind Transplantation
  • How Public Opinion Holds Back the Scientific Progress

DNA Research Topics

  • The Pros and Cons of Family Genetic Testing: Mental Implications and The Abuse of Data
  • Unraveling the Secrets of Junk DNA: New Insights into Non-Coding Regions and Their Roles
  • Structured Controversy of DNA Alterations: What Ethical Principles Must be Followed
  • Should DNA Alternation be Made Available when no Genetic Diseases are Involved?
  • Inhibitors of Bacterial DNA and Resistance Mechanisms
  • Bio-nano Technologies and The Covid-19 Pandemic: What Have We Learned
  • Should DNA Research be Conducted on Animals and Plants: The Dangers Ahead
  • Various Genetic Diseases and The Use of DNA Sequencing
  • The Pros and Cons of The Protein-coding Approach to Regulatory Regions
  • An Ethical Side of Selective Breeding and Damage to Reproductive Technologies
  • Embryo Screening and Cloning: The Bioethical Aspect of Research
  • DNA Modifications in Humans
  • Can DNA Change Beat Aging?

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Behaviour and Hormones Biology Research Topics

Another huge part of biology research essay topics deals with the question of behavior and hormones. Students can share ideas on how our hormones influence mood and well-being. They can also be related to some disorders.

  • Report on the Significance of Certain Hormones Concerning the Body Functioning
  • Cell Structure & Antibiotic Resistance
  • Hormones Influence on Mind and Behavior
  • How Hormones Contribute to Depression
  • Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy
  • Psychological Disorders: The Biological Basis
  • Biology Behind the Bipolar Disorder
  • Cortisol and Testosterone Influence Risk-Taking
  • Current Oxytocin Science
  • Oxytocin and Fear Reaction
  • Endocrine-Related Diseases
  • How Hormones Affect Human Behavior
  • Hormonal Control of Reproductive System
  • Influence of Hormonal Therapy
  • Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • Hormone-Specific Psychopathic Disorders
  • Melatonin in Therapy
  • Steroid Hormones’ Path to Cells
  • Cardio Exercise Influence Hormones
  • Oxytocin in Treatment Psychopathic Disorders
  • How Hormones Influence Women’s Mental Health
  • Gender Specifics Related to Mental Health
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Immune System Biology Research Topics

Biology topics to write about cannot be full without at least several ones dealing with the immune system. It is our main defense against different diseases, that’s why it is important to know more about it.

  • Human Immune System and Its Resistance Capabilities
  • How Do Immune System Agents Function?
  • Discovering Diseases Caused by Immune System not Functioning Good
  • Immunity & Stress
  • Tolerance & Autoimmunity
  • Asthma & Allergic Reactions
  • Immunotherapy Influence on Human Body
  • Immunology & Transplantation
  • Graft Rejection Prevention
  • Vaccination: Are There Any Real Benefits?
  • The Society’s Perspective on Vaccination

Cell Biology Research Topics

It is a complex branch of biology that studies the smallest units and the living organisms. The focus is on the parts of the cell and the interaction of the cytoplasm and the membrane as the topic ideas below show:

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Cytoskeleton System Through The Lens Of Cell Motility.
  • Investigating Cellular Dynamics in Early Human Development: Cutting Edge Techniques and Discoveries in 2023.
  • Analysis Of Cell Division And The AI-based Methods Of Cell Cycle Control.
  • The Role Of Chromatin In The Alterations Of Gene Expression.
  • What Causes Cellular Metabolism In Marine Mammals.
  • The Use Of Hormone Action Therapy In College Athletics.
  • The Most Common Cell Infections And The Immunity Challenges.
  • The Alteration Of Ribosomes And The Cell Membrane Functioning.
  • The Heritage Of Robert Brown And The Nucleus.
  • The Importance Of The Cork Tree Cell For Cell Biology.
  • Analysis Of Multicellular Organisms And The Use Of Molecular Analysis Tools.

Molecular Biology Research Topics

The branch of Molecular Biology focuses on the analysis of composition, structure, and complex interactions related to processes taking place in the cells. Unlike basic microbiology, it studies biological processes like alteration, recreation, and maintenance.

  • The Use Of Comparative Genomics Of The Human Being And The Mice.
  • The Restrictions Of The DNA And Peculiarities Of The Modern Nucleic Acid Analysis.
  • An Ethical Aspect Of Molecular Genetics.
  • The Most Efficient Methods Of RNA Translation Into Proteins.
  • What Is The Current State Of The DNA Replication And The Amplification Methods.
  • The Limitations Of The Microarray Data Analysis.
  • Is It Possible To Repair The Damage Done To The Human DNA?
  • The Pros And Cons Of The Aseptic Technique: Transfection Methods.
  • Purification Of The DNA: How Does Protein Purification Change Over Time?
  • What Are The Objectives Of The Nucleic Acid Hybridization During The Gene Cloning Process?

Plant Pathology Biology Research Topics

Here are several interesting biology research topics concerning plant pathology:

  • Natural Disease Resistance in Plants
  • The Prevention Measures in Plant Pathology
  • Research on Plant-Associated Microbes and Current Genomic Tools
  • Literature Review on Microbial Ecology and Evolution
  • Plant Diseases Management Facilitated by Modern Technology
  • Plant Evolutionary Genetics
  • Weedy & Invasive Plants
  • Photosynthesis: Aspects & Functions
  • Fertilizers’ Influence on Plants
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Plant Disease Patterns
  • Genetic Engineering for Disease Resistance in Crops
  • Biocontrol Methods in Managing Plant Pathogens
  • The Role of Soil Microbiome in Plant Disease Suppression
  • Emerging Fungal Pathogens in Agricultural Crops
  • Plant-Virus Interactions and Disease Management
  • The Effects of Pesticides on Non-Target Plant Pathogens
  • Detection and Diagnosis of Plant Pathogens Using Molecular Techniques
  • Epidemiology of Plant Diseases in Changing Agricultural Landscapes
  • Resistance Mechanisms in Plants Against Bacterial Pathogens
  • The Impact of Invasive Species on Plant Disease Dynamics

Ecology-concerning Subjects Biology Research Topics

Undergraduates can do a proposal on Ecology-concerning subjects. First, it is one of the most relevant scientific fields as we deal with the results of human behavior all the time. Any new cool paper can shed some light of new ideas that will contribute to making the world a better place.

  • Ecological and Evolutionary Factors Influencing Animal Behavior
  • Essay on Relationship Between Living Forms and Their Environment
  • The Affect of Human Behavior on Animal Forms in the USA
  • The Ways Animal and Plants Respond to Changing Environment
  • Developmental Mechanism of Resistance in Animals
  • The Environmental Change and its Involvement in the Diversity of Species
  • Is Global Warming Really a Threat?
  • Fast Food Industry & Tropic Forests Extinction
  • Environmental Psychology
  • Means of Wildlife Protection
  • Impact of Rain Forests Extinction
  • Rare Species Protection
  • The Problem of Extinction
  • Renewable Energy and Environment’s Pollution
  • Climate Change and Biodiversity
  • Types of Pollution in Modern World
  • What is Sustainability in Biology?
  • Non-human factors of Extinction of Species
  • Benefits of Ecotourism
  • Is Extinction of Bees Real?
  • Oil Spill Effects on Ocean Wildlife
  • Factors and benefits of Organic Farming

Neurobiology Research Topics

Neurobiology Research Topics

  • Visual Cortex & Models of Orientation
  • Neuroscience in Robotic Technologies
  • What is Visual-Motor Coordination Based On?
  • Impact of Music on Human Brain
  • Brain Injuries and Related Disorders
  • Brain and Memory
  • Brain Capabilities of Self-Repairing
  • Genetic Defect That Contributes to Schizophrenia
  • Factors and Causes Behind a Migraine
  • Connection Between Gut Bacteria and Anxiety
  • Can Gut Bacteria Contribute to Depression?
  • Cognitive Neuroscience on Problem-Solving
  • Genes and Proteins Responsible for Neurons functioning

Evolutionary Biology Research Topics

As the title implies, evolutionary biology focuses on the processes that explore the history of life forms that we encounter. Starting with the study of the natural habitats to the analysis of the biodiversity and related behaviors, it's one of the most fascinating and varied branches of Biology.

  • The Natural vs Forced Evolutionary Processes as Natural Selection Takes Place
  • How Can We Increase Human Awareness about The Importance of Diversity of Life on Earth
  • The Heritage of Charles Darwin and Why His Theories are Still Relevant Today
  • The Evolutionary Biology Processes Through The Lens of The Invertebrates
  • How Do Ecology and Evolution Affect The Presence of Infectious Diseases
  • Human Learning Processes and The Use of AI-based Models to Predict Evolution
  • The Theory of Gene Migration and The Philosophical Importance of Spiritual Freedom
  • The Importance of Evidence for The Evolution Processes: Our Common Ancestors
  • What Types of Changes are Considered an Evolution When a Gene Pool Is Involved?
  • Individualism as The Form of The Forced Evolution: An Ethical Aspect

Animals Biology Research Topics

Here are fascinating biology research topics related to animals. They are quite popular among students. You can submit several papers dwelling on deep analysis of one phenomenon or species.

  • Factors Concerning Animal Growth
  • The Obesity in Home Pets
  • Traditional Dog Diet and Modern Home Pets
  • Male Pregnancy Among Animals
  • Is Beauty Products Testing on Animals Ethical?
  • Birds Behavioral Study
  • Animal Science & Food Sustainability
  • Does Veganism Actually Influence Meat Production?
  • Wild Animal Projects
  • Fashion Industry & Animal Abuse
  • Camouflage Mechanism in Sea Animals
  • Discovering Primate Language and Cognitive Function
Read also: Your personal  lab report writing service - EduBirdie!

Marine Biology Research Topics

Marine biology relates to a mixture of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics as one studies marine organisms and their behavior patterns. As marine biologists study how they interact with the environment, they use oceanography and relevant skills based on Chemistry, Physics, and Geology.

  • The Salish Sea Ecology and The Use of Corals for The Understanding of Tropical Peculiarities
  • The Challenges Of Quantitative Ecology Through The Lens Of Modeling
  • How Can Marine Animal Behavior Be Adapted To A Certain Genetical Pool?
  • Geological Oceanography: What Are The Challenges Related To Physical Limitations?
  • Comparison Of The Smallest Diatoms And Their Marine Logistics
  • Tourism And The Changes To The Coral Reef Ecology In 2022
  • Marine Engineering And The Use Of Flexible Aquaculture
  • Development Of Alternative Feeds For The Dolphins And The Tracking Systems
  • What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Coastal Zone Management Currently Used In The United States?
  • Biochemistry Of The Red Sea Compared To The Sea Of Azov
  • The Effects of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs
  • Marine Biodiversity in Deep-Sea Ecosystems
  • The Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life
  • Conservation Strategies for Endangered Marine Species
  • The Role of Mangroves in Coastal Ecosystems
  • Marine Biotechnology and its Applications
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Marine Migration Patterns
  • Sustainable Fishing Practices and Marine Ecosystems
  • Marine Microorganisms and their Role in the Ecosystem
  • The Impact of Human Activities on Coastal Habitats

Topics on the History of Biology

There also easy issues related to the history of Biology. You can dwell on the capstone of modern science or dwell on an understanding of one crucial academic term.

  • The History of Genetics
  • Darwin’s Theory and Biology
  • Discovering Evolution Factors
  • How Archeology Impacts Animal Biology?
  • Natural Selection Theory: The Discovery and Its Impact
  • Effects of Whale Hunting
  • Dead Branches of Evolution
  • Famous Biologist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
  • Edward Jenner and the History of Vaccination
  • Rachel Carson’s Perspective on Environmental Safety
  • Stephen Jay Gold’s Paleontology: How History and Biology are Combined
  • The Development of Cell Theory and its Impact on Biology
  • Contributions of Charles Darwin to Evolutionary Biology
  • The History of Genetics: From Mendel to Modern Genomics
  • The Discovery and Significance of DNA Structure
  • The Role of Women in the Advancement of Biology
  • The Evolution of Microbiology and the Discovery of Microorganisms
  • The Impact of Technology on the Progress of Biological Sciences
  • Historical Perspectives on Human Anatomy Studies
  • The Development of Ecological Theory and Conservation Biology

This list ends with several other fascinating research proposal topics, such as:

  • Molecular and Genome Evolution
  • Comparative Genomics
  • The Evolutionary Biology of Infectious Diseases
  • Modern Technology and Scientific Tools in Biology
  • Neurobiological Explanation of Sleep
  • Symbiosis in Parasites
  • Metabolism & Physical Exercise

How do you choose a research topic?

When choosing a research topic, it's crucial to consider your own curiosity and passion in the subject matter. This personal connection not only makes the research process more engaging but also often leads to more diligent and thorough work. Additionally, the topic should have a significant impact or relevance in the current state of the field. This involves considering the interests of potential readers or the audience, ensuring that the topic is not only of personal interest but also of broader academic or societal importance.

Furthermore, the selection process should involve an assessment of the current state of knowledge in the field. This includes reviewing recent advances, perspective-changing publications, and ongoing debates within the discipline. A good research topic often lies at the intersection of what is currently known and the unexplored or less understood aspects of the field. By focusing on these areas, your research paper examples can contribute to the advancement of knowledge, offering new insights or solutions to existing problems. In summary, the ideal research topic is one that sparks personal interest, addresses a gap or a pressing question in the field, and has the potential to contribute meaningfully to the broader academic community.

Read also: If you are willing to  pay someone to write a research paper , let professionals write it for you. 

Start to Write Well-Grounded Biology Research

These Biology research paper topics were compiled for anyone from high-school and undergraduate students to anyone who has to deal with Biology for any reason. It all depends on the size and depths of your project, that is why you may need a proper  research paper help . The topics concern the most relevant and appealing part of biological science. Start working on your thesis with reading academic literature and don't forget to ask for thesis writing help at EduBirdie. A proper review of recent publications will help you build up an argument. Always remember that the key to any of your projects is having fun. So choose the topic that you are passionate about, and go for it!

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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An case study examples on biology is a prosaic composition of a small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue and obviously not claiming a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

Some signs of biology case study:

  • the presence of a specific topic or question. A work devoted to the analysis of a wide range of problems in biology, by definition, cannot be performed in the genre of biology case study topic.
  • The case study expresses individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue, in this case, on biology and does not knowingly pretend to a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.
  • As a rule, an essay suggests a new, subjectively colored word about something, such a work may have a philosophical, historical, biographical, journalistic, literary, critical, popular scientific or purely fiction character.
  • in the content of an case study samples on biology , first of all, the author’s personality is assessed - his worldview, thoughts and feelings.

The goal of an case study in biology is to develop such skills as independent creative thinking and writing out your own thoughts.

Writing an case study is extremely useful, because it allows the author to learn to clearly and correctly formulate thoughts, structure information, use basic concepts, highlight causal relationships, illustrate experience with relevant examples, and substantiate his conclusions.

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Case Studies: Cell Biology

All cell biology cases.

The Anti-Cancer Fight with the Wellness Menu

By Michelle Sue, Kenneth W. Yip

Beaker Has a UTI

By Melissa S. Kosinski-Collins, Kene Piasta, Martin Samuels, Ariana Hinckley-Boltax

Maria, Metastasis, and Methotrexate

By Rachael M. Barry, Matthew Mahavongtrakul, Ray Ghorbani, Suzanne Bohlson

No Longer Long in the Tooth

By Alison J. Albee, J. Megan Woltz, Taylor Kemp, Emma Mays, Tylor M. Miller, Eric Fisher, Amanda Loutzenhiser

Can Stem Cells Bring Magic to Medicine?

By Ashleigh Garrett, Joni H. Ylostalo

A Ticket to Nowhere

By Rachel A. Hirst, Tracy R. Rosebrock

COPA Syndrome

By Madison Hossack, Kenneth W. Yip

Can We Risk It Again?

By Melanie E. Peffer

Liam’s Head Injury

By Melody J. Neumann, Michelle B. French, Franco A. Taverna

If Only These Bones Could Talk

By Ashley E. Rhodes

Case Western Reserve University

  • News and Announcements

New study led by Center Co-director, Dr. Scott, sheds light on cancer evolution

The evolution of resistance to diseases, from infectious illnesses to cancers, poses a formidable challenge.

Despite the expectation that resistance-conferring mutations would dwindle in the absence of treatment due to a reduced growth rate, preexisting resistance is pervasive across diseases that evolve—like cancer and pathogens—defying conventional wisdom.

In cancer, it is well known that small numbers of drug-resistant cells likely exist in tumors even before they’re treated. In something of a paradox, before treatment, these mutants have been repeatedly shown to have lower fitness than the surrounding ancestor cells from which they arose. It leads to a scenario that seems to break Darwin’s rules: Why do these least fit cells survive?

In a new study, researchers at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic reveal a fascinating discovery: Interactions between these mutants and their ancestors, like two species in an ecosystem, may hold the key to understanding this paradox.

Their findings suggest these ecological interactions play a pivotal role in reducing the costs of resistance, providing a path to survival for preexisting resistance. And not just in lung cancer, but across various biomedical contexts where drug resistance is a challenge, including other cancers, pathogens and even parasites.


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Assessment of urban spatial integration using human settlement environmental geographic dataset: a case study in the guangzhou–foshan metropolitan area.

case study biology topics

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Chen, R.; Zhou, S.; Liu, S.; Li, Z.; Xie, J. Assessment of Urban Spatial Integration Using Human Settlement Environmental Geographic Dataset: A Case Study in the Guangzhou–Foshan Metropolitan Area. Land 2024 , 13 , 1262. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13081262

Chen R, Zhou S, Liu S, Li Z, Xie J. Assessment of Urban Spatial Integration Using Human Settlement Environmental Geographic Dataset: A Case Study in the Guangzhou–Foshan Metropolitan Area. Land . 2024; 13(8):1262. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13081262

Chen, Rui, Siyu Zhou, Shuyuan Liu, Zifeng Li, and Jing Xie. 2024. "Assessment of Urban Spatial Integration Using Human Settlement Environmental Geographic Dataset: A Case Study in the Guangzhou–Foshan Metropolitan Area" Land 13, no. 8: 1262. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13081262

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Popular artificial sweeter linked to blood clots and heart disease, study says

The popular sugar substitute erythritol found in keto products, sweets and low- or no-calorie diet drinks might increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, according to new research.

A study led by the Cleveland Clinic published Thursday in the medical journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology found the sweetener made blood platelets more active, increasing the risk of blood clots, while food sweetened with sugar did not have the same effect.

The study was tiny – it looked at just 20 patients – and researchers who were not involved in it say people should be careful when interpreting its results.

Erythritol is a zero-calorie sugar substitute used to sweeten hundreds of products, including protein bars, yogurt, cookies and ice cream. It is a thickening agent resembling sugar and the primary sweetener in the low-carb, high-fat keto diet. In 2001, the Food and Drug Administration determined that erythritol was "generally recognized as safe."

However, researchers said participants in the National Institutes of Health-funded study who consumed water sweetened with erythritol showed signs that their blood platelets had been activated, while people who drank glucose-sweetened water didn't experience a similar effect.

"After drinking an erythritol-sweetened drink, you're at heightened risk for clotting, and your platelet function changes – and this was seen in every subject who was tested," said Dr. Stanley Hazen, a cardiologist and chair of cardiovascular and metabolic sciences in Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute.

The findings follow a larger 2023 study also led by Hazen, which linked the popular sugar substitute to cardiovascular problems. Last year's study tested blood samples from more than 1,100 people who underwent heart risk assessment over three years and followed up with another group of more than 2,100 non-emergency patients. The study linked erythritol to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and death. The study also found the sweetener led to blood clots in mice who had eaten it.

Sweetener vs. sugar

After his 2023 study, Hazen said people began asking his research team which types of sweeteners they should eat or drink in lieu of erythritol. His team wanted to compare the clotting risk of consumers who drank a liquid sweetened with erythritol or sugar.

The study recruited 20 nonsmokers with normal kidney health and no history of heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. After a night of fasting, participants had their blood tested before and 30 minutes after they drank water sweetened with 30 grams of glucose or erythritol. That dosage is about how much is in an erythritol-sweetened soda or a muffin and equal to daily intake based on a 2014 national survey and Food and Drug Administration filings, researchers said.

The study participants who drank the sweetened water had average erythritol levels increase more than 1,000 times compared to their pre-consumption levels. The study also reported participants showed a significant increase in blood clot formation after consuming erythritol. No such change was observed in the group members who drank glucose.

The new study does not specify how long consumers might face a heightened risk for clotting after eating food or drinking beverages with the sugar substitute.

Rather than erythritol, Hazen advised consumers to opt for moderate amounts of natural sweeteners containing sugar, glucose, honey or fruit. Natural sweeteners don't put consumers at heightened risk for clotting, "whereas we think that will happen in the days following erythritol ingestion" he said.

Research 'should not alarm consumers'

Researchers not involved in the study said consumers should not be alarmed by the findings of this study.

Alice H. Lichtenstein is a professor and director of the cardiovascular nutrition laboratory at Tufts University in Boston. She said the study should be interpreted within the context of other reports on the topic because no single study dictates policy.

"We do not know enough about the overall effect of non-nutritive sweeteners vs. sugar to accurately assess their relative effects on health outcomes," Lichtenstein said.

Lichtenstein said there's a need to better evaluate how much sweetener people can safely consume. She said risks and benefits should be analyzed by comparing "non-nutritive" sweeteners to sugar for factors such as body weight, dental health and heart risk.

She advised people to drink water and seltzer and limit consumption of foods or beverages packed with sugar or sweeteners.

"As much as possible, choose whole foods in their natural state and use common sense," Lichtenstein said.

Joanne Slavin, a professor in the department of food science and nutrition at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, said consumers should consider the risks and benefits in choosing alternative sweeteners.

"This study adds another piece to the puzzle, but should not alarm consumers that they are risking their health," Slavin said.  "It is easy to avoid alternative sweeteners, but they are useful tools for diabetics and others who need to avoid digestible carbohydrates."

Food industry defends erythritol

Food industry groups criticized the Cleveland Clinic study, citing the limited number of participants and the amount of erythritol participants consumed.

The 10 research participants were given an erythritol dosage two to three times the amount that is typically found in an 8- or 16-ounce beverage sold in the United States, said Carla Saunders, president of the Calorie Control Council, a group that represents the low- and reduced-calorie food and beverage industry.

Saunders noted that researchers measured erythritol levels just once after participants consumed the sweetened beverages and the study did not control for lifestyle factors that might have affected results.

Because erythritol levels were measured before and 30 minutes after consumption, "there is no way to demonstrate any lasting effect of excessive consumption on any health outcome," Saunders said.

The Calorie Control Council said more than 250 food and beverage manufacturers use erythritol as a sweetener in alcoholic beverages, snacks, pet food and supplements.

"Consumers need to rely on science, and for 30 years, science has shown that erythritol is a proven safe and effective choice for sugar and calorie reduction," Saunders said.

But Hazen said his most recent study is not "standing in isolation" and said there's growing evidence of potential harms.

"I'm hoping this will be a call to arms for more research on this topic, especially given how prevalent and ubiquitous erythritol is as an artificial sweetener," Hazen said.


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The Case for College in the Era of Online Learning

  • Robert Walker

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In-person education provides valuable experiences, opportunities, and skills that can’t be replicated online.

Does pursuing a college education still make sense in the age of online learning and AI — when we have access to information for free via the internet? The problem with this question is that it frames college as an information gatekeeper, misunderstanding much of its value. For many, higher education institutions offer more than that: a transformative journey where students can network and develop transferable soft skills that require teamwork and repetition. You can maximize your college experience by leaning into these opportunities while simultaneously staying up to date with the latest technological trends. By being agile, networking vigorously, cultivating problem-solving skills, and seeking learning opportunities in the real world while in school, you can prepare yourself for a successful career.

Today, we have access to more information than ever before. YouTube and TikTok can provide us with in-depth learning opportunities for free — from professional development tips to AI tutorials . In more recent years, large language models like ChatGPT and Gemini have shown they can answer almost any question that comes to mind with an increasing level of accuracy .

  • RW Robert Walker is the director of high school admissions at University of Advancing Technology. Walker has over 12 years of in-depth experience in recruitment and technology, has a genuine passion helping others achieve their educations dream,s and holds advanced degrees in technology leadership and cyber security.  

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Breaking’s Olympic Debut

A sport’s journey from the streets of new york all the way to the paris games..

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Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Featuring Jonathan Abrams

Produced by Sydney Harper Luke Vander Ploeg Shannon M. Lin and Will Reid

Edited by Lexie Diao MJ Davis Lin and Ben Calhoun

Original music by Dan Powell Marion Lozano and Diane Wong

Engineered by Alyssa Moxley

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | YouTube

More than 50 years after its inception, “breaking” — not “break dancing,” a term coined by the media and disdained by practitioners — will debut as an Olympic sport.

Jonathan Abrams, who writes about the intersection of sports and culture, explains how breaking’s big moment came about.

On today’s episode

case study biology topics

Jonathan Abrams , a Times reporter covering national culture news.

A person practicing breaking balances with his head and one hand on a concrete floor; his other hand and his legs extend into the air at various angles.

Background reading

The Olympic battles in breaking will be a watershed moment for a dance form conceived and cultivated by Black and Hispanic youth in the Bronx during the 1970s.

Breakers are grappling with hip-hop’s Olympic moment. Will their art translate into sport?

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Michael Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Jonathan Abrams writes about the intersections of sports and culture and the changing cultural scenes in the South. More about Jonathan Abrams



  1. Important guidelines and tips in writing a high-quality biology case study

    case study biology topics

  2. Case Study Sample Biology

    case study biology topics

  3. 150 Best Biology Research Paper Topics

    case study biology topics

  4. 100+ Best Biology Research Topics For Every Student of 2020

    case study biology topics

  5. 200+ Best Biology Research Topics for Every Student in 2023

    case study biology topics

  6. Biology Case study

    case study biology topics


  1. Case Studies Biology

    Narrow your search Agriculture Aquaculture Biology (General) Botany/Plant Science Developmental Biology Forestry Neuroscience Paleontology Zoology

  2. Problem-based Learning in Biology with 20 Case Examples

    Problem-based learning (PBL) is an exciting way to learn biology and is readily incorporated into large classes in a lecture hall environment. PBL engages students in solving authentic biological case problems, stimulating discussion among students and reinforcing learning. A problem-based learning environment emulates the workplace and develops self-directed learners. This is preferable to a ...

  3. 100 Biology Research Topics for Students & Researchers

    Biology Research Topics Are you in need of captivating and achievable research topics within the field of biology? Your quest for the best biology topics ends right here as this article furnishes you with 100 distinctive and original concepts for biology research, laying the groundwork for your research endeavor.

  4. 49 Most Interesting Biology Research Topics

    The 49 most interest biology research topics are explored. We also offer links to variety of resources for research topics in biology.

  5. Student Designed Case Studies for Anatomy

    Student Designed Case Studies for Anatomy. Instead of a final exam, give your students a final project for their anatomy class - Design Your Own Case Study. Students in my anatomy class complete many case studies throughout the year focused on body system units. Case studies are a way to add a personal story to (sometimes) technical ...

  6. NCCSTS Case Studies

    The NCCSTS Case Collection, created and curated by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, on behalf of the University at Buffalo, contains over a thousand peer-reviewed case studies on a variety of topics in all areas of science. Cases (only) are freely accessible; subscription is required for access to teaching notes and ...

  7. Using Case Studies with Large Classes

    Why Use Case Studies? Case studies are powerful tools for teaching. They explore the story behind scientific research to understand the phenomenon being studied, the question the scientist asked, the thinking they used to investigate it, and the data they collected to help students better understand the process and content of science.

  8. Learn Biology with Case Studies at HHMI Biointeractive

    The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science is collaborating with HHMI BioInteractive to pair case studies in our collection with their resources.

  9. Homepage

    Crash Course Biology in Collaboration with BioInteractive. HHMI BioInteractive is a proud collaborator on a new project that reimagines the original Crash Course Biology series. In this article, science communicator Hank Green discusses how this collaboration will deliver value for both students and teachers. View Article.

  10. Case Studies

    These four case studies are interactivities based on actual scientific research projects carried out by leading teams in the field. Each case study takes the participant through a series of steps in a research project — just follow the step-by-step instructions to test a hypothesis or analyze data. The case studies provide an interactive ...

  11. 10 Most Interesting Biology Research Topics

    View the most relevant schools for your interests and compare them by tuition, programs, acceptance rate, and other factors important to finding your college home. The 10 Most Interesting Biological Research Fields ; #1, Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD ; #2, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA ; #3, Columbia University.

  12. AP Biology Case Studies

    Dr. Gareth Jones is a Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. His research interests include echolocation, conservation biology, social behavior, and molecular ecology. His research lab is nicknamed "the batlab". University of Bristol.

  13. Top 100 in Cell and Molecular Biology

    This collection highlights our most downloaded* cell and molecular biology papers published in 2021. Featuring authors from around the world, these papers showcase valuable research from an ...

  14. The Biology Corner

    Resources for biology students that include worksheets, labs, and student activities. Find everything you need for your biology lessons here!!

  15. 569 Biology Research Topics & Cool Ideas

    569 biology research topics include genetics, microbiology, ecology, and cell study, all investigating life's complexities.

  16. 200+ Best Biology Research Topics for Every Student in 2023

    What is Biology Research? Biological research is an access that is a peer-reviewed journal to encompass the different fields of biology like biochemistry, physiology, botany, zoology, bioinformatics, microbiology, biotechnology, etc. This blog will discuss Biology Research Topics for Every Student around the globe.

  17. 150 Actual Biology Research Paper Topics

    Looking for an interesting topic for your biology research paper? Read this article to find the most efficient and engaging biology topics for research that you can use in your biology paper!

  18. Case Studies in Systems Biology

    About this book This book provides case studies that can be used in Systems Biology related classes. Each case study has the same structure which answers the following questions: What is the biological problem and why is it interesting? What are the relevant details with regard to cell physiology and molecular mechanisms?

  19. 200+ Biology Research Topics for Students

    Check out these 200+ biology research topics that will help you master your study and create a well-grounded work. Find inspiration for your research paper. These topics will help you to build an argument and increase your grades.

  20. Examples List on Biology Case Study

    Biology Case Study Got tired of searching all the formatting requirements and specifics of Biology Case Study? Format, header, outline, type or topics? Forget this struggle! In our online database you can find free Biology Case Study work for every taste: thesis, essays, dissertations, assignments, research and term papers etc. - easy and free. Choose any document below and bravely use it as ...

  21. Case Studies Cell Biology

    Beaker Has a UTI By Melissa S. Kosinski-Collins, Kene Piasta, Martin Samuels, Ariana Hinckley-Boltax Case Study

  22. New study led by Center Co-director, Dr. Scott, sheds light on cancer

    New study led by Center Co-director, Dr. Scott, sheds light on cancer evolution; News5Cleveland features Viswanath and collaborators' $2.7M grant for AI and cancer research; Press release on newly awarded R01 to Center Co-director, Dr. Viswanath

  23. Research on Quantitative Analysis Methods for the Spatial

    Traditional villages are important carriers of cultural heritage, and the quantitative study of their spatial characteristics is an important approach to their preservation. However, the rapid extraction, statistics, and estimation of the rich spatial characteristic indicators in these villages have become bottlenecks in traditional village research.

  24. Researchers outline promises, challenges of understanding AI for

    Machine learning is a powerful tool in computational biology, enabling the analysis of a wide range of biomedical data such as genomic sequences and biological imaging. But when researchers use ...

  25. Mix of factors prompts owl monkeys to leave their parents

    There comes a point in the lives of young owl monkeys when they leave their parents and strike out on their own to find a mate. In a new study of a wild population of Azara's owl monkeys in ...

  26. A New Framework of Land Use Simulation for Land Use Benefit

    Multi-scenario simulation and prediction of land use can provide guidance for the optimization of land use patterns. Combining the GMOP model with the PLUS model can better evaluate the influence of different land use strategies on the comprehensive benefits of land use and improve the scientificity of the simulation results. This study takes Haikou City as the research area.

  27. Land

    Urbanization is an important process in China's urban development, significantly contributing to resource allocation and the cooperative development of neighboring cities. In recent years, remote-sensing technology has emerged as a powerful tool in urbanization research. However, the disparity in development between urban and rural areas poses challenges in evaluating the degree of ...

  28. Popular artificial sweetener linked to blood clots, heart disease

    A Cleveland Clinic study linked the sugar substitute erythritol to increased risk of blood clots. Sugar did not have the same effect.

  29. The Case for College in the Era of Online Learning

    Does pursuing a college education still make sense in the age of online learning and AI — when we have access to information for free via the internet? The problem with this question is that it ...

  30. Breaking's Olympic Debut

    A sport's journey from the streets of New York all the way to the Paris Games.